Pirates Plaza - Lormax Stern
Pirates Plaza - Lormax Stern
Pirates Plaza FLINT, MICHIGAN LOCATION 4 1 3 5 M i l l e r Ro a d F l i nt , M I 4 8 5 5 2 AVAILABILITY Presented By: MAJOR TENANTS Jennifer L. Walters 100% Leased. PetSmart, Sports Authority, Five Below, Ulta Beauty, And That!, and DSW. [email protected] 248.737.4041 TRAFFIC COUNTS Miller Road (2010): 14,955 VPD- Btw. Linden & Curtis 20,922 VPD- Btw. Curtis & Lennon I-75 (2012): 89,400 VPD- N. of Miller 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 www.lormaxstern.com Pirates Plaza F L I N T , M I C H I G A N K E Y FA C T S Located on Miller Road off of Interstate-75, Pirates Plaza is strategically positioned in the super regional trade area of the Miller Road corridor just blocks from Genesee Valley Mall (1.4 million square feet). Pirates Plaza is abundant with traffic drawing retailers including PetSmart, Ulta Beauty, Five Below, Sports Authority and And That!. The only available space in the Center is a former Borders at 20,048 SF. Join this lineup of quality retailers and benefit from the traffic on Miller Road and the visibility of Pirates Plaza. D E M O G R A P H I C S 2014 Radius Average Income Population Household Persons 3 Mile $43,978 37,151 2.28 5 Mile $44,148 114,504 2.38 7 Mile $44,080 191,020 2.40 LO C AT I O N 4 1 3 5 M i l l e r Ro a d F l i nt , M I 4 8 5 5 2 AVA I L A B I L I T Y 100% Leased. ANCHOR TENANTS PetSmart, Sports Authority, Ulta Beauty, Five Below, And That!, and DSW. A R EA T E N A N T S Macy’s, Sears, Kohl’s, Sports, Bed Bath & Beyond, Jo-Ann, Best Buy, Target, Old Navy, Michaels, Toys R Us, Office Max, Petco, Dunham’s, JCPenney, Guitar Center, and more. T R A F F I C C O U N T S- 2012 Miller Road (2010): 14,955 VPD- Btw. Linden & Curtis 20,922 VPD- Btw. Curtis & Lennon I-75 (2012): 89,400 VPD- N. of Miller 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 www.lormaxstern.com Pirates Plaza F L I N T , M I C H I G A N LO C AT I O N: FLINT POSITIONING AND TRAFFIC L I N D E N R D. 89,400 V P D (2012) 20 14 ,95 5 D VP (20 12 ) Pi ,92 ra 2V PD l sP te (20 az 12 ) a N O RT H E R N M E T RO-D E T RO I T LO C AT I O N 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 www.lormaxstern.com Pirates Plaza F L I N T , M I C H I G A N 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041 www.lormaxstern.com DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC Lormax Stern Development Company has earned a national reputation for the development of outstanding shopping centers- producing higher than average sales for retailers in their developments. Through strategic acquisition of premium locations, Lormax Stern’s Centers, of the highest quality and prominence, outshine competitors in existing markets. The Company works closely with communities to ensure long-term benefits and maintains a track record of “getting the job done.” LO R M A X ST E R N OW N S A N D O P E R AT ES OV E R 25 S H O P P I N G C E N T E RS A N D I S H O M E TO T H E TO P N A M ES I N R E TA I L: MICHIGAN Allen Park Battle Creek Bay City Canton Flint Grand Rapids Green Oak Twp Gross Pointe Lincoln Park Livonia Northville Orion Twp Plainfield Twp Roseville Shelby Twp Westland Wyoming Lexington KENTUCKY MISSISSIPPI Tallahassee Hattiesburg Go to our website for more information about our properties: www.lormaxstern.com 38500 Woodward Ave. Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 P| 248.737.4041
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