IThe Hants Journal - Words and Pictures
IThe Hants Journal - Words and Pictures
Serving Windsor and Hants County • March 25, 2010 TOGETHER we can WORK on your ADVERTISING 3 7 INDEX 14 Call Tanya Today! 798-8371 ext. 2103 3910440 1.25+HST Vol. 140, No. 13 Volunteer Battle of his life Crash proofing Carole Peterson gets Volunteer Award Cancer fundraiser reaps what he sows Christy collects cup competition clues Streeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Court Report . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Carla Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Teleguide . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Please Recycle PM40064924 R10842 Sniffing for News Tips Call Stu at (902)799-1077 4229263 A touch of kindness By Christy Marsters THE HANTS JOURNAL Illegal smokes not a victimless crime By Nadine Eagles-Harvie THE HANTS JOURNAL Windsor RCMP Street Crime Unit is asking the public to help to put illegal cigarettes up in smoke. The local RCMP has recovered thousands of the unmarked cigarettes in West Hants but say that’s just a drop in the bucket. Recently, a stash of 100,000 of the illegal smokes The West Hants Atom House hockey team has assisted the Matthew 25 Food Bank in scoring a huge goal. Matthew 25 is the only food bank in the area serving all of West Hants and it exists to offer out food, clothing or furniture to people who need it most. Matthew 25 coordinator Cindy Loane said this year, the local food bank has received only about onethird of the amount of donations traditionally given. It is all because rumors spread that this place was closed, when it wasn’t, Loane said. However, in this food bank’s time of need, Hants County has really been great, Loane said. “Today [March 16], I think our Continued on page 4 Continued on page 3 Ryan Dolliver, 9,touches the Sconestone during its visit to Matthew 25 Food Bank in Windsor recently. Garden Centre Now Open Offering the latest information in your community. From current events, sports, news, weather and business… Inside Sobeys Windsor 902-798-2589 Windsor Town Office 4229294 Fort Edward Plaza (902) 798-3222 3657180 Windsor 3921483 Open Weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm Phone 798-2275 After Hours Emergency Phone 798-7080 Y3190229 Check out the Newly Re-designed Windsor Recreation Dept. Aquatic Positions Available, Hants Aquatic Centre. More info available under "Employment Opportunities" of the Town website, or Call Jim at 798-1162 Greenwood Mall 902-765-2415 Digby 902-245-2135 2 I The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 We asked: will you participate in Earth Hour? VALLEY DENTURE SERVICES LTD. Complete & Partial Dentures Fabricated In Onsite Denture Lab. EARTH HOUR: THE FACTS When: Saturday, March 27, at 8:30 p.m. What to do: Turn off non-essential lights and appliances for one hour Why: To promote awareness of climate change Impact: Toronto reported a decrease of 15.1 per cent in electrical demand in last year’s event. Who: About 1 billion people so far. Earth Hour is organized by the World Wildlife Federation. K.A. Purcell, Licensed Denturist 173 Gerrish St., Windsor 798-4412 Free Consultation with a Licensed Denturist from Windsor to Digby, Same Day Repairs, Relines, Rebases, Denture Cleaning & Maintenance New Patients Welcome 4246973 The Four Seasons Orchestra presents EASTER BONNET CONCERT Saturday, March 27 Community Centre, Windsor 3:00 pm, Tickets at the door $10 Seniors & Schoolagers $5 Shaun Buffett – “I didn’t know about this but, sure, I could do it … it sounds like a good idea.” Ron Maynard – Whether you are wearing your Easter Bonnet or not, come and enjoy our concert of seasonal light orchestral music and dance! “Earth hour doesn’t mean a thing if people do one thing one day and then another the next … everyone has to do their own thing if they want change.” Pam Rafuse – “It’s a good idea if it’s just for one hour. I don’t think I could go more than a day without it though.” 4225974 Dorian Hall Dancers directed by Debby Stevenson and Emily Gore Orchestra directed by Roger Taylor Jamie Anderson – “I won’t because when you shut the power off for an hour it actually takes more energy to turn it back on than you save.” EARLY DEADLINE NOTICE Peter Lansing “Sure, I could do that … I think you’ve got to do a little bit everyday to make things a little better.” Kevin Dimock “I usually do. I don’t believe in leaving lights on or having unnecessary things running.” Sara Downing and Leanne Comeau – Please be advised that due to the Good Friday holiday, deadline for the April 8th edition of the Hants Journal will be Thursday, April 1st at 11 am. Downing [left] - “Oh yes, I do this every year. It’s become a habit; I just do it.” Comeau - “Of course, I do it because it’s a statement.” 4245187 The Hants Journal office will be closed Friday, April 2, 2010 Windsor, Nova Scotia (over keel blocks) 45.0000°N, 64.1333°W Friday March 26 TIDE TIMES Thursday March 25 Sunday, March 28th From 12 Noon – 3 PM At the Wandlyn Inn in Coldbrook Over 20 Vendors, door prizes and free admission to the bride & one guest. For Registration call Carolyn at 697-2006 or email [email protected] GRAND DOOR PRIZE is Two Nights Accommodation at the Beech Hill Bed & Breakfast in Port Williams 4238914 -1.00 m Sunrise 6.59 m -1.67 m Sunset 6.21 m Low Tide 3:53 AM -1.36 m 7:08 AM Sunrise 10:04 AM6.90 m 4:30 PM -2.11 m 7:36 PM Sunset 10:43 PM 6.73 m High Tide Low Tide High Tide PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064924 PAP Registration No. 10842 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 550 Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Low Tide High Tide Low Tide High Tide Monday March 29 12:34 AM7.93 m High Tide 6:50 AM -3.18 m Low Tide 7:02 AM Sunrise 12:58 PM 8.17 m High Tide 7:14 PM -3.47 m Low Tide 11:25 PM Full Moon Saturday March 27 Tuesday March 30 4:57 AM -1.95 m 7:06 AM Sunrise 11:07 AM7.36 m 5:29 PM -2.65 m 7:38 PM Sunset 11:41 PM 7.35 m 1:23 AM 7:01 AM 7:40 AM 1:47 PM 8:02 PM Low Tide High Tide Low Tide 8.34 m Sunrise -3.58 m 8.32 m -3.57 m High Tide Low Tide High Tide Low Tide High Tide Wednesday March 31 Sunday March 28 e-mail: [email protected] 4101581 Bridal Show 2:44 AM 7:10 AM 8:55 AM 3:24 PM 7:35 PM 9:37 PM 5:56 AM -2.60 m Low Tide 7:04 AM Sunrise 12:05 PM 7.82 m High Tide 6:23 PM -3.14 m Low Tide 7:39 PM Sunset 2:11 AM 6:59 AM 8:28 AM 2:36 PM 7:43 PM 8:48 PM 8.55 m High Tide Sunrise -3.73 m Low Tide 8.27 m High Tide Sunset -3.44 m Low Tide The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I News 3 Playwright Peterson gets volunteer award By Nadine Eagles-Harvie THE HANTS JOURNAL Carole Peterson has always loved to write and now her gift for penning plays has earned her the Provincial Representative Volunteer of the Year award for the Municipality of West Hants. Whether it’s a dinner theatre, musical or variety show, her efforts as a playright have benefited numerous community groups and individuals over the years. Peterson is a founding member of the Accidental Actors, a volunteer theatre group specializing in musical dinner theater productions, which has raised over $50,000 for organizations such as literacy, the Hants Community Hospital, local fire departments and the West Hants Family Resource Center. She has also written plays for Quick as a Wink Theatre Society and the Brooklyn Fire Department, renowned for their comedic performances. Her capacity to continue to give in British thriller-comedy Too Soon For Daisies plays this weekend at King’s Edgehill. Daisies provides belly laughs and suspense By Christy Marsters THE HANTS JOURNAL Too Soon for Daisies is a performance well delivered. The British comedy-thriller provided a few good belly laughs and kept the audience on the edges of their seats the rest of the time. The cast keeps character and enthusiasm on stage throughout the play, at King’s-Edgehill Fountain Performing Arts Centre. The last two shows will run this weekend. The strong dynamic between characters provides an engaging atmosphere, and the audience needs to pay close attention to a complicated script. Because once three elderly ladies escape their retirement home and commandeer an abandoned cottage in a nearby village, the plot takes one twist after another. However, the unique plot proves an age-old theory that nothing stays secret in these small-town places. People constantly walk in and out of Magnolia Villa unannounced and the audience is left on the edge of their seats to wonder when the truth is going to be exposed. The three leading ladies– Diana Bishop, Cherie Zinck and Sharon MacDonald– show a high level of expertise in theatre. For two hours, these ladies complimented each other on stage with funny expressions; authentic accents and connected interactions. Supporting cast members – Marcus Leyland, Hugh Tattersall, Amanda Elyzen, Emma DuFour, David Old, Alan Tupper and Amanda Elyzen – also worked very hard to give that village vibe to the audience. The props also helped to bring out the 1964, England, setting. Tickets for the March 26 and 27 per- formances of Too Soon for Daisies (at 7:30 p.m.); are being sold at Brooklyn Office Supplies or at the door before performances. These tickets are $12 each for adults or $10 for students or QAAW members. Any groups of 10 or more can pre-book discounted ticket by calling 1-902-472-7229. that regard is boundless, says Accidental Actor member Diane Fitzgerald. The theatre troupe nominated Peterson for the award. “We think she is just the best person. She just gives and gives and never asks for anything back. She would never ask someone to do something she wouldn’t do herself; she’s like the energizer bunny.” Peterson said she was Playright Carole Peterson spent some time Saturday March 20 helping young surprised and pleased to writers at a young writers workshop at the Down-home Deli, Windsor. Shown be given the honor of with her is Tyler Horne. Nadine Eagles-Harvie photo volunteer of the year and said her work would not be possible without the help of others. mowing the lawns of the Hortonville “This award is wonderful but it takes Cemetery and helps out at church supa lot of people to put on a show. It’s not pers. just me it’s a collaboration. There are a “I guess you could say I do a lot of whole bunch of people that make what I things, but I like to stay busy. A mother, do come to life.” grandmother and wife, that’s what I am “As a group we’ve make a lot of mon- and I’m lucky to have so many friends ey and helped a lot of people, it’s very that are a wonderful help to me.” rewarding. We can give back more colRichard Dauphinee, warden of the lectively than we could individually.” Municipality of West Hants said PeterIt takes about a week for Peterson to son was the obvious choice for volunwrite a play but she relies on the actors teer of the year. “She has been volunfor the final product. “I like the actors to teering one way or the other for more have an input so it flows. That way we than 25 years and she’s be going around all own it. My goodness it’s fun to see doing all these plays to help the commuthem all come alive on stage.” nity. We are proud to have her as our Peterson has also volunteered with provincial representative.” the Hants Learning Network as a tutor Peterson knows first hand the imporand has hosted writing workshops for tance of giving to those in need. all ages. “Years ago I was in need of help She has canvassed for the Heart and myself and the Salvation Army and Stoke Foundation, Arthritis Society and Lions Club were there for me and I’ll Cancer Society. Peterson currently never forget it. This is my chance to give works as the curator for the Hockey back. It’s the nicest feeling when someHeritage Museum. one gives to you and an even nicer feelIn her spare time she also takes turns ing when you can give back.” Young athletes aid Food Bank in time of need From page 1 donation box had more in it than ever.” A local hockey team also stepped up to organize a food drive, Loane said. “”I’m really amazed by the amount they have raised; it’s going to feed a lot of people … and, I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.” On March 16, the West Hants Atom House hockey boys brought about 400 items and roughly $100 into Matthew 25. Teammates Ryan Dolliver, 9, and Dylan Bishop, 10, went door-to-door to help collect about 110 of these items. Bishop said it got really hard to carry the boxes around but he was happy to do it for those who can’t afford food. “I hope you [people who need this food] enjoy it,” Bishop said. “It was fun getting out [to collect] … it was nice that we could get some fresh air.” To celebrate this act of kindness, the boys were also given the opportunity to see and touch the Sconestone, which was brought to Matthew 25 for the evening of March 16. Sconestone President Lori Cox is also a parent of one of the boys on the team and she initially arranged for the boys to see the stone as means of motivation. Factbox: About the Sconestone: • Warren MacLeod, of Windsor, spent months carving a piece of soapstone in his garage. • The stone officially began its journey of kindness on August 29, 2009, at Scone Palace in Perth, Scotland with the Scottish band Runrig passing the stone to its first keeper. • The rules for the Sconestone are simple: anyone who is given the stone must fulfill a random act of kindness and then pass the stone to another within seven days. • While the Sconestone is in one’s possession, others are encouraged to touch it but they are then obliged to fulfill an act of kindness. Those who come into contact with the stone can write about it at to help keep track of it and aid in inspiring others. • So far there have been 20 keepers of the stone. • To date the Sconestone has travelled to nine countries: Canada, the United States, Scotland, Ireland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria. • For more information visit: The kids all seemed very excited to hear about the Sconestone, Cox said. “So, one day, I said to them, ‘what if I could bring it here?’” The team talked for a while about what act of kindness could be done and then the idea for a food drive was brought up, Cox said. “They were all like ‘yeah, lets do it!’” From this experience, these kids have learned it is possible to help make a difference, Cox said, “and, it was a good way for our team to give back to the community.” Communities are changing so much right now with people moving to find work but it is still important to instill that value of community in kids, Cox said. “I think the stone is just a symbol ... but it does create actions from good intensions.” Ryan Dolliver was the first on his team to touch the Sconestone. “It felt good; because we did a good thing,” he said. “It [this food drive] was good for the people who need it,” Dolliver said. And when asked about his thoughts on getting to see the Sconestone, Dolliver said, “it is exciting; it’s amazing.” 4 Hants Journal News I The March 25, 2010 Refused breathalyzer Clayton Allison Robarts, 46, of Kennetcook, was sentenced 15 months in jail for refusing to provide a sample of his breath and for operating a motor vehicle while impaired. Robarts entered not guilty pleas on March 4, 2008. The matters were adjourned for trial. Evidence was heard at the trial on Jan. 25, 2010 and Robarts was found guilty on both charges. Judge Claudine MacDonald sentenced Robarts to 15 months in custody on each charge, to be served concurrently, for a total of 15 months in custody on the two charges. The court imposed a ten-year driving prohibition order on each charge, to be served concurrently, for a total driving prohibition of ten years. Robarts committed the offences in Noel on Dec. 26, 2007. Uttered threat Mark Phillip Porter, 40, of Windsor, was given a suspended sentence with probation for uttering a threat to cause bodily harm to an individual. Porter entered a not guilty plea Nov. 27, 2009. The matter was adjourned to March 8, Court report Windsor 2010 for trial but Porter changed his plea to guilty. Judge Claudine MacDonald handed Porter a suspended sentence with one year of reporting probation. Porter committed the offence in Windsor between Oct. 28 and Nov. 1, 2009. Failed to comply with undertaking Matthew William Bowman, 29, of Garland’s Crossing, was fined $230 for failing to comply with an order to abstain from communicating with an individual or going to a specific address. Bowman entered a guilty plea to the charge on March 12, 2010. Judge Claudine MacDonald fined Bowman a total of $230 and has given him until Sept. 27, 2010 to pay or spend three days in custody. Bowman committed the offence in Windsor on March 10, 2010. Tea for Friends Friends of Dykeland put on a St Patrick's Day Tea March 17 to raise funds for the Residents of Dykeland and contribute to the Windsor Senior Citizens Bus Society. The Friends had the honor of a visit from Princess Windsor Aisha Kirunira. They were delighted to have her visit their table and share to share in her experiences as Princess Windsor. L-r: Chick Martin, Friends Chairperson, Princess Windsor Aisha Kirumira and Dorothy Martin Treasurer. Illegal cigarettes linked to illegal drugs… Cont. from page 1 was seized from a home in Ellershouse before they got a chance to make their way into the community. Corporal Ted Mugford of the Windsor Rural RCMP says the buying and selling illegal cigarettes have become all too commonplace in communities like ours. “It’s a really big problem here. People think it’s harmless. There is this attitude that its not hurting anybody, that it’s a victimless crime, but that’s just not the case.” Most illegal cigarettes he said are linked somewhere down the line to other illegal activities, mostly drug related. “There is a pipeline from the reserves in Quebec and carries through all the provinces; its quick and easy money if you don’t get caught.” For those that do get caught he said fines are based on just how many cigarettes are seized. “It’s a summary offense that would carry of minim fine of $500 at the higher end it could be thousands and we can seize their vehicle, assets and property as well. “The fines are steep and you could see changes under both the Federal Excise Act and the Provincial Revenue Act– it’s a double whammy.” But that doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent. “For the most part the guys we pick up can go and get another shipment, pay the fines and keep right on going.” There have been 30 cases of dealing in illegal cigarettes before Windsor Provincial Court since September of 2009. “It’s just not going to go away, not as long as people continue to smoke.” Most illegal cigarettes are purchased by word of mouth, he said. “It’s a continuing battle for us. There are definitely more deals out there that we don’t know about unless people speak up.” Illegal smokes generally come in a zip lock bag of 200. They sell for an average of $20-$25 per bag. “The further down the line they go the lower the prices. It works the same as the dope; you’ve got sellers and you’ve got dealers, what we want are the dealers. “ To date he said there doesn’t seem to be an issue with minors being able to purchase the cigarettes. “Some sell to the kids, by the smoke, but we haven’t seen a lot of that thank goodness.” RCMP will continue to work to diminish the trend. “At this point our focus is on gaining information either through the pubic or with searches.” Most cigarettes are uncovered during raids, he said. “We’re finding a lot of cross-over between drugs and cigarettes. If we do a search for drugs we will generally turn up smokes too. “It’s a continuing battle.” 4239064 The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I News 5 Symposium for admin assistants By Nadine Eagles-Harvie THE HANTS JOURNAL Bonnie Smith There will also be a variety of vendors and opportunities to mingle and relax, Smith said. Founded in 1942 IAAP is a not-forprofit professional association with over 40,000 members and affiliates and nearly 600 chapters worldwide. For over 60 years IAAP has enhanced the success of career-minded administrative professionals by providing opportunities for growth through education, community building and leadership development. Locally, the Evangeline Chapter spreads from Windsor to Annapolis Royal and has 22 members. Smith, who will co-chair this year’s symposium, said she hopes the symposium will draw more members. “There are so many benefits to an IAAP membership both personally and profession- “Technology is changing everyday and in our profession it’s important to keep up with those changes. We are the front-line people and we need to be up to speed.” Smith, who works at MLA Chuck Porter’s constituency office, said often times administrative personnel work in isolation and need that connection to the larger network. More employers are also seeing the benefits of membership she said because administrative staff is often a reflection on the company or organization. The local chapter meets once a month and offer sessions on a variety of topics from Occupational health and Safety to portfolios and public speaking. “We’re always learning something new and exciting,” Smith said. “It’s a great way to expand your knowledge base and make friends.” For more information on the symposium or IAAP membership contact Bonnie Smith at [email protected] Civic Pride Victory Credit Union in Brooklyn recently made a hefty, $10,000 donation to the Brooklyn Civic Center Campaign. VCU General Manager Jim Riley says the new Civic Center will be a valuable asset to the community. Shown here are Left to Right : Jim Riley [VCU General Manager ] David Keith [Brooklyn Civic Center Campaign Chairman] Mark Dearman [Brooklyn Fire Department Chief] Barry Bruce Payne [Project Manager] Helen Lake [VCU Manager Brooklyn & Kempt] Wanda Lake [VCU Manager of Accounting] Nadine Eagles-Harvie photo 4209066 Local administrative assistants are being invited to the sixth annual Administrative Professionals Symposium on April 23 at the Old Orchard Inn. The event is hosted by The Evangeline Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). The symposium is an ideal opportunity for learning, sharing and fun, said chapter President Bonnie Smith. Administrative professionals are often the glue that holds a workplace together but sometimes they need support too, she said, and the annual symposium is a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect others in the field. “It’s a great chance to network and talk about our roles as professionals but it also give administivative assistants a day for themselves,” she said. Attendance at the symposium continues to grow in popularity. This year they expect between 110 and 120 participants. The day-long event will introduce three key speakers who will cover a range of subjects from health and wellness to career and skill enhancement. Included are Barb Stegemann, author of The Seven Virtues of a Philosopher Queen, whose speech is entitled The Path to Empowerment with Joy, Dignity, Grace and Fun. Sheila Dicks, founder of Dynamic Impressions, will present a workshop on creating the ideal workplace wardrobe for all body types. In the afternoon award-winning keynote speaker Adele Alfana will discuss The Jewels of Change: Mining Our Treasures in an Evolving Workplace. Adele has been nominated for Canada’s 100 most Powerful Women. ally,” she said. Before becoming chapter president, Smith considered herself as shy individual. Her involvement with IAAP has since given her a tremendous boost in confidence in the workplace. “The big change came for me when I and several other chapter members attended the IAAP Canada District Conference in May 2009. The seminars were enlightening, educational and created a spark in me that turned into a flame. I was gaining a whole network of people to help me with any obstacles I may come up against. I came away from that with a determination that I never felt before.” In April of 2009 Smith was asked to present the opening welcome at the Administrative Professionals Symposium in front of 87 other women. It was a challenge that changed her life. “I was certain that I couldn’t do it and then I did it, I survived.” She said one of the benefits of IAAP membership is the opportunity to draw on the knowledge of other members. Are you a not-for-profit organization interested in engaging seniors in your community? The Government of Canada is accepting applications for Community Participation and Leadership funding under the New Horizons for Seniors Program. The Program funds community-based projects that encourage seniors to play an important role in their community by helping those in need, providing leadership, and sharing their knowledge and skills with others. The deadline for applications is April 16, 2010. 1-800-277-9914 TTY: 1-800-255-4786 The Lakeview The Riverside Presenting our new Model homes The Lakeview and The Riverside Our regular office hours are Monday and Tuesday 12 p.m. – 5 p.m., Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. 161 Coldbrook Village Park Drive, Coldbrook 902-679-4445 Toll Free: 866-679-4445 [email protected] • DROP BY FOR MORE DETAILS 4245483 New Horizons for Seniors Program Call for Proposals Editorial The Hants Journal 73 Gerrish St., Windsor, Nova Scotia, B0N 2T0 Tel: 902-798-8371 Fax: 902-798-5451 6 Scared to death Group Publisher Fred Fiander Managing Editor Fred Hatfield Editor Stu Ducklow [email protected] Reporters Nadine Eagles-Harvie Christy Marsters Development/Sales Manager Ray Savage [email protected] Advertising Sales Tanya Moore Circulation Manager Margaret Wallace 1-800-567-7377 Not long ago the prospect of cancer was so terrifying it claimed many victims simply by scaring them to death. People were so afraid of the disease they ignored their symptoms until too late. Progress has been slow but cancer isn’t quite so scary today. Only 30 years ago cancer, in all its forms, killed half its victims within five years. Today it’s about one third. Over the next 20-odd years new developments in genetics, microbiology plus better detection methods will improve results even more. Much of this progress has been funded by charities which raise their funds through humble means from banquets to bake sales. Some, like Scott Geddes, actually reap what they sow. After raising money for cancer research for the past three years Geddes is benefitting from that research in the form of treatment for Ewing Sarcoma. We’re sure we’re not alone in wishing Scott Geddes a long and happy life. Illegal cigarettes Subscription rates include: Hants Co. and west inc. Kentville $49.00; Other NS, NB, NL $84.08; Rest of Canada $78.45 (Tax incl.) Letters Policy Opinions expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers. All letters must be accompanied by the writer’s name, address and telephone number, and if published, will appear with the writer’s real name. The editor reserves the right to edit letters. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. Writers should be as brief as possible, and letters should not exceed 300 words. We cannot guarantee the return of any letters not published. Copyright Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertising and in other materials appearing in this edition of The Hants Journal. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. “We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) toward our mailing costs.” Members: Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Atlantic Community Newspaper Association Publication Mail Registration No. 40064924 4101527 The Hants Journal is published weekly by Transcontinental Nova Scotia Media Group Inc. Marc Ouellette, Senior Vice President, Local Solutions Group The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Over the past 30 years governments have sought to reduce smoking by increasing the cost with taxation. This has done some good but tobacco is a powerful drug– more addictive than alcohol, cocaine or heroin according to some experts. This powerful addiction has fuelled the growth in the market for tax-free tobacco. Illegal cigarettes are not a victimless crime because suppliers are often associated with other crimes. But instead of tying up resources fighting this crime, the government could eliminate it simply by reducing taxes to the point where cigarettes were more affordable. Most smokers want to quit and most of them will sooner or later. Why make them criminals in the process? Visit regularly to keep on top of the breaking news with the click of a mouse 25 Years Ago (1985) Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel is found guilty of publishing false news and fomenting racial intolerance The establishment of a regulatory requirement for a uranium the threshold value above which all exploration/mining activity would have to be halted or specified land is one of six conclusions of Judge Robert McCleve’s uranium inquiry agent that will adopted by the Nova Scotia government. Caseloads have increased in the first two months of 1985 and with no winter works projects and the present state of our economy “…there is no immediate relief in sight,” says James Ferris municipal social service officer at an annual meeting of East Hants council. The Municipality of the District of Hants West council passed a residential tax rate of 88 cents per $100 of assessment, down 4 cents from last year, on the final night of their year-end meeting Tuesday. More than 25 woodlot owners from Annapolis County discussed their concerns over the recent Royal Commission report on forestry, during the Woodlot Owners and Operators Association annual meeting held at the elementary school here. Murray Campbell says he could write a book Racism: we’re making progress arch 21 marked the International Day of the M Elimination of Racial Discrimination--a day that reminds us to remain vigilant in our efforts to tion it received. It was heartwarming to see the outpouring of support to the family. This is a clear sign that times are changing and stamp out racism. Nova Scotians are no longer willing to As we've seen throughout time, it tolerate such racist behaviour. has never been easy for different Today, more than ever, we're seeing groups of people to live together. progress on many fronts. Some of our worst injustices have Earlier this month to mark the been based on racial differences. 20th anniversary of the Marshall Not that long ago racial tensions inquiry, the Nova Scotia Barristers' in Nova Scotia were blatant and obviSociety sponsored a symposium to ous. In 1982, for example, the Ku Klux honour the legacy of Donald MarKlan announced its intention of purshall, Jr. suing its nefarious activities in our Further confirmation of change province. In response, the govern- Premier of was the Africville apology on Feb. 24 ment of the day denounced any such Nova Scotia in Halifax. activity. The Nova Scotia Human Rights In 1991, the Marshall inquiry made 82 recom- Commission says that about 20 per cent of its mendations to improve the justice system for workload relates to race-based complaints. African Nova Scotians and aboriginal persons. While we know that we are making inroads, Fast forward to today, and the recent cross- there's no doubt we still have more to do. That burning incident on the lawn of a bi-racial couple said, there is a big difference between the Nova in Hants County. Scotia of 2010 and the Nova Scotia of years ago. This was a terrible racist act, but the difference I believe that Nova Scotians now want each in that incident happening now as opposed to person to be treated with respect and dignity. By years ago was the public outrage and condemna- continuing our efforts, we can make this possible. Darrell Dexter This week in about the 40 years of Rotary Club Auction in Windsor watching it grow from a $4,000 event in 1946 to a $20,000 project in 1985. At a meeting of the Hants West District School Board on March 18 the board’s 1985 budget was accepted and approved. Hants History 50 Years Ago (1960) Nikita Khrushchev meets Charles De Gaulle in Paris. In the finals of the radios bonspiel at Windsor Curling rink ending last week, a rink skipped by Myron Phillips defeated Arnie Smith foursome, 11-8 to win the four transistor radios where were the prizes for the successful rink. Gordon Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, Windsor Forks, a student of Grade XII Windsor Academy, has been chosen for a trip to Ottawa sponsored by the Rotary Club. Ira B. Lohnes, Albert Street, Windsor, first president of Windsor-Hantsport Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses 20 years ago, paid tribute to the Branch since it first commenced just prior to the start of World War II. Close to 600 from various pints in West Hants attended the annual John Deere Show at the War Memorial Centre here on Wednesday evening of last week. 75 Years Ago (1935) The great dust storm hits eastern New Mexico and Colorado, and western Oklahoma the hardest. Otis Wack, production manager, Canadian Gypsum Co., was in town last week on business. Mr. Wack, in company with W.F. Anderson, left by motor to visit the Digby plant but was prevented making the entire journey by car owing to a section of the highway west of Bridgetown. The Windsor Academy High School grades are preparing for publication of a School Newspaper, to be published twice monthly, under the editorship of John McRae. Alfred Bryson called The Journal office yesterday morning to report having picked two dandelions. One was in full bloom and the other had gone to seed. Two new records were hung up at KCS on Wednesday, when James McDuff ’s 31 minutes and 20 seconds clipped 36 seconds off the time for the senior cross country run course. The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I News 7 Cancer just another item on the agenda For the past three years Cocoa Pesto has held fundraising galas for cancer research, raising $30,000-$40,000 a year. This April 10, they will hold their first Mad Hatter’s Tea Party for cancer research. By Stu Ducklow [email protected] Marilyn MacKay and Scott Geddes, of Cocoa Pesto Y3677145 opening a coffee shop in the stately building at 494 King St., Windsor. They bought it, with the help of several backers, all Windsor natives. In September, Cocoa Pesto will have been open for four years. Built in 1850 for the Payzant family, it has served as a hotel and bank headquarters. Visitors have included an entire NHL hockey team and the legendary Alexander Keith. Changes to come include finishing the hotel rooms that make up the Woodshire Inn on the second floor, a new lounge, a take-out restaurant and a laundromat. All of which is taking second place to his main battle with cancer. His symptoms began last summer with numbness in his right forearm and diminished strength. “I was dropping spoons and tongs in the kitchen.” After several missed diagnoses, doctors in Halifax found a lump the size of a sweet potato in his armpit. A course of radiation followed by chemotherapy has shrunk the tumour to half its size. By the end of the 42-week course of treatment, a surgeon in St. John, NB is scheduled to remove it. Understandably Geddes has a lot of respect for the Canadian health care system and the 20 or so people fighting cancer that he has met in the last three months in his restaurant. His prognosis might not be so good had it not been for the huge amount of research funded by charity over the years. “The treatment of cancer has changed immensely. We are starting to reap the benefits of all that charity work.” To some extent Geddes is reaping what he sowed. MOTORCRAFT® THE WORKS Fuel Economy Package‡ Rotate and inspect all four tires** Inspect brake system† Check belts and hoses Battery test and report on findings Service Includes: Replacement of front or rear brake pads or shoes†† Up to 87-point inspection and report on findings 8 Service of calipers, mounts and sliders SPECIAL OFFER: No-extra-charge changeover of winter tires and wheels with the purchase of The Works package.** “ FOR ONLY Add brake fluid as required 99 Add an alignment check for only ± $24.99 Proper tire alignment is critical to ensure longevity of tire life Oil and Filter change starts at only 3499 $ will not be TIRES We undersold! ‡‡ Put the spring back into your car’s step with a new set of premium tires. Brand-name tires including Goodyear, Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli, BF Goodrich, Firestone, Dunlop, Uniroyal, Continental, Hankook and General Tire Additional manufacturer mail-in rebates may be available on selected tires. See for details. Service Includes: Installation and balancing of tires Ford Protection Plan8 that offers replacement coverage on brake pads and shoes for as long as you own your vehicle, even if they wear out due to normal use. WORKS UPGRADE ” Inspection of rotors and hydraulic system 54 $ PREMIUM 8 Never buy another set of Motorcraft® brake pads or shoes with our lifetime warranty!8 Package Includes: Motorcraft® premium oil and filter* I never have to buy another set of brake pads or shoes for as long as I own my Ford. With Lifetime Warranty BRAKE PADS & SHOES * 16999 $ †† PER AXLE FOR ONLY When it comes to your Ford, don’t take chances. Trust the experts who know your Ford best. Genuine Ford-Certified Technicians. Goodyear Integrity P185/65R14 8999 $ STARTING FROM ONLY PER TIRE VISIT FORD.CA FOR ADDITIONAL OFFERS AND A LIST OF PARTICIPATING DEALERS. 4250372 Scott Geddes doesn’t have the powerful, handshake you’d expect from one of Windsor’s most successful businessman. Instead, he offers his left hand and holds his right away from contact. Even a modest squeeze hurts his right hand. That’s because he has a rare type of cancer called Ewing Sarcoma, a condition he’s dealing with the way he deals with everything else: a huge application of energy and optimism. “It’s the top of my priority list right now, but it’s just one more thing that has to be done this year.” Geddes, who owns Coca Pesto Catering and Bistro with his wife Marilyn McKay, says the cancer will be a memory in a year. Meanwhile he’ll go bald and suffer through chemotherapy treatments that leave him feeling “hungover and stupid, like I’d drunk a 40ounce bottle of rum.” Originally from Windsor, Ont., Geddes came to the catering business as a dishwasher at the age of 15. “The first night I knew this was where I wanted to be. I enjoyed the energy of it.” He enrolled at the University of Windsor, he dropped out at the last minute and used his tuition refund to make a down payment on a five-room house which he rented to students. He went to work at the Windsor Hilton, working up to first chef, then was hired by the exclusive Minto Place Hotel, in Ottawa, meeting ground for power brokers including Brian Mulroney. By the age of 24 he was executive chef. There he met his partner Marilyn McKay, a design graduate from NSCAD University, working as a waitress. The couple moved to Toronto seeking other opportunities. Both worked at swank restaurants where waiters can make $140,000 a year. Cocoa Pesto was born when a client asked him about catering a private party. The couple began organizing corporate cocktail parties. The money was good and the work creative. For the anniversary of a paper company, they turned a warehouse into a carnival with unicycles, fire breathers, a barbershop quartet, food stations and girls serving champagne. Geddes fell in love with the Maritimes when the couple visited Marilyn’s family. “I loved it here. I love the ocean and the space. This is a piece of heaven.” They moved to Halifax and ran their catering business for two years before a client asked them about All offers expire April 30, 2010. See service advisor for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. ‡Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. °Based on a 2010 Ford Fusion V6 automatic that has a fuel consumption rating of 10L/100 km in combined city/highway driving (properly tuned), a year driving distance of 24,000 km and $1.02 per litre for gasoline. Improved fuel efficiency and emission reduction levels depend on model, year and condition of vehicle. See Service Advisor for complete details. 8Ford Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, Motorcraft® or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. *Up to 5 litres of oil. Disposal fees may be extra. Does not apply to diesel engines. **Applies to winter tires that are already mounted and balanced on rims. †Inspection does not apply to vehicles with rear drum brakes. Drum brakes may require additional parts and labour at an additional cost. See service advisor for full details. ±Some restrictions apply. See service advisor for more details. ††Excludes emergency brake pads or shoes. ‡‡ Limited time offer. In order to receive a competitor’s advertised price, tires must be purchased and installed at your participating Ford Dealer. Offer only available at participating Ford dealerships. This offer is valid on the cost of the tire only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal or taxes. The competitor’s advertised price must have been printed within 30 days of the sale and the tires must be the same brand, sidewall, speed and load ratings as shown in the competitive advertisement. Competitor’s advertised prices do not include eBay advertisements, tire wholesalers, online tire retailers, closeout, special order, discontinued clearance or liquidation offers. Offer may be cancelled or changed at any time without prior notice. See your service advisor. 8 I The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Captain Kirk the comeback kid Captain Kirk, above, with a couple of his WWE major wrestling stars, Gangrel, top, member of The Undertaker’s Ministry of Darkness and the Honky Tonk Man, recognized as the longest-reigning and greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time. MSW’s spring tours have grown to cover all four Atlantic Provinces and feature more shows than any other independent wrestling tour in North America. Starratt, who is also an award-winning journalist, has worked with some of the greatest living legends of professional wrestling, including several former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) superstars, and all the current and up-andcoming Maritime wrestling stars. Some examples include the late Chris Benoit, former World Heavyweight Champion; the greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, the Honky Tonk Man; Gangrel; Bushwhacker Luke; Al Snow with Head; Virgil ( former bodyguard of “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase); The Genius (a.k.a. Leaping Lanny Poffo, brother of “Macho Man” Randy Savage); “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan; Eugene; Highlander Robbie McAllistar; former WWE world women’s champion Jazz; Doink the Clown; the original Kings Transit Cuban Assassin; Leo Burke; the Dupre family (Emile, Rene and Jeff); the Acadian Giant (a.k.a. Kurrgan); current Total NonStop Action (TNA) “knockout” Sarita; and many others. “Many of these wrestlers were the stars I watched on TV when I was growing up in Cambridge 20 years ago,” Starratt said. “I always wanted to work with them and be a part of pro wrestling, so, in that sense, it’s really been a dream come true.” So, where does he go from here? He admits to having a long-standing urge to step foot in the squared circle to compete. “I always liked the idea of being a ring announcer, but it all started with the dream of wrestling,” Starratt said. “A simple look will tell you I don’t have the physicality needed for a long-term career as a pro wrestler, so that’s why I turned my attention to ring announcing. However, the desire to wrestle never went away.” He would love to have at least one match, preferably at a show in Hants County at some point in the future. “If it never happens, I can live with that, but I would love the opportunity.” Starratt said some of his greatest moments in wrestling include serving as ring announcer for MSW’s 2006 match of the year, the flaming tables match, and the promotion’s 2008 match of the year, the steel cage classic, both of which occurred in Windsor. Another was when he was chosen to conduct an in-ring interview with the legendary Leo Burke at the Berwick Arena. He has the distinction of being the first performer to ever step foot in the ring for two different promotions. Starratt was once attacked with a body slam followed by a face-first power bomb at a show in Berwick after a ringside interview went awry. Two referees had to drag him backstage. Looking for a Mortgage? Purchasing a home, cottage, rental, commercial. Need to Refinance, Consolidate, Renewing? We have great products and rates available. We work for you, to find you the best deal. THE FRIENDLY BUS SERVICE 4251104 Submitted It’s been a decade since he first stepped into a professional wrestling ring with a microphone in hand and, thousands of introductions later, he’s still going strong as “the voice of Maritime wrestling.” Hants County native “Captain” Kirk Starratt, who debuted as a ring announcer and interviewer with Nova Scotia’s MainStream Wrestling Entertainment (MSW) when the promotion launched in 2000, says he’s proud to see MSW reach its tenth anniversary. The promotion has visited Windsor’s War Memorial Community Centre regularly since 2001 and makes its return on Friday night, April 23, with the 2010 Spring Tour. The show will feature a line up of some of the hottest free agents in the business and, of course, ring announcer “Captain” Kirk. Starratt said he’s thankful to MSW owner and promoter Devin Chittick (a.k.a. wrestler “X-Ray” Kyle Kruze) for all the opportunities he’s been given over the last decade. Starratt has also served as an official ring announcer for a number of other promotions and he made a cameo appearance on the first episode of the TV series Wrestling Reality (WR). However, Starratt said he recognizes that he would never have made the contacts needed to succeed as an announcer for other promotions without the initial opportunities given to him in MSW. “All the success I’ve enjoyed in professional wrestling can be traced back to MSW,” he said. “In fact, aside from “XRay”, I’m the only performer who has been associated with MSW non-stop since its inception.” Starratt said no other professional wrestling promotions seemed to take MSW seriously when it launched. However, one promotion that was highly critical went out of business eight years ago. Now, Call for an approval Andrew Bauchman 792-8323 or 670-2237 Notice to Riders: Wolfville to Brooklyn and Brooklyn to Wolfville A N va o il w a b le New additional service Effective Thursday April 1st • • • • Kendall Lane Housing Society Gladys M Manning Retirement Home Kings Edgehill (at front entrance) College Road #1 Cosmetic Procedure in North America Dr. Daniel M. Lazaric BSc, MD, FRCP(C) Cosmetic Consultant Note: Slight time change in schedules as well! 4102125 CALL FOR YOUR CONSULTATION 4237440 Please ask our drivers for the new schedules or visit our website at or 902-678-7310 Also natural fillers for lips and lines Telephone: (902) 679-9255 2nd Floor 60 Aberdeen Street Kentville Y3418004 By Christy Marsters THE HANTS JOURNAL A hip-hop star, from Hants County, has been recognized alongside some of Canada’s finest in the music industry. Enfield’s hip-hop artist Luke Boyd, professionally known as Classified, is nominated for three Juno awards this year. The East Hants native is in ranks for Rap Recording of the Year [ for his album Self Explanatory], Single of the Year and Video of the Year [ for his single Anybody Listening.] Rap Recording of the Year was one nomination sort of expected but these other two were surprising, Boyd said. “I’m excited about the nominations.” The main thought behind the song Anybody Listening was just to ask if people were actually paying attention to the lyrics or simply listening to a catchy beat, Boyd said. “With this song, I wanted to make something Luke Boyd, upbeat … but I’d wanted it to still aka ‘Classified’ have substance.” People really relate to music written from the heart because everyone goes through ups and downs in life and those same sorts of Quality & Affordable Retirement Enriched-Living Studio Apartments Meeting the Special Needs of Seniors GLADYS MANNING RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Please call (902) 798-0441 College Road, Windsor 4227704 Chain Saws - Blowers - Trimmers Brush Cutters (ASK ABOUT ONGOING PROMOTIONS) SALES & SERVICE 61 MORISON DRIVE WINDSOR 798-8145 things, Boyd said. “However, I think it is almost impossible to get everyone to relate … still, I am always trying to make my next record better than the last.” It was likely a combination of the beat; the lyrics and the people at Sony behind this project, which made this song so successful, Boyd said, “because, [my music] it’s not the typical stuff you hear playing on the radio.” The 2010 Juno Awards; Canada’s Music Awards, will be taking place on April 12–18 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. This year will mark the 39th annual Juno Awards. “The Junos are the big ones I guess … but I still live the same life” $ $ , UP TO Built to last...Priced to sell. Bro’s Cycle STARTING FROM $ INCLUDES $2,500 IN PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. 12 499 , It’s important, as an artist, to stay true to yourself, Boyd said. “The Junos are the big ones [awards] I guess … but I still live the same life.” “I still live in Enfield and I’m still the same person … I have the same friends and the same family I’m close to,” Boyd said. “Having these people around me is what keeps me grounded.” In the future Boyd plans to continue working on his next album and is also trying to arrange more tours to look at the rest of the world. “I want the music to go further,” Boyd added. MAKE YOUR TRUCK YOUR TRUCK. Shown with optional equipment and accessories 2010 F-150 XLT SUPERCAB 4x4 PURCHASE FOR ONLY 27,999 399 * OR LEASE FOR ONLY $ OFFER EXCLUDES FREIGHT. 2010 RANGER * ** WORTH OF NO-EXTRA-CHARGE GENUINE FORD ACCESSORIES 1 000 + 8,000 † PURCHASE FOR ONLY $ PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS WITH $3,400 DOWN, $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT. OFFER EXCLUDES FREIGHT. CUSTOMIZE YOUR TRUCK WITH UP TO $ †† IN PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ON SELECTED 2010 FORD TRUCKS ON ALL 2010 F-150, SUPER DUTY, RANGER AND SPORT TRAC CHOOSE FROM OVER 150 ACCESSORIES 4222637 39 MPG and 7.3L/100km (HWY) 30 MPG and 9.5L/100km .5L/100km (CITY) 9 27 MPG and 10.3L/100km (HWY) 20 MPG and 14.4L/100km (CITY) 9 and much, much more: IN STORE DISPLAY OF SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES SuperCab Sport Model Shown 2010 F-150 REGULAR CAB 4x2 18 999 * INCLUDES $5,600 IN PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. , HURRY INTO YOUR ATLANTIC FORD STORE TO MAKE YOUR TRUCK YOUR TRUCK.. Offers available at participating dealers only. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Factory order may be required. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See participating Dealer for details. †Offer valid from February 17th, 2010 - April 30th, 2010 (the “Program Period”). Receive up to $1,000 of selected Genuine Ford accessories at no extra charge with the purchase or lease of any new 2010 Ford F-150 (excluding Raptor), Sport Trac, Ranger, or Super Duty delivered or factory ordered between February 17th, 2010 - April 30th, 2010. Taxes payable on total price of the vehicle, including accessories. Offer is subject to vehicle and accessory availability. Dealer may sell for less. $1,000 is not redeemable for cash and can only be applied to Genuine Ford, 2010 accessories. This offer applies up to a maximum of $1,000 worth of accessories. Total accessories may exceed $1,000. Factory-installed accessories are not eligible under this offer. Only one offer may be applied toward the purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory order or delivery purchase/lease (but not a combination of both). This offer is combinable with the Commercial Connection Program. This offer is not combinable with the Ford SYNC my RIDE no-extra-charge hands-free offer. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP), or the A/X/Z/D/F Plan Program. Rainchecks available on factory orders. Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. See Dealer for details. ††Receive [$1,000] / [$1,500] / [$2,000] / [$2,500] / [$3,000] / [$3,500] / [$4,000] / [$4,500] / [$5,000] / [$6,000] / [$7,000] / [$8,000] in price adjustments when you cash purchase, purchase finance or lease a new 2010 Ford [Explorer 4-door/F-450-550 Chassis Cabs GAS] / [Fusion Hybrid/Escape Hybrid/Transit Connect/F-350 Chassis Cabs GAS/F-450-550 Chassis Cabs Diesel] / [Focus S] / [Ranger Regular Cab XL/FEL] / [Fusion S/Taurus SE/Edge SE/Flex SE] / [Mustang Value Leader] / [Escape I4 Manual] / [Ranger Super Cab XL] / [Explorer Sport Trac 4x4/Expedition/F-150 Regular Cab] / [Ranger Super Cab (excluding XL)] / [F-150 Super Cab 4x4/F-150 Super Cab 4x2/F-150 Super Crew 4x4/F-150 Super Crew 4x2] / [F-250-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs)] models. *Purchase a new 2010 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCab 4x4 / F-150 RegularCab / Ranger Regular Cab FEL for $27,999/$18,999/$12,499. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after delivery allowance $7,000/$5,000/$2,500 and $2,400/$600/$0 dealer contribution deducted. Freight and air tax of $1,500/$1,500/$1,400 excluded. Offer excludes license, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and all applicable taxes.**Lease a new 2010 Ford F-150 SuperCab XLT 4x4 for $399 per month with 8.99% APR for up to 48 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Additional payments required: down payment of $3,400 or equivalent trade-in. Total lease obligation is $22,552 optional buyout is $9,113.69. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 80,000km over 48 months apply. A charge of 12 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. All lease payments are calculated with no trade-in, $0 security deposit, plus administration fees, Fuel Fill charge, pre-delivery, registration, PPSA fees and applicable taxes [after total price adjustment of $9,400 deducted (price adjustment includes $7,000 of delivery allowance and $2,400 dealer contribution)]. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after any price adjustment is deducted. Offer excludes freight ($1,500), license, insurance, registration, administration fees and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. ++F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 44 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2009. 9Estimated fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Vehicles equipped with 5-speed manual transmission. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving conditions, vehicle load, and certain vehicle accessories. Midsize class per R.L Polk & Co. (U.S.)/ Intermediate per R.L. Polk Canada, Inc. (Canada). 3Based on 2002-2010 Fuel Consumption Guide Data published by Natural Resources Canada for the 2.3L 4 cylinder 5-speed manual transmission Ford Ranger FEL Model. ^54.4 %/51.3% of all new compact pickup trucks sold in Atlantic Canada/ Canada(NB, NF, NS, PE) in 2008 were Ford Rangers based on R.L. Polk Canada, Inc. vehicle registrations, January 2008 through December 2008. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Factory order may be required. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions may apply to the Graduate Recognition Program. See Dealer for details. Atlantic FDA: 1595 Bedford Highway, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3Y4. The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I News Classified, nominated for three Junos Juno nominee wants to take his music further Luke Boyd, as ‘Classified’ 9 Events NOTICE Events are for non-profit listings of events in Hants County. Items may run twice free before the event's date, and should be emailed to [email protected]; faxed to 798-5451; or mailed to 73 Gerrish St, P.O. Box 550, Windsor, Nova Scotia, B0N 2T0, attn: Events, at least a week before the first issue in which it should appear. There is no guarantee of publication; to ensure publication, please consider a paid ad by contacting our sales representative at 7988371. Auction FRIDAY, MARCH 26 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Avon View School in support of Windsor’s Mattew 25 Foobank. People are asked to donate new articles of all kinds that can be sold. The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Flea Market. plus performances by young dance students. Tickets at the door. $10 / $5 12:30pm at Kingstec Gym, Belcher Street, Kentville. To book a table or for more information, call Alice at 678-7969. Proceeds for Kingstec Day Care. SATURDAY, MARCH 27 at 2 p.m. at ATV Presentation. Annapolis Valley Ostomy Support Group SATURDAY, MARCH 27. 7:00pm. Forties SUNDAY, MARCH 28. 2:30pm at the Valley Regional Hospital, Classrooms A and B. Guest speaker is Eleanor Howard – Enterostomal Therapist. Contact Paula McKenzie at 538-7900. Country Music Show 45’s Card Tournament Legion. Featuring Milfie Kaizer, Rick Naugler, Lorimer Higgens, Shirley Spidle Country Jam, Coastline, Ken Best and the Silverado Band. Proceeds for the Terry Fox Foundation. SATURDAY, MARCH 27 in the Avondale Hall. Registration at 12:30pm. Play begins at 1:00pm. Cash prizes, 50/50 and door prizes. Free tea and coffee. Everyone welcome. Info 792-2874 Turkey Supper. p.m. at Windsor Community Centre. The Four Seasons Orchestra presents a blend of light orchestral music Cheverie United Church. Freewill offering. Sponsored by the Church Stewards. SUNDAY, MARCH 28. 1:00pm at the Chester at Ardoise Community Hall. Hwy.1 and School Road. Pre-school to Grade 2. Games, Treats, Fun. $3. per person. Contact: 757-2900. the Three Mile Plains Community Hall. Tea/coffee and desserts. Adults $10. Children 5-12 years old $5. Under 5 years old are free. Live music and 50/50 tickets. SUNDAY, MARCH 28. 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Community Centre, New Ross. Guest speaker Cory Robar, President of Central Nova ATV Club, will answer questions on organized ATVing in Nova Scotia. Sponsored by Nova Scotia Hunters and Anglers Assoc. Info 689-2000 SATURDAY, MARCH 27. 1:00pm to 3:00pm SATURDAY MARCH 27 3 Rawdon Baptist Church. Free will offering. Proceeds to Chaplaincy Fund at Dykeland Lodge. All are welcome. Pot Luck Supper. 10:30am. Ellershouse Hall, 429 Ellershouse Road. Sponsored by Ste. Croix Pastoral Charge. Free will offering. Info: 757-2400. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 26-27 at at SATURDAY, MARCH 27. 4:30 to 6:00pm at SUNDAY, MARCH 28. 7:00pm at South SATURDAY, MARCH 27. 8:00am to Kids Easter Party. Easter Bonnet Concert Musical Evening. Church Breakfast. the Mermaid Theatre. MIPAC is pleased to welcome the Maritime Marionettes with their delightful production of The Bremen Town Musicians. Find out how a ragtag group of unwanted farm animals use teamwork to fend off trouble. Suitable for children aged 4 and up. Tickets $11 and $9. Too Soon For Daisies’, Fountain Performing Arts Centre, King’s Edgehill School, Windsor, NS at 7:30 p.m. British comedy thriller by William Dinner and William Morum. Tickets at the door: $12 / $10 Group discount : 902-472-7229. 4508. All proceeds to provide financial assistance to Debbie during her illness. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 8:00am to Maritime Marionettes 10 Prom Gala and Gown Sale Ticket Auction. SUNDAY, MARCH 28. 2:00 to 4:30pm. NSCC SUNDAY, MARCH 28 at Falmouth Hall. Kingstec Campus, Kentville. Many local vendors to suit all your prom needs. Prizes and freebies, plus gowns for sale $300. and less! Proceeds to Global Volunteer Network. Benefit for Debbie Hartt. Noon to 2 p.m. draw. Lots of great prizes. For info or to donate, call Donna at 472-2398 or 790- Volunteers and Non-profit Organizations: The strength of our communities Kingsway Gardens Retirement Residence, Windsor off Wentworth Road by the Fort Edward Mall March 31, 2010, 2:30 pm to 8:30 pm On the Agenda: A celebration of our Volunteer successes. Opportunities and challenges for organizations - how we can address them? Strengthening our sector - what do we need? "Insurance and Risk Management 101" - an information workshop No registration fee (Light supper and nutrition break will be provided) RSVP by March 26 to Kerri-Ann Corkum 798-2284 or 1-877-284-2687 [email protected] Hearing Loss… ....Trouble Understanding? Check out the latest in Digital Hearing Aid Technology the NuEar IMAGINE™! FREE Hearing Test valued at $70 in free consultation 4200102 4207337 Simple to use PROVIDING YOU WITH YOUR HEARING FOR OVER 40 YEARS Provincial Hearing Services FOR MEN AND WOMEN 64 Webster St., Kentville (902) 678-4516 HEALTHCARE 325 Main Street, Kentville (902) 678-2153 or 1-877-257-5525 Cole Crouse & Annette Cross B.A., H.I.S. B.C., H.I.S., Owner BRIDGEWATER • HALIFAX • TRURO 4251249 Hants Regional Development Authority and the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection are pleased to bring together staff and volunteers (including board members) from non-profit and voluntary sector organizations for networking, learning, and discussions. Training and Skills Development • Biotechnology Economic Development Initiatives Measures in the New Benefits for the Self-Employed BUDGET Eliminating Manufacturing Tariffs Supporting New and Promising Researchers • Arctic Research Developing Overseas Markets • Lower Taxes • Enhanced Work-Sharing • Support for Forestry, Agriculture and Fisheries Clean Energy • Apprenticeship Completion Grant Rebuilding Transportation Infrastructure • Strengthening Business through Innovation • Genomics • Rural Development Space Technology • Increased EI Benefits • Robotics JOBS & GROWTH s t i t Wha out! all ab Budget measures are subject to parliamentary approval. 4231129 The Hants Journal • March 25, 2010 Find out how you can benefit from Year 2 of the Plan: 1 800 O-Canada | Hants Journal 12 News I The March 25, 2010 Knees are one of the most abused parts of a gardener’s body come springtime. Lee Valley is offering “outstanding comfort” in the form of removable-cap gel kneepads. New garden products for 2010 by Carla Allen Gardeners always find it hard to pass by new gadgets and garden décor. Here’s a peek at what you might see in your travels this spring. A brand-new product that’s both unique and functional are Danish Rubber Vases. Designed by Henriett Melchiorsen, they’re not only unique and functional, but Carla Allen also fun and whimsical. All of them will add vibrancy and appeal to any decor. Although they are made of rubber, it’s hard to tell at first glance. They appear as if crafted from fragile ceramic. Anyone with small children or pets will immediately appreciate the fact that if one of these rubber vases accidentally topples, they don’t have to worry about breakage. You can also fold the top of the vase inside to create a bowl-shaped vase. Small vases are five inches high ($19.99) and are available in black, lime green, pink and red. Large vases are eight-inches high ($24.99) and are available in midnight blue, yellow and pink. If you plan on installing hardscaping On theVine MAKE YOUR CAR YOUR CAR. 2010 FORD ESCAPE Starting from $18,999 * Includes $4,000 Delivery Allowance $1,000 Custom Cash Freight not included 39 MPG - 7.2L/100km (HWY) 9 31 MPG - 9.2L/100km (CITY) XLT I4 Model Shown For a Limited Time 1000 + 0 60 $ GET † CUSTOM CASH % ** UP TO PURCHASE FINANCING TOWARDS YOUR FAVOURITE OPTIONS OR ACCESSORIES PURCHASE OR LEASE MONTHS On Select 2010 Vehicles CHOOSE FROM OVER 350 OPTIONS OR ACCESSORIES NAVIGATION SYSTEM DVD HEADRESTS MOON ROOF LEATHER SEATS 3 35 MPG - 8.1L/100km (HWY) 9 24 MPG - 11.8L/100km (CITY) 35 MPG - 8.1L/100km (HWY) 9 *** “Top Safety Pick” 24 MPG - 11.8L/100km (CITY) ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE CANADIAN COMFORT PACKAGE ON SEL MODELS INCLUDES: • Panoramic Vista Roof • Leather Seats • $1500 Discount 2010 FORD EDGE 2010 FORD FLEX Starting From $26,999 * Includes $28,999 * Includes $2,500 Delivery Allowance $2,500 Delivery Allowance $1,000 Custom Cash $1,000 Custom Cash Freight not included Freight not included HURRY INTO YOUR ATLANTIC FORD STORE TO MAKE YOUR CAR YOUR CAR. 4252550 Starting From Offers available at participating dealers only. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Factory order may be required. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See participating Dealer for details. †Offer valid from March 2, 2010 to April 30, 2010 (the “Program Period”). Receive $1000 worth of selected Genuine Ford accessories, factory installed options, or $1000 Customer Cash with the purchase or lease of a 2010 Ford Focus, Fusion, Mustang (excluding GT 500), Taurus, Escape, Edge, Flex, Explorer 4-DR, Expedition, E-Series, Transit Connect, and all Lincoln models delivered or factory ordered between March 2, 2010 and April 30, 2010. Taxes payable on total price of the vehicle, including accessories, factory options, and before deducting the $1000 Custom Cash offer. This offer is subject to vehicle, accessory, and factory installed option availability. Dealer may sell for less. This offer applies $1000 worth of accessories, factory options or $1000 Customer Cash. Only one $1000 Custom Cash offer may be applied toward the purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory-order or delivery (but not a combination of both). This offer is combinable with the Commercial Connection Program. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP), or the A/X/Z/D/F Plan Program. Rainchecks available on factory orders. Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. See Dealer for details. **Receive 0% APR purchase financing on all new 2010 Ford Focus (excluding S)/ Escape XLT I4 Auto models for a maximum of 60 months to qualified retail customers, OAC from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. E.g., $20,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 60 months, monthly payment is $333.33, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $20,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit. *Purchase a new 2010 Ford Escape XLT I4 Manual / Edge SE FWD / Flex SE FWD for $18,999/$26,999/$28,999 Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after delivery allowance $4,000/$2,500/$2,500, Custom Cash of $1,000/$1,000/$1,000 and dealer contribution of $500/$0/$200. Freight and air tax of $1,500/$1,500/$1,500 excluded. Offer excludes license, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and all applicable taxes. 9 Estimated fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Vehicles equipped with 5-speed manual transmission. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving conditions, vehicle load, and certain vehicle accessories. Midsize class per R.L Polk & Co. (U.S.)/ Intermediate per R.L. Polk Canada, Inc. (Canada). 3Safety ratings based on Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Top Safety Picks historical data from 2006 to 2009 and on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) historical five-star crash test ratings. Government star ratings are part of the NHTSA’s New Car Assessment Program ( ***Category is Best New SUV/CUV from 35K-60K. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Factory order may be required. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions may apply to the Graduate Recognition Program. See Dealer for details. Atlantic FDA: 1595 Bedford Highway, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3Y4. this spring, you might want to check out the Easy Stone Lifter. Driveway, walkway, patio and retaining wall construction can be done infinitely easier with this innovative product. Used in conjunction with an air compressor, the Easy Stone Lifter/Installer is placed on the stone and the vacuum engaged. The specially designed suction cups adhere to the stones surface allowing the user(s) to easily lift the stone. This device, which is sold in both one and two person models, helps to reduce strain and the possibility of injury. The rubber vases and stone lifter are available through the online gardening company,, and in selected stores. Lee Valley Tools ( is featuring cane connectors made from green EPDM rubber. These durable, weather-resistant, reusable and versatile connectors can be used to link canes or poles to build an array of garden structures quickly and easily. Depending on whether you buy the three-arm or four-arm version, cost is $2.50 or $2.75 each, respectively. Another introduction from Lee Valley is Removable-Cap Gel Kneepads. These comfortable kneepads are perfect for protecting your knees during gardening, landscape work or home renovations. The secret is the soft gel insert that cushions, protects and supports the knee. They can be used with or without the snap-on cap; however, they are most stable (less tendency to rock from side to side) and have better grip on slopes with the cap in place. Gardeners may find these kneepads heavier than others but they are guaranteed to provide “outstanding comfort.” They sell for $28.50 a pair. In this picture, King Lion Cec Cunningham is presenting Lion Pat with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, the highest Award in Lionism. Lion gets fellowship award In 1993 Lion Pat Burgess became one of the first women to join the Windsor & District Lions Club. Besides being the treasurer for three years, she has for many years chaired the Education Committee, handling the selection of Bursary recipients and the Speak Out contests, and applicants for the Apple Blossom Festival Princesses. Sports The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 13 Birthplace of Hockey Tournament Highlights The Hantsport Minor Baseball Association executive is pleased to offer a midget program this season. Back Row, Paul MacDonald, Jeff Starratt, Randy Carey, Peter Johnston and Peter Cochrane. Front Row, Cathy Carey, Chris Cuvilier, Tim Schofield and Wanda Smith. Missing: Susan Rawlins. Pee-Wee A Bridgewater West Hants East Hants Shelburne West Hants Tamagouche Cumberland West Hants 2 1 5 3 9 3 7 0 Bridgewater won the Pee-Wee A division with a 3-2 win over East Hants. Atom B Acadia West Hants West Hants Lunenburg West Hants Acadia 4 3 8 3 7 2 Berwick defeated West Hants 6-3 in the championship game. Bantam B West Hants Middleton West Hants Bedford Chebucto West Hants 5 2 7 1 7 5 Greenwood won the Bantam B Division Pee-WeeAA West Hants Eastern Shore West Hants Pictou West Hants TASA 8 1 4 0 7 2 The provinciallybound squad easily won the Pee-Wee AA division Submitted photo. Baseball enthusiasts create new Hantsport midget team By Christy Marsters THE HANTS JOURNAL 4239077 Baseball is a long-standing tradition in The Town of Hantsport. This year, the Hantsport Minor Baseball Association hopes to keep the sport running strong with the creation of a new midget program. This team will start a first season, consisting of local youth ages 16-18, in April. President Peter Johnston, of the Hantsport Minor Baseball Association, said a midget team wasn’t formed as hoped two years ago because there just weren’t quite enough players to field a team. “However, this year we have the commitment of 15 players, a full coaching staff and financial support from the asso- ciation to outfit the new team.” Players this age are harder to recruit because a lot of teens at this time are busy with summer jobs, Johnston said. “For them, to commit to a sport is difficult.” Still, as more kids go through the system; these youth are developing skills and more want to continue playing, Johnston said. “Having a midget team will provide some of our charter players the chance to play for three more years and, hopefully, they have the opportunity to continue on with the Hantsport Intermediate Shamrocks.” “In an electronic age, the more recreational opportunities we can give kids is better,” Johnston said, “and for them to be affiliated to the Shamrocks will be really exciting.” Intermediate Shamrocks Coach Shane Oickle says the formation of this midget team is equally exciting for his team. Starting baseball at a young age helps to build the fundamentals in players and after a person knows the basics; it’s just practice, practice, practice, Oickle said. “Having a midget team in Hantsport means a lot to our program.” “We’re not getting any younger and having midgets will help provide a future for the Shamrocks,” Oickle added. The Hantsport Minor Baseball Association will hold spring registration for all ages at the Hantsport Firehall on April 10 and 24 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. For more information visit or call Peter Johnston at 6849644 or Wanda Smith at 684-9731. Hants Journal 14 Sports I The March 25, 2010 From left to right: Jordan Newcombe, Jeremy Page, Wendy Allen, Karen Chasse, Dallas Rourke and Kimberly Sutherland. Nadine Eagles-Harvie photo Snowboarders get $8000 boost from bank fundraisers Four local athletes who will compete in the 2011 Canada Winter games received a big boost from Scotia Bank Windsor branch this week. Snowboarders Jordan Newcombe, Jeremy Page, Dallas Rourke and Kimberly Sutherland along with Karen Chasse, president of the Nova Scotia Snowboard Association were presented with a cheque for $8,000 to help cover training and travel costs. As part of the Team Scotia Community Involvement Program bank manager Wendy Allen said staff at the bank have help to fundraise since last September with bake sales, raffles and a diner theater. All four athletes will also compete at the Nationals in Quebec next winter. Things to bring to the Slush Cup: towel, dry clothing, courage skiing at Martock when I was in Igoodliked elementary school and I was pretty at it. I can remember chasing my skis down the hill and falling off the T–Bar though. I tried to snowboard once but I was a way better at skiing. Since then, I’ve skied a few more times. The first time I attended The Slush Cup at Ski Martock was after I became a reporter. Christy Marsters Skiers and snowboarders jetting down a slope to challenge a pond of slush– in front of thousands– were impressive. The event was cool to watch! This year, with the help of Ski Martock, I’ve decided to live this experience firsthand. With a private ski lesson from Instructor Erica Paletz at Ski Martock on March 17, I’d like to think I could make it First Person Singular across the chilly slush. With just enough skills and a very good teacher anything’s possible, right? I felt timid on my skis going down the bunny run. Luckily the basic skills in skiing are like riding a bike. I was confident, riding the chairlift up the hill, that I could get to the bottom. Still, to increase my chances of staying dry March 27 I figured I should solicit some slush cup strategy. Paletz gave me some pointers and was really encouraging. It was comforting to hear her say she’d be there on March 27, and she’d be rooting for me. On March 17, at about 3 p.m., the view from the hilltops at Ski Martock was beautiful. I took moment to appreciate where I was. I also appreciated the hand up from CBC HD HDTV Our reporter braves the bunny hill at Martock. Paletz the first time I fell. My leg bent a totally weird way and I was all tangled in my skis. My knee did hurt for a second but I brushed it off quickly. I had to get up; before too many people realized I’d fallen. I only fell twice. On my last run, Paletz and I stopped around the spot where the courageous skiers and snowboarders start their decent in The Slush Cup. I thought about that lengthy pond and thousands of people. I was terribly nervous but I took off down the hill. A breeze blowing in my face made my eyes water but I made it down and loved the rush. Hopefully, if I give it my all, I can also make it through the slush. Anything is possible; but I think I’ll bring a towel and change of clothes (just in case.) Reserve Some Time With Nature We know TV best. EastLink HD & DVR • Includes all your favourite HD channels with more added every month. * Only $1990 /mo Check out our new HD lineup. Reservation lines open April 3, 2010. 1-888-544-3434 Call 472-2800 or visit 4048341 9 am–11 pm ADT (7 days a week) Service available in French. 4245108 DROP BY: Sam’s Cellular 77 Water Street 798-2025 Park May 21–Oct. 24 May 21–Sept. 6 Cape Chignecto Blomidon, Ellenwood Lake, Five Islands, The Islands Graves Island, Porters Lake, Rissers Beach, Thomas Raddall Mira River Valleyview Battery, Salsman, Boylston Smileys Amherst Shore, Caribou, Dollar Lake Whycocomagh Laurie May 21–Oct. 11 • DVR included - revolutionize your TV, watch what you want when you want. *$19.90 includes a monthly subscription to EastLink’s HD Basic package and a DVR rental. A subscription to the standard definition channels is required. Visit for a current listing of all HD channels included in the HD Basic pack. Season June 11–Sept. 13 June 18–Sept. 6 June 18–Sept. 13 June 18–Sept. 27 June 18–Oct. 11 June 18–Oct. 18 Closed REDEVELOPMENT Fees Basic Semi-serviced (flush toilets/hot showers) Serviced (water/electric Porters Lake only) Reservation Reservation Change/Cancellation $18 $24 $32 $9 $7 (902)) 678-3311 Leon’s Mon-Frii 9:00 0 am m – 9:00 0 pm Saturday y 9:00 0 am m – 5:00 0 pm Sunday y 12:00 0 am m – 5:00 0 pm 4250534 The Hants Journal • March 25, 2010 Kentville 414 4 Main n St. Hants Journal 16 Sports I The March 25, 2010 Gymnastics gets boost from Facebook site Windsor Town Councillor Liz Galbraith has turned to social networking to gauge interest in a local gymnastics program for kids. The Facebook site, Interested in Gymnastics For Kids in Windsor, NS, created by Galbraith, has acquired 84 fans in under a week and she says that in itself is a good indication of interest. “For the past couple of years I’ve been hearing a lot of parents talking about the need for a gymnastic program in this area and that is something I want to address as a parent and as a councilor.” Currently, she said the closest gymnastic programs are based out of Sackville or further down the valley. She said the program needn’t be competitive. “We’re talking about a recreation program that could teach five-year-old children to do summersaults and just enjoy moving their bodies. It’s about fun and exercise.” And as one face book fan wrote, “a great way for kids to burn off excess 4244616 Starting at $ 1499 less rebate OAC. No fees, taxes payable ATP. If we have the population to support it and the interest lets do it Liz Galbraith Facebook page gauges interest in gymnastics energy.” Galbraith said she started the site as part of a feasibility study now underway with the Town of Windsor. Council recently received a report from the Department of Recreation, which examined such issues as cost and location. According to the report Recreation manager, Jim Lambert met with Mike Landry, Principal of the West Hants Middle School who provided a run- down of the cost for a basic program which could add up to more than $14,000 for equipment cost alone. Lambert also spoke with Bruce Naugler, of Gymnastics NS who stated that although he was keen on seeing another program in the Valley there is a lack of qualified inductors and space. Galbriath said she approached council initially to look at the potential but said it wouldn’t have to be a recreation program. “In our area very much of what’s offered is through recreation programming, so that was the first stage in the journey.” Ideally, she said it would be good to have the parents take the lead. “I’d like to have a meeting of parents who want to get together a get a club to move forward so, rather than recreation driving the bus, it’s the parents.” That way some costs could be absorbed through membership fees and fundraising. Either way, Galbraith said it would be beneficial to have the support of both the town and the municipality. “If this is a club for the people of Windsor and West Hants the councils should support it either through offering a location or through funding.” Galbraith said the precedent has already been set in other small towns around the region, such as Berwick and Port Williams. “Most substantially-sized towns have a gymnastics program but so do smaller towns. If we have the population to support it and the interest lets do it.” She hopes the face book site will also spark interest from potential coaches. “I’ve spoken to one coach already that has express an interest to facilitate lower level classes. We don’t know who’s available if we don’t ask. Surly we can draw an instructor if we look for one.” The Facebook site encourages interested parents to write to council in support of a gymnastics program at [email protected]. Nova Scotia’s ONLY Metal Roofing & Siding Manufacturer Many Colours to choose from Visit our showroom at 188 Joseph Zatzman Drive, Burnside, NS Toll Free 1-866-770-7759 4244903 THE HANTS JOURNAL 4246459 By Nadine Eagles-Harvie I 17 4214892 The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 ANNUAL CARD TOURNEY WINNERS GET NAMES ON PLAQUE 4254236 The Avondale Community Hall held their annual 45s Card Tournament on January 30, 2010. First prize went to Carl Siler and Garnet Lake, whose names will be engraved on the plaque. The plaque is in memory of Bill Siler, who was an avid card player. The second prize went to Ben and Donna Cluett. The 50/50 winner was Kenny Lake. It was a great turnout with 13 tables. WE GO TO HALIFAX 4225271 1-877-250-9016 Regional The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Shaped by the soil Dr. Julian Gwyn delivers the Charles H. Read Family Lecture in Planters Studies. J. Hoegg Planters: lucky, lazy - or both? ans of pre-Confederation Nova Scotia are willing to talk about poverty.” Perhaps their initial success can be The Planters may have enjoyed more attributed to the skills of the expelled wealth and agricultural success if they’d Acadian farmers, rather than their own stayed in New England, according to Dr. knack for farming. “ Julian Gwyn. We have some good soil, but no very The Berwick resident and professor good soil,” Gwyn said. “Many who came emeritus at University of Ottawa shared here had to farm - but weren’t particusome of his expertise in economic histo- larly good at it.” ry of pre-Confederation Nova Scotia According to Gwyn, a typical large during the February Charles H. Read farm of the time would have had 15 Family Lecture in Planters Studies. horses, 40 cows, 40 calves, 100 sheep, 18 Titled “Shaped by the Soil: Were the swine and 18 cattle; small farms would Minas Basin Planters Successful Farm- have far fewer livestock. ers?”, his talk suggested the New EngIn historical record, Minas Basin land settlers were not particularly dedi- farmers were noted by their contempocated or accomplished farmers, but raries for their laziness: one governor reaped the benefits of the Acadians’ noted their “want of industry,” and agriwork. culture was generally looked down Unfortunately, information is slim. upon. Although more labour was involved in In 1774, two men from Yorkshire farming than in any other sector in pre- journeying through Nova Scotia noted 1867 Nova Scotia, both historians and Horton farmers’ “tillage seems good,” government records neglect the details. but “found farmers lazy, indolent people The Planters’ agricultural record is who slept in ‘til 7 or 8, had rum before mixed, Gwyn said. There is debate over work and were back at 11.” how well Planters adapted to the dykeAnother observer in 1790 wrote “one land farms left by the Acadians. Little cannot but wonder at the slow progress information is known, as well, about the of agriculture.” literacy of the Planters. In 1818, Lieutenant Governor Lord “Literacy goes hand in hand with Dalhousie recorded, “the character of poverty - then as now. Not many histori- the people... is by no means favourable. The state of agriculture is wretched… cider is made with no knowledge of the art.” However, good husbandry in the area of cattle was noted. According to contemporary sources, proper use of manure was ignored, no crop rotation was used and “too little grain was grown.” While wars during the 18th Century kept prices high, when war ended in 1815, prices fell and farmers were ruined. Some were even jailed for debt. With the founding of Members of the Atlantic Living Heritage Association - Jenny and Jayar Milligan the Kings agricultural - in authentic Planter garb attend the launch of Planters 2010. society in 1789, farmers By Jennifer Hoegg [email protected] 18 lobbied for improved livestock markets, but the society spent most of its efforts on social improvements, such as a library and Sunday schools. Later efforts by county and provincial agricultural societies helped encourage better farm practices. In 1826, John Whidden praised the work of the Kings Federation of Agriculture in this area, including the introduction of better quality crops, fertilizers, French drains and improved livestock strains. Come the 1830s, Nova Scotia continued to look back on wartime fondly, Gwynn said. The quality of soil was bemoaned, especially in rocky, upland holdings. By 1870, four per cent of houses were uninhabited. By the 1850s, Nova Scotia was less self-sufficient than it had been in 1800, due in part to potato blight. Only area of agricultural expansion was in barley and oats. Nova Scotia was shipping in wheat from the United States. In 1851, half of the population’s principle occupation was farming. But, during the 19th Century, agricultural output per person was relatively low. While population grew 589 per cent between 1767 and 1827, farm production did not keep up, especially in grains. Swine, sheep and potato production was slightly better. In the 1860s, the province was self-sufficient in beef and pork. While there were few standout successes in farming before 1867, Minas Basin farmers held a comparative advantage, good well-drained soil and business acumen, Gwyn said. Because the Acadians had found most of the province’s good soil, Planters could do well if they learned quickly. Farmers in the area stood out among provincial agriculturalists, but wealth lay not in the land, but in shipping, banking and other non-farming professions. Planters 2010 Hosted by Acadia University's Planter Studies Centre and the Kings-Hants Heritage Connection, the February event kicked off celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the New England Planters’ arrival in the area. Booklets marking Planters 2010, commissioned by the Kings-Hants Heritage Connection and written by Dr. Julian Gwyn, were launched during the evening. Printed and designed by Kentville’s Gaspereau Press, the history covers Planter settlements in the townships of Newport, Falmouth, Horton and Cornwallis between 1755 and 1825. Members of the Atlantic Living Heritage Association were also on hand in Planter dress to mark the launch. Planters on the web By Wendy Elliott [email protected] A new website is loaded with information about this year’s Planter anniversary. The site tells the history of the New England Planters, who first arrived in 1760 after the Expulsion of the Acadians and, over 15 years, began to farm in four townships in what are today’s Hants and Kings counties. Today's Nova Scotia, particularly the Annapolis Valley, is populated by thousands of descendants of the New Eng- land Planters. Many more are found across Canada and in New England states. Bria Stokesbury, curator of the Kings County Museum, says the new website examines that early migration, the contributions made by New England Planter descendants over the subsequent twoand-a-half centuries and offers a guide to genealogical sources. The Kings Hants Heritage Connection and its New England Planter sub-committee commissioned Port Williams resident Sylvia Jacquard to create the site. Marianne Gates and technical staff at the Kings Economic Development Agency assisted. The Planter sub-committee is chaired by Pat Gould-Thorpe, a development officer for the Hants Regional Development Authority. The Planter committee meets on the third Thursday of every month in Windsor, 5 p.m. at the Enterprise Centre of Hants County in the downtown Windsor Mall, 80 Water St. According to Acadia University's Planter Studies Centre, there were approximately 8,000 New England residents who migrated to Nova Scotia, until about 1774. Known as Planters, the old English term for colonists, they settled in townships throughout what are now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and were among the first Anglophone immigrants to the mainland area of presentday Canada. The fifth Planter conference at Acadia University is set for June 17 to 20. An historical encampment is also planned. Tourists with Planter connections are anticipated this coming summer WEBLINK The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I Regional 19 ‘You know you are from the Valley when...’ Facebook page proving popular By Kirk Starratt [email protected] Who would have thought completing the statement “You know you are from the Valley when…” would prove so popular? Elizabeth Munroe of Canaan and Melissa White of Windsor were walking in New Minas during a snowstorm in January when they took a photo of an empty beer bottle sitting in a pothole. They dubbed this the “Red Neck Beer Fridge.” They took a number of funny photos and decided to see how many people they could reach with them, coming up with the title, “You know you are from the Valley when,” in relation to their funny photos. They launched a Facebook page that night, thinking they’d reach 100 people by the end of the week. Instead, the women were surprised to reach 1,000 people. Now, more than 5,300 people of all ages have joined the group. The creators get a breakdown of statistics for the page, and they have members all over the world. Some are incredibly faithful and, White says, “must be on there 24-7.” During the span of 19 minutes during the interview with Munroe and White, 25 people wanting to say “hello” to this reporter posted comments. People have also rallied through the site to plan a benefit for Crystal Taylor of Waterville, in need of a lung transplant. Munroe says, within a couple hours, they had 80 comments from people wanting to attend or help out. The two started the Facebook page for fun and to see where it would go. “We waited for it to roll over from 999 to 1,000,” White says. “I love reading the post, I love reading the comments. You get a good chuckle out of it - especially at the beginning. We read some over and over again.” Lots of people have ideas when it comes to completing the phrase “You know you are from the Valley when…”. This spawns lots more comments and new posts, many unrelated to completing the Elizabeth Munroe of Canaan and Melissa White of Windsor high-five as they review comments on their Facebook page “You know you are from the Valley when,” exploding in popularity. K. Starratt statement but usually all pertaining to life in the Annapolis Valley, past or present. Munroe says they monitor the site to a certain degree, deleting posts or comments if they’re in poor taste or derogatory. They want to keep the site “as clean as we can have it” because there are many children and seniors participating. There are people they’ve had to block from the site. Munroe says they’ve probably only had to block five people so far and deleted about 100 comments. “We’ve never really had any major problems,” Munroe says. “People in the Valley are nice and respectful.” She says the comments are phenomenal, and people have been adding beautiful pictures from all over the Valley. They 4238584 estimate there have been between 40,000 and 50,000 comments overall since the launch in January. Having 5,000-plus people join might be a small number compared to the overall population, but the membership is large compared to other groups. As people join as members or “Friends,” they bring their entire “Friends” network on board. “We read every single comment, every single post on the site,” White says, pointing out, if she has missed something of particular interest, Munroe will give her a call or vice versa. Munroe posted the question “What do you consider to be the Valley?”, since everyone seems to have a different interpretation of its geographic boundaries. While she defines the Valley as the communities from Windsor to Digby, thinking of the reach of the annual Apple Blossom Festival, one person provided an extremely technical response. “We probably have about 100 comments on that one,” White says. “You can go on there and ask anyone anything and get lots of answers.” Both agree the page has social, historical and entertainment value. “It’s definitely exploded beyond our expectations,” Munroe says. To participate, if you aren’t on Facebook, visit to join, search “You Know You Are From The Valley When” and then join the group as a member. Hants Journal 20 Regional I The March 25, 2010 Tourists’ eyes caught by World Heritage tag Grand Pre naming should benefit Valley business, culture By Stu Ducklow TRANSCONTINENTAL MEDIA Hotels and restaurants from Kentville to Windsor could benefit from an application by a Kings County group to add Grand Pré to the list of 890 properties considered to have outstanding universal value by the Paris-based World Heritage Centre, a UNESCO agency. The proposal, being prepared by a dozen agencies and stakeholders, will be presented next February, says Christophe Rivet, of Parks Canada, but the evaluation period can take 18 months. Planners say Joggins’ designation as a World Heritage Centre in 2008 resulted in an immediate bump in tourist traffic. Adding Grand Pré to the list would make Nova Scotia almost irrestistable to foreign tourists, who would then have three sites within driving distance of Halifax: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia’s first World Heritage Site, gained its status in 1995. Tourists who visit World Heritage Sites are a different breed, Crystal Fuller, planner for Kings County, told members of the joint council of Windsor, West Hants and Hantsport at a joint meeting Feb. 25. They see the world list of sites as a giant “to-do” list, and like to check their visits off. People like that don’t worry about money, and they appreciate good quality in accommodation and dining to service at the gas pumps. High-end tourist dollars could come The dykelands left behind by the Acadians two centuries ago are as distinct now to the modern eye. Submitted 4236468 Symposium for admin assistantsThe Grand Pre church is a beacon for Acadians - and world tourists - looking to experience history. Submitted An American study says visits by foreigners to U.S. heritage sites grew twice as fast as visits to national parks, 9.4 per cent compared to 4.2 per cent between 1990 and 1995. An economic impact study conducted in the summer of 2008 shows: • Total visitor spending in the Valley attributed to Grand Pré is about $1.8 million per year, but the trend is downward. • Recent challenges to tourism posed by the recession and passport restrictions have brought accommodation nights down five per cent in each of the last two years. • Designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site may restore tourism to its former levels, injecting $200,000 a year into the local economy. The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I 21 Teleguide Week of March 25 Prime Time Thursday, March 25 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 2 3 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. l 2 11 57 Pyramide T 3 7 S 6 9 t 9 12 12 The Vampire Diaries e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea f 13 ß 8:00 p.m. Union fait force Virginie 4 «News CBS News March Madness 5 «News ABC News Inside Edition to March 31, 2010 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Infoman Enquête Le show caché Le Téléjournal Chronicle 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. La zone FlashForward Grey's Anatomy Private Practice Flashpoint CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Grey's Anatomy CTV News The Nature of Things Love, Hate and Propaganda The National Access... FlashForward Fringe 90210 Bones The Office 14 23 27 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Disorderly Conduct: Video on Patrol Players m 16 27 19 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Manhunters... Manhunters... Manhunters... î 17 44 26 Meet The Wilsons Meet The Wilsons America's Funniest Home Videos Reba Home... UnStable g 18 26 28 «The Situation Room Campbell Brown Larry King Live Ì 19 42 37 Ancestors in/Attic Ancestors in/Attic Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Ancient Discoveries Ancestors in/Attic Ancestors in/Attic The Nostradamus Effect Jobs... Y 21 25 45 Young and the Restless Early News Global National News Hour ET Canada Ent. Tonight 90210 Bones f 22 47 50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Degrassi: TNG Degrassi: TNG My Date With... Video on Trial Video on Trial Paul... Y 23 2 PBS Newshour Greater Boston Basic Black American Experience American Masters i 26 50 29 «Power & Politics The Lang & O'Leary Exchange Connect with Mark Kelley News: The National The Nature of Things The National X 27 Access... Community The Office 30 Rock The Marriage Ref News ¢ 28 33 33 Take This House... Take This House... Supernanny Colour... Colour... Divine Design Take This House... Love It Or List It o 29 48 48 iCarly What I Like... Family Biz How to Be Indie Prank Patrol k 30 49 52 Ekhaya Murder, She Wrote The Naked... Unearthed Jesus/Gospel ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Stoked Ê 33 31 Storytellers... E 34 35 35 Say Yes... Say Yes... LA Ink Police Women of Maricopa County F 35 24 23 Cash Cab How It's Made Daily Planet W 36 29 25 Seinfeld The Simpsons Two/Men ¯ 37 22 40 Trailer Park Boys Trailer Park Boys Relic Hunter Ï 38 32 32 Whatever... Wedding SOS a 39 40 17 Just for Laughs h 43 38 39 Hannah Montana ı 44 37 18 Friends Ï 46 34 31 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition ` 47 41 34 Stargate SG-1 _ 6 4 2 3 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! 6 Ent. Tonight 7 «News ET Canada NBC News How to Be Indie Emily of New Moon iCarly Extra Reba My Date With... Parks... Love It Or List It Sons of Tucson The Daily Show The Hour Figure Skating Private Practice CTV News News Final ET Canada According to Jim According to Jim Home... True Jackson, VP Malcolm in/Middle Malcolm in/Middle 8 Simple Rules Anderson Cooper 360° disBand UR11 American Stamps Charlie Rose On the Buses The Good Life Sea Scrolls? Total/Action Majority Rules 6Teen Futurama PhotoXplorers Music Writer... Movie: ...Gone Green (drama, 2007) Paulo Costanzo. Law & Order Police Women of Maricopa County LA Ink Police... On the Edge: Man vs. Wild On the Edge: Man vs. Wild MythBusters Bones Fringe Fox News Two/Men King of the Hill Movie: Ice Blues... (mystery, 2008) Chad Allen. Rich Bride, Poor... Rich Bride, Poor... X-Weighted Air Farce Live CBC News News CTV News Movie: ÆÆÆThe Matrix (action, 1999) Keanu Reeves. Daily Planet Sports Extra Cra$h & Burn Seinfeld Law & Order UK ...Bootcamp ...Bootcamp Chop Shop Chop Shop ET Canada South Park Important... ...Program The Daily Show 22Minutes Corner Gas My Name Is Earl The Simpsons Wizards/Waverly... Sonny... The Suite Life... Overruled! Hannah Montana Wizards/Waverly... The Latest Buzz Ned's/Guide Cory in the House That's So Raven Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy House of Payne House of Payne Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Seinfeld My Name Is Earl Movie: I Spy 2002 House Hunters Property Virgins Holmes Inspection House of Bryan House Hunters House Hunters... Holmes... Stargate: Atlantis Star Trek: Voyager Human Target 49 43 24 Mantracker Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Operation Repo p 50 30 46 Connected with Prime Time Sports UFC Primetime MMA Connected Poker Air Racing: Red Bull Series: Preview  56 61 Wapos Bay By the Rapids ...Flame e 57 39 27 Off the Record SportsCentre That's Hockey Poker: World Series: Europe t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 Cuisines Envoyé spécial ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Le cercle La série Montréal Québec Dieu Merci! APTN National News 2 3 7:00 p.m. l 2 11 57 Pyramide T 3 7 S 6 9 t 9 12 12 etalk e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea f 13 ß 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Union fait force KAMPAÏ! À votre santé 4 «News CBS News March Madness (Live) 5 «News ABC News Inside Edition Access... Medium InnerSPACE Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Sportsnet Connected Prime/Sports Movie: ÆÆÆDie Hard/Vengeance (crime drama, 1995) Bruce Willis. Poker: World Series: Europe Curling: 2010 Women's Champ. (Live) Géopolitis Juste Pour Rire: Gala Humanima Hors série TVA Nouvelles Denis Lévesque TV5 journal Chronicle 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Paquet voleur Une heure sur terre Le Téléjournal Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution 20/20 Human Target The Bridge CTV News 12:00 a.m. Patinage Art. News CTV News the fifth estate The National Degrassi: TNG America's Next Top Model Castle Comedy Now! Numb3rs X-Weighted Shark Tank News Final ET Canada 14 23 27 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI m 16 27 19 CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds î 17 44 26 Dedicated America's Funniest Home Videos Reba g 18 26 28 «The Situation Room Ì 19 42 37 Jobs in the Danger Zone Y 21 25 45 Young and the Restless f 22 47 50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Y 23 i 26 50 29 «Power & Politics X 27 ¢ 28 33 33 Take This House... Take This House... Supernanny o 29 48 48 iCarly How to Be Indie Movie: ÆA Cinderella Story (comedy, 2004) Hilary Duff. k 30 49 52 Black Stallion Black Stallion Murder, She Wrote ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Ê 33 31 E 34 35 35 Say Yes... Say Yes... F 35 24 23 Cash Cab W 4 2 ET Canada 2 PBS Newshour 7 «News NBC News Reba The Hour CSI: NY Marketplace 6 Ent. Tonight CBC News 11:30 p.m. Rick Mercer 6 3 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Operation Repo Lost Prime Time Friday, March 26 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 Moose TV Real Renos According to Jim According to Jim Home... Figure Skating Comedy Inc. Home... CTV News CMT's Greatest... Campbell Brown Larry King Live Ancients Behaving Badly The Nostradamus Effect Movie: ÆÆÆBoogie Nights (drama, 1997) Mark Wahlberg. Early News News Hour ET Canada Secret Life/Teenager The Vampire Diaries Movie: ÆÆÆSchool of Rock (comedy, 2003) Jack Black. Vampire... Greater Boston Washington Week NOW Bill Moyers Journal Viewer Favorites Charlie Rose The Lang & O'Leary Exchange Connect with Mark Kelley News: The National Love, Hate and Propaganda The National Access... Who Do You Think You Are? Dateline NBC How to Look Good Naked Canada Movie: ÆÆThe Notebook (drama, 2004) Ryan Gosling. Global National ...Group Extra Anderson Cooper 360° Ent. Tonight Numb3rs X-Weighted News 10 Things I Hate... That's So Weird Prank Patrol Summer Wine Father Ted Gaither Gospel Hour Something/Magdalene Justice League Clone Wars Futurama Movie: ÆÆGhostbusters II (comedy, 1989) Bill Murray. Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Bravo!FACT Cover Stories White Collar Dexter Law & Order Four Weddings What Not to Wear What Not to Wear Top Yam/Pageant What Not to Wear How It's Made Daily Planet Dirty Jobs On the Edge: Man vs. Wild Explorer 36 29 25 Seinfeld The Simpsons Two/Men House Kitchen Nightmares Fox News Sports Extra ¯ 37 22 40 Trailer Park Boys Trailer Park Boys Relic Hunter Pure Pwnage Kenny vs. Spenny Trailer Park Boys Ï 38 32 32 Whatever... Wedding SOS ...Debt/Part a 39 40 17 Just for Laughs h 43 38 39 Zeke and Luther Jonas Sonny With A Chance ı 44 37 18 Friends Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy House of Payne House of Payne Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Seinfeld My Name Is Earl Movie: Sliding... Ï 46 34 31 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition House Hunters Property Virgins House Hunters... World's/Homes Location, Location, Location House Hunters House Hunters... Holmes... ` 47 41 34 Stargate SG-1 The Listener Stargate Universe Sanctuary Caprica InnerSPACE _ 49 43 24 Mantracker Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Operation Repo Ghost Hunters Destination Truth p 50 30 46 Connected with Prime Time Sports Air Racing: Red Bull Series: Preview Billiards: U.S. Nine-Ball Championship Best Damn Sports Show Period Sportsnet Connected Prime/Sports  56 61 Investigates Fish Out of Water Mixed Blessings Cashing In e 57 39 27 Off the Record SportsCentre That's Hockey t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 Partir Autrement Thalassa ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Le cercle J.E. Du talent à revendre Emily of New Moon APTN/News Batman/Bold Wolverine/X-Men Two/Men King of the Hill Movie: NYC: Tornado Terror (action, 2008) Nicole de Boer. Rich Bride, Poor... Rich Bride, Poor... ...Debt/Part ...Debt/Part ...Debt/Part ...Debt/Part ...Debt/Part Air Farce Live Corner Gas The Simpsons South Park Comedy Now! 22Minutes Corner Gas Movie: Johnny Tsunami (drama, 1999) Rabbit Fall Operation Repo Prank Patrol Pagan/Christ Daily Planet Seinfeld ET Canada Just for Laughs Movie: Magic/Water 1995 Movie: ÆÆWayne's World 2 (comedy, 1993) Mike Myers. NHL Hockey: Ottawa at Buffalo (Live) Prank Patrol MYTV Curling: 2010 Women's Champ. (Live) Club social Esprits criminels TVA Nouvelles TV5 journal Denis Lévesque Hants Journal 22 Teleguide I The March 25, 2010 Afternoon Saturday, March 27 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 3 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Professionnels La grande soif 3:30 p.m. 1 2 l 2 11 T 3 7 4 Busytown Noonbory... NCAA Basketball (Live) S 6 9 5 Animal... Infomercials Infomercials Good Housekeeping Special t 9 12 Life's a Trip Car Business Frisky Business Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye e 11 3 Fashion File CdnAntiques Ç 12 13 f 13 6 ß 14 23 m 16 î 57 Téléjournal/Midi Enquête 12 Living the Life 3 Antarctica Challenge Infomercials 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Téléjournal Semaine Verte March Madness (Live) Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Snowboarding: U.S. Open (Live) etalk CTV News Infomercials Figure Skating: World Championships (Live) etalk Figure Skating: World Championships (Live) Fashion TV In Fashion Eureka The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Evening News Global National ...Die ...Die ...Die ...Die ...Die Will & Grace The Simpsons The Simpsons 27 Trucks! MuscleCar UFC Primetime UFC Primetime UFC Primetime UFC Countdown ...Die 27 19 «Movie: A Movie: ÆÆÆEraser (action, 1996) Arnold Schwarzenegger. 17 44 26 «...Countdown CMT Music CMT Music g 18 26 28 CNN Newsroom Your $$$$$ CNN Newsroom Ì 19 42 37 «Movie: ...King 2002 Movie: ÆÆÆThe Green Mile (drama, 1999) Tom Hanks. Y 21 25 45 Driving TV Powerboat... f 22 47 50 Movie: ÆÆÆSchool of Rock (comedy, 2003) Jack Black. Y 23 4 i 26 50 X 27 2 ¢ 28 33 o 29 48 k 30 ¸ 2 5:30 p.m. At the Movies Will & Grace Real Fishing 5:00 p.m. Road to the Final Four House & Home 6 4:30 p.m. 100 Sexiest Stars 13 «Atlantic Educational Television Movie: I Do (But I Don't) (romance, 2004) Denise Richards. House & Home 4:00 p.m. Tellement sport Patinage Art.: Patinage artistique Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye Movie: ÆÆÆLethal Weapon (action, 1987) Danny Glover. The Canadian... The Simpsons CMT Music Movie: Lethal/2 CMT Music Tuckerville Tuckerville CNN Newsroom Life After People PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer: 3rd Rd. (Live) America's Best... America's Best... Viewer Favorites America's Best... Secret Life/Teenager Viewer Favorites 29 CBC News Now CBC News Now 3-2-1 Penguins! Babar The National Marketplace Willa's Wild Life Infomercials Global... 33 «Movie: The Notebook 2004 Come Dine With Me Movie: All Around the Town (drama, 2002) Kim Schraner. 48 Pokémon Pretty Cure Dinosaur King Storm Hawks How to Be Indie How to Be Indie How to Be Indie How to Be Indie iCarly iCarly 49 52 Visions/Punjab Sarghi Gaunda Punjab Quran Speak Sangam TV Lok Virsa Mulaqat Aagaaz Dhamak... Namashkar 32 36 36 ...Monkey Foster's Home... Wayside Wayside George/Jungle George/Jungle World of Quest World of Quest Totally Spies! Totally Spies! Ê 33 31 E 34 35 35 Home Made Simple What Not to Wear What Not to Wear Say Yes... Say Yes... 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery F 35 24 23 Cash Cab How It's Made Canada's Worst Driver Junk Raiders Destroyed... Destroyed... Dirty Jobs MythBusters W 36 29 25 Infomercials Infomercials George Lopez George Lopez Movie: Tigerland (drama, 2000) Colin Farrell. Judge Judy ¯ 37 22 40 Wife Swap About a Girl Howie Do It Movie: Men With Brooms (comedy, 2002) Paul Gross. Movie: Night at the Museum (adventure, 2006) Ben Stiller. Ï 38 32 32 Real Housewives... The Real Housewives of Atlanta a 39 40 17 «Comedy Now! My Name Is Earl Madtv h 43 38 39 Movie: Dadnapped (comedy, 2009) Emily Osment. ı 44 37 18 «Movie: Get/Control 2007 Movie: ÆOld School (comedy, 2003) Luke Wilson. Ï 46 34 31 Holmes on Homes Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Outdoor Room ` 47 41 34 The Listener Stargate Universe _ 49 43 24 Mantracker p 50 30 46 «Soccer  56 61 e 57 39 t 59 52 Rugby ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles 7 Movie: ÆÆHudson Hawk (adventure, 1991) Bruce Willis. «Olympics: Getting Hooked Infomercials Soccercentral PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer: 3rd Rd. (Live) Real Housewives... Project Runway Comedy Now! Reno 911! Movie: Motocrossed (drama, 2001) Alana Austin. ...Block Defying Gravity Infomercials Infomercials The Rookies CIS Hockey: CIS Semifinal 1 (Live) Infomercials Two/Men Party Mamas Word Travels Superstar Hair Challenge Corner Gas Crank Yankers Hannah King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld House... HGTV's Top 10 Disaster DIY Taken Angry Planet Which Way To... European Poker Tour Series Skiing Overtime Olympics: Bobsleigh Curling: 2010 Women's Champ. (Live) Infopublicité Two/Men Zeke and Luther Sonny... Property Virgins Agent vs. Agent House Hunters Sanctuary ESPN Films Judge Judy Models of... Frasier Jimmy Two... White Collar The Suite Life... The Suite Life... Wizards... Frasier iCarly Movie: Sardari Jimmy Two... My Name Is Earl Madtv Ted Nolan Viens voir ici iCarly Movie: ÆÆÆLeague of Their Own (comedy-drama, 1992) Geena Davis. Hockey 27 Planet Speed Movie: ÆÆÆCharlie's Angels (comedy, 2000) Drew Barrymore. Club social Chiffres lettres Shopping TVA Infopublicité SportsCentre Journal Suisse Soccer Soccer QuestionChamp Road Runner (902) 681-6464 4119076 • FREE ESTIMATES • GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Prime Time Saturday, March 27 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 7:00 p.m. 3 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. 1 2 l 2 11 T 3 7 4 «March S 6 9 5 News t 9 12 e 11 3 Ç 12 13 f 13 6 ß 14 23 27 UFC Primetime m 16 27 19 «Movie: ÆÆÆLethal Weapon 2 (action, 1989) Mel Gibson. Movie: The Andromeda Strain (miniseries, 2007) Benjamin Bratt. Movie: The Andromeda Strain (miniseries, 2007) î 17 44 26 ...Countdown UnStable One on One The Show g 18 26 28 The Situation Room CNN Newsroom Campbell Brown Larry King Live CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Ì 19 42 37 Ancients Behaving Badly The Nostradamus Effect Cities of the Underworld Movie: ÆÆÆThe Bourne Identity (action, 2002) Matt Damon. Y 21 25 45 Family Guy Family Guy News Hour 16:9 f 22 47 50 The Vampire Diaries Y 23 4 i 26 50 X 27 2 ¢ 28 33 33 Movie: ÆÆÆIn Her Shoes (drama, 2005) Cameron Diaz. o 29 48 48 Kid vs. Kat League of Super... Zeke's Pad Prank Patrol America's Funniest Home Videos That's So Weird k 30 49 52 Gaunda/Punjab Punjabi Dharkan Sanjha Punjab Masti Intezar Des Pardes ¸ 32 36 36 Johnny Test Clone Wars Movie: ÆÆÆStar Wars (science fiction, 1977) Mark Hamill. Ê 33 31 Arts & Minds Bravo!Videos Laughology Star Portraits E 34 35 35 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery F 35 24 23 Cash Cab How It's Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Destroyed... W 36 29 25 Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Cops ¯ 37 22 40 «Movie: About a Girl Slings and Arrows Ï 38 32 32 ...Debt/Part ...Debt/Part Real Housewives... a 39 40 17 Comedy Now! h 43 38 39 Jonas ı 44 37 18 The Office Ï 46 34 31 Holmes on Homes Flipping Out Property Virgins ` 47 41 34 Stargate Universe Sanctuary Defying Gravity Movie: ÆÆÆHellboy (adventure, 2004) Ron Perlman. _ 49 43 24 Survivorman Survivorman Mantracker Mantracker p 50 30 46 Hockeycentral CIS Hockey: CIS Semifinal 2 (Live)  56 61 «Olympics e 57 39 27 «SportsCentre t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Cinéma: 13 ans, bientôt 30 (comédie, 2004) 57 «Semaine Verte Un gars, une fille ABC News 2 The National 16:9 48 Hours Mystery V V Castle Flashpoint Law & Order CTV News Cosby Show HNIC/Tonight NHL Hockey: N.Y. Rangers at Toronto (Live) Raising Rover News Le Téléjournal Infoman News News CTV News Movie: Solar Attack (science fiction, 2005) Mark Dacascos. Stargate: Atlantis Movie: Bad Son (action, 2007) Adam Battrick. Love You to Death G-Spot News Final UFC Countdown UFC Unleashed UFC Countdown Disorderly Conduct: Video on Patrol UFC Unleashed Global National Movie: 28 Days... CTV News renegade... Family Guy Casino NHL Hockey: Vancouver at San Jose (Live) UnStable Movie: ÆÆÆSchool of Rock (comedy, 2003) Jack Black. CMT Star CMT Star renegade... House & Home J.R. Digs Disorderly Movie: Bad Son (action, 2007) Adam Battrick. Countdown Viewer Favorites 29 The National 7 NCIS: Los Angeles Cosby Show Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... 13 Road to Avonlea 6 Cinéma: Invasions barbares (comédie dramatique, 2003) Remy Girard. Madness (Live) 12 W5 3 En direct de l'univers My Date With... disBand Viewer Favorites CBC/At Issue The Nature of Things the fifth estate The National NBC News Access Hollywood Weekend The Biggest Loser Law & Order Mansbridge World's/Streakers The National Law & Order: Special Victims Unit News Movie: The Holiday (comedy, 2006) Cameron Diaz. Jee Aayan Nu Prank Patrol Survive This Robot Chicken Books Into Film Ghost Trackers Aikam Taur Punjabi Di Futurama Bravo!News 48 Hours Mystery Paranormal Court 48 Hours Mystery Destroyed... Dirty Jobs Verminators Cops America's Most Wanted Fox News Ghost Lab Sports Extra The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives... Corner Gas Hiccups Dan For Mayor The Simpsons Overruled! Zoey 101 Life With Derek The Suite Life... Hannah Montana Movie: ÆSuperman III (adventure, 1983) Christopher Reeve. The Office House of Payne House of Payne Movie: ÆÆMidnight/Good & Evil (drama, 1997) Kevin Spacey. For Rent Outdoor Room Wanda Sykes Movie: Night at the Museum (adventure, 2006) Ben Stiller. Corner Gas The Simpsons ...Ambrose Price Poker 2 Nite Project Runway Models of... Mike Birbiglia... Comedy Central... Movie: Lost & Movie: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Holmes... Departures Survivorman Poker Sportsnet... Fish Out of Water Olympics: Alpine Skiing Curling: 2010 Women's Champ. (Live) Humanima King of the Hill Movie: ÆÆÆÆLost in Translation (drama, 2003) Bill Murray. Movie: Lost in the Dark (suspense, 2007) Mae Whitman. Olympics: Bobsleigh; Curling The Adrenaline... À table Boxing: Molitar vs. Ndlovu II (Live) Les stars du rire Cinéma: Match parfait (comédie, 2005) Drew Barrymore. Acoustic TVA Nouvelles TV5 journal Cinéma: Mélodie d... 1965 The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 2 1:00 p.m. 3 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. l 2 11 57 Téléjournal/Midi Semaine Verte T 3 7 4 CBS Sports Spectacular CBS Sports Spectacular March Madness (Live) S 6 9 5 CityLine My/TV Beautiful Homes Infomercials t 9 12 12 W5 e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 «Atlantic Educational Television Living the Life f 13 ß 14 23 27 Trucks! m 16 27 19 The Sopranos Movie: ÆÆÆLethal Weapon 2 (action, 1989) Mel Gibson. î 17 44 26 Dedicated CMT Music CMT Music ...Countdown ...Countdown g 18 26 28 State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Amanpour Your $$$$$ CNN Newsroom Ì 19 42 37 «Movie: ÆÆÆÆForrest Gump (drama, 1994) Tom Hanks. Movie: ÆÆÆThe Bourne Identity (action, 2002) Matt Damon. Y 21 25 45 Hour of Power The Simpsons f 22 47 50 «Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew 5 Y 23 i 26 50 29 CBC News Now X 27 Infomercials Golf: Event to be announced (Live) PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer: Final Rd. (Live) ¢ 28 33 33 «Movie: In Her Shoes 2005 Come Dine... Come Dine... Come Dine... o 29 48 48 Escape... Sci Q ...Project Movie: ÆÆÆBabe (comedy-drama, 1995) James Cromwell. Movie: Charlotte's Web (animation, 2006) Julia Roberts. k 30 49 52 «Hour of Power Joyce Meyer Living Truth Faith to Live By Food for Life 700 Club Power... Key of David It's Supernatural ...World ¸ 32 36 36 Iron Man... Johnny Test Bakugan World of Quest World of Quest Totally Spies! Ê 33 31 E 34 35 35 Moving Up Police Women/County Extreme Forensics F 35 24 23 Mayday Breaking Point Mighty Ships W 36 29 25 NASCAR: Sprint Cup: Martinsville ¯ 37 22 40 Wife Swap Cra$h & Burn Movie: Poison Ivy/Society (drama, 2008) Miriam McDonald. Movie: Hot Rod (comedy, 2007) Andy Samberg. Ï 38 32 32 Project Runway Superstar Hair Challenge Millionaire Matchmaker Real Housewives... a 39 40 17 Dan For Mayor Comedy Now! Reno 911! h 43 38 39 Movie: ÆCamp Nowhere (comedy, 1994) ı 44 37 18 «Movie: Flubber 1997 Movie: ÆThe Out-of-Towners (comedy, 1999) Steve Martin. Movie: ÆÆEnvy (comedy, 2004) Ben Stiller. Movie: Pink Panther 2006 Ï 46 34 31 Holmes Inspection Extreme Makeover: Home Edition ...Your Buck Real Estate... RV 2010 ` 47 41 34 Movie: The Brain From Planet Arous 1958 Movie: ÆÆÆHulk (action, 2003) Eric Bana. _ 49 43 24 Snowmobiler TV Mantracker Infomercials Infomercials p 50 30 46 Skiing MLB Spring Training: Detroit vs. N.Y. Yankees (Live)  56 61 e 57 39 27 NASCAR: Sprint Cup: Martinsville (Live) t 59 52 Soccer ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles 6 4 2 Infomercials 3 Steven and Chris 6 Canada/Rough Second Regard Une heure sur terre Infomercials MuscleCar 2 Téléjournal IndyCar Racing: St. Petersburgh (Live) In Fashion Wheel... Figure Skating: World Championships Movie: ÆÆÆÆSnow White... (animation, 1937) Adriana Caselotti. Life's a Trip 100 Sexiest Stars The Simpsons Family Guy The Ultimate Fighter Listen Up Grand Star CTV News Battlestar Galactica Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye The Ultimate Fighter The Ultimate Fighter PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer: 3rd Rd. (Live) The Ultimate Fighter Design Rivals Stormworld FashionTV The Ultimate Fighter Gene Simmons Family Jewels Gene... Kirstie Alley's... Kirstie Alley's... ...Reba McEntire Amanpour Masterminds Pawn Stars America's Best... America's Best... America's Best... America's Best... SK Quiz Show CBC News Now Escape... Iron Man... «Movie: ÆÆFools Rush In (comedy, 1997) Johnny Test Come Dine... Come Dine... ...Gurus Chaotic/Invasion Chaotic/Invasion Bakugan Restaurant/Dave Movie: The Holiday (comedy, 2006) Cameron Diaz. Party Mamas Movie: ÆÆFirst Kid (comedy, 1996) Sinbad. Inside the Actors Studio Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics Canada's Worst Driver The Planet's Funniest Animals MythBusters Infomercials South Park Wizards... Judge/Brown The Real Housewives of Atlanta My Name Is Earl Madtv The Suite Life... Aaron Stone Home to Flip Totally Spies! Mad Men Judge/Brown Models of... Viewer Favorites Love, Hate and Propaganda Movie: ÆÆÆÆLost in Translation (drama, 2003) Bill Murray. My Name Is Earl Madtv Pawn Stars PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer: Final Rd. (Live) Viewer Favorites Infomercials Découverte Jeopardy! 2 Viewer Favorites 7 Infomercials Inside Ed. Petites vues Movie: Spirit Bear... (drama, 2005) Mark Rendall. Zeke and Luther Sonny... The Unsellables Location, Location, Location Ugly Americans Hannah Movie: ÆÆÆHellboy (adventure, 2004) Ron Perlman. Infomercials Word Travels Angry Planet Which Way To... Departures Skiing: FIS Freestyle: Are Poker Olympics: Cross-Country Skiing; Hockey Curling Thalassa Larocque Victoire amour Journal Suisse Shopping TVA 7:00 p.m. 3 7:30 p.m. Kiosque 7 jours planète Infopublicité Chiffres lettres Cinéma: ÆÆRetour vers-futur II (comédie, 1989) Michael J. Fox. Prime Time Sunday, March 28 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 Six dans la cité Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye Andromeda 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. l 2 11 57 «Découverte T 3 7 4 «March Madness (Live) 60 Minutes The Amazing Race 16 Undercover Boss Cold Case S 6 9 5 News America's Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Desperate Housewives Castle t 9 12 12 Human Target Cold Case The Amazing Race 16 Undercover Boss CTV News e 11 3 Movie: Keep Your Head Up... (biography, 2010) Jared Keeso. News: The National Bio Dad Reflections Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea TMZ Weekend Desperate Housewives Law & Order CTV News f 13 ß 14 23 27 The Ultimate Fighter m 16 27 19 Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Gene Simmons... Kirstie Alley's... î 17 44 26 CMT's Greatest... g 18 26 28 CNN Newsroom Ì 19 42 37 Ice Pilots NWT Y 21 25 45 Family Guy f 22 47 50 Secret Life/Teenager Y 23 i 26 50 29 The Nature of Things X 27 ¢ 28 33 33 «Movie: The Holiday (comedy, 2006) Supernanny o 6 4 23 Afternoon Sunday, March 28 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 I Teleguide Luc et Luc ABC News 3 Heartland 6 Global National 16:9 La Soirée des Jutra Cleveland... Le Téléjournal Gossip Girl King of the Hill The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy News News CTV News The Celebrity Apprentice The Ultimate Fighter Hope & Faith Hope & Faith Entourage Entourage Kirstie Alley's... Kirstie Alley's... Meet The Wilsons Meet The Wilsons Star Crossed State of the Union Larry King Live Ancient Discoveries Opus Dei & Da Vinci Movie: ÆÆÆThe Da Vinci Code (suspense, 2006) Tom Hanks. Family Guy News Hour The Celebrity Apprentice Global National America's Best... CNN Newsroom State of the Union The Simpsons Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew 5 2 «Viewer Favorites CSI: NY News Final Entourage Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? America's Funniest Home Videos Studio 12 Video on Trial Masterpiece Theatre Masterpiece the fifth estate Future Earth 2025 News: The National Dateline NBC Minute to Win It The Celebrity Apprentice Come Dine With Me Movie: The Watch (thriller, 2008) Clea DuVall. 29 48 48 Movie: The Last Mimzy (adventure, 2007) Chris O'Neil. League of Super... Family Biz Fries With That? k 30 49 52 Joseph Prince... Day of Discovery Jack van Impe Dr. Jeremiah Morris Cerullo ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Stoked Total/Action Majority Rules 6Teen Ê 33 31 Arts & Minds Bravo!FACT Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Movie: ÆÆÆÆThe Ten Commandments (drama, 1956) Charlton Heston. E 34 35 35 Extreme Forensics TV Murders... Trials/Amanda Knox Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Trials/Amanda F 35 24 23 Cash Cab MythBusters Secrets/Service Did/Mob Kill JFK? MythBusters Anthony... W 36 29 25 Cold Case ¯ 37 22 40 Howie Do It 'Da Kink... Cra$h & Burn Ï 38 32 32 Buy Me! Buy Me! The Big Flip Marriage Under... X-Weighted Outlaw In-Laws a 39 40 17 JFL Gags JFL Gags Hiccups Dan For Mayor Comedy Now! South Park h 43 38 39 Jonas Overruled! Zoey 101 Life With Derek The Suite Life... ı 44 37 18 «Movie: Pink Panther 2006 Movie: ÆÆÆSomething's Gotta... (romance, 2003) Jack Nicholson. Ï 46 34 31 Holmes Inspection House Hunters Holmes Inspection House of Bryan ` 47 41 34 «Movie: Hellboy 2004 Eureka Smallville Stargate: Atlantis True Blood _ 49 43 24 Survivorman Survivorman Mantracker Which Way To... Word Travels p 50 30 46 Sportsnet Connected CIS Hockey: CIS Championship Final:  56 61 e 57 39 27 «Curling: 2010 Women's Champ. (Live) t 59 52 À table Journal France 2 SuperChampion Madagascar ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Les Gags La série Montréal Québec 2 7 News NBC News Pat Francis... Laughology « How It's Made 'Til Death Movie: Call of the Wild Le banquier 'Til Death The Simpsons Cleveland... Futurama Family Guy Sarah's House News How to... Fries With That? Survive This Ghost Trackers The Adrenaline... ...Gurus Beyond Today Door of Hope Peter Youngren... King of the Hill Robot Chicken Futurama Tripping the Rift Sons of Tucson Movie: Poison Ivy/Society (drama, 2008) Miriam McDonald. House Hunters Reel Injun Fox News Sports Extra Cra$h & Burn Outlaw In-Laws Millionaire Matchmaker X-Weighted Ugly Americans Just For Laughs... JFL Gags Hannah Montana Movie: ÆÆBatman & Robin (adventure, 1997) George Clooney. Home to Flip Movie: Haunted... Movie: ÆÆÆSomething's Gotta... (romance, 2003) Jack Nicholson. World of Skiing Real Renos Home Edition Movie: Angry Planet Skiing: Ski Cross World Cup Preview Olympics Closing... SportsCentre Infomercials Damages Survivorman Sportsnet... Moose TV Women's Hockey: Clarkson Cup Championship. SportsCentre N'est pas couché TV5 journal VLOG TVA Nouvelles Cinéma: Jardin Hants Journal 24 Teleguide I The March 25, 2010 Prime Time Monday, March 29 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 2 3 7:00 p.m. l 2 11 57 Pyramide T 3 7 S 6 9 t 9 12 12 etalk e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea f 13 ß 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Union fait force Virginie 4 «News CBS News 5 «News ABC News Access... CSI: Miami 3 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. Les Boys C.A. Le Téléjournal La zone Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! How I Met/Mother Rules... Two/Men Big Bang... CSI: Miami News Inside Edition Dancing With the Stars Chronicle Hiccups Dan For Mayor Movie: Keep Your Head Up... (biography, 2010) Jared Keeso. Degrassi: TNG Castle News Two/Men Big Bang... CTV News The National CBC News The Hour Ghost Whisperer Castle CTV News News Final ET Canada Dancing With the Stars CTV News The Daily Show House 24 14 23 27 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed TNA/Impact m 16 27 19 The First 48 Criminal Minds Intervention Intervention î 17 44 26 UnStable Due South America's Funniest Home Videos According to Jim According to Jim Movie: ÆÆÆBull Durham (comedy, 1988) Kevin Costner. g 18 26 28 «The Situation Room Campbell Brown Larry King Live Ì 19 42 37 Dogfights Aftermath Ancient Weather Cities of the Underworld ...Behaving Badly Y 21 25 45 Young and the Restless Early News News Hour ET Canada Ent. Tonight Brothers & Sisters House f 22 47 50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Secret Life/Teenager America's Best... Degrassi: TNG Degrassi: TNG Love Court Y 23 Greater Boston Antiques Roadshow American Experience i 26 50 29 «Power & Politics The Lang & O'Leary Exchange Connect with Mark Kelley News: The National ...Addicted to Power The National X 27 Access... Chuck Trauma Law & Order News ¢ 28 33 33 Take This House... Take This House... Supernanny Love It Or List It Love It Or List It o 29 48 48 iCarly k 30 49 52 Doc Murder, She Wrote ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Johnny Test Ê 33 31 E 34 35 35 Say Yes... F 35 24 23 Canada's Worst Handyman Daily Planet W 36 29 25 Seinfeld Two/Men ¯ 37 22 40 Trailer Park Boys Trailer Park Boys Relic Hunter Ï 38 32 32 Whatever... a 39 40 17 Just for Laughs h 4 2 ET Canada 9:00 p.m. L'Auberge du chien noir Brothers & Sisters 6 6 Ent. Tonight 8:30 p.m. Belle-Baie UnStable 2 PBS Newshour 7 «News NBC News How to Be Indie Emily of New Moon iCarly Global National SK Quiz Show Extra ...Clean/House? Escape... Total/Action Circa Say Yes... The Simpsons Wedding SOS Our Little Life Our Little Life Two/Men ...Clean/House? Malcolm in/Middle ...Hates Chris 8 Simple Rules Eyes Down Waiting for God National Catholic... Drama Island 6Teen Futurama Manswers Hoarders Mrs. Menendez Anderson Cooper 360° Love Court Charlie Rose 10 Things I Hate... Family Biz King of the Hill Colour... How to Be Indie National American Dad Futurama Robot Chicken Cake Boss ...Life/Glenn Gould 19 Kids and Counting Ultimate Cake Off Cake Boss MythBusters Dirty Jobs Motor City Motors House 24 Fox News Law & Order Trading Spouses Air Farce Live The Simpsons Love Inc... Seinfeld NCIS Love Inc... Corner Gas My Name Is Earl 43 38 39 Hannah Montana Hannah Montana The Suite Life... The Suite Life... Sonny... Hannah Montana Wizards/Waverly... The Latest Buzz ı 44 37 18 Friends Family Guy Family Guy House of Payne House of Payne Monica/Standing Monica/Standing Seinfeld My Name Is Earl Law & Order: SVU Ï 46 34 31 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition House Hunters Property Virgins For Rent ...Your Buck Home to Flip House Hunters... Holmes... ` 47 41 34 Stargate SG-1 Stargate: Atlantis Star Trek: Voyager Movie: Feast (horror, 2006) Balthazar Getty. Stargate SG-1 _ 49 43 24 Mantracker Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Operation Repo Ghost Hunters Destination Truth p 50 30 46 Connected with Prime Time Sports MLB Spring Training: Tampa Bay vs. Boston (Live) Sportsnet Connected Prime/Sports  56 61 e 57 39 27 Off the Record t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 Les carnets du Bourlingueur ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Le cercle APTN/News Pachamama Mishkuenita SportsCentre NBA Basketball: Toronto at Charlotte (Live) Contenir Rachid Shaputuan 1 2 3 7:00 p.m. 2 11 57 Pyramide T 3 7 S 6 9 t 9 12 12 Lost e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea f 13 ß 7:30 p.m. Virginie 4 «News CBS News 5 «News ABC News Operation Repo SportsCentre La traque des Nazis Toute la vérité Shaputuan That's Hockey SportsCentre Prof. voyageur Urbania, Québec TV5 journal TVA Nouvelles Denis Lévesque 8:30 p.m. La Facture 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. Beautés désespérées Musée Eden Le Téléjournal La zone Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles The Good Wife News Inside Edition Dancing With the Stars Lost V Chronicle Law & Order: Special Victims Unit American Idol Rick Mercer 22Minutes JFL Gags Degrassi: TNG CTV News The Daily Show CBC News The Hour Ghost Whisperer Dancing With the Stars The Middle ...Christine V CTV News The Good Wife NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles News Final 14 23 27 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed Blue/State m 16 27 19 The First 48 Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami î 17 44 26 CMT Star America's Funniest Home Videos Reba g 18 26 28 «The Situation Room Ì 19 42 37 Ancients Behaving Badly Aftermath Y 21 25 45 Young and the Restless Early News f 22 47 50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Gossip Girl Y 23 i 26 50 29 «Power & Politics X 27 ¢ 28 33 33 Take This House... Take This House... Supernanny o 29 48 48 iCarly k 30 49 52 Just Cause Murder, She Wrote ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Johnny Test Ê 33 31 E 34 35 35 Say Yes... F 4 2 6 Ent. Tonight ET Canada CMT Star 2 PBS Newshour 7 «News Greater Boston NBC News How to Be Indie Emily of New Moon Global National Comedy Fest News CTV News The National 6 3 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Marriage Under... House Hunters The Daily Show Cory in the House That's So Raven Prime Time Tuesday, March 30 8:00 p.m. Union fait force Ned's/Guide Cinéma: ÆÆAgaguk (aventure, 1992) Lou Diamond Phillips. Spécial Bloopers Yamaska 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV l Passage Mike Birbiglia... ET Canada 22Minutes Seinfeld South Park 19 Kids... Daily Planet Sports Extra Bones Newlywed/Dead Prank Patrol Choices We Face The Naked... Grasslands... Rich Bride, Poor... Rich Bride, Poor... Newlywed/Dead UR11 Reba Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Nostradamus Effect Ancient Weather News Hour ET Canada Ent. Tonight The Good Wife NCIS disBand Countdown Degrassi: TNG Connect with Mark Kelley Access... The Biggest Loser Style by Jury Total/Action Meet The Wilsons Cities of the Underworld Maria/One-on-One Nova Escape... CSI: Miami Home... Larry King Live The Lang & O'Leary Exchange iCarly UFC Unleashed Campbell Brown Degrassi: TNG Extra According to Jim According to Jim Home... ET Canada Players UR11 Frontline Frontline Charlie Rose News: The National the fifth estate The National Parenthood News Anna/Kristina's... Anna... Malcolm in/Middle ...Hates Chris 8 Simple Rules May to December Only When... National Catholic... Drama Island Futurama 6Teen Anderson Cooper 360° Style by Jury How to Look Good Naked Canada Anna... What I Like... Family Biz Prank Patrol King of the Hill How to Be Indie Choices We Face The Naked... National American Dad Robot Chicken Futurama Bruce Cockburn: Live Bowfire Say Yes... Ultimate Cake Off Little Chocolatiers 35 24 23 Destroyed... Destroyed... Daily Planet How It's Made W 36 29 25 Seinfeld The Simpsons Two/Men ¯ 37 22 40 Trailer Park Boys Trailer Park Boys Relic Hunter Ï 38 32 32 Whatever... a 39 40 17 Just for Laughs h 43 38 39 Zoey 101 Zoey 101 ı 44 37 18 Friends Seinfeld Ï 46 34 31 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition ` 47 41 34 Stargate SG-1 Stargate: Atlantis Star Trek: Voyager Masters of Science Fiction Fringe Stargate SG-1 _ 49 43 24 Mantracker Ghost Hunters Destination Truth Operation Repo Operation Repo Ghost Hunters Destination Truth p 50 30 46 Connected with Prime Time Sports NHL Hockey: Ottawa at Washington (Live) Overtime Sportsnet Connected Soccer  56 61 e 57 39 27 Off the Record t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 Horizons: Zog et les rivières du ciel Partir Autrement ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Le cercle Caméra café APTN/News Wedding SOS Two/Men How It's Made Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Law & Order Little 19 Kids... 19 Kids... Little... Destroyed... Destroyed... Swamp Loggers American Idol Fox News Little... Daily Planet Sports Extra Drop Dead Diva Seinfeld NCIS Rich Bride, Poor... Rich Bride, Poor... Party Mamas Party Mamas Party Mamas Wedding SOS Wedding SOS Wedding SOS ET Canada Air Farce Live Corner Gas My Name Is Earl The Simpsons South Park Flight of... Tim/Eric... The Daily Show Hannah Montana The Suite Life... Sonny... Hannah Montana Wizards/Waverly... The Latest Buzz Ned's/Guide Cory in the House That's So Raven Family Guy Family Guy House of Payne House of Payne Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Seinfeld My Name Is Earl House Hunters Property Virgins Outdoor Room ...Block Sarah's House House Hunters House Hunters... Holmes... 22Minutes ...Wolfman Fish Out of Water Mixed Blessings Cashing In SportsCentre That's Hockey NHL Hockey: Chicago at St. Louis (Live) Pardon... La fièvre de la danse Rabbit Fall Taxi 0-22 Dear Genevieve Movie: ÆÆArizona Dream (comedy-drama, 1991) Johnny Depp. SportsCentre Les invincibles ADN Nouvo La promesse TVA Nouvelles Denis Lévesque TV5 journal The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 I CROSSWORD I see solution on page 31 HOROSCOPES I For the week of Mar. 21 - Mar. 27 CLUES ACROSS 1. Adult male swan 4. Expresses surprise 7. Founder of Babism 10. Oil cartel 12. Daminozide 14. Characterized by unity 15. E. Greek island 17. Valley 18. New Rochelle college 19. 1st Am. Sec. of State 22. Martes zibellinas 23. Sharp in taste 24. World’s longest river 25. Photojournalist Jacob A. 26. Head bob 27. Tennessee 28. Tree cutting tools 29. Molten metal scum 31. Western State 32. Small crude shelter 33. Murre genus 35. The former ruler of Afghanistan 37. Sleeping noise 39. Sporting theater 41. 4th thursday in Nov. 45. Stitched borders 46. C____van: fine leather 47. Cut from a larger piece 48. Before 49. ____sade: fortification 50. The land around a house 51. Manuscripts (abbr.) 52. ___ student, learns ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 You feel rejuvenated, Taurus. Your soul and energy resumes and you feel revved up for anything. Just don’t come on too strong. Others may wonder if you’ve had too much coffee. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, nurture yourself and plan on getting a little extra sleep every night. You need to rest up for some exciting weeks ahead. You will complete unfinished business. 2 3 Enough with work already, Cancer. It’s time to let loose and party. Your only job this week is to catch up with old friends and head out as much as possible.. CLUES Down 1. The amount paid 2. Moonfish 3. Deplore 4. Islamic pilgrimages 5. Wings 6. One of two equal parts 7. Encouraging morale 7:00 p.m. l 2 11 57 Pyramide T 3 7 S 6 9 t 9 12 12 etalk e 11 3 Ç 12 13 13 Road to Avonlea f 13 ß 7:30 p.m. 30. Luminous flux units 33. Theater guides 34. Built by Noah 36. A type of tire 38. Employee stock ownership plan 39. Keep away from 40. Spinal bones 41. Not us 42. Metric weight unit 43. Inactive 44. Tokyo CW103410 8. Aggravates 9. Seedpod of a legume 11. Ways to put things together 13. Be____: lovelorn 16. Unhealthy looking 18. In an annoying way 20. They are planted or sown 21. Pinna 28. Last names 29. Flows into Lake Chad 8:00 p.m. A stretch of work and productivity begins this week, Leo. This is a good time for goal planning. It might take a few days before you get in a groove. Virgo, after a few weeks of feeling antisocial, you’re in the mood for festivities. Meet up with a few friends and have some fun. If single, you may meet a special someone. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 A week of health and vitality starts as you’ve finally decided to act on earlier resolutions. Incorporate a jog or power walk, or simply park the car a little farther from the store entry. 8:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! ...Christine Accidentally on... Criminal Minds Inside Edition Easter/Charlie The Middle Access... CSI: NY Criminal Minds American Idol Stars on Ice Republic of Doyle The National America's Next Top Model Melrose Place Bones 14 23 27 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation UFC Unleashed UFC Fight Night m 16 27 19 The First 48 Criminal Minds ...Hunter ...Hunter ...Hunter î 17 44 26 The Show America's Funniest Home Videos Reba Reba According to Jim According to Jim Home... g 18 26 28 «The Situation Room Ì 19 42 37 Dive Detectives Pawn Stars Y 21 25 45 Young and the Restless Early News f 22 47 50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer America's Best... Y 23 i 26 50 29 «Power & Politics X 27 ¢ 28 33 33 Take This House... Take This House... Supernanny o 29 48 48 iCarly k 30 49 52 Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote ¸ 32 36 36 Jimmy Two Shoes Johnny Test Johnny Test Ê 33 31 From the Spirit E 34 35 35 Say Yes... F 6 Ent. Tonight ET Canada CMT: Totally 2 PBS Newshour 7 «News Greater Boston NBC News How to Be Indie Emily of New Moon Tous pour un Modern Family AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Spend time with your family, Aquarius. This week you’re more at home in sweatpants than a business suit. It may be the time to take a welldeserved vacation. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar20 Pisces, it’s time to get out and party. Set aside work responsibilities and socialize. You’ll have time to catch up later. Cougar Town CSI: NY News Ugly Betty Ghost Whisperer CTV News Kitchen Nightmares News Final ET Canada ...Hunter The Ultimate Fighter ...Fighter ...Hunter Billy... Billy... Home... Due South Pawn Stars The Nostradamus Effect Ice Road Truckers Global National News Hour ET Canada Ent. Tonight Melrose Place Video on Trial Video on Trial My Date With... Anderson Cooper 360° Ice Pilots NWT Dive Detectives Bones My Date UR11 Tavis Smiley Reports American Masters Street Stops Here The Lang & O'Leary Exchange Connect with Mark Kelley News: The National Compulsive... The National Access... Mercy Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit News iCarly Old House The Daily Show The Listener Larry King Live Video on Trial News CTV News Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Campbell Brown disBand 12:00 a.m. La zone CTV News CBC News 11:30 p.m. Le Téléjournal The Hour Extra Anna/Kristina's... Anna/Kristina's... Anna/Kristina's... Restaurant/Dave Movie: Lucky Girl (drama, 2000) Elisha Cuthbert. Malcolm in/Middle ...Hates Chris 8 Simple Rules Family Biz How to Be Indie No Place Open All Hours Beasts of the Bible Total/Action Drama Island 6Teen Futurama King of the Hill American Dad Futurama Bravo!Videos Arts & Minds O'Regan... Wingfield Star Portraits White Collar Law & Order Hoarding: Buried Alive Addicted Hoarding... Howe and Howe Tech Solving History with Olly Steeds Daily Planet American Idol Fox News Seinfeld That's So Weird Addicted Help! I'm/a Giant 35 24 23 Canada's Worst Driver Daily Planet I Could Do That W 36 29 25 Seinfeld The Simpsons Two/Men ¯ 37 22 40 Trailer Park Boys Trailer Park Boys Relic Hunter Ï 38 32 32 Whatever... Wedding SOS a 39 40 17 Just for Laughs h 43 38 39 Hannah Montana ı 44 37 18 Friends Ï 46 34 31 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition ` 47 41 34 Stargate SG-1 Stargate: Atlantis Star Trek: Voyager Chuck _ 49 43 24 Mantracker Ghost Hunters Academy Destination Truth Operation Repo p 50 30 46 Connected with Prime Time Sports Mobil 1 The Grid Soccer: UEFA Quarter-final  56 61 ...Wolfman APTN InFocus... Road to Pascua Lama e 57 39 27 Off the Record SportsCentre NHL Hockey: Carolina at Montreal (Live) t 59 52 «QuestionCham Journal France 2 Verdict ö 60 62 TVA Nouvelles Le cercle Oeufs d'or APTN/News Say Yes... Capricorn, love is in the air and all around you. So enjoy yourself as much as possible. Embrace your artsy side with a special project that will “woo”that someone special. 11:00 p.m. ABC News Chronicle Comme par magie 10:00 p.m. CBS News Degrassi: TNG L'Épicerie 9:00 p.m. 5 «News 3 Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Prime Time Wednesday, March 31 4 «News 2 Scorpio, it’s time for getting close to the one you love. If you are single, seek out a new love to have and to hold. Lean on other people for encouragement and support. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virginie 4 SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Union fait force 6 Libra, you’re in the mood for private encounters rather than big crowds and a noisy party scene. Devote a lot of time to just snuggling with that special someone. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 1. WINDSOR & AREA 2. KENTVILLE & AREA 3. CROSS COUNTRY TV 1 LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Aries, love and money is your primary focus this week. Don’t feel like you have to skimp on purchases, however. You have enough funds for fun. healing 53. S.E. Asian country: ___s 25 Two/Men I Could Do That Human Target What I Like... Prank Patrol Decoding... Sports Extra HawthoRNe Robot Chicken NCIS Rich Bride, Poor... Rich Bride, Poor... ...Leash ...Leash ...Leash ...Leash ...Leash ...Leash ET Canada Air Farce Live South Park Lucky Louie Hotbox The Daily Show Ned's/Guide Cory in the House That's So Raven Seinfeld My Name Is Earl Law & Order: SVU House Hunters House Hunters... Holmes... 22Minutes Corner Gas My Name Is Earl The Simpsons Wizards/Waverly... Wingin' It The Suite Life... Sonny... Hannah Montana Wizards/Waverly... The Latest Buzz Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy Movie: ÆÆDumb & Dumber (comedy, 1994) Jim Carrey. House Hunters Property Virgins Agent vs. Agent Real Estate... Down2Earth Property Virgins Destinées Operation Repo Supernatural Stargate SG-1 Ghost Hunters Academy Destination Truth Sportsnet Connected Prime/Sports Movie: Skinwalkers (action, 2004) Harrison Lowe. SportsCentre Cinéma: Je reste! (comédie dramatique, 2003) Les Gags The Unsellables Dr House 13 ans Mixed Blessings That's Hockey SportsCentre À table Mixeur TV5 journal TVA Nouvelles Denis Lévesque 4241434 NTEST O C E M R EASTER COLOU Enter our colouring contest and you could “WIN” an amazing prize from Windsor Pharmasave, Lisa’s Cafe and Windsor Home Hardware Open to children 2-12 years. One entry per child. Entries must be received before 5 pm Wednesday, March 31st. Winners will be contacted by phone, simply colour and submit your picture Mail to: Hants Journal P.O. Box 550 Windsor B0N 2T0 OR Drop into our Office between 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 73 Gerrish St., Windsor or drop in our door mail slot EASTER COLOUR ME CONTEST YOUR NAME YOUR PHONE YOUR AGE Special thanks to Windsor Pharmasave, Lisa’s Cafe and Windsor Home Hardware for supporting our Colouring Contest Page on 2ND (equal or lesser value) 30 Water Street, Windsor (902) 792-1986 Windsor Fort Edward Plaza (902) 798-3222 Healthy, Affordable Family Dining Kids 12 & Under Eat FREE until April 30th, 2010 Must be accompanied by an adult (one coupon per child) Marshmellow Creme Egg $ .00 2 1 for plus tax 30 Gerrish St., Windsor 798-2216 4241762 50 Russell Stover 4243314 SAVE % 4241759 The Hants Journal • March 25, 2010 BUY ONE The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 By Darrell Cole TRANSCONTINENTAL MEDIA Amherst Rotary Club president Dwight Jones presents the Community Paul Harris Fellowship Award to members of Susan Taylor's family. Taylor was presented the honour posthumously during the Amherst club's 75th anniversary dinner on Friday. Accepting the award are (from left) Taylor's sister Nancy Delahunt, father Tip Taylor, Mark Gagnier, mother Lois Taylor, sister Janet Gagnier and family friends Jeannie Milner and Mark Milner. Darrell Cole - Amherst Daily News zen of our community for the past 17 years providing service above self as she and the countless young people she has taught, have enriched many functions locally, provincially, nationally and internationally,” Milner said. “In many respects, through her musical outreach, Susan has been a major ongoing goodwill ambassador for our little community. She has helped us punch above our weight.” Milner said Taylor demonstrated a commitment to serving her community and thousands of young people by being a true leader. One who instilled in her students a sense of high ethical standards, pride in a job well done, determination and confidence to embrace new experiences and to explore their options. “This leadership not only applied to young people who were readily successful academically or diligent in life pursuits, but to multi-challenged young 27 Jobless rate down, education going up Teacher gets posthumous award from Rotary AMHERST - A Windsor native whose teaching career was cut short by tragedy was honoured posthumously by the Amherst Rotary Club during its 75th anniversary dinner at the Tantramar Theatre on Friday March 12. Susan Taylor, who developed the band program at Amherst Regional High School into one of the best in the region, died last fall from injuries sustained in a boating accident on Silver Lake near Sackville, N.B. last July. “Had my sister been able to be here she would no doubt humbly accept this honour. My sister was very humble with her accomplishments, many of which we never heard about,” Taylor's sister, Janet Gagnier, said upon accepting the Community Paul Harris Fellowship Award.” After teaching in Hay River, NWT, Brampton, Ont. and Port Hawkesbury, Taylor arrived in Amherst in 1992. Among her accomplishments was an excellence in teaching award in 2006 for her dedication, devotion and tireless hours that resulted in numerous gold standard performance awards for her students. Her students always came first and she always managed to get the most out of them at local, provincial, regional, national and international competitions. Taylor’s close friend and Rotarian Jeannie Milner made the presentation of the Paul Harris award on her behalf with members of Taylor's family coming from Windsor to accept. “Susan has been an outstanding citi- I people who were living in a world where very often they only served as spectators,” Milner said. The unemployment rate in Nova Scotia edged down to 9.3 percent in February from 9.8 percent in the previous month which translates to an increase of 4,200 peope in jobs according to Service Canada surveys. And education is a big help in getting a job, according to a department survey of the labor force. In 2009, employment was highest for those with a university degree (79.8%) and was lowest for those with less than Grade 9 education (24.1%). The low participation rate among those with less than Grade 9 includes a high share, almost 50 percent, of seniors aged 65 and over in this category. Since 1990, the working age population has become more educated. More individuals have a university degree or a post-secondary certificate and there are fewer with less than high school. But the rate of growth of the educated sector in the Nova Scotia workforce still lags behind the national average. About 17 percent of Nova Scotia’s working age population in 2009 were university graduates, three percentage points below the national average. 2010 AgriStability Deadline Make sure your farm is covered with AgriStability! Sudden price declines, production losses due to poor weather, and other elements beyond your control can cut into your bottom line. Help protect that bottom line by enrolling in AgriStability, a margin-based program that provides income support to farmers experiencing a margin decline of more than 15 per cent. ANNAPOLIS VALLEY REGIONAL SCHOOL BOARD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROGRAM Welcome the World into Your Home... The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board is seeking host families for various student programs. The Korean Elementary Program requires families for students from grades 2 to 8, for a 2 month term. Students arrive in October and January. The International Student Program requires families for students from grades 7 to 12, for 5 and 10 month terms. Students come from, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Taiwan, Thailand, Colombia. Students arrive in September and February. The Teacher Internship Program in Canada is seeking host families for Korean 4th year University students, ages 22-24yrs enrolled in English Education for a 5 month term. Students arrive in September and February. The heart of our programs is the host family. The generous hospitality and concern of our host families is what makes a student’s time in Nova Scotia special... providing guidance and support to the students as they learn a new language and meet new friends. Hosting a student in your home is a rewarding and challenging experience. It is an exciting adventure that enriches your life and brings a world of new ideas and experiences right to your doorstep. Enrolment deadline for 2010 AgriStability is April 30, 2010. Other risk management programs to help your business: AgriInvest - Provides coverage for small income declines and allows for investments that help mitigate risks or improve market income. Be an integral part of a student’s learning experience. Become a host family. AgriInsurance - Provides protection for production losses related to specific crops or commodities caused by natural hazards. Contact Information: International Student Program Director, AVRSB Shirley Drake (902) 798-6640 or 1-800-850-3887 email: [email protected] Y3607971 To learn more about AgriStability and other business risk management programs, visit or call 1-866-367-8506 4196967 I The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Obituaries ANDREW Andrew, Jack, age 89, of Three Mile Plains, Hants County, It is with heavy hearts we are saddened to announce the passing of our loving father who passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 in the Hants Community Hospital, Windsor with his family by his side. Born almost ninety years ago in Horbury, England on June 22, 1920, he was the only son of Stanley and Alyce Andrew and a doting older brother to his sister, Mary who predeceased Dad at the age of three. Dad joined the Royal Navy at the young age of eighteen serving on destroyers and then submarines throughout the Second World War. Upon leaving the service as a decorated veteran dad found his forte in interior design while living in London, England and subsequently was offered jobs with Laura Ashley and Disney. After a three month trek in the Artic, dad moved to Montreal where he met our mother, Ruth who became his loving wife of fifty-two years. Moving to Ontario in 1957 they started their family and later decided to settle in Nova Scotia where dad would have a long successful career in kitchen design, a career he retired from at the age of seventy-two. Dad was a member of the Hants County Branch #9 Royal Canadian Legion, Windsor and the Submariners Association of Canada. A man of great integrity he always put his family first and his loyalty was evident in his life long friendships. He loved to travel and saw most of the world, but his happiest moments were with his loved ones at a simple barbecue, spending time with the family pets or a day on the beach. We will miss him terribly and will always hold our cherished memories close to our hearts. Jack is survived by his wife the former Ruth Moore; daughters and cherished son-in-laws, Lynette (Gary) Daniels, Windsor, Victoria (Rick) Wilnoff, Ellershouse; Jacqueline (Mike) Mosher, Three Mile Plains; grandchildren, Ian, Sarah, Jaclyn; great-grandchildren, Dylan, Kayla, Nicolas and Shaden. Cremation has taken place under the care of Lindsay’s Windsor Funeral Home, 194 King Street, Windsor. There was no visitation by request. As requested, a private family service will be held at one of dad’s favorite spots in Green Bay at a later date. Donations in Dad’s memory may be made to CNIB. On-line condolences may be sent to “ Our family extends heartfelt thanks to the doctors and nurses at the Hants Community Hospital for their tremendous compassion and support” HARVEY Harvey, James Laurie “Jimmy”, age 76, of Three Mile Plains, Hants Co., passed away Thursday, March 18, 2010, at his home. Born on December 26, 1933, in Three Mile Plains, he was a son of the late Ray and Gladys (Caldwell) Harvey. He owned and operated, Jim’s Auto Body, Three Mile Plains, for over 15 years and had previously worked at Wood Motor’s and Reid Shanks Service Station. He was an avid hunter, fisherman and especially enjoyed his times at his camp on Panuke Lake. He is survived by his son, Arnold (Anna), Truro; grandchildren, Nathan (Jennifer) Harvey, Three Mile Plains; Josh (Jessica) Harvey, Fort McMurray, Alta.; Jillian (Lee) Harvey, Windsor; Bailee Long, Brooklyn, Hants Co.; great-grandsons, Brennan and Cole Harvey, Three Mile Plains; sisters, Ruth Wile, Three Mile Plains; Joan Tucker, Windsor; special friend, Audrey Whitehead. Jimmy was predeceased by his wife of 51 years, Laulia Marguerite (Shanks); brother, Carl; sisters, Marion and Edna in infancy. Cremation has taken place. Visitation was 6-9 p.m. Friday, March 19, in Lindsay’s Windsor Funeral Home, 194 King Street, Windsor. A memorial service was 11 a.m. Saturday, March 20, 2010, in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Three Mile Plains. The Rev. Tom Henderson officiated. Interment was in the Ste. Croix Cemetery, St. Croix, followed by a reception at the St. Thomas Anglican Church Hall. Donations in memory of Jimmy may be made to St. Thomas Anglican Church or charity of your choice. To sign the book of condolence, click on “Obituaries”at, KNOWLES KNOWLES, Gordon Clifford — 93 “Dad, Gramp, Grampie, Uncle Gordie and GG”, of Avondale, Hants Co., passed away peacefully surrounded by family, on March 16, 2010, in Hants Community Hospital. Born in Avondale, Gordon was a son of the late Clifford Henry and Elsie Myrtle (Withrow) Knowles. Gordon is survived by daughter, Margy Lynn Fletcher; son, Michael Austen Lowe Knowles (Ann Knowles); sister, Ethel McInnis; grandchildren, Jackie, Larry (Jody), Tammie, Raeanne, Calvin (Marlaina), Daniel (Samantha), Keri (Simon), Jess (Rob), Andy (Alisha), and Katie (Andrew); great-grandchildren, Adam, Charlotte, (two more expected soon); sisters-in-law, Molly Austen and Libbie Knowles, and son-in-law Gordon Bezanson and many nieces and nephews. Gordon was predeceased by his wife of 62 years, Ethel Ruth Knowles (Austen); daughter, Judie Ruth Bezanson; brother, David William Knowles, and grand-daughter Becky Lynn Fletcher. Until the end of his life, Gordon was active at home and in his community, continuing to do his own driving, shopping and wood splitting. Gordon was an avid gardener and it seemed he could grow anything with ease. Everyone, especially the grandchildren, enjoyed his homemade pickles. Gramp had immense patience, grace, wit, modesty and inner strength which was admired by all who knew him. Gordon grew up in depression times and knew the meaning and value of a day’s hard work and how to make the most of all God’s gifts. Gordon was a veteran of the Second World War having served with the 1st Canadian Army, 3rd Anti Tank Regiment, 94th Battery, in England, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. While in Holland during the war, Gordon met and became fast friends with the Vissers family of Stewiacke, 40 years later they were reunited on Canadian soil and the friendship has continued. Cremation has taken place and a Legion Service was held at 6:45 p.m. followed by visitation from 7-9 p.m. in Lohnes-Demont Funeral Home, 419 Albert St., Windsor. A memorial service was held Saturday, March 20 at 2 p.m. in St. John The Baptist Anglican Church, Avondale, Rev. J. M. Small officiating followed by a reception in the Poplar Grove Hall. A private family burial was in Newport Landing Cemetery, Avondale. Family flowers only. Donations in memory of Gordon may be made to the Newport Landing Cemetery Cooperation in Avondale, or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia. Arrangements have been entrusted to the compassionate care of J. Wilson Allen Funeral Home, Hwy 215 Summerville, Ph 1-902-6332431 e-mail condolences to: [email protected] Continued on page 29 UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Ste. Croix Pastoral Charge 9:00 am Ardoise 10:00 am Ellershouse Newport Pastoral Charge 8:45 am Brooklyn 10:30 am Avondale ANGLICAN CHURCH St. James Anglican Church (Brooklyn) Regular Sunday Service at 10:30 am 4082887 Windsor Vision Centre • Eye Examinations • Glasses • Contact Lenses HOURS: Dr. MacDuff Dr. Chute Dr. Webber Dr. Saywood 798-5748 40 Albert St. Windsor Mon. 8:30 am - 7:30 pm; Tues. 8:30 am - 5 pm; Wed. 8:30 am - 7:30 pm; Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm The minimum wage will go up from $8.60 to $9.20 per hour. 4178243 All other services as announced On April 1, 2010 Nova Scotia’s minimum wage rates will increase. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The minimum wage for inexperienced workers will rise from $8.10 to $8.70 per hour. Inexperienced workers have less than 3 months experience doing the type of work they are hired to do. The minimum wage is set to increase to $9.65 per hour on October 1, 2010. For more information please phone, 424-4311 (Halifax) 1-888-315-0110 (Toll Free) LOCATED IN SCOTCH VILLAGE Gas Bar, Convenvience Store, Canteen Annual Sales $600K Space for 1 BR Basement Apt Owners Retiring for Health Reasons Priced $99,900 for Immediate Sale Please call Richard or Arlene Lane 902-757-2412 [email protected] 4230119 March 21st Church Changes 4245143 28 The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Cont. from page28 Continued on page 31 In loving memory of Brian Eccles There were bells on the hill, but I never heard them ringing until there was you. 4244943 Mom, Debbie and Ben 4244243 Anniversary Thank You Those we love remain with us For love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one's gone. Those we love can never be More than a thought apart, For as long as there is memory, They'll live on in our hearts GREENOUGH Announcing the arrival of Joshua Murray, Friday June 29, 2007 at 11:36pm, IWK Grace, weighing 5lbs 13oz at the weeks early Halifax. Joshua arrived 5 and to proud parents Jodi (Bond) tch Village, Adrian Greenough of Sco dis and N.S. First grandchild for Ar Second Charlie Bond, Rawdon, NS. Dana grandson for Elizabeth and A greatGreeenough, Woodville, NS. Rawdon, grandson for Alice Bond, Lawrence N.S. A great-grandson for Greenough, Woodville, NS. C. the late Anita The family of sincere to express a Baker wish cards, those who sent to thank you to and tions dona made memorial Emergency Room the staff of the e Unit of Hants Car and Palliative as well as tal, ospi H Community care , for all of their Dr. C. McNally ion. and compass ouse, or Eric Whiteh to Also to Past ral Home and Sweeney's Fune the helped with everyone who Temple United luncheon at Baptist Church. t Wedding Announcemen Mike and Heather Haley e the would like to announc upcoming marriage of their daughter, Tara to Matthew McAllister, son of Raymond and Annette McAllister of Antigonish NS. The wedding will take place on January 23, 2008 in Cayo Coco, Cuba. We would like to congratulate them and wish them all the best. 35 Dearman who passed awa y Feb 23/1980 and March 15, 1978 45 $ $ MARY F. DEARMAN WHO PASSED AWAY MARCH 9, 2006 AND OUR DEAR BROTHER JOHN ALBERT DEARMAN WHO PASSED AWAY JANUARY 6, 2002 Like falling leaves, the years slip by But precious memories never die. When thoughts go back, as they often do We treasure the memories we have of you. We will always remember John’s visits home from Ontario and mum’s caring heart and all that she did for us all. SADLY MISSED AND WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. MAURICE, LUCILLE, MARGARET, CLARA, WAYNE, GORDON, OWEN, PETER, MARION, FRANKIE & FAMILIES. 55 $ $ Contact Tanya Moore (902) 798-8371 Ext. 2103 or [email protected] Hartt OUR DEAR MOTHER Best wishes only. also o Keepsake e Plaquess are e offered. Thank You IN LOVING MEMORY OF Don and Ruth (nee Prall) Conrad of Wolfville were married on January 18th, 1958. Congratulations and much love from their 3 children, 8 grandch ildren and many family and friends. All are invited to an open house at the St. John’s Parish Hall, Main Street, Wolfville (just east of the fire department) on January 19th from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm to help celebrate this 50 year milestone! Sadly missed but never forgotten by Sons:Wilbert, Ear l; Daughter Marlene: Daughte r-in-laws and grandchildre n. all Thank you to The family $ $ Sadly missed and always remembered by Kenneth, Karen, Kathy and their Families In memory of Dorothy and Lawrence Fielding 4251903 Best wishes only Loved, missed and always remembered. Love Bev, Matt and Quincy Mother In-law Juanita Dill and all the Family Baby Announcement 4252450 At his home 566 Greenhill Road from 2:00 - 4:00 pm Although you are no longer with us, You are no more than a thought away, The memories you have left us are here to stay. October 9, 1947 - March 14, 2009 WHO PASSED AWAY 25 YEARS AGO 90th Birthday on March 27, 2010. who passed away on March 27, 2007 Because we know how much they mean to you! 50th In Memory of JACK (JOHN) COCHRANE Come celebrate Archie McLearn's Daryl Slaunwhite In loving memory of 3877217 Happy 90th Birthday looking after her family. She enjoyed hooking, sewing, baking, gardening and being outside. Her firm values, generosity and sense of humor will be with us all forever, and we will treasure the memories of our family get togethers. She is survived by her sons, Owen O’Leary, Martock; Warren (Bonnie) O’Leary, Falmouth; her daughters, Barbara Sancton, Hampton, Annapolis Co.; Effie (David) Smith, Upper Burlington; Elanne (Lincoln) Sanford, Brooks, Alberta; brother, Sanford Redden, (New Ross) Windsor Elms; sister, Leodia Broome, New Ross; eight grandchildren and twelve greatgrandchildren. She was predeceased by her father, Harry Redden; her mother, Lena (Lantz, Redden) Armstrong; her husband, Murray (2002); sons-in-law, Wayne Hunter and Michael Gough; great grandson, Kevin Belliveau; brothers, Seamon and Orvil Redden; sister, Anna Peach. Visitation was held 7-9 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2010, in Lindsay’s Windsor Funeral Home, 194 King Street, Windsor. Funeral service was 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 16, 2010, in Lindsay’s Windsor Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Debbie Mosher officiated. Interment was in the Maplewood Cemetery, Windsor, followed by a reception in the Lindsay Windsor, N.S. ~ B0N 2T0). The Family of the Late Colin Wayne Hartt would like to extend a sincere thank you to all who provided support and comfort during our recent loss. We appreciate the support provided by all of those who visited, called, sent cards, online condolences, food and monetary donations in Colin's memory. To all our family, friends and co-workers who attended the visitation and funeral, your prayers, words of encouragement, kindness, warmth and love were a source of strength and will always be remembered. A special thank you to Pastor Craig Faulkner for his touching tribute on the celebration of Colin's life and the West Hants Ground Search and Rescue for the reception following the service. A special thank you to Lindsay's Funeral Home for their professionalism and compassion while helping us through this difficult time. A special thank you to Dr. Patel and the Staff of the Victoria General Hosptial and QEII. A special thank you to the VON HomeCare and EHS for the care and transportation services they provided to Colin over the past 3 1/2 years. A special thank you to Dr. Buckley and Staff. Sincerely, Wife Judy, Son Brian (Dana) and Daughter Wanda (Berry) 4252238 Card of Thanks Rogers The Family of the Late Gwendolyn Rogers wish to express heartfelt thanks, to relatives, friends and neighbours, for phone calls, emails, flowers, food, memorial donations and support at our time of loss. Special thanks to Reed and Staff of J. Wilson Allen Funeral Home for so much help, to organist Terra Spencer and much appreciation to Rev. Jim Bragan and Rev. Garnet Parker, for their comforting words. Also, a special mention to the pallbearers (her grandsons), Honourary pallbearers (nephews) and her granddaughters for their lovely eulogies. Our gratitude to the choir singers and to the violinist Lucas Munroe. Thank you to the ladies of Newport Baptist Church for the lovely reception. To all who hellped in any way, your kindness will be remembered. The Family 4252023 O’LEARY Roxey Meredith O’ Leary, age 86, of Martock Back Road, Hants County. It was with great sadness that our family announced the passing away of our mother, sister, grandmother and greatgrandmother, on Saturday, March 13, 2010, in the Windsor Elms Village, Windsor. She was the daughter of the late Harry Redden and Lena (Lantz, Redden) Armstrong of New Ross. Roxey was born and raised in New Ross and at the age of eighteen she found the love of her life Murray and they married on Christmas Day in 1942. They moved to Leminster to begin their life together. Roxey and Murray later moved to Three Mile Plains and eventually retired on the Martock Back Road in 1985. Roxey had resided at the Windsor Elms Village for the past four years; where she had worked in her younger years. She also worked at King’s Edgehill School but spent most of her life Family Reception Centre, 184 King Street. Family flowers only, donations in memory of Roxey, were requested to be made to the Windsor Elms Village or to All Saints Anglican Church (Building Fund), Leminster (c/o Lois Hines, 1740 Highway 14, R.R.3 29 4242976 Obituaries… I The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 WELCOME TO YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS SECTION Book your FREE Classified Only one number to serve you Personal Items (no businesses) selling for $250 or less, lost and found items run free of charge. They must be emailed to classifiedads (Toll free) TO PLACE YOUR AD Toll free 1-866-721-7442 Fax 1-800-836-0703 Email classifiedads Rates start at $7.50 per edition Deadline Friday 12:00 NOON Holidays: Thurs. 12 NOON Our Extras... Frame 1.866.721.7442 (Fax) 1.800-836-0703 RATES: For The Hants Journal, $7.50 for 10 words • 50¢ for each additional word (TAXES NOT INCLUDED) CALL CENTRE BUSINESS HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM • DEADLINE: FRIDAY 2:00 PM. General 880 ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS AND DAY SCHOOL STUDENTS! Confused about the Independent Assessment Process (IAP)? Is the Government not answering your questions? Not sure if you qualify? Need help? We've helped over 3000 survivors across Canada with their claims. Call now! 1-888-918-9336 General 880 CRIMINAL RECORD? Only PARDON SERVICES CANADA has 20 years experience GUARANTEEING RECORD REMOVAL. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON 1866-972-7366 www.Rem 310 Articles for Sale 310 $38.95 HOME PHONE SERVICE - RECONNECT your home phone! No one refused - $38.95 monthly - $18.95 one time activation $18.95 unlimited long distance. Choice Tel Now! 1-888-333-1405 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE- Get your first month free. Bad credit, don't sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE- Get your first month free. Bad credit, don't sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. 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Contact CanScribe at 1-800-466-1535,, [email protected] Central Home Improvement Warehouse is a progressive, locally owned and operated building supply and home improvement retailer. We are looking for the right person to add to our Windsor team for a 1 year term in the following position: [email protected] Weddings, engagements, births, birthdays, graduations, memoriam, thank you, etc. Picture & write-up Kitchen Designer 4245329 Small - $35 Medium - $45 Large - $55 The successful candidate should have a history of excellence in customer service and some knowledge of the products in the Kitchen Department. Applicants for this position should be skilled in Windows based computer programs. Experience with Auto-Cad type programs would be an asset. Deadline Friday 12:00 NOON Holidays: Thurs. 12 NOON The closing date for applications is March 31st at 5:00 p.m. All interested applicants are asked to fax a detailed resume to the Human Resources Department at (902) 863-4363. Prices do not include HST. All advertising must be paid in advance 4151415 Although we thank all applicants for their interest, only those under consideration will be contacted. Errors & Omissions Policy This newspaper will endeavor to produce all advertisements correctly. Advertisers are urged to check their ads on the first day of publication. The publisher will not be responsible for errors in the advertisements after the first insertion date. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for any other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issues or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. We reserve the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement submitted. Your Employment Solution 4244275 CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO! Financial Services 432 $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660 DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328. Free consultation government approved BBB member Health & Beauty 410 Lose up to 24lbs by May 24. Results Guaranteed. Look great. Feel Great. Lose weight. Call Herbal Magic for a free no obligation consultation 1-800-926-4363 Home Improvements 442 Jollymore Electrical Contracting Residential & Commercial. New Installations, Renovations, Up-grades. Older Homes our Specialty. Call Mark 757-0181 and leave message. Help Wanted 660 #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it's GUARANTEED. BBB accredited. FREE Consultation Toll-free 1-866-416-6772 w w w. E x p r e s s P a r d o n s .com Business Opportunities 687 ROUGHNECK TRAINING Atlantic Petroleum training college- two-week course, H2S Alive, First Aid. Tuition $2,900. Job placement options. Call 902-4420119, toll-free 1-888-4420116 CITY OF YELLOWKNIFE Building Inspector II The City of Yellowknife invites applications from qualified candidates for the position of Building Inspector II with the Planning and Development Department. For more information on this position, please refer to the City of Yellowknife’s web page at: or contact Human Resources at (867) 920-5603. Employment Wanted CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877336-2274; 1st Time Buyers Please submit resumes by April 9, 2010, quoting competition #220-108U to: Human Resources Division, City of Yellowknife, P.O. Box 580, YK, NT, X1A 2N4, Fax: (867) 669-3471, or Email: [email protected] 4245302 695 Brand New Homes • $0 cash down • $600 - 800/mth • We arrange full financing 365-4663 4245315 4238444 I 4101473 30 The Hants Journal March 25, 2010 Obituaries… Boyce Chapel at 2: p.m. Rev Julie-Ann Morton officiated. Interment at later date. Memorial donations to the Breast Cancer Research Foun- Cont. from page29 WHITE White, Percy George Jacob “Bud” September 1, 1927—March 10, 2010 (retired R.C.M.P.) Bud passed away on Wednesday morning in the Heart Institute in Ottawa. Bud White of White Lake Ontario in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Jayne (Stewart) White. Dear Apartments 205 Hantsport: 2-bedroom apartment. $500/ month plus utilities. On-site laundry, walking distance to town, mature tenant building. 902-680-5019 3 Mile Planes, apartment for rent, 2 bedrooms, 5 appliances, with garage, $625 plus utilities. No pets, non-smoking. References required. Available May 1st. 902-680-6864 1-bedroom apartment, Falmouth. $450/ month all included. Av a i l a b l e A p r i l 1 s t . References required. 902-798-4910 Leave message 490 WILEY-BACH 3 bedrooms from month. Heat, hot and parking 1-866-416-7040 1, 2, $500/ water incl. Apartments for Rent in Windsor. Bachelor to 3 bedrooms 902-791-0417 Brooklyn: 1 bedroom, $560/ month plus utilities. Adult building. No pets. 902-757-2426, 902-456-1510 Hantsport: 1-bedroom apartment. $450/ month plus utilities. On-site laundry, walking distance to town, mature tenant building. 902-680-5019 Apartments 205 Bachelor apartment downtown Windsor, $340/ month + utilities. Call 902-790-2898 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments, heat and lights included. 902-684-3600 NICE WINDSOR, 2 bedroom on Albert Street. In quiet, non-smoking building, suitable for mature adults Available March 1st, $640. No security deposit for seniors. Includes heat, hot water and parking. Mrs. Chandler, 902-798-8648 father of Michael (Marion) of Ottawa, Steven White of White Lake and Gregory (Ellie) of Ottawa. Dear grandfather of Grant (Allison), Kristofer, Sydney, Taylor and Samantha. Dear brother of Mary White of Windsor, Nova Scotia. Predeceased by sisters Phyllis and Maxine. Son of the late Percy M. White and Sadie Alice Gourlay Rested at The Boyce Funeral Home Chapel, Visitation and Reception Centre 138 Daniel Street N. Arnprior Visitations were on Saturday March 13, 2010 followed by a memorial service in The Adult 505 Would like to meet a gentleman with car for friendship and companionship. A widow in her 70's. 902-538-3425 DATING SERVICE. LongTerm/Short-Term Relationships. FREE CALLS. 505 Adult 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations -1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single L a d i e s . 1-877-804-5381(18+) PUZZLE SOLUTION 302/ 256 Albert Street: 2-bedroom apartment. Heat, hot water and parking included. No pets, references required, ver y, ver y quiet, security building, $625 per month. Call Rick: 902-791-0895 if no answer call: 902-798-4008 dation were appreciated by his family. Condolences / Donations at APPEL D’OFFRES Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Renewal 60138514 BidX Only* Project No. 2009-128 Transports et Renouvellement de Transports et Renouvellement de l’infrastructure l'infrastructure 60138514 BidX seulement* Projet n 2009-128 Cost shared with Transport Canada. 60139502 BidX Only* construction on one Project No. 2010-026 Tender for bridge section in Cape Tender two sections of Hants County. Type of work: cold Bretonfor County. planing, asphalt concrete patching & repaving (E.P.S.). Section 1: Little Bras D’Or Bridge (CB009) on Trans Canada Highway 105 over Andrews Channel. Section 1: Route 236 St. from Route 354 in Kennetcook easterly to Northfield Road, approximately kilometres. The above tender closes on 7.30 Thursday, October 15, 2009, Section 2: Route 236, Burns Brook HAN127, at 1400 hours and will be opened at 1430Bridge, hours (local time) approximately 0.10 kilometre. in Halifax. Total approximately 7.40 kilometres. *Electronic bids only through BidX. For more information, please visit The above tender closes on Thursday, April 15, 2010, at 1400 hours andsecurity will be opened at 1430 hours (local time) in Halifax. Any bid requirements and the bid depository system 60138514 BidXareOnly* Project No. 2009-128 of bid collection as defined in the requisitioning agencies’ Cost shared with Transport Canada. 60139503 BidXtoOnly* Project No. 2010-023 Instructions Bidders. Tender forfor twobridge sections of Hants County. Type of work: bridge Tender construction onHELD one section in Cape THE PUBLIC OPENING WILL AT THE concrete PUBLIC rehabilitation, widening, cold BE planing, asphalt Breton County. TENDERS OFFICE,(E.P.S.). 6176 Young Street, Suite 200, Halifax, patching & repaving Nova Scotia, 424-3333. Tenders will be Section 1: LittleB3K Bras2A6, D’Or(902) Bridge (CB009) on Trans Canada subject1:to105 theover terms and conditions on Highway St. Andrews Channel. Section Highway 101 from Exit 5 of to the Exit Agreement 5A (including Internalapproximately Trade and the5.10 Atlantic Procurement Agreement. ramps), kilometres. The above tender closes on Thursday, October 15, 2009, Section Wentworth Underpass Highway Documents may/will displayed at(HAN103), the offices oftime) the at 14002:hours and willRoad be opened at 1430 hours (local 101, approximately 0.10 kilometres. Construction Association in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, in Halifax. Total approximately 5.20 Newfoundland kilometres. Prince Edward Island, and Labrador *Electronic bids only through BidX. For more information, please visit The above tender closes on Thursday, April 15, 2010, at 1400 Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Documents displayed at the of the THE PUBLIC may/will OPENINGbeWILL BE HELD AT offices THE PUBLIC Construction Association in Nova Scotia, New200, Brunswick, TENDERS OFFICE, 6176 Young Street, Suite Halifax, Prince Edward Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia, B3KIsland, 2A6, (902) 424-3333. Tenders will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement on Internal Trade and the Atlantic Agreement.and Labrador Prince EdwardProcurement Island, Newfoundland Windsor: Bachelor, fridge/ stove, heat, hot water included, $525/ month. No pets. 902-757-2426 902-456-1510 31 PUBLIC TENDERS hours andsecurity will be opened at 1430 hours (local time) in Halifax. Any bid requirements and the bid depository system of bid collection are as defined in the requisitioning agencies’ Any bid security and the bid depository system of Instructions to requirements Bidders. bid collection are as defined in the requisitioning agencies' THE PUBLIC OPENING WILL BE HELD AT THE PUBLIC Instructions to Bidders. TENDERS OFFICE, 6176 Young Street, Suite 200, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 2A6, (902) 424-3333. Tenders will be *Electronic bids only through BidX. For more information, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement on please visit Internal Trade and the Atlantic Procurement Agreement. Windsor: 2-bedroom apartment. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove. No pets, no smoking. References required. $600/ month plus utilities, available May 1st. 902-680-6864 I o Les coûts sont partagés avec Transports Canada. 60139502 BidX seulement* Projet 2010-026 Appel d’offres pour la construction d’un pont sur une section Appel pour dans d'offres le comté de deux Capesections Breton. du comté de Hants. Type de travail : planage, réfection de l'asphalte et resurfaçage (SPF). Section 1 : Pont Little Bras d’Or (CB009) sur la Transcanadienne (route no de 105) pour 354 enjamber le chenal Section 1 : Route 236 à partir la route à Kennetcook en St. Andrews. direction est jusqu'à Northfield Road; environ 7,3 kilomètres. Section 2 : Route 236, pont du ruisseau Burns (HAN127); L’appel d’offres ci-dessus se termine le jeudi 15 octobre environ 2009 à0,1 14 hkilomètre. et l’ouverture des soumissions se fera à 14 h 30 Total : Environ kilomètres. (heure locale)7,4 à Halifax. Transports et Renouvellement de l’infrastructure *Soumissions électroniques seulement L'appel d'offres ci-dessus se termine le jeudipar 15 l’entremise avril 2010 à dehBidX. Pour plus consultez 14 et l'ouverture desd’information, soumissions aura lieu à 14 le h 30 (heure 60138514 BidX seulement* Projet no 2009-128 locale) à Halifax. Les coûts sont partagés avec Transports Canada. Toute garantie de soumission à déposer et le système 60139503 BidX Projetsont 2010-023 de dépôt desseulement* soumissions telspont quesur définis dans Appel d’offres pour la construction d’un une section Appel d'offres pour deux sections de Hants. Typequi de les soumissionnaires agences dansinstructions le comté deaux Cape Breton. du comté des travail : remise en état d'un pont, élargissement, planage, présentent une demande. Sectionde1l'asphalte : Pont et Little Bras d’Or réfection resurfaçage (SPF).(CB009) sur la L’OUVERTURE AURA AU BUREAU Transcanadienne PUBLIQUE (route no 105) pour LIEU enjamber le chenal DESAndrews. APPELS D’OFFRES, 6176, rue Young, bureau 200, St. Section 1 : Autoroute 101 de la sortie 5 à la sortie 5A (incluant Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse), B3K 2A6, 902-424-3333. Les les bretelles); environ 5,1 kilomètres. L’appel d’offres ci-dessus se termine le jeudi 15 octobre soumissions seront sujettes aux modalités et conditions de Section inférieur Wentworth Road 2009 à 2 14: hPassage et l’ouverture desdesoumissions se fera(HAN103), à 14 h 30 l’Accord sur le commerce intérieur et de l’Entente sur les autoroute 101; environ 0,1 kilomètre. (heure locale) à Halifax. marchés publics de l’Atlantique. Total : Environ 5,2 kilomètres. *Soumissions électroniques seulement par l’entremise Les documents peuvent être affichés aux bureaux des de BidX. Pour plus d’information, consultez le L'appel d'offres ci-dessus se termine le jeudi 15 avril 2010 à 14 h et l'ouverture des soumissions aura lieu à 14 h 30 (heure Toute àgarantie locale) Halifax. de soumission à déposer et le système de dépôt des soumissions sont tels que définis dans les instructions aux soumissionnaires agences qui Toute garantie de soumission à déposer et ledes système de dépôt présentent une sont demande. des soumissions tels que définis dans les instructions aux soumissionnaires des agences qui présentent une demande. L’OUVERTURE PUBLIQUE AURA LIEU AU BUREAU DES APPELS D’OFFRES, 6176, rue Young, bureau 200, *Soumissions électroniquesB3K seulement par l'entremiseLes de Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse), 2A6, 902-424-3333. BidX. Pour seront plus sujettes d'information, veuillez consulter soumissions aux modalités et conditions de l’Accord sur le commerce intérieur et de l’Entente sur les marchés publics de l’Atlantique. L'OUVERTURE PUBLIQUE AURA LIEU AU BUREAU DES l Accord sur le commerce intérieur et de l Entente les Les documents peuvent affichés aux bureaux des APPELS D'OFFRES, 6176, être rue Young, bureau 200, sur Halifax marchés publics de l’Atlantique. (Nouvelle-Écosse), B3K 2A6, 902-424-3333. Les soumissions seront sujettes auxpeuvent modalitésêtre et conditions de l'Accord le Les documents affichés aux bureauxsur des commerce intérieur de l'Entente sur publics de associations de laetconstruction deles la marchés Nouvelle-Écosse, l'Atlantique. du Nouveau-Brunswick, de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard et de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. 4247803 WANTED!!!! Licensed Automotive Technician OK Tire is a growing Company and we are looking for a full-time Licensed Automotive Technician to compliment our OK Tire Team. We provide a clean safe working environment with full medical and dental benefits. We require a Technician that can perform Motor Vehicle Inspections. Experience and a team-player attitude are key assets. We are looking for YOU to JOIN OUR TEAM! Dykeland Lodge, a progressive 110-bed Municipal Long Term Care Facility, located in Windsor, Nova Scotia, is seeking an experienced professional to lead its nursing department into the future. The Director of Resident Care enables and supports the provision of quality compassionate resident centered care, consistent with provincial nursing standards and the facility’s mission, vision, goals and policies. Under the direction of the Administrator, the Director of Resident Care will be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care. Qualifications: • Graduate of an accredited school of nursing and current registration with the CRNNS • A degree in nursing is considered an asset • At least 5 years nursing experience at the senior administrative level, with demonstrated management and leadership abilities • Experience in Geriatric or Long Term Care an asset • Team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills • PIECES or Alzheimer and Related Dementia Care course an asset • Experience in unionized environment an asset “I never knew long term care could be so much fun.” Kim Simpson-Ward, RN Registered Nurses MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST HANTS WEST HANTS RECREATION DEPARTMENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Ste. Croix Recreation Site Supervisor - up to 20 weeks employment - Parks & Ground Maintenance - up to 20 weeks employment - Recreation Intern - up to 16 weeks employment - Camp Coordinator - up to 14 weeks employment Shannex offers: • Competitive wages and benefits. • New, state-of-the-art facility. • Flexible scheduling, supportive team environment, plus training and development opportunities. • Opportunity to work to full scope of practice. Deadline to apply is Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - Camp Leaders - up to 10 weeks employment - Inclusion Support Staff - up to 10 weeks employment Deadline to apply is Friday, April 16, 2010 We thank all candidates for their interest however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Applicants are required to submit by mail or fax or email a resume with cover letter indicating the position for which you are applying. West Hants Recreation Department, P.O. Box 3000 Windsor, N.S. B0N 2T0 fax 798-8553 or [email protected] . For more information please call 798-6938. Kathy Kehoe Recreation Director Join the Shannex team in the Annapolis Valley. We are now hiring RNs who share our passion for supporting seniors and our committment to quality client-directed service. Full time, part time and casual positions are available at two new state-of-the-art facilities, Blomidon Court in Greenwich and Orchard Court in Kentville. Positions which may be available pending grant & budget approvals: 4251094 Please submit resume, in confidence, by April 9th to: M. Emily Samson, Administrator Dykeland Lodge 124 Cottage Street Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 E-mail: [email protected] Please send your resume to: OK Tire PO Box 424, 26 Morison Drive Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Attention: Derek Ehler Email: [email protected] 4251263 DIRECTOR OF RESIDENT CARE For more information, contact Wayne White, Nurse Recruiter, at [email protected] or toll free at 1-877-564-6749. 4248138 4143430 1-877-JOIN-SHX Spring Break (902) 538-1106 2010 Mon.-Sat. 8:30 am-5:30 pm Closed Sunday Government Inspected Quality Pork & Local Beef Local Beef & Pork Apple Inside Stuffed Round Pork Chops Steak $5.89 /lb. $5.09 /lb. Week Specials March 22nd-27th Inside Corned Beef Purchase Corned Beef or & Sweet Sweet Pickled Pork and Round Roasts Picked Pork receive a Half Cabbage $4.59 /lb. 3.39 /lb. FREE 4240127 4238723 314 Pleasant Valley Road, Somerset Someone will win a break from their bills in April Now serving the Annapolis Valley $2,010 5 Model Homes On Display At Gold River Homes we consult, advise and make your home purchase as stress free as possible. From the initial consultation to delivery we are with you every step of the way, providing you with peace of mind and a positive experience. Spring Break 2010 Contest Entry Form Just 40 min. from Exit 13 off Hwy 101 towards the South Shore on Hwy 12 to #219 Chester Basin. Name: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Postal Code: ________________________________ Contact Number: ____________________________ Toll Free 1-888-883-3033 WWW.GOLDRIVERHOMES.CA says forget the snuggie this Winter! 4174884 A furnace from is versatile, providing wood only, wood electric or wood oil combinations. Caddy is the only EPA approved furnace in the world. Come in today and see our and feel the Caddy Furnace CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS “Spring Break 2010” contest will run once a week in The Hants Journal, The Kings County Register, The Kings County Advertiser and The Annapolis County Spectator from February 9, 2010 to April 15, 2010. Fill out the entry form and mail to or drop off at your local paper office or one of the participating sponsors on the contest page. Both subscribers and non-subscribers are eligible to win. Must be 18 years of age or older. Transcontinental employees and their immediate families are not eligible. To be valid, all entry forms must be received by noon on April 16, 2010 with the draw taking place on April 19, 2010. No purchase necessary. Newsprint and instore ballots bearing the Transcontinental logo will be accepted. “Your comfort is our business” 538-8313 4238883 5727 Hwy #1,Cambridge 4239052 The chicks are coming to Scotian Gold Country Store! summertime means swim time Book your chick order by April 4 for May 14 delivery Order your Turkeys by May 7 for pick up late May 4239942 JUST IN! - fibreglass swimming pools self cleaning hot tubs swim spas healthy water care BULK VEGETABLE SEEDS NEW this season Covington Sweet Potato Slips order your slips now to grow your own sweet potatoes (order before May 15 for June pick up) Digby................1 Birch St.....................(902) 245-5400 Greenwood.....791 Central Avenue......(902) 765-8465 New Minas......8748 Commercial St.....(902) 681-2201 Windsor...........234 Water St, Suite 2....(902) 798-5539 101 industrial 101 industrial drive, drive, windsor windsor 902-798-9459 902-798-9459 877-801-7665 877-801-7665 Scotian Gold Country Store Highway 1, Coldbrook 679-6662 Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday 8am – 5pm 4239118 t)PMEUIFSPBE t&WFSZUIJOHZPVEFYQFDU GSPNUIFMFHFOEBSZ .*$)&-*/®1JMPU®OBNF Home Family Solutio ns Living by Are You Renting? Paying to heat more house than you use? Looking for one level living? Does little or no maintenance sound good to you? Then The Crossing is the ideal community for you! 4239160 New Design Quality Home Construction Turn Key Packages Custom Design and Build Prime Residential Lots Available in Kings, Hants and Halifax Counties • Building Lot Financing Available • Fully Serviced Land Lease Community For quality, value and an exceptional building experience SUV SUV/CUV MICHELIN Pilot LTX ® Available at: ® TM 678-4538 543-1666 139 Logan Road, Bridgewater (902) (902) TOLL FREE 1-800-565-4196 4176087 Underwood Road in Garlands Crossing Display Home Hours: Mon. – Fri. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sat. and Sun. 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 19 Oakdale Vale, Kentville Contact us today! Sean Parker 790-3799 David Howell 790-0111 Office 798-8224 Protective Covenants Paved Driveways Large Beautifully Landscaped Lots Municipal Services Immediate Access to Highway 101 Shed Packages Available Minutes from Shopping, Hospitals, Shopping and Recreational Amenities • Lawn Care/Snow Removal Packages Available Specializing in: • H.D. Truck Alignment and Balancing • Complete Line of Tires • Custom Accessories and Wheels • Alignments and Computerized Balancing • Road Service • Calcium Pump Randy (902) 790-3899 Mitch (902) 798-6395 The Crossing – Windsor’s Premier Land Lease Community, providing quality and maintenance free living… Email:[email protected] 4176132 The Hants Journal • March 25, 2010 • • • • • • • • • • • Developed by: Quality Homes Built by: