CommScope`s Network
CommScope`s Network
AB AB Navigation Instructions Click on the CommScope tab to return to this page (Catalog Table of Contents) AB To return to the section table of contents click a section tab Click on any entry below to get started REGISTERED Twisted Pair For a detailed table of contents click on the bookmarks tab on the left CommScope: Proven Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Twisted Pair Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fiber Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Residential Residential Twisted Pair Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fiber Optic CommScope: A History of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table of Contents Application Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Central Office CentralOffice Fiber Optic Cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Fiber Optic Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fiber Optic Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Residential Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Coaxial Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Residential Cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Central Office Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Industrial Industrial Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Central Office Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Coax Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Conduit Conduit Coax Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Industrial Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Industrial Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Packaging Conduit Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Conduit Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Glossary/Index Glossary/Index Packaging Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 1 AB AB AB CommScope CommScope: Proven Quality Twisted Pair As the world’s largest producer of coaxial cable, CommScope is the single manufacturer capable of producing a complete line of coaxial, twisted pair and fiber optic cable solutions for commercial and residential telecommunications requirements. Fiber Optic Network Products Facility in Claremont, NC Residential All communication signals need both long distance transmission and some type of “last mile” connection We even have our own trucking fleet capable of between information senders and receivers. This delivering most CommScope products anywhere within “last mile” can be wired or wireless, and CommScope the continental United States. Cable Transport, Inc. is provides the technology needed to allow broadband based at the Catawba facility with 100 tractors and connection. Without this connection businesses might still 270 trailers - 125 of which are fitted with cargo-lifting depend solely upon paper interoffice memos. Telephones equipment. Central Office might only work when attached to a wall outlet. Television reception might still require rabbit ear antennae. The world leader in coax invites you to specify CommScope quality and experience it with your next Instead, we are all connected with each other and the installation. You’ll see why CommScope is the preferred world using high-performance coaxial, twisted pair and cable for communication the world over. Coaxial fiber optic cable products for cable TV, telephony, Internet access and wireless communications. CommScope makes CommScope. How Intelligence Travels! cables for all these applications - roughly 15 million feet a day, which is enough to circle the world every 10 days. Industrial CommScope offers quality service. Our network of more than 100 sales personnel worldwide works closely with our Customer Service Department to serve our customers, who are never more than a phone call away from receiving the Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit best possible information available. CommScope has an elite trucking fleet dedicated to cable transport in the industry. CommScope’s Cable Transport specializes in the packing and handling of cable products in the continental US, which means your shipment arrives safely and on time. 2 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB AB CommScope Coaxial Cables CommScope offers a wide variety of CommScope is the world’s largest twisted pair cables to suit your needs. producer of Coaxial Cables CommScope’s unshielded twisted pair designed to provide a full range of cable technology is designed to serve applications, such as security, video the high speed local area network on demand, high-speed internet applications. CommScope’s Network access, high frequency satellite products are among the highest performing twisted pair transmission/reception, data automation and computer products on the market. networking. . Fiber Optic Cables Industrial Cables CommScope designs and manufactures a complete line of CommScope provides high-performance industrial coaxial Outside Plant (OSP), Indoor/Outdoor and twinaxial cables to meet the and Premise fiber optic cables. Our increasing demands of an ever- fiber optic cables are a great choice changing factory automation for a variety of communication appli- environment. CommScope cables cations because of their superior are designed to meet the stringent bandwidth and versatility. We also demands of the highly technical offer a diverse line of fiber optic components. market where interoperability is key. Residential Cables Conduit CommScope’s Residential Cables meet the needs of voice, ConQuest is factory pre-assembled CommScope cable in data and video applications in one easy-to-install product. select grade high density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit. CommScope’s residential product ConQuest provides enhanced family consists of coaxial cable, cable protection, saves Category 5e unshielded twisted pair installation time and cost and and multimode fiber in single, makes plant upgrades faster and siamese and bundled configurations more efficient. ConQuest also designed for delivering true meets the requirements of the NEC multimedia inside the home. Article 830, allowing drop cables to be installed at a Twisted Pair Twisted Pair Cables Fiber Optic Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial shallower depth than direct buried cables. Central Office Cables Conduit CommScope manufactures 734 and 735 Series telephony cables for DS-3 and DS-4 applications used in central offices and data centers. Our high-performance, Packaging high-quality cables meet and exceed Telcordia (Bellcore) standards. Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 3 AB CommScope: A History of Excellence AB CommScope History Twisted Pair CommScope’s History actually began in the early 1950’s with the founding of Superior Cable Corporation. Today, CommScope is a strong vibrant company, a global leader in cable manufacturing. 1953 Superior Cable Corporation was founded in Hickory, North Carolina. Superior's primary product line was telephone cable. Fiber Optic 1964 Residential The CommScope name was first used by Superior Cable for their coaxial cables 1966 Central Office CommScope began manufacturing at the current site in the Sherrill's Ford community in Catawba County, NC. 1967 Coaxial Continental Telephone Company bought Superior Cable Corporation and formed CommScope as a division under the new company, Superior Continental Corporation. 1976 Industrial Superior Continental sold the CommScope division to a group of Hickory area investors headed by Frank Drendel. 1977 Conduit Looking ahead to the importance of fiber optic cable in the CATV industry, CommScope merged with Valtec, Inc., an independent leader in fiber optic technology. 1980 Packaging Valtec was sold to M/A-COM, Inc. in order to strengthen and diversify both companies' product lines. CommScope became part of the Cable Home Group for M/A-COM. 1983 Glossary/Index The Network Cable division was established for local area network, data communications, TVRO and specialized wire markets. 4 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • CommScope: A History of Excellence AB AB AB Twisted Pair 1986 M/A-COM, Inc. sold the Cable Home Group to General Instrument Corporation. CommScope became a division of General Instrument. 1988 Fiber Optic The CommScope division restructured to CommScope under the direction of Frank Drendel. Residential 1990 CommScope again became a division of General Instrument, owned by Forstmann, Little and Company. Central Office 1995 CommScope Wireless launched a revolutionary, premium cable product under the Cell Reach name. This smooth wall 50-ohm transmission line cable offered superior reliability and performance over traditional corrugated cable. Coaxial 1997 CommScope began trading as an independent company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CTV). Industrial 1998 CommScope purchased a coaxial cable manufacturing facility in Seneffe, Belgium. 1999 Conduit 2000 2001 CommScope entered into a joint venture partnership with Furukawa Electric of Japan to acquire interest in Lucent's fiber optic cable business as part of Furukawa's purchase of Lucent's Optical Fiber Solutions business. Packaging CommScope purchased a facility in Jaguariúna, Brazil, and manufactures broadband cable products for the Latin American market. It also established a new manufacturing and distribution facility in Sparks, NV, which serves both West Coast and international broadband and wireless customers. CommScope announced a 5-year, $135 million expansion in Catawba County, significantly expanding its fiber optic and wireless manufacturing, research and development capabilities. Glossary/Index 2001 CommScope Wireless earns TL-9000 certification. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 5 Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Twisted Pair AB AB Twisted Pair Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Tw i s t e d P a i r Coaxial Central Office High Speed Local Area Networks 6 UltraPipe UltraMedia Media 6 Ultra II DataPipe Category 3 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Twisted Pair Cables Fiber Optic UTP Cable Development and Performance History of Excellence Cabling Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Twisted Pair Cable Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Category 6e UltraPipe™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Patch (Stranded 4 Pair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Category 6+ UltraMedia™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Category 6 Media 6™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Outdoor/Burial 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Category 5e “Plus” Ultra II™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Outdoor/Burial 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Plenum/Non-Plenum Hybrids (Siamese) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Category 5e DataPipe™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Patch (Stranded 4 Pair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Outdoor/Burial 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Screened (ScTP 4 Pair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Plenum/Non-Plenum Backbone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Category 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Non-Plenum 4 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Plenum/Non-Plenum 6 Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Product Features Test Reports/WebTrak Online Test Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Sequential Footage Markers/1,000 to 0 Footage Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Packaging & Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Conduit TM Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 7 AB AB History of Excellence March Twisted Twisted Pair 1992 August 1993 CommScope is the first to attach certified test reports to every reel of enhanced Category 5 cable. Fiber Optic CommScope delivers Quantum 100, the first enhanced performance Category 5 cable in the industry. February 1994 CommScope releases the Ultra UTP cable specified to 350 MHz. January Residential 1995 CommScope is the first to provide 4-pair cables that are PowerSum NEXT compliant. August 1996 CommScope begins production of ISO/IEC 11801-compliant cables. Central Office May 1996 CommScope introduces the Ultra II family of enhanced Category 5 cables that exceed 568A standards. 1997 CommScope responds to industry demand with the first outdoor-rated Category 5. April 1999 CommScope introduces IsoliteTM foamed UTP insulation that improves the installation, termination and profitability of your next job. Industrial Coaxial January July 2000 April CommScope introduces the Isolator pair separator that maximizes pair separation and minimizes pair motion. CommScope introduces UltraPipeTM Cat 6e cables, defining a new level in performance exceeding standard Cat 6 specifications and providing superior bandwidth performance up to 550 MHz. Conduit 1998 April 1998 TM CommScope introduces UltraMedia - an advanced cable technology that exceeds Category 6 and is designed for applications beyond 1 gigabit. March Packaging 2003 CommScope introduces WebTrakTM, a test report tracking system available at December 2001 Glossary/Index CommScope introduces Media 6TM, an isolated design which is Category 6 (250 MHz) compliant, and the third variation of Category 6 product offered. 8 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • UltraPipe Category 6e Cable AB AB Twisted Pair Cable Description Introduced in 2000, UltraPipe is the next evolution in unshielded twisted pair products. UltraPipe exceeds Category 6 specifications and provides superior bandwidth performance up to 550 MHz to support broadband video and high-speed, full duplex transmission protocols. Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Twisted Pairs TM Conductors BC - Bare Copper TC - Tinned Copper Insulation UltraMedia Category 6+ Cable TM FEP - Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene PE - Polyethylene FSPE - Foam Skin PE Co-Extruded Striped Insulation Residential Introduced in 1998, UltraMedia is designed to exceed all Category 6 requirements for high-speed, full-duplex, parallel transmission protocols. The revolutionary patented Isolator maximizes pair separation and minimizes pair motion resulting in superior NEXT, ELFEXT, and RL performance to 400MHz. Typical applications include high-speed digital voice, video and data, such as 3D imaging, broadband video, gigabit Ethernet, and 155/622Mb/s ATM. Fiber Optic TM Media 6 Category 6 Cable TM TM Industrial First released in 1996, the Ultra II family was designed with the future in mind. A 350MHz Enhanced Category 5e UTP cable that provides guaranteed “headroom” over today’s current 5e standards. Ultra II incorporated superior isolation and return loss with low insertion loss, <15ns in Delay Skew, and ISO/IEC 11801 input impedance compliant. Jacket PVC - Polyvinylchloride FR-PVC - Flame retardant Polyvinylchloride PVDF Polyvinylchloride Fluoride Coaxial Ultra II Category 5e “PLUS” Cable Central Office Introduced in 2002, the Media 6 rounds out CommScope’s Category 6 UTP offering. With an Isolated cable construction featuring the patented Isolator, Media 6 supports broadband video and high speed, full-duplex transmission protocols that new and emerging technologies demand. Features include a flexible jacket, thousand to zero sequential footage markers, vibrant colored pairs with a co-extruded color stripe for easy identification, and a smaller OD than typical Category 6 products. All of these features, plus a reassurance of quality CommScope product for those who have value in mind. DataPipe Category 5e Cable TM Conduit Often referred to as addendum 5, Category 5e was developed for simultaneous bi-directional transmission over 4-pairs. Improvements to Category 5 were made and additional electrical requirements such as power sum NEXT, equal level far-end crosstalk, power sum equal level far-end crosstalk, and return loss were added to create the 5e specification. Typical applications include those of Category 5 and full duplex encoding schemes such as gigabit Ethernet (1000 Base T). Packaging Category 3 Cable Category 3 is designed for LAN applications with bandwidth requirements up to 16 MHz. It is most commonly used for voice and data rates up to 10 Mbps. Typical applications include 10 Base-T Ethernet and 4 Mbps Token Ring systems. Category 3 cables comply with and are verified to TIA/EIA 568-A. TM Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 9 AB UltraPipe AB TM Highest Performance UTP Cable Available with improved: Twisted Twisted Pair Pair • Attenuation • Crosstalk • Return Loss Fiber Optic UltraPipe is the next evolution in Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP). UltraPipe exceeds all Category 6 specifications and provides superior bandwidth performance up to 550Mhz to support broadband video and highspeed, full-duplex transmission protocols. Central Office Residential UltraPipe offers a 60% improvement in signal strength by providing a 2db improvement in attenuation over proposed Category 6 cable. UltraPipe also offers a 300% improvement in PowerSum crosstalk performance, critical for Gigabit Ethernet networks. UltraPipe has a 25% improvement in return loss over proposed Category 6, maximizing cable balance and minimizing echo to improve overall channel performance. CommScope proves this performance by individually testing every master reel of UltraPipe cable. In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Coaxial UltraPipe's patented design includes the revolutionary IsolatorTM pair separator, which resolves NEXT and ELFEXT issues required for accurate transmission using all four pairs. Industrial UltraPipe is an excellent Choice for Critical Network Applications. Electrical Performance of UltraPipe Frequency ATTENUATION MHz CommScope Max Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit UltraPipe 10 NEAR END CROSSTALK (dB/100m) 6EJCM (dB) EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 CommScope Min EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 ACR POWER SUM (dB/100m) UltraPipe Min 6EJCM ELFEXT (dB) NEXT Min ELFEXT Min Return Loss (dB/100m) ACR Min UltraPipe 6EJCM UltraPipe 6EJCM UltraPipe Min (dB) CS Min 6EJCM UltraPipe 6EJCM EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 1.0 2.0 2.4 2.0 80.3 80.3 78.3 77.9 78.3 70.8 70.8 76.3 75.9 74.8 69.8 23.0 23.0 20.0 4.0 3.8 4.5 3.8 71.3 71.3 67.5 66.7 69.3 58.8 58.8 65.5 64.7 62.8 57.8 23.6 23.6 23.0 8.0 5.3 6.4 5.3 66.8 66.8 61.5 60.4 64.8 52.7 52.7 59.5 58.4 56.7 51.7 25.4 25.4 24.5 10.0 5.9 7.1 6.0 65.3 65.3 59.4 58.2 63.3 50.8 50.8 57.4 56.2 54.8 49.8 26.0 26.0 25.0 16.0 7.4 9.1 7.6 62.2 62.2 54.8 53.2 60.2 46.7 46.7 52.8 51.2 50.7 45.7 26.0 26.0 25.0 20.0 8.3 10.2 8.5 60.8 60.8 52.5 50.6 58.8 44.8 44.8 50.5 48.6 48.8 43.8 26.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 9.3 11.4 9.5 59.3 59.3 50.0 47.9 57.3 42.8 42.8 48.0 45.9 46.8 41.8 25.5 25.5 24.3 31.25 10.4 12.8 10.7 57.9 57.9 47.4 45.1 55.9 40.9 40.9 45.4 43.1 44.9 39.9 25.0 25.0 23.6 62.5 14.9 18.5 15.4 53.4 53.4 38.5 34.9 51.4 34.9 34.9 36.5 32.9 38.9 33.9 23.5 23.5 21.5 100.0 19.0 23.8 19.8 50.3 50.3 31.3 26.5 48.3 30.8 30.8 29.3 24.5 34.8 29.8 23.0 23.0 20.1 155.0 23.9 30.2 25.2 47.4 47.4 23.5 17.3 45.4 27.0 27.0 21.5 15.3 31.0 26.0 21.6 21.6 18.8 200.0 27.4 34.8 29.0 45.8 45.8 18.4 11.0 43.8 24.8 24.8 16.4 9.0 28.8 23.8 21.0 21.0 18.0 250.0 30.8 39.4 32.8 44.3 44.3 13.5 4.9 42.3 22.8 26.8 11.5 2.9 26.8 21.8 20.5 20.5 17.3 300.0 34.0 43.7 43.1 43.1 9.1 41.1 21.3 21.3 7.1 -2.6 25.3 20.3 20.1 20.1 350.0 37.0 42.1 5.2 40.1 19.9 3.2 23.9 19.8 400.0 39.7 41.3 1.5 39.3 18.8 -0.5 22.8 16.9 550.0 47.3 39.2 -8.1 37.2 16.0 -10.1 20.0 15.9 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB UltraPipe (Category 6e 550MHz) Extended Bandwidth High Performance UTP Category 6e Cable Broadband Video, Gigabit Ethernet, 155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-1 Cat 6, CENELEC EN50173, ICEA S-90-661, NEMA WC 66-1999 Cat 6, NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1, ISO/IEC 11801 and TIA/EIA PN-4657 Patented design with Isolator™ pair separator for superior crosstalk performance Rugged design allows higher max pulling tensions Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification 1,000 to 0 footage markers every two feet (Not available for outdoor cables) Larger gauge copper for low signal loss Test report available online at See page 24. Features: Fiber Optic Test Report: Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Applications: Exceeds: Plenum 6ECMP Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Pf/Ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC 3prs: FEP .008/.20 CommFlex .019/.48 .250/6.3 teal, pink, white, blue, yellow, and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 71% 27.5/90 1pr: PE .008/.20 ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Central Office No. of Pairs Residential Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Non-plenum 6ECMR No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Pf/Ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .024/.61 .240/6.0 White, blue, yellow, teal, pink and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 68% 25.6/84 Industrial ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Coaxial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Available in CMX for International use. Patch Cable Swept to 300 MHz 6EJCM No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Pf/Ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Stranded TC PE .007/.19 CommFlex FR-PVC .020/.51 .230/5.8 White, blue, yellow, gray and black 14 100Ω + 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 67% 20.0/66 Conduit Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Packaging ETL CM/C(ETL) CMG Glossary/Index = Reel = Reel-In-Box For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 11 AB AB UltraMedia TM Twisted Twisted Pair CommScope’s UltraMedia is the extended bandwidth cable that defines the new standard in UTP performance. UltraMedia’s improved 400 MHz capability, unmatched ACR, PowerSum NEXT and precision balance make UltraMedia the best-performing Category 6+ UTP cable available. Fiber Optic Engineered specifically for high-speed, full-duplex, parallel transmission protocols that dominate new technologies, UltraMedia’s patented design, which includes the revolutionary Isolator™ pair separator, resolves ELFEXT and balance issues required for accurate transmission using all four pairs. Exceeding both ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2-1 and ISO/IEC 11801 standards, UltraMedia is an excellent choice for critical network applications. Central Office Residential CommScope proves this performance by individually testing every master reel of UltraMedia cable. In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Parameter UltraMedia Performance Specified Frequency 400 Mhz 60% improvement Maximum Skew <25 ns 300% improvement PSUM ELFEXT & ELFEXT 1 dB vs. std. Cat 6 25% improvement Capacitance Unbalance 58.2 pF max @ 23°C 500% improvement 3 dB vs. std. Cat 6 25% improvement PSUM NEXT & NEXT Coaxial % Improvement Electrical Performance of UltraMedia vs. ANSI/TIA/EIA Category 6 Frequency Industrial MHz (dB/100m) NEAR END CROSSTALK (dB) CommScope Max EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 CommScope Min/Avg EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 2.0 3.8 5.3 5.9 7.5 8.4 9.4 10.6 15.3 19.7 25.0 28.8 32.6 39.5 42.7 2.0 3.8 5.3 6.0 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.7 15.4 19.8 25.2 29.0 32.9 77.3/90 68.3/83 63.8/79 62.3/75 59.2/72 57.8/72 56.3/69 54.9/68 50.4/65 47.3/62 44.4/62 42.8/61 41.3/60 39.1/52 38.3/52 74.3 65.3 60.8 59.3 56.2 54.8 53.3 51.9 47.4 44.3 41.4 39.8 38.3 ACR POWER SUM (dB/100m) ELFEXT (dB) Return Loss (dB/100m) (dB) Min/Avg NEXT Min ELFEXT Min ACR Min Min CS Min 75.3/85 64.5/80 58.5/74 56.4/70 51.7/65 49.4/64 46.9/60 44.3/59 35.1/51 27.6/44 19.5/38 14.0/33 8.7/30 -0.4/20 -4.4/14 75.3 66.3 61.8 60.3 57.2 55.8 54.3 52.9 48.4 45.3 42.4 40.8 39.3 37.1 36.3 65.8 53.7 47.7 45.8 41.7 39.7 37.8 35.9 29.8 25.8 21.9 19.7 17.8 14.9 13.7 73.3 62.5 56.5 54.4 49.7 47.4 44.9 42.3 33.1 25.6 17.5 12.0 6.7 -2.4 -6.4 68.8 56.8 50.7 48.8 44.7 42.8 40.8 38.9 32.9 28.8 25.0 22.8 20.8 17.9 16.8 23.0 23.6 25.4 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.5 25.0 23.5 23.0 21.6 21.0 20.5 19.8 16.9 EIA/TIA 568 Cat. 6 20.0 23.0 24.5 25.0 25.0 25.0 24.3 23.6 21.5 20.1 18.8 18.0 17.3 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit 1.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 16.0 20.0 25.0 31.25 62.5 100.0 155.0 200.0 250.0 350.0 400.0 ATTENUATION 12 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB UltraMedia™ (Category 6+ 400 MHz) Extended Bandwidth for High-Speed Voice/Video/Data Applications Applications: Exceeds/meets: Fiber Optic Test Report: Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Features: Broadband Video, Gigabit Ethernet, 155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet CENELEC EN50173, ICEA S-90-661, ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1Category 6, NEMA WC 66-1999 Cat 6, NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1 and ISO/IEC 11801 3rd Party Verified to CommScope Performance Claims Patented design with Isolator™ pair separator for superior bandwidth performance PSUM crosstalk compliant Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification 1,000 to 0 footage markers every two feet (Not available for outdoor cables) Test report available online at See page 24. Plenum Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC 3prs: FEP .008/.20 CommFlex .019/.38 .220/5.6 teal, pink white, blue yellow and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 71% 28/92 1pr: FSPE .008/.20 Residential 7504 No. of Pairs ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Central Office Non-plenum Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .022/.6 .240/6.1 white, blue teal, pink yellow and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 68% 26/85 ETLCMR/C(ETL) CMG Coaxial 75N4 No. of Pairs Industrial Available in “CM” and “CMX” for International Use. Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = Reel = Reel-In-Box For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708, Customer Service 800.544.1948, Fax 828.459.5099 or go to 13 AB AB Media 6 TM Media 6 is the newest addition to CommScope’s family of Category 6 UTP products. Media 6 also includes the revolutionary Isolator pair separator. Media 6 exceeds all Twisted Twisted Pair TM Category 6 specifications to support broadband video and high speed, full-duplex transmission protocols that dominate new technologies. Features include a flexible jacket, thousand to zero footage markers, vibrant colored pairs with Fiber Optic a co-extruded color stripe on the white common for easy identification, and a smaller OD than typical Category 6 products. Residential In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Media 6 is available in: 3 colors (white, blue, gray) Central Office Reel-In-Box and Reel Meets Standards ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 Category 6 NEMA WC 63/66 Coaxial Plenum: ETL Type CMP, C(ETL) CMP Industrial ANSI/ICEA S-90-661 Electrical Performance of Media 6 Riser: ETL Type CMR, C(ETL) CMG Frequency MHz Attenuation (dB/100m) Near End Cross Talk (dB) ACR (dB/100m) Min NEXT Min Power Sum (dB) ELFEXT Min ACR Min ELFEXT (dB/100m) Min Return Loss (dB) CommScope EIA/TIA 568 Min Category 6 1.0 2.0 74.3 72.3 72.3 64.8 70.3 67.8 23.0 20.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conduit 4.0 3.8 65.3 61.5 63.3 52.8 59.5 55.8 23.0 23.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.0 5.3 60.8 55.4 58.8 46.7 53.4 49.7 24.5 24.5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.0 6.0 59.3 53.3 57.3 44.8 51.3 47.8 25.0 25.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.0 7.6 56.2 48.7 54.2 40.7 46.7 43.7 25.0 25.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.0 8.5 54.8 46.3 52.8 38.8 44.3 41.8 25.0 25.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Packaging 25.0 9.5 53.3 43.8 51.3 36.8 41.8 39.8 24.3 24.2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31.25 10.7 51.9 41.2 49.9 34.9 39.2 37.9 23.6 23.3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 62.5 15.4 47.4 32.0 45.4 28.9 30.0 31.9 23.0 20.7 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Glossary/Index 100.0 19.8 44.3 24.5 42.3 24.8 22.5 27.8 23.0 19.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 155.0 25.2 41.4 16.3 39.4 21.0 14.3 24.0 18.8 17.4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 200.0 29.0 39.8 10.8 37.8 18.8 8.8 21.8 18.0 16.4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 250.0 32.8 38.3 5.5 36.3 16.8 3.5 19.8 17.3 15.6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (All tests include swept frequency measurements.) 14 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Media 6™ (Category 6 250 MHz) Bandwidth for High-Speed Voice/Video/Data Applications Applications: Exceeds/meets: Features: Test Report: Twisted Twisted Pair Broadband Video, Gigabit Ethernet, 155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Category 6, NEMA WC 63/66, ANSI/ICEA S-90-661 3rd Party Verified to CommScope Performance Claims Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification 1,000 to 0 footage markers every two feet (Not available for outdoor cables) Test report available online at See page 24. Plenum 6504+ No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC 3 prs:FEP .008/.20 CommFlex .019/.48 .220/5.6 white, blue and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 69% 27/88 Residential 1 pr: FSPE .008/.20 Fiber Optic Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Non-Plenum 65N4+ No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 23 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .022/0.6 .240/6.1 white, blue and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 68% 25/82 No. of Material Conductor Size and Thickness Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & and colors in / mm Cable Jacket OD pF/ft in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Input Impedance Maximum DCR Propagation Velocity of kft / km Shipping Wt. in lbs. 4 23 AWG Solid BC PE .010/.25 PE with Floodant .022/0.51 .250/6.3 Black 15 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 62% 40/131 Central Office Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Coaxial ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Outdoor 6NF4+ Industrial Catalog Number Packaging Options Pairs Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = Reel = Reel-In-Box For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 15 AB AB Ultra II TM Twisted Twisted Pair Pair CommScope’s Ultra II is the 350MHz Enhanced Category 5e UTP cable that provides guaranteed “headroom” over the ANSI/EIA/TIA 568B.2 specification. Ultra II incorporates PowerSum NEXT, superior ACR performance, 15 ns Delay Skew and ISO/IEC 11801 impedance to deliver the needed performance for the demands of high speed, full duplex data networks. Fiber Optic CommScope proves this performance by individually testing every master reel of UltraMedia cable. In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Residential While electrical performance is critical, we believe the physical properties of the cable are also important. Ultra II utilizes CommFlex™ jacketing to improve pulling, handling and stripping. Coextruded stripes and 1,000 to 0 footage markings simplify traceability and termination. In addition, its industry accepted round design does not require special connectors or additional labor. Easier installations = lower costs. Central Office Parameter Ultra II Performance vs. Category 5e Percent Improvement 350 Mhz 250% improvement ACR/pair-to-pair >5.6dB @ 200 MHz >19.3dB @ 100 MHz 6dB or 200% improvement ACR/PowerSum 0dB @ 243 MHz 0dB @ 165MHz or Maximum Skew <15 ns 300% improvement Specified Frequency Coaxial 30% improvement PSUM ELFEXT + 5dB ELFEXT + 4dB Capacitance Unbalance 58.5 pF max @ 23°C Industrial NEXT & PSUM NEXT 500% improvement + 5dB vs. std. 5e Electrical Performance of Ultra II vs ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Frequency MHz Attenuation max dB/100m Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) min/ave dB Attenuation to Crosstalk (ACR) Ultra II vs. TIA/EIA min/ave dB Cat5e min dB Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit 1 2.0 70.3/79 68.3/77 vs. 4 3.9 61.3/72 57.3/68 vs. 8 5.6 56.8/68 51.2/63 vs. 10 6.2 55.3/67 49.1/61 vs. 16 7.9 52.2/64 44.3/57 vs. 20 8.9 50.8/63 41.9/55 vs. 25 10.0 49.3/61 39.3/52 vs. 31.25 11.3 47.9/60 36.6/50 vs. 62.5 16.3 43.4/56 27.1/41 vs. 100 21.0 40.3/53 19.3/33 vs. 155 26.8 37.4/51 10.7/26 vs. 200 30.9 35.8/48 4.9/19 vs. 250 35.0 34.3/47 -0.7/19 vs. 300 38.9 33.1/46 -5.8/10 vs. 350 42.6 32.1/43 -10.4/4 vs. All values are dB/100 meters unless otherwise noted • NS- Not Specified at this frequency Specifications subject to change without notice 16 63 52 46 44 39 37 34 31 21 13 NS NS NS NS NS PowerSum NEXT PowerSum ACR ELFEXT PowerSum ELFEXT RL min/ave dB min/ave dB min dB dB dB 68.3/75 59.3/67 54.8/63 53.3/62 50.2/60 48.8/58 47.3/57 45.9/56 41.4/52 38.3/48 35.4/45 33.8/44 32.3/44 31.1/41 30.1/39 66.3/73 55.3/63 49.2/58 47.1/56 42.3/53 39.9/50 37.3/48 34.6/46 25.1/37 17.3/28 8.7/20 2.9/15 -2.7/15 -7.8/5 -12.4/0 67.8 55.8 49.7 47.8 43.7 41.8 39.8 37.9 31.9 27.8 24.0 21.8 19.8 18.3 16.9 65.8 53.7 47.7 45.8 41.7 39.7 37.8 35.9 29.8 25.8 21.9 19.7 17.8 16.2 14.9 23.0 23.3 25.0 25.5 25.5 25.5 24.9 24.4 23.0 23.0 20.4 19.8 19.2 16.8 16.3 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e+ Extended Frequency LANs Applications: Exceeds/meets: Test Report: Plenum Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC FEP .007/.19 and FSPE .008/.20 CommFlex .017/0.43 .195/4.8 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 25/82 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .022/0.6 .210/4.9 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 68% 24/78 ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Fiber Optic 5504M No. of Pairs 55N4R Central Office ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Residential Non-plenum Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Twisted Pair Features: Gigabit Ethernet, 155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e, CENELEC EN50173, ICEA S-90-661, NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1 and ISO/IEC 11801 1,000 to zero footage markers every two feet (Not available for outdoor cables) Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Test report available online at See page 24. AB AB Ultra II (Category 5e “Plus” 350 MHz) Available in “CM” and “CMX” for International Use. Outdoor Conductor Size and Thickness Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & and colors in / mm Cable Jacket OD pF/ft in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Input Impedance Maximum DCR Propagation Velocity of kft / km Shipping Wt. in lbs. 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .010/.25 PE with Floodant .030/0.76 .240/6.1 Black 15 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 62% 40/131 Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 5524M Two 4 pr. 24 AWG Solid BC FEP .007/.18 and FSPE .008/.20 CommFlex .017/0.43 .390/9.9 .190/4.8 White, blue and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 45/148 5NF4 Industrial No. of Material Coaxial Catalog Number Packaging Options Pairs Plenum Hybrid Conduit ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 5N54 Two 4 pr. 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .020/0.51 .430/10.9 .200/5.1 White, blue and gray 14 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 70% 30/98 Glossary/Index Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Packaging Non-Plenum Hybrid ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG = Reel = Reel-In-Box = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 17 AB AB DataPipe Twisted Twisted Pair TM Residential In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Central Office Fiber Optic Taking Category 5e a step further, DataPipe is a 200 MHz cable developed for simultaneous bi-directional transmission over 4-pairs. Improvements to Category 5e were made and additional electrical requirements such as ISO/IEC 11801 input impedance were added. Typical applications include those of Category 5e and full duplex encoding schemes such as gigabit Ethernet. CommScope's Category 5e DataPipe cable features a Commflex jacket to reduce friction during installation resulting in less strain on the twisted pairs. Electrical Performance of DataPipe Industrial Coaxial Frequency MHz Attenuation max dB/100m Pair to Pair NEXT dB min ELFEXT dB/100m min PowerSum Return Loss dB min ACR dB min NEXT min dB ELFEXT min dB/100m ACR min dB DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 DataPipe 5EJ4 1.0 2.0 2.4 65.3 65.3 63.8 63.8 23.0 23.0 63.3 62.9 62.3 62.3 60.8 60.8 60.3 59.9 4.0 4.1 4.9 56.3 56.3 51.7 51.7 23.0 23.0 52.2 51.4 53.3 53.3 48.7 48.7 49.2 48.4 8.0 5.8 6.9 51.8 51.8 45.7 45.7 24.5 24.5 46.0 44.9 48.8 48.8 42.7 42.7 43.0 41.9 10.0 6.5 7.8 50.3 50.3 43.8 43.8 25.0 25.0 43.8 42.5 47.3 47.3 40.8 40.8 40.8 39.5 16.0 8.2 9.9 47.3 47.3 39.7 39.7 25.0 25.0 39.0 37.4 44.3 44.3 36.7 36.7 36.0 34.4 20.0 9.3 11.1 45.8 45.8 37.7 37.7 25.0 25.0 36.5 34.7 42.8 42.8 34.7 34.7 33.5 31.7 25.0 10.4 12.5 44.3 44.3 35.8 35.8 24.3 24.3 33.9 31.8 41.3 41.3 32.8 32.8 30.9 28.8 31.25 11.7 14.1 42.9 42.9 33.9 33.9 23.6 23.6 31.2 28.8 39.9 39.9 30.9 30.9 28.2 25.8 62.5 17.0 20.4 38.4 38.4 27.8 27.8 23.0 23.0 21.4 18.0 35.4 35.4 24.8 24.8 18.4 15.0 100.0 22.0 26.4 35.3 35.3 23.8 23.8 23.0 23.0 13.3 8.9 32.3 32.3 20.8 20.8 10.3 5.9 155.0 28.1 33.7 32.5 32.5 19.9 19.9 18.8 18.8 4.4 29.5 29.5 16.9 16.9 1.4 200.0 32.4 38.9 30.8 30.8 17.7 17.7 18.0 18.0 -1.6 27.8 27.8 14.7 14.7 -4.6 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit (All tests include swept frequency measurements) 18 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB DataPipe (Category 5e 200 MHz) For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e LANs Applications: Exceeds/meets: Features: Test Report: Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Gigabit Ethernet, 155Mb/s ATM, 100Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet ANSI/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e, ISO/IEC 11801, 3rd Party Verified to CommScope Performance Claims PSUM crosstalk compliant Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification Performance specified to 200 MHz 1,000 to 0 footage markers every two feet (Not available for outdoor cables) Test report available online at See page 24. Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options 5E55 Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC Foamed FEP .007/.18 CommFlex .019/.50 .175/4.45 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 74% 21/68 FSPE .008/.20 Residential No. of Pairs Fiber Optic Plenum ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP 5E40 Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24AWG Solid BC FEP .007/.18 CommFlex .017/.43 .180/4.6 White, blue, pink, yellow and gray 14 100Ω +15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 76% 21/68 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FRPVC .022/.56 .200/5.0 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 21/68 Coaxial No. of Pairs Central Office Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Non-plenum 5EN5 Industrial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conduit ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Available in “CM” and “CMX” for International Use. Patch Cable 5EJ4 Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Stranded TC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .020/.51 .218/5.5 White, blue, yellow, green, red, black, pink and gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 72% 20/66 ETL CM/C(ETL) CMG = Reel = Reel-In-Box Glossary/Index No. of Pairs Packaging Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 19 AB AB DataPipe (Category 5e) For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e LANs Outdoor Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Catalog Number Packaging Options Pairs Conductor Size and Thickness Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & and colors in / mm Cable Jacket OD pF/ft in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Input Impedance Maximum DCR Propagation Velocity of kft / km Shipping Wt. in lbs. 4 24AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 PE with Floodant .030/.76 .240/6.1 Black 15 100Ω +15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 62% 37/121 Fiber Optic 5EF4 No. of Material Residential Plenum, Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP) Swept to 100 MHz Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Central Office 5ES4 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24AWG Solid FEP .007/.18 CommFlex .015/.51 .200/5.0 White, blue, yellow and gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 28/92 Coaxial ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Non-Plenum, Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP) Swept to 100 MHz Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24AWG Solid PE .010/.25 FR-PVC .020/.51 .240/6.1 White, blue, yellow and gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 68% 27/89 Industrial 5ENS4 No. of Pairs Conduit ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Packaging Plenum Backbone Swept to 100 MHz Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR 5E24 (6 subunits) 24 24 AWG Solid BC FEP .007/.18 PVDF .018/.46 .586/14.9 White 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m Velocity Shipping of Wt. in lbs. Propagation kft / km 71% 141/462 Glossary/Index ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP = Reel 20 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB DataPipe (Category 5e) For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 5e LANs Non-Plenum Backbone Swept to 100 MHz No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 5EN24 (6 subunits) 24 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 PVC .033/.84 .590/15 Gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 68% 124/407 Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Fiber Optic inner PVC .022/.56 ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 5E25 (6 subunits) 25 24 AWG Solid BC FEP .007/.18 PVDF .018/.46 .590/15 White 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 162/531 Residential Plenum Backbone Swept to 100 MHz Central Office inner CommFlex FR-PVC 0.19/.48 ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 5EN25 (6 subunits) 25 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 PVC .033/.84 .635/16 Gray 14 100Ω + 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 68% 148/485 Industrial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Coaxial Non-Plenum Backbone Swept to 100 MHz inner PVC .022/.56 ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 21 AB AB Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Category 3 Fiber Optic CommScope’s Category 3 cables are designed to support both voice and data applications. Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) compliance allows both half and full duplex operation of data networks. Typical applications include 10 MB Ethernet, Token Ring, and voice networks. Features include a flexible jacket, thousand to zero footage markers, and colored pairs with co-extruded stripe. Central Office Residential In March, 2003, we began posting the test reports online. Our unique WebTrak™ system allows you to review this data online at Coaxial Electrical Performance of Category 3 Frequency MHz 2.2 2.6 5.6 8.5 9.7 13.1 6.8 7.8 17.0 25.9 30.0 40.0 NEAR END CROSSTALK (dB) STRUCTURAL RETURN LOSS 43 41 32 27 26 23 NA 12 12 12 12 10 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial 0.772 1.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 16.0 ATTENUATION (dB/100m) 3504/35N4 3506/35N6 22 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Category 3 For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568 Category 3 LANs Applications: Meets: Test Report: Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Features: 10 Mb/s Ethernet, 4/16 Mb/s Token Ring, ISDN Voice Networks ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B.2 Category 3, NEMA 24 AWG Premise Wire, IEEE 802.3 10BaseT Ethernet, IEEE 802.5 UTP Token Ring 4/16, ISDN Voice Grade, IBM Type 3 Media Flexible jacket strips cleanly and resists kinking Coextruded color striped pairs for easy identification Test report available online at See page 24. Plenum No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC Plenum PVC .008/.20 CommFlex .014/.36 .186/4.72 White, blue, and gray 20 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 62% 21/69 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .018/.46 .175/4.45 White, blue, and gray 20 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 19/62 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 6 24 AWG Solid BC Plenum PVC .008/.20 CommFlex .014/.36 .205/5.21 White 20 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100 62% 32/105 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR Velocity of Propagation Shipping Wt. in lbs. kft / km 6 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 FR-PVC .020/.51 .205/5.21 Gray 20 100Ω ± 15% 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100 71% 27/88 3504 Fiber Optic Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Residential ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Non-plenum 35N4 Central Office Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Coaxial ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG Plenum Multi-Pair 3506 Industrial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conduit ETL CMP/C(ETL) CMP Non-Plenum Multi-Pair 35N6 Packaging Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Glossary/Index ETL CMR/C(ETL) CMG = Reel = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 23 AB Certification of Quality and Performance AB Proof of Performance Comes with Every Reel of UltraPipe, UltraMedia, Ultra II & DataPipe Twisted Twisted Pair Certified Test Reports Fiber Optic Quality is just a word until it is proven. This is why CommScope backs its claims for the performance of its enhanced twisted pair products by testing each master reel of UltraPipe, UltraMedia, DataPipe and Ultra II. These cables undergo frequency sweep tests for crosstalk, attenuation and structural return loss. Test values are recorded and posted to our WebTrak system. This report is your assurance that the cable you’ve paid for will perform as promised. Our unique WebTrak system allows you to review this data online at Central Office Residential TM WebTrak No. Coaxial Footage Marker Industrial 1,000’ - 0’ Footage Markers To simplify traceability and termination, CommScope prints 1000 to 0 footage markings on the outer jacket of all twisted pair cables. This is just another feature that CommScope offers to simplify the installation process. (Not available on outdoor cables) Conduit ISO 9001:2000 Glossary/Index Packaging ISO certification is another proof of CommScope’s commitment to manufacturing excellence in all aspects of our operations. Our promise is to design, manufacture and deliver products and services which conform to specifications and satisfy your requirements and expectations in every way. 24 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Packaging & Shipping Packaging Identification System Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Reel Label Description Footage Reel ID# (this reel) Fiber Optic Meters (this reel) Feet (this reel) UPC Code Patent Information Central Office Part # Color (jacket) Category Residential Product Code Product Description Coaxial Color Identification System Industrial Conduit UltraMedia Blue Media 6 Black Ultra II Red DataPipe Purple Glossary/Index Teal Packaging UltraPipe Plenum: White Box Non-Plenum: Brown Box For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 25 AB AB Twisted Pair Packaging & Shipping Fiber Optic Twisted Twisted Pair Pair LAN Packaging Matrix Category Product Family Category 6e UltraPipe 6ECMP Category 6 Residential Category 6 Central Office Category 5e+ Industrial Coaxial Category 5e Rating Wooden Plastic Reels Reels Box/Pallet Box/Pallet Pallet Size: 48x40x4 Package Color: Black CommPak Reel-IIn-B Box Box/Pallet Package Box/Pallet Package 275lb. rated Color 275lb. rated Color Corrugated Corrugated Pallet Size Pallet Size 42x42 48x40 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown UltraPipe 6ECMR Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 UltraPipe Patch 6EJCM Non-Plenum CM 12x5x8 UltraMedia 7504 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White UltraMedia 75N4 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Media 6 6504+ Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White Media 6 65N4+ Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Media 6 6NF4+ N/A Outdoor Outdoor 12x5x10 Ultra II 5504M Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White Ultra II 5524M Plenum CMP Ultra II 55N4R Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Ultra II 5N54 Non-Plenum CMR Ultra II 5NF4 N/A Outdoor Outdoor 12x5x10 DataPipe 5E55 Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White DataPipe 5E40 Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White DataPipe 5EN5 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown DataPipe 5ES4 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 DataPipe Patch 5EJ4 Non-Plenum CM DataPipe 5E24 Plenum CMP 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EN24 Non-Plenum CMR 30x12x12 DataPipe 5E25 Plenum CMP 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EN25 Non-Plenum CMR 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EF4 N/A Outdoor DataPipe 5ENS4 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 Category 3 3504 Plenum CMP Category 3 35N4 Non-Plenum CMR Category 3 3506 Plenum CMP Category 3 35N6 Non-Plenum CMR 14.5x6x1 14.5x6x13 14x10x14 White 14x10x14 Brown 10.5x3.5x9. 14x10x14 White 10.5x3.5x9.5 14x10x14 Brown 12x5x8 12x5x10 14.5x6x13 10.5x3.5x9.5 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Category 3 Catalog Plenum/ Number Non-PPlenum 26 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Twisted Pair Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 27 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Residential Fiber Optic Industry Leading Technology Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Fiber Optic Coaxial Central Office High Performance 28 Outside Plant Indoor/Outdoor Premises Hybrids For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Cables Fiber Optic Overview of Fiber Optic Cable Engineering and Manufacturing Quality and testing procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fiber Part Numbering System Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Fiber Performance Data LaserCore 300TM Type 5L Multimode fiber specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 LaserCore 150TM Type 5M Multimode fiber specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Type 5H Multimode fiber specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Type 6F Multimode fiber specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 LightScope ZWPTM Type 8W fiber specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Outside Plant Cables Introduction and general description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Arid-Core® Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Arid-Core® Stranded Loose Tube Armored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Drop Armored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Central Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Figure 8 Stranded Loose Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Specialty Designs Stranded Loose Tube/Multiple Jacket/Armor . . . . . . . . .51 Pavement Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Flooded Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Flooded Stranded Loose Tube Armored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Indoor/Outdoor Cables Introduction and general description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 TriathlonTM Distribution/Low Smoke/Zero Halogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 TriathlonTM Cordage/Low Smoke/Zero Halogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Stranded Loose Tube/Standard Duty Riser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Stranded Loose Tube/Heavy Duty Riser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Stranded Loose Tube Plenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Central Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Premises Cables Introduction and general description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 FastFiber™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Riser Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Heavy Duty Riser Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Plenum Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Heavy Duty Plenum Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Riser Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Plenum Cordage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Riser Breakout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Plenum Breakout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 FiberGuard™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Packaging & Shipping Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 29 AB CommScope Fiber Optic Cables AB Proven Quality and Performance Twisted Pair In the past thirty years, fiber optic cables have evolved from a laboratory novelty to become an indispensible necessity on the communication superhighway. Fiber optic superior bandwidth and versatility makes it the transmission medium of choice for a variety of communication applications. REGISTERED Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Bearing this versatility in mind, CommScope has developed three families of fiber optic cables to be used anywhere in the communication hierarchy: Outside Plant, Indoor/Outdoor and Premise. Outside plant cables for standard and rugged environments Residential For direct buried, underground duct and aerial installations, CommScope offers several designs, which include a variety of loose tube cables, from all dielectric to heavy duty moisture-resistant, double armored and triple-jacketed cables. Design options include: Drop Armored, a smaller, lighter weight cable for use when space is at a minimum; Central Tube for point-to-point installations; Stranded Loose Tube and pavement cables. Any of these cables may be pre-installed in high-strength OSP conduit. Indoor/outdoor cables for strength and safety (including zero-halogen types) Central Office CommScope’s design for these hybrid application cables offer construction and jacketing suitable for outside usage yet comply with NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) flame standards. This design allows you to run cable through the building entrance without having to terminate or splice different cables together which results in significant savings in time and labor. Cable types include Central Tube designs, standard and heavy-duty stranded loose tube riser and plenum cables and Triathlon, a specially designed lowsmoke/zero halogen distribution and cordage cables. Coaxial Premises cables for safety and performance CommScope’s premises cables are designed to handle the stresses of indoor applications. Along with riser and plenum rated distribution, breakout and cordage cables, CommScope also offers heavy-duty distribution and cordage that provide additional fiber protection. Fiber Optic Components Industrial CommScope offers an innovative line of optical components for premise and outside plant applications. This product line includes connectors, adapters, enclosures, panels, fanouts, closures and jumpers. Test reports - a higher standard for higher speeds Conduit Every reel of CommScope fiber optic cable is subjected to stringent testing throughout the entire manufacturing process. Our state-of-the-art process controls and testing systems insure that every foot of CommScope cable consistently meets or exceeds our high standards. Packaging To prove that our fiber optic cables exceed industry standards, we go to the extra step of attaching the individual cable test report to every reel. You get proof-positive that the cable you purchase will perform to the level you require. Glossary/Index Remember, a network is only as good as the cable that connects it. Specify the cables that allow networks to communicate; fiber optic cables from CommScope. Detailed product specification sheets are available at the download area of our website. 30 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • P - 012 - DS - 5L - F Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 SD OR Sample Part Number Position Position Position 5 6 7 P - 012 - DS - 5L - FSDOR F M N O P R Z Zero Halogen CN CA Central Tube All Dielectric Central Tube Armored ZC SP IC Zipcord Simplex Interconnect 5L 50µm, LaserCore™ 300, multimode X Special Print SD Standard P - 012 - D S - 5 L - F S D O R Fiber Optic Position 2: Fiber Count Outdoor (Arid Core® Standard) Plenum Riser Twisted Pair Position 1: Cable Style Flooded Stranded Loose Tube Messenger Non-Halogen (Indoor Only) AB AB Fiber Optic Numbering Key Total Fiber Count (in increments of two) *XXX variable in catalog number. P - 0 1 2 - DS - 5 L - F S D O R LA LN LD L2 Stranded Loose Tube Dual Jacket/Single Armor L3 Stranded Loose Tube Triple Jacket/Dual Armor DA Drop Armored Stranded Loose Tube Armored Stranded Loose Tube Non Armored All Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric/Dual Jacket Residential Position 3: Cable Construction Indoor & Indoor/Outdoor Cable Constructions DS Distribution BO Breakout DU Duplex CN Central Tube Armored LN Stranded Loose Tube Non Armored All Dielectric LH Stranded Loose Tube Heavy Duty Non Armored W X Y Z Steel Armor, No Jacket Steel Armor w/Jacket Aluminum Armor, No Jacket Aluminum Armor w/Jacket Position 4: Fiber Type P - 0 1 2 - D S - 5L - F S D O R 8W 9.2 MFD LightScope ZWP , singlemode 6F 62.5/125µm FDDI Grade, multimode 5H Standard 50µm, multimode 5M 50µm, LaserCore™ 150, multimode ™ Central Office FiberGuard™ Use first character of the construction code above plus one of the following: Position 5: Jacket Print P - 0 1 2 - D S - 5 L - FSS D O R F M Printed in Feet (Standard) P - 0 1 2 - D S - 5 L - F SDO OR For cordage, value indicates outside diameter; otherwise additional description 01-1 12 Fiber Count per Subunit HD Heavy Duty Industrial Position 6: Miscellaneous Values Printed in Meters Coaxial CM Composite (singlemode & multimode), HY Hybrid (fiber, copper, & coax) *XY variable in catalog number Cordage 16 1.6mm Jacket OD 20 2.5mm Jacket OD 29 2.9mm Jacket OD P - 0 1 2 - D S - 5 L - F S D OR Conduit Position 7: Color Field 25 2.0mm Jacket For Outdoor Cables, this field designates color of stripe/tracer. Outdoor Cables are manufactured with a standard black jacket — No Stripe (NS). Stripes (tracers) are also available in the following colors (min. order required): BL Blue OR Orange WH White GR Green VL Violet YL Yellow Positions 8-1 11: When Position 4 is CM OR Orange BR Brown WH White BK VI AQ P - 0 1 2 - D S - C M - F S D O R /8W 012/5M 036 Pos. 8 Position 8: Singlemode Fiber Type Position 9: Singlemode Fiber Count Black Violet Aqua Glossary/Index Available Non Standard jacket colors: (min. order required) BL Blue RD Red GR Green YL Yellow SL Slate RO Rose Packaging For Premises, Indoor/Outdoor or Outdoor Tight Buffer Cables, this field indicates jacket color. Standard jacket colors: BK Black YL Yellow for singlemode for Indoor/Outdoor and Tight Buffer Outdoor OR Orange for Multimode & Composite AQ Aqua for LaserCore & LaserCore Composites *ZZ variable in catalog number. Pos. 9 Pos. 10 Pos. 11 Position 10: Multimode Fiber Type Position 11: Multimode Fiber Count For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 31 AB 300TM Type 5L Multimode Fiber Specifications AB Available in all CommScope Cable Types LaserCore 300 Type 5L Optical Fiber: 50 micron Multimode Fiber Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair Physical Characteristics Core Diameter Cladding Diameter Core/Clad Offset Coating Diameter (uncolored) Coating Diameter (colored) Coating/Cladding Concentricity Error, max. Clad Non-Circularity Mechanical Characteristics 50.0 ± 2.5 µm 125 ± 1.0 µm < 1.5 µm 245 ± 10 µm 255 ± 7 µm 6 µm < 1% Prooftest Coating Strip Force Dynamic Fatigue Parameter (nd) Macrobend 100 turns @ 75mm mandrel 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, Wavelength Specific 100kpsi (.69 Gpa) 0.3 - 2.0 lbf (1.3 - 8.9 N) > 18 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Attenuation, Loose Tube Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Attenuation, Tight Buffer Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, OFL 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, Laser 850 nm 1300 nm Differential Mode Delay 850 nm 1300 nm Group Refractive Index 850 nm 1300 nm 1 GB Ethernet Distance 850 nm 1300 nm 10 GB Ethernet Distance* 850 nm Optical Characteristics, General 0.50 dB max. 0.50 dB max. 3.0 dB/km 1.0 dB/km 3.0 dB/km 1.0 db/km 1500 MHz - km 500 MHz - km 2000 MHz - km 500 MHz - km per TIA-492AAAC 0.88 ps/m 1.483 1.479 970m 600m 300 m Numerical Aperture Point Defects, max Zero Dispersion Wavelength Zero Dispersion Slope Environmental Characteristics 0.200 + 0.015 0.15 dB 1297 - 1316 nm 0.101 ps/(km-nm-nm) Temperature Dependence -60°C to +85°C Temperature Humidity Cycling -10°C to 85°C up to 95% RH Water Immersion, 23 + 2°C Heat Aging, 85 + 2°C < < < < 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 dB dB dB dB *Compliant with emerging IEEE 802.3ae standards for 10 GB Ethernet transmission at the 850 nm window. Standard jacket color is Aqua for Premise cables. Other jacket colors may be subject to minimum order quantities. 32 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB 150TM Type 5M Multimode Fiber Specifications Available in all CommScope Cable Types LaserCore 150 Type 5M Optical Fiber: 50 micron Multimode Fiber 100kpsi (.69 Gpa) 0.3 - 2.0 lbf (1.3 - 8.9 N) > 18 0.50 dB max. 0.50 dB max. 3.0 dB/km 1.0 dB/km Central Office 3.0 dB/km 1.0 db/km 700 MHz - km 500 MHz - km Coaxial 950 MHz - km 500 MHz - km 0.70 ps/m 0.88 ps/m Industrial 1.483 1.479 750m 600m Conduit Attenuation, Loose Tube Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Attenuation, Tight Buffer Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, OFL 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, Laser 850 nm 1300 nm Differential Mode Delay 850 nm 1300 nm Group Refractive Index 850 nm 1300 nm 1 GB Ethernet Distance 850 nm 1300 nm 10 GB Ethernet Distance* 850 nm Optical Characteristics, General Residential Prooftest Coating Strip Force Dynamic Fatigue Parameter (nd) Macrobend 100 turns @ 75mm mandrel 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, Wavelength Specific Fiber Fiber Optic Optic 50.0 ± 2.5 µm 125 ± 1.0 µm < 1.5 µm 245 ± 10 µm 255 ± 7 µm 6 µm < 1% Twisted Pair Physical Characteristics Core Diameter Cladding Diameter Core/Clad Offset Coating Diameter (uncolored) Coating Diameter (colored) Coating/Cladding Concentricity Error, max. Clad Non-Circularity Mechanical Characteristics 150 m 0.200 + 0.015 µm < 0.15 µm 1297 - 1316 nm 0.101 ps/[km-nm-nm] Temperature Dependence -60°C to +85°C Temperature Humidity Cycling -10°C to 85°C up to 95% RH Water Immersion, 23 + 2°C Heat Aging, 85 + 2°C < < < < d dB dB dB Glossary/Index 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 Packaging Numerical Aperture Point Defects, max Zero Dispersion Wavelength Zero Dispersion Slope Environmental Characteristics *Compliant with emerging IEEE 802.3ae standards for 10 GB Ethernet transmission at the 850 nm window. Standard jacket color is Aqua for Premise cables. Other jacket colors may be subject to minimum order quantities. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 33 AB AB Type 5H Multimode Fiber Specifications Available in all CommScope Cable Types Type 5H Optical Fiber: 50 micron Multimode Fiber Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Physical Characteristics Core Diameter Cladding Diameter Core/Clad Offset Coating Diameter (uncolored) Coating Diameter (colored) Coating/Cladding Concentricity Error, max. Clad Non-Circularity Mechanical Characteristics 50.0 ± 2.5 µm 125 ± 1.0 µm < 1.5 µm 245 ± 10 µm 255 ± 7 µm 6 µm < 1% Prooftest Coating Strip Force Dynamic Fatigue Parameter (nd) Macrobend 100 turns @ 75mm mandrel 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, Wavelength Specific 100kpsi (.69 Gpa) 0.3 - 2.0 lbf (1.3 - 8.9 N) > 18 3.0 dB/km 1.0 dB/km 3.5 dB/km 1.5 db/km 500 MHz 500 MHz 1.482 1.477 600m 600m Numerical Aperture Point Defects, max Zero Dispersion Wavelength Zero Dispersion Slope Environmental Characteristics 0.200 + 0.015 0.15 dB 1297 - 1316 nm 0.101 ps/[km-nm-nm] Temperature Dependence -60°C to +85°C Temperature Humidity Cycling -10°C to 85°C up to 95% RH Water Immersion, 23 + 2°C Heat Aging, 85 + 2°C < < < < 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 dB dB dB dB Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Attenuation, Loose Tube Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Attenuation, Tight Buffer Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, OFL 850 nm 1300 nm Group Refractive Index 850 nm 1300 nm 1 GB Ethernet Distance 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, General 0.50 dB max. 0.50 dB max. 34 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Type 6F Multimode Fiber Specifications Available in all CommScope Cable Types Type 6F Optical Fiber: 62.5 micron, FDDI Grade Multimode Fiber 100kpsi (.69 Gpa) 0.3 - 2.0 lbf (1.3 - 8.9 N) > 18 0.50 dB max. 0.50 dB max. 3.0 dB/km 1.0 dB/km Central Office 3.5 dB/km 1.5 db/km 200 MHz - km 500 MHz - km Coaxial 1.496 1.491 300m 550m Numerical Aperture Point Defects, max Zero Dispersion Wavelength Zero Dispersion Slope Environmental Characteristics 0.275 + 0.015 0.15 dB 1320 - 1365 nm 0.097 ps/(km-nm-nm) Temperature Dependence -60°C to +85°C Temperature Humidity Cycling -10°C to 85°C up to 95% RH Water Immersion, 23 + 2°C Heat Aging, 85 + 2°C < < < < dB dB dB dB Conduit 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Industrial Attenuation, Loose Tube Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Attenuation, Tight Buffer Cable - Max. 850 nm 1300 nm Bandwidth, OFL 850 nm 1300 nm Group Refractive Index 850 nm 1300 nm 1 GB Ethernet Distance 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, General Residential Prooftest Coating Strip Force Dynamic Fatigue Parameter (nd) Macrobend 100 turns @ 75mm mandrel 850 nm 1300 nm Optical Characteristics, Wavelength Specific Fiber Fiber Optic Optic 62.5 ± 2.5 µm 125 ± 1.0 µm < 1.5 µm 245 ± 10 µm 254 ± 7 µm 6 µm < 1% Twisted Pair Physical Characteristics Core Diameter Cladding Diameter Core/Clad Offset Coating Diameter (uncolored) Coating Diameter (colored) Coating/Cladding Concentricity Error, max. Clad Non-Circularity Mechanical Characteristics *20 Year warranty subject to CommScope’s terms and conditions including usual disclaimers, exceptions and limitations. Contact an authorized CommScope representative for information concerning qualification and issuance of this warranty. Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 35 AB Type 8W Singlemode Fiber Specifications AB Available in all CommScope Cable Types LightScope ZWP Type 8W Optical Fiber: Dispersion-Unshifted, Matched-Clad Singlemode Fiber 125 ± 0.7 µm < 0.5 µm 245 ± 10 µm 254 ± 7 µm 12 µm < 1% Prooftest Coating Strip Force Fiber Curl Dynamic Fatigue Parameter (nd) Macrobend 100 turns @ 50mm mandrel 1550 nm Macrobend 1 turn @ 32mm mandrel 1550 nm Optical Characteristics, Wavelength Specific 100kpsi (.69 Gpa) 0.3 - 2.0 lbf (1.3 - 8.9 N) >4m > 18 0.10 dB max. Attenuation, Loose Tube Cable 1310 nm 1385 nm 1550 nm Attenuation, Tight Buffer Cable 1310 nm 1385 nm 1550 nm Mode Field Diameter 1310 nm 1385 nm 1550 nm Group Refractive Index 1310 nm 1385 nm 1550 nm Backscatter Coefficients 1310 nm 1385 nm Dispersion 1310 nm 1550 nm Optical Characteristics, General Point Defects Cutoff Wavelength Zero Dispersion Wavelength Zero Dispersion Slope Polarization Mode Dispersion Link Design Value Environmental Characteristics 0.10 dB < 1260 1300 - 1322 nm 0.092 ps/(km-nm-nm) < 0.1 ps/sqrt(km) Temperature Dependence -60°C to +85°C Temperature Humidity Cycling -10°C to 85°C up to 95% RH Water Immersion, 23 + 2°C Heat Aging, 85 + 2°C < < < < Glossary/Index Industrial Coaxial Central Office Conduit 0.10 dB max. Packaging Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Physical Characteristics Cladding Diameter Core/Clad Offset Coating Diameter (uncolored) Coating Diameter (colored) Coating/Cladding Concentricity Error, max. Clad Non-Circularity Mechanical Characteristics 36 0.35 dB/km 0.32 dB/km 0.24 dB/km 0.70 dB/km 0.70 dB/km 0.70 db/km 9.2 + 0.3 µm 9.6 + 0.6 µm 10.4 + 0.5 µm 1.466 1.466 1.467 -49.6 -52.1 3.5 ps/(nm-km) from 1285 to 1330 nm 18 ps/(nm-km) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 dB dB dB dB For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Hybrid Cables Featuring Combinations of Coax, Fiber and/or Unshielded Twisted Pair Twisted Pair Structured cabling is a continually growing facet of telecommunications. In an effort to provide connectivity for all necessary services, hybrid cable designs are becoming the choice to easily install numerous cables to each outlet for cable television, HDTV, computer networking, multi-line telephone service, security, energy management systems, and more - all via a single cable run. Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Using our unique position as the one cable supplier manufacturing coax, twisted pair and fiber optic cables under one roof, CommScope employs advanced engineering technologies by manufacturing and testing each component of a hybrid cable simultaneously. Residential CommScope offers true hybrid/composite cables featuring subunits contained within a single jacket. Our constructions offer the additional protection of an outside jacket compared to designs offered by many vendors that are merely a bundle of subunits wrapped together with a special tape or binder thread - frequently called “speed pull”. CommScope hybrid cables are constructed from subunits carefully selected and performance-verified individually and as the sum of individual parts. Central Office Special designs can be produced at your request, quickly and economically using our flexible manufacturing system. In fact, CommScope will help define the product that best meets your specific needs. Contact any CommScope sales representative at 800.544.1948 to discuss your application. • Robust coax cable components are available in a variety of braid options to provide protection against moisture, liquids and gases while boasting excellent mechanical strength and transmission qualities Singlemode and/or multimode fiber optic cable subunits • Excellent for transmission of voice, data or video signals with extraordinary reliability and clarity. No other medium today can challenge fiber optics in bandwidth, distance and noise immunity • Available in armored constructions for additional rodent and environmental protection • Tight buffered, loose tube or central tube designs offered in singlemode or multimode optical fiber types and a range of grades Copper twisted pair subunits • Specify Category 5e which provides the performance necessary for voice and data networking For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index Coax Cable Subunits Packaging • Great for multiple cable television drops, phone/data lines, security systems and multimedia requirements • Saves time and installation dollars • Easier materials management • Components can be easily separated into individually jacketed points for easy termination • Capable of voice transmission, cable television location and site powering • Avails future proofing for the demands of advanced data video and telecommunications • Less prone to snags and violations of cable bend radius limits • Enhances the cable’s ruggedness enabling each subunit to better withstand the rigors of cable installation and remote field applications Conduit May contain UTP, coax and fiber optic subunits individually jacketed then cabled in a single bundle under one smooth surface. Industrial Benefits Coaxial Features 37 AB AB Hybrid Cables Fiber Optic Twisted Pair 2-12 Fiber Arid-Core Construction and 2 pair or 5 pair 22 AWG Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter Width x Height inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 2-1 12 Fiber O-XXX-DN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/2X22STP .33/8.40 x 0.64/16.38 25.7/65.5 12.9/32.8 300/1335 440 109 162.8 2-1 12 Fiber O-XXX-DN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/5X22STP .34/8.60 x 0.65/16.58 26.0/66.3 13.0/33.2 300/1335 440 123 183.4 Residential Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Central Office Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Arid Core Construction Hybrid (12 Fiber, 5 Pair Shown) Industrial Outer Jacket Strength Elements 3.0mm buffer tube Water blocking gel 250 µm fiber Conduit Ripcord Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index Packaging Inner Jacket Floodant Copper Shielding Mylar Tape Floodant 5 Pair/22 AWG 38 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Hybrid Cables 2-12 Fiber Arid-Core Construction and 3 Pair or 6 Pair 22 AWG Outer Diameter Width x Height inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 2-1 12 Fiber O-XXX-DN-HYFNS/XYXXX/3X22UTP .37/9.5 x .66/16.9 26.5/67.4 13.2/33.7 300/1335 440 93 138.2 2-1 12 Fiber O-XXX-DN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/6X22UTP .37/9.5 x .66/16.9 26.5/67.4 13.2/33.7 300/1335 440 102 152 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Product Type/ Fiber Count Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Residential XY 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Central Office Ripcord Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Industrial Outer Jacket Strength Elements 4.0mm buffer tube Water blocking gel 250 µm fiber Mechanical Properties Coaxial Arid Core Construction Hybrid (2 Fiber, 6 Pair Shown) Conduit Outer Jacket Inner Jacket Mylar Tape Floodant 6 pair/22 AWG Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 39 AB AB Hybrid Cables Fiber Optic Twisted Pair 2-108 Fiber Arid-Core Construction Stranded Loose Tube and 1 pair 24 AWG Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter 2-1 108 Fiber O-XXX-LN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/1X24STP .66/16.7 inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm 13.1/33.4 6.6/16.7 Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm 607/2700 440 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 121 180 Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Residential XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Central Office Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Arid Core Construction Stranded Loose Tube Hybrid (108 Fiber, 1 UTP Shown) Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Outer Jacket Binder Water Swellable Tape Central Member Upjacket Dielectric Strength Member 24 AWG UTP 3.0mm Buffer Tubes Ripcord 250 µm fiber Binder Strength Elements Mechanical Properties 40 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Hybrid Cables Single Jacket Outdoor Cable 2-60 Fiber and 1-4 18AWG Arid-Core Construction Outer Diameter Width x Height inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm 2-4 48 Fiber O-XXX-LN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/ZX18AWG .46/11.7 9.2/23.4 2-6 60 Fiber O-XXX-LN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/ZX18AWG .50/12.7 10.0/25.4 Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4.6/11.7 607/2700 440 74 111 5.0/12.7 607/2700 440 94 140 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Product Type/ Fiber Count Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Z = Number of Copper Conductors Residential XY 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Central Office Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Industrial Outer Jacket Binder Water Swellable Tape Strength Elements Dielectric Strength Member Ripcord 3.0mm Buffer Tubes 18 AWG Copper Conductor Binder Mechanical Properties Coaxial Arid Core Construction Stranded Loose Tube Hybrid (24 Fiber, 4 x 18 AWG Shown) Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 41 AB AB Hybrid Cables Self-Supporting 2-12 Fiber Arid-Core Construction and Brightwire RG-6 Quad Shield Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter Width x Height inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm 2-1 12 Fiber M-XXX-DN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/F6SSBW .30/7.62 x .75/19.17 30.1/76.7 15.0/38.3 300/1335 440 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 75 111.4 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair TM Residential Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Central Office Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Arid Core Construction Self-S Supporting Hybrid Coaxial (2 Fiber Shown) Industrial Outer Jacket .083” Steel Messenger Wire Packaging Conduit Outer Jacket Anti-Corrosion Tape 60% Aluminum Braid .0403” CU/Steel Conductor Anti-Corrosion Tape 40% Aluminum Braid Dielectric Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index Outer Jacket Ripcord Strength Elements 4.0mm Buffer Tube 250 µm fiber Gel 42 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Hybrid Cables 2-12 Fiber Arid-Core Construction and Brightwire RG-6 Quad Shield TM Catalog Number Outer Diameter Width x Height inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm 2-1 12 Fiber O-XXX-DN-HYF12NS/XYXXX/F6SSBW .30/7.62 x .59/15.08 23.7/60.3 11.8/30.2 300/1335 440 Twisted Pair Product Type/ Fiber Count Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 35 52.6 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Residential XY Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Central Office Arid Core Construction Hybrid Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Industrial Outer Jacket Anti-Corrosion Tape Aluminum Braid .0403” CU/Steel Conductor Anti-Corrosion Tape Aluminum Braid Dielectric Mechanical Properties Coaxial (2 Fiber Shown) Conduit Packaging Outer Jacket Ripcord Strength Elements 4.0mm Buffer Tube 250 µm fiber Gel Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 43 AB Outside Plant Cables AB Robust Dielectric and Armored Constructions Twisted Pair All CommScope Outside Plant (OSP) cables are designed and manufactured to provide outstanding mechanical and optical performance. This cable family uses a loose tube construction to provide multiple levels of protection for the fiber strands. Fiber Optic Our heavy-duty products are engineered to withstand the rigors of environmental extremes. We offer several constructions, which include: Stranded Loose Tube, using reverse oscillation stranding, in dielectric and armored constructions, with up to 288 fibers Residential Central Tube, armored and dielectric up to 96 fibers arranged in easy-to-handle color-coded 12 fiber groups Drop, small lightweight construction to allow ease of installation Central Office Pavement Cable, cost effective installation which eliminates costly direction boring or trenching through a parking lot or other paved area CommScope’s ARID-C CORE® Moisture Barrier Industrial Coaxial •No greasy flooding compound •Speeds installation time •Installer friendly Moisture migration is virtually eliminated in Stranded Loose Tube cables by means of a unique three-level approach. In addition to tough outer jacketing and gel filling within the buffer tube, we employ ARID-CORE, a super-absorbent polymer (SAP) technology between the jacket and the buffer tubes. When moisture meets the ARID-CORE it is absorbed, thereby eliminating water migration and serving as a physical block ensuring long-term cable reliability in the Outside Plant. Conduit Meets requirements of Telcordia, ICEA, REA/RUS, and IEC industry standards. CommScope is registered to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Glossary/Index Packaging Calculate sag and tension values with our SpanMaster™ software available free. 44 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Outside Plant Arid-Core® Stranded Loose Tube Non-Armored All Dielectric AB AB Designs for Aerial and Conduit Applications Outer Diameter inch/mm Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .46/11.7 9.2/23.4 62 - 72 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .50/12.7 74 - 96 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS 98 - 120 Fiber 4.6/11.7 607/2700 440 63 94 10.0/25.4 5.0/12.7 607/2700 440 72 107 .58/14.7 11.5/29.4 5.8/14.7 607/2700 440 95 141 O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .66/16.8 13.2/33.6 6.6/16.8 607/2700 440 118 176 122 - 144 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .74/18.9 14.8/37.8 7.4/18.9 607/2700 440 145 216 146 - 216 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .74/18.9 14.8/37.8 7.4/18.9 607/2700 440 153 228 218 - 288 Fiber O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .86/21.9 17.2/43.8 8.6/21.9 607/2700 440 211 315 O-XXX-LN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Central Office Installation Loading lbs/newtons Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Residential Catalog Number Fiber Optic Product Type/ Fiber Count Twisted Pair ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture /reduces termination effort Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes for easy identification All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm RUS Approved Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Coaxial XY Industrial Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Arid Core Stranded Loose Tube Non-A Armored All Dielectric Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Specification Packaging Outer Jacket Water Swellable Tape Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) Strength Element 250 µm fiber Arid-Core Water Blocking Core Binder Ripcord Binder Description Conduit (72 Fiber Version Shown) Mechanical Properties 45 AB AB Outside Plant Arid-Core® Stranded Loose Tube Armored Jacket/Armor Combinations for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Twisted Pair Corrugated steel tape armor is strong yet flexible ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture /reduces termination effort Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm RUS Approved Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket/ single armor 2 - 60 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .53/13.4 10.5/26.8 62 - 72 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .56/14.3 74 - 96 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS 98 - 120 Fiber Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 5.3/13.4 607/2700 440 120 179 11.2/28.6 5.6/14.3 607/2700 440 133 199 .64/16.4 12.9/32.8 6.4/16.4 607/2700 440 166 247 O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .72/18.4 14.4/36.8 7.2/18.4 607/2700 440 200 299 122 - 144 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .80/20.5 16.1/41.0 8.0/20.5 607/2700 440 237 353 146 - 216 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .80/20.5 16.1/41.0 8.0/20.5 607/2700 440 245 365 218 - 288 Fiber O-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .92/23.5 18.4/47.0 9.2/23.5 607/2700 440 318 474 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) O-XXX-LA-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade Industrial For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Conduit Arid Core Stranded Loose Tube Armored (72 Fiber Version Shown) Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Packaging Outer Jacket Armor Water Swellable Tape Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) Strength Element 250 µm fiber Arid-Core Water Blocking Core Binder Ripcord Binder Glossary/Index Mechanical Properties Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Specifications subject to change without notice. 46 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Outside Plant Arid-Core® Drop Armored Jacket/Armor Combinations for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Product Type/ Fiber Count O-XXX-DA-XY-F12NS .31/7.90 Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm 12.4/31.6 O-XXX-DA-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb 6.2/15.8 Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm 300/1335 440 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 48 69.0 Refer to above specifications. Residential Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-1 12 fiber) Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Optic 2 - 12 Fiber Catalog Number Twisted Pair Corrugated steel tape armor is strong yet flexible ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture /reduces termination effort Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Central Office For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Buffer Tube/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C > FOTP-41 > FOTP-25 > FOTP-104 > FOTP-85 Conduit Outer Jacket Armor Fiberglass Strength Elements Buffer tube (3mm) Aramid Strength Elements Gel 250 µm fiber Industrial Arid Core Drop Armored (12 Fiber Version Shown) Packaging Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 47 AB AB Outside Plant Central Tube Non-Armored All Dielectric Dielectric Combinations for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Robust constructions offer excellent protection of fibers Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Central Tube Dielectric 2-2 24 Fiber, 4mm Tube O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS .38/9.7 7.6/19.4 Central Tube Dielectric 26-4 48 Fiber, 6mm Tube O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS .49/12.4 Central Tube Dielectric 50-9 96 Fiber, 8mm Tube O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS .57/14.4 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-9 96 Fiber) O-XXX-CN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Refer to above specifications. Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 3.8/9.7 607/2700 440 60 89 9.7/24.8 4.9/12.4 607/2700 440 103 154 11.3/28.8 5.7/14.4 607/2700 440 130 194 Tube size will vary dependent on fiber count/configuration. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Central Office XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: Coaxial Fiber & Binder Thread identification colors: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Central Tube Non-A Armored All Dielectric Cable 36 Fiber Dielectric Version Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Dielectric strength members Outer jacket Water blocking tape Water blocking gel Central buffer tube (6mm) Color-coded binder thread 250 µm fiber Industrial Mechanical Properties Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 48 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Outside Plant Central Tube Armored Armored Combinations for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Robust constructions offer excellent protection of fibers Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Central Tube Armored 2-2 24 Fiber, 4mm Tube O-XXX-CA-XY-F12NS .40/10.3 8.1/20.6 Central Tube Armored 26-4 48 Fiber, 6mm Tube O-XXX-CA-XY-F12NS .48/12.2 Central Tube Armored 50 - 96 Fiber 8mm Tube Size O-XXX-CA-XY-F12NS .58/14.8 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-9 96 Fiber) O-XXX-CN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Refer to above specifications. Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4.0/10.3 607/2700 440 91 135 9.6/24.4 4.8/12.2 607/2700 440 119 177 11.6/29.6 5.8/14.8 607/2700 440 150 224 Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Product Type/ Fiber Count Tube size will vary dependent on fiber count/configuration. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade Fiber & Binder Thread identification colors: 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Central Office For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Central Tube Armored Cable Mechanical Properties Steel strength members Armor ripcord Outer jacket Water blocking gel Central buffer tube (4mm) Color-coded binder thread 250 µm fiber Armor Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Conduit Description Industrial (24 Fiber Version Shown) Jacket ripcord Packaging Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 49 AB Outside Plant Self-Supporting Figure 8 Stranded Loose Tube AB Dielectric and Armored Designs for Aerial Use Twisted Pair ARID-CORE water blocking technology protects fibers from moisture/reduces termination effort All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm. Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Crush Resistance N/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Figure 8 Non-A Armored 2 - 72 Fiber M-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS 0.48/12.3 37.3/49.4 18.6/24.7 440 225 335 Figure 8 Armored 2 - 72 Fiber M-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS 0.55/14.1 40.3/56.4 20.1/28.2 440 286 427 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-7 72 fiber) M-XXX-LN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb -LA- Refer to above specifications. Central Office Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Coaxial Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Loading Capabilities: Meets the loading conditions of heavy, medium or light storm loading areas as defined in Rule 251 of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC). Figure 8 Non Armored Cable Mechanical Properties Description Industrial (72 Fiber Version Shown) Outer jacket Stranded 0.25 in. Messenger Conduit Outer Jacket Water swellable tape Strength members Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) 250 µm fiber Arid Core Water Blocking Core binder Ripcord Binder Packaging Glossary/Index Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Figure 8 Armored Cable (72 fiber version shown) Outer jacket Stranded 0.25 in. Messenger Specifications subject to change without notice. 50 Specification Outer jacket Armor Core binder Water swellable tape Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) 250 µm fiber Arid Core Water Blocking Strength members Ripcord Binder For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Outside Plant Specialty Designs Multi-Jacketed Armored Stranded Loose Tube Jacket/Armor Combinations for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Product Type/ Fiber Count Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm O-XXX-L2-XY-F12NS .62/15.9 12.5/31.8 6.2/15.9 607/2700 440 148 220 74 - 96 Fiber O-XXX-L2-XY-F12NS .71/18.0 14.1/36.0 7.1/18.0 607/2700 440 180 269 Triple jacket/ double armor 2 - 72 Fiber O-XXX-L3-XY-F12NS .77/19.7 15.5/39.4 7.7/19.7 607/2700 440 334 498 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-7 72 fiber) O-XXX-L2-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb (2-96 fibers) Refer to above specifications. -L3(2-72 fibers) Central Office Double jacket/ single armor 2 - 72 Fiber Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Strong, durable double and triple jacketed construction with corrugated steel tape armor Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm. Double jacket/single armor version RUS Approved! Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: Coaxial For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Double Jacket/Single Armor Loose Tube Cable Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Triple Jacket/Double Armor Loose Tube Cable Specification > > > > -55 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -55 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging (72 Fiber Version Shown) Jackets Dual armor Core binder Water swellable tape Buffer tube (3mm) Central strength member (overcoat when required) Water blocking gel 250 µm fiber Water swellable tape Arid Core Water Blocking Water-block thread Ripcord Strength Elements Conduit Specifications subject to change without notice. Description Industrial (72Fiber Version Shown) Outer & inner jackets Armor Water-block thread Core binder Buffer tube (3mm) Central strength member (overcoat when required) Water blocking gel 250 µm fiber Water swellable tape Arid Core Water Blocking Water swellable tape Ripcord Strength Elements Mechanical Properties 51 AB AB Outside Plant Pavement Cable Designs for Pavement Conditions Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Applications: Metropolitan areas, such as building drops, where cable installation is normally difficult; Campus environments where paved surface and/or concrete surface connects the buildings; Environments where permitting can be difficult Benefits: Central buffer tube offers superior fiber protection during cable access/termination; Copper armor provides excellent thermal stability, good tensile performance, and provides excellent crush resistance Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Single jacket 2 - 72 Fiber O-XXX-CP-XY-F12NS .34/8.79 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-7 72 fiber) O-XXX-LN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb -LA- Loaded inch/cm Min. Bend Radius Unloaded inch/cm 13.8/35.2 6.9/17.6 Loading lbs/newtons Installation Resistance N/cm 100/445 440 Crush Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 80 119.4 Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Central Office XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Industrial Oustide Pavement Cable (72 Fiber Version Shown) Outer Jacket Copper Sheath Conduit Buffer Tube Gel Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Glossary/Index Packaging 250 µm fiber Mechanical Properties 52 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Outside Plant Flooded Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric Designs for All Outside Plant Conditions Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .46/11.6 9.1/23.2 62 - 72 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .49/12.6 74 - 96 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS 98 - 120 Fiber Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4.6/11.6 607/2700 440 71 106 9.9/25.2 4.9/12.6 607/2700 440 82 122 .57/14.6 11.5/29.2 5.7/14.6 607/2700 440 107 160 F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .66/16.7 13.1/33.4 6.6/16.7 607/2700 440 135 201 122 - 144 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .73/18.7 14.7/37.4 7.3/18.7 607/2700 440 165 246 146 - 216 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .73/18.5 14.5/37.0 7.3/18.5 607/2700 440 211 315 218 - 288 Fiber F-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .84/21.5 16.9/43.0 8.4/21.5 607/2700 440 304 453 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) F-XXX-LN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Central Office Installation Loading lbs/newtons Residential Catalog Number Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Product Type/ Fiber Count Twisted Pair Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes for fast installations All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm. Minimum order quantities may apply Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: Coaxial XY 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Flooded Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric Cable Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Packaging Outer Jacket Core Binder Strength Element Buffer Tube (3mm) Central strength member (overcoat when required) Floodant 250 µm fiber Binder Mechanical Properties Conduit (72 Fiber Version Shown) Industrial Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Ripcord Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 53 AB AB Outside Plant Flooded Stranded Loose Tube Armored Jacket/Armor for Buried/Underground/Aerial Use Central Office Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair Corrugated steel tape armor is strong yet flexible Certain configurations available in lengths of 8.4 miles/14 km singlemode and 4.95 miles/8 km multimode Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm. Minimum order quantities may apply Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .51/13.1 10.3/26.2 62 - 72 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .55/14.1 74 - 96 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS 98 - 120 Fiber Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 5.1/13.1 607/2700 440 133 199 11.1/28.2 5.5/14.1 607/2700 440 150 223 .63/16.1 12.6/32.2 6.3/16.1 607/2700 440 186 277 F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .71/18.2 14.3/36.4 7.1/18.2 607/2700 440 225 335 122 - 144 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .80/20.3 15.9/40.6 8.0/20.3 607/2700 440 265 395 146 - 216 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .78/20.0 15.7/40.0 7.8/20.0 607/2700 440 311 464 218 - 288 Fiber F-XXX-LA-XY-F12NS .90/23.0 18.1/46.0 9.0/23.0 607/2700 440 420 626 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) F-XXX-LA-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Refer to above specifications. Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Industrial Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Flooded Stranded Loose Tube Armored Cable Conduit (72 Fiber Version Shown) Description Outer Jacket Core Binder Strength Element Buffer Tube (3mm) Central strength member (overcoat when required) Floodant 250 µm fiber Binder Armor Packaging Glossary/Index Mechanical Properties Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Telcordia GR-20 Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 54 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Indoor/Outdoor Cables (OFNR & OFNP) Riser-Rated Designs are Rugged for Outdoor and Safe for Indoor Twisted Pair CommScope indoor/outdoor tight buffer cables are designed to meet the rigors of outside plant while allowing for direct connectorization of the individual fibers, yet meet the National Electric Code/Canadian Electric Code (NEC/CEC) requirement of Optical Fiber Non-conductive Riser (OFNR). Fiber Fiber Optic Optic CommScope indoor/outdoor loose tube cables are a unique design they are made to withstand the typical rigors of the outside plant environment (the buffer tubes are filled with a compound that blocks moisture flow while protecting the fiber), yet are made of materials that permit them to meet OFNR and OFNP requirements. Residential Indoor/outdoor cables allow a cable to be run from outside a building to the inside without changing cable types, thus avoiding the extra time and labor of an additional splice point. Their riser or plenum listing makes this possible. Central Office Another technical achievement in CommScope’s indoor/outdoor cables is the use of our ARID-CORE® dry water-blocking technology. Instead of the traditional hard-to-clean flooding gel, ARID-CORE remains dry inside the cable. Once exposed to moisture, ARID-CORE rapidly swells to form a gel that stops water penetration. The result is a craft-friendly cable that reduces termination time, effort and cost. We offer several constructions, which include: Coaxial Riser: Triathlon Low Smoke/Zero-H Halogen (LSZH) Distribution cables of up to 72 tight buffered fibers. Cable also meets OFNR-LS listing requirements per UL-1685. TM Industrial Triathlon Low Smoke/Zero-H Halogen (LSZH) Cordage in simplex, duplex zipcord and two-fiber interconnect tight buffered designs. Cable also meets OFNR-LS listing requirements per UL-1685. Central Tube cables of up to 24 fibers in a robust all dielectric design. Conduit Stranded Loose Tube cables of up to 288 fibers in a dielectric construction. Plenum: Stranded Loose Tube cables of up to 72 fibers in a dielectric construction. Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 55 TM Low Smoke-Zero Halogen Construction Permits Riser Use as Well Black jackets are UV-stable for outdoor use yet meet critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR and OFN-LS) safety standards Riser rating eliminates splice points at the building entrance ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture Low-smoke zero-halogen gives added protection to building occupants and equipment Tight buffered construction reduces installation cost Numbered subunits and color-coded fibers help ease installation Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm 4 Fiber (no central member) Z-ØØ4-DS-XY-FSDBK .19/4.8 3.8/9.6 2.0/4.8 300/1335 90/400 14 20 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Fiber Count 6 Fiber Z-ØØ6-DS-XY-FSDBK .20/5.2 4.1/10.3 2.0/5.2 300/1335 90/400 16 23 8 Fiber Z-ØØ8-DS-XY-FSDBK .23/5.8 4.6/11.7 2.3/5.8 300/1335 90/400 23 35 12 Fiber Z-Ø12-DS-XY-FSDBK .26/6.6 5.2/13.3 2.6/6.6 400/1780 120/534 31 46 18 Fiber Z-Ø18-DS-XY-FSDBK .54/13.6 10.7/27.3 5.4/13.6 600/2670 180/801 98 146 24 Fiber Z-Ø24-DS-XY-FSDBK .59/15.0 11.8/29.9 5.9/15.0 600/2670 180/801 126 187 36 Fiber Z-Ø36-DS-XY-FSDBK .66/16.9 13.3/33.7 6.6/16.9 800/3560 240/1068 149 222 48 Fiber Z-Ø48-DS-XY-FSDBK .73/18.6 14.6/37.2 7.3/18.6 800/3560 240/1068 192 285 60 Fiber Z-Ø60-DS-XY-FSDBK .82/20.9 16.5/41.9 8.2/20.9 1000/4450 300/1335 244 364 72 Fiber Z-Ø72-DS-XY-FSDBK .91/23.0 18.1/46.1 9.1/23.0 1000/4450 300/1335 302 449 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4 - 72 fiber) Z-ØØØ-DS-CM-FSDBK/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Coaxial Central Office Catalog Number Residential Twisted Pair AB AB Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH Distribution Industrial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Conduit XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Fibers 13-24: repeat color sequence with tracer stripe Mechanical Properties Packaging Triathlon LSZH Indoor/Outdoor-R Riser Distribution Cable (72 fiber version shown) Low smoke/zero halogen (LSZH) jacket 12-Fiber Subunit Glossary/Index Central Member 12 Fiber Unit Water Blocking Tapes Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 56 Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 LSZH Riser Rated Jacket Aramid yarn Central Member 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Ripcord Water Blocking Thread For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH Cordage Low Smoke-Zero Halogen Construction Permits Riser Use as Well Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Simplex/2.9mm Standard Z-ØØ1-SP-XY-F29BK .11/2.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 60/267 18/80 6.2 9.2 Duplex/2.5mm Standard Z-ØØ2-DU-XY-F25BK .13/3.4 x .23/5.9 2.6/6.7 1.3/3.4 90/400 27/120 14.9 22.2 Zipcord/2.9mm Standard Z-ØØ2-ZC-XY-F29BK .11/2.9 x .23/5.9 2.3/5.8 1.21/3.0 90/400 27/120 12.4 18.5 2 fiber interconnect Z-ØØ2-IC-XY-FSDBK .15/3.9 3.0/7.7 1.5/3.9 225/1001 68/300 7.8 11.6 Central Office Outer Diameter inch/mm Residential Catalog Number Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Cable Type/Unit Size Twisted Pair Black jackets are UV-stable for outdoor use yet meet critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR and OFN-LS) safety standards Riser rating eliminates splice points at the building entrance ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture Low-smoke zero-halogen gives added protection to building occupants and equipment Simplex, duplex and zipcord cables available in a variety of sizes Designed for ease of handling and termination Numbered subunits and color-coded fibers help ease installation Variables in the Catalog Number: XY = Fiber Grade 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) Coaxial 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH Duplex LSZH outer jacket LSZH jackets LSZH jacket Aramid yarn 900µm LSZH tight-buffered 250µm fibers Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH Zipcord Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 LSZH jacket Packaging Aramid yarn Aramid yarn 900µm LSZH tight-buffered 250µm fiber Conduit LSZH jacket 900µm LSZH tight-buffered 250µm fiber Aramid Yarn Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH 2-ffiber Interconnect Industrial Triathlon Indoor/Outdoor LSZH Simplex 900µm LSZH tight-buffered 250µm fiber Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 57 AB AB Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Loose Tube Riser Standard Versions Central Office Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair All meet critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards, eliminating the need for splice point at building entrance ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .50/12.8 10.0/25.6 5.0/12.8 607/2700 440 102 152 62 - 72 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .53/13.6 10.7/27.2 5.3/13.6 607/2700 440 116 173 74 - 96 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .62/15.7 12.3/31.4 6.2/15.7 607/2700 440 152 226 98 - 120 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .69/17.7 13.9/35.4 6.9/17.7 607/2700 440 192 287 122 - 144 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .78/19.8 15.5/39.6 7.8/19.8 607/2700 440 239 357 146 - 216 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .80/20.5 16.1/41.0 8.0/20.5 607/2700 440 272 357 218 - 288 Fiber R-XXX-LN-XY-F12BK .92/23.4 18.4/46.8 9.2/23.4 607/2700 440 329 491 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) R-XXX-LN-CM-F12BK/AAaaa/BBbbb Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Refer to above specifications. Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Industrial Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Conduit Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Loose (72 Fiber Version Shown) Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Flame-retardant Jacket Water Swellable Tape Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) Strength Element 250 µm fiber Arid-Core Water Blocking Core Binder Ripcord Binder Packaging Glossary/Index 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Specifications subject to change without notice. 58 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Indoor/Outdoor Heavy Duty Stranded Loose Tube Riser Heavy-Duty Double-Jacket Versions Outer Diameter inch/mm Crush Resistance N/cm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .53/13.5 10.6/27.0 62 - 72 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .57/14.4 74 - 96 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK 98 - 120 Fiber 5.3/13.5 607/2700 440 112 167 11.3/28.8 5.7/14.4 607/2700 440 125 186 .64/16.4 12.9/32.8 6.4/16.4 607/2700 440 166 247 R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .73/18.5 14.5/37.0 7.3/18.5 607/2700 440 209 311 122 - 144 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .81/20.6 16.2/41.2 8.1/20.6 607/2700 440 257 383 146 - 216 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .83/21.2 16.6/42.4 8.3/21.2 607/2700 440 255 381 218 - 288 Fiber R-XXX-LH-XY-F12BK .95/24.2 19.0/48.4 9.5/24.2 607/2700 440 347 518 R-XXX-LH-CM-F12BK/AAaaa/BBbbb Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Central Office Installation Loading lbs/newtons Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4-2 288 fiber) Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Residential Catalog Number Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Product Type/ Fiber Count Twisted Pair All meet critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards, eliminating the need for splice point at building entrance ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture Dual jacket (PVC/PVDF) version offers additional mechanical and chemical protection Standard color-coding on fibers and buffer tubes helps ease installation All buffer tubes are constructed to a nominal OD of 3mm Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Coaxial For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification -40 to 70°C -30 to 60°C -40 to 75°C > FOTP-41 > FOPT-25 > FOTP-104 > FOTP-85 Packaging Glossary/Index Outer Jacket Inner Jacket Water Swellable Tape Buffer tube (3mm) Water blocking gel Central strength member (overcoat when required) Strength Element 250 µm fiber Arid-Core Water Blocking Core Binder Ripcord Binder Conduit Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Loose (72 Fiber Version Shown) Industrial Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 59 AB AB Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Loose Tube Plenum Standard Versions Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair Features: Loose tube cable utilizing Arid-Core and dry tube technology; Temperature range is fully outside plant rated; Water blocking prevents moisture migration; Meets NEC requirements for OFNP rating Benefits: Combines application spaces of building interconnect and plenum in a campus environment; Cables is suitable for direct burial, duct, or aerial installations; Dielectric design is lightweight, easy to access and does not require grounding Product Type/ Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Single jacket 2 - 60 Fiber P-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .43/11.0 8.7/22.0 62 - 72 Fiber P-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS .47/11.9 9.3/23.7 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (2 - 72 fiber) P-XXX-LN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4.3/11.0 600/2670 440 78 116 4.7/11.9 600/2670 440 92 136 Refer to above specifications. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Central Office XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial Buffer tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe. Industrial Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Loose (72 Fiber Version Shown) Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Conduit Flame-retardant Jacket Water Swellable Tape Buffer tube (3mm) Central strength member (overcoat when required) Strength Element 250 µm fiber Arid-Core Water Blocking Core Binder Ripcord Binder Packaging Glossary/Index Mechanical Properties Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Specifications subject to change without notice. 60 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Indoor/Outdoor Central Tube Riser Multiple Constructions to Meet Your Specific Application Product Type/ Fiber Count Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Central Loose Tube 2-2 24 Fiber, 4mm Tube R-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS .41/10.5 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (2-2 24 fiber) R-XXX-CN-CM-F12NS/AAaaa/BBbbb Refer to above specifications. 8.2/21.0 4.1/10.5 Installation Loading lbs/newtons Crush Resistance N/cm 607/2700 440 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 68 101 Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair All meet critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards eliminating the need for splice point at building entrance ARID-CORE water blocking technology helps protect fibers from moisture Standard color-coding on fibers helps ease installation XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Central Office Fiber & Binder Thread identification colors: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Residential Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial (12 Fiber version shown) Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -40 to 70°C -30 to 70°C -40 to 75°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Conduit Dielectric strength member Flame-retardant jacket Water blocking tape Water blocking gel Central buffer tube (4mm) Color-coded binder thread 250 µm fiber Mechanical Properties Industrial Indoor/Outdoor Central Tube Cable Ripcord Packaging Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 61 AB Premises Cables AB Twisted Pair CommScope premises cables are engineered with two goals in mind - excellent mechanical/ optical performance coupled with superior fire safety ratings. These goals are achieved in a family of cables that meet all critical NEC/CEC requirements for riser or plenum applications while offering resistance to installation and termination stresses. Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Our distribution cables are a perfect example of this achievement. Subunits of 12 fibers are engineered into constructions that are up to 30% smaller in diameter and up to 50% lighter than comparable products. The result is a compact cable that installs and terminates easily. Residential Premises fiber optic cable meet or exceed performance standards as established by Telcordia Telcordia GR-409, TIA/EIA 568B, ICEA 83-596, ANSI X3.166-1990 & X3T9.5 PMD, FDDI, ATM, Fibre Channel and HIPPI. Central Office We offer several constructions, which include: Coaxial Riser and Plenum-Rated Designs for Indoor Applications Low Smoke/Zero-H Halogen Distribution cables of up to 72 fibers which can be used outdoor as well, thus eliminating the need to change cable types at the building entrance. Riser and Plenum Distribution cables of up to 144 fibers in a lightweight and compact construction. Heavy-D Duty Riser and Plenum Distribution cables of 6 to 12 fibers with a robust construction. Riser and Plenum Cordage in simplex, duplex, zipcord and two-fiber interconnect. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Riser and Plenum Breakout cables of up to 24 individually jacketed fibers in a single unit. 62 Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Riser and Plenum Distribution Products FastFiber products available in 50 micron, 62.5 micron and singlemode Twisted Pair Rules and Guidelines: • Maximum order quantity per customer, per product, per day is 2 kms (or 6,560 ft.) • Continental U.S. freight allowed on orders of $5000 or more (other than Alaska & Hawaii) • Minimum cut length is 250 ft. • Pull and cut charges are FREE on available FastFiber products • Orders placed by 12 noon Eastern on Friday will be available for shipment the following Monday • Reels are non-returnable and non-refundable Cable Type Riser Distribution Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short Term Long Term lbs./Newton lbs./Newton Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000’ R-ØØ6-DS-6F-FSDOR .20/5.0 4.0/10.1 2.0/5.0 300/1335 90/400 15 22 R-Ø12-DS-6F-FSDOR .23/5.8 4.6/11.7 2.3/5.8 300/1335 90/400 19 28 R-Ø24-DS-6F-FSDOR .55/13.9 10.9/27.7 5.5/13.9 600/2670 180/801 107 160 R-Ø12-DS-8W-FSDYL .23/5.8 4.6/11.7 2.3/5.8 300/1335 90/400 19 28 P-ØØ6-DS-6F-FSDOR .18/4.6 3.7/9.3 1.8/4.6 300/1335 90/400 14 21 .22/5.7 4.5/11.4 2.2/5.7 300/1335 90/400 21 31 P-Ø24-DS-6F-FSDOR .50/12.7 10.0/25.4 5.0/12.7 600/2670 180/801 104 155 P-ØØ6-DS-8W-FSDYL .18/4.6 3.7/9.3 1.8/4.6 300/1335 90/400 14 21 P-Ø12-DS-8W-FSDYL .22/5.7 4.5/11.4 2.2/5.7 300/1335 90/400 21 31 P-Ø24-DS-8W-FSDYL .50/12.7 10.0/25.4 5.0/12.7 600/2670 180/801 104 155 P-Ø12-DS-5H-FSDOR .22/5.7 4.5/11.4 2.2/5.7 300/1335 90/400 21 31 Central Office P-Ø12-DS-6F-FSDOR Residential Plenum Distribution Catalog Number Fiber Fiber Optic Optic FastFiber™ Riser & Plenum Distribution Products Coaxial FastFiber™ Low Smoke Zero Halogen LSZH Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Z-Ø12-DS-6F-FSDBK .26/6.6 5.2/13.3 2.6/6.6 Max. Tensile Load Short Term Long Term lbs./Newton lbs./Newton 400/1780 120/534 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000’ 31 Industrial Cable Type 46 Conduit Variables in the catalog number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color BK (Black) Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Subunits are numbered for easy identification 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) YL (Yellow=singlemode) Packaging OR (Orange=Multimode) Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 63 AB AB Premises Riser Distribution Meets critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards Numbered subunits and color-coded fibers help ease installation Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4 Fiber R-ØØ4-DS-XY-FSDZZ .19/4.8 3.8/9.6 2.0/5.1 300/1335 90/400 13 19 6 Fiber R-ØØ6-DS-XY-FSDZZ .20/5.1 4.0/10.1 2.0/5.1 300/1335 90/400 15 22 8 Fiber R-ØØ8-DS-XY-FSDZZ .22/5.5 4.4/11.1 2.2/5.5 300/1335 90/400 17 26 12 Fiber R-Ø12-DS-XY-FSDZZ .23/5.8 4.6/11.7 2.3/5.8 300/1335 90/400 19 28 18 Fiber (3 subunits) R-Ø18-DS-XY-FSDZZ .48/12.3 9.7/24.6 4.8/12.3 600/2670 180/801 100 148 24 Fiber (4 subunits) R-Ø24-DS-XY-FSDZZ .56/14.1 11.1/28.2 5.6/14.1 600/2670 180/801 107 160 36 Fiber (3 subunits) R-Ø36-DS-XY-FSDZZ .56/14.2 11.2/28.5 5.6/14.2 800/3560 240/1068 119 177 48 Fiber (4 subunits) R-Ø48-DS-XY-FSDZZ .62/15.7 12.3/31.3 6.2/15.7 800/3560 240/1068 127 188 60 Fiber (5 subunits) R-Ø6Ø-DS-XY-FSDZZ .70/17.7 13.9/35.3 7.0/17.7 1000/4450 300/1335 171 254 72 Fiber (6 subunits) R-Ø72-DS-XY-FSDZZ .77/19.6 15.4/39.1 7.7/19.6 1000/4450 300/1335 211 314 96 Fiber (8 subunits) R-Ø96-DS-XY-FSDZZ .92/23.4 18.4/46.7 9.2/23.4 1000/4450 300/1335 309 459 144 Fiber (12 subunits) R-144-DS-XY-FSDZZ 1.00/25.3 19.9/50.6 10.0/25.3 1000/4450 300/1335 310 461 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4 - 144 fiber) R-XXX-DS-CM-FSDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Industrial Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Subunits are numbered for easy identification Riser Distribution Cables Mechanical Properties Conduit (72 and 12 fiber versions shown) Description Riser-rated jacket Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Core Wrap Tape Packaging Dielectric central member (with overcoat) 12 fiber subunit with 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Ripcord Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 12 Fiber Unit Glossary/Index Riser-rated jacket Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 64 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Premises Heavy-Duty Riser Distribution Central Strength Member Provides Additional Fiber Support Meets critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards Overcoated dielectric central strength member for additional strength and support Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 6 Fiber R-ØØ6-DS-XY-FHDZZ .20/5.1 4.1/10.3 2.0/5.1 300/1335 90/400 16 23 8 Fiber R-ØØ8-DS-XY-FHDZZ .23/5.8 4.6/11.7 2.3/5.8 300/1335 90/400 21 31 12 Fiber R-Ø12-DS-XY-FHDZZ .26/6.6 5.2/13.3 2.6/6.6 400/1780 120/534 28 42 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (6 - 12 fiber) R-XXX-DS-CM-FHDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Fiber Count Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Central Office XY Coaxial Ripcord Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Conduit Riser-rated jacket Aramid yarn Dielectric central member (with overcoat) 900 µm tight-buffered 250 µm fiber Mechanical Properties Industrial Premises Riser Heavy-D Duty Distribution Cable (12 fiber version shown) Packaging Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 65 AB AB Premises Plenum Distribution Meets critical NEC/CEC plenum (OFNP) safety standards Numbered subunits and color-coded fibers help ease installation Centra Office Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair Fiber Count Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4 Fiber P-ØØ4-DS-XY-FSDZZ .17/4.4 3.4/8.7 1.7/4.4 300/1335 90/400 12 18 6 Fiber P-ØØ6-DS-XY-FSDZZ .19/4.8 3.8/9.7 1.9/4.8 300/1335 90/400 15 22 8 Fiber P-ØØ8-DS-XY-FSDZZ .20/5.1 4.0/10.2 2.0/5.1 300/1335 90/400 17 25 12 Fiber P-Ø12-DS-XY-FSDZZ .22/5.7 4.5/11.4 2.2/5.7 300/1335 90/400 21 31 18 Fiber (3 subunits) P-Ø18-DS-XY-FSDZZ .42/10.6 8.3/21.2 4.2/10.6 600/2670 180/801 65 96 24 Fiber (4 subunits) P-Ø24-DS-XY-FSDZZ .49/12.3 9.7/24.6 4.9/12.3 600/2670 180/801 83 123 36 Fiber (3 subunits) P-Ø36-DS-XY-FSDZZ .54/13.7 10.8/27.4 5.4/13.7 800/3560 240/1068 128 191 48 Fiber (4 subunits) P-Ø48-DS-XY-FSDZZ .60/15.1 11.9/30.2 6.0/15.1 800/3560 240/1068 138 205 60 Fiber (5 subunits) P-Ø6Ø-DS-XY-FSDZZ .68/17.2 13.6/34.5 6.8/17.2 1000/4450 300/1335 190 282 72 Fiber (6 subunits) P-Ø72-DS-XY-FSDZZ .75/19.1 15.1/38.3 7.5/19.1 1000/4450 300/1335 237 353 96 Fiber (8 subunits) P-Ø96-DS-XY-FSDZZ .90/23.0 18.1/46.0 9.0/23.0 1000/4450 300/1335 361 537 144 Fiber (12 subunits) P-144-DS-XY-FSDZZ .95/24.1 19.0/48.2 9.5/24.1 1000/4450 300/1335 331 492 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4 - 144 fiber) P-XXX-DS-CM-FSDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Industrial Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Subunits are numbered for easy identification Plenum Distribution Cables (72 and 12 fiber versions shown) Description Conduit Plenum-rated jacket Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Dielectric central member (with overcoat) 12 fiber subunit with 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Packaging Mechanical Properties Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Ripcord 12 Fiber Subunit Glossary/Index Plenum-rated jacket Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 66 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Premises Heavy-Duty Plenum Distribution Central Strength Member Provides Additional Fiber Support Meets critical NEC/CEC plenum (OFNP) safety standards Overcoated dielectric central strength member for additional strength and support Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 6 Fiber P-ØØ6-DS-XY-FHDZZ .19/4.9 3.9/9.8 1.9/4.9 300/1335 90/400 16 23 8 Fiber P-ØØ8-DS-XY-FHDZZ .22/5.5 4.4/11.1 2.2/5.5 300/1335 90/400 21 32 12 Fiber P-Ø12-DS-XY-FHDZZ .25/6.3 5.0/12.7 2.5/6.3 400/1780 120/534 30 44 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (6 - 12 fiber) P-XXX-DS-CM-FHDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Fiber Count Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Central Office XY Coaxial Plenum-rated jacket Aramid yarn Dielectric central member (with overcoat) 900 µm tight-buffered 250 µm fiber Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Conduit Ripcord Mechanical Properties Industrial Premises Plenum Heavy-D Duty Distribution Cable (12 fiber version shown) Packaging Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 67 AB Several Constructions Available for a Variety of Uses Twisted Pair Meets critical NEC/CEC riser (OFNR) safety standards Simplex, duplex and zipcord cables available in a variety of sizes Heavy-duty simplex and duplex cables help absorb extra handling stresses when using proper installation techniques Designed for ease of handling and termination Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Cable Type/Unit Size Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Simplex/1.6mm R-ØØ1-SP-XY-F16ZZ 0.06/1.6 2.0/5.0 1.4/3.5 35/156 11/47 1.8 2.7 Simplex/2.0mm R-ØØ1-SP-XY-F20ZZ 0.08/2.0 2.0/5.0 1.2/3.0 50/222 15/67 2.8 4.1 Simplex/2.9mm R-ØØ1-SP-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 2.3/5.8 1.4/3.5 60/267 18/80 5.8 8.7 Duplex/2.5mm R-ØØ2-DU-XY-F25ZZ 0.13/3.4 x 0.23/5.9 2.6/6.7 1.4/3.5 90/400 27/120 14.0 20.9 Zipcord/2.0mm R-ØØ2-ZC-XY-F20ZZ 0.079/2.0 x 0.161/4.1 2.0/5.0 1.2/3.0 80/356 24/107 5.4 8.0 Zipcord/2.9mm R-ØØ2-ZC-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 x 0.23/5.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 90/400 27/120 11.7 17.4 2 fiber interconnect R-ØØ2-IC-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 70/311 21/93 4.7 7.0 2 fiber interconnect R-ØØ2-IC-XY-FSDZZ 0.16/4.1 3.2/8.1 1.6/4.1 225/1001 68/300 8.6 12.9 Variables in the Catalog Number: XY = Fiber Grade Industrial ZZ = Standard Jacket Color Conduit Fiber identification colors: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. Riser Simplex Riser 2-ffiber Interconnect Riser-rated jacket 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Aramid Yarn Riser-rated jacket Aramid Yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fibers Riser Duplex Packaging Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 1/Blue, 2/Orange Riser Zipcord Riser-rated outer jacket Glossary/Index AB Premises Riser Cordage Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Riser-rated jacket Riser-rated PVC jackets Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Specifications subject to change without notice. 68 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Premises Plenum Cordage Several Constructions Available for a Variety of Uses Cable Type/Unit Size Simplex/1.6mm P-ØØ1-SP-XY-F16ZZ 0.06/1.6 2.0/5.0 1.4/3.5 35/156 11/47 2.1 3.2 Simplex/2.0mm P-ØØ1-SP-XY-F20ZZ 0.08/2.0 2.0/5.0 1.2/3.0 50/222 15/67 3.0 4.5 Simplex/2.9mm P-ØØ1-SP-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 60/267 18/80 6.8 10.1 Duplex/2.5mm P-ØØ2-DU-XY-F25ZZ 0.13/3.4 x 0.23/5.9 2.6/6.7 1.3/3.4 90/400 27/120 14.0 20.9 Zipcord/2.0mm P-ØØ2-ZC-XY-F29ZZ 0.079/2.0 x 0.161/4.1 2.0/5.0 1.2/3.0 80/356 24/107 5.4 8.0 Zipcord/2.9mm P-ØØ2-ZC-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 x 0.23/5.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 90/400 27/120 13.6 20.2 2 fiber interconnect P-ØØ2-IC-XY-F29ZZ 0.11/2.9 2.3/5.8 1.2/3.0 70/311 21/93 5.8 8.6 2 fiber interconnect P-ØØ2-IC-XY-FSDZZ 0.15/3.9 3.1/7.8 1.5/3.9 225/1001 68/300 8.8 13.1 ZZ = Standard Jacket Color 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. Industrial Fiber identification colors: 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XY = Fiber Grade Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Central Office Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Meets critical NEC/CEC plenum (OFNP) safety standards Simplex, duplex and zipcord cables available in a variety of sizes Heavy-duty simplex and duplex cables help absorb extra handling stresses when using proper installation techniques Designed for ease of handling and termination 1/Blue, 2/Orange Plenum 2-ffiber Interconnect Plenum-rated jacket 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Aramid Yarn Plenum-rated jacket Aramid Yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fibers Plenum Duplex Plenum Zipcord Plenum-rated jacket Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Aramid yarn 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Packaging Plenum-rated outer jacket Plenum-rated jackets Mechanical Properties Conduit Plenum Simplex Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 69 AB Robust Design for Easy Handling and Termination Meets critical NEC riser (OFNR) safety standards Individual subunits are rugged and flexible Dielectric central member on 6 to 24 fiber versions for added strength and support 2.5mm subunit Fiber Count Central Office Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB Premises Riser Breakout Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 4 Fiber (no central member) R-ØØ4-BO-XY-F25ZZ .31/7.8 6.2/15.7 3.1/7.8 300/1335 90/400 34 50 6 Fiber R-ØØ6-BO-XY-F25ZZ .36/9.1 7.2/18.2 3.6/9.1 500/2225 150/667 46 68 8 Fiber R-ØØ8-BO-XY-F25ZZ .43/10.9 8.6/21.8 4.3/10.9 600/2670 180/801 58 87 12 Fiber R-Ø12-BO-XY-F25ZZ .48/12.2 9.6/24.4 4.8/12.2 600/2670 180/801 78 116 18 Fiber R-Ø18-BO-XY-F25ZZ .57/14.5 11.4/28.9 5.7/14.5 600/2670 180/801 120 179 24 Fiber R-Ø24-BO-XY-F25ZZ .64/16.3 12.8/32.6 6.4/16.3 600/2670 180/801 152 226 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4 - 24 fiber) R-XXX-BO-CM-FSDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count XY = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Fibers 13-24: repeat color sequence with tracer stripe Industrial Coaxial Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count Mechanical Properties Riser Breakout Cable Conduit (12 fiber version shown) Description Riser-rated jacket Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Core wrap Packaging Dielectric central member 2.5mm subunit with 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Glossary/Index Ripcord Specifications subject to change without notice. 70 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Premises Plenum Breakout Robust Design for Easy Handling and Termination 2.5mm subunit Fiber Count Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m P-ØØ4-BO-XY-F25ZZ .29/7.3 5.7/14.6 2.9/7.3 300/1335 90/400 32 48 6 Fiber P-ØØ6-BO-XY-F25ZZ .34/8.5 6.7/17.1 3.4/8.5 500/2225 150/667 45 67 8 Fiber P-ØØ8-BO-XY-F25ZZ .41/10.4 8.2/20.7 4.1/10.4 600/2670 180/801 58 87 12 Fiber P-Ø12-BO-XY-F25ZZ .48/12.1 9.5/24.2 4.8/12.1 600/2670 180/801 90 133 18 Fiber P-Ø18-BO-XY-F25ZZ .57/14.6 11.5/29.1 5.7/14.6 600/2670 180/801 145 216 24 Fiber P-Ø24-BO-XY-F25ZZ .65/16.4 12.9/32.8 6.5/16.4 600/2670 180/801 183 272 Singlemode/Multimode Composite (4 - 24 fiber) P-XXX-BO-CM-FSDOR/AAaaa/BBbbb Custom design - sizes/specs will vary depending on fiber count Central Office 4 Fiber (no central member) Residential Outer Diameter inch/mm Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Catalog Number Twisted Pair Meets critical NEC riser (OFNP) safety standards Individual subunits are rugged and flexible Dielectric central member on 6 to 24 fiber versions for added strength and support Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count = Fiber Grade 8W (8.3/125µm, LightScope ZWP, singlemode) 6F (62.5/125µm, multimode) 5H (Standard 50µm, multimode) 5M (LaserCore 150, 50µm, multimode) 5L (LaserCore 300, 50µm, multimode) ZZ = Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua- LaserCore) YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) Minimum order required for special colors. For Composites Only: aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Coaxial XY Fibers 13-24: repeat color sequence with tracer stripe Plenum-rated jacket Dielectric central member 2.5mm subunit with 900µm tight-buffered 250µm fiber Mechanical Properties Description Operating Temp. Installation Temp. Storage Temp. Crush Resistance Impact Resistance Flexing Twist/Bend Specification > > > > -20 to 70°C -20 to 70°C -40 to 70°C Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Telcordia GR-409 Conduit Core wrap Industrial Plenum Breakout Cable (12 fiber version shown) Packaging Ripcord Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 71 AB Twisted Pair Applications: These cables are protected with an interlocking armor to shield against damage. Used in Local Area Networks, Factory Automation, Critical Data Lines, Video, Robotics, Commercial Construction & Renovations, Heavy Industry, High Security Areas, and Indoor/Outdoor applications Available in steel or aluminum interlocking armor, with or without overall jacket. NEC/CEC compliant Outstanding mechanical protection for sensitive cables combined with excellent flexibility. Optional armor color coding available. Shown with Distribution cables, other cable constructions available. Features: Premise Fiber Optic Cables, Armored Fiber Count 6 Fiber Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic AB Interlocking Armored Fiber Optic Cables Central Office 12 Fiber 24 Fiber 48 Fiber Coaxial 72 Fiber (these specifications are based on aluminum interlocking armor with outer jacket.) Catalog Number Outer Diameter inch/mm R-ØØ6-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.57/14.5 11.4/29.0 8.0/20.0 P-ØØ6-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.57/14.5 11.4/29.0 8.0/20.0 R-Ø12-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.57/14.5 11.4/29.0 8.0/20.0 P-Ø12-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.57/14.5 11.4/29.0 8.0/20.0 R-Ø24-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.87/22.1 17.4/44.0 12.2/31.0 P-Ø24-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.82/20.8 16.4/42.0 11.5/29.0 R-Ø48-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.97/24.6 19.4/49.0 13.6/34.0 P-Ø48-DZ-XY-FSDOR 0.92/23.4 18.4/47.0 12.9/33.0 R-Ø72-DZ-XY-FSDOR 1.12/28.4 22.4/57.0 15.7/40.0 P-Ø72-DZ-XY-FSDOR 1.12/28.4 22.4/57.0 15.7/40.0 R-144-DZ-XY-FSDOR 1.32/33.5 26.4/67.0 18.5/47.0 P-144-DZ-XY-FSDOR 1.27/32.3 25.4/65.0 17.8/45.0 144 Fiber Min. Bend Radius inch/cm Loaded Unloaded Max. Tensile Load lbs./Newtons Crush Resistance 300/1335 85 N/mm 300/1335 85 N/mm 300/1335 300/1335 300/1335 300/1335 85 N/mm 85 N/mm 85 N/mm 85 N/mm Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 96 142 103 154 99 147 109 162 251 373 221 328 277 412 295 439 388 578 431 641 523 778 553 824 Please call your CommScope Sales Representative for other FiberGuard constructions and cable counts. Specifications subject to change without notice. Industrial Variables in the Catalog Number: Armor W (Steel Armor, Color Coded, No Jacket) Y (Aluminum Armor, Color Coded, No Jacket) X (Steel Armor with Jacket) Z (Aluminum Armor with Jacket) 6F (Enhanced FDDI 62.5/125µm) 5M (50/125µm, LaserCore™ 150) 8W (9.2 MFD singlemode fiber) 5H (50/125µm) 5L (50/125µm, LaserCore™ 300) Standard Jacket Color OR (Orange- Multimode or Composite cable) AQ (Aqua - LaserCore™) Minimum order required for special colors. YL (Yellow- singlemode cable) BK (Black - Indoor/Outdoor cable) Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Conduit XY = Fiber Grade Glossary/Index Packaging *If 2 count cable and part number is D, it is a Duplex cable. If 4 count or above with part number D, it is a Distribution cable. 72 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Packaging and Shipping Twisted Pair T Traverse Width F Flange Diameter Fiber Fiber Optic Optic D Drum Diameter Residential Fiber optic cable is packaged for shipment on wooden or composite reels. Each package contains only one continuous length of cable. The packaging is designed to prevent damage to the cable during shipping and handling. Fiber cable reels are protected with a “reel wrap”, the highest technology available today. This wrap is stronger, lighter and more environmentally friendly than other methods of lagging. In addition, reel wrap is simple to remove from the reel and readily disposable. All reel sizes between 35 and 78 inches will be blocked and palletized to help ensure safe arrival to the customer. Reels larger than 78 inches are placed on the rolling edge and securely fastened to the trailer during shipment. Central Office Each reel is plainly marked to indicate the direction in which it should be rolled to prevent loosening of the cable on the reel. Method of Shipment Coaxial CommScope’s customary method of shipment of fiber optic cable from Claremont, North Carolina to the purchaser’s site will vary depending on factors such as the size and number of cable reels, and the destination location. Shipper options include Federal Express, UPS, BAX, LTL motor freight carriers and CommScope’s own fleet of trucks, “Cable Transport”. Some trucks within CommScope’s fleet are equipped with “Cargo Master” equipment for ease in unloading cable reels on location where no loading dock is available. CommScope has red arm Cargo Masters, which can lift anything 2,500 pounds or less. CommScope also has white arm Cargo Masters which will lift anything up to 8,000 pounds that is on an 84” reel or smaller. These specially equipped trucks are available by request. Industrial Conduit International Packaging Packaging Products shipped outside the continental United States are protected with reel wrap, lagged with wood, and blocked and palletized (for reel sizes between 35 and 78 inches) or placed on the rolling edge and securely fastened to international shipping containers. Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 73 AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Outside Plant Stranded Loose Tube Armored (LA) Cables Twisted Pair Arid or Flooded Core Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Flange x Drum x Traverse Reel Weight (lbs) 2-60F 5@1 62-72F 6@1 74-96F 8@1 98-120F 10@1 122-144F 12@1 146-216F 12@6@1 218-288F 15@9@1 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 3,304 3,149 2,461 1,896 1,439 1,439 1,304 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 6,202 5,440 4,063 3,318 2,705 2,705 2,164 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 9,895 8,767 6,997 5,497 4,578 4,578 3,471 54 x 24 x 28 370 11,565 9,857 7,893 6,420 5,051 5,051 3,869 60 x 30 x 32 433 15,332 13,191 10,525 8,475 6,771 6,771 5,129 66 x 30 x 32 506 19,732 18,192 13,424 11,087 9,129 9,129 6,648 72 x 36 x 36 627 25,071 22,852 17,135 14,032 11,682 11,682 8,442 78 x 36 x 36 758 32,217 28,464 22,057 17,548 14,083 14,083 10,486 84 x 40 x 40 913 39,812 35,486 27,566 22,330 17,491 17,491 13,317 84 x 40 x 42 922 42,055 37,605 28,968 23,172 18,607 18,607 14,292 88 x 40 x 40 958 45,892 41,237 31,350 25,752 20,510 20,510 15,957 96 x 44 x 46 984 64,185 55,905 43,273 34,430 28,148 28,148 22,168 Central Office All Units in Feet 2" Flange Clearance Outside Plant Stranded Loose Tube Non-Armored (LN) Cables Arid or Flooded Core Flange x Drum x Traverse Conduit Industrial Coaxial 36 x 22 x 29.75 Reel Weight (lbs) 2-60F 5@1 62-72F 6@1 74-96F 8@1 98-120F 10@1 122-144F 12@1 146-216F 12@6@1 218-288F 15@9@1 66 4,655 3,921 3,038 2,416 1,855 1,855 1,371 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 7,985 7,015 5,261 3,997 3,252 3,252 2,264 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 12,864 10,913 8,685 6,369 5,411 5,411 4,003 54 x 24 x 28 370 14,584 12,713 9,741 7,246 5,824 5,824 4,437 60 x 30 x 32 433 19,382 16,748 12,809 9,706 7,728 7,728 5,834 66 x 30 x 32 506 25,328 22,307 16,838 13,258 10,243 10,243 7,441 72 x 36 x 36 627 32,226 28,593 21,606 16,947 13,009 13,009 9,635 78 x 36 x 36 758 40,265 36,209 27,110 20,824 16,417 16,417 12,595 84 x 40 x 40 913 51,316 44,394 33,388 25,671 20,586 20,586 15,779 84 x 40 x 42 922 54,523 46,762 35,443 27,022 21,797 21,797 16,855 88 x 40 x 40 958 58,185 50,805 38,966 29,315 23,858 23,858 17,664 984 N/A 70,947 53,181 40,797 33,577 33,577 24,195 96 x 44 x 46 2" Flange Clearance Glossary/Index Packaging All Units in Feet 74 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Indoor/Outdoor Riser-Rated and Outside Plant Central Tube Cables Twisted Pair Flange x Drum x Traverse Reel Weight (lbs) RCN 2-24F CN 2-24F CN 26-48F CN 50-96F CA 2-24F CA 26-48F CA 50-96F CS 2-24F CP 1-72 F 35 x 16.5 x 18* 60 4,278 4,842 3,245 2,404 4,361 3,320 2,342 3,666 7,080 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 5,720 6,667 4,035 3,145 5,787 4,586 3,096 4,780 9,143 42 x 24 x 24* 94 7,575 8,578 5,742 4,226 7,684 5,841 4,144 6,525 12,555 10,084 11,336 7,196 5,430 10,189 7,873 5,357 8,177 16,301 176 16,547 19,282 11,854 8,909 16,903 12,907 8,657 14,087 20,000 54 x 24 x 28 370 18,390 21,994 13,740 10,447 19,418 14,636 9,708 15,680 N/A 60 x 30 x 32 433 24,416 29,277 18,020 13,954 25,710 19,441 13,017 21,059 N/A 66 x 30 x 32 506 32,262 37,821 23,762 18,149 33,716 25,417 17,103 27,279 N/A 72 x 36 x 36 627 41,005 48,201 30,347 23,185 43,287 32,326 21,541 34,542 N/A 78 x 36 x 36 758 51,632 61,447 38,159 28,871 54,218 40,404 27,018 42,885 N/A 84 x 40 x 40 913 67,881 77,427 48,855 37,359 68,250 51,488 35,170 54,354 N/A 84 x 40 x 42 922 70,832 N/A 51,361 39,007 N/A 54,062 36,769 57,628 N/A 88 x 40 x 40 958 N/A N/A 55,567 41,752 N/A 58,392 39,428 63,260 N/A 96 x 44 x 46 984 N/A N/A 76,766 56,497 N/A N/A 53,704 N/A N/A Residential 88 48 x 22 x 32.5 Central Office * Denotes Composite Reel All Units in Feet 2" Flange Clearance Coaxial Outside Plant Double Jacketed Single Armored (L2); Triple Jacketed Double Armored (L3); Figure 8 Armored (M LA) and Non-Armored (M LN) Cables Flange x Drum x Traverse L3 2-72F M LA 2-72F M LN 2-72F 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 2,456 1,892 1,774 929 1,230 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 4,489 3,309 2,766 1,669 2,049 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 6,973 5,479 4,661 2,828 3,316 54 x 24 x 28 370 8,056 6,396 5,161 3,263 3,796 60 x 30 x 32 433 10,715 8,448 6,900 4,232 5,042 66 x 30 x 32 506 14,439 11,047 9,292 5,127 6,549 72 x 36 x 36 627 18,364 14,284 11,866 6,612 8,329 78 x 36 x 36 758 22,393 17,856 15,141 8,435 10,364 84 x 40 x 40 913 29,193 22,252 19,109 10,916 13,190 84 x 40 x 42 922 30,652 23,511 19,889 11,507 13,850 88 x 40 x 40 958 33,083 25,656 21,203 12,502 14,928 96 x 44 x 46 984 45,409 35,769 29,760 17,097 20,466 Packaging L2 74-96F Conduit L2 2-72F Industrial Reel Weight (lbs) All Units in Feet Fiber Fiber Optic Optic 42 x 29 x 29.75 2" Flange Clearance Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75 AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Residential Fiber Fiber Optic Optic Twisted Pair Plenum-Rated Distribution Cables Fiber 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,337 4,371 12,696 25,439 32,488 44,541 58,160 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 958 3,344 9,604 18,412 23,770 32,528 43,160 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,941 8,514 16,473 21,818 29,230 39,126 64,770 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 2,058 3,823 4,903 6,731 8,994 14,329 16,800 22,463 28,856 36,908 47,051 N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,571 3,249 4,038 5,747 7,203 11,869 13,508 18,041 23,794 30,383 38,211 48,919 N/A 36 N/A N/A 1,384 2,845 3,868 5,003 6,385 10,820 12,337 16,589 21,158 26,779 34,150 44,156 N/A 48 N/A N/A 1,169 2,420 3,094 4,247 5,352 8,810 9,697 13,004 17,083 21,884 27,445 35,131 39,382 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,745 2,410 3,104 3,982 6,878 7,926 10,562 13,478 16,872 20,721 27,204 30,947 72 N/A N/A N/A 1,461 1,894 2,576 3,313 5,488 6,408 8,461 11,067 14,307 17,888 22,291 25,704 96 N/A N/A N/A 1,117 1,374 1,911 2,270 4,019 4,456 5,855 7,472 9,670 12,648 15,844 17,740 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,303 1,605 2,162 3,466 3,864 5,122 6,639 8,431 11,188 14,502 16,322 Riser-Rated Distribution Cables Industrial Coaxial Central Office Fiber 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,225 3,770 10,744 20,662 27,200 36,267 47,658 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A 2,941 8,514 16,473 21,818 29,230 39,126 64,770 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,857 7,976 15,441 19,934 27,123 35,248 58,135 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 1,791 3,322 4,588 5,843 7,878 12,916 14,646 19,453 25,434 32,346 40,432 N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,329 2,774 3,810 4,909 6,298 10,704 11,514 15,543 20,932 26,521 32,579 41,707 N/A 36 N/A N/A 1,338 2,529 3,307 4,391 6,211 9,912 11,586 15,357 19,768 25,111 31,036 39,882 N/A 48 N/A N/A 1,123 2,125 2,986 3,679 4,709 7,974 9,005 11,888 15,795 20,332 25,701 33,087 37,217 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,692 2,366 3,035 3,919 6,262 7,282 9,536 12,302 15,784 20,524 25,792 29,463 72 N/A N/A N/A 1,411 1,854 2,510 3,250 5,407 5,819 7,722 10,234 12,999 16,402 20,568 23,836 96 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,337 1,658 2,214 3,532 4,345 5,725 7,313 9,491 11,664 14,691 16,524 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,230 1,558 2,050 3,318 3,797 5,043 6,551 8,332 10,367 13,195 14,933 LSZH Distribution Cables Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Fiber 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,225 3,770 10,744 20,662 27,200 36,267 47,658 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A 2,857 7,976 15,441 19,934 27,123 35,248 58,135 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,147 6,100 11,896 16,081 20,920 27,571 46,324 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 1,384 2,845 3,868 5,003 6,385 10,820 12,337 16,589 21,158 26,779 34,150 44,156 N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,162 2,408 3,148 4,231 5,437 8,924 10,466 13,975 23,221 28,922 35,467 41,212 N/A 36 N/A N/A N/A 1,796 2,509 3,172 4,582 7,101 8,036 10,691 14,401 18,322 22,336 29,119 32,995 48 N/A N/A N/A 1,450 1,934 2,561 3,375 6,073 6,520 8,594 11,227 14,486 19,043 23,636 27,128 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,141 1,776 2,088 2,769 4,669 5,170 6,910 9,308 11,613 14,822 18,749 20,805 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,335 1,654 2,208 3,921 4,328 5,874 7,500 9,459 11,621 14,639 17,404 88x40x40 FT Reel Weights (lbs.) 76 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 8.5 12 18 70 66 109 102 176 370 433 506 627 758 913 958 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Simplex Cables 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 1 1.6 11,536 40,055 N/A N/A N/A 1 1.8 8,716 28,760 85,909 N/A N/A 1 2.0 6,616 22,324 65,521 N/A N/A 1 2.5 4,492 14,608 42,380 81,529 N/A 1 2.9 3,707 11,961 34,572 66,609 87,629 Fiber Optic Size Twisted Pair Fiber * LSZH is only for the 2.5 and 2.9 cables. Residential Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Zipcord Cables 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 2 1.6 5,307 18,425 53,430 N/A N/A 2 1.8 4,078 13,455 40,192 77,467 N/A 2 2.5 2,246 7,304 21,190 40,765 53,354 2 2.9 1,768 5,706 16,493 31,874 41,867 Central Office Size Fiber * LSZH is only for the 2.5 and 2.9 cables. Fiber Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 2 2.5 1,406 4,898 13,887 2 2.9 1,087 3,793 10,698 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 27,045 35,483 47,495 N/A 20,978 27,347 36,822 48,269 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT Coaxial Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Duplex Cables 42x22x29.75 FT Industrial * LSZH is only for the 2.5 the cable Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Interconnect Cables Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 2 2.9 R&P 3,707 11,961 34,572 66,609 N/A N/A 2 SD P & LS 1,891 6,597 18,605 36,483 47,498 N/A 2 SD R 1,781 5,551 16,311 31,966 41,784 56,360 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 8.5 12 18 66 109 102 Conduit Fiber All reels calculated using 2” flange clearance Packaging Reel Weights (lbs.) 35x16.5x18 FT For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index 70 77 Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Residential Fiber Optic Industry Leading Technology Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Fiber Optic Components Coaxial Central Office High Performance 78 Connectors Adapters Enclosures Panels Jumpers Closures For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Components Overview of Fiber Optic Components Components Fiber Optic Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Connectors LC Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 SC Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 ST Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Connector Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Residential Adapters LC Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 SC Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 ST Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Entrance Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Central Office Fiber Enclosures Rack Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Panels Rack Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Fiber Enclosures Wall Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Panels Wall Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Furcation Kits & Clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Combination Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Coaxial Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Pigtails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Cable Assembly Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 Cable Assembly Part Numbering Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Splitter Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Industrial Closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 UFE Closure Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 79 AB AB Components Twisted Pair Several connector and adapter types are available, including LC, SC and STE (ST pull proof). The LC is a small form-factor connector with excellent optical and mechanical performance. SC connectors and adapters are push-pull style, while the STE Components Fiber Optic represents the latest in the pull-proof ST type connector. Central Office Residential Applications: • Telecommunications networks • Local area networks • Data processing networks • Cable television • Premises distribution • Wave Division Multiplexing (coarse & dense) DWDM • Security cameras • FTTX (Fiber-to-the-desk, home, etc.) Code Description MFC SFC MDC SDC SCU STU FCU LCU STE LCA 09 16 Multimode fiber connector Singlemode fiber connector MM duplex SM duplex Ultra SC connector(s) Ultra ST connector(s) Ultra FC connector(s) Ultra LC connector(s) Enhanced ST connector(s) Angled LC connector(s) 0.9mm (900 micron) OD 1.6mm OD Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Connector Part Numbering 80 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Components Choosing Connectivity Products Twisted Pair Optical connection management presents unique challenges depending on the location and conditions of the network. Consider the following points when planning an inside plant connectivity configuration: • On-frame or off-frame splicing • Termination requirements: initial and growth potential • Termination configuration: cross-connect or interconnect • Floor space • Bay arrangement • Lineup growth sequence • Connector/adapter type • Geographic location • Environmental factors • Signal type from active equipment: DWDM, 40G TDM, etc. Components Fiber Optic Residential Considerations On-Frame vs. Off-Frame Splicing Central Office Use on-frame splicing in the following typical situations: • Low number of cables entering facility (with low fiber counts) • Low number of fibers entering facility • Limited installation space on wall, no cable vault Coaxial Use Off-Frame splicing in the following typical situations: • High number of outside plant cables • High number of fibers • High-density solution with cable vault of space for wall installation Cross-Connect vs. Interconnect Industrial Use interconnect in the following typical situations: • No reconfiguration anticipated • Low number of fibers entering facility • Tight loss budget • Limited space (e.g.hut, collocation closet, etc.) • Low first-cost requirement Conduit Use cross-connect in the following typical situations: • Reconfiguration anticipated • High number of fibers entering facility • Long distances between frame and fiber optic transmission equipment • Ample working space • Higher initial installation cost allowed Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 81 AB AB LC Connectors Small Form-Factor Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance Benefits: • Doubles density • Disengages easily in dense spaces • Helps assure high repeatability • Maintains transmit/receive direction • Maintains optical contact • Helps minimize transmission problems • Improves durability and reduces cross-connect rearrangement effort • Reduces installation time for field-mountable connectors Residential Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Features: • Small Form Factor is half the size of standard connectors • RJ-style push-pull housing • One-piece design • Polarized • Pull-proof for jumper • pc finish • Anti-snag latch for jumper • Minimal polish • Standards compliant Central Office SFC-LCU-09 MFC-LCU-09 SFC-LCA-16 MDC-LCU-16 Catalog Number Description MFC-LLCU-009 SFC-LLCU-009 MFC-LLCU-009-1100 SFC-LLCU-009-1100 MFC-LLCU-116 SFC-LLCU-116 MFC-LLCU-116-1100 SFC-LLCU-116-1100 MDC-LLCU-116 SDC-LLCU-116 MDC-LLCU-116-1100 SDC-LLCU-116-1100 SFC-LLCA-116-1100 MM, LC Ultra, 0.9mm SM, LC Ultra, 0.9mm MM, LC Ultra, 0.9mm, 100 pack SM, LC Ultra, 0.9mm, 100 pack MM, LC Ultra, 1.6mm SM, LC Ultra, 1.6mm MM, LC Ultra, 1.6mm, 100 pack SM, LC Ultra, 1.6mm, 100 pack MM Duplex, LC Ultra, 1.6mm SM Duplex, LC Ultra, 1.6mm MM Duplex, LC Ultra, 1.6mm, 100 pack SM Duplex, LC Ultra, 1.6mm, 100 pack SM, LC Angled, 1.6mm, 100 pack Conduit Industrial Coaxial Catalog Number & Description SFC - LCU Position 1 Position 2 16 Position 3 - 100 Position 4 Number in Pack Packaging Connector Style MFC SFC MDC SDC 100 Multimode fiber connector Singlemode fiber connector MM duplex SM duplex Cable Outer Diameter Connector Type Glossary/Index SCU STU FCU LCU STE LCA 82 100 per pack (add to part number when needed) 09 16 .09mm OD 1.6mm OD Ultra SC connector(s) Ultra ST connector(s) Ultra FC connector(s) Ultra LC connector(s) Enhanced ST connector(s) Angled LC connector(s) For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB LC Connectors Small Form-Factor Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance LC Angled Specifications Ferrule Diameter Cable OD Insertion Loss µ, σ Return Loss Mating Durability (insertion loss change after 500 reconnects) Temperature Stability Insertion Loss Change Tip Material 125 µm 900 micron, 1.6 and 2.0mm 0.08dB, 0.06dB minimum 70dB <0.2dB -40 to 75° C <0.3dB Zirconia Components Fiber Optic Value Twisted Pair Specification Specification Value Ferrule Diameter Cable OD Insertion Loss µ, σ1 Singlemode Multimode Return Loss Mating Durability (insertion loss change after 500 reconnects) Temperature Stability Insertion Loss Change Tip Material 125 µm 0.9mm Residential LC Field Mountable Connector Specifications Central Office 0.2dB, 0.06dB 0.2dB, 0.01dB 55dB <0.2dB -40 to 75° C <0.3dB Zirconia Complete connection concatenated statistics, 8.3/125µm fiber, 62.5/125µm fiber, dry connection - This data was obtained through laboratory testing and simulated field environments. - The performance is representative of all CommScope multimode and singlemode LC connectors. - The performance for field turning is 0.1dB Coaxial 1 Industrial Typical SFC-LCx-09 0.7mm - 1.4mm 30mm Conduit 32mm Packaging Typical SFC-LCx-16/29 Glossary/Index 1.8mm - 3.4mm 49mm 51mm For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 83 AB AB SC Connectors Twisted Pair Push-Pull Style Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance Benefits: • Reduces assembly time and simplifies training • Easy-to-install adapters and connectors • Can be used in multiple applications including under a desk • Reduces maintenance and creates consistent optical performance • Maintains optical contact under load, and helps prevent accidental disconnects • Helps minimize transmission problems • Optimizes optical contact Residential Components Fiber Optic Features: • Snap-in connector design • Rugged and adaptable compared to other connectors • Stable performance • Full-proof design • Pull-proof for jumper Central Office Catalog Number & Description Description MFC-SSCU-229 MFC-SSCU-009 SFC-SSCU-229 SFC-SSCU-009 FOT-KKIT-SSC-C CLP MM, SC Ultra, 2.9mm MM, SC Ultra, 0.9mm SM, SC Ultra, 2.9mm SM, SC Ultra, 0.9mm Package of 5 clips Industrial Coaxial SFC-SCU-09 Catalog Number Conduit SFC - SCU Position 1 Position 2 19 Position 3 Cable Outer Diameter Connector Style Packaging MFC SFC MDC SDC 09 29 Multimode fiber connector Singlemode fiber connector MM duplex SM duplex .09mm OD 2.9mm OD Connector Type Glossary/Index SCU STU FCU LCU STE LCA 84 Ultra SC connector(s) Ultra ST connector(s) Ultra FC connector(s) Ultra LC connector(s) Enhanced ST connector(s) Angled LC connector(s) For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB SC Connectors Push-Pull Style Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance Twisted Pair SC Specifications Fiber Type Multimode Singlemode Singlemode MFC-SCU-29 0.2dB, 0.2 125 µm 2.9mm, 1.6mm* <0.2dB SFC-SCU-09 0.2dB, 0.2 125 µm 0.9mm <0.2dB SFC-SCU-29 0.2dB, 0.2 125 µm 2.9mm, 1.6mm* <0.2dB 2lbs 30lbs, 20lbs 2lbs 30lbs, 20lbs <0.3dB 8 min. avg. 5 min. avg. <0.3dB 8 min. avg. 5 min. avg. <0.3dB 8 min. avg. 5 min. avg. <0.3dB 8 min. avg. 5 min. avg. Residential Multimode MFC-SCU-09 0.2dB, 0.2 125 µm 0.9mm <0.2dB Components Fiber Optic Catalog Number Insertion Loss µ, σ Fiber OD, nom Cable OD, nom Mating Durability (Insertion Loss Change for 500 Reconnects) Proof Test, Axial, nom Temperature Stability (-40° C to 85° C) Insertion Loss Stability Mount Time - Epoxy Mount Time - EZ * Note: In order to install the SC connector on 1.6mm cordage, you must order the following kit: FTO-KIT-SC-16. The 2A1 clip catalog number FOT-KIT-SC-CLP is needed to connect two simplex connectors in a duplex configuration. See Connector Kits on Page 88. Central Office Typical xFC-SCx-09 Coaxial Industrial Typical xFC-SCx-29 Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 85 AB AB ST Connectors Pull-Proof Syle Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance Benefits: • Easy-to-install connectors • Maintains optical contact under load, and helps prevent accidental disconnects • Multiple applications Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Features: • Twist-Lock connector design • Stable performance • STE is pull-proof for jumpers • Metal housing Residential Catalog Number & Description Coaxial Central Office SFC-STE Catalog Number Description MFC-SSTE-229 MFC-SSTE-009 SFC-SSTE-229 SFC-SSTE-009 MFC-SSTU-009 SFC-SSTU-009 MM, ST++ Version, 2.9mm MM, ST++ Version, 0.9mm SM, ST++ Version, 2.9mm SM, ST++ Version, 0.9mm MM, STUltra Version, 0.9mm SM, STUltra Version, 0.9mm SFC Position 1 STE Position 2 Industrial 29 Position 3 Cable Outer Diameter Connector Style MFC SFC MDC SDC - 09 29 Multimode fiber connector Singlemode fiber connector MM duplex SM duplex .09mm OD 2.9mm OD Connector Type Ultra SC connector(s) Ultra ST connector(s) Ultra FC connector(s) Ultra LC connector(s) Enhanced ST connector(s) Angled LC connector(s) Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit SCU STU FCU LCU STE LCA 86 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB ST Connectors Pull-Proof Syle Connectors with Excellent Optical and Mechanical Performance Catalog Number Temperature Stability (-40°C to 75°C) Materials MFC-STE-09 0.3dB, 0.2dB 125 µm 0.9mm <0.3dB 2 lbs (0.9kg Buffer (0.9mm) <0.3dB increase Tip Cap Body One Twelve Zirconia Brass, Ni-Plated Zinc, Ni-Plated 5 minutes 8 minutes avg. Residential Mount time - EZ Mount time - Epoxy MFC-STE-09 0.3dB, 0.2dB 125 µm 2.9mm, 0.9mm <0.3dB 15lbs (6.8kg) Cable (3.0mm) <0.3dB increase Components Fiber Optic Loss* µ, σ Fiber OD nom Cable OD, Buffer OD Loss repeat (500 reconnects) Axial Load (minimum) Twisted Pair ST Multimode Specifications Catalog Number Temperature Stability (-40°C to 75°C) Materials 0.3dB, 0.2dB 44dB, 40 dB 125 µm 2.9mm, 0.9mm <0.3dB 15lbs (6.8kg) Cable (2.9mm) <0.3dB increase 40dB min. return loss 0.3dB, 0.2dB 44dB, 40 dB 125 µm 0.9mm <0.3dB 2 lbs (0.9kg Buffer (0.9mm) <0.3dB increase Zirconia Brass, Ni-Plated Zinc, Ni-Plated 5 minutes 18 minutes 8 minutes avg. Industrial Mount time - EZ Mount time - Epoxy Tip Cap Body One One Twelve MFC-STE-09 Coaxial Loss µ, σ Return Loss (average, minimum) Fiber OD nom Cable OD, Buffer OD Loss repeat (200 reconnects) Axial Load (minimum) MFC-STE-09 Central Office ST Singlemode Specifications Conduit Typical xFC-STE Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 87 AB AB Connector Kits Residential Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair The tools and consumables can be ordered to assemble or mount CommScope connectors. The tool kits and consumable kits provide termination tools consumable for epoxy or anaerobic termination methods. FOT-KIT-TOL-ST/SC-ANA Industrial Coaxial Central Office Catalog Number & Description Catalog Number Description FOT-K KIT-TTOL-SSC/ST/LC-A ANA FOT-K KIT-TTOL-SSC/ST-EEPX FOT-K KIT-TTOL-LLC-U UPG FOT-K KIT-C CON-M M-LLC-A ANA FOT-K KIT-C CON-SS-LLC-A ANA FOT-K KIT-C CON-M M-SST/SC-A ANA FOT-K KIT-C CON-SS-SST/SC-A ANA FOT-K KIT-C CON-1 16-SST FOT-K KIT-C CON-1 16-SSC FOT-K KIT-C CON-M M-LLC-EEPX FOT-K KIT-C CON-SS-LLC-EEPX FOT-K KIT-C CON-M M-SST/SC-EEPX FOT-K KIT-C CON-SS-SST/SC-EEPX Fiber Optic Termination Tool Kit, Anaerobic Fiber Optic Termination Tool Kit, for using Epoxy Fiber Optic Termination Tool Kit, LC Anaerobic, including crimp tool for jumper assembly Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Multimode LC Anaerobic Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Singlemode LC Anaerobic Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Multimode ST/SC Anaerobic Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Singlemode ST/SC Anaerobic Fiber Optic Kit to mount ST on 1.6 mm cable, 100 inserts Fiber Optic Kit to mount SC on 1.6 mm cable, 100 inserts Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Multimode LC, for using Epoxy Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Singlemode LC, for using Epoxy Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Multimode ST/SC, for using Epoxy Fiber Optic Consumable Kit, Singlemode ST/SC, for using Epoxy Conduit FOT Position 1 KIT - CON - MFC - ST/SC - ANA Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Termination Hardware Packaging FOT Method ANA EPX Fiber optic termination Package KIT Connector Style Kit ST/SC LC Usage CON TOL Glossary/Index Anaerobic Epoxy ST/SC Connector LC Connector Consumables Tool Connector Type M S UPG 16 88 Multimode Fiber Connector Singlemode Fiber Connector Upgrade Multimode & Singlemode 1.6mm Cable Crimp Sleeves For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Adapters Adapters provide a means to mate connectors in a fixed panel. CommScope’s adapters are available in various types, including LC, SC and ST. They are packaged individually or in bulk quantities of 100. Twisted Pair Benefits: • Easy to snap adapters into panels making assembly faster and increases ease of installation and rearrangements • Color coding prevents mismatch of fiber or connector types Features: • Easy snap-in adapter design • Color coded for multimode (beige), singlemode (blue) and angled (green) Components Fiber Optic Residential SFA-SC02 AFA-LC01 SFA-LC02 Central Office Catalog Number & Description MM, ST Single SM, ST Single SM, SC Single MM, SC Duplex SM, SC Duplex MM, LC Single SM, LC Single MM, LC Duplex SM, LC Duplex MM, ST Duplex, SC Duplex SM, LC Angled Single K SFA Position 1 - SC 02 Position 2 Position 3 A Packaging Adapter Style Adapter Type MFA SFA AFA Conduit T Industrial Description MFA-SST01 SFA-SST01 SFA-SSC01 MFA-SSC02 SFA-SSC02 MFA-LLC01 SFA-LLC01 MFA-LLC02 SFA-LLC02 MFA-SST02-SSC02 AFA-LLC01 Coaxial Catalog Number 01 02 Multimode Fiber Adapter Singlemode Fiber Adapter Angled Fiber Adapter Single Dual SC ST FC LC Glossary/Index Connector Style SC Connector(s) ST Connector(s) FC Connector(s) LC Connector(s) For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 89 AB AB LC Adapters Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair LC Adapter Materials Typical xFA-LCxx Connector Part Material Adapter Housing SM Sleeve MM Sleeve Engineering Plastic Zirconia Metal UL 94 Rating Oxygen Index V-0 - 50 - 2.1B-LC SIMPLEX ADAPTER 2.1B-Lc SIMPLEX ADAPTER Footprint Central Office Residential 2.2A-Lc DUPLEX ADAPTER Footprint 2.1A-LC DUPLEX ADAPTER Conduit Industrial Coaxial 2.3-PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS FOR MOUNTING LC ADAPTERS Glossary/Index Packaging *Panel thickness “E” applies after surface preparation i.e. painting etc. 90 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB SC Adapters SC Adapter Materials Material Adapter Housing Latch Insert Retaining Clip SM Sleeve MM Sleeve Engineering Parts Engineering Plastics Stainless Steel Zirconia Phosphor Bronze UL 94 Rating Oxygen Index V-0 V-0 - 28-35 46.5 - Twisted Pair Connector Part Components Fiber Optic Typical xFA-SCxx 2.1-SC SIMPLEX & DUPLEX ADAPTER : ISO VIEW 2.1A-SC DUPLEX ADAPTER 2.1B-SC SIMPLEX ADAPTER Residential Central Office 2.2-SC ADAPTER FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS 2.2A-SC DUPLEX ADAPTER 2.2B-SC SIMPLEX ADAPTER Coaxial Industrial 2.3-PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS FOR MOUNTING SC ADAPTERS Conduit Packaging *Panel thickness “G” applies after surface preparation i.e. painting etc. Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 91 AB Twisted Pair ST Adapters AB Typical xFA-STxx Central Office Residential Components Fiber Optic BAYONET/THREADED Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial RETAINER NUT 92 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Entrance Facility A CommScope Building Entrance provides transition from outside plant cable to building cable. Various splice and cable capacities are available. Twisted Pair Components Fiber Optic WBE-FXC-024 WBE-FXS-576-xx Residential Catalog Number & Description Catalog Number Description WBE-F FXS-5 576-SSE* WBE-F FXS-5 576-TTE* SPT-F FXS-SSFS WBE-F FXS-5 576-K KIT-G GRG-0 0.2/0.7 576 Splice Shelf, side entry WBE-F FXC-0 048* WBE-F FXC-0 024* WBE-F FXS-SSFS-B BAS 48 Splice/Termination Shelf 24 Splice/Termination Shelf Single Fusion Splice Tray for 12-48 fiber shelves Central Office 576 Splice Shelf, top entry Single Fusion Splice Tray Cable Grommet Kit (0.236” - 0.708” Cable OD) Coaxial *Splice organizers and grommets ordered separately. WBE - - 576 Position 2 - SE Position 3 Position 4 Unit Entry Building Entrance Type WBE SE TE Wall Mount Building Entrance Enclosure FXS Position 2 - 576 Position 3 - Fibers KIT - GRG - 2/7 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Building Entrance Type Kit Qualifier 0.2-0 0.7 Cable Outer Diameter Wall Mount Building Entrance Enclosure Kit Type GRG Fixed Fiber Splices Fiber Count 576 Fibers Glossary/Index Shelf Options FXS Packaging WBE Position 1 576 Fixed Fiber Splices Conduit FXS Side Entry Top Entry Fiber Count Shelf Options WBE Industrial Position 1 FXS Grommet Package KIT Kit For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 93 AB AB Fiber Enclosures Rack Mounted Twisted Pair CommScope offers several fiber management shelves, including splice, jumper management, termination and combination shelves. CommScope also offers shelves with preinstalled adapters. RFE-FXD-048-MFA-LC12 Components Fiber Optic RFE-SLC-024-SFA-SC06 Catalog Number Terminations Splices Dimensions Description RFE-F FXD-0 048-M MFA-LLC12 RFE-F FXC-0 024-M MFA-SSC06 RFE-F FXC-0 024-M MFA-SST06 RFE-F FXD-0 048-SSFA-LLC12 RFE-F FXC-0 024-SSFA-SSC06 RFE-F FXC-0 024-SSFA-SST06 RFE-SSLD-0 048-M MFA-LLC12 RFE-SSLC-0 024-M MFA-SSC06 RFE-SSLC-0 024-M MFA-SST06 RFE-SSLD-0 048-SSFA-LLC12 RFE-SSLC-0 024-SSFA-SSC06 RFE-SSLC-0 024-SSFA-SST06 48 Multimode LC 24 Multimode SC 24 Multimode ST 48 Singlemode LC 24 Singlemode SC 24 Singlemode ST 48 Multimode LC 24 Multimode SC 24 Multimode ST 48 Singlemode LC 24 Singlemode SC 24 Singlemode ST 32 fusion 1.72”h x 17”w x 8”d 1U rack space One unit shelf for termination & splicing, panels & adapters equipped 1.72”h x 17”w x 8”d 1U rack space One unit shelf for termination & splicing, panels & adapters equipped Troughs Description Extension Brackets Description RFE jumper trough 19” rack RFE jumper trough 19” rack RFE jumper trough 23” rack RFE-B BKT-2 23 RFE-B BKT-E ETSI RFE-SLD Bracket 23” RFE-SLD Bracket ETSI 24 mechanical 32 fusion 24 mechanical Coaxial Central Office Residential Catalog Number & Description Conduit Industrial RFE-F FXD-W WM19 RFE-SSLD-W WM17 RFE-F FXD-W WM23 RFE - FXC - 024 Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 - SFA - Position 4 SC - Position 5 06 Position 6 Enclosure Type Packaging RFE Adapter Style 01 02 06 12 Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosure Shelf Options FXC SLC Fixed Combination Slide Combination Connector Style Port Count Glossary/Index 24 Simplex Duplex 6 Ganged (SC & ST) 12 Ganged (LC) SC ST LC Ports SC Connector ST Connector LC Connector Adapter Type SFA MFA AFA 94 Singlemode Fiber Adapter Multimode Fiber Adapter Angled Fiber Adapter For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Fiber Enclosures Rack Mounted CommScope offers several fiber management shelves, including splice, jumper management, termination and combination shelves. CommScope also offers shelves with preinstalled adapters. Twisted Pair RFE-FXS-072 Components Fiber Optic RFE-FXD-072-BK Catalog Number & Description Terminations RFE-FFXD-0 072-BBK 144 LC 72 SC 72 ST 288 LC 144 SC 144 ST RFE-FFXD-1 144/5U Splices Dimensions Description O 7”h X 17”w X 11”d 4U rack space O 9”h X 17”w X 11”d 5U rack space 7” shelf for 72 fiber termination, panels ordered separately 9” shelf for 144 fiber termination, panels ordered separately Residential Rack Mounted Catalog Number *See page 96 for ordering adapter panels. Ordered seperately Terminations 072 *RFE-FFXS-0 X Splices Dimensions Description 144 fusion 5”h X 17”w X 11”d 3U rack space 5” splice for 144 single fusion or 432 MF Central Office Splice Shelves Catalog Number *Splice trays ordered seperately. Terminations Splices Dimensions Description 024 *RFE-FFXC-0 24 48 072 *RFE-FFXC-0 72 144 144 *RFE-FFXC-1 144 288 5”h X 17”w X 11”d 3U rack space 12”h X 17”w X 11”d 7U rack space 21”h X 17”w X 11”d 12U rack space rack mount, fixed combination, 24 fiber count rack mount, fixed combination, 72 fiber count rack mount, fixed combination, 144 fiber count Coaxial Combination Shelves Catalog Number Front Access Catalog Number Terminations 072 *RFE-SSLD-0 72 Splices Dimensions Description 0 7”h X 17”w X 11”d 4U rack space 7” shelf for 72 fiber termination Splices Dimensions Industrial *See page 96 for ordering adapter panels. Splice trays and panels ordered seperately. *See page 96 for ordering adapter panels ordered seperately. Terminations SPT-FFXS-SSFS 0 Description 48 Splice Tray Position 2 - Position 3 BK Position 4 Color Enclosure Type RFE Packaging RFE - FXD - 072 Position 1 FXD FXS FXC SLD Fixed Distribution Fixed Fiber Splices Fixed Combination Sliding Fixed SE Side Entry Black 5U Rack Spacing Glossary/Index BK 5U Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosure Shelf Options Conduit Splice Tray Catalog Number Fiber Count 024 072 144 Fibers Fibers Fibers For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 95 AB Twisted Pair AB Panels Rack Mounted RFE-PNL-012-MFA-LCS-12 Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Components Fiber Optic Catalog Number & Description Catalog Number Description RFE-PPNL-0 012-M MFA-LLCU-1 12/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-M MFA-SSCU-0 06/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-M MFA-SSTE-0 06/4U RFE-PPNL-0 012-SSFA-LLCU-1 12/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSCU-0 06/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSTE-0 06/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-M MFA-SSTU-0 01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSTU-0 01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSCU-0 01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 012-SSFA-LLCU-0 02/4U 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7" Adapter Panels equipped with Ganged Adptr 7"Adapter Panels equipped with 6 MM ST indiv adptr 7"Adapter Panels equipped with 6 SM ST indiv adptr 7"Adapter Panels equipped with 6 SM SC indiv adptr 7"Adapter Panels equipped with 6 SM LC indiv adptr RFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSCU/01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 003-SSCU02/4U RFE-PPNL-4 4U-B BLANK RFE-PPNL-0 012-A AFA-LLCA01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-A AFA-SSCA01/4U RFE-PPNL-0 012-E EMT-LLCU02/4U RFE-PPNL-0 006-E EMT-F FCU01/4U 7” Adapter Panels equipped with SC adapters 7” Adapter Panels, duplex SC ports without adapters 7” Adapter Panels, blank 7” Adapter Panels equipped with angled LC adapters 7” Adapter Panels equipped with angled SC adapters 7” Adapter Panels without adapters 7” Adapter Panels without adapters RFE-PPNL-0 012-SSFA-SSCU/01/5U RFE-PPNL-0 012-E EMT-LLCU02/5U RFE-PPNL-5 5U-B BLANK RFE-PPNL-0 012-E EMT-SSCU02/5U RFE-PPNL-0 012-E EMT-SSCU01/5U 9” Adapter Panels equipped with angled SC adapters 9” Adapter Panels without adapters 9” Adapter Panels blank 9” Adapter Panels without adapters 9” Adapter Panels without adapters *Need 12 panels to fully load the FXD or FXC enclosures. Conduit **See page 95 for ordering Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosures. RFE - PNL - 012 Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 - SFA Position 4 - LCU - 12 Position 5 Position 6 / Enclosure Type Packaging RFE Shelf Size Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosure 4U 5U Component Type PNL 6 12 Glossary/Index 7-inch Shelves 5-inch Shelves Adapter Style Panel 01 02 06 12 Port Count Ports Ports Adapter Type SFA MFA AFA EMT 96 4U Position 7 Singlemode Fiber Adapter Multimode Fiber Adapter Angled Fiber Adapter Empty Simplex Duplex 6 Ganged (SC & ST) 12 Ganged (LC) Connector Style SCA SCU LCA LCU STE Angled SC Connector Ultra SC Connector Angled LC Connector Ultra LC Connector STII + Connector For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Fiber Enclosures Wall Mounted Twisted Pair Components Fiber Optic WFE-012-BK WFE-024-BK Residential Catalog Number & Description Terminations 012-B BK *WFE-0 012-W WH *WFE-0 24 LC 12 SC 12 ST 48 LC 24 SC 24 ST 024-B BK *WFE-0 024-W WH *WFE-0 Splices Dimensions Description Up to 12 mechanical or fusion Up to 24 mechanical or fusion 8.75”h x 7.5”w x 3”d Wall or frame mount, top and bottom cable entry Wall or frame mount, top and bottom cable entry 8.75”h x 7.5”w x 4”d Central Office Rack Mounted Catalog Number *Panels sold separately. See page 98. Coaxial T K WFE - 012 Position 2 Position 3 Color Enclosure Type WFE A Industrial Position 1 BK BK WH Wall Mount fiber Enclosure Black White Conduit Fiber Count 012 Fibers Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 97 AB AB Panels Wall Mounted Twisted Pair Catalog Number & Description Panels Catalog Number Description WFE-PPNL-0 012-M MFA-LLCU12 WFE-PPNL-0 006-M MFA-SSCU06 WFE-PPNL-0 006-M MFA-SSTU06 WFE-PPNL-0 012-SSFA-LLCU12 WFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSCU06 WFE-PPNL-0 006-SSFA-SSTU06 PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr PNL equipped with Ganged Adptr Components Fiber Optic *Need 2 panels for WFE-012 and need 4 panels for WFE-024 to fully load. Splice Kits (WFE) Catalog Number Description WFE-FFXS-M MES-BBAS WFE-FFXS-M MES-O ORG WFE-FFXS-M MES-H HLD WFE-FFXS-M MFS-BBAS WFE-FFXS-M MFS-O ORG WFE-FFXS-M MFS-H HLD Mechanical Splice Kit Base Unit, has 1 Sup Tray Supplemental tray & Organizer Mechanical Organizer (12 mechanicals) part of Sup Tray (pack of 10) SINGLE Splice Kit Base Unit, has 1 Sup Tray Supplemental tray & Organizer Single Fusion Organizer (16 fusion) part of Sup Tray (pack of 10) Mass Splice Kit Base Unit, has 1 Sup Tray Supplemental tray & Organizer Mass Fusion Organizer (6 Mass fusion) fits Sup Tray (pack of 12) Fiber Enclosure Accessories Catalog Number Description WFE-A ADT-RRFE WFE-H HLD-RRBO WFE-W WMT WFE Frame Mounting Panel WFE Mini fanout holder for inside box WFE External fiber routing protection from cable into 2 adjacent columns WFE Vertical Jumper Trough WFE Horizontal Jumper Trough WFE Vertical trough with hinge face and plastic latch WFE Vertical Jumper Trough Central Office Residential WFE-FFXS-SSFS-BBAS WFE-FFXS-SSFS-O ORG WFE-FFXS-SSFS-H HLD Coaxial WFE-W WMV-2 2D WFE-W WMH-4 4D WFE-W WMV-3 3D-D DR WFE-W WMV-3 3D *See page 97 for ordering Wall Mounted Fiber Enclosures. Industrial Panels Part Numbering WFE - PNL - 012 Position 1 Position 2 - SFA Position 3 - LCU Position 4 12 Position 5 Position 6 Enclosure Type WFE Adapter Style Wall Mounted Fiber Enclosure 06 12 Component Type Conduit PNL Panel Connector Style Fiber Count 012 6 Ganged (SC & ST) 12 Ganged (LC) SCU LCU STU Fibers SC Connector LC Connector ST Connector Adapter Type Packaging SFA MFA Accessories Part Numbering T K WFE - ADT - RFE Position 1 Glossary/Index Singlemode Fiber Adapter Multimode Fiber Adapter Position 2 Wall Mount fiber Enclosure Fiber Count 012 98 Fibers DR Position 4 Door (added when necessary) Enclosure Type WFE - Position 3 DR Door Color BK WH Black White For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Furcation Kits & Clamps Catalog Number & Description Buffer tubing and cable prep materials for direct termination 6 fiber buffer tubing furcation kit 12 fiber buffer furcation tubing Cable Clamps Catalog Number Description KIT-C CBL-C CLP-A ARM KIT-C CBL-C CLP Clamp hardware with grounding for metallic cable Clamp hardware for non-metallic cable Components Fiber Optic Description KIT-0 090-B BO KIT-0 090-0 006 KIT-0 090-0 012 Twisted Pair Furcation Kits Catalog Number T K KIT KIT - 090 - BO Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Kit BO A Breakout Fiber Count Central Office 090 Residential Furcation Kits Part Numbering Cable Clamps Part Numbering K KIT Position 1 KIT - CBL Position 2 - CLP Position 3 - -ARM Position 4 ARM Kit CLP Armored Clamp Industrial CBL Coaxial T Cable Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 99 AB Twisted Pair The enclosure facilitates easy and fast network builds by providing a convenient means for quick splicing and terminating. Includes: • Adapters • Panels • Ribbon breakout • Assemblies • Preterminated and pretested shelves • On-Frame splicing • Fits 19”, 23” and ETSI frames • Splice shelves Residential Components Fiber Optic AB Combination Enclosures RFE-FXC-288-RBO-12LB09-8W-LCU Central Office Catalog Number & Description Catalog Number Description RFE-FFXC-2 288-RRBO-8 8W-SSCU Rackmount, fixed combination, 288 Ribbon Breakout, 12 ct. 900µm loose buffered fiber, sm, SC Rackmount, fixed combination, 288 Ribbon Breakout, 12 ct. 900µm loose buffered fiber, Mm, SC Rackmount, fixed combination, 288 Ribbon Breakout, 12 ct. 900µm loose buffered fiber, sm, LC Rackmount, fixed combination, 288 Ribbon Breakout, 12 ct. 900µm loose buffered fiber, Mm, LC RFE-FFXC-2 288-RRBO-6 6F-SSCU Coaxial RFE-FFXC-2 288-RRBO-8 8W-LLCU Industrial RFE-FFXC-2 288-RRBO-6 6F-LLCU RFE - FXC - 288 Conduit Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 - 8W - SCU Position 4 Position 5 Enclosure Type RFE Connector Style Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosure SCA SCU LCA LCU Shelf Type Packaging FXC Fixed Combinations Fiber Count Ports Fiber Type 8W 5L 6F LightScope ZWP Singlemode fiber LaserCore 300, 50µm, Multimode fiber 62.5µm, GDDI Grade Multimode fiber Glossary/Index 288 Angled SC Connector Ultra SC Connector Angled LC Connector Ultra LC Connector 100 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Twisted Pair CommScope offers an extensive line of jumpers, including LightScope ZWP, LaserCore, and FDDI grade fiber types. They are available in a wide variety of connector types, cordage cable designs and jumper lengths. CommScope’s fiber optic jumpers connect the patch panel/shelf to the equipment bay. Our quality cable and connector components, combined with precision connectorization assembly methods, provide the excellent transmission characteristics required to support state-of-th-art application requirements. Components Fiber Optic RFJ-01ZC16-8W-SCU-01-SCU RFJ-01ZC16-8W-LCU-01-LCU Residential Benefits: • Lowest possible loss providing improved system performance • Maintains optical contact under load (pullproof), and helps prevent accidental disconnects • Reduces maintenance and ensures consistent optical performance Features: • High quality factory termination • Variety of fiber types and connector types • GR-326 compliant • 100% termination tested with test data included • Designed for multiple applications AB AB Jumpers Central Office - Position 1 02 ZC 16 - 8W Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 - SCA - 01 Position 6 Position 7 - SCA Position 8 Connector Style Jumper Type SCA SCU LCA LCU STE Riser Rated Fiber Jumper Plenum Rated Fiber Jumper Fiber Count 01 02 Fibers Fibers Jumper Length Cable Construction 01 03 05 15 Zipcord Simplex Reinforced Buffered Fiber 02 04 10 20 2 meters 4 meters 10 meters 20 meters Connector Style Cable Outer Diameter SCA SCU LCA LCU STE 0.9mm 1.6mm 2.9mm Angled SC Connector Ultra SC Connector Angled LC Connector Ultra LC Connector STII + Connector Packaging 09 16 29 1 meter 3 meters 5 meters 15 meters Conduit ZC SP RF Angled SC Connector Ultra SC Connector Angled LC Connector Ultra LC Connector STII + Connector Industrial RFJ PFJ Coaxial RFJ Fiber Type LightScope ZWP Singlemode fiber LaserCore 300, 50µm, Multimode fiber 62.5µm, GDDI Grade Multimode fiber For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index 8W 5L 6F 101 Multimode Lasercore (5L) Catalog Number Length # Fibers Connector Type Cordage RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSTE-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 01-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 02-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 03-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 04-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 05-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 10-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 15-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-2 20-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-2 20-SSCU 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Catalog Number Length # Fibers Connector Type Cordage RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 01-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 02-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 03-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 04-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-0 05-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 10-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-1 15-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-LLCU-2 20-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 01-M MJS RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 02-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 03-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 04-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-0 05-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 10-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-1 15-M MJU RFJ-0 02ZC16-5 5L-SSCU-2 20-M MJU 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST SC-ST LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ LC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ SC-MJ 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Jumpers 102 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Multimode : Standard (6F) AB AB Jumpers Twisted Pair Components Fiber Optic RFJ-01ZC16-8W-LCU-01-LCU RFJ-01ZC16-8W-SCU-01-SCU Catalog Number Length #Fibers Connector Type Cordage RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSCU-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSTE-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC29-6 6F-SSCU-2 20-SSCU 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Conduit Cordage ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC Industrial Connector Type 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Coaxial #Fibers 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M Central Office Length RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-SSTE-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 01-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 02-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 03-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 04-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 05-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 10-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 15-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-2 20-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-6 6F-LLCU-2 20-SSCU Residential Catalog Number 103 AB Twisted Pair AB Jumpers Catalog Number Length #Fibers Connector Type Cordage Catalog Number RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-1 10-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-1 15-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-FFCU-2 20-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-0 01-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-0 02-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-0 03-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-0 04-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-0 05-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-1 10-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-1 15-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-LLCU-2 20-LLCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP16-8 8W-SSCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 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RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-003-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-004-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-005-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-110-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-115-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-220-LLCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-001-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-002-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-003-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-004-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-005-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-110-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-115-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-220-SSCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-001-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-002-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-003-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-004-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-005-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-110-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-115-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-LLCA-220-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-001-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-002-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-003-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-004-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-005-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-110-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-115-FFCA RFJ-001SP16-88W-SSCA-220-FFCA Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Components Fiber Optic Singlemode : LightScope ZWP™(8W) 104 Length #Fibers 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Connector Type Cordage Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled SC-Angled SC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled FC-Angled FC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled LC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled SC Angled LC-Angled FC Angled LC-Angled FC Angled LC-Angled FC Angled 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1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 105 Glossary/Index Connector Type 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Packaging #Fibers 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M Conduit Length RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-1 10-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-1 15-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-FFCU-2 20-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 10-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 15-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-2 20-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-1 10-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-1 15-FFCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-2 20-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-SSCU-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 01-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 02-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 03-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 04-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 05-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-1 10-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-1 15-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-2 20-FFCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 01SP29-8 8W-FFCU-2 20-SSCU Industrial Catalog Number 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm 1.6mm Coaxial Cordage ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-ST LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-LC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC LC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC Central Office Connector Type 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Residential #Fibers 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M Components Fiber Optic Length RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSTE-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 01-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 02-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 03-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 04-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 05-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 10-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 15-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-2 20-SSTE RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 01-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 02-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 03-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 04-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 05-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 10-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 15-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-2 20-LLCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-LLCU-2 20-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 01-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 02-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 03-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 04-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-0 05-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-1 10-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-1 15-SSCU RFJ-0 02ZC16-8 8W-SSCU-2 20-SSCU Twisted Pair Catalog Number AB AB Jumpers Singlemode : LightScope ZWP™ (8W) Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Jumpers 106 Catalog Number Length #Fibers RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-01-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-02-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-03-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-04-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-05-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-10-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-15-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-SCA-20-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-01-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-02-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-03-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-04-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-05-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-10-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-15-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-20-FCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-01-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-02-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-03-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-04-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-05-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-10-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-15-SCA RFJ-01SP29-8W-FCA-20-SCA RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-01-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-02-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-03-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-04-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-05-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-10-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-15-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-20-STE RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-01-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-02-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-03-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-04-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-05-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-10-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-15-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-STE-20-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-01-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-02-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-03-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-04-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-05-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-10-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-15-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-SCU-20-SCU 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Connector Type Cordage Catalog Number Length #Fibers Connector Type Cordage SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled SC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-FC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled FC Angled-SC Angled ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-ST ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC ST-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC SC-SC 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-01-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-02-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-03-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-04-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-05-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-10-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-15-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-20-FCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-01-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-02-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-03-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-04-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-05-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-10-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-15-SCU RFJ-02ZC29-8W-FCU-20-SCU 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-FC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC FC-SC 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm 2.9mm For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Single-ended connectorized buffered fiber for use in splicing to building or outside plant cables. RFT-01RF09-8W-SCU-02 Residential Central Office Coaxial Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra FC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra FC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra FC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex 9.2 MFD singlemode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with Multimode, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra SC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra ST Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra LC Riser, Simplex with LaserCoreTM, Ultra LC Components Fiber Optic Description RFT-01RF09-8W-SCU-02 RFT-01RF09-8W-SCU-05 RFT-01RF09-8W-SCU-10 RFT-01RF09-8W-STE-02 RFT-01RF09-8W-STE-05 RFT-01RF09-8W-STE-10 RFT-01RF09-8W-FCU-02 RFT-01RF09-8W-FCU-05 RFT-01RF09-8W-FCU-10 RFT-01RF09-8W-LCU-02 RFT-01RF09-8W-LCU-05 RFT-01RF09-8W-LCU-10 RFT-01RF09-6F-SCU-02 RFT-01RF09-6F-SCU-05 RFT-01RF09-6F-SCU-10 RFT-01RF09-6F-STE-02 RFT-01RF09-6F-STE-05 RFT-01RF09-6F-STE-10 RFT-01RF09-6F-LCU-02 RFT-01RF09-6F-LCU-05 RFT-01RF09-6F-LCU-10 RFT-01RF09-5L-SCU-02 RFT-01RF09-5L-SCU-05 RFT-01RF09-5L-SCU-10 RFT-01RF09-5L-STE-02 RFT-01RF09-5L-STE-05 RFT-01RF09-5L-STE-10 RFT-01RF09-5L-LCU-02 RFT-01RF09-5L-LCU-05 RFT-01RF09-5L-LCU-10 Twisted Pair Catalog Number AB AB Pigtails Industrial Position 1 Position 2 8W - SCU - 02 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Pigtail Type RFT Length Riser Fiber Tail Meters Meters Meters Packaging 02 05 10 Cable Type 01 RF09 Conduit RFT - 01RF09 - Fiber Count Reinforced buffered 900µm Fiber Type LightScope ZWP Singlemode fiber LaserCore 300, 50µm, Multimode fiber 62.5µm, GDDI Grade Multimode fiber STE SCU FCU LCU STII Connector Ultra SC Connector Ultra FC Connector Ultra LC Connector For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index 8W 5L 6F Connector Type 107 AB Twisted Pair Cable Assembly Selection Guide AB Cable assemblies offer many advantages over field termination. With cable that is factory connectorized, overall installation time is faster and easier, field terminations are eliminated, and performance is assured through factory testing. Before accepting an order for cable assemblies, there are a few questions that need to be answered. What type of cable does the application require? Components Fiber Optic Premise Tight Buffer (Riser or Plenum) Indoor/Outdoor (Distribution or Loose Tube) Outside Plant (Stranded Loose Tube or Central Loose Tube) What type of connectors does the application require? Residential Singlemode (ST, SC, LC, FC) Multimode (ST, SC, LC, FC) What is the length (tip-to-tip or enclosure-to-enclosure)? Central Office If enclosure-to-enclosure, what is the standard break out inside the enclosure? Is the cable connectorized on one end or both? *Remember, connectors are priced per end and the cable is easier to pull in with connector on one end only. Is a pulling apparatus, such as a Pulling Eye, required? A pulling apparatus is required if connectors are on both ends and the cable will be pulled. Coaxial Are there any special preparations, delivery, or packaging requirements? Industrial 84” Breakout Conduit 84” Breakout Inside the Enclosure Inside the Enclosure Connector attached to back of panel Dimension ‘A’ Tip-To-Tip 9” corrugated loom or eqv. Transition piece/ heat shrink Glossary/Index Packaging Coiled cable 108 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Sample Part Number Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 1: Cable Style Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Twisted Pair P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - SCU - 140 - S C U - P E Position 8 PFC - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - S C U - 1 4 0 - S C U - P E Components Fiber Optic OFC Outside Fiber Connectorized PFC Plenum Fiber Connectorized RFC Riser Fiber Connectorized Position 2: Fiber Count AB AB Cable Assembly Part Numbering Key P F C - 144 - D S - 8 W - S C U - 1 4 0 - S C U - P E Total Fiber Count (in increments of two) *XXX variable in catalog number. P F C - 1 4 4 - DS - 8 W - S C U - 1 4 0 - S C U - P E LA LN LD L2 L3 LH Stranded Loose Tube Armored Stranded Loose Tube Non Armored All Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric/Dual Jacket Stranded Loose Tube Dual Jacket/Single Armor Stranded Loose Tube Triple Jacket/Dual Armor Stranded Loose Tube Heavy Duty Non Armored DA CA CN Residential Position 3: Cable Construction Drop Armored Central Tube Armored Central Tube All Dielectric Distribution Interconnect Zipcord Central Office Indoor & Indoor/Outdoor Cable Constructions DS IC ZC DU Duplex SP Simplex BO Breakout FiberGuard™ Use first character of the construction code above plus one of the following: W X Steel Armor, No Jacket Steel Armor w/Jacket Y Z Aluminum Armor, No Jacket Aluminum Armor w/Jacket P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8W - S C U - 1 4 0 - S C U - P E 8W 9.2 MFD LightScope ZWP™, singlemode 6F 62.5/125µm FDDI Grade, multimode 5H Standard 50µm, multimode 5M 50µm, LaserCore™ 150, multimode Position 5: Connector Type P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - SCU- 1 4 0 - S C U - P E FCU Ultra FC connector(s) LCU Ultra LC connector(s) MJU Ultra MTRJ connector(s) SCU Ultra SC connector(s) STU Ultra ST connector(s) FCA Angled FC connector(s) Position 6: Cable Length P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - S C U - 140 - S C U - P E 5L Coaxial Position 4: Fiber Type 50µm, LaserCore™ 300, multimode Industrial LCA Angled LC connector(s) SCA Angled SC connector(s) Minimum is 10 feet. Maximum is cable construction length per reel. P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - S C U - 1 4 0 - SCU - P E FCU Ultra FC connector(s) LCU Ultra LC connector(s) MJU Ultra MTRJ connector(s) SCU Ultra SC connector(s) STU Ultra ST connector(s) FCA Angled FC connector(s) Positions 8: Pulling Apparatus P F C - 1 4 4 - D S - 8 W - S C U - 1 4 0 - S C U - PE LCA Angled LC connector(s) SCA Angled SC connector(s) Packaging PE Conduit Position 7: Connector Type Pulling Eye Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 109 Splitter, Dual Band 1310, 1550 1X2 Components Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Splitter Modules RFE-SPL-1X3-33/33/33-SCU01 Power Output Ratio % Adapter On Module Couplers/Pkg RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-U UBL-SSCU1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-U UBL-SSCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-U UBL-LLCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-BBAL-SSCU1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-BBAL-SSCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-BBAL-LLCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-U UBL-SSTU2 RFE-SSPL-1 1X2-BBAL-SSTU2 RFE-SSPL-1 1X3-BBAL-SSCU1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X3-BBAL-SSCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X3-BBAL-LLCA1 10/90 10/90 10/90 50/50 50/50 50/50 10/90 50/50 33/33/33 33/33/33 33/33/33 SCU SCA LCA SCU SCA LCA STU STU SCU SCA LCA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Splitter, Dual Band 1310, 1550 1X4 RFE-SSPL-1 1X4-BBAL-SSCU1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X4-BBAL-SSCA1 RFE-SSPL-1 1X4-BBAL-LLCA1 33/33/33 33/33/33 33/33/33 SCU SCA LCA 1 1 1 1 Order Separately * Use in 8” diameter pedestal Inside plant slitter modules shown above. Other modules can be made available. Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Catalog Number RFE Position 1 SPL - 1X2 Position 2 - BAL Position 3 Position 4 - SCU - 1 Position 5 Position 6 Building Entrance Type Packaging RFE Couplers Per Module 1 2 Rack Mount Fiber Enclosure Module Type SPL Connector Style Splitter Module SCA SCU LCA LCU STE Split Configuration Glossary/Index 1X2 1X3 1X4 1X5 1X6 1X16 1X32 Angled SC Connector Ultra SC Connector Angled LC Connector Ultra LC Connector STII + Connector Split Ratio BAL UBL 110 1 Coupler 2 Couplers Balanced unbalanced, 10/90 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • CommScope provides a variety of closures, such as the OFE-CLS-288 splice closure and the OFE-CLS-048 splice closure UFE. AB AB Closures Twisted Pair Components Fiber Optic OFE-CLS-048 Description Closure OFE-C CLS-1 144-M MF Closure Closure assembly with grommet & grip kit for two 0.4 to 0.85 inch (10 to 21.6mm) cables, and splice holders for 48 single fusion splices. Closure assembly with grommet & grip kit for two 0.4 to 0.85 inch (10 to 21.6mm) cables, and splice holders for 144 mass fusion splices. Grommet & Grip Kits OFE-C CLS-0 048-K KIT-G GRG-..3/.4 OFE-C CLS-0 048-K KIT-G GRG-..4/.85 OFE-C CLS-0 048-M MNT-PPOL/WAL 0.3-0.4 Grip & Grommet 0.4-0.85 Grip & Grommet Grommets & sheath grips, for one or two 0.3 to 0.4 (7 to 10mm) cables. Grommets & sheath grips, for one or two 0.4-0.85 (10 to 21.6mm) cables. Includes bond clamps for loose tube cables. Mounting Bracket Mounting Bracket Two aluminum hangers to suspend closure under aerial cable strand. Galvanized steel bracket to mount closure to pole or wall. Position 1 CLS Position 2 - 048 Position 3 - KIT Position 4 Industrial OFE - Coaxial Mounting Kits OFE-C CLS-0 048-M MNT-A AIR Central Office Product OFE-CLS-048 Closure Kits OFE-C CLS-0 048 Residential Catalog Number - GRG - .3/.4 Position 5 Position 6 OFE UFE Description ORG .3/.4 Outside Plant Fiber Enclosure Universal Fiber Enclosure Type CLS Conduit Enclosure Type Organizer OD Range Description Closure Fiber Count 048 144 288 Fibers Fibers Fibers Grommet Aerial Pole Wall Mechanical Splice Single Fusion Splice Packaging GRG AIR POL WAL MES SFS Kit Type Kit Mounting For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index KIT MNT 111 Twisted Pair AB AB Closures Residential Components Fiber Optic OFE-CLS-288 Catalog Number Product Description OFE-CLS-288 Ordering Info. Closure Kits OFE-C CLS-2 288 Closure OFE-CLS-288 Closure Assembly with one 0.4-0.85 grommet & grip kit and two 36 single fusion splice trays. 0.3-0.4 Grip & Grommet Grommets & sheath grips, for one or two 0.3 to 0.4 (7 to 10 mm) cables. Two stainless steel straps hangers to suspend closure under aerial cable strand. Galvanized steel bracket, hangers and bar to mount closure to pole. Hardware to mount closure to wall OFE-C CLS-2 288-K KIT-RReseal Mounting Bracket Mounting Bracket Mounting Bracket Sealing OFE-C CLS-2 288-K KIT-M MES/SFS-O ORG Add 36 fiber single fusion splice trays. Closure Accessories KIT-SSealant Sealing KIT-G GROUND Grounding Grommet & Grip Kits OFE-C CLS-2 288-K KIT-G GRG-..3/.4 Central Office Closure Kits OFE-C CLS-2 288-M MNT-A AIR OFE-C CLS-2 288-M MNT-PPOL Industrial Coaxial OFE-C CLS-2 288-M MNT-W WAL Kit contains replacement “O” rings, seals & lubricant Conduit OFE Position 1 Sealant/lubricant for closures. One 3 ounce tube. No shelf life requirement. Kit contains hardware for Bonding and grounding one metallic fiber optic cable. CLS Position 2 - 048 Position 3 - KIT Position 4 - GRG - .3/.4 Position 5 Position 6 Enclosure Type OFE UFE Description ORG .3/.4 Outside Plant Fiber Enclosure Universal Fiber Enclosure Packaging Type CLS Description Closure GRG AIR POL WAL MES SFS Fiber Count Glossary/Index 048 144 288 Fibers Fibers Fibers Grommet Aerial Pole Wall Mechanical Splice Single Fusion Splice Kit Type KIT MNT 112 Organizer OD Range Kit Mounting For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Contains all components necessary to complete a 48 single-fiber splice installation*. Fits all outside plant cables from 0.40 in. to 0.96 in. (11 mm to 24.4 mm) outer diameter. *Other applications may require encapsulation. AB AB UFE Closure Kit Twisted Pair Components Fiber Optic UFE-CLS-144 (closed) Residential UFE-CLS-144 (open) Description Closure UFE-CLS-144 Closure Assembly with two 0.4-0.96 grommet & grip kit and two 24 single fusion splice trays. 0.3-0.4 Grip & Grommet 0.4-0.96 Grip & Grommet Grommets & sheath grips, for one or two 0.2 to 0.4 (5 to 11 mm) cables. Grommets & sheath grips, for one or two 0.4 to 0.96 (11 to 24.4 mm) cables. Grommet & Grip Kits UFE-CLS-144-KIT-GRG-.2/.4 UFE-CLS-144-KIT-GRG-.4/.96 Kits UFE-CLS-144-KIT-MES/SFS-ORG UFE-CLS-COVER Coaxial Product UFE-CLS-144 Ordering Info. Closure Kits UFE-CLS-144 Central Office Catalog Number Industrial Three 24 fiber single fusion splice trays Outer Cover that allows the UFE-CLS-144 to be buried and placed in a vault. Conduit K UFE Position 1 UFE - CLS Position 2 Universal Fiber Enclosure - 144 Position 3 144 CLS A Packaging T Splice Count Closure Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 113 Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Residential Residential Residential UltraHome Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Residential Coaxial Central Office High Performance Bundled General Coax Security Twisted Pair Audio Fiber Optic 114 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Residential Cables Cable Construction & Descriptions Fiber Optic Coax Cable Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 Twisted Pair Cable Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Fiber Cable Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Residential Residential Composite Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 Residential Cabling Products Central Office Bundled Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 General Coax Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Security Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Coaxial Twisted Pair Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Audio Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Fiber Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Industrial Structured Wiring Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Packaging & Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Conduit CommScope, the world’s largest supplier of broadband cable, is a leading source for communications cable solutions around the world. The name trusted for decades of quality cable is broadening the horizons of your communications universe. CommScope’s UltraHome® residential cabling products provide the foundation to Packaging support the capabilities of today’s technologies as well as those of the future. Integrating central control devices and structured wiring schemes can create an “in-home network infrastructure”. With UltraHome, it’s possible to establish a complete signal distribution system that collects and distributes electronic signals from computer networks, telephones, internet lines, faxes, modems, cable TV, video monitors and security systems. For more For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index information, call 1-800-544-1948 or visit us at 115 Twisted Pair AB AB UltraHome® Application Overview UH58760 Fiber Optic UH58360 UH58120 • Cable TV • Satellite • Pay-Per-View 5730 • Satellite Delivery Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Residential • Home Network • Telephone • Video Distribution • Internet Access • Fax • Home Controls • HVAC • Lighting • Internet Access • Security UH58380 Packaging • Cable TV • Telephone • Video Distribution • Satellite • Optional fiber for future proofing 5554 UH58380 UH58820 Glossary/Index • Audio for Home Theater System • Security Camera Pan & Tilt • Home Network • Telephone/Fax • Video Distribution • Internet Access • Optional fiber for future proofing For advertising only. Please consult with an expert for specific installation. 116 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Central Office Jackets Jacket material may vary depending on application. Plenum-rated cables provide superior fire safety, while flame-retardant PVC is used in riser, general purpose and residential situations. Outdoor cables (especially those meant for burial) are usually sheathed in polyethylene. K- Coaxial Al- Aluminum braid BC - Bare Copper braid TC - Tinned Copper braid Foam PE - Foamed Polyethylene Foam FEP - Foamed Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Residential Residential Shields Coaxial shields (also called the outer conductor) come in several varieties. Two types of coverage are: Foil, where aluminum is bonded to both sides of a polypropylene or polyester tape to provide 100% coverage and Braid where flexible wire is woven around the dielectric. Braid coverage designation is given as a percentage followed by a two letter code representing the material of the braid (i.e. 96% BC braid). Dielectric Most CommScope coaxial cables have foamed (or cellular) dielectrics for better velocity of propagation characteristics. Different materials are used to meet electrical and fire-safety performance. Fiber Optic BC - Bare Copper CCS - Copper Covered Steel Twisted Pair Center Conductor Conductors in coaxial cable are solid wire. Solid conductors are described by their diameter and material (i.e.18 AWG Solid TC). AB AB UltraHome® Coax Cable Description Kynar Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF - used in plenum cables) VCommFlex, our proprietary jacketing compound (used in plenum cables) PE - Polyethylene PVC - Polyvinylchloride TM Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 117 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Residential Central Office BC Twisted Pairs Established by the telecommunications industry association and first published in ANSI/EIA/TIA-568 in 1991, the Category 5 designation applies to 100Ω unshielded twisted pair cables and associated connecting hardware whose transmission characteristics are specified up to 100MHz. Available from one to twenty-five pairs, typical applications range from voice to 155Mb/s, Fast Ethernet, ATM, TPDDI, CDDI, TP-PMD, 100 Base T. Coextruded colorstripe pairs for easy identification PE - Polyethylene UH 58760 Category 5e Cable Often referred to as addendum 5, Category 5e was developed for simultaneous bi-directional transmission over 4-pairs. Improvements to Category 5 were made and additional electrical requirements such as power sum NEXT, equal level far-end crosstalk, power sum equal level far-end crosstalk, and return loss were added to create the 5e specification. Typical applications include those of Category 5 and full duplex encoding schemes such as gigabit Ethernet (1000 Base T). Jacket PVC - Polyvinylchloride Conduit Industrial Coaxial AB UltraHome® Twisted Pair Cable Description Electrical Performance of CommScope Twisted Pair Cable Glossary/Index Packaging UH58760 (Cat 5e) 118 Frequency Attenuation-max. MHz dB/100m Near End Cross Talk (NEXT)-min. dB Attenuation to Crosstalk (ACR)-min. dB Power Sum NEXT-min. dB Power Sum ACR-min. dB ELFEXT-min. Power Sum ELFEXT dB RL 0.772 1.8 67 65.2 64 62.2 1 2.0 65.3 63.3 62.3 60.3 66 63 19.4 63.8 60.8 4 4.1 56.3 52.2 53.3 49.2 51.7 48.7 20 23 8 5.8 51.8 46 48.8 43 45.7 42.7 24.5 10 6.5 50.3 43.8 47.3 40.8 43.8 40.8 25 16 8.2 47.3 39 44.3 36 39.7 36.7 25 20 9.3 45.8 36.5 42.8 33.5 37.7 34.7 25 dB 25 10.4 44.3 33.9 41.3 30.9 35.8 32.8 24.3 31.25 11.7 42.9 31.2 39.9 28.2 33.9 30.9 23.6 62.5 17.0 38.4 21.4 35.4 18.4 27.8 24.8 21.5 100 22.0 35.3 13.3 32.3 10.3 23.8 20.8 20.1 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Tight Buffers CommScope premise cables were engineered with two goals in mind- excellent mechanical/optical performance couples with superior fire safety ratings. These goals are achieved in a cable that meets all critical NEC requirements for riser applications while offering unique resistance to installation and termination stresses. Residential Residential Central Office Jackets Jacket material varies depending on how the cable is used. Jackets provide superior fire safety, and flame-retardant PVC is used in riser, general purpose and residential situations. Riser Rated Premise Distribution Fiber Fiber Optic Aramid Yarn Tight-buffered cordage protects the fiber with stranded aramid fibers. Loose-tube and central-tube configurations encase the fibers in a rugged buffering tube that offers mechanical protection as well as strain relief. Twisted Pair Optical Fiber 6F- Enhanced FDDI AB AB UltraHome® Fiber Optic Cable Description Detailed product specification sheets are available at the download area of our website. Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 119 See Pages 121-123 for CommScope Cables Offering 2 Quad Shield Series 6 Coaxial Cables 2 Four Pair Cat 5e Cables 1 Two-Fiber interconnect Cable Twisted Pair AB AB UltraHome® Subunit Cables Specifications Used In Hybrids Fiber Optic Coaxial Component Cables Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Dimensions Nominal Capacitance in / mm. Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 75Ω 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid and Al foil 7.6Ω/24.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .278/7.0 16.2 53.1 82% Quad Shield Series 6 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid Al foil and 40% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.83 .300/7.6 16.2 53.1 82% Nominal Capacitance nF/100m Input Impedance 4.6 100Ω +15Ω Residential Residential Central Office 82% Tri Shield Series 6 Coaxial Industrial 16.2 53.1 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Nominal Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 75Ω 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 75Ω Twisted Pair Component Cables Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Dimensions 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .006/.15 Flameretardant PVC .022/.06 .195/4.9 Conduit Packaging .272/6.9 Dual Shield Series 6 Cat 5e in / mm. Maximum Direct Current Resistance Near End Crosstalk @ 100 MHz Jacket Color 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 35 min. Blue White Grey Yellow Red dB/100 ft Fiber Optic Component Cable Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Fiber Interconnect Glossary/Index Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Fiber Type Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Enhanced FDDI-grade 62.5/125µm tight buffered fiber .14/36 2.8/7.2 1.4/3.6 Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons 270/1200 90/400 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 10.6 15.8 *For optical performance specifications, please refer to the Fiber Optic section of the catalog. 120 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Component Cables Descriptions UH58100 One Dual Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation UH58110 Siamese Design CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil shields One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Siamese Design CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Siamese Design CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Siamese Design Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One Tri Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation NEC/CEC CMR Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel PVC Riser .462/11.7 Packaging One 4 pair Cat 5e cable PVC Riser .460/11.7 Conduit CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid Industrial One Dual Shield Series 6 coaxial cable NEC/CEC CMR UH58160 Flooded PE .532/13 by .300/7.6 Coaxial One Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cable Burial UH58140 PVC Riser .532/13 by .300/7.6 Central Office One Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cable NEC/CEC CMR UH58130F PVC Riser .532/13 by .300/7.6 Residential Residential One Tri Shield Series 6 coaxial cable NEC/CEC CMR UH58120 PVC Riser .512/13 by .272/6.9 Fiber Optic NEC/CEC CMR Cable Jacket Type nominal OD in / mm Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB UltraHome® Bundled Products = 500ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 121 Twisted Pair AB AB UltraHome® Bundled Products Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Component Cables Descriptions Cable Jacket Type nominal OD in / mm UH58180 One Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields PVC Riser .467/11.8 One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One Dual Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One Tri Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cable CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Dual Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Tri Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Fiber Optic NEC/CEC CMR Residential Residential UH58200 PVC Riser .503/12.8 NEC/CEC CMR Central Office UH58220 PVC Riser .507/12.9 NEC CMR Coaxial UH58240 PVC Riser .520/13.2 Industrial NEC/CEC CMR Conduit UH58260 NEC CMR Packaging UH58280 Glossary/Index NEC CMR = 1000ft. Reel 122 PVC Riser .565/14.3 PVC Riser .570/14.5 = 500ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Descriptions Cable Jacket Type nominal OD in / mm UH58300 Two Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductor foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields PVC Riser .575/14.6 One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Dual Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductors foil/60% braid Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Tri Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductors foil/60% braid/foil Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductors foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Two Quad Shield Series 6 coaxial cables CATV/DSS quality 18 AWG solid bare copper center conductors foil/60% braid/foil/40% braid shields Two 4 pair Cat 5e cables Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One 2-fiber interconnect cable Enhanced FDDI-grade fiber 62.5/125µm tight buffered fiber NEC CMR UH58320 Fiber Optic Component Cables Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options PVC Riser .592/23.4 Residential Residential NEC CMR UH58340 PVC Riser .578/14.7 Central Office NEC CMR UH58360 AB AB UltraHome® Bundled Products PVC Riser .615/15.6 Coaxial NEC CMR Conduit NEC CMR PVC Riser .575/14.6 Industrial UH58380 Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel = 500ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 123 AB AB UltraHome® General Coax Products Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Fiber Optic 5716 Series 6 NEC CEC Residential Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Cable Dimensions Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. in / mm 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 32.0Ω/105.0Ω Al foil and 55% Al braid 11.0Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .032/.82 .270/6.9 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 2 - 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .272/6.9 by .575/14.6 wide 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/7.6 .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .272/6.9 by .417/10.6 16.2 53.1 82% 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 32.0Ω/105.0Ω Quad shield Al foil and 55% Al braid Al foil and 35% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 .298/7.6 16.0 52.5 82% CM CMG 5731 Series 6 NEC CEC Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm CMG CMG Conduit 5743 Series 6 Glossary/Index Packaging NEC CEC CM CM = 1000ft. Reel 124 Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 75Ω 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 75Ω 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 CM CMH 5729 Series 6 NEC CEC Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km CM CMG 5786 Series 6 NEC CEC Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm CM CMG 5730 Series 6 NEC CEC Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options NEC CEC Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. in / mm. 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid Al foil and 40% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.83 .300/7.6 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 2 - 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid Al foil and 40% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.83 .300/7.6 by .630/16.0 16.2 53.1 82% 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid and Al foil 7.6Ω/24.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .278/7.0 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 2 - 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid and Al foil 7.6Ω/24.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .278/7.0 by .575/14.6 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 2-18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 .272/6.9 by .730/18.5 wide 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 14.3Ω/46.9Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 7.1Ω/23.3Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 .405/10.3 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 75Ω 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.01 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 4.35 4.75 5.25 5.75 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 14.27 15.58 17.22 18.86 Central Office 5916R Series 11 Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Conduit CMR CMG Industrial CM CMH Coaxial Ground Wire 17 AWG Solid CCS NEC CEC 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 CM CMG 5788 Series 6 NEC CEC Typical Attenuation Residential Residential Nominal Capacitance Fiber Optic Cable Dimensions CM CMG 5784 Series 6 NEC CEC Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm CM CMH 5783 Series 6 NEC CEC Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km CM CMH 5782 Series 6 NEC CEC Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Twisted Pair 5781 Series 6 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB UltraHome® General Coax Products 125 Twisted Pair AB AB UltraHome® Security Products Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Dimensions Nominal Capacitance in / mm. 5553 Series 59 20 AWG Solid BC 10.5Ω/34.5Ω Foam PE .144/3.66 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 20 AWG Solid BC 10.5Ω/34.5Ω and 18 AWG Pair (7x26) BC Foam PE .146/3.71 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω and 18 AWG Pair (7x.0159) BC NEC CEC Fiber Optic Residential Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit CMP CMP 2039V Series 59 Packaging NEC CEC Glossary/Index 0.20 0.82 2.62 5.45 0.65 2.69 8.59 17.88 Flameretardant PVC .032/.81 .242/6.15 by .484/12.3 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.22 0.82 2.62 5.45 0.65 2.69 8.59 17.88 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 .272/6.9 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.19 0.65 2.16 4.55 0.62 2.14 7.09 14.93 Foam PE .180/4.57 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 .272/6.9 by .514/13.06 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.19 0.65 2.16 4.55 0.62 2.14 7.09 14.93 20 AWG Solid BC 10.5Ω/34.5Ω Foam FEP .135/3.43 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω CommFlex(V) .016/.41 .193/4.9 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.24 0.85 2.92 6.27 0.79 2.79 9.25 20.57 20 AWG Solid BC 10.5Ω/34.5Ω and 18 AWG Pair (7x26) BC Foam FEP .135/3.43 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω PVDF(K) .015/.38 .193/4.9 by .386/9.8 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.24 0.85 2.92 6.27 0.79 2.79 9.25 20.57 20 AWG Solid CCS 44.7Ω/147Ω Foam FEP .135/3.43 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω CommFlex(V) .016/.41 .193/4.9 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.24 0.85 2.92 6.27 0.79 2.79 9.25 20.57 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.3Ω Foam FEP .170/4.32 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω CommFlex(V) .016/.41 .237/6.0 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 0.21 0.65 2.04 4.46 0.69 2.13 6.69 14.63 CMP CMP = 1000ft. Reel 126 1 10 100 400 CMP CMP 2277V Series 6 NEC CEC 75Ω CMP CMP 2054K Series 59 NEC CEC 82% CM CMG 2037V Series 59 NEC CEC 16.2 53.2 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m CM CMG 5654 Series 6 NEC CEC Nominal Attenuation CL2 5700 Series 6 NEC CEC .242/6.1 CM CMH 5554 Series 59 NEC Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Dimensions Nominal Capacitance nF/100m Input Impedance 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .006/.15 Flameretardant PVC .022/.06 .195/4.9 4.6 8 24 AWG Solid BC PE .006/.15 Flameretardant PVC .022/.06 .200/5.1 by .430/10.9 4.6 in / mm. Maximum Direct Current Resistance Near End Crosstalk @ 100 MHz Jacket Color 100Ω +15Ω 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 35 min. Blue White Grey Yellow Red 100Ω + 15Ω 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 35 min. dB/100 ft CMR CMG UH58770 Cat 5e Siamese Residential Residential NEC CEC Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic NEC CEC Conductor Size and Material Twisted Pair UH58760 Cat 5e No. of Pairs CMR CMG Central Office UltraHome® Audio Products Descriptions Cable Jacket Type nominal OD in / mm UH58890 One Audio cable 16 AWG stranded bare copper center conductors (4) 19 Strand/.0117” One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation .258/6.55 by .490/12.45 One Audio cable 16 AWG stranded bare copper center conductors (4) 65 Strand/.0063” One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation One Audio cable 14 AWG stranded bare copper center conductors (4) 41 Strand/.010” One 4 pair Cat 5e cable Voice/Data Grade 24 AWG solid bare copper conductors Polyethylene insulation Industrial Component Cables Coaxial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options NEC CMR UH58891 .258/6.55 by .490/12.45 Conduit NEC CMR UH58892 .301/7.65 by .506/12.85 Packaging NEC CMR = 500ft. Reel = Reel-In-Box Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel AB AB UltraHome® Twisted Pair Products = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 127 Twisted Pair AB AB UltraHome® Audio Products Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options No. of Conductors Materials Size UH58820 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD Jacket Type & Thickness Diameter over Jacket 2 16 AWG 19 Strand/ 3.91Ω/12.8Ω .0117 in. PE .080 FR-PVC .022 .182 2 16 AWG 65 Strand/ 3.91Ω/12.8Ω .0063 in. Flameretardant PVC .083 FR-PVC .022 .188 4 16 AWG 19 Strand/ 3.91Ω/12.8Ω .0117 in. Flameretardant PVC .080 FR-PVC .022 .226 4 16 AWG 65 Strand/ 3.91Ω/12.8Ω .0063 in. Flameretardant PVC .083 FR-PVC .022 .230 2 19 Strand/ .0142 in. 14 AWG 3.0Ω/9.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .090 FR-PVC .022 .191 4 19 Strand/ .0142 in. 14 AWG 3.0Ω/9.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .090 FR-PVC .022 .229 Fiber Optic NEC CMR UH58821 NEC CMR Residential Residential UH58840 NEC CMR Central Office UH58841 NEC CMR Coaxial UH58860 NEC CMR UH58880 Industrial NEC CMR Conduit UltraHome® Fiber Optic Products Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Packaging R-0 002-IIC-6 6F-F FSDOR Fiber Type Outer Diameter inch/mm Min. Bend Radius Loaded Unloaded inch/cm inch/cm Enhanced FDDI-grade 62.5/125µm tight buffered fiber .14/36 2.8/7.2 1.4/3.6 Max. Tensile Load Short term Long term lbs./ Newtons lbs./Newtons 270/1200 90/400 Weight lbs/ kg/ 1000’ 1000m 10.6 15.8 NEC OFNR Glossary/Index *For optical performance specifications, please refer to the Fiber Optic section of the catalog. = 1000ft. Reel 128 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Typical Cabling System Components Per TIA/EIA 570-A A for a Single Residential Unit Telecommunications Outlet Equipment Cord Auxiliary Disconnect Outlet Fiber Optic Access Provider Distribution Device Twisted Pair Demarcation Point AB AB Structured Wiring Components ADO Cable Residential Residential Central Office DD Cord Patch Cable Network Interface Device (NID) Outlet Cable Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 129 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index AB Residential Cabling Packaging & Shipping Color Options, Packaging, Purchasing and Shipping Terms and Conditions • • • • Minimum order of $1,000. Shipments of $5,000 or more are f.o.b. factory, freight allowed if destination is within the continental United States. Shipments of less than $5,000 are f.o.b. factory. Standard lengths are 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) plus or minus 10% for reels and CommPak boxes. Standard length per coil varies by product. • Not more than 5% of each shipment shall be other than standard lengths, with no lengths shorter than 500 feet (152 meters) on 1,000 foot (304.8 meters) reels. Orders for custom print may receive lengths down to 300 feet. • Method of shipment at discretion of shipper. • Inspection and final acceptance shall be made at factory prior to shipment. On approved credit, net 30 days from date of invoice; 1.5% finance charge equivalent to 18% per annum will be added after due date. All orders subject to acceptance at factory and will be billed at price in effect at time of shipment. Prices, discounts, terms conditions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Catalog No. UH58100 UH58110 UH58120 UH58130F UH58140 UH58160 UH58180 UH58200 UH58220 UH58240 UH58260 UH58280 UH58300 UH58320 UH58340 UH58360 UH58380 5716 5729 5730 5743 5786 5783 5784 5781 5782 5731 5788 5916R 5553 5554 5700 5654 2037V 2054K 2277V 2039V UH58760 UH58770 UH58820 UH58821 UH58840 UH58841 UH58860 UH58880 UH58890 UH58891 UH58892 R-002-IC-6F-FSDOR 130 Colors Black White Cream Blue Grey x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Packaging Yellow Orange Purple x x x Red ComPak RIB x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Reel x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lengths 500ft. 1000ft. Wt/kft x x 55 x x 55 x x 59 x x 60 x x 75 x x 76 x x 81 x x 94 x x 97 x x 100 x x 117 x x 127 x x 137 x x 137 x x 144 x x 152 x x 163 x 34 x 32 x 34 x 36 x 72 x 30 x 56 x 36 x 67 x 45 x 81 x 78 x 39 x 58 x 42 x 30 x 30 x 47 x 43 x 30 x 27 x 55 x 30 x 30 x 57 x 57 x 37 x 82 x 83 x 103 x 72 x 9 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 131 Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Residential Central Office Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Central Office Coaxial Central Office CentralOffice Interconnect Cross-Connect 132 735 Series 734 Series 720 Series SBC Global Network MCI Network For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Central Office Cables Fiber Optic DS-3/DS-4 Network Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Cabling Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Fire Safety Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Central Office White Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Cable construction/materials and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . .138 735 Series Coaxial Cables 735 Plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 735 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 735 Non-plenum Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 734 Series Coaxial Cables 734 Plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 734 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 720 Series Coaxial Cables 720 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 Halogen-Free Cables 735 Halogen-free Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 735 Halogen-free Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 734 Halogen-free Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 734 Halogen-free Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 SBC Global Network Cables 734 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 734 Non-plenum Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 735 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 735 Non-plenum Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 MCI Network Cables 734 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 735 Non-plenum Interconnect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 735 Non-plenum Cross-Connect cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Part Number Cross-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Connector Cross-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Packaging & Shipping Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Residential Central Office Centra lOffice Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index The telephony industry has experienced a radical change in the volume and speed of the communications it delivers. The last decade has seen the rise of cellular phones, dedicated data lines, wide-area networks and synchronous digital transmission standards. Phone companies are expected to deliver an ever-increasing range of services with greater speed and reliability than ever before. CommScope is a leading manufacturer of high-speed, high-bandwidth coaxial, fiber, and twisted pair cables for the transmission of voice, data, video and other telecommunications applications. CommScope manufactures 734 and 735 Series products for DS3 and DS4 applications used in central offices and data centers that meet and exceed Telcordia (Bellcore) standards. From Local Area Network, to Fiber Optic, to coaxial Trunk & Distribution and Drop cable CommScope products are known in the industry for superior quality and excellent customer service before and after the sale. Since CommScope offers a full line of coaxial and fiber optic cables, we are strategically positioned as a single source cable supplier to a variety of markets. For more information on CommScope cables, call customer service at 800-544-1948. 133 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office CentralOffice Location of Cable Types within The Network 1...28 DS-1s Series 734 and 735 telephony cables are used to interconnect DS 3/4 transmission equipment with digital cross-connects (DSXs). This diagram shows the location of interconnect and cross-connect cables within a typical telephony office. Interconnect coaxial cables are used to connect different devices within the central office. Depending on the coax cable and the signal rate, maximum cabling distances for a 734 cable at a DS-3 rate is 900ft./274m. Cross-Connect coaxial cables are used to manually connect the circuits within a DSX. Generally smaller and more flexible than their interconnect counterparts, they are designed to work over much shorter runs. The maximum cabling distances for a 734 cross-connect cable at a DS-3 rate is 43 ft/13 meters. MULTIPLEXER DS-3 DS-3 DS-3 CROSS-CONNECT DS-3 DS-3 LIGHTWAVE DS-3 CROSS-CONNECT 1...6 DS-3s MULTIPLEXER DS-4 DS-4 CROSS-CONNECT DS-4 DS-4 INTERCONNECT CABLE CROSSCONNECT CABLE DIGITAL RADIO and/or OPTICAL CARRIER Fiber optic cables are gaining acceptance for use within the central office. While they generally offer higher performance than coaxial cables in both interconnect and cross-connect applications, there are some tradeoffs in cost in upgrading, such as the installation of required electro-optic devices. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial AB 734 and 735 Network Hierarchy 134 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Interconnect and Cross-Connect Cables Interconnect cables Signal Rates DS-3 44.736 Mb/s OC-1 51.840 Mb/s DS-4NA (CEPT-4) 139.264 Mb/s OC-3 155.520 Mb/s DS-4 274.176 Mb/s 734 Series 450 ft • 137m 420 ft • 128m 250 ft • 76m 240 ft • 73m 180 ft • 55m 720 Series 255 ft • 78m 230 ft • 70m 140 ft • 42m 130 ft • 40m 100 ft • 30m 735 Series 230 ft • 70m 210 ft • 64m 125 ft • 38m 120 ft • 37m 90 ft • 27m Fiber Optic CommScope Cable Series Twisted Pair CommScope telephony cables have been designed to meet both the requirements of small size and clear transmission. However, smaller cable diameters generally have higher attenuation values, resulting in shorter run distances. This chart gives typical maximum run distances at popular signal speeds for each of our interconnect cables. Your exact cabling distance may vary depending on the transmission loss budget for your network. AB AB Maximum DS-3/DS-4 Applications Cabling Distances Residential Cross-connect cables CommScope has designed these specifically for manual digital cross-connect (DSX) applications. The same trade-offs of size vs. attenuation apply. Your exact cabling distance may vary depending on the transmission loss budget for your network. Central Office CentralOffice Signal Rates DS-3 44.736 Mb/s OC-1 51.840 Mb/s DS-4NA (CEPT-4) 139.264 Mb/s OC-3 155.520 Mb/s DS-4 274.176 Mb/s 734 Series 43 ft • 13m 40 ft • 12m 24 ft • 7m 22 ft • 6m 17 ft • 5m 720 Series 25 ft • 8m 23 ft • 7m 14 ft • 4m 13 ft • 4m 9 ft • 3m 735 Series 21 ft • 6m 20 ft • 6m 13 ft • 4m 11 ft • 3m 8 ft • 2m Coaxial CommScope Cable Series Equipment and Cable Industrial Data Signal Processing Multiplexer to next Signal Level Equipment and Cable Out Interconnect Cable Interconnect Cable Glossary/Index Crossconnect Cable For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging Crossconnect Panel 135 As well as being manufactured to strict quality and performance standards, CommScope cables are designed to meet or exceed safety standards as set forth in the National Electric Code (NEC) and Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) for their intended applications. Use of special jacketing and dielectric materials helps maintain superior performance and handling characteristics with no loss of safety. RISER/LOW SMOKE-rated cables are used in vertical shafts that penetrate more than one floor AND use special zero-halogen polymers in their jackets so as not to emit corrosive smoke during a fire. FIBER CMP OFNP PLENUM PLENUM-rated cables comply with the strictest NEC/CEC standards, passing UL-910 testing for flame-propagation and smoke density. They are designed for use in plenums, ducts and other environmental air handling spaces. COAX GENERAL PURPOSE-rated cables may be used in locations other than plenums or risers. They pass certain UL vertical tray flame tests. Cables with a CMG rating pass a more stringent vertical tray flame test than those with a CM or CL2 rating. RISER CMR - LS RISER-rated cables are used in vertical shafts that penetrate more than one floor. They have passed UL-1666 testing for flame-propagation in vertical spaces. OFNR CMR CMG GENERAL AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office CentralOffice Cable Fire Ratings and Their Physical Locations Industrial Coaxial AB 734 and 735 Fire Safety Hierarchy CM - LS CM OFN Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit CL2 136 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 1. High Fiber Count Distribution Cables used to run • from rack to rack (gold) or • from rack to interface (red) with Outside Plant (OSP) cabling (black) 1. FastFiber™ Pull and Cut Service • 24 hour turnaround available of cables in stock • Perfect for smaller jobs and emergency acquisition of cable • Pull and cut lengths available are noted on the back page 2. Fiber Cordage Cables used in fiber optic patch cords for the purpose of • cross-connect within a piece of equipment in the rack (green) or • interconnect of equipment within a rack (blue) Fiber Optic CommScope provides the following fiber optic cabling options for inside the Central Office: Twisted Pair CommScope offers two categories of fiber optic cables for inside the Central Office. These two categories are: AB AB Fiber Cabling Inside the Central Office 2. Bulk Reels • For distributors and large jobs High fiber count distribution cable 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 IN Outside Plant OUT Please refer to the Fiber Optic Section for Outside Plant (Pg. 44) and Premises cables (Pg. 62). For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 137 Glossary/Index Cable Legend: Outside Plant (Black) Cross-Connect Cable (Green) High Fiber Count Distribution Cable (Gold) Interconnect Cable (Blue) High count for the interconnect between OSP and racks (Red) Packaging Equipment Legend: 1. Equipment Rack 2. Cross-connect Rack 3. Fiber Termination & Cross Connect 3 Conduit 3 1 1 Industrial 3 2 Cross-connect cable Interconnect cable 3 1 1 1 1 Coaxial 1 1 1 Central Office CentralOffice 1 2 High count for the interconnect between OSP and racks 1 Residential 1 AB Components and Abbreviation Key Twisted Pair AB Coaxial Cable Construction Conductor Conductors on coaxial cable are solid wire described by their diameter and material (i.e.18 AWG Solid TC). Fiber Optic Solid BC - Bare Copper Solid SC - Silvered Copper Solid TC - Tinned Copper Residential Dielectric CommScope coaxial cables have foamed (or cellular) dielectrics for better propagation characteristics. Different materials are used to meet firesafety performance. Foam PE - Foamed Polyethylene Foam FEP - Foamed Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (generic or Teflon® brand) Central Office CentralOffice Shields Coaxial shields (also called the outer conductor) come in multiple varieties; Al Foil, where aluminum (Al) is bonded to a polypropylene or polyester tape to provide 100% coverage, and Coaxial TC Braid where flexible Tin/Copper (TC) wire is woven around the dielectric. Braid designation is given as a percentage of coverage followed by a two letter material code. Industrial Tracers (not shown) Some coaxial telephony cables come with a stranded tin copper tracer wire. Jackets Jacket material varies depending on how the cable is used. Products listed to the NEC requirements provide superior fire safety and are available in Plenum, Riser, General Purpose and Zero Halogen jackets. Conduit K - Polyvinylidene Fluoride, or PVDF (Kynar® - used in plenum cables) PVC - Polyvinylchloride Non-hhalogen - A polymer without halogen materials such as chlorine, fluorine or bromine. Glossary/Index Packaging Teflon is a registered trademark of Dupont Corporation. Kynar is a registered trademark of Pennwalt Corporation. 138 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Catalog Number Safety Rating 73501P Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Kynar Gray .013/.33 .127/3.22 17.2 56.4 78% 75Ω 17/8 Kynar Gray .025/.64 .440/11.2 17.2 56.4 78% 75Ω 123/56 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Six (6) Foam FEP Al Foil and 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Overall Jacket is PVC .016/.40 Nom Attenuation MHz/ Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.55 0.56 1.00 1.10 1.60 2.40 2.70 2.80 3.70 4.60 4.80 5.40 6.20 7.70 1.80 1.84 3.28 3.61 5.23 7.87 8.86 9.18 12.14 15.09 15.74 17.17 20.33 25.26 Residential NEC CMP CEC CMP Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic 26 AWG Foam FEP Al Foil and Solid SC .077/1.96 92% TC Braid 39.5Ω/130Ω 5.6Ω/18.4Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 73506P Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets NEC/CEC CMP plenum safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification AB AB 735 Series for DS-3/4 Plenum Interconnect Applications Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Central Office CentralOffice 735 Series for DS-3/4 Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications 735A/1735A Series Equivalent Catalog Number Safety Rating Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm NEC CMR CEC CMR Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Gray .127/3.23 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 14/6 Three (3) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .022/.56 .325/8.26 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 56/25 Six (6) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .022/.56 .424/10.8 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 104/47 26 AWG Foam PE Al foil and PVC Solid SC .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .013/.33 39.5Ω/130Ω 5.6Ω/18.4Ω Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Nom Attenuation MHz/ Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.67 3.28 3.54 4.89 6.36 7.28 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Glossary/Index NEC CMR CEC CMR Nom Imp. Packaging 73506 Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Conduit Cable Color OD in / mm. NEC CMR CEC CMR 73503 Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Industrial 73501 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Coaxial Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets Telcordia GR-139-CORE, NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification 139 AB Twisted Pair 735 Series for DS-3/4 Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications AB 735A/1735A Series Equivalent Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets Telcordia GR-139-CORE, NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification Catalog Number Safety Rating Fiber Optic 73508 NEC CMR CEC CMR Residential 73512 NEC CMR CEC CMR Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Eight (8) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .022/.56 .514/13.1 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 132/60 Twelve (12) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .022/.56 .604/15.4 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 194/88 Nom Attenuation MHz/ Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.67 3.28 3.54 4.89 6.36 7.28 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 735 Series for DS-3/4 Non-Plenum Cross-Connect Applications 735A/1735A Series Equivalent Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets Telcordia GR-139-CORE, NEC/CEC CMR safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification Tracer leads help quickly identify DSX circuits Catalog Number Safety Rating 735T1 Industrial Coaxial Central Office CentralOffice Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels NEC CMR CEC CMR Conduit 73502 Packaging 735T2 Glossary/Index NEC CMR CEC CMR NEC CMR CEC CMR Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type Overall & Nom. Cable Color Thickness OD in / mm in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Gray .127/3.23 by .222/5.64 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 17/8 Two (2) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .028/.71 .186/4.72 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω by 39.5Ω/130Ω .313/7.95 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 37/17 Two (2) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .028/.71 .186/4.72 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω by 39.5Ω/130Ω .400/10.2 Minimum SRL tracer is 30dB@ 22 AWG 15-90 MHz stranded TC 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 44/20 26 AWG Foam PE Al foil and PVC Solid SC .077/1.96 92% TC Braid .013/.33 39.5Ω/130Ω 5.6Ω/18.4Ω tracer is 22 AWG stranded TC Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.67 3.28 3.54 4.89 6.36 7.28 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. 140 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 2734A PL Equivalent Catalog Number Safety Rating 734C1P Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Al Foil and 80% TC Braid 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Kynar .015/.38 Gray .215/5.5 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz 39/18 Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.25 0.27 0.49 0.54 0.76 0.99 1.15 1.25 1.75 2.09 2.22 2.53 3.03 3.79 0.82 0.89 1.61 1.77 2.49 3.25 3.77 4.10 5.74 6.86 7.28 8.30 9.94 12.43 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Residential NEC CMP CEC CMP Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Fiber Optic 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .150/3.81 10.7Ω/35.1Ω Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair For lowest attenuation/extended distance applications Meets NEC/CEC CMP plenum safety requirements Flexible construction eases installation Each reel tested to assure performance AB AB 734 Series for DS-3/4 Plenum Interconnect Applications Central Office CentralOffice Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 141 AB AB 734A/734D Equivalent For lowest attenuation/extended distance applications Meets Telcordia low-corrosivity, NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Flexible construction eases installation Each reel tested to assure performance Catalog Number Safety Rating 734C1 Fiber Optic Twisted Pair 734 Series for DS-3/4 Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid BC .150/3.81 80% TC Braid 10.7Ω/35.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Residential 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid SC .150/3.81 80% TC Braid 10.7Ω/35.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Central Office CentralOffice Six (6) Foam PE 20 AWG .150/3.81 Solid SC 10.7Ω/35.1Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR Coaxial 734S8 Eight (8) Foam PE 20 AWG .150/3.81 Solid SC 10.7Ω/35.1Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR Industrial 734C12 Twelve (12) Foam PE 20 AWG .150/3.81 Solid BC 10.7Ω/35.1Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR Conduit 734S12 Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg PVC .025/.64 Gray .236/6.0 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 34/15 PVC .025/.64 Gray .236/6.0 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 33/15 PVC .030/.80 Gray .78/19.8 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 278/126 PVC .030/.80 Gray .86/21.8 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 380/172 PVC .030/.80 Gray 1.0/25.4 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 546/248 PVC .030/.80 Gray 1.0/25.4 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 452/205 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 734S6 Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 734S1 Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twelve (12) Foam PE 20 AWG .150/3.81 Solid SC 10.7Ω/35.1Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR Al foil and 80% TC Braid 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.27 0.27 0.51 0.55 0.77 1.01 1.16 1.25 1.74 2.07 2.19 2.49 2.94 3.58 0.88 0.89 1.67 1.80 2.53 3.31 3.80 4.10 5.71 6.79 7.18 8.17 9.64 11.74 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz Al foil and 80% TC Braid 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz Al foil and 80% TC Braid 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz Al foil and 80% TC Braid 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz Glossary/Index Packaging Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. 142 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB Catalog Number Safety Rating Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 24 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .095/2.41 26.3Ω/86.3Ω Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Twelve (12) 24 AWG Solid BC 26.3Ω/86.3Ω Foam PE .095/2.41 95% TC Braid and 95% TC Braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω PVC .013/.33 Gray .155/.394 16.5 54.1 82% 75Ω PVC .026/.70 Gray .672/17.1 16.5 54.1 NEC CMR CEC CMR 95% TC Braid and 95% TC Braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω Minimum SRL 26dB@ 40-70 MHz Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 82% 75Ω 375/170 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.37 0.38 0.80 0.88 1.26 1.66 1.90 2.07 2.98 3.53 3.73 4.24 5.03 6.15 1.21 1.25 2.62 2.89 4.13 5.45 6.23 6.79 9.78 11.58 12.24 13.91 16.50 20.18 23/10 Residential Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Minimum SRL 26dB@ 40-70 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 72012 Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Fiber Optic 72001 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Small diameters and flexible double-braid construction save space and aid installation Meets NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification AB 720 Series for DS-3/4 Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Central Office CentralOffice Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 143 AB Twisted Pair AB 735 Series for DS-3/4 Halogen-Free Interconnect Applications Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets Telcordia low-corrosivity, NEC/CEC CMG or CMR safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification Catalog Number Safety Rating Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Gray .129/3.28 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 14/6 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 104/47 CMR-LLS CMR-LLS Six (6) Foam PE Al foil and NonGray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid halogen .434/11.1 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω .026/.70 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 194/88 CMR-LLS CMR-LLS Twelve (12) Foam PE Al foil and NonGray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid halogen .594/15.1 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω .026/.70 39.5Ω/130Ω Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Coaxial Central Office CentralOffice Residential Fiber Optic 73501H NEC CEC Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz CMG-LLS CMG-LLS 73512H NEC CEC Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 26 AWG Foam PE Al foil and NonSolid SC .077/1.96 92% TC Braid halogen 39.5Ω/130Ω 5.6Ω/18.4Ω .013/.33 73506H NEC CEC Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.67 3.28 3.54 4.89 6.36 7.28 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels 735 Series for DS-3/4 Halogen-Free Cross-Connect Applications Industrial 735A/1735A Series Equivalent Small diameters and flexible construction save space and aid installation Meets Telcordia low-corrosivity, NEC/CEC CMG or CMR safety requirements Each reel tested to assure performance Multiconductor versions have individually-numbered legs for easy identification Tracer leads help quickly identify DSX circuits Conduit Catalog Number Safety Rating Glossary/Index Packaging 735T2H NEC CMG-LLS CEC CMG-LLS Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Jacket Type Overall & Nom. Cable Color Thickness OD in / mm in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Two (2) Foam PE Al foil and NonGray 26 AWG .077/1.96 92% TC Braid halogen .182/4.70 Solid SC 5.6Ω/18.4Ω .026/.70 by 39.5Ω/130Ω .410/10.5 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω tracer is 22 AWG stranded TC Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15-90 MHz Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg 44/20 Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.67 3.28 3.54 4.89 6.36 7.28 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. 144 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB 734 Series for DS-3/4 Halogen-Free Interconnect Applications For Riser Applications For lowest attenuation/extended distance applications Meets NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Flexible construction eases installation Each reel tested to assure performance 734C1H Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km 20 AWG Foam PE Al Foil and Solid BC .150/3.81 80% TC Braid 10.7Ω/35.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg NonHalogen .025/.64 Gray .236/6.0 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 35/16 NonHalogen .025/.64 Gray .236/6.0 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω 34/15 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz NEC CEC CMR-LLS CMR-LLS 734S1H Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.27 0.27 0.51 0.55 0.77 1.01 1.16 1.25 1.74 2.07 2.19 2.49 2.94 3.58 0.88 0.89 1.67 1.80 2.53 3.31 3.80 4.10 5.71 6.79 7.18 8.17 9.64 11.74 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz CMR-LLS CMR-LLS Central Office CentralOffice NEC CEC 20 AWG Foam PE Al Foil and Solid SC .150/3.81 80% TC Braid 10.7Ω/35.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Nom Attenuation MHz/ Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Coaxial 734 Series for DS-3/4 Halogen-Free Cross-Connect Applications Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm 20 AWG Foam PE Al Foil and NonSolid SC .150/3.81 80% TC Braid Halogen 10.7Ω/35.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω .026/.70 Minimum SRL 30dB@ 15 - 90 MHz Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Gray .236/6.0 by .340/8.7 17.0 55.8 80% 75Ω NEC CMR-LLS CEC CMR-LLS Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg 49/22 Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.27 0.27 0.51 0.55 0.77 1.01 1.16 1.25 1.74 2.07 2.19 2.49 2.94 3.58 0.88 0.89 1.67 1.80 2.53 3.31 3.80 4.10 5.71 6.79 7.18 8.17 9.64 11.74 Glossary/Index Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging tracer is 22 AWG stranded TC Cable Color OD in / mm. Conduit 734STH Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Industrial For lowest attenuation/extended distance applications Meets NEC/CEC CMR riser safety requirements Flexible construction eases installation Each reel tested to assure performance Tracer leads help quickly identify DSX circuits Catalog Number Safety Rating Residential Cable Color OD in / mm. Fiber Optic Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating 145 Catalog Number Safety Rating Twisted Pair AB Meets SBC Interconnect Specifications 73401S Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Fiber Optic 73403S Residential 73406S Central Office CentralOffice NEC CMR CEC CMR 73408S NEC CMR CEC CMR Coaxial 73412S NEC CMR CEC CMR Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km PVC Gray .026/.66 .235/5.97 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 33/15 Three (3) Foam PE Al foil and 20 AWG .148/3.76 85% TC Braid Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Minimum SRL 32dB @ 5 - 150 MHz PVC Gray .026/.66 .568/14.4 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 134/61 Six (6) Foam PE Al foil and 20 AWG .148/3.76 85% TC Braid Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Minimum SRL 32dB @ 5 - 150 MHz PVC Gray .026/.66 .780/19.8 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 278/126 Eight (8) Foam PE Al foil and 20 AWG .148/3.76 85% TC Braid Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Minimum SRL 32dB @ 5 - 150 MHz PVC Gray .026/.66 .845/21.5 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 381/173 Twelve (12) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 20 AWG .148/3.76 85% TC Braid .026/.66 1.00/25.4 Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Minimum SRL 32dB @ 5-150 MHz 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 547/248 Jacket Type Overall & Nom. Cable Color Thickness OD in / mm in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. PVC Gray .026/.66 .235/5.97 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 41/19 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray Solid SC .148/3.76 85% TC Braid .026/.66 .235/5.97 11.0Ω/36.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω by .610/15.5 Minimum SRL 35dB @ 5-150 MHz 17.7 58.1 80% 75Ω 86/39 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid SC .148/3.76 85% TC Braid 11.0Ω/36.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Minimum SRL 35dB @ 5-150 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR NEC CMR CEC CMR Industrial AB SBC Approved 734 Series Products Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Nom Attenuation MHz/ Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 5 10 22.5 50 100 150 0.28 0.59 0.80 1.18 1.82 2.60 3.22 0.92 1.94 2.62 3.87 5.97 8.53 10.56 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels SBC Approved 734 Series Products Non-Plenum Cross-Connect Applications Meets SBC Cross-Connect Specifications Conduit Catalog Number Safety Rating Glossary/Index Packaging 734T1S Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid SC .148/3.76 85% TC Braid 11.0Ω/36.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Minimum SRL 35dB @ 5-150 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 734ZT2S Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Nom Attenuation MHz/ dB/ db/ 100’ 100m 1 5 10 22.5 50 100 150 0.28 0.59 0.80 1.18 1.82 2.60 3.22 Signal 0.92 1.94 2.62 3.87 5.97 8.53 10.56 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Minimum order quantities may apply. 146 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Meets SBC Interconnect Specifications 73501S Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Gray .134/3.4 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 14/6 Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 .444/11.3 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ is PVC 5-150 MHz .022/.60 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 104/47 Eight (8) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 .514/13.1 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ is PVC 5-150 MHz .022/.60 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 132/60 Twelve (12) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 .604/15.4 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ is PVC 5-150 MHz .022/.60 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 194/88 Sixteen (16) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 .725/18.5 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ is PVC 5-150 MHz .022/.60 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 261/118 NEC CMR CEC CMR db/ 100m 1 5 10 22.5 50 100 150 0.50 1.10 1.50 2.30 3.40 4.99 6.00 1.64 3.61 4.92 7.55 11.16 16.37 19.68 Industrial Six (6) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω dB/ 100’ Coaxial 56/25 MHz/ Central Office CentralOffice 78% 75Ω Signal Residential 18.0 59.0 Nom Attenuation Fiber Optic Gray .326/8.3 NEC CMR CEC CMR 73516S pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Foam PE Al foil and PVC .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ is PVC 5-150 MHz .022/.60 NEC CMR CEC CMR 73512S Nominal Capacitance Three (3) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR 73508S Cable Color OD in / mm. Minimum SRL 35dB @ 5-150 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 73506S Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Foam PE Al foil and PVC .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.40 2.7Ω/8.8Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR 73503S Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating AB AB SBC Approved 735 Series Products Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Conduit Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Packaging Glossary/Index Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 147 Catalog Number Safety Rating Twisted Pair AB Meets SBC Interconnect Specifications Fiber Optic 735T1S Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Jacket Type Overall & Nom. Cable Color Thickness OD in / mm in / mm. Foam PE Al foil and PVC .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .013/.33 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Minimum SRL 35dB @ 5-150 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR 735ZT2S Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Two (2) 26 AWG Solid SC 40Ω/130Ω Foam PE Al foil and PVC .077/1.96 95% TC Braid .015/.38 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Minimum SRL 32dB @ 5-150 MHz NEC CMR CEC CMR Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Gray .134/3.4 by .250/6.35 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 23/10 Gray .134/3.4 by .408/10.36 18.0 59.0 78% 75Ω 35/16 Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 5 10 22.5 50 100 150 0.50 1.10 1.50 2.30 3.40 4.99 6.00 1.64 3.61 4.92 7.54 11.15 16.37 19.68 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office CentralOffice Residential AB SBC Approved 735 Series Products Non-Plenum Cross-Connect Applications Minimum order quantities may apply. 148 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Designed to meet MCI specifications. 734S1M Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. PVC .026/.66 Gray .236/6.0 17.3 56.7 80% 75Ω 36/16 Six (6) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 20 AWG .148/3.76 80% TC Braid .026/.66 .780/19.9 Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Minimum SRL Overall 32dB @ Jacket 22.368 and .030/.80 55-95 MHz 17.3 56.7 80% 75Ω 278/126 Twelve (12) Foam PE Al foil and PVC 20 AWG .148/3.76 80% TC Braid .026/.66 Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 11.0Ω/36.1Ω Overall Minimum SRL Jacket 32dB @ .030/.80 22.368 and 55-95 MHz 17.3 56.7 80% 75Ω 547/248 20 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid SC .148/3.76 80% TC Braid 11.0Ω/36.1Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω NEC CMR CEC CMR 734S12M Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Minimum SRL 30dB @ 15 - 90 MHz Gray 1.0/25.4 Nom Attenuation Signal MHz/ dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS-3 100 DS4 200 0.27 0.27 0.51 0.55 0.77 1.01 1.16 1.25 1.65 1.74 2.07 2.49 2.94 3.58 0.88 0.88 1.68 1.80 2.53 3.32 3.81 4.10 5.42 5.71 6.79 8.17 9.65 11.75 Central Office CentralOffice NEC CMR CEC CMR Nom Imp. Residential Cable Color OD in / mm. Fiber Optic Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm NEC CMR CEC CMR 734S6M Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating AB AB MCI 734 Series Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Coaxial MCI 735 Series Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications Designed to meet MCI specifications. 73501M Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km NEC CMR CEC CMR Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. PVC .015/.38 Gray .128/3.3 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω Minimum SRL 35dB @ 22.368 and 55-95 MHz Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg 14/6 Nom Attenuation Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.68 3.28 3.55 4.89 6.37 7.29 7.74 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Glossary/Index Minimum order quantities may apply. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging MHz/ Conduit 26 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid SC .077/1.96 80% TC Braid 40.0Ω/131.2Ω 2.7Ω/8.8Ω Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Industrial Catalog Number Safety Rating 149 Designed to meet MCI specifications. Catalog Number Safety Rating Twisted Pair AB AB MCI 735 Series Non-Plenum Interconnect Applications 73506M Fiber Optic NEC CMR CEC CMR 73512M Residential NEC CMR CEC CMR Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shield Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. PVC Gray .015/.38 .450/11.5 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 104/47 Twelve (12) Foam PE Al foil and PVC Gray 26 AWG .077/1.96 80% TC Braid .015/.38 .605/15.4 Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 40.0Ω/131.2Ω Minimum SRL 35dB @ 22.368 and 55-95 MHz 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 194/88 Six (6) Foam PE Al foil and 26 AWG .077/1.96 80% TC Braid Solid SC 2.7Ω/8.8Ω 40.0Ω/131.2Ω Minimum SRL 35dB @ 22.368 and 55 - 95 MHz Jacket Type & Nom. Thickness in / mm Cable Color OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. Nom Wt. per kft on reel lbs /kg Nom Attenuation MHz/ Signal dB/ 100’ db/ 100m 1 CEPT1 CEPT2 5 10 CEPT3 DS3 STS1 50 CEPT4 STS3 100 DS4 200 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.08 1.49 1.94 2.22 2.39 3.35 3.95 4.18 4.75 5.58 6.79 1.64 1.68 3.28 3.55 4.89 6.37 7.29 7.84 10.99 12.96 13.71 15.58 18.31 22.28 Coaxial Central Office CentralOffice Standard packaging is 1000 ft (+10%) reels Part Number Cross Reference CommScope Part Number 734A . . . . . . . . . . . .734C1 734D . . . . . . . . . . . .734S1 2734A . . . . . . . . . .734C1P 735A . . . . . . . . . . . . .73501 1735 003A . . . . . . . .73503 1735 006A . . . . . . . .73506 1735 008A . . . . . . . .73508 1735 009A . . . . . . . .73509 1735 012A . . . . . . . .73512 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Avaya Part Number Minimum order quantities may apply. 150 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Suggested connectors for 735 Series cables WT-2 or WT-3/WD-2 DIE Amphenol 31-70013-1002 CLT-6 crimp/22-980-7 handle 227-944 Gilbert NS-5722-5 G-CRT crimp with .255 center pin die Kings 2025-77-7 KT2185 braid/R5761 pin Kings 90° 2026-22-7 KT2185 braid/R5761 pin Lucent Comcode 406133371 407060235 crimp/407060284 die Trompeter UPL-220-026 CT-4 crimp/CD3-1 die and center pin crimp 010-0055 MilesTek 10-03001-205 40-15005 center crimp tool/40-13204 sleeve crimp tool MilesTek 90° 10-03002-205 40-15005 center crimp tool/40-13204 sleeve crimp tool Fiber Optic BNC-3 Twisted Pair ADC Residential Suggested connectors for 734 Series cables WT-2 or WT-3/WD-1, WD-2, WD-3, WD-5 DIE Amphenol 31-70008-1000 31-71008-1RFX1 CLT-8 crimp/.025 sq./.255 hex dies CLT-6 crimp/.025 sq./.255 hex dies CLT-1 crimp/.068 sq./.255 hex Gilbert G-BNC-62P145 G-CRT-255 crimp/.068 x .255 center pin die size Kings 2025-76-7 KT2186 braid and R5761 pin Kings 90° 2026-21-7 KT2186 braid and R5761 pin Lucent Comcode 405784273 407060235 crimp/407060284 die Trompeter UPL-220-025 CT-4 crimp/CD3-2 die - center pin crimp tool 010-0055 MilesTek 10-03001-204 40-15005 center crimp tool/40-13204 sleeve crimp tool MilesTek 90° 10-03002-204 40-15005 center crimp tool/40-13204 sleeve crimp tool Coaxial BNC-1 Central Office CentralOffice ADC AB AB Connector Cross Reference Suggested connectors for 720 Series cables BNC0222 WT-1 crimp/WD-3 die Amphenol 31-5386 227-944 crimp/227-944-5 die .213 X .400 die size/.049 x .093 center pin die size Gilbert NS-57225 G-CRT-792 crimp/.058 x .213 center pin die size Trompeter UPL-220-028 CT-3 crimp/CD3-1 die .178 X .480 die size/center pin crimp tool 010-055 10-03001-239 Conduit MilesTek Industrial ADC 40-15005 center crimp tool/40-13204 sleeve crimp tool Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 151 AB Twisted Pair Central Office Packaging & Shipping Label Information SBC Package Label Residential Fiber Optic Reel ID# Footage (this reel) Meters Product Code UL/ETL Reference Part # Color (Jacket) Category (this reel) UPC Code Patent Information Coaxial Central Central Office Office AB Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial MCI Package Label Reel ID# Footage (this reel) Meters Product Code UL/ETL Reference Part # Color (Jacket) Category 152 (this reel) UPC Code Patent Information For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB Reel Size and Shipping Weights lbs. /1000 ft. 34.78 14.56 106.53 8208304 4202206 8242703 8267003 8205705 4602505 8221205 4601305 8239603 8249903 8210504 8210104 8210305 8210605 8210805 8210005 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 35 x 16 x 18 12 x 4 x 12 12 x 4 x 12 35 x 16 x 18 35 x 16 x 18 42.5 x 24 x 24 42.5 x 24 x 24 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 14.5 x 6 x 13 12 x 4 x 12 18 x 6 x 11 22 x 6 x 11.63 22 x 6 x 11.63 30 x 12 x 12.63 23.11 374.51 34.40 33.16 278.08 380.80 546.40 452.4 13.83 17.35 44.29 36.99 56.45 104.64 132.66 194.20 8276503 8272803 8272903 8213203 8232204 8215605 8209005 12 x 4 x 12 12 x 4 x 12 14.5 x 6 x 13 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 12 x 4 x 12 22 x 6 x 11 30 x 12 x 12.63 34.96 33.92 48.53 16.16 51.17 115.85 213.98 Coaxial 12 x 4 x 12 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 22 x 6 x 11 Central Central Office Office 4132603 4771903 4172705 Residential Reel Size Fiber Optic Plenum 734C1P 73501P 73506P Non Plenum 72001 72012 734C1 734S1 734S6 734S8 734C12 734S12 73501 735T1 735T2 73502 73503 73506 73508 73512 Non Halogen 734C1H 734S1H 734STH 73501H 735T2H 73506H 73512H Product Code Twisted Pair CommScope Catalog Number AB Central Office Packaging & Shipping Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 153 Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Residential Coax Industry Leading Technology Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Coaxial Industrial Coaxial Coaxial Central Office High Performance Broadband Video Video Distribution MATV Satellite Security MAP Broadcast Data Applications Wireless Broadband 154 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708, Customer Service 800.544.1948, Fax 828.459.5099 or go to Twisted Pair Coaxial Cables AB AB Coaxial cables are commonly referred to with a “RG” designation. For the purpose of being consistent with corresponding specifications within SCTE IPS-SP-001 and TIA/EIA-570-A, the “Series” designation is used for relevant cables in this catalog. Fiber Optic Cable Fire Ratings Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Cable Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Residential Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Coax Cables 75Ω, Series 59 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 75Ω, Series 6 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 75Ω, Series 11 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 75Ω, Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Satellite Coax Cables Series 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Series 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Series 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 VSAT Types I, II, III 50Ω for Non Plenum Applications . . . . . . . . . . .171 VSAT Types I, II, III 50Ω for Plenum Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Series 6 DSS/Commercial 75Ω for Plenum Applications . . . . . . . . .173 TVRO Satellite Flat Ribbon Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 Security Coax Cables 75Ω, Series 59 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 75Ω, Series 6 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 75Ω, Series 11 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 MAP Coax Cables 75Ω Series 11 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178 Broadcast Coax Cables 75Ω High Performance RGB, Miniature Low Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 75Ω, Precision Digital Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 75Ω, HDTV Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 75Ω, Series 7 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 75Ω, Series 11 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 Data Applications Coax Cables 50Ω, RG58 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 50Ω, RG8 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 50Ω, RG213 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 50Ω, DEC17-00324 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 93Ω, RG62 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 100Ω, Twinax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 CommScope Wireless WBC Cables 50Ω . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 Central Office Coaxial Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 Connector Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Packaging & Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194 155 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential AB Cable Fire Ratings Matrix For Coax Cables As well as being manufactured to strict quality and performance standards, CommScope cables are designed to meet or exceed safety standards as set forth in the National Electric Code (NEC) and Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) for their intended applications. Use of special materials, such as our own formulation of CommFlex jacketing materials, helps maintain superior performance and handling characteristics with no loss of safety. Types: MPP, MPR, MPG, MP = Multipurpose Cables Types: CMP, CMR, CMG, CM, CMX = Communication Cables Types: CL3P, CL3R, CL3, CL3X, CL2P, CL2R, CL2, CL2X = Class 2 and Class 3 Remote Control, Signaling, and Power Limited Cables Types: FPLP, FPLR, FPL = Power Limited Fire Alarm Cables Types: CATVP, CATVR, CATV, CATVX = CATV and Radio Distribution Cables Types: OFNP, OFNR, OFNG, OFN = Nonconductive Fiber Optic Cables Types: OFCP, OFCR, OFCG, OFC = Conductive Fiber Optic Cables Types: PLTC = Power Limited Tray Cables NEC/CEC Central Office 800 Plenum 4 (Highest) MPP 725 CMP Coaxial Coaxial Industrial Riser 3 MPR CMR UL-1666 (CSA FT4) Conduit Non-Conductive Conductive FPLP CATVP OFNP OFCP CL3R FPLR CATVR OFNR OFCR FPL CATV OFNG OFCG MPG CMG UL-1581 (CSA FT4) Packaging 770 CL2R General Purpose 2 PLTC CL3 CL2 CATVX CMX CL3X UL-1581 VW-1 (CSA FT1) Glossary/Index 820 CL2P UL-910 NFPA 262 (CSA FT6) Residential 1 (Lowest) CL3P NEC Articles 760 CL2X Cables indicated can be substituted. 156 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Components and Abbreviation Key Industrial Aluminum sheath Aluminum braid Bare Copper braid Silver Copper braid Tin Copper braid Jackets Jacket material may vary depending on application. Plenum-rated cables provide superior fire safety, while flame-retardant PVC are used in riser, general purpose and residential situations. Outdoor cables (especially those meant for burial) are usually sheathed in polyethylene. Coaxial Coaxial AlS Al BC SC TC - Foam PE - Foamed Polyethylene Solid PE - Solid Polyethylene Foam FEP - Foamed Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (generic or Teflon® brand) Solid FEP - Solid Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene AD/PE Air Dielectric created with a Polyethylene filament Central Office Shields Coaxial shields (also called the outer conductor) come in several varieties. Two types of coverage are: Foil, where aluminum is bonded to both sides of a polypropylene or polyester tape to provide 100% coverage and Braid where flexible wire is woven around the dielectric. Braid coverage designation is given as a percentage followed by a two letter code representing the material of the braid (i.e. 96% TC braid would be 96% coverage of a Tin Copper braid). Residential Bare Copper Silvered Copper Tinned Copper Copper Clad Aluminum Copper Covered Steel Dielectric Most CommScope coaxial cables have foamed (or cellular) dielectrics for better velocity of propagation characteristics. Different materials are used to meet electrical and fire-safety performance. Fiber Optic BC SC TC CCA CCS - Twisted Pair Center Conductor Conductors in coaxial cable are either solid or stranded wire. Solid conductors are described by their diameter and material (i.e.18 AWG Solid TC) while stranded conductors include their stranding (i.e. 20 AWG (19x32 AWG) Strand TC). AB AB Cable Construction K- Conduit KynarTM Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF - used in plenum cables) V - CommFlex, our proprietary jacketing compound (used in plenum cables) PE - Polyethylene (Direct Burial Applications) PVC - Polyvinylchloride Packaging Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 157 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 59 (RG 59 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Fiber Optic 2020K/2020V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .135/3.43 47.0Ω/154Ω Al foil and 65% Al braid 10.3Ω/33.8Ω PVDF(K) .015/.38 Cream .202/5.1 CommFlex(V) .015/.38 White .202/5.1 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .135/3.43 47.0Ω/154Ω 0.48 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.50 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.56 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 18.04 24.44 28.54 30.55 Quad shield CommFlex(V) White Al foil, .015/.38 .235/6.0 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 6.3Ω/20.7Ω 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.48 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.56 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 23 AWG Solid FEP Solid CCS .135/3.43 51.9Ω/170Ω 95% BC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Cream .197/5.0 19.5 64.0 66% 75Ω 1 0.40 10 1.04 50 2.43 100 3.55 200 5.29 400 7.10 700 11.67 900 13.89 1000 14.92 1.31 3.41 7.97 11.64 17.35 23.01 38.28 45.56 48.94 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .135/3.43 47.0Ω/154Ω Al foil and CommFlex(V) White 90% TC braid .015/.38 .202/5.1 3.2Ω/10.5Ω 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.48 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.56 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω Quad shield Al foil, 40% Al braid, Al foil and 60% braid 6.2Ω/20.3Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .265/6.7 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.46 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 22 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 46.1Ω/151Ω 95% BC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .242/6.1 16.2 53.2 78% 80Ω 1 0.29 10 0.98 100 3.24 400 6.83 700 9.35 900 10.88 1000 11.33 0.93 3.20 10.63 22.39 30.65 35.67 37.15 22 AWG Solid PE Solid CCS .146/3.71 46.1Ω/151Ω 90% BC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .242/6.1 21.0 68.9 66% 73Ω 1 0.29 10 0.98 100 3.24 400 6.83 700 9.35 900 10.88 1000 11.33 0.93 3.20 10.63 22.39 30.65 35.67 37.15 Residential Central Office PVDF(K) .015/.38 NEC CMP CEC CMP Coaxial Coaxial 2045V Plenumax NEC CMP CEC CMP Industrial 5540 Conduit NEC CM CEC CMH 5555 Glossary/Index Packaging NEC CM CEC CMH 5560 dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2041K Plenumax MHz 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 2022V Plenumax Typical Attenuation CL2/AWM 1354 Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel 158 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 59 (RG 59 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 23 AWG Solid PE Solid CCS .146/3.71 51.9Ω/170Ω 95% BC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω .035/.89 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 1 0.29 10 0.99 50 2.38 100 3.49 200 5.09 400 7.54 700 10.54 900 12.28 1000 13.03 0.95 3.25 7.81 11.45 16.70 24.73 34.57 40.28 42.74 Al foil and 40% Al braid 14.9Ω/48.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .242/6.1 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.46 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 Al foil and 67% Al braid 10.5Ω/34.5Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .242/6.1 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.46 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 5572R is a riser version of 5572 with identical electrical characteristics Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .242/6.1 16.2 53.5 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.46 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω Al foil and 67% Al braid 10.5Ω/34.5Ω PE with Floodant .030/.76 Black .240/6.1 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.46 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 NEC CM CEC CMH 5574 Burial Outdoor/ Flooded Conduit Al foil and 95% Al braid 7.3Ω/24.0Ω Industrial 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω Coaxial 5573 Central Office 16.2 53.2 66% 75Ω NEC CM CEC CMH 5572R NEC CMR CEC CMR dB/100’ dB/100m Black .242/6.1 NEC CM CEC CMH 5572 MHz PVC NEC CM CEC CMH 5571 Typical Attenuation Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 5563 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Specifications subject to change without notice. Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 159 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution/MATV Fiber Optic 2210V NEC CMP CEC CMP 2227K/2227V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Eight Foam 24 AWG BC FEP Twisted Pair .170/4.32 (Cat 5e) 28.6Ω/93.8Ω One 18 AWG Solid BC Coax 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Quad shield Al Foil, 60% Al Braid Al Foil and 40% Al Braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω CommFlex White 16.0 52.5 UTP: 100Ω .266/.87 71% by .481/1.58 Coax: 75Ω wide 84% 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Quad shield PVDF(K) Al foil, .015/.41 60% Al braid, Al foil and CommFlex(V) 40% Al braid .015/.41 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Residential NEC CMP CEC CMP Central Office 2220V Plenumax TP: .014/.36 Coax: .016/.41 2220 is a dual version of 2227 with identical electrical characteristics Cream .260/6.6 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.26 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 0.85 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.38 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 White .260/6.6 White .264/6.7 by .558/14.2 wide NEC CMP CEC CMP Coaxial 2229V Plenumax 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Foam FEP .170/4.32 Quad shield CommFlex(V) Al foil, .016/.41 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid, 5.3Ω/17.4Ω White .260/6.6 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.26 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 0.85 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.0Ω/21.0Ω PVDF(K) .016/.41 Cream .239/6.0 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω CommFlex(V) .015/.41 White .239/6.1 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.38 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 90% Al braid 6.4Ω/21.0Ω CommFlex(V) .014/.36 Black White .237/6.1 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.38 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 NEC CMP CEC CMP Industrial 2275K/2275V Plenumax NEC CMP CEC CMP Conduit 2276V Plenumax NEC CMP CEC CMP Specifications subject to change without notification. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Please refer to the Twisted Pair section for Electrical Performance of the 2210V subunit. Glossary/Index Packaging Typical Attenuation = 1000ft. Reel 160 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 6 (RG 6 Type) 2279V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Foam FEP .170/4.32 Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.11 1.98 4.23 5.75 7.92 11.19 15.15 17.37 18.33 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Al foil and 60% TC braid 9.0Ω/29.5Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 32.0Ω/105.0Ω Al foil and 55% Al braid 11.0Ω/33.0Ω Flameretardant PVC .032/.82 Black 270/6.9 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .413/10.4 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 40% Al braid 14.9Ω/48.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 NEC CM CEC CMG 5722 w/0.051” Mess. Aerial Outdoor 5725 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω NEC CM CEC CMG Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. = 1000ft. Reel = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω Conduit Black .278/6.9 Industrial Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Coaxial Al foil, 77% Al braid and Al foil 6.3Ω/20.7Ω Central Office 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Residential 0.85 1.54 2.30 5.41 6.40 9.87 13.38 19.84 24.44 Fiber Optic 0.26 0.47 0.70 1.65 1.95 3.01 4.08 6.05 7.45 NEC CM CEC CMH AWM Style 1354 5716 dB/100’ dB/100m 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 NEC CM CEC CMG 5715 MHz Al foil and CommFlex(V) White 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 95% TC braid .015/.406 .237/6.02 2.8Ω/9.3Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 0694 Typical Attenuation Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV 161 Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Fiber Optic 5726 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black White .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. NEC CMG CEC CM 5726R NEC CMR CEC CMR Residential 5727 Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω PE with Floodant .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Quad shield Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil, 40% Al braid 4.9Ω/16.1Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.84 Black White .300/7.6 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 Central Office Coaxial Coaxial Industrial NEC CM CEC CMH 5782 Quad Shield Conduit dB/100’ dB/100m Al foil and 90% Al Braid 7.0Ω/23.0Ω Outdoor/ Flooded 5781* Quad Shield MHz 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω NEC CM CEC CMH 5728 Typical Attenuation 5726R is a riser version of 5726 with identical electrical characteristics Black White .300/7.6 by .630/16.0 wide 5782 is a dual cable version of 5781 with identical electrical characteristics and NEC CM CEC CMH 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Packaging 5741 Burial Glossary/Index AB 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Twisted Pair AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Quad shield Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 4.9Ω/16.1Ω PE with Floodant .034/.84 Black .300/7.6 Specifications subject to change without notice. *This product replaces the 5740. = 1000ft. Reel 162 = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 6 (RG 6 Type) 5743 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Black .298/7.6 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 5750 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Quad shield Al Foil, 60% Al Braid, Al Foil and 40% Al Braid 4.9Ω/16.1Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 Black .300/7.6 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Al foil and 95% TC braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.84 Various colors .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.25 0.45 0.72 1.70 2.25 3.10 3.65 5.30 6.20 0.69 1.48 2.36 5.58 7.38 10.17 11.97 17.38 20.34 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .574/14.6 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 NEC CMR CEC CMR 5765 NEC CMR CEC CMR 5796 NEC CMG CEC CM Specifications subject to change without notice. Industrial Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 dB/100’ dB/100m Coaxial Quad shield Al Foil 55% Al Braid Al Foil and 35% Al Braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω MHz Central Office 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 32.0Ω/105.0Ω NEC CM CEC CMG Typical Attenuation Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 163 AB 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 11 (RG 11 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Fiber Optic 2285K Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm 14 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 14 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 14 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Quad shield Al foil, 60% Al braid Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.7Ω/12.1Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 Foam PE .280/7.11 Al foil and 60% TC braid 3.3Ω/10.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.10 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Cream .351/8.9 0.20 0.45 0.90 1.28 1.85 2.75 3.92 4.72 5.04 0.66 1.48 2.95 4.20 6.07 9.02 12.86 15.48 16.53 Cream 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω .351/8.9 by .742/18.5 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.90 1.28 1.85 2.75 3.92 4.72 5.04 0.66 1.48 2.95 4.20 6.07 9.02 12.86 15.48 16.53 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.90 1.28 1.85 2.75 3.92 4.72 5.04 0.66 1.48 2.95 4.20 6.07 9.02 12.86 15.48 16.53 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.56 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 Al foil and 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω FlameBlack 16.2 53.1 85% 75Ω retardant .395/10.03 PVC by .042/1.07 .572/14.6 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 Al foil and 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω FlameBlack 16.2 53.1 87% 75Ω retardant .395/10.03 PVC .042/1.07 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 Residential Central Office Cream .372/9.4 NEC CMP CEC CMP Coaxial Coaxial 5901 14 AWG Solid BC 2.4Ω/7.9Ω NEC CM CEC CMH Industrial 5910 w/0.072” Mess. Aerial Conduit Packaging Outdoor 5912R NEC CATVR dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2287K Plenumax MHz 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 2282K Plenumax Typical Attenuation Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel 164 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 11 (RG 11 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Al foil and 60% Al braid 7.1Ω/23.3Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 5914 Burial 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω PE with Floodant .045/1.1 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Al foil and 90% Al braid 4.8Ω/15.7Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Quad shield Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black 16.2 53.1 84% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 Outdoor 5915 NEC CL2 CATV 5940 NEC CM CEC CMH MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Coaxial 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω NEC CM CEC CMG Typical Attenuation Central Office Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 5913 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV Specifications subject to change without notice. Industrial Broadband Video/Video Distribution, MATV 75Ω Coax Cable, Trunk Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm .109/2.76 Foam FEP Solid CCA .450/11.4 1.3Ω/4.26Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Al sheath .40Ω/1.3Ω PVDF(K) .012/.31 Cream 16.0 52.5 86% 75Ω .524/13.3 MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.07 0.23 0.56 0.83 1.25 1.97 2.92 3.47 3.78 0.23 0.75 1.84 2.72 4.10 6.46 9.58 11.38 12.40 Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 165 Glossary/Index NEC CMP CEC CMP Nominal Attenuation Packaging 2312K Plenum Trunk Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Conduit Catalog Number Safety Rating AB AB Ω Satellite 75Ω For Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Series 59 (RG 59 Type) Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km 5575 RG59 Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 20 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .144/3.66 47.0Ω/154Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Al foil and 67% Al braid 10.5Ω/34.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .032/.81 Fiber Optic 5586 RG59 Residential 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω Black .240/6.1 by .510/12.9 wide Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 1 0.46 10 0.83 50 1.76 100 2.40 200 3.30 400 4.66 700 6.31 900 7.24 1000 7.64 1200 8.41 1450 9.36 1800 10.54 2200 11.69 1.52 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 27.59 30.71 34.56 38.34 NEC CM CEC CMH Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. Ω Satellite 75Ω For Plenum and Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Coaxial Coaxial Central Office Black .240/6.1 NEC CM CEC CMH 5586 is a dual cable version of 5575 with identical electrical characteristics 0132V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.0Ω/29.5Ω CommFlex(V) .016/.41 Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Black White .239/6.1 Industrial 0359V Plenumax Conduit Quad shield Al Foil, 60% Al Braid Al Foil and 40% Al Braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Packaging 18 AWG Foam Solid CCS FEP 28.6Ω/93.8Ω .170/4.32 NEC CMP CEC CMP Cream .260/6.6 CommFlex(V) .015/.41 White .260/6.6 dB/100’ dB/100m 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 27.06 30.64 35.06 37.85 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 0.38 10 0.70 50 1.48 100 2.01 200 2.86 400 4.23 700 5.96 900 6.96 1000 7.45 1200 8.25 1450 9.34 1800 10.69 2200 11.54 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 White .237/6.0 by .504/12.6 wide PVDF(K) .016/.41 MHz 1 0.38 10 0.70 50 1.48 100 2.01 200 2.86 400 4.23 700 5.96 900 6.96 1000 7.45 1200 8.25 1450 9.34 1800 10.69 2200 11.54 NEC CMP CEC CMP 0653V Typical Attenuation 15.8 51.8 84% 75Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 0359 is a dual cable version of 0132 with identical electrical characteristics Glossary/Index Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm pF/ft pF/m Prop. Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel 166 = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Plenum and Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 8.75Ω/28.7Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .575/14.6 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 Black .272/6.9 by .695/17.7 wide 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 NEC CM CEC CMG 0467 0467 has the same electrical characteristics as 0461 with a 17 AWG CCS ground wire NEC CM CATV CEC CMG 5716 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Black .270/6.9 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil and 40% Al braid 14.9Ω/48.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black White Grey .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 NEC CM CEC CMG Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel Packaging Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Conduit Flameretardant PVC .032/.82 Industrial Al foil and 55% Al braid 11.0Ω/48.9Ω Coaxial 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 32.0Ω/105.0Ω NEC CM CEC CMG 5725 Typical Attenuation Central Office Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 0461 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Ω Satellite 75Ω 167 For Plenum and Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB Ω Satellite 75Ω 5729 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Al foil and 60% Al braid 8.75Ω/28.7Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Black White Grey .272/6.9 Fiber Optic 5731 5731 has the same electrical characteristics as 5729 with a 17 AWG CCS ground wire Residential NEC CM CEC CMG 5730 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Central Office Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 5786 Coaxial Coaxial NEC CM CEC CMH 5788 5788 is a dual cable version of 5730 with identical electrical characteristics and a 17 AWG CCS ground wire dB/100’ dB/100m 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.25 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 0.82 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 Black White Grey .272/6.9 by .575/14.6 wide 5786 is a dual cable version of 5730 with identical electrical characteristics MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 Black White Grey .272/6.9 by .427/10.8 wide Black White Grey Beige .272/6.9 Typical Attenuation 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω NEC CM CEC CMG NEC CM CEC CMG Black .272/6.9 by .720/18.3 wide Industrial NEC CM CEC CMH Conduit 5781* Quad Shield 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Quad shield Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil, 40% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.83 Black White .300/7.6 NEC CM CEC CMH 5782 Quad Shield 5782 is a dual cable version of 5781 with identical electrical characteristics and Packaging Glossary/Index Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Black White .300/7.6 by .630/16.0 wide NEC CM CEC CMH Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. *This product replaces the 5740. = 1000ft. Reel 168 = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.5Ω/21.2Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.5Ω/21.2Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .272/6.9 by .397/9.5 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.5Ω/21.2Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .574/14.6 wide 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.5Ω/21.2Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .407/10.2 wide 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 NEC CM CEC CMH 5771 NEC CM CEC CMH 5772 w/0.0453” ground 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω Typical Attenuation MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω NEC CM CEC CMH Coaxial Coaxial 5774 w/0.0453” ground Central Office NEC CM CEC CMH 5773 Black .272/6.9 Industrial NEC CM CEC CMH 5730V Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 5732 w/0.0453” ground Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Ω Satellite 75Ω 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω Conduit NEC CM CEC CMH Specifications subject to change without notice. Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 169 For Plenum and Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB Ω Satellite 75Ω Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Fiber Optic 5787 Burial Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Al foil and 60% Al braid 9.7Ω/31.8Ω PE .272/6.91 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .272/6.91 by .585/14.9 wide 5789 Burial 5789 is a version of 5787 with identical electrical characteristics and a 17 AWG CCS ground wire Residential Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Black .272/6.91 by .730/18.5 wide Typical Attenuation MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 Ω Satellite 75Ω For Non-Plenum Applications Swept-Tested to 2.2 GHz Series 11 (RG 11 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Coaxial Coaxial Central Office Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. Industrial 5916 Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Al foil and 60% Al braid 7.1Ω/23.3Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 NEC CM CEC CMH 5916R NEC CMR CEC CMR Conduit 5917 Burial 5916R is a riser-rated version of 5916 with identical electrical characteristics 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Al foil and 60% Al braid 6.9Ω/22.6Ω 5918 Packaging Glossary/Index Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km 5918 is a dual cable version of 5916 with identical electrical characteristics PE with Floodant .045/1.1 Typical Attenuation MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 Black 1000 .405/10.3 1200 1450 1800 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 2200 .405/10.3 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 4.35 4.75 5.25 5.75 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 14.27 15.58 17.22 18.86 Black .405/10.3 by .840/21.3 NEC CM CEC CMH Specifications subject to change without notice. CommScope satellite products are swept tested to 2200 MHz. = 1000ft. Reel 170 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Non-Plenum Applications Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Typical Attenuation Black .212/5.4 30.8 101 66% 50Ω 500 1000 1300 1800 11.0 16.2 18.5 23.0 36.08 53.14 60.68 75.44 19 AWG Solid PE Solid BC .118/2.99 8.5Ω/27.9Ω 96% BC braid and 96% BC braid 2.4Ω/7.9Ω PVC .029/.74 Black .212/5.4 30.8 101 66% 50Ω 500 1000 1300 1800 11.0 16.2 18.5 23.0 36.08 53.14 60.68 75.44 10 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .288/7.31 .92Ω/3.02Ω 90% BC braid 3.0Ω/9.8Ω PE .048/1.2 Black 23.5 77.1 84% 50Ω 500 .405/10.3 1000 1300 1800 5.00 7.25 8.10 9.65 16.40 23.78 26.57 31.65 10 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .288/7.31 .92Ω/3.02Ω 90% BC braid 3.0Ω/9.8Ω PVC .048/1.2 Black 23.5 77.1 84% 50Ω 500 .405/10.3 1000 1300 1800 5.00 7.25 8.10 9.65 16.40 23.78 26.57 31.65 10 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .288/7.31 .92Ω/3.02Ω Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.4Ω/4.6Ω PE .045/1.1 Black 23.5 77.1 84% 50Ω 500 .405/10.3 1000 1300 1800 3.00 4.25 5.10 6.05 9.84 13.94 16.73 19.84 10 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .288/7.31 .92Ω/3.02Ω Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.4Ω/4.6Ω PVC .045/1.1 Black 23.5 77.1 84% 50Ω 500 .405/10.3 1000 1300 1800 3.00 4.25 5.10 6.05 9.84 13.94 16.73 19.84 Outdoor 7726 Type I NEC CL2 3226 Type II Outdoor 3228 Type II NEC CM CEC CMH 3227 Type III Outdoor 3229 Type III Conduit NEC CM CEC CMG Industrial PE .029/.74 Coaxial Coaxial 96% BC braid and 96% BC braid 2.4Ω/7.9Ω dB/100’ dB/100m Central Office 19 AWG Solid PE Solid BC .118/2.99 8.5Ω/27.9Ω MHz Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 7725 Type I Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB VSAT Types I, II and III 50Ω Specifications subject to change without notice. Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 171 Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB For Plenum Applications 2125K Type I Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm 96% BC braid and 96% BC braid 2.5Ω/8.2Ω PVDF .020/.51 Cream .194/4.9 30.0 98.4 66% 50Ω 500 9.73 1000 14.53 1300 16.80 1800 21.50 31.91 47.66 55.10 70.52 10 AWG Foam FEP 90% BC braid Solid BC .285/7.24 3.4Ω/11.2Ω .92Ω/3.02Ω PVDF .020/.51 Cream .355/9.0 24.0 78.7 84% 50Ω 500 5.99 1000 9.36 1300 11.27 1800 13.94 19.65 30.70 36.97 45.72 10 AWG Foam FEP Al foil and Solid BC .285/7.24 90% TC braid, .92Ω/3.02Ω 1.4Ω/4.6Ω PVDF .016/.41 Cream .355/9.0 24.0 78.7 84% 50Ω 500 900 1000 1300 1800 12.46 16.73 19.35 22.96 27.88 19 AWG Solid FEP Solid BC .116/2.95 8.5Ω/27.9Ω Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Fiber Optic NEC CMP CEC CMP Residential 2426K Type II NEC CMP CEC CMP 2427K Type III 3.80 5.10 5.90 7.00 8.50 NEC CMP CEC CMP CommScope manufactures custom products for Hughes Network Systems (HNS) Specifications subject to change without notice. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Coaxial Central Office AB VSAT Types I, II and III 50Ω = 1000ft. Reel 172 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Plenum Applications Series 6 (RG 6 Type) 0132V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 0359V Plenumax Al foil and CommFlex(V) White 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 60% Al Braid .016/.41 .237/6.02 9.0Ω/29.5Ω by .604/15.3 wide 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Quad shield CommFlex(V) White Al foil, 0.15/.41 .264/6.7 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 5.3Ω/17.4Ω 1 0.38 10 0.70 50 1.48 100 2.01 200 2.86 400 4.23 700 5.96 900 6.96 1000 7.45 1200 8.25 1400 9.34 1800 10.69 2200 11.54 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 27.06 30.64 35.06 37.85 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1.25 2.30 4.85 6.59 9.38 13.87 19.55 22.83 24.44 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2227V Quad Shield Plenumax 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Coaxial Coaxial NEC CMP CEC CMP 0.38 0.70 1.48 2.01 2.86 4.23 5.96 6.96 7.45 Central Office 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP dB/100’ dB/100m Residential Al foil and CommFlex(V) Black 15.8 51.8 84% 75Ω 60% Al Braid .016/.41 White 9.0Ω/29.5Ω .239/6.07 MHz Fiber Optic 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid CCS .170/4.32 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Typical Attenuation Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB DSS/Commercial 75Ω Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 173 Catalog Number Description Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB For Buried Applications/Swept -Tested to 2.2 GHz (2200 MHz) Fiber Optic 0458 UL Listed Residential 8060 Coax Cable Conductor Nom DCR kft / km Rotor Cable Type & Size Nom DCR kft / km Actuator Cable Type & Size Nom DCR kft / km Power cable Type & Size Nom DCR kft / km Overall Jacket Type, Color & Dimensions in / mm. RG6 Coax Electrical Characteristics (measured at 68°F/21°C) Dual Series 6 18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω None One pair 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) Stranded BC 15.7Ω/51.5Ω None Black PVC .272 x .740/ 6.9 x 18.8 Two 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) Stranded BC 15.7Ω/51.5Ω Two 16 AWG (7x0.0191) Stranded BC 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Black PVC .272 x .581/ 6.9 x 14.6 Attenuation: MHz dB/100’dB/100m 1 0.37 1.21 10 0.66 2.16 50 1.41 4.62 100 1.92 6.30 200 2.64 8.66 400 3.73 12.23 700 5.05 16.56 900 5.79 18.99 10006.11 20.04 12006.73 22.07 1450 7.49 24.57 1800 8.43 27.65 2200 9.35 30.67 Foil shield w/ 24 AWG TC drain wire PVC insulation Shields: Al foil and 60% Al braid Single Series 6 18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω PE insulation None Shields: Al foil and 40% Al braid Central Office 8126 Single Series 6 18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Coaxial Coaxial Shields: Al foil and 40% Al braid 8136 Dual Series 6 18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Three 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Stranded BC 9.9Ω/32.5Ω Industrial Conduit PE insulation (Actuator and rotor cables are jacketed together) Three 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) Stranded BC 15.7Ω/51.5Ω Two 16 AWG (7x0.0191) Stranded BC 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Foil shield w/ 24 AWG TC drain wire PVC insulation PE insulation PE insulation (Actuator and rotor cables are jacketed together) Three 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Stranded BC 9.9Ω/32.5Ω Three 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) Stranded BC 15.7Ω/51.5Ω Two 16 AWG (7x0.0191) Stranded BC 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Foil shield w/ 24 AWG TC drain wire PVC insulation Shields: Al foil and 40% Al braid 8236 Plenumax PE insulation PE insulation (Actuator and rotor cables are jacketed together) Dual Series 6 18 AWG Solid CCS 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Three 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Stranded BC 9.9Ω/32.5Ω Three 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) Stranded BC 15.7Ω/51.5Ω Two 16 AWG (7x0.0201) Stranded BC 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Shields: Al foil and 60% Al braid FEP insulation Foil shield w/ 24 AWG TC drain wire FEP insulation FEP insulation NEC CMP CEC CMP (Actuator and rotor cables are jacketed together) SRL: 15 dB min. Nominal capacitance: 16.2 pF/ft 53.1 pF/m Black PVC .272 x .812/ 6.9 x 28.6 Nom. vel. of prop: 82% Nom. impedance: 75Ω *Note: The following products have identical electrical characteristics: Rotar Cables for 8126, 8136, 8530, and 8236 are black, white, & red Black PVC .272 x 1.13/ 6.9 x 28.7 Actuator Cables colors 0458: blue, white, blue 8060: orange, green 8126: green, brown, orange 8136: green, brown, orange 8530: green, brown, orange 8236: green, brown, orange Power Cables for 8060, 8126, 8136, 8530, and 8236 are white & red Grey .272 x 1.13/ 6.9 x 28.7 10 100 950 1000 1200 1450 1800 0.70 2.01 7.25 7.45 8.25 9.34 10.69 2.30 6.59 23.78 24.44 27.06 30.64 35.06 SRL: 15 dB min. Nominal capacitance: 16.2 pF/ft 53.1 pF/m Nom. velocity of prop: 84% Nominal impedance: 75Ω Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Glossary/Index Packaging AB TVRO Satellite Ribbon Cables = 1000ft. Reel 174 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 59 (RG 59 Type) 2037V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .135/3.43 10.5Ω/34.4Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Foam FEP .135/3.43 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.33 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.07 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 95% BC Braid CommFlex(V) 2.7Ω/8.9Ω .016/.41 White .193/4.9 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.48 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.56 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 NEC CMP CEC CMP 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω White Cream .189/4.8 by .386/9.8 wide 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.33 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.07 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 PVDF(K) .015/.38 CommFlex(V) .016/.41 (7x26) BC 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω PE with floodant .030/.76 Black .242/6.1 17.0 55.0 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.24 0.81 2.70 5.69 7.79 9.06 9.44 0.78 2.67 8.86 18.66 25.54 29.73 30.96 20 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .144/3.66 10.5Ω/34.4Ω 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 Black, white or gray .242/6.1 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.24 0.81 2.70 5.69 7.79 9.06 9.44 0.78 2.67 8.86 18.66 25.54 29.73 30.96 Industrial 20 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .144/3.66 10.5Ω/34.4Ω and 18 AWG Pair (7x26) BC 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .032/.81 Black .242/6.1 by .484/12.3 wide 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.24 0.81 2.70 5.69 7.79 9.06 9.44 0.78 2.67 8.86 18.66 25.54 29.73 30.96 20 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .144/3.66 10.5Ω/34.4Ω and 18 AWG Pair (7x26) BC 95% BC Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .032/.81 Black 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω .242/6.1 by .484/12.3 wide 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.24 0.81 2.70 5.69 7.79 9.06 9.44 0.78 2.67 8.86 18.66 25.54 29.73 30.96 Outdoor 5553 NEC CM CEC CMH 5554 NEC CM CEC CMG 5554M CL2 Glossary/Index Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging NEC Conduit 20 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .144/3.66 10.5Ω/34.4Ω Coaxial 5520 Burial 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .135/3.43 10.5Ω/34.4Ω and 18 AWG pair Central Office 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω Residential White .193/4.9 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2054K/2054V Plenumax dB/100’ dB/100m Fiber Optic 20 AWG Solid CCS 47.0Ω/154Ω MHz 95% BC Braid CommFlex(V) 2.7Ω/8.9Ω .016/.41 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2039V Plenumax Typical Attenuation Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB Security/CCTV 175 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 6 (RG 6 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB Security/CCTV 2254V Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Fiber Optic Residential Central Office NEC CM CEC CMG 5700 White .239/6.1 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.19 0.65 2.16 3.12 4.55 6.23 7.75 0.62 2.13 7.08 10.23 17.92 20.43 25.42 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .170/4.32 6.4Ω/21.0Ω 95% BC Braid CommFlex(V) 2.0Ω/6.6Ω .016/.41 White .260/6.6 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.21 0.65 2.04 4.46 5.89 7.47 8.02 0.69 2.13 6.69 14.63 19.32 24.50 26.31 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω and 18 AWG pair (7x26 )BC 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω .272/6.9 by .514/13.1 wide 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.19 0.65 2.16 4.55 6.23 7.23 7.75 0.62 2.14 7.09 14.93 20.43 23.71 25.42 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.19 0.65 2.16 4.55 6.23 7.23 7.75 0.62 2.14 7.09 14.93 20.43 23.71 25.42 18 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .180/4.57 6.4Ω/21.0Ω 95% BC Braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω PE with floodant .033/.84 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.2 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.19 0.65 2.16 4.55 6.23 7.23 7.75 0.62 2.14 7.09 14.93 20.43 23.71 25.42 PVDF .016/.41 Coaxial Coaxial NEC CM CEC CMH 5720 Burial Outdoor Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial dB/100’ dB/100m 95% BC Braid CommFlex(V) 2.0Ω/6.6Ω .016/.41 NEC CMP CEC CMP 5654 MHz 18 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .170/4.32 6.4Ω/21.0Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 2277V/2277K Plenumax Typical Attenuation = 1000ft. Reel 176 = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 11 (RG 11 Type) Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 2284K Plenumax 14 AWG Solid BC 2.4Ω/7.9Ω Foam FEP .280/7.11 Al foil and 60% Al Braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 Cream .351/8.9 16.0 52.5 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.45 0.90 1.28 1.85 2.75 3.92 4.72 5.04 0.56 1.48 2.95 4.20 6.07 9.02 12.86 15.48 16.53 14 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .280/7.11 2.6Ω/8.52Ω 95% BC Braid 2.5Ω/8.2Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 Cream .347/8.7 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.43 1.48 3.40 4.95 5.90 6.49 0.56 1.41 4.85 11.15 16.20 19.40 21.30 14 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .280/7.11 2.6Ω/8.52Ω Al Foil and 60% TC Braid 3.3Ω/10.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.14 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 by .840/21.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.56 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 NEC CMP CEC CMP 2286K NEC CMP CEC CMP 5902 NEC CM CEC CMG 5903 dB/100’ dB/100m Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.46 0.93 1.45 1.83 2.78 4.06 4.66 4.82 0.56 1.51 3.05 4.76 6.01 9.12 13.32 15.29 15.81 14 AWG Solid BC 2.6Ω/8.5Ω Foam PE .285/7.2 93% BC Braid 2.5Ω/8.2Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.14 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 100 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.46 0.93 2.78 4.06 4.66 4.82 0.56 1.51 3.05 9.12 13.32 15.29 15.81 14 AWG Solid BC 2.5Ω/8.2Ω Foam PE .285/7.2 93% BC Braid 2.5Ω/8.2Ω PE with floodant .045/1.14 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.46 0.93 1.45 1.83 2.78 4.06 4.66 4.82 0.56 1.51 3.05 4.76 6.01 9.12 13.32 15.29 15.81 Burial Packaging Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Conduit PE .045/1.14 Industrial 93% BC Braid 2.5Ω/8.2Ω Coaxial Coaxial Foam FEP .285/7.2 NEC CM CEC CMG 5920 MHz 14 AWG Solid BC 2.4Ω/7.9Ω Outdoor 5904 Typical Attenuation Central Office Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Residential Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Fiber Optic Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB Security/CCTV 177 Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB 75Ω Coax Cables Fiber Optic 5750 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 18 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .180/4.57 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Quad shield Al Foil, 60% Al Braid, Al Foil and 40% Al Braid 5.3Ω/17.3Ω Flameretardant PVC .034/.86 Black 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω .300/7.62 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 1200 1450 1800 2200 0.37 0.66 1.41 1.92 2.64 3.73 5.05 5.79 6.11 6.73 7.49 8.43 9.35 1.21 2.16 4.62 6.30 8.66 12.23 16.56 18.99 20.04 22.07 24.57 27.65 30.67 14 AWG Foam PE Solid CCS .280/7.11 12.0Ω/39.4Ω Quad shield Al foil, 40% Al braid, Al foil and 60% Al braid 3.7Ω/12.1Ω Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 Black .405/10.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.20 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.66 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 NEC CMR CEC CMR Residential 5950 NEC CMR CEC CMH 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. = 1000ft. Reel Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Coaxial Central Office AB MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol 178 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω High Performance RGB, Miniature Low Loss Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.26 0.91 2.09 3.00 4.33 6.29 8.63 10.05 10.64 0.85 2.98 6.86 9.84 14.20 20.63 28.31 32.96 34.90 2035 26 AWG SC Foam FEP 41.0Ω/134.5Ω .077/1.96 Al foil and 93% TC braid 6.0Ω/19.7Ω PVDF .013/.330 Black .127/3.2 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.51 0.97 1.44 4.02 5.53 7.82 9.03 12.77 15.05 1.67 4.25 4.72 13.19 18.14 25.65 29.62 41.89 49.36 (5) Five Foam FEP 26 AWG SC .077/1.96 41.0Ω/134.5Ω Al foil and 93% TC braid 6.0Ω/19.7Ω PVDF .013/.330 White .378/9.6 17.5 57.4 78% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.51 0.97 1.44 4.02 5.53 7.82 9.03 12.77 15.05 1.67 4.25 4.72 13.19 18.14 25.65 29.62 41.89 49.36 17.3 56.8 78% 75Ω 1 5 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.41 0.98 3.20 4.60 6.44 9.18 12.14 13.77 14.51 1.34 3.21 10.50 15.09 21.12 26.08 30.11 45.17 47.59 17.3 56.8 78% 75Ω 1 5 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.41 0.98 3.20 4.60 6.44 9.18 12.14 13.77 14.51 1.34 3.21 10.50 15.09 21.12 26.08 30.11 45.17 47.59 17.3 56.8 78% 75Ω 1 5 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.41 0.98 3.20 4.60 6.44 9.18 12.14 13.77 14.51 1.34 3.21 10.50 15.09 21.12 26.08 30.11 45.17 47.59 16.5 54.1 84% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.38 0.77 1.29 3.04 4.18 5.92 6.70 9.47 11.16 1.24 2.52 4.23 9.97 13.71 19.42 21.98 31.06 36.60 NEC CMP CEC CMP 203505 RGBSC NEC CMP CEC CMP 753603 RGB (3) Three 25 AWG Stranded BC (7x0.007”) 30Ω/98.4Ω Foam PE .099/2.51 (4) Four 25 AWG Stranded BC (7x0.007”) 30Ω/98.4Ω Foam PE .099/2.51 (5) Five 25 AWG Stranded BC (7x0.007”) 30Ω/98.4Ω Foam PE .099/2.51 93% TC braid 6.0Ω/19.7Ω 93% TC braid 6.0Ω/19.7Ω 93% TC braid 6.0Ω/19.7Ω 23 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .100/2.51 20.3Ω/66.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .016/.41 Bundle jacket is TPE .054/1.4 NEC CM CEC CM 7538 Miniature Low-loss Flameretardant PVC .016/.41 Bundle jacket is TPE .040/1.0 NEC CM CEC CM 753605 RGBSC Flameretardant PVC .016/.41 Bundle jacket is TPE .040/1.0 NEC CM CEC CM 753604 RGBS Bundle Component jacket is 2035 CommFlex(V) cables are .018/.46 red, green, blue, black and white Al foil and 95% TC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .014/.35 Black .401/10.2 Component 7536 cables are red, green and blue Black .435/11.0 Component 7536 cables are red, green, blue and black Black .508/12.9 Component 7536 cables are red, green, blue, black and white Black .159/4.0 NEC CMG CEC CM Specifications subject to change without notice. = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 179 Glossary/Index 80% 75Ω Packaging 17.3 56.8 Conduit Black .242/6.1 Industrial Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 dB/100’ dB/100m Coaxial Coaxial 95% TC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω MHz Central Office 22 AWG SC Foam FPE 15.0Ω/49.2Ω .144/3.66 NEC CM CEC CM Typical Attenuation Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 5550 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Broadcast 75Ω Coax Cables, Precision Digital Video Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Broadcast Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 7501 20 AWG Solid BC 11Ω/36.1Ω Solid PE .198/5.03 98% TC braid and 96% TC braid 1.1Ω/3.5Ω PE .025/.64 Black .304/7.7 21.0 68.7 66% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.31 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.03 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 7505 20 AWG Solid BC 11Ω/36.1Ω Solid Flameretardant PE .200/5.08 Al Foil and 96% TC braid 1.1Ω/3.5Ω PVC .035/.89 Black .305/7.7 21.0 68.7 66% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.31 0.83 1.76 2.40 3.30 4.66 6.31 7.24 7.64 1.03 2.71 5.78 7.87 10.82 15.29 20.71 23.74 25.05 Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm 20 AWG Foam FEP Solid BC .135/3.43 10.5Ω/34.4Ω Al foil and 96% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω CommFlex(V) .016/.41 White .207/5.3 16.1 53.0 84% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.33 0.88 1.85 2.51 3.58 5.29 7.45 8.70 9.31 1.07 2.87 6.07 8.24 11.73 17.34 24.44 28.54 30.55 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Al foil and 95% TC braid 2.8Ω/9.3Ω CommFlex(V) .015/.41 White .237/6.0 15.8 51.9 84% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.26 0.47 0.70 1.65 1.95 3.01 4.08 6.05 7.45 0.85 1.54 2.30 5.41 6.40 9.87 13.38 19.84 24.44 NEC CMR CEC CMR Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Central Office Specifications subject to change without notice. Broadcast Coaxial Coaxial 75Ω Coax Cables, HDTV Video Catalog Number Safety Rating Industrial 2065V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. NEC CMP CEC CMP Foam FEP .170/4.32 NEC CMP CEC CMP MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit 2279V Plenumax Typical Attenuation = 1000ft. Reel 180 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 75Ω Coax Cables, HDTV Video Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 20 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .144/3.66 10.5Ω/34.4Ω Al foil and 95% TC braid 2.8Ω/9.18Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .242/6.1 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 0.31 0.56 0.90 2.13 2.81 3.88 4.56 6.63 7.75 1.03 1.85 2.95 6.97 9.23 12.71 14.97 21.73 25.42 18 AWG Solid BC 6.4Ω/21.0Ω Al foil and 95% TC braid 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Flameretardant PVC .033/.84 Black .272/6.9 16.2 53.1 82% 75Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.25 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.73 2.48 3.41 3.97 4.18 0.82 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.67 8.13 11.18 13.02 13.71 Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Al Foil and 95% TC braid 1.9Ω/5.70Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black* 16.2 53.14 84% 75Ω .320/8.12 Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. NEC CMR CEC CMR 5765 Foam PE .180/4.57 NEC CMR CEC CMR Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. Central Office Broadcast 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 7 (RG 7 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm 16AWG Foam PE Solid BC .225/5.72 3.4Ω/11.2Ω MHz 1 3.6 10 71.5 135 270 360 720 1000 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.18 0.36 0.57 1.35 1.78 2.48 2.87 4.19 4.96 0.59 1.18 1.87 4.43 5.84 8.13 9.41 13.74 16.27 Specifications subject to change without notice. Conduit Broadcast 75Ω Coax Cables, Series 11 (RG 11 Type) Catalog Number Safety Rating Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km 14 AWG Solid BC 2.4Ω/7.9Ω Foam PE .285/7.24 Al Foil and 95% TC braid 1.5Ω/4.92Ω FlameBlack* 16.0 52.48 82% 75Ω retardant .405/10.29 PVC .045/1.14 MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.17 0.45 0.89 1.21 1.68 2.37 3.27 3.77 3.95 0.56 1.48 2.92 3.97 5.51 7.77 10.73 12.37 12.96 Specifications subject to change without notice. *Other colors available, upon request. Subject to minimum order. = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 181 Glossary/Index NEC CMR CEC CMR Typical Attenuation Packaging 5906 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Industrial NEC CM CEC CM Typical Attenuation Coaxial 7530 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 5565 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Broadcast AB AB Data Applications 50Ω Coax Cables, RG58 Type Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options 2100V IEEE 802.3 Thinnet Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. White .163/4.1 27.0 88.6 69.5% 50Ω 1 0.41 10 1.30 50 3.10 100 4.10 200 6.20 400 9.50 700 13.70 900 14.50 1000 15.50 1.35 4.27 10.17 13.45 20.34 31.17 44.95 47.57 50.86 20 AWG Foam FEP Stranded TC .101/2.57 (19x32) 10.2Ω/33.5Ω Al foil and CommFlex(V) 95% TC braid .014/.36 4.2Ω/13.9Ω White .161/4.1 27.0 88.6 78% 50Ω 1 0.43 10 1.40 50 3.13 100 4.43 200 6.26 400 8.85 700 11.71 900 13.28 1000 14.00 1.41 4.59 10.27 14.53 20.53 29.01 38.41 43.56 45.92 20 AWG Foam PE Stranded TC .101/2.57 (19x32) 10.2Ω/33.3Ω Al foil and 93% TC braid 4.2Ω/13.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .026/.66 White .183/4.6 25.0 82.0 78% 50Ω 5 0.99 10 1.30 50 2.90 100 4.20 200 6.10 400 8.90 700 12.10 900 13.90 1000 14.80 3.24 4.26 9.51 13.78 20.00 29.19 39.69 45.59 48.54 20 AWG Solid PE Solid BC .116/2.95 10.5Ω/34.4Ω 95% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.5Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .200/5.1 28.5 93.5 66% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.44 1.42 3.10 4.50 6.80 10.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 1.44 4.67 10.17 14.76 22.31 32.81 45.93 52.50 55.78 21 AWG Solid PE Stranded TC .116/2.95 (19x33) 10Ω/32.8Ω 95% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.5Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black 30.5 100.0 66% 50Ω .195/4.9 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.64 1.55 4.54 4.90 9.09 11.50 17.00 20.00 21.50 2.11 5.08 14.91 16.08 29.81 37.73 55.73 65.62 70.54 20 AWG Solid PE Stranded TC .116/2.95 (19x33) 10Ω/32.8Ω 95% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.5Ω PE with Floodant .027/.69 Black 30.5 100.0 66% 50Ω .195/4.9 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.64 1.55 4.54 4.90 9.09 11.50 17.00 20.00 21.50 2.11 5.08 14.91 16.08 29.81 37.73 55.73 65.62 70.52 20 AWG Foam PE Stranded TC .114/2.90 (19x32) 8.6Ω/28.3Ω 95% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.5Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .195/4.9 1 0.45 10 1.42 50 3.20 100 4.50 200 6.40 400 9.00 700 12.00 900 13.80 1000 14.50 1.48 4.67 10.50 14.76 21.00 29.53 39.37 45.28 47.57 Fiber Optic Residential Central Office NEC CMR CEC CMG Coaxial Coaxial 3130 IEEE 802.3 Thinnet NEC CM CEC CMH Industrial 3135 IEEE 802.3 Thinnet NEC CM CEC CMH Conduit 3136 IEEE 802.3 Thinnet Burial Packaging Outdoor Glossary/Index 3139 IEEE 802.3 Thinnet dB/100’ dB/100m 95% TC braid CommFlex(V) 4.0Ω/13.1Ω .015/.38 NEC CMP CEC CMP 3104 DEC 17-01248 MHz 20 AWG Solid FEP Solid BC .107/2.71 10.5Ω/34.4Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 2104V DEC 17-01246 Plenumax Typical Attenuation NEC CM CEC CMH 26.0 85.3 78% 50Ω Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel 182 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 50Ω Coax Cables, RG8 Type Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Al foil and 96% TC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 Black 29.5 96.8 66% 50Ω .410/10.4 13 AWG Solid PE Stranded BC .285/7.24 (7x21) 1.87Ω/6.1Ω Al foil and 96% TC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω PVC .045/1.1 Black .405/10.3 Foam PE .247/6.27 Al foil, 90% TC braid, Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω PVC .040/1.01 11 AWG Foam PE Stranded BC .285/7.24 (7x19) 1.2Ω/3.9Ω Inner: 95% BC braid 1.1Ω/3.6Ω Inner: PE .030/.76 Outer: 95% BC braid 2.1Ω/6.9Ω Outer: PE with Floodant .030/.76 Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 95% BC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .045/1.1 Black 30.8 101.0 66% 50Ω .405/10.3 dB/100’ dB/100m 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 29.5 96.8 66% 50Ω 1000 0.23 0.55 1.60 2.20 3.20 4.70 6.90 8.00 8.90 0.74 1.80 5.25 7.22 10.50 15.42 22.64 26.25 29.20 Yellow or blue .405/10.3 25.5 85.3 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.52 1.20 1.80 2.55 3.60 4.76 5.40 5.69 0.56 1.71 3.94 5.91 8.35 11.81 15.63 17.72 18.68 Black .480/12.2 26.0 85.3 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.57 1.20 1.80 2.70 4.20 5.80 6.70 7.10 0.56 1.87 3.94 5.91 8.86 13.78 19.03 21.98 23.30 NEC CL2 3249 MHz AWM 1354 3250 trunk DEC #17-00451 12 AWG Solid BC 1.4Ω/4.6Ω NEC/CEC CMG 7815 Triaxial Outdoor Coaxial 13 AWG Solid PE Stranded BC .285/7.24 (7x21) 1.8Ω/6.1Ω Typical Attenuation Central Office Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Residential Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Fiber Optic Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair 3247 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km AB AB Data Applications Specifications subject to change without notice. Industrial Data Applications 50Ω Coax Cables, RG213 Type 7713 Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm MHz 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 dB/100’ dB/100m 0.18 0.62 1.50 2.10 3.00 4.80 6.50 7.60 9.20 0.59 2.03 4.92 6.89 9.84 15.75 21.33 24.94 30.18 Specifications subject to change without notice. = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 183 Glossary/Index AWM 1354 Typical Attenuation Packaging 13 AWG Solid PE Stranded BC .285/7.24 (7x21) 2.0Ω/6.6Ω Conduit Part Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB Twisted Pair 50Ω Coax Cables, DEC17-00324 Specifications Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm 2280K DEC 17-00324 Plenumax 12 AWG Solid BC 1.4Ω/4.6Ω Foam FEP .247/6.27 Quad shield Al foil, 90% TC braid Al foil and 90% TC braid 0.9Ω/3.0Ω PVDF(K) .020/.51 Orange or Blue .366/9.3 26.2 85.9 78% 50Ω 5 10 20 100 450 850 1000 0.44 0.57 1.46 1.97 2.83 4.05 5.60 1.44 1.87 4.79 6.46 9.28 13.28 18.37 12 AWG Solid BC 1.4Ω/4.6Ω Foam PE .247/6.27 Al foil, 90% TC braid, Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω PVC .040/1.01 Yellow or blue .405/10.3 25.5 85.3 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.52 1.20 1.80 2.55 3.60 4.76 5.40 5.69 0.56 1.71 3.94 5.91 8.35 11.81 15.63 17.72 18.68 NEC CMP CEC CMP Fiber Optic Residential Central Office AB Data Applications 3250 trunk DEC #17-00451 Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 78% 50Ω NEC/CEC CMG Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Data Applications Coaxial Coaxial 93Ω Coax Cables, RG62 Type Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Industrial 2249V Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index dB/100’ dB/100m White .198/5.0 12.1 39.7 84% 93Ω 1 0.95 10 2.08 50 2.23 100 3.00 200 4.40 400 6.30 700 8.35 900 10.50 1000 11.07 3.11 6.83 7.31 9.84 14.44 20.67 27.34 34.45 36.31 22 AWG Foam FEP 95% BC braid CommFlex(V) Solid CCS .144/3.66 2.7Ω/8.9Ω .015/.38 46.1Ω/151Ω White .204/5.2 12.1 39.7 84% 93Ω 1 0.95 10 2.08 50 2.23 100 3.00 200 4.40 400 6.30 700 8.35 900 10.50 1000 11.07 3.11 6.83 7.31 9.84 14.44 20.67 27.34 34.45 36.31 22 AWG Air Solid CCS dielectric/ 46.1Ω/151Ω PE tube .146/3.71 Black .242/6.1 13.5 44.3 84% 93Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.84 2.66 5.91 8.86 12.80 18.05 25.94 28.87 30.51 NEC CMP CEC CMP 6609 IBM 323921 MHz 22 AWG Foam FEP 90% BC braid CommFlex(V) Solid CCS .144/3.66 3.2Ω/10.5Ω .013/.33 46.1Ω/151Ω NEC CMP CEC CMP 2250V IBM 4885584 RG62 Plenumax Typical Attenuation 95% BC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω NEC CM AWM 1478 Flameretardant PVC .035/.89 0.26 0.81 1.80 2.70 3.90 5.50 7.60 8.80 9.30 Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. = 1000ft. Reel 184 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 100Ω Coax Cables, Twinax Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options 7901 Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. 96% TC braid 2.6Ω/8.5Ω PVDF(K) .016/.41 Cream .252/6.4 13.0 42.7 66% 100Ω 1 0.36 10 1.08 50 2.81 100 3.75 200 5.04 400 10.14 1.18 3.54 9.21 12.30 16.54 33.27 Al foil and 85% TC braid 1.8Ω/5.9Ω Flameretardant PVC .030/.76 Black .329/8.4 15.0 50.9 66% 100Ω 1 0.40 10 1.10 50 2.50 100 4.10 200 6.40 400 10.20 1.31 3.61 8.20 13.45 21.00 33.47 (1) 20 AWG Stranded TC (7x28) 9.5Ω/31.0Ω (1) 20 AWG Solid PE Stranded BC .240/6.10 (7x28) (1) 20 AWG Stranded TC (7x28) 9.5Ω/31.0Ω Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. Plenumax is a trademark for CommScope plenum products. Residential NEC CL2 (1) 20 AWG Solid FEP Stranded BC, .194/4.93 (7x28) Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Fiber Optic NEC CMP CEC CMP Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Twisted Pair 2291K Plenumax Conductor Size & Type Max DCR kft / km AB AB Data Applications Central Office Coaxial Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 185 50Ω Coax Cables Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Twisted Pair AB AB WBC Fiber Optic WBC-600 NEC CM/CMG Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid CCA .455/11.56 90% TC braid 0.55Ω/1.80Ω 1.30Ω/4.26Ω Residential WBC-600R NEC CMR CEC CMR Central Office WBC-500 NEC CM/CMG AWG Foam PE Solid CCA .370/9.40 0.82Ω/2.69Ω Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.27Ω/4.16Ω Coaxial Coaxial Industrial Cable Nominal Color & Capacitance Dimensions in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Nom Nom Vel. Imp. of Prop. PE Black 23.4 76.8 .050/1.27 .590/14.99 87% 50Ω 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 0.55 1.00 1.20 1.39 1.70 1.81 2.50 2.60 3.30 3.67 3.79 3.90 4.11 4.40 1.80 3.28 3.94 4.54 5.58 5.96 8.20 8.52 10.83 12.03 12.43 12.80 13.48 14.44 Black 23.6 77.4 .500/12.7 86% 50Ω 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 0.70 1.20 1.50 1.75 2.20 2.28 3.10 3.24 4.10 4.57 4.70 4.80 5.10 5.50 2.29 3.93 4.92 5.74 7.21 7.51 10.17 10.62 13.45 15.00 15.41 15.75 16.73 18.04 PE Black 23.9 78.4 .043/1.09 .405/10.29 84% 50Ω 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 0.90 1.50 1.90 2.19 2.70 2.84 3.90 4.03 5.10 5.65 5.82 6.00 6.30 6.80 2.95 4.92 6.23 7.20 8.86 9.39 12.80 13.22 16.73 18.53 19.09 19.68 20.66 22.31 87% 50Ω 50 0.94 150 1.63 220 2.03 300 2.47 450 3.20 500 3.43 900 5.17 960 5.34 1500 6.82 1800 7.45 1900 8.62 2000 8.72 2200 8.29 2500 10.50 3.08 5.34 6.66 8.08 10.49 11.34 16.96 17.52 19.71 24.44 28.28 28.60 27.20 34.44 PE .048/1.22 FR-PVC .048/1.22 AWG Foam PE Solid CCA .285/7.24 1.32Ω/4.33Ω Al foil and 90% TC braid 2.10Ω/6.89Ω WBC-400R NEC CMR CEC CMR FR-PVC .043/1.09 AWG Foam PTFE Al foil and Solid BC .285/7.24 90% TC braid 1.32Ω/4.33Ω 2.10Ω/6.89Ω Conduit WBC-400P Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm FR-PVC .050/1.27 WBC-500R NEC CMR CEC CMR WBC-400 NEC CM/CMG NEC CMP CEC CMP PVDF .020/.51 White 23.5 77.1 .358/9.09 Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Specifications subject to change without notice. Glossary/Index Packaging Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km 186 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 50Ω Coax Cables WBC-300 NEC CM/CMG Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm AWG Foam PE Solid BC .190/4.83 2.12Ω/6.95Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. Al foil and 90% TC braid 2.21Ω/7.25Ω PE .038/.97 Black 24.1 79.1 85% 50Ω .300/7.62 PE .031/0.79 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .116/2.95 5.36Ω/17.58Ω Al foil and 90% TC braid 4.9Ω/16.07Ω PE .026/0.66 Black 24.5 80.4 83% 50Ω .195/4.95 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 2.30 4.00 4.80 5.65 7.00 7.34 9.90 10.23 12.90 14.17 14.61 15.00 15.74 16.90 7.55 13.12 15.75 18.56 22.97 24.08 32.48 33.56 42.32 46.48 47.93 49.21 51.65 55.45 Black 24.3 79.7 80% 50Ω .195/4.95 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 2.60 4.40 5.40 6.32 7.80 8.21 11.10 11.37 14.50 15.80 16.44 16.90 17.57 19.00 8.53 14.43 17.72 20.74 25.60 26.95 36.41 37.30 47.57 57.83 53.96 55.44 57.64 62.34 FR-PVC .026/0.66 AWG Foam PE Solid BC .110/2.79 7.6Ω/24.93Ω WBC-195R NEC CMR CEC CMR Al foil and 90% TC braid 4.9Ω/16.07Ω PE .028/0.71 FR-PVC .028/0.71 Specifications subject to change without notice. Packaging 5.58 9.84 12.14 14.08 17.38 17.40 24.93 25.75 32.50 35.83 35.76 37.73 39.83 42.33 Conduit 1.70 3.00 3.70 4.29 5.30 5.35 7.60 7.85 9.90 10.92 10.90 11.50 12.14 12.90 Industrial 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 Coaxial Coaxial 24.2 79.4 84% 50Ω Black .240/6.1 FR-PVC .031/0.79 WBC-200R NEC CMR CEC CMR WBC-195 NEC CM/CMG 4.59 7.87 9.51 11.23 13.78 14.62 20.01 20.70 25.92 28.88 29.49 30.18 32.15 34.12 Central Office WBC-240R NEC CMR CEC CMR WBC-200 NEC CM/CMG 50 1.40 150 2.40 220 2.90 300 3.42 450 4.20 500 4.45 900 6.10 960 6.31 1500 7.90 1800 8.80 1900 8.99 2000 9.20 2200 9.80 2500 10.40 FR-PVC .038/.97 AWG Foam PE Al foil and Solid BC .150/3.81 90% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω 3.89Ω/12.76Ω dB/100’ dB/100m Residential WBC-240 NEC CM/CMG MHz Fiber Optic WBC-300R NEC CMR CEC CMR Typical Attenuation Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options AB AB WBC Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 187 50Ω Coax Cables Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Options Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Nominal Nom Nom Color & Capacitance Vel. Imp. Dimensions of in / mm. pF/ft pF/m Prop. WBC-100 NEC CM/CMG AWG Solid CCS 81Ω/26.5Ω Solid PE .060/1.52 Al foil and 90% TC braid 14.50Ω/47.57Ω PVC .010/.25 Black 30.0 98.4 66% 50Ω .105/2.67 Typical Attenuation MHz 50 150 220 300 450 500 900 960 1500 1800 1900 2000 2200 2500 dB/100’ dB/100m 5.10 8.90 10.90 12.80 15.80 16.72 22.80 23.60 30.10 33.16 34.31 35.20 37.03 39.80 16.73 29.20 35.76 42.01 51.84 54.88 74.80 77.42 98.75 108.79 112.56 115.48 121.50 130.58 Specifications subject to change without notice. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB WBC 188 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Attenuation Attenuation Twisted Pair Attenuation is the loss of electrical power as a signal travels along a cable. There are two types of losses that affect the attenuation of a cable: loss due to conductivity of conductors (center conductor and shield) and dielectric loss. Both losses increase with frequency. Relative Attenuation for Series 59, 6, 11 non-plenum cables Fiber Optic 100 Series 6 Series 11 Residential Attenuation (db) Series 59 10 AB AB Electrical Characteristics 1 1000 100 10 1 Frequency (MHz) Central Office 0.1 Coaxial Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 189 AB AB Electrical Characteristics Capacitance and Impedance Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Capacitance Capacitance is the measurement of energy absorbed by the cable. It is caused by the difference in electrical potential of the conductors and is measured in picofarads per foot (Pf/ft). Like impedance, it is related to the inner and outer conductor sizes and the core dielectric constant. In a given cable design, capacitance and impedance are inversely proportional. Capacitance is determined by the formula 7.354 Er log10 D ad where E r is the dielectric constant of the cable core, D is the dielectric diameter, d is the conductor diameter and a is the conductor stranding factor. Impedance Characteristic impedance is a measurement of resistance to the electrical current being carried in a cable. It is measured in units called ohms (ZO) and is directly related to the ratio between inner conductor dimension and the outer conductor dimension, and inversely related to the dielectric constant of the cable core. Unlike conductor resistance, impedance does not vary with cable length. For a system to work at maximum efficiency, the nominal impedance of the transmitter, receiver and cable must precisely match. An incorrect match will produce reflection loss. Nominal impedance is determined by the formula Z O (W) = 138.2 D log10 Er ad Industrial Coaxial The factors are the same as they are for capacitance above. Phase Delay Phase delay is caused by high frequency signals traveling faster than low frequency signals. In a carrier band network (such as MAP), information is sent as digital code where a low-frequency tone of a certain length means the binary bit "one" and a high-frequency tone means "zero". Because the low-frequency tones travel slower, they have a tendency to lag behind the faster, higher frequency signals and arrive out of phase because of this delay. If this phase delay becomes too great, the signals overlap and a type of interference called jitter is produced. % Phase Distortion Delay F = Frequency B= Bit Rate 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 F/B (5Mb) Glossary/Index Packaging (quad-shielded Series 11 with 5 Mb data rate) %PDD (700 meters) Conduit The IEEE specification for MAP includes a window of allowable delay. As shown in the graph, CommScope MAP cable easily meets this specification. 190 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Shield Performance Shield performance Twisted Pair Braid shields are composed of thin strands of tinned or bare copper wires interwoven around the conductors within a cable. In addition to providing excellent shielding properties, braid shields are very flexible and add to the structural integrity of the cable. Braid shields differ widely in their construction; braid angle, strand diameter, wire type, numbers of ends per carrier and the number of carriers contribute to the effectiveness of the shield. Shield coverage varies between 40% and 95% for single braids and up to 98% for double braids. Fiber Optic Foil/braid combination shields consist of a tinned copper or aluminum braid over an aluminum/ polyester or aluminum/polypropylene foil tape. Braid coverage varies between 40% and 95%. However, aluminum foil coverage is 100%. Residential To gain greater shield effectiveness, an additional layer of foil is placed over the existing foil and braid which produces a Tri Shield cable. The highest grade shield effectiveness is found in Quad Shield cables. A Quad Shield coverage design consists of an aluminum foil with a 60% braid covered by an additional foil and 40% braid. Central Office As shown in the graphs below, combination shields are more effective and offer better transfer impedance properties than single braid shields. Quad shielding also offers better long term performance because it is less effected by repeated flexing. Shield effectiveness Coaxial Coaxial Tri & quad Foil/braid 95% copper shield Industrial Shielding effectiveness (db) 1000 100 10 1000 100 10 Frequency (MHz) Foil/braid 1000 100 10 Tri & quad 1 Glossary/Index Transfer impedance (milliohms) 95% copper shield Packaging 10000 Conduit Transfer impedance AB AB Electrical Characteristics 0.1 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 1000 100 10 Frequency (MHz) 191 AB Twisted Pair AB Electrical Characteristics Structural return loss is the measure of power loss on a cable or system and is caused by discontinuities in the cable conductor or dielectric. If these discontinuities are regularly spaced along a cable, they can cause severe transmission losses for frequencies whose wavelengths are twice that of the distance between these discontinuities. Structural Return Loss, Tilt and Velocity of Propagation Structural Return Loss Fiber Optic Structural return loss is an unfavorable characteristic of poorly-made cable, although careless installation can cause it as well. CommScope manufacturing lines are constantly computer-monitored to avoid irregularities in the manufacturing process that could cause these flaws. Additionally, every reel of CommScope coaxial cable is sweep-tested prior to shipping. Tilt Central Office Residential Another problem caused by different characteristics of low and high frequency signals is tilt. Although they are faster, high-frequency signals tend to lose power more quickly over distance than lower frequency signals. This power loss, called attenuation, is expressed in decibels (see attenuation above for more details) and the difference between the attenuations of the high and low frequency signals for the entire length of an installed cable in a carrier band system cannot exceed a certain tilt factor expressed in decibels (dB). Tilt determines the maximum length of a N cable segment in a carrier band network and is determined by A - A 1 2 Coaxial Coaxial where N is the maximum allowable tilt permitted by the system, A1 is the attenuation of the high frequency signal and A2 is the attenuation of the low frequency signal. Velocity of Propagation Industrial Nominal velocity of propagation is the speed of the signal in a given cable. In a vacuum, electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, etc.) travels at the speed of light. In a cable, it travels somewhat slower and in direct inverse proportion to the dielectric constant; the lower the dielectric constant, the closer to the speed of light the signal travels. Velocity of propagation is given as a percent figure of the speed of light and is calculated by 1 X 100 Er Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit where E r is the dielectric constant of the cable core. 192 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Twisted Pair Connectors are manufactured to fit each series and size of coaxial cable. CommScope does not stock or sell connectors. Customers may use the information below to assist in locating and obtaining connectors for use with our coaxial cable. By providing this list, CommScope neither endorses nor represents the following manufacturers’ products. AB AB Connectors Fiber Optic Connector Manufacturers Residential AMP P.O. Box 3608 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 Phone: 800-522-6752 Fax: 717-986-7575 Central Office The Siemon Company 27 Siemon Company Drive Watertown, CT 06795-0400 Phone: 860-945-4200 Fax: 860-945-4225 Coaxial Coaxial Amphenol Corporation One Kennedy Drive Danbury, CT 06810 Phone: 203-743-9272 Fax: 203-796-2032 Industrial Thomas & Betts, LRC Connectors Cable Communications Division 8155 T&B Boulevard Memphis, TN 38125 Phone: 800-920-0328 Conduit Gilbert Engineering 5310 W. Camelback Rd. Glendale, AZ 85301 Phone: 800-528-5567 Fax: 800-344-6358 Packaging Trompeter 31186 La Baya Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91362-4047 Phone: 800-982-2629 Fax: 818-706-1040 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index Raychem Telecommunications Division 8000 Pufoy Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Phone: 919-557-8900 193 AB Twisted Pair Coaxial Packaging & Shipping AB Reel Size and Shipping Weights Packaging Reel lengths may vary +/-10%. Reels and boxes are palletized for shipment. Shipments are subject to full pallet quantities or full pallet layers as a minimum. Fiber Optic Method of Shipment Method of shipment at discretion of shipper, unless specified in order. Inspection Residential Final inspection shall be made at factory prior to shipment. Terms and Conditions On approved credit, net 30 days from date of invoice; be added after due date. All orders subject to acceptance at factory and will be billed at price in effect at time of shipment. Prices, discounts, terms, conditions, and specifications are subject to change without notice. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Coaxial Central Office 1.5% finance charge equivalent to 18% per annum will 194 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Reel Size and Shipping Weights 2427K 3104 3130 3135 3136 3139 3226 3227 3228 3229 3247 3249 3250 5520 5540 5550 5553 5554 5554M 5555 5560 5563 5565 5571 5572 5572R 5573 5574 5575 5586 5654 5700 5715 5716 5720 5722 5725 5726 5726R 5727 5728 5729 5730 5730V 5731 5732 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 113 27 33 36 24 31 102 102 112 112 120 116 115 33 34 34 39 58 58 41 42 42 34 28 28 28 28 20 28 60 62 42 44 26 36 38 28 28 34 29 28 32 34 29 45 38 5741 5743 5750 5765 5771 5772 5773 5774 5781 5782 5786 5787 5789 5796 5901 5902 5903 5904 5906 5912R 5913 5914 5915 5916 5916R 5918 5920 5940 5950 6609 7501 7505 7530 753603 753604 753605 7538 7713 7725 7726 7815 7901 8060 8126 8136 8236 Spool Length 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Wt/Kft 38 31 36 45 27 38 48 61 40 85 58 58 81 46 87 47 75 83 87 56 78 52 63 78 78 155 75 62 62 42 76 62 56 83 101 135 17 122 40 44 140 81 79 144 160 130 Conduit 34 66 94 58 81 32 32 30 23 21 25 15 14 30 30 44 41 47 44 34 27 29 48 53 65 40 29 35 24 40 58 29 27 29 43 43 47 136 113 58 79 78 85 64 127 110 CommScope Catalog No. Industrial 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2400 1000 Wt/Kft Coaxial Coaxial 0132V 0359V 0458 0461 0467 0653K 0653V 0694 2020K 2020V 2022V 2035 203505 2037V 2039V 2041K 2045V 2054K 2054V 2065V 2100V 2104V 2125K 2210V 2220V 2227K 2227V 2229V 2249V 2250V 2254V 2275K 2275V 2276V 2277K 2277V 2279V 2280K 2282K 2284K 2285K 2286K 2287K 2291K 2312K 2426K Spool Length Central Office CommScope Catalog No. Residential Wt/Kft Fiber Optic Spool Length Twisted Pair CommScope Catalog No. AB AB Coaxial Packaging & Shipping Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 195 Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Industrial Industry Leading Technology Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Industrial Industrial Coaxial Central Office High Performance Blue Highway ControlNet DeviceNet DH-485 Longline ICAT 5 196 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Industrial Cables Fiber Optic Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 Cable Usage and Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Cables, Specifications and Data Blue Highway™ DH™ Data Highway (Blue Hose™), . . . . . . . . . . .200 DH+™ and Remote I/O™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 ControlNet™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 DeviceNet™ (including flat cables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 DH-485™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 Longline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 ICAT 5e Industrial Ethernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Ultra II™ Category 5e+ enhanced frequency twisted pair . . . . . . .207 UltraMedia™ Category 6+ twisted pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 DEC™/Ethernet™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 Interlock Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 Network Overviews Blue Highway™ DH™ Data Highway, DH+™ and Remote I/O™ . . .210 ControlNet™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 DeviceNet™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 DH-485™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Longline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 ICAT 5e Industrial Ethernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 Part Number Cross-Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Industrial Conduit The name Allen-Bradley, DH, DH+, Remote I/O and DH-485 are trademarks of Allen-Bradley Company, a division of Rockwell International Corporation, Inc. ControlNet and the ControlNet logo are registered trademarks of ControlNet International, Ltd. DeviceNet and the ODVA logo are registered trademarks of the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association. Blue Hose is a registered trademark of Belden, Inc. DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Electric Corporation. Packaging Ethernet is a registered trademark of Digital Electric Corporation, Intel and Xerox Corporation. Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 197 AB AB CommScope An Approved Supplier - And Customer Twisted Pair Your decision to purchase equipment for your facility clearly demonstrates your company’s commitment to manufacturing excellence. As one of the largest manufacturers of wire and cable in the world, we applaud your goal of achieving Fiber Optic optimal performance. We at CommScope continually face this same goal of optimizing our manufacturing efficiencies via the right balance of cost, throughput, quality and flexibility to remain Residential competitive in the global marketplace. CommScope employs a vast network of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and statistical process controls (SPCs) that work in tandem to measure and maintain a Central Office consistent, quality product. Our proprietary testing systems, including electrical sweep testing, assure that the cable you get from CommScope performs to manufacturers’ specified levels of performance. We are an ISO-9001 certified manufacturer. Coaxial CommScope is a member of Rockwell Automation’s Encompass Program, ControlNet International, and the Open DeviceNet Vendor’s Association (ODVA). These relationships Industrial Industrial assure that the cables we have designed will work for your systems now and in the future. This catalog represents CommScope’s continued commitment to providing you - the customer - with one of the broadest selections of cables for your specific application. We hope this catalog will serve as a key reference tool as you move toward manufacturing Conduit excellence. Again, congratulations on your purchase and thank you in advance for Glossary/Index Packaging selecting CommScope as your cable supplier. 198 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB CommScope Industrial cables are designed to deliver optimum transmission and mechanical Twisted Pair performance under real-world conditions. CommScope does recommend that the cable be installed AB Industrial Cable Usage correctly when dealing with electromagnetic interference (EMI), oils and chemicals, excessive heat and physical movement, vibration and physical damage. Excessive cable tension during installation may damage the conductors, shielding, or jacket. Minimum Fiber Optic bend radius for the cable should not exceed 10 times the cable OD (Outer Diameter) for copper cables and 20 times the cable OD for fiber cables. In an open ceiling installation, the cable should be supported every 3 to 5 feet. It is best to vary the support distance. Avoid installations where the cable will be crushed. Avoid excessive weight on cables installed in tray. When installing cable in conduit, the conduit must be properly Residential bonded to ground (Refer to the appropriate section of the National Electric Code). The cable must meet the listing requirements of the NEC. Install CommScope Shielded Industrial cable with the same regard for AC power lines and other sources Central Office of RF and EMI as you would any other shielded cable solution. It is important to protect the cable from physical damage. The shield must not be exposed over the cable length. Avoiding sharp surfaces is a must. Do not exceed the minimum bend radius of the cable during installation. CommScope all dielectric fiber cable may be installed without regard to Electromagnetic Interference. Coaxial Proper cable installation techniques must be applied. Do not exceed the cable’s short-term tensile load. Do not exceed the minimum bend radius for the cable. Avoid excessive crush along with other physically damaging conditions. Industrial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 199 AB For General, Rser, Plenum, Burial and Special Applications Twinaxial cables specifically engineered for DH™, DH+™ and Remote I/O™ systems Available in a variety of configurations to meet your specific application Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB CommScope Blue Highway™ DH™, DH+™ Data Highway Plus™Remote I/O Residential 9022 Blue Highway general purpose NEC/CEC CM Central Office 9024 limited distance and special applications NEC/CEC CM Coaxial 9022D dual conductor NEC/CEC CM Industrial Industrial 4022K plenum NEC/CEC CMP Conduit 9022B direct burial Burial Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Color & Type Cable OD in / mm 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω PE Clear/Blue .052/1.32 Approved by Allen-Bradley as Encompass Program Products Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Blue PVC .242/6.15 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 Al foil and 57% TC braid 6.65Ω/21.8Ω Gray PVC .200/5.08 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.93 3.09 6.43 10.65 11.65 11.97 3.05 10.14 21.09 34.93 38.21 39.26 PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Each leg Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω Blue PVC .242/6.15 by .500/12.7 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 FEP Clear/blue .075/1.90 Al foil and 85% TC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Clear Kynar .216/5.49 16.9 55.4 70% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.80 2.10 5.00 7.50 11.00 16.00 2.62 6.89 16.41 24.61 36.09 52.50 PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω Black PE .242/6.15 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper 24 AWG (7x32 AWG) Tinned Copper 24.6Ω/80.6Ω Drain wire: 7x32 AWG Tinned Copper 2x20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper Typical Attenuation Glossary/Index Packaging Unless specified, blue is the standard outer jacket color. Other colors subject to minimum order of 48,000 ft. = 1000ft. Reel 200 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Physically Demanding Applications Twinaxial cables specifically engineered for DH™, DH+™ and Remote I/O™ systems Armored, hi-flex and messengered constructions Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Color & Type Cable OD in / mm Nominal Capacitance 9022AI interlocked aluminum armor 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω Inner: Blue PVC .242/6.15 9022SI interlocked galvanized steel armor 9022F hi-flex 9022M messengered 20 AWG (42x36 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Protective Armor: Interlocked galvanized steel 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Outer: Blue PVC .597/15.2 Inner: Blue PVC .242/6.15 Outer: Blue PVC .597/15.2 PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Al foil and 85% TC braid 2.7Ω/8.9Ω Blue PVC .242/6.15 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.82 2.05 4.60 6.87 11.17 17.51 2.68 6.74 15.11 22.55 36.66 57.45 PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω Black PVC .242/6.15 by .298/7.57 19.7 64.6 66% 78Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 0.77 1.76 3.81 5.56 8.69 12.58 2.54 5.80 12.50 18.26 28.53 41.28 Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper galvanized steel mess. is .051/1.29 Unless specified, blue is the standard outer jacket color. Other colors subject to minimum order of 48,000 ft. Industrial Industrial NEC/CEC CM Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper Al foil and 57% TC braid 4.1Ω/13.4Ω 66% Coaxial NEC/CEC CM PE Clear/blue .078/1.98 19.7 64.6 Central Office NEC/CEC CM 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) Tinned copper 9.5Ω/31.2Ω Protective Armor: Interlocked aluminum Typical Attenuation Residential NEC/CEC CM Drain wire: 7x28 AWG Tinned copper Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Fiber Optic Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Twisted Pair Approved by Allen-Bradley as Encompass Program Products AB AB CommScope Blue Highway™ DH™, DH+™ Data Highway Plus™Remote I/O Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 201 AB For General, Riser, Plenum, Burial and Special Applications Quad-shielded RG6-styled cables engineered for ControlNet systems Meets ControlNet International specifications Available in a variety of configurations to meet your specific application Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB ControlNet™ Approved by Allen-Bradley as Encompass Program Products Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Color & OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Nom Vel. Imp. of Prop. 5060 general purpose 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω FR-PVC .034/.864 Black .300/7.62 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 (2) 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω FR-PVC .034/.864 Black 16.0 52.5 .300/7.62 by .617/15.67 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω FR-PVC .034/.864 Black .300/7.62 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam FEP .170/4.32 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω Kynar (5061) .014/.355 Clear .264/6.69 16.0 52.5 85% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.34 0.37 0.44 0.57 0.83 1.38 1.12 1.21 1.44 1.87 2.72 4.53 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 Black .297/7.54 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 18 AWG Copper-covered steel 29.0Ω/95.1Ω Foam PE .180/4.57 NEC/CEC CMG Residential 5060D dual conductor Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Central Office NEC/CEC CMG 5060R riser NEC/CEC CMR Coaxial 5061/5061V plenum PPVC (5061V) White .016/.406 2.67/6.78 NEC/CEC CMP Industrial Industrial 5060B direct burial Conduit 5060IS intrinsically safe Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω PE .032/.813 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω FR-PVC .034/.863 Lt. Blue .300/7.62 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 PVC .013/.33 Lt. Gray .155/54.1 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 5 10 25 50 0.37 0.88 1.26 1.95 2.98 1.21 2.89 4.13 6.40 9.78 floodant NEC/CEC CMG Packaging 5065 limited distance special applications 24 AWG Solid Copper 26.3Ω/86.3Ω Foam PE 95% TC braid and .095/2.41 95% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω NEC/CEC CMR Glossary/Index Other colors subject to minimum order of 48,000 ft. = 1000ft. Reel 202 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For Physically Demanding Applications Quad-shielded RG6-styled cables engineered for ControlNet systems Meets ControlNet International Specifications Armored, burial and flexible constructions Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Corrugated Steel Armor NEC/CEC CMG 5060AI interlocked aluminum armor 18 AWG Foam PE Copper-covered .180/4.57 steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Inner: Black PE .032/.813 Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω 18 AWG Foam PE Copper-covered .180/4.57 steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Inner: Black PVC .034/.864 Outer: Blue PVC jacket/armor .153/3.87 Inner: Black PVC .034/.864 Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Black 16.0 armored OD .400/10.2 Nom Nom Vel. Imp. of Prop. 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 connector OD .300/7.62 Blue 16.0 armored OD .605/15.4 Outer: Blue PVC jacket/armor .153/3.87 connector OD .300/7.62 MHz dB/100’ dB/100m 52.5 connector OD .297/7.54 Blue 16.0 armored OD .605/15.4 Typical Attenuation Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω PVC .034/.864 Black .300/7.62 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.21 0.34 0.81 1.35 1.98 3.26 0.69 1.11 2.66 4.43 6.49 10.69 18 AWG Foam PE Copper-covered .180/4.57 steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω PVC .033/.838 Black .297/7.54 by .438/11.1 16.0 52.5 82% 75Ω 1 2 5 10 20 50 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.59 0.86 1.38 1.18 1.25 1.48 1.94 2.82 4.53 NEC/CEC CMG 5060M messengered Conduit NEC/CEC CM galvanized steel messenger is .051/1.29 Industrial Industrial Foam PE .180/4.57 Coaxial 20 AWG Stranded (7x15/40 AWG) bare copper 10.2Ω/33.5Ω Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω Protective Armor: Interlocked galvanized steel Outer: Black PE jacket/armor .052/1.32 Cable Color & OD in / mm. Central Office Protective Armor: Interlocked Al NEC/CEC CM 5060F hi-flex Al foil, 60% Al braid, Al foil and 40% Al braid 3.9Ω/12.8Ω Protective Armor: Corrugated steel NEC/CEC CMG 5060SI interlocked galvanized steel armor Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Residential 18 AWG Foam PE Copper-covered .180/4.57 steel 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Fiber Optic 5060A Armored Direct Burial Conductor Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Approved by Allen-Bradley as Encompass Program Products AB AB ControlNet™ Other colors subject to minimum order of 48,000 ft. Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 203 For Trunk and Drop Applications Shielded data/power pairs engineered specifically for DeviceNet Meets Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) specifications Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB ODVA™ DeviceNet™ Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Color & Type Cable OD in / mm pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. 5070 trunk cable (thick) Data pair: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC 6.9Ω/22.7Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .150/3.81 Each pair: Al foil 100% Gray PVC .480/12.2 12.0 39.4 78% 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.13 0.25 0.40 0.41 0.82 1.31 Power pair: 15 AWG (19x28 AWG) TC 3.6Ω/11.8Ω Power: PVC Black/red .098/2.49 Gray PVC .275/7.0 12.0 39.4 78% 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.29 0.50 0.70 0.95 1.64 2.30 Yellow CPE .480/12.2 12.0 39.4 78% 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.13 0.25 0.40 0.41 0.82 1.31 Yellow CPE .275/7.0 12.0 39.4 78% 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.29 0.50 0.70 0.95 1.64 2.30 Each pair: Al foil 100% Inner: Gray PVC 12.0 39.4 78% Overall: 65% TC braid 1.75Ω/5.7Ω 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.13 0.25 0.40 0.41 0.82 1.31 Outer: Blue PVC 12.0 39.4 78% 120Ω .125 .500 1.000 0.29 0.50 0.70 0.95 1.64 2.30 NEC/CEC PLTC SUN RES Residential 5080 drop cable (thin) Central Office NEC/CEC CM/CL2 SUN RES Coaxial 5070CP trunk cable (thick) chemical/oil resistant NEC/CEC CM/CL2 DIR BUR Industrial Industrial 5080CP drop cable (thin) chemical/oil resistant NEC/CEC CM/CL2 DIR BUR Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit 5070AI trunk cable (thick) interlocked aluminum armor Nominal Capacitance Overall: 65% TC braid 1.75Ω/5.7Ω Nom Imp. Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Drain wire: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC Data pair: 24 AWG (19x36 AWG) TC 28Ω/91.8Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .077/1.96 Power pair: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC 17.5Ω/57.4Ω Power: PVC Black/red .055/1.40 Each pair: Al foil 100% Overall: 65% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω Drain wire: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC Data pair: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC 6.9Ω/22.7Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .150/3.81 Power pair: 15 AWG (19x28 AWG) TC 3.6Ω/11.8Ω Power: PVC Black/red .098/2.49 Each pair: Al foil 100% Overall: 65% TC braid 1.75Ω/5.7Ω Drain wire: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC Data pair: 24 AWG (19x36 AWG) TC 28Ω/91.8Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .077/1.96 Power pair: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC 17.5Ω/57.4Ω Power: PVC Black/red .055/1.40 Each pair: Al foil 100% Overall: 65% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω Drain wire: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC Data pair: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC 6.9Ω/22.7Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .150/3.81 Power pair: 15 AWG (19x28 AWG) TC 3.6Ω/11.8Ω Power: PVC Black/red .098/2.49 NEC/CEC CM Drain wire: 18 AWG (19x30 AWG) TC 5080AI drop cable (thin) interlocked aluminum armor Data pair: 24 AWG (19x36 AWG) TC 28Ω/91.8Ω Data: Foam PE Blue/white .077/1.96 Power pair: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC 17.5Ω/57.4Ω Power: PVC Black/red .055/1.40 NEC/CEC CM 204 Approved by Allen-Bradley as Encompass Program Products Protective Armor: Interlocked Al Each pair: Al foil 100% Inner: Gray PVC Overall: 65% TC braid 3.2Ω/10.5Ω Outer: Blue PVC Protective Armor: Interlocked Al Drain wire: 22 AWG (19x34 AWG) TC For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For DH - 485 Networks Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option kft / km NEC/CEC CMR Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD kft / km Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR in / mm Jacket Color & Type Cable OD Nominal Capacitance pF/ft * pF/m* Nominal Velocity of Propagation Typical Impedance 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) TC 14.7Ω/48.2Ω Foam PE blue w/ white stripe and white w/ blue stripe .070/1.77 Al foil 100% coverage over data pair Black PVC .300/7.62 11.0* 36.1* 20.0† 65.6† 78% 120Ω Drain wire: 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) TC Fiber Optic 5090 1.5 Pair Riser Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR in / mm Twisted Pair 1.5 pair foil/braid cables engineered specifically for DH-485 Common reference line is located outside of the foil but within the braid Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available AB AB TM Allen-Bradley DH-485 Overall: 90% TC braid 2.9Ω/9.5Ω Residential Allen-Bradley Longline Cables Central Office For Interconnection of Allen-Bradley Interface Modules Pairs are individually shielded for extra protection from crosstalk and RF interference Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option kft / km Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD kft / km Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR in / mm Jacket Color & Type Cable OD pF/ft † pF/m† Nominal Capacitance pF/ft * pF/m* kft / km Drain Wire Size & Type Nom DCR Nominal Velocity of Propagation 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) TC 14.7Ω/48.2Ω PE Red/Black White/Green .050/1.27 Al foil over each pair Gray PVC .165/4.19 33* 108* 60 † 196† 24 AWG (7X32 AWG) TC 23.3Ω/76.4Ω 66% 22 AWG (7x30 AWG) TC 14.7Ω/48.2Ω FEP Red/Black White/Green .052/1.32 Al foil over each pair White Plenum PVC .160/4.06 31* 102* 59 † 194† 24 AWG (7X32 AWG) TC 23.3Ω/76.4Ω 69.5% Coaxial 6600 Riser Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR in / mm NEC/CEC CMR Industrial Industrial 6600TK Plenum NEC/CEC CMP *denotes capacitance between conductors †denotes capacitance between one conductor and other conductor connected to the shield Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index = 1000ft. Reel For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 205 AB For Moderate and High Levels of Noise and Flex “Industrial” Environments Gigabit Ethernet /155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet Applications Exceeds/meets ANSI/TIA/EIA/ 568B.2 Category 5e, CENELEC EN50173, ICEA S-90-661, NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1 and ISO/IEC 11801 Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB ICAT 5e Industrial Ethernet Cables Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Conductors Size & Type Max DCR kft/km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage 2001 Moderate Noise Moderate Flex UV/Oil Resistant 8-24 AWG Solid BC 28.6Ω/93.8Ω PE .036/.92 None kft / km Jacket Color & Type Cable OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance Nom Imp. pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Outer Jacket: Teal or Gray PVC .231/5.9 14/46 68% 100Ω 1 4 8 10 16 20 25 31.25 62.5 100 2.0 4.1 5.8 6.5 8.2 9.3 10.4 11.7 17.0 22.0 14/46 67% 100Ω .722 1 4 8 10 16 20 25 31.25 62.5 100 2.2 2.4 4.9 6.9 7.8 9.9 11.1 12.5 14.1 20.4 26.4 MHz Inner Jacket: .195/4.9 Residential NEC/CEC CMR/CL2R SUN RES/OIL RES II 2002 Moderate Noise High Flex UV/Oil Resistant 8-24 AWG PE Stranded TC .040/1.02 28.6Ω/93.8Ω None Outer Jacket: Teal or Gray PVC .256/6.5 Central Office Inner Jacket: .218/5.5 NEC/CES CMR/CL2R SUN RES/OIL RES II Coaxial 2003 High noise Moderate flex UV/Oil Resistant 8-24 AWG PE Solid BC .040/1.02 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Teal or Gray PVC .250/6.4 14/46 71% 100Ω .722 1 4 8 10 16 20 25 31.25 62.5 100 1.8 2.0 4.1 5.8 6.5 8.2 9.3 10.4 11.7 17.0 22.0 Al/PET Tape 100% Coverage Outer Jacket: Teal or Gray PVC .290/7.4 14/46 71% 100Ω .722 1 4 8 10 16 20 25 31.25 62.5 100 1.8 2.0 4.1 5.8 6.5 8.2 9.3 10.4 11.7 17.0 22.0 14/46 71% 100Ω .722 1 4 8 10 16 20 25 31.25 62.5 100 2.2 2.4 4.9 6.9 7.8 9.9 11.1 12.5 14.1 20.4 26.4 Drain 24 AWG Stranded TC Industrial Industrial 8-24 AWG PE Solid BC .040/1.02 28.6Ω/93.8Ω Braid TC 65% Coverage Inner Jacket: .205/5.2 Conduit NEC/CEC CMR/CL2R SUN RES/OIL RES II Packaging 2004 High noise High flex UV/Oil Resistant Glossary/Index NEC/CEC CMR/CL2R SUN RES/OIL RES II 8-24 AWG PE Stranded TC .040/1.02 28.6Ω/93.8Ω dB/100m Al/PET Tape 100% Coverage NEC/CEC CMR/CL2R SUN RES/OIL RES II 2003B High noise Moderate flex UV/Oil Resistant Maximum Attenuation Al/PET Tape 100% Coverage Braid TC 65% Coverage Outer Jacket: Teal or Gray PVC .285/7.3 Inner Jacket: .225/5.7 = 1000ft. Reel 206 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • For ANSI/TIA/EIA 568B Category 5e Extended Frequency LANs for Low Noise Factory Offices Gigabit Ethernet /155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet Applications Exceeds/meets ANSI/TIA/EIA/ 568B.2 Category 5e, CENELEC EN50173, ICEA S-90-661, NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1 and ISO/IEC 11801 5504M Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR 4 24 AWG Solid BC FEP (Teflon) .007/.19 and FRPE .008/.20 CommFlex FR-PVC .016/.40 .190/4.8 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray* 14 100Ω ± 15Ω 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 71% 25/82 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 PVC .022/0.6 .195/4.9 White, blue, yellow, pink and gray* 14 100Ω ± 15Ω 28.6Ω/kft 9.4Ω/100m 68% 24/78 NEC/ CEC CMP 55N4R NEC/CEC CMR/CMG Velocity Shipping of Wt. in lbs. Propagation kft / km Residential Conductor Size and Material Fiber Optic No. of Pairs Twisted Pair Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option *Colors other than these require a minimum order of 48,000 ft Please refer to the Twisted Pair section of the catalog for Electrical Performance. Central Office UltraMedia Category 6+ Twisted Pair Cables For Low Noise Factory Office Applications Coaxial Broadband video, Gigabit Ethernet, 155 Mb/s ATM, 100 Mb/s TP-PMD/CDDI and Fast Ethernet Applications Exceeds/meets ANSI/TIA/EIA/ 568B.2 Category 5e, 568-B.2.1 Category 6, NEMA 66-1999 Category 6 NEMA Low-loss Extended Frequency, AS/NZS 3085.1 and ISO/IEC 11801 Plenum 7504 No. of Pairs Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft Input Impedance Maximum DCR 4 23 AWG Solid BC 3prs: FEP .008/.20 CommFlex FR-PVC .015/.38 .250/6.3 CommScope green, white and blue* 14 100Ω ± 15Ω 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m 1pr: FSPE .008/.20 NEC/CEC CMP Velocity Shipping of Wt. in lbs. Propagation kft / km 71% Industrial Industrial Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option 28/92 Conduit Non-plenum Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option 75N4 Conductor Size and Material Insulation Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket Material & Thickness in / mm Cable Jacket OD and colors in / mm. 4 24 AWG Solid BC PE .008/.20 PVC .020/.51 .240/6.1 White blue, and gray* NEC/CEC CMR/CMG Nominal Characteristic Capacitance Impedance pF/ft 14 100Ω ± 15Ω Maximum DCR 20.3Ω/kft 6.7Ω/100m Velocity Shipping of Wt. in lbs. Propagation kft / km 68% 26/85 Packaging No. of Pairs AB AB Ultra II Category 5e+ Twisted Pair Cables *Colors other than these require a minimum order of 48,000 ft Please refer to the Twisted Pair section of the catalog for Electrical Performance. = Reel-In-Box Glossary/Index = Reel = ComPak For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 207 AB For Trunk, Drop and Transceiver Applications DEC part numbers designed for optimum performance in all DEC Ethernet applications Transceiver pairs are individually shielded for extra protection from crosstalk and RF interference Cable-in-conduit (CIC) versions are available Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB DEC/Ethernet™ IEEE 802.3 Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Dielectric Type Nom OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage Nom DCR kft / km Jacket Type & Thickness in / mm Cable Color & OD in / mm. Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Nom Vel. Imp. of Prop. 3250 trunk DEC #17-00451 12 AWG Solid bare copper 1.4Ω/4.6Ω Foam PE .247/6.27 Al foil, 90% TC braid, Al foil and 90% TC braid 1.2Ω/3.9Ω PVC .040/1.01 Yellow or blue .405/10.3 25.5 85.3 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.17 0.52 1.20 1.80 2.55 3.60 4.76 5.40 5.69 0.56 1.71 3.94 5.91 8.35 11.81 15.63 17.72 18.68 13 AWG Solid bare copper 1.4Ω/4.6Ω Foam FEP .247/6.27 Al foil, 90% TC braid, Al foil and 90% TC braid 0.9Ω/3.0Ω Kynar .020/.508 Blue or orange .366/9.30 26.2 85.9 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.18 0.52 1.20 1.70 2.55 3.90 5.50 6.50 6.90 0.62 1.71 3.84 5.58 8.37 12.80 18.05 21.33 22.64 20 AWG (19x32 AWG) Tinned copper 10.1Ω/33.3Ω Foam PE .101/2.57 Al foil and 93% TC braid 4.2Ω/13.9Ω PVC .026/.660 White .183/4.67 25.0 82.0 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.44 1.40 2.90 4.20 6.10 8.90 12.10 13.90 14.80 1.44 4.59 9.51 13.78 20.00 29.19 39.69 45.59 48.54 20 AWG (19x32 AWG) Tinned copper 9.0Ω/29.5Ω Foam FEP .101/2.57 Al foil and 95% TC braid 4.2Ω/13.9Ω Kynar (K) CommFlex FR-PVC .016/.406 Clear (K) White (V) .161/4.09 27.0 88.6 78% 50Ω 1 10 50 100 200 400 700 900 1000 0.43 1.30 2.90 4.20 6.10 8.90 12.10 13.90 14.80 1.41 4.27 9.51 13.78 20.00 29.20 39.70 45.61 48.56 Residential 2280K trunk DEC #17-00324 Central Office NEC/CEC CMG NEC/CEC CMP 3104 drop DEC #17-01248 Coaxial NEC/CEC CMG riser version available Industrial Industrial 2104K/2104V drop DEC #17-01246 Conduit NEC/CEC CMP Conductors Size & Type Nom DCR kft / km Insulation Type & Color Conductor OD in / mm Shields Type & Coverage 9050 transceiver DEC #17-01320 4 pr/20 AWG (7x28 AWG) TC 10.4Ω/34.1Ω Data: FPE .078/1.98 gray/white yellow/orange blue/green Power: PVC .062/1.57 red/black Each pair: Al foil NEC/CEC CL2 Packaging Glossary/Index Catalog Number Safety Rating Packaging Option 4050K transceiver DEC #17-01319 NEC/CEC CMP Drain wire: 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) TC 10.4Ω/34.1Ω 4 pr/20 AWG (7x28 AWG) TC 10.4Ω/34.1Ω Drain wire: 20 AWG (7x28 AWG) TC 10.4Ω/34.1Ω Data: FPE .078/1.98 gray/white yellow/orange blue/green Power: PVC .060/1.52 red/black Overall: 94% TC braid Each pair: Al foil Typical Attenuation MHz dB/100’ dB/100m Jacket Color & Type Cable OD in / mm Nominal Capacitance pF/ft pF/m Nom Vel. of Prop. Nom Imp. Typical Attenuation Light gray PVC .405/10.29 19.7 64.6 78% 78Ω 10 1.83 6.00 Kynar .365/9.27 19.7 64.6 78% 78Ω 10 1.83 6.00 MHz dB/100’ db/100m Overall: 94% TC braid *denotes capacitance between conductors †denotes capacitance between one conductor and other conductor connected to the shield = 1000ft. Reel 208 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB Interlock Armor is available on a wide range of CommScope cables. Interlock Armor is made to order with short minimum order lengths and quick order turn around, making it a very economical choice. AB Rugged Interlock Armor with optional outer jacket Benefits: Twisted Pair • Outstanding mechanical protection for sensitive cables combined with excellent flexibility • Reduces data transmission loss/failures caused by accidental cut through or crushing, mechanical vibration and rub through damage via adjacent cables moves and changes. • Security: Ideal for cabling applications which transmit critical data Fiber Optic Features: Residential • Protection - Available in steel or aluminum interlock armor - Meets CSA 51 Armored Cable requirements - Sunlight (UV) Resistant rated • Flame Rating - CM and CMG rated. Riser and plenum ratings available - Meets UL444 and CSA-214-94 Communications Cable Requirements • Outer jacket features: - Color coded for easy cable zoning and identification - Custom printing for ease of identification - Sequential length marking in foot or meter Central Office Applications: Local Area Networks Factory Automation Critical Data Lines Video, Robotics Coaxial • • • • Typical Locations: Commercial construction and renovations: schools, health care, factory floor, OEMs Heavy industry: mining, pulp & paper, petro-chemical High security areas: hospitals, military installations, financial centers, casinos Outdoor and indoor applications Industrial Industrial • • • • Approvals: • UL/CSA approved for a wide range of CommScope cables ICAT5e DeviceNet ControlNet Packaging Data Highway Conduit Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 209 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Industrial Conduit Packaging AB DH™ Data Highway Installations Overview and Cabling Tips for DH+™ and Remote I/O™ DH™ Data Highway is one of the most popular methods of connecting an industrial control network. Up to 64 stations (programmable controller/adapters or a computer) may be joined over a Data Highway. The Data Highway uses a twinaxial cable as both a trunk cable (the network backbone) and as a drop cable (which connect the trunkline to the station). A trunk cable may total up to 10,000 ft/3,048 meters) in overall length, while a drop cable may not exceed 100 ft/30 meters in length. CommScope’s 9022/4022 series twinaxial cables meet or exceed specific performance and construction standards established by manufacturers. The standard PVC-jacketed twinax is complemented by a broad range of other styles, including those intended for armored, aerial, burial, hi-flex, plenum and limited distance special application installations. 9022/4022 SERIES DATA HIGHWAY CABLE CLEAR CONDUCTOR DRAIN WIRE BLUE CONDUCTOR FOIL SHIELD FILLER BRAID SHIELD Data Highway Cable Connection and Termination Two styles of connectors are offered for the Data Highway. If you frequently move stations or reconfigure your network, use connector kits, which use soldered jacks and plugs to attach station droplines and connect segments of trunkline. You will also need at least one terminator set, as unterminated connections will cause signal reflection and degrade system performance. If you rarely reconfigure your network, use station connectors, which are grounded boxes with a screw-type terminal block for attaching the conductors. The 1770-SC connector set comes with a 15-pin connector to attach the dropline to the controller. JACKET Data Highway Cable Installation Tips CommScope 9022 series cables are designed to deliver optimum electrical and mechanical performance under real-world conditions. However, manufacturers recommend that the cable be isolated as much as possible from electromagnetic interference(EMI), oils and chemicals, excessive heat/flame and physical movement, vibration and physical damage. Electromagnetic interference can be avoided by: • keeping the cable at least 3 ft/1 meter from electrical motors, transformers, arcs and microwave radiation • running DH cables at a 90° angle to all power lines • preventing the connectors from touching conductive surfaces • if running in conduit, making sure the conduit is well grounded along its entire length. 1770-XG CONNECTOR SET PLUG CONNECTORS JACK CONNECTOR TEE CONNECTOR Chemical and thermal problems can be avoided by: • keeping the cable away from oil, grease, acids, strong chemicals, open flame, steam and steam lines, boilers and equipment hotter than 60° C that might damage the cable • water, steam or other liquids that might corrode the connectors. Physical damage can be avoided by: • routing the cable away from foot or vehicle traffic • keeping away from abrasive surfaces such as concrete which may erode the cable • not pulling the cable through undersize conduit. Special note: Exerting tension on the cable at any time may damage the shielding or connectors. Always allow sufficient slack during installation so as to avoid any excessive tension. 1770-SC STATION CONNECTOR TRUNKLINE OUT TRUNKLINE IN CABLE CLAMP Glossary/Index GROUND WIRE TO EARTH GROUND DROPLINE CABLE TO DATA HIGHWAY 210 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Overview and Cabling Tips DIELECTRIC FOIL SHIELD BRAID SHIELD FOIL SHIELD BRAID SHIELD JACKET Residential Central Office 5065SERIES CONTROLNET CABLE CONDUCTOR DIELECTRIC BRAID SHIELD Coaxial All connections to the ControlNet trunk cable are made by taps, which may be installed anywhere along the trunk cable and have the drop cables already attached. BNC connectors are used to connect the taps to the trunk and link ControlNet cable segments. Only one unconnected drop cable (usually for maintenance purposes) is permitted. If you are planning a node but have not installed the device to which it will be attached, use a bullet connector on the trunk to reserve its location. The number of taps on a segment will determine its maximum length. For instance, a segment with only two nodes can run the full 3280 ft/1000 meters. However, a segment supporting the maximum number of 48 nodes may only run 820 ft/250 meters. Repeaters count as devices, but not as nodes. 75W terminators must be attached to the ends of the trunk cable. Taps, BNC connectors and terminators are available from several quality manufacturers. CONDUCTOR Fiber Optic ControlNet Cable Connection and Termination 5060/5061 SERIES CONTROLNET CABLE Twisted Pair ControlNet™ is a real-time, 10 Mb/sec network that permits both I/O data communications and upload/download of programming and configuration data over the same link. A ControlNet network may consist of up to five trunk segments of up to 3280 ft/1000 meters in length. Segments may be linked with active repeaters to form a total network length of 16400 ft/5000 meters. ControlNet also supports a fiber optic option for even longer distances. Depending on network length, a ControlNet system connects up to 99 nodes (with a maximum of 48 devices per single segment). A node is a connection via a tap and drop cable to any of a variety of ControlNet-compatible components. ControlNet also supports redundant links so that the network will continue to operate despite a break in one of the cables. ControlNet uses a low-loss quad-shielded coaxial cable as a trunkline. CommScope’s 5060/5061 series of coax cables is based on a time-tested design and are engineered to meet or exceed ControlNet standards. The 5060 series is available in several configurations, including those intended for armored, aerial, burial, hi-flex, plenum, riser and limited distance and special application installations. ControlNet uses a double-braid shielded coaxial cable as a dropline. CommScope’s 5065 coaxial cable is used in ControlNet droplines. Installers can also use CommScope’s 5065 coaxial cable in shorter (limited) distance droplines that can be supported by this 24 AWG cable. In addition, the smaller size of CommScope’s 5065 coaxial cable allows for easier installations in limited space areas such as control cabinets. BRAID SHIELD JACKET Industrial Industrial ControlNet Cable Installation Tips CommScope 5060 series cables are designed to deliver optimum electrical and mechanical performance under real-world conditions. In order to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI), manufacturers offer some specific wiring recommendations: Noise Source Min. Safe distance in an enclosure Category-1 conductors <20A AC lines 20A to 100KVA AC lines >100KVA 3 in/0.08 m 6 in/0.15 m 24 in/0.60 m in wireway/conduit Category-1 conductors <20A AC lines 20A to 100KVA AC lines >100KVA 3 in/0.08 m 6 in/0.15 m 12 in/0.30 m outside of conduit Category-1 conductors <20A AC lines 20A to 100KVA AC lines >100KVA 6 in/0.15 m 12 in/0.30 m 24 in/0.60 m Packaging Cabling Environment Conduit • ControlNet cables are isolated from earth and MUST be protected from inadvertent grounding do not let connectors touch grounded surfaces • Keep ControlNet cable at least 5 ft/1.5 meters from any high-voltage enclosures or sources of RF/microwave radiation • If you must cross power feed lines, do so at right angles • If used, the entire length of the conduit/wireway must be grounded back to the enclosure. Glossary/Index Manufacturers also recommend routing around category-1 conductors such as AC power lines, high-power AC and DC digitalI/O lines and motion drive/motor power connections (see the above chart). For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB ControlNet™ Installations 211 AB Twisted Pair DeviceNet™ is a low-cost communications link that both connects and powers industrial devices (switches, starters, sensors, drives, displays, etc.). Up to 64 devices can be controlled over a DeviceNet. Like ControlNet, DeviceNet components are manufactured by a broad range of affiliated suppliers. CommScope’s 5070 and 5080 power/data cables meet or exceed specific performance and construction standards established by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA). DeviceNet traditionally runs over a two-pair shielded cable (one power pair, one data pair) with a “thick” trunk cable (15 AWG power/18 AWG data) and a “thin,” more flexible drop cable (22 AWG power/24 AWG data), although the trunk cable may be used as a drop cable as well. Both pairs are individually foilshielded and covered with an overall braid shield. Central Office Coaxial 5070/5080 DEVICENET CABLE POWER PAIR DATA PAIR FOIL SHIELDS DRAIN WIRE BRAID SHIELD JACKET Network length is dependent upon network speed. Using thick trunk cable: • 125 kbps networks should not exceed 1,640 ft/500 meters with a cumulative drop length of 512 ft/156 meters • 250 kbps should not exceed 820 ft/250 meters with a cumulative drop length of 256 ft/78 meters • 500 kbps should not exceed 328 ft/100 meters with a cumulative drop length of 128 ft/39 meters. Drop cables are limited to an overall length of 328 ft/100 meters regardless of network speed. The above cumulative drop length limits apply. Drop cables may not exceed 20 ft/6 meters in length for either network. DeviceNet Cable Connection and Termination A number of manufacturers produce closed-style mini and micro five-pin connectors for DeviceNet cables - open-style connectors are available as well. Consult the DeviceNet product catalog for vendors. Trunk cable ends should be terminated with the proper terminating resistors. DeviceNet Cable Installation Tips The power pair of a DeviceNet cable is rated for 300V - therefore, keep them away from higher voltage cables unless they can be physically isolated in the conduit or cable tray. A minimum distance of 3 in/76 mm is recommended. The network should be grounded at one location only. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Industrial AB Overview and Cabling Tips Residential Fiber Optic DeviceNet™ Installations 212 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Overview and Cabling Tips 5090 DH-485 CABLE Twisted Pair DH-485 is a version of the RS-485 token-passing ring network that monitors and communicates with devices and processes throughout a manufacturing plant. A DH-485 network consists of a trunk cable that connects link couplers to a control computer. The link couplers carry data to controllers over a drop cable. Up to 32 devices may be connected over a maximum trunk cable length of 4,000 ft/1660 meters. DH-485 uses CommScope’s 5090 dual-shield one-and-a-half pair cable. A shielded twisted pair cable is used for data communications. The single conductor acts as a common reference line between all the link connectors. All the conductors are covered with a braid shield. AB AB DH-485™ Installations DATA PAIR REFERENCE CONDUCTOR FOIL SHIELD DRAIN WIRE DH-485 cables are hardwired to link couplers. No special connectorization is necessary. The link couplers come with a standard dropwire to connect the link coupler to the controller. Fiber Optic OVERALL BRAID SHIELD DH-4 485 Cable Connection and Termination JACKET DH-4 485 Cable Installation Tips Noise Source Min. Safe distance in wireway/conduit Category-1 conductors <20A AC lines 20A to 100KVA AC lines >100KVA 3 in/0.08 m 6 in/0.15 m 12 in/0.30 m outside of conduit Category-1 conductors <20A AC lines 20A to 100KVA AC lines >100KVA 6 in/0.15 m 12 in/0.30 m 24 in/0.60 m Central Office Cabling Environment Residential CommScope 5090 series of cables is designed to deliver optimum electrical and mechanical performance under real-world conditions. In order to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI), manufacturers recommend routing around category-1 conductors such as AC power lines, high-power AC and DC digital I/O lines and motion drive/motor power connections. Refer to this chart for specifics. Coaxial Longline Installations Overview and Cabling Tips Industrial Industrial 6600 SERIES LONGLINE CABLE DATA PAIRS Conduit Manufacturers’ Longline connections are used to directly connect two interface modules. Longline uses RS-232-C communications protocol to link modules as far apart as 7000 ft/2135 meters. The length of the link is determined by the data transmission speed: • 2400 bits/sec can run up to a maximum of 7000 ft/2135 meters • 4800 bits/sec can run up to a maximum of 6000 ft/1830 meters • 9600 bits/sec can run up to a maximum of 4000 ft/1220 meters • 19200 bits/sec can run up to a maximum of 2000 ft/610 meters Longline uses CommScope’s 6600 series twin shielded twisted pair cable for data communications. CommScope offers both plenum 6600TK and non-plenum 6600 flame rated cables. INDIVIDUAL FOIL SHIELDS DRAIN WIRE JACKET Packaging Longline Cable Connection and Termination Longline cables are attached to a variety of devices by using standard 15 and 25 pin RS-232-C connectors. Longline Cable Installation Tips Glossary/Index Install Longline cables with the same regard for AC power lines and other sources of RF and EMI as you would any other shielded twisted pair cable. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 213 AB Overview and Cabling Tips Installations ICAT5e Industrial Ethernet (LAN-twisted pair) Cables are projected for widespread use on the factory floor due to sophisticated end-user applications. The cables must meet the same minimum Cat 5e specifications that are required of LAN cables. However, while located on the factory floor, they will be subjected to more harsh conditions than typical LAN cable. The ICAT5e Cables are subjected to harsh conditions on the factory floor, such as varying levels of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), UV exposure, fluids (oils, chemicals, etc.), extreme temperatures, physical movement, vibration, and physical damage due to the movement of other items in the area (forklifts, traffic, etc.). The Industrial Ethernet Cables are constructed of materials that reduce the effects of exposure to UV, fluids, and extreme temperatures. Interlocking armor or protective conduit decreases the potential for physical damage. The ICAT5e Industrial Ethernet Cables are designed based on two levels of two environments (Noise & Flexure). CommScope offers four versions of the Industrial Ethernet Cables (2001-2004) which provide solutions to many combinations of noise (moderate, high) and flex (moderate, high) environments. Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB ICAT5e™ Installations and Cable Selection Matrix Cable Selection Matrix- Proper selection based on application, minimizes machine downtime. Central Office A. Flex Life Requirement- based on machine life cycle or maintenance cycle. 1. Moderate Flex: 85,000 cycles 2. Hi-Flex: 4,000,000 cycles *Minimum expected flex life per Commscope C-Track flex test, to Category 5e performance failure. Commscope C-Track flex test-cable is flexed in a C-Track at the recommended installation minimum bend radius of 10x cable outer diameter at the rate of 1 cycle per second. Coaxial B. Noise Immunity Requirement- based on EMC Engineering evaluation. 1. Moderate Noise: suitable for unshielded cables. Assume 0dB shielding effectiveness baseline. 2. Hi-Noise: up to 50dB more shielding effectiveness. Industrial Industrial Cable Selection Matrix Noise Environment Moderate Noise (0dB) High Noise (50dB) Moderate Flex (85K cycles*) 2001 Solid Conductor No Shield 2003 2003B Solid Conductor Shield High Flex (4M cycles*) 2002 Stranded Conductor No Shield 2004 Stranded Conductor Shield Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Flex Environment 214 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Part Number Cross Reference Cable Description DH™, DH+™ Data Highway™ Data Highway Plus™ Remote I/O™ 1770 - CD - 9022 Blue Highway™ 9024 9022D 4022K 9022B 9022AI 9022SI 9022F 9022M 9463 Blue Hose™ YR28826 89463 YR28762 129463 139463 YR28761 - 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201 ControlNet™ General Purpose Dual Conductor Riser Plenum Direct Burial Intrinsically Safe Limited Distance/Special Applications Corrugated Steel Armor Interlocked Aluminum Armor Interlocked Galvanized Steel Armor Hi-Flex Messengered 1786 - RG6 1786 RG6 F/A - 5060 5060D 5060R 5061 & 5061V 5060B 5060IS 5065 5060A 5060AI 5060SI 5060F 5060M 3092A 9072 3131A 3093A 1190A 121189A YR28890 - 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 DeviceNet™ Trunk (Thick) Drop (Thin) CPE Trunk (Thick) CPE Drop (Thin) Interlocked Aluminum Armor (Thick) Interlocked Aluminum Armor (Thin) 1485-PI-AXXX 1485-PI-CXXX - 5070 5080 5070CP 5080CP 5070AI 5080AI 3082A 3084A 3083A 3085A - 204 204 204 204 204 204 DH-485™ 1.5 Twisted Pair Riser - 5090 3106A (replaces 9842) 205 Longline™ Riser Plenum 1778 - CR - 6600 6600TK 88723 205 205 Conduit General Purpose Limited Distance/Special Applications Dual Conductor Plenum Direct Burial Interlocked Aluminum Armor Interlocked Galvanized Steel Armor Hi-Flex Messengered Industrial Industrial Page No. Coaxial Belden Part Number Central Office CommScope Part Number Residential Allen-Bradley Part Number Fiber Optic Allen Bradley Twisted Pair Manufacturers require that cables for their networks meet exacting standards for design, materials, construction, and performance. In order to become an approved supplier, CommScope had to meet rigorous qualifications. This means that CommScope cables can be substituted for other industry-wide part numbers. Refer to the table below for the CommScope cable that matches your application and the requisite (or other specifier) and trade part number. The cross reference provides the most accurate information available. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to compare specification sheets and determine if these products meet the required specifications for their intended use. AB AB Networks and Cables Note: Product specifications may change without notice and affect accuracy within cross reference. Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 215 AB Part Number Cross Reference Manufacturers require that cables for their networks meet exacting standards for design, materials, construction, and performance. In order to become an approved supplier, CommScope had to meet rigorous qualifications. This means that CommScope cables can be substituted for other industry-wide part numbers. Refer to the table below for the CommScope cable that matches your application and the requisite (or other specifier) and trade part number: The cross reference provides the most accurate information available. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to compare specification sheets and determine if these products meet the required specifications for their intended use. Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB Networks and Cables Ethernet Cable Description DEC Part Number Industrial Ethernet ICAT5e Series Twisted Pair Category 5e Ethernet Cables Gigabit Ethernet 155 Mb/s ATM UltraMedia Cat 6 Plenum UltraMedia Cat 6 Non Plenum Ultra II Cat 5e+ Plenum Ultra II Cat 5e+ Non Plenum DECNet Ethernet 802.3 Trunk (thick) Plenum Trunk Drop (thin) Plenum Drop Transceiver Plenum Transceiver CommScope Part Number Belden Part Number 2001 2002 2003 2003B 2004 Page No. 206 206 206 206 206 - 7504 75N4 5504M 55N4 - 207 207 207 207 17- 00451 - 00 17- 00324 - 00 17- 01248 - 00 17- 01246 - 00 17- 01320 - 00 17- 01319 - 00 3250 2280K 3104 2104K & V 9050 4050K 9880 89880 9907 89907 9901 89901 208 208 208 208 208 208 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Industrial Note: Product specifications may change without notice and affect accuracy within cross reference. 216 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 217 Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Conduit Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Conduit Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office ConQuest Cable-In-Conduit Empty Conduit ® ConQuest Conduit Products Cable-In-Conduit Empty Conduit ® ConQuest TM Toneable Conduit Accessories 218 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB AB Twisted Pair Conduit Fiber Optic Features and Benefits Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Conduit and Tracer Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Available Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 Product and Material Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Dimensions and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Product Specifications ConQuest® Trunk & Distribution Cable Products P3®-In-Conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 QR®-In-Conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 ConQuest Drop Cable Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 ConQuest Empty Conduit (CEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Pull Ropes and Pull Tapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 ConQuest Toneable ConduitTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 ConQuest Fiber Optic Cable Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 ConQuest Conduit Accessories WHUPP!TM Cable Pulling Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Conduit Cutting Tools and End Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Conduit Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Additional Information ConQuest vs. Traditional PVC Stick Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 Direct Burial vs. ConQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 Technical Information ConQuest Toneable Conduit Technical Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Installation Information (Tech Tips) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 Packaging & Shipping Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 219 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office ® Features and Benefits Feature High density polyethylene material Benefits Superior resistance to cracking or shattering, providing long term stability (even at low temperatures) Provides heavy protection in rocky soil conditions; Excellent chemical resistance Lower coefficient of friction and moisture migration rate than traditional PVC stick pipe Feature UV protection Benefit Superior protection from cracking during storage or when used as a ground riser Feature Continuous length conduit Benefits Installs faster than PVC stick pipe; easy to plow; no couplings or glue required Feature Conduit - internal lubricant Benefit Provides excellent cable removal and replacement capabilities Feature Pre-installed CommScope cable - the cable of choice Benefits No field installation of cable into conduit required; cable is better protected from improper field handling; saves installation time and costs Industrial Coaxial Conduit and Tracer Colors Typical Colors Used In Underground Applications CommScope manufactures conduit and tracers in a variety of colors to meet your specific requirements. However, please note that the most common colors are black, orange or terra cotta. Orange/terra cotta conduit is recommended for telecommunication conduit in buried applications. Black is recommend for applications where the conduit is exposed to direct sunlight. For other colors see the chart at right. Note: Colors do not tolerate direct sunlight for extended periods of time and are not recommended for aerial or above ground installations. For more information on custom colors and tracers, please contact our Broadband Customer Service Center at 800-982-1708. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Conduit AB ConQuest Conduit 220 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Available Configurations CommScope manufactures conduit in a variety of sizes and configurations (empty or with pre-installed cable or pull lines). Below is just a small sampling of the configurations available. For more information, please contact your CommScope sales representative. Twisted Pair ® ConQuest Cable-In-Conduit (CIC) Products Drop Cable-In-Conduit ® Fiber Optic Standard Shield Construction (Flooded) Drop Cable Product Shown P3 -In-Conduit Fiber-In-Toneable Conduit All Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube Fiber Product Shown Coaxial QR JCASS (Flooded) Trunk and Distribution Product Shown Central Office QR -In-Conduit Residential P3 JCASS (Flooded) Trunk and Distribution Product Shown ® AB AB ConQuest Conduit Industrial ® ConQuest Empty Conduit (CEC) Products Smooth Wall Empty Conduit Conduit Conduit Shown with Polypropylene Pull Rope TM Fully Embedded Copper Clad Steel Tone Wire Glossary/Index ® Packaging Ribbed Wall Empty Conduit ConQuest Toneable Conduit For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 221 AB Twisted Pair ® High Quality Product and Material Specifications The HDPE resin shall meet the standards for Type III, Category 5, Class E (colors with UV stabilizers) or Class C (black), high density polyethylene specified in ASTM D 3350 (American Society for Testing Materials). Material Specifications Property Test Method (ASTM) Value Cell Classification D792A or D1505 0.940 - 0.955 3 Melt Index (g/10 min) D1238 < 0.15 4 Flexural Modulus (psi) D790 110,000 - 160,000 5 Tensile Strength @ yield (psi) D638 3,000 - 3,500 4 ESCR, Condition B D1693 > in 1,000 hr 7 Hydrostatic Design Basis (psi) D2837 NPR* 0 Tensile Strength @ break (psi) D638 4,500 min. – Tensile Elongation @ break (%) D638 750 min. – Brittleness Temperature (°C) D746 < -76 – Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Density (g/cm3) Coaxial AB ConQuest Conduit *NPR - Not Pressure Rated Ultraviolet Protection Non-Black conduit shall contain sufficient protection against UV radiation. The carbon black UV stabilization package shall be blended into the HDPE resin to achieve 2.35% 2.85% carbon black. Industrial Lubrication There will be no adhesion of the cable jacket to the conduit wall. In addition, a permanent silicone based lubricant is applied to the cable jacket to aid in cable removal, and excess lubricant is wiped off of the cable to insure that no buildup occurs inside the conduit. Printing The standard print height is 1/4" (±1/16") and unless otherwise specified shall conform to the following CommScope example "(Current Year) COMMSCOPE INC. (Size) (SDR or SCH Size) CONQUEST CABLE IN CONDUIT (Footage) FEET". The print will be clearly legible and sequentially marked every two feet ±1% unless otherwise specified. Ovality Ovality off the drum will be no more than 7% when calculated by the following formula: Maximum OD - Minimum OD divided by Average OD multiplied by 100. Each reel or length shall be free from voids, welds, or surface defects (inside or outside). Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Cosmetics 222 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Dimensions and Specifications SDR 11 Dimensional Requirements Outside Diameter (inches) Wall Thickness (inches) Nominal Inner Diameter (inches) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (inches) Max. Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 13mm 0.055 +0.014 0.500 8 210 46 0.840 ± 0.004 0.076 +0.020 0.668 10 390 85 3 /4" 1.050 ± 0.005 0.095 +0.020 0.840 12 605 130 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.120 +0.020 1.055 14 950 204 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.151 +0.020 1.338 18 1,520 320 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.173 +0.021 1.533 20 1,760 416 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.216 +0.026 1.917 26 3,105 640 3" 3.500 ± 0.018 0.318 + 0.038 2.826 48 6,740 1,386 4" 4.500 ± 0.023 0.409 + 0.049 3.633 60 11,145 2,295 /2" 1 /4" Fiber Optic 0.625 ± 0.012 1 Twisted Pair Nominal Size Residential SDR 13.5 Dimensional Requirements Nominal Size Nominal Inner Diameter (inches) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (inches) Max. Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 1 0.840 ± 0.004 0.062 + 0.020 0.696 10 320 71 3 /4" 1.050 ± 0.005 0.078 + 0.020 0.874 12 505 111 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.097 + 0.020 1.101 14 790 169 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.123 + 0.020 1.394 18 1,260 265 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.141 + 0.020 1.598 20 1,455 344 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.176 + 0.021 2.002 26 2,580 532 3" 3.500 ± 0.018 0.259 + 0.031 2.951 48 5,590 1,154 4" 4.500 ± 0.023 0.333 + 0.040 3.794 60 9,250 1,905 1 /4" Coaxial Wall Thickness (inches) Central Office Outside Diameter (inches) /2" Industrial SCH 40 Dimensional Requirements Nominal Size Nominal Inner Diameter (inches) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (inches) Max. Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 1 0.840 ± 0.004 0.109 + 0.020 0.602 10 530 112 3 /4" 1.050 ± 0.005 0.113 + 0.020 0.804 12 705 149 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.133 + 0.020 1.029 14 1,050 219 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.140 + 0.020 1.360 18 1,420 295 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.145 + 0.020 1.590 20 1,700 353 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.154 + 0.020 2.047 26 2,300 472 3" 3.500 ± 0.018 0.216 + 0.026 3.042 48 4,725 975 4" 4.500 ± 0.023 0.237 + 0.028 3.998 60 6,730 1,388 1 /4" Packaging Wall Thickness (inches) Conduit Conduit Outside Diameter (inches) /2" AB AB ConQuest Conduit Glossary/Index NOTES Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) is the ratio between the wall thickness and the outside diameter of a specific conduit. Schedule 40 dimensions are outlined under ASTM D 2447. These products are not registered to maintaining a specific wall to OD ration, but rather a specific wall thickness to each conduit diameter. Other wall thicknesses are available upon request. Specifications are subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • *Weight does not include the reel. 223 AB AB ConQuest Conduit ® Pre-Installed with Trunk & Distribution Cable Twisted Pair ® P3 -In-Conduit (JCASS Product Shown) High Density Polyethylene Conduit Aluminum Outer Conductor Fiber Optic Center Conductor Dielectric Dielectric Adhesive Flooding Residential Polyethylene Jacket P3 565 JCASS P3 500 JCASS Size Central Office 1" 1 Industrial Coaxial 1 /4" 1 Wall Thickness Wall Rating Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lbs/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lb/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lb/kft SDR 13.5 Medium 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 266 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 285 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 314 SDR 11 Heavy 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 301 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 320 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 349 SCH 40 Extra-Heavy 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 316 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 335 2,400 54 x 30 x 40 364 SDR 13.5 Medium 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 362 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 381 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 410 SCH 40 Heavy 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 392 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 411 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 440 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 417 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 436 2,400 63 x 30 x 40 465 SDR 13.5 Medium 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 441 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 460 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 489 SCH 40 Heavy 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 450 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 469 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 498 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 513 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 532 2,400 80 x 40 x 38 561 SCH 40 Medium 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 569 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 588 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 617 SDR 13.5 Heavy 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 629 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 648 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 677 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 737 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 756 2,400 90 x 42 x 40 785 Conduit Conduit 1 /2" P3 625 JCASS Glossary/Index Packaging 2" 224 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Pre-Installed with Trunk & Distribution Cable AB AB ConQuest Conduit ® P3 -In-Conduit ® Twisted Pair CommScope’s P3 product line is the industry standard by which all coaxial trunk and distribution cables are measured. P3 has been proven robust and reliable by years of successful installations. CommScope P3 offers low attenuation and inherent strength making it an industry standard. CommScope offers several different sizes of P3 Cable-In-Conduit (500, 565, 625, 700, 750, 875 and 1000), each optimized for a specific use. For more information or specifications on our P3 cables, please consult the Trunk and Distribution section of CommScope’s Broadband Catalog. Fiber Optic P3 750 JCASS P3 875 JCASS Residential P3 700 JCASS P3 1000 JCASS Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lb/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lb/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lbs/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lb/kft Size NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1" NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,500 63x30x40 430 2,500 68x30x40 467 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,500 63x30x40 460 2,500 68x30x40 497 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,500 63x30x40 485 2,500 68x30x40 522 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,500 80x40x38 509 2,500 80x40x38 546 2,500 80x40x38 606 NA NA NA 2,500 80x40x38 518 2,500 80x40x38 555 2,500 80x40x38 615 NA NA NA 2,500 80x40x38 581 2,500 80x40x38 618 2,500 80x40x38 678 NA NA NA 2,500 90x42x40 637 2,500 90x42x40 674 2,500 90x42x40 734 2,400 90x42x40 843 2,500 90x42x40 697 2,500 90x42x40 734 2,500 90x42x40 794 2,400 90x42x40 903 2,500 90x42x40 805 2,500 90x42x40 842 2,500 90x42x40 902 2,400 90x42x40 1,011 Central Office Nominal Length (ft) 1 Coaxial 1 /4" Industrial 1 1 /2" Conduit Conduit 2" Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 225 AB AB ConQuest Conduit ® Pre-Installed with QR Trunk & Distribution Cable ® Twisted Pair ® QR -In-Conduit (JCASS Product Shown) High Density Polyethylene Conduit Polyethylene Jacket Fiber Optic Aluminum Outer Conductor Center Conductor Dielectric Dielectric Adhesive Residential Flooding QR 715 JCASS Size Wall Thickness Wall Rating Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lbs/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lbs/kft 1" SDR 13.5 Medium 3,700 63 x 30 x 40 261 NA NA NA SDR 11 Heavy 3,700 63 x 30 x 40 296 NA NA NA SCH 40 Extra-Heavy 3,700 63 x 30 x 40 311 NA NA NA SDR 13.5 Medium 3,700 80 x 40 x 38 357 3,000 68 x 30 x 40 409 SCH 40 Heavy 3,700 80 x 40 x 38 387 3,000 68 x 30 x 40 439 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 3,700 80 x 40 x 38 412 3,000 68 x 30 x 40 464 SDR 13.5 Medium 3,700 90 x 42 x 40 436 3,000 90 x 42 x 40 488 SCH 40 Heavy 3,700 90 x 42 x 40 445 3,000 90 x 42 x 40 497 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 3,700 90 x 42 x 40 508 3,000 90 x 42 x 40 560 SCH 40 Medium 3,700 102 x 48 x 42 564 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 616 SDR 13.5 Heavy 3,700 102 x 48 x 42 624 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 676 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 3,700 102 x 48 x 42 732 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 784 Coaxial Central Office QR 540 JCASS 1 Industrial 1 /4" 1 Packaging Conduit Conduit 1 /2" Glossary/Index 2" 226 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Pre-Installed with QR Trunk & Distribution Cable ® AB AB ConQuest Conduit ® QR -In-Conduit ® Twisted Pair CommScope’s patented QR coaxial cable was developed to meet the increasing demands of tomorrow’s broadband networks. QR has the highest reliability and flexibility of any coaxial cable, low RF attenuation and an unprecedented 10 year warranty. Residential QR 860 JCASS Fiber Optic QR coaxial cable offers lower attenuation than larger traditional products, with unmatched flexibility, reliability and cost effectiveness. CommScope offers four standard sizes (540, 715, 860 and 1125) of QR Cable-In-Conduit, each optimized for a specific use. For more information or specifications on QR products, please consult the Trunk and Distribution section of CommScope’s Broadband Catalog. QR 1125 JCASS Weight* lbs/kft Nominal Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) Weight* lbs/kft Wall Thickness Wall Rating Size NA NA NA NA NA NA SDR 13.5 Medium 1" NA NA NA NA NA NA SDR 11 Heavy NA NA NA NA NA NA SCH 40 Extra-Heavy NA NA NA NA NA NA SDR 13.5 Medium NA NA NA NA NA NA SCH 40 Heavy NA NA NA NA NA NA SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 2,700 80 x 40 x 38 558 NA NA NA SDR 13.5 Medium 2,700 80 x 40 x 38 567 NA NA NA SCH 40 Heavy 2,700 80 x 40 x 38 630 NA NA NA SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 2,700 102 x 48 x 42 686 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 815 SCH 40 Medium 2,700 102 x 48 x 42 746 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 875 SDR 13.5 Heavy 2,700 102 x 48 x 42 854 3,000 102 x 48 x 42 983 SDR 11 Extra-Heavy 1 1 /4" Industrial 1 1 /2" Conduit Conduit Packaging 2" Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Coaxial Reel Size (FDT) (in) Central Office Nominal Length (ft) 227 AB Twisted Pair AB ConQuest Conduit ® Pre-Installed with CommScope Drop Cable Drop Cable-In-Conduit Standard Construction Drop Cable (with Flooding) Shown High Density Polyethylene Conduit Jacket Flooding Aluminum Braided Shield Dielectric Bonded Aluminum Foil Shield CommScope Drop-In-Conduit is a complete family of products serving a number of applications. All drop cable products are available in a variety of sizes (59, 6, 7 and 11) and configurations (standard, tri-shield and super-shield). For more information or specifications on drop cables, please consult the Drop Cable Product Section of CommScope’s Broadband Catalog. Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Center Conductor Maximum Number of Cables Size Wall Thickness Wall Rating F59 Series F6 Series F7 Series F11 Series Standard Length (ft) Reel Size (FDT) (in) 13mm SDR 11 Heavy 1 1 0 0 1,000 24 x 12 x 18 SDR 13.5 Medium 1 1 1 0 1,000 35 x 16½ x 18 SDR 11 Heavy 1 1 1 0 1,000 35 x 16½ x 18 SDR 13.5 Medium 2 2 1 1 1,000 42 x 24 x 24 SDR 11 Heavy 2 2 1 1 1,000 42 x 24 x 24 SCH 40 Extra Heavy 2 2 1 1 1,000 42 x 24 x 24 SDR 13.5 Medium 3 3 2 2 1,000 50 x 24 x 24 SDR 11 Heavy 3 3 2 2 1,000 50 x 24 x 24 SCH 40 Extra Heavy 3 3 2 2 1,000 50 x 24 x 24 Coaxial 1 /2" 3 Industrial /4" Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Conduit 1" CommScope carries a full line of ETL Listed Drop Cables in Conduit. CommScope carries a full line of NEC Article 830 Drop Cables in Conduit. Other cables and wall sizes may be available upon request. 228 Specifications are subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Empty Conduit (CEC) Products AB AB ConQuest Conduit Smooth Wall Empty Conduit Twisted Pair Ribbed Wall Empty Conduit Fiber Optic CommScope manufactures smooth wall or ribbed (internal surface finish) conduit in a variety of wall thicknesses, and with a selection of pull lines available. ConQuest Empty Conduit (CEC) provides superior protection and easy low friction placement of your valuable communications cable. CEC products are the same high quality as CommScope's Cable-In-Conduit (CIC) products. Wall Sizes Pull Ropes Smooth 13mm • H /2" • H M /4" • H M X • • 1" • • H M X • 11/4" • • X M H 11/2" • • X M H 2" • • X H M 3 SDR 11 SDR 13.5 SCH 40 SCH 80 200lb. 1100lb. 1200lb. 1800lb. 1100lb. 1250lb. 1800lb. • • • • • • • • • • • • • XX • • • • • • • XX • • • • • • • • • Central Office 1 Ribbed Pull Tapes Residential Internal Surface Conduit Size Coaxial Key X = Extra Heavy XX = Extra Extra Heavy = Standard Product Offering Industrial • = Available M = Medium H = Heavy Available Pull Ropes and Pull Tapes Conduit Conduit Polypropylene Pull Rope (200 lb. shown) Polyester Pull Tape (Available in 1100, 1250 and 1800 lb.) Packaging Polypropylene Pull Rope (1100 lb. shown) Aramid Yarn Pull Tape (Available in 1250 and 1800 lb.) (Available in 1200 and 1800 lb.) Other cables and wall sizes may be available upon request. Specifications are subject to change without notice. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 229 Glossary/Index Polyester Core Polyethylene Braid Pull Rope AB ® TM AB For Locating and Protecting Underground Infrastructure Shown with All Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube Fiber Cable 18 Gauge (Fluoropolymer Coated) Copper Clad Steel Embedded Tone Wire Patent Pending Fiber Optic Twisted Pair ConQuest Toneable Conduit High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit Residential What's Most Important In Broadband Real Estate? LOCATION...LOCATION...LOCATION! Central Office Buried cable assets need to be found by broadband network owners and not by backhoe operators. CommScope rises to the challenge with ConQuest Toneable Conduit–a select grade high density polyethylene conduit with an integrated 18 gauge copper clad steel (CCS) tone wire. Coaxial This unique, patent-pending conduit, offers a large gauge fluoropolymer-coated tone wire fully embedded within a reinforced conduit wall. This design provides easy access to the tone wire at termination points by means of simply "ripping out" the wire with common hand tools. Voted Best New Distribution/Line & Transmission Product Industrial Even better news–ConQuest Toneable Conduit SAVES LABOR DOLLARS! Install conduit, cable and tone wire all in one motion, with one product ConQuest Toneable Cable-In-Conduit. Benefits • Fully embedded tone wire • Precision locating of the conduit, with no special coupling requirements, and no field worries of wire and conduit separation • High strength 18 gauge copper clad steel tone wire • Easily extracted from the conduit wall without damaging the wire. Able to transmit a toneable signal over extended distances and depths • Fluoropolymer coating on the tone wire • Facilitates extraction from the wall and acts as moisture barrier where exposed Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Conduit Features 230 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® TM For Locating and Protecting Underground Infrastructure Twisted Pair Spliced ConQuest Toneable Conduit AB AB ConQuest Toneable Conduit (Shown at right with an IPS T-Loc coupling.) See the accessories on page 236 for alternative couplers. Fiber Optic Insulation Data Conductor Data Fluoropolymer AWG 18 gauge copper clad steel Thickness 0.008 inches nominal Diameter 0.0403 inches Dielectric Strength Resistivity 26.7 Ohms/1000 ft Tensile Strength 3200 volts/mil 3000 lb/in2 Tensile Strength 120k lb/inch (150 lb) Elongation 250% Max. Elongation 1% Residential Type Central Office SDR 11 Dimensional Requirements Nominal Size Wall Thickness (in.) Nominal Inner Diameter (in.) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (in.) Max Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.120 + 0.020 1.055 14 950 210 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.151 + 0.020 1.338 18 1,520 326 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.173 + 0.021 1.533 20 1,760 422 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.216 + 0.026 1.917 26 3,105 646 1 /4" Coaxial Outside Diameter (in.) Nominal Size Wall Thickness (in.) Nominal Inner Diameter (in.) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (in.) Max Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.097 + 0.020 1.101 14 790 175 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.123 + 0.020 1.394 18 1,260 281 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.141 + 0.020 1.598 20 1,455 350 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.176 + 0.021 2.002 26 2,580 538 1 /4" Conduit Conduit Outside Diameter (in.) Industrial SDR 13.5 Dimensional Requirements SCH 40 Dimensional Requirements Nominal Size Wall Thickness (in.) Nominal Inner Diameter (in.) Min. Bend Radius Unsupported (in.) Max Pulling Tension (lbs.) Weight* (lb/kft) 1" 1.315 ± 0.007 0.133 + 0.020 1.029 14 1,050 225 1 1.660 ± 0.008 0.140 + 0.020 1.360 18 1,420 301 1 1 /2" 1.900 ± 0.010 0.145 + 0.020 1.590 20 1,700 359 2" 2.375 ± 0.012 0.154 + 0.020 2.047 26 2,300 478 1 /4" For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • *Weight does not include the reel. 231 Glossary/Index Specifications are subject to change without notice. Packaging Outside Diameter (in.) AB Twisted Pair AB ConQuest Conduit ® Pre-Installed with CommScope Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable All Dielectric Central®Tube Fiber Cable TM Shown in ConQuest Toneable Conduit High Density Polyethylene Conduit Polyethylene Jacket Ripcord Dielectric Strength Member Fiber Optic Optical Fibers Central Buffer Tube Binder Strength Elements Residential Copper Clad Steel Embedded Tone Wire Central Office Cable Type/ Count Fiber Part Number & Conduit Description Cable OD & Weight (kft) Available Conduit OD Available Wall Thicknesses Central Tube Dielectric 2 - 24 Fibers O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.38" 60 lbs. 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 265 381 477 230 326 405 593 533 Central Tube Dielectric 26 - 48 Fibers O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.49" 103 lbs. 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 273 389 485 238 334 413 601 541 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 291 407 503 256 352 431 619 559 Coaxial Central Tube Dielectric 50 - 96 Fibers O-XXX-CN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.57" 130 lbs. SDR 11 Weight (lb/kft)* Fiber SDR 13.5 SCH 40 Variables in the Catalog Number: Industrial XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade For Composites Only: 8W LightScope ZWP Dispersion-Unshifted, Matched-Clad Singlemode Fiber 6F 62.5µm, FDDI Grade Multimode Fiber 5H 50µm, Multimode Fiber 5M LaserCore® 150, 50µm, Multimode Fiber 5L LaserCore® 300, 50µm, Multimode Fiber aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type TM Conduit Conduit Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Typical Fiber-In-Conduit Packaging 24 Fiber Central Tube All Dielectric Cable in Toneable Conduit Shown Copper clad steel tone wire High-grade polyethylene conduit Glossary/Index Silicon-based lubricant Cable Specifications are subject to change without notice. 232 * Weight does not include reel. Other cables and wall sizes may be available upon request. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Pre-Installed with CommScope Fiber Optic Cable Fiber-In-Conduit Cable Type/ Count Fiber Part Number & Conduit Description Cable OD & Weight (kft) 0.46" 63 lbs. Available Conduit OD 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 535 0.50" 72 lbs. 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 276 392 488 241 337 416 604 544 Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 74 - 96 Fibers O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.58" 95 lbs. 1" 1 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 299 415 511 264 360 439 627 567 Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 98 - 120 Fibers O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.66" 118 lbs. 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" 1 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 438 534 383 462 650 590 Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 122 - 144 Fibers O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.74" 145 lbs. 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" 1 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 465 561 410 489 677 617 Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 146 - 216 Fibers O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.74" 153 lbs. 1 /4" 1 1 /2" 2" 1 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 473 569 418 497 743 625 Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 218 - 288 Fibers O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color 0.86" 211 lbs. 1 /2" 2" 1 SDR 11 or 13.5 SDR 13.5 or SCH 40 415 545 743 683 Industrial O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color Coaxial 232 328 407 595 Central Office Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 62 - 72 Fibers 267 383 479 Weight (lb/kft)* Fiber SDR 13.5 SCH 40 Residential O-XXX-LN-XY-F12NS Specify Conduit OD, Wall Thickness and Color SDR 11 Fiber Optic Single Jacket Loose Tube Dielectric 2 - 60 Fibers Available Wall Thicknesses Twisted Pair CommScope's Fiber-In-Conduit smooth-wall or ribbed conduit is made of polyethylene to meet ASTM D 3350. Available in four 1 1 different diameters - 1", 1 /4", 1 /2" and 2" and three different wall thicknesses - SDR 11, SDR 13.5 and SCH 40. For more information or specifications on Fiber Optic cables, please consult the Fiber Optic section of this catalog. Variables in the Catalog Number: XXX = Total Fiber Count XY = Fiber Grade 8W LightScope ZWPTM Dispersion-Unshifted, Matched-Clad Singlemode Fiber 6F 62.5µm, FDDI Grade Multimode Fiber 5H 50µm, Multimode Fiber 5M LaserCore® 150, 50µm, Multimode Fiber 5L LaserCore® 300, 50µm, Multimode Fiber aaa is replaced with singlemode fiber count AA is replaced with singlemode type bbb is replaced by multimode fiber count BB is replaced by multimode type Conduit For Composites Only: Buffer Tubes/Fiber identification colors: 1/Blue, 2/Orange, 3/Green, 4/Brown, 5/Slate, 6/White, 7/Red, 8/Black, 9/Yellow, 10/Violet, 11/Rose, 12/Aqua Buffer Tubes 13-1 18 repeat color sequence with tracer stripe Packaging Typical Fiber-In-Conduit 72 Fiber Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric Cable in Toneable Conduit Shown Copper clad steel tone wire Silicon-based lubricant Cable * Weight does not include reel. Other cables and wall sizes may be available upon request. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 233 Glossary/Index High-grade polyethylene conduit Specifications are subject to change without notice. AB AB ConQuest Conduit AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic WHUPP! Cable Pulling Lubricant TM CommScope offers a full line of accessories for use with our ConQuest Conduit Products, including cutters, couplings and lubricants. Please contact your CommScope sales representative for availability and pricing. ® WHUPP! Cable Pulling Lubricant WHUPP is uniquely designed to address all the cable pulling requirements that customers demand in a lubricant. Friction Reduction WHUPP’s unique formula contains microspheres that reduce surface contact and allow the cable to ROLL on thousands of tiny “ball bearings”. This excellent friction-reduction feature, along with its slow-drying, superior-wetting and cling properties; enables cable pulls through multiple bends and over long distances. Safety Concerns Personal Safety: WHUPP is non-flammable, non-toxic, non-irritating to skin, and easy to clean up with soap and water. Central Office Residential ® Conduit Conduit Industrial Coaxial Environmental Safety: WHUPP is environmentally safe, made from INERT ingredients, and presents no air or water pollution concerns. Cable Safety: WHUPP is recommended for use in all types of pulling operations. WHUPP is recommended for use with all types of polyethylene, vinyl, semi-conductive, and rubber cable jackets. Installation Savings WHUPP is designed to limit the cost burden of pulling cable. The recommended application rate for WHUPP is less than or equal to the following: Packaging Glossary/Index AB ConQuest Conduit Accessories Quart Size Bottle of WHUPP! Packaging WHUPP is conveniently packaged in the following sizes: Container Size WHUPP Packs WHUPP Pallets 1 Quart size 24 per case 720 units 1 Gallon size 6 per case 162 units 5 Gallon size NA 32 units Typical Specifications Appearance Viscous, white liquid Q = 0.0015 x L x D Odor Slight, non-objectionable Q = Quantity needed in gallons L = Length of the cable pull in feet D = Nominal inside diameter of the conduit Ph Neutral Flash Point No flash point to boiling Freezing Point 30° F (-1° C) Coefficient of Friction 0.14 per ASTM D 4172 For example...When pulling a cable through a 1" conduit over a distance of 1,000 feet: Q = 0.0015 x 1000 ft x 1 in = 1.5 gallons NOTE: Double the calculation for corrugated conduit 234 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Cutting Tools and End Caps Manufacturers Part Number Product Code Scissor Shear CQASC125 1160300 Blade for SC125 CQASC1268 1160400 Fiber Optic Description Twisted Pair Scissor Shears Note: This tool is recommended for conduit sizes 13mm - 1¼" Product Code Rachet Shear CQARS1 1160100 Blade for RS1 CQARS18 1160200 Central Office Manufacturers Part Number Residential Rachet Shears Description NOTE: This tool is recommended for conduit sizes 13mm - 1¼" Product Code Tubing Cutter CQATC2QP 1160000 CQAOP2 1160500 Wheel for TC2QP Industrial Manufacturers Part Number Coaxial Tubing Cutter Description NOTE: This tool is recommended for conduit sizes up to and including 2" 13mm Finger Cap CQACC7325 1160600 ½" Finger Cap CQACC7322 1160700 ¾" Finger Cap CQACC7318 1160800 1" Finger Cap CQACC7311 1160900 1¼" Finger Cap CQACC7313 1161000 1½" Finger Cap CQACC7315 1161100 2" Finger Cap CQACC7320 1161200 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index Product Code Packaging Manufacturers Part Number Conduit Conduit Conduit Finger End Caps Description AB AB ConQuest Conduit Accessories 235 AB AB ConQuest Conduit Accessories ® Conduit Couplings Twisted Pair Aluminum Conduit Couplings Residential Fiber Optic Description Manufacturers Part Number Product Code 1" Aluminum Threaded Coupling BT-100 1162100 1¼" Aluminum Threaded Coupling BT-125 1162200 1½" Aluminum Threaded Coupling BT-150 1162300 2" Aluminum Threaded Coupling BT-200 1162400 Conduit Compression Couplings Central Office Description Manufacturers Part Number Product Code CQACCoup13MM 1161300 ½" Compression Coupling CQACCoup050 1161400 ¾" Compression Coupling CQACCoup075 1161500 1" Compression Coupling CQACCoup100 1161600 1¼" Compression Coupling CQACCoup125 1161700 1½" Compression Coupling CQACCoup150 1161800 2" Compression Coupling CQACCoup200 1161900 Toneable Conduit T-Loc Couplings Description Manufacturers Part Number Product Code 1" IPS T-Loc Coupling CQATCoup100 1162800 1¼" IPS T-Loc Coupling CQATCoup125 1162900 1½" IPS T-Loc Coupling CQATCoup150 1163000 2" IPS T-Loc Coupling CQATCoup200 1163100 Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Conduit Industrial Coaxial 13mm Compression Coupling 236 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® ConQuest Cable-In-Conduit Outperforms Traditional PVC Stick Pipe In Field Trials, NOTE: Time required to open and close the trench not included • PVC stick pipe requires substantially more warehouse/yard space than HDPE on reels. • Warehouse personnel must stock an assortment of PVC stick pipe components, such as sweeps, glues, preparation solvents, and pull lines to ensure that projects can be completed. Residential • A two-man installation crew was able to install 600 feet of 2” ConQuest Cable-inConduit in less than ten minutes. In Product Comparisons, • PVC stick pipe is traditionally manufactured in ten or twenty foot lengths that can be difficult to transport or handle. Fiber Optic • A two-man installation crew was unable to install 600 feet of 2” PVC stick pipe in a trench, glue joints, install sweeps, blow pull line, and pull cable in less than one hour. Twisted Pair ConQuest high-density polyethylene conduit with factory pre-assembled CommScope cables (CIC) out performs traditional PVC stick pipe installations. AB AB ConQuest vs. Traditional PVC Stick Pipe Central Office Criteria Yes No Requires joints to be glued Yes No Ground movement can cause separation Yes No Installation can cause stress on cable Yes No Susceptible to shattering at low temperatures Yes No Low coefficient of friction No Yes Internal lubrication No Yes Continuous lengths No Yes Can be plowed over extended distances No Yes Faster more efficient installation No Yes Conduit Conduit Requires sweeps and bends Industrial ConQuest CIC Coaxial Traditional PVC Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 237 ® Direct Burial vs. ConQuest Empty Conduit or Cable-In-Conduit Maximizing return on investment (ROI) is the number one goal of today’s investor. That makes sense. But, what about tomorrow’s investment?...And the day after?...And the day after that? Lowest initial investment does not guarantee the biggest return. Twisted Pair AB AB Direct Burial vs. ConQuest Fiber Optic Today, broadband providers choose one or more of the following manners to address ROI in buried plant. • Carefully limiting the cost of their initial investment Residential • “Reducing or eliminating“ the cost and frequency of re-investments that are associated with system maintenance and upgrades Central Office • Installing high quality or value-added products that “minimize the cost of their initial investment”, and “reduce or eliminate” the future re-investment cost of system maintenance and upgrades. Industrial Coaxial DIRECT BURIAL of your cable certainly reduces your initial investment cost, but fails to address future costs. • Initial investment due to materials…Increased • Material and labor costs associated with repairs and upgrades…Reduced • Lost revenue due to system downtime resulting from cable repairs or upgrades…Reduced • Lost customers due to system downtime…Reduced • Poor customer relations resulting form damaged landscape due to repairs or upgrades…Generally Eliminated • Inflationary material and labor costs…Reduced CABLE-IN-CONDUIT addresses the same future costs savings as Empty HDPE conduit, while reducing initial costs verses other conduit options. Other advantages of CIC include: • Initial investment…Reduced • Installation time…Reduced • Material and labor costs associated with repairs and upgrades...Increased • Labor costs associated with pulling cable…Reduced • Lost revenue due to system downtime resulting from cable repairs or upgrades…Increased • Lost customers due to system downtime… Increased Conduit Conduit EMPTY HDPE CONDUIT adds to your initial investment cost, but addresses your need to reduce future costs. • Potential for cable stress and damaged due to improper field handling…Reduced • Space required for storage of both conduit and cable…Reduced • Poor customer relations resulting from damaged landscape due to repairs or upgrades…Increased Glossary/Index Packaging • Inflationary material and labor costs…Increased 238 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® TM Technical Report The tone is produced at a very low frequency with a transmitter tuned to a particular frequency. The frequency range available on the transmitter varies between manufacturers but often ranges from 400Hz to about 80KHz. Transmission power is often variable and is usually controlled in a range of 0.033 watts up to 5.0 watts. A ‘radio’ receiver tuned to the transmit frequency is then used to precisely locate the energized wire. Residential CommScope’s Toneable Conduit is a unique product that combines a polyethylene conduit with an integrated toning wire. Buried toneable conduit is easily located using tone detection locating equipment. The toning wire has a novel feature that enables it to be ‘ripped’ or pulled out of the conduit wall with simple hand tools, enabling easy access for toning and/or splicing to subsequent lengths. Toning is a method of using a generated signal, or ‘tone’, that is transmitted over a conductor so that the portion of the conductor buried below the earth’s surface can be located without digging. Fiber Optic Now the solution is simple, reliable and most of all, affordable. CommScope’s revolutionary Toneable Conduit can provide you with confidence in knowing the location can easily be found. The Function of Toning Twisted Pair Introduction Traditional approaches to making underground facilities locatable required extra material and labor costs. Many system operators have even cited that sometimes the wire or tape was “forgotten” or they were “out of the material” during construction, making an expensive solution even more costly. Additionally these methods are not always reliable, subject to damage and degradation. The set-up requires that a transmitter be attached to the conductive material that will act as an ‘antenna’ and that a ground plane be established at the end of the antenna to close the circuit. Central Office Product Discussion (Patent pending) Installation Notes Typical installations will consist of direct burial in an open trench, directional bores, static plowing or vibratory plowing. The design of this revolutionary conduit with the tone wire embedded within the conduit wall lends itself to all applications. The sturdy 18 AWG copper clad steel wire is protected by both the HDPE wall and the fluoropolymer insulation around the wire. Packaging During a normal installation, the conduit may have several splice points either in the trench, pull box or in above ground enclosures. The tone wire can be For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Glossary/Index Other composite materials, such as polyurethane/nylon, fail to offer the necessary resistance. Nylon, in particular, is subject to attack by strong mineral acids and has a high rate of water absorption. TM ConQuest Toneable Conduit Conduit ® Fluoropolymer, the polymer group that includes Teflon , was ultimately selected because it offers higher resistance to chemicals, water, and abrasion relative to plastics. ® Industrial The fluoropolymer-coated wire is designed to be ‘ripped’ out of the conduit wall using simple hand tools. The fluoropolymer allows the wire to move independently of the conduit eliminating stresses on the wire and conduit, and eases the separation of the wire from the wall of the conduit. The fluoropolymer coating also provides critical insulative and corrosion protection to the ‘exposed’ wire. Coaxial CommScope toneable conduit is made from high quality high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The conduit meets indus1 1 try standard wall thickness in 1, 1 /4, 1 /2, and 2 inch diameters. The polyethylene is blended with a premium UV stabilization and protection package. Color concentrate chips can be added to produce the conduit in an array of colors. Our unique toning wire is 18-gauge copper clad steel (CCS) coated with a fluoropolymer jacket. The wire is embedded in the wall of the conduit. An 18-gauge wire was selected to maintain wall thickness and provide optimal tone carrying characteristics. CCS provides the necessary amount of copper to carry a tone over long distances and a steel core that is more durable than a solid copper wire. CCS is easily ripped out of the wall without the wire breaking. The wire meets the specifications listed on page 13 of this catalog. AB AB ConQuest Toneable Conduit 239 ® TM Technical Report spliced together at these locations for a longer tone length, possibly beyond 5 miles (depending on burial conditions and the toning equipment used). Twisted Pair AB AB ConQuest Toneable Conduit Fiber Optic Splicing the wire together can be accomplished in a variety of ways. As with any insulated wire some of the fluoropolymer jacket must be removed before crimping on the connector. A minimal amount of fluoropolymer jacket should be removed to make the connection, leaving the remainder of the jacket intact to protect the wire from corrosion. Residential • Simple wire splices for 18 AWG copper clad steel wire can be used and environmentally protected with a self® healing waterproof tape such as Magic Wrap . • All splices below grade must be environmentally sealed against the elements. Central Office • Splices above grade such as inside an enclosure should have the ends sealed with tape. • At each end of the conduit, the wire should be ripped from the conduit to a length long enough for splicing or grounding. Coaxial • Using pliers and tubing cutter, ripping the wire from the conduit is simple and easy. • Do not ground the 18 AWG copper clad steel wire within the system. Grounding of the tone wire should only be done for toning. Industrial Note: Installations where the conduit is used as a riser to the strand and the wire is exposed may be subject to local authority. Packaging Conduit Conduit Field Trial Location Catawba, NC (CommScope Test Site) Date February 15, 2002 Product Two inch Schedule 40, Terracotta with insulated 18 AWG copper clad steel Length 2,200 feet Equipment DitchWitch 950R/T ® 3M-753 Dynatel ® Glossary/Index This trial was conducted to measure the performance abilities of the toneable conduit. The conduit was installed into an open trench at depths of one to three feet. 240 For toning, CommScope recommends equipment such as the DitchWitch 950R/T (shown above). In the first test, a DitchWitch 950R/T was set at its lowest power settings (1 KHz at 0.033 watts) with only the transmitter end grounded. The 2,200 feet of conduit was easily located and the depth measured was accurate within three inches. In the second test, approximately 2,000 feet of tone wire was attached to one end of the conduit above ground. Again, the DitchWitch 950R/T with the same settings (1 KHz at 0.033 watts) located and toned the 4,200 feet length. The same results were® achieved with the 3M Dynatel unit. ConQuest Toneable Conduit undergoes rigorous field testing to ensure the same quality as our other products. There are ten power settings on each frequency on the DitchWitch 950R/T, 1 being the lowest at 0.033 watts and 10 being the highest at 3.0 watts. It is possible that a tone would be obtainable over 5 miles using higher levels. Summary Constructing networks that require provisioning for toneable locating can now be achieved using CommScope’s Toneable Conduit. The conduit is designed to the same high standards used in all of CommScope’s ConQuest conduit family. The unique design of the toneable conduit makes it easy to install and easy to locate. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Installation Information AB AB ConQuest Conduit Tech-Tips Utilizing sand for “padding”, the conduit provides protection during future excavation near your facilities. The apparent change in soil condition provides warning that there is a utility buried there. This should not replace the practice of placing warning tape, but rather should serve as a supplement. Coaxial The effects of stress caused from pulling conduit through existing duct will cause the conduit to elongate (or stretch) in proportion to the amount of stress but less than 2% of the total length placed. Due to this effect, it is important to pull past the duct slightly. Industrial Do not exceed the minimum bend radius Central Office Form the horizontal U Roll the conduit forward Residential Unlike coaxial CIC, fiber optic ConQuest conduit is the same length as the cable it contains. Therefore, the cable WILL NOT withdraw into the conduit during unspooling and does not require the restraint to be cut prior to installation. Fiber Optic ConQuest conduit is slightly longer than the coaxial cable it contains. Allow an average of 1.5% of cable withdrawal back toward the reel during unspooling (example: 2000’ of duct will yield 1970’ of cable). Cable withdrawal will be greater as you approach the end of the reel. To prevent the coaxial cable from being damaged by the withdrawal ALWAYS cut the restraint securing the cable to the conduit before beginning the installation. This will allow the cable to freely withdraw back into the conduit during installation. of ovality, (i.e. begins to bulge). DO NOT press down on the conduit with your foot as you bend it. Installations using this process minimize the memory or snaking of the conduit in the trench. Twisted Pair Trouble-free unloading begins with letting your CommScope Customer Service Representative know of any special packaging or delivery requirements (reel must be shipped on rolling edge, no shipping dock available, call before delivery, etc.). CommScope will make every reasonable effort to comply with your shipping needs. An allowance of at least one hour needs to be given for the conduit to “relax” before cutting and trimming it. Conduit Conduit Use backfill to support the bend Packaging ConQuest can be easily shaped by rolling a bend into it. Take 10 – 12 feet / 3 – 3.5 meters of CIC and pull the free end of it toward you forming a “horizontal U.” Push into the bend lightly and roll the entire radius of the duct forward. DO NOT bend the CIC any further if it begins to show signs Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 241 ® Packaging and Shipping Information A Lengths* Industrial Coaxial 1,000 Conduit Conduit Packaging D Drop conduit products can be packaged on "reel-less" coils (D), making them light weight and easier to handle. ConQuest Reel Dimensions and Weight Chart 13mm 1/ " 2 1 3/ " 4 1" 11/4" 24 x 12 x 18 35 x 16 /2x18 42 x 24 x 24 50 x 24 x 24 54 x 30 x 40 16 lbs. 60 lbs. 130 lbs. 182 lbs. 77 lbs. 1 11/2 " 2" 2,000 35 x 16 /2 x18 60 lbs. 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 50 x 24 x 24 182 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 80 x 40 x 38 129 lbs. 90 x 42 x 40 163 lbs. 3,000 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 45 x 18 x 24 142 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. 80 x 40 x 38 129 lbs. 102 x 48 x 42 200 lbs 4,000 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 54 x 24 x 24 208 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. 5,000 45 x 18 x 24 142 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 6,000 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 7,000 68 x 30 x40 108 lbs. 8,000 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. (Flange x Drum x Traverse) Glossary/Index C B ConQuest products can be packaged and shipped on either wooden reels (A), ReelSmart® Composite Reels (B),or lightweight steel reels (C). Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB ConQuest Conduit 90 x 42 x 40 163 lbs. 102 x 48 x 42 200 lbs. *Longer lengths may be available upon request. Reel Stenciling All wood reel heads are to be stenciled “COMMSCOPE” and “MADE IN THE USA” (in black letters). All reel heads will be stenciled to identify reel size and date of reel manufacture, in 3/4" - 1" letters located below the arbor hole with diagram R-2 red roller system stencil ink or approved equivalent. All flanges (except 35" or smaller) cut with a start hole, must be stenciled with the warning “THIS SIDE UP” in 11/2" to 2" letters. 242 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • ® Packaging and Shipping Information AB AB ConQuest Conduit Palletizing Twisted Pair 24" reels are palletized (standard 8 reels per pallet) and stretched wrapped. For substandard palletizing: 4 reels per pallet, 2 reels per pallet, or 1 reel per pallet, shall be used. End Preparation Fiber Optic The cable ends are secured to the conduit by a nylon cord, or CommScope approved equivalent, to ensure that the cable does not draw back into the conduit prior to installation. Each end shall be tightly sealed by a conduit end cap to prevent contamination ingress. For wooden reels, the bottom end shall be secured into the start hole by a chess board “stayback” or a CommScope approved equivalent. The top end of the conduit shall be secured to the flange by a metal pipe band or sufficient cable ties. Residential Reel Identification Each reel tag for CIC (as shown below) shall provide the following information and instructions: Central Office • CommScope’s Shipping Address • CommScope’s Product Code • Length of the Cable inside the Conduit • Product Description Coaxial • Tracer Color with Reel Number and Bar Code Testing • Spectrum, Reel Size, and Manufacturing Date • Special Comments (if needed) Industrial Typical reel tag for CIC with P3 500 JCASS Product. Conduit Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 243 AB AB CommScope Shipping Policies Shipping dates specified herein or otherwise communicated to Buyer are estimates given to the best of Seller’s knowledge based upon conditions existing at the time of the order and upon information furnished by Buyer. Seller will, in good faith, endeavor to ship by the estimated shipping date, but shall not be responsible for any delay or any damage arising therefrom. Seller does not and shall not guarantee any shipping date unless such guarantee and the terms thereof are specifically stated in writing. Any such guarantee shall be strictly limited to the exact terms so stated. International shipping policies available upon request. Glossary/Index Packaging Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Packaging and Shipping 244 1 Day 2-3 Days 4-5 Days 1-2 Days 3 Days 5 Days 2 Days 3-4 Days 5-6 Days 6 Days For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Transit Destination Transit Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Days Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Days Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Days Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Days Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Days New Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Days New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Days Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days District of Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days North Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Day Delaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days North Dakota Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Days Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Days Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Days Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Days Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6 Days Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Rhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Day Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days South Dakota Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Days Tennesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Days Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Days Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Days Massachussetts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Days Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days West Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Days Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6 Days Residential Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6 Days Fiber Optic Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Days Twisted Pair Destination AB AB CommScope Shipping Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Days Central Office Coaxial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Days Industrial Conduit Packaging Packaging Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Days Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 245 Packaging Identification System Reel Label Description Twisted Pair AB AB Twisted Pair Packaging & Shipping Footage Reel ID# Meters (this reel) Product Code Product Description Feet (this reel) UPC Code Part # Color (jacket) Category Patent Information Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic (this reel) Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Color Identification System 246 UltraPipe Teal UltraMedia Blue Media 6 Black Ultra II Red DataPipe Purple Plenum: White Box Non-Plenum: Brown Box For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • LAN Packaging Matrix Category 6e UltraPipe 6ECMP Category 6 Category 5e+ CommPak Reel-IIn-B Box Box/Pallet Package Box/Pallet Package 275lb. rated Color 275lb. rated Color Corrugated Corrugated Pallet Size Pallet Size 42x42 48x40 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown UltraPipe 6ECMR Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 UltraPipe Patch 6EJCM Non-Plenum CM 12x5x8 UltraMedia 7504 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White UltraMedia 75N4 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Media 6 6504+ Plenum CMP 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 White Media 6 65N4+ Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Media 6 6NF4+ N/A Outdoor Outdoor 12x5x10 Ultra II 5504M Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White Ultra II 5524M Plenum CMP Ultra II 55N4R Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown Ultra II 5N54 Non-Plenum CMR Ultra II 5NF4 N/A Outdoor Outdoor 12x5x10 DataPipe 5E55 Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White DataPipe 5E40 Plenum CMP 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 White DataPipe 5EN5 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x8 12.5x11.5x11.5 Brown DataPipe 5ES4 Plenum CMP 12x5x10 DataPipe Patch 5EJ4 Non-Plenum CM DataPipe 5E24 Plenum CMP 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EN24 Non-Plenum CMR 30x12x12 DataPipe 5E25 Plenum CMP 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EN25 Non-Plenum CMR 30x12x12 DataPipe 5EF4 N/A Outdoor DataPipe 5ENS4 Non-Plenum CMR 12x5x10 Category 3 3504 Plenum CMP Category 3 35N4 Non-Plenum CMR Category 3 3506 Plenum CMP Category 3 35N6 Non-Plenum CMR 14.5x6x1 14.5x6x13 14x10x14 White 14x10x14 Brown 10.5x3.5x9. 14x10x14 White 10.5x3.5x9.5 14x10x14 Brown 12x5x8 Coaxial Industrial Category 3 Wooden Plastic Reels Reels Box/Pallet Box/Pallet Pallet Size: 48x40x4 Package Color: Black Central Office Category 5e Rating Residential Category 6 Catalog Plenum/ Number Non-PPlenum Fiber Optic Product Family Twisted Pair Category AB AB Twisted Pair Packaging & Shipping 12x5x10 Conduit 14.5x6x13 10.5x3.5x9.5 Packaging Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 247 AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Packaging and Shipping Fiber optic cable is packaged for shipment on wooden or composite reels. Each package contains only one continuous length of cable. The packaging is designed to prevent damage to the cable during shipping and handling. Fiber cable reels are protected with a “reel wrap”, the highest technology available today. This wrap is stronger, lighter and more environmentally friendly than other methods of lagging. In addition, reel wrap is simple to remove from the reel and readily disposable. All reel sizes between 35 and 78 inches will be blocked and palletized to help ensure safe arrival to the customer. Reels larger than 78 inches are placed on the rolling edge and securely fastened to the trailer during shipment. T Traverse Width F Flange Diameter D Drum Diameter Each reel is plainly marked to indicate the direction in which it should be rolled to prevent loosening of the cable on the reel. Method of Shipment CommScope’s customary method of shipment of fiber optic cable from Claremont, North Carolina to the purchaser’s site will vary depending on factors such as the size and number of cable reels, and the destination location. Shipper options include Federal Express, UPS, BAX, LTL motor freight carriers and CommScope’s own fleet of trucks, “Cable Transport”. Some trucks within CommScope’s fleet are equipped with “Cargo Master” equipment for ease in unloading cable reels on location where no loading dock is available. CommScope has red arm Cargo Masters, which can lift anything 2,500 pounds or less. CommScope also has white arm Cargo Masters which will lift anything up to 8,000 pounds that is on an 84” reel or smaller. These specially equipped trucks are available by request. Products shipped outside the continental United States are protected with reel wrap, lagged with wood, and blocked and palletized (for reel sizes between 35 and 78 inches) or placed on the rolling edge and securely fastened to international shipping containers. Glossary/Index Packaging International Packaging 248 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Shipping Information AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Outside Plant Stranded Loose Tube Armored (LA) Cables Flange x Drum x Traverse 62-72F 6@1 74-96F 8@1 98-120F 10@1 122-144F 12@1 146-216F 12@6@1 218-288F 15@9@1 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 3,304 3,149 2,461 1,896 1,439 1,439 1,304 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 6,202 5,440 4,063 3,318 2,705 2,705 2,164 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 9,895 8,767 6,997 5,497 4,578 4,578 3,471 54 x 24 x 28 370 11,565 9,857 7,893 6,420 5,051 5,051 3,869 60 x 30 x 32 433 15,332 13,191 10,525 8,475 6,771 6,771 5,129 66 x 30 x 32 506 19,732 18,192 13,424 11,087 9,129 9,129 6,648 72 x 36 x 36 627 25,071 22,852 17,135 14,032 11,682 11,682 8,442 78 x 36 x 36 758 32,217 28,464 22,057 17,548 14,083 14,083 10,486 84 x 40 x 40 913 39,812 35,486 27,566 22,330 17,491 17,491 13,317 84 x 40 x 42 922 42,055 37,605 28,968 23,172 18,607 18,607 14,292 88 x 40 x 40 958 45,892 41,237 31,350 25,752 20,510 20,510 15,957 96 x 44 x 46 984 64,185 55,905 43,273 34,430 28,148 28,148 22,168 All Units in Feet 2" Flange Clearance Central Office Outside Plant Stranded Loose Tube Non-Armored (LN) Cables Arid or Flooded Core Flange x Drum x Traverse Reel Weight (lbs) 2-60F 5@1 62-72F 6@1 74-96F 8@1 98-120F 10@1 122-144F 12@1 146-216F 12@6@1 218-288F 15@9@1 66 4,655 3,921 3,038 2,416 1,855 1,855 1,371 7,985 7,015 5,261 3,997 3,252 3,252 2,264 176 12,864 10,913 8,685 6,369 5,411 5,411 4,003 54 x 24 x 28 370 14,584 12,713 9,741 7,246 5,824 5,824 4,437 60 x 30 x 32 433 19,382 16,748 12,809 9,706 7,728 7,728 5,834 66 x 30 x 32 506 25,328 22,307 16,838 13,258 10,243 10,243 7,441 72 x 36 x 36 627 32,226 28,593 21,606 16,947 13,009 13,009 9,635 78 x 36 x 36 758 40,265 36,209 27,110 20,824 16,417 16,417 12,595 84 x 40 x 40 913 51,316 44,394 33,388 25,671 20,586 20,586 15,779 84 x 40 x 42 922 54,523 46,762 35,443 27,022 21,797 21,797 16,855 88 x 40 x 40 958 58,185 50,805 38,966 29,315 23,858 23,858 17,664 984 N/A 70,947 53,181 40,797 33,577 33,577 24,195 All Units in Feet 2" Flange Clearance Conduit 88 48 x 22 x 32.5 Industrial 42 x 29 x 29.75 Coaxial 36 x 22 x 29.75 96 x 44 x 46 Residential 2-60F 5@1 Fiber Optic Reel Weight (lbs) Twisted Pair Arid or Flooded Core Packaging Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 249 AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Indoor/Outdoor Riser-Rated and Outside Plant Central Tube Cables Flange x Drum x Traverse Reel Weight (lbs) RCN 2-24F CN 2-24F CN 26-48F CN 50-96F CA 2-24F CA 26-48F CA 50-96F CS 2-24F CP 1-72 F 35 x 16.5 x 18* 60 4,278 4,842 3,245 2,404 4,361 3,320 2,342 3,666 7,080 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 5,720 6,667 4,035 3,145 5,787 4,586 3,096 4,780 9,143 42 x 24 x 24* 94 7,575 8,578 5,742 4,226 7,684 5,841 4,144 6,525 12,555 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 10,084 11,336 7,196 5,430 10,189 7,873 5,357 8,177 16,301 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 16,547 19,282 11,854 8,909 16,903 12,907 8,657 14,087 20,000 54 x 24 x 28 370 18,390 21,994 13,740 10,447 19,418 14,636 9,708 15,680 N/A 60 x 30 x 32 433 24,416 29,277 18,020 13,954 25,710 19,441 13,017 21,059 N/A 66 x 30 x 32 506 32,262 37,821 23,762 18,149 33,716 25,417 17,103 27,279 N/A 72 x 36 x 36 627 41,005 48,201 30,347 23,185 43,287 32,326 21,541 34,542 N/A 78 x 36 x 36 758 51,632 61,447 38,159 28,871 54,218 40,404 27,018 42,885 N/A 84 x 40 x 40 913 67,881 77,427 48,855 37,359 68,250 51,488 35,170 54,354 N/A 84 x 40 x 42 922 70,832 N/A 51,361 39,007 N/A 54,062 36,769 57,628 N/A 88 x 40 x 40 958 N/A N/A 55,567 41,752 N/A 58,392 39,428 63,260 N/A 96 x 44 x 46 984 N/A N/A 76,766 56,497 N/A N/A 53,704 N/A N/A * Denotes Composite Reel All Units in Feet 2" Flange Clearance Outside Plant Double Jacketed Single Armored (L2); Triple Jacketed Double Armored (L3); Figure 8 Armored (M LA) and Non-Armored (M LN) Cables Reel Weight (lbs) L2 2-72F L2 74-96F L3 2-72F 36 x 22 x 29.75 66 2,456 1,892 1,774 929 1,230 42 x 29 x 29.75 88 4,489 3,309 2,766 1,669 2,049 48 x 22 x 32.5 176 6,973 5,479 4,661 2,828 3,316 54 x 24 x 28 370 8,056 6,396 5,161 3,263 3,796 60 x 30 x 32 433 10,715 8,448 6,900 4,232 5,042 66 x 30 x 32 506 14,439 11,047 9,292 5,127 6,549 72 x 36 x 36 627 18,364 14,284 11,866 6,612 8,329 78 x 36 x 36 758 22,393 17,856 15,141 8,435 10,364 84 x 40 x 40 913 29,193 22,252 19,109 10,916 13,190 84 x 40 x 42 922 30,652 23,511 19,889 11,507 13,850 88 x 40 x 40 958 33,083 25,656 21,203 12,502 14,928 96 x 44 x 46 984 45,409 35,769 29,760 17,097 20,466 All Units in Feet M LA 2-72F M LN 2-72F 2" Flange Clearance Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Flange x Drum x Traverse 250 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Shipping Information AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Plenum-Rated Distribution Cables 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,337 4,371 12,696 25,439 32,488 44,541 58,160 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 958 3,344 9,604 18,412 23,770 32,528 43,160 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,941 8,514 16,473 21,818 29,230 39,126 64,770 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 2,058 3,823 4,903 6,731 8,994 14,329 16,800 22,463 28,856 36,908 47,051 N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,571 3,249 4,038 5,747 7,203 11,869 13,508 18,041 23,794 30,383 38,211 48,919 N/A 36 N/A N/A 1,384 2,845 3,868 5,003 6,385 10,820 12,337 16,589 21,158 26,779 34,150 44,156 N/A 48 N/A N/A 1,169 2,420 3,094 4,247 5,352 8,810 9,697 13,004 17,083 21,884 27,445 35,131 39,382 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,745 2,410 3,104 3,982 6,878 7,926 10,562 13,478 16,872 20,721 27,204 30,947 72 N/A N/A N/A 1,461 1,894 2,576 3,313 5,488 6,408 8,461 11,067 14,307 17,888 22,291 25,704 96 N/A N/A N/A 1,117 1,374 1,911 2,270 4,019 4,456 5,855 7,472 9,670 12,648 15,844 17,740 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,303 1,605 2,162 3,466 3,864 5,122 6,639 8,431 11,188 14,502 16,322 Residential 22x12x12 FT Fiber Optic 18x12x12 FT Twisted Pair Fiber Riser-Rated Distribution Cables 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,225 3,770 10,744 20,662 27,200 36,267 47,658 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A 2,941 8,514 16,473 21,818 29,230 39,126 64,770 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,857 7,976 15,441 19,934 27,123 35,248 58,135 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 1,791 3,322 4,588 5,843 7,878 12,916 14,646 19,453 25,434 32,346 40,432 N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,329 2,774 3,810 4,909 6,298 10,704 11,514 15,543 20,932 26,521 32,579 41,707 N/A 36 N/A N/A 1,338 2,529 3,307 4,391 6,211 9,912 11,586 15,357 19,768 25,111 31,036 39,882 N/A 48 N/A N/A 1,123 2,125 2,986 3,679 4,709 7,974 9,005 11,888 15,795 20,332 25,701 33,087 37,217 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,692 2,366 3,035 3,919 6,262 7,282 9,536 12,302 15,784 20,524 25,792 29,463 72 N/A N/A N/A 1,411 1,854 2,510 3,250 5,407 5,819 7,722 10,234 12,999 16,402 20,568 23,836 96 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,337 1,658 2,214 3,532 4,345 5,725 7,313 9,491 11,664 14,691 16,524 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,230 1,558 2,050 3,318 3,797 5,043 6,551 8,332 10,367 13,195 14,933 Industrial 22x12x12 FT Coaxial 18x12x12 FT Central Office Fiber LSZH Distribution Cables Fiber 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 88x40x40 FT 4 1,282 3,919 11,497 22,765 29,707 40,164 52,650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 1,225 3,770 10,744 20,662 27,200 36,267 47,658 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A 2,857 7,976 15,441 19,934 27,123 35,248 58,135 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 2,147 6,100 11,896 16,081 20,920 27,571 46,324 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 1,384 2,845 3,868 5,003 6,385 10,820 12,337 16,589 21,158 26,779 34,150 44,156 N/A 24 N/A N/A 1,162 2,408 3,148 4,231 5,437 8,924 10,466 13,975 23,221 28,922 35,467 41,212 N/A 36 N/A N/A N/A 1,796 2,509 3,172 4,582 7,101 8,036 10,691 14,401 18,322 22,336 29,119 32,995 48 N/A N/A N/A 1,450 1,934 2,561 3,375 6,073 6,520 8,594 11,227 14,486 19,043 23,636 27,128 60 N/A N/A N/A 1,141 1,776 2,088 2,769 4,669 5,170 6,910 9,308 11,613 14,822 18,749 20,805 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,335 1,654 2,208 3,921 4,328 5,874 7,500 9,459 11,621 14,639 17,404 88x40x40 FT Reel Weights (lbs.) 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 48x22x32.5 FT 54x24x28 FT 60x30x32 FT 66x30x32 FT 72x36x36 FT 78x36x36 FT 84x40x40 FT 8.5 12 18 70 66 109 102 176 370 433 506 627 758 913 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 958 251 Glossary/Index 30x12x12 FT Packaging Packaging 22x12x12 FT Conduit 18x12x12 FT AB AB Fiber Optic Packaging & Shipping Shipping Information Fiber Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 1 1.6 11,536 40,055 N/A N/A N/A 1 1.8 8,716 28,760 85,909 N/A N/A 1 2.0 6,616 22,324 65,521 N/A N/A 1 2.5 4,492 14,608 42,380 81,529 N/A 1 2.9 3,707 11,961 34,572 66,609 87,629 Coaxial Industrial 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT * LSZH is only for the 2.5 and 2.9 cables. Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Zipcord Cables Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 2 1.6 5,307 18,425 53,430 N/A N/A 2 1.8 4,078 13,455 40,192 77,467 N/A 2 2.5 2,246 7,304 21,190 40,765 53,354 2 2.9 1,768 5,706 16,493 31,874 41,867 Fiber Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Simplex Cables 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT * LSZH is only for the 2.5 and 2.9 cables. Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Duplex Cables Fiber Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 2 2.5 1,406 4,898 13,887 2 2.9 1,087 3,793 10,698 35x16.5x18 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 27,045 35,483 47,495 N/A 20,978 27,347 36,822 48,269 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT * LSZH is only for the 2.5 the cable Riser, Plenum and LSZH* Interconnect Cables Size 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 2 2.9 R&P 3,707 11,961 34,572 66,609 N/A N/A 2 SD P & LS 1,891 6,597 18,605 36,483 47,498 N/A 2 SD R 1,781 5,551 16,311 31,966 41,784 56,360 18x12x12 FT 22x12x12 FT 30x12x12 FT 36x22x29.75 FT 42x24x24 FT 42x22x29.75 FT 8.5 12 18 66 109 102 Conduit Fiber 35x16.5x18 FT Reel Weights (lbs.) Glossary/Index Packaging Packaging All reels calculated using 2” flange clearance 252 35x16.5x18 FT 70 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Color Options, Packaging, Purchasing and Shipping Terms and Conditions Catalog No. Blue Grey x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • x 253 Glossary/Index x x x x x x x x x x Lengths 500ft. 1000ft. Wt/kft x x 55 x x 55 x x 59 x x 60 x x 75 x x 76 x x 81 x x 94 x x 97 x x 100 x x 117 x x 127 x x 137 x x 137 x x 144 x x 152 x x 163 x 34 x 32 x 34 x 36 x 72 x 30 x 56 x 36 x 67 x 45 x 81 x 78 x 39 x 58 x 42 x 30 x 30 x 47 x 43 x 30 x 27 x 55 x 30 x 30 x 57 x 57 x 37 x 82 x 83 x 103 x 72 x 9 Packaging x x Reel x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Conduit x x x x RIB Industrial x x ComPak Coaxial x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Red Central Office x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Packaging Yellow Orange Purple x x x Residential UH58100 UH58110 UH58120 UH58130F UH58140 UH58160 UH58180 UH58200 UH58220 UH58240 UH58260 UH58280 UH58300 UH58320 UH58340 UH58360 UH58380 5716 5729 5730 5743 5786 5783 5784 5781 5782 5731 5788 5916R 5553 5554 5700 5654 2037V 2054K 2277V 2039V UH58760 UH58770 UH58820 UH58821 UH58840 UH58841 UH58860 UH58880 UH58890 UH58891 UH58892 R-002-IC-6F-FSDOR Colors Black White Cream Fiber Optic Minimum order of $1,000. Shipments of $5,000 or more are f.o.b. factory, freight allowed if destination is within the continental United States. Shipments of less than $5,000 are f.o.b. factory. Standard lengths are 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) plus or minus 10% for reels and CommPak boxes. Standard length per coil varies by product. • Not more than 5% of each shipment shall be other than standard lengths, with no lengths shorter than 500 feet (152 meters) on 1,000 foot (304.8 meters) reels. Orders for custom print may receive lengths down to 300 feet. • Method of shipment at discretion of shipper. • Inspection and final acceptance shall be made at factory prior to shipment. On approved credit, net 30 days from date of invoice; 1.5% finance charge equivalent to 18% per annum will be added after due date. All orders subject to acceptance at factory and will be billed at price in effect at time of shipment. Prices, discounts, terms conditions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Twisted Pair • • • • AB AB Residential Cabling Packaging & Shipping AB Twisted Pair Central Office Packaging & Shipping Label Information SBC Package Label Residential Fiber Optic Reel ID# Footage (this reel) Meters Product Code UL/ETL Reference Part # Color (Jacket) Category (this reel) UPC Code Patent Information Coaxial Central Office AB Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial MCI Package Label Reel ID# Footage (this reel) Meters Product Code UL/ETL Reference Part # Color (Jacket) Category 254 (this reel) UPC Code Patent Information For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB Reel Size and Shipping Weights lbs. /1000 ft. 34.78 14.56 106.53 8208304 4202206 8242703 8267003 8205705 4602505 8221205 4601305 8239603 8249903 8210504 8210104 8210305 8210605 8210805 8210005 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 35 x 16 x 18 12 x 4 x 12 12 x 4 x 12 35 x 16 x 18 35 x 16 x 18 42.5 x 24 x 24 42.5 x 24 x 24 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 14.5 x 6 x 13 12 x 4 x 12 18 x 6 x 11 22 x 6 x 11.63 22 x 6 x 11.63 30 x 12 x 12.63 23.11 374.51 34.40 33.16 278.08 380.80 546.40 452.4 13.83 17.35 44.29 36.99 56.45 104.64 132.66 194.20 8276503 8272803 8272903 8213203 8232204 8215605 8209005 12 x 4 x 12 12 x 4 x 12 14.5 x 6 x 13 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 12 x 4 x 12 22 x 6 x 11 30 x 12 x 12.63 34.96 33.92 48.53 16.16 51.17 115.85 213.98 Coaxial 12 x 4 x 12 10.25 x 4 x 7.25 22 x 6 x 11 Central Office 4132603 4771903 4172705 Residential Reel Size Fiber Optic Plenum 734C1P 73501P 73506P Non Plenum 72001 72012 734C1 734S1 734S6 734S8 734C12 734S12 73501 735T1 735T2 73502 73503 73506 73508 73512 Non Halogen 734C1H 734S1H 734STH 73501H 735T2H 73506H 73512H Product Code Twisted Pair CommScope Catalog Number AB Central Office Packaging & Shipping Industrial Conduit Packaging Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 255 AB Twisted Pair Coaxial Packaging & Shipping AB Reel Size and Shipping Weights Packaging Reel lengths may vary +/-10%. Reels and boxes are palletized for shipment. Shipments are subject to full pallet quantities or full pallet layers as a minimum. Fiber Optic Method of Shipment Method of shipment at discretion of shipper, unless specified in order. Inspection Residential Final inspection shall be made at factory prior to shipment. Terms and Conditions On approved credit, net 30 days from date of invoice; be added after due date. All orders subject to acceptance at factory and will be billed at price in effect at time of shipment. Prices, discounts, terms, conditions, and specifications are subject to change without notice. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office 1.5% finance charge equivalent to 18% per annum will 256 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Reel Size and Shipping Weights 2427K 3104 3130 3135 3136 3139 3226 3227 3228 3229 3247 3249 3250 5520 5540 5550 5553 5554 5554M 5555 5560 5563 5565 5571 5572 5572R 5573 5574 5575 5586 5654 5700 5715 5716 5720 5722 5725 5726 5726R 5727 5728 5729 5730 5730V 5731 5732 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 113 27 33 36 24 31 102 102 112 112 120 116 115 33 34 34 39 58 58 41 42 42 34 28 28 28 28 20 28 60 62 42 44 26 36 38 28 28 34 29 28 32 34 29 45 38 5741 5743 5750 5765 5771 5772 5773 5774 5781 5782 5786 5787 5789 5796 5901 5902 5903 5904 5906 5912R 5913 5914 5915 5916 5916R 5918 5920 5940 5950 6609 7501 7505 7530 753603 753604 753605 7538 7713 7725 7726 7815 7901 8060 8126 8136 8236 Spool Length 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Wt/Kft 38 31 36 45 27 38 48 61 40 85 58 58 81 46 87 47 75 83 87 56 78 52 63 78 78 155 75 62 62 42 76 62 56 83 101 135 17 122 40 44 140 81 79 144 160 130 Conduit 34 66 94 58 81 32 32 30 23 21 25 15 14 30 30 44 41 47 44 34 27 29 48 53 65 40 29 35 24 40 58 29 27 29 43 43 47 136 113 58 79 78 85 64 127 110 CommScope Catalog No. Industrial 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2400 1000 Wt/Kft Coaxial 0132V 0359V 0458 0461 0467 0653K 0653V 0694 2020K 2020V 2022V 2035 203505 2037V 2039V 2041K 2045V 2054K 2054V 2065V 2100V 2104V 2125K 2210V 2220V 2227K 2227V 2229V 2249V 2250V 2254V 2275K 2275V 2276V 2277K 2277V 2279V 2280K 2282K 2284K 2285K 2286K 2287K 2291K 2312K 2426K Spool Length Central Office CommScope Catalog No. Residential Wt/Kft Fiber Optic Spool Length Twisted Pair CommScope Catalog No. AB AB Coaxial Packaging & Shipping Packaging Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 257 Shipping Information Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Conduit Packaging & Shipping A C B D Residential ConQuest products can be packaged and shipped on either wooden reels (A), ReelSmart® Composite Reels (B),or lightweight steel reels (C). ConQuest Reel Dimensions and Weight Chart Lengths* Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office 1,000 13mm 1/ " 2 1 Packaging 3/ " 4 1" 11/4" 24 x 12 x 18 35 x 16 /2x18 42 x 24 x 24 50 x 24 x 24 54 x 30 x 40 16 lbs. 60 lbs. 130 lbs. 182 lbs. 77 lbs. 1 11/2 " 2" 2,000 35 x 16 /2 x18 60 lbs. 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 50 x 24 x 24 182 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 80 x 40 x 38 129 lbs. 90 x 42 x 40 163 lbs. 3,000 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 45 x 18 x 24 142 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. 80 x 40 x 38 129 lbs. 102 x 48 x 42 200 lbs 4,000 42 x 18 x 24 125 lbs. 54 x 24 x 24 208 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. 5,000 45 x 18 x 24 142 lbs. 54 x 30 x 40 77 lbs. 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 6,000 63 x 30 x 40 91 lbs. 7,000 68 x 30 x40 108 lbs. 8,000 68 x 30 x 40 108 lbs. (Flange x Drum x Traverse) Glossary/Index Drop conduit products can be packaged on "reel-less" coils (D), making them light weight and easier to handle. 90 x 42 x 40 163 lbs. 102 x 48 x 42 200 lbs. *Longer lengths may be available upon request. Reel Stenciling All wood reel heads are to be stenciled “COMMSCOPE” and “MADE IN THE USA” (in black letters). All reel heads will be stenciled to identify reel size and date of reel manufacture, in 3/4" - 1" letters located below the arbor hole with diagram R-2 red roller system stencil ink or approved equivalent. All flanges (except 35" or smaller) cut with a start hole, must be stenciled with the warning “THIS SIDE UP” in 11/2" to 2" letters. Typical reel tag for CIC with P3 500 JCASS Product. 258 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Reel Size and Shipping Weights Palletizing Twisted Pair 24" reels are palletized (standard 8 reels per pallet) and stretched wrapped. For substandard palletizing: 4 reels per pallet, 2 reels per pallet, or 1 reel per pallet, shall be used. AB AB Conduit Packaging & Shipping End Preparation Fiber Optic The cable ends are secured to the conduit by a nylon cord, or CommScope approved equivalent, to ensure that the cable does not draw back into the conduit prior to installation. Each end shall be tightly sealed by a conduit end cap to prevent contamination ingress. For wooden reels, the bottom end shall be secured into the start hole by a chess board “stayback” or a CommScope approved equivalent. The top end of the conduit shall be secured to the flange by a metal pipe band or sufficient cable ties. Residential Reel Identification Each reel tag for CIC (as shown below) shall provide the following information and instructions: Central Office • CommScope’s Shipping Address • CommScope’s Product Code • Length of the Cable inside the Conduit •Product Description Coaxial • Tracer Color with Reel Number and Bar Code Testing • Spectrum, Reel Size, and Manufacturing Date • Special Comments (if needed) Industrial Typical reel tag for CIC with P3 500 JCASS Product. Conduit Packaging Packaging Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 259 AB AB Glossary Abrasion Resistance to Buried Cable Accelerated Aging A test in which voltage, temperature, etc., are increased above normal operation values to obtain observable deterioration in a relatively short period of time. The plotted results give expected service life under normal conditions. Access Provider Operator of facility used to convey telecommunications signals to and from a customer premises. Admittance The measure of the ease with which an alternating current flows in a circuit. The reciprocal of impedance. Air-Dielectric Coaxial Cable One in which air is the essential dielectric material. A spirally wound synthetic filament or spacer may be used to center the conductor. Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Residential AD Cable In residential applications, the cable from the distribution device in a customer’s premises to the point of demarcation. Central Office Fiber Optic Twisted Pair Abrasion Resistance Ability of a wire, cable or material to resist surface wear. Aerial Cable A cable suspended in the air on poles or other overhead structure. Alloy A metal formed by combining two or more different metals to obtain desirable properties. Alternation Current Electric current that continually reverses its direction. It is expressed in cycles per second (Hertz or Hz). Ambient Temperature The temperature of a medium (gas or liquid) surrounding an object. American Wire Gauge (AWG) A standard system for designation wire diameter. Also referred to as the Brown and Sharpe (B&S) wire gauge. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) An information transmission technology that dynamically allocates bandwidth through a switching network. ATM can deliver voice, video and data without the latency problems normally associated with Ethernet. Attenuation Power loss in an electrical system In cables, generally expressed in dB per unit length, usually 100 ft. Attenuation to Crosstalk Radio (ACR) Calculated as the crosstalk value (dB) minus the attenuation value (dB). Typically, ACR may be given for a cable, link or channel and is a key indicator of performance for UTP systems. Audio Frequency The range of frequencies audible to the human ear. Usually 20-20,000 HZ. Auxiliary Disconnect Outlet (ADO) Allows a disconnect point from the service provider. May be co-located at the NID or Distribution Device. AWG Abbreviation for American Wire Gauge. AWM Designation for Appliance Wiring Material. Balanced Transmission Refers to the transmission of equal but opposite voltages across each conductor of a pair. If each conductor is identical, with respect to each other and the environment, then the pair is said to be perfectly balanced and the transmission will be immune to ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI). Bandwidth A measure of the information-carrying capacity of a communication channel. For UTP, the bandwidth is sometimes defined as the frequency at which the ACR equals zero. Braid A fibrous or metallic group of filaments interwoven in cylindrical form to form a covering over one or more wires. Ampere The unit of current. One ampere is the current flowing through one ohm of resistance at on volt potential. Braid Angle The smaller of the two angles formed by the shielding strand and the axis of the cable being shielded. Anneal Relief of mechanical stress through heat and gradual cooling. Annealing copper renders it less brittle. Braid Carrier A spool or bobbin on a braider which holds one group of strands or filaments consisting of a specific number of ends. The carrier revolves during braiding operations. ANSI/TIA/EIA 568A Commercial Building Telecommunications Standard. It gives guidelines on implementing structured cabling within a building. It also defines the minimum mechanical and transmission performance criteria for UTP, STP, ScTP, coax, and fiber optic cabling. Armor A braid or wrapping of metal, usually steel, used for mechanical protection. Generally placed over the outer sheath. ASTM Abbreviation for the American Society for Testing and Materials, a nonprofit industry-wide organization which publishes standards, methods of test, recommended practices, definitions and other related material. 260 Braid Ends The number of strands used to make up one carrier. The strands are wound side by side on the carrier bobbin and lie parallel in the finished braid. Breakdown Voltage The voltage at which the insulation between two conductors breaks down. Bunch Stranding A group of wires of the same diameter twisted together without a predetermined pattern. Buried Cable A cable installed directly in the earth without use of underground conduit. Also called "direct burial cable." For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Cable to Dissipation Factor Connector A device used to physically and electrically connect two or more conductors. Cable Assembly A completed cable and its associated hardware ready to install. Continuity Check A test to determine whether electrical current flows continuously throughout the length of a single wire or individual wires in a cable. Cabling The twisting together of two or more insulated conductors to form a cable. Copolymer A compound resulting from the polymerization of two different monomers. Cladding A method of applying a layer of metal over another metal whereby the junction of the two metals is continuously welded. Color Code A system for circuit identification through use of solid colors and contrasting tracers. Cut-Through Resistance The ability of a material to withstand mechanical pressure, usually a sharp edge or small radius, without separation. DD Cord Telecommunications cord that extends between the distribution device and the auxiliary disconnect outlet. Decibel (dB) A unit to express differences of power level. Used to express power gain in amplifiers or power loss in passive circuits or cables. Demarcation Point A point where operational control or ownership changes. Dielectric Any insulating material between two conductors which permits electrostatic attraction and repulsion to take place across it.. Conduit Concentric Stranding A central wire surrounded by one or more layers of helically wound strands in a fixed geometric arrangement. CSA Abbreviation for Canadian Standards Association, a nonprofit, independent organization which operates a listing service for electrical and electronic materials and equipment. The Canadian counterpart of the Underwriters Laboratories. Conductivity The capability of a material to carry electrical current–usually expressed as a percentage of copper conductivity (copper being 100%). Dielectric Strength The voltage which an insulation can withstand before breakdown occurs. Usually expressed as a voltage gradient (such as volts per mil). Conductor An uninsulated wire suitable for carrying electrical current. Direct Current Resistance (DCR) The resistance offered by any circuit to the flow of direct current. Conduit A tube or trough in which insulated wires and cables are run. Dissipation Factor The tangent of the loss angle of the insulation material. (Also referred to as loss tangent, tan , and approximate power factor.) 261 Glossary/Index Glossary/Index Dielectric Constant (K) The ratio of the capacitance of a condenser with dielectric between the electrodes to the capacitance when air is between the electrodes. Also called Permitivity and Specific Inductive Capacity. Packaging Concentricity In a wire or cable, the measurement of the location of the center of the conductor with respect to the geometric center of the surrounding insulation. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Industrial Coaxial Cable A cable consisting of two cylindrical conductors with a common axis, separated by a dielectric. Crosstalk A measure of conductor uniformity within a pair, hence the cable’s balance. The lower the unbalance, the better the cable will support balanced transmission. Coaxial Circular Mil The area of a circle one mil (.001") in diameter; 7.854 x 10 - 7 sq. in. Used in expressing wire cross sectional area. Crazing The minute cracks on the surface of plastic materials. Central Office Characteristic Impedance The impedance that, when connected to the output terminals of a transmission line of any length, makes the line appear infinitely long. The ratio of voltage to current at every point along a transmission line on which there are no standing waves. Coverage The percent of completeness with which a metal braid covers the underlying surface. Residential Capacitance Unbalance A measurement of a cable’s impedance based on a curve fit equation using the cable’s raw input impedance. Specified by ANSI/TIA/EIA 568A but not ISO/IEC11801. Fiber Optic Cabling Factor Used in the formula for calculation the diameter of an unshielded, unjacketed cable. D = Kd, where D is the Core In cables, a component or assembly of components over which additional components (shield, sheath, etc.) are cable diameter, K is the factor and d is the diameter of one applied. insulated conductor. Capacitance The ratio of the electrostatic charge on a conductor to the potential difference between the conductors required to maintain that charge. Twisted Pair Cable An insulated conductor, or group of individually insulated conductors in twisted or parallel configuration. AB AB Glossary AB Drain Wire In a cable, the uninsulated wire laid over the component or components and used as a ground connection. Glossary/Index Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB Glossary Distribution Device (DD) to Longitudinal Shield Distribution Device (DD) Terminates and cross-connects cables. Central point of connection for all building cables. Eccentricity Like concentricity, a measure of the center of a conductor's location with respect to the circular cross section of the insulation. Expressed as a percentage of displacement of one circle within the other. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) The interference in signal transmission resulting from the radiation of nearby electrical and/or magnetic fields. For UTP, EMI can be coupled onto a conducting pair and cause circuit noise. Crosstalk is one type of EMI. Full Duplex Simultaneous two-way transmission across a communication channel. A method used to increase transmission throughput e.g. gigabit Ethernet where 250 Mb/s is sent bi-directionally across each of the four pairs. Gauge (AWG) A term used to denote the physical size of a wire. Giga A numerical prefix denoting one billion (109). Ground A conduction connection between an electrical circuit and the earth or other large conduction body to serve as an earth thus making a complete electrical circuit. Hard Drawn Copper Wire Copper wire that has not been annealed after drawing. Sometimes called HD wire. Elongation The fractional increase in length of a material stressed in tension. Hertz (Hz) A term replacing cycles-per-second as an indication of frequency. EMI Abbreviation for electromagnetic interference. Hi-Pot A test designed to determine the highest voltage that can be applied to a conductor without breaking through the insulation. Ends In braiding, the number of essentially parallel wires or threads on a carrier. Equal Level Far End Crosstalk (ELFEXT) A method to mathematically subtract out the cable’s attenuation in order to accurately compare FEXT values from one cable to another. See FEXT. Equipment Cord Cable used to connect telecommunications equipment to horizontal or backbone cabling. Ethernet A LAN transmission standard originally developed by IEEE 802.3. Ethernet is a shared bandwidth technology based on bus topology and CSMA/CD. Ethernet has evolved from its beginning as a 10 Mb/s coax network (10Base5) to include a 10 Mb/s twisted pair standard (10BaseT), a 100 Mb/s 4 pair/twisted pair standard (100BaseVG), 100 Mb/s over 2 pair/twisted pair standard (100Base - x) and a draft standard for gigabit transmission over twisted pair. Far End Crosstalk (FEXT) Crosstalk that occurs at the end opposite the location of the disturbed pair’s receiver. Normally, FEXT is only important in short links or full duplex transmission. Figure 8 Cable An aerial cable configuration in which the conductors and the steel strand which supports the cable are integrally jacketed. A cross section of the finished cable approximates the figure "eight." Flame Resistance The ability of a material not to propagate flame once the heat source is removed. Flex Life The measurement of the ability of a conductor or cable to withstand repeated bending. FR-1 A flammability rating established by Underwriters Laboratories for wires and cables that pass a specially designed vertical flame test. This designation has been replaced by VW-1. 262 Hypalon® Dupont's trade name for their chlorosulfinated polyethylene, and ozone resistant synthetic rubber.* Impedance The total opposition that a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current or any other varying current at a particular frequency. It is a combination of resistance R and reactance X, measured in ohms. Inductance The property of a circuit or circuit element that opposes a change in current flow, thus causing current changes to lag behind voltage changes. It is measured in henrys. Insulation A material having high resistance to the flow of electric current. Often called a dielectric in radio frequency cable. Insulation Resistance The ratio of the applied voltage to the total current between two electrodes in contact with a specific insulation, usually expressed in megaohms-M feet. ISP/IEC 11801 An international standard for generic cabling system. Very similar to the ANSI/TIA/EIA 568A. Jacket An outer non-metallic protective covering applied over an insulated wire or cable. Kilo A numerical prefix denoting 1000 (103). Lay The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable required for a single strand (in stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to make one complete turn about the axis of the conductor or cable. Longitudinal Shield A tape shield, flat or corrugated, applied longitudinally with the axis of the core being shielded. *Hypalon is a registered trademark of E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Loop Resistance to Return Loss Loop Resistance Sum of conductor resistance and shield resistance (DCR). Low Loss Dielectric An insulating material that has a relatively low dielectric loss, such as polyethylene or Teflon. MHz MegaHertz (one million cycles per second). Formerly mc. Micro A numerical prefix denoting one-millionth (10-6). Modulus of Elasticity The ratio of stress to strain in an elastic material. Monomer The basic chemical unit used in building a polymer. Nano A numerical prefix denoting one-billionth (10-9). Network Interface Device (NID) Point of connection between networks. Ohm A unit of electrical resistance. Outlet Cable Cable extending directly between the telecommunications outlet/connector and the distribution device. Quad shield Four layers of shielding. RG/U "RG" is the military designation for “Radio Grade” coaxial cable, and "U" stands for "general Utility." Rated Temperature The maximum temperature at which an electric component can operate for extended periods without loss of its basic properties. Rated Voltage The maximum voltage at which an electric component can operate for extended periods without undue degradation or safety hazard. Reflection Loss The part of a signal which is lost due to reflection of power at a line discontinuity. Return Loss A measure of reflected energy of a transmitted signal due to impedance variations along the length of the cable plus the mismatch of the cable’s impedance from a 100 ohm termination. Signal reflections cause insertion loss and can add noise to the circuit. Pair-to-Pair Crosstalk The crosstalk measurement of a single disturbing pair. It can be made for NEXT or FEXT. Glossary/Index Glossary/Index Patch Cable A length of cable with connectors on one or both ends to join telecommunications links. Percent Conductivity Conductivity of a material expressed as a percentage of that of copper. For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Packaging Oxygen Index Percentage of oxygen necessary to support combustion in a gas mixture. Power Sum (or PSum) Crosstalk A crosstalk measurement where the crosstalk from all adjacent disturbing pairs in a cable are mathematically summed to give a combined crosstalk value. It simulates the effects of multiple signals in a multi-pair cable or parallel transmission in a 4 pair cable. It can be made for NEXT, FEXT, or ELFEXT. Conduit OFHC Abbreviation for Oxygen-Free, High Conductivity copper. It has no residual deoxidant, 99.95% minimum copper content and an average annealed conductivity of 101%. Polyolefin Any of the polymers and copolymers of the ethylene family of hydrocarbons. Industrial Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) Crosstalk that occurs at the same end as the disturbed pair’s receiver. Normally, this is the largest contributor of noise because the disturbing pair’s transmitted signal is strongest at this point. Polymer A material of high molecular weight formed by the chemical union of monomers. Coaxial National Electrical Code A consensus standard published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and incorporated in OSHA regulations. Plasticizer A Chemical agent added to plastics to make them softer and more pliable. Central Office Mutual Capacitance Capacitance between two conductors when all other conductors including ground are connected together and then regarded as an ignored ground. Pitch In flat cable, the nominal distance between the index edges of two adjacent conductors. Residential Mil A unit used in measuring diameter of a wire or thickness of insulation over a conductor. One one-thousandth of an inch (.001"). Pico A numerical prefix denoting one-trillionth (10-12). Fiber Optic Meg or Mega A numerical prefix denoting 1,000,000 (106). Pick Distance between two adjacent crossover points of braid filaments. The measurement in picks per inch indicates the degree of coverage. Twisted Pair Loss Energy dissipated without accomplishing useful work. Periodicity The uniformly spaced variations in the insulation diameter of a transmission cable that result in reflections of a signal, when its wavelength or a multiple thereof is equal to the distance between two diameter variations. AB AB Glossary 263 AB Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Residential Central Office Coaxial AB Glossary Rope Lay Conductor to VSWR Rope Lay Conductor A conductor composed of a central core surrounded by one or more layers of helically laid groups of wires. Telecommunication Outlet (TO) Point of connection for devices (TV, computer, fax, etc.) mounted within a wall, floor or ceiling. Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP) A 100 ohm cable with an overall foil shield and drain wire. Tensile Strength The pull stress required to break a wire/cable. Sheath The outer covering or jacket of a multiconductor cable. Tetra A numerical prefix denoting one quadrillionth (10-15). Shield In cables, a metallic layer placed around a conductor or group of conductors to prevent electrostatic or electromagnetic interference between the enclosed wires and external fields. Shield Effectiveness The relative ability of a shield to screen out undesirable radiation. Frequently confused with the term shield percentage, which it is not. Skin Effect The phenomenon in which the depth of penetration of electric currents into a conductor decreases as the frequency increases. Spark Test A test designed to locate pin-holes in the insulation of a wire or cable by application of a voltage for a very short period of time while the wire is being drawn through the electrode field. Industrial Conduit Packaging Tray A cable tray system is a unit or assembly of units or sections, and associated fittings, made or metal or other noncombustible materials forming a rigid structural system used to support cables. Cable tray systems (previously termed continuous rigid cable supports) including ladders, troughs, channels, solid bottom trays, and similar structures. Triaxial Cable A cable construction having three coincident axes, such as conductor, first shield and second shield all insulated from one another. Specific Gravity The ratio of the density (mass per unit volume) of a material to that of water. Twisted Pair - Physical Media Dependent (TP-PMD) A Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) 100 Mb/s LAN standard that was adopted for twisted pair cable. Spiral Wrap The helical wrap of a tape or thread over a core. UHF Abbreviation for Ultra High Frequency, 300 to 3,000 MHz. Strand A single uninsulated wire. UL. Abbreviation for Underwriters Laboratories, a nonprofit independent organization, which operates a listing service for electrical and electronic materials and equipment. Stranded Conductor A conductor composed of groups of wires twisted together. Glossary/Index Transmission Cable Two or more transmission lines. If the structure is flat, it is sometimes called Flat Transmission Cable to differentiate it from a round structure such as a jacketed group of coaxial cables. Strip Force The force required to remove a small section of insulation material from the conductor it covers. Usually measured in pounds. Velocity of Propagation The speed of an electrical signal down a length of cable compared to speed in free space expressed as a percent. It is the reciprocal of the square root of the dielectric constant of the cable insulation. Structural Return Loss (SRL) A measure of reflected energy of a transmitted signal due entirely to impedance variations along the length of the cable. Signal reflections cause insertion loss and can add noise to the circuit. VHF Abbreviation for Very High Frequency, 30 to 300 MHz. Surface Resistivity The resistance of a material between two opposite sides of a unit square of its surface. It is usually expressed on ohms. Video Pair Cable A transmission cable containing low-loss pairs with an impedance of 125 ohms. Used for TV pick ups, closed circuit TV, telephone carrier circuits, etc. Sweep Test Pertaining to cable, checking frequency response by generation an rf voltage whose frequency is varied back and forth through a given frequency range at a rapid constant rate and observing the results of an oscilloscope. Volt A unit of electromotive force. Tape Wrap A spirally applied tape over an insulated or uninsulated wire. Tear Strength The force required to initiate or continue a tear in a material under specified conditions. VSAT Abbreviation for Very Small Aperture Terminal, a small data satellite dish.. Voltage Rating The highest voltage that may be continuously applied to a wire in conformance with standards or specifications. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) The ratio of the maximum effective voltage to the minimum effective voltage measured along the length of a mis-matched radio frequency transmission line. VSWR Abbreviation for voltage standing wave ratio. 264 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • AB VW-1 to Wire Twisted Pair VW-1 A flammability rating established by Underwriters Laboratories for wires and cables that pass a specially designed vertical flame test, formerly designed FR-1. AB Glossary Wall Thickness The thickness of the insulation or jacket. Watt A unit of electric power. Fiber Optic Wave Length The distance, measured in the direction of propagation, of a repetitive electrical pulse or waveform between two successive points that are characterized by the same phase of vibration. Wire A conductor, either bare or insulated. Residential Central Office Coaxial Industrial Conduit Packaging Glossary/Index Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 265 CommScope Catalog No. 0132V 0359V 0458 0461 0467 0653V 0694 2001 2002 2003 2003B 2004 2020K 2020V 2022V 2035 203505 2037V 2039V 2041K 2045V 2054K 2054V 2065V 2100V 2104K 2104V 2125K 2210V 2220V 2227K 2227V 2229V 2249V 2250V 2254V 2275K 2275V 2276V 2277K 2277V 2279V 2280K 2282K 2284K 2285K 2286K 2287K 2291K 2312K 2426K 2427K 3104 3130 3135 3136 3139 3226 3227 3228 3229 3247 3249 3250 3504 3506 35N4 35N6 4022K 4050K 5060 5060A 5060AI Glossary/Index Glossary/Index Packaging Conduit Industrial Coaxial Central Office Residential Fiber Optic Twisted Pair AB AB Index 266 Page 166, 173 166, 173 174 167 167 166 161 206 206 206 206 206 158 158 158 179 179 126, 175 126, 175 158 158 126, 175 175 180 182 208 182, 208 172 160 160 160 160, 173 160 184 184 176 160 160 160 176 126, 176 161, 180 184, 208 164 177 164 177 164 185 165 172 172 182, 208 182 182 182 182 171 171 171 171 183 183 183, 184, 208 23 23 23 23 200 208 202 203 203 CommScope Catalog No. 5060B 5060D 5060F 5060M 5060R 5060IS 5060SI 5061 5061V 5065 5070 5070AI 5070CP 5080 5080AI 5080CP 5090 5504M 5520 5524M 5540 5553 5554 5554M 5555 5560 5563 5565 5571 5572 5572R 5573 5574 5575 5586 55N4R 5654 5700 5715 5716 5720 5722 5725 5726 5726R 5727 5728 5729 5730 5730V 5731 5732 5741 5743 5750 5765 5771 5772 5773 5774 5781 5782 5783 5784 5786 5787 5788 5789 5796 5901 5902 5903 5904 Page 202 202 203 203 202 202 203 202 202 202 204 204 204 204 204 204 205 17, 207 175 17 158 126, 175 126, 175 175 158 158 159 181 159 159 159 159 159 166 166 17, 207 126, 176 126, 176 161 124, 161, 167 176 161 161, 167 162 162 162 162 124, 168 124, 168 169 124, 168 169 162 124, 163 163, 178 163, 181 169 169 169 169 125, 162, 168 125, 162, 168 125 125 124, 168 170 125, 168 170 163 164 177 177 177 CommScope Catalog No. 5906 5910 5912R 5913 5914 5915 5916 5916R 5917 5918 5920 5940 5950 5E24 5E25 5E40 5E55 5EF4 5EJ4 5EN24 5EN25 5EN5 5ENS4 5ES4 5N54 5NF4 6504+ 65N4+ 6600 6600TK 6609 6ECMP 6ECMR 6EJCM 6NF4+ 72001 72012 73401S 73403S 73406S 73408S 73412S 734C1 734C1H 734C1P 734C12 734S1 734S1H 734S1M 734S6 734S6M 734S8 734S12 734S12M 734STH 734T1S 734ZT2S 73501 73501H 73501M 73501P 73501S 73502 73503 73503S 73506 73506H 73506M 73506P 73506S 73508 73508S 73512 Page CommScope Catalog No. Page 181 164 164 165 165 165 170 125, 170 170 170 177 165 178 20 21 19 19 20 19 21 21 19 20 20 17 17 15 15 205 205 184 11 11 11 15 143 143 146 146 146 146 146 142 145 141 142 142 145 149 142 149 142 142 149 145 146 146 139 144 149 139 147 140 139 147 139 144 150 139 147 140 147 140 73512H 73512M 73512S 73516S 735T1 735T1S 735T2 735T2H 735ZT2S 7501 7504 7505 7530 753603 753604 753605 7538 75N4 7713 7725 7726 7815 7901 8060 8126 8136 8236 9022 9022AI 9022B 9022D 9022F 9022M 9022SI 9024 9050 UH58100 UH58110 UH58120 UH58130F UH58140 UH58160 UH58180 UH58200 UH58220 UH58240 UH58260 UH58280 UH58300 UH58320 UH58340 UH58360 UH58380 UH58760 UH58770 UH58820 UH58821 UH58840 UH58841 UH58860 UH58880 UH58890 UH58891 UH58892 WBC-100 WBC-195/R WBC-200/R WBC-240/R WBC-300/R WBC-400/R WBC-400P WBC-500/R WBC-600/R 144 150 147 147 140 148 140 144 148 180 13, 207 180 181 179 179 179 179 13, 207 183 171 171 183 185 174 174 174 174 200 201 200 200 201 201 201 200 208 121 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 123 123 123 123 123 127 127 128 128 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 188 187 187 187 187 186 186 186 186 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • Fiber Optic Cables Page Composites 37 45 46 47 48 50 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 82 90 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 107 110 111 113 Packaging Connectors Adapters Entrance Facility Fiber Enclosures Rack Mounted Panels Rack Mounted Fiber Enclosures Wall Mounted Panels Wall Mounted Furcation Kits & Clamps Combination Enclosures Jumpers Pigtails Splitter Modules Closures UFE Closure Kits Conduit Page Industrial Fiber Optic Components Coaxial Premises Cables Fast Fiber Riser Distribution Heavy Duty Riser Distribution Plenum Distribution Heavy Duty Plenum Distribution Riser Cordage Plenum Cordage Riser Breakout Plenum Breakout FiberGuard Central Office 56 57 58 59 60 61 228 229 232 224 224 224 225 225 225 225 226 226 227 227 223 223 223 230 Residential Indoor/Outdoor Cables Triathlon Distribution/Low Smoke/Zero Halogen Triathlon Cordage/Low Smoke/Zero Halogen Stranded Loose Tube/Stranded Duty Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube/Heavy Duty/Dielectric Stranded Loose Tube Plenum Central Tube Drop Cable Products Empty Conduit Fiber-In-Conduit P3 500 JCASS P3 565 JCASS P3 625 JCASS P3 700 JCASS P3 750 JCASS P3 875 JCASS P3 1000 JCASS QR 540 JCASS QR 715 JCASS QR 860 JCASS QR 1125 JCASS SCH 40 SDR 11 SDR 13.5 Toneable Conduit Fiber Optic 51 52 53 54 Page Twisted Pair Outside Plant Arid-Core Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric Arid-Core Stranded Loose Tube Armored Drop Armored Central Tube Figure 8 Stranded Loose Tube Specialty Designs Stranded Loose Tube/ Multiple Jacket/Armor Pavement Cable Flooded Stranded Loose Tube All Dielectric Flooded Stranded Loose Tube Armored Conduit Products AB AB Index Glossary/Index For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 • 267 AB CommScope Facilities Hickory Sales Office 1100 CommScope Place SE P.O. Box 1729 Hickory, NC 28603-1729 1.800.982.1708 828.344.2200 Cable Technology Center 1545 St. James Church Rd. P.O. Box 149 Newton, NC 28658 828.466.8600 Catawba Facility Scottsboro Facility 6519 CommScope Rd. P.O. Box 199 Catawba, NC 28609-0199 828.241.3142 Scottsboro Industrial Park 117 LeQuire St. Scottsboro, AL 35768 256.259.0161 Claremont Facility Sparks Facility 3642 U.S. Hwy 70 East P.O. Box 879 Claremont, NC 28610-0879 828.459.5001 1285 Southern Way Sparks, NV 89431 775.351.1717 CommScope Europe SPRL Statesville Facility 125 CommScope Way Statesville, NC 28677-1876 704.873.3519 Seneffe Rue de la Rouge Croix, 6 B-7180 SENEFFE Belgium CommScope Cabos do Brasil Ltda. Jaguariúna Rua Vigato, 661 Jaguariúna, SP 13820-000 Brazil +55.19.3867.6800 268 For information, call Corporate 800.982.1708 • Customer Service 800.544.1948 • Fax 828.459.5099 •
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