Ducks, Etc… - Connecticut Waterfowl Association
Ducks, Etc… - Connecticut Waterfowl Association
Ducks, Etc… Ducks, Etc… Volume 12, Issue 1 Newsletter of the Connecticut Waterfowlers Assoc President’s Message: It seems like only yesterday that we were preparing for the season that has just come to a close. Now is the time, for some, to continue their passion for waterfowling by chasing snow geese as they make their way up into the Canadian Providences, but for most it is a time to store boats and gear and reflect on the good times they had this past season. Every season is different and not everyone is better than the next but those are the main reasons we all enjoy waterfowling in the first place. Hunting for me is the anticipation, preparation, and the memories made afield more than the actual act of harvesting game. Successfully scouting and in turn trying to figure out if a certain tide, set, or blind will work is one of the finer principles in all of hunting. When all your work and preparation come together and produce a successful hunt –that’s what’s it’s all about. This past season started slow but came around with good scouting and patience. Now that most of us are done for the year with ducks it’s time to give back some to the resource that we so enjoy during the fall and winter months. One productive way to help out is by installing and maintaining a wood duck box or two. These boxes when placed away from surrounding trees and with predator guards are very successful and have helped propagate wood duck numbers exponentially over the years. If anyone is interested in maintaining a box just asks one of our Board Members or contact me personally and we will arrange a box and some monitoring instructions. If interested CWA is having a Wood Duck Box Building Day on March 14-see inside for details. Another way to help out is by attending the CWA Annual Dinner being held on April 12, (see insert for info) all money raised at the dinner is money going directly to wetland habitat enhancement, creation, and waterfowl studies –here in Connecticut. Also keep your shooting skills sharp with CWA’s annual sporting clays on June 20 or come out to one of our dog training day on May 3rd or August 2nd at Nod Brook. CWA will also be continuing our Mentoring Program (details inside) spear-headed by retired Assistant Director of DEEP Wildlife Greg Chasko. This Program is an all ages mentoring program specific to waterfowling. CWA had great success with this program in its inaugural season. CWA is actively seeking candidates for both mentors and mentees. More information can be obtained by contacting Greg at [email protected] and in the coming newsletters. Remember, anyone can contribute by renewing your membership or encouraging someone else conservation minded to also join—all membership revenue is put back into our wetlands. If anyone would like to volunteer for the Dinner committee or for any other CWA function, feel free to contact myself or any other of our Board Members. Hope to see you at the Aqua-Turf, for our annual dinner, on April 12th. Regards, US Fish and Wildlife Service CT Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest for 2015 Art work submission deadline is March 15, 2015 Send to: Chris Samor -Connecticut Coordinator Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program/ CWA 29 Bower Hill Road Oxford, CT 06478 Telephone: 203-888-0352 Email: [email protected] Judging will take place on March 18th 7pm at Cabela’s in East Hartford-All are welcome. Who can participate? K-12 students attending public, private, or home schools in the United States and the U.S. Territories are eligible to enter, so long as they are U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or nationals. U.S. Citizens attending schools abroad may enter through their state of residence. Any person who has won First Place in the National Junior Duck Stamp Contest during the preceding year may not submit an entry in the current year’s contest. Attention all Teachers—CWA has Educator Guides for the JRDS Program—Available to any Educator interested in getting there class involved Chris Samor, President [email protected] February 2015 Email: [email protected] CWA Newsletter 1 DEEP Announces Results of 2015 Midwinter Waterfowl Survey Staff from Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) conducted the annual Midwinter Waterfowl Survey on January 5th and 6th , 2015. The survey is conducted throughout the Atlantic Flyway, and is used as an index of long-term wintering waterfowl trends. The Atlantic Flyway is a bird migration route that generally follows the Atlantic Coast of North America and the Appalachian Mountains. In Connecticut, the survey is conducted from a helicopter and a census is obtained from the coast, the three major river systems, and selected inland lakes and reservoirs. Survey conditions for the 2014 Midwinter Waterfowl Survey were excellent, with extremely cold weather preceding and during the survey. Large blocks of ice were present on all three of the major rivers (Thames, Connecticut, Housatonic), most inland waterbodies were frozen, and many coastal marshes were icebound. The midwinter survey is designed to index wintering waterfowl that have been pushed to the coast when inland waters freeze. The total number of ducks observed during the survey was 19,375. This is higher than both the five-year and 10-year averages. The puddle duck count of 10,141 was twice the recent five-year average of 4,734, and well above the 10-year average of 3,700. The scaup count was the highest since 2011. Scaup were observed in many areas on the survey, albeit in smaller groups than normal. Scaup wintering numbers in Connecticut continue to be lower than historical counts. The decline in the continental scaup population continues to be a concern for biologists nationwide. Habitat changes on the scaup’s breeding grounds may be a factor in the long-term decline of the population. Atlantic brant numbers were lower than in previous years, while Canada goose counts were the highest since 1994. Following a recent trend, many puddle ducks (particularly mallards) were observed in urban sanctuaries, often associated with supplemental feeding activities. “The Department discourages citizens from feeding waterfowl for a number of reasons, including increased risk of disease transmission, potential for poor nutrition, and a clouding of the real issue facing waterfowl and wildlife in general in Connecticut – loss of suitable habitat,” said Rick Jacobson, Director for the DEEP Wildlife Division. The Department has published a brochure, “Do Not Feed Waterfowl,” that outlines the potential hazards of feeding waterfowl. It is available on the DEEP website at Results Connecticut Midwinter Waterfowl Survey 2015 for Major Species Species 2015 Atlantic Brant 600 Black Duck 4,800 Bufflehead 1,100 Canada Goose 8,000 Canvasback 0 Mallard 4,500 Merganser 900 Mute Swan 500 Long-tailed Duck 500 Common Goldeneye 600 Scaup 3,600 * rounded to nearest hundred 2014 1,100 4,800 1,100 7,600 100 4,300 1,100 600 600 1,000 5,000 5YR avg 1,200 3,300 1,100 4,900 100 2,800 1,100 700 400 700 2,900 CWA Newsletter 2 Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North America. Revised and updated. 2 Volume set by Guy Baldassarre From Johns Hopkins University Press: Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North America has been hailed as a classic since the first edition was published in 1942. A must-have for professional biologists, birders, waterfowl hunters, decoy collectors, and wildlife managers, this fully revised and updated edition provides definitive information on the continent’s forty-six species. Maps of both winter and breeding ranges are presented with stunning images by top waterfowl photographers and the acclaimed original artwork of Robert W. (Bob) Hines. Originally authored by F. H. Kortright and later revised by Frank Bellrose, this latest edition, which has been meticulously updated by renowned waterfowl biologist Guy Baldassarre, continues the legacy of esteemed authors. Each species account contains in-depth sections on: • identification• distribution• migration behavior• habitat• population status• breeding biology• rearing of young• recruitment and survival• food habits and feeding ecology • molts and plumages• conservation and management To facilitate identification, the species accounts also include detailed illustrations of wings. An appendix contains comparative illustrations of ducklings, goslings, and cygnets. This edition of Ducks, Geese, and Swans consists of two volumes, printed in full color, and packaged in a slipcase, along with a CD containing references and additional maps. Guy Baldassarre was a professor of wildlife ecology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse until his death in 2012. He is the coauthor of the textbook Waterfowl Ecology and Management. Look in the CWA Newsletter 3 Connecticut Waterfowler's Association Spring Banquet 2015 Sunday April 12, 2015, Aqua-Turf in Plantsville Time: 1:00 pm– 6:00pm in the Wagon Room, Limited Seating! NY Strip Sirloin or Chicken Valdestone, Beer and Wine included Early bird special: RSVP by March 12 and be entered into special drawing for a custom framed limited edition print ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NAMES: ______________________________________________________steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken GUEST: _______________________________________________________ steak or chicken Ten people per table – Please note whom you want to sit with NUMBER OF ADULTS_____________ X $45.00 = $ ___________ NUMBER OF CHILDREN (under 12) _____ X $30.00 = $__________ DUES for ____________________________ X $FREE = $__________ TOTAL = $__________ Make check out to CWA and mail by March 12 (Early Bird) or April 7 (last deadline) to: CWA, PO BOX 74, BOZRAH CT 06334 Tickets will be sent out. Need Full Names. Or please charge my Credit Card Visa__ MC ____ Credit Card #_______________________________________ 3 digit #______ Expiration Date____________________________ on back of card Name on Card __________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ (Credit Card customers can also phone in their request to Paul Capotosto (860-848-1879) CWA Newsletter 4 Long Island Decoy Collectors Association Annual Show Saturday, March 7, 2015 – IBEW Hall, Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, LI When the battery was finally banned in the mid-1930s, Great South Bay still held hundreds of thousands of Broadbill each fall and winter. And the many guides - who had first hunted for the market and then later "took out parties" of sportsmen and women – still hunted this grand bird. Their big Broadbill rigs had a large cabin boat to serve as the tender, often an open stool boat to carry and handle just the decoys, and a "scooter" replaced the battery or sinkbox as the open water blind. Gunners stayed warm on the tender - often around a stove with a hot mug of coffee or stew - and watched the rig while awaiting their turn in the scooter. The Show will celebrate this exceptional era in American waterfowling. The special exhibit will showcase many of the rigs from the wide open parts of Great South Bay - from Patchogue in the east to Babylon in the west. In addition to decoys from each rig, our display will include: a couple of boats, gear, memorabilia, and big screens with hundreds of vintage photographs and even a 90-minute documentary film. If you have or know of any photos, boats, decoys, gear – or Great South Bay gunners - from that era, please let us know. Thanks very much! Craig Kessler [email protected] 516-639-8480 see also CWA Newsletter 5 Steve Sanford [email protected] 518-677-5064 EAR Inc CALENDAR OF EVENTS Specialized Hearing Systems And NYX Sports Eye care systems March 14, 2015 Blue Bird Box Building Day Flaherty Field Trial Area East Windsor: Details pg 2 Authorized dealers Cody and Wade Stober 77 Scott Hill Road Lebanon, CT 06249 860-209-0379 Cody Hearing protection molded to your ears, prescription eyewear and other devices available. Do you have old hunting gear? Why not donate it to CWA and receive a tax write-off Contact Paul Capotosto [email protected] CWA Marketplace Two-Man Layout Boat by Old Guide with Trailer 2-man layout boat with custom trailer and floor mats-comes with spray shield in back. Enjoy shooting divers at close range as you wait in hiding right on top of the water . Boat and trailer $1700 contact Chris for more information 203-888-0352 March 18, 2015 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Judging @ Cabela’s in East Hartford 7pm April 12, 2015 CWA Annual Fund Raiser Aquaturf, Plantsville, CT May 3, 2015 CWA Dog Training Event #1 Nod Brook Field Trial July TBA, 2015 TBD CWA Hot Dogs start 5:30 August 2, 2015 CWA Dog Training Event #2 Nod Brook Field Trial August 29, 2015 CWA Decoy Fun Day Event BRG Club, Bozrah, Ct “The Art in Making Decoys” by Keith Mueller The price for the “Collectors Limited Edition” signed and numbered is $174.95 and the “Workbook Edition” is $99.95 The cost for shipping each book including handling and insurance will be $15.01 for US. K. J. Holmes Publishing Inc. C/o James Hunt 9 Stephans Path Port Jefferson, NY 11777 For Credit Card payments, please call Jimmy at: (631) 928 5920 Renew your CWA Membership Today!!!!! SEE BACK COVER FOR DETAILS CWA Newsletter 6 Did you get a band during the seasons? If so send the information to: [email protected]. We will print the information here! 1717-46207 Common Eider Drake, Shot 1/5/15 in Sandwich Mass., by Lou Firmender banded on North Wolf Island, Newfoundland on 8/21/06 1927-46553 Black Duck Hen Shot 1/14/15 in Darien CT by John Fairbairn banded in Ste Foy Quebec on 8/09/11 1757-29851 Mallard Drake Shot 1/6/15 in Danbury, CT by Chris Samor banded in Vermont on 9/4/12 $10 Reward Band June 20, 2015 CWA Sporting Clays FIN, Fur, & Feather Chaplin, CT Waterfowl Regs Meeting BAND RETURNS 1657-14329 Mallard Drake Shot 1/1/15 in Norwalk, CT by Chris Samor banded in Beardmore, Ontario on 7/21/10 Connecticut Waterfowlers Association Wood Duck Box Building Day March 14, 2015, Saturday 10:00 am to 3 pm Lunch Provided The event will be at the Deerborn barn (shop) at Flaherty Field Trial Area in East Windsor: Come help CWA build wood duck boxes for Connecticut’s wetlands. Boxes available for your wetland upon request. CWA has been building an average of 60 boxes each year with half of those boxes being donated to the State’s wood duck box program and the others being put up by CWA members in areas of suitable habitat. This is a great workshop for kids to learn and build. All wood is pre-cut –just bring cordless drills if you have one. Hope to see you there. Directions: I-91 North to Exit 44/Route 5 (first exit after you cross over the Dexter Coffin Bridge). Right at the end of ramp onto Route 5; head south. Travel for about one mile and turn left at the traffic light onto Tromley Road (across from East Windsor Jr./Sr. High School). Travel about 1.5 miles (you will go past the main entrance to Flaherty Field Trial Area) to a stop sign at the intersection of Tromley and Route 191 (Phelps Rd./Scantic Rd.). Turn left onto Route 191. Travel about 0.5 miles. The service entrance road/gated access to the State property is located on your left at the intersection of Wells Road and Route 191. Follow the access road in to the barn/shop on the left. Please bring portable drills and hammers. Anyone who would like information on blue bird or wood duck eggs and biology, or information on box plans and maintenance but cannot attend contact Chris Samor at [email protected] "WHEN THE BROADBILL WAS KING ON THE GREAT SOUTH BAY" A new video to be debuted at the upcoming LIDC show. Longtime members of the South Shore Waterfowlers Association and Long Island Decoy Collectors Association, Craig Kessler and Steve Sanford have spent the last year creating an historic documentary video about the great era of broadbill gunning on the open expanses of Great South Bay. The full video will be debuted at the upcoming show of the Long Island Decoy Collectors Association on March 7 at the Electricians Hall located on Motor Parkway in Hauppauge. Show hours are from 9-4. A terrific exhibit featuring several of the famous big open water rigs that frequented Great South Bay from roughly 1930 -1970 will be on display. Everyone is encouraged to get a sneak preview of the video by logging on to CWA Newsletter 7 P.O. Box 74 Bozrah, CT 06334-0074 Connecticut Waterfowl Association, Inc. is a section 501-© (3) not for profit tax exempt U.S. Corporation. Place Label Here Officers Pres.: Chris Samor Vice Pres Clinton Herdman Secretary: Jim Gavin Treasurer: Paul Capotosto Check your expiration Date! Directors Jack Harder Milton Sands David Ellis Rick Boucher Dave Proulx John Pawelec Laura Pawelec CCS Representative Greg Chasko Honorary Directors Milan Bull Keith Mueller Kenneth Cherry FFL Dealer Warren Speh Framing/ Art Dealer Framing by Gordon Gordon Hinz 864 Main Street S. Glastonbury, CT 860-657-2245 CWA Mission Statement To preserve, reclaim, and enhance wetland and wildlife habitat in the state of Connecticut in a manner that promotes the wise use of our natural resources and the progress of our society. Don’t forget to renew your membership see form below. CWA MEMBERSHIP PLEDGE CARD I would like to renew and/or become a member of the Connecticut Waterfowl Association, Inc. and to support Connecticut Waterfowl’s unique work to restore Connecticut’s waterfowl and wildlife populations. Enclosed is my tax-deductible contribution in the amount of: $ 15 Wigeon (13 and under) $ 25 Regular Member $ 50 Contributing Member $100 Donor Member $200 Hen House Sponsor $500 Marsh Sponsor $750 Life Member Name Address City State Zip Telephone E-mail Please find enclosed my tax-deductible contribution made payable to the CWA, PO Box 74, Bozrah, CT 06334-0074 I am willing to volunteer for the following projects: (Check one or more) Canada Goose Banding with the DEEP Decoy Fun Day Show Wood Duck Box Program CWA Mentor Program Board of Directors Officer Regs Meeting Information Booth CWA Sporting Clays Shoot CWA Dog Field Trial Days CWA Newsletter 8
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