October - EWI of Chattanooga


October - EWI of Chattanooga
Chattanooga Edition
Chartered in 1987
October, 2010
Letter from the President
What an awesome meeting we had in
September! I look forward to serving
this wonderful family of Executive
Women. As we begin our year, as
president, I want to thank Lynda Childress for all that she accomplished and
the growth that we felt during 20092010. My desire is to pick up the ball and keep us advancing
forward to make 2010-2011 the greatest year of EWI Chattanooga!
We are finalizing the preparations for the 13th Annual Barnyard Auction October 21, 2010 with great speed. Our current
board has met with obtainable plans for the future of our chapter. We are arranging the committee members for distribution.
Our chapter is striving to earn scholarship funds for those who
desire to improve their lives. As you can see, there is excitement in the air and it is not even Christmas!
I do want you to know, that each member is valuable to our
EWI family. Without each one of you, we would not succeed!
So, thank you in advance for all that you will do to help make
this the year to remember!
Sincerely with much love!
2010-2011 Officers and Directors
Margaret Browning, President
Chattanooga Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Michelle Withorn,
Vice President/President Elect
EMJ Corporation
Barbara Tawater, Secretary
Northgate Title Escrow, Inc,
Kristina Smith, Treasurer
First Tennessee Bank
Ani Yacoubian, Sgt-At-Arms
Yacoubian Tailors
Carrie Harlin, Membership Director
Southern Adventist University
Barbara Verhine, Program Director
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Kathy Sok, Ways & Means Director
Reliable Building Solutions, Inc.
Kate Pinson, Communications Director, CMC Publications
Lynda Childress, Director-at-Large
Luken Holdings, Inc.,
Margaret Browning
EWI President 2010-2011
p. 1chapter,
• Barnyard
Auction our
p. 2 community,
• LCAM p. 3,4 • Melissa’s Organizing Tips p. 5 • Reading
Rally p. 6 • Website Trivia & Who Am I? p. 7 • September Chapter Meeting p. 8 • Committee Reports p.
growing ourselves.”
9,10 • Member Spotlight p. 11 • Our Mission p. 12 • Officers and Directors p. 13 • Member Firms p. 14
Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Executive Women International® presents the
13th Annual Barnyard Auction
Where: The DoubleTree Hotel
When: Thursday, October 21st, 5:30pm
5:30 p.m. – Doors Open to View Auction Items
5:30 p.m. – Cash Bar Opens
Platinum Sponsors:
6:30 p.m. – Dinner Served
7:15 p.m. – Auction Starts
Thanks to all members who have been so
generous with donations of items for the
auction, monetary donations, sales of tickets,
tables and sponsorships for our 13th Annual
Barnyard Auction! As of now, we only have
8 tickets left to sell!
We will have over $20,000 worth of donated
goods and services to be auctioned including
overnight stays in some great cities, electronics including an HD TV, golf packages, spa
packages and more.
Be prepared to jump up and down with excitement, enjoy a fabulous meal, bring your
$1, $2, $3 and $5 monies for auction bids and
raffle items, and get the chance to win awesome prizes, at this year’s fundraising event.
Silver Sponsors:
Physical tickets will be sent to ticket holders
and table hosts approximately 1 week before
the auction.
A special thanks to this year’s Ways and
Means Committee for their time and dedication to organizing and executing this year’s
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October 2010
Chattanooga Edition
63rd Annual Leadership Conference and
Annual Meeting in Kansas City
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October 2010
Chattanooga Edition
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October 2010
Chattanooga Edition
Melissa’s Organizing Tips for October
Email Management – Empty Your Inbox
In many cases, you are the only one that can determine how much
email is too much. However, try to view your email inbox as just
that – an In Box – where emails arrive that need to be processed. Imagine what your kitchen counter might look like if you
did not process your incoming snail mail.
How do you decide what to do with each email? The "Four Ds for DecisionMaking" model (4 Ds) is a valuable tool which will make it easy.
Deleting - According to Microsoft, you can delete about half of all the email you
Doing – If it will take less than two minutes to reply or perform the requested
action, go ahead and do it now.
Delegating - If you can delegate it, do so right away. Be clear on the action you
are requesting and the date by which the action needs to be completed.
Deferring - Since some of your e-mails will require action that will take longer
than two minutes, you will decide to defer those items and move them to appropriate folders to work on at a later date. Make sure to record the action
needed on your To Do list.
For more productivity tips, please go to www.mbgorganizing.com and sign up for
my free monthly newsletter.
Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.
-Winston Churchill
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October 2010
Chattanooga Edition
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Website Trivia Contest
Win 3 raffle tickets!
Go to ewichattanooga.org and if
you have a Facebook or Twitter
account, click on
the links on the
front page to follow the Chapter
through this social media and
email me at
[email protected] that you
have used this social media.
Am I
I love children and used to work in a early learning center.
I sing (love karaoke) for stress relief.
My husband is an artist and we often enjoy the wonderful art shows and galleries of Chattanooga in our
spare time.
Do you know who this is? Check your
November Connect for the reveal.
It’s October...Did you know?....
Read more: http://purpleslinky.com/trivia/strange-october-facts-and-trivia/
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October 2010
September Chapter Meeting
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Chattanooga Edition
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Sergeant At-Arms
Membership Committee Report
By: Carrie Harlin
Hello EWI Friends! I look forward to
the task of recruiting and retaining our
members of our EWI Chapter this
year. As membership director, I would
like to make sure we remember those who we
have recruited to make sure they feel welcome,
involved, and valued in our chapter. Retention is
just as important as recruitment.
Here are a few tips to remember when recruiting
new members. Before speaking to potential new
members, email me first. [email protected].
We need to make sure the potential firm is not in
competition with any of our current member
firms. Once the board has approved, then we
send it out to our entire membership for their approval. Note- objections must come from the executive of the firm, not just the member. After all
approval has been made, the lead who submitted
the name will be contacted to invite the potential
member to a meeting. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need help. We
have a running list of industries or classifications
that are still available for recruitment.
Finally, I would like to congratulate Carolyn
Stringer, of Luken Holdings, for her third consecutive year to win the award for being top recruiter in all of EWI. Carolyn received recognition and a gift from EWI corporate office at the
Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting
(LCAM). Congratulations Carolyn! We appreciate your hard work and commitment to EWI of
There were 59 attendees
at the
September meeting.
15 Guests Present
44 Representatives Present
Carolyn Stringer of
Luken Holdings has
won the award of top
recruiter in all of EWI
for the third consecutive year!!!!
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Ways and Means Committee Report
By Kathy Sok
Barnyard Auction 2010
Barnyard Auction – Thursday Oct 21, 2010-Double Tree Hotel 5:30pm
Thank you for the all the donations and support to make this year’s Barnyard Auction another success!
We now have only 8 individual tickets remaining to sell!
Last year we raised $15,981.98 and this year we hope to exceed $20,000.00.
We added one new fundraising items this year: Nose to Toes…Pay $10/per person and get tickets from your
Nose to Toes and when we draw one ticket at the end of the night, the winner wins half of the money raised.
The other half goes to the scholarship fund.
Cash Donations are coming in to help us buy big ticket items such as TV, electronic items which are big hit
each year. We have collected $900.00 to date and need additional $100.00 to start shopping for these items.
Anyone interested in making cash donations, please contact : Sheron Diegel at 423-321-1651 or send her email
at [email protected]
Pecan Sales 2010
We are already getting orders for the new crop pecans this year. New prices will be available on/about
1/15/10 and for now Ways and Means Committee just needs to know how many bags, halves or pieces so that
we can put in the order as soon as we get our pricing. Since the New Crop is preferred by other groups and
companies, order is on a first come first serve basis. We sold the pecans for $7.50/per bag last year and hope
to charge about the same without a increase from the supplier: Atwell Pecans.
Please order your batch from : Kathy Sok 423-954-9834 or email : [email protected]
Bi-Lo Booster Club
We have laminated the Bi-Lo Booster Club cards for each of our members /families/friends and will be distributed at the Barnyard Auction at the check in desk. You only need to scan once while shopping to keep donations coming into our organization. If anyone needs more cards, just ask at the monthly meetings.
New Ways and Means Committee Members
I will be contacting the new members after the Barnyard Auction to set up our initial meeting to discuss our
plans and different ways to participate within Ways and Means Committee. I will have the new list of members from the new President: Margaret Browning on 10/9/10.
Thanks again for signing up to be Ways and Means Committee and with your help, I hope to raise more money
this year to support our scholarship recipients and support our EWI Chattanooga Chapter.
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Member Spotlight
Carrie Harlin
Home to around 3,000 students, Southern Adventist University is a graduate and
undergraduate co-educational university. The academic program consists of nine
master’s degrees, 70 baccalaureate degrees, 18 associate degrees, and two certificate programs. Southern provides services to our community through the Market
Research Institute; concerts and events; our 100% vegetarian grocery store The
Village Market; outdoor leadership and group training; and conference services,
meetings, and event hosting on campus.
Carrie is currently working on her 5th school year at Southern as the Director of
SIFE and Business Relations in the School of Business and Management. SIFE,
which stands for Students in Free Enterprise, is her main responsibility. SIFE is a
global program giving students at universities opportunities to lead and to serve
others. Her job helps college students realize that they possess skills and abilities to do great things now.
They can start a non-profit or help a local small business go green. SIFE students empower administrators to
create a sustainable food supply on campus; SIFE students create an opportunity for the campus to learn and
experience health through greenhouse gardening; SIFE students teach elementary school students ethics,
business principles, and life skills, ensuring that SIFE’s mission connects with future generations; SIFE students build greenhouses in Africa and a bakery in Uruguay to gain global perspective. On our university
campus, SIFE also stands for Service, Innovation, Faith and Experience. What does Carrie do? She mentors
college students and provides a safe environment for them to do great things for their campus, community,
and people around the world today and in their future!
When Carrie has free time, she enjoys spending it with her husband, Chad, and her two cocker spaniels Bella
and Baxter. They enjoy traveling and spending time with friends and family. Between her work hours and
Chad still currently enrolled in his master’s program while working full-time, free time isn’t too often. But
when they have it, they make sure to make the best of it!
Carrie was invited to join EWI through an invitation from Tanya English. She had previously worked at
Miller and Martin, with Tanya, and as she was leaving Tanya’s response was “great, now you can join EWI
with me!” As Marketing Coordinator at Miller and Martin, Carrie sent out a few press releases when Tanya
had been elected to serve on the board. EWI looked interesting to her, and since she was about to leave
downtown to work in Collegedale, she was looking for a way to still be connected to the possibilities that
downtown Chattanooga had to offer. Carrie states, “EWI is the perfect fit for me. I support EWI’s mission
and vision through our connections as we network and become friends with one another; through careers as
we enhance our skills and leadership develop; and through community as we give back with scholarships to single mothers.”
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Our Mission
EWI brings together key individuals from diverse businesses for the purpose of promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community involvement.
Our Vision
To be a professional organization that creates value for its member firms
and their representatives through career development, business connectivity, and involvement in local communities.
Our Strategic Goals
1. To strengthen, expand and broaden membership.
2. To provide member firms with meaningful benefits.
3. To actively promote education for all representatives.
4. To achieve a high level of community visibility through service.
Executive Women International—EWI of Chattanooga
Margaret Browning, 2010-2011 Chapter President
Chattanooga Coca Cola Bottling Company
E-Mail: [email protected]
Ph: 423-494-0553
Fax: 423-629-4437
Executive Women International
EWI of Chattanooga
P.O. Box 11522
Chattanooga, TN 37401
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
Chattanooga Coca Cola Bottling
EMJ Corporation
Margaret Browning
Michelle Withorn
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kristina Smith
Barbara Tawater
First Tennessee Bank
Northgate Title Escrow, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ani Yacoubian
Carrie Harlin
Yacoubian Tailors
Southern Adventist University
[email protected]
[email protected]
Barbara Verhine
Kathy Sok
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
[email protected]
Reliable Building Solutions
[email protected]
Kate Pinson
Lynda Childress
[email protected]
[email protected]
CMC Publications
Luken Holdings, Inc.
Did you know...The EWIConnect is available to you to “toot your horn!” Have you had a promotion? Has
your firm done something newsworthy recently? Received an award? Made an acquisition? Share the
news with your network of business associates in our newsletter. Simply send your information to Kate
Pinson: [email protected] by the 3rd Monday of each month. We look forward to hearing
about your exciting news!
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Chattanooga Edition
October 2010
ADS Security
Linda Pervis
Air Filtration Service
Sabie Holley
Artech Design Group
Karan Avant
Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. Jody Hermann
Baylor School
Brenda Waddell
BI-LO, Inc.
Sue Moore
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Pamela Blaylock
Charlie Rosenquist
BMW of Chattanooga
Isabel Ober
Catoosa County Climate Controlled
& Regular Storage
Pamela Grant
CBL & Assoc. Management
Denise Postelle
Chattanooga Area Chamber of
Christie Kelly
Lori Slatton
Nena Powell
Law Offices of Lloyd Stanley
Nancy Harrison
Luken Holdings
Tammy Babb
Lynda Childress
Carolyn Stringer
Lyndhurst Foundation
Catherine Cox
MBG Organizing Solutions
Melissa Gratias
MCA, Mike Collins & Assoc., Inc.
Heather Burrell
Kristen Smith
Miller & Martin PLLC
Tanya English
Northgate Title Escrow, Inc.
Barbara Tawater
Oehmig Travel Consultancy
Carla Hilling
Office Team
Sandy Saylors
Sheila Thompson
Chattanooga Bakery
Fredia Higdon
Philips Lightolier
Chattanooga Coca-Cola Bottling
Company United
Margaret Browning
Reliable Building Solutions, Inc.
Kathy Sok
Republic Parking System
Kelley Eblin
Chattanooga Convention & Visitors
Lori Dodd
River City Consulting
Joyce Harlin
Chattanooga Funeral Home
Kay Low
Rone Regency Jewelers
Ashley Spinelli
Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy
Djuana Tomlin
Smith, Laura c/o Studio LaVie’
Laura Smith
Chattanooga Head Start
Joey Martel-James
Southern Adventist University
Carrie Harlin
Chattanooga State Technical
Community College
Barbara Morgan
State Farm
Kerry Smith
Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union
Karen Hannifin
Chattanooga Times Free Press
Amy Fowler
The Chattanoogan Hotel
Christy Barker
Citadel Broadcasting Corporation
Kelly McCoy
The Krystal Company
Colleen Fieser
CMC Publications
Kate Pinson
The University of Tennessee at
Barbara Verhine
Town & Country Barber Shop
Marti Brown
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc.
Janice Houser
Unique Gifts and Promos
Nancy Landreth
Melba Wolfe
United Way of Greater Chattanooga
Delores Lewis
Nancy Harrison
Wabash Trailer Sales, LLC
Becky Rudewicz
Wild Moon Resort & Ranch
Cindy Bruce
Yacoubian Tailors
Ani Yacoubian
Sustaining Members
Jan McAfee
Dottie Jones
Penny Walker
Life Member
Nancy Templeton
COS Business Products & Interiors
Connie Mills
Courtyard & Residence Inn by Marriott
Cindy Ward
Dimension Designs Inc.
Christine Stephens
Diversified Companies, LLC
Kim Pendergrass
ELD Associates, LLC
Frances Cannon
Zelma Pack
EMJ Corporation
Michelle Withorn
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Summer Blevins
EPB Telecom
Valerie Lucas
Erlanger Health System
Priscilla Williams
Kim Carlton
First Tennessee Bank
Kristina Smith
Fitness Together
Rachel Reeves
Fletcher Bright Company, Realtors
Elaine Peterson
Sandy Wright
Heartland Payment Systems
Kathy Lee
Kayser-Roth Corporation
Debra Gates
Kenco Logistics
Carolyn Pool
Lattimore Black Morgan & Cain, PC
Beverlee Bartley
Mary Ellen Maycann
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