MODC Matters


MODC Matters
MODC Matters
Ha vi n g t r oubl e vi e wi n g t hi s e ma i l ? Cl i ck he r e
A Publication of the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council
(732) 751-8696 Fax (732) 751-8698
December 2012
Upcoming Events
Annual Holiday Luncheon
Frid a y, De c e m be r 14 , 2 0 12
11:30 a.m .
Shadowbr ook, Shr ewsbur y
Grow Y our Business S em inar
"Hiding in Plain Sight"
W e d n e s d a y, Ja n u a ry 9 , 2 0 13
8:30 a.m.
Br ookdale Com munity College,
Lincr oft
Gener al Mem ber ship Luncheon
Frid a y, Ja n u a ry 18 , 2 0 13
Br anches, West Long Br anch
San dy . . . Th e Je rs e y
Sh o re in th e Eye o f th e
Th e Asbu ry Park Press h as
pu blish ed a book th at captu res
th e fu ry of su perstorm San dy,
an d th e devastation left in th e
wake of th is m on ster storm as
seen th rou gh th e len s of th eir
award-win n in g
ph otograph ers.
Th e book ch ron icles San dy's
destru ctive force across th e
J ersey Sh ore in m ore th an 150
stu n n in g im ages.
Business Recovery Resources
MODC has been compiling a list of available resources for
businesses impacted by superstorm Sandy. The list is
updated regularly with new information and contacts to the
many agencies and organizations that are assisting
businesses with their recovery process. The list can be
accessed from the home page of our website
Recent Events
Dis a s t e r Pre p a re d n e s s & Re c o ve ry Se m in a r
Mix Min gle & Sh o p
All profits from th e sale of th e
books will be don ated to th e
Am erican Red Cross J ersey Coast
Ch apter an d th e J ersey Sh ore
Con ven tion an d Visitors Bu reau .
If you 're in terested in pu rch asin g
the book, please c lic k h e re .
Show Your Pride in
New Jersey's Spirit
The recent storm s had a
dram atic im pact on our area.
challenges the New J ersey
spirit is strong and proud.
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W e lc o m e Ne w M e m be rs
A special w elcom e to our new m em bers:
Ga r y P o lla c k
Green Bubble, Farmingdale
Ju s t in R o y
Mutual of America, Parsippany
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MODC Matters
Many businesses have begun
flying the New J ersey flag (in
Member News
addition to the US flag) every
Tuesday to m ark the "day
after Hurricane Sandy", and The Monmouth County Clerk's Office has opened a satellite
the location at 3544 State Highway 66 in Neptune (adjacent to
rebuilding effort.
the Home Depot). The facility, known as the "Monmouth
If you are interested in
em bracing this idea and are in
need of a New J ersey state
flag, Kem pton Flag in Wall
Township is offering a 3 ft x 5
ft New J ersey state flag at
$25, which is well below their
regular pricing. J ust call
732.449-0880, or visit their
and m ention the NJ Pride
County Connection", is open Monday, Wednesday and
Friday from 10 :0 0 to 6:0 0 , Tuesday and Thursday from
10 :0 0 to 8:0 0 and Saturday from 9:0 0 to 1:0 0 offering a
variety of services including passports, notary public, voter
information and senior and veterans' services. For more
information call (732) 303-2828.
Co m m itte e Re po rts
B u s in e s s Gro w th & D e ve lo p m e n t
(Len Nitti, Chair)
It was a som ewh at relaxed atm osph ere as th e Bu sin ess Growth &
Developm en t Com m ittee gath ered on th e eve of th e Th an ksgivin g h oliday.
Aside from a variety of "post-storm " discu ssion s, th ey devoted som e tim e
to fin alizin g th eir J an u ary sem in ar th at will focu s on th e variou s n o-cost or
low-cost resou rces th at are available to bu sin esses th at th ey m igh t n ot be
aware of. Cou n ty an d state govern m en t program s in clu de fin an cial su pport
for em ploym en t in itiatives, cou n selin g services, train in g an d a h ost of
oth ers th at can fit in to m ost an yon e's bu dget. Th e grou p also discu ssed
fu tu re sem in ar topics th at wou ld be ben eficial for bu sin esses wh o were
im pacted by San dy an d n eed to get back on track. Th e n ext com m ittee
Fin d u s o n Fa c e b o o k
meeting will be on December 19th at the MODC office.
Cu ltu ra l & To u ris m
Th ose of you
wh o h ave
(Tom Gilm ou r, Ch air)
an d
accou n ts can "fin d an d follow u s"
Th ere was a sen se of u rgen cy arou n d arou n d th e table on Novem ber 19th
on th ose m edias. An d if you don 't
as th e Cu ltu ral & Tou rism Com m ittee m et for th e first tim e sin ce th e
h ave a Facebook or Twitter
storm s blew th rou gh th e region an d devastated sh ore com m u n ities. Tops
account . . . sign up for one now!
on th e list of "th in gs to do" is to get th e word ou t th at th e J ersey Sh ore is
n ot sh u t down . Th ere are obviou s h u rdles to overcom e, bu t m an y town s,
Sign up for Facebook here
bu sin esses an d tou rist attraction s are u p an d ru n n in g, an d we n eed to
m ake su re ou r tou rists are aware of it. MODC will be workin g with th e
Sign u p fo r Twit t e r h e re
CVB/ DMO to orch estrate an effort to brin g state an d cou n ty officials
togeth er to develop a m arketin g strategy to accom plish th is task. Som e
lon g term strategies were also discu ssed, alon g with ou r u ltim ate goal of
takin g advan tage of th e 20 14 Su per Bowl takin g place in New J ersey. Th ere
"S to rm W a tc h "
are goin g to be som e ch allen gin g years ah ead as we try to revitalize ou r
$ 30 + billion dollar tou rism in du stry.
To ch eck th e statu s of MODC
activities wh ich m ay be affected
Ec o n o m ic D e ve lo p m e n t
by in clem en t weath er con dition s
(Don Irvin, Chair)
log on to www.wobm .com or
www.943th epoin an d click
With an oth er h ot breakfast u n der th eir belts, m em bers of th e Econ om ic
on th e "storm watch " lin k to
Developm en t Com m ittee m oved th rou gh th eir agen da with efficien cy at
obtain up-to-date information.
th e Novem ber 30 th m eetin g. Tops on th e list of con versation s was
post-San dy issu es, an d wh at program s or activities th is com m ittee m igh t
Are you interested in
con sider th at wou ld be relevan t to ou r m ission of econ om ic an d bu sin ess
hosting a "Business After developm en t. Th ere was also som e discu ssion regardin g th e proposed
Hours" event?
FMERA sem in ar in March , as well as som e su ggested m arketin g type
activities to h elp get th e word ou t th at th e J ersey Sh ore is open for
I f you ar e an MODC member bu sin ess. Atten dees provided som e u pdates on legislative activities, cou n ty
inter ested in hosting a "Business
an d local govern m en t issu es, an d u tilities. Th is com m ittee will be h ostin g
After Hour s" event at your office
th e Febru ary Gen eral Mem bersh ip Lu n ch eon wh ich will featu re th e resu lts
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MODC Matters
location, please call the MODC office of th e an n u al bu sin ess ou tlook su rvey. Th e su rvey will be adju sted th is
m or e
infor m ation, year to accom m odate th e ch an ge in bu sin ess projection s th at m an y
732- 751- 8696.
bu sin ess leaders h ave after th e storm . Th e n ext com m ittee m eetin g will be
on December 21st at NJNG.
Go ve rn m e n t Re la tio n s
(Pau l Dem en t, Ch air)
Th e
Mem bersh ip
Directory is available to m em bers Th ere were plen ty of in terestin g con versation s arou n d th e table on
free of ch arge at an y tim e in Novem ber 28 th at th e Govern m en t Relation s Com m ittee m eetin g as th is
was th e first tim e togeth er post-San dy an d post-election s. Th ere were a
n u m ber of good su ggestion s for fu tu re sem in ar program s based on both of
th ese dram atic even ts th at will be explored in th e m on th s ah ead. Updates
were provided on a n u m ber of legislative issu es th at h ave been u n der
review over th e past few m eetin gs, in clu din g th e Motorcoach bills an d th e
H igh er Edu cation Lan d Use Parity bill, both of wh ich appear to be m ovin g
in th e righ t direction . Plan s are u n derway for th e Sprin g Legislative
Reception , an d a ven u e will be con tracted in th e n ext few weeks. Th e
eith er electron ic or h ard copy com m ittee will forgo th eir Decem ber m eetin g as it con flicts with all of th e
form at. Th e directory is u pdated h olidays in Decem ber. Th e n ext m eetin g will be on J an u ary 23rd.
daily so call or e-mail the office to
receive you r cu rren t copy n ow.
(Jim Mahlmann, Chair)
Qu ic k Lin ks
MODC W e bs it e
Eve n t Re gis tra tio n
Mo re Ab o u t U s
Alth ou gh th e tu rn ou t was sm all for th e Novem ber 15th Marketin g
Com m ittee m eetin g, atten dees accom plish ed qu ite a bit. Th ere was som e
fin al discu ssion s regardin g th e n ew website, wh ich will h opefu lly lau n ch
before th e en d of th e year. Th e grou p also discu ssed th eir propose sem in ar
program wh ich will deal with som e of th e "pre-social m edia" types of
m arketin g an d P/ R su ch as radio, prin t, ou tdoor facilities, etc. Th is
com m ittee is also respon sible for th e an n u al BBQ even t, an d an ad h oc
committee has been established to work with the Vocational School system
in Ocean Cou n ty to pu ll th e 20 13 BBQ togeth er. Th e n ext com m ittee
meeting will be on December 20th.
(Rom an Lu cky, Ch air)
The affects of the storms were even felt in the attendance of the attendance
at th e Non profit Com m ittee m eetin g on Novem ber 20 th , as approxim ately
h alf of th e u su al atten dees con ven ed at th e MODC office. Th e prim ary
agen da item was a review of th e Rou n d Table even t th at was recen tly
can celed du e to su perstorm San dy. We will be targetin g a n ew date, m ost
likely in early Febru ary, to h ost th is program , an d will be reach in g ou t to
th e pan elists to con firm th eir con tin u ed participation . Atten dees also
reviewed th is year's Project Con n ection proposals th at h ave been
prelim in arily ch osen to work with . Th e m eetin g fin ish ed u p with a n u m ber
of storm recovery discu ssion s wh ich n early everyon e h as to tell. Th e n ext
If you are a local business meeting will be on December 10th.
looking to expand your
workforce , you m ay be
eligible for thousands of
dollars in financial incentives
from Federal and State
funding sources. Before you
hire, call the Monm outh
683-8850, x3711.
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(Marshall Wright, Chair)
At th e first com m ittee m eetin g after th e storm s on Novem ber 15th , th e
Tech n ology Com m ittee m em bers h ad plen ty to talk abou t as th eir Disaster
Preparedn ess an d Recovery sem in ar was ju st weeks away. Th is join t
program with th e En ergy & En viron m en t Com m ittee began strictly as an
em ergen cy preparedn ess program , bu t qu ickly ch an ged focu s after th e
h orren dou s storm s h it ou r state. Now, with n ew participan ts on th e pan el,
it will focu s on th e before an d th e after of su ch em ergen cies. Th e
com m ittee also discu ssed th e "m obility sem in ar" th at th ey h ave plan n ed
for th e Sprin g wh ich will cover topics su ch as web apps for bu sin ess, m obile
secu rity an d wireless con n ectivity. Th ere was also som e discu ssion
regardin g a cou ple of th e Non profit Com m ittee's Project Con n ection
proposals th at wou ld poten tially be h an dled th rou gh m em bers of th e
tech n ology grou p. Th e n ext m eetin g will be on Decem ber 20 th .
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MODC Matters
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Note - meetings are held at the MODC office, 8:30 am, unless otherwise noted
Decem ber
Decem ber
Decem ber
Decem ber
Decem ber
Decem ber
Nonpr ofit
Cultur al & Tour ism
Business Gr owth & Development
Mar keting, 3:30 pm
Econom ic Development, Ne w Je rs e y Na t u ra l Ga s ,
W a ll Twp .
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Monmouth-Ocean Development Council | 4814 Outlook Dr., Suite 102 | Wall | NJ | 07753
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