File - Wollaston Church of the Nazarene


File - Wollaston Church of the Nazarene
Monthly Newsletter of Wollaston Church of the Nazarene
July 2016
Coming Soon…
New Sunday Morning Worship
Schedule Starts August 21st
8:00-9:00 AM -- Word and Table Service
9:00-10:00 AM – Weekly Small Groups
and Celebration Service set up
10:00-11:00 AM -- Celebration Service
Nursery-age 3 child care
Pre-K-4th grade will worship with their families in the
Sanctuary. Before the sermon, they will be dismissed
with Children’s Ministry Staff for Children’s Church in
the KidSpot.
11:00-11:15 -- Café Connection (coffee and pastries)
11:15 -12:15
Weekly Adult Small Groups
Teen Small Groups
Children’s Small Groups
Worship Team Volunteers Needed!!!
In preparation for the change of Sunday morning schedule
we are in specific need of sound, media and videography.
Also we are always welcoming new instrumentalists and
vocalists. We would love to see you use the gifts God has
given you. If you are interested or want more information
please contact Megan Johnston at
[email protected].
L.I.F.T. (Ladies in Fellowship Together)
We are still meeting over the summer! We have seen God
moving in our lives as we have prayed and discovered His
truths together. We hope you will join us on Wednesdays
from 6:30-8:00 PM!
Children’s Camp
Children's Camp at Windsor Hills is right around the
corner and it is time to get online and register. Children
who have completed grades 2‐6 are invited and encouraged
to attend this awesome week of camp from August 8‐13.
Visit for information and to register.
In the Spotlight…
What is your favorite movie?
Mena: The Pianist
Jason: Remains of the Day and pretty much anything by
Wes Anderson
What is your favorite book (or the last book you read)?
Mena: I recently read All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony
Doerr and loved it
Jason: The Brothers Karamazov
What is your pet peeve?
Mena: slurping
Jason: vaping
What is your favorite food?
Mena: All things Mexican!
Jason: Edible things, pub food, but if I had to narrow it ...lasagna.
What's your favorite restaurant?
Mena: For breakfast: The Farmer's Daughter in Easton. For dinner: Trattoria der Pallaro, a small family-run
restaurant near Campo dei Fiori in Rome, Italy with a fixed menu that has been delicious each time we've eaten
Jason: The open ones, but if I had to narrow it...Carmen in the North End.
What is something people don't know about you?
Mena: I had a small speaking part in a Jean Claude Van Damme movie that was being filmed in Sofia, Bulgaria
when Jason and I were living there. Although the scene didn't make the cut in final production, I spent a day on the
movie set with my own trailer and assistant....crazy!
Jason: I was homeschooled until grade 5.
What is your favorite worship song?
Mena: “Rise” by Chris Tomlin. The words to this song were in my head back when Fiona had her open heart
surgery in 2011 and it moves me every time I hear it.
Jason: the original “Come Thou Fount”
3 Things I’m most thankful for in my life right now, include...
Mena: my family, health, and summer vacation!
Jason: my children, my wife, and the fact that in this political season particularly my hope rests not in parties or
candidates, but in the Eternal One
What is your favorite Bible verse?
Mena: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your
minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
Jason: I'm always moved by Genesis 2:7. The divine breathing life into man...amazing!
continued on page 4
The JESUS Film
Reaching the Lost through the Gospel of St. Luke
by Mary Lou Shea
Based on Luke’s Gospel, and taking five years to
research, the JESUS Film was made in 1978 at over
200 locations in the Holy Land. The cast includes
more than 5,000 people and nearly every word
spoken by Christ is taken directly from scripture.
In May of 1997, Campus Crusade for Christ (the
original sponsor and financial support for the project)
approached Dr. Louie Bustle, the Director of World
Mission for the Church of the Nazarene, about
partnering with them to show the JESUS Film to lost
people around the world. Campus Crusade would
provide the equipment, the 16mm films, and the
training on how effectively to use the JESUS Film.
The Church would provide the leadership and
workers around the world to show the film, disciple
new believers, and start new churches.
Dr. Bustle seized the opportunity and the partnership
was made official that summer, making the Church
of the Nazarene the first denomination to include the
JESUS Film as a main strategy for evangelism.
The approach used by the Church of the Nazarene
and other partners who support the JESUS Film
Project (like the Billy Graham International Film
Ministry) works like this:
The JESUS Film Ministry relies on partners, like the
Church of the Nazarene, to keep and encourage the
vision, and to provide tools, training, expertise,
prayer support and funding. WEF (World
Evangelism Fund), the monies raised through Faith
Promise pledges, keeps field costs down by providing
infrastructure, including ministers, church buildings,
and other supporting elements.
1) Teams work with church leaders to decide where
to concentrate their efforts in order to reach those
who have not received the Gospel, and to start new
2) Teams work with local leaders to disciple new
3) Local leaders also receive training on how to train
other leaders and how to disciple new believers, so
that the work can continue once the JESUS Film
teams move to their next assignments.
4) Current pastors are supported with ongoing
training, new pastors begin the course of study
towards ordination, and lay pastors learn how to care
for new believers.
5) Team members and church leaders help new
believers join local churches or become part of a new
6) Everyone prays, and relies on the prayers of
others, to sustain the work.
For more information, please visit
Since January 1998, JESUS Film teams have
Evangelistic Contacts
Decisions for Christ
Initial Discipleship Follow-Ups
Preaching Points Established
It has been calculated that the JESUS Film
Partnership is so good at what it does that, for every
$3 spent on the work, another person comes to
Our dollars are spent bringing the Good News to
people all around the world. That IS Good News!
McCabe, continued from page 2
Tell us a little about the new Starting Point class you have been leading and how it has impacted
Mena: I have loved the opportunity to get to know some faces at Wollaston that are new to me. Watching the
video clips together as a class and then talking together about our faith and how it impacts our daily living has been
reinvigorating to my own walk with Christ.
Jason: It's been wonderful to get to be a part of this class and meet new people in the church. The balance of
experience and vitality in the class has been invigorating.
Some ways I see the Lord at work in my life right now are...
Mena : His constant care and provision. I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord provides, even in the midst of
worries, fears, or sadness. It may not be in the way I had envisioned, or within the time frame I had imagined, but
it is always what I need to draw closer to Him.
Jason: It may sound strange, but the lack of fulfillment that I have found recently in material things has helped me
refocus on the spiritual.
How can our Church Family be praying for you?
Mena and Jason: Please pray for our wisdom as parents, for the health of our children, and for sensitivity to God's
call on our lives.
Readings for July
2 Kings 5:1-14
Psalm 30
Galatians 6:1-16
Luke 10:1-11; 16-20
Amos 7:7-17
Psalm 82
Colossians 1:1-14
Luke 10:25-37
Amos 8:1-12
Psalm 52
Colossians 1:15-28
Luke 10:38-42
Hosea 1:2-10
Psalm 85
Colossians 2:6-19
Luke 11:1-13
Hosea 11:1-11
Psalm 49:1-12
Colossians 3:1-11
Luke 12:13-21
July Birthdays and
Pam Jayne
Grace Luxton
Sarah Magnuson
William Haslam
Luke Wooster
Jessica Johnston
Rory Noumi
Marlana Davis
Robert Dacey
Geoff Churchill
Kathleen Cahill
Sondra Hazelton
Rebecca Thorne
Lauren Dacey
Victoria Dacey
Julie Detwiler
Matthew Jayne
Katie Cawthorne
Sheryl Weisen
Walter & Joyce Berthelsen
Randolph & Marikae Toye
Dave & Anne Cawthorne
Michael & Judy Brazer
Bob & Bev Keuther
Brad & Anke Thorne
Brad & Bev Zarges
Bob & Jes Johnston
Janice Sorensen
Makenna Farmer
Dan Flaherty
Lorie Hammerstrom
Finn McCabe
Liam McCabe
Michael Dacey
Fiona McCabe
Todd Shobert
Walter Berthelsen
Campbell Kirksey
Sheny Foster
Webb Simon
Nathan Caldwell
Rebecca Hammer
Tracy Kiser
Stephen Perry
Stretch Dean
Lakshmanan Velayutham
Lambert & Lois Brandes
Matt & Jacqueline Porro
John & Kathleen Foster
Jeff & Sarah Kirksey
Shawn & Heidi Christmas
Eric & Ashley Clark
Dwight & Pam Jayne
Rev. Stretch Dean, Lead Pastor
Rev. Beverly Keuther, Children’s Pastor
Rev. Andrea Sawtelle, Youth Pastor
Vern Wesley, Office Administrator
Tracy Kiser, Editor
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