FETE DE USI ( Fete de usi presate )
FETE DE USI ( Fete de usi presate )
UP O F RS O KASTAM BE O SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Smooth / Plat SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Pine / Pin BI - FOLDED SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar Glass Application SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Smooth / Lis SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Smooth / Lis SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar O INDUSTRIES G R M GRATED INTE W OD M E DORPAN NU SURFACE / SUPRAFATA Oak / Stejar TUV CERT DIN EN ISO 9001 No. 75 100 20007 DOORSKIN (Moulded Door Facing ) Like any aspect of interior decoration, doors form an integral part of a room design. A door it’s like a difference between a blank look and a face filled with personality. One drains a room of life; the other brings it to life. A beautiful door offers light, shadow, depth and sometimes even mystery. It catches your eye from across the room. It makes entering and living an event. It marks out your personal style. When you are building new homes, quality & cost-efficiency are crucial. That’s why more and more house builders, contractors, designers and door manufacturers lay down their dreams on our product: DoorPan Moulded Door Facing. FETE DE USI ( Fete de usi presate ) Ca orice aspect al unei decoratiuni interioare forma usii este parte integrala din designul interior al unei incaperi. O usa frumoasa face diferente dintre o privire in gol si o fata plina de personalitate. O usa frumoasa ofera lumini umbre si uneori chiar mister . Cind esti constructor costul si eficienta sunt cruciale,de aceea din ce in ce mai multi constructori se bazeaza pe DOORPAN. |Este precizia tiparitapentru a satisface orice cerinte,este calea perfecta pentru a adauga calitate personalitate character si eleganta pentru orice interior la o fractiune din pretul lemnului masiv. It is precision-moulded for outstanding consistency, suited to satisfy the same high expectation every time. Is the perfect way to add quality, personality, character & elegance to an interior, at a fraction of a price of solid wood. 3 4