GET MOVING Guide - Wicomico County Health Department
GET MOVING Guide - Wicomico County Health Department
RIDE, LIFT, WALK, DANCE, KICK. Make sure you do something every day. The booklet includes many, but not all, physical activity options available to adults in the area. Contact locations to verify hours and current schedules. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Recreation and Fitness Opportunities on Maryland’s Lower Shore THIS BOOKLET WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Wicomico County Health Department (410) 334-3480 Worcester County Health Department (410) 632-0056 Somerset County Health Department (443) 523-1700 This publication was supported by Cooperative Agreement DP005487-01 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services. Revised April 2015 24 2015 FIND A PHYSICAL ACTIVITY THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU Exercise is not “one size fits all.” The key to staying active is selecting activities that are right for you. Find an activity you enjoy and you will want to do it. Select an activity you can afford to keep doing. Pick something easily accessible, whether near your home or office. Look for hours that suit your schedule. Pick an environment you are comfortable with. (Do you prefer to exercise alone, or with others?) Select a variety of activities. This prevents boredom, gives you options when the weather changes and helps avoid overstressing one part of your body. 2 WORCESTER WALKS NORTHSIDE PARK 410-250-0125 125th Street and Coastal Highway, Ocean City 3 outdoor walking paths from ½ to 1 mile with blacktop surface. Indoor walking allowed during some open gym hours (call for details). OCEAN CITY BOARDWALK & BEACH 410-289-7739 Boardwalk is 2.5 miles long (inlet to 27th Street); beach is 10 miles long OCEAN PINES TRAILS 410-641-7052 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines Crush and run surfaces. White Horse Park Trail = 1.0 mile South Gate Pond Trail 1 = 1.0 mile Bainbridge Park Trail = .25 mile South Gate Pond Trail 2 = 2.5 miles Sherwood Forest Trail = 2.5 miles Swim & Racquet Trail = 1.0 mile POCOMOKE CITY NATURE & EXERCISE TRAIL 410-957-1333 1.5 mile soft surface trail and 4.0 mile trail with floating boardwalks and soft surface. Exercise stations, . POCOMOKE RIVER STATE PARK 410-632-2566 Milburn Landing Hiking Trail: 4.5 mile soft surface through the Pocomoke Forest. Bald Cypress Nature Trail: 1.0 mile soft surface along edge of Pocomoke River in Milburn Landing section. Pusey Branch Nature Trail (Nazareth Church Tract): .9 mile soft surface trail with signs and exhibits. Trail of Change (Shad Landing section): 1.0 mile soft surface. SNOW HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL 410-632-5240 Outdoor track. Trail around fitness stations are open to the public after 3:30 p.m. daily. Call regarding early morning availability. STEPHEN DECATUR PARK NATURE TRAIL 410-641-2770 Route 113 and Tripoli Street, Berlin .2 mile and .6 mile trails. Shredded tire surface. WORCESTER CO. RECREATION & PARKS 410-632-2144 6030 Public Landing Road, Snow Hill Indoor track and outdoor Frisbee Golf. Free. 23 STRIKE A BALANCE IN YOUR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WORCESTER WALKS ASSATEAGUE ISLAND NATIONAL SEASHORE 7206 National Seashore Lane, Assateague 27 miles of beach shoreline and three trails: Life of the Dunes Trail = .5 miles of soft sand Life of the Forest Trail = .5 miles boardwalk Life of the Marsh Trail = .5 miles boardwalk Seasonal fee. 410-641-1441 BYRD PARK Market Street, Snow Hill 1.3 mile and 1.6 mile paved loop. 410-632-2080 CHANDLER TRACT TRAIL - POCOMOKE STATE FOREST Rt 113, across from Shad Landing area, Snow Hill 6.5 MILE LOOP TRAIL THROUGH POCOMOKE STATE FOREST. 410-632-3732 GOLD COAST MALL 115th Street and Coastal Highway, Ocean City Indoor, 1 mile loop. 410-524-9000 HERRING CREEK NATURE PARK 12500 Nature Park Drive, Ocean City 2/3 mile walking trail. 410-632-2144 JOHN WALTER SMITH NATURE TRAIL 1.2 mile nature trail around park perimeter. 410-632-2144 Adults should get at least 30 minutes of “moderate” intensity activity most days of the week. Include a combination of each in your weekly routine. AEROBIC (Cardio) causes your heart to beat more quickly and your breathing to become faster. This can improve the function of your heart, lungs, and blood flow. STRENGTH (Weight Training) strengthens your muscles and your daily routine and stay independent as you age. FLEXIBILITY (Stretching) lengthens your muscles and increases the range of motion of your joints, enabling you to move, sit, reach, stand, and bend with greater ease. TAKE THE TALK TEST to measure workout intensity. NATURE CONSERVANCY NASSAWANGO CREEK PRESERVE TRAIL 410-632-2032 Nassawango Joe Trail = 1.5 - 2.0 miles one way, soft ground. Redhouse Road at Pennewell Rd, Snow Hill Trail is hunted; use caution September 1 through January 31. Paul Leifer Nature Trail (Johnson Tract) = 1 mile soft ground/boards. 3816 Old Furnace Road, Snow Hill Enter through Furnacetown. Fee for non-members. Open April 1 - October 31, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Prothonotary Warbler Trail = .75 mile one way, soft ground. Nassawango and Creek Roads, Snow Hill 22 helps keep your bones stronger which enables you to enjoy Can you sing while doing the activity? LIGHT Intensity Can you carry on a conversation while doing the activity? MODERATE Intensity Do you become out of breath or winded while doing the activity? VIGOROUS/HIGH Intensity 3 UNDERSTANDING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WICOMICO WALKS THINK “F.I.T.T.” WHEN YOU ARE ACTIVE: FREQUENCY: How often are you active? INTENSITY: How hard are you exercising? TIME: How long are you doing the activity? TYPE: What activity are you doing? AEROBIC FREQUENCY 3 -5 days per week. STRENGTH 2 to 3 non-consecutive days per week. Preferably most days. INTENSITY Use the “talk Enough resistance to test” to find your fatigue the muscles. intensity. FLEXIBILITY A minimum of 2 - 3 days per week (5 - 7 is preferred). Stretch and hold movement to the point of mild tension. Do not bounce. TIME TYPE 30 minutes for health benefits. 8 - 12 repetitions of each exercise. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds. 45 - 60 minutes for weight loss. Do 1 or more sets. Do 2-4 repetitions. Rhythmic activities (running, walking, biking, or dancing) that use large muscle groups . Resistance exercises for Stretching such as yoga type movemajor muscle groups. ments. Use your own body weight, free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, balls, or body bars. 4 For all major joints. COPE BENNETT AND CHERRY BEACH PARKS 100 Railway St. and 110 Cherry Beach Road, Sharptown .2 mile trail connecting the 2 parks. Open dawn to dusk. DOWNTOWN WALKING ROUTE 410-334-3480 Market, Main, Mill, and Church Streets and Route 13. 1.3 miles with sidewalks. Signs posted along route. Use caution when crossing streets. FRUITLAND RECREATIONAL PARK 200 Brown Street, Fruitland .25 mile. Open dawn to dusk. 410-548-2800 LEONARDS MILL PARK 2848 Leonard's Mill Pond Road, Salisbury .5 mile trail. Open dawn to dusk. 410-548-4900 RIVERWALK PARK 410-548-3100 Route 13 and Market Street, Salisbury 1.0 mile trail along Wicomico River downtown. Concrete surface. PEMBERTON HISTORICAL PARK 410-860-2447 5561 Plantation Lane, Salisbury 7 trails from .2 mile to 1.1 miles along water and wetlands; some wooded. Soft ground. Open dawn to dusk. SALISBURY MUNICIPAL PARK 410-548-3188 505 South Park Drive, Salisbury 3.0 mile trail around park, river, and zoo. Soft and hard surfaces. Park open dawn to dusk. Zoo open 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. daily (closed some holidays). WINTERPLACE PARK 6737 Blue Ribbon Road, Salisbury 2.0 mile trail through woods. Open dawn to dusk. 410-548-4900 21 SOMERSET RECREATION & FITNESS SOMERSET WALKS DEAL ISLAND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA 32733 Dublin Road, Princess Anne 410-543-8223 GREAT HOPE GOLF COURSE 8380 Crisfield Highway, Westover 410-651-5900 18 hole golf course. Golf lessons available. Fee. Hiking and bicycling. GOAT ISLAND NATURE TRAIL 410-632-2080 Goat Island near Ewell, Smith Island. Accessible only by boat or canoe. .25 mile soft surface along edge of Pocomoke River. JANES ISLAND STATE PARK 410-968-1565 or 410-968-0651 Route 13 to MD Route 413, Crisfield 2 one mile trails surrounded by bay waters. SOMERSET COMPLEX GYM 11916 Somerset Avenue, Princess Anne 443-523-1755 WOODROW WILSON COMMUNITY CENTER 443-523-1757 Crisfield Sponsored by Somerset County Health Dept. Times vary. MCCREADY HOSPITAL 201 Hall Highway, Crisfield 410-968-3001 ext. 3315 Adult fitness program. Cardio and weight equipment in gym. Monthly fee. NEW YOU GYM WICOMICO WALKS ADKINS MILL PARK 5168 Powellville Road, Powellville .5 mile trail. 410-548-4900 CEDAR HILL PARK 20945 Harbor View Road, Bivalve .8 mile trail along Nanticoke River. 410-873-2993 10840 Market Lane, Princess Anne Lonnie 410-251-8100 Sue 443-235-2653 Mary Beth 443-880-6725 Martha 410-845-1734 Extended hours gym for women; treadmills, circuit training, recumbent bike, elliptical machines, hand weights. Annual/bi-annual fee. CENTRE AT SALISBURY 410-548-1694 2300 North Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury .8 mile around inside perimeter of the mall. Sand Dollar Walking Club. 20 5 WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS SOMERSET RECREATION & FITNESS SOMERSET COUNTY RECREATION & PARKS 30290 Sam Barnes Road, Westover WORLD GYM EXPRESS 410-651-4980 Adult: Indoor whiffleball. Age 14 and up. Somerset Co. Complex Gym, Princess Anne. Fee for group. Adult weight training and walking program at Washington High School. Fee. Walking/Jogging available daily at the Somerset County Complex, 11916 Somerset Ave., Princess Anne. Free. 107 67th Street, Ocean City 410-524-1900 Full service health and fitness club. Group classes, personal training, cardio theater. Child care. Fee. YOGA ON THE BEACH Various locations in Ocean City [email protected] Therapeutic, power, and Yin yoga. Individual and group classes June through October. Fee. YOGA VIBEZ 12216 Ocean Gateway, Suite 3000, Ocean City 443-865-3109 Light flow, core, balance, and other hot yoga classes. Beginner and Experienced. Fee. YOGA YOGA 9748 Stephen Decatur Highway, Ocean City WOODROW WILSON COMMUNITY CENTER 119 South 7th Street, Crisfield Walking Program. Contact the Somerset County Health Department at 443-523-1760 for more information. Free. 410-213-9642 Bikram, Kundalini, Yin, and other yoga and Pilates. Fee. ZENNA WELLNESS STUDIO 10 South Main Street, Berlin 443-373-7069 Aerial, gentle, and other yoga classes; Zumba; Tai Chi; Hula dancing. Fee. 6 19 WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS WEST OCEAN CITY FITNESS AQUATICS AT HOLLY CENTER 12319 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City 410-213-7000 Cardio and weight equipment, personal training, group classes, childcare. Fee. WORCESTER COUNTY RECREATION AND PARKS 6030 Public Landing Road, Snow Hill 410-632-2144 Indoor track, disc golf, soccer, volleyball, basketball, core training, aerobics, and fitness classes. Fee except for use of track and Frisbee Golf. WORCESTER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 6040 Public Landing Road, Snow Hill 410-632-0056 Just Walk (walking program) and Lifestyle Balance (National Diabetes Prevention Program). Free. 926 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury Aquatic exercises in heated pool. Fee. 410-742-0505 BALLET BARRE 1405 S. Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury 410-742-4307 Classes include Barre, Pilates, mat, and Power Circuit (mat, Pilates arc barrel and chair.) All levels. Fee. BALLROOM MADE SIMPLE 909 Progress Circle, Salisbury Specially designed classes for novices, rhythmically challenged, and dancing impaired. Fee. CROSSFIT CLUB SALISBURY 2020 Shipley Drive, Ste. A1, Salisbury Strength and conditioning programs. Fee. 410-422-7509 443-365-0160 CROWN SPORTS CENTER 28410 Crown Road, Fruitland 410-742-6000 Indoor and outdoor sports and entertainment including lacrosse, volleyball, soccer, field hockey, baseball, softball, football, adult and youth sports leagues, summer camp, laser tag, arcade, and more. Fee. 18 7 WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS LIVE F.I.T. GYM S.W.E.A.T. Twilley Shopping Center, Salisbury 410-860-0888 Group classes, personal training, cardio equipment, agility rooms and free weights. Senior fitness. Fee. 12216 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City 410-742-7697 Emphasis on speed, weight, endurance, agility, and training. D’ANN DANSE STUDIOS 1714 N. Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury Adult classes in many types of dance. Fee. 410-742-3388 FOOTSTEPS DANCE ACADEMY 799 N. Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury 410-546-5014 Ballet, pointe, repertory, contemporary, jazz, Irish. Fee. GOLF COURSES (FEES APPLY) ELKS GOLF COURSE 401 Churchill Avenue, Salisbury GREEN HILL YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB 5471 Whitehaven Road, Quantico HORSE BRIDGE GOLF COURSE Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury NUTTERS CROSSING COURSE & DRIVING RANGE 30287 Southampton Bridge Road, Salisbury WOOD CREEK 9080 Executive Club Drive, Delmar 410-749-2695 410-749-5119 8 11022 Nicholas Lane, Ocean Pines Cardio and weight equipment. Personal training. Fee. 410-208-4959 410-543-4446 NORTHSIDE PARK 410-860-4653 410-896-3000 200 125th Street, Ocean City Aerobics, dance, basketball, volleyball, soccer. Fee. 410-250-0125 TWISTERS GYMNASTICS THE KARATE BARN 31923 Old Ocean City Road, Salisbury Karate instruction. Fee. TIDEWATER’S CENTER FOR WELLNESS 410-742-3755 9026/8 Worcester Highway, Berlin Classes for adults such as spinning and acrobatics. Fee. 17 410-629-0878 410-629-1630 WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS LIVE LONG FITNESS MAC HENSON WELLNESS CENTER 9927 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Ocean City 410-213-1078 Cardio, free weights, circuit equipment, pool, group classes, personal training. Fee. 909 Progress Circle, Salisbury 410-742-0505 The wellness center offers a variety of programs and services addressing the health concerns and needs of older people. Health education and screenings. Dancing and movement classes. Fee. LOWER SHORE FAMILY YMCA 1900 Worcester Hwy., Pocomoke 410-957-9622 Cardio equipment, group classes, water classes, and more. Fee (financial assistance available). BEACH PILATES AND WELLNESS 33230 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE Some classes in Ocean City. 302-524-6521 12417 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City 877-653-3482 Small group personal training classes in pole and aerial fitness, chair, flexibility and conditioning. Also private lessons and specialty workshops. Fee. POWERHOUSE GYM 410-213-7697 16 905 South Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury 443-736-8459 Individual workout programs with certified trainers. Fee. MITCHELLS MARTIAL ARTS & FITNESS 1305 S. Division Street, Salisbury 410-341-3333 Martial arts and fitness programs ages 3 - adults. Roller skate club. Fee. OLYMPIA FITNESS 321 Tilghman Road, Salisbury 410-543-9999 Full service state of the art health and fitness club. Group classes. Personal trainers. Child care available. Fee. PACE (PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CREATES ENERGY) THE RED DOORS COMMUNITY CENTER 302 N. Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City St. Paul’s By-The-Sea Ballet barre and yoga. Fee for ballet barre. 310 Bowl Drive, Salisbury 410-430-6687 Individual workout programs with certified trainers. Fee. MARK MILLER FITNESS THE POLE POWER STUDIO 9936 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Ocean City Group classes, personal trainers, childcare. Fee. MAIN STREET GYM 410-289-5576 St. James AME Zion Church 410-742-1427 521 Mack Ave., Salisbury Cardio equipment, free weights, mats, etc. Male and female. Children allowed with parent or guardian. Free, but goodwill offering accepted. 9 WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS PARKS MARTIAL ARTS GOLF COURSES (FEE) 419 E. Main Street, Salisbury Traditional martial arts for youth and adults. Tai chi, Tae kwon do, Gumdo, Hapkido. Fee. 410-749-4888 PENINSULA PILATES AND WELLNESS THE BAY CLUB WWW.THEBAYCLUB.COM 9122 Liberty Town Road, Berlin 410-641-4081 BEACH CLUB GOLF LINKS (private) 9715 Deer Park Dr., Berlin 410-641-4653 1496 Still Meadow Boulevard Ste. B, Salisbury 410-543-2006 Pilates, yoga, preventive and post-rehab conditioning. Individual and small group instruction. Fully equipped studio. Fee. DEER RUN GOLF CLUB 8804 Logtown Road, Berlin PENINSULA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER FITNESS PLUS GLEN RIDDLE GOLF CLUB WWW.GLENRIDDLEGOLF.COM 11501 Maid at Arms Way, Berlin 410-213-2325 100 E. Carroll Street, Salisbury 410-543-7028 Group exercise classes such as Pilates, spinning, core and Zumba. Fee. PLANET FITNESS 125 W. College Avenue, Salisbury 443-736-2381 Full service state of the art health and fitness club. Group classes. Personal trainers. Fee. PLUS ONE FITNESS 913 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury Full service fitness center. Personal trainers. Fee. 410-219-3092 THE POLE POWER STUDIO 927 Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury 877-653-3482 Small group personal training classes in pole and aerial fitness, chair, flexibility and conditioning. Also private lessons and specialty workshops. Fee. 10 WWW.GOLFDEERRUN.COM 410-629-0060 EAGLES LANDING GOLF COURSE WWW.EAGLESLANDINGGOLF.COM 12367 Eagles Nest Road, Berlin 410-213-7277 NASSAWANGO GOLF COURSE WWW.NASSAWANGO.COM 3940 Nassawango Road, Snow Hill 410-632-3114 OCEAN CITY GOLF CLUB WWW.OCEANCITYGOLF.COM 11401 Country Club Road, Berlin 410-641-1779 OCEAN PINES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB WWW.OCEANPINES.ORG 100 Clubhouse Dr., Ocean Pines 410-641-6057 OCEAN RESORTS GOLF CLUB 10655 Cathell Road, Berlin WWW.GOLFLINKS.COM 410-641-5643 RIVER RUN GOLF CLUB 11605 Masters Lane, Berlin WWW.RIVERRUNGOLF.COM 410-629-7200 RUM POINTE SEASIDE LINKS WWW.RUMPOINTE.COM 7000 Rum Pointe Lane, Berlin 410-629-1414 THE LINKS AT LIGHTHOUSE SOUND WWW.LIGHTHOUSESOUND.COM 12723 St. Martins Neck Road, Bishopville 410-352-5831 WINTER QUARTERS GOLF COURSE Winter Quarters Drive, Pocomoke 410-957-1171 15 WORCESTER RECREATION & FITNESS WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS ATLANTIC GENERAL HOSPITAL Healthway Drive, Berlin POWERHOUSE GYM 410-641-9734 Yoga and other programs. Fee. BLISS HAPPENS YOGA, INC. 12112 Fassitt Lane, Berlin 410-629-1802 Fully equipped yoga studio. Small group classes and private yoga therapy available. Fee. CAROUSEL ICE SKATING RINK 11700 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-524-1000 Carousel Hotel Indoor rink. Lessons. Babysitting available in summer. Fee. CROSS FIT OCEAN CITY 10815 Gray’s Corner Road, Berlin 443-235-3207 300 Cypress Street, Salisbury 410-742-7697 Full service state of the art health and fitness club. Separate area for women. Group classes. Personal training. Child care. Fee. RICHARD A. HENSON FAMILY YMCA 715 S. Schumaker Drive, Salisbury 410-749-0101 Indoor and outdoor pools. Outdoor tennis courts. Indoor racquetball courts. Cardio and weight-training equipment. Group exercise classes. Ballroom, square dance, Zumba. Personal trainers. Aquatic exercise. Youth and adult sports. Child care. Fee. Financial assistance available. SALISBURY DANCE ACADEMY 105 S. Camden Avenue, Fruitland Adult classes in ballet and tap. Fee. 410-742-2858 SALISBURY KENPO KARATE/TWIN DRAGONS A core strength and conditioning program that focuses on cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. Fee. 720 E. College Ave., Salisbury 410-896-2219 Martial arts classes for men, women, and children. Fee. FURIOUS FITNESS 10452 Old Ocean City Boulevard, Berlin 410-629-0066 Cardio & weight training. Yoga, Pilates, aerobics, martial arts and personal training. Fee. GOLD COAST GYM 11545 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-723-4653 Cardio, free weights, circuit equipment, pool, group classes, personal training. Fee. 14 11 WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS WICOMICO RECREATION & FITNESS SALISBURY YOGA WICOMICO COUNTY RECREATION AND PARKS 908 Riverside Drive, Salisbury 410-543-1676 Beginner/gentle, restorative, therapeutic, and other types of yoga. Private and group classes. Fee. Variety of locations. 410-548-4900 Youth and adult indoor and outdoor programs. Adult programs include volleyball, softball, basketball, ballroom, jazz, line, belly dance, yoga, Tai Chi. Fee. SOUL YOGA STUDIO 213 North Boulevard, Salisbury 410-845-2017 Unheated, warm, and hot yoga; slow yoga; paddleboard yoga. Fee. STRATOSPHERE TRAMPOLINE PARK 30174 Foskey Lane, Delmar 410-896-2219 11,000 square feet of trampoline. Foam pit, batting cages, virtual games, and more. Fee. Online waiver for children under 18. TRIBAL BELLY DANCE WORLD GYM 800 S. Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury 410-677-4777 Full service state of the art health and fitness club. Group classes. Personal training. Child care. Fee. YOUTH EXERCISE SERVICES (YES) GYM 123 W. Main Street, Fruitland 410-742-9201 Cardio and weight training equipment. Youth Sports conditioning programs. Personal training for special populations. Fee. Various locations. 443-693-7662 Private lessons and group classes in various locations. Fee. WESTSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road, Bivalve 410-873-2993 Youth indoor soccer, afterschool program. Men’s drop-in basketball. Senior group activities. Visit website for current programs. Free for members. Small fee for non-members. 12 13
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