Laboratory Aspects of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Lyme and


Laboratory Aspects of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Lyme and
Laboratory Aspects of Neuropsychiatric
Disorders in Lyme and Coinfections
Conference of the German Lyme Disease Society in
9th Apr. 2011
Armin Schwarzbach M.D. Ph.D.
Specialist for laboratory medicine
Member of the German Borreliosis Society
(Deutsche Borreliose-Gesellschaft e.v.)
Chairman of the laboratory test and international
committee of the International Lyme and
Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) USA
Laboratory for Lyme disease and coinfections
Tel. +49 (821) 455471-0
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Borrelia burgdorferi – The chameleon of symptoms and
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Aims of the immune-competent cells
- Lysis antigen-antibodycomplexes (Borrelia)
- Borrelia
- Chlamydia
- Anaplasma
- Borrelia
- Chlamydia, Mycoplasma
- Anaplasma, Babesia …
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Test sensitivity for Borrelia antibodies by ELISA
screening: New data
Test producer
negative +
negative +
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Laboratory example from practice:
Negative EIA / Positive immunoblot
B-C-A GmbH & Co. KG · Morellstraße 33 · 86159 Augsburg
Laboratory results
Date of birth:
Date of testing: 07/08/2009
Antibodies (Humoral immune system)
Borrelia burgdorferi-IgG-EIA
2.8 RU/ml
Borrelia burgdorferi-IgM-EIA
7.6 RU/ml
Borrelia burgdorferi-IgG-Blot
Bands: OspC +, p41 +, VlsE-Bg +, VlsE-Ba +
Borrelia burgdorferi-IgM-Blot
Bands: OspC-Bg +, OspC-Bb +, OspC-Ba +, p41 (+)
The specific Borrelia burgdorferi-IgG/IgM-antibodies by immunoblot-technique (falsenegative EIA !) are an indication for a humoral immune-response against Borrelia burgdorferi
in blood.
Armin Schwarzbach M.D. Ph.D.
Doctor for laboratory medicine
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Insensitivity of ELISA vs. Immunoblot:
New data
Antibodies in Lyme disease patients by current IDSA/CDC
ELISA screening model:
Loss of sensitivity: 16 – 28 %
Every 4th – 6th chronic Lyme patient has a positive or borderline
Immunoblot but no positive ELISA
A great number of patients will be not identified by the
screening ELISA-test and consequently “excluded” for Lyme
disease not using the immunoblot as a screening test
The more specific immunoblot is the more sensitive and the
better screening test
Senselessness of Borrelia ELISA technique in general
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Borrelia Elispot (LTT / T-Cell-test)
1. Success control of an antibiotic therapy - STAGING:
About 2 months after the end of a therapy already
significant reduction
Borrelia IgM-/IgG- titer reduction maybe after 6-12months !
2. Reflecting the actual activity of Lyme disease:
Indication for an active Borrelia infection in cases of
furthermore positive Elispot LTT after the end of therapy
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
EliSpot-LTT in chronic Lyme disease
Grey columns: before antibiotic therapy
Black columns: after antibiotic therapy
Pfeiffer et al., 2003
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
CD3-/CD57+ T-Lymphocytes
1. Subpopulation of the NK cells
2. Reduction indicates chronic activity of Lyme disease
(symptoms > 1 year)
3. Reduction in untreated and inadequately treated Lyme disease
4. After the therapy end of chronic Lyme disease: normalization
as an expression of therapeutical success
5. Reflection of a progressive (chronic) activity of Borrelia
CD3-/CD57+ T-Lymphocytes
Reference range (mean/range)
Lyme patient:
46 /ul / 8 – 160 /ul
164 /ul / 60 – 354 /ul
Source: J.J.Burrascano JR., MD, R. Stricker, MD, 2006 ILADS, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Center City Philadelphia
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
+ Babesia
+ Bartonella
+ Ehrlichia/Anaplasma
+ Chlamydia
+ Rickettsia/Coxiella
+ Mycoplasma
+ Viruses (EBV, CMV, HSV)
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Ehrlichia / Anaplasma
Bacteria: Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum (gramnegative, obligatory intracellular in granulocytes)
Vector: Ixodes ricinus
Spectrum of hosts: game (e.g. deer), domestic animals, humans
Symptoms (incubation time: days up to 4 weeks): rapid onset of
beginning illness with fever, headache and prostration,
headaches are “sharp, knife-like and often located behind the
eyes”, muscle pain, not joint pain, neurological/psychiatrical
symptoms, rarely diffuse vasculitic rash, including palms and
soles (<10%)
Risk factors: severe basic illness, immune suppression
(children/older people)
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Diagnosis Ehrlichia/ Anaplasma
Cellular activity test:
Ehrlichia/Anaplasma Elispot-LTT (Lymphocytes
transformation test)
Antibodies: Ehrlichia-IgM and Ehrlichia-IgG: indirect
Ehrlichia/Anaplasma-DNS-PCR in blood (EDTA-blood): direct
Bacteria detection in Giemsa-blood smear
Leucopenia / Thrombocytopenia / Anemia
Elevated liver enzymes
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Bacteria: Babesia microti, Babesia divergens
Vector/Transmission: Ixodes ricinus, blood transfusion
Hosts: game (e.g. deer), domestic animals, humans
Symptoms (incubation time 5 days – 9 weeks):
Rapid onset of beginning illness with severe fever, headache (can be
severe-dull, global, involves the whole head, described like the head is in
a vise), sweats (usually at night, but can be day sweats as well), fatigue
(worse with exercise), “air-hunger”, need to sigh and take a deep breath,
dry cough without apparent reason, stiffness of neck, nausea, diminished
appetite, tiredness, feeling of weakness, permanent exhaustion even
worse during stress, haemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria, seldom
hepatosplenomegalia, muscle pain, dizziness, mental dullness and
slowing of reactions and responses, hypercoaguability, stomach pain,
emotional lability, kidney problems, dyspnoea, influenza like symptoms
could be lethal!
Risk factors: Splenectomia, HIV, immune suppression (children/older
people), organ transplantation
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Babesia: Diagnosis
Antibodies of Babesia-IgM and Babesia-IgG: indirect
Babesia-DNS-FISH/PCR in blood (EDTA-blood): direct detection
Blood smear: direct detection
Hamolytic anemia (erythrocytes, haptoglobin)
Increase of liver enzymes (sGOT, sGPT, sGGT)
Increase of Creatinine, Urea
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Bacteria: Chlamydophila pneumoniae (gramnegative, intracellular)
Vector/Transmission: airborne infection, human to
human, ticks ? Or reactivated in Lyme disease
(horses, koalas, frogs are infected)
Symptoms: slight throat pain, hoarseness, sinusitis,
atypical pneumonia, meningoencephalitis,
bronchiolitis obliterans, myocarditis, Guillain-BarreSyndrom; after infection (4-6 weeks): arthritis,
Associations: e.g. Morbus Alzheimer, Multiple
Sclerosis, Depressions, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome (CFS), , heart attacks, apoplectic stroke,
arteriosclerosis, Autism, Parkinsonism, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Risk factors: immune suppression (children/older people)
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Chlamydia pneumoniae: Diagnosis
Cellular activity test:
Chlamydia pneumoniae Elispot-LTT (Lymphocytes
transformation test)
Antibodies for Chlamydia pneumoniae-IgA and Chlamydia
pneumoniae-IgG: indirect detection
PCR of Chlamydia pneumoniae in sputum/pharyngeal secretion:
direct detection
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Mycoplasma infection
Bacteria: Mycoplasma pneumoniae/fermentans
(gram-positive, intracellular)
Transmission: airborne infection (aerogen),
human to human
Symptoms: tiredness (100%), fever, joint pain,
swelling of joints, muscle pain, headache,
insomnia, anxiety, emotional lability, lack of
concentration, alertness and memory,
confusion, Autism
Risk factors: immune suppression (children/older
people), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), „Gulf
War I syndrome“
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Mycoplasma: Diagnosis
Antibodies: Mycoplasma pneumoniae-IgM, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae-IgA and Mycoplasma pneumoniae-IgG: indirect
Bacterial culture
PCR of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in sputum/secretion: direct
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 1: General informations
Born 05/06/1971: 39 years
Outdoor activities: cycling
Tick bite: August 2008 on the right upper leg
No „bulls eye rash“
First symptoms: May 2009
Physical capacity June 2010: 70 %
Mental capacity June 2010: 80 %
No treatment yet
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 1: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
symptoms started in May 2009:
Bad temper, loss of realitiy, attacks of loss of control
Fear, anxiety, panic attacks
Restlessness, listlessness, agitation, apathie
Drowsiness, need to lay down or to sit, feeling of being
„beside yourself“
Impaired/change/clouding of consciousness
Difficulty in concentration, reading difficulties, mental
Problems in absorbing new informations
Dizziness, vertigo, balance/movement disturbance
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talking
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 1: Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Mood swings, depression, excitability, nervousness
More afflicted by stress than others, increased crying,
reduced self-esteem
Forgetfulnes, bad short-term memory, less attention
Confusion, concentration difficulties
Difficulties in remembering names or word, problems in
finding the right words
Rage attacks, outburst of fury
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 1: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 2: General informations
Born 08/01/1982: 28 years
Living place: Amsterdam/Netherlands
Outdoor activities: Jogging
Animal contact: Dog
Tick bite: During July-October 2009
„Bulls eye rash“: Beginning of October 2009 kneeregion, 14 days doxycyline afterwards
First symptoms: October 2009
Physical capacity June 2010: 30 %
Mental capacity June 2010: 50 %
Loss of weight during infection: - 22 lb
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 2: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
symptoms started in October 2009:
Fear, anxiety, panic attacks
Restlessness, listlessness, agitation, apathie
Loss of room-to-room memory, drowsiness, need to lay
down or to sit, feeling of being „beside yourself“
Disorientation, confusion, feeling of getting lost
Difficulty in concentration, reading difficulties, mental
Problems in absorbing new informations
Dizziness, vertigo, balance/movement disturbance
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talking and writing, mixing up
letters or figures
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 2: Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Mood swings, depression, excitability, nervousness
More afflicted by stress than others, increased crying,
reduced self-esteem
Forgetfulnes, bad short-term memory, less attention
Confusion, concentration difficulties
Difficulties in remembering names or word, problems in
finding the right words
Rage attacks, outburst of fury
In November 2009 one time extremely epilepsy, cramp
attacks or spasm
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 2: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 3: General informations
Born 05/13/1974: 36 years
Living place: Stockholm/Sweden
Outdoor activities: Soccer
Animal contact: cats, dogs
Tick bite: around the year 2000
Big „Bulls eye rash“ on the back around the year 2000,
no treatment till now
First symptoms: 2002
Physical capacity June 2010: 60 %
Mental capacity June 2010: 50 %
Loss of weight during infection: - 66 lb
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 3: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
Symptoms started in the year 2002 :
In 2002 two times extremely epilepsy, cramp attacks or
Loss of room-to-room memory, drowsiness, need to lay
down or to sit, feeling of being „beside yourself“
Impaired/change/clouding of consciousness
Difficulty in concentration, reading difficulties, mental
Problems in absorbing new informations
Dizziness, vertigo, balance/movement disturbance
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talkingMood swings,
depression, excitability, nervousness
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 3: Neuropsychiatric symptoms
More afflicted by stress than others, increased crying,
reduced self-esteem
Forgetfulnes, bad short-term memory, less attention
Confusion, concentration difficulties
Difficulties in remembering names or word, problems in
finding the right words
Symptoms started in the year 2005:
Aggressiveness, bad temper, loss of realitiy, change of
personality, rage attacks, outburst of fury
Fear, anxiety, panic attacks
Restlessness, listlessness, agitation, apathie
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talking or writing, mixing up
letters or figures
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 3: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 3: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 4: General informations
Born 02/09/1965: 45 years
Living place: Abu Dhabi/UAE
Outdoor activities: 1983-84 camping Greece and Africa
Animal contact: dogs
Tick bite: August 1983 Greece
„Bulls eye rash“: September 1983, no treatment
First symptom: 1983
Physical capacity June 2010: 40 %
Mental capacity June 2010: 75 %
Diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2004 and RA 2008
2003 for 2 week tyhpoid infection
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 4: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
Symptoms started in the year 1983 :
For 6 months extremely psychosis
Difficulties in remembering names or word, problems in
finding the right words
All symptoms started in the year 2003:
Aggressiveness, bad temper, loss of realitiy, change of
Panic attacks (2003-2004)
Restlessness, listlessness, agitation, apathie
Loss of room-to-room memory, drowsiness, need to lay
down or to sit, feeling of being „beside yourself“
Impaired/change/clouding of consciousness (in 2003)
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 4: Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Disorientation, confusion, feeling of getting lost
Difficulty in concentration, reading difficulties, mental
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talking or writing, mixing up
letters and figures
Mood swings, depression, excitability, nervousness
More afflicted by stress than others, increased crying,
reduced self-esteem
Forgetfulnes, bad short-term memory, less attention
Confusion, concentration difficulties
Rage attacks, outburst of fury
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 4: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 4: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 5: General informations
Born 12/18/1966: 43 years
Living place: La Chapelk/France
Outdoor activities: Soccer
Animal contact: cats, dogs
Tick bite: unknown
„Bulls eye rash“: unknown
First symptoms: September 2001
Physical capacity June 2010: 30 %
Mental capacity June 2010: 30 %
Loss of weight last 6 months: - 22 lb
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 5: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
All symptoms started in September 2001:
Aggressiveness, bad temper, loss of realitiy, change of
Fear, anxiety, panic attacks
Restlessness, listlessness, agitation, apathie
Loss of room-to-room memory, drowsiness, need to lay
down or to sit, feeling of being „beside yourself“
Impaired/change/clouding of consciousness
Disorientation, confusion, feeling of getting lost
Difficulty in concentration, reading difficulties, mental
Cramp attacks or spasm
Problems in absorbing new informations
Dizziness, vertigo, balance/movement disturbance
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 5: Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Psychosis, hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, bipolar
Speech disorders, slip of the tongue, wrong words or
pronunciation, difficulties in talking and writing, mixing
up letters or figures
Mood swings, depression, excitability, nervousness
More afflicted by stress than others, increased crying,
reduced self-esteem
Forgetfulnes, bad short-term memory, less attention
Confusion, concentration difficulties
Difficulties in remembering names or word, problems in
finding the right words
Rage attacks, outburst of fury
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 5: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 5: Laboratory test results
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 6: “Mixed dementia”
65-year old patient with ataxia in walking, fatigue, loss of memory
and concentration, depressions, increasing disorientation,
hypertension, panic attacks, helplessness, change of character since
2003. Patient remembers several tick bites before the start of the
Feb. 3rd, 2005: University Hospital Munich: “Mixed dementia” with no
findings in spinal fluid - “Exclusion of Neuroborreliosis”
Nov. 11th, 2006: Appointment at Borreliose Centrum Augsburg:
Borrelia IgG-/IgM-specific antibodies detectable
Elispot-LTT positive (Borrelia fully antigen: SI 3)
Dec. 2006 / Jan. 2007: Treatment for 10 weeks with oral antibiotic
therapy: Cefuroxim, Clarythromycin and Metronidazol in a row
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Case report 6: “Mixed dementia”
April 2nd, 2007 Next consultation at BCA: increasing autonomy,
significant improvement in ataxia und movement disorders, no
panic attacks anymore
June 6th, 2007 Next consultation at BCA: condition remains stable,
following treatment for 12 weeks with oral Donta treatment
scheme (Clarythromycin und Hydroxychloroquin)
Nov. 11th, 2007: Next consultation at BCA:
Borrelia serology IgG-/IgM- antibodies unchanged
Borrelia Elispot-LTT negative (SI <2)!
Patient is healed!
Correct diagnosis: Chronic Neuroborreliosis with dementialike symptoms
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Correlation of modern laboratory tests for Borrelia
burgdorferi and Chlamydia pneumoniae
Borrelia burgdorferi
Chlamydia pneumoniae
IgG / IgM
ChlP IgG
ChlP IgA
22 = 44%
21 = 42%
27 = 56%
27 = 54%
26 = 52%
15 = 50%
20 = 40%
12 = 24%
21 = 44%
20 = 40%
20 = 40%
10 = 33%
8 = 16%
17 = 34%
3 = 6%
4 = 8%
5 = 17%
no value = 2
no value = 20
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Summary of new study
Sensitivities in our study (n=50):
- Chl. Pneumoniae-IgA: 60 %
- Chl. Pneumoniae-IgG: 60 %
- Chl. Pneumoniae-Elispot-LTT: 67 %
All 3 tests together: 78 %
- Borrelia-Elispot-LTT 76 %
- Borrelia-IgG/IgM-immunoblot: 60 %
- CD57-count: 56 %
All 3 tests together: 90 %
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
86% of patients with chronic Lyme disease are coinfected with
Chlamydia pneumoniae („multiple infections“), many
patients are coinfected by other bacteria/viruses like Babesia,
Borrelia- or Chlamydia pneumoniae-neuropychiatric symptoms
are not high-specific („Overlapping symptoms“)
„Staging“ of Lyme disease and coinfections should be done by
modern laboratory tests like Elispot-LTT and CD57-count
before any antibiotic or other therapeutical decision
Modern laboratory tests like the more sensitive Borreliaimmunoblot (Not ELISA!), Chlamydia-IgA/IgG-ELISA, CD57count, Elispot-LTT Borrelia/Chlamydia should be done in a
„test-package“ in neuropsychiatric disorders
Many infected patients develop autoimmune disorders like
Antinuclear antibodies
In each neuropsychiatric disorder should be asked for Borrelia,
Chlamydia and other TBD (Exposure for ticks? Tick-bites?)
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.
Laboratory for Lyme disease and co-infections
Thank you very much for
your attention !
See you at the 2nd European Annual ILADS meeting
27./28. May 2011 in Augsburg city !
Armin Schwarzbach M.D. Ph.D.
Specialist for laboratory medicine
Morellstrasse 33
86159 Augsburg (Germany)
Tel. +49 (821) 455471-0
[email protected]
Speech / presentation German Lyme Disease Society, Wuppertal/Germany, Apr. 9h, 2010
This document is intellectual property of Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD; reproduction only with permission. Please note the copyright.