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Rassegna stampa internazionale
Rassegna stampa internazionale Sito/Testata Titolo Data Avanguardia Balance de una década 17/10/2010 th CoE Celebration of the 10 anniversary of the European Landscape Convention, organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Government of Italy Uniscape Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 19/07/2010 Forum Unesco University and Heritage Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 18/10/2010 Mountain Tourism Ireland EU Landscape Convention is 10 years old 27/08/2010 Paisajismo Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje 21/09/2010 Un Blog sustainable development Landscap-e Florence: Xème anniversaire de la Convention européenne du Paysage – Appel des ONG en faveur du paysage Ten Years of the European Landscape Convention. Balancing knoledge, management end awarness is possible 19/07/2010 27/09/2010 28/09/2010 Asop Romania The 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 04/10/2010 Galileo 10 years of Council of Europe Landscape Convention 12/10/2010 Paisaje Cultural Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 17/10/2010 IALE-SK Florencia+10 17/10/2010 Landscape Character Network Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 2000-2010 17/10/2010 Lavanguardia.es Balance de una década 17/10/2010 CENELC.CZ C.E.I.P. Konference Rady Evropy: Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the European landscape convention 2000-2010 Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje 19/10/2010 19/10/2010 Pawa European Landscape Convention 19/10/2010 Observatori del Paisatge 10th Aniversari del Conveni Europeu del Paisatge 19/10/2010 Sfde Société Française pour le Droit de l'Environnement CienciasAmbientales Rimisp Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarollo Rural Colloque du Conseil de l'Europe, 1920 Octobre 2010 Poderes públicos, ciudadanos y agentes económicos hemos de contribuir a preservar la calidad de los paisajes La Conferencia sobre el paisaje europeo se llevó a cabo entre el 19 y 20 de octubre del 2010 en Florencia, por los 10 años del Convenio Europeo sobre el Paisaje 19/10/2010 20/10/2010 20/10/2010 European Institute of Cultural Routes 10th Anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 21/10/2010 Landscap-e Landscape policies in Catalona, protagonists during the 10th anniversary celebration of the European Landscape Convention 01/11/2010 INTERNAZIONALE CoE Home Culture Portal Print News A word from the Director Send Committees Site Map Search Contact RSS Français Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention, organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Government of Italy (19-20 October 2010, Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei 500, Florence) Our mission CultureWatchEurope 2010 Calendar Country profiles Documentary resources Presentation The high-level official Ceremony, on 20 October, is designed to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the European Landscape Convention for signature by Council of Europe member states and to provide an opportunity for further signatures et ratifications. The European Landscape Convention came into force on 1 March 2004 with the aim of promoting landscape protection, management and planning, as well as European co-operation in this area. The Convention is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all aspects of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It deals with landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law and to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society today. By taking into account the importance and value of landscape, the Council of Europe seeks to protect the quality of life and well-being of all Europeans. As at 21 May 2010, 31 Council of Europe member states had ratified the Convention: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. A further seven states have signed it: Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Malta, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland. The preparatory day before the official Ceremony, on 19 October, the representatives of the Council of Europe member states and observers to the Council of Europe Conferences on the European Landscape Convention will be invited to speak on one of the four topics mentioned in the attached draft programme, presenting contributions. Programme Press release Hotels : A list of hotels is available on the website of the Italian Government Tourist Board ENIT. You are invited to proceed yourself to the reservation. EVENTS > Events Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 19-20 October 2010, Florence (Italy) 19 Luglio 2010 | id:1037 The Council of Europe and the Government of Italy are organising an event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention on 19-20 October 2010 at Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei 500, Florence. The official Ceremony, on 20 October, is designed to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the European Landscape Convention for signature by the Council of Europe member states and to provide an opportunity for further signatures and ratifications. The day before the official Ceremony, 19 October, the representatives of the Council of Europe member states and observers to the Council of Europe Conferences on the European Landscape Convention will be invited to speak on one of the four topics mentioned in the programme, presenting contributions or posters. For further information and to see the programme of the event visit the Council of Europe website. Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage (FUUH) is a UNESCO project for undertaking activities to protect and safeguard the cultural and natural heritage, through an informal network of higher education institutions. FUUH is under the joint responsibility of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) Spain. This internet website is not an official UNESCO site but a website created and managed by the UPV within the framework of the project FUUH. English Home - Links - Contact . Français . Español JOIN FORUM UNESCO NETWORK MEMBERS THESIS AGENDA NEWS INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS Links Activities and Events 0 1 .- Foru m UN ESCO - Un iversi ty and H erit age 0 2 .- W o r l d He r i t a g e 0 3 .- O th er UNE SC O Co n v en tio ns in the f ie ld o f C ultu r e 0 4 .- M us eu m s a nd M o v a ble H er i t a ge 0 5 .- C u l t u ra l H er i t a g e 0 6 .- O t h er I nt er n a t i o nal C on v en t i o n s i n t h e fie l d o f N a t ur a l He r i t a g e 0 7 .- N a t ur a l H er i t a g e 0 8 .- U NES CO D ir e cto r- G en eral' s activit ies in t he fie ld of He ritage 0 9 .- Award s, Prizes, Fel lows hip s, Co mpe titi on s and Job O ffers 1 0 .- Misc ellan eous Current Forum UNESCO Newsletter Agenda Valencia, Spain 2010 Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec December ^ International Conference on the Preservation of Ancient Manuscripts in Africa 17 - 19 December 2010. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Organizers: The Association of Ancient Manuscripts Holders in Timbuktu and the Ford Foundation Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.africanmanuscripts.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS - Governance and Development International Conference 14 - 16 December 2010. Padang, Indonesia Organizers: The Centre for Citizenship, Development and Human Rights at Deakin University Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/cchr/events/conference-2010.php#call --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Arid and Semi Arid Development through Water Augmentation (ASADWA) 13 - 17 December 2010. Valparaiso, Chile Organizers: UNESCO Chair of Eremology at the University Ghent, Belgium; Water Centre for Arid and Semi-arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAZALAC), under the auspices of UNESCO; UNESCO Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (GWADI); and the Catholic University of Valparaiso (UCV). Supported by the Chilean National Comittee of UNESCO-IHP (CONAPHI) and the Flemish Government (VLIR-UOS) Contact: Koen Verbist - [email protected] More info: http://www.asadwa.ugent.be/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference on "Europe and Cultural Heritage: a Challenge. Towards a European Cultural Heritage Strategy" 9 December 2010. Bruges, Belgium Organizers: The Immovable Heritage Policy Area of the Flemish Governmen Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.rwo.be/Default.aspx?tabid=12322&articleType=ArticleView&articleId=8241 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference announcement - The Significance of World Heritage: Origins, Management, Consequences 8 - 10 December 2010. Falun, Sweden Organizers: Högskolan Dalarna Jornadas Patrimonio en Defensa - II Jornadas sobre el Patrimonio Histórico, Técnico e Industrial en el ámbito militar 20 - 22 October 2010. Andalucia, Spain Organizers: La Dirección General de Relaciones Institucionales de la Defensa, junto con el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.iaph.es/patrimonioendefensa/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conférence sur Lascaux, un État de la question 20 October 2010. Aven d'Orgnac, France Organizers: Aven d'Orgnac Grand Site de France Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.orgnac.com/actu_01.php --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journées de formation : Utiliser l’imagerie scientifique pour la connaissance et la restauration des œuvres 19 - 21 October 2010. Paris, France Organizers: Institut national du patrimoine (INP) Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.inp.fr/index.php/fr/formation_permanente/catalogue_de_formation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 19 - 20 October 2010. Florence, Italy Organizers: Council of Europe in cooperation with the Government of Italy Contact: [email protected] DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 More Info: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/heritage/Landscape/ Celebration10anniversaryflorence_en.asp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFP Working Day "Patrimonialisations : enjeux identitaires et problématiques de développement" 19 October 2010. Paris, France Organizers: L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) Contact: [email protected] More info: http://pciich.hypotheses.org/637 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symposium international « Business & Biodiversity » at the Paris Grand Amphithéâtre du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 19 October 2010. Paris, France Organizers: WBCSD & the EpE Association Contact: business&[email protected] More info: http://www.epe-asso.org/?part=Symposium_international --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) 18 - 29 October 2010. Nagoya, Japan Organizers: COP 10 - Conference of the Parties Contact: [email protected] More info: http://www.cbd.int/cop10/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference - The International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (SBH) - New life for historic cultural landscapes: examples of creative policy plans 18 - 23 October 2010. Republic of Suriname Organizers: ICOMOS Contact: [email protected] More info: http://sbh.icomos.org/?page_id=174 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Heritage of Plantation Architecture Conference 18 - 23 October 2010. Paramaribo, Suriname Organizers: International Scientific Comitee on Shared Building Heritage (ISCSBH) Contact: Benedict Goss, Secretary General ISC Shared Built Heritage – [email protected] Sue Jackson-Stepowski, Vice President ISC Shared Built Heritage – [email protected] More info: http://sbh.icomos.org/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journées de formation sur les collections d’histoire naturelle : restauration des spécimens botaniques et des collections d’entomologie Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje INICIO PAISAJISMO SUSCRIPCIÓN http://www.paisajismoonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=889:... NOTICIAS NOVEDADES LIBROS AGENDA ENLACES Inicio | Noticias | Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje GUIA DE PROVEEDORES CONTACTO BUSCAR NEWSLETTER Nombre Correo electrónico REGISTRO POPULAR Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje Martes, 21 de Septiembre de 2010 15:28 El próximo octubre se cumplen diez años de la aprobación en Florencia por parte del Consejo de Europa del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, el primer tratado internacional que reconoce jurídicamente el paisaje. Coincidiendo con el décimo aniversario, el Consejo de Europa y el Gobierno italiano han Índice de contenidos de Paisajismo Revista de Paisajismo Jardines contemporáneos Juegos para mayores Puntos de venta Proyecto Río en Madrid organizado para los días 19 y 20 de octubre la celebración de los diez años del Convenio Europeo del “Bilbao jardín 2009” Paisaje, con el objetivo de hacer balance de los progresos en el ámbito de la protección, la gestión y la Asflor Ediciones ordenación del paisaje en Europa, y promover la aplicación de la ley. 2009 Premio diseño de El Convenio entró en vigor el 1 de marzo de 2004, y, a fecha de hoy, 31 estados del Consejo de Europa estudiante ya lo han ratificado: Armenia, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Las Negras: el paseo que España, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Holanda, Hungría, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumania, San Marino, Turquía y Ucrania, y siete otros estados simplemente lo han mira al mar firmado: Azerbaiyán, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Georgia, Malta, Serbia, Suecia y Suiza. Observatori del Paisatge Hits: 103 Enviar email Compartir Agregalo como Favorito Trackback(0) TrackBack URI para esta entrada Comentarios (0) RSS Comentarios Escribir comentario Nombre Email Sitio Web Comentario ACCESO Nombre de usuario Contraseña corto | largo Suscripcion por correo electronico (solo usuarios registrados) Recordarme He leido y estoy de acuerdo con la Terminos de uso. INICIAR SESIÓN ¿Olvidó su contraseña? ¿Olvido su nombre de Escribe los caracteres de la imagen usuario? Regístrese aquí NUEVO COMENTARIO VISTA PREVIA Regístrate y podrás enviar artículos, enlaces y recibir ofertas especiales. Florence : Xème anniversaire de la Convention européenne du Paysage - Appel des ONG e... http://sustainabledevelopment.unblog.fr/2010/09/27/commission-du-5-octobre-2007/ Florence : Xème anniversaire de la Convention européenne du Paysage - Appel des ONG en faveur du paysage Conseil de l'Europe 27 septembre, 2010 @ 10:42 · Classé dans Non classé Les ONG membres de la Commission du développement territorial durable Climat : Cancun “s'engagent à contribuer, dans leur sphère d'action, à une meilleure connaissance des objectifs de la convention et à contribuer à une gestion de l'environnement paysager conforme aux objectifs de la convention, appellent les autorités publiques de tous niveaux de gouvernance à - Biodiversité : Nagoya faciliter la mise en place de législations et de réglementations nationales et locales qui permettent la reconnaissance juridique du paysage en tant que composante essentielle du cadre de vie des populations et fondement de leur identité, qui respecte le droit des citoyens au paysage et renforce la participation à tous les niveaux; - favoriser la définition des droits, des responsabilités et des compétences de chacun des acteurs à chaque étape de la protection, de la gestion et de l’aménagement des paysages en renforçant la conscience et l’engagement de la société civile; - veiller à l’intégration de la dimension paysagère dans toutes les politiques sectorielles qui ont un impact direct ou indirect sur le paysage, en le considérant comme un bien public; - réclamer, en application de la Convention, la participation du public et des acteurs concernés dans l’élaboration des objectifs de qualité paysagère puis dans la mise en œuvre des actions de protection, de gestion et d’aménagement, leur plein accès à toutes les informations et leur pleine association à tous les niveaux du processus de décision; Pages Les outils de la gouvernance participative Presse - s’assurer de la mise à disposition et en discussion, en temps utile, de Taskforce "Biodiversité" documents d’information rédigés en langage non technique, ainsi que le Taskforce "Eau et santé" prévoit la Convention ; Taskforce "Pollutions intérieures" - promouvoir des actions d’information et de sensibilisation, auprès de toutes les parties prenantes (élus, acteurs économiques, ONG, société civile et population) à tous les niveaux de territoire. avec le souci de protection de l’environnement et de valorisation du patrimoine naturel et culturel, et de sa diversité, dans une vision tournée vers l’avenir ; - encourager, pour ce faire, l’éducation aux composantes et aux évolutions du paysage dans le cadre des formations scolaires, universitaires et adulte; - stimuler la mise en place de bases de données régionales et nationales pertinentes, consultables par le Conseil de l’Europe et l’ensemble des citoyens, qui donnent l’accès aux stratégies paysagères des divers Etats membres, afin d’avoir une vision entière et non parcellaire des actions engagées. “ Extrait de la déclaration adoptée le 5 octobre 2010 par la Commission du Développement territorial durable et diffusée à Florence lors de la célébration du Xème anniversaire de la Convention européenne du paysage à laquelle participaient au Palazzio Vecchio quelque 400 participants venus des Etats membres du Conseil de l'Europe. La Convention est aujourd'hui ratifiée par 32 Etats-membres et signée par 6 autres. Texte intégral de la déclaration adoptée par les ONG du Conseil de l'Europe sustainableterritorialdevelopmentcommitteelandscapedecen141010.pdf Lien vers le site officiel de la Convention européenne du paysage Intervention de Anne-Marie Chavanon, présidente de la Commission sur “Le rôle, l'expérience et le potentiel des associations” dans le domaine du paysage. Thèmes de travail Tribunes libres Fonder la culture d'un développement durable avec les personnes handicapées La diversité biologique : de quoi s'agit-il ? Comment la protéger ? par Jean-Pierre Ribaut Le marché mondial des ressources : la guerre fait rage - Jean-Pierre Estival Les nouveaux afrontement économiques entre nations - Jean-Pierre Estival Diversité biologique : le rôle de la forêt par Pierre Monge Habitat insalubre : refuser ensemble l'inacceptable par Anne-Marie Chavanon Les femmes et le développement durable par Renée Gérard Réflexions sur feu, forêts et biodiversité par Pierre Monge Transports et développement durable par Jean-Pierre Estival Pour le développement d'une médecine environnementale par le Dr Michèle Muhlmann Weill Photo P. Collignon Permalink For an independant long term european agricultural policy by Jean-Pierre Estival OING membres de la commission Consultations Union SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 10 Ten years of the European Landscape Convention. Balancing knowledge, management and awareness is possible BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE LANDSCAPE OBSERVATORY OF CATALONIA - 25 THE OBSERVER Ten years of the European Landscape Convention. Balancing knowledge, management and awareness is possible Mireille Deconinck General Directorate of Territorial Planning, Housing, Heritage and Energy Wallonia Government International Seminar on Fringes. Landscapes of the Periphery programme and registration This autumn marks the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention (ELC), representing the ideal occasion to not only describe that done but to retrace the actual progress made thus far. Results from the Paisatge i Cooperació per al Desenvolupament Conference The Landscape Observatory publishes its document, Paisatge i participació ciutadana, into English MOSAIC Definitive approval for the Terres de l'Ebre Landscape Catalogue International Seminar on Fringes. Landscapes of the Periphery programme and registration Guides and documents to improve landscape quality The content of the Comarques Gironines Landscape Catalogue is available to the public for consultation Publication of 'Guia d'estudis d'impacte i integració paisatgística' Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention's approval The Council of Europe develops a European-wide information system on the European Landscape Convention Assessing the Effect of Road Schemes on Historic Landscape Character Centre de recherche sur l'espace sonore et l'environnement urbain (CRESSON). Laboratoire de l'EAG Altri paesaggi Nova cultura del territori i ètica del paisatge La U Urbana. El llibre blanc dels carrers de Barcelona Latest news items [ READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE ] The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, in collaboration with the European Network of Local and Regional Authorities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention (RECEP-ENELC), is organising the "International Seminar on Fringes. Landscapes of the Periphery" to be held in Olot (Girona) on November 11th and 12th, 2010. The objective of this seminar is to propose new ways of intervening in and managing peripheral areas, providing new landscape references and alternative readings of spaces found between different territorial realities. The programme, which is available for consultation on the Observatory's website, offers interesting presentations in different disciplines. It's worth noting that presentations will be provided in Catalan, Spanish and Italian and that registration began on September 15th. To complement these presentations, the Landscape Observatory and the City of Olot's Culture Institute have organised a series of additional activities to study these fringes through photography, cinema and plastic arts. Results from the Paisatge i Cooperació per al Desenvolupament Conference The Jornada Paisatge i Cooperació per al Desenvolupament ("Landscape and Development Cooperation Conference"), was held on June 18th in Barcelona, organised by the Catalan Landscape Observatory with support from the Government of Canada. More than 100 participants from Catalonia, the rest of Spain and several other European countries took part. The conference served to create a space in which to debate on the role of landscapes in cooperation projects for development, especially in terms of the possibilities landscape provides to improve the quality of life of those societies receiving developmental aid. The various presentations given during the conference will be published in the Landscape Observatory's "Documents" collection in 2011. The Landscape Observatory publishes its document, Paisatge i participació ciutadana, into English The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia has just requires a set of references. This is one of the motives behind the Directorate General for Architecture and the Landscape having published its Guia d'estudis d'impacte i integració paisatgística ("Guide to landscape impact and integration studies"). The goal of the latter is to provide methodological guidelines when preparing diverse studies, orientate different types of interventions, and provide a wide range of technical and informational resources to specify and implement these initiatives. Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention's approval This coming October represents the tenth anniversary of the Council of Europe's approval of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in Florence, Italy. The ELC is the first international treaty which gives legal status to landscapes. The Council of Europe and the Government of Italy have organised diverse celebrations to commemorate the European Landscape Convention's tenth anniversary on October 19th and 20th. The goal of these celebrations is to review the progress made in protecting, managing and planning landscapes in Europe and to promote the application of the law. The ELC entered into effect on March 1st, 2004. To date, 31 Council of Europe member countries have already ratified the Convention: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom. In addition, seven countries are Convention signatories: Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Malta, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland. The Council of Europe develops a European-wide information system on the European Landscape Convention Since January 2009, the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia has been collaborating with a working group in the Council of Europe to create a European-wide information system to be able to keep track of the European Landscape Convention. This system will be presented at the upcoming Florence Conference in October, organised to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the European Landscape Convention's signing. This information system is based on a powerful database with information provided by the Council of Europe member states. This database will include information about the different policies enacted by the respective governments and regional authorities. Once fully operational, the system will allow institutions, entities, professionals, universities and the public at large to have access to the leading information and experiences regarding landscape protection, management and planning throughout Europe, all the while encouraging exchange and cooperation between countries and regions to apply the European Landscape Convention. THE CHOICE Assessing the Effect of Road Schemes on Historic Landscape Character Guide elaborated in 2007 by the English governmental agencies Highways Agency and English Heritage, where the master lines are set forth to make compatible the construction of road infrastructures and the conservation of the historical character of the English landscapes. DIGITAL LANDSCAPE ASOCIATIA PEISAGISTILOR DIN ROMANIA - AsoP: The 10th anniversary of the Eur... Condividi Segnala una violazione http://asopromania.blogspot.com/2010/10/10th-anniversary-of-european-landscape.html Blog successivo» Crea blog LUNI, 4 OCTOMBRIE 2010 The 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention, organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Government of Italy (19-20 October 2010, Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei 500, Florence) Presentation The high-level official Ceremony, on 20 October, is designed to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the European Landscape Convention for signature by Council of Europe member states and to provide an opportunity for further signatures et ratifications. The European Landscape Convention came into force on 1 March 2004 with the aim of promoting landscape protection, management and planning, as well as European co-operation in this area. The Convention is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all aspects of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It deals with landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law and to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society today. By taking into account the importance and value of landscape, the Council of Europe seeks to protect the quality of life and well-being of all Europeans. As at 21 May 2010, 31 Council of Europe member states had ratified the Convention: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. A further seven states have signed it: Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Malta, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland. The preparatory day before the official Ceremony, on 19 October, the representatives of the Council of Europe member states and observers to the Council of Europe Conferences on the European Landscape Convention will be invited to speak on one of the four topics mentioned in the attached draft programme, presenting contributions. Programme Registration online Hotels : A list of hotels is available on the website of the Italian Government Tourist Board ENIT. You are invited to proceed yourself to the reservation. P U B LI CAT DE AS OCI ATI A P EI S AG I S TI LOR DI N ROM AN I A - AS OP LA 21: 09: 00 REAC!I I : 0 COMENTARII: Trimite"i un comentariu LINKURI DE ÎNTOARCERE C!TRE ACEAST! POSTARE Crea"i un link Postare mai nou! Pagina de pornire Abona"i-v! la: Postare comentarii (Atom) ARHIVA BLOG ASOP ROMANIA ! 2010 (62) " noiembrie (3) ! octombrie (9) Art Urbain în România SEMINAR - „REGENERARE URBAN# – INSTRUMENT AL DEZV... Seara Peisagistilor (2), joi 28 octombrie, ora 18:... stiri pe scurt... The 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Con... Living Landscape: The European Landscape Conventio... International Conference "Landscape in town, town ... International Seminar on "Fringes. The Landscapes ... Bienala de Arhitectura Bucuresti 2010 (BAB) " septembrie (5) " august (1) " iulie (5) " iunie (7) " mai (15) Postare mai veche Entra Galileo - Giornale di Scienza | 10 years of Council of Europe Landscape Convention http://www.galileonet.it/agendas/4cb46b3872b7ab554d00005d AGENDA Temi ambiente 10 years of Council of Europe Landscape Convention 0 Pubblicato il 12 Ottobre 2010 16:03 DOVE: Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei 500, Firenze QUANDO: dal 19 Ottobre 2010 al 20 Ottobre 2010 10 years of Council of Europe Landscape Convention: New challenges, new opportunities Organised by: Council of Europe in cooperation with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities of Italy, the Tuscany Region and the City of Florence. The European Landscape Convention was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 19 July 2000 and opened for signature of the member states of the Organisation in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000. It aims to promote the protection, management and planning of landscape in Europe, and to organise European co-operation. The Convention is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all aspects of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes. To date, 32 Council of Europe member states have ratified the Convention and six states have signed it. The 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Convention for signature will be the occasion to examine new challenges and new opportunities for European landscapes. The Convention makes an important contribution to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law and to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society today. By developing a new territorial culture, the Council of Europe seeks to promote populations’ quality of life and well-being. This Celebration is open to the press. Please contact the press division to obtain accreditation and for any interview requests. Council of Europe contacts: Cultural Heritage, Spatial Planning and Landscape Division, Directorate of Culture and Cultural and Natural Heritage: Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, [email protected] Maureen Georges-Higgs, [email protected] Press Division: Roberto Tumbarello, Council of Europe Press correspondent for Italy, [email protected] tags: Galileo Servizi Editoriali Parole per la scienza Galileo servizi editoriali è un service giornalistico che realizza inchieste per le principali testate italiane, sviluppa progetti di comunicazione per le aziende e gli enti di ricerca, produce formazione universitaria, organizza mostre, eventi, conferenze, realizza pubblicazioni su carta e siti web. Il bimbo su misura L'ESPRESSO Niente dolore, niente effetti collaterali MENTE&CERVELLO Ma funziona la Tv in 3D? L'ESPRESSO Quanto si parla di esteri nei tg italiani? OSSERVATORIO MEDIA Io me ne vado L'ESPRESSO Paisaje Cultural - Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Euro... http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/iaph/paisajecultural/modul... Buscar Inicio Mapa Web Participa Paisajes Culturales // Agenda // Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention Laboratorio del Paisaje Cultural Laboratorio del Paisaje Presentación Líneas de actuación Comisión Técnica Proyectos Finalizados En curso Reseñas Paisajes Culturales Paisajes Culturales de Andalucía Enlaces de Interés Agenda Normativa Boletín de novedades Bibliografía Percepciones Galería de imágenes Noticias de prensa Relatos y Retratos volver >> AGENDA Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention En colaboración con el Gobierno de Italia, el Consejo de Europa conmemorará durante los días 19 y 20 de octubre del presente año el décimo aniversario de la apertura de la Convención Europea del Paisaje. El Salone dei 500 del Palazzo Vechio en Florencia es la sede elegida para conmemorar este 10º aniversario de la apertura de la Convención a los países miembros del Consejo de Europa, y brindar la posibilidad de nuevas firmas y ratificaciones. Documentación: >> Consulte el programa (75 KB) Mas información IALE-SK http://www.iale.sk/ Main Menu [eng] [sk] Home Novinky O nás Čo je krajinná ekológia Kontakty Členstvo Odborné sekcie Publikácie Dokumenty Štúdium krajinnej ekológie Konferencie Kalendár akcií Linky Hlasovanie IALE-SK Vitajte na stránke Slovenskej asociácie pre krajinnú ekológiu! Táto stránka je v skúšobnej prevádzke a ešte nie je naplnená informáciami. Pripomienky a námety môžete zasielať na e-mailovú adresu [email protected] HLASOVANIE O VÝŠKE ČLENSKÝCH PRÍSPEVKOV Nadchádzajúce podujatia: Prezentáciu prednášok RNDr. Emila Bédiho, 15. 12. 2010 Klimatická zmena, adaptačné stratégie – úloha zelene a prírodných prvkov v urbanizovanom prostredí 9. Novembra 2010, 17.30 – 19.30 Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Prezentačné centrum J. A. Komenského – AMOS (pavilón B1) Konferencia v Brne a Prahe (Česká republika) – 3.-6. september 2010 www.iale.cz/icle2010 a http://icle2010.dnh.cz/en/welcome Pripravované medzinárodné podujatia pri príležitosti 10. výročia otvorenia Európskeho dohovoru o krajine na podpis (20. 10. 2000, Florencia) sa uskutočnia v októbri 2010 vo Florencii (Firenze), Taliansko 8. Svetový kongres IALE, Peking (Čína) 18.-23. august 2011 http://www.iale2011.org/ (podrobné informácie) © 2010 IALE Webhosting podporuje: [exohosting] európsky dohovor o krajine http://www.iale.sk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article... Main Menu [eng] [sk] Home Novinky O nás !o je krajinná ekológia Kontakty !lenstvo Odborné sekcie Publikácie Dokumenty Plán "inností na rok 2010 V#ro"né správy Európsky dohovor o krajine Iné $túdium krajinnej ekológie Konferencie Kalendár akcií Linky Hlasovanie európsky dohovor o krajine 16. 10. 2010 V#ro"né stretnutie CIVILSCAPE - v#ro"né stretnutie Medzinárodnej siete mimovládnych organizácií na podporu EDoK www.civilscape.org (bude upresnené) 17.10. 2010 Toskánska exkurzia CIVILSCAPE www.civilscape.org (bude upresnené) 18. -19. 10. 2010, Aula Magna, Florentská univerzita Vedecká konferencia "Living Landscape" organizovaná UNISCAPE - Medzinárodnou sie%ou univerzít na podporu EDoK Konferenci bude zameraná na tému ako veda prispela k implementácii EDoK v priebehu posledn#ch 10. rokov a aké témy je potrebné rozvíja% pre zachovanie budúcnosti európskych krajín www.uniscape.eu 19.- 20. 10. 2010 Medzinárodná konferencia "lensk#ch &tátov Rady Európy pri príle'itosti 10. v#ro"ia EDoK "Florencia + 10" Konferenciu organizuje Rada Európy a talianske Ministerstvo kultúry Invitation to the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the European Landscape Convention Draft Programme Registration Form Sprievodné podujatie UNISCAPE po!as konferencie "Living Landscape" Vyhodnotenie medzinárodnej sú%a'e fotografii "Krajiny (udí" &tudentov univerzít, ktoré sú "lenmi UNISCAPE. Cena pre ví%aza - 1000 ). Termin: zaslania fotografii 1. 5. 2010 www.uniscape.eu 21. - 23. 10. 2010 Kurz pre PhD studentov "Landscape Master Class" "Florencia + 10" Kurz bude zameran# na prediskutovanie a preh*benie hlavn#ch v#sledkov vedeckej konferencie "Living Landscape" a medzivládnej konferencie "Florencia + 10" www.uniscape.eu Európsky dohovor o krajine (SK) Odporú"anie V#boru ministrov CM/Rec (2008)3 "lensk#m &tátom t#kajúce sa usmernení pre implementáciu Európskeho dohovoru o krajine Návrh na zabezpe"enie podmienok pre implementáciu Európskeho dohovoru o krajine v SR Enviromagazín 2, 14/2009 Enviromagazín 13/2008 mimoriadne "íslo Enviromagazín 1, 12/2007 © 2010 IALE Webhosting podporuje: [exohosting] Landscape Character Network Home Accessibility Site map Terms Log in Home Search Latest News Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the European Landscape Convention 2000-2010 Tuesday, 19 October 2010 - Wednesday, 20 October 2010 An event organised by Council of Europe, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy. The European Landscape Convention was adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20th October 2000 and came into force on 1st March 2004, with the aim of promoting European landscape protection, management and planning, and organising European co-operation in this area. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law and to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society today. By taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values, the Council of Europe seeks to protect Europeans’ quality of life and well-being. The Celebration is designed to mark the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the European Landscape Convention for signature by Council of Europe member states and to provide an opportunity for further signatures and ratifications. The day before the official ceremony, Council of Europe member states and observers to the Council of Europe Conferences on the European Landscape Convention will be invited to speak on one of the four topics mentioned in the programme, presenting contributions (in English and/or French, 5 pages maximum) or posters. Written contributions should be emailed to the Council of Europe Secretariat while posters should be brought to the conference by the participants themselves. The written contributions will be available on the Council of Europe and MIBAC web sites. For more information visit the Council of Europe website ◦ England’s National Parks and the European Landscape Convention Download the latest leaflet produced by the English National Park Authorities Association ◦ UK Landscape Conference The UK Landscape Conference, 8th-10th November 2010, Liverpool ◦ Landscape in a Changing World Download the latest in a series of Science Policy Briefings by the European Science Foundation ◦ Download the latest LCN Newsletter LCN News 37 (Autumn 2010) online now ◦ Forestry Commission ELC Action Plan The Forestry Commission's ELC Action Plan is now available to download ◦ ELC Award 2010 Further information about the UK Landscape Award 2010 ◦ Establishment of a baseline for, and monitoring of the impact of, the European Landscape Convention in the UK Download the research documents by Defra and other agencies. ◦ Experiencing Landscapes: capturing the cultural services and experiential qualities of landscape report Download PDFs of this and other reports relating to landscape The Landscape Character Network is funded and co-ordinated by Natural England. This website was designed by Countryscape. Terms and Conditions Balance de una década http://www.lavanguardia.es/participacion/noticias/20101017/54024653611/balance-de-una... TEMAS DE DEBATE Balance de una década Poderes públicos, ciudadanos y agentes económicos hemos de contribuir a preservar la calidad de los paisajes Arnau Queralt | 17/10/2010 | Actualizada a las 03:31h | Participación Este mes de octubre se conmemora en Florencia el décimo aniversario de la firma del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, un tratado internacional cuyo objetivo es impulsar la protección, la gestión y la ordenación de los paisajes europeos. Según el convenio, promovido por el Consejo de Europa, el paisaje es un aspecto esencial del bienestar individual y social, un factor básico para la calidad de vida de las personas y un elemento que contribuye a la consolidación de la identidad colectiva. El paisaje, desde esta óptica, participa en el interés general, sobre una base cultural, ecológica y social, a la vez que constituye, además, un recurso para ciertas actividades económicas (como el turismo, por ejemplo). El Convenio Europeo del Paisaje es, hasta el momento, uno de los instrumentos más PARA SABER MÁS avanzados que en materia de protección, gestión y ordenación de este elemento se han PUBLICACIONES producido a nivel internacional. Además, ha sido la base para la adopción de textos El paisaje y la gestión del legislativos sobre paisaje en varios estados y territorio. R. Mata y A. Tarroja regiones de Europa. Catalunya, por ejemplo, (coord.). Diputació de con su ley 8/ 2005, de 8 de junio, de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2006 protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje y el reglamento que la desarrolla es, sin lugar a Convenio Europeo del dudas, un caso destacado (aunque también Paisaje: textos y comentarios. Galicia y Valencia cuentan con legislación A. Cortina y A. Queralt (coord.). sobre esta materia y se está trabajando en ella Ministerio Medio Ambiente, en otras autonomías, como Euskadi). Madrid, 2007 Gestión del paisaje. J. Busquets y A. Cortina. Ariel, Barcelona, 2009 Ordenació i gestió del paisatge a Europa. Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya, Olot, 2009 Nova cultura del territori i ètica del paisatge. A. Cortina. Generalitat de Catalunya, CADS, Barcelona, 2010 WEBS http://www.catpaisatge.net/ http://www.coe.int/t/dg4 /cultureheritage/heritage /Landscape/default_en.asp http://www20.gencat.cat/portal /site/ptop http://www15.gencat.net /cads/AppPHP /index.php?lang=ca Disponer de buenos textos legales, de excelentes documentos de reflexión y planificación en materia de paisaje es un gran paso adelante. Sin embargo, no es en absoluto suficiente: como también pasa en otras políticas transversales (como la ambiental), aún es necesario avanzar hacia una integración efectiva de criterios paisajísticos en las políticas sectoriales, así como en los planes, los programas y los proyectos impulsados por el sector público. Y, claro está, en los proyectos privados, dado que, como establece el convenio, todos - los poderes públicos, los ciudadanos y los agentes económicos-debemos contribuir a preservar la calidad del paisaje. No sólo con fines estéticos sino, como se ha puesto ya de manifiesto, para garantizar todas sus funciones (ambientales, culturales, económicas, etcétera). Transcurrida una década desde la firma del convenio, aparecen en el horizonte nuevos retos que requerirán el desarrollo de políticas e instrumentos específicos, pero sobre todo avanzar en la construcción cultural de un sistema de valores en torno al paisaje que sea asumido por toda la sociedad. A. QUERALT, presidente del Col · legi d´Ambientòlegsde Catalunya (COAMB) MÁS INFORMACIÓN La ética del paisaje PUBLICIDAD. Cuenta NÓMINA ING Direct Devuelve dinero.Tarjetas gratis C.E.I.P. - Centro Europeo de Información y Promoción del Medio Rural http://riojarural.com/detalles_noticia.asp?idnoticia=125 home | CEIP mapa web | contacto | Enlaces de interés Está usted en: CEIP > Noticias Europa Directo Desarrollo rural - Leader Convocatorias Diez años del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje Temas de Interés Zona Socios Escaparate La Canill@ de Europa, nº 59. Julio 2010... Más boletines... 10 años de cambios en el paisaje europeo Este año que comienza se cumple el décimo aniversario de la aprobación del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (CEP). El primer decenio del siglo XXI ha sido en buena parte de Europa y especialmente en España una etapa de grandes cambios territoriales, de consecuencias negativas para la calidad y los valores de muchos paisajes. © 2006 - Centro Europeo de Información y Promoción del Medio Rural en La Rioja C/El Cierzo, Nº1. 26312 Tricio (La Rioja). Tel.: 941 36 06 67 - 941 36 06 68. Fax: 941 36 06 69 Colloque du Conseil de l'Europe, 19-20 octobre 2010 http://www-sfde.u-strasbg.fr/component/sportingevents/event/colloque-du-conseil-de-l-eu... Société Française pour le Droit de l'Environnement content La Revue Juridique de l’Environnement Les Colloques et Journées d'études Comment adhérer ? COLLOQUE DU CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE, 19-20 OCTOBRE 2010 Mardi, 19 Octobre 2010 Célébration de l'anniversaire des 10 ans de la Convention européenne du paysage 2000-2010. Nouveaux défis, nouvelles opportunités Florence, Italie, 19 et 20 octobre 2010 Présentation Site internet : http://www.coe.int/Conventioneuropeennedupaysage , dans « Actualité » (sur la droite) Retour Haut de page additional information Articles les plus consultés Revue Juridique de l'Environnement Informations légales La Société Française pour le Droit de l’Environnement Événements Ici l'annonce des prochains évènements dans le domaine du droit de l'environnement Journée d'étude de l'IDE, Lyon 3 (18/11/2010) Transnational Workshop, Paris, 18 novembre 2010 (18/11/2010) Séminaire de l'Université catholique de Louvain (19/11/2010) 23ème Entretiens Jacques Cartier 2010 (22/11/2010) Colloque national 2010 Equité et environnement. Quel(s) modèle(s) de justice environnenmentale ?, La Rochelle, 2 et 3 décembre 2010 (02/12/2010) Calendrier < Novembre 2010 > Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam Dim 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 22 29 23 30 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 Poderes públicos, ciudadanos y agentes económicos hemos de contribuir a preservar la cal... http://www.cienciasambientales.com/es/monografias-y-opinion/poderes-publicos-ciudadan... Buscar Inicio Actualidad Estudiar Medio Ambiente Trabajar en Medio Ambiente Ofertas de Empleo Foros Ambientales Poderes públicos, ciudadanos y agentes económicos hemos de contribuir a preservar la calidad de los paisajes Inicio Actualidad Monografías y opinión Noticias Escrito por Arnau Queralt Legislación Miércoles, 20 de Octubre de 2010 11:59 Monografías y Opinión Artículo escrrito por Arnau Queralt presidente del Col·legi d´Ambientòlegs de Catalunya (COAMB). Estudiar Medio Ambiente Trabajar en Medio Ofertas de Empleo Foros Ambientales ¿Quienes Somos? Publicar Info Escribenos Nos Patrocinan: . Este mes de octubre se conmemora en Florencia el décimo aniversario de la firma del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, un tratado internacional cuyo objetivo es impulsar la protección, la gestión y la ordenación de los paisajes europeos. Según el convenio, promovido por el Consejo de Europa, el paisaje es un aspecto esencial del bienestar individual y social, un factor básico para la calidad de vida de las personas y un elemento que contribuye a la consolidación de la identidad colectiva. El paisaje, desde esta óptica, participa en el interés general, sobre una base cultural, ecológica y social, a la vez que constituye, además, un recurso para ciertas actividades económicas (como el turismo, por ejemplo). El Convenio Europeo del Paisaje es, hasta el momento, uno de los instrumentos más avanzados que en materia de protección, gestión y ordenación de este elemento se han producido a nivel internacional. Además, ha sido la base para la adopción de textos legislativos sobre paisaje en varios estados y regiones de Europa. Catalunya, por ejemplo, con su ley 8/ 2005, de 8 de junio, de protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje y el reglamento que la desarrolla es, sin lugar a dudas, un caso destacado (aunque también Galicia y Valencia cuentan con legislación sobre esta materia y se está trabajando en ella en otras autonomías, como Euskadi). Disponer de buenos textos legales, de excelentes documentos de reflexión y planificación en materia de paisaje es un gran paso adelante. Sin embargo, no es en absoluto suficiente: como también pasa en otras políticas transversales (como la ambiental), aún es necesario avanzar hacia una integración efectiva de criterios paisajísticos en las políticas sectoriales, así como en los planes, los programas y los proyectos impulsados por el sector público. Y, claro está, en los proyectos privados, dado que, como establece el convenio, todos - los poderes públicos, los ciudadanos y los agentes económicos-debemos contribuir a preservar la calidad del paisaje. No sólo con fines estéticos sino, como se ha puesto ya de manifiesto, para garantizar todas sus funciones (ambientales, culturales, económicas, etcétera). Transcurrida una década desde la firma del convenio, aparecen en el horizonte nuevos retos que requerirán el desarrollo de políticas e instrumentos específicos, pero sobre todo avanzar en la construcción cultural de un sistema de valores en torno al paisaje que sea asumido por toda la sociedad. Fuente: LAVANGUARDIA.ES Amigos de: Consiglia 2 < Prev Próximo > Casa Preciosa en Pirineos Un paraiso en plena naturaleza. Cerca Andorra. Con mucho encanto. www.lacasarural.cat Novedades CienciasAmbientales.com Ofertas de empleo en Internet Premios Empresa Verde 2010 Cursos de Inglés Master en Gestión Integrada en la Escuela Europea de Negocios (online) - EEN Ya está en camino el programa de radio de la AAM "Tu Ambiente" Curso de iniciación a la Fotografía de Naturaleza La fauna prehistórica a través de los yacimientos paleontológicos de la Región de Murcia Condenan a la Generalitat por abuso en la elección del personal en los parques naturales Oferta de empleo: Técnico en Prevención de Riesgos Labrales Curso on line: Gestión de espacios naturales protegidos - ISM Novedades ForosAmbientales.com ForosAmbientales.com Foro para Ambientólogos y otros Profesionales del Medio Ambiente Empresas Conocimientos en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales ---Cita (Autor lauracc)--- Hola Me gustaría hacer una... Residuos Tierras y piedras de obras no contaminadas ¿Has probado con rellenos de otros?. Existen casos de asociaciones... operario de medio ambiente ---Cita (Autor No registrado)--- Alguien sabe como son los examenes... A.2029 ---Cita (Autor No registrado)--- Uf, a ver si se dan... Fauna y Flora Encuentran varados dos nuevos delfines en las... Dos ejemplares de delfín, uno adulto y otro joven, han... Paisaje europeo INICIO http://www.rimisp.org/proyectos/noticias_proy.php?id_proyecto=188&id_=901 SOBRE RIMISP INICIO PROYECTO TEMAS Y PROYECTOS PUBLICACIONES CONTACTO ESTADÍSTICAS MAPA DEL SITIO BUSCAR Desarrollo Territorial Rural con Identidad Cultural SOBRE EL PROYECTO ABOUT THE PROJECT ACTIVIDADES Noticias Paisaje europeo NOTICIAS PROYECTO VALOR IC COLABORACIONES ESTRATÉGICAS 20-10-2010 La Conferencia sobre el paisaje europeo se llevó a cabo entre el 19 y 20 de octubre del 2010 en Florencia, por los 10 años del Convenio Europeo sobre el Paisaje. LABORATORIOS TERRITORIALES DOCUMENTOS Y PUBLICACIONES Este convenio fue introducido a partir del 1 de marzo del 2004 con el intento de promover la COMUNICANDO protección, la gestión y la planificación del paisaje. Se trata del primero tratado internacional que toma en cuenta exclusivamente todos los aspectos del paisaje europeo. Se aplica a los MAPA DEL SITIO territorios de los 31 países suscriptores (no solamente los de la UE si no también otros alrededor de las fronteras), CONTÁCTENOS incluye el patrimonio natural y cultural de las áreas naturales, rurales, urbanas y péri-urbanas y se interesa no BOLETÍN N° 115 Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas y su impacto en el combate a la pobreza Suscríbase a BOLETÍN InterCambios solamente por paisajes excepcionales sino también por paisajes comunes o degradados. El convenio representa una importante contribución a la implementación de los objetivos del Consejo de Europa para promover la democracia, los derechos humanos y la búsqueda cooperativa de soluciones para enfrentar los principales problemas de la sociedad europea hoy. Considerando la importancia y el valor del paisaje, el Consejo de Europa quiere proteger la calidad de la vida y el bienestar de todos los europeos. Annibale Ferrini, miembro del equipo del Proyecto Desarrollo Territorial Rural con Identidad Cultural participará para Suscribir Suscríbase a RSS establecer relaciones y averiguar posibilidades de colaboración y alianzas con actores europeos en el futuro. Para más información consultar: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/default_en.asp (El portal sobre Cultura, Patrimonio y Naturaleza del Consejo de Europa) http://www.uniscape.eu/index.php (El portal de la Red de Universidades de Europa para la Implementación del Convenio) http://www.recep-enelc.net/ (El portal de la Red de Autoridades Locales y Regionales de Europa para la Implementación del Convenio) [ Imprimir ] RIMISP © 2007 - Casilla 228 Correo 22 Santiago. Chile Tel + (56-2) 236 45 57 Fax +(56-2) 236 45 58 10th Anniversary of the European Landscape Convention http://www.culture-routes.lu/php/fo_index.php?lng=en&back=%2Fphp%2Ffo_index.php... 1 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e E u r o p e a n L a n d s c a p e C o n v e n ti o n eeuurrooppeeaann iinnssttiittuuttee ooff ccuullttuurraall rroouutteess Search : On October 19 and 20 in Florence the Celebration of the 10th anniversary of home page the European Landscape Convention. EElleeoonnoorraa B Beerrttii 2 21 1O Occttoobbeerr 2 20 01 10 0 discovering Europe advanced search back to the list printer friendly version send to a friend Europe in progress european mediations W Whhaatt ?? memory of Europe celebration capital questions european diagonals m moorree iinnffooss ...... W Whheerree ?? who are we ? Palazzo Vecchio, Florence with whom do we work ? other web sites Council of Europe atlas of cultural routes W Whheenn ?? from 19/10/2010 to 20/10/2010 shop polls log in: editorial content B Byy w whhoom m ?? password forgotten your password ? your shopping cart site map contact us The Celebration, under the high patronage of the President of Republic of Italy and the patronage and sponsorship of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, is organized by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, together with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Region of Tuscany, with collaboration from the Province of Florence and City if Florence. The President of the Region of Tuscany, Enrico Rossi, the Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, and numerous other figures from European and international culture and policy. These include Mme Gabriella Battaini Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, with other representatives of the Council intimately involved in implementation of the treaty, such as Jean-François Seguin, President of the Conference on European Landscape Convention, and Mme Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Head of the Cultural Heritage, Landscape and Spatial Planning, who also closes the ceremonies. European Landscape Convention Council of Europe Palais de l'Europe 67075 Strasbourg 00 33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 00 33 (0)3 88 41 27 45 France a cultural landscape's route? a methodological exercise The Ways of the Vine in Europe [email protected] http://www.coe.int/DefaultFR.asp The European Landscape Convention, adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers at Strasbourg , 19 July 2000, and opened to signature by the organization’s Member States at Florence, 20 October 2000, is the first international treaty with aim of promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and of favoring European cooperation. Forum The uniquely innovative content of the Convention concerns all territory of the Parties: natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas, and so gives equal recognition both to outstanding landscapes and to everyday and degraded landscapes. Up to now, 32 Member States of the Council of Europe have ratified the Convention, incorporating it in the laws of the States, and six have signed it. The Celebration had the aim, while celebrating the 10th anniversary, of the opening the Convention to signature, of also the occasion to encourage the Parties to act on strategies that will confront rapid evolution in the needs for economic development. This involves both new challenges and opportunities for a new culture of landscape. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s aims of promoting democracy, the rights of man, the rule of law, as well as those of searching for common solutions to the challenges facing society, and promoting the quality of life and well-being of all Europeans. Four working session with specific themes have taken place. The first session, “Landscape quality-Quality of life” reflects on the aspirations of European peoples since 2000 and on the role, experience and potential of non-government associations. The second “ Landscape quality- Quality of policies” features experiences from landscape management models that provide effective sustainable development for people, including the national proposal for Irish landscapes, the experiences of Catalonia with RECEP and of Lille Métropole, winner of the 2008 Council of Europe Landscape Prize. The third session, “Awareness-raising, training and education: results and prospects for sustainable development”, underlines the importance of raising public awareness about landscape values, with presentations of the film “Hverdagslandskapet” and of experiences of universities and secondary schools. The last session takes the theme of “the landscape, Europe’s heritage”, highlighting cooperation in landscape policies, where effectiveness can only be guaranteed through a trans-national and trans-border point of view, which is precisely that of the European Landscape Convention. home page discovering Europe Europe in progress european mediations memory of Europe who are we ? with whom do we work ? atlas of cultural routes shop polls capital questions european diagonals forum Photo Gallery Landscap-e | Bi-monthly newsletter of the Landscape Observatory NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 10 Peripheral Landscape http://www.catpaisatge.net/eng/butlleti/index.php BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE LANDSCAPE OBSERVATORY OF CATALONIA - 26 THE OBSERVER Peripheral Landscape Peripheral landscapes in photos and paintings Toni Sala Writer, National Literature Award of Catalonia The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, selected for the 3rd Mediterranean Landscape Prize The first landscapes were reportedly painted in the Middle Ages, generally portraying walled-in gardens. The outside world, however, was hidden behind those walls, horrible and unknown. The periphery was limited, as such, to those impenetrable walls. 5th Anniversary of the Catalan Law on Landscapes The project to renovate the Tel Aviv port awarded the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize Exchange of experiences between the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and Chilean and Argentine institutions The Proxectoterra education project receives the National Urban Planning Award Inventory of Andalusian landscape resources First research grant 'Thinking Landscape 2010' Results from the 6th International Congress on Spatial Planning Landscape policies in Catalonia, protagonists during the 10th anniversary celebration of the European Landscape Convention New Director of the European Network of Local and Regional Authorities (RECEP) Comarques Gironines Landscape Directives Key points of landscape research in Europe: ‘Landscape in a Changing World – Bridging Divides, Integrating Disciplines, Serving Society' Paisaje urbano de Sevilla Planning on the edge: the context for planning at the rural-urban fringe EnergyScapes Ten years of the european Prize for Urban Public Space Events of November and December Latest news items [ READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE ] MOSAIC Peripheral landscapes in photos and paintings From November 6th, 2010, to January 30th, 2011, you can visit the exhibit, "Landscapes in the periphery. Crossed perspectives", at the Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa museum in the city of Olot. This collection has been organised as a complementary activity to the International Seminar on Fringes. Landscapes of the Periphery organised by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia. The exhibit juxtaposes the idyllic and bucolic landscape portrayals found in late 19th century and early 20th century paintings (including work by Joaquim Vayreda, Josep Berga i Boix, Ramon Casas and Enric Galwey) and the contemporary vision of peripheries as depicted by photographers such as Jordi Bernadó, Albert Gusi, Rafel López-Monné, Aleix Plademunt and Llorenç Rosanes. The aim is to reflect on different landscape representations and, at the same time, take note of how these landscapes have changed over the last few decades. The exhibit is also a good opportunity to visit the museum's permanent collection, all preceding its upcoming reconversion into the Landscape Museum of Catalonia. The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, selected for the 3rd Mediterranean Landscape Prize The participatory process launched by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia to prepare its landscape catalogues has been selected to take part in the 3rd Mediterranean Landscape Prize. This award serves to raise awareness about the role of landscapes in defining territorial cultural identities and to improve the quality of life of its people. With this aim, the best initiatives, plans and programmes, architectural projects and awareness campaigns, amongst others, are selected across Europe for the special attention they pay to landscapes. The selection process begins at the regional level. It is here when the Regional Selection Committee chose to nominate the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia for the participatory process it created while preparing the Catalan landscape catalogues from 2006 to 2009. The Steering Committee and then the International Jury's decisions will determine the final winners. However, all the candidates selected at the regional level will be included in the Catalogue of Good Practices whose aim is to help raise awareness about these landscape concerns and the creation of a common landscape culture. 5th Anniversary of the Catalan Law on Landscapes On June 8th, 2005, the Parliament of Catalonia approved the Law on landscape protection, management and planning in Catalonia. Inspired by the European Landscape Convention, the Catalan Law on Landscape begins with a global and integral view of landscape and is pragmatic and tangible in nature. It also gives preference to providing incentives rather than Landscap-e | Bi-monthly newsletter of the Landscape Observatory http://www.catpaisatge.net/eng/butlleti/index.php Congress' Scientific Committee. More information about the Congress is available at this website. Landscape policies in Catalonia, protagonists during the 10th anniversary celebration of the European Landscape Convention A conference was held on October 19th and 20th in Florence to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Council of Europe's European Landscape Convention approved in 2000 in the same Italian city. This conference served to examine the progress made in protecting, managing and planning European landscapes over the last decades as well as to analyse the new challenges to the Landscape Convention's application. Information is available on the Council of Europe's website regarding this celebration. Catalonia was the European region chosen by the Council of Europe to explain its landscape policies over the last ten years to the more than 300 political representatives and technical experts from numerous European institutions, universities and organisms. The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, a member of the group responsible for the European Landscape Convention's information system, was also present during this event. The European Landscape Convention, which entered into force in March, 2004, was the first international treaty giving legal recognition to landscape. To this date, more than 31 Council of Europe members countries have ratified the Convention. The Catalan Parliament adhered to the Convention in December 2000, just two months after its initial approval in Florence. New Director of the European Network of Local and Regional Authorities (RECEP) This past September 30th, the eighth meeting of the European Network of Local and Regional Authorities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention's (RECEP) Executive Committee met in Ploiesti (Prahova County, Romania). One of the Committee's primary decisions was to name Oriol Porcel to head the Network for the next four years, substituting Riccardo Priore in this post. Luminita Iatan, the representative for Prahova County in the Network was named Deputy-Director. Other decisions refer to the new activities the Network will undertake over the coming months as well as its new communications and financing strategies. The Network, whose legal headquarters are found in Strasbourg (France), is a non-governmental international organisation consisting of 35 local and regional public entities across Europe, including Catalonia. RECEP's primary objectives are to raise awareness about and apply the European Landscape Convention at both the local and regional levels and foment the exchange of landscape-related experiences and knowledge amongst its members. Through the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, the Autonomous Community plays a leading role in the Network, though the Government of Catalonia is the Community's political and institutional representative in RECEP. THE CHOICE Comarques Gironines Landscape Directives Chapter on the Landscape Directives included within the Partial Territorial Plan for the Comarques Gironines Area, prepared by the Catalan Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works, approved on September 14th, 2010. These Landscape Directives are legally incorporated into the landscape quality objectives included in the Comarques Gironines Landscape Catalogue prepared by the Landscape Observatory. Key points of landscape research in Europe: ‘Landscape in a Changing World – Bridging Divides, Integrating Disciplines, Serving Society' The latest issue of the series Science Policy Briefings, edited and published by the European Science Foundation, sets out the key points of landscape research in Europe today and how results can help policy-makers, professionals and