English - Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
English - Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
KN³kmµaFikar shRbtibtþikar edIm,Ikm<úCa Cooperation Committee for Cambodia Comité de Coopération Pour le Cambodge CONTACT LISTING 2009 Copyright 2009 Cooperation Committee for Cambodia All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. FOREWORD The Co-operation Committee for Cambodia is pleased to share the latest edition of the Agency Contact Listing 2009. The Agency Contact Listing remains one of the most useful publications for facilitating and promoting the exchange of information amongst NGOs and the development community in Cambodia. The Agency Contact Listing 2009 features organization contact and staff details for 645 organizations working in development in Cambodia. The organizations are divided into 5 types and presented alphabetically. The Agency Contact Listing is distributed free of charge to CCC Members and a selected target audience. This publication is made possible through the support and contributions of the CCC Member organizations. I would like to thank everyone who has provided information for this publication and CCC staff for their team effort to update this publication. We appreciate any assistance in identifying new or updated information on agencies for this publication as we try to include as many agencies as possible. Please send us any changes in agency contact details via email so we may regularly update our NGO database and the NGO Search Page. Finally, please note that some agencies have requested not to be listed in this publication. In addition, some organization’s data could be fully verified as CCC could not contact them for validation so they have been omitted. Although, at CCC, we have attempted our best to ensure accurate data compilation, it is humanly possible that unintentional omissions or errors may have incurred during the data entry process. CCC welcomes comments and suggestions on how to improve this publication for the future. Sincerely, Borithy LUN Executive Director October 2009 CCC – Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 i TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD .................................................................................................................. i TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND PAGE NUMBERS LISTED ...... iii ABOUT CCC .................................................................................................................. xix AGENCY PERSONNEL LISTING (See next page: Detailed Table of Contents with organizations and page numbers listed) INTERNATIONAL NGOS .......................................................................... 1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS....................................................... 38 CAMBODIAN NGOS ................................................................................. 41 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS - CAMBODIAN .............................................. 114 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS - INTERNATIONAL ....................................... 115 UNITED NATIONS (UN) AGENCIES ........................................................ 118 AGENCY TELEPHONE LISTING..................................................................................... 122 CCC MAILBOX LISTING.................................................................................................. 148 SUBMISSION FORM FOR AGENCY CONTACT AND PERSONNEL LISTING.............. 158 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZATIONS AND PAGE NUMBERS LISTED I. INTERNATIONAL NGOs No FULL NANE ACRONYM 1 Action Development for Disabilities ADD 1 2 ActionAid International Cambodia AAIC 1 3 Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia ADRA 1 4 Agronomes et Veterinaires Sans Frontiers VSF-CICDA 1 5 Aide et Action International-Southeast Asia AEAI-SEA 2 6 Aide Odontologique Internationale AOI 2 7 American Friends Service Committee AFSC 2 8 Amici Dei Bambini Cambodia AIBI 2 9 Amrita Performing Arts AMRITA 3 10 Asia Regional Trafficking in Persons Project ARTIP 3 11 Asian Outreach Cambodia AOC 3 12 Assembly of God AOG 3 13 Association Angkor-Belgique AAB 3 14 Association Internationale pour le Développement le Tourisme et la Santé AIDeTouS 3 15 Association of School Aid in Cambodia ASAC 3 16 Australia Cambodia Foundation ACF 3 17 Australian Business Volunteers ABV 4 18 Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas Australia ACR/CA 4 19 Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad APHEDA 4 20 Australian Volunteers International AVI 4 21 Awareness Cambodia Incorporated ACI 4 22 Bandanh Kormar Etprumden Kampuchea KnK 4 23 Baptist Missionary Association of the Philippines BMAP 4 24 BirdLife International - Cambodia Programme Office 25 Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association BORDA - Cambodia 5 26 Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia BABSEA 5 27 Cambodia Trust CT 5 28 Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity CASC 5 29 CARE Cambodia CARE 5 30 Caring for Young Khmer CYK 6 31 Caritas Cambodia CARITAS 6 32 Catholic Relief Services CRS 7 33 Centro Italiano Aiuti all Infanzia CIAI 7 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PAGE 5 iii 34 CESVI Foundation CESVI 7 35 ChildFund Cambodia ChildFund 7 36 Childhood. Cooperation. Development NAAA 8 37 Children's Surgical Centre CSC 8 38 Christian Care For Cambodia CCFC 8 39 Christian Reformed World Relief Committee-Cambodia CRWRC-Cambodia 8 40 Church World Service CWS 8 41 Concern Worldwide CONCERN 9 42 Construire les Générations Futures du Cambodge CGF Cambodge 9 43 Cooperation Committee for Cambodia CCC 9 44 Cooperative Service International-Cambodia CSI 9 45 Dan Church Aid DCA 10 46 Daughters of Cambodia 47 Daughters of Charity Cambodia DC Cambodia 10 48 Deutsche Welt Hunger Hilfe/German Agro Action DWHH/GAA 10 49 Development Technology Workshop DTW 11 50 DIAKONIA DIAKONIA 11 51 Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia DBFC 11 52 East West Management Institute EWMI 11 53 EDF-CAMBODIA EDF-CAMBODIA 11 54 Educational Supporting Center "KIZUNA" ESC 11 55 Emergency Life Support for Civilian War Victims EMERGENCY 11 56 Empowerment Advocates International EAI 12 57 Enfants & Développment E&D 12 58 Enfants D'Asie Aspeca EAA 12 59 Enfants du Mekong EDM 12 60 Epic Arts 61 EVERYCHILD Cambodia EvC 12 62 Family Health International FHI 13 63 FAUNA & FLORA International FFI 13 64 FH Cambodia FHC 13 65 Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance VVOB 13 66 Forum Syd FORUM SYD 13 67 Foundation for Developing Cambodian Communities FDCC 14 68 Foundation for International Development/Relief FIDR 14 69 Fred Hollows Foundation FHF 14 70 Friends - International FI 14 71 Hagar HAGAR 15 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 10 12 iv 72 HALO Trust, Cambodia HALO Trust 15 73 Handicap International - France HIF 15 74 Handicap International Belgium HIB 15 75 Health Unlimited HU 16 76 HealthNet International HNI 16 77 Heifer International Cambodia 78 Heinrich Boll Foundation HBF 16 79 HEKS Swiss Interchurch Aid HEKS 16 80 Helen Keller International HKI 17 81 HelpAge International HAI 17 82 Holt International Children's Service HOLT 17 83 HOPE International Development Agency HIDA 17 84 House of Family HOF 17 85 International Cooperation Cambodia ICC 17 86 International Development Enterprises - Cambodia IDE 18 87 International Relief and Development IRD 18 88 International Resources for the Improvement of Sight IRIS 18 89 International Volunteers of Yamagata IVY 18 90 INTERVIDA CAMBODIA INTERVIDA CAMBODIA 19 91 Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo ICS 19 92 Japan Cambodia Interactive Association JCIA 19 93 Japan International Volunteer Center JVC 19 94 Japan Mine Action Service JMAS 19 95 Japan Team of Young Human Power JHP 20 96 Jesuit Service Cambodia JS/JRS 20 97 Kamonohashi Project 98 Korea Ministry Support Centre KMSC 20 99 Korean Society for Service in Asia KSSA 20 100 Krousar Thmey < Nouvell Famille> Krousar Thmey 20 101 Land Mine Disability Support LMDS 21 102 Latter-Day Saint Charities LDSC 21 103 Louvain Coopération au Développement LD 21 104 Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service LWF 21 105 MADDOX JOLIE-PITT FOUNDATION MJP 22 106 MAGNA Children at Risk, NGO MAGNA 22 107 Malteser International 108 Marie Stopes International Cambodia MSIC 22 109 Marist Mission Australia MMA 22 110 MARYKNOLL-Cambodia MARYKNOLL 22 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 16 20 22 v 111 Medecins Sans Frontieres-France MSF FRANCE 23 112 Medical Teams International MTI 23 113 Mennonite Central Committee MCC 23 114 Mines Advisory Group MAG 24 115 Missionaires of Charity MC 24 116 Muslim Aid Cambodia Field Officer MACFO 24 117 New Humanity NH 24 118 New Life Foundation NLF 24 119 NGO Forum on Cambodia NGO FORUM 24 120 NOMAD Recherche et Soutien International NOMAD RSI 25 121 Norwegian People's Aid NPA 25 122 OMF International OMF 25 123 Oxfam America-East Asia Regional Office OXFAM AMERICA 26 124 Oxfam Australia OAUS 26 125 OXFAM Quebec OQ 26 126 Oxfam, Great Britain Oxfam GB 26 127 Pact Cambodia PACT 26 128 Partners for Development PFD 28 129 Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres PSF 28 130 Plan International Cambodia PLAN Cambodia 28 131 Population Services International PSI 28 132 Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PATH 28 133 Projects Abroad Cambodia PAC 29 134 Psilogos Sin Fronteras ONGs PSF - ONGD 29 135 Renacer, Walk with Women RWW 29 136 Resource Development International-Cambodia RDI 29 137 Room to Read RTR 29 138 Save the Children Australia SCA 29 139 Save the Children Norway in Cambodia SCNiC 30 140 Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions SHARE 31 141 Shalom Life Careserve Center SLCC 31 142 Shanti Volunteer Association SVA 31 143 SNV Cambodia - Netherlands Development Organization SNV Cambodia 31 144 Southeast Asia Development Programme SADP 31 145 Soutie a I'Initiative Privee Pour I'Aide a la Reconstruction SIPAR 31 146 Sovann Komar-Cambodia SKC 32 147 The Asia Foundation TAF 32 148 The Center for Khmer Studies CKS 32 149 The Education for Development Fund EDF 32 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 vi 150 The International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN 33 151 The WorldFish Center, Greater Mekong Regional Office WorldFish 33 152 Tourism for Help TFH 33 153 Traidcraft Exchange 154 TROCAIRE TROCAIRE 33 155 Veterans International/Cambodia VI/C 33 156 Vicheasthan Bamreu Neaksamrabsamroul Karngea Akphiwat VBNK 34 157 Village Focus International VFI 34 158 Voluntary Service Overseas VSO 34 159 Volunteer Service Abroad VSA 34 160 VOR ORT 161 Wildlife Alliance (Former WildAid) Wildlife Alliance 35 162 Wildlife Conservation Society WCS 35 163 World Education-Cambodia WE/C 35 164 World Relief Cambodia WRC 36 165 World Vision Cambodia WVC 36 166 WWF Greater Mekong (The Conservation Organization) WWF GMP Cambodia 36 167 Youth With A Mission YWAM 37 168 ZOA Refugee Care ZOA 37 33 34 II. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONs 169 Australian Red Cross 170 Cambodian Red Cross 171 DANISH RED CROSS 172 Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst 173 GERMAN RED CROSS 38 CRC 38 39 DED 39 39 174 Independent Journalism Foundation IJF 39 175 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies FEDERATION 39 176 International Justice Mission IJM 39 177 International Organization for Migration IOM 40 178 Konrad Adenauer Stiftung KAF 40 179 SWISS RED CROSS 40 III. CAMBODIAN NGOs 180 3S Rivers Protection Network 3SPN 41 181 Action for Health Development AHEAD 41 182 Actual Khmer Association for Development AKAFD 41 183 Advisor Organization for Supporting Orphaned Children Old Aged Death Persons CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 41 vii 184 Advocacy and Policy Institute API 41 185 Agir Pour les Femmes En Situation Precaire AFESIP 42 186 Agricultural Development Action ADA 42 187 Agriculture Development Association ADA 42 188 Agriculture Technical Service Association ATSA 42 189 Alliance Association of Rural Restoration AARR 42 190 Alliance for Conflict Transformation ACT 42 191 AMARA 192 Angkar Ponleu Akphiwat APA 43 193 Angkor Association for the Disabled AAD 43 194 Angkor Community Development Organization ANCODOR 43 195 Angkor Participatory Development Organization APDO 43 196 Aphiwat Strey AS 43 197 Apsara Arts Association AAA 44 198 Arbitration Council Foundation ACF 44 199 Article 4 Association A4A 44 200 Artisans' Association Cambodia AAC 44 201 Asia Children and Youth Development Organization ACYDO 44 202 Asia Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia Asia HRDC 44 203 Assistance to Poor Children Agency (Formerly DCDC) Association Avenir des Femmes et des Enfants du Cambodge APCA 44 AFEC 45 205 Association Cambodgienne d'Approvisionnement en Eau ACAPE 45 206 Association de la Jeunesse pour L'Amination and the Branch Maison des Jeunes AJA & MJC 45 207 Association for Aid and Relief, Vocational Training for the Disabled AAR, VTD 45 208 Association for Aid and Relief, Wheel Chair for Development AAR,WCD 45 209 Association for Business Initiative ABI Cambodia 45 210 Association for Conservation of Arts and Culture ACAC 46 211 Association for Development and Our Villager's Rights ADOVIR 46 212 Association for Human Resource Development and Health Education AHRDHE 46 213 Association for Rural Development ARD 46 214 Association of Farmer Development AFD 46 215 Association of Nuns and Lay Women of Cambodia ANLWC 46 216 Association of Protection, Development for Cambodia Environment APDCE 46 217 Association of the Blind in Cambodia ABC 46 218 Association Samnang Laor 204 43 47 219 Association Support New Cambodian Children ASNCC 47 220 Associationn of Jurists Observing Sub - National Administrator (Former SAA) AJOSA 47 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 viii 221 Bandos Komar 222 Banteay Srei BANTEAY SREI 48 223 Battambang Women's AIDS Project BWAP 48 224 Bright Social Organization BSO 48 225 Buddhi Family, Khmer Foundation for Morality and Democracy BF/KFMD 48 226 Buddhism and Democracy B and D 48 227 Buddhism and Society Development Association BSDA 48 228 Buddhism Development Association and Supporting Environment BDASE 48 229 Buddhism Elevation and Human Resource Development Organization BEHRDO 49 230 Buddhism for Development Kampong Thom BFDK 49 231 Buddhist Association for Environment Development BAED 49 232 Buddhist Association for Relief of the Poor BARP 49 233 Buddhist for Development BFD 49 234 Buddhist Morality Education Center BMEC 49 235 Cambodge Enfance Development CED 49 236 Cambodia Arts and Scholarship Foundation CASF 49 237 Cambodia Association of Poverty People Development CADPP 50 238 Cambodia Community Development Federation CCDF 50 239 Cambodia Community Foundation Network CCFiN 50 240 Cambodia Development Rice farming season Association CDA 50 241 Cambodia Family Support CFS 50 242 Cambodia Federation for Human Rights and Development CFHRAD 50 243 Cambodia Federation of Farmers' Organization CFFO 50 244 Cambodia Global Action CGA 50 245 Cambodia Health Education Media Service CHEMS 51 246 Cambodia Human Resource Development CHRD 51 247 Cambodia Islamic Youth Association CIYA 51 248 Cambodia Mekong River Restoration and Development Organization CMRDO 51 249 Cambodia Organization for Human Rights and Development COHD 51 250 Cambodia Poor Children Support Organization CPCSO 51 251 Cambodia World Family Krong Kep 252 Cambodia Youths for Development Society Organization CYDSO 52 253 Cambodian Association for Development of Economy Together CADET 52 254 Cambodian Association for Rural Development and Health CARDH 52 255 Cambodian Brahma Breeder Association CBBA 52 256 Cambodian Building Organization CBO 52 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 47 51 ix 257 Cambodian Center for Independent Media CCIM 52 258 Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights CCPCR 53 259 Cambodian Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics CAMCAPE 53 260 Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence Association CCASVA 53 261 Cambodian Children Development Organization CCD 53 262 Cambodian Children Orphan for Living and Training CCOLT 53 263 Cambodian Children Trust CCT 53 264 Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation CCAF 53 265 Cambodian Commissioner for Development Organization CCD 54 266 Cambodian Community Development CCD 54 267 Cambodian Community Development Organisation CCDO 54 268 Cambodian Community Saving Federation CCSF 54 269 Cambodian Craft Cooperation CCC 54 270 Cambodian Defenders Project CDP 54 271 Cambodian Development Mission for Disability CDMD 55 272 Cambodian Development & Relief Center for the Poor CDRCP 55 273 Cambodian Disabled Independent Living Organization CDILO 55 274 Cambodian Disabled Peoples' Organization CDPO 55 275 Cambodian Dry Season Rice Development Association CRDA 56 276 Cambodian Economic Association CEA 56 277 Cambodian Education Foundation CEF 56 278 Cambodian Elder Support Organization CESO 56 279 Cambodian Family Economic Development Association CFEDA 56 280 Cambodian Farmers' Association Federation for Agricultural Development CAMFAD 56 281 Cambodian Health and Human Rights Alliance CHHRA 56 282 Cambodian Health Committee CHC 57 283 Cambodian Health Education Development CHED 57 284 Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care CHEC 57 285 Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association ADHOC 57 286 Cambodian Islamic Development Community CIDC 57 287 Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights LICADHO 58 288 Cambodian NGO Network CNGON 58 289 Cambodian NTFP Development Organization CANDO 58 290 Cambodian Optometry Association COA 58 291 Cambodian Organisation for Assistance to Families and Widows CAAFW 58 292 Cambodian Organization for Children and Development COCD 58 293 Cambodian Organization for Research Development and Education CORDE 59 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 x 294 Cambodian Organization for Veteran Economic Development COVED 59 295 Cambodian Population Community CPC 59 296 Cambodian Researchers for Development CRD 59 297 Cambodian Rights and Justice Protection Organization CAREPO 59 298 Cambodian Rural Development Team CRDT 59 299 Cambodian Socio-Economic Development and Democracy Association CSDA 60 300 Cambodian Union Federation CUF 60 301 Cambodian Vision in Development CVD 60 302 Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development CVCD 60 303 Cambodian Women for Peace and Development CWPD 60 304 Cambodian Women Support Organization COWS 61 305 Cambodian Women's Crisis Centre CWCC 61 306 Cambodian Women's Development Agency CWDA 61 307 Cambodian Youth Development CYD 61 308 Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency CRRT 61 309 Cambodia's Media Forum on Environment CMFE 61 310 Center for Advance Study CAS 61 311 Center for Social Development CSD 62 312 Centre d'Etude et de Development Agricole Cambodgien CEDAC 62 313 Cham Khmer Islam Minority Human Rights and Development Association CKIMHRDA 62 314 Charity Foundation for Children CFC 62 315 CHETTHOR CHETTHOR 63 316 Child Assistance for Mobilization and Participation CAMP 63 317 Child Hope Organization CHC 63 318 Child Rights Foundation CRF 63 319 Children and Life Association CLA 64 320 Children and Poor Communities Development Organization CPCDO 64 321 Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia CWDCC 64 322 Children Friend for Development CFD 64 323 Chivit Thmey (New Life) CT 64 324 Christian Relationship for Development CRD 64 325 Coalition for Road Safety CRY 65 326 Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia COMFREL 65 327 Committee of the Development for Friendship of Rural Youth CDFRY 65 328 Community Child Base Organization CCBO 65 329 Community Development Organization and Health Care CDOH 65 330 Community For Transformation CFT 65 331 Community Legal Education Center CLEC 65 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xi 332 Community Poverty Reduction CPR 66 333 Community Sanitation And Recycling Organization CSARO 66 334 Community Support Improve Development CSID 66 335 Community-based Integrated Development Organization CIDO 66 336 Conservation and Development on Cambodia CDCam 66 337 Cooperation Development for Cambodia CODEC 66 338 Cooperation for a Sustainable Cambodian Society CSCS 67 339 Cooperation for Social Services and Development CSSD 67 340 Co-operative Development Agriculture Organization of Cambodia CODAC 67 341 Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility CARAM Cambodia 67 342 Coorperation for Indegencies people and Develop in Cambodia CIDC 67 343 Creative Holistic Recovery through Self Analysis Learning and Improvisation CHRYSALIS 67 344 Culture and Environment Preservation Association CEPA 67 345 Cyclo Center Phnom Penh 346 Damnok Toek Poipet/Goutte d'eau Poipet DTP/GEP 68 347 Damnok Toek/Goutte D'eau-Cambodia DTC 68 348 Day Ku Aphiwat DKA 68 349 Democratic Service Organization DSO 68 350 Development and Partnership in Action (Formerly CIDSE) DPA 68 351 Development Association for Cambodia DAC 69 352 Development Association Resource Economic DARE 69 353 Development Enertive Community Organisation DECO 69 354 Development Khmer Community DKC 69 355 Development Organization for Cambodia Society DOCS 69 356 Development Organization for Children DOC 69 357 Developpment & Education pour I'Eau Potable DEEP 70 358 Dhammayietra Mongkol Borei DYMB 70 359 Digital Divide Data DDD 70 360 Disabled Youths Children Foundation for Education and Vocation DYCFE 70 361 Drug Addict Relief Association of Cambodia DARAC 70 362 EWDC 70 363 Eastern Women Khmer Development Cambodia Economic Development Association of Rural Society Cambodia EDARS CAMBO 70 364 Economic Development Community Organization EDCO 70 365 Education and Development of Cambodian Skills EDCS 71 366 Education for Population Support Foundation EPS 71 367 Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment ELIE 71 368 Eliminate Ignorance to Development Community EIDC 71 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 68 xii 369 End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking in Cambodia ECPAT 71 370 Environment Protection and Development Organization EPDO 71 371 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia ELCC 72 372 Family Agriculture Development Community FADC 72 373 Family In Development FID 72 374 Farmer Livelihood Development FLD 72 375 Farmers Development Program Organization FDPO 72 376 Federation for Integrated Development of Agriculture in Cambodia FIDAC 72 377 Fine Arts Association FAA 72 378 Fisheries Action Coalition Team FACT 73 379 Friends' Association Pioneer FAP 73 380 Fundamental Building Organization FUBO 73 381 Future for Cambodia Children FCC 73 382 Future Light Orphanage FLO 73 383 Gender and Development for Cambodia GAD/C 73 384 Gonesis Community of Transformation GCT 73 385 Gospel for Children GFC 74 386 Green and Blue G and B 74 387 Head the Poor for Development Organization HPDO 74 388 Health Care Organisation for Social and Community Development HOSCD 74 389 Health Education and Development Organization HEADO 74 390 Healthcare Center for Children HCC 74 391 Help Orphanage and Arts Association HOA 75 392 Highlander Association HA 75 393 HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee HACC 75 394 HIV/AIDS Prevention Organization HAPO 75 395 Hope Association for Development HAD 75 396 Hope for Handicap Cambodian HHC 75 397 Hope for Khmer-Islam Organization HKIO 76 398 Human Inborn Freedom HI-FREE 76 399 Human Resources Development Community Susstanability Organization HRDCSO 76 400 Human Rights and Development Organization HRDO 76 401 Human Rights and Human Resource Development Institute HHDI 76 402 Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia HRVC 76 403 Indigenous community Support Organization ICSO 76 404 Indradevi Association IDA 76 405 Information Communication Association of Cambodia ICTCAM 77 406 Initiatives of Change Association ICA/MRA 77 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xiii 407 Intermediary Agent for Development SEFOND/IAD 77 408 Islamic Local Development Organization ILDO 77 409 Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Promotion Association KSPA 77 410 Kampong Thom Farmer Community Union KFCU 77 411 Kampot Peper Promotion Association KPPA 78 412 Kampuchean Action for Primary Education KAPE 78 413 KHEMARA KHEMARA 78 414 Khmer Ahimsa KAH 78 415 Khmer Akphiwat Khmer Organization KAKO 78 416 Khmer Angkor Development Organization KADO 78 417 Khmer Association for Development of CountrySide Cambodia KAFDOC 79 418 Khmer Association for Development of Raising Animals KADRA 79 419 Khmer Association for Vocational Training and Vocation KAVTV 79 420 Khmer Buddhist Society in Cambodia KBSC 79 421 Khmer Children Development Organization KCDO 79 422 Khmer Chivit Thmei Organization KCTO 79 423 Khmer Civilization Association KCA 80 424 Khmer Community Development KCD 80 425 Khmer Community for Agriculture Development KCAD 80 426 Khmer Development of Freedom Organization KDFO 80 427 Khmer Farmer Association KFA 80 428 Khmer for Khmer Organization KKO 80 429 Khmer Heritage Foundation KHF 80 430 Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance KHANA 81 431 Khmer Institute for Peace and Development KIPD 82 432 Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Association KKKHRA 82 433 Khmer Kampuchea Krom Women Organization KKKWO 82 434 Khmer Legal Team Association KLT 82 435 Khmer Love Khmer Federation KLK 82 436 Khmer National Community Economic Development KNCED 82 437 Khmer of Emergency Relief and Development KERD 83 438 Khmer Rural Development Association KRDA 83 439 Khmer Serving the Poor Children KSPC 83 440 Khmer Students Representative Association SKAR 83 441 Khmer Traditional Medicine Health Association KHA 83 442 Khmer Vision for Development KVD 83 443 Khmer Welfare Families Rural Association KWRA 83 444 Khmer Women's Cooperation for Development KWCD 83 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xiv 445 Khmer Women's Voice Centre KWVC 84 446 Khmer Youth and Social Development KYSD 84 447 Khmer Youth Association KYA 84 448 Khmer Youth Camp for Culture KYCC 84 449 Khmer Youth League for Democracy Development Association KYLDDA 84 450 KOMAR PIKAR FOUNDATION KPF 84 451 Komar Rikreay Association Center KMR 84 452 Kone Kmeng KK 85 453 Kratie Women's Welfare Association KWWA 85 454 Krom Akphiwat Phum KAWP 85 455 Krousar Yoeung KrY 85 456 Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum KNKS 85 457 Kumnit Thmey Organization KNTO 85 458 Leadership Character Development Institute L-CDI 86 459 Leaderty Association LA 86 460 Legal Aid of Cambodia LAC 86 461 Legal Support for Children and Women LSCW 86 462 Light House Organization LHO 86 463 Live and Learn Environmental Education LLEE 86 464 Meada Khmer for Development MKD 87 465 Meakea Srey Organization MSO 87 466 Meatho Phum Komah/Home Land MPK 87 467 Media and Academic Forum MAF 87 468 MEDiCAM MEDiCAM 87 469 Men's Health Social Service MHSS 88 470 Mental Health Association of Cambodia MHAC 88 471 Minority Organisation for Development of Economy MODE 88 472 Mission of Generous Cambodian Alliance GENEROUS 88 473 Mith Samlanh Mith Samlanh 88 474 M'Lop Tapang MT 89 475 Mlup Baitong MLUP BAITONG 89 476 Monks Relief and Khmer Culture Organization MCO 89 477 MoPoTsyo - Patient Information Center MoPoTsyo 89 478 My Village Organization MVI 90 479 Nak Akphivath Sahakum NAS 90 480 National Prosperity Association NAPA 90 481 National Veterans Development Association NVDA 90 482 Neary Khmer Association For Health and Vocational Training NKA 90 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xv 483 Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia NICFEC 91 484 New Hope for Orphans NHO 91 485 486 New Vision NGO Coalition to Address Sexual Exploitation of Children in Cambodia COSECAM 91 487 NGO CRC-Children's House NGO CRC 91 488 NGO Education Partnership NEP 91 489 Non Timber Forest Products Project NTFP 92 490 Nyemo Cambodia NYEMO 92 491 Occupation Rural and Economic Development Association OREDA 92 492 Open Forum of Cambodia OFC 92 493 Open Institute 494 Operation Enfants du Cambodge OEC 92 495 Organization for Agricultural Development of Cambodia OADC 93 496 Organization for Assistance of Children and Rural Women CWARO 93 497 ODEC 93 498 Organization for Development Economic Community Organization of Human Resource Development for Democracy HRDD 93 499 Organization to Develop Our Villages ODOV 93 500 Our Books Organization OBO 93 501 Our Family Tree Association OFTA 93 502 Our Home OH 94 503 Our Objective Organization OOO 94 504 Partners for Health and Development PFHAD 94 505 Partners in Compassion PC 94 506 Partnership for Development in Kampuchea PADEK 94 507 Peace and Development Aid Organization PDAO 95 508 Peace Project Center PPC 95 509 People Improvement Organization PIO 95 510 People's Association for Development PAD 95 511 Phare Ponleu Selpak PPS 95 512 Phnom Neang Kangrei Association PNKA 96 513 Phnom Srey Association for Development PSAD 96 514 Ponleu Ney Kdey Sangkhum (Light of Hope) PNKS 96 515 Ponleu Sokhapheap PSP 96 516 Ponleur Kumar PK 96 517 Ponlok Khmer PKH 96 518 Ponlok Sangkum Kampuchea PSK 97 519 Professor's Alliance for Development PAD 97 520 Project Against Domestic Violence PADV 97 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 91 92 xvi 521 Project Aids Khmer PAK 97 522 Promvihearthor Organization PVT 97 523 Protection of Juvenile Justice PJJ 97 524 Psychosocial Services Organization PSO 97 525 Pteah Teuk Dong PTD 98 526 Public Health Care Organization PHCO 98 527 Punleu Komar Kampuchea Organization PKKO 98 528 Puthi Komar Organization PKO 98 529 Rachana Handicrafts Battambang RHB 98 530 Rachna Satrei Organization RS 98 531 Rain Water Cambodia RWC 98 532 Rainbow Foundation RBF 99 533 Rehab Craft Cambodia RCC 99 534 Relief Sans Frontiere Organisation RSO 99 535 Renewable Energy Development Association REDA 99 536 Representative Association for Student's Parents RASP 99 537 Reproductive and Child Health Alliance RACHA 99 538 Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia RHAC 99 539 Rescue Khmer Farmers Organisation RKF 100 540 Research and Development Center RDC 100 541 Rural Aid Organization RAO 100 542 Rural Animal Health Development Organization RAHDO 100 543 Rural Community Development and Environment Dev't Organization Information RCEDO 100 544 Rural Economic and Agriculture Development Agency READA 100 545 Rural Economic Development Association REDA 101 546 Rural Farmer Development Association RUFADA 101 547 Rural Problem Property Allevation Development Community RPPADC 101 548 SABORAS SABORAS 101 549 Sacrifice family and Orphans Child Development Association SFOCDA 101 550 Sahmakum Teang Tnaut STT 101 551 Salvation Center Cambodia SCC 101 552 Samanak Service Endlessness Association SEA 102 553 SANTISENA SANTI SENA 102 554 Sataphana Chivit Organization SCO 102 555 Save Cambodia's Wildlife SCW 102 556 Save Incapacity Teenagers SIT 102 557 Save the Children Cambodia for Development SCD 103 558 Save the Earth Cambodia STEC 103 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xvii 559 SILAKA SILAKA 103 560 Social Development Organization SDO 103 561 Social Services of Cambodia SSC 103 562 Social, Environment, Agricultural Development Organization SEADO 103 563 Socio-Economic Research and Resource Center for Development SERRC 104 564 Sor Sor Troung SST 104 565 Sovann Phoum SP 104 566 Sovanna Phum Association Support for Cambodian Artist Sovanna Phum 104 567 Sprouting Knowledge Orphans SKO 104 568 Srer Khmer SK 105 569 Star Kampuchea STAR KAMPUCHEA 105 570 Street Children Assistance and Development Programme SCADP 105 571 Stung Treng Women's Development Center SWDC 105 572 Suosdei Cambodia Association SCA 105 573 Support Association for Rural Farmers SARF 105 574 SCY 106 575 Support Children and Young People Takeo Community Forestry Integrated Development Association TCFIDA 106 576 Tekdey Sovannaphum TDSP 106 577 The Action of Governance & Equity in Development AGED 106 578 The Cambodian Education and Waste Management Organization COMPED 106 579 The Cambodian National Research Organization CNRO 106 580 The Center of Miltenberg-Cambodia CMC 107 581 The Farmer Economic Development Association FEDA 107 582 The Future for Cambodian Children FCC 107 583 The International Friendship Development Organization of Cambodia IFDO 107 584 The Khmer Foundation for Justice, Peace and Development KF JPD 107 585 The Khmer Institute of Democracy KID 107 586 The Women Vocational Training WVTO 107 587 Three Controls Organization TCO 107 588 Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, Cambodia TPO-Cambodia 108 589 Trotrung ning Akphiwat Sokapeap neak Kre Kror TASK 108 590 Urban Poor Women Development UPWD 108 591 Urban Resource Centre URC 108 592 Urban Sector Group USG 108 593 Urgent Medical Nations Human Rights Relief UMNHR 109 594 Vaddhanak VADDHANAK 109 595 Village Economic Support Organization VESO 109 596 Village Focus Cambodia VFC 109 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xviii 597 Village Support Group VSG 109 598 Vocational and Development Training Organization VDTO 109 599 Vocational Training for Alleviation of Poverty and Social Development VAPSD 109 600 Volunteer Youth Congress for Democracy VYCD 110 601 Vulnerability and Illiteacy Reduction VIR 109 602 Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization VCAO 110 603 Vulnerable People Support VPS 110 604 Vulnerable Teenager for Help VTH 110 605 Wathnakpheap WP 110 606 Weak Family Development WFD 111 607 Women Association For Community Development WACD 111 608 Women Development Association WDA 111 609 Women For Prosperity WFP 111 610 Women In Development And Community WODAC 111 611 Women Organization for Modern Economic and Nursing WOMEN 111 612 Women Peace Makers WPM 112 613 Women Service Organization WOSO 112 614 Women's Media Centre of Cambodia WMC 112 615 Youth For Peace YFP 112 616 Youth Network in Khmer YNK 112 617 Youth Organization For Community Development YOFCD 112 618 Youth Resource Development Programme YRDP 113 619 Youth With Disabilities Foundation for Education and Employment YODIFEE 113 IV. OTHER ORGANIZATIONs - CAMBODIAN 620 Disability Action Council DAC 114 621 National Center of Disabled Persons NCDP 114 V. OTHER ORGANIZATIONs - INTERNATIONAL 622 Australian Agency for International Development AUSAID 115 623 Cambodia Development Resource Institute CDRI 115 624 Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace CICP 115 625 Cambodia Mine Action Centre CMAC 116 626 Canadian Cooperation Office CCO-CIDA 116 627 Commune Council Support Project CCSP 116 628 Croix Rouge Francaise CRF 116 629 Economic and Social Relaunch of Northwest Provinces in Cambodia ECOSORN 117 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xix 630 Environmental Management in the Coastal Zone CZM 117 631 GTZ Programme for the Promotion of the Private Sector in Rural Areas 632 International Monetary Fund IMF 117 633 United States Agency For International Development USAID 117 117 VI. UNITED NATIONS (UN) AGENCIES 634 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO 118 635 International Labour Organization ILO 118 636 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 119 637 United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM 119 638 United Nations Development Programme UNDP 119 639 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO 119 640 United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region-Cambodia Office UNIAP Cambodia 119 641 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia UNOHCHR 120 642 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC 120 643 United Nations Population Fund UNFPA 120 644 World Food Programme WFP 120 645 World Health Organization WHO 121 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xx ABOUT CCC The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is a membership organization of over 100 Cambodian and International NGOs. Our vision is for a strong and capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development challenges. Our strategic goals are to: Strengthen the collective voice of civil society Enhance effective co-operation across civil society Influence the thinking and practice of Cambodia’s development partners Deliver high quality services appropriately responding to the true needs of nongovernment organisations. NGO’s all have different needs and our shared values of integrity, co-operation, responsiveness and quality help us ensure that we work in an inclusive and supportive way to strengthen the whole NGO sector. CCC provides a range of services and also responds to particular issues as they arise. For example in the last year CCC has been providing a lead role in relation to Aid Effectiveness, raising awareness amongst NGOs across the country and also promoting the role of civil society with development partners and government. It is clear that the demand for good governance and accountability is growing and CCC is committed to ensuring the NGO community is well prepared to meet these challenges and better serve the people and communities they work on behalf. The work we do and the services we provide: • • • • • • The Voluntary NGO self-certification system that enhances NGOs organizational quality and encourages good practice in governance and accountability. A resource centre, publications and a project to improve the information, communications and technology functions. Forums and training for members that include human relations, finance, organisational development and program development and management. The Analysing Development Issues (ADI) project provides research training to NGO leaders and officers to have better critical analysis and strategic thinking skills. It produced number of research papers on various issues and some of them were presented to the national development forums to disseminate research findings. CCC co-ordinates cross- sectoral activity for NGOs in response to the proposed NGO law. Aid effectiveness awareness raising workshops on Aid Effectiveness Liaison and dialogue with government and development partners on the global and national demand for accountability. CCC participates in and supports a variety of existing networks. CCC also is a member of the Partnership and Harmonisation Technical Working Group. CCC is now acknowledged as being a major and unique driving force to champion internal good governance and accountability in the NGO sector in Cambodia. For more information on CCC, please contact the CCC office, or visit our website: Street Address: House #9-11, Street 476, Sangkat Toul Tom Poung I, Phnom Penh Postal Address: PO Box 885, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: (855-23) 214 152 / Fax: (855-23) 216 009 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ccc-cambodia.org CCC – Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 xxi INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (INGOs) Type of Organization: INGO Action Development for Disabilities ADD 294, Street 95, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 82 Phone: 023 216917 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.addcambodia.org Ms. CHAN Nary Accountant 011 702886 Ms. Mr. CHEA CHHIM Rahom Kimhean Programme Officer Programme Officer 092 936751 012 926072 Ms. KHAT Putheavy Programme Officer 012 714525 KOUCH LEUNG Ratanak Yonn Office Manager Programme Officer 012 687435 016 460759 * Mr. Mr. 1123 PO Box: Ms. POK Vongsa Chamrong Office Administrator 092 644175 Mr. Mr. PRUM SAO Samoeun Sarun Programme Officer Programme Officer 016 743432 012 639603 Ms. SOK Pichmaly Programme Officer 012 831343 Ms. SOK Theara Training Officer 016 934933 Mr. Ms. SON SOUS Song Hak Vansitha Project Manager - DRAW Project Manager - DR 012 803865 012 383542 Mr. TOUCH Mareth Programme Officer 012 418815 Mr. UK Phaikdey Project Manager - CDE 012 718757 ActionAid International Cambodia AAIC 69, Street 242, Chaktomok, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 93 Phone: 023 994987/994117 Fax: 023 994986 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 66 PO Box: www.actionaid.org/cambodia Mr. Ms. CHHAY CHHENG Wathna Kimpoun Programme & Policy Coordinator Head of Finance & Administrative 012 500055 012 328685 Ms. Mr. Ms. HUN JAMES MEAS Boramey Aloysius Sopheareak Resolurce Mobilization Coordinator Dipecho Project Manager Policy Coordinator 012 430392 012 895876 012 966125 PRAK SATPATHY R. Baureaksmey Alok Programme & Grants Manager Acting Country Director 017 875757 012 513462 SEN TEAV THEAP Kimtheng Sothy Bunthourn Programme & Policy Coordinator IT Officer Provincial Coordinator 012 659181 012 890546 092 279949 Odor Meanchey VINH Loeub Provincial Coordinator 012 725361 Banteay Meanchey Ms. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia ADRA 4, Street 554, Boeung Kak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 4 Phone: 023 880693/884365 Fax: 023 880305 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. * Mr. Mr. Mr. CHORK HUTH KEO LONG MENH SARY SCHWISOW SOK TRY Rany Sokleang Krisna Keo Kithsak Sokhada Mark Sam Ol Kim Long 105 PO Box: www.adracambodia.org Health Coordinator Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager HR Director Finance Director Country Director Project Manager Project Officer 012 299712 012 938719 012 595318 092 646403 012 590382 012 577484 016 933431 012 870605 Kampong Cham Kampong Thom Pursat Preah Vihear Agronomes et Veterinaires Sans Frontiers VSF-CICDA 41A, Street 432 , Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 152 Phone: 023 215037 Fax: 023 215037 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. CHEA CHHENG Heng Saoleng CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 902 www.avsf.org Field Officer (DMC) Livestock Coordinator 012 365066 012 954130 Battambang Page 1 Mr. KANG Sokha Field Coordinator 012 943861 Kampong Thom Mr. Mr. KHAT KHIEV Sophors Ratana Field Officer Field Coordinator 092 259483 012 767944 Prey Veng Siem Reap Mr. LIM Channa Field Officer 012 508965 Takeo Mr. Mr. LONG LY Sarem Kimlieng Field Officer Field Officer 012 691451 092 259483 Siem Reap Prey Veng MARTIN Cadric Country Coordinator 012 607447 NOU NOU Chanversna Yeng Field Officer Field Officer 017 837400 092 311779 Mr. PHAT Sophny Technical Assistant 012 569739 Ms. PONSICH Aurelia Livestock Advisor 089 847541 Mr. SOK Miss SUM Dara Sopha Assistant Country Coordinator Accountant 012 404362 011 993148 Mr. TEP Soppheakmongkoul Field Coordinator 012 971434 Prey Veng Mr. Mr. TUOT UNG Senghorng Phalla Field Coordinator Field Officer 012 824230 012 790390 Kampong Cham Siem Reap * Mr. Mr. Mr. Siem Reap Takeo Aide et Action International-Southeast Asia AEAI-SEA 29, Street 294, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 95 Phone: 023 221940 Fax: 023 220940 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 1370 www.aea-sea.org Ms. CHOUNG Channchivita Administrator Mr. Ms. CHUY GONZALES Samith Purisima Accountant Education Advisor Ms. Mr. HENON KONG Sarah Rithy Capitalization/Institute Fundraising Officer Cambodia Programme Coordinator Mr. Mr. KUCH NHIM Sovithea Ronald Communication & Sponsorship Manager IT Officer Ms. Ms. Ms. OUK SAY TEP San Chenda Chakriya Project Portfolio Officer Communication & Sponsorship Assistant Regional Finance & Admin. Manager TEPANART UN Prasert Bunphoeun Regional Director Education Advisor * Mr. Mr. PO Box: Aide Odontologique Internationale AOI 40, Street 310, Boeung Keng Kang, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 863571 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. FRANCOIS Courtel PO Box: N/A www.aoi-fr.org Director 012 863571 American Friends Service Committee AFSC 102, Street 113, Boeung Keng Kang II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 5 Phone: 023 216400 Fax: 023 213447 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Dr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. HUY KET KONG OUNG PATRICIA ANNE RUSSELL NOEL SOK SOUS THORNG Kumnit Rithy Kennora Tivea De Boer Peterson Chai Siem Younon PO Box: 604 www.afsc.org Team Leader of Sre Ambel Finance & Office Manager Accounting Officer Programme Manager Rigional Director Asia Programme Country Representative Office Manager Team Leader fo Stung Hav Team Leader of Botum Sakor 012 810858 012 616515 012 393838 012 557583 012 783507 012 907067 012 758596 016 878824 012 1737143 Koh Kong Koh Kong Koh Kong Koh Kong Koh Kong Amici Dei Bambini Cambodia AIBI 140, Street 430, Toul Tumpong II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 123 Phone: 012 991483 Fax: 023 210486 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. GAVIOLI Bruno CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.aibi.it Country Coordinator Page 2 Amrita Performing Arts AMRITA 128G9, Sothearos Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 220424 Fax: 023 220425 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: 1140 www.amritaperformingarts.org FRUMBERG Fred Executive Director 012 974271 SUON Bun Rith Country Director 012 410044 Asia Regional Trafficking in Persons Project ARTIP Ministry of Justice, 14, Sothearos Blvd, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 94 Phone: 023 990810 Fax: 023 990810 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. YI Yuth Virak PO Box: 864 www.artipproject.org Country Project Coordinator 012 901612 Asian Outreach Cambodia AOC 03, Road 181, Tomnouptek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 74 Phone: 023 217706 Fax: 023 217706 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. THONG Rumanea PO Box: 484 www.aocam.org National Director Assembly of God AOG 37 M, Street 16, Toeuk Tlar, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880324 Fax: 023 880325 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HUFF Ken PO Box: 130 N/A Country Moderator Association Angkor-Belgique AAB 44CE1, Street 432, Toul Tompoung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 29 Phone: 023 221590 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. PO Box: 2180 N/A SOK Vannaren Representative 016 777955 YOU Hong Assistant 016 626350 Association Internationale pour le Développement le Tourisme et la Santé AIDeTouS 08, Street 428, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Ms. Dr. 012 953428 [email protected] LOK NEPAL THOMAS PO Box: Fax: N/A Samret Sharda Frederick Website: N/A www.aidetous.org Finance Officer Technical Assistant Technical advisor 012 953428 098 707332 012 559445 Association of School Aid in Cambodia ASAC 166YA, Norodom Blvd, Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 86 Phone: 023 212150 Fax: 023 212150 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Website: * Ms. MANO Chihiro PO Box: www.asac.gr.jp Coordinator Australia Cambodia Foundation ACF Chream Chrom village, Rokakpos commune, Saang district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 803069 Fax: 023 217943 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. COX LENG MADSEN PRACH SOEUNG Geraldine Bonna Robert Vannak Sok Chamroeun CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2504 www.svc.org.au President Administrative/System Coordinator Manager Administrative Manager Senior Manager 012 803069 012 383897 092 981865 016 996336 012 822850 Kandal Kandal Kandal Kandal Kandal Page 3 Australian Business Volunteers ABV No have office (Please contact by email and Telephone number) CCC Box: 153 Phone: 012 862855/012 707078 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. PO Box: 2655 www.abv.org.au TODD Bruce In-Country Manager 012 707078 VAHL Jose Agent 012 518207 Siem Reap Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas Australia ACR/CA 53, Street 350, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 3 Phone: 023 220200 Fax: 023 220200 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. KONG * Mr. LAY Mrs. SOKHAN PO Box: 879 N/A Phanith Administrative & Finance Coordinator 012 918323 Sothy Synoda Partnership Program Coodinator Programme Officer 012 890609 012 232279 Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad APHEDA 172A Norodom Blvd, Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 11 Phone: 023 216034 Fax: 023 216034 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Ms. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 915 www.apheda.org.au CHHEA Thao Project Officer 011 890755 FITZGERALD LIM LY Barbara Soksan Kim Song Coordinator for Cambodia Programme Coordinator Assistant Programme Coordinator 012 987468 016 719753 Australian Volunteers International AVI 29A, Street 288, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 50 Phone: 023 726604/5 Fax: 023 726607 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. Mr. PO Box: www.australianvolunteers.com LOUDON Eleanor Country Manager - Cambodia and Thailand 092 209800 PICH THOEUN Bunthoeun You Khim Programme Officer - Thailand Programme Officer - Cambodia 012 933951 012 543540 Awareness Cambodia Incorporated ACI 1 LEO, Street 450, Toul Tompoung, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: E-mail: Ms. * Ms. 023 224909 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] KHORN NABHAM Janeth Pushpa Website: 1306 2131 www.awarecam.org.au Office Manager Liaison Officer Bandanh Kormar Etprumden Kampuchea KnK Chamcar Russey village, Prek Preah Sdach commune, Battambang district, Battambang Provice CCC Box: 149 Phone: 053 952759 Fax: 053 952759 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. KONG SARY Sophea Deth PO Box: http://knk-network.org Executive Director Finance Officer 012 658162 012 206004 Baptist Missionary Association of the Philippines BMAP 47, Street 432, Toul Tompoung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 012 413655 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. LAT Mr. MAMON Mrs. MAMON * Dr. Mr. TABAYOYONG VOU Sean Mose Edmund Neil Jean Fil Jr. Buthol CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 N/A PO Box: Battambang Battambang 80 N/A Pastoral Care Development Coordinator Country Project Officer Country Education Sepcialist & Director NHLC Country Representative Administrative & Logistic Officer 017 374907 012 1765153 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri 012 413655 012 607332 Page 4 BirdLife International - Cambodia Programme Office 61B, Street 386, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 993631 Fax: 023 993631 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: 2686 www.birdlifeindochina.org BOU Vorsak Cambodia Acting Program Manager 012 222073 BY KRY Seng Leang Masphal Project Assistant Consultant 012 931402 012 445446 Ms. MA Danik Finance & Administration Assistant 016 266992 Mr. Mr. NET NUON Norint Vanna Project Assistant National Monitoring Expert 099 919495 016 996899 Ms. OUK Thira Project Officer 012 949654 Mr. Mr. SENG UNG Kim Hout Sam Oeun Senior Program Officer Project Officer 012 867072 011 858183 Ratanakiri Stung Treng Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association BORDA - Cambodia 97, Street 143, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 86 Phone: 023 218084 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A www.borda-sea.org CAMPBELL Alex Project Coordinator LONG Muoy Hun Administrative & Finance Officer 012 709534 Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia BABSEA 144-H, Street 143, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 381 Phone: 023 220930 Fax: 023 220930 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A www.babsea.org INGMIRE KHAM Christina Sopheak Development Manager Administrative & Finance Officer 092 643230 012 857536 PRED SIL SOA David Sineng Sotheary Co-Founder/Director Country Director Programme Manager 092 285954 012 560406 012 249407 Cambodia Trust CT 261, Street 598, Toul Sangke, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 99 Phone: 023 864046/47 Fax: 023 864046 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 122 www.cambodiatrust.com Mr. Mr. HEANG PRUM Bunthoeun Sovann Operations Manager Central Rehabilitation Program Manager 012 862424 012 894446 Mr. * Ms. SAM SCOTT Bunthoeun Mary Administrative Manager Country Director 011 532009 012 803002 Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity CASC 18, Street 608, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 87 Phone: 023 998077 Fax: 023 998066 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Dr. * Ms. BAHILLO CHHOUN GOLLOGLY RENVETH Sheila Chenda Sophea James Kanyapak PO Box: N/A www.thecasc.org Nurse Manager Programme Manager Doctor Chief Eexcutive Officer CARE Cambodia CARE 255, Mao Tse Tong/Street 63, Boeung Keng Kang , Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 15 Phone: 023 215267/8/9 Fax: 023 426233 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CLARKE DUK DUL EM Ian Pun Setha Sokchea CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 537 N/A ACD Director of Programmes ACIMA Programme Manager SCICH M&E Coordinator IRDM Programme Manager 016 726163 012 650003 012 559256 012 658707 Pailin Prey Veng Page 5 Ms. GLEESON Paula SCICH Chief of Party Mr. Ms. HAQUE KHOUN Helal Soklay Project Coordinator-K.Trabek PACE Project Manager 012 818693 012 588399 Mr. KODAMANCHALY Joseph RD Programme Coordinator 012 800955 Mr. Ms. KUAWU LAFUENTE Francis Nena ACD-Amin & Finance Director Programme Support Coordinator 012 489693 Ms. MCCAUSLAND Caroline Programme Coordinator 012 432599 Mr. Mr. MOM NOORLANDER Vortana Jan RD Data Base Manager Provincial Coordinator 012 836585 089 496969 Mr. NOV Samoeurn SCICH Development Programme Manager 012 983589 Koh Kong Mr. PHAL Phoeun Project Manager/Livelihood 012 838652 Prey Veng Mr. Ms. PICH PINAT Sarakmony Jacquelyn Operations & Logistics Manager AI Coordinator 012 929618 012 800955 Mr. POUK Kuch 012 989358 Prey Veng Mr. PRUM Lena Field Officer Finance & Operations Mananger SCICH Programme Manager 012 522214 Koh Kong Mr. ROS Vantha SCICH/Workplace Based Project Manager 017 735933 Mr. Ms. SANN SEK Sathya Sisokhom AI Project Manager SCICH Programme Coordinator/Field 092 620446 012 841332 Mr. SEM Vannak IT Manager 012 525595 Ms. Mr. SORN SREY Seyda Vanthuon Programme Infor & Comm. Manager Gloal Fund04 Project Manager 017 899877 012 925112 UN WILKINSON Samon Sharon Deputy Finance Manager Country Director 012 987579 Mr. * Ms. Prey Veng Koh Kong Caring for Young Khmer CYK 67, Samdach Sothearos Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 28 Phone: 023 210849 Fax: 023 210849 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 12 N/A Ms. CHAN Srey Ms. Mr. CHUM PHENG Chan Bopha Sophal Mr. PRUM Bunthoeun Childcare Project Manager & Assistant Director Weaving Project Manager Administrative Assistant & WT Project Coordinator Accountant & General Affairs SEKIGUCHI SUONG YAMAGIWA Harumi Mich Saeko Director Weaving Trainer Childcare Expert * Ms. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 012 845125 016 843843 012 798199 011 950283 016 880903 012 331966 Takeo Caritas Cambodia CARITAS 47, Street 198, Boeung Pralit, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 16 Phone: E-mail: Mrs. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Sr. Mr. Ms. 023 210757/213529 [email protected] CHEA CHHAY EANG GLISSE HANG Vanny Meng Chan Bernadette Rady JEGANNATHAN KIM LAY Bhoomikumar Rattana Sambath MAO MAO NAY NGAY NOU OK PORTO SAR SARY Minut Manel Vichheka Somealea Monsarith Kamsan Myrna Sovannara Phirum CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Fax: 023 216258 Website: PO Box: 123 www.caritascambodia.org Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Health & HIV/AIDS Coordinator Assistant Director for Administrative & Finance Programme Director Executive Director Assistant Director for Development Programme Finance Manager Programme Manager PME Officer Communication Officer Rights Based Approach Officer Programme Manager Project Director Programme Manager Programme Manager 062 961393 012 282746 063 963279 011 241458 Kampong Thom Kandal Battambang Siem Reap Kandal 012 983305 012 944258 063 760225 012 777116 017 478744 012 951865 073 392039 053 952431 017 248183 Siem Reap Mondulkiri Takeo Battambang Kandal Page 6 Ms. SMIEN Ran HIV/AIDS Programme Manager 012 890283 Siem Reap Mr. Mr. SOK SOU Sakhan Sokkung Disaster Management Officer Programme Manager 012 668213 099 970102 Preah Vihear Ms. TEK Sopheak Programme Manager 042 393990 Kampong Cham Mr. Ms. YEN YUN Sokha Thearin HIV/AIDS Programme Manager Administrator 012 989523 012 566576 Siem Reap Catholic Relief Services CRS 14, Street 278, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 25 Phone: 023 211165 Fax: 023 216960 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. 493 PO Box: www.crs.org AUBERRY Greg Country Representative BUN HOR Saborn Sokhan Provincial Facilitor Managerment Quality Manager Ms. HYNES Kellie Head of Programing Ms. Dr. SILVEUS SOK Suasan Pun Assistant Regional Director Health & HIV/AIDS Programme Manager Mr. SUN Vathanak CSPPM Manager Mr. VANDENBRINK Eric Regional Facilitor Centro Italiano Aiuti all Infanzia CIAI 2, Street 135, Boeng Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 217996 Fax: 023 217996 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. MEAS SANTAVICCA Polin Giovanni 1150 PO Box: www.ciai.it Administrative Coordinator Country Director 012 673231 012 785324 CESVI Foundation CESVI Mong Baraing village, Pha-A commune, Kampong Chhnang district, Kampong Chhnang Province CCC Box: 75 Phone: 026 989037/092 545228 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: N/A PO Box: www.cesvi.org Mr. Mr. CHAN CHAN Bunna Vuthea Reproductive Health Coordinator Administrator 017 866236 012 375666 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Mr. Mr. Dr. CHAN CHHEN KUN Than Kimsros Sidavy Trainer Training Coordinator (Garment Factory) Vice Local Coordinator 016 719240 012 759563 012 980422 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang * Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. LANDI MILANI NOV OR PHIN PICH THACH Marco Francesca Sam Oeurn Chanbopha Sabun Somalen Kimry Country Representative Project Manager Local Coordinator Junior Administrator Training Coordinator (School) Health Promoter Health Promoter 092 545228 017 775578 012 983589 012 851948 012 685632 017 600652 099 615121 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang ChildFund Cambodia ChildFund 209, Street 51, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 9 Phone: 023 726773/997113 Fax: 023 726773 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. * Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CHAT KANG KONG LONG MORTENSEN NETH ONG SAROEUN SAY SOURN Sophiep Lyda Kosal Bunnarom Carol Sary Chain Bun Nary Samphon Singhan CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 93 www.childfund.org.au Programme Manager Sponsor Relation Intern Finance & Administration Officer Finance & Administration Officer Country Director Programme Officer Business Support Service Coordinator Programme Officer Sponsor Relation Officer Sponsor Relations Manager Svay Rieng Svay Rieng 012 994604 Svay Rieng 017 313948 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Page 7 Childhood. Cooperation. Development NAAA 36, Street 352, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 222194 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. CANNETTA Martina PO Box: 1297 www.naaa.it Country Representative Children's Surgical Centre CSC Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Center, Road 6A, Chroy Changvar, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 430202 Fax: 023 430202 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Dr. Ms. PO Box: 1060 www.csc.org BAHILLO Sheila Patient Supervisor 012 898947 GOLLOGLY LEVY Jim Emma CEO Stakeholder Relations Officer 012 843981 Christian Care For Cambodia CCFC 73, Street 608, Boeung Kork II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 90 Phone: 023 880019 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. DENNESS Mr. DOUNG * Mrs. LEPELAAR Mr. RATZLOFF Mrs. RATZLOFF PO Box: 830 N/A Paul Programme Manager/MAF 092 459001 Sitha Bonnie Project Manager/Project Future Director/SCC 012 786141 092 970136 Timothy Darlene Development Consultant/Jumpah Education Consultant/Jumpah 092 629558 092 629557 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Christian Reformed World Relief Committee-Cambodia CRWRC-Cambodia 81A, Street 456, Toul Tom Poung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 98 Phone: 023 214086 Fax: 023 364855 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. BUN CHEN Miss CUBOL * Mr. DEGRAAF Ms. MATHARU Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mrs. NETH NHEM OUCH SAR SOK VAN PO Box: 1175 www.crwrc.org Chanthoun Decho Rith Project Officer Project Officer 012 898719 012 503868 Ruth Rick Esther Accoutant & Office Manager Country Consultant Programme Consultant 012 993283 017 713107 092 619947 Sovann Nyta Maya Paulerk Kao Arun Rasmey Programme Manager Project Officer Finance Officer Programme Team Leader Project Officer Project Officer 017 828287 012 667297 012 685776 012 947728 012 240599 012 941934 Church World Service CWS 69z, Street 450, Toul Tom Poung II, Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 27 Phone: 023 217786/213438/216014 Fax: 023 217786/213438/216014 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. BARBOUR CHHOUK CHUM HENG HONG KEO Josephine Chantha Jany Kun Reaksmey Mara KHEM KHEM KOH KONG LEE MAO Sophal Thann Chhina Sedth Bun Kun Sophal CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 82 www.cwscambodia.org Country Representative Director for Programming Support Administration Manager Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Programme Manager for ERDM Programme Officer for Consulting Service and LID Project Manager for CD Programme officer for Health Programme Coordinator for CIG Programme Officer for Partnership Project Manager Programme Manager for CD, Wat-San & Peace Kampong Thom Odor Meanchey Battambang Page 8 Mr. NAO Sok Mr. Mr. OK PICH Libounna Phourith Programme Officer for CD & Peace Building Director for Financial Affairs Programme Officer for CD Mr. SENG Vutha Finance Manager Ms. Ms. SENG TAUCH Sothla Norneath HRD Manager Programme Officer for Peace Mr. VEN Yath Project Manager for Peace Preah Vihear Svay Rieng Concern Worldwide CONCERN 36, Street 352, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 22 Phone: 023 214891/214879 Fax: 023 210314 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 485 www.concern.net Mr. GEE Stewart Programme Support Officer Mr. Mr. HANG KIM Bona Miratori Project Officer Programme Manager Mr. MORM Sopheak Finance Manager Ms. Mr. O'NEILL OUM Mary Narin Assistant Country Director Project Officer Mr. PEL Piseth Programme Manager SANYAL TAN Pradip Bunleng Country Director Project Officer * Mr. Mr. PO Box: Mr. UM Yapin General Systems Manager Mr. VERMA Prashant Programme Quality Advisor Construire les Générations Futures du Cambodge CGF Cambodge Wat Prey Speu, Cham Chao, Dang Kor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 177660/092 236144 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BEAN Sithan PO Box: 721 www.cgfcambodge.org President Cooperation Committee for Cambodia CCC 9-11, Street 476, Toul Tompung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 73 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Dr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. 023 216009/214152 Fax: 023 216009 [email protected] Website: PO Box: 885 www.ccc-cambodia.org CHEN ENG Sochoeun Rotha Researcher/Trainer Receptionist & Administrative Officer 011 755007 012 318443 ENG HAK HAK HOUN KHAM KHUON KIM LIM LUN MCANDREW PEN SAM SO SOEUNG SOEUNG SOK SUOR TOY Sophara Sochanny Kunthy Kalyan Sotheavy Chan Dore Hor Han Sokly Borithy John Bopha Vaddthanak Dane Saroeun Satya Sovann Sovandavy Monireth IT Officer 016 600589 ADI Project Manager NGO Code & Certification Officer Researcher/Trainer Finance Officer Researcher/Trainer Finance Coordinator Capacity Development Officer Executive Director ADI Project Advisor NGO GPP Project Manager Networking & Promotion Officer Researcher/Trainer Senior Operations & Finance Manager Human Resource Officer NGO Code & Certification Officer Finance Assistant Member Service Officer 012 480068 012 500983 012 514351 012 605940 012 428345 016 882943 012 378408 012 802384 023 994153 012 875160 016 651156 016 705118 016 900503 011 901304 012 388987 013 609361 016 701967 Cooperative Service International-Cambodia CSI 10, Street 562, Boeung Kak l, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880712 Fax: 023 880712 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 143 N/A Page 9 Mr. BISHOP Paul Brent Business Manager 012 940553 * Mr. Mr. BUTLER TENG Robert James Panha Rith Country Director Officer Manager & Administrator 092 647470 012 555533 Dan Church Aid DCA 37, Street 592, Boeung Kak II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 36 Phone: 023 883254 Fax: 023 881616 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.danchurchaid.org Mr. CHEOUNG Yowoth GBV Program Officer 092 261273 Mr. Ms. CHHIV HAGEN YouMeng Maria G. HIV/AIDS Programme Officer Project Coordinator for EU Projects 012 772271 012 817224 Ms. HANG Sophearyn Finance & Administration Officer for EU 017 354990 Ms. Ms. KIM LY Lalen Sunlina Finance & Admin Assistant GBV Program Officer 012 591591 012 947289 Ms. NOU Simorn GBV Programme Assistant 012 993966 Ms. Mr. PHAT PHUNG Ponnary Sila HIV/AIDS Programme Officer FS Programme Officer 012 648335 012 871240 Ms. SAM Pagna FS Programme assistant 016 400095 Ms. SARACINI Nadia Programme Coordinator 012 791194 SUN TRIER HOJ Long Carsten Coordinator for Finance, Admin & HR Regional Representative 012 283981 092 665706 Mr. * Mr. 37 PO Box: Daughters of Cambodia 608, Plow Lom, Group 9, Stung Mean Chey, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh Phone: 089 910203 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. ELLIO Ruth CCC Box: N/A 1219 PO Box: www.daughterscambodia.org Director Daughters of Charity Cambodia DC Cambodia 90, Street 55, Psah Daem Tkouv, Chamcar Morn CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 211820/016 897065 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Dr. BORGHESE Miss DALISAY MA. Sr. Sr. * Sr. Sr. Mrs. Miss N/A PO Box: N/A Lorenzo Teresa Medical Coordinator Nurse & Primary Health Care Coordinator 016 338841 012 604684 Takeo Takeo DUNTON IRANG PORTO Evangeline Virginis Myrna Nurse Trainer & Coordinator Nurse Coordinator Project Director 016 897013 016 893354 Takeo Takeo SAN JOSE SENG THA Angela Hun Lin Nurse in Charge Coordinator Coordinator 012 758369 089 698105 012 918076 Takeo Deutsche Welt Hunger Hilfe/German Agro Action DWHH/GAA 13, Street 57, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 146 Phone: 023 223120 Fax: 023 220556 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. * Dr. Mrs. Ms. BERIER CHEA HIM KAHL KER SUM THUN VON RAMDOHR WARNING YANN Walter Hor Phalline Angela Soeurth Sopheavatey Soriya Andreas Christina Chan Seda CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1340 www.welthungerhilfe.de Project Manager Project Manager Assistant Accountant Regional Program Administrator Cashier & Secretary Finance & Administrator National Program Coordinator Regional Program Director Regional Program Advisor Administrator Supervisor 012 250711 012 782771 016 844216 092 259901 016 937813 012 489737 016 888185 092 259466 012 981233 012 799641 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Page 10 Development Technology Workshop DTW 3115-3116, Street 598 (Called Cheasophara Street), Chreang Chamreas II, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. * Mr. 023 219702 1244 PO Box: Fax: 023 219752 [email protected] Website: www.dtw.org.kh CHEA Sophal Production Manager 012 835479 EM WRIGHT Sokun John Project Technical Advisor General Manager 012 687962 012 917020 Battambang DIAKONIA DIAKONIA C/o LWF, 37, Street 592, Boeung Kok, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 31 Phone: 023 883826 Fax: 023 885627 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.diakonia.se Mr. CHOUP Suy Finance & Administration Officer 012 735570 Mr. Ms. LIM NOP Pyanet Sophary Project Officer Project Officer 012 700640 012 442806 ROSBACK Jens Country Representative 092 730117 * Mr. 959 Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia DBFC 203, Chress village, Phnom Penh Thmey, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 101 Phone: 023 219680 Fax: 023 219986 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 47 www.donboscokhmer.org Fr. Mr. OCHOA SOK Leonard Aun Deputy Country Director Foundation Officer 017 354747 * Fr. VISSER John Country Director 012 989031 Kampong Som East West Management Institute EWMI 43, Street 208, Boeung Raing, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 023 224782/221164 Fax: 023 224783 [email protected] BOWMAN Herbert D. Website: PO Box: 887 www.ewmi-praj.org Chief of Party EDF-CAMBODIA EDF-CAMBODIA 128(Room 106), Russian Blvd., Sangkat Toek Laak I, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 676146 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. CHENG Chandy HUN MAO NOUN SOK Samseyla Makara Thearom Sopheaktra PO Box: N/A www.edfcam.org Managing Director $ Admin General Manager Assistant Project General Manager Assistant Project General Manager Project General Manager Deputy Project General Manager 012 812337 012 526225 012 676146 012 826207 016 872971 Educational Supporting Center "KIZUNA" ESC 136ABC, Street 51, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 727440 Fax: 023 727440 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. KEO KY YAMADA Sophal Bunheang Takashige PO Box: N/A www.esckizuna.com Programme Officer Administrative & Accounting Officer Country Director 012 987617 016 800018 017 831077 Emergency Life Support for Civilian War Victims EMERGENCY Romchek IV village, Rattanak commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952822/370065 Fax: 053 370065 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. RUTHERFORD Deborah CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 339 www.emergency.it Medical Coordinator Page 11 Empowerment Advocates International EAI Thmor village, Samraung commune, Angsnoul district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A PO Box: Phone: 016 359886 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. MATHEW AARON Shannon Executive Director 016 506763 SON General Manager 016 359886 Chetra N/A N/A Enfants & Développment E&D 91, Street 592, Boeung Kak II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 103 Phone: 023 883315 Fax: 023 883316 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 882 www.enfantsetdeveloppement.org Mrs. CHEA Samnang Social Work Project Manager 016 703870 Ms. Ms. Hy Chanthy Assistant Coordinator MCH Networking Officer 012 515329 012 888285 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Virginie Rural Empowerment Family Project Manager Head of Mission Senior Social Worker 012 297161 Kampong Speu 012 550644 012 987174 CHONG CHUOB Mrs. GILBERT * Mrs. HALLAIRE Mrs. KUCH Anne Laure Phattana Dr. PRUM Darachan Health Technical Advisor 012 781580 Mr. YIM Ieng General Administrator 012 632942 Kampong Speu Enfants D'Asie Aspeca EAA Street 105, Chey Chum Neas Primary School, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 77 Phone: E-mail: * Ms. 023 219054 [email protected] KEM PO Box: Fax: 023 219054 Kimlang Website: N/A www.enfants-dasie-aspeca.com Director Enfants du Mekong EDM Oambel village, Sereisophon, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 054 7100020 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. FAVRE Mrs. FAVRE Mr. Miss Mr. Mrs. * Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. HOUY KHY KRY LAO MAINDIAUX MOUR PICH PRAK PROM PUT PO Box: N/A www.enfantsdumekong.com Ludovic Margaud Coordinator Director Pedagogy Mérieux Center Voeun Saony Hok Sokhour Martin Sochea Sambath Sida Say Sokmean Responsible Distribution Sponsorship Responsible Social Service Responsible Sovial for Students Responsible of Translation Service Country Director Social Worker Accountant Secretary of Country Director Public Relations Director Pedagogy Sisophon Center 023 986397 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Odor Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Epic Arts Sovann Sakor, Kampong kandal, Kampot districk, Kampot Province Phone: 012 350824/033 932247 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Miss Ms. * Ms. GOAD ONN ROATH STEVENS Katie Sokny Leakhena Hannah CCC Box: N/A PO Box: 737 www.epicarts.org.uk Artistic Director Project Supervisor Programme Manager General Manager 012 350824 012 910307 012 376968 012 454935 Kampot Kampot Kampot EVERYCHILD Cambodia EvC 8, Street 151, Olympic, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 97 Phone: 023 214059 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1530 www.everychild.org.uk Page 12 * Mr. Mr. SREY Vanthon Director 012 803394 TOUCH Socheat Administrative & IT Officer 012 777401 Family Health International FHI 11, Street 302, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 211914 Fax: 023 211913 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 2586 www.fhi.org Mr. BHARAT Gautam M & E/QA/QI Coordinator Mr. Dr. CHEAP CHEL Srun Sarim COWLEY Peter Associate Director - Finance & Admin Technical Coordinator - OI/ART Clinical Care Country Director CURTIS EA Frederick Rithy Senior Technical Officer, Drug Use Coordinator - SFP & Office Manager Dr. FERRADINI Laurent Associate Director - FBC & Treatment Ms. Dr. FRANCIS LIU Caroline Kai Lih Associate Director Associate Director - SI Ms. MILFORD Cindy Coordinator - CBC & Support Ms. Dr. NHIM NIM Sreytouch Nirada Dr. Mr. SONG TAN Ngak Sokhon Sr Officer - Administration & HR Programme Coordinator - FBC & Treatment Deputy Director HIV/AIDS Prevention Coordinator Dr. TEP Navuth HIV/AIDS Prevention Coordinator Ms. TOLEDO Virginia Coordinator - SFP & Office Manager * Dr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: FAUNA & FLORA International FFI 59, Street 306, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 211142/220534 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. WOODFIELD Emily PO Box: 1380 www.fauna-flora.org Country Director 012 683604 FH Cambodia FHC 17, Street 185, Tom Nop Teuk, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 30 Phone: 023 215046 Fax: 023 215047 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 140 www.fhi.net Ms. Ms. BUN GULA Sothea Linly Office Administrator Area Team Coordinator 016 564992 012 790635 Odor Meanchey Mr. Mr. Mr. LY NHAO OUK Ky Troeun Meng Area Team Leader Area Team Leader Area Team Leader 097 7467746 092 237637 012 738139 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey TIN TOUCH TUGGY UM Theingi Sokhoeun John Phor Country Accountant Network & Capacity Building Coordinator Country Director Area Team Leader 099 629713 012 870707 012 637568 012 697934 Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance VVOB 279, Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Ms. * Mr. 023 726637 [email protected] CHAN GEUSENS PO Box: Fax: 023 726637 Sokha Jan Website: N/A www.vvob.be/english Finance Officer Country Representative 012 220045 012 482911 Forum Syd FORUM SYD 91, Street 95, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 31 Phone: 023 364727 Fax: 023 210901 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. CHAN HERMELIN Sambath Kristina CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 430 www.southeastasia.forumsyd.org Gender Advisor Communication Officer 011 797802 092 531175 Page 13 Mrs. ITH Pov Senior Program Officer 012 817455 Mr. Mr. KOU MAR Naren Sophal Finance & Administrative Manager Programme Officer 012 424296 012 845091 Ms. MOEUNG Sokha Administrative & IT Assistant 012 374669 Mr. Ms. NHEK PHLONG Sarin Tha Mom Programme Manager Finance Officer 012 834029 012 415840 Mr. THY Bunthoeun (Mai) Advocacy Advisor 012 568182 TRY WANN Horng Jan Erik Legal Advisor Regional Director 017 333236 012 803201 YIN Dara Program Officer 012 492805 Mr. * Mr. Mr. Foundation for Developing Cambodian Communities FDCC 4 village, Sangkat Kampong Learv, Prey Veng city, Prey Veng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 305865 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SOK Rady PO Box: N/A www.fdcc.org.au Executive Director 012 305865 Prey Veng Foundation for International Development/Relief FIDR 160, Street 71, Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 138 Phone: 023 220619 Fax: 023 220621 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. PO Box: www.fidr.or.jp CHAN Monny Rath Deputy Country Representative 011 871558 CHEA KAWAMURA KONG KOYAMA Sophal Masaaki Sathia Naoyuki Project Facilitator - PSP Project Manager - PSP Project Manager - HDP Country Representative 012 705166 012 897178 012 767535 089 588745 KRY LIM Vong Socheat Pao Project Facilitator - HDP Senior Administrator 012 292031 012 922176 Mr. Mr. Mr. LY PHEN POK Koung Ry Bunthoeun Virak Dietitian Project Coordinator Project Facilitator - FNSP Project Manager - FNSP 092 266239 012 683499 012 970249 Ms. Dr. Mr. SENG SIMON TEK Youlay Laszlo Janos Sophearin Administrator - PSP Project Advisor - PSP Accountant 012 724178 016 830354 012 515247 Ms. Mr. UEDA UY Miki Sokmeas Project Manager - PRPMG Project Facilitator - FNSP 012 855296 012 965067 Ms. Mr. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Ms. N/A Fred Hollows Foundation FHF 160 (Room 205), Street 71, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 987831 Fax: 023 987831 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. PO Box: 518 www.hollows.org/cambodia HORM KHIEM Piseth Somin Project Coordinator Adminstrator & Accountant 012 824139 012 454408 SITH Sam Ath Country Manager 012 200717 Friends - International FI 9A, Street 178, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 986601 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. BESNARD KAPOOR LEROY MAROT WAGENER Andree Kanchan Pierre Louis Sebastien Tamo PO Box: 597 www.friends-international.org Programme Manager International Finance Coordinator CYTI Network Coordinator Executive Director Programme Coordinator 092 217310 Siem Reap 012 802155 Hagar HAGAR 1748, National Road No.5, Toul Sangke, Ressey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 7 Phone: 023 430180/1 Fax: 023 98 6832 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1521 www.hagarinternational.org Page 14 Ms. BEARUP Sarah Deputy Country Director 012 763219 Mr. Ms. EK GODDARD Toeur Emelita Finance & Admin Manager Women's Department Manager 012 877979 012 834471 Ms. HANNA Sue Children Department Manager 012 312485 Mr. Mr. KIM KIM Heng Yoem Water Filter Programme Manager HR Manager 012 989416 012 897345 PAYNE Talmage Chief Executive Officer 012 816536 YIM Viriya OSD Senior Manager 012 822470 * Mr. Mr. HALO Trust, Cambodia HALO Trust Chey village, Toek Vil commune, Puok district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 063 380178 Fax: 063 380127 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. PO Box: N/A www.halousa.org/www.halotrust.org KEO Dane Office Manager 012 804945 LENG TIMPSON Saren Lawrance Operations Manager Programme Manager 012 946221 Siem Reap Handicap International - France HIF 6, Street 348, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 10 Phone: 023 214504/212897 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.handicap-international.org Mr. CHAN Vicheth Representative & Head of Support Unit Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CHEM CHOU DA SILVA KANG Dyne Vivath Joao Sophal Head of Support Unit 012 350809 HR Deputy Domain Coordinator & PR PM 012 812990 Support Service Coordinator Inclusiv EducationProject Deputy Manager Ulrike Jeaneth Inclusion Domain Coordinator Human Resource Manager 017 239613 012 941791 Muriel Narin Lucile Health Rehabilitation Domain Coordinator Logistics Manager Country Director 012 437450 017 676508 012 441982 Sopha Kim Sean Assistant to Country Director Socio-Economic Project Manager 012 866069 012 864861 Mrs. LAST Mrs. LAY Mrs. MAC SEING Mr. NGETH * Mrs. PAPON Mr. SUON Mr. TENG 586 012 953650 Battambang Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Battambang Battambang Handicap International Belgium HIB 18, Street 400, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 48 Phone: 023 217300 Fax: 023 216270 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. CHENG CHHEAV PO Box: www.handicapinternational.be Chandy Sopheap SFA Junior Project Manager Logistics Officer 016 858949 012 682826 Mrs. DE COKERE Mr. DOS Mr. DULY Karen Sovathana Ryan Operations Coordinator Logistics Manager Road Safety Programme Advisor 012 217427 012 711018 092 990213 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Nimith Hugo Adam Sambath Mouy Sotheary Thary Mark Chandy Sambath Alex Samet Paul Sambath Rithy Socheata Panhavuth PRC Manager Mine Action Programme Manager Rehab Advisor Finance Manager PRC Administrator ERWRR Project Manager Human Resource Manager Disability Advisor Road Safety Project Coordinator IC Project Officer Support Service Coordinator CFA Project Manager Assistant Country Director Rehab Programme Manager HCP Project Manager Road Safety Programme Manager RTAVIS Manager 016 904890 092 817414 012 929710 016 929411 012 794595 012 299538 016 737868 012 462199 012 793637 012 289258 012 909572 012 941414 012 988415 012 594600 012 404271 012 563172 012 545334 EI HOTTE HUEBNER IENG ING LIM MAK MARRISON MEAS MEAS PAPILLON PHO PHORN POL PRUM SANN SEM CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 838 Takeo Takeo Siem Reap Siem Reap Page 15 Mr. SOK Sophorn PRC Manager STOL TAING Jeroen Koungveng Country Director Road Safety Education Project Manager 012 257258 Mr. TEP Prak Vichet R & I Programme Manager 012 955203 Ms. THAM Chanmolyta Rehab Programme Assistant 012 929002 * Mr. Mr. 012 875304 Siem Reap Health Unlimited HU 27, Street 97, Sangkat Phsar Doem Thkov, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 33 Phone: 023 215192/214363 Fax: 023 214363/215192 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Dr. PO Box: 103 www.healthunlimited.org ALEX Marcelino Project Manager 092 262500 Ratanakiri HENG MARTIN Sovann Andrew Finance & Administrative Officer Country Manager 012 479105 012 997024 Ratanakiri Preah Vihear MEAK Weng Project Manager 012 909742 Mondulkiri Mr. Mr. OU SAO Brohs Vanthy Programme Administrator Finance & Administrative Officer 012 998064 012 958663 Preah Vihear Preah Vihear Mr. TOUN Thara Finance & Administrative Officer 012 276127 Mondulkiri Dr. VAN Hai Programme Manager 012 987698 Preah Vihear HealthNet International HNI 68, Street 5, Toul Kork, Toul Sankae, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 864209 Fax: 023 864209 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. SAV Chanthy PO Box: 2134 www.healthnettpo.org Country Representative 012 993239 Heifer International Cambodia 30, Stree 436/99, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 221195 Fax: 023 211323 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Ms. Ms. PO Box: 2431 www.heifercambodia.org CHHAY KEO Lina Keang Administrative Manager Country Director 016 922755 012 921293 SIENG Suthavarak Regional Programme Manager 012 641206 Battambang Heinrich Boll Foundation HBF 34, Street 222, Boeung Raing, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 210535 Fax: 023 216482 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. KHORN PEOU * Mrs. SEIDEL PO Box: 1436 www.boll-southeastasia.org Bunthong Vanny Finance and Office Manager Office Assistant 097 7777070 016 616406 Katrin Director 012 608647 HEKS Swiss Interchurch Aid HEKS 23, Street 574/331, Boeung Kork II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 110 Phone: 023 881879 Fax: 023 881645 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. ITH LEE LY RICH SOK Soporna Chayphally Rottanak Thyda Chamreoun Noeun PO Box: 445 N/A Secretary Coordinator Finance Officer Education Project Officer Agriculture Project Officer 012 695714 012 858288 012 804198 012 764546 012 692219 Helen Keller International HKI 43Z43, Street 466, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 111 Phone: 023 210851/213217 Fax: 023 210852 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. HOU JOHANSON LENG Kroeun Jon D. Wannak CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 168 www.hki.org Program Manager Finance Manager Eye Health Officer Page 16 Ms. LY Sokhoing Database Manager Mr. Mr. NOUN OU Ty Sam Sophorn Training Officer Database Operator Mr. POS Saroeung Agriculture Officer Mr. Ms. PRAK SAM Sotharoth Saline Database Officer Office Manager Ms. SAO Sovan Vannak Training Coordinator Mr. Mr. SIM SREY Chhoeun Somaly Training Officer Training Officer TALUKDER Aminuzzaman Country Director TITH Dollary Training Officer * Mr. Ms. Kampong Speu Battambang HelpAge International HAI 305, Group 5, Rumcheck 4 village, Rattanak commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 32 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Ms. Mr. 053 952797 PO Box: 252 Fax: 053 952797 [email protected] Website: www.helpage.org GUY Clarke Country Programme Manager MEN PRUM Samphoan Kimchean Community Organizer Finance & Administrative Manager Battambang 012 798856 092 789996 Battambang Battambang Mr. ROTH Rumnea Area Coordinator 092 388750 Banteay Meanchey Mr. Mr. SAY SOK Borun Touch Community Organizer Project Coordinator 012 866903 012 996552 Battambang Battambang Mr. VEN Samrith Project Manager 012 687470 Battambang Ms. YIM Chanarath Finance Assistant 012 961931 Battambang Holt International Children's Service HOLT 10 KEO, Block A, Street 271, Toek Laak III, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 494576/016 399576 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. OUK Rasmey PO Box: N/A www.holtinternational.org Country Director 012 494576/016 399576 HOPE International Development Agency HIDA Peal Nghek 2 village, Pteah Prey commune, Sampov Meas district, Pursat Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 052 951718/012 932479 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. KIM Phealy PO Box: N/A www.hope-international.com Project Coordinator 012 932479 Pursat House of Family HOF 143, Street 69, Group 12, Tumnup Boeung Tumpon, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 117 Phone: 012 943886/016 733668 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. THO Chamroeun PO Box: N/A N/A Project Coordinator 012 943886 International Cooperation Cambodia ICC 1C, Street 371, Beoung Tumpun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 66 Phone: 092 469934 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. BASALONG BOSS BOWDEN CHENG MADS Juanito Kees Jan Philip Sophal Leth PO Box: 612 www.icc.org.kh Project Manager Project Manager Executive Director Project Coordinator Project Manager 012 271595 012 380017 Prey Veng Preah Vihear 073 395200 075 974029 Mondulkiri Ratanakiri International Development Enterprises - Cambodia IDE 126, Street Ta Phon, San Samkosal, Boeng Tumpun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 78 Phone: 023 223541 Fax: 023 223540 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1577 www.ide-cambodia.org Page 17 Mr. BAKER Marketing Advisor 017716810 Dr. Mr. CHARLESWORTH Philip CHHOEU Chhardaphea Agriculture Manager Accountant 012 384893 012 693625 Mr. JACK Cordell WATSAN Manager 017 716810 Mr. Mr. KLANN KONG Mab Ratana Partnership Coordinator Administrative & Finance Assistant 017 989167 090 333536 Mr. OLSEN Olaf HYDROLOGIC - Managing Director 089 588902 PRAK ROBERTS Lang Michael Finance & Administrative Manager Country Director 012 420927 012 629069 Mr. * Mr. Mr. Tamara ROS Kim San Programme Support Unit Manager 012 914625 Mr. SIENG Kan Project Coordinator 012 521113 Mr. TODD Bruce CADF - Facility Manager 012 707078 Siem Reap International Relief and Development IRD 25, Mao Tse Tung Blvd, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 140 Phone: 023 986430/986780 Fax: 023 213990 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. PO Box: 1137 www.ird.org CHAN Damo Administrative & Procurement Specialist INGRAM GEORGE VANSAM Mason Country Director Socheata Administrative & Finance Officer International Resources for the Improvement of Sight IRIS 29B, Street 564, Boeung Kok I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 994114 Fax: 023 994114 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Ms. PO Box: 428 www.iriscambodia.com ANTHONY BISTA Kat Roshan Finance & Project Officer Administrator 011 890000 NHOEUK Polymene Ophthalmic Nurse 016 833321 International Volunteers of Yamagata IVY Meplerng village, Svay Rieng commune, Svay Rieng district, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: 118 Phone: E-mail: 044 945966 PO Box: Fax: 044 945966 [email protected] Website: 1127 www.ivy.org Mr. Mr. BOU EL Sitha An Project Coordinator Senior Administraor & Accountant 016 325799 Svay Rieng 092/081 712591 Svay Rieng Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. ENN HANG KEN MA Phanny Vuthy Vutha Sokunthea 017 300969 015 345967 011 680438 012 302716 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng MATSUURA MEACH SENG Ayumi Ravy Chakriya Agriculture Development Facilitator Senior Agriculture Development Facilitator Community Development Facilitator Senior Marketing Development & P- R Facilitator Project Manager Marketing Development Facilitator Community Development Facilitator 016 880023 012 304977 092 681486 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Saman Chanra Sanin Agriculture Development Facilitator 016 318691 Marketing Development Facilitator 097 9736321 Senior Community Development Facilitator 011 280577 * Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. TON Mr. VOR Mrs. YORK Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng INTERVIDA CAMBODIA INTERVIDA CAMBODIA 196, Street 155, Toul Tumpong I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 150 Phone: 023 222683 Fax: 023 213396 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. BUN CHHIM IM KHAN KHEM KOAN KONG KONG Vuthy Sopheap Sok Heang Sokhoeun Neang Phearum Touch Socheat CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 23 www.intervida.org/en/home.aspx M & E Programme Coordinator Midwife Health Administrator Sponsorship Project Coordinator Education Field Officer Assistant Administrative & Finance Nurse Education Project Coordinator 012 629995 011 255498 092 264566 012 967675 012 641506 012 526384 092 231514 012 840392 Page 18 Mr. KOY Somontha Head of Health Sector 012 424447 Mr. Mr. LIENG MA Lean Sounsopheak Medical Doctor Medical Doctor 012 998619 011 937773 Mr. NHEP Sim Nurse 092 845540 Ms. Ms. NUTH PHON Bora Sodavin 011 650903 092 291917 Mr. Mr. SEK SENG Sophal Vicheth Midwife Procurement and Logistic Department Head Child's Rights Programme Coordinator Nurse 012 913138 012 561643 Ms. SENG Sam Ang Midwife 012 923760 Mr. Ms. TEP TEP Saly Socheata Nurse Human Resource Officer 012 459149 016 700815 * Mr. TUY Sakada Acting National Director 012 504804 Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo ICS 135, Street 472, Tuol Tompung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 218553/089 356307 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. PO Box: N/A COENEGRACHTS Elisa (Lieke) Country representative RONG Secretary Chan Nary 2057 092 208065 Japan Cambodia Interactive Association JCIA Street 1019, Phum Porng Pey, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880761/016 668349 Fax: 023 880761 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. THO Bunthy PO Box: N/A N/A Director 016 668349 Japan International Volunteer Center JVC 73, Street 115, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 41 Phone: E-mail: Ms. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. 023 220481 Fax: 023 220482 [email protected] Website: PO Box: 526 www.ngo-jvc.net DUONG ING Linda Kok Eng Accountant Librarian MASARU NAY SAY Yamazaki Sineng Bora Country Director Community Facilitator Environment Education Project Coordinator SOM TEA UN Neary Putheara Narath Project Coordinator Community Facilitator Administrator Japan Mine Action Service JMAS 170, Street 156, Tuek LaakII, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 990532 Fax: 023 990532 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. HIDEMATSU TOUCH Koga Borith PO Box: N/A www.jmas-ngo.jp Resident Representative Project Manager Japan Team of Young Human Power JHP 69, Street 294, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 119 Phone: 023 362624 Fax: 023 362624 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. BAN HENG KHUT MAO MEN NAKAYAMA SHICHIJO SHINYA Rath Sarady Chakriya Channarin Sakhorn Naka Takashi Yumiko CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2022 www.jhp.or.jp Programme Officer Programme Assistant Programme Assistant Programme Officer Programme Officer Coordinator Acting Country Representative Coordinator 017 333422 Page 19 Mr. SIN Sarith Programme Assistant Mr. Mr. SOUN TIM Sambath Phally Programme Assistant Pogramme Assistant Jesuit Service Cambodia JS/JRS 96, Street 592, Boeung Kork, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 39 Phone: 023 880139/880455 Fax: 023 880140 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Sr. COGHLAN Denise PO Box: 880 www.jrscambodia.org Country Director 012 488950 Kamonohashi Project 63A, Street 456, Toul Tompung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh Phone: 092 398431 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Mr. CCC Box: 149 PO Box: 2636 www.kamonohashi-project.net HIROAKI Higuchi Country Representative 017 397086 HUTH KEISUKE Sopheak (Ratha) Motoki Accounts Executive Co - President 017 499090 092 854470 Ms. SIM Sokuntevy Project Coordinator 017 515327 Mr. SOM Sovann Production Department Manager 017 775569 Siem Reap Siem Reap Korea Ministry Support Centre KMSC 14, Street 330, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 113 Phone: 023 216128 Fax: 023 216128 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. PO Box: 2191 www.kmsa93.com LEE Kye Kwang Director SOUM Chanthea Administrative Assistant Korean Society for Service in Asia KSSA 19-21, Street 330, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 104 Phone: 023 220475 Fax: 023 220475 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. SONG June Sup Director SOUM Chun Chansy Coordinator PO Box: 2024 N/A Krousar Thmey < Nouvell Famille> Krousar Thmey 4, Street 257 (Kampuchea Krom Blvd.), Toek Laak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 122 Phone: 023 366184/882503 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. CHEAM CHHUN CHIN HANG IN Kosal Sok Bora Kimchhan Ponga Photra Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. KHIEU KONG LEUNG MOK Chetra Sitha Mak Yom Vanchet Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. NEANG PHOU SAN SOK SOK TIM Phalla Vanny Sophal Phanna Chhom Soeub CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.krousar-thmey.org General Director Accountant Director of Permanent Protection Center Director of School for deaf Director of Temporary Street Children Center Communication Manager Director of School for blind or deaf Director of Permanent Protection Center Director of Temporary Street Children Center Coordinator Director of School of Khmer Art & Culture Director of School for blind or deaf Coordinator Director of School for blind or deaf Director of Permanent Protection Center 012 295044 Kandal 053 370116 012 734637 092 540445 Battambang Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey 012 906626 054 958959 063 964694 Banteay Meanchey Siem Reap 012 571048 012 556362 Kampong Cham Siem Reap Page 20 Land Mine Disability Support LMDS Sala Lek Pram village, Kampong Tralach district, Kampong Tralach Town, Kampong Chhnang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Ms. * Mr. 012 889002/012 449991/012 754829 PO Box: 947 Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A SA Nhuon Field Manager SAY YI Sirisim Dara Administrative & Finance Officer Acting Director 012 754829 Kampong Chhnang 012 889002 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Latter-Day Saint Charities LDSC 61B, Street 315, Boeung Kak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 885116/012 954937 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. WHITESIDES * Mrs. WHITESIDES Grant Country Director Terri Country Director PO Box: N/A N/A LD Louvain Coopération au Développement CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 333262 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. DORF Chantal PO Box: 112 www.louvaindve.org Regional Director 092 333262 Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service LWF 37, Street 592, Boeung Kork II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 45 Phone: E-mail: 023 881100/883254 [email protected] Ms. Mr. AIT BAH CHANN Ruth A. Vibol Mr. CHHUON Mr. Mr. Mr. HOEUNG KHIM LEAK Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Fax: 023 881616 Website: PO Box: 37 www.lwfcam.org.kh 012 791192 012 927917 Vuthy Finance & Administrator Manager APM for Programme Quality Assurance & Development Human Resource Manager Hun Vichet Ratna Social Land Concession Coordinator Project Manager Communications Coordinator 011 952542 012 816899 012 819121 LOR LY Bunnath Sovann 012 571366 012 829697 LY Proyuth MEY MOM MUELLER NAV NUON OUK POK SAM SAN SENG SIN Sarun Sitha David H. Pauline Borin Oun Amreth Panhavichetr Inn Vinich Sintha Samay Project Manager Assistant Finance & Administrative Manager Planning Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator Project Manager Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator Representative Personnel Administration Coordinator Project Manager Finance Coordinator Programme Manager Deputy Country Representative Project Manager Project Manager HIV/AIDS & Health Coordinator 012 571363 017 778029 012 791191 012 791196 012 516884 012 222009 012 545401 012 551886 012 571364 012 571362 012 311283 SIN SOK VONG Seang Eng Sambath Chan Someth Administrative Coordinator Training Coordinator General Services Coordinator 012 791197 012 902330 012 791199 012 791201 Kampong Speu Kampong Chhnang 012 877407 Battambang Pursat Kampong Speu Kampong Speu MADDOX JOLIE-PITT FOUNDATION MJP Group 2, Rumchek 4 village, Rotanak commune, Battambang province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 730171 Fax: 053 730556 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. AUV BOGNAR Sophiak Stephan CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.mjpasia.org Country Programme Manager Chief Executive Officer 012 859899 Battambang Battambang Page 21 Mr. CHAN To Administration & Logistic Coordintor 012 900025 Battambang Ms. Mr. CHUON MAO Samnang Narith Account & Admin Assistant Human Resource Manager 092 652650 012 942400 Battambang Battambang Ms. NUON Sokunthea Executive Assistant 012 673954 Battambang Mr. Mr. VOAN VUTH Samel Mao Community Development Manager Information Technology Coordinator 012 530157 077 974247 Battambang Battambang Ms. YIM Manika Accounting Supervisor 012 882331 Battambang MAGNA Children at Risk, NGO MAGNA 5EOB, Street 384, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 539468 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BANDZAK Martin PO Box: N/A www.magna.sk Director 012 539468 Malteser International 28 Group3, Donkaen, Samrong, Oddor Meanchey CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 959339 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. MINNIK Vera PO Box: N/A www.malteser-international.org Programme Coordinator Odor Meanchey Marie Stopes International Cambodia MSIC Street 476, Toul Tompong I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 994082/994083 Fax: 023 994081 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. PO Box: N/A N/A CHE Katz Country Program Director CHEA HUL KEAM Saren Bunthol Seaklong Center Manager Center Manager Clinical Service Manager 011 604314 012 838460 012 690769 KHUT NOUP Khemrin Thea Clinical Center Manager Center Manager 012 973747 012 775784 Battambang Koh Kong Marist Mission Australia MMA Preak Reang village, Kompong Samnanh commune, Takhmao district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 132 Phone: 012 804206 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HEINRICH Terry PO Box: 2013 N/A Director Kandal MARYKNOLL-Cambodia MARYKNOLL 29, Street 95, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 46 Phone: 023 211731 Fax: 023 211731 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sr. Mr. AHRENS ANG Luise Arturo Rev. BARTH John Mr. Ms. Ms. Rev. Rev. Mr. Mrs. Sr. Mr. BURNS CAMPAS CASTRO CONROY DITTMEIER FRYES FRYES LITTLE LOPEZ William Celina Teodora Kevin Charles Jean Francois Myriam Mary Luis Ms. MARIANITO Alice Sr. MONTIEL Len CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 632 N/A Director for Marynoll Project - RUPP Programme Coor-Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS Programme Driector Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS Programme Teacher Royal University of PP Advisor Deaf Development Programme Director Community Development Teacher RUPP Director Deaf Development Programme Director KAROL & SETHA Project Director KAROL & SETHA Project Teacher Royal University PP Seedling fo Hope HIV/AIDS Project for Children PMTCT Programme-Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS Programme Manager Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS 012 813565 Anlong Kngan 012 608470 Page 22 Ms. O'REGAN Adel Advisor Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS O'SULLIVAN PELLICORE Helene Regina Ms. PIRIE Lisa Ms. SPORL Susan Advisor CWCC Country Rep/Director Community Development Advisor Education HIV/AIDS Project for Children Advisor Sr. * Sr. Miss TAN Cosmeden Rev. WYNNE Robert 012 994441 Advisor Youth Programme Seedling of Hope HIV/AIDS Community Development Programme Boeung Tum Pun Anlong Kngan Medecins Sans Frontieres-France MSF FRANCE 80, Plauv Lum, Chamroeun Phal village, Boeung Tompun commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: 023 211281/211289 PO Box: 845 Fax: 023 211289 [email protected] Website: www.msf.org Mr. AUBRY Olivier Field Coordinator - HIV/AIDS Project 092 360601 Ms. Mr. CHRISTOPHE HINCAPIE Agnes Conrado 012 906870 092 618610 * Mr. Ms. Mr. LAVIEUVILLE Emmanuel Field Coordinator - Prison Project Field Coordinator - Co-infected/DR-TB Project Head f Mission 092 326159 LE MUR MOLFINO Solenn Lucas Finance & HR Coordinator Medical Coordinator 092 791093 012 876504 Kampong Cham Medical Teams International MTI 5, Street 390, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 237 Phone: 023 224549 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SAN Sorn PO Box: N/A www.medicalteams.org Field Manager 012 559322 Mennonite Central Committee MCC 8, Steet 424,Tumnup Tuk, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 47 Phone: 023 215994 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CONKLIN Mrs. KETCHUM Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mrs. * Mrs. * Mr. KETCHUM KONG LEWIS RATH SACHS SACHS TALSTRA TALSTRA TOCH WIEDERKEHR WIEDERKEHR YORDY YORDY PO Box: 481 www.mcc.org Charles Holly Partner Advisor Peace Programme Advisor David Chylong Scott Phanseiha Ron Roseana Amanda Daniel Amara Miles Ruth Bud Shari Peace Programme Advisor Administrative Support Coordinator Partner Advisor Partner Advisor & IVEP Coordinator Partner Advisor Chemistry Support RUPP Writing Advisor Partner Advisor & Language Support Accountant Community Development Advisor Partner Advisor & Support Program Administrator Program Administrator Mines Advisory Group MAG 61, Street 294, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 215115 Fax: 023 215100 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. CHEA GUEST HENG LIM PHEAP RANKIN Sarim Nick Heang Borin Mono Jamief CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1111 www.magclearsmines.org Regional Manager Technical Operation Manager Administrative Manager Human Resource Manager Regional Manager Country Programme Manager 012 892362 012 836139 012 606888 012 819128 012 990005 Battambang Siem Reap Page 23 Missionaires of Charity MC 475, Monivong Blvd, Veal Vong, 7Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 213491 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Sr. M.C Samantha PO Box: 881 N/A Supervisor Muslim Aid Cambodia Field Officer MACFO 113, Street 542, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 882249 Fax: 023 884693 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. PO Box: N/A www.muslimaid.org HAFIZ Khairul Programme Head 097 6709369 LORS MAHFUZUR Sakey Rahman m. Senior Finance & Admin Officer Country Director 012 259120 012 364660 New Humanity NH 19, Street 317, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 49 Phone: 023 882304 Fax: 023 882304 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 48 www.nhcam.org Ms. AGATEA Stefania Helth Programme Advisor 017 652177 Mr. Mr. AYALA BEAN René Bunnarien Assistant Director & Program Coord. Finance Officer 012 396483 011 670313 Mr. Mr. CHEUNG CHUM Veasna Vey Programme Officer-Education Programme Administrator 012 324404 012 290322 Kampong Chhnang Mr. Mr. EK LIM Sambuon Heng Project Officer-Disability Programme Programme Officer-Disability Programme 012 591632 092 154668 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Mr. Mr. Mr. MOP NHEK OP Phoeun Chamroeun Vanna Programme Officer-Helth Programme 012 798850 Programme Officer-Agriculture Programme 092 124212 Psychologist-Disability Programme 099 649090 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang ROQUEPLAN SEA SIM Hervé Povry Kosal Mr. Ms. SOEUN TOGNI Tongsim Cristina Country Director Secretary-Accountant Programme Manager-Disability Programme Physiotherapist-Disability Programme Advisor 092 926748 012 918255 Kampong Chhnang Ms. WONG Man Ying Lucia Education Programme Advisor 092 861083 Kampong Chhnang * Mr. Mr. Mr. 012 591207 092 219622 017 445446 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang New Life Foundation NLF 50B, Street 318, Toul Svay Prey II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 121 Phone: 023 721193 Fax: 023 222270 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MCCAUL Gesse PO Box: 513 N/A Director NGO Forum on Cambodia NGO FORUM 9-11, Street 476, Toul Tom Poung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 124 Phone: 023 213482/214429 Fax: 023 994063 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. A AME Sisah Trandem Ms. Ms. CAROLINE CHEA Sayers Phallika CHEA CHEAV CHHITH GIJS HAN HEAN HEP Kimsong Sivkheng Sam Ath Koop Sodany Bun Hieng Sokhannaro Mr. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2295 www.ngoforum.org.kh Resettlement & Housing Rights Pro.Officer Advisor to Hydropower & Comm. Rights Programme Advisor to Environment Programme Hydropower & Community Rights Pro. Officer Development Issues Prog. Coord. Cashier Executive Director Development Issues Programme Advisor Accountant Forest Livelihoods & Plantation Pro.Officer Senior Researcher 012 391947 092 569113 092 757309 011 721751 012 570833 012 454886 012 928585 012 1875265 012 669688 012 276595 016 827827 Page 24 Mr. HOK Menghoin GIS & Database Officer 012 505560 Mr. Mr. KHAM KHAM Syngoun Vanda Deputy Executive Director Development Policy Project Officer 012 985796 012 936596 Mr. KHAN Chantharo Research & Documentation Officer 012 420693 Mr. Ms. KHIEV KY Chan Nimol Investigation Officer Gender Officer 012 507041 012 913907 Mr. LEANG Rathmana Aid Effectiveness Forum Project Officer 012 690402 Ms. Ms. LY MEN Pichadaroat Vannavy Economic Development Policy Pro. Officer 016 323726 Pest. Red. & Sust. Agriculture Pro.Officer 012 483364 Mr. NOV Piseth IT Officer 017 379822 Mr. PEN Raingsey Land & Livelihoods Pro. Coord. 012 953593 Mr. Mr. PHOURN PINN Yu Thearith Information & Communication Officer Human Resource Officer 017 575808 017 919697 Ms. SEK Mala Finance Officer 016 618910 Ms. Ms. SENG SREY Sothira Sras Panha Environment Project Officer Indigenous Minority Rights Pro.Officer 016 325199 012 235211 Mr. THOU Chhun Leap Administrative Clerk 012 802290 Mr. Ms. TONN TOUCH Kunthel Setha Environment Programme Coordinator Land Issue Project Officer 012 737623 012 557759 Ms. VATH Samnang Administrative Officer 012 962485 Mr. VONG Kosal Investigation Officer 012 785655 NOMAD Recherche et Soutien International NOMAD RSI Sen Monorom, Mondukiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 664015 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Ms. KUN NORRDALH Diyone Johanna PO Box: 1013 www.nomadrsi.org Office Manager General Coordinator 012 316015 092 362769 Mondulkiri Mondulkiri Norwegian People's Aid NPA 4, Street 278, Olympic, Chomcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 125 Phone: 023 210383/218197 Fax: 023 217729 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 2228 www.npaid.org BRYANT CLAUDIO Stephen Feo Regional Prog. Manager Mine ASE Asia Regional Director 012 817220 TANG TOUCH Sun Hao Sothavy Development Program Manager Finance & Administrative Manager 012 800103 012 817217 OMF International OMF 3, Street 604, Boeung Kok, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 882031 Fax: 023 882494 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. HILL Michael PO Box: 570 www.cb.omf.org Coluntry Director Oxfam America-East Asia Regional Office OXFAM AMERICA 2nd-3nd floor, 54, Street 108, Wat Phnom, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 1 Phone: 023 210357 Fax: 023 223119 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. KHUN LACZO LUND Darith Mona Brian PO Box: 4 www.oxfamamerica.org Regional Administration Deputy Regional Director Regional Director 012 444799 012 833342 012 444827 Oxfam Australia OAUS 68, Street 135, Toul Tompoung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 14 Phone: 023 211570 Fax: 023 214749 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. BY CHHEANG CHHOUN Hour Sihorn La CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 844 www.oxfam.org.au Assistant Project Manager Finance & Administrative Officer Programme Officer 012 337185 012 718865 012 685767 Takeo Page 25 Mr. KEO Sareth Project Manager 012 867404 Mondulkiri Mr. Mr. KET KHIM Saroeun Channy Assistant Project Manager Programme Officer 011 400842 017 225525 Kratie Mr. KIM Hak Finance & Administrative Assistant 012 772046 Stung Treng Mr. Mr. NEUV SAK Chantha Sivin Project Manager Assistant Project Manager 012 655585 012 236890 Takeo Stung Treng * Mr. Mr. Mr. SAM Sovanna Country Representative 012 647584 SAM SOK Sovann Veasna Project Manager Project Manager 012 865903 012 932845 Kratie Stung Treng Mr. SOK Ratanak Finance & Administrative Assistant 012 698242 Takeo Mr. SON Sovann Administrative Assistant 012 560099 Sokhom Vanna Programme Officer IT Administration 012 881910 012 762273 Mrs. TAN Mr. THAN Ms. THIM Samneang Finance & Administrative Assistant 012 266013 Kratie Mr. Mr. VAN YAN Saravuth Samnang Programme Officer Finance & Administrative Assistant 012 522881 092 669586 Mondulkiri OXFAM Quebec OQ 26, Street 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 6 Phone: 023 726836 Fax: 023 726836 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oxfam.qc.ca Ms. CHHANG Nga Administrative Assistant 012 503635 Ms. Mr. MAO MAYRAND Sotheary Francis Country Programme Coordinator Programme Associate 092 681330 012 1749773 Mary Sokheng Country Manager Administrative & Finance Assistant 092 309108 012 414489 * Mrs. PRUM Ms. TOUN 2600 PO Box: Oxfam, Great Britain Oxfam GB 13, Street 475, Tom Nup Toeuk, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 51 Phone: 023 212353/4/5 Fax: 023 211873 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: 883 www.oxfamgb.org.uk/eastasia FRANCIS Perez Country Director KHUN PHAY SOK Bunnath Shokhumar Khim Provincial Coordinator Provincial Coordinator Provincial Coordinator 074 973971 072 9791775 062 962424 Stung Treng Kratie Kampong Thom Pact Cambodia PACT Phnom Penh Center, Building A, 3rd Floor/Sihanouk & Preah Sothearos Blvd., Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 52 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. 023 217855 [email protected] BLAKE BO BRADLEY BY CHAN CHANN CHEA CHEA CHHENG CHHIT CHHOR CHUOB DUCH DUONG HAK HELL HENG HING HOUTH KAK PO Box: 149 Fax: 023 217856 Erin Dine Amanda Dilen Rotha Veasna Lily Chandara Makara Maria Jan Sophal Puthida Daneth Socheata Laang Simon Santha Dany Rathanak Virak Theary CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: www.pactcambodia.org MERL Coordinator Administrative Officer CFP Programme Director LAAR Programme Officer LAAR Programme Officer Senior Grants Management Officer Forest Livelihood Assistant Administrative Assistant Senior Grants and Contract Officer Grants Management Officer LAAR Chief of Party Finance Officer Training Assistant Finance Officer Training Assistant LAAR Programme Officer Senior GIS/Graphic Designer Officer Training Assistant MAE Senior Programme Officer Senior M/E Research Officer 092 920056 012 909502 012 860009 Page 26 Ms. KANN Sotheavy LAAR Programme Officer Mr. Mr. KHENG KHIEV Khunny Samnang Director of Finance Training Assistant Ms. LIM Ratha Administrative Assistant & Receptionist Mr. Mr. LIM LIN Bun Makara LAAR Senior Programme Officer LAAR Translator/Interpreter Mrs. LONG Borin MAE Advocacy Officer Mr. LONG * Mr. MASON Mrs. MEAS Sona Paul Senior Carbon Officer Country Representative Chanthavy WORTH Programme Officer Ms. MOUNG Channisai Training Officer Ms. Mr. NET NUON Channa Heap Techical Support Designer Assistant Director of Administration Mr. NUTH Youthy MAE Senior Research Officer Mrs. ORN Mrs. OUNG Sidana Chan Mony Grants Management Officer Senior Grants Management Officer Ms. Thida Grants Management Officer Phorp Barmey Sopheap HIV/AIDS IEC Officer LAAR Programme Officer PAN Mr. PHAN Mrs. PHON Mr. PHON Yut Sakara HIV/AIDS Programme Director Mr. Mr. PHY POK Bunthorn Leaksmy Forest Livelihood Assistant MAE Senior Programme Officer Mr. PRAK Narith LAAR Programme Officer Mr. Ms. ROS SAM Sovann Eng MAE Private Sector Coordinator HIV/AIDS Senior Programme Officer Mr. Mr. Mr. SAM SAO SAO Borath Moeun Samnang IT Officer Training Assistant LAAR Senior MIS Officer Mrs. SAY Mr. SEANG Mr. SEK Vorleak Meng Aun Ratha Finance Officer Senior Administrative Officer LAAR Programme Officer Mr. Ms. Mr. SEK SEM SENG Barisoth Pheaktra Sophal MAE Programme Director Grants Management Officer Senior IT Officer Mr. Mr. Ms. SING SOM SREY Sophea Chettana Neang Meas MERL Officer Grants management Officer Senior Forest Livelihoods Officer Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. SUONG TEP THY TINI TUCKER TUN TUY YEB YETH YI Chanlina Danang Samnang Tevika Stevens P. Youheang Boren Lav Samen Soktha Finance Officer LAAR Programme Officer Data Entry Assistant Senior Finance Officer LAAR Decentralization Advisor LAAR Senior Programme Officer Training Assistant Forest Livelihood Assistant Grants Management Officer LAAR Programme Officer 012 833100 016 936355 012 956389 016 861272 Partners for Development PFD 8, Street 328, Tuolsvayprey I, Chomkar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 213335/216802 Fax: 023 217235 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Dr. Dr. GARRETT GUYANT KAING Jonathan Philippe Sophal PO Box: 551 www.pfd.org Country Programme Director Malaria Programme Manager Programme Manager 012 424120 012 892852 Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres PSF 8, Street 328, Tuol Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 216594 Fax: 023 216594 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. KHIEV Anne Rouve CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 849 www.psfci.org Country Coordinator Page 27 Plan International Cambodia PLAN Cambodia 99-100, Street Preah Sothearos, Tonle Basac, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 12 Phone: 023 217214 Fax: 023 210971 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. M. FORTUNA Sundy Pedro PO Box: 1280 www.plan-international.org Country Director Population Services International PSI 29, Street 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 210814/987404 Fax: 023 218735 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 153 www.psi.org Ms. ALLEN Henrietta malaria Technical Advisor 012 798341 Ms. Mr. BEYER BUTH Alysha Lorn Technical Advisor Sale Department Director 012 333126 012 621220 Mr. CHUON Setha Finance Director 012 634999 Ms. Ms. DAN DY Borapich Phalla 012 475599 012 333041 Dr. * Mr. Ms. HENG JONES Kheng Christian Communication & Marketing Director Executive Assistant-CR & Travel Coordinator Health Services Director Country Representative LONG Dianna Strategic Information Director 016 531135 Ms. Mr. OUK TAING Phalchivy Sotheara Admin Manager PL/Admin/IT Director 012 333040 012 222355 Mr. VONG Visoth Human Resourse & ID Director 092 727788 012554955 012 222380 Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PATH 22, Street 184, Phsar Thmei III, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 215005/222314/16 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 023 222330 Website: PO Box: 1684 www.path.org Mr. AN Miss CHEA Thy Kunthea Provincial Coordinator Finance Assistant 012 610780 012 234883 Kampong Speu Mr. Ms. Dr. CHEAM CHENG LI CHHAM Dara Bota Samnang Provincial Coordinator Office Administrator Senior Program Officer 017 666929 012 811005 012 412000 Banteay Meanchey Ms. Mr. Mr. GARDNER HEANG HOU Michelle Kimhor Sambath Country Representative TB Team Leader Provincial Coordinator 012 222747 012 530161 017 666928 ITH KEO KHUN MEAK MEAS MIHALEA NOP PHAL PHAT SAM SOK TOL Lyde Bunly Bunseng Suchenda Livy Hara Thunvuth Kosal Visal Serabong Channy Bunheng Office Assistant TB Administrative & Finance Coordinator Provincial Coordinator Provincial Coordinator TB Team Leader Director Tuberculosis Program Programme Officer & Safe Water Project Provincial Coordinator Project Administrator Provincial Coordinator M&E Officer Provincial Coordinator 012 584049 017 666925 017 666 926 017 666927 017 666238 012 810042 017 666080 017 666237 012 777569 017 666239 012 639325 017 666236 Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. * Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Preah Sihanouk Takeo Kandal Battambang Kratie Pursat Projects Abroad Cambodia PAC 101, Stree 122, Toeuk La ak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 881250 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. CHHOY MAO MOK PHENG SUN Nareth Pises Sopheakvattey Sophan Sython CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.projects-abroad.net Desk-Officer Director Accounting Assistant Cocoordinator Cocoordinator 016 552261 016 552258 016 552281 016 552271 016 552291 Page 28 Psilogos Sin Fronteras ONGs PSF - ONGD 4 village, Labansiek sangkat, Banlung Town, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 075 974075 Fax: 075 974148 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Dr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A CALM Imma Project Deputy Director 089 889526 Ratanakiri HECTOR VOENG Rita Borann Project Director Project Manager 012 932625 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Renacer, Walk with Women RWW 77B, Sreet 454, Toul Tompung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 85 Phone: 023 223678/092 844817 Fax: 023 223678 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sr. PO Box: 156 N/A EHARA Hideko Accounting Assistant Mr. KHIM * Miss MAEDA Sr. OGINO Toum Teruko Office Assistant Country Representative Tomiko Program Coordinator Sr. Sr. SUWA VELIYATH Keiko Celine Health Advisor Assistant Country Representative Mr. YOS Kosal Administrator Resource Development International-Cambodia RDI 50A, National Road No. 1, Royal Brick Road, Kean Svay, Kandal Province CCC Box: 144 Phone: 017 778533 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HALL Markc PO Box: 494 www.rdic.org Country Director Room to Read RTR 111, Street 566, Boeung Kork II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 91 Phone: 023 881161 Fax: 023 881171 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.roomtoread.org HOEUNG KANN Yong Kall HR & Administrative Manager Country Director 012 535817 PHENG Bunnarith Programme Director 012 886597 Save the Children Australia SCA 51, Street 352, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 59 Phone: 023 214334/363433/012 777482 Fax: 023 360381/214334 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 52 www.savethechildren.org.au Ms. Ms. ANG CHAN Dakmai Pheakny HR & Administration Manager Office Manager Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. FARRELL HANG HOK I'ANSON LIM MEAS MOT MOURN PHAL Natasha Vuthy Thong Helen Minh Sambath Sana Samnang Vandy Mr. Ms. Dr. Ms. Mr. Ms. * Mr. PHEAP PRANG ROS SEN SRUN THOMAS TRICKS Roda Chanthy Senghak Jeunsafy Pheng Emma Nigel Technical Advisor to MoSVY Senior Programme Manager-Health Finance Manager Operation Director Programme Coordinator - HIV/ OVC GFR5 Programme Coordinator - Child Protection Programme Director Programme Manager - Child Protectio Programme Manager for Technical Assistant to MoSVY Education Programme Coordinator Programme Manager - HIV/OVC Community Partcipation Coordiator/Trainer Communication Coordinator Programme Quality Coordinator Programme Development Coordinator Country Director CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Page 29 Mr. TY Sovannary Dr. UN Sok Run Ms. UPHAN Nicola Mr. VAN BEERS Henk Programme Coordinator - Children's Right & Citizen C & O Performance Management Coordinator/ Trainer Publication, Documentation & Reporting Officer Programme Director Kampong Cham Save the Children Norway in Cambodia SCNiC 18, Steet 57 (Corner St. 294), Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 55 Phone: 023 216232/217720/211972 Fax: 023 215078 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: 34 www.savethechildrencambodia.org AKSLAND Markus Country Director 012 662332 BUN BUY Heng Dararith Assistant Programme Officer, BE HR & Administrative Manager 012 288012 012 964186 Kampong Chhnang 092 792072 Preah Vihear Battambang Mr. CHHENG Kim Orn Finance Officer Ms. Senait Programme Director Mr. GEBREGZIABHE R HING Long Sokha Assistant Programme Officer, BE Ms. HOU Phansy Information Officer Mr. Mr. IEK IN Thong Titya Finance Manager Assistant Programme Officer - Protection 012 964187 012 930191 Mr. KEO Sarath Prgramme Manager, Basic Education 012 965697 Ms. KHAT Ty Ekvisoth Programme Manager - Protection 012 965698 Mr. Ms. KHIM KHUN Phearum Chanpha Policy, Planning & Reporting Officer Advocacy & Communication Manager Mr. KONG Sakem Mr. KOU Boun Kheang Senior Office for Policy, Planning & Reporting Senior Programme Officer Ms. LORN Boramey Assistant Programme Officer - Protection Mr. Ms. MAO MEY Sarith Sisenith Programme Officer, Basic Education Human Resource & Administrative Officer Mr. NHAN Sophal Programme Officer, Basic Education Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. NHIM NOU PRAK PUTH Many Vannsan Sereyvuth Linda Finance Officer Assistant Information Officer Programme Officer, Basic Education Receptionist Ms. Mr. Mr. SAKERWALLA SAMRETH SAROM Sakina Phanarak Sodavuth Programme Coordinator Programme Officer, Basic Education Human Resource & Administrative Officer Ms. Mr. Ms. SAY SOM SOTH Sokpheap Sophara Sakan Information Officer Programme Officer, Basic Education Programme Officer, Basic Education Mr. Mr. Mr. SUN TOUCH UY Sophal Mony San Assistant Programme Officer, BE Programme Officer, Basic Education Programme Officer, Basic Education 012 805927 Koh Kong 012 877270 Siem Reap 012 960938 Kampong Cham 012 841782 Pursat Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions SHARE 135, Street 95, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 60 Phone: 023 212247 Fax: 023 212247 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Miss Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. * Ms. Mr. Miss Mr. Dr. BUN DOUNG HOU KOTO MAO SATO SEANG SEANG SOK SOK Ravy Heng Sorith Kyoko Sophors Mami Peou Sovann Champa Heang Huon CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 127 N/A Programme Officer Administrator Programme Assistant Programme Advisor Programme Assistant Country Representative Deputy Country Representative Programme Assistant Office Assistant Programme Officer 012 980883 012 541122 012 796901 012 561810 012 481810 012 979508 016 292882 012 407830 089 708506 012 786543 Page 30 Shalom Life Careserve Center SLCC 12Eo, E1, Street 293, Boeung Kok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 43 Phone: 023 885426 Fax: 023 885426 E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. LOW Sok Lan PO Box: 2161 N/A Centre Manager Shanti Volunteer Association SVA 32, Street 288, Olympic, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 40 Phone: 023 220864/219080 Fax: 023 216924 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 2 www.sva.or.jp Mr. CHEA Phal Coordinator of International Exchange Ms. Mr. CHEA HAM Sopheavy Vicheth Office Assistant Coordinator * Mr. Ms. Mr. ISOBE Masahiro Director MEAS SO Thyrem Samy Accountant Coordinator Assistant Coordinator & Engineer Mr. SOU Sophorn Assistant Coordinator Mr. Mr. TEZUKA VANN Koji Sopheak Advisor & Slum Coordinator Coordinator Mr. YI Thon Deputy Director Mr. YUN Veasna Coordinator SNV Cambodia - Netherlands Development Organization SNV Cambodia 21A, Street 302, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 157 Phone: 023 726424 Fax: 023 726954 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.snvworld.org SCHOUTEN Wilbert Country Director TAING Kaing Human Resource Officer Southeast Asia Development Programme SADP 89E, Street 416, Tumnup Teuk, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 150 Phone: 023 217218 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SWIFT Peter PO Box: 2451 N/A Executive Director Soutie a I'Initiative Privee Pour I'Aide a la Reconstruction SIPAR 9, Sreet 21, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 116 Phone: 023 212407/987908 Fax: 023 987908 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. CHENG CHHOEUNG CHROEM EAM EAV HENG HIM HOK HOUT HUOT KEO KIM KUNG LOT MENG MUON NHEM OUCH PHEN Villa Chhenghak Hoksrin Onn Clotilde Dary Channy Sothik Sarith Socheata Sothy Nay Davuth Pha Somnea Molyna Sothea Sodany Seila CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 31 www.sipar.org Administrative Assistant & Accountant Field Opérations Coordinator Manager Graphic Designer / Publishing Programme Librarian Technical Trainer Publishing Programme Manager EDNF Coll. Manager / Publish Pg Mobile Librarian Director Editor / Publishing Programme Assistant / Publishing Programme Assistant / Publishing Programme Mobile Librarian Mobile Librarian Logistics and Construction JVL Coll. Manager / Publish Pg Sale Officer / Publishing Programme Animator reading Children Documentation Communication / Fund Raising 012 788622 012 994522 012 659577 012 766898 012 218450 012 839676 017 1822179 012 868350 012 870561 012 484865 016 868 350 017 801062 090 829065 012 213990 012 516565 017 760793 016 532245 012 361378 012 775321 Page 31 Mr. POK Sopheap Assistant / Non Formal Education Pg 012 913676 Mr. Mr. PRUM REAT Bunchourp Panhean Assistant / Non Formal Education Pg Monitoring, Evaluation and Strategy 012 554108 012 649596 Mr. SAMRITH Marady Mobile Librarian 016 444468 Mr. Mr. SO SOK Séng Kun Finance & Administrative Manager Mobile Librarian 012 769407 015 531566 Mr. SUNHENG Meng Chheang Author-JVS Coll Manager / Publish Pg 012 720928 Mr. Mr. THLORK VUTHY Reth Vibolraoth Mobile Librarian Mobile Librarian 092 540398 090 971601 Mr. YI Sarun Librarian Technical Trainer 012 693593 Sovann Komar-Cambodia SKC Kdey Takoy village, Veal Sbov, Kien Svay, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 219973/84/83 Fax: 023 219984 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: www.goldenchildren.org CHEAT Chan Morokot Accountant/ Bookkeeper OU SOTHEA Chhaya Arun Program Manager Executive Director Kandal Kandal 012/011 855661 Kandal YIN Phearun Administrator 016 848464 The Asia Foundation TAF 59, Street 242, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 023 210431/216 895 Fax: 023 217553 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. * Mr. 820 PO Box: Kandal 536 www.asiafound.org SALZE LOZAC'H SAYRES Veronique Nicole Regional Director for Economic Programs Deputy Country Representative TRITT Gavin Country Representative 012 813329 012 333810 The Center for Khmer Studies CKS 234 Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 991937 Fax: 023 991937 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KHENG Pytou Kethya PO Box: N/A www.khmerstudies.org Publishing Coordinator The Education for Development Fund EDF 128 (Room 106), Russian Blvd, Toek Laak I, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 812337 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. CHENG Chandy HUN MAO NUON SOK Samseyla Makara Thearom Sopheaktra PO Box: N/A www.edfcam.org Managing Director & Admin General Manager Assistant to Project General Manager Assistant to Admin General Manager Projecs General Manager Deputy Projects General Manager 012 812337 012 525225 012 826207 016 872971 The International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN 19, Street 312, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 222311 Fax: 023 222312 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Mr. KONG SARAH SOK SUM SUN Kim Sreng Turner Sameth Touch Kong CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1504 www.iucn.org Senior Project Officer Water Project Officer Office Assistant Administrative & Finance Officer Field Coordinator 012 888847 092 557982 012 980801 Koh Kong Page 32 The WorldFish Center, Greater Mekong Regional Office WorldFish 35, Street 71/Mao Tse Tong Blvd., Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 023 223208 Fax: 023 223209 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KOUM Visidh 1135 PO Box: www.worldfishcenter.org Corporate Service Manager Tourism for Help TFH Prek village, Stung Treng commune, Stung Treng district, Stung Treng province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 074 973638 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PEN Mrs. SAO Mr. YIM N/A PO Box: www.tourismforhelp.org Sokha Field Coordinator 089 929443 Stung Treng Dany Sophal House Keeper Teacher Assistant 097 9821848 099 683132 Stung Treng Stung Treng Traidcraft Exchange Building B1, Phnom Penh Center CCC Box: 114 Phone: 023 213831 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: 475 PO Box: www.traidcraft.co.uk Mr. CHHUN C.Tate Program Officer 012 833674 * Ms. Mr. PEACH THAN Katrina Vuthy SE Asia Regional Director Office Messenger 012 262953 TROCAIRE TROCAIRE 1st Floor, Building B1 Phnom Penh Centre, Sothearos Blvd, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 76 Phone: 023 213020 Fax: 023 213421 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.trocaire.org Mr. Ms. KERR FCCA LEANG Brian Seila Regional Finance Officer South East Asia Finance & Admin Assistant 012 247 238 012 878378 * Mr. Mr. Mr. MOLONY O'LOUGHLIN SENG Noel Conor Soveathana Regional Manager South East Asia Burma Programme Officer Programme Officer Natural Resource 012 658798 017 514292 017 570768 UY Chanthon Programme Officer Gender 012 833534 Mr. 847 Veterans International/Cambodia VI/C Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, Road 6A, Kien Kleang village, Chroy Changvar commune, Russei Keo disrict, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 63 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. 023 430942 [email protected] KEO MCANDREW SAI SAO ULL PO Box: 467 Fax: 023 430932 Website: Rithy Josefina Kimsan Sophorny Meng Hour www.ic-vic.org Site Manager Country Representative Site Manager Finance Manager Site Manager 011 728702 017 382843 012 764913 012 208432 012 889115 Kratie Prey Veng Vicheasthan Bamreu Neaksamrabsamroul Karngea Akphiwat VBNK 28, Street 80, Sras Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 80 Phone: 023 722115/16 Fax: 023 722117 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CHEA MEN MOV OU PHUM SOM STORER TIN TOUCH VANLY Sok Keang Maronel Lean Sa Orn Thol Dany Graeme Cho Chean Virya CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2307 www.vbnk.org Learning Resource Centre Officer Project Dev. Facilitator/Coach Training Team Leader Finance Officer Co-Program Unit Manager Administration & HR Mananger Director Director of Administration & Finance Procurement/Logistic Officer Co-Programme Unit Manager 012 328955 016 870416 012 726236 012 946510 012 759490 012 952352 012 210486 012 841410 012 737227 012 864754 Page 33 Village Focus International VFI 12C, Street 308, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 221748 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. SIGATY Tott Bod of Director TOUCH Sophorn Chief Accountant PO Box: 503 www.villagefocus.org 092 999197 Voluntary Service Overseas VSO 19, Street 214, Boeung Raing, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 65 Phone: 023 214384/213762 Fax: 023 216734 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. ALICE Mrs. ATH Mrs. BUN 912 www.vso.org.uk Castillejo Country Director Veary Sary Administrative Officer (Livelihood) Programm Officer Mr. CHEA Vantha (Education) Senior Programme Manager Mr. Ms. KHEM KHIM Thann Sokchea (Helth) Programme manager Finance Administrator Ms. LY Sokunthea (Education) Programme Support Officer Mrs. PARTON Linda Mr. PHENG Reth (Education) Project Implementation Advisor (Livelihood) Senior Programme Manager Mr. POV Seang Hor (Helth) Provincial Project Officer Mr. ROS Mrs. SAM Mr. TESFAYE Sereisatya Moly Daniel (Education) Programme Manager Finance Manager (Helth) Senior Programme Manager Ms. Mr. Yani Piseth Programme Support Manager (Livelihood) Programme Manager TYSKERUD VANN PO Box: 012 554874 Stung Treng Volunteer Service Abroad VSA 16B, Street 370, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 64 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Ms. 023 214859/ 012812817/012 235142 [email protected] CHAY HORTON Cee Chan Karen Fax: 023 220443 Website: PO Box: 1352 N/A Office administrator Programme Officer 012 812817 012 235142 VOR ORT Phum 4, Labansiek, Banlung, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 075 974067 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Miss Mr. FREUND KET KIM LEV NOUN NOURN NOUTH PAN SIEN SOUN TIEN Markus Pisey Hong Phally Kosal Kham Yor Ngoun Sophim Voeun Englang Soklin PO Box: N/A N/A Managerment Advisor Assistant Manager Project Manager Team Leader Finance Manager Trainer Trainer Trainer Vehicale Manager Trainer Trainer 012 785933 012 551567 012 204866 085 260037 011 680087 092 636110 012 1925171 012 620103 012 233068 017 557584 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Wildlife Alliance (Former WildAid) Wildlife Alliance Villa 109, Street 99/498, Phsar Doeum Tkhov, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 211604 Fax: 023 211672 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Ms. BASTILLADA CHIN GAUNTLETT Aileen Kethya Suwanna CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.wildlifealliance.org Chief Accountant Communication Officer Co-Founder/Country Director 092 289031 012 973045 Page 34 Mr. HORT Sokun SWEC Field Logistic Coordinator 012 878782 Ms. PERLMAN Lesley Progrmme Manager 012 900473 Wildlife Conservation Society WCS 21, Street 21, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 219443/217205 Fax: 023 217205 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: 1620 www.wcs.org CHHAN Bunthan SBCA Project Assistant GAPELY NHEM Mark Sok Heng Country Programme Director Administrator 011 624118 012 798258 VAN Ny Northern Plains Project Assistant 012 705733 Mondulkiri Preah Vihear World Education-Cambodia WE/C 12, Steet 392, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 143 Phone: 023 216854/012 806167 Fax: 023 216854 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 74 www.worlded.org Mr. BREDENBERG Kurt Chief of Party - SFL 012 963353 Mr. Mr. BUN CHAN Yun Narin 012 523887 012 293066 Mr. CHAN Solin Finance Manager National Advisor for Life skills & TESLP/SFL Education Adviser - SFL 017 567246 Mr. Mr. CHAP CHENG Vithur Sam Ath Project Assistant - CLA Studio Engineer - CLA 012 650229 012 557543 Mr. Mr. Mr. CHHAY CHHUON CHUM Sokchanna Sarin Thou IT Team Leader - SFL 012 800782 Managing Engineer - CLA 012 654897 National Advisor to the Access - Y HC/SFL 097 8882009 Mr. ENG Sok IMS/SFL 017 969568 Ms. Ms. HUN KONG Kanha Socheata Finance Assistant Project Officer 012 505125 012 444544 * Ms. Mr. Mr. KONG Sonthara Acting Country Director MITH OM Bunpros Sambor Finance & Administrative Assistant - SFL Assistant Project Coordinator - CLA 012 833032 012 797578 Ms. ROS Ratanak 012 906024 Mr. Ms. SAING SAMRETH Si Moeung Sokol Accountant & Assistant Project Coordinator - CLA Health Referral Programme Officer - SFL Administrative Officer Mr. SAO Bunthoeun Mr. SAO Sitha Miss Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. SOK SOK SONG SUE TUM UL YUTH Soline Pichsideth Seng Pengkruy Phany Run Kaongyou Economic Life Skills Tech. Support Officer - SFL Database Entry Specialist - SFL Accountant Office Manager Project Coordinator - CLA Senior Life Skills Programme Officer - SFL Country Manager - CLA Technical Coordinator - SFL Water/Sanitation & Infrastructure Officer SFL 011 704642 012 457506 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Siem Reap Kampong Cham 011 907169 092 736572 092 965567 012 889247 012 583891 012 836308 012 852625 012 344655 012 879899 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham World Relief Cambodia WRC 30, Street 287/562, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 67 Phone: 023 880520 Fax: 023 881420 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. AMSTUTZ CHUN KIN MIN NOP OUN PENG VAN OPSTAL Tim Romroth Engchy Sokha Bunnath Sivan Nareth Joke CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 126 cambodia.wr.org Asia Reginal Director Finance Manager Interim Admin & HR Manager Reginal Programme Director Reginal Programme Director Programme Manager Programme Information Director Acting Country Director 012 898265 012 988014 012 319254 012 928036 012 456736 012 632556 012 989918 012 222142 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Page 35 World Vision Cambodia WVC 20, Street 71, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 68 Phone: 023 216052/217923 Fax: 023 216220 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sokunthea HEA Programme Manager Mr. Mr. Monthy Warren Operation Manager Operations Director Mrs. DIMALANTA Dinah Mrs. EAR DUPUY Mr. GEORGE Haidy Joby Senior Operations Manager-Sectoral Programme Communication & Advocacy Manager Health & Nutrition Programme Manager HARLIM Esther Country Director KET KHIEV Chanto Sarat Education Program Manager Sponsorship Operations Manager Mr. KIM Soursdey Operations Support Services Manager Mr. Mr. KORN LENG Hout Vireak IT Manager Food&Water Security Program Manager Mr. LIM * Ms. Mr. Mr. 479 www.wvi.org Mrs. BY CHAN CLIMENHAGA PO Box: Kampong Chhnang Joo Chong Human Resource Org. Dev. Director Mr. LY Mrs. MARK Khom Samat Operations Manager Administration Manager & Security Officer Mrs. NOP Vanthy Senior Operations Manager-South & Urban Zone Operations Manager Battambang Kampong Speu Mr. OUK Samoeun Mr. PASTORES Jojo Takeo Mrs. PAYNE Mrs. PHOEUNG Finn Sinam Peace & Justice Senior Programme Manager International Audit Manager Operation Manager Mr. Mr. Richard Both HIV & AIDS Senior Programme Manager Christian Commitments Manager Mrs. STAVNITZKY Elaine Mrs. TAING Sou Heak Senior Operations Manager-Programme Quality & LEAP Finance Manager Mr. Mr. Mr. Sarom Kong Som Operations Manager Operation Manager Finance & Budgeting Manager Mr. YAB Mr. YIM Mrs. YOS Vibol Yaren Molly Senior Operations Manager-West Zone Senior Operations Manager-North Zone Strategic Initiatives Advisor Kampong Chhnang Kampong Thom Mrs. YOU Mollen Operation Manager Preah Vihear POOLEY SOUN THEAN TRI TRY Kandal WWF Greater Mekong (The Conservation Organization) WWF GMP Cambodia 54, Street 352, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. 023 218034 PO Box: Fax: 023 211909 [email protected] BRUCE GONGDON HUY KEO KIM KIM MOEUN MOUL Craig Gordon Keavuth Sopheak Sangha Phann Phakta Sam Ang Phat OU PHAY SENG TEP Ratanak Somany Teak Asnarith CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: 2467 www.panda.org/greatermekong EPL Project Manager Freshwater Conservation Manager Data & GIS Manager SWA Senior Project Officer Senior Policy Manager Administrative & Finance Manager Administrative Officer Provincial Conservation Planning Spoecialist Project Manager Dolphin Senior Project Officer Country Director Senior Communication Officer 012 214814 017 558262 012 869653 012 210017 012 629221 012 474243 012 474243 012 921422 Mondulkiri Kratie 017 224426 012 510892 012 457692 012 957919 Ratanakiri Mondulkiri Mondulkiri Page 36 Youth With A Mission YWAM H. 20, Street 600, Boeung Kok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 69 Phone: 023 882931/012 213909 Fax: 023 882931 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: PO Box: 447 N/A Mr. BUNCHAN Sisovath Project Assistant 012 1839197 Stung Treng Ms. Mr. CHU EA Kolab Sopheak Book Keeper Administrative Assistant 092 700990 099 479923 Stung Treng Stung Treng Ms. ELKS Ruth Elizabeth Ann English Teacher Mr. Mr. ELKS HEAN Peter William Maly English Teacher Agriculture Suppervisor 092 830164 099 625391 Stung Treng Stung Treng Ms. KHIM Heng Counselor for Home Base care 092 494790 Stung Treng Ms. Ms. KIM LAK Santanea Bopha MCH Suppervisor Assistant Administrative Assistant 017 785925 012 371430 Stung Treng Stung Treng Mr. LEU Khamphum Trainer 092 211497 Stung Treng Mr. Ms. LON PHUN Sokha Thavy Administrative Assistant Counselor for Home Base care 092 915756 092 755042 Stung Treng Mr. SARUN Rith Trainer 089 972045 Stung Treng Ms. Mr. SCOTT SCOTT Marilyn joy Philip John MCH-Programme Manager Programme Manager 012 602747 Stung Treng Mr. SENG Sokun Programme Manager 012 356790 Stung Treng Mr. Ms. SU THOU Yudy Chunly Trainer Trainer 092 960363 Stung Treng Stung Treng Mr. TOU Tito Administrator 012 213909 ZOA Refugee Care ZOA 17, Street 185, Tom Noupteuk, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 70 Phone: 023 993031 Fax: 023 993031 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 559 www.zoa.nl Mr. Mr. CHHEAN EM Dara Vannak Project Assistant DRM Area fac & Agriculture Manager 012 302325 012 674025 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Mr. Ms. Mr. HEM KIM KUM Sokha Sovanary Samnith PM. Construction Finance Manager DRM Area Facilitator 012 443438 012 910271 012 417048 Odor Meanchey Mr. Mr. LATH LEO Bun Hans Sarun Assistant CB Advisor Project Manager 012 924859 092 312279 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey LONG MORN NGET O'NEILL REVEREAL RON SAN SEK SIV SOK TREA YANN YIN Vanda Ravy Samon Bernie Tito Phally Lorn Savon Chour Chanthorn Ngin Movchy Dany Project Manager DRM Area Facilitator DRM junior P.Assistant Country Director Programme Advisor Admin & Finance Officer PA.Construction DRM Area Facilitator Area Facilitator DRM Area Facilitator DRM Area Facilitator Admin & Finance Officer DRM junior P.Assistant 012 736507 012 251233 017 426226 012 840771 012 803921 012 271840 012 381794 011 934 295 012 408015 017 443499 012 518543 012 317997 092 782306 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mrs. CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Odor Meanchey Page 37 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (IOs) Type of Organization: IO Australian Red Cross C/o Federation, 16A, Street 652, Toek Laak, Toulkork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880717/362690 Fax: 012 880718 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A BOU Rithy Assistant Grants Manager 011 966635 CHHOUR TERESA Navy Carney Finance & Admin Officer Programme Coordinator 016 877345 092 888956 Cambodian Red Cross CRC 16A, Street 652/271,O Bek Kaam,Toek Laek3, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 881511 Fax: 023 881522 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. CHEA Somaly Mr. Mr. CHHOENG DIM Ms. PO Box: 69 www.redcross.org.kh Ngan Nath Deputy Director of Communication Department Branch Director Branch Director 012 935341 012 982381 Ratanakiri DUK Sida Branch Director 012 940593 Kampong Thom H.E Mr. DUONG HOUR Elite Kim Huot Mr. Mr. Mr. KANG KEO KIEN Born Chan Nareth Vaddanak Director of Protocol Director of Administrative & Finance Department Branch Director Branch Director Director of Communication Department 092 815373 012 604201 Battambang Kampong Cham Ms. Mr. KONG LIM Sarya Say 092 698843 Kandal Mr. LONG Vibol Branch Director Deputy Director of Administrative & Finance Depart Branch Director Mr. MAO H.E MEAN LCT MEN Song Chan Yada Neary Sopheak Branch Director Director of Human Resource Management Deputy Secretary General Mr. NETH Sophanna Ms. Mr. OM PRAK Channa Sophoan Deputy Director of Disaster Management Department Branch Director Branch Director PUM ROS SAING SAM SAN SAR SAY SO SOK SUM SUONG TENG THONG UCH UY Chan hally Sakun Vantha Khith Vanna Praloeng Kang Long Sam An Savun Huy Virada Khloeng Sam Ath UY VANN Sam Onn Heang Secretary General Deputy Director of Protocol Branch Director Secretariat Assistant Branch Director Branch Director Branch Director Branch Director Director of Health Department Branch Director Branch Director Branch Director Branch Director Administrative & Finance Officer Director of Disaster Management Department Deputy Director of Health Department Branch Director YIM YOU YOU Leav Sokun Sam Hieng Branch Director Branch Director Administrator & Finance * LCT LCT Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. H.E. Dr. Dr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 012 944647 Mondulkiri 012 250651 Prey Veng 016 930024 012 260007 Kampong Speu Kampong Chhnang 016 341963 Koh Kong 012 935757 012 938487 012 961703 012 668912 Banteay Meanchey Svay Rieng Stung Treng Pailin 012 948127 011 702178 012 855585 011 273496 012 965710 Siem Reap Odor Meanchey Kampong Som Kratie Kep 012 916949 012 835211 Pursat 012 276178 012 752021 011 638185 Takeo Kampot Preah Vihear Page 38 DANISH RED CROSS C/o 16A, Street 652 off Street 271, ToekLaak, Toulkork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880759 Fax: 023 880719 E-mail: N/A Website: PO Box: N/A Mr. ANDREW Oliver-Smith CBDP Project Delegate 012 654247 Mr. Ms. CHEA HOUN Voeun Borany Finance & Admin Offcer Accountant 012 852887 012 241005 Mr. JON Kristiansen CBHP Project Delegate 012 333849 Roswall Bunna Country Coordinator Disaster Risk Reduction 012 222760 012 890795 Mrs. MAK Sokanika Project Accountant 012 922588 Mr. Mr. SIM TON Sochea Raksmey Accountant Assistant Administrative Assistant 012 614913 017 588366 Ms. VA Channary Accountant 012 909046 * Mrs. JYTTE Mr. KHUN N/A Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED 17, Street 306, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 219397/213761 Fax: 023 994103 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Mr. MÖLLERS Wolfgang Country Director ROS SUN Sathavy Lyna Secretary Administrator PO Box: 628 http://kambodscha.ded.de GERMAN RED CROSS C/o 16A, Street 652 off Street 271, ToekLaak, Toulkork, Phnom Penh Phone: 023 880717/362690 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Dr. Ms. CCC Box: N/A PO Box: N/A N/A OLEG Blinnikov Head Officer 089 930170 POUN Ritheara Finance & Admin Officer 016 646414 Independent Journalism Foundation IJF Royal University of Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 804428 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. SES STARR Chanrong Peter PO Box: 810 www.ijf-cij.org Center Operation Manager Resident Instructor 011 233334 012 894384 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies FEDERATION 16A, Street 652/721, Toek Laak III, Touol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880717/362690 Fax: 012 880718 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Ms. * Mr. KHIEV LAK Visal Mony Rasmey PEN VINCENT Sothy Toutain PO Box: 620 www.ifrc.org Logistics Assistant Office Manager & Programmes' Coordinator Finance Officer Country Representative 089 679665 012 846357 089 679662 012 901400 International Justice Mission IJM 8B, Street 242, Chaktomuk, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 991420 Fax: 023 991421 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. PEOU STAYTON Visal Patrick CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 169 www.ijm.org Administrative Officer Director 012 227622 012 590573 Page 39 International Organization for Migration IOM 31, Street 71, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 216532/214132/720406 Fax: 023 216423 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 435 www.iom.int Mr. MALTONI Bruno Project Officer Mr. Mr. MCGEOGHAN NORTON John Ross Project Officer Project Officer Dr. RAMESETTY VANKATA SAVCHENKO STEFAN Rama Migration Health Physician Kateryna Iuliana Resource Management Officer Chief of Mission Ms. * Ms. PO Box: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung KAF 4, Street 462, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 213363/726221 Fax: 023 213364 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 944 www.kas.de/kambodscha Mr. CHHIM Van Office Assistant Ms. Mr. KHAN MOM Shinet Saroeun Secretary Senior Programme Manager Mr. NOUN Samnang Accountant Ms. Mr. OUM PHAN Syvan Sokla Project Manager Chief fo Accountant & Office Manager RABEA Brauer Country Representative TAT Sosatra Programme Coordinator * Ms. Ms. PO Box: SWISS RED CROSS C/o 16A, Street 652 off Street 271, ToekLaak, Toulkork, Phnom Penh Phone: 023 880717/362690 CCC Box: N/A PO Box: Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A * Mr. Mr. HEINO Gullemann Project Coordinator 092 720132 ROB Overtoom Project Coordinator 012 914441 Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 620 N/A Page 40 CAMBODIAN NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (CNGOs) Type of Organization: LNGO 3S Rivers Protection Network 3SPN 4 village, Sangkat Labansiek, Banlung Town, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 075 974112 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.3spn.cfsites.org MEACH Mean Director 011 758970 Ratanakiri MEAN NHUY Chamroeun Nang Noy Network Officer Field Facilitator 012 231074 092 225682 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri PHOU Bunthann CBR Officer 012 956722 Ratanakiri Action for Health Development AHEAD Group 7, House 195, Ratanak village, Ratanak Commune, Battambang City, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. 053 952898 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A CHHIM Chun Field Team Leader 089 502819 Odor Meanchey CHROENG HENG Veasna Bunsieth Project Officer Exicutive Director 011 212003 012 907802 Pailin Battambang KHIEN Saiem Project Manager 092 158162 Siem Reap KRET MAI Peou Hong Project Officer Community Health Development Manager 016 946174 012 969256 Pailin Battambang Mrs. MOUL Vanna Deputy Director 012 732664 Battambang Mr. Mr. Mr. Bunthoeun Chanthy Sam Ol Administrative & Finance Manager MCH/HIV/AIDS Manager Clinical/Institutional Manager 012 965272 012 491282 012 713087 Battambang Battambang Battambang Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. SOK SONG TOUCH Actual Khmer Association for Development AKAFD Andoung Snay village, Cherng Prey commune, Batheay district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 455882/012 381595 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. RITH Sary PO Box: N/A N/A Director 011 455882 Kampong Cham Advisor Organization for Supporting Orphaned Children Old Aged Death Persons Boeung Snay village, Sangkat Sambomeas, Kapong Cham Town, Kampong Cham Province Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Ms. 012 337853 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] EN KHUTH LAN Vuthy Phirun Sam On Website: CCC Box: N/A N/A N/A Director Advisor Deputy Director 012 337853 017 961434 011 711779 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Advocacy and Policy Institute API Phnom Penh Center, Building F, 4th Floor, Room 484, Sothearos Blvd, Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. 023213486 [email protected] AN CHHUM CHORN HENG KHIM LAM NEB NHEM SUONG PO Box: N/A Fax: 023 213487 Leangna Sarany Somaly Thou Nina Socheat Sinthay Sary Kaclika CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: www.apiinstitute.org FOI Programme Officer AC Programme Coordinator Accountant & Admin Assistant FOI Programme Coordinator GD Programme Officer GD Senior Programme Coordinator Director AC Programme Officer Administrator & Finance Officer 012 536117 012 832212 012 477729 012 708703 012 684582 012 718611 012 527004 016 494127 012 674895 Page 41 Agir Pour les Femmes En Situation Precaire AFESIP 62CEo, Street 598, Boeung Kak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 352 Phone: 023 884123 Fax: 023 884123 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. KHENG Mr. LY * Mrs. MAM Mr. MAM PO Box: www.afesip.org Sochenda Head of Center 012 331548 Kampong Cham Monirath Somaly Head of Center President 012 331547 Siem Reap Khon Head of Center 012 849788 Miss ROEURN Mr. SAO Chanthan Chhoeurth Finance Coordinator National Coordinator 012 987236 012 888840 Mr. Sophatra Administrative HR Communication Coordinator 012 346881 SOM 2089 Agricultural Development Action ADA Romchek 4 village, Rattanak commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952551 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. BUN Mr. CHIN Ms. SEAN PO Box: N/A N/A Kimsan Executive Director 012 929116 Battambang Vuthy Naikea Field Manager Administrative/Finance Assistant 012 530599 012 868485 Battambang Battambang Agriculture Development Association ADA Prey Slek village, Sangkat Chbar Morn, Chbar Morn Town, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 016 584225 N/A SENG PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: Ly N/A N/A Director 012 938356 Kampong Speu Agriculture Technical Service Association ATSA 172B, Street 300, Boeung Keng Kang II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 222684 Fax: 023 222684 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Ms. MEARNG PAN Chan Nara Sodavy PO Box: N/A www.atsacambodia.org Administrator & Cashier Executive Director 016 500895 011 797615 Alliance Association of Rural Restoration AARR Group 2, Peal Nhek II village, Phtash Prey commune, Sampovmeas district, Pursat Province CCC Box: 445 Phone: 012 673167 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A HAK Kiry Director 012 673167 Pursat MOM ORN PRAK SAM SAM SOK SORN THOEUM TOURN Bunthoeun Lakana Sophal Sareth Chaya Chanro Sarak Mao Bunnavy Community Staff Community Staff Community Staff Coordinator Program Community Staff Community Staff Coordinator Program Community Staff Administrator/Financer 011 985447 Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat 016 310386 016 851415 012 607115 092 265991 Alliance for Conflict Transformation ACT 69, Sothearos Blvd., Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 402 Phone: 023 217830 Fax: 023 217830 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mr. CHEA DITH MEAS SEANG Sokim Sothearo Sokeo Samnang CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2552 www.actcambodia.org IEPB Project Manager MACT Project Manager Co-Director for Programme Co-Director for Management 012 951656 012 212312 012 797932 017 628928 Page 42 Mr. TOUCH Mengtek Admin & Finance Manager 017 223112 AMARA Along National Road 5, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952419 Fax: 053 952419 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHHEUNG Miss KEO Mr. PAO N/A PO Box: N/A Vannak Finance Officer 012 996444 Battambang Dina Sarben Administrative Officer & Cashier Senior Trainer 012 501394 012 915435 Battambang Battambang Mr. PIN Chamnan Project Officer 012 821115 Battambang Ms. Mr. SAM SUOS Rith Ramo Senior Trainer Programme Manager 012 698453 012 443883 Battambang Battambang Yok Khoan Director 012 895358 Battambang * Mrs. UNG Angkar Ponleu Akphiwat APA Acha Leak village, Sangkat Acha Leak, Stung Sen Town, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 260827 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. N/A PO Box: N/A PHUN Sophan Director 092 260827 Kampong Thom SAM Sanhea Accountant 092 790917 Kampong Thom Angkor Association for the Disabled AAD Krous village, Sangkat Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 690934 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SEM Sovantha N/A PO Box: N/A Director Siem Reap Angkor Community Development Organization ANCODOR 185, Veal Sbov, Kean Svay district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 331 Phone: 016 935179 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A HEM Sambath Executive Director 012 439217 Kandal LIVE THUON Uddomsakd Deputy Director 092 737281 Kandal Angkor Participatory Development Organization APDO 0630, Group 12, Wat Bo village, Salar Kamroek commune, Siem Reap district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 012 630116 [email protected] TEK PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Sakana Savuth Website: www.apdofoundation.org Executive Director 012 630116 Siem Reap Aphiwat Strey AS 1, Group 1, Sophy 1 village, Sangkat Rothanak, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952433 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mrs. CHAK CHAP CHHIEN CHHLEUM CHIN KEN SOEUNG SOU SOUNG THONG Bunchhom Soksan Chhorvy Savin Vuthy Chenda Bora Sopheak Sophat Thavrin CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Project Officer Office Manager Project Officer Project Officer Programme Manager Project Manager Administrative Assistant/Translator Project Officer Project Officer Director 012 273925 012 542266 012 336514 012 641690 017 808797 012 847387 092 264812 092 778150 012 575665 012 818577 Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Page 43 Apsara Arts Association AAA 71, Street 598, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh Thmey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 857424 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.apsara-art.org Ms. BE Kalyan Accountant 012 575973 Ms. Ms. CHAN CHHAY Sreytouch Chanboramey Administrator Teacher of Dance 011 716660 012 517236 Sopha Director 011 857424 Metry Vice Director 012 857424 * Mr. CHHAY Mrs. VONG 443 PO Box: Arbitration Council Foundation ACF Room 331, Building A, Phnom Penh Center, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 223506 Fax: 023 224979 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. www.arbitrationcouncil.org SAING Hay M & E Coordinator SOK SOU Lor Sorphea Ms. TENG Ratana Executive Director Acting Director of Lagal Services Department Finance & Administrative Manager Mr. Y Samphy * Mr. Ms. 1180 PO Box: Manager of Training & Communications Department Article 4 Association A4A 142, Larbe Street, Taphul village, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Ream Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 915916/012 977720 E-mail: N/A Mr. * Ms. LECROS PRING Website: Pierre Noeurn N/A PO Box: Fax: N/A N/A Deputy Director Director 012 915916 012 977720 Siem Reap Siem Reap Artisans' Association Cambodia AAC 11b, Street 240, Chaktomuk, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 213904 Fax: 023 220150 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Miss BAN Mr. LUN * Mr. MEN 1303 PO Box: www.aac.org.kh Naren Yeng Accountant & Administrator Business & Operation Manager 012 389583 012 738923 Sinoeun Executive Director 012 790735 Asia Children and Youth Development Organization ACYDO 42E, Street 271, Boeung Salang, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 890689 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SUY Maradee N/A PO Box: N/A Director 012 890689 Asia Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia Asia HRDC 15-17, Street 139, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 883831/012 408009 Fax: 023 883831 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. CHHOURN SOU Bun Hoeun Bora PO Box: 448 www.hkamkhmer.org/asiahrdc Acting Director Administration Manager 012 961946 012 408009 Assistance to Poor Children Agency (Formerly DCDC) APCA Talak village, Khsem Khsan commune, Oudong district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: 247 Phone: 023 355259 Fax: 023 355259 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Miss ETH Mr. KANG Chanthea Than CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 910 www.apcacamodia.org Project Officer Programme Coordinator 016 325736 012 736552 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Page 44 * Mr. SIM Ms. SOK Mrs. UNG Dara Executive Director 012 895259 Kampong Speu Chanthol Makara Chief of Administration Project Officer 092 952986 017 411223 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Association Avenir des Femmes et des Enfants du Cambodge AFEC 59, Street 4, Group 2, Prohouth village, Sangkat O'Ambil, Serei Sophoan Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Ms. 012 822145 N/A PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A HEM Sarim Community Development Worker Banteay Meanchey Mr. KEO Mrs. KUN Saray Lavin Community Development Worker Accountant Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Mr. KUN Seiha Programme Director NGOY SOK Pumsen Sopha Director Programme Director * Ms. Ms. 012 701726 Banteay Meanchey 012 822145 012 752322 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Association Cambodgienne d'Approvisionnement en Eau ACAPE 282E, Street Northbridge, Sleng Roleung, Teuk Thla, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 367 Phone: 012 722806 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. N/A PO Box: N/A ROS Saroeun Director 012 722806 SOM Yen Vice Director 012 871355 Association de la Jeunesse pour L'Amination and the Branch Maison des Jeunes AJA & MJC 93A, Street 592, Boeung Kak II, Tuol Kork Phnom Penh CCC Box: 246 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. 023 881363/033 932363 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: N/A N/A GNETH IE Kakada Tina Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant 012 659049 016 334136 MAO SEM TOR Kolbotr Chhin Mao Director Project Coordinator Project Coordinator 016 880593 016 515727 016 225556 Kampot Kampot Kampot Association for Aid and Relief, Vocational Training for the Disabled AAR, VTD Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Center, National Road 6A, Chroychangvar, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 426 Phone: 023 430195 Fax: 023 430195 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. HOUY HUN KEO MOM Socheat Samseyla Lim Sothara PO Box: 141 N/A Vocational Training School Director Chief of Administration Chief of Researcher Chief of the Training 012 526225 016 877930 012 916200 Association for Aid and Relief, Wheel Chair for Development AAR,WCD Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Center, National Road 6A, Chroychangvar, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Ms. Mr. 023 430660 [email protected] CHIN JOHN NHIM PO Box: 141 Fax: 023 430660 Yok Theary Than Website: N/A Executive Director Administrative & Finance Officer Production Manager 012 812318 017 456404 012 969169 Association for Business Initiative ABI Cambodia 970, Kompong Svay village , Kompong Svay commune, Serei Sophorn Town , Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 054 710067 E-mail: [email protected] * Miss TONG PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Sreythang CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: Director N/A 089 949597 Banteay Meanchey Page 45 Association for Conservation of Arts and Culture ACAC Braka village, Preysar commune, Dangkor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 211 Phone: 092 805506 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Mr. * Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A SEK Sophea Dance Teacher 012 207204 SUON Sarin Director 092 805506 Association for Development and Our Villager's Rights ADOVIR Tomnup Toek village, Bavel commune, Bavel district, Batambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 360665 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. PHON Sokheng Programme Manager 012 360665 Battambang * Mr. Mr. SUON VOUN Sarin Vannak Director Accountant 012 216527 012 220052 Battambang Battambang Association for Human Resource Development and Health Education AHRDHE Thnal Bek village, SvayTeab commune, Chamcar Leu district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 242 Phone: 012 646989/011 781112 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. LY Pheara PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 646989 Kampong Cham Association for Rural Development ARD Group 18, Toultnot village, Korky commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 700800 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Mr. * Mr. KHANN TOUT Saran Lux PO Box: N/A N/A Deputy Director Director 077 900000 Kandal Kandal Association of Farmer Development AFD Kampong village, Preahbat Chanchom commune, Kirivong district, Takeo Province CCC Box: 196 Phone: 012 713960 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A KEOU Pisey Executive Director NGETH Hout Accountant 012 954894 Takeo Takeo Association of Nuns and Lay Women of Cambodia ANLWC Thormatray village, Phsardek commune, Ponhaleur district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 421 Phone: 012 473211/015 304747 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. BAV Nuk (Nun) PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 473211 Kandal Association of Protection, Development for Cambodia Environment APDCE 10Eo, Street 212, Phsar Deum Koh, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 266 Phone: 012 480050 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. YEAN Ly PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Association of the Blind in Cambodia ABC 132, Street 193/388, Toul Svay Prey, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 188 Phone: 023 213882 Fax: 023 213882 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. BOUN BUON CHHOUEN HENG Mao Amara Putheary Chheangkim CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 175 www.cambodianblindassociation.org Executive Director Administrator Project Supervisor Project Coordinator 012 618 882 012 785370 012 545722 012 929530 Kampong Speu Page 46 Ms. IN Sovuthea Accountant 012 574704 Mr. NOUN Vibol Project Coordinator 012 988909 Kampong Cham Association Samnang Laor 222, Road No 2, Prek Russey, Takhmao, Kandal Province Phone: 012 552909 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. CHUON Samnang CCC Box: 208 PO Box: 827 N/A President 012 552909 Association Support New Cambodian Children ASNCC Prek Samrong village, Sangkat Takmao, Takmao Town, Kandal Province CCC Box: 245 Phone: 012 859464 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. Ms. NUON Thorn Director SO Sinath Deputy Director PO Box: N/A N/A Associationn of Jurists Observing Sub - National Administrator (Former SAA) AJOSA 7C2, Street 488, Phsar Deum Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 382 Phone: 023 997070 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A Mr. Mr. CHET SAN Dum Piseth Deputy Director Researcher 098 997070 098 471789 Mr. Mr. Mr. SEN SO SOM Sony Naro Bonel Coordinator Adviser Administrator 098 471567 098 387777 098 992706 SOUN TENG Ngounly Bunthon Social Technich Director 098 471234 012 589111 THO Danny Marketing 098 471166 Mr. * Mr. Mr. N/A Bandos Komar 6, Street 388, Tuol Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 127 Phone: 023 216023 Fax: 023 215591 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHEM Mrs. CHHOM Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Miss Miss Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Miss Miss Mrs. Mr. CHUONG HAY HEM HENG KET KONG KONG KRECH LORS NET NHEK OUK PECH RAN ROS TEP TIM VANN YANG PO Box: N/A Saroeurn Solida Construction Assistant & Driver Accountant Assistant 012 370387 012 731041 Cho Soeng Sathya Khanteychak Sothon Sarom Sothivuth Pharin Sothea Sotheavy Vuthy Sovann Sovanna Chanthea Kunthea Sauborak Viden Borey Sopheap Health Education Project Assistant Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Administrator & Accountant Sponsoring System Assistant Executive Director Logistic & Driver Health Education Project Assistant Sponsoring System Assistant Supporting Community Activities Assistant Cashier & Driver Supporting Community Activities Assistant Early Childhood Project Officer Early Childhood Project Assistant Regional follow-up Project Officer Responsible for Sponsoring System Sponsoring System Assistant Health Education Project Officer Library Project Officer 012 872441 012 973756 012 873824 012 674881 092 766338 012 370387 012 554653 017 967628 017 336126 017 863063 012 842718 012 473857 012 656383 012 632440 017 578998 012 759448 012 962961 012 961933 012 921908 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 839 Siem Reap Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Siem Reap Page 47 Banteay Srei BANTEAY SREI 71, Street 430, Toul Tompoung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 37 Phone: 023 216922 Fax: 023 216922 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. CHIM Ms. * Ms. ITH SOK PO Box: 728 N/A Bunchenda Provincial Manager 012 773982 Channath Panha Finance & Admin Officer Director 012 616154 012 713580 Battambang Battambang Women's AIDS Project BWAP 405, Romchek 4 village, Ratanak commune, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: 254 Phone: 053 952150 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. ING Siv Heng PO Box: N/A N/A Director 016 777199 Battambang Bright Social Organization BSO 1 village, Sangkat Rokaknong, Daun Keo Town, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 097 7896311/012 896311 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A SOK Moniroth Finance & Administrator 016 272476 Takeo THAV Sokun Director 012 896311 Takeo Buddhi Family, Khmer Foundation for Morality and Democracy BF/KFMD 23A, Street 640, Cbar Ampov, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 310 Phone: 012 814646 Fax: 023 880048 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. KOEUNG * Mr. KONG Mr. SAR PO Box: N/A N/A Kanha Thann Accountant Chairman 012 948619 Chheang President 012 494356 Buddhism and Democracy B and D Anchanh village, Sangkat Ochar, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 265050 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. SMET Mrs. SOR * Mr. YOEN PO Box: N/A N/A Senchamrouen Seila Programme Director Accountant Yoeut Executive Director 012 452752 092 821535 Battambang Battambang Battambang Buddhism and Society Development Association BSDA Kot 5, Nokorbachey Pagoda, Ampil commune, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 342 Phone: 042 6900498 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ven. Ven. Mr. * Ven. HOM NEM PRUM SYE THORN Sarann Channy Dy Sokkhoeun Vandong PO Box: N/A www.bsda-cambodia.org Programme Officer Administrative & Finance Officer Deputy Director Office Assistant Executive Director 012 294133 012 440581 012 265585 012 219436 012 788973 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Buddhism Development Association and Supporting Environment BDASE Peal Nhek village, Sangkat Phteas Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: 200 Phone: 052 740072 Fax: 052 740072 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. CHIEM PHUM SAN TOUCH Kim Seng Phavath Kim Houn Savoeurn CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Facilitator Director Project Officer Coordinator PO Box: N/A N/A 012 866450 012 603891 012 798216 Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Page 48 Buddhism Elevation and Human Resource Development Organization BEHRDO Wat Tonle Neam, Tonleneam village, Champey commune, Angkor Chey district, Kampot Province CCC Box: 192 Phone: 092 610046 E-mail: [email protected] * Ven. HOUY PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Mann Keang Website: N/A Director Kampot Buddhism for Development Kampong Thom BFDK Slaket village, Prey Tahou commune, Stung Sen district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 734467 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Miss CHHOUY Sokheang Project Officer 017 683903 Kampong Thom Miss LIM Chan Mony Chakriya Khom Accountant 089 672324 Kampong Thom Driector 012 734467 Kampong Thom Sokny Administrator 092 637845 Kampong Thom Khong Vannarin Project Officer Project Officer 017 899886 092 805369 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom * Mr. LY Mrs. NEANG Mr. Mr. NHEAN UT Buddhist Association for Environment Development BAED Santhor Raing Sei Pagoda, Khpob Tanguon village, Stung Trang commune, Kompong Cham Province CCC Box: 451 Phone: 012 973521 E-mail: [email protected] * Ven. SEANG PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Leang Website: N/A Director 012 973521 Kampong Cham Buddhist Association for Relief of the Poor BARP 13, Street 2005, Kakab commune, Dangkor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 501 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 011 320455 [email protected] SOK PO Box: Fax: N/A Sony Website: N/A N/A Chairman 012 337356 Buddhist for Development BFD Wat Anlongvil village, Anlongvil commune, Sangke district, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 370041/012 817915 Fax: 053 370041 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HENG Moneychenda PO Box: N/A www.bfdkhmer.org Director 012 817915 Battambang Buddhist Morality Education Center BMEC 178, Street 143, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 270 Phone: 023 996078 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SAM Sinan PO Box: N/A N/A Director Cambodge Enfance Development CED KeanKlang Center, Tanlesab Blvd., Chrauychangva, Rasseykeo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 259651 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. CHHOUK SBARNG Seiha Seyha PO Box: N/A N/A Director Programme Manager 012 259651 092 941145 Cambodia Arts and Scholarship Foundation CASF 61A, Street 386, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Ms. 017 672671/017 672673 [email protected] CHAP PRAK Sodary Sokuntheary CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: N/A www.cambodianscholarship.org Director Assistant Director Page 49 Cambodia Association of Poverty People Development CADPP Tropaing Talat village, Samrong Tong district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 965307 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mrs. CHEY Sonteakry PO Box: N/A N/A Director Kampong Speu Cambodia Community Development Federation CCDF 192, Street 336, Boeung Salang, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 207 Phone: 016 879771 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HUN Khemra PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 016 879771 Cambodia Community Foundation Network CCFiN 371, Street 29C, Thnort Chrum village, Boeung Tompon, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 288 Phone: 023 220 441/092 155788 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. LAY Miss PHAN Miss PREAP PO Box: N/A Pektry Executive Director 012 829096 Sinet Viyana Credit Union Assistant Finance & Administrative Officer 092 583212 092 155788 Mrs. SAREN Sopheavatey Network Training Officer 089 997470 Mr. Kimyouheng Credit Union Officer 016 663243 SOK N/A Cambodia Development Rice farming season Association CDA Damrei Chankla village, Damrei Chankla commune, Steung Sen district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 062 962333 [email protected] HUNG PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Sokun Website: N/A Director 012 559086 Cambodia Family Support CFS 400, Group 19, Sangkat Ocha, Battambang city, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 390419/012 893678 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. CHEAT * Dr. ENG Mrs. SEAB Try Samnang Sopha PO Box: N/A www.cambodiafsa.org Coordinator Executive Director Administrator 012 700704 012 893678 092 782081 Battambang Battambang Battambang Cambodia Federation for Human Rights and Development CFHRAD 18CE0, Street 276, Boeung Keng Kang II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 891215 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. SIM THAO Dony Veasna PO Box: N/A N/A Vice Director Director Cambodia Federation of Farmers' Organization CFFO 113 (Park Way Suare), 3rd Floor, Mao Ste Toung Blvd., Toul Svay Prey I, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 295 Phone: 012 854802 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. KUY MOVE Vat Sophonnavy Director Coordinator PO Box: N/A N/A 017 541422 Cambodia Global Action CGA 45, Street 528, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 238 PO Box: Phone: 023 885735 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 2445 www.cambodiaglobalaction.org Page 50 Mr. NEN Lim Hourn Programme Officer 012 519471 * Mr. TUN Chhay Exercutive Director 012 974983 Stung Treng Cambodia Health Education Media Service CHEMS 90, Street Lum, Toeuk Tlar, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 880742 Fax: 023 880634 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. KIM Sokuntheary PO Box: 103 www.chems.org.kh Executive Director Cambodia Human Resource Development CHRD Kompong Svay village, Kompong Svay commune, Sereysophon district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A 054 958996 Phone: [email protected] E-mail: Mr. CHHEAN Mr. HANG Miss KHIVE Mr. LORN PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: N/A Syyor Assistant Programme Officer 017 868300 Banteay Meanchey Buntha Ponlue Programme Officer Programme Officer 012 486560 012 313608 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Trob Programme Officer 012 597461 Banteay Meanchey Mr. SENG Miss SOEUY Ing Kimsoeun Programme Officer Programme Officer 012 515522 012 504680 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Mr. Sokhom Programme Management 012 974390 Banteay Meanchey Chhorn Kimsot Director Assistant Administrator & Accountant 012 936717 089 852892 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey SOK * Mr. SOK Miss SOK Mr. SOM Miss Y Meun Assistant Programme Officer 092 373950 Banteay Meanchey Vannak Administrator & Accountant 017 524677 Banteay Meanchey Cambodia Islamic Youth Association CIYA Dobai school, Chrang Chamres I, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 462 Phone: 016 860694/012 430633 Fax: 023 215837 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A ABUPAKA Sales President HAP Omaly Vice President & Project Manager 011 430633 Cambodia Mekong River Restoration and Development Organization CMRDO 253E2, Street 217, Oreusey II, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 199 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. 011 855588 N/A LENG SOK PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: Bora Ratha N/A N/A General Secretary Director 011 851748 011 855588 Cambodia Organization for Human Rights and Development COHD Pur Andort village, Sangkat Roleab, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: 452 Phone: 052 6300067/012 723853 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. CHEANG KIM Chorn San PO Box: N/A N/A Accountant & Administrator Executive Director 012 723853 Pursat Cambodia Poor Children Support Organization CPCSO Ta Check village, Chreav commune, Siem Reap district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 873014 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SREY Sunthan PO Box: N/A N/A Director Siem Reap Cambodia World Family Krong Kep Phnom Live village, Porng Teuk commune, Damnak Chang Aer district, Krong Kep Phone: 012 598889 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. OM Chamnap CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director CCC Box: N/A PO Box: N/A N/A 012 598889 Kep Page 51 Mr. PEN Ravuth Accountant 017 822218 Kep Mr. TEP Chean Administrative Officer 012 410849 Kep Cambodia Youths for Development Society Organization CYDSO Rokapork village, Toul Ampil commune, Borseth district, Kompong Speu Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 486315 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. CHEA Tony Project Officer Kampong Speu Mr. Mr. CHOK HORM Sao Sac Project Officer Project Officer Pailin Kampong Speu * Mr. Mr. Mr. PHOEUN Kao Executive Director 092 486315 Kampong Speu SARIN TOUT Puthy Poa Programme Manager Project Manager 092 486315 Kampong Speu Pailin Cambodian Association for Development of Economy Together CADET Pha Av village, Pha Av commune, Batheay district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 205 Phone: 012 775997 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. KOU Satum Administrator & Accountant * Mr. Mr. SOK SOK Saly Bunsean Director Programme Manager Mr. SOT Sovannarith Assistant Programme Manager Kampong Cham 012 775997 012 203340 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Cambodian Association for Rural Development and Health CARDH 558, Sophy village, Kampong Svay commune, Serei Sophorn district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: 249 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Ms. 054 390018/012 405141 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A KHUN Borin Executive Director Banteay Meanchey PHIN PHLEK Saphon Sy Vann Branch Advisor Acting Accountant Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey 011 713164 Cambodian Brahma Breeder Association CBBA 124, 15 village, Sothearos Blvd., Sangkat Tonlebasac, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 016 886888 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SREY Chanthou PO Box: N/A N/A Director 016 886888 Cambodian Building Organization CBO 41, Group3, Okjay village, Odambang I commune, Sangke district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 379 Phone: 012 925212/012 288831 Fax: 053 952800 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Miss HENG KUCH PRUM ROUM SOEURN Saourth Rosal Lep Roerm Botum PO Box: N/A N/A Project Supervisor Executive Director Project Officer Project Officer Accountant 017 828734 012 288831 012 547246 092 634095 017 541449 Battambang Battambang Banteay Meanchey Odor Meanchey Battambang Cambodian Center for Independent Media CCIM 14A, Street 392, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 91 Phone: 023 726842 Fax: 023 726843 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. MEAS NOP PA SORN Kheang Vy Nguon Teang Ramana CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.ccimcambodia.org Administrative & Finance Manager Programme Manager Director Administrative Officer 017 556099 012 519261 012 421215 Page 52 Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights CCPCR 22, Street 337, Group 3, Pong Piey village, Phnom Penh Thmey commune, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 284 Phone: E-mail: Mr. 023 880690/012 967385 [email protected] NGET Mrs. NOP Ms. TEP * Mr. YIM 2487 PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: http//ccpcr.wetpaint.com Thy Project Manager 012 729895 Samnang Sopheap Administration Officer Project Coordinator 012 773196 012 963907 Po Exective Director 012 967385 Svay Rieng Cambodian Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics CAMCAPE 1121, Street 271, Toeuk La ak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 635211 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 2058 www.camcape.org BUT Someth Co-Deputy Director 012 473701 CHUM PA Sovankunthearos Chanroeun Co-Deputy Director Executive Director 012 635211 012 766364 SAM Sokharith Head of Research Office 012 789117 SO Phina Head of Administrative/Human Resource 012 935223 Banteay Meanchey Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence Association CCASVA 24, Street 478, Toul Tom Poung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 354 Phone: 023 993615/012 888613 Fax: 023 993615 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PHOK Bunroeun PO Box: 2203 N/A Executive Director 012 888613 Cambodian Children Development Organization CCD 30B, Street 376, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 283 Phone: 017 453374/090 301845 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A KIRI Rotana Executive Director 017 453374 NGIN REOUNG SOK Saroeun Sakiry Chansetha Administrator & Finance Project Officer Programme Manager 012 617461 012 361415 Cambodian Children Orphan for Living and Training CCOLT 206, Street 77BT, Boeung Tompon, Meanchey, Phnon Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 855926 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. PHAY THOURN Sophal Sinan PO Box: N/A N/A Administrator & Financer Director 012 855926 012 899018 Cambodian Children Trust CCT Wat Romdul village, Sankat Chamcar Samrong, Battambong Town, Battambong Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 712451 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PON Miss TWINKLER Jedtha Tara PO Box: N/A N/A Director Donor Representative/Founder 012 712451 012 578139 Battambang Battambang Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation CCAF 225, Street 2001, Kakab, Dangkor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 890186 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Mr. ALCOCK HING PA Emma Channarith Titchantra CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 850 www.camcaf.org ECE Advisor Chief Executive Officer Bookkeeper 012 712260 016 811720 Kampot Page 53 Ms. RITH Sopheary Internal Auditor 012 294973 Mr. Mr. RITHY SOK Chandara Chhoeun Support Staff Community Development Officer 012 783938 Kampot Sarang ECE Unit Supervisor 092 689095 Kampot Mrs. YOEUNG Cambodian Commissioner for Development Organization CCD Svay village, Samrong commune, Samrong district, Takeo Province CCC Box: 209 Phone: 089 820708 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHHE Thuok PO Box: N/A N/A Director 089 820708 Takeo Cambodian Community Development CCD Kratie village, Kratie commune, Kratie Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 674880 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HOM Sakunth PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Kratie Cambodian Community Development Organisation CCDO 18, Group 23, Chak Angre Loeu, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 257 Phone: 016 869778/012 756331 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. Mr. Miss PO Box: N/A N/A CHHORN Neang Nith Executive Director SAN SIM SOK Sopisith Sivuthy Teang Administrator Program Coordinator Accountant 016 869778 Cambodian Community Saving Federation CCSF Romchek 5 village, Rattanak commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province. CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952958 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A www.ccsf-cambodia.com Ms. Ms. HUOT NGET Sothavy Ny Executive Secretary Accounting & Admin Manager 092 291340 012 768478 Battambang Battambang * Ms. PHAL Pisey Chief Executive Officer 053 952958 Battambang Cambodian Craft Cooperation CCC 21c, Street 371, Toeuk Tla, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 986239 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. SEUNG YONN Kimyonn Thany PO Box: 1163 www.cambodian-craft.com Executive Director Production Manager 011 984879 012 630375 Cambodian Defenders Project CDP 12, Street 282, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 92 Phone: 023 362524/720032 Fax: 023 720031 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. BUN CHAK CHEA CHEA CHUM HONG HUY IN KAHAN KE KHUT KONG KONG Rithy Chan Dara Vuth Puthea Sathya Sophy Sovannaly Kim Soun Vannara Vuthy Jeffery M. Chamroeun Sovanarith Pisey Heng CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 921 www.cdpcambodia.org Provincial Officer Interpreter Finance Manager Case Intake Lawyer (LAP) Lawyer Provincial Officer Executive Assistant Advisor Lawyer (LAP) IT Officer Chief Technical Advocate Lawyer (PP) 012 853340 012 662265 012 777134 011 954051 011 758578 017 915354 012 954185 012 945719 012 753339 012 519309 012 945725 011 953685 Battambang Siem Reap Page 54 Ms. MEAS Sokhom Project Coordinator (WRC) 092 938083 Ms. Mr. MEAS MOEUN Sokunthea Sovann Lawyer (WRC) Lawyer (PP) 012 921964 012 787065 Mr. NEANG Panha Lawyer (LAP) 012 394060 Ms. Ms. NOU NOUN Navy Chanthavisoth Lawyer (CAT) Cashier 012 881896 016 863865 Mr. ROTH Chanthol Lawyer (PP) 016 791029 Mr. Mr. SAM SAM Sokong Cham Roeun Lawyer Lawyer (WRC) 012 606101 012 680233 Ms. SAN Sony Lawyer (PP) 012 524587 Ms. SATH Thida Lawyer (CAT) 012 437379 Mr. Ms. SENG SIN Kimlem Soworn Administrative Manager Lawyer (Cambow) 012 914799 012 914532 * Mr. Mr. Mr. SOK Sam Oeurn Lawyer - Executive Director 012 901199 SOK SREY Dara Sary Lawyer (PP) Lawyer 012 432400 012 988144 Mr. THOEUN Sophal Lawyer (PP) 012 903644 Ms. Ms. TOP TOUCH Kandara Voleak Receptionist Lawyer (WRC) 012 212274 012 910556 Mr. TREC Teang Administrative Assistant 012 781125 Cambodian Development Mission for Disability CDMD Wat Saravorn, 43, Street 178, Chey Chumnas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 210732 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: 1400 www.cdmdcambodia.org LUY NHIP Hak Thy Field Supervisor Executive Director 012614594 012 718008 SAN Sothon Finance & Administrative Coordinator 012 550540 Cambodian Development & Relief Center for the Poor CDRCP Kampong Trach district, Kampot Province CCC Box: 217 Phone: 012 651123 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. LENG Sothea PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 651123 Kampot Cambodian Disabled Independent Living Organization CDILO Bos Angkanh village, Kien Svay district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 016 851841 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: 624 N/A EU NGIN Ly Saorath Vice-chair of board Managing Director 012 990702 016 851841 NIM SOM TAING Niradeth Chettana Sopheak Chair of the board Finance Manager Deputy Director 012 929993 012 878645 016 954953 Kandal Cambodian Disabled Peoples' Organization CDPO Wat Than, Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 216 Phone: 023 221823 Fax: 023 221823 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. EANG HENG KY NGIN SAN VONG YIM Chandara Channtey Sophan Saorath Sreypov Monea Mean CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2008 www.cdpo.org Senior Programme Officer Senior Program Officer Administrative & Finance Manager Executive Director Finance & Administrative Assistant Finance & Administrative Officer Senior Programme Officer 012 681293 012 338814 016 630486 016 851841 011 212492 012 497049 Page 55 Cambodian Dry Season Rice Development Association CRDA 119, Kampong Thom village, Sangkat Kampong Rartes, Steung Sen Town, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 012 605835 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A CHEA Vanchan Director 012 605835 Kampong Thom CHUON Seyla Rith Deputy Director 012 333223 Kampong Thom Cambodian Economic Association CEA C/o CDRI 56, Street 315, Boeung Kak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 971055 Fax: 023 880734 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHAN Sophal PO Box: 622 www.cea-cambodia.org President Cambodian Education Foundation CEF 16, Street 556, Boeung Kork I, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 457 Phone: 017 232447 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Ms. KETH Phanna Vice President * Mr. MENN Sovan President PO Box: N/A N/A 017 232447 Cambodian Elder Support Organization CESO 9P, Street 21, Boeung Tumpon, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 233 Phone: 012 616495/012 536117 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. AN * Mr. KEO Miss PHOEURN PO Box: N/A N/A Leangna Chantha Programme Coordinator Director 012 536117 012 616495 Sopheap Administrator & Accountant 016 318522 Cambodian Family Economic Development Association CFEDA Road 4, Group 18, Sophy village, Kampong Svay commune, Serey Sophorn district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Ms. * Ms. 012 420432 [email protected] KHUON LIM PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Rachana Savuth Website: N/A Administrator & Accountant Management Committee 012 420432 Banteay Meanchey Cambodian Farmers' Association Federation for Agricultural Development CAMFAD Rop Ko village, Prey Chhlak commune, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: 291 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mss Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. 044 945553 Fax: 044 945553 [email protected] KEO LO MEAS MEY SIM SOK TEP TEP TITH Tola Davy Noun Min Sophearak Sotha Sovann Rotha Dany Website: PO Box: N/A www.camfad.org Administration & Finance Officer Accounting Assistant CDF Staff CDF Staff Office Assistant Executive Director CDF Staff Agricultural Manager Senior Officer 016 750324 016 881020 016 394976 011 250993 012 947319 016 945553 011 232670 016 421551 011 237725 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Cambodian Health and Human Rights Alliance CHHRA Wat Bo village, Sangkat Salakamroek, Siem Reap Towm, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: 316 Phone: 012 944515 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. SAM Hing CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Project Manager PO Box: 545 N/A 012 910931 Odor Meanchey Page 56 * Mr. SIN Kim Horn Executive Director Siem Reap Cambodian Health Committee CHC 64, Street 592, Boeung Kork II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 19 Phone: 023 885169 Fax: 023 885169 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 119 N/A Mr. LOK Chanthan Senior Administrator & HR 012 844625 Mr. * Dr. PEN SOK Sovath Thim Finance Manager Executive Director 012 997206 012 952858 Cambodian Health Education Development CHED 24A, Street 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 220 Phone: 023 993308 Fax: 053 952771 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Ms. PO Box: 124 www.chedcambodia.org HENG Naroth Administrator/Finance Manager 012 683517 Battambang KREAL LOK Sopheap Vicheth Printing Manager Executive Director 012 680645 012 939590 Battambang MAM Pou Kalian Administrative & Finance Officer 012 987047 Mr. Ms. OUER PECH Kimhai Sameth SF-P Project Manager RH-WBP Team Leader 012 330551 012 471625 Ms. SEAN Sonida Site Coordinator 012 994338 Pailin Ms. Ms. THAY THON Leakhena Vuthea Administrative & Finance Assistant SF-P Project Manager 017 245984 017 700985 Kampong Cham Battambang Kampong Cham Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care CHEC 84, Street 204, Toek La ak III, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 54 Phone: 023 884473/012 620608 Fax: 023 884473 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. CHEA Mrs. CHHORN Mrs. EK Dr. HENG * Dr. KASEM Mr. KIM Mr. KONG Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Ms. Mr. KOSAL NATH NHIM NOP PEN PRACH SEN SIM SIN SRUN TE YOU PO Box: 636 www.checcambodia.org Many Borey Home Based Care Team Leader Home Based Care Team Leader 012 1887637 092 188187 Kampong Chhnang Prey Veng Sim Hor Phirum Kolnary Home Based Care Team Leader Training Coordinator Director 012 371189 016 879032 012 945077 Kampong Cham Ton Linda Senior Training Officer Communication Manager 012 470136 012 519855 Rachna Boravuth Kimthy Sambath Reasey Sam Ol San Sophea Pisey Nhor Sokvy Ngorn Finance & Administrative Assistant Home Based Care Officer Training Officer Home Based Care Team Leader Media Officer Home Based Care Team Leader Home Based Care Team Leader Home Based Care Coordinator Accountant Home Based Care Team Leader Finance & Administrative Manager Home Based Care Team Leader 012 777331 012 998435 012 1840689 012 493841 012 617901 092 267928 012 896391 012 516350 012 839151 012 522587 012 7144054 Prey Veng Prey Veng Kandal Kandal Kandal Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association ADHOC 3, Street 158 (Oukghna Troeung Kang), Boeung Raing, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 20 Phone: 023 218653/990544 Fax: 023 217229 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. THUN Saray PO Box: 1024 www.adhoc-chra.org President 016 880509 Cambodian Islamic Development Community CIDC 16, Street 608, Boeung Kork II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 236 Phone: 012 877384/016 621182/011 896530 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1427 N/A Page 57 * Mr. Y Sary Director Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights LICADHO 16, Street 99, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 279 Phone: 023 360965/727102 Fax: 023 360965 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Ms. Ms. Mr. PO Box: 499 www.licadho-cambodia.org KEK Galabru President KONG PILORGE Chanroatha Naly Deputy Director of Finance Director 012 764223 012 803650 SVAY Thy Deputy Director of Administration & Human Resource 012 922546 Cambodian NGO Network CNGON Road 2, Sophy village, Sangkat Kampong Svay, Sereisophon Town, Banteay Meanchey CCC Box: N/A Phone: 054 958757 Fax: 054 958757 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A IM Kimsan Project Staff KHUONG NGOV Sopheak Sophy Executive Secretary Project Staff Ms. SREY Samoeut Project Officer 012 606938 Banteay Meanchey Mr. TITH Chandy Administrative/Finance Assistant 012 541038 Banteay Meanchey * Mr. Ms. 012 351443 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Cambodian NTFP Development Organization CANDO 3 village, Sangkat Labansiek, Banlung municiplity, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 075 974189 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A N/A HEANG Sarim Director 092 286383 Ratanakiri YUN Samnol Programme Coordinator 092 204280 Ratanakiri Cambodian Optometry Association COA 75B, Street 57, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 407 Phone: 023 219199 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. * Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: 2580 N/A MEY RAY Chann Osaphear Soeum Ny Administrator & Accountant Director & Optometrist SIM YAN Srey Oun Dara Administrative Assistant Optomestrist 012 772866 011 877667 Cambodian Organisation for Assistance to Families and Widows CAAFW Group 18, Road 4, Sisophon Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 054 958882 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. * Mr. Mr. Mr. CHHIN SOUR TOEM VATH Phalla Iyong Pronh Chhorn PO Box: N/A N/A Administrator Director Accountant & Cashier Deputy Director 012 599094 017 550825 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Cambodian Organization for Children and Development COCD 34, Street 480, Phasar Doeum Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 353 Phone: 012 234773/012 677177 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. UNG Pola CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 113 N/A Executive Director 012 234773 Page 58 Cambodian Organization for Research Development and Education CORDE Romchek4 village, Ratanak commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 935416 Fax: 053 730528 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. PO Box: 340 www.cordecambodia.org CHENG Ra Field Coordinator 092 693775 Preah Vihear HOU ING Sopheap Chanthoeurth Executive Director Field Coordinator 092 263587 Battambang Battambang Mrs. RANIGA Shaku Technical Advisor 012 750186 Ms. Mr. Sokuntheary Sokun Field Coordinator Field Coordinator 092 270440 017 866459 * Mr. Ms. RETH VONG Odor Meanchey Pursat Cambodian Organization for Veteran Economic Development COVED Psar Depo III, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 435 Phone: 092 739990 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. EM Sam Oeun PO Box: 1650 N/A Director Cambodian Population Community CPC 330, Group 14, Wat Romdoul village , Sangkat Chamcar Samrong, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 641238 E-mail: [email protected] PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: N/A Miss HORN Mrs. LENG Sopheak Thida In charge Director/Finance Youth & Women Affair Program Manager 012 552948 Battambang Battambang Miss MEUN * Mr. ROEUP Miss SIN Samoeurt Samoeut Line Children Affair Program Manager Director Women Sewing Machine Team Leader 012 361196 012 641238 092 804265 Battambang Battambang Battambang Cambodian Researchers for Development CRD 77, Street 103/474, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 24 Phone: 023 364263 Fax: 023 364263 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. LY Saroeun PO Box: 429 N/A Managing Director 012 804420 Cambodian Rights and Justice Protection Organization CAREPO 143E1, Street 105, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 312 Phone: 011 998696 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. VUN Sothan PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Diretor 011 998696 Cambodian Rural Development Team CRDT 695, Street 2, Kratie commune, Kratie district, Kratie Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 454636 Fax: 072 971232 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CHANN HANG HEAN MEAS NGETH NGOURN OR PHON SANN SUN Sarith Vong Pheap Viphou Senglay Eng Channy Sythath Soprey Mao CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2539 www.crdt.org.kh Finance & Administrative Assistant Human Resouce Manager Programme Manager Field Coordinator Field Coordinator Field Coordinator Executive Director Field Coordinator Finance & Administrative Manager Deputy Director 011 509499 099 394701 011 606123 012 472961 011 969034 016 320908 012 454636 011 530201 012 617613 012 635865 Kratie Kratie Kratie Mondulkiri Kratie Stung Treng Kratie Kratie Kratie Kratie Page 59 Cambodian Socio-Economic Development and Democracy Association CSDA O'Ambel village, Oambel commune, Serisophoan district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 835931 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. LEV Penh Human Rights & Democracy Project Officer Administrator & Accountant Program Manager 092 861767 Banteay Meanchey Mr. Mr. LEV SIM Roeun Vengtry 012 577815 092 323718 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey * Mr. Mr. Mr. SOK Sarun Director 017 356542 Banteay Meanchey THET YOUNG Mony Sokhon Income Generation Project Officer Fund Raising and M&E Officer 012 585669 012 587362 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Cambodian Union Federation CUF 16, Street 11, Chom Chao, Dangkor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 837789 Fax: 023 884329 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 1071 N/A CHOUN Momthol President 012 837789 MOM SOK Thorn Thach Director of Labor Defender Bureau Administrative Manager 012 842382 Ms. SOK Phanet Director of Youth & Employment Bureau Mr. THOL Norn Deputy Director of Education Bureau Mr. UON Kimsuo Finance Officer Cambodian Vision in Development CVD 213, Group 41 Prekmohatep village, Svaypor commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Mr. 053 952198 PO Box: 299 Fax: 053 953198 [email protected] Website: www.cambodianvision.com IV MOUNH Kosal Sarath HIV/AIDS Program Manager Executive Director 012 773989 012 565699 Battambang Battambang NGAN PHONG PIN Sophary Socheat Bunthan Finance Officer PCST-PL Program Manager PCST-PL Program Manager 012 882308 012 977291 012 943288 Battambang Pailin Pailin VANN Mean STC Program Manager 012 447135 Battambang Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development CVCD 55BEo, Street 122, Phsar Depo, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 228 Phone: 012 879223/012 996136 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. CHHIM DOEUR IM KAN VIN Kosal Sarath Dara Sylong Sama PO Box: 1289 www.cvcd.org.kh English & Computer Manager Executive Director NFEP Manager Administrative Manager Sale Manager for Rice Project 092867505 012 879223 012 468569 012 996136 012 476522 Cambodian Women for Peace and Development CWPD 128D9-10, Street Sothearos, Tonle Basac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 484 Phone: 023 222453 Fax: 023 222453 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Ms. * LCT Mrs. LCT LCT LCT Mr. LCT Mrs. CHHIM CHOU MEACH MEN OUK SAN SOUM TAN UCH Pheavy Bun Eng Soteary Sam An Maly Arun Sen Phally Ponh CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.cwpd.net Project Manager Executive Director Deputy Director President Treasury Vice President Administrative Officer Project Manager Project Manager 012 258544 012 872639 012 739851 012 222497 012 970294 016 813836 012 562024 Page 60 Cambodian Women Support Organization COWS 26, Damrei Chankla Blvd, 1 village, Sangkat Kampong Thom, Steung Sen city, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 784122 E-mail: N/A * Ms. CHUM PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: Chanputheavy N/A Director 012 784122 Kampong Thom Cambodian Women's Crisis Centre CWCC 42F, Street 488, Phsar Deum Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Pemh CCC Box: 356 Phone: 023 993055/987158 Fax: 023 987158 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. KET PO Box: 2421 www.cwcc.org.kh Noeun Office Manager 012 715146 Ms. KONG Miss MOUNG Lakhena Mearedy Secretary General Office Manager 012 353087 012 925579 * Miss SAY Mr. SOUNG Vathany Executive Director 092 993358 Sopheap Office Manager 012 969538 Siem Reap Banteay Meanchey Cambodian Women's Development Agency CWDA 19, Street 242, Boeung Prolit, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 100 Phone: 023 210449 Fax: 023 210487 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. CHAN Mrs. CHHOEUNG * Mrs. HUN Mrs. KEO Mrs. SAO PO Box: 2334 N/A Ratanak Ubol Sunlay Programme Manager Programme Manager 012 824958 012 302499 Phanna Sichan Sotheary Acting Director Programme Manager Administrator & Accountant 012 995199 016 904915 012 824951 Cambodian Youth Development CYD 14B, Street 418, Toul Tom Poung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 335 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 012 989833 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A N/A CHIN Mardy Executive Director 012 989833 SOK Leang Project Assistant 012 299296 Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency CRRT Suite 485, Building F, Phnom Penh Center/Street 274/3, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 217607 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. BOREI CHHAY UK Sylyvann Sarath Saysokonthea PO Box: N/A www.crrt-cambodia.org Communicationn Officer Coordinator Finance & Administrative Assistant 012 981382 012 589958 012 388613 Cambodia's Media Forum on Environment CMFE 127, Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 225 Phone: 023 350296 Fax: 023 350296 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. EK Visarakhun PO Box: 1632 www.environmentaljournalistgroup.org.kh President 012 988860 Center for Advance Study CAS 160, Street 156, Teuk Laak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 26 Phone: 023 884564 Fax: 023 884564 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. E HEAN HUN KE Neng Sokhom Thirith Kunthamealea CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 2030 www.cascambodia.org Administrator President Researcher Researcher Page 61 Mr. LATH Poch Researcher Ms. Mr. LIM NGET Sidedine Sovannaro Researcher Accountant Mr. SOU Ketya Researcher Center for Social Development CSD 19, Street 57, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 227 Phone: 023 364735 Fax: 023 364736 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.csdcambodia.org Ms. CHAP Chandina Radio Programme Manager 012 822485 Ms. Ms. CHOU CHUON Vineath Sokunthy Court Watch Project Manager Deputy Head of Public Forum Unit 012 554828 016 872265 Mr. HAK Sokleap Kep Pilot Project Coordinator 012 831264 Mr. Mr. HAY IM Chanthan Sophea IT Manager Deputy Executive Director 017 353935 016 888552 Dr. IM Francios Head of Election & Parliamentary Unit 012 376301 SENG SOEURNG Theary C. Chandara Executive Director Head of Finance Unit 012 222552 012 777077 SOK Leang Acting Head of R & P and Coordinator of Civil POC 012 588081 * Ms. Mr. Mr. 1340 PO Box: Kep Centre d'Etude et de Development Agricole Cambodgien CEDAC 119, Street 257,Teuk Laak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 428 Phone: 023 880916/012 447599 Fax: 023 885146 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 1118 PO Box: www.cedac.org.kh Mr. Mr. BAO HOUR Vuthy Sreng Zonal Coordinator Zonal Coordinator 012 984849 012 721644 Mr. Mr. Mr. KEAM KHIM KIN Makarady Sophanna Meng Se Programme Director (H&E) Senior Programme Advisor Programme Officer 012 869443 012 805454 012 967523 Mr. LANG Mrs. MEAS Mrs. NOU Seng Horng Nimol Socheat Programme Director (CESDE) Office Manager NAP Manager 012 959736 012 515852 012 431567 Mr. Mr. Mr. OR OUCH OUM Thy Ngak Savin Training Coordinator (CILD) HR Manager Finance Manager 012 985272 012 887648 016 858448 Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Dr. Mr. PEAN PRAK SAM SIM SIM TATH YANG YI Sokha Sereyvath Vitou Kong Samoeun Sok Saing Koma Kimthan Programme Director (P&C) Senior Programme Advisor Programme Director (CILD) Programme Director (RDC) Programme Director (CFP) Project Coordinator President Programme Officer 012 578312 012 887966 012 859917 012 887989 012 872386 012 832279 012 802201 012 998655 Takeo Prey Veng Cham Khmer Islam Minority Human Rights and Development Association CKIMHRDA Prek Tapov village, Prek Pra, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 226 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mrs. 012 449800 N/A HAK LY SA SA PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: Mousda Shary Mohamadsen Sokila N/A N/A Trainer Project Officer Executive Director Administrator 092 990079 092 260070 Charity Foundation for Children CFC 416, Street 24BT, Boeung Tom Pun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 232 Phone: 017 901962 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. DITH Sareth CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.charity-cfc.org Public Liasion & Fund Raising 016 505216 Page 62 Mr. EAN Pheara Technical Coordinator 012 912891 * Mr. Ms. SEK UCH Socheath Muyseam President Administrative & Finance Manager 017 901962 011 689396 CHETTHOR CHETTHOR 328, Street 11, Prek Ksay village, Prek Ksay Kor commune, Peam Ror district, Prey Veng Province CCC Box: 405 Phone: 016 753696/012 688121 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. CHHIM Mr. EATH Mrs. KIM Mr. N/A N/A Chanthearith Administrator & Accountant 016 681912 Prey Veng Sitha Yon NRM Programme Coordinator SBD Programme Coordinator 016 638496 016 922086 Prey Veng Prey Veng Savoeun Programme Manager 017 527523 Prey Veng Mrs. SAO Miss THOUK Thoeun Thida 016 496730 016 992736 Prey Veng Prey Veng Mrs. TIT Mrs. VONG Sroeun Sany CBO Programme Coordinator Community Resources Programme Coordinator Cashier Health & HIV/AIDS Programme Coordinator Director 016 301995 016 912276 Prey Veng Prey Veng 016 753696 Prey Veng * Mr. PRAK PO Box: YUN Sarith Child Assistance for Mobilization and Participation CAMP 95, Sansam Kosal I village, Boeun Tampun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Ms. 012 982227 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A www.camp2000.org NGET Sokha Advisor 012 982227 PHEAR Sok Reaksmey Director 011 521697 Child Hope Organization CHC 420, Group 7, Street 5, Ramchek 4 village, Sangkat Rattanak, Battambang town, Battambang province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 6353053 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PONG Socheat PO Box: N/A www.childhopecambodia.org Director 012 560023 Battambang Child Rights Foundation CRF 71N, Street 402, Tumnup Teuk, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 338 Phone: 023 211223 Fax: 023 220276 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. CHENG CHHUN CHOR EM HUN ING KEO KONG LIK LONG LY MOM NGENG PHEAP PHENG SOK SORIN SOURN SUON THENG TOL TONN Sophorn Bunthy Chandara Chantha Seang Hak Sokhann Sitho Marady Sambo Puthicheat Senglong Thany Teng Chhin Horn Sokun Socheat Thou Leng Eab Meng Sambo Sythim CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1225 www.childrightsfound.org Receptionist Finance Officer Senior Project Officer Project Manager Project Officer Project Manager Project Officer Project Manager Project Officer Senior Project Officer Project Officer Executive Director Programme Manager Project Officer Project Manager Project Officer Senior Administrative Officer Cashier Finance Manager Project Manager Project Officer Senior Project Officer 012 611850 012 520676 017 336223 017 589007 089 838839 012 891240 012 725468 016 503573 012 526796 012 622903 012 794020 012 981164 016 678023 012 944652 012 516140 012 686578 092 556853 011 252325 012 984579 012 613367 012 525279 Page 63 Mr. UCH Chandareth Project Officer 012 945813 Mr. Ms. UNG VAN Phanarith Mary Project Officer Programme Manager 012 707821 011 976996 Mr. VAN Koy Programme Manager 012 426889 Children and Life Association CLA 9BEo, Street 390, Boeung Keng Kang III, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 469 Phone: 012 623034 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. Mr. PO Box: 2577 N/A BUTH Saman Executive Director 012 538749 Prey Veng PEOU SO Sodany Chhoeun Administrator & Accountant Programme Manager 012 623034 012 547258 Prey Veng Children and Poor Communities Development Organization CPCDO 32, Street 58P/1019, Roung Chark, Phnom Penh Thmey, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 444 Phone: 012 892541 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A BOU Samath Programme Manager 092 982895 CHHOUN MEAS Phoeun Yuth Branch Chief Exceutive Director 012 982911 012 892541 Battambang MEN Thear Administrator 011 706718 Mr. Mr. MEN SOK Thavrith Sineth Branch Chief Finance 011 250336 011 795032 Svay Rieng Mr. SOM Veasna Branch Chief 092 295388 Kampot Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia CWDCC Mouy Osaphea village, Kampong Bay, Kampot Province. CCC Box: 397 Phone: 012 699129 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A OUCH Mara Board of Director 012 699129 TIN Chorn Acting Director & Advisor 012 876451 Kampot Children Friend for Development CFD 75, Tleov village, Svay Antor district, Prey Veng Town, Prey Veng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 756026 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A BATCHELOR CHHEANG Simon Sovannara Advisor Programme Manager 012 934119 Prey Veng Prey Veng CHHIM LEAP Sakhorn Kosal Director Administrator 012 756026 092 637650 Prey Veng Prey Veng Chivit Thmey (New Life) CT 393, Group 13, Khsach Poy village, Wat Kor commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 224 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 012 943525 N/A SON SOUN PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: Sokhon Tol N/A Executive Director Programme Coordinator 012 943525 012 352223 Battambang Battambang Christian Relationship for Development CRD 55, Street 456, Toul Tompong I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 221 Phone: 012 726291 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. Mr. EAM VIN Kim Chhon Phally CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 President General Manager PO Box: N/A N/A 012 726291 Page 64 Coalition for Road Safety CRY C/o PDP Center, 133B, Street 259, Toeuk Laak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 215 Phone: 012 737494 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SIM Sophal N/A PO Box: www.crysafety.org.kh Executive Director Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia COMFREL 138, Street 122, Toek Laak I, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 439 Phone: 023 883967/884150 Fax: 023 883750/885745 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Mr. PO Box: www.comfrel.org KIM Chhorn Senior Program Coordinator 012 942019 KOUL KOY Panha Chandarith Executive Director Media Coordinator 012 942017 012 846211 Mrs. MAO Phally Head of Administration 012 723653 Miss SEENG Mr. SOK Dahlia Pitour Financial Officer Monitoring Coordinator 012 675257 089 525446 Mrs. SONKET Sereyleak Education & Gender Coordinator 012 771271 * Mr. Mr. 1145 Committee of the Development for Friendship of Rural Youth CDFRY 211E3, Monivong Blvd, 7 Makara, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 214 Phone: 012 650012 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A CHHOUK Nem Phan Exceutive Director TENG Raksmey Accountant Community Child Base Organization CCBO 5 village, Sangkat 4, Preah Sihanouk Town, Preah Sihanouk Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 034 933983 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A PAV Vannak Director 012 863523 Kampong Som SMAN Ibrahim Deputy Director 012 774775 Koh Kong Community Development Organization and Health Care CDOH Saang, Kandal Province CCC Box: 452 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 012 880344 [email protected] KIM PICH PO Box: Fax: N/A Hak Nget Kim Website: N/A N/A Director Deputy Director 012 880344 012 472300 Kandal Kandal Community For Transformation CFT Chamkar Luong village, Vang Chas commune, Oddong district, Kampong Speu province CCC Box: 436 Phone: 023 351263/012 758031 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHOUB Metta PO Box: N/A N/A Director Kampong Speu Community Legal Education Center CLEC 54, Street 306, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 211723/215590/012 811860 Fax: 023 211723 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. HUON YENG Chundy Virak CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1120 www.clec.org.kh Programme Manager Executive Director 012 942326 012 801235 Page 65 Community Poverty Reduction CPR Osandan Chas village, Teak Hout commune, Roleaphe district, Kampong Chhnang Province CCC Box: 333 Phone: 012 797930 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. ROTH Sophea PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Kampong Chhnang Community Sanitation And Recycling Organization CSARO 242, Street 109, Phnom Penh Thmei, Rossey Koe, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 387 Phone: 023 880113/012 217747 Fax: 023 880113 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 2015 www.online.com.kh/users/csaro BO Sokann SWM Programme Officer 012 217745 CHEA VIRAK HENG Srey Leak Yon Kora Accountant & Administrator Assistant Executive Director 012 556233 SENG Soksan Programme Coordinator TOUCH Bopha UCD Programme Officer 012 393077 Community Support Improve Development CSID 112, Group 10, 13 Makara village, Prek Prah Sdach commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 374 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 012 363185 [email protected] SUON PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Sunlee Website: N/A Executive Director Battambang Community-based Integrated Development Organization CIDO 174, Street 68, Pol village, Sangkat Samroang, Samroang Town, Oddor Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 719629/012 705753 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A CHANN DEN Rady Meakhea Administration and Finance Assistant Project Assistant 085 412176 011 618160 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey HUOT KHIEV KONG Kim Hong Sinang Sereyroth Executive Director Agriculture Team Leader Receptionist 011 719629 099 755726 099294007 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Mr. Mr. OEUNG OEURN Savoeun Ratana Water Technical Supervisor Cooperation Officer & General Secretary 099 335459 012 517187 Banteay Meanchey Odor Meanchey Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. POUCH ROS SAK SAM ATH TOUCH Poeuch Sam An Mom Phoeur Saleath Agriculture Field Assistant Fishery Technician Water & Sanitation Facilitator Field Assistant - Volunteer Watsan Health & Hygiene Promoter 011 619552 011 979686 092 235556 Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Odor Meanchey Banteay Meanchey * Mr. Mr. Ms. 099 952511 Conservation and Development on Cambodia CDCam 42AEO, Street 488, Psar Derm Tkouv, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 253 Phone: 011 934094 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. BUTH IM KAY KEM KONG MEAS MOUN SRORN Rothana Sokun Leak Srey Phearin Davy Vuthy Chanthorn PO Box: N/A www.cdcam.org Administrative & Finance Officer Administrator & IT Executive Director DEV Officer C.F Officer Gender Officer C.F Assistant Gender & Development Assistant 012 295381 012 932804 012 934094 012 292589 012 713351 011 883337 017 479345 011 291392 Kratie Kratie Cooperation Development for Cambodia CODEC Balang Khang Lek district , Domrei Chonkla commune, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 916065 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Page 66 * Mr. Mr. BUNCHAN Lyla Director 016 364854 Kampong Cham SREY Kimchoeun Project Manager 092 916065 Kampong Thom Cooperation for a Sustainable Cambodian Society CSCS 30A, Street 368, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 222807 Fax: 023 216307 E-mail: [email protected] Website: N/A www.cscs-cambodia.org Mr. KEO Channarith Assistant Executive Director * Ms. Mr. LAY LY Sokunthea Veasna Executive Director Project Manager SOVATH Molyrattana Accountant Ms. PO Box: 012 321123 012 602364 Cooperation for Social Services and Development CSSD 121, Street 32BT, Boeung Tompun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 373986 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Miss LAK Pheaktra Administrator & Accountant 012 253271 * Mr. MEAS Mrs. TUN Chanthan Samphy Director Programme Manager 017 373986 012 636768 Co-operative Development Agriculture Organization of Cambodia CODAC 45, Street 6, Kampong Svay village, Kampong Svay commune, Serei Sophon Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. 054 710364 [email protected] NANG PHOEU PO Box: N/A Fax: 054 710364 Lang Kim Heang Website: N/A Vice President President 012 929641 012 973698 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility CARAM Cambodia 193 AEo, Street 63, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 023 218065 Fax: 023 218065 [email protected] YA Navuth Website: PO Box: www.caramasia.org Executive Director 012 961427 Coorperation for Indegencies people and Develop in Cambodia CIDC 80, Damrei chankla village, Sangkat Damrei chankla, Steung Seng city, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: Phone: 012 713014 Fax: E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. EM Bunna 2625 PO Box: N/A Director 012 713014 Creative Holistic Recovery through Self Analysis Learning and Improvisation CHRYSALIS 33, Street 396, Boeung Kengkang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 224542 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. SAR Channy PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 819110 Culture and Environment Preservation Association CEPA 59, Street 156, Phsar Depo I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 357 Phone: 023 369179/881613 Fax: 023 369179 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. Ms. * Mr. Mr. LUY MENG SOK TEP YEN Rasmey Ly Thyra Chan Bunnarith Run CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1486 www.cepa-cambodia.org Deputy Director Administration Manager Administrative Assistant Executive Director Provincial Coordinator 012 843987 012 891376 012 887567 012 841708 Stung Treng Page 67 Cyclo Center Phnom Penh 9AEo, Street 158, Boeung Raing, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh Phone: 023 991178 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. NOUV Sarany CCC Box: N/A PO Box: N/A www.cyclo.org.uk Coordinator 012 826810 Damnok Toek Poipet/Goutte d'eau Poipet DTP/GEP Palelai village, Sangkat Poipet, Poipet Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 054 394104 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.gouttedeau.org KIM Veth Reception Coordinator LONG SUO Sanrithy Malai Rehabilitation Coordinator Representative Director 012 569365 012 508764 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey YANN Som Drop in Coordinator 012 477304 Banteay Meanchey Damnok Toek/Goutte D'eau-Cambodia DTC Prek Khsay village/commune, Peam Ro district, Prey Veng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 043 750154 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A www.gouttedeau.org Mr. MEAK Sambath Coordinator of Residential Center 017 847796 Prey Veng * Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. SAM SREY TEA VORN Sovannarith Sokhunn Ea Sin Executive Director Accountant Deputy Director Coordinator of Handicapped Children Center 012 985384 011 772716 012 970855 092 807214 Prey Veng Prey Veng Prey Veng Day Ku Aphiwat DKA 26D, Street 456, Toul Tompoung I, Chamcar Mron, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 213173 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A Ms. CHEA Mrs. CHHOM Saroem Hun Administrative & Finance Assistant Programme Staff 017 834415 012 588627 Mr. CHHON Mrs. CHOR Ms. LEANG Sokha Phalla Rattanak Tevy Programme Coordinator Programme Staff Finance Officer 017 602664 017 523071 012 341359 Peng Hor Savoeut Sokha Director 017 882897 Programme Staff Programme Staff 085 379091 092 952975 * Mrs. NEANG Mr. SOEUY Ms. UN N/A Siem Reap Kampot Odor Meanchey Kampong Speu Democratic Service Organization DSO 91, Street 320, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 239 Phone: 012 827184 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Ms. KHIEV KHIM ONG Prin Saroeun Saphean PO Box: N/A N/A President Finance Officer Vice President 092 235442 Development and Partnership in Action (Formerly CIDSE) DPA 69Z, Street 450, Toul Tum Poung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 21 Phone: 023 216369/216495 Fax: 023 217342 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Miss Miss Mr. Mrs. CHAN CHEA CHHOUK CHREA HONG KEAT Sarin Dara Dithsopheap Sandan Kimly Chenda CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 5 www.dpacambodia.org EISEI Officer Finance & Administrative Manager Receptionist Gender Officer Team Leader Finance Assistant 012 530813 012 932756 017 774849 012 948775 012 937379 012 985055 Stung Treng Page 68 Mr. Sopheak Team Leader 012 865671 Mr. KHIM Miss KHY KHIEV Sarin Chansophea ICD Manager Finance Officer 012 638685 012 500290 Mr. Sereikith Advocacy Officer 017 279868 Mrs. KOL Mr. KUY KIM Thida Sophal Partnership Assistant Project Officer 012 905854 012 632362 Mr. Sophea Partnership Programme Manager 017 999868 Putheavy Pharoeun Human Resource Management Assistant Team Leader 092 233252 012 793743 Sambath Executive Director 012 779734 LAY Mrs. LENG Mr. LIM * Mr. Mr. MAM MOM Bunna Monitoring Officer (ICD) 012 644813 NHEM PHUN Vannayuth Siphan Supporting Officer (ICD) Research Assistant 012 985504 016 850607 Mrs. SAUT Srey Documenter 012 953590 Mrs. SRENG Mr. TIEN Phyrum Hien Tang Administrative Assistant Team Leader 012 853390 092 616563 Mr. Mr. Ratanakiri Kampot Mondulkiri Development Association for Cambodia DAC 157Eo, Norodom Blvd, Sangkat Boeung Kengkang I, Khan Chamcarmorn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 231 Phone: 016 555144/017 278049 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. PO Tieng PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 016 555144 Development Association Resource Economic DARE 208, ChrabVeal village, Anlong Vil commune, Sangke district, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 483134 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Miss BUN * Mr. HY Bith Sros PO Box: N/A N/A Deputy Director Director 092 497293 012 483134 Battambang Battambang Development Enertive Community Organisation DECO 846, Group 31, O Ambel village, Sangkat O Ambel, Serei Sophon Town, Banteay Meanchey CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 812726 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. PHON Syna PO Box: N/A N/A Director Banteay Meanchey Development Khmer Community DKC 22, Boeung Snay village, Sambomeas commune, Kampong Cham Town, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 416 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 012 737271 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A EANG Phakdey Director 012 737271 Kampong Cham SEN Sam An Accountant & Administrator 012 218575 Kampong Cham Development Organization for Cambodia Society DOCS 762B, Street 150z, Phsar Depor I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 863525 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. THACH Chenda PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 863525 Development Organization for Children DOC Kandal Leu village, Banteay Dek commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 893336 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BOU Dara CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director PO Box: 1067 N/A 012 893336 Prey Veng Page 69 Developpment & Education pour I'Eau Potable DEEP Road 5, Group 7, Romchek 4 village,Sangkat Rattanak, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952993 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A CHEA Vannak Executive Director 012 530817 Battambang KHATH UON Sovath Pally Field Manager Administrator & Accountant 092 291379 Kampong Speu Battambang Dhammayietra Mongkol Borei DYMB Russey Kork village, Mongkol Borei commune, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 924248 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. ARLYS Herem PO Box: 144 N/A Team Leader 012 924248 Banteay Meanchey Digital Divide Data DDD 119Eo, Street 360, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 112 Phone: 023 220843 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. PO Box: N/A www.digitaldividedata.com IM Sopheap Branch Manager 012 987485 KANN Kunthy Country Director 017 666119 Battambang Disabled Youths Children Foundation for Education and Vocation DYCFE Trapaing Pring village, Kus commune, Tramkak district, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 776020/011 283153 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. PO Box: 824 N/A MOUNG Sopheap Executive Director 012 776020 Takeo NEAK SOCK SOUS Horn Sophat Langdy Project Officer Administrative/Financial Officer Project Manager 017 247882 012 494871 Takeo Takeo Takeo VANN Buphai Project Officer Takeo Drug Addict Relief Association of Cambodia DARAC Road 3, Kobkong village, Sangkat Chomchao, Khan Dangkau, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 212 Phone: 012 869260 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MEAS Sovan PO Box: N/A www.daraccambodia.org Director 012 869260 Eastern Women Khmer Development Cambodia EWDC 53BEo, Street 242, Chaktomouk, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 477 Phone: 016 850439 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. Mr. Ms. LY PUT TOUCH Yek Phonn Syna PO Box: N/A N/A Director Deputy Director Accountant 016 850439 012 358479 Economic Development Association of Rural Society Cambodia EDARS CAMBO Natinal Road 5, Phoum Kamdal, Kampong Chhnang Province CCC Box: 430 Phone: 012 917301 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. SAM Sisophon PO Box: N/A N/A Director Kampong Chhnang Economic Development Community Organization EDCO Kratie village, Kratie district, Kratie Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 897558 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Page 70 * Ms. BUN Chamnan Director 012 897558 Kratie Education and Development of Cambodian Skills EDCS Toul Tachan village, Prek Eng commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 370 Phone: 012 889512 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SOUS Vannak PO Box: N/A N/A President Kandal Education for Population Support Foundation EPS 7d, Russian Blvd, Tek Laak I, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 520153/012 826207 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A Mr. HOEUNG Salydavann Public Relation Department Manager 016 282817 Ms. NUON Pichsophal 012 520153 * Mr. Mr. NUON Thearom Administrative & Fiancial Department Manager President SEAGER John Adviser 012 603641 YOU Heng Field Operation Department Manager 012 203025 Mr. N/A 012 826207 Siem Reap Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment ELIE Potrom village, Sangkat Romanea, Senmonorom Town, Mondulkiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 329003 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. TOUCH Sina PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 329003 Mondulkiri Eliminate Ignorance to Development Community EIDC 105, Group 8, Dordantrey village, Kampong Thkov commune, Kralanh district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 012 919756/011 225902 N/A TUY Website: Sokun PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A N/A Director Siem Reap End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking in Cambodia ECPAT 36B, Street 99, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 272 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. 023 213021 Fax: 023 231021 [email protected] CHIN EANG KOENG MAK OU SOUN Chanveasna Seng Eav Chanboratha Chansarikraingsey Chhorda Solinh Website: PO Box: 2582 www.ecpatcambodia.org Executive Director Programme Officer Web Designer Administrative & Finace Manager Administrative & Finance Assistant Programme Coordinator 012 923254 092 292722 012 821782 012 979654 089 669685 012 731719 Environment Protection and Development Organization EPDO Peal Nhek 2 village, Pteas Prey commune, Sampovmeas district, Pursat Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 052 951642/012 860091 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. LAY MUONG NOUN PHAN PLONG POU RITH SOK SOK SUN SUN Monyrath Sreypich Sophea Bunthi Sokly Suyyeph Kunthea Sovanna Sinath Ratha Phalla CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Team Leader Field Officer Field Officer Administrative Assistant Field Officer Field Officer Field Officer Field Officer Field Officer Field Officer Program Manager 012 335424 012 967152 012 497986 089 502651 012 618230 012 497996 012 905712 092 688270 011 639788 012 678367 Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Pursat Page 71 * Mr. Mr. UTH Samreth Executive Director 012 860091 Pursat UY Savy Administrative & Finance Manager 092 520038 Pursat Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia ELCC 39, Street 271, Toeuk Laak III, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 969040 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHHIM Vanarith PO Box: N/A www.elccmissio.org Director 016 534302 Family Agriculture Development Community FADC 425, Street 21B, 1 village, Svay Rolum commune, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 728250 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Mr. Mr. * Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A CHHOEUNG Seng Rith Administrator 012 561536 Kandal HEM LIM Sarith Kimly Team Leader Director 012 930951 012 728250 Koh Kong Kandal Family In Development FID 749E1, Monivong Blvd, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 610539 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. REM Sareub Director SO Chantha Deputy Director PO Box: N/A N/A 012 791519 Battambang Farmer Livelihood Development FLD 3, Street 323, Boeung Kok II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 474 Phone: 023 998442 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 1439 www.fldcambodia.org Mr. Mr. KEO SEK Kimsay Bounna Finance Officer Administrative & HR Manager 012 809901 012 400402 * Mr. SOK Somith Executive Director 012 789173 Farmers Development Program Organization FDPO Watamim village, Odambang I commune, Sangke district, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 529029 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Miss Miss PO Box: N/A N/A HENG KUMSAN Sokly Symone Programme Manager Executive Director 017 529029 Battambang Battambang PRUM REANG Sophorn Rachana Finance & Administrative Communicator 092 137274 012 756656 Battambang Battambang Federation for Integrated Development of Agriculture in Cambodia FIDAC Group 5, Traing village, Slor Kram commune, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 063 965539 Fax: 063 965539 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. KEO KHIEV PRUM Usaphea Phalla Mao PO Box: N/A N/A Administrator & Finance Programme Manager Director 012 764119 092 120518 012 830172 Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Fine Arts Association FAA 16B, Street 348, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 235 Phone: 023 993037 Fax: 023 993666 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. * Dr. Mr. Mr. EN HANG LY MOA Sopheap Puthea Sokny Buntoo CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Coordinator President Coordinator Coordinator PO Box: 1233 N/A Takeo 015 576747 Kampong Speu Koh Kong Page 72 Mr. NE Jony Coordinator Mr. VANN Channvuthy Coordinator 012 987676 Kampot Fisheries Action Coalition Team FACT 215, Street 150, Toeuk Laok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 420 Phone: 023 992044 Fax: 023 992044 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.fact.org.kh Mr. BUNLY Than Junior Project Officer for Research 012 520660 Mr. Ms. CHOURN LEANG Bunnara Kanha Project Officer for CSPPM Finance & Administrative Manager 012 272906 012 525776 MAK Sithirith Executive Director 012 906279 MINH OM Bunly Savath Programme Coordinator Programme Manager 012 674638 016 855190 RIGUEN Thorn Project Officer for Mekong Project 012 393719 * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. N/A Friends' Association Pioneer FAP 652, Group 1, Vihearchin village, Sangkat Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap city, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 943155 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A PENG Sakun Executive Director 012 943155 Siem Reap PICH Keo Rachana Administrative & Finance 011 942126 Siem Reap Fundamental Building Organization FUBO Khnartong village, Komareachea commune, Bati district, Takeo Province CCC Box: 358 Phone: 012 923037 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SUON Monorom PO Box: N/A Director 012 923 037 Future for Cambodia Children FCC La ak village, Kondek commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: Phone: 012 920506 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KY Moeung N/A Takeo PO Box: N/A Director Siem Reap Future Light Orphanage FLO Prey Lovear village, Sangkat Choum Chao, Dangkor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 268 Phone: 023 219803 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Ms. Mr. PO Box: 818 www.futurelight-worldmate.org HEM NOUN Soeun Phaly Deputy Director Executive Director SRUN Porleang Teacher Supervisor 016 936545 Gender and Development for Cambodia GAD/C 89, Street 288, Olympic, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 128 Phone: 023 215137 Fax: 023 996934 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. * Ms. Mr. CHHAY HANG HAQUE ROS TEP Kim Sor Nary Mozammel Sopheap Phirak PO Box: 2684 www.gad.org.kh CO Manager Community Outreach Manager Technical Advisor Executive Director Administrative Assistant 012 627837 012 668105 011 267314 012 627857 011 749068 Gonesis Community of Transformation GCT 4D, Group 4, Tnoat Chrom 2, Boeung Tompun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 850663 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. CHANN Navy CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.gctcambodia.org Executive Director Page 73 Miss CHHOM Rachna Youth & Enterpreneurship C.O 089 886564 Takeo Ms. Mr. Kunthea Long Administrator Agiculture Community Organizer 012 583846 092 717275 Kandal Miss LA Montyna Women Enterpreneurship C.O 012 344662 Mr. Mr. LEK NHEB Sarath Boral Media Development C.O CoreerSkill Development C.O 012 227170 Mr. POV Borey Evironment C.O 077 944974 Mr. SOR Chetra Support System Officer 077 743883 HEM HUOT Gospel for Children GFC Satpong village, Satpong commune, Chhuk district, Kampot Province CCC Box: 274 Phone: 012 922843 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 2513 N/A Mr. CHAK Sakun Project Manager 012 579221 Kampot Mr. Mr. KANN KEAN Prorn Pros P.O Child Peace Club P.O Scholarship for Disabled Children 012 669122 012 508082 Kampot Kampot Mr. MOM Vutha P.O Transformation Development OUCH VA Channoeun Savoeun Administration & Financial Officer Director 012 688117 012 922843 Kampot Kampot Mr. * Mr. Kampot Green and Blue G and B 182CE1, Street 294, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 475 Phone: 012 804258 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. * Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A KEO KHLANG Men Hong Samket Secretary General Finance LAAU LEANG Bonna Sok Heng Member President Head the Poor for Development Organization HPDO 399, Street 907, Toul Sangke, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 375 Phone: 012 974253 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A CHHAY CHHIN Nida Touch Nonformal Education Director 012 281770 012 974253 CHOA KHUN OU Somnang Samphas Sokkhen Health Educator Programme Coordinator Nonformal Education 012 864021 012 417310 SVAY Chantha Administrator 012 647691 Health Care Organisation for Social and Community Development HOSCD 67A, Street 101, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 489 Phone: 012 917896 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Mr. * Mr. KHIEV SREY Saroun Sakhey PO Box: N/A N/A Administrator Executive Director 011 977654 012 917896 Health Education and Development Organization HEADO 37, Trapang Thnoung, Samrong Krom, Dang Kor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 777149 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHAN Saroeun PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 777149 Healthcare Center for Children HCC 132D, Street 135, Phsar Doem Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 234 Phone: 023 212133/217748 Fax: 023 212133 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHRONG Chreal CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Field Worker PO Box: 1438 www.hcc-cambodia.org 012 204838 Mondulkiri Page 74 Ms. HUOR Ngy Provincial Coordinator 016 895041 Mr. Ms. KEO KHORN Savang Sivhun Administrative & Financial Manager Administrative Assitant 012 855052 012 214121 Mr. KIM Sochy Field Worker 012 443988 Ms. * Ms. Ms. LEK LY Pheara Sotheary Assistant to ED & Programme Assistant Executive Director 011 277868 012 252779 PAV Sovan Finance Assistant 012 339580 Mr. Mr. SIM SIM Piseth Socheat Trainer CD Worker 011 351922 012 881743 Mr. SOK Sopha Programme Manager 012 777454 Mr. SUN Vireak Prevention Officer 012 806005 Mr. VEN Savoeun Center Manager & Protection Officer 012 925946 Koh Kong Mondulkiri Svay Rieng Prey Veng Kandal Help Orphanage and Arts Association HOA Raharl village, Sangkat Norkorthom, Siem Reap city, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 410758 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HUON Sok Heng PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 410758 Siem Reap Highlander Association HA 2 village, Sangkat Labansiek, Banlung Town, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 075 974189 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A DAM Chanthy Director 012 434670 Ratanakiri HUN LAT Navun Sok Em Programme Coordinator Finance & Administration Officer 092 276585 012 225324 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee HACC 175, Street 155, Toul Tompung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 217964 Fax: 023 72064 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.hacccambodia.org Ms. BUN Mrs. DUCH Monyrod Sovannara Finance Officer Administrative Officer 012 786565 012 953835 Mr. Ms. Mr. MAK NHEAN NHIM Chamroeun Vannary Dalen STICS Project Manager Accountant Database Management Assistant 012 504235 012 890541 012 929866 NO TIM UCH Migy Vora Sophal TWG & Advocacy Officer Programme Manager Regional 5 Coordinator 012 240162 012 872642 012 767919 Mr. * Mr. Mr. N/A HIV/AIDS Prevention Organization HAPO 14, 2 village, Kampong Thom commune, Stung Sen district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 207288/012 330018 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. CHAN KOUCH Nary Sokhom PO Box: N/A N/A Director Administrator & Accountant Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Hope Association for Development HAD 297, Group 11, Romchek I village, Rattanak commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: 122 Phone: 012 768498 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MAO Sophea PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 768498 Battambang Hope for Handicap Cambodian HHC Prek Loung village, Takdol commune, Takmao district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 258 Phone: 012 603758 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. IN Annuch CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Programme Manager 012 309006 Kandal Page 75 * Mr. SIN Mrs. SOK Vannarith Executive Director 012 603758 Kandal Chantha Accounting 011 451070 Kandal Hope for Khmer-Islam Organization HKIO 44, Group 4, San Samkosal II, Boeung Tumpun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 341 Phone: 012 853470 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. LIM Sreng PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 853470 Human Inborn Freedom HI-FREE 529, Group 10, Korathan village, O'Ambeil commune, Sereysophorn City, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 012 353447 [email protected] LEAV PO Box: N/A Fax: 054 710262 Roeun Website: N/A Executive Director 012 353447 Banteay Meanchey Human Resources Development Community Susstanability Organization HRDCSO Tnout Malou village, Robieb commune, Krovieng district, Preah Vihea Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 099 816432/092 723608 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. PRUM Samaky PO Box: N/A N/A Director Preah Vihear Human Rights and Development Organization HRDO Kampong Thom village, Kampong Thom commune, Stung Sen district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: 433 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 012 577459 [email protected] CHEA PO Box: Fax: N/A Channarith Website: N/A N/A Director 012 577459 Kampong Thom Human Rights and Human Resource Development Institute HHDI Preah Prosop village, Preah Prosop commune, Khsarch Kandal district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 301 Phone: 011 866104 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHOUNG Chou Ngy PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Kandal Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia HRVC Group 17, 3 village, Veal Vong commune, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 629225 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HUL Sophal PO Box: N/A N/A Director Kampong Cham Indigenous community Support Organization ICSO 224AEo, Street 376, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 229 Phone: 023 997657 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. CHANG CHIN KEO PHOK SAO SUON TEP YEM Mouy Thavro Sophat Phal Vansey Sopheap Borin Sitha PO Box: N/A www.icso.org.kh Finance Manager Capacity Building Manager Provincial Programme Coordinator Community Media Training Manager Executive Director Programme Manager Provincial Programme Coordinator Human Resource Coordinator 090 786787 012 656363 012 659055 092 270200 012 813744 012 602909 012 620190 012 505020 Mondulkiri Ratanakiri Indradevi Association IDA 15B, Street 450, Toul Tumpong, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 244 Phone: 023 355653 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1379 N/A Page 76 * Ms. DY Ratha President 012 897161 Information Communication Association of Cambodia ICTCAM C/o Hotel Cambodiana CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 992699 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.ictcam.org.kh KEN Chanthan Director 012 992699 NONG SOLA Rada Javier Chair Man ICT Development Ctte Chair 012 916216 012 415734 Initiatives of Change Association ICA/MRA 40D, Group 10, Street 39 BT, An Sam Kosal II village, Boeung Tumpun commune, Mean Chey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 300 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. Mr. 012 338887/017 467468 PO Box: 1206 Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: www.icacambodia.org BUN Borioth Administrative & Finance Officer 012 821757 KIM SRENG Vuth Bunkheng Board of Director Acting Director 012 338887 017 467468 Intermediary Agent for Development SEFOND/IAD 7 village, Kampong Thom commune, Stung Sen district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: 413 Phone: 012/015 799231 Fax: 062 962229 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mrs. LY Mr. SAR * Mr. Mr. Mr. SIENG SUY WILLIAMS PO Box: 2126 N/A Malin Lung Kiet Financial Officer Well-driller 015 453699 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Vutha Sokhen Kenny Director Field Officer D-P Representative 012 799231 092 800432 089 727041 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Islamic Local Development Organization ILDO 254, Group 18, Damspey village, Slaket commune, Battambang district, Battambang province CCC Box: 362 Phone: E-mail: 053 952213 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A www.ildocambodia.org Mr. Ms. CHEA EL Chansavuth Sreymom Community Development Worker Administration Officer 089 987752 012 910606 Battambang Battambang Mr. Mr. Ms. KEO KUN LES Yeab Bunthan Asikin Community Development Worker Community Development Worker Finance Officer 017 870982 012 640877 012 364689 Battambang Battambang Battambang LOS MAO PO SAMRETH SEM SEM TAM TEUR TOR UN El Mariyan Kinnak Kator Kalyan Leakena Ramaly Sros Van Lim Community Development Worker Community Development Worker Human Rights & Peace Project Animal Bank Project Officer Director Administrative & Accounting Assistant Community Development Worker Vice Director & Health Project Animal Bank Project Assistant Community Development Worker 012 701674 Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. 097 7888975 012 816979 012 664487 012 682956 012 599697 012 937881 012 964380 Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Promotion Association KSPA Trapang Anlong village, ChanSen commune, Odong district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 815644 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SAM Saroeun PO Box: N/A N/A Director 017 815644 Kampong Speu Kampong Thom Farmer Community Union KFCU Kampong Thom village, Sagkat Kampong Rotes, Steung Sen Town, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 620042/097 7620042 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.sefoniad.org Page 77 * Mr. KHEM Kheang Chairman Kampong Thom Kampot Peper Promotion Association KPPA Angkor Chey I, South Damnakkantout commune, Kampong Tralach district, Kampot Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 752572/089 305096 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. NGOUN Lay N/A PO Box: N/A Director 092 752572 Kampot Kampuchean Action for Primary Education KAPE Provincial Teacher Training College of Kompong Cham, Kompong Cham Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 042 941481 Fax: 042 941918 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 1621 PO Box: www.kapekh.org/new Mr. BO Sambath Finance Manager 012 902442 Kampong Cham Mr. Mr. CHUON HIN Saran Simhuon Office Manager Program Manager 012 752553 012 762632 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham ChanSopheap Program Manager 012 755019 Kampong Cham Sareth Vanna Program Manager Executive Director 012 884541 012 342322 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Mss MA Mr. * Mr. PHUONG SAO KHEMARA KHEMARA Ottaravatei Pagoda, National Road 5, Mithapheap village, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 61 Phone: 023 430620 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. KOY Phallany PO Box: 1250 N/A Executive Director 017 589887 Khmer Ahimsa KAH 59, Street 95, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 421 Phone: 023 997729 Fax: 023 223739 E-mail: [email protected] Website: N/A N/A Mr. BUN Mrs. EM Vanna Kunthea Programme Coordinator Community Peace Worker Miss HENG Ms. HUOT Mr. KIM Boravuth Thavory Sokhom Community Peace Worker Executive Director Team Leader Mr. Miss Ms. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Oudom Kolab Pailin Pov Rachany Srey Sok Andrea Administrative Officer Financial & Administrative Assistant Finance Officer Senior Peace Worker Community Peace Worker Consultant LAY LONG TACH TANN UN WEITCHER PO Box: 012 316654 011 928191 Koh Kong Koh Kong 012 685341 012 754308 097 7525560 016 766132 012 571596 Koh Kong 092 789250 Khmer Akphiwat Khmer Organization KAKO 040, Street 6, Salakansaeng village,Sangkat Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: 481 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. * Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 063 760017 [email protected] CHIM HAK HE KLORK MEY SAWAENGDEE SEANG PO Box: N/A Fax: 063 760017 Chamroeun Kimsorn Sino Yem Sineuy Bumpen Sokhom Website: www.childsdream.org Programme Officer Programme Assistant Director Field Coordinator Programme Assistant Vice Chair Programme Assistant 012 525592 012 426240 012 699235 016 832309 011 309373 Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Siem Reap Khmer Angkor Development Organization KADO Chey village, Toekvil commune, Puok district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 858015/012 967597/012 497222 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHHAY Sovannachhoeun CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Administrator & Finance 012 497222 Siem Reap Page 78 * Mr. Mr. Mr. CHHIM Sophal Director 012 967597 Siem Reap HAN RIEM Ritha Sunsoley Project Manager Project Manager 012 858008 012 858015 Siem Reap Siem Reap Khmer Association for Development of CountrySide Cambodia KAFDOC Oressey II village, Sangkat Orussey, Kratie Town, Kratie Province CCC Box: 250 Phone: 072 971584 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. CHHOEUN Rith Program Officer 012 232459 Kratie Mr. Ms. DOENG HEAN Sareouth Sinan Sponsorship Coordinator Administrative & Accounting Manager 012 792652 012 485025 Kratie Kratie Ms. NGOUN Sokunthy Field Worker * Ms. Mr. NGOUN ORK Sophanny Bony Director Field Worker Kratie 012 952992 Kratie Kratie Khmer Association for Development of Raising Animals KADRA Me Pleurng village, Sangkat Svay Rieng, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: 248 Phone: 099 797417 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. DOEUN Chuop Project Staff Mr. Ms. EN NHEAN Ponlok Thida Project Staff Administrator & Accountant Svay Rieng Svay Rieng ROS SEAV Sovanna Ann Executive Director Project Staff Svay Rieng Svay Rieng * Mr. Mr. 016 718622 Svay Rieng Khmer Association for Vocational Training and Vocation KAVTV 48Eo, Street 614, Beoung Kork II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 218 Phone: 012 850649 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A CHHEAN HEM Sarom Phang Teacher Executive Director 017 456139 012 850649 KETH KHUN NEA Ly Deth Khemara Sinath Teacher Teacher Teacher 017 451329 092 400863 012 784105 Kimsom Lab Accountant Teacher 012 508219 017 925704 Mr. TENG Miss UN . 701 Khmer Buddhist Society in Cambodia KBSC 104, Street 1982, Phom Tomnub, Phnom Penh Thmey, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 504 Phone: 012 813100 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. ING SUN Chivorn Sovath PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Deputy Director 012 601012 Khmer Children Development Organization KCDO 508, Pheal Nhek I village,Sangkat Phteas Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: 373 Phone: 012 687545 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. DOM Saven PO Box: N/A N/A President Pursat Khmer Chivit Thmei Organization KCTO 85, Boeung Kok II village, Boeung Kok commune, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012/016 567447 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Ms. SEA SROUN THANN Rattana Nouen Thavy CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Manager Administrator Director PO Box: N/A N/A 012 204118 085 400410 012 567447 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Page 79 Khmer Civilization Association KCA 37, Street 208, Boeung Rang, Doun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 196 Phone: 012 853426 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MAO Chanthorn PO Box: N/A N/A President Khmer Community Development KCD 12C, Street 408, Sangkat Toul Tompong II, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 478381 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.kcd-ngo.org CHAN Sokha Executive Director 012 478381 CHHENG FRESSANGES Soriya Alain Librarian Advisor 012 216386 Ms. KHA Sineurn Finance & Administration Kandal Mr. Mr. KHOM KONG Sakhorn Sopheak Peace Coordinator IT & Documentation & Trainer Kandal Ms. MORK Sitheary Project Officer Mr. Ms. OUM SOK To Panhary Trainer Administrator & Finance Mr. SRUN Sro Librarian Kandal Kandal Khmer Community for Agriculture Development KCAD Chamlong Chrey village, Sdech Kong commune, Banteay Meas district, Kampot Province CCC Box: 255 Phone: 012 995159 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A OUK Saren Director PRUM Pisey Program Manager Kampot 012 642899 Kampot Khmer Development of Freedom Organization KDFO Dam Nak Thom village, Stung Meanchey vistrict, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 394 Phone: 012 816971 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. PORK Kim San PO Box: 2203 N/A President 012 816971 Khmer Farmer Association KFA Wat Koh Keo, Koh Keo Leou village, Koh Keo commune, Lovea Em district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 361 Phone: 012 894783 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. Mr. MON PEN Samnang Sorn Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Kandal Kandal * Mr. Ms. Mr. SOK SUM YIM Chamroeun Sarim Sem Executive Director Accountant Deputy Director Kandal Kandal Kandal Khmer for Khmer Organization KKO Veal village, Sangkat Chreav, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 912843 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. MOEUN TIGGES Phary Markus PO Box: N/A N/A Director President 012 912843 092 319882 Siem Reap Siem Reap Khmer Heritage Foundation KHF 10, Street 306, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 398 Phone: 016 894106 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * H.E CHEA Sorphorn CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Co-Chairman Page 80 Ms. GRANT ROSS Helen Executive Director 012 500025 Mr. H.E MAO SAM Savuth Ram Sek Secretary Advisor 016 894106 012 675443 Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance KHANA 33, Street 71, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 211505 Fax: 023 214049 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.khana.org.kh Mr. AM Vichet Team Leader - Planning & Reporting 092 988988 Ms. Mr. CHEA CHEAV Thira Thary Programme Management Officer Finance Officer 012 822659 012 717528 Mr. CHHEAV Aphyra Technical Assistant - TSBP 011 415204 Mr. Ms. CHHIN CHHIT Meng An Vannak Grant Management Officer Grant Management Officer 016 950848 012 891681 Mr. CHHIT Thy Technical Specialist in Impact Mitigation 017 515363 Mr. Mr. CHIM CHOUB Charanay Sok Chamreun Team Leader - South & Eastern Region 012 934390 Technical Support & Best Practies Director 012 850284 Ms. DOUNG Dany Office Assistant 012 471056 Ms. EART Pysal Technical Specialist in Prevention 012 943449 Ms. Ms. ENG HAK Muguek Siphirath Administrative Assitant - Procurement Technical Specialist in Care & Support 012 772160 011 911040 Ms. HAY Chhorvivan Grant Management Officer 012 614947 Mr. Mr. HENG HENG Sophanna Sophy Finance Officer Information Technology Coordinator 017 796066 012 733073 Ms. Dr. Ms. HENG HOR HUL Satha Many Sivatha Programme Management Officer Programme Management Officer Team Leader - Western & Central Region 012 886412 011 937443 012 828037 Mr. Mr. Mr. KIM KUN LAY Rattana Someth Huoy Management Supporet Officer Human Resource Assistant Programme Management Officer 099 616386 012 603203 012 756702 Ms. Dr. Ms. LENG LENG LENG Sodany Kuoy Kalyan Programme Management Officer Strategic Information Director Senior Accountant - System Management 012 914510 012 280818 012 428264 Dr. Dr. Ms. LY LY MA Chansophal Sangky Kol Chenda Training Coordinator Team Leader - North Western Region Programme Management Officer 092 575167 017 856678 012 841430 Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Dr. Dr. * Dr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. MENG MEY MOEUN MOM NHEM NOU NOY OUM PEN PHENG PROM PUM SAMAN SAU SENG SIENG SIN SO SOK SOK SORN SOU Sokkheang Sovannara Sok San Kim Khorn Phally Vannary Prorphea Sopheap Monorom Bunchan Chanrith Sophiny Dimara Kessana Porsrourn Vanna Sovanna Kimhai Chorn Mengheang Sotheariddh Sochenda Financial Analyst Communication & Advocacy Coordinator Database Management Officer Human Resource Coordinator Finance Officer Team Leader - Technical Support Programme Management Officer Executive Director Finance & Administrative Director Technical Specialist in Impact Mitigation Planning & Reporting Officer Programme Management Officer Programme Management Officer Programme Management Officer Team Leader - Grant Management Grant Management Assistant Team Leader - Corporate Finance Technical Specialist in Prevention Office Assistant Grant Management Officer Programme Management Officer Planning & Reporting Officer 016 323838 012 776659 092277731 012 666609 012 614501 012 858855 012 453707 017 588588 012 990684 017 515311 012 226511 012 865563 012 947988 012 873184 012 589776 092 911788 011 899863 012 846485 092 354897 012 202047 012 664447 012 607072 Mr. Ms. Dr. Mr. SRON SUN TITH TOUCH Samrithea Chanmirina Khimuy Sokha Senior Compliance Officer Finance Assistant Programme Management Director TS HUB Technical Officer 012 572345 017 931631 017 588188 016 820385 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 2311 Page 81 Mr. TUOT Sovannay Research & Documentation Coordinator 012 836926 Ms. UNG Penny 012 933271 Dr. VONG Chesda Administrative Assistant - Assets & Stock Manag. Programme Management Officer 012 537777 Khmer Institute for Peace and Development KIPD Lor It village, Sangkat Kampong branak, Preah Vihea Town, Preah Vihea Province CCC Box: N/A PO Box: Phone: 012 972424 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. Mr. PONG Sokha Director THONG Kim Theng Programme Manager N/A N/A Preah Vihear 011 773295 Preah Vihear Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Association KKKHRA 43EEo, Street 430, Phsar Deum Thkov, Chamcar Morn. Phnom Penh CCC Box: 263 Phone: 023 993486 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A ANG Chanrith Executive Director 012 934802 KIM MOM Setha Mony Education Officer Investigator 012 323165 089 650103 Mr. THACH Chhoun Yath Investigation Officer 012 970471 Mr. YIM Yon Investigator 016 946813 Takeo Kampong Som Khmer Kampuchea Krom Women Organization KKKWO 19, Street 294, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 309 Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Mr. 011 712325 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A N/A PRUM Yang Director SUN Sopha Secretary General Khmer Legal Team Association KLT 6A, Street 289, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 355550 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.khmerlegalteam.org Mr. Ms. BAN CHEA SokChann Chanraksmey Finance Manager Finance Oficer 012 989199 011 736628 Mr. Mr. Mr. KHUN NUON NUON Chandara San Sothy Mun Officer Manager Secretary Deputy Director 011 556608 092 801280 011 223024 OENG RAKSMEY RUN RUNN SEAN SENG SRUNG TANG Kheng Oun Konira Rath Veasna Chandararith Solivuth Vuoch Hun Kim Hong Ratana Deputy Director Information Technology Chief Director Finance Assistant Administrative Officer Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Communication 012 568919 016 785867 012 229823 012 944555 012 957720 Mr. Mr. * Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. N/A 012 577122 Khmer Love Khmer Federation KLK 16-19, Toul Raka village, Chak Angre Krom commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 189 Phone: 011/012/016 735365 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. LAY SEM Saroeun Saroeun PO Box: N/A N/A Advisor Director Khmer National Community Economic Development KNCED 34, Group 4, Sophy I village, Sangkat Rattanak, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 085 698313 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Page 82 * Mr. PEN Sokhon Executive Director 016 958602 Battambang Khmer of Emergency Relief and Development KERD 295, Street 163, Toul Tompong II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 419 Phone: 016 364668 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A LEM Pichda Director 016 364668 OUK Somony Finance officer 015 706363 Khmer Rural Development Association KRDA Kansey Banteay village, Maung commune, Moung Russy district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 269 Phone: 012 920029 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 361 N/A Ms. CHAN Loeurm Community Organizer 092 976961 Battambang Mr. Ms. CHAN IEM Saray Latt Credit Manager Community Base Care Support Manager 012 334343 012 850741 Battambang Battambang * Mr. Ms. POUK Cham Reun Coordinating Committee POV Yen Villager Bank Coordinator 012 238100 Battambang Battambang Khmer Serving the Poor Children KSPC Prek Samrong village, Bek Chan commune, Ang Snoul district, Kandal Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 955832 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KONG Sambo PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Kandal Khmer Students Representative Association SKAR 27B, Street 446, Toul Tompoung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 413124 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SUN Vathana PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 413124 Khmer Traditional Medicine Health Association KHA 119, Ang village, Brotashlang commune, Dang Kor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 265 Phone: 012 866058 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BUN Pheng PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 866058 Khmer Vision for Development KVD 231, Village2, Kampong Leav Commune, Kampong Leav District, Prey Veng Province. CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011204323/012 650574 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. LONG PHAT Kimhean Sophy PO Box: 8820 N/A Programme Manager Director 097 6060656 011 204323 Prey Veng Prey Veng Khmer Welfare Families Rural Association KWRA Kear 3 village, Kear Commune, Moung Russey District, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 970438 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. ROS THOUK Sarun Sok Na PO Box: N/A N/A Director Administrator & Accountant 012 970458 092 933682 Battambang Battambang Khmer Women's Cooperation for Development KWCD 10B, Street 211, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 986697 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHRY Monyrath CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Programme Coordinator 012 666507 Page 83 Mr. KONG Kalmin Finance Manager 016 371701 Ms. Ms. LIM PHEN Lin Makara Senior Programme Officer Team Leader 012 586874 012 670087 Kampot Mr. SAY Nara Programme Manager 016 828095 Kampong Som SUM THOUN Satum Sokunteavy Executive Director Programme Manager 011 922593 YOK Someta Senior Programme Officer 012 586894 * Ms. Ms. Ms. Takeo Khmer Women's Voice Centre KWVC 48D, Street 488, Psar Deam Tkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 273 Phone: 023 212352 Fax: 023 212352 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. YIM Nimola PO Box: 590 N/A Executive Director Khmer Youth and Social Development KYSD 1BEo, Street 338, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 385 Phone: 012 212951 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A www.kysd.org Mr. CHHEAN Chanheang Programme Coordinator 012 358071 * Mr. Ms. CHHOUN SUM Borith Kalyan Executive Director Administrator & Accountant 012 798488 012 565352 Khmer Youth Association KYA 135A, Group 33, Street 259, Toek Laak I, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 275 Phone: 023 884306 Fax: 023 884306 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. HIN SUN Yun Chan Sen PO Box: N/A www.kya-cambodia.org Vice President President 012 947022 Khmer Youth Camp for Culture KYCC 236, Street 376, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 736166 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KHAN Sovithy PO Box: N/A www.kycc4peace.org Executive Director Khmer Youth League for Democracy Development Association KYLDDA 25, Street 371, Trapaing Chhouk village, Toek Tlar, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 371352 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. BOUR Poliden PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 371352 KOMAR PIKAR FOUNDATION KPF 43, Wat Saravorn, Street 178, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 321 Phone: 012 843466 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KONG Vichetra PO Box: N/A N/A Director Komar Rikreay Association Center KMR Group 27, Chamkar Samrong I village, Chamcar Samrong commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 610490 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. * Mrs. KIM LONG MIN NOU PHATH PROM Nearyrath Sarann Siphath Boramey Dara Kim Chheng CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Administrative & Finance Assistant Alternative Care Program Administrator Reintegration Programme Officer Outreach Programme Officer Executive Director 012 489008 092 907145 012 769295 017 991553 012 396896 Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Page 84 Ms. SOK Chansinuon Accountant 012 900757 Battambang Ms TITH Kanika Reception/Reintegration Programme Officer 012 680885 Battambang Kone Kmeng KK 118B, Street 470, Toul Tom Poung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 371 Phone: 012 577542 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Miss DIN Mr. * Mr. KIM PANG PO Box: 2654 N/A Tita Administrator & Accountant 012 586084 Phaneth Sophany Relief & Development Assistance Director 092 938381 Kratie Women's Welfare Association KWWA Sresdao village, Orussey commune, Kratie Town, Kratie Province CCC Box: 274 Phone: 072 971586 Fax: 072 971586 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. YOUS Thy PO Box: N/A Executive Director 012 916329 Krom Akphiwat Phum KAWP Wat Kandeung compoung, Wat Kor village, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: Phone: 066 537777 E-mail: [email protected] PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: N/A Kratie 360 N/A Mrs. BIN Mrs. CHHUM Heang Chhunly Core Team Core Team 092 766216 Battambang Battambang Mr. HEM Ms. HUN Mrs. KIETH Thalika Leakhena Thoeun Administrative & Finance Coordinator Core Team Education & Village project Coordinator 012 782272 012 856303 Battambang Battambang Battambang Ean Reth Ravy Core Team Liaison Coordinator Core Team 012 451394 012 624348 012 1974656 Battambang Battambang Battambang Sariem Mara Soeuy Core Team Core Team Core Team 012 497084 012 496998 012 969419 Battambang Battambang Battambang Guech Lim Core Team Mr. LUN * Mr. NHAI Mrs. SO Mr. Mr. Mr. SOENG SOENG SORN Mrs. Y Battambang Krousar Yoeung KrY 95, Street 608, Boeung Kak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 58 Phone: 023 884804/05 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. KY Ms. PHOUNG Samphy Kresna PO Box: 500 N/A Executive Director Administrator 012 706417 Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum KNKS Road 5, Mean Che village, Sangkat Prey Nhi, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 500028/052 951483 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Ms. DIN SAING SOK Kithya Sowady Sothavy PO Box: N/A www.knkscam.org Accountant & Administrator Programme Manager Director 012 562452 012 590695 Pursat Pursat Pursat Kumnit Thmey Organization KNTO 155, Group 8, Sophy village, Kampong Svay commune, Sereisophon district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Ms. * Mr. Ms. 012 579674 [email protected] CHAN KONG LEANG NGOUNG PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: Saroeun Pouerngthao Saorei Sophanny CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 N/A Agriculturist Community Development Worker Director Accountant & Administrator 012 969250 012 579674 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Page 85 Ms. ROS Socheat Organizing Development Mr. Mr. SEAN YIM Phivoin Sophal Community Development Worker Programme Manager 012 522324 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Leadership Character Development Institute L-CDI 282, Street 656, Tangov village, Niroth, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 888790 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: 729 www.l-cdi.org KEM Kunthea Executive Director 012 888790 SREU Sok Chan Administrator 017 542669 Leaderty Association LA 53CEo, Street 242, Chaktomuk, DaunPenh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 016 340579 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. KER Phalla PO Box: N/A N/A Director 016 340579 Legal Aid of Cambodia LAC 55BC, Street 390, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 44 Phone: 023 213376/213379 Fax: 023 213394 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.lac.org.kh Mr. Mr. CHEA HO Sokun Chheng Ourn Finance Manager Land Law Programme Manager 012 821202 012 313443 Mr. Mr. Mr. KAO OP OUK Dyna Vibol Kimleng Women Justice Programme Manager Child Justice Programme Manager Legal Director 012 554112 012 877156 012 692526 PRAK RUN Sihakriddh Saray Administrative & HR Director Executive Director 012 833811 012 838341 Mr. * Mr. 1197 Legal Support for Children and Women LSCW 132E-F, Street 135, Phsar Doeum Thkov, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 220626 Fax: 023 220626 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. * Ms. Ms. Ms. PO Box: 1542 www.lscw.org CHAN KY Somaly Lineth Vice Director Finance Manager LY MIN POEUNG Vichuta Sothara Thyda Director & Legal Advisor Adiministrative Officer Coordinator 012 521007 Light House Organization LHO Or Andong village, Prek Pra commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 867270/012 756604 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Ms. CHEA Savy PO Box: N/A www.lighthouseorphanage.org Director 012 867270 Live and Learn Environmental Education LLEE 32, Street 586, Boeung Kak II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 885502 Fax: 023 885502 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. * Mr. Ms. Mr. BIN CHIM CHUM CHUM DANH HEANG KEAT KEO KONG Sokun Kalyaney Phallika Somonn Sophy Vattey Bunthan Sopheap Am CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 91 www.livelearn.org Finance & Administration Assistant Provincial Coordinator Finance & Administration Officer Media Officer EE Specialist/School Ecotourism Project Assistant Country Manager Project Officer Project Officer 012 486977 012 799100 092 939203 011 861453 012 944383 012 816221 092 558533 092 700173 012 678446 Page 86 Mr. LEANG Sambath Project Officer 012 797373 Mr. Mr. MEAS POUK Rithy Bunthet EE Specialist/Community EE Specialist/Teaching 012 444497 012 973887 Ms. SAYA Marta Senior Ecotourism Project Officer 012 238817 Mr. Mr. SMITH UT Jady Bunchhoeun Regional Programme Manager Graphic Designer 092 629964 012 872876 Meada Khmer for Development MKD 15, Road 272, Psadoeumkor, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 282 Phone: 012 728049 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. HING Mrs. PRUM * Mrs. TEP PO Box: N/A N/A Sophorn Co-Director 016 873177 Monn Savery Vice Director Director 012 390843 012 728049 Meakea Srey Organization MSO 11CEo, Street 472, Toul Tumpoung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 952208 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A ARUN Reaksmey Executive Director 012 236653 PECH SIEK Polet Sina Deputy Director Administrator 012 659855 012 642240 Meatho Phum Komah/Home Land MPK Dam Spey village, Slaket commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: 72 Phone: 053 952911 Fax: 053 952911 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. MAO Lang PO Box: N/A N/A Director Program 012 881784 Battambang Media and Academic Forum MAF N/A CCC Box: 432 Phone: 012 881269 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A HENG LEM Nalin Pichpisey Deputy Director Executive Director 012 512999 MOM Sopho Deputy Director 012 881269 MEDiCAM MEDiCAM 4, Street 552, Boeung Kak I, Tuol Kok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 281 Phone: E-mail: Dr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Dr. Miss Mrs. Mr. Dr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. * Dr. 023 880291 [email protected] CHENGLI CHHIT DY HAM HEANG JACQUI KEO LACH MAI MAY OEP PHAN POV RITH SAMUTH SEM SIN PO Box: Fax: 023 880292 Bunty Piset Molin Hak Khunsrong Rawson Kanika Khun Hieng Eth Oann Longmay Sopheak Bun Roeun Lima Kalyan Somuny CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: 1164 www.medicam-cambodia.org M & E and Capacity Building Manager Finance Officer IT Assistant Publication & Communication Manager Research Coordinator Organizational Development Consultant Advocacy Coordinator Administrative Assistant & Librarian Health Information Officer Office Manager North Regional Coordinator North - West Regional Coordinator IT Manager Networking Coordinator North - West Regional Coordinator Health Information Officer HIV/AIDS/TB Executive Director 012 345987 012 396977 012 984088 012 850665 012 782221 092 361329 012 304528 012 932214 017 439797 012 865688 012 700949 016 325105 012 644610 012 928553 012 917592 017 779907 012 573062 Siem Reap Battambang Kratie Page 87 Dr. SOK Sovannarith Programme manager 012 955679 Ms. WELLS Emily Monitoring & Evaluation Officer 092 557974 Men's Health Social Service MHSS 3AEo, Street 294, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 893138 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PHAL Sophat PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 012 893138 Mental Health Association of Cambodia MHAC 112 E1E2, Street 173, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 413249 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KIM Savuon PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 413249 Minority Organisation for Development of Economy MODE 15, Street 1, Kampong Thom village, Kampong Rotes commune, Stung Sen District, Kampong Thom province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. 062 962962/012 947924 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A HONG Chhoun Heang Advocacy Programme Coordinator Kampong Thom OUCH PEANH Sakun Sinal Health Programme Coordinator Executive Director Kampong Thom Kampong Thom SIN VAN Sourp Kort Food Security Programme Coordinator Finance Manager 012 947924 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Mission of Generous Cambodian Alliance GENEROUS 9, Street 397, Psar Doem Thov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 012 849192 PO Box: Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A CHHON Sokhoeun Executive Director HANG KHIN NONG Chhun Vichet Sophearath Project Officer Project Manager Aministrative & Finance Officer Dara Thav Project Officer Project Officer Mrs. POL Mr. SIN 1292 Mith Samlanh Mith Samlanh 215, Street 13, Chey Chumnas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 293 Phone: 023 426748/220596 Fax: 023 426748 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. * Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. EANG HOY IM KHAT KHEM LUCH MAN MAP MEAS NAO PIN RAY SANN SAO SEN TES TUON UM Nakun Leanghoin Srey Pao Srey No Soleit Peou Phally Somaya Samonn Phalla Sokhom Somaly Oudam Sokunthy Seny Theaphy Dany Bunthoeun CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 588 www.streetfriends.org CAA Specialist Home Based Product Managers Placement Specialist APM Safe Migration Specialist Medical Specialist Program Coordinator Program Director Business Manager Outreach Project Manager Drug Specialist Life Skill specialist Case Manager Supervisor Hospitality Training Business Manager Child Safe Project Manager Administrative & Finance Coordinator CM Specialist & Foster Care Officer Housing Project Manager 092 966447 012 608902 011 667887 012 387503 012 579278 092 776003 012 816201 012 852406 012 955722 012 781722 012 875859 011 788739 011 895675 089 814438 012 531879 011 855727 012 552124 012 247309 Kampong Cham Page 88 Ms. UON Monyleap Education Project Manager 017 622965 M'Lop Tapang MT Group 4, Mondol 4, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 034 399050 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: N/A PO Box: www.mloptapang.org Mr. CHHEANG Rithiya Child Protection Team Leader 012 649125 Kampong Som Ms. Ms. DOM ENO Sinat Maggie Administrator Coordinator 016 930578 012 687407 Kampong Som Kampong Som * Mr. Mr. Mr. EVE Saosarin Director 012 587384 Kampong Som PROM THUCH Thet Setha Manager Outreach Team Leader 016 622998 012 657627 Kampong Som Kampong Som Ms. TITH Samphors Financial Officer 016 509400 Kampong Som Mlup Baitong MLUP BAITONG 37B, Street 113, Boeung Keng Kang II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 400 Phone: 023 214409 Fax: 023 220242 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 2510 PO Box: www.mlup.org Mr. CHEA Ratanak Project Officer 012 809746 Kampong Speu Mr. Ms. DUL DUONG Sambath Sitha Project Officer Finance Officer 012 898386 092 689949 Kampong Speu Miss HUOT Sylvie Secretary 012 419877 Mr. Mr. Mr. Chet Seavchhe Sereyrithy Acting Project Officer Project Officer Project Officer 012 279220 012 581881 017 256802 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom Kampong Speu Miss OEUNG Mr. OM Mr. PON Soratha Sophana Sambo Programme Coordinator Organizational Development Manager Project Officer 016 314606 012 840136 012 425172 Kampong Speu Mr. Mr. Ms. PRAK SREY SRUN Thearith Samnang Chinda Programme Coordinator Administrative Officer Project Officer 012 293876 012 648648 012 1966104 VA WEINMANCE Moeurn Albert Executive Director Advisor 012 782536 012 834256 * Mr. Mr. KEO MA MAO Stung Treng Stung Treng Monks Relief and Khmer Culture Organization MCO Kros village, Samrong commune, Punhear Leu district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 378 Phone: 012 610005 Fax: E-mail: N/A Website: * Ven. HENG Kong 764 PO Box: N/A Director MoPoTsyo - Patient Information Center MoPoTsyo 29, Street 138, Toek Tla, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 79 Phone: 012 800322 Fax: 023 884483 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. CHEATH EM LOP MAO MIN OU POUV SOEUNG SOK SUY THORNG VAN PELT Sorithya Savoeun Sophal Ngeav Saroeun Vunsokserey Sothearin Sochitra Saran Vannak Sovanra Maurits CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.mopotsyo.org Webmaster Doctor & Trainer Provincial Programme Manager Head of Supplies & Revolving Drug Fund Diabetes Programme Manager Database Manager General Peer Programme Manager Accountant Diabetes Programme Assistant Finance & Administrator Urban Diabetes Programme Manager Executive Director 013 615575 012 672711 092 357572 012 926071 092 357600 012 286817 092 289196 092 614540 092 571270 012 272879 092 357681 012 800322 Takeo Takeo Takeo Page 89 My Village Organization MVI 31, Street 388, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 466 Phone: 023 355167 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A MOUNG Veasna Programme Assistant 012 664910 SUN Youra Executive Director 012 458640 Nak Akphivath Sahakum NAS 208, village 7, Kampong Cham commune, Kampong Cham district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 276 Phone: 042 942050 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. CHOUNG Soklin Home Based Care Team 092 632366 Kampong Cham Mr. Mr. DUL HAN Polin Seng Hour Home Based Care Team Project Coordinator 011 687852 012 375632 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Mr. HENG Sophors Home Based Care Team 092 746072 Kampong Cham Mr. HIM Mrs. HORN Sokny Sorphea Community Empowerment Facilitatiors Home Based Care Team 012 301447 012 845451 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Mrs. HORNG * Mr. KEUT Miss KHUN Mr. KRUY Son Neang Home Based Care Team 012 485195 Kampong Cham Theng Savorn Acting Executive Director Home Based Care Team 089 879695 012 352170 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Pisith Home Based Care Team 012 613882 Kampong Cham Mr. LEAP Miss NIM Mr. NIT Makara Kim Horn Peng Sreang Home Based Care Team Community Empowerment Facilitatiors Community Empowerment Facilitatiors 017 419216 089 940908 016 755688 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Miss NOV Miss NY Mrs. PHO Soklineth Sam Oeun Sorphorn Home Based Care Team Finance & Administrative Executive Home Based Care Team 012 334034 089 844769 012 678078 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Miss SEANG Mr. SENG Miss SRUN Chenda Sophearith Sochivy Project Assistant Community Empowerment Facilitatiors Finance & Administrative Assistant 092 452536 092 642646 092 669345 Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Kampong Cham Mr. Maysac Programme Manager 012 513451 Kampong Cham SUN National Prosperity Association NAPA Trapaing Ampil village, Trapaing Korng commune, Samrong Tong district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: 410 Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Mr. Mr. 016 838387 [email protected] ANG CHAP HA PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Chamroeun Chivorn Chenda Website: N/A Director Administrative & Finance Officer Programme Coordinator 012 499768 016 900188 092 174776 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Kampong Speu National Veterans Development Association NVDA 298, Street 271, Group 19, Phum Trapang Chhouk,Tek Thla, Sen Sok ,Phnom Penh CCC Box: 319 Phone: 023 350872 Fax: 023 350872 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. PHAN PHY Sambath Chakriya Socheat PO Box: N/A President Vice President 092 787366 012 212829 Neary Khmer Association For Health and Vocational Training NKA A81, Russian Blvd (Century Plaza Market) Toek Tla, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Mr. 012 937698/016 777769 [email protected] ING YIN Sovanly Sobunna CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Fax: 023 890630 Website: Director Deputy Director N/A PO Box: N/A 012 937698 016 777769 Page 90 Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia NICFEC 16B, Street 348, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 210 Phone: 023 993037 Fax: 023 993666/359666 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Ms. Mr. 1233 PO Box: www.nicfec.org HANG Puthea Executive Director 012 959666 HUL NE Veary Jony Administrative & Finance Officer Project Coordinator 012 580484 012 987676 New Hope for Orphans NHO 14, Street 71, Boeung Tom Pun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012.736426 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PHOUEK Sinai 1680 PO Box: www.nhoasia.org Director & Adviser to the Boad New Vision 1z, Street 191, Tumnup Toek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh Phone: E-mail: 012 671972 CCC Box: PO Box: Fax: [email protected] Website: Mr. HEAT Sreng Brand Manager * Mr. Mr. OEUN SAO Vannak Sokol Director Finance Manager N/A Mondulkiri 012 671972 092 202513 NGO Coalition to Address Sexual Exploitation of Children in Cambodia COSECAM 5th floor, Room 594, Phnom Penh Center Corner Sihanouk/Sothearos Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 993675/224801 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. EM Miss OUM Mrs. SEA Mr. THONG * Mr. TUON PO Box: Website: www.cosecam.org Poul Mommary IHRD Officer Finance Officer 012 917398 012 527778 Sovityea Phirum Vicheth FCU Coordinator Administrative Manager Director 012 415808 012 672498 012279797 NGO CRC-Children's House NGO CRC 8A, Street 138, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 023 882412 Fax: 023 882412 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. KHUN KONG LY MEAS NIL SON TAING Y Pisey Angkeavoleak Samnang Samnang Vannak Penh Sokunthea Dara 574 Fax: N/A PO Box: www.ngocrc.org Information Manager Child Rights Officer Child Rights Programme Manager Secretary General Administrative & Finance Manager Child Participation Officer Child Rights Resource Center Officer IT Officer 092 815612 012 653577 012 758263 012 889466 012 399916 012 342247 016 502020 NGO Education Partnership NEP 11A, Street 248, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 155 Phone: 023 224774 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. ANG BHURA IN KEO LENG LOUISE HARHOFF PHAN PO Box: www.nepcambodia.org Sopha Erika Samrithy Sokha Theavy Nono National Researcher Advocacy Advisor Executive Director Administrative & Fanance Officer Education & Capacity Building Officer GCE Advisor 012 982117 017 681864 012 828135 012 777556 012 511070 017 854792 Chanhoeurn Administrative & Finance Assistant 012 482261 CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 N/A Page 91 Non Timber Forest Products Project NTFP village 4, Labansiek commune, Banlung district, Ratanakiri Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 075 974039 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A http://ntfpcambodia.cfsites.org Mr. ANN Thy Project Coordinator 089 983386 Ratanakiri Mr. Mr. CHIM HENG Chhean Sokha Advocacy Coordinator Project Coordinator 089 983385 089 983384 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri * Mr. LONG Mrs. SEN Mr. VAY Serey Executive Director 089 983380 Ratanakiri Lang Vansak Finance & Administrative Manager Project Coordinator 089 983381 089 983386 Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Richard Programme Advisor 092 257313 Ratanakiri Mr. WONTERTON Nyemo Cambodia NYEMO 10-11D, Street 156, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 71 Phone: 023 883314 Fax: 023 216944 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Ms. PO Box: N/A www.nyemo.com KY Kanary Director 012 889956 MEAS Vanna Aline Operational Director of Business & Management 016 972009 Occupation Rural and Economic Development Association OREDA Chrey village, Sat Porng commune, Chhouk district, Kampot Province CCC Box: 186 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. 012 962976 PO Box: Fax: [email protected] Website: N/A CHHAV Monovan Executive Director 012 962976 Kampot CHHAY RULLO SUM Bona Mathew Chansomaly Community Organizer Programme Consultant Community Organizer 092 929574 017 361898 Kampot Kampot Kampot UN Sotheavy Administrator & Accountant 017 541998 Kampot Open Forum of Cambodia OFC 17D, Street 296, Toul Svay Prey II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 287 Phone: 023 212624 Fax: 023 360345 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. PO Box: 853 www.forum.org.kh HO Sovannka Executive Director 012 444989 MORN PECH POUN Vutha Sina Sohay Project Coordinator Anti Corruption Finance & Administrative Officer Project Coordinator KRT Team 012 818017 016 401850 011 340017 Open Institute 19, Street 374, Tuol Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh Phone: 023 224821 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. CHIM KLEIN KONG NHEM PRAK Manavy Norbert Sidaroth Sokha Sokhayouk Mr. Ms. SOLA TUY Javier Ramey CCC Box: 297 PO Box: 1552 www.open.org.kh Executive Director Associate Open-Learning's Project Coordinator Administrative & Finance Officer Women Document Center's Project Coordinator KhmerOS Project Coordinator Finance Assistant 023 224814 012 800864 023 224821 023 224821 023 224821 023 224819 023 224821 Operation Enfants du Cambodge OEC 23, Group 2, Sophy II village, Sangkat Ratanak, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952752/012 229309 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Ms. DOS TITH Roeungdeth Davy CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.oecbtb.org Administrative Officer Director 012 448204 Battambang Battambang Page 92 Organization for Agricultural Development of Cambodia OADC 113, (Parkway Square) 3rd Floor, Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Toul Svay Prey I, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 197 Phone: 012 644567/090 551468 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. DOK Miss LENG PO Box: 1411 N/A Sophol Accounting 012 990651 Makara Administrator 089 956400 Organization for Assistance of Children and Rural Women CWARO 370, Road 2, Takdol village, Takdol commune, Takhmao district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 470 Phone: 012 821178 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. * Ms. KEO Rothmono Deputy Director LIM Davy Director PO Box: N/A N/A Kandal 012 821178 Kandal Organization for Development Economic Community ODEC 152B, Street 192, Toeuk Laak III, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 476 Phone: 011 808023 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Ms. * Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A PONN Vannary Accountant VOEUNG Sunly Executive Director 011 808023 Organization of Human Resource Development for Democracy HRDD Peal Ngek II village, Sangkat Phtas Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: 493 Phone: 012 753929 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A CHHUN Dy Executive Director OUNG PHA Surya Saothy Advisor Administrator 012 753929 Pursat 085 271412 Pursat Pursat Organization to Develop Our Villages ODOV Veang village, Chi Phuch commune, Mesang district, Prey Veng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 976223 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. EK Miss TEK * Mr. TES PO Box: Fax: N/A Sunsen Sophirun Sopheat Website: N/A Project Manager Finance Officer Executive Director 012 838992 011 711107 012 429042 Prey Veng Prey Veng Prey Veng Our Books Organization OBO 67E1, Street 178, Chey Chomnas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 344 Phone: 023 223242 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. LIM MOEU SAO SIM WEEKS Santepheap Diyadaravuth Channa Sisavuthara John PO Box: 1342 www.siewphewyeung.org.kh Director Art & Administrative Assistant Graphic Designer Senior coordinator Managing Editor 016 899980 015 589579 016 770604 012 526840 Our Family Tree Association OFTA 6B, Street 311, Boeung Kak II, Toulkork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 222403/098 243536 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. HEAN Thun Rithy CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director PO Box: N/A N/A 092 222403 Page 93 Our Home OH 179 B15, Street 31BT, Boeung Tumpon, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 987273 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: 2634 www.ourhomecambodia.org HANG Vibol Executive Director 012 854534 HENG KEO Sambath Piseth Dara Chief Officer Vice-Director 012 633399 012 815131 Mr. MAK Seiha General Coordinator 012 554405 Mr. Mr. ROEUB UM Sophea Malaine Accounting Manager Administrator 011 639863 017 274727 Takeo Our Objective Organization OOO Chork village, Sangkat Rokhaknong, Daun Keo Town, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 016375950/012 605464 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.ourobjective.org HOUN Hoeun Executive Director NUON Saveth Head Education Takeo 016 763591 Takeo Partners for Health and Development PFHAD National Road 6A, 15, balang lerch village, Damrei Chanklar, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 062 6333023/012 366075 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Dr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A LONG PHONG Thona Choun Administrative & Finance Officer Executive Director 012 694746 012 366075 Kampong Thom Kampong Thom THONG Phow TB Project Officer 011 276870 Kampong Thom Partners in Compassion PC Wat Orport, Sromouch her village, Chambak commune, Bati district, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 414689 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. CHEA SANN Eak Chhoung Vandin PO Box: N/A N/A Programme Manager Director 089 883940 012 414689 Takeo Takeo Partnership for Development in Kampuchea PADEK 72, Street 360, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 53 Phone: 023 216224 Fax: 023 216224 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. HENG Mrs. CHHUN Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. PO Box: www.padek.org Sarik Navy Area Support Team Leader Community Development Facilitator 012 623982 012 962487 EM HENG IM IM KEN KEP KHEANG KIM KLAING KUNG PA PENG Sokha Sophat Narith Polin Sereyvathana Kannaro Samlot Sroas Sokhom Sam Ath Solina Suy Heang 012 498853 012 961036 012 724383 012 362263 012 573760 012 858733 017 225543 012 952166 017 939127 012 641560 011 211471 012 661869 PHAN ROS SAN SAO SIN SOK Mora Sophal Sao Arun Vanna Navy Sotheary Programme Officer - Partnership Programme Officer - PMES Human Resource Manager Area Support Team Leader Programme Officer - Veterinarian Director Area Support Team Leader Accountant Programme Officer - Fishery Community Finance Facilitator Community Finance Facilitator Assistant Programme Manager & Accountant Financial Controller Community Finance Facilitator Programme Officer - Agronomy Area Support Team Leader Secretary & Translator Assistant Finance Controller CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 554 012 964858 011 943394 012 418514 012 785373 012 413346 012 360552 Siem Reap Prey Veng Svay Rieng Page 94 Mrs. SOK Sokunthea Programme Officer - Gender & HIV/AIDS 012 675089 Mr. Mr. SREI TAING Kosal Sok Sithon Area Support Team Leader Programme Manager 012 324751 012 988568 Ms. THO Phanet Accountant 092 886464 Mr. Mr. TIM VONG Vanna Sarinda Area Support Team Leader Community Finance Manager 012 987830 017 252583 Kampong Speu Kratie Peace and Development Aid Organization PDAO Thnoung village, Rokar Krao commune, Daunkeo district, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 032 931489/011 511117/012 777989 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.pdao-cambodia.org BUTH Bunary LAAR - Field Facilitator 017 594840 Takeo CHOEUN CHUOP Vicheth Chanthan Executive Director LAAR - Field Facilitator 012 777989 012 311629 Takeo Takeo Mr. HUY Vibol LAAR - Field Facilitator 012 342972 Takeo Mr. Mr. MAO NGETH Sren Nop LAAR - Field Facilitator F-SIRD - Community Facilitator 012 875294 012 425729 Takeo Takeo Mr. NHEM Chanthol LAAR - Field Facilitator 012 213700 Takeo Mr. Mr. SAN SAY Boran Van LAAR - Project Coordinator F-SIRD - Community Facilitator 012 734670 017 938969 Takeo Kampot Ms. SENG Sophy LAAR - Project Accountant 017 321697 Takeo Mr. Mr. SOU TAY Socheath Yong RMMP - Project Coordinator LAAR - Field Facilitator 085 597138 089 438600 Takeo Takeo Peace Project Center PPC Veal village, Kork Chork commune, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 092 506269 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. NGAM Kimsorn PO Box: N/A N/A Director Siem Reap People Improvement Organization PIO 308, Street 271, Tomnop Toek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 314 Phone: 023 6345687/012530093 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. MEAN * Mrs. NOUN Malyda Phymean PO Box: 766 www.peopleimprovement.org Administrator & Accounti Executive Director 012 278538 012 530093 People's Association for Development PAD 28BEo, Street 358, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 289 Phone: 012 445979 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. CHAP Chantha PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 012 445979 Phare Ponleu Selpak PPS Anh Chanh village, Ochar commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 106 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. 053 952424 [email protected] KHUON KHUON LIM MAO POY SOUS SOVAN SOY SREY VUON PO Box: Fax: N/A Det Chanreaksmey Pao Kosal Chhunly Sinath Neary Sokun Bandol Savuth CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: 316 www.phareps.org/www.tinitinou.org Artistic Director Head of Awareness Theatre Head of Child Care Centre Executive Director Cartoon & Animation Studio Administrative & Personnel Executive Finance Manager Accountant Head of Visual Arts School Head of Leisure Centre 012 890360 092 633357 017 579977 012 821498 012 552936 017 900223 012 574362 012 930767 012 238229 092 543434 Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Page 95 Phnom Neang Kangrei Association PNKA Moung Baraing village, Sangkat Pha A, Kampong Chhnang Town, Kampong Chhnang Province CCC Box: 337 Phone: 026 989012/092 903908 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. EM Mr. * Mr. KOUK UK PO Box: N/A Socheat Administrator & Accountant 012 853164 Kampong Chhnang Thoeun Samet Project Officer Executive Director 012 976625 092 903908 Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang Phnom Srey Association for Development PSAD 26, Chroy Tmor villange, Sangkat Boeung Kok, Kampong Cham Town, Kampong Cham province CCC Box: 414 Phone: 042 941670 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A Mrs. CHUK Rim Finance Manager 012 954240 Kampong Cham * Mrs. HANY Fiya Director 012 440808 Kampong Cham Ponleu Ney Kdey Sangkhum (Light of Hope) PNKS 19B, Street 145, Phsar Deum Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 145 Phone: 023 219554 Fax: 023 219554 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. PO Box: 423 www.pnkscambodia.org BUON Sarady Project Manager 012 610723 Prey Veng CHAN CHEA CHHEANG LEAK Tino Mo Chanlinna Chowan Community Empowerment Coordinator-PV Project Manager Assistant Finance Manager Development Manager 012 204569 012 995449 012 402983 092 278404 Prey Veng Prey Veng LONG LY Doeun Ratthanak HIV & AIDS Coordinator Project Manager 017 458358 012 488383 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Ms. Ms. Mr. MOK NHIM PRUM Sopheakvery Sokhim Maiyim Administrative Officer Administrative & Finance Officer HIV & AIDS Coordinator 011 390309 012 862469 011 640433 Kampong Speu Prey Veng Mr. Ms. Mr. SAN SOK TEP Hoklim Leakhena Sonim Livelihood Coordinator Administrative & Finace Officer Civil Society & Pro-Poor Market Coordinator 012 937002 012 966685 012 488590 Kampong Speu Prey Veng Kampong Speu Mr. Mr. Mrs. * Mr. Mr. Mr. Ponleu Sokhapheap PSP 34, Street 304, Olympic, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 267 Phone: 023 212600 Fax: 023 212600 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Ms. Mr. Dr. LAO LONG MAO SZEGEDI Chantha Chansophea Boran Edit PO Box: 464 www.psp.org.kh Executive Director Distribution & Monitoring Officer Graphic Designer Medical Associate Editor 016 937841 012 650240 016 304082 Ponleur Kumar PK Dankor Teap village, Sangkat Toul Ta Ek, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: 139 Phone: 092 888550/097 6363863 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. DY Ms. KANG * Mrs. SIM Chunly Sovanna Chanborina PO Box: N/A N/A Provincial Coordinator Provincial Coordinator Director 097 6363861 097 6363864 092 888550 Banteay Meanchey Pursat Battambang Ponlok Khmer PKH Thmey village, Sangkat Kampong branak, Preah Vihea Town, Preah Vihea Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 517943 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. ANG MEUN Cheat Lom Boreyrorth CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Director Programme Coordinator 012 637686 Preah Vihear Preah Vihear Page 96 Ponlok Sangkum Kampuchea PSK Roveang village, Ksem Ksan commune, Oudong district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: 502 Phone: 012 833584 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A IM Sengkim Executive Director 012 833584 Kampong Speu LAY MAO Yok Kim Mylinda Administrative & Account Manager Administrator & Accountant 011 855507 015 328242 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu Miss NUTH Punleureasey Team Leader 012 399875 Kampong Speu Ms. Mr. Sophal Bunnarith Team Leader Deputy Director 092 621375 012 251276 Kampong Speu Kampong Speu POV YEM Professor's Alliance for Development PAD 81Eo, Street 32B, Sleng Roleng, Toek Tlar, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 442 Phone: 016 949105/011 949105 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHHOEUNG Sineang PO Box: N/A N/A President 099 330003 Project Against Domestic Violence PADV 11, Street 502, Psar Deoum Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 290 Phone: 023 219184 E-mail: * Ms. Ms. Mr. PO Box: Fax: N/A Website: 2459 www.padvcambodia.org HOR Phally Executive Director 012 838721 SAR UNG Davy Chhiv Teck ED+ISP Program Coordinator Finance/Administrative Manager 012 974929 012 888703 Project Aids Khmer PAK 208C, Street , Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 224773 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Dr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A SAAN SEM Rithyaa Peng Sean Administrative & Finance Manager Executive Director 011 277830 092 532721 SO TROENG Chenda Sothara Programme Coordinator Provincial Programme Coodinator 012 998944 012 423042 Takeo Promvihearthor Organization PVT Peal Nhek II village, Sangkat Phtash Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province CCC Box: 201 Phone: 012 581022 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KHOUN Narind PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Pursat Protection of Juvenile Justice PJJ 36, Street 99, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 332 Phone: 023 726446/089 600522/089 600511 Fax: 023 726446 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. SIM Souyeang PO Box: 859 www.pjj.org.kh Director 012 983098 Psychosocial Services Organization PSO 241, Street 39TB, Sansam Kosal II village, Boeung Tompun commune, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 191 Phone: 012 913606 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. KONG VANN Sath Kamol CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director Technical Advisor PO Box: N/A N/A 012 972807 Page 97 Pteah Teuk Dong PTD Chamkar Samrong I village, Sangkat Chamkar Samrong, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. 092 505405 PO Box: 347 Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A BUN Titiyarith Center Supervisor 092 505405 Battambang PEN Chhunly Administrative & Finance Assistant 012 963016 Battambang Public Health Care Organization PHCO 176, Street 10Bt, Boeung Tompun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 315 Phone: 011 237295 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. VONG Vanchan PO Box: N/A N/A Director 011 237295 Punleu Komar Kampuchea Organization PKKO 8L, Group 1(Phsar Takhmao Tmey, Doeum Mean commune, Takhmao Town, Kandal Province CCC Box: 478 Phone: 012 812504 Fax: 024 395979 E-mail: [email protected] Miss CHETH Mr. * Mr. Mr. Website: PO Box: N/A Phalla Accountant KAB SNGUON Pech Malayvuth Facilitator Executive Director SOK Ratanak Programme Officer 011 244472 Kandal 012 812504 Kandal Kandal Kandal Puthi Komar Organization PKO Kamakor village, Svay Por commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 296 Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 053 730347 [email protected] LIM PO Box: Fax: N/A Sophea Website: 368 www.pkocambodia.org Executive Director 012 358446 Battambang Rachana Handicrafts Battambang RHB 97, Prek Preahsdech village, Prek Preahsdech commune, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 952506/012 940358 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. CHAY Mr. CHEY * Mrs. YI Sor Puthi Sivanna PO Box: N/A N/A Sewing Assistant Administrator/Financer Directress 012 941789 012 940358 Battambang Battambang Battambang Rachna Satrei Organization RS 0274, Watdamnak village, Salacomreuk commune, Siem Reap district, Siem Riep Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 063 965738/012 387778 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. NHEAN Phoung Maly PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 387778 Siem Reap Rain Water Cambodia RWC 3115-3116, Street 598, Chraing Chamres, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 42 Phone: 023 353508 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. Ms. * Mr. Ms. CHAN KEO KOV PHENG THANG Thorn Vicheka Soken Kea Van Phrathna CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 145 N/A Administrative & Finance Assistant Project Officer Administrative & Finance Manager Programme Manager Project Assistant 012 531714 012 356286 012 755365 012 920487 Page 98 Rainbow Foundation RBF Group 26, village 2, 4 district, Sihanoukville Town, Preahsihanouk Province CCC Box: 202 Phone: 012 932760 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. PO Box: cambodian-orphans.org CHIN Sameoun General Manager 015 698797 Kampong Som HEOUN IM Choun Orn Social Worker Coordinator 017 280523 012 932760 Kampong Som Kampong Som IM On Coordinator 012 932760 Kampong Som OR SUN Kunthea Chhin Social Worker Head of Administrator 015 597939 016 647930 Kampong Som Kampong Som Rehab Craft Cambodia RCC 10A, Stree 322, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 147 Phone: 023 726801 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. * Mr. PO Box: 1278 www.camnet.com.kh/rehabcraft CHAN Sophan Co-Director 012 879314 ROUT Thom Nunh Co-Director 012 976889 Relief Sans Frontiere Organisation RSO 13, Street 2005, Kakab, Dangkor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 425 Phone: 012 701840 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. CHAN Ven PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 701840 Renewable Energy Development Association REDA 152, Group 5, Street 36, Damrei Chankla village, Steung Sen Town, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 619715/097 8765858 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. KHIEV Thida PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 619715 Kampong Thom Representative Association for Student's Parents RASP 1684, Street 5, Chraing Chamres, Reussey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 206 Phone: 012 394516 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A KHIEM LONG Sorn Tha First Vice-President President 012 394516 OUCH Thea Second Vice-President 016 942057 Reproductive and Child Health Alliance RACHA 160, Street 71, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 726257/213724 Fax: 023 213725 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Dr. CHAN SUN Theary Nasy PO Box: 2471 http://rc.racha.org.kh Executive Director Deputy Executive Director 012 839773 Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia RHAC 14, Street 317, Boeung Kok I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 885135/883027 Fax: 023 885093 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. CHAK CHAMREUN CHAN KAO KEA KEO LOURN Chenda Sossivan Neary Chantha Bou Mao Sok Hieng CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 905 www.rhac.org.kh Clinic Manager - Teuk Thla Clinic Manager Clinic Manager Clinic Manager - Chak Angre Kraom Provincial Programme Coordinator Clinic Manager - Psa Depo Clinic Manager 011 680280 099 758658 011 682016 099 639621 099 393999 016 865215 099 318442 Siem Reap Takeo Kampong Cham Svay Rieng Page 99 Dr. MAN Roth Provincial Programme Coordinator 099 942650 Kampong Som Dr. Dr. MEAN OUM Malongvy Vanna Clinic Manager - Stung Meanchey Provincial Programme Coordinator 011 800427 016732395 Battambang Dr. SOK Sam Eth Clinic Manager - Tuol Sang Ke 016 711904 SOUS TOUN Sam Ol Ong Seyha Provincial Programme Coordinator Project Officer - HIV/AIDS 015 718025 099 732442 VONG Dany Clinic Manager - Tuol Tum Poung 099 924369 Mr. * Dr. Dr. Kampong Speu Rescue Khmer Farmers Organisation RKF 85, Korklang village, New Phnom Penh Section, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 305 Phone: 012 850094 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. IM Sovannara PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 850094 Research and Development Center RDC 285, Rong Chak, Russei Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 341 Phone: 012 917721 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. KEO Kimhorth Research Team Leader 012 751759 * Mr. TAN Sokhon Executive Director 012 917721 Rural Aid Organization RAO Rongbonlere village, Sangkat Svay Rieng, Svay Rieng Town, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 952875/011 918547 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. KHAI OUCH Mr. POK * Mrs. PRUM Mr. SO Mrs. TOUCH PO Box: N/A N/A Chanthou Ryna Office Assistant Credit Assistant 099 752966 011 771179 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Oudom Bopha Bona Administrative & Accounting Manager Director Child Rights Assistant 016 740984 011 918547 011 630810 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Savounn Women Rights Assistant 016 343978 Svay Rieng Rural Animal Health Development Organization RAHDO 474, Road 3, Group 19, Sophy village, Sangkat Kompong Svay, Sereisophoan Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: 89 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. 012 687434 [email protected] ANG HUORTH NEANG PROM PO Box: Vanny Langdy Chenda Has Website: N/A Financial Officer Executive Director Administrative Officer Programme Manager 012 873713 012 687434 012 558448 012 264669 Rural Community Development and Environment Dev't Organization Information RCEDO Road 2, Kampong Svay village, Kampong Svay commune, Sereisophon district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: Phone: 054 958942/012 284345 Fax: 054 710446 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mrs. * Mr. Mrs. HAY PANN REOUNG SAM THAV N/A Fax: N/A Phalla Puthy Monh Serey Wathana Visal Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey PO Box: www.rcedo.org Programme Manager Community & Agriculture Dev't Agent Administrative & Finance Officer Director Health Educator 012 353187 012 893467 089 916373 012/016 284345 092 938091 Odor Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Rural Economic and Agriculture Development Agency READA Chong Kao Sou village, Slokram commune, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap province CCC Box: 194 Phone: 063 965545/092 985798 Fax: 063 965545 E-mail: [email protected]/reada_camb [email protected] Website: * Mr. LOK Sothea CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director PO Box: N/A www.readacambodia.org 012 612121 Siem Reap Page 100 Mr. NET Sarann Administrator & Finance Manager 012 940763 Siem Reap Rural Economic Development Association REDA Phnao village, Tasous commune, Svay Chrom district, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: 303 Phone: 012 940755 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. N/A PO Box: N/A CHET Dim Administrative Officer SIM Kalyan Executive Director Svay Rieng 011 940755 Svay Rieng Rural Farmer Development Association RUFADA Labansiek commune, Banlung district, Rattanakiri Province CCC Box: 306 Phone: 012 973271 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. CHEN Sokhany N/A PO Box: N/A Director 012 973271 Rural Problem Property Allevation Development Community RPPADC 35Eo, Street 298, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 016 772323/011 873472 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. SIEK Socheat N/A PO Box: N/A Director 016 772323 SABORAS SABORAS Wat Rumdoul village, Chamcar Samrong commune, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: 313 Phone: 053 952435/6 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SIM Mrs. TUM PO Box: 813 www.saboras.org Sakhorn Executive Director 012 956187 Battambang Sokunthea HR - Administrative - Logistic Manager 012 606193 Battambang Sacrifice family and Orphans Child Development Association SFOCDA 631, Street Tonlesap, Doem Kor village, Chroy Changwa, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 300 Phone: 012 842495 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PEN Sophan PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 842495 Sahmakum Teang Tnaut STT 80B, Street 384, Toul Svay Prey II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 828866 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Ms. * Mr. EE Sarom GOAD LINDSTROM MEAS Hallam Nora Kim Seng PO Box: 174 www.teangtnaut.org Programme Manager for HRights & Research Advisor Advisor Coordinator 012 836533 012 360472 092 683479 012 828866 Kampot Salvation Center Cambodia SCC 94, Street 454, Toul Tompung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 346 Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. Ven. Ven. Ven. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Miss 023 219234 Fax: 023 365311 [email protected] BRETTHAUER CHHNEANG CHHOUK EATH HAN HOU IM KIM LONG Bastian Sovanpheap Bunthoeun Buntheng Kimsoy Samy Sam Ang San Rasmey CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: PO Box: 812 www.scc-cambodia.org Programme Management Advisor Programme Officer (ACR) Monk Team Leader Monk Core Trainer Monk Core Trainer Programme Officer Assistant Project Coordinator (ACR) Chief Accountant & SMT Chief Accountant Assistant 017 289410 012 435545 012 778392 012 623616 012 665035 089 749373 012 212615 092 625675 012 796653 Siem Reap Page 101 Nun. MAO Phorn Nun Core Trainer 012 503469 Miss MEAS Mr. PHY Thavy Bunthorn Administrative Assistant Imformation Technology 012 573078 012 525718 * Mr. PRUM Ven. SAN Mr. SIM Thoeun Director 012 901738 Pon Bunchhoeun 012 634800 092 222754 012 726552 012 970828 Mrs. SIM Mr. TEP Tola Monyratha Project Coordinator & Monk Team Leader Programme Coordinator Assist. & Programme Officer Administrator & Secretary Programme Officer Siem Reap Ms. TO Morokat Programme Coordinator 012 497253 Mr. Mr. TOUCH UNG Len Kimsour Programme Officer Assistant & Field Staff Programme Officer 012 716338 092 276499 Siem Reap Mr. YAY Bunchhen Programme Management Advisor 012 886501 Battambang Mr. YIM Lalin Human Resource & Media Coordinator 012 450485 Battambang Samanak Service Endlessness Association SEA Ordambong village, Ordambong II commune, Sangke distric, Battambang province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 647541/092 924492 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. PHAN Sokhoeut PO Box: N/A N/A President 012 647541 Battambang SANTISENA SANTI SENA Prey Chlak village, Prey Chlak commune, Svay Rieng Province CCC Box: Phone: 011 263477 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. HUN KHAO * Ven. NHEM Mr. ROS Mr. THOEUNG PO Box: N/A Saret Thorn So Kheoun Programme Manager Administrator/Accountant Kim Teng Sam Orn Sitha Director Deputy Director Project Officer 085928133 099 312101 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Sataphana Chivit Organization SCO Salabaly Wat Kandal, Romchek 4 village, Sangkat Ratanak, Battambang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: 426 Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. 012 700349 [email protected] ROEUN THOONG PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Rith Xaret Website: N/A Administrative & Finance Officer Executive Director 097 7403397 012 700349 Battambang Battambang Save Cambodia's Wildlife SCW 31Eo, Street 388, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. 023 211263 [email protected] DEK ROEY SEANG SENG SIN TEP TOEUNG PO Box: Fax: 023 222036 Vimeanpheakdey Sopheap Sothea Vanndeth Hong Boonny Lina Website: 2032 www.cambodiaswildlife.org Programme Manager Assistant Project Manager Programme Officer Programme Manager ICE Officer Executive Director Finance & Admin Manager 012/016 771172 Kampot 011 584219 Pursat 012 360107 Koh Kong 016 977712 012 322012 012 900604 021 636188 Save Incapacity Teenagers SIT Road 6A, Prek Anhchanh, Mukom Poul, Kandal Province CCC Box: 450 Phone: 012 473751 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Miss Mrs. CHHUN KHENG SEM SIN Roeurn Vannet Sinourn Sorphorn CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Director Programme Coordinator Accountant & Administrative Officer Team Leader 012 473751 012 381579 012 594649 089 366537 Kandal Kandal Kandal Kandal Page 102 Mrs. SRONG Ratana Field Facilitator 012 416654 Mrs. YET Skkalyan Field Facilitator 011 493996 Save the Children Cambodia for Development SCD Traphangsala village, Phongtuek, Dangkor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 011 286549 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHAN Norn PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 092 749463 Save the Earth Cambodia STEC Watamum village, Odombang I commune, Sangke district, Battambnag Province CCC Box: 35 Phone: 012 599817/099 927141 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. AUN Mr. BORIN Mr. HOWLADER Mr. PHEUN Livina PO Box: www.savetheearthcambodia.org Executive Director Narith Project Manager AkhteruzzamanSano Management Advisor Lata N/A 012 599817 Battambang 099 927141 Odor Meanchey Battambang Project Officer Battambang SILAKA SILAKA 6S, Street 21, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 392 Phone: 023 217872/210902 Fax: 023 213108 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. Vannarith Sovanny Training Coordinator Senior Trainer * Mrs. KHUS Ms. KHUS Mr. KRY Thida C. Vary Sopheap Executive Director Administrative Supervisor Senior Trainer Chanvuthy Lead Trainer OUK 821 www.silaka.org HENG HONG Mr. PO Box: Social Development Organization SDO Road No 2, Prek Takong village, Chak Angre Leu commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 317 Phone: 012 554120 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A KITH PAS Siphuong Bona Administrator CDO 012 594574 011 812815 PROM SO Sory Ya Executive Director Cashier 012 554120 Social Services of Cambodia SSC 2, Street 289, Boeung Kok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 156 Phone: 023 881432 Fax: 023 881430 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Mr. * Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. BOU CHEA HENG MINOTTI NAPIER PHENG Leak Rithy Srey Ellen Cath Veseth PO Box: 1477 www.ssc.org.kh Programme Manager Accounting Manager Director - Program Manager General Advisor Training Manager Administrative Manager 012 992917 012 673682 012 803533 Kandal Kampong Speu 017 333105 012 333103 Social, Environment, Agricultural Development Organization SEADO Grou 1, Rongmasin village, O'Ambel commune, Sereysophon Town, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Ms. * Mr. 054 958843 [email protected] CHEA CHHOUK DY DY KONG PO Box: N/A Fax: 054 958843 Yoeurn Narin Dara Yorklim Samnang CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Website: N/A Home Care Team Member CD Worker Home Care Team Member Administrative/Finance Assistant Executive Director 012 223196 012 429735 012 968103 012 867480 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Page 103 Mr. KONG Mrs. KUY Mr. LIEM Rithy Home Team Member 012 174298 Banteay Meanchey Vanlyn Luon Program Coordinator CD Worker 012 423538 012 1750292 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Mr. LON Chheang Lak HIV/AIDS Trainer 012 1991371 Banteay Meanchey Ms. Mr. PHAN PROM Chanveasna Yim CD Worker Program Officer for HBC 012 680871 092 796288 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Mr. SEA Yuom CD Worker Mr. Mr. SOUS SY Karoun Bo HIV/AIDS Trainer Administrative/Finance Officer Ms. VEAP In Home Team Member Banteay Meanchey 012 728571 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Socio-Economic Research and Resource Center for Development SERRC Sangkum Meanchey village, Soryong commune, Baray district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: 203 Phone: 012 205259 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. THONG Chhan PO Box: N/A N/A Program Manager Kampong Thom Sor Sor Troung SST 16, Street 430, Psar Doem Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 365 Phone: 023 987758 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. PO Box: 2434 N/A CHEA Sok Hoeun Program Officer 012 587285 CHHIM IN KAO SOPHA Van Deth Sopheap Bora Chan Pisey Exective Director Program Officer Program Officer Administrator/Finance officer 012 949379 012 692916 012 881424 Sovann Phoum SP 48, Street 608, Boeung Kok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 57 Phone: 023 883523 Fax: 023 883523 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Miss KHUN Mr. LEANG * Mr. OUT Miss PANN Mr. YOU PO Box: 1043 www.sovannphoum.org Tola Sethya School Health Promotion Project Officer Vocational Training Project Officer Sarang Ann Thay Executive Director Health Education Programme Officer Director Assistant - Administrative & Finance 012 716731 012 876003 Kampong Cham 012 668428 Sovanna Phum Association Support for Cambodian Artist Sovanna Phum 111, Street 360, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 221932 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. KHIM LEANG MANN OUCH VAT Meak Tola Kosal Sina Phalla PO Box: 405 www.shadow-puppeps.org Sound-light Technician Project Assistant Artistic Director Project Manager Office Assistant 012 837056 012 479779 090 346737 017 324200 Sprouting Knowledge Orphans SKO Anhchanh village, Orchar commune, Battambang Town, Battambang province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 053 390197/012 701866 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. NOU Ven. POV Miss YAY Bora Mony Sitha CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director Assistant Director Administrator & Accountant 089 993899 012 287581 089 981693 Battambang Battambang Battambang Page 104 Srer Khmer SK 119D, Street 364, Tuol Svay Prey II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 390 Phone: 023 210217 Fax: 023 220598 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 1517 www.srerkhmer-cambodia.org Mr. CHHUN Sophorn Program Officer 011 316705 Mr. Mr. ENG MEACH Sokhen Centmill Project Manager Programme Officer 012 559078 012 258576 Banteay Meanchey Kampong Cham Mr. MEAS Sambo Project Officer 016 462634 Battambang Mr. * Dr. Mr. NEANG POU Thai Sovann Project Manager Executive Director 092 789813 012 839940 Siem Reap PRUM Vibolratanak Project Manager 012 949528 Kampong Speu Mr. Mr. PRUM SOURS Chankiri Sokha Project Officer Senior Programme Coordiantor 012 775719 012 418274 Pursat Ms. TAING Volakh Administrative/Finance Manager 012 763605 Star Kampuchea STAR KAMPUCHEA 67, Street 123/468, Toul Tom Pung I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 372 Phone: 023 211612 Fax: 023 211812 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mrs. CHET Charya PO Box: 177 www.starkampuchea.org.kh Director 012 802460 Street Children Assistance and Development Programme SCADP 555, Road 68K, Chamkar Ovleuk village, Kakab quarter, Dangkor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 404 Phone: 016 544844 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 2656 www.scadp.org.kh Mr. Mr. BAN BOU Sam Arn Phannarith Administrative Manager Deputy Director 099 902598 012 914594 Mr. Mr. Mr. CHIN EANG HASS Chivin Chetana Ven Project Manager Social Worker Social Worker 012 833417 089 275855 099 902597 Prey Veng Koh Kong Kandal Mr. Mr. HORM KHAM Theara Chanpheakdey Social Worker Project Manager 099 541733 016 748878 Odor Meanchey Ms. Ms. Ms. KHAM KHAT NHIM Chanpidor Channuon Sopheak Education & Social Work Social Worker Project Manager 015 595649 092 250697 012 479529 NOUNG TANG YIM Sony Project Manager Social Worker Executive Director & Founder 012 1997571 Preah Vihear Tengthon Sokhary 012 943845 016 544844 Kampong Som Ms. Mr. * Ms. Kampong Speu Stung Treng Women's Development Center SWDC Sre Poh village, Stung Treng Town, Stung Treng Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 622096 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. KIM * Mrs. NGUON Dara Chan Chantha PO Box: N/A www.mekongblue.com Co-Director Co-Director 012 622096 012 609730 Stung Treng Suosdei Cambodia Association SCA Orsoursdei village, Baray commune, Baray district, Kampong Thom Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 694469 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. SONG Seng PO Box: N/A N/A Director 017 694469 Kampong Thom Support Association for Rural Farmers SARF 294, Pealnhek2 village, Phteah Prey commune, Sampao Meas district, Pursat Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 295179 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Page 105 Mr. HIM Sareourn Field Facilitator 017 707296 Pursat Ms. Mr. KENG KOUY Phalline Sokun Finance & Administrative Officer Field Facilitator 092 266918 012 279322 Pursat Pursat LAO Ly Executive Director 012 295179 Pursat MAK MEY Sourn Sophorn Field Facilitator Field Facilitator 017 674140 017 314496 Pursat Pursat PHAN Bunthon Field Facilitator 012 850985 Pursat Pov Project Coordinator 012 610941 Pursat * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. SIN Support Children and Young People SCY 79, Street 173, Tomnup Toek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 997217 Fax: 023 997217 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.scy.y2d.org EM Chan Makara Executive Director 012 823848 MEN OK Sok Pheng Sang Administrator Finance Officer 012 682678 POTTER Martin VIDA Volunteer 092 943889 Takeo Community Forestry Integrated Development Association TCFIDA Bakkout village, Leaybo commune, Tram kork district, Takeo Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 997272 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: Mr. * Ms. CHAN SDOEUNG Nhep Nhor PO Box: N/A N/A Deputy Director Director 092 188017 012 997272 Takeo Takeo Tekdey Sovannaphum TDSP Road No 5, Sophy village, Kampong Svay commune, Sereisophon district, Banteay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 054 710071 [email protected] HEAN PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Sovandara Website: N/A Director 016 599992 Banteay Meanchey The Action of Governance & Equity in Development AGED 41, Group 3, Romcheck 5 village, Rattanak commune, Battambang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 228829/447180 Fax: 053 394543 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. PEN PEN RITH SVAY VATH Sony Pisith Samneth Sinal Rane PO Box: 397 N/A Executive Director Programme Officer & Field Contact Officer Project Officer Programme Coordinator Administrative & Finance Officer 012 228829 012 1918231 099 929109 092 947705 053 394543 Battambang Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Battambang Battambang The Cambodian Education and Waste Management Organization COMPED Rolos village, Choeung Ek commune, Dang Kor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 398 Phone: 012 842387/012 727206 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHAU Kim Heng PO Box: N/A www.camped-cam.org Director The Cambodian National Research Organization CNRO 50B, Street 488, Phsar Doeum Thkov I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 306 Phone: 023 994219/012 253887 Fax: 023 994219 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. HEANG OUM SOK THANG Rithy Vary Sokhom Bunsong CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A www.cnro-cambodia.org President Programme Officer Branch Manager Administrative & Finance Officer 011 810000 011 817281 012 824146 012 253887 Kampong Som Page 106 The Center of Miltenberg-Cambodia CMC Kbal Koh village, Koh Dach commune, Muk Kampoul district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 393 Phone: 012 836515 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A N/A CHAN Bonnivoit Executive Director 012 836515 Kandal CHEA Sothach Administrative Chief 015 643010 Kandal The Farmer Economic Development Association FEDA 86, Rakarler village, Sangkat Sambuomeas, Kampong Cham Town, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 042 391718/097 8816699 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected];pally_ou@yahoo .com Website: * Mr. OU Phally PO Box: N/A N/A Director 017 554678 Kampong Cham The Future for Cambodian Children FCC Laak village, Kandek commune, Brasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 920506 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Mr. PO Box: N/A www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~fcc KY Moeng Executive Director 012 920506 Siem Reap SRENG Rithy Administrator/Accountant 012 315933 Siem Reap The International Friendship Development Organization of Cambodia IFDO 2D, Street 554, Boeung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 330 Phone: 023 358971/012 865899 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Website: * Mr. POUV Borei PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 012 865899 The Khmer Foundation for Justice, Peace and Development KF JPD 14, Street 99, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 219424 Fax: 023 219424 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: 2478 N/A CHHOUN CHUM Ouk Veuk Director of the Peaceful Children Home II General Manager 011 449177 012 889543 ENG KOY OK Sothavuth Chhoeurn Choun Staff Executive Director Director of the Peaceful Children Home I 012 777231 015 641715 012 592351 Kandal The Khmer Institute of Democracy KID 6Z1, Mao Tse Tung Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Mr. 023 214928 Fax: 023 216206 [email protected] HANG Chhaya Website: PO Box: 117 www.kidcambodia.org Executive Director The Women Vocational Training WVTO 99A, Street 2005, Kakab, Dangkor, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 258 Phone: 012 800265 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. KAY Raksmey PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 800265 Three Controls Organization TCO Thnal Bek village, Svay Teab commune, Chamcar Leu district, Kampong Cham Province CCC Box: 193 Phone: 012 782825 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. LOK Samen CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director PO Box: N/A N/A Kampong Cham Page 107 Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, Cambodia TPO-Cambodia 20, Street 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 324 Phone: 023 219182/218478 Fax: 023 218478 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Dr. Ms. * Dr. Mr. PO Box: 1124 www.tpocambodia.org ANG Sody Clinical Supervisor 012 622487 BOU CHHIM Vannary Sotheara Provincial Coordinator Executive Director 052 951555 012 687185 Pursat Kampong Thom DUONG Sunnary Provincial Coordinator 062 961375 Mr. Dr. KANG KEO San Sothy Programme Coordinator Clinician 011 871552 012 676905 Mr. KIM Sophornn Provincial Coordinator 012 249169 Mr. Dr. LAO MUNY Lun Sothara Provincial Coordinator Project Coordinator 053 952343 Mr. PICH Panha Clinician Coordinator 012 854206 Mr. PRUM Reachna Provincial Coordinator 054 958910 Mr. Ms. SAM SOK Mara Phaneth Operations Manager Counseling Coordinator 012 246555 Mr. TOUN Sam Ol Administrative & Finance Manager 011 782496 Battambang Banteay Meanchey Trotrung ning Akphiwat Sokapeap neak Kre Kror TASK 227, National road No 2, Chak Ang Rea Leu, Meanchey II, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 243 Phone: 023 425045/099 425045 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.task.org.kh Mr. Ms. CHEA CHEANG Lin Sarim Community Sanitation & Development Nutrition Project Manger 012 974432 012 784756 Ms. Mr. Ms. CHREK DOEURN KEN Sochea Vuthea Kannya Administrator TDUR Project Manager HIV/Aids Education Project Manager 011 776611 011 884859 012 989090 Chenda Ee TLC Project Manager Aids Home Care Project Manager 012 473080 012 370965 Sokhom Pauv Lalin Women's Health Project Manager Co-Director Finance & Administrative Manager 012 784750 012 542564 012 923876 Sovicheth Chansothea Channy IT & Media Officer Receptionist & Cashier Accountant 092 899255 016 333180 012 653754 Miss NET Mr. OR Ms. * Mr. Mr. PHAT PROM SOU Mr. TEP Miss YIM Ms. YOEURN 2681 Urban Poor Women Development UPWD 35AEo, Street 265, Group 6, Boeung Salang, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 463 Phone: 023 995580/012 646955 Fax: 023 995580 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Miss Mr. * Ms. HIM KONG KOU MANG NOUCH SOUM Nimol Nimol Sina Bora Chamreon Samoun PO Box: N/A N/A Food Security & Health Facilitator Community Organizing Facilitator Program Manager Administrative/Accounatant Child Sponsorship Facilitator Director 012 449542 012 680829 012 918911 016 637014 012 611247 012 646955 Urban Resource Centre URC 59, Street 202, Toeuk Laak III, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 408 Phone: 012 940405 Fax: N/A E-mail: N/A Website: * Mr. SAMRETH Sok Heng PO Box: 2242 N/A Coordinator 012 940405 Urban Sector Group USG 13B, Street 426, Toul Tumpung II, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 322 Phone: 012 859226 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1055 N/A Page 108 * Mr. LIM Phai Director 012 859226 Urgent Medical Nations Human Rights Relief UMNHR 322, Street 371, Boeung Tompun, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 252 Phone: 012 281231 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. BID Dr. BUY * Dr. MAO Miss PHENG Keith Consultant Channa Horng Program Director President L.R.P Mom Financer PO Box: N/A N/A 012 872191 012 281231 Vaddhanak VADDHANAK Road No 5, Srepring village, Kompong Chhnang commune, Kompong Chhnang Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 026 988661 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHHOEUNG Sovuthy PO Box: 595 N/A Director 012 985961 Kampong Chhnang Village Economic Support Organization VESO Sophi Village, Group 36, Sangkat Kampong Svay, Sereisaophoan town, Bantheay Meanchey Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 395597 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/veso@yah oo.com Website: PO Box: N/A N/A Mr. Mr. CHEA OEUN Sareth Pun yut Deputy Director Field Coordinator 012 733938 017 548744 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Ms. Mr. * Mr. RITH SAO TONG Kim Heang Sakan Sophanarith Accountant Manager Project Coordinator Executive Director 089 853490 012 615251 017 395597 Banteay Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Village Focus Cambodia VFC 12C, Street 308, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 221748 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. Mr. PO Box: 503 www.villagefocus.org MEAS Nee Executive Director 012 751421 TOUCH Sophorn Chief Accountant 016 999197 Village Support Group VSG 676, Group 21, Kamakor village, Svay Por commune, Battambang district, Battambang Province CCC Box: 350 Phone: 053 730355 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. ROS Chhorvivorn PO Box: N/A N/A Executive Director 077 992270 Battambang Vocational and Development Training Organization VDTO 676, Street 37C, Stung Meanchey, Meanchey, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 334 Phone: 012 914550 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. TEP YATH Vuthy Chanthy PO Box: N/A www.vdto.org Executive Director Administrator/Financer 012 914550 012 709707 Vocational Training for Alleviation of Poverty and Social Development VAPSD 022, Group 2, Por Andort village, Roleap commune, Sampovmeas district, Pursat Province CCC Box: 299 Phone: 012 787549 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: * Mr. THONG Sarun CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Director PO Box: N/A N/A Pursat Page 109 Volunteer Youth Congress for Democracy VYCD 12-14B, Street 271/32, Trapaing Chhouk village, Toeuk Thlar, Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 455 Phone: 012 404045 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. CHIN Sokha PO Box: N/A www.vycd.org President 012 404045 Vulnerability and Illiteacy Reduction VIR Slor Kram village, Sangkat Slor Kram, Siem Reap Town, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 989832 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MONH Sam Ean PO Box: N/A N/A Director Siem Reap Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization VCAO 72 Street 608, Sangkat Beoung Kok II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 323 Phone: 023 884722/012 876422 Fax: 023 884722 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. CHEA Miss SOBEND Mr. UN Mr. YIM PO Box: N/A www.vcao.org.kh Pyden Executive Director 012 876422 Luna Chanvirak Administration Manager Finance Manager 012 924692 012 847266 Sokhom Administrative Assistant 092 744405 Vulnerable People Support VPS Group 1, Orussey I, Orussey, Kratie Province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 072 971698/ 012 776631 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. KHY Miss PAV * Mr. REACH Miss SOA Mr. TEM PO Box: N/A N/A Wuthy Seng Hean Project Officer Administrative & Finance Officer 012 475254 092 941904 Kratie Kratie Lyla Narim Taing Executive Director Project Officer Project Manager 099 943178 092 658743 Kratie Kratie Kratie Vulnerable Teenager for Help VTH 434, G8, Romcheck 4 village, Sangkat Ratanak, Battamtang Town, Battambang Province CCC Box: 280 Phone: 012 942149 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. CHOUN LIM MAR NHOW PIL SEUN THIN Rithy Sokun Chim Koum Sokha Sambath Cheara PO Box: N/A N/A Director Accountant Community Mobilizing Officer Project Staff Administrator Program Coordinator Livelihood Officer 092 720254 092 976515 092 200956 012 342433 012 480415 092 280183 Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Battambang Wathnakpheap WP 42BE0, Street 488, Phsa Doeum Tkov, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 62 Phone: 023 217449 Fax: 023 217449 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Ms. * Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. CHHAY CHIM HENG HENG LANG NHOR NUON PEL SAN SENG Pitou Rina Chan Thon Sokkhy Sophany Sophal Sothea Thida Martin Song Nath Vork CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 90 www.wathnakpheap.org Field Coordinator Project Manager Director Project Mananer Field Coordinator Field Coordinator Finance Officer Programme Coordinator Project Manager CE-Programme Coordinator 089 897898 012 583861 Kratie Pursat 017 676979 099 434613 012 665165 012 607445 012 908799 012 300927 017 395876 Siem Reap Kampong Cham Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Page 110 Mr. TAN Narong Administrative Officer 016 750292 Weak Family Development WFD 3, Group2, Street Toulpniet, Chherteal Village, Kompongchin Tboung Commune, Stong District, Kompong Thom Province CCC Box: 229 Phone: E-mail: * Ms. 012 647644 N/A LY PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A Website: Lavon N/A Director 012 647644 Kampong Thom Women Association For Community Development WACD Otapouk Loeu village, Sangkat Pailin, Khan Pailin, Pailin City CCC Box: 198 Phone: 011 743704/017 734194 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: N/A N/A * Ms. Mr. Mr. CHOA Kim Eng Executive Director 011 743704 Pailin CHOA MEY Play Sy Chan Programme Manager Administrator 092 947092 016 855807 Pailin Pailin Mr. VEUN Vuth Accountant 012 996276 Pailin Women Development Association WDA 69Do+1, Street 97, Phsa Deum Tkhov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 326 Phone: 023 720807 Fax: 023 720807 E-mail: [email protected] m Website: * Ms. Ms. PO Box: N/A N/A SORECH Sereithida Executive Director 012 955105 YIN Alay Office Manager 012 753069 Women For Prosperity WFP 17, Street 430, Phsar Doem Tkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 327 Phone: 023 212429 Fax: 023 212447 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. Ms. PO Box: N/A www.wfpcambodia.org POK Nanda Executive Director 012 420093 SREY Romany Finance Manager 012 399846 Women In Development And Community WODAC Sre Pdao village, Sangkat Orussy, Kratie Town, Kratie Province CCC Box: 422 Phone: 012 716609 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Ms. SAN Kim Or PO Box: N/A N/A Director 012 716609 Kratie Women Organization for Modern Economic and Nursing WOMEN 97, Street 261, Boueng Salang, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 348 Phone: 023 216582/012 949982 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. * Mr. Mr. Miss Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Miss Mr. Mr. CHAN CHEA CHUM KHIM KHUL NEAK OUM PAGN PHATH SENG TY Sopheap Sarith Nak Sophy Oiy Sophy Sokhorn Virak Phanny Phea Phorn CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A Finance President Programme Officer Finance Officer Programme Officer Programme Officer Programme Officer Programme Manager Accountant Programme Officer Programme Officer 012 944243 012 949982 012 264170 012 733936 012 218016 012 695022 011 957887 016 877287 016 796626 012 619703 012 880839 Kandal Prey Veng Odor Meanchey Prey Veng Kandal Prey Veng Page 111 Women Peace Makers WPM 86Eo, Street 77BT, Chamroeun Phal village, Boeung Tumpun commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 393 Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. 012 568479/016 736767 PO Box: N/A Fax: N/A [email protected] Website: N/A CHAN Sona Executive Director 012 568479 CHHIV LONG Kim Srun Pov Panha Boad of Director Accountant & Administrator 012 262790 MOM Somunny Programme Manager 016 736767 Women Service Organization WOSO Srang village, Srang commune, Kong Pisey district, Kampong Speu Province CCC Box: 329 Phone: 012 877801/012 688364 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. OUNG * Mrs. SREY PO Box: N/A N/A Dara Programme Manager 012 877801 Kampong Speu Sokhon Executive Director 012 688364 Kampong Speu Women's Media Centre of Cambodia WMC 30, Street 488, Phsar Dem Thkov, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 347 Phone: 023 223597 Fax: 023 223597 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ms. Ms. * Ms. CHEA SOK Sundaneth Thara TIVE Sarayeth PO Box: 497 www.wmc-cambodia.org Production Director Senior Administrative & Human Resource Officer Executive Director 016 613764 Youth For Peace YFP 4-6G, St 503, Sangkat Beung Kak I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 881346 Fax: 023 881346 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. CHHIT LONG Muny Khet PO Box: N/A www.yfpcambodia.org Programme Manager Executive Director 016 661389 011 813771 Youth Network in Khmer YNK Chamkarsamrong I village, Sangkat Chamkarsamrong, Battambang Town, Battambang province CCC Box: N/A Phone: 012 776764 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected];ynk_cambodi [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Mr. CHHIT ENG ITH KROUCH Rattana Chanchum Pen Sovanny PO Box: N/A N/A Project Manager Executive Director Project Manager Administrator 092 918391 012 776764 012 618134 012 245876 Battambang Battambang Pailin Battambang Youth Organization For Community Development YOFCD 5E1, Street 135, Toul Tompong I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 283 Phone: 012 855033 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. BUN BUTH CHHENG IM MEAN PHOS PRUM SOY Ratha Bona New Veasna Propey Sopheak Sokhom Vet CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: N/A N/A AIDS & Drug Project Manager Hope Children Project Manager Provincial Project Manager Director Administrator & Accountant Assistant to Director Education Project Manager Community Development Project Manager 097 8502753 017 775978 015 610198 011 855033 092 750568 017 569480 089 706875 092 438536 Kampong Speu Page 112 Youth Resource Development Programme YRDP 93, Street 590, Boeung Kork II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 240 Phone: 023 880194 Fax: 023 880059 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. CHEA * Mr. CHEANG Mrs. ONG Mr. REAM Mrs. SOUN PO Box: 462 www.yrdp.org Sopheak Youth Empowerment Officer 012 840382 Sokha Navy Executive Director Administration & Finance Coordinator 012 360464 012 641880 Rothamony Deputy Director 012 566430 Sovanney Training Coordinator 092 403423 Youth With Disabilities Foundation for Education and Employment YODIFEE Prek Reang village, Kampong Samnanh commune, Takhmao district, Kandal Province CCC Box: 424 Phone: 012 889660/012 324548 Fax: 023 357143 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: 1309 www.yodifee.org Mr. ANN Kim Heng Administrator Mr. Mr. CHEA CHEM Sokhorn Cheun Handicraft Producer Farm Manager 012 391908 Kandal Kandal Kandal Mr. DOUNG Neun Handicraft Teacher Kandal Mr. Mr. HOL KEAN Rithy Pros Handicraft Producer Student Supervisor Kandal Kandal Mr. KENG Sophoan Computer Instructor Kandal Mr. KEUT Miss KOY Mrs. KUT Outdom Yary Sokunthea Handicraft Producer Handicraft Producer Handicraft Producer Kandal Kandal Kandal Mr. MEAS Mrs. MEAS Mrs. NUM Phearin Kangchana Youn Coordinator Business Manager Handicraft Producer Nimul Sophat Kosal Executive Director Animal Carer Student Supervisor Mr. SOK Mrs. TAN Miss TON Sounly Sokheng Tima Sale Assistant Handbag Trainer Accountant Kandal Kandal Miss UN Miss VONG Mr. YOU Sarem Srey On Thy Handicraft Producer Handicraft Producer Farm Instructor Kandal Kandal Kampot * Mr. Mr. Mr. OUCH PHON SEUM CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 012 889660 012 324548 Kampot Kandal Kandal Kandal Battambang Kandal Page 113 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS – CAMBODIAN Type of Organization: O Disability Action Council DAC 788, Monivong Blvd, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 017 555653 Fax: N/A E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.dac.org.kh Mr. HEM Monivorn Finance & Administrative Officer 092 181797 Ms. Mr. MEAS NHEM Mao Sareth Project Coordinator Information & Communication Manager Mr. OU Sokhim Ms. SARAH Jago Inclusive Education Programme Coordinator Inclusive Education Advisor 012 910006 012 834988/077 818823 012 403595 * Mr. Ms. Mr. THONG Vinal Executive Director 012 612525 TITH UNG Hieng Seka Sambath Livelihood Programme Officer PRC & CBR Programme Coordinator 012 235041 012 948020 VORN Samphors Deputy Executive Director 012 702279 Mr. 115 017 822061 National Center of Disabled Persons NCDP 3, Norodom Blvd, Sras Chark, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 409 Phone: 023 210140 Fax: 023 213876 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. YI Veasna CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 170 www.ncdpcam.org Executive Director 016 880354 Page 114 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIONAL Type of Organization: O-Inter'l Australian Agency for International Development AUSAID Australian Embassy, 16B, Street National Assembly, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: * Ms. Ms. Ms. 023 213470 PO Box: N/A Fax: 023 213466 [email protected] Website: www.ausaid.gov.au MERICOURT Belinda Senior Program Manager MITCHELL NGUON Katherine Sokunthea Second Secretary Program Manager Ms. PATEL Arthi First Secretary Mr. PONTIFEX Lachlan Counsellor Cambodia Development Resource Institute CDRI 56, Street 315, Boeung Kak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 18 Phone: 023 881701/883603/881384 Fax: 023 880734 E-mail: [email protected] Website: BILLMEIER Moudda External Relations Manager Dr. Mr. CATALLA F. CHAN Rebecca Sophal Research Advisor Research Advisor Mr. CHHIN Sithy Local Graphic design Consultant Mr. Mr. DOUNG EM Virorth Sorany Programme Coordinator (AI) Development Knowledge Manager Mr. HE Hin Library Manager Dr. Ms. HENG HUY Sopheab Romduol Dr. JALILIAN Hossein Research Manager Senior Prog. Officer & Training Team Leader Research Director Mr. KIM Sedara Mr. LENG Vanna Research Fellow & Programme Coordiantor (AI) IT Manager Mr. Mr. Ms. MYERS NONG OEUNG Allen Monin Bon Thyda Language Editor (P/T) Administrative Officer HR & Administrative Manager Mr. Ms. Ms. OUM PON REYES Chantha Dorina Glenda Production Officer Field Work Coordinator Researcher Ms. RUN Savinn SEN SREY STRANGE SUSAN THENG THONG TONG TOUCH UN UNG VAN VAN YEM Sina Sovannarith Larry Watkins Vuthy Beauphara Kinsun Varine Sinoch Sirn Lee Narith Sambath Vannak Dararath YOU Sethirith Assistant to ED & External Relations Officer Senior Administrator Senior Accountant Executive Director Editor & Academin Writer Programme Coordinator Finance Manager Programme Coordinator Programme Officer Librarian Director of Operations Electronic & Hardware Specialist Translator Programme Coordinator & Team Leader WRMP Publishing Manager (AI) Mr. Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace CICP Phum Paung Peay, Phnom Penh Thmey, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 016 982558 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. Ms. CHHEANG NETH Vannarith Chantha CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 622 www.cdri.org.kh Ms. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Ms. Dr. Ms. Dr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. PO Box: PO Box: 1007 www.cicp-org.kh Executive Director Deputy Executive Director 016 982559 012 819983 Page 115 Cambodia Mine Action Centre CMAC CMAC Building, Vithei Doung Ngeab, Kok Chambak village, Cham Chao commune, Dangkor district, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: E-mail: 023 995437/8/9 116 PO Box: Fax: 023 367096 [email protected] Website: www.cmac.org.kh Mr. HENG Kra * HE Mr. HENG HIM Ratana Vandy Deputy Director of Support & Human Resource Director General Deputy Director of Operation * Mr. OUM Phomro Deputy Director General 012 800130 012 800117 Canadian Cooperation Office CCO-CIDA 50, Street 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 215496 Fax: 023 720774 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.cco-cambodia.org Mr. CHHIM Piseth IT Assistant 012 952255 Ms. Ms. EANG IM Ravuthea Samphors Programme Assistant Support & Administrative Officer 016 760526 012 575100 Ms. KHUN Lineth Front Desk Officer & Receptionist 012 737301 MEN SOURN Bunleng Sophara Director Accounting Officer 012 951130 012 334233 SREY Chanthy Senior Agriculture & Land Analyst 012 943609 * Mr. Mr. Mr. 402 Commune Council Support Project CCSP C/o VBNK 28, Street 80/75, Srass Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 427197 Fax: 023 427197 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.ccspcambodia.org Ms. Mr. CHAK CHHIM Solyneth Sopheark Finance & Administrative Assistant Information & Documentation Officer 012 739796 012 504641 Mr. Mr. Mr. HAULLEY HUY LENG Bruce Vong Rasmey Dara Vivath 011 568002 012 992332 012 222467 LY PRAK YIN Rathy Sokhany Sundarinet Management Advisor Programme Manager NGO Liaison Office Programme Coordinator Programme Officer Executive Director Finance & Administrative Officer Mr. * Ms. Ms. 50 012 415330 012 940851 012 877447 Croix Rouge Francaise CRF 6, Street 604 , Boeng Kak II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 883670 Fax: 023 884175 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Mr. Dr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. CHAN CHRISTIN HUOT HUOT KHET KROUCH LAFONT LAK LEYMARIE LIM MA MARTIN MUTH NOU NOUN OUNG PHONN PHOUNG SOENG Bunnthy Christophe Boran Chantheany Mareth Saveth Lionel Khemary Sandrine Phary Sida Estelle Pisei Panharith Ratana Savuth Ra Sopheavy Roeun CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 620 www.croix-rouge.fr Doctor Head of Mission Nurse Database Medical Coordinator Counselor HBC Coordinator Administrative Coordinator Administrator Officer Health Coordinator Pharmacist Administrator Psychologues Senior Logistic Officer M & E Officer Finance Officer Logistic Administrative Base Administrator & Logistic Community Coordinator 012 764670 012 424019 012 714742 012 246307 012 397971 012 269926 092 284820 012 638991 012 325925 016 676392 012 344060 092 832994 012 808915 012 662268 012 325737 012 849164 092 350658 016 908597 016 892229 Odor Meanchey Kampong Som Kampong Som Page 116 Mr. SOM Moniratana Procurement Officer 012 573585 Dara Savun Medical Coordinator Branch Director CRC-ODM 012 845223 011 702178 Mrs. TAING Youk Lin Resp. Pharmacist 012 737550 Mr. TEP Mrs. THUBERGHIEN Sopheap Hildegarde Logistic Officer Technical Advisor WATSAN 017 520096 012 424128 Dr. SOM Mrs. SUONG Kampong Som Odor Meanchey Odor Meanchey Economic and Social Relaunch of Northwest Provinces in Cambodia ECOSORN Provincial Department of Agriculture, Wat Damnak village, Salakamroek commune, Siem Reap district, Siem Reap Province CCC Box: Phone: E-mail: * Mr. Mr. Mr. 063 965478 PO Box: Fax: 063 761243 [email protected] Website: www.ecosorn.org CHAN Saruth National Project Director 012 828883 Siem Reap HENG HENG Sokhena Bun Hor Provincial Coordinator Provincial Project Manager 012 882998 054 710344 Siem Reap Banteay Meanchey Mrs. KIM Kimleang Provincial Coordinator 012 407487 Battambang Mr. HE LEANG LORD Heng Reasmey Technical Coordinator Manager for Coordination Office 012 714715 Mr. SEANG Chheurt Provincial Project Manager 053 730398 Battambang Mr. Mr. STAAB TAT Manfred M. Bun Chhoeun ITA Team Leader Provincial Project Manager 092 993310 Siem Reap Siem Reap Mr. VANN Kimsan Provincial Coordinator 012 979049 Banteay Meanchey Siem Reap Environmental Management in the Coastal Zone CZM 48, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 023 216510 Fax: 023 211406 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. ITH VANN Kessna Monyneath PO Box: 2298 www.czmcam.org CCU Secretary National Project Team Leader 016 267168 012 203456 GTZ Programme for the Promotion of the Private Sector in Rural Areas 5, Street 310, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 726344/012 333247 Fax: 023 726345 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BOLSTER Peter PO Box: 81 N/A Team Leader International Monetary Fund IMF 22-24, Preah Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 218602/218603 Fax: 023 218601 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. * Mr. Ms. LENG NELMES PICH Chan Leapho John G. Chenda PO Box: N/A www.imf.org Senior Assistant to Resident Resident Representative Assistant to Resident Representative United States Agency For International Development USAID US Embassy, Building 1, Street 96, Wat Phnom, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 728300 Fax: 023 430263 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. FULLER Flynn CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 35 www.usaid.gov Mission Director Page 117 UNITED NATIONS (UN) AGENCIES Type of Organization: UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO 5, Street 370, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: Phone: 023 216566/211702 Fax: 023 216547 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. MARKANDAY Ajay PO Box: 53 www.fao.org Representative International Labour Organization ILO Phnom Penh Center, Building F, 2nd Floor/Sihanouk (274) & Sothearos (3) Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: 023 220817 PO Box: 2642 Fax: 023 221536 [email protected] Website: www.ilo.org Mr. AM Vina Programme Assistant - BFC 012 936107 Ms. Ms. ATH CHAB Socheat Sokha Administrative Secretary - BFC Finance Assistant - BFC 012 529232 011 884656 Mr. CHEA Phalla National Project Officer - ITP 012 415510 Mr. Mr. CHEA CHEA Mony Sophal Administrative Assistant - TBP Senior Programme Assistant - BFC 097 7272505 017 717007 Mr. CHENG Ty Programme Assistant - BFC 012 880705 Mr. Mr. CHHIEU EANG Veyara Sovannara Senior Programme Assistant -LDR Programme Assistant - BFC 012 921561 012 659971 Ms. HAS Minea Lirana IT Assistant - BFC 016 931998 Ms. Ms. Mr. HENG HENG HUN Seltik Sothavy Savuth National Project Coordinator - WEDGE Administrative & Finance Assistant - TBP Programme & Admin. Assistant - TBP 012 455578 012 983842 012 900607 Ms. Mr. Mr. KEO KHENG KHLEANG Kolina Kimly Rim Receptionist Administrative Secretary - TBP National Project Coordinator - CISP 012 870390 012 834862 012 928971 Ms. Ms. Ms. KIM KIM KONG Kanhchana Socheata Lyden Jr. Secretary - ITP Administrative Secretary - WEDGE Administrative Secretary - WEP 012 757377 012 714706 012 456223 Ms. LAFLAMME Training Specialist - BFC 012 893992 Mr. LAY Catherine Vaillancourt You Hong Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. LEANG LY MP NANG NGAN NOU NOV Chanthy Somana Joseph Narith Touch Sophorn Pheary Dara Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. NUON NY OK ORK ORM OUK PEN POL POR POUTIAINEN ROS ROS SAO SEAN SEANG SEANG SEK SENG Veasna You Malika Sam Ol Sovannavuth Sisovann Sokunthea Vanna Chuong Tuomo Bunleng Sok Heng Kosal Linin Meng Sokha Sophorn Sokunthea CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 Programme Assistant - BFC 012 880687 Training Assistant - BFC Programme Assistant - BFC Chief Technical Advisor - TBP Programme Assistant - BFC Administrative Secretary - BFC Programme Assistant - BFC Senior Programme Assistant, Training BFC National Project Coordinator - WEP Community Assistant - BFC Programme Assistant - BFC Programme Assistant - BFC Field Coordinator - TBP Sr. Programme Officer - TBP Receptionist - BFC Data Mangt & Admin. Assistant - BFC National HIV/AIDS Focal Point Chief Technical Advisor - BFC Finance & Administrative Assistant Senior Finance Assistant - BFC Field Coordinator - TBP Programme Assistant - BFC Field Coordinator - TBP Finance & Administrative Assistant - LDR National Project Coordinator - ITP Programme Assistant - BFC 092 978577 017 475017 012 778687 012 936114 012 524371 012 225656 012 884385 012 810944 012 373877 016 872703 012 936125 012 985424 012 811399 092 804403 012 676588 012 844575 012 333608 017 333833 012 626446 017 555887 011 958038 012 433361 012 635995 012 890289 012 754594 Kampot Siem Reap Kampot Siem Reap Page 118 Mr. TEANG Boran Programme Assistant - BFC 012 727163 Ms. Mr. TENG TERELLEN Channousphearyka Michiel Administrative Secretary Technical Advisor - CISP 012 420671 092 998633 Ms. THEA Sophy Programme Assistant - BFC 011 948004 Mr. Ms. THENG TIENG Chhorvirith Savon Programme Officer - TBP Administrative Clerk - TBP 012 767266 092 239688 Ms. TOUS Sophorn National Project Coordinator - RBSA 012 893041 TUN UN Sophorn Vuthy National Coordinator Programme Officer - TBP 012 854771 012 889982 Mr. VA Phearun Programme Assistant - BFC 012 222003 Ms. YIM Pich Malika Programme Assistant - BFC 012 516794 Ms. Ms. YUN YUN Mane Sokha National Project Officer - RB Jr. Secretary - BFC 012 317368 011 898548 Ms. ZIEBARTH Anne Legal Specialist - BFC 012 421867 * Mr. Mr. United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 11, Street 75, Sraschark, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 141 Phone: 023 426214/426215 Fax: 023 426284 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. BRIDLE Richard PO Box: 176 www.unicef.org Representative United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM 21, Street 57, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 996467 Fax: 023 994932 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: http://unifem-eseasia.org Mrs. CHARULATA Mr. KHOUN Prasada Bunny International Consultant, HIV Programme National Coordinator Mr. Ms. Thanit Sophea Portaro Chan Luch Programme Assistant Programme Assistant, CEDAW Programme M & E Officer, HIV Programme General Assistant, CEDAW Programme Vanny Bopha National Coordinator, CEDAW Programme 012 538201 Programme Assisstant, HIV Programme KOKSI KONG Mrs. LAURA Mrs. PHAV * Ms. Ms. PROK SIEK N/A United Nations Development Programme UNDP 53, Street 51 (Paster), Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Ms. Mr. * Mr. Mr. 023 216167 [email protected] BARANES BRODERICK SCHEUER TOORAWA PO Box: Fax: 023 216257 Sophie Douglas Jo Ismael Website: 877 www.un.org.kh/undp Deputy Country Director (Program) UNDP Resident Representative Country Director Deputy Country Director (Operations) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO 38, Samdech Sothearous Blvd, Tonle Bassac, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 217244 Fax: 023 217022 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Mr. JINNAI Teruo PO Box: 29 www.unesco.org Representative United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region-Cambodia Office UNIAP Cambodia 164E1, Street 51, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. Ms. 216217/214379 Fax: 216257 [email protected] HUOT LIM PICH Website: Vichheka Tith Rathmony CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 877 www.no-trafficking.org Information Analyst National Project Coordinator Finance & Project Assistant 012 868935 012 945952 012 418787 Page 119 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia UNOHCHR 10, Street 302, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: E-mail: Mr. * Mr. 023 216342/993590-1/987671-2 Fax: 023 212579/213587 [email protected] Website: PO Box: 108 http://cambodia.ohchr.org NAIR Jagadeesh Administrative Officer PESCHOUX Christophe Representative United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC 39, Street 420, Boeung Trabek, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 222348/9 Fax: 023 222350 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: Dr. Ms. * Mr. Mr. PO Box: 1125 www.unodc.org CHAUDHURI Anand Project Coordinator H83 012 925009 CHHIT PEDERSEN Srey Peou Lars Administrative/Finance Assistant Project Coordinator J11. Officer in Charge 012 810266 012 799897 PHY Phat Administrative/Finance Assistant 012 788898 United Nations Population Fund UNFPA 225, Street 51/310, Boeng Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 215519/216295 Fax: 023 211339 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PO Box: www.cambodia.unfpa.org Mr. Ms. CHAP CHEA Rathana Chandy PD Officer Manager Programme Officer-Gender 012 889694 012 994759 Dr. Ms. Mr. CHONG D'HAENE DUON Vandara Krist'l Hoeng HIV/AIDS- Program Associate MidwiferySpecialist NRHP Assistant 012 913094 012 341730 012 826915 Mr. Ms. HEM HOU Bory Vimol NRHP/HSSP Finance Assistant Programme Officer-Youth & Community 012954848 012 981071 Mr. Mr. Dr. IENG KET KHUON Sok Liva Vibol Finance Assistant NRHP Secretary HSSP/UNFPA Coordinator 016 901256 012 768677 012 931881 LEVISAY LIM LIVAN Alice Saky Sophoan Representative Programme Secretary Administrative Associate 012 613364 012 728822 LY MAY PEN RIENG ROS SAM SOK SOK TOUCH UNG Solim Tum Sophanara Pon Vinita Sochea Vanna Sokun Cheata Polin Operations Manager Assistant Representative Communications Associate Finance Associate Program Secretary RH Program Associate PDS Program Manager RH Program Manager Librarian/Research Assistant Midwifery Associate 012981668 092 199199 012 519054 016 838914 017 556687 012 906377 012 850571 012 992847 017 586578 012 798490 * Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Dr. Ms. Mr. 877 World Food Programme WFP 250, Street 63/398, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC Box: 144 Phone: 023 212137/8/210943 Fax: 023 218749 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. * Mr. Mr. CHHAY CHUOP CROSSLEY GRODER KHIEU MARGERIE UM Sokhorn Mony Kenneth R. Joachim Chantheavy Jean Pierre de Nisith CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 937 www.wfp.org Finance Officer Head of Sub Office Deputy Country Director Programme Officer Head of Sub Office Country Representative Head of Sub Office 012 875636 012 213452 012 812075 012 952785 012 487181 Kampong Cham 017 947772 Siem Reap Kampong Speu Page 120 World Health Organization WHO 177-179, Street 51, Chaktomuk, Phnom Penh CCC Box: N/A Phone: 023 216610/216942/212228/215464 Fax: 023 216211 E-mail: [email protected] Website: * Dr. O'LEARY Michael J. CCC-Agency Contact Listing, October 2009 PO Box: 1217 www.wpro.who.int Representative Page 121 AGENCY TELEPHONE LISTING AGENCY TELEPHONE LISTING Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail 3S Rivers Protection Network 3SPN 075 974112 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Action Development for Disabilities ADD 023 216917 N/A [email protected] 1123 INGO Action for Health Development AHEAD 053 952898 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO ActionAid International Cambodia AAIC 023 994987/994117 023 994986 [email protected] 66 INGO Actual Khmer Association for Development AKAFD 011 455882/012 381595 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia ADRA 023 880693/884365 023 880305 [email protected] 105 INGO 012 337853 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO N/A LNGO 2089 LNGO Advisor Organization for Supporting Orphaned Children Old Aged Death Persons P.O Box Type Advocacy and Policy Institute API 023213486 023 213487 [email protected] Agir Pour les Femmes En Situation Precaire AFESIP 023 884123 023 884123 [email protected] Agricultural Development Action ADA 053 952551 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Agriculture Development Association ADA 016 584225 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Agriculture Technical Service Association ATSA 023 222684 023 222684 [email protected] N/A LNGO Agronomes et Veterinaires Sans Frontiers VSF-CICDA 023 215037 023 215037 [email protected] 902 INGO Aide et Action International-Southeast Asia AEAI-SEA 023 221940 023 220940 [email protected] 1370 INGO Aide Odontologique Internationale AOI 012 863571 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Alliance Association of Rural Restoration AARR 012 673167 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Alliance for Conflict Transformation ACT 023 217830 023 217830 [email protected] 2552 LNGO 053 952419 053 952419 [email protected] N/A LNGO AMARA American Friends Service Committee AFSC 023 216400 023 213447 [email protected] 604 INGO Amici Dei Bambini Cambodia AIBI 012 991483 023 210486 [email protected] N/A INGO Amrita Performing Arts AMRITA 023 220424 023 220425 [email protected] 1140 INGO Angkar Ponleu Akphiwat APA 092 260827 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Angkor Association for the Disabled AAD 012 690934 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Angkor Community Development Organization ANCODOR 016 935179 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Angkor Participatory Development Organization APDO 012 630116 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Aphiwat Strey AS 053 952433 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 122 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Apsara Arts Association AAA 011 857424 N/A [email protected] 443 LNGO Arbitration Council Foundation ACF 023 223506 023 224979 [email protected] 1180 LNGO Article 4 Association A4A 012 915916/012 977720 N/A N/A Artisans' Association Cambodia AAC 023 213904 023 220150 [email protected] Asia Children and Youth Development Organization ACYDO 012 890689 N/A Asia Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia Asia HRDC 023 883831/012 408009 Asia Regional Trafficking in Persons Project ARTIP Asian Outreach Cambodia N/A LNGO 1303 LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 883831 [email protected] 448 LNGO 023 990810 023 990810 [email protected] 864 INGO AOC 023 217706 023 217706 [email protected] 484 INGO Assembly of God AOG 023 880324 023 880325 [email protected] 130 INGO Assistance to Poor Children Agency (Formerly DCDC) APCA 023 355259 023 355259 [email protected]/ [email protected] 910 LNGO Association Angkor-Belgique AAB 023 221590 N/A [email protected] 2180 INGO Association Avenir des Femmes et des Enfants du Cambodge AFEC 012 822145 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Association Cambodgienne d'Approvisionnement en Eau ACAPE 012 722806 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Association de la Jeunesse pour L'Amination and the Branch Maison des Jeunes AJA & MJC 023 881363/033 932363 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Association for Aid and Relief, Vocational Training for the Disabled AAR, VTD 023 430195 023 430195 [email protected]/ [email protected] 141 LNGO Association for Aid and Relief, Wheel Chair for Development AAR,WCD 023 430660 023 430660 [email protected] 141 LNGO Association for Business Initiative ABI Cambodia 054 710067 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Association for Conservation of Arts and Culture ACAC 092 805506 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Association for Development and Our Villager's Rights ADOVIR 012 360665 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Association for Human Resource Development and Health Education AHRDHE 012 646989/011 781112 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Association for Rural Development ARD 011 700800 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Association Internationale pour le Développement le Tourisme et la Santé AIDeTouS 012 953428 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Association of Farmer Development AFD 012 713960 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 123 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Association of Nuns and Lay Women of Cambodia ANLWC 012 473211/015 304747 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Association of Protection, Development for Cambodia Environment APDCE 012 480050 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Association of School Aid in Cambodia ASAC 023 212150 023 212150 [email protected]/asackh@onlin e.com Association of the Blind in Cambodia ABC 023 213882 023 213882 [email protected] g 175 LNGO 012 552909 N/A [email protected] 827 LNGO Association Samnang Laor P.O Box Type INGO Association Support New Cambodian Children ASNCC 012 859464 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Associationn of Jurists Observing Sub - National Administrator (Former SAA) AJOSA 023 997070 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Australia Cambodia Foundation ACF 012 803069 023 217943 geraldine.cox@sunrisechildrensvilla ge.org 2504 INGO Australian Agency for International Development AUSAID 023 213470 023 213466 [email protected] N/A OInter'l Australian Business Volunteers ABV 012 862855/012 707078 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] 2655 INGO Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas Australia ACR/CA 023 220200 023 220200 [email protected] 879 INGO Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad APHEDA 023 216034 023 216034 [email protected] 915 INGO 023 880717/362690 012 880718 [email protected] N/A IO Australian Red Cross Australian Volunteers International AVI 023 726604/5 023 726607 [email protected] 1306 INGO Awareness Cambodia Incorporated ACI 023 224909 N/A [email protected] 2131 INGO Bandanh Kormar Etprumden Kampuchea KnK 053 952759 053 952759 [email protected] N/A INGO 023 216023 023 215591 [email protected] 839 LNGO 023 216922 [email protected] 728 LNGO 80 INGO Bandos Komar Banteay Srei BANTEAY SREI 023 216922 Baptist Missionary Association of the Philippines BMAP 012 413655 Battambang Women's AIDS Project BWAP 053 952150 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 993631 023 993631 [email protected] 2686 INGO 023 218084 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO BirdLife International - Cambodia Programme Office Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 BORDA Cambodia [email protected] Page 124 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia BABSEA 023 220930 023 220930 [email protected] N/A INGO Bright Social Organization BSO 097 7896311/012 896311 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhi Family, Khmer Foundation for Morality and Democracy BF/KFMD 012 814646 023 880048 [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhism and Democracy Buddhism and Society Development Association B and D 012 265050 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO BSDA 042 6900498 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhism Development Association and Supporting Environment BDASE 052 740072 052 740072 [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhism Elevation and Human Resource Development Organization BEHRDO 092 610046 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhism for Development Kampong Thom BFDK 012 734467 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhist Association for Environment Development BAED 012 973521 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhist Association for Relief of the Poor BARP 011 320455 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhist for Development BFD 053 370041/012 817915 053 370041 [email protected] N/A LNGO Buddhist Morality Education Center BMEC 023 996078 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodge Enfance Development CED 012 259651 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Arts and Scholarship Foundation CASF 017 672671/017 672673 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Association of Poverty People Development CADPP 012 965307 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Cambodia Community Development Federation CCDF 016 879771 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Community Foundation Network CCFiN 023 220 441/092 155788 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Development Resource Institute CDRI 023 881701/883603/881384 023 880734 [email protected] 622 OInter'l Cambodia Development Rice farming season Association CDA 062 962333 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Family Support CFS 053 390419/012 893678 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Federation for Human Rights and Development CFHRAD 012 891215 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Federation of Farmers' Organization CFFO 012 854802 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Global Action CGA 023 885735 N/A [email protected] 2445 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 125 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Cambodia Health Education Media Service CHEMS 023 880742 023 880634 [email protected] 103 LNGO Cambodia Human Resource Development CHRD 054 958996 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace CICP 016 982558 [email protected] 1007 OInter'l Cambodia Islamic Youth Association CIYA 016 860694/012 430633 023 215837 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Mekong River Restoration and Development Organization CMRDO 011 855588 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Cambodia Mine Action Centre CMAC 023 995437/8/9 023 367096 [email protected] 116 OInter'l Cambodia Organization for Human Rights and Development COHD 052 6300067/012 723853 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Poor Children Support Organization CPCSO 012 873014 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia Trust CT 023 864046/47 023 864046 [email protected] 122 INGO 012 598889 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CYDSO 092 486315 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity CASC 023 998077 023 998066 [email protected] N/A INGO Cambodian Association for Development of Economy Together CADET 012 775997 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Association for Rural Development and Health CARDH 054 390018/012 405141 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Brahma Breeder Association CBBA 016 886888 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Building Organization CBO 012 925212/012 288831 053 952800 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Center for Independent Media CCIM 023 726842 023 726843 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights CCPCR 023 880690/012 967385 N/A [email protected] 2487 LNGO Cambodian Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics CAMCAPE 012 635211 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] 2058 LNGO Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence Association CCASVA 023 993615/012 888613 023 993615 [email protected] 2203 LNGO Cambodian Children Development Organization CCD 017 453374/090 301845 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Children Orphan for Living and Training CCOLT 012 855926 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Children Trust CCT 012 712451 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodia World Family Krong Kep Cambodia Youths for Development Society Organization CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 126 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation CCAF 023 890186 N/A [email protected] 850 LNGO Cambodian Commissioner for Development Organization CCD 089 820708 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Community Development CCD 012 674880 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Community Development Organisation CCDO 016 869778/012 756331 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Community Saving Federation CCSF 053 952958 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Craft Cooperation CCC 023 986239 N/A [email protected] 1163 LNGO Cambodian Defenders Project CDP 023 362524/720032 023 720031 [email protected] 921 LNGO Cambodian Development Mission for Disability CDMD 023 210732 N/A [email protected] 1400 LNGO Cambodian Development & Relief Center for the Poor CDRCP 012 651123 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Disabled Independent Living Organization CDILO 016 851841 N/A [email protected] 624 LNGO Cambodian Disabled Peoples' Organization CDPO 023 221823 023 221823 [email protected] 2008 LNGO Cambodian Dry Season Rice Development Association CRDA 012 605835 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Economic Association CEA 012 971055 023 880734 [email protected] 622 LNGO Cambodian Education Foundation CEF 017 232447 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Elder Support Organization CESO 012 616495/012 536117 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Family Economic Development Association CFEDA 012 420432 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Farmers' Association Federation for Agricultural Development CAMFAD 044 945553 044 945553 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Health and Human Rights Alliance CHHRA 012 944515 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] 545 LNGO Cambodian Health Committee CHC 023 885169 023 885169 [email protected] 119 LNGO Cambodian Health Education Development CHED 023 993308 053 952771 [email protected] 124 LNGO Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care CHEC 023 884473/012 620608 023 884473 [email protected]/ [email protected] 636 LNGO Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association ADHOC 023 218653/990544 023 217229 [email protected] 1024 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 P.O Box Type Page 127 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Cambodian Islamic Development Community CIDC 012 877384/016 621182/011 896530 N/A N/A Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights LICADHO 023 360965/727102 023 360965 Cambodian NGO Network CNGON 054 958757 Cambodian NTFP Development Organization CANDO Cambodian Optometry Association COA Cambodian Organisation for Assistance to Families and Widows P.O Box Type 1427 LNGO [email protected] 499 LNGO 054 958757 [email protected] N/A LNGO 075 974189 N/A [email protected] 023 219199 N/A [email protected] CAAFW 054 958882 N/A Cambodian Organization for Children and Development COCD 012 234773/012 677177 Cambodian Organization for Research Development and Education CORDE Cambodian Organization for Veteran Economic Development N/A LNGO 2580 LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] 113 LNGO 012 935416 053 730528 [email protected]/ [email protected] 340 LNGO COVED 092 739990 N/A [email protected] 1650 LNGO Cambodian Population Community CPC 012 641238 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Red Cross CRC 023 881511 023 881522 [email protected] Cambodian Researchers for Development CRD 023 364263 023 364263 [email protected] 429 LNGO Cambodian Rights and Justice Protection Organization CAREPO 011 998696 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Rural Development Team CRDT 012 454636 072 971232 [email protected] 2539 LNGO Cambodian Socio-Economic Development and Democracy Association CSDA 012 835931 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Cambodian Union Federation CUF 012 837789 023 884329 [email protected] 1071 LNGO Cambodian Vision in Development CVD 053 952198 053 953198 [email protected] 299 LNGO Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development CVCD 012 879223/012 996136 N/A [email protected] 1289 LNGO Cambodian Women for Peace and Development CWPD 023 222453 023 222453 [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Cambodian Women Support Organization COWS 012 784122 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Cambodian Women's Crisis Centre CWCC 023 993055/987158 023 987158 [email protected] 2421 LNGO Cambodian Women's Development Agency CWDA 023 210449 023 210487 [email protected] 2334 LNGO Cambodian Youth Development CYD 012 989833 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 69 IO Page 128 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency CRRT 023 217607 N/A [email protected] Cambodia's Media Forum on Environment CMFE 023 350296 023 350296 [email protected]/ [email protected] Canadian Cooperation Office CCO-CIDA 023 215496 023 720774 CARE Cambodia CARE 023 215267/8/9 Caring for Young Khmer CYK Caritas Cambodia P.O Box Type N/A LNGO 1632 LNGO [email protected] 402 OInter'l 023 426233 [email protected] 537 INGO 023 210849 023 210849 [email protected] 12 INGO CARITAS 023 210757/213529 023 216258 [email protected] 123 INGO Catholic Relief Services CRS 023 211165 023 216960 [email protected] 493 INGO Center for Advance Study CAS 023 884564 023 884564 [email protected] 2030 LNGO Center for Social Development CSD 023 364735 023 364736 [email protected] 1340 LNGO Centre d'Etude et de Development Agricole Cambodgien CEDAC 023 880916/012 447599 023 885146 [email protected] 1118 LNGO Centro Italiano Aiuti all Infanzia CIAI 023 217996 023 217996 [email protected] 1150 INGO CESVI Foundation CESVI 026 989037/092 545228 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Cham Khmer Islam Minority Human Rights and Development Association CKIMHRDA 012 449800 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Charity Foundation for Children CFC 017 901962 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CHETTHOR CHETTHOR 016 753696/012 688121 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Child Assistance for Mobilization and Participation CAMP 012 982227 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Child Hope Organization CHC 053 6353053 N/A [email protected] Child Rights Foundation CRF 023 211223 023 220276 [email protected] ChildFund Cambodia ChildFund 023 726773/997113 023 726773 [email protected] Childhood. Cooperation. Development NAAA 023 222194 N/A Children and Life Association CLA 012 623034 Children and Poor Communities Development Organization CPCDO Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia Children Friend for Development CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 N/A LNGO 1225 LNGO 93 INGO [email protected] 1297 INGO N/A [email protected] 2577 LNGO 012 892541 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CWDCC 012 699129 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CFD 012 756026 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Page 129 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Children's Surgical Centre CSC 023 430202 023 430202 [email protected] Chivit Thmey (New Life) CT 012 943525 N/A N/A Christian Care For Cambodia CCFC 023 880019 Christian Reformed World Relief CommitteeCambodia CRWRCCambodia 023 214086 023 364855 [email protected] Christian Relationship for Development CRD 012 726291 N/A Church World Service CWS 023 217786/213438/216014 Coalition for Road Safety CRY 012 737494 N/A [email protected] Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia COMFREL 023 883967/884150 023 883750/885745 [email protected]; [email protected] Committee of the Development for Friendship of Rural Youth CDFRY 012 650012 N/A N/A Commune Council Support Project CCSP 023 427197 023 427197 [email protected] Community Child Base Organization CCBO 034 933983 N/A Community Development Organization and Health Care CDOH 012 880344 Community For Transformation CFT Community Legal Education Center [email protected] P.O Box Type 1060 INGO N/A LNGO 830 INGO 1175 INGO N/A N/A LNGO 023 [email protected] 217786/213438/21 6014 82 INGO N/A LNGO 1145 LNGO N/A LNGO 50 OInter'l [email protected] N/A LNGO N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 351263/012 758031 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CLEC 023 211723/215590/012 811860 023 211723 [email protected] 1120 LNGO Community Poverty Reduction CPR 012 797930 N/A [email protected] Community Sanitation And Recycling Organization CSARO 023 880113/012 217747 023 880113 [email protected] Community Support Improve Development CSID 012 363185 N/A Community-based Integrated Development Organization CIDO 011 719629/012 705753 Concern Worldwide CONCERN Conservation and Development on Cambodia Construire les Générations Futures du Cambodge Cooperation Committee for Cambodia Cooperation Development for Cambodia CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 N/A LNGO 2015 LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 214891/214879 023 210314 [email protected] 485 INGO CDCam 011 934094 N/A [email protected]/[email protected] N/A LNGO CGF Cambodge 092 177660/092 236144 N/A [email protected] 721 INGO CCC 023 216009/214152 023 216009 [email protected] 885 INGO CODEC 092 916065 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Page 130 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Cooperation for a Sustainable Cambodian Society CSCS 023 222807 023 216307 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cooperation for Social Services and Development CSSD 017 373986 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Co-operative Development Agriculture Organization of Cambodia CODAC 054 710364 054 710364 [email protected] N/A LNGO Cooperative Service International-Cambodia CSI 023 880712 023 880712 [email protected] 143 INGO Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility CARAM Cambodia 023 218065 023 218065 [email protected] 2625 LNGO Coorperation for Indegencies people and Develop in Cambodia CIDC 012 713014 Creative Holistic Recovery through Self Analysis Learning and Improvisation CHRYSALIS 023 224542 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Croix Rouge Francaise CRF 023 883670 023 884175 [email protected] 620 OInter'l Culture and Environment Preservation Association CEPA 023 369179/881613 023 369179 [email protected] 1486 LNGO Cyclo Center Phnom Penh P.O Box N/A Type LNGO 023 991178 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Damnok Toek Poipet/Goutte d'eau Poipet DTP/GEP 054 394104 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Damnok Toek/Goutte D'eau-Cambodia DTC 043 750154 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Dan Church Aid DCA 023 883254 023 881616 [email protected] 37 INGO 023 880759 023 880719 N/A DANISH RED CROSS Daughters of Cambodia N/A IO 089 910203 N/A [email protected] 1219 INGO Daughters of Charity Cambodia DC Cambodia 012 211820/016 897065 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Day Ku Aphiwat DKA 023 213173 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Democratic Service Organization DSO 012 827184 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Deutsche Welt Hunger Hilfe/German Agro Action DWHH/GAA 023 223120 023 220556 [email protected] 1340 INGO Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED 023 219397/213761 023 994103 [email protected] Development and Partnership in Action (Formerly CIDSE) DPA 023 216369/216495 023 217342 [email protected] Development Association for Cambodia DAC 016 555144/017 278049 N/A Development Association Resource Economic DARE 012 483134 N/A Development Enertive Community Organisation DECO 012 812726 N/A N/A CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 628 IO 5 LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO N/A N/A LNGO N/A LNGO Page 131 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Development Khmer Community DKC 012 737271 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Development Organization for Cambodia Society DOCS 012 863525 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Development Organization for Children DOC 012 893336 N/A [email protected] 1067 LNGO Development Technology Workshop DTW 023 219702 023 219752 [email protected] 1244 INGO Developpment & Education pour I'Eau Potable DEEP 053 952993 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Dhammayietra Mongkol Borei DYMB 012 924248 N/A [email protected] 144 LNGO DIAKONIA DIAKONIA 023 883826 023 885627 [email protected] 959 INGO Digital Divide Data DDD 023 220843 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Disability Action Council DAC 017 555653 N/A [email protected] 115 O Disabled Youths Children Foundation for Education and Vocation DYCFE 012 776020/011 283153 N/A [email protected] 824 LNGO Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia DBFC 023 219680 023 219986 [email protected] 47 INGO Drug Addict Relief Association of Cambodia DARAC 012 869260 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO East West Management Institute EWMI 023 224782/221164 023 224783 [email protected] 887 INGO Eastern Women Khmer Development Cambodia EWDC 016 850439 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Economic and Social Relaunch of Northwest Provinces in Cambodia ECOSORN 063 965478 063 761243 [email protected] Economic Development Association of Rural Society Cambodia EDARS CAMBO 012 917301 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Economic Development Community Organization EDCO 012 897558 N/A N/A N/A LNGO EDF-CAMBODIA EDF-CAMBODIA 012 676146 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Education and Development of Cambodian Skills EDCS 012 889512 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Education for Population Support Foundation EPS 012 520153/012 826207 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Educational Supporting Center "KIZUNA" ESC 023 727440 023 727440 [email protected] N/A INGO Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment ELIE 012 329003 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Eliminate Ignorance to Development Community EIDC 012 919756/011 225902 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Emergency Life Support for Civilian War Victims EMERGENCY 053 952822/370065 053 370065 [email protected] 339 INGO Empowerment Advocates International EAI 016 359886 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking in Cambodia ECPAT 023 213021 023 231021 [email protected] 2582 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 P.O Box Type OInter'l Page 132 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Enfants & Développment E&D 023 883315 023 883316 cambodge@enfantsetdeveloppeme nt.org 882 INGO Enfants D'Asie Aspeca EAA 023 219054 023 219054 [email protected] N/A INGO Enfants du Mekong EDM 054 7100020 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Environment Protection and Development Organization EPDO 052 951642/012 860091 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Environmental Management in the Coastal Zone CZM 023 216510 023 211406 [email protected]/ [email protected] 2298 OInter'l 012 350824/033 932247 N/A [email protected] 737 INGO Epic Arts Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia ELCC 023 969040 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO EVERYCHILD Cambodia EvC 023 214059 N/A [email protected] 1530 INGO Family Agriculture Development Community FADC 012 728250 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Family Health International FHI 023 211914 023 211913 [email protected] 2586 INGO Family In Development FID 012 610539 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Farmer Livelihood Development FLD 023 998442 N/A [email protected] 1439 LNGO Farmers Development Program Organization FDPO 017 529029 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO FAUNA & FLORA International FFI 023 211142/220534 N/A [email protected] 1380 INGO Federation for Integrated Development of Agriculture in Cambodia FIDAC 063 965539 063 965539 [email protected] N/A LNGO FH Cambodia FHC 023 215046 023 215047 [email protected] 140 INGO Fine Arts Association FAA 023 993037 023 993666 [email protected]/ [email protected] 1233 LNGO Fisheries Action Coalition Team FACT 023 992044 023 992044 [email protected] N/A LNGO Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance VVOB 023 726637 023 726637 [email protected] N/A INGO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO 023 216566/211702 023 216547 [email protected] Forum Syd FORUM SYD 023 364727 023 210901 [email protected] 430 INGO Foundation for Developing Cambodian Communities FDCC 012 305865 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Foundation for International Development/Relief FIDR 023 220619 023 220621 [email protected] N/A INGO Fred Hollows Foundation FHF 023 987831 023 987831 [email protected] 518 INGO Friends - International FI 023 986601 N/A [email protected] 597 INGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 53 UN Page 133 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Friends' Association Pioneer FAP 012 943155 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Fundamental Building Organization FUBO 012 923037 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Future for Cambodia Children FCC 012 920506 [email protected] Future Light Orphanage FLO 023 219803 [email protected] Gender and Development for Cambodia GAD/C 023 215137 023 996934 [email protected] 023 880717/362690 N/A N/A N/A IO N/A LNGO GERMAN RED CROSS P.O Box Type LNGO 818 LNGO 2684 LNGO Gonesis Community of Transformation GCT 012 850663 N/A [email protected] Gospel for Children GFC 012 922843 N/A [email protected] 2513 LNGO Green and Blue G and B 012 804258 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 726344/012 333247 023 726345 [email protected] 81 OInter'l GTZ Programme for the Promotion of the Private Sector in Rural Areas Hagar HAGAR 023 430180/1 023 98 6832 [email protected] 1521 INGO HALO Trust, Cambodia HALO Trust 063 380178 063 380127 [email protected] N/A INGO Handicap International - France HIF 023 214504/212897 [email protected] 586 INGO Handicap International Belgium HIB 023 217300 023 216270 [email protected] 838 INGO Head the Poor for Development Organization HPDO 012 974253 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Health Care Organisation for Social and Community Development HOSCD 012 917896 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Health Education and Development Organization HEADO 012 777149 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Health Unlimited HU 023 215192/214363 023 214363/215192 [email protected] 103 INGO Healthcare Center for Children HCC 023 212133/217748 023 212133 [email protected] 1438 LNGO HealthNet International HNI 023 864209 023 864209 [email protected] 2134 INGO 023 221195 023 211323 [email protected] 2431 INGO Heinrich Boll Foundation HBF 023 210535 023 216482 [email protected] 1436 INGO HEKS Swiss Interchurch Aid HEKS 023 881879 023 881645 [email protected] 445 INGO Helen Keller International HKI 023 210851/213217 023 210852 [email protected] 168 INGO Help Orphanage and Arts Association HOA 012 410758 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO HelpAge International HAI 053 952797 053 952797 [email protected] 252 INGO Highlander Association HA 075 974189 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee HACC 023 217964 023 72064 [email protected] N/A LNGO Heifer International Cambodia CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 134 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail HIV/AIDS Prevention Organization HAPO 011 207288/012 330018 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Holt International Children's Service HOLT 012 494576/016 399576 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Hope Association for Development HAD 012 768498 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Hope for Handicap Cambodian HHC 012 603758 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Hope for Khmer-Islam Organization HKIO 012 853470 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO HOPE International Development Agency HIDA 052 951718/012 932479 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO House of Family HOF 012 943886/016 733668 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Human Inborn Freedom HI-FREE 012 353447 054 710262 [email protected] N/A LNGO Human Resources Development Community Susstanability Organization HRDCSO 099 816432/092 723608 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Human Rights and Development Organization HRDO 012 577459 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Human Rights and Human Resource Development Institute HHDI 011 866104 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia HRVC 012 629225 N/A [email protected] m N/A LNGO Independent Journalism Foundation IJF 012 804428 N/A [email protected] 810 IO Indigenous community Support Organization ICSO 023 997657 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Indradevi Association IDA 023 355653 N/A [email protected] 1379 LNGO Information Communication Association of Cambodia ICTCAM 012 992699 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Initiatives of Change Association ICA/MRA 012 338887/017 467468 N/A [email protected] 1206 LNGO Intermediary Agent for Development SEFOND/IAD 012/015 799231 062 962229 [email protected]/ [email protected] 2126 LNGO International Cooperation Cambodia ICC 092 469934 612 INGO International Development Enterprises Cambodia IDE 023 223541 023 223540 [email protected] 1577 INGO International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies FEDERATION 023 880717/362690 012 880718 cambodia.phnompenhdelegation@if rc.org International Justice Mission IJM 023 991420 023 991421 International Labour Organization ILO 023 220817 023 221536 International Monetary Fund IMF 023 218602/218603 023 218601 [email protected] CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 [email protected] P.O Box Type 620 IO [email protected] 169 IO [email protected] 2642 UN N/A OInter'l Page 135 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail International Organization for Migration IOM 023 216532/214132/720406 023 216423 [email protected] International Relief and Development IRD 023 986430/986780 023 213990 [email protected] International Resources for the Improvement of Sight IRIS 023 994114 023 994114 [email protected] International Volunteers of Yamagata IVY 044 945966 044 945966 [email protected] INTERVIDA CAMBODIA INTERVIDA CAMBODIA 023 222683 023 213396 [email protected] Islamic Local Development Organization ILDO 053 952213 N/A [email protected] Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo ICS 023 218553/089 356307 N/A [email protected] Japan Cambodia Interactive Association JCIA 023 880761/016 668349 023 880761 [email protected] Japan International Volunteer Center JVC 023 220481 023 220482 Japan Mine Action Service JMAS 023 990532 Japan Team of Young Human Power JHP Jesuit Service Cambodia JS/JRS Kamonohashi Project P.O Box 435 Type IO 1137 INGO 428 INGO 1127 INGO 23 INGO N/A LNGO 2057 INGO N/A INGO [email protected] 526 INGO 023 990532 [email protected] N/A INGO 023 362624 023 362624 [email protected] 2022 INGO 023 880139/880455 023 880140 [email protected] 880 INGO 092 398431 N/A [email protected] 2636 INGO Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Promotion Association KSPA 017 815644 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Kampong Thom Farmer Community Union KFCU 012 620042/097 7620042 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Kampot Peper Promotion Association KPPA 092 752572/089 305096 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Kampuchean Action for Primary Education KAPE 042 941481 042 941918 [email protected] 1621 LNGO KHEMARA KHEMARA 023 430620 N/A [email protected] 1250 LNGO Khmer Ahimsa KAH 023 997729 023 223739 [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Akphiwat Khmer Organization KAKO 063 760017 063 760017 [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Angkor Development Organization KADO 012 858015/012 967597/012 497222 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Association for Development of CountrySide Cambodia KAFDOC 072 971584 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Association for Development of Raising Animals KADRA 099 797417 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 136 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Khmer Association for Vocational Training and Vocation KAVTV 012 850649 N/A [email protected] 701 LNGO Khmer Buddhist Society in Cambodia KBSC 012 813100 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Children Development Organization KCDO 012 687545 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Khmer Chivit Thmei Organization KCTO 012/016 567447 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Civilization Association KCA 012 853426 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Community Development KCD 012 478381 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Community for Agriculture Development KCAD 012 995159 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Development of Freedom Organization KDFO 012 816971 N/A [email protected] 2203 LNGO Khmer Farmer Association KFA 012 894783 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer for Khmer Organization KKO 012 912843 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Heritage Foundation KHF 016 894106 N/A [email protected] Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance KHANA 023 211505 023 214049 [email protected] Khmer Institute for Peace and Development KIPD 012 972424 N/A Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Association KKKHRA 023 993486 Khmer Kampuchea Krom Women Organization KKKWO Khmer Legal Team Association N/A LNGO 2311 LNGO N/A N/A LNGO N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 011 712325 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO KLT 023 355550 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Love Khmer Federation KLK 011/012/016 735365 N/A khmerlovekhmer_federation@yahoo .com N/A LNGO Khmer National Community Economic Development KNCED 085 698313 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer of Emergency Relief and Development KERD 016 364668 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Rural Development Association KRDA 012 920029 N/A [email protected] 361 LNGO Khmer Serving the Poor Children KSPC 011 955832 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Students Representative Association SKAR 012 413124 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Traditional Medicine Health Association KHA 012 866058 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Vision for Development KVD 011204323/012 650574 N/A [email protected] 8820 LNGO Khmer Welfare Families Rural Association KWRA 012 970438 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Women's Cooperation for Development KWCD 023 986697 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Women's Voice Centre KWVC 023 212352 023 212352 [email protected] 590 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 137 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Khmer Youth and Social Development KYSD 012 212951 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Youth Association KYA 023 884306 023 884306 [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Youth Camp for Culture KYCC 012 736166 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Khmer Youth League for Democracy Development Association KYLDDA 012 371352 N/A N/A N/A LNGO KOMAR PIKAR FOUNDATION KPF 012 843466 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Komar Rikreay Association Center KMR 012 610490 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Kone Kmeng KK 012 577542 N/A [email protected] 2654 LNGO Konrad Adenauer Stiftung KAF 023 213363/726221 023 213364 [email protected] Korea Ministry Support Centre KMSC 023 216128 023 216128 [email protected] 2191 INGO Korean Society for Service in Asia KSSA 023 220475 023 220475 [email protected] 2024 INGO Kratie Women's Welfare Association KWWA 072 971586 072 971586 [email protected] N/A LNGO Krom Akphiwat Phum KAWP 066 537777 N/A [email protected] 360 LNGO Krousar Thmey < Nouvell Famille> Krousar Thmey 023 366184/882503 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Krousar Yoeung KrY 023 884804/05 N/A [email protected] 500 LNGO Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum KNKS 012 500028/052 951483 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Kumnit Thmey Organization KNTO 012 579674 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Land Mine Disability Support LMDS 012 889002/012 449991/012 754829 N/A [email protected] 947 INGO Latter-Day Saint Charities LDSC 023 885116/012 954937 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Leadership Character Development Institute L-CDI 012 888790 N/A [email protected] 729 LNGO Leaderty Association LA 016 340579 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Legal Aid of Cambodia LAC 023 213376/213379 023 213394 [email protected] 1197 LNGO Legal Support for Children and Women LSCW 023 220626 023 220626 [email protected] 1542 LNGO Light House Organization LHO 012 867270/012 756604 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Live and Learn Environmental Education LLEE 023 885502 023 885502 [email protected] 91 LNGO Louvain Coopération au Développement LD 092 333262 N/A [email protected] 112 INGO Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service LWF 023 881100/883254 023 881616 [email protected] 37 INGO MADDOX JOLIE-PITT FOUNDATION MJP 053 730171 053 730556 [email protected] N/A INGO MAGNA Children at Risk, NGO MAGNA 012 539468 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 P.O Box 944 Type IO Page 138 Agency Name Acronym Malteser International Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type 012 959339 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO 023 994081 [email protected] N/A INGO Marie Stopes International Cambodia MSIC 023 994082/994083 Marist Mission Australia MMA 012 804206 2013 INGO MARYKNOLL-Cambodia MARYKNOLL 023 211731 023 211731 [email protected] 632 INGO Meada Khmer for Development MKD 012 728049 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Meakea Srey Organization MSO 012 952208 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Meatho Phum Komah/Home Land MPK 053 952911 053 952911 [email protected] N/A LNGO Medecins Sans Frontieres-France MSF FRANCE 023 211281/211289 023 211289 [email protected] 845 INGO Media and Academic Forum MAF 012 881269 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Medical Teams International MTI 023 224549 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO MEDiCAM MEDiCAM 023 880291 023 880292 [email protected] 1164 LNGO Mennonite Central Committee MCC 023 215994 N/A [email protected] 481 INGO Men's Health Social Service MHSS 012 893138 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Mental Health Association of Cambodia MHAC 012 413249 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Mines Advisory Group MAG 023 215115 023 215100 [email protected] Minority Organisation for Development of Economy MODE 062 962962/012 947924 N/A [email protected] Mission of Generous Cambodian Alliance GENEROUS 012 849192 N/A [email protected] Missionaires of Charity MC 023 213491 N/A N/A 881 INGO Mith Samlanh Mith Samlanh 023 426748/220596 023 426748 [email protected]/ [email protected] 588 LNGO M'Lop Tapang MT 034 399050 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Mlup Baitong MLUP BAITONG 023 214409 023 220242 [email protected] Monks Relief and Khmer Culture Organization MCO 012 610005 MoPoTsyo - Patient Information Center MoPoTsyo 012 800322 Muslim Aid Cambodia Field Officer MACFO My Village Organization [email protected] 1111 INGO N/A LNGO 1292 LNGO 2510 LNGO N/A 764 LNGO 023 884483 [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 882249 023 884693 [email protected] N/A INGO MVI 023 355167 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Nak Akphivath Sahakum NAS 042 942050 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO National Center of Disabled Persons NCDP 023 210140 023 213876 [email protected] 170 O National Prosperity Association NAPA 016 838387 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 139 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail National Veterans Development Association NVDA 023 350872 023 350872 [email protected] Neary Khmer Association For Health and Vocational Training NKA 012 937698/016 777769 023 890630 [email protected] Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia NICFEC 023 993037 023 993666/359666 [email protected] 1233 LNGO New Hope for Orphans NHO 012.736426 N/A [email protected] 1680 LNGO New Humanity NH 023 882304 023 882304 [email protected] 48 INGO New Life Foundation NLF 023 721193 023 222270 [email protected] 513 INGO New Vision 012 671972 P.O Box N/A Type LNGO LNGO [email protected] LNGO NGO Coalition to Address Sexual Exploitation of Children in Cambodia COSECAM 023 993675/224801 N/A [email protected] NGO CRC-Children's House NGO CRC 023 882412 023 882412 [email protected] NGO Education Partnership NEP 023 224774 N/A [email protected] NGO Forum on Cambodia NGO FORUM 023 213482/214429 023 994063 NOMAD Recherche et Soutien International NOMAD RSI 012 664015 N/A Non Timber Forest Products Project NTFP 075 974039 N/A Norwegian People's Aid NPA 023 210383/218197 Nyemo Cambodia NYEMO 023 883314 Occupation Rural and Economic Development Association OREDA 012 962976 OMF International OMF 023 882031 023 882494 [email protected] 570 INGO Open Forum of Cambodia OFC 023 212624 023 360345 [email protected] 853 LNGO 023 224821 N/A [email protected] 1552 LNGO Operation Enfants du Cambodge OEC 053 952752/012 229309 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Organization for Agricultural Development of Cambodia OADC 012 644567/090 551468 N/A [email protected] 1411 LNGO Organization for Assistance of Children and Rural Women CWARO 012 821178 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Organization for Development Economic Community ODEC 011 808023 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Organization of Human Resource Development for Democracy HRDD 012 753929 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Organization to Develop Our Villages ODOV 012 976223 N/A [email protected] Open Institute CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 574 LNGO LNGO N/A LNGO [email protected] 2295 INGO [email protected] 1013 INGO [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 217729 [email protected] 2228 INGO 023 216944 [email protected] N/A LNGO [email protected] LNGO LNGO Page 140 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Our Books Organization OBO 023 223242 N/A [email protected] Our Family Tree Association OFTA 092 222403/098 243536 N/A [email protected] Our Home OH 023 987273 N/A [email protected] Our Objective Organization OOO 016375950/012 605464 N/A [email protected] Oxfam America-East Asia Regional Office OXFAM AMERICA 023 210357 023 223119 [email protected] Oxfam Australia OAUS 023 211570 023 214749 [email protected]. au OXFAM Quebec OQ 023 726836 023 726836 [email protected] Oxfam, Great Britain Oxfam GB 023 212353/4/5 023 211873 Pact Cambodia PACT 023 217855 Partners for Development PFD Partners for Health and Development Partners in Compassion P.O Box Type 1342 LNGO N/A LNGO 2634 LNGO N/A LNGO 4 INGO 844 INGO 2600 INGO [email protected] 883 INGO 023 217856 [email protected] 149 INGO 023 213335/216802 023 217235 [email protected] 551 INGO PFHAD 062 6333023/012 366075 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO PC 012 414689 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Partnership for Development in Kampuchea PADEK 023 216224 023 216224 [email protected] 554 LNGO Peace and Development Aid Organization PDAO 032 931489/011 511117/012 777989 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Peace Project Center PPC 092 506269 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO People Improvement Organization PIO 023 6345687/012530093 [email protected] 766 LNGO People's Association for Development PAD 012 445979 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Phare Ponleu Selpak PPS 053 952424 N/A [email protected] 316 LNGO Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres PSF 023 216594 023 216594 [email protected] 849 INGO Phnom Neang Kangrei Association PNKA 026 989012/092 903908 N/A [email protected] Phnom Srey Association for Development PSAD 042 941670 N/A [email protected] Plan International Cambodia PLAN Cambodia 023 217214 023 210971 [email protected] Ponleu Ney Kdey Sangkhum (Light of Hope) PNKS 023 219554 023 219554 Ponleu Sokhapheap PSP 023 212600 Ponleur Kumar PK Ponlok Khmer Ponlok Sangkum Kampuchea CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 LNGO LNGO 1280 INGO [email protected] 423 LNGO 023 212600 [email protected] 464 LNGO 092 888550/097 6363863 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO PKH 012 517943 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO PSK 012 833584 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Page 141 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Population Services International PSI 023 210814/987404 023 218735 [email protected] 153 INGO Professor's Alliance for Development PAD 016 949105/011 949105 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PATH Project Against Domestic Violence PADV 023 215005/222314/16 023 222330 [email protected] 1684 INGO 023 219184 N/A 2459 LNGO Project Aids Khmer PAK 023 224773 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Projects Abroad Cambodia PAC 023 881250 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO Promvihearthor Organization PVT 012 581022 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Protection of Juvenile Justice PJJ 023 726446/089 600522/089 600511 023 726446 [email protected] 859 LNGO Psilogos Sin Fronteras ONGs PSF - ONGD 075 974075 075 974148 [email protected] N/A INGO Psychosocial Services Organization PSO 012 913606 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Pteah Teuk Dong PTD 092 505405 N/A [email protected] 347 LNGO Public Health Care Organization PHCO 011 237295 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Punleu Komar Kampuchea Organization PKKO 012 812504 024 395979 [email protected] Puthi Komar Organization PKO 053 730347 N/A [email protected] Rachana Handicrafts Battambang RHB 053 952506/012 940358 N/A Rachna Satrei Organization RS 063 965738/012 387778 N/A Rain Water Cambodia RWC 023 353508 [email protected] Rainbow Foundation RBF 012 932760 [email protected] Rainbow Foundation RBF 012 932760 Rehab Craft Cambodia RCC 023 726801 N/A [email protected] Relief Sans Frontiere Organisation RSO 012 701840 N/A N/A Renacer, Walk with Women RWW 023 223678/092 844817 023 223678 Renewable Energy Development Association REDA 012 619715/097 8765858 Representative Association for Student's Parents RASP Reproductive and Child Health Alliance 368 LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO [email protected] N/A LNGO 145 LNGO [email protected] LNGO N/A LNGO 1278 LNGO N/A LNGO [email protected] 156 INGO N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 012 394516 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO RACHA 023 726257/213724 023 213725 [email protected] 2471 LNGO Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia RHAC 023 885135/883027 023 885093 [email protected] 905 LNGO Rescue Khmer Farmers Organisation RKF 012 850094 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Research and Development Center RDC 012 917721 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Resource Development International-Cambodia RDI 017 778533 N/A [email protected] 494 INGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 N/A LNGO Page 142 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type Room to Read RTR 023 881161 023 881171 [email protected] N/A INGO Rural Aid Organization RAO 011 952875/011 918547 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Rural Animal Health Development Organization RAHDO Rural Community Development and Environment Dev't Organization Information RCEDO 012 687434 N/A [email protected] N/A 054 958942/012 284345 054 710446 [email protected] Rural Economic and Agriculture Development Agency READA 063 965545/092 985798 063 965545 [email protected]/read [email protected] N/A LNGO Rural Economic Development Association REDA 012 940755 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Rural Farmer Development Association RUFADA 012 973271 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Rural Problem Property Allevation Development Community RPPADC 016 772323/011 873472 N/A N/A N/A LNGO SABORAS SABORAS 053 952435/6 [email protected] 813 LNGO Sacrifice family and Orphans Child Development Association SFOCDA 012 842495 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut STT 012 828866 N/A [email protected] 174 LNGO Salvation Center Cambodia SCC 023 219234 023 365311 [email protected] 812 LNGO Samanak Service Endlessness Association SEA 012 647541/092 924492 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO SANTISENA SANTI SENA 011 263477 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] Sataphana Chivit Organization SCO 012 700349 N/A [email protected] Save Cambodia's Wildlife SCW 023 211263 023 222036 [email protected] Save Incapacity Teenagers SIT 012 473751 N/A [email protected] Save the Children Australia SCA 023 214334/363433/012 777482 023 360381/214334 [email protected] Save the Children Cambodia for Development SCD 011 286549 N/A [email protected] Save the Children Norway in Cambodia SCNiC 023 216232/217720/211972 023 215078 [email protected] Save the Earth Cambodia STEC 012 599817/099 927141 N/A Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions SHARE 023 212247 Shalom Life Careserve Center SLCC Shanti Volunteer Association SILAKA CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 LNGO LNGO LNGO N/A LNGO 2032 LNGO N/A LNGO 52 INGO N/A LNGO 34 INGO [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 212247 [email protected] 127 INGO 023 885426 023 885426 N/A 2161 INGO SVA 023 220864/219080 023 216924 [email protected] 2 INGO SILAKA 023 217872/210902 023 213108 [email protected]/[email protected] 821 LNGO Page 143 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type SNV Cambodia - Netherlands Development Organization SNV Cambodia 023 726424 023 726954 [email protected] N/A INGO Social Development Organization SDO 012 554120 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Social Services of Cambodia SSC 023 881432 023 881430 [email protected] 1477 LNGO Social, Environment, Agricultural Development Organization SEADO 054 958843 054 958843 [email protected] N/A LNGO Socio-Economic Research and Resource Center for Development SERRC 012 205259 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Sor Sor Troung SST 023 987758 N/A [email protected] 2434 LNGO Southeast Asia Development Programme SADP 023 217218 N/A [email protected] 2451 INGO Soutie a I'Initiative Privee Pour I'Aide a la Reconstruction SIPAR 023 212407/987908 023 987908 [email protected] 31 INGO Sovann Komar-Cambodia SKC 023 219973/84/83 023 219984 [email protected] Sovann Phoum SP 023 883523 023 883523 [email protected] Sovanna Phum Association Support for Cambodian Artist Sovanna Phum 023 221932 N/A Sprouting Knowledge Orphans SKO 053 390197/012 701866 Srer Khmer SK Star Kampuchea 820 INGO 1043 LNGO [email protected] 405 LNGO N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 210217 023 220598 [email protected] 1517 LNGO STAR KAMPUCHEA 023 211612 023 211812 [email protected] 177 LNGO Street Children Assistance and Development Programme SCADP 016 544844 N/A [email protected] 2656 LNGO Stung Treng Women's Development Center SWDC 012 622096 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Suosdei Cambodia Association SCA 017 694469 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Support Association for Rural Farmers SARF 012 295179 N/A [email protected] or [email protected] N/A LNGO Support Children and Young People SCY 023 997217 023 997217 [email protected] N/A LNGO 023 880717/362690 N/A N/A 620 IO SWISS RED CROSS Takeo Community Forestry Integrated Development Association TCFIDA 012 997272 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Tekdey Sovannaphum TDSP 054 710071 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO The Action of Governance & Equity in Development AGED 012 228829/447180 053 394543 [email protected]/ [email protected] 397 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 144 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail P.O Box Type The Asia Foundation TAF 023 210431/216 895 023 217553 [email protected] 536 INGO The Cambodian Education and Waste Management Organization COMPED 012 842387/012 727206 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO The Cambodian National Research Organization CNRO 023 994219/012 253887 023 994219 [email protected] N/A LNGO The Center for Khmer Studies CKS 023 991937 023 991937 [email protected] N/A INGO The Center of Miltenberg-Cambodia CMC 012 836515 N/A centermiltenbergcambodia@yahoo. com N/A LNGO The Education for Development Fund EDF 012 812337 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO The Farmer Economic Development Association FEDA 042 391718/097 8816699 N/A [email protected];pally_ou@ yahoo.com N/A LNGO The Future for Cambodian Children FCC 012 920506 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO The International Friendship Development Organization of Cambodia IFDO 023 358971/012 865899 N/A [email protected]/pouvborei@yah oo.com N/A LNGO The International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN 023 222311 023 222312 [email protected] 1504 INGO The Khmer Foundation for Justice, Peace and Development KF JPD 023 219424 023 219424 [email protected]/ [email protected] 2478 LNGO The Khmer Institute of Democracy KID 023 214928 023 216206 [email protected] 117 LNGO The Women Vocational Training WVTO 012 800265 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO The WorldFish Center, Greater Mekong Regional Office WorldFish 023 223208 023 223209 [email protected] 1135 INGO Three Controls Organization TCO 012 782825 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Tourism for Help TFH 074 973638 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO 023 213831 N/A [email protected] 475 INGO Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, Cambodia TPO-Cambodia 023 219182/218478 023 218478 [email protected] 1124 LNGO TROCAIRE TROCAIRE 023 213020 023 213421 [email protected] 847 INGO Trotrung ning Akphiwat Sokapeap neak Kre Kror TASK 023 425045/099 425045 N/A [email protected] 2681 LNGO United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 023 426214/426215 023 426284 [email protected] 176 UN United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM 023 996467 023 994932 [email protected] N/A UN United Nations Development Programme UNDP 023 216167 023 216257 [email protected] 877 UN United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO 023 217244 023 217022 [email protected] 29 UN Traidcraft Exchange CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 Page 145 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-regionCambodia Office UNIAP Cambodia 216217/214379 216257 [email protected] 877 UN United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia UNOHCHR 023 216342/9935901/987671-2 023 212579/213587 [email protected] 108 UN United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC 023 222348/9 023 222350 [email protected]/ [email protected] 1125 UN United Nations Population Fund UNFPA 023 215519/216295 023 211339 [email protected] 877 United States Agency For International Development USAID 023 728300 023 430263 [email protected] 35 OInter'l Urban Poor Women Development UPWD 023 995580/012 646955 023 995580 [email protected] N/A LNGO Urban Resource Centre URC 012 940405 N/A N/A 2242 LNGO Urban Sector Group USG 012 859226 N/A [email protected] 1055 LNGO Urgent Medical Nations Human Rights Relief UMNHR 012 281231 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Vaddhanak VADDHANAK 026 988661 N/A [email protected] 595 LNGO Veterans International/Cambodia VI/C 023 430942 023 430932 [email protected] 467 INGO Vicheasthan Bamreu Neaksamrabsamroul Karngea Akphiwat VBNK 023 722115/16 023 722117 [email protected] 2307 INGO Village Economic Support Organization VESO 017 395597 N/A [email protected]/veso @yahoo.com N/A LNGO Village Focus Cambodia VFC 023 221748 N/A [email protected] 503 LNGO Village Focus International VFI 023 221748 N/A [email protected] 503 INGO Village Support Group VSG 053 730355 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Vocational and Development Training Organization VDTO 012 914550 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Vocational Training for Alleviation of Poverty and Social Development VAPSD 012 787549 N/A [email protected]/ [email protected] N/A LNGO Voluntary Service Overseas VSO 023 214384/213762 023 216734 [email protected] 912 INGO Volunteer Service Abroad VSA 023 214859/ 012812817/012 235142 023 220443 [email protected] 1352 INGO Volunteer Youth Congress for Democracy VYCD 012 404045 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO 075 974067 N/A [email protected] N/A INGO 012 989832 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO VOR ORT Vulnerability and Illiteacy Reduction CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 VIR P.O Box Type UN Page 146 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization VCAO 023 884722/012 876422 023 884722 [email protected] N/A LNGO Vulnerable People Support VPS 072 971698/ 012 776631 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Vulnerable Teenager for Help VTH 012 942149 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Wathnakpheap WP 023 217449 023 217449 [email protected] 90 LNGO Weak Family Development WFD 012 647644 N/A N/A N/A LNGO Wildlife Alliance (Former WildAid) Wildlife Alliance 023 211604 023 211672 [email protected] N/A INGO Wildlife Conservation Society WCS 023 219443/217205 023 217205 [email protected] 1620 INGO Women Association For Community Development WACD 011 743704/017 734194 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Women Development Association WDA 023 720807 023 720807 womendevelopmentassociation@ya hoo.com N/A LNGO Women For Prosperity WFP 023 212429 023 212447 [email protected] N/A LNGO Women In Development And Community WODAC 012 716609 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Women Organization for Modern Economic and Nursing WOMEN 023 216582/012 949982 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Women Peace Makers WPM 012 568479/016 736767 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Women Service Organization WOSO 012 877801/012 688364 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Women's Media Centre of Cambodia WMC 023 223597 023 223597 [email protected] 497 LNGO World Education-Cambodia WE/C 023 216854/012 806167 023 216854 [email protected] 74 INGO World Food Programme WFP 023 212137/8/210943 023 218749 [email protected] World Health Organization WHO 023 216610/216942/212228/ 215464 023 216211 [email protected] World Relief Cambodia WRC 023 880520 023 881420 [email protected] 126 INGO World Vision Cambodia WVC 023 216052/217923 023 216220 [email protected] 479 INGO WWF Greater Mekong (The Conservation Organization) WWF GMP Cambodia 023 218034 023 211909 wwfcambodia@wwfgreatermekong. org 2467 INGO Youth For Peace YFP 023 881346 023 881346 [email protected] N/A LNGO Youth Network in Khmer YNK 012 776764 N/A [email protected];ynk_ca [email protected] N/A LNGO Youth Organization For Community Development YOFCD 012 855033 N/A [email protected] N/A LNGO Youth Resource Development Programme 023 880194 023 880059 [email protected] 462 LNGO CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 YRDP P.O Box Type 937 UN 1217 UN Page 147 Agency Name Acronym Phone Fax E-mail Youth With A Mission YWAM 023 882931/012 213909 023 882931 Youth With Disabilities Foundation for Education and Employment YODIFEE 012 889660/012 324548 ZOA Refugee Care ZOA 023 993031 CCC - Agency Telephone Listing, October 2009 P.O Box Type [email protected]/ [email protected] 447 INGO 023 357143 [email protected] 1309 LNGO 023 993031 [email protected] 559 INGO Page 148 CCC MAILBOX LISTING CCC MAILBOX LISTING I. INTERNATIONAL NGOs AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS No FULLNAME ACRONYM 1 Association Angkor Belgium AAB 29 2 Australian Business Volunteers ABV 153 3 Australian Catholic Relief ACR 3 4 ActionAid ActionAid 93 5 Action on Disability and Development ADD 82 6 Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association ADHOC 20 7 Adventist Development and Relief Agency Cambodia ADRA 4 8 Aid et Action International-Southeast Asia AEAI-SEA 95 9 American Friends Service Committee AFSC 5 10 Amici Dei Bambin I Cambodia AIBI 123 11 AOC 74 12 Asian Outreach Cambodia Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad APHEDA 11 13 Asia Regional Trafficking in Persons Project ARTIP 94 14 Austcare Cambodia AUSTCARE 17 15 Australian Volunteer International AVI 50 16 Bridges Across Borders BAB 84 17 BANTEAY SREI BANTEAY SREI 37 18 Bandos Komar BONDOS KOMAR 127 21 Brement Overseas Research and Development Association BORDA 86 22 Christian and Missionary Alliance CAMA SERVICES 88 23 CARE Cambodia CARE 15 24 Caritas Cambodia CARITAS 16 25 Centre for Advance Study CAS 26 26 Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity CASC 87 27 Cooperation Committee for Cambodia CCC 73 28 Christian Care For Cambodia CCFC 90 29 Canadian Cooperation Office CCO-CIDA 142 30 Cambodian Defenders Project CDP 92 31 Cambodia Development Resource Institute CDRI 18 32 Cooperazione e Sviluppo CESVI 75 33 Cambodian Health Committee CHC 19 34 Cambodian HIV/AID Education and Care CHEC 54 35 ChildFund Cambodia Child Fund 9 36 Concern Worldwide CONCERN 22 37 Cambodian Researchers for Development CRD 24 38 Catholic Relief Services CRS 25 39 Christian Reformed World Relief Committee-Cambodia CRWRC-Cambodia 98 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 148 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 40 Cambodia Trust CT 99 41 Cambodian Women's Development Agency CWDA 100 42 Church World Service CWS 27 43 Caring for Young Khmer CYK 28 44 Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia DBFC 101 45 Dan Church Aid DCA 36 46 Digital Divide Data DDD 112 47 Diakonia Diakonia 2 48 Development and Partnership in Action (Formerly CIDSE) DPA 21 49 Deutsche Welt Hunger Hilfe/German Agro Action DWHH/GAA 146 50 Enfants & Development E&D 103 51 Enfants D'Asie Aspeca EAA 77 52 EVERYCHILD Cambodia EvC 97 53 Food for the Hungry International-Cambodia FHI/C 30 54 Foundation for International Development/Relief FIDR 138 55 Forum Syd FORUM SYD 31 56 Gender And Development for Cambodia GAD/C 128 57 Hagar Hagar 7 58 HelpAge International HAI 32 59 HEKS Swiss Interchurch Aid HEKS 110 60 Handicap International Belgium HIB 48 61 Handicap International France HIF 10 62 Hellen Keller International HKI 111 63 House of Family HoF 117 64 Health Unlimited HU 33 65 ICC 66 66 International Cooperartion Cambodia International Development Enterprises Programme in Cambodia IDE 78 67 INTERVIDA Cambodia INTERVIDA 150 68 International Relief and Development IRD 140 69 International Volunteers of Yamagata IVY 118 70 Japan Team for Young Human Power JHP 119 71 Jesuit Service Cambodia JS 39 72 Japan International Volunteer Center JVC 41 73 Kamonohashi Project Organization Kamonohashi 149 74 Khemara KHEMARA 61 75 Korea Ministry Support Centre KMSC 113 76 Krousar Thmey <Nouvell Famille> Krousar Thmey 122 77 Korean Society for Service in Asia KSSA 104 78 Krousa Yoeung KY 58 79 Legal Aid of Cambodia LAC 44 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 149 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 80 Lutheran World Federation/Department for world Service LWF 45 81 MARYKNOLL-Cambodia MARYKNOLL 46 82 Mennonite Central Committee MCC 47 83 Medicins du Monde MDM 13 84 Marist Mission Australia MMA 132 85 MoPoTsoyo Ptien Information MoPoTsyo 79 86 Meatho Phum Komah/Home Land MPK 72 87 Medical Teams International MTI 23 88 My Village MVI 466 89 NGO Forum on Cambodia NGO FORUM 124 90 New Humanity NH 49 91 New Life Foundation NLF 121 92 Norwegian People's Aid NPA 125 93 Nyemo Cambodia NYEMO 71 94 Oxfam Australia OAUS 14 95 Ockenden International OCKENDEN 34 96 Oxfam Québec OQ 6 97 Oxfam American Oxfam American 1 98 Oxfam, Great Britian Oxfam GB 51 99 Pact Cambodia PACT 52 100 Partnership for Development in Kampuchea PADEK 53 101 Ponleur Kumar PK 139 102 Plan International Cambodia Plan Cambodia 12 103 Ponleu Ney Kdey Sangkum (Light of Hope) PNKS 145 104 Phare Ponleu Selpak PPS 106 105 Peace and Development PYD 8 106 Rural Animal Health Development Organization RAHDO 89 107 Rehab Craft Cambodia RCC 147 108 Resource Development International-Cambodia RDI 144 109 RENACER, Walk with Women RENACER 85 110 Rain Water Cambodia RWC 42 111 Soboras SABORAS 313 112 Save the Children - Australia SCA 59 113 Save the Children Norway - Cambodia Office SCN-CO 55 114 Services for the Health in Asia & African Regions SHARE 60 115 Swidish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA 79 116 Silaka SILAKA 392 117 Soutien a l'Initiative Privee pour l' Aide a la Reconstruction SIPAR 116 118 Shalom Life Careserve Centre 43 119 SNV Netherlands SLCC SNV NETHERLANDS CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 157 150 No FULLNAME ACRONYM MAIL BOX # 120 Sovann Phoum SP 57 121 Samaritan's Purse International Relief SP 148 122 Social Service of Cambodia SSC 156 123 Save The Earth Cambodia STEC 35 124 Shanti Volunteer Association SVA 40 125 Trotrung ning Akpiwat Sokapeap neak Kre Kror (Member) TASK 243 126 Tradcraft Tradcraft 114 127 TROCAIRE TROCAIRE 76 128 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF 141 129 United States Agency for International Development USAID 102 130 Vicheasthan Bamreu Neakropkrong Kangea Aphivath VBNK 80 131 Veterans International - Cambodia VI/C 63 132 Cambodian Center for Independent Media VOD 91 133 Volunteer Service Abroad VSA 64 134 Veterinaires Sans Fronteires VSF 152 135 Volunteer Service Overseas VSO 65 136 Womyn's Agenda for Change WAC 126 137 Wholistic Development Organization WDO 81 138 World Education-Cambodia WE/C 143 139 WATHNAKPHEA WP 62 140 World Relief - Cambodia WR-C 67 141 World Vision Cambodia WVC 68 142 Youth With A Mission YWAM 69 143 ZOA Refugee Care ZOA 70 II. CAMBODIAN NGOs No FULLNAME ACRONYM AARR 445 2 Alliance Association fo Rural Restoration Association for Aid and Relief Vocational Training for the Disable AARVTD 426 3 Association Blind Cambodian ABC 188 4 Association Buddhist of Study ABS 185 5 Association for Consorvation of Arts and Culture ACAC 211 6 Association Cambodgienne d' AP provisionnement en Eau ACAPE 367 7 The Alliance for Conflict Transformation ACT 402 8 AFESIP 352 9 Agir pou les Femmes En Stuation Precaire Association for Human Resource Development and Health Education AHRDHE 242 10 Association of Humanity and Religion Development AHURD 423 11 Association de la Jeunesse Pour L' Animation AJA & MJC 246 12 Association of Jurists Observer Sub-National Administrator AJOSA 382 1 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 151 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 13 Association Khmer Kampuchea Krom AKKK 248 14 Angkor Community Development Organization ANCODOR 331 15 APCA 247 16 Assistance to Poor Children Agency Association for the Protection&Development of Cambodian Environment APDCE 266 17 Action for Research and Development ARD 304 18 Association Support New Cambodian Children ASNCC 245 19 Buddhism Development and Supporting Environment Buddhism elevation and Human Resource Development Organization Buddhis Family, Khmer Foundation for Morality and Democracy BDASE 200 BEHRD 192 BF/KFMD 310 BSDA 342 CADET 205 24 Buddhishm and Society Development Association Cambodian Association for Development of Economy Together Cambodian Farmers' Association Federation for Agricultural Development CAMFAD Federation 320 25 Cambodia Farmer Association Development SVR CAMFAD/SVR 291 26 Cambodia Association for Rural Developmen and Health CARDH 249 27 Cambodian Rights and Justice Organization CAREPO 312 28 Cambodia Anti-Tuberculosis Association CATA 364 29 Cambodia Border Community Development Organization CBCDO 267 30 Cambodian Building Organization CBO 379 31 CBOHC 271 32 Capacity Building Organization of Hanicaped Cambodia Cambodian Children Against Starvation & Violence Association CCASVA 354 33 Cambodian Commissioner for Development CCD 209 34 Cambodian Children Development CCD 223 35 Cambodia Community Development Ferderation CCDF 207 36 Cambodia Community Development Organization CCDO 257 37 Cambodian Community Foundation Network CCFiN 288 38 CCOLT 237 39 Cambodian Children Orphnanage for Living and Training The Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights CCPCR 284 40 Conservation and Development on Cambodia CDCAM 253 41 Community of the Development for Friendship of Rural CDFRY 214 42 Cambodia development Mix Agriculture CDMAIA 254 43 Cambodian Disabled People Organization CDPO 216 44 Cambodia Development and Relief Centre for the Poor CDRCP 217 45 Cambodia Clean Energy and Climate CEAC 278 46 Centre d'Etude et de Development Agricole Cambodgien CEDAC 428 47 Cambodian Education Foundation CEF 457 48 Culture and Environment Preservation Association CEPA 357 49 Cambodian Elder Support Organization CESO 233 50 Charity Foundation for the Children CFC 232 51 Cambodian Federation of Farmers' Organization CFFO 295 20 21 22 23 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 152 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 52 Community for Transformation CFT 436 53 Cambodia Global Action CGA 238 54 Cambodia Global Fund CGF 412 55 Cambodian Health Education Development CHED 220 56 Chet Thor Chet Thor 405 57 Cambodia Health and Human Rights Alliance CHHRA 316 58 Jivapiap-Caring and Integrating Cambodian Resources CICR 413 59 CIDC 236 60 Cambodian Islamic Development Community Cham Khmer Islam Minority Human Rights and Development Asso. CKIMHRDA 226 61 Children & Love Association CLA 469 62 Christian Learning Circle for Development Association CLCDA 427 63 CMFE 225 64 Cambodia's Media Forum on Environment Cambodia Mekong River Restoration and Development Organization CMRDO 199 65 The Cambodian National Research Organization CNRO 306 66 Cambodia Optometry Association COA 407 67 Cambodian Organization for Children and Development COCD 353 68 Community Development Organization CODO 317 69 Cambodia Organization for Human Rights & Development COHD 452 70 COMFREL 439 71 Community for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia Cambodia Organization for Veteran Economic Development COVED 435 72 Children and Poor Communities Development Organization CPCDO 444 73 Community Poverty Reduction CPR 333 74 Christian Relationship for Development CRD 221 75 Child Rights Foundation CRF 338 76 Coalition for Road Safety CRY 215 77 CSARO 387 78 Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization Cambodia's Save the Children Organization for HR & Development CSCOHD 270 79 Center for Social Development CSD 227 80 Community Support Improve Development CSID 374 81 Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development CVCD 228 82 Association des Victimes der Khmer Rouges CVKR 277 83 Organisation for Children and Rural Women CWARO 470 84 Cambodia Women Crisis Centre CWCC 356 85 Cambodia World Family CWF 340 86 Cambodian Youth Development CYD 335 87 Cambodian Youth Development Center CYDC 355 88 Children and Youth Education CYEC 219 89 Development Association for Cambodia DAC 231 90 Disability Action Council DAC 380 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 153 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 91 Drug Addict Rellef Assosiciation of Cambodia DARAC 212 92 Development of Demobilized Soldiers and the Poor DODSAP 384 93 Development Organization for Priority Domain DOPD 307 94 Drugs Rehabilitation Organization DRO 222 95 Democratic Service Organization DSO 239 96 ECPAT 272 97 End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking Economic Development Association of Rural Society of Cambodia EDARS CAMBO 430 98 Education and Development of Cambodian Skills EDCS 370 99 Elder Help Center EHC 294 100 Fine Arts Association FAA 235 101 Fisheries Action Coalition Team FACT 420 102 Farmers' Alliance Internaitonal For Relief FAIR 230 103 Family Economic Development Community For Cambodia FEDCC 328 104 Family Health Development FHD 434 105 Farmer Livelihood Development FLD 474 106 Farmer’s life Improvement and Future Light Youth FLIFLY 429 107 Future Light Orphanage FLO 268 108 Green & Blue G&B 475 109 Gospel for Children GFC 274 110 Girl Guide Association of Cambodia GGAC 411 111 Healthcare Center for Children HCC 234 112 HHC 258 113 Hope for Handicap Cambodia The Human Rights and Human Resource Development Institute HHDI 301 114 Hope for Khmer-Islam HKIO 341 115 Human Rights and Development Organization HRDO 433 116 HROTP 190 117 Human Right Organization for Transparency and Peace Human Resources and Economy for Development Association of Cambodia HUREDAC 339 118 Health and Youth Development HYDO 285 119 Institute of Buddhism Education and Development IBED 256 120 Initiatives of Change Association ICA/MRA 300 121 Indigenous Community Support Organization ICSO 229 122 Indra Devi Association IDA 244 123 International Friendship Development Organization IFDO 330 124 Islamic Local Development Organization ILDO 362 125 Khmer Ahimsa KAH 421 126 Khmer Association for Vocational Training and Vocation KAVTV 218 127 Khmer Buddhist Society in Cambodia KBSC 504 128 Khmer Civilization Association KCA 196 129 Khmer Community for Agricultural Development KCAD 255 130 Kampuchea Christian Council KCC 213 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 154 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 131 Khmer Development of Freedom Organization KDFO 394 132 Khmer for Emergency and Relief and Development KERD 419 133 Khmer Farmer Association KFA 361 134 Khmer Farmer for the Poor KFP 368 135 Khmer Human Resource of Development Organization KHReDO 260 136 Kone Kmeng Organization KK 371 137 KKKHRA 263 138 Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Association Khmer Kampuchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association KKKHRDA 264 139 Khmer Kampuchea Krom Women Organization KKKWO 309 140 Khmer Love Khmer Federation KLK 189 141 KnK Network Cambodia KnK 261 142 Komar Pikar Foundation KPF 321 143 Khmer Rural Development Association KRDA 269 144 Khmer Squatter Development Community Stung Meanchey KSDCM 351 145 Khmer Women Handicraft Association KWHA 195 146 Khmer Women's Voice Center KWVC 273 147 Khmer Youth Association KYA 275 148 KYSD 385 149 Khmer Youth and Social Development Light Development Organization for the Most Vulnerable People LDOMP 203 150 Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of H.R. LICADHO 279 151 Light Knowledge for Dev't of Human Resource Association LKDHRA 431 152 Monk Relief and Khmer Culture Organization MCO 378 153 Medecine de L' Espoir Cambodge MEC 345 154 Monk's Health Social Service MHSS 251 155 Mith Samlanh Mith Samlanh 293 156 Meada Khmer for Development MKD 282 157 Mlup Baitong MLUP BAITONG 400 158 National Prosperity Association NAPA 410 159 NAS 276 160 Nak Akphivath Sahakum Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia NICFEC 210 161 New Initiative for Livelihoods and Health NILH 418 162 National Veterans Development Association NVDA 319 163 Organization for Agricultural Development of Cambodia OADC 197 164 The Organization Aged and Orphan Aid OAOA 208 165 Our Books Organization OBO 344 166 Organisation of Cambodian Construction Help OCCH 241 167 ONG Institute Organization ONG Institute 343 168 Open Institute Open Institute 297 169 Occupation Rural and Economic Development Association OREDA 186 170 People Association for Development PAD 289 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 155 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 171 Project Against Domestic Violent PADV 290 172 Peace and Development Institute PDI 224 173 Public Health Care Organization PHCO 315 174 People Improvement Organization PIO 314 175 Protection of Juvenile Justic PJJ 332 176 Poor Khmer Families for Development Association PKFDA 292 177 Punleu Komar Kampuchea Organization PKKO 478 178 Puthi Komar Organization PKO 296 179 Phnom Neang Kang Rei Association PNKA 337 180 Phnom Srey Association for Development PSAD 414 181 Ponlok Sangkom Kampuchea PSK 502 182 Psychosocial Service Organization PSO 191 183 Promvihearthor Organization PVT 201 184 Rural Association for Development of Economy RADE 298 185 Representative Association for Students RASP 206 186 Rainbow Foundation RBF 202 187 Rural Children Saving Association RCSA 349 188 Research Culture and Development RCSCD 262 189 Rural Development Programme of Cambodia RDPC 302 190 Rural Economic and Agriculture Development Agency READA 194 191 Rural Economic Development Association REDA 303 192 Rural Friend Community Development RFCD 336 193 Rescue Khmer Farmers Association RKF 305 194 RSO 425 195 Relief Sans Frontiers Organization Society for Action and Change for Rural Education and Development SACRED 383 196 SAMAKY Organization SAMAKY 250 197 SAM Technology Integrated Center SAMTIC 265 198 Street Children Association and Development Programme SCADP 404 199 Salvation Center Cambodia SCC 346 200 Save Children and Community Dev't Org SCCDO 422 201 Socio-Economic Development Organization of Cambodia SEDOC - CNAC 311 202 Srer Khmer SK 390 203 Sunflower Orphan Center SOC 406 204 Sor Sor Troung SST 365 205 Star Kampuchea STAR KAMPUCHEA 372 206 Training and Labor Supply Organization TaLSO 286 207 Three Controls Organization TCO 193 208 Transeultural Psychosocial Organization TPO 324 209 Urgent Medical Nations Human Rights Relief UMNHR 252 210 Urban Poor Women Development UPWD 463 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 156 No FULLNAME ACRONYM 211 USG 322 212 Urban Sector Group Vocational Training for Aluviation of Poverty and social Dev't VAPSD 299 213 Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization VCAO 323 214 Vocational and Developmental Training Organization VDTO 334 215 Village Support Group VSG 350 216 Vulnerable Teenager for Health VTH 280 217 Women Association for Community Development WACD 198 218 World Buddhist Sangha Youth Cambodia WBSYC 318 219 Women Development Association WDA 326 220 World Eight Directions Cambodia WED Cambodia 259 221 Women For Prosperity WFP 327 222 Women's Media Centre of Cambodia WMC 347 223 Women's Network for Unity WNU 308 224 Women Organization Moderm for Economy & Norsing WOMEN 348 225 Women's Service Organization WOSO 329 226 Women Peace Maker WPM 393 227 Youth Council of Cambodia YCC 187 228 Youth and Child Hope Development Organization YCHD 325 229 Youth with Disabilities Foundation for Education YODIFEE 424 230 Youth Organization for Community Development YOFCD 283 231 Youth Resource Development Programme YRDP 240 CCC- NGO Mailbox Listing, October 2009 MAIL BOX # 157 SUBMISSION FORM FOR AGENCY CONTACT AND PERSONNEL LISTING AGENCY PERSONNEL LISTING CNGOs, INGOs, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (IO), UNITED NATIONS (UN), AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ∗∗∗∗∗ Please fill in the blank or make change the existing information in the form below, then email to [email protected] for CCC to include your organization in the Agency Contact and Personal Listing 2008, insert into NGO Database, and post on the organization search page of the CCC website. Agency Name: ____________________________________ Acronym: ________ _ Type of your organization (INGO, CNGO, IO, O, or UN ?): ____ Address: _________________________________________________________________ _P.O.Box Number:____ _ CCC Box Number: ________ Telephone: ________ _________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: ______________________________ ____________ Website:_____________________________________________________________ Organization’s Contact Person: Title (Mr. Ms. Dr. etc.): _______ Name:_______________________ Position:__________________ __________ Please visit the CCC website: http://www.ccc-cambodia.org and click on the Search for NGOs link to search for your organization. Are the details for your organizations correct? Yes No If No, what is incorrect? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Staff List: (Please fill in the your organization’s staff list in the table below) Title Family Name First Name (e.g.: Mr., Ms, Dr., etc.) CCC – Submission form for Agency Contact and Personnel Listing 2009 Position Office Phone / Mobile Phone Number Location/ Province 158 nimitþsBaØaGgÁkarBnøWkumar ku m W ar Bnø 9 789995 080426 House 9-11, Street 476, Sangkat Toul Tom Poung 1, Chamcarmorn PO Box 885, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia Tel: (855-23) 214 152 / 216 009 Fax: (855-23) 216 009 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ccc-cambodia.org