Cruiser 402AC/DC
Cruiser 402AC/DC
WELD THE WORLD Price List 11_2015 English &RPSDQ\3UR¿OH • Weco has been producing and selling for 15 years welding machines. • All our welding machines are 100 % in Europe (North of Italy) produced. • A wide range of welding machines have been by Weco developed MMA - TIG (DC and AC/DC) - MIG/MAG - MIG/MAG PULS. • Service and relations from a partnership point of view. • Each year we invest over 10% of our turnover in the design and development of technologies that can innovate our products. 11_2015 2 Index MMA PAG. Cruiser 402T SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 52 Discovery 150TP 8 Cruiser 502T SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 52 Multipower 184 9 Cruiser 402AC/DC SYNERGIC 54 Discovery 200S 10 Cruiser 502AC/DC SYNERGIC 54 Discovery 250 11 Cruiser 402AC/DC SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 56 Cruiser 402 12 Cruiser 502AC/DC SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 56 Cruiser 502 13 MIG MAG PULSE / DOUBLE PULSE TIG DC Micropulse 302MFK 60 Discovery 161T 16 Pioneer Pulse 321MKS 62 Discovery 171T MAX 17 Pioneer Pulse 321MSR 64 Multipower 204T 18 Power Pulse 402 66 Discovery 220T 19 Power Pulse 502 66 Discovery 300T 20 Power Pulse 402 TWIN FEEDER 68 Cruiser 322T 21 Power Pulse 502 TWIN FEEDER 68 Cruiser 402T 22 Power Pulse 402T 70 Cruiser 502T 23 Power Pulse 502T 70 Power Pulse 402T TWIN FEEDER 72 TIG AC/DC Discovery 200AC/DC 26 Power Pulse 502T TWIN FEEDER 72 Discovery 221AC/DC 27 Power Pulse 402AC/DC 74 Discovery 300AC/DC 28 Power Pulse 502AC/DC 74 Cruiser 322AC/DC 29 Power Pulse 402AC/DC TWIN FEEDER 76 Cruiser 402AC/DC 30 Power Pulse 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER 76 Cruiser 502AC/DC 31 PLASMA CUTTING MIG-MAG Synergic Discovery 35P 80 Pioneer 321MKS 34 ACCESSORIES Pioneer 401MKS 35 COOLING UNITS 82 Pioneer 321MSR 36 SLIDING KIT / TROLLEY 83 Pioneer 401MSR 38 REMOTE CONTROLS 86 KIT DIGIMANAGER / KIT PUSH PULL 87 MULTIFUNCTION Discovery 161MF (TP) 42 OVERCUT 88 MicroMAG 301 Plus 43 GAS REGULATORS 89 MicroMAG 302MFK 44 SUITCASES 90 Cruiser 402 SYNERGIC 46 ELECTRODE HOLDERS - EARTH CABLES 91 Cruiser 502 SYNERGIC 46 TIG TORCHES 92 Cruiser 402 SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 48 MIG MAG TORCHES 94 Cruiser 502 SYNERGIC TWIN FEEDER 48 SOFTWARE UPGRADING KIT 96 Cruiser 402T SYNERGIC 50 FEEDING ROLLS 97 Cruiser 502T SYNERGIC 50 11_2015 3 Welding process MMA TIG PULSE DOUBLE PULSE MIG MAG ARC AIR PLASMA Technology Power Inverter Inside +LJKHU(I¿FLHQF\ Lower Energy Demand +LJKHUHI¿FLHQF\DQGEHWWHUZHOGLQJTXDOLW\WKDQFRQYHQWLRQDOSRZHUVRXUFes. Overall weight reduction for easier transportation and movement. :HFR,QYHUWHUVXSSOLHVDEHWWHUTXDOLW\ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKQRVSDWWHULQJUHpeatable LQWLPHDQGXQDIIHFWHGE\PDLQYROWDJHÀXFWXDWLRQ Reworking time and money saving. Real lower overall electric consumption. W.ECO Technology Inside Lower harmonic current emissions :(&2WHFKQRORJ\DFFRUGLQJWR(1UHGXFHVKDUPRQLFFXUUHQW emissions. W.ECO PFC POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR: Lower harmonic current emissions Lower input current :(&23)&UHGXFHVKDUPRQLFFXUUHQWHPLVVLRQVDQGLQSXWFXUUHQW LQFUHDVLQJWKHSRZHULQYHUWHUHI¿FLHQF\ Total Protection Maximum reliability A built-in Total Protection Device saves the inverter components from overvoltage and makes the unit suitable for use with unstable power supply and motor-generators. Volt Reduction Device Maximum safety Function VRD (Volt Reduction Device) reduces automatically the voltage of the welding machine during the Standby mode in order to allow the processing in those building site where low voltages are demanded for safety UHDVRQV'RFN\DUGVSHWUROSODWIRUPVDQGVRRQ HAC Hybrid Arc Control 6RIW$UF/RZ6SDWWHULQJ %HWWHUZHOGV0RQH\6DYLQJV :(&2 XQLTXH +$& +\EULG$UF &RQWURO VXSSOLHV D VRIW DQG YHU\ VWDEOH 0,*0$*ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\DQGPLQLPDOVSDWWHUing in any working conditions. 11_2015 4 Special Functions Digital control and excellent welding with cellulosic electrodes is an optimized combination also for piping and Oil & Gas industry applications. 7KHSXOVH7,*ZLWKIUHTXHQF\XQWLO+]DOORZVWRZHOGYHU\WKLQPDWHULDOVZLWKHDV\DUFFRQWURODQGYHU\ORZKHDW input on workpiece. 3UHVHWEDODQFHGSDUDPHWHUVVWRUHGLQWKH6\QHUJLF3XOVH7,*'&6<1FXUYHVLPSOLI\3XOVHGZHOGLQJE\DGMXVWLQJ only welding current. 7KH467$574XLFNVWDUWIXQFWLRQIDFLOLWDWHVMRLQLQJRIWKHSDUWVLQWKHLQLWLDOVWDJHRIWKHZHOGLQJSURFHVV 7KH'<1$0,&$5&IXQFWLRQPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWRNHHSWKHSURGXFWRI9ROWDJH[&XUUHQWFRQVWDQW7KHSRZHUVRXUFH increases the welding current as the arc voltage decreases and reduces the welding current if the arc voltage increases. The Q-Spot (Quick Spot) function makes it possible to minimise tacking times for light gauge sheet metal. 7KH08/7,7$&.V\VWHPPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWRUHGXFHKHDWRXWSXWZKLOHMRLQLQJWZROLJKWJDXJHSDUWV 11_2015 5 Special Functions This makes it possible to create a highly penetrative and precise fusion bath so that very light gauge sheets can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC - TIG welding. This allows to obtain high welding speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold workpiece. Questa funzionalità permette di ottenere elevate velocità di saldatura e creando più velocemente il bagno di saldatura a pezzo freddo. E’ inoltre possibile la saldatura di spessori più grossi con amperaggi modesti. 1. Higher execution speed 2. Higher deposition rate 3. Lower heat input and less plastic deformation 4. Better mechanical properties +LJKHUSHQHWUDWLRQORZHUULVNRIODFNRIIXVLRQ 6. Lower production costs and depreciation +LJKHUSHQHWUDWLRQORZHUULVNRIODFNRIIXVLRQ 2 - Higher execution speed 3 - Higher arc stability also with longer stick-out /RZHUFRVWVRIMRLQWSUHSDUHWLRQ Approvals 4XDOL¿FDWLRQRIZHOGLQJSURFHGXUHVDFFRUGLQJWR',1(1 The complete WPQR packet for execution class 1 and 2 up to S355 is available for all MIG/MAG power sources in Weco’s range. 11_2015 6 MMA 11_2015 7 Discovery 150TP 1 x 230Vac Discovery 150TP is an advanced inverter power source characterized by a robust and reliable industrial construction. It is recommended for MMA welding and TIG DC applications providing excellent arc characteristics. Discovery 150TP is ideal for operations on site like basic maintenance and building construction. A built-in Total Protection Device saves the inverter components from overvoltage and makes the unit suitable for use with unstable power supply and motor-generators. Factory optimized Hot Start, Arc Force and Anti Sticking alORZDQHDV\DQGH[FHOOHQWTXDOLW\ZHOGLQJXVLQJHOHFWURGHVXSWR PPGLDPHWHU ,Q7,*'&3XOVHVHOHFWLRQLVLQFOXGHGPDNLQJDiscovery 150TP XQLTXHLQLWVUDQJH Lift Start function guarantees arc ignition without damaging the tungsten electrode. /LJKWZHLJKWRQO\NJ • Handle and Shoulder Strap for easy carrying • Inverter Power Source for low energy demand and best arc performance • Microprocessor controls real time welding parameters. ([FHOOHQWUXWLOHEDVLF00$ZHOGLQJ • Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions )DVW 3XOVH 7,* '& IRFXVHG DUF WKLQHU ZHOGLQJ PDWHULDO DQG lower deformations • Ideal for outdoor operations : MMA - TIG DC LIFT CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology Discovery 150TP 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz CODE € Discovery 150TP 001.0013.0000 520,00 Electrode Holder 16mm2 L= 4m Earth Cable 16mm2 L=3m 006.0002.0026 33,00 006.0002.0010 29,00 Torch TIG 17 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0007 128,00 Suitcase 01 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0012 24,00 KIT MMA 006.0002.0001 59,00 Suggested composition: 006.0011.0007 603,00 16A MMA TIG - WIG 35% 60% 100% 35% 60% 100% 140A 110A 100A 150A 115A 100A 5A – 140A 5A – 150A 94V N9$ 23S 310 x 120 x 215mm .J 11_2015 Discovery 150TP + Suitcase 01 + KIT MMA 8 Multipower 184 1 x 115Vac / 1 x 230Vac POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR Multipower 184 is an advanced inverter Power Source characterized by robust and reliable industrial construction. It is recommended for MMA MMA/CELL and LIFT TIG DC applications providing excellent arc characteristics. Multipower 184LVLGHDOIRURSHUDWLRQRQVLWHOLNHSLSHOLQHFRQVWUXFWLRQ EDVLFPDLQWHQDQFHEXLOGLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ $EXLOWLQTotal ProtectionVDYHVWKHLQYHUWHUFRPSRQHQWVIURPRYHUYROWage and makes the unit suitable for use with unstable power supply and motor generators. 0XOWLSRZHU LV HTXLSSHG ZLWK PFC (Power Factor Corrector) designed for voltage support from 90 Vac up to 270 VacZLWK³VPDUW´GHYLFH able to supply all the demanded current according to the needed welding conditions. Through such devices it is possible the using of this machine both with not stabilized motor-generator and with over 100 meters long power supply FDEOHV)DFWRU\RSWLPL]HG+RW6WDUW$UF)RUFHDQG$QWL6WLFNLQJDOORZDQ HDV\DQGH[FHOOHQWTXDOLW\ZHOGLQJXVLQJHOHFWURGHVXSWRPPGLDPHWHU Lift Start function guarantees arc ignition without damaging the tungsten electrode. 0DFKLQHV LQFOXGHG DGMXVWDEOH IXQFWLRQV VRD (Volt Reduction Device for safety) DYNarc (Dynamic arc for deeper welding penetration) and V.EL (switch off Arc Voltage). $GMXVWDEOH+RW6WDUWDQG$UF)RUFH,WLVSRVVLEOHWRDGMXVWERWKE\XVLQJ the remote control RC 03. /LJKWZHLJKWRQO\.J • Handle and Shoulder for easy carrying • Inverter Power Sorce for low energy demand and best arc performances • Microprocessor controls real time welding parameters. ([HOOHQWUXWLOHEDVLFFHOOXORVLF00$ZHOGLQJ • Lift TIG DC reduces Tungsten inclusions. • Ideal for outdoor operations. : MMA - MMA CELLULOSIC - TIG DC LIFT CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function CODE € Multipower 184 001.0029.0000 1050,00 SLIDING KIT 7 010.0000.0051 142,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 022.0002.0168 60,00 Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0039 Suggested composition: 45,00 1208,00 Multipower 184 + Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Suitcase 03 Multipower 184 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 1x115Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A 32A MMA TIG - WIG MMA TIG - WIG 35% 60% 100% 35% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% - - 100% 180A 130A 120A 180A 130A 120A 115A 110A 105A - - 115A 10A – 180A 5A – 180A 10A – 115A 83V - 11V .9$±.: 23S 400 x 160 x 260 mm .J 11_2015 9 5A – 115A Discovery 200S 3 x 400Vac Discovery 200S is a compact and portable 3 Phase inverter power source for MMA and TIG DC welding applications with excellent arc characteristics in both processes. Discovery 200S LV VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU DGYHUVH ZRUNLQJ FRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV RIIVKRUH VKLS\DUGV ERDWPDLQWHQDQFH DQG repair. The inner PFC W.ECO (Power Factor Corrector)GHYLFHUHGXFes harmonic current emissions according to the CE regulations. TIG DC functions and digital control available is an optimized FRPELQDWLRQ DOVR IRU PDLQWHQDQFH EXLOGLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ OLJKW medium metal structures. +RW6WDUWDQG$UF)RUFHDUHDGMXVWDEOHLQ00$ZHOGLQJDQGJXDUDQWHHDEHWWHUDUFLJQLWLRQVPRRWKHUGHSRVLWLRQDQGÀXHQWZHOGing. Anti Sticking allows electrode unstick from the base material in case of accidental sticking. Most of market-electrodes up to 5mm diameter can be easily welded. ,Q7,*'&ERWKSXOVHIUHTXHQF\+]DQGSXOVHEDVHFXUUHQWFDQEHVHWE\WKHZHOGHUIRURSWLPDODUFIRFXVLQJORZHUKHDW input and lower deformations. Light weight and reliable Handle and Shoulder Strap for easy carrying Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Microprocessor controls real-time welding parameters Hot Start increases the start-current and gives better arc ignition Arc Force avoids short circuits and lack of fusion during the welding Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Remote Control applicable : MMA - TIG DC LIFT CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology CODE € Discovery 200S 001.0027.0000 1107,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 16A Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m Discovery 200S MMA TIG - WIG 006.0005.0002 152,00 RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 40% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 200A 170A 130A 200A 170A 130A Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 5A – 200A 5A – 200A 61V Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK 022.0002.0168 60,00 006.0002.0039 45,00 N9$N: 23S 400 x 160 x 260mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: Discovery 200S + Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Suitcase 03 10 1265,00 Discovery 250 3 x 400Vac Discovery 250LVDSURIHVVLRQDOUREXVW3KDVHLQYHUWHUSRZHU source for MMA welding and TIG DC applications with excellent arc characteristics. Discovery 250LVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUDGYHUVHZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQVVXFKDVRIIVKRUHVKLS\DUGVERDWPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLU TIG DC functions and digital control available is an optimized FRPELQDWLRQ DOVR IRU PDLQWHQDQFH EXLOGLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ OLJKW medium metal structures. +RW6WDUWDQG$UF)RUFHDUHDGMXVWDEOHLQ00$ZHOGLQJDQGJXDUDQWHHDEHWWHUDUFLJQLWLRQVPRRWKHUGHSRVLWLRQDQGÀXHQWZHOGing. Anti Sticking allows electrode unstick from the base material in case of accidental sticking. Most of market-electrodes up to 6mm diameter can be easily welded. ,Q7,*'&ERWKSXOVHIUHTXHQF\+]DQGSXOVHEDVHFXUUHQWFDQEHVHWE\WKHZHOGHUIRURSWLPDODUFIRFXVLQJORZHUKHDW input and lower deformations. Robust construction for heavy duty use Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Digital display for setting and reading welding parameters Microprocessor controls real-time welding parameters Hot Start increases the start-current and gives better arc ignition Arc Force avoids short circuits and lack of fusion during the welding Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Trolley available Remote Control applicable : MMA - TIG DC LIFT CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technologie Technology Discovery 250 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MMA TIG - WIG CODE € Discovery 250 001.0009.0000 1931,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 35% 60% 100% 35% 60% 100% RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 250A 190A 160A 250A 200A 170A Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 022.0002.0168 60,00 5A – 250A 5A – 250A 77V N9$ 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: Discovery 250 + Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 11 2044,00 Cruiser 402 3 x 400Vac : MMA - TIG DC LIFT - MMA CELLULOSIC - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Cruiser 402 is an Heavy Duty professional 3 Phase inverter power source for MMA Welding and TIG DC applications with excellent arc characteristics. Electrodes up to 8mm diameter can be easily welded thanks to its 400A- 100% duty factor at 40°C. Cruiser 402LVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUWRXJKZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV SURIHVVLRQDO PDLQWHQDQFH VKLSEXLOGLQJ RIIVKRUH VKLS\DUGVERDWPDLQWHQDQFHUHSDLUDQGKHDY\PHWDOFRQVWUXFWLRQV Digital control and excellent welding with cellulosic electrodes is an optimized combination also for piping and Oil & Gas industry applications. Arc Air SURFHVV SURYLGHV KLJK TXDOLW\ JDXJLQJ ZLWK XS WR PP diameter carbon electrode. Hot Start and Arc Force DUH DGMXVWDEOH LQ 00$ ZHOGLQJ DQG JXDUDQWHH D EHWWHU DUF LJQLWLRQ VPRRWKHU GHSRVLWLRQ DQG ÀXHQW welding. Anti Sticking allows electrode unstick from the base material in case of accidental sticking. Cruiser 402 can be easily upgraded to Cruiser 402 MIG/MAG ZHOGLQJ V\VWHP E\ DGGLQJ ZLUH IHHGHU FDEOH EXQGOH DQG RQ UHTXHVWWUROOH\DQGZDWHUFRROHU Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Microprocessor controls real-time welding parameters Digital display for setting and reading welding parameters Lift TIG DC Ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Trolley available Remote Control applicable Technology Special Function Cruiser 402 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A CODE € Cruiser 402 001.0103.0000 3800,00 Trolley E 004.0000.0005 280,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 MMA TIG - WIG 100% 100% RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 400A 400A Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 5A - 400A 5A - 400A Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 9/83V 9/83V Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 022.0002.0168 60,00 N9$N: 23 690x290x510mm 49.5Kg 11_2015 Suggested composition: 4360,00 Cruiser 402 + Trolley E + Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 12 Cruiser 502 3 x 400Vac : MMA - TIG DC LIFT - MMA CELLULOSIC - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Cruiser 502 is an Heavy Duty professional 3 Phase inverter power source for MMA Welding and TIG DC applications with excellent arc characteristics. Electrodes up to 8mm diameter can be easily welded thanks to its 400A- 100% duty factor at 40°C. Cruiser 502LVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUWRXJKZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV SURIHVVLRQDO PDLQWHQDQFH VKLSEXLOGLQJ RIIVKRUH VKLS\DUGVERDWPDLQWHQDQFHUHSDLUDQGKHDY\PHWDOFRQVWUXFWLRQV Digital control and excellent welding with cellulosic electrodes is an optimized combination also for piping and Oil & Gas industry applications. Arc Air SURFHVV SURYLGHV KLJK TXDOLW\ JDXJLQJ ZLWK XS WR PP diameter carbon electrode. Hot Start and Arc Force DUH DGMXVWDEOH LQ 00$ ZHOGLQJ DQG JXDUDQWHH D EHWWHU DUF LJQLWLRQ VPRRWKHU GHSRVLWLRQ DQG ÀXHQW welding. Anti Sticking allows electrode unstick from the base material in case of accidental sticking. Cruiser 402 can be easily upgraded to Cruiser 502 MIG/MAG ZHOGLQJ V\VWHP E\ DGGLQJ ZLUH IHHGHU FDEOH EXQGOH DQG RQ UHTXHVWWUROOH\DQGZDWHUFRROHU Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Microprocessor controls real-time welding parameters Digital display for setting and reading welding parameters Lift TIG DC Ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Trolley available Remote Control applicable Technology Special Function Cruiser 502 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A MMA TIG - WIG CODE € Cruiser 502 001.0104.0000 4050,00 Trolley E 004.0000.0005 280,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 5A - 500A 5A - 500A Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 9/83V 9/83V Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 022.0002.0168 60,00 N9$N: 23 690 x 290 x 510mm 49.5Kg 11_2015 Suggested composition: 4610,00 Cruiser 502 + Trolley E + Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 13 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 14 TIG DC 11_2015 15 Discovery 161T 1 x 230Vac Discovery 161T is an Advanced Inverter Power Source for TIG DC and MMA welding with excellent arc characteristics. ,WVOLJKWZHLJKWDQGUHOLDEOHFRQVWUXFWLRQLVLGHDOIRUERWKLQVKRS DQG¿HOGXVH Friendly-user digital interface allows precise parameters setting. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The welding is here optimal thanks to: – TIG PULS SYN (Synergic) – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXWDQG sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. 7,* '& IXQFWLRQV LQFOXGH 3UH *DV 3RVW *DV 8S 6ORSH 'RZQ 6ORSH)LQDO&XUUHQW6ORZWR)DVW)UHTXHQF\3XOVHVWHSYDULDWLRQ·+]FRQWUROV77WULJJHUFRQWURO ,Q00$ZHOGLQJIDFWRU\RSWLPL]HG+RW6WDUW$UF)RUFHDQG$QWL Sticking facilitate operations with up to 3.25mm diameter electrode. Light weight and reliable construction Handle and Shoulder Strap for easy carrying Microprocessor controls real time welding parameters Full Functions TIG DC setting with Digital Display Slow Pulse TIG DC for welding with TIG rod )DVW3XOVH7,*'&IRFXVHGDUFWKLQHUZHOGLQJPDWHULDODQGORZer deformations : TIG DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Discovery 161T OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) 006.0002.0040 210,00 006.0002.0026 33,00 006.0002.0010 29,00 Torch TIG 17 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0001 171,00 100% Suitcase 02 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0016 45,00 100A KIT MMA 006.0002.0001 59,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 16A TIG - WIG 160A 60% MMA 100% 120A 100A 30% 60% 150A 5A – 160A 115A 5A – 150A 54V € 1088,00 Electrode Holder 16mm2 L= 4m Earth Cable 16mm2 L=3m Discovery 161 T 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 25% CODE 001.0022.0000 N9$N: 23S 360 x 120 x 215mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: 1491,00 Discovery 161T + Suitcase 02 + Earth Cable 16mm2 L=3m + Torch TIG 17 L=4m AIR PT + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 16 Discovery 171T MAX 1 x 230Vac Discovery 171T MAX is an innovative Inverter Power Source for TIG DC and MMA welding with excellent arc characteristics. Discovery 171T MAXPDLQDSSOLFDWLRQVDUHPDLQWHQDQFHIRRG LQGXVWU\K\GUDXOLFVSLSLQJDQGFKHPLFDOSODQWV ,Q 7,* '& ZHOGLQJ Q-Start IXQFWLRQ VLPSOL¿HV DQG VSHHGV XS Tack-welding in any conditions. Heat imput and deformations are no longer barriers thanks to Multi-Tack system. It minimizes heat impact on welding material and guarantees high TXDOLW\MRLQWV 3UHVHWEDODQFHGSDUDPHWHUVVWRUHGLQWKHSynergic Pulse TIG DC SYN FXUYHVLPSOLI\3XOVHGZHOGLQJE\DGMXVWLQJRQO\ZHOGLQJ current. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. Friendly-user digital interface allows precise parameters setting. 7,*'&VWDQGDUGIXQFWLRQVLQFOXGH3UH*DV3RVW*DV8S6ORSH 'RZQ6ORSH6WDUW&XUUHQW)LQDO&XUUHQW $ ZLGH UDQJH RI DGMXVWDEOH SXOVH IUHTXHQF\ WRJHWKHU ZLWK H[WUD parameters control (Base Current and Duty Cycle) allow operating in slow pulse and fast pulse. Trigger control sets 2T/4T/Bi-Level and Spot Welding. ,Q00$ZHOGLQJIDFWRU\RSWLPL]HG+RW6WDUW$UF)RUFHDQG$QWL Sticking facilitate operations with up to 3.25mm diameter electrode. : TIG DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Handle and Shoulder Strap for easy carrying Microprocessor controls real time welding parameters Slow Pulse TIG DC for thicker plate and welding with TIG rod )DVW 3XOVH 7,* '& IRFXVHG DUF WKLQHU ZHOGLQJ PDWHULDO DQG lower deformations Remote Control applicable EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function CODE € Discovery 171T MAX 001.0026.0000 1541,00 OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) 006.0002.0040 210,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 16A Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 Discovery 171 T MAX TIG - WIG MMA 40% - 100% 50% - 100% Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0039 45,00 170A - 120A 150A - 120A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 (*) $GDSWHU0,/,7$5<$03+(12/$ 022.0002.0069 48,00 5A – 170A 5A – 150A 65V N9$.: 23S 400 x 160 x 260 mm NJ 11_2015 Suggested composition: 2003,00 Discovery 171T MAX + Suitcase 03 + Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 17 Multipower 204T POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR 1 x 115Vac / 1 x 230Vac Multipower 204 T is a high sophisticated single Phase Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld RUGLQDU\VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Multipower 204 T is particularly indicated for extremely precise construcWLRQVLQSHWURFKHPLFDOSODQWVIRRGLQGXVWU\DQGRWKHUDFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Multipower 204 TLVHTXLSSHGZLWKDPFC device (Power Factor Corrector) which is dimensioned fur supporting a voltage range from 90 Vac up to 270 Vac, there is besides an intelligent system inside able to apply WKHJHQHUDWRUZLWKWKHQHHGHGHQHUJ\RQWKHEDVLVRIHDFKVSHFL¿FZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQ7KHVHGHYLFHVPDNHLWSRVVLEOHWKDWWKLVJHQHUDWRUFDQEH used both with not stabilized lines or motor generators and with over 100 meters long supplying cables. Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The welding is here optimal thanks to: 7,*38/6XSWR.K]DQGTIG PULS SYN (Synergic) – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced weldLQJSHQHWUDWLRQDEHWWHUVWDELOLW\RIWKHDUFDYRLGLQJDQ\JOXLQJEHWZHHQ HOHFWURGHDQGEDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJK VOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWVDWDQ\ZHOGLQJFRQGLWLRQV – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKH time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKH welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK PLQLPXP KHDW RXWSXW DQG VKHHW GHIRUPDtion. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Multipower 204 T allows setting of different coated electrodes´ types (CELLULOSIC ±%$6,&±587,/(±&U1L$/80,1,80VRWKDWZHOGLQJ machine can automatically optimize the processing parameters for each kind of base material. The DYNac function ensures a deeper penetration and more stable arc; LWDYRLGVWKHHOHFWURGHVVWLFNLQJRQWKHEDVHPDWHULDOLWDOORZVWKHDGDSWDWLRQRIWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKWKHKROGHUVPRYHPHQWV The V.EL function (Switch of arc Voltage MMA) allows to set up a switch RIIYROWDJHDVSURWHFWLRQIDFWRULQFDVHWKHHOHFWURGHLVKHOGWRRIDUDZD\ from the base material. – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ± 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHU foot pedal or remote control unit ±&RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH : TIG DC HF - MMA - MMA CELLULOSIC CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Multipower 204 T 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 1x115Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A TIG - WIG 32A MMA TIG - WIG MMA 30% 60% 100% 35% 60% 100% 100% 50% 60% 200A 140A 130A 180A 130A 120A 115A 115A 110A 105A 5A – 200A 10A – 180A 5A/10A – 115A 83V - 11V N9$N: 23S 400 x 160 x 260 NJ 11_2015 100% CODE € Multipower 204T 001.0031.0000 1850,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 KIT C.U./204T 010.0000.0050 62,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 7 010.0000.0051 142,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0039 45,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 Suggested composition: 2312,00 Discovery 204T + Suitcase 03 + Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 18 Discovery 220T POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR 1 x 230Vac Discovery 220T is a high sophisticated single Phase Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld ordinary VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Discovery 220T is particularly indicated for extremely precise FRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH The inner PFC W.ECO (Power Factor Corrector)GHYLFHUHGXFHV harmonic current emissions according to the CE regulations. In TIG DC it is possible the welding with a duty cycle of 220 A-40% at 16 A. Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 Khz DQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. : TIG DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 • 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW &RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH Technology Special Function Discovery 220 T 40% 220A CODE € Discovery 220T 001.0030.0000 2400,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 Trolley P 004.0000.0014 542,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 6 010.0000.0048 131,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 16A 25A Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 TIG - WIG MMA 60% 100% - 180A 160A - 5A – 220A Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 60% 100% Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 180A 150A Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 10A – 180A 81V .9$.: 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: 4165,00 Discovery 220T + C.U. 12 + Trolley 02 + Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 19 Discovery 300T 3 x 400Vac Discovery 300 T is a high sophisticated Three Phases Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld ordinary VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Discovery 300T is particularly indicated for extremely precise FRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH In TIG DC it is possible the welding with a duty cycle of 300 A-50% / 40C Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 Khz DQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. • 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW &RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH : TIG DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Discovery 300 T CODE € Discovery 300T 001.0032.0000 2890,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 Trolley P 004.0000.0014 542,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 6 010.0000.0048 131,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 20A Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 TIG - WIG MMA 50% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 300A 250A 210A 300A 230A 200A Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 5A – 300A 10A – 300A 76V N9$N: 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: 4655,00 Discovery 300T + C.U.12 + Trolley 02 + Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 20 Cruiser 322T 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 322T is a high sophisticated Three Phases Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld ordinary VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Cruiser 322T is particularly indicated for extremely precise FRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 Khz DQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. : TIG DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 • 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW &RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH Technology Special Function Cruiser 322 T 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 20A TIG - WIG - 100% - 320A 260A - € Cruiser 322 T 001.0075.0000 4100,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 60% 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 300A 250A MMA 60% CODE Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 5A – 320A 10A – 300A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 72V 74V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 N9$±N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm 42.3Kg 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 322T + C.U.09 + Trolley L 21 5820,00 Cruiser 402T 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 402T is a high sophisticated Three Phases Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld ordinary VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Cruiser 402T is particularly indicated for extremely precise FRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 Khz DQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. : TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 • 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW &RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH Technology Special Function CRUISER 402 T 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A CODE € Cruiser 402 T 001.0105.0000 5500,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 TIG - WIG MMA Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 100% 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 400A 400A Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 5A – 400A 10A – 400A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 9/83V 9/83V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 N9$N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm NJ 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 402T + C.U.09 + Trolley L 22 7220,00 Cruiser 502T 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 502T is a high sophisticated Three Phases Inverter TIG DC welding machine. In TIG DC mode this inverter generator can easily weld ordinary VWHHOVVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHU Cruiser 502T is particularly indicated for extremely precise FRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 Khz DQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. : TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 • 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW &RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH Technology Special Function 460A Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 400A Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 10A – 500A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 9/83V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 50% 60% 500A 5A – 500A 1150,00 335,00 MMA 400A 003.0000.0101 345,00 TIG - WIG 500A Cooling Unit C.U.09 006.0005.0010 40A 100% 6450,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 60% € 001.0106.0000 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down CRUISER 502 T 50% CODE Cruiser 502 T 450A 9/83V N9$N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm NJ 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 502T + C.U.09 + Trolley L 23 8170,00 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 24 TIG AC/DC 11_2015 25 Discovery 200AC/DC 1 x 230Vac Discovery 200 AC/DC is a complete and reliable Single Phase Inverter Power Source for TIG AC and DC welding. 7,*$&IXQFWLRQVDUHLGHDOIRUDOXPLQXPPDJQHVLXPDQGUHODWHG DOOR\VZHOGLQJZKLOHPLOGVWHHOVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHUFDQEH easily welded in TIG DC. +LJKGH¿QLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQ3HWURO&KHPLFDOSODQWV)RRG%HYHUage Industry and Shipyards are Discovery 200 AC/DC main applications. 7,* $& DQG '& IXQFWLRQV LQFOXGH 3RVW *DV 8S 6ORSH 'RZQ 6ORSH)LQDO&XUUHQW Trigger control sets 2T/4T/Bi-Level. 6ORZ3XOVH+]·+]DQG)DVW3XOVH+]·+]DUHDYDLOable in TIG DC. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. TIG AC welding is optimized thanks to: – Synergic arc ignition VHOHFWLRQ ORFDWHG RQ WKH IURQW SDQHO LW PRGL¿HVWKHLJQLWLRQDFFRUGLQJWRHOHFWURGHGLDPHWHU – Advanced Soft AC-Square Waveform for outstanding weldLQJTXDOLW\WKURXJKIDVWHUZHOGLQJVSHHGEHWWHUSRROFRQWURODQG noise reduction. Friendly-user digital interface allows precise parameters setting. Up to 3.25mm diameter electrode welding is possible in MMA. Light weight and reliable construction Microprocessor controls real time welding parameters AC Balance for oxide-cleaning and penetration $GMXVWDEOH$&IUHTXHQF\·+]WRPDQDJHZHOGLQJVSHHG and penetration Remote Controlled and Cooling Unit applicable : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology CODE € Discovery 200 AC/DC 001.0154.0000 2760,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 Trolley P 004.0000.0014 542,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 6 010.0000.0048 131,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 16A Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 Discovery 200 AC/DC TIG - WIG MMA 30% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 200A 150A 130A 150A 130A 120A Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 7A – 200A 7A – 150A 88V N9$ 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: 4525,00 Discovery 200AC/DC + C.U. 12 + Trolley 02 + Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 26 Discovery 221AC/DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTOR 1 x 230Vac Discovery 221 AC/DC is a high sophisticated single Phase Inverter TIG AC/DC portable welding machine. ,Q7,* '& PRGH WKLV LQYHUWHU JHQHUDWRU FDQ HDVLO\ ZHOG RUGLQDU\ VWHHOV VWDLQOHVV steel and copper. Discovery 221AC/DCLVSDUWLFXODUO\LQGLFDWHGIRUH[WUHPHO\SUHFLVHFRQVWUXFWLRQV LQ SHWURFKHPLFDO SODQWV IRRG LQGXVWU\ DQG RWKHU DFWLYLWLHV ZKLFK UHTXLUH YHU\ KLJK welding performance. The inner PFC W.ECO device (Power Factor Corrector) reduces harmonic current emissions according to the CE regulations. Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKHV\QHUJLFDUFKLJQLWLRQFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWKHIURQWSDQHOE\WKHFDOLEUDWLRQRI the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it possible to create a highly penetrative and SUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVRWKDWYHU\OLJKWJDXJHVKHHWVFDQEHZHOGHGZLWKDQHOHFWURGH tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DCZDYHDOORZVWRFRPELQHWKHHI¿FDF\RI$&7,*ZHOGLQJ ZLWKWKH KLJKSHQHWUDWLRQRI'&7,*ZHOGLQJWKXVREWDLQLQJKLJKZHOGLQJVSHHGDQGFUHDWLQJ the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DCZHOGLQJLVEHVLGHVXVHIXOZKHQZHOGLQJIRUORQJWLPHLQRUGHUWR reduce the deformation on the base material. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced welding SHQHWUDWLRQDEHWWHUVWDELOLW\RIWKHDUFDYRLGLQJDQ\JOXLQJEHWZHHQHOHFWURGHDQG EDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKHWLPHIRULW at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKHZHOGLQJ process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\ WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK PLQLPXP KHDW RXWSXW DQG VKHHW GHIRUPDWLRQ ,W DOORZV WKH positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ±5HPRWHFRQWUROVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUWRUFK83'2:1SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDO or remote control unit ±&RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Discovery 221 AC/DC CODE € Discovery 221 AC/DC 001.0158.0000 3560,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 Trolley P 004.0000.0014 542,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 6 010.0000.0048 131,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 16A 25A Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 TIG - WIG MMA Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 022.0003.0107 60,00 35% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% Cable RC02 L=15m 220A 180A 160A 180A 150A 120A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 5A – 220A 10A – 180A 9 N9$.: 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 Suggested composition: 36,00 5325,00 Discovery 221AC/DC + C.U. 12 + Trolley 02 + Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 27 Discovery 300AC/DC 3 x 400Vac Discovery 300 AC/DC is a high sophisticated three Phase Inverter TIG AC/DC portable welding machine. Discovery 300AC/DC is particularly inGLFDWHGIRUH[WUHPHO\SUHFLVHFRQVWUXFWLRQVLQSHWURFKHPLFDOSODQWVIRRG LQGXVWU\DQGRWKHUDFWLYLWLHVZKLFKUHTXLUHYHU\KLJKZHOGLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Weco Special HF control grants 100% a rapid and highly precise arc ignition. The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKH V\QHUJLF DUFK LJQLWLRQ FDQ EH DGMXVWHG IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO E\ WKH calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it possible to create a highO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVRWKDWYHU\OLJKWJDXJHVKHHWVFDQ be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DCZDYHDOORZVWRFRPELQHWKHHI¿FDF\RI$&7,*ZHOGLQJ ZLWKWKHKLJKSHQHWUDWLRQRI'&7,*ZHOGLQJWKXVREWDLQLQJKLJKZHOGLQJ speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DCZHOGLQJLVEHVLGHVXVHIXOZKHQZHOGLQJIRUORQJWLPH in order to reduce the deformation on the base material. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced weldLQJSHQHWUDWLRQDEHWWHUVWDELOLW\RIWKHDUFDYRLGLQJDQ\JOXLQJEHWZHHQ HOHFWURGHDQGEDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJK VOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWVDWDQ\ZHOGLQJFRQGLWLRQV – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKH time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKH welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ RSHUDWLRQ ZLWK PLQLPXP KHDW RXWSXW DQG VKHHW GHIRUPDtion. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ±5HPRWHFRQWUROVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUWRUFK83'2:1SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDO or remote control unit ±&RROLQJXQLWDYDLODEOH Discovery 300 AC/DC Special Function Discovery 300 AC/DC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 20A TIG - WIG 30% 300A MMA 60% 100% 30% 220A 180A 300A 5A – 300A 9/59V 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 € 3750,00 Cooling Unit C.U.12 003.0000.0151 980,00 Trolley P 004.0000.0014 542,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 SLIDING KIT 6 010.0000.0048 131,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT 006.0005.0004 205,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0008 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 022.0003.0107 60,00 60% 100% Cable RC02 L=15m 220A 180A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 10A – 300A N9$N: CODE 001.0126.0000 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 Suggested composition: 36,00 5515,00 Discovery 300AC/DC + C.U. 12 + Trolley 02 + Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator FLOWMETER 28 Cruiser 322AC/DC 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 322AC/DC is an advanced technology Three Phase Inverter Power Source for TIG AC and DC welding. 7,*$&IXQFWLRQVDUHLGHDOIRUDOXPLQXPPDJQHVLXPDQGUHODWHG DOOR\VZHOGLQJZKLOHPLOGVWHHOVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHUFDQEH easily welded in TIG DC. +LJKGH¿QLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQSHWUROFKHPLFDOSODQWVIRRGEHYHUage industry and shipyards are Cruiser 322AC/DC main applications. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKHV\QHUJLFDUFKLJQLWLRQFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWKHIURQWSDQHOE\ the calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it SRVVLEOHWRFUHDWHDKLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVR that very light gauge sheets can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DC ZDYH DOORZV WR FRPELQH WKH HI¿FDF\ RI $& 7,* ZHOGLQJ ZLWK WKH KLJK SHQHWUDWLRQ RI '& 7,* ZHOGLQJ WKXV obtaining high welding speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DC welding is besides useful when welding for ORQJWLPHLQRUGHUWRUHGXFHWKHGHIRUPDWLRQRQWKHEDVHPDWHULDO The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ± 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Cruiser 322 AC/DC 001.0076.0000 5000,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Cruiser 322 AC/DC Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 TIG - WIG 320A € Trolley L 25A 45% CODE Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 60% 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 270A 240A MMA 60% 100% 50% 280A 240A 300A Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 5A – 320A 10A – 300A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 7/66V 7/71V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 N9$±N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 322T + C.U.09 + Trolley L 29 6720,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 402AC/DC is an advanced technology Three Phase Inverter Power Source for TIG AC and DC welding. 7,*$&IXQFWLRQVDUHLGHDOIRUDOXPLQXPPDJQHVLXPDQGUHODWHG DOOR\VZHOGLQJZKLOHPLOGVWHHOVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHUFDQEH easily welded in TIG DC. +LJKGH¿QLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQSHWUROFKHPLFDOSODQWVIRRGEHYHUage industry and shipyards are Cruiser 402AC/DC main applications. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKHV\QHUJLFDUFKLJQLWLRQFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWKHIURQWSDQHOE\ the calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it SRVVLEOHWRFUHDWHDKLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVR that very light gauge sheets can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DC ZDYH DOORZV WR FRPELQH WKH HI¿FDF\ RI $& 7,* ZHOGLQJ ZLWK WKH KLJK SHQHWUDWLRQ RI '& 7,* ZHOGLQJ WKXV obtaining high welding speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DC welding is besides useful when welding for ORQJWLPHLQRUGHUWRUHGXFHWKHGHIRUPDWLRQRQWKHEDVHPDWHULDO : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ± 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function CRUISER 402 AC/DC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A TIG - WIG %40°C MMA CODE € Cruiser 402AC/DC 001.0123.0000 7300,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 400A 380A 340A 400A 370A 340A Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 100% 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 400A 400A %RT Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 5A – 400A 10A – 400A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 9/81V 9/81V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 N9$N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm 55.5kg 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 402AC/DC + C.U.09 + Trolley L 30 9020,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 502AC/DC is an advanced technology Three Phase Inverter Power Source for TIG AC and DC welding. 7,*$&IXQFWLRQVDUHLGHDOIRUDOXPLQXPPDJQHVLXPDQGUHODWHG DOOR\VZHOGLQJZKLOHPLOGVWHHOVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFRSSHUFDQEH easily welded in TIG DC. +LJKGH¿QLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQSHWUROFKHPLFDOSODQWVIRRGEHYHUage industry and shipyards are Cruiser 502AC/DC main applications. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKHV\QHUJLFDUFKLJQLWLRQFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWKHIURQWSDQHOE\ the calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it SRVVLEOHWRFUHDWHDKLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVR that very light gauge sheets can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DC ZDYH DOORZV WR FRPELQH WKH HI¿FDF\ RI $& 7,* ZHOGLQJ ZLWK WKH KLJK SHQHWUDWLRQ RI '& 7,* ZHOGLQJ WKXV obtaining high welding speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DC welding is besides useful when welding for ORQJWLPHLQRUGHUWRUHGXFHWKHGHIRUPDWLRQRQWKHEDVHPDWHULDO : TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. – 50 programs can be loaded and saved in memory ± 5HPRWH FRQWUROV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WRUFK 83'2:1 SRWHQWLRPHWHUIRRWSHGDORUUHPRWHFRQWUROXQLW CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function CRUISER 502AC/DC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 40A TIG - WIG %40°C %RT MMA CODE € Cruiser 502AC/DC 001.0115.0000 8800,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer(*) 006.0005.0003 345,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 006.0005.0010 335,00 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 500A 380A 340A 500A 370A 340A Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 500A 470A 400A 500A 460A 400A Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 5A – 500A 10A – 500A Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 9/81V Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 $GDSWRU$03+(12/0,/,7$5<$ 022.0002.0068 36,00 9/81V N9$N: 23 690 x 290 x 450mm NJ 11_2015 Suggested composition: Cruiser 502AC/DC + C.U.09 + Trolley L 31 10520,00 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 32 MIG MAG Synergic 11_2015 33 Pioneer 321MKS For 200mm - 300mm Spools 3 x 400Vac Pioneer 321 MKS is a powerful synergic 3 Phase Inverter for ZRUNVKRSVFDUERG\UHSDLUVOLJKWWRPHGLXPFDUSHQWU\DQGWDEOH welding. Pioneer 321 MKSWKDQNVWRLWVGLPHQVLRQVDQGOLJKWZHLJKWLV easy to move on the working site. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only one knob. 3T SpecialDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ IRURSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG $GGLWLRQDOSDUDPHWHUV0RWRU6ORSH6RIW6WDUWDQG%XUQ%DFNDUH included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and YHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\ and minimal spattering in any working conditions. (TXLSSHGZLWKELJZKHHOVJDVERWWOHKROGHU Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Push-Pull Gun applicable for better MIG aluminum welding : MIG/MAG Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology MOTOR DRIVE D € Pioneer 321 MKS 001.0071.0000 2948,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O EURO Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0008.0007 265,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 PPLQ RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 N°4 D=30mm - d=14mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 24VDC 35W d CODE 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0119 14,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0120 14,00 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0121 14,00 16A ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0122 14,00 MIG/MAG ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0123 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 VK 002.0000.0124 14,00 Pioneer 321 MKS 45% 60% 100% 320A 280A 230A 30A - 320A 50V 11.6kVA - 11.1KW 23 1110 x 550 x 805mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition AIR: 3374,00 Pioneer 321MKS + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 4462,00 Pioneer 321MKS + C.U.07B + Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 34 Pioneer 401MKS For 200mm - 300mm Spools 3 x 400Vac Pioneer 401 MKS is a powerful synergic 3 Phase Inverter for ZRUNVKRSVFDUERG\UHSDLUVOLJKWWRPHGLXPFDUSHQWU\DQGWDEOH welding. Pioneer 401 MKSWKDQNVWRLWVGLPHQVLRQVDQGOLJKWZHLJKWLV easy to move on the working site. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only one knob. 3T SpecialDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ IRURSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG $GGLWLRQDOSDUDPHWHUV0RWRU6ORSH6RIW6WDUWDQG%XUQ%DFNDUH included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and YHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\ and minimal spattering in any working conditions. (TXLSSHGZLWKELJZKHHOVJDVERWWOHKROGHU Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Push-Pull Gun applicable for better MIG aluminum welding : MIG/MAG Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d 400A Pioneer 401 MKS 001.0073.0000 3980,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O EURO 006.0008.0006 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 379,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 140,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0140 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0141 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0142 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0143 14,00 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0144 14,00 16A ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0145 14,00 MIG/MAG ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0146 14,00 100% ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 320A ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0150 14,00 Pioneer 401 MKS 50% € Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP D CODE 60% 360A 20A - 400A 53V N9$.: 23 1110 x 550 x 805mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition AIR: 4492,00 Pioneer 401MKS + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 5694,00 Pioneer 401MKS + C.U.07B + Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O EURO + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 35 Pioneer 321MSR For 200mm - 300mm Spools 3 x 400Vac Pioneer 321 MSR is a synergic 3 Phase Inverter with separated wire-feeder. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. WF 107 is a portable 4-roll drive wire feeder designed to withstand VHYHUHHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVLWLVLGHDOIRUDQ\DSSOLFDWLRQVRI PHGLXPWRKHDY\VL]HFDUSHQWU\FRQVWUXFWLRQVDQGDXWRPRWLYH Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only one knob. $OO0,*0$*FRQWUROVDUHRQWKHZLUHIHHGHU:LUH6SHHG:HOGLQJ9ROWDJH,QGXFWDQFH0RWRU6ORSH6RIW6WDUW%XUQ%DFN3RVW *DV :LUH )HHGLQJ 7HVW *DV 7 7 7 6SHFLDO WULJJHU WRUFK FRQWURO,QWHUPLWWHQWDQG6SRWZHOGLQJVHOHFWLRQ 3T SpecialDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ IRURSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG Spot and Intermittent welding mode give excellent welding spots. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and YHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\ and minimal spattering in any working conditions. (TXLSSHGZLWKELJZKHHOVDQGJDVERWWOHKROGHU Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Up to 50m cable bundle can be used with no performances reduction Push-Pull Gun applicable for better MIG aluminum welding : MIG/MAG Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology All settings can be found on the WF-107 front panel. Solid metallic 4 rolls motor drive-system and optical encoder give the better wire feeding with any type of wire. Thanks to the inverter technology and software you can use cable bundles up to 50 meters without affecting the welding performance. :HOO¿[HGDQGSURWHFWHGFDble bundle. Pioneer 321 MSR 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MIG/MAG 45% 60% 100% 320A 280A 230A 30A - 320A 50V 11.6kVA - 11.1KW 23 1110 x 550 x 925mm .J 11_2015 36 Wire Feeder WF107 For 200mm - 300mm Spools CODE € Pioneer 321 MSR 001.0072.0000 2385,00 Wire Feeder WF107 001.0323.0000 1703,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O EURO Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0008.0007 265,00 006.0002.0003 54,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 MOTOR DRIVE RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0140 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0141 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0142 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0143 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0144 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0145 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0146 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 ROLLO 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0150 14,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Suggested composition AIR: 4930,00 Pioneer 321MSR + WF107 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt AIR + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 6061,00 Pioneer 321MSR + C.U.07B + WF107 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt H2O + Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 11_2015 37 Pioneer 401MSR For 200mm - 300mm Spools 3 x 400Vac Pioneer 401 MSR is a synergic 3 Phase Inverter with separated wire-feeder. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. WF 107 is a portable 4-roll drive wire feeder designed to withstand VHYHUHHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVLWLVLGHDOIRUDQ\DSSOLFDWLRQVRI PHGLXPWRKHDY\VL]HFDUSHQWU\FRQVWUXFWLRQVDQGDXWRPRWLYH Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only one knob. $OO0,*0$*FRQWUROVDUHRQWKHZLUHIHHGHU:LUH6SHHG:HOGLQJ9ROWDJH,QGXFWDQFH0RWRU6ORSH6RIW6WDUW%XUQ%DFN3RVW *DV :LUH )HHGLQJ 7HVW *DV 7 7 7 6SHFLDO WULJJHU WRUFK FRQWURO,QWHUPLWWHQWDQG6SRWZHOGLQJVHOHFWLRQ 3T SpecialDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ IRURSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG Spot and Intermittent welding mode give excellent welding spots. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and YHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*ZHOGLQJDUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\ and minimal spattering in any working conditions. (TXLSSHGZLWKELJZKHHOVDQGJDVERWWOHKROGHU Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Up to 50m cable bundle can be used with no performances reduction Push-Pull Gun applicable for better MIG aluminum welding : MIG/MAG Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology All settings can be found on the WF-107 front panel. Solid metallic 4 rolls motor drive-system and optical encoder give the better wire feeding with any type of wire. Thanks to the inverter technology and software you can use cable bundles up to 50 meters without affecting the welding performance. :HOO¿[HGDQGSURWHFWHGFDble bundle. Pioneer 401 MSR 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MIG/MAG 50% 60% 100% 400A 360A 320A 20A - 400A 53V N9$.: 23 1110 x 550 x 925mm .J 11_2015 38 Wire Feeder WF107 For 200mm - 300mm Spools CODE € Pioneer 401 MSR 001.0074.0000 2900,00 Wire Feeder WF107 001.0323.0000 1703,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O EURO 006.0008.0006 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 379,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 140,00 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0140 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0141 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0142 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0143 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0144 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0145 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0146 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0150 14,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Suggested composition AIR: 5531,00 Pioneer 401MSR + WF107 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt AIR + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 6776,00 Pioneer 401MSR + C.U.07B + WF107 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt H2O + Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 11_2015 39 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 40 MULTIFUNCTION 11_2015 41 DISCOVERY 161MF (TP) For 200mm Spools 1 x 230Vac Discovery 161 MF is a compact and portable Single Phase InYHUWHU 3RZHU 6RXUFH IRU SURIHVVLRQDO 0,*0$*7,* DQG 00$ welding. (DV\WRWUDQVSRUWonly 17,6kg (including a spool of 5kg 200mm diameter)LWLVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUPDLQWHQDQFHUHSDLURQ ¿HOGOLJKWIDEULFDWLRQDXWRERG\UHSDLUDQG',< Discovery 161 MF offers excellent mig-brazing characteristics using CuSi3 and CuSi6. Polarity change allows welding with self shielded wires. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only two knobs. ,QGXFWDQFH LV HOHFWURQLFDOO\ DGMXVWDEOH IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO DQG optimizes the arc. Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and VDOWLQHVVLPSURYLQJDiscovery 161 MF life cycle. Light weight and reliable 8SWRPPHOHFWURGHVLQ00$ Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Optional Spool Gun torch available for MIG aluminum welding : MIG/MAG Manual - TIG DC LIFT - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology MOTOR DRIVE 24VDC 25W PPLQ d D Discovery 161 MF 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A TIG - WIG € 1337,00 Discovery 161MF TP (Total Protection) 001.0053.0000 1480,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) 006.0002.0040 210,00 2 N°2 D=40mm - d=22mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP MIG - MAG CODE 001.0052.0000 Discovery 161MF MMA 30% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% 35% 60% 100% Electrode Holder 16mm L= 4m 006.0002.0026 33,00 Earth Cable 16mm2 L=3m 006.0002.0010 29,00 Torch MIG 15 L= 3m AIR EURO 006.0008.0002 117,00 Torch MIG SPOOL GUN PLUS 15 L=6m EURO 006.0008.0005 682,00 Torch TIG 17 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0005.0005 225,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0106 25,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0109 25,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0107 25,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=40 d=22 U 002.0000.0111 25,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 U 002.0000.0112 25,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 VK 002.0000.0114 25,00 160A 120A 100A 140A 130A 110A 140A 120A 100A 5A - 160A 5A - 140A 91V N9$ 23S 460 x 230 x 325mm .J 11_2015 5A - 140A Suggested composition Discovery 161MF: 1628,00 Discovery 161MF + Torch MIG 15 L= 3m AIR + Earth Cable 16mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition Discovery 161MF TP: 1771,00 Discovery 161MF TP + Torch MIG 15 L= 3m AIR + Earth Cable 16mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 42 MicroMAG 301 PLUS For 200mm Spools 3 x 400Vac MicroMAG 301 PLUSLVDFRPSDFW3KDVHDQGUREXVWGHVLJQHG ,QYHUWHUIRU0,*0$*00$DQG/LIW7,*$UFZHOGLQJ (DV\WRWUDQVSRUWonly 24kg (including a spool of 5kg 200mm diameter) LW LV WKH EHVW RSWLRQ IRU PDLQWHQDQFH DQG UHSDLU RQ ¿HOGVKLS\DUGDQGRIIVKRUHRSHUDWLRQV Polarity change allows welding with self shielded wires. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting using only two knobs. Soft Arc parameter optimizes the current and the arc based on the welding material. $GGLWLRQDO SDUDPHWHUV 0RWRU 6ORSH 6RIW 6WDUW %XUQ %DFN DQG Post Gas are included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. ,QGXFWDQFH LV HOHFWURQLFDOO\ DGMXVWDEOH IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO DQG optimizes the arc. Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and VDOWLQHVVLPSURYLQJ0LFUR0$*3/86OLIHF\FOH A perfect wire feeding is guaranteed thanks to a 4-rolls motor drive included in MicroMAG 301 PLUS. Up to 5mm electrodes in MMA $GMXVWDEOH$UF)RUFHDQG+RW6WDUWLQ00$ZHOGLQJ Lift TIG ignition to reduce Tungsten inclusions. : MIG/MAG Manual - TIG DC LIFT - MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology MOTOR DRIVE 24VDC 35W CODE € MicroMag 301 PLUS 001.0065.0000 2620,00 SLIDING KIT 2 MicroMAG 301 010.0000.0017 131,00 SLIDING KIT 3 MicroMAG 301 (DOUBLE) 010.0000.0018 131,00 Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Trolley H 004.0000.0008 280,00 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch TIG 26 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0005.0011 298,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0119 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0120 14,00 35% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0121 14,00 300A 230A 200A 250A 240A 210A 250A 220A 190A ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0122 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0123 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 VK 002.0000.0124 14,00 PPLQ d D N°4 D=30mm - d=14mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP MicroMag 301 PLUS 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MIG - MAG 5A - 300A TIG - WIG 5A - 250A 53V MMA 5A - 250A N9$.: 23S 410 x 270 x 355mm .J 11_2015 Suggested composition: 3046,00 MicroMag 301 PLUS + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 43 MicroMAG 302 MFK For 200mm - 300mm Spools 3 x 400Vac MicroMAG 302 MFKLVDFRPSDFWV\QHUJLF3KDVHDQGUREXVW GHVLJQHG,QYHUWHUIRU0,*0$*00$DQG/LIW7,*$UFZHOGLQJ (DV\ WR WUDQVSRUW only 22kg LW LV WKH EHVW RSWLRQ IRU PDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLURQ¿HOGVKLS\DUGDQGRIIVKRUHRSHUDWLRQV Polarity change allows welding with self shielded wires. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. 70RGHDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJIRU RSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG $GGLWLRQDO SDUDPHWHUV 0RWRU 6ORSH 6RIW 6WDUW %XUQ %DFN DQG Post Gas are included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. ,QGXFWDQFH LV HOHFWURQLFDOO\ DGMXVWDEOH IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO DQG optimizes the arc. A perfect wire feeding is guaranteed thanks to a 4-rolls motor drive included in MicroMAG 302 MFK. Up to 5mm electrodes in MMA $GMXVWDEOH$UF)RUFHDQG+RW6WDUWLQ00$ZHOGLQJ Lift TIG ignition to reduce Tungsten inclusions. Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding 15kg spool 300mm diameter Remote Controlled by MIG-torch( UP-DOWN) and RC unit : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG DC LIFT- MMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology MOTOR DRIVE 24VDC 35W PPLQ d D N°4 D=30mm - d=14mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP MicroMag 302 MFK 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MIG-MAG % 40°C % RT TIG - WIG MMA 35% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% 300A 230A 200A 250A 240A 210A 250A 220A 190A - 60% 100% - - 100% - - 100% - 300A 250A - - 250A - - 250A 5A - 300A 5A - 250A 11V-60V .9$.: 23S 560 x 280 x 390mm .J 11_2015 44 5A - 250A CODE € MicroMag 302 MFK 001.0069.0000 2700,00 Cooling Unit C.U.11 003.0000.0131 1150,00 Trolley 03 006.0002.0042 320,00 SLIDING KIT 5 MicroMAG 302 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 010.0000.0045 158,00 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch TIG 26 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0005.0011 298,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m MicroMAG 302 MFK + C.U.11 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0119 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0120 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0121 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0122 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0123 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 VK 002.0000.0124 14,00 Suggested composition: 3126,00 MicroMag 302 MFK + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER MicroMAG 302 MFK + C.U.11 + TROLLEY 03 11_2015 45 Cruiser 402 - 502 Synergic 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 402/502 Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (400A 100% at 40° C) with separated wire feeder for MIG-MAG welding. MMA, MMA cellulosic, Lift TIG DC and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Cruiser 402/502 Synergic power source can be easily moved RQ GLI¿FXOW ZRUNLQJ DUHDV WKDQNV WR UREXVW GHVLJQHG 0WUROOH\ WF 103ZLUHIHHGHUZLWKHOHFWURGHKROGHUFRQQHFWRUORQJFDEOH EXQGOH FRQQHFWDEOH DQG RSWLRQDO JDV ÀRZPHWHU LV VXLWDEOH IRU shipyard applications. WF 105 wire feeder is ideal for any kind of ZRUNVKRSV PHGLXP VL]H FDUSHQWU\ KHDY\ FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG DXtomotive. 00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUHGLUHFWO\VHOHFWDEOH RQ WKH ZLUH IHHGHU 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF FXUYHV DQG PHPRU\ ORFDWLRQV IRU FXVWRPL]HG welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and very stable MIG-MAG arc with excellent weld EHDGTXDOLW\DQGPLQLPDOVSDWWHULQJLQDQ\ZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQV7 0RGHDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJIRU RSWLPDO SHQHWUDWLRQ DW VWDUW DQG FUDWHU ¿OOLQJ DW EHDG¶V HQG$GGLWLRQDOSDUDPHWHUV0RWRU6ORSH6RIW6WDUW%XUQ%DFNDQG3RVW Gas are included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. Version H2O : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG DC LIFT - MMA - MMA CELLULOSIC - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Modular concept allows easy welding system upgrade Up to 8mm diameter electrode welding is possible in MMA Arc Air gouging and cutting up to 6mm electrode Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Version AIR Technology Special Function VP01 Cruiser 402 Synergic Cruiser 502 Synergic 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 400A 400A 400A 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A MIG - MAG 20A - 500A TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 9-83V 9V-83V N9$N: N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 46 MMA 5A - 500A Wire Feeder WF103 - WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF103 CODE € 001.0103.0000 3800,00 001.0104.0000 4050,00 001.0317.0000 2051,00 001.0319.0000 2116,00 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 004.0000.0201 180,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT CRUISER 402 AIR WF103: 7042,00 Cruiser 402 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT CRUISER 402 AIR WF105: 7107,00 Cruiser 402 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT CRUISER 402 H2O WF103: 8055,00 Cruiser 402 + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT CRUISER 402 H2O WF105: 8120,00 Cruiser 402 + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT CRUISER 502 AIR WF103: 7292,00 Cruiser 502 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT CRUISER 502 AIR WF105: 7357,00 Cruiser 502 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT CRUISER 502 H2O WF103: 8305,00 Cruiser 502 + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT CRUISER 502 H2O WF105: 8370,00 Cruiser 502 + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 Cruiser 402 Cruiser 502 Wire Feeder WF103 Wire Feeder WF105 Wheels Kit WF CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=30mm - d=22mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP WF105 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 11_2015 47 Cruiser 402 - 502 Synergic Twin Feeder 3 x 400Vac Version on O H2O Cruiser 402/502 Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (400A 100% at 40° C) with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. The TWIN FEEDERFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDOORZVWRZHOGZLWKWZRGLIIHUHQW wires and two different gasses with the same power generator. MMA, MMA cellulosic, Lift TIG DC and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Cruiser 402/502 Synergic power source can be easily moved on GLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJDUHDVWKDQNVWRUREXVWGHVLJQHG0WUROOH\ WF 105ZLUHIHHGHULVLGHDOIRUDQ\NLQGRIZRUNVKRSVPHGLXP VL]HFDUSHQWU\KHDY\FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGDXWRPRWLYH 00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUHGLUHFWO\VHOHFWDEOH on the wire feeder. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. 70RGHDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJIRU RSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG $GGLWLRQDO SDUDPHWHUV 0RWRU 6ORSH 6RIW 6WDUW %XUQ %DFN DQG Post Gas are included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG DC LIFT - MMA - MMA CELLULOSIC - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Modular concept allows easy welding system upgrade Up to 8mm diameter electrode welding is possible in MMA Arc Air gouging and cutting up to 6mm electrode Lift TIG DC ignition reduces Tungsten inclusions Cooling Unit available Fan on demand and Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding Technology Special Function Cruiser 402 Synergic Cruiser 502 Synergic 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 400A 400A 400A 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A MIG - MAG 20A - 500A TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 9-83V 9V-83V N9$N: N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 48 MMA 5A - 500A Wire Feeder WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF105 CODE € 001.0103.0000 3800,00 001.0104.0000 4050,00 GENERATOR Cruiser 402 Cruiser 502 WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF105 001.0319.0000 2116,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF105 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP KIT CRUISER 402 TWIN FEEDER AIR 10897,00 Cruiser 402 + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 502 TWIN FEEDER AIR 11147,00 Cruiser 502 + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 402 TWIN FEEDER H2O 12005,00 Cruiser 402 + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT CRUISER 502 TWIN FEEDER H2O 12255,00 Cruiser 502 + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 11_2015 49 Cruiser 402T / 502T Synergic 3 x 400Vac H2O Version : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR Cruiser 402T/502T Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (400A 100% at 40° C) with separated wire feeder for MIG-MAG welding. MMA, TIG DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. 00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUHGLUHFWO\VHOHFWDEOH RQ WKH ZLUH IHHGHU 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF FXUYHV DQG PHPRU\ ORFDWLRQV IRU FXVWRPL]HG welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and very stable MIG-MAG arc with excellent weld EHDG TXDOLW\ DQG PLQLPDO VSDWWHULQJ LQ DQ\ ZRUNLQJ FRQGLWLRQV Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Version AIR Technology Special Function VP01 CRUISER 402T SYNERGIC CRUISER 502T SYNERGIC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% MIG - MAG 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 400A 400A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 50 MMA Wire Feeder WF103 - WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF103 CODE € 001.0105.0000 5500,00 001.0106.0000 6540,00 001.0317.0000 2051,00 001.0319.0000 2116,00 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 004.0000.0201 180,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT Cruiser 402T AIR WF103: 8742,00 Cruiser 402T + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 402T AIR WF105: 8807,00 Cruiser 402T + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 402T H2O WF103: 9755,00 Cruiser 402T + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 402T H2O WF105: 9820,00 Cruiser 402T + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 502T AIR WF103: 9782,00 Cruiser 502T + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 502T AIR WF105: 9847,00 Cruiser 502T + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 502T H2O WF103: 10795,00 Cruiser 502T + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 502T H2O WF105: 10860,00 Cruiser 502T + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 Cruiser 402T Cruiser 502T Wire Feeder WF103 Wire Feeder WF105 Wheels Kit WF CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=30mm - d=22mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP WF105 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 11_2015 51 Cruiser 402T - 502T Synergic Twin Feeder 3 x 400Vac Version H2O : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Cruiser 402T/502T Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (400A 100% at 40° C) with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. The TWIN FEEDERFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDOORZVWRZHOGZLWKWZRGLIIHUHQW wires and two different gasses with the same power generator. MMA, TIG DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Cruiser 402T/502T Synergic power source can be easily moved RQGLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJDUHDVWKDQNVWRUREXVWGHVLJQHG0WUROOH\ WF 105ZLUHIHHGHULVLGHDOIRUDQ\NLQGRIZRUNVKRSVPHGLXP VL]HFDUSHQWU\KHDY\FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGDXWRPRWLYH 00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUHGLUHFWO\VHOHFWDEOH on the wire feeder. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. 70RGHDOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJIRU RSWLPDOSHQHWUDWLRQDWVWDUWDQGFUDWHU¿OOLQJDWEHDG¶VHQG $GGLWLRQDO SDUDPHWHUV 0RWRU 6ORSH 6RIW 6WDUW %XUQ %DFN DQG Post Gas are included for perfect arc ignition and optimum wire cutting at the end of welding. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. CRUISER 402T SYNERGIC CRUISER 502T SYNERGIC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% MIG - MAG 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 400A 400A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 52 MMA Wire Feeder WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF105 CODE € 001.0105.0000 5500,00 001.0106.0000 6540,00 GENERATOR Cruiser 402T Cruiser 502T WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF105 001.0319.0000 2116,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF105 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP KIT CRUISER 402T TWIN FEEDER AIR 12597,00 Cruiser 402T + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 502T TWIN FEEDER AIR 13637,00 Cruiser 502T + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 402T TWIN FEEDER H2O 13705,00 Cruiser 402T + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT CRUISER 502T TWIN FEEDER H2O 14745,00 Cruiser 502T + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 11_2015 53 Cruiser 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Synergic 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (340A 100% at 40°C) with separated wire feeder for MIG-MAG welding. MMA, TIG AC/DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Cruiser 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Synergic power source FDQEHHDVLO\PRYHGRQGLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJDUHDVWKDQNVWRUREXVW GHVLJQHG0WUROOH\00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUH GLUHFWO\ VHOHFWDEOH RQ WKH ZLUH IHHGHU 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF FXUYHV DQG PHPRU\ ORFDtions for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a soft and very stable MIG-MAG arc with H[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOLW\DQGPLQLPDOVSDWWHULQJLQDQ\ZRUNLQJ conditions. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. H2O Version : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKHV\QHUJLFDUFKLJQLWLRQFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWKHIURQWSDQHOE\ the calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it SRVVLEOHWRFUHDWHDKLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVR that very light gauge sheets can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DC ZDYH DOORZV WR FRPELQH WKH HI¿FDF\ RI $& 7,* ZHOGLQJ ZLWK WKH KLJK SHQHWUDWLRQ RI '& 7,* ZHOGLQJ WKXV obtaining high welding speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DC welding is besides useful when welding for ORQJWLPHLQRUGHUWRUHGXFHWKHGHIRUPDWLRQRQWKHEDVHPDWHULDO EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Technology Special Function CRUISER 402AC/DC SYNERGIC CRUISER 502AC/DC SYNERGIC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG 32A MMA MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 400A 380A 340A 400A 380A 340A 400A 370A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 370A 340A 20A - 400A 9/81V 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 54 Wire Feeder WF103 - WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF103 CODE € 001.0123.0000 7300,00 001.0115.0000 8800,00 001.0317.0000 2051,00 001.0319.0000 2116,00 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 004.0000.0201 180,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT Cruiser 402AC/DC AIR WF103: 10542,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 402AC/DC AIR WF105: 10607,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 402AC/DC H2O WF103: 11555,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 402AC/DC H2O WF105: 11620,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 502AC/DC AIR WF103: 12042,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 502AC/DC AIR WF105: 12107,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + VP-01 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Cruiser 502AC/DC H2O WF103: 13055,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF103 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Cruiser 502AC/DC H2O WF105: 13120,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF105 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 Cruiser 402AC/DC Cruiser 502AC/DC Wire Feeder WF103 Wire Feeder WF105 Wheels Kit WF CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=30mm - d=22mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP WF105 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 11_2015 55 Cruiser 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Synergic Twin Feeder Version H2O : MIG/MAG Synergic - TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function 3 x 400Vac Cruiser 402T/502T Synergic is a professional synergic 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (340A 100% at 40°C) with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. The TWIN FEEDERFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDOORZVWRZHOGZLWKWZRGLIIHUHQW wires and two different gasses with the same power generator. MMA, TIG AC/DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires. Cruiser 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Synergic power source can be HDVLO\PRYHGRQGLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJDUHDVWKDQNVWRUREXVWGHVLJQHG M-trolley. 00$$5&$,5DQG0,*0$*SURFHVVHVDUHGLUHFWO\VHOHFWDEOH on the wire feeder. 0LFURSURFHVVRU LQYHUWHU WHFKQRORJ\ GLJLWDO GLVSOD\V V\QHUJLF curves and memory locations for customized welding parameters assure complete welding process repeatability. Innovative WECO unique HAC (Hybrid Arc Control) supplies a VRIWDQGYHU\VWDEOH0,*0$*DUFZLWKH[FHOOHQWZHOGEHDGTXDOity and minimal spattering in any working conditions. Weco Special HF control provides100% rapid and precise arc ignition. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. CRUISER 402AC/DC SYNERGIC CRUISER 502AC/DC SYNERGIC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG 32A MMA MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 400A 380A 340A 400A 380A 340A 400A 370A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 370A 340A 20A - 400A 9/81V 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 56 Wire Feeder WF105 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF105 CODE € 001.0123.0000 7300,00 001.0115.0000 8800,00 GENERATOR Cruiser 402AC/DC Cruiser 502AC/DC WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF105 001.0319.0000 2116,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF105 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP KIT CRUISER 402AC/DC TWIN FEEDER AIR 14397,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER AIR 15897,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT CRUISER 402AC/DC TWIN FEEDER H2O 15505,00 Cruiser 402AC/DC + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT CRUISER 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER H2O 17005,00 Cruiser 502AC/DC + (2) WF105 + Trolley L + Kit TWIN FEEDER + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 11_2015 57 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 58 11_2015 59 MicroPulse 302 MFK 3 x 400Vac For 200mm - 300mm Spools MicroMAG 302 MFKLVDFRPSDFWV\QHUJLF3KDVHDQGUREXVW designed Inverter for MIG/MAG Synergic, Pulse Synergic and Double Pulse Synergic, MMA and Lift TIG Arc welding. (DV\ WR WUDQVSRUW only 24kg LW LV WKH EHVW RSWLRQ IRU PDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLURQ¿HOGVKLS\DUGDQGRIIVKRUHRSHUDWLRQV Pulse Synergic and Double Pulse Synergic modes guarantee excellent bead appearance wthout spatters and deformations of DOXPLQXPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGPLOGVWHHOZHOGLQJ MicroMAG 302 MFKLVLGHDOIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVLQZRUNVKRSVFDUSHQWU\DXWRPRWLYHDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGKLJKVWDQGDUGVZHOGLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG DC LIFT - MMA Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 240 and RC unit Special Function MicroPulse 302 MFK 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 16A MIG-MAG % 40°C % RT TIG - WIG MMA 35% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 40% 60% 100% 300A 230A 200A 250A 240A 210A 250A 220A 190A - 60% 100% - - 100% - - 100% - 300A 250A - - 250A - - 250A 20A - 300A 5A - 250A 11V/60V .9$.: 23S 560 x 280 x 390mm .J 11_2015 60 5A - 250A MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 45W PPLQ d D n°4 (ø30mm - ø14mm) )HPP $OPP )&:PP CODE € MicroPulse 302 MFK 001.0121.0000 4000,00 Cooling Unit C.U.11 003.0000.0131 1150,00 Trolley 03 006.0002.0042 320,00 SLIDING KIT 5 MicroMAG 302 Electrode Holder 35mm2 L=4m 010.0000.0045 158,00 006.0002.0028 59,00 Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0003 54,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O EURO 006.0008.0007 265,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 240D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0017 604,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 Cable RC08 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0282 67,00 006.0005.0011 298,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down Torch TIG 26 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0119 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0120 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0121 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0122 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0123 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 VK 002.0000.0124 14,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m MicroPulse 302 MFK + C.U.11 Suggested composition: 5934,00 MicroPulse 302 MFK + C.U.11 + Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O EURO + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Trolley 03 MicroPulse 302 MFK + C.U.11 + TROLLEY 03 11_2015 61 Pioneer Pulse 321MKS 3 x 400Vac For 200mm - 300mm Spools Version H2O Pioneer Pulse 321MKS is professional 3 Phase Inverter Power Source (320A 45% at 40°C)MIG-MAG available modes are: ManXDO6\QHUJLF3XOVH6\QHUJLFDQG'RXEOH3XOVH6\QHUJLF Pulse Synergic and Double Pulse Synergic modes guarantee excellent bead appearance wthout spatters and deformations of DOXPLQXPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGPLOGVWHHOZHOGLQJ Pioneer Pulse 321MKS LV LGHDO IRU DSSOLFDWLRQV LQ ZRUNVKRSV FDUSHQWU\DXWRPRWLYHDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGKLJKVWDQGDUGVZHOGLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology Pioneer Pulse 321MKSFDQEHHDVLO\PRYHGRQGLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJ areas tanks to robust and big wheels. - Cooling Unit available )DQ RQ UHTXHVW DQG %XLOWLQ$LU 7XQQHO SURWHFWV HOHFWURQLF GHvices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability 76SHFLDODOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ for optimal penetration at start and crater _lling at bead’s end - Memory locations for welding process repeatability - Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding - Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 240 and RC unit - Phases Control Device to supervise the right connection to the electrical NET Special Function Pioneer Pulse 321 MKS 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 25A MIG/MAG 45% 60% 100% 320A 280A 230A 20A - 320A 71V 14.6kVA - 10.9KW 23 1110 x 550 x 805mm .J 11_2015 62 CODE € Pioneer Pulse 321MKS 001.0070.0000 5200,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 Torch MIG 240 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0007 265,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 240D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0017 604,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 Cable RC08 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14pins Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 022.0002.0282 67,00 MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 006.0002.0017 140,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321 PULSE / WF104 010.0000.0039 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0140 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0141 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0142 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0144 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0145 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 ROLL D=37 d=19 LISCIO 002.0000.0152 14,00 ROLL D=37 d=19 knurled 002.0000.0153 14,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Suggested composition AIR: 5712,00 Pioneer Pulse 321 HSL + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 7239,00 Pioneer Pulse 321 HSL + C.U.07B + Torch MIG MB 240D L=4m Digimanager + Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 11_2015 63 Pioneer Pulse 321MSR 3 x 400Vac For 200mm - 300mm Spools Pioneer Pulse 321MSR is a professional 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with separated wire feeder WF 104. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers Pioneer Pulse 321MSRFDQEHHDVLO\PRYHGRQGLI¿FXOWZRUNLQJ areas tanks to robust and big wheels. - Cooling Unit available )DQ RQ UHTXHVW DQG %XLOWLQ$LU 7XQQHO SURWHFWV HOHFWURQLF GHvices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability 76SHFLDODOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ for optimal penetration at start and crater _lling at bead’s end - Memory locations for welding process repeatability - Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding - Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 240 and RC unit - Phases Control Device to supervise the right connection to the electrical NET : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Technology Special Function Pioneer Pulse 321 MSR 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 25A MIG/MAG 45% 60% 100% 320A 280A 230A 20A - 320A 71V 14.6kVA - 10.9KW 23 1110 x 550 x925mm .J 11_2015 64 Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools CODE € Pioneer Pulse 321MSR 001.0129.0000 3700,00 Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO 006.0008.0004 227,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O EURO 006.0008.0007 265,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 240D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0017 604,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 022.0002.0282 67,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 ROLL 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0140 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0141 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0142 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 V 002.0000.0143 14,00 ROLL 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0144 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0145 14,00 ROLL 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 U 002.0000.0146 14,00 ROLL 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 ROLLO 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0150 14,00 Suggested composition AIR: 6888,00 Pioneer Pulse 321MSR + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt AIR + Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER Suggested composition H2O: 8019,00 Pioneer Pulse 321MSR + C.U.07B + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Interconnection cable L=4mt H2O + Torch MIG 240 L= 4m H2O + Earth Cable 35mm2 L=4m + Gas regulator MANOMETER 11_2015 65 Power Pulse 402 / 502 3 x 400Vac Power Pulse 402/502 is an Heavy Duty (400A 100% at 40°C) professional 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with separated wire feeder. MMA, MMA cellulosic, Lift TIG DC and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Version on H2O Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG DC LIFT - MMA - MMA CELL - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 - Modular concept allows multi-welding processes - Cooling Unit available )DQ RQ UHTXHVW DQG %XLOWLQ$LU 7XQQHO SURWHFWV HOHFWURQLF GHvices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability 76SHFLDODOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ for optimal penetration at start and crater _lling at bead’s end - Memory locations for welding process repeatability - Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding - Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit Technology Special Function Power Pulse 402 Power Pulse 502 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 400A 400A 400A 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V MIG - MAG N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 66 MMA Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools CODE € Power Pulse 402 001.0107.0000 5200,00 Power Pulse 502 001.0108.0000 6050,00 Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0018 690,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 022.0002.0282 67,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 004.0000.0201 180,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m 006.0005.0002 152,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321 PULSE / WF104 010.0000.0039 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT Power Pulse 402 HSL AIR 8651,00 Power Pulse 402 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 502 HSL AIR 9501,00 Power Pulse 502 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 402 HSL H2O 9664,00 Power Pulse 402 + C.U.09 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Power Pulse 502 HSL H2O 10514,00 Power Pulse 502 + C.U.09 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 11_2015 67 Power Pulse 402/502 Twin Feeder 3 x 400Vac Power Pulse 402/502 TWIN FEEDER is an Heavy Duty (400A 100% at 40°C) professional 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. MMA, MMA cellulosic, Lift TIG DC and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Version on H2O Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG DC LIFT - MMA - MMA CELL - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology - Modular concept allows multi-welding processes - Cooling Unit available )DQ RQ UHTXHVW DQG %XLOWLQ$LU 7XQQHO SURWHFWV HOHFWURQLF GHvices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability 76SHFLDODOORZVERWK+RW6WDUWDQG&UDWHU)LOOHUFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ for optimal penetration at start and crater _lling at bead’s end - Memory locations for welding process repeatability - Push-Pull torch applicable for MIG aluminum welding - Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit Special Function Power Pulse 402 Power Pulse 502 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 400A 400A 400A 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 5A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V MIG - MAG N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 5A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 68 MMA Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF104 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP 11_2015 CODE € GENERATOR Power Pulse 402 001.0107.0000 5200,00 Power Pulse 502 001.0108.0000 6050,00 WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF104 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m Gas regulator MANOMETER Gas regulator FLOWMETER Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O KIT Digimanager 006.0002.0017 006.0002.0025 006.0005.0002 006.0002.0011 006.0002.0005 006.0008.0006 010.0000.0049 Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0018 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli 022.0002.0280 Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli 022.0002.0281 Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 022.0002.0282 KIT POWER PULSE 402 TWIN FEEDER AIR Power Pulse 402 + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 502 TWIN FEEDER AIR Power Pulse 502 + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 402 TWIN FEEDER H2O Power Pulse 402 + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT POWER PULSE 502 TWIN FEEDER H2O Power Pulse 502 + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 69 140,00 140,00 152,00 145,00 158,00 379,00 100,00 690,00 208,00 50,00 56,00 67,00 12585,00 13435,00 13693,00 14543,00 Power Pulse 402T / 502T 3 x 400Vac Power Pulse 402T / 502T is an Heavy Duty (400A 100% at 40°C) professional Multifunction 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with separated wire feeder WF 104. MMA, TIG DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV H2O Version Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF DYRLGLQJ DQ\ JOXLQJ EHWZHHQHOHFWURGHDQGEDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVW WKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWVDWDQ\ZHOGLQJFRQGLWLRQV – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKH time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKH welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKH VKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXWDQGVKHHWGHIRUPDWLRQ It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit Version AIR Mig Mag Special Function Tig Special Function VP01 Power Pulse 402T Power Pulse 502T 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA MIG - MAG 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 400A 400A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 10A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 70 MMA Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF104 CODE € Power Pulse 402T 001.0117.0000 6540,00 Power Pulse 502T 001.0118.0000 7580,00 Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0018 690,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 022.0002.0282 67,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 004.0000.0201 180,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321 PULSE / WF104 010.0000.0039 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT Power Pulse 402T AIR 9991,00 Power Pulse 402T + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 502T AIR 11031,00 Power Pulse 502T + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 402T H2O 11004,00 Power Pulse 402T + C.U.09 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Power Pulse 502T H2O 12044,00 Power Pulse 502T + C.U.09 + WF104 + Kit ruote WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 11_2015 71 Power Pulse 402T/502T Twin Feeder 3 x 400Vac Version H2O Power Pulse 402T / 502T TWIN FEEDER is an Heavy Duty (400A 100% at 40°C) professional Multifunction 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. MMA, TIG DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Mig Mag Special Function The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an HQKDQFHG ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF avoiding any gluing between electrode and base metal; it allows WRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVWWKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWV at any welding conditions. – The Q-Start function PDNHV WKH VKHHW WDFNLQJ HDVLHU DQG minimize the time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack function DOORZV WR PLQLPL]H WKH KHDW RXWSXW during the welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot function SHUPLWV WR FDUU\ RXW YHU\ HDVLO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\WKHVKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXW and sheet deformation. It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Tig Special Function Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit Power Pulse 402T Power Pulse 502T 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 40A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA MIG - MAG 100% 100% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 500A 450A 400A 500A 460A 400A 500A 450A 400A 400A 400A 400A 20A - 400A 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V 9/83V N9$N: TIG - WIG 5A - 500A 10A - 500A 9/83V 9/83V 24.3kVA - 22.0kW 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 72 MMA Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF104 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP CODE € GENERATOR Power Pulse 402T 001.0117.0000 6540,00 Power Pulse 502T 001.0118.0000 7580,00 WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF104 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT Gas regulator MANOMETER Gas regulator FLOWMETER Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O KIT Digimanager Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager RC08 Remote Control Digimanager Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 006.0002.0017 006.0002.0025 006.0005.0006 006.0002.0011 006.0002.0005 006.0008.0006 010.0000.0049 006.0008.0018 006.0003.0124 022.0002.0280 022.0002.0281 022.0002.0282 140,00 140,00 293,00 145,00 158,00 379,00 100,00 690,00 208,00 50,00 56,00 67,00 KIT POWER PULSE 402T TWIN FEEDER AIR 13925,00 Power Pulse 402T + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 502T TWIN FEEDER AIR 14965,00 Power Pulse 502T + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 402T TWIN FEEDER H2O 15033,00 Power Pulse 402T + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT POWER PULSE 502T TWIN FEEDER H2O 16073,00 Power Pulse 502T + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 11_2015 73 Power Pulse 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC 3 x 400Vac Power Pulse 402AC/DC / 502AC/DC is an Heavy Duty professional Multifunction 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with separated wire feeder WF 104. MMA, TIG AC/DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV H2O Version Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Mig Mag Special Function Tig Special Function The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKH V\QHUJLF DUFK LJQLWLRQ FDQ EH DGMXVWHG IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO E\ WKH calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it possible to create a KLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVRWKDWYHU\OLJKWJDXJHVKHHWV can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DCZDYHDOORZVWRFRPELQHWKHHI¿FDF\RI$&7,*ZHOGLQJ ZLWKWKHKLJKSHQHWUDWLRQRI'&7,*ZHOGLQJWKXVREWDLQLQJKLJKZHOGLQJ speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DCZHOGLQJLVEHVLGHVXVHIXOZKHQZHOGLQJIRUORQJWLPH in order to reduce the deformation on the base material. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF DYRLGLQJ DQ\ JOXLQJ EHWZHHQHOHFWURGHDQGEDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVW WKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWVDWDQ\ZHOGLQJFRQGLWLRQV – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKH time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKH welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKH VKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXWDQGVKHHWGHIRUPDWLRQ It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit POWER PULSE 402AC/DC POWER PULSE 502AC/DC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG 40A MMA MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 400A 380A 340A 400A 380A 340A 400A 370A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 370A 340A 20A - 400A 9/81V 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 5A - 500A 10A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 74 Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF104 CODE € Power Pulse 402AC/DC 001.0124.0000 8340,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC 001.0125.0000 9930,00 Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 Wheels Kit WF 010.0000.0012 66,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0242 350,00 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0243 590,00 Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=4mt H2O 002.0001.0252 393,00 EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 002.0001.0253 610,00 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O 006.0008.0006 379,00 KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager 006.0008.0018 690,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli 022.0002.0280 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 022.0002.0282 67,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m 004.0000.0201 180,00 006.0002.0017 140,00 Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m 006.0002.0025 140,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT 006.0005.0006 293,00 RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 PUSH PULL KIT 321 PULSE / WF104 010.0000.0039 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER 006.0002.0005 158,00 KIT Power Pulse 402AC/DC AIR 11791,00 Power Pulse 402AC/DC + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 502AC/DC AIR 13381,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Tool BOX VP-01 + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 KIT Power Pulse 402AC/DC H2O 12804,00 Power Pulse 402AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 KIT Power Pulse 502AC/DC H2O 14394,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC + C.U.09 + WF104 + Wheels Kit WF + Trolley M + Interconnection cablePPT/ PW+2 11_2015 75 Power Pulse 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC Twin Feeder 3 x 400Vac Power Pulse 402AC/DC - 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER is an Heavy Duty professional Multifunction 3 Phase Inverter Power Source with DOUBLE separated wire feeder and DOUBLE gas bottle holder. MMA, TIG AC/DC HF and ARC AIR cutting and gouging processes are also available. A wide range of MIG-MAG synergic programs facilitate the fast selection of precise welding parameters using any welding wires: – MAT (wire type) – ø (wire diameter) – Gas (shielded gas type) :HOGLQJSDUDPHWHUVZLUHVSHHGDPSVRUPDWHULDOWKLFNQHVV Version H2O Pulse HS allows to: 1 - Increase considerably execution speed 2 - Increase deposition rate (Kg/h) 3 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 4 - Reduce heat input Power Focus allows to: 1 - Deeper penetration, lower risk of lack of fusion and deformations. 2 - Increase considerably execution speed 3 - More arc stability even with longer stick-out 4 - Low costs of mechanical preparation of caulkers : MIG/MAG Pulse/Double Pulse/Synergic - TIG AC/DC HF - MMA - ARC AIR CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-3 - EN 60974-10 Technology Mig Mag Special Function Tig Special Function The AC welding is here optimized thanks to: WKH V\QHUJLF DUFK LJQLWLRQ FDQ EH DGMXVWHG IURP WKH IURQW SDQHO E\ WKH calibration of the tungsten electrode’s diameter. The EXTRA FUSION function allows to shift the waveform towards the negative part with respect to zero. This makes it possible to create a KLJKO\SHQHWUDWLYHDQGSUHFLVHIXVLRQEDWKVRWKDWYHU\OLJKWJDXJHVKHHWV can be welded with an electrode tip comparable to that of an electrode for DC- TIG welding. The MIX AC-DCZDYHDOORZVWRFRPELQHWKHHI¿FDF\RI$&7,*ZHOGLQJ ZLWKWKHKLJKSHQHWUDWLRQRI'&7,*ZHOGLQJWKXVREWDLQLQJKLJKZHOGLQJ speed and creating the weld puddle rapidly on a cold work piece. It is also possible to weld heavier aluminium gauges with lower amperage compared to standard AC/DC TIG welding. The PULSE AC/DCZHOGLQJLVEHVLGHVXVHIXOZKHQZHOGLQJIRUORQJWLPH in order to reduce the deformation on the base material. The DC welding is here optimized thanks to: TIG PULS up to 2,5 KhzDQG7,*38/66<16\QHUJLF – The Dynamic Arc (DYNarc) function which ensures an enhanced ZHOGLQJ SHQHWUDWLRQ D EHWWHU VWDELOLW\ RI WKH DUF DYRLGLQJ DQ\ JOXLQJ EHWZHHQHOHFWURGHDQGEDVHPHWDOLWDOORZVWRDGMXVWWKHZHOGLQJDUFMXVW WKURXJKVOLJKWWRUFK¶VPRYHPHQWVDWDQ\ZHOGLQJFRQGLWLRQV – The Q-Start functionPDNHVWKHVKHHWWDFNLQJHDVLHUDQGPLQLPL]HWKH time for it at the beginning of the welding process. – The Multi-Tack functionDOORZVWRPLQLPL]HWKHKHDWRXWSXWGXULQJWKH welding process and reduces the base material’s oxidation. This function permits often to avoid the post welding acid-treatments. – The Q-Spot functionSHUPLWVWRFDUU\RXWYHU\HDVLO\DQGSUHFLVHO\WKH VKHHWWDFNLQJRSHUDWLRQZLWKPLQLPXPKHDWRXWSXWDQGVKHHWGHIRUPDWLRQ It allows the positioning of the electrode on the exact tacking spot. Remote Controlled by MIG-torch DIGIMANAGER 501 and RC unit POWER PULSE 402AC/DC POWER PULSE 502AC/DC 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 3x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A MIG - MAG TIG - WIG 40A MMA MIG - MAG TIG - WIG MMA 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 50% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 30% 60% 100% 400A 380A 340A 400A 380A 340A 400A 370A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 380A 340A 500A 370A 340A 20A - 400A 9/81V 5A - 400A 10A - 400A 20A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 5A - 500A 10A - 500A 9/81V 9/81V N9$N: 23 23 1160 x 670 x 1530mm 1160 x 670 x 1530mm .J .J 11_2015 76 Wire Feeder WF104 For 200mm - 300mm Spools WF104 CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-5 - EN 60974-10 • Portable 4-roll drive wire feeder • Optical encoder on motor drive for maximum precision of the wire-feed speed. • 120W motor drive 9VKDSHGULYHUROOVPPDVVWDQGDUG MOTOR DRIVE 42VDC 120W PPLQ d D N°4 D=37mm - d=19mm )HPP $OPP )&:PP CODE € GENERATOR Power Pulse 402AC/DC 001.0124.0000 8340,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC 001.0125.0000 9930,00 WIRE FEEDER Wire Feeder WF104 001.0315.0000 2260,00 COOLING UNIT Cooling Unit C.U.09 003.0000.0101 1150,00 TROLLEY Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Kit TWIN FEEDER (Switching PCB included) 004.0000.0202 1440,00 Tool BOX VP-01 (AIR VERSION) 004.0000.0201 180,00 Kit Twin Bottles 004.0000.0204 105,00 Interconnection cable Generator - Trolley mod.L ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0241 230,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=2mt H2O 002.0001.0251 262,00 Interconnection cable Trolley mod.L - WF104 ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOHPPT/ PW$,5 002.0001.0245 170,00 Interconnection cable 70mmq L=0.65mt H2O 002.0001.0255 223,00 Earth Cable 70mm2 L=4m Electrode Holder 70mm2 L=4m Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT Gas regulator MANOMETER Gas regulator FLOWMETER Torch MIG MB 501D L= 4m H2O KIT Digimanager Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager RC08 Remote Control Digimanager Cable RC08 L=5m 14poli Cable RC08 L=10m 14poli Cable RC08 L=15m 14poli 006.0002.0017 006.0002.0025 006.0005.0006 006.0002.0011 006.0002.0005 006.0008.0006 010.0000.0049 006.0008.0018 006.0003.0124 022.0002.0280 022.0002.0281 022.0002.0282 140,00 140,00 293,00 145,00 158,00 379,00 100,00 690,00 208,00 50,00 56,00 67,00 KIT POWER PULSE 402AC/DC TWIN FEEDER AIR 15725,00 Power Pulse 402AC/DC + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER AIR 17315,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + Tool BOX VP-01 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable AIR L=2m AIR + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P$,5 KIT POWER PULSE 402AC/DC TWIN FEEDER H2O 16833,00 Power Pulse 402AC/DC + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 KIT POWER PULSE 502AC/DC TWIN FEEDER H2O 18423,00 Power Pulse 502AC/DC + (2) WF104 + Trolley L + C.U.09 + Kit Twin Bottles + Interconnection cable L=2m H2O + ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH/ P+2 11_2015 77 Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11_2015 78 Plasma Cutting 11_2015 79 Discovery 35P 1 x 230Vac Discovery 35P is a portable Single Phase Inverter Power Source for PLASMA cutting. Its reliable industrial construction is suitable IRUZRUNVKRSXVHRQVLWHDQGRXWGRRURSHUDWLRQV Discovery 35P is ideal for cutting steel and non-ferrous material up to 10mm thickness. Friendly-user interface allows precise parameters setting. (OHFWURQLFSLORWDUFFRQWUROOHUDOORZVFXWWLQJZLWKRXWWULJJHU¶VXVH sparing time and increasing productivity. Start without High Frequency avoids interferences with electronical devices. Grating function permits continuous cutting of grates and expanded metal. Light weight and reliable Handle and Shoulder Strap for easy carrying Inverter Power Source reduces energy demand and gives the best arc performance : PLASMA CE: 2004/108/CE - 2006/95/CE - 2011/65/EU EN: EN 60974-1 - EN 60974-10 Technology DISCOVERY 35P 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 25A PLASMA 45% 60% 100% 35A 30A 27A 20A – 35A 0V N9$ Discovery 35P CODE € 001.0101.0000 1874,00 OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) 006.0002.0040 210,00 Earth Cable 16mm2 L=3m 006.0002.0010 29,00 23S 450 x 160 x 260mm 10.6Kg 11_2015 Suggested composition: Discovery 35P + OVERCUT + Earth Cable 80 2113,00 ACCESSORIES COOLING UNITS 76 SLIDING KIT / TROLLEY 77 REMOTE CONTROLS 79 PUSH PULL KIT 80 OVERCUT 81 GAS REGULATOR 81 SUITCASES 82 ELECTRODE HOLDER - EARTH CABLES 83 TIG TORCHES 84 MIG MAG TORCHES 86 SOFTWARE UPGRADING KIT 88 FEEDING ROLLS 89 11_2015 81 Cooling Unit CU 07B Cooling Unit CU 09 Cooling Unit 07B Cooling Unit 09 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 1x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz $# $# .: P1 l/min P max .: P1 l/min P max 03D 03D O O 23S 23S 280 x 142 x 570mm 720 x 290 x 235mm .J .J CODE € C.U.07B 003.0000.0121 1050,00 C.U.09 CODE € 003.0000.0101 1150,00 Cooling Unit CU 12 Cooling Unit CU 11 Cooling Unit 12 Cooling Unit 11 1x230Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 1x400Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 4A @ $# P1 l/min Pmax l/min P max C.U.12 N: P1 l/min Pmax l/min P max 700W 1.1KW 03D 2.8kW 03D O 4.5l 23 23 530 x 230 x 210mm 600 x 290 x 240mm .J 18Kg (22.5Kg) CODE € 003.0000.0151 980,00 11_2015 C.U.11 82 CODE € 003.0000.0131 1150,00 Sliding Kit 2 Sliding KIT 2 CODE MACHINE € 010.0000.0017 MicroMAG 301 PLUS 131,00 Sliding Kit 3 Sliding Kit 5 CODE MACHINE € Sliding KIT 3 010.0000.0018 MicroMAG 301 PLUS 131,00 Sliding KIT 5 010.0000.0045 MicroMAG 302 MFK 158,00 Sliding Kit 6 Sliding Kit 7 CODE MACHINE € Sliding KIT 6 010.0000.0048 Discovery 220T - 300T - 200AC/DC - 221AC/DC - 300AC/DC 131,00 Sliding KIT 7 010.0000.0051 Multipower 184 - 204T 142,00 11_2015 83 Trolley 02 Trolley 03 TROLLEY 02 TROLLEY 03 630 x 420 x 1110mm 660 x 650 x 1110mm .J .J CODE € Trolley 02 006.0002.0014 280,00 Trolley 03 Trolley E € 006.0002.0042 320,00 Trolley H TROLLEY E Trolley E CODE TROLLEY H 1120 x 400 x 690 mm 850 x 340 x 570 mm .J .J CODE € 004.0000.0005 280,00 11_2015 Trolley H 84 CODE € 004.0000.0008 280,00 Trolley L Trolley M TROLLEY L TROLLEY M 630 x 420 x1110 mm 630 x 420 x1110 mm Trolley L 36Kg - VP-01 13Kg Trolley M 36Kg - VP-01 13Kg CODE € CODE € Trolley L 004.0000.0011 570,00 Trolley M 004.0000.0012 595,00 VP-01 004.0000.0201 180,00 VP-01 004.0000.0201 180,00 Trolley P TROLLEY P 1015 x 500 x 900 mm .J Trolley P 11_2015 CODE € 004.0000.0014 542,00 85 RC02 Foot pedal TECHNICAL DATA 6 - 10 PINS 100KOhm CODE € RC02 Foot pedal 006.0003.0102 420,00 Cable RC02 L=5m 022.0003.0105 45,00 Cable RC02 L=10m 022.0003.0106 50,00 Cable RC02 L=15m 022.0003.0107 60,00 RC03 Single Potentiometer TECHNICAL DATA 14 PINS 100KOhm CODE € RC03 Remote Control 1 potentiometer 006.0003.0120 160,00 Cable RC03 L=5m 6pins 022.0002.0166 45,00 Cable RC03 L=10m 6pins 022.0002.0167 50,00 Cable RC03 L=15m 6pins 022.0002.0168 60,00 RC04 Double Potentiometer TECHNICAL DATA 14 PINS 2 x 100KOhm CODE € RC04 Remote Control 2 potentiometers 006.0003.0121 200,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 RC05 Single Up & Down TECHNICAL DATA 14 PINS CODE 11_2015 € RC05 Remote Control 1 up/down 006.0003.0122 160,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 86 RC06 Double Up & Down TECHNICAL DATA 14pins CODE € RC06 Remote Control 2 up/down 006.0003.0123 200,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=5m 14pins 022.0002.0172 50,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0173 56,00 Cable RC03/04/05/06 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0174 67,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager TECHNICAL DATA 14pins CODICE € KIT Digimanager 010.0000.0049 100,00 RC08 Remote Control Digimanager 006.0003.0124 208,00 Cable RC08 L=5m 022.0002.0280 14pins 50,00 Cable RC08 L=10m 14pins 022.0002.0281 56,00 Cable RC08 L=15m 14pins 022.0002.0282 67,00 Kit Digimanager Kit Push-Pull TECHNICAL DATA 11_2015 INPUT 48VAC OUTPUT 42VDC CODE € KIT PUSH PULL 321 PULSE / WF104 010.0000.0039 210,00 KIT PUSH PULL 320MKS WF105/107 010.0000.0040 210,00 87 Adaptor A1 CODE € Adaptor AMPHENOL-MILITARY A1 022.0002.0068 36,00 Adaptor A2 CODE € Adapter MILITARY-AMPHENOL A2 022.0002.0069 48,00 OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) single phase TECHNICAL DATA 500Vac ± 15% @ 50-60Hz 32A 100% 21S 210 x 120 x 140mm .J OVERCUT BOX (Generator Protection) 11_2015 88 CODE € 006.0002.0040 210,00 Gas regulator MANOMETER TECHNICAL DATA GAS Ar - Ar/CO2 [81, *$6´5+ 200bar EDU &·& Gas regulator MANOMETER CODE € 006.0002.0011 145,00 Gas regulator FLOWMETER TECHNICAL DATA GAS Ar - Ar/CO2 [81, *$6´5+ 200bar EDU &·& Gas regulator FLOWMETER 11_2015 89 CODE € 006.0002.0005 158,00 Suitcase 01 ABS BLACK TECHNICAL DATA 400 x 370 x 220mm MACHINE ',6&29(5<73 Suitcase 01 ABS BLACK CODE € 006.0002.0012 24,00 Suitcase 02 ABS BLACK TECHNICAL DATA 500 x 400 x 270mm MACHINE ',6&29(5<7 Suitcase 02 ABS BLACK CODE € 006.0002.0016 45,00 Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK (Without Pocket) TECHNICAL DATA 500 x 400 x 270mm MACHINE 08/7,32:(5',6&29(5<6 08/7,32:(57',6&29(5<70$; CODE Suitcase 03 ABS BLACK 006.0002.0039 € 45,00 Kit MMA COMPOSITION MASK Electrode Holder 16mm2 L=3m Earth Cable 16mm2 L=2.5m BRUSH - HAMMER MACHINE ',6&29(5<73',6&29(5<7 KIT MMA 11_2015 90 CODE € 006.0002.0001 59,00 Electrode Holder 16 mm2 Earth Cable 16 mm2 TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA L L 3m X% 150A (60%) 2m X% 200A (35%) 150A (60%) PP CODE 2 Electrode Holder 16mm L= 4m 40mm CODE € 006.0002.0026 Earth Cable 16mm L=3m 006.0002.0010 33,00 TECHNICAL DATA L L 4m 300A (60%) 4m X% 400A (35%) 300A (60%) PP CODE € 006.0002.0028 59,00 CODE Earth Cable 35mm L=4m 006.0002.0003 Earth Cable 70 mm2 L 4m 400A (60%) 4m X% 500A (35%) 400A (60%) PP CODE 11_2015 54,00 TECHNICAL DATA L Electrode Holder 70mm L= 4m € 2 TECHNICAL DATA 2 400A (35%) 74mm Electrode Holder 70 mm2 X% 29,00 Earth Cable 35 mm2 TECHNICAL DATA Electrode Holder 35mm2 L= 4m € 2 Electrode Holder 35 mm2 X% 200A (35%) 006.0002.0025 500A (35%) 74mm CODE € 2 Earth Cable 70mm L=4m 006.0002.0017 140,00 91 € 140,00 Torch TIG 17 valve L=4m Torch TIG 26 valve L=4m TECHNICAL DATA X% TECHNICAL DATA 140A (35%) DC X% 125A (35%) AC 180A (35%) DC PP GAS PP GAS Argon Torch TIG 17 valve L= 4m CODE € 006.0005.0007 128,00 Argon Torch TIG 26 valve L= 4m Torch TIG 17 L=4m AIR PT CODE € 006.0005.0002 152,00 Torch TIG 17 L=4m AIR EURO TECHNICAL DATA X% TECHNICAL DATA X% 140A (35%) DC 100A (35%) AC 140A (35%) DC 125A (35%) AC PP GAS PP Argon Torch TIG 17 L=4m AIR PT GAS CODE € 006.0005.0001 171,00 X% GAS Argon CODE 006.0005.0004 180A (35%) DC 130A (35%) AC PP PP 11_2015 € 225,00 TECHNICAL DATA 180A (35%) DC 150A (35%) AC Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT CODE 006.0005.0005 Torch TIG 26 Potentiometer L=4m TECHNICAL DATA GAS Argon Torch TIG 17 L= 4m AIR EURO Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR PT X% 150A (35%) AC CODE € 205,00 Argon Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Potentiometer 006.0005.0008 92 € 291,00 Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR EURO TECHNICAL DATA X% TECHNICAL DATA X% 180A (35%) DC 150A (35%) AC 180A (35%) DC 150A (35%) AC PP GAS PP GAS Argon CODE Torch TIG 26 L=4m AIR Up/Down 006.0005.0009 € 327,00 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT Torch TIG 26 L= 4m AIR EURO X% 320A (35%) DC 270A (35%) AC PP PP GAS Argon Argon OPLQEDU Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O PT OPLQEDU CODE € 006.0005.0006 293,00 CODE Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer 006.0005.0003 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down TECHNICAL DATA X% 320A (100%) DC 230A (100%) AC PP GAS Argon OPLQEDU Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Up/Down 11_2015 € 298,00 TECHNICAL DATA 320A (35%) DC 270A (35%) AC GAS CODE 006.0005.0011 Torch TIG 18 L=4m H2O Potentiometer TECHNICAL DATA X% Argon CODE € 006.0005.0010 335,00 93 € 345,00 Torch MIG 15 L=3m AIR Torch MIG 25 L=4m AIR TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA X% 180A (60%) CO2 X% 150A (60%) MIX PP ø mm CODE Torch MIG 15 L= 3m AIR EURO 230A (60%) CO2 Torch MIG 25 L= 4m AIR EURO 117,00 Torch MIG 36 L=4m AIR 340A (60%) CO2 Torch MIG 36 L= 4m AIR EURO X% 320A (60%) MIX CODE € 006.0008.0004 227,00 OPLQ·EDU ø mm CODE € 006.0008.0007 265,00 Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m H2O TECHNICAL DATA 270A (100%) MIX TECHNICAL DATA 300A (100%) PULS X% PP ø mm 550A (100%) CO2 CODE 006.0008.0017 11_2015 500A (100%) MIX 325A (100%) PULS PP OPLQ·EDU Torch MIG MB 240D L=4m Digimanager 270A (100%) MIX PP ø mm Torch MIG Digimanager 240 L=4m H2O X% 173,00 300A (100%) CO2 Torch MIG 240 L= 4m AIR EURO 300A (100%) CO2 006.0008.0003 TECHNICAL DATA PP ø mm € Torch MIG 240 L=4m H2O TECHNICAL DATA X% CODE € 006.0008.0002 200A (60%) MIX PP ø mm OPLQ·EDU € Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m H2O 604,00 94 CODE € 006.0008.0006 379,00 Torch MIG Digimanager 501 L=4m H2O Torch MIG Spool Gun Plus 15 L=6m Euro TECHNICAL DATA X% ø mm 550A (100%) CO2 500A (100%) MIX TECHNICAL DATA 325A (100%) PULS X% ø mm PP OPLQ·EDU Torch MIG MB 501D L=4m Digimanager Torch MIG SPOOL GUN CODE € 006.0008.0018 690,00 11_2015 PLUS 15 L=6m EURO 95 230A (60%) CO2 200A (60%) MIX PP CODE € 006.0008.0005 682,00 Kit Upgrading Software Pioneer Pulse / Power Pulse Kit Upgrading Software Pioneer Pulse / Power Pulse 11_2015 96 CODE € 010.0000.0037 210,00 Roll D30 - d14 30mm 14mm 30mm ROLL € 0.6/0.8 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0119 14,00 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0120 14,00 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0121 14,00 1.2/1.6 D=30 d=14 V 002.0000.0125 14,00 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0122 14,00 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 U 002.0000.0123 1.2/1.6 D=30 d=14 U 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=14 VK Al / SS 1.2/1.6 D=30 d=14 VK 22mm ROLL CODE SG2/SG3 FCW Roll D30 - d22 CODE SG2/SG3 0.8/1.0 D=30 d=22 V 002.0000.0113 14,00 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=22 V 002.0000.0104 14,00 1.2/1.6 D=30 d=22 V 002.0000.0105 14,00 ' G 8 002.0000.0131 14,00 14,00 1.0/1.2 D=30 d=22 U 002.0000.0115 14,00 002.0000.0126 14,00 ' G 8 002.0000.0132 14,00 002.0000.0124 14,00 ' G 9. 002.0000.0133 14,00 ' G 9. 002.0000.0134 14,00 ' G 9. 002.0000.0135 14,00 002.0000.0127 Al / SS FCW 14,00 MACHINE MACHINE PIONEER 321MKS - MICROMAG 301 PLUS MICROMAG 302MFK - MICROPULSE 302MFK WF103 Roll D37 - d19 37mm Al / SS Roll D40 - d22 40mm 19mm ROLL SG2/SG3 € 0.6/0.8 D=37 d=19 V 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 V 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 V 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 V 0.8/1.0 D=37 d=19 U 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 U 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 U 1.6/2.0 D=37 d=19 U 2.4/3.2 D=37 d=19 U CODE € 002.0000.0140 002.0000.0141 002.0000.0142 002.0000.0143 002.0000.0144 002.0000.0145 002.0000.0146 002.0000.0147 002.0000.0148 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 22mm ROLL SG2/SG3 CODE € 0.6/0.8 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0106 25,00 0.8/1.0 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0109 25,00 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 V 002.0000.0107 25,00 0.8/1.0 D=40 d=22 U 002.0000.0111 25,00 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 U 002.0000.0112 25,00 1.0/1.2 D=40 d=22 VK 002.0000.0114 25,00 Al / SS 1.0/1.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0149 14,00 FCW 1.2/1.6 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0150 14,00 FCW 2.4/3.2 D=37 d=19 VK 002.0000.0151 14,00 D=37 d=19 FLAT 002.0000.0152 14,00 MACHINE ',6&29(5<0) FLAT D=37 d=19 knurled 002.0000.0153 14,00 FLAT MACHINE PIONEER 401MKS - PIONEER 321 PULSE - WF104/105/106/107 11_2015 97 WECO srl Via S. Antonio 22 - Loc. Belvedere 36050 Tezze sul Brenta (Vicenza) - Italy Tel +39 0424 561 943 fax +39 0424 561 944 [email protected] - DISTRIBUTOR
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