METAPLAST GEAR TECHNOLOGY KKT Established in 1983 Innovation, not imitation ! History • Our firm’s – METAPLAST Gear Technology Kkt. – main profile is the production of high precision gears. The ancestor – Metaplast GMK was established in 1983 as a private family enterprise. We keep the family oriented characteristics nowadays as well. • In time of foundation our circle of customers were mainly the state-owned companies. These companies collapsed and became bankrupt during the changes of political system. This downfall in economy has actuated us to localize western export opportunities. In middle term there export partners’ orders guarranteed the improvement of our company from all aspects. Export to the western market required more efforts to Quality, growing up to the needs of the customers in terms of measurement as well. We consider that quality is the most important nowadays as well. • We have moved to a new workshop hall to the Industrial Park of Tököl middle of 2011 and working on the widening of our capacity, as we would like to further develop the production capabilities, technologies and widen our potentials in the field of High Quality grinded gears, to be able to meet the expectations of our Customers. What the Support of the European Union and the Hungarian State have meant to our company • • • • • • First support was given by the Hungarian State in 1998, when based on the resolved request of the Customers we needed to introduce the ISO9001 Quality Assurance System, but we did not have enough financial source on our own. This was the first time when we received support from the Hungarian State. As a result of this help we have successfully introduced the Quality Assurance system, and the door has opened for our company to the directon of different foreign companies (ZF Hungária Kft, BMW Traditionel, Giddings&Lewis GmbH, Voith GmbH, Global Sourcing GmbH, Ganz Energetika Kft). Orders received from these companies and a result of technical developments we were able to reserve funds for the base of the new workshop hall. Economical crisis started in 2006 has touched our company very much, but in a different way then other companies operating in Hungary. In the last few years we have managed to reserve considerable funds for the planned real estate investment. The price of the industrial reas estates has been reduced significantly. The low price of the industrial lands and the possibility of the development fund from the European Union (KMOP-1.5.3/C-10-2010-0047 number of project) have helped the realisation of our workshop hall investment. As a result of the support we have moved into a workshop meeting all expectations of the XXI Century in August 2011. This investment has increased highly our judgement towards our Curtomers, but only this investment would not be enough if we would not have been continuing certain technical and enviromental developments. In frame of an other application KMOP-1.2.1-11/B-20120059 number of project) we have realised to build out the ISO14001 system and the puchase of a machine resulting in a technological jump. The EMAS system meeting all the mostly developed and strict rules was introduced based on our requirement, in own financing at the same time as the project named above (supervised by MAG Zrt.) We have received a great support from the EU and the Hungarian Government for further technical developments in frame of the KMOP-1.2.1-13/B-2013-0178 Project. This project gave us a chance to further develop certain technologies and introduce new ones into our portfolio. Our company has celebrated the 30th birthsday in 2013. As is it clearly visible from the above facts we plan the operation of our company for long time. This goal is supported by our investments and developments. We are the most proud of the fact that 7 people have gone into pension from our company and we give a fix source of living for 16 families. 2008 Technical development of the last years • Oerlikon Maag Opal 800 – Gear Profile Grinding Machine (full hydrostatic) – this machine was sold in 2014 2009 • Schaudt CNC Cilindrical Grinding Machine 2010 • Harrison Alpha – CNC Turning Late • Frömag 425 CNC – Keyslater Machine 2011 • Whirling technology for Trapezoid worms • KAPP VAS – CNC Profile Grinding Machine (with robot) • Gratomat • DEA Mistral CMM – Measuring Machine 2012 • Höfler Promat machines – Gear Profile Grinding Machine • Samputensili – Profile Gear Grinding Machine 2013 • Höfler Helix 400 KK – Profile Gear Grinding machine (brand new) – with EU-Hungarian Government Support • Metaplast Höfler Internal Gear Grinding machine • Gleason Sigma V7 measuring machine 2014 • Kapp KX1 – gear grinding machine With EU-Hungarian Government Support: • OKUMA LB3000EX – CNC lathe machine • NCT VMC – CNC vertical machine center • CMV – shot peening machine • Proth horizontal rotary table surfacre grinding machine • BAOMA wire EDM machine • Hanel Rotomat • Digitel Hardening Tester • Magnetic noch detecting system • Nital eching system Philosophy • • • • • • • The main essence of our Philosophy has never changed during the long years: to Manufacture, thus Create something that represents High Quality, to add our knowledge and experience to projects that aim to make the life of many people easier by creating or repairing machines by using our quality products. All our technical and personal developments aimed to support this Philosophy. We have well qualified workers with long years of experience in the field of production of gears and geared parts. The young colleagues (just after the Technical Secondary School of University) and continiusly developed to be able to replace anyone in the production. We believe in the job enrichment as a form of long-term motivation. We have a long term agreement and Co-operation with the Technical University of Budapest for further developing the final year Engineers by giving them a real workplace to try their talent, to make them able to put the Theory into real work. There are always 1-2 Students from the Tehcnical University of Budapest, who choose us to support them by giving a Theme for their Final Project Report and knowledge to put the Theory into life. Our company is in the circle of of the first 600 companies, which received the ISO Certification, and we are very proud of this fact. We have the ISO9001:2000 Certificate since 2001, ISO 14001 and EMAS since 2013. Products & Potential sizes • Our main profile is the Production of ground gears from DIN Q3 from the non-series – prototype – till the mass production. Our preference is the production of small series, including Prototypes as we are small, and like to create real value by adding high level of technical knowledge into the manufacturing procedure. • In the range of our products the followings take place: master gears, noise checking gears, gearbox elements, Synchro Bodies, Shaper cutters, Internal gears, CNC cutting rolls, milling rolls, gears (straight and skew), helical gears,, ribbed belt-pulley flywheels, chain gears. On top of the Manufacture of these Categories of Products we are dealing with the Design of tools for given parts, and we Design Power Transmissions and Gearing. • As a result of the High Quality means of Production, and the technical grounding of our professional workers we are able to manufacture products measured by American and British Standards. In case of special need we are ready to produce the tools for the Production as well. We can produce the gears from Diameter 5 till 1000 mm, between 0,5 and 14 modules; in hardened and ground form from DIN 3967 2 class. Our measuring machines make possible the granting a quality certificate as well. In 1996 our firm has joined to the ISO 9001 quality assurance system, this way the perfectionism of the products is warranted. • With Oerlikon Maag Opal 800 type of Profile Grinding machine that is able to grind in DIN Q2 with any modifications. • During the calculation of the production time we consider the need of the customers, and we try to satisfy it at the possibly highest level. METAPLAST GEAR TECHNOLOGY KKT Picture of Products IGM Robotsystem – positioning gears for Robots Budapest Public Transport Metro gearbox spare parts BMW Tradition – gearbox spare parts Knorr-Bremse – break system elements for train Robert Bosch Group – starter, master- and test gears ZF Group METAPLAST GEAR TECHNOLOGY KKT Established in 1983 Innovation, not imitation ! ISO Certificates Measuring Sheet - Sample Our Customers - References • We became Accrediated Suppliers of several Multinational Companies during the long years. We are the (BMW AG, GE Hungary, Knorr-Bremse, Robert Bosch, VW Group, ZF Group, Igm Robotsystems Hungary) • We are the measurement centre of Robert Bosch Energy & Body Systems Kft and other Bosch owned factories. (Gear Measuring Centre made by Wenzel (WGT350) support our Quality Production and give a neutral measuring report of the required parts for our Customers.) • 70 % of our production goes to export, main partners are from Germany and Austria. Our products are built in driving gears, machine producing tools and gearboxes. Our tools make the production of much multinational company smooth. We manufacture small series of spare parts gears for ZF and BMW Traditional Division. Detailed List of Customers on the next 3 pages. • • List of References – 1. Company Name Location Products, mady by our company BKV Budapest Power transmissions and gearings for metro of Budapest, gears for the millenium metro and for the cog-rail, grinded gears. BMW AG München - Germany PTO parts for old gearboxes and gears. Borsodi Mûhely Kft Gyõr GM PTO parts Brunner Kft. Vecsés Gears Doherty Hungária Orosháza Master gears,quality check of shaving tools Evolvens Bt. Siófok Teeth grinding Excel Európa Kft Budapest Gears of main driving of tool production machines FEV Motorentechnik GmbH Aachen - Germany Production of prototype gearboxes GANZ Energetika Kft Budapest Gears for the casette moving measuring device of the Nucrlear Plant GE Hungary Rt. Budaőrs - GE Healthcare Measuring of gears, gear grinding GE Hungary Rt. Budapest Worm gears, racks, gears of US standards GE Hungary Rt. Gyõr Gears for Lamp production machines GE Hungary Rt. Hajdóböszörmény Gears for Lamp production machines Gearspect Prága Planning and production of master gears Global Sourcing GmbH Regensburg Gears, driving elements List of References – 2. Company Name Location Products, mady by our company HAFE Budapest Grinded gears HM Currus Gödöllő Gears for winch devices of military vehicles Hungaro Slr Gödöllő Planning and production of gear cutting tools igm Robotrendszerek Kft Gyõr Gears for driving parts of industrial robots, zero backlash gears, gear sections Klingelnberg Hungária Kft. Győr Production of gearings of DIN5480 standard Knorr-Bremse Budapest Serie Production of gears and trapezoidal multi threading spindle for automotive industry KÖNIG Maschinen Celldömölk Driving gears for food industrial machines, chain gears, gears LINAMAR NyRT Orosháza Production of prototypes, null series and pilot parts, planning and production of Master gears, giving technological support and advice. RLE International Köln - Germany Production of prototype gears for car gearboxes MÁV Gépészet Zrt. Budapest Driving gears for the V43 type of locomotive Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart - Germany Production and calibrating of master gears and testing gears Robert Bosch Kft. Miskolc - Power Tools Production and calibrating of master gears and testing gears Robert Bosch Kft. Miskolc - Energy & Body Systems Production of master gears and testing gears, production of self starting testing gears. Calibration of geared etalons. List of References – 3. Company Name Location Products, mady by Our Company SZIMIKRON Kft Kecskemét Clutch gearing, turret head gearing TRIGON Elektronica Salgótarján Plastic gears VW Group Volksburg Germany Gearbox gears, synchron elements ZF Friedrichshafen Friedrichshafen After market gear, shaft, synchron element production ZF Brasil Sorocaba - Brasil Production of Null series ZF Drivetech Co. Ltd. Hangzhou China Production of Master Gears and Noise Checking gears Eger Production of prototypes, null series and PTO, CNC deburring tools, Master gears, Noise checking gears, Planning and Production of Cutting tools ZF Hungária Numbers / Facts • Year of establishment: 1983. • ISO Certification since 2001. • Manufacturing facility: 1200m2 • Number of employers: 20 people. • Sizes of manufacture: from Diameter 5 till 1000 mm, between 1 and 14 module • Technologies available: all for the complete production of gears • Grinding: in DIN Q2 with any modifications. Contacts METAPLAST GEAR TECHNOLOGY KKT. Hungary – 2316. Tököl, 0323/16. Airport Ipari Park GPS: 47.346474; 18.991225 Tel: +36-1-206-0889 Fax: +36-1-206-0888 E-mail: [email protected] How to reach us Tököl – Airport Industrial Park (In the area of the old Tököl Airport) Hungary – 2316. Tököl, 0323/16; GPS: 47.346474; 18.991225 Directions from Wien, Austria: • You drive to the M0 Motorway (Ring around Budapest) till the sign of "Halásztelek, Szigetszentmiklós" (The first takeoff after the bridge over Danube coming from the M1 or M7 Motorway) • At the first traffic light you need to turn on the left to "Halásztelek" • You drive through Halásztelek. After the city there will be a big curve to the left. The fence of the old Aiport of Tököl is visible from the right side. • You need to turn in the 3rd gate, where you see the sign of Airport Ipari Park. • Our workshop hall is the 1st on the left hand side. In case you need our assistance in finding us, please call on: +36-1-206-0889
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