TC1100 - OEM International AB
TC1100 - OEM International AB
TC1100 Reference Manual Datalogic Automation S.r.l. Via S. Vitalino 13 40012 - Lippo di Calderara di Reno Bologna - Italy TC1100 Reference Manual Ed.: 10/2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Datalogic reserves the right to make modifications and improvements without prior notification. Datalogic shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material. Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © Datalogic Automation S.r.l. 2000-2007 821000703 (Rev. C) CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.3 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1 Configuration Methods .................................................................................. 1 Configuration for RS232 Interface Users ...................................................... 1 Configuration for Wedge Interface Users ...................................................... 1 Status Indicators ........................................................................................... 2 Available Models........................................................................................... 3 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 INSTALLATION............................................................................................ 4 TC1100 CCD Scanner .................................................................................. 4 Mechanical Installation.................................................................................. 4 Electrical Connections .................................................................................. 5 RS232 Interface ............................................................................................ 6 WEDGE Interface ......................................................................................... 6 PEN Emulation Interface............................................................................... 7 Inputs ............................................................................................................ 7 Outputs ......................................................................................................... 8 External Beeper Connection ......................................................................... 9 TC1100 CCD Scan Engine ......................................................................... 10 Mechanical Installation................................................................................ 10 Electrical Connections ................................................................................ 11 RS232 Interface .......................................................................................... 12 WEDGE Interface ....................................................................................... 12 PEN Emulation Interface............................................................................. 13 Inputs .......................................................................................................... 13 Outputs ....................................................................................................... 14 External Beeper Connection ....................................................................... 15 Positioning .................................................................................................. 16 GFC-TC1100 Accessory ............................................................................. 17 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS ............................................... 20 Default Configuration .................................................................................. 20 TC1100 Configuration ................................................................................. 22 Command Syntax ....................................................................................... 23 4 4.1 BARCODE CONFIGURATION................................................................... 34 Initial Setup ................................................................................................. 34 Restore Default ........................................................................................... 34 Interface Selection ...................................................................................... 34 Changing Default Settings .......................................................................... 39 4.2 RS232 PARAMETERS ............................................................................... 40 Baud Rate ................................................................................................... 41 iii Parity........................................................................................................... 42 Data Bits ..................................................................................................... 42 Stop Bits...................................................................................................... 43 Handshaking ............................................................................................... 43 ACK/NACK Protocol ................................................................................... 44 FIFO............................................................................................................ 44 Inter-Character Delay.................................................................................. 45 Rx Timeout.................................................................................................. 45 WEDGE PARAMETERS ............................................................................ 46 Keyboard Nationality................................................................................... 47 Caps Lock ................................................................................................... 48 Num Lock.................................................................................................... 48 Inter-Character Delay.................................................................................. 49 Inter-Code Delay......................................................................................... 49 Keyboard Setting ........................................................................................ 50 Control Character Emulation....................................................................... 52 PEN EMULATION ...................................................................................... 53 Operating Mode .......................................................................................... 54 Minimum Output Pulse................................................................................ 55 Conversion To Code 39 .............................................................................. 56 Overflow...................................................................................................... 57 Output Level................................................................................................ 57 Idle Level..................................................................................................... 58 Inter-Block Delay......................................................................................... 58 DATA FORMAT.......................................................................................... 59 Code Identifier............................................................................................. 62 Custom Code Identifier ............................................................................... 63 Header ........................................................................................................ 64 Terminator................................................................................................... 65 Field Adjustment ......................................................................................... 66 Field Adjustment Character......................................................................... 67 Code Length Tx .......................................................................................... 67 Character Replacement .............................................................................. 68 No Read Character ..................................................................................... 70 POWER SAVE............................................................................................ 71 Read Rate................................................................................................... 72 Sleep State ................................................................................................. 72 Enter Sleep Timeout ................................................................................... 73 Standby....................................................................................................... 73 READING PARAMETERS ......................................................................... 74 Operating Mode .......................................................................................... 75 Beeper Intensity .......................................................................................... 76 iv Beeper Tone ............................................................................................... 76 Beeper Type ............................................................................................... 77 Beeper Length ............................................................................................ 77 PDF Decoding Recognition Intensity .......................................................... 77 DECODING PARAMETERS....................................................................... 78 Ink-Spread .................................................................................................. 79 Overflow Control ......................................................................................... 79 Interdigit Control.......................................................................................... 80 Decoding Safety.......................................................................................... 80 Puzzle Solver™ .......................................................................................... 81 CODE SELECTION .................................................................................... 82 EAN/UPC Family ........................................................................................ 84 2/5 Family ................................................................................................... 88 Code 39 Family........................................................................................... 89 Code 128 Family......................................................................................... 91 Code 93 ...................................................................................................... 92 Codabar Family........................................................................................... 93 Codablock-A ............................................................................................... 95 Codablock-F................................................................................................ 95 MSI ............................................................................................................. 96 Plessey ....................................................................................................... 97 Telepen ....................................................................................................... 98 Delta IBM .................................................................................................... 99 Code 16K .................................................................................................. 100 Code 49 .................................................................................................... 100 Pharmacode.............................................................................................. 101 PDF417..................................................................................................... 102 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 103 RS232 Parameters ................................................................................... 103 Handshaking ............................................................................................. 103 ACK/NACK from Host Protocol ................................................................. 104 FIFO.......................................................................................................... 104 RX Timeout ............................................................................................... 104 Pen Parameters ........................................................................................ 105 Minimum Output Pulse.............................................................................. 105 Overflow.................................................................................................... 105 Output and Idle Levels .............................................................................. 106 Inter-Block Delay....................................................................................... 106 Data Format .............................................................................................. 107 Header/Terminator Selection .................................................................... 107 Set Custom Extended Header/Terminator Keys ....................................... 108 Power Save............................................................................................... 110 Sleep State ............................................................................................... 110 v 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.7 Enter Sleep Timeout ................................................................................. 110 Standby..................................................................................................... 110 Reading Parameters ................................................................................. 110 Operating Modes ...................................................................................... 110 Reads per Cycle ....................................................................................... 112 Decoding Parameters ............................................................................... 112 Ink-Spread ................................................................................................ 112 Overflow Control ....................................................................................... 113 Interdigit Control........................................................................................ 113 Configuration Editing Commands ............................................................. 113 6 TECHNICAL FEATURES ......................................................................... 114 Reading Diagrams .................................................................................... 115 A CODE IDENTIFIER TABLE...................................................................... 117 B HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE ................................................................... 121 vi INTRODUCTION 1 1 INTRODUCTION The TC1100 compact CCD reader is the perfect solution for many OEM applications. It contains a built-in decoder and multi-standard interface. Due to its well-balanced mix of technical characteristics it is perfect for integration into custom equipment, setting a new standard in this product class. This Reference Manual provides connection diagrams, default parameter listing, complete application parameter settings, specific technical features and reading diagrams. 1.1 1.1.1 CONFIGURATION METHODS Configuration for RS232 Interface Users The easiest way to configure TC1100 is by using the DL Sm@rtSet™ utility program installed from the CD included with this manual. It provides a user-friendly graphic interface that sends the command strings to the TC1100 and Help On-Line to explain configuration parameters. This manual contains the complete set of command strings for TC1100 configuration. These strings must be sent via the RS232 interface using a terminal emulator such as HyperTerminal, or with the WinHost Terminal. Configurations can also be sent as batch files. Refer to paragraph 3.2 for configuration procedures. 1.1.2 Configuration for Wedge Interface Users For Wedge Interface Users, configuration can be accomplished either by reading the barcode labels available in this manual with the TC1100 (see chapter 4 ) or by reading the Return to RS232 Interface barcode and then configuring through the RS232 Interface. To configure TC1100 by reading the configuration barcodes: 1) Open the folded page in Appendix B with the hex-numeric table and keep it open during the device configuration. 2) Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page of configuration. 1 TC1100 1 3) Modify the desired parameters in one or more sections following the procedures given for each group. 4) Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page of configuration. Reference notes describing the operation of the more complex parameters are given in chapter 5. 1.2 STATUS INDICATORS The reader has two LED indicators signaling several operating conditions which are described in the tables below. Led2 Led1 TC1100 Scan Engine TC1100 Scanner POWER UP POWER ON / LED2 Meaning ON Power supply ON OFF Power supply OFF DATA ENTRY GOOD READ / LED1 Meaning 2 ON Good read (LED1 will remain ON until status changes) OFF Miss read INTRODUCTION 1.3 1 AVAILABLE MODELS The TC1100 reader is available in models that differ in regard to the following characteristics: • Barcode type • Enclosure The following models are therefore available: • TC1100-0100 = CCD Scan Engine for linear codes • TC1100-0200 = CCD Scan Engine for linear and PDF417 codes • TC1100-1100 = CCD Scanner for linear codes • TC1100-1200 = CCD Scanner for linear and PDF417 codes 3 TC1100 2 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 2.1.1 TC1100 CCD SCANNER Mechanical Installation 30.5 [1.20] The diagram below gives the overall dimensions of the reader and may be used for its installation. 7.6 [0.30] GOOD READ 24 [0.94] 68.6 [2.70] 10.4 [0.41] 54 [2.13] POWER ON 9.5 [0.37] 70.7 [2.78] M3 N°4 31.6 [1.25] mm [in.] 17.7 [0.70] Optical Axis Figure 1 - Overall Dimensions 4 INSTALLATION 2.1.2 2 Electrical Connections The TC1100 Scanner is equipped with a 25-pin female D-Sub connector for connection to the power supply and input/output signals. The details of the connector pins are indicated in the following table: Figure 2 - 25-pin Female D-sub Connector 25-pin Connector 1 2 Shield TX earth ground transmit data 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RX RTS CTS nc SGND EXT BEEPER VCC+ receive data request to send clear to send not connected signal ground external beeper connection +5 Vdc 10 11 12 13 nc OUT+ OUTVCC+ not connected 14 15 16 17 18 19 nc nc nc nc EXT TRIG+ EXT TRIG- not connected not connected not connected not connected 20 21 22 23 24 25 DATAIN_WAND DATAOUT OUTCLKIN CLKOUT GND see Figure 10 +5 Vdc See Figures 6 to 9 power ground Table 1 - TC1100 Scanner Pinout 5 TC1100 2 RS232 Interface The TC1100 Scanner can communicate with the Host using the RS232 signals provided on the 25-pin connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: It is always advisable to use shielded cables. The overall maximum cable length must be less than 15 m (49.2 ft). TC1100 25-pin Host 2 TX 3 RX TXD 4 RTS DCD 5 CTS DTR 7 SGND RXD SGND Earth Ground Figure 3 - RS232 Interface Connection to Host WEDGE Interface The TC1100 Scanner can communicate with the Host in a WEDGE Interface (Keyboard Emulation) using the signals provided on the 25-pin connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: Host DATA TC1100 25-pin CLK 21 DATAOUT 24 CLKOUT 13 VCC+ 25 GND 20 DATAIN 23 CLKIN VCC+ GND Keyboard VCC+ GND DATA CLK Figure 4 - Wedge Interface Connection to Host (PC AT) and Keyboard 6 INSTALLATION 2 PEN Emulation Interface The TC1100 Scanner can communicate with the Host in a PEN Emulation Interface using the signals provided on the 25-pin connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: TC1100 25-pin Host 20 WAND DATA 13 VCC+ VCC+ 25 GND GND Earth Ground Figure 5 – Pen Emulation Interface Connection to Host It is always advisable to use shielded cables. Inputs There is an input available on the TC1100 Scanner relative to the External Trigger. The pins are indicated in Table 1. These inputs are optocoupled and can be driven by both an NPN or PNP type command. The connections are indicated in the following diagrams: TC1100 + 5V Vext 30 Vdc max. EXTERNAL TRIGGER 18 EXT TRIG+ 19 EXT TRIG- V Signal Figure 6 - Input NPN Command Using External Power Vext 30 Vdc max. TC1100 EXTERNAL TRIGGER V + 5V 18 EXT TRIG+ 19 EXT TRIG- Signal Ground Figure 7 - Input PNP Command Using External Power 7 TC1100 2 TC1100 EXTERNAL TRIGGER 13 Vcc 5Vdc + 5V V 18 EXT TRIG+ 19 EXT TRIG25 GND Ground Signal Figure 8 - Input NPN Command Using TC1100 Power TC1100 EXTERNAL TRIGGER 13 Vcc 5Vdc + 5V V Signal 18 EXT TRIG+ 19 EXT TRIG- 25 GND Ground Figure 9 - Input PNP Command Using TC1100 Power Outputs There is an output available on the TC1100 Scanner relative to the Good Read event. The pins are indicated in Table 1. The connections are indicated in the following diagram: USER INTERFACE TC1100 11 OUT + 12 OUT - Vext 40 Vdc max Figure 10 - Output Connection (Good Read). Example NPN 8 INSTALLATION 2 External Beeper Connection A beeper output signal is provided on pin 8 so that an external piezoelectric buzzer with internal oscillator can be connected for Good Read acoustic signaling. The complete circuit to be built is shown in the schematic diagram below. +5 Vdc (pin 13) +5 Vdc (pin 13) + D1 (1N4148) BZ1 (see below) R2 (10K) BEEPER (pin 8) Q1 (BC337) R1 (1K) GND (pin 25) Figure 11 - TC1100 Scanner Beeper Connection The following list indicates several piezoelectric buzzers that can be used in the circuitry above (part BZ1). Manufacturer Type MURATA DIGISOUND CITIZEN BUJEON PKB30SPC - 2001/3001 F/TCW05 MEB-12C-5 BS12-A See chapter 3 for Beeper Control commands. 9 TC1100 2 2.2 2.2.1 TC1100 CCD SCAN ENGINE Mechanical Installation The diagram below gives the overall dimensions of the TC1100 Scan Engine and may be used for its installation. 63 [2.48] Veritcal Optical Axis 25.7 [1.01] 12.2 [0.48] 63 [2.48] 40.5 [1.59] 2.5 [0.10] Ø2.7 [Ø0.11] n°4 18 [0.71] 50 [1.97] mm [ in.] 2.5 [0.10] 57 [2.24] 28.5 [1.12] 2.5 [0.10] Horizontal Optical Axis Figure 12 - Overall Dimensions 10 60.5 [2.38] INSTALLATION 2.2.2 2 Electrical Connections The TC1100 Scan Engine is equipped with two 8-pin DF13 connectors for connection to the power supply and input/output signals. The details of the connector pins are indicated in the following table: 1 1 J1 J2 Figure 13 - 8-pin Connectors J1 1 SGND 2 3 4 5 6 OUTOUT+ EXT BEEPER CTS RX signal ground beeper output signal clear to send receive data 7 8 RTS TX request to send transmit data 1 2 3 VCC+ GND CLKOUT +5 Vdc power ground 4 5 6 7 8 DATAOUT DATAIN_WAND CLKIN EXT TRIG+ EXT TRIG- see Figure 21 J2 See Figures 17 to 20 Table 2 - TC1100 Scan Engine Pinout 11 TC1100 2 RS232 Interface The TC1100 Scan Engine can communicate with the Host using the RS232 signals provided on the J1 connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: It is always advisable to use shielded cables. The overall maximum cable length must be less than 15 m (49.2 ft). TC1100 J1 Host 8 TX 6 RX TXD 7 RTS DCD 5 CTS DTR 1 SGND RXD SGND Earth Ground Figure 14 - RS232 Interface Connection to Host WEDGE Interface The TC1100 Scan Engine can communicate with the Host in a WEDGE Interface (Keyboard Emulation) using the signals provided on the J2 connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: Host TC1100 DATA J2 CLK 4 DATAOUT 3 CLKOUT 1 VCC+ 2 GND 5 DATAIN 6 CLKIN VCC+ GND Keyboard VCC+ GND DATA CLK Figure 15 - Wedge Interface Connection to Host (PC AT) and Keyboard 12 INSTALLATION 2 PEN Emulation Interface The TC1100 Scan Engine can communicate with the Host in a PEN Emulation Interface using the signals provided on the J2 connector. The pins are indicated in Table 1 and in the following diagram: It is always advisable to use shielded cables. TC1100 Host J2 5 WAND DATA 1 VCC+ VCC+ 2 GND GND Earth Ground Figure 16 – Pen Emulation Interface Connection to Host Inputs There is an input available on the TC1100 Scan Engine relative to the External Trigger. The pins are indicated in Table 2. These inputs are optocoupled and can be driven by both an NPN or PNP type command. The connections are indicated in the following diagrams: TC1100 + 5V J2 Vext 30 Vdc max. EXTERNAL TRIGGER 7 EXT TRIG+ 8 EXT TRIG- V Signal Figure 17 - Input NPN Command Using External Power Vext 30 Vdc max. TC1100 J2 + 5V EXTERNAL TRIGGER V 7 EXT TRIG+ 8 EXT TRIG- Signal Ground Figure 18 - Input PNP Command Using External Power 13 TC1100 2 TC1100 EXTERNAL TRIGGER J2 1 Vcc 5Vdc + 5V V 7 EXT TRIG+ 8 EXT TRIG2 GND Signal Ground Figure 19 - Input NPN Command Using TC1100 Power TC1100 EXTERNAL TRIGGER J2 + 5V 1 Vcc 5Vdc 7 EXT TRIG+ 8 EXT TRIG- 2 GND V Signal Ground Figure 20 - Input PNP Command Using TC1100 Power Outputs There is an output available on the TC1100 Scan Engine relative to the Good Read event. The pins are indicated in Table 2. The connections are indicated in the following diagram: TC1100 USER INTERFACE J1 3 OUT + 2 OUT - Vext 40 Vdc max Figure 21 - Output Connection (Good Read). Example NPN 14 INSTALLATION 2 External Beeper Connection A beeper output signal is provided on J1 pin 4 so that an external piezoelectric buzzer with internal oscillator can be connected for Good Read acoustic signaling. The complete circuit to be built is shown in the schematic diagram below. +5 Vdc (J2 pin 1) +5 Vdc (J2 pin 1) + D1 (1N4148) BZ1 (see below) R2 (10K) BEEPER (J1 pin 4) Q1 (BC337) R1 (1K) GND (J2 pin 2) Figure 22 - TC1100 Scan Engine Beeper Connection The following list indicates several piezoelectric buzzers that can be used in the circuitry above (part BZ1). Manufacturer Type MURATA DIGISOUND CITIZEN BUJEON PKB30SPC - 2001/3001 F/TCW05 MEB-12C-5 BS12-A See chapter 3 for Beeper Control commands. 15 TC1100 2 2.3 POSITIONING The TC1100 scanner is able to decode barcode labels at a variety of angles, however significant angular distortion may degrade reading performance. When mounting the TC1100 take into consideration these three ideal label position angles: Pitch 0°, Skew 10° to 30° and Tilt 0°. Follow the suggestions for the best orientation: The Pitch angle is represented by the value P in Figure 23. Position the reader in order to minimize the Pitch angle. P Figure 23 - Pitch Angle The Skew angle is represented by the value S in Figure 24. Position the reader to assure at least 10° for the Skew angle. This avoids direct light reflection. S Figure 24 - Skew angle 16 INSTALLATION 2 The Tilt angle is represented by the value T in Figure 25. Position the reader in order to minimize the Tilt angle. T Figure 25 - Tilt angle 2.4 GFC-TC1100 ACCESSORY The GFC-TC1100 is an 80° deflection mirror that is mounted directly to the TC1100 Scanner or Scan Engine. Figure 26 - GFC-TC1100 The overall dimensions are provided in the figure below and can be used for its mounting. 17 TC1100 2 104 [4.10] 10 [0.39] 4.5 [0.18] 10 [0.39] 20 [0.79] 70 [2.76] 20 [0.79] 24 [0.94] 7 [0.28] 84.5 [3.33] 50° Figure 27 - GFC-TC1100 Overall Dimensions To fix a TC1100-1xx Scanner to the GFC-TC1100, use the 4 M 2.5x5 mm screws supplied with the GFC Kit. Refer to the figure below. Figure 28 – Fixing TC1100 Scanner to GFC-TC1100 18 INSTALLATION 2 To fix a TC1100-0xxx Scan Engine to the GFC-TC1100, use the 4 M 2.5x10 mm screws together with the 4 plastic spacers and nuts supplied with the GFC Kit. Refer to the figure below. Figure 29 – Fixing TC1100 Scan Engine to GFC-TC1100 The 80° deflection mirror assures that the minimum skew angle is maintained to avoid direct light reflection which can degrade reading performance. TC1100 – 0x00 50° or TC1100 – 1x00 80° Code Surface 10° Figure 30 – Maintaining Minimum Skew Angle 19 TC1100 3 3 3.1 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS DEFAULT CONFIGURATION RS232 INTERFACE 9600 baud, parity disabled, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, handshaking disabled, ACK/NACK from Host disabled, 100 ms RX timeout, FIFO enabled, inter-character delay disabled WEDGE INTERFACE USA keyboard, caps lock off, delays disabled, control character emulation = ctrl+shift+key; PEN Emulation INTERFACE interpret mode, conversion to code 39 disabled, output level normal, idle level normal, minimum output pulse 600 µs, overflow medium, inter-block delay disabled DATA FORMAT Code identifier disabled, field adjustment disabled, code length TX disabled, character replacement disabled, header = <STX>, terminator = <CR> <LF>, no read character = <CAN> POWER SAVE 270 read/sec, sleep disabled, standby disabled READING PARAMETERS On-Line mode, beeper intensity = high intensity, beeper tone = tone 2, beeper type = monotone, beeper length = short DECODING PARAMETERS Ink spread enabled, overflow control enabled, interdigit control enabled, Puzzle Solver™ disabled, decoding safety = 1 read 20 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 CODE SELECTION enabled codes • Interleaved 2 of 5 Check digit transmitted, variable length code; 4-99 characters • EAN8/EAN13UPC A/UPC B without ADD ON Check digit transmitted, no conversions • Code 39 variable length code; 1-99 characters • Code 128 Check digit not transmitted, variable length code; 1-99 characters PDF417 (TC1100-x200 only) • disabled codes EAN 128, ISBT128,Code 93, Codabar, pharmaceutical codes, Delta IBM, Code 16K, Code 49, (MSI/Plessey, Telepen, Pharmacode only TC1100-x100), (Codablock-A, Codablock-F Standard and EAN only TC1100-x200) 21 TC1100 3 3.2 TC1100 CONFIGURATION TC1100 is factory set for RS232 Interface applications. The easiest way to configure TC1100 is by using the DL Sm@rtSet™ utility program installed from the CD included with this manual. Otherwise you can configure the scanner using the serial string which follow: To configure TC1100 by using the configuration strings: 1) Connect your TC1100 to a PC RS232 port according to the information in chapter 2. Set the PC serial port to the TC1100 default RS232 communication parameters. 2) Using a Terminal Emulation Program, send the Restore Default string to the reader using the syntax described on the next page. 3) Send all the necessary command strings according to your application's requirements. CAUTION The WEDGE or PEN Emulation interface selections must be sent last since they will cause the reader to no longer accept RS232 communications. If working with the Wedge or Pen emulation interfaces, it is possible to return to the RS232 connection by reading the code given below: Return to RS232 Interface Ì$+CP0$-$Î For WEDGE or PEN Emulation Users 22 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 Command Syntax The command syntax is given below with an example: Command(s) $+ $- <CR> The new setting will be definitive (stored in FLASH EPROM) Example: Multiple command programming sequence: $+ BK0 CD7 AC410132 $- CR Carriage return character (0D Hex.) Exit and save new configuration Matrix 2/5 3 bars: no check digit, variable length code from 1 to 32 characters Baud rate = 19200 Serial On-Line operating mode Enter configuration environment Each configuration parameter setting removes the condition previously active for that parameter. NOTE The device buffer can contain about 400 characters. If your programming string goes over this value, you must split it into separate groups and send each group after a delay of at least 3 seconds to give the reader time to empty the buffer and interpret the commands. 23 TC1100 3 SERIAL CONFIGURATION STRINGS ENTER/EXIT CONFIGURATION COMMANDS DESCRIPTION Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Restore Default Transmit Software Release (not for PEN emulation) Get Configuration from Reader (not for PEN emulation) STRING $+ $$+$*<CR> $+$!<CR> $+$&<CR> These commands do not require $-. INTERFACE SELECTION DESCRIPTION RS232 WEDGE for IBM AT for IBM Terminals: 31xx, 32xx, 34xx, 37xx; make-break keyboard for IBM Terminals: 31xx, 32xx, 34xx, 37xx; make-only keyboard Keyboard Type for IBM Terminals 31xx, typewriter 32xx, 34xx, 37xx advanced for IBM XT for IBM Terminal 3153 for IBM PC Notebook for IBM SURE1 for IBM AT - ALT mode for IBM PC Notebook - ALT mode for Wyse Terminal - ANSI Keyboard for Wyse Terminal - PC Keyboard for Wyse Terminal - ASCII Keyboard for Wyse Terminal - VT220 style Keyboard for Digital Terminals VT2xx/3xx/4xx for Apple ADB Bus PEN EMULATION 24 STRING CP0 CP500 CP501 CP502 FK0 FK1 CP503 CP504 CP505 CP506 CP507 CP508 CP509 CP510 CP511 CP514 CP512 CP513 CP6 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 RS232 DESCRIPTION Baud rate STRING CD0 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CC0 CC1 CC2 CA0 CA1 CA2 CB0 CB1 CE0 CE1 CE2 CE3 CF0 CF3 EC0 EC1 CK00 - CK99 CL00 - CL99 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 Parity none even odd Data bits 7 8 9 Stop bits 1 2 Handshaking disable RTS/CTS XON/XOFF RTS always On ACK/NACK Protocol disable enable FIFO disable enable Inter-character delay (ms) RX Timeout (100 ms) WEDGE DESCRIPTION Keyboard nationality Belgian English French German Italian Spanish Swedish USA STRING FJ7 FJ4 FJ2 FJ3 FJ1 FJ6 FJ5 FJ0 25 TC1100 3 WEDGE (continued) DESCRIPTION Caps Lock Num Lock Delays Control Character Emulation caps Lock ON caps Lock OFF Toggle Num Lock Num Lock Unchanged Inter-Character (ms) Inter-Code (s) Ctrl + Shift + Key Ctrl + Key STRING FE1 FE0 FL1 FL0 CK00 - CK99 FG00 - FG99 FO0 FO1 PEN DESCRIPTION Operating mode Minimum output pulse Conversion to Code 39 Output level Idle level Overflow Inter-Block delay (100 ms) 26 interpret (does not require $+ or $-) transparent (does not require $+ or $-) 200µs 400µs 600µs 800µs 1 ms 1.2 ms disable conversion to Code 39 enable conversion to Code 39 normal inverted normal inverted narrow overflow medium overflow wide overflow STRING $] $[ DG0 DG1 DG2 DG3 DG4 DG5 DA0 DA1 DD0 DD1 DE0 DE1 DH0 DH1 DH2 CK00-CK99 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 DATA FORMAT NOT FOR PEN EMULATION INTERFACES DESCRIPTION Code Identifier disable Datalogic standard AIM standard Custom Custom Code Identifier Headers Terminators No Read Character no header one character two characters three characters four characters five characters six characters seven characters eight characters no terminator one character two characters three characters four characters five characters six characters seven characters eight characters disable enable STRING EB0 EB1 EB2 EB3 EHabc EA00 EA01x EA02xx EA03xxx EA04xxxx EA05xxxxx EA06xxxxxx EA07xxxxxxx EA08xxxxxxxx EA10 EA11x EA12xx EA13xxx EA14xxxx EA15xxxxx EA16xxxxxx EA17xxxxxxx EA18xxxxxxxx EP0 EP1x a = ASCII character. b, c, x = HEX values representing an ASCII character. a = ASCII character of the DATALOGIC STANDARD Code Identifier from the table on page 60. b = Hex value of the first Custom Code Identifier character from 00 to FE; FF = disable Code Identifier c = Hex value of the second Custom Code Identifier character from 00 to FE; FF = disable second character of Custom Code Identifier x = Hex value from 00 to FE 27 TC1100 3 DATA FORMAT (continued) NOT FOR PEN EMULATION INTERFACES DESCRIPTION Code Length Tx not transmitted transmitted in variable-digit format transmitted in fixed 4-digit format disable right addition left addition right deletion left deletion Field Adjustment Field Adjustment Character Character Replacement disable character replacement first character replacement second character replacement third character replacement STRING EE0 EE1 EE2 EF0 EFa0d EFa1d EFa2d EFa3d EGe EO0 EO1afg EO2afg EO3afg a = ASCII character. d = a number from the Hex/Numeric Table e, f, g = HEX values representing an ASCII character a = ASCII character of the DATALOGIC STANDARD Code Identifier from the table on page 60. d = a number in the range 01-32 from the Hex/Numeric Table e = Hex value from 00 to FE f = Hex value of the character to be replaced from 00 to FE g = Hex value of the new character to insert from 00 to FE FF = replace with no new character (remove character) POWER SAVE DESCRIPTION Read Rate Sleep State Enter Sleep Timeout (100 ms) Standby 28 67 reads per sec. 135 reads per sec. 270 reads per sec. disable enable enable disable STRING BT0 BT1 BT2 BQ0 BQ1 BR00-BR99 BM0 BM1 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 READING PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION Operating Modes serial on-line on-line See par. 5.5.1 for details automatic automatic/lighting system standby Test Mode disable enable Beeper Intensity very low intensity low intensity medium intensity high intensity Beeper Tone Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 Beeper Type monotone bitonal Beeper Length long short PDF Decoding Recognition low Intensity high STRING BK0 BK1 BK3 BK2 #+DStat0<CR> #+DStat1<CR> BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 BH0 BH1 BH2 BH3 BJ0 BJ1 BI0 BI1 BW0 BW1 DECODING PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION Ink-Spread Overflow Control Interdigit Control TM Puzzle Solver Decoding Safety disable enable disable enable disable enable disable enable one read two reads three reads four reads CODE SELECTION DESCRIPTION DISABLE ALL FAMILY CODES EAN/UPC Disable EAN/UPC family EAN 8/EAN 13/UPC A/UPC E without ADD ON with ADD ON with and without ADD ON STRING AX0 AX1 AW1 AW0 AV0 AV1 AU0 AU1 ED0 ED1 ED2 ED3 STRING AZ0 AA0 AA1 AA5 AA8 29 TC1100 3 CODE SELECTION (continued) DESCRIPTION EAN 8/EAN 13 UPC A/UPC E EAN 8 check digit transmission EAN 13 check digit transmission UPC A check digit transmission UPC E check digit transmission Conversions ISBN Conversion codes Code 39 without ADD ON with ADD ON 2 ONLY with ADD ON 5 ONLY with ADD ON 2 AND 5 without ADD ON with ADD ON 2 ONLY with ADD ON 5 ONLY with ADD ON 2 AND 5 disable enable disable enable disable enable disable enable UPC E to UPC A UPC E to EAN 13 UPC A to EAN 13 EAN 8 to EAN 13 enable ISBN enable ISSN enable ISBN and ISSN disable ISBN and ISSN disable Code 39 family Standard no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission Full ASCII no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission CIP 39 Code 32 code length xxxx = ASCII numbers that define the code length where: • First 2 digits = minimum acceptable code length. • Second 2 digits = maximum acceptable code length. The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. The maximum code length for all codes is 99 characters. Examples: 0132 = variable length from 1 to 32 digits in the code. 1010 = 10 digit code length only. 30 STRING AA3 AAK AAL AA6 AA4 AAM AAN AA7 AAG0 AAG1 AAH0 AAH1 AAI0 AAI1 AAJ0 AAJ1 AAA AAB AAC AAD AP1 AP2 AP3 AP0 AB0 AB11 AB12 AB13 AB21 AB22 AB23 AB3 AB4 AB*xxxx SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS CODE SELECTION (continued) DESCRIPTION 2/5 disable Code 2/5 family Interleaved 2/5 no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission Normal 2/5 5 bars no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission Industrial 2/5 (IATA) no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission Matrix 2/5 3 bars no check digit control check digit control and transmission check digit control without transmission CIP/HR Codabar disable Codabar family Standard no start/stop character equality control nor transmission no start/stop character equality control but transmission start/stop character equality control but no transmission start/stop character equality control and transmission ABC Codabar no start/stop character equality control but transmission Codabar ABC forced concatenation code length start/stop character case in transmission lower case upper case 3 STRING AC0 AC11xxxx AC12xxxx AC13xxxx AC21xxxx AC22xxxx AC23xxxx AC31xxxx AC32xxxx AC33xxxx AC41xxxx AC42xxxx AC43xxxx AC5 AD0 AD111 AD112 AD121 AD122 AD212 AD232 AD*xxxx ADA0 ADA1 xxxx = ASCII numbers that define the code length where: • • First 2 digits = minimum acceptable code length. Second 2 digits = maximum acceptable code length. The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. The maximum code length for all codes is 99 characters: EXAMPLES: 0132 = variable length from 1 to 32 digits in the code. 1010 = 10 digit code length only. 31 TC1100 3 CODE SELECTION (continued) DESCRIPTION Code 128 Code 93 Codablock-A (TC1100-x200 only) Codablock-F (TC1100-x200 only) MSI (TC1100-x100 only) Plessey (TC1100-x100 only) Telepen (TC1100-x100 only) disable Code 128 family enable Code 128 control without transmission of check digit enable EAN 128 control without transmission of check digit code length tx GS before Code disable enable ISBT 128 enable ISBT 128 disable Code 93 family enable Code 93 control without transmission of check digit disable enable disable the family enable Standard enable EAN disable the family no check MOD10 no tx MOD10 with tx MOD11-MOD10 no tx MOD11-MOD10 with tx MOD10-MOD10 no tx MOD10-MOD10 with tx disable the family Standard no check Standard check - with tx Standard check - no tx Anker no check Anker check - with tx Anker check - no tx disable the family Numeric no check Numeric check - with tx Numeric check - no tx Alpha no check Alpha check - with tx Alpha check - no tx xx = ASCII numbers that define the minimum acceptable code length; yy = ASCII numbers that define the maximum acceptable code length; 32 STRING AI0 AI11 AI21 AILxxyy EQ0 EQ1 AI31 AK0 AK1 AO0 AO1 AN0 AN1 AN2 AE0 AE1 AE2 AE3 AE4 AE5 AE6 AE7 AF0 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF21 AF22 AF23 AL0 AL11 AL12 AL13 AL21 AL22 AL23 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION STRINGS 3 CODE SELECTION (continued) DESCRIPTION Delta IBM Code 16K Code 49 PDF417 (TC1100-x200 only) Pharmacode (TC1100-x100 only) disable the family no check Type 1 check Type 2 check disable enable disable enable disable enable disable forward code TX direction reverse code TX direction overflow ratio xx = ASCII numbers that define the minimum acceptable code length; yy = ASCII numbers that define the maximum acceptable code length; STRING AH0 AH1 AH2 AH3 AJ0 AJ1 AM0 AM1 AR0 AR1 AQ0 AQ1xxyy AQ2xxyy AQAzz The minimum code length is 2 characters. The maximum code length is 16 characters. zz = ASCII numbers that define the overflow ratio value in the range 02-10. 33 TC1100 4 4 BARCODE CONFIGURATION The Barcode Configuration is suggested only when using the WEDGE or PEN Emulation interface. CAUTION 4.1 INITIAL SETUP The following procedure allows preparing your TC1100 to read barcodes by using the default settings. RESTORE DEFAULT 1. Read the restore default parameters code below. Restore TC1100 Default Ì$+$*oÎ INTERFACE SELECTION 2. Read the interface selection code for your application. RS232 Ì$+CP0$-$Î PEN Ì$+CP6$-BÎ 34 BARCODE CONFIGURATION 4 WEDGE IBM AT or PS/2 PCs Ì$+CP500$-aÎ IBM XT Ì$+CP503$-vÎ PC Notebook Ì$+CP505$-ÈÎ IBM SURE1 Ì$+CP506$-$Î IBM Terminal 3153 Ì$+CP504$-}Î 35 TC1100 4 WEDGE (continued) IBM Terminals 31xx, 32xx, 34xx, 37xx: To select the interface for these IBM Terminals, read the correct KEY TRANSMISSION code. Select the KEYBOARD TYPE if necessary (default = advanced keyboard). KEY TRANSMISSION MODE make-only keyboard Ì$+CP502$-oÎ make-break keyboard Ì$+CP501$-hÎ KEYBOARD TYPE advanced keyboard Ì$+FK1$-ÉÎ typewriter keyboard Ì$+FK0$-ÄÎ 36 BARCODE CONFIGURATION 4 WEDGE (continued) ALT MODE The ALT-mode selection allows barcodes sent to the PC to be interpreted correctly independently from the Keyboard Nationality used. You do not need to make a Keyboard Nationality selection. (default = Num Lock Unchanged). Make sure the Num Lock key on your keyboard is ON. IBM AT - ALT mode Ì$+CP507$-+Î PC Notebook - ALT mode Ì$+CP508$-2Î WYSE TERMINALS ANSI Keyboard Ì$+CP509$-9Î PC Keyboard Ì$+CP510$-gÎ ASCII Keyboard Ì$+CP511$-nÎ VT220 style Keyboard Ì$+CP514$-ÇÎ 37 TC1100 4 WEDGE (continued) DIGITAL TERMINALS VT2xx/VT3xx/VT4xx Ì$+CP512$-uÎ APPLE APPLE ADB Bus Ì$+CP513$-|Î YOUR READER IS NOW READY TO READ BARCODES. To change the default settings see par. 4.2. 38 BARCODE CONFIGURATION 4.2 4 CHANGING DEFAULT SETTINGS Once your reader is setup, you can change the default parameters to meet your application needs. Refer to the preceding paragraph for initial configuration in order to set the default values and select the interface for your application. In this manual, the configuration parameters are divided into logical groups making it easy to find the desired function based on its reference group. The first three groups are for Standard Interface parameter configuration: • RS232 • WEDGE • PEN EMULATION The following parameter groups are common to all interface applications: DATA FORMAT parameters regard the messages sent to the Host system for all interfaces except Pen Emulation. POWER SAVE manages overall current consumption in the reading device. READING PARAMETERS control various operating modes and indicator status functioning. DECODING PARAMETERS maintain correct barcode decoding in certain special reading conditions. CODE SELECTION parameters allow configuration of a personalized mix of codes, code families and their options. 39 RS232 PARAMETERS BAUD RATE PARITY DATA BITS STOP BITS HANDSHAKING ACK/NACK PROTOCOL FIFO INTER-CHARACTER DELAY RX TIMEOUT 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. 40 Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration RS232 Ì$-?Î BAUD RATE 150 baud ÌCD0UÎ 300 baud ÌCD1XÎ 600 baud ÌCD2[Î 1200 baud ÌCD3^Î 2400 baud ÌCD4aÎ 4800 baud ÌCD5dÎ 9600 baud ÌCD6gÎ 19200 baud ÌCD7jÎ 38400 baud ÌCD8mÎ 41 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration RS232 PARITY none ÌCC0SÎ even parity ÌCC1VÎ odd parity ÌCC2YÎ DATA BITS 7 bits ÌCA0OÎ 8 bits ÌCA1RÎ 9 bits ÌCA2UÎ 42 Ì$-?Î Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration RS232 Ì$-?Î STOP BITS 1 stop bit ÌCB0QÎ 2 stop bits ÌCB1TÎ HANDSHAKING disable ÌCE0WÎ hardware (RTS/CTS) ÌCE1ZÎ software (XON/XOFF) ÌCE2]Î RTS always ON ÌCE3`Î See par. 5.1.1 for details. 43 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration RS232 ACK/NACK PROTOCOL disable ÌCF0YÎ enable ÌCF3bÎ See par. 5.1.2 for details. FIFO disable ÌEC0UÎ enable ÌEC1XÎ See par. 5.1.3 for details. 44 Ì$-?Î Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration RS232 Ì$-?Î INTER-CHARACTER DELAY delay between characters transmitted to Host ÌCK3Î Read 2 numbers from the table where: 00 = DELAY disabled 01-99 = DELAY from 1 to 99 milliseconds delay disabled RX TIMEOUT timeout control in reception from Host ÌCL5Î Read 2 numbers from the table where: 00 = TIMEOUT disabled 01-99 = TIMEOUT from .1 to 9.9 seconds rx timeout 100 ms See par. 5.1.4 for details. 45 WEDGE PARAMETERS KEYBOARD NATIONALITY CAPS LOCK NUM LOCK INTER-CHARACTER DELAY INTER-CODE DELAY KEYBOARD SETTING CONTROL CHARACTER EMULATION 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. 46 Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration WEDGE Ì$-?Î KEYBOARD NATIONALITY Belgian ÌFJ7yÎ English ÌFJ4pÎ French ÌFJ2jÎ German ÌFJ3mÎ Italian ÌFJ1gÎ Spanish ÌFJ6vÎ Swedish ÌFJ5sÎ USA ÌFJ0dÎ 47 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration WEDGE Ì$-?Î CAPS LOCK caps lock OFF ÌFE0ZÎ caps lock ON ÌFE1]Î Select the appropriate code to match your keyboard caps lock status. Note: For IBM AT and PC Notebook interface selections, the caps lock status is automatically recognized, therefore this command is not necessary. NUM LOCK toggle num lock ÌFL1kÎ num lock unchanged ÌFL0hÎ This selection is used together with the Alt Mode interface selection for AT or Notebook PCs. It changes the way the Alt Mode procedure is executed, therefore it should be set as follows: • if your keyboard Num Lock is normally on use num lock unchanged • if your keyboard Num Lock is normally off use toggle num lock In this way the device will execute the Alt Mode procedure correctly for your application. 48 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration WEDGE Ì$-?Î INTER-CHARACTER DELAY delay between characters transmitted to Host ÌCK3Î Read 2 numbers from the table where: 00 = DELAY disabled 01-99 = DELAY from 1 to 99 milliseconds delay disabled INTER-CODE DELAY delay between codes transmitted to Host ÌFG.Î Read 2 numbers from the table where: 00 = DELAY disabled 01-99 = DELAY from 1 to 99 seconds delay disabled 49 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î WEDGE Ì$-?Î KEYBOARD SETTING ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD SETTING The reader can be used with terminals or PCs with various keyboard types and nationalities through a simple keyboard setting procedure. The type of computer or terminal must be selected before activating the keyboard setting command. Keyboard setting consists of communicating to the reader how to send data corresponding to the keyboard used in the application. The keys must be set in a specific order. Press and release a key to set it. Some characters may require more than one key pressed simultaneously during normal use (refer to the manual of your PC or terminal for keyboard use). The exact sequence must be indicated to the reader in this case pressing and releasing the different keys. Example: If one has to press the "Shift" and "4" keys simultaneously on the keyboard to transmit the character "$" to the video, to set the "$", press and release "Shift" then press and release "4". Each pressed and released key must generate an acoustic signal on the reader, otherwise repress the key. Never press more than one key at the same time, even if this corresponds to the normal use of your keyboard. Press "Backspace" to correct a wrong key entry. In this case the reader emits 2 beeps. Note: "CAPS LOCK" and "NUM LOCK" must be off before starting the keyboard setting procedure. "SHIFT" must be repressed for each character and cannot be substituted by "CAPS LOCK". setting the alphanumeric keyboard ÌFB0TÎ Read the code above. Press the keys shown in the following table according to their numerical order. Some ASCII characters may be missing as this depends on the type of keyboard: these are generally particular characters relative to the various national symbologies. In this case: • The first 4 characters (Shift, Alt, Ctrl, and Backspace) can only be substituted with keys not used, or substituted with each other. • characters can be substituted with other single symbols (e.g. "SPACE") even if not included in the barcode set used. • characters can be substituted with others corresponding to your keyboard. The reader signals the end of the procedure with 2 beeps indicating the keys have been registered. 50 WEDGE 01 : Shift 02 : Alt 03 : Ctrl 04 : Backspace 05 : SPACE 06 : ! 07 : " 08 : # 09 : $ 10 : % 11 : & 12 : ' 13 : ( 14 : ) 15 : * 16 : + 17 : , 18 : 19 : . 20 : / 21 : 0 22 : 1 23 : 2 24 : 3 25 : 4 26 : 5 27 : 6 28 : 7 29 : 8 30 : 9 31 : : 32 : ; 33 : < 34 : = 35 : > 36 : ? 37 : @ 38 : A 39 : B 40 : C 41 : D 42 : E 43 : F 44 : G 45 : H 46 : I 47 : J 48 : K 49 : L 50 : M 51 : N 52 : O 53 : P 54 : Q 55 : R 56 : S 57 : T 58 : U 59 : V 60 : W 61 : X 62 : Y 63 : Z 64 : [ 65 : \ 66 : ] 67 : ^ 68 : _ (underscore) 69 : ` 70 : { 71 : | 72 : } 73 : ~ 74 : DEL 51 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration WEDGE CONTROL CHARACTER EMULATION Ctrl + Shift + Key ÌFO0nÎ Ctrl + Key ÌFO1qÎ 52 Ì$-?Î PEN EMULATION OPERATING MODE MINIMUM OUTPUT PULSE CONVERSION TO CODE 39 OVERFLOW OUTPUT LEVEL IDLE LEVEL INTER-BLOCK DELAY 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 53 PEN EMULATION The operating mode parameters are complete commands and do not require reading the Enter and Exit configuration codes. OPERATING MODE interpret mode Ì$]8Î Interprets commands without sending them to the decoder. transparent mode Ì$[4Î Sends commands to the decoder without interpreting them. 54 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration PEN EMULATION Ì$-?Î MINIMUM OUTPUT PULSE high resolution code emulation 200 µs ÌDG0\Î 400 µs ÌDG1_Î 600 µs ÌDG2bÎ 800 µs ÌDG3eÎ 1 ms ÌDG4hÎ 1.2 ms low resolution code emulation ÌDG5kÎ See par. 5.2.1 for details. 55 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration PEN EMULATION CONVERSION TO CODE 39 disable conversion to Code 39 ÌDA0PÎ Transmits codes in their original format. enable conversion to Code 39 ÌDA1SÎ Converts codes read into Code 39 format. 56 Ì$-?Î Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration PEN EMULATION Ì$-?Î OVERFLOW narrow ÌDH0^Î medium ÌDH1aÎ wide ÌDH2dÎ See par. 5.2.2 for details. OUTPUT LEVEL normal (white = logic level 0) ÌDD0VÎ inverted (white = logic level 1) ÌDD1YÎ See par. 5.2.3 for details. 57 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration PEN EMULATION IDLE LEVEL normal (black level) ÌDE0XÎ inverted (white level) ÌDE1[Î See par. 5.2.3 for details. INTER-BLOCK DELAY delay between character blocks transmitted to Host ÌCK3Î Read 2 numbers from the table where: 00 = DELAY disabled 01-99 = DELAY from .1 to 9.9 seconds delay disabled See par. 5.2.4 for details 58 Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT NOT FOR PEN INTERFACES CODE IDENTIFIER CUSTOM CODE IDENTIFIER HEADER TERMINATOR FIELD ADJUSTMENT FIELD ADJ. CHARACTER CODE LENGTH TX CHARACTER REPLACEMENT NO READ CHARACTER 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 59 DATA FORMAT CODE IDENTIFIER TABLE CODE 2/5 interleaved 2/5 industrial 2/5 normal 5 bars 2/5 matrix 3 bars EAN 8 EAN 13 UPC A UPC E EAN 8 with 2 ADD ON EAN 8 with 5 ADD ON EAN 13 with 2 ADD ON EAN 13 with 5 ADD ON UPC A with 2 ADD ON UPC A with 5 ADD ON UPC E with 2 ADD ON UPC E with 5 ADD ON Code 39 Code 39 Full ASCII CODABAR ABC CODABAR Code 128 EAN 128 ISBT 128 Code 93 CIP/39 CIP/HR Code 32 Codablock-A Codablock-F Std Codablock-F EAN MSI Plessey Standard Plessey Anker Telepen Delta IBM Code 16K Code 49 PDF417 Pharmacode 60 AIM STANDARD ]Iy ]Xy ]Sy ]Xy ]E4 ]E0 ]Xy ]Xy ]E5 ]E6 ]E1 ]E2 ]Xy ]Xy ]Xy ]Xy ]Ay ]Ay ]Fy ]Xy ]Cy ]Cy ] C4 ]Gy ]Xy ]Xy ]Xy ]O6 ]O4 ]O5 ]My ]P0 ]P1 ]X0 ]X0 ]K0 ]Ty ]L0 DATALOGIC STANDARD N P O Q A B C D J K L M F G H I V W R S T k f U Y e X n l m Z a o d c p q r s Custom DATA FORMAT • AIM standard identifiers are not defined for all codes: the X identifier is assigned to the code for which the standard is not defined. The y value depends on the selected options (check digit tested or not, check digit tx or not, etc.). • When customizing the Datalogic Standard code identifiers, 1 or 2 identifier characters can be defined for each code type. If only 1 identifier character is required, the second character must be selected as FF (disabled). • The code identifier can be singly disabled for any code by simply selecting FF as the first identifier character. • Write in the Custom character identifiers in the table above for your records. 61 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration DATA FORMAT CODE IDENTIFIER disable ÌEB0SÎ Datalogic standard ÌEB1VÎ AIM standard ÌEB2YÎ custom ÌEB3\Î 62 Ì$-?Î Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT CUSTOM CODE IDENTIFIER define custom code identifier(s) ÌEH/Î Read the above code. (Code Identifiers default to Datalogic standard, see table on previous page). Select the code type from the code table in Appendix A for the identifier you want to change. You can define 1 or 2 identifier characters for each code type. If only 1 identifier character is required, the second character must be selected as FF (disabled). Read the hexadecimal value corresponding to the character(s) you want to define as identifiers for the code selected in step : valid characters are in the range 00-FD. Example: To define Code 39 Code Identifier = @ define custom code identifier(s) Read ÌEH/Î Code 39 + ÌVWÎ + 40 + FF 63 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT HEADER no header ÌEA00*Î one character header ÌEA01.Î two character header ÌEA022Î three character header ÌEA036Î four character header ÌEA04:Î five character header ÌEA05>Î six character header ÌEA06BÎ seven character header ÌEA07FÎ eight character header ÌEA08JÎ After selecting one of the desired Header codes, read the character(s) from the HEX table. Valid characters for all readers are in the range: 00-FE Example: four character header + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 = Header ABCD For more details about default and WEDGE Interface Extended Keyboard values, see pars. 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. 64 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT TERMINATOR no terminator ÌEA10-Î one character terminator ÌEA111Î two character terminator ÌEA125Î three character terminator ÌEA139Î four character terminator ÌEA14=Î five character terminator ÌEA15AÎ six character terminator ÌEA16EÎ seven character terminator ÌEA17IÎ eight character terminator ÌEA18MÎ After selecting one of the desired Terminator codes, read the character(s) from the HEX table. Valid characters for all readers are in the range: 00-FE Example: two character terminator + 0D + 0A = Terminator CR LF For more details about default and WEDGE Interface Extended Keyboard values, see par. 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. 65 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT FIELD ADJUSTMENT disable field adjustment ÌEF0[Î Field adjustment allows a number of characters n, to be added to or subtracted from the barcode read. The adjustment can be different for each enabled code type. To define the field adjustment: Read the enable field adjustment code: enable field adjustment ÌEF+Î Select the code type from the Code Identifier Table in Appendix A. Select the type of adjustment to perform: right addition Ì01Î left addition Ì12Î right deletion Ì23Î left deletion Ì34Î Read a number in the range 01 - 32 from the Hex/Numeric Table to define how many characters to add or delete: Conditions: • Adjustment is only performed on the barcode data, the Code Identifier and Code Length Transmission fields are not modified by the field adjustment parameter. • If the field setting would subtract more characters than exist in the barcode, the subtraction will take place only to code length 0. • You can set up to a maximum of 10 different field adjustments on the same barcode family or on different barcode families. Example: To add 4 characters to the right of Standard Code 39 Codes: enable field adjustment Read 66 ÌEF+Î Code 39 + ÌVWÎ right addition + Ì01Î + 04 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT FIELD ADJUSTMENT CHARACTER Read the field adjustment character code: field adjustment character ÌEG-Î Read the hexadecimal value corresponding to the character you want to use for field adjustment. 00-FE Valid characters for all readers are in the range: Example: To define the field adjustment character = A: field adjustment character Read + 41 CODE LENGTH TX code length not transmitted ÌEE0YÎ code length transmitted in variable-digit format ÌEE1\Î code length transmitted in fixed 4-digit format ÌEE2_Î The code length is transmitted in the message after the Headers and Code Identifier characters. The code length is calculated after performing any field adjustment operations. 67 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration DATA FORMAT Ì$-?Î CHARACTER REPLACEMENT disable character replacement ÌEO0mÎ This parameter allows up to three characters to be replaced from the barcode read. These substitutions are stored in memory. To define each character replacement: Read one of the following character replacement codes: first character replacement ÌEO1pÎ second character replacement ÌEO2sÎ third character replacement ÌEO3vÎ From the Code Identifier Table in Appendix A, read the Code Identifier for the desired code family. 0 = character replacement will be effective for all code families. From the Hex/Numeric Table read two characters corresponding to the Hex value which identifies the character to be replaced. Valid values for all readers are in the range 00-FE. From the Hex/Numeric Table read two characters corresponding to the Hex value which identifies the new character to replace. Valid values for all readers are in the range 00-FE. FF = the character to be replaced will be substituted with no character, that is, it will be removed from the code. 68 DATA FORMAT Example: The following strings define: 1. First Character Replacement: substitution in Code 39 barcodes of all occurrences of the 0 character with the 1 character. 2. Second Character Replacement: substitution in Code 39 barcodes of all occurrences of the A character with the B character. first character replacement Code 39 ÌEO1pÎ + ÌVWÎ + ASCII characters corresponding to the HEX value for character 0 30 ASCII characters corresponding to the HEX value for character 1 + 31 For Code 39 codes containing the string "0123", the contents transmitted will be "1123". second character replacement Code 39 ÌEO2sÎ + ÌVWÎ + ASCII characters corresponding to the HEX value for character A 41 ASCII characters corresponding to the HEX value for character B + 42 For Code 39 codes containing the string "ABCD", the contents transmitted will be "BBCD". 69 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î DATA FORMAT NO READ CHARACTER disable ÌEP0oÎ enable ÌEP1rÎ Read the “enable” code above: Read the hexadecimal value corresponding to the character you want to use for no read character. Valid characters for all readers are in the range: 00-FE Example: To define the no read character = A: ASCII characters corresponding to the HEX value for character A Enable No Read Character ÌEP1rÎ + 41 no read character = <CAN> 70 POWER SAVE READ RATE SLEEP STATE ENTER SLEEP TIMEOUT STANDBY 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 71 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration POWER SAVE Ì$-?Î READ RATE 67 reads per sec. ÌBT0tÎ 135 reads per sec. ÌBT1wÎ 270 reads per sec. ÌBT2zÎ A lower read rate reduces power consumption but can lengthen reading response time. SLEEP STATE disable ÌBQ0nÎ enable ÌBQ1qÎ See par. 5.4.1 for details. 72 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î POWER SAVE Ì$-?Î ENTER SLEEP TIMEOUT enter sleep timeout ÌBR@Î Read 2 numbers in the range 00-99: 00 = 01-99 = Enter Sleep state immediately corresponds to a max. 9.9 sec. delay before entering the Sleep state. enter sleep timeout = 0.6 sec See par. 5.4.2 for details. STANDBY disable ÌBM1iÎ optimize for reading speed enable ÌBM0fÎ optimize for low power consumption See par. 5.4.3 for details. 73 READING PARAMETERS OPERATING MODE BEEPER INTENSITY BEEPER TONE BEEPER TYPE BEEPER LENGTH PDF DECODING RECOGNITION INTENSITY 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. 74 Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration READING PARAMETERS Ì$-?Î OPERATING MODE serial on-line ÌBK0bÎ on-line ÌBK1eÎ automatic ÌBK3kÎ automatic / lighting system standby ÌBK2hÎ The following two commands carry out their specific function and then exit the configuration environment. enable test mode Ì#+DStat12Î disable test mode Ì#+DStat0*Î See par. 5.5.1 for details. 75 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration READING PARAMETERS Ì$-?Î BEEPER INTENSITY * very low intensity ÌBG0ZÎ low intensity ÌBG1]Î medium intensity ÌBG2`Î high intensity ÌBG3cÎ * This sets the beeper OFF for data entry, while for all other beeper signals it has the meaning very low intensity. BEEPER TONE tone 1 ÌBH0\Î tone 2 ÌBH1_Î tone 3 ÌBH2bÎ tone 4 ÌBH3eÎ 76 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î READING PARAMETERS BEEPER TYPE monotone ÌBJ0`Î bitonal ÌBJ1cÎ BEEPER LENGTH long ÌBI0^Î short ÌBI1aÎ PDF DECODING RECOGNITION INTENSITY low ÌBW0zÎ high ÌBW1}Î 77 DECODING PARAMETERS INK-SPREAD OVERFLOW CONTROL INTERDIGIT CONTROL DECODING SAFETY PUZZLE SOLVER™ Before changing these parameter values read the descriptions in par. 5.6. CAUTION 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Default value 3. 78 Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration DECODING PARAMETERS Ì$-?Î INK-SPREAD disable ÌAX0{Î enable ÌAX1~Î See par. 5.6.1 for details. OVERFLOW CONTROL disable ÌAW1|Î enable ÌAW0yÎ See par. 5.6.2 for details. 79 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î DECODING PARAMETERS INTERDIGIT CONTROL disable ÌAV0wÎ enable ÌAV1zÎ See par. 5.6.3 for details. DECODING SAFETY one read ÌED0WÎ (decoding safety disabled) two reads ÌED1ZÎ three reads ÌED2]Î four reads ÌED3`Î Required number of good reads before accepting code. 80 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î DECODING PARAMETERS Ì$-?Î PUZZLE SOLVER™ disable ÌAU0uÎ enable ÌAU1xÎ In the case of damaged or poorly printed codes, this parameter allows reading multiple parts of the single code to reconstruct it. To read codes using this technology, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. Conditions: • This parameter is only valid for the following codes: EAN 8 without Add-on EAN 13 without Add-on Code 128 Code 39 UPC A without Add-on • Codablock-A and Codablock-F codes are automatically disabled. • For Code 39, Check digit control without transmission is forced. • PuzzleSolver™ is disabled when code ISBT 128 is enabled. 81 CODE SELECTION EAN/UPC FAMILY 2/5 FAMILY CODE 39 FAMILY CODE 128 FAMILY CODABAR FAMILY CODE 93 CODE 16K CODABLOCK-A CODABLOCK-F MSI PLESSEY TELEPEN DELTA IBM CODE 49 PHARMACODE PDF417 1. 2. Read the Enter Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. = Read the code and follow the procedure given = Default value 3. 82 Read the Exit and Save Configuration code ONCE, available at the top of each page. Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î DISABLE ALL CODE FAMILIES ÌAZ0ÃÎ The reader allows up to 5 code selections. This does not limit the number of CODES enabled to 5, as it depends on the code family. NOTE SINGLE SELECTIONS = • ONE combination code from the EAN family • ONE code from the 2/5 family Example 5 code selections: 1. 2/5 Interleaved 2. 2/5 Industrial 3. Code 128 + EAN 128 4. Code 39 Full ASCII + Code 32 5. UPC A/UPC E In this section all SINGLE code selections are underlined and in bold. 83 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î EAN/UPC FAMILY disable the family ÌAA0MÎ Read the desired family code Note: Since the EAN/UPC without ADD ON code selection is enabled by default, to correctly enable another selection, first disable the family. EAN 8/EAN 13/UPC A/UPC E with and without ADD ON ÌAA8eÎ WITHOUT ADD ON EAN 8/EAN 13/UPC A/UPC E ÌAA1PÎ EAN 8/EAN 13 ÌAA3VÎ UPC A/UPC E ÌAA4YÎ 84 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î CODE SELECTION WITH ADD ON 2 AND 5 EAN 8/EAN 13/UPC A/UPC E ÌAA5\Î EAN 8/EAN 13 ÌAA6_Î UPC A/UPC E ÌAA7bÎ WITH ADD ON 2 ONLY EAN 8/EAN 13 ÌAAK7Î UPC A/UPC E ÌAAM=Î WITH ADD ON 5 ONLY EAN 8/EAN 13 ÌAAL:Î UPC A/UPC E ÌAAN@Î 85 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î CODE SELECTION EAN/UPC CHECK DIGIT TX SELECTIONS For each code type in this family you can choose to transmit the check digit or not CHECK DIGIT TRANSMISSION NO CHECK DIGIT TRANSMISSION EAN 8 ÌAAG1oÎ EAN 8 ÌAAG0kÎ EAN 13 ÌAAH1rÎ EAN 13 ÌAAH0nÎ UPC A ÌAAI1uÎ UPC A ÌAAI0qÎ UPC E ÌAAJ1xÎ UPC E ÌAAJ0tÎ 86 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î CONVERSION OPTIONS UPC E to UPC A conversion ÌAAAÄÎ UPC E to EAN 13 conversion ÌAABÇÎ UPC A to EAN 13 conversion ÌAACÊÎ EAN 8 to EAN 13 conversion ÌAAD"Î Enable only ISBN conversion ÌAP1nÎ Enable only ISSN conversion ÌAP2qÎ Enable both ISBN and ISSN conversion ÌAP3tÎ Disable both ISBN and ISSN conversion ÌAP0kÎ 87 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration Ì$-?Î CODE SELECTION 2/5 FAMILY disable the family ÌAC0QÎ Read the desired family code Read a check digit selection Interleaved 2/5 ÌAC1TÎ CHECK DIGIT TABLE no check digit control Ì12Î Normal 2/5 (5 Bars) ÌAC2WÎ check digit control and transmission Ì23Î Industrial 2/5 (IATA) ÌAC3ZÎ check digit control without transmission Ì34Î Matrix 2/5 (3 Bars) ÌAC4]Î − − The pharmaceutical code below is part of the 2/5 family but has no check digit or code length selections. Code CIP/HR ÌAC5`Î French pharmaceutical code 88 Read 4 numbers for the code length where: First 2 digits = minimum code length. Second 2 digits = maximum code length. The maximum characters. code length is 99 The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. Examples: 0199 = variable from 1 to 99 digits in the code. 1010 = 10 digit code length only. Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î CODE 39 FAMILY disable the family ÌAB0OÎ Read the desired family code Read a check digit selection CHECK DIGIT TABLE Standard Code 39 no check digit control ÌAB1RÎ Ì12Î Full ASCII Code 39 ÌAB2UÎ check digit control and transmission Ì23Î check digit control without transmission Ì34Î 89 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î The pharmaceutical codes below are part of the Code 39 family but have no check digit selections. Code CIP39 ÌAB3XÎ French pharmaceutical code Code 32 ÌAB4[Î Italian pharmaceutical code CODE LENGTH (optional) The code length selection is valid for the entire Code 39 family Read the code + 4 numbers for the code length where: First 2 digits = minimum code length. Second 2 digits = maximum code length. set code length ÌAB*=Î The maximum code length is 99 characters. The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. Examples: 0199 = variable from 1 to 99 digits in the code. 1010 = 10 digit code length only. 90 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î CODE 128 FAMILY disables the family ÌAI0]Î Read the desired family code Code 128 ÌAI11=Î control without transmission of check digit EAN 128 ÌAI21@Î control without transmission of check digit Transmit GS Before Code Code EAN 128 uses the ASCII <GS> character to separate a variable length code field from the next code field. This character can also be transmitted before the code. disable ÌEQ0qÎ enable ÌEQ1tÎ If the <GS> character has been modified in the Character Replacement parameter, the new character is affected by this command. 91 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î ISBT 128 ÌAI31CÎ Enabling ISBT 128 automatically disables Puzzle Solver™. CODE LENGTH (optional) The code length selection is valid for the entire Code 128 family. Read the code + 4 numbers for the code length where: set code length ÌAILJÎ First 2 digits = minimum code length Second 2 digits = maximum code length The maximum code length is 99 characters. The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. Examples: 0199 = variable from 1 to 99 digits in the code. 1010= 10 digit code length only. The length is calculated on the output string. CODE 93 disable the code ÌAK0aÎ Code 93 ÌAK1dÎ control without transmission of check digit 92 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î CODE SELECTION CODABAR FAMILY disable the family ÌAD0SÎ Read the desired equality control code Read a start/stop transmission selection START/STOP CHARACTER TRANSMISSION Standard Codabar ÌAD113Î no start/stop character equality control no transmission Ì12Î Standard Codabar ÌAD127Î start/stop character equality control transmission Ì23Î The Codabar ABC code below uses a fixed start/stop character transmission selection. Codabar ABC ÌAD212)Î no start/stop character equality control but transmission. 93 Enter Configuration Exit and Save Configuration Ì$+;Î Ì$-?Î CODE SELECTION Codabar ABC Forced Concatenation enable Codabar ABC with forced concatenation ÌAD2321Î non start/stop character equality control but transmission CODE LENGTH (optional) The code length selection is valid for the entire Codabar family Read the code + 4 numbers for the code length where: First 2 digits = minimum code length. Second 2 digits = maximum code length. set code length ÌAD*AÎ The maximum code length is 99 characters. The minimum code length must always be less than or equal to the maximum. Examples: 0199 = variable from 1 to 99 digits in the code. 1010 = 10 digit code length only. START/STOP CHARACTER CASE IN TRANSMISSION The start/stop character case selections below are valid for the entire Codabar family: transmit start/stop characters in lower case ÌADA0_Î transmit start/stop characters in upper case ÌADA1cÎ 94 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î CODABLOCK-A ONLY FOR TC1100-X200 disable the code ÌAO0iÎ Codablock-A ÌAO1lÎ Notes: • Enabling Codablock-A automatically disables the entire Code 39 family and vice-versa. • Enabling Codablock-A automatically disables Puzzle Solver™. To read stacked codes, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. CODABLOCK-F ONLY FOR TC1100-X200 disable the family ÌAN0gÎ Codablock-F Standard ÌAN1jÎ Codablock-F EAN ÌAN2mÎ Notes: • Enabling Codablock-F automatically disables Puzzle Solver™. To read stacked codes, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. 95 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î MSI ONLY FOR TC1100-X100 disable the family ÌAE0UÎ Enable the code by selecting one of the check digit selections. no check digit control ÌAE1XÎ MOD10 check digit control no check digit transmission ÌAE2[Î MOD10 check digit control check digit transmission ÌAE3^Î MOD11 - MOD10 check digit control no check digit transmission ÌAE4aÎ MOD11 - MOD10 check digit control check digit transmission ÌAE5dÎ MOD10 - MOD10 check digit control no check digit transmission ÌAE6gÎ MOD10 - MOD10 check digit control check digit transmission ÌAE7jÎ 96 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î PLESSEY ONLY FOR TC1100-X100 disable the family ÌAF0WÎ Enable the code by selecting one of the check digit selections. Standard Plessey no check digit control ÌAF117Î check digit control check digit transmitted ÌAF12;Î check digit control check digit not transmitted ÌAF13?Î Anker Plessey no check digit control ÌAF21:Î check digit control check digit transmitted ÌAF22>Î check digit control check digit not transmitted ÌAF23BÎ 97 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î TELEPEN ONLY FOR TC1100-X100 disable the family ÌAL0cÎ Enable the code by selecting one of the check digit selections. Numeric Telepen no check digit control ÌAL11CÎ check digit control check digit transmitted ÌAL12GÎ check digit control check digit not transmitted ÌAL13KÎ Alphanumeric Telepen no check digit control ÌAL21FÎ check digit control check digit transmitted ÌAL22JÎ check digit control check digit not transmitted ÌAL23NÎ 98 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î DELTA IBM disable the family ÌAH0[Î Enable the code by selecting one of the check digit selections. no check digit control ÌAH1^Î Type 1 check digit control ÌAH2aÎ Type 2 check digit control ÌAH3dÎ 99 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î CODE 16K disable the code ÌAJ0_Î Code 16K ÌAJ1bÎ To read stacked codes, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. CODE 49 disable the code ÌAM0eÎ Code 49 ÌAM1hÎ To read stacked codes, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. 100 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î PHARMACODE ONLY FOR TC1100-X100 disable the code ÌAQ0mÎ Enable the code by selecting one of the code tx direction. Code Tx Direction forward reverse ÌAQ1pÎ ÌAQ2sÎ Then, read 4 numbers for the code length where: First 2 digits = minimum code length. Second 2 digits = maximum code length. The minimum code length is 2 characters. The maximum code length is 99 characters. Overflow Ratio Read the code below: set overflow ratio ÌAQA9Î Then, read 2 numbers in the range 02-10. 101 Enter Configuration Ì$+;Î Exit and Save Configuration CODE SELECTION Ì$-?Î PDF417 ONLY FOR TC1100-X200 disable the code ÌAR0oÎ PDF417 ÌAR1rÎ To read stacked codes, simply move the illuminated bar over the code so that each line of the code is scanned. During this process a series of brief "ticks" indicates that reading is proceeding correctly. 102 REFERENCES 5 5 REFERENCES 5.1 5.1.1 RS232 PARAMETERS Handshaking Hardware handshaking: (RTS/CTS) The RTS line is activated by the decoder before transmitting a character. Transmission is possible only if the CTS line (controlled by the Host) is active. Signals at EIA levels RTS TX Transmitted data Transmitted data Host busy CTS Figure 31 - RTS/CTS Handshaking Software handshaking: (XON/XOFF) During transmission, if the Host sends the XOFF character (13 Hex), the decoder interrupts the transmission with a maximum delay of one character and only resumes when the XON character (11 Hex) is received. Transmitted data Transmitted data TX RX XOFF Host busy XON Host ready Figure 32 - XON/XOFF Handshaking 103 TC1100 5 5.1.2 ACK/NACK from Host Protocol This parameter sets a transmission protocol in which the Host responds to the reader after every code transmitted. The Host sends an ACK character (06 HEX) in the case of good reception or the NACK character (15 HEX) requesting re-transmission, in the case of bad reception. data TC1100 cable Host ACK or NACK Figure 33 - ACK/NACK Enabled 5.1.3 FIFO This parameter determines whether data (barcodes) are buffered on a First In First Out basis allowing faster data collection in certain cases for example when using slow baud rates and/or hardware handshaking. If the FIFO buffering is enabled, codes are collected and sent out on the serial line in the order of acquisition. About 800 characters can be collected (buffer full), after which the reader signals an error and discards any further codes until the transmission is restored. If the FIFO buffering is disabled, each code must be transmitted before another one can be read. 5.1.4 RX Timeout When the RS232 interface is selected, the Host can be used to configure the device by sending it command strings (see chapter 3). This parameter can be used to automatically end data reception from the Host after the specified period of time. If no character is received from the Host, after the timeout expires, any incomplete string (any string not terminated by <CR>) is flushed from the device buffer. 104 REFERENCES 5.2 5 PEN PARAMETERS 5.2.1 Minimum Output Pulse This parameter sets the duration of the output pulse corresponding to the narrowest element in the barcode. In this way the code resolution is controlled by the signal sent to the decoder, independently of the physical resolution of the code read. The shortest pulse (200 µs) corresponds to a high resolution code emulation and therefore a shorter transfer speed to the decoder (for decoders able to work on high resolution codes). Likewise, longer pulses correspond to low resolution code emulation and therefore a longer transfer time to the decoder. 5.2.2 Overflow This parameter generates a white space before the first bar and after the last bar of the code. The selections are as follows: narrow medium wide = space 10 times the minimum output pulse. = space 20 times the minimum output pulse. = space 30 times the minimum output pulse. 105 TC1100 5 5.2.3 Output and Idle Levels The following state diagrams describe the different output and idle level combinations for Pen Emulation: idle bar OUTPUT: Normal space IDLE: Normal black white barcode output bar OUTPUT: Normal IDLE: Inverted idle space black white barcode output space OUTPUT: Inverted IDLE: Normal idle white bar black barcode output OUTPUT: Inverted IDLE: Inverted idle white space bar black barcode output Figure 34 - Output and Idle Levels 5.2.4 Inter-Block Delay For the PEN Emulation interface, data are sent to the Host in fixed size blocks of 20 characters each. The inter-block delay parameter allows setting a delay between each block sent to the Host. 106 REFERENCES 5.3 5 DATA FORMAT 5.3.1 Header/Terminator Selection The header/terminator selection is not effected by the reading of the restore default code. In fact, header and terminator default values depend on the interface selection: RS232: no header, terminator CR-LF WEDGE: no header, terminator ENTER These default values are always restored through the reading of RS232 or WEDGE interface selection code, see chapter 3. For the WEDGE interface, the following extended keyboard values can also be configured: EXTENDED KEYBOARD TO HEX CONVERSION TABLE IBM AT IBM 3153 APPLE ADB IBM XT IBM 31xx, 32xx, 34xx, 37xx Wyse Digital HEX KEY KEY KEY KEY 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B ENTER TAB F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 HOME END PG UP PG DOWN ↑ ↓ ← → ESC CTRL (Right) Euro ENTER TAB F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 ESC BACKSPACE HOME END PG UP PG DOWN ↑ ↓ ← → ESC CTRL (Right) Space FIELD EXIT TAB F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 ENTER RESET INSERT DELETE FIELD FIELD + ENTER (Paddle) PRINT RETURN TAB F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT ESC CTRL (Right) Space Space For all readers using Wedge interface, all values from 9C to FE send the Space character. 107 TC1100 5 5.3.2 Set Custom Extended Header/Terminator Keys The extended Header/Terminator keys for Wedge Interface users can be customized by defining them through a simple keyboard setting procedure. For example, the Numeric Keypad keys can be set for use as Headers or Terminators by substituting the default extended keys using this procedure. The type of computer or terminal must be selected before activating the keyboard setting command. Press and release a key to set it. Some characters may require more than one key pressed simultaneously during normal use (refer to the manual of your PC or terminal for keyboard use). The exact sequence must be indicated to the reader in this case pressing and releasing the different keys. Example: If one has to press the "Shift" and "4" keys simultaneously on the keyboard to transmit the character "$" to the video, to set the "$", press and release "Shift" then press and release "4". Each pressed and released key must generate an acoustic signal on the reader, otherwise repress the key. Never press more than one key at the same time, even if this corresponds to the normal use of your keyboard. Press "Backspace" to correct a wrong key entry. In this case the reader emits 2 beeps. Note: "CAPS LOCK" and "NUM LOCK" must be off before starting the keyboard setting procedure. "SHIFT" must be repressed for each character and cannot be substituted by "CAPS LOCK". 108 REFERENCES 5 Set Custom Extended Header/Terminator Keys Ì$+FB1$-aÎ $+FB1$- Enter the code above. • If the first 4 KEYS (Shift, Alt, Ctrl, and Backspace) are not available on your keyboard, you can only substitute them with keys not used, or substitute them with each other. • Keys 5 to 28 must be defined Press the desired keys in the following order: The reader signals the end of the procedure with 2 beeps indicating the keys have been registered. CUSTOM EXTENDED KEYBOARD SETTING TABLE Custom Order HEX KEY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A Shift Alt Ctrl Backspace 109 TC1100 5 5.4 POWER SAVE 5.4.1 Sleep State This mode allows the µP in the reader to enter a “Sleep” state for minimum power consumption. This command is only valid when On-Line is selected. Before entering Sleep mode, the following are verified: • • • no commands coming from Host no data being transmitted to Host Enter Sleep Timeout ended To exit Sleep mode press the trigger. Enabling the Sleep state implements Standby mode for CCD devices. 5.4.2 Enter Sleep Timeout For readers that have the Sleep state enabled, this timeout determines when the reader will enter this state. 5.4.3 Standby If this command is enabled, part of the CCD circuitry shuts down (Standby), in order to optimize low power consumption when not reading. When the trigger is pressed this circuitry powers up. This mode causes a minor delay of about 100 ms before the reader is ready. 5.5 READING PARAMETERS 5.5.1 Operating Modes This group of parameters allows setting different reading modes: • 110 ON-LINE: the TC1100 reader is connected to an external Presence Sensor using EXT TRIG+ and EXT TRIG- inputs. During the active phase of the presence sensor, the TC1100 tries to acquire and correctly decode the code. If the operation is successful, the barcode characters are transmitted on the serial interface in the format defined by the current configuration. Otherwise a No Read message is sent: by default the <CAN> symbol is sent; REFERENCES 5 • AUTOMATIC: the TC1100 reader does not require connections with external presence sensors in this operating mode. In this mode the illuminator is always ON and TC1100 is continuously scanning. The reading phase is enabled when a barcode enters the reading zone of the camera and is terminated after a fixed number of scans without a code. The next reading phase will begin when a code enters the reading zone again. The number of scans without a code is an optimized value for the CCD camera in order to improve code identification in the reading zone. Code transmission occurs as in the other operating modes but in case of No Read condition there is no transmission on the serial port. • AUTOMATIC / Lighting System Standby: this mode should be used when working with sufficient ambient light In this Automatic mode the illuminator is OFF while the CCD remains active and exploits the ambient light to detect whether a barcode enters the reading zone of the camera. If a barcode is detected, then the lighting system automatically turns on and the reading phase is enabled. Thus, this mode allows increasing the lighting system life when the Automatic mode is required. • SERIAL ON-LINE: the reading phase starts when the Serial Start Character is received on the serial interface and ends when the code is read or a Serial Stop Character is received. If decoding is correct, the data is transmitted on the serial port as defined by the configuration. Otherwise a No Read message is sent: it is fixed as the CAN symbol. The Start and Stop characters are also fixed: Serial START: STX Serial STOP: ETX • TEST MODE: test mode allows verifying the reader position and the associated reading features. The code is continuously read when in this mode. After 400 ms, the values relative to an internal counter and the decoded code are displayed and transmitted on the serial interface. The counter reports a statistical calculation which consists of a good reading percentage of the total acquisitions. The following message could be displayed: Counter value Code 090% 12345ABC If the CCD reader cannot decode a label, the following message will be displayed: 0%. Only one barcode label must be read for each reading cycle. 111 TC1100 5 NOTE 5.5.2 Since Test Mode is basically a diagnostic mode, it can only be enabled at run time and not saved to a non-volatile memory. For the same reason, this operating mode must be disabled only via RS232 interface by selecting another Operating Mode command, if you want to restore the previous state of the reader. Reads per Cycle In general, a reading cycle corresponds to the Phase ON / Phase OFF times of a device. The resulting effects of this parameter on code reading depend on other related configuration conditions. Here are the definitions of Phase ON and Phase OFF times. When one read per cycle is selected, the device decodes only one code during the Phase ON period and immediately turns to the Phase OFF. It is only possible to read another code when the next Phase ON time occurs. In multiple reads per cycle, the Phase ON period is extended so that the device can continue decoding codes until an OFF event occurs. 5.6 DECODING PARAMETERS CAUTION 5.6.1 These parameters are intended to enhance the decoding capability of the reader for particular applications. Used incorrectly, they can degrade the reading performance or increase the possibility of a decoding error. Ink-Spread The ink-spread parameter allows the decoding of codes which are not perfectly printed because the page texture tends to absorb the ink. 112 REFERENCES 5.6.2 5 Overflow Control The overflow control parameter can be disabled when decoding codes printed on small surfaces, which don’t allow the use of an overflow space. This command does not effect code families 2/5, Code 128 and Code 93. This command is forced (enabled) when PDF417 codes are enabled. 5.6.3 Interdigit Control The interdigit control parameter verifies the interdigit spacing for code families Code 39 and Codabar. 5.7 CONFIGURATION EDITING COMMANDS The following commands carry out their specific function and then exit the configuration environment. Command Description Ì$+$*oÎ Restore TC1100 reader default configuration (see par. 3.1 for default settings). Ì$+$!KÎ Transmit the TC1100 software release (not for PEN Emulation) Ì$+$&_Î Transmit TC1100 reader configuration in readable format (not for PEN Emulation) 113 TC1100 6 6 TECHNICAL FEATURES ELECTRICAL FEATURES Supply voltage Power consumption Interfaces LED Indicators OPTICAL FEATURES Sensor Max read rate Reading field Max. resolution ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Working temperature Storage temperature READING FEATURES Readable codes: MECHANICAL FEATURES Dimensions (LxWxH) 114 5 Vdc ± 5% 1.5 W RS232, Wedge, PEN Emulation Power ON / Power OFF / Good Read / Miss Read CCD solid state 270 read/sec See diagrams on page 115 0.076 mm (3 mils) 0° to +40 °C / +32° to +104 °F -20° to +70 °C / -4° to +158 °F EAN/UPC Code 39 2/5 family Codabar Code 128 EAN 128 ISBT 128 Code 93 Pharmaceutical codes Telepen (TC1100-x100 only) MSI (TC1100-x100 only) Plessey (TC1100-x100 only) Delta IBM Code 16K Code 49 Pharmacode (TC1100-x100 only) Codablock-A (TC1100-x200 only) Codablock-F Std (TC1100-x200 only) Codablock-F EAN (TC1100-x200 only) PDF417 (TC1100-x200 only) 60.5 x 63 x 27 mm / 2.38 x 2.48 x 1.06 in TECHNICAL FEATURES 6 READING DIAGRAMS 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 140 120 100 0.20 mm 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 0.13 mm 0.20 mm 0.30 mm 0.50 mm (5 mils) (8 mils) (12 mils) (20 mils) Reading Diagram TC1100-0100 (code 39) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 90 80 70 60 50 40 0.17 mm 30 (6.6 mils) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0.25 mm (10 mils) -40 -50 -60 -70 0.38 mm -80 (15 mils) -90 Reading Diagram TC1100-0200 (PDF417) Figure 35 - TC1100 Scan Engine Reading Diagrams 115 TC1100 6 mm 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 140 120 100 0.20 mm 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 0.13 mm 0.20 mm 0.30 mm 0.50 mm (5 mils) (8 mils) (12 mils) (20 mils) Reading Diagram TC1100-1100 (code 39) mm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 90 80 70 60 50 40 0.17 mm 30 (6.6 mils) 20 10 0 -10 -20 0.25 mm -30 (10 mils) -40 -50 -60 -70 0.38 mm -80 (15 mils) -90 Reading Diagram TC1100-1200 (PDF417) Figure 36 - TC1100 Scanner Reading Diagrams 116 CODE IDENTIFIER TABLE A A CODE IDENTIFIER TABLE 2/5 Interleaved ÌNOÎ 2/5 Industrial ÌPQÎ 2/5 normal 5 bars ÌOPÎ 2/5 matrix 3 bars ÌQRÎ EAN 8 ÌABÎ EAN 13 ÌBCÎ UPC A ÌCDÎ UPC E ÌDEÎ EAN 8 with 2 ADD ON ÌJKÎ EAN 8 with 5 ADD ON ÌKLÎ EAN 13 with 2 ADD ON ÌLMÎ EAN 13 with 5 ADD ON ÌMNÎ UPC A with 2 ADD ON ÌFGÎ 117 TC1100 A UPC A with 5 ADD ON ÌGHÎ UPC E with 2 ADD ON ÌHIÎ UPC E with 5 ADD ON ÌIJÎ Code 39 ÌVWÎ Code 39 Full ASCII ÌWXÎ CODABAR ÌRSÎ ABC CODABAR ÌSTÎ Code 128 ÌTUÎ EAN 128 ÌklÎ Code 93 ÌUVÎ CIP/39 ÌYZÎ CIP/HR ÌefÎ Code 32 ÌXYÎ ISBT 128 ÌfgÎ 118 CODE IDENTIFIER TABLE A CODABLOCK-A ÌnoÎ CODABLOCK-F Standard ÌlmÎ CODABLOCK-F EAN ÌmnÎ MSI ÌZ[Î Plessey Anker ÌopÎ Plessey Standard ÌabÎ Delta IBM ÌcdÎ Telepen ÌdeÎ Code 16K ÌpqÎ PDF417 ÌrsÎ Code 49 ÌqrÎ Pharmacode ÌstÎ 119 A 120 TC1100 HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE B B HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 07 Datalogic Automation S.r.l., Via S. Vitalino 13 40012 - Lippo di Calderara Bologna - Italy dichiara che declares that the déclare que le bescheinigt, daß das Gerät declare que el TC1100-XXXX Compact CCD Reader; e tutti i suoi modelli and all its models et tous ses modèles und seine Modelle y todos sus modelos OPEN THIS PAGE TO READ THE DESIRED sono conformi alle Direttive del Consiglio Europeo sottoelencate: are in conformity with the requirements of the European Council Directives listed below: sont conformes aux spécifications des Directives de l'Union Européenne ci-dessous: der nachstehend angeführten Direktiven des Europäischen Rats: cumple con los requisitos de las Directivas del Consejo Europeo, según la lista siguiente: HEX AND NUMERIC SELECTIONS 89/336/EEC EMC Directive e and et und y 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC emendamenti successivi further amendments ses successifs amendements späteren Abänderungen succesivas enmiendas Basate sulle legislazioni degli Stati membri in relazione alla compatibilità elettromagnetica ed alla sicurezza dei prodotti. On the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and product safety. Basée sur la législation des Etats membres relative à la compatibilité électromagnétique et à la sécurité des produits. Über die Annäherung der Gesetze der Mitgliedsstaaten in bezug auf elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Produktsicherheit entsprechen. Basado en la aproximación de las leyes de los Países Miembros respecto a la compatibilidad electromagnética y las Medidas de seguridad relativas al producto. Questa dichiarazione è basata sulla conformità dei prodotti alle norme seguenti: This declaration is based upon compliance of the products to the following standards: Cette déclaration repose sur la conformité des produits aux normes suivantes: Diese Erklärung basiert darauf, daß das Produkt den folgenden Normen entspricht: Esta declaración se basa en el cumplimiento de los productos con las siguientes normas: EN 55022 (CLASS B ITE), August 1994: AMENDMENT A1 (CLASS B ITE), October 2000 LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS OF RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT EN 61000-6-2, October 2001: ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC). PART 6-2: GENERIC STANDARDS – IMMUNITY FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS Lippo di Calderara, April 2nd, 2007 121 Lorenzo Girotti Product & Process Quality Manager HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE B HEX / NUMERIC TABLE CHARACTER TO HEX CONVERSION TABLE char hex char hex char hex NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US SPACE ! " # $ % & ' ( ) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F Ì01Î 0 Ì12Î 1 Ì23Î 2 Ì34Î 3 Ì45Î 4 Ì56Î 5 Ì67Î 6 Ì78Î 7 Ì89Î 8 Ì9:Î 9 ÌABÎ A ÌBCÎ B ÌCDÎ C ÌDEÎ D ÌEFÎ E ÌFGÎ F Backspace Ì$%/Î Cancels an incomplete configuration sequence HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE APPENDIX B B HEX AND NUMERIC TABLE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 07 Datalogic Automation S.r.l., Via S. Vitalino 13 40012 - Lippo di Calderara Bologna - Italy dichiara che declares that the déclare que le bescheinigt, daß das Gerät declare que el TC1100-XXXX Compact CCD Reader; e tutti i suoi modelli and all its models et tous ses modèles und seine Modelle y todos sus modelos OPEN THIS PAGE TO READ THE DESIRED sono conformi alle Direttive del Consiglio Europeo sottoelencate: are in conformity with the requirements of the European Council Directives listed below: sont conformes aux spécifications des Directives de l'Union Européenne ci-dessous: der nachstehend angeführten Direktiven des Europäischen Rats: cumple con los requisitos de las Directivas del Consejo Europeo, según la lista siguiente: HEX AND NUMERIC SELECTIONS 89/336/EEC EMC Directive e and et und y 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC emendamenti successivi further amendments ses successifs amendements späteren Abänderungen succesivas enmiendas Basate sulle legislazioni degli Stati membri in relazione alla compatibilità elettromagnetica ed alla sicurezza dei prodotti. On the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and product safety. Basée sur la législation des Etats membres relative à la compatibilité électromagnétique et à la sécurité des produits. Über die Annäherung der Gesetze der Mitgliedsstaaten in bezug auf elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Produktsicherheit entsprechen. Basado en la aproximación de las leyes de los Países Miembros respecto a la compatibilidad electromagnética y las Medidas de seguridad relativas al producto. Questa dichiarazione è basata sulla conformità dei prodotti alle norme seguenti: This declaration is based upon compliance of the products to the following standards: Cette déclaration repose sur la conformité des produits aux normes suivantes: Diese Erklärung basiert darauf, daß das Produkt den folgenden Normen entspricht: Esta declaración se basa en el cumplimiento de los productos con las siguientes normas: EN 55022 (CLASS B ITE), August 1994: AMENDMENT A1 (CLASS B ITE), October 2000 LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS OF RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT EN 61000-6-2, October 2001: ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC). PART 6-2: GENERIC STANDARDS – IMMUNITY FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS Lippo di Calderara, April 2nd, 2007 121 Lorenzo Girotti Product & Process Quality Manager
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