Belinda Berg
Belinda Berg
ADMINISTRATION 285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg. 100 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 O. 972.291.5100 F. 972.291.5199 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING SESSION NOVEMBER 10, 2015 T.W. “TURK” CANNADY – CEDAR HILL ROOM GOVERNMENT CENTER 285 UPTOWN BLVD. – BLDG. 100 CEDAR HILL, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. AGENDA I. Call the meeting to order. II. City Manager Reports: City Council Calendar/Upcoming Events. City Operations. Community Survey. III. Briefing on Winter Weather Preparedness. IV. Conduct a briefing session to discuss agenda items for 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. V. Adjourn. I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on the 6th day of November 2015. Belinda Berg City Secretary This facility is wheelchair accessible. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please call 972-291-5100 Ext. 1011 or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989) at least 48 hours in advance. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. Mayor, Rob Franke • Mayor Pro Tem, Chris Parvin • Stephen Mason • Jami McCain Daniel C. Haydin, Jr. • Clifford R. Shaw • Wallace Swayze • City Manager, Greg Porter CedarHillTX.COM ADMINISTRATION 285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg. 100 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 O. 972.291.5100 F. 972.291.5199 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2015 T.W. “TURK” CANNADY-CEDAR HILL ROOM 285 UPTOWN BLVD. – BLDG. 100 CEDAR HILL, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. VISION STATEMENT: We envision Cedar Hill as a premier city that retains its distinctive character; where families and businesses flourish in a safe and clean environment. MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the City of Cedar Hill is to deliver the highest quality municipal services to our citizens and customers consistent with our community values. AGENDA I. Call the meeting to order. II. Invocation: Council Member Daniel C. Haydin, Jr. III. Pledge of Allegiance. IV. Distinctive Character Presentations: 1. Present Certificates of Recognition to Zarius Easley, a 5th grade student from Waterford Oaks Elementary School and Brandon Campbell, a 4th grade student from High Pointe Elementary School – S.T.A.R. Student Award winners for the month of November 2015. 2. Present a proclamation designating Wednesday, November 18, 2015, as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day in Cedar Hill. V. Citizens Forum. VI. Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda includes routine items that may be acted upon with a single vote. Any City Council member may remove items from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and consideration. 1. Consider approving the minutes of the October 27, 2015 regular City Council meeting. Mayor, Rob Franke • Mayor Pro Tem, Chris Parvin • Stephen Mason • Jami McCain Daniel C. Haydin, Jr. • Clifford R. Shaw • Wallace Swayze • City Manager, Greg Porter CedarHillTX.COM Page 2 City Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 2015 VII. Regular Agenda: 1. Case No. 2015-26 – Consider approving, in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Site Plan of a retail building on Lot 2R Block B, Pleasant Run Farms Addition, generally located on the northwest corner of J. Elmer Weaver Freeway and Pleasant Run Rd; requested by Kylon M. Wilson P.E. of Bury, Inc. on behalf of Cencor Realty, Inc. 2. Consider approving Resolution No. R15-450 casting the City of Cedar Hill’s vote for a representative to the Dallas Central Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. 3. Consider approving Resolution No. R15-451 casting the City of Cedar Hill votes for a representative(s) to the Ellis Appraisal District Board of Directors. VIII. Updates and announcements from City Council Members. IX. Adjourn. I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on the 6th day of November 2015. Belinda Berg City Secretary This facility is wheelchair accessible. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please call 972-291-5100 Ext. 1011 or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989) at least 48 hours in advance. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. PREMIER STATEMENTS CEDAR HILL HAS DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER CEDAR HILL HAS EXCELLENT, SAFE & EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE CEDAR HILL IS SAFE CEDAR HILL IS CLEAN CEDAR HILL HAS TEXAS SCHOOLS OF CHOICE CEDAR HILL HAS VIBRANT PARKS AND NATURAL BEAUTY CEDAR HILL HAS A STRONG AND DIVERSE ECONOMY CITY COUNCIL VALUES PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS STEWARDSHIP HIGHEST ETHICAL STANDARDS, BEHAVIOR AND INTEGRITY SERVANT LEADERSHIP I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the City Council was removed by me from the Government Center bulletin board on the __________ day of ______________________________, 2015, By:_______________________________________________ BRIEFING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2015 The City Council of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas, met in briefing session Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 6:00 p.m., 285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg. 100, City of Cedar Hill, Texas. The following members of the City Council were present, to wit: Mayor Rob Franke, Mayor Pro Tem Chris Parvin and Council Members Daniel C. Haydin, Jr., Wallace Swayze, Stephen Mason, Clifford Shaw and Jami McCain. I. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Franke called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m., declaring it an open meeting with a quorum present and the meeting notice was duly posted. II. City Manager Reports: • City Council Calendar/Upcoming Events. City Manager Porter reviewed the City Council’s calendar, emphasizing the following: Thursday, October 29 – 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – FYI: Wine Walk – Hillside Village Shopping Center, 305 FM 1382, Cedar Hill 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – FYI: Scare on the Square – Historic Downtown, 600 Cedar Street, Cedar Hill Friday, October 30 Saturday, October 31 11:00 a.m. – City Council Strategic Planning Retreat – Inn on the River, 205 S.W. Barnard Street, Glen Rose Thursday, November 5 - 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – CPA Class #26 Graduation – Alan E. Sims Recreation Center Bluebonnet Room, 310 E Parkerville Road, Cedar Hill Friday, November 6 - 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Pollo Tropical Grand-Opening & Ribbon Cutting – 401 N. Hwy 67 at FM 1382, Cedar Hill 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – FYI: Cinema on the Square: An Affair to Remember – Pioneer Park in Historic Downtown, Cedar Street and Houston Street, Cedar Hill 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – RSVP REQUIRED: Hope Mansion Gala (Table for 10) – 944 Lamar Street, Dallas, TX 75207 Saturday, November 14 - 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. – RSVP REQUIRED: CHISD Education Foundation Gala – Longhorn Luau – Midlothian Conference Center, 1 Community Drive, Midlothian, TX 76065 Page 2 City Council Briefing Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Thursday, November 19 - 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – RSVP REQUIRED: Mayor’s State of the City Address - Chamber of Commerce Luncheon – Fire Station 1, 1212 West Belt Line, Cedar Hill The Monster Mash 1K Dash and Safety Fair that was previously scheduled for Saturday, October 31, 2015 has been rescheduled to the Spring. • • City Operations. City Center Interim Zoning Plan Rod Tyler stated that the Planning Department sent out invitations to property owners within the area that are being rezoned from Industrial to something else. Property owners on Tidwell Street attended and they had a couple of questions, however they were very pleased. Council members Swayze and McCain attended. If the City Council approves and is ready to move forward then the Planning Department will start notification this Thursday, October 29, 2015. Then it will go to the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 17, 2015 and then finally it will be at City Council on December 8, 2015. Mayor Franked expressed his gratitude by thanking the Planning Department for their hard work. III. Conduct a briefing session to discuss agenda items for 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. Distinctive Character Presentation: Present a proclamation designating November 2015 as American Diabetes Month in Cedar Hill. Present Certificates of Recognition to the 2015 Country Day on the Hill Chairpersons and Committee. Consent Agenda: Consider approving the minutes of the October 27, 2015 regular City Council meeting. Receive Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2015. Consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-571 creating a school zone along a portion of Wintergreen Road and designating that portion of Wintergreen Road as a “No Parking Zone”. Consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-573 designating the entire length of Hawk Street as a “No Parking Zone”. Consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-574 designating the entire Hwy 67 frontage roads as a “No Parking Zone”. Page 3 City Council Briefing Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Halff Associates, Inc. for establishing the “Road A” alignment. Case No. 2015-23 – Consider approving, in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Preliminary Plat and Plans for the Park Village at Belt Line Addition, showing five (5) non-residential lots on 17.888 acres out of Abstract 435, generally located at the north side of Belt Line Road between Joe Wilson Road and Waterford Oaks Drive; requested by Charles Crook of Charles Crook Consulting on behalf of Al Sani. Council member Swayze asked about the school zones and whether the Traffic Safety Committee had talked about whether it would be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or just during the school period. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director, responded that it would only occur during the school period which would be 30 minutes in the morning before school and 45 minutes after school. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin had a question about the no parking zones on Highway 67 and asked if that was a result of certain places on the service road that people have been parking. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director, stated that we contacted TXDOT and they said that any regulation regarding parking along frontage roads are deferred to the cities. Mayor Franke stated that when the weather is bad and people are parking on the side of the roads it causes damage to the roads. Mayor Franke stated that Consent 7 will be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion. He stated he would like the briefing on the Water Customer Issues to come first and then if there is time, questions about Consent 7 will take place after the briefing. If there is not enough time to discuss Consent 7 at that time, then discussion will take place during the Regular meeting. Regular Agenda: Case No. 2015-18 – Consider a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a funeral home or mortuary within the “LR” – Local Retail zoning district on Lot 1, Block A, Canyon Properties Addition, being 1.9405 acres located at 1395 N. Hwy 67; requested by Dedrick Jennings on behalf of Sacred Funeral Home. Council member Jami McCain asked about Regular 1 and wanted to know if there were new plans because the plans in the City Council packet were the same from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in August. She also wanted to know if the concerns from the citizens had been addressed. Page 4 City Council Briefing Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Greg Porter, City Manager stated that would be good questions for the applicant. Rod Tyler, Planning Director stated that the issues with the screening and landscaping were corrected and they meet the technical requirements. IV. Briefing on Water Customer Issues. Melissa Valadez-Cummings presented to the City Council a briefing on Customer Water Concerns. She stated she was very proud on how staff handled water customer concerns. Each customer was handled very seriously and one at a time. She thanked Joe Komisarz, the Utility Billing Director and stated that the City of Cedar Hill is very lucky to have him due to the amazing work that he has done along with his staff. The briefing included the big picture of system data and the presentations with the public. Valadez-Cummings stated that every city in Texas has had water bill issues and significant increases. Cities are responding in different degrees. A video from Channel 5, aired on September 27, 2015, was shown to explain and provide detail on why many cities in Texas have had an increase in their water billing. The extreme abnormality of the seasons is one of the reasons of why there was an increase. Another reason is that last year there were restrictions on water usage and this year there were no restrictions so there was no limit. Over the course of the last 12 months we have been installing AMI. In the Spring we were 90% complete and fully completed by July 2015. There was a change from 5/8 by ¾ inch to 1” meters. This was due to meters not registering high consumption during peak season. 1” meters were recommended for Cedar Hill’s average consumer profile. The meter function is the same. Cedar Hill has new meters and billing system. FOR FYE 14-16 the rates for water are the same. The new system has an automatic metering infrastructure. The meter transmitter transmits hourly consumption. The function of a water meter involves water passing through the meter, which turns a series of gears and gives a reading. The mechanical parts of the meter are not capable of “speeding up” or registering a significantly higher than actual use. If there are issues concerning a meter’s accuracy it would be because it is running slow, not fast. All water meters are required to meet American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards. Meters must be within 98.5% and 101.5% accuracy to be usable. Design of water meters does not allow the City to manually adjust dials or the accuracy of the meter. Possible reasons for high waters bills include residential waters leaks, billing error, meter inaccuracy (current or prior meter malfunction, increased water consumption (irrigation and Summer watering). Those whose bills are several times higher than previously seen with the older meters, the reasons could include previous meters were dramatically under registering for regular or peak use. New accurate meters are a big change. A water leak, a billing calculation or meter error, or peak seasonal use could also be a reason that meters were under registering. In these situations, we are comparing the water consumption to prior months and years, providing an hourly analysis, performing Page 5 City Council Briefing Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 a manual calculation of water rates, manual meter re-read and residential water line leak detection, and last resort would be an independent meter test. Residents are encouraged to sign up to have an account analysis. The most evident aspect of customer concerns is the presence of an irrigation system. For issues with the irrigation system, consulting with an irrigation specialist is recommended. Citizens are encouraged to register for FATHOM AMI Data. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin asked about September and August on the graph that was presented, he asked if this graph is a representative of the principle that it’s one month off, so if we are looking at the billing usage for September are we actually looking August’s usage or September’s usage. Assistant City Manager, Melissa Valadez-Cummings responded that it was September’s billed for August’s usage. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin asked if you go back for a period of every month, from February until July, we have sold less water until August and September. In September it has more than doubled, is there an explanation of why we can go five months and see consistent trending decreases including the hottest months of the year, and then see a spike in September of that magnitude. Assistant City Manager Melissa Valadez-Cummings and City Manager, Greg Porter stated reasons that were shown in the presentation that explained that the seasonality changing, people watering their lawns, leak problems, the weather data shows the changes. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin stated that this was a very good presentation and there are many different aspects that have contributed to the billing increase. Council member Swayze stated that it was an excellent presentation. Mayor Franke stated a couple of observations for City Council and a recommendation for action. There are angry citizens and people who feel upset and it’s contingent on us to do our due diligence through this. If there is a leak situation, staff already has authority under the ordinance to make adjustments based on leaks, and documentation that it has been repaired. The other issue they had a meter that did not register water usage, and now they do have a water meter that does measure water usage more accurately, are we willing to allow staff the flexibility to make adjustments in the situations that it wasn’t the customer’s fault that the meter was an inefficient system in the past and now it has been fixed. City Council has authorized the City to proceed with a rate study that does require us to accumulate data on the new billing system that requires time. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin and Council member Swayze stated that they would be in favor of that. Page 6 City Council Briefing Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 V. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Parvin made a motion to adjourn the briefing session, seconded by Council Member McCain. The motion passed by unanimous vote, and the meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Approved: __________________________ Rob Franke, Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Marlena Tinker, Executive Assistant to the City Secretary MINUTES CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2015 The City Council of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas met in regular session Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 7:00 p.m., T.W. “Turk” Cannady - Cedar Hill Room, 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill, Texas. Present: Mayor Rob Franke, Mayor Pro Tem Chris Parvin and Council Members Daniel C. Haydin, Jr., Clifford Shaw, Stephen Mason, Wallace Swayze and Jami McCain. I. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Franke called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., declaring it an open meeting with a quorum present and that the meeting notice was duly posted. II. Invocation. Reverend Victor B. Jackson of Building the Kingdom Community Church provided the invocation. III. Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member McCain led the Pledges of Allegiance to both the United States and Texas Flags. IV. V. Distinctive Character Presentations: 1. Present a proclamation designating November 2015 as American Diabetes Month in Cedar Hill. 2. Present Certificates of Recognition to the 2015 Country Day on the Hill Chairpersons and Committee. Citizens Forum. 1. Tiffany Jones and Keith Jones – 1034 Ruth Street 2. Chris Harris - 1319 Shields Avenue 3. Carla Cooper - 602 Highland Drive 4. Jean Wilhite - 933 Waterview Drive 5. Howard Gerald - 901 Steadman Drive Page 2 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 6. Valorie Fletcher - 1336 Elise Street 7. Reginald Sharp of Sharp & Henderson Consulting Service – P. O. Box 763968, Dallas, TX 8. Philip Campbell - 1014 Grover Court 9. Mickey Gerald - 805 Windswept Drive Tiffany Jones spoke about Sacred Funeral Home is up for a conditional use permit and it would be right in her back yard. She stated that she would have never built a home in Cedar Hill if there was a funeral home nearby. She said that she didn’t want to be reminded of the death of her sixteen year-old son every time she looked out her window. She stated that she wanted City Council to take her thoughts, where she lives, and her property into consideration when they make their vote today. Chris Harris spoke on how he too would not have moved to Cedar Hill if there was a funeral home nearby in his community. He stated that he loved where he lived, but he asks the City Council if this was their community, would they want a funeral home on the other side of the fence. He stated that when the City Council makes their vote, please keep that in mind. Carla Hooper stated that Sacred Funeral home is a wonderful funeral home. She stated that she didn’t understand why the funeral home would be such a burden on the homes. She said that she believes that Sacred Funeral home would be a great asset to Cedar Hill. Jean Wilhite stated that Sacred Funeral Home would enhance the business in Cedar Hill. Howard Gerald stated that he is glad to be a resident of Cedar Hill. He stated that he is representing Sacred Funeral Home and it’s neat, clean, and sanitary. He stated that it would be a great asset to Cedar Hill and it would enhance the quality and business of Cedar Hill. Valorie Fletcher spoke about how she did not move to Cedar Hill to have a funeral home in her back yard. She stated that she was concerned about the traffic flow. She asked how she would be able to get in and out of her neighborhood with the type of business that a funeral home would bring. She stated that she has not heard anyone address the pollution issues. She stated she had a lot of questions that she had on how this would affect her home. Page 3 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Reginald Sharp stood up to say that he wanted to speak on behalf of the people. He stated that Sacred Funeral Home was there for him when he was going through a tough time and he will be there for them. He stated that he would be building this funeral home for them no matter if it’s in Cedar Hill or somewhere else. Philip Campbell said that Sacred Funeral Home would be an outstanding addition to Cedar Hill but just not in the current location. He stated that his greatest concerns are proven property value drop and traffic. Mickey Gerald asked the City Council to be considerate when they make their vote on the Sacred Funeral Home. He stated that he didn’t know of any property value that has gone down in any city with a funeral home. VIII. Consent Agenda: Mayor Franke introduced the Consent Agenda and stated the Consent Agenda includes routine items that may be acted upon with a single vote. Any City Council member may remove items from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and consideration. He asked if any item should be pulled for separate consideration. Item 1 was to consider approving the minutes of the October 13, 2015 regular City Council meeting. Item 2 was to receive Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2015. Item 3 was to consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-571 creating a school zone along a portion of Wintergreen Road and designating that portion of Wintergreen Road as a “No Parking Zone”. Item 4 was to consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-573 designating the entire length of Hawk Street as a “No Parking Zone”. Item 5 was to consider adopting Ordinance No. 2015-574 designating the entire Hwy 67 frontage roads as a “No Parking Zone”. Item 6 was to consider authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Halff Associates, Inc. for establishing the “Road A” alignment. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin moved to approve Items 1-6 on the Consent Agenda, seconded by Council member Shaw. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. After a reading of the ordinance captions by Assistant to the City Manager Marie Watts, the motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. Page 4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 IX. Regular Agenda: Item 7 was to consider approving, in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Preliminary Plat and Plans for the Park Village at Belt Line Addition, showing five (5) non-residential lots on 17.888 acres out of Abstract 435, generally located at the north side of Belt Line Road between Joe Wilson Road and Waterford Oaks Drive; requested by Charles Crook of Charles Crook Consulting on behalf of Al Sani. At the request of Mayor Franke, Item 7, a request to consider approving, in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Preliminary Plat and Plans for the Park Village at Belt Line Addition, showing five (5) non-residential lots on 17.888 acres out of Abstract 435, generally located at the north side of Belt Line Road between Joe Wilson Road and Waterford Oaks Drive; requested by Charles Crook of Charles Crook Consulting on behalf of Al Sani. was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. The representative and applicant were not in attendance. Council member McCain had some questions about the way this was platted. Rod Tyler, Planning Director, responded and stated what the applicant represented to them. He stated that from his impression from the developers that their current plan is that they have a pad site which is next door to Aldi and that they want to sell and develop. Our ordinance requires preliminary plat the entire parent tract. When they preliminary plat that property it is you giving them the authorization to prepare final plats in accordance with that preliminary plat. They can final plat a portion of it or the entirety of it, that’s up to them. After two years, that preliminary plat expires unless they have built out the whole thing. This is giving them the authorization to subdivide the land in that form. As far as the adjacency to the residence, to the north, our ordinance requires a masonry wall between the nonresidential and the residential and it is the responsibility of the non-residential to construct that when they build. When it comes to what goes there, that is governed by zoning regulations not be subdivision plats so that is a determination that the owner does not know yet. First thing that has to be done is you have to prepare the plat, put in the infrastructures that support those lots, then you can move forward. They are in compliance, staff has reviewed the plat and the plans and staff believes that they are compliant with our subdivision regulations. If they comply, then you have to approve. Any use that is allowed within the Local Retail District, their allowed put there and that’s up to that property owner to come in and comply with those regulations. Mayor Franke had some questions about the gas transmission line easement that crosses the southeast corner. He asked if that would be considered wasted land because you cannot build on top of the easement. Page 5 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Rod Tyler responded and said that the easement on the property is written so that the gas company can maintain their line. Typically those lines have been fairly shallow, so if they want to put a development to cross over that line, they would have to get permission from the gas company to do that. At this time, it would not be considered waste space. It’s just a piece of land that’s encumbered with an easement and the easement holder has the right to dictate what can go on that with the confines of the easement. Mayor Franke stated some concerns with the road curvature and the lanes being very tight causing people to have a hard time navigating through. He wanted to know if the City has any flexibility on how this is platted to help with that potential challenge. Rod Tyler stated that the applicant provided the access easements is to show that they provided cross access which is one of the City of Cedar Hill’s requirements that allows properties within the Local Retail district to move from one property to the next without having to go out to a street which has to do with the connectivity aspect. How the property develops when they do a site plan, unless it’s a regulation that we already have, the property owner has the right to place the parking lot and the maneuvering within it per their design. We do not have any regulations that would prohibit them from putting a sharp corner in. We can make comment when they come in for a site plan about turning movements and convenience and if it is a traffic issue we can bring that up. But it’s a private property it’s outside City authority. Mayor Franke wants to encourage them to see the future vision of this. Rod Tyler stated that the Planning Department would convey that there was some discussion and questions about the future vision of how this property is platted. He stated that the next step would be if the applicant final plats this it would be a final plat and the engineer would be here to answer any questions. Council member Haydin made a motion to approve this item; Council member Swayze seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes: 6 – Mayor Franke, Mayor Pro Tem Parvin, Council Members, Haydin, Swayze, Mason, and Shaw. Nays: 1 – Council Member McCain 1. Case No. 2015-18 – Consider a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a funeral home or mortuary within the “LR” – Local Retail zoning district on Lot 1, Block A, Canyon Properties Addition, being 1.9405 acres located at 1395 N. Hwy 67; requested by Dedrick Jennings on behalf of Sacred Funeral Home. Page 6 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Mayor Franke reminded the City Council on the background of this item. He stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission denied this item at their meeting which would necessitate a 2/3 majority of the City Council. He asked if the Planning Department could provide some clarification on if a crematorium could be placed at this site. Rod Tyler addressed this question and stated that this is a mortuary, it is not a cemetery. The City of Cedar Hill’s ordinance allows a crematory within the confines of a cemetery. Recently, an ordinance amendment was adopted that would allow a stand-alone crematorium but only within the Industrial District. What the applicant is proposing is a funeral home which would not allow for a crematorium. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin asked the applicant on what is the average size for a funeral. The applicant, Dedrick Jennings replied with stating that the average size for a chapel service is between one hundred to one hundred and fifty people in attendance. Mayor Pro Tem Parvin stated his concern about the shopping center to the north of Hwy 67 and asked if the parking and the size of the funeral service could infringe on the shopping center. He asked the applicant if they would have any services or events where the people would have to park on the frontage road or in the grass. Dedrick Jennings stated that they would not anticipate that. He stated that the discussion, earlier in the meeting, about banning all parking on Hwy 67 would eliminate that. If they anticipated based on the person on if they needed a large service, they would recommend that person to take it to a church. The applicant said that if it grew larger without their knowledge then they have considered talking to LaQuinta Inn which is next door, because they hope to partner with them in the future. Council member Mason asked about the traffic. Dedrick Jennings stated that the larger traffic would happen maybe a minute leaving the funeral home and going to the cemetery which that would happen going down Hwy 67 service road then loop around on Joe Wilson Road and get on Hwy 67 to go to the cemetery. He stated that he did not foresee there being a traffic problem because of where the facility would be located. He met with the citizens and their concerns and they tried to address on how they would alleviate those problems if they occurred. Council member Mason stated that the applicant has met the requirements requested from the last City Council meeting. Council member Shaw concurred with Council member Mason that the applicant has met all of the requirements. Page 7 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 Council member McCain stated that she felt like she had a lack of information because the paperwork that was provided to the City Council is still in reference to August. She stated that the City Council relies heavily on the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the information that was provided is still from their opinion from August. The Planning Director, Rod Tyler stood up to say that the documents that was in the packet that is the corrected version. He stated that it shows the masonry wall on the backside, it shows the landscape screening and the screening of the parking lot from the street so it has all of the revised documents. Council member McCain asked if this would go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Rod Tyler responded that the decision is up to the City Council. He stated if the City Council feels that there is a significant number of changes that they want the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation on it then it could be referred back to the Commission. He stated typically he would discourage the Planning and Zoning Commission from making a recommendation and bringing it to City Council unless there were modifications that were going to result in a design change. Mayor Franke and Mayor Pro Tem Parvin stated that going forward that they hope the applicant continues to work with the neighborhood and be sensitive to their concerns and what their needs are. Council Member Parvin moved to approve Regular Agenda Item 1. Council member Mason seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. X. Updates and announcements from the City Council Members. There were none. XI. Adjourn. Mayor Franke entertained a motion to adjourn. Upon a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Parvin, seconded by Council Member Shaw, the meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Approved: ___________________________ Rob Franke, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Marlena Tinker, Executive Assistant to the City Secretary Regular #1 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: November 10, 2015 Agenda Item Wording: Case No. 2015-26 – Consider approving, in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Site Plan of a retail building on Lot 2R Block B, Pleasant Run Farms Addition, generally located on the northwest corner of J. Elmer Weaver Freeway and Pleasant Run Rd; requested by Kylon M. Wilson P.E. of Bury, Inc. on behalf of Cencor Realty, Inc. Summary: Approval of this site plan will authorize the construction of an 8,877 sq. ft. retail building next door to the Mattress Firm. A restaurant (Jason’s Deli) is planned to occupy 4,753 sq. ft. of the building and the remaining 4,124 sq. ft. will be for general retail. The property is platted and is zoned “LR” Local Retail which allows these land uses. The site plan considered by the P&Z complies with the “LR” zoning district standards except for the following: 1) The plan set contains drawings that are not consistent between sheets (i.e. the landscape plan shows a different layout than the site plan); 2) The parking provided on site is less than required by the Zoning Code; and 3) The building elevations show metal paneling as an exterior construction material along the south and west elevation; whereas, the “LR” district requires each elevation be 100% masonry unless an alternate material is approved by the City Council. On October 20, 2015, the Planning & Zoning Commission considered this site plan, (see attached minutes), and by a vote of 5-0, (two members absent), recommended its approval, including the use of metal paneling on a portion of the building, subject to the following: 1) The applicant submits revised plans that are consistent throughout the plan set; 2) The applicant submit a parking agreement with the adjacent property owner that dedicates the use of some of the existing parking spaces in favor of the subject lot; and 3) City Council’s approval to use the metal paneling in lieu of masonry. Per P&Z’s recommendation the plan set contained herein have been revised to be consistent throughout the plan set. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Concur with Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve this request subject to submitting a parking agreement and approval of the metal paneling. Department: Contact / Phone No: Planning Rod W. Tyler 972-291-5100 Ext. 1083 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 21 City of Cedar Hill Planning and Zoning Commission October 20, 2015 Page 1 of 3 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of October 20, 2015 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas met on TUESDAY, October 20, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the T.W. “Turk” Cannady/Cedar Hill Room, 285 Uptown Blvd, Bldg. 100, Cedar Hill, TX. Planning & Zoning Commissioners present: Chairman Theresa Brooks, Commissioners: Timothy Hamilton, Adriane Martin, Lisa Thierry and Gehrig Saldana Absent: Vice-Chairman Bill Strother and Commissioner Michael Deeds City Staff members present: Rod Tyler, Director, Don Gore, Senior Planner, Colby Collins, Planning Intern and Sharon Davis, Executive Secretary. I. Call the meeting to order Chairman Brooks called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. declaring it an open meeting in which a quorum was present and the meeting notice was duly posted. II. Approve the minutes of the October 6, 2015 regular meeting A motion was made by Commissioner Hamilton and seconded by Commissioner Saldana to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2015 regular meeting. The vote was as follows: Ayes: 5 – Chairman Brooks, Commissioners, Martin, Hamilton, Thierry and Saldana Nays: 0 Chairman Brooks declared the motion carried. III. Citizens Forum No one spoke. IV. Case No. 15-26 – Review and consider the Site Plan of a retail building on Lot 2R Block B, Pleasant Run Farms Addition, located on the northwest corner of J. Elmer Weaver Freeway and Pleasant Run Rd; requested by Kylon M. Wilson P.E. of Bury, Inc. on behalf of Censor Realty, Inc. Mr. Don Gore, Sr. Planner delivered the staff report by stating the applicant is proposing to construct a retail building totaling 8,877 sq. ft. of which 4,753 sq. ft. will be a Jason Deli and the remainder 4,124 sq. ft. will be for retail space. Staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan based upon the following conditions being addressed: the applicant will need to obtain City Council’s approval for the use of metal paneling as an exterior construction material along the south and west elevation; submit a parking agreement between the subject City of Cedar Hill Planning and Zoning Commission October 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3 property and the property to the west and revise the drive through configuration of the associated plan to be consistent with the drive-through. Mr. Alan Altick, Cencor Realty Services, Inc., 3102 Maple Ave., Ste. 500, Dallas came forward and stated he was the representative of Lot 2R as well as the adjacent shopping center with a parking agreement between the two properties which are co-owned. The Jason Deli stores use trade dress panels in their stores which are of a high quality material. Mr. Gary DeVleer, Hodges & Associates, 13642 Omega Dr., Farmers Branch, came forward and indicated they are trying to make a design statement with the metal paneling material. There is a concrete wall behind the material that complies with the zoning ordinance. Mr. DeVleer passed around a sample of the paneling to the Commission. Chairman Brooks asked: how the paneling adheres to the concrete; if for some reason Jason’s Deli closed and another tenant came in, how difficult would it be to remove the paneling; how does the material weather and will Jason’s Deli be serving alcohol now or in the future. Mr. DeVleer indicated it is furred out with metal studs and then hang sheeting and apply the metal panels to the sheeting which is about six (6) inches out from the panel. It would be very easy to take the panel off if a new tenant came in. The material has a 20 year finish to it and requires no maintenance. Mr. Altick indicated Jason’s has not indicated they will be serving alcohol. This is a family type restaurant. Commissioner Martin asked: if the metal sheeting paneling will only be on Jason’s Deli or will it be on the other businesses as well; if the facing on the other buildings are different what type of material would be used and are there any vendors lined up for those businesses. Mr. DeVleer indicated the other businesses will have a different material on their storefront. The columns will be stone with the face being brick and textured coating concrete. The other buildings are not currently leased. Commissioner Martin made a motion to recommend approval of Case 15-26 subject to submitting a parking agreement, revise the drive through configuration and obtaining City Council’s approval of the metal paneling. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thierry. The vote was as follows: Ayes: Nays: 5 – Chairman Brooks, Commissioners, Martin, Hamilton, Thierry and Saldana. 0 Chairman Brooks declared the motion carried unanimously. V. Staff Reports and Discussion Items City of Cedar Hill Case 15-26 Site Plan Lot 2R, Block A, Pleasant Run Farms Addition 0 100 200 Map Printed - Oct. 2015 Cedar Hill Planning Department Aerial Photography - Spring 2015 300 Feet e a v e r 1 inch = 150 feet J E lm e r 6 7 W Subject Property Pleasant Run S W -6 7 e a v e r 100 6 7 E lm e r U UU SS -- 66 G J . A new 8,877 Sq. Ft. Retail Bldg. NW/c U. S. Hwy 67 & Pleasant Run Road 77 a rd e n G a te PLANNING DEPARTMENT 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill, TX 75104 O. 972-291-5100 X1080 F. 972.291.7250 TO: Rod Tyler, Director of Planning FROM: Don Gore, Planner SUBJECT: Case No. 15-26 Staff Report and Recommendation Site Plan for a Retail Building at Cedar Hill Pointe P&Z DATE: October 20, 2015 APPROVAL PROCESS: After considering the site plan with respect to the standards stated in Section 2.6.2, the commission by a simple majority of the members present, shall render a recommendation to City Council. If the Commission recommends approval, the submitted site plan application will be considered by City Council on November 10, 2015. Final approval of a Site Plan serves as authorization for the Building Official to issue a building permit that is consistent with the approved Site Plan. ITEM SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to construct a retail building with 4,124 sq. ft. retail space, and 4,753 sq. ft. restaurant (Jason’s Deli) totaling 8,877sq. ft. on 1.166 acres, located at the northwest corner of J. Elmer Weaver Freeway & Pleasant Run Rd. The property is zoned “LR” – Local Retail, which allows retail and restaurant uses. In summary, the submitted site plan will comply given the applicant obtain approval from City Council for the use of metal paneling and obtain a parking agreement with the adjacent property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan if the applicant satisfies all the conditions below prior to the issuance of a building permit: 1. The applicant obtain City Council approval for the use of metal paneling as an exterior construction material along the south and west elevation. 2. The applicant submit a parking agreement between the subject property and the property to the west. 3. The applicant revise the drive through configuration of the all associated plan to be consistent with the drive-through. ZONING AND LAND USES: Subject Property – Undeveloped property / zone LR MAYOR, ROB FRANKE • MAYOR PRO TEM, CHRIS PARVIN • DANIEL C. HAYDIN, JR. • STEPHEN MASON • JAMI MCCAIN • CLIFFORD R. SHAW • WALLACE SWAYZE • CITY MANAGER, GREG PORTER CedarHillTX.COM North – Pleasant Run Farms retail center and Bamboo Palace / zoned LR East - Mattress Firm / zoned LR South – Resource One Credit Union and Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant / zoned LR West – Pleasant Run Farms retail strip center/ zoned LR Discussion: The applicant is proposing to use the subject property for retail use. The property is within the “LR” – Local Retail District, and the site and layout plans are consistent with the zoning district’s standards. Currently, the subject property is platted and has adequate public utilities to serve the subject property for development. EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: The Zoning Ordinance requires buildings within the Local Retail zoning district to have 100% masonry. Section 5.7.1 defines masonry as stone, brick, CMU, tilt wall or Stucco. The submitted elevations show 100% masonry construction materials on all elevations except for 15% of the south and 40% of the west elevation. The applicant has indicated the use of the metal panel as a branding element for the Jason’s Deli franchise. The metal paneling would be cosmetic, as the metal paneling would be masking concrete tilt wall. The Zoning Ordinance gives the City Council the authority to approve alternative exterior building materials through the site plan process. Consideration for exceptions to the required exterior construction materials should be based upon: architectural design/creativity, compatibility with surrounding properties, and for historic designs such as Victorian or English Tudor styles as stated in Section 5.7.2.B.3. LANDSCAPING: The landscape standard requires 20% of the street yard of the subject property to be permanently landscaped. The subject property’s minimum required landscaping is 5,620 sq. ft., and the landscaped plan shows 8,000 sq. ft. of landscaped area. The landscape plan complies with this requirement. The landscape standard also requires a certain minimum number of three inch caliper trees depending on the size street yard. In this instance, the ordinance requires a minimum of 13 trees. This landscape plan shows 13 trees within the street yard; therefore, this landscape plan complies with the minimum number of trees required. The landscape ordinance requires parking lots and vehicle use areas be screened from public streets with a 3ft high screening device such as a masonry wall, continuous hedge or earthen berm. The landscape plan shows the parking areas being screened with Texas Sage along Pleasant Run; therefore the landscape plan complies with these and all other landscape requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. The configuration of the site plan’s drive through configuration is different from the landscaping plan. Although the proposed landscape plan complies with landscaping requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance, Staff recommends the applicant provide associated plans to be consistent with the site plan. Since the subject property has only one tree, which will remain, the applicant is not required to mitigate any trees at this time. LIGHTING & SCREENING: Section 5.3 Screening Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance, requires a masonry screening device between residential and non-residential districts. The properties surrounding the subject property are zoned local retail; therefore, the applicant is not responsible in constructing a screening device at this time. The applicant will be responsible for complying with Section 5.6 Light & Glare Standards within the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has provided a note stating that all lighting will be in conformance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and all lighting will be dark sky compliant. This site plan complies with Cedar Hill Lighting and Screening requirements. PARKING: The submitted site plan shows 2,897 sq. ft. of retail space and 4,753 sq. ft. of restaurant space. The Zoning Ordinance requires retail uses to have one (1) parking space for every 200 sq. ft. of gross area of the building, and restaurant uses to have one (1) parking space for every 100 sq. ft. In this case given the square footage of each use, the required number of parking spaces for the site is 68. The submitted site plan shows 56 parking spaces provided on the site; however, the applicant is planning on obtaining a parking agreement with the property to the west. Section 5.1.8. of the Zoning ordinance allows for off-site parking if the lot is contiguous to the subject property and a parking lease agreement is provided between the two owners. Prior to the obtaining the building permit, staff recommends the applicant provide a copy of the parking agreement between the two property owners. ACCESS/CIRCULATION: The submitted site plan shows an access drive along Pleasant Run with an internal fire lane and mutual access drives to provide internal circulation. The Zoning Ordinance requires 6 stacking spaces for each drive-through window beginning at the menu board or the first vehicle stop. The submitted site plan shows a drive-through with the required 6 stacking spaces beginning at the menu board. The submitted site plan complies with this requirement. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Sidewalks: The Subdivision Ordinance requires sidewalks along all publicly dedicated roadways except for industrial zoned districts and along Hwy 67. Given, the required sidewalks are existing along Pleasant Run, the applicant is not responsible for the construction of sidewalks at this time. Road Improvements: The Subdivision Ordinance requires the applicant to improve the existing substandard road or construct a new road for inaccessible lots. The plan shows no unimproved roads adjacent to the property. Since all lots have access off of an improved road; the applicant is not responsible for constructing any roads at this time. The proposed plan complies with this requirement. Utilities: The proposed utility plan shows the proposed building connecting to an existing 8” water line, and 6” sanitary sewer line to gain access to public utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed site plan with regards to emergency access, and has no concerns at this time. DRAINAGE: The proposed grading and drainage plans for storm water is existing, and the drainage for the site has been accounted for with the Cedar Hill Point Subdivision. The applicant has complied with the City’s Ordinances as it terms of drainage. ATTACHMENTS: Application form Submitted Site Plan Submitted Landscape Plan Submitted Drainage Plan Submitted Building Elevations Standards for Site Plan Review and Evaluation YA RD -2 8, 10 0 8 DATE 7 NO. E O T EX F AS 1685 SHEET L1 T:\Landscape Drive\Cedar Hill Pointe\0108010\LA 02 Background XREFs\x0108010-01lbs.dwg modified by nparrott on Nov 2, 15 2:51 PM ET 0108010-30001 RE J . DA REGIST E LANDSCAPE A D RHOA PROJECT NO.: ST QA / QC: DR TENANT 3 1,227 SF FFE=767.50 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3 DESIGNED BY: NP TENANT 2 2,897 SF FFE=767.50 CEDAR HILL POINTE RETAIL 1 RESTAURANT W/ DRIVETHRU 4,753 SF FFE=767.50 DRAWN BY: NP 2 9 4 S I DE T AT VI CT HITE RC I ST 6 5 D RE 11/2/2015 SF 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75230 Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 Copyright © 2015 REVISION APPROVAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND LEGEND E O TEX F AS 1685 SHEET L2 T:\Landscape Drive\Cedar Hill Pointe\0108010\LA 02 Background XREFs\x0108010-01lbs.dwg modified by nparrott on Nov 2, 15 2:51 PM 0108010-30001 CEDAR HILL POINTE RETAIL J . DA REGIST E A PROJECT NO.: QA / QC: DR DESIGNED BY: NP DRAWN BY: NP NO. D S I DE AT VI CT HITE RC I ST DATE NDSCAPE D LA A RE RHO 11/2/2015 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75230 Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 Copyright © 2015 REVISION APPROVAL 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75230 Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 Copyright © 2015 APPROVAL REVISION 18926 NO. 3/4" WATER METER 1-1/4" BALL VALVE 1" WYE FILTER 1" D.C.A. BACKFLOW 1" MASTER VALVE 6 DATE 7 11/2/2015 5 8 T RAIN/ FREEZE SENSOR (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION) 1" 1-1/4" IRRIGATION PLAN 9 1" 49.0 1 1" (2) 4" SLEEVES 1" 1" 7.5 3 1/2" 753 L.F. 3" SLEEVE 951 L.F. 3" SLEEVE CONTROLLER (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION) 3 1/2" 3/4" 4" SLEEVE (2) 4" SLEEVES 1" 1" 1 4" SLEEVE 1" 4" SLEEVE 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 19.2 4 6 1" 18.9 5 1922 L.F. 1/2" 1" 12.0 1" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 7 1" 21.6 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1" 1" 8 1/2" 1" 1" 1/2" 1" 21.5 1/2" 1" 1" 1/2" 0108010-30001 1/2" 3/4" SHEET IR1 PROJECT NO.: 1-1/4" QA / QC: DR 1/2" 1" 4" SLEEVE T:\Landscape Drive\Cedar Hill Pointe\0108010\LA 02 Background XREFs\x0108010-01lbs.dwg modified by nparrott on Nov 2, 15 2:51 PM 4" SLEEVE CEDAR HILL POINTE RETAIL 1-1/4" TENANT 2 2,897 SF FFE=767.50 RESTAURANT W/ DRIVETHRU 4,753 SF FFE=767.50 2 TENANT 3 1,227 SF FFE=767.50 DESIGNED BY: NP 2 DRAWN BY: NP 1" 9.5 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75230 Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 Copyright © 2015 APPROVAL ROTOR HEAD DETAIL VALVE ASSEMBLY W/ DECODER TREE BUBBLER DETAIL DRIP DETAIL 18926 11/2/2015 IRRIGATION NOTES AND LEGEND POP-UP SPRAY HEAD WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER NO. SLEEVE DETAIL DATE TRENCH DETAIL 1. IRRIGATION INSTALL TO BE COORDINATED WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN AND FIELD CONDITIONS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE W/ MINIMUM TO NO OVERSPRAY. ALL ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. 2. L.I.C. SHALL SECURE ANY NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THEIR SCOPE AND FOLLOW AT ALL TIMES ALL LOCAL AND STATE ORDINANCES. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE DISCUSSED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. L.I.C. TO CONFIRM MINIMUM STATIC WATER PRESSURE OF 65 PSI AT HIGHEST ELEVATION AND MAXIMUM STATIC WATER PRESSURE OF 90 P.S.I. AT LOWEST ELEVATION OF SYSTEM PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT CLIENT / GENERAL CONTRACTOR IF STATIC WATER PRESSURE IS OUTSIDE OF MINIMUM RANGE. 4. MAINLINE PIPE TO BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" AND LATERAL PIPES A MINIMUM OF 12". HAND TRENCHING ALLOWED ONLY IN EXISTING ROOTS ZONES WITH MACHINE TRENCHING STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS RECEIVING DRIP IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 18" SPACING MAX. 6. ALL TURF AREAS RECEIVING DRIP IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 12" SPACING MAX. 7. ALL IRRIGATION PIPE SHOWN IN IMPERVIOUS ARES ON PLAN TO BE INSTALLED IN SLEEVING. SOME PIPE MAY APPEAR OUTSIDE NOTED SLEEVING FOR LEGIBILITY. 8. ELECTRICAL POWER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF FINAL CONTROLLER LOCATION. L.I.C. TO PROVIDE FINAL INSTALLATION OF CONTROLLER AFTER FIVE (5) FEET. 9. VALVE WIRE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 24 VOLT, #14 GAUGE, SINGLE CONDUCTOR "IRRIGATION WIRE" U.F. APPROVED FOR DIRECT BURIAL. WIRE SPLICES SHALL INCLUDE DBY CONNECTORS AS RECOMMENDED BY 3M COMPANY. ALL SPLICES SHALL BE LOCATED IN VALVE BOXES FOR FIELD INSPECTION. 10. A DECODER GROUND ROD SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A VALVE BOX AT A MINIMUM OF EVERY 500 L.F. 11. ALL VALVE BOXES TO BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. 12. ALL ROTARY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RIGID SCH .80 PVC SWING JOINTS. 13. ALL SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM 12" LENGTH OF FLEX PIPE. 14.TREE BUBBLERS HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON PLAN WITHOUT LATERAL PIPE FOR LEGIBILITY. REF. DETAIL FOR CORRECT INSTALLATION. 15. L.I.C. TO CONTACT LOCAL 811 AND LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 16. FINAL LOCATION OF BACKFLOW PREVENTERS, CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER SENSORS SHALL BE APPROVED BY BOTH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT / OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 17. ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM PAVEMENTS EDGE (OR AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE). REVISION IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES IRRIGATION LEGEND HUNTER PCB-10 SERIES PRESSURE COMPENSATING BUBBLER NOZZLE. HUNTER PROS-04 SERIES POP UP SPRAY HEAD WITH PRO SPRAY SERIES NOZZLES RAINBIRD 5000 SERIES ROTOR HEAD DRIP ZONE VALVE ASSEMBLY W/ DECODER DRIP ZONE INDICATOR LINE FLUSHING VALVE NETAFIM TECHLINE CV SERIES DRIP TUBE IN SHRUB BED INSTALLED AT 2" BELOW BOTTOM OF MULCH HUNTER ICV SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH FLOW CONTROL HUNTER PRO-C CONTROLLER WITH HARD-WIRED MINI-CLIK RAIN AND FREEZE SENSOR LOCATED AS FIELD DIRECTED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DRIP ISLAND LAYOUT CLASS 200 PVC MAINLINE PIPE (REF. PLAN FOR SIZE) CLASS 200 LATERAL LINE PIPE; (CLASS 315 FOR 1/2" PIPE) (REF. PLAN FOR SIZE) SCH 40 SLEEVE PIPES (REF. PLAN FOR SIZE) L.I.C. SHALL SELECT APPROPRATE NOZZLES AS TO HAVE HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. FOR MINIMUM OVERSPRAY ONTO WALLS AND WALKS. NO OVERSPRAY INTO STREETS IS PERMITTED. DRIP VALVE KEY CONTROLLER ZONE VALVE SIZE FLOW IN GPM / GPH SHEET IR2 PROJECT NO.: QA / QC: DR 0108010-30001 L.F. OF DRIP TUBE DESIGNED BY: NP WATER METER - BALL VALVE - WYE STRAINER - BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY - MASTER VALVE DRAWN BY: NP DRIP CENTER FEED LAYOUT T:\Landscape Drive\Cedar Hill Pointe\0108010\LA 02 Background XREFs\x0108010-01lbs.dwg modified by nparrott on Nov 2, 15 2:51 PM HUNTER ICV SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH "ACCU-SET" PRESSURE REGULATOR AND SAME SIZE NETAFIM TECH FILTER - FOR "DRIP" ZONES SET REGULATOR AT 30 P.S.I. FEBCO 850-100 SERIES D.C.A INSTALLED PER CITY CODE, WITH SAME SIZE WATTS 6000 SERIES BRONZE BALL VALVE AND WATTS 777 SERIES BRONZE WYE FILTER WITH STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN IRRIGATION WATER METER AND TAP, SIZE AS NOTED ON THE PLAN CEDAR HILL POINTE RETAIL HUNTER ICV SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH FLOW CONTROL "TREE BUBBLER ZONE" City of Cedar Hill, Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE 2 – Zoning Procedures & Administration 1. A site inventory analysis including major existing vegetation, natural watercourses, creeks or bodies of water, and an analysis of planned changes in such natural features as a result of the development. This shall include a delineation of any flood prone areas. 2. Any existing and proposed public/private streets and alleys; building sites or lots; any areas reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds, utility easements or school sites; any proposed street widening and street changes (i.e., median cuts and turn lanes); the points of ingress and egress from existing/proposed streets; location and description of existing and proposed utility services, including size of water and sewer mains and laterals, and storm drainage structures (including grading); the location and width for all driveway openings; topography at no more than two-foot (2') contours; and existing development on all abutting sites and the zoning classification thereof. 3. Placement of all buildings on the site, showing the building footprints and setback lines, and all property lines, street curb lines, alley lines, easements, screening walls, signage, any service/delivery areas for trucks, fire lanes, and parking areas (including parking space counts and a schedule of parking ratios used for the various proposed uses). 4. A landscape plan showing turf areas, screening walls, ornamental plantings, any existing wooded areas and trees to be planted. 5. Building facade (i.e., elevation) plans showing elevations with any attached (i.e., wall-mounted) signage to be used, as determined appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Administrator, or designee. Provision of the above items shall conform to the principles and standards of this Ordinance. To ensure the submission of adequate information, the City is hereby empowered to maintain and distribute a separate list of specific requirements for site plan review applications. Upon periodic review, the Planning and Zoning Administrator (or designee) shall have the authority to update such requirements for site plan/development review applications. G. Supplemental requirements - The City’s staff may require other information and data for specific site plans. This data may include but is not limited to geologic information, water yields, flood data, environmental information, traffic impact analysis, road capacities, market information, economic data for the proposed development, hours of operation, elevations and perspective drawings, lighting, and similar information. Approval of a site plan may establish conditions for construction based upon such information. H. Principles and standards for site plan review and evaluation - The following criteria have been set forth as a guide for evaluating the adequacy of proposed development within the City of Cedar Hill, and to ensure that all developments are, to the best extent possible, constructed according to the City’s codes and ordinances. The Planning and Zoning Administrator, or designee, shall review the site plan for compliance with all applicable City ordinances and with the Comprehensive Plan; for harmony with surrounding uses and with long-range plans for the future development of Cedar Hill; for the promotion of the health, safety, order, efficiency, and economy of the City; and for the maintenance of property values and the general welfare. 2-22 City of Cedar Hill, Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE 2 – Zoning Procedures & Administration Site plan review and evaluation by the Planning and Zoning Administrator, or designee, shall be performed with respect to the following: 1. The site plan's compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Cedar Hill including but not limited to off-street parking and loading, lighting, open space, and the generation of objectionable smoke, fumes, noise, odors, dust, glare, vibration, or heat. 2. The impact of the development relating to the preservation of existing natural resources on the site and the impact on the natural resources of the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 3. The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious design, setbacks, maintenance of property values, and any possible negative impacts. 4. The provision of a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. 5. The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces are usable and are safely and conveniently arranged. 6. The sufficient width and suitable grade and location of streets designed to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide access for fire fighting and emergency equipment to buildings. 7. The coordination of streets so as to arrange a convenient system consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Cedar Hill. 8. The use of landscaping and screening to provide adequate buffers to shield lights, noise, movement, or activities from adjacent properties when necessary, and to complement and integrate the design and location of buildings into the overall site design. 9. Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection upon adjacent properties. 10. The location, size, and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses. 11. Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading. 12. Protection and conservation of watercourses and areas subject to flooding. 13. The adequacy of water, drainage, sewerage facilities, solid waste disposal, and other utilities necessary for essential services to residents and occupants. 2.6.2 APPROVAL PROCESS: A. The Planning and Zoning Administrator (or designee) shall review and evaluate all site plan submissions, and shall make a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the site plan, to approve the site plan with conditions or stipulations, or to deny the site plan for certain reasons. The Planning and Zoning Administrator, or designee, may prepare a written report/evaluation of the site 2-23 City of Cedar Hill, Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE 5 – Supplemental Regulations ribbed panels and concealed fastener systems are permitted. Exterior finish for metal walls fronting or siding on public streets shall be of a permanent material such as a baked or enamel finish or painted to the wall manufacturer's standards. The use of galvanized, corrugated aluminum coated, zinc-aluminum coated, or unpainted exterior metal finish is prohibited. c. Temporary Construction Buildings - Temporary buildings and temporary building material storage areas to be used for construction purposes may be permitted for a specific period of time in accordance with a permit issued by the Building Official and subject to periodic renewal by the inspector for cause shown. Upon completion or abandonment of construction or expiration of permit, such field offices and buildings shall be removed at the direction of the Building Official. B. Procedure for determining alternative exterior materials: 1. All requests for alternative exterior building materials shall be noted and described on a site plan to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. If requested by the City, a sample of the material may be required to be submitted with the site plan. 2. The City may approve an alternative exterior material if it is determined it is equivalent or better than masonry according to the criteria listed for exceptions below as part of the approval of a site plan submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. 3. Consideration for exceptions to the above requirements shall be based only on the following: a. Architectural design and creativity b. Compatibility with surrounding developed properties. c. Architectural variances may be considered for, but not limited to, Gingerbread, Victorian, English Tudor, or Log designs. 5-38 Regular #2 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: November 10, 2015 Agenda wording: Consider approving Resolution No. R15-450 casting the City of Cedar Hill’s vote for a representative to the Dallas Central Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. Summary: In accordance with Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code, cities may choose to have representation on an Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. The process is twofold; step one is nominating an individual and step two is casting a vote in support of a representative. In Dallas Co., each incorporated city or town may nominate, by way of a resolution, one representative to serve as the fourth member of the Dallas Central Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. On September 22, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution R15-444, nominating Michael Hurtt, a resident and business owner in DeSoto, to continue serving as the suburban cities representative on the Dallas Co. Central Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. The official nomination period has ended and the nominees to serve as the suburban cities representative are as follows: Nominees Mr. Loren Byers Mr. Blake Clemens Mr. Steven Gorwood Mr. Michael Hurtt Entity(s) Nominating Irving Addison, Carrolton Balch Springs Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Farmers Branch, Ovilla, Richardson, Sachse The City Council has the option to cast their vote in support of their nominee Michael Hurt or in support of one of the nominees listed above. The attached resolution has been reviewed and approved as to form by legal counsel. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Consider approval of Resolution No. R15-450 casting Cedar Hill’s vote for a representative to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District. Department: Contact / Phone No: Administration Belinda Berg, City Secretary 972.291.5100 Ext. 1011 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 2 R15-450 CEDAR HILL CEDAR HILL CEDAR HILL 10th NOVEMBER Regular #3 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: November 10, 2015 Agenda wording: Consider approving Resolution No. R15-451 casting the City of Cedar Hill votes for the election of a representative(s) to the Ellis Appraisal District Board of Directors. Summary: In accordance with Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code, cities may choose to have representation on an Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. The process is twofold; step one is nominating an individual(s) and step two is casting a vote in support of a representative(s). In Ellis Co., the number of votes casted by each taxing entity is determined and distributed according to its tax levy and accordingly, Cedar Hill is entitled to eleven (11) votes. On September 22, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution R15-445, nominating Joe Pitts, a resident of Waxahachie and lifelong educator, to serve on the Ellis Appraisal District Board of Directors. The official nomination period has ended and the nominees are as follows: C.T. “Tom” Abram, John Bridges, Tommy Hamilton, Phillip Lynch, Ken Marks and Joe Pitts. All six (6) nominees are currently serving on the Board. The City Council has the option to cast all eleven (11) in support of their nominee Joe Pitts or to distribute its votes amongst one or more of the six (6) nominees listed above. The attached resolution has been reviewed and approved as to form by legal counsel. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Consider approval of Resolution No. R15-451 casting the City of Cedar Hill votes for the election a representative(s) to the Ellis Appraisal District Board of Directors. Department: Contact / Phone No: Administration Belinda Berg, City Secretary 972.291.5100 Ext. 1011 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 4 OF CEDAR HILL, TEXAS TAXING UNIT: CITY ___________________________ R15-451 Resolution No. _________ RESOLUTION OF VOTES CAST TO ELECT DIRECTORS FOR THE ELLIS APPRAISAL DISTRICT FOR THE YEARS 2016-2017 WHEREAS, Section 6.03 (k) of the Texas Property Tax Code, requires that each taxing unit entitled to vote cast their vote by Resolution and submit results of that vote to the Chief Appraiser of the Ellis Appraisal District before December 15, 2015. CITY OF CEDAR HILL THEREFORE, the ______________________________ submits the attached Official Ballot, as issued by the Chief Appraiser, stating the votes cast for candidates in the 2016-2017 Board of Directors’ election for the Ellis Appraisal District . ACTION TAKEN this ___________ day of ___________________, 2015, in Regular 10th NOVEMBER Session of the governing body of the above mentioned taxing unit; as authorized under Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code, for the purpose of casting votes to elect the Board of Directors of the Ellis Appraisal District. ______________________________ ROB FRANKE, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ BELINDA BERG, CITY SECRETARY