Appendices Part 3 - Province of British Columbia
Appendices Part 3 - Province of British Columbia
475000 480000 0 90 0 70 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 80 0 560187500309000000000000000000 2.1 0 10 0 Appendix: 3.1-3 Map: 18 of 29 Contour Interval: 100 m Projection: UTM9, NAD83 Scale: 1:20,000 40 0 NS | N/A - D 25-*-*-* DATE: December 27, 2007 BOWSER RIVER 560208600000000000000000000000 0 80 0 60 0 COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 0.5 1 1.5 2 Kilometres Site Data Symbol 560187500000000000000000000000 10 0 Fish Sampling Result Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Sample Site Number 0 13 0 0 1200 110 0 906 Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 3-28.8-PPc-D3 0 90 Avg. Gradient (%) 560140900524000000000000000000 RB DV | S1 - D 60 0 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances 448 Avg. Width (m) 40 0 40 0 800 / 40 0 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 900 1.4 NS | S2 - C 24-5.5-SPBWb-D1 0 11 0 0 50 . 1 449 70 0 400 40 0 485000 0 10 0 * - Indicates Information Not Available TDS Conductivity pH Max. Depth (m) Lake (L) or Wetland (W) Surface Area (ha) 6245000 400 6245000 0 50 Lake Summary Symbol 70 0 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 70 0 RB DV 600 104A.034 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* Species 447 80 0 104A.033 104A.035 400 560208600050002520026300000000 40 0 NS | S1 - C 1-147.5-LC-* 446 Stream Survey Features 560140900000000000000000000000 10 Length (in metres) Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 Height (in metres) Survey Feature Label Key Canyon 50 0 500 444 NS | S3 - D 3-3.1-RPCWc-* 441 500 SURVEYORS CREEK 560208600050000000000000000000 5 0 BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 1.5 / NS | NCD - C 439 *-*-*-* # 438 - RB 500 Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 50 0 400 NS | S3 - C *-*-*-* 60 0 60 0 NS | NCD - C 434 *-*-*-* 25 ISKUT RIVER 24 50 0 0 60 430 23 Bell II 80 0 NS | S3 - D 3-1.3-RPGWg-* UPPER NASS RIVER 20 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 60 0 60 0 426 16 KINSKUCH RIVER 104A.024 104A.025 14 29 New Aiyansh 70 0 LOWER NASS RIVER BT Bull Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) MW Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 110 0 0 Lake Trout Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage 9 28 8 27 7 26 Water 20000k Trim Sheet This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER TR Date Inv: 2007/07-11 4 485000 Base: Fish: 6 5 560083200125000000000000000000 Disclaimer Fish Species/Sampling Codes LT 3 0 10 480000 Road 12 90 0 0 475000 City / Town 10 0 12 550631700000000000000000000000 WSA Watershed Group KISPIOX RIVER KSHWAN RIVER 560146600000000000000000000000 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 5-2.9-CPCWc-* Mapseries Extents 15 0 70 70 0 421 Main Map Focus 11 10 0 0 NS | S3 - D 3-1.4-RPGWg-* Key Map Legend NASS RIVER 13 560150900000000000000000000000 NS | NCD - C 425 *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 424 10-1.0-RPGWg-* NS | NCD - C 420 *-*-*-* Icefield Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 70 0 550631700000000000000000000000 Glacier 17 NS | S3 - D 10-2.5-CPc-* NS | NCD - C 428 *-*-*-* / Reservoir 18 90 0 NS | S3 - D 422 6-2.4-RPGWg-* Sand or Gravel Bar 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) TAYLOR RIVER NS | S3 - D 10-4.0-CPc-* 429 - DV RB 423 Wetlands 600202800722000000000000000000 UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER Meziadin Junction 427 Marsh Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 UNUK RIVER NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 433 *-*-*-* 432 104A.023 Wetlands 20k TRIM Mapsheet 21 435 560208600050002610000000000000 Lake/River 40 0 6240000 6240000 River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Study Area Key Map NS | S3 - D 10-5.2-SPBWr-* Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road Bob Quinn Lake 431 - DV RB D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Spawning Channel 2 436 Log Jam 3 600 0 Dewatering Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough NS | NCD - C NVC 440 8 Beaver Dam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream NS | S3 - D 443 4-3.8-RPGWg-D3 NS | NCD - C NVC 437 Fall 100 50 0 442 Culvert NS | S3 - D *-*-*-* / 560208600050002520000000000000 Cascade NS | NCD - C 445 *-*-*-* BILD Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14r 560293600570000000000000000000 0 10 0 NS | NCD - C 486 *-*-*-* 484 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 19 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 482 481 0 COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 0 0 17 0 0.5 1 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 14-3.2-CPg-* Fish Sampling Result 560293600463000000000000000000 NS | S3 - D 13-3.6-CPc-* 906 0 50 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 16 00 60 0 NS | NCD - C 478 *-*-*-* 0 19 RITCHIE CREEK 560293600000000000000000000000 RB DV | S1 - D Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 3-28.8-PPc-D3 Avg. Gradient (%) 500 900 479 2 Kilometres Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Sample Site Number 1800 480 1.5 Site Data Symbol 0 19 0 BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 483 Projection: UTM9, NAD83 DATE: December 27, 2007 0 10 1 Contour Interval: 100 m Scale: 1:20,000 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances / NS | S3 - D 27-4.5-SPc-* 0 12 170 0 Map: 19 of 29 Avg. Width (m) / 485 0 13 0 6260000 NS | S3 - D 5-3.4-RPf-* 489 14 00 NS | NCD - C 487 *-*-*-* Appendix: 3.1-3 150 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S4 - D 11-2.5-RPg-* 0 488 0 16 6260000 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 490 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 19 0 0 491 1600 0 17 NS | S3 - C 17-3.0-SPBWc-* British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 15 0 0 50 0 485000 0 492 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 11 493 0 90 W - * - 0.3 - * - * | * NFC 480000 1500 475000 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* - 19 0 0 20 0 0 1 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) 1400 * - Indicates Information Not Available 12 0 0 0 90 100 Lake Summary Symbol 180 0 TDS 475 180 0 Conductivity NS | S4 - D 12-1.1-RPc-* pH 600 80 0 476 Max. Depth (m) 477 Surface Area (ha) 90 0 560293600381000000000000000000 474 NS | S2 - C 4-*-RPc-B1B2D3C3C4S3S4 RB DV NS | S3 - C 13-3.1-RPg-* Species 473 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 18 0 0 0 19 0 Stream Survey Features 0 560275300549000000000000000000 10 13 0 0 19 104A.043 0 0 80 80 0 104A.044 NS | S3 - D 18-1.6-CPc-* 0 70 E 468 467 10 0 NS | S3 - D 9-1.9-RPGWg-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 9-2.0-RPGWg-* 11 0 0 Dewatering Log Jam 16 0 0 11 0 460 NS | S6 - C 30-1.6-RPf-* NS | NCD - C 50-*-*-* 459 0 17 0 Bob Quinn Lake 560275300349000000000000000000 25 ISKUT RIVER NS | S3 - D 458 10-4.5-RPGWg-D2 24 23 Ditch/Diversion 100 0 110 0 NS | S6 - C 45-2.0-RPCWc-* UNUK RIVER 15 0 0 BOWSER RIVER 560208600000000000000000000000 Marsh Wetlands Sand or Gravel Bar Reservoir Glacier Icefield 600202800722000000000000000000 UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER Bell II 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) TAYLOR RIVER 21 560187500309000000000000000000 Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 457 Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map 560187500309004430000000000000 NS | S3 - D 13-2.2-SPBWg-* D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 17 0 NS | S3 - D 9-1.6-RPGWf-* Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 00 0 461 Beaver Dam # 90 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 8 Spawning Channel 15 0 462 Fall 100 Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough NS | S3 - D 464 13-1.7-RPGWg-* L- 2 - 4.3 - 7.2 - 18 | * NFC Cascade COUSINS CREEK 560275300000000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 67-2.0-RPCWc-* 463 Canyon 0 NS | S2 - D 466 5-16.6-CPCWc-* 465 Survey Feature Label Key Culvert NS | S6 - C 470 16-1.8-RPGWg-* 469 Height (in metres) 14 0 0 560275300271000000000000000000 6255000 471 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 6255000 472 Length (in metres) Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 UPPER NASS RIVER 20 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 Key Map Legend Main Map Focus Mapseries Extents Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 18 560187500309002870000000000000 17 0 40 Meziadin Junction 0 40 KINSKUCH RIVER 0 12 0 NS | S3 - D 456 33-5.0-SPg-B2D1 0 40 451 6250000 11 NS | S6 - C 22-1.6-RPGWc-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 10 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 1.4 400 560187500000000000000000000000 475000 480000 Lake Trout BT Bull Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) MW Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage 9 28 8 27 7 26 This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 4 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER TR Date Inv: 2007/07-11 560187500000000000000000000000 485000 Base: Fish: 6 5 Disclaimer Fish Species/Sampling Codes LT LOWER NASS RIVER 90 0 0 50 40 0 . 10 0 0 0 70 40 0 NS | S2 - C 449 24-5.5-SPBWb-D1 1 29 New Aiyansh 11 0 0 450 20000k Trim Sheet 12 70 0 6250000 104A.034 KSHWAN RIVER Water 80 0 104A.033 452 13 0 0 0 40 453 NS | S6 - C 18-1.1-CPBr-* NS | S6 - C 36-1.1-CPBr-* Road KISPIOX RIVER 13 454 City / Town 15 14 / NS | S5 - C 37-4.6-SPRr-* WSA Watershed Group NASS RIVER . 0 80 455 16 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14s 465000 470000 475000 12 0 0 0 0 14 0 90 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 100 0 0 0 0 13 0 14 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 0 160 0 0 10 0 10 00 0 11 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 90 80 0 11 0 0 0 560388500465001630000000000000 Map: 20 of 29 Contour Interval: 100 m Projection: UTM9, NAD83 DATE: December 27, 2007 16 0 0 0 70 Appendix: 3.1-3 Scale: 1:20,000 0 15 0 0 11 1200 13 0 0 14 0 0 560388500258000000000000000000 560329800269000000000000000000 1700 16 0 0 80 0 COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 90 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Kilometres 10 0 0 DELTAIC CREEK 560388500000000000000000000000 0 14 0 1600 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 13 0 NS | S3 - C 9-4.7-RPCWg-* NS | S3 - C 11-3.1-RPCWg-* NS | S3 - C 12-2.2-RPGWg-C2 526 Species 10 0 NS | S3 - C 13-*-RPc-* 0 80 0 527 RB DV 0 0 560409900014000000000000000000 NS | S3 - C 8-1.7-RPGWg-B3 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 0 16 528 11 0 NS | S1 - C 5-66.7-CPCWc-B3D2C4 Stream Survey Features 10 560329800102000000000000000000 2 NS | NCD - C 524 *-*-*-* 523 104A.054 560357900000000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 38-1.3-SPb-* 522 15 0 0 NS | S6 - C 34-3.4-SPRc-C4 520 NS | S4 - D 21-1.5-SPBc-D1 12 0 11 0 70 0 30 Canyon Cascade Culvert Fall 517 . 516 NS | S6 - C 35-1.8-SPBf-* 0 Spawning Channel 0 # 0 90 NS | S3 - D 33-3.6-*c-* 0 60 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 80 0 512 70 0 560329800017000000000000000000 NS | S3 - D 11-1.9-CPg-* 510 River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 6265000 0 10 0 513 NS | S3 - C 6-4.9-CPc-* Bob Quinn Lake 60 0 509 25 ISKUT RIVER NS | S3 - D 5-2.1-RPg-* 24 23 NS | S4 - D 14-126.5-RPc-* TAFT CREEK 560329800000000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 507 14-1.1-RPf-* 506 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 505 # NS | S3 - C 6-3.5-CPg-* 500 504 UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER Bell II 500 70 0 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 Meziadin Junction NS | S4 - C 2-0.9-RPg-* 16 60 0 KINSKUCH RIVER 0 60 800 6260000 489 491 70 0 104A.044 NS | S3 - C 492 17-3.0-SPBWc-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 490 *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 5-3.4-RPf-* 488 BT Bull Trout MW Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) New Aiyansh LOWER NASS RIVER NS | S4 - D 11-2.5-RPg-* 487 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 475000 Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. 9 28 8 27 7 26 Water 20000k Trim Sheet TR Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Date Inv: 2007/07-11 Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 4 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER Base: Fish: 6 5 6260000 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 29 Disclaimer (Salvelinus namaycush) Road 10 0 90 Lake Trout City / Town 12 80 0 NS | NCD - C 493 *-*-*-* 0 60 LT WSA Watershed Group 1000 70 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* W - * - 0.3 - * - * | * NFC Fish Species/Sampling Codes Mapseries Extents KISPIOX RIVER KSHWAN RIVER 50 0 0 50 0 60 495 494 470000 Main Map Focus 11 104A.043 465000 Key Map Legend 15 13 NS | S1 - C 497 3-134.8-LCc-B2D2D3C4S4 496 80 0 Icefield NASS RIVER H BOWSER RIVER 560208600000000000000000000000 Glacier Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 14 NS | beaver pond - C *-*-LCf-O1 Reservoir 17 NS | S4 - D 5-0.5-RPGWg-* NS | S4 - D 501 6-0.7-RPGWg-* 498 Sand or Gravel Bar 18 499 WILDFIRE CREEK 560368300000000000000000000000 UPPER NASS RIVER 20 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 502 *-*-*-* Wetlands 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) TAYLOR RIVER NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 503 80 0 Marsh 600202800722000000000000000000 21 UNUK RIVER Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 508 Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map NS | S3 - C 10-4.1-CPg-* Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 511 Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 Log Jam 0 10 0 515 NS | NCD - C 518 *-*-*-* 514 Dewatering NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 8 Beaver Dam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream 560409900014000000000000000000 6265000 Survey Feature Label Key 100 NS | NCD - C 521 35-*-*-* 519 Height (in metres) 0 0 NS | S3 - C 525 2-3.0-RPGWg-* Length (in metres) Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 11 0 104A.053 TDS 15 0 0 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) * - Indicates Information Not Available Conductivity 0 532 pH 0 17 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 531 *-*-*-* Lake Summary Symbol 0 Max. Depth (m) 17 0 529 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) 0 Surface Area (ha) NS | S3 - C 11-2.5-RPCWg-* 530 3-28.8-PPc-D3 0 533 Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 0 16 534 560329800269000000000000000000 RB DV | S1 - D Avg. Gradient (%) 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*f-* NS | S4 - C 536 23-0.9-RPCWf-* 535 906 6270000 537 0 13 0 6270000 NS | S3 - C 9-3.6-RPg-* 0 14 0 538 17 0 Sample Site Number 0 NS | S3 - C 14-3.0-RPGWg-* Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances 1600 15 0 0 560329800269001780000000000000 16 0 539 Fish Sampling Result Avg. Width (m) 140 0 Site Data Symbol 560388500465000000000000000000 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14t 455000 460000 465000 0 80 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 16 0 0 0 15 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 0 15 0 DATE: December 27, 2007 0 0 13 0 NS | S3 - C 5-4.1-RPg-* 0 0.5 1 NS | S4 - C 6-1.3-RPf-* 12 00 Sample Site Number 906 15 0 0 NS | S3 - C 12-2.3-RPGWg-C4 18 0 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 579 BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 NS | S3 - C 27-1.6-RPGWf-* 50 . 104A.063 30 0 * - Indicates Information Not Available 90 0 NS | S1 - C 3-24.3-RPCWc-C4 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 0 RB DV NS | S4 - D 18-0.7-RPf-* 0 1400 6275000 0 0 13 0 NS | S2 - C 12-17.0-RPc-D3 572 0 16 0 1 / NS | S4 - C 10-1.5-CPg-* 140 0 2.5 NS | S6 - C 10-1.6-RPg-* Culvert 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 NS | N/A - D 565 *-*-*-* / NS | S3 - D 25-1.6-RPCWg-* 60 0 700 0 0 NS | N/A - D 562 *-*-*-* 559 0 0 557 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S2 - C 13-3.7-CPCWc-* 554 Bob Quinn Lake NS | S6 - C 40-2.7-RPGWg-* 25 ISKUT RIVER 0 11 NS | S2 - D 25-9.8-CPCWc-* 553 0 70 0 60 0 546 560409900431000000000000000000 0 2.5 550 104A.052 NS | N/A - D *-*-*g-* NS | S6 - C 9-1.3-RPGWg-* 6270000 548 NS | N/A - D *-*-*-* 0 . 543 545 542 J NS | S6 - C 7-1.3-RPGWg-* UNUK RIVER NS | S6 - C 7-1.6-RPGWg-* 544 J NS | S6 - C 8-1.7-RPGWg-* 541 NS | S6 - C 9-1.8-RPg-* NS | S3 - C 9-3.6-RPg-* 537 0 TAYLOR RIVER UPPER NASS RIVER 20 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 NS | S3 - C 11-2.5-RPCWg-* 2 Meziadin Junction 16 KINSKUCH RIVER NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 90 500 BT Bull Trout NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) LOWER NASS RIVER Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage 9 28 8 27 7 26 Road Water 20000k Trim Sheet 465000 This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. TR Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Date Inv: 2007/07-11 Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 4 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER Base: Fish: 6 5 Disclaimer Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) City / Town 11 29 460000 MW WSA Watershed Group 12 80 0 (Salvelinus namaycush) Mapseries Extents KISPIOX RIVER KSHWAN RIVER 560409900014000000000000000000 TODEDADA CREEK 560409900384000000000000000000 Lake Trout Main Map Focus 10 560409900395000000000000000000 LT Key Map Legend 15 New Aiyansh Fish Species/Sampling Codes Icefield NASS RIVER 60 0 455000 Glacier Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 13 534 60 Bell II NS | NCD - C *-*-*f-* 535 Reservoir 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) 14 NS | S4 - C 536 23-0.9-RPCWf-* 0 50 Sand or Gravel Bar 17 NS | S3 - C 539 14-3.0-RPGWg-* 70 0 Wetlands 18 NS | S6 - C 540 13-1.7-RPGWg-* 538 UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER NS | S6 - C 10-1.3-RPGWg-* 104A.053 Marsh 600202800722000000000000000000 21 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 547 0 TREATY CREEK 560409900000000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 30-2.7-CPc-* 6270000 551 23 Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 NS | S6 - C 58-3.0-CPc-* 552 24 Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map NS | S3 - C 18-1.4-CPCWc-* 555 556 13 0 0 NS | N/A - D *-*-*-* NS | S3 - C 9-2.3-RPGWg-* NS | S2 - C 558 13-5.1-CPCWc-* River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour NS | S3 - D 18-2.2-RPGWg-* 1 563 0 560 0 12 561 Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 0 80 NS | N/A - D *-*-*-* # 0 Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Spawning Channel 90 0 564 1.5 Log Jam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough 900 12 0 0 Dewatering 11 0 0 10 0 8 Beaver Dam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 17 BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 Fall 100 NS | S5 - C 567 32-5.8-SPr-* NS | S3 - D 566 21-2.2-CPg-* 0 18 0 Cascade / NS | S6 - C 35-2.4-SPr-* Survey Feature Label Key 13 0 0 0 568 Height (in metres) Canyon 15 00 0 11 571 NS | NCD - C 569 *-*-*-* NS | S4 - C 570 11-1.6-CPg-* 15 0 Length (in metres) Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 1500 0 0 0 12 573 17 0 0 Stream Survey Features 10 0 0 16 0 0 10 18 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 0 1500 0 11 0 12 575 0 90 1400 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 574 0 15 0 NS | S3 - D 18-5.8-RPGWg-* Species 0 13 576 560409900520003230000000000000 16 0 0 577 6275000 1700 0 16 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) 0 10 0 0 17 578 560497000000000000000000000000 16 0 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) Lake Summary Symbol 17 0 104A.062 0 3-28.8-PPc-D3 0 17 0 Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 0 16 580 NS | S4 - C 27-1.1-RPGWg-* 0 0 17 581 RB DV | S1 - D Avg. Gradient (%) 582 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 14 0 583 60 0 Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification TDS 584 Fish Sampling Result 0 0 2 Kilometres Site Data Symbol SKOWILL CREEK 560471500000000000000000000000 13 00 0 10 1.5 Conductivity 586 NS | S4 - C 13-1.3-RPf-* 0 18 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. pH 585 Projection: UTM9, NAD83 0 10 0 587 11 0 0 12 0 OWEEGEE CREEK 560472400000000000000000000000 NS | S2 - C 588 8-6.3-RPc-* Contour Interval: 100 m Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances NS | S3 - C 4-2.2-RPg-* 90 0 Max. Depth (m) 589 NS | S4 - C 4-1.1-RPg-* 0 14 0 590 600 Map: 21 of 29 Scale: 1:20,000 0 11 80 0 Appendix: 3.1-3 Avg. Width (m) 591 Surface Area (ha) NS | S3 - C 2-2.0-RPg-* 592 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14u 450000 455000 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 560653500000000000000000000000 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 13 0 0 SNOWBANK CREEK 560582100148000000000000000000 Appendix: 3.1-3 Map: 22 of 29 Contour Interval: 100 m Projection: UTM9, NAD83 Scale: 1:20,000 0 NS | S3 - D 15-2.2-RPGWg-* 635 NS | S2 - C 22-5.7-SPc-* NS | S3 - C 9-4.3-RPGWg-B1S1 0 30 0 0 22 NS | S3 - D 10-2.0-RPg-* 0.6 0 0.9 622 1.1 28 2 618 NS | S6 - C 39-0.8-RPGWg-* 619 NS | S4 - D 26-2.4-RPCWg-* 0 0.7 25 14 0 906 NS | S6 - C 40-2.4-RPCWc-* 0 1 610 0.6 NS | S1 - C 2-85.0-CPCWc-B3D2C1C4 NS | S4 - D 29-0.8-RPGWf-* RB DV | S1 - D Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 3-28.8-PPc-D3 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) Lake Summary Symbol NS | S3 - C 623 1-4.3-LCf-O1 104A.071 0 612 Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances 627 22 0.6 60 0 1162 NS | S1 - C 1-325.0-LCna-* 104A.072 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) TEIGEN CREEK 560582100000000000000000000000 25 7 HODDER CREEK 560606500000000000000000000000 B2CC 609 1161 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 NS | S2 - C 3-20.8-CPCWc-* RB DV NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 608 1159 NS | S4 - D 1160 13-1.2-CPc-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 607 NS | S4 - D 19-1.3-RPCWc-* Stream Survey Features NS | S4 - D 11-0.9-RPCWns-* 10 Length (in metres) NS | S3 - D 606 8-2.2-RPGWg-* 605 Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 Height (in metres) Survey Feature Label Key Canyon NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* Cascade Culvert Fall 100 604 BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 0 60 NS | S4 - D 12-1.3-RPGWf-* Dewatering Log Jam NS | S4 - D 603 10-1.3-RPCWc-* Spawning Channel NS | S4 - D 11-1.2-RPc-* 1155 NS | NCD - C 601 *-*-*-* 1154 1152 NS | S3 - C 0-2.5-LCf-* 1150 600 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 599 5-4.2-RPGWg-* 560472400575002700000000000000 NS | S3 - C 4-2.6-RPGWg-C4 597 NS | S3 - C 6-3.5-RPGWg-* Bob Quinn Lake NS | S3 - C 1149 5-4.1-RPCWg-B2 0 16 25 ISKUT RIVER 0 24 23 560472400575000000000000000000 150 0 NS | S3 - C 598 3-2.7-RPGWg-* 16 0 NS | NCD - C 596 *-*-*-* 595 0 60 0 60 0 Wetlands Sand or Gravel Bar Reservoir Glacier Icefield UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER Bell II 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) TAYLOR RIVER UPPER NASS RIVER 20 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 Key Map Legend Main Map Focus Mapseries Extents Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 18 NS | S2 - C 9-9.1-CPg-* 17 11 00 104A.061 Meziadin Junction 104A.062 560582100352000000000000000000 Marsh 600202800722000000000000000000 21 UNUK RIVER Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 OWEEGEE CREEK 560472400000000000000000000000 Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map 15 0 0 NS | S3 - D 1151 4-3.1-RPGWf-* River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 0 NS | S3 - C 1-1.6-RPg-* 0.5 0 17 1153 NS | S4 - C 2-1.2-NSf-* 0 1400 NS | S3 - C 1-2.0-LCf-* 12 Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 17 0 0 NS | S3 - C 1-5.4-LCf-* NS | S3 - D 6-2.1-RPGWg-* 1800 12 00 1156 602 6285000 # Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough NS | NCD - C 1157 *-*-*-* 6285000 8 Beaver Dam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream 80 0 0 70 1158 * - Indicates Information Not Available TDS NS | S6 - C 28-0.9-RPCWc-* NS | S4 - D 628 17-1.1-RPg-* 0 Conductivity 638 629 20 22 pH NS | S4 - D 637 22-1.4-RPGWg-* 16 KINSKUCH RIVER City / Town 15 0 60 Road KISPIOX RIVER 13 KSHWAN RIVER 594 WSA Watershed Group NASS RIVER 14 Water 20000k Trim Sheet 12 NS | S2 - C 5-5.1-RPg-* 11 10 29 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* New Aiyansh 0 70 6280000 593 6280000 641 . 50 5 Sample Site Number Max. Depth (m) NS | NCD - C 640 *-*-*-* NS | S4 - D 25-1.4-CPg-* / NS | S4 - D 11-1.3-RPg-* Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Species 631 626 Fish Sampling Result Avg. Width (m) NS | S6 - C 22-3.7-RPGWf-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 2 Kilometres Site Data Symbol NS | S3 - C 2-2.2-LCf-* Avg. Gradient (%) 632 630 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 611 1.5 Surface Area (ha) 634 NS | S2 - D 12-4.9-RPCWc-B1 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 1 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 620 NS | S3 - D 29-3.1-CPCWc-B1B3 0.5 900 646 NS | S2 - C 13-6.6-RPCWc-B1B2D2 NS | S3 - D 639 21-1.7-RPGWg-* 636 10 00 NS | S6 - C 624 25-0.8-CPg-* 625 613 0 16 0 NS | S6 - C 20-1.4-CPf-* 633 NS | S4 - D 24-0.4-RPGWg-* NS | S6 - C 35-2.6-RPCWc-* COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 1500 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 647 621 560582100042000000000000000000 6290000 648 616 NS | S2 - D 617 22-12.3-CPCWc-B3D2 0 8 11 0 NS | S6 - C 28-1.3-CPCWc-* DATE: December 27, 2007 NS | S6 - C 40-1.6-RPCWc-* 6290000 615 614 14 00 0 12 0 70 80 0 560582100352000000000000000000 592 90 0 NS | S3 - C 2-2.0-RPg-* NS | NCD - C 591 *-*-*-* LOWER NASS RIVER 9 28 8 27 7 26 LT Lake Trout BT Bull Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) MW Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. KALUM RIVER 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER FDG/FDE Hab: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Inv Mgnt:Rescan 4 Disclaimer Fish Species/Sampling Codes Loc: Str Sym: INV Date Inv: 2007/07-11 5 455000 TR Fish: 6 0 60 450000 Base: 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14v 440000 NS | S6 - C 63-0.9-CPb-* OWLET CREEK 560647000025000000000000000000 0 0 692 693 / 20 01 0.5 1 Fish Sampling Result J 906 BEAVERPOND CREEK 610470800516000000000000000000 0 13 0 104A.081 NS | S3 - C 6-3.0-RPGWg-B1B3D1C4 610470800577000000000000000000 17 0 0 0 18 NS | S3 - C 5-4.8-RPc-B1B3C4 688 Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Sample Site Number 610470800516005600000000000000 689 2 Kilometres Site Data Symbol 610470800516005410000000000000 690 1.5 NS | S3 - C 28-1.7-CPCWc-B1 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - C 691 2-2.0-RPGWf-* 104B.090 COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 0 2.5 D 20 DATE: December 27, 2007 RB DV | S1 - D 0 NS | S2 - C 5-9.8-RPGWg-B3C4 Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 3-28.8-PPc-D3 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) Lake Summary Symbol 15 0 14 0 0 0 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) 560647000025002790000000000000 NS | S3 - D 2-1.9-RPGWg-* 687 * - Indicates Information Not Available TDS 0 Projection: UTM9, NAD83 Conductivity 0 13 Contour Interval: 100 m pH 0 14 Map: 23 of 29 Scale: 1:20,000 NS | S2 - C 694 5-6.5-RPc-B2C3S1 NS | S3 - C 19-2.1-CPg-* Appendix: 3.1-3 Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances 695 0 16 0 610470800516005600034500000000 0 20 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 Max. Depth (m) 0 0 17 0 0 0 14 0 15 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 0 0.1 20 0 0.5 Avg. Gradient (%) 12 13 0 0 696 10 Avg. Width (m) 150 0 90 0 00 0 20 NS | S6 - C 697 35-1.9-CPc-* 1100 0 10 0 6300000 NS | S4 - C 0-1.1-SPc-* Surface Area (ha) 80 0 698 610470800516003600000000000000 NINGUNSAW RIVER 610470800000000000000000000000 445000 6300000 435000 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 NS | S2 - C 2-15.8-RPGWg-* D 19 0 1 15 0 0.6 19 2 D 0.8 10 Length (in metres) 1000 685 NS | S2 - C 1-9.9-RPGWg-* 100 0 J Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 Height (in metres) Survey Feature Label Key Canyon Cascade Culvert 1000 Fall 100 8 Beaver Dam Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream - NS | S2 - C 684 1-19.0-RPGWg-O1 20 Stream Survey Features 11 00 6295000 6295000 686 Species RB DV Dewatering Log Jam D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough 1 Spawning Channel 683 # NS | S1 - C *-255.0-*-O1 70 0 SNOWBANK CREEK 560582100148000000000000000000 TEIGEN CREEK 560582100000000000000000000000 560582100148003850000000000000 560582100148002650000000000000 104B.080 5 / 679 677 1.5 NS | S4 - C 678 23-2.5-RPGWg-* 672 100 669 560582100148001020054200000000 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 18 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 671 NS | S3 - D 12-2.1-RPGWc-* .60 . 15 NS | S3 - C 28-3.8-CPCWg-* 660 UNUK RIVER NS | S3 - C 10-2.1-RPCWg-* 657 6290000 560582100148001020000000000000 NS | S4 - C 7-0.9-RPCWg-* NS | S4 - C 655 5-1.0-RPCWg-* 1.3 NS | NCD - C 650 *-*-*-* 646 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 645 20-2.7-CPCWc-* 560582100042000000000000000000 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 90 0 624 633 NS | S2 - C 13-6.6-RPCWc-B1B2D2 NS | S3 - D 639 21-1.7-RPGWg-* 636 NS | S2 - D 12-4.9-RPCWc-B1 632 NS | S6 - C 634 22-3.7-RPGWf-* TEIGEN CREEK 560582100000000000000000000000 649 UPPER NASS RIVER 20 LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 19 642 NS | NCD - C 640 *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 11-2.3-RPGWg-* 641 637 NS | S4 - D 22-1.4-RPGWg-* NS | S3 - D 15-2.2-RPGWg-* NS | NCD - C 630 *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S4 - D 25-1.4-CPg-* 50 638 NS | S6 - C 28-0.9-RPCWc-* 0 635 . 629 20 628 NS | S6 - C 25-0.8-CPg-* NS | NCD - C 625 *-*-*-* 626 NS | S4 - D 11-1.3-RPg-* 16 KINSKUCH RIVER LT Lake Trout 13 KSHWAN RIVER 627 NS | S2 - C 22-5.7-SPc-* 0 BT Bull Trout MW Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) NS (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Not Sampled NCD Non Classified Drainage City / Town Road Water 20000k Trim Sheet 11 10 NS | S3 - D 10-2.0-RPg-* 29 New Aiyansh 0 30 WSA Watershed Group 12 0.6 623 1.1 NS | S3 - C 1-4.3-LCf-O1 LOWER NASS RIVER 445000 9 28 8 27 7 26 This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. TR Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Date Inv: 2007/07-11 Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER Base: Fish: 6 4 Disclaimer (Salvelinus namaycush) Mapseries Extents KISPIOX RIVER 14 560582100542000000000000000000 Fish Species/Sampling Codes Main Map Focus 15 5 440000 Key Map Legend NASS RIVER NS | S4 - D 17-1.1-RPg-* NS | S3 - C 9-4.3-RPGWg-B1S1 TEIGEN CREEK 560582100000000000000000000000 435000 Icefield Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line 60 0 631 NS | S2 - D 643 11-5.5-CPCWb-* 1500 Glacier 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) TAYLOR RIVER Meziadin Junction NS | NCD - C 644 *-*-*-* 560582100688000000000000000000 Reservoir 18 NS | S4 - C 21-0.8-CPg-* NS | S3 - C 18-10.1-CPg-* NS | S3 - D 653 10-2.1-CPCWc-* NS | NCD - C 652 *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C NS | S2 - D 648 651 *-*-*-* 15-5.3-CPb-* NS | S6 - C 647 20-1.4-CPf-* NS | S3 - D 662 16-2.9-RPGWf-* 658 Sand or Gravel Bar 00 12 654 0 Bell II BELL-IRVING RIVER 560000000000000000000000000000 NS | S3 - C 656 19-2.0-CPg-* NS | S3 - C 663 12-2.5-RPGWf-* NS | S4 - C 8-0.9-RPGWg-* Wetlands 17 NS | S4 - C 664 10-1.1-RPGWf-C4 659 23 UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER 21 NS | S4 - C 661 10-0.9-RPCWf-* NS | S6 - C 666 38-2.3-CPCWc-* 24 Marsh 600202800722000000000000000000 22 NS | S3 - D 9-1.2-RPg-* 30 25 104A.071 NS | S4 - D 2-1.6-RPg-* 665 560582100148003850062100000000 673 Bob Quinn Lake ISKUT RIVER NS | S6 - C 34-4.0-CPc-* 667 NS | S3 - D 10-2.2-RPf-C4 668 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 676 17-2.5-RPCWc-* NS | S6 - C 675 24-2.0-RPCWf-* 674 NS | S4 - D 26-1.4-RPg-* 670 1600 NS | S6 - C 43-4.3-CPg-* Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 6290000 NS | S6 - C 680 35-1.0-CPCWc-* Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map 0 NS | S2 - C 2-18.1-RPCWg-* 80 0 681 River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 17 0 0 Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 560647000025002790023000000000 NS | S1 - C 682 3-27.5-CPCWc-B3D3C1C2 Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14w 435000 18 0 0 0 610470800338000000000000000000 445000 British Columbia Transmission Corporation – 610470800426006490000000000000 610470800426004120000000000000 Proposed Northwest Transmission Line Detailed Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment Map, 2007 16 0 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 560647000740000000000000000000 00 10 18 0 Appendix: 3.1-3 Map: 24 of 29 Contour Interval: 100 m Projection: UTM9, NAD83 Scale: 1:20,000 0 610470800372000000000000000000 DATE: December 27, 2007 13 0 0 14 0 NS | S2 - C 748 21-7.0-CPCWc-B1B2D2D3C1 2 Fish Sampling Result 745 50 0 NS | S6 - C 70 0 38-1.2-CPCWg-* 50 0 744 0 50 0 NS | S6 - C 50-0.8-RPGWg-* 743 500 11 0 0 80 50 0 NS | S6 - C 35-1.2-RPg-* 104B.100 104A.091 NS | S3 - C 9-1.1-RPGWg-* 90 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* e 735 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S3 - D 2-2.6-RPGWg-* 0 90 0 60 LIZ CREEK 610470800514000000000000000000 NS | S2 - C 3-17.2-RPCWc-* e 14 00 L-175-8.0-6.8-29 | 20 RB DV 60 A Species 0 80 60 0 733 Lake (L) or Wetland (W) 0 0 734 80 0 12 15 0 70 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 0 10 0 1.5 732 10 0 0 20 0 NS | S6 - C 32-0.7-RPGWg-* 729 NS | S4 - D 34-1.3-CPg-* 731 1.5 0 11 Stream Survey Features NS | S4 - D 23-1.2-CPf-* 0 13 10 0 0 11 Length (in metres) 0 0 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 80 0 0 12 0 60 0 0 11 60 0 # 0 11 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 17 0 0 13 0 14 0 0 11 0 90 0 0 1500 14 0 0 Bob Quinn Lake 12 0 0 70 0 0 19 ISKUT RIVER 17 0 J NS | S4 - C 713 *-*-*-* 610470800436005270000000000000 712 00 0 0 0 NS | S4 - C NVC 80 0 710 10 0 NS | S4 - D 40-1.2-SPBWb-* 709 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 705 70 0 20 0 0.5 900 NS | S2 - C 1-18.7-CPBc-B2C1C3C4S1S4 702 1100 100 0 80 0 20 0 16 20 0 15 0 0 0 15 0 150 0 Not Sampled (Salvelinus confluentus) GR Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) NFC No Fish Caught LSU Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) NVC No Visible Channel NCD Non Classified Drainage Mapseries Extents WSA Watershed Group City / Town Road KISPIOX RIVER 13 KSHWAN RIVER Water 20000k Trim Sheet 12 NS | S3 - C 16-3.1-SPBWg-* 610470800516005410000000000000 10 29 NS | S3 - C 23-3.6-CPCWc-* 0 698 20 699 0 610470800516005600034500000000 NS | S4 - C 0-1.1-SPc-* 20 0 NS | S6 - C 35-1.9-CPc-* 10 0 0.1 20 0 696 440000 New Aiyansh NS | S4 - C 18-1.6-CPBg-* 0.5 NS | S6 - C 63-0.9-CPb-* LOWER NASS RIVER 610470800516005600000000000000 80 0 445000 This product has been accepted as being in accordance with approved standards within the limits of Ministry quality assurance procedures. Users are cautioned that interpreted information on this product developed for the purposes of this assessment are subject to review by a statutory decision maker for the purposes of determining whether or not to approve development plans. Suitability of use for other purposes is solely at the discretion of the potential user. 9 28 8 27 7 26 TR Loc: FDG/FDE Hab: INV Str Sym: INV Lk Sym: INV INVD Date Inv: 2007/07-11 Inv Mgnt:Rescan KALUM RIVER 4 3 LOWER SKEENA RIVER Base: Fish: 6 5 Disclaimer NS Main Map Focus 15 0.2 697 13 00 1400 701 610470800516003600000000000000 20 Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) Key Map Legend NASS RIVER 14 NS | S3 - C 4-4.6-RPCWc-S5 9.5 610470800651000000000000000000 MW Icefield Transmission Line Route Alternatives Existing Transmission Line KINSKUCH RIVER OWLET CREEK 560647000025000000000000000000 90 0 700 (Salvelinus namaycush) Glacier 11 610470800577000000000000000000 6300000 19 Meziadin Junction NS | FSZ - C *-*-*-* 0 12 0 Fish Species/Sampling Codes Reservoir 18 0 NS | FSZ - C *-*-*-* 703 Sand or Gravel Bar 17 BEAVERPOND CREEK 610470800516000000000000000000 704 70 0 RB Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) LOWER BELLIRVING RIVER 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* UPPER NASS RIVER 20 0 16 706 12 00 BT Bull Trout TAYLOR RIVER 610470800516003920000000000000 0 NS | FSZ - C *-*-*-* 707 Lake Trout Bell II 0 708 435000 UNUK RIVER Wetlands 45 Digit 12 Set Array Watershed Code (Appended to left 30 characters) 21 18 0 0 0 NS | S3 - D 25-3.5-SPBWc-* 11 0 0 0 104A.081 13 00 0 60 0 NS | S4 - C 711 18-1.4-SPBWb-* 610470800599000000000000000000 LT UPPER BELLIRVING RIVER 6300000 60 0 23 Marsh 600202800722000000000000000000 60 0 0 24 Wetlands Scale: 1:1,125,000 22 NS | S4 - C 714 34-0.6-NSg-B2 90 0 18 0 0 10 00 1200 1700 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 104B.090 25 Lake/River 20k TRIM Mapsheet Study Area Key Map NS | S2 - C 1-12.0-RPf-B2 715 River - Definite River - Indefinite City / Town Proposed Substation Construction Camp Laydown Area BC Watershed Atlas Group Protected Area Trail TRIM Bridge Railway Existing Transmission Line 100m Contour 0 1200 610470800436000000000000000000 Ditch/Diversion Other Mapped Features Transmission Line Route Alternative Paved Road Gravel Road 610470800514004790000000000000 Subsurface Flow Field Evidence of Groundwater Reach Break Bridge/Crossing Ford Tributary D Landslide G Fish Observation - Other H Fish Present Spawning - Upstream F Fish Limit - Salmon Fisheries Sensitive Zone Trough 0 718 NS | S1 - C 4-20.7-RPCWc-* 716 Log Jam Spawning Channel NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 720 *-*-*-* NS | NCD - C 719 *-*-*-* 717 Dewatering 10 0 722 8 Beaver Dam NS | S5 - C 39-5.7-SPc-* 13 0 0 6305000 0 560647000533000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 35-1.7-CPc-* 70 0 0 10 0 Fisheries Sensitive Zone Length in metres extending downstream NS | S5 - C 35-2.9-SPb-* 724 721 Fall 100 NS | S6 - C 32-1.1-CPg-* 725 NINGUNSAW RIVER 610470800000000000000000000000 NS | S6 - C 723 36-1.4-CPc-* Culvert 80 0 1100 0 10 0 NS | S4 - C 16-1.3-RPg-* 727 Cascade 0 10 0 0 70 726 Survey Feature Label Key Canyon 90 0 0 0 Height (in metres) 0 90 NS | S3 - D 38-2.3-SPc-* 728 Stream or Lake Site Survey Feature (See below for label key) 2.5 0 12 0 6305000 0 80 0 12 730 16 * - Indicates Information Not Available 0 736 11 0 0 0 70 Lake Summary Symbol 610470800426002570000000000000 13 0 NS | S4 - D 4-0.6-RPGWf-* 737 190 0 Red text denotes reach/stream classified as fish bearing (e.g. S1 to S4) Green text denotes reach/stream classified as non-fish bearing (e.g. S5 to S6) Black text denotes non-classified drainage (NCD) – a watercourse which does not meet FRPA stream definition (<100m discontinuous) TDS 50 0 0 70 738 18 0 3-28.8-PPc-D3 90 0 NS | S4 - D 740 8-0.9-RPGWf-* 2 739 Note: For habitat codes refer to Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory: Standards and Procedures (RISC, 2001) 900 NS | S4 - D 741 5-1.2-RPGWg-* / RB DV | S1 - D 500 0 50 NS | S3 - D 24-1.8-RPGWg-* 742 OWL CREEK 560647000000000000000000000000 ALGER CREEK 610470800426000000000000000000 12 0 0 906 Conductivity NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* Stream Class Confirmed or Default Classification Sample Site Number 0 10 0 6310000 Site Data Symbol 90 0 1.5 0 50 746 2 Kilometres Morphology Dominant Substrate Disturbances . ) 0 Max. Depth (m) 500 . 17 0 0 Avg. Width (m) 0 60 /8 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* 16 0 Avg. Gradient (%) 747 1.5 Surface Area (ha) / 26.6 1 0 18 0 NS | S6 - C 35-4.4-SPRb-S5 D 0.5 6310000 749 COMPANY: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. 0 610470800514007100000000000000 0 NS | NCD - C *-*-*-* NS | S6 - C 750 75-4.2-CPBb-D1D2 0 751 15 0 80 0 pH 13 0 0 0 0 14 17 0 440000 2 Environmental Services Ltd. Terrace 1 GIS No. 824-4-14x