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We are indebted to ... THE FRIENDS of Harding College who are listed on the following pages. We give our thanks to those who have contributed so much to making our college days worthwhile by offering just those goods and services that we needed. We of the business staff encourage you to patronize our PETIT JEAN advertisers. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION H A RDI NG CO LLEGE SEA RCY , ARKANSAS TO THE CLASS OF '54: Within a few days after you receive your' 54 PETIT JEAN you will become alumni of Harding College. The Alumni As sociation will then be your association and the Alumni office a nd officers are eager to help you in every way possible. Remember, too, that the Alumni Association needs your assistance. All of us are vitally interested in the continued growth and development of our Alma Mater. By working together we can help Harding College realize its aims of "giving students an education of high quality which will lead to an understanding and a philosophy of life consistent with Christian ideals." Respectfully yours, ~~ Joseph E. Pryor, President The Alumni Association 188 College Bookstore This place may be referred to as the nerve center of our campus. After all, who can go to class without books? A favorite tradition is browsing through the books-with or without the intention of buying. Mary is being waited on in the typical friendly fashion. 189 I Mayfair I-Iotel These members of the L. C. Social Club, with their dates, recognize the superior food and service which the MAYFAIR offers to its patrons. When planning a party or banquet for your club, be sure to call us for arrangements. Mrs. R. H. Branch, Manager 190 Searcy Bank Weldon is one of many Hardingites who take advantage of the capable service rendered by this bank. SEARCY BANK is dedicated to serving you as an investor. Students' accounts are welcome . • Bill's Grill Bradley's Barber Shop Bax and Burl are ordering from our wide selection of regular meals and short orders. Harding students are always welcome. Harding students are always at home at BRADLEY'S. Friendlin ess and good work are the characteristics of this shop. 191 The Rendezvous Cafe We genuinely appreciate the nice patronage we have received from Harding College. We know that you know we serve good food. Remember to call us for bus schedules and fares - we're the Missouri Pacific Bus Depot. 192 Achievement We hope that 1953 ment - a year of Harding achieve- will be remembered as the year in which WHBQ-TV was translated from a vision into a reality. Your Harding College stations are proud to be a part of the continually expanding service which Harding College is providing to the national community. WH B Q WHBQ-TV Hotel Chisca Memphis, Tenn. 193 I • , Situated in Searcy's new shopping district, we are the home of better automobile sales and service. Highway 67-E PHONE 1000 White County Motor Company Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Burr's Department Store Babs is a believer in the "Pause that refreshes." With such machines around the campus, cokes are always handy. Charles is sure to find just the jacket he wants from the nice selection at BURR'S. 194 Smith· Vaughan Mercantile Co. Baker's Friendly Shoes As the name says, Bob is getting friendly service and the highest quality in those JARMAN SHOES. Being one of Searcy's oldest business establishments, SMITH-VAUGHAN is certain to supply Max's needs in the home supply line. Searcy Drugmaster As Searcy's newest drugstore, we want to invite you to become a part of our family of satisfied customers. Jess seems to be having trouble deciding which of the fine records he wants. 195 SIGN OF A GOOD NEIGHBOR Lion Oil COmPAnY,ElDorado, Arkansas Makers 01 Naturalube Motor Oil Kni, ·Knoa and Ethyl 'asolines Heat Resistin, lubricant, 196 , bIe Yarnell's Kroh's At the Inn and in the Cafeteria, YARNELL'S" supplies us with that fine Angel Food Ice Cream. It's mighty fine on an outing, too. While the manikins display the latest styles to the passer-by, Mary Etta makes her purchase from Kroh's wide selection. Headlee's Drug Stores With two convenient and modern locations to serve its customers, HEADLEE'S is one of Searcy's best known institutions. For cosmetics, sundries, and reI i a b I e drugs, you just can't beat HEADLEE'S. Paul is looking over one of the razors on the well-stocked sholves. 197 Truman Baker Chevrolet Company We are ready to meet all your automotive needs. New cars and trucks ... modern service department ... lubrication and washing ... gas and oil, U. S. Tires and tubes. Searcy, Arkansas "CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST" Walker's Men's Store Wonder Super Market My, won't Gerald look nice in those sporty shorts! The latest styles from WALKER'S help keep us well dressed. Don't you suppose that Keith and Joanne shop at WONDER SUPER MARKET because they know about the kind of service which Joe offers? 198 M odern, high-speed equipment, as pictured above in our pressroom and bindery departments, enable us to give you a complete printing service. Any job - large or small - receives the same personal attention by men who know how to give you the best in printing. Harding College Press * commercial printers Herman West, Manager Manufacturers of fin e printing serving your religious , educational, industrial, and commercial needs. 199 MAY your ministry for Christ and His Church be long and ever fruitful. We are always at your command . and are prepared to serve you as you serve Christ. "TRUI~TO~THIM.tlU lITllA'fUU SINCE 1*"" ; HE STANDARD PUBUSHING COMPANY' 20 L CEH......L 'MKWAY CINCINNATI 10, ONIO Compliments Gospel Tract Service Elza, Elvis, and Evertt Huffard, Owners SEARCY, ARKANSAS Morris & Son MEN'S WEAR AND SHOES Allen's Bakery "The Store that Saves You Money" When your club has an outing or a party, remember we always have the finest bread. and pasteries. Jim is purchasing his favorite cookies. SEARCY, ARKANSAS 200 Gospel Advocate Company NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Publishers of Gospel Advocate - Since 1855 A 20 page periodical, published each week, and devoted to the truth of God. $3.00 a year. Gospel Literature Uniform Bible Lessons in ten courses, from Kindergarten to Adult at low prices - 8c to 18c for each child, each quarter. Guides fOT Teachers and additional materials available also. The Best In Books School and religious books - concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, histories, debates, Bible study books, gift books, and, in fact everything in reliable books. Send for catalog. The Best In Bibles In King James, Revised and Modern Translations. We carry Cambridge, Collins, Harper, Holman, Nelson, Oxford and World Syndicate Bibles and Testaments at reasonable prices, prepaid. Send for catalog. Church Supplies Communion ware - trays, covers, glasses, fillers, and bread plates; Communion bread; contribution plates; and baskets-aluminum and wicker; hymn boards, Bible school registers, attendance materials, gold and silver pins, and many, many, other attractive, helpful, economical things. Send for catalog. We Can Help You In planning ch urch buildings, buying bulletin boards, purchasing seats, and hundreds of other things. Write us. Christian Hymns Number Two 452 songs. The hymnal used most among churches of Christ. High Quality content, paper, and binding. $1.00 a copy prepaid; $80.00 a hundred, not prepaid. Many other song books and hymnals at very reasonable prices. NINETY-SIX YEARS OF SERVICE 201 Exquisite soups rich in flavor and wholesome goodness EXTON'S recently S acquired facilities for the cooking of soups at Indianapolis makes possible controlled production insuring that extra Sexton goodness. John 540.'0" & Co., S••'on Squor., Chh;qo,lll. Bolton's Cadillac and Pontiac Cars - G.M. Trucks Avery Tractors and Equipment Sales Phone 533 - FRIGIDAIRE 534 Service Wrecker Service COMPLIMENTS Lena· Frances Flower and Gift Shop Van's Cottages Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cralle When your parents come to Searcy, always recommend VAN'S COTTAGES. Just like home! Reasonable rates! 212 West Stephenson HARRISON, ARKANSAS zoz Searcy Truck &Tractor CO. Park Ave. Grocery MOTOR TRUCK DIVISION INTERNATIONAL OLDSMOBILE Trucks Cars JAMES ACLIN, Mgr. Searcy, Arkansas Phone 362 Sis. Ritchie, with plenty of help from Joan and Betty, does her shoppmg at Park Ave. Hardingite Perry Mason stands by ready to serve her. Eubank's Agency No matter what his insurance needs, Bro. Dykes can be sure that EUBANK'S AGENCY can supply them. This friendly agency has won the good will of its patrons through its years of superior service. 203 Surrounded by tradition ..... The Center of Yearbook Craftsmanship B. L. Semtner, President SEM'C O COLOR PRESS, INC Paul Benn ett, Vice- President , In Charge Yearbook Division 129 North west Third Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Richard Struck, Production Manager 204 WE ARE PROUD OF OUR COMPLETE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING SERVICE We are proud of the service we render to Harding College and the community. We are also proud of the fact we have helped twenty-nine students a ttend Harding College this year. I-Iarding College Laundry & Cleaners GREG RHODES, Manager 205 Berryhill's Sporting Goods White House Cafe There'll be no stopping Norman when he gets on the court in those shoes! See BERRYHILL'S for your club jackets, too. Don and Nancy order at one of the favorite off-campus eating places. Courtesy and good food are the trade-marks of the WHITE HOUSE CAFE. The Security Bank Our photographer can deal with the SECURITY BANK with confidence. Jim is one of several students who have experienced the friend ly and efficient service of th is bank. 206 Crestview Wholesale Notions & Sweets We serve Northwest Florida with the finest in the notions line. Distributors of Colgate Products, Nifty Paper Products, and Tat Hosiery. Our congratulations go to the Harding College class of 1954. You have prepared yourselves for h umble service; may this be your constant ambition. W. B. HUGHES 783 Ferdon Avenue Owner CRESTVIEW, FLORIDA Wood - Freeman Lumber Company WOOD-FREEMAN has played a large part in making the Harding "dreamcampus" a reality. Call on them for valuable assistance on your construction problems. 207 1954 PETIT JEAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY Dan Glenn Studios Medical Arts Building Florence. Alabama 208 ., ..,~ J 'I ~ ( • l , , f Guy Thompson Buick Company ) ,I ,• J " I• ( I " ~ -• ~ ; With ,, new facilities, the Guy Thompson Buick Co. is ready to serve you. The great new '54 Buick is really "a dream on wheels." Come in for a demonstration. The Ideal Shop Adam's Abstract and Insurance Co. Majorie and Betty are looking over some of the latest fashions on display at THE IDEAL SHOP. This modern store helps to keep our young ladies looking their best. When our PETIT JEAN Business Manager takes time to be sure of his own business, he can be confident that Mr. Adams can help. Come in and let us help you too. 209 Compliments Union National Bank Family Shoe Store OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS "THE SHOE STORE WITH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE FRIENDLY SERVICE!" By providing a place for good food and jus' plain loafing, THE COLLEGE INN fills a place of real service on our campus. Margaret returns this customers change in the cheerful way that is so typical of the COLLEGE INN. The College Inn Compliments of Com pliments White House Grocery Riddle Tin Shop SEARCY, ARKANSAS 210 Compliments of Compliments of Yingling &Yingling James Funeral Home Attorneys - at - Law Drs. Garrison &Dacus Dr. Lee A. Biggs Optometrists Optometrist Dr. Jewel T. Hestir Hawkins Clinic Hospital 505 East Race Street Chiropractor . Dr. Kenneth Baines Porter Rodgers Hospital Chiropractor Southern Auto Dr. T. J. Ford Dentist Smith's Florists 211 STUDENT DIRECTORY A , Achuck, Warren Wong (F) - 246 Mason Street, San Francisco, Calif. Adams, June (Sr) - Carryville, Ark. Ahn, Yang Kee (F) - Office of the President. Seoul, Korea Alexander, Cecil B. (F) - 4671 Jacskon, Dearborn, Mich. Al exander, Herman C. (F) - Box 14, Casa, Ark. Al exander, Leroy (J) -102 Drilling Street, Morrilton, Ark. Alexander, Wallace (F) - Delight, Ark. Allen, Benton (F, - Rt. 1, Appleton, Ark. Allen, Martha (Sr) - 217 E. Maple, Jeffersonville, Ind. Almand , Troy (F) - 5031,6 N. Cross, Searcy. Ark. Amos, Gwendolyn (F) - Box 18, Angleton, Tex . Anderson, Camille (J) - Swifton, Ark . Anderson, John ( J) - 303 Shepard, Nashville, Ark. Anderson, Robert (G) - 67575 May St., Chicago 21, m. Anderson. Ruby (F) - Rt. 2, West Plains, Mo. Argo, June (8) - Box 241. Grady, Ark . Armstrong, Ortell (Sd - Mayfield, Kans. Arnold, Cathleen (S) - 6612 Rockdale, Dearborn, Mich. Arnold, Peggy ( F) - 3046 Horton St., Rockford 2, Ill. Ault. Patricia I F ) - Rt . 2, Farmersburg, Ind. Austin, Mar.garet (S ) - 165 S. Third , Piggott. Ark. B Bailes. Bonnie ( F ) - 7002 S. Yakima, Tacoma, Wash. Bail ey, Eugene ( F) - 498 Josephine St., Memphis 11, Tenn. Baker, Edward (F) - 89 First Ave., Nyack, N.Y. Baker, Marion (J) - Rt. 1. Lake City, Ark. Baker, Virginia (F) - 802 N.E. First St., Walnut Ridge, Ark. BAldwin, Charlotte (F) - 7722 Floyd , Overland Park, Kans. Baldwin, Maurice (F) - Box 646 Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Baldwin . Rita Jo (S) - Cordell. Okla. Ballard, Max (S) - Rt. 3, Box 185, Dunson, Okla. Bankston, Jeanne (S) - 514 N. Tacoma, Tulsa 6, Okla. Barnes, Jerome (S) - 905 E. Weatherford, Ft. Worth, TeX. Barrentine. Shirley (S) - 23 S. Auburndale, Memphis, Tenn. Bateman, Frances Merle (J) - Rt. 2, Quitman, Ark. Bates, Max (F) - Box ]62, Summerfield, Ohio Bawcom, Norman Jean (F) - 1421 South Wash., Bastrop, La . Beasley, Huey Porter ( F) - 209 S. Pine, Searcy, Ark. Bedford, Ellis Ray (S) - 1129 Providence Rd., Springfield, Pa. Bedford, Henry Martin (8) - 1129 Providence Rd. , Springfield, Pa. . Bell, William (J ) - 21 N. Pearl, Buffalo, N.Y. Bell, Jo)o (S) - 441 Clifton, Camden, Ark. Bennett, Carrol (F ) - Box 61, Dubach , La . Be nson, Bradley (F) - Rt. I, Greenway, Ark . Benson, Ginger (S ) - 1701 Beech St., Texarkana, Ark. Bentley, Wesley Andrew (F) - Boles Home, Quinlan, Tex. Berry, Betty (S) - 2217 Brighton, Kansas City, Mo . Be rry, O'Neal ( J) - Box 181, Beedeville, Ark . Bever, Ronald ( J ) - Box 177, Granada, Colo. Birdsall. Shirley Anne (Sd - 238 Citrus Rd. , New Orleans 23, La. Bishop, Kenneth (J) - Rt. 1, Pittston, Pa. Blake, Bob (F) - 3728 W. Park, Oklahoma City, Okla. Blake, Shirley Ann (F) - Sherrill, Ark. Blanchard , Carl (F) - Powersville, Mo. Boggs, Harry (S) - Box 215, Hazen, Ark. Boggs, J ohn (J) - Box 215, Haxen, Ark. Border, Doyle (S) - Box 582, Knoebel, Ark. Bradke, Anne (J) - Rt. 3, Kellogg, Little Rock, Ark. Bradke, Mollie ( F) - Rt. 3, Kellogg, Little Rock , Ark. Brink, Arlen e ( F ) - Rt. 9, Springfield, Mo. Bristow, Be nny (S) - 3672 Folsom Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Brittain, James (Sd - 1416 Sui Ross, Houston, Tex. Broderick, Jerry (F) - Box 641 , Wordell, Mo. Brown, Carldene Williams ( J) Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Brown, Be rnard (8) -1302 E. No. Line, Searcy, Ark. Brown, Danny (Sr) - 403 N. St., Orange, Tex . Brown, David (S) - 1302 E. N. Line, Searcy, Ark . Brown, Dewey Morgan (F ) - 646 15th St., Port Arthur, Tex. Brown, J a mes Donald (J) - 424 N. Grand, Searcy, Ark. Brown, Johnny (G) - Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Brown. Robert ( J) - Box 59, Spring Hill, Tenn. Brown, Robert Steven (J) 389 E. Main, At1anta , Tex. Browning, Delmer (J) 2166 N. Summitt, Springfield 2, Mo. Brumitt, Jane (J) - Calico Rock, Ark. Bryant, Susie (F) - Rt. 4, Box 180, Camden. Ark. Buchanan, Margaret (S) - Rt. 2, Box 52, DeRidder, La . Buck, Lucille (F) - Rt. 2, Leachville, Ark. Burbridge. Jack (F) - 507 Benjamin, Ann Arbor , Mich . Burford. Alwin (F) - Rt. 5, Glasgow, Ky. Burgess, Glenn (J) - Rt. 6, Box 270, Florence, Ala . Burkett, Lavera (F) - 802 E. Center St., Searcy, Ark . Burks. J oe (J) - Rt. 4, Lubbock , Tex. Burns. Martha Ann (S ) - 403 W . 7th St., Columbia, Tenn. Burrough, Joe (J ) - Box 456, Caraway, Ark. Burt, Wally (Sd - 923 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. 2 12 Burt. Richard (S) - 107 Dalton St., Bastrop, La. Burton, Mary (J) - Hillsboro Rd., Nashville, Tenn. Bush, Kaye ( F ) - 328 E. Walnut, Santa Ana, Calif. Bush, Muriel (S ) - 21605 Bon Heur, St. Clare Shores, Mich. Bush, Reid (J ) - 328 E. Walnut, Santa Ana, Calif. Butler, Ada (J) - Box 337, Bald Knob, Ark . Butler. Charles (G) - Clinton, Ark. Byerley, Rodney (S) -12 Phillips La., Darien, Conn. Byrd, Richard (F) - Pleasant Plains, Ark. C Caldwell, Finis Jay (F) - 904 Wayne, Kennett, Mo. Callahan, Dorothy (F) - 902 Brahan St., Huntsville, Ala. Campbell, Wilma (S) - Busy, Ky. Cannon, Joseph (G) -18 Ridea u Ave., Toronto, Canada Canon, Rosa (J) - 302 N. Cross, Sea rcy, Ark. Carnes, Kyle (Sr) - 713 Oak Ridge Dr., Neosho, Mo. Carrington, Fay (F) - 1494 20th St., Detroit 16, Mich. Cato, Carol (S) - 1523 Barber, Little Rock, Ark. Chandler, James ( F ) - 302 E. Market, Searcy, Ark . Cheek, Alta (J ) - 502 Church, Atkins, Ark. Chesshir, J ordine (J) - Rt. 4, Nashville, Ark . Childs, J a mes B. (J) - Rt. 3, Box 224, Minden, La. Clanton, Doris (F) - Rt . 9, Box 415, Springfield, Mo. Clark, Alyce Belinda (F) -1624 Glacier Ave., Juneau, Alaska Clark, Frank ( F ) - Box 84, Waldo, Ark . Clark, Jo Ann (F) - Grant, Okla. Clark, Neil (J) - Deer Creek, Okla. Clark, Paul Thomas (F) - Box 84, Waldo, Ark. Clark, Robert D. (F) - Grant. Okla. Claunch, Robert (F) - 1521 Shelley Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio Claxton, Mary Jane (S) - Grovespring, Mo. Clayton, Grace (F) - Carlisle, Ark . Clayton, Martha (J) - 409 S . Division, Morrilton, Ark. Coble, Ronald (S) - Rt. 1, Gosport 3. Ind. Coburn, Lois (S) - 5455 Ross Road, Sebastopol, Calif. Coburn, Robert (Sr) 5455 Ross Road , Sebastopol, Calif. Coker, Robert (S) - Rt. I , Box 135, Hoxie, Ark . Coldiron, Bobby (Sr) - 28 Lake, Hazlehurst, Miss. Cole, Betty Jo (J) 359 Adams Ave., N.E., Camden, Ark. Collins, J. W. (F) - Tuckerman, Ark. Cooper, Ann Etta (F) - 3324 Macon, Memphis 12, Tenn. Cooper, Lucretia (F) - Rt . 2, Box 606, Newport, Ark. Cope, Don (F) - 410 Oak, West Plains, Mo. Covey, Sara J ean (Sr) - 2210 Portland, Louisville 12, Ky. Covington, Jerry (F ) - Rt. I, Hughes Springs, Tex. Cox, C. L. (S) - Box 912, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Cradock, William Lewis (F) - South Point, Ohio Craig, Patsy Sue (F) - Box 697, J o nesboro, Ark . Crawford, Lawrence ( J ) Rt. 1, Williford, Ark. Creed, Ralph Edward (F) - 249 N. Cane, Opelousas, La. Criner, Tommy (F) - 4616 Club Rd ., Little Rock, Ark. Cropper, Billy (F) - Thom asville, Mo. Crosby, Norma (J) - Pangburn, Ark. Cross, Robert (J) - 4128 S. 37 W. Ave., Tulsa 7, Okla. Cross, Tyson (F) - 4128 S. 37 W . Ave., Tulsa 7, Okla. Cuellar, Joe ( F ) - 620 S . Purdum, Kokomo, Ind . Curry, William, Jr . (G) - Rt. 4, Minden , La. Cutting, Shirley (S) - Homewood , Manitoba, Canada D Dalton, Jean (F) - 9740 Midland, Overland 14, Mo. Daniels, Bebe (J) - 315 17th Ave., East Moline, Ill. Danley, Claude (S) - Rt. 3, Florence, Ala. Danley, Earl Douglas (F) - Rt. 3, Flore nce, Ala. Darrah , Joe William (F) - 730 4th St .. Marietta , Ohio Davis, Bobby Rex (J ) - Box 241, Pocahontas, Ark. Davis, Yvonne (J) -1007 E. Hillsboro, EI Dorado. Ark. Davis, Delbert IF) - 261 Groton Rd .. Sebastopol , Calif. Davis. Dorothy (S) - 809 Illinois, Weslaco, Tex. Day, Judith (S) - 1007 N. Lincoln, Urbana, Ill . Dean, Ann Laura (Sd - J asper, Tex. Dean, Herbert Prentice (G) - 4543 N. Meade, Chicago, Ill. Denman, Harry Lee (S) - 605 S. Jerrerson, Farmington, Mo. Dial , Pat (J) 4219 Olive Ave., Long Beach 7, Calif. Dixon, Billie Louise (J ) 2824 Ave. J , Ft. Worth 5, Tex. Dorsey. Pat (J ) - Rt. 2, Terrell. Tex. Dougherty, Sut (F) - 14231 Strathmoor. Detroit 27, Mich. Dykes,"Norman (F) - 714 E. Center. Searcy, Ark. Dykes, Virginia (S ) - 501 E. Rogers, Valdosta, Ga. E Eades. Carroll (S) - 419 W. 6th, Kennett , Mo. Eades, Lola (F) - 4163 Louisi a na, San Diego, Calif. Eades, Mae Ruth (F) - 419 W . 6th, Kennett , Mo. Edrington , Joann (F) - Rt . I, Beech Grove, Ark. Edwards. Lois Joan (F) Beedeville, Ark. Eggers , J oyce ( J) - Dolores, Colo. Elkins, Betty Sue (F) - Attica, Ark. England , Donald (S) -113 Anderson St. , Sparta, Tenn. Eubanks. Helen (S) - Rt. 2. Paragould, Ark . Eubanks, Robert (J) - 930 E. Center, Searcy, Ark . Evins, Paul (F) - Amagon, Ark. Ewing. J. D. (S) - Harding Coll ege. Searcy, Ark. F Feagin, Ransom (F) - Bradford, Ark. Ferren, Sherman (3d - Rt. I, Judsonia, Ark. Figgins, Johnny (J) 1110 Grand Ave., Caruthersville, Mo. Finley, Gene (8) - Rt. 1, Box US-A, Star City, Ark. Fisk, Shirley (F) - 1659 19th St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Fletcher, Joan (F) - Box 542, Williford, Ark. Floyd, Betty Ann (F) - 1010 N. Main St., Nashville. Ark. Floyd, Estelle (Sd - Rt. 3, Se.arcy, Ark. Floyd, Harvey (G) - 625 Walthall, Greenville, Miss. Fogarty, Pat (Sd -1028 E. Locust, Davenport. Iowa Fong, Eric (8) - 719 Nathan Rd., Hong Kong, China Ford, Leo (F) - 302 N. 6th St., Pocahontas, Ark. Franks, Hubert (Sr) - Star Rt., Box 55, Merryville, La. French, Kenny (8) - Box 503, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. French, Myrna (8) - Box 503, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Fritz, Margie (S) - Rt. 1, Senath, Mo. Fry, Dla Grace (S) - Rt. 3, Lake City, Ark. Fuchs, Aquilla (Sr) - Grimes, Oklfl. Fulks, Billy (G) - 1640 12th Ave., Huntington, W.Va. Fullerton, Helen (S) - Damascus, Ark. Fullerton, Olen Ray (F) - 701 N. Oak St., Morrilton, Ark. Futrell, Edwin Byron (F) - Box 371, Pocahontas, Ark. Futrell, Peggy (8) - 619 Tennessee, Walnut Ridge, Ark. Hazlet, Jcanetta M. (Sp) - Rt. 1, Box 29, Hudson, Colo. Hazlet, Venice (F) - Rt. I, Box 29, Hudson, Colo. Hearn James Lewis (S) - Judsonia, Ark. Heidb;eder, Janet (Sr) - Piggott, Ark. Helm. Betty Sue (J) - 601 Okanogan Ave., Wenatchee, Wash. Belms, W. Doyle (S) - Tuckerman, Ark. Henderson, Roy G. (F ) - 306 S.E. Monroe, Idabel, Okla. Herren, Mary Ruth (S) - 632 W. Thompson. Paragould, Ark. Heydenreich, J ames (S) - Deer, Ark. Hickingbottom, Mildred (F) - Poplar Grove, Ark. Hickingbottom, Shirley Ann (F) - Poplar Grove, Ark. Hickman, Darrell David (S) - Center St .• Searcy, Ark. Hickman, James Harry (Sr) - 308 E. Market, Searcy. Ark. Hill, Mary Ethel (F) - Southern Christian Home ,Morrilton, Ark. Hill, Sam P. (J) - Rt. 1, Quitman, Ark. Hill. Vennie V. (S) - Rt. 3, Corinth, Miss. Hill, Virginia Lynn (F) - Berclair Ave., Memphis 12, Tenn. Hillis, John G. (Sr) - 810 E. Park Ave., Searcy, Ark. Hixson, Nelda (S) - 517 Border Dr., Bogalusa, La. Hodges, Brenda Gale (F) - Box 593, Junction, Tex. Hogins, James ' Burl (F) - Scottsville, Ark. Holcomb, Charlene (Sr) - Rt. 1, Box 247, Jackson, Miss. Holcomb. Robert R. Jr. (J) Rt. I, Box 247, Jackson, Miss. Holland, Benny Joseph (Sr) - 914 E. Washington, Harlingen, Tex. Holloway, Betty Jo (F) - Bragg qty, Mo. Holloway. Geraldine (Sr) - Bragg City, Mo. Hanke, Marjorie Yiolet (F) - 121 Dagmar, Winnipeg, Man., Canada Hopwood. Sherman Lester (F) - Star Rt. I, Ozark, Ark. Horn, Larry (F) - Black Rock, Ark. Hoskins, Gordon B. (F) - Pangburn. Ark. Hoskins. Janice Irene (F) - Rt. I, Leachville, Ark. Housley, Lindell Eugene (S) - 102 Drilling, Morrilton, Ark. Howard, Grace Anne (F) - 243 Buena Vista, Memphis 12, Tenn. Howell, Billy Forrest (J) - Morrilton, Ark. Howell, George B. (F) - Rt. 1. Pollard, Ark. Hueter, Oralee (S) - Leachville, Ark. Hughes, James Edsel (F) - P.O. Box 409, Crestview, Fla. Hughes, Ralph Eugene (F) - Rt. 1, Terre Haute, Ind. Hughes. W. Norman (Sr) - P.O. Box 409, Crestview, Fla. Hunt. Ann Elizabeth (F) - 3315 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hutchison, Jackie (F) - Searcy, Ark. Hyatt, Marjorie Jane (S) - 2610 Quincy, Kansas City 27, Mo. Hylbert, William H. (Sr) 4911 Camden Ave., Parkersburg, W.Va. t G Ganus, Joy Carleen (F) - 24 Swan St .• New Orleans 24, La. Garner, Henry (J) - 210 8. Oak, Searcy, Ark. Garrett, Cecil (J) - Box 713, Harding College. Searcy, Ark. Garrett, Marilyn (F) - 14 S. Addinsell, Phillips. Tex. Gatlin, Larry (8) - Rt. 4, Paragould, Ark. Gay, Marion Richard (F) - McRae, Ark. Gee, Richard (F) - 2623 James, Shreveport, La. Gilfilen, James (S) - 218 S. 29th, Belleville, Ill. Gilfilen, Walter (F) - 218 S. 29th, Belleville, Ill. Giliespie, Kay (F) - Rt. 2, Marianna, Ark. Gilliam, Bob (Sr) - 3430 Strong St., Ft. Worth, Tex. Girdley, James (G) - Rt. 3, Box 337 A, Osceola, Ark. Girdley, Leonard (F) - Rt. 3, Box 337 A, Osceola, Ark. Givens, Glena R. (J) - Box 653, Hawkins, Tex. Gleason, Leon (Sr) - Box 467, Sta. A, Searcy, Ark. Glover, Barbara Jean (F) - 2754 Hermitage, St. Louis, Mo. Glover, Joe (F) - 207 S. Lucy, Searcy, Ark. Goins, Mary D. (F) - Beech Grove, Ark. Goldsmith, Lahoma (Sr) - Rt. 1, Monett, Mo. Golzer, Anneliese (J) - 15 Steinhausenstr, Frankfurt A.M., Germany Goodheer, Wit C. (J) - 25 Madisonville Rd., Basking Ridge, N.J. Gower, Jean Rae (F) - Rt. I, Bradford. Ark. Grady, Mary Etta (J) - Beedeville, Ark. Grady, Roselene (F) - Rt. 2, Leachville. Ark. Green, Marvin W. (S) - 923 E. Market, Searcy. Ark. Gregg, George Willis (Sr) -1220 N. Market St .• Cordell, Okla. Griffith, James Otis (J) - Rt. 3, Box 44, Vilonia, Ark. Grisham, Bill M. (F) - Rt. I, Box 126, Mesquite, Tex. Gross, Peggy Lea (F) - Rt. 1. Nashville. Ark. Grubbs, Charles Edward (S) - 1336 Brooklyn Ave., Cambridge, Ohio Guffin, C. John (F) - 1416 Armstrong, Bartlesville, Okla. Gurganus, Geo. P. (G) - 50 W. 108 Pl., Chicago, Ill. Gurganus, Irene L. (Sp) 50 W. 108 Pl., Chicago, Ill. Gurganus, James W. CF) - 16832 Wood, Hazelcrest, Ill. Gurganus, L. T. (F) - Rt.1, Box 17. Cordova, Ala. Gwin, Wanda L. (F) - S. Moss. Searcy, Ark. H Hacker, William Joe (S) - 2125 Garland, Muskogee, Okla. Haddock, Opal Juanita (Sr) - Arbyrd, Mo. Hale, Billy C. (S) -163 Glenora, Rt. 5, Little Rock, Ark. Hall, Claude (F) - 106 N. Moss, Searcy. Ark. Hall, Dennie (F) - Melbourne, Ark. Hall, Lehman (Sr) - 106 N. Moss, Searcy, Ark. Hall, Leonard (Sr) -106 N. Moss, Searcy, Ark. Hanes, Olan (J) - 802 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Hardin, N. Lucille (F) - Rt. I, Knobel, Ark. Hare, John Charles (F) - 127 S. Main, Conroe, Tex. Harger, Arthur Glenn (J) -1302 Edgewood, Ann Arbor, Mich. Harmon, Betty Jo (S) - Tipton Home, Tiptoll, Okla. Harmon, Thelma Jean (Sr) - 3639 N. Claremont, Chicago 18, Ill. Harness. Mack (Sr) - Rt. 7, Crestwood, Helena, Ark. Harpp.r, Billy Ray (F) -1824 N. 22nd St., St. Louis 1, Mo. Harris. Claudette (F) - 520 East 3rd, Walnut Ridge, Ark. Harris, Kenneth (F) - Rt. 5, Prescott, Ark. Hart, N. Sue (J) - Rt. 1, Athens, Tenn. Hartman, Laura Joanne (S) - 67 Highview Ave., Bernardsville. N.J. Hartman, Ralph Dale (J) - N. Star Rt., Sayre, Okla. Harvey, Nina (F) - Norfork. Ark. Harvey, Shirley Ann (F) - Rt. 1. Box 268, Camden. Ark. Hatcher. Weldon (J) -1990 Watkins Lake Rd., Pontiac. Mich. Hayes. James M. (F) - Decatur. Ark. Haynes. Sam F. (J) - Box 403, Kerman, Calif. 213 I Ingells, John H. (F ) - Rt. I, Box 286, DeRidder, La. J Jacobson, David R. (F) - Como Ave., Park Rapids. Minn. James. Nadine (S) - Rt. 4, Searcy, Ark. Jarrard, Carole June (F) - 540 E. Cleveland, West Plains, Mo. Jarrell, Samuel Raymond (S) - 527 Chautauque, Dexter, Mo. Johns, Billy J. (Sr) 302 N. Cross, Searcy. Ark. Johnson, Barbara Ann (S) - Rt. 2, Campbell, Mo. Johnson, Joanne Ina (J) - 47 Evesard St., Worcester, Mass. Johnson, Mary E. (S) - 323 W. 3rd, Booneville, Ark. Johnson, Mary Lou (Sr) -1215 Kingsley, Stockton, Calif. Johnston. Donald C. (J) - 409 S. New Orleans, Brinkley, Ark. Jordan, Charles E. (Sp) - Rt. 3, Smithville, Miss. Joyner, Jimmie CF) - Blanton, Searcy, Ark. K Katagiri, Atsue (F) - 13 Shigashi, Kuromon-cho, Daito-Ku. Tokyo, Japan Keathley, Jesse N. (F) - Box 536, Biloxi, Miss. Kee, Jeanette (J) - Rt. 3, Bowie, Tex. Kee, Norman (J) - Rt. 3, Bowie, Tex. Keller, George (J) - Box 59. Spring Hill, Tenn. Kendrick. W. Gerald (G) - 510 W. 82nd, Shreveport, La. Kennedy, Jimmy Ray (F) - N. 3rd. Nashville, Ark. Kieffer, George (S) - 806 8. National, Springfield 4, Mo. Kie!. Cleone J. (S) - Blanchardville, Wis. Kiihnl. Dewitt T. (Sd - Enid, Miss. Kilgo. Lurabeth (F) - Best. Ark. King, Jackie (S) - 406 E. Center, Searcy. Ark. King. Martha C. CF) - 6417 W. 81st. Overland Park, Kans. King, Sara Jo Anne (S) - 707 McLemore. Brownsville, Tenn. Kitazawa, Hatsuyo (J) - 69 Moto-Machi, Naka-Ku, Yokahama, Japan Knight, Ralph A. (Sd - Rt. 2. Salem. Ill. Knod, Norma Faye (F) - 3103 Spradling. Ft. Smith, Ark. Knoebel, Edgar Erwin (G) - Senckenberg, Anlage 17-17, Frankfort A.M., Germany L La Ferney, Preston E. (F) - Griffithville, Ark. Landrum. Milton W. (F) - Box 792, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Lane. Mennie Lee (S) - Tipton Home, Tipton, Okla. Langdon, Iva Lou (S) - 170 E. Merchant, Kankakee. Ill. Larwin. Gloria E. (F) - 6401 S. Salina St., Nedrow 5, N.Y. Latner, William LeRoy (F) -1404 Dewey Ave., Newport, Ark. Latterner, Ernestine (F) - Rt. 9, Box 595, Springfield, Mo. Layman, Charles E. (F) - 2622 Jackson, Kansas City 1, Mo. Leake, Herma n E. (F) - Rt. 4, Greenville , Tex . Lee, Norma Cornelia (J) - Ridgley, Tenn. Lemmons, Barbara Sue (F) - 1005 S. Walnut, Sherman, Tex. Lemmons, Coletta (Sr) - Rt. 4, Paragould, Ark. Lenington, David E. ( F) - 311 Matthew, Marietta, Ohio Leopard. Betty J . (F) - 389 Greenrield Rd., Memphis, Tenn. Lester, Mary Sue (F) - Mudsand Rt., Soper, Okla. Lewis, Joe Emery (8) - 5211 Juniper Dr., Mission, Kans. Lily, Joane (Sr) - 3508 E. Boardway. North Little Rock, Ark. Lingo. J erieJ R. (F) - 1517 St. Louis St., Hot Springs, Ark. Lloyd, Ivan Victor ( F) - 10 Royton PL, Johannesburg, South Afri ca Loggains, Wanda Lee (F) - Rt. 4, Batesville, Ark. Long, Ruth (S) - 905 E. Oakwood, Altus, Okla. Luker. Johnnie N. (Sr) - Redding, Calif. Lydic, Margaret J. (Sr) - 2772 Bolton Dr., Akron 19, Ohio Lyons, Jimmy L. (S) - 1103 E. River, Searcy, Ark. Numajiri Saturo (Sd - 2005 Atago, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan o Odom, Ralph L. (S) - 410 S. G St., Oxnard, Calif. Olbricht, Gl enn Calvin (G) - 300 N. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Olbricht, Owen D. (Sd - 300 N. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Oliver, Lora An n(F) -102 Drilling, Morrilton, Ark. Oliver, Margaret F. (S) - 513 S. Walnut, Hope 3, Ark. Organ, Glenn E. ( F ) - 2836 Merele, Shreveport, La. Otey, Dick (S) - 1700 S. Pierce, Little Rock, Ark. Ouzts, Eugene T. (S) - R.F.D. 5, Thomasville. Ga. Owens, Marion D. (Sr) - Wardell, Mo. p Me McAdams, Bonnie Dell (J) - Judsonia , Ark . McAul ey, James A. (Sr ) - '.699 Kendale, Memphis, Tenn. McBride, Dolores (S) - Havana , Ark. McCalister, Don (S) - 612 N. 13th St. , Santa Paula , Cali£. McCampbell, Duanne (F) - 2813 lh S. Youngs, Oklahoma City, Okla. McCartney, Shirley Gale (F) - Rt. 3, Newport, Ark. McCu llough , Paul V. (J) - 449 Ogden , East Liverpool, Ohio McCurry, Ronnie (F) - Rt. 1, Candler, N.C. McDaniel. Nancy E. (Sd - 2911 Hogan Rd., East Point, Ga. McDowell, Janice (S) - 926 Kirkwood La ne, Nashville, Tenn. McGaughey, Don H. ( G) - 1318 N.E. 36, Oklahoma City, Okla. McGinnis, Marjorie Nell (S) - Rt. 3, Osceola, Ark . McKee, James H. (F) - Rt. I, Tanner, Ala . McMill a n , Edna May (F) - Dolores, Colo. McNalty, Russell (S) - Rt. 4, Meaford, Ontario, Canada McNutt, Jack W. (S) - Box 5431, Norphlet, Ark. McRay, Harold G. (G) - Box 677, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. McReynolds, Glenn B. (F) - 2456 Seminary Ave., Oakland 5 Calif. ' McReynolds, Grace Elaine (Sr) - Rt. 3, Box 102, DeRidder, La. M Maddox, Ruth V. (S) - 5031 Curtis, Dearborn, Mich . Magee, Paul Ross (J) - Piggott, Ark. Magee , Peggy Louise (Sr) - Shirley, Ark. Mahaffy, J a mes A. (S) - 69-75 Park Dr. , E. Kew Gdn. Hills, New York 67, N.Y. Mahaffey, Paul Gene (F) - Rt. 10, Box 321, Ft. Worth, Tex. Majors, Jennie L. (J) - 7689 S. Crawford, Reedley, Calif. Mallernee, Kenneth R. (S) - 543 Grant St., Cadiz, Ohio Martin, J erry D. (F) - 407 S. Montgomery, Sherman, Tex. Martin. John Gillis (F) - Moss St., Searcy, Ark. Matlock. Johnnie M. (F) - Augusta, Ark. Matthews, Mary Alice (F) - Box 763, Harding College Searcy Ark. ' , Mattox, Billy Joe (J) - 928 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Maxwell, James (J) - 2751 Allers Lane, Evansville, Ind. May, Cecil R. (Sr) - 2076 Vinton, Memphis 4, Tenn. Maynard, Hollis B. (J) - Box 234, Canyon, Tex. Meredith. Jack (F) - Courtland, Miss. Miller, Bobby Lee (Sd - R.F.D., Newalla Okla. Milligan, Hilda Mae (F) - Portia, Ark. ' Moore, Mike G. (J) - Batesville, Ark. Moore, R. Ralph (Sr) - Hornersville, Mo. Moore, Wendel Lavern (G) - Rt. 3, Coldwater, Miss. Moreland , Marjorie (F) - 3009 N.W. 16, Oklahoma City, Okla. Morgan , Franklin C. (F) - Rt. 2, Box 58, Spiro, Okla. Morga~, Rob~rt E. (F) - 10120 Lebanon, Cupertino, Calif. Morph~s , Eddie P. (F) - Box 32, Tehachapi, Calif. MorphiS, Owen (F) - Box 32, Tehachapi, Calif. Morris, Rosco Theodore (Sr) - Rt. I, Carlisle, Ark. Moser, Anna Bell (J) - Rt. I, Marked Tree Ark . Moser, William Kay (Sr) - Wiseman, Ark: Moss, <::haries. F. (F) - 2719 Regent St., Shreveport, La. MountJOy, Keith (Sr) - Apt. 206, Foshee. 359 Destin Ave., Juneau, Alaska Mullica n. Don L. (Sr) -1318 S. 18th St., Chickasha, Okla. Murphy, Bobbie Joan (Sr) - Rt. 4, Florence, Ala. Murphy, Don (F) - Box 76, Nelson Butte Co .. Calif. Myer, Buddy (G) - 1010 N. 2nd., McGehee, Ark. Palmer, Donald L. (F) - 543 Green, Wichita 6, Kans. Parish, Tommy Lee (J) - Box 948, Keiser, Ark. Parker, Claude E. (Sr) - Searcy, Ark. Park€'r, Willamae ( F) - Box 176, Palestine, Ark. Pate, Nadine H. (F) - Rt. 5, Florence, Al a. Payne , Cora M. ( F ) - Rt. 2, Wewoka, Okla. Pearce, Jane (F) - 2011 Bauder. Selma, Calif. Pearson, Billy (Sd - Rt. 1, Black Oak, Ark. Pearson, Glen (F) - 600 E. Park, Searcy, Ark. Pearson. Jerry (F) - Star Rt., Hamburg, Ark. Perrin, Kenneth ( J ) - 502 Pine, Pocahontas, Ark. Petree, E. Ann (S) - 412 Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Ala. Petree, John Robert (S) - 412 Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Ala. Petrich , Alfred ( J ) - 537 E. 81st St., New York 28, N.Y. Pflaum, Richard Edgar (J ) - N. Maple, New Gretna 1, N.J. Phillips, Billy (G ) -100 Moss St., Searcy, Ark. Phillips, Bonny (G) - 100 Moss St., Searcy, Ark. Phillips, Buddy E. (F) - Rt. 1, Walnut Ridge, Ark . Philpott, Rosemary ( F ) - 111 Roseland Dr., Vicksburg, Miss. Pittman, Charles (Sr) - 3236 Douglass, Memphis 11, Tenn. Plachy, Frank Bennett ( F ) - Rt. 1, Box 74, Beeville, Tex. Ponder, Benny Ann ( F ) - Rt. 2. Nashville, Ark. Porter, David (Sr) - 3633 Mason , Memphis, Tenn. Porterfield, Coy Dale (S) --'- 1725 N. Sanders. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Poteete, Alfred T. (Sr) - 115 3rd Ave., Franklin, Tenn. Potter, Tommie Ann (S) - 1526 Bodenger Blvd., New Orleans 14, La. Powell, Mary Ann e (F) - Box 494, Thayer , Mo. Presley, Glen Travis (S ) - Pan gburn , Ark. Prevett, Patsy Ann (S) - Rt. 3, Okmulgee, Okla. Price, Alta Grace (F) - 1721 Park Ave., Littl e Rock, Ark. Privett, Kathryn (J) - Damascus, Ark . Purdom , Bobby Dean (S) - Rt. 1, Mon ett, Mo . R Rainey, Gene Edward ( J) - Pinehurst, Tex. Ramsey, Esther Marie ( F) - Southern Christian Home, Morrilton , Ark. Rawlings, Marian Evelyn (S) - Box 563. Tulia , Tex. Ransom, Gerald (F) - Rt. I, Box 56, Bra dford, Ark. Ray, Clifford Earl (Sr) - 708 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Reed, Norma Arlene (Sr) ....a...- Box 774, Sta. A, Searcy, Ark. Reed , William Daniel (Sr) - Box 774. Sta. A, Searcy, Ark. Reeves, Janet (F) - Bradford, Ark. Redwine, Janis (F) - 406 N. W est, Cordell, Okla. Reinhardt, Cleo Ann (F) -172 W . MacArthur Oakland 11 Calif. ' . , Reinhardt. Wm. Charles ( F) - 172 W . MacArthur Oakland 11 Calif. " Rhodes, Darleene (S) - 304 E. Jefferson, Roswell, N. Mex. Rhodes, David Ray (F) - 609 E. Market , Searcy, Ark. Rhodes, Paul Kent (S) - 1940 Palisade, Wichita, Kans. Rhodes, Virginia Louise (S) - Box 66, Meeker, Okla. Rich, Charles Ray (F) - 862 Woodcastle, Dallas, Tex. Richards, Barbara E. (J) - 270 17th St., Cleveland, Tenn. Richards, David W. (F) - Rt. 1. Box 81C, Hatfield, Ark. R~chardson, Morgan (Sd - 3825 Gladys Ave. , Bellwood, Ill. Richardson , Sue (F) - Rt. 1, Box 118 Knox City Tex. ' Richesin, Maxine (Sr) - Omaha, Ark'. Riemer, Fred H. (F) - Rt. 1, Spring Grove, Ill. Riley, Kenneth W . (J) - Rt. I, Box 75 , Orlando, Fla. Risner, Mary Sue (F) - Box 541, Th ayer, Mo. Ritchie, Andy Thomas (F) - 306 E. Park Ave. , Searcy, Ark. Roberts, Iva In ez (Sr) - 928 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Roberts 1 Clyde Larry (F) - 7825 Hacienda, EI Paso, Tex. Roberts, Nancy Anne ( J ) - 28 Locust, Erlanger, Ky. Robertson, PhyUis (F) - Rt. 3, Box 149 North L:ttle Rock Ark Robinson, Kenneth Gene (G) - Ha rding College, Searcy, Ark. . Roe, Bob (G) - Newcomerstown , Ohio Roe, J. C. (G) - Bradford, Ark. Rogers, George L. (G) - Rt. 1, Jeffersonville, Ky., Oliver L. (G) - Rt. I , Jeffersonville, Ky. Romme, Harold Floyd (Sr) - Rt. 5, Osage City, Kans. Roper, Harold Dean (Sd - Viola, Ark. Ross, Lena Gail (F) - Box 1177, Moses Lake, Wash. Rowe, Patricia Ann (Sr) - 3925 35th Ave., North Birmingham, Ala. . Rowland, Robert (G) - Mad era, Calif. Ruby, Betty Jean (S) - 7606 Ha lldale, Los Angeles 47, Calif. Ruby, Robbie Jean (S ) - Atkins, Ark . N Nance, E. Joan (J) - 302 Main, Newport, Ark. Neel, Barbara Jane (F) - 3304 Chipco, Tampa, Fla. N?ims, Walter L. (Sd - 407 W. Arch, Searcy, Ark. Nichols, Robert P. (F) - 1451 S. 2nd, Louisville, Ky. Noble, Beverly Ann (F) - Rt. 1. Brookland, Ark. Noble. Marvin A. (Sr) - Rt. 2, Port Angeles, Wash. Noland. Ken H. (J) - 407 W. Bennett, Morrilton, Ark. Norris. Jack B. (J) - Box 884, Searcy, Ark. Nossaman, Bob J . (J) - Isabel , Kans. 214 Towell, Joe (F) - Rt. 2, Walnut Ridge, Ark . Trigg, Pat E. (F) -101 W. 2nd, Corning, Ark. Troutt, Alfred H. (F) - Box 674, Sta. A, Searcy, Ark. Troy. Daphren (FJ - Magness, Ark. . Truex , Milton Harold (Sd - 611 W. Jackson. PIggott, Ark . Truitt, Gil (S) - Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Turley. Lyman (F) - 3A22 Mersington, Kansas City, Mo. Turner , Gary Edmond ( F) - 2928 Bailey, Lincoln Park 25, Mich. Tuttleton, James Wesley (J) - Rt. 2, Box 143-A, North Little Rock, Ark. Rucker, Thomas Larimore (F) - Rt. 2, Box 450, West Chicago. Ill. Ruiz, Gary (F) - 7009 Pennsylvania, St. Louis 11. Mo. Russell, Carl Ray (F) - Marked Tree, Ark. Russell, E. Jane ( S) - Rt. 2, Somerville, Ala. Russell, Jimmy C, (F) - 557 Longham St., Beaumont, La. Russell, Myrla (Sr) - Rt. 2, Somerville, Ala. S Salmon, Richard Farley (S ) - 44 Highview Ave ., Bernardsville, N.J. Sampson, Kathryn L. ( F ) - Rt. 2, Box 178, Sciotoville, Ohio Sanders, Benny (S) - Sitka, Ark. Sanders, lIa (F) - Sitka, Ark. Sanderson, Alma L. (Sd - Box 121, Canton, Okla. Sanderson, Leon (Sr) - 203 E. Portland, Springfield, Mo. Saunders, Peggy Nell (S) - Rt. 4, Lillie, La. Schoolfield, J ennie (S) -- 2226 Piedmont Pl., Wichita Falls, Tex. Scott, Robert L. (Sr) - 2253 S. Rolinda, Fresno, Calif. Seawel, Clifford (Sr) - 305 N. Main, Tuscumbia, Ala. Seay, Jo Ann (S) - 2510 Faufax Ave. , Nashville, Tenn. See, Donald (J) - Sanders, Ky. Segraves, Joe T. (F) - Box 403, Walnut Ridge, Ark. Session, Billy Carroll (8) - Box 746, Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Sewell. Kathleen Marie (S) - 2939 Ashby. Overland 14, Mo. Shaw, Charles V. (S) - 92 Broadway. Hillsdale, N.J. Sherrill, Bill (Sr) - Newport, Ark. Shepherd, L. Jane (F) - Rt. 1, Box 56, Little Rock, Ark. Shewmaker, Allene (F) - Rt. 1. Beech Grove, Ark. Shewmaker, James Stanford (F) - Namianga Mission, Kalomo, N. Rhodesia, South Africa Shewmaker, Kenneth E. (Sd - Rt. 4, Paragould. Ark. Shults, Louise Irene (S) - Williford, Ark. Simmons, Hank ( F ) - Chesnut, La. Slatton, Joseph T. (J) - 1006 W. Center, Searcy, Ark . Slatton. Ruth E. (S) - Searcy, Ark. Smith, Alton (S) - 6409 Beacon, Little Rock, Ark. Smith, Frances Marguerite (S) - 118 Walnut, Rogers, Ark. Smith, Jimmy G. (8) - Clinton, Ark. Smith, Lloyd (F) - 323 North Rd., Porterville, Calif. Smith, Patsy Ann (F) - Edward St., Rt. 2, East St. Louis, Ill. Smith, Ronald G. (F) - 2646 W. Pratt, Chicago 45, Ill. Smith, Thomas F. (F) - 519 N. Main, Wetumka, Okla. Smith, Thurston J ack (F) - Box 893, Sta. A, Searcy, Ark. Smith, Vada Imogene (F) - Rt. 5, Searcy, Ark. Smyth, Dixie (G) - Harding College. Searcy, Ark. Snow Beverly E. (F) - 3420 Rodenburg Ave., Evansville, Ind. Snyder, Ken W. (Sr) - 540 Wilkinson, Shreveport, La. Sparks, David (F) - 5219 W. Maryland, Little Rock, Ark. Srygiey, Sarah (F) - 1815 S. Greenwood, Ft. Smith, Ark. Starling, Elta J ewel (F) -Imboden. Ark. Starling, Harvey (Sr) - Imboden, Ark. Starling, Herman (8) - Pocahontas, Ark. Stephens, Louis (F) - North Kenoga, Ohio Stephens, Marion Hazel ( J ) - Rt. 3, Box 45, Trumann, Ark. Stevens, Carol (J) - Judsonia, Ark. Stewart, Lewis Moore (F) - 210 N. 8th St., Columbus, Miss. Stine, Patricia Mae (F) - 3714 Sullivan Rd., Sebastopol, Calif. Stine, Terry E. (S) - 3714 Sullivan Rd .. Sebastopol, Calif. Stinson, Ben (F) - 3116 Ivy St., Los Angeles 34, Calif. Stogsdill, Catherine Lucille (F) - 102 Drilling St., Morrilton. Ark. Stokes, Della L. (F) - 2637 Hoyer St., Bossier City, La. Stotts. Edwin Keith (J) - Quaker City, Ohio Stout, Sam G. (J ) - Rt. 3, San Benito, Tex. Stowers, Nancy (F) - 2114 N. Arthur, Little Rock, Ark. • Strong, Loudean (F) - Wilburn, Ky. Stroud. Hazel Lois (J) - South Cherokee. Morrilton , Ark. Stroup, Donna Mary (F) - 680 23rd S.E. St., Paris, Tex. Sullivan, Sue (8) - Rt. 4, Nashville, Ark. Sullivan, William Arnold (F) - 621 W. Sheppard St., Nashville. Ark. Summitt, Paul C, (S) - 200 Grand Ave., Searcy, Ark. Summitt, Knox (8) - 200 Grand Ave., Sear cy, Ark. Sutherlin, Elizabeth Jane ( J ) - 106 N. 4th, Searcy, Ark. Swan , Ina Mae (J> - Fugua St., Donelson. Tenn. Sykes, Jerald Dean (F J - 907 Curtis, Paris, Tenn. U Underwood, Donald (S) - 1727 Idaho , Chickasha, Okla. V Vandermolen, James M. (S) - Ravia, Okla. Vanderpool. Guy R. (8) - Grand Ave., Searcy, Ark .. Van Sickle, Charles (F) - 825 Sylvan, Ann Arbor, MIch. Vanwinkle, Nancy L. (Sr) - Box 81, Bay, Ark. Vaughan, Nedra A. (Sr) - Rt. 4, Searcy, Ark. Vineyard, Mary O. (J) - Shirley, Ark. Voss. David (F) - 801 East Cleveland, Ponca City, Okla. Voyles, Pauline (J) - 302 N. Cress, Searcy, Ark. W Waggoner, Robert Lee (Sr) - Box 85, Henri etta. Tex. Waites, William Huey (S ) - Ringgold, La. Waites, Pete (F) - Ringgold, La. Walker, William Baxter (F) - 3415 Redding, Chattanooga, Tenn. Walston, Edna S. (F) - Rt. 1, Searcy, Ark. Walton. Barbara Ann (F) - Rt. 1, Box 64, Auvergne, Ark. Ward Doyle Gl en ( S) - Clinton. Ark. Ward. Juanita (S) - c/o A. C. Miles, Clarkwood, Tex. Ward Merlen K. (F) -Rt. 1, DeRidder, L a. Warfel, Betty Lou (F) - Rt. 1, Tolono, Ill. Warr, Ann (S) - 1617 W. 15th , Little Rock, Ark. W aters, Clara Nell (F) - Alachua . Fla. Watley, Frances (F) - 4020 Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Weare, Virgil (S) - DeValls Bluff, Ark. West, B. Joreta (Sr) - Charleston, Miss. West, Peggy J. (J) - 538 Sizeier, New Orleans 21, La. Whitaker, Mary Ann (Sr) -1351 Snowden, Memphis, Tenn . Wilburn. James Ray (S) - 1157 N. Boston, Tulsa 6, Okla. Wilkerson, Donald G. (8) - Box 336, Roswell, N. Mex. Wilkerson, Wayland T. (J) - 1200 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Williams, Betty Carolyn (F) - 1028 N. Quopah, Oklahoma City, Okla. Williams. Bill E. (G) - 927 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Willis, Margaret Elaine (Sd - 602 Howell, Florence, Ala. Wilson. Charlcs Dean (F) - Corning, Ark. Wilson. Richard Lee (F) - South Haven 3, Kans. Wilson, Talmadge Roy (F) - Minturn, Ark. Windsor, Paula A. (F) - 604 N. Locust, 8earcy, Ark. Wirth. Bobbie Jean (S) - 1122 N. Reagon, San Benito, Tex. WoodrufC, William L. (S) - 306 Cotton St., Searcy, Ark. Woods. June Ann (S) - Rt. 2, Longview, Tex. Wornock, Vernelle (Sr) - 301 N. Jackson, Little Rock, Ark. Wright, Winfred Odell (S) - Greenway, Ark. Wyatt, Wilma (8) - 403 Franklin , Kennett, Mo. Wylie, Mary (F) - Rt . 3, Matth ews, Mo . Y Yale, Charles (S) - Box 4563, Los Angeles 24. Calif. Yamada, Kyoko (J) - 206 Wakebayashuho , Senazakyu-Ken, Tokyo, Japan Yamaguchi, Ikuo (Sr) - Saruhashi, Kitatsuru-Gun, YamanashiKen , Japan Young, Johnice Ann (S) - 302 S. Line, Searcy, Ark. Young. Patricia Sue (F) - 302 S. Line, Searcy, Ark. Younger, Robert K. (F) - Harding College. Searcy, Ark. Yue, George 8. ( S ) - 12 Wan Ta u Kok , Mok Yuen, Tai Po MKT, Hong Kong, China Z Zini , Donald Louis (F) - 4454 N. Hermitage, Chicago 40, Ill. Zink. James Keith (Sd - 2108 S . Marion , Tulsa 5, Okla. Zinser, Donna Grace (S) - 938 Bruno St. , Novato, Calif. T ACADEMY Takata. M. Dr. (G) - 1498 Yoyogi-Tomigayo , Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Talbott, Harry L. (S) - 2334 Cardenas Dr. N.E., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Thacker. Leonard Char les (F) - Granite, Okla. Thorn, Mer edith (STl - 2745 Marshall, Rockford, Ill. Thompson, George W. (Sr) - Rt. 5, Searcy, Ark. Thompson, Justyne (J) - 914 E. Race, Searcy, Ark. Thompson, Ramona Ann (S) - Laings, Ohio Till. John Farrell (J) - Wardell, Mo. Todd. Steve (Sr) - 120 Edgeworth, Robertson, Mo. Tomlinson , Dempsy Maurice ( S) - Harding College, Searcy, Ark . Tonkery, Mary Ann (8Tl - Fairmont, W.Va. DIRECTORY Adkins, James Robert (S) - 1826 Brown, Memphis, Tenn. Alexander, Shirley Ann (Sr) - 621 Eva, Memphis, Tenn. Allen, Mickey (J) - Rt. 3, Coldwater, Miss. Armstrong, Richard (S) - Tiptonville, Tenn. Baldwin, Mavis (S) - Box 646, Harding College. Searcy, Ark. Beeson. Richard (S) - Rt. 2, Box 447, Parkin , Ark. Berry, Faye (S) - 2217 Brighton, Kansas City, Mo. Berryhill , John Elvin ( S ) - Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Bowman. Ann-Ruth (8) - 1033 Harri,s, Oklahoma City, Okla. Brown, Roger (F) - Estancia, N. Mex. Bryant, Nyla Sue (Sd - 616 North Topeka, Wichita . Kans. Bryant. Shelby Jean (J) - Rt. 1, Box 22, Searcy, Ark. Burden, Barbara Ann (F) - Box 226, Jeanette, La. 215 Burgess, Wanda (F) - 211 South 5th, Henrye~ta. Okla. . Burkhalter. William David (Sr) - 68 South Highland, Memphis, Tenn. Campbell, Joseph Frank (S) - 155-01 90th Ave., Jamaica, N.Y. Casey, Gerald Wayne (F) - 912 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Causey, Sue Ann (Sr) - Box 216, WeldoD, Ark. Clirt, Sam Roe (Sr) - 5622 E. Douglas, Wichita, Kans. Coppinger, Glenda Jo (J) - Canyon Dam Store, Canyon Dam, Calif. Crews, lIa Verne (J) - Keiser, Ark. Curington, Eulice William (J) -1939 S. 2nd Ave., Arcadia, Calif. Day, Charles ~S) - 1007 N. Lincoln, Urbana, Ill. DuBois, Claudette (S) - 361 Frederica Ave., Ja ckson, Miss. DuBois, Lucia (Sr) - 361 Frederica Ave., Jackson, Miss. Durham, Gloria Jean (F) -1701 East Race, Searcy, Ark. Dwyer, Thomas David (S) - 3853 Faxon, Memphis, Tenn. Ellis, James Wayne (Sr) - 43790 North Ave., Mt. Clemens, Mich. Elmore, Jo Ann (F) - 204 W. Madison, Henryetta, Okla. Ervin, Sidney (F) - Rt. 1, Box 10B-C, Vicksburg, Miss. Evins, Paul Jerome (Sr) - Amagon, Ark. Falls, Otis (J) - 300 N. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Falls, Verda (F) - 300 N. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Feagin, Ransom (Sr) - Bradford, Ark. French, Martha (S) - Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Gayler, Patricia (S) - 2331 N. Arkansas, Wichita, Kans. Goodwin. Dorothy (Sd - 1221 Monroe, Vicksburg, Miss. Gray, Nita Belle (Sr) - 503 N. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Gregory, Barry Eugene (S) -1007 California, Urbana, Ill. Gwin, Gerald (Sr) - South Moss St., Searcy, Ark. Halk. Janie Wade (J) - Cherry Valley, Ark. Hamill, Reggie Eugene (S) - 973 Maria, Memphis, Tenn. Hancock. Richard (J) - 519 Calhoun, Wichita, Kans. Harris, Glenna (S) - Rt. 1, Santo, Tex. Harwell, Modena (F) - 172 Auditorium Circle, Oakland, Calif. Haskell. Harold Martin (S) - 2121 Gaines, Little Rock, Ark. Highers, Alan (J) - 620 Clifton Court, Ft. Smith, Ark. Hilburn, Donald Clark (J) - 1509 Tulip Drive, Searcy, Ark. Hooker. lIa Jeanette (Sr) - 641 Pine Blvd., Poplar Bluff, Mo. House, Robert Mack (S) - 610 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Huffard, Loreta (J) - 305 E. Vine, Searcy, Ark. Hutchison, Ruthie (F) - 1312 Market, Searcy, Ark. Jackson, Cecilia (Sr) - Eminence, Ind. Johnson, Patricia (Sd - Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Jones, Jacqueline (Sr) - 1014 Beech, Little Rock, Ark. Jones, Barbara (Sr) - Box 417, Channelview, Tex. Joyner, Jimmy (F) - 1552 Tutwiler, Memphis, Tenn. Judy, Wilma Jean (Sr) - Floydada, Tex. Kenan, Gary Dean (F) - R.F.D., Dexter, Iowa Key, Bobbye Marilyn (Sd - 523 Leath, Memphis, Tenn. Kissire, Nita Dean (S) - 504 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Lacy, Bobby Allen (F) - Serria Highway, Palmdale, Calif. Lawrence, Sue Carolyn (Sd - 218 Wheeler, Warren, Ark. McGinnis, Dorothy (J) - Rt. 3, Osceola, Ark. McHand, Guy Ellis, Jr. (J) - 319 Wisconsin, Memphis. Tenn . Manderscheid, Ivanna (Sr) - 204 S. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Martin, Charles Jerome (F) - 212 Moss St., Searcy, Ark. Mason, Perry Shipley, Jr. (J) - 1309 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Massey, Freddy (J) - Pontotoc, Miss. May, Andrew Dick (Sr ) - Rt. 2, Prosser, Wash. May, Warren Zane (S) - Rt. 2, Prosser, Wash. Moon, Delores (F) - 8222 Wiggens, Houston, Tex. Montgomery, Carrie (F) - 741 N.E. 69th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Norris, Elsie Frances (S) - 804 E. Center, Searcy. Ark. Norton, Richard (Sr) - 422 Pierce, San Francisco, Calif. Oram, J ames Richard (F) - Belton, Mo. Oram, Kenneth Charles (S) - Belton, Mo. Path, Bill (Sd - 16 Harriett St., St. Clair, Mich. Pearson, Amanda Jean (Sr) - Rt. I, Box 331, Black. Oak, Ark. Powell, Barbara (S) -·6618 15th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Pruett, Raymond (S) - 913 College St., Kennett, Mo. Redding, Gloria (F) - 1311 E. Race, Searcy, Ark. Reed. Dorothy (Sr) - Rt. 3, Searcy, Ark. Reggio, Phyllis (S) - 31 N. Third. Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Reid, Jack (Sr) - 1720 Southmore, Houston, Tex. Rhodes, Annette Marie (S) --407 Arch, Searcy, Ark. Rhodes. Billie Sue (F) - 407 Arch, Searcy, Ark. Rhodes, Jack Wayne (F) - 415 N. Grand, Searcy, Ark. Rhodes Mike (J) - 609 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Ridgew~y, Wanda (Sd - :2922 N.W. 17th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Ritchie, Edward (J) - 306 E. Park Ave .• Searcy, Ark. Robbins Pat (Sr) - 2420 Washington, Parsons. Kans. Roberts~n, Peggy Ann (J) - Rt. 3, Box 149, North Little Rock, Ark. Robinson, Wayne (J) - Wynona. Okla. Rockett. Joe Davis (J) - nos Maria. Memphis. Tenn. Roper, Della Jane (Sr) - 203 Maple St. Morrilton, Ark. Roten, Deanna (S) - 708 Hayes, Searcy, Ark. Sands, Melba (Sr) - 505 Warwood, Wheeling, W.Va. Shepherd, Bobby Loyd (F) - Rt. 1. Box 56, Little Rock, Ark. Shipley, JoAnn (Sd - 3525 S. Stultz, Oklahoma City, Okla. Shoptaw, Vana Gail (Sr) - 227 N. Locust, Fayetteville, Ark. Simmons, Layman (Sr) - Chestnut, La. Simpson, Madeline (J) - 807 E. Race, Searcy, Ark. Slover Charles Coy (F) - 402 Jerome. Texarkana, Tex. Smith, Barbara (S) - Box 179, Alamorgordo, N. Mex. Smith, Charles Dwight (J) -1303 Bristol Dr., Sweetwater, Tex. Smith, Ira Lloyd (Sr) - 323 North Rd., Porterville, Calif. Smith, Mona Jeanene (J) -1725 N. 5th, Abilene, Tex. Southerland. Carlon (Sr) - 907 E. Race, Searcy, Ark. Sparks Meldona Ann (S) - Rt. 1, Sallisaw, Okla. Spence~, Bettye Sue (F) - 4211 S. Pennsylvania, Englewood, Colo. Spencer, Nils Edwin (J) - 2609 N.W. 12th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Stamps, Freida Louise {Sd - Box 308 c/ o 2nd Horst Ranch, Wheatland, Calif. Stanford, Jamie Louise (J) - Opelousas, La. Stapleton, Glen Dewey (J) - 904 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Street, Zena Loulse (Sr) - 208 S. Cross, Searcy, Ark. Taylor, Robert Jay (Sd - Box 156, Lindale, Tex. Timmerman, Garrett (Sd - Rt. 5, Searcy, Ark. Todd, Edwin (Sr) - 500 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Torres, Mary Madeline (J) - 216 E. 114 St., New York 29, N.Y. Trammell, Shirla Mae (Sr) - Concord. Ark. Turley, Patricia Joy (J) - 3422 Me.rsington, Kansas City, Mo. Turman, Mary Frances (J) - Hardmg College. Searcy, Ark. Vanderpool, Harold (Sr) - 205 N. Grand, Searcy, Ark. Vanderpool, John (Sr) - 205 N. Grand, Searcy, Ark. Vanderpool, Roy (S) - 205 N. Grand. Searcy, Ark. VanEaten, Charles (Sr) - 3511 Macon Rd., Memphis, Tenn. Vanwinkle, John (J) - Box 81, Bay, Ark. Wallace, Robert (S) - 826 Cherry. Jonesboro, Ark. Whetsell, Ann (S) - 4717 S.E. 24th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Whistle, Winifred (Sd - 425 N. Grand, Searcy. Ark. Whitaker, Lynn (S) - 402 W. Third, Corning, Ark. White. Marion (Sr) - Box 154. Meaford, Ontario, Canada Weibel, John (Sr) - Box 93, Edmond, Okla. Wicker. Carol Ann (J) - 3516 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Tex. Williams. Ernest Earl (F) - 1207 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Williams, Jimmy Raymond (S) - 800 N. Willett, Memphis, Tenn. Williams, Lolita Marie (Sd - 1207 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. 216 Click to Go To Previous Section
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