JLBR - The Bridge - May 2007 - Junior League of Boca Raton
JLBR - The Bridge - May 2007 - Junior League of Boca Raton
Volume 17 Number 9 May 2007 Women Building Better Communities Thanks a Million! ✿ Only the Best for Our Mothers ✿ All Aboard the Boca Express Financing Your Children’s Future ✿ Thank a Teacher ✿ Kids in the Kitchen JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON “Women Building Better Communities” 2006-2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT...........................KATHY ADKINS PRESIDENT-ELECT..............KRISTIN CALDER VP COMMUNICATIONS...STACEY HANNAN QUINN VP COMMUNITY AFFAIRS........LISA WARREN VP PERSONNEL.............KIMBERLY KENNEY VP FINANCE............................ROBIN DEYO FUND DEVELOPMENT...MARY GLYNN TOOMEY NOMINATING/PLACEMENT................KATHY POTTS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT.....DELYNN TRIVISON P.R./MARKETING........................ELYSA ELK SUSTAINING ADVISOR....CINDY KREBSBACH PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE EDITOR.............................KRISTIN CALDER CHAIR-ELECT.......................REAGAN SUCH ASSISTANT EDITOR.........LEALA DICKENSON ASSISTANT EDITOR.......ADRIANA FINNVOLD ASSISTANT EDITOR................KAREN GROSS ASSISTANT EDITOR ..............KRISTINA RIZK LAYOUT & ADVERTISING.......ROBIN PHILPIT THE BRIDGE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY (ONCE DURING THE SUMMER) BY THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. SUMMER BRIDGE DEADLINE IS JUNE 1ST ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR THE SEPTEMBER BRIDGE IS JULY 31ST EMAIL: [email protected] JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON (561) 620-2553 FAX: (561) 620-2554 EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: MON. - FRI., 8:30 A.M - 4:30 P.M. OFFICE MANAGER: JODY CRUDEN COOKBOOK OFFICE (561) 620-0765 FAX: (561) 620-0767 TOLL FREE: (866) 574-9229 EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: T, W, TH, 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. COOKBOOK OFFICE MANAGER: MARY LAVALLE NEWMAN-CRASKE GRANT RESOURCE LIBRARY TUES., THURS., 9 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. LIBRARIAN: LIZ LOCKE EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: WWW.JLBR.ORG JLBR ANNUAL MAY DINNER MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 SOCIAL 6 P.M. - MEETING 7 P.M. MARRIOTT BOCA RATON 5150 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE THE BRIDGE MAY 2007/VOLUME 17 NUMBER 9 THE COMMUNICATION BRIDGE BETWEEN THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, ITS MEMBERSHIP, AND OUR COMMUNITY. FEATURES: ONLY THE BEST FOR OUR MOTHERS ..........................................................................7 FAVORITE LEAGUE EXPERIENCES................................................................................8 MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS PART III ......................................................................30 REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE ....................................................................36 DEPARTMENTS: PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE ..........................................................................................4 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR ..........................................................................................6 ROVING REPORTER ....................................................................................................8 MEMBERS OF THE MONTH ..........................................................................................9 HATS OFF ..................................................................................................................9 CARING HEARTS ........................................................................................................9 COOK’S POINT OF VIEW............................................................................................14 MINUTES ........................................................................................................33 & 36 SUSTAINER NEWS......................................................................................................34 TRANSITION REPORT ................................................................................................36 HEALTH NEWS ..........................................................................................................36 BULLETIN BOARD ....................................................................................................37 LIST OF ADVERTISERS ..............................................................................................37 LINES OF COMMUNICATION/ADVERTISEMENT RATES ................................................38 CALENDAR OF EVENTS..............................................................................................38 NEWS FROM COMMITTEES: ENDOWMENT ............................................................................................................10 FINANCE COUNCIL ....................................................................................................12 COOKBOOK ..............................................................................................................15 FUND DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................16 WOMAN VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR ..........................................................................17 KIDS IN DISTRESS ............................................................................................18 & 29 HOMETOWN HISTORIES ............................................................................................19 COMMUNITY COUNCIL ..............................................................................................22 COMMUNITY SUPPORT FUND ....................................................................................26 KIDS@HOME ............................................................................................................26 VCRC PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................27 IN THE PINES ............................................................................................................28 NEW MEMBER PROJECTS ................................................................................28 & 29 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN ..............................................................................................28 DONE IN A DAY ......................................................................................................29 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................30 INTERNAL PR ..........................................................................................................31 PR MARKETING ........................................................................................................32 NOMINATING/PLACEMENT ........................................................................................32 PERSONNEL COUNCIL ................................................................................................32 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. IS AN ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN COMMITTED TO PROMOTING VOLUNTARISM, DEVELOPING THE POTENTIAL OF WOMEN AND EFFECTIVE ACTION AND LEADERSHIP OF TRAINED VOLUNTEERS. IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ITS PURPOSE IS EXCLUSIVELY EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE. THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. AND THE ASSOCIATION OF JUNIOR LEAGUES INTERNATIONAL, INC. REACH OUT TO WOMEN OF ALL RACES, RELIGIONS, AND NATIONAL ORIGINS WHO DEMONSTRATE AN INTEREST IN AND COMMITMENT TO VOLUNTARISM. www.JLBR.org 3 PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE President’s Perspective What an incredible year! I am bursting with pride at everything we have accomplished. It fills my heart with enormous joy and gratitude when I reflect upon all that has happened this year. I have been inspired by the tireless and selfless efforts of so many of you. You are women with passion and purpose, and you are women building a better community. You have devoted your time, energy and talents to our League and through your combined efforts we have been able to impact the community in many, many ways. Our nine Community Projects diligently worked hard to improve the lives of so many underprivileged children and families in our area. Our fundraisers flourished enabling us to remain in a strong financial position. JLBR Endowment Fund reached $1 million dollars this year due to the outstanding generosity of our members and friends of the League. We received unprecedented press coverage this year, including a prominent billboard which is about to go up again, as well as back lit signage at Town Center Mall. And we welcomed in the largest class of New Members in our League’s history – 100 dynamic volunteers! As we all know, our members are our organization’s greatest and most treasured resource. Our increased active membership and strong financial position allow JLBR to take on two additional community projects next year, the Florence Fuller Child Development Center and the Milagro Center. The future is bright indeed! I have learned so much this year. I have learned that leading is truly about listening and mentoring and simply helping to set objectives and getting out of the way to let others shine in achieving them. I have learned about the value of tradition – that 35 years of history is something to be learned from, cherished and celebrated. JLBR’s community service initiatives have taught me that sometimes the biggest difference is in the smallest act, but that grand, sweeping gestures to address social ills are necessary and vitally important. I have learned that a person is only as good and true as the people she surrounds herself with, because in the end we all entrust our decisions and direction on the counsel of those we trust and count on the most. And most important, I have learned that it is all worth it – each and every hour that is volunteered, every dollar raised and then returned to the community, each idea that is fostered, every meeting that facilitates friendship, each experience that instills confidence and every woman who meets her potential. It has been a pleasure to work with so many exceptional women this year. A huge thank you to my Board of Directors that have served with me and made so many incredible things happen this year. I am so grateful for their tremendous hard work, commitment and friendship. They are an unbelievable group of talent- 4 The Bridge May 2006 ed women that sure know how to get things done and have a whole lot of fun in the process! A special thank you to my presidential assistants, Pam Disher and Kris Killip. They tackled every task with their special panache and flair and always went above and beyond. These two ladies never stopped asking, “How can we help?” Thank you to Cindy Krebsbach and Lisa Mulhall for your guidance, expertise, patience, mentoring and love for this organization. I truly admire you both and am so grateful for all that you did this year. Thank you to all of the past presidents for your wonderful legacy and ongoing support of our League. Your advice and help this year was invaluable. Throughout my year as President, I have received so many compliments about JLBR – we are organized, reliable, efficient, friendly, caring, well trained, generous, visionary and excited about voluntarism just to name a few. Our members define our organization but our dedicated staff ensures that our operations run smoothly. Many, many thanks to Jody Cruden, Office Manager, Robin Philpit, Controller/Bridge Layout Designer, Mary Lavalle, Savor the Moment Cookbook Manager, Liz Locke, Grant Librarian and Barb Phillip, CPA Consultant. Thank you all for the skills, energy and dedication you put forth in your respective jobs and for all of your support in helping us reach our goals. You are a pleasure to work with and an outstanding team! It is hard to find the words to adequately thank my husband and best friend, Paul and my two wonderful daughters’ Lauren and Caroline. You will never know how much I appreciated your patience and understanding as I made one more phone call, checked my email at all hours or ran out the door to another meeting. Thank you for supporting me, encouraging me and always believing in me. Thank you also to my parents for being such outstanding role models and showing me by example the importance of volunteering and helping others. The love, support and good wishes of my entire family have meant the world to me this year. I hope you will all join me at the May Dinner Meeting on Tuesday, May 8th when we will celebrate our achievements, recognize our outstanding members and honor our new sustainers. At this meeting the past presidents will join me in passing the gavel to Kristin Calder. The League is in great hands with Kristin and her wonderful Board to guide the organization. Thank you Kristin for your friendship and support this year. I know the League will accomplish great things under your leadership. Many people have asked me how I thought the year went. I can unequivocally tell you it was a tremendous success due to all of your efforts. There are many ways to measure success and I am PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE reminded of a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson which describes success: WHAT IS SUCCESS? To laugh often and much To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends To appreciate beauty To find the best in others To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived a better place and helped make a difference (even a small one) in many people’s lives. These successes were due to all of you. This year could not have been a success without each of you working hard to make a difference. Last May I challenged you all to make a commitment to your committees and projects and to reach out and connect with your fellow members, to make new friends and to have fun all while making a difference in our community. I hope that you took on this challenge and are realizing the reward of the relationships, the connections, the fun friendships that motivate us to work harder and accomplish more! It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as President of the Junior League of Boca Raton for the 2006-07 year. I will treasure the gifts of your friendships and cherish the memories from this year forever. This year has been an exceptional opportunity and I thank you for allowing me to have this experience of a lifetime. With gratitude and appreciation, That is to have succeeded. I know that this year was a success for me because I have laughed often, seen the best in all of you, made our community Make a Friend, Together Make a Difference www.JLBR.org 5 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR LETTER FROM THE EDITOR May is a time of celebration in our League. It’s the last month of our current League year. We pass on the torch of leadership, honor our most outstanding leaders of the year and recognize our achievements. One very exciting accomplishment we’ve highlighted in this issue is a milestone with our endowment. With the help of devoted Junior League members and the support of the community, the Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) Endowment Fund, Inc. recently announced that it has raised $1 million. The JLBR Endowment Board has worked to perpetuate the fundraising work, raise necessary money to fund the endowment, and assure that the Vegso Community Resource Center (VCRC) is self-sufficient. Read more about this milestone, the celebrations and how you can support the endowment in this issue. Our May cover features the beautiful watercolor art of our VCRC sign by JLBR sustainer Barbara Montgomery O’Connell. Barbara enjoys painting in the fine arts style including landscapes, still life compositions and is known for her “house portraits.” We thought it was fitting to feature the VCRC on the cover in conjunction with the endowment’s milestone. As we celebrate Mother’s Day and I am preparing to be a mother again this month, I think of how rewarding being a mom is. I am also grateful to have a wonderful mom and mom-in-law who are great fans and friends of each other, the League and of me. I want to thank them for their encouragement, support and friendship and along with my dad and dad-in-law, for being patrons of The Bridge. My final Letter from the Editor is also a letter of thanks. As this League year comes to an end, I am proud of what our League has accomplished. Kathy and the entire Board have done an amazing job this year and I know that with many awesome leaders already in place for next year, this momentum will carry on. I’m also thankful for the experiences I’ve shared with so many of you. The Bridge has been a perfect place to record these achievements and memories. Thank you to Robin Philpit for all of her efforts in making this magazine such a great communication tool for our members to learn about our League’s events, community projects and each other. Her work lasts the whole year through and never seems to be done – as one magazine finishes, the deadline for the next one approaches. Thanks also to the Publications Committee: Chair-Elect Reagan Such, Leala Dickenson, Adriana Finnvold, Karen Gross and Kristina Rizk. We have some fantastic plans for the growth of The Bridge next year and I know Reagan and next year’s Publications Committee will do a great job implementing these new ideas. 6 The Bridge May 2007 BY KRISTIN CALDER Thanks also to all the committee representatives who wrote articles each month. Your updates kept us connected with great information. Thanks to Mike and Candi at Cheetah Graphics for their professional expertise and printing our fine publication. We would also like to recognize the many advertisers who have supported our magazine including Alex Charfen ! Art to Go ! Barbara Hill ! Bellylicous ! Ber-Kir A Learning Center ! Boca Raton Historical Society ! Carolyn Arnold, Psy.D. ! Cena to Go ! Centre for the Arts ! Cheetah Graphics ! Devcom ! G. Richard Cohen, M.D. ! Gregory Albert, M.D. ! Home Improvement ! Jackie Moroco, D.D.S., M.S. ! Janie Lott ! Jennifer Bauer ! Joe Nibbs ! John Potts/Palm Beach Generators ! Joni Goldberg/Pilates of Boca ! Kim Porterfield/La-Ti-Da ! Kristin Calder/Creative Memories ! Kristin Calder/Circle on the Square ! Kristine de Haseth ! Krumholtz Orthodontics ! Leon Loard ! Leslie Keyes/Formal Accents ! Lisa Mullins/Tips ! Lou Ann and Reagan Such ! Lynn University ! Mark Wilt ! Marriott Boca Raton ! Marta Batsmasian/Royal Palm Place ! Mary Kelly/Personal Senior Services ! Mary-Randolph and Bill Scott ! Michele Toomey and Kristen Ross/ETC ! Michele Broadfoot ! Monogram Closet ! Nicole Mugavero/Special Requests ! Pine Tree Camp ! Robin Deyo/Cendyn ! Shern and Hampton ! St. Joseph’s Episcopal School ! Stephanie Miskew ! Steven Alman, D.M.D. ! Stitch ! Town Toile ! YMCA We’ve had a record number of patrons, surpassing last year’s record of those of you who have chosen to support The Bridge throughout this year. I would like to recognize you and again, say thank you to Kathy and Paul Adkins ! Sheila and David Aucamp ! Carol Auerbach ! Lisa and George Bariso ! Gretchen Bieneman ! Sharon Sands Budd ! Julie and Tom Buser ! Dora and Karl Butcher ! Kristin and Glen Calder ! Jane and Iain Calder ! Judith and Robert Carberry ! Jennifer Critchfield ! Linda Deery ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deyo ! Mrs. and Mrs. Scott B. Disher ! Jennifer Donn ! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donovan ! Elysa and Scott Elk ! Mary C. Hargrove ! Jillian Hasner ! Chris and Forrest Heathcott ! Amy Kazma ! Leslie Keyes ! Carrie Klimczak ! Diahann Koshi ! Dr. Michael and Mrs. Cindy Krebsbach ! Wendy Kulberg ! Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lavalle ! D.J. and John Lindsay ! Dorothy and Blake MacDiarmid ! Janice V. Middlebrook ! Camille and Charles Mohaupt ! Lisa and John Mulhall ! Lauren P. Murray-Boynton ! Janet Nodine ! Robin and Tom Philpit ! Darcy PlimptonSims ! Dorothy and Karl Preusse ! Carole Putman ! Peggy and Stephen Ruzika ! Norman Shapiro ! Jamie Snyder ! Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Jr. ! Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Sr. ! Patricia Toppel ! Christina B. Towery ! May Voss ! Nancy M. Wade ! Dr. Michele Weizer ! Cathy Younis Thanks for a fabulous year and have a wonderful summer. FEATURE ONLY THE BEST FOR OUR MOTHERS In honor of Mother’s Day, I asked some League members what was their favorite Mother’s Day gift and/or story. These memories will touch your heart and also let you know “Spa Days and Massages” are favorites among League members to give and receive. Here are their touching memories including mine: I am not a mother and have never expected to receive anything for Mother’s Day, since my beastie girls do not have credit cards, so expecting a fabulous gift from them is out of the question. However, one year, to my surprise and delight, I received a Mother’s Day card. I couldn’t open it fast enough. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever received. It was from my God Son, James Patrick, who was eight or nine years old at the time. I told my very special friend, his mother, that it was very sweet of her to buy me that card and have James sign it. But she said, “Oh no, James insisted on being taken to a card shop to buy his favorite (and only) God Mother a Mother’s Day card.” Wow, I finally understood why my Mother’s eyes lit up when she received a Mother’s Day card from my sister and me - sunshine in an envelope! My first and only Mother’s Day has been my favorite so far. Last year at eight and a half months pregnant my husband sent me flowers for Mother’s Day from our little Jackson who was on his way. It also happened to be the day we were setting up his nursery, very special! ~ Emily Roberts I always helped my dad shop for gifts for my mom, but Mother’s Day of 2004, my dad went shopping on his own and told me not to worry about helping him with a present for Mother’s Day. After church on Mother’s Day, he gave my mom a Tiffany’s box. As she opened it, he reached from behind his back and handed me the same size Tiffany’s box and told me to open mine. My mom and I opened our boxes together and had the same beautiful silver heart bracelet with the silver strands holding the heart onto the bracelet. He told my mom that her gift was for being a wonderful mother to his daughter and my gift was because if it wasn’t for me - my mom wouldn’t be a mother. So, now my mom and I wear our bracelets together all the time and think of my dad when we have them on. There is always a special part of him with us and our bracelets remind us of that. ~ Kristen Cory My favorite mother’s day gift was a prearranged spa morning as soon as I woke up! Of course the homemade card topped it off! ~ Tracey DeFrances I was married for 16 years before I was blessed with my wonderful son (Shawn, age 3). My husband use to get me Mother’s Day cards from my dog, because he knew that sometimes I would be sad because I wasn’t a mom. One year the daughters of two of my COMPILED BY ROBIN PHILPIT girlfriends (in their late teens) called to say that they wanted to take me out to dinner for Mother’s Day. It just so happened both of their moms had been out of town, and since I was like a “mom” to them, they felt that it would be a great way to share the day. I was so touched that they wanted to acknowledge me. Of course I paid the bill because I didn’t want them to spend their money, but it was their thoughtfulness that I will always remember. Now that I am a “real mom,” I look forward to the memories that are created with my husband and son. ~ Denise O’Sullivan My favorite mother’s day gifts received would be a tie between the post-natal massage my husband gave me on my first mother’s day (my son was one month old at the time) and the pot of yellow daisies my son gave me at age three. I will always remember him walking in carrying that big pot full of yellow flowers, which was almost bigger than he was. (And shortly thereafter, it was fun to watch him “picking” some of the flowers he had just given me.) ~ Lisa Moss Nothing says “Thanks, Mom!” like macaroni glued on construction paper. ~ Dorothy MacDiarmid My mother is, and always will be, my best friend. We share everything with each other, and I feel truly honored to know such an amazing woman. From the beginning we shared a special bond. I was two months premature; my mother had a toxemic eclampsia pregnancy. We both almost didn’t make it. I was 3.9 lbs. and could fit in the palm of my grandfather’s hand. It was a severe case, and the doctor said rarely both mother and baby survived. My poor mom was in a coma for four days. I was simply “Baby Criddle” for weeks as my mom hadn’t been coherent enough to name me. If you asked my mom what her favorite mother’s day gift would be, it would be just having me fly home for the weekend and be close. We have been “fighters” from the start. And it makes perfect sense, because when we are together, we are a powerful force! ~ Morgan Green I think the best mother’s day gift we ever gave my mother was a fun filled, full day at the spa. My three sisters and I took my mother to the spa for treatments and lunch. We all enjoyed the steam room, sauna, and treatments before we had lunch. After lunch we continued to sit around and chat while bathing in the whirlpool and enjoying the warm Florida sun. It was a VERY relaxing mother’s day for everyone. Now that I have children of my own I actually think that going to the spa without my children would be a fantastic gift for me! ~ Leala Dickenson We are grateful for all the mothers of League members, without them we wouldn’t have such a terrific League. Have a wonderful and relaxing Mother’s Day, you deserve it! To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. ~ Maya Angelou www.JLBR.org 7 ROVING REPORTER FAVORITE LEAGUE EXPERIENCES Impacting the life of a child, making a new friend and hands-on training while planning a community event are just a few of the things that I’m sure you experienced during this year as a member of the Junior League. For our final Roving Reporter, we asked a few members to write about their favorite League experience this year. This year my favorite JLBR experience was being a nominee for Woman Volunteer of the Year. It was the second time I have been nominated and I enjoyed it even more the second time. During the days before the luncheon, I received a lot of congratulations and expressions of appreciation from all my acquaintances. It was such a wonderful experience – the photo shoot, the calendar preview party, the nominee tea at the Centre for the Arts and the luncheon at the Resort where three tables full of friends joined me. Wow – that was fantastic. ~ Joyce DeVita I don’t just have one favorite experience. This year has been an accumulation of many great experiences. One of my favorite experiences this year has been getting to know my new member advisees as a committee member of Membership Development: Allie Garcia-Serra, Beth Higgins, Dame Allison, Danielle Yankowski, Greta Gillis, Jennifer Harper, Kelli Bloechinger, Lisa McDonough, Maria Galka, Nicole Dreckshage, Norah Silva, Susan Kuhn and Vanessa Diaz. I was able to get to know An Independent, College-Preparatory, Day School Scott, Mary-Randolph.tif COMPILED BY KRISTIN CALDER each of them and each has their own unique personality. Allie is the adventurous, world traveler, Beth is the diligent student, Damie is a fellow alum, Danielle is quick witted and so much fun, Greta is the older sister I have always wanted, Jennifer is very nurturing, Kelli was a Theta like me and really is the girl next door, Lisa can always make me smile, Maria is very sweet, Nicole is the one you can always count on, Norah is so creative and resilient, Susan is always willing to lend a hand and is the one who “taught” me to write thank you notes, and Vanessa has a smile that can light the room. All of these women have made this year amazing with contributions to the community. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. My other favorite experience was being part of the Kids In Distress (KIDS) committee. Every month the KIDS committee hosts a Family Enrichment Session (FES) for the foster parents. Each month the same children came in and I was able to form bonds with them like my little Emma who was finally adopted earlier this year and Luis who proudly showed me his “Chicken Noodle Soup” dance every month. I love seeing the progression that they make every month. The committee was extremely rewarding and I was able to work with the most amazing women. Erin Yergens and I some how put together two FES events with our busy work schedules and for the third year in a row Jennifer DeWolff, Jeanne Nolan and I were on the same committee! I guess great minds think a like! While being on KIDS I was also able to meet two amazing women: Kellie Mejia and Jamie Sauer who will be the Chairs next year – and I am very fortunate to be their co-chair elect. I cannot wait to work with them again! ~ Carrie Klimczak My favorite Junior League experience happens to be every day! The best women in the world are right here in Boca Raton! My dearest and best friends are members of JLBR - energetic, smart, selfless, tireless and caring women. From a birthday party celebration with 31 Junior League friends, WVOY, the Board Christmas luncheon at Mar-A-Lago, a baby shower for Dorothy, the wonderful holiday shopping experience at the General Membership Meeting, a school tour, recommendation and hand holding tour. You name it, these experiences happen every day if you are fortunate to be a member of the JLBR! ~ Laura Stoltz Mark Wilt Academically Rigorous ! Innovative Curriculum Dynamic Faculty ! Modern Facilities on 15-Acre Campus New Performing Arts Program ! Daily Physical Education Classes Members of Fla. & National Association of Independent Schools 3300B So. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-732-2045 ! Fax 732-1315 www.sjsonline.org 8 The Bridge May 2007 Interior Finish Carpenter & Handy Man Phone: 954-545-9532 Bookcases & Cabinets Mouldings & Doors Kitchens & Baths Painting Recommended by: Debbie Abrams Chrissy Biagiotti Kristin Calder MEMBER OF THE MONTH MARY-RANDOLPH SCOTT IS RAISING THE BAR The April Member of the Month serves on Fund Development this year. As a member of this committee, MaryRandolph Scott has been a leader in expanding the League’s fundraising sources. She spearheaded the Il Marco fundraiser which raised $6000 in January. She is also the main contributor behind the straw ballot proposal for EBAY fundraising. Mary-Randolph exemplified leadership by offering to be in charge of the IL Marco event. That meant recruiting all the volunteers and keeping contact with the PR Company running the event. She also collected all of the supplies that were needed. Mary-Randolph met with all the volunteers before the event began and made sure they were well versed in their responsibilities. She was even bringing them food during their shifts so they would not be hungry! Afterwards, she was responsible for getting the $6000 to the League office! In addition to the Il Marco fundraiser, Mary-Randolph helped research the new BY KIM FLITTNER EBAY committee. She took the initiative to meet with Sheila Aucamp and Sue Diener to discuss how to go about this, gathering information for the proposal. This proved to be very valuable time spent! She is now getting the JLBR registered so we can begin the project in the fall. Mary-Randolph tirelessly volunteered to host committee meetings or other meetings at her home. She takes time with new members, like those that helped check in people at IL Marco, as well as spending plenty of time with League friends. Outside of her League work, Mary- Randolph is married to Bill, a golf pro, and has one beautiful son, Corbin, 19 months old. Mary-Randolph is a full time entrepreneur with Tastefully Simple, a gourmet food products business. Mary-Randolph has been involved with leadership in the past, especially when she chaired Festival of Trees & Lights, and she is currently making a big impact with her involvement in the League. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to impact the lives of so many! Congratulations on being named the April Member of the Month! CARING HEARTS HATS OFF TO . . . The Junior League of Boca Raton gratefully acknowledges the following people and/or companies for her “Caring Hearts:” Dorothy MacDiarmid and Cindy Krebsbach for organizing and hosting the 2007 Leadership Boca visit on April 4 at the VCRC. David Rutherford (Froglogic) who graciously volunteered his time to give a motivational speech to the children at In the Pines before the FCATs. Barbara Marsh for the great idea of bringing David Rutherford (Froglogic) to Pines South, and for taking care of all the details. Elk, Christu & Bakst LLP for donating copy services for flyers to promote the Candidate Education Sessions. Linda Rinaldi, Director of Mall Marketing Simon Property Group, for allowing the JLBR to distribute Candidate Education Session flyers at Guest Services in the Town Center Mall. Art Martinez, CBS Outdoor for the donation of billboard space at Glades and Butts for the month of May. JCDecaux North America for donating illuminated signs at the Town Center Mall for the month of May. www.JLBR.org 9 ENDOWMENT NEWS THANKS A MILLION! BY CAROLYN ARNOLD Well, we did it! Together we reached the million-dollar mark for the Junior League of Boca Raton Endowment Fund, Inc. It wasn’t easy, but with the help of our devoted Junior League of Boca Raton members and the support of the greater Boca Raton community, it was possible. We reached the goal that was established in 2002 at the onset of the capital campaign, which was originally created to raise the money to build the Vegso Community Resource Center. When the Vegso Community Resource Center opened its doors in 2004, the Endowment goal and the work toward it continued. The JLBR Endowment Board has worked tirelessly to perpetuate the fundraising work, raise necessary money to fund the Endowment, and assure that the Vegso Community Resource Center is self-sufficient. As always, the JLBR Endowment supports the VCRC through an annual gift to the JLBR. The gift is intended for maintenance and upkeep of the physical property, so that the JLBR fundraising efforts are always used for community projects and never for building maintenance. When JLBR set out to construct and maintain a building, it was always with the intention of serving the community through training and programming, and to provide a place to house the Foundation Center Cooperating Collection and the daily work of the Junior League of Boca Raton membership. As expected, all of the goals set in 2002 have been met with flying colors, and even exceeded in so many ways. Yes . . . we’ve reached the Endowment $1,000,000 mark, but we’re not through yet! Our fundraising efforts within the Endowment will continue indefinitely, in order to support the VCRC to the best of our ability and assure that the financial future of the building is secure. We will continue to solicit donors from all walks of life, including our membership and the community at large. For those who understand and believe in the Endowment cause, their support has been unwavering and we are very fortunate to have them on board. We know that the hard work and dedication of the JLBR Endowment Board will continue, future goals of support will be met and the tradition of excellence will continue. In order to celebrate the fundraising success of the JLBR Endowment, we invite you to join us at two events. First, we will thank the JLBR membership for their ongoing support at the annual May dinner meeting on May 8th. Without the members of JLBR, the Endowment could not have become a reachable goal. Our second celebration will occur on May 22nd at the Vegso Community Resource Center, as we honor and thank donors from the JLBR and the community at large. Each of these celebrations will be a wonderful opportunity to say “Thanks a Million” to those who helped turn a dream into a reality. Let’s make sure that the success continues. Look for our new brochure with all of the pertinent information, and pass it along to friends and family who may wish to donate to the Junior League of Boca Raton Endowment Fund, Inc. Established to further the mission of the Junior League of Boca Raton, Inc. by providing a permanent fund to maintain the Vegso Community Resource Center. Enclosed is my tax deductible contribution to the JLBR ENDOWMENT FUND INC. $ (make checks payable to the Junior League of Boca Raton Endowment Fund, Inc.) Please visit us at our unique gift store at 640 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach 561-738-0707 Nicole Mugavero Stephanie Morfogen Call to schedule an appointment for your custom gifts & greetings. New product lines available. Coming soon, our new Web Site! 10 The Bridge May 2007 In Honor of (Occasion: birthday, anniversary, graduation, marriage, birth, accomplishment, other) In Memory of Please send acknowledgment to: Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Contributed by: Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Please mail form to: JLBR Endowment Fund 261 N.W. 13th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 ENDOWMENT NEWS THANKS A MILLION! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 Endowment Fund. A gift in honor or memory of someone is a wonderful way to mark an occasion or give a financial gift that you know will keep giving for years to come. Jody Beynan Maria Morejon Jacob Burns Foundation Barbara O’Connell THANKS A MILLION! Kristin Calder Catherine Pemberton Pat Cayce Carole Putman Lillian Clarke Mary Csar Joe and Loretta Rauenhorst (J & L Foundation) Carolyn Cunningham Reiling Family Foundation Patty Damron Rutherford and Mulhall, P.A. Millicent Duvall Madelyn Savarick Linda Eckelson Norm Shapiro Ellen Elam Mitchell Silverman Elysa Elk Frederick Simms (Simms y Thanks a million to the JLBR Endowment Board of Directors: OFFICERS Carole Putman, President Dorothy MacDiarmid, Vice-President Lucy Craske, Treasurer Pattie Damron, Secretary DIRECTORS Kathy Adkins Kristin Calder Carolyn Arnold Jan Middlebrook Robin Deyo Lisa Mulhall Elysa Elk Sharon McGuire Cindy Krebsbach Anne Vegso y Thanks a million to 2006-2007 contributors for their generous donation to the Endowment Fund: Family Foundation) Kristen Huze (Simms Family Foundation) Bill Smith Nancy Ingalls Mark and Wendy Smith The JLBR Board of Directors Jamie Snyder Eileen Kelliher Holly Studt Kathy Adkins Lisa Bariso Kris Killip Bill & Patty Trevarthen Mike Arts Jim and Marta Batmasian Blake & Dorothy MacDiarmid Lisa Warren Kristin Calder Congratulations to Kristin: a wonderful wife to our son, a wonderful mother, a wonderful daughter-in law, and a tireless champion for charitable causes. With love and admiration, Jane and Iain Calder www.JLBR.org 11 COMMITTEE NEWS FINANCE COUNCIL’S ANNUAL CHECKUP This time of year is always exciting. Your committee is wrapping up a year of good works. You are thinking about what would be a good placement for next year. It’s the transition that beckons you to look back and reflect on pros, cons, accomplishments and things still needing to be done. Client comments all rang of similar themes …”very professional,” “loved the locations” and “outstanding quality.” Next year’s committee will continue to seek additional marketing venues to sell this service to those outside our circle. We don’t want this to be Boca’s best kept secret! The JLBR Finance Council had another great year and we are thrilled to report that as of early April our fundraisers have raised over $230,000! And Savor the Moment Cookbook Committee still has three major selling events to go. Chocolate Decadence Committee followed up on our first year partnered with the Shoppes at Boca Center with another sweet event that raised over $35,000 in net profits. 30 restaurants and 20 merchandise vendors provided guests with a spectacular evening of sampling the finest in chocolate and more. In her first Finance Council leadership position, Elizabeth Murdoch soared while being aided by Schuyler Thompson and Leslie Keyes as assistant chairs. One sustainer told me they were ideal examples of “Grace Under Fire” and their Junior League training really showed well. Positive feedback from the committee, our partner and event guests are proof that this relatively new fundraiser is on course for continued success for years to come. Our Woman Volunteer of the Year Committee chairs Dorothy MacDiarmid (right on the heels of her Presidential year plus very pregnant! Dorothy is the ultimate volunteer role model.), Caroline Angstadt and Lara Carter led a focused committee of work horses to a second year record-setting results with over $162,000 in net profits. The upcoming 20th Anniversary event has been set for October 26, 2007 and it promises to be a sensational event with sponsors already lining up to be a part of this community celebration of voluntarism. Family Portrait Day Committee exceeded their goals this year with over $11,000 in net profits while combating windy weather and scheduling conflicts. But with the strong leadership of Rebecca Elman and Becky Carlsson the committee persevered. 12 BY ROBIN DEYO The Bridge May 2007 Guess who is cooking now! Our Savor the Moment Cookbook Committee is rocking with a rebounding cookbook marketplace that is on the upswing. Keeping the focus on sales, sales, sales … the committee has brought in new accounts, got our book back into old accounts, offered a diverse array of SWAP books COMMITTEE NEWS FINANCE COUNCIL’S ANNUAL CHECKUP and are still in the hunt to be included with the Chicken Soup for the Soul cookbook being developed. As of early April the committee had raised over $10,500 in net profits. Emily Roberts and Morgan Green Co-Chaired the committee with an entrepreneurial spirit and brought a fresh new approach to an aging book that is still bar none one of the best cookbooks on the shelf. Fund Development Committee benefitted from the sheer drive of its leader. Mary Glynn Toomey is a machine! Always “on task,” she fielded tons of inquiries about having the Junior League host a trunk show, opened a store or restaurant, starting an eBay Committee and even researched earning dollars from filling out private surveys for Fortune 500 companies. Her committee left no stone unturned. Starting with Funky Nutz dueling piano bar opening, Bogarts Bar & Grill grand opening and Il Marco’s grand opening, the committee raised over $14,000. Since we don’t typically budget for this committee all that money is icing on the cake of success this year. Our C.P.A. Consultant and longtime member, Barbara Phillip once again helped us navigate through our required audits and counseled me on best practices. She will unfortunately be leaving our area soon when her family relocates to Indiana. Barb, thanks for all your efforts over the years. You have made a great impact on our organization. We have hired Devon CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 Falcone to be our new C.P.A. Consultant and we are confident that she has a ton of great ideas and passion for continuing our mission to run a tight, well-managed nonprofit. Without a solid foundation, an organization like ours could easily succumb to the placement turnovers from year to year. Robin Philpit, our Controller, provides the cement on which all our business processes run. She is always available, helpful and as I have said before . . . watches out for our best interest like a hawk! She is the best. The financial health of our organization is very strong. Endowment and their strategic money management provide the security from burden our members might face otherwise. Our fundraisers this year will allow us to give unprecedented funds to our community projects next year. We can all be proud of a job well done! With our annual checkup complete, I will be turning over the reins of Finance Council to Jennifer DeWolff. She is a former League president from Orange County, California who works for Wells Fargo. I am positive she will come in with a basket full of great new ideas and inspirational tactics to make our council raise the bar even higher. I look forward to supporting her as Operations Assistant Chair on WVOY. Thanks for another great League year. It has been my best placement to date! They just get better and better each year. Tired of Your Glasses or Contacts? Consider LASIK at the Cohen Laser and Vision Center “Florida’s First Choice for LASIK” Serving Boca Raton since 1985 G. Richard Cohen, M.D. 3020 North Military Trail Suite 150 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-981-8400 www.bocalasik.com ! IntraLase® “All-Laser” - Blade Free Technology ! ! High Definition Vision ! ! Custom Laser Vision Correction ! ! NearVision CK® ! ! Specializing in Cornea and Refractive Surgery ! Endorsed by Kathy Adkins & Elizabeth Pankey-Warren www.JLBR.org 13 SAVOR THE MOMENT FROM A COOK’S POINT OF VIEW What a whirlwind this year has been. The committee has exceeded all expectations with the sales of Savor the Moment and cookbooks from other Junior Leagues. Purchases by members of JLBR are what put us over the top and everyone on the committee thanks you. The effort to find interesting cookbooks from other Junior Leagues will continue and suggestions from you are always welcome. A member suggested Grand Rapids and it flew off the shelf. I am still trying to get the cookbook from Bloomfield Hills. This year we included a few books that were not from leagues and they were well received. So, if you want cookbooks from different parts of the country let me know. Summer is on its way and I can’t wait. There will be time to regroup and relax a bit. I thought I would send you off with a recipe or two from our own Savor the Moment. If you haven’t tried them, you have missed a good thing. Watermelon Salsa Serves eight (holds well for a picnic) Serve as a dip or over grilled fish (I used it with chicken and people couldn’t get enough) 2 cups finely chopped seeded watermelon 1 or 2 jalapenos, minced or to taste (take out the seeds) 2 tablespoons minced red onion 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf parsley 1/8 teaspoon grated ginger root ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix gently. Let stand for 30 minutes to blend flavors. Serve within a few hours. Tip buying a watermelon: When shopping for the perfect whole specimen, look for a symmetrical round, oval, or oblong watermelon with a buttery yellow underbelly. Pick it up -- it should ALMAN & KATZ, D.M.D., P.A FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY ! BLEACHING ! CROWNS ! BRIDGES ! IMPLANTS Steven R. Alman, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. 7820 Glades Road, Suite 250 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 14 The Bridge May 2007 (561) 460-0007 Beeper: (561) 936-5798 BY MARY LAVALLE feel heavy for its size, which tells you it is juicy and fresh. Avoid melons with soft spots or bruises. And although the rind should have a healthy sheen, color isn’t a good guide to ripeness. Depending on the variety, a fine, ripe melon can vary from deep emerald green to very light green to various shades of green with pronounced stripes. Nutty Fettuccine Serves two to four You’ll go nuts over the ease of preparation! 1 (9 ounce) package fresh fettuccine or linguine (I used dried pasta) ¾ cup chopped hazelnuts, pecans and/or pine nuts 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon olive oil ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese ½ crumbled Gorgonzola or bleu cheese 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil Garnish with fresh basil Cook the pasta using the package directions; drain and keep warm. Toast the hazelnuts in the butter and olive oil in a medium skillet until light brown, stirring frequently. Combine with the pasta, Parmesan cheese, Gorgonzola cheese and basil in a bowl and toss gently. Garnish with the additional basil. Have fun this summer - get some sand in your toes! SAVOR THE MOMENT SAVORING THE MOMENT BY EMILY ROBERTS Do you ever just sit and page through Savor the Moment? Lose yourself in the descriptions, the combination of flavors, the photography? Ok, ok, I know we don’t have loads of time on our hands and no one puts it on their daily “to do” list, but do you ever pick it up looking for one particular recipe or a bit of inspiration for your dinner and end up thumbing through countless recipes and saying to yourself “that sounds delicious” or “that doesn’t sound that hard” . . . the one I always enjoy is, “Wow, I actually have all the ingredients for that recipe in the pantry” . . . no trip to the grocery required, I love that. Savor the Moment can be just that, your “everyday” cookbook. Everyone who has ever made one recipe out of the book almost always repeats it, some are easy, they are delicious and they are very impressive, they celebrate South Florida and with each successful experience you are that much more inclined to try another. With each successful Savor the Moment endeavor, your confidence is boosted and slowly but surely you start to consider yourself a cook, a pretty good cook as a matter of fact. I have actually been known to read cookbooks like novels. I love the pictures, but I am just now challenging myself with some of the culinary adventures that lie inside. I am always thankful that my husband is daring and really quite open minded when it comes to my cooking, I truly cannot think of a time when he found a meal inedible (although I know I wanted to order a pizza a time or two) and I celebrate this. For me, part of the thrill of impressing my “audience” with a new dish is what gives me the encouragement I need to make something special on a weeknight and turn any old night into a special experience . . . which is why it is only fitting that our award winning Savor the Moment encourages us to do just that . . . Savor the Moment. So indulge, enjoy, be brave, and may you make many delicious memories with your “audience.” Our President, Kathy Adkins, had a wonderful idea. Why not put together a list of recipes to make during the week when you Janie Lott, Inc. Junior League Member Calligraphy, Personalized Gifts & Stationery Representing many online resources: Boatman-Geller ! Carlson Craft ! Embossed Graphics Julia Azure ! Just Write ! Noteworthy ! Sweet Pea ! Call to see in person 561-391-8638 [email protected] may not have a lot of time to fuss. The following suggestions will help you out: Alligator Eye Dip . . . . . . Appetizer you can make days ahead Spicy Grilled Shrimp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entrée or appetizer BBQ Ribs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Put in the oven and forget it Flank Steak Marinade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Easy, easy Mizner Meatloaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Easy and a winner Bistro Pasta . . . . A wonderful combination of shrimp and veggies Nutty Fettuccine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wow! Town and Country Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Always a favorite Tuscan Bread Salad . . . . . A nice change from everyday salad Strawberry Patch Soup . . . . The children can help and will love it Green beans and friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Too good to be true Baked carrots w/brown sugar & mustard . . . . Yummy and simple Wonderful flavors and twists to long time favorites. Remember Savor the Moment for teacher gifts and Mother’s Day. They will be available in the Junior League office or at the JLBR Annual Dinner Meeting. Enjoy your summer. Alligator Eye Dip Serves sixteen 1 (15 ounce) can black-eyed peas 1 (15 ounce) can black beans 1 (9 ounce) can chopped black olives 2 tomatoes, seeded, chopped 20 green onions, chopped 1 (4-ounce) can chopped green chiles 1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped garlic salt to taste 3/4 cup salad oil 1/3 cup vinegar Procedures & Notes: Rinse and drain the black-eyed peas and black beans. Combine the peas, beans, olives, tomatoes, green onions, green chilies and cilantro in a bowl and mix well. Add the garlic salt, oil and vinegar and mix well. Chill for 8 hours or longer. Serve with corn chips. The Material Girl Ebay Sales & Education Specialist Jewelry ! Antiques ! Electronics ! Collectibles Handbags ! Clothing ! Estate Stephanie Miskew 561-317-6663 [email protected] www.thematerialgirl.net www.JLBR.org 15 COMMITTEE NEWS FUND DEVELOPMENT IN REVIEW Spring is here and it is time for our committee to say thanks to our Chairperson Mary Glynn Toomey. Under Mary Glynn’s tutelage and inspirational leadership, the Fund Development Committee has prospered and had a remarkable fundraising year. Our team raised roughly $14,000 from the successful events at Bogart’s, Funkey Nutz and Il Marco in addition to having a fun and fantastic time. On behalf of our amazing committee, we wish Mary Glynn the best of luck with her biggest event of the year, her wedding this month! We also want to say thanks to her for her leadership, thanks for a fantastic year of fund development, and most of all, thanks for being someone who knows how to create an environment where we could come together, be happy and be successful! Looking ahead to our upcoming year we think back, it seems such a short time ago, when last spring Mary Glynn came back from Organizational Development Institute training given by the Association of Junior League’s International, which helps League members prepare for leadership. Our leader for next year, Tina Towery, has just returned from this same training, where she heard the “Vision of the Coat Closet Check-in.” Does this sound strange especially for Florida, right? 16 The Bridge May 2007 BY BRENDA BROWNING The speaker asked everyone to sit quietly with eyes closed, and envision a utopia of her League. She could imagine that everything she learned at the conference had changed things, and she should see the League just as she hoped for it to be. After a few minutes of silence, the microphones were passed around for a couple of women to share what kind of vision she had seen. Imagine it is a freezing night, snowing in Manhattan, and you’ve stepped off the sidewalk into a warm restaurant where the aroma smells positively delicious. You are greeted by the friendly coat clerk standing in a small doorway of a closet right by the front door. The coat clerk takes your coat, smiles, passes you a claim ticket and wishes you a wonderful meal. You naturally shed the stress and cold and bitterness of the outside, and settle yourself down to a nice table, to be waited on, enjoy some fine wine and fabulous food. Sounds enticing, but most of us still prefer South Florida! Anyhow, some of those girls at the training, especially the ones from Minnesota, well, they were headed back to a lifestyle of coat clerks and coat rooms, and small claim tickets that you hope hasn’t disappeared into the abyss of your purse or pocket. So it’s from there that this vision came through the microphone from a shaky voice fighting back tears. “My vision was that I saw everyone in my League coming into our meetings and having the ability to leave it all behind at the . . . continued on page 17 COMMITTEE NEWS WVOY HARD AT WORK BY AMY KAZMA Mark your calendars, save the date and schedule the babysitter. Friday, October 26, 2007 will be the 20th Annual Women Volunteer of the Year Luncheon and Fashion Show to be held again at the Boca Raton Resort and Club. This being the 20th anniversary of the event, you won’t want to miss this fabulous luncheon. Last year 27 volunteers from area nonprofit organizations were honored for their dedication to improve our community. We are very honored that Woolbright Development has agreed to be our Platinum sponsor and Wachovia Wealth Management will be the Award sponsor. Plans are underway for another spectacular luncheon, complete with lots of champagne, a fabulous fashion show by Saks Fifth Avenue featuring Escada, beautiful raffle baskets and a delicious lunch inspired by our award winning cookbook Savor the Moment. This past year we had almost 1,000 people in attendance and raised more than $160,000 for JLBR’s community projects. It was a fantastic event thanks to the dedication of the entire committee and the generous support of our underwriters, businesses and inkind contributors. So tell everyone you know about this fabulous event and plan on kicking off social season in style. Patti Carpenter has graciously agreed to serve as honorary chairperson for the luncheon. Patti, a former Woman Volunteer of the Year recipient, is a very active community philanthropist. She chaired the Go Pink event to benefit Breast Cancer Research for the past four years taking the event from 250 to over 750 attendees. She chaired the Boca Raton Community Hospital Cinderella Ball that raised over $1 million as well as serving on the Historical Society’s Boca Bacchanal committee and the Executive Council for First United Bank. Patti will host the Tea reception for the nominees and underwriters on a date yet to be determined. We are thrilled to have such a dynamic woman as our honorary chairperson. We will need your help again this year with raffle prizes, table hostesses, sponsorships and underwriting. These are great opportunities to fulfill your financial commitments. If you or someone you know is interested in contributing to this event, please contact Michele Toomey at [email protected] or Amy Kazma at [email protected]. JLBR will be announcing our own fabulous nominee at the Annual Meeting in May. Look for the announcement in the Summer issue of The Bridge. FUND DEVELOPMENT IN REVIEW coatroom. Each was given a ticket to check in and leave behind a sick child, a terrible work day or career stress, relationship or Home By Health Care... Those Who Care We offer Home Health Aides Certified Nurse Aides HomeMaker / Companions Live-ins Case Management Assistance with Shopping & Appointments Household Accounting Monthly Reports PERSONAL SENIOR SERVICES, INC. A Nurse Registry Lisc # NR 30211019 References Provided Mary Kelly President (a Junior League Member) 190 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33433 (561) 368-7422 www.personalseniorservice.com CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 husband issues, babysitter problems, everything that is worrying her and keeping her mind occupied. I saw all the women in my League focused and working together, happy and harmonious, and successful.” Now that’s a positive attitude. We can’t rid our lives of the challenges, but we can choose to check those things at the door. You still have the claim ticket, because it will still belong to you when you leave . . . unless of course, you let that ticket disappear! Thanks Tina, for sharing this inspirational story. Don’t forget the Fund Development Committee is on the lookout for any restaurant openings that might bring us more good times and provide more funds for our League. Carolyn Cole Arnold, Psy. D., P.A. Intelligence Testing Psychotherapy Licensed Psychologist #PY4850 7300 West Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33433 (561) 338-6995 www.JLBR.org 17 COMMITTEE NEWS KIDS IN DISTRESS THANKS YOU What an amazing first year we have had with Kids In Distress! Although it’s a lot of hard work and takes a little while to be able to establish clear goals and objectives that are achievable, the outcome is incredibly rewarding. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the committee for their creative ideas and enthusiasm, and to the active and sustaining members of the League (especially Ann Vegso) for their support and their willingness to really embrace this project. As I get ready to turn over the reigns to the new Co-Chairs and Chair Elect, I must say how much I will miss working directly on this project and hope to continue to be affiliated with Kids In Distress on my own time. It makes me think back to my first introduction to the Junior League where they stated their goal was to train us as volunteers, so that we can move on as individuals and continue to contribute, that’s exactly what I’m experiencing! There is still so much we can do and can contribute to this organization, including working with their new “Grand Mentor” program and “Teen” program, and “Santa’s Helpers” program. Recruiting Foster Families and assisting with Prevention programs are also key objectives that we will continue to focus on next year. I’m just so thrilled that we were able to provide our members the opportunity to really “touch and feel” this project through our monthly family enrichments and that so many of you attended one as your Done In A Day. A Foster Parent is truly a special person, and when you have the pleasure of meeting people like Diane Frankel, who spoke at one of the General Membership Meetings about her experience, it leaves you with the most incredible respect for them. I don’t think I can sum it up any better than Ezra Kreig did in this wonderful thank you letter: “Dear Members of the Junior League of Boca Raton, The relationship between Kids In Distress and the Junior BY JAMI N. GUTTENBERG League of Boca Raton began with Jamie Wicker Sauer learning about our agency and seeking a way for our two organizations to work together to make life better for children in need in our community. It grew with a plastic bag and an enthusiastic response to our call for support. It flourished with you as a tireless chairperson, flanked by an incredible committee, who implemented a plan to meet the goals and objectives. As we end this first year of our working relationship, Kids In Distress looks back at your accomplishments and looks forward to more to come. Your accomplishments are many. The enrichment programs each month have drawn more people than ever before. It has resulted in fewer families dropping their foster care commitments while strengthening the relationships between the families and the children they serve. Through our contacts with you, our profile in the community has increased leading to both funding and program opportunities. Individual members of the Junior League have volunteered at a variety of KID events and programs. The upcoming Family Day put together by your new members, will provide a fun experience for all, while encouraging more families to look into the possibilities of fostering. This translates into a better life for children who have experienced so much misery in the past. The future is bright with possibilities. We look forward to making next year’s enrichment programs even better while finding new ways to recruit Foster Families. I am particularly excited about looking at ways that the Junior League can assist in our efforts to expand our prevention efforts. You have made a difference in the battle against child abuse and neglect in the community yesterday, today and will tomorrow. So many lives have been positively affected by your good works. On behalf of a grateful partner. Thank you, Ezra M Kreig Director of Special Projects So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me and the members of the Kids In Distress Committee to discover and share with all of you this wonderful organization! Kindly and highly recommended by JLBR Sustainers Gail Hackett & Joanie Robertson When you need home or office improvements and smaller repairs, call your local team of experts for a free estimate and ask for Felix or Juan at: Free Estimates - Français/Español HOME IMPROVEMENT & REPAIRS OF BOCA RATON CORPORATION Office (561) 955 9550 – Cell (561) 305 5178 [email protected] 18 The Bridge May 2007 COMMITTEE NEWS ALL ABOARD THE BOCA EXPRESS WOW! What a year this has been for our committee. We have accomplished so much, that looking back is both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. Our committee’s League year began with an ultimate goal. We needed to develop a program to bring into local schools to teach 4th grade students about Boca Raton history. Simple enough right? Not so fast. Think of it this way, our program had to be fun, interesting, hands-on and educational all at the same time! We needed to capture the interest of school administrators, teachers and students alike. We feel that we have reached our goal and are so proud of our final product we wanted to share it with all of you. All Aboard the Boca Express! (Drum Roll Please) First, imagine you are a 4th grader. Your classroom is transformed into a train station, complete with a train conductor, sound effects, boarding passes and train stops! When the program begins, you are asked to line up to board the “Boca Express” for a train ride back through local history. Then you are given a boarding pass, but don’t throw it away because there is a raffle for a prize at the end of the program if your boarding pass has the winning number on it. Are you having fun yet? Wait it gets better. Once you are given some background information, you are asked to exit the train and go to one of 4 stops (actually you are just moving to a different part of the classroom marked by authentic railroad cross- BY MILLIE STRICKROOT ing signs). Each stop has an activity for you to complete. Will you be learning about our early residents who changed the city forever? You will if you are chosen to participate in the mystery of the missing passenger. Or maybe you will be participating in the fun map activity that will help you find your way around our great city. You could be learning the relevance of documenting history by opening a time capsule left behind years ago by anonymous residents of our city. Then you get to create your own time capsule to be left in your classroom for future students to open. How about being an archeologist for the day? You can if your stop is the archeological dig filled with artifacts left behind by the Seminole Indians. Then, as if all this was not enough, you get to participate in a fun and interactive time line activity and view a beautiful power point presentation. As a wrap up, the Boca Raton Museum has developed a great art project for you to complete and take home. AWESOME! Now imagine you are a teacher. You will receive a binder which includes a five-day thematic Unit, follow-up lessons, classroom activities and worksheets. This binder will also include a copy of all of the historical research (provided by the Boca Raton Historical Society) that was used to develop this program. In addition, you will also get a copy of the Power Point presentation, various historical reference books for your classroom library and each of your students will receive a Certificate of Participation and a pencil. ALL THIS FOR FREE! We hope you love it as much as we do. www.JLBR.org 19 Happy Summer from JLBR 20 The Bridge May 2007 Happy Summer from JLBR www.JLBR.org 21 COMMITTEE NEWS THANK YOU FROM COMMUNITY COUNCIL You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi At our last Community Council meeting, we discussed a packed agenda of every detail needed to accomplish what would be our very last meeting in our current role as leaders improving and serving our community on behalf of the JLBR. We talked about our successes; our challenges; our personal and professional achievements; the friendships we made; the new things we learned and most important, the incredible work we accomplished with your help to better our community. Our monthly Council meetings provided the framework for us to discover opportunities to assist each other and brainstorm about effective avenues and plans to impact our community, achieve our mission and realize our vision. There were many times we sat around the table and cried uncovering a horrible reality in our community and dried our tears with a solution and plan for implementation to remedy those problems. We led and inspired each other and strived to make our community a better place. I look back and can’t believe how quickly the year passed and what that has meant for our community and the amazing leaders that comprised your Community Council this year. During 2006-07, together we accomplished: Vegso Community Resource Center (VCRC). The VCRC BY LISA WARREN serves many functions, but most importantly is its mission to provide the communities of South Palm Beach and north Broward Counties with the best available education training and resources as they search for funding and governance for their organizations. This year, the VCRC Committee has accomplished: • Planned and hosted in excess of 12 nonprofit trainings and programs at little to no-cost to the organization on a variety of subjects including Board Governance, Fundraising, Marketing, Grant writing, College Funding Solutions, Corporate Giving and more. • Grant Library was open and available to the community Monday through Friday for a total of 1,500 hours of grant services available to nonprofit professionals, students and individuals. Liz Locke, our librarian, conducted several Grant Library trainings for members of the community a minimum of two times per week. • Hosted and facilitated five days of intensive training on grant writing covering funding research, program planning and proposal writing. Presented by The Grantsmanship Training Center, nationally known and based in California. • Wrote an application and secured approval for Cooperating Collection status for the Grant Library making the library one of 300 members nationwide equipped with the skills and materials to strengthen the nonprofit sector by advancing knowledge about U.S. philanthropy by committing to provide the resources needed to educate a minimum of 100 nonprofits in our service area. • Wrote and submitted an AJLI award applicaton for community impact detailing the planning and implementation of the VCRC strategic plan. • Developed new marketing materials and brochure for the VCRC library and trainings. In The Pines. The Junior League provides funding and volunteer support to improve the living conditions of agricultural workers and their families who reside at In The Pines North and South residences in western Delray Beach. Family members receive basic life skills training, after school homework help and participate in educational and recreational community activities. This year, the In The Pines Committee has accomplished: Our Smiles Shine! Dr. Moroco, a Junior League of Boca Raton member, is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University Dental School. She completed advanced specialty training in Orthodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Moroco has practiced orthodontics in Boca Raton/Delray area since 1993. The Linton Medical Park 4800 Linton Boulevard, Suite D-505 ! Delray Beach 561-638-9963 • Organized an inspirational speaker to come and give a motivational speech to children in preparation for FCAT testing. • Organized and transported several children to JLBR event, “Kids in the Kitchen” to learn proper nutritional facts and habits. • Organized, planned and hosted a “Teacher Appreciation Day” for the RCMA daycare teachers at In The Pines South. • Organized and worked with a New Member committee to host a self-esteem event for the young women and teens. • Organized, planned and hosted a Spring educational event . . . continued on page 23 22 The Bridge May 2007 COMMITTEE NEWS THANK YOU FROM COMMUNITY COUNCIL • • • • • • • with High Touch, High Tech at Sugar Sand Park’s Science Explorium. Purchased and installed additional playground equipment at In The Pines South. Provided after-school program with numerous educational reading supplies (including Hooked on Phonics, Leapfrog computers, flashcards, games, etc.) to help improve reading skills. Provided safety fencing around the toddler play area at In The Pines so children would not get hurt in the surrounding canal system. Planned and hosted a Sports Day at In The Pines teaching children the importance of physical activity, playing as a team, and understanding and following rules. Planned and hosted an Animal Adventure Day at In The Pines educating children on Florida’s wildlife including native and endangered animals. Planned and hosted arts and crafts activity to assist children at In The Pines in understanding the act of working toward a goal of creating something as a gift for someone else. Provided backpacks and school supplies in August for the children at In The Pines. Kids in Distress. The Junior League provides funding and volunteer support to assist in providing services that care for and treat young victims of child abuse and neglect, and those at risk, in our community. Through abuse prevention and therapeutic programs, families are strengthened and supported in their effort to stay whole. KID’s Foster Care program steps in when CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 necessary to place children in loving, stable foster homes. Some foster placements result in adoption. This year, the Kids in Distress Committee has accomplished: • Organized, planned and hosted seven monthly Family Enrichment Sessions totaling approximately 370 hours of community service. Sessions provided the framework for foster families to be able to attend their continuing education classes and maintain their foster care status. Each month was a different theme with different programming initiatives for the children. Kids in Distress reported record attendance from families attending thanks to the JLBR’s planning and volunteer efforts! • Planned and worked with Kids in Distress staff to host a Holiday Party for foster families and their foster children. • Organized, planned and hosted a “Foster Mom’s Night Out” event to celebrate foster care Moms. • Organized, planned and hosted first annual “lunch and learn” event at the VCRC to assist in recruiting potential foster care parents and educating the community about foster care in general. • Created a foster care family survey to assess their wants and needs for a foster family support group. • Organized and worked with New Member group to host a Foster Parent Appreciation Day at Lynn University. • Organized and presented foster care guest speakers from Kids in Distress at the November General Membership . . . continued on page 24 Way to go Mommy! Daddy and I are proud of you. Love, Harrison www.JLBR.org 23 COMMITTEE NEWS THANK YOU FROM COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting to educate our membership on the foster care process, commitment and experience. • Planned and facilitated foster care awareness and prevention activities and programs for the upcoming months with Kids in Distress. Kids@Home. The Junior League provides funding and volunteer support to assist young adults as they transition from foster care to independent living so they may avoid homelessness, joblessness, incarceration and educational deficits. Kids@Home is piloting a program with support from the Altman Foundation of Boca Raton. This year, the Kids@Home committee accomplished: • Planned, hosted and facilitated 5 Life Skills Seminars for foster teens “aging out” of the system at Kids@Home. A total of 80 teens learned about law enforcement, banking and finance, cooking and more. • Planned and hosted a community service project for teens at Kids@Home. 60 hours donated to Habitat for Humanity to teach young adults the importance of giving back and volunteering in the community. • Planned and facilitated the Apartment Starter Kit project for Kids@Home collecting donations for transitioning teens to new independent living working in conjunction with the New Member group. • Planned and hosted a Back to School event for teens at Kids@Home delivering school supplies, tips and strategies on how to be effective as a student. Engaged students in “jeopardy-style” game to teach them about basic academic facts and figures. Hometown Histories. The Junior League provides funding and volunteer support to develop and provide classroom presentations to 4th graders in the Boca Raton community on topics related to art, culture and the history of Boca Raton. In a strategic partnership with the Boca Raton Museum of Art and the Boca Raton Historical Society, the Junior League will supervise, coordinate and execute an innovative and exciting educational outreach program including an approved curriculum, creative “trunk show” package and trained volunteers to deliver or “perform” educational sessions in the classrooms. This project will enhance teachers’ resources in conveying this aspect of the Florida history curriculum while providing a stimulating learning experience and environment for our area’s 4th grade students. This year, the Hometown Histories committee accomplished: • Completed and printed participation certificates for all students involved in the program. • Completed marketing of a brochure and packet to be used in encouraging teachers to take advantage of this opportunity. Packets include brochure, Boca A to Z book, introductory letter, pencil. • Completed teacher binders – each teacher will receive a 24 The Bridge May 2007 • • • • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 binder when their class participates in the program. The binder includes: introductory letter, five day thematic unit, background research, Power Point presentation, Boca A to Z book, Images book. New Member project – completed interactive time lines and maps to use in a classroom. Established contact with Susan Saxton to promote the City of Boca Raton’s involvement in the project. Developed a 3-hour presentation. The first hour students will take a “ride” on the Boca Express. There will be four “stops” with activities to complete related to archaeology, map skills, mystery person research, and a time capsule. The second hour will include a time line activity and directed teaching about Boca’s history. The final hour will be an art activity developed by the Boca Raton Museum of Art. Worked with Palm Beach County School Board and obtained support of Social Studies Curriculum Specialist and agreed on a plan to assist with marketing Hometown Histories to area schools. Project Development. A team of volunteers research new community project possibilities and determine if they can develop into viable projects for the Junior League. The committee coordinates roundtable discussions and task force meetings with community leaders and local dignitaries to find unmet community needs. This year, the Project Development committee accomplished: • Reviewed, researched and evaluated 10 possible community projects. • Completed research to present three viable projects to the membership for consideration. • Conducted a straw and final ballot in November and March to gauge membership’s interest and evaluate leadership for the following JLBR year. • Worked with existing project chairs to evaluate needs of existing projects and proposed budgets to accomplish the mission for the following JLBR year. • Reported to membership and Board of Directors with results of all research. • Worked with Nominating/Placement to identify leaders for existing and proposed community projects for the 2007-08 year. • Presented for a Board and membership vote, 11 new and existing community projects for 2007-08 year with an approximate community budget of $150,000. Done In A Day (DIAD). DIAD events offer a wide range of rewarding volunteer experiences to JLBR members while providing a significant volunteer support service to community nonprofit organizations. DIAD events/programs in the community are typically short-term, low cost and mobilize large numbers of volunteers. This year, the DIAD committee accomplished: . . . continued to page 25 COMMITTEE NEWS THANK YOU FROM COMMUNITY COUNCIL • Donated 180 gifts to the Spirit of Giving’s annual community Toy Drive. • Completed 83 Thanksgiving in a Box meals and donated them to the Caring Kitchen and The Haven. • Donated 1,425 hours of DIAD time to various nonprofits organizations in our service area. • Made 2,000 bologna sandwiches at the Caring Kitchen. • Organized, planned and hosted more than 60 DIAD events in conjunction with area nonprofits to provide a maximum amount of diversified opportunities for our membership. • Organized and facilitated more than 270 JLBR volunteers at all DIAD events for the year. Community Support Fund. The Community Support Fund is the granting arm of the Junior League that allows community organizations within the Junior League’s service area to apply for grants up to $2,500 to assist in funding their programs and initiatives. This year, the CSF committee accomplished: • Donated $17,000 dollars to various community organizations through our Community Support Fund program. Charities included Inspirit, Inc., de Hoernle Alzheimer’s Pavilion, Sunflower Creative Arts, Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia, EPOCH, Boca Raton Elementary School, the Boca Raton Children’s Museum, American Alliance for People with Disabilities, CROS Ministries, Spanish River High School, Boca Raton Community High School, The Palm Beach Zoo, Caridad Center and Share-A-Pet. Public Issues and Advocacy. An issue-oriented committee that advocates for community needs, League interests and State Pubic Affairs Committee (SPAC) focus areas. The committee improves the Junior League of Boca Raton’s ability to oversee League attention and involvement in our League’s focus areas. Additionally, this committee also pursues ideas for future project development initiatives and works with Project Development to review and evaluate opportunities. • Participated and hosted Foster Care Task Force meetings with local legislators to determine how we can best help our service area with foster care. • Hosted a Legislative Reception that attracted the attendance of seven state legislators and many legislative aides from offices as high up as the U.S. Senate. • Planned, hosted and facilitated the Junior League of Florida State Public Affairs Committee (“SPAC”) Fall Conference. • Adopted, amended and sunsetted six position statements for the State of Florida. • Participated and voted on SPAC’s legislative agenda, including funding for Guardian Ad Litem program, mandatory booster seats for ages 4-8, reform of the “Road to Independence” legislation (addressing teens “aging out” of the State’s foster care system). • Organized guest speaker in conjunction with March’s Instant Payback Activity to inform us of the importance of booster CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 seat legislation. • Organized and planned a Booster Seat event in conjunction with City of Boca Raton, JLBR community projects and area nonprofits to increase awareness and educate community about the importance of booster seat use and legislation. And that’s not all! In addition to all the great work our community projects were doing, with your help we were also able to accomplish: • Completed 6 Instant Payback activities at the September, November, January, March, April and May General Membership Meetings collecting hurricane supplies, baby items, care package items and cash donations for the Forgotten Soldiers organization, legislative letter writing in support of booster seat legislation, a summer camp supply drive for 800+ children in area nonprofit programs and luggage for children removed from their biological parents during a crisis situation. • Collected and donated 56 IMAC computers to The Haven, Kids@Home and the Wayne Barton Study Center. • Donated 150 backpacks and supplies to the Caridad Center in western Boynton Beach. I would like to say THANK YOU for “being the change you wish to see in the world” and for inspiring me with your creativity, commitment and dedication to fulfill our mission in the community. I wish each of the fabulous leaders on Community Council much success in your placements next year and I look forward to serving our community together again soon! Original Cr eations b y R obin Philpit “One of a Kind Invit ations” ations Announcements Business Car ds Pr ogr ams, Br oc hur es Magazine & N e w sle tt er La y out Emer gency Car ds f or mor e inf ormation call R obin at 561-750-9036 JLBR Member (JLBR BRIDGE Magazine, Woman Volunteer of the Year Program, JLBR Membership Recruitment Brochure, & Hometown Histories Brochure, and VCRC Brochure Layout Designer) www.JLBR.org 25 COMMITTEE NEWS SPRING IS FLOWERING FOR CSF Spring is flowering for the Community Support Fund. First, the committee awarded a $500 grant to both Boca Raton Community High School and to Spanish River High School to help support Project Graduation, a non-alcoholic all night graduation party held for seniors at each school. Next, the general membership voted to award two special community projects. The Caridad Center (formerly the Migrant Association of South FL) was awarded a $2,500 grant to help support a Diabetes Clinic. The Caridad Clinic provides medical and dental services for the children and families of agricultural workers, laborers, and the underserved. In the 2005-06 fiscal year, the Caridad Health Center Clinic provided 18,268 medical and dental patient visits to 6,275 unduplicated patients. The Clinic submitted a grant proposal to begin a comprehensive Diabetes Program for free screening, treatment, monitoring and health education to at least 3,000 children and adults. The patient population served is at risk of developing Diabetes due to race/ethnicity and are underserved and do not receive preventive services. The total project cost is $616,608. More than 550 volunteer medical providers provide 25,000 hours of in-kind services valued at more than $1.9 million annually. The Caridad Center received $2,500 in League Year 1999-2000 for general operating support and $2,500 in 2004-2005 for the purchase of Rocephin (a one dose injectable antibiotic use to treat pediatric ear infections). The second grant approved was a $2,500 award for the Palm Beach Zoo (Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches) to support KIDS@HOME ON THE MOVE Our committee is happy to share with all of you spectacular spring news that has our Kids@Home teens on the move in wonderful directions. We kicked off spring by hosting a cooking seminar at Mr. Food on Palmetto Park Road. For those of you who are not yet familiar with this recently opened “kitchen,” it is fantastic for those of us too busy to spend a lot of time preparing meals. For a set price, Mr. Food offers a wide variety of dishes that you prepare on location and bring home to just reheat. For the teens, it was a great way to learn about healthy cooking in a simple, time-efficient way. 26 The Bridge May 2007 BY MICHELE WEIZER an educational zoo experience program for 300 underserved children from Boca Raton. The experience includes touring the zoo and attending a private education class involving hands-on activities, touching live animals and biological artifacts. The Zoo has never applied for a CSF grant in the past. Lastly, the CSF Committee and Board of Directors approved a $1,500 grant award for the Share-A-Pet organization, whose service greatly improves the lives of the elderly and other restricted people by offering pet assisted therapy. Currently there are 2,250 patients residing at 50 facilities (nursing homes, retirement homes, children’s facilities, hospitals, and assisted living facilities) operating through South Florida (Boca Raton, Pompano, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood, North Miami) receiving pet assisted therapy. In addition, they have launched their “Paws to Read” program at several elementary schools in Boca Raton. Share-A-Pet is a volunteer-based organization, where all responsibilities are handled by volunteers outside their full time jobs and home duties. There are 250 animals and 250 volunteers providing pet-assisted therapies. The award will be used to provide personal photographs for approximately 300 routine patients. As the year winds down, grant award money is still available through the Community Support Fund. Please encourage your nonprofit organizations whose mission is in line with the Junior League of Boca Raton, to download an application from our website www.jlbr.org and submit. BY MICHELLE REIDER The kids partnered up in groups of two for the demonstration which was led by Tony, one of the owners of Mr. Food. She was fantastic dealing with the teens, some of whom were a bit reluctant at first. Within a few minutes everyone was getting into the spirit of things. The kids were able to take home their food to enjoy later. This Life Skills Seminar also was a big hit because it got the kids away from our regular site at the Palm Springs Leisure Center. We ended the day with a big BBQ lunch--a hit with everyone. Coming up is a seminar on job interview/application techniques. Three young women sponsored by Kids@Home transitioned out of foster care last month and we were there to help them . . . continued on page 27 COMMITTEE NEWS FINANCING YOUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE Concerned, even worried, about paying for college for your children . . . you should be! College price increases nearly doubled inflation again. Tuition and fees at a four-year public college rose 6.3 percent to an average of $5,836 for the 2006-07 academic year, according to the College Board’s annual “Trends in College Pricing” report. Adding room and board increased the average cost to $12,796. Tuition and fees at private four-year colleges rose 5.9 percent totaling $22,218 with room and board increasing to an average cost of a private college education to $30,367. The past ten years have been a period of extraordinary increases in college costs. Published prices are up 35 percent in five years. Continuing trends of 7 percent increases will cause the cost of college to double every ten years. If this trend continues, college graduates and their parents are subject to become Generations of OWE and WOE! Debts will pile up before children graduate and move onto their first career job and parents will be strapped during their retirement years. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to come and listen to financial expert, Joshua Schlinsky, C.C.P.S., founder of College Funding Solutions discusses how you can learn how to: # Pay for college without negatively affecting your current lifestyle or future wealth. # Get ahead by developing a customized plan to meet all the college costs you will incur. # Recoup most (if not all) of your child’s college costs. # Deduct college expenses off your income taxes if you own your own business. The Junior League of Boca Raton is pleased to be able to offer two sessions this year: Date: Title: Thursday, May 10, 2007 College Funding Solutions (Focus on Lower and Middle School Financial and Education) KIDS@HOME ON THE MOVE successfully make the move. Because of generous donations from many of you, the JLBR provided these teens with muchneeded basics like beds, couches, table and chairs, as well as linens and towels, etc. It has been mentioned before, but it is worth repeating: Remember what it was like when you first left home and what it took to get your new place furnished. Now think about these teens who have been in foster care most of their lives and are being transitioned out into the real world with very little support. Speaker: Time: Place: Fee: RSVP: Date: Title: Speaker: Time: Place: Fee: RSVP: BY JACQUELINE NICHOLSON Joshua Schlinsky, C.C.P.S., Certified College Planning Specialist 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Vegso Community Resource Center 261 N.W. 13th Street, Boca Raton Free of Charge JLBR at 561-620-0765 or [email protected] Tuesday, August 28, 2007 College Funding Solutions (Focus on High School Planning and Financial Education) Joshua Schlinsky, C.C.P.S., Certified College Planning Specialist 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Vegso Community Resource Center 261 N.W. 13th Street, Boca Raton Free of Charge JLBR at 561-620-0765 or [email protected] About the speaker: Joshua Schlinsky, C.C.P.S. has appeared on the NBC Nightly News and quoted in the Wall Street Journal for his expert opinion on College Financial Planning. By guiding families through the complex college system, while applying unique tax, financial and investment strategies, Joshua is able to provide solutions for parents to send their children to college without changing their current lifestyle or sacrificing their retirement goals. Joshua is the president of College Funding Solutions and a member of BLS Financial. Joshua enjoys working with families and individuals adding value to their life and their future. Joshua holds seminars in which he teaches others how to secure their financial future without changing their present lifestyle. In addition to these seminars, he has given countless personal consultations in which he blueprints a personalized road map that will maximize the finances of the client and his family. Joshua lets families know that one thing is clear in college financing – it is an education in itself! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 This brings up another aspect of our JLBR year that must be highlighted. This year’s New Member Project for K@H is doing a superior job of gathering apartment starter kits. This group of wonderful women has been getting the word out to you, our membership, about the need to help these kids. Many of you have stepped up to the plate and given generously. Please know the young people you are helping, along with everyone on our committee, is so grateful for your support. Thank you, thank you. www.JLBR.org 27 COMMITTEE NEWS THANK A TEACHER BY DENISE O’SULLIVAN Do you ever look back and think about a special teacher that has impacted your life? Are you a mom who wonders how a teacher can keep multiple children under control and still be able to teach them? Maybe you are a teacher and you feel extra special when a parent or student comes to you, to thank you for the impact that you have had on their life. Teachers are special, and in March, the In the Pines committee wanted to thank the teachers working at the RCMA Child Development Center located at ITP-South. The ITP committee wanted to recognize the teachers and their assistants for all that they do for the children of the migrant workers. Volunteers were brought in to watch the children during nap time. The teachers enjoyed a wonderful hot catered lunch by Tomasso’s and were given tokens of appreciation. Each teacher received lunch, an orchid, and a Target gift card. KIDS IN THE KITCHEN We had such a great time at our March 17th event, and were pleased to welcome 78 guests from In the Pines, The Caregiving Youth Project, Boys & Girls club members and staff, and other families from around the community. A big thank you to our sponsors and donors, including Whole Foods, The Fresh Market, Kings Grocery, AmeriGroup, PepsiCola, Clif Bar, My Gym, Ed Morse Delray Toyota, Seasons 52 Restaurant, LA Fitness, Boca Magazine, The Naoma Donnelley Haggin Boys & Girls Club, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm The Bridge May 2007 It was wonderful to tour the facility and see the love and attention given by each teacher. To watch toddlers eating lunch together holding their forks like they were adults, to watching every child (65 of them) take their nap at the same time was amazing. The facility is used for the children during the day, and then at night other teachers work with the adults on various subjects. From what I can observe, it is a wonderful partnership between ITP and RCMA. As the mother of a three year old (who was with me for the luncheon and didn’t want to leave), I will now have a different view when my son throws an occasional temper tantrum. If these special ladies can keep 65 students under control, I question why sometimes I feel like I can’t control one outburst. Thank you to all of the teachers out there. You make the world a better place. BY STEPHANIE SHIPLEY If anyone needs a great smoothie recipe, wants to know the ABC’s of the food pyramid, or is looking for a great trainer, just ask a Kids in the Kitchen new member committee member! 28 The smiles and appreciation were priceless. Beach County, Capella Triple C Groves, Edible Arrangements, Darren Lincoln, Target, Bath & Body Works, Annette Annechild, and Travis Jones, John Denney and Donnie Jones from The Miami Dolphins. More thanks to our JLBR visitors and volunteers: Kristin and Harrison Calder, Sarah Flynn, Delia Weiss, Jennifer Donn, Victoria Matthews and Carrie Klimczak. The Kids in the Kitchen committee will also be making two donations with their left over money; a $100 Target gift card will go to the In the Pines Self-Esteem Program, and $180 will go to the Junior League. COMMITTEE NEWS DIAD WRAPS UP BY JENNIFER WOLFE As we wrap up the Done In A Day (DIAD) events our committee would like to thank everyone for their enthusiastic participation in the 60 Done In a Days! All the events were successful and we were able to reach out to about 25 different organizations throughout our community. Our volunteers’ efforts encompassed a wide variety of activities ranging from making sandwiches to reading to children. We helped many organiza- tions including Florence Fuller, Centre for the Arts, Caring Kitchen, Palm Beach Literacy Coalition, and Morikami. Through the Done in a Days, the Junior League of Boca Raton volunteered a total of 1,700 hours which is quite an accomplishment! Thanks for your commitment and contribution which together made these events such a success and so much fun! FOSTER CARE APPRECIATION DAY On April 28, the new member committee for Kids in Distress held their first annual foster care appreciation day. This event was to recognize and thank the foster parents for all their hard work. Seeing the children and parents with smiling faces made the day a success. The day lasted from 11a.m. - 2 p.m. with more than 150 parents and children having fun in the warm Florida sun at Lynn University. Children and parents enjoyed field games such as a double shot basketball game, football toss, three-legged races, tug-a-war and a bounce house. Everyone enjoyed lunch from Tomasso’s Pizza of Delray with cotton candy and snow cones as dessert. After lunch we had a special visit and address from State Representative Adam Hasner. We wanted to show our appreciation to all the foster parents, so we went out into the community and asked for donations. Each family received a thank you gift which was a memorial tote bag of the day that included gift certificates to local Day Spas, tickets to family events like Disney on Ice, Florida Panther games, day passes to the Children’s Museum, Sugar Sand Park, the Science Museum and much more. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · BY KIDS IN DISTRESS NEW MEMBER COMMITTEE John McKenney of In Touch International Lauren Donald of Bond Street Salon Tomas Ollestad of Delray Beach Tennis Mark and Anita Battalini of Tomasso’s Susan Cooper of S.F. Science Museum Tracy Cummings of Twisters Gymnastics Denia Alfonso of Eden Day Spa J.D Varney of Sugar Sand Park The Schoolhouse Children’s Museum Poppi Ford of Boca Raton Children’s Museum James M. Hay (with the assistance of Mary Flynn of Town of Palm Beach Recreation Department - Tennis) Jane Ochs and Betsy Perry of Acreage Physical Therapy Al Hirsch of The Ice Cream Club Walter Wilkinson of Wall Murals Alesandra Salon of Boynton Beach Maureen Wilt of Office Depot The Junior League of Boca Raton would like to thank the following donors who contributed to the gift bags: On behalf of the Junior League of Boca Raton, we were thrilled to have such a successful event! Thank you again to everyone that participated and the New Member Committee. A special thank you to State Rep. Adam Hasner, Carrie Klimczak, Christine Eckart-McKenney, Lisa Miller, and Lisa Romanowski. · · · · New member committee: Christine McKenney, Lisa Miller, Lisa Romanowski, Nancy Wilkinson, Carla Kenny, Kristen Petersen, Lydia Mayer, Anne Grigsby, Victoria Stone, Tara Berman, and Cyd Wolsman. Kevin Ross, President of Lynn University Luisa Fuentes of Lynn University Conservatory of Music John Koch, Lisa Ciapetta, Debbie Wilson of ADT Rodney Lalas of Chuck E. Cheese www.JLBR.org 29 COMMITTEE NEWS MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS PART III As promised from last month’s article, the following is the remaining list of members from the articles in March and April Bridge. We want to thank the Membership Development Committee for their hard work in preparing these woman for active membership and we want to thank the New Member class for their time, patience, good humor and effort in making this year a productive one. Mary Beth Tate and her husband moved to Boca Raton from New York 14 years ago. Mary Beth has three children, three dogs and one cat. Mary Beth enjoys travel, scrapbooking and sewing and is also a volunteer with the American Cancer Society. Jennifer Tauer moved to Delray Beach three years ago from San Diego. Jennifer works for the Bethesda Hospital Foundation in their public relations department and heard about our League through Kristin Calder, great recruiting Kristin! She enjoys reading, running, dancing, tennis, basketball and swimming. Kelly Thompson recently moved to Coral Springs from Atlanta. She has two dogs, Bear and Ivy. Kelly works for Hewitt Associates as a systems analyst. She enjoys all outdoor activities and working out. Tracey Thompson and her husband live in Boca Raton with their dog a Labradoodle named Sam. Tracey was born here in South Florida and most recently lived in Chicago. Tracey is an attorney and has been involved with guardian ad litem and juvenile justice program. She, along with her sister Jody Turner another new member, are the daughters of our lovely Sustainer Peggy Jones! Jody Turner and her husband live in Boca Raton with their son Jack and dog Murphy. Jody was born here and has recently lived in Palo Alto, CA and Chicago. Jody is the vice president at Jones Lumber Company and is the other half of the dynamic Jones duo (with her sister Tracey Thompson). Kirsten Tuzzo and her husband live in Boca with their three children. Kirsten is a vice president, portfolio manager for Merrill Lynch. Her hobbies include cooking, fitness, and spending time with her family and she also volunteers with the Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boys and Girls Club and American Cancer Society. 30 The Bridge May 2007 BY NANCY DOCKERTY Leigh Vazquez and her husband moved to Delray Beach from Honolulu three years ago. They have two children, Wyatt and Celia. Leigh is the manager of regulatory consulting for Bisys. She enjoys reading, traveling and hanging out at the beach. She also makes the most amazing brownies! Lisa Vinson and her husband have lived in Boca Raton for 12 years. Lisa, originally from Dallas, runs her own business, Diesel Fitness Equipment and when she’s not working, she enjoys the outdoors, fishing, photography, shopping and crafts. Lisa has been instrumental to the success of the Kids@Home new member project! Wini Warren and her husband live in Boca Raton with their two children (and one on the way!) Wini works for the Social Security Administration. Wini’s hobbies include travel, wine tasting, cooking, and yoga. Delia Weiss, a native Floridian, relocated to Boca Raton from New Orleans after the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. Delia is a physician specializing in Internal Medicine and in her spare tine she enjoys sports, meditation, yoga, reading and promoting healthy lifestyles. Ann Wellmuth recently moved to Delray Beach from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is the president of Group Ventures and enjoys working out, running and skiing. Jenna White is a native Floridian and lives in Delray Beach with her dog Ali. She loves children and works as a nanny for several lucky children. Jenna also enjoys boating fashion, animals and sports. Nancy Wilkinson and her husband live in Delray Beach with their two Maltese dogs, Sweet Pea and Snow Pea. They moved here two years ago from Virginia Beach. Nancy is a senior loan officer at Chase Mortgage. She enjoys art, music and spending time with her dogs. Melissa Williams and her husband live in Deerfield Beach with their son, Christopher. Melissa is an accountant and enjoys scuba diving, running and reading. Melissa also volunteers at the soup kitchen in Delray Beach. Melissa has done a great job on her new member project for the Wellness Fair and will be stepping up to the plate as a chair elect next year of MSAT. . . . continued on page 31 COMMITTEE NEWS A YEAR TO REMEMBER BY JOANNE GOLDEN It’s a wrap! This has been a fantastic League year; it’s time to celebrate it in style! Please join us on May 8th for Annual Dinner Meeting. Tickets are $42 a person. Come early to toast your friends at 6 p.m., meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Please purchase your tickes on line at www.jlbr.org, tickets will not be sold at the door! We hope you enjoyed the April Placement Fair! Our thanks to the presenting committees and those of you in attendance for making it a huge success. As we wrap up our year, we would like to thank everyone who made it possible: first, our wonderful (if we do say so ourselves) team; truly a “team” in every sense. Our Chair was Nicole Mugavero, Sustaining Advisor, Betsy Bleich, and members Kristin Calder, Susan Kaelin, Denise Elia, Cadey Charfen, Lisa Wilson, Tibisay Vasile and Joanne Golden. Kimberly Kenney, V.P. of Personnel and Dayna Coffer was our Nominating Placement Advisor. The biggest change this year was of course our move to Marriott at Boca Center. Once that was established, we planned our themes and figured out how to execute our ideas on a very tight budget! Internal PR planning meetings were always fun, thanks to Nicole’s festive ideas (who else brings their own decorations to restaurants, just to keep a theme going?) Thank you to JLBR President Kathy Adkins for your guidance and support throughout the year. Thank you to Minuteman Press in Boca Raton for the invitations and so much more. Thank you to our sponsors and raffle donors who made each meeting special. Thank you to our New Member team; we really enjoyed working with you! Special thanks to Linda and the Marriott at Boca Center for their hospitality. Finally, thank you to all of you who came to the GMMs and made them fun! From all of us on Internal PR, have a fabulous and relaxing summer and we look forward to seeing you in September! MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS PART III Stephanie Winters lives in Delray Beach with her cat Astor, who was rescued from Hurricane Bob in 1991. Stephanie is a mortgage broker with Capital First Financial Services. She enjoys golf, tennis, reading and cooking and her good friend Lynne Gayle introduced her to our League. Way to go Lynne! Cyd Wolsman is married with two children and lives in Boca Raton. Cyd is involved with Big Sisters/Big Brothers. Cyd is an accountant and works for the Federal Government. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30 Danielle Yankowski a native Floridian, lives in Boca Raton with her husband Michael and their two cats CK and Snoopy. Danielle works for Grant Thornton, LLP. In her free time, Danielle enjoys boating, diving, reading, running and traveling. Carla Zorovich and her husband Rick live in Boynton Beach with their two children Ashley and Charlotte. Carla is a CPA and in her free time enjoys tennis, softball, sailing, shopping and reading. Carla did an amazing job on the new member project, the MSAT Wellness Fair. www.JLBR.org 31 COMMITTEE NEWS JLBR IS LIT UP AGAIN BY ELYSA ELK The PR/Marketing Committee has been busy wrapping up the year! We were able to secure an in-kind donation for a billboard ad for the second time through the generosity of Art Martinez at CBS Outdoor. The billboard ad will be up for the month of May on the East side of Glades and Butts Road in Boca Raton in front of the Cheesecake Factory. Once again, the billboard is a creative approach for the JLBR’s recruitment efforts. Something new is our partnership with JCDecaux North America. This company creates the illuminated signs that you see in the Mall. Through their generosity we were able to purchase one sign at a discounted rate and receive several additional signs at no cost for the month of May. Look for our signs when you are shopping at Town Center in the Food Court! We would like to extend a special thank you to Robin Philpit for WHERE DID THE YEAR GO? all of her efforts with design on the billboard and illuminated signs in a very tight time frame! A special thank you also goes to Linda Rinaldi, Director of Mall Marketing, Simon Property Group for allowing us to distribute flyers promoting the Candidate Education Sessions at the Town Center Mall. These exciting projects are in addition to the regular press releases and stories our committee is still pitching until turnover. Thank you to all the committee chairs and members for sending us information on your events and projects and working with us this year and helping us to get great press coverage for our organization! BY LESLIE JACKSON I was checking books out of the library yesterday and the lady behind the desk said they were due back on May 1st. I had to take a step back and think MAY 1st? But, yes, this year is just about over - can you believe it? Nominating Placement has had a busy year - we’ve done our best to keep in touch with our individual advisees and, hopefully, we’ve been helpful to you! We’ve just finished placing more than 300 new and active members on to their new committee placements! We hope you all will attend your June committee meetings and get to know your fellow committee members and your new responsibilities. One last bit of Nominating housekeeping - please remember to pay your dues for the 2007-2008 League year as well as complete your obligations from this year. This means - finish up your DIADs or Fundraiser shifts and fulfill your financial obligation. You can also get a jump start on next year’s obligations over the summer. Check the website for shifts and I’m sure the WVOY committee will be accepting checks and/or in kind donations for your financial obligation! Enjoy your summer! JLBR INTRODUCES NEW CODE OF CONDUCT The proposed JLBR Code of Conduct was presented at the April General Membership for membership approval. This code was developed by Personnel Council, using models from leagues across the country. The purpose is to establish a set of guidelines which our Nominating/Placement Committee and Personnel Council can operate from in the event that a member conducts themselves in a manner unbefitting to the JLBR. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON CODE OF CONDUCT Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) members are expected to conduct themselves in a legal, ethical, moral and responsible manner at all activities, events and communications related to the JLBR. This includes JLBR sponsored events, events sponsored by community partners of the JLBR, and any activity in which members represent the JLBR. 32 The Bridge May 2007 BY KIMBERLY KENNEY Members are expected to respect the chain of command within the Junior League of Boca Raton. They are also expected to work with other members and JLBR staff in a courteous, cooperative and respectful manner and to follow the written policies and bylaws of the Junior League of Boca Raton. Should an individual not comply with these guidelines, she will be contacted by her Nominating Placement advisor to review details of the incident. If necessary, the matter will be subject to further review by the Personnel Council, who will determine if it should be brought to the Board of Directors of the JLBR for consideration of termination of membership. We are happy to report that the membership voted to approve the Code of Conduct and it will go into effect immediately. Thanks for all of your support. MINUTES MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, MARCH 28, 2007 The Junior League of Boca Raton Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 9:20 a.m. on Wednesday, March 28th by President Kathy Adkins at the Vegso Community Resource Center. In attendance were Kathy Adkins, Kristin Calder, Kimberly Kenney, Robin Deyo, Kathy Potts, DeLynn Trivison, Stacey Hannan Quinn, Cindy Krebsbach, and Lisa Mulhall. Lisa Warren by phone. Guests at the meeting included Tina Towery. Absent were Elysa Elk and Mary Glynn Toomey. Remarks from the President: Motion to approve consent agenda. Motion was seconded and passed. Personnel Council: A motion was made to name Mary Randolph Scott as April’s member of the Month. Motion was seconded and passed. A motion was made to accept the 100 new members as active members. Motion was seconded and passed. Personnel Council moved to approve members status changes. Motion was seconded and passed. Other personnel status changes brought to the Board for informational purposes. Personnel Council moved to adopt the attached Code of Conduct for the JLBR. Discussion centered on the experiences of other Leagues. The Code will be brought to the membership in April for a vote. After discussion, the Code was revised to reflect the addition of “communications” and the need to follow the policies and bylaws. Motion was seconded and passed to present to General Membership for final vote. Annual Conference - In response to the membership survey, Personnel Council requests the ability to send six members to the AJLI annual conference in Boston this year as a motivational and leadership training tool. The current budget allows for four members to attend. The funds are available within the greater JLBR budget and will MINUTES be transferred to the conference budget. Also, the current budget for conferences does not include airfare and hotel for the budgeted four attendees. A motion was made to amend the conference budget by $6,200 to cover airfare, hotel and the additional two attendees. Motion was seconded and passed. Community Council: A motion to approve a $2,500 CSF grant to the Boca Raton YMCA for the purpose of the preschool library in its renovated location. Motion was seconded and passed. Discussion regarding an increase in the 2007-08 Kids@Home community project budget for the purpose of a life skills coach in the amount of $30,000. Community Council withdrew its motion and will revisit the topic. Update regarding Community Council research into scholarship programs. Report regarding Final Community Project Ballot Results. Finance Council presented the 2007-08 budget for approval. A motion was made to accept the 2007-08 budget. Motion was seconded. Discussion. Motion amended to include an additional $6,000 in the 2007-08 conference budget. Motion passed. Fund Development moved the approval of an application to complete a Whole Foods fundraiser where the JLBR is the recipient of 5% of the sales of the day. Motion was seconded and passed to apply for the opportunity to complete this event. Announcements: Over 300 members had not paid dues as of today - and dues are delinquent on April 1, 2007. Our CPA has recommended a big push to bring in the dues as soon as possible. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Lisa Mulhall GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, APRIL 10, 2007 The Junior League of Boca Raton General Membership Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. on April 10, 2007 at the Marriott by President Kathy Adkins. The President moved for approval of the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded and passed. Lisa Warren, Vice President of Community, presented a $2,500 check for an approved Community Support Fund (CSF) Grant Award for underserved children to Kristen Cytaki, Director of Education at The Palm Beach Zoo. In addition, Lisa requested approval of a $2,500 CSF Grant Award to the YMCA of Boca Raton for the Library Project. Motion was made, seconded and passed. Robin Deyo, Vice President of Finance, recognized Mary Glynn Toomey, Fund Development Chair; Morgan Green and Emily Roberts, Cookbook Co-Chairs, for their outstanding achievements and presented each of them with a lovely gift. In addition, Robin unveiled the new JLBR web site. Kathy Potts, Nominating/Placement Chair, announced the April Member of the Month is Mary Randolph Scott. Further, Kathy discussed the 2007-2008 Placement Interview Sheet and requested members complete and return them to her by Friday, April 13, 2007. Ezra Krieg, Director of Kids in Distress for Palm Beach County, presented a gift from the children to Jami Guttenberg for her hard work and dedication to the program. Kimberly Kenney, Vice President of Personnel, presented the Junior League Code of Conduct which has been implemented all over the Country. The Personnel Council moved to approve the Code of Conduct for the Junior League of Boca Raton. Motion was seconded and passed. Robin Deyo presented the proposed Budget for fiscal year ending May 31, 2008. Motion was made to accept the budget; it was seconded and passed. Lisa Warren discussed the April Instant Payback – Summer Camp Kits for more than 800 underprivileged kids. League members had been asked to donate items or make a $20 donation for the purchase of supplies. Lisa announced the May Instant Payback - bring to the May Dinner Meeting a new or gently used duffle/luggage for children removed by Palm Beach County Police and relocated to a foster home. Susan Hunter and Toni Gianfortuno presented Hometown Histories new classroom presentation of the history of Boca Raton. Michelle Duffy and Kristen Ross, Membership Satisfaction & Training Co-Chairs, reminded everyone to sign up for the Mother/Daughter English-Style High Tea, which will be held at . . . continued on page 36 www.JLBR.org 33 SUSTAINER NEWS SUSTAINER SCOOP BY LOU ANN SUCH Adios, Adieu, Auf Wiedersehen, Au revoir, Ciao, Khadafez (Iran), Shalom, Ta-ta, Goodbye, Farewell. You get the idea. This is our last ‘real’ information article until next fall. Have we (you) had another great year? Can you believe we are one year older and still speaking to each other, having fun, watching kids and grandkids grow, and still being somewhat active Sustainers? That’s enough waxing and waning for me - on to the big news. Helen Ballerano has agreed to be my co-chair for next year. Excitement! Helen was born in New York City and went to Queens College of the City University where she majored in political science and sociology. She now has two sons, Jonathan who is majoring in engineering at the University of Florida and her younger son, Christopher, who is a senior at West Boca Community High School. Her husband, Jim, is a real estate and estate planning attorney. She relocated to Boca Raton in 1982 and joined the League in 1987. The Second Hand Rose Sale, Habitat for Humanity and Nominating/Placement were just a few of her League placements. She is now on the board of The Caldwell Theater, is extremely active with St Mark Greek Orthodox Church and enjoys playing tennis on the South Palm Beach County Women’s Day League. Now with Helen we will have some young new ideas to pep us 34 The Bridge May 2007 up and get us going. Marina Chaney started us on this whirlwind group of activities. Helen and all of you can come up with more wild and crazy ideas. How about a knitting group or quilting group or travel group? Since our travel guru, Barbara Williams, retired we need a new and able leader. Any volunteers? How about a movie day? Golfing day? I could go on, but do call if you have a special project or group that you would like to see become a sustainer activity. We are having a great luncheon at Moquila. Thank you to Sheila Aucamp, Tami Constantine and Linda Davidson for finding a new and unique place for us to party. Thank you, too, to Juana Franklin for suggesting and implementing our gift card drive for Kids in Distress. You can still send gift cards to Juana from Target and/or Wal-Mart to give the older kids who are in foster care. Juana will forward them to Kids in Distress. More exciting news. Since Moquila’s limited the number of ladies we could have at the luncheon, we are now going to have a new and exciting “Spring Fling” at Julie Buser’s home in Boca Bath. Did you hear about the party we had at LuAnn Warner-Prokos’ house last September? It was a big hit. All you have to do is bring a bottle of wine or your favorite appetizer, come casual and join us at Julie’s house, Thursday, May 10th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. You do need to RSVP to Julie at her home, 561-998-9856 or email her at [email protected]. How easy is that? LuAnn came up with this casual get together idea last summer, and it turned out to be an excellent plan. SUSTAINER NEWS SUSTAINER SCOOP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 34 We saw many old friends whom we never see at our fancy lady’s luncheons. LuAnn lives out in the boonies of West Boca, but lots of you packed your trunks and made it all the way out there for a great time. We will have another one in the fall. Please give a big hand of applause to all of these ladies for a lot of time they gave to make you guys happy. I am personally grateful for all of their help. Have a great summer! And remember, “Parting is such a sweet sorrow, etc., etc.” Now it’s my turn to thank all of you who helped make this year another great Sustainer year. Here is a list of all the ladies who helped put this year together for you. MAY EVENTS Spring Luncheon: Thursday, May 3rd at Noon, Moquila’s in Boca. Send $35.00 to Robin Philpit at the League office, 261 N.W. 13th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33432. Limited seating to the first 45 reservations. SUSTAINER COUNCIL Sustainer Committee Advisors..Mary Lavalle & Robin Philpit Corresponding Secretary......................................Denise Alman Treasurer ................................................................Debbie Stein Transfers ..............Linda Eckelson, Sue Wicker, Juana Franklin Fall Luncheon ........................Brooke Qualk and Lynn Lawless Valentine Luncheon......Diana Strickland, Mary Schall, Linda Eckelson Spring Luncheon ..Tami Constantine, Sheila Aucamp, Linda Davidson INTEREST GROUP CHAIRS Book Group I......................Andrea Kornblue and Lisa Morgan Book Group II ......................................................Cathy Hanson Bridge Group – Day ..................................................Elly Rolfe Bridge Group – Night........................................Jackie Johnston Dinner Group ........................................................Lucille Gioia Museum Coordinator....................................Barbara O’Connell House Tours ............................Ginny Page and Nancy Freeman Flower Lady ..........................................................Mary Lavalle Theater Night ............Michele Broadfoot and Diana Strickland Chair Emeritus ..................................................Marina Chaney Bridge Group - Day: Friday, May 4th Hostess is Polly Cochran. Please RSVP 395-7828. Night: Tuesday, May 15th: Hostess is Rita Head. Please RSVP 392-8640. JLBR Annual Membership Dinner Meeting: Tuesday, May 8th. Social hour 6 p.m., Dinner 7 p.m. (I urge you all to go to see the award winners and meet our new officers. Lots of Sustainers do go to this final gathering.) Look for your invitation. You can make your reservation on line at www.jlbr.org. Spring Fling: Thursday, May 10th 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Hostess is Julie Buser. Please RSVP 998-9856 or email [email protected] Let Julie know if you are bringing a wine or an appetizer! Come early or late, just come and have fun. Book Groups I and II: Thursday, May 17th Book Group I and II 6 p.m. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. Hostess is Susan Whelchel. Please RSVP 417-0910. Remember to bring wine or an appetizer if so assigned. SUSTAINER SUMMER BIRTHDAYS 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 MAY Jane Lott Cynthia Brown Sherry Kiefer Kesia Parkhill Donna Seffer Lainey Baker Pam Begelman Caron Dockerty Christine Kraft Ann Rutherford Anastasia Schauer Kimberlee Poulton Karina Bahr Patsy Hedrick Soozie Childers Linda Dutton Barbara Hill Dale Workman Peggy Patterson Susan Davis Lou Ann Such Katina Garcia Judith Hilsmier Shelly Sipp Karen Billeci 18 20 22 24 25 Lynn Lawless Kimberlee Stiles Sharon Budd Bonnie Koenig Mary Coleman Anna Morgan 27 Nancy Ryder 28 Anne Barron 31 Theresa Rey 1 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 JUNE Gay Bridges Christiane Head Julia Trevarthen Rosemary Auclair Carole Putman Cathy Younis Jackie Slatkow Anne Henderson Christine Najac Linda MacLaren Suzanne Donovan Candice Heydt Lesley Hackett Gail Bonani Shelia MacFarland 17 18 19 20 23 Gail Krumholtz Margaret Jones Suzanne Carey Constance Lee Janie Brown Linda Davidson Pamela Steele-Unger 25 Anne Green Debbie Lepley 26 Marian Brooks 30 Barbara Thompson Barbara Weprin Lynn Whitledge JULY 1 2 3 Julie Buser Carolyn Miller Jeanne Baur Diane Nestor 5 Catherine Toomey 7 Marilyn Boudreaux 8 Jill Prentiss 10 Cristy Fimiani Marian Miller Shirley Rollins 11 Julia Finnigan 12 Renee Holmes Patricia Moloney 13 LuAnn Jarvie Michelle Woods 16 Linda Eckelson Bitsy Fitzsimmons 17 Elizabeth Allen 18 Deanna Wheeler 19 Patricia Damron Joan Genest 20 Johanna Felberbaum Jeanne Gifford 22 Virginia Buck Martha Nicolli 24 Mary Schall 25 Katherine DeLucca Susan Saxton AUGUST Diane Lindsay Kathleen Johnson Janis Keyser Karen Archer Diane Hopkins 10 Margaret Mary Shuff 13 Jane DeBoe 1 3 4 6 13 Susan Whelchel 14 Maureen Fay Lynn MacDougall 15 MaryAndreaGoodman 16 Betty Akers Colette Clark Michelle Rubin Dawn Zook 18 Christina Elbualy 19 Cindy Krebsbach Ellen Malone 23 Constance Scott Karen Sloan 24 Carolyn Arnold 25 Elena Armbrust Joan Ann Goldberg 26 Terry Whittemore 27 Nancy Ingalls 28 Janice Kelley Nancy Schmidt Nancy Schwaderer Susan Spence 30 Lois Baker Sally Schmid 31 Susie Cavalear Millicent Duvall www.JLBR.org 35 HEALTH NEWS REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE More than 870,000 Americans die each year from cardiovascular disease (CVD). About 500,000 of these are women. High, intermediate and low risk groups can be identified using the Framingham Risk Score. (Does not apply to known cardiac disease and all ethnic groups.) ! ! ! High risk: >20% 10-year CVD risk Intermediate risk: 10 - 20% 10-year CVD risk Low risk: <10% 10-year CVD risk. ! Low risk: goal at least LDL<160 if risks present, at least LDL<190 if no other risks 5. Aspirin 75 - 162 mg daily recommended for those at high or intermediate risk for CVD (unless contraindicated due to drug interactions, allergy, bleeding, gastrointestinal, or kidney problems). 6. Heart healthy diet: At least 25 grams of fiber daily, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, low-fat or nonfat dairy, fish, protein low in saturated fat. ! To reduce the risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends: ! 1. Do not use tobacco, avoid environmental smoke. ! Limit daily cholesterol to <300mg. and saturated fat to <10% of calories. For those requiring lipid reduction, limit daily cholesterol to <200mg and saturated fat to <7% of calories. Omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid may be considered in those at high risk. 2. 30 minutes (or more) moderate exercise most days (daily preferred). Obtain a Physician medical screen prior to a new exercise program. Participate in rehabilitation, if history of CVD. 7. Maintain a healthy weight, Body Mass Index 18.5 - 24.9, waist circumference<35 inches for women and <40 for men. 3. Maintain Blood Pressure below 120/80. 8. Reduce stress and depression, and seek treatment as needed. 4. Optimal cholesterol level LDL<100, Triglycerides <150, women’s HDL> 50 and men’s > 40 ! ! High risk: goal of LDL< 100, HDL>50 Intermediate risk: goal at least of LDL<130, HDL>50 MINUTES Delia Weiss, M.D., a JLBR Member, practices Internal Medicine in Boca Raton, (561) 392 - 1333, (561) 504 - 4957, 851 Meadows Road, Suite 213 Boca Raton [email protected]. Contact her for questions or comments. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, APRIL 10, 2007, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 the Vegso Community Resource Center on Saturday, May 5th, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. The following new member projects were presented: Public Issues & Advocacy, In the Pines, Cookbook and Kids@Home. The 2006-2007 New Members were presented and voted in as Actives. Kimberly Kenney presented a motion by Personnel Council and Finance Council to amend the con- ference budget by $6,200 to cover airfare, hotel and the additional two attendees to the conference in Boston. Motion was seconded and passed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ~ Respectfully submitted, Jody A. Cruden TRANSITION REPORT FOR MARCH 2007 SUBMITTED BY JODY CRUDEN TRANSFERS IN from JL of Milwaukee RESIGNATIONS Linda McElwee (S) 2844 Banyan Blvd., Circle NW Boca Raton 33431 e: [email protected] h: 214-686-5002 from JL of Dallas TRANSFERS OUT Amy Djerf (A) Julie Feingold (A) Barbara George (S) Bette Ghysels (S) De Joachim (A) Debbie Lepley (S) Katharine Moss (A) Erin Yergens (A) Patty Babler (S) 2 Acacia Drive Boynton Beach 33436 e: [email protected] h: 752-3443 36 BY DELIA WEISS, M.D. The Bridge Jennifer Critchfield (A) 8645 Seacrest Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 to JL of Indian River DeAnn Russ (A) 3829 Grassmere Road Naperville, IL 60564 to JL of Kane & DuPage Counties, IL May 2007 STATUS CHANGE: Active to Sustainer Patricia Anderson Pamela Disher Denise Elia Lori Fertel Karen Gross Margi Helschien Kimberly Kenney Kristina Rizk Kathleen Rhodes Robin Schnars Heide Taylor Karen Wadowicz Michele Weizer BULLETIN BOARD SUMMER BIRTHDAYS 1 2 5 8 9 13 14 17 18 18 20 22 24 26 27 27 29 30 MAY Melinda Blonshine Lynne Gayle Brooke Liberty Alyson Baugh Jennifer Wolfe Darcy Sims Cristina Stewart Jorganna Trachtenberg Mary-Randolph Scott Melissa Brehe Jacqueline Nicholson Trisha Miller Lana Rosenzweig Holly Yeager Jacqueline Spiro Martina Miranda Emanuela Marino Elizabeth Hildebrand Cynthia Muench Leala Dickenson Alex Gaglio Kristen Velasco Kristin Calder Shanna St. John 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 JUNE Lisa Moss Robin Schnars Katherine Murdoch Mary Beth Tate Holly Studt Erin Yergens Nancy Wilkinson Robin Deyo Maggie Dickenson Trisha Fitzgerald Kathleen Carey Meg Enright Victoria Stone Kimberly Markus Kristy Hartofilis Christine McKenney Jennifer Witt Karen Schlesinger Emily McMullin Jami Guttenberg Diahann Koshi Reneé Duryeé Linda Gunn Deann Joachim 25 Barbara Marsh 27 Kimberly Whelchel 29 Andrea Garcia Kirsten Tuzzo 30 Jennifer Harper 10 11 13 15 16 19 23 25 28 30 31 JULY Jody Beynon Barbara Trevino Amy Brand Tracey DeFrances Victoria Kelly Davida Nelums Susan Albertson Deborah Dersnah Amy Kazma Lisa Harmer Tibisay Vasile Farley Rentschler Shalise DeMott Jennifer Robertson Lisa Warren 3 AUGUST Crystal McMillin 2 7 8 3 6 9 10 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 Marcela Schneider Heather Borgioli Suzanne Spinelli Danielle Yankowski Brittany Steele Mia Fazzio Ashley Schaller Phoebe Chapman DeAnn Russ Ana Lieuw-Kie-Song Kimberly Rosemurgy Tara Berman Rebecca Fair Ginger Armstrong Tracey Rossi Kathleen Buerosse Susan Hunter Laura McMullen Brenda Browning Kelly Clark Nicole Mugavero Michele Drobot Candace Vaughn LIST OF ADVERTISERS Barbara Hill ................................................12 Boca Raton Historical Society ..................19 Carolyn Cole Arnold, Psy.D., P.A..............17 Cohen Laser and Vision Center ................13 Glen & Harrison Calder ............................23 Home Improvement & Repairs ..................18 Jacqueline Moroco, D.D.S., M.S. ..............22 Jane & Iain Calder..................................................................11 Janie Lott, Inc.........................................................................15 Krumholtz Orthodontics...........................................................9 La ! Ti ! Da ..........................................................................14 Mark Wilt ................................................................................8 Personal Senior Services, Inc.................................................17 Reagan Such & Lou Ann Such ..............................................16 Robin Philpit ..........................................................................25 Special Request ......................................................................10 Steven R. Alman, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. ......................................14 St. Joseph’s Episcopal School ..................................................8 The Material Girl....................................................................15 Tips on Trips ............................................................................9 YMCA ....................................................................................34 PASSINGS The Junior League of Boca Raton Membership would like to extend their sincere condolences to Kim Flittner on the death of her beloved grandmother. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON “Women building better communities” WHO WE ARE A group of women committed to improving the lives of children and families in the Boca Raton area since 1971. WHAT WE DO Provide trained volunteers and funding for community agencies and partners. HOW WE DO IT Proceeds from fundraising events and grants are given back to the community. OUR IMPACT ON THE COMMUNITY Total Membership of more than 800. Last year the Junior League of Boca Raton members provided more than 5,000 volunteer hours and raised more than $500,000 over the last two years for grants to our community partners while helping 147,000 women and children in South Palm Beach County through our placements and collaborations. www.JLBR.org 37 LINES OF COMMUNICATION BRIDGE PATRONS The Publications Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support of THE BRIDGE from BRIDGE PATRONS listed below. Your yearly contribution of $75 will help us give more to the community by absorbing some of our publishing costs. Thanks to you, we are well on the way to becoming a self-supporting publication! Send your check to the JLBR office. Kathy & Paul Adkins Sheila & David Aucamp Carol Auerbach Lisa & George Bariso Gretchen Bieneman Sharon Sands Budd Julie & Tom Buser Dora & Karl Butcher Kristin & Glen Calder Jane & Iain Calder Judith & Robert Carberry Jennifer Critchfield Linda Deery Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deyo Mrs. & Mrs. Scott B. Disher Jennifer Donn Mr. & Mrs. Peter Donovan Janet Nodine Robin & Tom Philpit Darcy Plimpton-Sims Dorothy & Karl Preusse Carole Putman Peggy & Stephen Ruzika Norman Shapiro Jamie Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Sr. Patricia Toppel Christina B. Towery May Voss Nancy M. Wade Dr. Michele Weizer Cathy Younis Elysa & Scott Elk Mary C. Hargrove Jillian Hasner Chris & Forrest Heathcott Amy Kazma Leslie Keyes Carrie Klimczak Diahann Koshi Dr. Michael & Mrs.Cindy Krebsbach Wendy Kulberg Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lavalle D.J. & John Lindsay Dorothy & Blake MacDiarmid Janice V. Middlebrook Camille & Charles Mohaupt Lisa & John Mulhall Lauren P. Murray-Boynton BRIDGE DEADLINES & ADVERTISEMENT RATES Summer’s Bridge articles are due June 1st and September Bridge articles are due August 1st. Articles should be e-mailed to the League office at: [email protected]. If submitting pictures, please call Robin at 561-750-9036 for instructions. DEADLINE FOR ADS in September issue is Tuesday, July 31st, 2007. Payment for ads should be mailed to the League office. If ad is not “camera ready,” a design fee will be charged. ($35 for single and double size business cards and $50 for half and full page b/w). For more information, please call Robin Philpit at (561)750-9036. AD SIZE SINGLE BUSINESS CARD (B/W 3.5” x 2”) DOUBLE BUSINESS CARD (B/W) Horizontal (7.25” x 2”) or Vertical (3.5” x 4”) 1/2 PAGE (B/W - 7.25” x 4.25”) PAGE (B/W - 7.25” x 9.75”) PAGE (front inside or back outside - color) PAGE (back inside color) SINGLE RUN RATE 3 OR MORE RUN RATE $ 50.00 $ 45.00 $100.00 $ 90.00 $140.00 $250.00 $400.00 $375.00 $126.00 $225.00 $375.00 $350.00 MAY 2007 Sunday Monday Clean Air Month 6 1 2 8 14 Mother’s Day 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 The Bridge May 2007 Saturday 4 21 JLBR’s Endowment “Thanks a Million” Party Friday 3 20 Memorial Day 38 Wednesday Thursday JLBR’s 9 Annual Meeting 6 pm Social 7 pm Meeting 15 Governance 16 Council Party Olio’s 6:30 pm 7 13 Tuesday 25 26 MSAT Tea Event Cinco de Mayo Armed Forces Day April 2007 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 S M T W T 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 June 2007 COOKIE CUTTER DESIGN* *not available INNOVATIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN BY PEOPLE WHO DRINK TOO MUCH BLACK COFFEE** WE’RE ALWAYS COOKING UP NEW IDEAS We have the essential ingredients. Give our “design kitchen” a call and we’ll put on a pot of coffee. Let’s see what we can whip up for you... you might even save a little dough! TOLL FREE 1-877-519-6400 Happy Mother’s Day JLBR’s Annual May Dinner Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2007 Social Hour 6 p.m. - Meeting 7 p.m. 261 N.W. 13th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 Marriott Boca Raton - 5150 Town Center Circle **always available Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Boca Raton, FL Permit No. 163
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