Attached - Board of Trustees - The University of North Carolina at
Attached - Board of Trustees - The University of North Carolina at
UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees Special Full Board Minutes June 23, 2010 On motion of Townsend, and duly seconded, the motion to approve the appointment of Julia Grumbles as Interim Vice Chancellor for University Advancement carried. Chair Hargrove called for the following resolution to be read aloud: RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT H. HOLDEN THORP THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL September 19, 2012 WHEREAS, Chancellor Holden Thorp has announced his intention to resign at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees have unanimously appealed to Chancellor Thorp to reconsider his decision, and respect his unwavering devotion and service to the University; WHEREAS, UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees fully endorses the resolutions passed in support of Chancellor Thorp by the executive branch of the student government, UNCChapel Hill Faculty Council and General Faculty, the Council of Chairs of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees unanimously believes Carolina is better today because of him and emphatically requests that Chancellor Thorp reconsider his decision because we think it is in the best interest of this university. Chair Hargrove moved approval of the resolution. Ms. Shuping-Russell seconded the motion and it carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Hargrove adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. 2 To: Heather Galvan From: Members of the Board of Trustees Fax: (919) 962-8464 Pages: 1 (including cover sheet) Date: October 16, 2012 Re: Mail Ballot, dated October 15, 2012 Trustees: Attached for your review and approval is a regular personnel mail ballot. This mail ballot will be approved as part of the Consent Agenda at the Full Board meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2012. The undersigned votes as follows with respect to the recommendations proposed in Chancellor Thorp’s letter dated, October 15, 2012. Approve Disapprove Appendix A, Personnel Actions Appendix A, Actions Conferring Tenure Appendix B, Compensation Actions Appendix C, For Information NO ITEMS ___________________________ Signed ___________________________ Date Please fax to Heather Galvan at (919) 962-8464. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 No. College/Division Name Personnel Actions New Appointments without Tenure 1 Health Affairs Antoine Baillard 2 Health Affairs Joyce Besheer 3 Health Affairs Jian Jin Promotion to Full Professor 1 Health Affairs Hong Jin Kim 2 Health Affairs Cynthia Powell Dept./School Current Rank Appendix A New Rank Effective Date Salary Allied Health Sciences Psychiatry Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor 11/1/2012 10/26/2012 11/9/2012 $80,000 $80,104 $140,000 Surgery Pediatrics (base) Genetics (joint) Associate Professor Associate Professor Research Associate Professor Professor Professor Research Professor 3/1/2013 11/1/2012 $116,825 $141,650 Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor 7/1/2013 3/1/2014 10/1/2013 1/1/2014 4/30/2016 $100,000 $106,260 $74,445 $95,040 $71,783 N/A Thomas James Distinguished Professorship in Experiential Learning Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Lecturer Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Assistant Professor 1/1/201312/31/2017 12/1/201211/30/2014 12/1/201211/30/2014 $148,000 Tenure $163,770 Reappointments to the same Rank 1 Health Affairs Kristina Abel Microbiology & Immunology 2 Health Affairs William Carpenter Health Policy & Management 3 Health Affairs Kurt Gilliland Cell & Developmental Biology 4 Health Affairs Liza Hayes Nutrition 5 Health Affairs Edward Kernick Cell & Developmental Biology Designation/Reappointments to Distinguished Professorships 1 Academic Affairs Sharon Derry School of Education 2 Academic Affairs Jeffrey Hughes School of Government Lecturer $104,850 3 Academic Affairs Christopher McLaughlin School of Government Assistant Professor 4 Academic Affairs John Rubin School of Government Professor Albert Coates Distinguished Professor 5 Academic Affairs Shannon Tufts School of Government Assistant Professor Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Assistant Professor 12/1/201211/30/2014 $103,406 6 Health Affairs Linda Van Le Obstetrics & Gynecology Professor Tenure $343,732 7 Academic Affairs Aimee Wall School of Government Associate Professor Leonard Palumbo Distinguished Professor of Gynecologic Oncology Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Assistant Professor 12/1/201211/30/2014 $116,402 8 Academic Affairs Jeffrey Welty School of Government Assistant Professor Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Assistant Professor 12/1/201211/30/2014 $113,248 9 Academic Affairs Richard Whisnant School of Government Professor Albert Coates Distinguished Professor Tenure $145,343 $108,367 Page 1 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 No. College/Division Name Actions Conferring Tenure Promotion Conferring Tenure 1 Health Affairs Martin Styner New Appointments Conferring Tenure 1 Academic Affairs Sharon Derry Addition of Joint Appointment Conferring Tenure 1 Health Affairs Yufeng Liu Corrections 1 Health Affairs Matthew Nielsen 1 Health Affairs Matthew Ewend Dept./School Current Rank Appendix A New Rank Psychiatry Assistant Professor Associate Professor School of Education N/A Biostatistics Surgery Neurosurgery Effective Date Salary 10/26/2012 $129,758 Professor 1/1/2013 $148,000 Associate Professor Professor 1/1/2013 $116,825 Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Van L. Weatherspoon Jr. Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery Van L. Weatherspoon, Jr. Eminent Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery (Professorship name change in September) 4/1/2013 (correction to Sept. BOT agenda date of 4/1/2012) 9/28/2012 $254,000 $254,000 Page 2 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 No. College/Division Name Department/School Rank Reason Appendix B Requested Increase Amount Percent of Increase Current Salary New Salary Effective Date Compensation Actions 1 Academic Affairs Alex Arapoglou Lisa Carey Kenan-Flagler Business School Medicine 1 Health Affairs 1 Professor Health Affairs Audrey Pettifor Epidemiology Associate Professor 1 Health Affairs Melissa Troester Epidemiology Associate Professor 1 Academic Affairs William Weld Kenan-Flagler Business School Clinical Assistant Professor Increase in job duties No. College/Division Name Clinical Assistant Professor Increase in job duties Department/School $10,360 34.53% $30,360 $40,360 11/10/2012 Increase in job duties. Accepted new position Promotion and Reallocation to Higher Level Class $126,400 72.56% $174,200 $300,600 11/10/2012 $20,464 21.44% $96,593 $115,912 11/10/2012 Promotion and Reallocation to Higher Level Class $19,531 20.64% $99,335 $114,136 11/10/2012 $23,400 31.20% $75,900 $98,400 11/10/2012 Rank Reason Total Monetary Duration Value of Non- of NonSalary Salary Compensatio Compensa Effective n tion Date End Date Non-Salary Compensation Actions 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA Page 3 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 No. College/Division Appendix C Name Department/School Rank Description JENNIE BURNET WOODROW HOLLIMAN LAURA HERBST MICHAEL PRIM KHALED BASIOUNY Anthropology journalism/Mass Communication Journalism/Mass Communication Physics-Astronomy Surgery ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LECTURER LECTURER LECTURER ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Other Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 6 Health Affairs ELMO ORLINO Anesthesiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 7 Health Affairs DAVID ADAMS Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 8 Academic Affairs NORRIS JOHNSON Anthropology PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 9 Academic Affairs TONYA TRAIN Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) For Information - End of Employment for Fiscal Year 2012 (7/1/2011 - 7/1/2012) 1 2 3 4 5 Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Health Affairs 10 Academic Affairs JEREMY INGRAHAM Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 11 Academic Affairs PETER DESAIX Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 12 Academic Affairs ERIC BAUER Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 13 Academic Affairs SUZANNE WEERTS Communication Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 14 Academic Affairs ELIZABETH DORN Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 15 Academic Affairs NICOLE HEILBRON Psychology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 16 Academic Affairs TRAVIS DONOVAN Art LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 17 Academic Affairs JOHN NORWOOD Art LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 18 Academic Affairs CAROLYN BUTLER Art LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 19 Academic Affairs EMILY KELAHAN Philosophy LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 20 Health Affairs KAORU INOUE Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Contract/Grant) 21 Academic Affairs CATHERINE BARRETT School of Education ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 22 Health Affairs DESMOND RUNYAN Social Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement 23 Health Affairs KAREN METZGUER Pediatrics PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 24 Health Affairs JESSICA KATZNELSON Pediatrics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 25 Health Affairs CAROL RUNYAN Health Behavior PROFESSOR Retirement 26 Health Affairs BRADFORD HARRIS Anesthesiology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 27 Health Affairs JOSEPH ROSSI Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 28 Health Affairs WESLEY WALLACE Emergency Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 29 Health Affairs HARRY MARSHALL Surgery ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Page 4 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 30 Health Affairs KAREN BAKER Obstetrics and Gynecology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 31 Health Affairs ANNE SKELLY School of Nursing PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 32 Health Affairs RAMON JACOBS Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 33 Health Affairs JONGBAE PARK Physical Medicine & Rehab ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 34 Academic Affairs GUOHUA CAO Physics-Astronomy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 35 Health Affairs JIANRONG WU Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 36 Health Affairs WILLIAM DOARES School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 37 Health Affairs JENNIFER HOPSON School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 38 Health Affairs MILTON STEWART School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 39 Health Affairs DAVID FELTON Prosthodontics PROFESSOR Retirement 40 Health Affairs NATHANIEL NONOY Anesthesiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 41 Health Affairs ZHUO WANG School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 42 Health Affairs ANGELA GRESHAM School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 43 Health Affairs JANE HUGHES School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 44 Health Affairs HAO ZHU School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 45 Health Affairs ALLEN RINAS Allied Health Sciences ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Retirement 46 Health Affairs WILLIAM FINN Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement 47 Health Affairs CHARLES BERNACCHIO Allied Health Sciences ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 48 Health Affairs WARREN MILLER Anesthesiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 49 Health Affairs JAMES LEA Family Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement 50 Health Affairs MARK SOCINSKI Medicine PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 51 Health Affairs TERRY COMBS Nutrition ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 52 Health Affairs TAMMY ROOT Psychiatry ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 53 Health Affairs SOUMYA BENHABBOUR School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 54 Academic Affairs MUHAMMAD YOUSAF Chemistry ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 55 Health Affairs HONOR WOLFE Obstetrics and Gynecology PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 56 Health Affairs RON DEVIZIA School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 57 Health Affairs KIMBERLY MOONEY Anesthesiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 58 Health Affairs SUNG-EUN YOO Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 59 Academic Affairs KYLE CROWDER Sociology PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 60 Health Affairs MARTIN BUTLER Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Page 5 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 61 Academic Affairs SARAH NASH English & Comp Literature LECTURER Personal Reasons 62 Health Affairs LISA LAVANGE Biostatistics PROF OF THE PRACTICE Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 63 Health Affairs ROGER COX Psychiatry PROFESSOR Retirement 64 Health Affairs KIM UHRICH Dental Ecology Dept ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 65 Health Affairs XIULING LU School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 66 Health Affairs KATHRYN KRAMER Family Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Other Budget Cut/Reallocation 67 Health Affairs JOHN CHAPMAN Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 68 Health Affairs TRAVIS MEREDITH Ophthalmology PROFESSOR Retirement 69 Health Affairs HRISHIKESH CHAKRABORTY Biostatistics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 70 Health Affairs ZENON RAJFUR Cell & Development Biology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 71 Health Affairs RYSZARD KOLE Pharmacology PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 72 Health Affairs STEPHANIE HICKS Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 73 Health Affairs RICHARD GOLDBERG Medicine PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 74 Health Affairs JOHN SNYDER Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 75 Health Affairs JIAN ZHANG Radiation Oncology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 76 Health Affairs FRED SPIELMAN Anesthesiology PROFESSOR Retirement 77 Health Affairs ANN STUART Cell & Molecular Physiology PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 78 Health Affairs SUSAN LORD Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement 79 Health Affairs JAMES HEYMEN Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Other Funds) 80 Health Affairs DOUGLAS MORGAN Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 81 Health Affairs NADINE BRODALA Periodontology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 82 Health Affairs KAREN CUSACK Psychiatry ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 83 Health Affairs JAN HALLE Radiation Oncology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 84 Health Affairs FRANCES SHOFER Emergency Medicine PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 85 Health Affairs KUMAR PANDYA Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 86 Health Affairs AHMAD CHOUDRY Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 87 Health Affairs STEPHANIE DAVIS Pediatrics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 88 Health Affairs ANAND GERMANWALA Neurosurgery ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 89 Health Affairs FELICIA MEBANE Health Policy and Management ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 90 Health Affairs AMY RIES Nutrition ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 91 Health Affairs ARNOLD BROSSI School of Pharmacy PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) Page 6 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 92 Health Affairs MARCI CAMPBELL Nutrition PROFESSOR Deceased 93 Health Affairs DAVID KEE Neurosurgery ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 94 Health Affairs STEPHAN WEINLAND Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 95 Academic Affairs SVETLANA LAZEBNIK Computer Science ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 96 Health Affairs OLEG GORKUN Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 97 Academic Affairs LARRY GOLDBERG English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 98 Academic Affairs MINMIN CHEN Asian Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 99 Health Affairs DOUGLAS DROSSMAN Medicine PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 100 Health Affairs JOHN MIN Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 101 Health Affairs SEZMIN NOORANI Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 102 Health Affairs KIMBERLY KYLSTRA Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 103 Health Affairs JONATHAN WILLIAMS Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 104 Health Affairs JANEEN VANHOOKE Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 105 Health Affairs SARAH ZIMMERMAN Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 106 Academic Affairs GARY WEIN Environment and Ecology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 107 Health Affairs JAMES DAVIS Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 108 Health Affairs ROBERT BOWERMAN Radiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Other Funds) 109 Health Affairs AARON NEUMANN Cell & Development Biology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 110 Academic Affairs LOIS COOKSEY Psychology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 111 Academic Affairs DAVID DILL Public Policy PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 112 Health Affairs JOHN COREY Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 113 Health Affairs ROBERT GIANFORCARO Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 114 Health Affairs LINDA NICHOLAS Psychiatry PROFESSOR Retirement 115 Health Affairs HEIKE HUNT Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 116 Health Affairs LISA EMRICH Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 117 Health Affairs ERIC PARK Nutrition ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 118 Academic Affairs JOSEPH FICARROTTA Philosophy PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 119 Health Affairs SALLY JOHNSON Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 120 Health Affairs PAUL FAREL Cell & Molecular Physiology PROFESSOR Retirement 121 Academic Affairs KELLY REATH School of Social Work ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR State Budget Cut/Reallocation 122 Health Affairs ROBERT GOLDBACH Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Page 7 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 123 Health Affairs DAVID KWEE Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 124 Academic Affairs ELAINE LAWLESS American Studies PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 125 Academic Affairs ASHLEE CREWS English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 126 Academic Affairs ERIC HENRY Asian Studies SENIOR LECTURER Retirement 127 Academic Affairs PHILIP COHEN Sociology PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 128 Academic Affairs LEAH TOTTEN Communication Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 129 Academic Affairs BRYAN WEAVER Philosophy LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 130 Health Affairs KIA WILLIAMS Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 131 Academic Affairs KIMBERLY SCHAEFER Anthropology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 132 Health Affairs MARY KAGARISE Surgery PROFESSOR Retirement 133 Academic Affairs LAURIE STEPONAITIS Anthropology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 134 Academic Affairs THOMAS NEWPHER Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 135 Academic Affairs DAVID MOREAU City & Regional Planning PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 136 Health Affairs SUSAN BRUNSSEN School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Retirement 137 Health Affairs SUSAN KIRSCH Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 138 Health Affairs DAVID GIBSON Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 139 Health Affairs BONNIE YANKASKAS Radiology PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 140 Health Affairs PAUL DUNN Family Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Other 141 Health Affairs LAUREN LINGLEY Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 142 Academic Affairs SIMON BLACKBURN Philosophy PROFESSOR Other 143 Academic Affairs TIMOTHY NICHOLS Peace War & Defense LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 144 Health Affairs EDWARD PICKENS Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 145 Health Affairs BARBARA BERGDOLT Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 146 Health Affairs SUSAN DEEN Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 147 Health Affairs AARON MILLER Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 148 Health Affairs JESSICA STEWART Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 149 Health Affairs JAMES KURZ Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 150 Health Affairs LYNNE MORGAN Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 151 Health Affairs KATHLEEN CLARKE-PEARSON Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 152 Academic Affairs KATRINA BODEY Communication Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 153 Health Affairs SHERYL STARNES Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Page 8 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 154 Health Affairs KINGA VERECZKEY Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 155 Health Affairs LLOYD CHAMBLESS Biostatistics PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 156 Health Affairs JULIE JACOBSON VANN School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 157 Academic Affairs LILLIAN WOOD History LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 158 Academic Affairs CHRISTIANE LEMKE-DAMPFLING Political Science PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 159 Health Affairs THOMAS MARSLAND Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 160 Health Affairs EDGAR WEBB Prosthodontics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 161 Health Affairs NAMWINGA CHINTU Obstetrics and Gynecology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 162 Academic Affairs ROBIN PAYNE History LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 163 Health Affairs ALAN CROSS Social Medicine PROFESSOR Deceased 164 Health Affairs JOHN HUNT Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 165 Health Affairs MICHAEL SIMMONS Pediatrics PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 166 Health Affairs PATRICIA LANGE Surgery ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 167 Academic Affairs RUTH HURST Psychology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 168 Health Affairs JOSE ACOSTAMADIEDO Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Other 169 Academic Affairs RUTH MCKINNEY School of Law PROFESSOR Retirement 170 Health Affairs ISABEL NEURINGER Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 171 Health Affairs ANDRES VILLAVECES Epidemiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 172 Health Affairs JUDITH OSTENDORF Public Health Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Retirement 173 Academic Affairs DEBORAH BARREAU School of Info & Libr Science ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Deceased 174 Health Affairs ALEXANDER TROSTER Neurology PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 175 Health Affairs STEVEN LOVE Psychiatry ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 176 Health Affairs OLEG GORKUN Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 177 Health Affairs VYAS SHARMA School of Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Contract/Grant) 178 Health Affairs CHERIE DUNPHY Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 179 Health Affairs JANICE JONES Biochemistry and Biophysics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 180 Health Affairs RICHARD RICHARDSON Cell & Development Biology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Contract/Grant) 181 Health Affairs JOE KORNEGAY Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 182 Health Affairs AIDONG QI Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Contract/Grant) 183 Health Affairs PATRICK RENTON Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 184 Health Affairs JAMES EAGLE Diagnostic Sci & Gen Dentistry PROFESSOR Personal Reasons Page 9 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 185 Academic Affairs SEUNGJIN LEE Psychology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 186 Academic Affairs XIN QIAN Physics-Astronomy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 187 Health Affairs JIANN-AN TAN Pediatrics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Retirement 188 Academic Affairs SCOTT ADAMS School of Info & Libr Science LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 189 Health Affairs KYOKO GOTO School of Pharmacy ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 190 Academic Affairs BARBARA WASIK School of Education PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 191 Academic Affairs HARRIET NITTOLI Romance Languages LECTURER Retirement 192 Academic Affairs DIANE LEONARD English & Comp Literature ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 193 Academic Affairs MARIAN HOPKINS Exercise & Sport Science LECTURER Retirement 194 Academic Affairs PHILIPP STELZEL History LECTURER Other 195 Academic Affairs JULIA WOOD Communication Studies PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 196 Academic Affairs JOSEPH WITTIG English & Comp Literature PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 197 Academic Affairs RICHARD FROYEN Economics PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 198 Health Affairs WILLIAM CONLEY Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement 199 Academic Affairs LEWIS HASSELL School of Info & Libr Science ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 200 Health Affairs XIAOYANG HUA Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 201 Academic Affairs MIMI KIM School of Social Work ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Funding Contingency Clause (Contract/Grant) 202 Academic Affairs ROBERT MACCALLUM Psychology PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 203 Health Affairs MELANIE JOY Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 204 Health Affairs EARL GAGE Surgery ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 205 Health Affairs VINCENT SETOLA Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 206 Health Affairs ERIC DONALDSON Epidemiology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 207 Academic Affairs TANEE HUDGENS Psychology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 208 Academic Affairs PETER DESAIX Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 209 Academic Affairs DAVID ECKERMAN Psychology LECTURER At-Will Notice (Not Funding Related) 210 Health Affairs JOHN VERNON Health Policy and Management ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Deceased 211 Health Affairs VIRGINIA DICKIE Allied Health Sciences ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 212 Academic Affairs ALLAN LIFE English & Comp Literature ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 213 Academic Affairs DINO CERVIGNI Romance Languages PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 214 Academic Affairs DAVID GODSCHALK City & Regional Planning LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 215 Academic Affairs J MYRICK HOWARD City & Regional Planning LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) Page 10 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 216 Academic Affairs ROBIN HOWARTH City & Regional Planning LECTURER Other 217 Academic Affairs DAVID GRAY Peace War & Defense LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 218 Academic Affairs MARC COHEN English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 219 Academic Affairs ANNA PANSZCZYK English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 220 Academic Affairs EDWARD KENNEDY English & Comp Literature PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 221 Academic Affairs NEIL BRITT Music LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 222 Academic Affairs WENHUA SHI Communication Studies LECTURER Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 223 Academic Affairs T FORER Art LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 224 Academic Affairs DANIELLE ELLIOTT English & Comp Literature ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 225 Academic Affairs JULIUS NYANG ORO African & African-Amer Studies PROFESSOR Retirement 226 Academic Affairs RUEL TYSON Religious Studies PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 227 Academic Affairs PAUL WILKINSON Romance Languages LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 228 Health Affairs TIMOTHY TAFT Orthopaedics PROFESSOR Retirement 229 Academic Affairs LORI OSTLUND English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 230 Academic Affairs AMANDA PAGE English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 231 Academic Affairs TONY GRIFFEY Music PROF OF THE PRACTICE Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 232 Arts & Sciences PAROMA CHATTERJEE Art ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 233 Health Affairs HENRY GREENE Ophthalmology PROFESSOR Retirement 234 Academic Affairs DOUGLAS KELLY Statistics and Operations Res PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 235 Academic Affairs SCOTT RIPLEY Dramatic Art ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 236 Academic Affairs STEVEN ZINDER Exercise & Sport Science ASSISTANT PROFESSOR At-Will Notice (Not Funding Related) 237 Academic Affairs JOHNA MIHALIK Exercise & Sport Science LECTURER Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 238 Academic Affairs HEATHER KANE Sociology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 239 Academic Affairs SARA HAVILAND Sociology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 240 Academic Affairs JOY PIONTAK Sociology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 241 Academic Affairs JORDI MONDRIA Economics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 242 Academic Affairs GEORGE HOUSTON Classics PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 243 Health Affairs MARILA CORDEIRO-STONE Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 244 Academic Affairs CECIL WOOTEN Classics PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 245 Health Affairs JAMES PATTERSON Dermatology PROFESSOR Retirement 246 Health Affairs JAMES HARPER Medicine PROFESSOR Retirement Page 11 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 247 Academic Affairs SUE GOODMAN Mathematics PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 248 Academic Affairs FRANKLIN BRANCH History PROF OF THE PRACTICE Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 249 Academic Affairs JAMES PEACOCK Anthropology PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 250 Academic Affairs JOSEPH KALO School of Law PROFESSOR Retirement 251 Health Affairs THOMAS BOULDIN Pathology & Lab Medicine PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 252 Academic Affairs LIDEWIJDE DE JONG Classics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 253 Academic Affairs JONATHAN ANOMALY Philosophy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 254 Academic Affairs JESSICA DUPUIS Art LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 255 Health Affairs HAROLD KOHN School of Pharmacy PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 256 Academic Affairs MICHAEL SALEMI Economics PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 257 Academic Affairs ADNAN DZUMHUR Germanic & Slavic Lang & Lit LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 258 Academic Affairs CHRISTINA HUMPHREY Germanic & Slavic Lang & Lit LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 259 Academic Affairs EDWARD SAMULSKI Chemistry PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 260 Academic Affairs JONATHAN ANOMALY Philosophy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 261 Academic Affairs GERGELY BOGNAR Philosophy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 262 Academic Affairs SEAN HALSEY Philosophy LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 263 Academic Affairs STANISLAUS HUSI Philosophy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 264 Academic Affairs KATHRYN STARKEY Germanic & Slavic Lang & Lit ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 265 Academic Affairs CYNTHIA CURRENT English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 266 Academic Affairs DANILLE CHRISTENSEN American Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 267 Academic Affairs MOLLY BRECKLING Music LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 268 Health Affairs KENNETH MAY Operative Dentistry PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 269 Health Affairs CONSTANCE DOMINO School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 270 Academic Affairs ANTONIO MORGAN-LOPEZ Psychology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 271 Academic Affairs JUAN LOGAN Art PROFESSOR Retirement 272 Academic Affairs DAVID PIERCE Physics-Astronomy LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 273 Academic Affairs J JONES Kenan-Flagler Business School ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 274 Health Affairs JOANNE EARP Health Behavior PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 275 Academic Affairs DONALD SHAW Journalism/Mass Communication PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 276 Academic Affairs ALEXANDER LONEY English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 277 Health Affairs FRED ECKEL School of Pharmacy PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) Page 12 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 278 Academic Affairs BRADLEY LAMPHERE Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 279 Health Affairs DIANE YORKE School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 280 Health Affairs THOMAS RICKETTS Health Policy and Management PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 281 Academic Affairs NHON COBB English & Comp Literature LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 282 Academic Affairs KATHLEEN LANE School of Education PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 283 Academic Affairs WILLIAM BAMBERGER American Studies LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 284 Health Affairs DIANNE FRAZIER Pediatrics PROFESSOR Retirement 285 Academic Affairs JOHN MCCALLIE Economics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 286 Health Affairs JEFFERSON WILLIAMS Emergency Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 287 Academic Affairs FEDERICO ROSSI Kenan-Flagler Business School ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 288 Health Affairs LISA SLATT Family Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Retirement 289 Academic Affairs CAROL BROWN School of Law PROFESSOR Personal Reasons 290 Academic Affairs ROBERT RUBIN Kenan-Flagler Business School ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 291 Academic Affairs ERIK JOHANNESSON Anthropology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 292 Academic Affairs MARK GUBRUD Physics-Astronomy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 293 Academic Affairs BRIGID COHEN Music ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 294 Academic Affairs GEETA KAPUR African & African-Amer Studies ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other 295 Academic Affairs ANITA MELO Romance Languages LECTURER Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 296 Academic Affairs NICOLE HEILBRON Psychology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 297 Health Affairs STEVEN BACHENHEIMER Microbiology & Immunology PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 298 Health Affairs MICHAEL KEMP Biochemistry and Biophysics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 299 Health Affairs STEPHEN CHANEY Biochemistry and Biophysics PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 300 Health Affairs SPENCER WEIG Neurology PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 301 Academic Affairs DAVID ZIGLER Chemistry LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 302 Academic Affairs CYNTHIA WIFORD School of Social Work ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Other Budget Cut/Reallocation 303 Health Affairs DIANE KJERVIK School of Nursing PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 304 Health Affairs GENE SCARBOROUGH Pharmacology PROFESSOR Retirement 305 Health Affairs KOMARAIAH PALLE Pathology & Lab Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 306 Health Affairs ANDREI KARGINOV Pharmacology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 307 Health Affairs NAKIA BEST School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 308 Academic Affairs LISA ZERDEN School of Social Work ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other Page 13 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 309 Health Affairs DAVID SIDEROVSKI Pharmacology PROFESSOR Other 310 Health Affairs SANDRA FUNK School of Nursing PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 311 Health Affairs ELIZABETH PEDERSEN Family Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 312 Health Affairs LINDA CRONENWETT School of Nursing PROFESSOR Retirement 313 Academic Affairs ERIN FRIEDMAN Biology LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 314 Health Affairs JOHN NEWBOLD Microbiology & Immunology PROFESSOR Retirement 315 Health Affairs ANN ERICKSON Biochemistry and Biophysics PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 316 Academic Affairs CAROLYN BUTLER School of Social Work ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Other Budget Cut/Reallocation 317 Health Affairs GALINA DEMYANENKO Biochemistry and Biophysics PROFESSOR Retirement 318 Health Affairs ZEBULON SPECTOR Medicine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 319 Academic Affairs SY-MIIN CHOW Psychology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 320 Academic Affairs GORDON PITZ Psychology PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 321 Health Affairs JUAN GRANADOS Obstetrics and Gynecology PROFESSOR Retirement 322 Health Affairs PETER PETRUSZ Cell & Development Biology PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 323 Health Affairs ROBERT JOHNSTON Microbiology & Immunology PROFESSOR Retirement 324 Health Affairs WESLEY FOWLER Obstetrics and Gynecology PROFESSOR Other 325 Academic Affairs TED OAKLEY Physics-Astronomy LECTURER Other 326 Health Affairs DONNA HELEN CRISP School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 327 Academic Affairs ARIA CHERNIK School of Law ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 328 Academic Affairs MICHAEL ROACH Kenan-Flagler Business School ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 329 Health Affairs ALLAN STECKLER Health Behavior PROFESSOR Other 330 Academic Affairs SCOTT HUNZIKER History LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 331 Academic Affairs MICHAEL MINION Mathematics PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 332 Health Affairs WILLIAM ZELMAN Health Policy and Management PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 333 Academic Affairs WEI WANG Computer Science PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 334 Academic Affairs DMYTRO ARINKIN Mathematics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 335 Academic Affairs RUTH WALDEN Journalism/Mass Communication PROFESSOR Emeritus Retirement 336 Health Affairs GREG MEARS Emergency Medicine ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 337 Health Affairs ALBERT GUCKES Prosthodontics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 338 Health Affairs VIRGINIA WITTIG School of Nursing ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Retirement 339 Academic Affairs NATALIE MIZIK Kenan-Flagler Business School ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education Page 14 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 340 Health Affairs BARBARA JAMES Family Medicine PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 341 Academic Affairs ALAN NEEBE Kenan-Flagler Business School PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 342 Health Affairs DAVID LEITH Environment Sciences & Engi PROFESSOR Retirement 343 Academic Affairs MICHAL WEISS School of Social Work ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Pursue Outside Employment/Further Education 344 Academic Affairs JEAN FOLKERTS Journalism/Mass Communication PROFESSOR Phased Retirement 345 Academic Affairs JONATHAN TRESAN Philosophy ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 346 Academic Affairs DEREK KEYSER Classics LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 347 Academic Affairs ALFRED FIELD Economics PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 348 Academic Affairs SARAH VIERRA History LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 349 Academic Affairs GREGORY SALMIERI Philosophy LECTURER Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 350 Academic Affairs ARTHUR BENAVIE Economics PROFESSOR Term Appt NonRenewal (Not Funding Related) 351 Academic Affairs DAVID PODOFF Public Policy PROFESSOR Other Page 15 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 No. College/Division Appendix C Name Department/School Rank Description For Information - Leave of Absence for Fiscal Year 2012 (7/1/2011 - 7/1/2012) 1 Academic Affairs MARY STURGEON Art Professor Internal Competitive Leave 2 Academic Affairs WEI-CHENG LIN Art Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 3 Academic Affairs CHRISTOPH BRACHMANN Art Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 4 Academic Affairs ELIN SLAVICK Art Professor Family and Medical Leave 5 Academic Affairs MARY PARDO Art Associate Professor Personal 6 Academic Affairs ELIN SLAVICK Art Professor Family and Medical Leave 7 Academic Affairs JIAYUN ZHUANG Dramatic Art Assistant Professor Internal Competitive Leave 8 Academic Affairs JAMES KETCH Music Professor Internal Competitive Leave 9 Academic Affairs PATRICIA PARKER Communication Studies Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 10 Academic Affairs VIRGIL BALTHROP Communication Studies Professor Internal Competitive Leave 11 Academic Affairs JORDYNN JACK English & Comp Literature Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 12 Academic Affairs WILLIAM ANDREWS English & Comp Literature Dist Professor Internal Competitive Leave 13 Academic Affairs SHAYNE LEGASSIE English & Comp Literature Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 14 Academic Affairs NEEL AHUJA English & Comp Literature Assistant Professor Internal Competitive Leave 15 Academic Affairs CANDIS LAPRADE English & Comp Literature Lecturer Other 16 Academic Affairs ALAN SHAPIRO English & Comp Literature Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 17 Academic Affairs ASHLEY BARBOUR English & Comp Literature Distinguished Term Prof. Research and Study Assignment 18 Academic Affairs PAMELA COOPER English & Comp Literature Associate Professor Off Campus Assignment 19 Academic Affairs TODD TAYLOR English & Comp Literature Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 20 Academic Affairs JENNIFER HO English & Comp Literature Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 21 Academic Affairs JENNY TONE-PAH-HOTE American Studies Assistant Professor External Competitive 22 Academic Affairs ROBERT ALLEN American Studies Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 23 Academic Affairs MIRIAM ROBINSON American Studies Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 24 Academic Affairs MISHA BECKER Linguistics Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 25 Academic Affairs RANDALL HENDRICK Linguistics Professor Research and Study Assignment 26 Academic Affairs CHRISTINA WEGEL Germanic & Slavic Lang & Lit Lecturer Professional Leave 27 Academic Affairs RICHARD LANGSTON Germanic & Slavic Lang & Lit Associate Professor External Competitive Page 16 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 28 Academic Affairs ROBERT ADAMS Philosophy Distinguished Research Prof. Personal 29 Academic Affairs MARILYN ADAMS Philosophy Distinguished Research Prof. Personal 30 Academic Affairs RYAN PRESTON Philosophy Assistant Professor Parental Leave 31 Academic Affairs WILLIAM LYCAN Philosophy Distinguished Professor Personal 32 Academic Affairs TODD OCHOA Religious Studies Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 33 Academic Affairs BART EHRMAN Religious Studies Distinguished Professor Personal 34 Academic Affairs DAVID LAMBERT Religious Studies ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Parental Leave 35 Academic Affairs OMID SAFI Religious Studies Professor Internal Competitive Leave 36 Academic Affairs JONATHAN BOYARIN Religious Studies Professor Research and Study Assignment 37 Academic Affairs EVYATAR MARIENBERG Religious Studies Assistant Professor Parental Leave 38 Academic Affairs CARMEN HSU Romance Languages Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 39 Academic Affairs JUAN GONZALEZ-ESPITIA Romance Languages Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 40 Academic Affairs HASSAN MELEHY Romance Languages Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 41 Academic Affairs FEDERICO LUISETTI Romance Languages Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 42 Academic Affairs CHARLES JOUKHADAR Asian Studies Lecturer Parental Leave 43 Academic Affairs HANG ZHANG Asian Studies Lecturer Personal 44 Academic Affairs PAMELA LOTHSPEICH Asian Studies Assistant Professor External Competitive 45 Academic Affairs NASSER ISLEEM Asian Studies Lecturer Personal 46 Academic Affairs MARK DRISCOLL Asian Studies Associate Professor External Competitive 47 Academic Affairs JI-YEON JO Asian Studies Assistant Professor Internal Competitive Leave 48 Academic Affairs ZEINA HALABI Asian Studies Assistant Professor External Competitive 49 Academic Affairs JOSEPH LOWMAN Psychology Professor Off Campus Assignment 50 Academic Affairs DONALD LYSLE Psychology Distinguished Prof Internal Competitive Leave 51 Academic Affairs JUSTIN RIES Marine Sciences Assistant Professor Parental Leave 52 Academic Affairs PATRICIA GENSEL Biology Professor Research and Study Assignment 53 Academic Affairs ALLEN HURLBERT Biology Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 54 Academic Affairs ALAN JONES Biology Professor Research and Study Assignment 55 Academic Affairs JASON BARNES Geological Sciences Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 56 Academic Affairs FABIAN HEITSCH Physics-Astronomy Assistant Professor Parental Leave 57 Academic Affairs CHRISTIAN ILIADIS Physics-Astronomy Professor Internal Competitive Leave 58 Academic Affairs PAUL FRAMPTON Physics-Astronomy Distinguished Prof. Personal Page 17 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 59 Academic Affairs MARC NIETHAMMER Computer Science Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 60 Academic Affairs DINESH MANOCHA Computer Science Distinguished Professor Internal Competitive Leave 61 Academic Affairs JASLEEN SAHNI Computer Science Associate Professor Family and Medical Leave 62 Academic Affairs HAIPENG SHEN Statistics and Operations Res Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 63 Academic Affairs SREEKALYANI BHAMIDI Statistics and Operations Res Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 64 Academic Affairs SHU LU Statistics and Operations Res Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 65 Academic Affairs PAMELA JAGGER Public Policy Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 66 Academic Affairs JANE HAWKINS Mathematics Professor Research and Study Assignment 67 Academic Affairs RICHARD RIMANYI Mathematics Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 68 Academic Affairs JAMES DAMON Mathematics Professor Internal Competitive Leave 69 Academic Affairs JEREMY MARZUOLA Mathematics Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 70 Academic Affairs JOANNE HERSHFIELD Women's and Gender Studies Full Professor Research and Study Assignment 71 Academic Affairs ARTURO ESCOBAR Anthropology Dist. Professor Internal Competitive Leave 72 Academic Affairs CHRISTOPHER NELSON Anthropology Associate Professor External Competitive 73 Academic Affairs LYDIA BOYD African & African-Amer Studies Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 74 Academic Affairs MAMARAME SECK African & African-Amer Studies Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 75 Academic Affairs DAVID PIER African & African-Amer Studies Assistant Professor Research and Study Assignment 76 Academic Affairs MAI NGUYEN City & Regional Planning Assistant Professor Internal Competitive Leave 77 Academic Affairs NEVILLE FRANCIS Economics Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 78 Academic Affairs SARA SMITH Geography Assistant Professor Parental Leave 79 Academic Affairs STEPHEN WALSH Geography Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 80 Academic Affairs MELISSA BULLARD History Professor Internal Competitive Leave 81 Academic Affairs ZARAGOSA VARGAS History Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 82 Academic Affairs LISA LINDSAY History Associate Professor Internal Competitive Leave 83 Academic Affairs CHRISTOPHER LEE History Assistant Professor Personal 84 Academic Affairs DONALD REID History Professor Internal Competitive Leave 85 Academic Affairs HEATHER WILLIAMS History Professor External Competitive 86 Academic Affairs SUSAN PENNYBACKER History Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 87 Academic Affairs LOUIS PEREZ History Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 88 Academic Affairs GENNA MCNEIL History Professor Internal Competitive Leave 89 Academic Affairs RICHARD SOUTHALL Exercise & Sport Science Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment Page 18 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 90 Academic Affairs BONITA MARKS Exercise & Sport Science Assoc. Professor Research and Study Assignment 91 Academic Affairs ISAAC UNAH Political Science Assoc. Prof. Research and Study Assignment 92 Academic Affairs DONALD SEARING Political Science Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 93 Academic Affairs SKYLER CRANMER Political Science Assistant Professor Professional Leave 94 Academic Affairs JAMES STIMSON Political Science Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 95 Academic Affairs NAVIN BAPAT Political Science Associate Professor Parental Leave 96 Academic Affairs ARNE KALLEBERG Sociology Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 97 Academic Affairs KENNETH BOLLEN Sociology Distinguished Professor Internal Competitive Leave 98 Academic Affairs KATHLEEN HARRIS Sociology Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 99 Academic Affairs JACQUELINE HAGAN Sociology Distinguished Term Prof. Internal Competitive Leave 100 Academic Affairs YONG CAI Sociology Assistant Professor Parental Leave 101 Academic Affairs ANDREW PERRIN Sociology Associate Professor Research and Study Assignment 102 Academic Affairs GUENTER STROBL Kenan-Flagler Business School Assistant Professor Professional Leave 103 Academic Affairs CLAUDIA CERVANTES-SOON School of Education Assistant Professor Parental Leave 104 Academic Affairs GERALD UNKS School of Education Professor Family and Medical Leave 105 Academic Affairs MELISSA SAUNDERS School of Law Professor Professional Leave 106 Academic Affairs WILLIAM MARSHALL School of Law Distinguished Professor Professional Leave 107 Academic Affairs MELISSA JACOBY School of Law Distinguished Professor Research and Study Assignment 108 Academic Affairs SAULE OMAROVA School of Law Assistant Professor Professional Leave 109 Academic Affairs BARBARA FEDDERS School of Law Clinical Assistant Professor Parental Leave 110 Academic Affairs ZEYNEP TUFEKCIOGLU School of Info & Libr Science Assistant Professor External Competitive 111 Health Affairs ANN EMERY Medicine Administration Research Assistant Personal 112 Health Affairs PATRICIA TIDWELL Biochemistry and Biophysics Professor Research and Study Assignment 113 Health Affairs EUGENE ORRINGER Medicine Professor Other 114 Health Affairs EGEDE AITSEBAOMO Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor Personal 115 Health Affairs MILDRED MAXWELL Psychiatry Assistant Professor Personal 116 Health Affairs RENAE STAFFORD Surgery Clinical Assistant Professor Professional Leave 117 Health Affairs JEFFREY BERMAN Anesthesiology Clinical Professor Family and Medical Leave 118 Health Affairs MARJORIE STIEGLER Anesthesiology Clinical Assistant Professor Parental Leave 119 Health Affairs LENA MAYES Anesthesiology Clinical Assistant Professor Parental Leave 120 Health Affairs MARIANNE COCKROFT School of Nursing Clinical Assistant Professor Dept Specific Leave Page 19 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees October 15, 2012 Appendix C 121 Health Affairs MARGARET ZOMORODI School of Nursing Clinical Associate Professor Parental Leave 122 Health Affairs DEBRA BARKSDALE School of Nursing Associate Professor Dept Specific Leave 123 Health Affairs MARGARET MILLER School of Nursing Clinical Assistant Professor Family and Medical Leave 124 Health Affairs MORRIS WEINBERGER Health Policy and Management Distinguished Professor Off Campus Assignment Page 20 campuses. The most recent report that examined UNC-Chapel Hill campus climate and prevalence of harassment due to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression demonstrated that harassment is a reality (Phoenix, 2011). Results indicated that LGBQ respondents were 19 times more likely to report having experienced verbal harassment or fearing for their physical safety than were heterosexual respondents. Transgender, Intersex, or Genderqueer respondents were also more likely to experience verbal harassment (31.8%) or fear for their physical safety than were people of other gender identities. When respondents were asked about the location of harassment, 11.8% of respondents indicated that the location of harassment experienced/witnessed was in residence halls (4th highest location). Of the respondents who reported harassment in a residence hall, there was a statistically significant difference by sexual orientation (73.5% identified as LGBQ as compared to 26.5% who identified as heterosexual; p < .006). Below are some examples of UNC-CH student experiences that have occurred during the past 2 academic years: • A friend and I were sitting on a couch in the lounge. We were sitting really close together looking at stuff on the computer screen. A guy came in and stared at us then said ‘faggots’ under his breath as he walked out of the room. He came back with several of his friends and they surrounded the couch and started calling us names and harassing us. We left and never hung out in the hall lounge again. • I don't remember the exact first incident because it was continual throughout my first two years at UNC. My masculinity was constantly challenged by other males that were not accepting of alternate forms of masculinity. The continual harassment hurt my selfconfidence. Furthermore, it took away any space for me to express who I am as an individual. • During summer school I was assigned to live in Ehringhaus South. Five days into the session, while my boyfriend was visiting, my roommate left and brought back two friends. They began looking at Facebook together and making fun of people they thought were "faggots". I called another of my friends to come to our room, at which point my roommate and his friends left. When my friend got to my room, she said that my roommate and his friend were standing outside and taunting her for being friends with a fag. Yet another friend of mine happened to be an RA in the building, and she took immediate action, resulting in me being moved to a two-bedroom unit in craige north by myself (this was summer school, so space wasn't limited). The manager of the dorm said she hoped that some action would be taken by someone to turn this into "a learning lesson" for him, but I do not know if anything ever came of it. • After months of hiding who I was and unable to make real friends because I feared they would mention something to my roommate who would get me kicked out of school, I became incredibly depressed. I couldn't leave my room because if a guy flirted or asked me out I couldn't say no because that would out me as gay. I cried all the time and slept as often as I could. In March, I swallowed a bottle of Tylenol PM. Thankfully, I realized I didn't want to die and I checked myself into the ER where I got help, physical and emotional. After that, I received therapy until my junior year of college when I could truly be comfortable in my skin and with who I am. I have always regretted attending UNC - Chapel Hill as an undergraduate because LGBTQ individuals are simply not welcome. I have never felt the 2 kind of sexual harassment and fear that I felt daily walking on UNC's campus holding my girlfriend's hand or just walking in my normal gait. While the LGBTQ Center does its best in creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere, the actual University does nothing for us. We're constantly reminded that we are second class citizens who do not belong anywhere on this campus. From the Pit Preacher yelling "Faggot," to the sororities who refused to let pledge, to the professors who only used heterosexual examples... I truly wish I had gone anywhere else for undergraduate education because UNC - Chapel Hill almost killed me. Not only do we desperately need safe housing options, the whole schools must dramatically rethink their actions and intentions towards students whose only difference is none of their business anyway. • My roommate repeatedly made derogatory comments about the LGBT community, knowing that I am LGBT. • My roommate felt uncomfortable living with me because I am bisexual, and made me feel unsafe and unwanted. • Suitemates were extremely uncomfortable with my sexual orientation. For the 10 months I lived in housing they avoided me in the bathroom. Isolation is another negative experience that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and gender non-conforming students deal with while living on college campuses. Isolation occurs for reasons ranging from lack of supportive friends, family, faculty at their universities to fear of being ostracized based on sexual orientation. Many students who share a room with a nonLGBTQ supportive roommate feel that they have to keep many aspects of their lives from their roommates. This adds stress and the secrecy can negatively impact the relationship between roommates. In some cases students will sleep in residence hall lounges or stay with supportive friends rather than return to their rooms. Peer Institutions There are 33 public universities and 66 private universities in the United States that currently provide gender non-specific housing in some format. Six (7) of UNC-CH’s 15 peer institutions have implemented gender non-specific housing policies: University of Pennsylvania, University of California-Berkeley, Duke University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and Northwestern. The University of Southern California has contracted with a private company and that company does provide gender non-specific housing although the university’s housing department assigns housing segregated by legal gender. The University of Pennsylvania was the institution that had gender non-specific housing options the longest (began in 2006). The State of North Carolina has four institutions with some form of gender nonspecific housing (Warren Wilson, Duke, Guilford College and UNC-Greensboro). Legal Concerns There is no current federal, state, or local ordinance that would prevent gender non-specific housing from being implemented in any UNC system school. Although there once was a state law (G.S. 14-184) barring unmarried couples from living together. The North Carolina General Assembly has since repealed that law following a court ruling that it was unconstitutional ( 3 Closing There is clear need and demand for gender non-specific housing at UNC-CH. LGBTQ-identified UNC-CH students, their allies, and the LGBTQ Center have been advocating for the past six years for gender non-specific housing options. The imperative for gender non-specific housing is amplified now that first year students are required to live on campus. Some people have suggested that students who wish to choose roommates unrestricted by gender should live off campus. That may not be possible or feasible for students for a couple of reasons. First, living on campus is now required for all incoming first year students at UNCChapel Hill. Second, some students have financial aid packages or scholarships that require them to live on campus in order to receive funding for housing expenses. Additionally, research indicates that students perform better academically and are more socially engaged when they live on campus (Gellin, 2003; Turley & Wodtke, 2010). Gender non-specific housing would benefit the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in that it could increase student safety in residential housing, increase student satisfaction, improve social engagement of a diverse group of students, and be a positive influence on recruitment and residential living retention. The authors of this proposal encourage UNC-Chapel Hill to approve a Gender Non-Specific Housing program for 2013-2014. Authored by: Terri Phoenix, Ph.D., and Kevin Claybren References Beemyn, B., Curtis, B., Davis, M., & Jean Tubbs, N. (2005). Transgender issues on college campuses. New Directions for Student Services, 111, 49-60. Paludi, M.A., & Denmark, F.L. (2010). Harassment of sexual minority college students on U.S. campuses: Victims of sexual assault and abuse (pp. 137-154). Santa Barbara, California: Praeger. Phoenix, T. (2011). Campus climate regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression: A report issued by the Provost’s Committee on LGBT Life. Unpublished manuscript. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Rankin, S., Weber, G., Blumenfeld, W., & Frazer, S. (2010). 2010 State of Higher Education for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people. Charlotte, NC: Campus Pride. Womack, K.A. (2010). Please check one-male or female: Confronting gender identity discrimination in collegiate residential life. University of Richmond Law Review Association, 44 (4), 1365-1397. 4 CO LU IA MB ME CA Phillips N RO Peabody Sitterson IA MB N Wh ad e h ite SO U CA MC Existing Lease Area - 5.71 acres Additional Leased Area - 0.75 acres UNC Buildings Sidewalks UL EY PHARMAC Y Additional Leased Area 0.75 Acres FedEx Global Carolina Inn Existing and Extended Education Lease Area 18 October 2012 TH UM B IA LU RO CO O SB SO v al Na ory Arm T PIT Pittsboro St 210 Brooks Computer Science C OL Carolina Inn WIL Chapman . 100 Feet Phil salary ranges for our SAAO Tier II positions – as long as our salary structure demonstrates the use of sound compensation practices, is based on available relevant salary data, and conforms with UNC-GA’s overall compensation policies. In compliance with this UNC-GA policy, the Office of Human Resources developed a broad-band salary range structure for our SAAO Tier II positions, grouped by job families. We then engaged the services of Aon Hewitt to review and evaluate the ranges, supplement the University’s market data, and make appropriate recommendations based on their findings to ensure a sound and defensible SAAO Tier II compensation structure. Aon Hewitt is a global HR consulting firm with in-depth expertise in compensation plan design and development within the public and private sectors, including higher education. Upon review and analysis, Aon Hewitt found that our proposed salary structure for SAAO Tier II positions established a sound framework and utilized prevalent compensation practices. However, Aon Hewitt refined and enhanced our proposed salary range structure by incorporating expanded market data sources as well as market best practices. Additionally, they offered suggestions regarding our methodology and approach. The Office of Human Resources accepted Aon Hewitt’s recommendations and refinements, which are reflected in the proposed SAAO Tier II salary range structure. A brief summary of Aon Hewitt’s SAAO Tier II analysis and findings is attached for your information (see Attachment B). Salary ranges within the proposed structure are grouped by job families and include a minimum salary, a reference (job) rate, and a maximum salary. Upon implementation of this structure, all salaries must fall within the appropriate range and may not exceed the indicated salary maximum amounts. Existing salaries that exceed these amounts prior to implementation of these new salary ranges will be grandfathered. Under this proposal, authority to approve exceptions to the maximum salary limitation in exceptional circumstances, based on legitimate and compelling business need, is delegated to the Chancellor or his/her authorized designee up to an amount of no more than 10% and $10,000 over the maximum. Any proposed salary exception beyond this threshold would require BOT pre-approval. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approval of the EPA Non-Faculty Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO) Tier II Salary Range Structure (Attachment A), effective January 1, 2013. 2 EPA Non-Faculty Salary Structure SAAO Tier II Review The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill November 2012 Proprietary & Confidential About This Material The University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) engaged Aon Hewitt to conduct a review and evaluation of UNC-CH’s market data and proposed broad band salary structure for specific SAAO Tier II positions. Aon Hewitt was asked to make recommendations based on that review and provide a report with our findings. . Consulting | Performance, Reward, and Talent Proprietary & Confidential | 05100419.PPT 59022 10/2012 1 Executive Summary UNC-CH’s proposed salary structure establishes a sound framework and uses prevalent compensation practices, but Aon Hewitt has recommendations for fundamental changes to the mix of survey sources and the way market data was used to build the structures that enhance what UNC-CH has already done – Our suggestions are based on market best practices and our experience in the higher education arena The design of the job families and levels provides UNC-CH additional flexibility beyond the pay grades provided by UNC’s General Administration, and does not deviate significantly from their approach Using multiple survey sources that includes data from private and public sector organizations aligns with prevalent market practice and provides a better representation of the labor market for talent Aon Hewitt reviewed market data at the 50th and 75th percentiles but a decision was made by the project team to go with the 75th percentile Consulting | Performance, Reward, and Talent Proprietary & Confidential | 05100419.PPT 59022 10/2012 2 UNC-CH’s Situation Objectives Establish and implement a competitive, marketbased compensation structure for the EPA Non-Faculty staff positions to ensure consistency, equity, and management efficiency Validate and improve the preliminary structure design Apply structure design beyond the SAAO Tier II positions Consulting | Performance, Talent, and Rewards Proprietary & Confidential | 05100389.PPT 16073 9/2012 Current Situation Desired Outcomes Preliminary broad band structure for the SAAO Tier II positions has been developed Preliminary structure utilizes a series of job families with three levels per job family Market-based reference rates have been established for each band Each SAAO Tier II position has been assigned to aligned to the appropriate job family, level, and salary range A single holistic compensation structure covering all SAAO Tier II, Research Staff, and Instructional Staff positions Ensure the structure provides consistency, equity, and management efficiency Alignment with the competitive market and relevant peer institutions 3 Compensation Trends Higher Education Compensation Programs: Many universities are updating and/or increasing the “professionalism” of their compensation programs as they seek to gain an edge in the attraction and retention of top talent – Increased number of institutions using market-based salary structures – Increased number of institutions moving away from internally-focused job evaluation methodologies (i.e., point factor) to more externally-focused methodologies (market pricing) – Greater use of an expanded definition of the labor market beyond higher education for some job families (IT, Finance, HR, etc.) Competitive Position: Organizations decide to be competitive in the market, lead the market , or trail the market with regard to their salary structure – Most institutions establish their competitive position for base salary to match the organization’s compensation philosophy • Aligns strategic goals with actual practices • Consistent with the private sector – Not uncommon to establish a more aggressive competitive position for some job families (IT, Development, Medical, etc.) Manager Accountability: Increased focus on manager accountability to fully execute the compensation and performance management programs – Training is key to ensure full understanding of the tools and processes available Consulting | Performance, Talent, and Rewards Proprietary & Confidential | 05100389.PPT 16073 9/2012 4 Proposed Structure Framework UNC-CH’s proposed structure framework aligns with other Carnegie Tier I Research institutions – Basic design concepts align with prevalent compensation practices – Structure framework elements are highlighted below: • Developed job families that group like jobs by function or role • Created multiple levels within job families (2-4 levels, with most having 3 levels) • Constructed salary ranges from market using higher education and private sector data Prevalent Market Practices for Structure Design – Institutions continue to focus more on the external market as the basis for developing a structure framework (where UNC-CH competes for talent) – Establishing wider pay bands is increasingly important to attract and retain talent and manage pay effectively (contains guard rails but provides some flexibility for managers) – Providing education to managers is critical to ensure understanding of the structure and provide accountability for managing pay 5 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees November 5, 2012 No. College/Division Name Dept./School Personnel Actions New Appointments without Tenure 1 Health Affairs Folami Ideraabdullah 2 Health Affairs Nichole Korpi-Steiner 3 Academic Affairs Elizabeth Shank 4 Academic Affairs Andrew Yates 5 Health Affairs Kristine Patterson Promotion to Full Professor 1 Health Affairs Emily Buss 2 Health Affairs Aravinda desilva 3 Academic Affairs Arvind Malhotra 4 Academic Affairs Daniel Rodriguez Reappointments to the same Rank Jason Katz 1 Health Affairs Cheryl Giscombe 2 Health Affairs 3 Health Affairs Jason Whitmire 4 Academic Affairs Current Rank Appendix A New Rank Genetics Pathology & Lab Medicine Biology Economics (primary) Curriculum for Environment & Ecology (joint) Medicine N/A N/A N/A N/A Clinical Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor (primary) Fixed Term Adjunct Assistant Professor (joint) Associate Professor Otolaryngology/HNS Microbiology & Immunology Kenan-Flagler Business School City & Regional Planning Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Medicine Nursing Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Genetics (primary) Microbiology Assistant Professor (primary) Assistant Professor (joint) & Immunology (joint) Steven King Journalism & Mass Communications Designation/Reappointments to Distinguished Professorships 1 Health Affairs Donald Budenz Opthalmolgy Effective Date Salary 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 $100,000 $110,000 $75,000 $135,000 12/1/2012 $145,000 Professor Professor Professor Professor 11/16/2012 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 $95,533 $116,918 $180,000 $97,600 Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor (primary) Assistant Professor (joint) 11/1/2013 1/1/2014 1/1/2014 $185,000 $71,726 $106,260 Instructor with Special Provisions Instructor with Special Provisions 12/1/2012 $76,400 Professor Kittner Family Distinguished Professorship Sterling A. Barrett Distinguished Professorship Joseph P. Archie Distinguished Professorship 11/16/2012 $412,000 11/16/2012 $235,382 12/1/2012 $197,600 James Howard and Hallie McLean Parker Distinguished Professorship 11/16/2012 $113,442 Reese Felts Professorship 11/16/2012 $104,178 2 Health Affairs Kenneth Cohen Opthalmolgy Professor 3 Health Affairs Joanne Jordan Medicine Professor 4 Academic Affairs Dulcie Straughan Journalism & Mass Communications Professor 5 Academic Affairs Charles Tuggle Journalism & Mass Communications Professor Page 1 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Trustees November 5, 2012 No. College/Division Name Actions Conferring Tenure New Appointments Conferring Tenure 1 Academic Affairs Magali Delmas 2 Health Affairs Leslie Lytle 3 Academic Affairs Stacey Daughters 4 Academic Affairs Torin Monahan 5 Academic Affairs Jacob Sagi Addition of Joint Appointment Conferring Tenure 1 Academic Affairs Laura Miller 24 Total Corrections 1 Health Affairs Yufeng Liu Dept./School Current Rank Appendix A New Rank Kenan-Flagler Business School Health Behavior (Chair) Nutrition (joint) Psychology Communication Studies Kenan-Flagler Business School N/A N/A Mathematics (primary) Biology (joint) Assistant Professor Associate Professor (primary) Associate Professor (joint) Biostatistics Associate Professor Professor N/A N/A N/A Professor Professor & Chair (primary) Professor (joint) Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Effective Date Salary 7/1/2013 12/1/2012 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 $220,000 $200,000 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 $100,000 11/1/2012 (correction to $116,825 $105,000 $90,000 $248,000 October BOT agenda date of 1/1/2013) 2 Academic Affairs 3 Academic Affairs Aimee Wall Richard Whisnant School of Government School of Government Associate Professor Professor Albert & Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Associate Professor (correction to October BOT agenda title of Term Assistant Professor) Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Professor of Law and Government 12/1/201211/30/2014 Tenure (correction to October BOT agenda title of Albert Coates Distinguished Professorship) 4 Health Affairs Jian Jin Pharmacy Research Associate Professor Associate Professor 11/9/201211/08/2017 $116,402 $145,343 $145,000 (correction to October BOT Agenda salary of $140,000 as salary offered $145,00) Page 2 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (EPA Non-Faculty) Board of Trustees Meeting Date - 11/15/2012 Bryant, Katherine Theleman, Brigitta Wical, Lori Stabile, Regina Rank/Title Director, Evening MBA Program Assistant Director for Global Programs Director, OneMBA Program Associate Director BSBA Program Director, Institutional Records & Reporting Compliance Training & Talent Development Reason Additional duties Recquested Increase % Office of Human Resources Rozan, Ellen Department/School Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School University Counsel Requested Increase $$ Name Rice, Holly Proposed Salary College/Division Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School Kenan Flagler Business School Office of the Chancellor Current Salary No. June 30 Salary Compensation Actions 72410.00 74,582 82,500 10,090 13.93 Effective Date 11/15/2012 Internal Equity 41200.00 47,000 54,000 12,800 31.07 1/11/2013 Additional duties 74825.00 77,070 82,500 7,675 10.26 11/15/2012 Internal Equity 63353.00 63,353 75,000 11,647 18.38 11/15/2012 Additional duties 60494.00 66,538 90,000 29,506 48.78 1/11/2013 86000.00 90,252 98,814 12,814 14.90 11/15/2012 91000.00 95,318 102,100 11,100 12.20 11/15/2012 58043.00 59,784 66,169 8,126 14.00 11/15/2013 50225.00 50,828 58,828 8,603 17.13 11/15/2012 Office of Human Moore, Jessica Resources Office of the Provost Easterling, Nancy Classification & Compensation NC Botanical Garden Senior Director, Labor Market Employee Communications & talent Development Senior Director, Class & Labor Market Comp Director for Education Additional duties Office of the Provost Perez, Josmel Diversity & Multicultural Affairs Multicultural Programs Coordinator Student Affairs Bartholomew, Kathryn Housing & Residential Education Assistant Director, North Labor Market Campus Community 56774.00 61,764 62,741 5,967 10.51 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Blackburn, Harold Dean of Students Office 56454.00 57,131 80,000 23,546 41.71 1/11/2013 Student Affairs Chai, Chanhthevy Campus Health Services Associate Dean of Additional duties Students & Director of Wellness and Prevention Issues Clinical Medicine Labor Market Physician 122467.00 130,133 140,000 17,533 14.32 11/15/2012 Retention Page 1 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (EPA Non-Faculty) Board of Trustees Meeting Date - 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Chelminski, Ann Campus Health Services Clinical Medicine Physician Social Worker Labor Market 94800.00 97,856 108,926 14,126 14.90 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Chupkowski, Linda Campus Health Services Labor Market 39000.00 42,586 44,810 5,810 14.90 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Dechow, Denise Campus Health Services Labor Market 59532.00 61,451 68,079 8,547 14.36 11/15/2012 Campus Health Services Clinical Medicine Physician Pyschiatrist Student Affairs Gustke, Eric Labor Market 106708.00 116,520 122,179 15,471 14.50 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Hicks, Larry Housing & Residential Education Director of Housing & Residential Ed Labor Market 104947.00 114,172 116,731 11,784 11.23 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Hoover, Shandol Dean of Students Office 47000.00 51,131 52,273 5,273 11.22 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Kessler, James Dean of Students Office 65580.00 71,344 72,937 7,357 11.22 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Krakauer, Ilana Campus Health Services Associate Director New Labor Market Student Carolina Parent Pgm Director, Dept of Labor Market Disability Services Psychologist Labor Market 49448.00 50,041 555,041 505,593 1022.47 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Leach, Amy Campus Health Services Social Worker Labor Market 40000.00 43,678 45,798 5,798 14.50 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Mann, April Dean of Students Office Director of New Student Labor Market Carolina Parent Prgm 61800.00 67,232 68,733 6,933 11.22 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Misti, Elizabeth Campus Health Services Social Worker Labor Market 39500.00 43,132 44,810 5,310 13.44 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Murphy, Myrlin Campus Health Services Pyschiatrist Labor Market 100987.00 104,243 115,628 14,641 14.50 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Phoenix, Terri Dean of Students Office Labor Market 59086.00 64,280 65,715 6,629 11.22 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Raker, Kelli Campus Health Services Labor Market 36000.00 39,164 39,793 3,793 10.54 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Sauls, Jonathan Dean of Students Office Director of LGBTQ Center Rape Prevention Counselor Dean of Students Labor Market 117451.00 127,772 130,628 13,177 11.22 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Campus Health Services Pyschologist Labor Market 48630.00 53,101 55,681 7,051 14.50 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Schmitz-Sciborski, Amy Vidwans, Preeti Campus Health Services Pyschologist Labor Market 45320.00 45,864 51,889 6,569 14.49 11/15/2012 Student Affairs Windle, Maureen Campus Health Services Associate Director - CWS Labor Market 9,614 11.22 93,576 47,286 95,310 50,951 6,451 14.50 11/15/2012 11/15/2012 81,647 95,000 18,694 24.50 1/11/2013 Student Affairs Yao, Melissa Campus Health Services Pyschologist Labor Market 85696.00 44500.00 University Relations Hodge, Eric WUNC Radio Morning Edition Host Labor Market 76306.00 Page 2 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (EPA Non-Faculty) Board of Trustees Meeting Date - 11/15/2012 Vice Chancellor for Finance & Admin Howard, Deborah Environment, Health & Safety Biological Safety Manager Labor Market 80000.00 85,500 90,000 10,000 12.50 11/15/2012 Vice Chancellor for Research Freburger, Janet SHEPs Center for Health Service Research Research Associate Retention 80581.00 88,559 92,660 12,079 14.99 11/15/2012 Vice Chancellor for Research Peterson, Marc Carolina Population Center Research Associate Internal Equity 58905.00 60,672 68,900 9,995 16.97 11/15/2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 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