Motorized Stages Catalogue
Motorized Stages Catalogue
M o t i o n C o n t ro l 34 uKSA Series Ultra- Precision Linear Stages 70 RSA Series Motorized Rotation Stages 36 72 Integration&Customize System KSAXXX-11/12-X Stepper Motor ,High-Precision Linear Stages,Application for Labs Motorized Vertical Stages 38 73 PSAG Series High Precision Motorized Goniometer KSAXXX-13-X Stepper Motor ,High-Precision Linear Stage Application for Industry 40 Motorized Goniometer Stages 73 PSAXXX-11-X Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Application for Labs 42 75 Integrated&Customize System PSAXXX-113P-X 3 Phase Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage 44 PSAXXX-11AS-X Servo Motor ,Precision Linear Stage 46 74 TSAG Series Precision Motorized Goniometer PSAXXX-13-X Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Motion Controllers 76 76 MC600 Controller 78 SC300 Controller 79 HC-1OO single axis stepper motor controller by hand Application for Industry 48 TSAXXX-C Stepper Motor,Ultra-Thin Linear Stage 48 TSA Series Linear Stages 49 TSAX Stepper Motor,Linear Stage 51 TSAXXX-B(F) Stepper Motor,Linear Stage,Large Load 54 TSAW1000X100-XY Integrated Two Dimension Linear Stage 55 Integration System 57 KSAV Series Ultra-High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage 58 KSAxxx-Z High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage 60 PSAXXX-11-Z Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Application for Industry 62 PSAV Series High Precision Motorized Vertical Stages Motorized Rotation Stages RAuK Series Ultra-High Precision Motorized Rotation Stages 66 RAK Series High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage 68 RAP Series Precision Motorized Rotation Stage ZOLIX INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD. 64 63 Motion Control ÿ uKSA Ultra-Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages uKSA Series Ultra- Precision Linear Stages class 3 Grating Encoder Cross Roller Guide 3D 0.1μm Ball Screw SUS U-Grade Resolution Specification: uKSA series ultra-high precision motorized translation stage,includes Motorized Vertical Stages travels are below: 50,100,150,200mm;It is our new product, specification is international standards: for example: closed-loop resolution is 0.1μm,straightness and parallel during whole travel is less than 6μm,,yaw,pitch is less than 15ȷ.Application:ultra-high precision fileds;for example: ultra-high precision laser marking,laser scanning measurement. Characteristic: Ɣ import ultra-precision grating internal, closed-loop Motorized Rotation Stages resolution is 0.1μm in conjunction with MC600 controller Ɣ import ultra-high level balll screw,achieve high position Ɣ import ultra-high level cross roller rail, ensure straightness,parallel,yaw,pitch and related specification in conjunction with zolix special precision grinding craft(including Al base precision grind) Ɣ assemble craft and test method that higher international, ensure all the products performance Motorized Goniometers Ɣ closed dust-cover, suit for any condition Ɣ planning servo-motor of this series Specification: Ɣ Travel: 50,100,150,200mm Combinated Stages Ɣ Motor: 3 Phase Motor Ɣ Resolution(Closed-Loop): 0.1 um Ɣ Straightness&Parallism: <6um Ɣ Yaw&Pitch: <15ą Model Sheet: Model uKSA50 uKSA100 uKSA150 uKSA200 50 100 150 200 Travel (mm) Pitch (mm) 4 Motor Model FHB366-D(3 Phase) Closed-Loop Resolution (μm) 0.1 Max Speed (mm/s) 40 Repeatability (μm) İ2 İ2 Backlash (μm) İ1 İ1 Straightness (μm) İ6 İ10 Parallism (μm) İ6 İ10 Weight (Kg) 15 18 Load (Kg) 25 30 Grating Diagram: Related Products: 1K 1/4W MC6003P Controller TMC Controller 7 + Zero Sensor+ E D 3 Phase Step Motor U 6 Cotrollers U 1 V 5 8 24V W GND 4 2 LIMIT- Application: 3 Zero Sensor LIMIT+ Motor Diagram: 1 5V A+ B+ GND 34 22 Tel: +86 10 56370168 5 2 4 3 V W Motion Control ÿ uKSA Ultra-Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: uKSA50 uKSA100 4-Ø6.5 thru 4-Ø6.5 thru 70 150 334 384 75 463.5 75 413.5 25 4-Ø11 195 150 100 50 180 23 50 100 150 180 150 25 4-Ø11 17-M6 100 150 245 17-M6 100 150 295 uKSA200 4-Ø6.5 thru 135 4-Ø6.5 thru 150 Combinated Stages 150 150 150 95 434 489 513.5 566.5 75 75 Cotrollers 65 4-Ø11 250 180 150 100 50 245 50 23 100 Motorized Goniometers uKSA150 150 Motorized Rotation Stages 23 180 Motorized Vertical Stages 150 150 150 45 25 100 150 345 15-M6 4-Ø11 23 125 115 50 17-M6 125 150 400 Tel: +86 10 56370168 35 Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-11/12-X High Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages KSAXXX-11/12-X Stepper Motor ,High-Precision Linear Stages,Application for Labs 1μm Ball Screw SUS K-Grade class 5 Grating Encoder Linear slide guide Resolution 3D Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Travel(mm) KSA05011/12-X KSA10011/12-X KSA15011/12-X KSA20011/12-X KSA30011/12-X KSA40011/12-X 50 100 150 200 300 400 Pitch(mm) 4 Closed-loop Resolution(μm) 5 1 Resolution(μm) 2.5 3.125 Max Speed(mm/sec) 40 50 Related Products: Motorized Rotation Stages TMC Controller MC600 Controller ˘5 Backlash (μm) Application: Yaw (Ċ) ˘15 ˘20 ˘25 ˘30 Pitch (Ċ) ˘15 ˘25 ˘30 ˘40 Straightness(μm) ˘10 ˘12 ˘15 ˘20 Parallism (μm) ˘10 ˘12 ˘15 ˘20 Motorized Goniometers Stepper Motor(angle) Grating Diagram: Combinated Stages 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 42(1.8e) 57(1.8e) Current(A) 1.7 2.4 Load Capacity(Kg) 30 50 Motor Diagram: AA+ GND 5V BB+ 1K 1/4W 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 zero sensor Z+ Z- D Connector 9(Z) D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 36 ˘3 Repeatability(μm) Tel: +86 10 56370168 + Zero sensor E Step Motor + D A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-11/12-X High Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: KSA100-11/12-X KSA150-11/12-X KSA200-11/12-X KSA300-11/12-X KSA400-11/12-X Motorized Vertical Stages KSA050-11/12-X Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 37 Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-13-X High Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages KSAXXX-13-X Stepper Motor ,High-Precision Linear Stage Application for Industry class K-Grade Grating Encoder Linear slide guide 5 3D 1μm Ball Screw Resolution Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Travel(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages KSA10013-X KSA20013-X KSA30013-X KSA40013-X 50 100 200 300 400 Pitch(mm) 4 Closed-loop Resolution(μm) Related Products: TMC Controller MC600 Controller 5 1 Resolution(μm) 2.5 3.125 Max Speed(mm/ sec) 40 50 Repeatability(μm) ˘3 Backlash (μm) ˘5 Yaw (Ċ) ˘15 ˘20 ˘25 ˘30 Pitch (Ċ) ˘15 ˘25 ˘30 ˘40 Straightness(μm) ˘10 ˘12 ˘15 ˘20 Parallism (μm) ˘10 ˘12 ˘15 ˘20 Stepper Motor(angle) 57(1.8e) Current(A) 2.4 Grating Diagram: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 AA+ GND 5V BB+ Motor Diagram: Z+ Z- Step Motor D Connector 9(Z) 1 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 Cotrollers 38 KSA05013-X D Connector 9(Z) Tel: +86 10 56370168 A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-13-X High Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: KSA050-13-X KSA100-13-X u 150 u 150 Motorized Vertical Stages Motorized Rotation Stages KSA300-13-X KSA200-13-X u u Combinated Stages 150 150 Motorized Goniometers KSA400-13-X Cotrollers 150 u Tel: +86 10 56370168 39 Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAXXX-11-X Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Application for Labs 3D Ball Screw P-Grade class 5 Linear slide guide Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model PSA10011-X PSA15011-X PSA20011-X PSA30011-X PSA40011-X 50 100 150 200 300 400 Travel(mm) Pitch(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Related Products: SC300 4 5 Resolution(8 subdivision) (μm) 2.5 3.125 Max Speed(mm/ sec) 40 50 Repeatability(μm) ˘3 Backlash(μm) ˘5 MC600 Straightness ˘10μm ˘10μm/100mm Parallism ˘15μm ˘15μm/100mm Stepper Motor(angle) Application: Motorized Goniometers 42(1.8e) 57(1.8e) Current(A) 1.7 2.4 Max. Center Load(Kg) 30 50 Diagram: 1K 1/4W 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ GND 4 9 B5 zero sensor Combinated Stages D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 40 PSA05011-X Tel: +86 10 56370168 + Zero sensor E Step Motor + D A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: PSA100-11-X PSA150-11-X PSA200-11-X PSA300-11-X PSA400-11-X Motorized Vertical Stages PSA050-11-X Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 41 Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-113P-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAXXX-113P-X 3 Phase Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Ball Screw P-Grade Linear slide guide 5 3D Model Sheet: Model Motorized Vertical Stages PSA050113P-X PSA100113P-X PSA150113P-X PSA200113P-X PSA300113P-X PSA400113P-X 50 100 150 200 300 400 Travel(mm) Pitch(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Related Products: SC300 4 5 Resolution(μm) 2.5 3.125 Max Speed(mm/ sec) 40 50 Repeatability(μm) ˘3 Backlash(μm) ˘5 MC600 Straightness ˘10μm ˘10μm/100mm Parallism ˘15μm ˘15μm/100mm Stepper Motor(Angle) 57(1.2e) Motorized Goniometers Current(A) 5.8 Load Capacity(Kg) 50 * Note: 1600pulse/rev Diagram:喟 1K 1/4W Combinated Stages 1 24V 6 U 2 LIMIT7 V 3 LIMIT+ 8 W 4 GND 9 5 zero sensor D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 42 class Tel: +86 10 56370168 + Zero sensor E + 3 Phase Step Motor D Opposite side limit sensor(-) Motor side limit sensor(+) Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-113P-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: PSA100-113P-X PSA150-113P-X PSA200-113P-X PSA300-113P-X PSA400-113P-X Motorized Vertical Stages PSA050-113P-X Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 43 Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11AS-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAXXX-11AS-X Servo Motor ,Precision Linear Stage class Linear slide guide 5 Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model PSA05011AS-X PSA10011AS-X PSA15011AS-X PSA20011AS-X PSA30011AS-X PSA40011AS-X 50 100 150 200 300 400 Travel(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Related Products: MC600ASP Controller Motorized Goniometers TMC Controller Pitch(mm) 4 5 Resolution (μm) 0.4 0.5 Max Speed (mm/sec) 200 250 Repeatability (μm) ˘3 Backlash (μm) ˘5 Straightness ˘10μm ˘10μm/100mm Parallism ˘15μm ˘15μm/100mm Servo Motor Power (W) 100 200 Load Capacity(Kg) 20 30 *Note: 1000pulse/rev Diagram:喟 1K 1/4W Combinated Stages 1 24V 6 2 LIMIT7 3 LIMIT+ 8 4 GND 9 5 zero sensor D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 44 3D Ball Screw P-Grade Tel: +86 10 56370168 + Zero sensor E + V U D W Opposite side limit sensor(-) Motor side limit sensor(+) -PS FG PS GND 5V Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11AS-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: PSA050-11AS-X PSA100-11AS-X 413 463 299 50 50 92 50 65 120 100 349 50 50 4- ¢ 6.5thru ĭ11 counterbore Motorized Vertical Stages 120 65 92 8- ¢ 6.5thru 59 125 100 50 125 100 50 59 ĭ11 counterbore 50 100 25-M6 125 PSA150-11AS-X PSA200-11AS-X 513 50 65 50 50 563 449 50 50 50 92 Motorized Goniometers 120 50 50 92 399 50 50 120 50 65 Motorized Rotation Stages 50 100 125 25-M6 12- ¢ 6.5thru ĭ11 counterbore 59 125 100 50 Combinated Stages 125 100 50 59 10- ¢ 6.5thru ĭ11 counterbore 50 25-M6 50 25-M6 100 100 125 125 PSA300-11AS-X PSA400-11AS-X 50 50 50 50 65 100 100 100 808 707 100 100 79 100 160 50 100 160 50 65 79 Cotrollers 708 607 12- ¢ 6.5thru ĭ11 counterbore 160 125 75 160 125 75 71 71 14- ¢ 6.5thru ĭ11 counterbore 32-M6 75 125 32-M6 75 125 Tel: +86 10 56370168 45 Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-13-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAXXX-13-X Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Application for Industry P-Grade class 5 Linear slide guide Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Travel(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Related Products: Motorized Goniometers Application: SC300 Controller TMC Controller PSA05013-X PSA10013-X PSA20013-X PSA30013-X PSA40013-X 50 100 200 300 400 Pitch(mm) 4 5 8 Sub -Resolution (μm) 2.5 3.125 Max Speed (mm/sec.) 40 50 Repeatability (μm) ˘3 Backlash (μm) ˘5 Straightness ˘10μm ˘10μm/100mm Parrallism ˘15μm ˘15μm/100mm Stepper Motor 57(1.8e) Current(A) Max. Center Load(Kg) 2.4 50 70 We can customize if you have any special requirement! Diagram:喟 Combinated Stages Step Motor 1 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 46 3D Ball Screw Tel: +86 10 56370168 A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-13-X Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: PSA050-13-X PSA100-13-X 55 55 423 PSA300-13-X 633 Motorized Goniometers 55 523 55 Motorized Rotation Stages PSA200-13-X Motorized Vertical Stages 363 Combinated Stages PSA400-13-X Cotrollers 763 55 Tel: +86 10 56370168 47 Motion Control ÿ TSAxx-C Ultra-Thin Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages TSA Series Linear Stages TSAXXX-C Stepper Motor,Ultra-Thin Linear Stage T-Grade Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model TSA30-C Motorized Rotation Stages Travel(mm) Pitch(mm) Resolution(8 subdivision) (μm) Max speed (mm/sec.) Repeatability (μm) Stepper Motor Working Current(A) Max. Center Load(Kg) Weight(Kg) TSA50-C 30 50 1 0.625 10 ˘5 42(1.8e) 1.7 10 1.25 1.4 Please add BP-20 when you integrate TSA50-C Related Products: SC300 Controller Diagram: HC-100 Controller 1K 1/4W Motorized Goniometers 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ GND 4 9 B5 zero sensor Application: + Zero sensor Step Motor + E D A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ D Connector 9(Z) Combinated Stages Drawing: TSA50-C TSA30-C Cotrollers counterbore counterbore 9 48 Tel: +86 10 56370168 B- Motion Control ÿ TSAX Linear Stage T-Grade Model Sheet: Model Travel(mm) TSA50 TSA100 TSA150 TSA200 50 100 150 200 Pitch(mm) 4 1.25 Max Speed (mm/sec.) 40 ˘5 Repeatability (μm) Stepper Motor 42(0.9e) Working Current(A) 42(1.8e) 1.7 Max. Center Load(Kg) SC300 Controller 2.5 20 15 Weight(Kg) 2.75 3 10 7 3.3 3.8 HC-100 Controller Motorized Vertical Stages Resolution(μm) Related Products: Motorized Linear Stages TSAX Stepper Motor,Linear Stage Diagram:喟 Application: 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 zero sensor + Zero sensor E Step Motor + D A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- Motorized Rotation Stages 1K 1/4W D Connector 9(Z) Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 49 Motion Control ÿ TSAX Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: TSA100 TSA150 TSA200 Motorized Vertical Stages TSA50 Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers 32 100 7 Combinated Stages 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 50 34 8-M4 112 120 Cotrollers 25-M6 63 120 401 50 Tel: +86 10 56370168 55 Motion Control ÿ TSAxx-B(F) Linear Stage T-Grade Model Sheet: Model TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA TSA 50-B 100-B 150-B 200-B(F) 300-B(F) 400-B(F) 500-B 600-B 800-B 1000-B Travel (mm) 50 100 150 300 400 500 600 4 5 Resolution (μm) 1.25 2.5 3.125 Max Speed (mm/s) 20 40 50 Repeatablity (μm) ˘5 42(0.9e) 42(1.8e) 57(1.8e) Related Products: Current (A) 1.7 2.4 SC300 Controller Load Capacity(Kg) 30 50 Diagram:喟 1K 1/4W Zero sensor E Step Motor + D A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- D Connector 9(Z) Motorized Goniometers 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 zero sensor + 1000 Motorized Rotation Stages Stepper Motor 800 Motorized Vertical Stages Pitch(mm) 200 Motorized Linear Stages TSAXXX-B(F) Stepper Motor,Linear Stage,Large Load Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 51 Motion Control ÿ TSAxx-B(F) Linear Stage TSA100-B 55 55 TSA50-B 120 100 50 25-M6 50 51.5 100 51.5 251 3X50(=150) 301 55 55 55 TSA200-B 120 100 50 120 100 50 16-Ø6.5 16-Ø11 counterbore 25-M6 25-M6 120 100 50 10-Ø6.5 Ø11 counterbore 120 100 50 Motorized Rotation Stages TSA150-B 4X50(=200) 351 50 55 TSA400-B 16-Ø6.5 16-Ø11 counterbore 120 100 50 160 144 110 100 50 25-M6 22-Ø6.5 22-Ø11 counterbore 27-M6 160 144 110 100 50 Combinated Stages 55 61 TSA300-B 7X50(=350) 435 55 120 100 50 Motorized Goniometers 43.5 50 51.5 43.5 50 Cotrollers 7X50(=350) 535 64.5 50 55 10X50(=500) 686 TSA500-B 52 120 100 50 8-Ø6.5 Ø11 counterbore 25-M6 55 Motorized Vertical Stages 120 100 50 4-Ø6.5 Ø11 counterbore 120 100 50 Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: TSA600-B Tel: +86 10 56370168 71 Motion Control ÿ TSAxx-B(F) Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages TSA800-B Motorized Vertical Stages TSA1000-B Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers TSA200-BF Combinated Stages TSA400-BF Cotrollers TSA300-BF Tel: +86 10 56370168 53 Motion Control ÿ TSAW100100-XY Integrated Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages TSAW1000X100-XY Integrated Two Dimension Linear Stage T-Grade Model Sheet: TSAW100100-XY Model Travel(X*Y)(mm) 100h100 Pitch(mm) 4 Motorized Vertical Stages ˘5 Repeatability (μm) 8 sub -Resolution (μm) 42(0.9e) Working Current(A) 1.7 Max. Center Load(Kg) 20 Related Products: SC300 Controller Diagram:喟 Motorized Rotation Stages 2 A+ 1 4 AB+ Application: 2 3 Motorized Goniometers Drawing: TSA100×100-XY Combinated Stages Cotrollers B- 1 5 Tel: +86 10 56370168 Step Motor M 3 4 54 1.25 Stepping Motor LIMIT- Opposite side limit sensor(-) LIMIT+ Motor side limit sensor(+) GND 8.2k 1/4W Motion Control ÿ Integration System Motorized Linear Stages Integration System Motorized Vertical Stages Motorized Rotation Stages KSA XY Stage PSA-13 XY Stage Combinated Stages XY Ultra-thin Stage Motorized Goniometers Robert Stage Scanning System Cotrollers Large Travel Integrated Stage Integrated 18 Axis Stage Tel: +86 10 56370168 55 Motion Control ÿ Customize Stage Motorized Linear Stages Customize Stage Motorized Vertical Stages 12 Inches Wafer Cutting System Large Travel Stage(travel 2000mm) Motorized Rotation Stages 3D Scanning System (scanning area: 500x500mm) Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Fiber Alignment Stage( travel 10-25mm) Fiber System Cotrollers 56 Tel: +86 10 56370168 Motion Control ÿ Customize Stage Linear slide guide K-Grade Cross Roller Guide 3D Model Sheet: Model KSAV2030-ZF 10 30 Pitch (mm) 1 1 0.23 0.4 6 6.5 Resolution of 8 sub-division(μm) Max Speed (mm/sec) Repeatability (μm) <5 <5 42(1.8e) 57(1.8e) Current (A) 1.7 2.4 Load Capacity (Kg) 10 20 Stepper Motor (angle) Related Products: Diagram:喟 SC300 Controller Motorized Vertical Stages KSAV1010-ZF Travel (mm) Motorized Linear Stages KSAV Series Ultra-High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage Step Motor M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- D Connector 9(Z) Motorized Goniometers Drawing: 125 71 44.5 4-Ø6.5 Ø11 counterbore 252.5 200 175 125 Cotrollers 75 64-M6 Combinated Stages 147.5~177.5 KSAV2030-ZF 25 KSAV1010-ZF Motorized Rotation Stages A+ 1 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 25 25 7X25(=175) 220 Tel: +86 10 56370168 57 Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-Z High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage Motorized Linear Stages KSAxxx-Z High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage Specification: Ball Screw KSAxxx-Z is designed on the basis of KSAxxx-11/12-X and 5 class K-Grade Linear slide guide 1μm Grating Encoder Resolution used in vertical direction. All the specification are the same with KSAXXX-11/12/13-X except load capacity and moving direction. KSA050-12-Z KSA100-11/12-Z 445 415 A 151.5 125 100 50 50 100 25-M6 50 100 25-M6 4-M4 120 120 100 120 100 120 KSA100-13-Z 541 518 111.5 A Cotrollers 169 150 120 100 50 155 A 73.5 56.5 121.5 94 497 467 151.5 125 100 50 Combinated Stages KSA100-11AS-Z 50 100 25-M6 50 100 29-M6 4-M4 110 120 4-Ø6.5 thru A View 150 100 100 120 A View 100 100 150 120 58 4-Ø6.5 thru A View 4-Ø6.5 thru 100 Motorized Goniometers A View 4-M4 120 120 100 Motorized Rotation Stages 151.5 125 100 50 A 56.5 121.5 94 56.5 400 365 121.5 94 Motorized Vertical Stages Drawing: Tel: +86 10 56370168 4-Ø6.5 thru 3D Motion Control ÿ KSAxxx-Z High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage KSA400-12-Z 545 816 793 129.5 99 56.5 A 50 151.5 125 100 50 121.5 94 100 A 25-M6 50 100 25-M6 50 100 4-M4 4-M4 120 120 A View 4-Ø6.5 thru 100 100 120 120 4-Ø6.5 thru Motorized Rotation Stages A View 100 120 100 120 Motorized Goniometers KSA400-13-Z 155 A Combinated Stages 169 150 120 100 50 111.5 73.5 881 858 50 100 29-M6 110 4-Ø6.5 thru 150 100 Cotrollers A View Motorized Vertical Stages 151.6 515 125 Motorized Linear Stages KSA200-11-Z 100 150 Tel: +86 10 56370168 59 Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11-Z Precision Linear Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAXXX-11-Z Stepper Motor,Precision Linear Stage Application for Industry Ball Screw P-Grade class 5 3D Linear slide guide Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model PSA05011-Z PSA10011-Z PSA15011-Z PSA20011-Z PSA30011-Z PSA40011-Z Load 5 (Kg) Max Speed 40 (mm/s) other specification is the same with PSAxxx-11-X 10 50 Diagram: 1 2 Motorized Rotation Stages 1K 1/4W 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 zero sensor + Zero sensor Step Motor + E A+ D M Opposite side limit sensor(-) A- Motor side limit sensor(+) B+ B- D Connector 9(Z) Power-off brake PSA050-11-Z PSA100-11-Z 446 396 366 416 59 124 A 100 50 50 100 125 100 120 120 120 100 A View A View Tel: +86 10 56370168 125 120 100 50 25-M6 125 100 Cotrollers 25-M6 100 60 94.5 124 A 100 50 125 Combinated Stages 94.5 59 Motorized Goniometers Drawing: Motion Control ÿ PSAxxx-11-Z Precision Linear Stage PSA200-11-Z 496 546 516 59 124 94.5 A A 100 50 25-M6 125 100 50 125 100 50 100 50 125 125 100 100 120 100 120 100 120 PSA400-11-Z Motorized Goniometers PSA300-11-Z Motorized Rotation Stages A view A view 120 25-M6 Motorized Vertical Stages 59 466 124 94.5 Motorized Linear Stages PSA150-11-Z Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 61 Motion Control ÿ PSAV High Precision Motorized Vertical Stage Motorized Linear Stages PSAV Series High Precision Motorized Vertical Stages 3D P-Grade Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Table size(mm) Min Height(mm) Travel (mm) Pitch(mm) Resolution of 8 subdivision (μm) Worm Gear Ration Max Speed(mm/sec) Stepper Motor (angle) Load Capacity(Kg) PSAV30-ZF 238h238 238 30 PSAV100-ZF 238h238 308 100 4 0.24 21:2 3.8 57(1.8e) 80 Diagram:喟 Related Products: 1 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 LIMIT+ 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 A+ M Opposite side limit sensor(-) B+ D Connector 9(Z) PSAV30-ZF PSAV100-ZF 238 238 308~408 Combinated Stages 381 25 25 45-M6 45-M6 25 8-6.5 6X25(=150) 6X25(=150) 275 275 300 300 Tel: +86 10 56370168 25 300 275 6X25(=150) 275 Cotrollers 6X25(=150) 381 300 Motorized Goniometers Drawing: 8- 6.5 62 A- Motor side limit sensor(+) 238~268 Motorized Rotation Stages Step Motor SC300 Controller B- Motion Control ÿ Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Linear Stages Motorized Rotation Stages Selection Guide Table Size(mm) Resolution Max Speed(Deg./seg) Load Capacity(Kg) RAuK Series Ultra-High Precision Motorized Rotation Stages 100/200 1.2-1.8" 25 30/50 100/200/350 0.00125e 25 30/50/100 100/125/200/220 0.00125e 25 30-50 60/100/200/300/400 0.0025e 50 30/50/60/80 RAK Series High Precision Motorized Rotation Stages RAP Series Precision Motorized Rotation Stages RSA Series Motorized Rotation Stages Motor Stepper Motor Motorized Vertical Stages Series Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 63 Motion Control ÿ RAuK Ultra-High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages RAuK Series Ultra-High Precision Motorized Rotation Stages U-Grade Cross Roller Ring Bearing Circular grating encoder Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Resolution of 8 subdivision(e) Closed-loop Resolution(ȷ) Drive Ratio Max Speed(deg./sec.) Repeatability (e) Radial Runout(μm) Axial Runout(μm) Stepper Motor(angle) Current(A) Load Capacity(Kg) Motorized Rotation Stages RAuK200 0.00125 0.00125 1.8 180:1 25 啿0.005 啿15 啿15 42(1.8e) 1.7 30 1.2 180:1 25 啿0.005 啿10 啿10 57(1.8e) 2.4 50 Diagram:喟It will stop when it comes across zero switch (unclockwise) Related Products: MC600 Controller RAuK100 TMC Controller RAuK100 Step Motor A+ Motorized Goniometers 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 Application: M AB+ B- 8.2k 1/8W D Connector 9(Z) RAuK200 Combinated Stages 8.2K 1/4W 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 Cotrollers 64 D Connector 9(Z) Tel: +86 10 56370168 68 17W Step Motor A+ M A- 24V GND LIMIT- B+ B- Motion Control ÿ RAuK Ultra-High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages Grating Diagram:喟 AA+ GND 5V BB+ Z+ Z- Motorized Vertical Stages 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 D Connector 9(Z) Drawing: RAuK200 Motorized Rotation Stages RAuK100 Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 65 Motion Control ÿ RAK High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages RAK Series High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage K-Grade Model Sheet: Model Worm Gear Ratio RAK100 RAK200 180喟1 Stepper Motor Max. Center Load(Kg) Resolution(e) Repeatability(e) Radial Runout(um) Axial Runout (um) 42(1.8e) 30 0.00125 0.005 <15 <15 57(1.8e) Max. Speed(e/Sec.) 25 25 Current (A) 1.7 2.4 100 Load Capacity(Kg) 30 50 100 Material Motorized Vertical Stages Combinated Products SC300 Controller RAK350 AL 57(1.8e) 100 0.0007 0.003 <20 50 0.00125 0.005 <10 <10 <20 14 TMC Controller Motorized Rotation Stages Diagram:喟It will stop when it come across zero switch (unclockwise) RAK100 Step Motor A+ 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ GND 4 9 B5 Application: Satellite Tracking System M A- Motorized Goniometers B+ B- 8.2k 1/8W D Connector 9(Z) RAK200/350 8.2K 1/4W Combinated Stages 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 66 3D Cross Roller Ring Bearing Tel: +86 10 56370168 68 17W Step Motor A+ M A- 24V GND LIMIT- B+ B- Motion Control ÿ RAK High Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: RAK100 RAK200 Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages 27.5 73.5 372.5 350 300 250 150 50 25 390 250 350 50 Cotrollers 150 30 16-M6 Ø196 150 250 Motorized Rotation Stages 250 Motorized Vertical Stages RAK350 4-Ø6.5thru Ø11 counterbore 8 Tel: +86 10 56370168 67 Motion Control ÿ RAP Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages RAP Series Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Vertical Stages 3D Cross Roller Ring Bearing Model Sheet: Model Base Material Worm and Gear Ratio Resolution (e) Max Speed(e/sec) Repeatability(e) Radial Runout(um) Axial Runout(um) Stepper Motor(Angle) Current(A) Load Capacity(Kg) Weight (Kg) Related Products: SC300 Controller RAP100 RAP125 RAP200 Al 180:1 0.00125 25 ˘0.005 ˘20 ˘20 42(1.8e) 1.7 30 2 RAP220 ˘25 ˘25 57(1.8e) 2.4 50 2.4 7.5 7.5 Diagram:喟It will stop when it comes across zero switch (unclockwise) Motorized Rotation Stages RAP100/125 Step Motor A+ 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ GND 4 9 B5 Motorized Goniometers M AB+ B- 8.2k 1/8W D Connector 9(Z) RAP200/220 8.2K 1/4W 1 24V 6 A+ 2 LIMIT7 A3 8 B+ 4 GND 9 B5 Combinated Stages D Connector 9(Z) Cotrollers 68 P-Grade Tel: +86 10 56370168 68 17W Step Motor A+ M A- 24V GND LIMIT- B+ B- Motion Control ÿ RAP Precision Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: RAP125 45 45 RAP100 182 100 43 Motorized Vertical Stages 3-Ø6.5thru Ø11counterbore 9 14-M6 50 132.5 75 122 125 66 RAP220 66 RAP200 Motorized Rotation Stages 50 100 125 11 50 100 Ø28 75 50 14-M6 100 4-Ø6.5thru Ø11counterbore 190 283.5 4-Ø6.5thru Ø11counterbore 15 4-Ø6.5thru Ø11counterbore Motorized Goniometers 272.5 Ø6 200 200 Combinated Stages 175 50 100 150 100 150 Cotrollers 220 Tel: +86 10 56370168 238 50 100 150 175 200 250 225 150 100 22-M6 69 Motion Control ÿ RSA Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages RSA Series Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Vertical Stages Motorized Rotation Stages Model Sheet: Model Worm and Gear Ratio Relsolution (8 subdivision)(μm) Max Speed(Deg./sec) Repeatability (μm) Stepper Motor(Angle) Current(A) Max Load(Kg) Weight (Kg) RSA60 90喟1 RSA100 RSA200 180喟1 RSA400 720喟1 0.0025 0.00125 0.0003125 50 25 5 啿0.01 啿0.005 啿0.003 42(1.8e) 57(1.8e) 1.7 2.4 30 50 60 80 1 1.54 7.7 19.75 Related Diagram:喟 SC300 Controller Step Motor 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 Products: A+ A+ A- M A- B+ B- D Connector 9(Z) Motorized Goniometers Attention: RSA series donot have home switch. Combinated Stages Cotrollers 70 T-Grade Tel: +86 10 56370168 B+ B- Motion Control ÿ RSA Motorized Rotation Stage Motorized Linear Stages Drawing: RSA100 RSA200 RSA400 Motorized Vertical Stages RSA60 Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 71 Motion Control ÿ Integration&Customize System Motorized Linear Stages Integration&Customize System Motorized Vertical Stages Motorized Rotation Stages Satellite Tracking System Scanning System Motorized Mount Motorized Gimbal System(Large Size Mirror) Motorized Goniometers 6 Axes System Combinated Stages Cotrollers 72 Tel: +86 10 56370168 Si Scanning System Motion Control ÿ PSAG High Precision Motorized Goniomter PSAG Series High Precision Motorized Goniometer P-Grade 3D Motorized Linear Stages Motorized Goniometer Stages Model Sheet: SC300 Controller TMC Controller PSAG15-250 f15 250h250 250 Arc 610:1 PSAG15-370 f15 340h250 370 870:1 0.00037 0.00026 57(1.8) 2.4 50 Motorized Vertical Stages Related Products: Model Angle(e) Table Dimension (mm) Height of Axis (mm) Guide Worm Gear Ratio Resolution (8 subdivision) (e) Stepper Motor Working Current (A) Max Center Load (Kg) Motorized Rotation Stages Motorized Goniometers Drawing: PSAG15-250 PSAG15-370 Combinated Stages n n Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 73 Motion Control ÿ TSAG Precision Motorized Goniometer Motorized Linear Stages TSAG Series Precision Motorized Goniometer Model Sheet: Motorized Vertical Stages Model Travel(mm) Table Size Guides Transmission Ratio Resolution(8 sub-division) (μm) Repeatability (μm) Stepper Motor Working Current(A) Max. Center Load(Kg) Height of axis(mm) Weight(Kg) Related Products: Motorized Rotation Stages SC300 Controller Drawing: TSAG15-W TSAG10-W Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers 74 T-Grade Tel: +86 10 56370168 TSAG10-W f10e 352:1 0.00032e 0.0043e TSAG15-W f15e 65 x 65 Arc Guide 252:1 0.00045e 0.0047e 42(0.9e) 1.7 4 75 70 0.75 3D Motion Control ÿ Integrated&Customize System Motorized Linear Stages Integrated&Customize System Motorized Vertical Stages Laser Alignment System(motorized 8 axis and manual 4 axis) Motorized Rotation Stages Three Way Laser Welding System Motorized Goniometers Multi-axis High Load System Application: High load, Large Travel,Multi-axes adjustment. Visual Analogue System uKSA/KSA/PSA/ TSA+RAuK/RAK/RSA+SC300/MC600 Application:Scanning/Tracking Combinated Stages Multi-axis High Load System Translation,Rotation,Goniometer of X Axes,High Load(80Kg) Very Flexible IRUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ$GGWKHYHUWLFDORI< and Z axes. Application for : Multi-axis adjustment, high load, high accuracy. Cotrollers Interference Microscope System High Load System(3 axis) Tel: +86 10 56370168 High Load System(5 axis) 75 Motion Control ÿ MC600 Controller Motorized Linear Stages Motion Controllers MC600 Controller Many years of precision mechanical design, fabrication and motion control experience and expertise, Zolix has developed an extensive catalog of motorized positioning and motion control products. From integrated OEM motion systems used by leading semiconductor equipment manufacturers for wafer inspection, Motorized Vertical Stages MC600 includes 3 sub-division : Nubers of axis Ɣ 2 phase stepper motor :MC600-2B/4B Ɣ 3 phase stepper motor :MC6003P-2B/4B Ɣ panasonic AC servo-motor controller : Motorized Rotation Stages servo-motor high cost, large size,we divde into control cabinet MC600ASP and drive cabinet ASP-XXXX. 1 axis 2 axes 3 axes Ɣ control cabinet is universal product, drive cabinet includes from 1 to 4 axis product,different servo-motor 100W or 200W,divide below models 4 axes Model ASP-1000 ASP-2000 ASP-1100 ASP-1200 ASP-2200 ASP-1110 ASP-1120 ASP-1220 ASP-2220 ASP-1111 ASP-1112 ASP-1122 ASP-1222 ASP-2222 Specification 100W 200W 100W One Axis:100W,another is 200W 200W 100W One Axis: 200w,others is 100W One Axis:100w,others is 200W 200W 100W One Axis: 200w,others is 100W Two axes :200W,two axes is 100W One Axis: 100w,others is 200W 200W MC series is a multi-functions product,used to measuring and position controling ,excellent quality and high cost perfomance. MC 600 achieve point to point (control 4 axis or 2 axis) of translation and rotation and goinometers stages.equipped with stepping Motorized Goniometers motor drive or swap-actuaor driver .Aboundant parameters,flexible online communication commands ,make the system easier and more effectiveness, can achieve the linear interporlation of 3 axis and the circle interporlation of 2 axis. Characteristic喟 Combinated Stages Cotrollers This system adopted 32 bits DSP processors,achieved high ƵDecided the speed of return original,initial speed constant precision control of high arithmetics,the closed-loop control speed and accelerate speed and software position limit of digital PID ensure deceleration or acceleration of accuracy ,suitable for different control;For example:the system need and position control ;stepping motor drive achieve 128 sub- limit response time,set up larger original or accelerate speed division,ensure stable ability of low speed stepping positional ;system need stable motion,light force,set up small original or repeatability accelerate speed ;system need constant speed can choose The use of servomotor meet the indication of high speed motion. constant motion model ƵTwo models :inching and increment Set up any postion as the working origion ƹInching:quickly locate to target ,accelerate process of ƵThe design of zero simple operation ,composited photonic experiment sensor combine with posiiton arimethic,increase the accuracy ƹIncrement:suitable for postional locating applications of the physical zero ƵMeet to the combination control of many motoried stages and ƵRead logical position,real position ,driver speed,accelerate rotation stages speed all the time in motion etc status parameters ƹAngle value:display of angle displacement Ƶ16 road I/O set up output exter or trigger output by ƹMm unit:display of linear displacement(motorized linear operate special processing displacement stages ƵFour axises have closed-loop control function (achieve by grating ruler/rotation encoder external ƵMake the adjustment of positon and position accuration ƵThe accuracy of position system is depend on accuracy of grating ruler and encoder 76 Tel: +86 10 56370168 program.when I/O is input internal,as stop motion or signal of ƵWhen I/O is input I/O as the interface hardware of monitor device status ƵAchieve indication of motion control by zolix MC antivex. additionally ,finishing simple programme by MC control software,set up motion parameters and location parameters conveniently Motion Control ÿ MC600 Controller parameter is set up , can memory, avoid the reset parameter ƵDisplay surface of 240x128 lattice LCD,aboundant when open and close PC,avoiding the error from artificial. content,the design of style of menu .is easy to set up parameter ƵJoy stick achieve manual scanning of three directions and ƹMulti-menu function,convenient for set up parameter target tracing.,flexible control, it achieve manual control by yaw, ƹDisplay the parameter of x y z t axises simultaneously pitch, tilt ,clickwise rotation, convenient for remote prelocate ƹChoose different model of operating and range scanning.the speed of joy stick have plus and minus ƵStore the parameter ,non- loss electric,simple operating convenient and flexibile process Lead meachanism of translation .radium of ratation and motion ݺ䲏Წᠴఫ喟 ऻ䲏Წᠴఫ喟 Keyboard Emergency ! Stop Switch Model $% Menu "# Interface Function Keys Joystick Model&Number Fan Baterry Socket USB Interface USB RS232 RS-232 Model Sheet: Model Indication MC600-4B 4 axes 2 phase stepper motor MC600-2B 2 axes2 phase stepper motor Motor control Motion control software Interface I/O Memory Display pannel Power Size Weight 3 phase stepper motor(24V,5.8 A max MC600ASP+ASP-XXXX Servo-motor cabinet+servo-motor drive cabinet Panasonic AC servo-motor (220V,200W max) Open or closed-loop control 300kHz pulse frequency 2mHzpulse frequency 128 sub-division max 51200 max,numbers of pulse 1048576max 32 digital,150Mhz DSP controller PID servo control Terraced speed adjust Point to point,synchronous or dy synchronous motion Inching and increment 3 axes linear interpolation , 2 axes circle interpolation Open collector output Zero switch,left and right limited switches Joystick ZolixMC600 software MC600 control software RS-232,USB2.0 16 digital programmable TTL I/O 512KB flash non-volatile firmware LCD,240X128,105X56MM 115/220V,60/50Hz,400W(max) 440x395x145mm 4.5Kg Tel: +86 10 56370168 Cotrollers Output trigger Sensor Option MC6003P-2B 2 axes3phase stepper motor Combinated Stages 2 phase stepper motor(24V,3.5Amax) MC6003PB 4 axes 3 phase stepper motor Motorized Goniometers LCD LCD Screen Digital I/O Interface Grating Interface Power Switch Motor Interface Motorized Rotation Stages MC600 can operate by SD card: Motorized Vertical Stages total 8 achieve switch by tilt angle of ratation and stop time. ƹDisplay measure units Motorized Linear Stages ƵCompare with self-made, reducing workload 77 Motion Control ÿ SC300 Controller Motorized Linear Stages SC300 Controller SC300 series stepper motor box is a integralted system of 1-3 axis point to point location target ,particular to translation and rotation stages. equipped with stepper motor drive ,strong control function ,control panel achieve man-manchine design,operate stages without PC,providing RS232 interface,users can control by zolix motion manager stages software;program Motorized Vertical Stages by communication protocol or OCS activex.,control the whole stage by SC300 Specification Ɣ Power voltage:220V/50HZ Motorized Rotation Stages Ɣ Numbers of axis:1-3 axis (each axis has separate function key ,directly control axises Ɣ Motor and driving:2 phase stepper motor Ɣ Subdivision SC300A:2,4,8,16,32,64 SC300B:2,4,8,16,32,64,128 Motorized Goniometers Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Pulse speed:400PPS-18KPPS RS232 standard interface Acceleration deceleration model :triangle or terranced 8 untis lead display Appreance size :365X132X360 Weight:6Kg SC300 Model Sheet Combinated Stages SC300-1A 1 axis 42 stepper motor controller(64 sub-division max ) SC300-2A 2 axes 42 stepper motor controller(64 sub-division max ) SC300-3A 3 axes 42 stepper motor controller(64 sub-division max ) SC300-1B 1 axis 57stepper motor controller(128 sub-division max) SC300-2B 2 axes 57stepper motor controller(128 sub-division max) SC300-3B 3 axes 57stepper motor controller(128 sub-division max) SC3003P Model Sheet SC3003P-1B 1 axis three phase stepper motor SC3003P-2B 2 axes three phase stepper motor SC3003P-3B 3 axes three phase stepper motor Cotrollers 78 Tel: +86 10 56370168 Motion Control ÿ HC-100 Controller HC-100 is Simple and Robust function motion controller ,low price,outstanding performance,continuous adjust speed, In the single-step operation and can run Motorized Linear Stages HC-1OO single axis stepper motor controller by hand continuously switch between the built-in high-performance stepper motor drive to stepper motor, the maximum current of 3.5A, detailed details , please contact us. Model Sheet Model HC-100(2 phase stepper motor) HC3P-100(3 phase stepper motor) 5KHz max Power AC220V change to DC24V power adaptor Motion mode Continous mode, single step both can change Current 3.5A MAX 5.8A MAX Division 128 max 51200 pulse /turn 112h62h158 152h75h160 Size(mm) Motorized Rotation Stages Frequency Motorized Vertical Stages support high number of segments (256 segments), support a variety of 2-phase Motorized Goniometers Combinated Stages Cotrollers Tel: +86 10 56370168 79
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