Sex, Etc. magazine? - Answer
Sex, Etc. magazine? - Answer
“Great Expectations” looks at how expectations about body image, gender and sex can get in the way of making informed and healthy decisions related to sexuality. Need back issues of Sex, Etc. magazine? “In the Dark” offers some basics on safer sex and birth control and looks at how state laws and blocking sexual health websites on school computers limit what teens learn. “We Have Something to Talk About” features stories on communicating with a health care provider, setting boundaries with a partner and being a heterosexual ally of LGBTQ teens. “Through the Screen” explores how teens navigate the powerful and mixed messages they get from TV, film and the Internet about gender roles, deciding about sex and safer sex. “Falling Into Place” considers how LGBTQ teens can create safe spaces at school and includes a feature on how teen films portray sexuality and what that means for teen viewers. “Look Before You…” focuses on STDs, safely using technology and what teens need to know before they’re in the heat of the moment. “What Do You Believe?” considers how teens’ values, spiritual beliefs and religious background affect their decisions about sexuality. “Back-to-School Basics” offers basic info on birth control, safer sex, anatomy and why teens should also be learning about topics like intimacy and sexual identity in sex ed class. “What’s Your Game Plan?” explores adoption as a pregnancy option, how being a “playa” limits teen guys and what it’s like to be a young, gay, Muslim man in the Middle East. “Reality Check” features stories on the realities of teen pregnancy and how getting swept up in ads and films can leave teens misinformed about sexuality. “Turning Over a New Leaf” includes stories on abstinence, healthy relationships and coming out at school. “Chill Out” looks at the fantasy of porn versus the reality of sex and focuses on allaying teens’ concerns about penis size, virginity and masturbation. “Decision 2008” offers stories on teens deciding about sex, making a visit to a clinic and where the national candidates stand on a variety of sexual health issues. “Teen America” features health dos and don’ts as well as the voices of teens from across the country on sex, love, being a virgin and talking with parents about sex. “Who Are You, Really?” includes stories on being pro -choice and Christian, teens talking to their partners about STDs as well as the stories of three teen moms. “Just So We’re Clear” clears up misconceptions about consent, how hormonal birth control works and bisexuality. Sex, Etc. Magazine Back Issue Order Form Missed an issue of Sex, Etc. or need copies of a past issue that you really enjoyed? Order back issues today to help you provide the very best sexuality education to your students. Issue Title # of Copies Total Great Expectations _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Just So We’re Clear _________ x $2.00 = $_________ We Have Something to Talk About _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Through the Screen _________ x $2.00 = $_________ In the Dark _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Look Before You… _________ x $2.00 = $_________ What Do You Believe? _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Falling Into Place _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Back-to-School Basics _________ x $2.00 = $_________ What’s Your Game Plan? _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Reality Check _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Turning Over a New Leaf _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Chill Out _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Decision 2008 _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Teen America _________ x $2.00 = $_________ Who Are You, Really? _________ x $2.00 = $_________ SUB TOTAL $_________ Please add $20 for shipping if ordering more than 25 magazines. $_________ GRAND TOTAL $_________ Name and Title Organization/School Name (if applicable) Address City State Phone Number Fax Number Zip Code E-mail Please make your check or purchase order out to “Answer/Rutgers University” and mail it along with this form to Subscriptions at Answer, 41 Gordon Road, Suite C, Piscataway, NJ 08854 To order by phone, call 848-445-7929 or e-mail [email protected]