Issue 4 - Yolla District High School
Issue 4 - Yolla District High School
Yolla District High School Newsletter – Thursday, 19 March 2015 By the time you read this newsletter we will have voted for our Student Executive Councillors and our House Captains for 2015. I would like to congratulate the students who were nominated for these positions and pass on further congratulations to them for the speeches they delivered on Monday. It takes a lot of courage to accept a nomination and then to deliver a speech to the school. I look forward to announcing our SEC and House Captains, and welcoming our Grade 6 leadership team at a whole school assembly on Tuesday, March 24 at 9.15am. We would love to see parents, carers and family members along if possible. The Early Childhood swimming program is again being professionally delivered by Ms Michelle Poulter. Our young swimmers are becoming very water aware and are developing in confidence with each session. Thanks to Ms Poulter, Miss P and parents for their time and assistance in helping our little ones getting ready before and after their sessions. Thanks also to Mr Groenewege for getting our pool ready and testing it each day. Our School Association is holding its AGM next month and we are looking for nominations for parent and community members. Please read the advertisement in this newsletter that will be published in Saturday’s Advocate. We would love to be inundated with nominations. Being on our School Association gives you a real first-hand insight into our school and provides you with the opportunity to shape direction and policy within our school. Our school has been successful in receiving a grant for the next 4 years allowing us to employ an adult to assist with counselling and pastoral care. This will be especially beneficial to us as we have lost our Pathway Planner and Youth Connections counsellors who value added to our school in so many ways. I have included more information about this in this newsletter – please read this as we would love to hear from you regarding this program and with an offer of helping us with an interview panel. Congratulations must go to our Cattle and Sheep Handling Groups. They have had a very successful week-end at the Wynyard Show and again have represented our school with pride. William Dudfield won the Cattle Handler award and will now represent the Wynyard Show in the State final in December. The sheep handling group were awarded the Inter-breed Champion Ewe; the ribbon is proudly on display at our front office. I believe they have a well-earned rest now until later in the year, when the show circuit starts up again. Thank you to the parents who support our children so beautifully, and dedicate so much time to this program. Tomorrow eight of our senior school students will go to Launceston representing Yolla District High School in a Tasmanian Youth Forum. They will be participating in a number of workshops exploring current issues facing our youth. Good luck Joshua, Emily, Rachel, Addie, Kimberley, Katrina, Emily and Mani. We know you will represent us with pride. Also tomorrow our Inter-Primary athletics team will compete at Penguin, after having the initial day postponed due to bad weather. We wish them all the best, and encourage them to participate with enthusiasm and good sportsmanship – two characteristics that Yolla students are renowned for. Next week our K – 10 students will be learning about basic First Aid. This is due to Mr Walsh securing the services of St Johns Ambulance to come to our school free of charge. This should be a great learning opportunity and could be a good discussion starter for the family. Our “Take a Stand Together” day has been postponed from Friday 20 to Monday 30 March. This is due to the inter-primary athletic carnival now being held on Friday. Our school will participate in a number of activities with buddy classes working together to spread awareness of ‘saying no to bullying’ and supporting each other. Ms Pinner has organised the afternoon for us, and we look forward to working together. The national website has a lot of discussion starters and ideas for parents if you would like to continue the discussion at home. http:// Mr Keith Price will be visiting our grade 5,6 and 7 students tomorrow to inform them of a great holiday activity program. The advertisement for this is included in this newsletter and I encourage families to read this, as it is a great opportunity for our students to try some new sports and activities. I hope everyone has received the progress reports for your children, and have discussed this with them. If you would like to discuss anything in the reports please phone our school to make a mutually agreeable time. We value working together with families to improve the learning outcomes for each child. Julie Jacobson Principal Yolla District High School DIARY OF SCHOOL EVENTS Monday 16 - Friday 27 March Friday 20 March Monday 23 March Monday 23 - Tuesday 24 March Tuesday 24 March Thursday 26 March Monday 30 March Tuesday 31 March Wednesday 1 April Wednesday 1 April Thursday 2 April Friday 3 April - Friday 17 April Monday 20 April K-2 Swimming Program Inter-Primary Athletics Carnival NW Twilight Carnival for those that qualify from Inter-primary First Aid in Schools program Assembly 9.15am ‘Purple Day’ Epilepsy Awareness Bullying No Way - Buddy Afternoon Grade 9 and 4-5 Excursion to Burnie for a commemorative service Slave for a Cause - supporting Abraham Shires fundraising Last day term 1 for students Student Free Day Easter and school holiday break Term 2 begins First Aid in Schools Program On Monday, March 23 and Tuesday, March 24 we are fortunate to have St Johns Ambulance in our school running their First Aid in Schools Program. This program is free of charge and there will be a session for each class from Kinder to Grade 10. We are very pleased to make this program available to all our students. 2014 SCHOOL MAGAZINE Our School Magazine has arrived. If you would like to purchase a copy they are available from the school office for $20.00. It has over 100 pages and your child is most likely in it somewhere. WANTED We are looking for any lego or meccano sets that are no longer being used and that you would like to donate. Please send along to the school office. Thank you. Easter Chocolate Trade Table We will be holding an Easter chocolate trade table in the kitchen at recess and lunch on Mon/Tues/Wed March 30, 31 and April 1 or until sold out. Items will range in cost from $1 - $5. Parents and Friends Our cake stall raised over $500! Thank you! Raffle tickets are now due back by Monday 23 March. Please return to the office or contact Ange - 0409 465 750. *Prize donated by Betta Electrical Burnie. Our recent ‘emergency’ meeting was a huge success. We have a mothers day stall and raffle coming up after the holidays. Committee positions are filled: President - Sam Bradley Secretary - Ange Beamish Treasurer - Nadene Jones But this will continue to be a school community effort. If you can spare an hour or two for events, let us know! We are now on Facebook for updates - Yolla School P&F. Our next meeting is term 2, Tuesday 21 April at 7pm in the old school house. Please pop it on your calendar and come along. Tiny Taters News Our Tiny Taters children love to put their hands in messy play – finger painting is so much fun! It is also helping us to become aware of texture. We also enjoy developing our fine motor skills playing with the playdough. We learn to poke and prod, roll and cut the dough which is helping to develop the strength in our hands and the dexterity we need to later hold our pencil correctly to write on paper. Work Skills - Operation Resilience On Wednesday March 18 the Work Skills class and Mr Walsh attended the PCYC gymnasium to begin “Operation Resilience”. We completed phase 1 which was indoors undertaking various activities focusing on teamwork and communication. In a couple of months time we will undertake phase 2 the outdoors component. This will take this training to another level. We are focusing on getting to know yourself, teamwork, resilience and communication. The indoor activity went very well and the students created a very positive impression with the PCYC staff. International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Welcome to the 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). For over 30 years, ICAS has taken place annually in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, the Pacific Region and South Africa. Your child is invited to participate in ICAS in 2015. ICAS provides an opportunity for all students in Years 2 to 12 to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation. It provides teachers, parents and students with comprehensive reporting of results in the areas of Computer Skills, English, Mathematics, Science and Spelling. All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score compared with the rest of the students tested. If you would like your child to be involved, please fill out the permission form below and return with payment to the school office by Tuesday, 31 March. …………………………………………………………………………….………………..………...………… Competition Return Slip Please find enclosed payment for my son/daughter to participate in the following competition(s). Child’s Name: ________________________________ Class: _______________ Date Competition Cost Grade 19 May $8.80 Grade 3-10 3 June Digital Technologies Science $8.80 Grade 2-10 16 June Spelling $12.10 Grade 3-7 28 July English $8.80 Grade 2-10 11 August Mathematics $8.80 Grade 2-10 where applicable Total Payment Enclosed $____________ Signed: ____________________________ (Parent/Guardian) CrAzY HaIr AnD OuT Of UnIfOrM DaY On the last day of school at 2.30pm something incredibly brave is going to happen… Abraham Shires from 6/7B is going to be shaving his head as a part of the World’s Greatest Shave!! The World’s Greatest Shave is a fundraiser which raises money for the Leukaemia Foundation. The money raised will support the Leukaemia Foundation’s important work of providing emotional and practical support to families free of charge and toward researching to help beat blood cancer. Abraham said: ‘It just felt right to shave my head now, and I figured I might as well shave it for a good cause since I’ve been growing my hair for 3 years!’ So, because Abraham is being so brave and shaving his head for such an amazing cause we are going to hold a CrAzY HaIr AnD OuT Of UnIfOrM DaY on the last day of school (Wednesday, April 1). Students are asked to bring along (preferably) a gold coin or any donation to sponsor Abraham and this worthy foundation! You can also make donations at the office where there is a donation box. Every little bit helps! And congratulations Abe on your bravery! Grade 9-10 Home Economics This year the grade 9-10 Home Economics course encompasses the components of cooking, hospitality and design. Students have embarked on their first design project for the year. In pairs they have created and produced game tiles for the down-ball game squares in the primary quadrangle. These tiles were put on display as a gallery walk in the school library. Students from grade 1/2 - 6/7 voted on their favourite tiles. Those ranking the highest were selected and their designers set about transferring their creations to the much larger squares in the quadrangle. They are bold and colourful so please take the time to visit the middle quadrangle to look at their progress. Proposed School Pastoral Care Program As mentioned before our school has been successful in receiving a grant for the next 4 years allowing us to employ an adult to assist with counselling and pastoral care, over 400 hours per year. This will be especially beneficial to us as we have lost our Pathway Planner and Youth Connections counsellor who value added to our school in so many ways. We have had many students who have benefitted greatly from having conversations with a qualified adult to assist them in sorting the many issues that our adolescents seem to face every day. Sometimes these adults have worked alongside our students in classes assisting with their school work, sometimes they participate in practical hands-on projects, sometimes just walk and chat. Each interaction is as unique as the students themselves and the issues they have. This 2015 – 2018 funding is from the Federal Government and comes under the heading of National School Chaplaincy Program. Our School Association and staff are acutely aware that for some families this would be a welcome program and for others there may be reservations about it being a “chaplaincy” program. So that everyone can have access to the same information I have included the link to the DoE guidelines: These guidelines explicitly state what can and cannot be done within this program. Page 12 states: Services provided during funded hours must not include: Providing religious education in their schools Attempting to convert students to a religion or set of beliefs through proselytising or evangelising Initiating faith discussions with a view to coercing or manipulating students to a particular view or spiritual belief. Participation is voluntary and parents and carers must be informed in writing, and parental consent and referral processes must be consistent with departmental guidelines and policies. Parents may withdraw their consent at any time. … All services that are delivered are: Approved by the school principal Have the appropriate prior parental/carer consent, and Have the voluntary consent of students who participate. The minimum qualification for chaplains is a Certificate IV in Youth Work or a Certificate IV in Pastoral Care. The Chaplaincy Provider will be the Scripture Union. Our School Association has in principle agreed to this program. There will be a selection process where applicants for the chaplain position will be interviewed by a panel. The panel will include Lesley Radford (School Association Chair), Julie Jacobson (Principal) and one more member. Our School Association are very keen to open this position to a member of our community. If you would like to be included please contact us as soon as possible. We are happy to discuss this program with you in more detail if you would like to know more. We are looking forward to selecting the right person for the job, so we can again support our young people with pastoral care counselling and support. Wow! The Cattle Handlers had a very successful Wynyard Show! Cattle Handling Report Gracie, Meagan and William all won their handler classes, which meant that they competed in the finals classes (Meagan and William in dairy, Gracie in beef), against all the other winners from the age groups up to 25 years old. It is very exciting to see William win his dairy finals class. He is now qualified to represent Wynyard Show in the State final of the Dairy Handler competition in December. Tammy Murfet won the Beef Handler finals class so she is the Beef Handler representative for Wynyard Show for the State finals. Congratulations both of you! Also in their respective handler classes; Edward and Harry picked up second placings, Samuel and Anna thirds and Jonty fourth. Meagan also won the best reared calf competition. Ryan, Edward, William, Samuel, Gracie and Kaitlyn all received first prizes for their cows. Well done everyone! The Wynyard Show is the last show for the team for this season. We have a long break until Burnie Show in early October. Team members will still be busy over Winter, however, practising top line clipping, training new animals and awaiting the birth of little baby calves to be reared ready for next season. If you are interested in trying cattle handling please talk to Mr Lehman in term two. He, and the team, will help match you with an appropriate animal. You certainly don’t need to live on a farm – some students keep their animals at the school farm and practise with them after school. If you have an interest in animals then the team can teach you the rest! The Yolla Cattle Handlers are very appreciative of the sponsorship we have received over the past year. Brad Nolan’s Somerset Pharmacy is our biggest sponsor and we are indebted to his business and overwhelmed with his generosity. We would like to gratefully thank our other sponsors: Mr Chris Murfet, Auslec, AWM Electrical, Semex, Fonterra Aus, Serve Ag, Greenham Tas, Sig Signs, Betta Milk and Mr Frank Steers. We have wonderful relationships with some of Tasmania’s premier cattle studs and would like to publically acknowledge and thank the following studs for loaning animals to our team members: Burnlea Ayrshires, Cam Valley Jerseys, Jason Park Guernseys, Joshlee Guernseys and Illawarras, Markell Murray Greys, Pleasant Banks Dairy Shorthorns, Seabrook Jerseys, Silverdust Murray Greys, Telkuk Beef Shorthorns, Westwood Holsteins, Clearview Guernseys, Mallee Downs Jerseys, Wynlee Poll Herefords and Mt Roan Poll Shorthorns. Thank you to all our sponsors, cattle studs and everyone else that has assisted in making our season such an enjoyable success for team members. By Rachel Hamilton Sheep Handling Report Our team of sheep handlers had a very successful Wynyard Show. The team consisting of Kayden Gardner, Jessica Prior, Alex Millwood, Claire Harman, Emma Jones and Leah Beamish presented 9 sheep of various ages to the judges. In the handler competition, Kayden Gardner was awarded 2nd place while Emma Jones and Leah Beamish came an equal fourth. Breed classes provided a great deal of interest with all exhibitors. Yolla School who had only showed sheep at two previous shows where showing sheep that displayed what the industry expected of meat sheep, having good conformation, high yielding and in excellent show condition. The team received placing's from 1st down to 5th which was an excellent result considering that most classes had up to 14 animals vying for first place. As the day progressed one of our sheep being handled by Jessica was continually being moved into first place. Jessica already had won the Champion Australian Hampshire Ewe. When it came to the interbreed class, where all Champions compete against each other. Yolla was awarded Inter Breed Ewe Champion which is the highest award any breeder can be awarded at any show. Our team of young handlers have promoted Yolla School very well and are now seen as real competition in the sheep show ring. By John Lehman Volunteering in Schools Carer / Parent / Grandparent Help We are really keen to encourage parent/ carer/grandparent help in our school. Volunteering is a great way of sharing your child’s learning journey and strengthening communication between home and school. This could include classroom activities, assisting with excursions, helping out at our school carnivals, one-to-one reading or even volunteering in our library. A Department requirement for every volunteer is to complete a Department of Education Good Character Check. Forms are available from our office or on the DoE website. We would love to see you in our school! WARATAH-WYNYARD JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TRY SKILL 13 April 7 - 17, 2015 This year TRY SKILL 13 will operate in the first school holidays of the year, Easter Tuesday, April 7 until Friday April 17. As in previous years the aim of the project is to encourage active participation by young people in the sports and cultural activities provided by clubs and organisations in the Waratah-Wynyard municipality. It is open to all young people from grades five, six and seven regardless of where they live. At this stage twelve clubs have expressed their intention to take part, each offering a number of one-hour sessions during the two weeks The activities offered are: Badminton, BMX , Golf , Ju Jitsu, Lawn bowls, Make-2-Market, Photography, Sailing, Squash, Surf Life Saving,Taiko Drumming and Tennis. Full program details and enrolment forms will be distributed to schools in the municipality, are also available on the Waratah-Wynyard Website. ( and from the Council Offices. YOLLA SCHOOL SOCCER - PLAYERS STILL NEEDED AT THIS STAGE WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH STUDENTS TO FORM TEAMS FOR SOCCER. If your child is interested in playing please fill out and return the below slip as soon as possible. The roster will start in term 2. Games will be held on Saturday mornings for Under 6 to Under 12 and will be played at McKenna Park, Burnie. Under 14/16 games are normally played on Monday afternoons with the venue varying. Under 16 girls games are normally played on Tuesday afternoons with varying venues. Cost will be between $50.00 - $75.00 registration fee (depending on age group and method of registration). Clothing requirements are as follows: Black shorts, long socks, shin pads (compulsory), soccer boots (compulsory), mouth guard (recommended) Shirts are provided by the school. Any parents interested in helping coach teams are asked to contact the school office. If we are unable to form teams Wynyard Soccer Club will be happy for us to join in with them. They play as a club with students from Table Cape, St Brigids and Boat Harbour Primary Schools making the teams to play in the Western Schools Soccer roster. See below information from Wynyard Soccer Club. ……….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… MY CHILD …………………………………………………………. DATE OF BIRTH ……………………………… IS INTERESTED IN PLAYING FOR YOLLA SCHOOL IN THE WESTERN SCHOOL’S SOCCER ASSOCIATION WINTER ROSTER. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS ONLY AN EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AND THAT I MUST REGISTER MY CHILD ONLINE PRIOR TO MY CHILD PARTICIPATING. SIGNED ……………………………………………….. DATE ….../….../2015 Wynyard school soccer training (Kinder to grade 6) will commence on Tuesday 10th of March at 4:30pm at the Wynyard Soccer ground in Fredrick Street. Please make it to training if you intend to play this year. More information will be available at training, plus meeting on Tuesday, 17th of March at 5:30pm. AUSKICK TIME!! Wynyard AFL Auskick will be holding its registration day on Sunday the 29th of March, at the Wynyard High School from 9.30 – 10.30 am. Auskick is for girls and boys in primary school. Games are played on Sunday mornings at Wynyard High School; the roster starts on Sunday 3rd May. Registration forms are now available from the school office. Please complete both forms prior to the registration day if possible and bring along with your payment for collection of your child’s AFL Auskick pack. Cheques are accepted, but cash is preferred. Unfortunately we cannot offer EFTPOS. Fees for 2015 are: 1 player family - $65 2 player families - $125 3+ player families - $125 for the first two players plus $55 per additional child To enable children to be placed in teams ready for the roster start on Sunday 3rd May we ask that you attend this registration day. If you are unable to come please send an email to [email protected] advising of your child/s intention to play and their birth date and grade. This year some Wynyard Auskickers will have the opportunity to play at half time at the game between Hawthorn and Gold Coast Suns on Saturday May 30th! Regards, Wynyard AFL Auskick Centre CONTACT DETAILS Address: School Lane Yolla 7325 Phone: 03 64381188 Fax: 03 6438 1405 Email: [email protected] SOMERSET BASKETBALL Somerset Basketball will be conducting a MIXED HIGH SCHOOL ROSTER starting beginning Term 2. Please text 0477640393 if you are interested in participating in a mixed high school roster being held on Monday nights. McKenna Park Minkey 2015 Season Clinic/Sign up Day: Saturday 21 March 9.30 – 10.30 All players welcome Roster to commence : 28 March, then recommencing on the 1 May Cost: $35 Div 1 Grade 5/6 Div 2 Grade 3/4 Div 3 Grade 2 and below [These grades are a guide. If schools are unable to field full sides, players can come to the sign up day and they will be allocated to teams] Contact: [email protected] 0417 387 538 Would you like your newsletter emailed? Please contact the school with your details