Industrial Workwear - Distributor Catalogs
Industrial Workwear - Distributor Catalogs
Industrial Workwear Spash Protection & Industrial Garments CANADA INDUSTRIAL GEAR RUGGED & TOUGH What’s in the fabric? Polymer film vs Woven coated Polymer film garments are made from material such as PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), PU (Polyurethane), and Neoprene. They excel in splash protection but are generally poor with puncture and abrasive protection. Woven coated fabrics are made from Nylon, or Polyesters. They are tough, hard to rip or tear but offer limited protection against chemicals. acids, fats and oils. Produced in thicknesses from .20mm to .65mm, thicker garments offer superior durability and chemical protection, with “Industrial Grade” being .45mm. PVC rainwear offers highest level of waterproof, windproof, and splash protection, and is easy to clean. PVC garments are designed for low to mild risk industries, and depending on garment thickness, can be used as a disposable garment or as a heavy duty garment. has a low melting point of 240°C / 464°F which allows for heat welding seams to form unibody garments, and its porous property gives it varying degrees of breathability. PU is a very soft material that requires a supportive fabric backing, is lighter weight than PVC and stretches easily, but has low abrasion resistance. The downside to PU rainwear is that it is very soft with low tensile strength, so will tear easily. PU is a porous material, and Understanding each material: when it stretches can open these pores PVC is the most economical material. It has The downside to PVC rainwear is that it is heavy, and boardy in feel. PVC rainwear allowing water to absorb through (most good chemical resistance, which increases should feel pliable to the touch – hardness is common on pant seat). PU garments are with thickness; has a low melting temperaan indicator that the material has fillers in it, designed for low risk, light duty use. High ture of 160°C / 320°F which allows for heat which are cheaper but also significantly quality fabric backing can be used to restrict welding seams to form unibody garments; impact the durability (they will degrade faster stretching, increasing the fabric’s has low tensile strength and is easy to tear from sun and chemical exposure), as well as waterproofness while also allowing for and puncture if not impregnated with a their tensile strength (tearing and puncture). higher levels of breathability – generally supporting fabric. Rainwear described as Backing fabrics should also be examined, these fabrics are more than double the cost “PVC” denotes an unsupported PVC fabric with tighter woven fibers being superior to of basic PU garments (generally disposable); “PVC/POLY” denotes a supported fabric backing that has loose threads – if you can see through the backing, most likely it will tear easily. Neoprene : Specialized fabrics produced been “Skimmed” (Pressed) onto the PVC with materials like Neoprene offer similar film that gives tensile support to resist PU (Polyurethane) : an alternative for properties as PVC (above) with superior tearing; and “PVC/POLY/PVC denotes a PVC which is 100% waterproof and splash chemical, thermal, and abrasion resistance. supported fabric backing that is protection. Polyurethane is a more These are uniquely designed for chemical “Sandwiched” between two PVC film layers expensive material, PU has fair chemical plants, mining and oil refineries. These are to give maximum tensile support as well as generally the most expensive of the Polymer reduce risk of delamination from exposure to resistance which increases with thickness, film garments. Nylon is one of the strongest fibers, with high tensile, tear and puncture resistance. Fabrics with thread thicknesses of 300D – 420D (Denier) are used in high impact industries like forestry, lumber yards, metal shops due to their high resistance to tearing and puncture. Nylons are @ 20% - 25% more expensive than Polyesters, are stiffer in feel, and classified as Medium Weight. Nylons do not hold dyes very well; as such they cannot meet the high visibility requirements of CSA or ANSI retroreflective materials. Polyester has excellent dye retention and is the fabric of choice in the high visibility market. Polyester is lighter in weight, with low tensile, tear and puncture resistance. Given the weakness of Polyester fabric, Viking designed our Tri-lobal fabric that more than quadruples the tensile, tear and puncture resistance of oxford polyester (flat weave). Tri-lobal polyester will meet the durability needs of construction, mining, and forestry industries. Quick summary L aminated Fabrics Application: Splash protection Material: W oven Fabrics Application: Rugged industries L PU L PVC &RVWHIIHFWLYHGHVLJQIRUORZULVNLQGXVWULHV /LJKWZHLJKWORZWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK PPRIIHUKLJKOHYHOFKHPLFDOSURWHFWLRQ (DV\WRFOHDQ Typical industries: Agriculture, fishing, construction L ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHDERYH 6DQGZLFKODPLQDWHGIDEULFVRIIHUVXSHULRU resistance to delamination from exposure to fish oil or caustic acids Typical industries: Fish & animal processing L 2 x Coated PVC Neoprene Material: +LJKOHYHOFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ ([FHSWLRQDOOHYHORIUHVLVWDQFHWRIXHORLOIDWVDFLG 6XSHULRUWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKLQSXQFWXUHDQGDEUDVLRQ Typical industries: Mining, chemical manufacturing, oil industry WWW.VIKINGWEAR.COM W Nylon 0HGLXPZHLJKWORZHVWG\HUHWHQWLRQ ZDWHUSURRIZKHQFRDWHGZLWK39&RU38 +LJKHVWOHYHORIWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK 'LIILFXOWWRWHDUFXWRUSXQFWXUH Typical industries: Mining, forestry lumber yards W Polyester /LJKWZHLJKWIOH[LEOHVRIW ZDWHUSURRIZKHQFRDWHGZLWK39&RU38 /RZWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK Typical industries: Traffic control, low contact risk industries for vest,shirts & hoodies /LJKWZHLJKWIOH[LEOHGXUDEOH '7ULOREDOKDVVXSHULRUDEUDVLRQSXQFWXUH and tear resistance Typical industries: Traffic control, construction, forestry, mining (15) SPLASH PROTECTION GARMENTS How does it keep me dry & warm? How does woven fabric become waterproof? In order for a woven fabric to become waterproof, or waterproof/breathable a spray coating or a laminated film of PU or PVC is applied to create a barrier that droplets of water cannot pass through (waterproof). PVC coating offers superior waterproofness as it is solid and non-porous (generally over 10,000 mm w.c. (withstands 14 psi or 980 mbar of hydrostatic water pressure), with zero breathability. PVC coated wovens are typically designed for climates between -5 to +18 degrees C with high precipitation and winds, in heavy duty applications. PU coated wovens are frequently Key areas of concern are: mislabelled as Waterproof/Breathable, as PU is a porous film. All PU coatings will demonstrate some level of breathability when tested, however depending on the quality of PU, as well as the coating methodology, the Water Vapour Transmission level can be as low as 300 g/m2/24 hours; whereas the industry expectation for Breathability is a minimum of 5,000 g/m2/24 hours. PU coatings are applied in layers with waterproofness increasing with the number of coatings, waterproof PU coated wovens should be able to resist water penetration under a Hydrostatic Water Pressure test of a minimum of 7 psi, or 490 mbar. Things to consider when looking for a waterproof woven coated garment... All coated wovens must be tape sealed on the seams to prevent water from penetrating through the sewn fabric layers – this can be the weakest point in a waterproof garment where either taping is not 100%, or abrasion wear slowly delaminates or abrades the tape layer. #1) the collar seam line has many seams joining into the neck, as well as being an area of open exposure during tempest conditions (All Viking Hoods are built ½” longer in the backs to cover the collar seams when bending forward) #2) the shoulder seams as this is an area of high abrasion and friction (All Viking jackets have been converted to “Raglan” shoulder designs to move the arm and shoulder seams to the chest front and back) Open Road Light Industrial Features Open Road Light Industrial Long Coat Features ,QGXVWULDOTXDOLW\PP39&3RO\HVWHU39&PDWHULDO /RZFRVWOLJKWZHLJKWVHPLGLVSRVDEOHJDUPHQW )DLUFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ ,QGXVWULDOTXDOLW\PP39&3RO\HVWHU39&PDWHULDO )RUWKHFRQYHQLHQFHRIZHDULQJRYHUVKLUWVSDQWVDQGIRRWZHDUSURYLGLQJIXOOERG\ protection from rain, industrial liquids such as chemicals, animal fats and motor oil with the ease of taking the coat off when finished 'HWDFKDEOHKRRGZLWKDGMXVWDEOHGUDZVWULQJ+RRGVLQFOXGHG &RWWRQFRUGXUR\FROODUIRUFRPIRUW &RROLQJYHQWVEHKLQGFRDWDQGXQGHUQHDWKDUPV 7ZRODUJHVWRUDJHSRFNHWVRXWVLGH $GMXVWDEOHZULVWVQDSV /HQJWKIRUVXSHULRUIRXOZHDWKHUSURWHFWLRQ Jacket Features Bib Pant Features 'HWDFKDEOHKRRGZLWKDGMXVWDEOHGUDZVWULQJ &RWWRQFRUGXUR\FROODUIRUFRPIRUW &RROLQJYHQWVEHKLQGMDFNHWDQG underneath arms 7ZRODUJHVWRUDJHSRFNHWVRXWVLGH :ULVWVQDSDGMXVWRUV (ODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV $GXVWDEOHZDLVWVQDSSDQHO 6QDSIO\DFFHVV %RRWFXIIVQDSDGMXVWRUV L 2 x Coated PVC L S IZE S - 3XL 2 x Coated PVC S IZE S - 3XL *2120BK has slit at the back up to the waist with snap closure 35100 2337 2110Y Handyman Features ,QGXVWULDOTXDOLW\PP39&3RO\HVWHU39&PDWHULDO /LJKWWRPHGLXPULVNFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ *RRGFKHPLFDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWDFLGVDQLPDOIDWVPRWRURLOV 5HXVDEOHGXUDEOHFRQVWUXFWLRQ :HOGHGDQGVWLWFKHGVHDPVIRUGXUDELOLW\ *HQHURXVVL]LQJIRUFRPIRUWDQGPRELOLW\ 6ROGDVDSLHFHVXLW Jacket Features Pant Features 'HWDFKDEOHKRRGZLWKDGMXVWDEOHGUDZVWULQJ &RWWRQFRUGXUR\FROODUIRUFRPIRUW &RROLQJYHQWVEHKLQGMDFNHWDQG underneath arms on the side 7ZRODUJHVWRUDJHSRFNHWVRXWVLGH (ODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV $GMXVWDEOHZDLVWVQDSSDQHO 6QDSIO\DFFHVV 6QDSDGMXVWDEOHERRWFXIIV L (16) 2 x Coated PVC S IZE S - 3XL 2110BK WWW.VIKINGWEAR.COM 2120BK SPLASH PROTECTION GARMENTS $YDLODEOHLQ 4110J 5110J 6110J 8621/< Journeyman Features 3UHPLXPPP39&3RO\HVWHUPDWHULDO 0HGLXPWRKHDY\ULVNFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ ([FHOOHQWFKHPLFDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWDFLGVDQLPDOIDWVDQGPRWRURLOV *RRGSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWIRXOZHDWKHUZLQGDQGFROGSURWHFWLRQ Jacket Features Bib Pant Features 0XOWLSOHFRROLQJYHQWV 'RXEOH+'FKURPHSODWHGEUDVVVQDS V\VWHP +RRGVROGVHSHUDWHO\ +'HODVWLFVXVSHQGHUVUHYHUVLEOHELERQ SDQWV $GMXVWDEOHZDLVWSDQHO /DUJH]LSSRFNHWSHQKROGHUEHKLQGELE Hoods #4112 - Green #5112 - Yellow Hooded Jacket Features 'RXEOH+'FKURPHSODWHGEUDVVVQDSV\VWHP +RRGDWWDFKHGWRMDFNHW L PVC 4125J 4110P 5125J 5110P 6125J 6110P 8621/< 8621/< ZHOGHGVHDPVSURYLGHV SURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWOHDNV -DYDLODEOHLQVL]H;6;/ 3DYDLODEOHLQVL]H;6;/ S IZE S - 3XL 3125J 3110P Norseman Jacket & Pant Features 7RXJKPP39&3RO\HVWHU39&IOH[LEOHIDEULFPDWHULDOVXSHULRUUHVLVWDQFHWRGHODPLQDWLRQ 0HGLXPWRKHDY\ULVNFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ ([FHOOHQWFKHPLFDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWDFLGVDQLPDOIDWVDQGPRWRURLOV +RRGDWWDFKHGWRMDFNHW $GMXVWDEOHZDLVWSDQHO +HDY\GXW\HODVWLFVXVSHQGHUVUHYHUVLEOHELE /DUJH]LSSRFNHWSHQKROGHUEHKLQGELE L 2 x Coated PVC ZHOGHGVHDPVSURYLGHV SURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWOHDNV S IZE S - 3XL WWW.VIKINGWEAR.COM (17) SPLASH PROTECTION GARMENTS Journeyman Features 6210J 7RXJKPP39&3RO\HVWHU39&PDWHULDOVXSHULRUUHVLVWDQFHWRGHODPLQDWLRQ 0HGLXPWRKHDY\ULVNFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQ ([FHOOHQWFKHPLFDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWDFLGVDQLPDOIDWVDQGPRWRURLOV *RRGSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWIRXOZHDWKHUZLQGDQGFROGSURWHFWLRQ ´SULVPUHIOHFWLYHVDIHW\VWULSHV *HQHURXVO\VL]HGIRUZRUNLQJFRPIRUW 'XUDEOHGRXEOHZHOGHGVHDPV Jacket Features Bib Pant Features 'XDOEXWWRQVQDSFORVXUHV\VWHP 9HQWHGEDFNIRUEUHDWKDELOLW\ &RWWRQFRUGXUR\FROODUIRUFRPIRUW +'HODVWLFVXVSHQGHUVPHHW(65VWDQGDUGV 5HYHUVLEOHELEGHVLJQ $GMXVWDEOHZDLVWSDQHOIRUHDVHRIHQWU\ /DUJH]LSSRFNHWSHQKROGHUEHKLQGELE Hood – 6212 sold separately 6210P ZHOGHGVHDPVSURYLGHV SURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWOHDNV L 2 x Coated PVC 3DYDLODEOHLQVL]H6;/ S IZE S - 4XL Bristol Bay Features :DWHUSURRI:LQGSURRI0DFKLQHZDVKDEOH +HDY\GXW\PP39&ZLWKR]&RWWRQWZLOOEDFNLQJ ([FHOOHQWIRUFKHPLFDOVSODVKSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWDFLGVDQLPDOIDWVDQGPRWRURLOV 5HVLVWDQWWRWKHHIIHFWVRIVXQOLJKWDQGVHDZDWHU *HQHURXVVL]LQJIRUZRUNLQJFRPIRUW 'XUDEOHGRXEOHZHOGHGVHDPV +HDY\GXW\FKURPHSODWHGEUDVVVQDSV Jacket Features Bib Pant Features 'RXEOHVQDSV\VWHPRQSODFNHWIRUH[WUD UDLQDQGZLQGSURWHFWLRQ 1HRSUHQHVWUHWFKVWRUPFXIIVZLWKQ\ORQ UHLQIRUFHPHQW /DUJHYLVRUHGKRRGZLWKGUDZVWULQJ 6HFRQGPPOD\HURI39&FRDWHG R[IRUGQ\ORQZHOGHGDQGULYHWHGRQ SDQWVIRUH[WUDZHDUUHVLVWDQFH $GMXVWDEOHZDLVWSDQHO +HDY\GXW\HODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV 2[IRUGQ\ORQOD\HUZHOGHGRQELE 8125J $OVRDYDLODEOHLQUHWDLOER[ L 2 x Coated PVC S IZE S - 3XL (18) USA ONLY WWW.VIKINGWEAR.COM 8125P RUGGED INDUSTRIAL GARMENTS 2900Y Open Road 150D Features '5LSVWRS3RO\HVWHU 6ROGDVDSLHFHVXLW Jacket Features Bib Pant Features 0XOWLSOHIURQWDQGEDFNYHQWVIRU EUHDWKDELOLW\ $GMXVWDEOHZULVWVFXIIV &RWWRQFRUGXUR\FROODU 7ZRODUJHSRFNHWV 'HWDFKDEOH+RRG $GMXVWDEOHTXLFNUHOHDVHEXFNOHRQHODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV )O\DFFHVVZLWKYHOFURFORVXUH 9HOFURDGMXVWDEOHFXIIDWORZHUOHJ 2910JG & 2910JY 2910PG & 2910PY Also available in USA: 2SHQ5RDG' +RRGLVDWWDFKHGWRMDFNHW -DFNHWDQGELEVROGVHSHUDWHO\LQ86$ -DFNHWGRHVQRWIHDWXUHDFRUGXUR\FROODU 2900BK 2900G Full length sleeve S IZE S - 3XL 3305J 3305P Journeyman 420D Features +HDY\GXW\'Q\ORQZLWK39&EDFNLQJJLYHVVXSHULRUUHVLVWDQFHWRFXWVDQGVQDJV Jacket Features Bib Pant Features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ylon (19) RUGGED INDUSTRIAL GARMENTS Journeyman 300D Trilobal Features 3010J +HDY\GXW\'7ULOREDO5LSVWRSSRO\HVWHUZLWK38EDFNLQJ Jacket Features Bib Pant Features &RPSOLDQWZLWK&6$=&ODVVOHYHO 5HVLVWDQWWRDEUDVLRQSXQFWXUHULSVDQG VQDJV )OH[LEOHLQVXE]HURFRQGLWLRQV 0XOWLSOHYHQWVDQGIXOOPHVKOLQLQJ 7ZRIURQWSRFNHWVFKHVWFHOOSRFNHW &RPSOLDQWZLWK&6$=&ODVVOHYHO 'HWDFKDEOHELEGHVLJQ +HDY\GXW\DGMXVWDEOHHODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV ZLWKTXLFNUHOHDVHEXFNOH (ODVWLFL]HGZDLVW =LSSHUHGIO\DFFHVVZLWK9HOFURIODSV )XOO\OLQHGIRUFRPIRUW %RRW]LSSHUZLWKIODSFORVXUHDQG DGMXVWDEOHYHOFURFXII Hood – 3010H sold separately 3010P Hood – 3010H sold separately S IZE S - 4XL Professional Thor 300D Trilobal Features 7RXJKGHQLHU7ULOREDO5LSVWRSSRO\HVWHU:DWHUSURRI%UHDWKDEOH )XOO\WDSHGDQGKHDWVHDOHGVHDPV /LJKWHUZHLJKWZLWKVXSHULRUDEUDVLRQDQGWHDUUHVLVWDQW5LSVWRSIDEULF'RXEOH VHZQFRQVWUXFWLRQ Jacket Features Bib Pant Features :DWHUSURRISLW]LSYHQWVZLWKPHVKOLQLQJ )URQWDQGEDFNYHQWLQJIRUH[WUD EUHDWKDELOLW\ +HDY\GXW\]LSSHUZLWKGRXEOHRYHUODSSLQJ VWRUPIODSIRUZHDWKHUSURWHFWLRQ 6DIHW\UHIOHFWLYHSLSLQJLQIURQWDQGEDFN $GMXVWDEOHYHOFURZULVWVQXJVWRVHDORXW UDLQDQGZLQG 'HWDFKDEOHKRRGDQGFRPIRUWIOHHFHFROODU ´HPEURLGHU\DFFHVV]LSLQVLGHOHIWFKHVW LQ]LSSHUDQGVQDSVV\VWHPLV FRPSDWLEOHZLWK9LNLQJ1%RU%. MDFNHWDQGEHFRPHVLQVWUROOHUMDFNHW 'RXEOHOD\HUNQHHVZLWKNQHHSDG DFFHVVGUDLQKROH 6HYHQDVVRUWHGVL]HWRROSRFNHWVZLWKULYHWV RQFRUQHUVIRUVWUHQJWK :DWHUSURRIIO\DFFHVV]LSSHU =LSVWRUDJHSRFNHWDQGSHQKROGHUEHKLQG ELE ´ERRW]LSZLWKYHOFURFRYHUIRUYHQWLQJ DQGHDV\DFFHVV +DPPHUWRROKROGORRSVRQKLSDQGUHDU SRFNHW $GMXVWDEOHZDLVW +HDY\GXW\DGMXVWDEOHHODVWLFVXVSHQGHUV ZLWKTXLFNUHOHDVHEXFNOH &DUJRSRFNHW 3910JB Waterproof 10200 mm Breathability 8500 g/m²/24 hours breathable ® Waterproof Breathable 3 IN 1 System S IZE S - 3XL (20) WWW.VIKINGWEAR.COM 3910PB
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