May 13, 2011 - Gorham Times
May 13, 2011 - Gorham Times
Who is this man? Pick up the next paper – a 24-page, commemorative keepsake edition – to find out. For more details, see page 2. A F R E E B i W ee k l y N ewspaper Volume 17 N umber 10 Plan-It Recycling Follow-Up High sulfate Levels Complicate Removal Sheri Faber T he town received a report from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that showed the sulfate level in the material at Plan-It Recycling is higher than expected. Sulfate is found in building materials such as sheetrock and wallboard. As a result a possible plan to take the material to a landfill in Augusta is no longer a viable option. There are other landfills that could potentially take the material but the cost of removing and transporting it is estimated to be at least $750,000. The town has been contacted by various businesses that have expressed an interest in the property but according to Town Manager David Cole, the town is “trying to figure out what the best option might be for the site.” He described the process as a “complicated one with many players and one that is unlikely to have a rapid solution.” There is an estimated 5,000 tons of trash at the site. The town is still trying to address this problem, although Cole points out there is “no legal requirement for the town or the state to do anything.” One option under consideration would be for the town to re-open its closed landfill and dispose of the material there. This would be appreciably cheaper than transporting it to an out-of-town landfill as there would be no tipping fees at Gorham’s landfill and the transportation costs would be appreciably less, but there would still be a cost—probably at least $100,000. Cole is continuing to seek a solution where the town would not have to spend taxpayer dollars to fund the clean up. Cole and the DEP are looking for a way to remove the waste as expeditiously as possible as it presents a potential fire hazard and will produce odor and other potential problems as it decomposes. Town of Gorham, Maine NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID GORHAM, ME PERMIT NO. 10 May 13, 2011 — Founded 1736— GHS A Higher Performing and Efficient School 275 Years of Gorham History Bus and Walking Tours Dede Perkins D id you know the McClellan house, built in 1773, was the first brick house in Cumberland County? Or that the Oxford and Cumberland Canal connecting Sebago Lake to Casco Bay passed through Gorham? Did you know that at one time there were two Shaker communities in our town? If you’re interested in learning more about Gorham history, consider joining one of the history tours offered on Saturday and Sunday—May 28 and 29—during the town’s 275th celebration. The Gorham Historical Society has organized three tours—long (3 hours) and short (1 hour) bus tours that will leave from St. Anne’s parking lot at 2 p.m. both days as well as a walking tour that will leave from Stacy Sallinen the Hannaford flagpole at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Highlights of the long bus tour include a stop of Merrifield Farm for a brief talk on the Indurated Fibre Co. and as well a stop at the former Levi Hall School. The short bus tour and walking tour will encompass Village history 100 to 150 years ago. Walkers will be invited to tour the inside of the IOOF building, which has been restored to its original condition. Along the route, all tour participants will hear stories about town monuments, churches, historical houses, Fort Gorham, as well as descriptions of what once was, but is no longer. To reserve your spot on one of the history tours, please call Gorham Recreation at 222-1630. MDOT Holds Final Hearing on Burnham Road Bill Ambrose A t a public meeting at Gorham’s Municipal Center on April 26, the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) presented its final plans to improve the intersection of Burnham and County Roads (Route 22). This intersection is within what is known as the “overlap area,” in which Routes 22 and 114 share the same roadway. The intersection in question has long been the site of vehicular accidents and near misses. It is classified as a “high crash location.” In addition, it is a cause of traffic backups during the morning and evening rush hours. Left turns from Burnham Road to County Road and left turns from County Road onto Burnham Road are the major causes of difficulty. Compounding the problem is the Photo credit Bill Ambrose Westbound vehicles on County Road attempt to turn left while other westbound traffic pass on the right. This type of vehicle movement contributes to rush hour congestion and a high rate of accidents. G orham High School was recently identified as one of nine higher performing and efficient public high schools in Maine by the Center for Education Policy, Applied Research and Evaluation (CEPARE) and the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) at the University of Southern Maine. The high school qualified to participate in a study to identify practices that make it successful. In order for a school to be considered higher performing, it must have a three-year average on SATs above state average, twoyear average of meeting proficiency and have a graduation rate above state average. GHS placed ninth out of 106 schools for proficiency on the SATs and had a graduation rate of 90.09 percent. The state average graduation rate was 83.53 percent. A school is considered to be efficient when the average amount a school district spends on a student is not disproportionate to higher performing standards. In early March, researchers from MEPRI spent two days visiting the school. Their observations, categorized into eight key characteristics used to describe higher performing schools, were released in April. In the report, researchers noted: “many wonderful practices were evident during our visit to Gorham High School. The strongest and most pervasive elements we saw in our review of documents, interviews, classroom observations, focus groups, and conversations” include: • The school and district demonstrated a willingness to identify areas in need of improvement, both academic and social, and then maintained the focus and commitment to effect change • A solid core of teaching staff knowledgeable about their content area and demonstrated engaging, challenging practices • The school enjoyed strong com- Continued on Page 18 During his wish trip to meet “Toy Story” characters at Walt Disney World® Resort, wish child Lucien Beardsley, 6, and his new friends read the Gorham Times. Lucien is one of numerous children who, while fighting a life-threatening medical condition, received the chance to have a dream come true thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Maine and its supporters. Portland Radio Group sponsored Lucien’s wish with a donation of $6,000 and the Walt Disney Company provided theme park tickets and special meet and greets for Lucien and his family. Continued on Page 14 inside theTimes 18 Blotter 19Calendar 19Classified 16Community 5 Living 4 Municipal 6School 12Sports 2 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 letters to the Editor Times Bringing the News to All of Gorham PO Box 401, 77 South Street Letters must be less than 300 words, signed with a first and last name, typed or e-mailed and include a phone number. Letters are solely the opinion of the writer and not that of the Gorham Times. They are published at the discretion of the Gorham Times and are subject to editing. Gorham, Maine 04038 Dear Gorham Times, I read the article in the Times concerning the bond for the new athletic field. It is difficult for me to rationalize spending $3 million on a school athletic field. If the town were awash in money, it would be a nice luxury. Just $0.21 more to our mill rate is too much for an absolutely nonessential dream of our elected officials. We are taxed enough already. An item such as this never should make it to referendum; it should have died in chambers. Thinking like this by our nationally elected leaders in government is what led us to the financial quagmire this country is in. This spending should be voted down for the bad idea it is and to show the council we have had enough of loose pocketbooks. Peter Woodcock Dear Gorham Times, I am saddened by the person or persons who took my mother’s arrangement at her grave. I put them there on her birthday, April 10th. My sister, who lives on the same road, put them out for Easter and the very next day they where gone. My sister called me all upset on Monday that someone had taken them. Not only did they take the flowers and the pot they were hanging in, but also a hand painted rock. My understanding was that there was a funeral in the cemetery and the chain was never put back up, which doesn’t stop people for walking under it. The town garage was notified, but there was nothing they could do. My sister put in a complaint to the Gorham Police who thought it was a big joke! What did this person gain from stealing the flowers? Just so they could get out cheap for not buying their own? It’s bad karma! Pamela S. Gray Come join the fun at the Founder’s Festival Memorial Day weekend behind Narragansett School. There will be music, rides, vendors and lots of treats! Also, the Gorham Times will dedicate an entire 24-page issue to celebrate Gorham’s 275th anniversary. The special commemorative edition will be published the same weekend as the Gorham Founder’s Festival, May 27-30. It will include informative and historical articles, community and business profiles, interviews and photographs all celebrating Gorham’s history. The four-page Gorham Founder’s Festival insert will include a map and schedule of events, information about the festival and much more. The commemorative issue is not to be missed! The Gorham Times would like to thank all the advertisers who supported this edition. We very much appreciate your business. Times N ews from A ugusta Maine Voting Rights Under Attack Phil Bartlett, D-Gorham Sen. Phil Bartlett (207) 839-7827, (800) 423-6900, [email protected] P icture Election Day. It’s a long day, you’re taking your kids to school, buying groceries, going to work, picking up the dry-cleaning, and making a quick stop at the town hall to vote. You go up the voter registrar, just like you have for years, but this time after they ask for your name and your address they ask another question: “can we see your ID?” Don’t have it with you because you left it at home? Too bad. You can’t vote. Have an elderly parent who doesn’t have a license because they don’t drive? Someone better go down to the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles and get them one or they can’t vote either. These are just some examples of how people will be prevented from voting if LD 199, An Act to Strengthen Maine’s Election Laws by Requiring Photograph Identification for the Purpose of Voting, is allowed to pass. You might assume this bill, introduced by Rep. Cebra (R-Naples), was submitted to fix some epidemic of voter fraud in Maine. In the last sixteen years Maine has not prosecuted a single case of someone either attempting to vote who knew they were not eligible or attempting to vote as someone else. In fact, despite extensive investigations, only two cases of voter fraud have been prosecuted in the last sixteen years. While some people have claimed to have seen or heard of cases of voter fraud, when they have been investigated by the Secretary of State and the Attorney General they have not resulted in prosecutions. In fact, in 2010 the Secretary of State conducted an audit of Maine’s Central Voter Registry. Out of all the votes it had recorded, only 11 cases of possible voting irregularity warranted an investigation by the Attorney General. Of those only two turned out to be possible voter fraud. So now we have a solution to a nonexistent problem, one that is going to cost taxpayers. If LD 199 passes, the state would be required to provide all eligible citizens with a photo ID. If Maine’s costs are similar to those in other states that have recently passed voter ID laws, the price tag is likely to run into the millions. We are already working hard to close a serious budget gap and we need every dollar we can get. We do not need to be wasting millions fixing imaginary problems. Maine has an excellent reputation of high civic involvement. For the past 30 years we have consistently been in the top five states in voter turnout. Making sure that all eligible people have a fair chance to vote is a core Maine value. LD 199 is a costly mistake that makes it harder for people to vote and discourages people from participating in elec- Phone and Fax: 839-8390 E-mail: [email protected] The Gorham Times is a free volunteer-run community newspaper distributed every other Friday to more than 100 pick-up sites throughout Gorham. —— How to reach us News [email protected] Sports [email protected] Features [email protected] Of Interest [email protected] Calendar item [email protected] Advertising [email protected] or 839-8390 School News [email protected] —— Office Hours Tuesday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. or call 839-8390 for an appointment. —— Subscriptions $15/year in Gorham; $20/year elsewhere $10/year for college subscription Editor Karen DiDonato Business Manager Sandra Wilson Design/Production Jeannine Owens Police Beat Sheri Faber Staff Writers Bill Ambrose, Sherrie Fontaine, Jackie Francis, Sarah GavettNielsen, Stacy Sallinen, Robin Somes Features Chris Crawford Staff Photographers Martha T. Harris Rich Obrey Public Service Jackie Francis Sports Jeff Pike School Coordinator Stacy Sallinen Distribution Chad Sirois tions. Please contact your legislators and let them know how you feel. If you would like assistance navigating through the legislative process or state government, please call my office in Augusta at 287-1515. You may also e-mail me through my website at and click on the contact form link. around town Village Hearing Care has moved to 347 Main Street, Suite 1A. Darryl Wright is the only candidate running for School Board. Business Development Coordinator Sherrie Fontaine Board of Directors Maynard Charron, President Edward Feibel, Robert Gould, Bruce Hepler Julie Mason, David Willis, Katie O’Brien, Hannah Schulz Sirios, Michael Wing —— Sales Staff Sandra Wilson, Janet Willams Distribution Jason Beever, David Butler, Maureen Butler, Julie Burnheimer, Lily Landry, Ginny Micucci, Bob Mulkern, Russ Frank, Jeff Pike, Cody Porter, John Richard, Julie Sellick, David Willis Advertising and Copy Deadlines Ad deadline is the Wednesday of the week prior to issue date. Go to and click on the advertising link for schedule. —— Editorial Policy The Gorham Times takes all reasonable care to pre- Solar panels are expected to be installed on the Public Safety Building on May 23, weather permitting. vent errors and disclaims all legal responsibility for any such errors, omissions, or typographical errors. The Gorham Times will print corrections if notified within 48 hours. Photos will be returned if provided Bids on the project to replace the sidewalks at the intersection of Routes 25 and 114 are in. It is expected the Town Council will award the contract later this month. with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. We reserve the right to refuse publication of unsolicited materials. All submissions are subject to editing. Opinions expressed in the Gorham Times do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or publishers. Printing services by Journal Tribune, Biddeford, ME Gorham Family Requests Help From ABC May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 3 Happy Anniversary Sherrie Fontaine Photo credit Martha T. Harris Photo credit Martha T. Harris The Anderson brothers include Henry (front left), Cody (middle), and Lloyd (front right). Standing with them are their mother Sandra and sister Carrie. A family in Gorham needs the community’s help. They are not asking for money donations or help with hammer or saw, but with clicks on a computer keyboard. The Anderson family is hoping to be chosen for an upcoming makeover by ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” hosted by Ty Pennington. The ABC program showcases deserving familiesin-need by selecting their homes for a dramatic home makeover. Brothers Lloyd (31), Henry (27) and Cody (19) Anderson have a rare and incurable disease called PelizqeusMerzbacher disease, a progressive, degenerative central nervous disorder. Wheelchair-bound and unable to care for themselves, even the simplest of functions like feeding or dressing are unattainable feats. All three are legally blind. Additionally, each of the brothers suffers from other health issues: Lloyd is afflicted with a heart problem, Henry is bed-ridden due to weak muscles and Cody faces risky major back surgery. The brothers live at home with their parents Sandy and Henry Anderson. Home for the three young men is an antiquated 1800’s farmhouse in dire need of renovations and repairs and was certainly not designed for handicapped needs. The boys share one bedroom that is filled with hospital beds and wheelchairs. Their dream is to someday have their own bedrooms, a simple dream for most, but currently one unimaginable for them. Urged by friends, the Anderson fam- ily once again produced and submitted a video to ABC in hopes that their third submission portrays their inspirational story. The Anderson family is one of several Maine families who requested makeovers from the show. The family is asking the community for its support; urging the public to go online to vote for them through e-mails to ABC or comments on the show’s Facebook page. E-mails may be sent to [email protected] describing the plight of the family and asking for the Extreme Makeover. To vote via Facebook, go to ExtremeMakeoverHomeEdition. After clicking “like,” click “discussions” and start a new topic. For either voting method, be sure to denote that your vote is for the Anderson Family of Gorham, Maine and state why the family deserves a home makeover. The boys are well known in the community and are frequent visitors to the Baxter Memorial Library. “They are well loved and have lots of friends,” said their sister, Mary. Sisters Stacey and Karen created a Facebook page for their brothers, simply titled Anderson Brothers. The page provides detailed information about the disease afflicting their brothers; how their coordination, motor abilities and intellectual functions deteriorate. The sisters wrote, “They deserve a home where they can learn and grow, not one that is an obstacle course to get around.” With enough votes new bedrooms may someday be a reality. 25 years ago Steve Voss and Jim Robinson had an idea to start a plumbing company with better customer service than the company for which they then worked. They knew the plumbing and heating company would succeed if it provided service-driven, customer-focused services. 25 years later, Mainely Plumbing & Heating has proven their idea a winner. They have many repeat customers and most of their new customers are from referrals. They have A+ ratings with the Better Business Bureau and Angie’s List. Mainely Plumbing and Heating not only works new construction; they also install and fix faucets and fixtures in homes or businesses. Mainely Plumbing & Heating, happy 25th anniversary! Pictured from left to right are Steve Vose, Robin Foster, Cathy Rothrock and Jim Robinson. We Work with All Insurance Companies Joe Wyman has been doing auto body and collision work for over 50 years and at the same Gorham location for over 35 years. I-Car Certified • ASE Certified • Major Collision • All vehicle types Free Pick-up and Deliveries within a 15-mile Radius. Free loaner cars. All Work Warrantied 201 New Portland Rd, Gorham, ME • Ph: 839-6401 Fax: 839-2418 Email: [email protected] Mon–Fri 8-5, Sat 9-12, Sun Closed • Times Your local community newspaper “bringing the news to all of Gorham.” PO Box 401, Gorham, ME 04038 • [email protected] • (207) 839-8390 FREE SUNGLASSES With complete eye exam and purchase of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Dana Buckman Offer applies to non-prescripion sunglasses, GUESS Add prescription lenses for 1/2 price. $160 value Offer good while supplies last. Eric T. Roush, O.D. EYE CARE & EYE WEAR CENTER of Maine 20 MECHANIC ST, GORHAM (next to Hannafords) • 839-3617 HOURS: Tues. - Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 municipal 4 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 Clerk’s Corner N omination papers are no longer being accepted for School Board members. Absentee Ballot Applications are available for the June 14 Special Municipal Referendum Election, School Committee Candidate Election and the School Budget Validation Election. Call the Town Clerk’s office or come in and complete an Absentee Ballot Application. Ballots will be mailed as soon as they are available. ATV registration stickers to expire June 30, 2012 are now available. New registrations must be completed in our office; however, renewals may be completed online by clicking “Online Transactions” at If you are planning a wedding and would like a no fuss, no frills ceremony, we will perform your marriage ceremony here. Consider a nice day at the gazebo on the front lawn of the Municipal Center; it is usually avail- Connie Loughran, Acting Town Clerk able. Call to have us help you plan your special day. REMINDER: the second half of your tax bill is due May 15. Last fall your tax bill was mailed with two attached payment stubs—one for November 2010 and one for May 2011. Bring your stub with you when making a payment at the Clerk’s Office. You can also get a copy of your tax bill on our website by clicking “Tax Information.” At this time taxes cannot be paid online. Additionally, there is an extra fee if you use a credit or debit card. Payments may also be mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, 75 South Street, Suite 1, Gorham, ME 04038. Happy Spring! Acting Town Clerk Connie Loughran can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 222-1670. T hanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Baxter Memorial Library, the library is participating in a statewide program to provide downloadable ebooks and audiobooks for our cardholders. With your valid library card, you may download ebooks and audiobooks from the link on our website at The link will take you to the Maine Infonet Download Library website. From this website, library cardholders have access to 1,891 audiobooks and 2,197 ebooks plus thousands more ebooks in the public domain. This website also provides a list of compatible devices and instructions for using the service. The Baxter Memorial Library is also hosting an event to help spread the word about this fantastic program: “E-book and E-reader Information May 2, 2011 Sheri Faber T he following items were discussed at the recent Planning Board meeting: East Coast Communications, which fabricates and installs cell phone towers, is proposing to build a 6,000 sq. ft. building to contain office and shop space on 2.9 acres in the New Portland Parkway Industrial Park off Brackett Road. Grondin Aggregates submitted an application to develop an 11-lot clustered subdivision off Middle Jam Road on 27 acres that formerly constituted the Middle Jam Pit. Pamela Turner Session @ Your Library.” Curious about ebooks? Wondering how to use that new e-reader? Trying to figure out which device best meets your needs? Join us for this information session, which will be held on Wednesday, June 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. Representatives from Borders Books, Barnes and Noble, and wellversed users of the Kindle and iPad will be available to answer your questions about the Sony Reader, Nook, Kobo, Kindle, iPad and e-books in general. James Rathbun of the Baxter Memorial Library will also be on hand to answer questions regarding the downloadable e-books and audiobooks the library now offers. For more information, please contact the library at 839-5031 or Public Services Librarian James Rathbun at [email protected]. Winners of The Friends of Baxter Memorial Writing Contest Chase Custom Homes and Finance, Inc. requested approval for Sawyer Estates, a 42-lot clustered subdivision on 103+ acres off South Street. Normand Berube Builders is proposing a seven-lot clustered subdivision to be served by a 1,232-foot long road to be built to the town’s rural access standards. The subdivision will be on 17+ acres at 30 Brackett Road. USM is proposing to redevelop an existing natural turf field into a multipurpose athletic field facility. Lions Club Opens Flag Program Flags to Fly for 275th Celebration Norman Wedge I @ Your Library Downloadable Ebooks and Audiobooks Planning Board Meeting n time to celebrate the 275th anniversary of Gorham’s founding, The Lions Club re-opened their flag program to those who wish to purchase a flag and bracket. Included in the purchase will be an installed plate engraved in memory of the purchaser’s choosing. The complete package is $50. The Lions currently have about 40 locations of the original 84; most are available on Main Street with a few on South and State Streets. They plan to replace some of the older flags, which are now three years old. Requests, along with commemorative names, should be mailed to James Burham, 332 Gray Rd., Gorham or call him 892-6540. Checks should be made payable to Gorham Lions Club. The Lions will notify the purchaser where their flag will be located. Real Estate Transfers January 2011 Location Buyer Seller 228 Wescott Road 465 Libby Ave. 14 Sanborn St. 5 Kathyrn St. 29 Elizabeth St. 23 Great Falls Road 31 New Portland Road 20 Belmont Terrace 11 Portal Way 24 Fillions Way 203 Mighty St. 20 Hodgdon Road 251 Gray Road Judy & Robert Mitchell Michelle & Bruce Hodgkin Kimberly Wilkins Barbara & Daniel Walker Ashley O’Donal Terry Rickett Richard & Kyle Hillock Brenda & Francis Maiorino Larissa & Daniel Pfendt K. Pigeon & B. Gabe Jeanne & Merrell Stephens Jeff Levesque Pasquale & Kathryn Olore Marjorie Walker Dardano Const. Co. Janell & Peter Murphy Patricia & Larry Stevens Dorothy Dunn Joyce & Lee Cole Vera Douglas Aleece & Joseph Herlihy Darrell Caron Grandview MHM, LLC. Dominic Rosetti Jr. Patco Construction William Marzul Price $206,000 $229,000 $220,000 $255,000 $198,000 $147,500 $100,000 $280,000 $305,000 $250,000 $225,000 $184,000 $209,900 Front row, left to right: Hosler Whitney, Samuel Trautman, Hailey Morrill, Madison Firmin, and Sharon Chikuta. Back row, left to right: Esther Eaton, Ian Hawkes, Molly Stewart, Christine Daigle, Grace Eaton and Scott Caulfield. Missing from photo: Katelyn Daniels, Clara Stickney, Megan Mitchell, Steve Crocker, Dave Patterson and James Siegel. The winning submissions are posted at Congratulations to all the winners. CORRECTION In the April 29 edition, the Gorham Times incorrectly printed names in the caption for the article “A Legacy Set in Stone – Remembering Chandler Hamilton.” The names should have been Donna Aikins (aunt), MaryJane LeCours (grandmother) and Dale LeCours (father). We sincerely apologize for this error. Photo credit Pam Turner living May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 5 CORRECTION The Gorham Times reported in the April 29 edition that the Planning Board approved construction to the Goodwill of Northern New England (GWNNE) warehouse in the industrial park. The Planning Board has not yet voted to approve the changes. The changes were discussed and a site walk was scheduled. Nutrition Matters Are Supplements Really Necessary? Dr. Joe Kerwin • They have been eating nutrientdense, organic, whole foods most of their lives; • Their mothers ate the same way during pregnancy; • Their parents are extremely healthy; • They are frequently outdoors in sunshine and clean fresh air; • They have lived and worked in an area with few toxins; • They have never used tobacco, alcohol or drugs; • They have no stress and eat no processed food at all. It would be difficult for most people on the standard American diet to meet these benchmarks. Only 9 percent of the population eats the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. There are over 14,000 chemicals added to our food. People spend endless hours in artificial light in front of computers and televisions, getting little exercise. Studies show that primitive societies ate up to ten times more vitamins and minerals every day than present day Americans eat. We are not as strong as our ancestors and are now in the fifth generation of the over processed and declining diet trend. In my opinion, supplements can provide the extra boost of nutritional rebuilding we need, even if you are paying close attention to the quality of food you eat. Dr. Joe Kerwin is a chiropractor and nutritionist who has been practicing and living in Gorham with his wife and three daughters for 22 years. New! Wheat and gluten-free pizza now available This coupon may not be combined with any other GHOP promotions. M ore than 90 percent of all diseases have two basic causes: diet and environment. This means that deficiencies of nutrients and accumulated levels of toxins contribute to more ill health than anything else. The 21 billion dollar a year supplement industry has over 29,000 vitamins and other types of supplements on health food shelves. With nearly 70 percent of Americans taking some type of vitamin or food supplement, clearly the population believes that supplementation is necessary. But is it? Suppose that starting today, you decide you are only going to eat healthful, nutrient dense, real foods. After all, the argument is that we should be able to get all our nutrients from the food we eat. Consider this: with the average adult’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) for potassium set at 4,700 milligrams per day, you would need to eat 10 bananas, 14 cups of lettuce or five avocados to fulfill this requirement. How about vitamin E? Adult RDA for vitamin E is 15 milligrams per day. You would need to consume four cups of olives, five cups of blueberries, or two papayas to fulfill the RDA. An average adult’s RDA for zinc is 11 milligrams per day, the equivalent of one cup of pumpkin seeds, six four-ounce servings of shrimp or two four-ounce servings of lamb. In order to get all our nutrients from real food, we need to consume enough of the right kinds of food. The reality today, however, is that many people are actually nutrient deficient and are suffering from malnutrition. They are overfed yet undernourished. When I evaluate what my patients consume, I tell them they do not need to supplement their diets if the following statements apply: Fore! Gorham Business & Civic Exchange 10th Annual Fore-a-Scholarship Golf Scramble and Barbecue Proceeds will provide scholarships for two Gorham High School seniors. Registration is now open! This year’s 18-hole golf scramble and barbecue will take place on Friday, June 24th at the Gorham Country Club. Prizes will be awarded for: • Low Gross • Low Net • Low Net Co-Ed (Team must have 2 women and 2 men.) • Closest to the Pin • $25,000 Hole-in-One Sponsored by C.E. Carll Insurance Agency Interested in playing? Would you like to be a platinum, gold, or hole sponsor? Call David Willis at 839-3390 for more information and/or to register. school 6 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 Gorham Adult Education Now Offering New Programming VTeam at News Center 6 Stacy Sallinen O ver the past several years, the role of Gorham Adult Education (GAE) has evolved from a small program focused on helping people get high school diplomas to a broader focus of preparing people for success as 21st century workers. The primary goal continues to address the needs of students, community members and employers but with a much greater focus on the skills needed in a changing world. GAE offers traditional programs, including classes for basic adult education, English language learners, high school completion with a diploma or the Test of General Educational Development (GED), as well as community enrichment. However, several new initiatives have been added to its mission. Career Pathways, the newest initiative, focuses on preparing workers by helping them develop basic skills for success and to begin to learn career specific skills. The concept is to create pathways that begin at basic skill levels and allow a student to move forward in their chosen career area. For example, a student might take classes at adult education and pass the GED, then take the Certified Nursing Assistant program at GAE and get a job in a nursing home. The next step in the process might be to attend classes at GAE to prepare to attend Southern Maine Community College to pursue nursing or another health care profession. Additionally, GAE works closely with the Portland Career Center and Goodwill Workforce Solutions to provide assistance for people who are unemployed and looking for work. GAE provides career counseling and assistance with resume and letter writing as well as interviewing and computer skills. Four years ago, GAE joined with Bonny Eagle Adult Education to offer the Maine College Transition program. It is a comprehensive program of studies designed to prepare adults for success in college. Students are encouraged to enroll in the program if they are considering college for the first time returning to school. The focus is to ensure that students have the math and English skills to begin taking college level classes. Also offered is a College Success Seminar that focuses on all the other skills one needs to be a success in college, like career planning, listening, note taking and test taking skills. GAE’s new website, made available through Maine Adult Education Association’s web portal, offers potential students the opportunity to search for classes locally or at other locations around the state. Any local business leader interested in speaking about a specific skill set for workplace readiness in a given career is encouraged to contact Kate Rotroff, Director of Adult Education, at 222-1095. For more information about upcoming classes offered through Gorham Adult Education, please visit Photo credit Georgia Humphrey Fifth grade students from Village School’s VTeam, under the leadership of Technology Consultant Denise Asselin, have been learning about television production with Georgia Humphrey and her team at GoCat. In order to learn about larger studios, students toured the WCSH6 studio in Portland, where they observed the producer do a cut away from the Today Show and switch to a news update with Lee Nelson and weather update with Kelly LaBrecque. They also toured the 207 studio, control room, and learned about the importance of a time schedule. Pictured around the WCSH6 anchor desk are (front row) Claire Valentine, Shelby Leach, Hayley Bickford, Rosie Wood, Shawn Crosby, Grace McGouldrick, Courtney Cushing; (back row) Anna Slager, Sean Miller, Erika Mallory, and Denise Asselin. MS Walkers Give Large Donation school notes Upcoming Gorham Adult Education Classes. Register NOW! For more information on these and other courses being offered this spring, please call 222-1095 or visit Tornado Walk Saturday, 5/14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. $15 for 1 adult & 1 child or $20 for whole family. Meeting Place: TBD Intro. to Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 Friday, 5/20, GMS, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $16 Weight – Less Weight! Tuesday, 5/24, GMS, 6:30-8 p.m., $29 Gorham Arts Alliance Receives Non-profit Status The Gorham Arts Alliance (GAA) recently received its 501c3 non-profit status from the IRS. At the encouragement of the school’s Parents in Education group, the GAA is in the process of applying for grants to work in conjunction with fourth grade Gorham history curriculum. Anyone interested in helping with the grant writing process can reach Amy Valentine at 318-0584 or [email protected]. FMI on upcoming summer classes offered through the GAA, please visit Photo credit Stacie Leavitt On April 30, twenty nine students, known as Team Tom, from Gorham Middle School completed the annual six mile Walk MS in Scarborough to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The group collected its largest amount to date, totaling $4,976, through donations and bottle drives. Pictured are (back row) Darcie Brown, Sarah Norton, Aliza Jordan, Kate Curley, Delaney Shiers, Mackenzie Bowers, Mikayla Richman, Kayli Leavitt; (middle row) Kathleen Duffy, Charlotte Smith, Meghan Hanley, Mackenzie Collins, Julia Smith, Reagan Emerson, Julia Gaudette, Kate Hopkins; (front row) Stephen Duffy, Jordan Ward, Kenny Tuttle, Brendan Mercier, Tom Lawson, Michael Susi. Thank you to all the walkers participating in the walk and for your fundraising efforts! Step in Time Lawrence Academy, Groton, MA Winter Trimester Honor Roll 2010-11 Grade 11 – Academic Honors Emily Plowman (Daughter of Bonny and Stephen Plowman of Gorham) Photo credit Jodi Mezzanotte In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Irish Step Dancers from Stillson School of Irish Dance treated students from Narragansett and Village Schools to a special performance. May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 7 Gorham Middle School Third Quarter Honor Roll 2010-11 Gorham High School Third Quarter Honor Roll 2010-11 6th Grade–High Honors Anne Acker-Wolfhagen Katherine Andrews Avery Arena Kelly Aube Sally Aube Jackson Banks Katherine Bennett Kathryn Bertin Lucas Bryant Delaney Burns Dean Carrier Jamie Carter Kathryn Christianson Seth Cook Tony Cooper Jordan Curtis Haylee Dahlborg Liberty D’Anto Drew Eid Emily Esposito Ryan Firmin Jackson Fotter Nina Glenn Greenwood Grant Hamblen Sophia Hendrix William Hepler Cameron Holmes Jamie Juskiewicz Whitney King Elizabeth Klatt Jason Komulainen Carli Labrecque Justin Laughlin Elizabeth Lemieux Theodore Lockman Abigail Longstaff Kaylea Lundin Samuel Martel Thomas Matthews Ethan Orach Olivia Puopolo Tyler Richman Samuel Roussel Emma Smith Molly Sposato Samuella Spurr Raymond St. Cyr Cameron Stevens Alexandra Stresser Katherine-Helene Sullivan Connor Sweatt Heather Woodbury Emily Yager Alex York Grade 9– High Honors Melissa Blake Thomas Bradshaw Nicole Brunet Bayleigh Canonico Michael Chin April Cummings Meghan Cushing Morgan Cushing Emily DeLuca Megan Dunlap Tyler Eldridge Chloe Gray Sadie Guimond Madeleine Hamblen Abigail LaPorte Kevin Lombard Joseph Martin Jason Meuse Kelsey Mitchell Haley Perkins Sydney Prindle Jessica Rexrode Courtney Roberts Rona Sayed Victoria Small Hannah Southard Dylan Turner Jacqueline Turner Laura Turner Melissa Walls Grade 6 - Honors Mary Adams Elsa Alexandrin Georgia Baber Wyatt Barczak Trystan Bates Jake Bear Rachel Beaulieu James Benson Madison Bickford Nikolas Briggs Alyssa Carey Nariah Cavarretta Nikoles Charron Benjamin Clark Cameron Coro Jenna Cowan Kristen Curley Jordan Currier Austin Denis Brandon Desjardin Hannah Distasio Kara Doane Alyssa Dolley Logan Drouin Meredith Dvilinsky Travis Emerson Erin Esty Jordan Falagario Joseph Fisette Abigail Flint Sean Glasgow Dustin Gregoire Mia Guimond Ryan Hamblen Emily Hayward Riley Hohman Brandon Howard Madeline Joyal-Myers Fayd Karim Anne Kelly Allison King Diana Kolb Allison LaFerriere Eric Lane Hannah LeBlanc Narissa Libby Dylan Lockwood Sarah Lorello Samantha Low Keegan Luce Thomas Macomber Daniel Mansir Angelina Meserve Isabelle Muehle Fiona Nee Logan Nelson Taylor Nygren Miles Obrey Emily O’Donnell Padraic Owens Athena Pappalardo Marina Pappalardo Kyle Peoples Kent Piazzola Emma Pierce Lauren Poirier Kenneth Richard Brady Rioux Benjamin Roberts Stella Rojecki Julia Roy Alexander ScholzLague Jordan Sherwood Alex Smith Ariana Smith Caroline Smith Nathanael Smith Karen Stemm Dorothy Stickney Kristen Stoddard Erica Thibeault Amanda Thompson Justin Thompson John Touchette Evelyn Turnbaugh Blake Wallace Dylan Weeks Grade 7 - High Honors Diana Albanese Thomas Bernier Kailyn Bowie Benjamin Bradshaw Kyle Briggs Tristan Brunet Hailey Bryant Robert Campbell Zachary Crockett Renee Deering Emerson Fox Colin Gotschlich Cody Hanmer Sarah Jordan Madison Keating Samuel Kilborn Aisling Kirby Cassidy Landry Peter Mahoney Jordanne Mercier Joseph Moutinho Gordon Murray Emma Niles Taylor Perkins Madison Poulin Calvin Riiska Anna Smith Jesse Southard Ciara Stillson Sydney Stultz Colby Sturgis Cameron Tracy Molly vanLuling Emilia Viernes Connor White Grade 7 - Honors Erik Andreasen Kaylin Apt Nadia Barry Trenton Bassingthwaite Matthew Beahm Carl Bear Christopher Beland Olivia Bell Tyler Bernier Ahmed Beshir Kayleigh Bettencourt Emily Bragg Thomas Brent Kevin Brewer Mallory Campbell Alexander Candelmo Chelsea Caron Nicole Caruso Amber Cavarretta Bryan Conover Nicole Couillard Sara Darling Taylor Day Bregan DeLeon Jennifer Devine Madeleine DeWitt Cooper Donovan Coleman Dowdle Emily Duff Sierra Eichner Cody Elliott Eleanor Feinberg Sarah Flanders Joseph Gallant Connor Goodall Christopher Hannon Dane Heckathorn Maeghan Higgins Cady Houghton Collin Jones Mia Kaufman Carson Kuschke Branden Kuusela Kyle Latronico Spencer Linscott Matthew McCarty Molly Merrifield Hannah Meserve Jason Nagy Madison Ochse Marlo Pappalardo Benjamin Paulin Robert Pellerin Sara Perry Sean Pratt Nathaniel Rines Dylan Rogers William Ruby William Selens Dayna Shaw Allison Sinnett Cameron Smith Lyndsey Sobieralski Rachael Stewart Elizabeth Sullivan Jackson Trey Taylor Haley Tetreault-Kellett Jason Tracey Alyda Twilley Kalli Verrill Austin Violette Michael Walls Nicole Walls Alex Young Grade 8 - High Honors Ashley Aceto Douglas Beahm Ryan Bertin Carley Chapman Christian Daigle Megan Demers River Dunn John Ennis Matthew Esposito Leah Grams Isabelle Grant Abigail Hamilton Joseph Harper Cole Houghton Maxwell Johnson Elizabeth Kane Eleanore Kusturin Emily Lewis Travis Maier Jeffrey McNally Brendan Mercier Zachary Mills Blanca Monsen Sarah Plourde Mitchell Rossignol Margaret Shields Charlotte Smith Julia Smith Timothy Sposato Andrea Stemm Jacob Sturgis Michael Susi Thomas Susi Zoe Swift Madison Tippetts Autumn Weed Michaela Williams Ashley Woodbury Andrew York Grade 8 - Honors Riley Allen Catherine Becker Matthew Bennett Kristin Benson Tyler Bernaiche Kaitilyn Bernier William Bessette II Abigail Biegel Krista Boylen Darcie Brown Amanda Butler Brooke Caron Michael Chapin Mackenzie Collins Margaret Donohue Erika Dvilinsky Reagan Emerson Gregory Farrington H James Fleming Kevin Frazier Benjamin Garson Tucker Gasowski Julia Gaudette Griffin Germond Leeanna Gray Morgan Hager-Perry Erika Heddesheimer Benjamin Hincher Katherine Hopkins Andrew Johnson Evan Johnson Brendan Kelly Jessica Labrecque Thomas Lawson Kayli-Susan Leavitt Logan Letourneau Sarah Logan Jennifer Loubier Sean Luce Zoe Mattingly Alexis Miller Dominic Morin Trevor Nelson Sarah Norton Timothy ONeill Olivia Owens Thomas Pequinot Sophie Perkins Emily Peterson Savanna Petrin Julie Pike Kiana Plumer Chandler Reagan Frederick Reeder Mikayla Richman Cody Rioux Elizabeth Rioux Nathan Roberts Alicia Robinson Spencer Ruda Isaac Salpietra Andrew Schmidt Madeleine ScholzLague Evan Scott Jaymie Seneca Delaney Shiers Abigail Sladen Katherine Stickney Katherine Stoddard Nicholas Thibeault Jordann Thomas Meagan Thomsen Kenneth Tuttle Jordan Ward Grade 9 - Honors Rebecca Amell Christian Auspland Gabrielle Bagala Carly Barber Emily Berrill Kyley Butler Tyler Carroll Lauren Carter Ashley Clark Jeremy Collett Ryan Cota Griffin Courtney Patrick Crocker Kiara Day Eric DeLuca Sophia Dobben Molly Dufour Aaron Erickson Charlotte Feinberg Heather Fields Gabrielle Garson Nicholas Greatorex Johnathan Hamlin Kacey Hamlin Karen Knight Narissa Kourinos Brandon Labrecque Paige Lara Ryan Latronico Matthew Leclair Paige Lemieux Hannah Linscott Rebecca Lord Sarah Lyons Abby Mattingly Matthew Melton Jenessa Meserve Jacob Nelson Francesco Pappalardo Julianna Pearson Gage Pratt Ross Pratt Harley Press Jeremy Reynolds Claire Sirois Joshua Slater Rozada Spiers Lauren Stiles Lydia Story Dylan Truong Katie Tucker Nathanial Twombley Jonathan Woodbury Collin Young Grade 10 - High Honors Deborah Burgess Elizabeth Landry Spencer LaPierre Michael Lubelczyk Amy McCarty Patricia Smith Tyler Verrill Damon Wallace Lincoln Gray Alex Miller Nathan Moody Jesse Orach Lindsey Smith Alexandra Sturgis Ellyn Touchette Lia Van de Krol Lisa Wong Grade 11 - Honors Audrey Adkison Steven Albanese Ryan Baillargeon Adam Bourgault Abegayle Brown Grade 10 - Honors Shannon Clark Lucia Alexandrin Meredyth Clements Libby Andreasen Mason Crocker Joseph Bennett Zackary Cummings Kayla Billings Brandon Cushman Grace Bourgault Briaana Custeau Kristen Braley Leanna Dalfonso Morgan Briggs Abigael Dean Adam Bucknell Sarah Doughty Travis Bucknell Cortlandt Dunn Celeste Carpenter William Eldridge MacKenzie Coburn Brandi Emerson Ashley CorbeauEmily Estes Hasenflu Emalee Esty Kyle Curley Kaitlin Flanders Keagan Dumont Eliot Gagne Connor Dunn Katelyn Gearan Stefanie Farrington Michael Giasson Sarah Fogg Nicole Gile Shannon Folan Nathan Goodrich Francesca Gallant Brittany Grant Meaghan Gilbert Nathan Holloran Kayla Harris Philip Holmes Elizabeth Henderson Ryan Koenig Courtney Hillock Connor Linehan Abigail Hodgkins Ashley Linscott Alex Johnson Kevin Lubelczyk Darrian Lewry Alyssa Lurvey Arthur Jebediah Colin Mader Lockman Tyler Maroon Bethany Marshburn- Olivia MarshburnErsek Ersek Cassaundra Martel Aryn Martin Gabrielle Martell Samuel Mosher Nicholas Matthews Michelina Murray Maxwell McNally Quincy Owens McKenzie Meserve Sierra Peters Alexander Owens Mark Ridgeway Riley Shane Perkins Danielle Rivard Michelle Pham Margaret Roy Taylor Plasz Osna Sayed Hannah Pratt Cole Shiers Allyson Redhunt Martin Soper Mary Redmond Matthew Southard Marissa Roberts Clara Stickney Kristin Ross Alexandra Danielle Roy Sturtevant Emily Schulte Amy Sutherland Andrew Scontras Nicole Sutherland Kaitlyn SeeHusen Emery Thompson Katiana Selens Emily Thompson Quincy Shaw Robert Toothaker Elliott Speirs Bradley Turnbaugh Kara Stahl Kiersten Turner Emily Stickney Samuel Veazie Michael Sullivan Casey Viel Alexander Swiatek Allison Violette Malcolm Tartt Paige Weymouth Lindsey Thomsen Amelia Whitten Milan Vidovic Hunter Wing Evelyn Viernes Larissa Worster Cameron Willette Grade 12 - High Grade 11 - High Honors Honors Emma Alden Mackenzie Allen Sydney Butler Alyssa Cormack Jessie Dye Jameson Crawford Travis Fields Joseph DeRoy Jessica Grant Hanna Hamblen Kelsie Kerwin James Lewis Allison Matthews Thomas Moutinho Megan Story Grace Sunnell Alexandra Tracy Colleen Ward Grade 12 - Honors Molly Aube Rebecca Auger Thomas Bahun Benjamin Baines Katherine Bennett Eben Benson Benjamin Besanko Chelsea Black Kayla Carpenter Lindsey Charlton Alyssa Clark Sullivan Conley Megan Creeden Jordan Cunningham Natalie Egbert Andrew Ernest Mitchell Exchange Caroline Fogarty Lauren Garrard Ashley Grover Shelbi Guimond Norma Harrison Kyle Hartford Sara Harvey Ian Hawkes Sarah Henderson Brendon Joyce Leaha Keene Sarah Kennedy Alena Kiel Conor Kirby Erika Kutchmarick Kimberlee Laney Amy Linscott Raisa Luck Joseph Lynch Jennifer Malpass Alexander Maston Riley Meserve Michael Miliano Megan Mitchell Sarah Moir Rebecca Morin Brianna Nee Nicholas Peeling Jonas Rimkunas Caite Robinson Brittany Rogers William Ross Michael SeeHusen Kristen Shepard Blake Speed Zachary Speirs Morgan Stickney Brian Stresser Renee Tardiff Chareese Terroni Mackenzie Tippetts Andrew Turner Sarah Vail Julia Waters Ryan Weed Kenneth Whipple Taylor Whitcomb Shannon Wilcox Seth Wing 8 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 Bingo Hats Off! Photo credit Stacy Sallinen Photo credit Kathy Marquis To create a fun learning climate for their students, teachers and staff from Gorham Middle School celebrated the royal wedding with fancy hats and royal waves. Kelly Curran, Kailey Loewe and Evan Loewe enjoyed a game of bingo as part of Narragansett School’s Family Game Night, sponsored by Partners in Education. The Transitionaries Opportunity! Become a member of the Gorham Times! We have been Gorham’s nonprofit, volunteer-run newspaper for the past 16 years, but we need your help to continue to “bring the news to all of Gorham.” What you get: • Flexibility and a VERY part-time schedule • Pride in being part of a great group of people • An experience for your resume that could help you with future jobs. Please e-mail [email protected] with your interest in any of the following assignments: • Office attendant – one day, two hours a week • School committee reporter • Planning board reporter • News reporter • Delivery person (every other week, 45 minutes) • Advertising support (no hard sales) We look forward to hearing from you—after all, it’s your paper too! Contact us at [email protected]. Times Jackie Francis Photo credit Martha T. Harris Standing in the back row are juniors Jeffrey Knox and Nicholas Randall. Seated are senior Travis Bonpietro and sophomore Bethany Towne. T he Transitionaries, simply put, is an organization dedicated to community building in the town of Gorham. Travis Bonpietro, a sociology major in his last year of studies at the University of Southern Maine, hopes to foster a “sense of togetherness and community resilience” within the organization. The brainchild of Bonpietro, the organization was originally cofounded by a small group of students studying at USM. Their purpose was to offer the residents of Gorham the benefits and advantages of communal life, particularly today, because so many families struggle to make ends meet. I asked Bonpietro to enlighten me about the newly organized group. Why the name Transitionaries? “The name is indicative of the idea that the organization is in the process of creating. A lot of things are indicating that our world in the next 50 years will be undergoing drastic changes, requiring communities to stand together and remain strong. It is necessary for people to realize that they can handle their problems collectively, and that such collective problem-solving will ultimately better serve the greater community.” What types of projects are the Transitionaries developing? “One is a community garden. We are using two raised beds offered by the Gorham Recreation Dept., to grow tomatoes and eggplant, and we are currently seeking people to actively participate in tending to the garden. Another is a complementary currency system, similar to the Hour Exchange of Portland. Instead of using paper as currency, people use hours. Members trade goods and services through the use of available time dollars.” Any other programs? “One potential program is a share and exchange program. A mutual aid program by design, people within the community could easily exchange different items from one another. Establishing a directory, people could contact one another according to what is available. Another side of this program is a ‘skill share program’ where Continued on Next Page May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 9 Transitionaries from Previous Page members share whatever skills they have to offer — free of charge.” How does the organization relate to USM? “Simply put, USM needs to be part of the Gorham community. Students are just as encouraged to be part of the mutual aid network, sharing and echanging their skills and items. I also see this as a way of assisting students to become adults, a way of fostering respect and concern for others – something that is synonymous with adulthood to me.” Can you tell me a little about yourself, where you were raised, and who and what influenced you to delve into this type of project? “I was raised in rural New York and moved to Maine when I was 15 years old and have loved it ever since (I am currently 24). (Studying sociology), I learned about various issues that our society is faced with, and became encouraged to figure out a way of remedying or lessening them. I came upon the conclusion that many of our issues are intertwined with the dissipation or extinction of communal life, to one degree or another. This desire to strengthen communal life simply galvanized.” Who is welcome to join the organization? “Any and all are welcome to participate, USM students and Gorham residents alike. The Transitionaries are an inclusive organization.” How does one learn more about the organization? “Meetings are held on the second Friday of every month at the Municipal Center in Gorham at 2 p.m. and the fourth Saturday of every month with a permanent location TBA. (The first Saturday meeting is May 28, 3 p.m. at St. Joe’s Coffee in Gorham). I welcome and encourage anyone who lives in Gorham to contact me. Email me at [email protected] or call 207632-4748.” THE TRANSFER STATION WILL BE ACCEPTING BRUSH May 7, 2011 and May 21, 2011 IN SMALL QUANITIES ONLY MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES IN DIAMETER 10 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 GORHAM SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Office of the Superintendent 75 SOUTH STREET, SUITE #2, GORHAM, MAINE 04038 Hollis S. Cobb Finance Officer (207) 222-1000 FAX 839-5003 Theodore G. Sharp Superintendent (207) 222-1000 FAX 839-8885 April 22, 2011 To: David Cole, Town Manager & Members of the Town Council Fr: Ted Sharp, Superintendent & Members of the School Committee Re: FY12 School Department Budget Enclosed and submitted for your review and consideration is the FY12 School Department Budget as approved unanimously by the School Committee on April 6, 2011. The motion approved by the School Committee is included in this booklet. This proposed FY12 Budget totals $31,280,834 and represents a 3.02% increase over the final approved FY11 Budget of $30,363,027. This budget requires a 3.79% increase in the local appropriation. Assuming the actual FY11 property tax increases $1 million in FY12, the impact of this budget on the mil rate is an increase of 1.23%, or $0.13. During the past seven years the average annual increase in the mil rate as a result of the school department budget has been $.13 or a total of $.91 cents over that period of time. During these seven years the fiscal integrity of the school department, together with the responsibility to provide a high quality, comprehensive educational program for all students, has been the focus of all District work. In your review of the FY12 Budget Summary page in the booklet, the actual amount of the increase in the local appropriation is a relatively modest $486,972. Without the first principal payment for the new elementary school, the budget would be $30,260,834 or $102,193 lower than the FY11 approved budget of $30,363,027. The referendum to construct the new school, held on September 16, 2008, was approved by 86% of the citizens who chose to exercise their privilege and their responsibility by casting their vote that day. Since FY09 and continuing to the eve of FY12, Federal, State and local funding restrictions have resulted in the elimination of 53.3 FTE positions in the District. The number of positions eliminated in the FY12 budget includes 1 FTE Ed tech position, 1 FTE Teacher position, and a .3 FTE Secretarial position, a total of 2.3 positions. The total number of positions eliminated in FY09, FY10, FY11 and proposed FY12 has included 24 FTE Ed tech positions, 15.5 FTE Teacher positions, 3 FTE Student Services positions, 5 FTE Administrative positions, a .80 FTE Secretarial position, 4.5 FTE School Nutrition positions, and a .50 FTE Transportation/Maintenance position, a total of 53.3 FTEs. The School Committee and the Administration have worked diligently during over time to minimize the impact of these reductions in force (RIFS) on the educational program and the classroom. As one might imagine, this goal is becoming increasingly difficult to secure. During the past year, the School Department has continued to engage in dialogue and review of all programs, personnel, facilities, and attendant infrastructure, a review designed to assess their Rumors of our closing are greatly exaggerated. Building is for sale, but not the Bookworm! Mon.–Sat 10–5 • 42 Main Street, Gorham [email protected] 839-BOOK(2665) May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 11 P A I D A D V E R T I S E M E N T DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY CENTERS SUMMARY FINAL APPROVED PRELIMINARY COST COST CENTER BUDGET BUDGET CENTER DESCRIPTION FY11 FY12 2 3 4 5 31 32 40 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 Great Falls (formerly White Rock) Narragansett Village Gorham Middle School Gorham High School Athletics Adult Education System Wide Operations and Maintenance Student Transportation Technology Debt Service Shared Instruction & Support - Elem. Special Services Curriculum Assessment Council Shared Instruction & Support - Secon. COST CENTER TOTAL $1,276,490 $3,247,897 $4,443,576 $4,742,423 $7,265,542 $235,059 $219,050 $1,021,038 $1,374,483 $1,382,109 $599,132 $3,216,953 $736,780 $196,232 $77,511 $328,751 $3,066,944 $2,691,329 $3,115,636 $4,595,605 $7,426,451 $223,921 $229,066 $1,059,292 $1,558,041 $1,468,000 $625,495 $4,091,761 $570,960 $214,592 $70,511 $273,232 140.3% -17.1% -29.9% -3.1% 2.2% -4.7% 4.6% 3.7% 13.4% 6.2% 4.4% 27.2% -22.5% 9.4% -9.0% -16.9% $30,363,027 $31,280,834 3.0% MAINE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUDGET CATEGORIES FINAL APPROVED PRELIMINARY BUDGET CATEGORY BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY DESCRIPTION FY11 FY12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Regular Instruction Special Education Career & Technical Education Other Instruction Student & Staff Support Systems Administration School Administration Transportation and Buses Facilities Maintenance Debt Service All Other Expenditures Including Adult Ed BUDGET CATEGORY TOTAL FY12 vs. FY11 CHANGE $$$ % $12,917,634 $4,845,970 $483,666 $532,924 $1,955,218 $674,667 $1,634,490 $1,576,591 $2,472,569 $3,050,248 $0 $219,050 $30,363,027 $12,613,760 $4,731,125 $517,945 $534,912 $2,071,198 $679,661 $1,619,652 $1,620,000 $2,723,753 $3,939,761 $0 $229,066 $31,280,834 $1,790,453 ($556,569) ($1,327,940) ($146,818) $160,908 ($11,138) $10,016 $38,254 $183,558 $85,891 $26,363 $874,809 ($165,819) $18,359 ($7,000) ($55,519) $917,807 FY12 vs. FY11 CHANGE % $$$ -2.4% -2.4% 7.1% 0.4% 5.9% 0.7% -0.9% 2.8% 10.2% 29.2% n.m. 4.6% 3.0% ($303,874) ($114,845) $34,279 $1,988 $115,980 $4,994 ($14,838) $43,409 $251,184 $889,513 $0 $10,016 $917,807 With the opening of Great Falls School (formerly know as White Rock School), FY 12 marks the beginning of three k-5 schools in the Gorham School District. Enrollments are projected to change as follows: Great Falls (formerly White Rock) Narragansett Village FY11 150 students 442 students 588 students FY12 482 students 251 students 426 students Because of the shift of enrollments across the three schools, we have temporarily (FY12 only) lost the ability compare the FY11 and FY12 K-5 budgets by cost center. Later in the budget book (in tab #4), we captured the process used in developing the FY12 K-5 budget. 2/17/2011 sports 12 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 GHS Seniors Committing to Play a Sport in College 15-Year-Old Gorham Race Car Driver Competes at 100 MPH Ryan Baillargeon Photos credit Jamie Williams M Photo credit unknown Chelsea Black, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine – Field Hockey and Lacrosse Photo credit Erik Burbank ost six-year-olds are trying to prove to their parents that they do not need training wheels on their bikes anymore. But at age six, Sulo Burbank of Gorham was already trying to convince his father that he was good enough to race his go-kart at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway. Now 15 years old, Sulo is competing in cars similar to those raced by NASCAR drivers at professional level. He drives two separate cars, the Pro Stock and the Late Model. The Pro Stock can reach speeds of 100 mph at tracks like Beech Ridge. Sulo’s father, Erik Burbank, who began road racing in 2000 with a GTI Volkswagen car, introduced Sulo to the sport. “He took me to a go-kart race in 2002, and I loved it,” said Sulo. “So that Christmas, I got a go-kart, and we began racing in 2003.” After racing the go-kart for three years, the family bought a junior champ kart, which Sulo raced in Richmond, Maine where he finished second in points. Sulo then continued to do what he loved and began racing in the Pro All-Star Series in 2008 with a Super Street car. After two years, he moved up with the big boys and began competing with Late Model and the Pro Stock cars in 2010. This year, he plans on racing the Pro Stock in New Hampshire. With the Late Model car, Sulo will enter into Pass Races, which are usually 150 laps and take place all around New England. His first race this year took place May 7th. This February, Sulo went to North Carolina where he and fifteen other kids were selected from among hundreds of applicants to take a class called Race 101 taught by Tony Blanchard, known as one of the top crew chiefs in the industry for working with and coaching young race car driv- Sulo Burbank, a 15-year-old race car driver from Gorham, is shown with one of his cars after a win at Riverside Speedway in Groveton, New Hampshire (top), and one of the cars he drives in races where cars reach 100 miles-per hour. ers. Sulo went to North Carolina again for a weekend in March and is going back for weekends in May and June. In the first two classes, he learned a lot about the shocks in the car and how they are set up. “Next time I go down in May and June, we get to drive the teacher’s car and test it”, said Sulo. “The premier driver receives a Late Model ride for next year.” Racing can be a very dangerous sport when driving 100 mph next to competitors, but even in his two worst crashes, Sulo has walked away unscathed. “The cars are really safe,” he said. “They have full containment seats, and I have a seven-point belt system, fireproof suit, and a Hans device to prevent me from breaking my neck in a crash.” With almost all of Sulo’s competitors being adults who have been driving cars for many years, it’s a bit ironic that Sulo has just started taking, of all things, a Driver’s Ed class. He hopes to continue racing and eventually compete at the NASCAR level. But he is aware that this is a challenging goal. In the meantime, he would like to go to college to become an engineer. Photo credit Brandy Frank, VerDe Photography Steven Broy, Newbury College – Baseball Scholar Athlete Award GHS Weekend Sports Friday, May 13 3:30 p.m. Boys’ Tennis vs. Bonny Eagle @ GHS 3:30 p.m. Girls’ Tennis @ Bonny Eagle 4:00 p.m. Softball vs. Bonny Eagle @ GHS 5:00 p.m. Girls’ Lacrosse vs. Mtn Valley HS @ GHS 7:00 p.m. Boys’ Lacrosse @ St. Dom. Academy (Auburn) Photo credit Debbie Harmon Photography Natalie Egbert, Endicott College – Tennis Photo courtesy of Bridgton Academy Bridgton Academy announced that Jon Day (GHS ’10) is this year’s recipient of The Scholar Athlete Award from The State of Maine Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame. Day earned the award for his work the classroom and on the football field. He played tight end at Bridgton Academy and is attending Wesleyan University in September. “I am extremely honored just to be nominated for this very prestigious award. Thank you to all my coaches who have pushed me along the way and taught me to never stop working. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their help. I also want to thank my mom who always pushed me to be better. I’d be lost without her,” said Day. Saturday, May 14 11:00 a.m. Baseball vs. Noble @ GHS All games subject to change. For up-to-date schedules of all GHS sports, visit Photo credit Tsukroff Photography Kylie Perrin, Syracuse University – Soccer May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 13 inthezone Into The Mud The Into the Mud Challenge 2.5 mile mud run took place at Gorham Middle School on May 7 as a fundraiser to support the USM Sport Management Scholarship Fund. Pictured below are several of the scenes as participants competed for team prizes, individual prizes and best costumes while getting downright muddy! Among Gorham residents, Carl Foster, Nate Reed, Jerry Johnson and Andre Labrie won the team competition while Barbara Slager finished second in the women’s individual competition. Hot College Softball Hitter: At press time, Kelsey Crowe (GHS ‘09), a sophomore on the Thomas College softball team, was leading the team in batting average (.411) and runs batted in (28). Boston Marathon Participant: GHS graduate Emily Jenkins (GHS ‘06) ran the Boston Marathon and finished with a time of 3:23.03, which was good for 785th place among more than 11,000 women who participated. Student-Athlete Eyes Medical School: Kelsey Wilson (GHS ‘07) is one of 85 student-athletes graduating from the University of Maine at Orono this spring. After graduation, Wilson will apply to medical school. High School Highlights Girls’ Tennis: The team was off to a fast start with a 4-0 record at press time and a second-place ranking in Western Maine Class A. Both doubles teams—seniors Colleen Ward/Megan Creeden, and sophomore Chloe Johnson/junior Emily Estes were undefeated on the season. All three singles players—senior Natalie Egbert, senior Sarah Moir, and sophomore Michelle Pham—were 3-1 on the season in individual matches. Boys’ Tennis: The GHS boys’ tennis team was 2-2 at press time and ranked seventh in Western Maine Class A. Sophomore Kyle Curley was undefeated in the first four matches as the team’s #2 singles player. Girls’ Track: The Rams improved their season record to 4-2 on May 3 by defeating Westbrook and Windham while losing to Scarborough in the annual “rivalry” meet. Highlights for meet included a first-place finish by junior Katie Flanders in the 1600-meter racewalk; double wins for junior Sarah Perkins in the 100-meter hurdles and 300-meter hurdles; junior Leanna Dalfonso winning the 1600-meter run; sophomore Quincy Shaw’s strong second-place finish in the 400 meters; and the pole vault trio of sophomore Caitlin Childress, junior Sabrina Rowell and junior Clara Stickney, who all qualified for the state meet by clearing 7-0. Perkins was also a double winner in 100-meter hurdles and the 300-meter hurdles in an April 26 multi-team meet at which Gorham finished second to Thornton Academy while finishing ahead of Noble and Portland. Photo credits Rich Obrey GHS Sports Freeze Frames Senior Moira Keahon Photos credits Rich Obrey Junior Lindsey Smith Boys’ Track: In an April 27 multi-team meet won by the Gorham over Thornton Academy, Noble and Portland, junior Kyle Nealey, junior Nate Bucknell and sophomore Julian Nijkamp led the way by winning multiple events. Nealey took first in the discus and shot put while Bucknell took first in the racewalk and 800 meters while junior teammate Jesse Orach won the 1600 meter. Nijkamp won the 110 meter hurdles and the 300 meter hurdles. Nealey was also a double winner in the discus and shot put during a May 3 meet vs. Scarborough, Westbrook and Windham in which Gorham placed second. Softball: A bases-loaded triple by senior Alyssa Clark keyed a 7-4 win by the Rams over Marshwood on April 22. At press time, the team was 2-2 and ranked sixth in Western Maine Class. A. Boys’ Lacrosse: Senior Aaron LaPorte scored six goals and had three assists to lead the Rams to a 19-4 win over Mountain Valley on April 30. Junior Eliot Gagne added four goals and four assists while junior Nate Holloran had 12 saves in goal. On April 21st, Holloran stopped 27 shots as the Rams defeated Westbrook 10-3. Girls’ Lacrosse: Senior Mia Rapolla scored 26 goals in the team’s first three games to lead the Rams to a 3-0 start with wins over McAuley (23-9) York (19-8) and Bonny Eagle (22-10). In the McAuley win, senior Chelsea Black scored five goals while junior Lindsay Smith scored six times in the win over York. Smith also scored four goals and earned four assists in the Bonny Eagle game. Baseball: A two-out, last-inning single by sophomore Damon Wallace scored senior Brendon Joyce with the winning run as Gorham defeated Sanford, 6-5, for its first win of the year on April 26. In a 9-4 loss to Portland on April 22, the team hit three home runs, including two by Joyce and one by senior Zach Speirs. Against an undefeated Westbrook team on May 2, senior Mike Arsenault allowed no earned runs and gave up just four hits while pitching a complete game as Gorham lost, 4-0. Freshman Dylan Turner had one of the Rams’ three hits in the game as he singled in his very first at bat as a varsity player. Joyce, who at press time was ninth in the conference in batting average (.533), and fellow senior Steve Broy were announced as team captains. 14 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 U nd er Co nt ra ct S ol d Maryanne Bear Mike Griffin New Listing Julie Chandler RIDGEFIELD @ PHEASANT KNOLL-Brand new 2 bedroom, 2 STANDISH $42,000 GORHAM VILLAGE $176,500 bath, 1 car garage end unit condo! Easy 1 floor living. $228,000 Excellent deal! 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in the new section of the park – Hemlock Heights. IN-TOWN GORHAM-Lrg home Move-in ready 2 BR, 2 BA, 3 season w/2 car gar on almost an acre of land! 3 room, new furnace, 2 car garage & invit- or 4 BRs, wood flrs, lrg kit, newer roof ing patio. & windows. $169,900 GRAY DOUBLEWIDE-on 1.84 GORHAM VILLAGE-4 BR, 2 BA HOLLIS 4 BEDROOM RANCH Jane Mason Jeff Mason Peter Mason acres. Over 1500 SF, 2 BAs, FP, skylights. Systems unk, needs cosmetics. HUD owned. EHO. $81,000 home w/newly finished HW flrs & fresh- Open concept w/spacious FR, daylight ly painted interior. 2 car gar, daylight bsmt, LR w/fireplace, newer 3 car bsmt, deck. $268,000 garage all on 3 acres! $195,000 SEBAGO LAKEFRONT-Peaceful year round cottage on 1.1 ac lot w/180’ on the water. 4 BR, 2 BA, lrg deck, 2 car gar. $475,000 New Price Becky Gallant MIke Rand BUXTON $175,000-Over 34 acres GORHAM $198,500-on 1.37 acs, of development potential. Includes a 3 BR Cape w/5 fireplaces. Pond, barn, fields. Tastefully updated 1800’s Cape w/ custom kit & new windows. Close to stores, USM, schools. 39 Main Street Gorham GORHAM $24,900-Convenient WAGNER FARM $279,900-3 location for this Patio Park mobile. Well BR, 2.5 BA open concept on desirable kept 2 bedroom w/large LR, deck & corner lot! 2 car garage, farmers porch. storage shed. Easy commute to Portland. (207) 839-3300 In May, Mainely Plumbing & Heating will celebrate 25 years in business. To thank all the customers and friends who have supported us through the years, we’ll be celebrating with an open house and offering specials throughout the summer…watch future ads for more information. Thank you, Gorham! Did you know... Mainely Plumbing & Heating installs and Since Mainely Plumbing & Heating replaced my oil-fired boiler with a Baxi Natural Gas Condensing Boiler, I’ve saved an average of $5,000/year. services gas heating systems? Natural gas burns cleaner and more efficiently than oil so it’s good for both the environment & your checkbook. Call us to go green and save cash with natural gas. 854.4969 Portland Area 839.7400 Gorham Area GHS from MAINELY Plumbing & Heating —Matt Mattingly, PineCrest Bed & Breakfast Fu l l y Ce r t i f i e d, L i c e n s e d, a n d I n s u re d - Ac c re d i te d B B B B u s i n e s s Contact: Roy Lane 1-877-867-1642 W W W.M A I N E LYP LU M B I N G . CO M Page 1 munity support and in turn strongly supported the community • A culture of visible respectful social behavior and an expectation of academic achievement Specific practices noted in the report included the development of Freshmen Academies, which provided an opportunity for teachers to clearly communicate expectations to students and take quick action when they began to struggle; BRIDGES program, an alternative education program to provide experiential learning opportunities in a small group setting; hiring teachers who are innovative, engaging and willing to take risks; support for teachers and schools through the Gorham Education Foundation; and strong relationships between school athletics and town recreation programs to encourage greater community support. Researchers also found extensive evidence to support one characteristic—where school culture fostered strong, respectful and equitable relationships for all. The climate at GHS was observed to be comfortable, safe and positive, citing the full time substance abuse counselor and the school-wide campaign to “Ban the R Word.” Additionally, many students have strong relationships with adults or coaches through sports, extra curricular activities, or advisory groups, and students are frequently recognized for their achievement. Principal Chris Record said that although the report is a snapshot of Gorham High School, he felt privileged to have the information and will use it to help guide future decision-making. To read the report in its entirety, visit Gorham High School’s website at May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 15 Congratulate Your Graduate Include your congratulatory ad in the June 24 Graduation Issue of the Gorham Times. Ad deadline is June 15. $25 for a 1 column by 4 inch ad with picture; $15 for a 1 column by 2 inch ad. Different ad sizes available on request. Call or e-mail the Gorham Times at [email protected] or 839-8390. Return Performance of the Cool Water Band Friday May 20, 7 p.m. @ White Rock Grange #380, 33 Wilson Road, off Rte. 237. $7.50/adults., children free. Help preserve this wonderful building by attending. Nicely Property Team 17C Railroad Ave Gorham, ME 04038 The Team That Gets Results FMI 839 3946 Craig Nicely Keith Nicely Office: 207.222.1714 Office: 207.222.1722 Cell: 207.318.3693 Cell: 207.650.2832 [email protected] [email protected] generated at Helping friends and neighbors in Real Estate for over 30 years. Use your smart device to view our properties currently on the market. Paul and Jan Willis N ew Li st in g: G or h am ! Classic cape cod in delightful low traffic Village neighborhood. Sunroom, patio and gardens invite the outdoors in. $225,000 Willis Real Estate If You’re Thinking of Listing Your Home....Give Us a Call! 347E Main St. Gorham • 839-3390 • [email protected] Ardyth Green Celebrating 18 (207) 653-9828 [email protected] realtor Years THE MASIELLO GROUP (207) 671-9606 [email protected] 103 Harding Bridge Rd • Gorham, ME 04038 Willis Real Estate Steve Hamilton—Realtor® 17C Railroad Avenue Gorham, Maine 04038 Office: 207-222-1707 Cell: 207-347-1363 Email: [email protected] Call me for a FREE home warranty with listing! 16 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 community Pam Carpenter and Laura Groves of the West Gorham Union Church recorded a CD entitled “One Voice,” which features their singing. Of INterest Maggie M. Potts will graduate from University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Arts in Zoology on May 21. Maggie is the daughter of Keith and Karen Potts who live in Gorham. The West Gorham Church will have a plant and bake sale on Sat. May 21, 9-11 a.m. The May monthly TRIAD meeting will be held at the Westbrook Safety Building on 5/13 at 8:45 a.m. The West Gorham Church will have a public supper on Sat. May 14, 5-6 p.m. Please note the change to the second Saturday of the month. Ticket sale starts at 4 p.m. Adults $7, children under 12 $3. The Gorham Arts Alliance will host a concert with the Planet Pan Steel Drum ensemble from Blue Hill on May 20th at 7:00 p.m. at the Gorham Middle School. This is a very talented group of students who will amaze children and adults of all ages as they bring the sounds of the islands alive on stage! Tickets are $5 at the door. For advance purchases call Amy at 318-0584. FMI The North Gorham Library will hold its annual spring plant and book sale on Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A variety of perennials donated by local gardeners will be for sale as well as books for children and adults. North Gorham Rd. and Standish Neck Rd. FMI call 892-2575. The United Church of Christ at North Gorham will have a rummage sale during the day. In addition, the first of the year’s bean-hole bean suppers will be held at the church from 4:30 to 6 p.m. FMI call 8925363. Energy “Power Hour” will be held in on Saturday, May 14 from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at the Baxter Library. A “Power Hour” is a gathering of community members to come up with ideas that will form the foundation for a Cumberland County Energy and Climate Plan. Register for free on-line at FMI call Jennifer Puser at 774-9891 or http:// Cool Water Band will be performing at White Rock Grange # 380, 33 Wilson Rd. on 5/20 at 7 p.m. FMI 839-3946. The following USM School of Music students, from Gorham, performed with the renowned USM student ensembles in the spring semester. David Delano, Euphonium, USM Concert Band and Percussion, USM Wind Ensemble; Erin Burns, Trombone, USM Concert Band; Photo credit Melissa Lacroix Rep. Jane Knapp and students from Village Elementary School stand on the grand staircase at the State House. The students came to the Capitol to learn more about the legislative process. Later in the day, the students had the opportunity to tour the Maine State Museum. Erin Pulley, Flute, Flute Studio Recital and Piccolo, USM Concert Band and Flute/ Piccolo, USM Wind Ensemble; Jennifer Kennedy, Soprano, USM Chamber Singers; Nicole Rawding, Flute, USM Concert Band and Flute/Piccolo USM Wind Ensemble; and Timothy Burns, Horn, USM Concert Band. The USM Wind Ensemble recently toured Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont, and in May the USM Chamber Singers will tour Andalusia, Spain. Gorham Women’s Club planted 500 pink tulips called “Survivor.” Members, relatives and friends made the planting a great success, and the tulips should be in bloom for the town’s 275th birthday. Tri Town Extension Group, a division of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, recently made May baskets for Meals on Wheels. This past fall three members received their 50 year certificates including Janet Bell, Janice Muehle, and Janet Webb. The group is open to anyone who wishes to join. FMI Marlene, 8924249 or Allene, 892-8204. The Gorham’s Got Talent Competition will take place on Saturday, May 14 at 7 p.m. in the Gorham Middle School Auditorium. The Finals will take place on Sunday, May 15 at 4 p.m. in the GMS Auditorium. Gorham’s best and brightest talents will be showcased in this competition sponsored by the Gorham Art Alliance and the GMS National History Day Team. Talent will include a bluegrass band, opera, clogging, modern dance, instrumentalists, and several vocal performances as well. Admission is $5 per person or $20 per family. Contact Jeffrey Carpenter for more information at 749-2837. The University of Southern Maine athletic department, in partnership with the auction website Bidding For Good, is currently hosting its first annual online auction from now through May 15. Over 90 auction items have been donated thus far, including rounds of golf, sports memorabilia, and sporting event tickets. To review the items and place a bid please go to www. Rachael Tordoff (GHS ‘07) earned the Evelyn O’Connor Award given to the elementary education senior graduating with the highest grade point average at Saint Continued on Next Page 439 Ossipee Trail, Gorham, ME 207-839-3332 587 Main St, Gorham, ME 207-839-2244 Complete auto service facility over 100 quality pre-owned vehicles to choose from Lets's get you approved today!! May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 17 Memorial Walk Raises Money in Honor of Gorham 9/11 Victim Sherrie Fontaine G orham native Stephen G. Ward lost his life on September 11, 2001, the day the nation watched in horror as two hijacked jet airliners crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City killing everyone onboard and 2,752 people in the buildings. Ward, a 1986 graduate of GHS, had only recently been hired as a CPA for Cantor Fitzgerald, a bond-trading firm, located on the 101st floor of the North Tower. Shortly after his death, his family established the Stephen G. Ward Memorial Scholarship Fund. His sister, Susan Ward Moore, said “it was a way to remember Steve and to have something good come out of something so tragic.” Each year that scholarship assists a Gorham High School student with tuition expenses at a college of their choice. On this 10th anniversary of the attack, the Ward family will hold a 9/11 Memorial 5k Run & Walk to benefit the scholarship fund. The family hopes to generate enough money to achieve their goal to increase the scholarship award amounts and to provide for multiple yearly recipients. Maine Community Foundation, a management company, does the actual administering of the scholarship funds. The race will be held on September 11, 2011. There will be a run for chil- Of Interest from dren up to 12 years old that will take place at 8:30 a.m. to be followed by the run/walk at 9:00 a.m. Both races start and finish at the Gorham Recreation Center. There is a fee to register for both races with discounts available for early registration and family groups. For more information on the race and to register, check out The race route can accommodate up to 500 runners, and the family is hoping for a turnout of 200 to 300 runners. For sister Katie Ward Graham, she hopes the race will be a fun, community and family oriented event “where the day will be all about being with family and remembering family.” The race will also be a marketing opportunity for sponsoring businesses. For a $150 tax deductible sponsorship, the business name and logo will be prominently displayed on race t-shirts distributed to all runners, sponsors, staff and race volunteers and provide the opportunity to place banners and signage at the race festival site. Additionally, sponsoring businesses will have their names and logos advertized on the race website with links to 5K Race Services website, and For more information on the race, contact Susan Ward Moore & Katie Ward Graham at 615-1390 or [email protected]. Previous Page Joseph’s College. Joey Wise (GHS ‘07) received the Physical Education Award at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, which is awarded annually to an outstanding graduating senior majoring in physical education. GPD Dare Program Bottle Drive, Sat. 5 /21 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Village School parking lot. Please help fifth graders raise money for DARE BBQ. Bring your cans and bottles and we will deposit them with CLYNK. A 20-year GHS class reunion is planned for this summer. If you are part of the GHS class of 1991 or you want more details and to purchase tickets, visit: www. Major General John W. Libby, the Adjutant General, Maine National Guard announces the promotion of Maine Army National Guard soldiers Thomas Owens III, of Company C, 1/126th Aviation Regiment, to WO1 and James Cline SR, CO B, 3/172d Infantry (Mountain) to Sgt. Kyle Murphy, Electrical Engineering, was named a Merrimack College 2011 Presidential Scholar award recipient. The Gorham Arts Alliance will host a Now Welcoming New Patients Katie Bennett Dances to Honor Her Father, Bill Bennett Dede Perkins K atie Bennett was only 12 years old when her father lost his battle with cancer six years ago, but he’s still in her thoughts each and every day. “My dad was a math teacher at Gorham High School. He was also a coach and a big part of the community,” Bennett said. “Every year, there’s an award given in his honor to a Gorham High School senior.” To honor the memory of her father in her own way, Katie, who is now a senior at Gorham High School and also a member of the Dance Studio of Maine’s competition team, decided to do something a little different. She asked her dance teacher, Maria McInnis, to choreograph a dance to one of her father’s favorite songs – “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” by Paul Simon and to work with Bennett so she could perform the piece at regional dance competitions and at the end-of-the-year recital for the studio. “We decided to do a piece in memory of my dad. We chose one of his favorite songs and made it look like he was dancing with me because he really is always with me,” she said. “My dad always came to my recitals.” Bennett’s mother knew Katie was performing a dance in memory of her father, but didn’t know the specifics. “My mom loved the dance. I surprised her with the fact that I interact with my dad in the dance – someone who can’t be seen on stage. As part of parade favor/creative art workshop led by Allie Rimkunas at the Baxter Memorial Library, May 21, 9:30 a.m. - noon. Free On Saturday, May 14, the Gorham Postal Carriers will hold their Annual Food Drive. All donations will go the Gorham Food Pantry. Simply place donations in a bag and leave it by your mailbox. the costume, I wear one of my dad’s ties. It is a prop as well as part of the costume.” Bennett performed the dance at the Elite Challenge Competition that recently took place in Chelmsford, MA. Out of the 47 performances in her category, Bennett placed 9th overall. She will also perform in both shows at the Dance Studio of Maine’s recital on June 5th. “I am very proud of Katie and her performance during the Elite Challenge Competition. This dance was a perfect fit for her senior year. She really got into her character and performed, and that passion completely paid off,” said Bennett’s dance instructor, Maria McInnis. Dr. Winslow Sargeant, chief counsel for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy, will tour three manufacturing facilities in Maine including Southern Maine Industries in Gorham. SMI is a women-owned manufacturing service facility located in the industrial park. Year Round Property Maintenance • Mowing • Spring Clean-up • Trimming & Pruning • Shrub Removal/Planting • Edging & Mulching • General Labor Justin Hayden 207-712-5554 Commercial & Residential Fully Insured Young Life Club Monday NIghts (Whenever there is school) Audiology Services and Hearing Aids Shannon Phinney Dowdle, Audiologist 347 Main St., Suite 1A • Gorham, Maine 04038 839-8400 • PTA Building 7:07PM For more information: [email protected] 18 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 MDOT from the Page 1 angular configuration of the intersection itself, with unclear traffic lanes and a lack of turning space. Rob Pinckney, representing the engineering firm Clough Harbour Associates, presented the design. He stressed that the project is “driven by safety,” and not a solution to the traffic congestion prevailing in the area. With the assistance of a large aerial map of the intersection, Pinckney detailed the changes that the plan would make to the surrounding roads. The project will involve a total of about 1,200 feet of roadway modifications. Turning lanes will be constructed for left turns from County Road westbound and Burnham Road northbound. Safety islands will be used to define lanes and guide traffic through the intersection safely. Travel lanes on County Road will be reduced to 11 feet and given regular paved four-foot shoulders. Nine utility poles located on the north side of the road will be repositioned. All improvements will be made within the state’s right-of-way. All of the roads in question will be completely rebuilt down to their gravel foundations. Pinckney characterized the plans as “nothing out of the ordinary” and estimated the total cost to be approximately $650,000. The MDOT expects the project to be let out to bid in July, and construction to take place in September through November. Following the MDOT presentation, local South Gorham residents stated their concerns with traffic and safety in the area of the project. Speed, congestion, and a lack of driver civility were frequently mentioned, along with questions about the synchronization of traffic lights at two adjacent intersections at each end of the overlap area. Bob Burns, Gorham’s public works director, asked the engineers about the nature of the materials of the safety islands, and whether the configuration of the intersection would permit a tractor trailer to safely negotiate the left turns. In other transportation news, the town has been advised that the Brackett/Libby-New Portland Road roundabout project will be advertised for bids on May 11. MDOT expects that this construction will commence this summer, and will be completed before the end of the year. This will mean that two major intersections in Gorham will be subject to construction delays at the same time. In addition, there will be construction in the center of Gorham Village for the sidewalk and curb improvement project, as well as the major renovation work being performed on William Clarke Drive in Westbrook. Courtesy of the Gorham Police Department What a Naughty Safe! Caller reported that while at the town dump, they noticed a safe that looked very beaten. Caller was concerned it might have been involved in criminal activity. School Street caller reported the catalytic converter was stolen from their car. Caller reported a vehicle rolled across the street and into a ditch. School Street caller reported that the street looked like “The Old Port Festival” because all the kids were walking from the campus to the nightclub, and caller would like them moved along. Flaggy Meadow Drive caller requested to speak with an officer regarding a dog they had recently given away that was returned to them because it killed a cat. Caller requested to speak with an officer regarding a subject who had been causing a disturbance at their business and had been asked to stay away, but refused to do so. Caller requested to speak with an officer regarding the noise coming from the club on School Street. Primrose Lane caller requested to speak with an officer regarding a male subject who walks his dog in caller’s neighborhood. New Portland Road caller reported an accident involving a motor vehicle and a deer. There was minimal damage to the vehicle, but major damage to the deer. Waterhouse Road caller reported that the four-wheelers were back for the season, and caller was very upset. Gray Road caller reported someone had stolen gas from their tank. Main Street caller reported that someone cut the catalytic converter out of their vehicle. Douglas Street caller reported that a suspicious vehicle stopped near their house, placed radios on the roof of the vehicle, and then after a while left the area. Caller reported that there was a dog out behind the store that appeared very skinny. Longfellow Road caller reported that juveniles were four-wheeling and shooting guns on the power lines. Hurricane Road caller reported that two dogs were circling their sheep pen and they were worried that dogs would attack the new born lambs. County Road caller reported that there was a rat trapped in the wall of their home. Animal was a squirrel and homeowner was referred to Sparks Arks. Narragansett Street caller reported that their house had been broken into when they were away. Sokokis Trail caller requested to speak with an officer regarding a friend who was interested in being a Police Officer but had some items on their record. Fort Hill Road caller reported a suspicious vehicle in the area. Subjects were retrieving the cat that had jumped out of their vehicle and gone up a tree. Ritz Farm Road caller reported receiving unwanted telephone calls from individuals who sounded as if they were drunk. Fort Hill Road caller reported two suspicious male subjects loading wood into a vehicle. Subjects were there to pick up pine boards and had permission from the owner. Murray Drive caller reported a male juvenile who has been incessantly riding a dirt bike up and down the road. Caller doesn’t want to put up with it all summer; they just want peace and quiet. Gray Road caller reported that when they came home, they found their door kicked in. Officer found a busted up toilet in the roadway (Cousins Road and Patten Farm Road) and notified Buxton Public Works. Libby Avenue caller reported a moose in the road near the dental office. Gliddon Owens Design marketing with flair Brand Development • eMarketing Campaigns Brochures • Websites • Ad Campaigns Direct Mail • Logos • Social Media Posters, Flyers, Publications Call Jeannine at (207) 807-6985 for more information. Like Us on Facebook what’s happening FRIDAY, MAY 13 • TRIAD meeting will be held at the Westbrook Safety Building @ 8:45 a.m. SATURDAY, MAY 14 • Chicken Pie Dinner, First Parish Congregational Church, Rt. 114, Gorham. 5 to 6:30 p.m. $9/$5 under 12. FMI, 8396751. • “Gorham’s Got Talent” preliminary competition, 7 to 9 p.m., GMS. $5pp/$20 families. FMI, 749-2837 or • The West Gorham Church public supper, 5 to 6 p.m. Adults $7, children under 12 $3. • Greater Portland Mothers of Multiples Club childrens’ used clothing & equipment sale, 9 a.m. to noon, St. Anne’s Church. • Gorham Postal Carriers Annual Food Drive. Place donations in a bag and leave it by your mailbox. SUNDAY, MAY 15 • “Gorham’s Got Talent” finals competition, 4 to 6 p.m., GMS. $5pp/$20 families. FMI, 749-2837 or MONDAY, MAY 16 • Gorham Food Pantry, 6 to 7 p.m., St. Anne’s Catholic Church parking lot • Free Food & Fellowship Ecumenical Noonday Meal Program, Windham Hill UCC, 140 Windham Center Rd, Windham. Everyone welcome. FMI, 8923769. TUESDAY, MAY 17 • American Red Cross Blood Drive, Gorham High School, 12 to 5:30 p.m. THURSDAY, MAY 19 • Gorham Food Pantry, 9 to 11 a.m., St. Anne’s Catholic Church parking lot • Baby & Me, birth to 18 mos., 9:30 a.m., Baxter Library. FMI, 839-5031.Toddler Time, ages 18-36 mos., 10 a.m., Baxter Library. FMI, 839-5031.North Gorham Public Library, Story Hour for ages 3-5 yrs, 9:30-10:30 a.m. FMI, 892-2575. • Kiwanis Club Lunch Meeting, Pinecrest Bed & Breakfast, 12 to p.m. FMI, 8398944. The Gorham Ecumenical Food Pantry is open at St. Anne’s Church every Thurs. from 9-11 a.m.; the second Wednesday of the month from 6-7 p.m.; and the third Monday of the month from 6-7 p.m. Open to anyone in Gorham in need of food. Located in the building behind St. Anne’s Church, Main St. FRIDAY, MAY 20 • The Gorham Arts Alliance Planet Pan Steel Drum ensemble from Blue Hill 7:00 p.m. at the Gorham Middle School. • Cool Water Band will perform at White Rock Grange # 380, 33 Wilson Rd. on 5/20 at 7 p.m. FMI 839-3946. SATURDAY, MAY 21 • Gorham Arts Alliance will present a Parade Favor Workshop with Allie Rimkunas from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Baxter Memorial Library. FMI, • The West Gorham Church will have a plant and bake sale on Sat. May 21st, 9 to 11 a.m. • GPD Dare Program bottle drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Village School parking lot. THURSDAY, MAY 26 • Gorham Food Pantry, 9 to 11 a.m., St. Anne’s Catholic Church parking lot • Baby & Me, birth to18 mos., 9:30 a.m., Baxter Library. FMI, 839-5031.Toddler Time, ages 18-36 mos., 10 a.m., Baxter Library. FMI, 839-5031.North Gorham Public Library, Story Hour for ages 3-5 yrs, 9:3010:30 a.m. FMI, 8922575. New and carefully used clothing and accessories for teens and young adults American Eagle • Hollister • Victoria Secret 2 School Street, Gorham 04038 C lassified S services HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. Residential or commercial. Hourly or flat rates. Excellent references. [email protected] LICENSED Home Daycare looking to hire a part-time helper (20 hours a week). Experience with children and CPR certification required. Contact Marianne at 839-9148. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING. Specializing in older homes. Low rates, quality work. Free estimates. Call Dave Hall, 929-4469. IRISH CLEANING LADY looking for some new jobs. I really enjoy cleaning. Good ref. Free estimates. Call Candy Leavitt, 839-2368. CHILD CARE 4 Seasons Preschool and Childcare Hours 7 a.m.-5:30pm. Ages 2-10 yrs. Full and part time openings available. Weekends available also. 10 Hickory Lane Gorham, call Becki Yahm 939-8282. THE PAINT WIZARD. Painting, wallpapering, power washing. Residential/commercial, interior/exterior. Fully insured, quality workmanship, local references. Free estimates. Call Larry Elliott 625-4009 or 289-0405. FOR RENT FOR SALE MOVING SALE BAND-SAW, shear, press-brake, miller, lathe (both metal and wood). 603-382-5671. See for images. MUSIC LESSONS VOICE AND PIANO lessons at my Gorham studio. BA in Music Ed. Call Paul 839-4628. Office for rent in Gorham Village, parking for 1-2 vehicles . Utilities included $250.00 month. For more information call 329-4457 31 Calisa Ln., Gorham May 13-15, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Furniture, fishing, new/used clothes, toys, tools, holiday. Every room is represented. Priced to sell! Wanted Fill dirt for a 10 x 10 ft. patio. Contact [email protected]. Classified ads are $5 for 15 words, plus an additional $1 for each extra 5 words. Ads can be boxed for additional $2. E-mail classifieds to [email protected]. MONDAY, MAY 23 • Free Food & Fellowship Ecumenical Noonday Meal Program, Windham Hill UCC, 140 Windham Center Rd, Windham. Everyone welcome. FMI, 8923769. neu 2 u For more information, call Sandie Grant at (207) 318-2856 May 13, 2011 | Gorham Times | 19 ALL SEASONS YARD CARE Spring Cleanups • Mowing • Trimming • Mulching Use this coupon for: 20% Off spring cleanup 50% Off spring cleanup with mowing contract Call Brian for Free Estimate: 329-2575 Gorham Primary Care P C 130 Main Street Gorham, ME 04038 Telephone 207-839-5551 Adult Primary Care New Patients Welcome Accepting: MaineCare, Medicare, Etc. Discount available for cash at time of service Office Hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Illustration by Daniel Minter 20 | Gorham Times | May 13, 2011 Gladys, there’s an easier way to find out why your neighbor’s garden thrives . . . It’s a visit to O’Donal’s. Smart gardeners know the best value for their money is to trust the experts at O’Donal’s. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will help you select the plants that are best suited for your unique location and individual lifestyle. Come to O’Donal’s for the hardiest, healthiest selection of Maine Grown plants around. Only 5 minutes from Maine Turnpike exit 46, just follow Rte 22 west. Like us on Facebook 6 County Road Gorham, Maine 207-839-4262 “A thoroughly persuasive transport to an exotic time and place... The Syringa Tree stuns!” – The New York Times PORTLANDSTAGE where great theater lives Tickets: 207.774.0465 Sponsored by: L.L.Bean, Maine Home & Design, maine, Migis Hotel Group, Wright-Ryan Homes, Mainebiz, The Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram
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