PALM COAST ELKS LODGE #2709 n a. o _i UJ H 38&44&-2709 < U. O en O a. a. < Q. o o CO LODGE OFFICERS EXALTED RULER EST. LEADING KNIGHT EST. LOYAL KNIGHT EST. LECTURING KNIGHT SECRETARY TREASURER ESQUIRE CHAPLAIN INNER GUARD co n z o z 3 < D- o 1 2. •a a> * 0) Raymond Leon 447-0521 Charles McDonald 447-3941 VinnyGough 447-4147 Joseph Coppola cr « CO o Michael Hannus 447-0119 Al St. Onge CO h- 446-8048 CO 00 N. co 445-5633 Richard Schmied 446-0360 a: Jack Konrad 445-7708 TILER Brian McNulty 446-8591 Betty Elman 447-1166 ORGANIST Peter Tru beck 446-0610 « O 9 h- ti- 2 ° K- o^§ x a: o S OX i^r ^_1 en o < O << o TRUSTEES -3 ,_ Q. Lenny Dobis, PER 445-9394 1 YEAR 2 YEAR Al Simmons 445-4588 3 YEAR Vem Steen, PER 445-4707 4 YEAR Warren Schmidt 445-4148 5 YEAR Thomas Hoffmann 445-9191 P.E.R. ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Vem Steen 445-4707 Vice President Charles Cohen 447-3082 Secretary Treasurer Bob Holzschuh 445-2413 =«: CD tO T3 CD in cm Q CO co O X < -J O Q CO CO (V Meetings 1st Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. All PERs welcome * WO flJ ° -J fn Ifc K AUXILIARY OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER RECORDING SECRETARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY CHAPLAIN Betty Serp 446-1450 Ruth Niederstrasser 445-2232 Pat Mandel 446-8784 Flo Pines 445-3848 Angela Ricci 446-9695 Jan Miles 446-0798 i2^ & & Exalted Ruler Message J& The elected officers and I would like to thank you for your confidence in us that we will carry on the work of the Lodge for the coming year. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the officers of the Ladies Auxiliaryand their new president, Betty Serp. Iam lookingforward to workingwiththe 2001-2002 Committee Chairmen Adopt-a-Road Accident Prevention Bill Timoney 445-4952 Lenny Dobis, PER 445-9394 Joann Close 445-8373 Americanism Charles Hoffmann 446-6904 Auditing VinnyGough 447-4177 Bar members of the Auxiliary in the important work that we all do. On behalf of the entire Lodge, Iwant to thank Bruce Kane for his outstanding leadership over the past year as Exalted Ruler. His dedication to Elkdom is a Banquet Manager Bingo Boy Scouts Building & Grounds fine example of our motto, "Elks Care, Elks Share". Nowthat the building is ours, through the hard work of many of our members and the Auxiliary, we, the officers and trustees will make a concerted effort to Building Improvements Bulletin Advertising Rose Schneider 445-5852 John Cole, PER 445-4585 Charles Cohen, PER 447-3082 Warren Schmidt 445-4148 Charles McDonald 447-3941 improve the existing facility to make it more enjoyable for our members.In the Bulletin Editor past year, problems have arisen which have been successfully dealt with and solved, through the hard work and dedication of the officers and members of the Lodge. We will continue to move forward with the implementation of the goals Bulletin Mailing Drug Awareness RayLeon 447-0521 Don Byrnes445-5725 Bruce Kane, PER 446-5863 Vem Steen, PER 445-4707 Charles McDonald 447-3941 Lenny Dobis 445-9394 Cruise Club of Elkdom. John Cole 445-4585 By the time you read this, you will have enjoyed the celebration of the Debenture Burning. I hope a good time was had by all and that you are as proud of yourselves as Iam of you for your great accomplishment in eliminating the debt to the Lodge in such a short period of time. In closing, I would like to thank you for your trust in me as your Exalted Ruler, and I will work hard to keep our Lodge flourishing. Charles Cohen, PER 447-3082 Elk Accessories PER Association Flag Day GolfTournament Mike Donohue 446-8669 Funeral Services Jack Konrad 445-7708 Government Relations Youth Camp Fraternally Yours. Ray Leon, Exalted Ruler Hoop Shoot Indoctrination Investigation Kitchen Lapsation Lodge Event Coordinator Elk Of The Month It is my privilege to name John Cole as Elk of the Month for April. John was bom in Bergenfield, NJ and attended schools there. He enlisted in the army at the age of 18 and served in the European Theater where he met and married his wife Dorothy after being discharged in 1945. Together they had two children, John Russell (deceased) and Deirdre Lynn. Five grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. John worked for a short time with the NY Central Railway as a brakeman and then went to work in the ice cream industry for 26 years. He served as secretary/ treasurer for local 680 with the Teamsters in Newark, NJ for three years before retiring in 1975. He joined the Weehawken, NJ Elks ....(continued next page) Dick Mayor 445-3468 Harry Anna Trust-Children's Therapy Mediator Membership Memorial Day National Foundation Presiding Justice Public Relations/Publicity Softball BettyElman 447-1166 Bob Bums 445-9325 Joe Cappola 446-8048 ErnieGracper 446-4419 Charles McDonald 447-3941 Mike Donohue 446-8669 Joe Cappola 447-8048 Chuck Whalcn,PDDGER Mike Hannus 447-0119 BobHolzschuh,PER 445-2413 Vem Steen, PER 445-4707 Jeffrey Dobson Joann Close 445-8373 WayneRezendes 446-6981 Table Ron Bickford 446-1944 Veterans' Services Mike Hannus 447-0119 Visitation JoAnn Close 445-8373 Youth Activities Bob Bums 445-9347 Phil DePalma 446-9153 A D M CHAIRMAN: DALE BAKER Mike Bell Bill Boland Joe Cigas Richard Coombs I N I Bob Copeland Russell Cox Howard Donaway Bill Dralle Ernie Graeper S Charles Hoeni Bob Holzschuh T Robert Kanbar R Tom Kelly John Kennedy A Jules Kwiatkowski Jim Larson T Ernie Mangun Al McDougal O Art Mikkelsen R S Ray Milograno George Pines Barney Rolsma Tom Wilson 446-0405 471-8812 445-5724 445-1886 446-2552 446-4367 446-9824 446-5471 446-4012 446-4419 445-5884 445-2413 446-2021 445-1249 445-3676 446-1366 446-3881 445-4337 445-8447 446-1579 445-9823 445-3848 446-1049 446-3850 APRIL SCHEDULE Hours: 9:00am to 12:00 pm 2 Barney Rolsma 3 Al McDougal 4 5 Rich Coombs Art Mikkelsen 6 Ernie Graeper 9 Charles Hoeni 10 Al McDougal 11 Bill Dralle 12 Bud Donaway ELK OF MONTH continued in the late 1950's and moved to Palm Coast in 1980. John demitted from Weehawken, NJ Lodge #1456 in 1986 and worked as a charter member to organize Palm Coast Lodge #2709. He has served as an officer in many capacities as well as serving as our Exalted Ruler during the 1992 -1993 Elk Year. He was instrumental in the beginning of the Lodge's bingo. To this day, he serves as bingo chairman. John has always and still remains involved in all aspects of the Lodge. In 1997 he was elected to life membership and in 1999 was given the honor of Honorary Life Membership. He has also been a past officer of the year. John, you are a fine example of Elkdom and our Lodge is privileged to have you as a member. 13 Mike Bell 16 George Pines 17 Jim Larson 18 Rich Coombs 19 Bud Donaway 20 Mike Bell 23 Charles Hoeni 24 Joe Cigas SUMMARY OF FLORIDA ELKS CHILDREN'S THERAPY PROGRAM March 1,1999 through Jan 15,2001 25 Dale Baker 26 Bob Kanbar 27 Bill Boland 225 children receiving therapy per week! 30 Barney Rolsma A total of 742 children have been treated! 14.090 treatments were scheduled. 55 ALIVE SAFE DRIVING Palm Coast Elks Lodge 2709 is proud to continue to support the 55 Alive Safe Driving Course. Registration is now open for the April 13th & 20th. This two day, eight hour course helps mature drivers update their knowledge and skills to prevent traffic crashes and violations and to maintain mobil ity and independence. The Classroom refresher course covers age related physical changes, declining perceptual skills, rules of the road, and local driving problems. There will be no test - everyone passes, it's a fun class. You may get a discount on your auto insurance. CONTACT JACK KONRAD 445-7708 11.322 treatments completed. Therapists have traveled 467.910 miles! Therapists have made 117 presentations to Elks! Therapists have 10 presentations scheduled! Therapists have rendered 11.997 hrs. of patient therapy! Therapists have spent 4.592 hrs. documenting therapy! Therapists spent 10.804 hrs. traveling to patient's home Therapists have spent 1.725 hrs. in continuing education Therapists have spent 1.474 hrs. on public relations! Therapists have spent 1,280 hrs. marketing our program 3-[apj)y "Birthday Auxiliary Message Ladies, Thank you, Carol, for a most successful year. I have a tough act to follow and I am counting on the Ladies of the Auxiliary to bail me out. Following are the events for the Auxiliary for the year 2001-2002: April 10 May 5 May 22-25 August 18 September 15 John George James Stevens 4 10 Lewis Calobrisi 11 James Larson Michael Hannus Brian McNulty 19 Gerard Farley Charles Hoeni 20 Julian King 21 Lloyd Aumick 12PaulVanBuren Nicholas Rossi 13 Edward AngiuoliJr Sandy Giglio Richard Standish Last Picnic Dinner Dance Raymond Boyle Arthur Goepel Ronald Hayes Richard Mayor Black & White Dinner Dance Bruce Middleton Fashion Show 5 Derby Day Dinner Dance Rummage Sale Fashion Show October 23-26 Rummage Sale Dinner Dance (theme to be decided) January 12 January 22-25 February 9 February 25 Norman D Smith William Evatt William Schreiber October 9 November 17 1 2 50's Dinner Dance Rummage Sale Mardi Gras Dinner Dance Douglas Werdehoff 6 7 8 Thomas Phillips C. Thomas Subock 14 Harold Steindler 15 Frank BanfiSr Joseph Vascellaro Jr 22 Brian Dobis Paul Maganus Charles Nault Hal Yelvington 23 Martin Day Robert Trowbridge Arthur Macqueen 16 Irene Chamberlin 24 Nathan Matthews John Rea 17BriggsEdney 27 Harry Breitenberg John Downs Andrew Serp 9 Gloria Lydon Richard Rehor Wallace Miller John Rogers Alfred St.Onge Chinese Auction Donald Donohue III 29 Eugene Bordinger 30 Joseph Sermarini George Suto Card & Game Party Remember the organization is only as good as all of it's members. Please plan on being active in the events of the coming year. March 20 Trusting in your help, Betty Serp, President Ladies, Thank you for all your cooperation during this year. You have helped to raise over $30,000 for the Lodge and $2300 for the Harry Anna Fund. It has been a very successful year for the Auxiliary. Thanks to my Board and to all the committee women, kitchen helpers etc. who have worked so hard for our committment to the Lodge. Many thanks to our table crew who faithfully set up and take down our tables. It's been a great year thanks so much for having me as your President. Yours in friendship Carol Mayor, Past President ADOPT-a I would like to thank the following Brothers for their help in our Adopt-aRoad program on Saturday March 3rd, 2001: Charles Miles, Martin Mertz, Bob Leipfert, Jack Konrad and Auxiliary member, Ann Klinkenberg. Also adults and scouts from Troop #270 assisted: Beau Bosman, Troy Bosman, Darik Carson, Jessie Franks and Eric Yelvington. Adults: Red Yelvington, Ellie Yelvington, Blair Bosman and Daryl and Gail Carson. Members of Cub Scout Pack #484, also assisted, Alise and Christopher McKinney. Please be advised that we are now committed to our pick-up of the roadway, every 2 months, so our next pick-up will be Saturday, May 5,2001. Thanks againfor your fieCp 'BiCCTimoney, Chairman Ocean Atlantic Computers Printing U6-2BOO A Super Computer Store * Computers are a PAIN! 3 :L/2 IM] NAPA AUTO PARTS white you wait! ED SMITH aUMEU.AJJTOSijPPt.YCO IMC Yes, they can be. But you don't have to buy the poor quality computers from discount stores. Dear E'ik Cocoa get your Bmbb pry!-;, petts, Ocean Atlantic Computers is an 18 year old computer company that builds high quality computers for home and business use and is dedicated to providing top notch service on all brands of computers. ,-;.-*i!Tid.*.rs a:>J u 10% dlSOOtnt; with tlftS ftd r- n 3ml»55 E*»-m*.ri/i331» ftoy43M!H« TOM GIBBS CHEVROLET SMie Hold ICO • PO.te«'JM«» PtfU COA5I,FL32'3^ We Provide: CHeVROLET New computers for home use - New computers for business Used computers & monitors - Upgrades & repairs Printers & Scanners - Business & home networks Affordable service contracts -Training at your location full ScMCi Sum ttiSPtimGmtPkwp I'alml'tmt. II. J2/J7 PALM COASTWIDOWS 1SOBEBS Let us end your computer frustration! Hww CmrtriBten - «**» I YiVrtm Hf* .*"?*?S^1^, Palm Coast, Florida 32137 $10/mo* Internet Service! Wor,d Class Inter,,et Senice! We hear it every day! People are tired of the poor service and high prices charged by the national internet services like America On-Line, MSN, Bell South, Earthlink etc... is your best alternative. Over 1/3 of Flagler County uses us instead of the "big boys" or other local companies. SaluriMiin; Tirestone MICBCLIM TOTAL CAR CARE GWMlyMr (gntJnrnUl dang* BsreM Oow» • Tub A»*•* EndoiiCTi Hjnxr* *y»c\ WYxJmw Pea C*»» FVmc/mt • C0««Xrt QUH i KflEEM SERVICE • »04rt4*-lp1() FtxttW**6-#673 02 10% 5002PalmCoart Pkwy ft Gonmuaal Q. P»fcnC0Mi.fl3Zl3? Unlroyal Frank Renda Manager Discount! MflDtflK Palm Coast, FL 32137 (904) 445-5967 • Fax(904) 446-5703 _W/;t |M •Vi'.r.rn _ iL-'L-v C.i, <7«C *j v. American •Bnfeh • Geiman •Italian *" /&?« Luttktourjtrr (W'l} 44d-<JNJO Fa*-(W) 446 1019 .:.:;.;jnei,e Cat 6p0Cia&Sl |ftSTATE Of THfc A'm-T ftJMPL'TESl DiACMCS'lf: ^^S7KH«\ !»i.P0 Bc»2SJ8!'&;nnrt rbgtei'FL32»3 ^> Phon* (?34) 437-3366 t n_(: lu»»f!HO»<"?W".Vt|Vinti Askfw OP.ANDC Prkmg; *$10/month for 1st. 3 months - 4th. Month free if switching providers. Then S17.95/month paid quarterly. Includes: 5 email accounts -5mb personal webspace Unlimited 56k connection ($10 credit for each referral too!) Technical Services: Internet Consulting, Professional Website Design, Internet server co-locating, Website hosting on fast servers, Digital Lines (T-1, DSL, -Frame) Internet t<rNetworkrlTrtegration. t? Tell Fred 1-8B3-566 0:U? Owne* 4984 Palm Coast Pkwy. Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ..V.'v-..' -. PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO-SPA The Perfect PteoplR-For a Pecfed P00L1— ROSEUAPtE LA BUE Tel: (904) 445-8400 fji 0O4J4S 1433 BOB BUCK Tel: (904) 446-2492 We take trade-ins too! Tel: (904) 446-5522 v ' fiiii |3M> 457-33'.* D*ywu tMM)3M331« ftl [SHIMB 1099 fa»: amas mi Please Support Our Advertisers . • • •' FROM THE SECRETARY'S CORNER Dues:AII Lodge Dues statements have been mailed. Ifyou have not received your statement, please contact the Secretary's office. As of 3/16/01 only 333 mem bers (54%) have renewed their membership. Remember, you will be delinquent on 4/1/01 and will not be able to use any of the Lodge facilities. You will be required to show your card if you are 'buzzed' in. Secretary's Office Hours: For the month of April, the Secretary or his representa tive will be available, at the Lodge, for dues payment and/or issuance of Member ship cards at the following times: Mon, Wed, Fri between 8:30am and 11:30am and for this month only, Thurs night between the hours of 4:00pm and 7:00pm. We currentley have approximately 75 paid cards ready for issue. Bulletin Booster: Ifyou paid to become a booster and your name does not appear on the Booster list, the list is current only to 3/16/01. If you paid your dues after that date, you will be picked up in the May Bulletin. If you paid before that date and your name doesn't appear or is incorrect, please contact the Secretary's Office. AllCommittee Chairs:The 2000/2001 Elk year has ended. It is now time to add up all of our volunteer time and effort by Elks and non-Elk helpmates that went into your committee affairs, etc. You will need for each event or activity: Number of Elks and nonElks participating as volunteers, hours each group worked, miles driven by each group and any cash/monetary contributions made during each month. This information is required to complete our year end report to the Grand Lodge. The Secretary's office will have blank forms available to help you. Your Mail:Are you receiving all of your mail? This includes your Elks Magazine and Elks Paper. If not, contact your Lodge Secretary. 3« THIS AND THAT BY JACK KONRAD IncomeTax Time Again! The average taxpayer works for more than four months out of every year for the government, which is very disturbing. We're not even sure that people who work for the government work four months out of every year for the govemement...Today, income taxes make up most of the federal revenue. A century ago, the principal source of income was tariffs, (duties/ customs)...How much is a billion?—According to a recent government publication, a billion seconds ago, Harry Truman was president...A billion minutes ago, was just after the time of Christ...A billion hours ago, man had not yet walked upon the earth...A billion dollars ago, was late yesterday afternoon...They have sugarless gum and fat-free yogurt, why don't they have debtless money..Lack of money is the root of all evil...How did a fool and his money get together in the first place...There are more fools among buyers than among sellers. Funny how a dollar can look so big when you take it to church and so small when you take it to the store...Why is there so much month left at the end of money?...Don't ever marry for money, you can borrow it cheaper... Ifitweren't for marriage, people could go through lifethinking they had no faults at all...Afellow was invited to an old army friend's house for dinner. The host preceded every request to his wife by calling her "Sweetheart", "Honey", "Darling", "my love", etc. The guest was quite impressed since they had been married almost sixty years. While the wife was in the kitchen, the guest remarked how nice it was that he still call her those pet names. "Totell you the truth, Iforgot her name about ten years ago"... CHILDRENS LETTERS TO GOD...Dear God, I saw St. Patrick Church last week when we went to New York. You sure live in a nice house. / Brian...Dear God, I love You because You are so good. I try to be good like You but my two sisters make it very hard to be good. It must be fun to be God and have everybody love you./Jackie...Dear God, Count me in./George... SO LONG BROTHERS & SISTERS, KEEP SMILING AND HAVEA HAPPY Request for Life Membership: Brother Gary G. Heiser, a Charter Member of this Lodge and an Elk for over thirtyone (31) years has requested consideration for LifeMembership in this Lodge. He is qualified in all respects and will be balloted on in the near future. Thomas Haber Roger Hall Harold King Robert Whaley Charlie Herring Thomas Decker New Membership Proposals proposed by Thomas Fallon proposed by Michael Hannus proposed by Michael Donohue DIMITfrom Jacksonville Beach Fl COR from Reinstatement Decatur-Stone Mtn, Ga Palm Coast, Fl continued on next page HOUSE COMMITTEE NOTES Due to increased costs, future Lodge Dinner Dances will be $15.00 per person. To allow more members to attend our affairs, each Elk member is limited to the purchase of tickets to fill one table of eight (8). REMINDER!!! We are still collecting aluminum cans for recycling. This project brings in substantial funds to the Lodge. DEADLINE FOR MAY BULLETIN*** APRIL 19.2001 WHERE PRIDE IN AMERICA SHOWS SECRETARY MESSAGE continued New Members The following are expected to become new members to our Lodge during the month of March: IT GROWS! Bv Initiation: Are you aware research shows that the first section of the newspaper read by the average American is the sports page, the second being the advertisements and sales promotional material? What have you talked about in the last few days? For many, itwas who won the game yesterday and/or that you made a great buy at a local store. Yes, that is it —we have become the Home of the Braves" and the "Land of the Spree". This is the legacy we are giving our children. I believe that we, as Elks, must make sure that every child and every American, for that matter, knows full well our Nation's proud heritage, and believes in the promise of the American Future. These must be taught as they do not come automatically. We have the responsibility to nurture Patriotism in our children as it was nurtured in us as children. The goal of your Grand Americanism Committee is to educate the youth of our Country so that they may carry that Torch of Freedom and Justice into every corner of our Country. We must demonstrate, by example, our belief in the American way. Ifyou and I restore and maintain the ideals and goals which first brought us into the Order, ifwe face the challenge of change with the same excitement we held in those early years; ifwe reset our goals higher and broader each year, we will never find ourselves looking at the world with rose-colored glasses. We as Elks must continue to be proud of our stance and belief in the principles of our Country. We must go forth at our home Lodges and stand tall and demonstrate these beliefs. The topic of the Elks Americanism Essay Contest this year was: "WHY I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN". It is vital that each of us pause and think about our own personal response to this topic, "Why I'm Proud To Be An American." Then maybe through our efforts, we can ensure that our future generations will be better understand the gifts handed down to them by our forefathers. We pledge allegiance to that piece of cloth with its red, white and blue. It is the most beautiful and significant Flag in the world. It gives us pride, the same sense of pride I hope we all feel each and every time we recite our Pledge. We must educate our younger populations in these principles or they will be lost. Ifwe, the Order of Elks can accomplish this, we will make the difference, and yes, we shallonce again become the "Home of the Brave" and the "Land of the Free": Carl J. Lino, Member Richard Bures Susanne Cerrulo Melvin Kurtz Richard Olsen Ray Brunner Terry Hopkins Robert Lang Donald O'Brien Winfield Carleson Greg Jones Al LoMonaco William Senegal Allen Smith New Members bv DIMIT/Reinstatement: Steven Chatelle Dimit from Lantana-Boynton, Fl James Thomas DIMIT from Ralph Olivett Reinstatement to Ormand Beach, Fl Palm Coast, Fl Lost Members: On Request bv Absolute Dimit: Berwick Drews, Dr. Benny Ramirez, Milton Richter, William Schreiber and Ernest Wells On Request bv Transfer Dimit: James Drauss Transferring to Meriden, Vt URGENT!!! TABLE CREW NEEDS HELP With setup of room for the many affairs that are held in our Lodge while enjoying fellowship with other Elks For More Information: CONTACT RON BICKFORD (2)446-1944 100 CLUB SIGNUP Iwill be available for new member sign-ups April 2nd thru 6th from 10:00am 'til 12:00noon Information is on the Lodge bulletin boards G/L Americanism Committee Barney Rolsma 446-1049 Profewionai {Hectroltytic I Only 904)4454365 P^,NG Bunnell 437-3033 - •'A WorldofParty Thingslo Mem" Bunnell. FL 32110-1638 Fax: 386/445-8917 EventCoordinator President Donna M. Banks J. Robert Banks Gar}" I- Hogan Event Manager Rosa Excavating, Inc. P&Ck^mif GreotPrices// SHIPPING fc COPY (BTFR Friendly Service WePack & Ship:UPS-FedX-USMail; High Quality Full Color & Black & White Copies WeDesign, Layout & Print:- C0sTf5*««* Site Picparadon brdClainrrg- FH Dirt SUbGrartnR- final Code Business Cards * Brochures * Flyers * Menus Personalized Greeting Cards * Address Labels DCNWSIOW (904]437-64M Fm(«4MJ7W7 Invitations * Newsletters * & more i\n Route Box IBB • Bunnell FL i2t 10 _, Tel: (904) 446-9944 Fax: (904) 446-4008 4845 Belle Terre Pkwy. Ste. C Palm Coast, FL. 32164 SANDCASUF HOMES m JOHN FASINO H.*nl«i«r-IJt»r»r 0 Palm Coast FL 32137 7 Enterprise Drive Post Office Box 1638 Phone: 386/445-1001 pfcrmjoeptjlair^amwil "\]/it1)aG«i}tlefoue! Jraeey/l.Qibb. \.l. ! FtonaaPark Or Suite 320 Pakr. COM.H 3213,' ROG Palm Coast 445-3039 IDS foiv Fni AW fi/g or SmaM Arr>t/me • Anyfriirig • Attypldce (890) 645-3033 30C 908 5fl(*l i;n t • fcfl B<i« lOfM Buwei. i oi'da UHJHiliH'H'HH.'.Hi-Mri* - -'V-' ! • ••T- South Terrace Casual Furniture &Florist 25 PaimHartw Village Way #3 ® 904/446-8989 •*&** Rirhiid Sauttw 1-800-393-6576 BVfWi |Wt4| A4* mi d'sli Satellite & Sound SST Technology Toll Fran IBOTI 2«1-»2« Fvf Mitiyn l'ilK| 445 J*6Q 0 NETWORK -C BOO DaunSautta PAIDCOAST. I £191 •'•"' DOLLIE MILLER The Eye Center Owner-Operator of St. Augustine and Palm Coast Home Phone 90W4&8222 610 N. STATE STREET - US1 Thad D. Hardin. M.D.# Elizabeth K. McLeod. M.D. THE HAIR AFFAIR PAULW,HUND.III.M.D.• N.Patrick Hale. M.D. BUNNELL, FL32110 Phone: (904) 445-1279 Phone: (904) 829-2286 Palm Coast, FL 32137 Si. Augustine. FL 32086 15 Old Kings Road, North 1100 So. I'oncc dc Leon Blvd. I-800-518-9550 904-437-2301 ofGofering Tanning Beds V.P.In Charge Nails, Pedicures & Facials BOB MILLER Full Service Salon VfHlicats • CrtMar a PlwitoJ Shades •ShuTOf* Everybody is SICK & TIRED of paying lots for cable TV and gettingvery little! SST can install a modernmini-satellite TV system. You will get LOTS more TV choices and better picture quality and sound! Today's satellite TV systems are very inexpensive and sometimes free, call for our current promotions. SST also sells and installs surround sound systems and whole Oraptries *Top Tnjaawrtj»Window Timing Please Support U.S. BLINDS Our 1725 S. Nov. Rd.• S-Daytooa, FL 32119 1104W. Granada • OnnondBMdi, R-32(74 *62 Mn Cool Ptavy. • P*n Co*ftFL»V house sound and can supply Harmon-Kardon and Niles audio equipment. SST can pre-wire your new house for great theatre quality sound. Advertisers Cathy Meyer 428-7766 Now Smyrna Tel: (904) 445-1875 445-7766 4984 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, Florida 32137 676-2628 P«dmCow4 OfmondBaach presented by C.W.C. Vincent Sapuppo Jr. I - i i INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS ,. L 1 III ' ., I would like to thank the following ladies for their help for the month of March. All banquet and event preparation is a complete success because of their volunteer efforts. Nita Henkle, Gloria Sapuppo, Flo rence DeStefano, Diane Bennett, Sandy Williams and Flo Pines. Also a special thanks to Elaine Vince. Thank you All!! ChefVinny Recipe of the Month: Manhattan Clam Chowder Ingredients 1 tsp oregano 4 slices bacon 1 tsp thyme 1 onion, chipped 1 Ig can diced tomatoes 3 carrots, diced 4 cups clam juice 3 stalks celery, diced 3 potatoes, diced 1 bay leaf 2 cans chopped clams 2 tsp tabassco sauce chopped parsley 1 tsp garlic APRIL 7, 2001 Cocktails 5:00pm to 5:45pm Bar Closed 5:45 until Installation is Completed Dinner Approximately 7:00pm Tossed Salad w/Dressing Prime Rib w/Au Jus Mashed Sour Cream Potatoes Green Beans w/Bacon & Onion Rolls & Butter German Chocolate Cake Coffee & Hot Tea Preparation: In a heavy kettle, cook bacon until done. Add onion and saute until soft. Add carrot, celery and seasonings.Cook until tender. Add tomatoes and clam juice. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer till tender. Add parsley and clams and Dance to the Music of simmer for 20 minutes and serve. TIPS: for green vegetables like asparagus or green beans; when blanching or parboiling, add baking soda to the water to keep them green. FRANK SAFFI Tickets $13.00 Per Person SPRING FASHIONS JA.T1UL lO, 2001 MOTHERS DAY AT THE ELKS MAY 15, 2001 Tickets $15.00 JAduCts $8.00 ChiCdren llnder 12 first Seating 1:00pm SecondSeating 3:30pm JATTITlZT'RS Doors Open 11:30am y/fioCe Toached SaCmon DispCay 3-fam & Borsin Cheese TinwheeCs TropicaCfruit Tray 'Tickets $10.00 SALJADS Tossed Cjreens 'w/Assorted Toppings & Dressings Caesar SaCad Station Jour Bean SaCad Carrot & Raison SaCad Cream of IVifd Mushroon SoupAv Sherry CJATCVEV MTA.TS 'RoastedTap Roundof Beefw/ShaCCot anjus Leg of Lamb w/AppCe Mint (gravy CffJAfTRS SCiced BoneCess Tork Loin w/ TineappCe Barbecue Sauce Seafood TaeCCa w/'Chicken, Shrimp & Sausage Roasted Totatoes O'Brien Luncfi 12:0ojpm Tossed SaCacC w/Vressing (gridedChicken Breast w/Testo Sauce Baked Maccaroni & Cheese Au Qratin fresh yegetaBCe MedCey Assorted Breads & BoCCs Assorted Desserts Hissotto rice Qreen Beans w/'Roasted Tejrpers Bods & Butter Cfioco Cake w/WhippedCream Coffee & Jfot Tea ***TICKET CUT OFF - MAY 8TH*** LESLEY ANDERSON 204 ST JOE PLAZA a*/* OWNER PALM COAST. FLORIDA 32164 (904) 445-0304 35/ "BEAUTYSALON \£jfit Emm open 7 Days a 600 NORTH STATE STREET POST OFFICE BOX 874 BUNNELL. FLORIDA 32110 WEEK (Jl V,' .tec (904) 437-3191 FLAGLER ACE MLUWWARE Tue«li>-Siturd»y9-5andThuridiy9-8 4845 Belle Ten* Pirkwiy »t Phone: (904) 445-6080 Tax & Financial Services Sandy C. Giglir ;•• "Its K>ur Money... <- •j' ...We Help YouKeep It" Tel: 904-446-9050 Fax: 904-446-1192 Tel: (386) 445-4997 31 Old Kings Road - Palm Coast FL. 32137 Custom Built Clubs Pro-line Clubs A Accessories Scott Henderson Paul Klinkenberg Steven C. "Chris" Teaford, L.FD. • Manager iF etc; ^ ,0* Palm Coast EYE-STYLE optical J489 Palm Cost Pkwy., Unit Quality Eyewear And Service Since 1977 2 7 Old Kings Read North 904-439-5400 904- 439-5415 2403 Paul J. Sarote Enrolled Agent . i/'-i Tax Accountant Jade (Henderson) Jackson Craig Funeral home Patsy Devito (904( 437- Palm Coast, Florida 32137 Board Certified Opticians Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens 2 Midway Drive, SR 100 Bunnell, Florida 32110 3 Pine Cone Dr. Suite 108 GIGLIO & SAROTE Palm Cout,FL 32137 A Airport Auto/Sales Airport Upholstery Eugene Y. Rhee, D.D.S. generaC (Dentistry 511 Old Kings Road S.«Flagler Beach. FL. 32136 Scotty's Plaza Palm Coast Florida 32137 Tel: 904-446-4210 904/445-6752 Tel: 904-445-7936 1-800-445-7936 904-447-86S&&* Coast, Way&lUr/esHvrth Fax: 904-445-7309 904-447-8634 Fax Owner /JlagUr Lax: 445-0491 Norman R. Mugford WE BUILD SCREEN PORCHES AWNINGS & ENCLOSURES Crystal Clear , President POOL SUPW "We Clobber Big City Prices" SMALL REPAIRS SCREEN REPAIRS Sales & Leasing ALARM PRO INC. TheAlarm Professionals No. EFO0C1097 227 St. Joe Plaza Drive CPC 056892 1070 Palm Coast Pkwy.-Suito 6 Uc#RP0062250 Palm Coast, FL 32137 P.O. Box 3545876-1150 Palm Coast Pkwv •Palm Coast, Fl. 32135 CALL HENRY: 446-1719 30 YEARS (888) 523-Ford • (904) 447-3380 • f«x (904) 447-1370 CELL PHONE: 503-9886 EXPERIENCE Palm Coast, Florida 32164 DAVIS INTERIORS, INC. 1 v % Alderson's Palm CoastCommunity Vuttera I Monte rull Service 7laterals for all Jaiths (904)445-1888 i WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Paint • Wallpaper • Window Treatments - Floor fwr aY*mv ,-urituafM Flagler Uniforms Donna Wood Covering • Sundries • Factory Direct Verticals (904) 439-4555 LEO BOURBEAU | 220 Palm Coast ParkwaySW Palm Coast, FL 32164 m [r^y^iit^K^-iit^y^iigJ ALL-STAR DRY CLEANERS Tuxedo Rentals & Soles 7a* VtStmmc. A*y*««!» * Export Alterations * Wedding Gowns HH Coatings Consultant P.O. 466, 105 .V Central 10% Discount on all paint products 2334 E. Hwy. 100 Bunnell. EL. 32110 DUNKIN' DONUTS Caspian of Volusia County (904)437-6001 (904) 437-8400 Flagler Beach, FL. 32136 Monday - Friday lO - 5 HOWELL HOMES Saturday 10-3 V'lU Reza Afshari Franchise Owner Matt Farzanrao gpTonst Full Service Floritt • Worldwide Delivery Inc. Han 439-1800 ItMdqr-SitortayTim -*pm fart* IB) I Imfum 95 20 S. Nova Road Ormond Beach, FL. 32074 (904) 677-0052 Man Mom ell 904-445-4821 •««Hwyr.v$LfiS 800-944-1946 •Uvliaf lifter touor, I 4S% rakn Cart Pkwy., MrV. SuttfB• r*lmCat* Fl 32137 904-446-4377 Easter Buffet April 15, 2001 Derby Day Two Seatings Appetizers International Cheese Display May 5, 2001 Deviled Eggs Caviar Fresh Vegetable Crudit w/Dip French Onion soup Salads Fresh Garden Greens w/Assorted Dressings & Toppings Cocktails 4:30pm ~ 5:30pm Shrimp & Penne Pasta Salad w/Pesto Roma Tomato, Provalone & Onion Salad Kentucky Derby on TV Screens 5:30pm Carving Station See Your Favorite Horse Win! Carved Steamship of Beef w/Herb Au Jus Dinner 6:30pm Honey Baked Ham w/Tum Fruiti Glaze Assorted Breads & Muffins Roasted Boneless Port Loin/Apple Chutney Entrees Grilled Chicken Breast on Roasted Pepper Coulis Baked Seafood Ziti Wild Rice w/Cheese Green Beans w/ Carrots & Peppers Broiled Pecan Crusted Grouper Rolls & Butter Roasted Red Potatoes Lynnaise Kentucky Derby Pie w/Whipped Cream Kentucky Wild Rice Green Beans w/Bacon & Onions Assorted Desserts Dancing to the Music of 1st Seating 12:30pm 2nd Seating 3:00pm Tickets $15.00 Children Under 10 $8.00 ***Ticket Cut Off - April 10th*** Vic Paci Tickets $15.00 2000-2001 BULLETIN BOOSTERS boosters continued AS OF Robert & Ruth Niederstrasser Robert & Barbara Sgroi James & Mary O'Brien Jr.. Stanley Siuda John & Barbara Maerz M.D. Robert & Elsie Osborne Frederick & Ariene Skelton Robert & Gladys Marloff Stephen Osmeloski Douglas & Shirley Owens John & Evelyn Palmeri Leon & Jean Papazian Wayne & Martha Parkinson George & Flo Pines Norman Smith William &Virginia MacDonald John & Brenda Madagan William & Grace Martin Nathan & Diana Matthews Fred & Agnes St. Cyr Alfred & Ruth St. Onge Joseph & Josephine Michael & Cindy Matuszczak Emile & Veronique Mazzawi Raymond & Betty McCutchen Joseph McHugh Brian & Cornelia McNulty Arthur & Kathryn Meenagh Amo & Irma Reichert James & Peggy Stevens Thomas & Patricia Mendel William & Ann Renner Martin & Valerie Mertz Dusty & Elaine Rhoades Alfred & Angela Ricci Charles & Jean Riscavage Barney & June Rolsma Charles Stibitz James & Susan Thomas Richard & Rosemarie Price Charles & Hilde Radomski Ronald &Camilla Meyer Arthur & Eleanor Mikkelsen Charles & Janice Miles Robert & Dollie Miller Stashenko John & Marion Stayer Vernon & Ann Steen Harold Steindler William & Helen Timoney Bob & Trudy Trowbridge Angelo & Josephine Truglia Paul & Rita Ross Robert & Roberta Uhl Charles & Ruth Milspaugh John & Maureen Murphy Raymond & Frances Murphy Bertram & Janet Rutledge Otto & Lucy Sagginario Stanley & Jean Walenza Lynn Warburton Ru-Lynn Warburton Frank & Gail Musser Guy & Sonya Sapp Vincent & Gloria Sapuppo Richard & Betty Schmied Michael & Beverly Senko Russ & Patricia Sanders Joseph & Anne Nardi Charles & Elizabeth Nault Jonathan & Peiseilla Netts Patrick & Victoria Ward Jr. William & Mikki Weaver Gary Weissert David & Abbie Wyckoff Robert & Marsha Ahem James Alexon 1 N G 0 3 18 44 58 61 7 26 33 47 73 15 29 free 50 68 8 16 32 51 72 12 22 40 55 75 OtTh* Joeseph & Milagros Flecha Frank & Cleo Banfi Sr Billy Gaumer John & Dagmar George Valaire & Cicile Giguere Kenneth Bates Michael & Diane Bell John & Dian Bennett Raymond & Norman Good Vincent & Jean Gough Ernest & Dee Graeper Louis & Janet Bohn William & Sandra Boland Robert & Elizabeth Brundler Jerry Bower Edward & Gloria Boyhen Thomas & Mary Brand George & Dorothy Britton Thomas & Evaline Hackett William & Jeannine Brooks Robert & Jean Burns Thomas & Helen Callahan Lewis & Gloria Calobrisi Stephen Chatelle Joseph & Grace Cigas Three $250 Prizes Over $2,400 in Prizes Free Coffee & Cookies Jackie & Debbie Hale Laura Hamilton Michael & Linda Hannus Martin & Aline Hantz Garner & Agnes Hardgrove George & Judith Hartfelder Wilfred & Ruth Haupthoff Gary & Frances Heiser Thomas & Helen Hoffmann Gene & Dawn Holland Ed & Carmela Honor William & Joan Cole Richard & Mary Homberger James & Kathleen Connors Richard & Alice Coombs Jack & Samantha Howell Russell & Margaret Cox John & Patricia Coxon Robert & Judith Croucher Charles & Karen Dalton Nick & Dorothy Davidowsky Martin Day Lucian & Naomi DeShong Richard & Olive Dearborn Sunday 1:00pm Jack & Patricia Griffith Doris & Daniel Boone Bert & Carol Danielsen Friday 6:30pm Donald & Dee Glass Bernard Bettinelli Ronald & Joane Bickford Ed Delaney l 1 Free Game with l this coupon I Good Through 4April 2001 I Numeriano & Soledad Gabriel Donato & Rosanne Gallo Sr Charles & Joan Goess III James & Karen Cote IrtPalm. Coast Joseph & Rita Ford David & Marilyn Berry John & Diane Cospito e\ks Donald Duncan William Erickson Lloyd & Jean Aumick Edward & Joan Bailey George Baird Dale & Joyce Baker Richard & Linda Cohen Charles Cohen & Nita Henkle B MARCH 16,2001 John Destefano Alexander Hubay Edward & Barbara Hynes Frank & Mary Jahn Bruce & Rosemary Kane Joel & Sharon Kaplan Eugene & Elizabeth Kaude John & Joanne Kennedy Timothy Kennelly Jr Robert & Joan King Ken & Antoinette Klinkenberg William & Fran Klinkenberg Jack & Liz Konrad John & Bonnie Kudrick Ernest & Madeline Kutter Robert & Sandra Devore Sr Donald & Doreen Lajiness Raymond & Nancy Lamiroult Leonard Dobis James & Ariene Larson Ralph Dodge George & Ada Dominianni Howard & Anna Donaway Raymond Leon Joseph Lodato Edward & Joyce Looney Michael & Antoinette Donohue John & Marie Lukinchook BW & Edith Downs Nicholas & Janet Lupinacci Patsy DeVito Jr William & Alice Dralle James & Alice Drummond (Continued) HOURS OF OPERATION April 2001 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - Noon to 7pm Thursday - Noon to 10pm Friday - Noon to 11pm Saturday - Noon to 5pm Sunday - Noon to 6pm LUNCHES SERVED MONDAY THRU FRTOAY Sunday l Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Friday Thursday 5 Saturday 7 6 Installation BINGO 6:30PM PER Mtg 6:30pm Lodge Mtg. 7:30pm of Officers DINNERS BINGO 1:00PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 Luncheon DINNERS BINGO 1:00PM 16 Easter \jfeKf*^ Buffet ^^^\ 17 18 BULLETIN DEADLINE Lodge Mtg 7:30pm 23 24 25 5-8 PM 20 19 DINNERS 22 14 BINGO 6:30PM Spring Fashions Auxiliary Mtg 7:00pm 5 - 8 PM | BINGO 6:30PM 5-8 PM 27 26 Trustee Mtg. 9:30am 21 28 BINGO 6:30PM House Committee Mtg. 7:00pm DINNERS BINGO 1:00PM 29 30 5-8PM MAY5th Jtoad Pick Up 9:00am BINGO 1:00PM Derby Dav Dance