smoke signal - Ashland Independent Schools


smoke signal - Ashland Independent Schools
The Charles Russell School
The Charles Russell School provides equal education and employment opportunities.
May 29, 2015
A CRS STLP/PTO Publication
Super Summer
4/6 CRS SBDM, 5:30 pm, Library
4/7 Ashland Middle School Parent Orientation, 6 pm
4/9 CRS PTO, 5 pm, Library
4/10 5 Grade to Highlands Museum, 10:45 am
4/11 Girl Scout Troop 983 Yard Sale, CRS gym, 8 am to 2 pm
4/13 – 4/17 K-2 Spring MAP Testing
4/17 4th Grade to Columbus Zoo 7:15 am – 5 pm
4/21 4th 9-Weeks Mid-Terms
4/21 Yearbook Group Pictures
4/22 – 4/26 Safety Patrol Trip, Washington, DC
4/27 – 5/1 ESS After School Program, 3rd-6th Grades
5/4 – 5/8 KPREP Testing Window
5/4 CRS SBDM, 5:30 pm, Library
5/7 CRS PTO, 5 pm, Library
5/7 Hog Diggity Dog, Harmonicats Night, Gym, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
5/14 5th Grade Field Trip, KY Horse Park
5/15 5th Grade Plays, am and pm shows, Library
5/15 1st Grade to Savage Branch, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
5/18 Track and Field Day, AK Sports Park, 8:15 am – 11 am
5/18 5th Grade Advancement Program, CRS gym, 6 pm
5/19 No School, Election Day
5/20 Blazer Seniors Lunch, 1 pm
5/21 Kindergarten Park Day, Central Park, 11 am
5/21 1st Grade Pet Day, 1:30 pm
5/21 6 Grade Advancement Program, CRS gym, 6 pm
5/22 Intermediate Awards Program, 8:30 am, Gym
5/22 Last Day for Students
Coach Calipari and Vault
Volume 22 Issue 3
On February 9, Lydia Pruitt from the American
Heart Association visited CRS to kick-off Jump Rope
for Heart (JRH) activities. She was accompanied by
Quacky the Duck and they showed the students a
video. The purpose of JRH is to raise awareness
and funds for the American Heart Association to
help people improve their health and prevent heart
disease. The activities continued for the weeks of
February 9-27 during gym classes. The students
got sponsors who made donations. Students were
able to earn awards based on the amount of
donations collected. -Jadyn Mintz
CRS students in 5th and 6th grades have been using
a free online software program called Vault, made
by Everfi, that teaches financial literacy. The
Calipari Family Foundation pays, allowing all
Kentucky 5th and 6th grade students the
opportunity to learn about choosing careers, saving
and investing money, making good financial
decisions, understanding cash vs. credit, budgeting,
insurance, and giving to charities. In addition,
Kentucky Basketball Coach, John Calipari, made a
video for the students to watch. Schools across
Kentucky could submit a question for him to
answer and Charles Russell’s was one of the
questions chosen. He told the students to “instead
of just working for money, let your money work for
you.” He talked about servant leadership and how
much time and effort it takes to be a Kentucky
Wildcat basketball player. Academics are
important! An educated man is difficult to fool.
Don’t just buy stuff; save and invest! You can
watch the video by going to our school’s home
page. Under Quick Links on left, click Student
Links, then at the bottom of the page under Others
click on the pencil by Coach Cal. Go Big Blue!
Choose My Plate
On February 4, KDMC came to CRS to help
kindergarten through 2nd grade kids learn about
nutrition and choosing healthy snacks to eat. They
demonstrated healthy food choices by using lunch
plates from the school. Students need to make
sure that half of their plate has fruit and vegetables
while the other half has grains, protein, and at least
one cup of dairy. If students don’t eat healthy,
they can get obesity and other diseases. The
students had a good time learning about eating
healthy. -Layla Brown and Elizabeth Davis
FLL State Robotics
Jump Rope for Heart
On Saturday, February 7, the CRS Robotics Team
attended the First Lego League State Championship
at Northern Kentucky University. The students left
CRS at 6:30 am and arrived at NKU around 9 am.
There were four events: Project, Robot Design,
Core Values, and Robot Performance. Out of 47
teams in attendance, CRS placed 27th in Robot
Performance with 130 points; the highest score for
a team was 485! The CRS team called Techno
Wizards, had a super experience competing. They
received the Judges Award “Force for Good”
because the team was willing to help anyone
without expecting anything in return. The team
stopped at Frisch’s in Maysville for dinner on the
way back, arriving in Ashland around 7:30 pm. It
was a long but rewarding day. Great job, Techno
On February 28, CRS participated in the District
Governor’s Cup at Oakview Elementary and the
results were fantastic! In Arts/Humanties Eli
Campbell placed 1st and Hannah Green 2nd. In
Math, Noah Carey got 1st, Isaac Campbell was 2nd
and Luke Geyer 4th. For Science, Isaac Campbell
had 2nd and Noah Carey was 3rd. In Language Arts
Eli Campbell got 1st and Jackson Lawson received
3rd. For English Composition CRS took the top 3
spots; Taylor Hamilton got 1st, Gwen Akers 2nd,
and Hope Harris was 3rd. The Future Problem
Solving Team (Taylor Hamilton, Gwen Akers,
Hannah Greene, and Spencer Greene) placed 1st;
this makes five years in a row that CRS took first in
this event! The Quick Recall Team (Gwen Akers,
Caleb, Eli, & Isaac Campbell, Noah Carey, Luke
Geyer, Hannah & Spencer Green, Hope Harris,
Jackson Lawson, and Mikayla Martin) placed first as
well. With an overall score of 70 points, the CRS
Academic Team is the 2015 District Governor’s Cup
Champs! All these students will compete in the
Regional Governor’s Cup on March 21. Way to go
Picking Up Trash
On April 24th, 2015, Mrs. Schirtzinger’ s 1st Grade
Class went to AK Sports Park to pick up trash in
honor of Earth Day. They put on gloves and used
trash bags to make the AK Sports Park look cleaner.
They picked up trash, rocks, weeds, and cut grass.
The Sports Park wasn’t as dirty as we thought it
would be. –Gracee Lewis & Savannah Rigdon
Kentucky History Project
Academic Team
The CRS Photography Club is an afterschool
program for 4th & 5th grade students. Students
are given an opportunity to engage in new learning
experiences using digital technology where they
become the directors, photo journalists, models,
and designers! Every picture that a person takes
captures a moment in time forever. They can serve
as natural bridges for accessing, exploring, and
communicating feelings and emotions. Our after
school club consisted of lessons, including:
Composition and Points of Interest, The Rule of
Thirds, & Balance & Light. Their images portray the
world as they see it while enabling them to develop
skills that enhance their educational experience.
Check out this photo taken by Jackson Lawson. It
was a great year! -Mrs. Thacker
On April 24, 2015, both 4 grade classes did a
Kentucky History Project by making a diorama. The
diorama was to be your favorite place in Kentucky.
Everyone took home a shoebox if they didn’t have
one. They used markers, colored pencils, scissors,
paper, glue, toys, and many other items to create
their diorama. Some dioramas were the Louisville
Slugger Museum, the Kentucky Horse Park, Fort
Boonesborough, Keeneland, Paramount Arts
Center, Ashland bridges, Mammoth Caves, and a
coal mine. It was an exciting and fun experience
and we learned all kinds of new things about
Kentucky. –Holly Shelton and Makena Frances
Regional Governor’s Cup
Hot Diggity Dog Night
The Regional Governor’s Cup competition was held
Saturday, March 21, at Wurtland Elementary. CRS
results were: Noah Carey, 3rd in Math; Eli
Campbell, 4th in Language Arts; Hannah Greene,
5th in Arts/Humanities; Future Problem Solving
Team (Gwen Akers, Hannah Greene, Spencer
Greene, Taylor Hamilton), 3rd place, and the Quick
Recall team (Gwen Akers, Caleb Campbell, Eli
Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Noah Carey, Luke Geyer,
Hannah Greene, Spencer Greene, Hope Harris,
Jackson Lawson, Mikayla Martin), 2nd place.
Overall the team placed 2nd out of 18 schools that
competed. Great job, CRS! -Ms. Hood
On Thursday, May 7th, Mrs. Reinhard’s harmonica
classes sponsored a fund raiser to raise money for
harmonicas next school year. The students from
this year’s classes played four songs: Oh Susanna,
Two Timin’ Blues, Barbara Allen, and Wildwood
Flower. The Huntington Harmonica Club Band of
which Mrs. Reinhard is a member also played.
Everyone enjoyed a hot dog dinner and the music
was awesome! -Mrs. Reinhard
Photography Club
Derby Day
Since KPREP testing was set to begin on May 4th
this year’s theme for testing was “May the 4th be
with you!” (a Star Wars Theme). During the kickoff
third grade students performed commercials for
testing students, reminding them of good test
taking practices. Mrs. Brillhart addressed the
students to remind them of all they had
accomplished this year and how it was so
important for them let their hard work pay off and
really show what they know on the KPREP test. We
then welcomed 4 Star War’s staff members to
challenge 4 of our CRS students in a quiz bowl
challenge. Trivia questions were read and
answered by both sides (however, only students
answered correctly). Even with the great coaching
skills of Ms. Hood the Star Wars staff still lost the
trivia challenge to the students 9-0. It was another
successful kickoff and we are very proud of our
students. They worked hard to prepare for testing
and testing week was a success. It was evident
that the “Force” was certainly with them. -Mrs.
On Friday, May 1, students in kindergarten through
the 2nd grade studied and celebrated the Kentucky
Derby in a variety of ways. They read the book The
Mystery of the Kentucky Derby by Carole Marsh
which discussed the history and facts of the
Kentucky Derby. Mrs. Amy Ledford brought in
some real silks, the jacket and hat that the jockey
wears. The students studied events leading up to
the derby called ‘Thunder Over Louisville’ which
included hot air balloon and steamboat races.
They learned all about horses and the layered
goggles that the jockeys wear during the race. The
students dressed up as if they were attending the
derby by wearing fancy hats, dresses and bowties.
They watched the movie Secretariat, one of the
most famous Kentucky Derby winners and they ate
apples and carrots like the horses do and
celebrated with horse cake. What a great day to
celebrate and learn! -Mrs. King
It's been a great year in Physical Education at
Charles Russell with all the new activities and
fitness instruction that has taken place over the
year with our PEP grant. Students have really
enjoyed competing against each other in the
fitness gram test. -Coach Wilcox
Valentine’s Day Cards
Miss Rowlett’s 3rd grade class made valentine cards
for the patients at the Huntington VA Medical
Center in recognition of “National Salute to
Veteran Patients Week.” They also sent chocolate
roses made by Mrs. Lora Jordan to Woodland Oaks
nursing home for Valentine’s Day. -Miss Rowlett
KPREP Kickoff
Trip to Savage Branch
Mintz and Savannah Rigdon were finalists in the
ePublishing competition for the Internet Safety
Links web page they created. The Fall 2014 Smoke
Signal Newsletter won 2nd place in ePublishing and
was published by: Taylor York, Mimi Moore, Hailey
Cabell, Holly Shelton, Gwen Akers, Abby Leeper,
Elizabeth Davis, Bailee Schirtzinger, Makena
Francis, Tori Brown, and Gracie Madden. Taylor
York competed in Photo on Demand and Noah
Crites was in Gaming. Drew Kiser won 2nd place in
Web Page Design. Holly Shelton was a finalist in
Original Photo and Matti Parks was a finalist for
Manipulated Photo. Bailee Schirtzinger won 1st
place in Graphic Design for her Veterans’ Day
badge design. Elizabeth Davis and Gwen Akers
competed in the Flight Sim contest while Tyler
Miller and Richard Runyon played in the Sumobot
competition. Eli Campbell and Gracie Madden
participated in the Technology Quick Recall match.
Kaleb Kohut and Eli Miller presented their
innovative idea for a Digital Driver’s License for
Kentucky drivers and won 2nd place in the middle
school division. After all events were completed
we had just enough time for the bus to take us to
Joe Bologna’s for dinner and back to Rupp for the
Awards Program. The program was over around
8:30 pm getting us back to Blazer by 10:30 pm. It
was a long, tiring trip but well worth all the effort
everyone put in as we had great fun, new
experiences, and memorable encounters. A special
thanks to all the chaperones that made it possible!
Good job, STLP! -Mrs. Elkins
On the 15th of May, 2015, the first graders at CRES
went to Savage Branch, a wildlife sanctuary owned
by the Marathon Catlettsburg Refinery. The
students went to learn about animals and their
habitats. They saw squirrels, birds, insects, trees,
wildflowers, and plants. They walked on a trail
until they came to a pond. There were tubs filled
with the pond water for easier access. They used
baskets to find insects and tadpoles, then studied
them closely to see what they could learn. They
also learned how to tell how old a tree is. The kids
enjoyed this interesting field trip. –Makena Francis &
Bailee Schirtzinger
March of Dimes
Thank you for participating in the 2015 Dime War!
This year we raised $258.45 for March of Dimes.
The homeroom pizza party winner was Mrs.
McDavid’s homeroom with $53.48. –Mrs. Bocook
STLP State Competition
On Thursday, March 26, 2015, CRS STLP members
participated in the STLP State competition in
Lexington at Rupp Arena. The trip began at 6:30
am boarding the school bus at Blazer HS and
driving two hours on the highway. Upon reaching
Rupp Arena, we had to unload our equipment from
Mr. Salyers’ truck and carry it all inside and set up.
Between events we squeezed in lunch, restroom
breaks, and arena tours. Our showcase team,
Button Bonanza, included: Abby Leeper, Holly
Shelton, Hallie Staggs, and Rilee Vanover. Mimi
Moore worked as a state Cyber Reporter. Jadyn
Bailee (5 from left) is recognized for 1 place in elementary graphic
design during the Kentucky State STLP Awards Program.
3rd 9-Weeks Awards
Cheer Champion
Natalie Woods, 4th grade CRS student, and a
member of the youth level 3 team Dream Legends,
was in a recent cheer competition that received
first place and Grand Champion in all three team
levels. Way to go, Natalie!
Perfect Attendance: Kindergarten: Braidon Artrip, Brooklyn
Bitter, Audrey Burchett, Dylan Rymer; 1 Grade: Sammy
Elswick, Garrison Haines, Emma Hale, Ashley Ingram, Zane
Ingram, Addison Jobe, Isaac Leeper, Abby Lynch, Robbie
Lyons-Damron, Macey Robbins, Michael Wilson, Noah Wurts;
2 Grade: Elliott Chavira, Aubrey Foster, Vera Houk, Kaia
Mantle, Christopher Peters, Emme Rogers, Arsi Smithrd
Mensah; 3 Grade: Tristan Banks, Emme Chaffin, Gracie
Delaney, Olivia Forth, Riley Gussler, Zach Kiser, Ryan Miller,
Morgan Palma, Hunter Robertson, Rachel Tackett, Dustan
Webb; 4 Grade: Lillian Bishop, Josh Jordan, Marissa
Morrison; 5 Grade: Sarah Alley, Riley Brogdon, Layla Brown,
Caleb Campbell, Eli Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Elizabeth Davis,
Sonny Davis, Luke Geyer, Hannah Greene, Hanna Haines,
Hope Harris, Faith Jordan, Drew Kiser; 6 Grade: Mason
Gussler, Delaney Jackson, Tyler Miller.
Remarkable Readers: 1 Grade: Aubrey Brislin, Sammy
Elswick, Garrison Haines, Zane Ingram, Isaac Leeper, Abby
Lynch, Jonas Manning, Noah Maynard, Elli Moore, Dylan
Rigsby, Jordan Roach, Kaydance Smith, Elizabeth Steele,
Tanner Steele, Lyndsi Watts, Brayden Worsley, Caiden Young,
Grier Campbell, William Crank, Ashley Ingram, Kalleigh Knipp,
Kennedie Lewis, Hannah Maddix, Brady Marushi, Macey
Robbins, Bentley Rogers, Meisha Salisbury, Noah Wurts,
Addison Jobe; 2 Grade: Chance Bullion, Caleb Elliott, Kylee
Fields, Vera Houk, Molly Keyes, Emme Rogers, Benjamin
Thompson, Kyra Traylor; 3 Grade: Bryson Schirtzinger,
Rachel Tackett, Ashley Colley, Gracie Delaney, Myla Hamilton,
Alexis Kennedy, Shaelyn Steele, Samuel Tibbitts.
Super Spellers: 1 Grade: Aubrey Brislin, Sammy Elswick,
Garrison Haines, Emma Hale, Zane Ingram, Isaac Leeper,
Elijah Lewis, Abby Lynch, Jonas Manning, Carter McKenzie, Elli
Moore, Dylan Rigsby, Emma Singleton, Kaydance Smith,
Elizabeth Steele, Tanner Steele, Lyndsi Watts, Michael Wilson,
Caiden Young, Grier Campbell, William Crank, Jessie Gray,
Ashley Ingram, Rishard Kitchen, Kennedie Lewis, Hannah
Maddix, Lamont Richardson, Macey Robbins, Bentley Rogers,
Marley Walter, Noah Wurts, Addison Jobe; 2 Grade:
Chance Bullion, Caleb Elliott, Kylee Fields, Vera Houk, Molly
Keyes, Grayce Newcome, Cody O’Cull, Emme Rogers,
Benjamin Thompson, Sully Toler, Kyra Traylor, 3 Grade:
Kiana Leader, Shaelyn Steele; 4 Grade: Kane Albertson, Tori
Brown, Gracie Madden, Tilly Martin, Holly Shelton, Natalie
Woods, Tiffany Alfaro, Shelby Conley, Abby Leeper, Marissa
Morrison, Lily Sargent, Rashaye Wheeler. 6 Grade: Allie
Greene, Mimi Moore, Gracin Smith, Brandon Hensley, Lauren
Spears, Timmy Thompson, Willow Triplett, Melanie Grimm,
Richard Runyon, Maddy Thompson.
Gymnastics Winner
Grier Campbell, a 1st grade CRS student,
participated in the Mardi Gras Invitational
Tumbling Meet at Morehead State University on
February 28, 2015. She performed a front
walkover, front limber pass, and a back
walkover/back limber pass in the competition and
placed 1st in the 6 year old flat mat division. She
also competed on April 14th in Rio Grande, Ohio, at
the AAU State Gymnastics competition and took 1st
place in her age division. Good job, Grier!
Note from Miss Rowlett
Charles Russell faculty, staff, parents, and students,
Thank you for the privilege of working with you for
the past 38 years (36 years at Charles Russell and 2
years at Condit). I have enjoyed this career so
much. Education has changed so much since I
started—some good and some not so good.
Children—find something you like to do when you
grow up. It’s so hard to roll out of bed in the
morning if you don’t like your job. Thanks again,
Math Maniacs: 1 Grade: Aubrey Brislin, Garrison Haines,
Zane Ingram, Isaac Leeper, Abby Lynch, Noah Maynard,
Kaydance Smith, Elizabeth Steele, Lyndsi Watts, Caiden
Young, Grier Campbell, William Crank, Ashely Ingram,
Kennedie Lewis, Brady Marushi, Bentley Rogers, Brantley
Rose, Meisha Salisbury, Marley Walter, Noah Wurts, Addison
Jobe; 2 Grade: Emily Atkinson, Jonas Bryan, Chance Bullion,
Caleb Elliott, Kylee Fields, Vera Houk, Molly Keyes, Shelby
LaFon, Ethan Nivens, Emme Rogers, Benjamin Thompson,
Sully Toler, Kyra Traylor; 3 Grade: Riley Gussler, Holly
Harris, Mason Kohut, Tyson LaLonde, Natalie McLeod, Tucker
Rogers, Bryson Schirtzinger, Grant Smith, Rachel Tackett,
Reyce Vanover, Dustan Webb, Brady Callahan, Myla
Hamilton, Samuel Tibbitts; 4 Grade: Tiffany Alfaro, Lilly
Bishop, Aiden Daniel, Jackson Lawson, Abby Leeper, Marissa
Morrison, Lily Sargent, Asher Adkins, Tori Brown, Angela
Emeterio, Gracie Madden, Damian Moats, Holly Shelton,
Natalie Woods. 5 Grade: Gwen Akers, Noah Carey, Hannah
Greene, Spencer Greene, Taylor Hamilton, Drew Kiser, Matti
Parks, Caleb Campbell, Hope Harris, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla
All As: 4 Grade: Tiffany Alfaro, Shelby Conley, Jackson
Lawson, Abby Leeper, Marissa Morrison, Lily Sargent, Asher
Adkins, Makena Francis, Gracie Madden, Tori Brown, Tilly
Martin, Damian Moats, Conner Robbins, Holly Shelton,
Natalie Woods. 5 Grade: Haleigh Adkins, Gwen Akers, Eli
Campbell, Noah Carey, Leah Grayson, Hannah Greene,
Spencer Greene, Taylor Hamilton, Jack Heineman, Drew Kiser,
Chase Morgan, Matti Parks, Kaythan Baer, Riley Brogdon,
Isaac Campbell, Elizabeth Davis, Sonny Davis, Luke Geyer,
Hope Harris, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla Martin. 6 Grade:
Melanie Grimm, Kaley Kohut, Richard Runyon, Taylor York,
Tyler Miller, Mimi Moore, Lauren Spears, Timmy Thompson,
Willow Triplett.
As/Bs: 4 Grade: Taylor Ashmore, Mya Chaffin, Aiden
Daniel, Adam Rigdon, Bailee Schirtzinger, Rashaye Wheeler,
Kane Albertson, Angela Emeterio, James Johnson, Dylan
Lundy, Tori Pennington. 5 Grade: Corey Adams, Lindsey
Brown, Aliyah Coffey, Austin Davis, Kelsie Gibbs, Emma
Keaton, Layla Brown, Caleb Campbell, Malique Coleman,
Hanna Haines, Madison Hall, Noah Hamilton, Kameron
Duncan, Belle Hiles, Faith Jordan, Andrew Moore, Kaleigh
Newman, Alex Peterman, Holly Plummer, Savannah Rigdon,
Rilee Vanover. 6 Grade: Hailey Cabell, Nick Cornwell, Noah
Crites, Chris Hallman, Haley Keyes, Eli Miller, Faith Nivens,
Maddy Thompson, Eli Aldridge, Kelsi Click, Allie Greene,
Mason Gussler, UriYaH Hall, Kendrick Hogsten, Brayden
Hughes, Delaney Jackson, Leah Knotts, Lakin Mays, Gracin
Keyboard Kadets: 2 Grade: Kylee Fields, Kyra Traylor, Sully
Toler, Emme Rogers, Vera Houk, Molly Keyes, Grayce
Newcome, Chance Bullion, Aiden Adkins, Madalin Taylor, Arsi
Smith-Mensah, Amelia Akers, Anna Bocook, Laryn Berry,
Kiarah Knipp, JJ Johnson, Jonny Tibbs, Lizee Coffey, Aubrey
Foster, Elias Jackson, Jakob Sanders, Logan Ashley, Brycen
Ward. 3 Grade: Nikki Williams, Keegan Hale, Chris Warren,
Tucker Rogers, Luke Greene, Grant Smith, Tyson LaLonde,
Skylar Akers, Emme Chaffin, Arianna Mullins, Kiana Leader,
Reyce Vanover, Mason Kohut, Maddi Ramsey, Riley Gussler,
Cavin Fitzpatrick, Bryson Schirtzinger, Bryce Roach, Kaleb
Davis, Samuel Tibbitts, Austin Wurts, John Conley, Caden
Eldridge, Jesse Akers, Sean Adams, Olivia Forth, Olivia
Wilkerson, Arianna Wilson, Kalista Berry, Emma VanHorn,
Myla Hamilton, Gracie Delaney, Hannah Hamilton, Kailyn
Washington, Mason Byrd, Alex Cark, Ryan Miller, Skyler
Smith, Tristan Banks; 4 Grade: McKaytlyn Diamond, Shelby
Conley, Tiffany Alfaro, Jackson Lawson, Aiden Daniel, Marissa
Morrison, Abby Leeper, Bryson Hale, Hallie Staggs, Tilly
Martin, Tori Brown, Conner Robbins, Asher Adkins, Angela
Emeterio, Makena Francis, Gracie Madden, Josh Ozmun; 5
Grade: Gwen Akers, Noah Carey, Lindsey Brown, Haleigh
Adkins, Leah Grayson, Emilie Abrams, Jack Heineman,
Spencer Greene, Hannah Greene, Drew Kiser, Kendall Dixon,
Emma Keaton, Nadia Caldwell, Matti Parks, Austin Davis,
Corey Adams, Riley Brogdon, Layla Brown, Hope Harris,
Mikayla Martin, Gracee Lewis, Rilee Vanover, Kaleigh
Newman, Hanna Haines, Sonny Davis, Savannah Rigdon, Isaac
Campbell, Luke Geyer, Andrew Moore; 6 Grade: Beau
Smith, Taylor York, Meah Phillips, Kaleb Kohut, Haley Keyes,
Tyler Miller, Lauren Spears, Gracin Smith, Willow Triplett,
Mimi Moore, Allie Greene.
Keyboard Kahunas: 3 Grade: Dustan Webb, Holly Harris,
Natalie McLeod, Brady Callahan, Ashley Colley, Shaelyn
Steele; 4 Grade: Mya Chaffin, Holly Shelton, Natalie Woods;
5 Grade: Kelsie Gibbs, Taylor Hamilton, Bethany Ledford,
Elizabeth Davis, Kaythan Baer; 6 Grade: Maddy Thompson,
Kelsie Click.
Vault Certified: 5 Grade: Gwen Akers, Kelsie Gibbs, Lindsey
Brown, Emma Hall, Rileigh Hutchinson, Emilie Abrams, Jack
Heineman, Spencer Greene, Emma Keaton, Faith Jordan,
Belle Hiles, Hope Harris, Gracee Lewis, Alex Peterman, Kaleigh
Newman, Madison Hall, Dominic Whitmore, Sonny Davis,
Savannah Rigdon, Kameron Duncan, Andrew Moore; 6
Grade: Nancy Conley, Faith Nivens, Chris Hallman, Brayden
Felty, Jadyn Mintz, Shenoa Campbell, Noah Crites, Tyler
Ignition Certified: 4 Grade: Rashaye Wheeler, McKaytlyn
Diamond, Lillian Bishop, Adam Rigdon, Hallie Staggs, Bailee
Schirtzinger, Lily Sargent, Damian Moats, Kane Albertson,
Asher Adkins, Shaylee Deerfield, Josh Ozmun, James Johnson,
Tori Pennington, Nevaeh Steele; 5 Grade: Seth Chappell,
Chase Morgan, Corey Barnett, Holly Plummer, Malique
Coleman, Noah Hamilton; 6 Grade: Meah Phillips, Nick
Cornwell, Mason Gussler, Loralei Rice, Leah Knotts, Dakota
DDL: 4 Grade: Jackson Lawson, Abby Leeper, Brayden
Ashley, Tilly Martin, Damian Moats, Conner Robbins, Holly
Shelton, Angela Emeterio, Makena Francis, Natalie Woods,
Gracie Madden; 6 Grade: Jonda Adams.
FBI SOS: 3 Grade: Emme Chaffin, Reyce Vanover, Natalie
McLeod, Bryson Steele, Mason Kohut, Keegan Hale, Luke
Greene, Rachel Tackett, Cierra Parsons, Riley Gussler, Maddi
Ramsey, Max Riggs, Nikki Williams, Lacey Hale, Gracie
Delaney, Arianna Wilson, Mason Byrd, Bryce Roach, Hannah
Hamilton, Skyler Smith, Tyler Bush, John Conley, Sean Adams,
Kailyn Washington, Olivia Forth, Samuel Tibbitts, Jesse Akers,
Myla Hamilton, Emma VanHorn, Kalista Berry, Alex Plummer,
Ryan Miller; 4 Grade: Jackson Lawson, Abby Leeper, Lily
Sargent, Brayden Ashley, Tilly Martin, Damian Moats, Conner
Robbins, Holly Shelton, Makena Francis, Natalie Woods,
Gracie Madden; 5 Grade: Gwen Akers, Kelsie Gibbs, Haleigh
Adkins, Emma Hall, Rileigh Hutchinson, Jack Heineman, Drew
Kiser, Kendall Dixon, Lindsey Brown, Seth Chappell, Gracee
Lewis, Aliyah Coffey, Austin Davis, Riley Brogdon, Layla
Brown, Bethany Ledford, Elizabeth Davis, Faith Jordan, Hope
Harris, Kaythan Baer, Mikayla Martin, Rilee Vanover, Alex
Peterman, Kaleigh Newman, Madison Hall, Hanna Haines,
Dominic Whitmore, Sonny Davis, Savannah Rigdon, Kameron
Duncan, Andrew Moore; 6 Grade: Hailey Cabell, Beau
Smith, Richard Runyon, Faith Nivens, Melanie Grimm, Chris
Hallman, Haley Keyes, Maddy Thompson, Brayden Felty,
Shenoa Campbell, Blake Howard, Katie Tuner, Eli Aldridge,
Tyler Ramsey, Brayden Hughes, Mimi Moore.
Recycling Collections
Please save Campbell’s UPC’s, General
Mills/Pillsbury box tops, Tyson A+ Project, Prang
Power UPCs, and Funding Factory printer
cartridges, digital cameras, camcorders, laptops,
iPods, MP3s, GPSs, radar detectors, tablets,
handheld games, and pop cans/tabs. Soup UPCs
and Prang Power UPCs help us get supplies for our
school (Mrs. Elkins, sponsor). Box tops (Mrs.
Meade, sponsor) and pop cans (Miss Rowlett,
sponsor) provide funds to support AR. Tyson A+
Project and Funding Factory supports STLP (Mrs.
Elkins, sponsor); and pop can tabs are donated to
support the Ronald McDonald House. If there are
any questions or concerns, please contact the
sponsor. Classes who brought in over 1,000
UPCs/BTs this year qualified for prizes. Those
classes are indicated below with an asterisk.
Note from Mrs. Elkins
BT/LFE Class Totals
I thank everyone in the Ashland Independent
School District for your support and acceptance.
From being a volunteer at Charles Russell for seven
years, two at the middle school and four at Blazer,
to becoming the School Technician/STLP
Coordinator for 21 years at CRS, I feel grateful and
privileged to have been able to serve my
community. I hope I was able to pay it forward as
much as I have gained from my experiences here. I
would encourage you to persevere, keep trying,
don’t give up! Do what is right and good! A quote
by Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “The purpose of life
is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be
honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make
some difference that you have lived and lived
well.” God bless you,
Special Notice: Funding Factory no long accepts
cell phones.
February Students of the Month
Dylan Rymer
Brenton Steele
Zane Ingram
Bentley Rogers
Emily Atkinson
Anna Bocook
Kiana Leader
Ryan Miller
Shelby Conley
Tilly Martin
Chase Morgan
Alex Peterman
Kaleb Kohut
Timmy Thompson
Madalin Taylor
Isaac Leeper
Seth Chappell
Mercedes Hinkle
Aliyah Coffey
Bethany Ledford
Kameron Duncan
Luke Geyer
Leah Grayson
Gwen Akers
Nikki Williams
March Students of the Month
Olivia Estep
Addison York
Kaydance Smith
Gavin Rose
Ethan Nivens
Brycen Ward
Cavin Fitzpatrick
Olivia Forth
Rashaye Wheeler
Natalie Woods
Jack Heineman
Hope Harris
Melanie Grimm
Lakin Mays
Kendrick Hogsten
Gracie McKnight
Savannah Rigdon
Caden Eldridge
Bryson Hale
Mark Abrams
Eli Campbell
Shenoa Campbell
Luke Greene
Emma Hall
Caiden Young
April Students of the Month
Lillian Young
Bella Parsley
Jonas Manning
Grier Campbell
Shelby LaFon
Aubrey Foster
Natalie McLeod
John Conley
Mya Chaffin
Angela Emeterio
Hannah Greene
Isaac Campbell
Brayden Felty
Tyler Miller
Richard Runyon
Kaythan Baer
Belle Hiles
Hannah Hamilton
Nadia Caldwell
Cameron Burnside
Grayce Newcome
Kendall Dixon
Jadyn Mintz
Taylor York
Heaven Haack
May Students of the Month
Kaitlyn Preston
Jaelyn Brown
Lyndsi Watts
Alexis Hale
Kylee Fields
Arsi Smith-Mensah
Cierra Roberts
Alexis Kennedy
Abby Leeper
James Johnson
Jackson Riggs
Layla Brown
Hailey Cabell
Allie Greene
Kennedie Lewis
Hanna Haines
Dominic Whitmore
Ariana Ledesma
Tyler Ramsey
Mikayla Martin
Rilee Vanover
Haleigh Jackson
Kelsie Click
Elizabeth Davis
Dylan Rigsby
Primary Boys: 50-4th Gabe Long, 100-8th Skyler
Smith, 400-3rd Riley Gussler, 8th Skyler Smith,
4x100-4th (Luke Greene, Gabe Long, Bryce Roach,
Noah Wurts), Long Jump-2nd Riley Gussler, 4th
Brycen Ward, 6th Bryce Roach, 8th Carter McKenzie,
Intermediate Boys: 100-7th Mason Gussler, 4003rd Mason Gussler, 1600-5th Caleb Campbell, 7th Eli
Aldridge, 4x100-3rd (Spencer Greene, Richard
Runyon, Caleb Campbell, Tyler Miller), 4x200-3rd
(Noah Crites, Eli Aldridge, Spencer Greene, Isaac
Campbell), Long Jump-6th Richard Runyon, 8th Isaac
Campbell, High Jump-4th Caleb Campbell, 5th Noah
Crites, 8th Richard Runyon, Shot Put-7th Tyler Miller,
8th Mason Gussler
Overall: Primary Girls-3rd, Primary Boys-3rd,
Intermediate Girls-2nd, Intermediate Boys-3rd
Way to run, CRS Track Team!
Track Team News
April 13th Meet
Primary Boys: 50-2nd Gabe Long, 7th Noah Wurts;
100-7th Skyler Smith; 200-7th Riley Gussler; 400-7th
Skyler Smith; 4x100-5th (Brycen Ward, Sammy
Elswick, Caden Eldridge, Skyler Smith)
Intermediate Boys: 100-8th Mason Gussler, 200-8th
Brayden Hughes, 400-5th Mason Gussler, 800-2nd
Noah Crites, 1600-4th Caleb Campbell, 4x100-4th
(Mason Gussler, Corey Adams, Brayden Hughes,
Richard Runyon), 4x200-6th (Spencer Greene, Dylan
Lundy, Tyler Miller, Eli Aldridge), 4x400-2nd (Caleb
Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Kaleb Kohut, Noah
Primary Girls: 50-6th Jenna Delaney, 100-1st
Shaelyn Steele, 4th Holly Harris, 5th Natalie McLeod,
200-1st Shaelyn Steele, 6th Holly Harris, 400-1st
Shaelyn Steele, 5th Holly Harris, 4x100-4th (Gracie
Delaney, Vera Houk, Aubrey Foster, Natalie
Intermediate Girls: 100-3rd Nadia Caldwell, 7th
Bethany Ledford, 200-4th Nadia Caldwell, 400-2nd
Jill Thacker, 800-5th Haleigh Adkins, 6th Jill Thacker,
8th Hannah Greene, 4x100-1st (Nadia Caldwell,
Hailey Cabell, Taylor York, Bethany Ledford),
4x200-4th (Jadyn Mintz, Katie Turner, Hope Harris,
Emma Keaton), 4x400-1st (Jill Thacker, Taylor
Hamilton, Haleigh Adkins, Hannah Greene).
Overall: 3rd Place out of 8 schools.
City Meet
Primary Girls: 50-5th Zoey Smith, 6th Olivia Meade,
100-1st Shaelyn Steele, 5th Holly Harris, 200-1st
Shaelyn Steele, 400-1st Shaelyn Steele, 7th-Holly
Harris, 8th-Natalie McLeod, 4x100-4th (Zoey Smith,
Jenna Delaney, Gracie Delaney, Olivia Meade),
Long Jump-5th Holly Harris
Intermediate Girls: 100-2nd Jill Thacker, 3rd Nadia
Caldwell, 200-3rd Nadia Caldwell, 6th Bethany
Ledford, 400-2nd Haleigh Adkins, 3rd Bethany
Ledford, 800-1st Jill Thacker, 3rd Haleigh Adkins,
4x100-1st (Bethany Ledford, Jadyn Mintz, Emma
Keaton, Nadia Caldwell), 4x200-1st (Hope Harris,
Taylor York, Emma Keaton, Taylor Hamilton),
4x400-3rd (Hope Harris, Hannah Greene, Kelsie
Gibbs, Haleigh Adkins), Long Jump-2nd Jill Thacker,
6th Jadyn Mintz, High Jump-2nd Jadyn Mintz
Note from Mrs. Greene
Thank you Charles Russell staff and parents for
allowing me to spend twenty-four years with your
children. I hope I have been a positive influence in
some small way! I will never forget you and will be
a better person for knowing you. I hope that the
education of your children remains a priority. They
are such a gift from God. I love you and will miss
you more than you will ever know. Sincerely,
4th 9-Weeks Awards
Walter, Noah Wurts; 2 Grade: Chance Bullion, Caleb Elliott,
Vera Houk, Molly Keyes, Ethan Nivens, Emme Rogers, Kyra
Traylor; 3 Grade: Alex Aldridge, Cavin Fitzpatrick, Luke
Greene, Riley Gussler, Holly Harris, Mason Kohut, Tyson
LaLonde, Natalie McLeod, Morgan Palma, Hunter Robertson,
Bryson Schirtzinger, Grant Smith, Rachel Tackett, Reyce
Vanover, Chris Warren, Dustan Webb, Samuel Tibbitts; 4
Grade: Lilly Bishop, Aiden Daniel, Jackson Lawson, Abby
Leeper, Marissa Morrison, Adam Rigdon, Lily Sargent, Bailee
Schirtzinger, Tori Brown, Shaylee Deerfield, Gracie Madden,
Tilly Martin, Damian Moats, Holly Shelton, Natalie Woods; 5
Grade: Caleb Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Luke Geyer, Hope
Harris, Bethany Ledford, Sonny Davis, Mikayla Martin, Kaleigh
Newman, Savannah Rigdon, Rilee Vanover; 6 Grade: Kaleb
Kohut, UriYaH Hall-Clark, Mimi Moore, Lakin Mays, Timmy
Thompson, Willow Triplett.
All As: 4 Grade: Tiffany Alfaro, Lilly Bishop, Mya Chaffin,
Shelby Conley, Aiden Daniel, Jackson Lawson, Abby Leeper,
Marissa Morrison, Lily Sargent, Bailee Schirtzinger, Tilly
Martin, Asher Adkins, Tori Brown, Makena Francis, James
Johnson, Conner Robbins, Holly Shelton, Natalie Woods,
Gracie Madden; 5 Grade: Drew Kiser, Matti Parks, Corey
Adams, Haleigh Adkins, Gwen Akers, Lindsey Brown, Eli
Campbell, Noah Carey, Austin Davis, Leah Grayson, Hannah
Greene, Spencer Greene, Taylor Hamilton, Jack Heineman,
Chase Morgan, Kaythan Baer, Riley Brogdon, Layla Brown,
Caleb Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Malique Coleman, Sonny
Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Luke Geyer, Hanna Haines, Hope
Harris, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla Martin, Holly Plummer,
Savannah Rigdon, Rilee Vanover; 6 Grade: Kaleb Kohut,
Richard Runyon, Taylor York, Melanie Grimm, UriYaH HallClark, Lakin Mays, Tyler Miller, Mimi Moore, Lauren Spears,
Timmy Thompson, Willow Triplett.
As/Bs: 4 Grade: Taylor Ashmore, Alexis Estep, Bryson Hale,
Josh Jordan, Jazmyne Mullins, Adam Rigdon, Rashaye
Wheeler, Kane Albertson, Shaylee Deerfield, Angela
Emeterio, Cole LaFon, Damian Moats, Tori Pennington; 5
Grade: Emilie Abrams, Sarah Alley, Seth Chapell, Kelsie
Gibbs, Rileigh Hutchinson, Noah Hamilton, Belle Hiles, Faith
Jordan, Gracee Lewis, Andrew Moore, Kaleigh Newman; 6
Grade: Haley Keyes, Eli Miller, Faith Nivens, Beau Smith,
Jonda Adams, Hailey Cabell, Noah Crites, Chris Hallman, Eli
Aldridge, Kelsie Click, Allie Greene, Mason Gussler, Kendrick
Hogsten, Brayden Hughes, Leah Knotts, Gracin Smith.
Keyboard Kadets: 2 Grade: Kyra Traylor, Sully Toler,
Benjamin Thompson, Shelby LaFon, Emme Rogers, Molly
Keyes, Grayce Newcome, Chance Bullion, Aiden Adkins,
Madalin Taylor, Arsi Smith-Mensah, Kendra Stambaugh,
Amelia Akers, Laryn Berry, Kiarah Knipp, JJ Johnson, Jonny
Tibbs, Lizee Coffey, Aubrey Foster, Elias Jackson, Jaylin
Stanley, Jakob Sanders, Ryan Hazlett, Logan Ashley, Elliott
Chavira, Brycen Ward; 3 Grade: Nikki Williams, Kaleb
Toppings, Chris Warren, Zach Kiser, Tucker Rogers, Luke
Greene, Morgan Palma, Grant Smith, Tyson LaLonde, Skylar
Akers, Emme Chaffin, Arianna Mullins, Kiana Leader, Keegan
Hale, Reyce Vanover, Mason Kohut, Cierra Parsons, Hunter
Perfect Attendance: Kindergarten: Cameron Burnside, Jenna
Delaney, Bailey Evans, Madison Johnson, Ariana Ledesma,
Abby Madden, Aiden McLeod, Kyleigh Newsome, Bella
Parsley, Kaitlyn Preston, Gavin Simmons, Brenton Steele,
Addison York; 1 Grade: Kaydance Smith, Grier Campbell,
Garrison Haines, Zane Ingram, Addison Jobe, Rishard Kitchen,
Isaac Leeper, Brady Marushi, Lamont Richardson, Dylan
Rigsby, Macey Robbins, Gavin Rose, Meisha Salisbury, Tanner
Steele, Michael Wilson, Noah Wurts; 2 Grade: Anna
Bocook, Caleb Elliott, Ryan Hazlett, Vera Houk, Elias Jackson,
Shelby LaFon, Kaia Mantle, Benjamin Thompson, Jonny Tibbs;
3 Grade: Sean Adams, Jesse Akers, Emme Chaffin, Alex
Clark, John Conley, Gracie Delaney, Riley Gussler, Lacey Hale,
Hannah Hamilton, Holly Harris, Andrew Hazlett, Natalie
McLeod, Ryan Miller, Maddi Ramsey, Tucker Rogers, Emma
VanHorn, Reyce Vanover, Dustan Webb, Olivia Wilkerson,
Arianna Wilson, Austin Wurts; 4 Grade: Shelby Conley,
Angela Emeterio, Makena Francis, James Johnson, Josh
Jordan, Cole LaFon, Abby Leeper, Dylan Lundy, Gracie
Madden, Conner Robbins; 5 Grade: Emilie Abrams, Gwen
Akers, Layla Brown, Noah Carey, Malique Coleman, Elizabeth
Davis, Kendall Dixon, Luke Geyer, Hannah Greene, Spencer
Greene, Hanna Haines, Noah Hamilton, Hope Harris, Rileigh
Hutchinson, Faith Jordan, Drew Kiser, Jackson Riggs; 6
Grade: Shenoa Campbell, Brandon Hensley, Quentin Hughes,
Cole Kemper, Rian McKenzie, Tyler Miller, Richard Runyon,
Beau Smith, Lauren Spears, Timmy Thompson.
Remarkable Readers: 1 Grade: William Crank, Ashley
Ingram, Brady Marushi, Meisha Salisbury, Marley Walter,
Noah Wurts; 2 Grade: Caleb Elliott, Molly Keyes, Emme
Rogers, Kyra Traylor; 3 Grade: Kiana Leader, Natalie
McLeod, Bryson Schirtzinger, Rachel Tackett, Reyce Vanover,
Ashley Colley, Kaleb Davis, Myla Hamilton, Shaelyn Steele,
Samuel Tibbitts.
Super Spellers: 1 Grade: Grier Campbell, Ashley Ingram,
Addison Jobe, Rishard Kitchen, Kalleigh Knipp, Kennedie
Lewis, Hannah Maddix, Olivia Meade, Brady Marushi, Lamont
Richardson, Macey Robbins, Meisha Salisbury, Marley Walter,
Noah Wurts; 2 Grade: Jonas Bryan, Chance Bullion, Caleb
Elliott, Kylee Fields, Molly Keyes, Cody O’Cull, Emme Rogers,
Benjamin Thompson, Kyra Traylor; 3 Grade: Holly Harris; 4
Grade: Tilly Martin, Kane Albertson, Tori Brown, Gracie
Madden, Conner Robbins, Holly Shelton, Natalie Woods,
Tiffany Alfaro, Mya Chaffin, Shelby Conley, Jackson Lawson,
Abby Leeper, Marissa Morrison, Lily Sargent, Rashaye
Wheeler; 5 Grade: Kaythan Baer, Riley Brogdon, Elizabeth
Davis, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla Martin, Gwen Akers, Noah
Carey; 6 Grade: Allie Greene, UriYaH Hall-Clark, Tyler Miller,
Mimi Moore, Gracin Smith, Lauren Spears, Timmy Thompson,
Willow Triplett, Hailey Cabell, Melanie Grimm, Blake Howard,
Richard Runyon, Maddy Thompson, Taylor York.
Math Maniacs: 1 Grade: Grier Campbell, William Crank,
Ashley Ingram, Kennedie Lewis, Hannah Maddix, Olivia
Meade, Brady Marushi, Lamont Richardson, Macey Robbins,
Meisha Salisbury, Bentley Rogers, Brantley Rose, Marley
Robertson, Riley Gussler, Cavin Fitzpatrick, Bryson
Schirtzinger, Bryce Roach, Samuel Tibbitts, Austin Wurts, John
Conley, Caden Eldridge, Alex Plummer, Jesse Akers, Sean
Adams, Olivia Forth, Olivia Wilkerson, Kalista Berry, Brady
Callahan, Myla Hamilton, Gracie Delaney, Hannah Hamilton,
Kailyn Washington, Mason Byrd, Alex Clark, Ryan Miller,
Skyler Smith, Tristan Banks; 4 Grade: McKaytlyn Diamond,
Shelby Conley, Tiffany Alfaro, Jackson Lawson, Aiden Daniel,
Marissa Morrison, Abby Leeper, Bryson Hale, Hallie Staggs,
Bailee Schirtzinger, Tilly Martin, Tori Brown, Conner Robbins,
Asher Adkins, Angela Emeterio, Gracie Madden, Josh Ozmun,
Tori Pennington; 5 Grade: Noah Carey, Lindsey Brown,
Haleigh Adkins, Rileigh Hutchinson, Emilie Abrams, Jack
Heineman, Spencer Greene, Hannah Greene, Drew Kiser,
Kendall Dixon, Aliyah Coffey, Emma Keaton, Nadia Caldwell,
Austin Davis, Corey Adams, Riley Brogdon, Layla Brown,
Gracee Lewis, Rilee Vanover, Kaleigh Newman, Hanna Haines,
Sonny Davis, Dominic Whitmore, Savannah Rigdon, Caleb
Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Malique Coleman, Andrew Moore;
6 Grade: Hailey Cabell, Beau Smith, Richard Runyon, Taylor
York, Meah Phillips, Kaleb Kohut, Jonda Adams, Haley Keyes,
Jadyn Mintz, Tyler Miller, Gracin Smith, Willow Triplett, Mimi
Moore, Allie Greene, Kendrick Hogsten.
Keyboard Kahunas: 2 Grade: Kylee Fields, Anna Bocook,
Kaia Mantle; 3 Grade: Dustan Webb, Holly Harris, Natalie
McLeod, Kaleb Davis, Emma VanHorn, Ashley Colley, Arianna
Wilson, Shaelyn Steele; 4 Grade: Mya Chaffin, Holly
Shelton, Natalie Woods, Makena Francis; 5 Grade: Gwen
Akers, Kelsie Gibbs, Leah Grayson, Taylor Hamilton, Matti
Parks, Bethany Ledford, Elizabeth Davis, Kaythan Baer,
Mikayla Martin, Luke Geyer; 6 Grade: Maddy Thompson,
Kelsie Click, Lauren Spears.
Vault Certified: 5 Grade: Chase Morgan, Corey Barnett,
Holly Plummer, Malique Coleman; 6 Grade: Beau Smith,
Meah Phillips, Jonda Adams, Leah Knotts, Diontah Mitchell.
Ignition Certified: 4 Grade: Josh Jordan, Jazmyne Mullins,
Alexis Estep, Dylan Lundy, Cole LaFon; 5 Grade: Sarah Alley,
Emilie Abrams; 6 Grade: Heaven Haack; Jill Thacker, Timmy
DDL: 4 Grade: Rashaye Wheeler, McKaytlyn Diamond,
Tiffany Alfaro, Adam Rigdon, Taylor Ashmore, Aiden Daniel,
Marissa Morrison, Mya Chaffin, Bryson Hale, Hallie Staggs,
Bailee Schirtzinger, Tori Brown, Kane Albertson, Asher Adkins,
Shaylee Deerfield, James Johnson; 6 Grade: Chris Hallman,
Jadyn Mintz.
FBI SOS: 3 Grade: Andrew Hazlett, Hunter Robertson,
Alexis Kennedy, Veronica Burke, Sofia Talamantez; 4 Grade:
Rashaye Wheeler, Shelby Conley, Lillian Bishop, Tiffany
Alfaro, Aiden Daniel, Marissa Morrison, Mya Chaffin, Bryson
Hale, Kane Albertson, Asher Adkins, Angela Emeterio, Dylan
Lundy, Josh Ozmun, Nevaeh Steele; 5 Grade: Noah Carey,
Spencer Greene, Emma Keaton, Chase Morgan; 6 Grade:
Nancy Conley, Jonda Adams, Jadyn Mintz, Noah Crites,
Haleigh Jackson, Delaney Jackson, Lakin Mays.
Note from Mr. Salyers
Dear Charles Russell Family, I would like to take just
a moment to thank each and every student, parent,
family member and staff member for making my 27
years at Charles Russell a time that I will cherish
forever and never forget. Through the course of
those years, I have had the opportunity to meet
many wonderful people who I now consider my
friend. I have seen former students grow up to be
productive members of our community. These
same former students are now enrolling their own
children in our school. As I have watched this cycle
occur, it only reinforces why I chose education as a
career and how blessed I have been to be a part of
the Ashland Independent Schools, in particular,
Charles Russell Elementary. In parting, I encourage
all family members, as I know you will, to stay
involved in all that your children do. Keep their
education a priority. For our students, choose your
friends wisely. It is one of the most important
choices you will make. And for my staff, continue
to do what you do best, teach the students with all
of your heart and soul. They are our future.
Thanks again for making my tenure as a teacher
and principal at Charles Russell Elementary one of
the most rewarding times in my life. Good luck and
God Bless You in all that you do, is a search engine that anyone
can use to search the internet. The big difference
in using GoodSearch versus other search engines is
that Charles Russell School will get a penny for
every search. So go to GoodSearch and chose CRS
as your cause and start earning pennies.
6th Grade: Kelsie Click, Mason Gussler, Brayden
Hughes, Lakin Mays, Rian McKenzie, Mimi Moore,
Gracin Smith, Lauren Spears, Hailey Cabell, Eli
Miller, Jadyn Mintz, Jillian Thacker, Corey Adams
Perfect Attendance All Year
Elizabeth Davis, Hanna Haines, Drew Kiser, Tyler
Technology/STLP Awards
Keyboarding: 2nd Grade-Anna Bocook-16/1st/Proficient;
Parent Infinite Campus Portal
The portal may be accessed by students and families of
k-12 enrolled students. Parents may see their child`s
current attendance, class schedules with scores, and
transportation information. For the most part, teachers
will post grades weekly. Students may log onto the
portal using their State Student ID (SSID) as their
username and their birthday as the password (format:
mmddyy). For example, if a student`s name was Bob
Smith, and their birthday was January 2, 2003, their
password would be bs010203. If this does not work call
the District Technology Office at 327-2706.
Kylee Fields-15/2 /Proficient; Kaia Mantle-15/2 /Proficient;
3 Grade-Ashley Colley-35/1 /Distinguished/White; Holly
Harris-32/2 /Distinguished/White; Shaelyn Steelerd
26/3 /Proficient; Natalie McLeod-23/Proficient; Emma
VanHorn-23/Proficient; Dustan Webb-21/Proficient; Kaleb
Davis-20/Proficient; 4 Grade-Holly Sheltonst
43/1 /Distinguished/White/Maroon; Mya Chaffinnd
37/2 /Proficient/White; Natalie Woodsrd
34/3 /Proficient/White; Makena Francisth
31/4 /Proficient/White; 5 Grade-Elizabeth Davisst
78/1 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Taylor Hamiltonnd
72/2 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Kaythan Baerrd
56/3 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Kelsie Gibbsth
54/4 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Bethany Lefordth
52/5 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Mikayla Martin44/Proficient/White/Maroon; Matti Parks44/Proficient/White/Maroon; Leah Grayson43/Proficient/White/Maroon; Gwen Akers40/Proficient/White/Maroon; Luke Geyer40/Proficient/White/Maroon; Emilie Abrams-38/White; Caleb
Campbell-38/White; Isaac Campbell-38/White; Sonny Davis34/White; Kendall Dixon-34/White; Hannah Greene34/White; Rilee Vanover-34/White; Emma Keaton-32/White;
Haleigh Adkins-31/White; Hanna Haines-31/White; Noah
Carey-30/White; 6 Grade-Kelsie Clickst
67/1 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black; Maddy
Thompson-65/2 /Distinguished/White/Maroon/Black;
Lauren Spears-50/3 /Proficient/White/Maroon/Black; Taylor
York-47/White/Maroon; Haley Keyes-45/White/Maroon;
Willow Triplett-45/White/Maroon; Tyler Miller45/White/Maroon; Kaleb Kohut-43/White/Maroon; Mimi
Moore-41/White/Maroon; Allie Greene-40/White/Maroon;
Gracin Smith-40/White/Maroon; Hailey Cabell-39/White;
Beau Smith-38/White, Meah Phillips-33/White, Jonda Adams32/White; Kendrick Hogsten-31/White; Jadyn Mintz31/White; Richard Runyon-31/White; School Leaders/Kung Fu
Tomcat-Elizabeth Davis – 1 /78; Taylor Hamilton – 2 /72;
Kelsie Click – 3 /67; Maddy Thompson – 4 /65
Year End Awards
Safety Patrol
Golden Badge Award: 5th Grade-Hope Harris &
Isaac Campbell, 6th Grade- Lauren Spears & Tyler
Deanie Award: 5th-Luke Geyer & 6th-Haley Keyes
Cathy Goble Scholarship: Hope Harris
Mike Beloat City-Wide Award: Runner-up Bethany
2015-2016 Officers: Abby Leeper, Makena Francis,
Marissa Morrison
6th Grade Awards
Citizenship Awards: Nick Cornwell & Cole Kemper
Dare Essay Winners: School-Richard Runyon &
Willow Triplett; City-Willow Triplett
President’s Academic Achievement: Taylor York,
Willow Triplett, Melanie Grimm, Tyler Miller, Mimi
Moore, Richard Runyon, Timmy Thompson
Harmonicats Most Improved: Matti Parks &
Kaythan Baer
Students of Character: 5th grade-Hope Harris &
Sonny Davis, 6th grade-Haley Keyes & Eli Miller
PEP Grant Fitness Testing Awards
4th Grade: Asher Adkins, Makena Francis, James
Johnson, Tilly Martin, Tori Pennington, Conner
Robbins, Natalie Woods, Brayden Ashley, Lillian
Bishop, Shelby Conley, Aiden Daniel, Adam Rigdon
5th Grade: Kaythan Baer, Layla Brown, Caleb
Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Kameron Duncan, Hope
Harris, Bethany Ledford, Haleigh Adkins, Nadia
Caldwell, Seth Chappell, Austin Davis, Kendall
Dixon, Emma Hall, Taylor Hamilton, Jack Heineman,
Emma Keaton, Chase Morgan
STLP: 110% Award-6th Grade-Melanie Grimm,
Jadyn Mintz, Tyler Miller, Richard Runyon, Kaleb
Kohut, Mimi Moore, Eli Miller, Noah Crites; 5th
Grade-Eli Campbell, Bethany Ledford, Isaac
Campbell, Caleb Campbell, Elizabeth Davis, Noah
Carey, Rilee Vanover, Luke Geyer, Gwen Akers,
Drew Kiser; 4th Grade-Hallie Staggs, Abby Leeper,
Holly Shelton; PVSA Award-6th Grade-Melanie
Grimm, Tyler Miller; 5th Grade-Eli Campbell,
Bethany Ledford, Isaac Campbell, Caleb Campbell,
Elizabeth Davis, Noah Carey; 4th Grade-Hallie
Staggs, Abby Leeper, Holly Shelton
Academic Awards
4th Grade A/Bs All Year: Kane Albertson, Tiffany
Alfaro, Mya Chaffin, Shelby Conley, Aiden Daniel,
Tilly Martin, Bailee Schirtzinger, Rashaye Wheeler
4th Grade As All Year: Asher Adkins, Tori Brown,
Makena Francis, Jackson Lawson, Abby Leeper,
Gracie Madden, Marissa Morrison, Conner
Robbins, Lily Sargent, Holly Shelton, Natalie Woods
5th Grade A/Bs All Year: Corey Adams, Haleigh
Adkins, Layla Brown, Lindsey Brown, Caleb
Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Malique Coleman,
Austin Davis, Leah Grayson, Kelsie Gibbs, Jack
Heineman, Belle Hiles, Faith Jordan, Matti Parks,
Holly Plummer, Kaleigh Newman, Savannah
Rigdon, Rilee Vanover
5th Grade As All Year: Gwen Akers, Kaythan Baer,
Riley Brogdon, Eli Campbell, Noah Carey, Elizabeth
Davis, Sonny Davis, Luke Geyer, Hannah Greene,
Spencer Greene, Hanna Haines, Taylor Hamilton,
Hope Harris, Drew Kiser, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla
Martin, Chase Morgan
6th Grade A/Bs All Year: Eli Aldridge, Noah Crites,
Allie Greene, Mason Gussler, UriYaH Hall-Clark,
Brayden Hughes, Leah Knotts, Kaleb Kohut, Eli
Miller, Faith Nivens, Gracin Smith, Lauren Spears,
Maddy Thompson
6th Grade As All Year: Melanie Grimm, Tyler Miller,
Mimi Moore, Richard Runyon, Timmy Thompson,
Willow Triplett, Taylor York
Outstanding Student Achievement Award: 5th
Grade-Gwen Akers, Caleb Campbell, Eli Campbell,
Isaac Campbell, Noah Carey, Elizabeth Davis, Luke
Geyer, Hannah Greene, Spencer Greene, Hope
Harris, Bethany Ledford, Mikayla Martin; 6th GradeMelanie Grimm, Mimi Moore, Richard Runyon,
Taylor York
5th Grade Play
The 5th grade students performed their annual
spring play on May 15th in the library. The play was
titled “Agents vs. Spies” and was written and
directed by the librarian, Ms. Meade. In the play,
three “student” characters need help writing a play
using literary elements such as, setting, plot, mood,
and foreshadowing. Mr. Director (the greatest
director in the history of all theater) comes to their
aid. There were two performances by each class.
Both classes did a fantastic job! -Mimi Moore
Meet the New Principal
Mr. Shawn Thornbury, the new CRS Principal, will
begin his duties in July. He is a 1994 graduate of
Boyd County High School and has a BA in Education
and MA from the University of Kentucky. He has
an MA and an EDD in Administration Leadership
from Morehead State University. For the past 16
years he has served as a history teacher, track and
cross country coach, assessment coordinator and
assistant principal for Boyd County High School.
His wife, Julie, is the secretary at Summit
Elementary. He has three children, Lilah-7 years
old, Emmy-5 years old, and Landry-3 years old. His
family has a pet dog named Molly and a pet cat
called Prince. He is an avid UK sports fan and
enjoys outdoor activities, especially camping. He is
excited to be at CRS and looking forward to
meeting everyone.