to Word Blends, Digraphs, and Diphthongs
to Word Blends, Digraphs, and Diphthongs
Reading Fun in the Sun Word Blends, Digraphs, & Diphthongs Unit 1 br, sk, str chow/ou Thank you for downloading the word blends pack from and! I hope you and your little ones enjoy the printables! Please note the terms of use: These printables are provided free of charge and are for personal use only. You may: Print as many copies as you'd like Use them in a group or classroom setting Share the link to one of ours blogs to other people who are interested in the program You may not: Sell or distribute this file Host this file on your own website Upload this file to a shared website (i.e. Thanks, Erin & Cassie Royal Baloo: 3 Dinosaurs: ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs brain ski strawberry bread skate string broom skeleton street ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs brain ski strawberry bread skate string broom skeleton street ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs bridge skirt stream brush skunk straw brothers skillet strong ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs bridge skirt stream brush skunk straw brothers skillet strong ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs church chair flower chick cheese cow cheetah cloud house ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs church chair flower chick cheese cow cheetah cloud house ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Is br at the beginning, middle, or end? br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br br- -br- -br ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Is sk at the beginning, middle, or end? sk- - - sk - sk sk- - - sk - sk- - - sk - sk- - - sk - sk sk- - - sk - sk sk- - - sk - sk sk- - - sk - sk sk sk- - - sk - sk sk- - - sk - sk sk ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Is str at the beginning, middle, or end? str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str str- -str- -str ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs br green Color by Sound sk str ch red blue yellow ou purple ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Fill-in The Blank __ush __air __irt ___ing c__ch __ain ma__ __ead ___ong __eese __unk fl__er ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Match The Sound To The Picture sk str ou br ch ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs br Circle or dot all the br words: bridge glass eye break phone paper bread rain brain leg hat grass red broom pencil broken table ball light ten sun sister orange ship brush sun book bright shell house brother fork car hair brick ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs str Circle or dot all the st words: strive teeth stroll green bus stream plate straight nose bird day hold weak tower strike well stream cake string bike desert strong lamp blue tape strict dish cold heat stray spoon strip girl stroller truck ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs sk Circle or dot all the sk words: skate mall sketch seat play lake yellow skeleton ball skill feet cage brown bike skunk dust skirt boy lamp sky mother skin clock like dog skim fork ski show skip blue book light shovel skillet ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs ch Circle or dot all the ch words: cheetah spot milk change lock chirp pencil now chip fast chin loud pink car check book chain shirt sun cherry cloud look cheese red chef step chick cake chess mouse chair pin child boy chat ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs ou Circle or dot all the ou or ow words: purple ground loud home couch down pants flour big tower pen crown cup shout window rain cloud car brown cow count mother owl yell airplane little round south crayon apple light shoe north town berry ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Tic-Tac-Toe Match three pictures in a row that start with br br ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Tic-Tac-Toe Match three pictures in a row that start with sk sk ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Tic-Tac-Toe Match three pictures in a row that start with str str ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Tic-Tac-Toe Match three pictures in a row that start with ch ch ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs Tic-Tac-Toe Match three pictures in a row that contain ou or ow ou ©Erin @ Royal Baloo and Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs
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