OVK ONLINEREPORT 2013/01 Overview of figures and trends f t he results o e iv s ” lu c Ex Cr unchy o c o h C “ Leibniz s tud y CONTENTS Foreword Comparative study of online advertising 3 4 6 Online advertising according to sector 10 Monthly development of gross advertising investment 12 Top 10 online advertising formats 13 Trends in online advertising formats 14 Reach of the Internet in Germany 15 Reach of mobile Internet in Germany 16 Reach of the OVK marketers 17 Reach of online media in an average month 18 Reach of online media in an average week 19 Online activities of Internet users 20 Overview of potential customers to reach online by sector 21 Open-mindedness to advertising 22 Brand awareness 23 Study of advertising effects of digital cross media by MAC and OVK 25 Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the BVDW 30 Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V. 32 Working Group for Online Media Research (AGOF) e.V. 33 Online media planning with AGOF 34 Notes on the AGOF method 35 Notes on the methodology of the OVK advertising statistics 36 Publishing information 38 5 Foreword Dear readers, The ongoing digitalisation of the media landscape was reflected again in In view of the positive market dynamics, the Circle of Online Marketers 2012 in increasing online advertising sales. Moreover, the willingness of (OVK) in the BVDW again anticipates an increase in online advertising advertisers to invest even exceeded the forecast from the beginning of investment in 2013. Assuming the forecast growth rate of 11 percent, the year. After the growth forecast was raised by one percentage point the gross advertising volume would exceed the 7 billion-euro barrier to 12 percent in the summer following the positive performance in the for the first time ever in 2013, and so would emphasise once again the first six months, the OVK advertising statistics at year-end 2012 even growing relevance of online advertising. registered growth of +13 percent. We hope you enjoy reading the OVK Online Report 2013/01. Paul Mudter, Chairman of the OVK In the process, online advertising spending smashed the 6 billion-euro barrier for the first time in 2012 and even set a new record with an Paul Mudter advertising volume of 6.47 billion euros. With a current share of 21.8 Chairman of the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) percent of the gross advertising pie, the Internet has consolidated its position as the second strongest medium in the media mix. It would now be inconceivable to omit an interactive dialogue with target audiences from any integral marketing strategy. The diagram on page 13 of this report shows you how the variety of large-scale advertising formats, which permit an eye-catching and multimedia approach to the users, play a crucial role. Another reason for the cross-sector use of online advertising – both on the stationary and the mobile Internet – is the rapidly growing transparency with regard to the achievable communication performance. The most recent example of this is the study of advertising effects involving various marketers, which was carried out by the Mobile Advertising (MAC) unit and the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) under the auspices of the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW). This study analysed for the first time the effect that a combined online and mobile campaign has on the users. We present to you the central results of this cross-media effects study on pages 25 to 29. 7 COMPAR ATIVE STUDY OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Online advertising investments pass far beyond the 6 billion-euro mark in 2012 In a comparison of the individual segments, conventional online advertising continued to account for the majority of gross investments in 2012. At 3.78 billion euros, it registered the highest value of the three segments under consideration and achieved a growth rate of 15 percent compared to the previous year – which corresponds In 2012, the online The online advertising market in Germany did not show any signs of to an absolute gain of 489 million euros. Search term marketing is advertising market set a an economic slowdown in 2012, and in fact it grew once again: The ranked in second place with advertising investments worth 2.28 new record with a total gross advertising volume for conventional online advertising, search billion euros and a growth rate of 10 percent compared to 2011. value of 6.47 billion term marketing and affiliate networks reached 6.47 billion euros, Affiliate networks came third in the ranking with an identical growth euros, which once again its highest-ever level, and so achieved a growth rate of 13 percent rate of 10 percent, corresponding to 411 million euros. confirmed its great compared to the previous year. It is not possible to compare with the relevance. years before 2011 due to an adjustment in the methods applied, in In view of the ongoing, strong performance of the online advertising which new assessment conventions were introduced for the Perfor- market, the Circle of Online Marketers anticipates a positive growth mance Campaigns sub-segment. This is clearly shown in the graphics rate again in 2013. Taking the currently extremely high starting point through appropriate labelling. into account, the OVK predicts moderate growth of 11 percent for the overall online advertising market for 2013. In that case, the OVK advertising statistics 2010 to 2012 with forecasts for 2013 in million euros by segments (methodological breakdown 2011) 8.000 Million euros 7.000 5.357 (+26 %) 339 (+10 %) 6.000 5.000 4.000 1.867 (+15 %) 5.736 374 (+10 %) 6.470 (+13%) 411 (+10 %) 1.000 An increase of 10 percent to 2.51 billion euros is forecast for search term marketing and a growth of 7 percent to 440 million euros is 2.512 (+10 %) anticipated for affiliate networks. 2.076 (+11 %) 3.286 and the largest spending volume with over 12 percent and a total of 4.23 billion euros in the segment of conventional online advertising. 7.180 (+11 %) 440 (+7 %) If the forecast volume of 7.18 billion euros for 2013 is achieved, the 4.228 (+12 %) 3.151 (+35 %) 7 billion euros in 2013. The Circle anticipates the strongest growth 2.284 (+10 %) 3.000 2.000 gross advertising volume of Internet advertising would stand at over online advertising market would have grown by approximately 25 3.775 (+15 %) percent since 2011, which corresponds to a gain in gross advertising investments of 1.44 billion euros – impressive proof of the relevance 0 of the Internet as a media offering. OVK statistics 2010 OVK statistics 2011 OVK statistics 2012 OVK forecast 2013 339 374 411 440 m Search term marketing 1.867 2.076 2.284 2.512 m Conventional online advertising 3.151 3.286 3.775 4.228 m Affiliate networks Sources: OVK (extrapolation of figures for conventional online advertising from 75 to 100% and total market for online advertising, forecasts), Nielsen (data as of January 2013; collection of data for conventional online advertising at advertising slot level, adjusted by a proportion from search term marketing) /// Data for the German market 9 COMPAR ATIVE STUDY OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Over a fifth of the gross advertising pie is attributed to online advertising Another decisive success factor is the range of versatile initiatives in the area of advertising effect research – such as the cross-marketer study of mobile and online advertising presented from page 25 of this OVK Report. Thanks to this type of study initiative, advertisers can understand in detail the selective effects of advertising for the various With a share of 21.8 In 2012 over a fifth of gross advertising investments – with a share of brand dimensions in individual media channels. Such knowledge about percent, the Internet 21.8 percent – was attributed to the Internet. As a result, the online the generated effect permits an accurate cost-benefit analysis of the occupies second place medium extended its share by 2.2 percentage points in the past year invested budget and in particular strengthens the trust of the market behind TV and so and consolidated its strong position in the media mix. partners in digital channels. underlines its significant role in the communica- At the same time, the Internet gained further ground on the leading tions mix. advertising medium, TV (38.2 percent): Whereas TV still held a lead of 18.4 percentage points in 2011, it was only 16.4 percentage points in 2012. The shares of the advertising media in third and fourth Forecast for the gross advertising pie as a time comparison 100 % 4.4 % places, namely newspapers (17 percent) and magazines (12 percent), 12.8 % declined from the levels of the previous year. The delta with regard to the Internet increased correspondingly, as newspapers fell back by 75 % 18.5 % 4.8 percentage points and consumer publications by 9.8 percentage points. The shares for radio, posters and trade publications are all in 5.0 % the single-figure percentage range. 1.4 % 4.4 % 12.0 % 17.0 % 5.2 % 1.4 % Trade publications Posters Consumer publications 50 % Newspapers The composition of the gross advertising pie for 2012 reflects the 38.0 % structural changes that have taken place in the composition of the media mix. The Internet has become an indispensable and core component of an integrated communication strategy. Advertisers 38.2 % Radio 25 % TV appreciate the Internet as a transparent and efficient advertising medium, which provides scope for innovative campaigns as the basis for long-term brand communication. USPs such as innovative technologies, the variety of large-scale advertising formats, the direct customer dialogue with no media discontinuity, as well as real-time control possibilities that are in tune with the requirements of Internet users, all combine to make the Internet even more popular in comparison with the conventional media. 19.6 % 21.8 % Internet 0% 2011 2012 Sources: OVK (Internet data based on OVK advertising statistics including the search term marketing and affiliate network segments); Nielsen (media development of the specified media types, data valid as of January 2013) /// Data for the German market 11 ONLINE ADVERTISING ACCORDING TO SECTOR All sectors rely on conventional online advertising Advertising investment in conventional online advertising analysed by area of business for the whole of 2012 0 The Internet has Conventional online advertising is in demand across all sectors – the established itself in differentiated options for communication, information and transac- more and more sectors tions and the target-group potential represented on the Web for all as an indispensable business fields (see also page 21 of this report) make the Internet a component of the relevant advertising platform for many companies. Nevertheless, on- relevant marketing line commitment varies from sector to sector: while several sectors strategies: in seven out have already invested a considerable proportion of their budgets in of ten of the business conventional online advertising and so give the Internet a central role sectors under review, in their communication concepts, such a significant expansion of the the share of conventio- online budgets is still pending in other business fields. nal online advertising in the media mix is in the two-figure range. By far the greatest online share in the media mix comes in the field of miscellaneous advertising – this includes charitable organisations as advertisers, image and classified advertising and corporate adver- 5 10 15 20 25 Miscellaneous advertising Services Automotive Retail and mail order Telecommunications Media 299,6 204,0 18,3 17,2 7,6 148,0 134,8 Tourism and catering 4,9 13,4 95,4 100 200 300 Values in millions of euros euros are spent on conventional online advertising. In the financial Values as a percentage of online share of the media mix stands at 18.3 percent and 17.2 percent respectively, or almost one 400 Based on the top 10 business areas Source: Nielsen (data valid as of January 2013) /// Data for the German market fifth of the total. In the services sector (15.7 percent), the tourism and catering industry (13.4 percent), the automotive industry (13.3 percent) and the retail and mail order sector (10.7 percent), the proportion of online advertising in the media mix is already in the two-figure range as a percentage. Advertising investments in conventional online advertising still holds a share in just the singlefigure range percentage in only three of the top 10 sectors – in media, personal care and food – whereby in these fields, too, it is reasonable to assume an increase in online investments in the future in view of the general market development. In terms of absolute online advertising investments, the miscellaneous advertising sector stands just over the 500 million-euro mark, and so leads the ranking. Online spending of nearly or just over 300 million euros has been registered in the services sector (320.7 million euros), 39,3 173,9 Personal care 0 507,9 40 % 311,5 13,3 239,7 3,9 Food 15,7 10,7 Finance 35 320,7 tising. The share of 39.3 percent means that four out of every ten and telecommunications sectors, the online share of the media mix 30 the automotive industry (311.5 million euros) and the retail and mail order sector (299.6 million euros). Companies in the finance sector (239.7 million euros) and the telecommunications sector (204.0 million euros) are also numbered among the crucial spenders. The online advertising investments in the media (173.9 million euros), personal care (148.0 million euros) and tourism and catering (134.8 million euros) sectors all stand in the three-figure millions range. The food sector was the only sector in 2012 to register online investments under the 100-million mark, at 95.4 million euros, but even this represented an increase in spending compared with the previous year. 500 600 m 12 MONTHLY DEVELOPMENT OF GROSS ADVERTISING INVESTMENT Monthly investments in conventional online advertising continue to increase at a high level In 2012, the monthly The gross advertising investment in conventional online advertising spending in each of a in 2012 was again far above the 300 million-euro mark in March, May, total of seven months June and September following the strong final quarter of 2011. In the stood above the 300 traditionally strong fourth quarter, too, a new record was set each million-euro mark; the month, until the top monthly value of the whole of the past year was fourth quarter was the set in December at 379.3 million euros. strongest once again. Even in the generally rather weaker months for advertising in the summer, July and August, expenditure almost reached the 300 millioneuro mark. With a gain of 25.6 percent, September 2012 recorded the largest increase compared to the same month in the previous year, and was the fourth strongest month in the year with a volume of 344.4 million euros. Monthly development of gross advertising investment in conventional online advertising in millions of euros 200 345,3 379,3 341,4 360,6 314,8 344,4 274,2 246,7 284,3 278,9 321,4 321,7 271,5 251,3 285,8 250 248,5 295,3 216,0 240,7 300 221,9 267,8 350 273,3 309,7 400 363,9 450 Million euros 13 TOP 10 ONLINE ADVERTISING FORMATS Demand for large-scale formats continues unabated As in the previous year, the wallpaper ad claimed first place in 2012 Advertisers appreciate in the ranking of the top 10 online advertising formats based on gross the generous presen- advertising investment, with 374.3 million euros. It was followed tation formats that by the medium rectangle and the skyscraper formats, each with permit the eye-catching 189.3 million euros. The ad bundle (183.6 million euros), the banner presentation of branding (180.7 million euros) and the pre-roll (174.9 million euros) all achie- campaigns and that ved similar investment levels. The leaderboard and microsite options can also communicate also registered spending in the three-figure million range. The rect- complex advertising angle stood just below the 100 million-euro mark, and the field was messages with their rounded off by the in-text advertisements. range of multimedia options. The ranking of the top 10 advertising formats for the past year clearly reflects the unabated demand in advertisers for generously sized presentation areas. Top 10 advertising formats based on gross advertising investments for the whole of 2012 Wallpaper Medium rectangle 189,3 Skyscraper 189,3 183,6 Ad bundle 150 Banner 180,7 Pre-roll 174,9 129,3 Leaderboard 100 120,2 Microsite 50 96,4 Rectangle 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2011 216,0 221,9 273,3 248,5 271,5 278,9 251,3 246,7 274,2 314,8 341,4 345,3 m 2012 240,7 267,8 309,7 295,3 321,7 321,4 285,8 384,3 344,4 363,9 360,6 379,3 m 67,7 In-text Sources: OVK (extrapolation of figures for conventional online advertising from 75 to 100 %), Nielsen (data as of January 2013, collection of data for conventional online advertising at advertising slot level, adjusted by a proportion from search term marketing) /// Data for the German market in millions of euros 374,3 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 m As the marketers SONSTIGE, HI-MEDIA and EBAY do not provide data at advertising slot level, they have not been taken into account. Due to the occasionally incomplete information, the individual reports on groups have been summarised in order to allow an overview of percentile changes in the advertising formats ordered. Source: Nielsen (data valid as of January 2013) /// Data for the German market 14 TRENDS IN ONLINE ADVERTISING FORMATS Mac-Anbieterübersicht Spending on moving image advertising stood at 240.2 million euros in 2012 Compared to the Once again, moving image advertising benefited considerably in 2012 previous year, gross from the interest of advertisers in large-scale and thus eye-catching investment in moving advertising formats. A total of 240.2 million euros were invested in image formats incre- in-page and in-stream formats in the past year, representing a growth ased by 23 percent to of 23 percent, or 44.9 million euros more than in 2011. In view of 240.2 million euros. this volume, it is fair to say that moving image communication has taken a firm place in the implementation of online campaigns. This development was surely driven forward in part by the standardisation implemented in the supply of moving image formats, as this has greatly simplified handling for both advertisers and agencies. Over 50 million Germans are Internet users The relevant reach of the Internet in Germany is documented once The Internet has again in “internet facts 2012-11”: 73.7 percent of Germans, that is established itself across 51.77 million people, used the Net in the reporting period. The basic all generations as a population is the German-speaking resident population in Germa- medium that is used as ny over 14 years of age; this equates to 70.21 million people. The a matter of course. widest group of users (WNK; people who used the Internet within the last three months) constituted 72.4 percent of the population, equating to 50.84 million people. Thanks to its wide reach, the Internet has established a strong presence in the target audiences particularly relevant for advertising, namely 14- to 49-year olds, who are almost all active users of the In- This growth has continued the dynamic development in the area of moving images that was already perceptible in the period from 2008 to 2010, even though these years cannot be compared directly with the following years due to the change in the assessment conventions in the Nielsen online advertising statistics. ternet: Among 14- to 39-year olds, the proportion of Internet users is well over the 90 percent mark, while among 40to 49year olds it is 87.8 percent. Meanwhile, over three-quarters of 50- to 59-year olds (76 percent) are also online. Even among the over 60s, over a third (36.7 percent) are online, although this group still registers the highest share of non-users compared to the other age groups. Development of moving image advertising formats from 2008 to 2012 in millions of euros (methodological breakdown in 2011) 300 (+23 %) Online penetration by age group 100 240,2 250 2,7 3,5 4,1 12,2 24,0 80 195,3 200 15 REACH OF THE INTERNET IN GERMANY 63,3 60 150 100 50 97,3 (+159 %) (+98 %) 96,5 95,9 87,8 40 85,7 76,0 36,7 20 33,1 16,7 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 As the marketers SONSTIGE, HI-MEDIA and EBAY do not provide data at advertising slot level, they have not been taken into account. Due to the occasionally incomplete information, the individual reports on groups have been summarised in order to allow an overview of percentile changes in the advertising formats ordered. Source: Nielsen (data valid as of January 2013) /// Data for the German market 14–19 20–29 Internet users (WNK)/other Internet users 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+ Years Non-Internet users Interpretation example: 97.3 % of 14- to 19-year olds are Internet users (WNK and other Internet users) and therefore 2.7 % of 14- to 19-year olds are non-Internet users /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users in the last three months) / 517 cases (other Internet users) / 10,450 cases (non-Internet users) / Data in percent /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 16 REACH OF MOBILE INTERNET IN GERMANY Mac-Anbieterübersicht Almost one in three Germans is a Unique Mobile User Data on the reach According to AGOF mobile facts 2012-II, 21.30 million adults from and structure for 72 the age of 14 years are Unique Mobile Users (UMU). This means that mobile-enabled web- 30.3 percent of the German-speaking resident population from the age sites and 102 applica- of 14 have accessed a mobile-enabled website or a mobile app in the tions from 14 marke- last 30 days. In total, the number of Unique Mobile Users in Germany ters from the digital has almost doubled since the first survey in 2010, so the relevance of market is presented in the mobile Internet as a communication and advertising platform has “mobile facts 2012-II”. become much more significant. At present, the mobile Internet is still being used predominantly by men 17 REACH OF THE OVK MARKETERS REACH OF THE OVK MARKETERS “internet facts” reports the net reach of the marketers operating “internet facts 2012-11” together in AGOF. The table below shows the net reach of the includes data from a marketers organised in OVK based on the marketer‘s offerings com- total of 63 marketers. piled in “internet facts 2012-11”. A marketer‘s net reach does not always include their entire portfolio. Net reach of OVK online marketers (sorted alphabetically) Marketer and relatively young target audiences: 58.0 percent of Unique Mobile Reach in % (based on Net reach in millions Internet users from the last of Unique Users three months) Users are men, and 70.2 percent are aged between 20 and 49 years. The range of functions used at least once per week on Internet-enabled mobile devices is considerable: Apart from telephony (87.8 percent) and sending text messages (77.7 percent), almost three-quarters of users read messages on their mobile phone or read/write e-mails. Moreover, almost two-thirds use social networks and over half listen to music or 54.7 27.82 11.4 5.77 eBay Advertising Group 51.7 26.28 G+J Electronic Media Sales 41.0 20.82 Hi-Media Deutschland 28.7 14.60 one third use location-based services or online banking. In addition, 20 InteractiveMedia CCSP 58.2 29.58 percent of mobile Internet users do their shopping online once a week. IP Deutschland 50.2 25.53 iq digital 36.4 18.49 play games. More than four out of ten users use chat rooms and well over The AGOF mobile universe Unique Mobile Users and app users in the last 30 days: Total population: 70.21 million** Axel Springer Media Impact BAUER MEDIA Mobile phone users: 60.97 million** 21,30 million* Interpretation example: 21.30 million persons from the age of 14 years are Unique Mobile Users (UMU), that is, 30.3 percent of the German-speaking resident population over the age of 14 has accessed a mobile-enabled website or a mobile app within the last 30 days. /// Based on: * 31,764 cases or ** 112,283 cases / German-speaking resident population in Germany from 14 years / Data in millions /// Source: AGOF e.V. / * AGOF mobile facts 2012-II or ** internet facts 2012-10 /// Data for the German market MAIRDUMONT MEDIA 16.3 8.27 Microsoft Advertising 20.5 10.43 netpoint media 13.6 6.92 OMS 45.0 22.90 SevenOne Media 49.9 25.39 SPIEGEL QC 29.9 15.18 TOMORROW FOCUS MEDIA 62.0 31.52 Unister Media 20.4 10.40 United Internet Media 54.3 27.63 Yahoo! Deutschland 39.0 19.83 Number of Unique Users (in millions) and percentage for an average month in the period under investigation – September to November 2012 /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) /// Source: AGOF e.V. / internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 18 REACH OF ONLINE MEDIA IN AN AVERAGE MONTH Mac-Anbieterübersicht 19 REACH OF ONLINE MEDIA IN AN AVERAGE WEEK Average monthly reach of the top 20 online media offerings Average weekly reaches of the top 20 online media offerings Apart from data on “internet facts 2012-11” provides data on reach and structure for In the ranking of online sites by reach in an average week, eBay.de In addition to data on reach and structure, 756 online media offerings based on their websites and 3,983 is in first place with 13.74 million Unique Users (27.0 percent), the average month “internet facts” also advertising slots. followed by T-Online (13.24 million or 26.1 percent) and WEB.DE and the average week, (8.72 million or 17.2 percent); gutefrage.net (7.54 million or 14.8 “internet facts” also contains key data about Internet use, In the league table of websites according to their reach in an percent) and GMX (6.99 million or 13.7 percent) occupy fourth provides data about target audiences and average month, eBay holds first place with 25.06 million Unique and fifth places respectively. individual months and e-commerce. Users (49.3 percent). It is followed by T-Online (25.01 million individual days in the Unique Users or 49.2 percent) and gutefrage.net (18.62 million reporting period. Unique Users or 36.6 percent). Fourth and fifth places are occupied by WEB.DE (15.01 million Unique Users or 29.5 percent) and CHIP Online (13.68 million Unique Users or 26.9 percent). AGOF ranking of the top-20 online media offerings in Germany in an average month AGOF ranking of the top-20 online media offerings in Germany in an average week eBay.de 25.06 eBay.de T-Online 25.01 T-Online gutefrage.net WEB.DE 8.72 WEB.DE 18.62 15.01 CHIP Online 13.68 gutefrage.net GMX computerbild.de 13.28 BILD.de Yahoo! Deutschland 13.04 Yahoo! Deutschland SPIEGEL ONLINE CHIP Online computerbild.de BILD.de 12.62 GMX 12.23 SPIEGEL ONLINE 11.19 6.17 5.28 5.18 4.67 10.28 MSN 3.82 CHEFKOCH.de 10.01 wetter.com 3.72 FOCUS Online 9.24 8.91 RTL.de 3.54 CHEFKOCH.de 3.39 3.28 wetter.com 8.86 FOCUS Online meinestadt.de 8.75 DasTelefonbuch.de 3.25 DIE WELT 8.73 DIE WELT 3.16 DasÖrtliche 8.12 MSN 7.53 MyVideo Unique Users in millions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mobile.de 2.90 Windows Live 2.73 meinestadt.de 7.05 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 m Number of Unique Users (in millions) for an average month in the period under investigation – September to November 2012 /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market Unique Users in millions 7.54 6.99 5.91 DasTelefonbuch.de RTL.de 13.74 13.24 2.66 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 m Number of Unique Users (in millions) for an average week in the period under investigation – September to November 2012 /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 20 ONLINE ACTIVITIES OF INTERNET USERS Mac-Anbieterübersicht 21 OVERVIEW OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS TO REACH ONLINE BY SECTOR Internet use has become an accepted part of everyday life Latest potential viewed by sector based on “internet facts 2012-11” The bandwidth of Whether it be for communication, information or transactions – The AGOF sector analyses make potential customers to be found on themes used online more and more people are turning to the Internet. The most frequent the Internet for specific sectors visible. clearly indicates the activities include sending and receiving private e-mails (86.1 percent wide variety of adver- or 43.76 million Internet users) and searches on search engines or in tising environments Web catalogues (83.6 percent, 42.48 million). The next most frequent that are possible on activities are the use of weather information (69.9 percent, 35.53 the Net. million) and news about world events (69.2 percent, 35.19 million). Sector potential for prospective customers looking for information online and for online purchasers; based on widest group of online users (WNK): 50.84 million Unique Users Internet users in % Unique Users in millions Around two-thirds of Internet users are online shoppers, and over Info 60 percent access regional or local news. Online banking services are Travel sector used by well over half of all users. Other popular uses are accessing Entertainment sector test and sports results or services relating to food, drink and leisure activities. Other key usage areas are communicative sites such as 81.4 53.9 77.0 58.3 63.5 45.2 54.6 23.1 45.5 13.9 42.3 24.6 42.2 35.5 27.0 11.8 26.4 9.0 21.4 7.1 Fashion sector Entertainment electronics sector Automotive sector chatrooms and forums, instant messaging and weblogs/blogs, as Computer sector well as access to employment, property or dating websites. Cosmetics sector FMCG food and beverages sector Insurance sector Finance sector Online information gathering Key usage areas – top 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Purcase 41.37 27.38 39.14 29.64 32.27 22.98 27.76 11.72 23.14 7.05 21.49 12.53 21.45 18.06 13.73 6.01 13.44 4.55 10.87 3.63 100 % Online purchases Values in % Sending and receiving private e-mails 86.1 Research using search engines and website catalogues 83.6 Weather 69.9 International news 69.2 Online shopping 68.9 Interpretation example: 81.4 % of Internet users, which equates to 41.37 million Unique Users, have gone online at least once in the past to find information on travel products. /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users in the last three months) / “Have you ever looked for information on the Internet about the following products?” / “Have you bought any of the following products via the Internet in the past 12 months?” /// Data expressed as a percentage and in millions of Unique Users /// Source: AGOF e.V. / internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market The products studied in the context of the relevant sector analysis can be subdivided as follows: Travel: Rail tickets, flight tickets, hotels, hire cars, holidays/last-minute trips Entertainment: Computer and video games, tickets, films on DVDs/videos, music CDs, music/films to download from the Internet for a charge Regional or local news 63.3 Online banking 57.5 Test results 41.8 Entertainment electronics: Flat-screen TVs, DVD players/recorders, hard-disk recorders, home cinema/surround-sound systems, digital cameras, navigation systems Sports results and reports 39.8 Fashion: Ladies‘ or gents‘ clothing, footwear Eating, drinking and leisure 38.5 Automotive: Used cars, new cars, hire cars Computers: Computer hardware or accessories, computer software excluding games Cosmetics: Cosmetics for women/men, perfume for women/men, bodycare, haircare or dental care products Insurance: Health insurance, life assurance and private pension schemes, other insurance such as car, household or indemnity insurance 0 25 50 75 100 Interpretation example: 69.2 % of all Internet users (WNK) use international news services at least occasionally, /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users in the last three months) / “How often do you use the following sources of information or offers: frequently, occasionally, rarely or never?” / The top two boxes are shown: frequent or occasional usage / Values in percent / The top 10 from a total of 22 subjects are shown /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market FMCG food and beverages: Non-alcoholic drinks, beer, other alcoholic drinks and spirits, frozen products and ready meals, dairy products, confectionery and savoury snacks Finance: Investments, shares, securities, funds, credit 22 OPEN-MINDEDNESS TO ADVERTISING Mac-Anbieterübersicht 23 BRAND AWARENESS Online advertising awakes the audience‘s curiosity Over 17 million Internet users set great store by branded products Over 22 million More than four in every ten Internet users (44.1 percent, 22.44 million) Many Internet users have a positive feeling about high-quality pro- Over a third of Internet Internet users have consider themselves to be open-minded towards advertising and pay at- ducts and appreciate them. For instance, 58.4 percent (29.70 million) users are brand-aware. frequently become tention to the advertised products or messages. This demonstrates the agree with the statement that branded products tend as a rule to be This applies in parti- aware of interesting high branding potential of online advertising. Another advantage is the of a higher quality, and over a third of Internet users (34.4 percent) cular to men and the products or new ideas high interaction potential of online advertising media, which allows a consider branded products to be important; that represents 17.47 over 50s. through advertising. direct customer dialogue without any media discontinuity. For instance, million people. Advertisers can benefit from this attitude to brands advertisers can provide consumers not only with the actual advertising and quality when developing and maintaining their brand by addressing message but also with additional information and services through se- extremely high-affinity target audiences with their branding campaigns lective features and links, or they can even offer them an order option. on the Net. Women and particularly young users aged between 14 and 29, 38.6 percent of men set above-average store on branded products, with 45.8 percent and 52.0 percent respectively, demonstrate above- whereas this applies to only 29.7 percent of women. A look at the average susceptibility to Internet advertising messages. The 30 to different age groups clearly shows that the over 50s at 36.2 percent 49 year-olds, with 44.1 percent, are at roughly the average online demonstrate the strongest preference for branded products, follo- user level (WNK), whereas men, with 42.6 percent, are slightly wed by the 14- to 29-year olds at 35.6%, slightly above the level of below. Internet users aged over 50 years, at 37.2 percent, tend not the widest group of Internet users (WNK). The 30- to 49-year olds to be stimulated so easily by online advertising. registered a slightly below-average value at 32.1 percent. Open-mindedness to online advertising Brand awareness “Advertising has frequently drawn my attention to interesting products or new ideas.” “Branded products are important to me.” Widest group of Internet users (WNK) 44.1 % Widest group of Internet users (WNK) Men 42.6 % Men 52.0 % Aged 14 to 29 Aged 30 to 49 44.1 % Aged 50 and over 10 20 29.7 % Aged 14 to 29 35.6 % Aged 30 to 49 32.1 % Aged 50 and over 37.2 % 0 38.6 % Women 45.8 % Women 34.4 % 30 40 50 60 % Interpretation example: 44.1 % of all Internet users (WNK) have frequently become aware of interesting products or new ideas through advertising /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) / The top two boxes are shown: is totally or mainly applicable, / Values in percent /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 36.2 % 0 10 20 30 40 % Interpretation example: 44.1 % of all Internet users (WNK) have frequently become aware of interesting products or new ideas through advertising /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) / The top two boxes are shown: is totally or mainly applicable, / Values in percent /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 24 BRAND AWARENESS 25 STUDY OF ADVERTISING EFFECTS OF DIGITAL CROSS MEDIA BY MAC AND OVK Over 21 million Internet users feel safe when buying branded products Mobile and online – cross-media strategy for success for digital advertising campaigns For more than four Internet users are not only brand and quality aware, but over three- The online channel as an advertising medium has now become indis- Cross-market study of out of ten Internet quarters of users (77.0 percent) are also then willing to pay more for pensable in every media plan and more and more advertisers are now the effects of mobile users, a brand provides quality – showing that they are open-minded towards purchasing more also relying on mobile advertising or a combination of both these and online advertising a sense of security expensive quality products. A further motivation in the purchase of digital channels. The starting point for such cross-media advertising for the product launch when buying – branded products clearly lies in the associated trust: 42.2 percent of strategies is the assumption that campaigns that are deployed across of “Leibniz Choco especially among Internet users – which corresponds to 21.47 million people – specified various channels will encourage synergies in the communicative effect. Crunchy” the higher income that brands give them a sense of security when making purchases. However, the effect of advertising on the mobile Internet has not yet classes. A comparison between the sexes shows men at 46.4 percent to be been researched in any great depth, particularly with regard to the significantly more brand-aware than women (37.7 percent). With regard interaction with conventional online use. For this reason, the cross- to the income groups, solvent persons demonstrated a particularly strong marketer study by the Mobile Advertising (MAC) unit at the BVDW need for security when buying: 47.5 percent of them feel safe when buying analysed in detail for the first time the effect that a combined online branded products. In other words, people with higher incomes not only and mobile campaign has on the users. The results of this study should have the necessary purchasing power but are also particularly susceptible help advertisers to exploit the full potential of digital media channels to purchasing branded products because of their need for security. more effectively. The digital cross-media study was supported by the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) at the BVDW. Brand orientation In order to solve the previous problem facing any measurement of cross-media advertising effects in the online and mobile sectors – “Brands give me a sense of security when buying.” namely, the linking of the campaign contact details of a user in two independent devices, the computer and the smartphone – this study 42.2 % Widest group of Internet users (WNK) used a multi-level recruitment process and a special technical contact 46.4 % Men measurement system for the first time. Thanks to these tools, the contacts of the survey participants with the Leibniz cross-media cam- 37.7 % Women paign on the online and mobile sites could be assigned and collated 36.6 % HH – net purchase price of up to 1,000 euros HH – net purchase price from 1,000 to 3,000 euros clearly. During the subsequent survey, the individual effects and the cross-media effect of the online and mobile advertising aids were 40.5 % HH – net purchase price of 3,000 euros and higher subjected to a detailed analysis. 47.5 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 Interpretation example: 42.2 % of all Internet users (WNK) stated that brands give them security when buying /// Based on: 101,316 cases (Internet users over the last three months) / The top two boxes are shown: is totally or mainly applicable, / Values in percent /// Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2012-11 /// Data for the German market 60 % 27 STUDY OF ADVERTISING EFFECTS OF DIGITAL CROSS MEDIA BY MAC AND OVK To measure the advertising effect, the launch of the new “Leibniz Choco Crunchy” product was advertised online and on the mobile Internet with a wide-ranging campaign. The campaign ran from 1 to 21 October 2012, and the advertisements were placed on a total of 59 premium sites, 32 online sites and 27 mobile sites. The strategy used large-scale, eye-catching advertising formats, primarily wallpaper and billboard ads in the online area, and 2:1 ads in the mobile area. The cross-marketer campaign deployment supports a wide impact and also the general validity of the results. The central The results of the study demonstrate that the campaign was able to conclusion of influence the factors governing the advertising effects in a positive the study way. According to this, online and mobile contacts lead overall at a was that both online similar level to making the campaign more memorable and to bringing and mobile channels the user closer to the brand than is the case with the control group already increase the without any digital campaign contact. The cross-media contact group, advertising effect of a i.e. the participants who demonstrably viewed the campaign both campaign even when online and on mobile sites, registered even higher values with regard they are used individu- to these effect indicators than the online-only and the mobile-only ally, but the cross- contact group. media combination of both channels is most However, with regard to the activation performance (e.g. the inten- effective because it is tion to provide information and recommendations) of the campaign, here that the strongest the mobile-only and the cross-media contact group lie ahead of the effects overall can be online-only contact group and the control group among the previous observed. Moreover, non-buyers. The reception of the campaign on mobile sites therefore the study demonstrated stimulates the user particularly strongly, which may be explained by a clear activation per- the focused perception of the advertising medium and the dynamic formance on the mobile nature of the situation when the advertising is used. channel – advertising Aided and unaided advertising recall Unaided advertising recall shows how great the actual impact of the By far the strongest campaign is and how well it remains anchored in the mindset of a advertising effects were recipient. A slight effect was detected even in the online-only and the recorded in the cross- mobile-only test groups, as in each case 14.6 percent of the partici- media group, both with pants remembered the Leibniz campaign. That represents 7.4 percent regard to aided and more in direct comparison with the control group (13.6 percent). In unaided advertising the cross-media group, on the other hand, which had contact with recall. the campaign both online and on the mobile Internet, there was a significant effect. Almost one in every four participants stated that they had seen advertising from Leibniz (23.2 percent) – that is 70.6 percent more than in the control group. This result supports the thesis that a combination of online and mobile media leads to significantly better campaign recall after contact has been established. Results: Aided and unaided recall Question: “And for which biscuit or waffle products have you seen, read or heard any advertising recently?” 50 % 42.6 % 40 % 37.9 % 32.3 % 30 % 23.2 % 20 % 13.6 % (also) placed on mobile sites seems particu- 36.5 % 14.6 % 14.6 % 10 % larly well-suited to stimulating the user to 0% consider the advertised product in greater depth. Control group Unaided recall (Leibniz) Online only group Aided recall (“Leibniz Choco Crunchy”) Mobile only group Cross-media group Case figures: Control n=848, Online n=672, Mobile n=410, Cross-media n=112 / Control n=424, Online n=356, Mobile n=214, Cross-media n=61 29 STUDY OF ADVERTISING EFFECTS OF DIGITAL CROSS MEDIA BY MAC AND OVK This assumption is also clearly underlined by the result of aided The third activation item is aimed at the willingness of the consumers advertising recall. A comparison between the test groups and the to recommend the product. In the control group, almost one in five control group showed impressively once again that the cross-media participants showed such willingness (18.8 percent), whereby the contact group demonstrated the strongest impact on advertising online-only contact only marginally influenced their willingness (19.0 recall. For instance, 42.6 percent of the participants who had seen percent). The desired boost only comes after contact with advertising the Leibniz Choco Crunchy advertisement on both the Internet and on a mobile device – a total of 27.8 percent of the participants would on mobile devices remembered the campaign. This corresponds to an recommend “Leibniz Choco Crunchy”, which is 47.9 percent more increase of 31.9 percent for the cross-media group compared to the than before. The cross-media group also clearly benefited from the control group (32.3 percent). An examination of the single-medium mobile contacts, because here too the willingness increased to almost contact groups also shows a positive effect in each case, with the 27 percent: a gain of 43.1 percent. effects of the mobile contacts (+17.3 percent) being slightly greater than that of the online contacts (+13.0 percent). The complete study can be downloaded as a PDF from our website at www.bvdw.org. Call to Action Results: Call to Action The reception of the The Leibniz brand also opens up a strong activation potential for the Question: “How probable is it that you...?” mobile campaign en- related products. For instance, almost 40 percent of the participants sures that the user will in the control group stated that they would also try other products experience a particu- from Leibniz. It was not possible to increase this value through online larly strong activation contacts alone, but mobile contacts influence the attitude of the impulse. participants significantly. For instance, almost one in two participants ... would search for detailed information about the advertised one contact with the mobile campaign (+23.4 percent). Thanks to this product.product. driver, the cross-media group is also far superior to the control and brand can benefit from spill-over effects of mobile advertising. 37.7 % from Leibniz. could imagine trying other products from Leibniz after having at least online-only group. This shows how other products under an umbrella 39.3 % ... would also try other products ... would recommend Leibniz Choco Crunchy to your friends or 48.5 % 46.2 % 18.8 % 21.0 % 23.7 % 26.9 % 18.8 % 19.0 % 27.8 % 26.9 % acquaintances. The probability that the participants will search for detailed information about the advertised product is also influenced positively by the branding campaign. Compared to the control group (18.8 percent), the positive response of the online-only group stood at 21 percent (+11.7 percent) and of the mobile-only group at as high as 23.7 percent (+26.1 percent). In the cross-media group, though, the positive response also climbed to 26.9 percent (+43.1 percent), so that the synergy effects bore fruit once again. Control group Online only group Mobile only group Cross-media group (Top two boxes); Case figures: Control n=356, Online n=310, Mobile n=194, Cross-media n=52 (sub-group of previous non-buyers) 31 CIRClE OF ONlINE MARKETERS (OVK) IN ThE BVDW CIRClE OF ONlINE MARKETERS (OVK) uNITS AND lABS IN ThE OVK The OVK creates The Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) is the central body of The OVK comprises four units: the Ad Technology Standards standards and online marketers in Germany. Nineteen of the largest German unit, the Market Statistics unit, the Targeting unit and the Market transparency. online marketers have come together under the umbrella of the Research unit. The units have experts from the relevant specialist German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) to steadily areas working with them. raise the profi le of online advertising. The Association‘s primary Continuous aims are to increase market transparency and planning reliability as The Ad Technology Standards unit is the main body for developing optimisation of market well as to draw up standardisation and quality assurance measures the standards for promotional products. These standards are used development for the online marketing sector as a whole. by all members of the OVK and serve as a guide for the whole online advertising sector. The aim is to make the production and delivery To this end, the OVK works continuously to standardise advertising of online campaigns easier and to make the going-live process run formats and the processes which can help to make the production, smoothly. These standards are being continuously extended and delivery and monitoring of online campaigns easier. These standards adapted to market requirements; they are published on the website are constantly being extended in due consideration of changing www.werbeformen.org. The unit is also concerned with optimising market requirements. the business processes relevant to booking, monitoring ad servers and assessing new technologies. The OVK also implements key projects such as conferences, studies and development measures. The organisation is involved The primary tasks of the Market Statistics unit include gathering and with national and international bodies for the further development analysing market data. The data can be used for orientation purposes of the sector. and also indicates trends and areas with potential. The OVK representatives also support the recording of advertising statistics by Nielsen in this unit. The core aim of the Targeting unit is to work actively on awareness and transparency. As well as defining terms and models it also aims to inform users about methodology on the common platform www. meine-cookies.org and to create potential choices for the user. The Market Research unit was conceived in order to develop and jointly analyse wider studies relating to more than just an individual marketer. The experts in this circle also work on models for qualitative performance indicators and on ideas for standards in crossmarketer studies. The fine Arts of digital Media Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. 32 Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. The BVDW is the organisation that represents the interests of companies in the fields of interactive marketing, digital content and interactive added value. The BVDW has interdisciplinary roots, and therefore has a comprehensive overview of the issues facing the digital industry. It has taken on the task of making the efficiency and the benefits of digital media transparent, thus promoting their use in the economy as a whole, in society, and in government. BVDW is engaged in continuous dialogue with politicians, the media and other interest groups, and supports the dynamic development of the sector in a results-oriented, practical and effective way. The BVDW sees its role as being to bring together the skills of all its members, and combine them with the defined values and principles of the Association. We are the Internet. 33 WORKING GROUP FOR ONLINE MEDIA RESEARCH (AGOF) e.V. With “internet facts” and “mobile facts”, AGOF delivers digital currency for the German market The role of the Working Group on Online Research (AGOF) is to ensure transparency and practical standards in the research of online media offerings, remaining independent of the interests of individuals. It does this by compiling the requisite performance indicators in a close interchange with the market and makes these indicators available in relevant studies; it performs this role not only for the conventional Internet, but also for other segments of digital media. The leading German marketers represented in AGOF are organised into sections for this purpose and together with their market partners, they forge ahead in their respective segments with the planning, provision and further development of market reach research and planning parameters. With its market media study “internet facts” and the Unique User The AGOF market media (UU) performance indicator contained therein, AGOF has establis- studies enable market- hed the currency of consistent Internet reach as the basis for Inter- oriented planning of digital net media planning in the market by transferring the reach section media based on conventio- and submitting it to the methodological authority of ag.ma. The stu- nal standards. dy itself, of which the section on reach also appears as “ma Online” on agma, is published by the Internet section of AGOF. “internet facts” shows data on structure and reach for over 750 Internet media offerings used by participants in the “internet facts” study. The Mobile section of AGOF takes responsibility for the market media study “mobile facts” and publishes it. This study collects data on reach and structure for mobile media offerings in Germany in order to make it available for high-quality mobile media planning. The objective is to work with market partners to establish this study and the performance indicator for reach contained in it – Unique Mobile Users (UMU) – in the medium term as the reach currency in mobile media planning. ONLINE MEDIA PLANNING WITH AGOF 34 Comprehensive services for online media planning and online marketing The AGOF Academy The process to gradually reduce the processing period for creating is extending its range studies in “internet facts”, which was launched in summer 2012, has of services due to been completed successfully. “internet facts” will now be made availa- considerable demand. ble approximately six weeks after the end of a data survey, so that the market partners will now have a basis for their planning even more promptly. This quicker reporting will be made possible through the appropriate optimisation of all existing work processes. The AGOF Academy offers all kinds of training opportunities with its wide range of courses. As well as the training courses on using the TOP tool for online media planning – at beginner, advanced and professional level – and the various seminars on handling the AGOF data, the Academy has extended its range of seminars for the mobile market. Thanks to a much larger staff of trainers and four locations (Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin), it is now possible to offer great flexibility and individuality for the customers. The Academy will be celebrating its fifth anniversary in 2013 and The current programme of seminars can be downloaded from www.agof.de/ akademie. can look back proudly on considerable success: its trainers are now deployed on every second working day. At 40 percent, agencies represent the largest target group, followed by marketers, students and advertisers. Since the Academy was founded, 1,530 seminar places have been taken up. Apart from running conventional seminars, the Academy is also continuously developing its presence at universities and specialist trade shows. The seminars are subject to a charge and are open to anyone interested. They can also be requested as in-house training seminars Further details if required. and ordering options can be found at AGOF‘s analysis and planning program TOP allows market partners www.agof.de/top to access the different survey rounds in “internet facts” as well as “mobile facts”. 35 NOTES ON THE AGOF METHOD The three-pillar model of AGOF “internet facts” There are basically three different methods used to collect data for AGOF uses the three- “internet facts” – technical measurement of usage, on-site surveys pillar model to gather and telephone surveys of representative samples of the population – data on reach and which is where the name “three-pillar model” comes from. The three structure for Inter- different acquisition methods ensure that the complexity of Internet net media offerings. usage is sufficiently taken into account and at the same time that all the With its market media necessary data for the subsequent planning data set is collected. study “internet facts” and the Unique User Using AGOF‘s three-pillar model, the requisite information is gained performance indicator gradually and then linked together. As part of the technical measure- identified in it, AGOF ments the usage of individual computers (unique clients) is studied. In has established the de the next step, the on-site survey provides information about the users facto currency for on- working on the computers. And the representative sample of the line reach as the basis resident German population questioned in the telephone survey esta- for online planning in blishes the relationship between Internet users and the population as the market. a whole. Only by combining all three pillars is it possible to determine data on reach and structure of online media offerings and their advertising slots reliably and in detail. The unique clients are converted into Unique Users and then enriched by additional structure and market data, before being given a representative weighting. The multi-method approach adopted by AGOF allows the reach and structures for online sites and their advertising slots to be identified, and the combination of technical values and survey data, as well as flexibility in adapting them to the dynamic changes of the online market, meets all the requirements of a market standard. The data from the three columns is eventually combined to form the “internet facts” data set known as the analysis data set. This can be counted and is available for online media planning under the auspices of the AGOF TOP evaluation and planning tool. Because of adjustments to the studies (including the extension of the basic population) the data from “internet facts 2010-I” and later can only be compared with subsequent rounds, but not with preceding rounds of statistics. 37 NOTES ON THE METHODOLOGY OF THE OVK ADVERTISING STATISTICS Calculating gross advertising expenditure Qualitative features Unlike other data acquisition methods, the OVK‘s online advertising instead of crawler statistics do not rely on so-called ‘crawler statistics’, so the qualitative statistics properties in particular of online advertising campaigns, such as targeting, CPC dealings or advertising in password-protected areas, can be illustrated more accurately. The calculation of gross advertising volume in conventional online advertising is based on the online advertising statistics from Nielsen Media Research. These in turn are based on postings from a group of marketers (currently 24) who report on a monthly basis their gross advertising expenditure as recorded in accounts systems and ad servers. All the data is evaluated with reference to the applicable price lists and the media performances achieved. This approach enables direct comparisons to be made with printed adverts in other types of media that are covered by the Nielsen advertising statistics; the printed adverts are likewise evaluated gross. Altogether, around 75 percent of the conventional online advertising market is covered by the Nielsen online advertising statistics. To enable a picture to be formed of the entire online advertising market, this data is extrapolated and the volumes of advertising from other sectors are added in. The BVDW calculates turnover figures for search term marketing and affiliate networks in cooperation with leading providers. Search term marketing is viewed here in the simplified form of “net equals gross”, since remuneration is calculated on an individual basis dependent on results, and no general gross price lists exist. For the affiliate networks, gross turnover is quoted and includes publisher commission, network charges and agency discounts. Sector definitions Conventional online advertising includes what are referred to as Display ads, special display ads, which are made up of banner, skyscraper, rectangle or advertising formats, wallpaper ads. It also includes all moving image advertising within search term marketing conventional online advertising and the integration of advertisers‘ and affiliate marketing content on online media offerings. Sponsorship, microsites and multimedia content are all examples. Charges for advertising are generally based on the Cost Per Lead (CPL). Search term marketing refers to search terms to which a charge applies. Here, advertisers pay for a specified position to include their link in the display area of popular search engines. The advertiser decides on the search terms and corresponding links. Charges apply based on the number of clicks (CPC). There are numerous websites – numbers often run into the hundreds – with a less impressive reach (so-called affiliates) and on which advertising is included; these are known as affiliate networks. Unlike conventional online advertising, but in line with search term marketing, charges are generally levied based on the number of clicks. Charges may also be based on the number of sales achieved as a result of (and definitively attributable to) online advertising. PUBLISHING INFORMATION 38 OVK Online-Report 2013/01 Place and date of publication Düsseldorf, 13 March 2013 Publisher Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. Berliner Allee 57 40212 Düsseldorf, Germany Telefon: 0211 600456-0 Telefax: 0211 600456-33 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.bvdw.org Managing Director Tanja Feller President Arndt Groth Vice-Presidents Christoph N. v. Dellingshausen, Matthias Ehrlich, Harald R. Fortmann, Ulrich Kramer, Burkhard Leimbrock Contact Online-Vermarkterkreis (OVK) im BVDW Carola Lopez, Fachgruppenmanagerin, Referentin Marktforschung E-mail: [email protected] Registration number Register of Associations Düsseldorf VR 8358 Legal information All data and information in this publication has been carefully researched and checked by the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. This information is a service provided by BVDW. Neither the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. nor the companies involved in the production and publication of this document can accept any liability for whether the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. The contents of this publication and/or any references to material belonging to third parties are copyright protected. Any duplication of information or data, particularly the use of documents, parts of documents, images or other types of content, requires prior written consent by BVDW or the relevant copyright owner (third party). Published by In co-operation with Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. Berliner Allee 57 | 40212 Düsseldorf Tel 0211 600456-0 | Fax 0211 600456-33 [email protected] | www.bvdw.org