Germanna Settlement Virginia 1714 1717
Germanna Settlement Virginia 1714 1717
List of Original Germanna Settlers Germanna Genealogy/History Due to the prominence of Lt. Governor Alexander Spotswood in Cruise History of Germanna American history, much was known of his involvement with the establishment of the Germanna Settlement, but little of the Message Board Premium Content German Settlers who were brought to this area with the First Colony of 1714, the Second Colony of 1717, and later groups. During the past five years, the Germanna Foundation has conducted continuing research regard ing these families and Germany Trip Germanna Merchandise their descendants. Through these efforts, significant historic data has been obtained regarding these families who bravely traveled to a new country leaving many of List of Original Germanna Settlers their friends and family behind. Research into these families is ongoing, therefore this list represents the best information we have at the present. Further documentary research could lead to Genealogy Websites Germanna Database additions or deletions from this list. People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors. --Edmund Burke Trustees President's Message The Germanna Foundation wishes to especially thank, John V. Blankenbaker, Dr. Katharine L. Brown, Cathi Clore Frost, Suzanne C. Matson, and Barbara Price for their Association President's Message Photo Gallery diligent efforts in amplifying and correcting this list. The 1714 Colony from the Siegerland, settled first at Fort Germanna then at Germantown in present day Fauquier County. Names are listed with in the Sieger land. families and town of immigration « March 2010 » Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Brombach/Brombach, Melchior/Melcherd and wife Maria Elizabetha Fischbach Cuntze/Koontz, Jost and wife Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt, children: Johannes, Anna Elizabeth, Catherina Fischbach/Fishback, Philip and wife Elizabeth Heimbach: children: Johannes, Harman, Maria Elisabeth Haeger/Hager, Rev. Johann Henrich wife Anna Catharina Friesenhagen; children: Agnes, Anna Catherine Heide/Heite/Hitt, Peter/Deiter and wife Maria Elizabeth Hoffman n/ Hoffman / Huffman, Johannes Holtzklau/Holtzclaw, Hans Jacob and wife Anna Margaretha Otterbach; children: Johannes, Johann Henrich Otterbach/Utterback, Hermann and wife Elizabeth Heimbach; children: Johann Philip, Johannes, Elizabeth, Alice Catherine, Mary Catherine, Anna Catherine Richter/Rector, HansJacob and wife Anna Elisabeth Fischbach; son Johannes Spielmann/Spilman, Johannes and wife Mary Weber/Weaver, Johann Henrich and wife Anna Margarethe Huttman; children: Johannes, Cathrin, Tillman The 1717 Colony from the Kraichgau of Baden and Wiirttemberg, as well as some from the Rhineland Pfalz (Palatinate) settled first across the Rapidan River from Fort 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Germanna, then from 1725 to 1727 began to move to the Robinson River Valley in present day Madison County and patent land in their own names. (* Names with the Asterisks are the sons and daughters of Anna Barbara Schone from her previous marriages in Germany to Blankenbaker and Schlueter. These children may have lived in the household of Cyriachus Fleischmann upon arrival and escaped notice in the official records.) Amberger/Amburger / Ambergey, Hans Conrad, and wife Barbara Parlur/Barler/Barlow, Christoph(er) and wife Barbara Blankenbiihler/Blankenbaker, Hans Balthasar and wife Anna Margaretha Blanckenbii hler /Blan ken baker, Neuenbiirg Matthias, and wife Anna Maria Merckle; Oberderdingen son Hans Jerg/Georg * Oberderdingen Blankenbiihler/Blankenbaker, Nicolaus/Nicholas, Hans and wife Appollonia Neuenbiirg Ansbach region Neuenbiirg Kafer; son Zacharias * Breyhel/ breuel/ Broyle s/ Briles / BruhIes, Dusslingen JohannlJohn and wife Ursula Roup; Otisheim children: Hans Jacob"Conrad, Otisheim Maria Elizabetha/ Elizabeth Klaar/C1ore, Hans Michael, and wife Anna Maria Barbara; children: Agnes Margaretha, Andreas Claus, Johann Georg(e) Koch/Cook, Johann Michael and wife Hollenbach Maria Barbara Reiner Schwaigern Fleischmann /Fleshman, Klings Cyriachus/Zacharias Neuenbiirg and wife Anna Barbara Schone; children: Maria Catharina, Hans Peter and numerous stepchildren, see note above. Neuenbiirg Heerensperger /Harnsberger, Hans/John and wife Anna Barbara; son Stephen Kercher.lKerker, Andreas and wife Anna Margaretha; daughter Anna Barbara Motz, Johann and wife Maria Appollonia Maubars Majer/Moyer, George, and wife Anna Barbara; children: Christoph(er), Melchior/Michael, John Maria Susanna, Barbara Catherina Paulitsch/Paulitz, Johann Philip, and wife Rosina Margaretha Schneider; daughters Ottmarsheim Kirchheim Margaretha, Maria Catharine Sheible/Sheibley, Johann Georg, and wife Maria Eleanora Ockert; daughters Oberowisheim Klein-Gartach Anna Martha, Anna Elisabetha Schmidt/Smith, Hans Michael, and wife Anna Margaretha Sauter; sons: Hans Michael Jr., Christoph, Mother-in-law: Father and Sauter Schneider/Snyder, Hans Heinrich/Henry Botenheim and wife Anna Dorothea Schilling; Cleebronn daughter Anna Magdalena Botenheim Spath/Spade, Johannes/John, and wife Anna Maria Bruckmann (mother and stepfather of Hans Michae/ Ho/dt) Thoma/Thomas/Tomas, JohanneslJohn and wife Anna Maria Blanckenbuhler / Blan ke nbake r; * children: Hans Wendel, Anna Magdalena Utz/Woods, Johann Georg(e), and wife Anna Barbara Majer, Maier, Mayer/Moyer, widow of Johann Michael Volck, sons: Ferdinand, Johannes, [daughter Anna?) Volckh,Volck, Volck,VolklFolg; Maria Sabina Charlotta Barbara and [Anna?) Louisa Elisabetha, children of George Utz' wife Barbara and Michael Volck Weber/Weaver, Phillip Joseph, and wife Susannah Klaar; children: Hans Dietrich/Peter, Maria Sophia, Waldburga Willert/Wilhoit/Wilheit, Michael and wife Anna Maria Hengsteller; sons: Tobias, John, Johann Christian. lager/Yager /Yeager, Nicolaus/Nicholos and wife Anna Maria Sieber; children: Adam and Anna Maria/Mary Zimmermann/Zimmerman, Johann Sulzfeld Christoph(er), and wife Anna Elizabeth Bietigheim Albrecht; sons: Johannes/John, Hans Sulzfeld Martin, Andreas/Andrew Between 1717 and 1725, others arrived from the Kraichgau. Some were related to the 1717 arrivals. Some were neighbors in Germany of the 1717 arrivals. Others could have been here since 1717, but were either too young to be listed in 1717, or escaped official notice in the records. Some who were traveling with the first wave in 1717 were left behind in England to wait for the next ship. Whatever the reason for not being listed, some went to the Robinson River Valley at the same time as the earlier group and patented land in the same time period, while others stayed on their 1717 land near the Village of York, which is now known as Stevensburg. Zimmermann/Carpenter Wilhelm/William, /, Johann and wife Elizabeth Castler / Kastler /Gessler, Zimmermann/Carpenter, Mathias, and wife Susanna Christina; children: Matthias Friedrich, Anna Magdalena (Heimbach) Fischbach, the 1714 Immigrants Jacob's godfather is HansJacob Holtzclaw, 1st Colony Fischbach, Frederick The eldest son of;ohannes and Agnes (Haeger) Fischbach, the 1714 Immigrants Grimm/Crim, Johann and wife Gertrud Son of Elisabeth Spilman, sister of;ohn Spilman, the 1714 Immigrant Grimm/Crim, Johannes Jacob and wife Margaret BrothelS of;ohannes and son of Elisabeth Spilman, sister of;ohn Spilman, the 1714 Immigrant Hanback/Heimbach, Johann Jacob His father, Johannes Heimbach, is a first cousin of;ohn Jung/Young, the 1734 Immigrant Johann Jacob is the nephew of Elizabeth (Heimbach) Otterbach/Utterback, the 1714 Immigrant Hoffmann/Huffman, Hans Heinrich and wife, Anna Margaret Huettenhen Cousin to Johann Hofmann, the 1738 Immigrant Mueller/Miller, Johann Friedrich and wife, Anna Maria Arnd; child Matthias Probably lived at the Little Fork with his brother, Hermann/Harman Miller Mueller/Miller, Hermann/Harman, bachelor Married Elizabeth Holtzclaw, the daughter of Jacob and Anna (Otterbach)Holtzclaw, the 1714 Immigrants Noeh/Nay, Johannes and wife, Maria Clara Otterbach; children: Gerderuth, Anna Catherine, Maria Clara and Johann Jacob. Maria Clara Otterbach is the niece of Hermann and Elizabeth (Heimbach) Otterbach, the 1714 Immigrants Spilman/Speilmann, James The son of;ohannes/John and Mary Elizabeth (Fischbach) Speilman/Spilman, the 1714 Immigrants Utterback/otterbach, Johann Henrich, bachelor Emigrated with his uncle, Johann Henrich Otterbach(Henry Utterbach of Fauquier Co.) and his aunt, Maria Clara (Otterbach) Noeh, and her family Weidmann/Wayman, Georg, bachelor The cousin of Hermann/Harman Back/Bach WeissgerberlWhitescarver, Tillman and wife Anna Margarethe Cuntze; children: Anna Mariak~)nna Maria, Hermann, Anna Catharina and Maria Catherina Anna Margarethe Cuntze is the sister of joseph Coons, the 1737/mmigrant Anna Margarethe Cuntze is the niece of}oseph and Anna Gertrud (ReinschmidtJ Cuntze, the 1714/mmigrants .hmalYoung, Johannes and wife, Anna Maria Baeumer; children: Maria Gerderuth, Harman, Elizabeth; and Elizabeth Catherine Jung and Anna Cathrin Jung, perhaps cousins. johnjung/Young is the son of}ohann and Anna Katherina (Ho/zk/au) jung, the sister of jacob Holtzclaw, the 1714/mmigrant The Memorial Foundation of The Germanna Colonies In Virginia, Inc. P.O. Box 279 Locust Grove, Virginia 22508-0279 Fax: 540-423-1747 Phone: 540-423-1700