2009 Annual Report


2009 Annual Report
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
w w w. g u i d i n g e y e s . o r g
Our Mission
Guiding Eyes for the Blind is dedicated to enriching the lives of blind and visually
impaired men and women by providing them with the freedom to travel safely,
thereby assuring greater independence, dignity and new horizons of opportunity.
years to
dog mo
Our Core Values
There is nothing more important than recognizing the individual needs and
aspirations of our students and graduates. We are committed to supporting and
encouraging every effort in their pursuit to achieve success.
A Guiding Eyes dog is bred for its higher calling, possessing superior confidence
and strength, and raised and trained with patience and affection. Recognizing this,
we are committed to assuring a lifetime of well-being for every one of our dogs.
Educating the sighted public about guide dog usage is an important part of this
The heart and soul of Guiding Eyes is the generosity and selflessness of our
puppy-raising families. Without their extraordinary dedication, our program would
not exist. As a result of their unique relationship with the puppies these special
volunteers raise, they share a very special common bond with our graduates.
Our volunteers are truly the unsung heroes of Guiding Eyes. They give so much
of themselves without seeking recognition. Their dedication and tireless support,
for which we can never show enough gratitude, is a profound gift to our students
and graduates.
Guiding Eyes for the
Blind is proud to be a
member of the Better
Business Bureau’s Wise
Giving Alliance, which
evaluates national
charities based on
its comprehensive
Standards for Charity
Accountability. This
information helps
donors make informed
giving decisions
and advances
high standards
of management
among nonprofit
We are bonded by a common goal. . . our mission. To that end, each and every
Guiding Eyes staff member performs an essential role. We recognize that the quality
of our program is inextricably linked to the collective spirit we bring to our work.
Cover photo –
Guiding Eyes Maddox (7M09)
with puppy raiser Cara Antonacci
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
Guiding the Way
Nothing ever really stays the same here. During the past three years, and in the five
years to come, we will focus on cutting edge innovations that will change the guide
dog movement in ways that could not have been imagined just a few years ago.
In the 2009 Annual Report, we reflect on the year’s accomplishments,
many of which are leading to the roll-out of a major initiative resulting
from extensive research conducted at the Canine Development Center
(CDC) in Patterson, New York.
The Canine Development Center is where the Guiding Eyes
story begins. It has an outstanding reputation in the field, and
guide dog professionals from all over the world visit the Center to
be trained in our breeding and puppy raising techniques.
The Canine Development Center’s work is essential to
our ability to produce some of the world’s best guide dogs.
a Antonacci
We continue to invest intellectual capital and financial resources
in every component of our work. Notably, we are steadfast in
our dedication to supporting our graduate teams. More than
1,000 graduates use Guiding Eyes as a resource even after they
have completed training and returned home. We are proud to
provide our graduates with instructional support and
veterinary stipends for as long as they are partnered with
Guiding Eyes dogs.
Every member of the Guiding Eyes family, represented
by the “voices” in this report, has had a hand in making
our school a dynamic, professional, and caring institution.
Thousands of blind and visually impaired people have
called Guiding Eyes their “home away from home”
for over five decades.
On the Cutting Edge
of Breeding and Training Advances
Beginning in 2007, the Canine Development Center staff
engaged in extensive research in puppy training. The
program that evolved from their work will be unveiled
during the next five years and will be clearly evidenced by
the new ways in which we raise our puppies, from birth to
guide dog training.
Our cutting edge advancements bring the Guiding Eyes
family to a pivotal time in our 55-year history. It is truly a
unique moment, a time to rally our collective energies to
ensure that our full vision becomes a reality.
The pilot implementation of STEP (Successive Training and
Enrichment Program) has profoundly changed the way
Guiding Eyes for the Blind approaches puppy training. Two
years of research and study has resulted in a program that
markedly enhances the development, responsiveness, and
sociability of our puppies, the Guiding Eyes dogs of the future.
In short, STEP focuses on building healthy, mutual one-on-one
relationships between puppies and people. This is critical and
provides a foundation for the many human interactions our
puppies experience on their way to becoming guide dogs.
Puppies are introduced to human socialization within a few
days of their birth, and continue building confidence and
core skills through small progressive steps that are integrated
from the whelping kennel through to puppy-raising, with
phenomenal results:
For example, our guide dog instructors will be able to spend
more time training dogs for guide work, and less time working
to ameliorate remedial behavior such as harness sensitivity.
Since the introduction of STEP, the percentage of dogs with
harness sensitivity decreased from 30% to 10%.
STEP improves our dogs’ success ratios
• Early socialization and training develops the potential of pups during the critical first
sixteen weeks of life.
• STEP focuses on building puppies’ confidence and thus their ability to learn new skills.
We compare the early months of a puppy’s life to that of a newborn infant; for both
baby and pup, their earliest weeks represent a critical period in their brain
development. They have the ability to absorb a myriad of new skills and
accept senses, sights, and sounds without fear. For this reason, we
added several socialization activities for our puppies during their
first weeks of life.
Pups in STEP are happy, confident dogs that are eager to learn
and want to work with and for people.
During 2
the CDC
We know
which we
are think
that will
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e working
gs with
During 2009, we worked with staff and design
consultants to explore how to effectively develop
the CDC’s 30-acre property into a one-of-a-kind,
state-of-the-art breeding and puppy raising facility.
We know that there is not a facility in the world on
which we can model the new CDC. Therefore, we
are thinking creatively in undertaking a facility design
that will ensure our continued success.
STEP’s successful implementation requires that we integrate
the design and development of the CDC’s terrain and
physical facilities so that the optimal training and enrichment
environments are created.
When completed, the new Canine Development Center will
be a 30,000 sq. ft. facility, increasing it from its current size
of 16,000 sq. ft.
Construction is planned in three phases to allow program
operations to continue and to provide ample time for
fundraising. The first phase of construction is scheduled
for spring 2010.
To support all of the CDC’s most recent initiatives, we are
launching a new fundraising effort entitled “Guiding the
Way.” Our goal is to raise $8 million, the proceeds of which
to be used for:
• The puppy training advances of STEP. This new training
approach will ultimately improve the already-superior
quality of our Guiding Eyes dogs.
• The redesign and construction of a new CDC facility. The
new facility will be designed to facilitate each component of
STEP, providing ample and appropriate spaces for whelping
and training, as well as better facilities for our breeding
dogs. Buildings will nearly double in functionality, and the
CDC’s beautiful grounds will be better utilized to allow our
dogs to train in safe, natural environments.
For further information on “Guiding the Way,” please
contact Lisa Deutsch, Vice President for Marketing and
Development, at 914 243-4340 or [email protected].
STAFF voice
raisers do
I started volunteering
for Guiding Eyes for the
Blind seven years ago.
I read an article in the local paper
that told the story of a successful
young puppy raiser and realized
We keep ca
raisers who
resources in
them feel a
this would be a wonderful way
for my children to learn about
helping others. It didn’t hurt that
I absolutely love dogs.
Our fa
our tw
It began with home socialization. Very quickly
afterwards, I began raising puppies. I’ve now been
working at the Canine Development Center for
more than five years.
The pups are not only students; they frequently
become teachers as well. Often they grasp the
lessons so fast that I feel like I am working with
an accelerated class.
My job is to work with the puppies before they
go to volunteer raisers. The groundwork we do
provides a leg up for the pup and the raiser. During
our training sessions, we challenge the pups and
build their confidence and problem solving skills.
They walk over metal and moving objects, curiously
approach animated toys, run down the hallways
with their make-shift harnesses, and readily explore
a dark room.
One of the projects I am working on is how to
maximize crate time for the pups; the goal is to
have a pup settled and relaxed in his or her crate
for three hours at a time by nine weeks of age.
The crate training we are doing at the Canine
Development Center teaches the pup how to
be confident while being alone, eliminating any
separation anxiety.
Our puppies are eager students; they are always
excited about the lessons of the day. When I
approach a pen, they all seem to be saying “pick
me, pick me; I want to be next.” My goal is to have
the pup equate training with fun. This way they’ll
understand that people are a pleasure to be
around, and they’ll always enjoy their work.
One of the highlights of the STEP program is
watching the pups grow and learn. It is a great
feeling to know that the pups I train are on the
path to giving independence and companionship,
and most importantly – to becoming someone’s
guiding eyes.
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in life - a
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in the air
her head
At eighte
return to
a time of
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Volunteer Puppy Raisers:
Guiding Eyes’ Heart and Soul
Volunteer puppy raisers represent the heart of
Guiding Eyes for the Blind. They perform the
essential task of caring for and training puppies
between the ages of three months and 14-16
months. Collectively, Guiding Eyes’ 450 puppy
raisers donate thousands of man hours, not to
mention abundant loving care, and these dedicated
individuals are not easily replaced.
We keep careful records documenting the percentage of those
raisers who return to raise additional puppies. We invest many
resources in our raisers, and cannot put a price tag on their
considerable donations, thus we have worked hard to make
them feel appreciated and successful.
After introducing STEP, the average rate of returning raisers
increased from 48% to 75%.
This remarkable improvement is a testament to the innovative
and rewarding raiser experience resulting from STEP.
Our family began puppy raising because
our two girls, Meghan (12) and Shannon (9), longed
for a puppy. We were so excited when we found out we were
getting eight-week-old Roxanne.
Meghan and Roxanne quickly bonded and wouldn't
leave each other's side. We were absolutely amazed
at how much she knew at such a young age; she
could sit, she would indicate when she needed to
go out, and she loved to play “touch.”
Meghan learned that dogs treasure the small things
in life - a little piece of food or a short ear rub
would send Roxanne's tail wagging at often
dangerous speeds. We, too, found ourselves
enjoying the small things Roxanne did: the way she
would lie on her back and have her feet sticking up
in the air when she slept, or when she would rest
her head on our laps and look at us. She always
brightened our day.
At eighteen months, Roxanne was scheduled to
return to New York to finish her training. It was
a time of mixed emotions; we were happy for
Roxanne and the adventures ahead for her, but it
was hard to see
her go.
On the ride to
New York for
graduation, we
wondered if
Roxanne would
remember us.
Throughout the ceremony, Roxanne was quiet and
well behaved, and the joy of her accomplishment
overwhelmed us. Then it was time to meet Joe and
see Roxanne; she showed her excitement by showering us with kisses. At that moment, we knew
Roxanne was doing what made her happy and we
were so very proud to know that we had helped her
reach her goal. I am not sure who was luckier: Joe to
have Roxanne or Roxanne to have Joe. But I do know
that they are lucky to have each other.
Roxanne and I graduated from Guiding Eyes in June 2009.
Since then, Roxanne has become my guide and guardian angel. She has become that
constant presence in my life that helps me through the most difficult times.
Time and
chose Gu
and every
Last August, Roxanne and I prepared to
I heard someone recently say that a guide dog
live up to
head out for our evening walk. I noticed
would be too much of a hassle, a job and an
her behavior was much exaggerated this
inconvenience in his life. I had thought the same
Our instru
Every stud
sure studen
their Guid
evening – she was licking, stomping, huffing
and puffing. She did not want me to put
the harness on and kept turning her head
and tucking her chin. As we left the house
and started up the sidewalk, Roxanne kept
protesting; she even tried to turn around
and head back home.
We made it about 200 yards up the street when
I started to feel very dizzy and weak. Roxanne
bunched up at my feet, vocalizing with an urgency
I hadn’t heard before. I realized I was having
a diabetes-related hypoglycemic reaction and
needed to return home immediately. Fighting
unconsciousness, we turned towards home. The
walk to the front door felt like forever. Upon
entering the house, I administered my glucose
and spent the night on the kitchen floor. Roxanne
never left my side.
I’m fully aware that Roxanne wasn’t taught to
react to my diabetes; she has figured all this out
on her own. I’ve never felt safer since the loss of
my sight. I never expected that she would have this
much of a positive impact on my life.
thing myself, before coming to Guiding Eyes.
But now, I think about what he is missing by
not experiencing the difference these incredible
creatures can make
in your life.
We offer se
to produce
Time and time again, our students tell us that they
chose Guiding Eyes because “the staff is so professional
and everyone cares about us so much.” We strive to
live up to such high praise and expectations.
Our instructors are indeed caring, dedicated, and creative.
Every student has his or her own challenges, and our
instructors have the experience and persistence to make
sure students reach new heights of independence with
their Guiding Eyes dogs.
We offer several instructional programs, each designed
to produce successful Guiding Eyes teams.
The Residential Training Program offers blind and
visually impaired men and women an intensive, 26-day
instructional program. Small classes enable our instructors to
give students all the skills they need to bond with their dog as
a team. We train students and their new guides to be able to
navigate many types of places, including rural, suburban and
urban settings. Students are also offered the opportunity to
train in New York City – the “Mount Everest” of guide dog
training. There, they learn how to handle crowded sidewalks,
heavy traffic, intersections, buses and subways.
During summer months, many high school students populate
the Training Center for the Sights on College Program.
This program was developed to encourage blind adolescents
to pursue higher education. In addition to the Residential
Training venues, students practice their skills on local college
campuses. Students are introduced to assistive technology
during their four weeks at the Training Center. Mastering
computer-based resources will level the
playing field between them and their
sighted peers.
The Accelerated Training Option (ACTION) is a 15-day
training program for those blind and visually impaired students
who are experienced guide dog handlers. Students begin the
bonding process at the Training Center, meeting their new guide
dogs in a supervised setting. After students conclude their Training
Center instruction, Guiding Eyes trainers provide them with
additional training in their hometowns.
I have
The program for which there is the most increased demand is
the Home Training Program. Many blind people are single
parents who cannot leave their children or are employed in
positions from which they cannot be excused for extended
periods of time.
But the
Guiding Eyes for the Blind was the first guide dog school in the
United States to establish a Special Needs Program. This
program provides dogs specifically trained to accommodate each
student’s particular challenges, which might include cerebral palsy,
muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and balance
problems. Those who are Deaf-Blind are also served by this
program. It is not unusual for Guiding Eyes to accept a student
who other guide dog schools have turned away or have been
unable to help.
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“How ha
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Eyes dog
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To accommodate his handler’s support
cane, Guiding Eyes Lipton was specially
trained to guide from the right side.
An upsta
story abo
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the term
STAFF voice
I have been in guide dog work for nearly 21 years.
From the very beginning, I loved the excitement of training dogs, learning new skills,
and developing close and strong connections with students and graduates.
But then came the real learning – through
the powerful connections I make working
with our courageous blind and visually
impaired people. Every dog and every student teaches me something. Sometimes I
The graduate knew the route, and his dog picked
up familiar scents that were buried beneath the
snow. They had to walk in the street, but eventually
the team found their way home. Even I couldn’t
believe that they did not get lost. The graduate’s
courage and confidence and his guide’s persistence
taught me another lesson.
have to pull back and allow the process to
happen, for it’s only when student and dog
learn to understand each other that the
team can soar.
I’m still in awe when I see a team effortlessly
navigate a busy street. Graduates have expressed
their sensation of walking with a dog in a variety
of ways. One young woman told me she felt like
she was flying. Another graduate walked one block
and thanked me for his Cadillac.
It’s difficult to describe the value of these dogs to
their blind partners. Stories abound. A graduate
worked in a busy office building around which
construction had begun. A co-worker remarked,
“How have you been getting through all
the construction - it’s been a mess!?” “What
construction?” the graduate replied. Her Guiding
Eyes dog handled the jack hammers and hard
hats with ease.
An upstate New York graduate told me an amazing
story about a night in a blizzard. He had returned
home from the city and his bus was extremely late.
There were no cabs, so he decided to attempt the
trip home on foot. It was just a two-mile walk from
the terminal to his home, but the sidewalks and
landmarks were covered with snow.
Graham Buck
Assistant Director of Training
I knew that the best teams have
a strong bond, but I will never
again question the power of that
bond and the priceless gift that is a
Guiding Eyes dog.
Department of Veterinary Services
about ho
In 2009, Guiding Eyes acquired an
never rea
in-house Veterinary Magnetic
was dete
Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine,
making us the first and only guide dog
Rocky a
school in the world equipped with
went sh
this technology.
to resta
The addition of the Vet-MRI unit gives us
the ability to diagnose various conditions in
working guides, as well as retired guide
dogs and even puppies being raised in our
program. As we move into 2010, we will
begin utilizing the Vet-MRI as a “routine”
procedure in much the same the way we
use x-rays to track our dogs’ health.
Veterinary Care Support
Although Guiding Eyes provides guide dogs and training at no
cost to its students, the inevitable rise in veterinary fees can be
a hardship for graduates.
Guiding Eyes’ veterinary stipend funds are unique in the field.
Three funds provide financial assistance for the veterinary care
of our graduates’ guide dogs.
The newest veterinary assistance fund was established in
2009 to provide financial support to graduates whose dogs
require the services of veterinary specialists, such as those in
orthopedics, ophthalmology, and gastroenterology. The fund
was established with a generous donation from Mary and
Wayne Hockmeyer.
This fund was established to assist Guiding Eyes graduates with
the routine expenses associated with owning and caring for
their dogs. These expenses may include vaccinations and annual
medical examinations. It was established with a bequest from
the estate of Wanda Toscanini Horowitz, daughter of the famed
New York Philharmonic conductor, Arturo Toscanini, and wife
of piano virtuoso Vladimir Horowitz.
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and col
Rocky a
The Boise Fund provides graduates with financial assistance for
medical care in the rare instance that a dog is involved in an
accident. The Boise Fund was established by Sally Rosenthal, a
Guiding Eyes graduate, in honor of her guide, Boise.
Kennel Enrichment
In 2009, we constructed an enclosed outdoor recreation area in
which dogs can be trained or play and exercise. This 115-foot
long grassy area can accommodate several dogs at a time. We
make it available for our blind and visually impaired students
to use when they have time off from training; the space is an
ideal, safe environment for this purpose. The Outdoor
Recreation Area was made possible by a grant from The Planet
Dog Foundation.
The addition of the new outdoor kennel run supports the
expansion of our multi-faceted Kennel Enrichment Program.
This program ensures that our dogs receive ample exercise, play
time, and socialization opportunities. A strong team of volunteers spends time playing and “relaxing” with our dogs in their
kennels. This socialization time helps our dogs think of kennels
as safe, comforting places.
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of kennels
When I started puppy raising, family and friends questioned me
about how I could give away a dog after bonding with him for over a year. From day one, I
never really thought of Rocky as “my” dog. I told myself that Rocky was on loan to me and I
was determined to enjoy every minute with him.
Rocky absolutely loved working. He
went shopping and camping. He went
to restaurants, the bank, the dentist, the
library, the post office, and the llama farm.
He came with me to piano lessons and
accompanied me on cross country meets
and college visits. There wasn’t much that
Rocky and I didn’t do together.
Speaking with a visually impaired individual one
day about his experiences with a guide dog, I
understood how much freedom Rocky would one
day provide. This made giving Rocky away
more exciting than difficult.
community service hours than to raise an adorable
puppy? However, by the end of my journey with
Rocky, I grasped the larger picture.
I never thought that I had the ability to help
transform a silly, energetic puppy into an intelligent
guide dog that could greatly impact someone’s life.
Throughout the time I had Rocky, I told anyone
who asked that I was training him to be a guide
dog, but I never really stopped to think about what
the words meant. When I saw Rocky guide Allan
into the room at their graduation, I was incredible
proud of him. Suddenly, the words “training to be a
guide dog” had a deeper, greater meaning.
Despite this, the first few weeks without
Rocky were hard. The house was so quiet
and even a little boring. So we got another
puppy about one month later. Chad taught
me that each dog will choose his own
career. Chad was not destined to be a
Guiding Eyes dog, nor a service dog of any
type. He decided that he wanted to be a
family pet. Chad was matched with a very
lucky family, and then little Lang entered
my life. Lang shares the same work ethic
and enthusiasm as Rocky, and my dream is
to attend Lang's graduation with his blind
or visually impaired partner.
Raising Rocky was truly a life-changing
experience for me. I learned that something I did, as just a 16-year-old student,
could really make a difference. When I
first became involved with puppy raising, I
thought only of the good that would come
of it for me personally. How better to get
Fundraising and Events
Golf C
Guiding Eyes for the Blind Golf Classic 2009
For a third straight year, New York Giants quarterback
Eli Manning hosted our major fundraising event. Two
“For th
hundred forty golfers met Eli on our perennial golf
courses – the Whippoorwill Club and Mount Kisco
Country Club – and also joined him for dinner after
the day’s play concluded.
the Un
The Sponsor Recognition Reception leading up to the Golf Classic is a powerful
incentive to bolster community support. The exclusive reception at Mulino’s
of Westchester provides sponsors with the opportunity to rub elbows with Eli
and his wife, Abby. We express our gratitude to Mulino’s for generously hosting
the reception.
I have
The Golf Classic Committee worked tirelessly to ensure two sold-out courses.
They also managed the logistics of the Corcoran Cup – the “Masters” of blind
golf, which is held the Sunday before the sponsor-support event. The fourteen
United States Blind Golfer Association qualifiers managed the bunkers, hazards,
and undulating greens of Mount Kisco Country Club like the champions we
know they are, demonstrating courage, talent, and grace under pressure.
Eyes. I
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2009 GoLF SPoNSoR LiST
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sidley Austin LLP,
Eukanuba, John Donnelly, Charles Scharf
Aero Hardware and Parts, Inc., Avant Business
Services, Citibank, DeVito Builders, DIRECTV,
Dr. Pepper, Emblem, Skanska USA Civil, Inc.,
TBS Shipping, Wilson & Son Jewelers, Paul Holland,
Donald Matthews, Kenneth Nilsen
Presenting The Journal News & LoHud.com
The Canine Fence Company,
Kinloch Insurance Services
Donation Dogs
Thanks to the vision and generosity of a
special friend of Guiding Eyes, in 2009 we
launched a community-based fundraising
program entitled “Donation Dogs.” The
concept is a longstanding tradition of guide
dog schools in Great Britain, Australia, and
New Zealand, but this is the first time the
life-sized, yellow Labrador coin banks have
appeared in the United States.
We place Guiding Eyes Donation Dogs in high
traffic stores throughout Westchester County
and Connecticut. All proceeds support our
Training Center Kennel Enrichment Program.
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Guiding Eyes graduate Dick Pomo participates in the Guiding Eyes
Golf Classic; he is one of the country’s best blind golfers.
“For the past ten years I have had the
privilege – along with Sharon, my wife and
coach – to compete in the Corcoran Cup,
sponsored by Guiding Eyes for members of
the United States Blind Golf Association.
Playing the next day in Guiding Eyes’
fundraising scramble is one of the
highlights of our year.
I have a dual relationship with Guiding
Eyes. In 2008, I became a student there,
and a little yellow Lab named Tanya came
into my life. After 26 days of intensive
training and a moving graduation
ceremony, Tanya and I boarded a
plane bound for home in Arizona.
My understanding wife Sharon forgave me
for falling in love with a blonde.
Guiding Eyes has given me more than
a guide dog; it has brought to my life a
partner who will allow me to travel
independently and share a kind of love
that only those who love animals can
understand. For this, I thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
P.S. No, Tanya has not improved my
golf game. In fact, I am told she covers her
eyes when I swing. Hmm…
ogs in high
ort our
Arthur L. “Bud” Johnson owned
and adored German Shepherds
his entire life.
We salute
support o
about people, too, in 1990 he established The
Every atte
number o
occur. We
the oppor
calling 914
Arthur L. and Elaine V. Johnson Foundation to
He loved dogs and understood the strength and
benefits of the human-animal bond. Caring deeply
Leona and H
The Arthur
Johnson Fo
Ruth Keeler
The Marble
The Arthur
Reader's Di
Sight Foun
support organizations which provided for the care,
benefit, support and preservation of guide dogs
or other animals trained to assist sight-impaired
or otherwise handicapped individuals. Since his
passing in 1997, trustees continue his good work.
Sally Mode, co-trustee of the Foundation, whose
family members were life-long friends of Johnson,
said: “It is the Foundation’s desire to be a catalyst
for change, as such we look to assist organizations
that are forward thinking, committed and excited
about their work for long-term change. We are
also supportive of collaborations – partnerships
and sharing that lead to the greater good. It is
these qualities that attracted us to Guiding Eyes for
the Blind. The school not only shares its genetics,
breeding and training methods, breeding colony
and pups with other assistance animal agencies, it
empowers other schools with knowledge and tools
they’ve acquired. Helping people is not contained in
a small circle; instead it is widespread, far reaching,
to better serve so many. Guiding Eyes is clearly the
best example of collaboration, cooperation and
sharing than any other organization we deal with
at the Johnson Foundation.”
Ms. Mode visited Guiding Eyes and has observed
our work, first-hand, on many occasions spanning
several years. She consistently remarks about the
staff’s tireless dedication and enthusiasm. “It is
$50,000 -
inspiring and palpable across both Guiding Eyes’
Training and Canine Centers…whether it’s a quick
hello in a hallway, or a lengthy discussion with a
department head, one gets the sense that everyone
has a “can do” attitude. The staff is undeterred
by challenges. One never hears “we can’t do it;”
instead it’s “how can we do it?”
“There’s not a sense that folks are just doing their
job. My impression is that staff cares deeply about
work that brings change to peoples live and
everyone wants to do their job as best they can.”
“The professional standards upheld at Guiding Eyes
inspired our confidence and enthusiasm for their
work. We are particularly impressed with their
forward-thinking attention to detail, follow-up
and professionalism.”
Over the next several months, trustees of the
Foundation are enthusiastically and closely
following the Canine Development Center’s
new puppy training methods and evaluations,
the Center’s renovation plans, and other projects
shared or in collaboration with other assistance
animal agencies.
Entergy Nu
Wayne and
IBM Emplo
Norman M.
$25,000 -
Achelis Fou
Charles A. F
Suzanne Ha
The Hatfiel
Kinloch Ho
Laurence W
Nancy McD
Minnesota G
Center, Lt
Laura J. Nil
P & G Fund
Planet Dog
The Genero
The Portma
Praxair Foun
Harriet and
SAP Global
The Seth Sp
and Charit
The David
$10,000 -
H. A. & J. W
Allegheny F
Assent LLC
Stephen & M
Elizabeth Br
Louise and A
Dana and M
The Canine
ith a
o it;”
g their
y about
y can.”
ng Eyes
r their
We salute these special people and organizations for their
support of Guiding Eyes between October 1, 2008 and
September 30, 2009.
Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy in the
following list. However, in compiling such an extensive
number of names, omissions and misspellings sometimes
occur. We thank you for your understanding, and appreciate
the opportunity to correct our records. Please advise us by
calling 914-243-4346.
$100,000 and Up
Leona and Harry B. Helmsley
Foundation, Inc.
The Arthur L. & Elaine V.
Johnson Foundation
Ruth Keeler Charitable Trust
The Marble Fund
The Arthur & Phyllis Milton
Reader's Digest Partners For
Sight Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Bannerot-Lappe Foundation
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Wayne and Mary Hockmeyer
IBM Employee Services
Norman M. Morris Foundation, Inc.
$25,000 - $49,999
Achelis Foundation
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation,
Suzanne Hatfield
The Hatfield Family Foundation
Kinloch Holdings, Inc.
Laurence W. Levine Foundation
Nancy McDonald
Minnesota Guide Dog Breeding
Center, Ltd.
Laura J. Niles Foundation, Inc.
P & G Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Planet Dog Foundation
The Generoso Pope Foundation
The Portmann Family
Charitable Fund
Praxair Foundation, Inc.
Harriet and Andrew Rockefeller
SAP Global Marketing, Inc.
The Seth Sprague Educational
and Charitable Foundation
The David P. Tenberg Charitable
Anonymous Donors
$10,000 - $24,999
H. A. & J. W. Alburger
Charitable Trust
Allegheny Foundation
Assent LLC
Stephen & Mary Birch
Foundation, Inc.
Elizabeth Bryan
Louise and Arde Bulova Fund
Dana and Michael Campbell
The Canine Fence Company
The Thomas & Agnes
Carvel Foundation
The Creek Bed Foundation
Nancy and John Donnelly
Helen G., Henry F. & Louise T.
Dornette Foundation
The Max and Victoria Dreyfus
Foundation, Inc.
Ulla Dydo
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
The Fain Family Fund of The
Virginia Beach Foundation
The Flatley Foundation
Foundation for Supporters of
the Disabled
The Gettinger Foundation
Barbara Gomez
The Helen G. Hauben Foundation
Hieronymus Family Fund, Inc.
Emma Clyde Hodge
Memorial Fund
Paul Holland
James T. Lee Foundation
The Marcled Foundation
Ann and Donald Matthews
Sylvan and Ann Oestreicher
Foundation, Inc.
P & G Pet Care
P.B.O. Fund
Park Foundation, Inc.
The Peninsula Charities
Foundation II
Linus Raring
Amy and Charles Scharf
Susan Stearns
Louise and Michael Stein
Verizon Foundation
George Weiss
Kate Stamper Wilhite Charitable
The Winston Foundation, Inc.
$5,000 - $9,999
Aero Hardware and Parts Co.
America's Charities
The Anschutz Foundation
Assistance Dog Fund
Avant Services Corporation
Rose M. Badgeley Residuary
Charitable Trust
The Sandra Atlas Bass and Edythe
and Sol Atlas Fund, Inc.
Michele and Agnese Cestone
Foundation, Inc.
Judith M. Collord
Curtis O'Hara Foundation
Robert F. Dall
John Devito
Lynn R. and John Dillon
Maggie and Theodore Duncan
EmblemHealth Services LLC
Hank Freeman
Janet Hecken
Heisman Trophy Trust
The Katzenberger Foundation, Inc.
Marie-France and Rene Kern
Faith & James Knight
Foundation, Inc.
Ralph G. and Wilma J.
Maibaum Foundation
Donald Manocherian
MBIA Foundation
Sarah and Robert Meyerhoff
Kenneth Nilsen
Dr. Pepper
Donald A. Perry Foundation
The Petco Foundation
Ridge Clearing & Outsourcing
Solutions, Inc.
Gennie and John Roberts
Rohauer Collection
Foundation, Inc.
Alice Shaver Foundation
Sidley Austin
The Helen M. Snyder
Foundation, Inc.
Jane Stamper Fund
Martha Washington Straus &
Harry H. Straus Foundation
TBS Shipping
Elizabeth and Andrew Ward
Joan Young
Anonymous Donor
$2,500 - $4,999
Jane Adams and William
L. McNulty
Anchor/Russell Capital
Advisors, LLC
Bauer Family Foundation, Inc.
Mary Baumgardner
Ellen Bermel
Frank Bisignano
The John N. Blackman, Sr.
The Braeside Foundation
The Henry W. Bull Foundation
Mildred and Randy Burke
Michael Carlisle
CBS Sports
Ted Civetta
The Harry Cobey Foundation
Lucy C. and Michael Danziger
Michael Day
Elaine Ellenbogen
Audrey and Arnold Fisher
Fraternal Order Of Eagles
Ladies Auxiliary
Joan P. and Howard Gross
The Gumbo Foundation
Holly Andersen and
Douglas Hirsch
The Hitachi Foundation
Hitachi Metals America, Ltd.
Mary and Philip Hogan
Marie Horhota
The Inge Foundation
Interoceanic Corporation
Knox Family Foundation
Robert Labriola
Caryn and James Magid
Gail and Peter Malnati
Manhattan Beer Distributors
E. Manocherian Foundation
Kathleen W. and Philip McAllister
John McIntyre
Charlotte Newton
Jane Rex
Robert and Anne Reznick
Family Foundation
Rochester Corvette Club
The Benjamin M. Rosen
Family Foundation
Sanford and Sally Rosenthal
Peter Scherrer
Beverly Schline
Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation
Skyline Quilters
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
TD Bank
Milton Tenenbaum
Charitable Foundation
The Von Damm Family Evergreen
Nina W. Werblow Charitable Trust
Xerox Foundation
Anonymous Donors
$1,000 - $2,499
Helen Adair Foundation of the
St. Paul Foundation
Advanced Management Systems, Inc.
Joseph Alexander Foundation, Inc.
Don Allen Foundation, Inc.
The American Kennel Club
Joseph Armbrust
Gail Ann and Jack Aulthouse
Inez Benjamin Foundation
Bernard J. & Charlotte E.
Blommer Foundation
The Bloomberg Sisters Foundation
Marjorie Blum
Edith C. Blum Foundation, Inc.
Nicholas Boraski
Gilberte L. Breslin
Marjorie Brooks
Broughton Foundation
Christopher Brown
Shirley Brownrigg Charitable Trust
& Alice Shaver
Carosella Family Foundation
Chevron Humankind
Citrin Cooperman &
Company, LLP
Club Fit Jefferson Valley
Con Edison Public Affairs
Ann Cope
Marshall B. Coyne Foundation
Sandra and Bruce Cummings
Pat Curran
Wendy N. Zimmermann and
Stephen Cutler
Margaret A. Darrin Foundation
Robert de Rothschild
Michael Dean
Janet Demuth
Richard Dienst
Diggins Mechanical Corp.
Robert Docters
Howard A. Drescher Foundation
Matthew Dunn
France and Horst Duseberg
Eastern Dog Club, Inc.
The Robert and Gail Edelstein
Foundation, Inc.
Essex Savings Bank
Leslie B. and Thomas Fine
John J. Flemm Foundation, Inc.
Catherine S. and Leslie Foldesi
Fraydun Foundation, Inc.
Judith Gardiner
Sue Garland
Jeffrey L. and Mary Giles
The Glickenhaus Foundation
The Dorothy G. Griffin Charitable
The Griner Family Foundation
Sean and Miriam Grogan
Donna R. and Jeffrey Guy
Hallingby Family Foundation
John Hamill
Hand Associates, P.C.
Carol Hanson
Karen and Gary Hediger
Robert B. and Virginia Jacko
Cathy Hull and Neil Janovic
Randall Keegan
John and Sandra Kellett
Arthur Kelley
Arthur and Kathleen Kelley
Bob Ainley and Kimberly Kelly
Kleinow Family Foundation
Elaine and Gerald Klingman
William Lang
Douglas Lee
Francis & Gertrude Levett
Deborah J. and Frank Levy
Marcia D. and William Levy
The Martin R. Lewis Charitable
The Thalia and George Liberatos
Jack R. Linsky Foundation
Susan Litwer
Frances and David Magee
Rachel Mellon
MGI Properties Escrow Fund
Mizzentop Day School
The Moran Family Foundation
Angelina A. and Wayne Morris
Gretchen and Robert Morrison
Marvin and Joy Moser
Elizabeth E. Muller
Charitable Trust
David & Inez Myers Foundation
Mark Norris
Martha and Curtiss Paye
Pender Pet Caring Foundation
Alyson Perry
Delcour S. Potter
Mary Ellen and Barry Pratt
Ada and Helen Rank Foundation
Margaret S. Rice and Henry Hart
Rice Foundation
Doug Sacks
Sand Dollar Foundation
J & G Schwartz Family Fund
The Sloman Foundation, Inc.
Alice W. and Joseph Smith
David Sokol
Catherine and Thomas
McC. Souther
Southern Wine and Spirits
Thomas F. Staley Foundation
John C. Stryker & Audrey Taylor
Stryker Foundation of the
Renaissance Charitable
Margaretta Taylor
TD Charitable Foundation
TD Securities (USA) LLC
Myra Votta
Wal-Mart Foundation
Westchester Bank
Pauline Wiese
Harriet Wilt
Jill and Peter Wise
The Woman's Club of Towson, Inc.
Betty and Wayne Wyckoff
Hope and Simon Ziff
Anonymous Donor
$500 - $999
Catherine Alan Fund
David Albrecht
Nancy N. and Bernard Anderson
Robert Arnold
Barbara Bartlett
Andrew Bartoes
Benevolent Patriotic Order of
Does of the USA
Arnold & Jeanne Bernstein Fund
Eric Blattman
Ellen Blumencranz
Edward and Susan Blumenfeld
Colette and Mark Booher
Bovis Lend Lease
Pamela L. and Stephen Boy
Joanne Marie Brady
Memorial Fund
The Barbara and Gary Brandt
Family Foundation
Rebecca Breed
Burr Elementary School
Jean B. and John Campbell
Ron Carman
Changing Our World
Cory Chisholm
Patricia Clark
Margaret E. and Louis Coccodrilli
Sol Cohn Foundation
Cooper Industries
Vilma Donnelly
Liam Duffett
Suzanne and Arnold Fieldman
Franklin Lodge No. 110,
B.P.O. Elks
Emily and Gerald Gardner
Peter Eisemann and Susan Gardner
Nancy and James Gelardi
Gill Family Foundation
Girl Scout Troop 1716
GivingExpress Program from
American Express
Warren Glick
Douglas and Kimberlee Goldsmith
Helaine Gould
Hampton Roads Naval Aviation
Hanover Insurance Group
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
International Specialty Chemicals
& Pharmaceutical
Father Justin Council Knights of
Columbus #5670
Susan and Bruce Kaufman
Keane & Beane, P.C.
Killarney House
Charles & Lucille King Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Klein Family Foundation, Inc.
Kneaded Services Inc. Back
to Business
Lehigh Valley Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery LLC
Jill and Jonathan Lerner
K.C. Delfino and Marshall
Mary B. and Frank Lyon
Judith Mandile
Renwick Martin
G. E. Masten Feed Store
Jeffrey Mazen
Bryan Meade
Edward L. Milstein Foundation
New Castle County Association
Insurance Financial Advisors
New York Administrative
Employees C.W.A Local 1180
Helen Newman
Peter Nicholson
Charles and Richard Oestreich
Foundation, Inc.
Patrick and Linda Olson
PBJ Enterprises
Sheila Pechac
The Pepsi Bottling Group
George Petrow
Karin E. and Lawrence Rappaport
Robison Oil Co.
Rolex USA
Robert Rosania
Regina Handel and Neil Rose
Katherine Rysanek
Scheuer Associates Foundation, Inc.
Aaron Schlechter
Michael Schmidtberger
Meryl Schwartz
Roy McLeese and Virginia Seitz
Carson and Karen Shrawder
Tracey Smith
Richard Spinney
Paul Stabile
Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron
Company Foundation
Mike Sussman
Syracuse Lodge 625 Loyal
Order of Moose
Dorothy Therman
Carol Tomerlin
C. Totebusch
Stephen Ucko
Uniformed Fire Officers Association
Randa Utter
Jean VanWinkle
Nancy and Robert Vignola
Ross Weale
West Frederick Vet Hospital Sayler, LLC
Western Reserve Kennel Club, Inc.
Westfield Academy and
Central School
Jan Wheeler
WonderFest USA Inc
Bonnie Wyatt
James Zanfardino
Emily Zofnass Fund at The
Boston Foundation
Anonymous Donors
In Kind Gifts
American Media
Anglebrook Golf Club
Kim and George Arco
Avant Services Corporation
Benchmark Hospitality
Jeff Borow
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Matt Cantele Tent Rentals, Inc.
Rodolfo Chavez
Amy Dixon
Grand Prix New York
Peg and Philip Horwitz
The Journal News
Jeff Kantra
Gina and Robert Malmgren
Manhattan Beer Distributors
G. E. Masten Feed Store
Narnia Farm
New York Football Giants
Charlotte Newton
Photo File
SAP Global Marketing, Inc.
Charles Wenzelberg
Helen West
Eugene and Eileen Wolfe
Zachy’s Wine & Liquor
Pathfinder Society
Ms. Renee Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Ahlers
Miss Anne Airel
Mrs. Barbara Aldrich
Ms. Nell M. Alger
Mrs. Cynthia Y. (Byron) Allen
Ms. Judith Aranow
Mr. Donald Augustin
Mrs. Alice T. Baird
Chris and Linda Ball
Mr. L. Eddie Ball
Dr. and Mrs. E.B. Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bashaw
Ms. Ruth Bastyr
Mr. Ray P. Beck
Ms. Gayle Becker
Betty Bernstein
Gail & Charles Bisgnano
Ms. Linda Blakely
Ms. Janice Blanton
Ms. Ruth E. Bodbyl
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Bolognini
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Boo
Ms. Ardis Bourland
Marion I. Brandjes
Ann D. Broekhuizen
Mr. Walter A. Bunton
Ellen M. Camner
Sylvia F. Camner
Mrs. Marion
Linda M. C
Alma Catsm
Ruth Chase
Sylvia L. Cle
Frances Clou
Florence Co
Mrs. John C
Mrs. Pearl A
Mr. and Mr
Mrs. Deidre
Mrs. Patricia
Maria Curre
Mrs. Arman
Mr. Paul W.
Eileen M. C
Ms. Barbara
Ms. P. Kay D
Ellen Davis
Linda Deete
Karen Delisl
Mr. Michael
Mrs. M.J. D
Jeanne K. D
Ms. Patricia
Joyce and C
Ms. Dianne
Bob and Ru
Mrs. Richar
Carmen Fig
Ms. Sally J.
Ethan Flint
Mrs. Maryd
Mrs. Suzann
Rita O’Brien
Ms. Irma Fr
Ms. Dona F
Ms. Lois F. G
Mrs. Rose G
Minnie Cob
Ms. Margare
Robert Garl
Dr. Joel Gav
Franklin Du
Miss Virgini
Ms. Mary V
Dr. Joel Rob
Ms. Mara G
Joyce Golde
Mr. & Mrs.
Mrs. Patricia
Marsha Grav
Christine G
Margaret M
Ms. Connie
Mrs. Natalie
Mr. John H
Dr. & Mrs.
Miss Carole
Ms. Sally W
Fae L. Hoffm
Mrs. Flo Ho
Betty L. Ho
Mrs. Marie
Mrs. Gail A
Mr. & Mrs.
R.H. Isaacso
Jewell Jacob
Ms. Mary Ja
Mr. & Mrs.
Ms. Michell
Dr. Myra Ka
tals, Inc.
n) Allen
W. Barker
Mrs. Marion E. Carpenter
Linda M. Cartwright
Alma Catsman
Ruth Chase
Sylvia L. Clementson
Frances Clouse
Florence Colby
Mrs. John Coleman
Mrs. Pearl A. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cote
Mrs. Deidre H. Crofton
Mrs. Patricia Curran
Maria Curreri
Mrs. Armand D. Daigle
Mr. Paul W. Dalton
Eileen M. Curtin John D’Ambra
Ms. Barbara Jane Davis
Ms. P. Kay Davies
Ellen Davis
Linda Deeter
Karen Delisle
Mr. Michael DellaRipa
Mrs. M.J. Donnelly
Jeanne K. Dregalla
Ms. Patricia Driscoll
Joyce and Clifford Egeberg
Ms. Dianne M. Ende
Bob and Ruth Escher
Mrs. Richard Ferchaud
Carmen Figueroa
Ms. Sally J. Fisher
Ethan Flint
Mrs. Marydel C. Flint
Mrs. Suzanne Ford
Rita O’Brien Sims Franklin
Ms. Irma Freudenreich
Ms. Dona Friedman, BSN
Ms. Lois F. Gaelen
Mrs. Rose Galdenzi
Minnie Cobey Gallman
Ms. Margaret Gardner
Robert Garland
Dr. Joel Gavriele -Gold
Franklin Duke Gillespie
Miss Virginia Giovinco
Ms. Mary V. Gloss
Dr. Joel Robert Gavriele- Gold
Ms. Mara Gold
Joyce Golden
Mr. & Mrs. James Goldman
Mrs. Patricia Gordon
Marsha Graves
Christine Grimwood
Margaret M. Grookett
Ms. Connie M. Gulvas
Mrs. Natalie Hall
Mr. John Hammel
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Hanyak, Jr
Miss Carole J. Higgins
Ms. Sally W. Higgins
Fae L. Hoffman
Mrs. Flo Hollenbaugh
Betty L. Holloway
Mrs. Marie Horhota
Mrs. Gail A. Hummer
Mr. & Mrs. Moreland Irby, Jr.
R.H. Isaacson
Jewell Jacobsen
Ms. Mary Janvrin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Johnson
Ms. Michelle Johnston
Dr. Myra Kaplan
Barbara Karpischek
Barbara Kautz
Michael & Arlene Kelly
Patty Kelly
Roger K. Krott
Kenneth Laban
Mrs. Shirley A. Laird
Jane Landenberger
Mr. Marvin P. Langanki
Ms. Jacqueline Lanning
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lazard
Mrs. Elizabeth Lehman
Ms. Beatrice Lemlein
Elsie Levdar
Christine B. Lewis
Mary Adams Loomba
Mr. & Mrs. John Luicci
Peggy Nance Lyle
Ms. Trudy MacGregor
Ms. Arlene MacQuown
Mrs. Lenore T. Mahowald
Marsha Maksymiw
Mr. Kurt Malison
Michael Mallies
Mrs. Dwight (Ursula) Mamlok
Miranda H. Markart
Laura Markowitz
Caroline Marr
Mrs. Rowland J. Maslin
Lee Mathers
Barbara and Phillip Mathiews
Shirley Matthai
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McNutt
Mr. John V. Meeks
Mrs. Marcia Meracle
Ed & Ruby Mertz
Mr. Larry Meyers
Ms. Patricia A. Morey
James P. Murphy
Suzanna Erin Murphy & Brian
Karen Naja
Marie Nee
Skippy Newberry
Charlotte Prescott Newton
Ms. Viola Nisbet
Laura Oftedahl
Bob Oldham
Catherine Oszlanyi
Mrs. Margaret Osterhoudt
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ott
Mrs. Katherine T. Penney
Ms. Arleen Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Peterson
Mr. Edgar L. Pfarre
William and Cheryl Pitz
Isabella Daigle Powell
Drs. James & Eva Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. & Ellen
Francis Rasmus Jr.
Donna Raven
Patricia Reich
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Rice
Gordon & Susan Richardson
Mrs. William Ripple
Mrs. Thelma Rosenblum
Ms. Edith Rosenfield
Mr. Betrand Rossignol
Mr. Leo E. Roy
Elizabeth Ruck
Terry & Carolyn Ryan
Ms. Florence Sakely
Patricia Salisbury
David & Betsy Sandstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Richard H. Schwartz
Sandra M. Simpson
Linda Slavin
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Small
Mrs. Carol P. Spisak
Mark F. Spisak Life Insurance
Mrs. Kate A. Springs
Bill & Jeanne St. Clair
Norbert Stegemann
Mr. Lee Stickell
Walter Strauss
Mr. James E. Studdiford
Mrs. Martha Sweeney
Ms. Marylou Tripolino
Ms. Darlene J. Turner
Charlotte L. Vernon
Mary Beth Waldoch
J. Rachelle Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Warsow
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt O. Wasson
Ellis C. Waxham
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Welt
Jim & Bobbie White
Natalie J. Wiggins
Helen C. Wilson
Mr. Charley H. Wise
Mr. Fred Wolter
Ginny A. Wright
Ms. Louise B. Wulff
Armen Yolian
Joy Young
Lynn Young
Alice M. Zittel
Lions Clubs
Albany and Troy Lions Club
Alfred Lions Club Inc.
Apalachin Lions Club, Inc.
Avon Lions Club
Baldwinsvillle Lions Club
Ballston Spa Lions Club
Bedford Village Lions Club
Bethel Lions Club, Inc.
Blauvelt Lions Charities, Inc.
Brandermill Midlothian Woodlake
Lions Club
The Bronx Lions Club
The Brookfield Lions Charities, Inc.
Brooklyn Bay Ridge Lions Club, Inc.
Brooklyn Caribe Lions Club
Carmel-Kent Lions Club
Catskill Lions Club
Central Mohawk Valley Lions Club
Chittenango Lions Club
Churchville Lions Club
Clarence Lions Club
Cohocton Lions Club
Cold Spring Lions Club
Cornwall Lions Club, Inc.
Dansville Lions Club
District 20-O Lions Club, Inc.
East Aurora Lions Club
Essex Junction Lions Club
Franklin Square Lions Club
Fulton Lions Club
Germantown Lions Club
Gloversville Lions Auxiliary
Goshen Lions Club
Green Valley Lions Club
Greenpoint Lions Club
Foundation Inc.
Guilderland Lions Club
Hadley Luzerne Lioness Club
Hadley-Luzerne Lions Club
Hampden Lions Club
Hampton Lions Club
Harrison Lions Club
Hendrick Hudson Lions Club
Herkimer Lions Club
Jericho Brookville Lions Club
Lake Placid Lions Club
Liberty Lions Club
Lioness Club of Catskill
Lions Club of Kenmore
Lions Club of Mount Vernon
Lions Club of Wilson
Lions Club of Yonkers NY, Inc.
Lions District 20-N
Lions District 20 R-1 Charities
Long Island Portuguese Lions Club
Mahopac Lions Club
Middletown Lions Club
Monsey Lions Club
Mt. Kisco Lions Club
Nanuet Lions Club
New Rochelle Lions Club, Inc.
New York Golden Heart Lions Club
New York Hunts Point Lions Club
Nine Partners Lions Club
North Rockland Lions Club
North Rose Lions Club
Northern Columbia Lions Club
Northville-Sacandaga Lions Club
Olcott Lions Club
Ossining Lions Club
Ovid-Willard Lioins Club
Oyster Bay Lions Club
Palmyra-Macedon (Pal-Mac)
Lions Club
Pleasant Valley Lions Club, Inc.
Pleasantville Lions Club
Pound Ridge Lions Club
Putnam Valley Lions Club
Rhinebeck Lions Club
River Towns Lions Club
Rockville Center Lions Club
Saddle Valley River Lions Club
Saugerties Lions Clubs
Solvay-Geddes-Camillus Lions Club
Somers Lions Club
South Shore Lions Club
Stony Point Lions Club
Suffern Lions Club
Town of Hoosick Lions Club
Town of Ulster Lions Club
Town of Wright/Schoharie Valley
Lions Club
Tri-Valley Lions Club
Tuckahoe Eastchester Lions
Valhalla Lions Club
Washington Heights Inwood
Lions Club
Yorktown Lions Club
Plus the 250,000 generous
individuals who support
Guiding Eyes through our
direct marketing program.
Statement of Activities
Planned Giving
Other Income
Net Assets Released From Restrictions
Total Public Support
$ (45,876)
$ 282,710
$ 282,710
Student Instruction & Dog Training
Student Services
Veterinary Hospital
Canine Development Center
Facility & Food Service
Total Program Services
$ 5,180,334
$ 5,180,334
$ 1,598,257
$ 1,598,257
Management & General
Total Supporting Services
Excess of public support over (under) expenses
Investment Income (net)
Other Net Asset Adjustments
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
$ 19,631,335
$ (4,720,144)
$ (4,483,310)
$ 57,473,391
$ 49,358,614
Statement of Financial Position
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Contributions Receivable
Land, Buildings and Equipment, net
Other Assets
Total Assets
$ 282,710
$ 5,131,023
$ 62,835,429
Management and
$ 909,363
$ 5,131,023
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Accrued Pension Obligation
Bonds Payable
Gift Annuity and Other Reserves
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Planned Giving
2009 w
the effe
Dear Friends,
In 2009, we faced unprecedented challenges, yet we creatively and proactively managed them so
that there was no reduction in the number and quality of life-enhancing services we provide.
In fact, during 2009 we continued our forward-thinking work in several strategic areas. This
Annual Report not only presents the accomplishments of the past year, but also provides you with
a glimpse of what the future holds for Guiding Eyes.
The staff ’s initiatives, demonstrably supported by the Board of Directors,
resulted in progress and significant success in several areas:
• Canine Development Center – Over three years of research has resulted
in the creation of a new puppy training program, and in a design and
renovation project which will produce a unique breeding and puppy
training facility;
• Veterinary MRI – In 2009, Guiding Eyes became the first guide dog school
in the world to own a veterinary MRI machine, which offers us new
opportunities to safeguard our dogs’ health;
• Heeling Autism – Our 2008 pilot program in which we train our dogs to
provide safety for children with autism has yielded wonderful results. The
program has become an important component in the lives of these children
and their families.
• Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired – Of course, we continue to dedicate
ourselves to providing the blind and visually impaired with the best guide
dogs in the world. Our dogs-in-training are benefiting from an expanded
kennel enrichment program, which helps them to perform at their best
during guide dog instruction.
None of this would be possible without your support, for which we thank you
most sincerely.
Best wishes,
William D. Badger
Donald J. Matthews
President and Chief Executive Officer
Chairman, Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Donald J. Matthews, Chairman
Curt J. Landtroop, Vice Chair/Treasurer
Mary J. Conway, Vice Chair
Renee Abernathy
Wendy Aglietti
Robert F. Dall
Wendy S. David
John L. Donnelly
David Fein
Paul Holland
Kimberly Kelly
Susan Litwer
Bruce Marquand
Thomas McC. Souther
Charles Scharf
William D. Badger
President and Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Deutsch
Vice President for Marketing and Development
Jeremiah Attard
Carolyn Kihm
Director of Human Resources
Karen McClure
Director of Direct Marketing
Jane Russenberger
Senior Director, Canine
Development Center
Jody Sandler, DVM
Director of Veterinary Services
Ravi Tanikella
Director of Information Technology
Kathy Zubrycki
Director of Training and Admissions
Guiding E
For over 50 years,
Guiding Eyes has provided these outstanding services to the blind and visually impaired at no charge.
Thank you for your continued support.
611 Granite Springs Road
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
w w w. g u i d i n g e y e s . o r g