iXplore Augmented Reality Applica/on
iXplore Augmented Reality Applica/on
iXplore Augmented Reality Applica4on User Manual Server side configura4on Server password Server username Step1:change >p server user name and password Database name Server side configura4on Step2:upload all files and folders to your server Folder name” ixplore_Server” Server side configura4on Step3: create and import the sql database you can find it in “ixplore_DB” folder Server side configura4on Step4: -‐ login to your server to manage categories “category name/icon” -‐ Change category tags to get places to the selected category from google Server side configura4on Step5: -‐ Manage featured clients Allow/Disallow “Addi4onal revenue from the app” -‐ Go to info to manage client name, icon, descrip4on, la4tude and longitude. Note: on receiving any featured client request you will also receive client loca4on as well Also you can add/ delete admins THAT’S ALL YOUR DONE WITH THE SERVER CONFIGURATION APP CONFIGURATION STEP1: Define your Google places API APP CONFIGURATION STEP2: insert your server URL here: APP CONFIGURATION STEP3: insert your server URL/loca4ons.php: STEP4: insert your server URL/phone/google_place.php: APP CONFIGURATION STEP5: insert your server URL/phone/google_place_country.php: STEP6: change your itunes share link and the feedback email address: Thank you for purchasing my applica4on. If you have any ques4ons that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form