Winter 2010
Winter 2010
Mohawk Valley Community College The Traveler Winter 2010 a MVC a C Issue No. 1 lll lll lll TEL EP 315.7 HONE 92.54 00 INTE www RNET .mvc Welcome! Welcome to the inaugural edition of MVCC’s The Traveler, an occasional e-newsletter intended to update you on the College’s growing variety of international education activities. Whether it’s news about our international students, overseas study tours, College-related travel by faculty and staff, or visits from distinguished international scholars, you’ll find it here. The Traveler is part of the College’s work on the 2010-11 Strategic Plan objective, “Create and implement an integrated plan for on– and off-campus international endeavors.” If you have questions or ideas about international education, contact Sandra Engel, director of international education, at [email protected], or Darla Maffei, coordinator of services for international students, at [email protected]. a a Study abroad opportunities in Europe with MVCC For students interested in enriching their education through international study, Mohawk Valley Community College is now offering two opportunities this spring and summer: a guided tour of the culture of Spain and a guided tour through the arts heritage of England, Ireland, and Wales. Click Here to Read More on Page 2 a a Professor from Vietnam to visit in May MVCC will be hosting an English teacher from our partner school in Vietnam, Kien Giang Community College, starting after Spring Break through graduation. Nguyen Thi Phuong Khanh is a member of the KGCC Foreign Language Department and has 11 years of teaching experience. Click Here to Read More on Page 3 a a Przybycien takes part in delegation to Dubai Frank Przybycien, Director of Community Restoration and a member of the Innovation Team traveled to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates ( UAE) on November 18th. Click Here to Read More on Page 4 Nguyen Duy Khang and Nguyen Thi Phuong Khanh from Vietnam’s Kien Giang Community College MVCC offers a culturally rich environment for learning as well as social interaction for students from around the world. MVCC’s The Traveler, Both trips are available to currently enrolled MVCC students. Students are responsible for paying their regular MVCC tuition plus fees charged by the partner company, EF Educational Tours ( EF fees, which vary by trip, cover the cost of the program plus food, lodging, travel, sightseeing tours, and the services of an EF tour director. Students should sign up as soon as possible to avoid late fees and have the best chance of securing a place on the trip of their choice. Students participate in related courses at MVCC, for credit, this spring semester. These courses have already begun, so students who wish to enroll should begin the process as soon as possible. In “Spain, Land of Many Cultures,” (EF Tour #691224) students will have 10 or 13 days to explore cultures that have shaped the face of Spain including the Roman,Visigoth, Islamic, and Christian traditions. The tour will explore the interactions of these and other cultures and look at how they influence daily life in modern Spain. The tour is led by Carolyn West Pace, Ph.D. and Roman Santos. It begins June 4 and features 10 days of travel through Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Seville, and Cordoba, followed by an optional a three-day extension trip to Barcelona. The related, three-credit course, “SA 300 Spain,” (CRN 25189, Section 901) is co-taught by Pace and Santos and focuses on art, culture, and the Spanish language. For more information or to enroll, contact Pace at [email protected] or Santos at [email protected]. For students interested in England, Ireland, and Wales, the 9-day trip of that name (EF Tour #372453) will explore museums and historical landmarks in London, North Wales, Dublin, and County Kerry, with an emphasis on the region’s artistic heritage and how it informs the artists of today. The tour is led by Jedediah Kimball. It begins May 25. Kimball and Paul Cruskie are teaching the related, threecredit course, “SA 300 England, Ireland, and Wales (CRN 25191). Students read related literature and create works of art connected to English, Irish, and Welsh themes. Students will meet with instructors before and after the trip and have studio time and critiques of their artworks. For more information or to enroll, e-mail [email protected]. For more information on study abroad opportunities at MVCC, students should contact their advisors or Sandy Engel. n i t he Worl e c a l P r u d O Many of us love Oneida County, but we live in a huge and diverse world. But consider these facts: New York is 6.33% of the population of the US Oneida County is 1.19% of New York’s population The US population is 4.53% of the world’s population 2 a Continued From Page 1 Oneida County is 0.00341% of the world’s population Statistics and calculations provided by Mark Radlowski MVCC’s The Traveler Professor visits from Vietnam Continued From Page 1 At KGCC she teaches English majors, non-majors, and an English for Children class. She has also taught high school English, been the Vice Director of the Literature and Arts Association of Tan Hiep District and has been the Director of L’Espace Francophone on the KGCC campus. She visited France for three months a few years ago. Khanh will be working with ESL teachers, giving presentations in classes and visiting businesses, attending local cultural events and seeing American sites. Anyone interested in having her visit a class or with any other ideas about an activity for her should contact Sandy Engel, Ph.D., who is starting to assemble Khanh’s schedule. We want to give her a warm welcome and a wonderful time. An occasional, irregular and very informal singing group is being assembled - she wants to learn some American songs - so please let Sandy know if you are interested in helping out. (You will not be required to sing a solo.) Whether you sing or not, please plan to attend a reception for her on Monday, March 29 at 2.30 in IT225. Kien Giang Community College in the City of Rach Gia a MVCC is a founding member of Study NY, a new organization with the purpose of promoting New York as a place for international students to study. Although the organization is very new, it already has 42+ members, the largest of such statewide organizations. Sandra Engel serves on their Programs and Events Committee and is the campus contact person. MVCC is also a member of Community Colleges for International Development ( us); Institute for International Education (; Midwest Institute for International and Intercultural Communication (; College Consortium for International Studies (www.ccisabroad. org); and NAFSA: Association of International Educators ( a MVCC a Founding Member of Study NY th blogs wi & s e t i Web s national flair an inter elyplane www.lon e m es. ne ho avel guid The onli e best tr th f o e m of so m www.yo Matt?” is ll the He “W here p. ds Grou al Noma b lo G e Th om sworld.c g. lo b g stin An intere lsolution sscultura ro for .c s n w o w w nizati any orga m f o e n O d. rs abroa voluntee MVCC’s The Traveler 3 Dubai - Paradise in the Middle East Continued From Page 1 Frank was a representative for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to the Technology Accreditation Commission-Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (TAC-ABET) to accredit two two-year and two four-year Civil Engineering Technology Programs in the United Arab Emirates, and first technology programs to request an American accreditation procedure in the Emirates. Frank noted that the two year programs were similar to our 2 year Civil Engineering Technology Program at MVCC; in fact, they use the same Soil Mechanics and Foundation text, a text written at MVCC by Professor Emeritus David F. McCarthy who taught at MVCC for over 30 years. All courses taught at Dubai and Abu Dhabi are in English. Although Dubai has been in the news recently for financial issues, the Emirate has built an amazing number of new buildings on a scale that is not duplicated anywhere else in the world. Projects include the world’s tall building (189 stories), an indoor ski slope in midtown, the “Palm” subdivision in the gulf and the world’s largest shopping mall. There are presently over 1,900 projects underway at a cost of over 650 billion dollars. Dubai has an international flavor and an American, European or Asian would feel comfortable visiting. Abu Dhabi, however, has a much more subdued culture, reflecting the fact that it is a world financial center and the government center for the UAE. The remaining five Emirates that compose the UAE are much more traditional and have not been changed to the degree that Dubai has changed. The United Arab Emirates houses the largest U.S. naval base in the world outside of the U.S. and the nation has been an ally of the U.S. in recent Middle East conflicts. While he was in Dubai, the UAE celebrated the 38th anniversary of the founding of the country (1971). The campus celebrated with a student parade and many cultural events throughout the day including traditional foods and music. a a MVCC Moms Welcome International Guest ! h T r o sf an ing v i g s k for ents d u t s d host ge ha o e t l l d o e eC fer ho of ed out, th w e n n o d. r y every r. As it tu nts neede with Mar o t s e e k r n d n e n u Tha iving di ls. e st dinn oya an th went to ian, LaT ha Nicho g h s t k s n n t ar hig Tha ents atio Stud haron Eg student M invit e r o S , d m Hartz rdson, an a h Ric hank T At MVCC’s fall 2009 reception for international students, MVCC employees Christine Roberts and Linda Robinson spent time chatting with an international student and came up with an idea: The duo would invite the student to a cultural event. “We’re moms without kids,” said Robinson. “This is perfect for us.” Since then, Roberts and Robinson have invited three more students to pizza and a production of “Scrooge” at the Stanley. Thanks to Student Activities for their support, and kudos to Linda and Chris for taking the initiative and offering American hospitality! MVCC’s The Traveler 4 International students pursue education after MVCC Mohawk Valley Community College’s international students go on to pursue numerous academic and career goals. One highlight is graduating Korean student Ji Ho Lee, who was accepted into the U.S. military’s MAVNI program. MAVNI provides for the U.S. Armed Forces to recruit international students with skills critical to the national interest; among these recruits are physicians, nurses, and experts in certain languages and cultural backgrounds. Ji Ho Lee was one of fewer than 1,000 recruits for this pilot program. Some other recent international students on the move toward their academic and career goals: Nene Akighir to Northern Virginia Community College; Satoshi Fukuda to El Camino Community College; Hiroyuki Koyama to SUNY New Paltz; Tomoyo Miyaushiro to SUNY Oswego; and Ayumi Wakebe to SUNY Morrisville. DID YOU KNOW? For Spring 2010, MVCC proudly hosted 51 foreign students from 18 countries. DINNER AT SUNY IT - Area colleges gathered for an Five-Campus International Dinner during the school year on the campus of SUNY Institute of Technology in Marcy, N.Y. Students from MVCC attending included (from left) Maya Hibi, Momoe Yamamoto, Naoko Kubomura, Chiaki Akada, and Masanari Matsumoto. Student Travels to China Over semester break, Michael Pavese, a student in General Studies-Radiology, traveled to China with SUNY 200, a very competitive shortterm tour organized by SUNY-Albany and on a scholarship from the Chinese government. Two hundred students and faculty from across SUNY went for ten days, visiting Beijing, Chongqing, and Chengdu. The 1-credit travel course was a survey of Chinese history, politics, economics and culture. “It was amazing. I loved it,” Pavese said. He is still keeping in contact via the internet with Chinese students he met in Chengdu. It was not what he expected—and he can’t explain what he expected—but he enjoyed it and wants to go back. In the spirit of the trip, he used his Chinese when he could and loved the food—even the new dishes he tried such as pig brain and chicken heart. Michael continues his study of Chinese. Dr. Shawn Liang, his instructor, wrote a letter of support for this competition and the College provided him with gifts for his hosts. MVCC’s The Traveler 5