The Egyptian, - Green Star Hotel


The Egyptian, - Green Star Hotel
The Egyptian,
tourism industry heads towards sustainability!
Date: 21.02.2012
H.E. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour
Egyptian Ministry of Tourism
Dr. Andreas Zöllner
Country Director a.i.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
H.E. Hisham Zaazou
Senior Advisor of the Egyptian Minister
Egyptian Ministry of Tourism
Barbara Fritz
Project Leader Green Star Hotel Initiative
AGEG Consultants on behalf of GIZ
On February 14th 2012, H.E. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, the Egyptian Minister of Tourism, signed a Cooperation Agreement with
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, declaring that the renowned Green Star Hotel Certification
System will be implemented across the Egyptian hotel industry on a national level.
In light of this agreement, The Green Star Hotel Initiative (GSHI) shall be institutionalized as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) within the next
year. In the GSHI “Partnerforum” held on the 16th and 17th of February 2012, in Madinat Coraya, on the Red Sea, with the key players of
the Green Star Hotel Initiative the foundation for the Green Star Hotel Initiative’s institutionalization process was laid.
Madinat Coraya, 16th of February 2012. The key stakeholders
of the Green Star Hotel Initiative, representatives of Orascom Hotels
& Development, the Travco Group, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism,
the GIZ and the Green Star Hotel experts team on behalf of the GIZ.
With the aim to improve the environmental performance and
competitiveness of the Egyptian hotel industry by promoting
the implementation of environmental management systems and
environmentally sound operations, the Green Star Hotel Initiative
(GSHI) was started. Within the framework of the PPP Programme
of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development – BMZ, the Egyptian and German tourism key players
Currently, 51 hotels across Egypt are actively participating in the Green
Star Hotel Initiative in five pilot destinations, El Gouna, Taba Heights,
Madinat Coraya, Madinat Makadi, and most recently, Sharm El
Sheikh. Out of these hotels, 34 are already Green Star Hotel Certified
while another 15 are rapidly approaching certification.
For further information please contact:
Barbara Fritz
Sustainable Tourism - Head of Department
Rumfordstraße 7, 1.OG, 80469 München
Email: [email protected], Tel: +49 (0) 89-59 94 38 96
Orascom Hotels and Development, TUI AG,and Travco Group
joint forces, with technical assistance provided by the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), to move the
Egyptian hotel industry towards more sustainability . The aim of the
Green Star Hotel Initiative is to improve environmental performance
in Egyptian hotel sector by reducing the consumption of energy
and water by 20 to 30%, increasing the usage of renewable energy,
ensuring the proper handling of waste and the correct treatment
of sewage, raising awareness of environmental protection among
hotel’s guests and staff and the capacity building of sustainable
hotel management.