Levitating LED Light
Levitating LED Light
Levitating LED Light ECE4007 Senior Design Final Project Report Section L03-04, Team L3 Project Advisor, Prof. Maxwell, Prof. Koblasz Harold Kimball, Team Leader Chris Melton Andy Givens ShrutiBatra Inga Shvartsman Submitted December 16, 2010 Table of Contents Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... ii 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 Objective .............................................................................................................1 Motivation ...........................................................................................................1 2. Project Description and Goals ....................................................................................2 3. Technical Specification ................................................................................................3 4. Design Approach and Details 4.1 4.2 Design Details .......................................................................................................4 Codes and Standards ...........................................................................................13 5. Schedule, Tasks, and Milestones ..............................................................................13 6. Results and Acceptance Testing ...............................................................................14 7. Budget and Cost Analysis..........................................................................................16 8. Conclusions and Future Work..................................................................................18 9. References ...................................................................................................................21 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................22 L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) i Executive Summary The levitating LED Light is a lit orb that levitates in air and allows its users to wirelessly illuminate their households, offices, classrooms, restaurants, bars etc. The L3 was created as a teaching tool that incorporated core concepts from Electrical Engineering courses such as Electromagnetics, Power and Controls Systems, and could be sold to Engineering schools. Its function is based on the principles of electromagnetic induction wherein a circular piece of wire attached to a rare earth (Neodymium) magnet is suspended in a magnetic field using a magnetic coil above the ball controlled by a current regulating feedback loop using Hall Effect sensors. Attached to the coil will be LED lights powered by a second coil above the ball feeding a time varying flux to a “receiving” coil inside the floating ball. The current is rectified and usedas power by the LEDs. This project is envisioned as a subsystem of a larger device that can manually adjust the levitation height and luminosity of the orb as well as react to a music input signal. It successfully performs the proposed functions of wireless illumination and magnetic levitation. L3 is priced at $120 but replaces the household bulb with a new light source that can wirelessly be placed anywhere in the house and turned on and off at will. L3 will primarily be marketed to Engineering Schools and Science education camps in order to attract current and aspiring students to pursue Electrical Engineering courses. L3 competes with products in the market that allow a user to levitate basic objects such as a globe or a light frame, but these products don’t have the ability to illuminate their surroundings. The Galileo Gravitator Lamp and Crealevs edition of magnetically levitating devices are examples of products that could potentially compete with L3. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) ii 1. Introduction Project engineers spent $120 to design and prototype the L3 that magnetically levitates in air and illuminates 6 LEDs. 1.1 Objective The L 3 (Levitating LED Light) is a glowing object that levitates in air under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. The L3 consists of a floating object, dubbed the “orb”, which has LED lights attached to it. The flotation and illumination functions can operate independently or together. This orb has the ability to float 2-2.25 inches below a control box, which may be placed in or attached to the ceiling. The L3 is priced at $120 and will primarily be sold to engineering schools in the United States. The vision was to create a teaching tool that helped students better understand the concepts of Electromagnetics, Power and Controls Systems and how the three topics are interrelated. A similar device, the Galileo Gravitator Lamp, consists of a levitating globe used to accessorize households and to visually demonstrate the basic concepts of magnetism to middle school students. Although the Galileo Gravitator Lamp priced at $81.99, is $38.01 less than L3, it does not have the ability to light up in a magnetic field. 1.2 Motivation L3 will cost $120, versus the Gravitator Lamp at $81.99, though we wish to improve on this design by creating a greater luminosity, levitation distance and the additional application of vertical movement to music as well as extensive safety measures. The above mentioned technical features are mentioned in detail with their respective mathematical values in the technical specifications section. The L3 still needs to meet all building codes and necessary requirements L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 1 for safe installation as well as comply with FCC constraints. A “fail safe” is included; in the event of a power loss, the magnetic pull of the Neodymium magnet will take over and pull the entire floating orb towards the control box instead of dropping it on patrons below. This task was done in order to demonstrate a task as trivial as providing light in a way that emphasizes wireless control of the amount of light shining andlevitation height. The L3 has a higher MSRP than its competitors because it should be able to meet all building codes [2] and necessary requirements for the safe installation in university labs. The use of the L3 as a teaching tool in engineering schools essentially summarizes our motivation for this project. 2. Project Description and Goals The L3 magnetically levitates and wirelessly transfers power to a LED fixture. Out of the goals that were proposed for the L3, namely • Magnetic levitation of LED fixture • Wirelessly transfer power to LED fixture for illumination • Move up and down to the base from an audio signal • Plug directly into 120 VAC electrical outlet for power • Lightweight, durable PVC frame We successfully completed 4 out of the 5 design requirements. The first task to be completed was calculating the design requirements for the wireless and levitation circuits. Second, we successfully illuminated 6 LEDs with moderate intensity and 4 LEDs with bright blinding like intensity. Third, we created the levitation coil and the strength of the electromagnet was constantly adjusted using of 2 Hall Effect sensors through a feedback control system. The vertical displacement of the LED fixture requires a mixer in order to filter out the base/kick drum L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 2 signal from the output of an iPod. Moreover, we attempted to simulate the bouncing movement by turning the LEDs on and off and that resulted in the system becoming critically unstable. The target users for the L3 are professors and research students who need teaching aids in order to demonstrate the concepts of Electromagnetics and Power systems. 3. Technical Specifications Overall, the project performs as expected. The levitation distance, which was one of the main goals, was accomplished at a distance of 2.25 inches. Also completed was the task of illuminating 4-6 LEDs with wireless power transfer. The lift mode was switched from repulsion to attraction in order to provide greater stability and levitation distance. The orb has levitated in lab conditions for 45 consecutive minutes before the core gets too hot. Table 1 gives the specifications of the project, separating what was proposed from what was accomplished. Table 1. Comparison of Proposed Project Specifications to Implementation Spec Proposal Implementation Levitation Distance Plastic Orb Electromagnet 2-3 in 2-3 in 4 in diameter 500 turns 18 AWG Repulsion 10 in diameter 100 turns 14 AWG Music Reactive Functionality 2.25 in 3 in (no surrounding sphere) 3 in in diameter 900 turns 24 AWG Attraction 5 in diameter 20 turns 24 AWG No Lift Mode Antenna Bouncing L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 3 4. Design Approach and Details 4.1 Design Approach Antenna and Receiver The two antennae used in the L3 function as inductively coupled current loops. For calculation purposes, the antennae can be viewed as an axially coupled, air-core transformer. Figure 1shows the model used to attain the design parameters. Figure 1. Power transmission antenna modeled as axially coupled air core transformer. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 4 Using the reluctance of the air-core circuit, and the magneto motive force from the current oscillator (discussed in 4.2), the flux produced by the driving antenna is approximated by Equation 1. Equation 1. Flux produced by drive antenna. Assuming all flux is transferred to the receiving coil, we model the voltage in the receiving coil with Equation 2. Equation 2.Receiver coil voltage. Table 2 summarizes the input parameters and results of the calculations. To power the LEDs, we required at least the 1.5volt turn on voltage. This set a minimum requirement for current through the oscillator at roughly .2 amps. Table 2. Input Parameters and Calculation Results for Receiver Coil Voltage Description Symbol Value Transmitting No. of Turns N1 20 Receiving No. of Turns N2 20 Peak Current through Transistor Permeability Constant I µ0 .2 Amps 4π*10-7 H/m Area of Receiving Coil A2 π(3.8)2 cm Distance of Levitation l 6.5 cm L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 5 In order to reduce the impedance of the transfer capacitors were placed in parallel with each antenna and matched to the transfer frequency using the equation . The oscillator circuit (described later) sets restrictions, which led us to the 100kHz transfer frequency used. Antenna Driver Circuit The L3 uses a variant of a Royer Oscillator, shown in Figure 2, to drive the impedance matched antenna discussed in Section 4.1. It is powered by a HP 3630 A DC power supply from the +15 volt rail. Its maximum output (measured across the LC Tank) was 80Vpp. The components and their ratings are listed in Table 3. Of special consideration is the LC Tank consisting of C1 and L2, Switch J1, and inductors L1 and L4. The 37.2 µH inductor L2 represents the transmission antenna and will vary with differing antenna designs. The parallel combination of C1 and L2 are resonant at a frequency defined by . This is also the transmission frequency of the antenna. It can be adjusted by changing the value of C1. The L3 uses 5 1000V 6.8nF capacitors in parallel and a 74.5µH antenna yielding a transmission frequency of approximately 100KHz. Switch J1 is a single pole single throw switch used as an under voltage lockout. It basically allows the power supply to reach full voltage and current sourcing levels before turning the oscillator on. It can be replaced with a relay if direct control of the antenna is undesired. If the switch is shorted at startup, the mosfets turn on too fast and do not allow the transient sine wave to build up on the LC Tank providing a DC short to ground through the mosfets. Inductors L1 and L4 are shorts at DC for mosfet biasing purposes while open at AC preventing feedback to the power supply when the LC Tank swings above 15V. More in depth analysis of the circuit can be found at http://4hv.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?74096. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 6 Figure 2. Royer oscillator used to drive power transmission antenna. Table 3.Oscillator Components and Relevant Specifications. Component Part Name Rating (V, I, W) R1, R2 N/A 1 W R5, R6 N/A ¼ W Q1, Q2 IRFZ44N 55V, 49A D1, D2 1N4148 N/A L1, L4 N/A 14A C1 WIMA FKP1 1000V L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 7 Levitation Coil The levitating coil is the electromagnet responsible for providing the lifting force for the orb. The iron core used is approximately 6 cm in diameter and is wrapped with 800 turns of 24 AWG magnet wire. This wire provides minimal insulation thickness to allow the coils to be tightly packed around core. The fringing effects of the B-field create difficulties in determining the lifting force provided, but a rough estimation was calculated using Equation 3. Equation 3.Lifting force of electromagnet. Equation 3 estimates the lifting force directly below the magnet, but without contact. The field strength falls off in the near field with the cube of the distance (cm), which gives an estimated 35.9 grams of lifting force. Using superposition, the lifting force from the Neodymium magnet, which is roughly 13.6 grams according to the manufacturer’s website, can be added to the other lifting action for total lifting force of 50 grams. Solving this backwards allowed us to determine the number of turns, N, the lifting coils needs. Feedback Control Circuit The control system is powered by a HP E3630 A DC power supply with outputs set to 5V, 15V, and -15V. All op-amps are powered by the +/-15 volt rails while the Hall Effect sensor operates on the 5V rail. The levitation coil is powered by a GPR-6030D 60V 5A power supply set to 23V. Both supplies are forced to share a common ground by connecting the negative rail of the GPR 6030D supply to the ground rail of the HP E3630 A. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 8 The feedback control system on the L3 is based around two AD22151YR linear magnetic Hall Effect sensors shown in Figure 3. By adjusting R2 and R3 the gain can be adjusted according to the formula and is set to 5 in the L3 using 1/4W 82KΩ and 8.2KΩ resistors. R1 is open. Figure 3. AD22151YR Linear Hall Effect Sensor reference pin out. The feedback control diagram will be presented in two parts. The first, shown in Figure 4, has the two Hall Effect sensors modeled as DC voltage sources set to 3V (the parts are not specified in Multisim). The second is part is shown in Figure 5. Nominal voltages for two circuit testing conditions are provided at the end of the section in Table 4. Part A of the controls consists of two low pass filters with a cutoff frequency of 10Hz. These are used to filter noise out of the control circuit induced by the power transmission antenna. Since the antenna operates at 100 KHz, the interference is attenuated by 80dB. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 9 Part B consists or two op-amp voltage follower or buffer circuits. The lower buffer is necessary since R7, R8 and R2 provide an additional path to ground and will shift the response of the low pass filter in part A. The upper buffer is added so that signals from both sensors will experience similar delays. Part C is a single stage unity gain differential amplifier. Potentiometer R2 is used to tune the circuit such that the maximum CMRR is achieved. The bottom sensor (which will have the flux through it reduced by the neodymium magnet in the orb) is fed into the positive terminal of the op-amp resulting in a negative change in voltage when the orb is present. Part D is an adjustable non-inverting gain stage. Its gain ranges from 2 to 101. It is used to scale the negative voltage change created in part C to a useable level. With the orb present, the output was set to approximately 3V. Figure 4. Feedback control loop part 1. All op-amps are TLO71s or 741s. Part E, seen in Figure 5, is an adjustable voltage divider used to set the reference for the summing amplifier which follows. In the absence of the orb this sets the gate voltage for the mosfet in part I to 9V. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 10 Part F is a unity gain summing amplifier using four 1% 5KΩ resisters to reduce bias toward a single input. When the orb is absent, it acts as a unity gain buffer for part E. When the orb is present it adds the negative voltage from part D to the reference set in part E. This results in a gate voltage of approximately 6V. Part G is a phase lead filter, also known as a proportional integration (PI) controller. The Hall Effect sensors provide only positional information about the orb. Once the control system begins to act it moves the orb, introducing a new and significant speed variable to the system which cannot be accounted for. Using the PI controller, the present position information is combined with data on the previous position stored in the capacitor C3. This allows the speed to be inferred and controlled. Adjusting the component values adjusts the position and speed coefficients allowing it to be tuned. Part H is another adjustable gain stage. It compensates for the 1/101 voltage divider in part G and is adjustable to accommodate tuning of the PI controller. Part I shows how the control circuit interfaces with the levitation coil. The control circuit adjusts the gate voltage on Q1, which changes the coil current. The inductor L1 represents the levitation coil. Its value is not 1MH; this was used as a placeholder since the simulations results are not useful for feedback analysis and its value will need to be changed if the coil is changed. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 11 Figure 5.Feedback control loop part 2. All op-amps are TLO71s or 741s. Table 4. Nominal Voltages for Control System without orb and with Coil Power On and Off Circuit Stage Voltage (Coil off) Voltage (Coil On) Oscilloscope Scale (Part Letter) V V Hall Top (A) 3 1.5 5V Hall Bottom (A) 3 1.4 5V LPF Top (A) 2.8 1.4 5V LPF Bottom (A) 2.8 1.3 5V Buffer Top (B) 3 1.5 5V Buffer Bottom (B) 3 1.4 5V Diff Amp (C) .001 .011 50mV Gain (D) -.007 -.142 50mV Divider Reference (E) 8.4 8.3 5V Summer (F) 9 8.1 5V Lead Filter (G) .6 .7 5V Gate Bias (H or I) 8.7 7.1 5V L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 12 4.2 Codes and Standards The L3 was not designed to comply with IEEE or FCC guidelines regarding radiated emissions and is currently in violation of these standards. (http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Documents/bulletins/oet65/oet65b.pdf) 5. Schedules, Tasks, and Milestones The L3 device was designed to implement and demonstrate the bolded major tasks and the italicized milestones shown in Table 5. After the completion of the Levitation circuit, the LED Illumination circuit, we combined the two individual designs together. The AC power input needed to be sufficient for both and the circuitry designs required to be integrated with one another. The Vertical Motion Task was not accomplished due to a lack in funding. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 13 Table 5. Scheduled Tasks and Milestones Completed? Proposed Milestones and Tasks yes no Calculations Power Requirements Design Targets LED Illumination Ability to Power 6 LEDs Impedance Matching Signal Generation Levitation Two Inches from Coil Circuitry Design Vertical Oscillation Music Filtering Orb Momentum and Balancing 6. Results and Acceptance Testing 6.1 Levitation The L3 achieves a levitation distance of 2.25” with the lights on and 2.00” with the lights off. These distances are measured from the bottom face of the electromagnet to the top face of the neodymium magnet on the orb using a wooden ruler. Figure 6 illustrates the levitation distance measuring process that was used for acceptance testing. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 14 Figure 6.Measuring the levitation distance with the lights on. 6.2 Wireless Power Transfer The L3 uses two magnetically-coupled coils to wirelessly transfer power from its base to the levitating orb in order to power 4-6 LEDs. All of the LEDs are connected in parallel with alternating polarities. This allows for both the positive and negative half-cycle of the voltage induced into the coil attached to the orb to be utilized for LED power, which was tested by turning the room lights off and placing LED pairs into the levitating orb. Using low power, high luminosity LEDs provided by Cree, illumination of 6 LEDs was achieved at medium intensity. Four LEDs can be powered with high intensity as seen by the camera optics being saturated by the four LED demonstration in Figure 6 above. 6.3 Vertical Oscillation In the early development stages, a bouncing function was to be implemented in to the L3 in which the orb moved up and down to the kick drum component of an audio input signal. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 15 Though experimentation with various low-pass filter designs, it was discovered that in order to obtain a usable control signal from the bass a sound mixer would be needed. This would have driven the project over budget and over time constraints so this feature was not implemented. 7. Marketing and Cost Analysis 7.1 Marketing Analysis The L3’s target market is in the education realm. It may be used to exhibit and demonstrate electromagnetic fields and wireless power transfer in the form of a teaching tool. An additional smaller market includes individuals who are interested in illuminating their household in a “different” way. The Fascinations Corporation sells a variety of magnetically levitating globes that are able spin in place. Their price range begins at $40 for a 4 inch, non-rotating globe and $100 for an 8 inch rotating model. The L3 distinguishes itself by providing light. 7.2 Cost Analysis The total cost for the L3 prototype was $36,862. At market price, the materials cost $69.69 and the labor cost was approximately $36,792. Because many of the required materials were procured without cost to the company, only $47.77 was spent. For the future, buying the materials in bulk will result in a cost cut to $21. Table 6 illustrates the material cost breakdown of the L3. L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 16 Table 6. Material Cost Breakdown of the L3 Part Details NMOS Transistor IRFZ 44N 3 $5.04 Op-Amp TL071 6 $1.50 Potentiometer 100 KΩ 2 $2.00 Potentiometer 10 KΩ 1 $1.00 Potentiometer 100 Ω 1 $1.00 Resistor 5 KΩ, 1% 4 $1.40 Resistor Assorted, 5% 17 $0.85 Resistor 100 Ω, 1 W 2 $2.98 $2.98 Capacitor 6.8 nF, 1 KV 5 $5.00 $5.00 Capacitor 0.22 uF 2 $0.40 Capacitor 0.15 uF 1 $0.20 Hall Effect Sensors AD22151 2 $11.02 $11.02 Magna Wire 500 ft 1 $9.65 $9.65 Diode 1N4148 2 $0.40 Inductor 100 uH, 14 A 2 $19.12 Cree LEDs C535A-WJN 6 $2.58 Oscillator “On” LED C503B-BCN 1 $0.55 1 $5.00 Steel Core Total Build Cost: Amount Market Cost $69.69 Our Cost $19.12 $47.77 L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 17 In accordance to http://www.bls.gov/k12/math02.htm, the labor costs were paid by an hourly rate of $42/hour; 99.8 percent of the project’s cost is in labor as shown in Table 7. Table 7. Total Project Costs Project Component Class Levitation Controls Power Transfer Documentation Total Labor Total Parts Total Overhead Total Project Labor Hours 120 132 132 132 360 876 Labor Cost 5040 5544 5544 5544 15120 36,792 Material Cost 37 56 (with controls) 5 Total Section Cost 5040 5581 5600 5544 15120 48 9198 36792 Table 4. Total Project Costs 8. Conclusions and Future Work The L3 is currently a prototype that successfully levitates its orb 2.00 - 2.25 inches below the Project Component Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Section Cost Class 120 electromagnet and illuminates 4 - 6 LED’s5040 on the orb via wireless power5040 transfer. Figure 7 is a Levitation 132 5544 37 5581 Controls 132 5544 56 5600 picture of the working prototype. Power Transfer 132 5544 (with controls) 5544 Documentation 360 15120 5 15120 Total Labor 876 36,792 Total Parts 48 Total Overhead 9198 Total Project 36792 L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 18 Figure 7.Photograph of final working prototype. The initial goals in developing the L3 were to design it to levitate an orb a distance of 2.00 – 3.00 inches, wirelessly transfer power to the orb to illuminate LEDs mounted on it, and have the orb bounce up and down to the bass or kick drum of an audio signal while levitating and illuminated. The levitation and the wireless power transfer goals were successfully reached, however due to time and budget constraints the L3 cannot bounce to the bass of an audio signal. The initial motivation in designing the L3 was to market it as a novelty item that is an alternate way to illuminate a small desk-sized area and/or a permanent lighting fixture in nightclubs. As the project progressed, it was found (through great interest shown by ECE professors) that the L3 is more marketable as a tool for electrical engineering schools to showcase concepts learned in electromagnetics, electronics, power, and controls courses. Since the L3 is just a prototype/proof-of-concept, it is not ready for production. While the linear magnetic Hall-effect sensors used in this prototype worked in the end, their inconsistent L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 19 responses caused numerous problems, thus another prototype cycle should be initiated using better ones. Recommendations for future work on the L3 include the following: • Implement the bouncing-to-music function • Redesign orb aesthetics • Construct a permanent stand/housing to support the electromagnet and coils and house all circuitry • Consolidate the three power supplies to one or design a custom power supply • Complete antenna redesign or shielding to meet FCC regulations on RF emissions • PCB design • Design a single coil that provides adequate levitation and power transfer functions L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 20 9. References [1] Coil Gun. (2008). Other Maglev [Online]. Available: http://www.coilgun.info/levitation/other_maglev.htm [Accessed: September 18, 2010] [2] http://gizmodo.com/317135/crealev-floating-lamp-leavens-any-room [Accessed: September 18, 2010] L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 21 Appendix A: Gantt Chart L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 22 L3 (ECE4007L03-‐04) 23
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