The Audi Environment Magazine 2012


The Audi Environment Magazine 2012
The Audi Environment Magazine
Issue 2012
The Audi Environment Magazine
The Audi Environment Magazine
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Building and producing sustainably:
Architect Thomas Rau and Frank Dreves, Audi
Board Member for Production, in discussion.
Within the foreseeable future,
the Audi Ingolstadt site will be CO₂-neutral.
Friends of nature:
Audi employees taking a personal
interest in nature.
94 Densely Populated
Bacteria clean water, batteries
live longer – environmental protection
at the Brussels plant.
14 Mission Possible
Audi’s steps along the way
to CO₂-neutral vehicle production.
22 Team Players
Employee commitment
is the guarantee for maximum
­production efficiency.
Preventative measures –
geologists ­examine the ground
beneath the Neckarsulm plant.
Loss turns to gain – the use
of recuperation in Neckarsulm.
122 Captain Future
The year 2050 – a visionary glimpse
into the future of car production.
130 Green IT
Sustainable and efficient –
the new Computer Center at the
­Ingolstadt factory.
Audi is developing environment
technologies in close cooperation with
Passionate about the environment.
Audi employees and their very
personal commitment to nature.
30 N 60
A new, highly efficient facility for the
new, highly efficient Audi A3.
42 Energy Conservation
Resource conservation in architecture
and in vehicle production.
Creativity in the service of the
environment – sustainability news from
around the world.
Loss turns to gain:
Recuperation technology in
Audi production.
54 Tail Wind
Audi uses wind energy as a basis for the
CO₂-neutral mobility of the future.
74 Plan A
The holistic approach to planning
the factory in Győr.
N 60:
The new bodyshell production
facility for the new Audi A3.
90 A Clear Case
Using service water in a
closed circuit conserves the precious
­resource of water.
102 A Clean Getaway
Vehicles for export take a CO₂-neutral
train ride to the port of Emden.
Saving water:
Audi uses service water
in a closed circuit.
Encounter Environment
82 2nd life
The reconditioning of used ancillaries
saves resources and material.
98 Pushed to the Limits
How the use of innovative technology
helps people to break through barriers.
Encounter Environment
134 Think Green
Tomatoes and grass in action –
operational environmental protection
in Ingolstadt.
136 Clean Green
Brilliant ideas – foot mats for vehicles
and vacuuming robots.
138 Clean Screen
Always in the picture –
a monitoring system replaces paper
build notes in assembly.
140 Audi Environment Foundation
Trees, bees and bioneers –
Audi Environment Foundation projects
in detail.
Brief explanations of the terms used
in this document.
148 Audi Environment Policy
Preamble and principles of the Audi
Environment Policy.
“It is the future that lays down the law for our today.” This
quote by Friedrich Nietzsche can also be applied to our present time.
Raw materials are finite; the price of energy is rising and, not least,
climate change has to be stopped. For us as a company, this means
that we have to establish today how we want to exist sustainably.
At Audi, we want to ensure a future worth living for our
employees and for our customers, as well as for future generations.
And we believe that success cannot be measured in financial figures
alone – for us, success is expressed in many ways. Among the most
important is ecological responsibility. This is something that we
live and breathe every day at Audi – not because we have to, but
because we believe it is the right thing to do. We are not waiting for
pressure from without. The best ideas at Audi come from within. We
are proud of our pioneering spirit that has made our company what
it is today – and that continues to drive us. “Vorsprung durch Technik”
therefore also stands behind our environmental commitment.
We have made a promise to the future – with the conscious use of raw materials and energy, we are moving step-by-step
toward the CO₂-neutral factory, because the mobility of the future
has to be CO₂-neutral. That means not just the drives for our cars,
but also their production.
It will always take energy to produce cars. But we will
derive this energy in an ecological way. To achieve this, we are following new paths in many areas of our company, researching new
technologies and constantly looking beyond our horizons. At our
Ingolstadt plant, we were the first to implement a Combined Heat
Power and Cold facility back in 1999. District heating and heat recovery systems are further examples of ‘clean’ production.
At all of our factories, people are working every day to
achieve our goal of CO₂-neutral mobility – because ecological responsibility is not a matter for one person. We must all take it seriously – we must all understand, live and breathe environmental
pro­tection. Whether we use bacteria in Brussels to clean waste
water, or recuperation in our production; whether we bring our cars
to the container port with the ‘green train’ or breathe new life into
used ancillary units; whether our employees restore rivers in their
spare time – we are sticking resolutely to our path. With ideas that
may sometimes be a little ‘different’ – but that’s how we are at Audi.
Allow yourself to be surprised by all these ideas.
Happy reading!
We have made a promise to the future.
With the conscious use of raw materials and energy, we are
moving step-by-step toward the CO₂-neutral factory.
Frank Dreves
Frank Dreves, Member of the Board
of Management of AUDI AG, Production.
The generation and use of renewable energy is one of the
prerequisites of a CO₂-neutral site. The innovative photovoltaic installation on the roof
of bodyshell manufacturing for the new A3 generates around 460,000 kilowatt
hours of renewable electricity every year.
The efficient solar modules avoid around 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide
­emissions and contribute to making Ingolstadt a CO₂-neutral site.
→ page 14
Even the most efficient production equipment needs a break.
However, it shouldn’t just be on standby, but switched off completely.
A3 bodyshell ­manufacturing is equipped with an intelligent switch-off concept that
reduces energy consumption during downtimes.
Intelligent weekend shut-down reduces the standby electricity consumption
of equipment in building N 60 by up to 80 percent.
→ page 30
Thought through
The use of innovative, resource-conserving technologies like hot
­forming in Audi production is the result of carefully thought through planning.
­Production and Works Planning at Audi takes a holistic approach. Ergonomics, efficiency
and resource conservation take front and center.
There is a lot to do between virtual model and start-of-production –
1,300 people work in Audi Production and Works Planning.
→ page 74
Building the future
Sustainability and resource conservation play just as big a role
for buildings as they do for building cars. The efficient use of energy is what distinguishes
CO₂-neutral buildings and the CO₂-neutral site.
The use of the Combined Heat Power and Cold plant alone
reduces CO₂ emissions from the Ingolstadt plant by 17,200 tonnes per year.
→ page 42
CO₂-neutral plant
At Audi, CO₂-neutral mobility starts at the factory.
In the forseeable future, Audi will declare the Ingolstadt site CO₂-neutral.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Cars and their production should have as little negative
impact on the environment as possible. Audi is linking sustainable
­mobility with a climate-neutral site.
Frank Dreves
Audi Board Member for Production
Patricia Piekenbrock
Büro Achter April
xSwitch to light heating oilx
xReduction – 5,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
“A car’s carbon footprint has to be wiped
out before it drives its first kilometer,” says
Frank Dreves with conviction. As Member of the Board of Mana­ge­
ment of AUDI AG responsible for Production, he is working intensively on the improvement of the CO₂ balance, during the “birth
phase” of a new car. And he doing so with considerable success –
Audi is on its way to a carbon-dioxide-neutral site in Ingolstadt.
That means that electrical and thermal energy comes entirely from
regenerative sources – from biogas plants to hydropower. “Cars and
their production should have as little negative impact on the environment as possible,” stresses Dreves. “Audi is linking sustainable
mobility with a climate-neutral site.”
Peter Kössler has been working for Audi for the last 25
years. “The growth of the company during this time has been enormous,” relates the Works Manager for the Ingolstadt plant. In
1986, Audi put around 350,000 cars on the roads; in the record
year of 2011 it was more than 1.3 million. A total of more than
580,000 of them were produced at the company’s headquarters in
Ingolstadt, as were a large number of components, delivered to
other locations in AUDI AG’s global network of production facilities.
In spite of increasing production volumes and although the current
models are considerably more complex and equipped with far more
sophisticated technologies, overall energy consumption has remained at a stable level.
The reduction in energy consumption and associated
emissions has long been a central issue in the further development
of the plant and production facilities. Heavy heating oil was banned
as an energy source at Audi in 1983. It is made largely from residual material arising from the processing of crude oil and is still used
today in many power stations. Its successor was the significantly
more environmentally compatible light heating oil – a very important step at the time. This contains considerably fewer impurities,
a lot less sulfur and does not require additional heating prior to
combustion. Back then, the transition to light heating oil avoided
5,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.
In 1992, however, Audi switched to natural gas, which
eased the CO₂ balance to the tune of 36,000 tonnes per year. Since
1999, an efficient Combined Heat Power and Cold facility in In­
golstadt has been delivering heat, electricity and cold simultaneously – an extremely efficient plant and truly pioneering achievement by Audi. This plant produces a good proportion of the required
electricity, heat and cold. The very high overall efficiency of the
CHPC plant of almost 80 percent avoids 17,200 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year compared with conventional technology.
In 2004, a further, extremely forward-looking project
was the district heating connection to the city’s waste incineration
plant. To date, the facility has been delivering more than 60,000
environmentally protecting Megawatt hours of heat annually,
avoiding a further 12,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year. Last year even
saw Audi double its use of district heating to 120,000 MWh.
Further steps toward 200,000 MWh of district heating are planned.
Encounter Environment
xSwitch to natural gasx
xReduction – 36,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xSwitch to CHPC plantx
xReduction – 17,200 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xSwitch to district heatingx
xReduction – 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
Encounter Environment
The Ingolstadt paint shop is also operated in accordance with the principle “recover heat instead of generating it”.
Rotating air-to-air heat exchangers* are used throughout. They are
enormously efficient – they can recover 60 percent of the heat contained in discharge air. This is worthwhile because the plant’s paint
shop moves a volume of around 4.5 million cubic meters of air per
hour through the paint booths alone. This equates to the space in
Munich’s Allianz Arena. In 2011, Audi replaced the existing 34 rota­
ting air-to-air heat exchangers with new, more efficient rotating heat
exchangers. At the Ingolstadt plant alone, this avoids more than
16,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year and 80,000 MWh of energy – the
annual heating requirement of around 7,400 single family homes
Alongside these large-scale projects, Peter Kössler also
directs his attention toward the smaller, sometimes rather inconspicuous measures. “We take the entire issue very seriously – even
when it involves additional cost.” All workers, be they in production,
maintenance or planning, are urged to think about energy efficiency in their personal working environments. “And many heads
have many ideas.”
The engineers at the Ingolstadt press shop were able
to make a 66 percent energy saving by moving from hydraulic to
mechanical presses. Together with a shorter stopping time for the
motors driving the presses, they avoid 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide
per year. Thanks to innovative, electrically powered welding heads,
plant technicians in bodyshell manufacturing for the new Audi A3
have managed to dispense with the energy-intensive compressed
air network.
Peter Kössler’s efficiency parade continues – new diode
lasers* and the latest battery chargers also save power, while efficient logistics avoid unnecessary journeys in all production areas.
And, last but not least, the behavior of every single worker makes
a contribution – even when it is just a matter of switching off lights
in the common room when the break is over.
Obviously, a lot of things have been tested and some
things discarded. “We examine very closely where it makes sense
to implement innovative and energy-saving technologies,” stresses Kössler. The parameters for using photovoltaic panels on the
roofs of parking garages and production halls were also examined
in detail. Only solar modules optimized for recycling are permitted
on Audi roofs. In fact, in cooperation with external partners, Audi
is testing several new kinds of modules in respect of their efficiency, maintenance requirement and durability. The results provide
important information for the further development of solar modules. An innovative photovoltaic installation with particularly energy-efficient modules is currently on the roof of the hall where the
new A3 bodyshell is built. Every year, they generate around 460,000
kilowatt hours of renewable electricity and avoid approximately
250 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.
xSwitch to more efficient rotating air-to-air heat exchangersx
xReduction – 16,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xSwitch from hydraulic to mechanical pressesx
xReduction – 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xSwitch to innovative photovoltaic equipmentx
xReduction – 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
We are examining very closely where it
makes sense to use innovative
and energy-saving technologies.
Peter Kössler
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
The latest step towards a balanced atmospheric carbon
dioxide account is the supply of eco-electricity to the plant: “Since
January 2012, Ingolstadt has been supplied with electricity generated from renewable sources. This means that more than 290,000
tonnes of CO₂ are avoided every year,” says Kössler with pleasure.
The electricity is delivered from German and Austrian hydroelectric
power stations – exactly as and when it is needed. The technical
prerequisites have been certified by TÜV Süd.
“We want to make our own contribution, however, independent of the electricity supply from the Alps,” says Kössler.
“We are considering wind turbines in the area close to our factory.
That doesn’t mean that we want to replace the eco-electricity generated from hydropower. It is about gaining additional energy from
renewable sources.”
“Our current success with environmental protection is
encouraging us to take further climate-related steps,” stresses
Kössler. A next milestone in respect of CO₂ at the factory could be
to switch the fuel used entirely to biogas. “We expect this to give
us a reduction in greenhouse gases of around 123,000 tonnes,”
explains Kössler. Audi can also use the biogas derived from the
fermentation of biomass as fuel in the Combined Heat Power and
Cold plant, where it delivers a double benefit in terms of environmental compatibility – it runs climate-neutral because the carbon
dioxide released into the atmosphere was previously contained
within the plants. And, at the same time, its energy will be used
with a very high degree of efficiency.
“We are also considering a biomass plant and a so-called
ORC power plant (Organic Rankine Cycle).” The biomass plant could
run on wood chips as a biogenic fuel. The works manager sets a great
deal of store by this proposal, as it would burn only scrap wood like
off-cuts, landscaping material or waste wood from the forest.
An ORC power plant – integrated into the existing CHPC
facility – could avoid at least 4,000 tonnes of CO₂. This power station will recover valuable energy largely from the roughly 120-degree Celsius low-temperature waste heat. The working materials
(in place of water vapor) are organic fluids with an exceptionally
low evaporation temperature that drive a turbine. This means that
sensible use can be made of even a small temperature difference
– with heat that would otherwise be lost.
These considerations show that climate neutrality is
already achievable for Ingolstadt. And the other Audi sites are set
to follow suit. Each already has an individual roadmap. “In planning
the new facility at our Hungarian factory in Győr, we were able to
take into account the results from Ingolstadt right from the beginning,” states Kössler.
With groundbreaking technical innovations, Audi is
already contributing to major progress in the efficient management of resources and carries the European Union seal for outstanding environmental protection. In 2010, the Ingolstadt site
received a special commendation for its environmental management and dedication. The plant was the first automotive facility to
receive the DEKRA certificate for the integration of the latest Euro­
pean standard on energy management systems into existing structures and processes. The standard sets extremely tough demands
for a continual and systematic reduction in energy consumption –
and Audi meets these in full.
Encounter Environment
xSwitch to eco-electricityx
xReduction – 290,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xFuture objectivex
xFuel supply 100 percent biogasx
xReduction – 123,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
xFuture objectivex
xCommissioning of ORC power stationx
xReduction – 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per yearx
Ingolstadt has been supplied with energy
generated from renewable sources
since January 2012. With this move, we are avoiding
more than 290,000 tonnes of CO₂ every year.
Peter Kössler
Encounter Environment
Peter Kössler, Works Manager of the
Audi Ingolstadt Plant.
People in production
Resource conservation and environmental protection
is a priority for Audi. However, this is only possible through the dedicated involvement
of all employees. One example – the Ingolstadt plant.
Team Players
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Patricia Piekenbrock
Stefan Warter
“Our people go through the factory with
their eyes wide open,” says Peter Kössler,
Works Manager of the Ingolstadt Plant, describing the attitude of
his Audi coworkers. “All our major advancements in efficiency and
resource conservation are thanks to the personal involvement of
every individual. Alertness is an absolute must, as are responsibility and motivation.”
“Employees have to want environmental protection for
its own sake,”says Peter Kössler, who’s area of responsibility extends to 17,500 people. “That calls for motivation from within.”
For the works manager this means a clear focus on objectives,
working together across different departments, stringent processes and a strong work ethic on all levels. Success is his endorsement – as Audi’s showcase plant, Ingolstadt will be a CO₂-neutral
site in the foreseeable future.
If a worker has an idea for improvement or saving energy within his own area it is noted on the ‘green list’. The same
applies to ideas born in the specially appointed “energy savings
teams”. Every worker has the opportunity to present his efficiency
suggestions to the management directly and regardless of hierarchy. Within this body, the ideas are discussed openly and receive
support for concrete implementation in day-to-day production.
The intention is for Kösslers people to feel united across
all levels and to be passionate not only in addressing the overall
picture, but also in developing their attention to detail. The culture
process known as ‘Imagine’ was established by the works manager
in 2007 and is specifically aimed at achieving this. Peter Kössler is
opening up new latitude to his people – at times with unconventional initiatives.
Last year, Kössler organized a one-off management
conference involving the entire first level of operational management – the foremen of the Ingolstadt plant. The objective was to
communicate to this level of management the ideas of ‘Imagine’
and the vision ‘We are generating an enthusiasm for Audi’. At the
end of the day, production foremen in particular should be proud
of what is achieved at Audi. As part of this event, Kössler specified
the construction of a technically complex and imposing course
made from model car race track and domino tiles. The production
foremen were then able to experience the meaning of a high-performance system in a light-hearted manner. In a chain reaction
involving around 20,000 domino tiles and a host of special effects,
the miniature cars with friction motors were sent around a large
globe – a huge achievement by all involved that generated enormous enthusiasm.
Bernhard Kerner and Reinhard Mayershofer, Brake Disc Manufacturing
Clever diversion:
The machining of brake discs, known as turning, produces dust and heat. “We no longer blow the warm air
­outside,” explains Reinhard Mayershofer, a technician in brake disc manufacturing. “We have turned
waste air into recirculated air and now use the heat from the turning process* to warm the hall,” continues his
coworker Bernhard Kerner. By converting the equipment to recirculate the air, around 582,000 kilowatt
hours of valuable energy are saved every year.
— 582,000 kWh
Erich Deinböck, Paint Shop
Paint bath on idle:
Vehicle bodies receive their corrosion protection in the cathodic dip coating* process. To ensure that the
coating material retains its quality, the bath is completely recirculated once an hour. “The pumps have to run
continuously,” says Erich Deinböck, Paint Shop Production Manager. “But not at the weekend.” During
­downtimes, a slower circulation rate is sufficient. Deinböck continues: “We now use frequency converters to
reduce the speed of the pumps. This saves around 24,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year.”
— 24,000 kWh
— 1,400,000 kWh
Tobias Braunstein, Press Shop
Magnetic idea:
Tobias Braunstein, a tool mechanic in the press shop, is protecting the environment with the help of powerful
magnets. In the deep drawing process*, metal blanks are given their future component form – sheet by sheet.
In order to release one sheet of metal safely from the stack and lay it automatically into the press, the equipment
worked with magnets and compressed air. “However, we don’t need the compressed air anymore,” explains
Braunstein proudly. New, more powerful magnets are now handling the job – without additional assistance.
“We are saving around 1.4 million kilowatt hours of energy per year.”
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Passionate about the environment
Audi employees also take a private interest in nature – often with
considerable dedication. They demonstrate their commitment
by taking care of animals or bodies of water or by participating in environmental
organizations or societies. We bring you seven examples.
Luise Niemsch
Stefan Warter
Restoring a stream
The Schefflenz snakes and babbles its way around green
islands. Wild ducks sun themselves. Shoals of fish cavort in the clear water, while gray herons wade through
the reeds at the bank – an idyll for which Martin Förch
fought very hard.
Two years ago, bulldozers advanced to
straighten the stream near Allfeld, north of Neckar­
sulm, for a flood protection project. However, because
the construction work would have destroyed the natural habitat of many stream residents, Audi employee
Förch began campaigning to protect and restore the
stream. Shortly before construction started he was able
to recover the fish from the affected area and bring
them to another part of the stream that would not be
impacted by the work.
It is also thanks to Förch’s initiative that the
reconstruction of the stream was designed more sustainably than had originally been planned. For instance,
islands were integrated into the river to serve as breeding grounds for ducks and other birds. Rocks in the
stream offer sanctuary for fish, and they can lay their
eggs in the coarse gravel. “My aim is to return the stream
to its original state and to fill it with sustainable life,”
says Förch summing up his concerns.
Together with the Allfeld angling communi­
ty, Förch is also taking care of the stream’s husbandry.
For the amateur anglers this means clearing the banks,
disposing of debris and looking after the tree population. In order to secure fish populations in the Scheff­
lenz on a sustainably basis, Förch is now planning a
so-called breeding box project, which involves removing
and then incubating fertilized trout eggs.
Martin Förch – the amateur angler is actively
involved in restoring a stream.
My aim is to return the stream to its original state
and to fill it with sustainable life.
Martin Förch
Encounter Environment
Passionate about the environment
For us, it is always a wonderful experience to taste
the first honey from our own bees. It’s hard to
­imagine a more direct return on your commitment.
Michael Wansner
Close to Audi’s Ingolstadt plant, right behind the Tech­
nical Development building, a great deal is going on.
There’s a humming and buzzing in the air. When it’s time
for take-off, the sky turns dark and the air heaves. No
wonder, this area is now home to half a million honey
bees. The masters of the bees are Andreas Kopp and Mi­
­chael Wansner. In a joint project with the Audi Envi­ron­
ment Foundation, the two beekeepers have in­stalled
eight beehives in the Max-Emanuel Park in Ingolstadt
and converted the area into a small bee pa­radise.
Recent years have seen the depletion of bee
populations become an increasing problem – this coincided with a reduction in the number of beekeepers that
could take care of them. It was this that inspired Kopp
and Wansner to become involved. They joined their
local beekeeping association three years ago and established their own bee colonies. The two men, who work as
energy managers in Technical Development, now have
Andreas Kopp and Michael Wansner The Audi beekeepers proudly present their
busy workers.
Encounter Environment
20 colonies in their care. “For us, it is always a wonderful experience to taste the first honey from our own
bees. It’s hard to imagine a more direct return on your
commitment,” says Michael Wansner. Above all, however, Wansner and Kopp are making an important contribution to the environment with their hobby, as bees
maintain plant diversity with their pollination activities.
“Working with bees is never dull. Every co­lo­
ny has its own character. Their moods depend on the
weather. When the weather is bad, for instance, the
bees are lethargic and more likely to sting. And when
the weather is good, they can’t wait to get going. It is
always exciting and varied,” says Andreas Kopp. The
engineers have planted the area in a bee-friendly way,
with lupines, bee trees and plants like lavender, cornflowers, chamomile and mint. Alongside their eight bee­
hives, they have also built a small material shed. Kopp
and Wansner carry out some “public relations” work for
their favorite animals, too. For their next project, they
plan to prepare a hollow tree stump as a bee showcase
– to offer interested parties a glimpse into a bee colony.
Making the bodyshell for the new Audi A3
A new, highly efficient factory for a new, highly efficient
automobile – the bodyshell of the new Audi A3 is built with innovative technologies
on state-of-the-art equipment. Efficiency and sustainability were the focal
point of the planning process for N 60 production hall.
Experience the state-of-the-art N 60 production
hall and the production of the new Audi A3 on video!
N 60 – hiding behind the unassuming acronym is
the state-of-the-art bodyshell production facility for the A3.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
N 60
Patricia Piekenbrock
Stefan Warter
Around 800 people and just as many robots
work in the light-colored building on the
northeast edge of the factory complex in Ingolstadt – efficiently
and with minimum use of resources. As is the case everywhere at
Audi, the very best quality is the top priority. Rainer Weiß, Specialist
Project Manager, Bodyshell Manufacturing, and Roland Fürholzer,
Head of Energy/Facility Technology, are full of praise for the new A3
and for “their” new bodyshell manufacturing facility, which was con­
structed specifically for this vehicle. When it comes to hi-tech and
energy efficiency, both the building and the new production equipment are just as good as the new car. On an impressive 219 by 134
meters, the new hall offers an overall area of around 50,000 square
meters for production equipment alone. Its height of more than
30 meters is divided into two production levels, each with three
vertical zones – the sovereign territory of this equipment reaches
eight meters into the air on both levels, followed by almost four
meters for the conveyor technology. On the top level are the supply
bridges with ducting for ventilation, media, gas and electricity.
To the north of the building is the logistics annex. It
serves as both a handling area and buffer. The parts required for
bodyshell manufacturing are delivered here on an area of around
4,300 square meters. Dedicated “building vehicles” then take over
their onward transportation into the production hall – with zero
local emissions. “We have laid out the production hall to enable the
individual parts to be supplied via the shortest possible route. This
saves driving, energy and time,” explains Rainer Weiß.
Two multi-level buildings flank the hall on either side.
Inside are offices, common rooms for the workers and a diverse
range of technology areas. The principle of efficient logistics applies here, too – workers take just a few steps from the factory door
to the changing rooms and are then quickly in the production area.
The hall is automatically ventilated during the night; during the
day, however, the windows remain closed for energy reasons. Plenty
of daylight floods the hall, thanks to more than 2,000 square meters of glass on the north façade. Nevertheless, around 3,000 lights
are still required and they, of course, need electricity. However,
Fürholzer sets clear limits on their consumption. Efficient fluorescent lamps with high light density are par for the course, as are light
sensors and an automatic light control system. And to ensure that
nobody forgets to switch them off, there are movement sensors.
Safety lighting and the access to the factory hall are equipped with
LED lights.
Encounter Environment
Rainer Weiß, Specialist Project Manager, Bodyshell
Manufacturing, and Roland Fürholzer,
Head of Energy/Facility Technology, ensure
energy-efficient production.
The sun provides even more – on the roof of the new
production hall, Weiß and Fürholzer present a state-of-the-art photovoltaic installation. Over an area of 7,500 square meters, modules convert sunlight efficiently into electric energy. “Through this
system alone, we generate around 460,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year that we can use virtually loss-free in the hall,” explains Fürholzer. That equates to the annual energy supply for
around 140 single family homes and saves 245 tonnes of carbon
dioxide emissions. The ongoing search for savings potential is particularly rewarding in bodyshell manufacturing because, at around
14 percent, it is the second largest energy consumer in the process
chain after the paint shop. 38 percent is required for the components and equipment, 28 percent for heat, 27 percent for ventilation and, finally, seven percent for lighting. And to stay continuously on top of the kilowatt hours and carbon dioxide emissions,
the company takes an holistic approach. Every employee is tasked
with delivering ideas from his or her individual working environment. The in-house training institute Audi Akademie offers the
qualification program “Energy Productivity in Manufacturing”, a
training course at the Institute for Machine Tools and Mana­ge­ment
Studies, which is part of the Technical University of Munich. In­vig­
or­ated by facts on consumption analysis and optimization methods, employees are trained on how they can make their own personal contribution to the reduction of environmental damage.
As bright as day – more than 2,000 square
meters of glass surface on the north façade deliver
a comfortable working climate.
80 %
On standby – switching off bodyshell manufacturing equipment
at the weekend saves around 1,300 MWh of energy per
year. With intelligent shut-down technology, consumption can
be reduced by up to 80 percent.
Employees can already directly apply their know-how
in energy reduction in the manufacturing hall of the new Audi A3.
Every single vehicle cell is equipped with an open and easy-to-read
energy consumption display. The counters show the current energy
and compressed air consumption of a specific piece of equipment.
Thus, every employee can spot changes and, if necessary, take action against an energy loss.
“In selecting the system components, we took into account the expected energy consumption over the equipment lifecycle. We also conducted an extensive study in order to understand
better the influence of load, size, weight and speed on the electricity consumed by a robot,” explains Rainer Weiß. The reduction of
mass to be moved by robot is an important aspect of this. As a result, the technologies of modern lightweight design are not purely the preserve of efficient Audi models, but can also be found in
the new production hall. Rainer Weiß points to the new roof framer*, part of which is made from carbon-fiber reinforced polymer
(CFRP)*; “Compared with steel variants, this is 70 percent lighter.”
The fixing of the vehicle roof is thus significantly faster and consumes less electricity.
Production facilities for bodyshell manufacturing on
this scale consume ca. 1,300 MWh per year in electrical energy on
weekend standby alone. But even the most efficient equipment
needs to take a break from time to time. In which case, it should
not be put on standby, but switched off completely. Using an intelligent switch-off concept, electricity supply is maintained to only
the SPS control and a few service computers – meaning that the
standby figure cited above can be reduced by up to 80 percent.
Technicians have expanded the intelligent switch-off
concept to all PCs, operating consoles, monitors and the central
equipment monitoring system. Switching off this equipment at the
weekend saves further electricity. One special case is the control
cabinets – these unassuming nerve centers cannot be completely
switched off for safety reasons. “We are transferring certain control
components out of the control cabinets directly into the equipment, and combining several functions into modular units.”
Welding guns are the key tool for the production of a
solid and precise vehicle bodyshell. Until now, they were operated
pneumatically, which requires an expensive and energy-intensive
compressed air network. Rainer Weiß has equipped the new hall
with the latest generation of welding guns driven by electric motors
– they are faster and require less maintenance than their pneumatic predecessors, and improve working conditions, too, because
they are only half as loud. The innovative welding equipment is just
one of many examples of how Weiß and Fürholzer have pooled their
diverse know-how. Buildings technology and equipment technology complement one another very efficiently. “For cooling the
welding equipment, we divert a proportion of the service water*
from the town’s waste water line directly into our hall,” says Roland
Fürholzer. The water is heated from 12 to 17 degrees in a heat exchanger and then fed back into the main line and onward to other
consumers within the plant. “This idea saves one quarter of the
cooling power required for the equipment and therefore 760
tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. A customer could drive more
than 5.6 million kilometers in an Audi A4 2.0 TDI with that!”
Lasers have become a fixed feature of modern bodyshell
production; since the turn of the century, they have been a common
tool in material processing. Precision welding, soldering, cutting or
curing are not a problem for this high-energy light – the price, however, is relatively high electricity consumption. For this reason, the
experts at Audi have replaced conventional solid state lasers with
powerful compact disc and diode lasers*, which are more efficient.
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Precision work – during production-related
downtime, robots and equipment immediately go
directly into energy-efficient standby mode.
Welding work – modern robots join bodyshell
parts with extremely low energy consumption.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
cleaning system – coconut brushes save on
cleaning fluids and chemicals.
Complex inner life – in the N 60
production hall, experts prove that
state-of-the-art technology,
efficiency and sustainability can be united.
One particularly powerful combination of lasers and
welding in the production of the new A3 bodyshell is remote laser
welding technology. To build a vehicle door, the laser beam is guided using a robot scanner with pivoting mirror optics. It jumps extremely quickly from one seam to the next. For 50 seams at a length
of 25 millimeters each it needs just 26 seconds. The complex turning and positioning of each workpiece is a thing of the past. The disc
laser has no problem dealing even with bodyshell parts that are
awkward to access or that are made from different materials. The
welded seams themselves are thinner and more precise – in keeping
with the brand’s consistently high quality standards.
Comfortable working conditions for the workforce include a constant supply of fresh air. In the production hall alone,
1.6 million cubic meters of air has to be completely exchanged
every hour – without drafts or the air feeling cold. “We’re very efficient at this, too,” underscores Roland Fürholzer. “The modern
ventilation center controls all air movements with an eye on resource conservation. We even manage to recover some of the energy,” says Fürholzer.
Rotating air-to-air heat exchangers* are the energyefficient solution for ventilating the factory hall. Warm waste heat
is blown through the heat exchanger. Honeycomb channels in the
four-meter diameter wheel store the extracted energy in one half
of the space, while cold outside air flows through the other half.
Because it rotates at two revs per minute, the heat is transferred
from one airstream to the other, thus warming the cold outside air.
The heat exchangers in the 16 ventilation units avoid a total of 207
tonnes of carbon dioxide. The waste heat from the gelling oven is
used in a similar way to heat the supply air in the ventilation system
of the logistics bay and to generate warm water. There are also
plans to display the energy-saving initiatives implemented by the
Energy/Facility Technology department online on a screen in the
visitor room to make them transparent to visitors, too.
Energy recovery even takes place during transport of
the bodyshells. Resources are conserved by recuperating energy
from the rack conveyor vehicle during braking and reusing it for
drive and lift operations, with any excess then fed into the electricity grid. Almost 46 tonnes of CO₂ and a total of 86,000 kilowatt
hours of electricity are saved this way – equal to the annual electricity consumption of 25 single family homes.
Be they large or small – Rainer Weiß and Roland Für­
holzer have worked together with specialists to consider countless
measures for successfully reducing environmental damage while
improving quality. The tour through the modern production facility for Audi A3 bodyshells makes quite an impression. They even
have an answer to the question regarding an apparently mundane
part of everyday working life, i.e. cleanliness. A new system using
coconut brushes facilitates cleaning without cleaning fluids and
additives. “Around four kilometers of tracks and paths must be
cleaned in the hall every single day. However, we haven’t yet calculated how much CO₂ we are saving with this!”
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Airy – a constant supply of air ensures a comfortable working environment. Rotating air-to-air
heat exchangers and an intelligent air management
system ensure energy efficiency and reduce CO₂
emissions by 207 tonnes per year.
219 x
134 m
The N 60 production hall has around 50,000 square meters
for workers, robots and countless pieces of equipment.
At around 4,300 square meters, the logistics annex functions
as interim storage and buffer.
Encounter Environment
Energy Conservation
Structural Sustainability
Thomas Rau is an architect in Amsterdam and a campaigner for new
forms of sustainable resource management. With Audi Board Member for
Production Frank Dreves, he discusses intelligent building, cars as rolling stocks of
raw materials and the path to using instead of owning.
Dirk Maxeiner
Stefan Warter
WWF Netherlands
CO₂-neutral – in 2006, Rau converted the Dutch
headquarters of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
into a CO₂-neutral building. It even has nesting areas
for birds and sleeping facilities for bats.
Herr Rau, Herr Dreves, when it comes to
ecological issues, politics and society
are riddled with action for the sake of action in line with the trend
of the day. You, on the other hand, have to take decisions that
have very long-term consequences. Does the topic of the
day have any role to play in the struggle for more sustainability?
Frank Dreves: Politics, of course, have a role to play in
defining the framework in which we operate; and current changes
within society are also reflected in the demands made by our customers. However, as a company, we cannot allow ourselves to wait
for these developments. Instead, we have to act in advance – because the comparatively long product and investment cycles in our
industry demand it. At Audi, we have a long-term strategy to improve on an ongoing basis not only the sustainability of our products, but also of our production. By way of example, since 1999 we
have been using highly efficient Combined Heat Power and Cold
(CHPC). Since 2004, the Ingolstadt factory has been supplied with
excess heat from a waste incineration plant in the city of Ingolstadt.
Our heat regeneration facilities in production save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. With the CHPC alone, we have already reduced the CO₂ emissions of the Ingolstadt plant by 17,200
tonnes per year. In the long term, we want to multiply this figure.
The same applies to water consumption – the plant is systematically set up for the use of waste water that is recycled in an ecological closed-loop circuit and used multiple times. These things
don’t come into being because of external demand, but because
we feel a sense of responsibility. It is completely independent of the
politics of the day.
Thomas Rau: Politics often has little to do with actual
necessity and more with whichever social lobby is the strongest at
any given point in time. In my actions, on the other hand, I am
guided by what I believe to be my job. For me, that means pushing
forward system innovation. Take, for example, the term “passive
house”. I don’t even like the sound of it – who wants to be passive?
I don’t want to approach the energy issue from the savings side,
but instead create an active house that even generates energy. We
have built a school in the Netherlands that generates more energy
than it uses – the excess goes into the sports hall and a neighboring
© Peter Granser
© Christian Richters
At Audi, we have a long-term strategy to improve on an ongoing
basis not only the sustainability of our products,
but also of our production – not because of external demand,
but because we feel a sense of responsibility.
Frank Dreves
CHPC plant
For optimum energy efficiency – in Ingolstadt,
Audi uses a Combined Heat Power and Cold plant.
It achieves excellent efficiency of 78 percent.
Together with district heating, it makes an important
contribution to a CO₂-neutral site.
Encounter Environment
residential area. Even the students’ body heat is used for this holistic concept. The question for me is – What are the values that we
have to address in a new way? The economy is often a good deal
farther ahead in that respect than politics.
Dreves: My objective is to make our factory sites completely CO₂-neutral. In Ingolstadt, we have already taken a whole
series of steps in this direction, and we will follow them systematically at our other locations, too. However, this can only be achieved
in a symbiosis of economy and ecology, because the money that we
invest in achieving our objective also has to be earned. Saving water
costs money initially, but if you use the right technology, the investment pays for itself within a relatively short period of time. It is
therefore completely feasible to unite short-term benefits with
long-term objectives.
Rau: The human being has short-term and long-term
needs. We must fulfill them in a manner that is not at the expense
of others. And this calls for new approaches.
And what might they be?
Rau: The needs cycle of a customer is often completely
different from the lifecycle of a product. Nowadays, customer
needs sometimes change faster than the lifecycle of a purchased
device. Almost all of us have an old computer or stereo standing
around in the cellar or attic that proves this point. Therefore, the
customer should purchase a specific function or service and not the
device itself. He or she would buy, for example, “ten years of music”
or “30 years of floor coverings”. This would create a whole new incentive for change. That is also what I mean by system innovation.
Dreves: A building is a kind of generational contract. If
you build a parking garage with more than 8,000 spaces, you don’t
tear it down tomorrow. It carries into the next generation. Before
we talk about the future, we have to take a look at today. Even the
construction of a single family home is fraught with many questions – especially when it comes to sustainability. What building
materials do you want to use? What form of insulation? What is
recyclable? You can imagine that these questions are far more complex when it comes to the construction of an office block or a production hall. In this situation, I have to make a lot of decisions and
carefully weigh up one solution against another. Because if you are
striving for CO₂-neutrality as the main objective, the very first steps
you take have to be the right ones.
Encounter Environment
Rau: We are spiritual beings. And certain communication only takes place when people get together. That’s how inspiration occurs. That doesn’t happen on Facebook. Before we start work
on a construction, I invite all of the workers to a presentation. I tell
them how the design of this building was originated and what it is
they will actually be working on. This gives them a very different
and motivating connection to their work. People need to identify
with what they are doing. And you have to build this connection.
Let’s stay with people for now. They want to
be proud of something, and proud of what they own.
Herr Rau, you want to move away from ownership and toward
the usage of products.
Rau: In my opinion, the question of ownership is key. I
believe that we identify ourselves far too much by the things that
we own – the car, the house or the latest-generation cell phone. Two
years ago, I decided to clear my office of as much ownership as
possible. I invited a lighting manufacturer over and said to him: “I
would like to have light. I’ll buy a certain quality of light from you
for 365 days a year.” And it works.
Audi shouldn’t sell cars anymore?
Rau: In my concept, the car and therefore all the raw
materials for the entire lifecycle remain in the possession of the
manufacturer, as a rolling store of raw materials. You could say that
the raw materials are temporarily configured in the form of a car.
And sometime in the future, these raw materials can then be reused
to create something else. This is somewhat different from partial
Christiaan Huygens College
CO₂-positive – the Christiaan Huygens College in Eindhoven
is the first CO₂-neutral and energy-producing school in
the Netherlands. The classrooms, for instance, are warmed by body heat.
Unused excess energy goes to a nearby residential area.
© Norbert van Onna
Rau: A private builder/owner often has no idea what
questions have to be asked. And when he asks them, he receives
the wrong answer. In our office we say – built space is a service. I
talk with my clients about the service quality he wants. How I then
translate that into technology and construction is then a matter
for the experts. If you give me a job, you simply have to define to
me the parameters – I want a house of a certain size, I want a positive energy balance, I want an optimum interior climate, I want
only building materials that have been proven not to be harmful to
health, and so on. As the customer, you don’t have to think in terms
of solutions, materials or products. Instead, you have to articulate
the “performance” that you desire. Just like a car customer who
says: I want a fancy car for four people that has a range of 400 kilometers and an energy consumption equivalent to three liters of
gasoline per 100 kilometers. Whether that works best with a combustion engine, a hybrid or an electric motor is then a matter for
the engineers. Architectural demands should really be couched in
these terms.
Dreves: And how many architects of this kind are there?
Rau: Not very many. But architects, too, must realize
that they can’t build any old monument at the customer’s cost.
Architecture is a spatial service, a service for people. I have to create places for people in which they can realize themselves. And then
buildings will also be far less expensive. Our buildings today are
much too expensive because we build things that we simply no
longer need. The Romans, for instance, cooled all public buildings
– and without the use of electric air conditioning. Nowadays you
can cool offices by intelligently laying the water lines used for toilet
flushing – actually a very simple solution.
Dreves: I agree. In order to achieve something good it
isn’t always necessary to have big ideas – often it’s the small steps
that achieve a great deal. In our works halls, for example, we no
longer use epoxy resin floors, but simply colored screed. That may
sound dull at first, but it avoids a waste issue at a later date.
Does that also benefit the people who work here?
Dreves: In everything I do, I always try to put people at
the center point. They are priority number one at Audi – and our
most important resource. And when we manage to simplify a procedure through a new process or a new tool, then it is always also
good for the quality of the product – and that is how we are measured. In the paint shop, the employees used to be stuck in protective suits to shield them from the paint particles. Today, we can
control the airflow – and thus the paint application – so precisely
that they are no longer necessary. Production is more efficient,
cleaner and the working environment of the individual more pleasant. And the improvements that are made at the suggestion of the
employees are usually also the most sustainable. For me, it is therefore important that my coworkers “learn to see”; that they themselves discover what they can improve. When they then notice that
their ideas have been taken on board, it is highly motivating.
Audi A3 bodyshell manufacturing
For me, being sustainable means dealing with resources in
such a way as not to lose them. Everyone that comes to
this earth should be able to benefit from them, in future, too
Thomas Rau
Encounter Environment
For the new Audi A3 – Audi built a completely
new production hall with the latest in energy efficiency,
as a contributor to a CO₂-neutral site.
Encounter Environment
Thomas Rau
Natuurcafé La Porte
“I can’t build anything else than sustainably. Our bodies
are amazingly regulated. They can regulate themselves
with very simple means. Why shouldn’t that work for a
building?” This is the principle adhered to by Thomas
Rau. He has been the owner of the RAU architectural
office in Amsterdam since 1992. He would like to design his buildings to extract their energy from their
surroundings, thus making them CO₂-neutral. Rau also
sees people as a factor that can not only consume energy, but also generate it.
Rau lives and works in the knowledge that
every action has an effect – ecological, economical and
social. And this is why, with every project, the architect
takes into consideration the history of the site, the
needs of the occupier and the local surroundings.
Whether a building is public or private, Rau
is far from reaching the end of the road in his search for
intelligent alternatives for saving energy. For him, one
thing is clear, “why build CO₂-neutral, when you can also
build CO₂-positive?”
© Boon Edam
Innovative revolving door – when they enter via
the revolving door, guests at a café in the Netherlands are
generating some of the energy required to
make their coffee through a kind of dynamo technology.
Rotating air-to-air heat exchanger
Effective heat recovery – in the Ingolstadt paint shop
alone, rotating air-to-air heat exchangers avoid the emission
of more than 23,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year.
If you systematically examine and improve every single step,
then it is no longer necessary to talk up sustainability. At Audi,we
have been thinking and acting this way for a very long time.
Frank Dreves
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
As a consequence, it would mean that Audi would no
longer sell cars, but rather mobility. That car is only made available
to the customer for a defined period of time to provide a defined
service. And because the company itself has to bear the consequences of a good or a bad design itself, cars will probably look
different. And that is how we get innovation. We have to take the
step from consumption to usage.
Dreves: Nevertheless, we can’t forget about the personal pleasure of ownership. The car has a powerful emotional dimension for people. In that way, it is very different from a television
or a washing machine. We will certainly continue to sell our cars.
However, that doesn’t preclude us from thinking in parallel in very
different directions. There will surely be changes in usage behavior
– how fast and to what extent this kind of rethinking will take place
will only become evident over time.
Are there already any examples of such concepts.
Dreves: We are currently using a number of different
projects to test what our customers really expect from such concepts and, first and foremost, what they actually need. Of course,
we are also doing this under the premise of economic feasibility.
One example is the Audi urban concept, a compact electric car for
city traffic. We are currently discussing the idea of a low-volume
run with an innovative leasing model.
Sustainability has become a buzzword that can be
interpreted in all sorts of ways. What does sustainability mean
to you, personally?
Rau: For me, sustainability has to do with mindset, not
with solutions. All the resources of this world are common property that has been made available to humanity. And the question
is – How do we deal with that? For me, being sustainable means
dealing with these things in such a way as not to lose them.
Everyone that comes to this earth should be able to benefit from
them, in future, too. So far, we have been economizing the ecology.
Instead, we have to ecologize the economy.
Dreves: And for me, that mindset has to do with conservation. I was brought up not to waste things, but to feel a sense
of responsibility for them. If we take responsibility actively and on
a long-term basis, it means acting in the interests of a good quality of life for future generations of employees and customers. At
Audi, we implement this responsibility in the way we deal with our
employees, in our products and, above all, in their production, too.
And our responsibility doesn’t stop as soon as our cars roll off the
lot. We look at the entire process chain – through to recycling our
cars. If you systematically examine and improve every single step,
then it is no longer necessary to talk up sustainability. At Audi, we
have been thinking and acting this way for a very long time, without
talking about it very much. That, too, is ‘learning to see’.
Magazine High tide and low tide – the sea is constantly in motion. Through the gravitational pull between
earth, moon and sun, the tides represent an inexhaustible source of energy. Swedish company Minesto has
developed a completely new principle for the use of
tidal energy. In contrast to conventional stationary
tidal power plants, the ‘Deep Green’ project uses mobile
turbines that are fitted with a wing and tethered to the
seabed with cables, like buoys. The turbine moves with
the tides and currents like a kite in the wind.
This hydrodynamic technology is noteworthy for its relatively high energy yield at comparatively
low cost. It is ideally suited to deep seas and low current
velocities, i.e. places not best suited to the use of stationary equipment. First pilot projects off the coast of
Northern Ireland are currently in the planning stages.
Only those who look beyond their own horizons can evaluate and build on their own progress. Sustainability news from around the world. E
Deep Green
E-Charge – acceptance of electromobility will stand or
fall on the quality of the supply network.
For further information see
Body Power
It is clearly evident in the high-energy atmosphere of a dance floor – the human body is a power
station and every movement produces energy. One
breath generates roughly 1 Watt and every step around
70 Watts. Chemist Michael McAlpine from Princeton
University in the USA had the idea of making practical
use of this energy. So he put nanometer thin strips of
piezoelectric crystals – known as PZT (Lead Zirconate
Titanate) – into a rubber-like silicone membrane. Inte­
grated into clothing or shoes, this ‘piezo rubber’ converts the body’s kinetic energy into electricity via the
mechanical deformation of the membrane. This can
then be used to supply power to small electronic devices such smartphones or pacemakers. It would also
be conceivable to lay this piezo rubber into heavily trafficked flooring, such as the dance floors in clubs on
which thousands of people release energy that is simply
there for the taking.
Power dancers – piezo rubber in the dance floor
converts human energy into electricity.
Encounter Environment
A simple outlet is not enough. The electromobility of the future calls for a widespread and intelligently organized network of charging stations available round-the-clock. In the USA, Coulomb Techno­lo­
gies is already operating a well-functioning network of
e-charging stations. Around 5,300 ‘Charge Points’ are
already installed on company parking lots, at shopping
malls and on public parking lots, and the supply network continues to grow. Energy providers offer their
customers the opportunity to ‘fill up’ at these charging
stations using a customer card. It is then invoiced in
arrears with a monthly electricity bill. Payment by credit card is also available as an alternative. The entire invoice management process is handled by the electricity
provider online via cloud server.
The service is also very straightforward for
the customer. A smartphone app shows him all the stations close to his location and whether they are currently in service and available for use.
For further information see
Coulomb Technologies, Inc.
For further information see
Encounter Environment
Solar Fire
The Puna, the highlands of the Andes in
northwestern Argentina, is at an altitude of almost
4,000 meters and the landscape has little to offer the
indigenous people. Vegetation is meager and wood, the
traditional fuel, very hard to come by. Migration is the
outcome, with all its associated social problems for the
cities. The EcoAndina Foundation has set itself the task
of offering the people of the Puna another perspective
with the help of solar energy – because, if there is one
thing they have in excess, it is energy from the sun. The
farmers of the Puna now do their cooking and baking
with solar ovens that are amazingly simple in their construction and easy to build in-situ. A mobile parabolic
mirror gathers and focuses the sun’s energy on a hot­
spot, sufficient to bring a pot of water to the boil in a
very short time or to heat a large oven to several hundred degrees Celsius. Further sustainable development
projects from the EcoAndina Foundation for the use of
solar energy include sun collectors for heating water
and homes, as well as solar power production. Solar
modules supply electricity to pumps for irrigating fields,
as well as to satellite telephones and other communication equipment and media.
For further information see
Power Control
Silent consumers is the name given to electrical devices and appliances that send electricity bills
sky rocketing. They sit invisibly and usually unnecessarily in standby operation, or have possibly been left
switched on by accident. The plethora of electrical and
electronic appliances in modern households makes it
difficult to retain an overview and we are simply unaware of their electricity consumption. The Swedish
Interactive Institute for Research and Design is coming
to our aid and wants to make actual energy consumption visible with a very enlightening idea. The electric
‘Power Aware Cord’ illuminates with varying brightness
depending on electricity consumption. The cable not
only transports electricity, but also shows the consumer that electricity is currently flowing and being used.
This optical aid is intended to ensure that electrical
energy is used more consciously and efficiently in the
household and that available potential for energy savings is better exploited.
Interactive Institute
Eye Writer
A healthy person can hardly imagine this
situation, but there are many patients confined to their
beds due to paraplegia or neurodegenerative illness
and able to communicate with the world only through
eye movement. Graffiti artist Tony ‘Tempt’ Quan from
Los Angeles suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS) and is one such patient. His friends went all out
to help him and others in a similar situation – they developed the ‘Eye Writer’. This is a standard glasses frame
fitted with an optical system that follows every movement of the pupil and then uses software to convert this
information into representative data. Using Eye Writer,
Tony Quan is once again able to draw graffiti and write
texts through the movement of his eyes alone.
The instructions and software for building
an Eye Writer have been made freely available in order
to enable those affected to make use of the technology
as inexpensively as possible.
Water falls from the sky on its own – when
it rains. In desert areas, this is a rather rare occurrence
and, in catastrophic cases, there is often no time to wait
for precipitation as a source of clean drinking water. For
such cases, relief is at hand from the ‘Skydrop’. The invention of Brazilian designer Murilo Gomes from São
Paulo consists of a helium-filled airship equipped with
fin-like rotor blades. The rotor is driven by the wind and
produces electricity. The electricity flows through Peltier
elements made from two semi-conductor materials
with different energy levels. The flow of electricity cools
the Peltier element and this cooling leads to the condensation onto the elements of moisture in the air. This
condensation is collected and channeled to the ground
through a hose. According to Murilo Gomes, the Sky­
drop produced 50 liters of water per day in a test run.
The ideal would be 200 liters, and even in dry desert
regions with very low humidity, 10 liters per day would
still be realistic.
For further information see
Murilo Gomes
For further information see
Encounter Environment
Air drops – the rotation of the Skydrop produces
electricity that causes the Peltier elements to cool and leads
in turn to the condensation of water.
Writing aid – with simple electronic components, a pair of
glasses can become a writing instrument.
Encounter Environment
With new power.
Wind is energy. Wind is life. Wind is mobility.
Audi is using the wind, the clean force of nature,
to build an entire chain of sustainable energy sources.
Sun and wind – two amateur gliders fly over the Audi site to the north of
Ingolstadt, silently and with zero emissions.
The power of silence
Balloon flying means – trusting the wind.
Man once conquered the skies in a balloon. The great silence
that prevails there is all the more fascinating today.
The great journey – Audi sends up hot air balloons from time-to-time,
for scenic tours or at events.
Close to the wind
For thousands of year, the wind moved ships
and brought people to one another. Today, sailing is no ­longer hard
labor, but a fascinating sport.
Dedication – Audi supports sailing on several levels, such as the
Sailing Team Germany or at the Kieler Woche (Kiel Week).
Clean electricity
Wind is a driving force. Electricity from
wind will drive future e-tron models. The Audi e-gas project, too,
is based on this CO₂-free primary energy.
Energy change – sustainably generated electricity, primarily from wind power,
already accounts for 20 percent of total energy usage in Germany.
balanced mobility –
the Audi e-gas project, a way to
CO₂-neutral mobility
Johannes Köbler
Stefan Warter
The wind – the great, clean force of nature,
also delivers the drive for the Audi e-gas
project. Through this plan, Audi is taking responsibility for the sustainable management of natural resources – a cornerstone on the
path to CO₂-neutral mobility.
The A3 Sportback 1.4 TCNG*, which Audi presented at
the 2012 Geneva Motor Show as a technical model, is a feisty allround car. Its forced-induction 1.4 liter-gasoline engine produces
81 kW (110 hp) and 200 Nm of torque – enough for a sprint from
zero to 100 km/h in a little more than 11 seconds and a top speed
of more than 190 km/h.
“But the major advancement lies, of course, in its fuel
consumption,” says Reiner Mangold, head of the Audi e-gas project.
“The 1.4 TCNG needs an average of 3.6 kilograms of regenerative
gas per 100 kilometers and emits only 99 grams of CO₂ per kilometer from its exhaust. If you consider the well-to-wheel* balance,
i.e. the entire chain including the production of the fuel itself, it
works out at just 27 grams per kilometer.”
With the Audi e-gas project, which is now entering the
practice phase following three years of intensive research, Audi is
the first automaker worldwide to build a chain of sustainable energy
sources. Audi wants not only to use eco-electricity to produce its
future electric e-tron models, but also to offer the clean energy to
its customers in order to run the cars.
Wind energy from the North Sea will also supply a facility in Werlte (Emsland) that produces hydrogen via electrolysis. It
can serve in future to drive fuel cell vehicles like the Audi Q5 HFC*.
In the first project phase, however, the hydrogen will
not be used directly due to the lack of infrastructure. Instead, it will
be fed into a storage tank and then to a methanization plant that
is currently under construction. It is coupled to a waste biogas facility, from which it draws the concentrated CO₂ necessary for methanization and that would otherwise pollute the atmosphere. The
facility will produce around 1,000 tonnes of methane per year,
thereby trapping 2,800 tonnes of CO₂.
At Audi, this methane is known as e-gas; it is chemically identical to fossil methane, the main element in natural gas,
and is therefore suitable for driving internal combustion engines.
2013 will see Audi bring its first TCNG models into series production. Their TFSI engines have been converted to run on e-gas and
thus achieve an excellent well-to-wheel balance.
Sustainable mobility
Audi breaks new ground. The company is aiming
to take a leading role in the sustainable management of natural resources,
with the main goal of achieving CO₂-neutral mobility.
1,500 A3 TCNGs can each drive 15,000 km per year on
the e-gas generated from wind power and CO₂, with a further 150
tonnes left over for the public gas grid. From the first phase of the
e-gas project, the methane from the facility will be sufficient to
power a total of 2,500 cars. Over the coming years, Audi wants to
expand its offering of regenerative fuels.
According to Audi engineer Reinhard Otten, the potential of the Audi e-gas project can supply new impetus to the entire
German energy economy. “Our plans address the still outstanding
question of how eco-electricity can be stored efficiently and independently of location. When there is plenty of wind at sea, electricity over-capacity can be converted into e-gas and stored in the public gas grid. The energy can then be fed back into the electricity grid
at any time as required. The gas grid is the largest available energy
storage medium, with a capacity of 217 TWh. The electricity grid,
on the other hand, can store just 0.04 TWh; plus, its transportation
capacity is many times lower.”
e-gas production is thus a practicable solution for the
use of excess green electricity that will inevitably be generated
through the further expansion of renewable energies. “The potential of electricity/gas coupling to store large quantities of wind or
solar energy can deliver substantial impetus to the expansion of
renewable energies,” says Michael Dick, Audi Board Member for
Technical Development. “We are taking the initiative ourselves and
complementing e-mobility with an equally climate-friendly concept for long distances.”
Wind energy –
Offshore wind turbines produce
clean electricity.
Power grid –
the wind power is fed into
the public grid, where it is then
Charging station –
an intelligent charging strategy
stabilizes the electricity grid
during charging of the A1 e-tron.
Goal –
Audi’s e-tron models will run
on clean eco-electricity.
Wind power –
future electric cars from Audi like
the A1 e-tron will fill up at
the pump with electricity generated
in a sustainable manner.
Natural power –
ultimately, one minute of
wind is enough for a 300 km drive
with the A1 e-tron.
Hydrogen and e-gas production
The e-gas facility consists of two main components.
The electrolyzer produces hydrogen, while the methanization plant downstream ­
produces the e-gas.
Wind energy –
large offshore wind turbines
produce clean electricity.
Power grid –
part of the wind electricity
flows from the grid into running
the e-gas facility.
Hydrogen production –
the first step is to split water
(H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂)
and oxygen (O₂) using electrolysis.
e-gas storage –
the methane from the
facility is fed into the public
natural gas network.
Electrolysis –
the water (H₂O) in the tank is broken
down into its components parts
­oxygen (O₂) and hydrogen (H₂).
The process runs on eco-electricity.
e-gas production –
the second step is for the facility
to produce methane
from hydrogen and CO₂.
Green drive – the Audi A3 Sportback with e-gas
drive has minimal overall emissions.
e-gas fuel station –
1,500 Audi A3 TCNGs can each drive
15,000 km per year on e-gas.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TCNG
1,390 cm³
81 kW (110 hp)
200 Nm
0–100 km/h
ca. 11 s
Top speed
ca. 190 km/h
ca. 3.6 kg e-gas per 100 km
CO₂ emissions
99 / 27 Gramm pro km**
** at the exhaust / in the well-to-wheel balance
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
End product methane –
a combustible gas with a high
energy content.
Illustrations: sxces Communication
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Audi A3 TCNG –
every gram of CO₂ emitted by the
A3 TCNG was previously
completely bound by the e-gas
­production process.
Methanization –
hydrogen (H₂) is thermo-chemically
bonded with carbon dioxide (CO₂)
to make methane (CH₄). The by-pro­
duct is water.
When Friedrich-Franz Nagel goes diving, it is often for
a good cause. The amateur diver combines his sport with
environmental protection: “It is important to me that
nature stays clean – by cleaning lakes, I am making my
own small contribution.”
As the deputy chairman of the Ingolstadt
Diving Club, the Audi employee from Pre-Production Lo­
gistics manages the club’s many environmental initiatives. This primarily involves the cleaning of lakes in the
region. Equipped with neoprene wetsuits and bottles
of compressed air, the “cleaning troops” dive through
the lakes and gather debris. Nagel has found almost
everything imaginable in the water – old bicycles, batteries, car tires and beer barrels … and even a pistol. Not
just the water, but also the banks of the lakes are cleared
of garbage by the diving enthusiasts.
The divers also conduct regular lake assessments. Nagel and his team check several parameters
such as water qua­­li­ty, as well as the lake’s fish and water
plant populations.
Another agenda item for the diving enthusiasts relates to the indigenous swan mussel – it is having to compete with the smaller zebra mussel, which
originated in the Caspian Sea. The divers remove the
zebra mussels in order to protect the indigenous species from starvation. Always part of the action is daughter and Audi apprentice Rebecca, who is also active with
the club.
The Ingolstadt man is particularly proud
that, two years ago, the diving club adopted the Ein­
bogenlohe, a former oxbow lake of the river Danube in
the south of Ingolstadt, and has been taking care of it
ever since. “I hope that our activities also set an exam­
ple – and inspire environmental awareness in others,”
says Nagel.
Friedrich-Franz and Rebecca Nagel –
the diving enthusiasts are regularly underwater
in the name of environmental protection.
Encounter Environment
Passionate about the environment
It is important to me that nature remains clean – by cleaning
lakes, I am making my small contribution to that.
Friedrich-Franz Nagel
Passionate about the environment
A stray or injured bird has been sighted in the factory
grounds! This calls for bird protection officer Gerhard
Dörfler. Always at the ready, he is on his way in double
quick time when a bird is in danger and the Ingolstadt
plant’s security office raises the alarm.
In-situ, the Technical Service department
employee takes care of the animal emergency, provides
first aid and, in serious cases, even takes the bird home
with him. In his own care facility, Dörfler nurses the bird
back to health, until it is ready to be released back into
its natural environment. “It is always a wonderful thing
to release a healthy animal back into the wild.” Dörfler
is self-taught and acquired all his skills and knowledge
on the care of birds 20 years ago through reading.
Dörfler, who lives in Böhmfeld near Ingol­
stadt, now also looks after 38 nesting boxes on the factory site. He regularly examines their condition, cleans
them and takes care of the wellbeing of their feathered
occupants. Those under his protection include swifts,
gray herons, peregrine falcons and kestrels. To Dörfler’s
pleasure, it is not just the number of nesting boxes that
has increased in recent years, but also the bird population at Audi overall. “By creating new nesting areas, we
can not only maintain the birds’ habitat, but also expand it.”
Gerhard Dörfler – birds are in the
right hands with him.
It is always a wonderful thing,
to release a healthy animal back into the wild.
Gerhard Dörfler
Encounter Environment
Passionate about the environment
Nature restoration
Dirty, garbage-strewn land is a thing of horror for Jürgen
Kreß, which is why the Audi worker from Sinsheim buys
up neglected parcels of land at auction and then transforms them into green oases.
Several years ago, at one such auction, he
discovered an abandoned piece of land near his home
town that was being misused as a garbage dump. Kreß
bought the land and cleared away all the debris. The man
with the green fingers was able to let nature run free and
allow a small biotope to form. “My aim is to create as
many completely natural areas as possible, to help balance out increasing land development.”
The tool maintenance technician, who works
at the Neckarsulm plant, now takes care of three green
lungs. On one of his pieces of land, a small natural pond
has even developed into an ecological marsh area. Newts,
frogs, tadpoles, dragonflies, grass snakes and blindworms find refuge here. During winter, the fertile ground
of this small piece of wilderness attracts larger animals
like deer or boar that use it for winter grazing.
The ambitious nature conservationist has set
his sights on a new project – an area of meadow on a
hillside near Sinsheim will soon serve as a retreat and
food source for wild animals.
Jürgen Kreß – the nature conservationist returns
to nature, areas previously considered lost.
My aim is to create as many completely natural areas as possible,
to help balance out increasing land development.
Jürgen Kreß
Encounter Environment
Plan A
Factory from the virtual world
From material characteristics at a molecular level to process flow
in assembly, from fundamental research to the complete factory – Production
and Works Planning at Audi follows a holistic approach. The specialists used their net­
worked knowledge to design the new factory in Győr. The result is an efficient,
ergonomic and resource-conscious plant.
Arne Lakeit is responsible for Production and Works Planning at AUDI AG –
­including the new factory in Győr (Hungary).
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Virtual flight over
the Győr production facility
1 The factory from above – many layouts were considered in order to
achieve the ideal arrangement of all
the various elements.
2 Press shop – the new factory
supplies itself with press parts via
the shortest route, with a rail
­connection and located directly next
to the ­“customer” facility, bodyshell manufacturing.
3 Bodyshell manufacturing – the
new bodyshell manufacturing facility
will be flexible in its use of steel
and aluminum. It can also be
expanded if necessary to meet future
4 Paint shop – a “green” paint shop
with drastically reduced
emissions through techniques
like waste air purification.
5 Energy center – state-of-the-art
equipment with combined power and
heat supplies the new ­production
­facilities in a way that conserves resources.
A new car is being shown. Its image gleams
in the CAVE*, the three-dimensional projection room for illusions from the virtual world. Perfect reflections
of the surrounding countryside on the paintwork and the premium
look-and-feel of the interior make the car seem real. You believe
you can reach out and touch it – but, for the meantime, it is just an
illusion, and the road to a series production model on the assembly
line is still long. “We facilitate the transition from idea to a real pro­
duct for the customer,” explains Arne Lakeit, Head of Production and
Works Planning at Audi. With his roughly 1,300 workers, he is responsible for the planning of all factories and production processes at Audi worldwide, including the factory expansion in Hungary.
The Győr plant has been part of the Audi production
network and that of the entire Volkswagen Group since 1993. In
2010, 1.65 million engines were built here, plus 38,500 vehicles
from the Audi TT and Audi A3 model lines. And this is set to grow
considerably in future – a brand new additional factory facility is
currently being built in Győr. As of 2013, it will be the production
location for another model in the A3 lineup.
“We planners are on board just a few weeks after our
colleagues in Design have presented their ideas for a new vehicle,”
says Lakeit. Once the details on product strategy and distribution
for the future model have been defined, his people take over responsibility. Experts from a diverse range of disciplines and age
groups work together in Production Planning. Around 60 percent
of the team is academics, including engineers, physicists, information scientists, business graduates, as well as architects and experts in logistics, local culture and environmental protection. For
them, the entire planning process runs largely in the virtual world.
Intelligent software tools, digital models, simulations, 3D visualization and computer systems with professional data management
form the basis for this work.
“Not only do we have a CAD model of the entire Győr
factory, but also of all the individual installations and individual
production processes,” explains Lakeit. This means the efficient
interworking of the systems down to the tiniest detail can be simulated and mapped out before ground is even broken. This digital
factory not only closes the gap between theory and practice, it is
also a key technological factor for sustainability and resource conservation. The planners have to reconcile environmental aspects
with a worldwide network of factories and an expanding product
portfolio. “We are working in a multi-project landscape of everincreasing complexity,” adds Lakeit.
In order to account for these wide-ranging requirements, Lakeit has built his organizational structure like a neuronal
network. The classic building blocks like paint shop, electrical and
electronics planning, as well as assembly planning for individual
model lines are linked to one another in accordance with the question at issue. As soon as the planning processes are completed and
the factory foundations are laid, the respective experts take their
know-how to the next stage and start addressing the new production facility on-the-ground. Similar to the approach in Technical
Development, there is no need for complex transfers from person
to person. Once a project leaves the initial research stage its experts stay with it all the way to series production. “This is how
people experience the enthusiasm of working with something from
the first idea through to its real-life implementation. It is incredibly
motivating,” stresses Lakeit.
Virtual scheduling in assembly planning
As demonstrated by
the pre-assembly cockpit
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
6 Assembly – the assembly line is
­notable for its optimum assembly
and logistics processes, synchronized
and standardized procedures and
pleasant working environment with
plenty of natural light.
Patricia Piekenbrock
Stefan Warter
Encounter Environment
Using a 3D tool, the assembly planning function visualizes the planning process for all necessary procedures at a very early stage, including the associated
product data and operating resources. This virtual scheduling is regularly
­discussed and developed within a team of planners, production specialists and
experts from the Pre-Production Center. Thus, the process planning becomes
ever more detailed, until the individual procedures can finally be handed over
to production with a very high level of planning quality.
Experience the fascinating work
of the Audi production planners on video!
Encounter Environment
Paint shop
Temperature simulation
Hotter than a sauna – following the application of the first coat of paint,
the bodyshell is put through a dryer. The simulation shows how the bodyshell
heats up from 20 °C (blue) to more than 190 °C (red). This temperature is
­required in order to cure the paint, as well as to provide optimum corrosion protection and good adhesion to the metal. But other materials on the vehicle,
such as adhesives, must also be subjected to certain temperatures for a
­sufficient period of time in order to achieve the desired characteristics. The
simulation enables this to be addressed at an early stage.
Thanks to this unconventional network structure, the
planners are able to take advantage of a wide range of synergies.
For instance, they are transferring the key discipline of three-dimensional visualization from vehicle development to factory planning in Győr. The interaction of the different production areas –
from press shop, bodyshell production and paint shop to assembly
– is played out as if for real thanks to 3D animations. Possible problem areas can be addressed at an early stage, even before the first
concrete is poured. When it comes to structural engineering issues,
the planners are able to supply management with time-saving
bases on which to make decisions. They can project images such as
design variants for building facades on the large screen in crystalclear 3D quality.
“For us planners, the new construction in Győr is naturally a huge challenge – also in respect of resource-conscious logistics,” enthuses Lakeit. The facility is laid out to enable the majority
of parts to arrive by train, saving almost 400,000 heavy truck kilometers. From delivery, through transportation within the factory
site to completion, the planners design all internal material movements in order to avoid bottlenecks later. At this early stage, it is
possible to incorporate an extra factory gate that may be required
later, without the need for expensive rebuilding work.
It is already possible to take a virtual tour of this factory that is not due for completion until 2013. The heart of the
production facility will be a central building for quality evaluation
– more than a symbol for the clear quality orientation of the Audi
brand. Press shop, bodyshell manufacturing, paint shop and assembly are all arranged directly next to this center in a star layout.
All vehicle parts take the shortest route from one station to the
next. In every production area, energy is saved from the start wherever possible or at the very least regenerated. Systems for recuperating heat from the air in the factory halls will be a standard feature, as will a combined heat and power plant, exhaust gas heat
exchanger and coolant treatment plant. The layout of supply lines
for electricity, gas, water, air and compressed air is planned in the
digi­tal factory to guarantee supply with the lowest energy losses.
Following the rough planning phase, the planners start
working through every level down to the last micrometer, analyzing
the processes within the individual areas. One example is the simulation of the deep draw process* for a vehicle door in the press
shop. With the help of their calculations, they are able to define
optimum material usage. Multiple manufacturing is the keyword.
In future at Győr, the car door will be formed in one and the same
process step with two filler caps, made in the thus far unused window cut-out. This saves times, energy and hundreds of tonnes of
steel that would otherwise have to be recycled. Material usage is
improved by no less than 13 percent, thanks to reduced cuttings.
In the foundry, virtual analyses of the aluminum pressure casting
process contribute to optimization of the subsequent process – is
the main gate in the right position during mold filling? What are
the temperature characteristics while the part is solidifying? Is
there any material distortion after cooling? “These are all essential
questions that my people have answered well in advance of production start,” explains Lakeit.
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Pressure die casting
Hardening simulation
From liquid to solid – directly following the filling of the pressure casting
die, the molten aluminum cools in the hardening intervals shown from around
600 °C to circa 550 °C and the component hardens. The simulation shows the
cooling process step-by-step. With the help of this information it is possible
to predict component quality and the mechanical characteristics of the part at
an early stage and to identify critical areas.
We not only have a CAD model of the entire Győr factory, but also of all
the individual installations and individual production processes.
This digital factory not only closes the gap between theory and practice, it is also
a key technological factor for sustainability and resource conservation.
Arne Lakeit
Head of Production and Works Planning
Encounter Environment
Is the main gate in the right position during mold filling?
What are the temperature characteristics while the part is solidifying?
Is there any material distortion after cooling?
These are all essential questions that my people have answered
well in advance of production start.
Pressure die casting
Structure simulation
Right out of the mold – after removal from the pressure casting die, the
­component continues to cool in the temperature range shown from around
300 °C (yellow) to circa 150 °C (blue). With the aid of the simulation, it
can be determined how the temperatures change during this phase, which
is where distortion is most likely to occur. This forms the basis for further
­calculations in order to predict the internal stresses and distortion of the
­component and thus to provide an evaluation of the expected dimensional
­accuracy of the part.
Encounter Environment
Arne Lakeit
Head of Production and Works Planning
It is in bodyshell manufacturing that the individual
parts and semi-manufactured products from the press shop take
on the form of a car. Energy-saving lasers and robots work here with
state-of-the-art joining technologies. Because, in line with the Audi
lightweight design philosophy – the right material in the right place
– fiber-reinforced polymers*, sheet steel and aluminum must all
be welded, riveted or bonded. This is a technological and energy
challenge. Lakeit offers an insight: “We receive the construction
data from our coworkers in development. Our specialists use the
digital factory to determine the appropriate joining methods and
the most efficient sequence of individual process steps. From these
results, we can derive the optimum relative positioning of equipment and facilities.”
Welding points are also used only where they are truly
necessary, and adhesive does not have to be applied in a continuous
line – while achieving the same guaranteed level of quality. “By
using intermittent seaming we save around one yoghurt pot of
adhesive per vehicle,” clarifies Lakeit. A further example of efficiency is the diode lasers*. Compared with solid-state lasers, they
are 30 to 40 percent more efficient – which will avoid 3,000 tonnes
of carbon dioxide at the new Hungarian plant alone.
In the paint shop, the completed bodyshells receive the
color selected by the customer. The surface quality of the paint is
enormously important for aesthetic reasons, as well as for durability, color consistency and scratch resistance. Thus, the planners
dive into the world of the very tiniest particles – atoms and molecules. In cooperation with colleges and universities, they examine
the molecular structure and layering characteristics of paints. On
this basis, they can use computational fluid dynamics (CFD)* to
make firm statements on optimum paint application. The formation of unwanted drops at the atomizer of a spray robot, and fluid
run-off in the dipping bath are things of the past. The paint robots
are set up quicker and more precisely for their tasks, so that they
consume less paint and energy. Production planners also save on
complex and detailed testing when it comes to paint drying. CFD
modeling displays airflow, temperature distribution and heat dissipation inside the dryer.
Assembly work is quite literally hands-on. However, the
many processes to be aligned are faced with a wide array of conflicting variables – time, utilization, material allocation, safety and
er­­go­nomics. With this in mind, the planners have developed a tool
for virtual process scheduling. Using this ingenious method, information on the manufacturing process is intelligently linked to
three-dimensional product data and the necessary operational
resources. On this basis, every single process step can be generated as a virtual representation.
“We need qualified, experienced and motivated people,
who bring with them their expertise and play an active role in designing the processes,” explains the Head of Planning. “We see
people as our most valuable resource.” To protect workers’ joints,
for example, ergonomic aspects have top priority with the works
planners. At a very early stage in the project, they use virtual methods to identify strenuous, taxing or awkward assembly positions.
Working with those affected, concrete measures are taken to improve this. A height-adjustable assembly seat or a scissor-lift table
at the right point can ease the pressure on backs, hip joints or knees.
“In special cases, our planners are assisted in this by coworkers
from occupational health and safety, physiotherapists and the factory doctor,” stresses Lakeit.
“With the aid of the digital factory, we create a mutual
basis of understanding and achieve a high degree of maturity at a
very early stage,” says Lakeit. He illustrates the issue using the example of age simulation – a specially developed “old age suit”
clarifies the needs of older employees. By restricting movement
and diminishing sight, hearing and touch it enables others to experience the process of growing older. Against the backdrop of
demographic change, the simulation suit thus provides valuable
information to those involved in workstation design. “However,
people don’t age overnight. They learn to deal with change as life
progresses,” elaborates the Head of Planning. The virtual world
must always be verified by real-life experience. When it comes to
safety-critical issues like crash testing, virtual tests are always followed up with actual tests using real vehicles.
Production and works planners at Audi are well aware
of these limitations. “We are both experts and coordinators. Through
our control function we retain oversight and remain grounded,”
states Lakeit, “Which is why we also put our future strategy to the
test every year.” Because technological developments are dynamic
and associated processes can change. “The attention to people as
a resource is a definite prerequisite for environmentally sound production with state-of-the-art technologies.”
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Ancillary Remanufacturing
The second life for used alternators and starter motors saves
hundreds of tonnes of steel, copper and aluminum every year. But employees with
­limitations experience a new beginning here, too.
New from old – almost 80,000 generators
and 70,000 starter motors are reconditioned in
Audi workshops every year.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Lena Kiening
Stefan Warter
They already have a whole car life behind
them. The many years they spent buried deep
in the engine compartment have left their mark – orange-brown
rust speckles the once gleaming silver alternator casing, a thick
film of oil covers screws and sockets on the starter motor. All the
units that arrive here are gray from dust and dirt after many years
of driving on interstates and highways.
Ancillary Remanufacturing at the Ingolstadt plant
gives these old, disused and broken starter motors and alternators
a new, second life as Audi original spare parts. What otherwise
would have to be disposed of as waste is renovated here and makes
its way back into material circulation. Each year, Audi saves around
240 tonnes of steel, 100 tonnes of copper and 80 tonnes of aluminum this way. By way of comparison, the material used to make a
new starter motor is 3.5 kilograms, while that consumed in reconditioning amounts to just 0.4 kilograms.
At the end of the day, the remanufactured units are
theoretically made up of the same parts as before. In practice, however, they are brand new. Everything is completely taken apart and
checked for damage, then cleaned, lubricated afresh and finally
reassembled. Only five percent of parts require replacement, typical consumables like ball bearings, bushes and carbon brushes are
all completely renewed.
In around ten working days, the defective and dirty old
part is transformed and as good as new – with the same two-year
guarantee as a new part. If the customer opts for a reconditioned
replacement part, he/she saves up to 40 percent compared with a
new unit.
But the small department in hall N 02 represents new
beginnings for more than just ancillary units. Almost half of the 90
people working in the remanufacturing department do so in spite
of limitations due to health or physical disability. They are known
at Audi as altered-capacity workers. As a result of accident or illness, none of them were able to perform their old job at the speeds
required, usually in vehicle assembly, and switched to the team run
by Michael-Andreas Spreng, Head of Ancillary Remanufacturing.
“It’s about finding the right job for an altered-capacity
coworker that allows him to make the best possible use of his capabilities,” is how Spreng explains his employment principle. He
recruited all of his workers from the Audi ranks. Many have worked
for the company for 30 years.
Michael Eberl is one of those long-standing Audi people. Following a battle with cancer, he came back to work after a
seven-year absence. “My previous job in engine assembly wasn’t
there anymore,” explains the 53 year-old. Back at Audi, he had been
tending flower beds and pulling weeds for the Buildings and
Grounds department for just two days before he was recruited by
Ancillary Remanufacturing. “It’s the best thing that could have
happened to me,” says the gaunt man with a smile.
Reconditioning a starter motor calls
for just 0.4 kilograms of new materials; a new
one consumes eight times as much.
Truly manual work – one starter motor is made
up of around 50 individual parts.
Michael Eberl has to retain an overview.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
A signal sounds in the hall. Break is over and the machines start up again. The alternator casings, blasted clean and
gleam­ing, fall into the metal basket. These wire mesh baskets are
stacked along the walls, filled with finished and unfinished units;
between them are containers with seals, blades and screws. Michael
Eberl works with a sure hand simultaneously on three starter motors that are mounted in front of him. First a stroke of lubricant,
insert the carbon brush holder and then screw on the cover before
checking that the armature turns.
He and his coworkers build up to 350 starter motors
every day this way, plus just as many alternators. They include models from across the entire Volkswagen Group – the product range
spans from 1970s Beetles to the current Audi Q7.
Fully automated processes are the exception in this line
of work – it calls for a manual approach, which has been the case
for more than 40 years. This is one of the Ingolstadt automaker’s
oldest departments. Over that time, a total of more than 6.8 million ancillary units have been prepared for a second life. If you were
to lay all of these parts end-to-end, they would span the highway
from Ingolstadt to Rome.
The business of reconditioning old parts makes sense.
The department is both financially and ecologically successful.
Alongside the savings in material resources, the consumption of
energy and CO₂ is reduced compared with the production of new
parts. Per starter motor, there is a saving of more than two kilograms of CO₂.
Alongside ecology and economy, the social component
of this function is of particularly high value. Michael-Andreas
Spreng is in his mid-forties and has been working here for 16 years,
the last three of them in a management position. “I know my coworkers well and can tell a little anecdote from the lives of every
single one of them,” he says. In his office, he stands in front of a
large magnet board with 98 faces and talks about his team and his
nine apprentices. “Altered-capacity or not – you certainly wouldn’t
know it to look at them,” attests Spreng.
At Franz Eichinger either. Okay, he wears glasses. But,
in actual fact, he is virtually blind. “Even with the special glasses, I
see only around 30 percent,” admits Eichinger. He can’t recognize
visual details like cracks and defective screw threads. Therefore, he
relies in his work on other senses – touch and hearing.
Only 30 percent vision – thanks to many years
of experience, Franz Eichinger can rely on his fine
sense of touch for his work.
Experience on video how ancillaries are
reconditioned for a second life!
Since it was established, more than 6.8 million devices
have been reconditioned at ancillary remanufacturing – laid end-to-end,
they would stretch from Ingolstadt to Rome.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
With a pinging sound, the bush drops into the holder,
the machine hisses – signaling to Eichinger the end of the process.
With a sure hand, he feels two bushes – stop! Something is wrong.
So he repeats the process. “A fine touch is crucial,” he affirms. He
is also aided in every step by experience and routine. He knows
every grip, every corner of the hall, every single part of his pre-assembly. Furthermore, he can always rely on his coworkers. “If I
need support because I can’t see something exactly, there is always
someone there to help,” explains the 51 year-old.
Spreng adds: “Our team is renowned for a high degree
of tolerance and helpfulness. Coworkers jump in whenever they are
needed.” This is the only way to function effectively with alteredcapacity workers. Spreng continues: “It reinforces the feeling of
being part of the team and motivates everyone.”
“Tolerance and teamwork”.
Michael-Andreas Spreng has been running Audi’s ancillary
remanufacturing facility since 2009.
Around the world in a thousand parts
Audi produces its vehicles not only in Ger­
many, but also in production facilities world­
wide. Be it to Changchun (China) or Aurangabad (India) – on their
long journey to the overseas plants, the A4 and A6 models travel
only in individual parts. Depending on the proportion of local content, this could be up to 2,000 parts per vehicle.
Audi’s CKD Logistics, named after the ‘Completely
Knocked Down’ (CKD) production principle, is responsible for optimum packaging. From a five-millimeter clip for a walnut trim piece,
through airbags, gear levers and seats, to completely painted body­
shells, everything is perfectly packaged together in the almost
11,000 square meter facility. Around 60 shipping containers are
prepared for transport this way every single week.
In order to protect the environment and resources, the
space in the containers and packaging has to be used to the full.
“We want to keep the excess air that we send around the world to
an absolute minimum,” explains Hartmut Bartsch, Head of Audi
CKD Logistics. Every day, almost 160 people work on this task in
two shifts.
Around 40 percent of them are personnel whose jobs
have been changed due to physical limitations. Some are allowed
to lift no more than five kilograms; others are unable to stand for
the whole day. All of them are no longer able to handle shift work
on the production line. However, these Audi people find a new job
in CKD Logistics
One of them is Alfred Kopold. He worked until 2008 in
door assembly. Following a knee operation, it was increasingly difficult for him to stand at the line for long periods of time. “I struggled with it until I just couldn’t do it anymore,” relates the 46 yearold. Then he switched to CKD packaging, where he weighs nuts and
screws for control units and packs them into small cartons. If it
becomes difficult for him to stand, Kopold is also able to sit down
while doing this work.
The logistics experts are aided in effective container
loading by the “PackAssistant” software program that was developed in 2007 together with the Fraunhofer Institute. And the team
members continue to work on the optimization of the packaging
concept – in 2010, their improvement ideas were able to save more
than 200 container loads.
The weight must be right – Alfred Kopold
packs screws for control units in preparation for their long
journey to Audi production sites worldwide.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Test command – the quality of the service water
in the circuit is constantly monitored.
A Clear
Water recirculation
Automobile production needs water. In order to protect this
­precious resource, Audi will soon be working almost entirely with
recirculated service water. This means that the plant will further reduce its
­consumption of fresh water and generation of waste water.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Thomas Tacke
Stefan Warter
Water is the source of all life. 70 percent of
the earth is covered with it, yet only one percent is available as fresh water. There is good reason why water is
also known as ‘blue gold’. Audi understands the importance of this
resource – water-saving processes at the Ingolstadt plant are being
continuously improved through the use of a membrane bioreactor
In future, waste water will be processed in two stages
inside the reactor on the factory site. First, bacteria clean the water.
They break down organic pollutants like paint solvent, while inorganic pollutants like heavy metals – such as nickel and zinc – attach
to their surface and are thus retained. In a second step, membranes
prevent the bacteria from entering into the waste water. “This socalled ultra-filtration doesn’t occur in conventional purification
plants. We use membranes with permeability below the micrometer level. They are so fine that they present an absolute barrier to
bacteria and viruses,” explains Dr. Antje Arnold from Operational
Environmental Protection. “The processed waste water is of a very
high quality and can then be reused as service water*.”
MBR technology is reducing the annual consumption of
fresh water for production in Ingolstadt by up to 40 percent – saving 500 million liters. The proportion of waste water is set to sink
by up to 50 percent and hazardous waste by up to 20 percent. This
marks a clear competitive advantage for Audi: “No other automaker worldwide is using a membrane bioreactor to recirculate water,”
underscores Arnold. Initial tests with a small test system have already been delivering successful results for several months. The
large system is currently in the planning stages, with the new technology scheduled to enter service officially mid 2014.
Audi is continuing systematically with its energy-efficient and conservational approach to water as a resource. Two different grades of water are currently in use at the Ingolstadt plant
– drinking water is used only where absolutely necessary, such as
in employee shower rooms. Service water is used for everything
else. Audi draws its water from sources such as the Lepsinger Springs
and the site’s own karst spring. But the supply from these sources
is limited. Because the plant’s need for service water and cooling
is set to increase in the coming years due to new buildings, Audi is
securing its ecological water supply for the future with the introduction of the membrane bioreactor.
A further proportion of service water comes directly
from the skies – rain water is collected from 450,000 square meters
of roof and car park surface and piped into five reservoirs and two
storage channels. The water can be drawn off at any time as required.
In order to allow some of the service water to be reused,
it is purified in a processing plant. “We want to achieve the best
possible quality,” stresses Gerhard Scharrer, who is responsible for
water and waste water analysis at the Ingolstadt plant. The graduate engineer monitors all processes throughout the water circulation system. First, dirt particles are removed from the used service
water in several stages, after which the ph level is adjusted. The
water is then circulated back to production via a pumping station
at the water works. “Then the circuit starts again from the beginning. We process our service water this way round the clock,” says
If you include the cooling circuit with its annual turnover of almost 36 million cubic meters in the calculation, 95.8
percent of water used in Ingolstadt remains within the plant’s circulation system. With the new membrane bioreactor, this proportion is set to rise to 97 percent. A very good perspective, as far as
Antje Arnold is concerned: “We are already operating extremely
sparingly and sustainably with our water. With the membrane bioreactor, we are taking the next major step toward zero waste water
Biological grade
Germany’s water footprint
The water footprint indicates the amount of water evaporated, consumed or polluted during
the manufacturing processes of all products and services used in a country. The German
people consume 160 billion cubic meters of water every year – equating to three times the volume
of Lake Constance. Every single inhabitant consumes directly and indirectly 5,288 liters
per day. Around 50 percent is attributable to the water expended importing food and industrial
goods from around the world. (Source: WWF Germany)
High technology – Audi demonstrates Vorsprung
durch Technik in water circulation, too.
Membrane bioreactor (MBR)
Combination of two systems
— higher sludge age, better specialization
— Ultra-filtration-barrier for bacteria (e.g. legionella) and viruses
— considerably improved waste water quality
— reuse of waste water possible
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Environmental protection at the Brussels plant
One world, one standard – at Audi, that applies not
only to cars, but also to resource conservation at its ­production
­facilities worldwide. At the Brussels plant, bacteria clean waste
water and batteries are revived for a second life.
Apartment sharing – in the small,
black plastic cubes are countless,
micro­scopically tiny, aerobic bacteria.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Bacteria –
nature’s cleaning force
The bacterial purification* of waste water
with aerobic bacteria is nothing new. It is based on the
principle of the self-cleaning force of water in nature.
Countless aerobic bacteria of all kinds automatically
break down organic and inorganic pollutants like complex compounds of carbon, nitrogen or phosphor. All
they need in order to do this is sufficient oxygen.
Animal care – the bacteria strains clean the
water in the vehicle washing facility.
Interview with a bacterium
Could you describe your everyday
­working life to us?
You know, I wouldn’t describe water purification as work. Basically, it’s a win-win situation. For
microorganisms like me, pollutants in water are a source
of both energy and nutrition. That people benefit, too,
is a wonderful example of synergy.
And what does your food intake
look like exactly?
When the dirty water arrives, it is what you
might call a feast. We absorb the pollutants through
our cell walls and process it with the help of oxygen. The
rest is mainly carbon dioxide and water. Should our eyes
occasionally be bigger than our bellies, we can store
materials for processing later.
How do you live in the water?
My colleagues and I build a biofilm* on the
foam cubes, which prevent us from being carried away
with the water. You have to consider yourself lucky if
you get along with your ‘co-inhabitants’. How­ever, fluctuation is very high, because the dirt particles generate
new microorganisms all the time. There’s always something going on here.
Battery care – Didier Dobbelaere constructed
a storage cabinet that extends battery life.
The secret is hidden inside small, black
plastic cubes – within them ‘live’ countless,
microscopically tiny, aerobic bacteria. Their task is to eat dirt. And
they fulfill it very effectively here in the sedimentation tank at the
large vehicle washing facility at the Brussels plant. Every day,
roughly 500 brand new Audi A1s run through this facility at the end
of the assembly line, and around 300,000 liters of water are in
continuous circulation.
The waste water runs into a collection tank, where a
sludge trap collects the impurities. The filtered water is then pumped
into the tank with the bacteria. They ‘sit’ on the plastic cubes, grow
immensely when they are fed with enough oxygen and ‘eat’ the
remaining impurities in the water. Where previously 150 liters of
water were lost per car, it is now just 30 liters – largely through
evaporation. However, the new facility has another benefit that is
particularly appreciated by the workers. “Since the bacteria have
been cleaning the water, the waste water no longer stinks,” says
facility planner François Cauwe. Environmental protection is thus
employee protection, too.
The dirt-eating bacteria are just one example of the
resource-conserving activities carried out at the Brussels plant. In
the last five years quite a lot has changed at the ‘birthplace’ of the
Audi A1. More than 100 projects and initiatives have been launched
to turn the factory into an efficient production facility across all
For instance, the paint shop in Brussels now works with
flatstream nozzles*. Instead of a working pressure of 120 bar, they
now need just 30 to 40 bar to spray sealant onto the bodyshells.
This results in fewer losses, plus the PVC compound can also be
applied in a thinner layer than before, saving more than two kilograms of material per vehicle. Because all PVC applications in the
paint shop are controlled by camera measurement, it can now be
applied more quickly. It has also been possible to dispense with
plastic covers that provided protection from paint overspray and
were subsequently burned.
Alongside the new nozzles, further recycling measures
are adding to the efficiency of the Brussels paint shop. All residual
material is filtered, pumped back into the silo and then reused. This
process saves more than 2,000 kilograms of PVC compound per
Previously, around 14 kilograms of sealant were required for one car. Through efficiency measures and changes in
vehicle design, this figure has been halved. However, according to
Chris Merckx, Maintenance Coordinator for the paint shop, the savings potential is far from exhausted. “The objective is to reduce
material consumption per vehicle to six kilograms,” he says. Cer­
tainly not an unrealistic plan, because already waiting in the stores
is the next generation of robots. These move in three dimensions
compared with the old equipment and can therefore apply lines
even more precisely than before.
For complying with the highest environmental protection standards, 2010 saw the factory recognized once again by
the Brussels Region as an “eco-dynamic company”*, achieving top
marks in the regional environmental certificate with three stars.
Since 2002, the plant in Brussels has also been certified by the
European Commission’s eco audit* EMAS (Eco-Management and
Audit Scheme)
Didier Dobbelaere has made his own personal contribution. A few years ago, the Head of Assembly Supply came up with
the idea to optimize the storage capacity of used battery-powered
screwdrivers. He noticed that many of their batteries had to be
thrown away after just a few months due to the high demands of
the assembly process. Charging capacity was depleted over time.
Following two years of research a storage cabinet was devised in
which used batteries are continuously charged and discharged over
three days. This procedure increases their storage capacity and extends the lifetime of the batteries to several years.
From those batteries that have to be disposed of,
Dobbelaere and his four coworkers who dedicate their time to battery recycling alongside their regular jobs, retain the casings and
other small parts. They have thus created a material store with
which they can repair damaged batteries – successfully. “In the
meantime, we have become so well-known that many of our coworkers even want us to optimize their cell phone batteries,” says
Dobbelaere with a laugh.
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Christine Maukel
Stefan Warter
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Picture of the Blue Planet
The crises that have seen humankind push against the limits of
growth have only ever been solved by the innovative use of technology,
writes journalist Dirk Maxeiner in his essay. Not once did a near horizon of low
expectations or thinking within the box ever bring progress. Instead,
it took the will to forge forward into the unknown.
Dirk Maxeiner
Bernd Schifferdecker
Pushed to the Limits
Encounter Environment
Toward the end of the 19th century, horse
auctioneers Fiss, Doerr and Caroll on East
24th Street in New York drew thousands of buyers. The seven-storey stable building stretching along an entire city block was bursting at the seams. Horses were the most important tools of work
and transportation – and there were ever more of them. The heavy
animals were a nightmare for the people of the city. These beasts
of burden often died in the middle of the street, horse epidemics
repeatedly paralyzed daily business. And fine dust was a much bigger problem than it is today – dried horse dung disintegrated into
dust and contributed to the spread of disease.
The situation was also catastrophic when it came to accident safety – horses would bolt, kick and bite people. In the last
decade of the 19th century, coach and wagon accidents doubled in
New York; every year brought almost 1,000 fatalities. A large proportion of surgical procedures were the outcome of horse accidents. In the city center alone, the horses produced 1,100 tons of
feces and 270,000 liters of urine every day. For months on end, the
city’s stables would be full of thousands of cubic meters of horse
droppings. City administrators, citizens and the media were very
concerned about the future and experts presented alarming calculations – the 20th century will see horse feces reach the sills of
second floor windows and New York will suffocate.
What New Yorkers did not know was that a loud bang
from a workshop in faraway Germany would soon make wastepaper
of these dire prognoses. It was in 1886 that the first automobile
sputtered to life there – it revolutionized transportation and
changed not only the infrastructure of our cities, but also society
itself. Nobody had foreseen that 100 years ago – just as they had
not predicted nuclear fission, the birth-control pill or the computer. And today, too, we find it difficult to identify the tremendous
potential of new inventions, quite simply because such revolutions
are often borne from completely unspectacular beginnings.
Encounter Environment
For example, there is a new, trendy restaurant in the
city of Berlin. Some guests are utterly stunned by the menu. What
makes it special is that virtually everything on the plate is artificial.
Be it goulash, roulade, sausage or schnitzel, the classics of good
old-fashioned German cuisine in this establishment are not made
from meat, but from a plant-based substitute. By their own admission, even the desserts and cakes are “without egg, butter and
cream”. You can even order scrambled egg substitute for breakfast.
The answer to the riddle is that this restaurant is aimed specifically at vegans – people who, on ethical grounds, eat absolutely no
animal products. Clever food technology is what makes this exquisite food design possible.
You might consider this to be very much out on the
fringes, but when you take a closer look, there could be a lot more
to it – i.e. a small lesson on how modern technology conserves resources and continues to redefine the boundaries of growth.
Livestock farming is not only ethically contentious, it is also one of
the planets greatest environmental problems. The world is currently home to more than 1.3 billion cattle, almost one billion pigs and
13 billion hens. The cattle in particular have developed to become
a major threat to many wild animal and plant species, in that they
are competing either directly or indirectly for the same living space.
It is not industry or infrastructure, but rampant agriculture in some countries that is the greatest enemy to natural
biodiversity. While built-up areas account for not even 0.5 percent
of the continents, around 40 percent of the ice-free surface of the
planet is dedicated to agriculture, two thirds of that to livestock
grazing. Moreover, 40 percent of the global grain harvest and 20
percent of fish catches are not used directly for food, but converted
into livestock feed. This translates into an enormous waste of calories i.e. energy – when grain is used as livestock feed, it takes up to
nine kilograms of grain to generate one kilogram of beef.
The livestock raised by human beings live on energy
from the sun stored within plant material. However, a large proportion of that – as already mentioned – is converted not into meat,
but into animal waste heat, as well as problematic waste materials
such as methane gas and manure. The appalling efficiency of this
process would horrify every production expert from any given manu­
facturing sector. And the environmental officer would probably
throw himself immediately from the factory roof – emissions escape unfiltered into the atmosphere and millions of tons of excrement are dumped onto the landscape, i.e. onto the fields used for
food production. Just imagine this kind of thing being perpetrated
by a chemical factory or automaker – it would be shut down within
a day. The modern form of meat production harks back to early
factories that ruined forests and rivers unabated with their chimneys and waste water. It is a relic of 19th century industry.
And it will possibly disappear in just the same way as
horse transport did when it was replaced by the car. “Theoretically,
it is not necessary to farm animals in order to produce meat,” writes
American environmental journalist Gregg Easterbrook in his book
“A Moment on the Earth”. Agronomists and biotechnologists have
been working for some time on a variety of processes to completely
skip the animal in our food chain. In Holland, according to the information service of the European Institute for Food and Nutrition
Sciences, a global patent application has already been submitted
for generating meat in cell cultures. “The end product would be
fully-fledged meat,” writes Gregg Easterbrook of such plans, “How­
ever, the cells would no longer take the detour through a living,
suffering animal.” A development that began 10,000 years ago with
the domestication of livestock could, in the next few decades, take
a direction that is once again at one with beast and nature. Such a
technology would be one of the greatest imaginable steps forward
for environmental protection – one that would open up new scope
for a growing human race with a growing appetite for meat.
This would further refute the position held by English
clergyman Thomas Robert Malthus, who is seen as the father of
pessimistic predictions for humankind. He formulated his thinking
in 1798 in his “Essay on the Principle of Population”. His core thesis
was that the laws of nature put population growth and food production on diverging paths. While harvest increases, at best, in a
linear fashion, population growth is exponential. Therefore, a great
many people would be doomed to starvation if the birth rate could
not be significantly reduced. The actual development would presumably have been a great relief to Malthus, as it took a very different course in the emerging industrial lands that were the focus of
his concern at the time. Between 1800 and 1900, Europe and North
America had the fastest growing societies. Europe doubled its
population, while America’s multiplied by a factor of twelve. The
industrial revolution wrought fundamental change in the food supply and also brought sustained improvement to working-class living standards.
Nevertheless, many still adhere today to the tradition
of Malthusian thinking. According to the well-known study “The
Limits to Growth” from the seventies, many important resources,
including crude oil, should have been exhausted by the year 2000.
However, inventiveness and the discovery of new, unknown stores
of resources have brought unimaginable progress. Instead of becoming an arena of humanitarian catastrophe as feared, the very
region that seemed particularly under threat in the seventies –
Southeast Asia – has enjoyed an almost meteoric rise. The people
in China, Korea and Malaysia did not deteriorate into hunger and
depression, but instead became key players in the industrialized
world. Development in India, once especially threatened by food
shortages, throws a spotlight onto the phenomenal progress that
people in many places have achieved with the aid of new technologies. From 1968 until the turn of the century, the population of
India has doubled, its wheat production more than quadrupled and
its national output has increased by a factor of nine.
Technical progress and growing environmental awareness have altered conditions in the old industrial nations for the
better. And it is becoming evident that the emerging economies
have passed the peak of environmental pollution. It shows that
they are moving much faster through the transformation process
to an efficient economy than the previous candidates from the last
two centuries. The later a country enters into industrialization, the
faster economic growth decouples from resource consumption.
Static thinking within limits and proscription is being disproved by
the dynamic processes of living the right way – and always when
someone, somewhere in the world has a good idea.
This can be traced more or less seamlessly from the
Neolithic Revolution with the discovery of arable and livestock
farming right the way through to the modern era. Progress has
been continual as a result of human curiosity, naturally enquiring
minds and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. The world remains
full of surprises. The invention of the steam engine and with it the
ability to extract coal from great depths saved the forests of central
Europe. Prior to that, firewood was the only source of energy. Crude
oil made whale oil superfluous – thus saving the whale. Synthetic
fibers replace ecologically problematic cotton monocultures.
Natural rubber has been replaced by man-made alternatives. Glassfiber cable saves on heavy copper lines. Renewable energies are
becoming increasingly efficient and even fossil fuel reserves are
currently experiencing a rebound. The next, surely numerous, revolutionary surprises will be connected with the extreme digitization of our lives.
Evolution never stands still – if needs be, it changes di­
rection. This can be clearly traced in nature, as well as in human his­
tory – as soon as resources become scarce or too expensive, human
beings seek alternatives. The crises that have seen humankind push
against the limits of growth have only ever been solved by change
and the innovative use of technology. Not once did a near horizon
of low expectations or thinking within the box ever bring progress.
Instead, it took the will to forge forward into the unknown.
Space travel is a particularly good example of that. The
image taken from space of the blue planet changed human consciousness. The photo of our bright, colorful island in the dark
depths of space had a tremendous psychological impact and asserted a global realization – we are one world. The change in the
ecological consciousness of global society is thus also the unforeseen reward of an advanced technology. Interestingly, environmentalists and nature conservationists have almost always been skeptical companions to progress, with a few exceptions like Jacques
Cousteau. Humanity has not the call for limits to thank for the most
effective ecological document of the 20th century, but rather the
yearning to overcome them.
The image taken from space of the blue planet changed human
consciousness. The photo of our bright, colorful island in
the dark depths of space had a tremendous psychological impact and
asserted a global realization – we are one world.
Dirk Maxeiner
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
A Clean Getaway
CO₂-neutral car transport
The majority of Audi vehicle production is for export. Every year, around
150,000 vehicles take a CO₂-neutral trip to North Sea container port Emden, because
the trains that take them there are driven by electricity generated from renewable sources.
Johannes Köbler
Stefan Warter
Audi’s success is also based on the brand’s
strong position in global export markets – a
good 80 percent of the 1.3 million cars that the company sold in
record year 2011 went to customers abroad. Many of them covered
part of their journey with green energy. For the last two years, the
three Audi freight trains that travel every day from the Ingolstadt
plant to the container port of Emden on the North Sea have been
using electricity from regenerative energy sources.
For the roughly 150,000 cars that are brought here every
year, this means an overall reduction in CO₂ emissions of around
5,250 tonnes – a saving of more than 35 kilograms per car. “CO₂free rail transport is an important step on the route to CO₂-neu­tral
mobility,” says Dr. Michael Hauf, Head of Audi Brand Logistics.
CO₂-neutral rail freight traffic known as ‘Eco Plus’ is offered by DB Schenker, the logistics arm of Deutsche Bahn. For
transportation within the domestic rail network, the necessary
energy is replaced completely by regenerative energy from Ger­
many purchased by Deutsche Bahn. Audi bears the additional costs
compared with a conventional electricity supply and DB Schenker
invests a proportion of the proceeds in targeted projects dealing
with renewable energies.
By using eco-electricity for freight transport, Audi is
breaking new ground within the automotive sector. The premium
manufacturer was the first to use CO₂-neutral transport, and is also
working in a development partnership with DB Schenker. “As the
first user to make this move, we are underscoring our progressive
character and our sustainable thinking,” stresses Hauf. “And we are
seriously considering further expansion of this process.”
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
The brand with the four rings has been working with
resource-conserving logistics for many years. A good 70 percent of
Audi models from Ingolstadt reach their destination by train, 36
percent of them with regenerative energy. Many large components
are also shipped by rail.
Furthermore, Audi uses rail transportation for the heavy
traffic between its Ingolstadt and Győr plants. Painted body­shells
and parts for the Audi TT leave Bavaria on two-storey wagons for
assembly in north-west Hungary. They return to Ingolstadt on the
610-kilometer track as complete cars, accompanied by the engines
that are built in Győr for the entire model lineup.
Over the last 14 years, the trains have covered around
twelve million kilometers on the track between Győr and Ingol­
stadt, replacing approximately 390,000 truck journeys – an annual
reduction of 36,000 tonnes of CO₂. One major contributor to this
impressive figure is the high proportion of electricity generated
sustainably from hydro power.
Audi is fundamentally committed to conducting as
much of its transportation as possible by rail. However, because
this is not always possible, there is also a roads network that primarily serves the inflow of parts from suppliers. When it comes to
truck haulage, Audi bundles its supplies within the group family
into so-called consolidation centers, and transports them from
there to its factories with fully loaded trucks.
In-depth knowledge
Underground research as preventative environmental protection –
building plans at Audi plants must have the minimum possible impact on the
­environment. It is for this reason that extensive geological investigations are being
­carried out in the depths beneath the Neckarsulm site.
Paul-Janosch Ersing
Bernd Martin now knows exactly what lies
beneath the factory site in Neckarsulm. The
officer responsible for Operational Environmental Protection at the
plant has learnt a great deal about the geological layers and their
formation; he has seen for himself the colors and structures of the
rock and is now also familiar with the flow of the ground water in
the limestone.
The source of this knowledge is extensive geological
research – at five different locations, drill bits with diameters ranging from 14.6 to 31.1 centimeters bored up to 38 meters into the
earth last year. This brought the different geological layers into the
daylight as core samples. They were secured precisely in cases and
then documented with a high-resolution camera. The geologists
have also compiled their findings from the boring work into a twodimensional representation. In the meantime, the research boreholes on the almost one square kilometer piece of land have been
expanded into survey stations in order to monitor the ground water
– virtually invisible to the casual observer.
Bernd Martin is satisfied: “This project has given Audi an
exceptionally good understanding of the underground. This kind of
thorough geological research of a factory site is extremely rare. We
now know exactly what it looks like beneath our factory.” This know­
ledge from the underground research opens up new opportunities
for preventative environmental protection at Audi. In drawing up
future building plans, it will be possible to keep intrusion into the
underground and ground water to an absolute minimum.
This is clearly illustrated by one concrete example – at
the location of a planned new building, the support shafts of which
will reach up to ten meters into the earth, the underground is considerably harder, more stable and with less ground water throughflow than was previously known. “For the first time, we have bored
into the black shale that exists here and established that the
ground water will not be put at risk by our construction work,” says
Bernd Martin, pleased by the good news from the deep.
From a geological standpoint, Neckarsulm is a special
location. The River Neckar has always dominated the landscape and
its tributary, the Sulm, flows into it close to the Audi site. The socalled Heilbronner Mulde (Heilbronn basin) was formed underground as the result of a continual leaching process over millennia.
It has a number of geological layers – Lower Triassic* in the south
and black shale in the north – as well as massive salt deposits at a
depth of around 180 meters.
This immediately sparked the geologist’s interest.
Anybody who starts boring here will hit river deposits six to eight
meters down – stone, gravel, sand and alluvial clay – initially red
beds and then black shale. The time dimension that can be unlocked by one borehole spans from Neckar gravel that is a few thousand years old to black shale, the sediment of which was deposited
around 235 million years ago. The examination of every bore core
in Neckarsulm thus also became a lesson in geological history.
Neatly sorted – the bore cores,
one meter per box, show precisely the underground geological layers.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Even the background image on his cell phone depicts
Franz-Xaver Schäffler’s favorite animal – tiny black button eyes, silky brown/black fur, big ears and two sharp
canine teeth. The Audi worker from the Pre-Production
Center has been fascinated by bats for almost 30 years.
But his interest doesn’t end with fascination. Schäffler takes care of bats that stray onto the factory site, are injured or nest in the wrong places. As a
member of Ingolstadt’s Nature Conservation Watch,
Schäffler also looks after bat habitats in the city of In­
golstadt and the county of Eichstätt.
He takes injured animals home with him to
examine them and nurse them back to health. The “foster father” feeds the hungry bats with milk and mealworms. “I have an indescribable feeling every time I am
able to release a fully recovered animal back into the
wild.” Schäffler has already tended to up to 400 bats at
home. “It really is a full-time job. The protection and care
of these animals has become part of my everyday life.”
Schäffler is also active in creating new habitats on the factory site. Due to construction work and
the constantly changing building structures on the site,
the bats are frequently in need of new homes.
Passionate about the environment
Franz-Xaver Schäffler – bats, like this serotine,
are his thing. He finds them somewhere
to sleep and nurses sick animals back to health.
I have made it my goal to bring these lovely animals closer
to people and to raise awareness of the need to protect them.
Franz-Xaver Schäffler
Encounter Environment
Passionate about the environment
Insect Hotel
A hotel for insects? With this environment project, Audi
apprentices in the production machining area have started something special. Wild bees and wasps in particular
find sanctuary here, as their natural habitats are increas­
ingly disappearing. The insects lay their eggs in the cav­
ities of the hotels, where the larvae can develop in peace.
Andreas, Anil, David and Nico are four of the
apprentices providing lodgings for thousands of these
small guests in their four-storey nesting boxes. “Not
only was it fun to build the insect hotel, it is also cool to
be doing something for the environment,” says Nico
Ziegler. Overall, 100 apprentices worked on the first in­
­­sect accommodation at the Schernfeld Forest Ex­pe­ri­
ence Center near Ingolstadt – chopping down the wood,
cutting it to size and using it to put together the basic
framework. And then decorating the ‘hotel rooms’ with
bored out wooden discs, reeds and elder twigs. A second insect hotel has since been constructed in front of
the Audi Training Center. Here, the apprentices can check
in on their wards. “We’re pleased that the insects have
a new home on the factory site,” says Andreas Schuster.
But insects are not the end of the story; the
apprentices have committed themselves further to
their environmental responsibility. The next project is
already at the planning stage – an oak planting initiative. The saplings have already been grown and shovels
are at the ready.
Hoteliers – the hotel builders eagerly
await their first guests.
Not only was it fun to build the insect hotel,
it is also cool to be doing something for the environment.
Nico Ziegler
Johannes Köbler
Stefan Warter
Loss turns to gain
In many areas of development and
production, Audi uses intelligent technology to recover
energy. Four examples from the Neckarsulm plant.
Sheet cutting equipment
Stop-and-go in sheet metal traffic
Enormous forces rule in the Audi press shop
at the Neckarsulm plant – the largest transfer presses
shape parts like the sidewall frames of the Audi A6 with
up to 8,000 tonnes of press force. At the entry to the
press, sheet cutting equipment cuts the necessary
blanks from a huge steel coil. The coil moves in a stopand-go operation. For every cut, the electric motors
that convey the material with 200 kW of power are
stopped for a few seconds.
Audi draws capital from this – excess energy
generated during braking is captured within the equipment, which forms its own electricity circuit, and then
fed back into the drive motors. This recuperation technology* reduces electricity consumption by around 120
MWh per year. Plus, the sheet cutting equipment feeds
a further 12.5 MWh back into the factory’s electricity
grid every year.
Recovered energy:
More than 120 MWh per year.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Engine Test Center
Electric motors put up resistance
The Engine Test Center at Audi’s Neckarsulm
factory, which entered service in 2011, is state-of-theart. Around 1,600 engine tests are run every year on its
54 test rigs, with the engines put through their paces
in several criteria – from power and fuel consumption,
through thermal stability to durability.
All engines on the test rigs are equipped
with catalytic converters and the TDI engines with particulate filters. The large asynchronous motors that
provide the load on many of the test rigs are able to
recover up to 86 percent of the kinetic energy generated by the internal combustion engines. Per year, this
amounts to more than 5,000 MWh of electricity.
Recovered energy:
More than 5,000 MWh per year.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Buildings technology
Latest technology for the
climate indoors
The Neckarsulm Engine Test Center was con­
ceived strictly from an energy and environmental perspective. The outer skin of the building absorbs a large
proportion of the noise emissions. Inside, state-of-theart ventilation systems with integrated heat recovery
are installed. A central control system manages this in
accordance with requirements and to conserve resources. The operation of cooling equipment is dependent
on outside temperature, meaning that the use of refrigerating machinery is not necessary in many areas.
Experience on video how energy is recovered at Audi!
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
ABS test rig
Braking recovers energy
Following assembly at Neckarsulm, every
Audi is put through a series of test stations. One of
them is the so-called ABS test rig. This is where the
brake system is checked and the engine brought up to
temperature using a pre-determined driving profile in
preparation for the subsequent power test. The cycle
takes around five minutes.
Two AC asynchronous motors drive the rolling road; during braking, they function as generators
to recover energy. Under full load, the amount of energy recuperated* per day averages 193 kWh, amounting
to 47 MWh per year. The recovered electricity flows into
the network servicing the facility equipment.
Recovered energy:
Up to 47 MWh per year.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
SLC store
15 efficient lifts for
160,000 storage spaces
In 2010, a new logistics center for so-called
small load containers (SLC) entered service at the Audi
plant in Neckarsulm. Every hour, an average of 1,300
containers for a lot of parts like facings, door handles,
navigation devices and control units are handled here
The high-rack store is 19.5 meters high and
offers around 160,000 storage spaces. They are served
by 15 fully automated rack feeders, conceived like small
freight elevators. The energy that they draw while driving is converted into electricity under braking, which
is fed into the supply grid and used to run the equipment. This delivers an energy saving of around 25 percent, which equates to 100 MWh of energy per year. In
total, all the resource-conserving measures in the new
logistics center – including a heating system that uses
waste heat from the supply buildings – avoid up to 500
tonnes of CO₂ per year.
Recovered energy:
100 MWh per year.
Encounter Environment
Audi A6 hybrid
Driving with zero local emissions
Recuperation* also makes a major contribution to the high efficiency of the new Audi A6 hybrid
model. The sedan combines the power of a V6 with the
consumption of a four-cylinder. With 180 kW (245 hp)
system output and 480 Nm of system torque, it sprints
from zero to 100 km/h in 7.3 seconds and on to a top
speed of 238 km/h. Average fuel consumption, on the
other hand, is less than 6.2 liters per 100 km – a CO₂
emission level of less than 145 grams per km.
The Audi A6 hybrid can drive at speeds of up
to 100 km/h on electricity alone; at a constant speed of
60 km/h, it has a range of three kilometers. It can drive
either with the internal combustion engine alone, or in
hybrid mode. Under heavy acceleration, the engine and
the electric motor operate in unison. And it recovers a
substantial proportion of energy during braking. Dedi­
cated displays in the dashboard and on the MMI monitor visualize the different driving modes.
The internal combustion engine, a 2.0 TFSI
with 155 kW (211 hp) and 350 Nm of torque, works
together with an electric motor that generates 40 kW
(54 hp) and 211 Nm of torque. The electric motor sits
directly behind the TFSI, occupying the space of the
torque converter ahead of the modified eight-speed
tiptronic. The hybrid transmission sends the drive to the
front wheels.
The lightweight and compact lithium-ion
battery is in the trunk. It supplies a nominal 1.3 KWh
of energy and is cooled as required in one of two ways
– by air extracted by fan from the interior and by its own
refrigeration circuit. This technology keeps the battery
within the correct temperature range and thus ensures
the high level of electric drive.
Audi A6 2.0 TFSI Hybrid
Encounter Environment
System power
180 kW (245 hp)
Fuel consumption (city)
6.2 (l/100 km)
Fuel consumption (highway)
6.2 (l/100 km)
Fuel consumption (combined)
6.2 (l/100 km)
CO₂ emissions (combined)
145 g/km
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Captain Future
Michael Breme, Head of Toolmaking at Audi,
and Arne Lakeit, Head of Production and Facility
Planning at Audi, discuss the production
­technology of tomorrow and the day after.
Factory of the Future
Cars made from renewable materials, built by robots that program
­themselves. Is this how factories will look in the year 2050? And what role will people
play? A visionary look into the future of automobile production.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Patricia Piekenbrock
The worker of the future will take the robot
by the hand – quite literally. Simply by showing it, he can teach the machine what is expected of it. The robot
will then fetch the desired component and hand it to him carefully
and completely safely – thus allowing the human being to concentrate fully on the value-added aspect of the job. “The working conditions and processes in the factory of tomorrow will be ideally
matched to one another via perfect man-machine interaction,”
reckons Michael Breme, Head of Toolmaking at Audi.
For lay people, the new form of cooperation between
man and machine is still one of the more “easily” comprehensible
visions of Michael Breme and Arne Lakeit, Head of Production and
Facility Planning. Both men are “Production” people; both spend
every day addressing the issues of the future. Their fields of work
are highly complementary – while Lakeit plans and implements the
vehicle maker’s entire process chain, Breme supplies the necessary
operating resources. Their functions work very closely together,
starting with the facility layout and extending all the way to startof-production. Commencing with current technologies and working
conditions, they conceive the future of vehicle manufacturing –
completely visionary and extending decades into the future.
“We will never dispense with human resources,” says
Lakeit, “not even in the year 2050.” Due to ongoing demographic
change, however, the age structure will shift significantly toward
older workers. With their experience and specialist expertise, they
will represent in future the most significant element in a “know­
ledgeable Audi collective” Breme explains: “We will, however, have
to take into consideration the needs associated with their health and
physical restrictions.” Today, production employees already receive
ergonomic assistance from robots for physically strenuous tasks
or awkward working positions. The years to come will see changes
take place in the interaction between man and machine. The interface will become smoother so that the process steps go automatically hand-in-hand. Lakeit looks ahead: “It will be a true cooperation – respectful, appreciative, safe and therefore worry-free.”
“The interaction of the machines among themselves is
another example,” continues Michael Breme. “Before, it took months
to go from facility construction to start-of-production – hardware
installation, wiring and then programming.” Thanks to virtual commissioning, it now takes only a few weeks. Robot movements are
optimized prior to the construction of the production installation.
As soon as all the machines in a new factory hall are wired, it is
simply a matter of uploading the program. This plug-and-play approach also enables the seamless integration of additional vehicle
variants into the ongoing production process.
“In the year 2050, however, the machines will be fully
capable of writing their own control programs,” insists Lakeit. “We
will simply have to tell a piece of equipment what we expect of it.
It will then network itself independently with the cooperating robots.” The machines then determine among themselves which one
will handle what tasks. “And, of course, there won’t be any more
cable harnesses,” adds Breme, because the communication between robots and production systems will occur wirelessly and
without losses. Breme: “When it comes to the flow of information,
I’m afraid that cable is a bottleneck.”
Intelligent tools are already part of the near future for
Michael Breme. Bodyshell tools that work purely mechanically
today will become “intelligent” with the aid of in-built sensors and
actuators. The sensors measure pressure, temperature or other
important process data and deliver conclusions on component
quality. Should the sheet thickness change too dramatically during
a deep draw process*, for instance, the process can be stopped. “In
a case like that, our vision is to be able to intervene immediately via
actuators in order to ensure that delays in the production process
don’t occur in the first place,” clarifies Breme.
We will never dispense with human resources, not even in the year 2050.
Due to ongoing demographic change, the age structure will shift
significantly toward older workers. With their experience and specialist
expertise, they will represent in future the most significant element
in a ‘knowledgeable Audi collective’.
Arne Lakeit
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
People will tell robots what they
expect of them, then the machines will
program themselves.
Complex production facilities will organize
their work processes themselves and exchange
information wirelessly.
Robots will assist people with all
physically demanding work.
Entire bodyshells can be produced using
three-dimensional printing – highly individualized
right down to one-offs.
In the year 2050, cars can be produced
entirely from renewable and recyclable raw
materials such as bio-polymers.
But how can we even recognize the trends and the key
technologies of the future? Arne Lakeit provides the answer: “Peo­
ple need the freedom to think laterally. Our task is to generate an
atmosphere of creativity.” And, in order to achieve that, Audi has set
up the function of innovation and competence management as part
of its production strategy. “But lateral thinking doesn’t mean losing contact with real-life issues,” warns the Head of Planning. “Not
every new idea hits the mark, but it might open up a different way
of looking at things.”
Naturally, Audi also makes use of scientific scenario
technology. Beginning with group strategy, teams from Toolmaking
and Production Planning first consider the basic parameters for
production. They devise scenarios for a variety of different views of
the future, giving rise to ideas for new processes, structures and
operating resources. “In our strategy factory, we bring together
in­­novation and vision,” explains Lakeit. “Győr, for example, is the
response to the growth scenario. It predicted high volumes, more
vehicle models and variants. The new production facility brings all
of these requirements under one roof, together with a high level of
environmental protection.”
One of the core elements of vehicle production within
the foreseeable future will be the secure joining of different materials. “It would, of course, be ideal for resource conservation if, in
spite of multi-material constructions, we could use only adhesives
or alternative approaches and no longer needed other joining technologies like welding,” says Lakeit. It is for this reason that his people
are currently working on the molecular structure of adhesives – it
could, in future, be no problem to join together materials with diverse characteristics (e.g. steel, aluminum, other lightweight metals, fiber-reinforced polymers*) in a secure and reliable manner.
“It is self-evident that, by the year 2050, we will be
using only recyclable and renewable raw materials – such as biopolymers*,” says Lakeit, continuing his chain of thought. “But the
question is also whether we will even still need a mix of materials
for a bodyshell in the distant future.” There could conceivably be
one single material that, depending on its molecular orientation,
can take on the desired characteristics or forms. Michael Breme
looks into the future of toolmaking: “We will no longer need press
tools with upper and lower parts weighing several tons, but instead
just one single mold.” Once the highly flexible material is introduced into the template, all it would take would be the application
of a certain temperature or electrical current to harden the component with very little energy consumption.
“We will prepare ourselves for the material mix in the
paint shop – aluminum, magnesium, steel, different types of polymer. We will implement ‘cold’ painting at Audi, because not all
materials can handle the high temperatures,” says Lakeit. “We are
currently researching how we can create our current palette of 150
colors from four to six base colors that are then not mixed until the
application process in the paint shop,” he continues.
“The long-term objective, however, is to apply just one
single pigment combination, which can then be varied in its effect
by the customer himself,” says Lakeit’s, describing his thinking for
the distant future. A car that changes its color at the touch of a
button – by applying an electrical current, the molecules could
change their orientation and shimmer in different colors. And, in
combination with effects from nano technology, there could, in
2050, be an absolutely aesthetic and maintenance-free paint. The
colors have greater visual depth, the car’s outer skin stays clean and
scratches heal themselves …
“In our vision, customers can also change the configuration of their new car up to just days before delivery,” says Breme,
continuing the vision of the future. This is enabled by so-called
rapid manufacturing. With this production process, also known as
three-dimensional printing, cars could in future be produced directly from the available CAD model. This presents new opportunities to individualize them in accordance with customer desires.
Breme explains: “Within the scope of physical limits, customers
will be able to configure the car they want entirely from A to Z.”
Highly flexible production facilities then create complete body­
shells using rapid manufacturing. “This will make it possible to
fulfill virtually every desire quickly and flexibly,” sums up the Head
of Toolmaking.
In the distant future, customers will be able to configure their dream car
­individually to an unimaginable degree, even including the
exterior design. Thanks to highly flexible production facilities, virtually
every desire will be fulfilled quickly and flexibly.
Michael Breme
The car can change its color at the
touch of a button. The pigment effect is altered
by electrical current.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
The field of bionics* also holds unimaginable promise
for the future. “In toolmaking, we are applying an increasing number
of refinements from biology,” accounts Breme. With bionic structures, tools are shedding a quarter of their weight using the socalled SKO process* (Soft Kill Option). Lower masses mean less
energy consumption. And the form of the tools, too, can be further
developed in accordance with the principles of bionics. “Right angles are rare in nature, and are increasingly disappearing from toolmaking,” explains Breme. Lakeit adds: “Our Audi Space Frame* tech­
nology in bodyshell design is highly analogous to the structure of
bird bones – bionics is an open field that we are applying to a very
wide range of areas.”
Knowledge derived from animal swarm intelligence can
also be transferred to the collective behavior of road users, to communication car-to-car and between vehicle and infrastructure – for
better traffic management and for increased safety. The people at
Audi are also thinking about bionic work clothes. Workers undertaking energy-sapping tasks could be assisted by additional “sewn-in”
muscles – only if a robot is unable to take on the task, of course.
The human being will be the focal point of production
in 2050, too. “For qualification purposes or for more effective team­
work, we make use of Augmented Reality (AR) – a mix of reality and
the virtual world,” explains the Head of Planning. “Such virtual
techniques will also take into account the increasing global networking of work itself,” he adds. AR works thus – a technician puts
on a special pair of glasses that melds reality with computer graphics. Using this visualization, he can be guided step-by-step through
individual procedures. Instead of AR glasses, direct projection of
the graphics onto the retina is also conceivable. AR can enhance
education and training activities, too. It offers new insights and
eases the transition from learning to doing.
“Knowledge and energy – both are extremely valuable.
We want not only to make the best possible use of these resources,
but also to preserve them,” says Lakeit. For the year 2050, he expects that cars from Audi will no longer require separate energy
storage media like tanks or batteries. The car itself will store the
ne­cessary energy – bodyshell parts from fiber-reinforced polymers
could serve as energy accumulators for sunlight. Other vehicle
components will store heat directly from the outside air. Friction
heat will in future be converted thermo-electrically into electricity.
“Of course, we won’t achieve perpetual motion,” says Lakeit. “But
we will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to get as close to it
as possible, and to use every kind of energy as efficiently as possible.” It is with these visions that Lakeit and Breme are working on
the road to the future. They are thinking of cars that communicate
with each other and with their environment; cars that can drive
autonomously at the request of their driver. Cars that travel accident-free; and cars that take fully into account individual needs for
mobility and the environment. They will be manufactured in resource-conserving production facilities around the globe, in which
people work extremely flexibly with state-of-the-art technologies
and equipment. A good vision.
Augmented Reality
The combination of reality and the
virtual world will have a profound effect on
working processes.
Projection onto the retina will replace
screens and instruments.
Virtual technologies will expand the understanding and capabilities
of people in the networked world. Knowledge and energy –
both are very valuable. We want not only to make the best possible use
of these resources, but also to preserve them.
Arne Lakeit
Piloted driving
Cars will communicate independently
with their environment and also drive a large
proportion of routes autonomously.
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Encounter Environment
Green IT Any attempt to find hot air between the 650
rack cabinets for the servers and storage components
would be fruitless. The new computer rooms are fully
equipped with efficient technology and an intelligent
air conditioning concept. Once the outside ambient
temperature drops to 12 °C, outside air alone is used for
cooling with the help of indirect free cooling. “This
means that for more than half of the year we don’t have
to use the energy-intensive chillers,” says Heiss explaining the principle. Furthermore, the equipment being
installed in the new building is highly efficient and
therefore has fewer losses – recirculating air coolers,
for instance, with energy-saving motors.
Computer Center
The building is completed and installation is currently underway –
the new Ingolstadt plant’s new computer center will soon
be finished. The heart of Audi IT will then be bigger than ever before,
but will beat a lot more energy efficiently.
Daniel Schuster
Always a cool head
A total of 650 racks of servers and components are
accommodated in the new Computer Center.
Stefan Warter
Kinetic energy bridges the gap
The servers have to keep running even if
there is a power outage at the computer center, because rebooting the systems would take several hours.
Just a few milliseconds without power are all it takes to
bring everything to a standstill – including the network
and, with it, the entire vehicle production. “Nothing
runs these days without data from the computer center,” states Heiss, as he explains the importance of reliable technology. So far, the time required for the emergency power system to kick in has been bridged by leadacid batteries. Entire rooms were filled with them. But
there are greener ways of doing this. For the new computer center, Audi is turning to a kinetic energy storage
system. “You can think of it as a huge, three-tonne flywheel,” explains the Project Leader. If there is a power
outage, the weight continues to swing for a further 50
to 60 seconds, thus supplying electricity via a generator
– enough time to start the emergency power system.
“It’s a little more expensive this way, but has a longer
lifecycle and is more sustainable – a fundamental prerequisite for our Green Data Center.”
Project Leader Hans Heiss is responsible for ensuring a considerable reduction in energy consumption in the Computer Center.
The building
Almost three years of building work, 5,100
trucks full of earth – just a few months ago, the new
computer center was nothing more than a massive hole
in the ground. The outer shell is now completed; a large
proportion of the cable has been laid. Including all the
logistics areas, the new computer center covers an area
of around 9,000 square meters – more than a soccer
field. And it will, of course, be “greener” than the current computer centers at the Ingolstadt plant.
After 30 years, these are outdated and at
the limits of their capacity. “With the new main computer center, we will reduce consumption by at least a
third,” predicts Project Leader Hans Heiss. 20 million
kilowatt hours were consumed in 2010, enough energy
for 5,700 households.
Audi is now consolidating the current six
computer centers in Ingolstadt onto two locations,
doubling capability from 3,000 to 6,000 servers and
equipping them with state-of-the-art technology. “There
is a great deal of potential to be had from cooling in
particular,” explains Heiss. “Just one degree difference
saves a whole lot of money.”
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Greenovation Audi Production Award
Michael Schacht won the first Production
Award with a good idea and an efficient concept. In 2010,
under the heading “Production of the Future”, he presented the extensive savings potential offered to produc­
tion by the use of batteries. The member of the Science
Faculty at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg
made a compelling case to Audi’s jury of experts.
The company honored visionary ideas in the
field of vehicle manufacturing with the Audi Production
Award in 2011, too. The topic for that year was resource
efficiency in production. The winning concept “Opti­mi­
zed Paths in CNC Machining” by the joint team from the
University of California (USA) and University of British
Columbia (Canada) compared a variety of tool paths in
CNC machining with respect to their energy efficiency.
The idea can be adapted to a wide range of robot and
machine applications and is therefore suited to widespread implementation in automotive production. In
order to test the model under almost real-life conditi­
ons, Audi provided the two universities with sample CNC
path data. The resulting software system is due for im­
plementation within the company in the near future.
A total of 68 concepts from more than ten
countries were represented in the 2011 award race. In
two qualifying rounds, a jury of experts from the P-VIT
selected the best eight projects and invited the teams
to participate in expert workshops at the Audi factory
in Ingolstadt. The researchers presented their ideas
and approaches for direct comparison, discussed them
with Audi experts and worked together to expand on
the ideas.
Innovation team
What will the future of car production look like? Where can resources
be protected; which processes can be adjusted more toward the needs of the
environment? On these issues, Audi is working closely with universities
and scientific institutions.
Felix Schwabe coordinates the work in
Audi Production’s Innovation Team.
Audi Board Member Frank Dreves presents the award
to Sushrut Pavanaskar (left) from the University of California.
VIT for the future
At least once a month Felix Schwabe steps
into a mental time machine. He then travels 20 to 30
years into the future and works with his colleagues to
identify challenges and trends that don’t yet feature in
the present day. As its coordinator, he is a member of
Production’s Advanced Engineering and Innovation
Team (P-VIT in German). Representatives from all areas
of Audi Production come together here to discuss forward-looking innovation management. An important
task, because “especially in our field – production – we
continually have to adjust for new materials, technologies, procedures and processes,” explains Schwabe. The
objective is clear: “We want to improve production processes and provide the technical development function
with opportunities to present Vorsprung durch Technik
in our cars.”
“We identify innovative projects across the
entire scope of production and support them with our
innovation budget,” he explains. “Then we take these
projects to universities as doctoral theses or research
projects.” Thus, the P-VIT makes use of existing synergies, while at the same time bringing more scientific
expertise to Audi. Around 50 to 60 post-graduate theses are currently being supported by Audi Production,
with countless more university projects also underway.
Alongside the purely scientific dialogue,
P-VIT also helps young engineers to patent their ideas.
Moreover, regular events provide the postgraduate students with a broad platform on which to present themselves and their findings to Audi.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Glowingly innovative ideas for the further development
of efficient production technologies.
Power management
in production
Resource efficiency is one of the primary
keywords when it comes to environmental protection in
production. Wherever work is carried out at a fast rate
and in high volumes, small improvements can ultimately represent a substantial benefit for the environment.
This is why Cagatay Yüce (Works Service)
and Ingrid Paulus (Resource Management Production)
pay very close attention when it comes to energy management in production. Since the beginning of 2011,
they have been working together with the Institute for
Applied Research at Ingolstadt University on the “Power
Management” project. Their objective sounds very simple – less energy consumption.
However, there is no such thing as a single
switch in the complex infrastructure of a production
facility. Alongside lighting and ventilation, there are
also presses, welding and jointing equipment, test
stands and transport systems – never mind the wide
range of diverse production equipment. Starting with
assembly, the individual areas of energy consumption
are being precisely recorded and visualized. Other energy sources (compressed air, heat) and parameters
(temperature, power, pressure) are specifically included in the measurements. Current findings have led, for
example, to measures being derived and implemented
for the reduction of compressed air or the optimization
of facilities for testing water tightness. Ultimately, a
classification system will be created for all production
departments to enable forward planning of consumpti­
on, identification of wasted energy and presentation of
recommended optimization methods. And who knows,
perhaps they will find a single switch for the reduction
of resource consumption.
Think Green
Following the 2009 environmental compatibility study, it was clear to Arnold and the team from
Operational Environmental Protection that: “We have
to make visible the impact of possible pollutants.” And
for this, the team turned to the vegetable garden, because certain types of vegetables are extremely sensitive to paint solvents. Grasses, on the other hand, are
very good at absorbing heavy metals. “You could say
that we have engaged the plants as detectives,” is how
Arnold describes the biomonitoring project.
Arnold and agricultural biologist Dr. Rein­
hard Kostka-Rick distributed more than 130 plants
around the factory site. The plants were checked regularly and specific damage to their leaves assessed.
Kostka-Rick carried out and evaluated a total of 19,000
observations of this type, also known as botanical ratings*, on the factory site. Many changes to the leaves
are only recognizable to the trained eye – these include
discoloration or a more rapid aging of the leaf.
The results of the field test confirm the calculations made during the environmental compatibility study. “In the area around the paint shop, we found
a somewhat higher influence on the leaf structure resulting from paint solvent compared with the reference
sample,” reports Arnold. “They are, however, at a level
typical for areas close to roads and traffic zones.” From
the 16 heavy metals investigated, which come primarily from bodyshell manufacturing and machining, only
five appeared in slightly elevated levels that were nevertheless still within regulatory limits.
This outcome is a reflection of the extensive
application of environmentally friendly technologies.
For instance, Audi uses dust filters to clean the exhaust
air emitted from bodyshell manufacturing. Likewise,
Audi has been using water-based paints since 1997.
These contain not only far less solvent, but part of these
pollutants is rendered harmless by a thermal incineration plant. The emissions released into the atmosphere
are thus well below the regulatory limits.
Around 32,000 people work at the Ingolstadt plant on a 210 hectare site
in production, research, development, logistics and administration.
More than half a million cars were produced in Ingolstadt last year. The impact
on the environment is monitored very closely by Operational Environmental
Protection – even with the help of tomatoes and grasses.
compatibility study
As a factory location that has grown over
time, the Ingolstadt plant is very close to the town and
to residential areas. This comes with special requirements for emissions handling, as does the proximity to
the Danube flood plains, just a few kilometers away – a
fauna and flora habitat subject to the strict regulations
of European nature conservation.
In order to carry out systematic analysis of
the environmental impact of the plant, an environmental compatibility study was carried out in 2009. Bio­
diversity in particular, i.e. the preservation of the wide
variety of animal and plant species, as well as their
habitats and gene pool, was the focus of the investigation. “Biodiversity is the basis for all life,” explains Dr.
Antje Arnold from Operational Environmental Protec­
tion at AUDI AG. Alongside emissions (noise, pollutants, CO₂, light), the study also evaluated traffic levels,
the extent of soil sealing and water consumption.
An extensive report was compiled based on
the values measured and calculations. The results sho­
wed that all figures were below the limits set for the
conservation areas around the plant. Nevertheless, air
pollutant emissions and soil sealing are having an impact on biodiversity. For this reason, Audi does not depend on technical limits and measurements alone in its
approach to environmental protection. Since 2010, the
company has even been using tomatoes, bush beans,
nasturtiums and grasses as biomonitors.
Dr. Antje Arnold takes care of biomonitoring
on the factory roofs.
The tomato meter
Grasses as a
contamination index
2011 saw Arnold and Kostka-Rick further
intensify the measurements, albeit restricted to heavy
metal and dioxins. “We ascertained in 2010 that the
metal content diminishes toward the plant’s boundaries,” says Arnold of the test parameters. With new grass
cultures, she hopes to differentiate between typical
factory and traffic emissions. In order to achieve this,
the system of measurement and reference points has
been significantly expanded. “Many of the grass cultures this year are on the roofs of factory buildings and
outside of the plant boundaries,” says Arnold. “And this
year, we have more than twice as many stations.”
The benefit of grass cultures is not immediately apparent. In contrast to tomatoes and beans, they
show little in the way of visible change. However, the
grasses accumulate large quantities of heavy metals.
Planted in a homogeneous substrate with low pollutant
content and cut back pre-determined intervals, they
serve as a storage medium. The results are then delivered by trace analysis in the laboratory.
Arnold expects to see results by early next
year. However, it is already clear that, with tomatoes,
grasses and biomonitoring, Audi is basing its work on
the scientific state-of-the-art. “And we will expand our
activities even further,” promises Arnold. Because the
issue of biodiversity in particular is becoming increasingly significant – following the International Year of
Biodiversity in 2010, the United Nations has named the
next ten years the UN Decade of Biodiversity.
Grass cultures deliver a reliable and precise
impact index for air pollutants.
Biomonitoring with plants
In ecology, biomonitoring means the regular observation, measurement and monitoring of plants
and animals. The objective is to draw conclusions on en­
vironmental quality based on their condition and changes in their population. Individual organisms are selected and their changes relative to the norm evaluated.
The spectrum ranges from spontaneous changes in cha­
racteristics as a result of current toxicity to chronic da­
mage caused by continuously high levels of pollution.
The benefit of biomonitoring is that, in contrast to a purely technical comparison with set limits,
“it is currently the only scientifically recognized procedure for not only measuring effects on the environment,
but also for making them visible,” says Dr. Arnold, a
qualified chemist. With this project, Audi is also fulfilling the agreement laid out in the ‘Business and Bio­di­
ver­sity Initiative’ entered into in 2008 by the Volks­wagen
Group. More than 40 companies have committed themselves to analyzing the impact of their cor­porate acti­
vities on biodiversity.
More information on this is available at:
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Clean Green
Cleaning robots
Welding, riveting, bonding – robots in the highly automated bodyshell
manufacturing facility are well known for being precise, fast and
efficient. In the midst of these orange-painted ‘workers’ are two snow-white
‘colleagues’. They are the cleaners on the team.
Dust replaces art
“Every week, these two robots gather several kilograms of dust,” explains Maximilian-Josef Witt­
mann, who works in bodyshell manufacturing in Ingol­
stadt and is the father of the idea. He is referring to dust
that gathers in the sleds known as ‘skids’ that drive the
bodyshells through the factory every day. “Before, the
assembly technicians had to clean the skids at the week­
end in addition to their regular work,” continues Witt­
mann. This preventative maintenance brought with it
physical stress and a certain degree of danger. “The
workers were doing the cleaning during the production
process. Our aim was to find a permanent, automatic
solution – to take the load off our workers and in the
interests of clean production.”
Wittmann found the suitable machinery in
an unusual place. At the end of 2010, white robots were
writing light messages in the sky for an art event supported by Audi at the London Design Festival. After the
festival, Wittmann took over two robots and adapted
them for their new working conditions. Where other
robots hold their tools, the cleaning robots are equip­
ped with brushes and vacuum cleaners. This not only
fascinates visitors on factory tours, but also helps to
reduce the amount of dust in the air.
Sweeping machines with innovative coconut brushes –
cleaning without chemicals.
Maximilian-Josef Wittmann
taught two of his robots how to vacuum.
Coconut cleaner
Around four kilometers of roadways and
paths have to be meticulously cleaned every day in the
new N 60 production hall in Ingolstadt alone, where the
bodyshells for the new-generation A3 are made. Cleanli­
ness is an absolute must for precision work. And environ­
mental friendliness is also crucial. As a result, the new
power sweepers are equipped with an innovative system of coconut brushes that work thoroughly without
the use of cleaning solutions and chemical additives.
There is no shortage of further ideas for en­
ergy-efficient cleanliness. Testing is currently underway
on towing machines with magnets attached to their
undersides for automatic collection of metallic particles and pieces. A further idea is robots that clean one
another once their work is completed …
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Wipe your feet!
Cleanliness in the production area is not
only important for the health of the workers, but also
absolutely crucial for product quality. Dirt, however, is
not generated in the halls. Most of it is brought in from
outside. Workers can clean their shows, but what about
the towing vehicles and their component trailers that
drive into the halls from outside?
Maximilian-Josef Wittmann had an idea for
this, too – meters of foot mats for the rubber wheels.
Their correct name is “tire cleaning zones”. They consist
of stainless steel trays up to six by eight meters in size,
fitted with moving plastic brushes, like those of a tooth­
brush. Energy consumption – zero. Lifecycle – many
years. The tire cleaning zones are now in use in many
areas of the Ingolstadt plant and other group factories
have already requested details.
Oversized footmats clean dirt from vehicle wheels.
Clean Screen
Real-time information
Paper is saved in Audi Production –
the traditional build note is dead. Every single worker
now receives information via large monitors.
“In designing the screen content for the
electronic build notes, it was very important to receive
input from the workers,” says Philipp Heizmann, Pro­duc­
tion Project Leader. On the paper build note, it was extremely difficult to represent the many individual mod­
el variants that Audi offers its customers. The writing
was very tightly spaced and difficult to understand. At
many workstations, workers had to find two or three
letter/number combinations on the build note in order
to derive for themselves the actual job requirement.
This requirement for ‘translation’ vanishes immediate­
ly, which benefits the quality of work, too. It also means
that process changes can be implemented faster. For
example, if a worker is to install a different part, it appears immediately on his screen. “The electronic vehicle
job card simplifies procedures and benefits the quality
of our products and processes,” stresses Heizmann.
Philipp Heizmann is responsible for the
“electronic build note” project on the assembly line.
On-screen – assembly line workers receive the specifications
for every single vehicle on a screen.
Completely new territory
After thirty years, it is gone forever from A3
production – and nobody will miss it. The last car with a
paper build note has left the assembly line. For the last
few months, the traditional build note with all the data
on a vehicle like interior, type of drive or country-specifics was hanging in its original place purely to be on
the safe side. Since November, all workstations on the
A3 assembly line have been equipped with an electronic build note. “This is how the workers receive – in an
easy-to-understand format – exactly the information
they require for their process step,” explains Philipp
Heizmann, Production Project Leader. “We have entered completely new territory with the development
of this system,” says Heizmann. A total of 440 workstations have been equipped with this modern technology
since May 2010.
Encounter Environment
Individuality counts
Encounter Environment
Urbanized tree research
Christian Günthner
Stefan Warter
Metropolis Project
How do urban trees react to their environment?
Can cities act as climate chambers and predict tree growth in times of climate
change? The Metropolis Project run by the Audi Environment
Foundation and the Technical University of Munich is looking for answers.
Small prick – using a narrow drill, Enno Uhl extracts
a bore core from an avenue tree in Berlin.
Audi Environment Foundation
Acting sustainably and taking responsibility
for society, the environment and the economy as a
whole are, for AUDI AG, a few of the guiding principles
of its business activities. The company reaffirmed this
in 2009 with the establishment of the Audi Stiftung für
Umwelt GmbH (Audi Environment Foundation).
The charitable organization is part of the
automaker’s dedication to environmental policy. The
foundation supports projects for the protection of the
natural habitats and resources of people, animals and
plants, and promotes scientific work that contributes
to a sustainable human-environment system. The foundation seeks to create a supportive framework for the
development of environmentally compatible technologies and promote education on environmental issues.
Voluntary action in the area of ecology –
even beyond the requirements set by legislation – is the
key requirement of the work done by the Audi Stiftung
für Umwelt GmbH. Projects receiving support include
the SRM Award for graduates attaining outstanding
achievement with their master’s thesis in the study of
Sustainable Resource Management (SRM) at the Tech­
nical University of Munich, or the “Natural Classroom”
at the Environment Center in Breitengüßbach, a former
military facility. In this approximately 125 hectare
“green” classroom, visitors can experience local nature
and biodiversity 365 days a year.
For further information see
Ultrasonic rays hit the bark of a lime tree –
sound waves emitted by a measurement device
the size of a glasses case reckon the height of the 80 year-old tree.
Prof. Dr. Hans Pretzsch and Enno Uhl, scientists at Technical Uni­versity
of Munich (TUM) Insti­tute for Forest Growth Research are taking measurements in the center of Berlin. Every day, 10,000 cars pass long
the tree-lined avenue, but the commotion doesn’t bother the scientists – in this case, the traffic is part of the concept.
“There are many interdependencies between vegetation
and the city”, explains Professor Pretzsch. “The urban climate and the
chemical composition of air in the city and surrounding areas are very
important for our Metropolis Project”. This project, which is funded
by the Audi Environment Foundation, explores the reaction kinetics,
i.e. the growth characteristics, of city trees. The city acts as a climate
chamber, because the climate gets milder towards the city boundaries
– this is particularly true for temperature, precipitation, radiation,
water composition and CO₂ concentration. On average, the median
annual temperature in big cities is one to three degrees above the
temperature of the urban hinterland. Precipitation is up to ten percent
higher than in the city’s outer belt, but a large part of it is evacuated
by the drainage system and is therefore not available to the plants.
These differences are critical for the analysis. It is how scientists can identify the direct impact of urban climate on the growth
of city trees. They want to draw conclusions about the way tree growth
reacts to climate change. They are collecting core samples not only in
Berlin but in many other cities as well. For example, the Hoop Pine in
Brisbane, the Forest Oak in Cape Town and the Norwegian Maple in New
York are being examined using this method.
The selection of the approximately 100 trees is always to
the same criteria. The researchers are looking for trees over 50 years
old that are typical to the climate of that area. This way, a variety of
comparable data can be generated in different climate zones from
cold and humid to warm and dry – a globally unique approach. Based
on this data, conclusions can be drawn on effects and the necessary
strategies derived for forest ecosystems in response to altered climate
These test trees are not only measured dendrometrically
in respect of their thickness, height, volume and canopy structure;
annual rings and carbon isotopes in the trunk are analyzed, too. “This
data allows us to draw conclusions on the growth and efficiency of
water use of avenue trees in cities, as well as the negative influences
impacting them”, says Professor Pretzsch. The survey also includes
data on the changing urban climate over the last 30 years.
The project is breaking new ground as nobody has previously come close to understanding the reaction kinetics of trees under
changing climactic conditions. The prognoses vary greatly: “They
range from extreme scenarios like the wide-spread death of trees to
more optimistic assumptions on their astonishing ability to adapt”,
explains Professor Pretzsch.
“These research results are enormously important to
global efforts in forest cultivation to develop strategies for the adaption to climate change caused by human beings”, says Professor
Pretzsch. The significance of the results is not limited to their respective regions, but plays a role in understanding the effects of global
climate change on the growth of trees.
“We want to develop solutions today for problems that are
still decades away. We will not be able to change the eco system from
one day to another. By examining the last 30 years, we hope to derive
answers to the problems of years to come”, says Dr. Dagobert Achatz,
Managing Director of the Audi Environment Foundation, describing
the aim of project. “The findings on interdependencies between urban
green areas and urban climates can also become part of long-term
city planning”.
Clear image – the analysis of annual rings
allows conclusions to be drawn on growth and
growth conditions over the last decades.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Oak Forest Project
A century of research
The Köschinger Forest, a large wooded area
near Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt, is a good deal
more peaceful than the mega-cities of the Metropolis
Project. This is where the Oak Forest Project began in
2008 with 36,000 freshly planted oak saplings. It is a
long-term project spanning 100 years to research the
optimum conditions for tree growth.
“This is where we would like to find out how
trees have to be planted in order to trap carbon in the
best possible way and to identify the conditions necessary for wide-ranging biodiversity,” is how Dr. Dagobert
Achatz, Managing Director of the Audi Environment
Foundation, describes the initiative. The Audi Environ­
ment Foundation’s main project partner is the Institute
for Forest Growth Research at the Technical University
of Munich.
Since the Ingolstadt project was launched,
thousands more trees have been added. Around 29,000
of them were planted in Hungary close to the Audi plant
in Győr, 10,000 at the Neckarsulm plant and, in summer
2011, the youngest oak forest was added in Italy – close
to Sant’Agata Bolognese, the home of Audi subsidiary
Lamborghini. A further oak forest is currently being
created in Belgium at the Brussels plant. More than
60,000 new trees have been planted within the scope
of the research project – and more are set to come.
And what is does the research actually involve? The test areas have been planted in a certain
order. In accordance with pre-defined GPS coordinates,
the oak trees were planted in concentric circles known
as Nelder circles, enabling different population densities to be investigated on as little space as possible.
A crucial aspect is to appreciate that the forest growth research is a process spanning generations.
Trees grow slowly and live significantly longer than hu­
man beings. Sustainable management of natural resources is therefore the cornerstone of the project.
Together, the project partners bear the responsibility
for ensuring that the areas for the 100-year project remain available over the long term.
Project Future – around 60,000
trees have been planted so far as part of
the research project.
The Bee School
Making grandpa’s tractor safe – class 6C of
the Albert Einstein Academy in Neubrandenburg won the
bionic competition with ‘Grandpa’s Tractor Ride’.
Learning by doing
Since colonies of bees were brought here, even the boys are
coming into the school garden. The Volkach Elementary School has been participating
in the Audi Environment Foundation’s bee project since 2011.
Agnes Happich
Christian Günthner
Bees are not just about sweet honey. Bees
are crucial for all of our vegetation – without
their proverbially busy pollination work, we would have hardly any
fruit and a great many plants would even be extinct. “Bees are the
third most important livestock animal for human beings. In view
of the depletion of bee populations, the conservation of this insect
is incredibly important,” says Dr. Dagobert Achatz, Managing Di­
rector of the Audi Environment Foundation. With the objective of
making children more familiar with sustainable behavior, the foundation is promoting the keeping of bees and hives at 20 schools in
Bavaria and thus supporting a project run by the Bee Center at the
Bavarian Regional Office for Vineyards and Horticulture.
From almost 200 applications, 20 schools were selected for
this project, including the Volkach Elementary School in Unter­
franken. Christiane Rößner is a teacher there and responsible for
the bee project, whereby several colonies are kept and tended in
the school garden.
Frau Rößner, more than 100 students came to the
­opening of the project in the school garden. Was it difficult
to find students prepared to work with bees?
Absolutely not! Since we have been involved with the bee project,
older students and boys in particular have been very keen to help
out. This is actually rather untypical. A total of 55 students are
taking care of our school garden.
What are the learning objectives of this project?
“Learning by doing” is the motto of the bee school. Ecological principles are better understood through practical lessons. We want to
reinforce the social competence of the students and their sense of
responsibility toward nature.
How do the children protect themselves from
being stung? What kind of equipment is provided by
the foundation?
We have a total of ten protective suits so that our young beekeepers
can work safely with the bees. The set of equipment also includes
three beehives, buckets, smokers, hive tools and cheesecloths for
harvesting the honey, as well as the proper tools for taking care of
the colonies.
What do the children enjoy most about this project?
They have the most fun searching for the queen among the countless bees in a colony. And there is also something in it for those with
a sweet tooth – they can simply lick a little honey from their fingers
while they are working in the school garden. But they can’t do that
after September – that’s when the queen starts defending her brood.
How time consuming is the work with the bee colonies?
I am in the fortunate position that the entire teaching staff is behind this project. We invest around three hours of school time per
week and some additional free time. For the students that applied
for Bienen AG (Bees Inc.), this work is so important that they are
happy to stay a little longer in the school garden. The demand at the
school is so high that we hope to get more colonies in future.
Encounter Environment
Of Cars and Hens
Groundbreaking research
For his contribution to climate research, the
Audi Environment Foundation has honored a young
scientist with the SRM Award. It was in recognition of
the outstanding master’s thesis submitted by 27 yearold Astor Toraño Caicoya in his study of Sustainable
Resource Management at the Technical University of
Munich (TUM). In cooperation with the Institute for
Forest Growth Research at the TUM and the Institute
for High-Frequency Technology and Radar Systems at
the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für
Luft- und Raumfahrt), the prize-winner developed an
improved method for assessing forest biomass and the
carbon stored within it.
His procedure enables more precise conclusions on the role played by forests in the global dynamics of carbon. Where around one quarter of the carbon
produced by human activity is deposited remains un­
known. The winning work thus makes a major contribution to the research of climate change. “We are promoting young scientists, who are contributing to a sustain­
able human-environment system,” explains Dr. Dago­­­bert
Achatz, Managing Director of the Audi Environment
Foundation, who awarded the prize together with Prof.
Dr. Alfons Gierl from the Technical University of Munich.
Young beekeepers – bee colonies are looked after
at the Volkach Elementary School. Dr. Dagobert
Achatz, Managing Director of the Audi Environment
Foundation, presented the necessary professional
Encounter Environment
Intelligent cars help hens. This discovery
was made by a school class in Neubrandenburg and
won it the 2011 bionics prize run by the Audi Environ­
ment Foundation. The competition sets school classes
the task of finding examples of the interrelationship
between nature and technology in their everyday lives.
The tractor lurches, veers uncontrolled into
the toy hens and crashes into the plastic fence, a hen
lies beneath its wheels. Grandpa had fallen asleep at
the wheel for just a moment. The hen would perhaps
have stayed in one piece had grandpa’s tractor been
equipped with intelligent driver assistance systems.
They function very much like the neuronal network of the
human brain, compensating for weaknesses in human
synapses and thus avoiding accidents.
Technology can learn from nature and even
support it – in this case, grandpa’s brain. This was the
message that won the bionics prize. The students of
class 6C at the Albert Einstein Academy in Neubran­
denburg selected a particularly demanding medium for
the presentation of their topic – they made a film.
The storyline is simple – grandpa’s cognitive
skills are slowly diminishing. Therefore, he needs a new
car that aids his perception. The implementation is less
simple – the Audi Environment Foundation jury was
convinced by animations, films within a film and imaginative introductions by the students. “I like that the
students approached the topic with so much humor, yet
with enormous technical appreciation,” explains Dr.
Dagobert Achatz, Managing Director of the Audi En­vi­
ronment Foundation. Participants in the student competition were free to choose how and with which media
they dealt with the connection between biology and
technology (=bionics)*. The task was to find technical
examples in everyday life that are inspired by nature.
Students from all over Germany took part in
the competition, sending models, drawings and posters
to Ingolstadt. “Nature is an exciting role model for tech­
nology. We were impressed by the enormous variety and
the high quality of the submissions,” stresses jury member Frank Dreves, Chairman of the Board of Trus­tees of
the Audi Stiftung für Umwelt GmbH (Audi Envi­ronment
Foundation) speaking at the prize-giving ceremony.
At the event in Ingolstadt, the winning class
from Neubrandenburg also had the chance to learn
more about the work of the Environment Foundation.
As part of the ‘Oak Forest’ research project, each student adopted a sapling and was even permitted to plant
it themselves. But it was not only nature that featured
during the visit of class 6C to the Audi factory – technology, too, had a role to play. During a factory tour, the
young people were able to see for themselves how a
car’s ‘neuronal network’ – the electronics – is put together. It’s not just grandpa’s hens that benefit from
this intelligent technology.
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Here comes the Mouse
More appetite for technology
What does a volcano eruption have to do with the invention of the
dandy horse? Which animal on earth can be spotted from outer space? The Audi Environment Foundation is looking for answers to those questions – in a book for young
people called “Adventure – Life Nature Technology”. The book’s aim is to explain to school
children the connection between technology and the environment. The project was
headed up by Elisabeth Heueisen.
Agnes Happich
Mrs. Heueisen, imagine I am a nine year-old child. Please
explain to me how an engine works.
I am afraid I’ll have to pass on that one. I don’t have much to do
with technology, I am an ethnologist. But luckily, I have competent
co-workers in the specialist editorial teams who can explain complicated topics using simple words and pictures.
Technology is often complicated and abstract. How do
you give kids a better understanding of such topics?
Firstly, it is important to use the right language. Children must be
able to relate to it. But, at the same time, writers shouldn’t try to
be too chummy. Children should find the topics interesting and
surprising. For example, did you know why the dandy horse was
invented?, The Indonesian volcano Tampora erupted in 1815 and
hurled enormous amounts of ash into the atmosphere. This resulted in a shift of the seasons, even in Europe. Suddenly it was
snowing in summer, there were no crops to harvest and there wasn’t
enough food for the horses anymore, so many of them had to be
slaughtered. The dandy horse was supposed to be a substitute.
Which age groups is the book targeting?
Kids in fourth and fifth grade. At this age, pupils have a varied level
of knowledge about technology. Some of them might just know you
have to put on a seat belt while riding in a car, others have already
understood the workings of a combustion engine. It was quite a
challenge to write a book that speaks to all children of this age.
How did you manage that?
We looked at school books and curriculums for this age group. We
also addressed topics that these children know from school or from
their daily lives. But we didn’t set out to create a traditional school
In just a few words, what is this book about?
It answers the question of how technology and the environment
are connected with each other. Nature is important for technology,
but on the other hand, technology can also support nature.
for young researchers
Elisabeth Heueisen is coordinating the
children’s book project for the Audi Environment
Foundation on behalf of the publishing house.
Children’s book “Adventure – Life Nature Technology”
is published by Wissenmedia Publishers, who also own the Brock­
haus Publishing House. Young researchers who are interested in
receiving the book can order it free-of-charge by e-mailing a request
to “[email protected]” using the subject
line “Children’s book order”. The offer is valid while stocks last.
Encounter Environment
So you also want to educate.
How much finger-wagging is allowed?
None, it is not the aim of the book to moralize. It’s a little bit like
the “TV show with the mouse”. We explain to the kids the world
around them, but we trust them to draw their own conclusions.
From where do you draw the inspiration for your books?
First of all, in a very practical sense, from customer demand. Dis­
cussions with our customers at the beginning of a project indicate
to us which direction this book should take. We follow up by talking
to our specialist editorial staff and drill down to concrete ideas.
Everybody contributes their knowledge. And then the creative process is handed over to the editors.
The request for the book came from the Audi Environ­
ment Foundation. How do you defend yourself against
accusations you want to influence the children?
The book has a clear message – nature and technology do not have
to be mutually exclusive. This message has little to do with the
client and could be from any other children’s book as well. It was
very important for the Audi Environment Foundation to stay in the
background, but is clearly apparent as the publisher.
You have two children of your own,
aged four and seven. Have you tested “Adventure –
Life Nature Technology” on them?
Of course. My older one found it very exciting, although she might
still a bit too young for it. We actually have many mothers and fathers in the offices of our publishing house who give our books a
test run with their kids.
Encounter Environment
Technical terms explained
Brief definitions of the terms used in this issue.
Biopolymers is the technical term for materials of a
natural origin, usually plant-based, that offer benefits over synthetic polymers such as plastic. Not only
are the raw materials renewable, the materials them­
selves are also biodegradable.
Botanical rating
Botanical rating is a visual process whereby data on
the externally visible, variable features of plants is
gathered and documented.
Diode laser
Diode lasers are lasers that use diodes as to produce
a laser beam. This semi-conductor procedure requi­
res considerably less electrical energy compared with
other laser technology.
Green check – the regular botanical rating of Audi
plants provides information on air quality.
Eco-dynamic company
The accolade “Entreprise Ecodynamique” is awarded
in the region around Belgian capital Brussels to companies producing in an environmentally-friend­ly man­
ner. The criteria include low environmental pollution
from waste and emissions, low energy consumption
and responsible management of raw materials and
resources in production.
Cathodic dip coating
Cathodic dip coating (CDC) and anodic dip coating
(ADC) are electrochemical coating techniques for
even painting of workpieces with complex geometries. The workpiece is dipped as an electrode into a
conductive liquid paint. An opposing electrode generates a field of direct current that leads to the preci­
pitation of the paint’s water-soluble bonding agent
onto the workpiece resulting in an even surface coating.
Densely populated – aerobic bacteria populate
the floats in the sedimentation tank.
A biofilm refers to a thin layer of slime in which mi­
croorganisms are embedded. It develops in watery
environments when microorganisms establish them­
­selves on boundary surfaces, such as the water surface itself or the boundary with fixed bodies such as
a waste water pipe.
The three letters HFC stand for “Hybrid Fuel Cell”.
The most sophisticated version of a fuel-cell hybrid
drive is showcased in the Audi Q5 HFC technology
Recuperation means the use of kinetic energy under
deceleration. Under trailing throttle and braking, the
generator converts kinetic energy into electrical energy that is then temporarily stored in the battery.
Recuperation reduces the consumption of internal
combustion engines and is an important aspect of
all hybrid and electric drives.
Brussels – the Audi plant received the “Entreprise
Ecodynamique” award from the Belgian capital.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a computational method based on equation modeling with
which fluid dynamic problems can be identified without complicated wind tunnel testing.
Rotating air-to-air heat exchanger
Rotating air-to-air heat exchangers are an energyefficient way of recovering heat. Inside its rotor,
waste heat from a production building can be used
to heat up cold incoming air.
Fiber-reinforced plastic
Fiber-reinforced plastics such as “Carbon-fiber Reinforced Plastic” (CFRP) is a material in which fibers,
like those made from carbon, are embedded in several layers into a plastic as reinforcement.
CFRP is the acronym for “Carbon-Fiber Reinforced
Plastic”, whereby carbon fibers are embedded in a
polymer in several layers for the purpose strengthening it.
Efficiency – rotating air-to-air heat exchangers use
the energy differential between warm and cold air.
Lightweight – alongside aluminum, CPRF plays
a weighty role in Audi’s lightweight design concept.
Encounter Environment
Stripes – adhesive and sealant are applied at
Audi using flatstream nozzles.
Roof framer
The roof framer is a large bridge-like clamping and
positioning station in bodyshell manufacturing that
inserts the roof into the bodyshell.
3D worlds – three-dimensional images create a
­deceptively realistic virtual environment.
Service water
Service water is not suitable for human consumption
as drinking water, but it meets the basic hygienie
requirements for use in industrial processes or agriculture.
Control – the quality of service water at
Audi is strictly monitored.
Lower Triassic
The Triassic period divides into Upper, Mid and Lower
Triassic and is the geological term for the upper stone
layer of the German Trias, consisting of red beds,
chalk and black shale. The Lower Triassic layer was
created around 235 million years ago.
CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) refers
to a room where a three-dimensional projected im­
age generates a virtual reality.
The made-up word bionic is derived from a mixture
of the words biology and technology. Bionics uses
‘inventions’ arising from nature at work and transfers
their principles to other fields.
Example case – nature offers a wealth of
solutions for application in bionics.
Flatstream nozzles
The flatstream process serves for the even and uninterrupted application of flat strips of paste-like
materials, specifically adhesives or sealants. As a
low-pressure process, it is more energy efficient than
the high-pressure processes previously commonly
used in this sector.
Eco audit
Eco audit is the short term for the European Union’s
EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). The
environmental policy instrument encompasses environmental management and environmental operating audits for companies as documented in the
environment statement.
Audi Space Frame
Audi Space Frame (ASF) refers to an extremely stiff
aluminum frame structure used as a basis for a body­
shell. The use of aluminum achieves a considerable
weight reduction that lowers fuel consumption and
increases efficiency.
Bacterial waste water purification
Bacterial waste water purification is part of the biological treatment procedure in waste water processing plants, whereby aerobic and anaerobic bac­teria are
used within a controlled environment to break down
organic and inorganic waste material in effluent.
Deep drawing process
Deep drawing refers to a sheet metal forming process whereby steel blanks are deformed by a push/
pull process to create a one-sided hollow body.
Encounter Environment
The Soft Kill Option (SKO) is a bionic process (see
entry) modeled on the growth algorithm for the formation of stable biological structures. SKO simulates the biological growth algorithm for optimization of the topology and structure of components in
order to achieve the required stiffness and stability
with minimal weight and material usage.
TCNG is the acronym for future generations of Audi
cars that will be fuelled by e-gas produced from renewable sources. The term is derived from the acronym CNG (Compressed Natural Gas).
Turning process
Turning refers to a material removal production process whereby a workpiece rotates and is machined
by a cutting tool.
Well-to-wheel refers to the examination of the entire
process of producing and using fuels, from the oil
well to the transmission of propulsion to a vehicle’s
wheels. Well-to-wheel analysis serves for the measurement of overall energy consumption and the
associated CO₂ emissions in order to assess the carbon footprint of a car.
Environment Policy
Principles of the Environment Policy
Climate protection and resource conservation are firmly anchored
in Audi’s principles of corporate governance. They form the guidelines for all
corporate decisions. Audi Environmental Management and
its clear integration is the guarantee for responsible management.
Encounter Environment
Environmental Principles – Product
1. Audi Environmental Policy – Preamble and Principles
In order to fulfil our responsibilities to customers, society and the environment, the
continual improvement of products in respect of their environmental compatibility and
the conservation of resources is a component part of the Environmental Policy.
A prudent approach to ecological challenges defines our actions and our processes.
Vehicles and their production shall put as little burden as possible on the environment –
that is the key component of the AUDI AG Environmental Policy. The company has
­developed an Environmental Strategy that ensures unified standards at all company
locations. In the foreground is the Integrated Product Policy – whereby environmental
protection is taken into account from the very early stages of product development.
This results in the following target areas:
AUDI AG develops, produces and markets vehicles worldwide. In so doing, it bears res­
ponsibility for the ongoing improvement of the environmental compatibility of its
­products and production sites, as well as for the environmentally sensitive management
of natural resources. For this reason, the development stages of advanced technologies
are taken into account with regards to ecological and economical considerations. AUDI
AG makes these ­technologies available worldwide and facilitates their application
throughout the entire process chain. The company is active in community and political
issues at all of its production locations, and thus contributes in a lasting way to positive
social and ecological development.
Principles of the Environmental Policy
Encounter Environment
AUDI AG offers high-quality vehicles to meet the demands of its customers
in terms of environmental compatibility, cost-effectiveness, safety, quality and
comfort in equal measure.
Research and Development are component parts of the Audi Environmental Policy.
AUDI AG develops ecologically efficient processes and concepts for its products,
thus increasing its international competitiveness.
It is the stated objective of AUDI AG to apply foresight in avoiding damaging
effects to the environment across all of its activities. Particular focus is on the
­efficient use and conservation of resources and energy. This implicitly includes
observance of environmental regulations.
The environmental management of AUDI AG guarantees that – together with
­suppliers, service providers, retail partners and recycling companies – the
­environmental compatibility of its vehicles and production facilities is continually
The Board of Management of AUDI AG is responsible for compliance with the
Environmental Policy, and for the functional integrity of the Environmental
Management System. The Environmental Policy is reviewed regularly in respect of
its adequacy and expediency and – where necessary – updated.
Open and transparent dialogue with customers, retail partners and the general
public is a matter of course at AUDI AG. Co-operation with political bodies
and the authorities is carried out on a basis of trust and good faith. This includes
emergency planning and response at each individual production facility.
All AUDI AG employees are informed, qualified and motivated in environmental
­protection in accordance with their function and in a manner that enhances their
sense of responsibility for the environment. They are bound by these principles.
This Environmental Policy is mandatory for all AUDI AG production sites and
is supplemented and substantiated by the formulation of site-specific key areas
of action.
1. Climate Protection
The reduction of greenhouse gases
The reduction of fuel consumption during test programs and in real-life operation
The support of fuel-saving driving styles
2. Conservation of Resources
The improvement of resource efficiency
The achievement of best-possible recyclability taking into account
innovative recycling technologies
The use of renewable raw materials and recycled materials
The development and provision of alternative drive technologies
The facilitation of the use of alternative fuels and other
energy storage systems taking into account regional factors
3. Health protection
The reduction of restricted and non-restricted emissions
The avoidance of the use of dangerous and harmful materials – preferably in line
with the world’s strictest materials regulations
The minimization of internal emissions, including smell
The reduction of external and internal noise levels
We will develop each and every vehicle model to possess overall better environmental
characteristics than its predecessor. In so doing, we take care to ensure that improvements
are achieved throughout the entire lifecycle of the vehicle.
In particular, the company is confronting the changes facing mobility and the
­environment as a result of increasing urbanization.
The environmental target areas serve as criteria that distinguish us from our
­competitors to the benefit of our customers. We aspire to a ‘best-in-class’ position in
terms of environmental issues.
Top-level Targets – Vehicle and Production Site
Audi is working with a consistent approach on the further reduction of consump­
tion and emissions. By the year 2016, Audi will reduce the CO₂ emissions of its vehicles
by 25 percent compared with 2008. Audi is also a driving force behind the advancement
of electromobility and is concentrating its efforts on improving the efficiency of current
drives. By the year 2015, Audi will offer more than 50 model variants that do not exceed
120 g CO₂/km. The existing target of reducing factory and company-specific CO₂ emis­
sions at Audi by 30 percent by the year 2020 against 1990 figures, taking into account
current planning in respect of vehicle volumes up to and including 2015, takes on a whole
new dimension when considered within the context efforts to achieve completely CO₂neutral plants in the future. With this work, AUDI AG is seeking to make a contribution
to sustainable development and to environmental protection (see page 14).
Encounter Environment
3. Environmental Management Systems at the Production Sites
2. Environmental Protection Organizations within the Company
The basis for the ongoing reduction of environmental impact at all production sites is
formed by organizational measures within the framework of the Environmental Mana­ge­
ment System, as well as the application of the latest technologies. The outcome of
these ongoing efforts is documented by regular internal checks and by the external certification of all production sites. In recognition of its environmental activities, the
­company holds the European Union trademark for outstanding environmental protection – all production sites within the Audi Group are validated against the European
Union’s demanding Eco Management and Audit Scheme EMAS, which goes well beyond
standard requirements. In 1995, the company was the first automaker in the premium
segment to receive the coveted certificate, which was awarded to the Neckarsulm plant.
This was followed in 1997 and 1999 by the two production sites in Ingolstadt and Győr
(Hungary). The Belgian factory in Brussels has held the EMAS certificate since 2002,
while the Lamborghini plant in Sant’Agata Bolognese (Italy) was awarded the EMAS seal
of approval in 2009. In addition, the Ingolstadt and Győr production sites are both
­certified in accordance with the global standard DIN EN ISO 14001. The Environmental
Management Systems at the Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Győr and Sant’Agata Bolognese
facilities already meet the requirements set out in the new European standard DIN EN
16001 and international standard DIN EN ISO 50001, which sets particularly high de­­
mands for the continuous and systematic reduction of energy consumption
Bodies responsible for the co-ordination of environmental protection within Audi have
been established at the company on two levels. The Environmental Protection Co-ordi­
nation Committee is under the management of the Board Member for Production and is
made up of the individuals responsible for environmental management at each of the
respective group companies, Audi Ingolstadt, AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft., AUDI
BRUSSELS S.A./N.V and Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A. It deals with strategic
environmental protection issues and tasks the environmental bodies with the development of proposals to this end.
The Ecology Steering Committee plays a central role at the AUDI AG level by
­implementing tasks arising from the top-level Environmental Protection Coordination
Committee and developing appropriate environmental protection strategies. Incum­
bent upon it is the task of raising ecological awareness among employees and functions,
as well as the initiation of working groups with responsibility across all sites for the
development and implementation of environmental protection issues.
On a needs-defined basis, the Ecology Steering Committee has several subordi­
nate working groups dealing with specific issues such as sustainability, the Environment
Report, environmental management and integrated product policy. They develop environmental protection programs, generate a communications concept, propose sug­
gestions for strategic environmental protection issues and present them to the Ecology
Steering Committee.
3.1. Elements of the Environmental Management System
Environmental Protection is a Boardroom Issue
The Audi Environmental Management System functions in accordance with the classic
pyramid principle. At the apex are the top-level operating principles of the AUDI AG
Environmental Policy, which filter down to a framework concept and several guidelines
before finally being implemented on a broad basis by employees.
The Environmental Handbook stipulates the procedures and responsibilities for
Audi environmental protection and thus forms the basis for the Audi Environmental Pro­
tection Guidelines. In addition, there are internal, cross-functional procedures on the
topic of environmental protection that are mandatory for all employees. Details are
regulated by special working procedures that are also mandatory. Ultimately, each Audi
employee must abide by the Environmental Protection Guidelines and do his/her part
in the workplace every day to implement the Audi Environmental Policy.
Overall responsibility for environmental protection rests with the Board of Manage­
ment, which has entrusted the Board Member Responsible for Production with the realization of environmental protection tasks. The Board Member for Production is thus
responsible for adherence to the Environmental Policy. According to para. 52a of the Ger­
man Federal Emissions Protection Directive, he is also compelled to monitor adherence
to environmental regulations in respect of installations requiring authorization. How­
ever, as he is entitled to delegate these duties, the Member of the Board for Production
entrusts these tasks to the operators of environmentally relevant installations. Res­
ponsibility for corporate and factory-related environmental protection falls to the relevant departments of Operational Environmental Protection.
At each site, the Board of Management has appointed the Environmental Pro­
tection Manager as the individual with operational responsibility for environmental protection, and has set him/her the task of ensuring that each factory fulfils regulatory
requirements. The Environmental Protection Manager in Ingolstadt also fulfils a co-ordi­
nation function for all AUDI AG factory sites. Furthermore, each site has its own En­­
vironmental Management Officer, responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of the Environmental Management System.
Audi Production System Integrates Environmental Protection
Waste separation in the factory.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Employee involvement plays a major role at Audi. As the basis of a synchronized com­
pany focused on value creation, the Audi Production System (APS) is a significant
­element of the Audi production strategy. This concept of work organization generates
transparency and networking in all areas of the company.
The fundamental approach of environmental protection is an important element
of the Audi Production System. This promotes active environmental protection through
raising awareness of those issues on which each employee has an influence in the
­workplace. Thus, employees are motivated to be conservative in their use of water, for
example, or instructed on how they can reduce energy consumption – be it through the
minimization of compressed air leakage, optimized operation or simply through switching off unnecessary lights. With the help of the APS, employees are instructed to ensure
they abide by internal Environmental Protection Guidelines in modifying systems or
­processes, and to fulfil all regulatory requirements.
Audi has already pursued this integrated product development concept, which
incorporates all environmental protection aspects from the very start, for many years and,
with it, removed a considerable burden from the environment. Reaffirmed participation
in the now fourth edition of the Bavarian Environmental Pact underscores Audi’s dedication to the environment. The Bayern IV Environmental Pact exists under the motto
“Sustainable growth with environmental and climate protection”. Audi is involved with
initiatives such as the installed working forums “Integrated Product Policy and
Resource Efficiency” and “Management Systems”. The working forums are aimed at providing small and medium-sized enterprises access to the experience garnered by Audi
and other large companies in the issue of Integrated Product Policy and in the field of
environmental management systems. Only this way is it possible to achieve the objective
of increasing innovative power and to create sustainable economic growth.
Multipliers Impart Environmental Knowledge
Audi is breaking new ground in environmental management. Employees qualified spe­
cifically in operational environmental protection impart environmental knowledge to
the Audi workforce that is specific to their respective area of operation. For this purpose,
the company has appointed Operational Environmental Protection Officers (BVfU).
Their duty is to support those responsible for environmental issues and their superiors
in the realization of their environmental protection responsibilities. Each of these BVfUs
should also keep their eyes open in general within the factory and support the plant
­operator in the realization of his/her operational obligations. Several times a year, each
BVfU attends regular training events designed to assist them in their duty to drive forward environmental protection within their areas of responsibility in a sustainable
­manner, to provide guidance to employees on environmentally compatible behaviour and
to inform them on the latest developments. They learn to pass their acquired knowledge on to their colleagues as multipliers and to serve as the point of contact for them
and the Environmental Protection Department. In total, there are around 100 BVfUs
at Audi who support the implementation of the Environmental Management System as
environmental multipliers. Around 60 of them are in Ingolstadt, 20 in Neckarsulm
and 20 in Győr.
The Environmental Protection Department in Ingolstadt supports the training of
Production Team Leaders by familiarizing the first level of operations management
with the key points of AUDI AG operational environmental protection. Furthermore, the
individual departments are regularly provided with information and training on the
latest environment-related legislation. For apprentices, there is already an environmental protection event that forms part of the introduction program. Environmental pro­
tection is also a regular topic in the lesson plan at the Training Center.
3.3 The Audi e-gas project
The Audi e-gas project.
Audi is striving to play the leading role within the automotive industry in the sustainable management of natural resources. The brand takes corporate, social and ecological
responsibility. The major objective of these activities is to achieve overall CO₂-neutral
mobility over the short, medium and long term.
One central element in the Audi balanced mobility plan is energy media. In the
Audi e-gas project, the brand is using its own resources to build an entire chain of sustain­
able energy media – electricity, hydrogen and synthetic gas Audi e-gas. Audi is thinking
in a number of directions when it comes to alternative fuels. The brand already offers
the A4 2.0 TFSI flexible fuel in its lineup, which runs on 85-percent bioethanol (E 85). It
has an excellent carbon footprint when not only exhaust emissions are considered, but
the entire well-to-wheel* figure, which extends from the origination of the fuel through
to propulsion energy at the wheel.
Second-generation biofuels, which are being researched and developed by Audi,
can significantly improve the well-to-wheel balance of internal combustion engines. The
new fuels no longer compete with the food chain and can be specifically adapted to suit
the requirements of modern internal combustion engines.
The Audi e-gas project moves into the practice phase following three years of
intensive research. This initiative makes Audi the first automaker worldwide to establish
a chain of sustainable energy media. Its end products are clean electricity, hydrogen
and synthetic e-gas. Wind turbines produce regenerative electricity that will drive future
e-tron models. Hydrogen produced through electrolysis is suitable for use in fuel cell
vehicles, and e-gas generated from methanization facilitates climate-friendly, long-dis­
tance mobility for cars with internal combustion engines.
One of Audi’s objectives is to produce its future, electrically driven e-tron
models with eco-electricity, and to provide sufficient green electricity equivalents for
their operation.
Wind power is also being used to supply a facility in Werlte (Emsland) that pro­
duces hydrogen via electrolysis. The hydrogen could, in future, serve directly as fuel for
fuel-cell vehicles like the technology showcase Audi Q5 HFC*. In the first project phase,
however, the lack of a supply infrastructure means that it will not be used directly.
Instead, it will be channeled into a storage tank and onward to the world’s first industrial-scale methanization facility. It is coupled to a waste biogas plant, from which it
draws the concentrated CO₂ required for methanization and that would otherwise be
released into the atmosphere.
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Unified Standards across Production Sites
Further standards and regulations above and beyond the Audi Environmental Mana­
gement System guarantee unified international environmental standards throughout
the Audi Group. The following apply to all Audi factory sites worldwide -the Vehicle
Environmental Standard, the “Board of Management Directive Environmental Protec­tion
Guidelines” and the Environmental and Human Compatibility Specification.
Audi e-etron models.
Sustainability in Supplier Relationships
With the selection of suppliers, the procurement function contributes significantly
to the achievement of environmental protection targets set by AUDI AG. All business
­partners are obliged to make their contribution to sustainable development within
the process of bringing a product to fruition, and to guarantee this along the entire valueadded chain pursuant to the duration of the series-production delivery contract and
beyond. Environmentally relevant aspects are thus incorporated as standards and specifications within the business relationship from an early stage, and are a central element
of the contractual agreement. Audi also considers globally unified environmental and
social standards to be a significant element in respect of the future competitiveness of
suppliers. Experience indicates that an environmentally-aware and socially-engaged
­supplier is also more stable financially and, in its processes, more progressive and therefore more reliable.
3.2 Integrated Product Policy Incorporates Environmental Protection
from the Very Beginning
Previously, environmental protection often took place at the end of the production process. However, it is no longer sufficient to equip chimneys with filters, to build treatment plants for industrial effluent or to dispose of rubbish in waste incineration plants.
Efficient environmental protection must embrace the entire life of a product, because
the use of raw materials, energy consumption and emissions are dependent upon how a
product is developed, produced, used and disposed of.
In order to reduce the environmental burden, Audi pursues an Integrated Product
Policy. This means that during the development process a product is already being
­examined for its subsequent impact – throughout all the phases of its life from the procurement of materials right through to final disposal.
Exhaust gas test rig with the Audi Q5.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
The end product is Audi e-gas. It is an energy-rich fuel that is chemically identical
to fossil methane, the main constituent of natural gas, and ideally suited to powering
internal combustion engines. From 2013 on, the facility in Werlte will produce around
1,000 tonnes of methane per year, thus absorbing 2,800 tonnes of CO₂.
1,500 A3 TCNG* vehicles could drive 15,000 kilometers per year CO₂-neutrally
on this renewably generated e-gas. The German energy economy could also benefit
from the Audi e-gas concept in the medium term, because it answers the open question
of how eco-electric­ity can be stored in an efficient and location-independent manner.
If there is plenty of wind at sea, excess electricity could be converted into e-gas
and stored in the public gas network – with its 217 Terrawatt hours of capacity, it is the
largest existing energy storage facility in Germany. The energy can then be fed back
into the electricity grid from the gas network as and when required.
The potential offered by electricity/gas coupling for the storage of wind or solar
energy in large quantities can provide powerful impetus to the expansion of renewable
energies. The Audi e-gas project is easily transferrable to all countries with a natural
gas network.
Total energy consumption in the Audi Group
Development of total energy consumption, vehicle and engine production in the Audi Group**
* See glossary, p. 146 –147
Vehicle production
Engine production
Total energy consumption
(in GWh)
** Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Brussels (minus Volkswagen Polo), Győr and Sant’Agata Bolognese;
incl. CKD activities.
Advanced Technologies
Turbine housing at the CHPC plant.
Cutaway model of
rotary air-to-air heat exchanger.
Encounter Environment
4.1. Energy saving and CO₂ reduction
4. Fields of Activity at Factory Sites
One particular focus of environmental activities lies in the reduction of energy consumption and its associated emissions, with the potential for energy savings already
taken into account in the planning phase. Through a host of ongoing measures, AUDI AG
has set itself the overall target of reducing factory and company-related specific CO₂
emissions by 30 percent by the year 2020, measured against those of 1990.
With efforts underway to achieve completely CO₂-neutral sites in the future, this
target has now taken on a whole new dimension. To take account of the growing significance of issues surrounding energy, the Audi Environment Policy was expanded in 2009
by a passage on the “conservative and efficient use of resources”. Consequently, Audi
integrated the new European standard on energy efficiency into the existing Environ­men­
tal Management Systems. Thus, the Environmental Management Systems of the Audi
factories in Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm and Győr, as well as the Lamborghini f­ actory in
Sant’Agata Bolognese, are also certified in accordance with the new European standard
DIN EN 16001 and its international counterpart ISO 50001.
At the Ingolstadt plant, Audi was even the first company to be awarded a certificate by DEKRA for compliance with its new management standard for energy efficiency.
The standard sets particularly high demands for the ongoing and systematic reduction
of energy consumption. Alongside the areas of infrastructure and logistics, it is production
and supply equipment in particular that are critical when it comes to achieving sustai­
nable increases in efficiency. The slight increase in overall energy consumption and CO₂
emissions is largely due to increases in production. Last year shows, however, that overall energy consumption was nevertheless maintained on a virtually stable level.
Increased production volume is also reflected in further environmental parameters
that Audi monitors over and above energy consumption. This is the result of a whole
package of targeted projects. Energy efficiency measures are taken into account during
the planning stages of production buildings and equipment, as well as of corporate
infrastructure or logistics requirements.
Encounter Environment
For the optimization of energy efficiency, Audi Ingolstadt operates a Combined Heat,
Power and Cold plant. Through the highly effective energy utilization of natural gas,
it achieves an efficiency of up to 78 percent. Compared with conventional energy generation, this means a reduction in CO₂ of around 25 percent, meaning that 17,200
tonnes of CO₂ emissions are avoided every year.
Alongside the Combined Heat, Power and Cold plant, Audi Ingolstadt also draws
its heating requirements from two in-house heating plants powered largely by natural
gas. In future, however, the use of natural gas will be further reduced. Since the be­­
ginning of 2004, the factory has also been supplied with waste heat from the Ingolstadt
waste incineration plant. In 2011, Audi drew around 68,000 Mega Watt hours of district
heating from this facility. In September 2009, a district heating supply contract was
agreed between Audi and the City of Ingolstadt.
With this agreement, the contractually assured minimum amount of 60,000
Megawatt hours of waste heat from production processes was increased to 120,000 Mega­
watt hours per year. The first heat from the new heat exchangers with a primary energy
factor of 0 was delivered to Audi at the end of 2011. Audi is pursuing the long-term
objective of further expanding the use of district heating. In Neckarsulm, heating requirements are already covered largely by district heating and the factory in Győr is also
supplied with district heating from a Combined Heat, Power and Cold plant.
Heat recovery is a central aspect of the company’s ventilation systems. There are
several hundred heat recovery installations in service on the factory site in Ingolstadt.
One particularly effective type of heat recovery system is the rotary heat exchanger, as
used in the paint shop. This is worthwhile, because in the factory paint shop a volume
of around 4.5 million cubic meters of air per hour is moved through the paint booths
alone. This is equivalent to the space inside Munich’s Allianz Arena. In 2011, Audi replaced
the existing 34 rotary heat exchangers* with new, more efficient rotary heat exchangers.
At the Ingolstadt plant alone, this saves more than 16,000 tonnes of CO₂ or 80,000
MWh of energy per year – the annual heating requirement of around 7,400 single family
Innovative and efficient joining processes such as spot welding, laser welding
and adhesive technologies are used by Audi in bodyshell manufacturing. The respective
welding technologies are adapted specifically to the individual joining processes in
order to select the most efficient solution for each process. Recent years have seen in­­
creased focus on the ongoing replacement of pneumatic welding guns with electromotive welding guns. The reduction in energy consumption, and therefore in CO₂ emissions,
is around 50 percent compared with pneumatic welding guns used for identical processes.
Following the positive experience achieved thus far with this advanced technology, the Audi Group will consider it for all new projects. Numerous other individual initiati­
ves, such as needs-based ventilation and lighting or optimized machine operation, are
part of the permanent and systematic reduction of energy usage (see page 30).
Solar Power
Hot Forming
To test innovative technologies in the field of photovoltaics, the company made available an area totaling 11,600 square meters at its Ingolstadt headquarters. In 2010,
­photovoltaic modules were installed on a further 7,500 square meters on the new bodyshell manufacturing facility for the Audi A3. This continued into 2011 with the instal­
lation of more modules on an area of 3,950 square meters on a newly built parking garage,
meaning that more than 23,000 square meters has been dedicated to this technology.
The expansion means that the overall contribution of all installations at the Ingolstadt
plant now stands at around 1,800 MWh per year, with more than 40 percent of it used
directly on-site. Alongside new charging stations for electric cars, the eco-electricity is
used for various production facilities. Using the energy on-site minimizes transmission
losses and thus makes an important contribution to climate-friendly energy generation.
Since October 2010, a photovoltaic installation on the roof of the parking garage
at the Neckarsulm plant has been generating electricity from 10,700 modules. 2010 also
saw Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A commission a 17,000 square-meter photovoltaic
system at its factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese, which was subsequently expanded by an­­
other 3,800 square-meters in 2011. Furthermore, in April 2010, AUDI AG entered into
a partnership with industry initiative Dii GmbH in Munich, the long-term aim of which is
to implement the Desertec vision. This vision is to provide energy for Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa from sun and wind power from the desert.
Sheet metal parts are made in Ingolstadt at temperatures of more than 900 degrees
Celsius using the innovative technique of hot forming. The resulting components benefit from lower wall-thickness combined with high stiffness. High-strength steels thus
enable material savings (resource conservation) and modern lightweight design combined with increased collision safety. The lower vehicle weight achieved in this way contributes during the usage phase to savings in fuel consumption. The overall balance
clearly shows that, despite the higher energy involved in heating the sheet metal, the
bottom line is an overall ecological benefit.
State-of-the-Art Test Stands at Neckarsulm
One further example is the Neckarsulm Engine Test Center. The building boasts a mod­
ern ventilation system with integrated heat recovery. The test stands are sound-optimized with specialized mufflers, resulting in a significant reduction in noise emissions.
Furthermore, the exterior of the innovative building has been specially constructed
with noise protection in mind. Each engine on the test stand also has an energy recovery
function – under testing, the internal combustion engines are put under load by asynchronous motors. The energy generated is then fed back into the building’s electrical
supply network.
Emissions Trading at Factory Sites
Environmental protection measures at the Győr vehicle plant
In accordance with greenhouse gas emissions legislation, Audi is obliged to participate
in the Europe-wide CO₂ Emissions Trading System. At the Ingolstadt plant, there are two
installations bound by emissions trading – the East/West heating plant and the Com­
bined Heat, Power and Cold plant. The Ingolstadt factory was issued with an emissions
certificate by the German emissions trading office to the amount of 128,946 tonnes of
CO₂ emissions per year for the first emissions trading period (2005 – 2007). Due to ex­­
tensive measures for the efficient use of energy, the actual CO₂ emissions from those
factory installations subject to emissions trading were maintained below the permitted
levels in all three years. Following the completion of the first trading period, the second
period of trading with CO₂ allowances began in 2008 (2008 – 2012). The production
sites in Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm and Brussels are participating. Applications for emissions certificates were submitted and issued in good time.
The Ingolstadt plant received trading rights amounting to 135,360 tonnes of CO₂
emissions per year. In 2011, those installations at the site subject to the emissions
­trading agreement emitted 92,528 tonnes of CO₂. The heating plant at the Neckarsulm
site is subject to emissions trading. As the heating plant is used only under peak loads
and when the district heating supply is unavailable, it has a very limited running time.
CO₂ emissions during 2011 totaled only 231 tonnes, while the permitted amount was
706 tonnes.Thanks to the timely measures taken to increase energy efficiency, as well
as for the targeted reduction of emissions, current indications are that no charges are
expected for the Audi Group from the second trading period. Audi is currently preparing
itself for the requirements of the third trading period, which begins in 2013.
Engine test stand at Neckarsulm.
Engine cold testing at Győr.
Environmental protection issues were front and center even in the early planning
stages of the vehicle production facility at the Győr plant. The focus, in particular, was
on the avoidance of CO₂ emissions and the conservation of resources.
Like a red thread, the topics of energy saving and process optimization run
through the individual production areas. In a car factory, it is usually the bodyshell paint­
ing process that represents the greatest environmental burden. This is why waterbased paint systems are used at the Győr vehicle plant for cataphoretic dip priming, filler
application and the application of the colored paint coat. In order to avoid residual solvents from the paint process being emitted into the environment, additional air purifica­
tion equipment that goes well above and beyond legal requirements has been installed. Not only the air discharged by the dryers used for curing the paint is purified before
entering the atmosphere, but also that discharged from the spray booths. With these
measures, the bodyshell paint shop in Győr is the cleanest in the world. The dry scrubbing
of overspray in the paint booths also means that the amount of waste in the paint
slurry is substantially reduced.
A very environmentally compatible and highly innovative energy generation
fa­cility in the vehicle plant ensures that heat and some of the electricity used for vehicle
production is generated extremely efficiently. Alongside gas boilers, there are also gas
engines, which have significantly lower CO₂ emissions than other types of energy generation. External lighting is provided by new kinds of LED lamps that consume very little
energy. The lights are also designed not to irritate nocturnal insects.
Energy Teams Help Savings
The energy teams in Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm and Győr spend their time looking at energy
supply concepts and innovative ideas, such as the use of regenerative energies or the
expansion of a district heating association within the greater Ingolstadt area. The Energy
Officers active within the individual production units work together with employees
­on-the-ground to determine areas where energy can be used with greater efficiency. This
identifies the potential for energy savings that are primarily achievable through organizational measures. The initiation of so-called “leakage days” for the detection of compressed air losses in production facilities, weekend shutdown of equipment and needsbased control of lighting and ventilation are all issues for the Energy Officers.
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
Shortest Routes and Public Transport
When Audi employees drive to their respective workplaces, emissions are inevitable.
In order to keep these as low as possible, Audi supports alternatives to individual passen­
ger vehicle traffic. Car pooling for the journey to and from work is thus coordinated
through the employee newspaper and in mynet (intranet). This facility – and the use of
shift buses – is enjoying enormous popularity among the workforce.
Transport of Audi Vehicles via Eco-Electricity
For many years, the Audi Group has been using logistics that conserve resources. Up
to 70 percent of all vehicles reach their point of destination via freight train, while sophis­
ticated systems help to ensure optimum usage of packaging and transportation. In
2010, the Audi Group was the first company in Germany to start transporting its vehicles
on trains powered by electricity generated from renewable sources. The trains run from
company headquarters in Ingolstadt to the North Sea container port of Emden. As the
first user of eco-electricity in freight transport and development partner of DB Schenker
– the transportation and logistics arm of Deutsche Bahn, Berlin – the Audi Group is once
again a pioneer within the automotive industry.
Audi TTs being loaded at Győr.
PackAssistant for efficiency packaging.
Efficient Logistics
The principle of “shortest route logistics” applies between Audi and its suppliers. Since
1995, Ingolstadt has had a Freight Transport Centre (FTC), which is home to a large
number of suppliers. In nine assembly centers, suppliers produce their sub-assemblies
and deliver them just-in-sequence to the factory. Most goods that come through the
FTC are transported by rail. This saves on a huge number of truck journeys and avoids un­­
necessary emissions. A similar grouping of material throughput is also practiced at the
Neckarsulm and Győr plants.
The Freight Transport Center at the Ingolstadt plant ensures delivery via the
­shortest route. Over 100 suppliers are based in the region, more than 17 of which are
located in the Freight Transport Centre. This close cooperation reduces not only
­logistics, but also the environmental burden as a result of shorter transportation dis­tan­
ces.For improved logistics, Audi has developed PackAssistant (see page 88). This
­com­puter-based system reduces the number of truck journeys through the optimum
utilization of loading volume.
Engine test stand building at Neckarsulm.
The emission of volatile
organic compounds
has increased in line with growing
production volumes.
Since 2007, the base coat on the inside of the bodyshell has been applied using a
fully-automated robotic application system with a high-rotation atomizer. Using this
process, the correct amount of paint required for the bodyshell is supplied in a cartridge
and subsequently used in its entirety. The improved application efficiency achieved
through the use of robots reduces material consumption and thus the volume of solvent
and paint particulate emissions in the base coat area by a factor of around ten percent
per vehicle.
At Audi, corrosion protection within bodyshell cavities is accomplished through
the application of a wax sealant. The wax used in this process is solvent-free. The bodyshell is heated to 60 degrees Celsius and completely flooded with the hot wax at a
­temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. Excess wax drains off immediately into a
recirculation system for reuse.
The changeover of the transport protection for new vehicles – to either adhesive
film or transport protection covers – avoids solvent emissions. At the Ingolstadt plant,
this initiative has achieved a sustainable reduction in biological solvents of around 100
tonnes per year. The selection of transportation protection was accompanied by extensive eco-efficiency analysis.
Audi has also been addressing noise-related emissions. Parts of the Ingolstadt
and Neckarsulm plants are situated very close to residential areas. This obliges Audi to
keep the noise emitted by production facilities, as well as truck and rail transportation
activities, extremely low. In Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, there are noise registers that
keep track of all noise sources and their respective emissions. The so-called Operational
Noise Information System forms the basis for all noise inspection at the Ingolstadt
plant. This acoustic model of the plant helps to generate exact noise immissions forecasts
for all the activities conducted on the factory site. So far, over 3,200 local noise sources
have been recorded. This data base can help with the timely implementation of noise
protection measures. The data can also be taken into consideration during the planning
phase for installations and buildings, and help to avoid or minimize the effects of noise.
Regular measurements ensure compliance with all regulations governing noise protection. Compliance with neighborhood noise immissions guidelines is monitored regularly
by independent assessors.
VOC emissions
VOC emissions
Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr and Sant’Agata Bolognese.
VOC emissions include emissions from the paint shop,
test cells and other equipment.
Shuttle Bus and Bicycle Sharing Save Emissions
Shuttle buses have been set up on the Ingolstadt factory site in order to facilitate a
­reduction in parking area, an improvement in traffic safety, cost savings and a decrease
in pollutant emissions. Every day, the buses transport between 2,000 and 3,000 people. This is estimated to avoid more than 650,000 on-site car journeys per year. Another
initiative established in certain areas for the reduction of on-site traffic is the bicycle
sharing system, whereby employees can reserve a bicycle from their PC. Furthermore,
video conferencing is also making many business trips unnecessary.
4.2. Reduction of Pollutant and Noise Emissions
Bicycle sharing on the factory site.
Encounter Environment
With the exception of clear coat applications, all paint processes now employ waterbased paints that contain only a tiny proportion of solvents. This has greatly reduced the
release into the atmosphere of biological solvents. All paints used are lead-free. In
order to keep spray losses as low as possible, Audi uses an electrostatic application procedure in the spray booths where feasible. The air extracted from the paint drying ovens
passes through a thermal burn-off process for the destruction of pollutants. The heat
created during this process is reused for heating the drying ovens. Closed water circuits
make for significantly lower water consumption within the paint process.
Encounter Environment
Waste Management
4.3. Water and Waste Water Treatment
Recirculation and water-saving processes (dry machining, cascade rinsing in the paint
shop etc), reduce the consumption of water and thus the amount of associated waste
water. For example, the on-site water treatment facilities at Ingolstadt process slightly
contaminated production waste water and rainwater. It is then cut with fresh water in
the water works before finally being reused in production. In Ingolstadt, AUDI AG now
recirculates over 96 percent of total water requirements, including the cooling water
circuit, thus avoiding the generation of waste water. In order to protect water as a resource, Audi is increasing its use of rainwater at the Ingolstadt plant. Rain is gathered from
an overall area of 450,000 square meters into underground storage reservoirs. At company headquarters, a total of over 14,000 cubic meters of water is held in five storage
tanks. The amount of rainwater used at the Ingolstadt plant in 2011 amounted to
252,700 cubic meters.
Through the recirculation system, the use of rainwater and a water treatment
plant, it has been possible to reduce the amount of waste water per vehicle at the Ingol­
stadt plant from 4.9 cubic meters in 1988 to 1.7 cubic meters in 2010.
Water treatment facility at the
­Ingolstadt plant.
Metal cuttings from the press shop.
Biological Waste Water Treatment Plant
Audi demonstrates sustainable and responsible management of resources used in its
pursuit of permanent improvement in all areas. In future, the use of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) will further optimize water saving at the Ingolstadt plant. Following the
successful completion of the pilot phase, this project is now about to be implemented
(see page 90).
Waste water volume and Fresh water supply at the Audi Group
Waste water volume
Fresh water supply
4.4. Remediation of Contaminated Sites
Contaminants present a fundamental danger to people and groundwater. They can
spread by a variety of means, but primarily via groundwater and air. The source of contaminants is often the industrial use of areas prior to their acquisition by Audi.
Employees tasked with environmental protection responsibilities are therefore
involved, along with expert consultants, in the planning of new construction work and in
the expansion of the factory site. In changing the use of existing installations and buildings, the focus is on testing building materials for hazardous materials such as asbestos,
PCB or bituminous materials. This facilitates selective deconstruction and professional
disposal of environmentally hazardous materials.
For the treatment of surface and groundwater contamination, the past 20 years
have seen over 1,000 bore holes drilled for site survey purposes at Neckarsulm alone.
A total of 115 measurement points have been set up for monitoring groundwater. Should
any investigation work identify a potential danger, the necessary counteractive mea­
sures, such as excavation or groundwater decontamination, are taken under the observation of the environmental protection department.
Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm Brussels, Győr and Sant’Agata Bolognese.
Rainwater use in Ingolstadt
The volume of rain water used
at the Ingolstadt plant in
2011 was 252,700 cubic meters.
252,700 m3
264,553 m3
236,226 m3
211,495 m3
233,799 m3
There is now virtually no residual waste at Audi Group production sites. Around 90 percent of waste produced by the Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Győr and Brussels plants is
­recycled. Individual materials such as scrap steel are almost entirely recovered within a
closed-loop recycling management system.
Steel cuttings from the press shop are compressed into compact blocks. The
­resulting volume reduction simplifies its transportation. The material is then 100 percent
recycled by steel manufacturers.
In March 2006, a highly efficient emulsion evaporation plant was installed at
Audi’s Ingolstadt plant for the treatment of emulsions and wash water generated at the
plant. This has several benefits, including a reduction in waste disposal transportation
of around 70 percent.
Engine and chassis components are machined and assembled in the component
production plant at Ingolstadt. By applying the concept of minimal lubrication and
extending the service life of the necessary cutting fluids, it has been possible to reduce
consumption. Wherever possible, Audi applies the concept of dry machining – a process
that uses absolutely no cutting fluid. A reduction in swarf volume is achieved by post-pro­­
cess shredding, thus also reducing the logistics required for swarf removal.
Audi is working steadily on the systematics, structure and expansion of its environmental information system. In the field of waste management, in accordance with the
amended verification regulations, the electronic verification process – known as electronic verification management – for all those involved in the disposal of hazardous waste
came into effect on April 1, 2010. This applies to all waste generators, transporters,
­disposal services and the responsible authorities. The key element is the electronic signature in place of the previous handwritten signature. It was assured that, ahead of the
April 4, 2010 deadline, all partners involved in the disposal process (AUDI AG, transporters and disposal operations) were ready and able to use the new verification procedure.
The result is greater legal security and a simplification of administration. The management of paper verification books is now fully electronic and automated.
The vast majority of
waste is recycled. Waste steel
is fully recycled.
Waste figures
of which waste to be recycled
of which waste for disposal
Total waste produced**
Metal waste (scrap)
Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr and Sant’Agata Bolognese.
** Due to process changes (Neckarsulm), regulatory changes (Győr) and irregular decontamination
­(Ingolstadt), there has been an increase in total waste volume.
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Encounter Environment
4.5.2 Audi Stiftung für Umwelt GmbH (Audi Environment Foundation)
4.5. Nature Conservation
Serotine bat in the
hands of an Audi animal lover.
Nature conservation on and around factory sites is taken extremely seriously. The buffer
areas around the production facilities even attract rare animal species. Peregrine falcons
have, for example, nested on the Ingolstadt factory site. This particular species was
already resident on the Neckarsulm site. In order to encourage reproduction, a nesting
box was mounted on the wall of the paint shop – and readily accepted. The Ingolstadt
site also has 28 nesting boxes for swifts and six for kestrels. Construction work undertaken at the Technical Development department included accommodation for bats.
The company has established numerous buffer zones for the expansion of its production facilities. In the northern part of the Ingolstadt site, Audi has created the Max
Emanuel Park. Overall, the last ten years have seen Audi plant over 1,900 trees and bushes
in Ingolstadt. The park became the ideal setting for the project “Bees – a pillar of the
future” (see page 28).
4.5.1 International Oak Forest Research Project
representation of the growth
­progress at the test area in
­Köschinger Forest after 20 years.
Removing a test sample
from an avenue tree as part of the
Metropolis project funded by
the Audi Environment Foundation
(see page 140).
The scope of this international research project includes the investigation of the effects
of population density on the one hand, and CO₂ absorption potential and biodiversity on
the other.
The objective is to establish how best to plant trees in order to achieve the greatest
possible absorption of carbon and the best conditions for wide-ranging biodiversity.
The oak is among the most suitable tree species because, as mature trees, they store a
large quantity of carbon and also provide good conditions for biodiversity. The oak is
also particularly sturdy in respect of the changing demands of the future climate.
The basis for this project is the establishment of test areas to a specific design
and under differing climatic conditions. The involvement of the Audi Group comes into
play in the establishment of such forest areas at international factory sites.
The trees are planted in concentric circles (Nelder test design) in accordance with
pre-determined GPS coordinates.
The first test area was established in 2008 with the planting of around 36,000
oak trees in the Köschinger Forest near Ingolstadt. A second area followed in 2009 close
to the Hungarian plant in Győr, which was planted with more than 13,000 oak trees. At
the end of November 2010 an additional 10,000 trees were set close to the Audi plant in
Neckarsulm. With the planting of a further 10,000 oak saplings in 2011 close to Bo­­
logna by Automobili Lamborghini and 16,000 oak saplings on another area in Hungary
(April 2011), the overall project now encompasses five different test areas. Further
areas at the Audi Group’s international locations are currently being planned.
An international expansion of the project is currently being implemented under the
heading “Diversity and productivity of forests. Comparison between mono-cultures
and mixed forests in different climate zones”. In forest zones of differing temperatures,
from Atlantic through continental to tropical climates, analysis will be carried out into
how different types of forest can contribute to climate protection through carbon storage,
and how productivity and biodiversity can be harmonized with sustainable forestry.
All test areas have been conceived in accordance with the specialized Nelder design,
thus enabling research into various population densities with minimum usage of space.
The end of 2009 saw AUDI AG underscore its commitment to environmental protection
with the establishment of a foundation. With an authorized capital of 5 million Euros,
the foundation is dedicated exclusively and directly to charitable causes in the field of
It pools all of Audi’s activities worldwide and makes a substantial contribution
through these projects to sustainable corporate governance (see also various articles in
AUDI AG’s company reports). The Audi Stiftung für Umwelt GmbH has set itself the
task of promoting a sustainable human/environment system. Particular emphasis is on
the promotion of nature and resource conservation through in-house research plans,
scientific projects, model testing and concept development or through the issuing
of research contracts or grants, as well as the promotion of science and research through
in-house research plans or through the issue of research contracts or grants.
In order to address systematically the challenges of the future, the definition of
four areas of support consciously concentrated specifically on the support of groundwork
so fundamental as to pay forward into “the next generation”.
Current areas of support (fields of activity) are:
the protection of the natural habitats of human beings,
animals and plants,
the promotion of scientific work contributing to a sustainable
human/environment system,
support for the development of environmentally compatible technologies,
and the support of measures and activities for environmental education.
One of the foundation’s first support projects is its long-term scientific involvement in
the Oak Forest research project (see above), which was agreed together with the model
test area in the Köschinger Forest. Support projects from 2011 include the publication
of a children’s book on the topic of nature and technology, a nationwide school competition on the topic of bionics and a project to promote beekeeping at schools. Further
information on all ongoing projects can be found starting on page 140 and on the foun­
dation’s website:ü
4.6. Knowledge Transfer and Public Relations
AUDI AG conducts lively discussions on the principles of its environmental philosophy
with politicians, organizations, public authorities and journalists. Audi is also heavily
involved in joint projects with commerce and the state. Its extensive participation in the
Bavarian Environment Pact underscores Audi’s commitment to the environment – far
beyond its legal obligations.
For many years, Audi has maintained close contact with universities and research
organizations. These activities include the implementation of several projects and the
organization of informative events for students. Further location and company-specific
environmental protection topics, as well as additional facts and figures can be found in
each of the plants’ individual environment statements at:
Company > Environmental Protection
Encounter Environment
Encounter Environment
85045 Ingolstadt
Responsible for content:
Toni Melfi,
Head of Communications,
Managing Editor:
Anne Lenartz
Concept and Realization:
reilmedia Hermann Reil
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Susanne Brieu
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Luise Niemsch
Patricia Piekenbrock
Hermann Reil
Daniel Schuster
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Büro Achter April
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