Click to view our Summer / Fall Crier online.
Click to view our Summer / Fall Crier online.
FEAT UR ES The Race Is Not Over If there ever was an action word for this Ministry it has always been, EVANGELISM. Every tract, Bible study and pamphlet is geared and produced for one purpose. That purpose is to reach a heart and save a soul from an eternity away from our God and His blessings. We all should work harder to cultivate an urgency and purpose in life of reaching out to others in order to create a circumstance where we will be able to s h a re the G o od News of J e su s . There is no better analogy than a race to consider as we think about living our lives in obedience to God’s will. We have a Holy task before us. First of all, we must accept the responsibility of our work. As it states in Hebrews 12:1 on the front cover, we must start by laying aside every weight (anything which hinders, sidetracks or in any way makes us ineffective). The Word is correct when it says that sin can easily beset us. Let us run with patience and perseverance. The use of either word from the translation you have is applicable and illustrative for us. We truly must have patience. We need patience to endure criticism and lack of interest shown to God’s message by many. We need perseverance if that is your word. The dictionary has tenacity as a synonym of perseverance. It says tenacity and thereby perseverance, accents will power. We should have these as elements of our personal resolve to steadfastly stay-the-course God has given us to run. In order to stay in this race, we MUST keep our eyes on Jesus, our Savior, who is the author and finisher of our faith. I read that in the Greek, the word ’our’ is not there. It stands that Jesus is the personification of faith (faith, itself). I like that. Jesus had a deep sense of joy. It came not from enduring hatred and rejection. It came from the inner knowledge of His mission. He knew that by suffering as no one ever had done before, He was providing a way as He was The Way. This way would lead to reconciliation to the Father for us all; even those who were far-off. That would be you and me. As participants in the race, as is with every kind of race, the runners must train and practice. That should be a continual activity with us all. Especially with a race effecting eternal destiny Now to the theme of this issue: The race is not over. It will be one of these days, but not yet. Let’s get started. As you also can see on the front cover, there WHAT ONE TRACT CAN DO! REMEMBER YOUR FIRST LOVE PASSING THE BATON EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED OWNERSHIP & POLICY STATEMENT The Crier is the property of the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry. James Satcher is the editor and is responsible for all editorials and all copy bearing his name. Pictures and reports from the mission field and articles dealing with missions and the Great Commission are welcome. 2 Continued on 10 Many times we would like to do something in memory of a loved one or friend. Why not store up treasure in Heaven by contributing to their memory or in their honor? A gift to the Spanish Literature Ministry will help to win souls. What greater gift could there be? IN MEMORIAM IN HONOR OF _____________________________________ Full Name of Deceased (please print) Living Gift $_______ Mr./Mrs./Miss ______________________________ Please print full name _____________________________________________________________ Gift made by (Contributor’s Name) _____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________ City State Zip Please Send Notice of this GIFT to: Name______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________ $_________ PLEASE SEND NOTICE OF THIS MEMORIAL GIFT TO: Donor(s) Mr./Mrs./Miss ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Name Relationship to Deceased _____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address Mailing Address__________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Electronic fund transfer or Draft enrollment form We are now able to execute electronic transfer of funds (ACH). If you would like to help us financially and would prefer not to have to write and mail a check each month, we can set up a transfer for your account. We will be doing all existing and new “Drafts” in this manner. If you would like to provide your email address, a notification will be sent directly to you on the day before the transfer. Please know that we appreciate you very much and will continue to use your gift with prayer and restraint. Below is the form to set up a new transfer or to supply your email address if you have a Draft with us. Electronic fund transfer or Draft authorization form Date:_______________________ Name as it appears on your account: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Amount: $_____________ Email address: _________________________________________ This is to authorize Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry to execute a fund transfer from my account on the __________day of each month. Signature: ___________________________________ FYI: we can also process your donation by a credit card 3 NICARAGUA There are so many people facing multiple adversities in our country. The need of showing and spreading the love of God is so necessary to give hope to them. We appreciate each piece of literature that comes out of your print shop; it is the only vehicle we have to let others know that no matter how bad things seem, we have a living God who listens to our sorrows and will dry every tear we shed in such difficult times. Raul Rodriguez MEXICO Thank you for your unconditional love for the non-believers even without knowing them. Your love is what motivates us to continue working, trying to spread the good news of Jesus. We love you, your ministry and everything you represent. The church of Christ is really blessed by having such members who dedicate their time, money and lives to the cause of the Gospel. Gabriel Marfileño COLOMBIA We received yesterday the box containing the books “Panorama de la Biblia.” Thanks for your love and good disposition in helping with these books; undoubtedly, a great blessing to the growth and personal development for the members of our congregation. May the Almighty God fill your life with many blessings. Carlos Alberto Escobar OAXACA, MEXICO Thank you for all the support that our congregation has received since we first wrote to you in 2009. The blessings we have obtained since then are immeasurable. We wanted to write to you so that you would know how much we appreciate this ministry and we pray for you. Victor Manuel Gutierrez JALISCO, MEXICO Friends, I want to give you thanks for your kindness and devotion to this ministry. Our studies based on one of the books by Larry White were a big success. We appreciate your diligence making sure the books got to our congregation at the time needed. May God bless you. Josué Godinez MAILBAG SUCRE, VENEZUELA We received the literature without any hassle, brothers; we appreciate your generosity. We have high hopes for next week; we will be organizing the church in several groups in order to cover as many areas of our town as we could possibly do. With our desire to work together with your support, we are praying that we are able to bring more people to Christ for his honor and glory. Santo Marcano COAHUILA, MEXICO I am writing to thank you for such beautiful material. On behalf of my wife, receive a hug, each of the members of your ministry. Her Sunday school class is doing amazing, more and more children are coming each Sunday. We love your work and we are thankful for it. Jacobo Rosis GUATEMALA Good morning. I am so glad to be able to write to you. WSLM has really helped us with the ministry we have here. We received the books two weeks after we requested them. We are very thankful and would like to keep receiving your material. The efforts you make to be able to provide the church of Christ in Latin America with such well written material are immeasurable. David Lux POZA RICA, MEXICO Thank you brother for responding to our petition so quickly. Our hearts are full of joy and thanksgiving to the wonderful God we serve for his mercies toward us. We guarantee you a good use of this material; your selfless help will never be forgotten and will not go unseen. God bless you. Iglesia de Cristo COLOMBIA Thank you my beloved brothers. May God’s will continue to fill you with blessings for your work. I’m really amazed at this news; your collaboration with our work. We are in great need of Bibles and songbooks. The ones we have are breaking apart and some are missing pages. Your help comes at a perfect time. So many people will benefit from your donation; we don’t have enough words to express our appreciation. Jose William LIMA, PERU I thank you for your ministries and the lives of the people working in it. I have received today the hymnal and CD; they are very beautiful. Many of the choruses are familiar to this servant because I grew up listening to these songs. Thank you very much, hallelujah; any help will be welcome. Julio Dueñas LIMA, PERU The material you sent us was very well received by the people; every one we came across with during our day of evangelization took home with them a tract. It is our prayer now that they will respond to the calling and that God will transform their hearts so they can live the victorious life he has for them. John Collado Continued on 5 4 Continued from 4 GUATEMALA Praying for the ministry God has entrusted you with and that your life will be filled with joy. Thank you for the material we received today, the books Que dice la Biblia, El Cristianismo en Marcha, Grandes Nuevas que Cambiaran tu Vida and Tus Primeros Cuarenta Dias. Thank you so very much for taking us into account. Ana Maria Urrutia CHILE We have received your kind notice today that filled us with joy to know such a gesture of generosity. We will be waiting for the training material which we know will be of great benefit to all the members. Your generosity will not be overlooked by God. Thank you for your work, your efforts and everything your ministry does for so many people around the globe. Humberto Cortes EL SALVADOR It is rare to find literature that grabs you right from the start and makes you really care about what happens to your future. Your tracts have the power to get into people’s minds. We appreciate your commitment to produce well-written literature based on the word of God. Brothers in Wichita Falls, receive our faithful greeting. Praise be to God for your goodwill and love. Alfredo Cardoza COLOMBIA As a young person, I am in desperate need of knowledge of the scriptures. As the person responsible for the youth ministry, it is a blessing to me to be able to encourage all these kids and teens to pursue God in their life, through your literature. Thank you for your support; thank you for wanting to make a difference in the life of so many people you won’t probably even meet in this life. Our heart and our prayers will always be with your ministry and all of those members of the church of Christ that make financial sacrifices in order that people like us will be able to have access to a Bible study, a Bible or just a tract about who Jesus really is. Luis Laverde ARGENTINA I really enjoyed the books you sent me; they were very well written compared to a number of previous doctrinal books I’ve read. Creencias Basicas Cristianas I & II explain their content, Christianity, and we asked our church to put them in our library. Jose Godoy NUEVA LEON, MEXICO Just a quick message to let you know the literature arrived today in perfect condition. Thank you for your ministry, for your love for Christ, and we hope this will not be the last time we count on your cooperation. We look forward to keep in touch with you and to let you know the wonders of your literature in our community. Manuel Urbina HONDURAS We will be having a Sunday school teacher’s workshop for the different congregations in our city. The material you sent was perfect in order to achieve this project; all of them are such a complete study material. The ladies will be delighted with all the knowledge they will acquire from it. Thank you for being a blessing to so many children who will grow one day into adults. Thank you for helping us to plant the seed into their little hearts. Victor Manuel Gutierrez DOMINICAN REPUBLIC May the Lord, our God, keep leading you in this noble work. Thank you for your ministry, your diligence and your desire to work with us. We will let you know as soon as we receive the literature; thank you for answering so quickly. Gil Rosario COLOMBIA I am glad to inform you that all the literature we requested got to its destination without a problem. We are facing difficult times here in the community and we need the truth of the Gospel desperately. Just a few days ago a new Mormon church was built and they are trying to attract people. Thank you for the tracts; we will try our best to pass on the real message of salvation. Flover Villaquiran MEXICO I want to notify you and more important to tell you thanks for the literature. We received the red books of “Que dice la Biblia,” passed them out, and Lord willing, we will start to disciple several new members. This book is a very good tool we use to show people from scriptures the plan of salvation. It is very easy to study and understand. We appreciate your collaboration to the town of Zazua. We will always keep you in our hearts. CORDOBA, COLOMBIA I can relate my life so well to what is written in your material. I love, love, love the fact that the information in its content is so authentic, obviously written by someone who knows, and has taken the time to study Scripture. We will look forward to continue receiving future material. Iglesia de Cristo COLOMBIA I would recommend your material to anyone, pure enjoyment to read...great material that should be read at any age no matter if it is by a youth, mature or old brother in Christ. It is a basic tool in the living of a godly life. Jose Martinez MEXICO I am very happy I received the books ¿Que dice la Biblia? and Hechos de los Apostoles. They’re a great blessing! Juan Martinez de los Santos YUCATAN, MEXICO Thank you for the literature you sent us. It was such great material that we already ran out, and we are writing again to see if you could send us some more. It has had a good acceptance from the people; they receive it with such joy. Our work is hard but we are willing to do it in order to show what a glorious God we serve. Javier Coral PERU Thank you for the reiteration of love that characterizes the people of God. Your help to our congregation has been a great blessing to all of us; we have now more teaching resources. Your books are excellent. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Leoncio Salvador 5 Kenneth Conkling, Mission Support Minister Terry Finley, our new representative in the field, lives in Huntsville, Alabama. Terry and I were visiting churches of Christ in the Florence, Alabama area around June 10th when we met Juan Garcia in Russellville, Alabama. Juan is the Hispanic minister at the North Highland Church of Christ in Russellville. In 1985 or 1986, Juan received a tract from Dryden Sinclair, founder of Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry. Juan was living in the jungle area of Peru in South America at the time. He was later baptized in Lima, Peru. I recently called Juan and he agreed to give us the story of his conversion and his life since then. Juan gave the following information to our secretary, Wendy, in Spanish, and she translated the information and paraphrased it in English. asking Juan how the church was going in Chile. Juan kept telling him the work was going good and the church kept growing even though he did not have a deep knowledge of the Bible. Dryden Sinclair heard about Juan and sent him $100 and offered to support his work with Spanish literature. Everet was curious about the work Juan was doing and decided to visit the congregation. Everet visited Juan around Christmas time during the first year of the congregation, and to his surprise the congregation had grown so much in such a short period of time that they didn’t have enough communion cups for all the people that Sunday. Dryden offered Juan $60 a month for a year to cover all expenses. With the help of the support from Dryden and with Juan doing odd jobs, things went well and the church was well established. The church that Everet worked with tried to start a new congregation somewhere in a year’s time and then go somewhere else. They wanted Juan to move to a new location and start a congregation. However, the congregation Juan had established was so discouraged by the news that they earnestly requested that they allow Juan to stay with them longer. Juan decided to stay longer with the congregation he had established. Later, Juan traveled to Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. Then his wife’s father passed away and she went back to Peru for his funeral and to settle his affairs. While there Juan’s wife met a brother in Christ who told her how important it was for her to encourage Juan to go to a school to study the Bible. He mentioned a scholarship to a school in Panama, “The Bible School of the Americas.” Juan and his wife were honor roll students while there in 1997-1998. Continued on 7 Juan Garcia was converted from the Catholic Church in 1986 after receiving a tract from Dryden Sinclair. He began an earnest study of the Bible at that time. He then studied our Home Bible Study, “The Church of the Bible,” in Lima, Peru, and was baptized by Jacobo Chalco on January 9th, of 1986. Juan was working for the Department of Agriculture when he saw the need of preaching the gospel. With the little bit of knowledge he had about the Bible, Juan began to preach. His wife encouraged him to go to a preaching school, but he didn’t feel the need to do that, thinking that it could not be that hard to tell people about God, and thought what he knew would be good enough. However, he later met a member of the Mormon Church who had a better working knowledge of the Scriptures than he did and he felt defeated. That was when he realized how important it was to have a great and vast knowledge of the Scriptures. It was about that time that he met Everet Pickard who was a missionary from Arkansas and was preaching in Peru. During one of his talks with Everet, Everet told him he needed to consider attending a School of Preaching. Everet told Juan that he saw great potential in him as a preacher but that being a “street preacher” wasn’t enough. It was about that time that Juan had an opportunity to preach in Argentina, so he talked to his wife about it. (They had a son who was 9 and a daughter 4.) They agreed to move to Argentina, but by the time they were ready to move to Argentina, the preaching position had been filled. They still had a desire in their hearts to preach the word, and they decided to move to Chile to a congregation with five members. Everet kept in touch with him and he was always 6 Continued from 6 On graduation day another graduating student asked Juan to go with him to Costa Rica with a church that was already supported by a congregation in Arkansas, but Juan’s heart was aching for the lost of his own country, Peru. Juan and his wife decided to move back to Peru and started a church there on December 18th in 1998. Their first worship was in their back yard using chairs borrowed from neighbors. One month later they received news from a Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee offering them support. They met at their house for six months. The church in Nashville visited to check on Juan’s work and decided they needed a bigger place which was more oriented. They rented a place for two years. The church kept growing and growing until they did not have enough room. They bought land and built a building. (Juan said he felt blessed that his son had preached there, and his daughter married a preacher who graduated from the Quito School of Biblical Studies, and her husband had preached there several times.) After the church was established Juan was asked if he could contemplate the opportunity to come to the United States and preach. Juan talked to his wife and children about it, and to Juan’s surprise the children were the ones most excited that their father was going to be able to preach to people from so many different cultures. Juan’s wife was also very supportive. Since coming to the United States, Juan has preached at the Getwell Church of Christ in Memphis, TN; North Jackson Church of Christ in Jackson, TN; Oakland Church of Christ in Oakland, CA; Heritage Christian University in Florence, AL; and West President Church of Christ in Greenwood, MS. Since 2006 Juan has been working with the North Highland Church of Christ in Russellville, AL. Since Juan left a really good job in Peru to become a preacher 26 years ago, he has baptized about 500 souls into Christ. One special person Juan baptized was Victoriano Gona, a pastor for a Baptist Church in Peru who had learned the truth through reading literature from the Spanish Literature Ministry in Wichita Falls, Texas. And today that preacher serves as one of the most active, energetic and spirit filled preachers that Juan has ever come across. God does work in mysterious ways. It is amazing how one tract can help lead someone to Christ and motivate him to preach the gospel for the rest of his life. Juan’s story is a remarkable example of the reason I have continued to represent the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry for 16 years. I have heard many encouraging stories like Juan’s during that time. How did I become involved in this work? Glad you asked. I was preaching at the Henrietta, Texas, Church of Christ in 1990 when the elders decided to oversee a work to establish a congregation in Cancun, Mexico. The missionary, a native preacher from Mexico, was sent to Cancun in January of 1991 and the few members living there began meeting in the home of one of the members. There were four congregations working with us to support the work in Cancun, and we began making short mission trips every summer. I went with the first group in 1991 and we worked with brethren who lived in Cancun and the Yucatan area. I was amazed to see how receptive the people were to receiving literature and even studying on the streets. Even some in taxies would stop and ask for some of the literature. Of course the literature was from the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry in Wichita Falls, Texas. I made three trips to the Yucatan before 1997. The congregation in Cancun had grown to about 120 by 1997. I had been preaching for the congregation in Henrietta for 21 years and was in the process of making a move when the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry asked if I would work with them. I’m thankful that God has allowed me to work with the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry. I have traveled to Mexico, Central America, South America and Cuba, and know that many of the missionaries, native preachers, teachers, personal workers, and faithful members sincerely appreciate the literature. It multiplies their efforts to seek the lost and build up the church. Many Hispanic preachers in the United States have told me the same thing. I’m glad Terry Finley will continue to raise funds for this good work and represent the work at workshops, lectureships, and other gatherings, and he will also be making reports to congregations. June 28 was my last day. Please keep praying for the Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry and I will do the same. Ken Conkling 7 Rememberyourfirstlove T he ancient land of Israel gives us a tremendous insight into the life conditions of the people during their different epochs. God spoke to the fathers before Moses and gave them instructions on how to live to honor God. Later on, the Lord delivered the Israelites the law of Moses where His complete will for that time, up to the death of Jesus on the cross, was detailed ⌐ exactly what Israel needed to please God. However, there is no extended time period during which they did not disobey God. Ethical prescriptions became void and their worship service was lacking the basic contents of what the Lord God claimed for their good and benefit. Demoralization was so prevalent that one may ask himself if they were God’s special people or not. They were God’s people and the Lord loved them. What produces such immorality among God’s people? I would say that a life which gives people What Our God bless your ministry! Thank you so much for your quick reply to my request for the “Time Chart of Bible Times.” Enclosed is a check to help with your ministry. S.D. Thank You for all you do to further God’s Kingdom in Latin America. My husband and I labored there 30 years. I remember the birth of “Qué Dice la Biblia.” It is still a great teaching tool. I pray for those who can and still go that they will win many more souls. May our Lord bless you eternally. J.L. God bless you and your work. Vernon, AL I want to thank you people for the tracts you sent last month. They are being put to good use. I will be sending a list of tracts, now that I have a catalog. Las Vegas, NM Thank you for publishing materials by Pablo Sanabria. He has much to all they need, and even more, makes them self-sufficient. This produces self-justice and a final fall away from instructions God gave to the believers for their best interests. A lack of interest in God’s word produces the final push away from God’s righteousness. The Lord Jesus Christ, through John, writes to the Ephesians in Revelation that Christians fell away from their “first love” to the Lord. The “first love” has to do with faith, enthusiasm, dedication to the Lord, giving him the preeminence in all, serving God with all the heart and mind, and our riches. God blessed Israel so much. The more they received, the more they departed their hearts from their great benefactor. Let us think on what we receive from the Lord and what He expects us to do for him. There is so much to do to serve Jesus. There is so much you and I can do to give the best to our Savior. May our Lord and Savior bless you abundantly to give your best in His work. Hans Dederscheck READERS Are Saying offer! K.M. Thank you for keeping on keeping on! Odessa, Texas It’s good when the call for Christian literature is great! May God’s word cover the earth ⌐ to His glory. West Bloomfield, MI May the Lord bless this ministry for lost souls to His glory. Sikeston, MO Keep those presses rolling ─ for God’s glory! Stamford, TX We pray for God’s richest blessings to be upon you as you work in His vineyard. Flint, MI My prayer is that much good be done for saving souls. Love, Katy, TX May God bless you and your work! Sacramento, CA So glad you are making so much progress in Cuba. San Mateo, CA May the Lord bless the missionaries in every way for the wonderful work they are involved in. Decatur , Texas Church of Christ Thank you for all your work to get Spanish literature to brothers and sisters. Arlington, Texas 8 I’ll be praying for your work. May God bless! McArthur, OH Thank you so much, Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry! I am bringing these materials to 13 churches in Honduras. God bless! Sebring, FL Thanks to you all for telling the world the “Good News” about Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Nashville, TN “Passing the Baton” baton. One simple mistake—one moment of carelessness or neglect—and all can be lost. That’s true about the Lord’s work, also. One of the saddest verses in the Bible is Judges 2:10, “And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.” Someone forgot to equip the next generation. What is the solution? Listen to Paul’s words to Timothy: “...what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also,” (II Timothy 2:2). Paul knew that his work was not complete until the preaching of the gospel was carried on from generation to generation. And neither is ours! But it is more than an obligation and burden. What a joy it is to know that after we have left this world for glory, the next generation of God’s people will be strong because our generation was faithful to...pass the baton! ─ LES McGALLIARD It is amazing how fast time passes. It seems like only yesterday that youth and vitality were the order of the day. But in the blink of an eye we move from seventeen to seventy; youth is gone, vigor wanes and the stark awareness of our mortality comes into full view. The story of man is revealed in the words of David, “I have been young, and now I am old,” (Psalm 37:25). It is with this clear and near view of eternity that the faithful servant of the Lord begins to think about those who will carry on after he is gone. After all, Moses had his Joshua, Elijah his Elisha, Paul his Timothy, and Peter his Mark. Every generation that is wise will help to mentor and prepare the next generation to faithfully carry on the Lord’s work. Track and field may not be the “cup of tea” for everyone, but for many of us there’s nothing more exciting. And one of the most exciting events is the relay. There’s a tension that fills the air, because success is not simply dependent on how you run your leg of the race, but upon the skillful passing of the Thank you, Kenneth ----Welcome, Terry Brother Kenneth Conkling, has been with us for over 16 years. We applaud and commend you for your service!!! 9 We present to you, Brother Terry Finley. He has served the Lord as an Army Chaplain-now he serves the Lord as our Mission Support Minister -Welcome Terry!!! A Report from Randy Short in Recife, Brazil Brethren, this is a great story about accepting a person as they come to you. No judgment, only the presentation of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus. The result is a soul redeemed and reconciled to Almighty God. they lived the gospel of Jesus. Samuel was a great prophet of God. When he was “helping” God choose a new king for Israel and he was looking at all the older, stronger sons of Jesse, God told him this. “Eliab is tall and handsome, but don’t judge by things like that. God doesn’t look at what people see. People judge by what is on the outside, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7 ERV. He came to us; the son of a denominational pastor but had chosen not to follow his father or his father’s religion. He wanted to study the Bible. He had gone to several local seminaries but because of his looks had been rejected by all. He was tattooed all over, and had long dreadlocks and a huge gaping hole with a “gauge” in one ear and a huge piece of wood hanging from the other. He had studied philosophy and read about religion. He came to us, we believe, expecting to be rejected as he had been before. He wasn’t. We accepted him as our student. All of our other students embraced him. Our employees befriended him as any other. Even the teachers were patient and loving as he expressed some pretty off the wall ideas. No one gave up. We are a long way from judging people as God does. We are a long way from living like Jesus, but we are trying. And, we are thankful that this one time at least we did not look on the outside and jump to conclusions about this searching heart. We are thankful that the love of Jesus was seen and felt by him and the truth accepted. Rejoice with us in the saving of this lost soul; our brother Anderson Santiago. Then one day it was time. Daniel Palk took him to the Atlantic Ocean and baptized Anderson Santiago into Christ. In a conversation with Anderson, after the fact, we found out what really touched his heart; love, acceptance and concern! It was not just that Daniel or any of the other teachers and staff spoke the truth of the gospel of Jesus; it was that Continued from page 2 about and is visiting, writing and calling on you all. I ask that you welcome him as you did Ken and let him have a little of your time to tell the story of WWSLM. If you would like to visit with Terry by phone to arrange a visit or a meeting with your Missions Committee or your Eldership, his number is: 256683-6233 or you can call the office and we will immediately relay your message. Terry resides in Huntsville, Alabama. So….. THANKS, KEN and WELCOME, TERRY!!!! are two hands which are passing a baton from one runner to the next one. This next one who takes the hand-off is expected and has accepted the job and responsibility of finishing the race strong for the team that is relying on him or her. As you have read in this issue, our Bro. Ken Conkling has been our Mission Support Minister for over 16 years. Many of you know Ken and have met him as he persistently stopped by your congregations over these many years. Ken is handing this ‘baton’ over to Terry Finley. Terry has prayerfully accepted the offer to suit up and join our Team. He is already out and 10 It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words. There is nothing which shows the work of this Ministry better than our Hispanic brethren with the literature which you all have enabled us to print and ship. Thank you so very much. Please keep us in your prayers and your budgets, we still need you. If you have not been helping with financial support, may I humbly ask that you consider doing so? In the mean-time, please enjoy the pictures of these Brethren and the material we sent at work for the Lord Brethren with Bible studies in Medellin, Colombia Children with Bible School material and the congregation at Mixco, Mexico 11 On behalf of these brethren and literally thousands more, I thank you !!!! Cuban Brethren with our material which was printed in Cuba The congregations and individuals listed below have ordered material and sent a donation covering the cost of printing and shipping for their specific Hispanic Outreach and/or Mission Work ─ Thanks to you all! (June 2012 - June 2013) Manuel Rodriguez; Houston, Texas Harriet Hawley; Yorba Linda, California Guillermo Melendez, Iglesia de Cristo; Vista, California Yorba Linda Church of Christ; Corona, California K St Church of Christ; Brawley, California Allan Javellana; Westminster, Colorado Bear Valley Bible Institute; Denver, Colorado Jorge Dimas; San Diego, Colombia Franklin Gomez Cuevas, Iglesia de Cristo; Santo Domingo, D.N. Ismael Castaneda; Santa Ana, El Salvador Jaime Antonio Tario; San Miguel, El Salvador Anthony McNulty, Holbeach Church of Christ; England Buena Park Church of Christ; Buena Park, California La Hispaniola Instituto Biblico; Doral, Florida Atlantic International Bible Institute; Cooper City, Florida Margaret St. Church of Christ; Milton, Florida Gulf Coast Church of Christ; Fort Myers, Florida Sanford Church of Christ; Sanford, Florida Florida College Bookstore; Temple Terrace, Florida Naples Church of Christ; Naples, Florida Sunset Church of Christ; Miami, Florida West Broward Church of Christ; Plantation, Florida Elias Matos, Palm Lakes Church of Christ; Miami, Florida Vilma Laboy; Orlando, Florida Sebring Church of Christ; Sebring, Florida Julio Cesar Beitia; Orlando, Florida Misiones y Algo Mas, Inc.; Orlando, Florida Iglesia de Cristo; Homestead, Florida Keila McLeod; Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Holly Hill Church of Christ; Holly Hill, Florida Palm Beach Church of Christ; Lake Worth, Florida Flavia Hernandez; Jacksonville, Florida Wesconnett Church of Christ; Jacksonville, Florida Lidia & German Santiago; Lehigh Acres, Florida Central Church of Christ; Haines City, Florida Iglesia de Cristo; Pompano Beach, Florida Shane Lannom; Gainesville, Florida Folkston Church of Christ; Folkston, Georgia Shane Lannom; Gainesville, Florida Andy Jackson; Alpharetta, Georgia Lisa Crawford; Morganton, Georgia Mary Pollard; Macon, Georgia Atlanta Rd. Church of Christ; Gainesville, Georgia Forrest Park Church of Christ; Valdosta, Georgia Hector Valderrama; Cumming, Georgia Moises Matos; Decatur, Georgia Benjamin Bruce; Duluth, Georgia Campus Iglesia de Cristo; Norcross, Georgia Kayleigh Palmer; Kennesaw, Georgia Julieta Manqueros; Marietta, Georgia Loretta Reagan; Temple, Georgia Woodstock Church of Christ; Woodstock, Georgia Juan de Dios Alvarado, Iglesia de Cristo; Historico, Guatemala Bill Brandon; Peoria, Illinois Church of Christ Northwest; Peoria, Illinois Floriberto Moreno; Cicero, Illinois Park Forest Church of Christ; Matteson, Illinois Celso M. Martinez; Chicago, Illinois Rebecca Prichard; Bartonville, Illinois Carmen Esparza; Bellwood, Illinois Joel Moncada; Indianapolis, Indiana Jeanne Duquette; Pleasant Hill, Iowa Tommy & Collene Cole; Snyder, Texas Roberta Robertson; Waverly, Tennessee Jean Canavello; Lexington, Kentucky Prattville Church of Christ; Prattville, Alabama Meridianville Church of Christ; Meridianville, Alabama David Morrison; Harvest, Alabama Larry Brady; Hope Hull, Alabama Rock Hill Church of Christ; Vernon, Alabama Christian Chapel Church of Christ; Vernon, Alabama Alexander City Church of Christ; Alexander City, Alabama CEI Bookstore; Athens, Alabama Ramon Gonzales; Florence, Alabama Tim & Debra Jones; Enterprise, Alabama Richard Trull; Fort Deposit, Alabama Multiracial Ministries; Albertville, Alabama Beverly Vinson; Millbrook, Alabama Liberty Church of Christ; Hope Hull, Alabama Kathryn Tomlin; Luverne, Alabama Mars Hill Bookstore; Florence, Alabama Plainview Church of Christ; Hazel Green, Alabama Elizabeth Belford; Allgood, Alabama Rainbow Church of Christ; Gadsden, Alabama John Henry; Florence, Alabama Derrek Wilson; Coosada, Alabama West Huntsville Church of Christ; Huntsville, Alabama Jonathan Gutierrez, Tucson Iglesia de Cristo; Tucson, Arizona Adolfo Encinas; Yuma, Arizona Iglesia de Cristo; Phoenix, Arizona Nemias Cuamba Rodrigues, Iglesia de Cristo; Nogales, Arizona Enrique Cisneros; Naco, Arizona Philip Morgan; Phoenix, Arizona Gerald Rollins; Sierra Vista, Arizona Clarksville Church of Christ; Clarksville, Arkansas Mount Comfort Church of Christ; Fayetteville, Arkansas Robinson Ave. Church of Christ; Springdale, Arkansas Nell Franklin; Springdale, Arkansas Hope Church of Christ; Hope, Arkansas Jesus Lozano; Green Forest, Arkansas Stephanie Howell; Bentonville, Arkansas Bible Literature for Africa; Searcy, Arkansas Gwendolyn D. Napier; Pangburn, Arkansas George Rumker; Little Rock, Arkansas Harrison St. Church of Christ; Batesville, Arkansas Petra Luna; Hope, Arkansas James Woodroof; Searcy, Arkansas Bible Correspondence Ministry; Little Rock, Arkansas Southside Church of Christ; Rogers, Arkansas The Church of Christ; Indio, California Baltazar Perez; Hayward, California Jack Wright; Brawley, California Delmi Serrano; Sunnyvale, California Humberto Mendoza; Los Angeles, California Raymond Fox; Salinas, California Esly Santos; San Leandro, California Orangeville Church of Christ; Orangeville, California Ricardo Santamaria; Lindsey, California Santiago Hernandez; Oxnard, California Luke Sanders; Alturas, California Julian Serrano; Delano, California Iglesia de Cristo; Baldwin Park, California Jose David Duran, Iglesia de Cristo; Yucaipa, California Airport S. San Francisco Church of Christ; Martinez, California Martinez Iglesia de Cristo; Martinez, California Javier Estrada; Salinas, California Twin Bridges Church of Christ; Twin Bridges, Montana Angel Valles; San Diego, California David Turner; Buena Park, California Normandie Church of Christ; Los Angeles, California 12 Continued on 13 Continued from 12 Claudia Velasquez; Pelham, Alabama Glenn Miller; Mount Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania Jim Gullette; Arecibo, Puerto Rico Iglesia de Cristo; Vega Baja, Puerto Rico Awilda Arce Gonzalez; Lares, Puerto Rico Ramon Santiago Rivera; Trujillo, Puerto Rico Berry’s Chapel Church; Franklin, Tennessee Don Brown; Lenoir City, Tennessee Campbell St. Church of Christ; Jackson, Tennessee Charles Haynes; Trenton, Tennessee Charles R. Gunter, Jr., Johnson City, Tennessee Waverly Church of Christ; Waverly, Tennessee North Jackson Church of Christ; Jackson, Tennessee McKenzie Church of Christ; McKenzie, Tennessee Rafael Ramirez; Memphis, Tennessee Una Church of Christ; Nashville, Tennessee Phillips St. Church of Christ; Dyersburg, Tennessee Christian Family Bookstore; Chattanooga, Tennessee Brentwood Hills Church of Christ; Nashville, Tennessee Memphis Iglesia de Cristo; Memphis, Tennessee Gospel Advocate Bookstore; Nashville, Tennessee Bethany Church of Christ; Trenton, Tennessee Javier Fernandez; Murfreesboro, Tennessee East Ridge Church of Christ; Chattanooga, Tennessee Russell Brown; Knoxville, Tennessee Red Bank Church of Christ; Chattanooga, Tennessee Great Oaks Church of Christ; Memphis, Tennessee Kevin Ruiz; Maryville, Tennessee Mount Juliet Church of Christ; Mount Juliet, Tennessee Highland Church of Christ; Columbia, Tennessee Iglesia de Cristo; Columbia, Tennessee Gregory Nance; Signal Mountain, Tennessee Concord Rd. Church of Christ; Brentwood, Tennessee Gladys Williams; Memphis, Texas Sugarland Church of Christ; Sugarland, Texas Eugenio C. Garcia; Fort Worth, Texas Iglesia de Cristo; Dallas, Texas Rachel Jones; El Paso, Texas Wenceslao Garza; Brownsville, Texas Alicia Valles; Fort Worth, Texas Rust Street Ministries; San Angelo, Texas Gary Green; Abilene, Texas June Walters, Blanco, Texas Nederland Church of Christ; Nederland, Texas Henrietta Church of Christ; Henrietta, Texas Darrell Robertson, Church of Christ; Crosbyton, Texas Lionzo Soria; Snyder, Texas Para Church of Christ; Wilmer, Texas Martin Peru Morales; Plano, Texas Agustin Duarte Romero; Plano, Texas Iglesia de Cristo; Plano, Texas Tania Hernandez; Euless, Texas Juan Garcia; Terrell, Texas Crestview Church of Christ; Waco, Texas Fort Stockton Church of Christ; Fort Stockton, Texas Iglesia de Cristo; Mission, Texas Church of Christ; Borger, Texas Kings Ridge Church of Christ; Lubbock, Texas Sugar Grove Church of Christ; Stafford, Texas Pablo Reyna; Dallas, Texas Juan Luna; Bedford, Texas Justin Church of Christ; Justin, Texas Walnut St. Church of Christ; Texarkana, Texas Glendora Ave. Church of Christ; San Antonio, Texas Johnson Dr. Church of Christ; McGregor, Texas Rodolfo Sanchez; Rosenberg, Texas Granbury Church of Christ; Granbury, Texas Guadalupe Limon; Kerrville, Texas Jose Sandoval; South Houston, Texas Derek Todd; Stanford, Kentucky Guillermo Londono; Baton Rouge, Louisiana James Blackman; Abingdon, Maryland Gerardo Jimenez; Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts Victor McKen; Tewksbury, Massachusetts Maria Elena Escamilla; Castaños, Coahuila, Mexico Gerardo Mendoza; Glen Burnie, Maryland Lorenzo Luevano Salas; Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico La Fuente Iglesia de Cristo; Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico William Centeno Fornos; La Pax, B.C., Mexico Juan Martin Flores; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Jose Garcia Peralta; Matamoros, Tamps., Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Zacapu, Michoacan, Mexico Lorraine Mabry; West Bloomfield, Michigan Wade Bryan; Fulton, Mississippi Brad Crosswhite; Tupelo, Mississippi West President Church of Christ; Greenwood, Mississippi Independence Church of Christ; Coldwater, Mississippi Burnsville Church of Christ; Burnsville, Mississippi Sherry Murff; Gattman, Mississippi Daniel Honeycutt; Olive Branch, Mississippi Oswaldo Veliz; Summerville, Mississippi Alejandro Delzotto, Liberty Church of Christ; Belmont, Mississippi Patricia Cabral; Phoenix, Arizona Church of Christ; Monett, Missouri Donna Murray; Diamond, Missouri Hillcrest Church of Christ; Neosho, Missouri Willis D. Stokes, Jr.; Sedalia, Missouri Youth and Children’s Services; St Louis, Missouri 21st St Church of Christ; Clovis, New Mexico Salvador Lozano; Las Cruces, New Mexico Fritz Lucero; Albuquerque, New Mexico Jose Rosales; New York, New York Manhattan Church of Christ; New York, New York Argentina Jordan; Bronx, New York Hayli Henderson; Astoria, New York Iglesia de Cristo; Brooklyn, New York Alejandro Enrique Bravo; Masaya, Nicaragua Jorge Guillen; Masaya, Nicaragua Jose Nieto; Winston Salem, North Carolina Friendly Ave. Church of Christ; Greensboro, North Carolina Archdale Church of Christ; Charlotte, North Carolina Susan Banks; Durham, North Carolina Diomedes Damian, Iglesia de Cristo; Charlotte, North Carolina Vickie Cubillos; Charlotte, North Carolina Brewer Rd Church of Christ; Winston Salem, North Carolina Gastonia Church of Christ; Gastonia, North Carolina Siler City Church of Christ; Siler City, North Carolina Elmer Leon; Smithfield, North Carolina Randall Rose; Columbus, Ohio Oliberto Roblero; Cincinnati, Ohio Mario Santana, Iglesia de Cristo; Cincinnati, Ohio Elmer Renderos; Columbus, Ohio Hermes Alonso Pineda; Cincinnati, Ohio Madill Church of Christ; Madill, Oklahoma Southern Oaks Church of Christ; Chickasha, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Seminole, Oklahoma Doris J. Stafford; Crescent, Oklahoma Keith Street; Holdenville, Oklahoma Sara Lukkason; Edmond, Oklahoma Park Plaza Iglesia de Cristo; Tulsa, Oklahoma Victoria Dominguez; Altus, Oklahoma Memorial Road Church of Christ; Edmond, Oklahoma Evan R, Adair; Del City, Oklahoma 8th & Lee Church of Christ; Lawton, Oklahoma Dale Goad; Durant, Oklahoma Edmond Church of Christ; Edmond, Oklahoma Blanchard Church of Christ; Blanchard, Oklahoma Shillington Church of Christ; Shillington, Pennsylvania 13 Continued on 14 Continued from 13 Barbara & Windle Kee; Wichita Falls, Texas Luis Enrique Rosales; Dallas, Texas Emilio Garcia; Brownsville, Texas Gloria Walters; Blanco, Texas Gloria Lopez Boror; Houston, Texas Dolcey Patiño; Mansfield, Texas Daniel Martinez; Levelland, Texas Teodoro Castañeda; Taylor, Texas David Alvarado; Vernon, Texas Olga Escalante; San Antonio, Texas MacArthur Park Church of Christ; Garden Ridge, Texas David Solano Torres; Livingston, Texas Celia Moreno; Lake Jackson, Texas Lakeland Terrace Church of Christ; San Antonio, Texas David Trayler; Lorena, Texas Hidden Valley Church of Christ; Houston, Texas Iglesia de Cristo Riverside; Kerrville, Texas Haskell Church of Christ; Haskell, Texas Euridee L. Manning; Irving, Texas Willie Freeman; Tyler, Texas Valley Church of Christ; Gunter, Texas Emilio Bustamante; Red Oak, Texas Aledo Church of Christ; Benbrook, Texas Brown Trail School of Preaching; Bedford, Texas Johnson Dr Church of Christ; McGregor, Texas Jose Andrade; Grand Prairie, Texas Brenda Ratcliff; Cibolo, Texas Juanita Sanchez; San Antonio, Texas Azle Iglesia de Cristo; Azle, Texas Glenn Burgess; Paris, Texas Reid Holmsley; Ozona, Texas Shelton Boyd; Sweetwater, Texas Alvin Stoker; Balch Springs, Texas Catalina Arreola; Baytown, Texas Earl Holloway; Allen, Texas Roy Hignight; Purdon, Texas Jersey Village Church of Christ; Houston, Texas Javier Fernandez, Iglesia de Cristo; Laredo, Texas Oak Hills Church of Christ; San Antonio, Texas Stockdale Church of Christ; Stockdale, Texas North Pharr Church of Christ; Pharr, Texas Webb Chapel Church of Christ; Dallas, Texas Rosie Morales; Brownsville, Texas Jose Romero; Dallas, Texas Jose Quevedo; Plano, Texas Iglesia de Cristo; Odessa, Texas Andrews Church of Christ; Andrews, Texas Consuelo Fuentes; Houston, Texas Impact Church of Christ; Houston, Texas Joe Davila; Wichita Falls, Texas Carrol Robertson; Alton, Texas Uvalde Church of Christ; Uvalde, Texas Javier Ramirez; Austin, Texas Jose N. Tobias; Alamo, Texas Jose Campos, Iglesia de Cristo; New Orleans, Louisiana Luis Ayala; Allen, Texas Jackie Beall; West Fork, Arkansas Juan Rodriguez; Laredo, Texas Dwaine Semmons; Huntsville, Alabama Jose Sandoval; South Houston, Texas Lucinda Kelley; Ogdensburg, Wisconsin Alvaro Cortes; Phoenix, Arizona David Jones; Arlington, Texas Chisholm Trail Church of Christ; Duncan, Oklahoma Hesiquio Godoy; Xilitla, S.L.P., Mexico Israel Peralta; Luray, Virginia Hershel Bevil; Nashville, Arkansas Claudia Velasquez; Pelham, Alabama Leedey Church of Christ; Leedey, Oklahoma Lloyd Ellison; Sugarland, Texas Rogelio Medina; Bedford, Texas Bud & Tressa Branson; Wichita Falls, Texas Mary Suniga; Comanche, Texas Marvin Pace; Avinger, Texas Libreria Palabra Fiel; Brownsville, Texas Manuel Perez; Palestine, Texas Iglesia Cristiana; Amarillo, Texas Walnut Hill Church of Christ; Dallas, Texas Jesus Trevino; Lake Jackson, Texas Lloyd Ellison; Sugerland, Texas Onore Martinez; Del Rio, Texas Gordon Stewart; Wichita Falls, Texas Chon Manriquez; Cleburne, Texas Carolyn Bump; El Paso, Texas Doris Hendrix; Lewisville, Texas Don Jones; Colleyville, Texas Pastor Israel Iglesias; El Paso, Texas Manuel Gonzalez; Fort Worth, Texas Stratford Church of Christ; Stratford, Texas Aubrey Bryan; Corpus Christi, Texas Sunset International Bible Institute; Lubbock, Texas Tom Crum; Brownsville, Texas McDermott Rd. Church of Christ; Plano, Texas Dale City Church of Christ; Woodbridge, Virginia Carol Riley; Woodbridge, Virginia Southside Church of Christ; Winchester, Virginia Ignacio Espinoza; Alexandria, Virginia Arlington Church of Christ; Arlington, Virginia Juan Aguilar; Tieton, Washington Dinadel Alvarado; Garland, Texas Damian Delgadillo; Fort Worth, Texas Church of Christ; Mart, Texas Manuel Suchil; Mission, Texas Osbaldo Rodriguez, Iglesia de Cristo; Grand Prairie, Texas Isabel Black; Wichita Falls, Texas Ruben Salinas; Fort Stockton, Texas Olga Saenz; San Antonio, Texas Sherry Seyer; Sugarland, Texas 37th Street Church of Christ; Snyder, Texas Samuel S. Hernandez; San Antonio, Texas Francisco Martinez; Wichita Falls, Texas Faith Village Church of Christ; Wichita Falls, Texas Steve Austin; Abilene, Texas Montwood Church of Christ; El Paso, Texas Iglesia de Cristo; Midland, Texas Dinadel Alvarado; Garland, Texas Graham St. Iglesia de Cristo; Abilene, Texas Tol Burke; Allen, Texas Seven Oaks Church of Christ; Mayfield, Kentucky Eva Stone; Danville, Kentucky Wayne Phillips; Liberal Kansas Charlie Smith; Indianola, Mississippi Alberto Caldera, Iglesia de Cristo; Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico Mario Doñate Hernandez; Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Dodge City, Kansas Cipriano Vargas Plaza; Marshalltown, Iowa Kevin Montgomery; T.I.B.I., South Houston, Texas Mike Glasgow; Vernon, Alabama Janice Kramar; Escondido, California McKnight Rd. Church of Christ; St. Louis, Missouri Sharon Griffith; Denton, Texas Washington St. Church of Christ; Fayetteville, Tennessee Central Ave. Church of Christ; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Joe Fielder; Port La Vaca, Texas Edgewood Church of Christ; Columbus, Georgia Enrique Chow; Boynton Beach, Florida Lacy Montgomery; Memphis, Texas Art Nine; Gage, Oklahoma 14 Continued on 15 Continued from 14 Monique Ward; Hillsboro, Oregon University Heights Church of Christ; Bowling Green, Kentucky Frank Parker; Sebring, Florida University Church of Christ; Abilene, Texas Because of a desire to share Jesus with the Spanish-speaking world, Christian Literature was sent to the following places during the months of June 2012 to June 2013 Daniel Hugo Fuentes; Cordoba, Argentina Marcelo Ayosa; Buenos Aires, Argentina Jorge Trolla; Buenos Aires, Argentina David Rodriguez; San Luis, Argentina Hilda Florencia Sosa; Barranqueras, Argentina Yolanda Reynoso; Cordoba, Argentina Hector Vallejos; Buenos Aires, Argentina Karina Alturria; Buenos Aires, Argentina Arturo Cabral; Nogales, Arizona Sylvan Hills Medical Missions; Sherwood, Arkansas Poronen SB; Bodo City, Nigeria, Africa Community Bible College; Bodo City, Rivers State, Nigeria Felix Ovis; Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Nale Library Service; Ogoni, Rivers State, Nigeria Hyginus Meebari, By His Grace Library; Rivers State, Nigeria Daniel Oluwagbemiga Ejigbemiro; Ikorodu, Nigeria, W.Africa Richard Bello, Church of Christ; Ibadam Oyo State, Nigeria Burrell Boom Church of Christ; Belize District, Belize Erik Reyes; Sucre, Bolivia Rodolfo Mario Castillo; Santa Sabina, Chile Miguel Gomez Sarmiento; Santiago, Chile Osman Enrique; San Felipe, Chile Humberto Cortes Folch; Los Andes, Chile Victor Meneses Sarmiento; Santiago, Chile Leonel Gutierrez; Santiago, Chile David Meyer Valenzuela; Santiago, Chile Mauricio San Martin; Curanilahue, Chile Saul R. Peralta C.; Santiago, Chile Joel Isaias Jamanca; Santiago de Chile Carlos Aladino Carrasco; Arauco, Chile Luis A. Zepeda; Chillan, Santiago, Chile Jose Omar Gonzalez; Frutillar, Chile Cesar Morales, Iglesia de Cristo; Santiago, Chile Cesar Martinez; Yerbas Buenas, Linares, Chile Elias Mancia Sanchez; Puerto Monte, Chile Cesar Morales Canales; Villa Alemana, Chile Jose Omar Gutierrez; Temuco, Chile Jorge Marinkovic Tapia, Iglesia de Cristo; Tercera Region, Chile Jorge A. Fernandez, Iglesia de Cristo; Coquimbo, Chile Raul Caro C.; Valdivia, Chile Saul R. Peralta, Iglesia de Cristo; Santiago, Chile Benito A. Ruiz; Coelemu, Chile Marcelo Toloza; Quintero, Chile Raul Cristian Bravo; Casas Viejas, Chile Victor Rios Santos; Concepcion, Chile Angel G. Beltran; Bogota, Colombia Rodrigo Montaño Pinzon; Tulua Valle, Colombia Carlos Alberto Escobar; Santa Marta, Colombia Javier Enrique Rosero; Veraguas, Colombia Yeimmy Adriana Garzon; Bogota, Colombia Cristina Ospina; Bogota, Colombia Luis Avila; Bogota, Colombia Adolfo Leon Cuesta; Cali, Colombia Sandra Patricia Suarez; Bogota, Colombia Daniel Esteban Jaramillo; Santa Cruz, Colombia Edilberto Olarte; Bogota, Colombia Oscar Andres Arias; Manizales, Colombia Henry Jerez; Bogota, Colombia Adriana Lucia Aparicio; Tolima, Colombia Zandro Ortega; Nariño, Colombia Miguel Angel Ucan; Tamazunchale, S.L.P, , Mexico Mauricio Zapata; Neira, Colombia Asmetd Romero Caballero; Barranquilla, Colombia Henry David Duarte; Barranquilla, Colombia Humberto Velasquez, Iglesia de Cristo; Medellin, Colombia Carlos Henao; Santa Rosa, Colombia Jaime Vela; Bogota, Colombia Geiner Becerra Arenas; Cesar, Colombia Helmer Javier Rosero; Bogota, Colombia Jose William Martinez; Riohacha, Colombia Lista de Correo Apostol; Cordoba, Colombia Errol Villalobos, Iglesia de Cristo; Puntarenas, Costa Rica Ofilio de Jesus Castaneda; Tilaran, Costa Rica Benancio Molino Castillo, Iglesia de Cristo; Limon, Costa Rica Teodoro Alpizar; Grecia, Costa Rica Diego Rojas; Heredia, Costa Rica Edilberto Cordoba Correoso; Naranjo, Costa Rica Leonel Gutierrez; Santa Ester, Cuba Nathanael Perez Suriel; Constanza, Dominican Republic Daniel Rosado; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Angel Dario Mateo; San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic Angel Nataly Andujar; San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic Ondina de Aquino; Neyba, Dominican Republic Angel Martinez; San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic Grabiel Galicia Mateo; San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic David Alexander Guerrero; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Edwin Polanco; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Gil Rosario Vargas; San Francisco, Dominican Republic Lauris Antonio Diaz, Iglesia de Cristo; Neyba, Dominican Republic Luis Peralta, Iglesia de Cristo; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Quito School of Biblical Studies; Quito, Ecuador Jose G. Villalta; Cuenca, Ecuador Fabricio Cevallos; Portoviejo, Ecuador Angel Barreno; Tungurahua, Ecuador Daniel Vaca Salazar; Ambato, Ecuador Ruben Gustavo Paguay; Quito, Ecuador Darwin Jimenez; El Oro, Ecuador Jonathan Hernandez Flores; Zacatecoluca, El Salvador Ismael Castaneda; Santa Ana, El Salvador Victor Manuel Martinez; Cuscatlan, El Salvador Joel Hernandez Padilla; San Salvador, El Salvador Jose Ricardo Santamaria; San Miguel, El Salvador Victor Manuel Henriquez; Ahuachapan, El Salvador Jorge A. Navidad; La Libertad, El Salvador Iglesia de Cristo; La Union, El Salvador Oscar Alexander Castellanos; San Salvador, El Salvador Raul Ortiz Rivas; San Salvador, El Salvador Bernardo Luna; La Libertad, El Salvador Harry Palacios Lopez; San Miguel, El Salvador Warner Toledo Lopez, Iglesia de Cristo; San Miguel, El Salvador Luis A. Equizabal, Iglesia de Cristo; Ahuachapan, El Salvador Serafin Martinez, Iglesia de Cristo; San Miguel, El Salvador Dinoel Recinos Chicas; Usulutan, El Salvador Victor Manuel Linares, Iglesia de Cristo; San Salvador, El Salvador Luis Alonso Amaya; San Miguel, El Salvador Efrain Valverde, Iglesia de Cristo; Miami, Florida Iglesia de Cristo en Flagler; Miami, Florida Larry Gordy; Flintstone, Georgia Stephanie Samostis; Grovetown, Georgia Continued on 16 15 Continued from 15 Adrian Alarcon, Iglesia de Cristo; Escuintla, Guatemala Cipriano Godinez Menchu; Guatemala, Guatemala Conrado Urrutia; Guatemala, Guatemala Obdulio Morales Cifuentes; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Antonio Perez; Esquipulas, Guatemala Wenceslao Guttiz Hernandez; Puerto San Jose, Guatemala Jose Adan Gomez; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Federico Velasquez; El Rosario, Guatemala Juan Francisco Garcia; San Miguel, Guatemala Francisco Antonio Arevalo; Jalapa, Guatemala Jose Santos Ramirez, Iglesia de Cristo; Nuevo, Guatemala Olga Lidia Xicara; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Feliciano Lux Zapon; Santa Cruz, Guatemala Abel Elisandro Perez; San Miguel, Guatemala Romulo J. Perez; Huehuetenango,Guatemala Rolando Ramiro Lopez; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Josue Sacalxot Chun; Pueblo Nuevo, Guatemala Mauricio R. Flores; Comayaguela, Honduras Nestor E. Sanchez Flores; Baxter Institute, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Marco Antonio Santos; Trujillo, Honduras Carlos A. Guifarro; Atlantida, Honduras Aristides A. Sanchez, Iglesia de Cristo; Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras Instituto Biblico de Central America; Progreso, Honduras Jesus Aguilar, Iglesia de Cristo; Villanueva, Honduras David Dominguez; Danli, Honduras Filiberto Anariba Buezo, Iglesia de Cristo; Santa Cruz, Honduras Hector Julio Ardila, Iglesia de Cristo; Siguatepeque, Honduras Rigoberto Vargas, Iglesia de Cristo; Tegucigalpa, Honduras Carlos Martinez, Iglesia de Cristo; San Pedro Sula, Honduras Phil Waldron; Santa Rosa, Honduras Iglesia de Cristo; San Pedro Sula, Honduras Samuel Vasquez; El Progreso, Honduras Nery Antonio Irias; El Paraiso, Honduras Abraham Diaz Lopez; Sonaguera, Honduras Shiner Church of Christ; Corbin, Kentucky University Heights Church of Christ; Bowling Green, Kentucky Iglesia de Cristo; Mayfield, Kentucky Benny Baker; Minden, Louisiana Juan Jose Rodriguez; Frontera, Coah., Mexico Ismael Hernandez; Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico Faustino Duarte Martinez; Satillo, Coah., Mexico Joel Encarnacion Berumen; Ecatepec, Mexico Raciel Limon R.; Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Josue Espinoza Flores; Arcelia, Gro., Mexico Hector Flores Muñiz; Juarez, Guadalajara, Mexico Ramon Eliseo Flores, Iglesia de Cristo; Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico Jesus Hernandez Uribe; Cuautitlan, Izcalli, Mexico Filiberto de la Cruz Gonzalez; Tula, Jalisco, Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Moises O. Garcia; Zacapu, Michoacan, Mexico Sergio Cervantes; Zuazua, Nuevo Leon, Mexico David Martinez Estrada; Guadalupe, N.L., Mexico David Cardenas Tamez; Monterrey, N.L., Mexico Ricardo Aguirre; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Ernesto Javier Garcia; Cd. China, N.L., Mexico Socorro Lara de Candanosa; Guadalupe, N.L., Mexico Victor Manuel Gutierrez; Santa Maria Ixcotel, Oax., Mexico Abraham Gaytan Velasco; Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico Pablo Miron Andrade; Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico David Alonso Cordova; Valles, S.L.P., Mexico Francisco Javier Naranjo; Tamazunchale, S.L.P., Mexico Francisco Dominguez Gonzalez; Huehuetlan, S.L.P., Mexico Terry Finley; Huntsville, Alabama Iglesia de Cristo; Santa Fe, Argentina Jaime Antonio Tario; San Miguel, El Salvador Efrain Prado, Iglesia de Cristo; Tela, Honduras Hoswaldo Moreno Parrales; Managua, Nicaragua Miguel Angel Ucan; Tamazunchale, S.L.P, , Mexico Moises Gutierrez Martel; El Naranjo, S.L.P., Mexico Francisco Dominguez Gonzalez; Huehuetlan, S.L.P., Mexico Jorge Antonio Luna, Iglesia de Cristo; Monclova, Mexico Alexis Ruiz Vargas; San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico Jose Victor Najera, Iglesia de Cristo; La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico Manuel Humberto Escamilla; Escobedo, N.L., Mexico Juan Jose Moreno; Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico Samuel Hernandez Puentes, Iglesia de Cristo; Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico William Centeno Fornos; La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico Francisco Rivera Noriega; Guadalupe, N.L., Mexico Orlando Cordova Carrillo, Iglesia de Cristo; Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico Jose Domingo Uc Dzib; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Bruno Zapata Orozco; Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico Samuel Ortez G.; Zacatecas, Zac., Mexico Carlos Leonardo de Santiago; Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico Samuel de Avila Garcia, Iglesia de Cristo; Victoria, Durango, Mexico Natalio Arias, Iglesia de Cristo; Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico Adalicia Beltran Varela; Torreon, Coah., Mexico Javier Coral; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Juan Santamaria Dzul; Tizimin, Yucatan, Mexico Othoniel Gutierrez Bustillo; Cuauhtemoc, Mexico Felipe Polanco Mezeta; Yucatan, Mexico Lazaro Muñoz; Zacatecas, Mexico Jose Antonio Navarrete; Juarez, Mexico William Centeno Fornos; La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico Ubaldo Cardona, Iglesia de Cristo; Hidalgo, Chih., Mexico Joaquin Gonzalez Basaldua; San Jose, Guanajuato, Mexico Gabriel Robles Calderon, Iglesia de Cristo; San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Teopisca, Chiapas, Mexico Paulina Hernandez Perez; Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Escobedo, N.L., Mexico Gustavo Eguia Diaz; Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico Gabriel Marfileño de la Criz; San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico Samuel Josafat Mares; Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico Jose Remigio Santiago; Tancahuitz de Santos, S.L.P., Mexico Jorge Castro Ojeda; Los Parques, N.L., Mexico Juan Pablo Martinez; Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico Iglesia de Cristo; Hidalgo, Tamps., Mexico Manuel de Jesus Mejia, Iglesia de Cristo; Acayucan, Veracruz, Mexico Julio Pech Chooc; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Felipe Polanco Mezeta; Villa de Sotuta, Yucatan, Mexico Lazaro Muñoz; Villa Hidalgo, Zacatecas, Mexico Jose Cab; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Miguel Angel Sima; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Jacobo Rosis Martinez; Monclova, Coah., Mexico Rey David Aguilar; San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico Leon Daniel Remirez; Santo Domingo, Chiapas, Mexico Ricardo Aguirre; Monterrey, N.L., Mexico Omar Alvarez, Iglesia de Cristo; Tijuana, B.C., Mexico Jose Luis Poot; San Francisco, Campeche, Mexico Ernesto Quijada Hernandez; Tamazunchale, S.L.P., Mexico Jose Joaquin Lucero; Tampamolon, S.L.P., Mexico Miguel Manzano Quijano; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Laura Sanchez; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Jesus Conrado Jimenez; Escobedo, N.L., Mexico Urias Trujillo; Tizimin, Yucatan, Mexico Jesus Alberto Corrales; Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico Julio Cesar Salazar; Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico Laura Aristed Sanchez; San Jose, Tecoh, Mexico Pio Escobedo; Monterrey, N.L., Mexico Allan Maldonado; Uniondale, New York Lujan Manuel Cruz, Iglesia de Cristo; Jugalpa, Nicaragua Alejandro Bravo Jose; Masaya, Nicaragua Marvin Antonio Miranda; Tipitapa, Nicaragua Jorge Mercado; Villa Gesell, Argentina 16 Continued on 17 Continued from 17 Henry Duarte Segura; Managua, Nicaragua Roberto Jose Suarez; Santa Teresa, Nicaragua Walter Francisco Rivas; Masaya, Nicaragua Jose Ramon Martinez; Diriamba, Nicaragua Jhonatan Solis; Managua, Nicaragua Marvin Rojas; Managua, Nicaragua Jacinto Mendoza Juarez, Iglesia de Cristo; San Marcos, Nicaragua Valentin Flores, Iglesia de Cristo; Chinandega, Nicaragua Laura de Monge; Managua, Nicaragua Nestor Enrique Sanchez, Iglesia de Cristo; Masaya, Nicaragua William Rene Sandoval; Nicaragua Raul Rodriguez; Boaco, Nicaragua Harvey Luis Chavarria; Matagalpa, Nicaragua Fort Cobb Church of Christ; Fort Cobb, Oklahoma Herminio Gonzalez; Penonome, Panama Hidalides Robinson Muñoz; Panama, Panama Camilo Sanjur, Iglesia de Cristo; Panama, Panama Jose Squires; Colon, Panama Esteban Pineda; Bocas del Toro, Panama, Panama Carlos A. Cespedes; Chiclayo, Peru Emilio Huamani Quispe; Lima, Peru Yesenia Alva Castillo; Trujillo, Peru Sabino Choque Limachi, Iglesia de Cristo; Arequipa, Peru Jhoan Still Andia; Lima, Peru Juan Mandujano, Iglesia de Cristo; Los Olivos, Peru Jose Esquivel Mariños; Cajamarca, Peru Raul Andia Monterroso, Iglesia de Cristo; Lima, Peru Noe Hernandez Montero; Cajamarca, Peru Luis Rodriguez Mendoza; Cajamarca, Peru Martin Panta Madrid; Piura, Peru Pablo Valderrama, Iglesia de Cristo; Lima, Peru Helmut Garcia; Lima, Peru Cesar Moreno Chavez; Chiclayo, Peru Sergio Ospina Ochoa; Lima, Peru Luis Geronimo Carbajal; Lima, Peru Evaristo Lopez Garcia; Cajamarca, Peru Julio Dueñas Palomino; Los Olivos, Peru Gerson Vasquez Cancino; Cajamarca, Peru Jorge Mendoza Cabanillas; Tarapoto, Peru Jose Atoche Cespedes; Cajamarca, Peru Percy E. Mendoza; La Libertad, Peru Zulmeira Ely Orozco; Ayacucho, Peru Iglesia de Cristo; Rioverde, S.L.P., Mexico Mauricio Zapata; Neira, Colombia Miguel Angel Ucan; Tamazunchale, S.L.P., Mexico Luciano Sanchez; Bayamont, Puerto Rico Doyle Kee; Geneva, Switzerland Antonio Rodriguez Pintor; Santaella, Spain Juan Garcia; Sevilla, Spain Jaime Moros, Iglesia de Cristo; Spain Childress Church of Christ; Childress, Texas Barbara & Windle Kee; Wichita Falls, Texas Reid Holmsley; Ozona, Texas Shelton Boyd; Sweetwater, Texas Edgemere Church of Christ; Wichita Falls, Texas Marta Sanchez; Wichita Falls, Texas Alvin Stoker; Balch Springs, Texas Alida Salazar; Deer Park, Texas Prison Ministry; Eden, Texas Western Heights Church of Christ; Sherman, Texas Ellen Kirk; Eagle Pass, Texas Ramiro Alejo; Brownsville, Texas Jesus Gutierrez; El Paso, Texas Leon Bergoderi; Cuman, Venezuela Yohel Olivares Vielma; Maracaibo, Venezuela Santo Marcano; Carupano, Venezuela Carlos Puente; Merida, Venezuela David Garcia; Maracaibo, Venezuela Teresa Perez; Barquisimeto, Venezuela Miguel Gutierrez, Iglesia de Cristo; Maracaibo, Venezuela Armando Ortega M.; Teopisca, Chiapas, Mexico Gonzalo Valenzuela, Iglesia de Cristo; Apson, Mexico Prisoners inside U.S. and other countries Martha Derrick; Ruidoso, New Mexico Manuel Perez; Palestine, Texas Telly Caamal; San Miguel, Cozumel, Mexico Yole Nelson Rodriguez; Mixco, Guatemala Luis Moreno Diaz, Iglesia de Cristo; Carmen, Campeche, Mexico Gustavo Arguello Marroquin; Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico Manuel Alveal Vera; Villarrica, Chile Leoncio Salvador Cardenas; Lima, Peru Antonio Batista; Barahona, Dominican Republic Elder Graham; Columbus, Georgia Valentin Aquino; Tomazanchale, S.L.P., Mexico Jorge Mercado; Villa Gesell, Argentina Marcelo Ayosa; San Isidro, Argentina Jorge Recalde; Buenos Aires, Argentina Ezequiel San Juan Nuñez; El Paraiso, Colombia Wilson Valbuena; San Benito, Colombia Stephanie Samostis; Grovetown, Georgia Hoswaldo Moreno Parrales; Managua, Nicaragua Nelson Jose Garcia, Siunna, Nicaragua Iglesia de Cristo barrio la Fuente; Managua, Nicaragua Lacy Montgomery; Memphis, Texas This and that: Just some thoughts, plans, suggestion and request to leave with you We are in the final set-up and review of Gerald Paden’s book: Table Talks We have a new commentary on Hebrews from Bro. Pablo Sanabria which will be done January In regard to Ken leaving. You might like to recognize his years of service to this Ministry and the Lord’s Work by sending in an ’In Honor Of Gift’. He was hard at it for a long time. see form on pg 3 Brethren, we are still in need of new contributors to come on line. Our monthly contributions have deteriorated to the point that we need to ask if you can help us. We have no other place to go other than coming to you. We know that our Hispanic brethren want and use the literature we produce. I have told you how the Lord has blessed us by their intense desire for this material. I also have told you before how they share the material with up to 9 others. Won’t you join us in the great effort of working to save souls? Thank you for considering us in your budget! If you can’t give, please pray. 17 CONTRIBUTING CONGREGATIONS (alphabetically by state) June 14, 2012 - June 20, 2013 Bell Ave. Church of Christ; Amarillo, Texas Comanche Trail Church of Christ; Amarillo, Texas The Church of Christ; Archer City, Texas Bellevue Church of Christ; Bellevue, Texas The Church of Christ; Big Sandy, Texas Elliott St. Church of Christ; Breckenridge, Texas Rendon Church of Christ; Burleson, Texas Claude Church of Christ; Claude, Texas Westhill Church of Christ; Cleburne, Texas Collinsville Church of Christ; Collinsville, Texas Comanche Church of Christ; Comanche, Texas Crosbyton Church of Christ; Crosbyton, Texas De Leon Church of Christ; De Leon, Texas Decatur Church of Christ; Decatur, Texas Central Church of Christ; Denison, Texas Edgewood Church of Christ; Edgewood, Texas Western Hills Church of Christ; Fort Worth, Texas Gail Church of Christ; Gail, Texas Gatesville Church of Christ; Gatesville, Texas Gilmer Church of Christ; Gilmer, Texas The Church of Christ; Goldthwaite, Texas Johnson Church of Christ; Greenville, Texas The Church of Christ; Gustine, Texas The Church of Christ; Henrietta, Texas Central Church of Christ; Hereford, Texas The Church of Christ; Howe, Texas The Church of Christ; Jefferson, Texas Kamay Church of Christ; Kamay, Texas The Church of Christ; Katy, Texas Highland Lakes Church of Christ; Kingsland, Texas First St. Church of Christ; Lampasas, Texas Malakoff Church of Christ; Malakoff, Texas North A & Tennessee Church of Christ; Midland, Texas Morgan Mill Church of Christ; Morgan Mill, Texas Nolanville Church of Christ; Nolanville, Texas Hamilton St. Church of Christ; Olney, Texas 9th & Columbia Iglesia de Cristo; Plainview, Texas Garland St. Church of Christ; Plainview, Texas Rhome Church of Christ; Rhome, Texas Graeber Rd. Church of Christ; Rosenberg, Texas Southgate Church of Christ; San Angelo, Texas Shamrock Church of Christ; Shamrock, Texas Western Heights Church of Christ; Sherman, Texas Avenue. T Church of Christ; Temple, Texas The Church of Christ; Throckmorton, Texas Central Church of Christ; Tulia, Texas Shiloh Rd. Church of Christ; Tyler, Texas Van Church of Christ; Van, Texas Venus Church of Christ; Venus, Texas Fargo Church of Christ; Vernon, Texas Wilbarger St. Church of Christ; Vernon, Texas Faith Village Church of Christ; Wichita Falls, Texas 10th & Broad Church of Christ; Wichita Falls, Texas Wylie Church of Christ; Wylie, Texas Argo Church of Christ; Jasper, Alabama Blackwater Macedonia Church of Christ; Jasper, Alabama Prattville Church of Christ; Prattville, Alabama Cox Blvd. Church of Christ; Sheffield, Alabama Westside Church of Christ; Sheffield, Alabama Beedeville Church of Christ; Beedeville, Arkansas Bella Vista Church of Christ Bentonville, Arkansas New Liberty Church of Christ; Cleveland, Arkansas Dardanelle Church of Christ; Dardanelle, Arkansas Nettleton Church of Christ; Jonesboro, Arkansas Jackson St. Church of Christ; Magnolia, Arkansas Mountain View Church of Christ; Mountain View,Arkansas Evening Star Church of Christ; Paragould, Arkansas Normandie Church of Christ; Los Angeles, California Roseville Church of Christ; Roseville, California Parkway Iglesia de Cristo; Sacramento, California Campus Church of Christ; Gainesville, Florida Macomb Church of Christ; Macomb, Illinois Iuka Church of Christ; Iuka, Mississippi Sidney Church of Christ; Sidney, Montana Mountainair Church of Christ; Mountainair, New Mexico Stratford Church of Christ; Ada, Oklahoma Bethany Church of Christ; Bethany, Oklahoma Blanchard Church of Christ; Blanchard, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Bristow, Oklahoma Sixth & Poplar Church of Christ; Bristow, Oklahoma Colcord Church of Christ; Colcord, Oklahoma Prairie Hill Church of Christ; Comanche, Oklahoma 4th & College Church of Christ; Cordell, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Crowder, Oklahoma Del City Church of Christ; Del City, Oklahoma Depew Church of Christ; Depew, Oklahoma Duke Church of Christ; Duke, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Fort Cobb, Oklahoma Shell St. Church of Christ; Healdton, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Lone Wolf, Oklahoma Newalla Church of Christ; Newalla, Oklahoma Central Ave. Church of Christ; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Northwest Church of Christ; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Roosevelt Church of Christ; Roosevelt, Oklahoma Sayre Church of Christ; Sayre, Oklahoma Church of Christ at Little; Seminole, Oklahoma Velma Church of Christ; Velma, Oklahoma Walters Church of Christ; Walters, Oklahoma The Church of Christ; Waurika, Oklahoma Eugene Church of Christ; Eugene, Oregon The Church of Christ; Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania Taft Church of Christ; Ardmore, Tennessee The Church of Christ; Lexington, Tennessee Olivet Church of Christ; McEwen, Tennessee Great Oaks Church of Christ; Memphis, Tennessee Middleton Church of Christ; Middleton, Tennessee Waverly Church of Christ; Waverly, Tennessee Chapel Hill Church of Christ; White Bluff, Tennessee 18 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS FOR SPANISH LITERATURE June 14, 2012 - June 20, 2013 ALABAMA Eugene & Peggy Harrison James & Jewel Heron Dr. Dean Moberly Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Phillips Mrs. Francis C. Stone ARIZONA Clyde Coker Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rollins ARKANSAS Carol Adams Mr. & Mrs. J. Benton Allen Mrs. Doris Biggerstaff Hilda Brady Mr. Jack Chaffin Charles & Donna Conley Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gordon Bill W. & Linda K. Griffin Brian P. Jones Owen Moseley Linda Vaughn Mr. Thomas L. Wesche Ginger White Mr. Robert K. Younger CALIFORNIA Mr. & Mrs. L. Duane Canby Mr. & Mrs. M.J. Cozby Garry D. Fuller James & Jo Ann Gibbs Gerald Hunnicutt Mr. James E. Hunt Mr. Willis Langford Bonnie Perocier Jeffrey Skinner Mrs. Virginia W. Thomson COLORADO Mr. Don Fike Stuart & Melanie McGuiggan Mr. & Mrs. James A. Riley David A. Wilson Donna Wittlif FLORIDA LTC & Mrs. Benny E. Acock Mrs. Ruth Buckner Carol Moore W.F. & Betty Parker GEORGIA Kenneth Dahlstrom Jondahl Davis Mr. Larry Gordy Gaye Tate HAWAII Satsuki Fukunaga ILLINOIS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bradd Dorman & Donna Lough INDIANA Dr. & Mrs. James L. Baughn Gene & Rita Calvert Martha Marlow Mrs. Thelma McPike Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Smith, Jr Wanita White KANSAS Wilbur Kinnamon Lawrence & Carol Norris Mrs. Bill G. Starks Mr. Wayland D. Whitlow MARYLAND Mr. Earle H. West MICHIGAN Everett & Colleen Anderson Marlene Dyer Linda M. Hage Russell & Loraine Mabry MISSISSIPPI Mr. & Mrs. Bobby D. Pohlman Mary Helen Rowland MISSOURI Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Burr Mr. Gene Johnson Mrs. Doris McClellan Glenna Merrell Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Merritt Mr. & Mrs. James Murray MONTANA Judith A. Coldwell Mr. & Mrs. Jim Squires Mrs. Larry Tipton NEBRASKA Dr. & Mrs. James E. Canarsky William Stolzenburg NEW MEXICO Mr. & Mrs. W.D. Barnett Mr. C. M. Bonarden Nena A. Brannan Nadine Brookings Clarissa Derrick June Ellison Mrs. Ruth McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Glenn O’Neal NEW YORK Michael L. Farleman Argentina Jordan NORTH CAROLINA Harold G. Beale Quentin M. Clark Mrs. Elizabeth Stanfield OHIO Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gilfilen Mr. & Mrs. Claude L. Smith Helen Stewart F. Wayne Talkington Mr. & Mrs. James M. Taylor OKLAHOMA Mr. & Mrs. Dale Ayers Frank H. Bellizzi, Jr. Paxson Gordon Billy & Verna Gray Mr. Don H. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hemphill Harold Hutchison Lewis & Anna Mayer Delcia F. Parks Ragena Reinig Jerry L. Rochelle Mrs. Jeanette K. Schoof Bill & Gail Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Toothman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Tyler SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. Phillip Eichman Theodore H. Fisher III TENNESSEE Twyla Avery Mrs. Jean Black Bullington Hollis & Sherry Casey Dr. & Mrs. David E. Darrah Mary Alice Duncan Walter Evans Mrs. Pauline T. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Boodie M. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Gann Kevin Q. Grandey Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Griffin Mrs. Mary L. Grissom Charles & Suzanne Gunter Maurine B. Halliburton Mr. & Mrs. G.C. Hammond Ruth Tubb Hill Deborah Miller Ella F. Patton Dr. & Mrs. John E. Petty Margaret Reasons Mr. & Mrs. G.C. Robinson, Jr. Rex Shelby Mr. & Mrs. Billy H. Smith Dale & Dorothy Stowe George & Rosemary Swing Jeanne Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Terry Walter Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Whitworth Mr. & Mrs. William B. Young TEXAS James Alderson Christine Atherton Ann Baker Mr. Vereal A. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Ted Beaver Mr. & Mrs. Billy C. Bell Mr. Richard A. Bently Mr. J.R. Bloyd Mr. John E. Bragg William & Tamara Bransgrove Mr. Marvin A. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. James A. Carpenter, Jr. John K. Chance Doyle & Terecia Chapin Mrs. Alla Ree Cherry B. L. Chrane Wayne Christopher Mary Tom Claborn Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Cole Dianna Conkling Nelda Jo Cook Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Cresswell Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. David R. Davis Mr. Don Davis Mr. & Mrs. A.B. Dickey Wenona Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Durham Mr. Steve Dye Janet Ellison Kenneth & Margaret Escue Mrs. Jean Finley Mr. & Mrs. Ron Fox Percy A. Francis Kenneth W. Free Mr. Eugenio Garcia Mr. D. B. Gass Robert C. Giles Mr. & Mrs. Clois Green Mr. & Mrs. Rice E. Gregory Mr. John B. Hamrick Allen W. Hardgrave Bobby Harkins Rickey Harman Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Harrell Mr. James D. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. William D. Helms C.W. Henderson John & Pat Hendry Linda Higgins Mr. Hulan H. Hill LaNelle E. Hodge Mrs. Margaret Hooker Mrs. Helen Mansell Horne Mr. Buran House Alma Hughs Exie E. Hughs Mr. & Mrs. R.B. Hunnicutt Kevin & Lexy Hunt Ruth Hutchens Mr. J. Clay Jackson Wilma F. Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Rex John Mr. Paul G. Johnson Mr. Ramon Johnston Pamela Jones Mr. & Mrs. Troy Mark Jones Mr. James W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. R.R. Jordan Douglas Lee Keese Mr. David W. King Mr. Annita Koke Jane H. Lee Mr. Coleman Lemmons Mrs. J.D. Litton Mr. & Mrs. John T. Livengood Cherry Lloyd Ken & Sue Marmaduke Dorothy Martin Thomas H. Martin Mr. J. E. McCabe Barbara McCullough Mr. Jerry R. McIntyre Craig & Susan Meyer Mr. Clay Mims Ray & Laura Minkley Fred C. Mitchell Mrs. Mary & Francis Montandon Joe & Judy Morris Mrs. Charles S. Morrison Mary G. Nabors Mr. Louis Neal Lois Neathery Charles & Betty Nelson Ellis & Vircille Owens Lelan Pack Ezequiel Palma Mr. Roy G. Palmer Mr. Alvie Pardue Mr. Don L. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Patterson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearce Terry & Diane Peavy Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Perez Patsy Porter Mr. & Mrs. Jack Powell Shana R. Pruski Mrs. Kenneth Rainwater Pablo & Alejandra Reyna Mr. Ray Joe Riley Mr. Byron Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Carrol D. Robertson Billy & Helen Russell Mr. & Mrs. James Satcher Dr. & Mrs. Randall Schaffner Jane Seabolt Mr. & Mrs. Fred Selby James Self Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Sloan Mr. David L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Dean Smith Mr. Johnny Smith Mr. Gary Snead Mr. & Mrs. Newell W. Tate Mr. & Mrs. Gene Terhune Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Thornton Marie G. Tomlinson Daryl Tucker Mrs. Melba C. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Wade Mr. Norman G. Wells Joy West Van R. White William A. White Necy Wilburn Mr. & Mrs. Al Williams Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Williams Mrs. Joyce Williams Mr. John M. Wilson Harold R. Winslow Rose Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Ybarra Mr. Larry Yowell UTAH Penny Shields VIRGINIA Marvin S. Soto PUERTO RICO Mrs. Lydia E. Riley Dear Partners, please remember that we could not help our Hispanic Brethren with this literature without your help. We need your continued support. Thank you!!!! 19 Summer/Fall 2013 1RQ3UR¿W2UJ 863267$*( 3$,' Wichita Falls, Texas 3HUPLW1R RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 32%R[ :LFKLWD)DOOV7H[DV :HEVLWHZZZVSDQOLWHUDWXUHFRP )D[(PDLOVSDQLVKOLWHUDWXUH#VEFJOREDOQHW MEMORIAL MEMO ME MORI MO RIIAL R AL G GIFT IFT IF FT CO C CONTRIBUTIONS ONT NTRI RIBU RIBU BUT BUTI TIIO ON NS June Ju n 20 ne 2012 12 - June Ju une e2 2013 013 01 IN IN M EMO EM OR RY OF: MEMORY Gene Ge G ene ne O’Connor O’C ’Con nnorr ........ ............... ...... ..... Da Davi David vid vi d Sm Smith mith itth Carl Newton Lubbock, Texas Ca C arl rl N ew wto ton Lubb Lu boc ock, k, T k, ex e x xas as as Cherry Dent Ryan C Cher Ch herry errry ry D ent Ry en R an Mary M Ma ary ry Harris Brent B rent McCurdy Pat Sprinks Marilyn M Ma rilyn Jones Robert R Ro obert Val White Mike M Mi ike Connolly Jonnie Hood Jo onn nnie i H ood oo d Tom Skillman To om & Kathryn Kathry Kath ryn n Sk Skil illman Elaine El la aiine n Perrin Per erri rin n Marvin Ma arrv vin vin n Cox x C.W. Walker C.W C. W. W alke er Mildred M Mi ld dre red Louden Billy Bi B illlly James Ja Herschel H He ers ersch rsch rs chel Jones Ophelia Op O phe heliia Click Harley Ha Harl arle rley rl ey Hughes James J ames mes Hogg Lola L Lo la a Wagner Wagner Ruda R Ru uda a Johnson James Ja ames Bruce Ethel Ethe Et he el Mae Lassiter Edna Ed E dna Holmes Evelyn Mansur Ev E velyn v Man ansu ur ............... James & Barbara Satcher Don Wichita Falls, Texas D on Bundy Bund nd dy Peggy Laughlin Kathy Robinson Marjorie Ma arj rjorie Hollars Harl Ha arl Mansur Wanda Ellerd McGalliard Sue McG M cGallia ard Dewie Dewi ie Escue Escu ue Elmer Elme er Hewitt Hewi He w ttt wi Velma Pierce Ve Pier Pi erce Walker .......... Gail Marvanell Walk ker .. .... ... .... .... .. Bill Bill & G ail Stewart Ardmore, A Ardm rdm morre, Oklahoma Rice Gregory ................... Ri ice Gregory.... ... .... . ........ . .. . .... Jim Jim & Sue Sue Ann An nn Carpenter Wichita Falls, Jack Sheppard Shepp ppar pp a d ar W ch Wi chit ita F it alls, Texas Aubrey Dunn Ed Love Marjorie Hollars Olga Ol O lg ga a Smith Smi mith ith ........................ ..... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... . .. De Den Dennis nnis & R Ragena ag gen ena aR Re Reinig ein nig ig Bella Vista, Be B ellla Vi V sta, a, Arkansas Arka rkan ansa ansa as Maur Maurice uric ric icee Ne Neat Neathery athe at he ery r ...... ............. .......... .... Lois Lois Neathery G Granbury, ran anbu an bu b ury y, Texas T xas Te Anthony ............... Robertt A n hony nt y .. .... .... .. ........... . Hilda Brady Conway, Arkansas McClung ................ Lucille L Lu u M Mc cCl Cllung .............. ... Donna Donn Do nna a Wittlif Wiitttli W liff Lakewood, Colorado L ake ewo wood od od, d, Co olo lora rado ra do Nelson Carol Fox Lois & N elso el s n Smith ......... Boodie & C arrol F o ox Hixson, Tennessee Tennessee Tenn Peggy Patton Busby Pegg Pe gg gy Pa P tton Bus ussby .......... Mr. & Mrs. Mrs Hunnicutt Hunnicutt Texas Odessa, Te exa xass Martha Derrick ................. Clarissa Clar Cl a issa a& Cassandra Cass Ca ssan ss a dra Derrick Ruidoso, Mexico R Ru id dos o o, o New Me exic ex icoo Carl Lois Kennemer ...... Ca C arl & L o s Ke oi enn nnem nnem em mer err .. .... ..... Wenona Weno We Weno nona na L. L. Dunn D nn Du n W Wa alt l err D lter unn un n G Georgetown wn n, Te T xa as Walter Dunn Georgetown, Texas ................... Ruth M McCauley Ruby Leamons Leamons................... cCa cC aule ey Fresnos, Texas Loss Fres Lo esno nos, Tex xas a Imogene Grover Hammond ............. Im Imog ogene Hammond Columbia, C ollumbia, Tennessee Tennesse ee IN HONOR OF: Smith Clyde & Audene Pinkinton………David Piinki inki k nton…… ……D …David S miitth h Johnny & Kay She Shepard epar pa ard L Lubbock, ubb boc ock, k, T Texas exa ex as Faulkner.............. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Mabry Rebecca Faulkner.............. y West Bloomfield, Michigan Michiiga an Balleza ....... Dale & Laura White Federico & Dorothy Balleza....... Lau ura Whi h te hi Gatesville, Texass Schaffner......... Randall & Kathy Shaffner Dr. & Mrs. Schaffner......... Shaffn fner fn er Vernon, Texas H llie Pirozzo .................... Lois Neathery Ha Hallie Granbury, Texas The production of Christian literature is the primary purpose of Worldwi Worldwide wide wi de Sp Spanish Literature Ministry. We are so grateIXOWKDWWKLVZRUNKDVWKHDSSURYDODQG¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWRIPRUHWKDQFRQJUHJDWLRQVRIWKH&KXUFKRI&KULVW IXOWKDWWKLVZRUNKDVWKHDSSURYDODQG¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWRIPRUHWKD DQ DQ FRQJUHJDWLRQVRIWKH&KXUFKRI&KULVW ANSWERING A AN NSW S ER SW ERIN ING THE IN TH HE CALL CALL F FOR O C OR CHRISTIAN HRIS HR I TI IS T AN L LITERATURE IT TER E A AT TUR RE IIN NAF FAST AST CH AS AST C CHANGING HAN ANGI ANGI GING NG W NG WORLD ORLD OR LD