life is what you make of it.


life is what you make of it.
The Light of St. John’s
February, 2015
The oldest member of our church passed away last month. Mary Maresh was 105 years
of age. She had a storied life, having come to Texas at the age of 21 months on an
orphan train.
Life for Mary Maresh had its ups and downs. She lost two of her children when they
were very young. But her strong faith in God made it possible for her to see beyond the
difficulties of this earthly life. Ms. Mary knew God was in control and she trusted God
even when life was tough. She realized that this life and the problems that accompany it
are only temporary and that our real home is in heaven. She also realized that God can
give you peace in your heart even in your darkest hours. Ms. Mary was a woman who
was full of wisdom. She made a comment long ago that “life is what you make of it.”
And that is so true.
Much of life’s circumstances are beyond our control. Yet, we are all still tempted to fret
and complain about things that cannot be changed. The people who do best with life
move beyond the temptation to whine and feel sorry for themselves. They face their
disappointments and move beyond them, fully trusting that God will work
everything out. They acknowledge life's bad breaks and look for ways to turn them into
growth moments. They work from a half-full rather than half-empty glass mindset.
Rather than fret about how life has been unfair, they have found a way to make lemonade from their lemons.
Ms. Mary learned to trust God in her darkest of days. It is a lesson we all could learn.
When a given day begins, countless things are headed your way over which you have no
control. It may be bad weather or someone's bad temper, a deadline that won't budge, or
a bad report about your health or the health of a loved one. No matter what happens the
one factor you can control through it all is your attitude
toward them.
Don’t let bad circumstance get you down. Trust in God knowing he leads us through
life’s difficulties. Your attitude today will make all the difference in everything that matters.
Have a blessed February.
Terry Moon
2015 Council
Matt Hicks
Monthly Council Meeting
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Deanville, Texas
Tuesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm
The meeting was called to order by President John Smith.
John Smith, Kelly Pampell, Bonnie Schumacher, Matt Hicks, Justin Kalisek, Joyce
Krenek and Terry Moon
Meeting was opened with a prayer
Bonnie Schumacher
Kelly Pampell
Financial Secretary
Reading and approval of the Minutes: Motion was made by Joyce Krenek to approve the Minutes with corrections from November 2014. Motion carried
Officer Reports:
Treasurer’s report for November 2014 was presented by Joyce Krenek.
Memorial Fund for November 2014 was presented by Kelly Pampell.
Pastor’s Report for November 2014 was presented by Terry Moon.
Cemetery report for November 2014 was presented by Justin Kalisek.
Motion made by Bonnie Schumacher to approve reports. Motion carried
January 10th—Movie Night (Irreplaceable)@6pm
January 11th—new members join the church
New internet service discussion is postponed until further notice
Joyce Krenek
Contract was signed by Bonnie Schumacher for year 2015 for cleaning services
Council approved Terry Moon designating $18,000 of his salary for housing allowance
Council approved the purchase of three 8’ rectangular tables
Justin Kalisek
Installation of specific committees were discussed and will be decided on at a future date
Bake sale earned $2427.00
John Smith
Elected Council Officers positions:
President—Matt Hicks
Treasurer—Bonnie Schumacher
Secretary—Joyce Krenek
Financial Secretary—Kelley Pampell
Maintenance—John Smith
Cemetery—Justin Kalisek
Motion made by Terry Moon to approve officer positions. Motion carried
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Minutes Submitted by:
Bonnie Schumacher, Secretary
Serving In February
Kitchen: Debby Schumacher
Lynda Leo
Ushers: Garnett & Mary Gerdes
James & Debby Schumacher
Treasurer’s Report
Women of St. John’s
Balance as of 12/1/14
(card sales)
(prayer shawl materials)
Balance as of 1/20/15
Respectfully Submitted,
Debby Schumacher, Treasurer
1st Donna Havemann (Roy’s Birthday)
8th Open
15th Lynda Leo (Birthday)
22nd Debby & James Schumacher
Please pray for
the shut-in, the
lonely, and those in
need of healing;
Katherine Korth, Fontaine
Wilhelm, Jimmie Brinkman,
Gladys Brinkman, MaeDel
Cowan, Laura Whited,
Sharon Beseda, Frank and Mary
Roberts, Vivian and Walter
Schumacher, Buddy Telschow,
Milton Englemann, Dr. Charles
Peirce, Cynthia Kazmir, the family of Mary Maresh, Kynleigh
Groce, Betty Poehl Tydlacka,
Alice Bernard, and Larry
Thanks you those who provided
cookies for the Birthday Party held
at St. Joseph
Manor on
January 8th. A
special thanks
to Lynda Leo,
Joyce Krenek,
Mary Bess Gerdes, and Barbara
Matus for hosting the party.
Church Web Site:
On Sunday, January 11th,
sixteen individuals became a
part of the Deanville St. John’s
Church family. We are excited to
welcome these new members
into our Church family and look
forward to fellowship and
worship with them as we walk
together our journey of faith in
The new members are: Linda Brinkman, Josh Freeman, Coti
Freeman, Luke Freeman, Levi Freeman, Brad Balcar, Jamie Balcar,
Nathan Balcar, Travis Balcar, Billy Morsko, Robbye Morsko, Morgan
Wright, Jaxson Wright, Darren Broesche, Carol Becka Hamilton and
Seth Becka
Baptism brings
children to faith; the
word of God keeps
them in it!
Luke Freeman
Levi Freeman
I am honored and excited to serve as
Council President for the coming year. I
take this step with some trepidation, but I
am certain that challenge fosters growth. I hope
and pray that I serve this congregation in a manner
that edifies this family of faith.
These are exciting times in our little country
church. The growth spurt of the past few years has
breathed life into this place once again. That faint
light we had been following has been kindled into a
beaconing blaze. This is a tenacious and
determined family with steely resolve and an
unbridled spirit. We should give thanks to those
members who held fast and held a place through
the lean times. I feel a tremendous sense of
obligation to make something of this opportunity
God has bestowed on us. I challenge each of you to
search out the gifts God has blessed you with and
use them to His glory in His church. Seek your
own hearts for your sense of purpose and make a
difference in this church and this community. Each
of you, with your own unique sets of gifts, is the
Church. And this place is brimming with energy
and potential.
I am here to serve. I invite you to share your questions, comments, and constructive criticisms. I am
available most all of the time for phone calls, and
my schedule is fairly flexible for meetings.
Thanks to you all for your confidence and support.
God Bless,
Matthew Hicks
Thank you to the congregation and church council
for the wonderful honey-baked ham and financial
gift you gave to me and my family at Christmas.
Terry Moon
I was deeply moved when
Matt came by to present me with the
beautiful prayer shawl. I have felt a
deep peace knowing prayers have been
made on my behalf, and those prayers
were answered. God is so good. May
He bless each of you and your church.
Thank you,
Barbara Jancik
We want to thank St. John’s congregation for the Big Basket of goodies at
Christmas and for Debby fixing it up.
Also, for Pastor Terry delivering it and
gave us communion and had a visit.
God bless you’ll for the kindness and
all the prayers.
Thank you,
Walter and Vivian Schumacher
Prayer Shawl Committee,
Thank you so much for the beautiful
Prayer Shawl. I know how much time
and effort was put into making it. I
uses it every nite because I have to
sleep in my easy chair so I can keep my
foot up.
Also I thank the church family for
keeping me in your prayers and continue to do so.
May God bless all of you in a very special way in 2015.
With Jesus Love,
Thank you,
Milton Engelmann
Mary Maresh
Given By:
Larry & Shannon Maresh
Garnett & Mary Gerdes
Marvin & Loretta Laffere
Jim & Betty White
Dennis & Liz Griffin
R.J. & Barbara Smith
Jodie, Barbara, & Charles Matus
Don & Sylvia Groce
Albert & Laverne Pivonka
Bertell & Beatrice Landolt
Tony & Sharon Buban
Linda Littleton
Rose Smotek
Dennis & Estelle Hejtmancik
Gwen Hill
Janice Ripple
Mildred Miman
Debby & James Schumacher
LW & Carol Brinkman
Lamar & Genevia Kristof
Ilene Gentry
Ronnie & Barbara Urbanosky
Janet Phillips
Theresa & Curtis Schoppe
Kenneth Moore
Len & Lynda Kubiak
Carolyn Fritsche
Bennie & Jean Gilliland
On Sunday, January 11, 2015 St. John's
Lutheran Church lost its oldest church member,
Mary Maresh, at the age of 105. On this same
Sunday, St. Johns’s welcomed sixteen new
members with an attendance of 187. A comment
by John Smith," Mrs. Mary would have been
proud." She was very proud to be a member of
St. John's and would have been excited to see the
growth of St. John's. She looked forward to
attending church services and enjoyed being a
part of the "Quilting Group", baking for the
Ladies Bake Sale and attending church activities.
She was able to attend the church service and
celebration of St. John's 100th Anniversary at
the age of 101 and the 1st GermanFest of St.
John's at the age of 102. Both her 103th and
104th birthday parties were celebrated at St.
John’s. She looked forward to meeting old
friends, new friends, and visitors at these special
occasions. Her faith is what sustained her and
one of the last things she told Melanie at the
hospital was, "You have to pray to God, you
always have to pray to God and ask him to help
Thanks to all of the members of St. John's
who remembered her throughout the years with
cards, flowers, or a hug on Sunday mornings and
to Debbie for the Christmas gift basket that she
received at Christmas. Thanks to Terry for his
many visits and giving her communion on many
occasions and for the wonderful words spoken at
the prayer service and funeral service. Thanks
to Lynda for playing the organ at the
service and to Lamar for leading the music and
for the solo, "Beyond The Sunset". This was one
of the songs that she had chosen and sunsets now
have a new meaning. Thanks to those who provided food and prepared the food for the meal
and to those who sent cards, flowers and/or gave
memorials and those who took the time to visit
with the family, attend the prayer service and/or
the funeral service. Thanks to Matt for
downloading the "Orphan Train" for the final
song at her service and to Michelle for honoring
her with "One Day At A Time" and the tribute
to her on Sunday, January 18th. May we all live
with the faith that she lived with and may St.
John’s be as special to you in your worship as it
was to her.
May God's Blessings Be With Each Of You,
The Family of Mary Maresh
The Souper Bowl of
food collection will be January 18
through February 8. The Souper Bowl
of Caring is the result of thousands of
people joining together to fight hunger
and poverty in their local communities. This unique, movement of
caring is transforming the nation’s biggest weekend of football
into its largest weekend of giving. Since the program started in
1990, over $80 million has been raised for local charities across
the country.
On Super Bowl Sunday tens of millions of people will enjoy the
warmth of friendship and the satisfaction of food and drink while
watching the Super Bowl football game on television.
Unfortunately, at the same time, countless other people will feel
cold air against their flesh and hunger within their stomachs.
An effort has been born that seeks to transform the Super Bowl
into a “Souper Bowl’’ for the needy. The “Souper Bowl” is a
unique interdenominational effort to glorify God and care for our
brothers and sisters in need. Donations can be taken to the
Deanville bank or to church. A stew lunch will be served on
February 8 for a free will donation. Congregation members
can bring desserts to accompany the meal and are encouraged
to wear their favorite team jersey to support the cause. All
donations will be sent to a local food bank.
Our heartfelt
sympathy is
extended to the family of
Mary Maresh
(April 28, 1909 - January 11, 2015)
Mary Elizabeth Maresh,105, received her
heavenly wings on January 11, 2015. Funeral services were held on January 15th at 10:30 a.m. at
St. John's Lutheran Church in Deanville with
Terry Moon officiating. Burial followed in the
church cemetery. Visitation was from 10:00 a.m
Wednesday until 8:00 p.m. A prayer service was
held on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at at 7:00
p.m. at Phillips and Luckey Funeral Home in
Caldwell. Mary Elizabeth Delaney was born on
April 28, 1909 in the New York Foundling Hospital. Her birth parents were a Mary Delaney and
Charles Doyle. Mary was given up for adoption by
her mother. At the age of 21 months, she was
placed on an Orphan Train to Texas . Mary was
indentured to Anna Marek of the Frenstat
community on January 24, 1911 and eight months
later was indentured to Bohumil and Mary
Charanza Prazak, also of the Frenstat
community. Hannah Shady, also an Orphan Train
Rider born in the New York Foundling Hospital,
had previously been indentured by the Prazaks.
On January 15, 1913, Hannah and Mary were
adopted and became Mary and Hannah Prazak
and loving sisters. Mary was raised in the Catholic
faith and later became a faithful member of St.
John's Lutheran Church in Deanville where she
was the oldest living member. She received her
education in the Prairie Dale School. On January
26, 1926, Mary was married to the love of her life,
Vince Maresh and they made their home in the
Deanville area for the remainder of their life--to
this union were born four children: Delphine,
Jimmie, James and Beverly Maresh. Mary was
considered the matriarch of the John Maresh family as she was the last remaining member of this
generation. She was also one of the few living and
the oldest surviving Orphan Train Rider. Mary
was preceded in death by her adopted parents; her
husband; her sons, Jimmie Delaney Maresh and
James Edward Maresh; daughter and son-in-law,
Q.E. May; grandson Wayne May; and
sister and brother in law, Hannah and
Anton Noska. She is survived by her
daughter and son-in-law Beverly and
Donnie Blinka; grandchildren: Janis and
Kenneth Mueller, Charlotte and Allen
Hold, Melanie and Seth Becka and Terry
May; great granchildren: Scotty and
Roseann Mueller, Dana Mueller, Stacy
May, Cody May, Morgan Becka, Coy
Becka, Easton Becka and Delayna Hold;
great- great grandsons: Jackson, Jared,
and Jase Mueller. Nieces and nephews:
Larry and Shannon Maresh, Sylvia and
Don Groce, Gladene Godby, Lydia
Supak, Ray and Jamie Wolman, Kenneth
Wolman, and Lavone and Don Morgan
as well as numerous great and great-great
nieces and nephews. Pallbearers were
John Maresh, Kenneth Mueller, Larry
Maresh, Ray Wolman, Don Groce,
Donnie Blinka, Seth Becka, and Allen
Hold. Honorary pallbearers will Len
Kubiak, Kenneth Wolman, Glenn Shupak, Paul Dixon, Scotty Mueller, Cody
May and Phil Lancaster. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. John's
Lutheran Church, Deanville, Texas.
Louisiana's last living Orphan
Train Rider, Alice Geoffroy
Bernard, received her heavenly
wings on January 17, 2015 at the
age of 98. On Christmas Day, 2011,
Alice and Mary had the
opportunity to meet for the first time at the
home of Alice's granddaughter, Heather Caldwell. When
Mary asked Alice if she had
any brothers or sisters Alice
said, "No." Mary replied,
"Well, now you do", a bond
felt because of them being
Orphan Train Riders. They
began their life on this earth 7
years apart at the New York
Foundling Hospital and began their eternal life
less than 7 days from each other. Our heartfelt
sympathy is extended to the family of Alice
Geoffroy Bernard.
Our heartfelt
sympathy is
extended to the family of
Jonny Charanza
(August 8, 1961 - December 5, 2014)
Jonny R. Charanza, 53, of Caldwell passed away Friday, December 5, 2014
at Hospice BrazosValley Inpatient Facility in Bryan. Mass of the Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 am Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Dime Box
with Rev. Joseph Nisari as celebrant. Burial will follow in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 4 pm until 8 pm Tuesday with a rosary recited at 7 pm at Phillips &
Luckey Funeral Home in Caldwell.
Jonny was born August 8, 1961 in Austin to Eldie A. and Lavel (Lacina) Charanza. He was
employed for several years by Burleson County Precinct 4 as an equipment operator. He was a
member of St.Joseph's Catholic Church and enjoyed motorcycles, ranching, fishing, hunting
and spending time with his family.He was preceded in death by his parents.
Survivors include his wife, Lauran (Dent) Charanza of Caldwell; three sons, Johnnie
Charanza and wife, Lori and Raymond Charanza all of College Station and David Charanza
and wife, Jessica of Cypress; a daughter, Samantha Fergueson of El Campo; One step-son,
Brady Dent of Tucson, AZ., a sister and brother-in-law, Tammy and Bennie Jones of Caldwell
and seven grandchildren, Jordan Charanza, Laynie Charanza, Cheyanne Charanza, Evyn
James Charanza, Khloe Ray Charanza and Jaxon Allen Charanza.
The meaning of Ash Wednesday is that it is both THE preparation day and THE
beginning of the season of Lent (the day after the pancake Tuesday where we
feast the night before)..” Ashes are placed on the foreheads of worshipers as a
reminder of our mortality and sinfulness but through Christ we are forgiven.”.