Eduardo García - SFERA - Solar Facilities for the European
Eduardo García - SFERA - Solar Facilities for the European
COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL OF STE PLANTS Eduardo Garcia Iglesias Deputy Secretary General of Protermosolar 6‐28‐2012 Almeria PROTERMOSOLAR Spanish Solar Thermal Electricity Association •Protermosolar, founded in 2004, has now more than 100 associated members and covers the whole value chain of the Solar Thermal Electric projects, from research centers to plant constructors along with engineering companies, component manufacturers, promoters, etc. •All the operating plants in Spain as well as those others which are under construction or in an advanced planning stage in Spain (more than 2500 MW in total) belong to Protermosolar members. •Additionally, the largest operating plants in USA (SEGS, Nevada Solar 1 & Martin) as well as the ISCC in Morocco, Algeria and Egypt and most of the on going projects all around the world have been constructed or are also owned and operated by ESTELA and Protermosolar members. Content 1. Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world Spanish Market 2. Cost of STE 3. Values of STE 4. Future Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world USA 392 MW (3) 110 MW (1) 2 x 280 MW 250 MW (1) 9000 MW in advanced promotioni China MENA 4 x 50 MW MEXICO 1 x 90 MW 3 x 25 MW ISCC 15 MWequiv. ISCC en Agua Prieta 1000 MW in promotion 1 x 100 MW 1 x 160 MW India(> 2000 MW) Programs in many countries Anouncement in Saudi Arabia (900 3 x 100 MWMW + 25 Sudáfrica GW) 3 x 50 MW Australia 1 x 100 3 x MW 10 MW Chile x 50 9 MWt coal1plant boosting 1 xMW 35 MW in Liddell MW (Eskom) 40 MW coal250 plant boosting in Kogan Creek 10 MW t (Minería) Programs in Chinchilla Namibia and Bostwana 250 MW Solar Dawn in Some hunderts of MW in promotion 40 MW Solar Oasis in Wyalla Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world 90% of PTC Operation + Construction 60% with storage The only large operational plant in other European country, apart from Spain 5 MW Archimede, Sicillia, Italy Plants in operation in the USA Kimberlina 5 MW Bakersfild, California Nevada Solar One 64 MW Boulder City, Nevada Sierra Sun Tower 5 MW Lancaster, California SEGS Plants (Total 354 MW) Mojave desert, California ISCC 75 MW equiv. Martin County Florida CSP as “fuel saver” Our neighbors: First Projects in the MENA Region 150 MW ISCC at Hassi R’Mel 470 MW ISCC at Ain Beni Mathar 146 MW ISCC at Kuraymat 100 MW in Abu Dhabi Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in Spain a story of success Based in three main pillars: Favorable and effective regulatory environment (in spite of recent events) Continuous support to R&D & Educational programs Capacity and commitment of our industrial companies Almeria Solar Platform (PSA) 1978‐2012 Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in Spain a story of success Objectives for STE: PFER 1999‐2010: 200 MW for STE. Global objective of 12% of renewables in primary energy consumption. PER 2005 – 2010: 500 MW for STE. Review of the PFER 1999‐2010 in order to reach the final objective of 12%. PER 2011‐2020: 5.079 MW of STE. Global objective of 20% of renewables in primary energy consumption. More than 40% of renewables share in electricity. Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in Spain a story of success Political support: RD 2366/1994 Regulated Tariff RD 2818/1998 Regulated Tariff RD 841/2002 No specific tariff for STE Review of tariffs and technologies. Establishment of different groups of technologies. Creation of the solar group (for all solar technologies). Modification of 2818/1998 Specific group for STE First specific tariff for STE technology 0,120202 c€/kWh (2002) Revision of tariffs and technologies RD 436/2004 Regulated Tariff Premiums RD 661/2007 Regulated Tariff Premiums RD‐LEY 6/2009 Register of pre assignment New tariff to boost the development of STE Objective: 200 MW. Objective: 500 MW. Increment of Tariffs and Premiums. Cap & Floor system for the sale of electricity. Possibility of hybridization with gas and biomass. Pre register of 2.500 MW of STE power that are under the R.D. 661/2007 scope. Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in Spain a story of success Research and development Public and private investment in R&D since the early 80´s. Reference R&D centers: Plataforma Solar de Almeria Cener CTAER Tekniker Universities … Current Situation Spain • 1st country in installed capacity with 1.581 MW in operation • 773,5 MW in construction • 120,4 MW pre assigned to come on line before 2014 2.474,9 MW By the end of 2013 Current Situation Spain Current Situation Spain SOLNOVA 1, 3 and 4 & PS 10 and PS 20 Current Situation Spain ANDASOL 1, 2 and 3 Current Situation Spain EXTRESOL 1 Current Situation Spain LA RISCA, Alvarado Current Situation Spain LA FLORIDA, Alvarado Current Situation Spain PUERTO ERRADO 1 Current Situation Spain Villarrobledo Current Situation Spain Lebrija 1 Current Situation Spain GEMASOLAR, Fuentes de Andalucía Current Situation A success story with important drawbacks ☺ Quick deployment / 400 MW/year in the last 3 years ☺ Relevant macroeconomic impact ☺ Plant references / proven performances Inappropriate and unstable regulatory framework Reduced learning curve effect Current Situation Spain Records: • • • Peak production: 1.254 MWh on the 12 of June at 4:00 pm, covering 3,98% of the demand at that point Day production: 19 GWh on the 13 of July, representing 2,7% of the demand. Month: Last May STE produced 345 GWh which means 1,7% of the demand. Breaking records every day… Content 1. Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world 2. Cost of STE 3. Values of STE 4. Future Cost of STE 50 MW PTC Without storage Campo Solar Estructura de inversión (€) Estructura de inversión (%) 2010 2010 103.019.000 Tubos receptores Espejos Juntas rotativas Unidad hidráulica + control local Estructura metálica Cimentación Montaje de estructura, espejos y tubos receptores: Movimiento de Tierras Nave de Montaje Aceite Térmico Tuberías de unión de lazos, accesorios, válvulas, etc.. Isla de Potencia 72.899.000 Obra Civil Equipos Mecánicos (incluyendo turbina de generación) Equipos Eléctricos Montaje Mecánico Montaje Eléctrico Equipo Instrumentación y Control Montaje Instrumentación y control Tubería, Valvulería y Soportes Otros (Ingeniería, Promoción, etc..) Estudios previos Gestión de permisos y licencias Servicios de ingeniería, dirección de obra, seguridad, salud y calidad Otros Total 54,1% 13.160.000 12.446.000 1.050.000 3.629.000 21.067.000 16.128.000 9.979.000 8.250.000 2.082.000 5.808.000 9.420.000 6,9% 6,5% 0,6% 1,9% 11,1% 8,5% 5,2% 4,3% 1,1% 3,0% 4,9% 38,3% 8.933.000 39.037.000 4.457.000 7.102.000 2.723.000 1.871.000 417.000 8.359.000 14.615.000 4,7% 20,5% 2,3% 3,7% 1,4% 1,0% 0,2% 4,4% 7,7% 282.000 279.000 9.282.000 4.772.000 190.533.000 0,1% 0,1% 4,9% 2,5% 100,0% Cost of STE 50 MW PTC With storage Estructura de inversión (€) Campo Solar 2010 145.493.000 53,1% Tubos receptores Espejos Juntas rotativas Unidad hidráulica + control local Estructura metálica Cimentación Montaje de estructura, espejos y tubos receptores: Movimiento de Tierras Nave de Montaje Aceite Térmico Tuberías de unión de lazos, accesorios, válvulas, etc.. Almacenamiento con Sales 18.801.000 17.780.000 1.500.000 5.184.000 30.096.000 23.040.000 14.256.000 11.000.000 2.082.000 8.297.000 13.457.000 40.778.000 Depósitos Intercambiadores de Calor Sales/HTF Calentadores de Sales Sales Obra Civil Inversión Isla de Potencia Estudios previos Gestión de permisos y licencias 6,9% 6,5% 0,5% 1,9% 11,0% 8,4% 5,2% 4,0% 0,8% 3,0% 4,9% 14,9% 11.025.000 4.679.000 999.000 21.000.000 3.075.000 72.899.000 Obra Civil Equipos Mecánicos (incluyendo turbina de generación) Equipos Eléctricos Montaje Mecánico Montaje Eléctrico Equipo Instrumentación y Control Montaje Instrumentación y control Tubería, Valvulería y Soportes Otros (Ingeniería, Promoción, etc..) Estructura de inversión (%) 2010 4,0% 1,7% 0,4% 7,7% 1,1% 26,6% 8.933.000 39.037.000 4.457.000 7.102.000 2.723.000 1.871.000 417.000 8.359.000 14.615.000 3,3% 14,3% 1,6% 2,6% 1,0% 0,7% 0,2% 3,1% 5,3% 282.000 279.000 0,1% 0,1% Servicios de ingeniería, dirección de obra, seguridad, salud y calidad 9.282.000 3,4% Otros 4.772.000 1,7% Total 273.785.000 100,0% Cost of STE Comparison with PV and Wind 237 200 150 100 50 68 40 28 0 0.4 Wind 2011 PV 2011 last year STE today total 2 Content 1. Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world 2. Cost of STE 3. Values of STE Technical Macro Economical 4. Future Values of STE Availability Values of STE The CO2 concern 80% descarbonization means almost total abatement in the Power, Road Transport and Building sectors In order to follow the demand curve a great amount of dispatchable RE power is necessary Source : Roadmap 2050 European Climate Foundation Some recent data on production in Spain Electricity demand and CSP production on July 28th, 2011. Source REE Some recent data on production in Spain Production along July 2011 Source REE Values of STE PV or STE? Both of them, please STE and PV share the same resource: the sun, but they have such distinct features that comparison in terms of competition is almost impossible. Both are undoubtedly forced to complement each other Peak Power + Distributed Generation Dispatchable Power Plants Today prices should not confuse our perceptions: Current learning curves correspond to 70 GW for PV and to less than 2 GW for STE Paradoxically, STE can show much longer track record than PV regarding large plants and STE has much larger capacity factors. Large deployment of fluent technologies like PV and Wind ‐as of today‐ will result in high curtailment figures and fossil backup support will be required. Therefore they can’t be the only solution for a “carbon free” generation system Values Macroeconomic Impact of the Solar Thermal Electric Sector in Spain Download: Available in Spanish and English Benefits STE Incentive policy for this technology was an efficient economic and technological decision for Spain Premiums: 185 M€ + Avoiding subsidies for 24000 employees + Leadership of the Spanish industry + Reducing hourly pool price + Regional economical convergence + Local taxes Savings in CO2 rights: 5 M€ Savings from replacing imported fossil fuels: 24 M€ Fiscal contribution (S.S. Corporate and personal Taxes : 407 M€ Premiums: 185 M€ Contribution to GDP: 1650 M€ Other results Breakdown of GDP contribution by industry sector Other results STE jobs A very fruitful period in Spain:A very fruitful period in Spain: From the first large plants connected in 2008 till the new ones From the first large plants connected in 2008 till the new ones Spanish Foreing Past situation Current Capabilities Technology Development Component manufacturing Basic Engineering Site Development Project development EPC Detailed engineering Construction Operation and Maintenance TOTAL LOCAL CONTENT 50% 80% Jobs in a typical STE plant in Spain (50 MW, 7,5 h. alm.) 2214 one year equivalent jobs on the whole value chain (promotion, engineering, comp. manufact.,& construction) 47 direct jobs for operation and related services during its whole life Values of STE STE is the only dispachtable renewable technology with potential enough to meet the electricity needs worldwide and to achieve a carbon free generation system Intermittent RE technologies ‐which has been largely developed until now‐ will cover only a minor part of the supply and they will always require additional investments in back up conventional fossil fuel plants The cost of STE plants will show important reductions when passing from the current 2 GW installed to the current values of Wind (250 GW) and PV (70 GW) Local content of STE plants will be the main drivers behind the support policies in many countries of the sun belt Content 1. Current Situation of Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) in the world 2. Cost of STE 3. Values of STE 4. Future Future IEA Estimations Future Does the current Spanish FiT reflect the expected STE generation costs? Today Current FiT for “2007” projects 29,5 c€/kWh Better DNI locations Up to 30% Large deployment, scale factor from 2 to 50 GW 30% Constrained learning curve 2007‐2011 15% Unrestricted plant sizes 20% c€/kWh ??? New plant designs 20% Tomorrow System & Component innovations 20% We will make it but we need to hurry up! Thank you for your attention! [email protected]