GSAPS Brochure 2016


GSAPS Brochure 2016
Waseda University
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
International Studies Program
Master of Arts in International Relations
Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies
Diverse Backgrounds, Common Purpose
Leading the Asia-Pacific Region
in Knowledge
Living in the globalizing Asia-Pacific, we cannot remain unconcerned about the global issues
related to peace, sustainable development and human rights. When armed conflicts take place,
disasters hit, environmental degradation occurs, or there are people without the right to live
with dignity because of social exclusion and discriminations in the Asia-Pacific, can we treat
them as someone else’s problems? As a resident of the Asia-Pacific, you may grieve over the fact
that there are vulnerable people facing multiple threats and feel that we should strive for
promoting regional cooperation in order to solve these problems. When you feel this way, you
may be forming a new sense of identity as a member of the symbiotic Asia-Pacific region,
strengthening the ties of solidarity beyond national borders.
In this context, in the international community, and particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, there
is a need for global talent who will promote regional cooperation in order to tackle global issues.
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies,
Waseda University
Not only the international civil servants who work at the United Nations or the ASEAN Secre-
Dean/ Professor
tariat, but also the civil servants employed by the national or local governments in each country
in the region play important roles in promoting multi-national cooperation. Furthermore, the
activities carried out by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations
are becoming more prominent. In addition, more and more private companies are becoming
conscious about philanthropy and corporate social responsibilities. Lastly, higher education
institutions, including universities, as well as other scholars and researchers have a lot to offer
for tackling global issues.
I sincerely hope that you join us to become the global talent of the future for promoting regional
cooperation in the Asia-Pacific in order to tackle the many pressing issues facing our world
today and the generations of tomorrow.
The Six Characteristics of GSAPS
1. Japanese and English Bilingual Education
2. An International Learning Environment with Students
from over 50 Countries and Regions
3. A Comprehensive Research Environment Specially Designed
for Graduate Study
4. Faculty with Diverse, Real-World Experience
5. Active Support for International Activities
6. A Global Network of Active Alumni
Profile of GSAPS Students
( * As of May 1st 2015)
MA / 11 ■ PhD / 13
. Azerbaijan
. France
. Ge
er any
celand . Russia
. Spain
. United Kingdom
Middle East
MA / 6 ■ PhD / 1
. Afghanistan . Turkey
. Saudi Arabia
MA Program
PhD Program
MA / 256 ■ PhD / 127
. Cambodia
. China
. Hong Kong
. India
. Indonesia
. Japan
. Kyrgyz
North,Central &
South America
. Laos
. Sri Lanka
. Malaysia . Taiwan
. Mongolia . Thailand
. Myanmar . Uzbekistan
. Philippines . Vietnam
. Republic of Korea
. Singapore
MA / 12 ■ PhD / 8
. Canada
ad . Mexico
United States
MA / 3 ■ PhD / 2
. Kenya
re . Tanzania
■ Ratio
of GSAPS by
Countries / Regions
■ Age
■ Gender
Male ■ Female
20 ’s ■ 30’s ■ 40’s ■ 50’s ■ 60’s ■ 70’s
【MA Program】
234/ 53%
10.8% 1% 0.3% 1.4%
International Students ■ Japanese
【MA Program】
166/ 58% 【PhD Program】
68/ 45%
4% 3% 1%
China 50%
Taiwan 11%
Republic of Korea 7%
Thailand 4%
Indonesia 2%
Kyrgyz 2%
Vietnam 2%
Other 10%
United States 6%
Germany 5%
Indonesia 4%
Cambodia 3%
Laos 2%
Malaysia 2%
Singapore 2%
Taiwan 2%
Other 13%
【PhD Program】
China 22%
Thailand 15%
Republic of Korea 9%
Philippines 8%
Vietnam 7%
United States 4%
Myanmar 3%
Germany 3%
Afghanistan 2%
In the midst of the rapid globalization that marks the contemporary world, the presence of the Asia-Pacific region
is becoming more significant than ever in the fields of international politics, economy, society and culture. The
mission of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies (GSAPS) is based on two principles: 1) To pursue
academic research that balances global and regional perspectives in addressing the range of historical, political,
economic, business management, industrial, social, and cultural issues arising among and across the nations of
the Asia-Pacific region; and 2) To cultivate future professionals who are experts in their fields and who can apply
their advanced training and knowledge to contribute broadly to improving the living standards and social
conditions of individuals around the world.
Solving the various issues emerging out of contemporary global society requires acquiring historical and cultural
understandings of the region combined with analytical tools from the disciplines of international relations, policy
studies, and international development. To this end, GSAPS is one of the few educational institutions in the world
that offers an interdisciplinary International Relations program which trains students in three specializations: Area
Studies, International Relations, and International Development/Policy Studies. Faculty and students come from
diverse backgrounds, and, as part of the vibrant GSAPS community, students are able to experience a microcosm
of global society as they pursue a range of curricular and research activities.
Three Specializations
Area Studies
Development /
Policy Studies
MA Program ・
・ 06
- 08
PhD Program ・
・ 09
Study Abroad Programs ・
・ 10
EAUI Program ・
・ 11
- 13
・ 14 - 17
Financial Aid and Scholarships ・
・ 12
Career Development Support ・
・ 18
List of Organizations Where Alumni Are Working・
・ 19
Recent Graduate’s Voice ・
・ 20
GSAPS Student Association (GSA)・
・ 21
Admissions ・
・ 22 - 23
For more details
MA Program
MA Program
The MA Program in International Relations consists of three main fields of specialization, "Area Studies",
"International Relations" and "International Development/Policy Studies". Students will focus on one, but,
at the same time, they are allowed to attend courses in all three fields. Using a broad-based, multi-perspective approach to analyzing the momentous changes taking place in the Asia-Pacific region,
graduates of our program will be well-prepared to take on the region's challenges and opportunities in
a wide range of professional capacities.
【Academic Degree】
Master of Arts in International Relations
【Early completion option】
(1.5 year completion )
【Degree Requirements】
Project research / Master’s thesis:8 credits
Lecture courses : 22 credits
Total : 30 credits
(The standard curriculum period : 2 years)
1. All the necessary credits for graduation obtained in one year,
starting from the day after entrance (except project research).
2. 3.5 or above GPA obtained
3. A score of 90 or above obtained for the project research.
Course Category
Aims of Each Course
Project Research
Project Research is carried out in seminar style. Under the instruction of their academic
advisors, students will learn and master skills to prepare and complete their thesis, to
compile, analyse and review relevant information fully and to understand the research
Core Courses / Basic Courses
Core Courses and Basic Courses are designed to help students attain basic knowledge
and skills necessary for completing their research projects.
Advanced Courses
Advanced Courses are designed to provide students with training in the acquisition of
highly professional knowledge and in the effective application of those skills in one's own
field of research. Among the courses, subjects related to Japanese Studies aim to further
promote the understanding of Japan using various approaches so as to meet the needs
of our foreign students. Furthermore, in the category of 'Special Seminars' organized by
our faculty, experts and researchers from external organizations are invited to deliver
lectures, giving our students the latest perspectives on the current hottest issues.
Optional Courses
Optional Courses are designed to train students in other necessary skills, such as
information analysis and computing and languages required for research activities.
Credits for these courses will not be considered as a part of the completion (degree)
8 credits
22 credits
Not counted
for graduation
For more details
Model Study Plans for the MA Students
The GSAPS curriculum is perfectly suited to address the needs of a wide variety of student interests
regarding the Asia-Pacific region. Students make individual study plans in consultation with their supervisor (s).
Model Case 1
1st Year
1st Semester
2nd Year
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
● Coursework
● Semester Exchange at NTU*
● Coursework
Taking mainly Basic Courses /Core
Courses along with EAUI program
Nangyang Technological University
in Singapore (an partner university)
Taking EAUI program courses.
● Preparing for
4th Semester
● Finishing Master’s Thesis
● “ EAUI Program
Certificate of
Completion” Conferred
● Internship in Singapore
Exchange Program
Attending the orientation, gathering appl ication documents, etc.
Model Case 2
1st Year
1st Semester
2nd Year
2nd Semester
● Coursework
● Coursework
Taking mainly Basic Courses / Core
Taking courses related to the
Master’s thesis.
● Preparing for Exchange Program
3rd Semester
4th Semester
● Semester Exchange
Program at
George Washington Univ.
● Finishing Master’s Thesis
● Internship in the U.S.
Attending the orientati on, gathering application documents, etc.
Model Case 3
1st Year
1st Semester
2nd Year
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
● Coursework
● Coursework
● Coursework
Taking mainly Basic Courses / Core
Taking courses related to the
Master’s thesis.
● Field Research
4th Semester
● Finishing Master’s Thesis
in Southeast Asia
With financial support from the“Haraguchi
Memorial Asia Research Fund” (p12).
Samples of MA Thesis Submitted in 2014
Area Studies
Project Advisor
AMAKO Satoshi
・Strategies in German and Japanese Bilateral Technical Cooperation in the People’s Republic of China – Comparing Approaches of GIZ and JICA in the
Environmental Sector –
・Examination of Taiwan’s Technical Cooperation: – Empirical Study of Japan’s Technical Cooperation to China –
・Chinese People’s Online Participation and Political Efficacy after Popular Protest Participation
・The Impacts of Land Institutions on Urban Redevelopment in China – The Case Studies of Beijing and Guangdong –
・An Empirical Analysis of the Feasibility and Future Economic Effects of the Proposed China-Korea FTA
・A Study of Recent Reforms of International Education in Japan with Globalization and Social Structure Changes – Focus on “Global 30 ” Project –
・Behind the Construction of the Other: A Label Intersected by Nationalism, Gender and Social Class
・Tolerance Against Interactions – Potentials and Shortcomings of Visual Kei for Molecular Subversions –
・Understanding Chinese Newcomers in Japan – Implications of Choosing Chinese Schools –
・Thailand as a Transit Center of Muslim Migration, Rohingya and Uyghur
・The Paradox of Middle Class’s Attitudes toward Democratization Support in Thailand – Comparative Studies of Black May 1992 and 2006 Thai Coup d’état –
・The U.S. Pivot to Southeast Asia: Promises, Policies, and Progress Perspectives from Thailand and the Philippines
LEE Jong Won
・A Study on Stages of Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute – Confirming the 4th Stage –
・The Controversy of Non-Diplomatic Engagement in the DPRK – Does Engagement Truly Make a Difference? –
・Anti–Base Movements and Policy Change – Impact of Local Elites on Movement Effectiveness –
・Fathering Japan: Members’ Activities and Benefits of Social Business-Type
・NPO Community of Christ – Immigrants’ Experiences in a Multiethnic Congregation in Tokyo –
・Burden Basket: Anthropological Analysis of New Generation Migrant Workers in China
International Relations
Project Advisor
UEKI Chikako
・The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis and Cooperation Between the United States and South Korea
・In Arms We Trust: The Taiwan Lobby and US Arms Sales
・Non-traditional Security Cooperation: Securing Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia
・Museum and Politics – Collective Memory of Japan’s Colonial Rule in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan –
・Conflict and Cooperation between Public Health and Intellectual Property Law in Pharmaceuticals
・Poverty Reduction through Tourism Development in Cambodia – A Research Study on Sustainable “Pro-Poor Tourism Initiatives” and their Implication –
・Managing South China Sea Disputes: a Regime Perspective
・The Study of Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement
International Development / Policy Studies
Project Advisor
URATA Shujiro
・The Impact of Logistics Performance in Facilitating Trade in ASEAN
・Strengthening the Investment Policy for Foreign Direct Investment Attraction into Uzbekistan
・Cost Efficiency Analysis in Banking Industries – Singapore and Thailand –
・Microfinance: A New Strategy to Empower Rural People and a Development Paradigm in Rural Uganda.
A Case Study of Pride Microfinance Institution (MDI) in Mukono District.
・Life Skills Education at Primary and Secondary Schools – Its Practice and Challenges in Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam –
・How Restrictive? A Comparative Study of Asylum Policy
・Development Path of Environmental Institutions in Russia – A Case of Environmental Impact Assessment System –
・Cost Benefit Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide Emission Control Policy in China
・Linking Emissions Trading Scheme – From the Perspective of ETS Design and Policy Objectives –
MITOMO Hitoshi
・The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Female Consumers’ Purchase Intentions – A Study of Online Reviews for Cosmetics –
・Analysis of Samoan Pre–Service Teachers Acceptance of Information and Communication Technology
・Study on the Utilization of Smart Phone Application for Online Shopping Services in China – An Empirical Study –
For complete list
PhD Pro
o ram
PhD Program
The PhD Program in International Studies was established in 2000, with the goal of building a leading academic
research center. Our programs aim to produce graduates who will be leading researchers and highly-specialized
professionals on the international arena.
【The Number of PhD Degree Recipients in the Past 3 Years】
【Academic Degree】
Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies AY2014 : 19 AY2013 : 15 AY2012 : 32
【 PhD Program Flowchart】The Standard Curriculum Period : 3 Years
Academic Year
1st semester
After 1 semester from matriculation
After 1 year from matriculation
Completion of the On-demand Course
“Research Ethics / Introduction to Research Ethics”
Establishment of the Guidance Committee.
1st Year
Submission of the Research Plan
Passing the “Interim Presentation”
2nd Year
Finish Writing Thesis / Submit Treatise
Submission of the Doctoral Thesis
Oral Examination ( Defense )
3 rd Year
Approval of Faculty Meeting
PhD Degree Conferred
Study Abroad
Programs Programs
Study Abroad Exchange Programs
for GSAPS Students
GSAPS offers a wide variety of programs to study at top schools in
the world through the use of exchange programs based on agreements between the host institutions, GSAPS and the EAUI program.
Partnerships with
Eminent Overseas Universities
Under the exchange program scheme, students wishing to go on
exchange will be able to choose from more than 350 partner universities in the world.
United States
College of Social Sciences, University of
Hawaii at Manoa
Elliott School of International Affairs, George
Washington University
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public
Affairs, Syracuse University
College of Political Science and
Economics, Korea University
Graduate School of International Studies,
Korea University
Graduate School of International Studies,
Hanyang University
Graduate School of International Studies,
Seoul National University
United Kingdom
Department of International Relations,
London School of Economics and
Political Science (PhD Students Only)
Center for International Education (CIE)
Center for Digital Technology and
Management at Ludwig-Maximilians
University and Technical University of Munich
Under agreements with overseas partner universities, GSAPS conducts
exchange programs of its own. Students can attend either in spring or
in autumn for one semester.
School of International Relations and
Public Affairs, Fudan University
School of International and Public Affairs,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of International Studies, Peking
Department of Political Science, Taiwan
National Taiwan University
Graduate Institute of International and
Development Studies
School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Nanyang Technological University
Faculty of Political Science,
Chulalongkorn University
Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat
Roadmap to Study Abroad (GSAPS Exchange Program)
1st Year
Spring Semester
2 nd Year
Autumn Semester
Spring Semester
Autumn Semester
● Spring Semester Recruit ( Spring depa rture)
【July-Sep / Orientation】▶【 Sep-Oct / Application】▶【 From Feb-Mar to May-Aug / Study Abroad】
● Autumn Semest er Recruit ( Autumn departure)
【Jan-Mar / Orientation】▶【 Mar-Apr / Application】▶【 From Aug-Sep to Nov-Jan / Study Abroad】
CHO Ju Young
Study Abroad
From September to December, 2011, I studied at George Washington University in Washington D.C. as an exchange
student. The department I belonged to was the Elliott School which aims to nurture global leaders in international affairs.
The school was great in that classes provided practical knowledge from actual/former politicians or officers in the
Pentagon, and also that all the participants were highly passionate in class. This great environment to study international
relations was possible especially because it was the capital city of the United States. The World Bank, the IMF, the White
House and embassies of various countries were all located nearby. Therefore, it was relatively easy to grab a chance to
meet famous figures and scholars and to participate in world class events. I personally participated in the Wall Street
Journal CEO Council Meeting where I was able to meet a lot of famous figures. It was a very short term, I would say, to
experience such wonderful academic and social events; therefore, I would strongly recommend you to explore the same
way I did by choosing to study internationally.
East Asian University Institute ( EAUI )
Waseda University EAUI Program
for Asian Regional Integration
The East Asian University Institute (EAUI) Program originally began in 2011 as a program subsidized under the
“Re-Inventing Japan Project” of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (the “East Asian University Institute (EAUI) for Asian Regional Integration” : AY 2011-2015). The EAUI
Program consists of joint education and research programs operated by five partner schools (College of
Political Science and Economics, Korea University; School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University; School of International Studies, Peking University; Faculty of Political Science,
Thammasat University; Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University) for promoting Asian
regional cooperation and integration and fostering young leaders who can serve both global and regional
public interests and contribute to sustainable development in the world and Asia.
The EAUI joint education program is made up of components for fostering understanding of the theme of
Asian regional integration and cooperation with the semester exchange program at its core. The EAUI
Program issues certificates of completion to students who have fulfilled the requirements for specially
designed curricular models. There are two types of the EAUI certificate of completion: 1) Certificate of
Completion issued solely by GSAPS to the student who has fulfilled the requirements set by GSAPS and 2)
Joint Certificate of Completion issued to the student who has fulfilled the requirements by GSAPS and the
EAUI partner school which hosted the student for the semester exchange program.
EAUI Partner Schools
Korea University (Seoul, Korea)
College of Political Science and Economics
Deriving from the classic departments of law and economics, the College of Political Science and Economics has 4 departments, 70 faculty members and interdisciplinary programs.
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences(HSS)
HSS is a school of world class education in humanities and social sciences, equipping students with
breadth of imagination and depth of perspective to confront the challenges of the 21th century world.
Peking University (Beijing, China)
School of International Studies(SIS)
SIS, one of the centers for the study of international relations in China, has 4 departments, 3 institutes, 55
faculty members as well as over 1000 students, offering various programs such as international politics,
diplomacy, international political economy and Chinese politics.
Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand)
Faculty of Political Science
Established in 1949, the Faculty of Political Science has a reputation for quality teaching in politics, public
administration and international relations, equipping students with a deep understanding of international
relations and an ethical consciousness.
For more details
and Scholarships
Financial Aid and
GSAPS offers a comprehensive program of financial support including scholarships and grants from government agencies,
private corporations and donors.
(Based on AY2014 records)
【 Main Scholarships and Number of Recipients】
For Japanese Students*
For International Students
Main Scholarship
Amount Paid
Number of
in AY2014
MEXTJapanese Government Scholarship
(Domestic Selection)
Tuition exemption +
Waseda University Partial Tuition -Waver
Scholarship for Privately Financed
International Students
Reduction of 50% of
annual tuition fee
Azusa Ono Memorial Scholarship for
International Students
Mori Masakatsu Memorial Foundation for
Foreign Students
Scholarship for Young Doctoral Students
Honors Scholarship for Privately
Financed International Students
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation
Kobayashi International Scholarship
Assuran International Scholarship
Main Scholarship
Amount Paid
Number of
in AY2014
GSAPS Excellence Awards
Equivalent to the
Grant amount of the annual
tuition(First year only)
Okuma Memorial Awards
Azusa Ono Memorial Scholarship
WASEDA Alumni Awards
Scholarship for Young Doctoral Students
Japan Student Service Organization
Scholarship (JASSO)
Loan Type Ⅰ (without interests)
total 21
Japan Student Service Organization
Scholarship (JASSO)
Loan Type Ⅱ (with interests)
total 6
* An international student with a “Permanent Resident”, “Long Term Resident”, “Spouse or Child of Japanese citizen” or “Spouse or Child Permanent Resident” status will be required to register for scholarships
as a Japanese student. For the details, please contact Scholarship division.
* Depending on the scholarships, you might be able to receive more than one scholarship.
* Please note that these scholarships are not necessarily available every year and that scholarship information is subject to change.
Expansion of the Scholarship and Research Fund System
GSAPS Excellence Awards
【Eligibility】 Japanese Students*(New MA students only), an international
student with a “Permanent Resident”, “Long Term Resident”,
“Spouse or Child of Japanese citizen” or “Spouse or Child of
a Permanent resident” status will be required to register for
the scholarship as a Japanese Student.
【Screening】 Nominees will be selected from the successful
applicants.Screening is based on the academic
performance (entrance examination results etc.) of the
successful applicants.The office will contact to the
nominees individually before matriculation.
【Amount】 Equivalent to the amount of annual tuition
【Distribution of After the designated application procedures, the grant will be
Scholarship】 distributed to the awardees. (Approximately 3 months after
【Number of Three
Haraguchi Memorial Asia Research Fund
What is the Haraguchi Memorial Asia Research Fund?
The Haraguchi Memorial Asia Research Fund was endowed by Ms.
HARAGUCHI Uta (1920-2009) in commemoration of her father, Mr.
HARAGUCHI Takejiro (1882-1951), towards the development of Southeast
Asian Studies, and especially Indonesian Studies, at GSAPS.
Research Field Trip Grant
This grant, from the Haraguchi Memorial Asia Research Fund, is open to any
regular graduate school student at Waseda University whose research
theme is related to Southeast Asian Studies. The annual field trip grant is
JPY250,000 and it will aid about 10 students per year.
* Under this scheme, the "Research Field Trip" refers to fieldwork in a foreign
country. Students who plan to take part in an internship, study abroad program,
international conference and other related academic activities, etc, may also
【 Procedure of Application to Scholarships】
1 2 3
6 5 4
* In principal, scholarship application is required to be made after enrollment.
Scholarship Registration
Document Screening
Applicant submits the designated
applictaion to the GSAPS Office
during the Registrartion Period
(Upon entrance and every April).
Japanese Students*are required to
register during their entrance
The committee select the nominee
based on the academic merits of
the registered students.
Final Results
Final results are decided by the
foundation (HQ).
Spring Term
Fall Term
Around July
Submit Application
Spring Term
Fall Term
The office nominates the final
nominee to the foundation and/or
the HQ.
Around May
Around October
The office contacts only the nominee and manage an interview.
Around December
SCHOLL Sebastian Peter
Two incredible years. I would do it again, anytime.
It is hard to do justice trying to describe my two MA years and the life that came with it in just a few sentences. They have
been rewarding at all possible levels. GSAPS has countless opportunities on offer, and one just needs to learn how to
prioritise, because two years is simply just too short to seize all of them.
I was fortunate to have been awarded two scholarships after I entered GSAPS. Firstly, the Future Leader’s Program for
Regional Governance and Cooperation in Asia Scholarship by the Japan Student Service Organisation (JASSO) and
secondly, the Partial Tuition-Waiver Scholarship by Waseda University. They have allowed me to render my time in Japan
even more memorable.
Overall, the past two years were so enriching and overwhelming that I decided to stay on longer, but now as a PhD
Faculty Studies
Area Studies
AMAKO Satoshi|Professor
Politics, Contemporary China,
International Relations on East Asia
Project Research
[M A ]Governance in China and Asia
LIU-FARRER Gracia|Professor
International Migration, Social Stratification
and Inequality, Globalization, International
Project Research
[M A ]Globalization and Socio-Cultural
[PhD ]Self, Culture, Society under
MURASHIMA Eiji|Professor
Area Studies (Southeast Asia),
History of East Asia
HAYASE Shinzo|Professor
Ethno-history of Asia,
History of International Relations
Project Research
[M A ]Political Society and Culture
in Southeast Asia
[PhD ]Southeast Asian Area Studies
Project Research
[M A ]Japan in Asia
[PhD ]Asia-Japan Relations in Modern
Associate Professor
Economic Sociology, Organizations, Culture,
China, East Asia, Creative Industries in Asia
LEE Jong Won|Professor
International Relations in East Asia,
International History, Contemporary Korean
Project Research
[M A ]Politics and Diplomacy in Korea,
International Relations in Northeast Asia
[PhD ]Contemporary Korean Studies,
International Relations in Northeast Asia
Project Research
[ M A ]Popular Culture in Asia
[ PhD ]Development and Prospects of
Creative Industries
in Comtemporary Asia
ROBERTS Glenda S.|Professor
Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Studies,
Gender Studies, Work and Organizations,
Migration Policy
Project Research
[M A ]Everyday life in the Asia-Pacific
[PhD ]Contemporary Japanese Society
International Relations
KAWAMURA Yukio|Professor
SHIRAISHI Masaya|Professor
International Co-operation and Laws of
Asia-Pacific Region, International
Organizations and International Law
International Relations in Southeast Asia,
Modern History, Politics and External
Relations of Vietnam
Project Research
[M A ]International Co-operation in the APEC
Region and Laws
[PhD ]International Organizations and
International Co-operation
Project Research
[M A ]International Relations
in the Asia-Pacific Region
UEKI Chikako Kawakatsu|
Associate Professor
Economic Development of East Asian
Countries, Innovation
Political Science, International Relations,
Security Studies
Project Research
[M A ]East Asian Economies and Industries
[PhD ]Industrial Upgrading in East Asia
Project Research
[M A ]International Relations and Security
in East Asia
[PhD ]International Relations and Security
in Asia-Pacific
SHINOHARA Hatsue|Professor
YAMAOKA Michio|Professor
International Relations, International History,
History of US-Japan Relations, Law and
Global Exchange Studies, Studies on
Economics Education, New Zealand Studies
Project Research
[M A ]East Asia and America, Foreign Policy
[PhD ]History of US-Japanese Relations,
International History
Project Research
[M A ]International cooperation in Asia Pacific
[PhD ]Asia-Pacific Cooperation
International Relations
Policy Studies
International Development /
Policy Studies
KATSUMA Yasushi|Professor
MITOMO Hitoshi|Professor
Development Studies (Human Development),
International Human Rights Studies
(Child Rights), Human Security Studies
ICT(Information and Communication
Technology) Economics and Policy,
ICT Applicaitions in Business and Civic Life,
Social Innovation by ICT
Project Research
[M A ]Peace, Human Rights and Social
Development in Less Developed
[PhD ]Social Development and International
Human Rights
KURODA Kazuo|Professor
OBI Toshio|Professor
Comparative and International Education,
Educational Policy, Education and
International Development, International
Higher Education
International Competitiveness,
e-Government, CIO,
ICT Application for Ageing Society, BCP
Project Research
[M A ]Educational Development in Developing
Countries and International Cooperation
[PhD ]Policy Analysis of Comparative and
International Education
Project Research
[M A ]Research on Information Society,
e-Government and
IT Career Development
MATSUOKA Shunji|Professor
URATA Shujiro|Professor
Environmental Studies, Development Studies,
Evaluation Studies, Risk Governance
International Economics,
Development Economics
Project Research
[M A ]Global Sustainability and International
Development Cooperation Studies
[PhD ]Environment and Sustainable
Project Research
[M A ]Economics, Policies and Applications
for Networked Societies
[PhD ]Info-Communication Economics,
Business and Policy Analysis
Project Research
[M A ]International Economic Issues
in Asia-Pacific
[PhD ]International Economic Issues
in Asia-Pacific
Faculty from
Other Institutions
Faculty from Other Institutions
* Only Accept MA Students
KAWANO Mariko|
Professor ( Faculty of Law )
International Law
( Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences )
Development anthropology, Anthropology of
tourism, Heritage studies
Project Research
[M A ]Pacific Settlement of
International Disputes
Project Research
[M A ]Cultural Heritage and Development
in Southeast Asia
LIU Jie|
Professor ( Faculty of Social Sciences)
Visiting Professor
Modern History of Sino-Japanese
Relationship,History of International Relations
in East Asia
Project Research
[M A ]Chinese History in Modern and
Post-WWⅡ period
Assistant Professor
( Aoyama Gakuin University )
International Relations Theory,Comparative
Regional Systems, Asia-Pacific International
Relations,Building Artificial Societies
Project Research
[M A ]International Relations of, and with,
* Assistant Professors Do Not Offer Project Research seminars.
BOYD James Patrick|
Assistant Professor
Comparative Politics,
International Relations,
Political Science
MAKINO Fuyuki|
Assistant Professor
Cultural Anthropology,
Architectural Planning and Design
KATO Atsuyuki|
Assistant Professor
Applied Economics
Assistant Professor
Career Development
As of March 15, 2015, GSAPS has produced 2049 MA graduates from 74 countries around the world, and they play active parts globally. The
'Triangle Method' combines the strengths of formal coursework (research activities and seminars) and projects that provide practical
experience, such as internship, fieldwork and studying abroad. Such activities have allowed GSAPS to maintain a unique network of
cooperative partnerships with a diverse range of public and private corporations and institutions from around the world.
Career Support
Job Fairs
Job fairs are held several times on campus annually.
Students will have the opportunity to meet recruiters
directly from various corporations and organizations.
List of Participating
Companies and
Accenture Japan Ltd, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd., Deloitte
Tohmatsu Consulting Co.,Ltd., Dentsu Inc., IBM Japan,
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Japan External Trade
Organization (JETRO), Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA), Shiseido Company Limited, among
GSAPS offers advanced courses conducted by
experts to equip students with practical skills for
after graduation.
Practical Approaches: Diplomacy ● Practical Approaches to
International Civil Service : United Nations Organization and
Documentation ● Practical Approaches: Media I ● Practical
Approaches: Media II ● International Cooperation
Advanced Management Training (AMT), Embassy of
Colombia in Tokyo, Ericsson Japan K.K., Goldman Sachs,
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan, International Committee of the Red Cross, Japan External Trade Organization
(JETRO), JTB Corp., Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA), Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
Co.,Ltd., United Nations Univ.(UNU), among
The WASEDA University Career Center is dedicated to
assisting students through various career advancement
and development programs such as career advisory
service, workshops, company seminars, guidance
counseling and interview practice.
Internship Institution : National Diet of Japan - MP Office
During the space of 4 months, I was able to experience something most foreigners in Japan cannot - the inner workings of Japanese
politics! An MP offered me this great opportunity to gain insight into the actual policy making process in Japan and to help me shape
my own understanding of Japanese politics.I was able to research in my own area of interest and craft a policy proposal and reform
agenda for Japanese ODA to be used for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.His office is a truly international and inspiring place for any
young researcher and politics enthusiast. I was able to form long-lasting friendships with Japanese staff members and other foreign
interns and experienced the day-to-day hard work of a Japanese politician firsthand. Inviting foreigners to this core center of Japanese
political life surely is a great way to further international understanding and shape the mindset of future leaders.
I will forever be grateful for this opportunity and it will remain a milestone in my life.
XIE Yizhe
Internship Institution : Sumitomo Corporation
An internship is probably the best opportunity for an engaged student to move beyond the Ivory Tower and increase exposure to the
real world. I was privileged to do an internship at the Sumitomo Corporation Global Research – an in-house think tank of the Sumitomo
Corporation in Tokyo – one of the world’s largest general trading houses, which are considered the backbone of Japanese economy.
Among other ad hoc tasks, I was responsible for monitoring and analyzing political and economic events across the world that might
have a business impact on the firm’s global presence and presented my work daily at morning meetings. Because of the intrinsic
nature of the internship, I was able to apply many things I learnt at school to work and find out my own answers to questions like what
and how knowledge and theories can be applied in daily business, what’s the culture and communication style of Japanese firms, and
what kind of talents are in great need and what points I need to improve and work on, etc. Upon completing the internship, I can say
that I walked away with confidence and knowing myself better and became more grateful to GSAPS for its interdisciplinary approach
and faculty with a wide range of interests.
List of Organizations
Where Alumni Are Working
MA Program
International Organization, Government
Foundation for the Welfare and Education
of the Asian People (RHQ)
Japan Ministry of Defense
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Kyoto Prefecture Officer
Takasaki City Officer
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Toyohashi City Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
UNESCO Asia-Pacific Center of Education
for International Understandings
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations (Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs)
United Nations University
United States Department of State
Waseda University
Ochanomizu University
Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.
JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation
KDDI Corporation
Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
NEC Corporation
Panasonic Corporation
Pioneer Corporation
Procter & Gamble Japan
Rakuten, Inc.
Recruit Holdings Co.,Ltd.
Sankei Shinbun Co.,Ltd.
Seiko Epson Corporation
Sekisui House, Ltd.
Shinsei Bank, Limited
Shiseido Company, Limited
SoftBank Corp.
Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Toshiba Corporation
Toyo Engineering Corporation
TV Asahi Corporation
Nagoya University of Commerce & Business
Osaka University (Associate Professor)
Rikkyo University (Associate Professor)
Thammasat University
The Center for Korean Studies at the University
of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Visiting Researcher)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tsuda College (Lecturer)
Vietnam National University/ Hanoi University
of Economics and Business(Lecturer)
Waseda University (Research Associate)
University, Research Institute
Hosei University
Rikkyo University
Buisiness Sector
Bloomberg L.P.
CyberAgent, Inc.
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co.,Ltd.
Fujitsu Limited
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Hoshino Resort Co., Ltd.
IBM Japan, Ltd.
Intelligence Holdings,Ltd.
Jiji Press, Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson K.K.
PhD Program
Asian Development Bank Institute (Research
Chulalongkorn University (Lecturer)
Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (Lecturer)
Harbin Institute of Technology (Assistant
Korea International Cooperation Agency
Recent Graduate’s Voice
OJALA Katri Elina
【Project Research】Everyday Life in the Asia-Pacific (Prof. ROBERTS Glenda S.)
【Career After GSAPS】International Business/Business Sector
Q.1 Why Did You Choose GSAPS ?
I wanted to do my Master’s degree in Japan because of positive experiences as an exchange student to Japan in my Bachelor
years, and a friend of mine recommended GSAPS to me. The characteristics of GSAPS that appealed to me the most were the
fact that one can study in both English and Japanese, the curriculum is extensive and enables us to study the Asia-Pacific region
from many different perspectives, and that studying in one of Japan’s leading universities will give me an advantage in looking
for a job after graduation.
Q.2 How Was Your Academic Life at GSAPS ?
Studying at GSAPS has been demanding but also very rewarding. The schedule is pretty tight with all the required course work
and preparing the Master’s thesis. But at the same time, I have learnt a great deal in the courses I took, both from the professors
who are experts in their field and the lively in-class discussions with other students coming from a variety of backgrounds. I
think that is definitely one of the greatest strengths of GSAPS: people from different cultural backgrounds challenge you to
question your convictions and help you to think from other perspectives as well. One example of this is the Campus EAUI
program where Waseda University organizes joint courses and semester exchange opportunities with other leading Asian
universities, offering their students a chance to exchange ideas with peers studying in different Asian countries.
Q.3 Please Share Some Comments with Applicants
Regardless of whether you are considering a career in academics, organizations or corporations, GSAPS can offer useful tools
for your future. From the personal networks of professors and GSAPS alumni, support of the GSAPS office staff and other
Waseda University services for students, to the academic skills you will learn during your study at GSAPS, you can be sure that
your time here will not go to waste!
【Project Research】Global Sustainability and International Development Cooperation Studies (Prof. MATSUOKA Shunji)
【Career After GSAPS】International Business/Business Sector
Q.1 Why Did You Choose GSAPS ?
At the end of my school life in SILS, Waseda, I had to decide my future path. I have studied various fields which are related to global
issue, and the environment was one of my favorite topics. I wanted to be more academically trained regarding environmental issues
and, at the same time, I also wanted to study other related fields. GSAPS was the best choice because GSAPS provide me with a good
environment to fulfill my academic interests such as interdisciplinary courses and highly qualified faculty members. Plus, the fact that
I could study with students who have different backgrounds and cultures made me more interested in studying in GSAPS.
Q.2 How Was Your Academic Life at GSAPS ?
During the two years in GSAPS, I was able to develop my knowledge through the classes and my own research in seminar. Students
have access to good academic resources such as journals and books that Waseda provides. I also actively made use of these
opportunities. Moreover, I really appreciate that there were many chances to share my cultural interests and ideas with other students
from diverse countries. The EAUI program is one of the good examples that students can share their knowledge with other school’s
students. All those precious experiences in GSAPS helped me to be a person who is more professional with a global perspective.
Q.3 Please Share Some Comments with Applicants
For future applicants who are interested in improving academic knowledge and who want to actively engage in international fields, I
would like to recommend that GSAPS is a great choice for you. Two years ago, like many other students, I was also really worried
about my future, but now, I can say studying at GSAPS was a truly valuable step for my future career.
GSAPS Student
Association (GSA )
The GSAPS Student Association (GSA) has as its mission the social,
academic, and career development of GSAPS students. All GSAPS
students are considered members, in that they are welcome and
encouraged to participate in GSA activities. GSA holds events to
support and expand social relationships between students. We at the
GSA are working to make sure each member has an excellent
experience at GSAPS and welcome the participation of all students.
Message from GSA
Message from GSA
President of GSA(2015)PELAEZ MAZARIEGOS, Edgar Santiago
Our mission is to create a friendly environment in which students, staff and professors can bond and enjoy their life at
GSAPS. This is why we are always looking
forward to meeting new students and
making friends from all over the world.
The international environment of GSAPS
is the perfect one for students to have
new experiences, have a cultural
exchange and mingle with schoolmates
from every corner of the world. The GSA
aims to offer opportunities for students to
interact, regardless of their nationality, to contribute in their understanding of the world
situation, to generate empathy towards new values and different cultures, as well as to
help them fulfill their academic and social interests. We are always open to new ideas and
eager to work with new students. On behalf of the GSA Council, I would like to welcome
all new students, hoping that we can help you to enjoy your time in GSAPS.
GSA Events
Welcome Party
Course Registration
Pot Luck Party
Research Presentation
Off Campus Activities
Farewell Party
With the aim of accepting promising individuals not only from Japan but also from all over the world,
GSAPS screens all applicants while placing particular importance on a sense of mission and motivation.
The GSAPS Admissions Office comprehensively evaluates applications based on factors such as
research plans, credentials, interviews, etc.
Admission Categories
Application from inside of Japan: For residents of Japan (Japanese citizens and non-Japanese who possess a visa to Japan)
Application from overseas : For residents of countries other than Japan (Japanese citizens and non-Japanese)
This admission aims to seek excellent persons from all over the world
without restricting nationalities and ages.
【Application cycle】Twice annually 【Admission】April/September
This admission targets Japanese or special permanent residents who
overseas experiences of more than one year in the following fields;
Admissions for have
Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, expert investigator in the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officer in an overseas diplomatic office,
international civil servants such as United Nations, international NGOs,
( MA program
overseas CSR activities, or other international development activities
【Application cycle】Twice annually 【Admission】April/September
( MA program
For more Information, please refer to the website of International
Admissions Office, Waseda University.
This admission targets undergraduate students of Waseda
University who are expected to graduate. (Those who have already
graduated are not eligible.)
【Application cycle】Three times annually
This admission targets foreigners residing outside of Japan. Once
passing the screening and being nominated for any of the scholarships
listed below, tuition fees are exempted and a monthly stipend is provided.
The targeted scholarships are MEXT (nomination by GSAPS), and the
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP).
【Application cycle】
Once annually
【Admission】September only(The application period will be around
early February.With regard to The Application guides will be released
on the GSAPS website in late December.
* With regard to the second screening, only those who pass the first screening will take the second screening.
MA Screening Schedule
April Admission
for AY2016
September Admission
for AY2016
Campus Special
Admission for AY2016) *1
Enrollment Capacity (1year ) / 120
The figures are aggregate numbers representing the total of
both April and September admissions.
Application Period
from inside
of Japan
from inside
of Japan
Sep.4(Fri.) ~ Sep.11(Fri.),2015
Apr.4(Mon.) ~ Apr.11(Mon.),2016
Information of Scholarship Admissions for
Sep. 2016 Admission will be released in
late December 2015 on the GSAPS website.
First Screening
Second Screening
Final Admission
May 20(Fri.),2016
May 20(Fri.),2016
Entrance Procedure
Nov.26(Thu.), 2015
Jun.23(Thu.), 2016
Sep.4(Fri.) ~ Sep.11(Fri.),2015
Nov.26(Thu.), 2015
Winter *2
Jan.8(Fri.) ~ Jan.15(Fri.),2016
Feb.19(Fri.), 2016
May 13(Fri.) ~ May 20(Fri.),2016
Jul.7(Thu.), 2016
*1 All the applicants through campus special admissions take a second screening (interview) as the admission decision will be based on document review and interview results.
*2 Winter application is for April admission. When the winter application is available, we will announce after Dec. 1, 2015 through GSAPS website.
*3 With regard to the second screening, only those who pass the first screening will take the second screening.
PhD Screening Schedule
Enrollment Capacity (1year ) / 30
The figures are aggregate numbers representing the total of
both April and September admissions.
First Screening
Application Period
Second Screening
from inside
of Japan
April Admission
for AY2016
Final Admission
Entrance Procedure
Feb.12 (Fri.),2016
Feb.19 (Fri.), 2016
Jun.30 (Thu.),2016
Jul.7 (Thu.), 2016
Feb.6 (Sat.),2016
Dec.4 (Fri.) ~
Dec.11 (Fri.),2015
Jan.22 (Fri.),2016
from inside
of Japan
September Admission
for AY2016
Information on Scholarship Admissions for
Sep. 2016 Admission will be released in
late December 2015 on the GSAPS website.
Jan.27 (Wed.)~
Feb.3 (Wed.),2016*
Jun.25 (Sat.),2016
May 13 (Fri.)~
May 20 (Fri.),2016
Jun.9 (Thu.),2016
Jun.15 (Wed.)~
Jun.22 (Wed.),2016*
* During the period, the interview by phone or e-mail will be conducted.
Application Documents
Application guide, application documents (PDF) and brochure can be downloaded from the GSAPS website.
Tuition and Fees for AY 2016
1st Year
Second Semester
First Semester
Second Semester
876,500 JPY
676,500 JPY
676,500 JPY
676,500 JPY
1,553,000 JPY
2nd Year
For Entrance Procedures
(First Semester) *
1st Year
For Entrance Procedures
(First Semester) * Second Semester
616,500 JPY
416,500 JPY
1,033,000 JPY
2,906,000 JPY
1,353,000 JPY
2nd Year
3rd Year
First Semester
Second Semester
First Semester
Second Semester
416,500 JPY
416,500 JPY
416,500 JPY
416,500 JPY
833,000 JPY
833,000 JPY
2,699,000 JPY
* Entrance Fee( 200,000JPY ) is included in the “ For Entrance Procedures ( First Semester )”.
* The Entrance Fee is waived for a successful candidate who is currently enrolled in, graduated from, completed, or withdrew from an undergraduate, graduate,
or specialized program of Waseda University.
* Tuition and fees above include “Waseda University Student Health Promotion Mutual Aid Association Fee” (1,500JPY).
For more details
Shin-Mejiro Dori(Av.)
Arakawa Line
( Train)
Waseda St.
Waseda Univ. Bldg. 19
( Nishi-Waseda-Bldg )
Book Store
︵ Av.
Meiji Dori
convenience store
Police Box
Nishi-Waseda St.
Waseda University
Nishiwaseda Campus
Fukutoshin Line
E-mail : [email protected]
Web :
facebook :
Waseda University
Waseda Campus
(Tokyo Metro subway)
TEL :+ 81-3 - 5286 - 3877 FAX : + 81- 3 - 5272 - 4533
Nishi - Waseda Bldg.7F, 1- 21-1 Nishi- Waseda,
Shinjyuku-ku, TOKYO 169 - 0051 JAPAN
Waseda Univ.
Center for Scholarly Information
(Central Library/
International Conference Center)
Waseda Dori(Av.)
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Waseda University
Waseda St.
(Tokyo Metro subway)
High School Tozai Line