CRS Presentation without video.pptx


CRS Presentation without video.pptx
eH e a lth
Applying Data Visualiza0on to Analyze Ebola Call Center Trends Sara Brown, MPH, CBIP Associate Crow Insight A
Overview •  eHealth Africa & its role in figh=ng the Ebola Epidemic •  eHealth Africa’s data collec=on •  How eHealth Africa is using data to improve response to the Ebola Epidemic •  How Crow Insight & eHealth Africa have partnered to improve technology use & repor=ng eH e a lth
•  Develops eHealth and mHealth •  Works closely with health NGOs to provide them with technology solu=ons to enhance ongoing health programs Ebola Epidemic Total suspected, probable and confirmed cases of Ebola virus in Guinea, Sierra Leone & Liberia as reported by the WHO Situa0on Report •  Began in December 2013 in Guinea and has become the largest in history •  More than 11,000 deaths Sierra Leone Liberia Guinea hPp://­‐west-­‐africa/cumula=ve-­‐cases-­‐graphs.html eHealth Africa’s Role with the Ebola Crisis •  Operates the 115 Ebola Help Line in Guinea •  Coordinates 117 Na=onal Ebola Response Call Center and 8 District Ebola Response Alert Centers in Sierra Leone eHealth Africa’s Role with the Ebola Crisis •  Handles up to 20,000 calls per day from Guinea and Sierra Leone eHealth Africa’s Role with the Ebola Crisis •  Dispatches and communicates with response teams to respond to poten=al cases or assist with burials How does eHA accomplish this? Screen shuts of the Call Centre Software
•  Call Center staffed with more than 100 operators •  Geography of caller to the sub-­‐prefecture level •  Reason for call •  Detailed comments from call •  Who is answering call, beginning and end =me of call •  Geography of poten=al case •  Symptoms experienced by poten=al case •  Outcome of call alert •  Ac=on taken by Field Response Welcome view
Data Environment of eHA eHealth Africa Pla]orm MS SQL Server Tableau Tableau Server Why This Technology? eHA had previous experience with Tableau Geographic analysis was important Data blending Teams are connec=ng directly to data source and joining tables •  Leverage ability to export and communicate informa=on with outside stakeholders • 
How the Call Center Data Has Been Used to Inform Decision Making •  Monitor the effec=veness of the Social Mobiliza=on Campaigns in Sierra Leone •  Opened addi=onal district alert centers in Kono and Kambia •  In Guinea, Call Center data provides the main feedback mechanism for response efficiency and the popula=on’s percep=ons of the epidemic and the Ebola response Call Center Data Challenges •  This type of service is new in both SL and Guinea •  Call center receives many prank calls Call Center Data Challenges •  Staff relay informa=on to response teams –  Response teams are not part of eHA –  Obtaining outcome or follow up informa=on from response teams is limited (bePer in Sierra Leone where eHA supports district response teams) –  Some partners unaccustomed to open data sharing Call Center Data Challenges •  Self-­‐reported data –  Calls on death, sick and suspect cases do not mean those calls reflect Ebola mortality/morbidity •  A single case can generate mul=ple calls •  Calls are not possible where there is no mobile phone signal Where a
re a
lerts Goal of eHA & Crow Insight Partnership occurring? •  Train staff to leverage Tableau Desktop & Tableau Server to communicate data to stakeholders Goal of eHA & Crow Insight Partnership •  Process Measurements –  Evaluate staffing of call center •  Assist with communica=ng data to stakeholders Working Toward the Goal •  Provide video trainings for using sohware –  Customized with de-­‐
iden=fied call center data –  Timely trainings related to current development needs •  Weekly web sessions to answer ques=ons, provide addi=onal training topics •  Sharing dashboards for analysis and technical assistance Challenges Encountered •  Slower network –  More difficult to capitalize on benefits of Tableau Server –  Communica=on with team during web trainings more difficult –  Timing of mee=ngs & calls with team availability •  Protec=on of data –  Data is required to be de-­‐iden=fied and therefore limits access Daily Rapport Journalier du Centre d’Appel 115 Stats for Guinea Call Center 08-05-2015
Statistiques Appels
Source: Centre d’appel 115 – PBX, [récupérée le 09/05/2015]
Daily Alert Calls in Guinea Source: Centre d’appel 115 – logiciel, [récupérée le 09/05/2015]
Nombre d’entrée dans la base de données
Health Informa0on Calls Santé)
in Guinea eek) (renseignement
du(one 04 –w10/05/20
Source: Centre d’appel 115 - logiciel, [récupérée le 11/05/2015]
What is Up Next for eHA & Crow Insight •  Automated Text Analysis –  Evaluate the call center details to glean informa=on from comments •  Correla=on with Epidemiological Data and Outreach Data Visual analysis to unlock your databases Info displays for you, members, the public Data stories for talks, reports, and the web Training: Keynotes and workshops for staff or conference aPendees 23