Saskatchewan Oil Œ Hot Plays
Saskatchewan Oil Œ Hot Plays
Saskatchewan Oil – Hot Plays Melinda Yurkowski, P.Geo Saskatchewan Geological Survey Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources April 18, 2012 ~ 570,000 km2 of Phanerozoic cover Total volume estimated at 687750 km3 Over 35 Formations/Members produce Oil and Gas pools Depth of reservoirs ranging in depth from 415 to 2900 meters. HUDSON BAY ALBERTA BASIN ALBERTA MANITOBA EDMONTON SASKATCHEWAN PRINCE ALBERT SASKATOON CALGARY REGINA WINNIPEG Sw Ar eetg ch ras s MONTANA BRANDON WILLISTON BASIN HELENA BISMARCK NORTH DAKOTA PIERRE SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING Viking Shaunavon Bakken Birdbear Hot Plays…. Bakken…. Bakken Image modified from Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan From: The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan at Bakken Stratigraphy Bakken Depositional Model: Prograding Delta: Forced or Normal Regression? 1.) Unit A deposited in a prograding, regressive setting 2.) Continued regression and erosion of Unit ‘A’ proximal prodelta deposits, and deposition of the unit ‘B’ delta-front sediments. 3.) Unit C deposited in a transgressive setting Unit B Isopach R25 R24 R23 R22 R21 R20 R19 R18 R17 R16 R15 R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 R8 R9 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R2 R1W2 R33 R32 R31 R30W1 T16 T16 T15 T15 T14 T14 T13 14m Horseshoe pattern T13 T12 Viewfield T12 T11 13m 12m 11m T11 T10 T10 T9 10m 9m 8m T9 T8 T8 T7 7m 6m 5m T7 T6 4m T6 T5 3m 2m T5 T4 1m T4 T3 T3 T2 T2 T1 T1 R25 R24 R23 0 R22 10 R21 R20 R19 20 30 40 Kilometres R18 R17 R16 R15 R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 R9 R8 Contour Interval = 50m R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1W2 R34 R33 Bakken Producing Wells R32 R31 R30W1 0m Viking…. Image modified from Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan 65 60 60 Viking Isopach 55 55 20 50 50 45 45 55 40 40 50 Viking Production 35 45 35 30 40 30 35 25 25 20 30 20 20 20 20 25 20 15 15 20 20 15 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 1 1 30W3 0 25W3 25 50 20W3 75 KILOMETRES 100 15W3 125 10W3 5W3 30W2 25W2 20W2 15W2 10W2 5W2 34W1 30W1 2 Viking Oil Play Viking 01/05-33-30-22W3M 694.7m Complex Geology: Cretaceous fine grained sandstones and highly bioturbated muddy sandstones; highly bioturbated; multiple sea level rises and falls, regressive surfaces of erosion merging with transgressive surfaces of erosion Oil Density: 840 KG/m3 (API ~ 36 ) – Light Oil Production since 1950’s - Oil recovery factors are low (5-15%), but has a large oil-in-place potential Production Since 2007 –over 866 horizontal wells with, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing drilled in areas of the reservoir where it was thought to have been depleted through vertical wells T35 T30 AB SK T25 R25 R20 R15W3 Viking Opportunities • Proven initial oil-in place: • 2.3 billion barrels • Recoverable Reserves based on ‘old school’ technology (vertical wells and waterflood): • 214 million barrels (9 per cent) • Over 2 billion barrels presently unrecoverable • Shallow target (600-700 metres) of 36° API oil • Existing infrastructure Shaunavon…. Image modified from Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan 101-16-23-010-19W3 USHVN coquina Shaunavon Reservoirs 05-31-011-18W3 L SHNVN moldic porosity 101-16-23-010-19W3 USHVN xbedded sst Shaunavon Formation production occurs along a linear trend (Shaunavon Oil Field Trend), which extends from Township 2-18 with most of the production centered around Ranges 1820 West of the Third Meridian Initially renewed interest targeted the lower member, but now a lot of the interest has shifted back to the upper member, as well as the opportunity for multi zone production (both upper and lower) In the last five years , horizontal wells in the Shaunavon have produced around 12.3 million barrels of oil, and over 450 wells were drilled to exploit the clastic/carbonate upper member of the formation. Upper Shaunavon Oil Play The Shaunavon: Isopach Upper Shaunavon Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate reservoir – shallow marine (coquina), and clastic channel deposits To the end of 2011, there have been 2,748 wells drilled into and at some time produced from the Shaunavon. Total production is around 387 million barrels of 22 API oil. Production as of May 2011 is approximately 375 million barrels (59.6x106m3), accounting for 99% of the production from the Shaunavon Formation Typical porosity is 15-25%; permeability varies from generally 10md to greater than a Darcy Isopach Lower Shaunavon Carbonate reservoir – oolitic & fossiliferous shoals found in upper few metres – porosity is vuggy to mouldic Porosity ranges from 15-28%; permeabilities from core analysis range from generally less than a millidarcy, but can be up to 564md Since 2007, over 210 horizontal wells have been drilled into the low permeability reservoirs of the Lower Shaunavon, with production totaling over 4.26 million barrels Birdbear…. Image modified from Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan Sub-Mesozoic Unconformity Subcrop Map near Unity Saskatchewan Pay Zone of well 12-4-39-27W3 subcrop play of wireline and core Picture taken at 751.5m Perf. Zone 750m-753m • Porosity ranges from 10-24%, average 20% • K90 Permeability as high as 307mD • Cumm. Production 10,100 bbl. of API 12 oil Thin sections Well: 14-2-32-23W3 • inter-particle porosity • enhanced porosity by dissolution 3mm field of view 1.3mm field of view Pay Zone of well 14-2-32-23W3 “Off-bank” play wireline and core Picture taken at 911.5m Perf. Zone 910.5m-913.5m •Porosity ranges from 11-27%, average 19% • K90 Permeability as high as 1730 mD • Cumm. Production 17,600 bbl, of API 9.6 oil Number of Wells Drilled in the last five years that have Oil Production Number of Wells Drilled in the last five years that have Oil Production Saskatchewan Workhorses…. Mississippian & Mannville Cumulative Oil Production by 2011 Current Monthly Oil Production (Oct. 2011) (Cubic Metres) (Million Cubic Metres) 0 50 100 150 Midale 189.8 69.4 Sparky 0 200 Sparky Frobisher-Alida 65.7 Waseca Waseca 57.2 Viking Bakken 56.9 Cumming Upper Shaunavon 56.8 Frobisher 27.5 Viking Alida 21.5 Tilston 17.5 General Petroleums 16.3 Lloydminster 15.2 Basal Mannville 15.0 Mclaren 13.7 All Mississippian - 328.7 Million Cubic Metres 300,000 379373 Midale 66.2 42.9 200,000 Bakken Roseray Frobisher 100,000 273229 198156 178425 103898 96045 88713 Frobisher-Alida 79721 Rosery 78044 Colony 61356 U. Shaunavon 61085 G.P. 56089 Manville 53356 Mclaren 47062 All Mississippian - 510,476 Cubic Metres Shaunavon 46349 Cantuar 12.9 Mannville12.7 Cummings12.5 Ratcliffe11.3 All Mannville – 235.4 Million Cubic Metres Cumming/Dina 44060 Lloydminster 43124 Tilston36296 L. Shaunvon34301 Dina10.5 Alida32517 All Mannville – 777,673 Cubic Metres 400,000 Mississippian Subcrop Map Intriguing plays…. Cumulative Oil Production by 2011 Current Monthly Oil Production (Oct. 2011) (Cubic Metres) (Million Cubic Metres) 0 50 100 150 Midale 189.8 69.4 Sparky 0 200 Sparky Frobisher-Alida 65.7 Waseca Waseca 57.2 Viking Bakken 56.9 Cumming Upper Shaunavon 56.8 Frobisher 27.5 Viking Alida 21.5 Tilston 17.5 General Petroleums 16.3 Lloydminster 15.2 Basal Mannville 15.0 Mclaren 13.7 All Mississippian - 328.7 Million Cubic Metres 300,000 379373 Midale 66.2 42.9 200,000 Bakken Roseray Frobisher 100,000 273229 198156 178425 103898 96045 88713 Frobisher-Alida 79721 Rosery 78044 Colony 61356 U. Shaunavon 61085 G.P. 56089 Manville 53356 Mclaren 47062 All Mississippian - 510,476 Cubic Metres Shaunavon 46349 Cantuar 12.9 Mannville12.7 Cummings12.5 Ratcliffe11.3 All Mannville – 235.4 Million Cubic Metres Cumming/Dina 44060 Lloydminster 43124 Tilston36296 L. Shaunvon34301 Dina10.5 Alida32517 All Mannville – 777,673 Cubic Metres 400,000 Number of Wells Drilled in the last five years that have Oil Production Red River Producers T10 R20 R10 R1W2 Kilometres Miles 110° 00' 10 9°0 0' 20 0 20 20 60 80 100 40 20 1 08° 00' 5 7°0 0' 40 0 1 07 °00 ' 120 140 160 80 60 180 Kilometres 100 120 Miles 1 02° 00' 1 03 °00' 1 04 °00 ' 1 05 °00 ' 106 °00 ' 57° 00' ISOPACH MAP S O 00 OF THE U 0 T 0 H 0 0 RED RIVER STRATA E 0 IN SASKATCHEWAN R 56 °00' 0 N 56°0 0' Contour Interval = 5 m E PETROLEUM GEOLOGY BRANCH D G O 00 F Ile-a-la-Crosse P 0 R E C A M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5°00 ' 0 0 BR I A N La Ronge 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flin Flon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55°0 0' S H I E L D 0 0 0 64 • To June 2011, Red River reservoirs have produced 4 million m3 (25.2 million bbls) of oil from 201 wells; average single well production is 20 x1000 m3 (125.8 million bbls). E 0 0 63 P M EN T CAR 0 0 0 0 E LAK 0 M EA DOW 0 0 59 6 38 37 25 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 Meadow Lake 0 54 °00 ' 58 ES 10 14 0 0 62 61 60 0 23 0 41 37 22 30 10 24 30 45 46 48 42 15 40 56 55 38 35 35 37 42 37 47 34 52 36 25 40 40 49 53 52 46 51 53 57 57 59 North Battleford 59 Melfort 44 41 46 53° 00' 51 5 41 41 47 49 46 0 45 48 52 Prince Albert 45 41 50 53 51 48 37 47 Hudson Bay 55 43 45 44 55 50 47 42 43 65 55 44 43 41 45 5 59 6 43 51 54 49 37 35 55 52 52 47 36 48 52 52 39 38 34 34 49 51 45 35 Lloydminster 53 51 45 39 37 5 3°00 ' 54 38 40 35 51 50 °000'' 54 5 4°0 49 39 33 5 54 53 52 43 48 40 32 25 44 49 51 48 32 20 19 45 49 48 40 36 56 55 47 48 50 36 25 42 0 41 40 43 43 39 40 70 56 54 41 38 39 44 64 38 55 37 44 36 39 34 40 59 49 45 41 52 °00 ' 35 Saskatoon 48 41 37 75 50 40 39 40 80 70 49 48 53 65 57 46 46 60 33 78 69 32 82 80 47 31 72 53 55 30 70 60 56 52 90 72 29 56 56 47 5 85 60 68 59 63 25 57 25 24 8 57 0 23 5 1°0 0' 58 22 59 56 51 95 83 62 22 110 71 60 21 26 101 100 73 57 55 23 97 Yorkton 90 74 55 5 1°0 0' 27 89 62 24 28 95 54 26 92 5 49 MAN ITOB A 30 29 28 27 21 84 116 61 83 63 64 51 50 Swift Current 47 68 105 73 95 85 72 86 89 64 11 101 102 102 101 104 106 104 103 104 106 101 105 87 86 70 84 55 96 67 71 67 63 71 89 84 57 1 85 84 71 65 72 77 70 82 88 64 65 74 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 109 °00 ' 20 19 18 W3 17 16 15 14 1 08°0 0' 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 10 7°00 ' 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 10 6°0 0' 28 95 103 27 Range 100 26 25 W2 24 23 22 10 5°0 0' 102 21 5 101 101 102 98 92 75 21 88 107 94 98 97 98 99 95 95 95 96 92 95 96 98 96 98 97 97 93 72 64 53 29 61 61 57 54 91 87 110 110 109 105 104 20 107 110 118 108 115 110 111 117 117 108 110 119 113 110 117 17 MONTANA 118 118 114 123 125 11 134 125 120 16 15 14 1 04 °00 ' 131 6 131 154 135 142 140 129 4 146 133 158 NORTH DAKOTA 7 8 103 °00 ' 3 160 154 140 9 5 145 135 10 7 143 130 Estevan 13 12 149 128 130 160 6 5 166 4 3 2 2 154 157 1 34 33 102 °00 ' 1 145 166 152 138 11 8 142 137 133 136 141 138 123 9 138 143 124 126 131 130 131 123 49°0 0' 10 136 139 135 121 111 12 50 °00 ' 128 127 109 105 138 115 127 101 101 19 18 117 119 117 116 118 118 115 118 116 119 113 121 115 115 118 112 116 124123 115 117 120 121 106 90 91 91 84 65 60 61 0 88 88 77 62 86 3 Weyburn106108 114 11 5 82 77 62 55 54 60 55 94 93 94 130 116 117 117 115 95 63 61 6 5 101 81 88 106 58 60 79 64 90 7 61 13 130 106 108 108 111 116 120 107 109 112 116 120 111 117 111 108 117 117 109 1 64 14 132 127 106 100 95 56 8 100 78 55 9 15 131 124 66 66 51 10 16 127 60 49 50 °00' 12 17 123 113 85 55 13 18 122 85 0 55 49 2 19 120 14 52 63 122 117 50 15 Moose Jaw 62 50 50 50 Regina 1 50 65 47 16 75 60 60 53 80 18 4 20 119 118 17 14 117 Township 61 49 117 117 112 70 19 1 10 20 Township 34 80 59 58 56 50 82 71 50 31 66 67 55 32 30 110 °00' 35 5 2°0 0' 48 33 49 °00 ' 36 76 52 ALB ERTA 67 49 32 W1 31 30 • remain under-explored with only 674 wells penetrating the Red River in southeastern Saskatchewan (Tp1-23; Rge 30W1-30W2). 3 Types of Reservoirs: Longview Flat Lake 1-14-1-17W2 3087m Laminated dolomicrite reservoir in LONGVIEW FLAT LAKE 1-14-117 9 (used to be Lake Alma 114): produced 44,291 m3 oil, 78,305 m3 water in 7750 DOP from 1963 to 2006. Longview et al Midale V1U 12-2-7-11W2 Transitional facies. include oolitic grainstones, bioclastic grainstones/packston es, and thromboid and stromatoporoid boundstones. This well has produced 26496.3 m3 oil and 79596.5 m3 of water in 4204 DOP to Jan. 1, 2012. 3 Types of Reservoirs: NRK Minton 2HZ 1A13-26-2D11-26-3-21W2 Yeoman burrowmottled dolostone (Tyndall Stone equivalent) produced 421,359 m3 of oil and 133,275 m3 of water in 3162 DOP to Jan. 1, 2012 (from Yeoman facies as well as the transitional and Lake Alma facies). Petroleum Geologists SGS Thank you!
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