April 2015 newsletter - Bonney Lake SDA Church
April 2015 newsletter - Bonney Lake SDA Church
Bonney Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church April 2015 Issue Mark Your Calendar Special Events Incredible Prophecies Seminars April 3rd and 4th: Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. and Saturday evening at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Speaker: Dan Bentzinger Women’s Spring Day • April 11, 2015 Grace Community Church • 1320 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA April 12th at 9 a.m. Men’s & Women’s Ministry is hosting bowling at the Daffodil Bowling Center in Puyallup. All interested please sign up in the foyer. No charge. Come and enjoy a good time together in fellowship & fun. Evangelism Speaker Dan Bentzinger The Incredible Prophecies seminars are winding down. We have had a wonderful time together and a nice group of people from the greater community attend a majority of the meetings. Here is the schedule of our last group of meetings: Friday, April 3rd, “ Why Are Thee So Many Denominations? “ Sabbath AM on April 4 at 10:50 a.m. Pastor’s Class “Incredible Bible Marking” . Pastor Preaches and we will have a number of baptisms! Praise the Lord! Sat. night, April 24th at 7 p.m., “Reunion Day in Heaven.” Thank you to both Pastor Dan and Gloria Bentzinger for all their time, love and support. Thanks also to Pastor Koch & his family for their time, love and support as well. May each of you who attended be blessed! Infallible Proofs by Tim Chaffey on February 19, 2013 The first article in this series explained the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus to the Christian faith. Its centrality to Christianity is shown by the fact that believing Jesus rose from the dead is essential for salvation (Romans 10:9; 1 Corinthians 15:12–21). So, does belief in this all-important miracle stem from blind faith or do Christians have good reasons for believing that the Resurrection was a real event in history? When we start from God’s Word, there is absolutely no legitimate way to deny the angel’s words to the women who came to the tomb on that glorious morning: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen!” (Luke 24:5–6). The Bible repeatedly affirms the bodily Resurrection of Jesus, even stating that He demonstrated it “by many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3). What are some of these infallible proofs? Are there any other good arguments consistent with this belief? Infallible Proofs In the “prologue” to the book of Acts, Luke told Theophilus that Jesus “presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). The Greek word translated as “infallible proofs” is τεκμηρίοις (tekmēriois), a technical term from logic1 that refers to that which causes something “to be known in a convincing and decisive manner, proof” (italics in original).2 So what are these infallible proofs of the Resurrection? Before answering that question, consider what it would take to convince you that someone was alive again after dying. Of course, the best evidence would be an opportunity to spend time with that person again—you could see him walk and talk, and you could eat with him. That’s precisely what Luke is referring to here. After being crucified, Jesus showed Himself alive by appearing to the disciples on several occasions. He walked with them, talked with them, and ate with them. Combining the data from various New Testament books, we know that Jesus appeared to some of His followers on at least ten occasions before ascending to heaven. Determining the order of the following appearances is beyond the scope of this article, so I have listed them according to Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell’s article, “The Sequence of Christ’s Post-Resurrection Appearances.” Mary Magdalene (John 20:11–18) The other Mary, Salome, Joanna, and at least one other woman (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) Peter (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5) Cleopas and another disciple on road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13–35) The eleven disciples minus Thomas (Luke 24:36–43; John 20:19–25) The eleven disciples (John 20:26–29) Seven disciples at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1–23) Disciples at a mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16–17) James (1 Corinthians 15:7) Disciples, possibly in Jerusalem before He led them to the Mt. of Olives, gave the Great Commission, and ascended into heaven (Luke 24:49–53; Acts 1:3–11) In most instances, Jesus did more than just appear before people. Christ’s words in John 20:17 seem to imply that Mary Magdalene clung to Him, indicating that He could be touched. The other women worshiped Him and held Him by the feet (Matthew 28:9). He broke bread in front of Cleopas and an unnamed follower 2 (Luke 24:30). He showed His scars in His hands, feet, and side and then ate fish and a honeycomb before the gathering of disciples without Thomas (Luke 24:40–43; John 20:20). Later, with Thomas present, Jesus invited Thomas to touch His hands and His side (John 20:26–27). At the Sea of Tiberias, He performed a miracle, allowing the disciples to catch 153 large fish (John 20:6–11). He also cooked and ate some food (John 20:9, (15)). Paul claimed that Jesus had appeared to over 500 people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6). This may be an additional appearance, or it may be the same event as the one on the hillside in Galilee (Matthew 28:16– 17). The report in 1 Corinthians (15) is probably the earliest extant writing about the Resurrection appearances, penned around AD 55. Paul claimed that he was writing what he had received. What was the source of the message that Paul preached? It could have been given to him directly by Jesus (Galatians 1:12), although here he was probably referring to his meetings with Peter and James in Jerusalem within five years of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (Galatians 1:18–19).3 Paul wrote that he went to “see Peter” (v. 18). The word translated as “see” is from the root ‘ἱστορέω (historēο), which refers to inquiring for the purpose of coming to know someone or something,4 and from which we derive our English word history.5 So Paul told the Galatians that he not only received his message from Jesus, but also had it confirmed by Peter and James. Even the critical scholars acknowledge that Paul received this teaching within a few years of the death of Jesus. Some skeptics claim that the idea of the Resurrection was simply a legend that grew for several decades before being written down. 1 Corinthians 15:1–9 smashes this objection. Not only is five years much too short a time for such a legend to develop, but Paul cites a bunch of eyewitnesses “most of whom [were] still alive” (1 Corinthians 15:6, ESV). Essentially, he told the Corinthians, “Hey, if you don’t believe me, then go ask one of these guys.” The idea that the Resurrection was the product of legend will be further examined in an upcoming article in the series. So are the appearances truly “infallible proofs” of the Resurrection? According to Luke they were, and he wasn’t alone. Paul told the Greek philosophers who gathered in the Areopagus in Athens that God had “furnished proof to all men by raising [Jesus] from the dead” (Acts 17:31). “Proof” is from the Greek πίστιν (pistin) and refers to “a token offered as a guarantee of something promised.” It is a “proof” or “pledge.”6 Jesus said on multiple occasions that His death and Resurrection would be the one sign He would give to an unbelieving and wicked generation. When asked by the Jews to perform a sign, He predicted His Resurrection by saying, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19–22). Later, some scribes and Pharisees asked Him for a sign, and Jesus replied, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39–40). He gave a similar response to such a request in Matthew 16:1–4 as well.7 In one of His debates with the Pharisees, Jesus said, “It is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true” (John 8:17). This oft-repeated concept refers back to Deuteronomy 19:15—“by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.” This same idea is at the heart of the American judicial system. Witnesses appear in trials to help establish the truth of the matter. Prior to the use of modern 3 forensic experts and recording devices, reliable eyewitnesses were essential. People believe in the historicity of many past events because of eyewitness testimony without ever seeing photographic evidence for those events. Multiple reliable eyewitnesses testified that Jesus was alive after being dead and buried. Some of these eyewitness accounts have been preserved for us in the Bible, and because this is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, Scripture is actually another infallible proof of the Christ’s Resurrection. Nevertheless, many people still refuse to believe because the hardness of their heart. The Heart of Unbelief Some may wonder how a proof could be called infallible when so many people refuse to believe it. In the case of the risen Jesus, the problem was not with the evidence. After all, He was standing in front of them and could be touched and heard.8 Even today, the problem is not with the infallible proof of Scripture, nor is there a problem with the evidence from history or archaeology. The main problem is with humanity’s stubbornly rebellious heart. Jesus also spoke to this issue when talking about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31). The rich man in Hades pleaded with Abraham in glory to send Lazarus back from the dead to warn the rich man’s brothers about the torments that awaited them if they didn’t repent. He claimed that “if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent” (v. 30). Abraham’s response alludes to Christ’s Resurrection and illustrates the stubbornness of the sinner’s heart: “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead” (v. 31). This willful rejection of the truth is well illustrated by a series of quotations from atheist philosopher Michael Martin concerning the evidence for Christ’s Resurrection. “It is not inconceivable that on very rare occasions someone being restored to life has no natural or supernatural cause”; “I admit that some events could occur without any cause”; “[E]ven if the resurrection of Jesus was justified by the evidence, it would not support the belief that the Christian God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God.”9 In an effort to escape the implications of the Resurrection, Martin is willing to reject one of the fundamental principles of scientific methodology: cause and effect. Instead of bowing the knee to His Creator, Martin would rather believe in a causeless effect by which, out of all the people who have ever lived, the one who just happened to come back to life for no reason at all was Jesus, the Man who had fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies, lived a sinless life, performed countless miracles, and predicted His own Resurrection (Matthew 20:18–19). This is special pleading at its worst. Martin’s statement provides a great example of how a person usually interprets the data according to his worldview. As an atheist, Martin is prepared to believe just about anything on this matter except that God raised Jesus from the dead. When a person desires to remain in his skepticism, he will develop excuses to disbelieve the obvious. Although the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was proven by “many infallible proofs” and has been recorded in God’s Word, atheists like Michael Martin will continue to reject the free gift of God’s grace and cling to their irrational humanistic worldview. Conclusion 4 Christians can have the utmost confidence in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus since God’s Word accurately tells us about these historical events. These central truths of the Christian faith were also witnessed by hundreds of people. Jesus was publicly executed on a Cross, buried in Joseph’s tomb (Mark 15:42–47), and seen alive again by more than 500 people at the same time. The post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus are infallible proofs that He conquered death and God’s Word the infallible proof of the event in our world today. Our next article in the series will look at several other pieces of evidence related to the Resurrection, which will be followed by several articles examining many of the alternative views developed by critics and skeptics to explain away the Resurrection. By raising Jesus from the dead, God demonstrated His affirmation of Christ’s work and ministry. Since He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6) and those who deny Jesus also deny the Father (1 John 2:23), it is essential that you consider what your response to Jesus will be. If you have not done so already, will you repent of your sins (Acts 3:19; 17:30), “confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,” and be saved (Romans 10:9)? Or will you continue in your rebellion, rejecting the only one who can save you from your sins? He is “the resurrection and the life” and the one who believes in Christ, though he may die, will live eternally with Him (John 11:25). There is no middle ground when it comes to your relationship with God—either you belong to Him by personal faith in Jesus Christ or you do not. Footnotes: John B. Polhill, Acts: The New American Commentary, vol. 26 (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995), 81. Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt, F. Wilbur Gingrich, and Frederick W. Danker, (BDAG) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed., revised and edited by Frederick W. Danker (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001), s.v. “τεκμήριον,” 994. Another lexicon defines it as “that which causes something to be known as verified or confirmed— ‘evidence, proof, convincing proof.’” Johannes P. Louw and Eugene Albert Nida, vol. 1, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains, electronic ed. of the 2nd edition. (New York: United Bible Societies, 1996), 339. It appears only here in the Bible, but it carried similar meanings in other ancient Greek writings, such as a “sure sign or token,” a “proof,” or in the logic of Aristotle, a “demonstrative proof.” Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, with a revised supplement 1996 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1843, 1996), 1768. Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), 52–53. Habermas points out that even many critical scholars admit that this teaching dates to within five years of Christ’s death. BDAG, s.v. “ἱστορέω”, 483. Michael R. Licona, The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2010), 230. BDAG, s.v., πίστις, 818. It is interesting that Scripture does not provide any clear examples of people who remained in unbelief after seeing the resurrected Savior. Some people believe that Matthew 28:17 mentions a group of people who refused to believe in Jesus even after seeing Him alive again, but they are likely misunderstanding what this verse teaches. For more details, see my article, “‘But Some Doubted’: Studying an Intriguing Response to the Resurrection of Jesus” available at http://midwestapologetics.org/ blog/?p=1014. It should be noted that while some people reject the infallible record (the Bible) of the infallible proofs, a study of the historical evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus has been a major factor in some people coming to faith in Christ, including apologists like C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, and Lee Strobel. Michael Martin, The Case Against Christianity (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1991), 76, 87, 100, cited in Licona, The Resurrection of Jesus, 608. 5 Calendar of Events Elders Meeting: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM 1st Monday of each month Board Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 2nd Thursday of each month Fellowship Potluck Luncheon after Sabbath Services: 1st & 3rd Sabbath of each month in the Fellowship Room Men’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Pastor’s Office Mid-Week Bible Study and Prayer Meeting: Each Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Youth Room Adventist Community Services: 1st & 3rd Monday of each month 9-11 a.m. Advanced Bible Study: It’s a workout of a different sort. The Advanced Bible Study (ABS) meets in the Youth Room after the Fellowship Luncheon on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths of every month. Contact Larry Chaplin at 253-863-1366 for more information. Pathfinders Monday’s at 7:00 p.m. 40 Days of Prayer, Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. You can call 253-244-9220, Use Conference ID#32227. Also Sabbath Morning Fourth Sabbath of each month- Special Intercessory Prayer. Join us for a simple soup/salad/sandwich luncheon after the church service. After the luncheon we will meet back in the Sanctuary for a season of Intercessory Prayer. Incredible Prophecies Seminars April 3rd and 4th: Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. and Saturday evening at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Speaker: Dan Bentzinger April 4th, Sabbath Fellowship luncheon will be featuring some of the recipes that were printed in the Church Cookbook. You won’t want to miss this luncheon! Nominating Committee will have their first meeting on Monday, April 6th at 6 p.m. in the Young Adult Classroom. The next meetings will be on Sunday evenings from April 12th onward until the positions for leadership in our church have been filled. New nominees will begin serving July 1, 2015. Women’s Spring Day • April 11, 2015 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Grace Community Church • 1320 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA Register at springday.eventbrite.com April 12th at 9 a.m.- 11 a.m., Sunday morning, Men’s & Women’s Ministry is hosting bowling at the Daffodil Bowling Center in Puyallup. All interested please sign up in the foyer. No charge. Come and enjoy a good time together in fellowship & fun. Address: 1624 E Main, Puyallup, WA 98372. If you would like to get together for a Mariner’s game please sign up on the clip board on the counter by the office. Date to be announced if there is enough interest. Sponsored by Men’s & Women’s Ministries. If you want to include something in the bulletin please e-mail to the following: [email protected] If you want to include something in the newsletter please e-mail [email protected] Elder in Charge: April-Phil Proctor 6 Women’s Ministry WOMEN’S SPRING DAY Women’s Spring Day • April 11, 2015 • 10 am - 4 pm (registration begins at 9:30 am) Grace Community Church • 1320 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA Ever feel ordinary? Most days we may feel like an ordinary woman going though an ordinary day, living an ordinary life. But actually that’s right where God can use us the most to do extraordinary things with Him. Think about the ordinary women in the Bible that God used—like Deborah & Dorcas, Miriam & Mary. The list goes on and on….Women like you and me living ordinary lives. But when connected with an Extraordinary God, amazing things happens. Invite a friend and join us for a day of praise & worship, heart-touching stories, along with encouraging and inspirational thoughts from God’s Word. Our speaker is Jo Ann Davidson, a professor at Andrews University Theological Seminary—the first woman to teach in the Theology Department. She’s a sought-after speaker, author, musician, wife, mother, daughter, sister and auntie who can relate to each one of us ordinary women seeking a deeper relationship with our Extraordinary God! Pay it Forward; Let’s make a difference! Join us as we continue to financially support Search & Rescue Mission, a ministry for the homeless. You may also bring needed items: socks, women’s or men’s underwear, cookies, trail mix, fruit bars, health bars, toothbrushes/small paste, wipes, gallon & quart baggies, & medium brown bags. You can send in your check to Washington Conference Womens Ministry 6217 Rebecca PL SE,Auburn, WA 98092 or register online at springday.eventbrite. com Registration Costs Early Bird (before March 20) $35 After March 20 $40 After April 3 $50 Have questions about Women's Spring Day 2015? Contact Lynda Kim at 253350-1507 or e-mail [email protected] or contact Elizabeth Yeagley by e-mail at [email protected] Washington Youth Rush Do you want to share Jesus, but lack confidence and don’t know how? Youth Rush is a 10 week literature evangelism program teaching young people how to share their faith in a relevant way while earning money for school. It’s fun, life changing, and exciting. June 7th - August 13th. Interested to find out more? Go to facebook.com/Literature Ministries or contact [email protected], Cell 989390-5704 or Office 253-681-6207 7 Librarian’s Corner Our church library is still getting new “stuff”. Come check out the DVD shelves. “Spend 40 Days Wild and it will challenge you to give God access to transform your heart. It’s time to get off the couch and engage in the exercises that put you in the presence of God”. “Set Free” Is a story of miraculous recovery and forgiveness. “Heaven came down” This is a Genesis to Revelation gallery of close encounters of Men like Moses,Daniel, Jesus clear down to John on Patmos. For the children of all ages, there is the book “Dinosaurs, Where did they come from and where did they go”. “ The secret in the Acorn”, is A kids view of fundamental Biblical Teaching Laurel Thorp Librarian In Memory Mark A. Hoover passed away on Tuesday, March 24, 2015. Our prayers and hearts go out to Linda Buras, his sister and Lloyd Buras his brother-in-law as well as his wife Nancy and his family. They want to say thank you to all for the prayers and calls. The beautiful flowers given by the church family in the front are in rememberance to him. Thank you all! YARD Don’t Forget to Tend to Your Areas. Let’s keep our church looking great anytime of the year- but especially during Easter time. Thank you all for your help! Fred Haskell, Maintenance Coordinator CARE Register to Stay at #WAcampmeeting The Bible contains so much "Timeless Wisdom" to renew our minds, and camp meeting is a great opportunity to refocus on the instruction and inspiration of God's Word. Washington Conference would particularly like to invite you to camp meeting this June 12-20. We know it's a bit earlier than normal, and want to give you ample time to make arrangements to attend. »Online registration for on-site accommodations is now open and ready for you to make arrangements. Keep track of camp meeting plans and registration options at washingtonconference.org! Register to Stay at #WAcampmeeting! Journey to the Cross Invite Your Friends & Neighbors to an Easter Musical In Journey to the Cross, a multi-generational cast presents the story of Jesus' life in a dramatic musical production at Auburn Adventist Academy Church, 5010 Auburn Way South. This indoor production features five performances from April 2-5 including a Saturday afternoon matinee at 2 pm and four evening performances at 7 pm. »Tickets $5 each at www.j2cinfo.org. Invite your friends and neighbors! Northwest Christian School Benefit Auction Giving Hearts, a benefit auction for Northwest Christian School in Puyallup, will be held Sunday, April 12 beginning at 3:30 pm. This night of philanthropy features a silent auction, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, a dessert auction and a live auction. All proceeds benefit the new cafeteria building fund. Childcare is available. Tickets are $50 each. For reservations, please contact Jodi Knight at [email protected] or (253) 414-5169. Location: Northwest Christian School, 904 Shaw Rd, Puyallup, WA 98372 Donations are still being collected for our mission effort in Ghana. We send money for Twi Bibles and various literature from time to time when we get enough donations to make it worthwhile. Your donations are greatly appreciated and being put to a marvelous work! Simply mark your check Ghana and we will ensure it goes to this worthwhile mission. Bless someone today! Fun Run! Buena Vista SDA School is hosting Run2Educate on May 3, 2015. This 10K, 5k, and kids’ fun run will raise money to update technology resources. Join us or sponsor a child to run! Adventist Community Services “Thank You for your Ongoing Support” We have started collecting funds for our annual “School Supply” gift cards. If you would like to make a donation, please put your offering in a tithe envelope and mark it “Community Service-School”. Last year with your help we were able to help 65 students with their back to school supplies. You can help Community Service earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards card. Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Bonney Lake Adventist Community Service at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. Scroll down to the middle of the page and you will see a link that will take you to the page for linking your card. You can search for us by name or by our non-profit number 88839. Then every time you shop and use your rewards card you are helping Community Service earn a donation. You still earn your rewards points, fuel points and rebates just as you do today. If you do not have a rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk of any Fred Meyer store. For more information, please visit www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. We are in need of clothes for babies, older children and men. If you know of anyone with these items send them our way. All we ask is that the clothes are clean and in good shape. Thanks for your support of our department, we couldn’t do it without you. As you plan your offerings, please consider making Community Service a part of your regular giving plan. The number of families coming into our center is growing and your support helps us to help them. Thank you, Debbie Mann Adventist Community Services Coordinator 10 Ghana Update Dear Friends in Christ, I thank you all for your condolence messages to me concerning my mother’s death. I am much appreciated to all that you have said and also mourn with me. It is my prayers that I will see my mother and all of you in Heaven some days. Please I am so sorry by not been communicated with you since I tell you the death of my mother. I may wish to communicate to you everyday, but since I am in my last year in my second cycles institution, things has become too tide in all the second cycle institutions in Ghana. All the authorities of the school are so strict that they don’t want their students to go out and behave badly, so they have camp us on campus and it it difficult to go out for anything extra. They will not allow you. And if you joke with it, despite it has remains your few months in school, they will sack you from school. So I am comporting myself in such a way that I may not encounter any problem. That’s why it has taken me a little long to write to you. I have read some of you messages I and I may beg you to have a little patient for me I will reply to you individually. I even get a chance today to write to you because, my mother will be lying in state on tomorrow’s even and her final funeral rites shall comes on the Thursday and Friday. So please forgive me any inconveniences which has come. From next week I will get a free time and write to you all. I am doing very fine here and hope you are all also doing fine. Thank you and hoping to hear from you again in Jesus name. Your daughter in Christ, Janet. Spring Chick Cupcakes recipe What You’ll Need: 3-4 cups sweetened shredded coconut (you want the thick shred) 1 batch cupcakes 1 batch frosting Almonds + something black for the eyes (I used cacao nibs). Martha also used red licorice for feet and hair. Step 1: Toast about 3-4 cups sweetened coconut at 300F until golden. Remove and set aside. Bake cupcakes (I used my favourite vegan chocolate cupcake recipe) and allow to cool. Once cooled, remove the liner from each. Step 2: Meanwhile, make the frosting. I used my vegan almond buttercream frosting. Flip cupcake upside down and trim the top so it sits flat on plate. Eat scraps. ;) Step 3: Frost cupcakes around sides and top. Roll in toasted sweetened coconut and use fingers to cover bare spots. Step 4: Insert eyes, beak, and feet. I used an almond for the beak and feet and cacao nibs for eyes. Enjoy and Happy Spring! 11 Who To Contact Pastor: Vacant at this time Audio & Visual Systems: Mike Herman Board Members Head: Lloyd Buras Bulletin Board: Janice Ellison Bulletin Secretary: Rebecca Hiebert Children’s Story Coordinator: Nohe Jarnes Church Calendar: Shirley Anne Hurley Church Clerk: MaryLou Haskell Community Services: Nancy Chaplin Deacon Head: Fred Haskell Assistant Deacon Head: Robert Cassidy Deacons: Jeff Best, Ron Burnham, Vaun Fiedler, Richard Hudek, Marc Mann, Bob McDonald, Gordon Boggs, Lowell Hoffman, Randy Anfinson, Brian Jarnes, Greg Maxwell, Joel Wazdatskey Sr., Matt Gregory, Bill Freedman, Ben Hiebert Deaconess Head: Janice Ellison Deaconesses: Dorie May, Marlys Proctor, Jill Anfinson, Traci Comstock, Marilyn Healey, Heather Cassidy, Luisa Feher, Katrina Ferrel, Rebecca Hiebert Devotional Books: Mike Herman Disaster Response Preparedness: Fred Haskell & Karen Fiedler Elder Head: Lloyd Buras, Second Head Elder: Wayne Hurley Elders: Vic Matson, Bill Ellison, Phil Proctor, Mike Herman, Norm Peckham, Don Healey Fellowship Dinner Committee: Lloyd & Linda Buras & Fred Haskell Finance Committee: Larry Chaplin Flower Coordinator: Shirley Ann Hurley Health Ministries: Wayne Hurley Hospitality Committee Head: Ron & Carol Burnham Interest & Bible Studies Coordinator: Larry Chaplin Librarian: Laurel Thorp Literature Rack & Periodical: Fred Haskell Loss Control Officer: Fred Haskell Men’s Ministries: Randy Anfinson Music & Special Music Ministries: Kaitlyn Herman Newsletter Editor: Carol Burnham Nominating Committee Chair: Mike Herman Organist & Pianist: Eileen Anderson Outside Reader Board: Pastor Vince Saunders Pathfinders: Ron Ringering & Karen Fiedler Personal Ministries Head: Phil Proctor Photographer: Robert Cassidy Prayer Coordinator: Vic Matson Public Relation: Carol Burnham Religious Liberty Representative: George Beaver Sabbath School Secretary: Marlys Proctor Sabbath School Superintendent: Ruth Matson Senior Ministries Representative (SAGE): Fred Haskell Social Committee: Jane Hiebert Technology: Doug Hamerly Treasury Department: Head Treasurer Linda Buras Usher- Head: Fred Haskell Webmaster: Jennifer Hamerly Wedding/Shower/Farewell Coordinator: Ruth Matson Women’s Ministries: Jill Anfinson 12 Mission Our mission is to be a beacon of light in Bonney Lake, sharing the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, giving hope that all may have salvation, as we prepare for his imminent return. Join us for the following on Saturdays: 9:15 a.m. Song Service 9:30 a.m. Weekly Lesson Study - Adult Classes will be studying “The Book of Luke” for 2nd Quarter 2014. 10:50 a.m. Worship Service BONNEY LAKE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 11503 214TH AVE E. BONNEY LAKE, WA 98391 WWW.BLSDA.COM (253) 862-8620 LLOYD BURAS, HEAD ELDER On behalf of the Bonney Lake SDA church family, welcome to this house of God. We want you to feel welcome and do make a new friend or two while you’re here. Get the Newsletter Do you or someone you know want to receive the newsletter by e-mail? If so, please e-mail your name and e-mail address to the newsletter editor at: [email protected] 13 Have an article, photos or information for the next newsletter? Submit information by the 20th of each month for the next issue to [email protected]