The conference program
The conference program
World ScientIfic and Engineering Academy and Society Conference Program Sliema, Malta September 7-9, 2012 Important Notes: (1) You may register at any time during the conference. (2) The Invoice of payment can be collected at the registration desk at any time. (3) The Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration desk only after your presentation. (4) Session chairmen can ask for a special Certificate at the registration desk after the session (5) The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes for a regular paper and 45 minutes for a plenary speech, including questions. (6) All authors should give their biographies to the chairmen before the beginning of the session. (7) Authors can upload their presentations to the available computers 10 minutes before the beginning of their session. 14th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE '12) 11th WSEAS International Conference on Data Networks, Communications, Computers (DNCOCO '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Sensors and Signals (SENSIG '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation (VIS '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Materials Science (MATERIALS '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability (URES '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Natural Hazards (NAHA '12) 5th WSEAS International Conference on Climate Changes, Global Warming, Biological Problems (CGB '12) Dear colleague, Sliema, Malta September 7-9, 2012 The WSEAS staff welcome you to another prestigious event. Since 1996, the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society has proudly organized a vast number of successful conferences and published the work of hundreds of scientists from all over the world. We and our affiliates NAUN and EUROPMENT would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for helping us continue our mission by honoring us with your presence in this conference. WSEAS publications have succeeded in joining most important International Scientific Indexes and Libraries. Thanks to our latest efforts of adopting strict deadlines and a more rigorous review process, the quality of our proceedings and journals is continuing to rise exponentially. We trust that you will enjoy discussing the latest scientific developments with your peers during these three days, and that you will find your stay as pleasant as possible. The WSEAS Team Friday, September 7th 2012 Registration: 07:45-09:00 Conference Room A: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 1: Mathematical Laws of Psychological Dynamics by Prof. Alin Gilbert Sumedrea, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, ROMANIA. Conference Room B: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 2: Flight Control Technology for the Re-Entry ADDASAT Platform by Prof. Radu Dan Rugescu, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, ROMANIA. Conference Room C: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 3: Development of Cryptographic and Testing Applications by Using Shift Registers by Assis. Prof. Mirella Amelia Mioc, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, ROMANIA. Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 4: Simultaneous Perturbation Optimization Method for Adaptive Control by Prof. Yutaka Maeda, Kansai University, JAPAN. Conference Room B: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 5: Combinations of Adaptive Filters by Prof. Tõnu Trump, Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA. Conference Room C: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 6: Developing a Global Quality Management System to Transforming Technology into Effective Management Strategy by Prof. Kakuro Amasaka, Aoyama Gakuin University, JAPAN. Coffee Break: 10:30-11:00 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 7: Statistic Models of Surface Roughness for Machined Soft Steels Metallized Coatings by Prof. Mihaiela Iliescu, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, ROMANIA. Conference Room B: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 8: Aerospace Materials: Opportunities, Bottlenecks, and Challenges by Dr. Ionel Botef, University of the Witwatersrand, SOUTH AFRICA. Conference Room C: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 9: JPEG Algorithm Adjustment for Different Quality Metrics by Prof. Milan Tuba, University Megatrend Belgrade, SERBIA. Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 10: Optimal Control on Lie Groups: Theory and Applications by Prof. Karlheinz Spindler, Hochschule RheinMain, GERMANY. Conference Room B: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 11: Minimizing Uncertainty of Mechanical Properties of Composite Material by Assis. Prof. Stella B. Bondi, Old Dominion University, USA. Conference Room C: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 12: Leading »Greenovate« Change by Assis. Prof. Davorin Kralj, Faculty of Organization Studies, Novo mesto, SLOVENIA. Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 12:30-14:30 MACMESE Special Session: Algebraic Methods in Control Theory Chair: Roman Prokop Use of Differential Equations In Modeling and Simulation of CSTR Jiri Vojtesek, Petr Dostal 68401-351 Algebraic 1DoF Control of a Heating Process with Internal Delays Libor Pekar, Petr Valenta 68401-171 A Revised Ring of Stable and Proper Quasipolynomial Meromorphic Functions for LTI-TDS Libor Pekar, Roman Prokop 68401-366 Adaptive Predictive Control Utilizing Both State-Space and Input-Output Models Marek Kubalčík, Vladimír Bobál 68401-146 Time-Delay Systems with Uncertain Parameters: An Algebraic Approach to Control Design Radek Matušů, Roman Prokop 68401-291 Single-Parameter Tuning of PI Controllers: A Matlab Program Radek Matušů, Roman Prokop 68401-296 Smith Predictor Based Autotuners for Time-Delay Systems Roman Prokop, Jiří Korbel, Radek Matušů 68401-166 Conference Room: B Time: 12:30-14:30 MATERIALS Session: Materials Science - Theory and Applications I Chair: Ionel Botef, Stella B. Bondi Shortcomings Affecting the Implementation and Integration of New Aerospace Materials and Technologies Ionel Botef 68408-013 Aging Aircrafts: Concerns and Possible Solutions Ionel Botef 68408-017 Assessment of the Muzzle Velocity Decrease and the Barrel Bore Lifetime Stanislav Beer, Michal Hajn 68408-025 Roughness Analysis of Fatigue Fracture Surface Štepán Major, Štepán Hubálovský 68408-049 Fatigue Life of Drawn Filled NiTi-Ag Wires for Medical Applications Štepán Major, Štepán Hubálovský, Josef Šedivý, Josef Hanuš 68408-053 Electrospinning of PVB Solved in Methanol and Isopropanol M. Stenicka, P. Peer-Svrcinova, P. Filip, V. Pavlinek, M. Machovsky 68408-033 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 12:30-14:30 URES Session: Recent Researches in Environmental Science I Chair: Davorin Kralj, Monica Leba Dryers for Dehydration of Sludge from Sewage Treatment Plants Danijela Dobersek, Darko Goricanec, Jurij Krope Wastewater Treatment and Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Slovenia Danijela Dobersek, Darko Goricanec, Peter Trop 68407-041 Leading “Greenovate” Change Determination of Long Term Performance of Solidification/Stabilization Process for Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils Davorin Kralj 68407-026 Dilek Turer, Yigit Ozan 68407-061 Quality of Road Network in Kosovo as a Consequence of Administration Innovating Esat Gashi, Davorin Kralj Air Quality Assessment in Gorj County Coffee Break: 14:30-15:00 68407-046 68407-016 Vlad Florea, Alexandra Bonculescu, Monica Leba 68407-071 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 15:00-17:30 MACMESE Session: Mathematical and Computational Methods I Chair: Alin Gilbert Sumedrea, Yutaka Maeda Geometrization and Predeterminism in Tensional Psychological Dynamics Approximate Polynomial Solutions for the Nonlinear Temperature Distribution Equation of a Thick Rectangular Fin Alin Gilbert Sumedrea, Cristian Sumedrea, Ruxandra Rascanu, Petrica Iliovici 68401-206 Invariability of the Sections in a Fiber Bundles Constantin Pătrăscoiu Constantin Bota, Bogdan Caruntu, Francisc Popescu 68401-081 68401-186 A Neuronal Network Model with Plasticity of Inhibition for Hirofumi Nagashino, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Ali Tinnitus Management by Sound Therapy A. Danesh, Abhijit S. Pandya 68401-266 Improving Effectiveness of Recommendation List and Its Jiachao Wu, Tsuyoshi Takayama, Evaluation Nobuyoshi Sato, Yoshitoshi Murata 68401-111 Increasing the Performance of AllToAll Variant of SelfOrganizing Migration Algorithm Using CUDA Michal Pavlech, Jan Seckar 68401-381 Michal Pavlech, Jan Seckar 68401-386 Nobutoshi Ikeda 68401-271 Proposition and Evaluation of Expectable Customers Picking up Method in Recommendation Tsuyoshi Takayama, Masahito Etsumori, Nobuyoshi Sato, Yoshitoshi Murata 68401-221 Simultaneous Perturbation Optimization Method for Adaptive Control Yutaka Maeda, Toru Suzuki, Hidetaka Ito 68401-216 Modification of Self-Organizing Migration Algorithm for OpenCL Framework Automatic Maintenance of a Power Law in the Degree Distribution of Networks Formed by Traces of Random Walks Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: B Time: 15:00-17:30 VIS Session: Image Processing and Multimedia Chair: Milan Tuba, Jozef Novak-Marcincin Multilevel Image Thresholding Selection Based on the Cuckoo Search Algorithm Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin JPEG Algorithm Adjustment for Different Quality Metrics Milan Tuba 68404-086 68404-096 Image Processing Filters Based on Image Analogies Jelena Z. Tasic, Milan Tuba 68404-091 Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Jozef Barna, Visualization of Manufacturing Composite Lay-up Ludmila Novakova-Marcincinova, Veronika Technology by Augmented Reality Application Fecova 68404-006 Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Jozef Barna, Application of the Open Source Software for Visualization Miroslav Janak, Ludmila of Manufacturing Processes in Industry Novakovamarcincinova, Jozef Torok 68404-011 Method for Real-Time Face Tracking in a Video Sequence Kamil Říha, Jiří Přinosil, Fu Dongmei, Martin Zukal, Jan Karásek 68404-046 The 3D Visualization of the Town Zlín at the Turn of the 19th/20th Century Pavel Pokorný, Iva Dorazínová 68404-016 The Design and Realization of Ascii Art Software Pavel Pokorný, Roman Žák, Jaromír Švejda 68404-021 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 15:00-17:30 DNCOCO Session: Data Networks, Communications and Computers I Chair: Mirella Amelia Mioc, Kakuro Amasaka Assessment in Microblogging Enhanced Courses Carmen Holotescu, Mirella Mioc, Gabriela Grosseck 68402-181 Analyze of Common CRCs Functioning Using Software Implementation Mirella Amelia Mioc 68402-173 Denisa Ferenčíková, Michal Pivnička 68402-049 Kakuro Amasaka 68402-005 Karel Šilinger, Ladislav Potužák, Josef Vondrák 68402-013 Martin Sysel, Michal Vaclavsky 68402-033 68402-117 Quality Assurance Solutions for Monitoring and Control Software Systems of Electrical Substations Matti Koivisto Mihaiela Iliescu, Victor Ursianu, Florica Moldoveanu, Marius Avramescu, Radu Ursianu The Optimal Setting of Access Rights by Generating Output Set of Access Roles Monika Simkova, Jiri Stepanek 68402-149 Computer Applications in Production Management and Their Impact on Company Performance Developing a Global Quality Management System to Transforming Technology into Effective Management Strategy Establishing the Number of Weapon Systems in Dependence on the Fire Performance and the Organizational Structure of the Unit SimWebLink.NET – Remote Control and Monitoring in the Simulink Current State and Problems of Finnish National Broadband Policy 68402-101 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 17:30-20:00 MACMESE Session: Mathematical and Computational Methods II Chair: Mihaiela Iliescu, Karlheinz Spindler Spreading of Information at University Environment Hana Tomášková 68402-077 Max-Plus Algebra and Its Application in Spreading of Information Hana Tomaskova 68401-256 Application of Max-Min Algebra for Modeling of System of User Roles Monika Simkova, Hana Tomaskova 68401-356 Identification of the Contents of a Bottle From Two X-Ray Views Alexander Karmazin, Karlheinz Spindler 68401-401 Optimizing the Detection of Flat Objects by Using Fictitious Views 68401-406 Alexander Karmazin, Karlheinz Spindler Statistic Models of Surface Roughness for Machined Soft Steels Metalized Coatings Mihaiela Iliescu Advanced Synergetic Computer Algorithm for Vector Graphics Geometry Recognition and Its Realization as Part of HVAC ADS on AutoCAD Platform Dmitri Loginov Maltese Cross in One Weapon Application Jiri Balla, Van Yen Duong Exploration of SAW Duplexer Design Space By Modified Differential Evolution Kiyoharu Tagawa 68401-246 68401-176 68401-251 68401-141 Conference Room: B Time: 17:30-20:00 DNCOCO Special Session: Computers and Their Real World Applications Chair: Emil Pop, Camelia Barbu VHDL Code Generation Based on a Hierarchical Node Structure Alin Badea, Emil Pop, Florin Badea 68402-121 Approaches to Desiging the Graphic User Interface Components for Mobile SCADA HMIs and Application Badea Florin, Pop Emil 68402-137 Dedicated Microcontroller for Multi Drives Control Bogdan Sochirca, Aron Poanta 68402-133 Entrepreneurial Education and e-Learning Relationship Design of an Extended Luenberger Observer for Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Machines Using Virtual Instrument Emil Pop, Roxana Bubatu 68402-125 Nicolae Patrascoiu, Adrian Tomus 68402-141 Matlab Virtual Reality Simulations for Optimizations and Rapid Prototyping of Flexible Lines Systems Vamvu Petre, Barbu Camelia, Pop Maria 68402-129 Friday, September 7th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 17:30-20:00 VIS Session: Visualization, Imaging and Simulation I Chair: Vaclav Skala, Milan Tuba Fuzzy Approach for Searching in CRM Systems Bogdan Walek, Jiří Bartoš, Cyril Klimeš 68404-101 Visualization of Component Model Created under Uncertainty Bogdan Walek, Jiří Bartoš, Juraj Masár, Cyril Klimeš 68404-111 Testing Information System under Uncertainty Jiří Bartoš, Bogdan Walek, Cyril Klimeš 68404-106 Libor Mitrovic, Stepan Hubalovsky 68404-066 Michal Musilek, Stepan Hubalovsky 68404-076 Simulation of the Pass through the Labyrinth as a Method of the Algorithm Development Thinking A Systems Approach to Visualization of the Problem Solved Algorithms and the Programming Language LOGO Automatic Cryptoanalysis of the Short Monoalphabetical Pavla Hanzalova, Stepan Hubalovsky, Substituted Cipher Text Michal Musilek 68404-071 Segmentation of Basic Tissues for Assessing Noise in Iteratively Reconstructed MDCT Data Petr Walek, Jiri Jan 68404-081 Data Interpolation and Transformation of Parametric Patches Vaclav Skala 68404-036 Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 13: Discrete Mathematic Diagnosis Models of Complex Manufacturing Systems by Assoc. Prof. Calin I. Ciufudean, “Stefan Cel Mare” Universtity of Suceava, ROMANIA. Conference Room B: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 14: Research in the Field of Human–machine Interaction in Transport Systems: Development of Analyzing Tools, Measurement Methodologies and Advanced Interactive Simulators by Assoc. Prof. Petr Bouchner, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Conference Room C: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 15: Robust Computation in Geometry and Engineering by Prof. Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSBTechnical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC. Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 16: Agent Based Modeling of Diffusion of Information across Investors in Financial Markets: How to Model It by Prof. Filippo Neri, University of Malta, MALTA. Conference Room B: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 17: Evaluation and Modeling of Rheologically Complicated Materials by Prof. Berenika Hausnerová, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, CZECH REPUBLIC. Conference Room C: Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 18: MIMO Transmission in IEEE802.11a WLAN by Dr. Zoran Stamenkovic, IHP GmbH, GERMANY. Coffee Break: 10:30-11:00 Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 19: Rapid Prototyping and Volumetric Data Processing by Prof. Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSBTechnical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC. Conference Room B: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 20: Mathematical Modeling of Crown Forest Fire Spread by Prof. Valeriy Perminov, Tomsk Polytechnic University, RUSSIA. Conference Room C: Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 21: New Sensors for Diagnosis Based on Radio-medical Devices by Assoc. Prof. Calin I. Ciufudean, “Stefan Cel Mare” Universtity of Suceava, ROMANIA. Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 22: The Nature of Instabilities in Blocked Media and Seismological Law of Gutenberg-Richter by Prof. Boris P. Sibiryakov, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, RUSSIA. Conference Room B: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 23: Improvements of Sound 3D Auralisation by Means of NonLinear Convolution by Prof. Lamberto Tronchin, University of Bologna, ITALY. Conference Room C: Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 24: An Integrated Model of Global Warming and Policy Making by Prof. Ramesh K. Agarwal, Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 12:30-14:30 CGB/NAHA Session: Environmental Issues Chair: Hiroshi Tanaka, Ramesh K. Agarwal Legal Issues Regarding the Climate Change in Romania Florin Fainisi Evaluation of the Influence of Hydrazine Hydrate 24 on the Environment An Integrated Model of Global Warming and Policy Making Disaster-Tolerant Architecture of Regional Healthcare System with Special Reference to Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster New Digital Snow Load Map for the Area of the Czech Republic 68406-010 Lenka Fišerová, Josef Kellner, Martin Blaha 68406-013 Ramesh K. Agarwal, Zheming Zhang 68406-001 Hiroshi Tanaka, Masahiro Nishibori, Jun Nakaya 68405-017 Vit Krivy, Kristyna Vavrusova 68405-009 Practical Application of the New Digital Snow Load Map Vit Krivy, Radim Cajka, Kristyna Vavrusova 68405-013 Environmental Management of Big Riverine Floods: The Case of Evros River in Greece Z. Nivolianitou, B. Synodinou 68405-005 Conference Room: B Time: 12:30-14:30 MATERIALS Session: Materials Science - Theory and Applications II Chair: Stella B. Bondi, Berenika Hausnerova Mechanical and Barrier Properties of PE and EVA/Clay Nanocomposites Minimizing Uncertainty of Mechanical Properties in Selected Composite Materials Uncertainty Assessment for Material Selection at Conceptual Design: Complementarities of Probabilistic and Evidence Approaches Effect of Retrofitting on Flexural Rigidity of Rectangular FRP Plates D. Merinska, A. Kalendova, J. Hromadkova, B. Hausnerova 68408-057 Stella B. Bondi 68408-065 Stella B. Bondi, Resit Unal, Trina M. Chytka 68408-069 Steven J. Makonis Jr, Stella B. Bondi, Zia Razzaq 68408-073 Stationary Heat Transfer in System with Double Wall and Tabita Bobinska, Margarita Buike, Andris Double Fins Buikis, Hyung Hee Cho 68408-061 Vera Skvortsova, Nina Mironova-Ulmane, Laima Trinkler, Daina Riekstina 68408-029 Impurity Defects in Wide Gap Inorganic Materials Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 12:30-14:30 SENSIG Session: Sensors and Signals I Chair: Lamberto Tronchin, Tonu Trump In Node Data Processing for Increasing the Lifetime of a Dragoş Ioan Săcăleanu, Dragoş Mihai Wireless Sensor Network Ofrim, Rodica Stoian, Vasile Lăzărescu 68403-040 Combinations of Two LMS Adaptive Filters Tonu Trump 68403-022 New DSP to Measure Acoustic Efficiency of Road Barriers. Part 1: Reflection Index Lamberto Tronchin, Valerio Tarabusi 68403-010 New DSP to Measure Acoustic Efficiency of Road Barriers. Part 2: Sound Insulation Index Lamberto Tronchin, Kristian Fabbri, Jelena Vasiljevic 68403-013 Improvements of Sound 3D Auralisation by Means of Nonlinear Convolution Lamberto Tronchin, Valerio Tarabusi 68403-007 Eye Detection Using 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Geometric Moments Martin Savc, Damjan Zazula 68403-052 Customized Hardware Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks in Agricultural Applications 68403-031 Coffee Break: 14:30-15:00 Uros Pesovic, Dejan Projovic, Sinisa Randjic, Zoran Stamenkovic Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 15:00-17:30 MACMESE Session: Mathematical and Computational Methods III Chair: Filippo Neri, Călin Ciufudean The Spline Analysis of Parameters and Pollutants Dispersion in River Surface Water Constantin Filote, Călin Ciufudean, Stelian Alaci, Galina Marusic, Anamaria Cozgarea 68401-331 Agent Based Modeling of Diffusion of Information across Investors in Financial Markets: How to Model It Filippo Neri Reliability of the Limit States Design Concept Ensuring the Safety and Efficiency of Structures Jindřich Melcher, Marcela Karmazínová Design Resistance of Steel Expansion Anchors under Shear Loading Derived Using Methods of Design Assisted by Testing Marcela Karmazínová Verification of Steel-to-Concrete Anchorage System Reliability Based on Failure Probability Evaluation Using Test Results Marcela Karmazínová, Jindrich Melcher 68401-061 68401-226 68401-161 68401-336 Computer Simulation of Spectra for Molecular Ring: LH4 - Localization of Exciton States Milan Horak, Pavel Herman, David Zapletal 68401-156 Aspects Regarding Technical and Economic Upgrade Elements in the Case of an A.D. Missile System Radulescu Marius, Calefariu Emilia, Boşcoianu Mircea, Ciufudean Calin 68401-326 The Use of Shock Waves in Ensuring Accuracy of a Ball Launcher for Collision Study SPIRRID – Tool for Estimation of Statistical Characteristics of Functions with Multivariate Random Inputs Stelian Alaci, Florina Ciornei, Calin Ciufudean, Constantin Filote 68401-236 Vaclav Sadilek, Miroslav Vorechovsky, Rostislav Chudoba, Rostislav Rypl 68401-361 Waveform-Adapted Wavelet Denoising of ECG Signals Zoltan German-Sallo, Calin Ciufudean 68401-241 Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: B Time: 15:00-17:30 VIS Session: Visualization, Imaging and Simulation II Chair: Petr Bouchner, Yoshihiko Nomura Estimation of System MTF of EO Satellite by Slanted Edge Method Ayhane Benbouzid, Mohamed Kameche, Kamel Laidi 68404-026 Input Data Optimization Tool for Analysis of Effective Brain Connectivity in fMRI Martin Lamoš, Tomáš Slavíček, Jiří Jan 68404-031 Objective Assessment of Driver’s Performance Impaired Ondřej Sýkora, Stanislav Novotný, Petr by Drowsiness Bouchner 68404-121 Validation of Passenger Car Mathematical Model for Training Driving Simulators Petr Bouchner, Stanislav Novotný 68404-131 The Use of a Simulator to Evaluate Driving Skills of Parkinson Disease Patients Petr Vysoký, Petr Bouchner 68404-126 Vehicle Simulator Based Low Blood Alcohol Content Measuring Methodology Roman Piekník Comparing Classification Performances between Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization for Traffic Thongchai Surinwarangkoon, Supot Sign Recognition Nitsuwat, Elvin J. Moore Yoshihiko Nomura, Yoichi Naganuma, Estimation Method of the Radius, Depth and Direction of Hirofumi Kotaki, Norihiko Kato, Yoshikazu Buried Pipes with Ground Penetrating Radar Sudo 68404-116 68404-056 68404-001 Conference Room: C Time: 15:00-17:30 DNCOCO Session: Data Networks, Communications and Computers II Chair: Bogdan Walek, Pavel Čech Expert System for Data Migration between Different Database Management Systems Bogdan Walek, Cyril Klimeš 68402-145 Music Management Learning System Dalibor Slovak, Petr Latal 68402-053 Modules of Music Management Learning System Dalibor Slovak, Petr Latal 68402-057 Usage of the Music Learning Management System Dalibor Slovak, Petr Latal, Milan Adamek 68402-061 Business Intelligence Approach as Comunication Tool of Tutors and Teachers in Technical Education Jan Chromy, Donna Dvorak, Josef Sedivy 68402-161 Friendly Web Communication Applications in Customer Access on Universities 68402-157 Jan Chromy, Josef Sedivý Modeling Roles – Description of Used Algorithms in the System for the Analysis of Setting of Access Permissions Jiri Stepanek, Monika Simkova 68402-165 Multi-Dimensional Data Model of Textual Information 68402-177 Pavel Čech Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 17:30-19:30 MACMESE Session: Mathematical and Computational Methods IV Chair: Gaetano Fusco, Edward Puchala A Feature Extraction Algorithm for the Multitask Pattern Recognition Problem Evaluation of Air Quality in Urban Areas Using a Statistical Model for Data Analysis Edward Puchala, Marek Kurzynski, Karol Puchala Francisc Popescu, Sorin Lugojan, Olivia Bundau, Nicolae Lontis, Livio Belegante, Adrian Eugen Cioabla Modeling Road Traffic Congestion by Quasi-Dynamic Traffic Assignment Gaetano Fusco, Chiara Colombaroni, Stefano Lo Sardo 68401-391 68401-076 68401-301 Mathematical Definitions and Experimentally Verification of the Torsion Characteristics of Perforated Steel Beams Martin Horáček, Jindřich Melcher 68401-151 Data Transfer, Storage and Analysis for Data Mart Enlargement Prokopova Zdenka, Silhavy Petr, Silhavy Radek 68401-311 System Size Estimation Model Radek Silhavy, Petr Silhavy, Zdenka Prokopova 68401-376 Conference Room: B Time: 17:30-19:30 URES Session: Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development Chair: Ahmet Turer, Eva Šimková Structural Evaluation of Diyarbakir Ickale Inner Castle Buildings Success Factors for Achieving Urban Sustainability. Case Study on Regional Sustainable Development in Romania Ahmet Turer 68407-076 Andreea Zamfir 68407-006 Cultural Tourism as an Important Tool of Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic Eva Šimková 68407-056 Sustainable Tourism Indicators for Regional Development Eva Šimková, Martina Rybová 68407-051 Main Tasks for Municipal and Regional Managers in the East-Bohemian Regions Kala Tomas 68407-036 Saturday, September 8th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 17:30-19:30 SENSIG Session: Sensors and Signals II Chair: Bogdan Ofrim, David Petras Influence of Oxide Layer Thickness and Silicon Carbide (SiC) Polytype on SiC MOS Capacitor Hydrogen Sensor Bogdan Ofrim, Florin Udrea, Gheorghe Performance Brezeanu, Alice Pei-Shan Hsieh A Feasibility Study of Heartbeat Detections from Photoplethysmograms with Fingers Compressed Improved Electro-Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Network Embedded in Elastic Polyurethane by Oxidation A Strain Gauge Torque Transducer Calibration Study Thin Sensitive Layer Base on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Polypyrrole Composite as a Potential Gas Sensor Cvetko Pirš, Boris Cigale, Damjan Zazula 68403-019 David Petras, Petr Slobodian, Robert Olejnik, Pavel Riha 68403-037 M. H. Muftah, S. M. Haris 68403-004 Robert Olejnik, Petr Slobodian, Shawqi Almajdalawi 68403-043 Flexible Glucose Sensor Using Biocompatible Polymers T. Sawada, K. Miyajima, T. Arakawa, H. for Tear Analysis Kudo, K. Mitsubayashi Conference Banquet: 20:00 68403-034 68403-028 Sunday, September 9th 2012 Conference Room A: Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 25: QFD in Software Development: A New Perspective by Prof. Monica Leba and Prof. Andreea Ionica, University of Petrosani, ROMANIA. Sunday, September 9th 2012 Conference Room: A Time: 10:00-13:30 MACMESE Session: Mathematical and Computational Methods V Chair: Bohdan Linda, Sylvia Encheva Credibility Premium Calculation in Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance Bohdan Linda, Jana Kubanová 68401-346 Application of Integral Transforms for Solving Some MHD Problems Elena Ligere, Ilona Dzenite 68401-371 Prediction of Glucocorticoid Receptor Inhibition by HighPerformance Neural Network Algorithm Irina Fedyushkina, Ilyakay Romero Reyes 68401-276 Optimization of Merge Based Sort Algorithms on Nearly Sorted Lists Orhan Can Ozalp, Murat Akin 68401-196 Steady Marangoni Instability in a Fluid Layer with Insoluble Surfactant and Internal Heat Generation Seripah Awang Kechil, Ainon Syazana Ab Hamid 68401-211 Bayesian Estimations in Insurance Theory and Practice Viera Pacáková 68401-181 Estimation of the Profit Efficiency of the Czech Commercial Banks Iveta Řepková 68401-316 Transient Recovery Voltages Measurement and Surge Protection of the LV Vacuum Circuit Breakers Creating an Ontology Using Protégé: Concepts and Taxonomies in Brief Remus Dobra, Monica Leba, Martin Friedmann, Carol Zoller Payam Porkar Rezaeiye, Mojtaba Fazli, Manaf Sharifzadeh, Hani Moghaddam, Mehdi Gheisari Development of Implicit Block Method for Solving Delay Differential Equations Fuziyah Ishak, Zanariah Abdul Majid, Mohamed B. Suleiman 68401-131 Triadic Graphs and Many Valued Logics Sylvia Encheva 68401-121 Selection of Services Based on Weak Fuzzy Similarity Relations Sylvia Encheva 68401-126 68401-341 68401-056 Sunday, September 9th 2012 Conference Room: B Time: 10:00-13:30 SENSIG Special Session: Performance Problems of Sensor Systems in Industrial and Environmental Applications Chair: Bogdan Miedzinski Single Gas Sensor Measurement System with Different Signal Sub-Sampling Approaches Andrzej Szczurek, Monika Maciejewska 68403-061 Problems of Implementation of a Mobile Sensory Measuring and Transmission Station Bartosz Bęben, Jacek Majewski, Andrzej Tomczyk 68403-082 Kamil Staniec 68403-058 Krzysztof Rutecki 68403-076 Selected Aspects of the Topology Impact on the Energetic Efficiency in Wireless Mesh Network Practical Approach to Design and Implementation of Fault-Tolerant, Continuous-Operation Data Acquisition Module Possibility of Assessment of Changeability of Performance for Selected Electric Apparatus and Equipment by Monitoring of the Ambient Pollution Level Recognition of EMG Signals Based on the First-Order Markov Model Applied to the Control of Bioprosthetic Hand Discrimination Abilities of Transient Signal Originating from Single Gas Sensor Marcin Habrych, Krzysztof Rutecki, Bogdan Miedzinski 68403-079 Marek Kurzynski, Edward Puchala 68403-073 Monika Maciejewska, Andrzej Szczurek 68403-067 GPS-less Positioning, Tracking and Navigation Services for Underground Mining Applications Piotr Wojtas, Przemysław Wiszniowski 68403-085 Study on the Development Platform of Codeless Data Acquisition Software 68403-064 Xin Wang, Bogdan Miedzinski, Shumao Wang, Zhang Xiaoqing Sunday, September 9th 2012 Conference Room: C Time: 10:00-13:30 DNCOCO Session: Data Networks, Communications and Computers III Chair: Monica Leba, Aleš Roček Software Engineering Instrument Based on Quality Management Tools Monica Leba, Andreea Ionica 68402-109 Andrzej Chydzinski 68402-029 A. Tanovic, F. Orucevic, I. Androulidakis 68402-185 Medical Image Data Security Based on Principles of Digital Watermarking Methods Aleš Roček 68402-021 Statistical Assumption as a Basis for Implementing eGovernment Services in Romania Eduard Edelhauser, Andreea Ionică, Lucian Lupu–dima 68402-113 OLSR-Based QoS Support in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Jiri Hosek, Pavel Vajsar, Roman Figurny 68402-089 Monitoring of Computer Networks and Applications Using Miroslav Matýsek, Milan Adámek, Marek Nagios Kubalčík, Miroslav Mihok 68402-045 Implementing Domain-wide Authenticator for Secure Web-based Applications Logon Procedure Sharil Tumin, Sylvia Encheva 68402-017 Function Block Based Solutions for Modelling and Implementing Intelligent Control Systems Valentin Vlad, Buzduga Corneliu, Calin Ciufudean 68402-073 Delay Analysis for an AQM Queue with Dropping Function Development of a New Improved Model of the ITIL V3 Framework for the Information System of Telecom Operator Secure Medical Multimedia DICOM Data Transfers over Internet Vladimír Zatloukal, Aleš Roček Coffee Break: 13:30-14:00 68402-093 Sliema, Malta September 7-9, 2012
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