Gunsite 200809 - Charleston Rifle Club
Gunsite 200809 - Charleston Rifle Club
The Gunsite A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE CHARLESTON RIFLE CLUB Charleston Rifle Club · 2221 Heriot St. Charleston, S.C. 29403-3023 Phone: 843.722.4853 · Fax: 843.722.2455 · E-mail: [email protected] Volume MMIIX Issue 9 Julian Taylor’s Famous Fish Fry Sunday September 21 from 5-7 pm. The cost will be $8.00 per person. The “Shoot Out” Drawing will be during the Fish Fry. “S H O O T O U T !!!” The Men’s BOD will be sponsoring a fundraiser called a ''SHOOT OUT.'' We will sell 299 tickets for $10 each. The tickets will be numbered from 100 to 399. We will spin a wheel to get the winning numbers. There will be three winners, 1st place $1000, 2nd place $250, 3rd place $250. ALL of the Men's BOD will have tickets to sell. We will spin for the winning ticket numbers on Sunday, September 21st, during "Julian Taylor’s Fish Fry.” If you have any questions please contact George Barrineau at 747-3045 HALL…HALLO…HALLOWEEN!!! October 26, 2008 2pm-5pm Yes, it’s time for all you ghosts and goblins to get your costumes ready for our HALLOWEEN PARTY 2008. Lots of games, prizes, candy, and food. We will judge the most original, scariest, and cutest costumes in four age groups, so dress up to enter the contest. There will be door prizes, and spin the wheel for cakes and pastries. We’re looking forward to seeing each of you! Spookcerely, Dolly Young, Chair (w/ all of our “let’s-have-fun-helpers”) Friday Night Suppers & Entertainment September 5th 630-8 pm Pork Chops The Barbara Harrell Trio September 12th 630-8 pm Barbeque TBA September 19th 630-8 pm Beer-Fried Chicken Urban Legend September 26th 630-8 pm Fried Shrimp Mike Greene All committee chairpersons are asked to submit information on all club events for publication in the Gunsite. Deadline for articles is the 12th day of each month, preceding the publication month. All Club Members are welcome to submit articles, for consideration, on Club Events attended, or photos from Club Events. Information may be left in the Gunsite mailbox in the lounge, or e-mailed to [email protected] Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( From the Desk of the CRC President: Fellow Members: I can’t believe it’s already time to be writing my second letter to everyone. I know I’m not the best writer and sometimes wish I could have a “ghost writer “do this for me. I feel good about our 2007/2008 Officers, Board of Directors, and Committee Chairmen and Committee Members. I just know we are going to accomplish a lot of good things with everyone working together. If asked by a Committee Member to help with a project, please at least consider volunteering your time and talent. The preseason Football Party in August was great. What a great idea – fun, fellowship, everyone “kicking in” and the Club benefited too. Let’s see who can come up with another Saturday Night – or anytime happening. The first Board of Directors meeting went a little over on time and that’s not all bad. It gave the new members of the Board a good view of how the Board works. We didn’t list all of our goals for this term, but these are a few of our goals: (1)form a sub-committee in the Building Committee for capital improvements (2) With dances, we will give notice & put tickets on sale with enough time to allow to cancel the event within 30 days if we don’t sell enough tickets to at least break even (3) our new Budget Chairman will meet with all committees to formulate the budget for the coming year (4) the Bylaws Committee will do an update of our bylaws. We have been asked to research having a swimming pool and tennis court- we have the land that isn’t being used. In order to do this we must have members commit to use and pay for these services. One way would be a different level of dues, where you would pay for the services you desire and receive. I’m already hearing good things about our Friday Night suppers- my thanks to Ralph Swindal and his crews. Thanks to Walter Tylee and crew, the repairs to the dock gangway are in progress and should be completed soon. Our manager’s office has been rewired, thanks to Dave McCann and Carlton Killion. I’ll see you at the Club, come on out for some relaxation and fun. Sincerely, Joseph Wolfe From the Desk of the Auxiliary President: Hi Folks, It’s already September. My how time flies when you’re having fun, and speaking of fun…the Flip Flop Contest at the August collation was a huge success. About thirty ladies participated...the winners were – prettiest/Debbie Rywelski – silliest/Jeanette Stancil and most original/Loretta Edwards. Thanks to our judges, Paul Tew and Charlie Castner. It was a fun time by all. Due to Labor Day, next collation is September 8th. Mark your calendars. You don’t want to miss it. We will have shag dance instructors, many thanks to one of our new members, Harriett Grady-Thomas for her assistance. The Ladies Dance featuring the East Coast Party Band was another huge success at the Charleston Rifle Club. The band was fantastic and had the dance floor full. Hope we do this more often. We had a great time! Many thanks to Joe Wolfe, Kimberly and John Robertson and Anna Brown for all they did to make this happen. President’s Ball, September 13th - Get your tickets early! Let’s fill the hall with fun and laughter. We have so many wonderful members who are such fun to be with. Remember, wear your black and white. Mark your calendars for October 12th - This will be the Children's Variety Show and Fashion Show, sponsored by the ladies. A spaghetti dinner will be served with all the trimmings. Admission is $10/adults and $5/ children who are not participating. If you have a child or grandchild who can sing, dance or entertain in anyway, please sign them up. Applications are in the lounge. Deadline is October 5th. Any questions, see an auxiliary member. Ladies, let me remind you. They ladies are signed up to cook the first Friday of each month. If you are interested, let me know and we will get things going. We appreciate all the help we receive with this. Many exciting events are planned for your enjoyment. Please volunteer and Make It Happen! See you at the club, Bev Hardee Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Welcome New Members!!! We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members. We hope that you will enjoy your new home away from home. Please attend the meetings and join in the festivities. CRC Officers 2007 / 2008 President Joseph Wolfe 723-7703 Vice Pres George Barrineau 747-3045 Secretary Wayne Blackman 367-9587 Treasurer Tommy Tamblyn 763-7801 Gregory Hill, David Huntley, Board of Directors John Nelson, Scott Nix, Aaron Stace, Harry D. Toler, Thomas Walpole, Lee Wright, and Phil Zaubi We look forward to seeing all of you at the club, and don’t forget to volunteer to help out, an organization is only as strong as its membership!!! UPCOMING EVENTS September/October Birthday Party Sunday, October 5th from 3-5 in the lounge. Children’s Variety Show and Fashion Show October 12th 1 PM. Meetings Called: Meetings of the General Membership and the Ladies Auxiliary have been called for Monday September 8th, at 7pm. Collation from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Menu is TBA. Chaplain's Corner Please keep in mind the following, who are noted on the list of our chaplains. Members who are sick or have been in the hospital: Kathy Edwards, Cori Janney, “Jonesy” Jones, Katherine Matson, David Vega, and Larry Weaver. Our prayers and condolences go out to club members and surviving family members on the death of their loved ones: Dan Evans, Kitty Brown’s sister-in-law If you have news of a member who is ill, or one who has had a death in the family, please call Chaplain Smiley Corbin 747-1092, or for the Auxiliary, Barbara Vaughn 873-5701 or 209-8204. Three-Year Seats Charlie Castner 852-9286 Ricky Heiterer 442-4601 Tommy Hydrick, Jr. 870-3469 Ralph Swindal 554-5542 --------------------------------------Two-Year Seats (One Vacant Seat) Stanley Low 884-2636 Rick Nolan 552-8126 John Robertson 819-6660 --------------------------------------One-Year Seats Albert Brown 722-4633 Ronald Redondo 552-3061 Lacy Sidbury 509-3371 Jeff Williams 795-1855 Committee Chairmen Bowling Jeff Williams 795-1855 Building Skip Gosnell 693-0574 Budget Charlie Ott 763-8910 Bylaws Charlie Castner 852-9286 Chaplain Smiley Corbin 747-1092 Dock Walter Tylee 552-3379 Entertainment John Robertson 819-6660 Executive Kirk Stroud 795-9252 Friday Suppers Ralph Swindal 554-5542 Grounds Steve Campbell 722-8531 Grounds Jerry Barrineau 805-5802 Gunsite Jef Lewis 425-0421 Kitchen Lacy Sidbury 509-3371 Membership Mark Bell 708-2576 Nominating Dick Heiterer 795-4350 Solicitor David Savage 720-7470 Club Manager - Susan Corcell - 722-4853 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( From The KiTchen During the months of August and September, you will start to see changes in our menu selection. We will continue to change and tweak the menu to find out what works, and what does not. We will start to upgrade salads and entrees to include two choices, and offer three sides, with a choice of two. The downside is it’s hard to determine how much of what to cook. Therefore, if you arrive later in the dining evening you may find your choices to be limited. Please be patient as we try to work things out over the next few months. Feel free to let the kitchen committee know how you feel about what’s taking place. If you have a real problem with what we are doing, then you need to see me, or email me. The good news is we are starting to get some men and women to step up and give us a hand in the near future. Must have been the promise that they would not have to wash dishes or sweep floors. Thanks to the following for helping out for the month of July. July 11th – Grilled T-Bones & Chicken Skip Gosnell, Carlton & Dolly Killion, Jeff Williams, Sandra Swindal, and John Robertson July 18th – BBQ Baby Back Ribs O.C. Brummett, Carlton & Dolly Killion, Jeff Williams, Jack West, Tim Jordan, and John Robertson July 25th – Fried Fish, Baked Chicken Julian & Ruth Taylor, Carlton & Dolly Killion, John Robertson, Ted Rywelski, Dallas & Gail Swindal, and Sandra Swindal KITCHEN COMMITTEE: Skip Gosnell, John Robertson, John McCandless, Carlton Killion Bon Appétit, Ralph Swindal [email protected] URGENT BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S UPDATE!!! The one year term that was open for the Board of Directors was filled by acclimation by Albert Brown. At the next coalition (September 8th) we will vote to fill the two year term vacancy on the Board of Directors. The nominees are Walter Tylee and Tony Redondo. Please plan to attend, remember we have had some close elections, and YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT! Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( B O W L I N G N E W S By the time this newsletter entry comes out the Winter Season will likely be going. BUT there are always openings for fans & subs, plus some leagues are always willing to add bowlers or teams the 1st couple of weeks. So see me & I will see to making sure everyone gets "rolling" as soon as possible. We held our 2nd "CRC 9-pin Challenge" on August 9th, and the crowd keeps growing. Here are the results: Averages of 161 or above = 1st - Shane Clark (809=255-288-266), 2nd - Randy Knight (778=298-227-253), and tied for 3rd were Paul Tew (714=171-278-265) & Troy Crank (714=275-207-232)Averages of 160 or below = 1st - Mary Tew (579=177-173-229), 2nd Jennifer Hahn (548=186-206-156), 3rd - Claudette Knight (526=153-205-168) and 4th Judy (?) (476=176-185-115) Watch the "BIG BOARD" in the CRC Bowling Center for the announcement of the next "CRC 9pin Challenge", it will be held in mid-October 2008. Payout is 1 winner for every 3 bowlers, $20 is the entry fee per bowler, Plus everyone is welcome. Bring your friends & family to bowl, have personal challenges within your own group, as always if questions - see me anytime. Now for the Final CRC 2008 Summer Season High Score : CRC SWEAT-HOGS = CONGRATS TO SHANE CLARK LEAGUE CHAMPION = Shane Clark 254-664/603/613/234/278, Mark Tanton 614/268/269=668/254, Paul Tew 227/225/233=634, Rob Barron 247=610/247-235=619/607/278, Jimmy Hahn 245/269=618, Timmy Jordan 231, Lawton Stroud 236, Gene Young 245=661, Vince Floyd 237=648, and Jeff Williams 257=602/226/225=640. CRC ADAM & EVE (Summer) = CONGRATS TO AMY & LLOYD EDWARDS LEAGUE CHAMPIONS =Ruth Stokes 236=622/212-212=598/578, Wendy Sosebee 201211=601/232=592//547/224-217=595, Amy Edwards 524, Marzya Grieco 201=575, Cathy Brown 212=593, Judy Peloquin 530/537, Carlton Killion 607, Vince Grieco 255=686/248-242=706, Vince Floyd 227-248-235=710, and Jeff Williams 269=693/627/242=646. CRC PRO-SHOTS = CONGRATS TO SHANE CLARK LEAGUE CHAMPION = Debbie Galvin 201/500, Shane Clark 228-256=652, Paul Tew 600, Vince Grieco 236, Timmy Jordan 226, Gene Young 242=635, Steve Hartzell 613, and Jeff Williams 248. "YOUR" CRC Bowling Chairman, Jeffrey A. Williams NASCAR Chase For The Cup!!!! October 4th at 7:00 PM Covered Dish Come on out and support your favorite driver. Decorate your table with your driver’s colors and memorabilia. Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Shawn and Jacob Clark take a nap while mom, Carrie, works at the Friday night dinner. Applicants & Their Sponsors Applicant Sponsor Applicant Sponsor Christopher Allen 63 Rutledge Avenue #28 Charleston, SC 29401 Charles Stephens James Pate 10 John Street Charleston, SC 29403 Lacy Sidbury Matthew Brockbank 81 Rutledge Avenue Charleston, SC 29401 Lacy Sidbury Drew Riddle 1186 Arant Street N. Charleston, SC 29405 Colin Regan Campbell Brown 1068 Yorktown Drive James Island, SC 29412 Walter Wilson John Edward Robinson 22 Craven Avenue Charleston, SC 29407 Charles Stephens Arthur Cayette 118 Water Brook Drive Goose Creek, SC 29445 Rick Moore Martin Ray Scarbrough 1143 Mariner Drive James Island, SC 29412 Leslie Colan, Jr. Christian Chamblee 334 East Bay Street #195 Charleston, SC 29401 Ben Geer Triston Shaffall 29 1/2 Nassau Street Charleston, SC 29403 Lacy Sidbury Cam Curry 2305 Fidling Road Charleston, SC 29414 Carlton Killion John Shaffer 841 Armsway Street Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Lacy Sidbury Victor Davidson 45 Sycamore Avenue Charleston, SC 29407 Coleman Bowles Robert Shealy 4488 Parishville Road Meggett, SC 29449 Tommy Tamblyn Tim Dillon 563 King Street, Apt. 5 Charleston, SC 29401 Neil Thompson Charles Siegling 1089 Stonehenge Drive Hanahan, SC 29410 Robert Hahn Ben Edwards 3392 Trumpet Road John’s Island, SC 29455 Lacy Sidbury Travis Smith 1553 Ocean Neighbors Blvd James Island, SC 29412 Lacy Sidbury Mark Evans 141 White Pine Way Summerville, SC 29485 Jeff Williams William Tanner, III 759 Norfolk Drive James Island, SC 29412 Lacy Sidbury John League 1059 Renwood Drive James Island, SC 29412 Travis McCory Wayne Turn 1208 Apex Lane Charleston, SC 29412 Wayne Goss Charles Meier 242 Middle Street Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Peter Brown John Moock 94 Willow Oak Circle Charleston, SC 29418 Jason Luck John Welch 1076 Oakcrest Drive James Island, SC 29412 Chris Kinninger Remember: Applications for membership must be submitted one week prior to Collation. Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Labor Day Collation Men’s Bowling Men’s Bowling 30 28 Men’s Bowling Men’s Bowling 23 16 Men’s Bowling 21 22 Julian Taylor’s Men’s Fish Fry Bowling 5-7 PM 29 3 Ladies Bowling Ladies Bowling Wed 11 4 24 Ladies Bowling Ladies Bowling 25 17 18 Board Meeting 9 New Member 10 Orientation 2 Tue Men’s Bowling 15 Men’s Bowling Meeting Night 8 Club Is Closed 1 Mon Men’s Bowling 14 7 Sun Mixed Bowling Mixed Bowling Mixed Bowling Mixed Bowling Thu Pork Chops Beer-Fried Chicken 20 13 6 Mike Greene 26 27 Fried Shrimp Urban Legend 19 Music: TBA The Barbara Harrell Trio 12 Barbeque 5 Fri President’s Ball 6:30 PM Sat SEPTEMBER 2008 . The Gunsite Charleston Rifle Club 2221 Heriot Street Charleston, SC 29403-3023 Please Contact The Club With Any Address Changes PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID CHARLESTON,SC PERMIT NO 437 If you would like to also receive an e-mail version of your Gunsite, let me know: [email protected] Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (