Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Upgrade and Installation


Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Upgrade and Installation
800xA - System
System Version 4.1
Upgrade and Installation
800xA - System
System Version 4.1
Upgrade and Installation
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.
Copyright © 2003-2005 by ABB.
All rights reserved.
Document number:
June 2005
All rights to trademarks reside with their respective owners.
About This Book
General ............................................................................................................................11
Intended User...................................................................................................................11
How to Use this Instruction .............................................................................................11
Document Conventions ...................................................................................................12
Use of Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons ....................................................13
Applicable Specifications ................................................................................................14
Related Documentation ...................................................................................................14
Section 1 - Introduction
System Checker ...............................................................................................................17
System Language Package ..............................................................................................18
Precautions ......................................................................................................................18
Planning ...........................................................................................................................19
Minimum Hardware Requirements .................................................................................20
Firmware Memory Consumption ....................................................................................20
Supported Operating Systems .........................................................................................20
Section 2 - Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Introduction .....................................................................................................................23
Upgrade Procedure ..........................................................................................................23
System Preparation ..........................................................................................................26
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation...................................................................27
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation ......................................28
800xA for Advant Master RTA Board Files.........................................................28
Table of Contents
800xA for Harmony Preparation ......................................................................... 29
800xA for Melody Preparation ............................................................................ 29
PLC Connect Preparation .................................................................................... 29
Engineering Studio Preparation ........................................................................... 30
Asset Optimization Preparation ........................................................................... 31
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation............................................ 34
Batch Management Preparation........................................................................... 36
Manufacturing Management Preparation ............................................................ 37
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation ..................................... 37
Calculations Service Preparation ......................................................................... 38
Basic History Service Data Preparation............................................................... 38
Information Management Preparation ................................................................. 38
Stopping the Supervision Services ..................................................... 39
Exiting the Batch Redundancy Status................................................. 39
Stopping Windows Services............................................................................................ 40
Information Management Upgrade ................................................................................. 41
Oracle 9
............................................................................................................ 41
Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003.............................. 41
Windows XP ...................................................................................... 43
Information Management .................................................................................... 47
System Extension Maintenance ...................................................................................... 50
Post Upgrade Procedures ................................................................................................ 52
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade ............................................................... 53
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade................................ 54
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade................................... 56
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files ............. 57
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade ...................................................................... 57
Restore 800xA for Harmony Information........................................... 57
Synchronize the Aspect Directory ...................................................... 58
Optional Connectivity Server Nodes .................................................. 59
800xA for MOD 300 Post Upgrade ..................................................................... 59
PLC Connect Post Upgrade ................................................................................. 61
Table of Contents
Modify Installation for IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects ...............61
Restoring PreTreat2.dll .......................................................................61
Restoring PreEvent.dll ........................................................................62
Redeploy the PLC Connect Configuration..........................................62
Engineering Studio Post Upgrade ........................................................................62
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade ........................................................................63
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade.........................................66
Batch Management Post Upgrade ........................................................................69
Restoring Batches................................................................................69
Selecting the Alarm Server .................................................................70
Manufacturing Management Post Upgrade..........................................................70
Information Management Post Upgrade ..............................................................71
Resetting the PAS Service Account ....................................................72
Verifying Upgrade Installation ............................................................73
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade ...........................................................................74
Calculations Service Post Upgrade ......................................................................75
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade.................................75
Section 3 - Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Introduction .....................................................................................................................77
Upgrade Order .................................................................................................................77
Upgrade Paths..................................................................................................................78
SV 3.1/2 Upgrade Activities............................................................................................79
System Preparation and Shutdown.......................................................................79
Central Licensing System Preparation ...............................................80
System Message and Alarm and Event Services ................................80
External Alarm Service Group............................................................81
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation..................................................81
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Preparation ..................82
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation .....................84
AC 400 and SafeGuard Connect RTA Board Files .............................84
Harmony Connect Preparation ............................................................85
PLC Connect Preparation....................................................................85
Table of Contents
Engineering Studio Preparation .......................................................... 86
Asset Optimization Preparation .......................................................... 86
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation........................... 89
SMS and e-mail Messaging Preparation............................................. 90
Batch Management Preparation ......................................................... 92
Information Management Preparation ................................................ 94
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation .................... 99
Calculations Service Preparation ........................................................ 99
System Message Service Data Preparation....................................... 100
Basic History Service Data Preparation............................................ 101
800xA System Backup....................................................................................... 101
Requirements .................................................................................... 101
Backup Procedure ............................................................................. 101
Stopping Windows Services .............................................................................. 103
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities ............................................................................................ 104
System Upgrade ................................................................................................. 105
Existing Operating System ............................................................... 105
New Operating System ..................................................................... 106
800xA System Restore....................................................................................... 107
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration ...................................... 107
Restore Procedure ............................................................................. 108
Post Upgrade Procedures ................................................................................... 113
Operate IT for Core Functions Considerations................................. 114
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade ............................................ 118
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade............. 122
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade................ 127
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard
RTA Board Files ........................................................ 128
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade ................................................... 128
PLC Connect Post Upgrade .............................................................. 131
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade..................................................... 133
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade...................... 137
Table of Contents
SMS and e-mail Messaging Post Upgrade........................................140
Batch Management Post Upgrade .....................................................140
Information Management Post Upgrade ...........................................142
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade ........................................................149
Calculations Service Post Upgrade ...................................................151
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade..............151
System Message Service Post Upgrade ............................................152
Basic History Service Post Upgrade .................................................153
Section 4 - Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................155
Upgrade Order ...............................................................................................................155
Upgrade Paths................................................................................................................156
SB 2.1/2 Upgrade Activities ..........................................................................................157
External Alarm Service Group...........................................................................157
Control IT for AC 800M Considerations ...........................................................157
License Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M .................................158
Product Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M .................................159
System Backup...................................................................................................159
Save Application and Configuration Data..........................................................160
Control IT for AC 800M Settings .....................................................160
Control IT for AC 800M Project.......................................................161
Information Manager Considerations ...............................................161
Exporting Application Data ..............................................................162
Copying Data to Safe Media .............................................................170
Document All Configuration Changes...............................................................179
Process Portal A (Affinities, Securities, Service, and
User Structure)............................................................179
AC 400 Connect ................................................................................180
Messenger Service ............................................................................180
Information Manager ........................................................................181
Verify Exported Application Data......................................................................181
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities.............................................................................................182
Table of Contents
System Upgrade ................................................................................................. 182
Restore Application and Configuration Data..................................................... 184
Restore Service Group Configuration............................................... 184
Importing Application Data .............................................................. 186
Restoring Data from Safe Media ...................................................... 198
Recreate the Configuration Changes ................................................ 232
System Backup .................................................................................................. 234
Appendix A - Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 235
Appendix B - Warning and Error Messages
Failed to Serialize Aspect .................................................................................. 243
ASO Object Class xxxx ..................................................................................... 243
UnplacedObjects.afw ......................................................................................... 244
The System Cannot Find the Path Specified...................................................... 244
System Extension ´xxxx´ with ID ´Guid` is not Installed on this Node ............ 245
Timeout by External Service.............................................................................. 245
Graphic Aspect = xxx Cannot be Imported. ...................................................... 246
Too Many Aspects of Category ......................................................................... 246
Aspect Category is Missing ............................................................................... 247
Unknown Transaction Error............................................................................... 247
About This Book
This instruction covers the following:
Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1.
Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1.
Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1.
Third Party Software for SV 4.1.
Warning and Error Messages.
Upgrading directly from SV 3.1 or SV 3.1/1 to SV 4.1 is not supported. If
running one of these versions, it is necessary to upgrade to SV 3.1/2 before
upgrading to SV 4.1.
Intended User
This instruction is intended for installation engineers with experience with process
control systems, the ABB Industrial IT ™ 800xA System, and Microsoft ®
Windows ® operating systems. Standard 800xA System and Microsoft Windows
functions are not described in this instruction.
How to Use this Instruction
This instruction contains procedures for upgrading the entire 800xA System and all
of its associated applications. It is divided into sections depending on the current
state of the system:
Current system = System Version 4.0: Refer to Section 2, Upgrading SV 4.0
to SV 4.1.
Document Conventions
About This Book
Current system = System Version 3.1 with Service Pack 2 (SV 3.1/2): Refer
to Section 3, Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1.
Current system = System Baseline 2.1/2 (SB2.1/2): Refer to Section 4,
Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Read the applicable section through in sequence before attempting to upgrade the
system. While reading, note which parts of the upgrade procedures pertain to the
specific system configuration in the organization. During the actual upgrade
procedure, perform only those procedures that apply to the specific system
This instruction contains upgrade preparation and post upgrade procedures.
Upgrading most individual application software requires referring to Industrial IT,
800xA - System, Installation to install the application software. Unless otherwise
noted, the procedures for installing the application software for a new installation
and installing the application software as part of an upgrade are identical. If
required, differences in the two installation procedures will be clearly identified.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Release Notes before starting an upgrade
or installation.
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:
The words in names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title bar of
a window, the label for a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the
keyboard. For example, press the ENTER key.
Lowercase letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is not labeled on
the keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key, and so on.
Press CTRL+C indicates that you must hold down the CTRL key while
pressing the C key (to copy a selected object in this case).
Press ESC E C indicates that you press and release each key in sequence (to
copy a selected object in this case).
The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
About This Book
Use of Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons
The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File
The following convention is used for menu operations: MenuName >
MenuItem > CascadedMenuItem. For example: select File > New > Type.
The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the Windows
Task Bar.
System prompts/messages are shown in the Courier font, and user
responses/input are in the boldfaced Courier font. For example, if you enter a
value out of range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid. The value must be 0 to 30.
You may be told to enter the string TIC132 in a field. The string is shown as
follows in the procedure:
Variables are shown using lowercase letters.
sequence name
Use of Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons
This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate
to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to
point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be
interpreted as follows:
Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in
electrical shock.
Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal
Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept
discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could
result in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.
Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.
Applicable Specifications
About This Book
Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.
Applicable Specifications
This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in
Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.
Related Documentation
Table 1 lists and describes the ABB documentation related to and/or referred to in
this instruction.
Table 1. Related Documentation
Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Administration Administration and Security
Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, System
Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration
About This Book
Related Documentation
Table 1. Related Documentation (Continued)
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, 800xA for 3BUA000157R4101
Harmony, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - Information
Management, Operation
Industrial IT, 800xA - Information
Management, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - Asset
Optimization, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - Device
Management, FOUNDATION ™
Fieldbus, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - Device
Management, HART ®, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - Device
Management, PROFIBUS ®,
Industrial IT, 800xA - Engineering,
Industrial IT, 800xA - Production
Management, Batch Management,
Industrial IT, 800xA - Production
Management, Batch Management,
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Operator
Workplace, Configuration
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, System
Version 4.1, Release Notes
Related Documentation
About This Book
Table 1. Related Documentation (Continued)
Industrial IT, 800xA - Control and I/O,
Addendum, Product Data and Design
Field IT, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking 3BDD011677R0301
Device LD 800HSE, User Instructions
Third Party Hardware Products Verified
for Industrial IT System 800xA
Section 1 Introduction
This instruction describes how to upgrade to ABB IndustrialIT ™ 800xA System
Version 4.1 (SV 4.1). It covers the following scenarios:
Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1.
Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1.
Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1.
The topics in this section briefly describe the prerequisite requirements, procedures,
and other considerations depending on the current software version. Review this
information before installing SV 4.1.
Upgrading directly from SV 3.1 or SV 3.1/1 to SV 4.1 is not supported. If
running one of these versions, it is necessary to upgrade to SV 3.1/2 before
upgrading to SV 4.1.
System Checker
The System Checker is designed for the purpose of checking, verifying,
documenting, and troubleshooting an 800xA System. It includes the following:
Node Report tool.
System Checker tool.
System Information Collector tool.
System Report tool.
The System Checker supports 800xA System Versions 3.x and 4.x. It also supports
System Baseline 2.x with some limitations. Those limitations, as well as the
installation and use of the System Checker is described in Industrial IT, 800xA System, System Checker.
System Language Package
Section 1 Introduction
System Language Package
The default 800xA System includes support for US English only. Translations of the
operator interface (System 800xA Language Packages) are released separately after
the main release of the 800xA System. Upgrade of a system including a System
800xA Language Package requires a Language Package upgrade to a version that
supports SV 4.1. Language Packages for the following languages have been
released for SV 3.1:
Refer to the Language Package release notes for information on upgrading a
Language Package to SV 4.1.
There are third party backup/restore and hard drive cloning/imaging utilities that are
useful when software or data becomes corrupted to the point that the node will no
longer function correctly. A limited number of hardware failures can also be
compensated for by using these utilities. However, it is important to understand the
limitations and ramifications associated with these utilities. In some cases (such as
corrupted data, corrupted software, or hard disk failures) these utilities can be useful
while in other cases (such as replacing a node) these utilities may be of limited use.
It is recommended that cloning/imaging software be used to save (and restore if
necessary) an image of node hard drives after installation of third party software
and/or after installing all software.
The 800xA System import/export utility can be used to save 800xA System
information one portion at a time. However, the 800xA System backup utility is the
functional equivalent of exporting all 800xA System information at one time. The
critical difference between these utilities is that individually exported portions of
800xA System information can be imported back into the original system or into a
completely different system while backed up 800xA System information can only
be used to restore a specific system on specific nodes.
Section 1 Introduction
For optimal hardware and software prerequisites, refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System, Installation. The prerequisites depend on the functions installed in the
system, or on each node type.
For an upgrade, performance will be determined by the actual hardware of the
system. System performance after the upgrade is completed will be determined
by the hardware being upgraded. Memory size and processor speed have a
direct impact on system performance. Refer to Minimum Hardware
Requirements on page 20 to determine the performance after upgrading an
existing system.
If upgrading from SB 2.1/2 or SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1, order new SV 4.1 licenses.
New licenses are not required if upgrading from SV 4.0 to SV 4.1. Contact
your ABB sales representative to perform the license upgrade.
Consider other issues that are important prior to starting the upgrade, such as:
Concurrent access to the current 800xA System version and the SV 4.1 system
is recommended until the upgrade has been performed. This makes it possible
to easily retrieve any data or files that have been missed. Concurrent access
depends upon many different factors, including:
Configuration of the existing system.
Desired configuration of the SV4.1 system.
PC use strategy.
Configuration of user and user groups.
Use of service accounts.
Domain controllers.
Logical and physical networks.
One strategy is to leave a minimal part of the existing system intact, such as an
Aspect Server, while preparing a major part of the SV 4.1 system. Another
strategy is to prepare a minimal SV4.1 system.
Retaining an Aspect Server from the existing system minimizes the time it
takes to retrieve data or files from it. A disk drive image provides a quick way
to recover, but often it requires no hardware upgrade. Try to delay the upgrade
of the hardware in one Aspect Server as long as possible.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Section 1 Introduction
If it is not necessary to do the complete upgrade in one process, it may be
possible to perform the upgrade in steps by stopping selected system functions
or by stopping some parts of the plant, or a combination of the two.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Refer to Third Party Hardware Products Verified for Industrial IT System 800xA for
a list of hardware verified for use with the 800xA System. This document can be
accessed from ABB Solutions Bank at:
Firmware Memory Consumption
When upgrading, consideration should be given to memory usage in the controller.
The firmware size has grown slightly, resulting in slightly less free memory for user
applications. The reduction is one to eight percent, with the higher figure applying
to processor modules with small amounts of free memory, PM856 and PM860.
However, this is offset by improvements in application and library handling, and for
most projects, the net difference in memory usage is insignificant.
If you are using PM856 or PM860 controllers with a small amount of free memory
in SV 3.1, refer to the instructions in Industrial IT, 800xA - Control and I/O,
Addendum, Product Data and Performance for information on memory
Supported Operating Systems
The Microsoft Windows operating systems supported in SV 4.1 are:
Windows XP Professional with SP2.
Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows 2000 Server with SP4.
The following rules apply:
Any existing nodes that do not have one of these operating systems must be
reformatted and the compatible operating system must be installed.
Section 1 Introduction
Supported Operating Systems
All nodes being upgraded from SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 must be reformatted and the
operating system installed, even if the existing operating system is compatible.
All IM (Information Management) Server nodes being upgraded from SB2.1/2
to SV 4.1 or SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 must be reformatted and the operating system
installed, even if the existing operating system is compatible.
All nodes being upgraded from SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1, that are not IM Server
nodes, with a compatible operating system require an update to the existing
operating system.
Supported Operating Systems
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Not all products that require upgrading from SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 are mentioned in
this instruction. Those products not mentioned require no preparation or post
upgrade procedures, nor do they require that the previous version be uninstalled.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation to silently install the upgrades
for those products.
Upgrading the 800xA System requires the plant to be shut down. To guarantee
the functionality of the upgraded system, follow these upgrade instructions
carefully and perform them in a well defined order.
It is recommended that an image copy of all disks on each node be made after
software installation and setup are completed. It is also recommended to back up
the aspect directory, reports, history data, graphics, and other application data
before installing this upgrade.
Upgrade Procedure
This section is organized so that the instructions are presented in the proper upgrade
order. Do not skip any steps.
The person performing this procedure must be familiar with the Configuration
Wizard. Detailed Configuration Wizard procedures are not included.
All Applicable Nodes: Refer to System Preparation on page 26 and perform
system preparation procedures on all applicable nodes. Return to this procedure
when complete.
All Nodes: Shut down all 800xA client applications and tools, (e.g.
Upgrade Procedure
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
All Server Nodes (Connectivity Servers, Application Servers, Aspect
Perform the following on the Aspect Servers last.
Stop the server. Use the Stop Server feature in the Configuration Wizard.
Stop Windows Services. Refer to Stopping Windows Services on page 40.
Return to this procedure when complete.
All Remaining Nodes: Stop Windows Services. Refer to Stopping Windows
Services on page 40. Return to this procedure when complete.
All Applicable Nodes: Use the Add or Remove Programs feature in
Windows Control Panel to uninstall the following 800xA System software:
Uninstall only the listed 800xA System software. Software not listed does not
need to be uninstalled before performing the upgrade.
Some of the uninstall programs will indicate that a reboot is necessary after
unistalling the software. If desired, wait until all uninstallations are complete
before rebooting.
ABB Central Licensing System.
ABB Central Licensing System Extension 4.0.0/0 (licensing server only).
ABB MOD 300 Connect (800xA for MOD 300).
ABB PAS - System Services (800xA for MOD 300).
ABB 800xA for TRIO.
ABB 800xA for Harmony.
ABB Diagnostics Collection Tool 4.0.0/0.
ABB Batch Management Environment.
ABB Batch Management Client.
ABB PC, Network and Software Monitoring 4.0.0/0.
ABB Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART with OPC Server 4.0.0/0.
ABB FDT Shared Components 4.0.0/0.
ABB FDT Base Container 4.0.0/0.
ABB PROFIBUS Device Integration Library 4.0.0/0.
ABB HART Device Integration Library 4.0.0/0.
ABB Basic PROFIBUS DTM / PROFIBUS DTM Builder 4.0.0/0.
ABB Basic HART DTM / HART DTM Builder 4.0.0/0.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Upgrade Procedure
ABB Engineering Platform 4.0.0/0.
ABB Diagnostics Collection Tool.
ABB 800xA Instructions.
ABB Function Designer 4.0.0/0.
ABB Reuse Assistant 4.0.0/0.
ABB Script Manager 4.0.0/0.
ABB Topology Designer 4.0.0/0.
ABB Soft Controller.
ABB Firmware.
ABB Control Builder M.
ABB OPC Server for AC 800M.
ABB AC 800M Connect.
ABB Asset Optimization.
ABB SoftPoint Server.
ABB Manufacturing Management.
To view all 800xA System software (system extensions) loaded in the 800xA
System, open a Plant Explorer Workplace and navigate to:
Admin Structure > Administrative Objects > Inventory Object > System
All Applicable Nodes (nodes that had software uninstalled): Reboot the
All Applicable Nodes: Refer to Appendix A, Third Party Software for SV 4.1
and the applicable procedures in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and
update the required third party software. Return to this procedure when
All Applicable Nodes: Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and
install all applicable 800xA System software. Return to this procedure when
The Information Management installation procedure is contained in this
document. Refer to Information Management Upgrade on page 41. The
procedure includes the Oracle 9 on page 41. Return to this procedure when
System Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation for 800xA for TRIO
installation procedures.
Do not initialize the Batch Management database when prompted during
installation of Batch Management software.
All Applicable Nodes: Restart the node after installing all 800xA System
10. Primary Aspect Server Node: Start the server. Use the Start Server feature in
the Configuration Wizard.
11. Primary Aspect Server Node: Refer to System Extension Maintenance on
page 50 and update the required system extensions. Return to this procedure
when complete.
External Alarm Service Group: Before updating the required system
extensions, keep only one External Alarm Service Group and move the provider
or providers to the Aspect Servers. Do this before loading the system extensions,
or the PPA system extension will not be loaded.
12. All Other Server Nodes: One server node at a time, start the server in the
following order. Use the Start Server feature in the Configuration Wizard.
Aspect Servers (other than the primary Aspect Server node).
Connectivity Servers.
Application Servers.
13. All Applicable Nodes: Refer to Post Upgrade Procedures on page 52 and
perform all applicable post upgrade procedures.
System Preparation
The person performing this upgrade must use the same user account that was used
during the installation of the 800xA System software, unless otherwise indicated in
these instructions.
Some 800xA System software requires preparatory steps before shutting down
800xA System processes. If the 800xA System includes any of the following
applications, refer to the referenced section to perform these steps:
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation on page 27.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation on page 28.
800xA for Advant Master RTA Board Files on page 28.
800xA for Harmony Preparation on page 29.
800xA for Melody Preparation on page 29.
PLC Connect Preparation on page 29.
Engineering Studio Preparation on page 30.
Asset Optimization Preparation on page 31.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation on page 34.
Batch Management Preparation on page 36.
Manufacturing Management Preparation on page 37.
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation on page 37.
Calculations Service Preparation on page 38.
Basic History Service Data Preparation on page 38.
Information Management Preparation on page 38.
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the Control IT for AC 800M upgrade:
Record the Setup Wizard settings (in particular the Memory settings) for
Control Builder M.
Record the Setup Wizard settings (in particular the Memory and Service
Account settings) for OPC Server for AC 800M.
Manually rename the following directories from:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\OPC Server for AC 800M 4.0
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Control Builder M Professional 4.0
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\SoftController 4.0
-to...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\OPC Server for AC 800M 4.1
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Control Builder M Professional 4.1
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\SoftController 4.1
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the PROFIBUS and HART Device
Integration upgrade.
Shut down the PROFIBUS/HART OPC Server service.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Services > OpcDA_Connector, Service > Service Group
Name, Service Group
(where Service Group Name is the name of the PROFIBUS/HART
OPC Server service group).
Select Service Provider Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Click the Configuration tab to produce a view in the Preview Area.
If the Enabled check box is selected, deselect it and click Apply.
800xA for Advant Master RTA Board Files
Make an RTA Board backup.
in the folder:
\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\AC400CI\AdvantBase\
and record which files belong to which node.
The following registry settings must be documented for reconfiguration.
Time synchronization keys in registry.
MB300 node and network address for RTA board in RTA board Configuration
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
800xA for Harmony Preparation
800xA for Harmony Preparation
Use the following procedure to save 800xA for Harmony information:
Log in to the Harmony Connect local service account on the Configuration
Server or Configuration Server with Connectivity Server node.
Create a backup of the Configuration Server database.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > 800xA for OCS
Systems > Harmony > Configuration > Backup Configuration
Click Connect
Click Backup.
Click Exit when the backup is complete.
800xA for Melody Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the 800xA for Melody upgrade:
ConfigServer node: Ensure that no Commissioning will be done from the
Melody Composer during this upgrade.
PLC Connect Preparation
If the PLC Connect IEC60870 feature is installed and configured, the IEC
configuration must be saved. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information.
If the PLC Connect Communication Server Pre Treatment function is being
used in the application (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC Connect,
Configuration for more information), make a backup of PreTreat2.dll.
Pretreat2.dll is located in the following folder on the PLC Connect
Connectivity Server:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
The path is the default location of the file. If it has been placed somewhere else,
make a backup from that location.
Make a backup of the VB application projects for PreTreat2.dll.
Engineering Studio Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
If the Event Server Pre Treatment function is being used in the application
(refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC Connect, Configuration for more
information), make a backup of PreEvent.dll. PreEvent.dll is located in the
following folder on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
The path is the default location of the file. If it has been placed somewhere else,
make a backup from that location.
Make a backup of the VB application projects for PreEvent.dll.
Engineering Studio Preparation
Deactivate the auto update mode in IO Allocation.
Start the Engineering Workplace.
Open the IO Allocation tool on any object by right-clicking on the object and
selecting Advanced > IO Allocation from the context menu that appears.
Verify that no check mark symbol is visible in the Options > AutoUpdate
CBM menu item in the IO Allocation tool.
Customized MSSQL 2000 Desktop Engine does not have to be upgraded. If you
try to install this component, it will be ignored.
Data generated and modified with Engineering Studio Version 4.0 is fully
compatible with Engineering Studio SV 4.1.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Asset Optimization Preparation
Asset Optimization Preparation
Use the following procedure to back up Asset Optimization information (perform
only the steps applicable to the system):
Asset Monitoring:
Asset Monitoring directories will be found on every Asset Optimization Server
node and any other node defined as an Asset Monitoring Server.
If Runtime Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save the Runtime
Asset Monitor data directory (DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore) to a safe
media. Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation, the Runtime Asset Monitor data directory is
located in the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Save the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin directory
contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as individual
files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are saved instead of the
entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save
the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
(XY_Reference_Profiles) to a safe media. Assuming the default directory
was selected during Asset Optimization installation, the
XY_Reference_Profiles directory is located in the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Maximo Integration:
The Maximo Integration information can be found on Asset Optimization Server
nodes. Reference the Service Structure for the name of the Asset Optimization
Server nodes.
Although MRO Software's Maximo system is separate from the 800xA
system, it is a good idea to back up the system in use. Follow Maximo
standard practices for Maximo system backup.
Asset Optimization Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
The MxDef files provide the mapping between the 800xA System
environment and the Maximo system.
Do not edit the MxDef files without an extensive knowledge of the Maximo SDK
for Business Components documentation. Do not edit the MxDef files without a
close consulting association with MRO Software Inc. personnel to determine
what fields are required. Editing these files without the required knowledge and
experience may result in problems with the Maximo system and CMMS
interface to the Maximo system.
Perform the following procedure if changes are made to the MxDef files, in order
to prevent the customized MxDef files from being overwritten during an upgrade
or reinstallation of Asset Optimization. The software will first look in the
subdirectories created in the procedure for the MxDef files before looking in the
default MxDef file location.
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the MxDef files supplied with Asset Optimization are located
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\ABBAO\Services\MOM\MxDefs
If changes are made to the MxDef files, create and save them in the
following location (assuming the default directory was selected during
Asset Optimization installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\ABBAO\Services\MOM\MxDefs\
<server_name>\<app_server> is the combination of the MRO
Server Name and the MRO Application Server Name fields from the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect
System Structure in the Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path
to the customized MxDef files will look like, for example:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Asset Optimization Preparation
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo Server level
as well as on the Maximo Application Server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo Application Servers.
SAP/PM Integration:
The SAP/PM Integration information can be found on Asset Optimization Server
nodes. Reference the Service Structure for the Asset Optimization Server.
Although the SAP/PM system is separate from the 800xA system, it is a
good idea to back up the system in use. Follow SAP/PM standard
practices for the third party SAP/PM system backup.
The SAPDef files provide the mapping between the 800xA System
environment and the SAP/PM system.
Do not edit the SAPDef files without a close consulting association with SAP,
AG personnel to determine what fields are required. Editing these files without
the required knowledge and experience may result in problems with the SAP/PM
system and CMMS interface to the SAP/PM system.
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the SAPDef files supplied with Asset Optimization are
located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\AoAIPSAPWebSrv\SAPXML
Save these files. If changes were made to the default files, save them as
DMS Calibration Integration:
Refer to the Meriam Process Technologies Device Management System User’s
Guide for information about saving the DMS Server data.
Asset Optimization DMS Calibration Integration SV 4.1 functions with DMS
software Version 2.2.
Shut down the Asset Monitoring Servers.
The following actions only apply to the Asset Optimization Application Server
node, and must be performed for every Asset Monitoring Server aspect.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to an Asset Optimization Server
Click Navigate to AssetMonitoring Service and deselect the
AssetMonitoring Service check box in the Service Provider Definition
Either restart the Asset Optimization Application Server node,
-orUse standard Windows procedures, via the Component Services selection
from Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel, to shut down the
following COM+ components (the items in the list depends on the
installed Asset Optimization components):
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the PC, Network and Software
Monitoring upgrade.
If there are user defined Script, Resource, and Assembly files they need to be
backed up. Assuming the default directory was selected during PC, Network
and Software Monitoring installation, the user files are located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
Resources\User directory
Copy the files in these directories to a safe location.
Shut down the PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server node.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Services > OpcDA_Connector, Service > SG_IT Server, Service Group >
OPCDA_Provider_Node Name, Service Provider
(where Node Name is the name of the PC, Network and Software
Monitoring Server node).
Select Service Provider Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Click the Configuration tab to produce a view in the Preview Area such
as the one shown in Figure 1.
If the Enabled check box is selected, deselect it and click Apply.
Figure 1. Disabling OpcDA_Connector Service
Batch Management Preparation
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Batch Management Preparation
Verify all scheduled batches are completed or terminated.
To archive batch history, select the batch history archive aspect. By default a
Batch History Overview aspect is located in:
Library Structure > Batch Management > Overviews
The Batch History Archive window contains the Batch Selection and Archive
Destination tabs. However, this aspect can be added to any 800xA system
During the course of each batch process run, data that documents details about
that specific batch is gathered and stored by the system in the batch database
until manually removed. Data that has been archived can still be retained in the
batch database. However, once data associated with a batch has been archived
and placed in a safe place, the data for that batch should be removed from the
batch database.
Archiving batch data has no effect on the uniqueness of the batch ID. Even
after data associated with a batch ID has been removed from the system, a
record of the batch ID will be retained on the system. The batch ID can never
be reused.
Do not archive directly to or restore directly from CDs or DVDs. Archive to or
restore from hard disk drives which can be backed up to CDs or DVDs using
commercially available software.
Disable the Batch Alarm & Event Service Group and Batch Service Group
before proceeding. To disable the service groups:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services\Event Collection, Service\batch_group_name,
Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Manufacturing Management Preparation
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Determine the name of the nodes that are currently Primary and
Secondary Batch Servers,
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services\Batch Service, Service\batch_group_name,
Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Select the provider that is currently the Secondary Batch Server.
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
m. Select the provider that is currently the Primary Batch Server.
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Manufacturing Management Preparation
Although not required for the upgrade of Manufacturing Management, it is
recommended that the existing Manufacturing Management database be backed
up using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. The typical database name is
Disable the Batch Service group (refer to Information Management Upgrade
on page 41) if Batch Management is installed.
Restart the node.
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation
Disable Schedules before stopping the servers and performing the upgrade. The
Schedules will need to be manually enabled again following the upgrade.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Scheduling Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Calculations Service Preparation
Click the Configuration tab.
Deselect the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Calculations Service Preparation
Disable Calculations before stopping the servers and performing the upgrade.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Calculations Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Deselect the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Basic History Service Data Preparation
To save Basic History Service data:
Stop the Basic History Server from the Service Structure.
Use Windows Backup (not the 800xA Backup) to backup the files in the:
...\OperateITData\History\{provider ID}
Start the Basic History Server again from the Service Structure.
Information Management Preparation
If installing the upgrade on an Information Management server or Consolidation
node, Information Management history must be stopped on the Information
Management server BEFORE beginning the upgrade. This is not required when
installing the upgrade on other node types (for example Aspect and Connectivity
If installing the upgrade on a node with Batch Management Client or Server, it is
necessary to exit the Batch Redundancy Status process.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management Preparation
Stopping the Supervision Services
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
Select the ABB Process Administration Service, right-click, and choose Stop
from the context menu as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Stopping the ABB Process Administration Service
Select the ABB Process Administration Service, and set it to Manual. This is
required because of reboots.
Close the Services utility window.
Exiting the Batch Redundancy Status
Right-click on the Batch Redundancy Status icon in the Windows Tray (P, S, or
C), and choose Exit from the context menu, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Exiting the Batch Redundancy Status
Stopping Windows Services
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Stopping Windows Services
The Windows services listed must be stopped at each individual 800xA System
Use standard Windows procedures, via the Services selection from
Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel, to place the following
services into manual and insure that they are stopped.
ABB Application logger.
ABB Client License Provider.
ABB MMS Server for AC 800M.
ABB OPC Server for AC 800M.
ABB RNRP Service.
ABB ServiceManager.
ABB System Notification Icon.
ABB Tool Routing Service for AC 800M.
ABB User Verification Windows 2000 (for Windows 2000 nodes only).
Use the afwkill utility (Figure 4) to make sure all processes related to the
800xA System are stopped.
Figure 4. Running the afwkill Utility
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management Upgrade
From the Windows Taskbar select:
Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt window enter afwkill.
The afwkill window should be empty, indicating that all processes are
stopped. In this case click OK to close.
If processes are listed in this window, click kill all, then click OK when
the window indicates all processes are stopped (empty window).
If Batch Management is installed, remove the Batch Redundancy Status icon in
the Windows Taskbar. To do this, right-click on the C icon (Figure 5) and
choose Exit from the context menu that appears.
Figure 5. Stopping the Batch Redundancy Status
Information Management Upgrade
The upgrade uninstalls certain software components and then installs new versions,
depending on the type of node where the upgrade is being applied.
Oracle 9
Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003
To install the Oracle upgrade on Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server
Insert the InfoMgmt2 DVD with Oracle
Oracle 9
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Autorun displays the Oracle Installation Wizard, Figure 6. If not, start
Figure 6. Oracle Installation Wizard, Step 2
Select Step 2 Install button to start the upgrade. This will stop the
ABB Services as indicated in the expanded Advanced View window. After the
services are stopped, the Installing Oracle Patch begins and the Oracle
Universal Installer is started.
Select Next from the Oracle Universal Installer:Specify File Locations
window. This starts the installation. When complete, Step 2 will show that is installed.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Oracle 9
Select Step 3 Upgrade Database button, Figure 7, to start the upgrade of the
Figure 7. Oracle Installation Wizard, Step 3
Click OK to continue. The SQLPlus.exe command window begins the
upgrade. The Oracle Listener and Oracle Service will run during upgrade.
Step 3 will indicate Database Upgraded. Select OK to close the window.
Windows XP
To install the Oracle upgrade on Windows XP:
Insert the InfoMgmt2 DVD with Oracle
Oracle 9
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Autorun displays the Oracle Installation Wizard, Figure 6. If not, start
Figure 8. Oracle Installation Wizard, Step 2
Select Step 2 Install button to start the upgrade. To stop the ABB
Services, Windows XP must be restarted in safe mode.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Oracle 9
Select OK to proceed with the restart in safe mode.
Figure 9. Restart Prompt for Windows XP
Select Diagnostic Startup - load basic devices and services only and then
select OK.
Figure 10. System Configuration Utility for Windows XP Restart
Select Restart to continue. Windows will restart in safe mode with the no ABB
Services present in the expanded Advanced View window. Installing Oracle
Patch begins and the Oracle Universal Installer is started.
Oracle 9
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Select Next from the Oracle Universal Installer:Specify File Locations
window. This starts the installation. When complete, Step 2 will show that is installed.
Select OK to end the installation and restart the Windows in normal mode.
After the restart into normal mode, select Step 3 Upgrade Database button,
Figure 7, to start the upgrade of the database.
Figure 11. Oracle Installation Wizard, Step 3
10. Click OK to continue. The SQLPlus.exe command window begins the
upgrade. The Oracle Listener and Oracle Service will run during upgrade.
11. Step 3 will indicate Database Upgraded. Select OK to close the window.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management
Information Management
If the Plant Explorer is open on the node where you are installing this upgrade,
close the Plant Explorer window BEFORE you begin the installation.
To install the Information Management upgrade:
Insert the InfoMgmt1 DVD.
Autorun displays the Information Management Installation Wizard, Figure 12.
If not, start InfoMgmt1\Setup.bat.
Figure 12. Information Management Installation Wizard
Select the Upgrade All option. This option automatically detects the
Information Management software components installed on this PC.
Select the Upgrade button to start the Information Management upgrade and to
proceed to the upgrade pages.
The wizard will perform the entire upgrade without requiring any operator
input. The wizard will first check whether or not the ABB Process
Administration Service, ABB ServiceManager Service and IIS have been
Information Management
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
stopped, and stop them if necessary. During this phase a Windows command
prompt will open briefly, and then close automatically.
When it has been determined that the services are stopped, the wizard will first
remove the applicable components, Figure 13, and then reinstall them.
Figure 13. Information Management Upgrade in Progress, Removing Components
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management
Click Exit when the Upgrade Complete message is displayed, Figure 14.
Figure 14. Information Management Upgrade Complete
This displays a prompt to restart the computer. Click Restart Now.
This completes the upgrade installation.
If you are installing on an Information Management server, or an 800xA system
node that runs SoftPoint Services, complete the applicable post-installation
procedures as described in Information Management Post Upgrade on page 71.
System Extension Maintenance
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
System Extension Maintenance
Use the System Extension Maintenance feature in the Configuration Wizard to load
system extension updates into the system. It is assumed that all required 800xA
System software upgrades are installed on all 800xA System nodes.
To update the system extensions:
Start the configuration wizard on the primary Aspect Server node. Select:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System >
Configuration Wizard
Open the System Extension Maintenance dialog by going to:
System Administration > Select System > System Extension
This produces a view similar to the one shown in Figure 15, with the available
system extensions updates listed in the left pane.
Figure 15. System Extension Maintenance Dialog
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
System Extension Maintenance
Select the system extension to update in the list in the left pane and move it to
the list in the right pane by clicking >. To move all the system extensions from
the left pane to the right pane, click >>.
The Thumb up/down icon (Figure 16) indicates the status of the dependency
evaluation. If the list in the right pane contains more than one system extension,
click Press header to autosort to sort the system extensions load order with
regard to dependencies.
Figure 16. Sorting Dependencies
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
All system extensions listed in the right pane should be marked with the
Thumb up icon. Click Next and the Apply Settings dialog similar to the one
shown in Figure 17 appears.
Figure 17. Apply Settings Dialog
Click Finish. The system extension updates will load into the system.
A progress dialog is shown during the load. Click View Log to view log
messages during load.
When the load operation has finished, click Finished and view the
Configuration Wizard log to verify that no errors occurred during the load.
Close the Configuration Wizard.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Perform the following procedures if the software listed was upgraded:
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade on page 53.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade on page 54.
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade on page 56.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files on page
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade on page 57.
800xA for MOD 300 Post Upgrade on page 59.
PLC Connect Post Upgrade on page 61.
Engineering Studio Post Upgrade on page 62.
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade on page 63.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade on page 66.
Batch Management Post Upgrade on page 69.
Manufacturing Management Post Upgrade on page 70.
Information Management Post Upgrade on page 71.
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade on page 74.
Calculations Service Post Upgrade on page 75.
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade on page 75.
Restart the system after completing all post installation procedures.
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade
Enter the Setup Wizard settings for Control Builder M that were recorded in
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation on page 27.
Enter the Setup Wizard settings for OPC Server for AC 800M that were
recorded in Control IT for AC 800M Preparation on page 27.
Be sure the The AC 800M Connect system extension was updated per System
Extension Maintenance on page 50. Updating the system extension loads the
updated libraries into the system.
Optional: SV 4.0 firmware will run on the SV 4.1 system. SV 4.1 firmware
includes significant corrections and enhancements that should be applied;
however, upgrading the firmware can be performed over a period of time.
Load new firmware to all controllers (both CPUs and CEX modules). Use the
normal routine as described in the Control Builder M online help.
Download the applications to the controllers.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade
Update Linking Device Firmware.
Update all linking devices LD 800HSE to the latest firmware version
released for this system environment following the update procedure
described in the user instructions of that device.
Refer to Field IT, Foundation Fieldbus Linking Device, LD 800HSE, Version
Table (3BDS009910) in ABB Solutions Bank at:
for the latest linking device firmware released for this system environment.
Check, Save, and Upload FF Libraries.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Object Type Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
FF Libraries Object Type Group
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click Open Library in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Open the library in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Check the libraries for plausibility.
Exit Fieldbus Builder FF and save changes if prompted to do so.
Return to the Plant Explorer Workplace and click the Library Upload tab
in the Preview Area.
If the traffic light symbol shows red, click Upload FF Library.
The green traffic light symbol indicates that the FF libraries have been
Update FF Libraries for HSE Subnet (Library Update).
Perform the following procedure for each HSE Subnet.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
HSE Subnet
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click the Library Update tab in the Preview Area.
If the traffic light symbol shows red, click Update Library.
Check, Save, Commission, and Upload the HSE Subnet.
Perform the following procedure for each HSE Subnet.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
HSE Subnet
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click the HSE Subnet Reference tab in the Preview Area.
Click Open Subnet in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Check whole project for plausibility.
Perform precommissioning/commissioning for all objects for which this is
necessary (discernible from engineering status).
Exit Fieldbus Builder FF and save changes if prompted to do so.
Return to the Plant Explorer Workplace and click the HSE Subnet
Upload tab in the Preview Area.
If the traffic light symbol shows red, click Upload HSE Subnet.
The green traffic light symbol indicates that the HSE Subnet has been
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to select the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to select the Domain Root object type.
Verify that only one FBB PH Settings aspect is present in the Aspect List Area.
If necessary, delete the FBB PH Settings aspect that contains only a single path
setting configuration box.
Perform the Path settings for the OPC Server and DTMs.
800xA System Server Path settings: Refer to the Getting Started section
in Industrial IT, 800xA - Device Management, HART, Configuration.
OPC Server PROFIBUS/HART Path settings: Refer to the HART Device
Integration section in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation.
Configure and start the PROFIBUS/HART OPC Server:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to select the Control Structure.
Open the controllers, hardware.
Select the master object (for example, ModuleBus, CI854).
Select the Fieldbus Management aspect.
Right-click the Fieldbus Management node in the Fieldbus Management
Select Configure OPC Server.
Synchronize DTM related path:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to select the Control Structure.
Open the controllers, hardware.
Select the master object (for example, ModuleBus, CI854).
Select the Fieldbus Management aspect.
Right-click the Fieldbus Management node in the Fieldbus Management
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA
Select Synchronize DTM related path.
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
SafeGuard Connect is referred to as 800xA for SafeGuard after the upgrade.
Restore the files:
to the folder:
\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\AC400CI\AdvantBase\
to the node where they belong.
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade
Post upgrade for 800xA for Harmony consists of:
Restore 800xA for Harmony Information.
Synchronize the Aspect Directory.
Optional Connectivity Server Nodes.
Restore 800xA for Harmony Information
Use the following procedure to restore 800xA for Harmony information:
Log in to the 800xA for Harmony local service account on the Configuration
Server or Configuration Server with Connectivity Server node.
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Restore the 800xA for Harmony Configuration information that was saved
during 800xA for Harmony Preparation on page 29.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > 800xA for OCS
Systems > Harmony > Configuration > Restore Configuration
Click Connect in the Harmony Connect Configuration Backup/Restore
Enter the name of the Harmony Configuration Server database backup file
in the Backup File field.
Click Restore.
If a prompt appears indicating that the system version does not match the
backup version, click OK and the backup file will be saved to a temporary
SQL database. Its components will then be migrated to the Configuration
Server database.
If a prompt does not appear, it means that the versions are the same and
the backup will be restored directly to the Configuration Server database,
overwriting it if it already exists.
If the message Services must be stopped, REBOOT system now
then restart this application! is displayed, restart the node and
repeat Step a through Step e.
Click Exit when the restore operation is complete.
Synchronize the Aspect Directory
Synchronize the Aspect directory with the Harmony Configuration Server using the
Harmony Synchronizer Aspect, which is part of the Harmony OPC Server network.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, 800xA for Harmony, Configuration for more
detailed information on how to synchronize.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
800xA for MOD 300 Post Upgrade
Optional Connectivity Server Nodes
It is possible to add extra Connectivity Server nodes to a system, up to six total
(three pairs). Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation to install new
Connectivity Server nodes.
800xA for MOD 300 Post Upgrade
Re-initialize PAS System Services on the Connectivity Server.
Complete the upgrade of the software and loading of the system extensions.
Step 3 assumes the aspects being removed are not being used. If they are, they
need to be manually modified.
From the [Graphics Structure]\Graphics Tools\OCS Graphics Subelements,
remove OCS Input Field, OPC Quality Indicator and OPC Quality Text
If you have created graphics that reference this MOD_DValue subelement, do
not remove it. Instead, follow the remaining steps. This does not include the
Measure_DValue, Setpoint_DValue, Output_DValue, Command_DValue or
State_DValue aspects on the CCF object types. Although graphics referencing
these aspects need to be redeployed.
Create an aspect of category Reference Configuration on the object containing
references to the MOD_DValue aspect. The reference configuration aspect will
list all object and aspect references in all aspects on the object.
Select an aspect that references the old MOD_DValue (OCS Graphic
Select Reselect and browse to the new MOD_DValue (MOD Graphic
Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 until all references have been updated.
Select Rebind to apply the updates.
10. Delete Reference Configuration aspect.
11. Deploy updated sub elements/graphics and subelements/graphics referring to
any of these changes.
800xA for MOD 300 Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
12. Repeat Step 5 through Step 11 for each additional object.
13. All graphics not redeployed in Step 5 through Step 12 should be redeployed
14. From the Workplace Structure, remove FacePlateColors and OCSColors. From
the [Graphics Structure]\Graphics Tools\OCS Graphics Subelements, remove
MOD_DValue aspects.
The PAS System Services will not start until you initialize the communications
settings as described in the next steps.
15. Initialize the OMF settings to start system services. Use the Administrative
Tools in the Window Control Panel to select:
PAS > Settings.
This displays the Communications Configuration Tool.
The message:
Would you like to revert back to saved settings?
is displayed if settings were previously saved. To restore the previous settings, do
steps a through d as follows.
Select Yes at the message
Would you like to revert back to saved settings?
This opens the Communication Settings display.
Select OK on the Communication Settings display to save the settings and
close the window.
Select OK to the message:
Settings have been saved . ...
Select OK at the informational message that the settings have been
changed. You must always restart if you change the Control Network
Setting, OMF Memory, or TCP/IP enabled setting.
16. Restart Windows. Restart Windows at this time.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
PLC Connect Post Upgrade
PLC Connect Post Upgrade
Post Upgrade for PLC Connect consists of:
Redeploy the PLC Connect Configuration on page 62.
Modify Installation for IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects on page 61.
Restoring PreTreat2.dll.
Restoring PreEvent.dll.
Modify Installation for IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects
If either the IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects features were installed:
Use standard Windows procedures to access Add/Remove Programs in
Windows Control Panel.
Select ABB PLC Connect.
Select Change/Modify.
The InstallShield Wizard for PLC Connect appears. Refer to Industrial IT,
800xA - System, Installation to select and install the desired features.
If the IEC60870 feature is installed refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration and reload the saved IEC configuration.
Restoring PreTreat2.dll
To restore PreTreat2.dll:
If the PLC Connect Communication Server Pre Treatment function is being
used in the application, copy PreTreat2.dll from the backup location to the
same folder as it was backed up from on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server.
If the default folder is used, that location is:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
Register the PreTreat2.dll file (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information).
Restart the PLC Connect Connectivity Server for the changes to take effect.
Restore the VB project for PreTreat2.dll.
Engineering Studio Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Restoring PreEvent.dll
To restore PreEvent.dll:
If the PLC Connect Event Server Pre Treatment function is being used in the
application, copy PreEvent.dll from the backup location to the same folder
as it was backed up from on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server. If the
default folder is used, that location is:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
Register the PreEvent.dll file (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information).
Restart the PLC Connect Connectivity Server for the changes to take effect.
Restore the VB application project for PreEvent.dll.
Redeploy the PLC Connect Configuration
To redeploy the PLC Connect configuration:
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure in the Plant Explorer
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the first Generic Control Network
Select Deploy in the Aspect List Area.
Press the SHIFT key and click Deploy in the Preview Area to ensure that a full
deploy is done.
The deploy begins and the progress is displayed in the Preview Area. The
deploy is completed when Deploy ended is displayed.
Repeat the procedure for any additional Generic Control Network objects.
Engineering Studio Post Upgrade
All applied Engineering Studio System Extensions have to be reloaded per System
Extension Maintenance on page 50. The following Engineering Studio System
Extensions are available depending on the installed options:
Engineering Base.
DM & PM Application.
AC 800MC Signal Extension.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade
Function Designer.
Function Designer for AC800M.
Function Designer for AC800M SB2 Libraries.
Function Designer for FB PH.
Topology Designer.
Topology Designer for AC800M.
Reuse Assistant.
Script Manager.
When working with SV 4.1, if the Advanced selection in the Engineering
Workplace context menu appears multiple times:
Use the Structure Selector to select the Workplace Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to and select Engineering
Delete all aspects from the Preview Pane called Engineer IT Global
Menus and Engineering.
Although Control Builder base libraries 1.0/0, 1.0/1, 1.1/0, etc. were released in
SV 3.1, changes were made in the current versions of those libraries. Engineering
Studio Function Designer detects this as an interface change and changes the
diagram state of already existing instances to red. This requires that the
configuration be generated and loaded again to ensure that the loaded diagrams
are the same as the ones stored in the Aspect System.
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade
Use the following procedure after upgrading Asset Optimization.
Asset Monitoring:
Asset Monitoring directories must be restored on every Asset Optimization
Server node and any other node defined as an Asset Monitoring Server.
If Runtime Asset Monitors are being used in the system, restore the
Runtime Asset Monitor data directory (DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore).
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the Runtime Asset Monitor data directory must be restored to
the following directory:
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Restore the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin
directory contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as
individual files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are restored instead of
the entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
The saved data contains the Runtime Asset Monitor data present at the time of the
save. Use the Runtime Asset Monitor faceplate to reset the asset monitors by
adding the lost time to their accumulated run time or with some known values
based on other records. Ignore any alarms occurring during the backup.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system,
restore the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
(XY_Reference_Profiles). Assuming the default directory was selected
during Asset Optimization installation, the XY_Reference_Profiles
directory must be restored to the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Maximo Integration:
The Maximo Integration information must be restored on all Asset Optimization
Server nodes. Reference the Service Structure for the Asset Optimization Server.
If using Maximo Integration, restore the MxDef files to the following
directory (assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Optimization\ABBAO\Services\ MOM\MxDefs\
<server_name>\<app_server> is the combination of the MRO
Server Name and the MRO Application Server Name fields from the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect
System Structure in the Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path
to the customized MxDef files will look like, for example:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo Server level
as well as on the Maximo Application Server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo Application Servers.
SAP/PM Integration:
The SAP/PM Integration information MUST be restored on all Asset
Optimization Server nodes. Reference the Service Structure for the Asset
Optimization Server.
If using SAP/PM Integration, restore the SAPDef files to the following
directory (assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\AoAIPSAPWebSrv\SAPXML
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - Asset Optimization, Configuration for more
information on SAPDef files.
DMS Calibration Integration:
Restore DMS Calibration Integration information. Refer to the Meriam Process
Technologies Device Management System User’s Guide for information about
restoring DMS Server data.
Asset Optimization DMS Calibration Integration SV 4.1 functions with DMS
software Version 2.2.
After a restore of a SV 4.1 system, the Asset Optimization Server (Monitor
Server/Engine) may appear to be running. The AO Server tab of the Asset
Monitoring Server aspect will show a status of good: AM Engine Running.
Clicking the Asset Monitors tab and selecting AMs assigned to this AM
Engine will show that the values in the Status column are Configured
and NOT Loaded.
Click Load all AMs and after the load status is good, select AMs
assigned to this AM Engine again. The Status column should now
indicate Loaded for all Asset Monitors assigned to the Asset Monitoring
Engine for this node.
In the Control Structure, open the AOServer1, AOServer object, Asset
Optimization Server aspect.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Service Hostname MUST be configured. It may be necessary to navigate
into the Service Structure to the AssetMonitoring Service Provider to set
the Node and enable the service. There is a navigation button for
Service Status should be Service, i.e. Engine is running.
On all objects that have Asset Monitor aspects, check the Asset Monitor
tab in the Config View of the aspect for the Server Assignment and
Assigned to. These fields may upgrade as blank or unassigned.
After these Asset Monitor properties have been verified, it is necessary to
reload ALL Asset Monitors. There is a button for this on the Asset
Optimization Server aspect.
Refresh the Asset Tree Status by right-clicking on any Asset Viewer aspect in
the system and selecting Refresh Tree Nodes from the context menu.
One of the new features in the AO 4.1 is a support for Object Type inheritance.
That is, an Asset Monitor on the Object Instance will be inheriting its
configuration from the Asset Monitor in the Object Type if it was created via
the Copy to all instances property check in the Type Definition aspect. When
importing a Pre 4.1 configuration the configuration inheritance changes shown
in Table 2 will be made.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade
If user defined Script, Resource, and Assembly files were backed up, copy the
saved files from the safe media to the following directories (assuming the
default directory was selected during installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade
Table 2. Configuration Inheritance Changes
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from
Object Type's Asset Monitor.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the object
type and the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box is selected.
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, Input
Records) if the configuration matches the
configuration in Object Type, inheritance values
will be set to TRUE, else to FALSE.
Asset Monitor is on the Object Type.
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from the
Asset Monitor category.
Asset Monitor is on the instance of the generic
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Corresponding Asset Monitor does not exist in
the Object Type.
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, and
Input Records) the configuration inheritance
values will be set to their pre 4.1 values.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the object
type the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box NOT selected.
Perform the following steps on the PC, Network and Software Monitoring
Server node.
The following steps assume that the required system extensions were loaded on
the primary Aspect Server node.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the:
Services > OpcDA_Connector, Service > SG_IT Server
object. If there is no object to navigate to, skip to Step l.
Open the OPCDA_Provider_<servername> object and double-click on the
Service Provider Definition aspect.
On the Configuration tab select the Enabled check box and click Apply.
The Current field should change to Service.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the IT Server object.
Double-click on the OPC Data Source Definition aspect in the Aspect List
Click on the Service Group drop-down menu and select the SG_IT
Click on the OPCDA_Provider_<servername> that was configured in
Step c.
Click Apply.
The procedure is complete. Step l through Step r are only required if the
condition in Step b is met.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
m. Use the Object Browser to navigate to the IT Server object.
Double-click on the OPC Data Source Definition aspect in the Aspect List
Select New.
Click Add and select the appropriate Service Provider from the list.
Click OK twice.
Click Apply.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Batch Management Post Upgrade
Batch Management Post Upgrade
Verify that the primary Batch Server is in primary mode (P is displayed in the
Windows Task bar) and the secondary Batch Server is in secondary mode (S
displayed in the Windows Task bar). If the proper modes are not displayed, enable
the Batch Service Group before proceeding.
To enable the Batch Service Group:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Service Structure.
Select the Services\Batch Service, Service\batch_group_name, Service
Group\Service Group Definition aspect.
Select the Configuration tab.
Select the provider that is currently the secondary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Select the provider that is currently the primary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Batch data can be reloaded to the batch database from wherever it was archived.
Once the restored data is in the batch database, it can be viewed using the Batch
History Overview window.
Do not restore directly from CDs or DVDs. Restore from hard disk drives which can
be restored from CDs or DVDs using commercially available software.
To restore batch history, select the batch history restore aspect. By default a Batch
History Restore aspect is located in Library Structure\Batch
Management\Overviews. However, this aspect can be added to any 800xA System
object. The Batch History Restore window is displayed.
Restoring Batches
To restore batches:
Click Pick Files.
Select the batch files to be restored in the standard Windows Open window.
Manufacturing Management Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Click OK.
Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 until all the desired batch files are selected.
Click Restore.
Use the Remove from List and Clear All buttons to delete the selected batch or all
the batches from the list.
Click View Log to view a record of the actions taken during the last restore
Selecting the Alarm Server
To select the Alarm Server:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services > Event Collector, Service >
Batch_AE_Service, Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Special Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Select Produce IT Batch OPC AE Server in the Alarm Server field.
Click Apply.
Always perform the toolbar configuration and shutdown script procedure as
described in the Production Management section of Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Post Installation.
Manufacturing Management Post Upgrade
Use the following procedure to specify the Manufacturing Management server to be
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Library Structure\Manufacturing Management\MM Server aspect.
Select the server to be used in the Select MM Server Node To Use field.
Click Apply.
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management Post Upgrade
Use the following procedure to upgrade Batch Management recipes that utilize
Manufacturing Management extension action blocks:
Verify that the Manufacturing Management 4.1 system extension has been
For each Batch Management recipe procedure that contains Manufacturing
Management extension action blocks:
Open the procedure in the Procedure Configuration Editor window.
Select an extension action.
Select Procedure > Assign Object.
Click Action Definition in the Action Definition window.
Select MM Server.
Click OK.
Click OK in the Extension Action Assignment window.
Repeat Step b through Step g for each extension action block in the recipe.
Save the procedure and exit the Procedure Configuration Editor window.
Approve the procedure.
Delete the MM Extension Action and MM Extension Action Definition aspects
from the Manufacturing Management object in the Library Structure.
Information Management Post Upgrade
On Information Management servers, use the Information Management
Configuration Assistant to re-set the PAS service account as described in Resetting
the PAS Service Account on page 72.
On any node with SoftPoint Services, redeploy the SoftPoint configuration as
described in SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade on page 74.
Information Management Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Resetting the PAS Service Account
Use the Information Management Configuration Wizard to complete this post
installation step:
From the Windows task bar select:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information Mgmt >
Configuration Assistant
Select Set PAS and IM Service Account and Password in the Information
Management Configuration Assistant, then click Run Selected Configuration
Tool, Figure 18.
Select this procedure in step 2 and then in step 5 select the Enable PAS procedure
Figure 18. Launching the Set PAS Service Account Dialog
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information Management Post Upgrade
In the Set PAS Service Account dialog, Figure 19, enter the user account and
password has specified in the System Workplace Client Configuration Wizard
System Software User Settings dialog.
Confirm the password, then click OK.
Figure 19. Setting User Name and Password for PAS Services
Select Enable PAS in the Information Management Configuration Assistant,
then click Run Selected Configuration Tool, Figure 18.
Select Yes at the prompt: Would you like to revert back to saved settings?
Select OK in the Communication Settings dialog. No changes are necessary.
Verifying Upgrade Installation
Use the Information Management Version Info tool or Add/Remove Programs in the
Control Panel to verify that the applicable components have been replaced.
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information Mgmt >
Version Info
The component software packages for Information Management version 4.1 are:
Systems Services 4.1 (ABB PAS - System Services).
Display client and Display Server 4.1 (ABB Inform IT - Display Services).
History Services 4.1 (ABB Inform IT - History).
Scheduler 4.1 (ABB Inform IT - Application Scheduler).
ABB SoftPoint Server 4.1.
ABB Inform IT - Calculations 4.1.
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
DataDirect 4.1 (ABB Inform IT - DataDirect).
Desktop Trends 4.1 (ABB Inform IT - Desktop Trends).
ODA Provider 4.1(ABB Inform IT - Open Data Access).
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade
You must redeploy the SoftPoint configuration following the upgrade installation.
This is done via the Deploy aspect of the SoftPoint Generic Control Network object
in the Control structure. The aspect will indicate that a deploy is not required since
no changes have been made. In order to enable the deploy button, make and apply a
small change to the configuration, then undo the change. To redeploy the SoftPoint
configuration (reference Figure 20):
In the Control structure, select the SoftPoint Generic Control Network object
for the node where you want to deploy the SoftPoints.
Select the Deploy aspect.
Figure 20. Deploying the SoftPoint Configuration
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Calculations Service Post Upgrade
Click Deploy to start the deploy process. Completion of the deploy process is
indicated by the Deploy ended message, Figure 21.
Figure 21. Deploy Ended Indication
Calculations Service Post Upgrade
Calculations that were disabled prior to the upgrade must be enabled by checking
the Enabled check box in the Calculations dialog. Refer to the section on
Calculations in Industrial IT, 800xA - Information Management, Operation.
To enable the Calculations Service:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Calculations Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Select the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade
Schedules that were disabled prior to the upgrade must be enabled by checking the
Enabled check box in the Scheduling dialog. Refer to the section on Scheduling in
Industrial IT, 800xA - Information Management, Operation.
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade
Section 2 Upgrading SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
To enable the Scheduling Service:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Scheduling Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Select the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Upgrading directly from SV 3.1 or SV 3.1/1 to SV 4.1 is not supported. If
running one of these versions, it is necessary to upgrade to SV 3.1/2 before
upgrading to SV 4.1.
Upgrading the 800xA System requires the plant to be shut down. To guarantee
the functionality of the upgraded system, follow these upgrade instructions
carefully and perform them in a well defined order.
Upgrade Order
This section is organized so that the instructions are presented in the proper upgrade
order. Do not skip any steps.
Upgrade Paths
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Upgrade Paths
Figure 22 shows a high level flow of the upgrade paths.
All paths require, after backup and before restore, installing the 800xA System
software and creating the system as if it were a new installation.
Figure 22. Upgrade Flow
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
SV 3.1/2 Upgrade Activities
SV 3.1/2 Upgrade Activities
The activities to be performed on the SV 3.1/2 System are as follows:
System Preparation and Shutdown on page 79.
800xA System Backup on page 101.
Stopping Windows Services on page 103.
System Preparation and Shutdown
The person performing this upgrade must use the same user account that was used
during the installation of the 800xA System software, unless otherwise indicated in
these instructions.
Some 800xA System software requires preparatory steps before shutting down
800xA System processes. If the 800xA System includes any of the following
applications, refer to the referenced section to perform these steps:
Central Licensing System Preparation on page 80.
System Message and Alarm and Event Services on page 80.
External Alarm Service Group on page 81.
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation on page 81.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Preparation on page 82.
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation on page 84.
AC 400 and SafeGuard Connect RTA Board Files on page 84.
Harmony Connect Preparation on page 85.
PLC Connect Preparation on page 85.
Engineering Studio Preparation on page 86.
Asset Optimization Preparation on page 86.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation on page 89.
SMS and e-mail Messaging Preparation on page 90.
Batch Management Preparation on page 92.
Information Management Preparation on page 94.
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation on page 99.
Calculations Service Preparation on page 99.
System Message Service Data Preparation on page 100.
Basic History Service Data Preparation on page 101.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Central Licensing System Preparation
Order new licenses for SV 4.1. The SV 3.1/2 licenses will not work.
System Message and Alarm and Event Services
The backup of the SV 3.1 System must be consistent with respect to System
Messages so that it can be restored to the SV 4.1 System without difficulty. Perform
the following cleanup procedure.
Stop all System Message and Alarm and Event Services.
Delete all aspects under the Event Attribute Definitions category on all Alarm
and Event Service Service Groups.
Delete all Message Class objects below the Message Classes object located in:
Library Structure > System Messages > Message Classes
A convenient way to delete the Message Class objects is to export the Message
Classes object, delete it and its descendants, and then import the Message Classes
object back again.
Register all .mdd files.
Open a Windows Command Prompt window.
Navigate to the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Process
Portal A\mdd
Enter the following command to create a file list of .mdd files into the .bat
dir *.mdd /b > filelist.bat
Open the newly created filelist.bat file using Windows Notepad or any
other suitable editor.
Enter the following at the beginning of each row in the filelist.bat file:
Save the file.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
Return to the Windows Command Prompt window and enter:
filelist.bat > result.txt
It may take several minutes before the process is complete.
Open the newly created result.txt file using Windows Notepad or any other
suitable editor and verify that all registrations were successful.
Start the System Message Service.
Start the Alarm and Event Service.
External Alarm Service Group
Keep only one External Alarm Service Group and move the provider or providers to
the Aspect Servers.
Control IT for AC 800M Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the Control IT for AC 800M upgrade:
Record the memory setting for OPC ® Server and Control Builder found in the
Setup Wizard for each product.
Control Builder stores its settings (systemsetup.sys) on disk in the following
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Control
Builder M Professional
Copy this file to a safe media.
Save OPC configurations by selecting:
File > Save Configuration
in the OPC Server Panel.
The OPC Server stores configuration files (*.cfg) and settings
(systemsetup.sys) on disk. Copy these files to a safe media. The
systemsetup.sys file is located in:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\OPC Server
for AC 800M
The configuration files are stored in the Files folder in the same location.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Preparation
Verify that the FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Version 3.1.0/2
Rollup 1 and Rollup 2 have been installed before starting to save information. In
this special case, Rollup 2 does not contain the contents of Rollup 1, so make sure
that Rollup 1 has been installed before installing Rollup 2. If necessary, download
the rollups from ABB Solutions Bank (document numbers: 3BDS009928,
3BDS009947) at:
User-made modifications to library objects (function block, resource block, or
transducer block classes) will be overwritten during upgrade. If such changes have
been made, they can be reconstructed during FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device
Integration Post Upgrade on page 122 in two different ways.
Option A: Manual Reconstruction (recommended)
To guarantee full device integration functionality as provided with System
Version 4.1 it is strongly recommended to reconstruct these changes manually
after upgrade. In this case the steps described in this procedure are not
Option B: Restoring Saved Items
Although it is not recommended, it is possible to restore user-made
modifications that have been made to library objects by restoring items saved
before the upgrade. Only in this case use the following procedure to back up
the changes.
Restoring saved items from SV 3.1/2 in SV 4.1 can cause loss of the OPC
parameter mapping as introduced with this new version of FOUNDATION
Fieldbus Device Integration. This may result in a loss of device integration
functionality, e.g. faceplates to not work properly. After saved items from
SV 3.1/2 have been restored, the user must check and ensure that device
integration functionality works properly. This may require manual adaptation of
restored items.
The following procedure is optional. Only perform these steps if user-made
modifications to library objects will be reconstructed by restoring saved items.
This is not the recommended way to reconstruct these changes.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
Save user-made changes to function block classes of the FF Block Library:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Object Type Structure.
Use the Object Browser to right-click on the FFLibraries node and select
Open Library in Fieldbus Builder FF from the pop-up menu. This
opens the FF Block Library.
To save the parameter set for each user-modified function block:
Right-click and select Parameters from the pop-up menu.
Right-click into the grid and select Export all from the pop-up menu.
Store the parameter set by entering the type's name as a file name and
choosing a safe folder on disk for storage.
To save the dialog editor settings for each user-modified function block:
Right-click and select Dialog editor from the pop-up menu.
Select all lines in the Dialog description as a block and click Export.
Store the dialog settings by entering the type's name as a file name and
choosing a safe folder on disk for storage.
If FFLibraries and HSESubnets have been synchronized successfully, saving the
user-made changes of function block classes can be done from an HSESubnet
library as well. For details on how to do synchronization, refer to the section on
Integration in Plant Explorer in Industrial IT, 800xA - Device Management,
FOUNDATION Fieldbus, Configuration.
Save user-made changes to the library Object Types.
From the Object Type Structure, export the FFLibraries Object Type Group,
open Add Settings, and enable the Include Dependencies and Include
Children options.
For safety reasons, make a copy from the Plant Explorer Workplace, using
the import/export utility.
Save the copy to a safe media.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Preparation
Historical data sets of Device Type Manager (DTM), exported via the Fieldbus
Management aspect, along with device specific DTM files and the OPC topology of
the PROFIBUS/HART OPC Server are stored as files on a system node. These files
must be saved manually:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Control Structure.
Select the root object type.
Select the FBB PH Settings aspect.
Record the system node and path information found in the FBB PH Settings
Save the specified folder, which was configured in Step 5, (and all the included
files and subfolders) to a safe media.
AC 400 and SafeGuard Connect RTA Board Files
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
SafeGuard Connect is referred to as 800xA for SafeGuard after the upgrade.
Make an RTA Board backup.
Save the files:
in the folder:
\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\AC400CI\AdvantBase\
and record which files belong to which node.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
The following settings must be documented for reconfiguration.
Time synchronization registry key (REVERSED_SYNC_MODE):
MB300 node and network address for RTA board in RTA board Configuration
Harmony Connect Preparation
Harmony Connect is referred to as 800xA for Harmony after the upgrade.
Use the following procedure to save Harmony Connect information:
Log in to the Harmony Connect local service account on the primary
Connectivity Server node.
Use the Harmony Connect Configuration backup/restore utility to create a
backup of the Harmony Configuration Server database.
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > 800xA System > Harmony
Connect > Configuration > Backup Configuration
Click Connect in the Harmony Connect Configuration Backup/Restore
Click Backup.
Click Exit when the backup is complete.
PLC Connect Preparation
If the PLC Connect IEC60870 feature is installed and configured, the IEC
configuration must be saved. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information.
If the PLC Connect Communication Server Pre Treatment function is being
used in the application (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC Connect,
Configuration for more information), make a backup of PreTreat2.dll.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Pretreat2.dll is located in the following folder on the PLC Connect
Connectivity Server:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
The path is the default location of the file. If it has been placed somewhere else,
make a backup from that location.
Make a backup of the VB application projects for PreTreat2.dll.
If the Event Server Pre Treatment function is being used in the application
(refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC Connect, Configuration for more
information), make a backup of PreEvent.dll. PreEvent.dll is located in the
following folder on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
The path is the default location of the file. If it has been placed somewhere else,
make a backup from that location.
Make a backup of the VB application projects for PreEvent.dll.
Engineering Studio Preparation
Deactivate the auto update mode in IO Allocation.
Start the Engineering Workplace.
Open the IO Allocation tool on any object by right-clicking on the object and
selecting Advanced > IO Allocation from the context menu that appears.
Verify that no check mark symbol is visible in the Options > AutoUpdate
CBM menu item in the IO Allocation tool.
Asset Optimization Preparation
Use the following procedure to back up Asset Optimization information (perform
only the steps applicable to the system):
Asset Monitoring:
Asset Monitoring directories will be found on the Asset Optimization Server
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
If Runtime Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save the Runtime
Asset Monitor data directory (DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore) to a safe
media. Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation, the Runtime Asset Monitor data directory is
located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Save the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin directory
contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as individual
files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are saved instead of the
entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save
the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
(XY_Reference_Profiles) to a safe media. Assuming the default directory
was selected during Asset Optimization installation, the
XY_Reference_Profiles directory is located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Save Maximo® Integration:
The Maximo Integration information can be found on the Asset Optimization
Server node. Reference the Service Structure for the name of the Asset
Optimization Server node.
Although MRO Software's Maximo system is separate from the 800xA
system, it is a good idea to back up the system in use. Follow Maximo
standard practices for Maximo system backup.
The MxDef files provide the mapping between the 800xA System
environment and the Maximo system.
Do not edit the MxDef files without an extensive knowledge of the Maximo SDK
for Business Components documentation. Do not edit the MxDef files without a
close consulting association with MRO Software Inc. personnel to determine
what fields are required. Editing these files without the required knowledge and
experience may result in problems with the Maximo system and CMMS
interface to the Maximo system.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Perform the following procedure if changes are made to the MxDef files, in order
to prevent the customized MxDef files from being overwritten during an upgrade
or reinstallation of Asset Optimization. The software will first look in the
subdirectories created in the procedure for the MxDef files before looking in the
default MxDef file location.
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the default Maximo Definition (MxDef) files supplied with
Asset Optimization are located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
If changes are made to the MxDef files, create and save them in the
following directory (assuming the default directory was selected during
Asset Optimization installation).
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
<server_name>\<app_server> is the combination of the MRO
Server Name and the MRO Application Server Name fields from the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect
System Structure in the Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path
to the customized MxDef files will look like, for example:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo Server level
as well as on the Maximo Application Server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo Application Servers.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - Asset Optimization, Configuration for more
information on MxDef files.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
DMS Calibration Integration:
Refer to the Meriam Process Technologies User Guide Device Management
System instruction for information about saving the DMS Server data.
Asset Optimization DMS Calibration Integration SV 3.1/2 functions with DMS
software Version 1.7.
Asset Optimization DMS Calibration Integration SV 4.1 functions with DMS
software Version 2.2.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Preparation
Use the following procedure to prepare for the PC, Network and Software
Monitoring upgrade.
If there are user defined Script, Resource, and Assembly files they need to be
backed up. Assuming the default directory was selected during PC, Network
and Software Monitoring installation, the user files are located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
Resources\User directory
Copy the files in these directories to a safe location.
Shut down the PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server node.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Services > OpcDA_Connector, Service > SG_IT Server, Service Group >
OPCDA_Provider_Node Name, Service Provider
(where Node Name is the name of the PC, Network and Software
Monitoring Server node).
Select Service Provider Definition in the Aspect List Area.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Click the Configuration tab to produce a view in the Preview Area such
as the one shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23. Disabling OpcDA_Connector Service
If the Enabled check box is selected, deselect it and click Apply.
SMS and e-mail Messaging Preparation
Save all GSM Device hardware information. Record information for the GSM
device on the SMS and e-mail Messaging GSM Hardware Setup Worksheet shown
in Table 3.
Table 3. SMS and e-mail Messaging GSM Hardware Setup Worksheet
Spooler Settings
Activate Outbox Spooler
Checked (check and leave checked)
Activate Inbox Spooler
Checked (check and leave checked)
Interval for Checking for Incoming
Value: _____ Seconds Minutes (circle 1)
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
Table 3. SMS and e-mail Messaging GSM Hardware Setup Worksheet (Continued)
Port Settings
COM Port
Value: COM _____
Baud Rate
Value: _____
Data Bits
Value: _____
Value: _____
Stop Bits
Value: _____
PIN and Properties
Query PIN
Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
PIN (only if Query PIN is checked)
Value: ___________________
Save PIN (only if Query PIN is checked) Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Own Number (telephone number of SIM
card (including Country Code) in GSM Value: ___________________
Initialization String for GSM Hardware
General Service Properties
Name (GSM service provider)
Value: ___________________
Value: COM _____
Value: ___________________
Default Country Code
Value: ___________________
Default Prefix
Value: ___________________
Number of Attempts
Value: ___________________
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 3. SMS and e-mail Messaging GSM Hardware Setup Worksheet (Continued)
Splitting Service Properties
Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Optimize Splitting
Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Enumerate Splitting
Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Narrowband Sockets
Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Messaging Service Properties
Add Before Message
Blank (verify and do not change)
Use for Delivery Notification Only
Unchecked (verify and do not change)
Default Option
0 (verify and do not change)
Message General Properties
Replace CR LF for Incoming Messages Checked or Unchecked (circle one)
Batch Management Preparation
Batch Management is referred to as Batch Management after the upgrade;
however, it is part of Production Management.
Verify all scheduled batches are completed or terminated.
To archive batch history, select the batch history archive aspect. By default a
Batch History Overview aspect is located in:
Library Structure > Batch Management > Overviews
The Batch History Archive window contains the Batch Selection and Archive
Destination tabs. However, this aspect can be added to any 800xA system
During the course of each batch process run, data that documents details about
that specific batch is gathered and stored by the system in the batch database
until manually removed. Data that has been archived can still be retained in the
batch database. However, once data associated with a batch has been archived
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
and placed in a safe place, the data for that batch should be removed from the
batch database.
Archiving batch data has no effect on the uniqueness of the batch ID. Even
after data associated with a batch ID has been removed from the system, a
record of the batch ID will be retained on the system. The batch ID can never
be reused.
Do not archive directly to or restore directly from CDs or DVDs. Archive to or
restore from hard disk drives which can be backed up to CDs or DVDs using
commercially available software.
Use the Batch Management backup/restore utility to back up and PFC color
configuration information and batch IDs. Access this utility by selecting:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > 800xA System >
Batch Management > Backup Restore
Enabling any of the options listed in the backup/restore utility enables the
Backup and Restore buttons.
The options are:
PFC color configuration.
Batch IDs.
When Backup is selected, a standard Windows open file window that allows
browsing to any desired folder is presented. A confirmation window provides
the chance to cancel before the backup file is written.
Disable the Batch Alarm & Event Service Group and Batch Service Group
before proceeding. To disable the service groups:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services\Alarm & Event, Service\batch_group_name,
Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Determine the name of the nodes that are currently Primary and
Secondary Batch Servers,
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services\Batch Service, Service\batch_group_name,
Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Select the provider that is currently the Secondary Batch Server.
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
m. Select the provider that is currently the Primary Batch Server.
Disable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Information Management Preparation
Perform the following procedures to prepare for the Information Management
ABB Process Administration Server (PAS) on page 94.
Backup and Restore Utility on page 95.
Considerations on page 96.
Running the Backup Utility on page 97.
Saving Other Information Management Related Files on page 98.
ABB Process Administration Server (PAS). Perform the following procedure to
run the PAS utility.
Run the Process Administration Service (PAS) utility on the Information
Management Application Server node. From the Windows Taskbar select:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > 800xA System > Information
Management > PAS > Process Administration
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
This opens the Process Administration Service dialog shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Process Administration Service Dialog
Click Stop All to stop all processes under PAS supervision.
Click Close when the dialog indicates that all processes are stopped.
Use standard Windows procedures, via the Services selection from
Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel, to place the ABB Process
Administration Service into manual and insure that it is stopped.
Backup and Restore Utility. Use the Information Management History
Backup/Restore utility, via:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > 800xA System > Information
Management > History > Backup and Restore
to create all the backup files that are required to completely back up the Information
Management History database. This includes all configuration data, log data from
both file-based and ORACLE ®-based logs, and the Aspect System definition file.
During a backup operation, all data in the Oracle database owned by the Oracle
History user is exported to the specified destination and compressed into a zipped
archive, along with any files that have been created to store file-based property log
entries (called flat files).
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
The History database can be backed up to any drive on the machine, including any
mapped network drives. The database may also be divided among several drives
(different files may be located on different drives on the machine). This may occur,
for example, if the History quota is exceeded on one of the drives, forcing any
remaining History database files to be stored on a different drive.
To avoid any ambiguity, the backup operation produces a zipped archive of
compressed History database files for each drive that contains at least some portion
of the database, where each archive contains only the database files that are stored
on the corresponding drive. The backup utility uses the naming convention for the zipped archives that it produces. For example, if the History
database is located entirely on the C:\ drive and you wish to back up the database to
a zipped archive called hist, the backup operation will compress the database files
into a zipped archive named
If the data files exceed two gigabytes, or if there are more than 25,000 files, then
multiple zip files will be created using the following naming convention:
First File
Next File
Next File
Considerations. When backing up the History database, make sure the disk is
ready and available on the machine on which the procedure is to occur. The log file
should be checked after the backup operation to make sure that the backup operation
completed successfully.
It is recommended that you clean the history database BEFORE you make the
backup. Open a Windows Command Prompt window and enter hsDBMaint clean.
Make sure the system Archive is not getting full. Temp space is required to make the
backup. If the log file indicates that the Oracle export failed, use the option to export
to a disk with more space.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
Running the Backup Utility. To make a backup:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > 800xA System > Information
Management > History > Backup and Restore
Verify the Create Backup Files of Current Configuration option is enabled in
the IM Historian Backup/Restore Utility window.
Click Next. A window for setting up the backup operation is displayed.
Specify the location where the backup files are to be created in the New
Directory Path for the Backup field. This path must already exist and the
directory must be empty. If necessary, click Browse to create a new directory.
Add -a D:\HSBATA\History as an additional option. Refer to Figure 25.
-a D:\HSBATA\History
Figure 25. Setting Up the Backup Operation
Verify the Only Generate Aspect Definition File option is disabled.
Click Next. The HsBAR Output Window is displayed.
Enable the Automatically Close Upon Completion option.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
After the HsBAR Output Window closes, monitor the progress in the Progress
Status area of the IM Historian Backup/Restore Utility window and click
Finish when the backup is complete.
If a message appears stating that there are inconsistencies between the log
configurations in the Aspect System and the log configurations in Oracle, it may
be because the database was not cleaned before running the backup. Use the
hsDBMaint Clean function to clean the database and then rerun the backup. If
this does not fix the problem, contact ABB Technical Support for further
Saving Other Information Management Related Files. There are several other
files related to Information Management to be saved as part of a total system
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on
backing up individual Information Management applications in the appropriate
Information Management instruction.
History Archive Data: For each archive device, go to the location specified by
the Device Filename and copy the folders under that directory to a safe
location. Do this even if automatic backup is configured.
History Archive State Information: The folder that holds the last archive
time and other archive state information must be copied to a safe location. The
folder name is Archive and it is located in:
...\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Application Data\ABB\IM\Archive
Copy the entire folder.
Reports: Save any report template files created in Microsoft Excel,
DataDirect, and/or Crystal Reports ®. Also save report output files created as a
result of running these reports via the Scheduling Services.
Desktop Trends: Back up trend display, ticker display, and tag explorer files.
Display Services: Back up the directories for custom users, as well as display
and user element definitions.
DataDirect: Back up custom text files for object, object type, and attribute
menus used on the DataDirect windows.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Preparation and Shutdown
Scheduler Service (Application Scheduler) Preparation
Disable Schedules before stopping the servers and performing the upgrade. The
Schedules will need to be manually enabled again following the upgrade.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Scheduling Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Deselect the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Calculations Service Preparation
Disable Calculations before stopping the servers and performing the upgrade.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Calculations Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Deselect the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
System Preparation and Shutdown
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Message Service Data Preparation
If using Information Management History, and the system has a configured OPC
Message log (IMEventlog), all Alarm and Event messages are propagated to the
Information Management Message log that is backed up via the Information
Management History backup procedure. Therefore, if you only want a log of
these messages, the following procedure is not necessary. The procedure is
optional if you are not using Information Management as long as you do not want
to save these messages.
To save System Message service data:
In the system from where the messages are to be saved: stop the System
Message service provider from the Service structure.
Use Windows Backup to back up all files in the
...\OperateITData\ SystemMessage\{GUID}
directory. GUID is an identifier that is different for each System Message service
Start the System Message service provider.
In the system from where the messages have been saved: browse to the Service
structure and expand the Alarm & Event service.
For each service group, record the category name of the Event Attributes
Definition aspects, if any.
Navigate to the Library structure and expand the System Messages object.
Open the import/export utility.
Drag the Message Classes object and drop it into the import/export utility.
In the import/export utility:
Right-click on each Message Class object having a name that matches the
category name noted in Step 5.
Select Show Details on the pop-up menu.
In the Object Details window, click Advanced.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
800xA System Backup
Record the name and ID (GUID) of the message class object.
The name and ID (GUID) of the message class object can be copied and pasted
into notepad, and then saved in a file. After restore, the same information can be
copied from the notepad file.
Repeat Step a through Step d for each message class object noted in
Step 5.
Basic History Service Data Preparation
To save Basic History Service data:
Stop the Basic History Server from the Service Structure.
Use Windows Backup (not the 800xA Backup) to backup the files in the:
...\OperateITData\History\{provider ID}
Start the Basic History Server again from the Service Structure.
800xA System Backup
The backup/restore utility supports manual and scheduled backup of 800xA system
information. For scheduled backups, the ABB Inform IT Scheduler must be
All system extensions that are part of the system must be installed and added on the
node where the backup will be taken (usually the main Aspect Server node). No
changes can be made (especially to the Aspect directory) during the online backup
Backup Procedure
The following steps outline the 800xA system backup procedure. Refer to Industrial
IT, 800xA - System, Operator Workplace, Configuration for more detailed
800xA System Backup
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Create a Full Backup Definition object in the Maintenance Structure, and
configure the Scope and the Storage tabs.
Check disk space and path in the Storage tab of the Backup Definition aspect.
A large configuration could require a minimum of five gigabytes of free space.
Start the backup process.
In case of any warning or error messages (refer to Appendix B, Warning and
Error Messages), take the appropriate measure and create a new backup.
Record the number of aspects and objects in the system.
Select the Admin Structure\Adminstrative
Objects\Domains\system_name, Domain\Domain Definition aspect.
Record the number of objects and aspects listed in the System Size
Information area of the window.
Right-click the Control Structure\control_network_name, Control
Network\Control Structure aspect of one of the control networks
contained in the system.
Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
Select the Statistics tab.
Record the number of objects listed.
Step g through Step j are not applicable to systems with only 800xA for
Right-click the Control Structure aspect within a controller project of the
control network selected in Step c.
Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
Record the number of objects listed.
Repeat Step g through Step i for all the controller projects within the
control network.
Repeat Step c through Step j for every control network in the system.
Do not manually import or edit any information in backup files.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Stopping Windows Services
Stopping Windows Services
The Windows services listed must be stopped at each individual 800xA System
Use standard Windows procedures, via the Services selection from
Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel, to place the following
services into manual and insure that they are stopped.
ABB Application logger.
ABB Client License Provider.
ABB MMS Server for AC 800M.
ABB OPC Server for AC 800M.
ABB RNRP Service.
ABB ServiceManager.
ABB System Notification Icon.
ABB Tool Routing Service for AC 800M.
ABB User Verification Windows 2000 (for Windows 2000 nodes only).
Use the afwkill utility (Figure 26) to make sure all processes related to the
800xA System are stopped.
Figure 26. Running the afwkill Utility
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
From the Windows Taskbar select:
Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt window enter afwkill.
The afwkill window should be empty, indicating that all processes are
stopped. In this case click OK to close.
If processes are listed in this window, click kill all, then click OK when
the window indicates all processes are stopped (empty window).
If Batch Management is installed, remove the Batch Redundancy Status icon in
the Windows Taskbar. To do this, right-click on the C icon (Figure 27) and
choose Exit from the context menu that appears.
Figure 27. Stopping the Batch Redundancy Status
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities
The activities to be performed on the SV 4.1 System are as follows:
System Upgrade on page 105. This includes upgrade order and references to
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Post Installation for:
Existing Operating System on page 105.
New Operating System on page 106.
800xA System Restore on page 107.
Post Upgrade Procedures on page 113.
Error messages that may appear during the upgrade are detailed in Appendix B,
Warning and Error Messages.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Upgrade
System Upgrade
The Microsoft Windows operating systems supported in SV 4.1 are:
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation for specific information on
what node types can be installed on each operating system.
Windows XP Professional with SP2.
Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows 2000 Server with SP4.
The following rules apply:
Any existing nodes that do not have one of these operating systems must be
reformatted and the compatible operating system must be installed.
All IM (Information Management) Server nodes being upgraded must be
reformatted and the operating system installed, even if the existing operating
system is compatible.
All nodes being upgraded, that are not IM Server nodes, with a compatible
operating system require an update to the existing operating system.
Refer to Upgrade Paths on page 78 for more information.
Existing Operating System
The installation will fail unless all IM (Information Management) Server nodes
being upgraded are reformatted and the operating system installed, even if the
existing operating system is compatible.
If upgrading using an existing operating system:
Use Configuration Wizard to remove the nodes and delete the system.
Use Add/Remove Programs via Windows Control panel to uninstall
800xA System and Functional Area software.
800xA System and Functional Area software can be identified by items that
mention ABB or 800xA in Add/Remove Programs.
Apply updates and service packs approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A,
Third Party Software for SV 4.1) to existing operating system.
System Upgrade
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and update third party
software approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A, Third Party Software for SV
4.1 in this document).
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install all required
800xA System software.
Initialize the Batch database during installation of the Production Management Batch Management software.
Install the License Server on the primary Aspect Server node and install the
license file (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation).
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation if it is necessary to set
up shared folders for PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration and/or
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration.
Refer to 800xA System Restore on page 107 of this instruction and perform all
necessary steps.
Refer to Post Upgrade Procedures on page 113 of this instruction and perform
all necessary steps.
10. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation to perform any post
installation tasks that are not restored.
New Operating System
If upgrading using an new operating system, after performing the procedures thus
Reformat the drive.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install the new
operating system.
Apply updates and service packs approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A,
Third Party Software for SV 4.1 in this document) to existing operating system.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install third party
software approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A, Third Party Software for SV
4.1 in this document).
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
800xA System Restore
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install all required
800xA System software.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install the license files
on the primary Aspect Server node.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation if it is necessary to set
up shared folders for PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration and/or
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration.
Refer to 800xA System Restore on page 107 of this instruction and perform all
necessary steps.
Refer to Post Upgrade Procedures on page 113 of this instruction and perform
all necessary steps.
10. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation to perform any post
installation tasks that are not restored.
800xA System Restore
The backup/restore utility supports the restoring of 800xA system information.
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration
Perform the following procedure before restoring the 800xA system:
Install all Device Type Managers (DTMs) from the backed up information on
each system:
Open the setup tool by selecting:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > DevMgmt PROFIBUS > Install Specific DTMs (for PROFIBUS Device
- or Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > DevMgmt - HART
> Install Specific DTMs (for HART Device Integration)
Select the DTMs used in the system.
Run the installation application.
800xA System Restore
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Follow the instructions given by the DTM setup programs.
Device-specific DTMs are not subject to ABB Licensing arrangements and are
not included in the HART or PROFIBUS Device Integration packages. Request
licenses for device-specific DTMs from the device manufacturer. Without
licenses it is not possible to create OPC configuration files.
Copy the backed up folders to the same places from which they were backed
up. If the folder locations are to be different, change the path in the FBB PH
Settings aspect after the restore procedure is complete.
Configure the DCOM settings for PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration as
described in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation.
Restore Procedure
The following steps outline the 800xA system restore procedure. Refer to Industrial
IT, 800xA System, Operator Workplace, Configuration for more detailed
Minimize the system to a single node primary Aspect Server using the
following procedure:
Disconnect and shut down all clients from each client.
Stop the 800xA system from the primary Aspect Server node.
At each Connectivity Server, Application Server, and redundant Aspect
Server node:
Restart node (frees links to file system and processes).
Stop the server.
Delete the system.
Use the Configuration Wizard to verify there is no system remaining.
Verify that OperateITData and/or OperateITTemp directories do not exist
in the root of any drive. Delete them manually if found.
Shut down all nodes except the one being used to restore the 800xA
system. This is the same node from which the backup was taken.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
800xA System Restore
At the primary Aspect Server node:
Stop the Server.
Delete the system.
Use the Configuration Wizard to verify there is no system remaining.
Verify that OperateITData and/or OperateITTemp directories do not exist
in the root of any drive. Delete them manually if found.
Restart the node.
Start the restore procedure on the same node the backup was taken.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Administration and Security for more
information on restoring the system.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System >
Configuration Wizard
The Select Type of Configuration dialog appears as shown in Figure 28.
Select Restore System and click Next.
Figure 28. Select Type of Configuration Dialog - Restore System
800xA System Restore
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Check for messages in the log file. Refer to Appendix B, Warning and Error
Messages to resolve any received warning or error messages.
Check CPU load in the workstation. System Message service may generate a
high load (>90%). If this continues for longer than approximately 10 minutes,
restart the service.
One node at a time, start up all nodes again and connect them to the 800xA
system in the following order:
Aspect Server nodes.
Connectivity Server nodes.
Application Server nodes.
Client nodes.
Use the following guidelines while connecting nodes, using the
Configuration Wizard as shown in Figure 29 and Figure 30. This must be
performed on the node that is going to be connected, not on the node on
which the restore was performed.
Figure 29. Select Type of Configuration Dialog - Connect Node
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
800xA System Restore
Figure 30. Connect to System Dialog - Select Node
Set the current system as the default system when connecting nodes to the
system Figure 31 and Figure 32:
Figure 31. Connect to System Dialog - Select System
800xA System Restore
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Figure 32. Apply Settings Dialog
In some cases, problems may be encountered when connecting nodes to
the system. Verify that the system software user settings are correct using
the Configuration Wizard. Restarting the node again may also solve the
Wait until all services in the newly connected node are up and running
before connecting the next node. Select the Node Administration
Structure\connected_node_name\System Status Viewer aspect to monitor
the status of services. If some services will not start up, restarting the node
may help.
Restart each node after it has been connected to the system.
Run the System Software User Settings until OK. Restart if it is not working and
if the message:
Invalid User
Record the number of aspects and objects in the system and compare these
values to those recorded when the system was backed up.
Select the Admin Structure\Adminstrative
Objects\Domains\system_name, Domain\Domain Definition aspect.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Record the number of objects and aspects listed in the System Size
Information area of the window.
Right-click the Control Structure\control_network_name, Control
Network\Control Structure aspect of one of the control networks
contained in the system.
Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
Select the Statistics tab.
Record the number of objects listed.
Step g through Step k are not applicable to systems with only 800xA for
Right-click the Control Structure aspect within a controller project of the
control network selected in Step c.
Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
Record the number of objects listed.
Repeat Step g through Step i for all the controller projects within the
control network.
Repeat Step c through Step j for every control network in the system.
The number of aspects and objects after system restoration should be in the same
range as those recorded during system backup, although there will likely be more.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Perform the following procedures if the software listed was upgraded:
Operate IT for Core Functions Considerations on page 114.
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade on page 118.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade on page 122.
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade on page 127.
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files on page
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade on page 128.
PLC Connect Post Upgrade on page 131.
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade on page 133.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade on page 137.
SMS and e-mail Messaging Post Upgrade on page 140.
Batch Management Post Upgrade on page 140.
Information Management Post Upgrade on page 142.
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade on page 149.
Calculations Service Post Upgrade on page 151.
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade on page 151.
System Message Service Post Upgrade on page 152.
Basic History Service Post Upgrade on page 153.
Restart the system after completing all post installation procedures.
Operate IT for Core Functions Considerations
Connections between Alarm List and Alarm and Event OPC Server. This
connection is valid only for upgrading of Alarms and Events.
SV 3.1/2 has one layer between the clients (e.g. an alarm list) and the OPC Alarm
and Event Server that provides the alarms. This layer is realized by the Alarm and
Event Service, as shown in Figure 33.
Figure 33. Alarm and Event Service Layer for SV 3.1/2
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
SV 4.1 has two layers, realized by the Alarm Manager which is on top of the Event
Collector as shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34. Alarm Manager and Event Collector Layers for SV 4.1
Automatic Configuration. The object tree below the Alarm and Event Service is
recreated below the Event Collector Service. The required library objects are
also created.
The Alarm Manager Service is automatically configured. Some manual
configuration is also required.
Manual Configuration. Manual configuration consists of several actions.
Bind the Event Collector Service to the OPC AE Server
The binding from the Event Collector Service to the OPC Alarm and Event
Server must be performed manually.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
To help with this task, the upgrading code reports, with messages, how the
configuration was in the backed up system. The messages become part of the
Configuration Wizard log and are similar to the following:
Wed Aug 11 10:34:58 2004: For service group
‘SoftAlarms’, the AE Server before upgrade was
Use this information to configure the service groups below the Event Collector
Service correctly when the nodes have been added to the upgraded system.
The Alarm and Event Service uses another identification of the OPC Alarm and
Event Server than the Event Collector does. The translation of the identification
is usually easy, e.g. ABB.AdvAeSoftAlarmsHandler.1 to
AdvAeSoftAlarmsHandler Class. In some cases, the OPC Alarm and Event
Server might have been given a different name and consequently, the
identification will be according to that name.
Organizing the Library Objects
The upgrade code creates one library object per Alarm and Event Service
Group that was found in the backup. The library objects are located below the
Alarm Collection Definitions object in Library Structure. The intention,
however, is that there should be one library object per OPC Alarm and Event
Server type that exists in the system, because the library object describes the
capabilities of an OPC Alarm and Event Server. All groups working towards a
specific OPC Alarm and Event Server type can share one library object.
After an upgrade, you should organize the structure so that it complies with the
above intention. Do not forget to update the settings that refer to the library
object in the Event Collector Service Groups, in the Special Configuration tab
of the Service Group Definition aspect.
Check Alarm Manager Service Configuration
In SV 3.1/2, it is possible to have a number of Alarm and Event Service groups,
all with individual configurations. In SV 4.1, these groups are replaced with
one group. Consequently, the individual configurations are replaced with one
configuration. This common configuration is automatically generated from the
individual configurations and should be checked, because:
There are one or more new parameters that should be configured.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Backed up data may be ambiguous. One Alarm and Event Service group
might have another configuration than another group in the backed up
Modifications might need to be made.
The configuration is found in the Special Configuration tab of the Service
Group Definition aspect of the Alarm Manager Service group.
Figure 35 shows an example of what is automatically specified after the
upgrade and Figure 36 shows how to select the OPC Alarm and Event Server
for AC 800M.
Figure 35. Service Group Definition Aspect After Upgrade
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Figure 36. Service Group Definition Aspect Configured for AC 800M
Add Redundancy For Alarm Manager
The upgrade creates one service provider for the Alarm Manager, configured to
execute in the node in which the upgrade takes place. If the backed up system
had redundant Aspect Servers, it is recommended to add service providers for
the Alarm Manager according to the same configuration as for other services
that execute in Aspect Servers. Note, however, that this should be done after the
server nodes have been connected to the system.
Control IT for AC 800M Post Upgrade
There may be Control Builder M compatibility issues when upgrading from
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1. Review the issues detailed in Compatibility Issues on page 119
before proceeding with the Post Upgrade Procedure on page 121.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Compatibility Issues. Table 4 lists and describes Control Builder M compatibility
issues, including solutions to the issues, when upgrading from SV 3.1/2 to SV
Table 4. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues
Valid for users that have
copied a template object
from, for example, a
Process Object Library,
and are using its Display
Element Reduced Icon.
The Visual BASIC
resize code of the
Display Element
Reduced Icon becomes
corrupt after deploy in
Graphics Builder.
User-Defined Hardware
Definition Files when
variables of type dInt
and dWord are written
from the application to
The behavior has been The behavior is redefined as follows:
undefined when the
The hardware unit will be written with the largest,
1131-variable has a very
which is different depending on hardware, possible
large value (larger than
value if 1131-variable has a very large positive
the maximum value
possible to write on a
The hardware unit will be written with the largest,
specific hardware unit).
which is different depending on hardware, negative
The very large value has
value if 1131-variable has a very large negative
really been truncated, a
hardware unit receiving
8-bit data has received
the 8 lowest bits in the
dInt or dWord.
Internal MMS
between applications
residing in the same
The behavior of internal This kind of communication is now asynchronous; all data
communication between may no longer always be received in the same scan.
two applications in the
same controller has
Remove the source comments around the
UserControl_Resize method before deploying the Display
Element Reduced Icon.
Edit the Display Element Reduced Icon, removing the
comments, and then deploy the Display Element
Reduced Icon.
The source comments are:
NOTE: Delete only the comment lines. Do not delete the
source code between the comment lines.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 4. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
Standard libraries
included in AC 800M
NOTE: These issues
are only valid for users
that have used either
SupervisionLib or
FireGasLib. Other
users will not be
affected by these
SV 4.1 includes the new
library versions as well
as the old library
versions in order to
handle the upgrade for
those who have used
them. The use of the old
versions is, however, not
supported. Users must
reconnect to the new
library versions and
modify applications
before they go into
supported operation.
1. The parameters for the Inhibit function in the detector
modules are modified. Parameter names are changed;
e.g. from GTHAndNotInhibited to GTHAct. The
parameters are modified to comply with the connected
SignalLib library. The Inhibit logic is now placed inside the
Function Blocks defined in SignalLib.
2. Parameters are added for the enable function; e.g.
EnableH, GTHStat, and HEnabled. Parameters are
added to comply with the connected SignalLib library. The
Enable function was earlier limited to alarm/event, but is
now controlling the activation signals (GTHStat and
GTHAct) as well.
3. In Detector1Real and DetectorRemote, LevelH is used
instead of LevelHHH. In Detector2Real, LevelH and
LevelHH are used instead of LevelHH and LevelHHH. All
affected parameter names are thus altered.
4. The CommonOutput control module is removed from
the SupervisionLib library. The handling of common
outputs is simplified and improved. The module
OutputOrder shall be used instead of CommonOutput, for
both common outputs and area outputs. This enables
feedback supervision for both types of outputs.
5. One parameter is added on the OutputOrder control
module; OrderIn. The OrderIn parameter enables
connection to OrderOr modules, for common outputs
activation logic.
6. On the OutputOrder module, parameters for activation
due to connected protection systems are removed.
7. The control modules DetectionSite,
DetectionAreaGroup, DetectionArea are removed from
the SupervisionLib library. These 'example modules' gave
a misleading guideline and was difficult to use because
they had to be copied (instead of instantiated like other
control module types).
An example project is delivered with Control Builder
(instead of the removed modules), similar to other
standard libraries.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Table 4. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
Standard libraries
included in AC 800M
Connect. (continued)
NOTE: These issues
are only valid for users
that have used either
SupervisionLib or
FireGasLib. Other
users will not be
affected by these
SV 4.1 includes the new
library versions as well
as the old library
versions in order to
handle the upgrade for
those who have used
them. The use of the old
versions is, however, not
supported. Users must
reconnect to the new
library versions and
modify applications
before they go into
supported operation.
1. A new control module type, FGOutputOrder, is added
in FireGasLib. This is similar to the OutputOrder module
in SupervisionLib, but with the parameters for activation
due to connected protection systems (i.e. connected Co2,
Deluge, Sprinkler modules).
2. The control modules FGSite, FireAreaGroup, FireArea
are removed from the FireGasLib library. These example
modules gave a misleading guideline and were difficult to
use because they had to be copied (instead of
instanciated like other control module types).
FF HSE input I/O
The mapping of FFstatus in input I/O
channels (BoolIO,
RealIO, etc.) connected
to CI860 channels has
been changed.
Previously, the FF-status of in-channels has been
mapped into both the MSB and the LSB of the status
word. This has changed so that the LSB now is remapped
into OPC-status (since this byte now is sent to the OPCserver).
The FF status 16#80 was previously mapped as
16#80000080 into the status word in the I/O data type. It
is from now mapped as 16#800000C0. The result is that
the OPC Server sends 16#C0 to its OPC clients.
Post Upgrade Procedure. Use the following procedure to restore Control IT for
AC 800M information:
Configure the memory setting for OPC Server and Control Builder (found in
the Setup Wizard for each product) to the saved and recorded values.
Control Builder stores its settings (systemsetup.sys) on disk in the following
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Control
Builder M Professional
Add the file saved on the safe media to the system.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Load the controllers with their firmware and applications.
If the application contains FOUNDATION Fieldbus, HART, or PROFIBUS
specific configurations, perform the post upgrade procedures for these devices
before loading the applications.
The OPC Server stores configuration files (*.cfg) and settings
(systemsetup.sys) on disk. Add the files saved on the safe media to the system.
The systemsetup.sys file is located in:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\OPC Server
for AC 800M
The configuration files are stored in the Files folder in the same location.
Restore OPC configurations by selecting File > Load Configuration in the
OPC Server Panel.
Remember to enable autoloading of the configuration and provide the correct
path to the file.
Properly backed up user-made Hardware Definition (HWD) files are stored in the
Aspect Directory. Restoring the Aspect Directory will restore these files.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Integration Post Upgrade
Update Linking Device Firmware.
Update all linking devices LD 800HSE to the latest firmware version
released for this system environment following the update procedure
described in the user instructions of that device.
Refer to Field IT, Foundation Fieldbus Linking Device, LD 800HSE, Version
Table (3BDS009910) in ABB Solutions Bank at:
for the latest linking device firmware released for this system environment.
Check, Save, and Upload FF Libraries.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Object Type Structure.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
FF Libraries Object Type Group
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click Open Library in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Open the library in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Right-click FF H1 Device Library in the Libraries window of the
Fieldbus Builder FF.
In the Parameter window, click Reload Standard Dictionary and browse
to the:
...\Fieldbus Builder FF\ff
Select STANDARD.DCT and click Open and then OK.
Check the libraries for plausibility and store them in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Exit Fieldbus Builder FF.
Return to the Plant Explorer Workplace and click the Library Upload tab
in the Preview Area.
m. Click Upload FF Library.
After a successful upload, the green traffic light symbol indicates that the
FF libraries have been synchronized.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Optional: Reconstruct User-made Changes to Library Objects.
This step is optional. It is only required, if changes were made to library objects
by the user.
During upgrade, user-made changes to library objects have been overwritten.
Important substitutions have been logged in the file
in the folder containing the Fieldbus Builder FF HSE Subnet configuration data.
If such changes were made by the user, they can be reconstructed in two different
Option A: Manual Reconstruction (recommended)
Option B: Restoring Saved Items
Option A: Manual Reconstruction (recommended)
To guarantee full device integration functionality as provided with System
Version 4.1 it is strongly recommended to reconstruct user-made changes to
library objects manually. If you choose this option, reapply changes to library
objects now.
Option B: Restoring Saved Items
Although it is not recommended, it is possible to restore user-made
modifications that have been made to library objects by restoring items saved
before the upgrade. If you choose this option, proceed as follows.
Restoring saved items from SV 3.1/2 as described here can cause loss of the
OPC parameter mapping as introduced with this new version of FF Device
Integration. This may result in a loss of device integration functionality, e.g.
faceplates to not work properly. After saved items from SV 3.1/2 have been
restored, the user must check and ensure that device integration functionality
works properly. This may require manual adaptation of restored items.
To restore user-made changes to block classes of the FF Block Library:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Object Type Structure.
Use the Object Browser to right-click on the FFLibraries node and select
Open Library in Fieldbus Builder FF from the context menu that
appears. This opens the FF Block Library.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
To restore the parameter value set for each user-modified block class:
- Right-click and select Parameters... from the context menu that appears.
- Press the Reset button. Then choose User defined values, block type
specific and select the previously stored parameter value set from the list.
Press OK button.
- Important: Now leave the parameter dialog via the OK button.
To restore the dialog editor settings for each user-modified block class:
- Right-click and select Dialog editor... from the context menu that
- Select the existing Dialog Description and delete it.
- Click Import and open the appropriate file.
- Check the new values by clicking Check.
- Leave the Dialog editor by clicking OK.
Exit Fieldbus Builder FF.
To restore user-made changes of the Object Types in the FF Libraries:
After performing Step 2, (Check, Save, and Upload FF Libraries), Object
Types of existing instances have been moved to the FF Duplicates still in use
folder, located below the FFLibraries Object Type Group node of the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
To restore additional aspects of library objects:
Move additional aspects from Object Types (e.g. representing a device or
block type) in duplicate folders to the corresponding Object Types in the
FF device type folder.
Repeat Step 2 to synchronize the FF Libraries.
Update FF Libraries for HSE Subnet (Library Update).
Perform the following procedure for each HSE Subnet.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
HSE Subnet
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click the Library Update tab in the Preview Area.
Click Update Library.
Check, Save, Commission, and Upload the HSE Subnet.
Perform the following procedure for each HSE Subnet.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
HSE Subnet
Select FF Upload in the Aspect List Area.
Click the HSE Subnet Reference tab in the Preview Area.
Click Open Subnet in Fieldbus Builder FF.
Check whole project for plausibility and save the configuration in
Fieldbus Builder FF.
Perform precommissioning/commissioning for all objects for which this is
necessary (discernible from engineering status).
To assign all H1 devices in one step, use new function Assign all devices:
Context menu of HSE Subnet: Object > Assign all devices...
For downloading use new download dialog:
Context menu of HSE Subnet: Object > Download...
Exit Fieldbus Builder FF.
Return to the Plant Explorer Workplace and click the HSE Subnet
Upload tab in the Preview Area.
Click Upload HSE Subnet.
After a successful upload, the green traffic light symbol indicates that the
HSE Subnet has been synchronized.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration Post Upgrade
To restore PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration information:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Control Structure.
Select the Domain Root object type.
Verify that only one FBB PH Settings aspect is present. If necessary, delete the
FBB PH Settings aspect that contains only a single path setting configuration
Perform the Path settings for the OPC Server and DTMs.
800xA System Server Path settings according to the Getting Started
section in Industrial IT, 800xA - Device Management, HART,
OPC Server PROFIBUS/HART Path settings according to the HART
Device Integration section in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post
Restart the workplace, configure, and start the PROFIBUS/HART OPC Server:
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Control Structure.
Open the controllers, hardware.
Select the master object (for example, ModuleBus, CI854).
Select the Fieldbus Management aspect.
Right-click the Fieldbus Management node in the Fieldbus Management
Select Configure OPC Server.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
SafeGuard Connect is referred to as 800xA for SafeGuard after the upgrade.
Restore the files:
to the folder:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\AC400CI\AdvantBase\
to the node where they belong.
Replace them if asked to do so.
Restart the RTA Board.
Restore the:
Time synchronization registry key (REVERSED_SYNC_MODE):
MB300 node and network address for RTA board in RTA board
Configuration Aspect.
800xA for Harmony Post Upgrade
Harmony Connect is referred to as 800xA for Harmony after the upgrade.
Post upgrade for 800xA for Harmony consists of:
Restore 800xA for Harmony Information.
Harmony Alarm and Event OPC Provider Setup.
Synchronize the Aspect Directory.
Optional Connectivity Server Nodes.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Restore 800xA for Harmony Information. Use the following procedure to restore
800xA for Harmony information:
Log in to the 800xA for Harmony local service account on the primary
Connectivity Server node.
Use the 800xA for Harmony Configuration backup/restore utility to restore the
800xA for Harmony Configuration information from a saved backup.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > 800xA for OCS
Systems > Harmony > Configuration > Restore Configuration
Click Connect in the Harmony Connect Configuration Backup/Restore
Enter the name of the Harmony Configuration Server database backup file
in the Backup File field.
Click Restore.
If a prompt appears indicating that the system version does not match the
backup version, click OK and the backup file will be saved to a temporary
SQL database. Its components will then be migrated to the Configuration
Server database.
If a prompt does not appear, it means that the versions are the same and
the backup will be restored directly to the Configuration Server database,
overwriting it if it already exists.
If the message Services must be stopped, REBOOT system now
then restart this application! is displayed, restart the node and
repeat Step a through Step e.
Click Exit when the restore operation is complete.
Harmony Alarm and Event OPC Provider Setup. This requires the user to add the
Harmony OPC alarm server program ID to a Service Group under the Event
Collector category in the Service structure:
In Plant Explorer Workplace, select the Service Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Services > Event Collector, Service
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
If they do not already exist, create the Service Group and Service Provider
Objects by right-clicking on EventCollector, Service and select New Object
from the context menu that appears.
The New Object dialog appears. Select Service Group and enter a name, such
as Harmony_AE_SGx (where x is a running number) and click Create.
Right-click on the newly created Service Group object and select New Object
from the context menu that appears.
The New Object dialog appears. Select Service Provider and enter a name,
such as Harmony_AE_SP_nodename (where nodename is a Connectivity
Server name) and click Create.
Select the Service Provider Definition aspect for the
Harmony_AE_SP_nodename Service Provider Object in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Select the name of the Harmony Connectivity Server in the Node drop-down
list box.
10. Click Apply.
11. Repeat Step 5 through Step 10 for a backup Connectivity Server.
12. Use the Object Browser to navigate to the Event Collector Service Group
previously created.
13. Select the Service Group Definition aspect in the Aspect List Area.
14. Select the Special Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
15. Select ABB Maestro/OPC Event Server (InProc) in the Alarm Server dropdown list box.
16. Select Harmony Alarms in the Collection Definition drop-down list box.
17. Verify the connection by clicking on the Status tab on the Event Collector
object and verify that the state is Service for the Primary Connectivity Server
and Standby for the Redundant Connectivity Server.
18. Use the Object Browser to navigate to AlarmManager, Service and expand
19. Select Basic, Service Group
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
20. Select the Special Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
21. Deselect the Make new alarm entry each time a condition gets active check
Deselecting Make new alarm entry each time a condition gets active is a
system wide setting. This is only a recommendation for 800xA for Harmony
Server. It may conflict with other applications.
22. Click Apply.
Synchronize the Aspect Directory. Synchronize the Aspect directory with the
Harmony Configuration Server using the Harmony Synchronizer Aspect, which is
part of the Harmony OPC Server network. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
800xA for Harmony, Configuration for more detailed information on how to
Optional Connectivity Server Nodes. It is possible to add extra Connectivity
Server nodes to a system, up to six total (three pairs). Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System, Installation to install new Connectivity Server nodes.
PLC Connect Post Upgrade
Post Upgrade for PLC Connect consists of:
Redeploy the PLC Connect Configuration on page 132.
Modify Installation for IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects on page 131.
Restoring PreTreat2.dll.
Restoring PreEvent.dll.
Modify Installation for IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects. If either the
IEC60870 or Basic Project Objects features were installed:
Use standard Windows procedures to access Add/Remove Programs in
Windows Control Panel.
Select ABB PLC Connect.
Select Change/Modify.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
The InstallShield Wizard for PLC Connect appears. Refer to Industrial IT,
800xA - System, Installation to select and install the desired features.
If the IEC60870 feature is installed refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration and reload the saved IEC configuration.
Restoring PreTreat2.dll. To restore PreTreat2.dll:
If the PLC Connect Communication Server Pre Treatment function is being
used in the application, copy PreTreat2.dll from the backup location to the
same folder as it was backed up from on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server.
If the default folder is used, that location is:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
Register the PreTreat2.dll file (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information).
Restart the PLC Connect Connectivity Server for the changes to take effect.
Restore the VB project for PreTreat2.dll.
Restoring PreEvent.dll. To restore PreEvent.dll:
If the PLC Connect Event Server Pre Treatment function is being used in the
application, copy PreEvent.dll from the backup location to the same folder
as it was backed up from on the PLC Connect Connectivity Server. If the
default folder is used, that location is:
...\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\PLC Connect\Bin
Register the PreEvent.dll file (refer to Industrial IT, 800xA System - PLC
Connect, Configuration for more information).
Restart the PLC Connect Connectivity Server for the changes to take effect.
Restore the VB application project for PreEvent.dll.
Redeploy the PLC Connect Configuration. To redeploy the PLC Connect
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure in the Plant Explorer
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the first Generic Control Network
Select Deploy in the Aspect List Area.
Press the SHIFT key and click Deploy in the Preview Area to ensure that a full
deploy is done.
The deploy begins and the progress is displayed in the Preview Area. The
deploy is completed when Deploy ended is displayed.
Repeat the procedure for any additional Generic Control Network objects.
Asset Optimization Post Upgrade
Use the following procedure after upgrading Asset Optimization.
Asset Monitoring:
Asset Monitoring directories must be restored on the Asset Optimization Server
If Runtime Asset Monitors are being used in the system, restore the
Runtime Asset Monitor data directory (DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore).
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the Runtime Asset Monitor data directory is located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Restore the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin
directory contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as
individual files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are restored instead of
the entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
The saved data contains the Runtime Asset Monitor data present at the time of the
save. Use the Runtime Asset Monitor faceplate to reset the asset monitors by
adding the lost time to their accumulated run time or with some known values
based on other records. Any alarms that were occurring during the backup should
be ignored.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system,
restore the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
(XY_Reference_Profiles). Assuming the default directory was selected
during Asset Optimization installation, the XY_Reference_Profiles
directory is located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Maximo Integration:
The Maximo Integration information must be restored on all Asset Optimization
Server nodes. Reference the Service Structure for the Asset Optimization Server.
If using Maximo Integration, restore the MxDef files to the following
directory (assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Optimization\ABBAO\Services\ MOM\MxDefs\
<server_name>\<app_server> is the combination of the MRO
Server Name and the MRO Application Server Name fields from the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect
System Structure in the Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path
to the customized MxDef files will look like, for example:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo Server level
as well as on the Maximo Application Server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo Application Servers.
Restore DMS Calibration Integration information. Refer to the Meriam Process
Technologies User Guide Device Management System instruction for more
information about restoring up DMS Server data.
Configure Afw OPC-DA Asset Monitor Data Source aspect.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain >Asset Optimization, Asset Optimization
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Select Afw OPC-DA Asset Monitor Data Source in the Preview
Select Write Access if desired to wrote to OPC data points.
Select Default Data Source, unless using another specific data source.
Configure Service Hostname.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain > AOServer1, AO Server
Select Asset Optimization Server in the Preview Pane.
The Service Hostname must be configured. It may be necessary to
navigate to the Service Structure to the AssetMonitoring Service Provider
aspect to set the Node value and enable the service. Click the navigation
button for convenience.
The Service Status should read Service.
Verifying Asset Monitor aspects. Check Server Assignment and Assigned
to fields the Asset Monitor tab in the Config View of all Asset Monitor
aspects. These fields may upgrade as blank or unassigned.
Load all Asset Monitors.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain > Asset Optimization, Asset Optimization >
AO Server 1, AO Server
Select Asset Optimization Server in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Asset Monitors tab in the Preview Area.
Click Load all AMs.
Verify Maximo Equipment IDs. On all objects that have Maximo Equipment
ID aspects, verify that the aspect properties from the category have been
upgraded. Verify the MRO Server Name and MRO WebServer properties in all
Maximo Equipment ID aspects.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
One of the new features in Asset Optimization Version 4.1 is support for Object
Type inheritance. An Asset Monitor on the Object Instance inherits its
configuration from the Asset Monitor in the Object Type if it was created via
the Copy to all instances property check in the Type Definition aspect. When
importing configurations that existed before Version 4.1, the configuration
inheritance changes shown in Table 5 will be made:
Table 5. Configuration Inheritance Changes
Asset Monitor is on the Object Type.
Asset Monitor is on the instance of the generic
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from the
Asset Monitor category.
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Corresponding Asset Monitor does not exist in
the Object Type.
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, and
Input Records) the configuration inheritance
values will be set to their pre 4.1 values.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the
Object Type and the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box NOT selected.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Table 5. Configuration Inheritance Changes (Continued)
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from
Object Type's Asset Monitor.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the
Object Type and the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box is selected.
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, Input
Records) if the configuration matches the
configuration in Object Type, inheritance values
will be set to TRUE, else to FALSE.
PC, Network and Software Monitoring Post Upgrade
If user defined Script, Resource, and Assembly files were backed up, copy the
saved files from the safe media to the following directories (assuming the
default directory was selected during installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
PC, Network and Software Monitoring\bin\Configuration\
Perform the following steps on the PC, Network and Software Monitoring
Server node.
The following steps assume that the required system extensions were loaded on
the primary Aspect Server node.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the:
Services > OpcDA_Connector, Service > SG_IT Server
object. If there is no object to navigate to, skip to Step l.
Open the OPCDA_Provider_<servername> object and double-click on the
Service Provider Definition aspect.
On the Configuration tab select the Enabled check box and click Apply.
The Current field should change to Service.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the IT Server object.
Double-click on the OPC Data Source Definition aspect in the Aspect List
Click on the Service Group drop-down menu and select the SG_IT
Click on the OPCDA_Provider_<servername> which was configured in
step Step c.
Click Apply.
Skip to IT Control Connection Update (Step 3).
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
m. Use the Object Browser to navigate to the IT Server object.
Double-click on the OPC Data Source Definition aspect in the Aspect List
Select New.
Click Add and select the appropriate Service Provider from the list.
Click OK twice.
Click Apply.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
IT Control Connection Update
Carry out the following if IT Asset Aspects were configured in the previous
800xA System version.
Use the Find Tool in the Plant Explorer Workplace to locate all of the IT
Control Connection Aspects. Using the add attribute drop down menu
select the Control Structure.
Click the Aspects button.
In the Name drop down menu search for IT Control Connection.
Delete all the IT Control Connections. (Select all, right-click, choose
In the Plant Explorer Workplace go to the IT General Setup Aspect in the
IT OPC Server Network root.
Use the Populate All button to recreate and populate all IT Control
Connection Aspects.
Migrate the IT Asset Monitors
If Asset Optimization and PC, Network and Software Monitoring was installed
on the SV3.1 SP2 System, then the following must be done for any existing IT
Assets that had IT Asset Monitors configured for them.
Use the Find Tool in the Plant Explorer Workplace to locate all the IT
Asset Monitor aspect instances in the Control Structure.
Delete all located IT Asset Monitor aspect instances (select them all, rightclick, and select Delete from the context menu that appears).
Use the Object Browser to navigate to the IT General Setup aspect in the
IT OPC Server Network root object.
Click Generate All in the Preview Area to recreate and generate all IT
Asset Monitors aspects.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain > Asset Optimization, Asset Optimization >
AO Server 1, AO Server
Select Asset Optimization Server in the Aspect List Area.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Select the Asset Monitors tab in the Preview Area.
Click Load all AMs.
SMS and e-mail Messaging Post Upgrade
Reconfigure the GSM Device hardware information recorded in the save operation
(refer to SMS and e-mail Messaging Preparation on page 90).
It may be necessary to stop and start the Messenger Server Service in the Service
Structure after the SMS and e-mail Messaging restore operation.
Batch Management Post Upgrade
Batch Management is referred to as Batch Management after the upgrade;
however, it is part of Production Management.
Verify that the primary Batch Server is in primary mode (P is displayed in the
Windows Task bar) and the secondary Batch Server is in secondary mode (S
displayed in the Windows Task bar). If the proper modes are not displayed, enable
the Batch Service Group before proceeding.
To enable the Batch Service Group:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Service Structure.
Select the Services\Batch Service, Service\batch_group_name, Service
Group\Service Group Definition aspect.
Select the Configuration tab.
Select the provider that is currently the secondary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Select the provider that is currently the primary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Batch data can be reloaded to the batch database from wherever it was archived.
Once the restored data is in the batch database, it can be viewed using the Batch
History Overview window.
Do not restore directly from CDs or DVDs. Restore from hard disk drives which can
be restored from CDs or DVDs using commercially available software.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
To restore batch history, select the batch history restore aspect. By default a Batch
History Restore aspect is located in Library Structure\Batch
Management\Overviews. However, this aspect can be added to any 800xA System
object. The Batch History Restore window is displayed.
Restoring Batches. To restore batches:
Click Pick Files.
Select the batch files to be restored in the standard Windows Open window.
Click OK.
Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 until all the desired batch files are selected.
Click Restore.
Use the Remove from List and Clear All buttons to delete the selected batch or all
the batches from the list.
Click View Log to view a record of the actions taken during the last restore
Use the Batch Management backup restore utility to restore PFC color configuration
information and batch IDs. Access this utility by selecting:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA >
Production Mgmt - Batch > Restore Utility
Selecting any of the check boxes listed in the Restore Utility enables Restore.
The labeled check boxes are:
PFC color configuration.
Batch IDs.
When Restore is clicked, a warning is presented that states that the restore operation
will overwrite the selected parts of the configuration database. The parts of the
database that are overwritten are dependent on the option selections. A standard
Windows open file window that allows browsing to any desired folder is presented.
A configuration window provides the chance to cancel before the file is restored.
Selecting the Alarm Server. To select the Alarm Server:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Use the Object Browser to select:
Services > Event Collector, Service >
Batch_AE_Service, Service Group
Select Service Group Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Special Configuration tab in the Preview Area.
Select Produce IT Batch OPC AE Server in the Alarm Server field.
Click Apply.
Always perform the toolbar configuration and shutdown script procedure as
described in the Production Management section of Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Post Installation.
Information Management Post Upgrade
Post upgrade procedures for Information Management include:
Configure the PAS User Account on page 142.
Backup and Restore Utility on page 144.
Considerations on page 144.
Running the Restore Utility on page 144.
Restoring Other Information Management Related Files on page 148.
Configure the PAS User Account. The user account for the Process
Administration Service (PAS) must be configured to match the service account
information entered during 800xA System installation. This allows related services
to log on to the Information Management Server where they will run.
The service account information entered during 800xA System installation (not
the password) is available from the System Software User Settings selection in
the Configuration Wizard.
Launch the Information Management Configuration Assistant. Use the
Windows Taskbar to select:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information
Mgmt > Configuration Assistant
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Select Set PAS and IM Service Account and Password as shown in
Figure 37.
Figure 37. Information Management Configuration Assistant
Click Run Selected Configuration Tool to launch the Set PAS Service
Account dialog shown in Figure 38.
Figure 38. Set PAS Service Account Dialog
Enter the service account username and password as entered during 800xA
System installation and click OK.
Return to the Information Management Configuration Assistant.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Run the Configuration Tool for all applications with Required in the
Required column and Not Complete in the Status column.
When creating the Oracle instance, deselect the check box on the Summary
Display so that a History Database is not created. This will prevent History from
starting until after the History Database is restored.
Backup and Restore Utility. Use the Information Management History
Backup/Restore utility, via:
Start > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information Mgmt > History >
Backup and Restore
to restore the Information Management History database and synchronize the
Aspect Directory contents with the current Information Management History
database configuration.
During the restore, the existing database is dropped, and a new one is created.
Mount points and additional table spaces are created based on the database being
restored. Oracle data is imported, and the file-based property logs are copied back
into the system. Unless a different mount point is specified, the History database
will be restored to its original location (its location prior to being backed up).
The History database can be restored from any drive on the machine, including any
mapped network drives. The restore utility will first search a specified location for
zipped archives matching a specific name and fitting the form (such
as,, and, and will then restore the compressed
database files contained within the archives to their respective original locations
(their locations prior to being backed up).
Considerations. When restoring the History database, make sure the disk is ready
and available on the node on which the procedure is to occur. Also, ensure that no
applications are accessing the Oracle database. The log file should be checked after
the restore operation to make sure that the restore operation completed successfully.
Running the Restore Utility. To restore a backed up History database:
The path to PAS now changed to Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
This procedure can also be performed by using the pasgui command in the Run
dialog (Start > Run).
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Use PAS to stop all Information Management processes and the Inform IT
History service provider for this node.
Use the Windows Taskbar to select:
Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > PAS
Click Stop All in the PAS dialog. This will stop the Inform IT History
Service Provider.
If it is suspected that the Inform IT History Service Provider has not stopped, it
can be stopped now by selecting the Inform IT History Service Provider for this
node in the Service Structure, selecting the Configuration tab on the Service
Provider Definition aspect, deselecting Enabled, and clicking Apply.
Ensure that no third party applications access the Oracle database during the
restore operation.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information
Mgmt > History > Backup and Restore.
Verify Restore configuration from a backup file(s) is enabled in the
Welcome to IM Historian Backup and Restore Utility dialog as shown in
Figure 39.
Figure 39. Welcome to IM Historian Backup and Restore Utility Dialog
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Click Next. IM Historian Database Restore dialog appears as shown in
Figure 40.
Figure 40. IM Historian Database Restore Dialog
Specify the location of the backup files in the Path of IM historian backup:
field (Figure 40).
If you need to specify new mount points for file-based logs and/or a new Oracle
tablespace definition file, click Browse.
Click Next. The HsBAR Output Window appears.
Enable the Automatically close upon completion check box.
Monitor the progress in the Progress Status area of the IM Historian
Backup/Restore Utility window. Ignore the error messages indicating errors
deleting aspect.
Shortly after the message indicating the import is complete, the database
conversion tool will run automatically. Feedback will be provided in the
HsBAR window.
Shortly after the message indicating the database conversion is complete, the
history synchronization tool will run automatically. Again, feedback will be
provided in the HsBAR window.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
If the restore operation fails with Oracle Error Message 1652 - Unable to
extend tmp segment in tablespace tmp - it may be due to a large OPC
message log which exceeds the tmp tablespace capacity during the restore
Use the Database Instance Maintenance wizard to increase the tmp tablespace.
The default size is 300 megabytes. Increase the tablespace in 300-Megabyte
increments and retry the restore operation until it runs successfully.
10. Click Finish when a message stating the execution is complete is displayed as
shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41. Execution is Complete Message
If the Progress Status dialog has warning messages with possible solutions as
indicated in Figure 42, read the possible solutions carefully, then click Finish and
proceed with the solution that best fits your problem. Refer to the Information
Management Release Notes for further guidelines.
Figure 42. Progress Status Dialog
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
11. Start all processes under PAS supervision. This will start the Inform IT History
Service Provider.
If it is suspected that the Inform IT History Service Provider has not started, it can
be started now by selecting the Inform IT History Service Provider for this node
in the Service Structure, selecting the Configuration tab on the Service Provider
Definition aspect, selecting Enabled, and clicking Apply.
12. Restart the Basic History Service Provider for this node:
Select the Basic History Service Provider object for the Information
Management node in the Service Structure in the Plant Explorer.
Select the Service Provider Definition aspect.
Select the Configuration tab.
Disable the Enabled option.
Click Apply.
Enable the Enabled option.
Click Apply.
Restoring Other Information Management Related Files. There are several other
files related to Information Management that need to be restored as part of total
system restore.
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on
restoring individual Information Management applications in the appropriate
Information Management instruction.
History Archive Data: For each archive device, copy the appropriate folders
from the safe media to the location specified by the Device Filename.
History Archive State Information: Stop the Industrial IT Archive service in
the Service Structure. Copy the folder that holds the last archive time and other
archive state information from the safe media to:
...\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Restart the Industrial IT Archive service.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Reports: Restore any report template files created in Microsoft Excel,
DataDirect, and/or Crystal Reports. Also restore report output files created as a
result of running these reports via the Scheduling Services.
Desktop Trends: Restore trend display, ticker display, and tag explorer files.
Display Services: Restore the directories for custom users, as well as display
and user element definitions.
DataDirect: Restore custom text files for object, object type, and attribute
menus used on the DataDirect windows.
Check Archive Path Specifications: If the disk configuration has changed
from the previous system to the new system (i.e. letter designations for disks
have changed: C,D,E, and so on), check the archive device configurations to
make sure the Archive Path specification points to the correct disk drive and
directory, Figure 43.
Figure 43. Checking the Archive Path Specification
SoftPoint Service Post Upgrade
The SoftPoint configuration must be deployed after the upgrade.
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure in the Plant Explorer
Use the Object Browser to navigate to Softpoint Generic Control
Network for the node where you want to deploy the SoftPoints (Figure 44).
Figure 44. Deploying the SoftPoint Configuration
Select Deploy in the Aspect List Area. This aspect provides a listing of
configuration changes that have occurred since the last deployment, and
indicates whether it requires a full or incremental deployment.
Incremental deploys only those changes that have been made since the last
deployment and is the typical selection. A prompt indicates when a Full deploy
is required.
Click Deploy to start the deploy process. During this time, SoftPoint
processing is suspended, and current values and new inputs are held. This
process is generally completed within five minutes, even for large
configurations. Completion of the deploy process is indicated by Deploy
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Calculations Service Post Upgrade
The Const keyword is no longer allowed within the VBScript source code of the
calculation; therefore, edit Calculations that use the Const Statement.
Calculations that were disabled prior to the upgrade must be enabled by checking
the Enabled check box in the Calculations dialog. Refer to the section on
Calculations in Industrial IT, 800xA - Information Management, Operation.
To enable the Calculations Service:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Calculations Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Select the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Scheduling Service (Application Scheduler) Post Upgrade
Schedules that were disabled prior to the upgrade must be enabled by checking the
Enabled check box in the Scheduling dialog. Refer to the section on Scheduling in
Industrial IT, 800xA - Information Management, Operation.
To enable the Scheduling Service:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.
Select the Scheduling Service Object.
Select the Service Definition aspect.
Click the Configuration tab.
Select the Enabled check box.
Click Apply.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Message Service Post Upgrade
To restore system message data files:
In the system where the messages are to be restored: browse to the Service
structure and expand the Alarm Manager Service.
For each service group, note the category name of the Event Attributes
Definition aspects, if any.
Navigate to the Library structure and expand the System Messages object.
Open the import/export utility.
Drag the Message Classes object and drop it into the import/export utility.
In the import/export utility:
Right-click on each Message Class object having a name that matches the
category name noted in Step 2.
Select Show Details on the pop-up menu.
In the Object Details window, click Advanced.
Record the name and ID (GUID) of the message class object.
Repeat Step a through Step d for each message class object noted in
Step 2.
In the system where the messages are to be restored, stop the System Message
service providers from the Service structure.
Copy the previously saved files and paste them into the existing directory
[disk]:\OperateITData\SystemMessage\{newGUID} for one System Message
provider on the new system.
The names of the files that have a name consisting of a GUID that is equal to
the ones that were saved should be renamed to the GUIDs that already existed
in the system receiving the restored files.
For example: assume the message class Process Event existed in the old system
and exists in the new one. In the old system the class has the GUID {abcd} and
in the new system it has the name {xyzw}. Files with the GUID {abcd} as a
part of the name should be changed to contain {xyzw}.
10. Start the System Message service provider.
11. Start the other System Message service provider if any. The messages in the
files copied in Step 8 will be synchronized to the provider.
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post Upgrade Procedures
Basic History Service Post Upgrade
Restore the Basic History Service data as follows:
Stop the Basic History Service Provider from the Service Structure.
Import exported log template aspects and log configuration aspects, if not
previously done.
Start the Basic History History Service Provider from the Service Structure.
Make sure you have a safe copy of the History data log files before performing
the steps. Also check that the system with version 4.1 is running with all objects
including History log configuration and that Log configuration consistency is
Open the AdvHtArchiveTool, found in the product bin directory, located by
default at:
c:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Process Portal A \bin
Use the File/Select/open Archive command and browse to the directory
containing the history log files.
Use the Action/Validate Item command, were status of the individual History
data logs will be displayed.
Validate the results. If all History data logs shows good status, continue
with Step 7.
Use the Action/Repair Item References command - This will repair the
files with bad item references.
Use the Action\Insert Data into logs command and the data will be merged into
the existing logs.
Post Upgrade Procedures
Section 3 Upgrading SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Upgrading an 800xA System from SB 2.1/2 with Process Portal A, Control IT for
AC 800M, Information Manager, or AC 400 Connect products and applications to
SV 4.1 should be performed by someone with a comprehensive knowledge of the
system and the applications being upgraded. When other 800xA System products
and applications are included in the upgrade, it is recommended that ABB
Technical Support be contacted for assistance prior to starting the upgrade.
Upgrading the 800xA System requires the plant to be shut down. To guarantee
the functionality of the upgraded system, follow these upgrade instructions
carefully and perform them in a well defined order.
Maintain concurrent access to both the new and previous versions until the
upgrade has been performed. This makes it possible to easily retrieve any missing
data or files.
Test the Export files in a separate node before installing any new software. This
will verify the application was exported successfully, and can then be imported
reliably following the upgrade.
If any Control IT for AC 800M products are installed, refer to Control IT for AC
800M Considerations on page 157 before beginning the upgrade.
Porting of event data (system messages) from SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 is not
Upgrade Order
This section is organized so that the instructions are presented in the proper upgrade
order. Do not skip any steps.
Upgrade Paths
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Upgrade Paths
Figure 45 shows a high level flow of the upgrade paths.
All paths require, after backup and before restore, installing the 800xA System
software and creating the system as if it were a new installation.
Figure 45. Upgrade Flow
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
SB 2.1/2 Upgrade Activities
SB 2.1/2 Upgrade Activities
The activities to be performed on the SB 2.1/2 System are as follows:
SV 4.1 has implemented the use of licenses for each feature of the 800xA
System. Licenses must be ordered to upgrade to SV 4.1.
External Alarm Service Group on page 157.
Control IT for AC 800M Considerations on page 157 including:
License Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M on page 158.
Product Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M on page 159.
System Backup on page 159.
Save Application and Configuration Data on page 160, including:
Control IT for AC 800M Settings on page 160.
Control IT for AC 800M Project on page 161.
Information Manager Considerations on page 161.
Exporting Application Data on page 162.
Copying Data to Safe Media on page 170.
Document All Configuration Changes on page 179.
Verify Exported Application Data on page 181.
External Alarm Service Group
Keep only one External Alarm Service Group and move the provider or providers to
the Aspect Servers.
Control IT for AC 800M Considerations
Installations using Control IT for AC 800M must take the considerations detailed in
the following into account before beginning the upgrade:
License Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M on page 158.
Product Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M on page 159.
Control IT for AC 800M Considerations
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
License Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M
Contact your ABB sales representative to perform the license upgrade. Collect all
Industrial IT licenses and have them available when contacting ABB. Table 6 lists
and describes the Control Builder M license structure.
Table 6. Control IT for AC 800M License Structures
License in Version 3.2
License in Version 4.1
AC 800M/C Connect
Converted to be included in 800xA System.
Advanced Process Control
Converted to AC 800M Control Software Integration license. CLP
count on an automation system level, instead of per controller.
Basic Control Software
Obsolete - now included in CPU.
Binary Control Software
Control Builder M Basic
Not available for upgrade.
Control Builder M
If used with Process Portal A and AC 800M/C Connect, one Control
Builder M Professional license is included in the 800xA System.
Additional licenses are upgraded to additional Engineering
Workstation licenses.
If not used with Process Portal A and AC 800M/C Connect, the
license is converted into an 800xA System with zero tags.
Control Builder M Standard
Not available for upgrade.
OPC Server for AC 800M/C
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Backup
Product Upgrade for Control IT for AC 800M
All controllers and 800xA System nodes must be shut down during the upgrade.
A plant shutdown is needed, because a software upgrade of the controller
firmware and control software stops controller execution.
Table 7 lists and describes specific considerations to take into account before and
after upgrading Control IT for AC 800M products.
Table 7. Control IT for AC 800M Product Upgrade Considerations
AC 800M Connect, Control Builder M, Control Builder M Firmware, and
OPC Server for AC 800M must all be upgraded to the new version in
order to work together. However, controller peer-to-peer
communication is possible with other controllers running version 2.x/x
or 3.x./y by means of Access Variables.
Control Builder M
All privilege/user handling done in Control Builder M in the previous
version (PrivUsers/PrivClasses) will be lost at the upgrade. Control
Builder M now uses the security function in the 800xA System.
AC 800C and Advant
Controller 250 is no
longer supported.
Projects including these controller types cannot be upgraded.
System Backup
Make a complete backup of each node in the system using either the Windows
backup utility, Ghost, or an equivalent method before starting the upgrade
procedure. A valid backup insures that the system can be restored in the event the
upgrade procedure fails.
Back up all applications using the 800xA System backup function. Do not make any
modifications during the backup. If errors occur during backup, correct the error and
repeat until there are no remaining errors.
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
If any Control IT for AC 800M and/or Information Manager products are
installed, refer to Control IT for AC 800M Settings on page 160, Control IT for
AC 800M Project on page 161 and/or Information Manager Considerations on
page 161 before starting to save the application and configuration data.
This section describes how to preserve all application and configuration data so that
it may be restored after upgrading the system software. This is done in four parts:
Exporting Application Data on page 162.
Copying Data to Safe Media on page 170.
Document All Configuration Changes on page 179.
Verify Exported Application Data on page 181.
Control IT for AC 800M Settings
It is very important to save Cold Retain values files using the previous version
before beginning the upgrade.
While in the Control Builder M window, select:
Tools > Save ColdRetain Values
Control Builder M must be in the Online mode in order to use the Tools > Save
ColdRetain Values menu command.
Repeat the procedure for each Control Builder M project.
Failure to make new files can cause some or all Cold Retain marked variables
to revert to older values after upgrading.
Record the memory setting for OPC Server and Control Builder M found in the
Setup Wizard for each product.
Stop any third party OPC Clients.
Save OPC configurations by selecting:
File > Save Configuration
in the OPC Server Panel.
A plant shutdown is needed, because a software upgrade of the controller
firmware and control software stops controller execution.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Control IT for AC 800M Project
Application programs created with Control IT for AC 800M/C Version 3.2/7 (or
later 3.2 version) can be used after the upgrade; however, in some cases minor
modifications must be made.
The Export/Import of the Control Structure will handle official parts of a project.
Save Control Builder M Projects as Official Versions: When upgrading a
project, save the entire project as an Official version. Unofficial parts of a
project will not be upgraded. If the projects contain user-made HWD-files, they
must also be saved. Save the Control Builder M project directory on a safe
media; include new Cold Retain values files.
Mirror all Projects: Enable mirroring in Control Builder M and mirror all
projects, for example by going to Simulate Mode. There must be a perfect
match between the Control Builder M projects and the AFW files created later.
Items that are present in AFW files (for example an application) but are not
present in the project, cannot be deleted once imported into the new system.
A single library can not be upgraded by itself. To upgrade a library, include it in
a dummy project.
Acquired libraries that are not delivered together with Control Builder M
should normally not be upgraded. Contact the vendor of the acquired libraries
to get AFW files for the libraries.
Shut down all controllers.
Shut down Control Builder M on all nodes.
Information Manager Considerations
Information Manager is referred to as Information Management after the
The following aspects may be located in more than one structure:
ODA Table Definition.
Log Configuration.
Using the filter function in the Import/Export tool, filter on the Aspect Category to
find and export all of these aspects in the order listed.
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Exporting Application Data
This section describes how to use the 800xA System Import/Export tool to export
all objects created and/or modified for a specific application. This application data
must be saved correctly and in the proper order before installing any new software.
The basic rule is that all additions/modifications must be exported, since they are
not part of a new system.
Do not export standard objects that are created as a result of creating the Aspect
System, or as a result of adding the various system extensions.
Naming Conventions for Export Files. Use a naming convention for the export
files, to make them easier to import.
For example, a naming convention such as:
will sort the files in the correct order for importing.
Export Procedure (General). Use the following general procedure to export the
contents of all structures:
Open the Import Export Tool and select:
Action > Export Structure
Select the structure to export in the Select Structure drop-down list box. Entire
structures should be selected for export only when the structure is user-defined.
Use the filtered export to select a specific Object Type to export from the selected
Click OK to export all objects and aspects in the selected structure.
Save the selected structures. Avoid more than 5,000 objects per AFW file.
When finished exporting application data from all structures in the system, refer
to Verify Exported Application Data on page 181 to verify the successful export
of all required data.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Exporting Data from Specific Structures.
The structure export order is not important, but the import order is, so it is
important to divide the AFW files in the correct way. Table 8 lists the structure
dependency order that must be followed during import. Use a naming convention
such as the one shown in the example in Naming Conventions for Export Files on
page 162 to help import the files in the correct order.
Be careful when exporting modified system objects such as Aspect Category
Definitions, Object Types, and Libraries. When importing after the upgrade, they
may restore an upgraded aspect to the state it was in before the upgrade. Contact
ABB Technical Support if you have questions.
Use the Import/Export tool to export data from each structure listed in Table 8. Save
each structure in its own AFW file. If a structure contains many objects (more than
5,000), divide the structure into several AFW files. For example divide the Control
Structure by exporting each Controller Node tree in a separate file.
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures
Aspect System
Export objects that have been added or modified, such as userdefined aspect categories and aspects.
Create AFW files that do not exceed 5,000 objects.
Engineering Studio: Export categories of Parameter Manager or
Document Manager if they have been modified or added.
Do not export the following categories:
- CBM_PulseSignalParameter
- CBM_SignalGroupInformation
- CBM_SignalParameter
- AutoCAD_Drawing
- Document
If there are any modifications done to these objects please redo them
manually in the new system
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
1 (cont) Aspect System
Information Manager:
Place content related to Information Manager in a separate file,
so it can be handled separately when working with the SV 4.1
Create a security report for information about configured security
definition aspects.
Asset Optimizer Asset Monitoring
1. Use the import/export utility to export all project specific Asset
Monitor, Aspect Category objects in the Aspect System
Structure\Asset Monitoring, Aspect System\Asset Monitors,
Aspect Type\…
2. Use the import/export utility to export all Asset Monitor Startup
Parameters which provide global configuration values for some
asset monitors (for example Running Time Check Asset Monitor)
in Aspect System Structure\Asset Monitoring, Aspect
System\Asset Monitors, Aspect Type\Running Time Check,
Aspect Category.
3. Use the import/export utility to export Process Portal B
Provider information in the Aspect System Structure\Asset
Monitoring, Aspect System\Process Portal B Provider, Aspect
Type\Process Portal B Provider, Aspect Category
DO NOT include dependencies in the resulting AFW file.
Asset Optimizer CMMS Connectivity
Use the import/export utility to export the CMMS System
identification information (Provider Properties) from the Aspect
System Structure\Maximo Connectivity, Aspect System\Maximo
Equipment ID, Aspect Type\Maximo Equipment ID, Aspect
DO NOT include dependencies in the resulting AFW file.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
1 (cont) Aspect System
Asset Optimizer Messenger Service
1. Use the import/export utility to export the Modem Device
parameters located in the Aspect System Structure\Messenger
Modem Device, Aspect System\Modem Device, Aspect
Type\Modem Device, Aspect Category.
2. Use the import/export utility to export the Email Device
parameters located in the Aspect System Structure\Messenger
Email Device, Aspect System\Email Device, Aspect Type\Email
Device, Aspect Category
DO NOT include dependencies in the resulting AFW file.
Export all additions/modifications, such as log templates, log template
groups (if they exist), trend templates, Event and Alarm templates,
ODA databases, and any created View Class definition.
Place the log templates related to Information Manager in a separate
file, and corresponding trend templates in another, so they can be
handled separately when working with the SV 4.1 system.
NOTE: Record all Alarm and Event List configurations as specified in
Step 6 under Process Portal A (Affinities, Securities, Service, and
User Structure) on page 179.
Export all additions/modifications, such as sub elements, property
elements, or graphic libraries (e.g. ActiveX ® libraries, added user
symbols). These objects are used by the Graphics Builder and runtime
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
Object Type
Track the dependencies between different parts in the structure, such
as a library depending on a library, so that the import order will be
NOTE: Library dependencies can be viewed in the Control Builder.
AC 800M:
Do not export the Control Builder M standard libraries.
If there are additional graphic elements and/or special aspects
added to the Control Builder M standard libraries in the Object
Type Structure, these aspects must be exported in a separate file.
AC 800M:
Create AFW files for all user-defined libraries.
1. Use the Import/Export tool to export all user-defined libraries in
the Object Type Structure.
2. Include one library per file.
Create AFW files for the applications in the Object Type Structure:
1. Use the Import/Export tool to export all user-defined
applications from the Object Type Structure.
2. Include one application per file.
Create AFW files for any user made Hardware types in the Object
Type Structure:
1. Use the Import/Export tool to export all user made Hardware
types (created when inserted HWD-files in Control Builder M)
from the Object Type Structure.
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART:
1. Export the Field Devices, Object Type Group folder.
2. Export HART field device objects that are not in the Field
Devices, Object Type Group folder.
3. Export user-made PROFIBUS field device objects, located in
the Controller Hardware folder.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
4 (cont) Object Type
Engineering Studio:
Do not export the following object types:
- CBM_Signals and its children
If there are any modifications done to these objects, they must be
redone manually in the new system
Asset Optimizer Asset Monitoring
Use the import/export utility to export all project specific Asset
Monitor object types.
AC 800M:
1. Create AFW files for the user-defined projects in the Control
2. Use the Import/Export tool to export the user-defined projects
in the Control Structure.
3. Include one project per file.
4. Export the Control Network object in a separate file if there are
several projects below one Control Network object.
It is not necessary to export the Controllers part of a project, if that
part of the Control Structure does not include any manually added
This part of the control Structure will automatically be regenerated, if
empty, when upgrading the Control Builder M project later on. Skipping
this part of the Control Structure significantly simplifies the upgrade.
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
5 (cont) Control (cont)
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART:
1. Exclude Fieldbus Builder Management aspects and Device
Management aspects from Control Structure export (use filter
option to exclude).
2. Export the Control Structure again, but now only with Device
Management Aspects (use filter option to exclude all except
Device Management). Use a certain export file name for
3. Export Control Structure again, but now only with Fieldbus
Management Aspects (use filter option to exclude all except
Fieldbus Management). Use a certain export file name for
Do not export:
SoftPoint objects in the Control structure. These will be handled
by the SoftPoint export procedure as described in Information
Manager on page 174.
Lost and Found Branch.
Export the entire structure in one AFW file.
Export the entire structure in one AFW file.
Export all application data in the structure.
Divide the export into several files if the structure contains more than
5,000 objects.
Do not export the sample ePlant, unless the application saved
information below it.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
8 (cont) Functional (cont) Asset Optimizer Asset Monitoring
Use the import/export utility to export all objects that contain the
Asset Optimizer Asset Monitoring, Maximo Connectivity, and
Messenger object types, for example Asset Monitor Data Source.
Do not export Asset Monitoring Server aspects or Asset
Monitoring objects as this functionality has changed in 800xA SV
Export the Asset Monitor Data Source Aspects from the objects.
Asset Optimization objects may also exist in the Location
Structure or Control Structure.
Export all application data in the structure.
Divide the export into several files if the structure contains more than
5,000 objects.
Do not export the sample ePlant, unless the application saved
information below it.
Export any application specific workplace, and additions or
modifications made to existing workplaces, such as logical colors.
Create AFW files for the changes in workplace structure, such as:
Logical colors (stored here in more than one branch).
Added workplaces.
Modified system aspects.
Export document objects that have been added or modified.
Create a security report for information about configured security
definition aspects.
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 8. Exporting Specific Structures (Continued)
In general, export the entire structure in one AFW file. However, if
Asset Optimizer software is being used, separately export the
following aspects:
Maximo Credential
Message Schedule
Message Subscriber
DO NOT include dependencies in the resulting AFW file.
Export Job Descriptions and related scheduling definition and action
1. Schedules will automatically resume operation when the structure is imported following installation of the new
software unless they are disabled prior to export.
Copying Data to Safe Media
Files that cannot be exported must be copied to safe media before beginning the
upgrade. The following references detail procedures for the listed products:
Basic History Data on page 170.
OPC Server for AC 800M on page 171.
Control Builder M on page 171.
AC 400 and SafeGuard Connect RTA Board Files on page 171.
Asset Optimizer on page 172.
Produce IT Batch on page 174.
Information Manager on page 174.
Basic History Data. Back up all Process Portal A History data.
To save the Basic History data:
Stop the Basic History, Service Provider from the Service Structure.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Save all the files from the following directory of each Connectivity Server:
Start the Basic History, Service Provider from the Service Structure.
OPC Server for AC 800M. Manually copy the following OPC Server for AC 800M
files from the Connectivity Servers to safe media:
systemsetup.sys, located in:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\
OPC Server for AC 800M n.n
Configuration files (*.cfg), located in:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\
OPC Server for AC 800M n.n\Files
Control Builder M. The procedure for backing up Control Builder M projects is
described in Control Builder Online Help. Choose to make a complete backup.
Standard libraries, and all other libraries, stored in the Control Builder M standard
library path, typically:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\
Control Builder M Professional 3.2\Libraries
or below, are not included in a project backup. The standard libraries will exist in
new versions in the new system. Other libraries in that path or below must be
handled manually. The best method is to save them to another path before making
the backup.
Do not compress the backup made in SB 2.1/2.
AC 400 and SafeGuard Connect RTA Board Files.
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
SafeGuard Connect is referred to as 800xA for SafeGuard after the upgrade.
Make an RTA Board backup. Save the files:
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
from the following folder of each Connectivity Server:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\
and record which files belong to which node.
Asset Optimizer. Use the following backup procedure to save Asset Optimizer
Asset Optimizer is referred to as Asset Optimization after the upgrade.
Asset Monitoring:
Asset Monitoring directories will be found on the Asset Optimization Server
If Running Time Check Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save
the Running Time Check Asset Monitor data directory
(DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore). Assuming the default directory was
selected during Asset Optimizer installation, the Running Time Check
Asset Monitor data directory is located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Save the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin directory
contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as individual
files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are saved instead of the
entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system, save
the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
(XY_Reference_Profiles). Assuming the default directory was selected
during Asset Optimization installation, the XY_Reference_Profiles
directory is located in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Save CMMS Connectivity information:
CMMS Connectivity is referred to as Maximo Integration at SV 3.1 and later.
The CMMS Connectivity information can be found on the Asset Optimization
Server node.
Although the Maximo system is separate from the 800xA system, it is a
good idea to also back up the Maximo system. Follow Maximo standard
practices for the third party Maximo system backup.
The MxDef files provide the mapping between the 800xA System
environment and the Maximo system.
Do not edit the MxDef files without an extensive knowledge of the Maximo SDK
for Business Components documentation. Do not edit the MxDef files without a
close consulting association with MRO Software Inc. personnel to determine
what fields are required. Editing these files without the required knowledge and
experience may result in problems with the Maximo system and CMMS
interface to the Maximo system.
Perform the following procedure if changes are made to the MxDef files, in order
to prevent the customized MxDef files from being overwritten during an upgrade
or reinstallation of Asset Optimization. The software will first look in the
subdirectories created in the procedure for the MxDef files before looking in the
default MxDef file location.
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the MxDef files supplied with Asset Optimization are located
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\ABBAO\Services\MOM\MxDefs
If changes are made to the MxDef files, create and save them in the
following location (assuming the default directory was selected during
Asset Optimization installation):
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\
Asset Optimization\ABBAO\Services\MOM\MxDefs\
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
<server_name>\<app_server> is the combination of the MRO
Server Name and the MRO Application Server Name fields from the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect
System Structure in the Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path
to the customized MxDef files will look like, for example:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo Server level
as well as on the Maximo Application Server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo Application Servers.
Produce IT Batch. To save Batch data:
Produce IT Batch is referred to as Batch Management after the upgrade.
Refer to Produce IT Batch Configuration and use the Batch Backup/Restore
utility to save the following:
PFC color configuration information.
batch ID.
Refer to Produce IT Batch Operation and use the Batch History Archive
function to back up the batch history.
Generate an XDC dump file for the functions used in the Function Wizard by
entering Batch_XdcDump -eqp filename at a command DOS prompt.
Information Manager. This section describes how to preserve application and
configuration data for Information Manager not handled via the Process Portal A
Import/Export tool. This includes:
Information Manager is referred to as Information Management after the
For every node:
Backing Up the History Database on page 175.
Saving Other Files Related to Information Manager on page 178.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
For the System:
Exporting the SoftPoint Configuration and SoftPoint Data on page 176.
Saving the Service Group Configuration on page 177.
Backing Up the History Database
This procedure creates all files required to completely recreate the Information
Manager History database. This includes all configuration data, log data from
both file-based and Oracle-based logs, and the Aspect System definition file.
Refer to Stopping System Services on page 222 and Stop System Services.
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on
backup and restore in Inform IT Information Manager History Services
It is recommended that you clean the history database BEFORE you make the
backup. Open a Windows Command Prompt window and enter hsDBMaint clean.
Select (on the IM Server):
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Inform IT > History >
IM Backup Utility.
Select the Create Backup check box (if not already selected).
Click Next to display a dialog for setting up the backup operation.
Specify the location where the backup files will be created.
Make sure that the directory where the backup files will be placed is empty and
that it does not include any space characters.
Click Next when finished with this dialog.
Wait for the next dialog to close automatically (if that option is selected), or
wait for Close to be activated on the bottom of the output window, and click it
when ready to proceed.
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
After the HsBAR window closes, monitor the Progress in the Progress Status
dialog, and click Finish when the backup is completed.
If an exception message appears in the Progress Status dialog, there may be
inconsistencies between the log configurations in the Aspect System and the log
configurations in Oracle. Contact ABB Technical Support for assistance.
Exporting the SoftPoint Configuration and SoftPoint Data
This procedure exports all SoftPoint objects and aspects as well as related
aspects that may be attached to SoftPoints, such as property log configuration
aspects, and calculation aspects.
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on using
the AFW export tool in Inform IT Information Manager SoftPoint Services
To export the SoftPoint configuration and data:
Create a folder where the configuration data will be exported.
Launch the AFW Export tool from the Windows task bar. Select:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Inform IT > Softpoint Server
> Backup > Softpoint Afw Export.
Click Browse in the SCADA AFW Export Window to specify the export
Use this dialog to select the export folder (created in Step 1), and specify a base
name for the export files. For each AFW file created as a result of this export, a
sequential number will be appended to this base name to make the name
Click Save when complete.
Click Start on the AFW Export tool to export the configuration data to the
specified location.
The AFW Export message bar will show the names of the objects and aspects
as they are being exported. When the export is finished, the message bar will
indicate Finished. Close the message box to exit.
Confirm that the export files have been created by checking the export folder.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Save Application and Configuration Data
Saving the Service Group Configuration
This procedure creates an xml file with the definitions of all Service Group
objects in the system. This preserves the GUIDs that establish the connections
between log configuration and calculation aspects and their respective Service
The Service Backup tool provided on the Industrial IT 800xA System
installation media for SV 4.1 must be installed on the Information Manager
Version 3.5/2 node in order to use this functionality.
If the Information Management version being upgraded is 3.5/2 with SP6a or
newer, the Service Backup tool is already installed. If this is the case, skip to
Step 2.
To install this utility on the Information Manager Version 3.5/2 node:
Insert the 800xA System installation media for Information Management.
Use Windows Explorer to find ABB Inform IT - History Services
Backup.msi in the following location:
InfoMgmt1\Inform IT\Tools\HistoryServicesBackup
(IM 3.5)
Double-click ABB Inform IT - History Services Backup.msi to
run the setup file for the Service_Backup tool. This installs the Service
backup tool in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\History\
To run the Service backup tool, select:
Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Inform IT > History >
Services Backup
Save Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Use the File Path field to specify the full path and <file name>.xml where
the xml file will be stored as shown in Figure 46.
Click Save PPA Service Group Info.
Figure 46. Saving PPA Service Group Information
Saving Other Files Related to Information Manager
There are several other files related to Information Manager to be saved before
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on
backing up individual Information Manager applications in Inform IT
Information Manager Installation and Administration.
History Archive Data: For any volume that is not backed up, use the
Copy Volume action on the Archive Volume aspect to make either an ISO
image, shadow copy or both. Save the copy to a safe media. After upgrade,
the Archive Service will initialize a new volume to write new archive
entries. Archive entries from the upgraded system will not be written to a
volume that contains entries from any prior system.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Document All Configuration Changes
Reports: Save any Report Template files created in Microsoft Excel,
DataDirect, and/or Crystal Reports. Also save Report Output files created
as a result of running these reports via the Scheduling Services.
Desktop Trends: Back up trend display, ticker display, and tag explorer
files. Location is: Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\Desktop
Trends\Data Server\Data.
Display Services: Back up the directories for custom users, as well as
display and user element definitions. Location is: Program Files\ABB
Industrial IT\Inform IT\Display Services\Data Server\Data.
DataDirect: Back up custom text files for object, object type, and
attribute menus used on the DataDirect dialogs.
Document All Configuration Changes
Some configuration changes cannot be saved via backup utilities. These changes
must be recorded so that they can be entered on the upgraded system.
Process Portal A (Affinities, Securities, Service, and User Structure)
Document the following for Process Portal A:
Record Affinity Definitions so they can be recreated after upgrade. Affinity
data can be found in:
Admin Structure > Administration Object > Inventory Objects
> Affinity, Aspect Types
The service configuration can not be exported. Document the configuration of
the Service Structure so it can be recreated after upgrade, except for Alarm and
Event. In Version 4.1 there are separate services for the Event Collector and the
Alarm Manager.
Document all user configurations in the User Structure so they can be recreated
after upgrade.
Document All Configuration Changes
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
The security configuration has enhanced functionality in SV 4.1 compared to
SB 2.1/2; therefore, the security settings must be configured after the upgrade.
Create one Security Report aspect in:
Admin Structure > Administrative Objects > Domains > XX
Make a security report and print it to store the current settings. All user and
security data needs to be configured after the upgrade. Refer to Industrial IT,
800xA - System, Administration and Security for details.
Document all Alarm and Event List configurations and Alarm and Event Lists.
AC 400 Connect
Document the following for AC 400 Connect:
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
Record the time synchronization registry key (REVERSED_SYNC_MODE
parameter) on:
Record the value of the MB300 node and network address for the RTA board in
the RTA Board Configuration aspect.
Messenger Service
Document the following for the Messenger Service:
The Messenger Service is referred to as SMS and e-mail Messaging after the
Record all configuration information from the Alarm and Event Message Source
aspects. Record all information from the Destination tab of all Message Handler
aspects. Refer to the configuration worksheets for SMS and e-mail Messaging in
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Configuration. Messenger related aspects and objects
in the User Structure must be recreated. This includes user groups that are message
destinations as well as Message Subscribers and Messenger devices. The linkages in
the restored Alarm and Event Message Source and Message Handler aspects must
be re-established.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Verify Exported Application Data
Record all information from all Message Subscriber, Message Schedule, Email
Device, and Modem Device aspects found in User Structure\User Groups,
Everyone - IndustrialITUser, User Groups.
Information Manager
Document the following for Information Manager:
Information Manager is referred to as Information Management after the
Record all configuration data for ODA table aspects that have been added to
Object Types.
Record all configuration data for Calculation aspects that have been added to
Object Types, except for Calculations that have been added to SoftPoint Object
Types. Any Calculation aspects that are added to SoftPoint Object Types will
be restored along with their corresponding SoftPoint Object Types.
For numeric logs, record the configuration of the Archive Path specification for
all archive devices.
Verify Exported Application Data
To verify the success of all exported application data:
Create a new system on a separate node with the original SB 2.1/2 software
Refer to Restore Application and Configuration Data on page 184 and import
all AFW files in the same order as they were exported.
Verify that all applications import correctly.
Most errors in the exported data will show up as errors during the import in Step 2.
Check the error messages and export of application data again if necessary.
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
SV 4.1 Upgrade Activities
The activities to be performed on the SV 4.1 System are as follows:
System Upgrade on page 182. This includes upgrade order and references to
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Post Installation.
Restore Application and Configuration Data on page 184, including:
Importing Application Data on page 186.
Restoring Data from Safe Media on page 198.
Recreate the Configuration Changes on page 232.
System Backup on page 234.
Error messages that may appear during the upgrade are detailed in Appendix B,
Warning and Error Messages.
System Upgrade
Make sure the files created in Save Application and Configuration Data on page
160 have been verified using the procedure outlined in Verify Exported
Application Data on page 181.
For PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration: Do not include the system
extensions for these packages except the Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART
before importing the Control Structure. Refer to Fieldbus Builder
PROFIBUS/HART (PROFIBUS/HART Device Integration) on page 214.
The Microsoft Windows operating systems supported in SV 4.1 are:
Windows XP Professional with SP2.
Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows 2000 Server with SP4.
The installation will fail unless all nodes being upgraded are reformatted and the
operating system installed, even if the existing operating system is compatible.
PC Clients with IM Desktop tools is not affected by this.
Reformat the drive.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
System Upgrade
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install the new
operating system.
Apply updates and service packs approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A,
Third Party Software for SV 4.1) to existing operating system.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install third party
software approved by ABB (refer to Appendix A, Third Party Software for SV
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install all required
800xA System software.
Initialize the Batch database during installation of the Production Management Batch Management software.
Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Installation and install the license files
on the primary Aspect Server node.
Refer to the System Level Tasks section in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post
Installation to set up the 800xA System.
If using Information Management, refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post
Installation and perform all Information Management post installation steps.
The Oracle instance and history database must be created before restoring
application and configuration data and before performing the Service Group
Restore the Service Group configurations after successful creation of the
Oracle instance and after the node has been rebooted.
The post installation information for Information Management in Industrial IT,
800xA - System, Post Installation indicates that in some cases, the Upon
successful creation of Oracle Instance, create the History Database check box
can be disabled. When upgrading, never disable this check box.
Refer to Restore Application and Configuration Data on page 184 of this
instruction and perform all necessary steps.
10. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation to perform any post
installation tasks that are not restored.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
This section describes how to restore all application and configuration data that was
exported, copied to safe media, or documented prior to installing the new software.
Perform the procedures in the following to restore application and configuration
Importing Application Data on page 186.
Restoring Data from Safe Media on page 198.
Recreate the Configuration Changes on page 232.
Verify that the system has been created on the Aspect Server, all nodes have been
added to the system, and all system extensions have been added before starting to
restore data.
Restore Service Group Configuration
This procedure restores the original GUIDs to the new Service Group objects. This
is required to maintain the connections between the Log Configuration and
Calculation aspects and their respective Service Groups.
Launch the Service Synchronization tool. Use the Windows Taskbar to select:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information
Mgmt > Utilities > Service Synchronization
This opens the PPA Migration Utility dialog shown in Figure 47.
Figure 47. PPA Migration Utility Dialog
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Click the Restore tab.
Click Retrieve Current PPA NodeNames. This displays a list of all server
nodes that are currently in the system as shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48. Listing of all Server Nodes
Click Retrieve Imported PPA Nodes and Services and browse to the .xml file
created by the Service Backup.
Select the file, then click Open. This displays a list of node names that existed
in the system when you created the Service Backup as shown in Figure 49.
Figure 49. Imported Node Names
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
For all nodes whose names have not changed from the original system to
the current system, the imported node names will be added to the
Matched column in the list of current node names.
For any node whose name has changed, select the Imported node name
that corresponds to the current node name. This is illustrated by Eng66 in
Figure 49.
Select and drag the imported node name into the Matched column for the node
(in this case Eng66). This activates Restore PPA Service Group Info.
Before clicking Restore PPA Service Group Info, make sure the Basic History
and Calculation Server check boxes in the Service list are selected.
Click Restore PPA Service Group Info.
When the restore has completed successfully, go to the Service Structure and check
for the presence of the Basic History and Calculation Service Group/Service
Provider objects. If the objects are present and the creation date is current, the
restore was successful. If the objects are not present, or if the creation date is old
they may have been mistakenly placed under Lost and Found in the Control
Structure. In this case refer to the Information Management Release Notes for
instructions on how to recover from this condition. Also refer to the Information
Management Release Notes if you get any errors during the restore procedure.
Importing Application Data
If any Control IT for AC 800M products are installed, refer to Considerations for
Importing Control IT for AC 800M on page 187 before importing.
This section describes how to use the Process Portal A Import/Export tool to import
all objects created and/or modified for a specific application.
Stop PAS before importing the aspect objects that were previously exported.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Importing the Same Object into More than One Structure. There are some
important considerations to be taken into account when importing the same object
into more than one structure.
The Import/Export tool will present a question dialog when importing an object
that already exists. This will, for example, occur when the object is already
imported into the Control Structure, then imported into another structure, such as
the Functional Structure or Location Structure. The questions must be answered
as follows; otherwise the import will fail.
Always answer Yes in the Import/Export tool Replace Existing Object dialog
when it asks if it should overwrite an object with the one from the import file
(refer to Figure 50).
Always answer No in the Import Export tool Replace Existing Aspect dialog
when it asks if it should overwrite an aspect with the one from the import file
(refer to Figure 51).
Figure 50. Answer Yes to Replace Existing Object
Figure 51. Answer No to Replace Existing Aspect
Considerations for Importing Control IT for AC 800M . If there are
inconsistencies in the AFW files, the Import/Export tool will display warnings and
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
error messages. If the import is not interrupted due to any errors, the data will be
The new version allows only one object icon per object. If the AFW files contain
more than one object icon per object, only one is imported. For the remaining object
icons, a dialog appears stating that it cannot be restored. The only accepted answer
is yes. The result can be that the wrong icon gets imported.
Ignore the following information messages that are displayed in the message
window of the Import/Export tool when importing an AFW file:
2003-10-25 13:32:31 (Info) Removed obsolete propagated
aspect 'Control Module' from instance 'cmt2_1'.
2003-10-25 13:32:31 (Info) Removed obsolete propagated
aspect 'Single Control Module' from instance 'SM1'.
2003-10-25 13:32:31 (Info) Removed obsolete propagated
aspect 'Function Block' from instance 'fb2'.
Error messages that are displayed in the message window of the Import/Export tool
when importing an AFW file indicate that there are two or more formal instances
with conflicting (identical) GUIDs in the file. All conflicting objects must be
removed from the AFW file before a new attempt to import the file can be
attempted. If help is needed to properly delete conflicting objects, contact ABB
Technical Support for assistance.
Examples of these types of error messages are:
2004-01-22 10:54:49 (Error) Illegal structure in
composite object type. Insert of object 'ConflictInst2'
(Info) Object ID = {85BC991D-85DF-478F-9A09-C6F71D9B50CD}.
(Error) Transaction Error (-1967453578):
Illegal structure in composite object type.
2004-02-09 14:14:09 (Error) Illegal structure in
composite object type. Insert of object 'ConflictInst1'
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
2004-02-09 14:15:22 (Error) Transaction Error
Illegal structure in composite object type.
2004-02-09 14:15:22 (Error) Operation Error (8abb0a76) 'E_AFW_OT_ILLEGAL_COMPOSITE_TYPE_STRUCTURE(0x8ABB0A76)
Illegal structure in composite object type.
Import Procedure (General). Use the following procedure to import exported data
to SV 4.1 structures:
Stop PAS before importing the aspect objects that were previously exported.
Open the Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use Windows Explorer to open a folder with files to be imported.
Double-click on a file. This will start the Import/Export Tool.
Action > Import All
in the Import/Export tool.
Repeat for other folders.
Importing Data to Specific Structures. To import data to specific structures:
Table 9 lists the structure dependency order that must be followed during import.
Use the Import/Export tool to import data to the structures in the order they are
listed in Table 9.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures
Aspect System
Import AFW files containing custom aspect categories and aspects.
Do not forget custom structure categories.
Information Management:
Postpone the importing of Information Management AFW files for
this structure until after the Information Manager application data
has been restored (refer to Information Management on page
Engineering Studio:
Filter the AFW files prior to import:
Exclude Aspect Data Sheet aspect system objects.
Exclude Aspect Data aspect type objects.
Exclude Aspect Information, Designations, Document
Designations, Document File Information, Document Information,
Document Revision Information, and Document Status aspect
When importing objects having aspects of the Categories mentioned
above, use the following settings in the Import/Export tool:
Select the Use Advanced Selection check box in the import
Click Aspect Types and deselect the Aspect Data check box.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
1 (cont) Aspect System
Asset Optimization Asset Monitoring:
1. Use the import/export utility to import all project specific Asset
Monitor, Aspect Category objects in the Aspect System
Structure\Asset Monitoring, Aspect System\Asset Monitors,
Aspect Type>…
2. Use the import/export utility to import all Asset Monitor Startup
Parameters which provide global configuration values for some
asset monitors (for example Running Time Check Asset Monitor)
in Aspect System Structure\Asset Monitoring, Aspect
System\Asset Monitors, Aspect Type\Running Time Check,
Aspect Category.
3. Use the import/export utility to import Process Portal B
Provider information in the Aspect System Structure\Asset
Monitoring, Aspect System\Process Portal B Provider, Aspect
Type\>Process Portal B Provider, Aspect Category
Asset Optimization Maximo Connectivity:
Use the import/export utility to import the CMMS System
identification information (Provider Properties) in the Aspect
System Structure\Maximo Connectivity, Aspect System\Maximo
Equipment ID, Aspect Type\Maximo Equipment ID, Aspect
SMS and e-mail Messaging:
1. Use the import/export utility to import the Modem Device
parameters in the Aspect System Structure\Messenger Modem
Device, Aspect System\Modem Device, Aspect Type\Modem
Device, Aspect Category.
2. Use the import/export utility to import the Email Device
parameters in the Aspect System Structure\Messenger Email
Device, Aspect System\Email Device, Aspect Type\Email Device,
Aspect Category.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
Added configurations, for example Alarm and Event templates.
Trend and History Log Templates.
ODA Database objects.
Redo filtering for all Alarm and Event Lists and Alarm and Event
Import the AFW files.
Object Type
Import AFW files for any acquired libraries that are not delivered with
Control Builder M. Follow any further instructions provided by the
vendor of the acquired libraries.
If there are any dependencies to the Plant or ePlant example object
types, import them first. The import files are found in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Process Portal
For detailed information on how to import the Object Type, refer to the
Readme file in the same directory.
Import standard faceplates that were modified, and added faceplates.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
4 (cont) Object Type
Import user-defined libraries.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the previously created
The import order should be according to the dependencies
between the user defined libraries.
Import additional graphics.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the additional graphic
elements and/or special aspects added to the Control Builder M
standard libraries.
Import application-defined types.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the previously created
application files.
Import any user made Hardware types.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the previously created
Hardware types files.
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART:
Import Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART Object Types, which
were exported as described in Table 8.
IMPORTANT: Do not overwrite already existing items. Click NO
to skip the import of these items.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
4 (cont) Object Type
Make a consistency check on all user-defined Object Types:
1. Go to the Object Type Structure.
2. Mark the Object Type Definition aspect on an object.
3. Select the Consistency tab as shown in the following figure.
4. Click Check Consistency.
5. Click Try to Repair if the check finds an error.
6. Repeat for all user-defined Object Types.
7. Contact ABB Technical Support for assistance if there are
Asset Optimization Asset Monitoring:
Use the import/export utility to import all project specific Asset
Monitor object types.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
Import user-defined projects.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the previously created
project files.
Import the Control Network object first.
NOTE: The library references need to be deleted before the
import in the Import/Export tool as shown in the following figure,
otherwise the import will fail.
Import the project application. Import without Device
Management and Fieldbus Management if they exist.
The RNRP Network View aspect is omitted in the new version. This
aspect is no longer needed since the 800xA System automatically
generates system alarms when nodes are lost. Remove the aspects
from the AFW files or ignore the warning messages during import.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
5 (cont) Control (cont)
Information Management:
If, during export, the export of the Control Structure was split into
multiple files, import those files in the same order that they were
Do not import the Log Configuration aspect export file at this time.
This will be restored after the Information Management history
database is restored, as described in Information Management
on page 222.
Systems without Information Management:
Import log configurations.
800xA for Advant Master:
RTA boards should be added and configured prior to the import
so that the correct network and RTA Board objects are in place in
the Control Structure. After import, verify that controller objects
are inserted below the correct Network object. Refer to AC 400
Connect on page 180 under Document All Configuration
Import the AFW files.
Import the AFW files.
Import the entire structure. If there are any dependencies to the Plant
or ePlant example object types, import them first. The import files are
found in:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Process Portal
For detailed information on how to import the Object Type, refer to the
Readme file in the same directory.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
8 (cont) Functional (cont) Asset Optimization Asset Monitoring
Use the import/export utility to import all objects that contain the
Asset Optimizer Asset Monitoring, Maximo Connectivity, and
Messenger object types, for example Asset Monitor Data Source.
Do not import Asset Monitoring Server aspects into 800xA SV
4.1. The Aspect OPCCONDITIONSPROPERTIES is obsolete
and it can be deleted or excluded from the import.
If the imported objects containing Asset Monitor aspects were not
in the Control Structure then they must be inserted in the Control
If the Asset Monitor aspects were not assigned to the default AO
Server then navigate to the AO Server Object\Asset Optimization
Server Aspect. Select the Asset Monitors tab and click AM
Assigned to other AO Srvs. Once the list is generated, select all
the Asset Monitors to be assigned to this AO server and use the
right-click menu to Assign Asset Monitors to this AO Srv.
Import the AFW files.
Import the AFW files.
Recreate Security and Affinity.
Recreate the configuration based on the previous documentation.
1. Create Users and User Groups in the Windows domain, if they are
not already defined.
2. For each User Group, check and correct its association to Windows
groups and its role settings.
3. Use the Configuration Wizard to add users to appropriate user
groups. For each user, use Plant Explorer and either configure the
profile aspects (graphics profile values, status viewer profile values,
and workplace profile values) or import them. Ensure that the aspects
are added to the right user.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 9. Importing Specific Structures (Continued)
User (cont)
Import the entire structure if that is how it was exported. In some cases
it may be necessary to import the following Asset Optimizer aspect
from their own AFW file.
Maximo Credential
Message Schedule
Message Subscriber
When importing these aspects, they must be manually placed on the
target User object.
Import Job Descriptions and related action aspects.
1. If schedules were enabled when exported, the schedules will automatically resume operation when the Scheduling
Structure is imported. If schedules were disabled prior to export, enable them in order to resume operation.
Restoring Data from Safe Media
Files that were not exported must be copied from safe media after the upgrade. The
following references detail procedures for the listed products:
Control Builder M on page 199.
OPC Server for AC 800M on page 213.
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART (PROFIBUS/HART Device Integration)
on page 214.
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files on page
Engineering Studio on page 215.
Asset Optimization on page 216.
Batch Management on page 220.
Information Management on page 222.
Restore Basic History Data on page 232.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Control Builder M. Do not start Control Builder M until Step 3.
The memory setting for Control Builder M needs to be set in the Setup Wizard. This
is the value recorded under Control IT for AC 800M Settings on page 160.
Control Builder M version 4.1 cannot be used for restoring a backup diskette that is
made in a Control Builder M 3.2/x version. The files on a backup diskette can,
however, be restored manually using Windows Explorer.
If you used the Export/Import of the Control Structure to handle official parts of a
project and skipped saving the files you can also skip the following.
Control Builder M Professional Version 4.1 stores all source code in the Aspect
directory as XML-code. An existing project and source code units (applications,
libraries, and controller files) must be converted to the new source code format.
Saved Libraries stored on the Control Builder M standard library path, typically:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\
Control Builder M Professional 3.2\Libraries
will not be found during the migration procedure.
Perform the following before the migration if such libraries exist:
Manually create the folder:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\
Control Builder M Professional 4.1\Libraries
and move the libraries to that folder.
A library will be migrated only once. It is possible to upgrade several projects that
include the same libraries, but the libraries will only be migrated during upgrade of
the first project.
The imported libraries will still be Control Library Objects; that is, the old Object
Type used for Control Builder M Professional libraries in the previous version, and
not an 800xA System library.
The following steps convert the libraries into Library Version Objects in the Object
Type Structure and the Library Structure and corresponding Library Definition
Objects in the Library Structure. They also store all source code in the aspect
directory as XML-code.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Copy the Control Builder M projects.
The entire project must be copied to the Control Builder M project
directory. Include all Cold Retain values files, and any user-made HWDfiles. The default Control Builder M project directory is:
...\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\
Control Builder M Professional 4.1\Projects
Make sure that all files in the project directory are not marked as Readonly which can happen if the files have been stored on a CD-ROM.
Use Windows Explorer to select the folder.
Right-click Properties to open the Properties dialog.
Deselect the Read-only check box in the Attributes frame.
When the Confirm Attributes Changes dialog appears, select Apply
changes to this folder, subfolders and files.
Click OK in the Confirm Attributes dialog and then again in the Properties
If the projects contain user-made HWD-files, they must be converted with
the GSD Import Tool Version 3.3. Refer to the Hardware Definition Files
Syntax issue in Table 10. Replace the old HWD-files with the new
converted HWD-files and make sure that no files with the old format are
left on safe media.
If the projects contain S900 I/O, they must be converted with the
S900 I/O Conversion tool. Refer to the S900 I/O Parameter Name
Changes issue in Table 10.
Upgrade the Control Builder M project.
Libraries, Applications, and Controllers originally placed in folders different
from the project folder will not be upgraded if the files on safe media are
restored using Windows Explorer.
The following manual adjustments to the project file (*.prj) is needed in order
to upgrade such projects correctly.
Delete all directory references, other than those to 'Libraries:\'.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Before adjustments:
( Application
( Name 'Application_1'
Directory '' )
( Name 'AlarmEventLib'
Directory 'Libraries:\' )
( Name 'IconLib'
Directory 'Libraries:\' )
( Name 'MyOwnLibrary'
Directory '..\..\MyOwnLibs\' )
( Name 'Controller_1'
Directory '' ) )
After adjustments:
( Application
( Name 'Application_1'
Directory '' )
( Name 'AlarmEventLib'
Directory 'Libraries:\' )
( Name 'IconLib'
Directory 'Libraries:\' )
( Name 'MyOwnLibrary'
Directory '' )
( Name 'Controller_1'
Directory '' ) )
Start Control Builder M Professional from the desktop icon and choose:
Tools > Maintenance > Upgrade Project
Click OK, and browse to the *.prj file of the project to migrate. This will
upgrade the selected project.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Wait for the upgrade to finish.
During the upgrade process, some messages may be displayed. Read the
messages and choose among the available options.
The upgrade may take up to 30 minutes. The Control Builder M may stop
responding during that time. If the process is interrupted, it must be
restarted. The Windows Task Manager can be used to supervise the
completeness. During the upgrade, if the mouse pointer, when moved over
the Control Builder M Project Explorer, indicates it is busy, then the
upgrade is still in progress.
Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for all other projects.
Upgrading the Application Program
An application program created in Version 3.2 can be used; however, minor
modifications may be required. Minor changes need to be done if there is an
issue in Table 10 that are applicable for the particular application program.
Open the project.
Ignore the following warning messages that may be displayed in the message
pane of the Project Explorer when opening the project.
At line xxx: Unknown parameter name: xxx
At line xxx: Parameter type mismatch: xxx
Make a dummy change in the hardware configuration for all hardware units if
such messages are shown.
Modify the application program according to applicable issues in
Compatibility Issues on page 205.
Reconnect libraries and applications and redeploy graphics. Libraries can be
reconnected with either the Library Connection Upgrader or manually.
Library Connection Upgrader.
Use the automated method, via the Library Connection Upgrader, for all
cases that do not require the manual method.
Try the automated method first. The Library Connection Upgrader will report
what libraries or applications require manual intervention.
The 800xA System Installation DVD 1 includes a tool used to automate
the reconnection to the standard library versions.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Insert the 800xA System Installation DVD 1 into the drive.
Use Windows Explorer to locate LibraryUpgrader.exe in the
following directory:
Copy the entire LibraryUpgrader directory to the local hard disk.
Double-click LibraryUpgrader.exe to start the Library Connection
Upgrader. The Library Connection Upgrader dialog, as shown in
Figure 54, will appear.
Figure 54. Library Connection Upgrader
Remove older versions of libraries in Control Builder M.
Click Upgrade. The Library Connection Upgrader displays the progress
of the upgrade. When complete, all libraries and applications in the default
system will use the latest installed version of the libraries.
Manually Reconnecting Libraries.
Use the manual method for the following:
Existing libraries that are Password Protected.
CommunicationLib. Refer to Compatibility Issues on page 205.
SerialLib. Refer to Compatibility Issues on page 205.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
If a library is Password Protected, the Library Connection Upgrader
cannot make changes to it, since the Library Connection Upgrader does
not know what password to use (only the creator of the library knows
that). The user needs to enter the password for a Password Protected
library before it can be connected to the new standard library versions.
Redeploy the Graphics
To reconnect to a new library version you must redeploy all graphics used from
the library. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - Engineering, Graphics for more
All process graphics in an existing library or application must be
redeployed after connecting a new library version.
Upgrade controller firmware to the new version in order to be compatible with
other products of version 4.1. Firmware in all communication interfaces must
also be upgraded to the latest version.
Applicable firmware is contained on the Control Software for AC 800M
firmware System 4. Instructions for upgrading your controller are provided in
Online Help: Downloading New Firmware to Controllers.
To be able to download new firmware to a controller, the controller must
exist in the currently open Control Builder M project.
Controller firmware must be upgraded after the applications have been
Go online with download and answer any mismatch dialog with the
corresponding new name, in order to retain any Cold Retain values (for
example settings of PID loops etceteras). Refer to Control Builder Online Help
for further information. Refer also to Compatibility Issues on page 205.
It is very important to complete the mismatch handling during the first download.
If not, some or all Cold Retain marked variables will loose their saved values.
Open the "Heap Utilization" dialog for all controllers in the project. Check the
spare memory needed for online changes in each controller, according to the
explanation in Industrial IT, 800xA - Control and I/O, Addendum, Product
Data and Design. This is especially important when upgrading a controller
with PM856 or PM860.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Repeat Step 1 through Step 7 for all other projects.
Log Summary.
Add a Log Summary aspect to, e.g., the Root object in the Control Structure.
Perform an auto-correct of the references (via the context menu on any of the
log objects). Check if you have inconsistencies. If Yes, investigate the problem.
Compatibility Issues
Table 10 lists Control Builder M compatibility issues between versions. The
table includes descriptions and solutions to the issues.
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues
Shared Graphical Elements
In SB 2.1/2, shared graphical elements were placed directly
under Libraries in the Object Type Structure. These elements did
not belong to any library, but were accessible from all libraries.
These elements are, in this version, copied to the new library
SupportLib. The new library is present, but all standard libraries
still use the old shared elements. Additionally, the old shared
elements are renamed to OBSOLETE OldName, where
OldName is the name of the corresponding element in the
previous version.
ABB does not recommend using the present version of
SupportLib, because the contents of SupportLib will be changed
in the next release and will not be compatible with the
Redeploy Imported Graphics
If it is not possible to view imported displays or composite
graphic or faceplate elements, and they have unresolved
references, redeploy the included elements.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
The Visual Basic resize code of
the Display Element Reduced
Icon becomes corrupt after
deploy in Graphics Builder.
Valid for users that have copied a template object from, for
example, a Process Object Library, and are using its Display
Element Reduced Icon.
Remove the source comments around the UserControl_Resize
method before deploying the Display Element Reduced Icon.
Edit the Display Element Reduced Icon, removing the
comments, and then deploy the Display Element Reduced Icon.
The source comments are:
NOTE: Delete only the comment lines. Do not delete the source
code between the comment lines.
System Library
The SystemLib is split into two different libraries:
System: Includes firmware functions and data types that are
defined within firmware. This library is not version handled.
BasicLib: Includes the rest of the former SystemLib. This
library uses version handling.
Both libraries must always be inserted into the project.
Control Builder will display the Version Mismatch dialog when
downloading the project after upgrade to SV 4.x. Perform the
following so that the Cold Retain Values will not be lost.
1. If the Version Mismatch dialog indicates:
SystemLib not found
click Rename... and enter BasicLib.
2. The Version Mismatch dialog may also indicate several basic
data types; for example, ReallO, BoollO, etc. that are located
in the System library. Since the System library is automatically
connected to the applications in the project, it is not necessary to
rename the library. If this is the case, click Next mismatch.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
The SimpleEventDetector (AlarmEventLib) is changed to be
based on GUID instead of name.
Normally, the Source Name of a SimpleEventDetector should be
equal to Object Name of its owner. If that is the case, the
changed behavior will not be noticeable.
A SimpleEventDetector might, however, be associated with
another object after upgrade if the two names are not equal.
There will be no problems if the naming recommendation was
observed (using the same name for source name and object). If
the naming recommendation was not observed, alter the
application so the naming will comply with the naming
Process Object Libraries
This version contains enhanced versions (2.2/x) of the
ProcessObjBasicLib and ProcessObjExtLib libraries. These are
not fully compatible with the previous versions. The previous
versions (1.0/x) are included for upgrade reasons. Do not use
them for new applications.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
Communication Library
The CommunicationLib is split into the following smaller libraries:
They are fully compatible with the former CommunicationLib.
CommunicationLib (Version 1.0/0) is still included for upgrade
reasons, but will be removed in future versions.
The following steps are necessary when replacing the old library:
1. Open the project where CommunicationLib is still connected to
the applications/libraries.
2. Insert needed new communication libraries to the project, for
example MMSCommLib, if the MMS protocol is used.
3. Connect the inserted libraries to the applications/libraries in
the project.
4. Disconnect CommunicationLib from the applications/libraries.
All Function Blocks will automatically be replaced.
Perform the following additional steps for each instance of
1. Connect the FFH1CommLib (CCToFF, FFT0CC) or
2. Mark the instance in Project Explorer.
3. Right-click and select to replace the Type.
4. Disconnect the CommunicationLib.
5. Select the Type from the new library.
6. Save and close.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
Communication Library (cont)
Control Builder will display the Version Mismatch dialog when
downloading the project after upgrade to SV 4.x. Perform the
following so that the Cold Retain Values will not be lost.
If the Version Mismatch dialog indicates:
CommunicationLib not found
click Rename... and enter the name of the relevant
communication library.
Serial Library
SerialLib has been renamed to SerialCommLib.
Perform the following steps:
1. Open the project where SerialLib is still connected to the
2. Insert the SerialCommLib library to the project.
3. Connect the SerialCommLib to the applications/libraries in the
4. Disconnect SerialLib from the applications/libraries. All
Function Blocks will automatically be replaced.
Library Dependencies
Circular dependencies between libraries is no longer permitted.
The use of circular dependencies causes compilation errors.
RealIO Status
The status component of the RealIO data type has changed data
type from dInt to dWord. In most cases this change will be taken
care of automatically, but if the status component has been
referred to directly in application code, a manual change is
necessary. This also applies for any use in Process Graphics, for
example if the status has been used in a faceplate.
Hardware Definition Files
Version 4.1 requires that used HWD-files are of a newer syntax
version. The new version (3.3) of the GSD Import Tool has an
option to transform older HWD-files to the syntax that is required
by Version 4.1. This is only applicable for user-made HWD-files,
all standard HWD-files are updated. For detailed information,
refer to the Update HWD-files online help topic in the GSD
Import Tool.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
User-Defined Hardware
Definition Files when 1131application variables of type dInt
and dWord are written from the
application to I/O-channels.
The behavior has been undefined when the 1131-variable has a
very large value (larger than the maximum value possible to write
on a specific hardware unit). The very large value has really
been truncated, a hardware unit receiving 8-bit data has received
the 8 lowest bits in the dInt or dWord.
The behavior is redefined as follows:
S900 I/O Parameter Name
The hardware unit will be written with the largest, which is
different depending on hardware, possible value if 1131variable has a very large positive value.
The hardware unit will be written with the largest, which is
different depending on hardware, negative value if 1131variable has a very large negative value.
S900 I/O parameter names have been changed, which will result
in loss of configuration data when upgrading a project containing
S900 I/O modules.
Error messages will be given during upgrade of the project if it
has not been converted.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
S900 I/O Parameter Name
Changes (cont)
Before migrating a project, repeat the following steps for all *.con
files in the project that may contain S900 I/O modules.
1. Locate:
on in the System3\tools\ABB\CBMconS900Conv directory on the
800xA System Installation DVD 1.
2. Open a command prompt window and change to the directory
where the CBMconS900Conv.exe is present:
...\> CD Z:\tools\abb\CBMconS900Conv\
3. Enter CBMconS900Conv [path to project
folder]ControllerName.con. For example:
CBMconS900Conv ...\...Projects\MyProj\MyController.con.
4. Press Enter. The MyController.con file will be renamed to
MyController.bak, and a new converted MyController.con file will
be generated. A message that the file was converted
successfully will appear.
5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for all *.con files that includes S900
I/O modules.
Metafiles Locations
These files are not relocated on safe media during the source
code migration, which means that the image selectors will fail if
the paths to the image files are specified relative to the project
directory. If this happens; copy the files so that the used relative
path points to the files, or change the used path to explicitly point
to the image files (for example
Windows metafiles (wmf) or enhanced metafiles (emf) that are
used by image selectors in Control Module Diagrams are locally
stored on disk and need to be present on all Control Builder M
nodes. Only those with wmf and emf images included in Control
Module diagrams will be affected.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
CI840 must be upgraded to firmware Version 3.0/0 or later. The
CI840 firmware for upgrades will be located in the System1
directory on the 800xA System Installation DVD 1.
DP820 Scaling
DP820 frequency scaling has changed. The default setting in SB
2.1/2 was 0.0 to 1500000.0 Hz. It should now be -15.00000.0 to
+1500000.0 Hz. DP820 will show the wrong frequency value if
this change is not done.
Internal MMS Communication
The behavior of internal communication between two
between applications residing in applications in the same controller has changed.
the same controller.
This kind of communication is now asynchronous; all data may
no longer always be received in the same scan.
The SV 4.1 version of
ControlFuzzyLib is not fully
compatible with the SB 2.1/2
version of ControlFuzzyLib
1.0/0. Error messages may be
displayed when importing a SB
2.1/2 project to SV 4.1 if it
contains objects from
ControlFuzzyLib. If this
happens, the project
inconsistencies must be
repaired manually.
When upgrading SB 2.1/2 applications that have instances of the
control module types FuzzyController1CC, FuzzyController2CC,
or FuzzyController3CC from ControlFuzzyLib, these instances
will be inconsistent after the migration. To restore the instances
perform the following:
1. Save instance specific aspects (log aspects, graphics, etc.) if
there are any on the instances. Execute this by dragging and
dropping to the Import/Export tool.
2. Open the project in Control Builder. Set all inconsistent
instances as not aspect objects via the context menu: Properties
> Aspect Object. This will make the instance disappear in the
Object Type Structure/Control Structure.
3. Set the instances to aspect objects again.
4. Import the instance specific aspects from Step 1.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Table 10. Control Builder M Compatibility Issues (Continued)
There are more stringent
naming rules in 800xA System
Version 4.x than in previous
system versions. Therefore, in
Control Builder SV 4.x, the
instance names for variables,
function blocks, control
modules, etc. must be unique
within the object where the
instance is declared; for
example, a program or control
Change the duplicate instance names so that they are unique.
If the instance names are not
unique, when upgrading a
project from an older system
version and then trying to
download it, there may be error
messages during compilation,
such as:
The variable name
<name> is not unique
OPC Server for AC 800M. The memory setting for OPC Server needs to be set in
the Setup Wizard. This is the value recorded under Control IT for AC 800M Settings
on page 160. This OPC Data Source Definition aspect is set to its default during the
upgrade and must be checked that it is properly configured.
Manually restore the previously saved systemsetup.sys file to the following
ABB Industrial IT Data\Control IT Data\OPC Server for
AC 800M 4.1
Restore the configuration files (*.cfg) to the Files folder in the same location.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART (PROFIBUS/HART Device Integration).
This section describes how to restore the Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART
Load the additional system extensions for HART and PROFIBUS Device
Integration. Be sure the Control Structure (without Fieldbus and Device
Management Aspects) is imported before loading the system extensions.
Use the Import/Export tool to import the Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART
Import the Control Structure with only the Device Management Aspects.
Select Yes when asked to overwrite, except select No for the following
S800 modules:
AO 895.
Import the Control Structure with only the Fieldbus Management Aspects.
Select Yes when asked to overwrite.
The HART Object Types from SB 2.1/2 do not automatically contain the new
functionality of SV 4.1. These aspects must be included manually. Contact ABB
Technical Support.
Configure Fieldbus Objects (PROFIBUS/HART), which will be used in with
Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART, as described in the SV 4.1 product
Configure the system and aspect as described in the Getting Started section of
the PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration product instruction.
Update instantiated field device objects in the Control Structure to device object
types, which are included in the Device Integration Library. It is only possible to
exchange the object types by deleting and creating a new instantiation of the object
The instance data set of the field device is removed when the new object type is
selected. Synchronize the device and instance data set by performing a DTM
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board Files. To restore
800xA for Advant Master and 800xA for SafeGuard RTA Board files:
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
Safeguard Connect is referred to as 800xA for SafeGuard after the upgrade.
Restore the files:
to the folder
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\
AC 400 Connect\AdvantBase\Data\RTA\Init\
to the Connectivity where they belong.
Replace them if asked to do so.
Restart the RTA Board.
Engineering Studio. To restore Engineering Studio:
Engineering Base
Open the MS Excel Workbook:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\
Engineering Studio\Engineering Platform\upgrade\
Attach system (Bulk Data Manager > Attach System).
Save the contents of sheet 1 to the platform (Bulk Data Manager > Save) and
ignore eventual error messages.
Open the MS Excel Workbook:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\
Engineering Studio\Engineering Platform\upgrade\
Drop all Control Network objects from the Control Structure into the sheet.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Replace the Control Properties entries in the 1_SourceAspect column
with Control Builder Name.
Save data back (Bulk Data Manager > Save).
Asset Optimization. Use the following procedure after upgrading Asset
Asset Optimizer is referred to as Asset Optimization after the upgrade.
Asset Monitoring:
After upgrading, the Running Time Check Asset Monitor is referred to the
Runtime Asset Monitor.
Asset Monitoring directories must be restored on the Asset Optimization Server
If Runtime Asset Monitors are being used in the system, restore the
Runtime Asset Monitor data directory (DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore).
Assuming the default directory was selected during Asset Optimization
installation, the Runtime Asset Monitor data directory must be restored to
the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Restore the entire DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory. The Bin
directory contains the DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore data directory as well as
individual files named DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.dll and
DeviceRunTimeMSLogicStore.pdb. If the individual files are restored instead of
the entire data directory, the configuration will be lost.
The saved data contains the Runtime Asset Monitor data present at the time of the
save. Use the Runtime Asset Monitor faceplate to reset the asset monitors by
adding the lost time to their accumulated run time or with some known values
based on other records. Ignore any alarms occurring during the backup.
After restoring, open each file with notepad and save each file as a UNICODE file
by setting the encoding to UNICODE.
If XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitors are being used in the system,
restore the XY Profile Deviation Asset Monitor data directory
(XY_Reference_Profiles). Assuming the default directory was selected
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
during Asset Optimization installation, the XY_Reference_Profiles data
directory is located in the following directory:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Maximo Integration:
CMMS Connectivity is referred to as Maximo Integration after the upgrade.
If using Maximo Integration, restore the MxDef files to the appropriate
directory (assuming the default directory was selected during Asset
Optimization installation):
The Maximo Integration information must be restored on the Asset Optimization
Server node. Reference the Service Structure for the Asset Optimization Server.
\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
Where server_name is the combination of the MRO Server Name and the
MRO Application Server Name fields from the Maximo Equipment ID
aspect. These fields are configured in the Aspect System Structure in the
Maximo Equipment ID aspect. The resultant path to the MxDef files will
be similar to:
\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Optimize IT\Asset
This allows for customization of MxDef files on the Maximo server level
as well as the Maximo application server level. Refer to Maximo
documentation for an explanation of Maximo applications servers.
Configure Service Hostname.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain > AOServer1, AO Server
Select Asset Optimization Server in the Preview Pane.
The Service Hostname must be configured. It may be necessary to
navigate to the Service Structure to the AssetMonitoring Service Provider
aspect to set the Node value and enable the service. Click the navigation
button for convenience.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
The Service Status should read Service.
Verifying Asset Monitor aspects. Check Server Assignment and Assigned
to fields the Asset Monitor tab in the Config View of all Asset Monitor
aspects. These fields may upgrade as blank or unassigned.
Load all Asset Monitors.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.
Use the Object Browser to navigate to:
Root, Domain > Asset Optimization, Asset Optimization >
AO Server 1, AO Server
Select Asset Optimization Server in the Aspect List Area.
Select the Asset Monitors tab in the Preview Area.
Click Load all AMs.
Verify Maximo Equipment IDs. On all objects that have Maximo Equipment
ID aspects, verify that the aspect properties from the category have been
upgraded. Verify the MRO Server Name and MRO WebServer properties in all
Maximo Equipment ID aspects.
One of the new features in the AO 4.1 is a support for Object Type inheritance.
That is, an Asset Monitor on the Object Instance will be inheriting its
configuration from the Asset Monitor in the Object Type if it was created via
the Copy to all instances property check in the Type Definition aspect. When
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
importing a Pre 4.1 configuration the configuration inheritance changes shown
in Table 11 will be made:
Table 11. Configuration Inheritance Changes
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from
Object Type's Asset Monitor.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the object
type and the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box is selected.
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, Input
Records) if the configuration matches the
configuration in Object Type, inheritance values
will be set to TRUE, else to FALSE.
Asset Monitor is on the Object Type.
This Asset Monitor will be set to inherit from the
Asset Monitor category.
Asset Monitor is on the instance of the generic
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Corresponding Asset Monitor does not exist in
the Object Type.
Asset Monitor in the instance that has Object
Then for each of the 4 configuration tabs (Asset
Monitor, Conditions, Asset Parameters, and
Input Records) the configuration inheritance
values will be set to their pre 4.1 values.
Corresponding Asset Monitor exists in the object
type and the
Object Type Definition Aspect > Aspect
Control Tab > Copy to all instances
check box NOT selected.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Batch Management. To restore Batch Management:
Produce IT Batch is referred to as Batch Management after the upgrade.
Enable Batch Service Group
Verify that the primary Batch Server is in primary mode (P is displayed in the
Windows Task bar) and the secondary Batch Server is in secondary mode (S
displayed in the Windows Task bar). If the proper modes are not displayed,
enable the Batch Service Group before proceeding.
To enable the Batch Service Group:
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Select the Service Structure.
Select the Services\Batch Service, Service\batch_group_name, Service
Group\Service Group Definition aspect.
Select the Configuration tab.
Select the provider that is currently the secondary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Select the provider that is currently the primary Batch Server.
Enable the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Restore Batch Configuration Data
Use the batch restore function to restore PFC color configuration information
and batch ID. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - Production Management, Batch
Management, Configuration.
Use the batch history restore function to restore the batch history. Refer to
Industrial IT, 800xA - Production Management, Batch Management,
Configuration Migration
The following topics describe the steps necessary to restore Produce IT Batch
Version 2.x procedure and function data into a Batch Management SV 4.1
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Restored SB 2.x procedures are migrated to SV 4.1 procedures in the following
Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Procedure Structure.
Right-click a restored procedure or procedures object (denoted by a gray icon).
Select Migrate on the context menu to migrate only the selected procedure or
all the procedures within the selected procedures object. Select Migrate All to
migrate all the imported procedures within the Procedure Structure at one time.
To migrate SB 2.x functions into a SV 4.1 node:
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA >
Production Mgmt - Batch > Migration
Enable the Functions option in the Migration From Produce IT Batch 2.0
area of the Batch Migration window.
Enter the name and path of the backed up Produce IT Batch Version 2.1/1
function file in the XDC Function File field.
Specify the log (text) file that will contain the log entries generated during
the migration in the Log File area.
Specify if previous log file entries should be overwritten.
Click Start. Upon successful migration, the migration log is displayed
where the last entry confirms the success.
Authentication enabling will be moved to new aspects (Batch Cell
Authentication, Equipment Authentication, Development Procedure
Authentication, and Version Procedure Authentication). The user will need to
reconfigure the authentication types supported by Produce IT Batch Version
2.x and configure the Batch Management SV 4.1 authentication as needed.
Existing permission mapping must be reconfigured in order to function
correctly in the Batch Management SV 4.1 system.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Advanced Control Modules
In order to use the Batch Management advanced control modules, EPT
equipment phases will need to be re-engineered.
EPT Libraries and Applications
EPT projects that use the BatchLib 1.0/0 library will function correctly after
updating to Batch Management SV 4.1. However, an updated version of the
library (BatchLib 1.0-1) has been provided. To upgrade EPT projects to use the
BatchLib 1.0-1 library, replace the BatchLib 1.0/0 library using standard
procedures. After the project is upgraded and downloaded to the controllers,
either restart the Batch Server node (nonredundant batch systems) or failover
the primary Batch Server (redundant batch systems).
Information Management. This section describes how to restore all application and
configuration data that was exported, copied to a safe media, or documented prior to
installing the new software. Perform the following procedures:
Information Manager is referred to as Information Management after the
Stopping System Services on page 222.
Importing the SoftPoint Data on page 223.
Restoring the History Database on page 225.
Import Archives Created on the Information Manager 3.5/2 System to the New
System Version 4.1 Database on page 229.
Restoring Other Information Management Related Files on page 229.
Restore Service Group Configuration on page 184.
Verify that the system has been created on the Aspect Server, all nodes have been
added to the system, and all system extensions have been added before starting to
restore data.
Stopping System Services
Use PAS to stop the system services:
The path to PAS now changed to Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
This procedure can also be performed by using the pasgui command in the Run
dialog (Start > Run).
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
From the Windows Taskbar, select:
Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > PAS
Click Stop All in the PAS dialog. This will stop the Industrial IT Archive
If it is suspected that the Inform IT Archive Service has not stopped, it can be
stopped now by selecting the Inform IT Archive Service Provider for this node in
the Service Structure, selecting the Configuration tab on the Service Provider
Definition aspect, deselecting Enabled, and clicking Apply.
Use the Plant Explorer Workplace to stop the Basic History and Calculation
Server services.
Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure in the Plant
Explorer Workplace.
Use the Object Browser to select the applicable Service Provider object:
Basic History:
Basic History, Service > IM_Node Name, Service Group >
BasicHistory_Node Name, Service Provider
Calculation Server:
Calculation, Server > IM_Node Name, Service Group >
IM_Calculation Server_Node Name, Service Provider
Select Service Provider Definition in the Aspect List Area.
Click the Configuration tab.
Deselect the Enabled check box and click Apply.
Repeat Steps 3b through 3e for each service provider.
Importing the SoftPoint Data
Perform the following procedure to restore SoftPoint data.
Use the 800xA Import Export tool to restore the SoftPoint
SoftPoint_Backup_001,2,3.afw. The AFW files must be imported one file at a
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
time, and must be imported in the same order in which they were created by the
Export tool (starting with 001).
Skip errors caused by limiter aspects.
If the export file contains an aspect named Softpoint Configuration
Aspect, delete that aspect from the export file before importing.
This import creates a SoftPoint virtual control network for each Information
Management server where the SoftPoint server runs.
When the import is finished, run AdsFinalizeMigration tool (located in
Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\OperateIT\Common\bin\System\Utilities).
Perform the following set up for SoftPoints.
These procedures are described in detail in the section on SoftPoints in Industrial
IT, 800xA - Information Management, Configuration.
For each node where SoftPoint Services is installed:
Create a SoftPoint service group object and service provider object.
Configure a virtual control network in the Control structure for each
SoftPoint server.
The SoftPoint Generic Control Network object is created automatically (refer to
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation.) Perform the steps on adding the
Adapter Data Source Definition aspect and connecting the network to the
applicable OPCDA_Connector service provider.
Configure a Source Definition aspect for each network. This is required to
deploy the SoftPoints on their respective nodes.
Integrate the SoftPoint alarm and event messages into the 800xA System
message service.
Deploy the restored SoftPoint configuration. The Deploy function is not
enabled unless a change in the SoftPoint configuration has occurred since
the last deployment. Therefore you must simulate a change by making and
applying a small change and then reversing the change in order to enable
the deploy function.
Use the 800xA Import Export tool to restore:
ODA Table Definition aspects.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Calculation aspects.
Log Configuration aspects
Using the Calculation Status Viewer aspect in Calculation Server, manually
assign Calculations to Service Groups if previously in Service objects.
Restoring the History Database
To restore a backed up History database:
Use PAS to stop all Information Management processes.
Use the Windows Taskbar to select:
Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > PAS
Click Stop All in the PAS dialog. This will stop the Inform IT History
Service Provider.
If it is suspected that the Inform IT History Service Provider has not stopped, it
can be stopped now by selecting the Inform IT History Service Provider for this
node in the Service Structure, selecting the Configuration tab on the Service
Provider Definition aspect, deselecting Enabled, and clicking Apply.
Ensure that no third party applications access the Oracle database during the
restore operation.
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Information
Mgmt > History > Backup and Restore.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Select Restore configuration from a backup file(s) in the Welcome to IM
Historian Backup and Restore Utility dialog as shown in Figure 55.
Figure 55. Welcome to IM Historian Backup and Restore Utility Dialog
Click Next. IM Historian Database Restore dialog appears as shown in
Figure 56.
Figure 56. IM Historian Database Restore Dialog
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Specify the location of the backup files in the Path of IM historian backup:
field (Figure 56).
If you need to specify new mount points for file-based logs and/or a new Oracle
tablespace definition file, click Browse.
Click Next. The HsBAR Output Window appears.
Enable the Automatically close upon completion check box.
Monitor the progress in the Progress Status area of the IM Historian
Backup/Restore Utility window. Ignore the error messages indicating errors
deleting aspect.
Shortly after the message indicating the import is complete, the database
conversion tool will run automatically. Feedback will be provided in the
HsBAR window.
Shortly after the message indicating the database conversion is complete, the
history synchronization tool will run automatically. Again, feedback will be
provided in the HsBAR window.
If the restore operation fails with Oracle Error Message 1652 - Unable to
extend tmp segment in tablespace tmp - it may be due to a large OPC
message log which exceeds the tmp tablespace capacity during the restore
Use the Database Instance Maintenance wizard to increase the tmp tablespace.
The default size is 300 megabytes. Increase the tablespace in 300-megabyte
increments and retry the restore operation until it runs successfully.
10. Click Finish when a message stating the execution is complete is displayed as
shown in Figure 57.
Figure 57. Execution is Complete Message
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
If the Progress Status dialog has warning messages with possible solutions as
indicated in Figure 58, read the possible solutions carefully, then click Finish
and proceed with the solution that best fits your problem. Refer to the
Information Management Release Notes for further guidelines.
Figure 58. Progress Status Dialog
11. Start all processes under PAS supervision. This will start the Inform IT History
Service Provider.
If it is suspected that the Inform IT History Service Provider has not started, it can
be started now by selecting the Inform IT History Service Provider for this node
in the Service Structure, selecting the Configuration tab on the Service Provider
Definition aspect, selecting Enabled, and clicking Apply.
12. Start the Basic History Service Provider for this node:
Select the Basic History Service Provider object for the Information
Management node in the Service Structure in the Plant Explorer.
Select the Service Provider Definition aspect.
Select the Configuration tab.
Disable the Enabled option.
Click Apply.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Enable the Enabled option.
Click Apply.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
13. Go to the Scheduling Structure and verify that Archive jobs have been created
to carry out the scheduled archives that were configured on your Information
Manager version 3.5/2 system. Check both the Archive Action aspect and the
Scheduling Definition aspect.
Import Archives Created on the Information Manager 3.5/2 System to the
New System Version 4.1 Database
Data cannot be read from archives made on the version 3.5/2 system until the
archive data is imported to the new system. This is done using the Archive
Import tool as described in the section on reading archive data in Industrial IT,
800xA - Information Management, Operation.
Restoring Other Information Management Related Files
There are several other files related to Information Management that need to be
restored as part of total system restore.
More detailed instructions for this procedure can be found in the section on
restoring individual Information Manager applications in the appropriate
Information Manager instruction.
Reports: Restore any report template files created in Microsoft Excel,
DataDirect, and/or Crystal Reports. Also restore report output files created
as a result of running these reports via the Scheduling Services.
References are not changed to the new message log
(IMMSGLOG_IPaddress) for any report from SB 2.1/2 that referenced
IMEventlogs (IMEventLog_IPaddress). The name is case sensitive. For
IM consolidate actions, change the message log reference as described
Desktop Trends: Restore trend display, ticker display, and tag explorer
files. The location has changed to: Documents and Settings\user\My
Documents\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\Desktop Trends\Ticker files or
Display Services: Restore the directories for custom users, as well as
display and user element definitions.
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
DataDirect: Restore custom text files for object, object type, and attribute
menus used on the DataDirect windows.
Check Archive Path Specifications: If the disk configuration has
changed from the previous system to the new system (i.e. letter
designations for disks have changed: C,D,E, and so on), check the archive
device configurations to make sure the Archive Path specification points to
the correct disk drive and directory, Figure 59.
Figure 59. Checking the Archive Path Specification
Reset the Last Archive Time for all Archive Groups: After the upgrade,
the timed archive schedules that were formerly defined via the Archive
Group objects, will now be defined via the combination of Archive Group
definitions and Scheduling Job Description objects with Archive Action
aspects. Before these jobs can run, the last archive time must be reset for
all archive groups. A prompt will appear, as shown in Figure 60, when an
Archive Action aspect is opened in the Scheduling Structure.
Figure 60. Prompt to Reset the Last Archive Time
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
The last archive time for an archive group can be reset in the Archive
Action aspect as shown in Figure 61.
-orGo to the Archive Group object in the Node Administration structure,
select the group, right-click and choose Reset Last Archive Time from
the context menu as shown in Figure 62.
In either case, use the dialog to set the last archive time to a time in the
Figure 61. Resetting Last Archive Time Via the Archive Action Aspect
Figure 62. Resetting last Archive Time Via an Archive Group Definition
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Basic History Data. To restore Basic History data:
Stop the Basic History Service Provider from the Service Structure.
Import exported log template aspects and log configuration aspects, if not
previously done.
Start the Basic History History Service Provider from the Service Structure.
Make sure you have a safe copy of the History data log files before performing
the steps.
Also check that the system with version 4.1 is running with all objects including
History log configuration and that Log configuration consistency is corrected.
Open the AdvHtArchiveTool, found in the product bin directory, located by
default at:
...\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Process Portal A \bin
Use the File/Select/open Archive command and browse to the directory
containing the history log files.
When upgrading History log data from SB 2.1 to SV 4.1 with AC800 objects,
references to aspects needs to be updated, because the identities will be changed
when upgrading.
Use the Action/Validate Item command, were status of the individual History
data logs will be displayed.
Validate the results. If all History data logs shows good status, continue
with Step 7.
Use the Action/Repair Item References command - This will repair the
files with bad item references.
Use the Action\Insert Data into logs command and the data will be merged into
the existing logs.
Recreate the Configuration Changes
Recreate all required configuration changes that could not be saved via backup
utilities. These configuration changes were recorded prior to the upgrade according
to Document All Configuration Changes on page 179.
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Restore Application and Configuration Data
Process Portal A (Affinities, Securities, Service, and User Structure). To
recreate the configuration changes for Process Portal A:
Affinity definitions must be recreated; however, this cannot be done until you
have configured redundancy for Aspect Servers and parallel Connectivity Servers
as described in Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Post Installation.
Recreate the Service Structure.
Recreate all users. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Administration and
Security for details.
If the domain controller is upgraded at the same time as the system software,
reconfigure the security settings. Refer to Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
Administration and Security for details.
800xA for Advant Master. To recreate configuration changes for 800xA for Advant
AC 400 Connect is referred to as 800xA for Advant Master after the upgrade.
If reversed time synchronization mode was activated before the upgrade,
reconfigure the time synchronization registry key (REVERSED_SYNC_MODE
parameter) on:
Set the network and node address for the RTA Board with the RTA Board
Settings function in the Configuration Wizard.
Restart the node.
SMS and e-mail Messaging. To recreate configuration changes for SMS and e-
mail Messaging:
The Messenger Service is referred to as SMS and e-mail Messaging after the
System Backup
Section 4 Upgrading SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Recreate the configuration according to the configuration information recorded
before the upgrade.
It may be necessary to stop and start the Messenger Server Service in the Service
Structure after the SMS and e-mail Messaging restore operation.
System Backup
Make a complete backup of the upgraded system as described in System Backup on
page 159.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Some third party software may offer a web browser popup blocker. Do not use
them with the thin client portions of the integrated applications (specifically
Asset Optimization), since these applications open child window browsers to
display application data for the user. If a popup blocker is being used on a web
browser, disable it during use of these web based applications.
This appendix details the third party software that has been evaluated for use with
the 800xA System. The 800xA System has been found to be fully compatible and
functional with this software as of the date of this document. Refer to ABB
Solutions Bank for an up to date, comprehensive listing of all software that has been
evaluated including service patches and hot fixes released following the 800xA
System release. The complete list of software can be found at:
Table 12 lists the Microsoft Windows operating system software. Table 13 lists the
other Microsoft software programs that have been determined as needed to properly
run and interface with 800xA System software. The tables also detail the service
packs and hot fixes that the 800xA System software has been found to be
compatible with.
Table 14 lists other third party programs that may be needed with the various 800xA
System software packages.
Some of the software is included with the 800xA installation DVDs. In all cases, the
affect of any software should be determined for each installation particularly where
there may be interfaces external to the 800xA System.
Unless otherwise indicated, Microsoft service packs and hot fixes are not
included with 800xA System software. They can be downloaded from:
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 12. Microsoft Operating System Software
Windows Server
Windows 2000
Hot Fixes
How Supplied
Vendor supplied.
Vendor supplied.
Included with 800xA.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 12. Microsoft Operating System Software (Continued)
Windows XP
Hot Fixes
How Supplied
Vendor supplied.
1. Q825237 was replaced by KB835517. Either one can be used.
Table 13. Microsoft Software
.Net Framework
.Net Framework
Hot Fixes
How Supplied
Software and Service Packs
Included with 800xA. Hot fixes
are vendor supplied.
Installed by Windows XP
Professional SP2 and
Windows Server 2003 SP1.
Included with 800xA and
manually installed for
Windows 2000 Server.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 13. Microsoft Software (Continued)
Internet Explorer
Internet Information Server
Part of Windows XP and
Windows 2000 Server.
Internet Information Server
Part of Windows Server 2003.
Hot Fixes
Included with 800xA and
manually installed for
Windows 2000 Server.
Included and installed with
Windows XP Professional SP2
Included and installed with
Windows Server 2003 SP1
Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP1
Installed as part of Windows
XP Professional SP2 and
Windows Server 2003.
Included with 800xA and
manually installed for
Windows 2000 Server.
MSDE - 2000
How Supplied
Included and installed when
Engineering Studio is
selected; otherwise, vendor
supplied. Q823490 included
with 800xA. MS03-031 vendor
Part of Windows Operating
Included and installed with
MSXML (Windows 2000
Server SP4)
Included with 800xA.
MSXML (Windows XP
Professional SP2)
Vendor supplied.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 13. Microsoft Software (Continued)
MSXML (Windows Server
2003 SP1)
Vendor supplied.
Included with 800xA.
Office 2003 - Excel
Hot Fixes
How Supplied
Vendor supplied.
Office 2003 - Word
Office 2003 - FrontPage
Office XP - Excel 2002
Vendor supplied.
Office XP - Word 2002
SNMP driver
WMI-SNMP Provider
SQL Server 2000 Personal
Automatically installed with
Windows Operating Systems;
however, it must be enabled.
The Windows CD will be
required for Windows 2000
Included and installed with
Included with 800xA
SQL Server 2000 Standard
SQL Server 2000 Standard Client
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 13. Microsoft Software (Continued)
Visual BASIC Professional
Visual BASIC Runtime
Visual C7
Hot Fixes
How Supplied
Visual BASIC Professional
software purchased separately
using 800xA price list or from
another vendor. SP6 included
with 800xA.
Included and installed with
Runtime DLL
Windows Installer
Part of Windows 2000 Server
and Windows Server 2003
Operating Systems. Will only
exist on a node if it is an
Windows Installer
Part of Windows XP
Professional SP2.
Windows Installer
Part of Windows Server 2003
Table 14. Other Third Party Software
How Supplied
Vendor supplied.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Included with 800xA
Included and installed by 800xA.
Vendor supplied.
Vendor supplied.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 14. Other Third Party Software (Continued)
Autodesk VoloView Express
> 2.01
Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server,
Standard Edition
Crystal Report1
8.5, 9.0, and
Forehelp Premier 2001
Intergraph INtools
Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation
Maximo SDK for Business Components
Maximo Server
Purchased separately using 800xA
price list (3BSE037962) if DMS
Calibration Integration functionality
is selected.
Included and installed by 800xA.
Purchased separately and installed
on non-800xA node if Process
Engineering Tool Integration is
Included and installed by 800xA.
4.1, 4.11, 5.1 Purchased separately from MRO
Software, Inc. if Maximo Integration
4.1, 4.11, 5.1 functionality is selected.
OPC DA Auto 2.02 Merge Module 5.00
OPC Core Components 2.00
Included with 800xA
Vendor supplied.
DMS Server and Client
Matrikon OPC Server for IEC 60870
How Supplied
Included and installed by 800xA.
Included with 800xA.
8 Client 2
Sentinel System Driver (Dongle)
Purchased separately from SAP,
AG if SAP/PM Integration
functionality is selected.
Included and installed with 800xA.
Appendix A Third Party Software for SV 4.1
Table 14. Other Third Party Software (Continued)
Symbol Factory ActiveX Library
Sysinternal - Handle.exe
2.0 (bld 140)
How Supplied
Vendor supplied. Required when
Maximo Integration is used with
Asset Optimization.
Included and installed with 800xA.
Included and installed with 800xA.
SysInternal - ListDLLs.exe
SysInternal - PSList.exe
1. PPA OLE/DB Provider will only work with Crystal Report Version 8.5. IM will work with either Crystal Report
Version 9.0 or 10.0.
2. Oracle 8 Client software is required if the IM Server (Version 4.1) will interact with History Services on a
Unix-based Enterprise Historian 2.2/n server. This is because Enterprise Historian is based on Oracle 7, and
Oracle 9 can not communicate directly with Oracle 7. If required, the Oracle 8 Client must be installed before
Oracle 9. Oracle 8 can not be installed after Oracle 9. Therefore, if there is any intention of using the Oracle
8 Client, install it before Oracle 9.
Appendix B Warning and Error Messages
The warning and error messages that can be generated by the 800xA backup/restore
function are described in the following topics. Suggested solutions are also
Failed to Serialize Aspect
Tue Jul 01 08:41:03 2003 [Error]: Failed to serialize aspect 'Operator Messages
Link Display' on object 'Web System Workplace'
It is not possible for the Backup function to save the aspect data.
Check in the system for the behavior of this aspect.
ASO Object Class xxxx
did not Implement IAfwAspectSystemObject. Failed to Create ASO. Forgot to
Register dll?
Tue Jun 10 19:02:17 2003 [Error]: ASO object class {7B7A13B3-8BB4-42A38289-987C579797C2}did not implement IAfwAspectSystemObject Failed to create
ASO. Forgot to register dll?
This often occurs when a system extension is used, but not installed on the node
from where the backup is taken. It can also happen if an update of a system
extension has been installed, but not added to the system.
Appendix B Warning and Error Messages
Install all system extensions on the node from where the backup is taken. Make sure
that the correct version of the system extension is installed.
[Warning] c:\PPABackup\MyBackup\UnplacedObjects.afw created
During backup process, the backup tool goes through all structures, if there is an
object that doesn't exist in any structure, it will be placed in UnplacedObjects.afw
and write a warning in the backup log, therefore, UnplacedObjects.afw is used for
all objects which miss the structure.
Check if there is any important object in UnplacedObjects.afw. If there is an
important object in UnplacedObjects.afw, your backup is considered to be not
complete. In such case, investigate what kind of object it is, and try to repair the
system. One solution could be to add the object into the structure it should belong
to. Take another backup.
The System Cannot Find the Path Specified
Error detected for aspect 'Empty A3P' of object 'Document Manager
Templates/Document Manager File Templates/Drawings'
Tue Jun 08 00:43:30 2004 The system cannot find the path specified.
EbServiceHandler: Object Id = {9AFACBA5-6B6A-462A-9EDF-78765740CD52},
Aspect Id = {89F8A8C4-10F7-4874-B77D-A8E6445D5C93}
EbServiceHandler: Failed to load document into stream!
Appendix B Warning and Error MessagesSystem Extension ´xxxx´ with ID ´Guid` is not Installed on
When the backup was taken, the FSD cache was set too low. All data has NOT been
backed up. There should be warnings in the System Event list about overflow in the
Fsd cache.
Increase the Fsd Cache size (for all nodes).
System Extension ´xxxx´ with ID ´Guid` is not Installed on this Node
System extension 'Engineering Base' with id {B775BEA4-7859-4649-AE16901790822886} is not installed on this node.
System extension 'AC800M Con 31SP1' with id {6F388AEC-E4FF-4614-AF801D37EC3B141F} is not installed on this node.
There is a system extension, which is not available in the node where the backup is
taken, or which is not properly removed. The latter can be the case if AC800
Connect has been upgraded and the old version is still registered in Industrial IT
Use a backup node where all system extensions are installed.
Timeout by External Service
Thu Mar 04 02:34:55 2004 #1: Receiving files
Thu Mar 04 02:34:56 2004 #1: Receiving files
Thu Mar 04 02:34:57 2004 #1: Receiving files
Thu Mar 04 02:34:57 2004 #1: Finishing
Thu Mar 04 02:34:58 2004
Thu Mar 04 02:35:08 2004 TimeOut by External Service
Graphic Aspect = xxx Cannot be Imported.
Appendix B Warning and Error Messages
History or System Message data was backed up using the backup/restore function.
This functionality is not yet supported.
History and System Message data has to be saved manually, as described in
reference [2] Release Notes. Create a new backup, without including History or
System Message data.
Graphic Aspect = xxx Cannot be Imported.
Mon Mar 29 19:52:32 2004 [Error]: Object = WI Mezzanine Deck, graphic aspect =
Page Prev cannot be imported. Source directory =
Could be different reasons.
Check the source directory specified in the error message. The log file in this
directory should give some hints of what caused the problem.
Too Many Aspects of Category
Sat Jun 05 17:04:33 2004: Too many aspects of category 'Name' on object
Sat Jun 05 17:04:34 2004: Import/Export Error: Object {82416BDF-5464-4422A443-35E08E1065BE} ({82416BDF-5464-4422-A443-35E08E1065BE}) E_AFW_AD_TOO_MANY_ASPECTS (0x8abb081b) To many aspect of a specific
Sat Jun 05 17:04:34 2004: Failed to restore file C:\BWSC\BWSC Full Backup;
2004-06-03; 03-00\Control Structure28.afw. The importer returned hr =
Appendix B Warning and Error Messages
Aspect Category is Missing
The system was inconsistent at backup time (there were more than one aspect of
category 'Name' on an object). The backup does not react on this, but restore will
fail. The restore part will be fixed in a later release (it will be possible to import such
an object, but a warning will be granted).
Open the file (in this case Control Structure28.afw) with the old import/export
utility (<Install path>\bin\AfwImportExport_obsolete.exe), search for the aspect
category and manually remove one of the two aspect categories.
Aspect Category is Missing
Sat Jun 05 16:41:27 2004: Aspect '{506D9D24-E22A-4EDB-AFB00753B6DB6990}' on object 'SoftPoint Object Types' cannot be restored because the
aspect category is missing
Sat Jun 05 16:41:27 2004: ObjectId: {9574CC3B-0E5E-4B14-A83EF483CCDE6E44}
Sat Jun 05 16:41:27 2004: AspectId: {506D9D24-E22A-4EDB-AFB00753B6DB6990}
One or more aspect categories have been removed, while there are aspects of that
category still in the system. This inconsistency was present in the system when the
backup was taken.
If the aspect category has been removed then these aspects may not be of interest
any more. Check if the aspects are needed. If not, ignore this message.
Unknown Transaction Error
Example 1
Mon Apr 19 13:39:40 2004: Unknown transaction error
Unknown Transaction Error
Appendix B Warning and Error Messages
If this is the only error message, there is probably a problem with some windows
Check your windows resources.
Example 2
Mon Jun 28 08:37:08 2004: Loading C:\BACKUP\Full Backup; 2004-06-23; 1039\Aspect System Structure0.afw ...
Mon Jun 28 08:37:09 2004: Aspect 'Batch Management Operation' on object 'Batch
Management Documents' failed to unserialize itself.
Mon Jun 28 08:37:09 2004: ObjectId:
Mon Jun 28 08:37:09 2004: AspectId:
It is not possible for the Restore function to restore the aspect data.
No solution available.
800xA for Harmony
Adding optional Harmony connectivity server
nodes 131
Harmony alarm and event OPC provider 129
Harmony aspect directory
synchronization 131
800xA for Melody
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 29
AC 400 connect
Document configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 180
Recreate configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 233
AC 400 connect RTA board files
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.0 171
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
AC 800M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 157
Importing application data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 187
License upgrade
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 158
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 118
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 81, 121
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 27, 53
Product upgrade
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 159
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 161
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 160
Adding optional Harmony connectivity server
nodes 131
Advant master
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/3 to SV 4.0 128
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 57
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.0 84
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 28
Asset optimization
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 172
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 133
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 63
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 86
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 31
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 216
Basic history service
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/3 to SV 4.0 153
Basic history service data
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 101
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 38
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 140
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 69
Batch management
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 174
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 92
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 36
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 220
Batch management, advanced control modules
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Batch management, authentication
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 221
Batch management, batch configuration data
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 220
Batch management, configuration migration
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 220
Batch management, security
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 221
Calculation service
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 99
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 38
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 151
Caution icon 13
Central Licensing System
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 80
Communications Configuration Tool 60
Control builder M
Compatibility issues
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 205
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 171
Library connection upgrader
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 202
Manually reconnecting libraries
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 203
Redeploying graphics
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 204
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 199
Upgrading application program
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 202
Copying files to safe media
AC 400 connect RTA board files
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.0 171
Asset optimization
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 172
Batch management
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 174
Control builder M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 171
History data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 170
Information management
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 174
Information management, history database
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 175
Information management, other files
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 178
Information management, service group
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 177
Information management, soft point
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 176
OPC server for AC 800M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 171
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 170
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 170
Core functions
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 114
Document configuration changes
AC 400 connect
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 180
Information management
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 181
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 179
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 179
SMS and e-mail messaging
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 180
Document conventions 12
Documentation, related 14
EMC directive 89/336/EEC 14
Engineering studio
Post upgrade
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 63
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 86
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 30
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Engineering studio, allocation
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Engineering studio, engineering base
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Export procedure
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 162
Exporting application data
Export procedure
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 162
From specific structures
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 163
Naming conventions
SB 2.1/2 to 4.1 162
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 162
Exporting from specific structures
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 163
External alarm service group
Post upgrade
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 157
System preparation and shutdown
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 81
Firmware memory consumption 20
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 122
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 54
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 82
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 128
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 57
Harmony alarm and event OPC provider 129
Harmony aspect directory synchronization 131
Harmony connect
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 85
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 29
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 214
History data
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to 4.1 170
How to use this instruction 11
Icons, warning, caution, information, tip 13
Import procedure
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 189
Importing application data
AC 800M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 187
From specific structures
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 189
Import procedure
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 189
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 186
Importing from specific structures
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 189
Information icon 13
Information management
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 161
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 174
Document configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 181
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 142
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 94
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 38
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Upgrade from SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 41
Information management, history database
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 175
Information management, importing soft point data
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 223
Information management, other files
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 178
Information management, restoring history
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 225
Information management, restoring service group
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 184
Information management, service group
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 177
Information management, soft point
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 176
Information management, stopping system services
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Intended user 11
Low voltage directive 72/23/EEC 14
Memory consumption 20
Microsoft software 237
Minimum hardware requirements 20
MOD Graphic Subelements
MOD_DValue 59
MOD_DValue 59
Naming conventions
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 162
OCS Graphic Subelements
MOD_DValue 59
OMF 60
OPC server for AC 800M
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 171
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 213
Operating system software 236
Other third party software 240
PAS user account
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 142
PC, network and software monitoring
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 137
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 66
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 89
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 34
Planning 19
PLC connect
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 131
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 61
PreEvent.dll 30, 62, 86, 132
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 85
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 29
PreTreat2.dll 29, 61, 85, 132
Post upgrade
SB2.1/2 to SV 4.1
External alarm service group 157
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.0
Advant master 128
Basic history service 153
RTA board 128
SafeGuard 128
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 113
AC 800M 118
Asset optimization 133
Batch 140
Calculations 151
Core functions 114
FOUNDATION Fieldbus 122
Harmony 128
Information management 142
PAS user account 142
PC, network and software monitoring 137
PLC connect 131
Scheduling 151
Set point 149
SMS and e-mail messaging 140
System message service 152
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 52
Advant master 57
Asset optimization 63
Batch 69
Engineering studio 63
FOUNDATION Fieldbus 54
Harmony 57
PC, network and software monitoring 66
PLC connect 61
RTA board 57
SafeGuard 57
Scheduling 75
Copying files to safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 170
Document configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 179
Recreate configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 233
PreEvent.dll 30, 62, 86, 132
PreTreat2.dll 29, 61, 85, 132
Restoring files from safe media
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 214
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 127
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 84
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 28
Recreate configuration changes
AC 400 connect
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 233
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 233
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 232
SMS and e-mail messaging
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 234
Restore application and configuration data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 184
Restore runtime history and event data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.0 153, 232
Restoring files from safe media
AC 400 connect RTA board files
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Asset optimization
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 216
Batch management
SB 2.1/2 to 4.1 220
Batch management, advanced control modules
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Batch management, authentication
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 221
Batch management, batch configuration data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 220
Batch management, configuration migration
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 220
Batch management, EPT libraries and
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Batch management, security
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 221
Control builder M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 199
Control builder M, compatibility issues
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 205
Control builder M, library connection upgrader
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 202
Control builder M, manually reconnecting
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 203
Control builder M, redeploying graphics
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 204
Control builder M, upgrading application
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 202
Engineering studio
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Engineering studio, allocation
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
Engineering studio, engineering base
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 215
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 214
Information management
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
Information management, importing soft point
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 223
Information management, restoring history
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 225
Information management, restoring service
group definitions
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 184
Information management, stopping system
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 222
OPC server for AC 800M
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 213
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 214
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 198
RTA board
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/3 to SV 4.0 128
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 57
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/3 to SV 4.0 128
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 57
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.0 84
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 28
Save application and configuration data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 160
SB 2.1/2 to 4.1
Recreate configuration changes
AC 400 connect 233
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.0
Copying files to safe media
AC 400 connect RTA board files 171
Restore runtime history and event data 153,
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 155
AC 800M
Project 161
Settings 160
AC 800M considerations 157
License upgrade 158
Product upgrade 159
Copying files to safe media 170
Asset optimization 172
Batch management 174
Control builder M 171
History data 170
Information management 174
Information management, history
database 175
Information management, other files 178
Information management, service group
configuration 177
Information management, soft point 176
OPC server for AC 800M 171
PPA 170
Document configuration changes 179
AC 400 connect 180
Information management 181
PPA 179
SMS and e-mail messaging 180
Exporting application data 162
Export procedure 162
From specific structures 163
Naming conventions 162
Importing application data 186
AC 800M 187
From specific structures 189
Import procedure 189
Information management
Considerations 161
Recreate configuration changes 232
PPA 233
SMS and e-mail messaging 234
Restore application and configuration data 184
Restoring files from safe media 198
AC 400 connect RTA board files 215
Asset optimization 216
Batch management 220
Batch management, advanced control
modules 222
Batch management, authentication 221
Batch management, batch configuration
data 220
Batch management, configuration
migration 220
Batch management, EPT libraries and
applications 222
Batch management, security 221
Control builder M 199
Control builder M, compatibility
issues 205
Control builder M, library connection
upgrader 202
Control builder M, manually reconnecting
libraries 203
Control builder M, redeploying
graphics 204
Control builder M, upgrading application
program 202
Engineering studio 215
Engineering studio, allocation 215
Engineering studio, engineering base 215
HART 214
Information management 222
Information management, importing soft
point data 223
Information management, restoring
history database 225
Information management, restoring
service group definitions 184
Information management, stopping system
services 222
OPC server for AC 800M 213
Save application and configuration data 160
System backup 159, 234
Upgrade activities 157, 182
Upgrade order 155
Verify exported data 181
SB2.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post upgrade
External alarm service group 157
Scheduler service
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 99
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 37
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 151
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 75
Set point
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 149
SMS and e-mail messaging
Document configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 180
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 140
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 90
Recreate configuration changes
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 234
EMC directive 89/336/EEC 14
Low voltage directive 72/23/EEC 14
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.0
Post upgrade
Advant master 128
Basic history service 153
RTA board 128
SafeGuard 128
System preparation and shutdown
Advant master 84
RTA board 84
SafeGuard 84
Stopping windows services 40, 103
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1
Post upgrade 113
AC 800M 118
Asset optimization 133
Batch 140
Calculations 151
Core functions 114
FOUNDATION fieldbus 122
Harmony 128
Information management 142
PAS user account 142
PC, network and software monitoring 137
PLC connect 131
Scheduling 151
Set point 149
SMS and e-mail messaging 140
System message service 152
System preparation and shutdown 79
AC 800M 81, 121
Asset optimization 86
Basic history service data 101
Batch management 92
Calculation service 99
Central Licensing System 80
Engineering studio 86
External alarm service group 81
FOUNDATION fieldbus 82
Harmony connect 85
Information management 94
PC, network and software monitoring 89
PLC connect 85
Scheduler service 99
SMS and e-mail messaging 90
System message and alarm and event
services 80
System message service data 100
System restore 107
System upgrade 105
Upgrade activities 79, 104
Upgrade order 77
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1
Information management upgrade 41
Post upgrade 52
Advant master 57
Asset optimization 63
Batch 69
Engineering studio 63
FOUNDATION fieldbus 54
Harmony 57
PC, network and software monitoring 66
PLC connect 61
RTA board 57
SafeGuard 57
Scheduling 75
System extensions 50
System preparation and shutdown 26
800xA for Melody 29
AC 800M 27, 53
Advant master 28
Asset optimization 31
Basic history service data 38
Batch management 36
Calculation service 38
Engineering studio 30
Harmony connect 29
Information management 38
PC, network and software monitoring 34
PLC connect 29
RTA board 28
SafeGuard 28
Scheduler service 37
Upgrade order 23
System backup 101
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 159, 234
System checker 17
System extensions
Update from SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 50
System language package 18
System message and alarm and event services
System preparation and shutdown
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 80
System message service
Post upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 152
System message service data
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 100
System preparation and shutdown
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.0
Advant master 84
RTA board 84
SafeGuard 84
Stopping windows services 40, 103
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 79
AC 800M 81, 121
Asset optimization 86
Basic history service data 101
Batch management 92
Calculation service 99
Central Licensing System 80
Engineering studio 86
External alarm service group 81
FOUNDATION Fieldbus 82
Harmony connect 85
Information management 94
PC, network and software monitoring 89
PLC connect 85
Scheduler service 99
SMS and e-mail messaging 90
System message and alarm and event
services 80
System message service data 100
SV 4.0 to SV 4.1 26
800xA for Melody 29
AC 800M 27, 53
Advant master 28
Asset optimization 31
Basic history service data 38
Batch management 36
Calculation service 38
Engineering studio 30
Harmony connect 29
Information management 38
PC, network and software monitoring 34
PLC connect 29
RTA board 28
SafeGuard 28
Scheduler service 37
System restore
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 107
System upgrade
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 105
Third party software 235
Microsoft 237
Operating system 236
Other 240
Tip icon 13
Upgrade activities
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 157, 182
SV 3.1/2 to SV 4.1 79, 104
Upgrade order
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 155
Verify exported data
SB 2.1/2 to SV 4.1 181
Warning and error messages 243
Warning icon 13
Windows services, stopping 40, 103
3BSE036342R4101. Printed in Sweden June 2005
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