Annual Report - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories


Annual Report - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Annual Report
July 2002 through June 2003
(Published August 2003)
Welcome to Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL),
the North American corporate R&D arm of Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation (MELCO). In this report, you will find descriptions of
MERL as a whole, our two laboratories (MERL Research and
MERL Technology), and most importantly our current projects.
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Copyright © Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, 2003
201 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Table of Contents
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ..............................................................1
Mitsubishi Electric ...................................................................................................4
Mitsubishi Electric Corporate R&D ........................................................................6
Historical Note ........................................................................................................7
MERL Research Lab................................................................................................9
MERL Technology Lab .........................................................................................11
Recent Awards and Commendations .....................................................................13
Technical Staff .......................................................................................................15
Recent Major Publications.....................................................................................33
Project Reports.......................................................................................................55
Computer Vision........................................................................................57
Digital Video..............................................................................................73
Graphics Applications................................................................................83
Interface Devices .......................................................................................93
Optimization Algorithms .........................................................................101
Speech and Audio ....................................................................................111
User Interface Software ...........................................................................121
Wireless Communications and Networking ............................................133
Color Figures .......................................................................................................149
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) is the North American arm of the central
research and development organization of Mitsubishi Electric Company (MELCO). MERL
conducts application-motivated basic research and advanced development in computer and
communications technology.
MERL’s mission—our assignment from MELCO—is twofold.
• To generate highly significant intellectual property (papers, patents, and prototypes)
in areas of importance to MELCO.
• To locate organizations within MELCO that can benefit from this technology and
through close partnership with them, significantly impact MELCO’s business.
MERL’s vision—our goal for ourselves—is also twofold.
• To be one of the world’s premiere research laboratories, significantly advancing the
frontiers of technology and making lasting impacts on the world.
Within our areas of expertise, to be the prime source of new technology for MELCO.
MERL focuses on two key technology sectors:
Human/computer interaction (HCI) – broadly construed to include computer vision,
computer graphics, speech interfaces, data analysis and novel interaction devices.
Digital communications - featuring video processing and wireless communication.
MERL is small enough to be agile and flexible in the dynamic marketplace of ideas. However,
we gain leverage from the size, recognition and diversity of our strong global parent. We turn
our technical achievements into business successes by partnering with MELCO’s business units
and with other labs in MELCO’s global R&D network.
We are strongly involved in the R&D community and standards activities, maintaining longstanding cooperative relationships with a number of research universities including MIT, CMU,
Georgia Tech, Princeton, Columbia, the University of Paris, Dublin City University, ETH Zurich
and the City University of London. We encourage our staff to be involved in their professional
communities via conferences, papers, and continuing professional development.
MERL consists of two laboratories, which share the same space in Cambridge Massachusetts and
collaborate closely to achieve groundbreaking results. Our output ranges from papers and
patents, through proof-of-concept hardware and software prototypes, to industry-first products.
The Headquarters operation includes a small marketing and business development department to
help assess the potential market impact of our work and an in-house patent department to speed
the filing of patents.
This Annual report is a snapshot of MERL’s web site. For additional and updated information
please visit “”.
Dick Waters
President, MERL
The following shows the basic organization of MERL. The six members of the top management
team work closely together, guiding all aspects of MERL’s operation.
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Dr. Richard C. (Dick) Waters (President, CEO & Research Fellow)
Liaison to Japan
Mr. Takashi Kan (EVP & CFO)
Research Lab - Basic & Applied Research, staff 23
Dr. Joe Marks (VP & Director)
Technology Lab - Applied Research & Advanced Development, staff 42
Dr. Kent Wittenburg (VP & Director)
Dr. Huifang Sun (VP, Research Fellow & Deputy Director)
Marketing & Business Development
Mr. Adam Bogue (VP)
Richard C. (Dick) Waters
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1978
President, Chief Executive Officer & Research Fellow
Dick Waters received his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence (AI). For the next 13 years he worked at
the MIT AI Lab as a Research Scientist and co-principal investigator of the Programmer’s
Apprentice project. Dick was a founding member of MERL’s Research Lab in 1991. As a
MERL researcher, his work centered on multi-user interactive environments for work, learning
and play. For this work, he was made a MERL Research Fellow in 1996. In January 1998, Dick
became Director of MERL’s Research Lab. In December 1999, he became CEO of MERL as a
whole. In addition to his duties at MERL, Dick is currently a member of the board of directors
of the Computer Research Association.
Takashi Kan
M.S., Tohoku University, 1978
Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer & Chief Liaison Officer
Takashi Kan joined MELCO in 1978. In the 80s and 90s, Takashi worked on a variety of
computer-related projects involving computer architecture, parallel computing, digital
broadcasting and image processing. From 1987 to 1988, he was a visiting associate professor at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Before coming to MERL in 2002, Takashi rose
to the position of general manager of the Multimedia Laboratory within MELCO’s Information
Sciences R&D Center (Johosoken).
Joe Marks
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1991
Vice President; Director Research Lab
Prior to Joining MERL in 1994, Joe Marks worked at two other research labs: Bolt Beranek &
Newman and Digital Equipment Corporation’s Cambridge Research Laboratory. In addition,
Joe was an adjunct lecturer at Harvard University. As a researcher at MERL, Joe’s primary
focus was on computer graphics, user interfaces, and heuristic optimization. In these areas, he
plays a strong role in the scientific community including being: Chair of ACM SIGART,
Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Graphics, and Papers Chair for SIGGRAPH 2004.
Joe became Associate Director of the MERL’s Research Lab in 1999 and Director in 2000.
Kent Wittenburg
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1986
Vice President; Director Technology Lab
Before Joining MERL in 2001, Kent Wittenburg worked at the Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corporation (MCC), Bellcore, and Verizon/GTE laboratories. His research
encompassed a variety of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) technologies including rapid
serial visual presentation, multidimensional information visualization, and natural language. He
managed groups in natural language interfaces and Internet technologies prior to joining MERL
as group manager of speech and HCI. Kent was promoted to Laboratory Director in 2002.
Huifang Sun
Ph.D., University of Ottawa, 1986
Vice President & Research Fellow; Deputy Director Technology Lab
After receiving his Ph.D., Huifang Sun became an Associate Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson
University. In 1990 Huifang moved to the Sarnoff Research Laboratory where he became
Technology Leader of Digital Video Communication and did extensive work on MPEG
standards. In 1995, Huifang joined MERL as the leader of our video efforts, becoming a Deputy
Lab Director in 1997. In recognition of his long and productive career in video processing
Huifang was made an IEEE Fellow in 2001. He was made a MERL Research Fellow in 2003.
Adam Bogue
B.S., MIT, 1986; MBA, MIT Sloan School, 1990
Vice President
Adam Bogue had 15 years of industry experience before joining MERL. This included 3 years
at GenRad Inc, where Adam was responsible for managing a new line of automatic test
equipment. Subsequently, Adam spent 7 years at Active Control eXperts Inc. beginning as
Director of Sales and Marketing and ending as Vice President, Core and New Business Unit
helping to grow ACX into a successful Inc. 500 company. Adam came to MERL in June of
2000 to lead our Marketing and Business Development effort.
Mitsubishi Electric
Number 126 on Fortune magazine’s 2003 list of the world’s 500 largest corporations, Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation (MELCO) has approximately $30 billion in annual sales and more than
100,000 employees in 35 countries. Like most Japanese companies, the lingering malaise of the
Japanese economy coupled with the worldwide slump in semiconductors and cell phones has
lead to losses. However, these losses have been relatively small and energetic restructuring
(including the merging of most of MELCO’s semiconductor operations with Hitachi) has given
MELCO a firm foundation for growth once the world economy recovers.
MELCO is composed of a wide range of operations. The business units with sales of $1 billion
or more are listed below in order of estimated 2003 revenue. (The rightmost column shows the
abbreviated Japanese business unit nicknames commonly used by MELCO insiders.)
Mitsubishi Electric
Diversified Electrical and Electronics Manufacturer
Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment
Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, TVs, DVDs, LCD Projectors
(Shizuoka, Kyoto)
Social Infrastructure Systems
Power Equipment, Plant Control, Transportation
(Kobe, Itami)
(Kamakura, Itami)
Communication Systems
Wired Communications, Broadcast Communications, Cell Phones
Automotive Equipment
Alternators, Engine Controllers, Car Stereos, Car Navigation
(Himeji, Sanda)
Building Systems
Elevators, Escalators, Building Monitoring
Factory Automation
Programmable Logic Controllers, Industrial Machine Tools
Electronic Systems
Satellites, Radar, Military Systems
(Kamakura, Itami)
Information Systems and Services
Turnkey Information Systems, Computer Hardware
(Tokyo, Kamakura)
Optical and Radio Frequency Semiconductors
(Kita Itami)
Together, these nine business units produce approximately three quarters of MELCO’s revenue.
Because information technology is important to each of the business units, MERL works with
them all.
Nearly 10% of MELCO’s sales are in North America and many of MELCO’s business units
have North American subsidiaries. MERL seeks to work directly with these subsidiaries,
particularly when they have substantial local design and manufacturing as well as sales.
The US operations with sales of $100 million or more are listed below in order of estimated 2003
revenue. The largest of these (MDEA) is part of Lihon and has sales of approximately $1B.
Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc.
Design, Manufacturing & Sales: Lihon (Los Angeles, Mexicali MX)
High Definition Projection Televisions, DVDs, VCRs
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America, Inc.
Manufacturing & Sales: Shahon (Detroit, Mason OH)
Auto Parts
Mitsubishi Electric United States, Inc.
Sales: Several BUs (Los Angeles, Sunnyvale & other cities)
Semiconductors, Air Conditioning, Elevators
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Design, Manufacturing & Sales: Shakaihon (Pittsburgh)
Power Transmission Products
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc.
Sales & Installation: FAhon (Chicago)
Factory Automation Equipment
It is worthy of note that there are over 30 major independent companies in the world that use the
word “Mitsubishi” in their names. These companies include the Mitsubishi Trading Company,
Mitsubishi Motors, Mitsubishi-Tokyo Financial Group, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and
Mitsubishi Chemical (all five of which are also on the Fortune Global 500 listNumbers 10,
118, 187, 206 & 317 respectively). They have shared roots in 19th century Japan; however,
these companies have been separate for many years and MELCO has been separate from all of
them since MELCO’s founding in 1921.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporate R&D
MERL is one of five laboratories in MELCO’s global corporate R&D network. The chart below
summarizes the primary activities of these labs. MERL pursues collaborations with all these
labs. (The rightmost column shows the Japanese nicknames commonly used by insiders.)
Corporate R&D
Headquarters: Dr. H.Ogata (Director), Mr. K.Kuroda (GM), 20 people (Tokyo)
Managing MELCO’s R&D
Advanced Technology R&D Center (ATC)
Research & Advanced Development: Dr. K.Kyuma (GM), 900 people (Itami)
Materials, Semiconductor Devices, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Information Technology R&D Center (ITC)
Advanced Development: Dr. H.Koezuka (GM), 900 People (Ofuna)
Information Systems, Communications, Opto-Electronics
Industrial Design Center (IDC)
Advanced Development: Mr. K.Chiba (GM), 100 people (Ofuna)
Industrial Design, Usability Studies
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Research & Advanced Development: Dr. R.Waters (CEO), 80 people (MA)
Computer Vision, Speech Interfaces, HCI, Digital Audio & Video Communications
Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Centre Europe (ITE)
Advanced Development: Mr. R.Nishii (CEO), 50 people (France & England)
Wireless Communications, Digital Audio & Video
Historical Note
The history of MERL is a story of separate labs with separate histories coming together into an
organization that has become much more than the sum of its parts.
In 1984, MELCO’s computer business unit founded a laboratory in Waltham MA called Horizon
Research inc. (HRI). HRI was created to design IBM compatible computers, which MELCO
then produced and sold. However, in the late 80’s MELCO decided to withdraw from this
business. In the ensuing years, Horizon transformed itself into a software-oriented laboratory
working with multiple parts of MELCO. In consonance with this, HRI left the computer
business unit and became part of MELCO’s central R&D unit (CR&D) in the early 90s.
In 1991, MELCO’s central R&D organization founded a research laboratory in Cambridge MA
called Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL). The charter of this lab was to do
fundamental research in computer science, with the goal of leading MELCO into the future with
innovative new technologies.
In 1993, MELCO’s audio/visual business unit founded a laboratory in Princeton NJ called the
Advanced Television Laboratory (ATL). ATL was created to develop a chip set capable of
decoding US HDTV signals. ATL worked on this in close collaboration with Bell Labs and
MELCO’s semiconductor business unit. After a couple of years, ATL moved to Murray Hill NJ
to be closer to Bell Labs. In the mid-90s, as the chip set was being completed, ATL began to
branch out into other digital video technologies and digital communications in general. In
addition, ATL created a satellite operation in Sunnyvale CA focusing on digital broadcasting and
home networking. As these changes were going on, ATL was transferred from its original parent
business unit to CR&D.
In 1995, CR&D created a new US entity called Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology
Center America (MEITCA or more simply ITA) in order to gather CR&D’s various labs in the
US together into a single entity. HRI was incorporated into ITA becoming the Horizon Systems
Lab (ITA/HSL). ATL was incorporated into ITA becoming ITA/ATL. The following year,
MERL was incorporated into ITA as well, becoming ITA/MERL.
The ITA that resulted in 1996 had a great deal of promise. By combining advanced development
and basic research into a single organization, ITA made it easier for technological advances to be
perfected and transferred into MELCO business. Further, by combining expertise from a wide
range of areas and experience with a wide range of MELCO business units into a single
organization, ITA was in a good position to understand a wide range of technical trends, market
needs, and MELCO business opportunities.
However, like any organization created by the combination of pre-existing parts, ITA faced
many obstacles blocking the realization of its full potential. In particular, the natural momentum
was for ITA/HSL, ITA/ATL, and ITA/MERL to continue operating separately, following their
own goals and agendas, with collaboration being the exception rather than the rule. This
fundamental problem was significantly aggravated by the geographic separation of the labs.
The first inter-lab collaborations within ITA were between HSL and MERL. These led to the
creation of a new engineering group in ITA, the Volume Graphics Organization (VGO), with the
charter of designing a real time volume-graphics rendering chip that could be hosted on a PC
plug in board. VGO was based on research carried out at ITA/MERL and began as a project
within ITA/HSL before growing so large that it was made a separate laboratory within ITA in
1998. From its inception through 1998, VGO shared space with ITA/MERL and interacted
closely with ITA/MERL researchers. However, in 1999 VGO moved to separate quarters in
Concord MA as sales of its first product were beginning.
The technical success of VGO notwithstanding, ITA in 1999 was an extremely fragmented
organization, with some 115 people divided between 5 locations: VGO in Concord MA, HSL in
Waltham MA, MERL in Cambridge MA, ATL in Murray Hill NJ and an ATL branch in
Sunnyvale CA—making intra-ITA collaboration difficult. The overwhelming impression was of
an organization with many small parts that was little (if any) more effective than the sum of
those parts. However, in late 1999, the tide began to turn toward the unified and invigorated US
research operation that exists today.
The first wave of change involved three steps. (1) The ATL branch facility in Sunnyvale was
closed and the people moved to NJ. (2) The HSL building in Waltham was closed and the people
moved to the Cambridge building. (3) Finally, to provide a symbol of greater unification, ITA
was renamed Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)—Mitsubishi Electric Information
Technology Center America never having been a very satisfactory name—and the individual
labs were given geographic names replacing the names they had independently operated under:
ATL became the MERL Murray Hill Lab (MERL/MHL), HSL became the MERL Cambridge
Systems Lab (MERL/CSL), the research lab became the MERL Cambridge Research Lab
(MERL/CRL) and VGO became MERL Concord. In 2001, the volume graphics group left
MERL becoming part of the business unit selling its product. This left a more streamlined
MERL, with people in just two locations: Cambridge and Murray Hill.
Having CSL and CRL in the same building led to greatly increased collaboration between the
two labs and was a great success. In 2003, it was decided to take the final logical step, closing
the building in NJ and moving these people to the Cambridge building as well. Further, in the
interest of greater collaboration and greater management efficiency, the two advanced
development labs, MHL and CSL, were merged into a single new lab called the MERL
Technology lab (MTL). In analogy with this name, CRL was renamed the MERL Research Lab
Like all real histories, the story above is convoluted with many twists and turns. However,
through it runs a steady thread of MELCO’s strong commitment to research and advanced
development in the US. Now that everybody is in one place, where they can work together to the
greatest advantage, the stage is set for MELCO to reap maximum advantage from this
MERL Research Lab
The MERL Research Lab (MRL) pursues basic research in applied computing. Our efforts are
directed towards applications of practical significance, but our time horizon is long (five or more
years) and our appetite for technical challenge and risk is high. Located in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, hometown of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
the laboratory currently has a technical staff of 23. The permanent staff is enriched by visiting
scientists, consultants, academic collaborators, and student interns. Our colleagues within
MELCO provide other opportunities for collaboration and enrichment. In particular, our close
cooperation with the MERL Technology Lab (MTL) has recently produced several successful,
synergistic projects. We also participate actively in external research communities, exposing our
work to critical peer review, and publishing our results as quickly as possible.
Our primary areas of research are computer vision, audio and image processing, computer
graphics, natural language processing, speech processing, data analysis, decision and control,
networked and wireless communication, and human-computer interaction. These areas were
chosen both because of the opportunities that they currently offer for technological innovation,
but also because of their high relevance to many MELCO businesses. Within these areas, we
strive to advance the state of the art and to achieve business impact through the invention of new
products and services. On both counts, we have been very successful of late. A selection of
project highlights from this past year include:
• Adaptive-distance fields for digital typography: Every type of electronic display is a
potential business opportunity for this new method of representing and displaying
scalable text. Although this project emerged only recently, it is built. on fundamental
research going back many years.
• Data analysis and data mining: New fundamental data-analysis and data-exploration
algorithms generated several major publications and helped launch a new business for
MELCO. This work was recognized with a MELCO CR&D Award in FY2002.
• Projected displays: The potential synergy of projectors and cameras was explored in
several projects at MRL. DiamondTouch, a multi-user touch surface for projected
displays, was the focal point for a related body of work conducted in collaboration with
MTL. Collectively, these projects produced some notable publications (including a paper
at SIGGRAPH 2003, the premier computer-graphics conference), sparked multiple
dialogs with interested parties in MELCO business units, and was recognized with a
MELCO Johosoken Award in FY2002, a MELCO IP Award in FY2002, and selection as
a finalist in the IT Hardware section of the 2003 World Technology Network Awards.
• Security and surveillance technologies: In collaboration with colleagues at MTL,
researchers at MRL worked on fingerprint recognition, face detection, face recognition,
3D face recognition, far-field human detection, people counting, human tracking, and
non-photorealistic rendering of surveillance video. These projects again produced
several significant publications (including an orally presented paper at ICCV 2003, the
premier computer-vision conference) and generated interest at several MELCO business
• Group elevator control: The first major new research direction in group-elevator control
in more than 20 years resulted in a Best Paper award at the 2003 International Conference
on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) conference.
• LED-based communication and chemical sensing: Joint research with MTL resulted in
new uses for the humble LED. Although at an early stage, this work has generated
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several promising leads at MELCO and resulted in a paper at Ubicomp 2003, the premier
conference on ubiquitous computing.
Successful basic research in an industrial setting requires many things: a first-rate team of
researchers recruited from a global pool; a long-term commitment to open-ended, risky
exploration; research themes that resonate well with the parent company and that are ripe for
commercial exploitation; and effective tech-transfer mechanisms whereby research ideas can
lead to business impact. These elements are all in place at MERL Research and we look to the
future with much optimism.
Joe Marks
Director, MERL Research Lab
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MERL Technology Lab
The programs at MERL’s Technology Laboratory (MTL) are deliberately intertwined with those
at MRL. However, where MRL is composed largely of individual researchers with a time
horizon of five or more years, MTL is devoted to the practical realization of technology
innovations in a one-to-four-year time frame. This goal requires significant structure and
coordination. To facilitate this, MTL is organized into four groups, each with about 10 technical
staff. These teams produce early concept prototypes and patents along with MRL researchers.
However, MTL goes beyond this to advanced development, resolving key technical issues that
stand in the way of transforming a gleam in a researcher’s eye into a full-bodied form with
business impact.
The work at MTL is grounded in two key ways. First, we focus on real-world business problems
posed by MELCO business units to drive technological research. This is done in close
collaboration with MELCO business units in the U.S. and Japan, and with the other CR&D labs
in Japan and Europe. We strive to build particularly close relationships with our Japanese
colleagues since they are often the key to achieving impact for our work on the business bottom
line. Second, we participate strongly in international standards bodies, making key contributions
in areas of importance to MELCO.
A particular strength of MTL is its emphasis on collaboration across conventional academic and
engineering disciplines. Expertise in the lab ranges all the way from chip-level and board-level
hardware through low-level communication protocol layers to all levels of software and
applications. Our disciplines range from communications and video processing to software
systems featuring data analysis, computer vision, speech recognition, and human interfaces. The
lab’s strength is most evident in projects that require contributions from multiple disciplines such
as projects in automotive multimedia, video surveillance & analysis, sensor networks, and
interactive retail display environments.
The following paragraphs summarize the activities in the four MTL groups: Computer Vision
Applications & Devices, Digital Communications & Networking, Digital Video Technology &
Systems and Human-centric & Analytic Systems.
The Computer Vision Applications & Devices group is devoted to building software libraries
and systems for a variety of applications that make use of the world-class computer vision
research emerging from MERL as a whole. These applications include security, safety of
elevator operations, analysis and enhancement of imagery, calibration of multiple projector
sources, and demographic analysis from video data. This group leads a multi-year project funded
from MELCO Corporate R&D that is focused on building software libraries that are aligned with
a variety of business units in the area of computer-human observation. The group also focuses on
innovative devices and their interaction off the desktop. One focus for this year was
development of new forms of interaction in retail environments that incorporate multiple
projectors and sensors.
The Digital Communications & Networking group focuses on high-speed digital
communications systems and advanced networking. The work spans next generation mobile
wireless communications systems, wireless local area and home networks, and high speed
Ethernet. A corporate project on ultra wideband (UWB) technology includes participation by all
of MELCO’s corporate laboratories and is being led by this group. The team creates new
concepts and technologies, new algorithms, and new designs that enhance MELCO’s IP
portfolio. The group is particularly active in industry standards such as 3GPP, UWB, ZigBee
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and the IEEE standards 802.11, 802.15 & 802.16. The team collaborates with MELCO’s
business units to develop competitive communications and networking products such as ones
relating to the Simple Control Protocol (SCP) for Power Line Communication (PLC).
The Digital Video Technology & Systems group develops technologies for multimedia coding
and content analysis. It develops video compression and transcoding algorithms and software as
well as methods for audio/video content analysis and indexing. Key contributions include MPEG
2 to 4 transcoding and compression for high-definition TV as well as video summarization, event
detection, and content mining. The team has been active in the development of MPEG and other
standards, including MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, JVT, and IETF. The group works
closely with Japan to bring these technologies to the marketplace for video products and services
in the consumer, business, and government arenas.
The Human-Centric & Analytic Systems group is focused on developing advanced software
systems to enable new user interfaces to digital information. This area encompasses speech
interfaces multimodal interfaces, collaboration systems, data-mining, and sound classification. In
the speech arena, the group supports the business units by testing and evaluating speech engines
as well as developing novel paradigms for speech and multimodal user interfaces. In the area of
collaboration systems it focuses on software for new off-the-desktop devices such as MERL’s
DiamondTouch multi-user touch technology. Other efforts include data-mining in support of
recommendation engines and sound classification for industrial and consumer applications. This
group works closely with MELCO’s industrial design center and also with the automotive,
information systems, electronics, and public utility systems business units of MELCO.
Kent Wittenburg
Director, MERL Technology Lab
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Recent Awards and Commendations
The high caliber of MERL’s staff and research is evident in a variety of ways. Four are shown
below. The first is the members of our staff that are Fellows of technical societies. The second
and third are the best paper awards and technology awards received from outside organizations
in the past two years. The fourth is awards received from MELCO in the past two years for
MERL’s contribution to MELCO products.
Current Technical Society Fellows
Dr. Charles Rich, Fellow American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Candace L. Sidner, Fellow American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Huifang Sun, Fellow Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Best Paper Awards
Nikovski, D.; Brand M.E., “Decision-Theoretic Group Elevator Scheduling”, International
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), June 2003. [Best applied research
paper at the conference.]
Yin, P.; Vetro, A.; Liu, B.; Sun, H., “Drift Compensation for Reduced Spatial Resolution
Transcoding”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, ISSN: 10518215, Vol. 12, Issue 11, pp. 1009-1020, November 2002. [Best full-length paper of the year in
the journal.]
Almers, P.; Tufvesson, F.; Edfors, O.; Molisch, A.F., “Measured Capacity Gain Using Waterfilling in Frequency Selective MIMO Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2002, Vol. 3, pp. 1347-1351.
[Best paper at the conference.]
Vetro, A.; Hata, T.; Kuwahara, N.; Kalva, H.; Sekiguchi, S.;, “Complexity-Quality Analysis of
Transcoding Architectures for Reduced Spatial Resolution”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer
Electronics, ISSN: 0098-3063, Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 515-521, August 2002. [Second best fulllength paper of the year in the journal.]
Vetro, A.; Hata, T.; Kuwahara, N.; Kalva, H., “Complexity-Quality Analysis of MPEG-2 to
MPEG-4 Transcoding Architectures”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
(ICCE), pp. 130-131, June 2002. [Second best paper at the conference.]
Brand, M.E., “Morphable 3D Models from Video”, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 2, pp. 456, December 2001. [Best paper at the conference.]
Moghaddam, B.; Nastar, C.; Pentland, A., “Bayesian Face Recognition with Deformable Image
Models”, IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), pp. 26-35,
September 2001. [Winner of the 2001 Pierre Devijver Prize from the International Association of
Pattern Recognition (IAPR).]
Lesh, N.B.; Rich, C.; Sidner, C.L., “Collaborating with Focused and Unfocused Users Under
Imperfect Communication,” International Conference on User Modeling (UM), July 2001, pp.
64-73. [Outstanding Paper Award.]
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Technology Awards From Outside Organizations
In 2003, DiamondTouch was selected by the World Technology Network as one of 5 finalists for
selection as the new technology with the greatest likely long-term significance in the category
“Information Technology – Hardware”.
Awards From MELCO
In 2003, MERL staff received a “CR&D” award for the addition of data mining and
collaborative filtering capabilities to MELCO’s Diaprism database product through the invention
of Imputatitve Incremental Singular Value Decomposition (IISVD).
In 2003, MERL staff received a “Johosoken” award for their contribution to the technology
underlying multi-projector display walls through the development of algorithms supporting
seamless projection.
In 2003, MERL staff received an “Intellectual Property” award for the patent underlying
MERL’s DiamondTouch multi-user touch surface, computer interface device.
In 2001, MERL staff received a “CR&D” award for multiple contributions to the MPEG-7
standard in the areas of audio and video.
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Technical Staff
Ali Azarbayejani
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Ali Azarbayejani’s doctoral research was on vision-based computational 3D geometry and
underlying nonlinear probabilistic methods. In 1997, he founded Alchemy 3D Technology to
develop technology and software based on his computer vision research and led the development
of new markets in the film and video post-production industry for vision-based software. In
2002, he began consulting in software design and development and in 2003, he joined MERL
with interests in technology, software, and business development.
Paul Beardsley
Ph.D., Oxford University, 1992
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Paul Beardsley is a computer vision researcher. He obtained a DPhil from Oxford for work in
applications of projective geometry to computer vision. He is currently working on a geometrybased vision library in C++. The animation shown above left consists of synthetically-generated
images which were created in a former project on tracking head and eye motions. Current
projects are on stereo-vision for surveillance, and on a hand-held 3D scanner.
Ghulam Bhatti
Ph.D., Boston University, 1998
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Ghulam Bhatti received his Ph.D. in Computer Science, specializing in Distributed and Parallel
Discrete Event Simulation. He joined MERL in November 2000. Previously, Ghulam has
worked as a Sr. Software Engineer at Evare LLC, Inc, developing software for a network switch,
named as Winternet, and implementing an RSA cryptographic scheme. He also worked at Excel
Tech. Ltd. (XLTEK) as an Embedded Software Engineer, developing embedded software for a
portable EEG device. Currently, Ghulam is working on Home Networking and Digital TV. His
interests include algorithms, embedded software development, and networking.
Emmanuelle Bourrat
M.S., Université de Rennes1, 1999
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Emmanuelle Bourrat graduated in 1999 from IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et
Systèmes Aléatoires), Université de Rennes1, France. She earned a Master’s degree in computer
science and digital images. She was an intern at MERL from February 2000 to August 2000,
where she worked on a tool to visualize and segment scans of the head. She joined MERL as a
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full-time employee in August 2000. Her main interest is in computer vision and medical
imaging. She is currently working on the CHO (Computer Human Observation) project.
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Matthew Brand
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1994
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Matthew Brand studies unsupervised learning from sensory data. One goal is to make machines
that learn to realistically mimic and augment human performances; another is to optimize
systems that serve the conflicting interests of large numbers of people. Recent results include
spectral solutions for reconstructing manifolds from samples, decision-theoretic elevator group
control, a linear-time online SVD, video-realistic synthesis of humans and nature scenes,
recovery of nonrigid 3D shape from ordinary video, and an entropy optimization framework for
learning. Brand has been named one of the top innovators of his generation (Technology Review
1999) and one of industry’s top “R&D stars” (Industry Week 2000). Recent academic honors
include best paper awards in computer vision (CVPR2001) and scheduling (ICAPS2003).
Dirk Brinkman
J.D., Suffolk University Law School
Patent Counsel
MERL Headquarters
Dirk Brinkman’s undergraduate and Masters work was in Medical Physics. Prior to joining
MERL in 1998, he spent most of his career at Digital Equipment Corporation, first as an
engineer and product manager in the Medical Systems Group and then as a Patent Attorney for
Digital’s Research Laboratories in Cambridge MA and Palo Alto CA.
Johnas Cukier
M.Sc., from Polytechnic Institute of New York, 1985
Principal Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Johnas Cukier received his B.Sc. degree in Physics and Computer Science in 1983 from New
York University and his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1985 from Polytechnic
Institute of New York. He joined MERL in 1996, working on digital systems for CATV, RF
microwave transmitters/receivers, and front-end advanced TV receivers. His current interests are
in advanced Digital Networking and Digital Signal Processing.
Andrew J. Curtin
J.D., Suffolk University Law School, 1997
Associate Patent Counsel
MERL Headquarters
Andrew Curtin received his B.S. in Marine Engineering from the Massachusetts Maritime
Academy and his J.D. from Suffolk University Law School. Prior to joining MERL in 2001, he
spent six years as an engineering officer aboard U.S. flag merchant ships engaged in world-wide
trade, followed by two years as an attorney in private practice.
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Paul Dietz
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Paul Dietz is an over-educated, academic refugee who seeks happiness through creating clever
devices and systems. Most recently, Paul headed up the electrical engineering efforts at Walt
Disney Imagineering’s Cambridge R&D lab where he worked on a wide variety of projects
including theme park attractions, systems for the ABC television network and consumer
products. Since joining MERL in 2000, Paul has been leading efforts developing new user
interface technologies.
Ajay Divakaran
Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1993
Senior Principal Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Ajay Divakaran was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics and
Communications Engineering, University of Jodhpur, 1985-86 and a Research Associate at the
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, in Bangalore,
India in 1994-95. He was a Scientist with Iterated Systems Inc., Atlanta, GA from 1995 to 1998
before joining MERL in 1998. He has been an active contributor to the MPEG-7 video standard.
His current research interests include video analysis, summarization, indexing and compression,
and related applications. He currently serves on program committees of key conferences in the
area of multimedia content analysis.
Alan Esenther
M.Sc., Boston University, 1993
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Alan Esenther enjoys HCI (human-computer interaction), distributed software development,
graphical user interfaces, Internet technologies, and creating new applications before dawn.
Recent work includes touch applications that support multiple concurrent users (think multiple
mice), rapid image presentation for video browsing, and instant co-browsing (lightweight realtime distributed collaboration using unmodified web browsers). Previous work includes
interactive web page generation for mobile agents, an email gateway for offline surfing,
transaction monitors, kernel-level volume management, and microprocessor development.
Interests include rock climbing, adventure travel, and learning new technologies.
James Fang
B.Sc., Columbia University, 1992
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
James Fang received his B.Sc. from Columbia University in 1992 and did some graduate work
there before joining Mitsubishi Electric in 1995. He worked on consumer televisions for three
years before transferring to MERL in 1998. He is currently working on digital wireless
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George Fang
B.Sc., California Institute of Technology, 1990
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
George Fang received his B.Sc. degree from California Institute of Technology and became a
member of MELCO’s Kyoto Works in 1990. During the ten years working in Japan, he was a
hardware engineer designing analog and digital consumer televisions for the American market
and coordinated joint design efforts between Japan and the United States. He joined MERL in
February of 2001 with research objectives in wireless and network technologies.
Clifton Forlines
Master of HCI, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
Research Associate
MERL Research Lab
Clifton Forlines is Research Associate at MERL Research Lab. His research interests include the
design and evaluation of novel user interfaces. Current research projects span from threedimensional presentation of and navigation through recorded digital video, to collaborative
tabletop user interfaces, to using hand-held projectors for augmented reality. He is currently
leading the evaluation of three projects, MediaFinder, TimeTunnel, and DiamondSpin. Before
coming to MERL, Clifton worked on Carnegie Mellon’s Alice project, which aimed at teaching
programming to children through building interactive 3D worlds.
Sarah Frisken
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 1991
Senior Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Sarah Frisken (formerly Gibson) has research interests in computer graphics, volume
visualization and physically based modeling. She has led a team of researchers and students to
build a knee arthroscopy simulator that incorporates high-quality rendering, haptic feedback and
physical modeling to simulate interactions between surgical tools and a computer model derived
from 3D MRI data. Her current work is with Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields, a general
representation of shape for computer graphics, which provides intuitive manipulation, and
editing of smooth surfaces with fine detail. Applications include digital sculpting, volumetric
effects for rendering, color gamut representation, CNC milling, and rapid prototyping.
Daqing Gu
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook, 1999
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Daqing Gu received the BE degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1987; the MS
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the State University of New York at Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, NY in 1996 and 1999, respectively. He joined MERL in 1999, and is
currently a principal member of technical staff. He has been involved in many wireless
communications and networking projects, and has many publications in the field. His current
research interests include IEEE802.11 standardizations, QoS in wireless communications and
networks, multimedia home networking and MIMO-OFDM technologies.
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Jianlin Guo
Ph.D., Windsor University, 1995
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Jainlin Guo received his Ph.D. from Windsor University in 1995. He worked at Waterloo Maple
for a year and a half as a software developer and joined MERL in 1998. He has published seven
research papers and his primary research interests include home networks, digital broadcasting,
and wireless computing.
Bret Harsham
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Bret Harsham joined MERL in January 2001 to pursue interests in speech user interfaces and
speech-centric devices. Prior to joining MERL, Bret spent 3 1/2 years at Dragon Systems
designing and implementing handheld and automotive speech products. Earlier, he was a
principal architect of a Firewall and Virtual Private Network product. Bret’s other technical
interests include distributed architectures, knowledge representation and language theory.
Jyhchau (Henry) Horng
Ph.D., Polytechnic University, 1998
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Henry Horng received the Ph.D. from Polytechnic University in 1998. He has worked as a
research assistant at Polytechnic and as software developer and lecturer for CCIT, Taiwan.
Henry joined MERL in 1999. His primary research interests include digital communication and
signal processing.
Frederick J. Igo, Jr.
B.A., LeMoyne College
Senior Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Fred Igo’s professional interests are in software development and its process. Fred joined MERL
in 1985 and has worked on various software technology, including Distributed Computing,
Distributed OLTP, Message Queuing, Mobile Agents, OLAP/MDDB and Data Mining. Prior to
joining MERL Fred worked at IPL systems.
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Michael Jones
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Mike Jones joined MERL in the fall of 2001 after 4 years at the Digital/Compaq Cambridge
Research Laboratory. Mike’s main area of interest is computer vision, and he is particularly
interested in using machine learning approaches for solving computer vision problems. He has
focused on algorithms for detecting and analyzing people in images and video such as face
detection, skin detection and facial analysis using morphable models. Recent Projects include
Fast Face Detection using a Cascade of Detectors.
Ignacio Kadel-Garcia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981-1988
Systems and Network Engineer
MERL Headquarters
Nico (short for Ignacio) is a member of the Computer Network Services Group. He supports
UNIX and Linux software and hardware, and various networking services for MERL. His
previous experience includes Systems Engineering for Akamai Technologies. Nico also provided
computer support and designed analog instruments for cochlear implant research for a dozen
years at the Cochlear Implant Research Lab of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
Mamoru Kato
B.S., Tokyo University, 1991
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Mamoru Kato received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tokyo University and
became a member of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1991. He worked on IA servers and
network security products as a hardware engineer before he joined MERL in December of 2002.
His current interest is in sensor network and data mining.
Hao-Song Kong
Ph.D., Sydney University, 1998
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Hao-Song Kong has research interests in neural networks, digital signal processing, image
processing, video transcoding, video transmission and networking. He worked at Motorola
Australian Research Center over 4 years before joining MERL in 2001. His current projects are
DVD recording, real-time video streaming platform development and QoS provisioning research
for the next generation wired and wireless IP networks.
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Christopher Lee
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2000
Visiting Scientist
MERL Technology Lab
Christopher Lee is a graduate of the Robotics Ph.D. program at Carnegie Mellon University. His
research is motivated by the potential of robots to work with and to learn from people. His work
utilizes technology from robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related fields. His
previous research includes the derivation of new mathematical models for representing human
motion, and space robotics.
Darren Leigh
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1998
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Darren Leigh’s research interests range from electronic hardware and embedded systems to
signal processing, RF and communications. Before coming to MERL, he worked on the Harvard
University/Planetary Society Billion-channel ExtraTerrestrial Assay (Project BETA), a search
for microwave signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (SETI). Other previous research
included 3D microscopic scanning, desktop manufacturing and network architectures for
multimedia. His current research includes the DiamondTouch multi-user touch technology,
sensor networks and a plethora of gadgets.
Neal Lesh
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1998
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Neal Lesh’s research efforts aim to improve (or at least ease) the interaction between people and
computers. His research projects include interactive optimization (the HuGS project),
collaborative interface agents (the COLLAGEN project), and collaborative navigation of digital
data (the Personal Digital Historian project). Before coming to MERL, he was a graduate
student at the University of Washington with Oren Etzioni, and and a postdoc with James Allen
at the University of Rochester.
Sergei Makar-Limanov
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1994
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Sergei Makar-Limanov received his Bachelors degree from University of Chicago, and his PhD
in Mathematics from Stanford University. Before joining MERL, Sergei worked on computer
aided manufacturing for PTC Corporation; and supply management for Kewill PLC; and most
recently on designing automated software scalability testing tools at Empirix Corporation.
Sergei has joined MERL in May 2001 to work on the Concordia project. He is now working
with the vision group on creating a database framework for video surveillance applications.
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Koji Miyahara
M.Sc., Kyushu University, 1988
Senior Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Koji Miyahara received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Information Science from Kyushu
University in 1986 and 1988, respectively. He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corp. in 1988. He
worked at the Information Technology R&D Center of Mitsubishi Electric Corp before he
moved to MERL in 2002. He was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Irvine,
from 1999 to 2000. His research interests include user interface, intelligent agents and
information filtering.
Baback Moghaddam
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Baback Moghaddam’s research is in computational vision with focus on probabilistic visual
learning, statistical modeling and pattern recognition with applications in biometrics and
computer-human interfaces. Prior to MERL, Dr. Moghaddam was at the Vision and Modeling
Group at the MIT Media Laboratory where he developed an automatic vision system that won
DARPA’s 1996 “FERET” face recognition competition. His previous research included fractal
image compression, segmentation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery as well as
designing a zero-gravity experiment for laser annealing of amorphous silicon which was flown
aboard the US space shuttle in 1990.
Andreas F. Molisch
Ph.D., Technical University Vienna, 1994
Principal Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Andy Molisch received his M. Sc., Ph.D., and habilitation degrees from the TU Vienna, Austria,
in 1990, 1994, and 1999, respectively. His current research interests are multiple-antenna
systems, wireless channel measurement and modeling, ultrawideband systems, and OFDM. He is
active in standardization (IEEE 802.15, 3GPP, COST273), and has authored or co-authored two
books, five book chapters, some 50 journal papers, and numerous conference papers. He is a
senior member of IEEE.
Yves-Paul Nakache
M.Sc., E.S.I.E.E., 2000
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Yves-Paul Nakache received a French Engineering diploma equivalent to M.Sc. degree in
Electrical Engineering in 2000 from E.S.I.E.E. (Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en
Electrotechnique et Electronique), Paris, France. He joined MERL in 2000, where he is currently
a Member of the Technical Staff. He works on Interference Cancellation and 3G CDMA
systems. His current interests are in speech processing and wireless communications.
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Daniel Nikovski
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2002
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Daniel Nikovski’s research is focused on algorithms for reasoning, planning, and learning with
probabilistic models. His current work is on the application of such algorithms to hard
transportation problems such as group elevator control. Recent results include an efficient
algorithm for exact estimation of expected waiting times of elevator passengers, a look-ahead
algorithm for balancing the waiting times of existing and future passengers, a risk-averse
scheduler for reducing the fraction of passengers waiting excessively, and a maximum-entropy
algorithm for estimating complete origin-destination traffic matrices.
Philip Orlik
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook, 1999
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Philip Orlik received the B.E. degree in 1994 and the M.S. degree in 1997 both from the State
University of New York at Stony Brook. In 1999 he earned his Ph. D. in electrical engineering
also from SUNY Stony Brook. He joined MERL in August 2000, and is currently a member of
technical staff. His research interests include wireless and optical communications, networking,
queuing theory, and analytical modeling.
Kadir Peker
Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2001
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Kadir A. Peker received the B.S. degree from Bilkent University, Turkey in 1993, the M.S.
degree from Rutgers University in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree from New Jersey Institute of
Technology in 2001, all in Electrical Engineering. He worked at MERL as an intern for more
than a year, and joined as a member of technical staff in 2000. His Ph.D. dissertation was on
content based video indexing and summarization using motion activity. He has contributed to
MPEG-7, published conference and journal papers, and filed patents based on his doctoral work.
He also worked on home networks and multimedia networking for a year. He attended UPnP
working groups during this period. His current research interests include video indexing,
browsing and summarization, video presentation techniques, and video mining.
Georgiy Pekhteryev
M.Sc., from Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Ukraine, 1994
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Georgiy Pekkhteryev received M.Sc. degree in Aviation Engineering in 1994 from Kharkiv
Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine. He joined MERL in 2002, where he is currently a Member
of the Technical Staff. His current interests are in wireless and wired home networking, network
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Ron Perry
B.Sc., Bucknell University, 1981
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Ron Perry joined MERL as a Research Scientist in 1998. Prior to that, he was a consulting
engineer at DEC developing a three-dimensional rendering ASIC called Neon. Ron has
consulted for many companies including Kodak, Atex, Adobe, Quark, and Apple over the last 20
years, developing software and hardware products in the areas of computer graphics, imaging,
color, and desktop publishing. Ron’s research interests include fundamental algorithms in
computer graphics with occasional excursions in numerical analysis and protein folding.
Hanspeter Pfister
Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1996
Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Hanspeter Pfister is Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist at MERL in Cambridge,
MA. He is the chief architect of VolumePro, Mitsubishi Electric’s real-time volume rendering
hardware for PCs. His research interests include computer graphics, scientific visualization, and
computer architecture. His work spans a range of topics, including point-based graphics, 3D
photography, volume graphics, and computer graphics hardware. Hanspeter Pfister received his
Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1996 from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He
received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) Zurich, Switzerland, in 1991.
Erik Piip
Manager, Computer Network Services
MERL Headquarters
Erik is the manager of the Computer Network Services Group. The group supports MERL’s
computing and network infrastructure and end-users. Erik is responsible for identifying MERL
wide strategic and tactical enhancements. In past lives, Erik worked for Digital Equipment in
multiple roles; service delivery, support, fault management and analysis, and server management
design. Other interests include using and building large telescopes and instrumentation and
Amateur Radio.
Fatih Porikli
Ph.D., Polytechnic University, 2002
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
My research interests are in the areas of video processing, computer vision, aerial image
processing, 3-D depth estimation, texture segmentation, robust optimization, network traffic
management, multi-camera systems, data mining, and digital signal filtering. I have received my
Ph.D. degree from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY in 2002. Before I joined to MERL in
2000, I worked for Hughes Research Labs, Malibu, CA (1999) and AT&T Research Labs,
Holmdel, NJ (1997).
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Stanley Pozerski
BA Computer Systems, Daniel Webster College 1987
Systems Network Administrator
MERL Headquarters
Stan’s interests have followed the application of computers to a variety of manufacturing tasks
including using PDP-11’s to demonstrate control of multiple reactor chemical processes, using
PCs for production testing, manufacturing chemicals and controlling multi-axis rotary assembly
machines. More recently, Stan has been Systems Administrator of a CIM system for a
semiconductor facility performing shop floor scheduling, data collection, and process
monitoring. Currently, Stan supports Windows and Linux clients and servers, networking, and
the wide variety of PC applications used at MERL.
Bhiksha Raj
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2000
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Dr. Bhiksha Raj joined MERL as a Staff Scientist. He completed his Ph.D. from Carnegie
Mellon University (CMU) in May 2000. Dr. Raj works mainly on algorithmic aspects of speech
recognition, with special emphasis on improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to
environmental noise. His latest work is on the use of statistical information about speech for the
automatic design of filter-and-sum microphone arrays. Dr. Raj has over thirty conference and
journal publications and is currently in the process of publishing a book on missing-feature
methods for noise-robust speech recognition.
Ramesh Raskar
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Ramesh Raskar joined MERL as a Research Scientist in 2000. Prior to that, he was at the Office
of the Future group at UNC’s Computer Graphics lab. As part of his dissertation, he developed a
framework for projector based 3D graphics by treating a projector as the dual of a camera.
Current work includes topics from non-photorealistic rendering, computer vision and intelligent
user interfaces. He is a member of the ACM and IEEE.
Charles Rich
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980
Distinguished Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
The thread connecting all of Dr. Rich’s research has been to make interacting with a computer
more like interacting with a person. As a founder and director of the Programmer’s project at the
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. in the 1980s, he pioneered research on intelligent assistants for
software engineering. Dr. Rich joined MERL in 1991 as a founding member of the Research
Lab. For the past several years, he has been working on a technology, called Collagen, for
building collaborative interface agents based on human discourse theory. Dr. Rich is a Fellow
and past Councilor of the American Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence. He was Program Co-Chair
the 2004 Int. Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces.
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David Rudolph
M.S., University of Illinois, 1989
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
David Rudolph joined MERL in 1990. During this time he has contributed to several systems
software projects, including the gm80 simulator. His last 6 years have been spent developing the
“Network Replication” project, which is now being successfully marketed by Veritas Software
Corporation as VVR (Veritas Volume Manager). This project was the 1998 winner of the
Corporate R&D GM’s Award for Excellence. Before joining MERL, David spent three years at
Data General, interrupted by a two-year stint at the University of Illinois, where his research
interests were system software and performance analysis for massively parallel architectures.
Kathy Ryall
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1997
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Kathy Ryall’s research interests focus on human-computer interaction, user interfaces and
improving human-computer collaboration. Her current research is on the design of interfaces
and interaction techniques to support multi-user collaboration on shared surfaces. She currently
leads the DiamondTouch project, developing the infrastructure for MERL’s multi-user, multitouch technology, and coordinating collaborations with external groups. Prior to joining MERL,
Kathy was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Virginia for three years.
Zafer Sahinoglu
PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2001
Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Zafer received his B.S. in E.E. from Gazi Uni., Ankara, M.S. in BME and Ph.D. in EE from
NJIT. He was awarded the Hashimoto Prize in 2002. He worked at AT&T Shannon Labs in
1999, and joined MERL in March 2001 where he is currently with the Video Technology. His
research areas includes home networking, QoS in video streaming and multicasting, wireless
image sensor networks, traffic self-similarity and biomedical signal processing. He has
significant contributions to emerging MPEG-21 and ZigBee standards.
Bent Schmidt-Nielsen
B.S. University of California at San Diego, 1971
Senior Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Bent Schmidt-Nielsen has seven years of experience at Dragon Systems in applying speech
recognition to useful products. Here at MERL he is paying a lot of attention to making speech
interfaces robust and usable. Bent has very broad interests in science and technology. Among
many other activities he has taught genetics at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and he
has been a leader in the development of an easy to use mass market database.
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Derek Schwenke
M.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1988
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Derek Schwenke received his B.S.E.E. from Tulane and M.S.C.S. from Worcester Polytechnic
Institute. At Raytheon (1984-1988) in Marlboro, MA. Derek worked on image processing and
satellite communications systems. At MERL (1988) Derek worked on the design and simulation
of the M80 and PXB1 CPUs, and software development using the OSF-DCE/Encina platform.
He co-developed the OpenMQ™ message queuing system for MELCO. Derek’s worked on the
Concordia™ mobile agent project’s Java security architecture and the Location Aware Systems
project. Currently he is working on FormsTalk™ and Collagen™ multimodal interfaces and is
an active member of the W3C VoiceXML and Multimodal working groups.
Huairong Shao
Ph.D., Tsinghua University, 1999
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Huairong Shao has research interests in adaptive and reliable multimedia communications, QoS
provision for the next generation wired and wireless Internet, pervasive computing and
collaborative systems. Before joining MERL Huairong Shao worked with Microsoft Research
Beijing and Redmond. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.
Chia Shen
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1992
Associate Director & Senior Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Chia Shen is Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist at MERL Research Lab. Her
research interests span from shared user interfaces and HCI, to distributed real-time and
multimedia systems. Her current research is on user interface design and interaction techniques
for multi-user collaboration on shared surfaces. She is leading two projects, DiamondSpin and
Personal Digital Historian, in this area. Previously, Chia Shen has lead the MidART research
project which has been successfully incorporated into several large distributed industrial plant
control systems. MidART is a real-time middleware for applications where humans need to
interact, control and monitor instruments and devices in a network environment through
computer interfaces.
Samuel Shipman
M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University, 1985
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Sam Shipman received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University
and the B.S. from UNC-Wilmington. His technical interests and background are in real-time and
distributed operating systems research and development. At MERL, he has worked on the
Network Replication and Open Community projects, and on smaller efforts related to MPEG-7,
interactive surroundings, and fingerprint recognition.
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Candace Sidner
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979
Senior Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Candy Sidner is an expert in user interfaces, especially those involving speech and natural
language understanding, and human and machine collaboration. Before coming to MERL, she
had been a research staff member at Bolt Beranek Newman, Digital Equipment Corp., and Lotus
Development Corp., and a visiting scientist at Harvard University. She is currently working on
applying speech understanding technology to collaborative interface agents in the COLLAGEN
project. Dr. Sidner was Chair of the 2001 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
and is a past President of the Association for Computational Linguistics. She is also a Fellow and
past Councilor of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Paris Smaragdis
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Paris Smaragdis joined MERL late 2002 as a research scientist. His main interests are auditory
scene analysis and self-organizing computational perception. Before coming to MERL he was a
postdoctoral associate at MIT, where he also obtained his PhD degree in perceptual computing.
His most recent work has been on sound source separation, multimodal statistics and audio
Jay Thornton
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1982
Group Manager, Computer Vision Applications
MERL Technology Lab
Jay Thornton’s degree program was Mathematical Psychology. His doctoral work focused on
perception and vision, and his thesis concerned channels mediating color vision. After a post doc
at the University of Pennsylvania, he worked for Polaroid Corporation, first in the Vision
Research Laboratory and then as manager of the Image Science Laboratory. At Polaroid he
worked on problems in color reproduction, image quality, image processing, and half toning. At
MERL since January 2002, he manages the Computer Human Observation project, and is excited
about the computer vision problems that arise when computers analyze, measure, count, detect,
and recognize people.
Jeroen van Baar
M.Sc., Delft University of Technology, 1998
Research Associate
MERL Research Lab
Jeroen van Baar has a MSc in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology, the
Netherlands. His interests are in the fields of Computer Graphics, Scientific Visualization,
Computer Vision and HCI. He first came to MERL as an intern in 1997, and after finishing his
Masters, he joined MERL full-time in 1999 as a Research Associate. The projects he has been
working on include points as rendering primitives, automatic keystone correction for projectors,
and multi-projector displays on both planar and curved surfaces.
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Anthony Vetro
Ph.D., Polytechnic University, 2001
Senior Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Anthony Vetro joined MERL in 1996, where he is currently a Senior Principal Member of the
Technical Staff. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic
University in Brooklyn, NY, and his current research interests are related to the encoding and
transport of multimedia content, with emphasis on video transcoding, rate-distortion modeling
and optimal bit allocation. He has published a number of papers in these areas and has been an
active participant in MPEG standards for several years, where he is now serving as Editor for
MPEG-21 Part 7, Digital Item Adaptation.
Joseph Woelfel
M.S., Rutgers University, 1992
Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Before joining MERL in February 2001, Joe worked at Dragon Systems, where he led small
teams developing an extensible voice architecture. In the years before that, Joe worked on the
development of a statistical process control software package at GE-Fanuc. Joe earned a B.S. in
Physics from SUNY Albany, and an M.S. in Communication and Information Science from
Rutgers University. As Project Engineer for the Surveillance product, he will work on MERL’s
Interactive Surroundings Initiative.
Peter Wolf
B.S., Yale University, 1983
Senior Principal Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Peter is an expert in Speech Technologies and a broad range of Software Engineering tools and
practices. While Peter’s role is often that of a technical expert and principal engineer, his main
interest is the definition and creation of new products and services, made possible by new
technologies. Peter is currently exploring the use of speech recognition to retrieve information
with applications for cellphones, PDAs, automobiles and home entertainment.
David Wong
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1991
Group Manager, E-Services
MERL Technology Lab
David Wong is group manager of Human-Centric and Analytic Systems, a group concerned
with developing next generation UI and data analysis technologies. His technical interests
include various flavors of agent technology, data mining and visualization techniques, and
distributed computing infrastructures. Prior to joining MERL in 1994, he worked for 4 years on
developing advanced distributed transaction processing systems at Digital Equipment
Corporation. In a prior life, he also taught and conducted research in chemical engineering for 4
years. David received his B.Sc. degree from Brown University in 1980 and his Ph.D. in
computer science from the University of Connecticut in 1991.
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Christopher R. Wren
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Christopher Wren’s research area is Perception for Human-Computer Interaction. While Chris’
recent work has focused on using computer vision techniques to create systems that are visually
aware of the user, his current interests also extend to include audio processing and other sensing
modalities. Prior to coming to MERL, he was at the Vision & Modeling Group at the MIT Media
Laboratory. As part of his dissertation work, he developed a system for combining physical
models with visual evidence in real time to recover subtle models of human motion.
Kazuhiro Yamamoto
M.S., Shibaura Institute of Technology, 1991
Japanese Liaison
MERL Headquarters
Kazuhiro Yamamoto joined MELCO in 1991 and had worked on Intellectual Property
administration jobs for nine years, for example, software license administration, technical
contract control, reviewing of research agreement, IP training to freshmen, at Information
Technology R&D Center. He was legal staff of IP-Center, before he move to MERL in 2000.
He received a M.S. from Shibaura Institute of Technology in 1991
Jonathan Yedidia
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1990
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
Jonathan Yedidia’s graduate work at Princeton (1985-1990) and post-doctoral work at Harvard’s
Society of Fellows (1990-1993) focused on theoretical condensed-matter physics, particularly
the statistical mechanics of systems with quenched disorder. From 1993 to 1997, he was a
professional chess player and teacher. He then worked at the internet startup company Viaweb,
where he helped develop the shopping search engine that has since become Yahoo’s shopping
service. In 1998, Dr. Yedidia joined MERL. He is particularly interested in the development of
new methods to analyze graphical models. His work has applications in the fields of artificial
intelligence, digital communications, and statistical physics.
William Yerazunis
Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1987
Research Scientist
MERL Research Lab
William Yerazunis has worked in a number of fields including: optics, vision processing, and
signal processing (for General Electric’s jet engine manufacturing); computer graphics (at
Rensselaer’s Center for Interactive Computer Graphics); artificial intelligence and parallel
symbolic computation (for DEC’s OPS5, XCON, and the successor products such as
RuleWorks); radioastronomy and SETI ( at Harvard University), transplant immunology (for the
American Red Cross), virtual and augmented reality, realtime sensing and ubiquitous computing,
and realtime statistical categorization of texts (the CRM114 Discriminator anti-spam system). He
has appeared on numerous educational television shows, and holds 19 U.S. patents.
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Fangfang Zhang
M.S., Brandeis University, 2000
Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Fangfang Zhang received her Master in Software Engineering from Brandies University. She
joined MERL in Jan 2001. She is currently working on Concordia project and speech project.
Prior to joining MERL, Fangfang worked at CMGI, as a member of web-dialup service
development team.
Jinyun Zhang
Ph.D., University of Ottawa, 1991
Senior Principal Member Technical Staff
MERL Technology Lab
Jinyun received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa in the area of
digital signal processing, where she was also a Visiting Scholar and worked on digital image
processing. Prior to this she was a teacher/lecturer at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Jinyun worked for Nortel Networks for the past ten years where she held engineering and most
recently management positions in the areas of VLSI design, Advanced Wireless Technology
Development, Wireless Networks and Optical Networks. She has a broad technical background,
specializing in system design, DSP algorithms, and real-time embedded S/W for wireless
communications and DWDM optical networks. Jinyun joined the MERL in 2001.
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Recent Major Publications
The following lists the 222 major publications by members of the MERL staff over the past two
years. (This is an average of more than 1.7 papers per technical staff member per year.) A
publication is considered major if it appeared in a refereed journal, a referred conference
proceedings, or some other significant publication such as a book. For completeness, the list
includes 63 papers that have been accepted for publication in the near future.
An asterisk ( ) appears before the 74 (26%) publications that were subject to highly stringent
selection criteria where they were published. Some venues (such as major journals and certain
key conferences) are very selective in what they publish and some (such as workshops and many
conferences) are not. There are good reasons to publish something in a non-selective venue, the
most important of which being that a given workshop or conference may be the best place at
which to expose a particular piece of work to the scientific community. However, the mere
appearance of a piece of work in a non-selective venue says little if anything about the quality of
the work. In contrast, getting a piece of work into a highly selective venue is a mark of
distinction that says a lot about the quality of the work in the eyes of the scientific community.
As a basis for assessing the selectivity of various venues, the list below uses acceptance rates.
For instance, certain key conferences such as CHI, ICCV, and SIGGRAPH accept only 20% or
less of the papers submitted to them, rejecting many papers that in fact describe fine work. In
contrast, many workshops and regional conferences accept 80% or more of the papers submitted,
taking everything but the truly awful. The list below puts an asterisk before a conference or
workshop paper only if the acceptance rate was less than 25%, or the paper received a best paper
award. In addition, asterisks appear before papers in major archival Journals.
Molisch, A.F.; Petrovic, R., “Reduction of the Error Floor of Binary FSK by Nonlinear
Frequency Discriminators”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, To Appear
December 2003, (TR2003-41).
Xie, L.; Xu, P.; Chang, S-F.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Structure Analysis of Soccer
Video with Domain Knowledge and Hidden Markov Models”, Pattern Recognition Letters,
Vol. 24, Issue 15, To Appear December 2003.
Peker, K.A.; Divakaran, A., “Framework for Measurement of the Intensity of Motion
Activity of Video Segments”, Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation,
Vol. 14, Issue 4, To Appear December 2003.
Win, M.Z.; Chriskos, G.; Molisch, A.F., “Selective Rake Diversity in Multipath Fading
with Arbitrary Power Delay Profile”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, To
Appear Winter 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Zhang, X., “FFT-Based Hybrid Antenna Selection Schemes for Spatially
Correlated MIMO Channels”, IEEE Communication Letters, To Appear Winter 2003.
- 79 -
Sahinoglu, Z.; Orlik, P., “Optimum Transmit Power Control and Power Compensation
for Error Propagation in Relay Assisted Wireless Networks”, IEEE Global Communications
Conference (Globecom), To Appear December 2003.
Almers, P.; Tufvesson, F.; Molisch, A.F., “Measurement of Keyholes and Capacities in
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Channels”, IEEE Global Communications
Conference ( Globecom), To Appear December 2003.
Zhang, X.; Molisch, A.F.; Kung, S.Y., “Antenna Selection Under Spatially Correlated
MIMO Channels”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), To Appear
December 2003.
Yu, J.; Yao, Y.D.; Zhang, J.; Molisch, A.F., “Reverse Link Capacity of Power-Controlled
CDMA Systems with Antenna Arrays in a Multipath Fading Environment”, IEEE Global
Communications Conference (Globecom), To Appear December 2003.
Pang, B.; Shao, H-R.; Gao, W., “An Admission Control Scheme for End-to-End
Statistical QoS Provision in IP Networks”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology,
Vol. 18, No. 3, To Appear November 2003.
Wittenburg, K.; Forlines, C.; Lanning, T.; Esenther, A.; Harada, S.; Miyachi, T., “Rapid
Serial Visual Presentation Techniques for Consumer Digital Video Devices”, ACM
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), To Appear November 2003.
Sahinoglu, Z.; Vetro, A., “Mobility Characteristics for Multimedia Service Adaptation”,
EURASIP Journal: Image Communications, To Appear Fall 2003, (TR2003-53).
Sahinoglu, Z.; Orlik, P., “Regenerator vs. Simple Relay with Power Compensation for
Error Propagation”, IEEE Communication Letters, To Appear Fall 2003, (TR2003-54).
Almers, P.; Tufvesson, F.; Molisch, A.F., “Measurement of Keyhole Effect in a Wireless
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Channel”, IEEE Communication Letters, To
Appear Fall 2003, (TR2003-43).
Molisch, A.F., “A Generic Model for MIMO Wireless Propagation Channels in Macroand Microcells”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, To Appear Fall 2003, (TR200342).
Xie, L.; Chang, S-F.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Unsupervised Mining of Statistical Temporal
Structures in Video in Video Mining”, Video Mining, Edited by Rosenfeld, A.; Doermann,
D.; Dementhon, D., ISBN: 1402 075 499, To Appear October 2003.
Divakaran, A.; Peker, K.A.; Radharkishnan, R.; Xiong, Z.; Cabasson, R., “Video
Summarization Using MPEG-7 Motion Activity and Audio Descriptors”, Video Mining,
Rosenfeld, A.; Doermann, D.; DeMenthon, D., To Appear October 2003.
Dai, H.; Molisch, A.F.; Poor, H.V., “Downlink Capacity of Interference-Limited MIMO
Systems with Joint Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, To
Appear Fall 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H., “Reduced Complexity Transmit/Receive
Diversity Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, To Appear Fall 2003,
- 80 -
Smaragdis, P.; Brown, J.C., “Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Polyphonic Music
Transcription”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
(WASPAA), To Appear October 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H., “Performance of Reduced-Complexity
Transmit/Receive-Diversity Systems”, International Symposium on Wireless Personal
Multimedia Communications (WPMC), ISSN: 1347-6890, Vol. 2, pp. 738-742, October
Forester, J.R.; Pendergrass, M.; Molisch, A.F., “A UWB Channel Model for Ultrawideband
Indoor Communications”, International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia
Communications (WPMC), To Appear October 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Nakache, Y.P.; Orlik, P.; Zhang, J.; Wu, Y.; Gezici, S.; Kung, S.Y.; Poor,
H.V.; Li, Y.G.; Sheng, H.; Haimovich, A., “An Efficient Low-Cost Time-Hopping Impulse
Radio for High Data Rate Transmission”, International Symposium on Wireless Personal
Multimedia Communications (WPMC), To Appear October 2003.
Li, Y.G.; Molisch, A.F.; Zhang, J., “Channel Estimation and Signal Detection for UWB”,
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), To
Appear October 2003.
Moghaddam, B.; Lee, J.; Pfister, H. Machiraju, R., “Model-Based 3D Face Capture with
Shape-from-Silhouettes”, IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces
and Gestures (AMFG), To Appear October 2003, (TR2003-84).
Shakhnarovich, P.; Viola, P.; Darrell, T., “Fast Pose Estimation With Parameter Sensitive
Hashing”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), To Appear October
Levin, A.; Viola, P.; Freund, Y., “Unsupervised Improvement of Visual Detectors Using
Co-Training”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), To Appear
October 2003.
Viola, P.; Jones, M.J.; Snow, D., “Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and
Appearance”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), To Appear
October 2003, (TR2003-90).
Shen, C.; Everitt, K.M.; Ryall, K., “UbiTable: Impromptu Face-to-Face Collaboration on
Horizontal Interactive Surfaces”, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
(UbiComp), To Appear October 2003.
Dietz, P.H.; Yerazunis, W.; Leigh, D., “Very Low Cost Sensing and Communication
Using Bidirectional LEDS”, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp),
To Appear October 2003, (TR2003-35).
Choi, Y.S.; Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H., “Fast Antenna Selection Algorithms
for MIMO Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), To Appear October
Sidner, C.L.; Lee, C.; Lesh, N., “Engagement Rules for Human-Robot Collaborative
Interactions”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics (CSMC), To
Appear October 2003, TR2003-50).
- 81 -
Zhou, S.; Chellappa, R.; Moghaddam, B., “Visual Tracking and Recognition Using
Appearance-Based Modeling in Particle Filters”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
(TIP), To Appear Fall 2003.
Liu, J.; Li, B.; Shao, H.S.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, Y-Q., “A Proxy-Assisted Adaptation
Framework for Object Video Multicasting”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for
Video Technology, To Appear October 2003.
Pasadakis, N.; Gaganis, V.; Smaragdis, P., “Independent Component Analysis for
Deconvolution of Overlapping HPLC Aromatic Peaks of Oil”, International Conference of
Instrumental Methods of Analysis (Modern Trends and Applications) (IMA), To Appear
September 2003.
Xiong, Z.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Divakaran, A., “Generation of Sports Highlights Using
Motion Activity in Combination with a Common Audio Feature Extraction Framework”,
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), To Appear September 2003.
Xie, L.; Chang, S-F.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Feature Selection for Unsupervised Discovery
of Statistical Temporal Structures in Video”, IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP), To Appear September 2003.
Guillamet, D.; Moghaddam, B.; Vitria, J., “Higher-Order Dependencies in Local Appearance
Models”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), To Appear September
2003, (TR2003-93).
Kong, H.S.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Combined Rate Control and Mode Decision Optimization
for MPEG-2 Transcoding with Spatial Resolution Reduction”, IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), To Appear September 2003.
Porikli, F., “Inter-Camera Color Calibration by Cross-Correlation Model Function”, IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), To Appear September 2003,
Peker, K.A.; Divakaran, A., “Extended Framework for Adaptive Playback-Based Video
Summarization”, SPIE Internet Multimedia Management Systems IV, To Appear September
Radhakrishnan, R.; Xiong, Z.; Raj, B.; Divakaran, A., “Audio-Assisted News Video
Browsing Using a GMM Based Generalized Sound Recognition Framework”, SPIE Internet
Multimedia Management Systems IV, To Appear September 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Zhang, X.; Kung, S.Y.; Zhang, J., “FFT-Based Hybrid Antenna Selection
Schemes for Spatially Correlated MIMO Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), To Appear September 2003.
Wu, Y.; Molisch, A.F.; Kung, S.Y.; Zhang, J., “Impulse Radio Pulse Shaping for Ultra-Wide
Bandwidth UWB Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications (PIMRC), To Appear September 2003.
Gu, D.; Zhang, J., “A New Measurement-Based Admission Control Method for IEEE802.11
Wireless Local Area Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and
Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), To Appear September 2003.
- 82 -
Huang, Q.; Gu, D.; Zhang, J., “Energy/Security Scalable Public-Key Mobile Cryptosystem”,
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC), To Appear September 2003.
Lao, D.; Horng, J.H.; Zhang, J., “Throughput Analysis for W-CDMA Systems with MIMO
and AMC”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), To Appear September 2003, (TR2003-48).
Horng, J.H.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; “Adaptive Transmit Weights for Performance Enhancement in
Space-Time Transmit Diversity Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), To Appear September 2003.
Fossorier, M.; Palanki, R.; Yedidia, J., “Multi-Step Interactive Decoding of Majority Logic
Decodable Codes”, International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics, To
Appear September 2003, (TR2003-107).
Gezici, S.; Fishler, E.; Kobayashi, H.; Poor, V., “A Rapid Acquisition Technique for Impulse
Radio”, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal
Processing (PACRIM), To Appear August 2003, (TR2003-46).
Suzuki, N.; Iwata, M.; Sasakawa, K.; Komaya, K.; Nikovski, D.; Brand, M., “A Calculation
Method of Car Arrival Time With Dynamic Programming in Elevator Group Control”,
Conference of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, To Appear August 2003.
Molisch, A.F.; Zhang, J.; Miyake, M., “Time Hopping Versus Frequency Hopping in Ultra
Wideband Systems”, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and
Signal Processing (PACRIM), To Appear August 2003, (TR2003-92).
Molisch, A.F., “MIMO Systems with Antenna Selection: An Overview”, IEEE Radio &
Wireless Conference (RAWCON), To Appear August 2003.
Moghaddam, B.; Tian, Q.; Lesh, N.; Shen, C.; Huang, T. S., “Visualization and UserModeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries”, International Journal of Computer Vision,
To Appear Fall 2003.
Raskar, R.; van Baar, J.; Beardsley, P.; Willwacher, T.; Rao, S.; Forlines, C., “iLamps:
Geometrically Aware and Self-Configuring Projectors”, ACM Transactions on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH), To Appear July 2003, (TR2003-23).
Sidner, C.L.; Lee, C.; Lesh, N.B., “The Role of Dialog in Human Robot Interaction”,
International Workshop on Language Understanding and Agents for Real World Interaction,
Hokkaido University, Japan, To Appear July 2003, (TR2003-63).
Zhou, S.; Chellappa, R.; Moghaddam, B., “Adaptive Visual Tracking and Recognition using
Particle Filters”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), To
Appear July 2003, (TR2003-95).
Kong, H.S.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Coding Mode Optimization for MPEG-2 Transcoding with
Spatial Resolution Reduction”, SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image
Processing (VCIP), Vol. 5150, pp. 501-511, To Appear July 2003, (TR2003-99).
Zhou, J.; Shao, H-R.; Shen, C.; Sun, M-T., “FGS Enhancement Layer Truncation with
Minimized Intra-Frame Quality Variation “, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
and Expo (ICME), To Appear July 2003, (TR2003-16).
- 83 -
Porikli, F.M.; Divakaran, A., “Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query
Generation”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), To Appear
July 2003, (TR2003-100).
Xie, L.; Chang, S-F.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Unsupervised Discovery of Multilevel
Statistical Video Structures Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models”, IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), To Appear July 2003, (TR2003-101).
Vetro, A.; Haga, T.; Sumi, K.; Sun, H., “Object-Based Coding for Long-Term Archive of
Surveillance Video”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), To
Appear July 2003.
Cheng, H.; Zhang, X.M, Shi, Y.Q.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Rate Allocation for FGS-Coded
Video Using Composite Rate-Distortion Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo (ICME), To Appear July 2003.
Lee, J.; Moghaddam, B.; Pfister, H.; Machiraju, R., “Silhouette-Based 3D Face Shape
Recovery”, Graphics Interface, June 2003, (TR2003-81).
Gu, D; Zhang, J., “QoS Enhancement in IEEE802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks”, IEEE
Communications Magazine, ISSN: 0163-6804, Vol. 41, Issue 6, pp. 120-124, June 2003,
Lee, J-W.; Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Ho, Y-S., “Bit Allocation for MPEG-4 Video Coding
with Spatio-Temporal Tradeoffs”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, ISSN: 1051-8215, Vol. 13, Issue 6, pp. 488-502, June 2003, (TR2003-75).
Yedidia, J.; Chen, J.; Fossorier, M., “Representing Codes for Belief Propagation Decoding”,
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp.176, June 2003, (TR2003-106).
Wittenburg, K., Lanning, T., Forlines, C.; Esenther, A., “Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
Techniques for Visualizing a 3rd Data Dimension”, International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction (HCI), June 2003, TR2003-20).
Moghaddam, B.; Guillamet, D.; Vitria, J., “Local Appearance-Based Models using HighOrder Statistics of Image Features”, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
& Pattern Recognition (CVPR), ISSN: 1063-6919, Vol. 1, pp. 729-735, June 2003, (TR200385).
Nakane, K.; Otsuka, I.; Esumi, K.; Murakami, T.; Divakaran, A., “A Content-Based
Browsing System for HDD and/or recordable DVD Personal Video Recorder”, IEEE
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), June 2003, (TR2003-89).
Kong, H.S.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Optimal MPEG-2 Transcoding for DVD Recording
System”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), June 2003,
Guillamet, D.; Moghaddam, B.; Vitria, J., “Modeling High-Order Dependencies in Local
Appearance Models”, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis, June
2003, (TR2003-94).
Nikovski, D.; Brand, M., “Decision-Theoretic Group Elevator Scheduling”, International
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), June 2003, (TR2003-61). [Best
applied research paper at the conference.]
- 84 -
Nikovski, D.; Brand, M., “Non-Linear Stochastic Control in Continuous State Spaces by
Exact Integration in Bellman’s Equations”, International Conference on Automated Planning
and Scheduling (ICAPS), June 2003, (TR2003-91).
Frisken, S.; Perry, R., “Simple and Efficient Traversal Methods for Quadtrees and Octrees”,
Journal of Graphics Tools, Vol. 7, Issue 3, May 2003.
Sun, H.; Vetro, A.; Asai, K., “Resource Adaptation Based on MPEG-21 Usage Environment
Descriptions”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2003,
Gu, D.; Zhang, J., “Evaluation of EDCF Mechanism for QoS in IEEE 802.11 Wireless
Networks”, World Wireless Congress, May 2003, (TR2003-51).
van Baar, J.; Willwacher, T.; Rao, S.; Raskar, R., “Seamless Multi-Projector Display on
Curved Screens”, Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (EGVE), ISBN: 3905673-00-2, pp. 281-286, May 2003, (TR2003-26).
Shao, H-R; Shen, C.; Gu, D.; Zhang, J.; Orlik, P., “Dynamic Resource Control for HighSpeed Downlink Packet Access Wireless Channel”, International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems Workshops, pp. 838-843, May 2003, (TR2003-60).
Kalva, H.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Performance Optimization of the MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 Video
Transcoder”, SPIE Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems, Vol. 5117, pp. 341-350, May
2003, (TR2003-57).
Cassioli, D.; Win, M.Z.; Vatalaro, F.; Molish, A.F., “Effects of Spreading Bandwidth on the
Performance of UWB Rake Receivers”, IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC), Vol. 5, pp. 3445-3549, May 2003, (TR2003-65).
Sheng, H.; Orlik, P.V.; Hiamovich, A.M.; Cimini, L.J.; Zhang, J., “On the Spectral and
Power Requirements for Ultra-Wideband Transmission”, IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), Vol. 1, pp. 738-742, May 2003.
Zhou, J.; Shao, H-R; Shen, C.; Sun, M-T, “Multi-Path Transport of FGS Video”, IEEE
Packet Video, April 2003, (TR2003-10).
Zhu, L.; Ansari, N.; Sahinoglu, Z.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Scalable Layered Multicast with
Explicit Congestion Notification”, IEEE International Conference on Information
Technology Coding and Computing, pp, 331-335, April 2003, (TR2003-32).
Vlasic, D.; Pfister, H.; Molinov, S.; Grzeszczuk, R.; Matusik, W., “Opacity Light Fields:
Interactive Rendering of Surface Light Fields with View-Dependent Opacity”, ACM
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D), ISBN:1-58113-645-5, pp. 65-74, April 2003.
Molisch, A.F., “Effect of Far Scatterer Clusters in MIMO Outdoor Channel Models”, IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), ISSN: 1090-3038, Vol. 1, pp. 534-538, April 2003,
Nakache, Y-P; Molisch, A.F., “Spectral Shape of UWB Signals - Influence of Modulation
Format, Multiple Access Scheme and Pulse Shape”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC), ISSN: 1090-3038, Vol. 4, pp. 2510-2514, April 2003, (TR2003-40).
- 85 -
Horng, J.H., Li, L., Zhang, J., “Adaptive Space-Time Transmit Diversity for MIMO
Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), ISSN: 1090-3038, Vol. 2, pp.
1070-1073, April 2003, (TR2003-37).
Almers, P.; Tufvesson, F.; Karlsson, P.; Molisch, A.F., “The Effect of Horizontal Array
Orientation on MIMO Channel Capacity”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
ISSN: 1090-3038, Vol. 1, pp. 34-38, April 2003, (TR2003-39).
Porikli, F.M., “Road Extraction by Point-wise Gaussian Models”, SPIE AeroSense
Technologies and Systems for Defense and Security, April 2003, (TR2003-59).
Sahinoglu, Z.; Orlik, P., “Power Efficient Transmission of Layered Video Through
Wireless Proxy Servers”, The IEE - Electronics Letters, ISSN: 0013-5194, Vol. 39, Issue 8,
pp. 698-699, April 2003, (TR2003-52).
Lesh, N.; Mitzenmacher, M.; Whitesides, S., “A Complete and Effective Move Set for
Simplied Protein Folding”, International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology (RECOMB), ISBN: 1-58113-635-8, pp. 188-195, April 2003, (TR200303).
Lin, S.; Vetro, A.; Wang, Y., “Rate-Distortion Analysis of the Multiple Description Motion
Compensation Video Coding Scheme”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 3, pp. 401-404, April 2003,
Raj, B.; Whittaker, E.W.D;, “Lossless Compression of Language Model Structure and Word
Identifiers”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 1, pp. 388-391, April 2003.
Xiong, Z.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Divakaran, A.; Huang, T.;, “Comparing MFCC and MPEG-7
Audio Features for Feature Extraction, Maximum Likelihood HMM and Entropic Prior
HMM for Sports Audio Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 5, pp. 628-631, April 2003.
Xiong, Z.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Divakaran, A.; Huang, T.S., “Audio Events Detection Based
Highlights Extraction from Baseball, Golf and Soccer Games in a Unified Framework”,
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 5, pp. 632-635, April 2003.
Smaragdis, P.; Casey, M., “Audio/Visual Independent Components”, International
Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation, pp. 709-714,
April 2003.
Porikli, F.M.; Tuzel, O., “Fast Object Tracking by Adaptive Background Models and MeanShift Analysis”, International Conference On Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), April 2003,
Seltzer, M.L.; Raj, B., “Speech Recognizer Based Filter Optimization for Microphone
Array Processing”, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, ISSN: 1070-9908, Vol. 10, Issue
3, pp. 69-71, March 2003.
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Shen, C.; Lesh, N.; Vernier, F., “Personal Digital Historian: Story Sharing Around the
Table”, ACM Interactions, ISSN: 1072-5520, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 15-22, March/April 2003,
Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Sun, H., “Rate-Distortion Modeling for Multiscale Binary Shape
Coding Based on Markov Random Fields”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, ISSN:
1057-7149, Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp. 356-364, March 2003, (TR2003-31).
Porikli, F.M., “Human Body Tracking by Adaptive Background Models and Mean-Shift
Analysis”, IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and
Surveillance, March 2003, (TR2003-36).
Vetro, A.; Christopoulos, C.; Sun, H., “Video Transcoding Architectures and
Techniques: An Overview”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, ISSN: 1053-5888, Vol. 20,
Issue 2, pp. 18-29, March 2003.
Porikli, F.M., “Sensitivity Characteristics of Cross-Correlation Distance Metric and Model
Function”, The John Hopkins University Conference on Information Sciences and Systems
(CISS), March 2003.
Zhu, L.; Sahinoglu, Z.; Cheng, G.; Vetro, A.; Ansari, N.; Sun, H.;, “Proxy Caching for Video
on Demand Systems in Multicast Networks”, The John Hopkins University Conference on
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2003, (TR2003-54).
Zhang, X.M.; Vetro, A.; Shi, Y.Q.; Sun, H., “Constant Quality Constrained Rate
Allocation for FGS Coded Video”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, ISSN: 1051-8215, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 121-130, February 2003, (TR2003-30).
Yedidia, J.S.; Freeman, W.T.; Weiss, Y., “Understanding Belief Propagation and Its
Generalizations”, Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the New Millennium, ISBN
1558608117, Chapter 8, pp. 239-236, January 2003, (TR2001-22).
Freeman, W.T.; Tenenbaum, J.B.; Pasztor, E.C., “Learning Style Translation for the
Lines of a Drawing”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), ISSN: 0730-0301, Vol. 22,
Issue 1, pp. 33-46, January 2003.
Cabasson, R.; Divakaran, A., “Automatic Extraction of Soccer Video Highlights Using a
Combination of Motion and Audio Features”, SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval for
Multimedia Databases, Vol. 5021, pp. 272-276, January 2003.
Divakaran, A.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Xiong, Z.; Casey, M., “Procedure for Audio-Assisted
Browsing of News Video Using Generalized Sound Recognition”, SPIE Conference on
Storage and Retrieval for Multimedia Databases, Vol. 5021, pp. 160-166, January 2003.
Yin, P.; Vetro, A.; Xia, M.; Liu, B., “Rate-Distortion Models for Video Transcoding”, SPIE
Conference on Image and Video Communications and Processing, Vol. 5022, pp. 467-488,
January 2003, (TR2003-28).
Zhang, X.M.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H.; Shi, Y-Q., “Adaptive Field/Frame Selection for HighCompression Coding”, SPIE Conference on Image and Video Communications and
Processing, Vol. 5022, pp. 583-593, January 2003, (TR2003-29).
Yerazunis, W.S., “Sparse Binary Polynomial Hashing and the CRM114 Discriminator”, MIT
Spam Conference, January 2003.
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Yedidia, J.S.; Bouchaud, J-P., “Renormalization Group Approach to Error-Correcting
Codes”, Journal of Physics, A: Mathematical and Genera, Vol. 36, pp. 1267-1288, January
2003, (TR2001-19).
Guillamet, D.; Moghaddam, B., “Joint Distribution of Local Image Features for Appearance
Modeling”, IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), December 2002,
Moghaddam, B.; Shakhnarovich, G., “Boosted Dyadic Kernel Discriminants”, Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Vol. 15, December 2002, (TR2002-55).
Yin, P.; Vetro, A.; Liu, B.; Sun, H, “Drift Compensation for Reduced Spatial Resolution
Transcoding”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, ISSN:
1051-8215, Vol. 12, Issue 11, pp.1009-1020, November 2002, (TR2002-47). [Best fulllength paper of the year in a journal].
Papavassiliou, S.; Xu, S.; Orlik, P.; Snyder, M.; Sass, P., “Scalability in Global Mobile
Information Systems (GloMo): Issues, Evaluation Methodology and Experiences”, ACM
Wireless Networks, ISSN: 1022-0038, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 637-648, November 2002.
Esenther, A.; Forlines, C.; Ryall, K.; Shipman, S., “DiamondTouch SDK: Support for
Multi-User, Multi-Touch Applications”, ACM Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW), November 2002, (TR2002-48).
Shen, C.; Lesh, N.B.; Vernier, F.; Forlines, C.; Frost, J., “Building and Sharing Digital
Group Histories”, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), pp.
3, November 2002, (TR2002-07).
Vetro, A.; Cai, J.; Chen, C.W., “Rate-Reduction Transcoding Design for Wireless Video
Streaming”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 6, pp.625-641,
October 2002.
Frisken, S.F.; Perry, R.N., “Efficient Estimation of 3D Euclidean Distance Fields from 2D
Range Images”, Volume Visualization Symposia (VolVis), ISBN: 0-7803-7641-2, pp. 81-88,
October 2002, (TR2002-34).
Molisch, A.F.; Steinbauer, M.; Asplund, H.; Mehta, N.B., “Backward Compatibility of the
COST 259 Directional Channel Model”, International Symposium on Wireless Personal
Multimedia Communications, ISSN: 1347-6890, Vol. 2, pp. 549-553, October 2002.
Frenzel, M.; Marks, J.; Ryall, K., “First UIST Interface-Design Contest”, ACM Interactions,
ISSN: 1072-5520, pp. 57-62, October 2002, (TR2001-54).
Schwartz, S.C.; Zhang, J.; Gu, D., “Iterative Channel Estimation for OFDM with Clipping”,
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, ISSN: 13476890, Vol. 3, pp. 1304-1308, October 2002.
Guo, J.; Matsubara, F.; Cukier, J.I.; Kong, H-S., “DTV for Personalized Mobile Access and
Unified Home Control”, Personal Wireless Communications (PWC), pp. 71-78, October
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Balter, O.; Sidner, C.L., “Bifrost Inbox Organizer: Giving Users Control Over the Inbox”,
ACM Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), ISBN: 1-58113-6161, pp. 111-118, October 2002.
Sidner, C.L.; Dzikovska, M., “Engagement between Humans and Robots for Hosting
Activities”, International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), October 2002,
Sidner, C.L.; Dzikovska, M., “Human-Robot Interaction: Engagement Between Humans and
Robots for Hosting Activities”, IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, pp.
123-128, October 2002, (TR2002-37).
Raskar, R.; Low, K-L., “Blending Multiple Views”, Pacific Conference on Computer
Graphics and Applications (PG), pp. 145-153, October 2002.
Yedidia, J.S.,; Chen, J.; Fossorier, M., “Generating Code Representations Suitable for
Belief Propagation Decoding”, Annual Conference on Communications, Control and
Computing, October 2002, (TR2002-40).
Raj, B.; Singh, R., “Classifier-Based Non-Linear Projection for Adaptive Endpointing of
Continuous Speech”, Computer Speech and Language, September 2002
Zwicker, M.; Pfister, H.; van Baar, J.; Gross, M., “EWA Splatting”, IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ISSN: 1077-2626, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 223-238,
July/September 2002, (TR2002-49).
Bimber, O.; Gatesy, S.M.; Witmer, L.M.; Raskar, R.; Encarnacao, L., “Merging Fossil
Specimens with Computer-Generated Information”, IEEE Computer, ISSN: 0018-9162, Vol.
35, Issue 9, pp. 25-30, September 2002.
Wren, C.R.; Reynolds, C.J., “Parsimony & Transparency in Ubiquitous Interface
Design”, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP), pp. 31-33,
September 2002, (TR2002-22).
Horng, J.H.; Vannucci, G.; Zhang, J., “Capacity Enhancement for HSDPA in W-CDMA
System”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), ISSN: 1090-3038, Vol. 2, pp. 661665, September 2002.
Porikli, F.M., “Automatic Threshold Determination of Centroid-Linkage Region Growing by
MPEG-7 Dominant Color Descriptors”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), ISSN: 1522-4880, Vol. 1, pp. 793-796, September 2002.
Sun, X.; Manjunath, B.S.; Divakaran, A., “Representation of Motion Activity in Hierarchical
Levels for Video Indexing and Filtering”, IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP), ISSN: 1522-4880, Vol. 1, pp. 149-152, September 2002.
Divakaran, A.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Peker, K.A., “Motion Activity-Based Extraction of KeyFrames from Video Shots”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
ISSN: 1522-4880, Vol. 1, pp. 932-935, September 2002.
Lee, J.W.; Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Ho, W.S., “MPEG-4 Video Object-Based Rate Allocation
with Variable Temporal Rates”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
ISSN: 1522-4880, Vol. 3, pp. 701-704, September 2002.
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Vetro, A.; Chen, C.W., “Rate-Reduction Transcoding Design for Wireless Video Streaming”,
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), ISSN: 1522-4880, Vol. 1, pp.
29-32, September 2002.
Sidner, C.L.; Forlines, C., “Subset Languages for Conversing with Collaborative Interface
Agents”, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), September
2002, (TR2002-36).
Zhang, J.; Li, L.; Poon, T.C., “Turbo Coded HSDPA Systems with Transmit Diversity over
Frequency Selective Fading Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor
and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Vol. 1, pp. 90-94, September 2002.
Almers, P.; Tufvesson, R.; Edfors, O.; Molisch, A.F., “Measured Capacity Gain Using
Waterfilling in Frequency Selective MIMO Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Vol. 3, pp.1347-1351,
September 2002. [Best paper at the conference.]
Divakaran, A., “Video Summarization and Indexing Using Combinations of the MPEG-7
Motion Activity Descriptor and Other Audio-Visual Descriptors”, Thyrrhenian International
Workshop on Digital Communications (IWDC), September 2002.
Ren, L.; Pfister, H.; Zwicker, M., “Object Space EWA Splatting: A Hardware-Accelerated
Approach to High-Quality Point Rendering”, Conference of the European Association for
Computer Graphics (Eurographics), September 2002, (TR2002-31).
Karpenko, O.; Hughes, J.F.; Raskar, R., “Free-Form Sketching with Variation Implicit
Surfaces”, Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics),
September 2002, (TR2002-27).
Vetro, A.; Hata, T.; Kuwahara, N.; Kalva, H.; Sekiguchi, S., “Complexity-Quality
Analysis of Transcoding Architectures for Reduced Spatial Resolution”, IEEE Transactions
on Consumer Electronics, ISSN: 0098-3063, Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 515-521, August 2002,
(TR2002-46). [Second best full-length paper of the year in the journal.]
Porikli, F.M.; Wang, Y., “Constrained Video Object Segmentation by Color Masks and
MPEG-7 Descriptors”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME),
Vol. 1, pp. 441-444, August 2002.
Wolf, P.P.; Raj, B., “The MERL SpokenQuery Information Retrieval System: A System for
Retrieving Pertinent Documents from a Spoken Query”, IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Vol. 2, pp. 317-320, August 2002.
Moghaddam, B.; Tian, Q.; Lesh, N.B.; Shen, C.; Huang, T.S., “PDH: A Human-Centric
Interface for Image Libraries”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
(ICME), Vol. 1, pp. 901-904, August 2002, (TR2002-52).
Shao, H.R.; Shen, C.; Kong, H-S., “Adaptive Pre-Stored Video Streaming with End System
Multicast”, International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), Vol. 1, pp. 917-920,
August 2002, (TR2002-44).
Kong, H-S.; Guan, L.; Kung, S.Y., “A Self-Organizing Tree Map Approach for Image
Segmentation”, International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), Vol. 1, pp. 588-591,
August 2002
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Moghaddam, B.; Zhou, X., “Factorized Local Appearance Models”, IEEE International
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), ISSN: 1051-4651, Vol. 3, pp. 553-556, August
2002, (TR2002-51).
Yedidia, J.S., Freeman, W.T.; Weiss, Y., “Constructing Free Energy Approximations and
Generalized Belief Propagation Algorithms”, August 2002, (TR2002-35).
Gonzalez, O.; Ramamritham, K.; Shen, C.; Fohler, G., “Building Reliable Component-Based
Software Systems”, Artech House Publishers, ISBN 1-58053-327-2, Chapter 15, July 2002.
Divakaran, A.; Asai, K., “Video Browsing System for Personal Video Recorders”,
Multimedia Systems and Applications V, Vol. 4861, pp. 22-25, July 2002.
Kong, H.S.; Vetro, A.; Kalva, H.; Fu, D.; Zhang, X.: Guo, J.; Sun, H.;, “A Platform for RealTime Content Adaptive Video Transmission Over Heterogeneous Networks”, SPIE
Multimedia Systems and Applications V, Vol. 4861, pp. 43-49, July 2002.
Peker, K.A.; Divakaran, A., “Framework for Measurement of the Intensity of Motion
Activity of Video Segments”, SPIE Internet Multimedia Management Systems III, Vol. 4862,
pp. 126-137, July 2002.
Klau, G.W.; Lesh, N.B.; Marks, J.W.; Mitzenmacher, M., “Human-Guided Tabu Search”,
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), ISBN: 0-262-51129-0, pp. 41-47, July
2002, (TR2002-09).
Garland, A.; Lesh, N.B., “Plan Evaluation with Incomplete Action Descriptions”,
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), ISBN: 0-262-51129-0, pp. 461-467,
July 2002, (TR2002-05).
Matusik, W.; Pfister, H.; Beardsley, P.A.; Ngan, A.; Ziegler, R.; McMillan, L., “ImageBased 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls”, ACM SIGGRAPH, ISSN:0730-0301, pp. 427437, July 2002, (TR2002-29).
Wong, D., “Agent-Oriented Approach to Work Order Management for Circuit Breaker
Maintenance”, IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting (PES), Vol. 1, pp. 553558, July 2002.
Tian, Q.; Moghaddam, B.; Huang, T.S., “Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for
Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries”, International Conference on Image and Video
Retrieval (CIVR), July 2002, (TR2002-53).
Rich, C.; Lesh, N.B.; Rickel, J.; Garland, A., “A Plug-in Architecture for Generating
Collaborative Agent Responses”, International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), ISBN: 1-58113-480-0, pp. 782-789, July 2002, (TR2002-10).
You, C.; Gu, D.; Zhang, J., “Timing Synchronization for OFDM”, World Multi-Conference
on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
Porikli, F.M.; Sahinoglu, Z., “An Online Renegotiation-Based Bandwidth Management with
Circuit Assignment for VBR Traffic in Communications Networks”, World MultiConference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
- 91 -
Cao, L.; Orlik, P.V.; Gu, D.; Zhang, J., “A Trellis Based Technique for Blind Channel
Estimation and Signal Detection”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
Radhakrishnan, R.; Divakaran, A., “Automatic Detection of Talking Head Segments in News
Video in the Compressed Domain”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Horng, J.H., “Channel Estimation Error Impact on the Link Level
Performance of Space-Time Coded Systems”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
Orlik, P.V.; Derand, T.; Horng, J.H.; Wang, D., “Study of Rate 1/4 HSDPA Turbo Codes and
Scaling Effect”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISASSCI), July 2002.
Radhakrishnan, R.; Divakaran, A., “A Date Reduction Procedure for ‘Principal Cast’ and
other ‘Talking Head’ Detection”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics (ISAS-SCI), July 2002.
Kong, H-S.; Guan, L.; Kung, S.Y., “An Efficient Codebook Design Method of Vector
Quantizer via Using Self-Organizing Tree Map”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS-SCI), pp. 516-519, July 2002.
Kuwahara, N.; Hata, T.; Vetro, A., “Map-Top Video Surveillance with Adaptive Video
Delivery”, World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS-SCI),
July 2002
Moghaddam, B., “Principal Manifolds and Probabilistic Subspaces for Visual
Recognition”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),
ISSN: 0162-8828, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 780-788, June 2002, (TR2002-13).
Matusik, W.; Pfister, H.; Ngan, A.; Ziegler, R.; McMillan, L., “Acquisition and Rendering of
Transparent and Refractive Objects”, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (EGRW), ISBN:
1-58113-434-3, pp. 267-278, June 2002, (TR2002-30).
Moghaddam, B.; Zhou, X., “Factorization for Probabilistic Local Appearance Models”,
IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and
Applications (SPPRA), June 2002, (TR2002-50).
Sparacino, F.; Wren, C.; Azarbayejani, A.; Pentland, A., “Browsing 3-D Spaces with 3-D
Vision: Body-Driven Navigation Through the Internet City”, IEEE International Symposium
on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, pp. 224-231, June 2002.
Vetro, A.; Hata, T.; Kuwahara, N.; Kalva, H., “Complexity-Quality Analysis of MPEG-2
to MPEG-4 Transcoding Architectures”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer
Electronics (ICCE), pp. 130-131, June 2002. [Second best paper at the conference.]
Lin, Y-C.; Wang, C-N.; Chiang, T.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Efficient FGS to Single Layer
Transcoding”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 134135, June 2002.
- 92 -
Horng, J.H.; Zhang, J., “Signal Circulation for Adaptive Equalization in Digital
Communication Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE),
pp. 300-301, June 2002.
Sahinoglu, Z.; Peker, K.A.; Matsubara, F.; Cukier, J., “A Mobile Network Architecture with
Personalized Instant Information Access”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer
Electronics (ICCE), pp. 34-35, June 2002.
Divakaran, A.; Cabasson, R., “Content-Based Browsing System for Personal Video
Recorders”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 114-115,
June 2002.
Quigley, A.; Leigh, D.L.; Lesh, N.B.; Marks, J.W.; Ryall, K.; Wittenburg, K.B., “SemiAutomatic Antenna Design via Sampling and Visualization”, IEEE Antennas and
Propagation Society International Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 342-345, June 2002, (TR2002-02).
Dietz, P.H.; Leigh, D.L.; Yerazunis, W.S., “Wireless Liquid Level Sensing for Restaurant
Applications”, IEEE Sensors, Vol. 1, pp. 715-720, June 2002, (TR2002-21).
Rickel, J.; Lesh, N.B.; Rich, C.; Sidner, C.L.; Gertner, A., “Collaborative Discourse Theory
as a Foundation for Tutorial Dialogue”, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITS), Vol. 2363, pp. 542-551, June 2002.
Raskar, R.; Ziegler, R.; Willwacher, T., “Cartoon Dioramas in Motion”, International
Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR), ISBN: 1-58113-494-0,
pp. 7-ff, June 2002, (TR2002-28).
Brand, M.E., “Subspace Mappings for Image Sequences”, Statistical Methods in Video
Processing, June 2002, (TR2002-25).
Singh, R.; Stern, R.M.; Raj, B., “Signal and Feature Compensation Methods for Robust
Speech Recognition”, CRC Handbook on Noise Reduction in Speech Applications, May
Singh, R.; Raj, B.; Stern, R.M., “Model Compensation and Matched Condition Methods for
Robust Speech Recognition”, CRC Handbook on Noise Reduction in Speech Applications,
May 2002.
Moghaddam, B.; Yang, M-H., “Learning Gender with Support Faces”, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), ISSN: 0162-8828, Vol.
24, Issue 5, pp. 707-711, May 2002, (TR2002-12).
Gu, D.; Zhang, J.; You, C.; Miyake, M.; Ma, X., “An OFDM Receiver Structure for
Broadband Wireless LANs”, International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and
Beyond (3Gwireless), May 2002.
Kung, S.Y.; Zhang, X.; Vannucci, G.; Zhang, J., “Sequential Bezout Equalizer for MIMO
Systems”, International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond (3Gwireless),
May 2002.
Cao, L.; Zhang, J.; Chen, C.W,; Orlik, P.V.; Miyake, M., “Study of Two 1/4 Turbo Code
Receivers in Non-Frequency Selective Fast Fading Channels”, International Conference on
Third Generation Wireless and Beyond (3Gwireless), May 2002.
- 93 -
Ma, X.; Kobayashi, H.; Schwartz, S.C.; Zhang, J.; Gu, D., “Time Domain Channel
Estimation for OFDM Using EM Algorithm”, International Conference on Third Generation
Wireless and Beyond (3Gwireless), May 2002.
Brand, M.E., “Incremental Singular Value Decomposition of Uncertain Data with Missing
Values”, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Vol. 2350, pp. 707-720, May
2002, (TR2002-24).
Pang, B.; Shao, H-R.; Zhu, W.; Gao, W., “An Edge-Based Admission Control for
Differentiated Services Network”, Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing
(HPSR), May 2002.
Vetro, A.; Yin, P.; Liu, B.; Sun, H., “Reduced Spatio-Temporal Transcoding Using an Intra
Refresh Technique”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Vol.
4, pp. 723-726, May 2002.
Zhang, X.M.; Shi, Y.Q.; Chen, H.; Haimovich, A.M.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Successive
Packing Based Interleaver for Design Turbo Codes”, IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Vol. 1, pp. 17-20, May 2002.
Vernier, F.; Lesh, N.B.; Shen, C., “Visualization Techniques for Circular Tabletop
Interfaces”, ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), pp. 257-263, May 2002, (TR2002-01).
Klau, G.W.; Lesh, N.B.; Marks, J.W.; Mitzenmacher, M.; Schafer, G.T., “The HuGS
Platform: A Toolkit for Interactive Optimization”, Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), pp.
324-330, May 2002, (TR2002-08).
Shakhnarovich, G.; Viola, P.A.; Moghaddam, B., “A Unified Learning Framework for RealTime Face Detection and Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face
and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. 14-21, May 2002, (TR2002-23).
Xie, L.; Chang, S-F.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Structure Analysis of Soccer Video with
Hidden Markov Models”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 4, pp. 4096-4099, May 2002.
Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Sun, H., “A Probabilistic Approach for Rate-Distortion Modeling of
Multi-scale Binary Shape”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-6149, Vol. 4, pp. 3353-3356, May 2002.
Seltzer, M.; Raj, B.; Stern, R., “Speech Recognizer Based Microphone Array Processing for
Robust Hands-Free Speech Recognition”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), ISSN: 1520-62149, Vol. 1, pp.897-900, May 2002.
Cao. L.; Chen, C.W.; Zhang, J.; Orlik, P.V.; Gu, D., “Blind Channel Estimation and
Equalization Using Viterbi Algorithms”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
Vol. 3, pp. 1532-1535, May 2002.
Jeannin, S.; Divakaran, B.; Mory, B., “Motion Descriptors”, Introduction to MPEG-7:
Multimedia Content Description Interface, Edited by Manjunath, B.S.; Salembier, P.; Sikora,
T., ISBN: 0 471 48678 7, April 2002.
Scott, S.D.; Lesh, N.; Klau, G.W., “Investigating Human-Computer Optimization”, ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ISBN: 1-58113-453-3, pp. 155162, April 2002, (TR2001-39).
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Terry, M.; Mynatt, E.D.; Ryall, K.; Leigh, D.L., “Social Net: Using Patterns of Physical
Proximity Over Time to Infer Shared Interests”, ACM Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (CHI), ISBN: 1-58113-454-1, pp. 816-817, April 2002.
Sahinoglu, Z.; Tekinay, S., “Efficient Parameter Selection for Use of Self-Similarity in Real
Time Resource Management”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),
Vol. 4, pp. 2212-2216, April 2002.
Pang, B.; Shao, H-R.; Zhu, W.; Gao, W., “An Admission Control Scheme to Provide End-toEnd Statistical Qos Provision”, IEEE International Performance, Computing and
Communications Conference (IPCCC), April 2002.
Freeman, W.T.; Jones, T.R.; Pasztor, E.C., “Example-Based Super-Resolution”, IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp.56-65, March/April 2002.
Wang, D., Orlik, P.V., Derand, T., Cao, L., Kobayashi, H.; Zhang, J., “Improved LowComplexity Turbo Decoding for HSDPA Applications”, Annual Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems (ISS), March 2002.
Vetro, A.; Devillers, S., “Position Paper: Delivery Context in MPEG-21”, W3C Delivery
Context Workshop, March 2002.
Yedidia, J.S., “Generalized Belief Propagation and Free Energy Minimization”, Information
Theory Workshop at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), March 2002.
Divakaran, A.; Radhakrishnan, R., “Data Reduction Procedure for ‘Principal-Cast’ and Other
‘Talking-Head’ Detection”, SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases,
Vol. 4676, pp. 177-182, January 2002.
Peker, K.A.; Cabasson, R.; Divakaran, A., “Rapid Generation of Sports Video Highlights
Using the MPEG-7 Motion Activity Descriptor”, SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval
for Media Databases, Vol 4676, pps 318-323, January 2002.
Raskar, R.; van Baar, J.; Chai, J.X., “A Low-Cost Projector Mosaic with Fast Registration”,
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), January 2002, (TR2002-14).
Yin, P.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H.; Liu, B., “Drift Compensation Architectures and Techniques for
Reduced-Resolution Transcoding”, SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image
Processing (VCIP), Vol. 4671, pp. 180-191, January 2002.
Zhang, X.M.; Vetro, A.; Shi, Y.Q.; Sun, H., “Constant-Quality Constrained-Rate Allocation
for FGS Video Coded Bitstreams”, SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image
Processing (VCIP), Vol. 4671, pp. 817-827, January 2002.
Lee, J.W.; Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Ho, Y.S., “Object-Based Rate Allocation with SpatioTemporal Trade-Offs”, SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing
(VCIP), Vol. 4671, pp. 374-384, January 2002.
Bhatti, G.M.; Sahinoglu, Z.; Peker, K.A.; Guo, J.; Matsubara, F., “A TV-Centric Home
Network to Provide a Unified Access to UPnP and PLC Domains”, IEEE International
Workshop on Networked Appliances (IWNA), pp. 234-242, January 2002.
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Eisenstein, J.; Rich, C., “Agents and GUI’s from Task Models”, ACM International
Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, ISBN: 1-58113-382-0 pp. 47-54, January 2002,
Sidner, C.L.; Dzikovska, M., “Hosting Activities: Experience with and Future Directions for
a Robot Agent Host”, ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, ISBN:
1-58113-382-0, pp. 143-150, January 2002, (TR2002-03).
Casey, M.A., “General Sound Similarity and Sound Recognition Tools”, Introduction to
MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Language, 2001.
Freeman, W.T.; Haddon, J.A.; Pasztor, E.C., “Learning Motion Analysis”, Statistical
Theories of the Brain, edited by R. Rao, B. Olshausen and M. Lewicki, 2001, (TR2000-32).
Rich, C.; Sidner, C.L.; Lesh, N.B., “COLLAGEN: Applying Collaborative Discourse Theory
to Human-Computer Interaction”, Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 1525, Winter 2001, (TR2000-38).
Brand, M.E., “Morphable 3D Models from Video”, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 2, pp. 456, December 2001, (TR2001-37). [Best paper at the
Raj, B.; Migdal, J.; Singh, R., “Distributed Speech Recognition with Codec Parameters”,
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, pp. 127-130,
December 2001, (TR2001-45).
Brand, M.E.; Bhotika, R., “Flexible Flow for 3D Nonrigid Tracking and Shape
Recovery”, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), ISSN: 1063-6919, Vol. 1, pp. 315-322, December 2001, (TR2001-37).
Raskar, R.; Beardsley, P.A., “A Self-Correcting Projector”, IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), ISSN: 1063-6919, Vol. 2,
pp. 504-508, December 2001, (TR2001-46).
Porikli, F.M., “Image Simplification by Robust Estimator Based Reconstruction Filter”,
International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), November 2001.
Porikli, F.M., “Video Object Segmentation by Volume Growing Using Feature-Based
Motion Estimator”, International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
(ISCIS), November 2001.
Raskar, R.; Low, K-L, “Interacting with Spatially Augmented Reality”, ACM International
Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualization in Africa
(AFRIGRAPH), November 2001, (TR2001-51)
Sahinoglu, Z., “Novel Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm: Wavelet-Decomposed
Signal Energy Approach”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom),
November 2001.
Ye, D.; Shao, H-R.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, Y-Q., “Wavelet-Based Traffic Smoothing and
Multiplexing for VBR Streams”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom),
November 2001.
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Liu, J.; Shao, H-R.; Li, B.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, Y-Q., “A Scalable Bit-Stream Packetization
and Adaptive Rate Control Framework for Object-Based Video Multicast”, IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), November 2001.
Yerazunis, W.S.; Carbone, M., “Privacy-Enhanced Displays by Time-Masking Images”,
Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI), November 2001,
Dietz, P.H.; Leigh, D.L., “DiamondTouch: A Multi-User Touch Technology”, ACM
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), ISBN: 1-58113-438-X, pp.
219-226, November 2001.
Dietz, P.H.; Yerazunis, W.S., “Real-Time Audio Buffering for Telephone Applications”,
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), ISBN: 1-58113-438-X,
pp.193-194, November 2001.
Divakaran, A.; Regunathan, R.; Peker, K.A., “Video Summarization Using Descriptors of
Motion Activity: A Motion Activity Based Approach to Key-Frame Extraction from Video
Shots”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 909-916, October 2001.
Bandyopadhyay, D.; Raskar, R.; Fuchs, H., “Dynamic Shader Lamps: Painting on Movable
Objects”, IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality, pp. 207-216,
October 2001, (TR2001-50).
Wu, Y.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H.; Kung, S.Y., “Intelligent Multi-Hop Video Communications”,
IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference On Multimedia (PCM), LNCS 2195, pp. 716, October 2001.
Sun, X.; Divakaran, A.; Manjunath, B.S., “A Motion Activity Descriptor and Its Extraction
in the Compressed Domain”, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), LNCS
2195, pp. 450, October 2001.
Garland, A.; Ryall, K.; Rich, C., “Learning Hierarchical Task Models by Defining and
Refining Examples”, ACM International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP), ISBN:
1-58113-380-4, pp. 44-51, October 2001, (TR2001-26).
Zwicker, M.; Pfister, H.; van Baar, J.; Gross, M., “EWA Volume Splatting”, IEEE
Visualization, ISSN: 1070-2385, pp. 29-36, October 2001, (TR2001-27).
Porikli, F.M.; Sahinoglu, Z., “Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation with Optimal Number of
Renegotiations in ATM Networks”, International Conference on Computer Communications
and Networks, pp. 290-295, October 2001.
Porikli, F.M., “Accurate Detection of Edge Orientation for Color and Multi-Spectral
Imagery”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2001.
Porikli, F.M.; Wang, Y., “An Unsupervised Multi-Resolution Object Extraction Algorithm
Using Video-Cubes”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October
Horng, J.H.; Nakache, Y-P., “Adaptive Diversity Combining for Interference Cancellation in
CDMA Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Vol. 3, pp. 1899-1902,
October 2001.
- 97 -
Peker, K.A.; Divakaran, A.; Sun, H., “Constant Pace skimming and Temporal Sub-sampling
of Video Using Motion Activity”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), Vol. 3, pp. 414-417, October 2001.
Moghaddam, B.; Zhou, X.; Huang, T.S., “ICA-Based Probabilistic Local Appearance
Models”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 1, pp. 161-164,
October 2001, (TR2001-29).
Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Sun, H., “Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Coding Considering
Frameskip”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 3, pp. 534537, October 2001.
Yedidia, J.S.; Sudderth, E.B.; Bouchaud, J-P., “Projection Algebra Analysis of ErrorCorrecting Codes”, Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp.
662-671, October, 2001, (TR2001-35).
Moghaddam, B.; Nastar, C.; Pentland, A., “Bayesian Face Recognition with Deformable
Image Models”, IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis & Processing (ICIAP),
pp. 26-35, September 2001, (TR2001-05). [Winner of the 2001 Pierre Devijver Prixe from
the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).]
Moghaddam, B.; Tian, Q.; Lesh, N.B.; Shen, C.; Huang, T.S., “Visualization and Layout for
Personal Photo Libraries”, International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
(CBMI), September 2001, (TR2001-28).
Tian, Q.; Moghaddam, B.; Huang, T.S., “Display Optimization for Image Browsing”,
International Workshop Multimedia Databases and Image Communication, Vol. 2184, pp.
167-178, September 2001.
Wang, D.; Kobayashi, H.; Zhang, J.; Gu, D., “On Bi-Directional SOVA Decoding of Turbo
Codes”, Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers Conference
(IEICE), September 2001.
Divakaran, A., “An Overview of MPEG-7 Motion Descriptors and Their Applications”,
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), LNCS
2124, pp. 29, September 2001.
Porikli, F.M., “Object Segmentation of Color Video Sequences”, International Conference
on Computer Analysis of Images and Pattern (CAIP), LNCS 2124, pp. 610, September 2001.
Casey, M.A., “Reduced-Rank Spectra and Entropic Priors as Consistent and Reliable Cues
for General Sound Recognition”, Workshop for Consistent & Reliable Acoustic Cues
(CRAC), September 2001.
Raj, B.; Seltzer, M.; Stern, R., “Robust Speech Recognition: The Case for Restoring Missing
Features”, Workshop for Consistent and Reliable Acoustic Cues (CRAC), September 2001,
Kruja, E.; Marks, J.; Blair, A.; Waters, R.C., “A Short Note on the History of Graph
Drawing”, International Symposium on Graph Drawing, pp. 272-286, September 2001.
Casey, M.A., “General Sound Similarity and Recognition: Musical Applications of MPEG-7
Audio”, Organized Sound, August 2001.
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Xu, P.; Chang, S.F.; Divakaran, A.; Vetro, A.; Sun, H., “Algorithm and System for HighLevel Structure Analysis and Event Detection in Soccer Video”, IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), August 2001.
Peker, K.A.; Divakaran, A., “A Novel Pair-Wise Comparison Based Analytical Framework
for Automatic Measurement of Intensity of Motion Activity of Video”, IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), August 2001.
Vetro, A.; Wang, Y.; Sun, H., “Estimating Distortion for Coded and Non-Coded Frames for
Frameskip-Optimized Video Coding”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and
Expo (ICME), August 2001.
Qiu, J.; Shao, H-R.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, Y-Q., “An End-to-End Probing Based Admission
Control Scheme in IP Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
(ICME), August 2001.
Divakaran, A.; Bober, M.; Asai, K., “MPEG-7 Applications for Video Browsing and
Analysis”, SPIE Multimedia Systems and Applications IV, Vol. 4518, pp. 69-73, August
Frisken, S.F.; Perry, R.N., “A Computationally Efficient Framework for Modeling Soft Body
Impact”, ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001, (TR2001-11).
Perry, R.N., “A New Method for Numerical Constrained Optimization”, ACM SIGGRAPH,
August 2001, (TR2001-14).
Pope, J.; Frisken, S.F.; Perry, R.N., “Dynamic Meshing Using Adaptively Sampled Distance
Fields”, ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001, (TR2001-13).
Raskar, R., “Hardware Support for Non-Photorealistic Rendering: i.3.5”,
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware (HWWS), ISBN: 1-58113-407X, pp. 410-46i.3, August 2001, (TR2001-23).
Jones, T.R.; Perry, R.N.; Callahan, M., “Shadermaps: A Method for Accelerating Procedural
Shading”, ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001, (TR2000-25).
Frisken, S.F.; Perry, R.N., “Computing 3D Geometry Directly from Range Images”, ACM
SIGGRAPH, August 2001, (TR2001-10).
Perry, R.N.; Frisken, S.F., “Kizamu: A System for Sculpting Digital Characters”,
ACM SIGGRAPH, ISBN: 1-58113-374-X, pp. 47-56, August 2001, (TR2001-08).
Zwicker, M.; Pfister, H.; van Baar, J.; Gross, M., “Surface Splatting”, ACM SIGGRAPH,
ISBN: 1-58113-374-X, pp. 371-378, August 2001, (TR2001-20).
Efros, A.A.; Freeman, W.T., “Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer”,
ACM SIGGRAPH, ISBN: 1-58113-374-X, pp. 341-346, August 2001, (TR2001-17).
Rich, C.; Lesh, N.B.; Sidner, C.L., “Human-Computer Collaboration for Universal Access”,
International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI),
Invited Paper, August 2001.
Chen, P.; Horng, J.H.; Bao, J., Kobayashi, H., “A Joint Channel Estimation and Signal
Detection Algorithm for OFDM System”, International Symposium on Signals, Systems and
Electronics (ISSSE), July 2001.
- 99 -
Horng, J.; Nakache, Y-P., “Using Diversity Combining for Adaptive Interference
Cancellation in CDMA Systems”, International Symposium on Signals, Systems and
Electronics (ISSSE), July 2001.
Lesh, N.B.; Rich, C.; Sidner, C.L., “Collaborating with Focused and Unfocused Users
Under Imperfect Communication”, International Conference on User Modeling (UM), pp.
63-74, July 2001, (TR2000-39). [Outstanding Paper Award.]
Bell, M.; Freeman, W.T., “Learning Local Evidence for Shading and Reflectance”, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Vol. 1, pp. 670-677, July 2001,
Cassell, J.; Nakano, Y.I.; Bickmore, T.W.; Sidner, C.L.; Rich, C., “Non-Verbal Cues for
Discourse Structure”, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference (ACL),
pp. 106-115, July 2001, (TR2001-24).
Wu, H.; Shao, H-R.; Li, X., “Enhanced Communication Support for Multimedia
Transmission Over the Differentiated Services Network”, International Conference on
Networking (ICN), July 2001
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Project Reports
The body and soul of any research lab is the portfolio of projects it pursues. Therefore it is
appropriate that the main body of this annual report consists of descriptions of the various
projects being done at MERL. For ease of reference, the reports are grouped into eight topic
Computer Vision
Digital Video
Graphics Applications
Interface Devices
Optimization Algorithms
Speech and Audio
User Interface Software
Wireless Communications and Networking
Each topical section begins with a short discussion of the topic area, highlighting MERL’s major
efforts. It then continues with a number of one-page project reports. These reports describe
projects completed in the last twelve months and major milestones in continuing efforts.
The individual project reports begin with a brief summary at the top, followed by a more detailed
discussion. The bottom of the report indicates the principal lab at MERL involved with the
project and a contact person. Also included is a characterization of the type of project. The
purpose of this is to indicate the kind of result that has been obtained.
Initial Investigation – Work is underway on the project, but no firm results have been
obtained yet. The project report is included to give a better understand of a direction in
which MERL is heading.
Research – The results obtained are in the form of papers, patents, and/or research
prototypes. They represent valuable knowledge, but significant advanced development work
will be required before this knowledge can be applied to products.
Advanced Development – The results are (or will be) in forms that can be directly used in
product development. The exact form of the result depends on what is being produced. For
software projects, the results are typically code that can be directly used in products. For
semiconductor chip projects, the results are typically in the form of detailed specifications for
algorithms to be embedded in silicon.
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Computer Vision
Computer Vision is the branch of computer science concerned with the analysis of images to
extract information about the world. This is the same function that the human visual system
provides (although perhaps accomplished through different mechanisms). As sensor and
computer hardware drops in cost, these visual functions can become features in a wide range of
products where they provide automatic, fast, convenient, and precise alternatives for tasks that
were previously manual.
Much of the computer vision research at MERL is focused on the area of surveillance. For
example, MERL has pioneered a state of the art approach to detecting object classes such as
human faces in cluttered scenes. This approach uses a powerful machine-learning framework to
automatically build very fast object detectors given a set of positive and negative examples of the
object class. The same approach has been successfully applied to the problems of face detection,
facial feature finding, face recognition, and gender and race classification. Another focus in the
surveillance area is object tracking in video. Some of the work in tracking has used stereo
cameras to track objects in 3-D. Other work has looked at the problem of tracking objects across
different cameras in multi-camera systems.
The following project descriptions describe the many projects going on at MERL in the area of
computer vision. They include work on biometric systems tracking systems, traffic analysis
systems, intelligent video browsing systems and image matching systems. These systems are
being applied to many areas of MELCO’s businesses such as surveillance and security, consumer
products (cell phones and DVD players) and elevators.
Project Descriptions
Face Detection/Gender & Race Classification ..............................................................................58
Face Recognition ...........................................................................................................................59
Probabilistic Modeling for Face Recognition ................................................................................60
Support Vector Learning for Gender Classification .....................................................................61
Manifold of Faces ..........................................................................................................................62
Visual Tracking & Recognition with Particle Filters ....................................................................63
3D Face Recognition......................................................................................................................64
Multi-Camera Systems...................................................................................................................65
Object Tracking & Understanding.................................................................................................66
Pedestrian Flow: Self-Configuring Sensor Networks....................................................................67
Video Mining .................................................................................................................................68
Video Warehousing and Face Classification Visualization...........................................................69
UrbanMatch and AerialMatch - Image Matching Applications ....................................................70
Road Extraction for Satellite Imagery ...........................................................................................71
Factorized Local Appearance Models ...........................................................................................72
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Face Detection/Gender & Race Classification
Automatic face detection is a critical
component in the new domain of
computer human observation and
computer human interaction (HCI).
There are many examples including: userinterfaces that can detect the presence and
number of users; teleconference systems
can automatically devote additional
bandwidth to participant’s faces; video
security systems can record facial images
of individuals after unauthorized entry;
Figureof1 image and video content can benefit from meta-data from face detection and
classification. This is an extension of our previous work on fast face detection. Our new results
include a system that can locate facial features such as the eyes, detect rotated and profile faces
and determine the gender (male/female) and race (asian / non-asian) of the face.
Background and Objectives: Automatic face detection is a critical component in the new
domain of computer human observation and computer human interaction (HCI). There are many
examples including: user-interfaces that can detect the presence and number of users;
teleconference systems can automatically devote additional bandwidth to participant’s faces;
video security systems can record facial images of individuals after unauthorized entry; and
indexing of image and video content can benefit from meta-data from face detection and
classification. This is an extension of our previous work on fast face detection. Our new results
include a system that can locate facial features such as the eyes, detect rotated and profile faces
and determine the gender (male/female) and race (asian / non-asian) of the face.
Technical Discussion: There are three main contributions of our face detection framework.
First: a new image representation called an Integral Image that allows for very fast feature
evaluation. Second: a method for constructing a classifier by selecting a small number of
important features using AdaBoost. In order to ensure fast classification, the learning process
must exclude a large majority of the available features, and focus on a small set of critical
features. Third: a method for combining successively more complex classifiers in a cascade
structure which dramatically increases the speed of the detector by focusing attention on
promising regions of the image. The notion behind focus of attention approaches is that it is
often possible to rapidly determine where in an image an object might occur. More complex
processing is reserved only for these promising regions.
Collaboration: MTL, MRL, Sentansoken, Johosoken
Future Direction: We are currently extending this framework to use multiple video frames as
input to the classifier. This extension will make it possible to detect pedestrians in a video
Contact: Michael Jones, Baback Moghaddam
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Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Face Recognition
The goal of this project is to have a
computer recognize a person from an
image of his or her face. There are
many applications for face
recognition. Some examples are:
user-interfaces, summarizing
surveillance video, indexing image
and video databases, and access
control. This is an extension of
previous work at MERL on face
detection and classification. The
machine-learning framework used
for face detection has been extended
to solve the problem of face
Color Figureand
2 Objectives: This work builds on our previous work on face detection, which
locates all faces in an image. We use the same machine learning framework developed for that
problem and apply it to the problem of face recognition which determines who each face is. This
requires extending the classifier to handle two input images at a time instead of just one. The
problem of face recognition has been studied by a number of researchers. Our objective is to
develop a state of the art system and give MELCO some intellectual property in this area.
Technical Discussion: The problem of face recognition can be solved using a similarity
function that determines how similar two input faces are. In our approach we learn a similarity
function from examples. The examples consist of pairs of images that are either of the same face
or of different faces. Our similarity function consists of many simple features which we call
rectangle features. These features are computationally efficient which makes our face recognizer
very fast. The learning problem is to find the best set of features and feature parameters that
separate the examples of same faces from the examples of different faces. The resulting features
can then be used to judge the similarity of any two-face images.
Collaboration: MTL, Sentansoken, Kamaden.
Future Direction: Future work will explore using 3-D head models to normalize the 2-Dface
image in terms of its pose and illumination. Variations to pose and illumination are the biggest
problems for 2-D face recognition
Contact: Michael Jones, Jay Thornton
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Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Probabilistic Modeling for Face Recognition
To assess the state-of-the-art in face recognition
technology, the US Defense Advanced Research
Project’s Agency (DARPA) set up the “FERET”
program and database to provide a common
objective testbed for evaluating various algorithms.
The system developed in this project was originally
the winner of the 1996 FERET competition. It not
only advanced the envelope of performance
previously established by other techniques but also
introduced a new modeling paradigm for face
recognition (“intra/extra” learning) and was first to
use probabilistic dual “eigenfaces.”
Background and Objectives: Past techniques
for face recognition can be categorized as
either feature-based (geometric) or template-based (photometric), of which the latter have proved
the more successful. Template-based methods use measures of facial similarity based on
standard Euclidean error norms (e.g., template matching) or subspace-restricted error norms
(e.g., eigenspace matching). The latter “eigenfaces” has in the past decade become the “golden
standard” for comparison. The goal of this research was to improve on this standard benchmark
while formulating a novel probabilistic similarity function for recognition.
Technical Discussion: We advocate a probabilistic measure of facial similarity, based on a
Bayesian analysis of image differences: we model two mutually exclusive classes of variation
between two facial images: intra-personal (variations in appearance of the same individual, due
to different expressions or lighting, for example) and extra-personal (variations in appearance
due to different identity). The high-dimensional probability density functions for each respective
class are then obtained from training data and used to compute a similarity measure based on the
a posteriori probability of membership in the intra-personal class. The performance advantage of
of our technique over standard nearest-neighbor eigenspace matching was demonstrated using
results from DARPA’s 1996 “FERET” face recognition competition, in which this system was
found to be the top performer. This framework is particularly advantageous in that the intra/extra
classes learned explicitly characterize the type of appearance variations which are critical in
formulating a meaningful measure of similarity (and a suitably nonlinear discriminant).
Collaboration: The “intra-extra” face modeling methodology originally developed in this
project is being used in the new realtime 2D face recognition system of Mike Jones (MTL).
Future Direction: The core technology of this project can be easily extended to 3D face
recognition (see the “3Dfacerec” project) as well as potentially other forms of biometrics.
Contact: Baback Moghaddam
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 106 -
Support Vector Learning for Gender Classification
Computer vision systems for people
monitoring will eventually play an important
role in our lives by means of automated
human (face) detection, body tracking, action
(gesture) recognition, person identification
and estimation of age and gender. We have
developed a facial gender classifier using
Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning
with performance superior to existing gender
classifiers. This technology can, for example,
be used for passive surveillance and control
in “smart buildings” as well as gendermediated HCI.
Background and Objectives: This project addresses the problem of classifying gender from
low-resolution images in which only the main facial regions appear (i.e., without hair
information). We wanted to investigate the minimal amount of face information (resolution)
required to learn male and female faces by various pattern classifiers. Previous studies on gender
classification have relied on high-resolution images with hair information and used relatively
small datasets for their experiments. In our study, we demonstrate that SVM classifiers are able
to learn and classify gender from a large set of hairless low-resolution images with the highest
Technical Discussion: A Support Vector Machine is a learning algorithm for pattern
classification and regression. The basic principle behind SVMs is finding the optimal linear (or
nonlinear) hyperplane (see above figure) such that the expected classification error for unseen
test samples is minimized (i.e., good generalization performance). We investigated the utility of
SVMs for visual gender classification with low-resolution “thumbnail” faces (21-by-12 pixels)
processed from 1,755 images from the FERET face database. The performance of SVMs (3.4%
error) is shown to be superior to traditional pattern classifiers (Linear, Quadratic, Fisher Linear
Discriminant, Nearest-Neighbor) as well as more modern techniques such as Radial Basis
Function (RBF) classifiers and large ensemble-RBF networks.
Collaboration: Joint work with Ming-Hsuan Yang (Honda Fundamental Research).
Future Direction: The SVM-based visual gender classifier developed is not invariant to head
orientation and (like many other systems) requires fully frontal facial images. While it functions
quite well with frontal views of the face, the inability to recognize gender from different
viewpoints is a limitation which can affect its utility in unconstrained imaging environments.
However, the system can be of use in application scenarios where frontal views are readily
available (e.g., doorways, public kiosks, advertising billboards, etc.).
Contact: Baback Moghaddam
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
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Manifold of Faces
The manifold of faces is a mathematical
model of the set of all realistic-looking
faces. We estimate this manifold from a few
hundred high-resolution 3D face models,
and impose a coordinate system on it so that
every face has an “address” consisting of
roughly 20 numbers. We can then compress
and reconstruct faces with very high fidelity,
and synthesize novel faces with very high
realism. The image shows faces generated
along a straight line on the manifold;
underlined faces are real.
Background and Objectives: Good
models of human faces are necessary for
animation, security (recognition/
identification), and video coding
applications. Previous attempts to model
See Color Figure 3
variability in human faces have depended on purely linear models. These can easily generate
objects that are not face-like. We seek to estimate a compact function that efficiently codes
(compresses) and decodes (reconstructs) realistic 3D graphical models of faces.
Technical Discussion: This project is a demonstration of charting - a new data reduction
technology developed at MERL. Although it takes roughly one million numbers to specify a
high-resolution 3D face model, it is very likely most of the visible differences between any two
faces can be described with just a hundred numbers. In short, the set of all faces is a lowdimensional manifold that is embedded in a million-dimensional ambient space. We use
charting to estimate the manifold from a small sample of faces. Charting constructs a lowdimensional coordinate system on the manifold, plus smooth functions that map between the
ambient space and the new coordinate space. Operations that are difficult to do with raw face
models become simple linear operations on the charted manifold: morphing (interpolation);
caricature (extrapolation); comparison (distance).
Collaboration: Yuechao Zhao, student, Harvard University
Future Direction: Charting can also model changes in appearance due to changes in expression
and lighting. This will be evaluated for 3D facial recognition systems.
Contact: Matthew Brand
- 108 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Visual Tracking & Recognition with Particle Filters
We present a method for simultaneous tracking
and recognition of visual objects from video
using a time series model with stochastic
diffusion. Specifically, by modeling the
dynamics with a particle filter we are able to
achieve a very stabilized tracker and an
accurate recognizer when confronted by pose,
scale and illumination variations. We have
tested our tracker on real-time face detection
(invariant to scale/rotation) as well as tracking
vehicles from ground-level views as well as
aerial surveillance video of tanks seen from
oblique (affine) views.
Background and Objectives: Video-based recognition needs to handle uncertainties in both
tracking and recognition. We have focused on face recognition for biometric or surveillance
applications. We augment a time-series face tracker in the following ways: (i) Modeling the
inter-frame motion and appearance changes within the video sequence; (ii) Modeling the
appearance changes between the video frames and gallery images by constructing intra- and
extra-personal spaces which can be treated as a ‘generalized’ version of discriminative analysis
and (iii) Utilizing the fact that the gallery images are in frontal views
Technical Discussion: Tracking needs modeling inter-frame motion and appearance changes
whereas recognition needs modeling appearance changes between frames and gallery images. In
conventional tracking algorithms, the appearance model is either fixed or rapidly changing, and
the motion model is simply a random walk with fixed noise variance (the number of particles is
typically fixed). To stabilize the tracker, we propose the following features: an observation
model arising from an adaptive appearance model, an adaptive velocity motions model with
adaptive noise variance, and an adaptive number of particles. The adaptive-velocity model is
derived using a first-order linear predictor based on the appearance difference between the
incoming observation and the previous particle configuration. Occlusion analysis is implemented
using robust statistics. Experimental results on tracking visual objects in long outdoor and indoor
video sequences demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our tracking algorithm. We then
perform simultaneous tracking and recognition by embedding them in one particle filter. For
recognition purposes, we model the appearance changes between frames and gallery images by
constructing the intra- and extra-personal spaces.
Collaboration: This project was joint work with Shaouha Zhou and Rama Chellappa (UMD).
Future Direction: We are planning further extensions to the adaptive velocity motion model as
well as more complex PDFs for intra/extra similarity modeling (such as Gaussian Mixture
Models). More experiments in the automotive domain are needed as well as an investigation into
tracking pedestrians.
Contact: Baback Moghaddam
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 109 -
3D Face Recognition
The creation of realistic 3D face models is
not only a fundamental problem in computer
graphics but also the critical foundation for
designing robust 3D face recognition
systems in computer vision. We have
developed a novel method to obtain the 3D
shape (and texture) of an arbitrary human
face using a sequence of 2D silhouette
(binary) images as input. Our face model is
a linear combination of “eigenheads”
obtained by Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) of a training set of laser-scanned 3D
See Color Figure 4
human faces. The coefficients of this linear decomposition are used as our model parameters. We
have devised a near-automatic method for estimating these shape coefficients from simple 2D
input images/video. We are currently applying our model to illumination- and pose-invariant
face recognition.
Background and Objectives: A fundamental goal of this research is the application of 3D face
models to the problem of robust face recognition in computer vision. In particular, we are
concerned with addressing the two most critical and complicating factors affecting face
recognition performance: illumination and pose variation, both of which can only be fully
addressed with explicit use of 3D face models. We follow a data-driven approach to reconstruct
accurate human face geometry from photographs. Our underlying face model is not synthetic but
is based on real human faces measured by laser-based cylindrical scanners. Using our 3D face
model we are able to obtain accurate and realistic 3D shape/reflectance models for computer
graphics as well as the application of these 3D face models to the problem of robust face
recognition in computer vision.
Technical Discussion: We focus on acquiring relatively accurate geometry of a face from
multiple silhouette images at affordable cost and with no user interaction. Using silhouettes
separates the geometric subtleties of the human head from the nuances of shading and texture. As
a consequence, we do not require knowledge of external parameters such as light direction and
light intensity. We developed a robust and efficient method to reconstruct human faces from
silhouettes. We propose a novel algorithm for establishing correspondence between two faces
and use a novel and efficient error metric (boundary weighted XOR) in our optimization
procedures. The method is very robust even when presented with partial and noisy information.
Collaboration: This is joint work between MERL and the Ohio-State University (OSU).
Future Direction: Having established and demonstrated superior performance in 3D scanning
(shape and texture acquisition), our next phase will focus on robust 3D face recognition for
various surveillance and biometric applications as part of MERL’s “Computer-Human
Observation” (CHO) project.
Contact: Hanspeter Pfister, Baback Moghaddam
- 110 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
Multi-Camera Systems
The nature of single-camera single-room architecture
multi-camera surveillance applications demands automatic
and accurate calibration, detection of object of interest,
tracking, fusion of multiple modalities to solve intercamera correspondence problem, easy access and
retrieving video data, capability to make semantic query,
and effective abstraction of video content. Although
several multi-camera setups have been adapted for 3D
vision problems, the non-overlapping camera systems
have not investigated thoroughly. Considering the huge
amount of the video data a multi-camera system may
produces over a short time period, more sophisticated tools
for control, representation, and content analysis became an
urgent need.
Background and Objectives: We designed a framework
where we can extract the object-wise semantics from a
non-overlapping field-of-view multi-camera system. This
framework has four main components: camera calibration,
automatic tracking, inter-camera data fusion, and query
generation. We developed an object-based video content
labeling method to restructure the camera-oriented videos
into object-oriented results. We proposed a summarization
technique using the motion activity characteristics of the
encoded video segments to provide a solution to the storage and presentation of the immense
video data. To solve the calibration problem, we developed a correlation matrix and dynamic
programming based method.
Technical Discussion: An automatic object tracking and video summarization method for
multi-camera systems with a large number of non-overlapping field-of-view cameras is
developed. In this framework, video sequences are stored for each object as opposed to storing a
sequence for each camera. Object-based representation enables annotation of video segments,
and extraction of content semantics for further analysis. We also present a novel solution to the
inter-camera color calibration problem. The transitive model function enables effective
compensation for lighting changes and radiometric distortions for large-scale systems. After
initial calibration, objects are tracked at each camera by background subtraction and mean-shift
analysis. The correspondence of objects between different cameras is established by using a
Bayesian Belief Network. This framework empowers the user to get a concise response to
queries such as, “Which locations did an object visit on Monday and what did it do there?”
Collaboration: We are closely working with Johosoken and Sentansoken.
Future Direction: We are working on event detection for surveillance video. We will also
integrate our face recognition technology into the multi-camera system.
Contact: Fatih Porikli
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 111 -
Object Tracking & Understanding
Object tracking is important because it enables several
important applications such as: Security and surveillance - to
recognize people, to provide better sense of security using
visual information; Medical therapy - to improve the quality
of life for physical therapy patients and disabled people;
Retail space instrumentation - to analyze shopping behavior
of customers, to enhance building and environment design;
Video abstraction: to obtain automatic annotation of videos to generate object-based summaries; Traffic management to analyze flow, to detect accidents; Video editing - to
eliminate cumbersome human-operator interaction, to design
futuristic video effects; Interactive games - to provide
natural ways of interaction with intelligent systems such as
weightless remote control
Background and Objectives: The current object tracking
project has four main components: 1) Adaptive background
generation and shadow removal; 2) Single-camera tracking
with mean-shift techniques; 3) Multi-camera radiometric
calibration; 4) Gesture recognition, object-based summary
generation using multi-camera tracking information.
Accurate object segmentation and tracking under the
constraint of low computational complexity presents a
challenge. Our aim is to find solutions that are robust,
simple, computationally feasible, modular, and easily
adaptable to various applications.
Technical Discussion: We made the semi-automatic meanshift tracker completely automatic using an improved GMM
background subtraction method. We improved the
adaptation performance of the original GMM by observing
the amount of illumination change in the background. The
See Color Figure 9
performance of the background adaptation and mean-shift analysis based object tracking method
is comparable with the state-of-art, and it is fully automatic. We invented solution to the intercamera color calibration problem, which is very important for multi-camera systems. We also
introduced a distance metric and a modeling function to evaluate the inter-camera radiometric
Collaboration: Currently, we are closely working with Johosoken and Sentansoken
Future Direction: We are working on large-scale system management; behavior modeling,
event detection issues.
Contact: Fatih Porikli
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 112 -
Pedestrian Flow: Self-Configuring Sensor Networks
This project focuses on capturing and
exploiting the macroscopic patterns of
behavior exhibited by the occupants of a
building. By comparing readings from
sensors scattered over the entirety of a
building, it is possible to automatically
extract information about the relationships
between the sensors and the space and people
that they observe. Even with very cheap
sensors, such as motion detectors, and low
computational overhead, it is possible to
discover and exploit these important patterns
to improve many building systems: elevators,
heating and cooling systems, lighting,
information networks, safety systems, and
security systems.
Color Figureand
5 Objectives: The occupants of a building generate patterns as they move from
place to place, stand at a corner talking, or loiter by the coffee machine. These patterns leave
their mark on every object in a building. Even the lowly carpet will eventually be able to tell you
quite a lot about these patterns by how it wears. A network of cheap sensors should be able to
perceive these patterns and provide that context to relevant building systems. These sensor
systems will only be practical if they are cheap to manufacture, install and operate. Because of
their size, it is important that these networks a capable of configuring themselves and adapting to
changes in the environment without special help from skilled operators. Different systems might
take advantage of different kinds of contextual data. Building systems would benefit from being
able to predict future room occupation levels based on current and past behavior. Elevator
schedulers would benefit from more accurate predictions of passenger arrivals. Surveillance
systems could leverage transitions probabilities between sensors to improve tracking or
identification. The goal of this project is to explore these, and other possibilities.
Technical Discussion: By taking advantage of the normal movements of occupants in a
building, we tap a large but noisy source of data. By analyzing the temporal relationships of
motion events observed by 20 sensors observing a 175 square meter office area, we have been
able to recover probabilistic descriptions of the relative positions of the test sensors that compare
favorably to ground truth.
Collaboration: We are working with the vision group in the MERL Technology Laboratory.
Future Direction: In the near future we plan to improve on the fidelity of the geometric
calibration results, and explore the issue of event prediction in the elevator arrival scenario.
Contact: Christopher R. Wren
- 113 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Video Mining
We consider the video mining problem in
the light of existing data mining techniques.
The fundamental aim of data mining is to
discover patterns. In our video browsing
work so far, we attempted to discover
patterns in audio-visual content through
principal cast detection, sports highlights
detection, and location of “significant” parts
of video sequences. Our approach to video
mining is to think of it as “blind” or contentadaptive processing that relies as little as
possible on a priori knowledge. In the figure
at left, we illustrate commercial detection
using discovery of unusual audio-visual
patterns using adaptively constructed
statistical models of usual events.
Background and Objectives: Detection of unusual video events is important for both consumer
video applications such as sports highlights extraction and commercial message detection, as
well as surveillance applications. Since content production styles vary widely even within
genres, content-adaptive event detection is essential. Furthermore, the unusual events are both
rare and diverse making application of conventional machine learning techniques difficult. In
this project, we are developing techniques to adaptively detect unusual audio-visual events for
both consumer applications such as video browsing systems for HDD-enabled DVD recorders,
and surveillance video applications such as traffic video monitoring.
Technical Discussion: Since our target product platforms place severe constraints on
computational complexity, we emphasize computational simplicity in our event discovery
techniques. We thus also rely on feature extraction in the compressed domain. A typical example
of our content adaptive approach is to first construct a “global” audio class histogram for an
entire video program and then to compare the global histogram with histograms of smaller
segments of the content so as to uncover local departures from the usual. We have obtained
promising results for detection of Sports Highlights and Commercial Messages so far.
Collaboration: Johosoken, Sentansoken.
Future Direction: Our current research focus is on Consumer Video Applications. We are
interested in broadening the class of detectable events, for example by targeting other genres of
video such as films, drama, sitcoms etc, as well as surveillance video.
Contact: Kadir Peker, Ajay Divakaran
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
- 114 -
Video Warehousing and Face Classification Visualization
Applications such as surveillance or
customer behavior analysis will require
visualization and analysis of historical metadata produced by various image processing
algorithms (such as the face detection and
classification algorithms). In order to allow
for efficient data mining and visualization of
such data, we proposed introducing a
standard database layer responsible for
managing the “video data-warehouse”. As a
first application of this approach, we created
a framework to visually compare the results
a face detection algorithm with ground truth
data, as well as comparing the results of
different algorithms.
Background and Objectives: A modular approach to software creation assures that
applications are more flexible, robust, and are easier to maintain. By creating a database layer for
applications that rely on metadata produced by video analysis (such as the face detection or face
recognition algorithms), we make these modular. We often create large datasets for use in testing
and improving the basic algorithms. At the same time these datasets can be used to test
innovative approaches to visualization of large video and image data. Here we demonstrate this
approach with an application that helps to verify and improve the effectiveness of the face
detection algorithm. By allowing the user to compare the results of different versions of the
algorithm, we create a regression testing framework. Comparing the algorithm with hand labeled
ground truth helps determine which images are particularly challenging. This will make
improving training set selection more efficient.
Technical Discussion: The database component of the application was constructed to interact
with CHO NET objects that broadcast data over networks using a (MERL patent-pending) real
time protocol. This allowed the detection component to be decoupled from other applications.
Stored data can be rebroadcast imitating the original CHO NET stream, or can be accessed
directly. Direct access to the underlying database (MySQL) can be made from Java via JDBC, or
from C/C++ via ODBC/TCL.
Future Direction: As more data becomes stored in the database, other visualizations techniques
can be applied to create applications that can be used in a high-end surveillance and other
markets (e.g., “Show me all the video frames containing a person X” or “What fraction of the
attendees were male?”). This technology is also being applied to the “People Prediction” project.
Contact: Sergei Makar-Limanov
- 115 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
UrbanMatch and AerialMatch - Image Matching Applications
(1) UrbanMatch
(2) AerialMatch
UrbanMatch and AerialMatch are imagematching applications, built with the
Diamond3D vision library. UrbanMatch is
part of a proposed system that matches a live
image of a building, taken with a cellphone
camera, to a centralized database. GPS
provides approximate cellphone location, and
hence a small set of possible target images in
the database, while image matching serves to
identify a specific building. Finally
augmentation data for the building (such as
identity, prices and menus for shops and
restaurants etc) is retrieved from the database
and overlaid on the live image. The second
application, AerialMatch, is for matching
consecutive images in a sequence taken from
a helicopter, to build a mosaic of the
observed area on the ground. This is part of a
proposed system that matches the current
camera view from the helicopter to a
geographical map of the area, again as a
prerequisite for augmenting the live image.
Background and Objectives: As imagematching becomes more reliable,
augmentation of live imagery will be
increasingly common. The goal of the
Diamond3D library is to provide flexible
software to support multiple applications.
Technical Discussion: Diamond3D is a
geometry-based computer vision library
supporting fast prototyping of vision applications. The functionality of the library includes
camera calibration, feature detection and matching, and 3D reconstruction. Vision components
in the library utilize a Model-View-Control design, allowing them to be treated as “black-boxes”
which are easily re-used between applications. The image matching is based on detection and
matching of corner points. The matching process first uses gradient-similarity around corners to
determine multiple putative matches for each corner, then uses geometric constraints - the
fundamental matrix and the planar homography - to identify the true matches.
Collaboration: Dr Wakimoto, Internet Media Systems Dept, Johosoken
Future Direction: The current systems are prototypes to demonstrate the feasibility of the
feature-matching approach. New work will address robustness for more varied situations
Contact: Paul Beardsley
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 116 -
Road Extraction for Satellite Imagery
Unsupervised extraction of roads eliminates the need
for human operators to perform the time consuming
and expensive process of mapping roads from satellite
imagery. As increasing volumes of imagery become
available, fully automatic methods are required to
interpret the visible features such as roads, railroads,
drainage, and other meaningful curvilinear structures
in multi-spectral satellite imagery. There exists an even
greater need for a mechanism that handles lowresolution images. The essence of detecting curvilinear
elements is also related to the problem of deriving
anatomical structures in medical imaging as well as
locating material defects in product quality control
systems, geomorphologic and cartographic applications.
Background and Objectives: Most of the proposed road detection algorithms require user
assistance to mark both starting and ending points of road segments. Due to the noise sensitivity,
asymmetry of the contrast at the both sides of the edges, and the difficulty of obtaining precise
edge directions, edge based methods are inadequate for very low-resolution multi-spectral
imagery. Our main objective is to develop automatic, robust, and computationally feasible road
detection and satellite imagery analysis algorithms.
Technical Discussion: First, the input image is filtered to suppress the regions that the
likelihood of existing a road pixel is low. Then, the road magnitude and orientation are computed
by evaluating the responses from a quadruple orthogonal line filter set. A mapping from the line
domain to the vector domain is used to determine the line strength and orientation for each point.
A major problem of road extraction algorithms is disconnected road segments due to the poor
visibility of the roads in the original image. Often roads are divided into several short segments,
or completely missing from the image. To solve this problem, we fit Gaussian models to image
points, which represent the likelihood of being road points. These models are evaluated
recursively to determine the correlation between the neighboring points. The iterative process
consists of finding the connected road points, fusing them with the previous image, passing them
through the directional line filter set and computing new magnitudes and orientations. The road
segments are updated, and the process continues until there are no further changes in the roads
Collaboration: MERL is working closely with Johosoken on the road extraction project.
Future Direction: We plan to apply road extraction technology to automatically align airborne
video camera imagery to the available road maps. In addition, we will be developing algorithms
to detect other structures such as houses, overpasses, different types of vegetation, and water
Contact: Fatih Porikli
- 117 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Factorized Local Appearance Models
We propose a novel scheme for image-based object
detection and localization by modeling the joint
distribution of k-tuple salient point feature vectors
which are factorized component wise after an
independent component analysis (ICA).
Furthermore, we use a distance-sensitive
histograming technique for capturing spatial
dependencies which enable us to model non-rigid
objects as well as distortions caused by articulation.
Background and Objectives: For appearance based
object modeling in images, the choice of method is
usually a trade-off determined by the nature of the
application or the availability of computational resources. Existing object representation schemes
provide models either for global features or for local features and their spatial relationships. With
increased complexity, the latter provides higher modeling power and accuracy. Among various
local appearance and structure models, there are those that assume rigidity of appearance and
viewing angle, thus adopting more explicit models while others employ stochastic models and
use probabilistic distance/matching metrics. Our objective is to model the high-order
dependencies of local image structure by estimating the complete joint distribution of multiple
salient point feature vectors using a density factorization approach.
Technical Discussion: We construct a probabilistic appearance model with an emphasis on the
representation of non-rigid and approximate local image structures. We use joint histograms on
k-tuples (k salient points) to enhance the modeling power for local dependency, while reducing
the complexity by histogram factorization along the feature components. Although, the gain in
modeling power of joint densities can increase the computational complexity, we propose
histogram factorization based on independent component analysis to reduce the dimensionality
dramatically, thus reducing the computation to a level that can be easily handled by today’s
personal computers. For modeling local structures, we use a distance-sensitive histograming
technique. A clear advantage of the proposed method is the flexibility in modeling spatial
relationships. Experiments have yielded promising results on robust object localization in
cluttered scenes as well as image retrieval. Most recently we have adopted parametric models
using mixture of Gaussians with resulting enhancements in performance.
Collaboration: This project is joint collaboration Xiang Zhou and Thomas S. Huang (UIUC)
and David Guillamet (University of Barcelona).
Future Direction: In the future, we plan to explore a more explicit way to incorporate spatial
adjacency into the factorized local appearance model via graph matching. Also we are especially
interested in applications of this technology to satellite image and photo-reconnaissance as
shown in the example image above.
Contact: Baback Moghaddam
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 118 -
Digital Video
The field of Digital Video embraces techniques that span across several disciplines including
traditional electrical engineering areas such as signal processing, communication and
networking, as well as computer science areas, such as data analysis, content understanding, and
database. Whether you realize it or not, Digital Video is an important part of our everyday lives –
it is a media that supplies a primary source of information, it enables communication and trade,
and it entertains us. Research in this field is moving at breakneck speeds, and MERL is clearly
at the frontier setting the pace.
At MERL, we focus on technology that not only improves current video-centric systems, but also
establishes a vision for next-generation systems for consumer, business, and government
markets. One focus is on video compression, which targets DTV broadcast, DVD/HDD
recording, and streaming applications. Within the video streaming and networking area, we
investigate techniques to support video QoS and specifically conduct research on robust
transmission, traffic management, and power-aware transmission. An important topic for nextgeneration systems is universal multimedia access. Video transcoding to specific bit-rates,
formats, and spatio-temporal resolutions is a key technology to support this framework, and
MERL has developed award-winning architectures and algorithms that achieve this adaptation
with low complexity and high quality. We also focus on systems for multimedia storage and
retrieval. Video indexing and summarization are active areas of research at MERL, and we
apply this expertise to integrated systems such as DVD recorders, PVR devices, and surveillance
systems. Such systems also make use of advanced multimedia content analysis, such as event
detection, object tracking, content mining, and knowledge management. These are all areas that
MERL has established a leading position within the research community. Active participation
and contributions in MPEG standards has always been a major part of our activity and
interoperability based on standards drives much of the work being done in this area.
In the pages that follow, we provide a brief overview of several recent projects that we have been
working on during the past year. With regards to compression and transmission, this includes
our work on high-compression encoding of video, object-based coding for efficient storage, and
adaptive transmission on overlay networks. In the content analysis domain, we highlight work
that has been done on video summarization. With a view towards universal multimedia access,
transcoding, Pamlink-21 and our current efforts in MPEG-21 standardization are described.
Project Descriptions
MPEG Video High Compression...................................................................................................74
Adaptive Video on Overlay Networks...........................................................................................75
MPEG-4 Object Coding for Time-Lapse Recorder .......................................................................76
MPEG Transcoding for Surveillance.............................................................................................77
Video Summarization for the DVD Recorder ...............................................................................78
MPEG Transcoding for DVD Recording ......................................................................................79
- 119 -
PAMLink-21 ..................................................................................................................................80
MPEG-21 Standards Activity ........................................................................................................81
- 120 -
MPEG Video High Compression
Recently, video high compression
techniques have been applied to many
consumer electronic products, such as digital
video cameras and DVDs. These consumer
products normally require high image
quality and low bit rate. In MPEG video
coding standards, the coding syntax and
semantics are only specified for the decoder.
The standard leaves the flexibilities to the
users to develop their own MPEG encoder.
High video compression can be achieved by
using suitable encoder design method. In
this project, we provide an optimal coding method to achieve high compression at low bit rate.
The algorithm includes both picture level and macroblock level mode optimization techniques.
Compared to the MPEG-2 TM5 encoder, at the same quality level, we can achieve about 25%
lower bit rate.
Background and Objectives: As more and more applications, such as digital terrestrial
broadcasting, digital satellite broadcasting, DVD and Internet streaming etc, become popular, the
high compression techniques will become more important. Therefore, developing new high
compression techniques will benefit to many MELCO’s businesses. The aim of this project is to
develop efficient algorithms for achieving high performance at low bit rate.
Technical Discussion: At high compression ratios, a number of visual artifacts because of the
underlying block-based approach could be observed. For instance, block artifacts, ringing noise
and mosquito noise etc. These artifacts severely degrade the image/video quality. In this project,
we will use post-filtering techniques to suppress the artifacts caused by high compression coding
and to improve the perceptual visual quality. The post-filter will be implemented in two
operation modes: independent mode and embedded mode. In the independent mode, the postfilter is independent to the decoder. It takes the decoded YUV image as input, processes the
YUV image and outputs a quality improved YUV image. In the embedded mode, the post-filter
can be integrated into decoder to fully utilize the coding information in the video bitstreams.
Collaboration: This project is done in collaboration with the Multimedia Information Coding &
Transmission Technology Department at Johosoken.
Future Direction: We will consider the following techniques: pre-filtering, motion vector
quality improvement and post-filtering.
Contact: Anthony Vetro, Hao-Song Kong
- 121 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Adaptive Video on Overlay Networks
Overlay network is regarded as a promising
solution for providing high-level network
services over today’s Internet. This project
investigates flexible rate adaptation and bitstream partitioning mechanisms for the
scalable video, and also enhanced overlay
services such as multi-path transmission and
end-system multicast. Our approach can
improve the rate and error control
capabilities in video streaming to
heterogeneous user devices.
Background and Objectives: Multimedia services will proliferate in the future, particularly
with the popularity of the Internet, wireless & mobile networks and cameras on handheld
devices. QoS (Quality of Service) is one of the most important unsolved research issues in this
area. Overlay network brings more flexibility to add higher layer functionalities for today’s
Internet to support QoS. This project aims to propose new bit-stream adaptation and partitioning
mechanisms for scalable video and new enhanced overlay services to support adaptive video
unicast and multicast.
Technical Discussion: In this project we investigate how to improve rate adaptation and
reliability control for scalable video streaming on overlay networks. First, we propose an
enhancement layer truncation scheme for the Fine Granular Scalability (FGS) video coding. The
target of our scheme is to minimize/reduce the quality variation of different parts within each one
frame when only partial information of one enhancement layer can be kept after truncation
according to the available network bandwidth. Secondly, we propose to partition some
enhancement layers in the original FGS stream into multiple descriptions for effective transport
over the multiple paths provided by overlay networks. Experimental result shows that our
approach can improve the decoded visual quality.
Future Direction: We will propose QoS-enhanced multi-path and end-system multicast
mechanisms for multimedia applications.
Contact: Huairong Shao, Chia Shen
- 122 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
MPEG-4 Object Coding for Time-Lapse Recorder
This project explores the use of using
MPEG-4 object-based coding for the longterm archive of surveillance videos. The
key processes needed to accomplish this are
object segmentation and object-based
coding. Through our experiments, and with
the video sequences that we have tested, it
has been found that 78% of the total storage
can be saved, and that the quality of the
reconstructed image depends heavily on the
accuracy of the object segmentation.
Background and Objectives: Storage is a primary concern for time-lapse recorder systems
used in surveillance applications. Typically, such systems allow input from many camera sources
and the system is required to store several months of video data for each source. An archiving
engine is useful to transfer the video data from short-term to long-term storage in which some
degradation to the originally stored video is tolerable.
Technical Discussion: The proposed system relies on two important processes: segmentation
and object-based coding. In this system, it is assumed that certain inaccuracies in the
reconstructed scene can be tolerated, however subjective quality and semantics of the scene must
be strictly maintained. Preliminary results indicate an overall bit savings of 78%.
Collaboration: Information Processing Department at Sentansoken.
Future Direction: The algorithms that have been developed need to be tested further on more
generic scenes. Since the segmentation accuracy has the most impact on the reconstructed scene,
we also consider improving the accuracy of the segmentation algorithm.
Contact: Anthony Vetro
- 123 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
MPEG Transcoding for Surveillance
In general, the purpose of a transcoder is to
convert compressed content, such as an
MPEG bitstream, into a format that satisfies
transport over dynamic networks, as well as
playback and recording of content with
various devices. In this project, we have
developed software for real-time MPEG-2 to
MPEG-4 transcoding with a reduced bit-rate
and spatio-temporal resolution. For
surveillance applications, this enables
MPEG-2 broadcast quality content to be
received by a central service center and be
distributed to remote clients over narrowband networks. MPEG-4 is the preferred
format such networks due to its coding
efficiency and error robustness.
Background and Objectives: Recent advances in signal processing combined with an increase
in network capacity are paving the way for users to enjoy services wherever they go and on a
host of multimedia capable devices. Such devices include laptops and mobile handheld devices.
Each of these terminals may support a variety of different formats. Furthermore, the access
networks are often characterized by different bandwidth constraints, and the terminals
themselves vary in display capabilities, processing power and memory capacity. Therefore, it is
required to convert and deliver the content according to the network and terminal characteristics.
Technical Discussion: Our MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 transcoding software is able to achieve
reduced bit-rates, spatial resolutions, and temporal resolutions. The transcoding is done in an
efficient way such that multiple bitstreams can be transcoded with general-purpose processors.
The brute force approach decodes the original bitstream to the spatial-domain, performs some
intermediate processing, and then finally re-encodes to a new bitstream. Our proposed
architectures simplify this process, while still maintaining the picture quality.
Collaboration: Technical aspects of this project are presently done in collaboration with the
Multimedia Information Coding & Transmission Technology Department at Johosoken. Past
collaborators include the Image Information Processing Department at Sentansoken and
Princeton University.
Future Direction: We continue to add features, reduce the complexity improve robustness to
errors and improve output quality. Also, we seek new applications that this technology, such as
set-top box and digital still camera.
Contact: Anthony Vetro
- 124 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
Video Summarization for the DVD Recorder
The Personal Video Recorder
such as the Recordable-DVD
Recorder and/or Hard Disk
Recorder has become popular
as a large volume storage
Video, Audio Stream
device for video/audio content
Audio Seg.#1
Audio Seg.#2
Audio Seg.#3
and a browsing function that
would quickly provide a
desired scene to the user is
required as an essential part of
Audio Based Skim
such a large capacity system.
We propose an intra-program
content browsing system using
not only a combination of
Motion Activity based Visual Summary
motion based video
summarization and topic-related metadata in the incoming video stream but also an audioassisted video browsing feature that enables completely automatic topic-based browsing. As
illustrated in the figure on the left, we use audio analysis based on generalized sound recognition
to locate semantic segment boundaries and then summarize each segment using our motion
activity based technique.
Background and Objectives: As more and more audio-visual content becomes available in
digital form in various places around the world, the ability to locate desired content will become
more and more important. Already text based search engines help retrieve textual data from the
World Wide Web, but no equivalent identifying information exists for A/V content. The
proposed MPEG-7 standard will standardize a multimedia content description interface that will
enable efficient searching and browsing of worldwide multimedia content. In this project we
emphasize the Personal Video Recorder application, that provides the user with the content he
wants when he wants it by storing a large volume of content recorded from broadcast and then
providing effective navigation of the stored content using summarization and indexing.
Technical Discussion: The system relies on extraction of compact descriptors in the
compressed audio and video domain, which makes both the content preparation and the content
access fast. It primarily relies on the MPEG-7 motion activity descriptor, and also makes use of
simple color histograms and MPEG-7 generalized sound recognition. We have a unique motion
activity based approach to video summarization.
Collaboration: Johosoken, Sentansoken.
Future Direction: Our current research focus is on Content Summarization. We are still
Contact: Ajay Divakaran
- 125 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
MPEG Transcoding for DVD Recording
In general, the purpose of a transcoder is to convert
compressed content, such as an MPEG bitstream,
into a format that satisfies transport over dynamic
networks, as well as playback and recording of
content with various devices. In this project, we are
developing a software model for an MPEG-2
transcoder that adapts the bit-rate and spatial
resolution. The transcoding logic should be
integrated with an MPEG-2 Codec to make an
efficient LSI design. For DVD recording, the
MPEG-2 broadcast contents may be Main Profile
@ Main Level (MP@ML, Standard-Definition
Television) or Main Profile @ High Level
(MP@HL, High-Definition Television), but the
recorded DVD contents must be MP@ML. Also,
the bits recorded to the disk have some limitations
as well, and are usually variable bit-rate.
Background and Objectives: Digital television is now being broadcast around the world in the
MPEG-2 format. Depending on the county, either MP@ML or MP@HL can be received. In the
market today, you can find broadcast receivers, which are now being integrated into the newer
digital television sets. Also, you can find a wide array of DVD players. The aim of this project is
to be able to record the television broadcast onto the DVD medium in an efficient way. One
important feature of the DVD recorder is simultaneous read/write.
Technical Discussion: An optimal mode decision and quantizer selection algorithm is
implemented in the system. The transcoding achieves high performance. Due to the complexity
of the optimal method, the current system is operated offline. We use the system as a benchmark
for quality measurement comparison. A simplified algorithm is also implemented. It greatly
reduces the complexity of the optimal method and still achieves higher performances than the
conventional method, such as TM5.
Collaboration: The aspects of this system were discussed with Sentansoken and Johosoken.
Future Direction: We continue to make effort to improve the video quality and reduce the
complexity of the simplified system. The mode decision and quantizer selection algorithms will
be further investigated and simplified.
Contact: Anthony Vetro, Hao-Song Kong
- 126 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
The primary aim of the PAMLink project
was to develop an end-to-end
connectivity solution for Internet
Appliances and Internet services. With
this in mind, PAMLink services are
characterized by a highly personalized
experience for the individual user, where
the services and information are
aggregated to meet individual needs at
any given moment. This is very much inline with the vision of the emerging
MPEG-21 standard, which is to enable
transparent access to multimedia content.
PAMLink-21 merges these two initiatives
together with the goal of developing key components for an MPEG-21 system and integrating
them with a rich multimedia-enabled infrastructure.
Background and Objectives: This project concentrates on merging technology that has been
developed to gain personal access from mobile devices with the emerging MPEG-21 standard.
Technical Discussion: The current thrust of this project is to use the PAMLink infrastructure
and the MPEG-21 standard to stream multimedia content to various user’s terminals each having
different capabilities. Various descriptors, which are in the process of being standardized by
MPEG-21, are used to describe the producer, the consumer, the network delivery system, as well
as the expressions of various rights a user may have to the content. The server, whose
responsibility is to manage the services and deliver content, is comprised of a content adaptation
engine and various parsers to interpret the MPEG-21 descriptions. The client has an integrated
HTML/XML browser and MPEG-4 Player, which has been implemented on a WinCE platform.
At this current stage, the content delivery network is based on RTP/UDP/IP.
Collaboration: Certain part of this project are done in collaboration with the Multimedia
Information Coding & Transmission Technology Department at Johosoken, such as the MPEG
players, transcoding, video delivery, and MPEG-21 components.
Future Direction: This project ended in FY03, and will not continue in FY04.
Contact: Johnas Cukier
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 127 -
MPEG-21 Standards Activity
One of the goals for MPEG-21 is to enable
transparent access to multimedia content across
a wide range of networks and devices. The
notion of a Digital Item has been introduced,
which is the fundamental unit of transaction in
the MPEG-21 multimedia framework. Simply
stated, Digital Items contain a rich set of
content with associated descriptions, and they
are configurable to various conditions. Our
activities in MPEG-21 are focused on the
development of Part 7, Digital Item Adaptation.
Background and Objectives: Compression, transport, and multimedia description are examples
of individual technologies that are already well defined. However, the lack of interoperable
solutions across these spaces is stalling the deployment of advanced multimedia packaging and
distribution applications. This problem has motivated the MPEG committee to start its work on
defining normative tools to enable multimedia applications of the 21st century. Officially
launched in June 2000, MPEG-21 is referred to as the Multimedia Framework. This framework
applies across the entire consumption chain from content creators and rights holders to service
providers and consumers.
Technical Discussion: To enable transparent access to content, it is essential to have available
not only the description of the content but also a description of its format and of the usage
environment in order that content adaptation may be performed to provide the User the best
content experience for the content requested with the conditions available. While the content
description problem has been addressed by MPEG-7, the description of content format and usage
environments has not been addressed and it is now the target of MPEG-21 Digital Item
Adaptation, which is Part 7 of MPEG-21 and will be finalized in December 2003. Among the
tools targeted for standardization include usage environments descriptions, which include
descriptions of the terminal, network, user and natural environment.
Collaboration: This project is done in collaboration with the Multimedia Information Coding &
Transmission Technology Department at Johosoken.
Future Direction: Continue involvement in the development of MPEG-21, with particular
emphasis on Part 7: Digital Item Adaptation.
Contact: Anthony Vetro
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 128 -
Graphics Applications
Computer graphics research in general and at MERL has been undergoing some profound
changes. During its formative years, computer graphics has focused largely on developing
algorithms and systems for performing efficient simulations to produce images and animations.
At present, this simulation framework for computer graphics is very mature. Now the field has
been opening up to include high-quality imaging sensors, measurement devices, projectors, and
other means of combining the real-world with synthetic, graphical models.
At MERL we explore new approaches to computer graphics that attempt to bridge the dichotomy
between the classical and this data-driven modeling. These approaches differ from the
simulation-based computational model, and instead depend more on the tools of interpolation
and signal processing. To emphasize this new focus we changed the name of this research area
to “graphics applications.” MERL is in the unique position to make a huge impact in graphics
applications because of our world-class researchers in the fields of computer vision, computer
graphics, and machine learning.
This past year, graphics application research has produced some of the strongest technology
transfer opportunities in the history of MERL. The projector related research by Raskar, van
Baar, and Beardsley has already made its way into products and has won the Johosoken
Management Award in 2003. The 3D reconstruction project of Ziegler and Pfister is in
collaboration with Dr. Shiotani’s Strategic Advanced Project entitled “Vision/Image based
Modeling Subsystem for Facility Engineering Applications” (Sentansoken). The data-driven
reconstruction and reflectance research by Pfister, Moghaddam, and Brand is being applied
successfully to 3D face recognition, the next big step in computer human observation. And the
ADF research by Frisken and Perry is bound to make a huge impact in the market for highquality font representations for TVs, LCD displays, and portable devices, including cell phones
and car navigation systems. MERL is very excited about the commercial potential of all its
graphics application research, and we hope to have some positive impact on MELCO business in
the near future.
Project Descriptions
Video Surveillance with NPR Image Fusion .................................................................................84
Low Cost Projector Mosaic ...........................................................................................................85
iLamps: Intelligent, Locale-aware, Mobile Projectors ..................................................................86
A Projector as a Novel Type of Motion Sensor.............................................................................87
Hand-Held Projectors for Augmented Reality...............................................................................88
Multi-Projector Imagery on Curved Screens .................................................................................89
3D Reconstruction from Photographs............................................................................................90
Data-Driven Reflectance Model ....................................................................................................91
Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)................................................................................92
- 83 -
Video Surveillance with NPR Image Fusion
We have developed a class of
techniques to enhance context
in images and videos. The
basic idea is to increase the
information density in a set of
low quality images by
exploiting the context from a
higher quality image captured
under different conditions
from the same view. For
example, a nighttime
surveillance video is enriched
with information available in
daytime images or video in the
infrared frequency range is
augmented with video in
visible light spectrum.
Background and Objectives: An image is traditionally enhanced using information included
within the same image. We exploit the idea that, for fixed cameras, the image of a scene can be
captured under different conditions over time, e.g. illumination, wavelength, atmospheric
conditions and containing static or dynamic objects. We propose a new image fusion approach to
combine images with sufficiently different appearance into a seamless rendering. The method
maintains fidelity of important features and robustly incorporates background contexts avoiding
traditional problems such as aliasing, ghosting and haloing.
Technical Discussion: Our method first encodes the importance based on local variance in
input images or videos. Then, instead of a convex combination of pixel intensities, we combine
the intensity gradients scaled by the importance. The image reconstructed from the gradients
achieves a smooth blend and at the same time preserves the detail in the input images. We have
obtained results on indoor as well as outdoor scenes.
Contact: Ramesh Raskar
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 84 -
Low Cost Projector Mosaic
We have developed a set of techniques to
create large format displays using casually
installed overlapping projectors. The image
alignment and intensity blending is
completely automatic. The time required to
calibrate the system is less than 20 seconds
allowing a very easy to use and flexible
setup. Current multi-projector systems cost
several times the price of the projectors due
to the expensive infrastructure and
maintenance. Our techniques focus on software methods to reduce the cost by eliminating the
need of rigid support structures and manual alignment.
Background and Objectives: A photo-mosaic is a collection of images registered together to
form one large image. Can we create a similar projector mosaic on a display surface by
seamlessly merging output of overlapping projectors? For photo-mosaic, the images are captured
by casually orienting and positioning the camera. Can we similarly create a large display using
casually aligned projectors? Currently, large displays are generated by tiling together a two
dimensional array of projectors by precisely aligning them. Due to such design constraints, the
installation and operation of such systems is extremely expensive. If we allow casual
approximate installation, the cost of multi-projector systems can be greatly reduced. Further, if
the registration and blending of overlapping images is performed completely automatically, such
systems can become very easy to use allowing wide spread use in homes, offices and shops.
Technical Discussion: We use a camera in the loop to automatically compute the relative
projector pose. Our algorithms solve two fundamental problems involved in multi-projector
displays. First, we achieve sub-pixel alignment between overlapping projectors by exploiting the
homography induced due to the display plane. Second, we use a fast technique to find intensity
feathering weights to cross-fade the projected images in the overlapping region. We use 3D
graphics hardware to achieve real-time pre-warping of the images so that they generate a single
seamless image when projected. The techniques can be used for rear-projector or front-projection
Future Direction: We are investigating techniques to achieve color equivalence between
overlapping projectors. We also are planning to reduce the calibration time to below 10 seconds.
Contact: Ramesh Raskar, Jeroen van Baar
- 85 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
iLamps: Intelligent, Locale-aware, Mobile Projectors
We have developed a concept of a smart,
enhanced projector, iLamps. It can determine
and respond to the geometry of the display
surface, and can be used in an ad-hoc cluster to
create a self-configuring display. In addition,
we are exploring various algorithms for new
display paradigms, their applications and
solving underlying problems.
A projector is decoupled from the display
and hence the size of the projector can be much
smaller than the size of the image it produces.
Hence, projectors look like natural fit with
handheld devices such as cell phones and
PDAs. Cell phones provide access to the large amounts of wireless data, which surround us, but
their size dictates a small display area.
Background and Objectives: Projectors are currently undergoing a transformation as they
evolve from static output devices to portable, environment-aware, communicating systems. An
Information display is such a prevailing part of everyday life that new and more flexible ways to
present data are likely to have significant impact. A hand-held networked projector (e.g. in a cell
phone or PDA) can maintain compactness while still providing a reasonably sized display. A
hand-held cell phone-projector becomes a portable and easily deployed information portal.
Technical Discussion: Our basic unit is a projector with attached camera, tilt-sensor and
network component in addition to computing, storage and interface. Single units can recover 3D
information about the surrounding environment, including the world vertical, allowing projection
appropriate to display surface. Multiple, possibly heterogeneous, units are deployed in clusters,
in which case the systems not only sense their external environment but also the cluster
configuration, allowing self-configuring seamless large-area displays without the need additional
sensors in the environment.
Collaboration: Mr Kameyama and Mr Ashizaki, MultiMedia Group, Johosoken; Dr Shiotani,
Power & Public Utility System Dept, Sentansoken, Sanden.
Contact: Ramesh Raskar
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 86 -
A Projector as a Novel Type of Motion Sensor
Motion sensors are useful for a large
variety of applications including robot
navigation, virtual reality, movie special
effects, and 3D reconstruction. A camera is
a cheap form of 6 DOF motion sensors, but
automatic recovery of camera motion from
images often fails in arbitrary
environments. More robustness is obtained
from installations using electromagnetic or
ultrasound sensors but these are expensive,
lack portability, and have a fixed-size
workspace. Systems that involve instrumenting the environment with LEDs or distinctive visual
markers also lack portability, and require significant calibration. This project describes a novel
type of motion sensor that is cheap, portable, with relatively straightforward calibration, and the
workspace can be arbitrarily large. It requires the presence of a planar surface for projection, and
is most suitable for indoor use where the ceiling or sidewalls provide the required surfaces.
Background and Objectives: A cheap reliable motion sensor has many applications. Current
work involves a motion sensor attached to a camera, to support 3D reconstruction.
Technical Discussion: A moving projector projects a (moving) pattern onto a planar surface,
and this is observed by a fixed camera placed at an arbitrary position in the environment. The
observed pattern allows recovery of the position and orientation of the projector - the projector
can thus be attached to any object of interest, to serve as a motion sensor. The minimum
requirement for the projected pattern is that it has three distinct points, so the projection device
can be cheap, and total cost with camera could be sub-$100. For an extended workspace,
multiple fixed cameras are placed around the environment.
Collaboration: Dr. Shiotani, Power & Public Utility System Dept, Sentansoken, Sanden.
Future Direction: We are interested in real-world applications, such as 3D measurement for
factory installations.
Contact: Paul Beardsley, Ramesh Raskar
- 87 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Hand-Held Projectors for Augmented Reality
This work is about projecting augmentation
data onto real world objects, using a portable
hand-held projector. Augmentation is used
(a) to provide data about the state of an
object; (b) to provide training information
about how to control a machine or device;
(c) to guide a user to the location of a
requested object e.g. by highlighting one bin
in an array of storage bins; (d) to reveal the
presence of electronic data (such as virtual
post-it notes) in the environment.
Background and Objectives: Augmented
reality is a well-established concept. It can
be realized by displaying an image plus
augmentation on a normal display, or by
using see-thru eye-worn displays to
supplement the user’s direct view with
augmentation data, or by projecting the augmentation directly onto the object of interest. Current
systems for projecting the augmentation tend to be static, and often require significant calibration
before use. This work demonstrates a much more flexible approach - portable projectors which
can be used in hand-held mode, or can be easily deployed on surfaces around an object of
Technical Discussion: The projector is augmented with a camera to support object recognition,
and to allow computation of the pose of the projector. Common to previous approaches, we do
object recognition by means of fiducials attached to the object of interest. Our fiducials are
‘piecodes’, which allow thousands of distinct color-codings. As well as providing identity, these
fiducials are used to compute camera pose and hence projector pose. A hand-held projector can
use various aspects of its context when projecting content onto a recognized object. We use
proximity to the object to determine level-of-detail for the content. Other examples of context
for content control will be gestural motion, and the presence of other devices during cooperative
projection. We are currently investigating how to do mouse-style interactions with the projected
augmentation data, by means of a projected cursor.
Collaboration: Dr Shiotani, Power & Public Utility System Dept, Sentansoken, Sanden.
Future Direction: Develop a real training application in collaboration with Sentansoken; multiunit interaction.
Contact: Ramesh Raskar, Paul Beardsley
- 88 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Multi-Projector Imagery on Curved Screens
We describe a new technique to display seamless images
using overlapping projectors on curved quadric surfaces
such as spherical or cylindrical shape. Current techniques
for automatically registered seamless displays have
focused mainly on planar displays. On the other hand,
techniques for curved screens currently involve
cumbersome manual alignment to make the installation
conform to the intended design. We show a seamless realtime display system.
Background and Objectives: Large seamless displays
using overlapping projectors is an emerging technology
for constructing high-resolution semi-immersive
visualization environments capable of presenting highresolution images from scientific simulation, entertainment
and instruction. General techniques that can handle setups
where projectors have been casually installed and exploit
geometric relationship between projectors and display
surface eliminate cumbersome manual alignment and
reduce maintenance costs.
Technical Discussion: We define a new quadric image
transfer function and show how it can be used to achieve
sub-pixel registration while interactively displaying two or
three-dimensional datasets. Accurate estimation of
geometric relationship between overlapping projectors is
the key for achieving seamless displays. They influence
the rendering algorithms and also determine soft edge
blending efforts. Our technical contributions are as
- 89 -
-- Simplification of quadric transfer
-- Calibration methods
-- Automatic sweet-spot detection and area of display
-- Software blending scheme using parametric approach
-- Fast rendering strategy to exploit hardware
Collaboration: Mr Kameyama, Mr Ashizaki, MultiMedia Lab, Johosoken, Mr Ogata, MPC.
Future Direction: We would like to extend our work for surfaces with small deviations from
quadric surfaces, and eventually general curved surfaces.
See Color Figure 10
Contact: Ramesh Raskar, Jeroen van Baar
Lab: MERL Research Lab Project Type: Advanced Development
- 90 -
3D Reconstruction from Photographs
We created a novel algorithm for reconstructing 3D scenes
from a set of images. The user defines a set of polygonal
regions with corresponding labels in each image using
familiar 2D photo-editing tools. Our reconstruction
algorithm computes the 3D model with maximum volume
that is consistent with the set of regions in the input
images. The algorithm is fast, uses only 2D intersection
operations, and directly computes a polygonal model. We
also implemented a user-assisted system for 3D scene
Background and Objectives: Creating photorealistic 3D
models of a scene from multiple photographs is a
fundamental problem in computer vision and in image
based modeling. The emphasis for most computer vision
algorithms is on automatic reconstruction of the scene with
little or no user interaction, making a priori assumptions
about the geometry or reflectance. On the other hand many
image-based modeling systems require that the user leads
the construction of the 3D scene by specifying object
characteristics in 3D. Our system requires only 2D
interactions from the user and creates a 3D model, using
this information, automatically.
Technical Discussion: The input to our system is a set of
images of a scene from different viewpoints. The user
selects corresponding regions in all images assisted by
tools, e.g., intelligent scissors or intelligent paint. We are
formulating the reconstruction problem as a computational
geometry problem, which allows our algorithm to construct a 3D model of a scene with arbitrary
number of objects. The reconstruction works well for all kinds of materials and is not dependent
on surface properties. The 3D model is then rendered in real-time with Unstructured Lumigraph
Collaboration: This project is a collaboration between MERL, MIT, Dr. Kameyama
(Johosoken), and Dr. Shiotani (Sentansoken).
Future Direction: We plan to continually improve the tools and user interface for image
segmentation and region matching.
Contact: Hanspeter Pfister
- 91 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
Data-Driven Reflectance Model
We have developed a generative model for
isotropic bi-directional reflectance
distribution functions (BRDFs) based on
measured reflectance data. We believe that
our model is much easier to use and control
than previous analytic models in which the
meaning of parameters is often nonintuitive. Our model is also more realistic,
which should improve applications in
computer vision and computer graphics.
Background and Objectives: A fundamental problem in computer graphics and computer
vision is modeling how light is reflected from surfaces. A class of functions called Bidirectional
Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) characterizes the process where light transport
occurs at an idealized surface point. Traditionally, physically or empirically inspired analytic
reflection models are used. These BRDFmodels are only approximations of reflectance of real
materials. Furthermore, most analytic reflection models are limited to describing only particular
subclasses of materials - a given model can represent only the phenomena for which it is
designed. Our data-driven reflectance model is based on real data and the produced BRDFs look
very realistic. Furthermore, we provide a set of intuitive parameters that allow users to change
the properties of the output BRDF. Our model has many applications in computer graphics and
computer vision.
Technical Discussion: Instead of using analytical reflectance models, we represent each BRDF
as a dense set of measurements. This allows us to interpolate and extrapolate in the space of
acquired BRDFs to create new BRDFs. We treat each acquired BRDF as a single highdimensional vector taken from a space of all possible BRDFs. We apply both linear (subspace)
and non-linear (manifold) dimensionality reduction tools in an effort to discover a lowerdimensional representation that characterizes our measurements. We let users define
perceptually meaningful parameterization directions to navigate in the reduced-dimension BRDF
space. On the low-dimensional manifold, movement along these directions produces novel but
valid BRDFs.
Collaboration: This project is a collaboration between MERL and MIT.
Future Direction: Analysis of more complex reflectance functions (4D BRDF, BTF,
BSSRDF), specialized reflectance functions, real-time (hardware) rendering, inverse rendering,
mapping between digital material mixtures and real-mixtures.
Contact: Hanspeter Pfister, Matthew Brand
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 92 -
Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)
ADFs are a new digital representation of shape with
several advantages over existing approaches. They
provide efficient and accurate representation of both
smoothly curved surfaces and surfaces with fine
detail. ADFs have the potential to impact many
diverse industries including CAD/CAM (simulation,
path planning, and verification for milling precision
parts), Entertainment (building models for games and
movies), Fonts (high-quality display of letterforms
for PDAs), Visualization (volumetric visualization of
molecular structure), 3D Scanning (3D models from
image or range data), 3D Printing (rapid
prototyping), and Color Management (projectors,
PDAs, monitors, and printers).
Background and Objectives: Our objectives
include fundamental research, incorporation of this
research into a product-worthy C library ready for
commercialization, development of a comprehensive
patent portfolio, and collaboration with key industrial players to refine and expand the vision for
Technical Discussion: A distance field is a scalar field that specifies a distance to a shape,
where the distance may be signed to distinguish between the inside and outside of the shape.
ADFs consist of adaptively sampled distance values, organized in a spatial data structure, with a
method for reconstructing the distance field from the sampled distance values. This approach
permits the accurate and compact representation of fine detail and smooth surfaces, together with
efficient processing. ADFs allow: the representation of more than the surface (interiors and
exteriors); the compact representation of sharp features and organic shapes; smooth surface
reconstruction; trivial inside/outside and proximity testing; fast and simple CSG operations; fast
geometric queries such as closest point; and efficient computation of surface offsetting, blending
and filleting, collision detection, morphing, and rough cutting.
Collaboration: PTC (ProEngineer CAD/CAM software), Think3 (PTC competitor), Industrial
Light and Magic (movies: Star Wars, Jurassic Park, ...), WetaFX (Lord of the Rings movie
trilogy), NOVA documentary series, and MELCOÆs Factory Automation group.
Future Direction: Fundamental research and technology transfer.
Contact: Sarah Frisken, Ron Perry
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 93 -
Interface Devices
The goal of research and development in the field of interface devices is to provide new means
of interaction with pervasive computing systems. New interface devices provide improvements smaller, less expensive, more unobtrusive, more “natural.” With technologies being developed
at MERL, we are taking steps toward Mark Weiser’s famous “ubiquitous computing” vision.
However, MERL’s drive is to create enabling technology that provides solutions to real-world
Our work on interface devices is continuing, with major efforts in the capacitive and LED based
sensing domains. DiamondTouch (a multi-user, multi-touch projective sensing display) and
Digital Merchandising (retail displays that react to the actions of the customer) use very simple,
inexpensive capacitance-based sensing systems. “LED Comm” and LED-based sensors use an
LED's parasitic capacitance to give a new, very inexpensive way to communicate between
devices and to sense very small amounts of certain materials or pollutants in an environment.
MERL is also developing technology that adds significant new functionality to existing products
(projectors, mobile phones, etc.) without adding significant cost and complexity.
Project Descriptions
DiamondTouch Hardware..............................................................................................................94
DiamondTouch Software Development Kit (SDK).......................................................................95
Digital Merchandising ...................................................................................................................96
Sensing and Communication Using Bi-Directional LEDs ............................................................97
LED Chemical Sensors ..................................................................................................................98
Mouse-Style Interaction with a Hand-held Projector ....................................................................99
Diamond ID .................................................................................................................................100
- 93 -
DiamondTouch Hardware
DiamondTouch is a simultaneous, multi-user,
touch sensitive input device developed at
MERL. Not only can it detect multiple,
simultaneous touch events, but it can also
identify which user is touching where. This
unique ability has made DiamondTouch a very
useful device in the human-computer interface
research community. Work on the
DiamondTouch hardware has now produced
two near production quality prototypes, the
DT88 and the DT107. Both are meant to be
used with any of Mitsubishi’s line of video or
computer data projectors. This document covers the hardware aspects of this effort.
Background and Objectives: DiamondTouch was first created in 2001 as an experimental
multiuser interface device. We have been recognized for this technology, and are creating
commercially viable products by seeding select university groups with prototype units.
Technical Discussion: DiamondTouch uses an array of rows and columns of antennas
embedded in the touch surface. Each antenna transmits a unique signal. Each user has their own
receiver, usually connected to the user capacitively through a conductive part of the user’s chair.
When a user touches the touch surface, the antennas near the user’s touch point couple an
extremely small amount of signal into the user’s body, the user’s receiver picks up the signal and
determines which of the antennas the user was touching. The current pre-production
DiamondTouch units are available in two sizes - the DT88 (79cm diagonal), and the DT107 (107
cm diagonal), large enough for a full-size A1 drawing. Both units have a 4:3 aspect ratio, with
full support for up to 4 users. The antenna pitch on both units is 5mm horizontally and
vertically, and with signal interpolation we can achieve 0.1mm accuracy. The cases are cast
urethane, and are gasketed to prevent minor spills from damaging the electronics. We have
completed the first run of high-quality DT88 units, and are now starting the first run of highquality DT107 units for demonstration and research use.
Collaboration: The DiamondTouch hardware project is a collaboration of MERL MRL and
MTL; we are working with Johosoken, Kamaden and IDken to make best use of the hardware for
securing future contracts for MELCO. Additionally, we are collaborating with many universities
in researching further applications.
Future Direction: In research, we are working toward transparent or translucent
DiamondTouch antennas, and a wireless DT system. In development, we are working toward
productizing the DiamondTouch technology for multiuser interactions, using it as a selling point
for MELCO systems and sales, and selling DiamondTouch units to third-party system builders.
Contact: William Yerazunis, Darren Leigh, David Wong
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 94 -
DiamondTouch Software Development Kit (SDK)
DiamondTouch is a touch input device that
distinguishes between multiple simultaneous users and
tracks multiple simultaneous touch points for each
user. (See DiamondTouch Hardware for more details
on the hardware.) The DiamondTouch Software
Development Kit (SDK) provides support for the
development of Microsoft Windows and Linux
applications that utilize DiamondTouch’s capabilities
to implement computer-supported collaboration and
rich input modalities (such as gestures). When
projected upon, the touch surface facilitates direct
manipulation of user interface elements and provides a
shared focus of attention for collaborating users.
Possible applications include disaster-control
command posts, power plant control rooms, business
or technical meetings, and a variety of casual applications (e.g., musical instrument control,
home coffee table, games etc). (See DiamondTouch Applications for more details on
Background and Objectives: The SDK implements key features of the technology, provides a
platform for further exploration of its possibilities and applications, and is the vehicle whereby
we support our collaborators (internal and external).
Technical Discussion: The SDK provides two libraries to support DT application development.
The DiamondTouch hardware periodically produces frames of data indicating the proximity of
the user’s finger(s) to each antenna. The lower level library (dtio) reads these data frames from
the device and affords access to the raw data and to various abstractions and interpretations of
that data, such as the location of the touch point and the bounding box of the area touched. A
weighted interpolation algorithm increases the effective resolution to subpixel resolution.
Adaptive touch thresholding and other techniques improve robustness in the face of RF
interference. The higher level library (dtlib) provides a more programmer-friendly API,
providing access to more semantically oriented events. The SDK consists of dtio and dtlib
(ANSI C), jdt (a Java interface layer), merldt (a Windows application providing mouse
emulation, projector calibration, and diagnostic displays), and a simple multi-user application
Collaboration: DiamondTouch is a joint project of MERL’s Technology and Research
Laboratories. MERL is collaborating with MELCO partners from Kamaden, Johosoken and
Sentansoken. We also have active collaborations with universities who will explore
DiamondTouch as a collaborative input technology.
Future Direction: We will provide ongoing support for our collaborators and incorporate their
feedback into future releases. We plan to investigate other input modalities (such as gestures).
Overall, our main focus will be on adding value to existing or future MELCO products.
Contact: Kathy Ryall, Samuel Shipman, David Wong
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 95 -
Digital Merchandising
The goal of the Digital Merchandising
project is to apply projection, sensing and
real-time data analysis technologies to meet
the needs of modern retailers. Initially, our
focus has been on creating interactive, frontprojected displays that automatically
respond to normal customer behavior.
Unlike traditional store displays, front
projection allows new capabilities, such as
non-flat displays, imagery placed directly on
products, and seamless multi-device
displays. A mix of capacitive, IR, and
camera-based sensors give a rich view of
customer characteristics and behavior which is then used to tune the displays to current customer
Background and Objectives: MERL has a long history of research excellence in vision and
data analysis, but the thrust into retail applications began fairly recently as an effort to identify
new markets for video projectors. While various video display devices are used extensively in
retailing, front projection has been almost entirely absent. Declining costs and improved
projector brightness have recently made the use of video projectors in retail practical. Unlike
traditional display devices, projectors naturally lend themselves to huge, immersive displays. By
adding sensors and data analysis, we are able to extend these displays to create real-time,
interactive environments. We believe that such systems will soon become the norm in retail
establishments, and our task is to capture as much of this business for MELCO as possible.
Technical Discussion: Our first interactive display is a mock shoe store, which uses a single
video projectors and capacitive proximity sensing, shelves. Normal customer interaction with the
shoes triggers the system to provide more detailed information on the selected shoe. A new
second-generation display in development uses three projectors, seamlessly blended to create a
much larger display. Content for this multi-projector display can be created in Macromedia
Flash. It is then rendered into OpenGL for the multiple projectors. The interaction is scripted in
Python, which allows for complex system behavior.
Collaboration: We are currently in talks with a potential retail partner to host an experimental
display to be fielded in an actual store.
Future Direction: We hope to fully integrate MERL vision technologies in the near future. In
addition, we are focusing on creating tools to make these systems more accessible.
Contact: Paul Dietz
- 96 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Sensing and Communication Using Bi-Directional LEDs
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are
inexpensive and widely used as
light sources. What is less well
known is that LEDs are
fundamentally photodiodes and as
such are also light detectors. We
have developed a novel
microprocessor interface circuit that
can alternately emit and detect light
using only an LED, a resistor and
two digital I/O pins.
Background and Objectives: This project began as an effort to create a smart backlighting
system for television remote controls. A low-power capacitive proximity sensor detects active
handling which in turn controls the backlight. To save battery life, the backlight should not be
turned on in bright conditions. But adding a separate light sensor would require a new
mechanical design for the remote, adding considerable cost. Our solution was to use the
backlight LED itself as the light sensor. We developed a simple microprocessor interface
technique that uses one additional digital I/O pin, but no other additional components compared
to those need to simply light the LED. Since the circuit draws only microwatts of power, it has a
minimal impact on battery life.
Technical Discussion: The LED microprocessor interface technique we have developed has far
broader implications than simply controlling a backlight. By pointing two LEDs at each other,
we can transmit data back and forth. This is trivially easy to do for distances on the order of a
centimeter. The result is that almost any LED connected to a microprocessor can be thought of as
a potential two-way communications port. We think of this technology as solving “the last
centimeter problem” - you have two devices right next to each other, but they have no way to
communicate. With LED Comm (LED-based communications), there is a link available, almost
for free.
We have been looking into a variety of applications for this very fundamental technology. One
opportunity is to turn the power light on appliances into a service port - download status and
upload new firmware. Cell phones could swap phones numbers via their backlights. LED-based
devices could replace RFID tags in many applications with benefits such as true peer-to-peer
communications and a much smaller, far less expensive reader.
Contact: Paul Dietz, Darren Leigh, William Yerazunis
- 97 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
LED Chemical Sensors
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been
used widely as light sources in low-cost
chemical sensors, however, to date the
fact that LEDs also behave as
photodiodes for light detection has not
been put to use. Detection in the past has
been achieved most commonly with
photodiodes, and although effective, this
approach requires the added cost of an
analog to digital converter. We have
developed an ultra-cheap LED based
sensing system that employs LEDs for
both emission and detection. These
devices are used in combination with a
novel microprocessor interface, which enables us to measure changes in back-reflected light
using a single digital I/O pin. The system holds great promise for following color changes in
chemochromic sensing materials.
Background and Objectives: This project is an extension of work carried out on the
development of sensing and communication using bi-directional LEDs. The device
configuration has been modified to produce a single component incorporating two LEDs, one for
emission and the other detection. The exterior of this is then dip-coated with a polymer
membrane containing a chemochromic reagent. The color of this sensing film relative to the
peak wavelength of the emitter LED affects the amount of back-reflected light received at the
detector LED. The objective of this project is to develop colorimetric chemical sensors for a
wide range of applications where sensor cost is an issue. Examples include environmental
monitoring, clinical testing and ubiquitous sensing networks.
Technical Discussion: A wide range of chemical species can be detected using colorimetric
reagents. Often these reactions are carried out in solution, but many can be translated into the
solid-state by processing in an appropriate polymer matrix. Therefore, almost any colorimetric
reaction could be immobilized onto the surface of a dual-LED to create a solid-state sensor.
Uncoated Dual-LED sensors have also been used successfully to follow colorimetric reactions in
solution, with detection possible at very low indicator dye concentrations. In addition to the
sensing capabilities of this system, it holds the added bonus of offering short-range wireless
communication of data.
Collaboration: This is a joint effort of MERL and Dublin City University, Ireland.
Future Direction: Select specific applications. Incorporate sensors into MELCO systems.
Contact: William Yerazunis, Paul Dietz, Darren Leigh
- 98 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Mouse-Style Interaction with a Hand-held Projector
The decreasing size of projectors is opening
the way for hand-held use. Furthermore,
there is an obvious niche for hand-held
projectors - an ordinary hand-held device
with physical display cannot drop below a
size where the display is readable; but for a
device with projector, device size is
decoupled from display size, so the device
can become more and more compact while
still providing an acceptable display.
Projecting from a hand-held device raises
a question of how to interact with projected data in an analogous way to current mouse
interactions. One could have a touch-pad on the device to control a cursor that moves
independently across the projected data, but this puts a constraint on minimum device size. This
project is investigating how to do mouse-style interaction with a projector plus mouse buttons,
but with no need for a touch-pad.
Background and Objectives: A cellphone is a prime example of a device that could benefit
from using a projector instead of (or in addition to) a physical display - the cellphone provides
access to large amounts of data (say through web browsing), yet the small display size constrains
what can be presented.
Technical Discussion: The projector has an attached motion-sensor. As an example interaction,
say the user is projecting a menu onto a display surface and wishes to select a menu item using a
cursor. The projected data conceptually has two parts: (i) the menu is projected so that it is
motion-stabilized i.e. the menu appears fixed on the display surface even under projector motion;
(ii) the cursor is not motion-stabilized - it may be fixed at, say, the center pixel of the projection so its motion naturally reflects any pointing motion of the device by the user. Thus the cursor
can be tracked across the stable menu until the desired item is reached, with a button click to
select. This mechanism supports a large number of interactions apart from mouse interaction
with projected data - for example cut-and-paste of textures from real surfaces; guided vision
processing on a selected part of a scene; attachment, retrieval, and removal of virtual data in the
Collaboration: Dr. Shiotani, Power & Public Utility System Dept, Sentansoken, Sanden.
Future Direction: Projected augmentation for task guidance e.g. in factory maintenance tasks.
Contact: Paul Beardsley, Ramesh Raskar
- 99 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Diamond ID
Each mobile phone is assigned an unique
telephone number. It can be used to identify
the person using the phone. If a vending
machine has the capability to receive the
mobile phone number of the person trying to
make a purchase, it can debit the charges
electronically through the phone’s account,
enabling a new kind of convenient ecommerce payment method. Similarly, any
kind of toll or fee collection devices may
also take advantage of this new electronic
transaction to collect payment.
Background and Objectives: The mobile phone has become extremely popular worldwide. At
the same time, it also created fierce competition among mobile phone companies in order to
attract subscribers. One of the ways to differentiate their service is to provide additional ecommerce features on the mobile phone itself. At the same time generate additional revenue
beyond just the air-time charges. Diamond ID technology enables this e-commerce function on
any existing modern mobile phone without any modifications to the phone itself.
Technical Discussion: An inexpensive ID receiver is placed inside the vending machine which
decodes a special pattern of radio signal emitted from the mobile phone after the user initiates the
electronic transaction. Since the transaction is wireless, it is very convenient to the user and
reduce the chance of vandalism on the vending machine itself.
Collaboration: Johosoken - Multi-Media Department
Future Direction: MERL is actively searching for a mobile phone operator or e-commerce
partner to develop this business opportunity.
Contact: George Fang
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 100 -
Optimization Algorithms
“Optimization Algorithms” cover a wide range of technologies for producing the best solution
possible for a given problem according to predefined criteria, such as to maximize efficiency or
minimize cost. Optimization algorithms play an essential role in many industries and scientific
endeavors, from manufacturing to biotechnology. The airline industry, for example, uses
optimization algorithms to produce flight schedules and crew schedules, attempting to minimize
wait times for both equipment and staff members. While the techniques vary, all optimization
algorithms are essentially methods for performing a series of calculations until an ideal solution
is constructed or a termination condition is reached. Today’s optimization algorithms produce
higher quality solutions with smaller amounts of computation than their predecessors.
Furthermore, as the speed of computers increases, optimization algorithms become more
powerful tools for streamlining business, reducing operating costs, and scientific exploration.
MERL has growing expertise and accomplishments in many areas of optimization. Researchers
at MERL work on both discrete and continuous optimization and contribute new frameworks for
optimization as well as algorithm advances on particular problems. Recently, MERL has
produced novel solutions to optimization problems that arise within machine learning, data
mining, operations research, control theory, decision making, and inference tasks. A common
trait among all projects is the focus on application areas of practical importance and on
techniques with principled theoretical underpinnings.
Year 2002 projects include optimal control of groups of elevators in tall buildings; data-mining
extremely large data-sets to predict consumer behavior, a new class of algorithms for inference
problems such as correcting errors in data transmitted over a noisy channel; training binary
classifiers for recognition and identification tasks, and generic techniques for improving domainspecific greedy algorithms.
Project Descriptions
BubbleSearch: Generic Methods for Improving Greedy Algorithms..........................................102
Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Charting ......................................................................103
Hypercuts: Boosted Dyadic Kernel Discriminants .....................................................................104
Iterative Decoding of Classical Codes.........................................................................................105
Representing Codes for Belief Propagation Decoding ................................................................106
A Complete and Effective Move Set for Simplified Protein Folding..........................................107
Look-ahead for Group Elevator Control......................................................................................108
Data-mining and Recommending ................................................................................................109
- 101 -
BubbleSearch: Generic Methods for Improving Greedy Algorithms
Greedy algorithm
Anytime, multi-run
search algorithm
We have developed generic methods for extending a
popular class of greedy algorithms called priority
algorithms. Our techniques produce anytime algorithms
that can find better solutions than the original priority
algorithm, given more computation time. Our techniques
modify the order in which the priority algorithm considers
the problem elements based on the Kendall-tau distance
between orderings. The Kendall-tau distance is also
known as the BubbleSort distance, which is why we call
our approach BubbleSearch. We present both exhaustive
and randomized variations of BubbleSearch. Our
experiments in four domains show that even 100 iterations
of BubbleSearch substantially improves the result
compared to the original priority algorithm.
Background and Objectives: Priority algorithms have
historically been used and are especially effective at
solving many scheduling and packing problems. They are
attractive because they are simple to design and implement, execute quickly, and often provide
very good heuristic solutions. For some problems, they are the best-known heuristic. We have
developed generic algorithms and software, which can extend any priority algorithm that, fits our
formulation. Our approach is essentially an easy way to augment a good priority algorithm to
make it better.
Technical Discussion: Priority algorithms consist of an ordering function and a placement
function. A priority algorithm sequentially assigns values to elements according to the ordering
of elements using its placement function. For example, the First Fit Decreasing algorithm for bin
packing sequentially places items in order of decreasing size, where each item is placed into the
lowest numbered bin in which it will fit. This paper explores our hypothesis that, while the
solutions produced by priority algorithms are typically quite good, there are often better solutions
“nearby” that can be found with small computational effort. Our hypothesis yields a natural and
generic approach to extend priority algorithms to yield better solutions given additional running
time. This approach uses the priority algorithm’s ordering as a hint for how to explore the space
of possible orderings. In particular, our algorithm uses the priority algorithm’s placement rule to
evaluate orderings that are close to the original ordering based on the Kendall-tau distance, also
known as the BubbleSort distance.
Collaboration: This work is done in collaboration with Harvard University.
Future Direction: We are interested in investigating methods to automatically tune the (two)
parameters of BubbleSearch and to adapting data mining techniques to discover good orderings
of elements given a placement function and a problem instance.
Contact: Neal Lesh
- 102 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Charting
Charting is a new method for estimating a
manifold from samples. For example, the
manifold of all human faces can be
estimated from pictures, which are points
in a 105-dimensional image space.
Charting imposes a global lowdimensional coordinate system on the
manifold and provides functions that can
convert between high-dimensional
samples and low-dimensional
coordinates. The illustration shows a how
a 2D manifold curled in 3-space is
reconstructed from samples. Charting has
also been used for face synthesis,
modeling of physical phenomena, and
discovery of word meanings from usage
patterns. The chart is a highly effective
means for compression, noise-reduction,
decompression, and synthesis of samples.
See Color Figure 6
Background and Objectives: Dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional signals such as
images, video, and audio is necessary first step for most signal processing applications. The
dominant method is principal components analysis, a linear transform of the data that is most
appropriate when the manifold is strictly flat. Charting is a generalization of PCA to handle data
sampled from manifolds that are arbitrarily curved. It gives much more efficient encodings than
PCA, compressing to fewer dimensions yet decompressing to more accurate reconstructions.
Technical Discussion: Charting is analogous to a book of street maps: Each map covers one
neighborhood, and there is a way of pasting together the maps to cover the whole city. There
may be distortion, because the combined map is 2D while the city has 3D shape due to its hills
and valleys and the curvature of the planet. Charting first identifies a collection of lowdimensional spaces that individually cover local neighborhoods on the manifold, such that
adjoining spaces are similarly oriented. It then computes a soft affine mixture of these subspaces
that minimizes distortion over the whole manifold. The result is two functions that offer smooth
continuous mappings between the global chart and the original data space.
Collaboration: This technology is begin developed for MELCO’s new data mining business.
Future Direction: We are now exploring methods for charting manifolds that are not
isomorphic to Euclidean spaces.
Contact: Matthew Brand
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 103 -
Hypercuts: Boosted Dyadic Kernel Discriminants
We present a novel machine learning (ML) algorithm
for training complex binary classifiers by
superposition of simpler hyper plane discriminants
formed by projection of a test point onto a “dyad”
(an oppositely labeled pair of training points). The
learning is based on a real-valued variant of
AdaBoost and the constituent hyperplane
discriminants use kernels of the type used by Support
Vector Machines (SVM). The resulting kernel
classifier has an accuracy / complexity tradeoff
which is more flexible than that of a SVM, is
amenable to on-line adaptive learning (unlike SVMs)
and has a classification performance which is as
good (if not better) than comparable SVMs.
Background and Objectives: Consider a collection of linear discriminants, each formed by
means of a hyperplane orthogonal to the vector connecting a “dyad” (ie. a pair of data points
with opposite class labels). By applying the method of linear hypercuts to a nonlinearly
transformed feature space (using Mercer kernels) we obtain nonlinear discriminants similar to
SVMs. Using AdaBoost, the search for each new candidate hypercut explores the space of all
possible dyadic classifiers. For both linear and nonlinear classification problems, boosted dyadic
hypercuts form an efficient search strategy for exploring the space of all classifier hypotheses.
Technical Discussion: The ensemble of dyadic hypercuts is learned incrementally by means of
a real-valued or confidence-rated version of AdaBoost, which provides a sound strategy for
searching through the finite (but possibly large) set of hypercut hypotheses. In experiments with
real-world datasets from the UCI ML repository, the generalization performance of the hypercut
classifiers was found to be comparable to that of SVMs and k-NN classifiers. Furthermore, the
computational cost of classification (at run time) was found to be similar to, or better than, a
comparable SVM. In contrast to SVMs we offer an on-line and incremental learning machine for
building kernel discriminants whose complexity (number of kernel evaluations) can be directly
controlled (traded off for accuracy).
Collaboration: This MERL project was joint work with Gregory Shakhnarovich (MIT).
Future Direction: We are exploring optimal strategies for sampling the hypothesis space based
on the AdaBoost weight distribution and also investigating dyads that are not necessarily based
on training samples (eg. using cluster centroids instead). Also, this distribution may help devise
search strategies that can adapt with each round of boosting in the online learning paradigm.
Contact: Baback Moghaddam
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 104 -
Iterative Decoding of Classical Codes
We have developed a new method to decode
intermediate length multi-step majority logic
decodable (MSMLD) codes. The most
famous in this class of codes are the ReedMuller codes, which were introduced in the
1950’s, and found many applications in the
1960’s. MSMLD codes have typically been
decoded using a very simple (sub-optimal)
decoding algorithm, but they have inferior
minimum distance properties when compared
with BCH codes, which have now largely
eclipsed them.
Background and Objectives: By improving the MSMLD decoding algorithms to more closely
resemble the iterative decoding algorithms that are successful with turbo-codes and low-density
parity check (LDPC) codes, we have been able to improve their performance to the point where
they surpass BCH codes (decoded in the standard way) on the binary symmetric channel, at least
for low and moderate signal to noise ratios. In fact, in the intermediate blocklength regime, our
decoding algorithms give the best known performance for rate 1/2 codes on the binary symmetric
Technical Discussion: Our algorithm is a simple three-state bit-flipping algorithm. We use
highly redundant parity check matrices to represent MSMLD codes. Bits decide whether they
should agree with their received value, disagree, or abstain from making a decision, based on the
number of parity checks that they belong to which “vote” in the various directions. For an
MSMLD code of blocklength 255 and rate 1/2, we are able to decode within a few tenths of a
decibel of optimal maximum likelihood decoding, and we can demonstrate that we outperform
standard decoding of BCH codes down to word error rates of about one in ten trillion.
Collaboration: Marc Fossorier (University of Hawaii) and Ravi Palanki (Caltech)
Future Direction: Our decoding algorithm does not scale very well to MSMLD codes with
blocklengths more than about 1000, but one can build longer codes in a variety of ways out of
short ones. We are investigating such methods to try to obtain similar performance for longer
Contact: Jonathan Yedidia
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 105 -
Representing Codes for Belief Propagation Decoding
The best error-correcting codes of short
and intermediate block length that have so
far been discovered are usually defined in
ways that do not immediately suggest a
sparse parity check matrix representation.
For this reason, large classes of classical
textbook codes, which would give excellent
performance under optimal decoding, have
been mostly ignored as candidates for the
belief propagation (BP) decoding algorithm.
Since BP decoders have proven so
successful in decoding turbo-codes and low-density parity check codes and their relatives, it is
natural to ask whether classical codes can also be represented in a way that allows them to be
decoded using BP.
Background and Objectives: Any linear block error-correcting code can be represented in
many equivalent ways by a parity check matrix, which defines the constraints that the different
bits in the code must obey. Some parity check matrices are more suitable for BP decoders,
namely those such that 1) the number of ones in each row is small, 2) the number of ones in each
column is large, and 3) the number of pairs of rows that share ones in more than one column is
small. We developed an algorithm that given an input parity check matrix, outputs a new parity
check matrix that is improved in all of these characteristics, though it also has the drawback of
introducing “auxiliary” bits which get no evidence from the channel.
Technical Discussion: When applied to Euclidean Geometry codes, this algorithm significantly
improves the performance of BP decoding on the Binary Erasure Channel, but it does not help on
the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The problem seems to be caused by the
large number of auxiliary bits, which can send incorrect internal messages on this channel.
Nevertheless, BP decoding of EG codes on the AWGN channel performs relatively well (within
0.8 dB of optimal maximum likelihood decoding) if one uses highly redundant parity check
Collaboration: Marc Fossorier and Jinghu Chen (University of Hawaii)
Future Direction: We are currently investigating other related techniques to decode classical
codes using iterative decoding algorithms.
Contact: Jonathan Yedidia
- 106 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
A Complete and Effective Move Set for Simplified Protein Folding
We have developed a new approach for solving a simplified
version of the protein-folding problem. Our techniques were able
to generate new best solutions for several of the largest
benchmarks available in the literature. Our algorithm uses
standard search techniques. Our key contribution is a novel set of
transformations on protein configurations, which we call ''pull
moves''. Theoretically, we have shown that pull moves have
desirable properties for use in search algorithms. Experimentally,
we have shown that a generic implementation of tabu search using
pull moves performs extremely well on benchmark problems.
Background and Objectives: We have worked on the twodimensional hydrophobic-hydrophilic (2D HP) model for protein
folding, introduced by K.A. Dill in 1989. Although the model is simple, it is thought to capture
many of the main features of the protein-folding problem. Thus, techniques that work well on the
simple problem may be useful for the real protein-folding problem. This research has been
performed in the context of the ongoing Human-Guided Search (HuGS) project on interactive
optimization. While we have developed a fully-automatic system, the interactive visualizations
of HuGS were critical to allowing the researchers on the project to understand the problem and
develop solutions. Pull moves were originally designed to help a user quickly manipulate the
current protein configuration but turned out to be very effective for computer search as well.
Technical Discussion: Solving a 2D HP problem instance involves placing a sequence of amino
acids, each labeled as either hydrophobic (a square in the example) or hydrophilic (a circle in the
example). Each amino acid must be placed horizontally or vertically adjacent on the grid to its
neighbors in the sequence. The goal is to find the configuration with minimal energy, which
typically means maximizing the number of adjacent hydrophobic pairs.
Pull moves typically begin by repositioning two amino acids that are neighbors in the given
sequence to new, adjacent grid locations that are currently free. This may introduce a gap
between two neighbors in the given sequence, but a valid configuration can be obtained by
repositioning additional amino acids into grid locations that were occupied before the pull move
began. In the worst case, every amino acid might be repositioned, but often a valid configuration
is reached after only repositioning a few amino acids.
Collaboration: We are collaborating with professors in Harvard and McGill University.
Future Direction: We are interested in applying our techniques to more challenging proteinfolding problems, starting with the 3-dimensional HP model and perhaps working toward 3dimensional problems without an underlying unit grid. We would also like to further develop
our interactive system for protein folding, built with the Human-Guided Search software, which
would allow people to better understand particular protein configurations as well as apply their
real-world knowledge to the problem.
Contact: Neal Lesh
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 107 -
Look-ahead for Group Elevator Control
In up-peak elevator traffic, performance
measures such as average waiting time are
dominated by new passengers arrivals at the
lobby. Optimal scheduling requires
balancing the waits of known passengers
against those of passengers who have not yet
arrived in the building. We do so in a
decision-theoretic manner, realizing gains in
system efficiency so sharp that some
buildings can now be properly serviced with
fewer elevator shafts.
Background and Objectives: Group
elevator control is the problem of assigning
elevators to pick up waiting passengers in a
way that minimizes some cost, usually the waiting times of all passengers. The efficiency of the
controller determines the capacity and throughput of a bank of elevators, and ultimately the cost
of installing and running an elevator system.
We seek to put elevator scheduling on an optimal decision-theoretic basis. This requires
modeling the effects of three kinds of passengers: those in cars, those who have signaled for
service, and those who have not yet signaled their presence. The look-ahead project is concerned
with minimizing waits of these future passengers.
Technical Discussion: Group elevator scheduling is an NP-hard sequential decision-making
problem with unbounded state spaces and substantial uncertainty. We recently developed a
decision-theoretic solution for the expected waiting times of all passengers in the building,
marginalized over all possible passenger itineraries. Though commercially competitive, this
solution does not contemplate future passengers. To that end, we developed a probabilistic
model of how the pattern of elevator lobby landings affects the waits of future arrivals. This is
discounted to reflect growing uncertainty in the remoter future, then balanced against the
expected waiting times of known passengers to give a measure of the future cost of any
scheduling decision.
Collaboration: Kouichi Sasakawa and the building systems group of the Industry Solutions
Technology department, Sanken.
Future Direction: For further evaluation, this scheduler will be adapted for different elevator
physics in MELCO’s detailed elevator simulator and an industry-standard simulator. We will
combine the look-ahead method with a new solution for bounding the maximum wait of any
individual passenger. We are also developing solutions for optimal estimation of current and
near-future traffic patterns.
Contact: Matthew Brand, Daniel Nikovski
- 108 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Data-mining and Recommending
The Instant Movie Recommender (IMR) predicts
how you would rate over 1000 movies on the basis
of your ratings of a few familiar ones. As you vary
the rating of one movie, all the other movies are
instantly re-ranked and re-sorted. Predictions are
made on the basis of correlations between ratings
by previous users -- people who like “X” tend not
to like “Y”, etc. The IMR “learns” from your
ratings -- updating the correlational model “on the
fly”. This update is a form of data mining, but
with substantially better economics and usability
than the standard practice of warehousing and
batch-processing data.
The IMR showcases a new technology for fast updating of a “thin” Singular Value
Decomposition -- a decomposition of tabular data into simple factors. The technology is
distinguished both by its speed -- it is the first linear-time single-pass algorithm -- and by its
ability to handle tables with many missing elements -- a common problem in data mining.
Background and Objectives: The SVD forms the core of many data mining algorithms and
thousands of algorithms in signal processing. The “thin” SVD decomposes tabular data into the
product of two small matrices, and is very useful for data compression, noise suppression, and
prediction. For very large tables, computing an SVD is impractical because the compute time
grows quadratically with the size of the table. Worse, the SVD is not uniquely defined if the
table is missing some entries. We set out to develop an SVD algorithm that is suitable for data
sets that are far too large to fit into the computer’s memory and that are missing many elements.
Technical Discussion: The new Incremental Imputative SVD (IISVD) allows an SVD to be
computed from streaming data. The data table arrives one row or column at a time, and the SVD
is updated to reflect the newly arrived information. The data need not be stored. If the row is
missing entries, the algorithm chooses values that are most consistent with the correlational
structure exhibited in previous updates. This is how the IMR predicts ratings of unseen movies.
Equally fast rank-1 SVD updates allow users to change or retract their ratings. Experiments with
a dataset used by the data mining community for benchmarking indicate that the IMR is quite
accurate, making predictions within 2 rating points of the “true rating” more than 99% of the
Collaboration: An IISVD library and IMR demo is being developed for Johosoken and MDIT
to demonstrate the effectiveness of our “thin” SVD. A retail menswear vendor has completed a
test of the system for targeted marketing and FCS is scheduled soon for a travel agency in Japan.
Future Direction: Future plans include expanding the application of this algorithm to timeseries forecasting as well as generalizing the algorithm itself for nonlinear relations.
Contact: Matthew Brand, Frederick J. Igo, Jr., David Wong
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 109 -
- 110 -
Speech and Audio
Spoken interaction with devices is becoming increasingly important. There has been a dramatic
increase in the complexity of consumer electronics, cellular telephones, and mobile and in-vehcle
computing devices. This creates a market need for Spoken Language Interfaces in order to
simplify the user interface and free-up the hands and eyes. MERL is working to provide
technologies to enable the production of high-quality, easy-to-use Spoken Interfaces. In
addition, we are using Sound Recognition to enable machines to listen and understand their
surrounding sonic environment.
Speech Application Infrastructure. MERL’s SPIEL Toolkit is middleware for Speech
applications. It enables the rapid construction of new applications and reduces risk by providing
a common API that separates applications from the specific APIs of the speech engines.
DiamondTalk is an application-independent Java architecture for building conversational,
multimodal Spoken Language Interfaces.
Novel Spoken Interface Technologies. MERL’s SpokenQuery technology can enable
Information Retrieval using only spoken queries. MediaFinder, which is built on SpokenQuery,
is a series of prototype products that explore the problem of navigating large amounts of music
and information with a hands and eyes free interface. MERL is also exploring speech-centric
Conversational Speech Interfaces. With MERL’s COLLAGEN technology, we are applying
principles from human collaborative discourse theory to build a conversational framework on top
of which we can layer speech interfaces. We are exploring mutimodal web interaction in our
FormsTalk project. MERL’s Voice Programming is a new approach to making it easy for people
set up, customize, and operate the increasingly complex devices found in modern homes.
MERL’s Sound Recognition technology will provide the basis for various types of audio sensing
which can find applications in surveillance, factory automation, entertainment media analysis
among others.
Project Descriptions
SPIEL Toolkit ..............................................................................................................................112
DiamondTalk: A Java Architecture for Spoken-Language Interfaces.........................................113
ComBadge: A Voice-Operated Communications Device ...........................................................116
COLLAGEN: Java Middleware for Collaborative Agents..........................................................117
FormsTalk: Multimodal Mixed-Initiative Web Form Filling......................................................118
Voice Programming for Home Products......................................................................................119
Sound Recognition.......................................................................................................................120
- 111 -
SPIEL Toolkit
The SPIEL Toolkit is middleware for
Speech applications. It enables the rapid
construction of new applications and
reduces risk by providing a common API
that separates applications from the specific
APIs of the speech engines. This makes the
application independent of the speech
engine thereby enabling reuse of application
code and fair performance comparisons of
speech recognition engines. SPIEL is
specified in UML and is platform and
programming language independent. It is
especially suitable for embedded, server,
and distributed applications.
Background and Objectives: Developing code that controls the speech recognition process is
costly, as it must concurrently control the capture of audio data, signal processing, pattern
matching, and natural language processing in a limited memory and processor footprint. Further,
the probabilistic behavior of speech recognition engines requires special logging support for
reproducible testing and tuning of applications. Much of this logic is common between
applications. Our objective is to identify and abstract this shared behavior as a common
architecture. This greatly simplifies the production of robust and efficient applications. Since
applications are not tied to a particular engine, this also enables a “best of breed” approach in
choosing speech engines.
Technical Discussion: For a number of reasons, current industry standard speech middleware,
such as SAPI from Microsoft and JSAPI from Sun, are not suitable for embedded, distributed or
server applications. Unlike SAPI and JSAPI, SPIEL does not tie the application to an OS or
language platform. Since SPIEL is specified in UML, it can be produced as C, C++ or Java, and
on Windows, Linux, WINCE, and many embedded platforms.
Collaboration: SPIEL forms the core of several speech projects including Speech Engine
Evaluation, SpokenQuery, FormsTalk, MediaFinder, SpeechServer, DiamondTalk, One Button
Phone, ComBadge, “The Cellphone of the Future” CeBit demo and the “Automobile of the
Future” demo. Other MELCO business units have expressed interest in SPIEL. We are
currently aware of projects for which SPIEL would be suitable in the Communications,
Entertainment, Appliance and Automotive Business Units.
Future Direction: In order to make SPIEL more useful for prototyping and evaluating speech
applications and engines, we plan to extend it by implementing interfaces for additional speech
recognition, compression and text to speech engines.
Contact: Peter Wolf
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 112 -
DiamondTalk: A Java Architecture for Spoken-Language Interfaces
DiamondTalk is an application-independent
Java architecture for building
conversational, multimodal spoken-language
interfaces, especially for embedded
applications, such as in automobiles, cell
phones, home appliances, and robots. The
top level components of DiamondTalk are
shown in the diagram at the left. The first
use of DiamondTalk has been as the
platform for implementing a multimodal
form-filling application (see FormsTalk
Background and Objectives: Building spoken-language interfaces, especially multimodal
(e.g., involving both speech and touch or manipulation) and conversational ones, currently
requires a large amount of specialized development for each application, and tends to be closely
intertwined with the choice of speech recognition and generation engines. The goals of the
DiamondTalk architecture are to reduce the amount of specialized development required for each
new application by increasing the amount of code reuse (including testing and data collection
tools) and to make it easy to substitute different speech engines in an existing application to take
advantage of improved technology.
Technical Discussion: DiamondTalk is based on the Java Beans component architecture;
components in other programming languages can easily be integrated using the Java Native
Interface facilities. DiamondTalk also takes full advantage of the internationalization facilities
of Java, so that it can be used, for example, to build interfaces in English or Japanese.
DiamondTalk components communicate by sending events (shown by the arrows in the figure
above) and by querying each other’s state (not shown). The dialogue manager is at the center of
the architecture. It receives information about device state changes and about the user’s actions,
utterances, and state changes. Based on this information, it can update the device state and
produce representations of utterance meaning, which are sent to the spoken-language generation
component. Collagen (see project description) is the default implementation of the dialogue
manager. The spoken-language understanding component is typically decomposed into a speech
recognizer and a semantic analyzer; the spoken-language generation component is typically
decomposed into a language generator and a speech synthesizer.
Collaboration: This is a joint project between MERL Research and MERL Technology.
Future Direction: We are beginning to retrofit some of our existing spoken-language interface
prototypes to the DiamondTalk architecture, as was well as planning to use DiamondTalk for
new applications. We expect to extend and improve DiamondTalk based on these experiences.
Contact: Charles Rich
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 113 -
SpokenQuery is technology for
accessing databases using a verbal
description of the desired information. It
can be used to retrieve information such
as web documents, music, government
forms and industrial documentation
using only speech. It is particularly
useful in applications where hand and
eyes free operation is desired. These
include: call centers, information kiosks,
automotive entertainment systems,
Telematics, home entertainment
systems, cellphone information systems, and hand held industrial systems.
Background & Objective: For many users, search engines such as Inktomi, Google and
AllTheWeb have become the primary method of locating information on the Internet. In
consequence, Information Retrieval (IR) has become an important and very lucrative technology.
However, the current set of search engines all require typed input, and there are many situations
where a keyboard is not acceptable. Clearly, typing queries would not be acceptable while
driving an automobile. The ability to access information in the automobile, on the cellphone and
on PDAs combined with an interface that is hands and eyes free will enable large new markets.
The objective SpokenQuery is to enable Information Retrieval using only spoken queries.
Instead of typing the query, the SpokenQuery user verbally describes the desired information.
The result is a list of items that are judged to be "pertinent" to the query. Similar to current IR
systems, the list is not exact but should contain a significant number of useful items.
Technical Discussion: One naïve way to implement a SpokenQuery system would be to take
the text output of an open-recognition dictation system (e.g. ViaVoice, NaturallySpeaking) and
feed it as input to a current IR system (e.g. Inktomi, Google). However, this implementation
would not perform very well in applications that are noisy, have a far field microphone, or are
speaker independent. Unfortunately, applications such as the automobile, cellphone or PDA
usually have all of these problems. Therefore MERL has developed a technique that uses more
information than the simple text output of a recognizer - SpokenQuery considers all the words
that might have been spoken and combines this information with knowledge of the database
contents (i.e. what makes sense). Our algorithm takes advantage of the low correlation between
acoustics and semantics and produces good retrieval results even in extremely challenging
Collaboration: AdvisoryAgent, KnowledgeProvider, AdaptiveAgent, MediaFinder, FormsTalk.
Future Directions: Improve performance; Reduce memory and processor footprint; Produce
prototype products and services for MELCO Business Units
Contact: Peter Wolf, Bhiksha Raj
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 114 -
The MediaFinder project is a series of
prototype products that explore the
problem of navigating large amounts
of music and information with and
hands and eyes free interface. The
prototypes are aimed at future
automotive, home entertainment,
handheld entertainment and cellphone
markets where the combination of
inexpensive data storage, digital
broadcasting, and wireless access to
the internet enable music and
information on demand services.
Background and Objectives: MediaFinder addresses an issue that is already a huge problem
with current consumer electronics products. Current handheld MP3 players (e.g iPod) allow
storage personal of personal collections of up to 2,000 songs and automotive units allow up to
16,000 songs. Unfortunately, no current product offers any acceptable way to navigate such a
large collection. Neither a large graphical user interface, nor a pointing device (e.g. mouse or
touch screen), nor a keyboard is possible on a handheld unit or in an automobile, so all that most
current products provide is a tiny display of up to about 10 songs, and “next” and “previous”
buttons. If current interfaces are poor for static collections of a few thousand songs, consider the
limitations they would impose on music and information on demand services. The objective of
the MediaFinder project is to explore methods of requesting and navigating music and
information that would be acceptable in the automobile, on a cellphone and in the living room.
Each of these three interfaces have very different requirements, however they all share the same
problem - a traditional GUI with a keyboard and mouse is not acceptable; and they all share the
same need - hands and eyes free operation with a minimum of button and display.
Technical Discussion: MediaFinder is an integration of three MERL technologies:
SpokenQuery, SoundSpotter and MusicSkimmer. SpokenQuery allows the user to retrieve the
desired music or information by describing it by voice; SoundSpotter allows the user to retrieve
other music that is similar to a piece of music; and MusicSkimmer allows the user to browse a
collection of music by listening to it very quickly. Combined with a minimal physical interface
of a few buttons and a small display, these technologies are used to create a user interfaces that
could be used in the automobile, living room or cellphone.
Collaboration: AdvisoryAgent, AdaptiveAgent, MediaFinder, FormsTalk.
Future Direction: Produce prototype products and services for MELCO Business Units.
Contact: Peter Wolf
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 115 -
ComBadge: A Voice-Operated Communications Device
The ComBadge is a two-way voice pager with
a simple spoken user interface. The project
encompasses the hardware, software, and user
interface designs. A primary design goal has
been to reduce the users’ cognitive load, thus
creating a communications device that is very
simple and natural to use. We aim to appeal to
those segments of the market where cell phone
penetration is lowest, including children, the
elderly, and the less-wealthy in the world.
Background and Objectives: Device costs
are kept low by eliminating the display and
keypad. Infrastructure costs are reduced by
allowing more devices to share the available
bandwidth because the messages are relatively
short and the communication is asynchronous.
The spoken command set is small, so that it can be easily learned and remembered, and
recognized with few errors. Familiar names are used to contact other users by having each user
add customized voice name tags for other ComBadges.
Technical Discussion: Speech recognition, audio compression, and radio transmission do not
overlap, thereby reducing the peak power demand and extending battery life. Compression need
not occur in real-time, which permits the use of a slower processor and/or a better compression
algorithm. Inexpensive bandwidth intended for data, rather than voice, can be used at all stages
of the network. Message delivery could be accomplished over the Internet.
Asynchronous messaging also has advantages for users. The device can be very small, since it
does not need to reach from mouth to ear. Users are less aware of dead spots in network
coverage and are less irritated by network outages due to overloading, since these conditions
produce delays rather than dropped calls. Furthermore, the ComBadge is less intrusive because
users determine when they want to listen and respond to messages.
Collaboration: We are working very closely with the speech applications group at MERL
Technology Lab.
Future Direction: We are exploring using the ComBadge for group messaging -- a spoken
distribution list allows the same message to be delivered to several users. Delivering voice
messages to machines as well as people is an open-ended opportunity. Initially, we are looking
at using ComBadge to control household devices and as a voice portal to a wide variety of
Internet services.
Contact: Joe Marks
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 116 -
COLLAGEN: Java Middleware for Collaborative Agents
COLLAGEN (for COLLaborative AGENt)
is Java middleware for building
collaborative agents. A collaborative agent
is a software program that helps users solve
problems, especially in complex or
unfamiliar domains, by correcting errors,
suggesting what to do next, and taking care
of low-level details. A collaborative agent
can be added to an existing graphical user
interface, such as a software simulator, or
integrated into the design of a new hardware
device, such as a home appliance.
Background and Objectives: The theoretical foundations of COLLAGEN derive from the
study of naturally occurring human collaboration, such as two people assembling a complex
mechanical device or two computer users working on a spreadsheet together. The practical
objective of the project is to maximize the software reuse in building collaborative agents for
many different applications.
Technical Discussion: A collaborative agent in general communicates with the user (using
either natural or artificial language), manipulates some shared hardware or software artifact, and
observes the user’s manipulation of the shared artifact. The key to COLLAGEN’s applicationindependence is an abstract, hierarchical representation, called the “task model,” of the
sequences of actions typically performed to achieve goals in a particular domain. The task
model captures all of the knowledge that is specific to a particular application. In essence,
COLLAGEN is an “interpreter” for task models. COLLAGEN’s representation of the current
state of a collaborative dialogue consists of a plan tree, which tracks the status of steps in the task
model, and a focus stack, which tracks the current focus of attention. COLLAGEN
automatically updates these data structures whenever either the user or the agent speaks or
performs a manipulation. The agent then uses these data structures to determine what to do or
say in response.
Collaboration: COLLAGEN is currently being used to build prototype systems for a range of
applications, including power plant operator training (see Intelligent Agents for Operator
Training project description), a programmable home thermostat (see Voice Programming project
description), multimodal web form filling (see FormsTalk project description) and a hosting
robot (see Human-Robot Interaction project description).
Future Direction: In addition to continuing to seek new applications (especially involving
speech), we plan improvements in the basic operation of COLLAGEN in the areas of turn taking,
causal knowledge, and negotiation.
Contact: Charles Rich, Neal Lesh, Candace Sidner
- 117 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
FormsTalk: Multimodal Mixed-Initiative Web Form Filling
FormsTalk is middleware for building web formfilling applications that support speech and touch, as
well as conventional keyboard and mouse
interaction. Our initial focus is “e-government”
applications, such as filling out a postal change-ofaddress form (see left). Since our target user
population includes occasional users with little or no
prior technology experience, FormsTalk supports
flexible, mixed-initiative interaction, in which either
the user or the computer can take the lead, depending
on circumstances.
Background and Objectives: Form-filling is a
common framework for many different kinds of web
applications. A multimodal approach improves the
accessibility of these applications by allowing users
to choose whichever mode (speech, touch, etc.) is the
best match for their capabilities and the current task.
To date, developing such interfaces has tended to be
very labor-intensive, with a lot of application-specific code. The goal of FormsTalk is to reduce
the amount of application-specific code, so that most of the labor for a new application is
involved in authoring the form content, and deployment on different platforms (e.g., PCs,
phones, kiosks) requires a minimum of additional effort.
Technical Discussion: FormsTalk is built on top of DiamondTalk (see project), which is an
application-independent Java architecture for building conversational, multimodal spokenlanguage interfaces. DiamondTalk allows us to easily substitute different speech recognition and
generation engines (e.g., from different vendors), as technologies and applications change.
FormsTalk also uses Collagen (see project) as its dialogue manager, which provides its mixedinitiative capabilities We currently access speech recognition and generation components from a
web browser using a Java plugin; in the future we may use VXML or a similar protocol to access
speech components directly from inside the browser. A key part of our work is a careful generic
interaction design for multimodal, mixed-initiative form-filling, including the optional use of a
telephone handset, touch screen, and other features.
Collaboration: FormsTalk is the user-interface portion of the “Broadband WebServices”
project led by the System Technology Dept. of Sentansoken. We are also members of the W3C
Multimodal Interaction and W3C Voice Browser working groups.
Future Direction: Over the next year, our main focus is on how to gracefully recover from
speech recognition and user errors. We also expect to discover ways to improve the basic
architecture of FormsTalk as we apply it to new demonstration applications.
Contact: David Wong
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 118 -
Voice Programming for Home Products
Voice programming is a new approach to
making it easy for people set up, customize,
and operate the increasingly complex
devices found in modern homes. The basic
idea is for the device to provide interactive
spoken guidance about how to use it. We
have developed generic software for
building such interfaces and have
demonstrated it by building prototypes for a
simulated personal video recorder and a
simulated programmable home thermostat.
Background and Objectives: Digital processors are becoming a commonplace component of
home products for entertainment, security, and housekeeping, leading to a veritable explosion of
features and flexibility. The dark side of this trend, however, is that user interface technology
has not kept pace. It is a now commonly observed fact that the overwhelming majority of the
features of most new digitally-based devices are not used by the overwhelming majority
customers. Our objective is to address this problem by taking advantage of recent advances in
collaborative agents (see COLLAGEN project), intelligent tutoring (see Intelligent Agents for
Operator Training and Task Guidance project) and spoken-language understanding (see
DiamondTalk project).
Technical Discussion: Our most recent demonstration involves a home thermostat, in which the
temperature of each room of a house is separately programmed for home, work, and sleep
periods on weekdays and weekends. Similar features and issues arise in underground sprinkler
control systems, personal video recorders, and home security systems. COLLAGEN provides us
with a powerful and very general architecture for conversational, multimodal interaction.
Another key element of our approach is the “Things to Say” list (see right side of figure above),
which is dynamically generated from the task model and the current dialogue state and may
include variables, such as “Today is <day of the week>.” The Things to Say list addresses a key
difficulty in spoken-language interfaces, namely how does the user know what the system will
understand? Using this list also greatly improves the accuracy of speech recognition.
Collaboration: This work is in collaboration with the Intelligent Products group at the Delft
University of Technology, Subfaculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
Future Direction: Adopting a consistent interface based on voice programming across a broad
line of home products could yield benefits in brand identification and customer loyalty, as well
as a reduction in product development costs. We also expect the mechanisms underlying the
Things to Say list to migrate into the DiamondTalk.
Contact: Neal Lesh, Charles Rich, Candace Sidner
- 119 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Sound Recognition
Sound recognition is a project with the goal
to enable machines to listen and understand
their surrounding sonic environment. We
anticipate that this technology will provide
the basis for various types of audio sensing
which can find applications in surveillance,
factory automation, entertainment media
analysis, and other domains where audio
feedback can be critical. Parts of our
technology have also been included in the
MPEG-7 standard for indexing and
extraction of audio content.
Background and Objectives: Sound
recognition has long been a neglected field
of research. So far it has been dominated by
speech recognition work that has found
limited success for anything other than
speech sounds. Our work is focused on generalized sound recognition, a framework equally
capable of working with any type of sound regardless of its nature and its recording conditions.
We have developed a system that can work in either of two modes. It can learn multiple sound
classes by example and then recognize them in a real-time setting; thus providing a basis for
applications such as audio surveillance. Or it can learn a single sound class and then provide a
running estimate of how much the audio input deviates from it; a process that can be invaluable
for machine fault detection.
Technical Discussion: The sound recognition project is an umbrella for various computational
frameworks. Their crucial common step is a dimension-reducing preprocessing stage of input
sound magnitude spectra. This step is used to provide an optimal representation for the
subsequent classification, and is implemented by either Principal or Independent Components
Analysis, or Reduced-rank Linear Discriminant Analysis transforms. The learning and
classification steps are done using Hidden Markov Models or Gaussian Mixture Models. In
special cases where the data set is dense we can obtain comparable performance using a much
more efficient system using k-means.
Collaboration: Sentansoken and Sanden.
Future Direction: Generalized time-series recognition for ultra/infra-sound and vibrations
analysis. We are also expecting to extend this work for joint audio-visual analysis, where
camera input can provide additional information for classification.
Contact: Paris Smaragdis, Bret Harsham
- 120 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
User Interface Software
User interface is the most visible part of computers, computational applications, and devices.
The acceptance of a new technology by the masses is largely dependent on how the user
perceives the usefulness of the technology – a perception through the interaction with the
affordances offered by the user interface. User interface research encompasses the full spectrum
from user interface design, to the study and development of the scientific underpinnings of
algorithms, to the understanding of the application and user experience with a given technology
At MERL, we are exploring new user interface paradigms, interaction metaphors and modalities,
and interaction techniques that go beyond today’s conventional single-user, mouse- and
keyboard-based desktop user interface. In particular, our research investigates three areas of
newly emerging user interfaces – (1) shared multi-user interfaces for human-human
collaboration, (2) interactive interfaces for multimedia content browsing and retrieval, and (3)
human-computer collaboration interfaces.
MERL plays a leading role in the international research community in the area of shared multiuser interfaces on direct-manipulation touch surfaces. DiamondTouch Applications,
DiamondSpin, and UbiTable are three projects that enable co-present and collaborative group
work on the tabletop. Personal Digital Historian, Timetunnel Interface for Video Browsing, and
Content Management System provide innovative and interactive methods for the management
and browsing of digital photos and video data. Human Robot Interaction for Hosting Activities,
Intelligent Agents for Operator Training and Task Guidance, and Human-Guided Search are
projects that explore human-computer and robot-human interactions.
Project Descriptions
DiamondTouch Applications .......................................................................................................122
UbiTable ......................................................................................................................................123
DiamondSpin ...............................................................................................................................124
Personal Digital Historian (PDH) ................................................................................................125
Timetunnel Interface for Video Browsing...................................................................................126
Multi-Parametric Visualization....................................................................................................127
Content Management System ......................................................................................................128
Human-Robot Interaction for Hosting Activities ........................................................................129
Intelligent Agents for Operator Training and Task Guidance .....................................................130
Human-Guided Search for Packing .............................................................................................131
Human-Guided Antenna Design..................................................................................................132
- 121 -
DiamondTouch Applications
DiamondTouch is a novel multi-user input
device. (See DiamondTouch Hardware and
DiamondTouch SDK for more details.) DT
applications provide a shared focus of
attention for collaborating users. Possible
applications include command-and-control
rooms, business or technical meetings, and a
variety of casual applications (e.g., musical
instrument control, home coffee table, games,
Background and Objectives: To date,
software applications are intended for single
users and designed to utilize traditional input devices (a single keyboard and mouse). In
contrast, DiamondTouch is well-suited for shared-display groupware applications; it enables
many people to simultaneously interact with the surface without interfering with each other. Our
multi-user applications are developed with the DiamondTouch SDK.
Technical Discussion: DiamondTouch applications come in a variety of styles. Some exploit
DT’s multi-user nature, while others may utilize its multi-touch capability -- each user may touch
the unit in more than one place. Furthermore, DiamondTouch’s ability to provide identification
information for each touch (which users are touching where) is critical in many applications.
DTMap, a multi-user map application, highlights DiamondTouch’s ability to support input from
multiple, simultaneous users and exploits its ability to identify the owner of each touch. In this
application the display contains a satellite map image. Different views can be overlaid onto the
map through a series of magic lenses. More generally, any layered information can be displayed
in this application. DTMouse is an application to provide mouse emulation capabilities for
DiamondTouch. Our mouse emulator works with traditional software, but it expects only one
user to be using the mouse at any given time. We are experimenting to determine how best to
implement a fully-functioning mouse with DiamondTouch. We have also implemented a
number of entertainment applications to showcase DiamondTouch.
Collaboration: DiamondTouch is a joint project of MERL’s Technology and Research
Laboratories. MERL is collaborating with MELCO partners from Kamaden, Johosoken and
Sentansoken. We also have active collaborations with universities who will explore
DiamondTouch as a collaborative input technology.
Future Direction: our MELCO collaborators will use some of the applications we develop. We
will work with them to refine the applications, and develop new functionality. We also plan to
evaluate our design decisions through more formal user testing, and investigate the use of
DiamondTouch for remote collaboration.
Contact: Kathy Ryall
- 122 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
Despite the mobility enabled by the plethora
of technological tools such as laptops, PDA
and cell phones, horizontal flat surfaces are
still extensively used and much preferred for
on-the-move face-to-face collaboration. The
UbiTable project examines the design space
of tabletops used as scrap displays. Scrap
displays support kiosk-style walk-up
interaction for impromptu face-to-face
meetings without prior preparation.
UbiTable affords easy and efficient set up of
shared horizontal workspaces such that users
can conveniently move contents among their
laptops and the tabletop.
Background and Objectives: The support for serendipitous meetings will play a critical role in
future ubiquitous computing spaces. The goal of UbiTable is to offer the affordances of a
physical table, providing the flexibility by allowing users to layout shared digital documents with
desired orientation and position. At the same time UbiTable augments traditional paper-based
interactions by providing a flexible gradient or shades of sharing semantics. UbiTable addresses
visual accessibility vs. electronic accessibility of documents, an issue which is critical to
ubiquitous environments.
Technical Discussion: UbiTable separates the notion of visibility from privacy, and the notion
of modifiability from ownership of documents on a shared horizontal surface. Based on
observations of people collaborating around a table with physical artifacts (such as paper
documents), UbiTable provides a gradient of Private, Personal and Public sharing models to
afford well understood social protocols. Private documents are neither visible nor electronically
accessible by others. Personal documents are semi-private documents; they are visible but not
accessible by others. Public documents are both visible and electronically accessible by others.
Electronic accessibility is defined by readability and modifiability, but not shared ownership.
The owner of a document maintains the explicit control of the electronic distribution of the
Collaboration: UbiTable is a collaborative research project between MERL Research and
MERL Technology labs.
Future Direction: UbiTable is a new research project at MERL. We are undertaking a
concurrent design and prototype process: (1) carrying out user studies of physical document
sharing tasks in a face-to-face setting in order to understand the design space, and (2)
constructing an initial prototype of the tabletop and laptop user interface and interactions.
Meanwhile, the initial prototype will be used to study user preference, sharing semantics and
visual layout strategies.
Contact: Chia Shen, Kathy Ryall
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 123 -
DiamondSpin is an interactive tabletop
environment that preserves the simplicity
and informality of around-the-table
interaction, while at the same time provides
a rich set of novel UI functions for
interactive and collaborative document
browsing, visualization, manipulation and
navigation by small groups of people.
Background and Objectives: Tables are a
familiar piece of furniture commonly found
in homes, offices, cafΘs, design centers,
show rooms, waiting areas, and
entertainment centers. Tables provide a
familiar, casual and convenient physical
7 to meet, chat, look over documents, and carry out tasks that require face-tosetting
face collaboration. Digital documents, on the other hand, are commonly used only on desktop
computers and handheld devices, due to a lack of a physical media that contain the necessary
computational support for face-to-face around the table applications. Our objectives are to
research and study input techniques, interaction techniques and visualization techniques which
can enable tabletop applications where small groups of people collaborate.
Technical Discussion: User interfaces that are on a horizontal tabletop, and support
simultaneous multi-user input actions have four characteristics: (1) they must handle the arbitrary
location and orientation of documents on the table in real-time, (2) they must manage both
rotation sensitive and rotation insensitive user interface components, (3) they must support the
manipulation and display of large quantities of pixels from many overlapping documents, and (4)
they must manage multi-user collaborative, and potentially conflicting, activities. We are
experimenting with the construction of a real-time Cartesian to Polar coordinate transformation
system to afford continuous orientation and arbitrary viewing angles among multiple people. The
first version of DiamondSpin tool kit enables the construction of (a) arbitrary 2D geometric
shapes of digital tabletops including rectangular, octagonal and circular interfaces, (b) multiple
digital virtual tabletops, and (c) multiple digital work areas within the same display space.
DiamondSpin also provides a set of tabletop document visualization methods.
Collaboration: We are currently distributing the first version of DiamondSpin Java Toolkit to
universities with a free license agreement. Currently DiamondSpin license holders include
academic partners from Europe, Japan and the U.S. We are developing a variety of applications
using DiamondSpin at MERL and with our university partners.
Future Direction: Our next step is first to expand the multi-user functionality of DiamondSpin.
Bimanual and compound gestures and multi-user conflict resolution policies are two of the key
research areas we are pursuing.
Contact: Chia Shen
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 124 -
Personal Digital Historian (PDH)
PDH is a new digital content user interface
and management system. Unlike
conventional desktop user interfaces, PDH is
intended for multi-user collaborative
applications on single display groupware.
PDH enables casual, interactive and
exploratory retrieval, interaction with and
visualization of digital contents. PDH is
built on top of our DiamondSpin circular
tabletop environment. Our current project
includes research in the areas of content
annotation, retrieval and presentation,
visualization of and user interaction with
images, audio, video and data, as well as the
study of how people collaboratively use the
single display interface.
Background and Objectives: As part of people’s daily life at work, on the go and at home,
their computers, PDAs and digital cameras generate larger and larger amounts of digital
contents. However, technologies that allow people to easily utilize this digital data in a face-toface conversational or group setting are lagging far behind. Applications are limited by the user
interface potentials of current desktop computers and handheld devices. The objective of the
PDH project is to take a step beyond.
Technical Discussion: Creating a new type of interface requires addressing many issues. One of
our primary focuses is on developing content organization and retrieval methods that are easy
and understandable for the users, and can be used without distracting them from their
conversation. Rather than the folder & file mechanisms used by conventional document
systems, PDH organizes the contents along the four W’s of storytelling (Who, When, Where, and
What) and allows users to design new contexts for organizing their structures. A second issue we
have focused on is affording casual and exploratory interaction with data by combining a
multiplicity of user interaction mechanisms including in-place query and in-place pop-up menus,
direct manipulation, natural visual query formulation with minimal menu-driven interaction and
freeform strokes. Finally, in order to support the multi-threaded and non-linear progression of
group conversation, PDH provides tools to help people navigate a conversation as well as their
Future Direction: We are developing semantics and mechanisms for simultaneous multi-user
input and developing new application scenarios for PDH along with continued user studies.
Contact: Chia Shen, Neal Lesh
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 125 -
Timetunnel Interface for Video Browsing
TimeTunnel is a captivating interactive
technology for browsing video content. It
takes advantage of innate human capabilities
to track objects moving towards or away
from the viewer
Background and Objectives: Mitsubishi
Electric manufactures consumer audiovisual devices such as televisions and digital
video recorders and also creates software
that records and manages video content.
These businesses have an interest in creating
a new generation of human- the computer
interfaces that boost effectiveness and
attractiveness of their products and differentiate them from the competition. The Timetunnel
Interface for Video Browsing has immediate visceral appeal and can provide a distinctive feature
to video hardware and software products from MELCO.
From a research perspective, the objective of this project is to advance the state of the art in
human-computer interfaces to multimedia content. The current generation of multimedia
interfaces is based on the antiquated constraints of analog content and storage media.
Technical Discussion: The Timetunnel Interface for Video Browsing is in the family of
interaction presentation techniques called Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Rapid presentation of
visual information has not largely been exploited in human-computer interfaces for TVs and
other consumer electronics devices. However, there are indications that people are drawn to such
interfaces because our visual system is capable of very rapid processing of visual information.
Using key frames extracted from a set of broadcast channels or else from analyzed scenes in
recorded video, the Timetunnel Interface for Video Browsing presents the frames in a 3D space
and offers the user controls for moving the frames towards or away from the view position.
Users can adjust the speed and direction of movement. As they “surf,” they can fine-tune the
speed and move the sequence forwards or backwards. If they stop on a frame, the application
either tunes to that channel or starts playing the video from that frame position.
We conducted an experiment designed to test a Timetunnel interface for video browsing on a
television using a remote control. We found that subjects were significantly more accurate at
fast-forwarding to a desired location in a recorded video clip while using Timetunnel than while
using the traditional method of fast-forwarding, t(59)= -12.93, p < 1E-18.
Collaboration: IDken, Sentansoken-Kyoto.
Future Direction: We expect to work with business units interested in incorporating the
technology into their digital video product lines.
Contact: Kent Wittenburg, Alan Esenther
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 126 -
Multi-Parametric Visualization
Multi-Parametric Visualization is a set of
methods and tools for visualization and
querying of multidimensional information. It
is designed to be easy to use and quick to
yield insights into the data.
Background and Objectives: Information
visualization tools, while an industry unto
itself, have by and large remained difficult
for non-specialists to use. Particularly when
the information to be visualized comes in
the form of a relational table, it is rare for an
executive or a designer to be able to quickly
and flexibly explore the data and derive
insight to aid decision-making. The MultiParametric Visualization project at MERL
has the objective of developing new techniques and tools that can improve engineering design,
operations, and business decision-making at Mitsubishi Electric. In the longer run, we expect
that these tools will also be included in service offerings to external customers in the power and
utilities business among others.
Technical Discussion: The multi-parametric visualization project began with the development
of parallel visualizations called bargrams. There is typically one bargram for each column of
information in a table. Bargrams are similar to histograms, revealing distribution of counts across
an ordered set of “bins” or categories. However, the bargram saves visual real estate and offers
additional visualization features by “tipping over” the histogram to create a simple onedimensional visualization for each attribute. Users can quickly create queries and preview their
results by selecting subsets of attribute values. For research purposes, MERL has licensed
software from Verizon, created by members of the current staff at MTL when they were at
Verizon Laboratories. This has allowed the project to quickly prototype new application domains
and creates requirements for future work. MERL has also developed a new implementation of
MPV for the Human-Guided Antenna Design project that allows designers to quickly evaluate
and winnow down a large set of generated antenna designs based on their collective features.
More recently, we have started to conduct research on other types of visualization techniques
beyond the bargram concept to support time-series analysis.
Collaboration: Real-time Recommender Systems and Human-Guided Antenna Design projects
at MERL and communications and power systems business units at Mitsubishi Electric.
Future Direction: The project expects to develop a comprehensive set of middleware that will
allow for rapid development of multi-parametric visualization components for a variety of
Contact: David Wong, Frederick J. Igo, Jr., Kent Wittenburg
- 127 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Content Management System
The amount of available information
in the form of text, audio, video,
speech and images grows
exponentially every day. While
storage capacities have kept pace
with this increase, such growth in
information poses the challenge of
managing it so that the desired
information is retrieved quickly and
conveniently. In our work so far, we
have emphasized browsing of audiovisual content. In this project, we
emphasize the seamless combination
of text and audio-visual browsing to help the user navigate large volumes of heterogeneous
content. In the figure at left, we illustrate our proposed framework. It integrates our previously
developed video analysis techniques as well as anticipates further developments such as
combinations of representations of content semantics with audio-visual browsing.
Background and Objectives: While storage technology makes it possible to store extremely
large volumes of heterogeneous data (audio, video, speech, text, images), it is a challenge to use
it effectively. The challenge lies in combination of summarization and indexing techniques for
each of the individual modes so as to enable the user to get the desired content in any desired
mode. In this project, we are developing content management techniques for electronic learning
applications such as production and browsing systems for training and educational video.
Technical Discussion: Our system relies on fast computation so as to ensure rapid content
preparation as well as browsing. There are broadly two technical challenges. The first is to
integrate and enhance existing indexing and summarization techniques for each of the modes, in
a single framework. The second is to devise content representation techniques that enable
seamless merging of content semantics with audio-visual browsing, so as to enable multi-modal
hyper-navigation of the content. We have obtained promising results with application of our
video summarization techniques to training video obtained from MELCO, Japan, as well as other
training video.
Collaboration: Johosoken, Sentansoken.
Future Direction: Our current research focus is on combining representations of content
semantics with purely audio-visual indexing and summarization. In addition to our current set of
technologies such as Video Indexing and Summarization, Video Object Segmentation and
Tracking, we are also working on new techniques such as video mining.
Contact: Ajay Divakaran
- 128 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
Human-Robot Interaction for Hosting Activities
We developed a stationary robot that
collaborates with a person on a hosting task.
It demonstrates a MERL technology called
iGlassware to a visitor and engages the
visitor in a discussion of their interests in
Background and Objectives: Our
objective is to develop collaborative robots
that not only speak to humans, but use
physical gestures and movement to interact
with them, thereby “engaging” the human in
the interaction. One situation in which this
kind of interaction is particularly appropriate
we call “hosting.” In a hosting activity, the “host” (which may be a human or a robot), provides
the “visitor” (typically a human) with various kinds of information, entertainment, education,
etc., related to their shared physical environment. Examples of human roles that include hosting
activities are docents, sales clerks, receptionists, and real-estate agents.
Technical Discussion: We have developed a prototype hosting robot, embodied as a penguin.
The robot demonstrates the iGlassware technology in collaboration with a human visitor. The
robot invites the visitor to participate in the demo, convinces the reluctant visitor to participate,
explains the technology and induces the visitor to use the technology as they interact. The robot
also explains the purpose of iGlassware to an interested visitor. During the interaction the robot
gestures appropriately at demonstration objects, gazes at the visitor during the visitor’s turn, and
gazes at visitors, onlookers and demonstration objects during its own turn. The robot also
observes the visitor’s gestures and determines the visitor’s interest in the interaction. Our robot
makes use of face detection, object detection and sound localization algorithms to find and track
its interlocutor, the onlookers and the objects in the environment. It uses rules for interaction
engagement to determine its gestural and spoken response during a demonstration and to assess
the human collaborator’s utterances and interest in the conversation. It uses the COLLAGEN
middleware for collaborative conversation to manage the conversation and commercial speech
recognition software to interpret spoken utterances.
Collaboration: This work has been done in collaboration with Chris Lee, MERL Technology
Lab, Neal Lesh and Chuck Rich of MERL Research Lab.
Future Direction: We will evaluate our robot with human users to judge the effects and
usefulness of engagement behaviors during hosting interactions. We will also use new learning
techniques so that the robot can better estimate human intentions reflected in human gestures.
Contact: Candace Sidner
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 129 -
Intelligent Agents for Operator Training and Task Guidance
Intelligent software agents can help the operators of
complex industrial equipment both with training and in
the performance of their tasks. During training, the
operators practice their tasks in a simulated
environment. The intelligent agent guides operators
through the steps of complex procedures, giving
positive and negative feedback on their actions, and
adapting to their skill level. We have developed
generic software for building such software agents and
have demonstrated it by building an agent for training
operators of a simulated gas turbine engine.
Background and Objectives: This work extends the COLLAGEN middleware for building
collaborative agents. Our goals are to enhance existing training systems by adding more
sophisticated tutorial strategies and also to build new training and task guidance systems.
Potential application areas include supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems,
such as industrial plant control centers, equipment maintenance tasks, such as elevator repair,
and the use of complex software interfaces, such as computer-aided design tools.
Technical Discussion: Our approach to operator training is based on “learning by doing.” The
software agent guides the operator through a sequence of example scenarios that incrementally
expose the operator to the full complexity of the task to be learned. During the training process,
the agent maintains a model of the operator’s proficiency in each part of the task, so it can
appropriately introduce new subtasks as well as give the operator the opportunity to practice
previously taught knowledge.
Using COLLAGEN as our implementation base gives the training system developer two major
advantages. First, we have an application-independent architecture in which pedagogical
strategies are encoded in an application-independent manner; this allows the developer to reuse a
large amount of code when creating a new training agent. Second, the same task model created
to support a training agent can be reused to produce an agent which will act as an advisor or
intelligent assistant to an operator during the actual performance of his job, if desired.
Collaboration: We are currently working very closely with Mitsubishi Electric’s Advanced
Technology R&D Center, and Energy and Industrial Systems Center. During this past year, we
produced a prototype agent to train thermal power plant operators using a software simulator,
which will be demonstrated in the customer showroom at the Energy and Industrial Systems
Center. We are also collaborating with the University of Southern California, Information
Sciences Institute and the MITRE Corporation on embedded training applications in general.
Future Direction: We are planning to expand the range of pedagogical strategies used by our
training agents, explore the use of pedagogical agents to assist in human-human e-learning, and
to develop tools and special-purpose task model languages for rapidly authoring new training
and task guidance applications.
Contact: Neal Lesh, Charles Rich, David Wong
- 130 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
Human-Guided Search for Packing
We designed both automatic and interactive
systems for tightly packing a given set of
rectangles, without overlap, into a larger
rectangle of fixed width. This is important for
industrial problems in which a large number of
variable-sized rectangles must be cut from a
sheet of material, such as metal, glass, or wood.
The goal is to minimize waste by packing the
rectangles as tightly as possible. Our automatic
method significantly improves on the best
automatic method we found in the literature.
Furthermore, we found that people can reason
about packing problems extremely well. Our
interactive system allows people to apply
packing algorithms to quickly produce much
tighter packings than the packing algorithms
can produce without guidance.
See Color Figure 8
Background and Objectives: We have worked on what is referred to in the literature as the
two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem. The goal is to pack a given set of rectangles
as tightly as possible, to minimize wasted space. This problem appears unamenable to standard
local search techniques, such as simulated annealing or genetic algorithms. A standard simple
heuristic, Bottom-Left-Decreasing (BLD), has been shown to handily beat these more
sophisticated search techniques.
Technical Discussion: We have developed and demonstrated the effectiveness of BLD*, a
stochastic search variation of the best prior heuristic, BLD. While BLD places the rectangles in
decreasing order of height, width, area, and perimeter, BLD* successively tries random
orderings, chosen from a distribution determined by their Kendall-tau distance from one of these
fixed orderings. Our experiments on benchmark and randomly generated problems show that
BLD* produces significantly better packings than BLD after only 1 minute of computation.
Furthermore, we observe that people seem able to reason about packing problems extremely
well. We incorporate our new algorithms in an interactive system that combines the advantages
of computer speed and human reasoning. Using the interactive system, we are able to quickly
produce significantly better solutions than previous methods on benchmark problems.
Collaboration: We are collaborating with Harvard University.
Future Direction: We hope to apply this technology to packing problems in MELCO, such as
those that arise in laser cutting. Additionally, we can use our interactive system as an interface
to other packing algorithms.
Contact: Neal Lesh
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
- 131 -
Human-Guided Antenna Design
Optimization-based approaches to antenna
design have enjoyed limited success. The
task is often computationally intractable.
Moreover, it is also often difficult to capture
all relevant design issues and trade-offs in a
single mathematical objective function.
Therefore, human experts typically specify
and refine antenna designs by hand, using
computers only to evaluate their candidate
designs by simulation. In this project we
propose a middle ground between this
traditional approach and fully automatic
optimization - a human-guided interactive
Background and Objectives: The idea of using computer-based optimization for design tasks
has been applied to many problems, including antenna design. However, this idea does not
always work well: the optimization problems are often intractable; and it often proves impossible
to consider all relevant design criteria in the optimization process. In this project we propose
that the computer be used differently. Instead of having the computer search for a single optimal
design, we program it to intelligently sample the large space of possible antenna designs, subject
to user-supplied constraints. The task of choosing a final design from the computer-generated
sampling is left to the human user, who can apply experience and judgment to recognize and
then refine the most useful antenna design.
Technical Discussion: At the heart of our approach, the computer generates a sample set of
candidates (called a population) of possible antenna designs and presents them to the user. The
person’s role is to help guide the computer in generating a desirable population, and ultimately to
select an appropriate antenna. The two key components in our system are dispersion and
visualization. Dispersion is the process by which we generate a representative sample of
designs; it is an intelligent sampling process. A key requirement for dispersion is a mathematical
function that quantifies the difference between two antenna designs. This difference metric is
usually based on the performance characteristics of an antenna. Visualization is the process by
which a person can examine the current population to examine trade-offs in the design space
(e.g., cost and gain) and to constrain future searches. We are currently using MPV (multiparametric visualization) as our visualization component. The design process is an iterative one,
alternating between dispersion and visualization.
Collaboration: This project is a joint effort between MERL Technology Lab and MERL
Research Lab in collaboration with Johosoken and with sponsorship from Denshihon.
Future Direction: In the first phase of this project we completed a proof-of-concept
implementation of an interactive system for antenna design. In the upcoming year we will be
focusing our efforts on visualizing and browsing large datasets of phased-antenna arrays.
Contact: Kathy Ryall, Darren Leigh
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 132 -
Wireless Communications and Networking
Communications and networking are pervasive in today’s society. The explosion in the Internet
and in communication technology has revolutionized the way people access information, ranging
from e-commerce to “virtual government”. Another aspect of this revolution is the untethering
of voice and data communications, giving people the ability to talk and access information
anytime, anywhere. These changes in paradigms will continue with the development of more
and more high-speed, information-technology-enabled devices. From advanced wireless
multimedia systems to simple integrated home networking, communications and networking
technologies will be at the center of this continuing revolution.
At MERL, we aim to create new concepts and develop enabling technologies in the area of
digital communications and networking. As an R&D team, we collaborate with other research
organizations, publish our accomplishments, participate in and contribute to related industrial
standardization activities, and measure our performance by the impact we have on both
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the world. Our current focus is on broadband wireless
communications, pervasive ad hoc networks, and integrated home networking.
For next generation broadband mobile communications, different technologies will be converged
and integrated to provide high speed and seamless roaming access. MERL is an active
participant in major industry standards, including 3GPP, and continues developing advanced
technologies, such as MIMO (Multi-Input-Multi-Output) for HSDPA (High Speed Downlink
Packet Access) and future systems. In the area of short-range wireless communications, MERL
is an active member and contributor in the emerging technologies, especially ultra-wideband
(UWB), ZigBee, sensor networks, and network security. We are also aggressively working on
high throughput WLAN for home networking, wireless digital TV, simple control protocol
(SCP) for power line communication, and integrated home networking.
Project Descriptions
Broadband A/V Home Networking .............................................................................................134
Wireless Digital TV .....................................................................................................................135
DE-GPS: DBS-Enhanced GPS ....................................................................................................136
Wireless Sensor Networks ...........................................................................................................137
Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ...........................................................138
MIMO Technology for 3GPP ......................................................................................................139
Dynamic Resource Control for Shared Downlink Wireless Channel..........................................140
Energy-Efficient Wireless Image/Video Transmission ...............................................................141
Antenna Selection ........................................................................................................................142
Ultra Wideband Systems..............................................................................................................144
Simple Control Protocol ..............................................................................................................145
Concordia for Power Systems Business Units.............................................................................146
- 133 -
Network Replication ....................................................................................................................147
- 134 -
Broadband A/V Home Networking
With the advance of communications and
networking technologies, the networked home
market has taken off for years. A networked
home allows the people to have the
simultaneous Internet access from different
parts of the home, and to share the devices and
contents within the home. This project focuses
on audio/video home networking technologies
that will allow the redistribution and sharing of
A/V contents through a unified wired/wireless
home network. The solution will lead to a new
networked A/V consumer electronics business.
Background and Objectives: The new upcoming IEEE802.11e standard that will support the
applications with QoS requirements is paving a way for customers to have a multimedia wireless
home network. With the existing wired infrastructure, the future home network will be a mixed
wired/wireless network. The main objective of the project is to develop an interworking protocol
that allows the smooth and reliable connections between wired (i.e. 1394, Ethernet, and digital
cable) clusters and wireless (i.e. 802.11) clusters.
Technical Discussion: Unlike the original 802.11 standard, 802.11e supports the real-time
applications such as voice, video with guaranteed QoS, i.e. guaranteed bandwidth, bounded
delay and so on. This makes wireless multimedia home networking a reality. The major
technical hurdle here is to develop an interworking protocol between 802.11e and other existing
wired standards such as 1394, Ethernet. In the project, we design the PAL (protocol adaptation
layer) between 802.11e and 1394, such that 1394 data can be smoothly transmitted over 802.11e
without loss of quality and vice versa. We also research and implement the mapping algorithms
between IP DiffServ and 802.11e to optimize the network’s performance.
Collaboration: This project is performed in collaboration with Sentansoken.
Future Direction: The future work will primarily focus on the PAL design between 1394 and
802.11e, and protocol mappings between 802.11e and IP DiffServ.
Contact: Daqing Gu
- 135 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
Wireless Digital TV
IEEE802.11 WLAN is considered to play an
important role in future multimedia wireless
home networks. So, the support of
IEEE802.11 in digital TV and other home
electronics becomes a necessity. In this
project, we focus on A/V transmission over
IEEE802.11 with QoS. For DTV
applications, this enables DTV to be directly
connected with Internet and other A/V
equipments without wires. Furthermore, the
future DTV can be built with the integrated
802.11 interface for universal wireless
access in the multimedia home networking
Background and Objectives: The new upcoming IEEE802.11e standard that will support the
applications with QoS requirements is paving a way for customers to have a multimedia wireless
home network. Meanwhile, IEEE802.11 working group is working on another standard called
802.11n, with a target of minimum throughput of at least 100 Mbps. This standard will allow a
more reliable wireless link for high data rate A/V transmission. The main objective of the
project is to develop a reliable 802.11 interface for DTV and other A/V equipments.
Technical Discussion: We currently use IEEE802.11a WLAN as a wireless carrier for A/V
transmission. IEEE802.11a is a high-speed WLAN with data rate up to 54 Mbps, and is good
enough for single MPEG stream transmission. The major technical hurdle here is to develop a
bridge between 1394 and 802.11a devices such that 1394 data can be transmitted smoothly over
802.11a to a DTV for display. In our design, MPEG data is first packetized into 802.11a format,
and then transmitted over an 802.11a. At the receiving end, the received 802.11a data is
converted to1394 format for display. The PCs shown in the above figure are for demo purpose
only. The final goal of the project will be DTV with an integrated 802.11 interface.
Collaboration: This project is performed in collaboration with MDEA.
Future Direction: For the future work, we will focus 802.11e/n standards for high throughput
transmission with QoS.
Contact: Daqing Gu
- 136 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
DE-GPS: DBS-Enhanced GPS
Using a conventional GPS receiver in dense
urban areas, a large portion of the sky is
frequently obstructed by buildings, making
it impossible to “see” a sufficient number of
GPS satellites. The DE-GPS technique
allows a GPS receiver to use the signal from
a DBS satellite when it is in a bad spot. To
do so, the DE-GPS receiver must obtain
assistance information from a remote server.
This assistance information enables the DEGPS receiver to calculate the range
information from the non-GPS satellites for
the location fix.
Background and Objectives: GPS is essential for car navigation systems. However, when the
car is in an area where most of the sky is blocked by buildings, it is difficult for the GPS receiver
to acquire four satellites for a complete location fix. If additional satellites such as DBS can be
used for geo-location, the probability of the receiver acquiring four satellites will be greatly
Technical Discussion: In dense cities, GPS receivers don’t work well because tall buildings
block GPS satellite signals. However, most urban areas are well covered by DBS satellites. DBS
satellite signal can be used instead of GPS signal -- but assistance must be provided to receiver.
Assistance is prepared by one reference station for all of Japan. Third Generation (3G) wireless
service (e.g., FOMA) is used to send assistance from the reference station to the receiver.
Additionally, the location fix can be more accurate than using only GPS because a DBS signal
has a much wider signal bandwidth.
Future Direction: MERL is actively seeking a partner to develop this business opportunity.
Contact: George Fang
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
- 137 -
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks consists of a large
number of densely deployed sensor nodes.
These nodes incorporate wireless
transceivers so that communication and
networking are enabled. Additionally, the
network possesses self-organizing capability
so that little or no network setup is required.
Ideally, individual nodes should be battery
powered with a long lifetime and should
cost very little. The applications for such
networks are numerous and include:
Inventory management, product quality
monitoring, factory process monitoring,
disaster area monitoring, biometrics
monitoring, and surveillance.
Background and Objectives: Wireless sensor networks are similar to Ad-hoc networks in the
sense that sensor networks borrow heavily on the self-organizing and routing technologies
developed by the ad-hoc research community. However, a major design objective for sensor
networks is reducing the cost of each node. For many applications the desired cost for a
wirelessly enable device is less than one dollar.
Technical Discussion: MERL is currently investigating several technologies that are suitable
for wireless sensor networks. MERL has been investigating network protocols that help
conserve node battery power. Our technique incorporates a node’s residual energy into the cost
metric that is computed when determining what route to send packets on. By avoiding nodes
that have little reserve battery power the overall lifetime of the network can be extended. This
technique has been used to modify the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol and has shown
promising results.
In addition to our work on network algorithms, MERL has extensive experience in Ultra-Wide
Band (UWB) radio technology. This has considerable promise in that it can reduce the cost of
radio communications. In UWB a series of short baseband pulses are used to communicate
information, because communication occurs with baseband pulses no IF components are needed
in the receiver, which reduces transceiver cost. Additionally, because of the signal’s large
bandwidth individual many multipath components are resolvable, this aids in UWB’s ability to
locate devices. MERL has developed IP in the area of low-cost low rate transceiver design.
Collaboration: We have worked closely with Sentansoken/Sanden.
Future Direction: We will continue our research efforts in energy aware routing and UWB. As
well as work towards incorporating our IP in relevant standards such as ZigBee and IEEE
Contact: Philip Orlik
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 138 -
Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Denial of Service (DoS) is the degradation or
prevention of legitimate use of network
resources. The wireless ad hoc network is
particularly vulnerable to DoS attacks due to
its features of open medium, dynamic
changing topology, cooperative algorithms,
decentralization of the protocols, and lack of
a clear line of defense is a growing problem
in networks today. Many of the defense
techniques developed on a fixed wired
network are not applicable to this new mobile
environment. How to thwart the DoS attacks
differently and effectively and keep the vital
security-sensitive ad hoc networks available
for its intended use is essential.
Background and Objectives: This project concentrates on developing defense mechanism
against certain types of DoS attacks in the Ad Hoc network environment.
Technical Discussion: The thrust of this project is to detect and defend against the black hole
and misdirection DoS attacks by adding security features to Ad Hoc On Demand Distance
Vector (AODV) routing algorithm via a protocol extension. Our extended protocol utilizes a
packet forwarding mechanism with fault link detection, which is based on authentication of data
and control packets. With authentication, the black hole attack can be thwarted since the
malicious node does not hold the intended destination’s secret key and thus cannot generate a
valid signature on the destination acknowledgement (ACK). The combined use of ACKs,
authentication, monotonically increasing non-wrapping sequence numbers and time-outs at the
source and every intermediate router, in combination with fault announcement (FA), provide
sufficient information to detect faulty links. Mathematical models are also established to analyze
different types of DoS flooding attacks in transport layer. Traffic information obtained from the
model can be used to develop methodologies and algorithms that can detect such attacks and
defend a network against such assaults.
Collaboration: Certain parts of this project are done in collaboration with Princeton University
and the Information Security Technology Department at Johosoken.
Future Direction: Reducing the computation and communication overhead of authentication is
one primary goal in the near future. Message Authentication Codes (MACs) can be employed
for this purpose, which provide authentication for pairs of routers. Therefore, the source of a
data or control packet has to authenticate it to every downstream router separately. We also plan
to enhance the client puzzle defense mechanism by using our flooding attack analysis models
and developing the parameter specifications.
Contact: Johnas Cukier
- 139 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
MIMO Technology for 3GPP
HSDPA (high speed downlink packet
access) is a data service in the 3rd
generation W-CDMA (wideband CDMA)
systems, which provides high-speed data
transmission (up to 8-10 Mbps) in CDMA
downlink to support multimedia services. In
order to further increase the system capacity
and enhance the quality of services, MIMO
technology will be adopted in the next phase
of the 3GPP standards, in which 20 Mbps of
data transmission will be achieved. In this
project, we developed the key technologies on fast link adaptation for HSDPA, with the focus on
MIMO and transmit diversity, to enhance MELCO’s IPRs and prepare the essential technologies
for 4th generation wireless communication.
Background and Objectives: The objective of this project is to develop the key technologies
on fast link adaptation for HSDPA (with focus on MIMO/STC) and make contributions to 3GPP
standards to enhance MELCO’s IPR portfolio on 3G systems. In 3GPP standards, Release 4
specifications provide efficient IP support enabling provision of services through an all-IP core
network and Release 5 specifications focus on HSDPA to provide data rates up to approximately
10 Mbps to support packet-based multimedia services. MIMO systems are the work item in
Release 6 specifications, which will support even higher data transmission rates up to 20 Mbps.
Technical Discussion: HSDPA is a packet-based data service in W-CDMA downlink with data
transmission up to approximately 10 Mbps over a 5MHz bandwidth. This system is evolved from
and backward compatible with Release 99 WCDMA systems, which is basically a voice service.
Adaptive modulation and coding is used for data transmission to support multiple rates and
multiple types of multimedia services. In order to reach higher peak rate (20 Mbps), MIMO
technology is used, in which multiple antennas are implemented at both basestation and mobile
UE terminals. At the transmitter, the information bits are divided into several bit streams and
transmitted through different antennas. The transmitted information are recovered from the
received signals at multiple receive antennas by using an advanced receiver. Due to the high data
rate transmission, the trade off between complexity and system performance becomes an
important issue, especially for the UE designs. The research in MERL focused on the MIMO
transceiver design, system performance evaluation, advanced receiver design and extension of
transmit diversity schemes with more than 2 transmit antennas.
Collaboration: MERL MTL collaborated with Johosoken for the development of HSDPA
MIMO systems.
Future Direction: MIMO system enhancements for HSDPA.
Contact: Jyhchau (Henry) Horng
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 140 -
Dynamic Resource Control for Shared Downlink Wireless Channel
This project explores dynamic resource
control and system optimization for shared
downlink wireless channel such as 3GPP
HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet
Access). We propose a new resource
control framework and particularly a
dynamic multi-class traffic scheduling
mechanism to provide QoS (Quality of
Service) for multimedia services. Inter-layer
resource interaction and the entire system
optimization are also studied in this project.
Background and Objectives: It can be foreseen that multimedia services and applications such
as video cellular phone and web browsing will proliferate in the next generation wireless
network. Quality of Service (QoS) provision for multimedia services is regarded as a challenging
task due to special characteristics of wireless links such as fading and mobility. This project aims
to provide effective resource control techniques for multimedia over wireless networks.
Technical Discussion: We propose a new dynamic resource control framework integrated with
adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and hybrid automatic repeat request (H-ARQ) to support
class-based applications. Within the framework, transmission requests are sent to the Admission
Control module. The Admission Control module makes the decision whether or not to admit new
transmission streams by computing the available resource from physical-layer resource
measurement and existing traffics. Once admitted, traffic streams enter the Traffic Shaping and
Classification module, and then are passed to different queues according to traffic. Traffic
streams are classified according to delay and packet loss requirements. These QoS parameters
decide the queue length, the weight of a queue and RED (Random Early Detection)
configuration. Because H-ARQ retransmission may introduce large amount of extra traffic load
when wireless channels are in bad condition, we assign two queues to each traffic class: original
transmission queue and re-transmission queue. For each class, sub-classes (different colors) are
specified according to MCS (Modulation and coding scheme). Both spreading codes and time
frames are scheduled to UEs. We propose a new wireless scheduling algorithm, delay-sensitive
Dynamic Fair Queueing (DSDFQ), to meet delay and loss requirements of multimedia
applications as well as maintain high network efficiency. Our approach can easily adapt to load
fluctuations from different traffic classes and dynamic wireless channel status affected by user
mobility, fading and shadowing.
Collaboration: J. Zhang, D. Gu and P. Orlik from MERL-TL.
Future Direction: The future work includes how to reduce signaling load between UEs and
node B by decreasing spreading code switch times for each UE at the scheduler.
Contact: Huairong Shao, Chia Shen
- 141 -
Lab: MERL Research Lab
Project Type: Research
Energy-Efficient Wireless Image/Video Transmission
In general, the purpose of the energyefficient transmission scheme being
developed in MERL is to jointly adapt the
source coding, channel coding and transmit
power level of an image/video to channel
conditions such that energy-consumption is
minimized under a distortion constraint. We
specifically study quality-progressive coded
JPEG2000 images, which consists of
multiple quality layers.
Background and Objectives: Wireless communication has become very important in today’s
life. Currently, it is mainly used for speech and data transmission. Together with the deployment
of 3G and beyond systems, visual communications consisting of high-resolution image and video
will be widely demanded. However, transmission of video in mobile wireless networks carries
many challenges such as energy constraint, bandwidth limitation, severe channel conditions with
varying bit error rate (BER), error propagation in compressed bit stream.
Energy consumption occurs due to computational complexities of source and channel coding and
transmission of bit streams. The transmission energy cost depends on joules/bit at the transmitter
and the size of the bit stream. Therefore, the schemes used for source and channel coding and the
transmit power level determines overall energy consumption. The objective is to find the
optimum set of coding schemes and transmit power level for each quality layer of a JPEG2000
image such that the overall energy consumption will be minimized under a distortion constraint.
Technical Discussion: We address channel adaptive wireless transmission of a quality
progressive JPEG2000 images with minimum energy consumption under a quality of service
(QoS) constraint. In particular, based on the motion JPEG2000 variable rate space frequency
codes, we develop an optimal and efficient joint source-channel coding scheme with transmit
power control to minimize the consumed energy for point-to-point transmission. Protectionredundancy and transmit power level for each generated quality layer is determined according to
a receiver feedback. Received SNR is used for estimating channel condition.
Collaboration: We are expecting that the output of the project will be beneficial to the Imaging
Products Storage Department in Kyoto Works to improve the image transfer rate and quality for
the wireless image delivery platform they have been developing.
Future Direction: We target to modify the scheme to provision energy-efficient high quality
delivery in highly mobile multi-hop transmissions. The new applications that this technology can
be deployed are handsets such as PDAs, cell-phones and ad-hoc surveillance systems.
Contact: Zafer Sahinoglu
- 142 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Initial Investigation
Antenna Selection
Increasing the data rate is one of the
most important goals for wireless
data links, both for cellular (3G)
applications, and for the enormously
popular wireless LANs. As
spectrum is expensive, the most
promising way for achieving this is
the use of multi-antenna systems.
Such systems can be used to
improve the transmission quality of a single data stream, or to allow the transmission of several,
parallel, data streams. At the same time, transceiver complexity should be kept to a minimum in
order to allow any new, multiple-antenna devices to be priced competitively with existing singleantenna solutions.
Background and Objectives: The “Broadband Mobile Communication Systems” project of
Mitsubishi Electric, is investigating next-generation solutions for high-data rate communications,
using both theoretical investigations and building a testbed for trying out the different methods
for performance enhancement.
Technical Discussion: The main drawback of any multiple-antenna system (with N antennas) is
the increased complexity, and thus cost, since it requires N complete transceiver chains. There
are numerous situations where this high degree of hardware complexity is undesirable - this is
especially important for the mobile station (MS). Additional antenna elements (patch or dipole
antennas) are usually inexpensive, and the additional digital signal processing is becoming less
of a burden as digital processing becomes ever more powerful. However, the RF components
like low-noise amplifiers, mixers, etc., are very expensive. We investigate reduced-complexity
schemes where the best L out of the available N signals at the antenna elements are received,
downconverted, and processed. Traditionally, these schemes suffer from poor performance in
highly correlated channels. We recently devised a phase-shift-based transformation that assures
good performance in any type of channel.
Collaboration: Princeton University, Johosoken.
Future Direction: We have investigated our new scheme for the receive case and we are
working on the application to the transmit case. In the near future, we will submit it to 3GPP and
IEEE 802.11 for inclusion in the standards.
Contact: Andreas F. Molisch
- 143 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
The ZigBee Alliance is
defining an international
standard to enable reliable,
cost-effective, low-power,
wirelessly networked
monitoring and control
products. Some of the
targeted applications
include: home, building
and industrial automation
and control, PC
peripherals, medical
monitoring and toys. MERL is actively participating in this development and the figure on the
left shows the ZigBee protocol stack that is currently under development.
Background and Objectives: Until very recently most international standards in the wireless
communications space focused on providing either voice quality transmission or high rate data
communications. 3GPP and IEEE 802.11 are well known examples. ZigBee, however, seeks to
develop a standard in a completely new application space, that of extremely low-cost, low-rate
data communication. The idea is to wirelessly enable all sorts of devices from gaming joy-sticks
to simple light switches.
With the publication of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which defines, low-rate (<250Kbps)
physical and MAC (Medium Access Control) layers some building blocks of ZigBee are
complete. On top the 802.15.4 standard the alliance is defining a new network layer that
incorporates ad-hoc features such as multi-hop mesh routing and self-organization. Additionally,
network security algorithms and application profiles are to be defined.
Technical Discussion: MERL has made contributions to the development of the ZigBee
network layer and some security algorithms. Specifically, a multi-hop mesh routing algorithm
based on a simplified AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol was
proposed jointly with Intel and Eaton Corp. This proposal has been adopted as part of the
routing specification. Further modifications have been proposed to enable a heterogeneous
network consisting of routing nodes that will not require any storage routing tables as well as
more capable routing nodes with memory for tables. The solution is a combination of tree-based
routing and AODV that allows trade-offs between optimal route selection and the cost of
Collaboration: We have worked closely with MELCO representatives to the ZigBee Alliance
and are collaboration with Sentansoken/Sanden and others for future development.
Future Direction: We will continue our participation and work in the ZigBee alliance. As well
as work towards building ZigBee prototype device and ZigBee applications.
Contact: Philip Orlik
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 144 -
Ultra Wideband Systems
Ultra Wideband (UWB) techniques are
viewed by many companies as having the
potential to combine high resolution for
geolocation with communication for low
cost and low power consumption. The task
group of the High Data Rate section of the
Wireless Personal Access Network standard
(802.15.3a) starts working on the standard
for alternative physical layer for piconets of
10 meter range and for a minimum data rate
of 110Mbps. Furthermore a group of
interest is gathering companies to create a study group for low data rate applications
Background and Objectives: In February 2002, FCC adopted a First Report and Order that
permits the use of UWB devices. Radar and imaging companies were waiting for this decision
for several years in order to commercialize their products and to look for new applications,
including for short range communications. The low power consumption of UWB devices opens
the door to applications requiring batteries such as storage data devices. Furthermore, the data
rates which are considered by the task group of 802.15.3a allow several new applications like
wireless Digital TV, high definition MPEG2 motion picture transferring, DVD playback and DV
Camcorder. The main objectives are to influence IEEE standard activities in the area of Wireless
Personal Area Network, to design a transceiver matching the MELCO needs for communication
with high data rates and to prototype UWB radios for target applications.
Technical Discussion: There are several different techniques under the name Ultra Wideband.
A train of very narrow pulses using a very wide bandwidth is one of them. It gives an efficient
way to combat multipaths in indoor environments and provide a high time resolution for
tracking, geolocation and imaging. But multiband systems with frequency hopping sequences
using up converted pulses or OFDM symbols are also considered. The main difficulty is to
generate a signal conforming to the power limitations from FCC and at the same time to be able
to achieve high data rate for a reasonable price.
Collaboration: This project is performed in collaboration with Johosoken, Sentansoken, ITE,
the Georgia Institute of technology and Princeton University.
Future Direction: A multiband approach using OFDM symbols will be investigated. We will
continue to actively participate to the IEEE WPAN standard to define the alternative 802.15.3
physical layer and enhanced the MAC layer. We will also investigate how to apply our ideas to
the low data rate applications targeted by the future 802.15.4a Study Group.
Contact: Andreas F. Molisch, Jinyun Zhang
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Research
- 145 -
Simple Control Protocol
The Simple Control Protocol (SCP) is a non-IP
based home networking protocol, proposed by
Microsoft Corporation. It is a peer-to-peer,
media independent protocol that allows
manufacturers to produce small and intelligent
devices that communicate with each securely
and robustly. Currently, it uses the Power Line
Carrier (PLC) as its physical layer.
An SCP network consists of a physical network
and multiple logical networks. The physical
network provides a common network medium
that is used for communications among the
devices. The SCP network system provides a mechanism for defining the logical networks and
adequate security. The SCP is a complementary technology to Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), a
IP based protocol. The devices in SCP network can be bridged into UPnP network. MERL has
ported the SCP software onto Mitsubishi M16C chip. The diagram above shows a M16C chip
and a sample SCP/UPnP network system.
Background and Objectives: The home networking is an important emerging area with vast
opportunities for growth and revenue. Given the wide variety of home devices, no single
networking technology will satisfy the customer requirements. As opposed to IP-based UPnP,
the SCP targets a class of devices with limited processing resource, low bandwidth requirement,
and a relatively low price. This class of devices mostly consists of home appliances and sensors.
The main goal for networking of these devices is to provide automated operational control,
diagnostics, and remote updating of firmware, etc.
Technical Discussion: The current implementation of the SCP/PLC runs on Arm7 and M16C
based platforms. The software consists of several inter-connected modules such as lower level
hardware dependent code, a multi-threaded pre-emptive RTOS, software for physical layer, and
the protocol stack itself. The significant architectural differences of the two processors mean that
the bulk of the porting effort consists of implementing the lower level processor specific code.
As opposed to M16C, the Arm7 processor has several processing modes with separate register
Collaboration: MERL is working closely with Renesas and Johosoken on the current SCP
technology development and the future SCP application deployment.
Future Direction: The SCP is one of several emerging home networking technologies. It
provides a good basis for the development of new low-cost hybrid systems such as sensor
networks, energy monitoring system, automated meter reading. The SCP devices need to be
interoperable with other devices such as UPnP device, HAVi device, etc. through the bridging
Contact: Jianlin Guo, Jinyun Zhang
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
- 146 -
Concordia for Power Systems Business Units
The Concordia mobile agent technology has
been successfully transferred to Mitsubishi
Electric’s power systems business units as a
core technology in their solutions for the
electric power industry.
Background and Objectives: The Concordia mobile agent technology has been well received
by Mitsubishi Electric’s power systems business units and has become a core technology in their
systems solutions for the electric power industry. In the past few years, the Concordia program
has focused much of its development efforts specifically to meet their requirements.
Furthermore, we have conducted thorough technology transfer to these business units in order
that formal product customization, maintenance, and support for Concordia can be established in
Technical Discussion: Some of the important Concordia product features that have been
developed specifically for the power systems business units include: 1) streamlining of the
Concordia core, 2) enhancing Concordia for wide area network support, and 3) enhancing
Concordia security features. The effort on streamlining the Concordia core and reducing its
memory footprint resulted in the subsequent development of Featherweight Concordia for
embedded devices.
Collaboration: The Concordia program has been working very closely with Mitsubishi
Electric’s power systems business units for the past three years. MERL has also worked closely
with the Texas A&M University and PSERC (Power Systems Engineering Research Center) to
explore new applications of agent technology in the power systems domain.
Future Direction: We will continue to serve in the role of being the primary mobile agent
technology provider to Mitsubishi Electric’s business units.
Contact: David Wong
- 147 -
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
Network Replication
The Network Replication project is a
cooperative effort with Veritas Software to
provide network replication capability to
their popular Volume Manager product,
VxVM. Our technology has been licensed
by Veritas for their Veritas Volume
Replicator product (VVR).
The replication engine of VVR offers an
ideal solution for the remote archiving of
storage such as databases or file systems
through its ability to replicate a virtually
unlimited number of related data volumes
while maintaining consistency. Replication
uses standard networks without proprietary
hardware and is highly resistant to system
and network failure.
Veritas Software is a market leader in
storage management software.
Background and Objectives: The Network Replication project evolved from an R&D
exploration of network distributed storage. Establishment of our relationship with Veritas
Software refined this objective to network replication of Veritas’ logical volumes.
Technical Discussion: Veritas’ customers use VxVM to protect their data from media failure by
creating local mirrors, but remote mirrors were needed to protect against system and
infrastructure failure. VVR replicates groups of logical volumes, maintaining consistency among
them during replication. Changes to any member of the volume group are transparently captured
and replicated to one or more remote locations.
VVR has flexible replication and configuration characteristics. It can replicate synchronously or
asynchronously. Feedback allows input flow rates to be throttled if necessary to match available
network bandwidth. It can simultaneously replicate volume groups to multiple remote sites while
acting as a receptacle for volume groups replicated from other sites, and it can support an
unlimited number of volume groups. Recent work has focused on integrating VVR with Veritas’
Cluster Volume Manager (CVM), to allow replication from clusters.
Collaboration: Since 1997, CSL has worked exclusively with Veritas Software in the
development of VVR, deriving market direction and market access from this relationship.
Future Direction: Veritas has purchased the rights to this product from Mitsubishi, so MERL
will no longer be contributing to the product.
Contact: David Rudolph
Lab: MERL Technology Lab
Project Type: Advanced Development
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