Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
ESG Initiatives
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Given the meaning of CSR, corporate activities that focus only on compliance are incomplete. Indeed, companies today are
required to go a step further and understand that they are members of society and must therefore give due consideration to
social ethics, human rights, the global environment and local communities. Embracing this change in the social environment,
the Yusen Logistics Group is tackling its CSR sincerely, determined to meet the expectations of shareholders while aiming to
achieve sustainable development.
Pursuit of
Initiatives through Business
Yusen Logistics Transports Baseball Equipment to Cambodia in Support of
Saitama Seibu Lions' Baseball Promotion
Yusen Logistics has transported baseball equipment to Cambodia free of
charge, in support of an ongoing project to promote baseball internationally,
by Japanese baseball team, the Saitama Seibu Lions.
The Saitama Seibu Lions, based north of Tokyo in Tokorozawa, Saitama,
initiated the project in 2013, which aims to promote baseball overseas by
donating baseball equipment to countries. Throughout August and
September 2015, the team collected baseball equipment at Seibu Lions
Annual Report 2016 29
games from supporting fans and team members. Together with baseballs donated by the team itself, donations numbered
6,357 items in total.
On September 26th, 2015, a ceremony was held at the team's home ball park, the Seibu Prince Dome, to mark the donation
of the equipment to Cambodia. Hajime Igo, President, and Yoji Seki, Senior Managing Director of the Seibu Lions, formally
entrusted the equipment to Lao Nguon Eng, Commercial Counselor of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia and Kenichi Kotoku,
Director and Managing Executive Officer of Yusen Logistics.
The baseball equipment was transported to Cambodia using Yusen Logistics Group's door-to-door service. The collected
donations were cleared through export customs, before being shipped by sea from Tokyo to Cambodia in December 2015. In
January 2016, the equipment passed import customs clearance in Cambodia, and was delivered to the Cambodia Baseball
Federation on January 24.
Yusen Logistics Transports Food to Poverty-stricken Areas of Cambodia
Yusen Logistics has helped support the non-profit organization (NPO),
Peoples' Hope Japan (PHJ) in their “Maternal and Child Health
Improvement” project in poverty-stricken areas of Cambodia, by providing
free transport of nutritional food into the country. Donated to the
organization by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Yusen Logistics transported
4,800 nutritional bars, making an export arrangement in Japan and then
forwarding the food by air from Narita Airport to Cambodia. After their
arrival, Yusen Logistics (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. handled the import customs
clearance and arranged the delivery, with the Yusen Logistics Group
arranging a one-stop service in support of the NPO.
PHJ works to support the improvement of health and medicine, focusing on the “education of health and medical care”
within developing Asian countries. It provides continuing support and educational activities in the field of maternal and child
health in particular. The food delivered has helped to aid health education within Cambodia's Kampong Cham Province.
30 Annual Report 2016
Social Engagement
Yusen Logistics Develops Diversity by Employing a Top Athlete
In April 2016, Yusen Logistics employed swimmer Ayatsugu Hirai, who
participates actively in international meets. This was the first time for us to
recruit top athletes by using “Athnavi,” a Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC)
project that supports employment of top athletes.
Hirai is a 1,500-m freestyle swimmer who has achieved a number of
excellent results in swimming competitions in Japan and overseas. His
1. Sporting event
1,500-m freestyle swimmer
ambition and passion, with the aim of continuing to be the best in the world,
matches the philosophy of the Yusen Logistics Group, which seeks to be a
2. Major achievements
world-leading total logistics provider, and this led to his recruitment.
1st place, 1,500-m freestyle, National Swimming Championships
1st place, 1,500-m freestyle, Japan Open
9th place, 1,500-m freestyle, FINA World Aquatics Championships
To ensure that Hirai can fulfill his potential in the pool, we create an
environment in which he can give his utmost attention to swimming.
2nd place, 1,500-m freestyle, Japan Open
10th place, 1,500-m freestyle, Pan Pacific Swimming Championships
Providing Group-wide support to a top athlete who aims to be the world's
1st place, 1,500-m freestyle, National Swimming Championships
2nd place, 1,500-m freestyle, Japan Open
3rd place, 800-m freestyle, Universiade
1st place, 1,500-m freestyle, Universiade
1st place, 1,500-m freestyle, Swimming World Cup
enhance all the staff's morale.
best is expected to foster a sense of unity within the organization and
Yusen Logistics conducts the recruitment and development of human
resources with diverse experience as part of our personnel strategy within
our Medium-Term Business Plan. In the years to come, Yusen Logistics will
take a positive approach to the employment of top athletes and work to
boost corporate value through the recruitment of diverse human resources.
Comment from Ayatsugu Hirai
I am pleased to join Yusen Logistics, which aims to be a world leading total
logistics provider that is a global top five company and number one market
position in Asia, and to be afforded such a great environment in which to
continue my swimming. Besides working to boost my competitive ability, I
will do my best to learn from others and grow as an individual. I aim to take
part in international games and hope to produce results that live up to the
expectations of everyone who is supporting me. I will strive hard to make
whatever contribution I can at work and in swimming. I am committed to
practicing my sport everyday so that I get to stand on the podium for the
1,500-m freestyle races I enter.
Annual Report 2016 31
Raising Funds for Patriot Service Dogs
The Transportation Division in Yusen Logistics Americas hosted a fundraising
event for Patriot Service Dogs Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida. The event raised a
donation of $760 for Patriot Service Dogs, an organization dedicated to
helping disabled military veterans gain a sense of independence through
their partnership with a well-trained service dog.
We chose Patriot Service Dogs to show thanks to those in our Yusen
Logistics family who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. A service dog is
individually trained for a full two years to learn more than 80 commands—all to help those veterans with mobility
impairments, loss of limbs and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Yusen Supports Transaid in Zambia
In January 2016, Yusen Logistics UK's Louise Gunby travelled to Zambia with
our charity partner, Transaid, to help improve road safety in sub-Saharan
Transaid is an international transport development charity, dedicated to
reducing poverty and improving livelihoods across the developing world
through creating better transport solutions and infrastructure. Yusen
Logistics is a big supporter of the charity, and has been a corporate member
since September 2014.
Louise Gunby, who is Operations Manager for the Leeds distribution center at Yusen Logistics UK, was seconded for three
months to the Industrial Training Center (ITC) in Zambia, supporting the center in its aim to reduce traffic fatalities in subSaharan Africa through professional HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle), PSV (Public Service Vehicle) and forklift truck training.
Whilst on secondment, Louise was responsible for helping the ITC team standardise training materials, identify areas of
improvement in the teaching, scheduling and planning of training activities and processing the project's data.
The Road Safety Project Manager for Transaid said: “We're grateful to Yusen Logistics for donating their time and expertise
to help us develop the project and further enhance the skills of those at the ITC.”
32 Annual Report 2016
Yusen Germany Support Children's Cancer Hospital
Yusen Logistics Germany has been sponsoring the Children's Cancer Hospital
in Dusseldorf with a yearly donation since 2014. The donation is used to
purchase medical equipment and supplies to enable better medical treatment
for the children at the hospital. It has also been used to fund special projects
such as the building of a new in-door playroom and activities including horse
riding, trips to the zoo, theme park excursions and football matches.
The Children's Cancer Hospital was founded in 2010 with the aim of
supporting children and young people with cancer. The Hospital works hard
to help patients throughout the course of their treatment – an often very
difficult journey – and seeks to provide the best possible care and emotional
As a company, we believe we have a social responsibility to support our
communities – local and worldwide. By donating to the Children's Cancer
Hospital we want to support the Foundation in all the incredible work it does
– everyday – to provide the best quality of medical care and support to its
Donation to an Orphanage
During the fasting month of Ramadhan in 2015, the staff of TASCO Berhad
(our consolidated company in Malaysia) contributed cash of slightly over
RM4,000 and items for donation to the orphanage and poor children. The
Company chipped in RM3,000 to the collection. On July 13, 2015, our staff
and management visited the Rumah Anak Yatim AS-Solihin in Banting to
distribute goodies bag and presented a check of RM4,500 to the orphanage
home. Another check of RM2,023 from the collection was given to another
orphanage Rumah Anak Yatim Kampung Kuantan.
Support of Forest Development
Since 2010, Yusen Logistics has taken part in a foster parent program for
forest conservation in Nagano Prefecture. The program was initiated by
Nagano Prefecture in 2003 and it was the 10th time for us to conduct forest
conservation activity in 2015.
Annual Report 2016 33
In Nagano Prefecture, forests that are not being cared for sufficiently are expanding due to a lack of people to take over the
work and an aging society. With this in mind, Yusen Logistics became a Forest Foster Parent through the prefecture for
Tateshina Town. Providing support to forest maintenance activities also provides the opportunity to interact with local
A large number of employees, including the Chairman and his wife, came from all over Japan twice a year to prune the trees
in the spring and thin the forest in the autumn. Activities took place in a designated district of Tateshina Town known as the
Yusen Logistics Forest of Creation.
We're Not Kidding: Warehouse is Going to the Goats
What do you do with a track of land that you cannot clear with machinery or
chemicals? For the team at the Yusen Logistics Americas Sumner warehouse,
located in the U.S. state of Washington, the answer was to hire a herd of
The team used the goats to clear out the property surrounding the facility.
Goats can easily clear land on steep hillsides and rough terrain, as was the
case for the Sumner location, grazing where machines and people cannot
safely go.
A total of 108 goats moved onto the property, eating approximately 25,000 square feet of brush within 20 days. A single
goat can eat up to eight pounds of green foliage and brush in a day.
Using goats is an eco-friendly, green and sustainable approach to rid property of unwanted vegetation. Plus, it is cost
effective: each goat was paid 32 cents an hour!
Beach Scavenging in the Rain
With everyone's great support and high passion, Yusen Logistics China
(YL-CN) and NYK Line China Qingdao branch successfully held the first CSR
activity in July in Qingdao No. 1 beach, where wonderful scene and public
reputation are famous. Yusuke Takashima, former Qingdao branch manager,
and his family, as well as all staff participated in this activity. However, the
weather made a lovely joke, as it started raining suddenly. It is an honor for
us to collect the garbage on the beach while taking the “shower.”
Eventually, we collected as many trashes as possible to keep the environment around us clean and tidy. Moreover, this
valuable experience presented our 3I's (Integrity, Innovation, Intensity) spirit and our responsibility as members of a superior
company in the logistics industry. We will do anything we can to maintain the good relationship with the environment in
34 Annual Report 2016
Diversity and Inclusion
To achieve our aim to be a "world-leading total logistics provider," we must build a corporate culture where diverse human
resources can exercise and maximize their autonomy and creativity.
We employ and nurture people irrespective of gender, nationality or other characteristics. We are working to establish an
internal system and enhance our training program so that all employees including women, senior staff and foreigners can
take an active role in operations.
Misao Kondo
Executive Officer,
General Manager of
General Affairs Department
Can you give us a brief summary of your career as well
as your current job?
I joined Yusen Air & Sea Service after graduating university and was involved in planning,
marketing, budget management, planning of alliances with other companies, and other areas as
part of the corporate division. I also worked to arrange transportation for a range of goods as part
of the sales division.
In 2007, I was assigned to work on general business affairs at the headquarters for the South Asia
and Oceania region in Singapore. During my time there, Yusen Air & Sea Service and NYK Logistics
decided to integrate their business worldwide, so I traveled to many overseas affiliates and made
many preparations required in the integration of the South Asia and Oceania region. When this
was almost finished, I returned to Japan in 2011 and was put in charge of public relations as
General Manager. In 2014 I was appointed General Manager of General Affairs Department, my
current position.
As General Manager, I am responsible for running the general meeting of shareholders and
working on reform in response to the revision of the Companies Act and Japan's Corporate
Governance Code, as well as the bureau for convening meetings such as the meeting of the Board
of Directors.
Annual Report 2016 35
What have you paid particular attention to over the years, given your
extensive business background?
I have not encountered any gender restrictions, and have been afforded many challenging
opportunities, including overseas business trips and overseas assignments. I have been fortunate to
gain a great deal of experience through a broad range of businesses, and this has taught me to
see things from a variety of perspectives.
Each time I work on something new, I study on my own and thoroughly research anything that is
not clear. I have always sought to gain the knowledge required. Rather than take a half-hearted
attitude to things I do not know in the course of my work, I try to stay curious even when it comes
to small things, and to be independent minded in whatever I do.
What do you plan to work on in the future
as the head of General Affairs Department?
This department is committed to doing all the things that one might not notice in the Company
to support corporate management, and provides guidance on how to operate appropriately as
a company.
As an example, we run a bureau that handles meetings of Board of Directors, which means that we
are charged with making the best-possible arrangements to ensure that management can engage
in beneficial dialog and make suitable judgments and decisions at the meeting. In FY2015, we
compiled the Company's policies to help with the application of Japan's Corporate Governance
Code. Rather than optimizing the status quo, we hope to steadily implement reforms one by one,
and make the Company better so that we can move forward.
What is your message to junior staff?
The first thing I would like to say is to think and act for yourself. Things will not progress smoothly
without a certain degree of independence, regardless of your role or position, whether you are a
staff person or a manager.
Also, it is important to value communication. Work to ensure the most appropriate communication
by meeting and talking face to face, rather than always sending emails, so that you can build good
The Yusen Logistics Group is engaged in business globally and thus has a range of customers while
also enjoying great diversity in human resources. To make the most productive use of the
experience, make sure that you create a future based on independent action and communication.
36 Annual Report 2016
Pursuit of Sustainability
Effective Operation of the Internal Control System
To ensure that the internal control system at Yusen Logistics functions effectively, we promote compliance and conduct risk
management in an efficient manner.
The Yusen Logistics Group shall stipulate the Group Code of Conduct, in order for the executives and employees to execute
corporate activities in accordance with the laws and regulations, and internal rules, and social ethics, provide education and
training, and ensure familiarization therewith so that this will be put into practice in daily activities.
We will stipulate the Basic Compliance Promotion Rules and establish the Compliance Committee, chaired by the President,
for promotion and stabilization of our compliance system.
The committee sets a compliance program each fiscal year and establishes and maintains a Group-wide compliance framework.
Risk Management System
Each department and Group company of Yusen Logistics has a risk management system for the workplace to expose risk as
well as formulate, implement and evaluate countermeasures. This enables risk related to operations in a particular area of
responsibility to be identified and managed. The status of management for important risks in a department in charge is
reported by an executive officer via the Compliance Committee, and company-wide risk that may lead to loss is recognized.
In addition, to ensure early identification and correction of an act, or failure to act, that breaches laws and regulations, we
have set up an internal reporting center inside and outside the Company, in accordance with compliance helpline
regulations, that facilitates a framework for consulting and receiving inquiries.
Yusen Logistics has formulated a basic policy for its Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for disaster prevention and for measures
to resume operations during an emergency such as a large-scale disaster or other major event that causes damage. Based
on this basic policy, the department in charge formulates a BCP and reviews the plan as needed while implementing a crisis
management framework for large-scale disasters. The effectiveness of the BCP is reported to the Board of Directors.
Business Continuity
Embedded in our Corporate Social Responsibilities commitments, our business continuity plans are designed to aid early
detection, prevention, appropriate post-incident management and damage minimization in the event of unforeseen
situations such as war, acts of terrorism and natural disasters. Following damage from a disaster or catastrophic event, the
Company will be able to maintain its important functions uninterrupted wherever possible, or if interrupted, to quickly
restore them. We have formulated and are implementing a basic policy for business continuation. We also conduct training
that assumes a large-scale earthquake has taken place, distribute a Business Continuity Handbook to employees that is easy
to carry around, and maintain supplies at each site and disaster countermeasures office.
Training for a large-scale earthquake
Emergency power supply at Narita Logistics Center
Business Continuity Handbook
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