April 2015 - Christ the Servant


April 2015 - Christ the Servant
Christ the Servant
Lutheran Church
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
April 2015
Volume 41, No. 8
I always look forward to it, but after such a long, cold snowy February
and early March, I am especially celebrating the first green shoots of
the crocuses and daffodils that I see fighting their way through the
cold, grey ground this year. Witnessing the new growth of spring is a
stunning testament to the power of resurrection. These resurrection
images in nature were stirred in my imagination on Sunday, March
15, when we sang ELW Hymn # 726, “Light Dawns on a Weary
World.” The tune was not entirely familiar, and the congregation
struggled a bit in singing it, but I found the lyrics particularly beautiful.
In case you were struggling with notes and didn’t catch all of the
lyrics, I got permission from the publisher1 to include them here, so
you won’t miss out on their message. Here are Mary Louise Bringle’s
lovey lyrics. I hope they stir light, hope and love in your heart as
spring and the promises of Easter warm our winter-weary hearts.
Light dawns on a weary world when eyes begin to see all
people’s dignity.
Light dawns on a weary world: the promised day of justice
The trees shall clap their hands; the dry lands, gush with
the hills and mountains shall break forth with singing!
We shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace,
as all the world in wonder echoes shalom.
Love grows in a weary world when hungry hearts find bread
and children’s dreams are fed.
Love grows in a weary world: the promised feast of plenty
comes. Refrain
Hope blooms in a weary world when creatures, one forlorn, find
wilderness reborn.
Hope blooms in a weary world: the promised green of Eden
Although they picked a very strange way to do it, those early church
leaders who gathered at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and
described the way in which the date for Easter would be set, wisely
www.ctslutheranelca.org † 9801 Centerway Road, Montgomery Village, MD
April Prayer Concerns
Arlene Alfano
Drew Allison
Bob Andersen
Chris Casson
Samuel Daworlor
Connor Dean
Carin Depree
Joann Eastlack
Jerry Garner
Steve Garvey
Dorothy Gerald
Karen Hochberg
Hannah Larkin
Tim & Katie Larkin
Dave Larrabee
Barbara Lashof
Margaret Lipe
Thomas Lipe
Marcus McBride Jr.
David Morris
Pr. John Muller
Althea Nottingham
Debbie O’Connor
Joyce Pacheli
Lorna Pool
Josiane Richter
Will Severynse
Janet Tidemann
Wendy, Dante, & Caedman
Orlando Vela
Cindy Wald
Mike Wallin
made sure, that, at least for northern hemisphere, Easter would
happen in the spring. They designated that Easter is to fall on the
“first Sunday after the Paschal full moon. A Pascal full moon is
defined as the full moon that occurs on or after the equinox, March 21.
This means that Easter will always fall between March 22 and April 25.
Now having grown up in Minnesota, I am fully aware that there can still
be a lot of snow on the ground at Easter, but generally there have
been at least some sightings of the early signs of spring in nature by
Easter Sunday. I hope that you will make a point of noticing and
celebrating the ways in the natural world around us “echoes [the]
shalom” God brought into our worlds and our hearts through death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
May the peace, hope and joy of Christ be with you,
Pastor Kari Parsons
Holy Week Services at CTS
Please join us for as many of these meaningful services as you are
able to attend!
Holy Week Matins—Mon., March 30 –Wed., April 1, 10:00 a.m.
In these spoken services, we will read through the Passion Narrative
from one of the Gospels each day. This practice helps us begin every
day of this solemn week with a reminder of the suffering and sacrifice
Jesus endured for us. It is also an opportunity to spend time orienting
ourselves towards prayer and meditation each morning.
The Way of the Cross—Monday, March 30, 7:30 p.m.
In one of the most interactive services of Holy Week, and indeed the
whole church year, we process outdoors as a group to mark the path
that Jesus took from his trial to the grave. At each post, we
commemorate this stage of Jesus’ Passion journey and say a prayer
of remembrance. Doing this makes the Holy Week story more real and
personal to us, as we travel it with our bodies as well as our minds.
Tenebrae—Tuesday, March 31, 7:30 p.m.
This is a service of candles, psalms, and hymns, which recreates the
betrayal, abandonment, and agony of Christ’s Passion. As we light
and put out the candles, we meditate on Scripture and the light and
darkness contained within it.
Spy Wednesday— Wednesday, April 1, 7:30 p.m.
One of the most underappreciated, but certainly most interesting,
services of the Holy Week cycle! This Service of the Word looks at
Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, the act that led to his arrest. Judas provides
one of the most fascinating—and in many ways, most human—
perspectives in the entire Passion narrative. This service is an
opportunity to connect with a biblical figure so often maligned or
ignored entirely, examining how his story serves as an example to us
all, both of our own imperfection and God/Jesus’ capacity for love and
Maundy Thursday—Thursday, April 2, 7:30 p.m.
Another opportunity to get “hands-on” with the acts we are so familiar
with in the Gospels. This service of Holy Communion contains the
central act of foot-washing. When Jesus gathered for the Last Supper
Readings for April
Resurrection of Our Lord
April 5
Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 (24)
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Mark 16:1-8
2nd Sunday of Easter
April 12
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133 (1)
1 John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
3rd Sunday of Easter
April 19
Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4 (3)
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26
Acts 4:5-12
Psalm 23 (1)
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18
with his disciples, he washed their feet and gave them the
commandment to “love one another as he has loved them.” On Maundy
Thursday, we celebrate this by presenting ourselves to have our own
feet washed and be renewed. Additionally, at the end of this service we
solemnly strip the sanctuary of all adornments and decoration, to signify
the weight of the events that follow from Good Friday onward.
Good Friday Noonday Office—Friday, April 3, 12:00 p.m.
According to the Scriptures, Jesus was hung on the cross at noon on
Good Friday. In commemoration of Christ’s gift of grace to us in the
crucifixion, we read the story of Jesus’ suffering and death from the
Gospel of John.
Good Friday Veneration of the Cross—April 3, 7:30 p.m.
As evening falls, we come together and present ourselves in front of the
cross to remember how Jesus’ suffering and death are always present
before us. We believe that it was through this sacrifice that the love,
glory, and power of God were most fully revealed to us. Standing before
the cross is a powerful way to prepare ourselves for the Easter Vigil.
The Great Vigil of Easter—Saturday, April 4, 7:30 p.m.
The word “vigil” means “to keep watch,” and the Easter Vigil is the heart
of our celebration of the Three Days, as well as the pinnacle of the
church year, as we “keep watch” for the resurrection of Christ. We will
gather around a pillar of fire; hear ancient stories of our faith in the
twelve Scripture readings, which take us from Genesis to the New
Testament; welcome new brothers and sisters at the baptismal font;
and share the food and drink of the promised land. In one of the most
powerful moments in the church year, we ceremoniously re-adorn the
church and ring bells to usher in the joy of Jesus’ resurrection..
Easter—Sunday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. (Holy Communion) and 11:00
a.m. (Festival Eucharist)
Join us to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and for Easter
Brunch between the services.
New Member Orientation Sessions
April 19, 25 and May 3 following the 11:00 service
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
Montgomery Village, MD
Footnotes Staff
Servants’ List
Youth News
Valerie Mayer
Tony Kerlavage
Mike Mayer
Barbara Harner
Steve Garvey
Footnotes is issued eleven times a year by
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, an
ELCA congregation in the Metropolitan
Washington, D.C. Synod. Articles of
interest to the congregation are solicited
from members of the CTS community and
are due to the editor by the third Sunday of
each month. Articles for the July/Aug issue
are due in June.
We’ll meet from approximately 12:30-2:00pm each week and lunch will
be provided.
If you are interested in learning more about CTS, are interested in
joining the congregation – or even if you’ve been a member for a long
time, I hope that you will join me for one or more of these sessions as
we gather to learn about our Shared Stories 4/19, our Shared History
4/25, and our Shared Ministry 5/3. It’s also alright if you can’t make all
three sessions.
We’ll review some of what it means to be Lutheran, some of the unique
things about CTS, we’ll engage in bible study together and learn about
the many ways we can share the gifts God has given each of us with
the congregation, our community and the world.
I hope to see you there,
Pastor Kari
Healthcare Advocacy Presentation
Happy Birthday to:
Julia Rasnake
John Severynse
Adam Eastlack
Eric Kabemba
Sarah Greenstein
Nansi Kabonge
Amber Lepolu
Ed Gabriele
Michelle Austin
Jessie Evans
Natascha Larrabee
Adveline Minja
Dylan Maeda
Salem Joy Shah
Barbara Holzapfel
Thursday, April 23, 7:30pm
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Montgomery Village will
host a workshop presented by Elissa Abod, president of
EMPOWER Healthcare Advocates. The theme of the workshop is
how we can become empowered patients by taking control of our
healthcare with doctors, nurses, and hospitals. Elissa will discuss
the following questions:
1. What is health care advocacy?
2. What are the characteristics of an empowered patient?
3. What strategies can I use to advocate for my own health care?
4. What local resources are available
to help me or a family member?
5. How can a health care advocate
help me if I can no longer do it?
Easter Lilies for Easter --
Happy Anniversary to:
Frank & Doreen Foge
Bob & Melanie
Mike & Cathy Kuchinsky 4/28
Donations are requested to
purchase Easter Lilies to place
around the altar throughout the
Easter Season. If you would like to
contribute to this fund, please place
your donation in an Easter Lily Fund
envelope (on the Usher’s Table),
complete the requested information,
and place the envelope in the
offering basket with your donation.
Thank you. --Worship Committee
After Easter Feast April 11th
Watch for information regarding this annual event. Reservation time
is usually between 5:30 and 6:00. Everyone is welcome, bring the
whole family
Council Volunteers Needed
This May at our annual meeting the congregation will elect five voting members* to serve on the church
council. The duties of the council and its structure are defined in the constitution and bylaws. In summary:
Twelve voting members of the congregation are elected by the congregation to serve on the Congregation
Council. One third of the council is replaced each May at the congregation meeting. The council elects
three officers, President, Vice President and Secretary, for one-year terms each June. The remaining nine
members are responsible for an assigned ministry area. Ministry area assignments are made each June by
the new president and the pastor. Our nine ministry areas are:
Business Administration, Learning, Outreach, Parish Care, Parish Life, Property, Service,
Stewardship and Worship.
Information about the ministry areas is available in the Members Resource section of the Council Handbook
which is on the CTS website.
A full council term is three years and four of the vacant positions are for a three year term. One position is
for one year (June 2015 to June 2016. The ballot for the election is formed in various steps:
Members can be nominated by fellow members. Nomination forms will be available on the ushers
table at the rear of the sanctuary. A person receiving two nominations will be contacted by the
council president to determine if the named individual is willing to serve on the council, if elected.
Members can volunteer to serve. They can speak with any member of council to get their name on
the ballot.
Current council members can ask members to serve on council and agree to have their names
placed on the ballot.
I am including this article in the April Footnotes to give everybody an early alert and to give everyone time to
give prayerful consideration to serve on council.
Steve Garvey
Council President
*Voting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year,
shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation.
Easter Brunch
Forest Oaks Film Buffs
In His Father’s Shoes (1997)
Louis Gossett, Jr.
Directed by Vic Sarin
When: Sunday, April 19, 5:30 pm
Where: CTS Parlor
While grieving over the father he realizes he hardly knew, a boy is
given the chance to understand
his father by walking in his shoes.
Our annual CTS Easter
Brunch will occur on Easter
Day, April 5th in the parlor
between the 8:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. services. Parish
Life will provide the drinks.
Volunteers are asked to bring
various brunch-type dishes to
share. A sign-up sheet will be
posted on the bulletin board
on March 29th. Please
indicate what you plan to
bring so that everyone will
know what dishes are being
provided. Hope to see you
Join the CTS book club to discuss Jeannette Walls’, “The Glass Castle,” a memoir.
From Amazon, “Hers is a story of triumph against all odds, but also a tender, moving
tale of unconditional love in a family that despite its profound flaws gave her the fiery
determination to carve out a successful life on her own terms.” Discussion will take
place in the CTS parlor beginning at 7 pm on April 26.
How do you love a book that’s caused you nothing but pain? Jay Bakker takes us through his journey from
hard-line fundamentalist kid to faithless rebel young man to grace-filled pastor. Jay offers a new vision of
the Bible for all those who have been hurt by well-meaning Christians, who have suffered at the hands of
those who use the Bible to wound, who have doubted that there’s anything worth reading in a book that has
brought about so much struggle.
Proclaim Justice Day
During the three full days of the Gathering, congregational groups will participate in
a three-day activity rotation that includes a day of interactive learning (Proclaim
Community Day–see February Footnotes), a day of exploratory learning with other
groups from their synod (Proclaim Story Day-see March Footnotes), and a day of
service in the Detroit metropolitan area (Proclaim Justice Day).
Every congregational group will participate in Proclaim Justice, a day of service
learning in the Detroit metropolitan area.
All service learning projects are categorized into one of six key interest areas: housing, education,
environmental sustainability, cultural immersion/arts, food/food justice, and care in communities.
Participants will be serving in a variety of ways, including working side by side with Detroit students in daycamp programs, boarding up abandoned homes to provide safe neighborhoods, creating and maintaining
urban gardens, creating murals, and cleaning up parks and vacant lots, all in an effort to beautify Detroit
The Gathering's Service Learning Team is partnering with organizations that want to provide the best
experiences possible, but we will not know until the time of our launch with what specific agency we are
partnered or exactly what we will be doing / learning.
Metropolitan Detroit organizations are excited about the opportunity to partner with ELCA youth and adult
leaders. We will have the opportunity to make an impact in the city unlike anything it has ever seen! We will
also have a chance to see Detroit in a way that will be engaging, surprising, and unexpected. We look
forward to the opportunity to Rise Up Together and "proclaim justice" in Detroit!
University of Maryland Campus Ministry Celebration
Join us for a celebration of
Pastor Elizabeth Platz’s 50
years of ministry and a
look into the next 50 years!
Saturday, May 2nd from
2:30-4:30 p.m.
St. Luke Lutheran Church
9100 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD
Please join us for a afternoon honoring the legacy of Pr. Elizabeth Platz, the first woman ordained in the
ELCA! We will be taking a look back at her 50 incredible years of work with the ministry as well as the next
50 years of campus ministry. Please RSVP to Georgia at [email protected]
As we approach this important milestone, please consider making a gift to Lutheran Campus Ministry to
help ensure that this important ministry will continue to touch the lives of students, faculty and staff at UMD
and children from Langley Park! Checks can be made out to Lutheran Campus Ministry and sent to:
Lutheran Campus Ministry, Room 2103 Memorial Chapel, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
OR you can donate via PayPal.
Summer Camp registration is open - Mar-LuRidge Summer Camp in Jefferson, MD is open to all
campers ages 6-17, as well as Families and Adults. We
have a wide variety of programming to choose from something for everyone! Visit our website to view the
We are certified by the American Camp Association and
have over 55 years of experience providing a safe, active, awesome week of camp!
Open House Dates for Mar-Lu-Ridge: March 15, April 26, and May 31. Visit between 2-4 pm and meet our
staff, tour the facilities, and enjoy yummy camp food!
Camp Nurse needed! If you are an RN, licensed in the state of MD, and interested in serving the campers
and staff of Mar-Lu-Ridge, please contact the camp office 301-874-5544. We are seeking enthusiastic
people, willing to commit to several weeks of camp duties, including medication administration, and care of
illness and injuries. Room and board provided; salary available for long-term commitment.
Spring Workday at Mar-Lu-Ridge: Saturday, March 28 beginning at 8 am. It's time to clean up following
winter - and we have jobs for people of all ages. If you like to paint, clean, spread mulch/gravel, and
fellowship with others as you work, dig out your old clothes and come join us. Please RSVP by calling 301874-5544 or emailing [email protected]
Council Minutes for March 9, 2015
Steve Garvey opened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. with
the lighting of the candle. Pastor Kari led us in
Pastoral care, visitors, and new members were
discussed. There will be a baptism Sunday
February 15. Pastor Kari is planning on starting a
new member class in mid April.
Pastor Kari presented the revised Reconciling in
Christ welcome statement that will appear on our
As disciples of Christ seeking justice and
reconciliation among all people, we at Christ
the Servant Lutheran Church
welcome all into the fullness of God’s
love. We welcome everyone, without
exception and regardless of sex, race,
national origin, sexual orientation, gender
identity, physical and mental ability, age,
or anything else that too often divides us.
Steve Garvey reminded council that it is time to
begin planning for transitioning ministry area
responsibilities to the new council members in
June. He noted that Mike Mayer provided a
transition information template document that
should help in this effort. Steve also reported that
there will be 5 council positions that need to be filled
at the May congregational meeting.
service. He noted that, as our attendance
diminishes, it is getting harder to fill all of the
worship positions each week—especially at the
early service. Mike Mayer added that a low pew
density can send a negative message both to
current CTS members and to visitors. Tony noted
that he has raised this question in the past; his
primary concern is that in many ways CTS is two,
rather than one, congregation and that having a
single service would go a long way to remedying
this. Barbara Harner suggested a second sacred
cow for consideration—our various forms of paper
and electronic communications. We have plenty of
communication methods. But are we using them
effectively? Chuck Eater raised a third sacred
cow—our current method for assigning council
officers and ministry area responsibilities. He noted
that our current method was not the way we have
always done it and we might want to consider
alternatives which might do a better job of getting
the right people into the right role. Tony Kerlavage
added that we might want to extend that
conversation to include the entire council election
process—nominating candidates based on our
current needs rather than simply finding the required
number to fill the slots. Mike Mayer suggested that
it might be a good idea to continue this discussion at
the fall council retreat where more time can be
devoted to it.
Steve Garvey talked briefly about the concern Mike
Mayer raised regarding our current usage and
staffing of the nursery during worship. He has
asked Mike to lead a small group to look into the
need for nursery policy changes, nursery practice
changes, or both. Mike reported that he has
recruited a group to work this concern and that this
group would be meeting on Sunday, March 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 to suffrages.
Ron Backus noted that February income was below
pledged level. He believes that this is probably
weather related. He looked at the February giving
history and noted that some years February is low
and others is it is high. He will be watching this
Mike Mayer
Chuck reported that we currently have a positive
balance through the end of February. He noted that
our water bill was higher than normal—in part to a
problem with WSSC meter reading and in part due
to the increased watering of the landscaping around
the labyrinth.
Steve Garvey kicked off our primary discussion for
the evening—"our sacred cows”—by asking if it is
time to consider going to a single worship
The full minutes will be made available via
the Council Meeting Minutes link on the members
page of the
CTS website (http://www.ctslutheranelca.org/memb
Respectfully submitted,
Servants List for April 2015
April 1, 2015
7:30 p.m. Spy Wednesday
Acolytes ........................................................... Tom Eastlack
Reader ............................................................... Chuck Eater
April 2, 2015
Maundy Thursday
7:30 p.m.
Holy Communion
Acolytes .............................. Marjorie McClain/Wilma Garvey
Altar Preparation ........................................... Barbara Harner
Communion Assts (vest)....... Tony Kerlavage/Michael Evans
Reader ............................................................ Vernon Toelle
Prayer Leader .................................................. Tom Eastlack
Usher .............................................................. Vernon Toelle
April 3, 2015
Good Friday
7:30 p.m.
Veneration of the Holy Cross
Crucifer .................................... Mike Mayer
Torch Bearers .... Anna Mayer/Melanie McMichael
Reader .......................................................... Roger Rasnake
Passion Readers ...................................................................
(1)Mike Mayer, (2)Sarah Bastien, (3)Florence Tucker,
(4)Roger Rasnake, (5)Inge Harman,(6)Marjorie McClain,
(7)Michael Mendenhall, (8)Leon LaCross, (9)Edima Elinewinga,
Usher .............................................................. Sarah Bastien
April 4, 2015
Easter Vigil
7:30 p.m.
Holy Communion
Thurifer .................................... Mike Mayer
Crucifer .................................. Roger Rasnake
Torch Bearers ...... Melanie McMichael/Polly Brody
Book Bearer .................................... Wilma Garvey
Altar Preparation ................................................ Anna Mayer
Communion Assts (vest/process) Esther Keller/Sarah Bastien
Communion Bread ................................................ Ndumbalo
Readers .................................................................................
(1)Mike Mayer, (2)Inge Harman, (3)Sarah Bastien,
(4)Roger Rasnake, (5)Joanne Eater,(6)Chuck Eater
Prayer Leader ................................................... Inge Harman
Usher (distribute candles) ..................................... Chuck Eater
April 5, 2015
Resurrection of Our Lord (Easter Day)
8:30 a.m.
Festival Eucharist
Acolyte ............................................................ Joyce Backus
Altar Preparation ............................................................ TBD
Communion Assts (vest/torches) . Steve Garvey/Esther Keller
Communion Bread .......................................... Wilma Garvey
Reader .................................................................. Ernie Graf
Prayer Leader ..................................................... Frank Foge
Usher .................................................................... Ernie Graf
11:00 a.m.
Festival Eucharist
Crucifer ......................................... Mike Mayer
Torch Bearers ................................ Tyler Smith/TBD
Book Bearer ...................................................... TBD
Banner Bearer ...................................................... TBD
Altar Preparation .............................................. Kasia Palmer
Communion Assts (vest/process) .... Chuck Eater/Rob Palmer
Communion Bread ....................................................... Mayer
Reader ................................................................ Polly Brody
Prayer Leader ............................................... Roger Rasnake
Usher ............................................................................. TBD
Welcomer........................................................ Kwan Koehler
Nursery ............................................................. Bridget Duru
April 12, 2015
Easter 2
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Acolyte ................................................................ Rob Palmer
Reader............................................................... Chuck Eater
Usher ............................................................... Steve Garvey
11:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Acolytes ....................................... Tom Eastlack/Anna Mayer
Altar Preparation ............................................. Tom Eastlack
Communion Assts ....................... Leon LaCross/Mike Mayer
Communion Bread .................................................. Eastlack
Reader........................................................ Marjorie McClain
Prayer Leader........................................... Edima Elinewinga
Usher ............................................................ Tony Kerlavage
Welcomer ....................................................... Sarah Bastien
Nursery ...........................................................Beatrice Keller
Hospitality ..........................................................Kwan Kohler
April 19, 2015
Easter 3
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Acolyte ........................................................ Marjorie McClain
Reader............................................................. Joyce Backus
Usher ........................................................... John Severynse
11:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Acolytes ...................................... Paul Bender/Sarah Bender
Altar Preparation ................................................Anna Mayer
Communion Assts .............. Tony Kerlavage/Barbara Harner
Communion Bread ................................................Ndumbalo
Reader............................................................. Tom Eastlack
Prayer Leader.................................................. Tom Eastlack
Usher ............................................................... Tom Eastlack
Welcomer ................................................... Frank Ndumbalo
Nursery ...........................................................Beatrice Keller
Hospitality ............................................... Melanie McMichael
April 26, 2015
Easter 4
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Acolyte .............................................................Vernon Toelle
Reader.............................................................Vernon Toelle
Usher ..................................................................Ron Backus
11:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Acolytes .............................. Michael Mendenhall/Polly Brody
Altar Preparation ............................................................ TBD
Communion Assts ......................................... TBD/Jan Perry
Communion Bread ......................................................Eaters
Reader...........................................................Joann Eastlack
Prayer Leader................................................. Sarah Bastien
Usher ................................................................. Chuck Eater
Welcomer ........................................................ Tom Eastlack
Nursery ..................................................... Edima Elinewinga
Hospitality ........................................................Leon LaCross
Launder Altar Linens ...................................... Wilma Garvey
Please contact Mike Mayer or the particular worship
area coordinator if you are willing to fill in any of the
TBDs listed above.
CTS Youth / Young Adult Ministry
April 2015
Faith Talk: Confirmation at Home: This Spring we are studying The Ten Commandments; classes will resume
after Easter. In January we started with the first and the second petitions; now we’re up to the seventh and eighth: VII. You
shall not steal; VIII. You shall not bear false witness. “Some say stealing includes shoplifting, copying test answers, finding
something someone else lost and keeping it, burning a copy of someone else’s CD. I think…”; “When something is taken
from me, I feel…”; “Is stealing ever justifiable? Why?”; “How are we ‘stealing’ when we are wasteful?” and “When somebody
tells lies or hurtful things about me, I feel…”; “I think we slander and lie about others because…”; “How can magazine and
TV ads be a form of false witness?”; “How have lying and gossiping affected you?” (Reminder: Luther’s Small Catechism
with his explanation of The Ten Commandments can be found in the back of the ELW hymnal).
Shekinah: The Metro DC Synod’s weekend retreat for Confirmation-age youth was held March 20-22. The theme was
BCOG and we spent the weekend learning about what it means to live as a BCOG – a Beloved Child Of God. Overall, we
collected $1,340.16 in cash, checks, and gift cards for LSS/NCA’s Youth Haven Camps as well as 21 small stuffed animals.
When you get the chance, ask George, Jerry, Leesaye, and Tyler about the weekend. Barbara, and Tony accompanied the
Mar-Lu Ridge & Caroline Furnace Summer Camp Information: Looking for a summer camp experience at
one of our local Lutheran camps? Check out the Information flyers on the table in the Narthex or websites - www.mar-luridge.org and www.carolinefurnace.org. Both camps offer a wide variety of programs that provide growth experiences for
people of all ages - including adults! Financial assistance is available also!
Summer Opportunities for Teens at LTSG: Gettysburg Seminary is planning to host two summer events
through Theological Education with Youth (TEY). For youth in 9th or 10th grade, there is the TEY Summer Leadership
Academy; for youth in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, the TEY Summer Theological Academy. Both will be held July 26 – Aug 1.
More information is available at http://www.theologicaleducationwithyouth.com or you can talk to Barbara. There is financial
assistance available.
April Activities and Events
In addition to Kairos every Sunday at 9:50 AM
Youth Koinonia
Wed, Apr 8: 6:30 – 8:30 pm / H-K
2015 ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting
Sun, Apr 19; 12:45 – 2:30 pm / CTS
Young Parents Group
Sun, Apr 12; 10:00 - 10:50 am / CTS
Confirmation – Session #5
Wed, Apr 22: 7:00 – 8:30 pm / CTS
Sun, Apr 12, Following the 11:00 Service / CTS
Animate Bible Session 7: GRACE | LOVE IS THE BOTTOM
How do you love a book that’s caused you nothing but
pain? Jay Bakker takes us through his journey from hardline fundamentalist kid to faithless rebel young man to
grace-filled pastor. Everyone is invited to join us!
Sun, Apr 26; 2:00 – 5:00 PM / King of Kings, Fairfax, VA
Confirmation – Session #4
Metro DC Synod afternoon for 3rd – 6th graders. The
theme this year is Miracle Threads, based on the story of
Charlotte’s Web. Registration is due Apr 12!
Confirmation – Session #6
Wed, Apr 8: 7:00 – 8:30 pm / CTS
Wed, Apr 15: 7:00 – 8:30 pm / CTS
Upcoming Activities
Add these dates to your calendar so you can join us!
Young Parents Group
Rehearsal for De-Rally Day
Sun, May 3; 10:00 - 10:50 am / CTS
Sat, Jun 6 / CTS
Youth Koinonia
Mentor/Youth Annual Miniature Golf
Wed, May 6: 6:300 – 8:30 pm / H-K
Confirmation – Session #7
Sat, Jun 6
Wed, May 13: 6:300 – 8:30 pm / CTS
De-Rally Sunday
Sun, June 7; 9:30 am
2015 ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting
Sun, May 17; 12:45 – 2:30 pm / CTS
Confirmation – Session #8
Wed, May 20: 6:300 – 8:30 pm / CTS
2015 ELCA Youth Gathering
MYLE: Sun, Jul 12 – Wed, Jul 15
Gathering: Wed, Jul 15 – Sun, Jul 19
Questions? Please contact Barbara Harner, Director of Youth and Family Ministry - C: 240-354-1999
CTS: Events happening at Christ the Servant; H-K: Events happening at the Harner-Kerlavage home
8 : 3 0 a m - Morning Prayer @
CTS Sanctuary
9 : 5 0 a m - Christian
Education @ CTS
1 1 a m - Holy Communion @
CTS Sanctuary
1 p m - New Member Class @
CTS Parlor
7 p m - Book Club @ CTS
Fourth Sunday of Easter
8 : 3 0 a m - Morning Prayer @
CTS Sanctuary
9 : 5 0 a m - Christian
Education @ CTS
1 1 a m - Holy Communion @
CTS Sanctuary
1 p m - New Member Class @
CTS Parlor
5 : 3 0 p m - Film Buffs @ CTS
Third Sunday of Easter
Footnotes Deadline
8 : 3 0 a m - Morning Prayer @
CTS Sanctuary
9 : 5 0 a m - Christian
Education @ CTS
1 1 a m - Holy Communion @
CTS Sanctuary
1 p m - Animate Bible #7 @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
: 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
: 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
7 : 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer @
8 p m - Parish Council @ CTS
Second Sunday of Easter
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
: 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer @
8 : 3 0 a m - Pastors' Bible
Study @ Parlor
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Conversational
English @ Parlor
1 2 p m - Bible Study @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Starting
Over @ Classrooms
7 p m - Evening Prayer @
7 : 3 0 p m - Women's AA Moving into the
Solution @
8 : 3 0 a m - Pastors' Bible
Study @ Parlor
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Conversational
English @ Parlor
1 2 p m - Bible Study @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Starting
Over @ Classrooms
7 p m - Evening Prayer @
7 : 3 0 p m - Women's AA Moving into the
Solution @
7 p m - NA Convention
Committee @
AA D:o3w0npsmt a-i rWomen's
oving into the
: 3 0 p m -@
Classrooms@ CTS
7 : 3 0 p m - Women's AA Moving into the
Solution @
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Conversational
English @ Parlor
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Open AA - Starting
Over @ Classrooms
7 p m - Evening Prayer @
7 : 3 0 p m - Women's AA Moving into the
Solution @
8 : 3 0 a m - Pastors' Bible
Study @ Parlor
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Conversational
English @ Parlor
1 2 p m - Bible Study @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Starting
Over @ Classrooms
7 p m - Evening Prayer @
7 p m - Girl Scouts @ Parlor
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Conversational
English @ Parlor
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Starting
Over @ Classrooms
7:30pm - Tenebrae
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
7 : 3 0 p m - Stations of the
1 0 a m - Morning Prayer
1 0 a m - Morning Prayer
Tuesday in Holy Week
Monday in Holy Week
Resurrection of Our Lord,
Easter Day
8 : 3 0 a m - Festival Eucharist
@ CTS Sanctuary
9 : 5 0 a m - Christian
Education @ CTS
1 1 a m - Festival Eucharist @
CTS Sanctuary
Sunday of the Passion /
Palm Sunday
9 : 3 0 a m - Holy Communion
@ CTS Sanctuary
7 : 3 0 p m - Open NA - Never
Alone @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Open AA - Village
Idiots @ Classrooms
6 : 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer
7 p m - Confirmation Class @
CTS Parlor
7 : 3 0 p m - Open NA - Never
Alone @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Open AA - Village
Idiots @ Classrooms
6 : 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer
7 p m - Confirmation Class @
CTS Parlor
7 : 3 0 p m - Open NA - Never
Alone @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Village
Idiots @ Classrooms
6 : 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer
7 p m - Confirmation Class @
CTS Parlor
7 : 3 0 p m - Open NA - Never
Alone @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Open AA - Village
Idiots @ Classrooms
6 : 3 0 p m - Evening Prayer
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - Open AA - Village
Idiots @ Classrooms
7 : 3 0 p m - Open NA - Never
Alone @
7 : 3 0 p m - Spy Wednesday
1 0 a m - Morning Prayer
Wednesday in Holy Week
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer @
7 : 3 0 p m - Health Advocacy
Workshop @ CTS
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
7 p m - Evening Prayer @
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer @
7 : 3 0 p m - Outreach Meeting
@ CTS Parlor
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
: 3 0 p m - Maundy Thursday
Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday
Christ The Servant, C o m m u n i t y, CTS Common, CTS Youth Ministry, Holidays, L e c t i o n a r y A 2 0 1 4, L e c t i o n a r y B 2 0 1 5
6 p m - IMPACT Silver Spring
@ Classrooms
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer
6 p m - IMPACT Silver Spring
@ Classrooms
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer
6 p m - IMPACT Silver Spring
@ Classrooms
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
5 p m - Evening Prayer
6 p m - IMPACT Silver Spring
@ Classrooms
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
p m - Evening Prayer
1 2 p m - Open NA - Freedom
in the Village @
6 p m - IMPACT Silver Spring
@ Classrooms
7 : 3 0 p m - Veneration of the
Holy Cross
1 2 p m - Noonday Office
Good Friday
Resurrection of Our Lord,
Vigil of Easter
7 : 3 0 p m - Vigil of Easter
Apr 2015 (Eastern Time)