Every Round Matters.
Every Round Matters.
2007 PRODUCT CATALOG <m\ipIfle[DXkk\ij% ® =`e\jj\gcXp\ij% 9`^?`kk\ij% N\gcXpn`k_\m\ipYf[p% >fc]`jeËkfe\^Xd\%@kËj[`]]\i\ek]fi\m\ipfe\ n_fgcXpj2[`]]\i\ekjkpc\j#[`]]\i\ekc\m\cjf] Zfdd`kd\ek#\m\e[`]]\i\eki\Xjfej]figcXp`e^% K_\fe\k_`e^k_Xkle`k\j^fc]\ij`jk_\Y\c`\]k_Xk k_\p^\kflkf]k_\^Xd\n_Xkk_\pglk`ekf`k% N_\k_\ipflgcXpkfn`e]Xd\fi]fiYiX^^`e^i`^_kj n`k_pfliJle[Xp]flijfd\#N`cjfe`jk_\i\kf_\cg pfl^\kXc`kkc\Y`kdfi\flkf]\m\ip^Xd\% M ENS B R A ND S & P R O D U C TS ® ® ® ;\[`ZXk\[kfdXb`e^ k_\\m\ip[Xpc\^\e[Xip% GcXp]fik_\cfm\ f]k_\^Xd\% Cfe^c`m\k_\ cfe^YXcc% (pages 4 - 19) (pages 20 - 23) (pages 24 - 26) Golf Clubs • • • Golf Balls • • • Accessories • • • D\eËjGif[lZkj(pages 2 - 27)Nfd\eËjGif[lZkj(pages 28 - 41) ™ KXb\pflij_fik^Xd\ kfe\n_\`^_kj% (page 27) • Ale`fiGif[lZkj(pages 4 2 - 43) ® 2007 Collection Padraig Harrington, Wilson Staff Tour Professional N`cjfeJkX]]\ok\e[j`kjc\^XZpf]`eefmXk`fe# \mfclk`fe#Xe[Zljkfd`qXk`fen`k_^ifle[Yi\Xb`e^ k\Z_efcf^pXe[[\j`^eX[mXeZ\j`ek_\e\ngif[lZkj ]fi)''.%N\Zfek`el\kf_\cgk_\nfic[Ëjdfjk XZZfdgc`j_\[^fc]\ijdXb\\m\ip[Xpc\^\e[Xip% ;`.1N\Ëi\efkc`b\fk_\iZclYj% K_`j`jc`b\effk_\i`ifedX[\%K_\`eefmXk`fejYl`ck`ekf k_`jZclYZflc[ÔccXe\ek`i\gX^\%J\c[fd[f\j\e^`e\\i`e^kiXejcXk\jf[`i\Zkcp `ekfX[[\[g\i]fidXeZ\%@ek\jkjX^X`ejkk_i\\f]k_\c\X[`e^Zfdg\k`k`m\`ifej# k_\;`.[\c`m\i\[dfi\ZclYjg\\[#dfi\YXccjg\\[Xe[k_i\\kfÔm\\okiX pXi[jfi[`jkXeZ\kf\m\ipj_fk% IRONS :`-1Mfk\[Y\jk`ifejYp>fc]DX^Xq`e\ K_\XnXi[n`ee`e^:`-\ogcf[\[gXjk\m\ipfk_\iZfdg\k`kfikfkXb\kfg_fefij`e >fc]DX^Xq`e\Ëjgi\jk`^`flj:clYK\jk)''-%=\Xkli`e^k_\g\i]\ZkYc\e[f]ZcXjj`Z cffbjXe[dXo`dldZfekifc#k_\:`-[\c`m\ijk_\g\i]fidXeZ\Xe`dgifm`e^gcXp\i e\\[jn`k_k_\jc\\bcffb_\gi\]\ij% Wilson Staff | 2, 3 ® 2007 Collection Di7 DISTANCE IRONS J`dgcpjkXk\[#k_\e\nN`cjfeJkX]];`.`ifejXi\efkc`b\Xepfk_\iZclYj%8cfn\igifÔc\ dfm\jk_\Z\ek\if]^iXm`kp[fne]fi_`^_\iYXccÕ`^_k%8n`[\ijfc\dfm\jk_\:>YXZb]fi ^i\Xk\ijkXY`c`kpXe[jkiX`^_k\iYXccÕ`^_k%8n`[\ik`gj_X]kgi\m\ekjkn`jk`e^fef]]$Z\ek\i _`kj%@]pflnXekkf_`k`kcfe^\iXe[jkiX`^_k\i#kipk_\e\n;`.% Powerful Head Design Lower Profile 85% of all shots are hit centerto-toe on an iron. Shots struck toward the toe cause the • Lower profile pulls CG LOWER promoting a higher ball flight for greater distance. • Wider sole move CG DEEPER promoting head stability for straighter ball flight. Twist-Controlling Shaft Lower, Deeper CG clubhead to twist open. Wider shaft tip diameter reduces torque - less twisting on offcenter hits. Standard Tip Geometry Wider Sole Stock Graphite UST ProForce V2 Stock Steel True Temper TX105FS Grip - Golf Pride® Decade II® Grip IRONS Wilson Staff | 4, 5 Amplitude = Less harsh feel on mis-hits. Wide Tip Geometry R1384 R1384 L R1304 R1304 L R1385 R1385 L R1305 R1305 L Di7 Men’s RH - #4-GW, Uniflex Steel Shaft Di7 Men’s LH - #4-GW, Uniflex Steel Shaft Di7 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand, Lob Di7 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand Di7 Men’s RH - #4-GW, Uniflex Graphite Shaft Di7 Men’s LH - #4-GW, Uniflex Graphite Shaft Di7 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand Di7 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand Shorter Vibration Duration = Less propagation up the shaft 2007 Collection Ci6 CONTROL IRONS ÈI\d`e`jZ\ekf] :cXjj`ZN`cjfeJkX]]j%É ÈEfgifYc\d`en\k# _\Xmpifl^_%K_\_\X[j Zlki`^_kk_ifl^_`k%É È<m\ek_\*$Xe[+$`ifejn\i\ \Xjpkf_`k%É ÈK_i\\nfi[jZfd\kfd`e[1 g\i]fidXeZ\# i\c`XY`c`kpXe[Zfej`jk\eZp%É Pfl[feËkY\Xkk_\`e[ljkipËjY\jkYpYpY\`e^Xm\iX^\%8d`[$j`q\_\X[#k_`e kfgc`e\#jc`^_kf]]j\kXe[jdXccle[\iZlk[\c`m\ijXgcXp\iËjZclYcffbn`k_^Xd\ `dgifm\d\ekg\i]fidXeZ\%K_\XnXi[$n`ee`e^:`-`ifejXi\`e[\dXe[% ÈGcXp\iËjZclYcffb Ylk^Xd\`dgifm\d\ek g\i]fidXeZ\%É )''-N`cjfeJgfik`e^>ff[j:f%$8ZklXchlfk\j]ifd@IFEK<JK#DXp)''-`jjl\f]>fc] DX^Xq`e\ Wilson Staff | 6, 7 IRONS :`-$K\jk\iËjKfgG`Zb Yp>fc] DX^Xq`e\ )''- Elastomeric Coating Lower Amplitude = Less harsh feel on mis-hits. • Reduces vibration by 1/3 • As featured in the award winning Ci6 iron R1382 R1382 L R1302 R1302 L R1383 R1383 L R1303 R1303 L Ci6 Men’s RH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft Ci6 Men’s LH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft Ci6 Men’s RH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob Ci6 Men’s LH - R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob Ci6 Men’s RH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Graphite Shaft Ci6 Men’s LH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Graphite Shaft Ci6 Men’s RH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob Ci6 Men’s LH - R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob AMPLITUDE Shorter Vibration Duration = Less propagation up the shaft Stock Shafts Nano Tech Graphite ™ Taper Tech II CL Steel Custom Shaft - Graphite UST™ ProForce V2 Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip TIME Taper Tech Steel Shafts A Progressive tip design transitions from high tip flexibilty in the long irons for higher launch and maximum distance, to a stiff tip in the midto-short irons for lower launch and maximum control. 2007 Collection Pi5 PERFORMANCE IRONS K_\ G`, G\i]fidXeZ\ `ifej _Xm\ gifm\e k_\`i d\kkc\ n`k_ knf G>8 Kfli m`Zkfi`\j# X kfg k\enfic[iXeb`e^Xe[dlck`gc\Ip[\i:lg Y\ik_j% EXd\[ X >fc] ;`^\jk È?fk C`jkÉ j\c\Zk`fe Xe[ k_\ ÈY\jk cffb`e^ `ifeÉ Yp GlYC`ebjdX^Xq`e\#k_\G`,nXiiXekjX Zcfj\icffb% Perimeter Weighting Each iron in the Pi5 series is designed to move a precise amount of mass to the club’s periphery, creating maximum forgiveness during off-center hits. Stock Shaft ™ Dynamic Gold Steel Custom Shaft ™ Dynamic Gold SL Steel )'',?fkC`jk >Xd\$@dgifm\d\ek @ifej$G`, Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip >fc];`^\jk IRONS Wilson Staff | 8, 9 Fi5 FORGED IRONS K_\ =`, ^\kj `kj ;E8 ]ifd c\^\e[Xip N`cjfe kfli YcX[\j c`b\ k_\ Ê,+ DljZc\ 9XZb# k_\ Ê-( Yfi\$k_ifl^_ =cl`[ =\\c Xe[ k_\ Ê/( =>$(.% <jhl`i\ dX^Xq`e\ [\\d\[ k_`j cXk\jk `eZXieXk`fe f] N`cjfe JkX]] YcX[\jXjÈ@ejkXek:cXjj`Zj%É Progressive Weighting The CG location moves from lower in the long irons to higher in the short irons. This is accomplished by concentrating weight in the sole of the long irons, preimeter weighting in the mid irons and pure muscleback weighting in the short irons. R1380 R1380 L R1300 R1300 L R1180 Pi5 Men’s RH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Pi5 Men’s LH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Pi5 Men’s RH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob Pi5 Men’s LH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob Fi5 Men’s RH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel True Temper Dynamic Gold Shaft Fi5 irons are equipped with Tour proven and meticulously weight-sorted shafts to maximize control and accuracy. Stock Shaft ™ Dynamic Gold Steel ™ Dynamic Gold SL Steel Custom Shaft Grip - Golf Pride® Full Cord Grip 2007 Collection K_\<K= ]iXd\]\Xkli\[fek_\N`cjfeJkX]] ;[-[i`m\i ]fZlj\j\e\i^pkfnXi[k_\]XZ\#[flYc`e^k_\j`q\f]k_\ DXo`dld:FI?fkQfe\%I\Xi$gfj`k`fe\[C$Gf[j[\c`m\i X_`^_\icXleZ_Xe^c\%K_`j[i`m\i`jg\i]\Zk]fik_\gcXp\i j\\b`e^dXo`dld[`jkXeZ\n`k_]fi^`m\e\jj% Stock Shaft NVS-DL 65 Graphite Custom Shaft ProForce V2 Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip W7108 W7110 W7111 W7415 W7419 W6419 W6422 W6425 ETFTM Technology redirects energy back to the club face, effectively doubling the max COR hot zone. Mid-sole position of Nickel Tungsten L-Pods moves CG back, generating a slightly higher trajectory. Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 8.5° R, S, Flex Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 10.0° A, R, S, Flex Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 11.5° Driver A, R Flex Df6 Men’s RH #3 fairway wood 15.0° R, S Flex Df6 Men’s RH #5 fairway wood 19.0° R, S Flex Dh6 Men’s RH #3 Hybrid - 19.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft Dh6 Men’s RH #4 Hybrid - 22.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft Dh6 Men’s RH #5 Hybrid - 25.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft DRIVERS I FAIRWAYS I HYBRIDS Df6 Wilson Staff | 10, 11 DISTANCE FAIRWAY WOODS K_\N`cjfeJkX]];]-]X`inXpnff[j]\Xkli\ <K=k\Z_efcf^pn`k__l^\_fkqfe\j]fi Zfej`jk\ekcfe^[`jkXeZ\%I\Xi$gfj`k`fe\[ C$Gf[j[\c`m\iXjc`^_kcp_`^_\icXleZ_Xe^c\ jfk_fj\jfXi`e^]X`inXpj_fkjcXe[jf]kcpfe k_\^i\\e%K_\;]-`jXmX`cXYc\`e(,Xe[ (0cf]kj% Stock Shaft NVS-DL 75 Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip Dh6 Stock Shaft DISTANCE HYBRIDS NVS-DL Hybrid 85 Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip K_\ N`cjfe JkX]] ;_- lk`c`kp ZclY `eZfigfiXk\j Yi\Xbk_ifl^_ <K= k\Z_efcf^p Xe[ fgk`dXc cXleZ_# \Xj`e^k_\[`]ÔZlck`\jf]k_\cfe^`ifej_fk%K_\;_-]\Xkli\j X(''jkX`ec\jjjk\\cZclY_\X[n`k_XcfngifÔc\Xe[k_`ee\i ]XZ\]fi`eZi\Xj\[]fi^`m\e\jjXe[gcXpXY`c`kp% 2007 Collection Tw7 TOUR WEDGES K_\N`cjfeJkX]]Kn. n\[^\j^`m\X^^i\jj`m\ ^fc]\ijXgfn\i]lcYlk gi\Z`j\`ejkild\ek kf[\dfejkiXk\k_\`i [fd`eXeZ\%J_Xig#[\\g ^iffm\j^iXYk_\YXccËjZfm\i kfgifm`[\lck`dXk\jkfgg`e^ gfn\i% E\n]fi )''. Kn. Cf]k9fleZ\ >Xg! ,)²-² JXe[ JXe[! ,+²/² ,-²('² CfY CfY! ,/²()² -'²/² Tour Grooves Grooves cut as sharp, deep and wide as USGA® standards allow provide maximum spin and control around the green. !`e[`ZXk\jC_fgk`fej W8692 W8693 W8694 W8694 L W8695 W8696 W8696 L TW7 Men’s RH Gap Wedge 52° TW7 Men’s RH Sand Wedge 54° TW7 Men’s RH Sand Wedge 56° TW7 Men’s LH Sand Wedge 56° TW7 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 58° TW7 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 60° TW7 Men’s LH Lob Wedge 60° Stock Shaft ™ Grip - Golf Pride® Decade II® Grip Dynamic Gold WEDGES Wilson Staff | 12, 13 Fw6 FORGED WEDGES :i\Xk`m`kp`jeËkaljkn\cZfd\#Ylk \eZfliX^\[n`k_N`cjfeJkX]]=n- n\[^\j%=fi^\[]ifdjf]kZXiYfe jk\\c`eX^\c\jjZcXjj`Zj_Xg\j#=n- n\[^\jn`cc`ejg`i\j_fk$dXb`e^ Zi\Xk`m`kpc`d`k\[fecpYpk_\ `dX^`eXk`fe% =nCf]k9fleZ\ >Xg! ,)²-² JXe[ JXe[! ,+²/² ,-²('² CfY CfY! ,/²()² -'²/² Fluid Feel® Bore-Thru Shaft The exclusive bore-thru shaft shifts weight to create its renowned fluid feel and response. 8620 Carbon Steel Each Fw6 wedge is handcrafted from soft 8620 carbon steel for the ultimate in feel and shot feedback. !`e[`ZXk\jC_fgk`fej W8677 W8677 L W8690 W8691 W8691 L W8678 W8679 W8679 L FW6 Men’s RH Gap Wedge 52° FW6 Men’s LH Gap Wedge 52° FW6 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 58° FW6 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 60° FW6 Men’s LH Lob Wedge 60° FW6 Men’s RH Sand Wedge 54° FW6 Men’s RH Sand Wedge 56° FW6 Men’s LH Sand Wedge 56° Stock Shaft Dynamic Gold rip - Golf Pride® Full Cord Grip 2007 Collection Kc KIRK CURRIE PUTTERS =`k#XYfm\Xcc\cj\#`jk_\_XccdXibf]X^i\Xk glkk\i%B`ib:lii`\ glkk\ijXi\Xk\jkXd\ek kfk_`jgi`eZ`gc\%K_\Zfdgi\_\ej`m\9XcXeZ\ =`kJpjk\di\gi\j\ekjk_\dfjkZfdgc\k\ glkk\iÔkk`e^jpjk\d`ek_\nfic[%N`k_]fli gi\Z`j`fe$d`cc\[glkk\i_\X[jXe[(/^i`gXe[ _\X[n\`^_k`e^fgk`fejkfZ_ffj\]ifd#pfl ZXeYl`c[Xglkk\ik_XkÔkjpflXe[pfli^Xd\ kfg\i]\Zk`fe% BalanceFit™ System A unique interchangeable weight system allows players to adjust the weight of both the shaft and sole of the putter head, creating a better individual fit and delivering truer, more accurate putts. GRIP SHAFT >fc]Gi`[\ Jk\\c =cXi\[ '%*,' B:NiXg R8354 R8358 R8355 R8360 R8359 R8356 R8361 R8357 R8364 Men’s Kc-1 - RH Heel/Toe heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-1 - LH Heel/Toe heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-2 - RH Semi Mallet/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-2 - RH Semi Mallet/Center shaft, 33’ 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-2 - LH Semi Mallet/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-3 - RH Mallett/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-3 - RH Mallett/Center shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-4 - OS RH Blob/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” Men’s Kc-4 - OS LH Blob/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” BZ( BZ) BZ* LENGTH *+fi*, BZ+ PUTTERS Wilson Staff | 14, 15 E\n]fi )''. 88 88 SERIES PUTTERS K_\fi`^`eXc//')glkk\ijkXe[jXjfe\f]k_\dfjki\Zf^e`q\[glkk\ij `ek_\_`jkfipf]k_\^Xd\%@eZ\c\YiXk`fef]k_`jk`d\c\jjZcXjj`Z#k_\ Xcce\n//-)glkk\ic\X[j\`^_ke\nglkk\ijZfdY`e`e^ZcXjj`Z[\j`^ej n`k_`eefmXk`m\dXk\i`Xcj%N`k_Xef[`q\[Xcld`eld_\X[jXe[d`cc\[ ]XZ\j#k_\//J\i`\jZXii`\jfek_\kiX[`k`fe`eZi\Xk`m\e\nnXpj% Performance Grip New proprietary Wilson Staff® Winn® AVS wrap grip TPU Eurothane Insert for 8870 series. Anodized Soft Aluminum for the 8860 series. GRIP SHAFT N`ee 8MJNiXg W8861 W8861 L W8862 W8871 W8871 L W8872 W8872 L W8875 W8875 L Men’s 8861 Putter - MRH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35” Men’s 8861 Putter - MLH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35” Men’s 8862 Putter - MRH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35” Men’s 8871 Putter - MRH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” Men’s 8871 Putter - MLH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” Men’s 8872 Putter - MRH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” Men’s 8872 Putter - MLH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” Men’s 8875 Putter - MRH OS Backweight Mallet - 34”, 35” Men’s 8875 Putter - MLH OS Backweight Mallet - 34”, 35” //-( Jk\\c =cXi\[ '%*.' LENGTH *+fi*, //-) //., //.) //.( 2007 Collection Fifty E\n]fi )''. FIFTY COMPRESSION NO LOSS IN DISTANCE 8jlg\i$jf]kZfi\k_Xkglj_\jk_ LJ>8c`d`kj]fi`e`k`Xcm\cfZ`kp% \hlXccpjf]kZfm\ik_XkZfdY`e\ gfn\in`k_]\\c%K_\e\nN`cjf JkX]]=`]kpYi`e^jfggfj`k\j kf^\k_\ikfYi`e^YXcXeZ\kfpfl ^Xd\% SUPER SUPER SOFT IONOMER Wilson Staff® Structured Pro Caps WP141 WC086 WC083 W9931 W9934 W9935 W9936 W9872 W9873 W9927 W9928 WR100 50/50 - Dozen - White Px3 - Dozen - White Tx4 - Dozen - White W/S Structured Pro Cap - Dark Red (not shown) W/S Structured Pro Cap - Black/Chrome W/S Structured Pro Cap - Stone/Dark Red W/S Structured Pro Cap - Black/Dark Red W/S Relaxed Fit Cap - Black/Chrome W/S Relaxed Fit Cap - Stone/Dark Red W/S Low Visor - Stone/Dark Red W/S Low Visor - Black/Dark Red W/S Fitted -Black/Deep Red, Black/Gold, Khaki/Black Wilson Staff® Relaxed Fit Caps JA000 JA001 JA012 JA010 JA011 JA012 W9922 W9918 RR031 RR030 RO516 W9876 Tour Soft Glove Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL Tour Soft Glove Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL Tour Soft Glove Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L, XL Pro Soft Glove Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL Pro Soft Glove Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL Pro Soft Glove Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L, XL Wilson Staff® Large Towel Wilson Staff ® Tour Umbrella - 34” Wilson Staff® Den Caddie Wilson Staff® Backpack Wilson Staff® Travel Cover XL Wilson Staff® Travel Cover L Wilson Staff® Tour Soft Wilson Staff® Pro Soft Wilson Staff | 16, 17 BALLS I ACCESSORIES Px3 Tx4 MULTILAYER MORE FAIRWAYS K_\_`^_jg`ee`e^#jf]k$]\\c`e^*$g`\Z\ Go*G\i]fidXeZ\9Xccn`cc_\cgpfl _fc[dfi\^i\\ejn`k_flkc\kk`e^^ff] k_\[`jkXeZ\pflËi\XZZljkfd\[kf% URETHANE MORE PINS 8kkXZbdfi\g`ejn`k_k_\gi\Z`j`fe g\i]fidXeZ\f]k_\Ko+%@kËjk_`eli\k_Xe\ Zfm\igifm`[\jlck`dXk\]\\c`eXcfe^^fc] YXcc% MULTI LAYER SOFT IONOMER COVER Wilson Staff® Solid Fitted Caps MULTILAYER URETHANE COVER Wilson Staff® Low Visors Wilson Staff® Tour Umbrella Wilson Staff® Large Towel Wilson Staff® Den Caddie Wilson Staff® Backpack Wilson Staff® Wheel Travel Cover 2007 Collection Bags TOUR LEVITATOR® PERFORMANCE Tour 9.5 - 9.5” - 6 way top - 7 closed pockets • extra large front clothing pocket • large ball pocket • insulated “cool” pocket - 3 points padded strap - Exclusive hardware - High frequency logo application • new unique process - Premium materials • PU • 1200D nail head • dimple PVC - Weight: 7.48 lbs. Helix Top Both Cart and Cart Deluxe bags feature a unique Helix Top shape that protects clubs and aids in organization. Side putter well featured on Cart Deluxe model. Black Navy Dark Red Performance Cart Deluxe - Helix top: 10.5 x 9 • 14 full length dividers • unique design club organization - Built-in putter well • slick design - Cart strap loop • will keep the bag in place - Wheel base • unique design to ease the move of the bag from the car to the clubhouse - Quick hood - No H2O pocket - Mesh ball pocket w/pen holder - Easy side access umbrella holder - Large side pockets • inside valuable velour pocket • inside hook • inside mesh pocket - Large insulated pocket - Detachable embroidery panel - Weight: 8.4 lbs. R0915 RR023 RR024 RR025 RR027 RR028 RR029 R0654 R0655 RR032 R0772 R0773 R0774 Tour Bag 9.5” - Black Levitator Cart Bag - Black Levitator Cart Bag - Dark Red Levitator Cart Bag - Blue Levitator Carry Bag - Black Levitator Carry Bag - Blue Levitator Carry Bag - Gun Metal Performance Cart Deluxe Bag - Black Performance Cart Deluxe Bag - Navy Performance Cart Deluxe Bag - Dark Red Performance Carry Bag - Black Performance Carry Bag - Navy Performance Carry Bag - Dark Red BAGS Wilson Staff | 18, 19 Levitator® Carry Levitator® Cart - 8.5” x 7 - 5 way divider - Swivelmax® strap system - Nanolon™ lightweight material - 7 closed pockets - 2 open pockets - Weight: 4.75 lbs. - 11” x 9 - 14 way divider - Cart strap lock system - Nanolon™ lightweight material - 7 closed pockets - Super light cart bag - Weight: 4.8 lbs Black Dark Red Blue Black/Grey Blue Black Performance Carry Navy Dark Red Black - Ergo™ top: 8 x 8 • 6 full length dividers w/integrated handle - Swivelmax® strap w/6 attachment points - Back hip pad • ergonomic design relieves pressure on the lower spine - Mesh ball pocket w/pen holder - Large side bottom pocket • inside hook • inside mesh pocket - Quick hood - No H2O pocket - 2 accessory rings • towel/name tag/glove - Large clothing side pockets • inside valuable velour pocket • inside mesh pocket - Velour pocket - Large drop down bottom pocket - Detachable embroidery panel - Built-in stand mechanism Ergo Top Unique Handle Configuration makes the transition from carry to stand easy and painless - Quick velcro umbrella loop - Lightweight chrome aluminum stand w/lock strap - 8 closed pockets / 3 open - Materials: Nanolon™ 200D, PU Dimple brushed chrome, Polyester twill 300, Suede black and PU Dimple black - weight: 4.8 lbs. 2007 Men’s Collection Passion for golf isn’t limited to professionals and scratch amateurs. You can take the game seriously, even if you don’t take it on tour. Wilson Prostaff provides every opportunity to improve your game in a price range that won’t diminish your passion. Every round matters, and so does the equipment you play with. Prostaff® Individual Driver, Fairway Woods & Hybrids Stock Shaft Pro Launch Graphite ProLaunch® was developed, designed and tested utilizing the latest in launch monitor technology to help golfers achieve optimal launch conditions for added distance. ProLaunch incorporates Micro-Mesh® tip technology to deliver the perfect combination of tip stability and energy transfer. CLUBS I CLUB SETS Prostaff | 20, 21 Prostaff® 3x2x6 Club Set By combining advanced materials with the latest technologies, Prostaff® helps you improve every shot. Wide soled irons keeps weight low. Extensive player testing has shown it to improve contact, distance and accuracy. The enormous sweet spot driver will surprise you by launching your tee shots longer and straighter. Aerodynamic woods and hybrids increase headspeed and feature a phenominal deep blue finish. G6007 G6008 G6205 Pro Staff® 360 MRH Set Pro Staff® 260 MRH Set Long (irons +1”) Pro Staff® 360 MLH Set D8543 D8544 D8545 D8546 D8547 Pro Staff Driver MRH - Pro Launch Pro Staff #3 Wood MRH - Pro Launch Pro Staff #5 Wood MRH - Pro Launch Pro Staff #3 Hybrid MRH - 17° - Pro Launch Pro Staff #4 Hybrid MRH - 21° - Pro Launch Set Configuration (3 x 2 x 6) Woods (1,3,5) Hybrids (17˚ and 21˚ lofts replace traditional #3 and #4 iron) Irons (5,6,7,8,9,PW) Driver • Concentrated Mass Weight Screws • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix • Maximum Legal Size 460cc Hybrids • Much easier to hit than long irons • 17-4 stainless steel Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Deep undercut cavity • Wide soles and thick topline Shafts and Grips • Woods / Hybrids feature 100% graphite shaft with reinforced tip • Irons feature True Temper ™ steel iron shaft • Premium Wrap grip 2007 Men’s Collection Prostaff® 360 Max Distance For the player looking for more distance • High launch angle for maximum flight time • Maximum USGA - allowable initial velocity • Low compression and soft feel For the player looking to reduce hooks and slices • Low driver spin for straighter flight • Mid-launch for boring trajectory and greater roll • Low compression and soft feel Prostaff® Ti Golf Glove Slide-Pak User Guide Step 1: Load XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description For the player looking for green-side control. • High spin off irons • Maximum soft feel • Excellent distance Step 2: Launch WR365 WR318 WR315 WR324 WA459 WA460 JA076 JA077 JA078 Step 3: Re-load (if necessary). Engineered for superior control and performance. Advanced Microfiber Technology with Stay Soft leather palm patch and thumb, with DuPont Lycra placed in the gussets and key stress areas for for unparalleled comfort and moisture management Pro Staff® 360 Tour Performance - 15 ball - White Pro Staff® 360 Straight Distance - 15 ball - White Pro Staff® 360 Max Distance -15 ball - White Pro Staff® 360 Max Distance Jar Ball (ord in 24 dz.) Pro Staff® 360 Max Distance - 15 ball - Nu-Clear Orange Pro Staff® 360 Max Distance - 15 ball - Nu-Clear Yellow Pro Staff® Ti Glove - Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL Pro Staff® Ti Glove - Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL Pro Staff® Ti Glove - Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L XL RR001 RR002 RR003 RR004 RR006 RR007 RR008 RR009 Pro Staff® Cart Bag - Black/Grey Pro Staff® Cart Bag - Black/Orange Pro Staff® Cart Bag - Black/Lime Pro Staff® Cart Bag - Blue/Black Pro Staff® Carry Bag- Black/Grey Pro Staff® Carry Bag- Black/Orange Pro Staff® Carry Bag- Blue/Black Pro Staff® Carry Bag- Red/Black BALLS I BAGS I GLOVES Prostaff | 22, 23 W NE ProStaff® Nu-Clear Orange Yellow Prostaff® 360 4 Ball Display Introducing Prostaff NuClear Brights. Featuring electric bright covers that are so easy to see, you’ll swear they’re plugged in! If you’re customers don’t agree, return them to Wilson and we’ll refund your money...guaranteed. Pro Staff® 360 Shipper-4 ball sleeves (8 sleeves each sku) Prostaff® Carry EXTRA FEATURES: - 10 way diamond bumper top • unique patented design - 10” x 8” - integrated stand - tee holder - 9 closed pockets - 1 open pocket - Swivelmax® strap system - Quick hood® (patented) - Cooler insulated side pocket - Umbrella holder - Velour/valuable pocket - Towel ring w/velcro glove holder - Detachable panel for local embroidery - Materials: Polyester, Nylon, PVC - Weight: 5.1 lbs. Prostaff® Cart EXTRA FEATURES: - 14 way diamond top - Unique patented design • 10” x 8” w/tee holder - Polyester/Nylon/PVC - 8 closed pockets - 2 open pockets - External putter well - Quick hood (patented) - Triple V shoulder strap (patented) • with front or back attachment points - Cooler insulated front pocket - Front and back umbrella holders - Mesh front ball pocket - Velour/valuable pocket - Towel ring w/velcro glove holder - Detachable panel for embroidery - Weight: 5.9 lbs. 2007 Men’s Collection ULTRA COMP 3x1x6 CLUB SET Ultra Comp combines all the technology a player needs to take a ball to new distances. Deep undercut irons, wide soles and large heads pack in game improvement technology so a golfer can concentrate on swinging hard. Set Configuration • Woods (1,3,5) • Hybrid (17º loft replaces #3 iron) • Irons (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and PW) • Alignment Putter • Stand bag with dual strap • 3 Headcovers Hybrids • Much easier to hit than long irons • Very low center of gravity Driver • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix • Maximum legal size 460cc • Large face creates an enormous sweetspot Shafts and Grips • Woods feature 100% graphite shafts with reinforced tips • Irons/Hybrids feature True Temper™ steel iron shafts • High quality all weather grips Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Large perimeter weighted irons • Wide soles and thick toplines CLUB SETS I DRIVER I FAIRWAYS I HYBRIDS Ultra | 24, 25 THERE’S ROOM FOR ALL KINDS OF GOLFERS IN THE GAME, INCLUDING THOSE WITH NOTHING BUT THE PRIMAL URGE TO PUNISH BALLS ALL DAY LONG. WILSON ULTRA IS PERFECT FOR THE GOLFER WHO YEARNS TO CRUSH THE BALL. AIM IS FOR SISSIES. ULTRA - IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LONG BALL. XXXX - Product Description G6102 Ultra Comp Package Set MRH XXXX - Product Description D8548 Ultra MRH Driver XXXX - Product Description D8553 Ultra MRH - Individual #3 Wood XXXX - Product Description D8554 Ultra MRH - Individual #5 Wood D8549 Ultra MRH - Individual Hybrid 3 D8555 Ultra MRH - Individual Hybrid 4 XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description ULTRA INDIVIDUAL CLUBS As an individual wood and hybrid line under the Ultra name, these clubs deliver distance with upgrades for the head design, shaft performance and grip feel. BALLS I BAGS ULTRA® GOLF BALLS As the original distance ball, Ultra is come known for its unbridled power. In two maximum models, Ultra is sure to please anyone looking to hit it longer without breaking the bank. WR341 WR340L WR331 WA461 Ultra Ultimate 15 ball - White Ultra Ultimate 12 ball - White - (logo only) Ultra Straight - 15 ball - White Ultra Ultimate 24 ball Dump - White Cart NEW top for ‘07 - 10.5” x 7” • will fit well on a cart • 6 dividers - Polyester/Nylon - Tube construction - 5 closed pockets EXTRA FEATURES: - Large pockets - Padded shoulder strap - Back umbrella holder - Towel ring - Tee holder - Rain hood - Weight: 4.7 lbs. RR013 RR014 RR015 RR033 Carry NEW top for ‘07 - 10.5” x 7” • 6 dividers - Lightweight stand - Polyester/Nylon - 5 closed pockets Black/Gold Black/Red Navy/Silver Black/Silver EXTRA FEATURES: - Large pockets - Padded double strap - Back umbrella holder - Towel ring - Tee holder - Rain hood - Weight: 4.4 lbs. RR017 RR018 RR019 RR034 Black/Gold Black/Red Navy/Silver Black/Silver W NE ™ PUTTERS I WEDGES Ultra | Harmonized | 26, 27 Harmonized™ Putters Bring harmony to your short game. The classic styling and time tested playability of Wilson Harmonized wedges and putters make them the best choice for the mid to high handicapper trying to shave strokes off every round. The best selling wedges and putters in America, they provide responsive feel and precise accuracy on and around the green. D7437 RH Double Wide Heel Toe Putter #466 D7403 RH Classic Blade Putter #743 D7425 RH “T” Alignment Mallet Putter #425 D7426 RH Cresent Moon Mallet Putter #426 XXXX - Product Description ™ Harmonized Wedges XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description #1 selling wedge in the country from the XXXX - Product Description company that invented the sand wedge! Tour Proven head shapes produce XXXX - Product “dead stopDescription spin” from the sand or XXXX - Product Description fairway. True Temper™ Steel Shafts XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description and high quality all weather grip XXXX - Product Description XXXX - Product Description D7438 RH “Bar” Alignment Mallet Putter #488 D7420 RH Cavity Blade Putter #744 Center Shafted D7427 RH Center Wide Flange Putter #427 D7421 RH Cavity Blade Putter #745 D7431 RH Tail Lights Putter #428 D8200 D8201 D8002 D8003 D8650 D8653 D8665 D8666 D8670 D8735 Glass Bead Classic Glass Bead MLH - Sand Wedge - 55° Glass Bead MLH - Lob Wedge - 60° Glass Bead LRH - Sand Wedge - 55° Glass Bead LRH - Lob Wedge - 60° Glass Bead MRH - Pitching Wedge - 50° Glass Bead MRH - Gap Wedge - 52° Glass Bead MRH - Lob Wedge - 60° Glass Bead MRH - Trouble Wedge - 64° Glass Bead LRH - Sand Wedge 55° Glass Bead MRH - Sand Wedge - 56° D8658 D8659 D8661 Black Chrome Wedge Reduces Glare Black Chrome MRH - Sand Wedge - 55° Black Chrome MRH - Lob Wedge - 60° Black Chrome MRH - Gap Wedge - 52° D8679 D8680 D8681 D8682 Forged Brass to improve feel and accuracy Forged Brass MRH - Sand Wedge - 55° Forged Brass MRH - Lob Wedge - 60° Forged Brass MRH - Trouble Wedge - 64° Forged Brass MRH - Pitching Wedge - 50° D7400 RH Classic Mallet Putter #740 D7401 RH Extreme Heel Toe Putter #741 D7402 LH Extreme Heel Toe Putter #742 D7422 RH Classic D7424 RH Modern Mallet Putter #746 Mallet Putter #424 Center Shafted Center Shafted D7432 RH Semi Mallet Putter #430 D7433 LH Rocker Blade Putter #431 Center Shafted Women’s Overview | 28, 29 @kjkXb\e-'p\Xijf] `eefmXk`fealjkkfb\\g lgn`k_nfd\e^fc]\ij% @e(0+'N`cjfenXjk_\ÔijkZfdgXepkf jgfejfiX]\dXc\^fc]\i%Aljk\`^_kp\Xij cXk\i#n\Y\ZXd\X]fle[`e^d\dY\if]k_\ Nfd\eËjG>8#gi\[\Z\jjfif]k_\CG>8% Kf[Xp#N`cjfedXb\jXZfeki`Ylk`fekfk_\ 9i\Xjk:XeZ\iI\j\XiZ_=fle[Xk`fen`k_k_\ jXc\f]\m\ipnfd\eËjgif[lZkn\dXb\% N`cjfe`jXj[\mfk\[Xj\m\ikfnfd\e n_fgcXpk_\^i\Xk^Xd\f]^fc]#f]]\i`e^ k_i\\Zfdgc\k\c`e\jkfXZZfddf[Xk\ \m\ipnfdXe^fc]\iXe[_\i^Xd\% WO M ENS B R A ND S & P R O D U C TS ® Golf Clubs ® ;\[`ZXk\[kfdXb`e^ k_\\m\ip[Xpc\^\e[Xip% GcXp]fik_\cfm\ f]k_\^Xd\% DXb\X[`]]\i\eZ\`epfli ^Xd\Xe[`ejfd\fe\Ëjc`]\% (pages 4 - 19) (pages 20 - 23) (pages 38 - 41) • • Golf Balls Accessories • • • Nfd\eËjGif[lZkj(pages 28 - 41) • • Ale`fiGif[lZkj(pages 4 2 - 43) ® 2007 Women’s Collection Jki`b`e^g\i]fidXeZ\Xe[jklee`e^ ^ff[cffbj%K_\e\nN`cjfeJkX]] Nfd\eËj:fcc\Zk`fef]]\ijk_\dfjk Zfdgc\k\Zfcc\Zk`fef]gif[lZkj [\j`^e\[jg\Z`ÔZXccp]finfd\e`e k_\^Xd\kf[Xp%N`k_`kjb\\e\p\ fe[\kX`c#k_\N`cjfeJkX]] Nfd\eËj :fcc\Zk`fe`jjli\kfklie_\X[j% Martina Eberl Wilson Staff Tour Professional Cfe^`ifej_Xm\cfe^Y\\ek_\ e\d\j`jf]jcfn\ijn`e^jg\\[j% K_XkËjn_pdfi\Xe[dfi\ nfd\eXi\fgk`e^]fi_pYi`[ i\gcXZ\d\ekj%N`k_gi\Z`j`fe cf]kjf]))#),#Xe[)/k_\j\ Y\Xlk`]lc_pYi`[ZclYjXi\k_\ g\i]\ZkZ_f`Z\]ifdYfk_k`^_k ]X`inXpjXe[ifl^_ifl^_j% Stock Shaft Nano Flex Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip IRONS I HYBRIDS Wilson Staff | 30, 31 Lh6 Li6 <m\ip[\kX`cfek_\e\nC`-nXj [\j`^e\[jg\Z`ÔZXccp]fiXnfdXe%Cf]kj k_ifl^_flkXi\jc`^_kcp_`^_\i#k_\j_X]k `jc`^_k\i#k_\^i`g`jjdXcc\i%<m\ek_\ Zfjd\k`ZjXi\dfi\i\Ôe\[%K_\i\jlck6 K_\dfjkgcXpXYc\`ifeN`cjfe_Xj\m\i dX[\]finfd\e2Xe[k_XkËjjXp`e^Xcfk# Zfej`[\i`e^n\Ëm\Y\\e[f`e^k_`j]fi dfi\k_Xe.,p\Xij% W6522 W6525 W6528 R1789 R1709 Lh6 RH #4 hybrid - 22° Lh6 RH #5 hybrid - 25° Lh6 RH #6 hybrid - 28° Li6 RH - 4 hybrid, 5-SW Li6 RH Gap, Lob Stock Shaft Nano Flex Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip 2007 Women’s Collection Ld6 Lf6 ETFTM Technology redirects energy back to the club face effectively doubling the max COR hot zone. Mid-sole position of Nickel Tungsten L-Pods moves CG back, generating a slightly higher trajectory. JfXi`e^Õ`^_k]fij_fik\iXggifXZ_j_fkj%K_\e\n N`cjfeJkX]]C[-[i`m\i^f\jkf^i\Xkc\e^k_jkf \ejli\pfl^\kk_\dfjk]ifdpflijn`e^%N_`c\ k_\C[-]\Xkli\jk_\jXd\<K= k\Z_efcf^pXjk_\ d\eËj[i`m\ij#k_\j`d`cXi`k`\jjkfgk_\i\%K_\jc\\b +-'ZZ_\X[^\kjk_\YXccX`iYfie\]Xjk#n_`c\k_\ ^iXg_`k\j_X]k`j/^iXdjc`^_k\ikf_\cg^\e\iXk\ ^i\Xk\iZclY_\X[jg\\[%K_\n_`k\k\\jXi\ZXcc`e^% =fi^\kk_\Zfej\imXk`m\cXp$lg2`kËj k`d\kf^f]fik_\^i\\en`k_k_\ e\nC]-j\i`\jf]]X`inXpnff[j%Cf]k fgk`fejf](.#)(#),#)0gifdfk\ X_`^_\icXleZ_Xe^c\jfXggifXZ_ j_fkjcXe[jf]kXe[_fc[^i\\ej% Stock Shaft Nano Flex Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip Stock Shaft ® Nano Flex Graphite Grip - Golf Pride® Decade® Grip W6315 W6319 W6322 W6325 Lf6 RH #3 Wood - 15° Lf6 RH #5 Wood - 19° Lf6 RH #7 Wood - 22° Lf6 RH #9 Wood - 25° DRIVERS I FAIRWAY I PUTTERS Wilson Staff | 32, 33 8871 E<N 8875 K_\//j\i`\jglkk\ijjkXe[jXjfe\f]k_\dfjk i\Zf^e`q\[glkk\ij`ek_\_`jkfipf]k_\^Xd\%Efn `ekif[lZ\[YpN`cjfe]fik_\cX[pgif]\jj`feXc# n`k_Xef[`q\[Xcld`eld_\X[jXe[d`cc\[]XZ\j# Xcc\ejZfeZ\[`eXZfd]fikXYc\glkk\i_\X[Zfm\i%8 c\^\e[Y\^`ej% W8871 W33 W8875 W33 8800 Putter - LRH OS Compact Mallet - 33” 8800 Putter - LRH OS Backweight - 33” 2007 Women’s Collection Levitator® Cart - 11” x 9 - 14 way divider - Cart strap lock system - Nanolon™ lightweight material - 7 closed pockets - Super light cart bag - Weight: 4.8 lbs Pony Cap Wilson® Comfort Visor L grip soft glove Wilson® Cap ACCESSORIES A Ladies Staff | 34, 35 L Performance Cart Deluxe - Helix top: 10.5 x 9 • 14 full length dividers • unique design club organization - Built-in putter well • slick design - Cart strap loop • will keep the bag in place - Wheel base • unique design to ease the move of the bag from the car to the clubhouse - Quick hood - No H2O pocket - Mesh ball pocket w/pen holder - Easy side access umbrella holder - Large side pockets • inside valuable velour pocket • inside hook • inside mesh pocket - Large insulated pocket - Detachable embroidery panel - Weight: 8.4 lbs. B Umbrella C L Performance Duffel Bag D Towel A B RR026 RR101 RR102 RR013 RR104 RR105 R0845 R0844 R0845C R0844C W9874 W9875 JA087 JA088 Levitator® Cart Wilson Staff® Pony Wilson Staff® Umbr Wilson Staff® Umbr Wilson Staff® Towe Wilson Staff® Towe L Performance Cart L Performance Cart L Performance Duff L Performance Duff Wilson Staff® Visor Wilson Staff® Cap L Grip Soft LH - S-1, L Grip Soft LH - S-1, 2007 Women’s Collection Prostaff is the best-selling set of women’s clubs in the game today. Classic lines and fashion conscious designs will set its owner apart before the very first swing. Prostaff clubs have been tested in the fairways of public links making it a sleek, smart choice for any regular foursome. ProStaff® Women’s 4x1x6 Golf Club Set This is not just a men’s set with a different paint job. Prostaff is designed from the ground up just for women. Extremely wide sole irons make quality ball contact easier and an undercut cavity produces better ball flight and more distance. The amazing “deep magenta” finish is beautiful and durable. Set Configuration Woods (1,3,5 and 7) Hybrid (25˚ loft replaces #5 iron) Irons (6,7,8,9,PW and SW) Driver • Higher Lofted • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix • Fairway woods #3,5 and 7 Hybrid • Much easier to hit than long irons • Very low center of gravity Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Deep undercut cavity • Extremely wide soles and large face Shafts and Grips • All clubs feature lightweight graphite shaft with reinforced tip • Premium Wrap grip Prostaff | 36, 37 CLUB SETS I BAGS Prostaff® Lady Bag - 14 way diamond top - Unique patented design • 10” x 8” w/tee holder - Polyester/Nylon/PVC - 8 closed pockets - 2 open pockets - Co Cooler insulated fron - Front o and back umbrella hold holde - External putter well - Mesh front ball pocket - Quick hood (patented) - Velour/valuable pocket - Triple V® shoulder strap (patented) - Towel ring w/velcro • with front or back glove holder attachment points - Detachable panel for embroidery - Weight: 5.9 lbs. EXTRA FEATURES: G6004 G6203 G6200 RR005 Pro Staff® LRH Club Set Pro Staff® LRH Petite Club Set Pro Staff® LLH Club Set Pro Staff® Lady BagHawaii/Magenta 2007 Women’s Collection Hope®LX Women’s Package Set Set Configuration For players who take the game seriously, Hope LX is a set designed with premium components and the very best game improvement technology. Precise stainless steel iron head casting allows for an extremely deep cavity, wide sole and top line – which concentrates material in the optimal place. Special Premium Wrap Grips utilize a layer of shock absorbing foam for great feel and improved control. • Woods (1,3,5) • Hybrids (21 and 25 ˚ lofts replace #4 and #5 iron) • Irons (6,7,8,9,PW and SW) • Easy Alignment Putter • Lightweight Cart bag with numerous pockets and padded strap • 3 Headcovers Driver • Offset 400cc Driver with unique alignment aid • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix construction • Large face creates a huge sweetspot Hybrids • Wide sweep sole to help get the club under the ball • Weight concentrated low to improve ball flight Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Extremely deep undercut cavity • Super wide soles and thick topline Shafts & Grips • All clubs feature lightweight graphite shaft with reinforced tip • Premium Wrap grip CLUB SETS I INDIVIDUAL CLUBS Hope | 38, 39 Learning the game of golf can be challenging, but there’s always Hope. For golfers just starting to get in the golf groove, there isn’t a better set of clubs. With its effortless style and coordinated accessories, Hope is the starting point for the up-and-coming golfer. Hope will make a difference in your game and the donations to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation will make a difference in someone’s life. Hope® Women’s 3x1x7 Club Set and Individual Clubs It’s uncommon for the golf industry to get the basics right for women players, but Hope is designed for women – right from the start. Research in the field provided a lot of surprising preferences for this often overlooked player. Smaller wood head sizes, grips that fit right and feel good, a better set configuration and shaft flexibilty to match actual swingspeeds. G6103 G5609 D5619 1 D5619 3 D5619 5 D5609 H Hope® LX LRH - Package Set Hope® LRH - Package Set Hope® LRH - Individual Driver Hope® LRH - Individual #3 Wood Hope® LRH - Individual #5 Wood Hope® LRH - Individual #3 Hybrid Set Configuration Woods (1,3,5) Hybrid (21˚ loft replaces #4 iron) Irons (5,6,7,8,9,PW and SW) Driver • Offset Driver face design improves hand position at contact • 380cc Driver head with aerodynamic shape Hybrid • Much easier to hit than long irons • Very low center of gravity Irons • Full perimeter weighted iron set • Headshape promotes easy alignment Shafts and Grips • All clubs feature lightweight graphite shaft with reinforced tip • High quality all weather grips 2007 Women’s Collection Hope® Golf Balls A great performing ball aneven better cause. • Wilson makes a donation to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation with every purchase • Each ball carries a pink ribbon, the universal symbol for breast cancer awareness Multiple ball color and pack size options • All Hope golf balls feature a unique clear cover and are available in Crystal clear, Electric Lemonade, Pink Panache, Sunset Orange and new Optic Pink • Available in 6 and 12 ball configurations Hope® Putters We’ve combined the Pink Ribbon of Hope with our most popular headshapes from the successful Harmonized line of putters. True Temper™ steel shafts and premium wrap grip. D7439 D7441 Harmonized Hope LRH Alignment Putter Harmonized Hope LRH Semi Mallet Putter W9835 Hope Umbrella Hope | 40, 41 BALLS I ACCESSORIES WA351 WA352 WA353 WA469 WA363 WA361 WA354 WA468 Hope Dozen - Clear Hope Dozen - Pink/Clear Hope Dozen - Orange/Yellow Hope Dozen - Hot Pink Hope 6 Ball - Clear Hope 6 Ball - Pink/Clear Hope 6 Ball - Yellow/Orange Hope 6 Ball - Hot Pink Hope® Golf Glove Engineered for superior control and performance. Advanced Microfiber Technology with Stay Soft leather palm patch and thumb, with DuPont Lycra placed in the gussets and key stress areas for for unparalleled comfort and moisture management W9834B W9834W Hope Visor - Blue Hope Visor - White W9836 Hope Towel Hope® Golf Bag • New Top - 10.5” x 7” - 6 dividers • Polyester/Nylon • Tube construction • 5 closed pockets • Extra features - Large pockets - Padded shoulder straps - Back umbrella holder - Towel ring - Tee holder - Rain hood • 1.9 Kg / 4.3 Lb RR016 Hope Cart - Navy/Pink JA086 Ladies LH - S, M, L 2007 Collection Jrs BOYS GIRLS YOUTH =fikf[XpËjpfle^\i^fc]\ij# k_\i\Ëjefk_`e^hl`k\XjZffcXj cffb`e^c`b\X^ifnelg#Y\`k dfd#[X[#fiX]Xmfi`k\Kfli gcXp\i%K_\Xcce\nN`cjfeJkX]] Ale`fi\hl`gd\ekj\i`\j[\c`m\ij \oXZkcpk_Xkn`k_j\kj[\j`^e\[ jg\Z`ÔZXccp]fipfle^\ijn`e^j% :fdgc\d\ek\[Ypgi\d`ld XZZ\jjfi`\j#k_\N`cjfeJkX]] ale`fic`e\`jk_\Y\jknXpkf ^\kk_\djkXik\[% ProStaff ® Junior Package Set Using the design technologies used in the adult ProStaff set, this set includes each type of club the beginner golfer will need and a lightweight stand bag with padded double shoulder straps. Set Configuration Wood, Hybrid, Irons (5 and 7), Sand Wedge, Putter, Bag and Headcovers G6208 Pro Staff ® Jr. Pkg Set Lg RH G6209 Pro Staff ® Jr. Pkg Set Sm RH G6302 Pro Staff ® Jr. Pkg Set Lg LH Jr. Boys Package Set (suggested ages 9-11) Set Configuration 15˚ driver, 25˚ fairway wood, 31˚ hybrid, 6 & 8 Irons, Wedge, all-graphite shafts, Putter, Stand bag R7360 Wilson Staff Jr. Pkg Set - RH CLUB SETS Juniors | 42, 43 Jr. Girls Package Set (suggested ages 9-11) Youth Package Set (suggested ages 6-8) Set Configuration 15˚ driver, 25˚ fairway wood, 31˚ hybrid, 6 & 8 Irons, Wedge, all-graphite shafts, Putter, Stand bag Set Configuration 18˚ driver (graphite shaft) 6-Iron, Wedge, Putter, Stand bag R7361 Wilson Staff Jr. Girls - RH R7362 Wilson Staff Youth - RH It’s A Girl Thing™ Package Set Rookie Tour™ Package Set Using the same fun attitude of Rookie Tour, It’s a Girl Thing Junior package set is targeted more toward a girl’s taste and interests. Lightweight stand bag uses stylish color scheme, has numerous pockets and durable construction. This great starter set provides Junior golfers the right equipment to assure they will have a good experience. Lightweight stand bag uses bright fun colors and rugged material for reliable durability. Set Configuration Driver, Iron, Wedge, Putter, Stand bag and Headcovers G1261 It’s A Girl Thing™ Pkg Set Set Configuration Driver, Iron, Wedge and Putter Lightweight double strap bag Large (54” - 60”) RH G1401 Rookie Tour Package Set Stock # Description Sugg List MEN’S IRONS R1384 R1384 R1384 L R1304 R1304 L R1385 R1385 L R1305 R1305 L Di7 Men’s RH - #4-GW, Uniflex Steel Shaft - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s RH - #4-GW, Uniflex Steel Shaft - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s LH - #4-GW, Uniflex Steel Shaft - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s RH - #4-GW, Uniflex Graphite Shaft - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s LH - #4-GW, Uniflex Graphite Shaft - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand - pg. 4-5 Di7 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand - pg. 4-5 $699.99 $699.99 $699.99 $99.99 $99.99 $799.99 $799.99 $119.99 $119.99 R1382 R1382 L R1302 R1302 L R1383 R1383 L R1303 R1303 L Ci6 Men’s RH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s LH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s RH - #3-PW A, R, S, X Flex - Graphite Shaft - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s LH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Graphite Shaft - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s RH - Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 6-7 Ci6 Men’s LH - Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 6-7 $799.99 $799.99 $99.99 $99.99 $899.99 $899.99 $119.99 $119.99 R1380 R1380 L R1300 R1300 L Pi5 Men’s RH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft - pg. 8 Pi5 Men’s LH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft - pg. 8 Pi5 Men’s RH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 8 Pi5 Men’s LH - #2 R & S, Gap, Sand, Lob - pg. 8 $899.99 $899.99 $129.99 $129.99 R1180 Fi5 Men’s RH - #3-PW R, S, X Flex - Steel Shaft - pg. 9 $999.99 Stock # Description R8354 R8358 R8355 R8360 R8359 R8356 R8361 R8357 R8364 L Kc-1 - RH Heel/Toe heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-1 - LH Heel/Toe heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-2 - RH Semi Mallet/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-2 - RH Semi Mallet/Center shaft, 33’ 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-2 - LH Semi Mallet/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-3 RH Mallett/Heel Shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-3 RH Mallett/Center Shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-4 OS RH Blob/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Kc-4 OS LH Blob/Heel shaft, 33”, 34”, 35” - pg. 14 Sugg List D7400 D7401 D7402 D7403 D7420 D7421 D7422 D7424 D7425 D7426 D7427 D7431 D7432 D7433 D7437 D7438 Harmonized MRH Classic Mallet Putter #740 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Extreme Heel Toe Putter #741 - pg. 27 Harmonized MLH Extreme Heel Toe Putter #742 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Classic Blade Putter #743 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Cavity Blade Putter #744 Center Shafted - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Cavity Blade Putter #745 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Classic Mallet Putter #746 Center Shafted - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Modern Mallet Putter #424 Center Shafted - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH “T” Alignment Mallet Putter #425 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Cresent Moon Mallet Putter #426 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Center Wide Flange Putter #427 - pg. 27 HarmonizedMRH Tail Lights Putter #428 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Semi Mallet Putter #430 - pg. 27 Harmonized MLH Rocker Blade Putter #431 Center Shafted - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH Double Wide Heel Toe Putter #466 - pg. 27 Harmonized MRH “Bar” Alignment Mallet Putter #488 - pg. 27 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 D8839 Augusta Putter MRH - not pictured $29.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 MEN’S WOODS MEN’S CLUB SETS W7108 W7110 W7111 Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 8.5° R, S, Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 10 Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 10.0° A, R, S, Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 10 Dd6 Men’s RH Driver 11.5° Driver A,R Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 10 $399.99 $399.99 $399.99 W7415 W7419 Df6 Men’s RH #3 Fairway wood 15.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 11 Df6 Men’s RH #5 Fairway wood 19.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 11 $199.99 $199.99 W6419 W6422 W6425 Dh6 Men’s RH #3 Hybrid - 19.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 11 Dh6 Men’s RH #4 Hybrid - 22.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 11 Dh6 Men’s RH #5 Hybrid - 25.0° R, S Flex - NVS Shaft - pg. 11 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 D8543 D8544 D8545 D8546 D8547 Pro Staff Driver MRH - Pro Launch - pg. 20 Pro Staff #3 Wood MRH - Pro Launch - pg. 20 Pro Staff #5 Wood MRH - Pro Launch - pg. 20 Pro Staff #3 Hybrid MRH - 16° - Pro Launch - pg. 20 Pro Staff #4 Hybrid MRH - 19° - Pro Launch - pg. 20 D8548 D8553 D8554 D8549 D8555 Ultra MRH - Driver - pg. 25 Ultra MRH - #3 Wood - pg. 25 Ultra MRH - #5 Wood - pg. 25 Ultra MRH - #3 Hybrid - pg. 25 Ultra MRH - #4Hybrid 4 - pg. 25 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 MEN’S WEDGES W8677 W8677 L W8690 W8691 W8691 L W8678 W8679 W8679 L FW6 Men’s RH Gap Wedge 52° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s LH Gap Wedge 52° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 58° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 60° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s LH Lob Wedge 60° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s RH SandWedge 54° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s RH Sand Wedge 56° - pg. 13 FW6 Men’s LH Sand Wedge 56° - pg. 13 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 W8692 W8693 W8694 W8694 L W8695 W8696 W8696 L TW7 Men’s RH Gap Wedge 52° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s RH Sandwedge Wedge 54° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s RH Sandwedge Wedge 56° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s LH Sandwedge Wedge 56° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 58° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s RH Lob Wedge 60° - pg. 12 TW7 Men’s LH Lob Wedge 60° - pg. 12 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 D8658 D8659 D8661 D8200 D8201 D8002 D8003 D8650 D8653 D8665 D8666 D8670 D8735 D8679 D8680 D8681 D8682 Harmonized Black Chrome MRH - Sand Wedge - 55° - pg. 27 Harmonized Black Chrome MRH - Lob Wedge - 60° - pg. 27 Harmonized Black Chrome MRH - Gap Wedge - 52° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MLH - Sand Wedge - 55° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MLH - Lob Wedge - 60° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead LRH - Sand Wedge - 55° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead LRH - Lob Wedge - 60° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MRH - Pitching Wedge - 50° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MRH - Gap Wedge - 52° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MRH - Lob Wedge - 60° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead MRH - Trouble Wedge - 64° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead LRH - Sand Wedge 55° - pg. 27 Harmonized Glass Bead Wedge - 56° - pg. 27 Harmonized Forged Brass MRH Sand Wedge - 55° - pg. 27 Harmonized Forged Brass MRH Lob Wedge - 60° - pg. 27 Harmonized Forged Brass MRH Trouble Wedge - 64° - pg. 27 Harmonized Forged Brass MRH Pitching Wedge - 50° - pg. 27 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 D8643 D8683 Sandy Andy MRH - Sand Wedge - not pictured Sany Andy MRH - Lob Wedge - not pictured $39.00 $39.00 MEN’S PUTTERS W8861 W8861 L W8862 W8871 W8871 L W8875 W8875 L 8800 Series Putter - MRH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35”- pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MLH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MRH Heel/Toe Blade - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MRH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MLH OS Compact Mallet - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MRH OS Back Weight Mallet - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 8800 Series Putter - MLH OS Back Weight Mallet - 34”, 35” - pg. 15 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 G6007 G6008 G6205 Pro Staff 360 MRH Set - 1-3-5, Hybrid 3-4, 5-PW - Steel - pg. 21 Pro Staff 360 MRH Set Long - 1-3-5, Hybrid 3-4, 5-PW - Steel - pg. 21 Pro Staff 360 MLH Set - 1-3-5, Hybrid 3-4, 5-PW - pg. 21 $399.99 $399.99 G6102 Ultra Comp Package Set MRH - 3 wds, 1 hybrid, 5- PW, Putter, Bag, Headcover - Graphite irons - pg. 24 $299.99 G6108 Deep Red Package Set MRH - not pictured $499.00 G6309 Power Source Package Set MRH - not pictured $399.99 WP141* WC083* WC086* WR365 WR315 WA459 WA460 WR321L WR318 WR319 WR324 WR341 WR340L WR331 WA461 WR376 WR421 WR423 WP110 WP117 WP111 WP112 WP113 WP118 Fifty - Dozen - White - pg. 16 $19.99 $37.99 Tx4 - Dozen - White - pg. 17 $34.99 Px3 - Dozen - White - pg. 17 $14.99 Pro Staff 360 Tour Performance 15 ball White - pg. 22 $14.99 Pro Staff 360 Max Distance - 15 ball - White - pg. 22 $14.99 Pro Staff 360 Max Distance - 15 ball - Nu-Clear Orange - pg. 23 $14.99 Pro Staff 360 Max Distance - 15 ball - Nu Clear Yellow - pg. 22 --Pro Staff 360 Max Distance -12 ball-White -logo only - not pictured $14.99 Pro Staff 360 Straight Distance - 15 ball - white - pg. 22 --Pro Staff 360 Shipper-4 ball slvs (8 slvs each sku) - pg. 22 --Pro Staff Max Jar Ball (24 balls) - not pictured 12.99 Ultra Ultimate 15 ball - White - pg. 26 --Ultra Ultimate 12 ball - White - logo only - not pictured 12.99 Ultra Straight - 15 ball - White - pg. 26 24.99 Ultra Ultimate 24 ball Dump - White - pg. 26 --SmartCore Straight Distance - 15 ball - white - not pictured 24.99 Original Titanium Straight Distance - Dbl Dz - not pictured --Sponge Bob 6 ball pack - not pictured --W/S Premium Range, White - not pictured --W/S Premium Range, White (Red Stripe) - not pictured --W/S Premium Range, Yellow - not pictured --W/S Limited Range, White - not pictured --W/S Limited Range, Yellow - not pictured --W/S Floating Range, White - not pictured *Available for logo JA000 JA001 JA002 JA010 JA011 JA012 Tour Soft Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL - pg. 16 Tour Soft Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL - pg. 16 Tour Soft Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L XL - pg. 16 Pro Soft Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL - pg. 16 Pro Soft Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL - pg. 16 Pro Soft Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L XL - pg. 16 JA076 JA077 JA078 JA082F* JA083F* JA084F* JA079F* JA080F* JA081F* Pro Staff Ti Men’s LH - S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL - pg. 22 Pro Staff Ti Men’s RH - S, M, ML, L, XL - pg. 22 Pro Staff Ti Men’s LH Cadet - S, M, ML, L XL - pg. 22 Pro Staff LH -S-M-ML-L-XL-XXL - not pictured Pro Staff RH -S-M-ML-L-XL- not pictured Pro Staff LHC -S-M-ML-L-XXL- not pictured Pro Staff Ti LH -S-M-ML-L-XL-XXL - pg. 22 Pro Staff Ti RH -S-M-ML-L-XL - pg. 22 Pro Staff Ti LHC -S-M-ML-L-XXL - pg. 22 MEN’S BALLS MEN’S GLOVES $25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $21.99 $21.99 $21.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 * (Logo Only) MEN’S CAPS W9934 W9935 W9936 W9931 W9872 W9873 W9927 W9928 RR100 W/S Pro Structured Cap - Black Chrome - 1/2 dz. - pg.16 W/S Pro Structured Cap - Dark Red - 1/2 dz. - pg.16 W/S Pro Structured Cap - Black Dark Red - 1/2 dz. - pg.16 Wilson Staff Pro - Structured Cap - Dark Red - 1/2 dz. - pg.16 Wilson Staff Pro - Relaxed Cap - Black/Chrome 1/2 dz. - pg.16 Wilson Staff Pro - Relaxed Cap - Stone/Dark Red 1/2 dz. - pg.16 Wilson Staff Visor - Stone/Dark Red 1/2 dz. - pg.17 Wilson Staff Visor - Black/Dark Red 1/2 dz. - pg.17 Wilson Staff Fitted Cap Solid 2 Black/Deep Red, 2 Black/Gold, 2 Khaki/Black - pg.17 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 Stock # Description Sugg List Stock # MEN’S ACCESSORIES Description Sugg List WOMEN’S BAGS W9918 W9922 Wilson Staff Tour Umbrella - 34” - pg.17 W/S Large Towel - pg.17 RR031 R0516 W9876 RR030 Den Caddy - pg.17 Travel Cover - XL - pg.17 Travel Cover - L - not pictured Back Pack - pg.17 R0915 9.5” Wilson Staff Tour Bag Black - pg.18 $399.99 RR023 RR024 RR025 W/S Levitator Cart - Black - pg.19 W/S Levitator Cart - Dark Red - pg.19 W/S Levitator Cart - Blue - pg.19 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 $19.99 $19.99 $69.99 $149.99 $99.99 $69.99 MEN’S BAGS RR027 RR028 RR029 W/S Levitator Carry - Black - pg.19 W/S Levitator Carry - Blue - pg.19 W/S Levitator Carry - Gun Metal - pg.19 $129.99 $129.99 $129.99 R0654 R0655 RR032 W/S Performance Cart Deluxe - Black - pg.18 W/S Performance Cart Deluxe - Navy - pg.18 W/S Performance Cart Deluxe - Red - pg.18 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 R0772 R0773 R0774 W/S Performance Carry - Black - pg.19 W/S Performance Carry - Blue - pg.19 W/S Performance Carry - Dark Red - pg.19 $169.99 $169.99 $99.99 RR002 RR003 RR004 RR006 RR007 RR008 RR009 Pro Staff Cart - Black/Orange - pg.23 Pro Staff Cart - Black/Lime - pg.23 Pro Staff Cart - Blue/Black - pg.23 Pro Staff Carry - Black/Grey - pg.23 Pro Staff Carry - Black/Orange - pg.23 Pro Staff Carry - Blue Black - pg.23 Pro Staff Carry - Red/Black - pg.23 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 RR013 RR014 RR015 RR033 RR017 RR018 RR019 RR034 Ultra Cart - Black/Gold - pg.26 Ultra Cart - Black/Red - pg.26 Ultra Cart - Navy/Silver - pg.26 Ultra Cart - Black - pg.26 Ultra Carry - Black/Gold - pg.26 Ultra Carry - Black/Red - pg.26 Ultra Carry - Navy/Silver - pg.26 Ultra Carry - Black - pg.26 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 RR010 RR011 RR012 X-31 Carry - Red/Grey - not pictured X-31 Carry - Black/Grey - not pictured X-31 Carry - Blue/Black - not pictured $79.99 $79.99 $79.99 R1789 R1709 Li6 RH - 4 hybrid, 5-SW - pg. 31-32 Li6 RH Gap, Lob - pg. 31-32 R0845 R0844 RR026 RR005 RR016 W/S Performance Cart Deluxe - Ladies - Black/Pink - pg. 35 W/S Performance Cart Deluxe - Ladies - Black/Navy - pg. 35 W/S Levitator Cart - Black/Pink - Ladies - pg. 34 Pro Staff Cart - Hawaii/Magenta - pg. 37 Hope Cart - Navy/Pink - pg. 41 $199.99 $199.99 $129.99 $99.99 $69.99 WOMEN’S GLOVES JA087 JA088 JA086 JA085F L Grip Soft LH - S-1, M-3, L-2 - Pink - pg. 34 L Grip Soft LH - S-1, M-3, L-2 - Blue - pg. 34 Hope LLH - S, M, L - pg. 41 Pro Staff W - LLH - S-M-L (Logo Only) - not pictured RR101 W9875 W9874 W/S Pony Cap - 3 Pink, 3 Blue - pg. 34 W/S Ladies Cap 6 Pink, 3 Blue, 3 Kiwi - pg. 34 W/S Visor - 6 Pink, 3 Blue, 3 Stone - pg. 34 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $9.99 WOMEN’S CAPS $19.99 $19.99 $39.99 WOMEN’S ACCESSORIES R0844C R0845C RR102 RR013 RR104 RR105 W9834B W9834W W9835 W9836 W/S Performance Accessory - Navy - pg. 35 W/S Performance Accessory - Black/Pink - pg. 35 W/S Ladies Umbrella - Grey - pg. 35 W/S Ladies Umbrella - Pink - pg. 35 W/S Ladies Towel - Grey - pg. 35 W/S Ladies Towel - Pink - pg. 35 Hope Visor - Blue - pg. 41 Hope Visor - White - pg. 41 Hope Umbrella - pg. 40 Hope Towel - pg. 41 R7360 R7361 R7362 G6208 G6302 G6209 G1401 G1261 W/S Junior Boys Set - Age 9-11 - pg. 42 W/S Junior Girls Set - Age 9-11 - pg. 43 W/S Youth Set - Age 6-8 - pg. 43 Pro Staff Junior Large MRH - 54” - 60” - pg. 42 Pro Staff Junior Large MLH - 54” - 60” - pg. 42 Pro Staff Junior Small MRH - 48” - 54” - pg. 42 Rookie Tour Jr. Package Set - MRH - Large - 54” - 60” - pg. 43 It’s a Girl Thing - pg. 43 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 $12.99 $12.99 $29.99 $19.99 JUNIOR CLUB SETS $299.99 $299.99 $199.99 $119.99 $119.99 $119.99 $99.99 $99.99 WOMEN’S IRONS $899.99 $129.99 WOMEN’S WOODS W6614 W6315 W6319 W6322 W6325 W6522 W6525 W6528 Ld6 RH Driver 14° - pg. 33 Lf6 RH #3 Wood - 15° - pg. 33 Lf6 RH #5 Wood - 19° - pg. 33 Lf6 RH #7 Wood - 22° - pg. 33 Lf6 RH #9 Wood - 25° - pg. 33 Lh6 RH #4 hybrid - 22° - pg. 33 Lh6 RH #5 hybrid - 25° - pg. 33 Lh6 RH #6 hybrid - 28° - pg. 33 G6004 G6203 G6200 Pro Staff LRH Set - 1-3-5-7, 4H/6-SW - pg. 36-37 Pro Staff LRH Petite - 1-3-5-7, 4H/6-SW - pg. 36-37 Pro Staff LLH Set - 1-3-5-7, 4H,6-SW - pg. 36-37 $399.99 $399.99 $399.99 G6103 G5609 D5619 1 D5619 3 D5619 5 D5609 H Hope LX Package Set - LRH - pg. 38 Hope LRH - 1, 3, 5, H, 5-SW - pg. 39 Hope LRH - Driver - pg. 39 Hope LRH - #3 Wood - pg. 39 Hope LRH - #5 Wood - pg. 39 Hope LRH - Hybrid 3 - pg. 39 $399.00 $299.99 $79.99 $79.99 $79.99 $79.99 $399.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 WOMEN’S CLUB SETS WOMEN’S PUTTERS W8871 W33 W8875 W33 D7439 D7441 8800 Series Putter - LRH OS Compact Mallet - 33” - pg. 33 8800 Series Putter - LRH OS Back Weight Mallet - 33” - pg. 33 Harmonized Hope LRH Alignment Putter - pg. 40 Harmonized Hope LRH Semi Mallet Putter - pg. 40 WA351 WA353 WA352 WA469 WA363 WA354 WA361 WA468 Hope 12 ball - Clear - pg. 40 Hope 12 ball - Orange/Yellow - pg. 41 Hope 12 ball - Pink/Clear - pg. 41 Hope 12 ball - Pink - pg. 41 Hope 6 ball - Clear - pg. 40 Hope 6 ball - Orange/Yellow - pg. 41 Hope 6 ball - Pink/Clear - pg. 41 Hope 6 ball - Pink - pg. 41 $129.99 $129.99 $39.00 $39.00 WOMEN’S BALLS $11.99 $11.99 $11.99 $11.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 Wilson Sporting Goods, Co., 8700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: 1-800-622-0444 © 2006 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Wilson, W, 1200 Gear Effect, Progressive, ProStaff, Smart Core, and Ultra are registered trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods Co. W, Wilson, Fluid Feel, Hope, Levitator, Proforce, Prostaff, Quick Hood, Staff, and Ultra are registered trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods, Co. Ergo-top, ETF, Harmonized, It’s A Girl Thing, L-pod, Muscle Back, Nano Ti, Nanalon, and Rookie Tour are trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods, Co. Dynamic Gold is a registered trademark and True Temper is a trademark of Emhart Industries, Inc. Esquire is a registered trademark of Hearst Corporation. Golf Magazine is a registered trademark of Time4 Media, Inc. Golf Digest is a registered trademark of Conde Net, Inc. Golf Pride and Tour Velvet are registered trademarks of Eaton Corporation. Grafalloy, and Micro-Mesh are registered trademarks and Prolaunch Blue is a trademark of Grafalloy Corporation. LPGA is a registered trademark of the Ladies Professional Golf Association. PGA is a registered trademark of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America. Swivlemax is a registered trademark of i-Concept International Limited. Tungsten Weighing is a registered trademark of Slotline Golf Corp. USGA is a registered trademark of the United States Golf Association. WINN is a registered trademark of Winn, Inc. BCRF is a trademark and Prevention and Cure in our Lifetime is registered trademark of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. UST is a trademark of United Sports Technologies, Inc. 06-1003/06-0746/20M/08.06 N`cjfeJgfik`e^>ff[j:f% /.''N%9ipeDXni8m\%#:_`ZX^f%@C-'-*( ($/''$-))$'+)) n`cjfe^fc]%Zfd
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